#smartphone basics for seniors
rikeijo · 1 year
Today's translation #329
Yuri!!! on ICE DVD #2-3, Characters' profiles
Nishigori Takeshi
He's Yuuri's childhood friend and ex-rinkmate. He works at "Ice Castle Hasetsu" and he's Yuuri's great supporter, often helping him with his basic training.
Nishigori Yuuko
Wife of Takeshi, who also works at "Ice Castle Hasetsu". Yuuri looks up to her. She's a fan of Victor and cares a lot not only about Yuuri, but about Yurio as well.
Nishigori Axel, Lutz and Loop
Nishigoris' triplets, called "Skating Otaku Sisters". Using their parent's smartphones they post on social media and organize "Onsen on ICE" - they are no limits for them.
Okugawa Minako
Ex-ballet dancer, currently running a ballet classroom in Hasetsu. To Yuuri, she's a loving, but still strict teacher. She follows Yuuri all around the world to be his support, but also because that's her own hobby [figure skating]
Victor's standard poodle. A dog with a friendly and calm personality, that came together with Victor to Hasetsu. Also a glutton.
Minami Kenjirou
He showed an outstanding performance last year at Japanese Nationals that he participated in as a junior competitor, and at the young age of 16, he won bronze medal which made him the center of attention. In this season, which is his debut season in senior division, for the first time he has successfully landed a quadruple jump during The Chugoku-Shikoku-Kyushu Championships. He's body is small, but his skating is very lively and he has that something in him that makes people cheerful when they watch him dancing, full of energy. He's success rate of landing quads and triple axels isn't very high, but he's the young skater that is the most likely candidate to become a future Japan's Ace.
He looks up to Yuuri, who's also from Kyushu and for his short program this season he chose "Lohengrin". His parents are medical doctors, and his older brother also attends a medical university.
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ddaleishere45 · 1 year
Exploring S.T.E.M
By Dale V. Aldea (Grade 11-Perfection)
As a senior high school student, you've probably heard the term "STEM" being talked around countless times. Maybe you have heard that this strand is for students who wants to be a Doctor, an Engineer, even a Software Genius! But what exactly is STEM? Is it just more than just a senior high school strand? In this blog, we'll dive into the fascinating world of the STEM strand.
S.T.E.M and its origins
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STEM is one of many strands you can take up in Senior High School. It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The S.T.E.M acronym was first introduced in 2001 by a a group of scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation (Hallinen, 2023). The organization previously used the acronym SMET when referring to the career fields in those disciplines or a curriculum that integrated knowledge and skills from those fields but was later changed to STEM and since then, STEM-focused curriculum has been extended to many countries like the United States, Australia, China, France, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and was later introduced here in the Philippines by the K-12 program.
Decoding the Acronym
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S.T.E.M - SCIENCE Science is all about understanding the natural world, from the smallest particles to the vastness of the space. It involves asking questions, making hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data to discover the basic principles that govern the universe. If you aim to take science related courses or medicine in college, well you're in luck because this strand offers primary education for the said courses.
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Technology is everything from smartphones and laptops to life-saving medical devices and cutting-edge space exploration equipment. It's the practical application of scientific knowledge to create tools, systems, and solutions that make our lives more efficient, convenient, and safe. If you're interested in software development, computer engineering, or even app designs in college, this strand is for you.
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Engineering is the art of using scientific and technical knowledge and using it to design and make solutions. From bridges and skyscrapers to renewable energy systems and electric cars, engineers turn ideas into real, functional realities. The field of engineering is big, with specialties like civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and aerospace engineering, to name just a few. Well in this strand you can learn the basics of those courses to prepare yourselves in college.
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Mathematics serves as the language of STEM. It is the foundation upon which all the other subjects are based. Our high school math classes help us develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning qualities that are highly sought after in any profession. Whether you are planning on taking a career directly related to mathematics or use it as a tool to excel in another S.T.E.M field, its importance cannot be overstated.
Is STEM important?
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The S.T.E.M strand in senior high school very important for students like me. The strand prepares students who are planning on taking on courses that are related to science, technology things, engineering, architecture and many more. The strand also focuses on enhancing the students problem-solving skills, critical thinking and creativity. This is a big help, giving us students a big boost in knowledge in the fields of science and math for college.
So keep this in mind, STEM isn't just a some random acronym made for Senior High School, it is a gateway of understanding the world around us. The strand equips students with knowledge and curiosity for the fields in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, creating a path for a bright future. STEM is more than just a strand, it is a journey of discovery and learning to limitless possibilities.
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thenewwei · 1 year
Here are some thoughts on Germany/Italy/Austria and my European trip generally:
In general, I had a great time. Everyone I met was friendly, and I did make new friendships. Hopefully they’ll last.
Here are some questions and answers, from good to not so good:
Do you like Europeans?
Of course, I love everybody! Whether they love me back or not, depends.
Do Americans travel in Europe?
Yeah, they do. I met quite a few Americans on my travels in Europe, and most accents I heard were American.
Is the system better here?
I would say in general, it is. Food and general costs are pretty much the same as in the US, gas is a little higher (I actually thought it was significantly lower until I realized it was in liters!), rent is usually lower than NYC but like everywhere it depends where you are.
But your food costs are in-built, there’s no extra sales tax or tips. Universal health care, longer vacations and not paying for an active military helps a lot. I doubt there are too many law suits in Europe either. It was ethnically diverse everywhere I went, even in smaller cities I could get Thai, Vietnamese food, whatever. Nowhere is the quality as good as NYC, but they have it.
Train strikes are common, there was another one in Germany on this trip and it cost me an extra night of rent and I had to change my plans. Public transportation is easy to navigate, though it’s generally more expensive than NYC. Can’t say anything about tolls, parking etc.
And despite staying in plenty of “poor” neighborhoods, I never really felt unsafe, except for once in Turin, and I just avoided that area.
The one major positive we have is texting. Texting is expensive in Europe, and almost everyone here uses WhatsApp (ironically, an American company). Almost everyone texts in America if you have a smartphone, it’s usually included.
Do Europeans know anything about Americans, and what are misperceptions?
Their knowledge is nearly totally based on anti-American propaganda and movies/Netlix shows (almost all of which are set amongst wealthy Californians). They know basics, usually negative, but rarely specifics.
The first question I was asked by multiple Europeans (and an Australian) when I mentioned I was from NYC was the “homeless” problem based on the belief that homeless shelters are either expensive or non-existent. Homeless shelters are free in NYC, last I checked, though you do need to create a plan with a case worker to ultimately get out of one. We also have Section 8 housing, rent control, Mitchell-Lama apartments, a rent moratorium during the pandemic and a million other programs to assist with admittedly crazy housing costs.
Yes, we have had a significant homeless problem since the pandemic, but that was mainly due to closed mental hospitals during the De Blasio admin—it wasn’t a significant issue in the 20-25 years before the pandemic, though we did always have some homeless people, including entire families and children—I mean it’s a city of 8-10 million people, some people will always fall through the cracks.
Granted, the average NYer doesn’t know anything about these issues either, but it’s significant that almost every person, mostly educated young people, mentioned this issue to me as soon as I said I was from NYC. Also, I saw plenty of homeless people in European cities, especially Salzburg, even as it was claimed that wasn’t an issue here.
The real issue in NYC now is crime, gang shootings, crazy people pushing people in front of train tracks and punching people in the face, and house fires, but no one mentioned those to me. Also not significant issues before the pandemic, though they’ve always been there to an extent.
The other constantly mentioned issue is the lack of universal health care. True, the system is horrible on multiple levels and ideally should be made universal and reformed, but I have comprehensive coverage through my employer, and most people do. Poor people have Medicaid, seniors have Medicare, the disabled have Social Security disability. A terrible, greed-based system for sure that could put you in the hole if you have to individually buy coverage, but it’s also not like no one has coverage.
The border/migrant crisis—complex for sure, but their general perception of an American is a tall muscular white guy with an AK-47 shooting migrants at the border, and that’s not exactly true. But then, most Americans don’t know anything about the complexities of our immigration system, whether legal or otherwise.
Gun/school shootings. Of course true and horrible, though there was a shooting in Belgrade, Serbia, while I was there, and there have been shootings in Germany and Norway, I think. There are also riots all the time in France. Also almost all shootings in NYC occur using illegal guns. But yeah, there’s no other country on Earth where mass shootings happen regularly, yet we’re politically powerless to stop it (assault weapons, etc.).
Americans pay low taxes. Scandinavians always mention their 32% tax rate that pays for everything. I pay nearly 50% in NYC and I don’t even make that much. Or get that much. But most of my salary is paid through taxes, so I’m not complaining. But tax rates depend on where you are in the USA. Sales taxes are added everywhere and property taxes are a killer too.
Our tax dollars also help defend Europe’s security, and nearly all of Germany’s security. Things are easier when you don’t have to pay for bombs.
Almost no one knows that the USA is one of the most ethnically, culturally and linguistically diverse nations on Earth, a nation of immigrants, and the most charitable people too, by far. In NYC, more than 800 languages are spoken, and we have tons of social programs. Apparently, Americans are Bible-toting idiots who can only speak English, and badly. Plus we hate immigrants.
Everyone hates America, but no has any particularly logical or fact-based reason for it.
Do Europeans love India and Indians?
Yes, they do. The trend of wanting me to identify with India over America continued on this trip.
Are Europeans socialists? Are Europeans nationalists?
I noted on my last trip in 2015 that nearly all Europeans I met worked in marketing of some type (among Germans there were also engineers and academics/potential academics). This time, I mostly met people in various teaching-based professions, or at least people who are in and out of it.
What they do constantly market are their countries. Their number one goal is to sell their country to you so you will hopefully move there. I mean I don’t know many Americans who are constantly pitching America. Maybe because we’re constantly told by our media how horrible our country is, but more likely it’s because we’re a country that values individualism over patriotism.
European women are almost universally like this, men are definitely more critical. One German waiter in Augsburg told me he thought Germany was “hopeless” because Germans aren’t welcoming. He contrasted this with Ireland, where he apparently visited, and where they will welcome you into their homes and give you tea. He was happy because I was the first person to speak English to him in weeks. I certainly do not think Germany is hopeless, but it’s another example of how European men tend to be more negative and realistic about their countries, and less wedded to them, culturally and otherwise.
Germans will ghost you
Yes, it’s not just an American phenomenon. I was ghosted by a couple of women who I’ve corresponded with for years and thought were my friends/acquaintances who would at least meet me or show me around their respective cities while I was in town. Nothing romantic or anything. I think ghosting is disrespectful and dishonorable, but I’m pretty old school, and it is what it is, moving on. But I wasted a couple of days this way when I could have done other things or gone to other places. Whatever.
Will you be back?
Probably not so soon, though I do love both Berlin and Milan. I would definitely go back to both locations, and I do want to explore more of northern Italy specifically, esp. Bologna and cities around it, and the beach towns around Genoa. I realize I definitely prefer the urban though. I had an allergic reaction in Italy and a cold in Germany. Next year, probably back to the Greek Islands and Turkey/Istanbul.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Iranian-made drones that Russia has sent in swarms high over Ukraine’s battlefields are not particularly fast, running on an unsophisticated two-stroke engine akin to a lawnmower. They’re not going to sneak up on anyone, either: Russian troops have nicknamed them “mopeds” because of the buzzing noise the motor makes. And at about $20,000 apiece, you might find more high-tech gadgets in a pre-owned vehicle at a used car lot.
But the Shahed-136 loitering munition, which carries an 80-plus-pound warhead and is launched from the back of a truck, doesn’t need to be goosed up with the snazziest technology in modern warfare to pack a punch. The drones featured heavily in Russia’s cross-country air and missile salvo against Ukraine on Monday, though Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said 13 of 24 of those launched by Russian forces this week were shot down.
That’s baked into the concept of cheap drone warfare. It’s a little bit like Iran’s approach to maritime warfare: Swarm any enemy with low-grade weapons, and hope one gets through.
“The whole point of using those Shaheds is that they fly in large groups and they can overwhelm air defenses,” said Samuel Bendett, an advisor at the CNA think tank. “All it takes is one or two of them to sneak past.”
Cheap drones have revolutionized recent warfare. The Israeli-made IAI Harop first made a splash during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, boasting the ability to be updated with a datalink during flight and loitering over the battlefield for hours before plunging onto unsuspecting targets with assistance against possible jammers. While the propeller-driven Shahed isn’t nearly as sophisticated, Russia has already found success in striking stationary Ukrainian military targets with the Iranian loitering munitions, some of which are carrying basic smartphone components and other U.S. and European computer chips on board.
The New York Times reported last month that Shaheds were used against U.S.-made artillery delivered to Ukraine, and Russia has also targeted Ukrainian troop positions and vehicles. And that’s just the first wave, officials are indicating in Kyiv. Zelensky said this week that Russia has ordered 2,400 more Shaheds.
The scale of the problem is also being made clear by Ukrainian weapons requests to the United States and other NATO members. In a letter sent to U.S. congressional leadership on Monday and seen by Foreign Policy, Ukraine’s top parliamentarian, Ruslan Stefanchuk, urged Congress to help expedite the delivery of a land-based Phalanx Weapon System, which is used to defend against rockets, artillery, and mortars, and could also take out small drones employed by the Russian military. Russian forces have mainly used the Shaheds to try to complement firepower coming from aviation and tube and rocket artillery.
The Shaheds also create a targeting problem for the Ukrainians. Though radar-guided guns can be effective against the loitering munitions, the Ukrainians only have those weapons in limited numbers, said Justin Bronk, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a London-based think tank. And being small targets, they’re not necessarily easy to hit with U.S.-provided Javelins or shoulder-fired weapons and don’t carry enough of a heat signature to be hit with most man-portable weapons.
“It puts Ukrainians a bit more on the defensive, because now their logistics, their supply lines, their communications, their warehouses, their infrastructure could now be hit,” said Bendett, the CNA expert. Speaking at the latest Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin pledged to provide Ukraine with air defenses as fast as possible. And Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Ukraine’s allies should “chip in” to help it build a layered air defense system.
But in the meantime, the off-the-shelf Iranian drones have still forced Ukraine’s military, which has been pummeled by the loitering munitions in the country’s southern cities of Mykolaiv and Odesa, to come up with counter-drone tactics on the fly. And as Russia has turned its guns on Ukraine’s civilian population in a campaign of terror, Ukrainian officials and experts fear the Shaheds will be increasingly used against civilian targets.
“They mostly use it to complement their campaign of terror,” said Mykola Bielieskov, a research fellow at the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Kyiv.
But Bielieskov added that Ukrainian forces are already starting to adapt. “If you strike some headquarters, then people just move underground,” he said. “I don’t think that even against fixed targets, it would change anything. Forty kilograms is not that powerful of a warhead to destroy hardened targets or underground targets.”
And the $20,000 price tag disguises some hidden costs that the Shahed puts on the Russian military, experts said. The loitering munitions have to be imported from Tehran and then shipped out to the Russian military in Ukraine. Iran struggles to acquire camera components suitable for the drone because of the long-term U.S. and European sanctions against Tehran, so if the Russians want to trick out the Iranian-made drones with infrared seekers or better GPS guidance, it will cost them.
“These things may be relatively cheap in terms of the cost per munition, but just like any other munition, they require a logistics chain to support them,” said Bronk, the RUSI expert. “That’s one of the areas where Russia has been struggling, in the continued supply of really large quantities of ammunition, particularly artillery and longer-range missiles, to the front lines.”
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qrydenation · 14 days
Rides for Seniors: Supporting Grocery Delivery and Daily Needs
As seniors age, maintaining mobility becomes increasingly important to ensure they can continue managing essential tasks like grocery shopping, attending medical appointments, and staying socially active. With the emergence of rides for seniors, transportation has become more accessible, helping older adults preserve their independence while managing daily necessities like grocery deliveries. This service is becoming a cornerstone of senior care, allowing them to fulfill their daily needs with ease and confidence.
The Growing Demand for Rides for Seniors
As people age, many face challenges that make driving difficult or unsafe. Declining vision, mobility limitations, and health conditions can render personal transportation less reliable. In response to this, the demand for rides for seniors has surged. These services offer a solution that caters specifically to older adults, ensuring they have access to safe, dependable transportation whenever needed.
Seniors who can no longer drive are often left relying on family members, friends, or public transportation to meet their basic needs. However, public transit can be inconvenient and difficult to navigate for many older adults, especially those with mobility issues. Seniors ride services address this by providing a personalized and reliable alternative, ensuring that seniors can travel safely and comfortably.
The Role of Ride Share Services in Senior Mobility
While ride share services have become popular among people of all ages, they have also emerged as valuable resources for seniors. These services offer a convenient option for older adults who need flexible, on-demand transportation. By providing the ability to request rides via a smartphone app, rideshare services allow seniors to book transportation without having to rely on a fixed schedule.
For many seniors, rideshare services are a convenient solution for getting to the grocery store, medical appointments, or social gatherings. While these services are typically geared toward the general public, they do offer features that can make them more accessible to seniors. For example, some rideshare platforms allow seniors to request vehicles with extra space or more comfortable seating options, making it easier to accommodate those with mobility issues.
However, for seniors who require additional assistance—such as help getting in and out of vehicles or carrying groceries—ride share services may not always provide the level of support they need. This is where specialized seniors ride services come into play.
On-Demand Ride Service: A Flexible Solution for Seniors
One of the most attractive features of on-demand ride services is their flexibility. Seniors often have unpredictable schedules, with medical appointments, errands, and social activities cropping up at short notice. Unlike traditional public transportation or fixed schedules, on-demand ride services offer seniors the ability to book rides as needed, without the hassle of pre-scheduling days in advance.
For seniors who need a quick trip to the grocery store or have unexpected errands to run, on-demand ride services provide a solution that ensures they can travel whenever they need to. This flexibility is particularly important for older adults who want to maintain control over their daily routines and avoid relying on others for transportation.
In addition to grocery shopping, on-demand ride services can also be used for a variety of other daily needs, including trips to the pharmacy, visiting friends and family, or attending community events. The ability to call for a ride at any time ensures that seniors can stay active and engaged in their communities without the stress of managing transportation logistics.
Seniors Ride Service: Tailored for Comfort and Safety
While ride share services offer convenience, they may not always provide the personalized care and attention that seniors require. This is where seniors ride services step in, offering a more tailored experience that focuses on the unique needs of older adults. These services are designed to accommodate seniors with varying mobility challenges, ensuring they can travel safely and comfortably.
Drivers who work for seniors ride services are often trained to assist with specific senior needs, including helping them enter and exit vehicles, managing mobility aids like walkers or wheelchairs, and even offering assistance with grocery bags. Additionally, the vehicles used in seniors ride services are typically equipped with features that make them more accessible, such as low steps, ample space, and comfortable seating.
For seniors who may feel uncomfortable using general ride share services, these specialized services offer a more supportive and accommodating experience. This level of care not only ensures that seniors can travel safely but also provides peace of mind for their families, knowing their loved ones are in capable hands.
Conclusion: A Lifeline for Seniors’ Daily Needs
In today’s world, rides for seniors have become essential in supporting the daily needs of older adults. From providing transportation to grocery stores and medical appointments to assisting with grocery deliveries, these services are a lifeline for seniors who wish to maintain their independence and mobility.
Whether through ride share services, on-demand ride services, or seniors ride services, these transportation options are transforming the way seniors navigate their daily lives. By ensuring that seniors have access to safe, convenient, and reliable transportation, these services are helping older adults age with dignity and confidence.
As the demand for senior transportation continues to grow, rides for seniors will play an increasingly vital role in supporting the health, well-being, and independence of older adults across the country.
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chappell-roans · 16 days
off topic but I just saw a post and the whole adults reading watching media for kids or ya is bad discourse is so stupid my god. youre an adult you should be reading Tolstoy like f-
okay so. in discourse extremes are often bad, i do think people can consume whatever they want but there is a frightening rise in adults consuming exclusively media aimed at children. and not exploring any further. the great gatsby is too hard, i'll just watch moana again. which, is fine. i've seen moana like 5 times! it hit me hard as a young adult! but like i'm not going to only watch those things. and then companies (say, disney, but basically every entertainment company) is listening to this and making things more and more dumbed down and yeah idk. again, really nothing i can do about it and acting like no one should enjoy these things is also unhelpful. but idk i do think something changed and while i (for the most part) aged out of reading john green type of ya fiction (still wanna read his nonfiction ngl), a lot of people haven't?? and IDK. i'm not saying you're wrong and like there's layers to it. there is plenty of children's media that is GOOD and made for all types of people to enjoy, but idk. i think it's the all/nothing mindset i guess sfnldm. (and just to be clear, i know that you aren't asserting everyone should just go live in fairytales and go to disneyland everyday, anon, i truly just am a sociology nerd at heart and so am going to take this opportunity to reference some articles that i read literal years ago fohisd.)
there are some articles i've read about it in passing and they're probably going to sound harsh, take with a grain of salt, i'm not saying it's all right, etc., but i mostly just find this stuff fascinating. articles and quotes below. (i ended up copy and pasting... most of the articles, so i bolded the important parts. siodfnlk again. for general reading and mostly for myself. i haven't even read tolstoy FSDKNJ.)
but i am putting this above the cut:
"But we will never make the world better if we act like this. Thinking of yourself as a smol bean baby is a way of tapping out and expecting other people to fight on your behalf. It also makes you a more pliant consumer. Social media is awash with the idea that ‘it’s valid not to be productive’, as though productivity were the only manifestation of capitalism and streaming Disney+ all day is a form of resistance. It’s much rarer to encounter the idea that we have a responsibility about what we consume, or that satisfying our own desires whenever we want is not always a good thing: “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” has morphed into “there is no unethical consumption under capitalism”." --- Everyone needs to grow up
The infantilization of Western culture
"If you regularly watch TV, you’ve probably seen a cartoon bear pitching you toilet paper, a gecko with a British accent selling you auto insurance and a bunny in sunglasses promoting batteries. This has always struck me as a bit odd. Sure, it makes sense to use cartoon characters to sell products to kids — a phenomenon that’s been well-documented. But why are advertisers using the same techniques on adults?
To me, it’s just one symptom of a broader trend of infantilization in Western culture. It began before the advent of smartphones and social media. But, as I argue in my book “The Terminal Self,” our everyday interactions with these computer technologies have accelerated and normalized our culture’s infantile tendencies.
But some cultural practices today routinely infantilize large swaths of the population. We see it in our everyday speech, when we refer to grown women as “girls”; in how we treat senior citizens, when we place them in adult care centers where they’re forced to surrender their autonomy and privacy; and in the way school personnel and parents treat teenagers, refusing to acknowledge their intelligence and need for autonomy, restricting their freedom, and limiting their ability to enter the workforce."
Visiting America in 1946, French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss commented on the endearingly infantile traits of American culture. He especially noted adults’ childish adulation of baseball, their passionate approach to toy-like cars and the amount of time they invested in hobbies. As contemporary scholars note, however, this “infantilist ethos” has become less charming — and more pervasive.
Researchers in Russia and Spain have even identified infantilist trends in language, and French sociologist Jacqueline Barus-Michel observes that we now communicate in “flashes,” rather than via thoughtful discourse — “poorer, binary, similar to computer language, and aiming to shock.” Others have noted similar trends in popular culture — in the shorter sentences in contemporary novels, in the lack of sophistication in political rhetoric and in sensationalist cable news coverage.
While we might find it trivial or amusing, the infantilist ethos becomes especially seductive in times of social crises and fear. And its favoring of simple, easy and fast betrays natural affinities for certain political solutions over others. And typically not intelligent ones.
Democratic policymaking requires debate, demands compromise and involves critical thinking. It entails considering different viewpoints, anticipating the future, and composing thoughtful legislation. What’s a fast, easy and simple alternative to this political process? It’s not difficult to imagine an infantile society being attracted to authoritarian rule.
Unfortunately, our social institutions and technological devices seem to erode hallmarks of maturity: patience, empathy, solidarity, humility and commitment to a project greater than oneself. All are qualities that have traditionally been considered essential for both healthy adulthood and for the proper functioning of democracy.
Everyone needs to grow up
"You can see it in the widely circulated – and largely untrue – idea that the human brain isn’t developed until the age of 25, which means that anyone younger is still essentially a child. It’s there in the notion that people with ADHD can’t text back their friends because they lack object permanence (a skill that babies develop at eight months old). It’s there in the narrative that, because gay people didn’t experience a normal childhood, they’re living out a second adolescence in their twenties and thirties. It’s there in the hegemony of superhero films and the cross-generational popularity of YA, whose fans insist that grown-up literature is only ever about depressed college professors having affairs.
You can see it in Disney adults; the rise of cuteness as a dominant aesthetic category; the resurgence of stuffed animals; people who identify as Hufflepuffs on their Hinge profile; people throwing tantrums when their Gorillas rider is five minutes late; people lip-syncing, with pouted lips and furrowed brows, to audio tracks of toddlers. Sometimes, it’s less about pretending to be a child and more about harking back to a lost adolescence: narrativising your life like it’s a John Green novel or an episode of Euphoria, bragging about crazzzy exploits like smoking cigarettes on a swing or doing cocaine on a Thursday; hitting 30 and still considering yourself “precocious”.
Most complaints about the infantilism of young people have typically come from the right, which has pointed to safe spaces and trigger warnings as evidence that Gen Z and millennials have been coddled to the point of softness. The right-wing critique of infantilism usually contends that, due to a vague decline in moral fibre, young people aren’t willing to embrace the mantles of adulthood, like moving out of the family home, entering into a stable career, getting married and starting a family.
For the most part, though, swerving these milestones is not an active choice that young people are making: adulthood is something that has been denied to many of us, who couldn’t buy a flat or start a family even if we wanted to. “In an age where so much agency has been taken away from young adults, when they face futures saddled with debt, unable to access the basic material trappings of adulthood, which in turn delays entry into emotional adulthood indefinitely, a retreat into the dubious comforts of a pseudo-childhood will have its pull,” Professor Josh Cohen, psycho-analyst and author of How to Live, What to Do, tells Dazed.
That said, even if the economy is foisting an extended adolescence on us, we can still choose to assert our dignity and refuse to become “baby adults” or 26-year-old teenagers, helpless and dependent. Make no mistake: the capitalist elites want you to think of yourself as a silly little goose.
What would rejecting this helplessness look like? The right see adulthood as a process of settling down, getting married and having children; in effect, conforming to conventional gender roles and being productive members of the workforce. We obviously don’t have to buy into that, at any age. But we can aspire towards a different form of maturity: looking after ourselves, treating other people with care, being invested in something beyond our own immediate satisfaction. Infantilising yourself can often seem like a plea for diminished responsibility.
But we will never make the world better if we act like this. Thinking of yourself as a smol bean baby is a way of tapping out and expecting other people to fight on your behalf. It also makes you a more pliant consumer. Social media is awash with the idea that ‘it’s valid not to be productive’, as though productivity were the only manifestation of capitalism and streaming Disney+ all day is a form of resistance. It’s much rarer to encounter the idea that we have a responsibility about what we consume, or that satisfying our own desires whenever we want is not always a good thing: “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” has morphed into “there is no unethical consumption under capitalism”.
Children are the perfect customers: suggestible, impulsive, driven by an insatiable and replenishable desire for pleasure. This is why, in the 1950s, companies leaned into ‘the teenager’ as an emerging market – you can only sell so many long-lasting household appliances. Adverts today are as eager as ever to speak to us as though we are babies, whether it’s Innocent smoothies telling us not to eat conkers or Heinz ketchup announcing that “adulting sucks”. As Felicity Martin wrote on Dazed earlier this week, pre-teen, teen and young women are increasingly being lumped together, consuming the same culture and being marketed the same products.
In a more subtle way, conservatives self-infantilise by denying their own agency: faced with the supposed “excesses” of the movements for LGTBQ+ rights and racial justice, they see themselves as being pushed towards extremism. But categorising other people as children – who can be overruled in their own best interests – forms part of the same project: in recent years, there has been a concerted effort to raise the age at which trans people can access gender-affirming care. Legislators in at least three states in the US are currently moving to deny this treatment to adults up to the age of 25, on the basis that they are not yet mature enough to provide informed consent. Oppressed groups aren’t always infantilised – in a process known as ‘adultification’, children from racialised minorities are typically viewed as having more agency, which makes them more likely to be criminalised– but the right is happy to deploy a diversity of tactics. Just as it’s a common behaviour in abusive relationships, infantilisation can be a mechanism for political domination and control.
Even if infantilisation is being pushed upon us, even if the helplessness we feel has a tangible basis in reality, even if adulting really does suck, we can still choose to see ourselves as capable of changing our own lives and the world around us. “The harms are undeniable,” says Cohen. “Bottom line: it’s a way of learning to love your oppressor. It takes an acute loss of agency and control and transforms it into a state to be desired and enjoyed. Once you embrace this way of being, the demands and rewards of adult life are going to seem all the more remote and all the more forbidding and unpleasurable.”
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daniel2334 · 2 months
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[Ulsan Middle-aged and Senior Tomorrow Center] Designing a new life with a smartphone! Completion of the Caregiver Training Course for Disabled Children
At Ulsan Labor-Management Development Foundation's Middle-aged Tomorrow Center
This year's third basic competency improvement
The program has been carried out.
After the first act of my life,
37 people who are trying new things
In career development activities such as re-employment, change of jobs, and start-ups
How to use a basic smartphone
To participate in new work activities
For the efficient processing of information retrieval and business
So that you can learn a variety of functions
It's a preparation process.
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helloshopyvisionposts · 3 months
Buy Feature Phones Online at Shopy Vision
In today's fast-paced digital world, there's still a place for simplicity and reliability. At Shopy Vision, you can buy feature phones online that offer essential functionality without the complexity of modern smartphones. These feature phones mobiles are perfect for those who need a dependable device for basic communication needs.
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Feature phones, also known as basic mobiles, are designed for those who prioritize long battery life, durability, and ease of use. With straightforward interfaces and robust construction, these phones are ideal for seniors, children, or anyone looking for a simple and effective communication tool.
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What is the Cost of Developing an App in India: get affordable rates at mobile app experts
So, you've got this brilliant idea for an app, and you're dreaming of seeing it on every smartphone in the world. But before you dive headfirst into the world of app development, you need to know one crucial thing: _How much is this going to cost?_ Especially if you're considering mobile app development in India, where the tech talent is top-notch and the prices are relatively friendly. Let's break it down, and hopefully, by the end of this article, you'll have a clear picture (and a lighter wallet).
The Basics of App Development Costs
App development cost can vary like the prices of snacks at a movie theater – from reasonable to _you've-got-to-be-kidding-me_. Several factors play a role in determining how much you'll end up spending. Here's a quick rundown of what influences these costs:
1. Complex structure of the App: Is your app as simple as a to-do list or as complicated as a social media platform? The more features, the higher the cost.
2. Platform Specific: Do you want your app on iOS, Android, or both? Developing for multiple platforms will add to the cost.
3. UI UX Design and User Experience: Fancy designs and user-friendly interfaces aren't cheap.
4. Location of Your Development Team: Developers in India charge differently based on their experience and region.
5. Maintenance and Updates: Once your app is live, you’ll need to keep it updated and fix bugs, which means ongoing costs.
Breaking Down the Costs
Let’s dive into each of these factors to see how they contribute to the overall cost.
1. Complexity of the App
Imagine your app is a pizza. A plain cheese pizza (simple app) will cost less than a deluxe pizza with all the toppings (complex app). Here's a rough estimate:
- Simple Apps: These are like cheese pizzas. Basic functions, straightforward, no backend. Examples include a basic calculator or a simple to-do list. Cost: ₹50,000 - ₹2,00,000.
- Moderately Complex Apps: These are like your pepperoni pizzas. They have custom UI, backend server, user authentication, maybe some social features. Think of a fitness tracking app. Cost: ₹2,00,000 - ₹7,00,000.
- Highly Complex Apps: These are your deluxe pizzas with everything on it. Advanced features like AI, AR, real-time processing, high security, and maybe a sprinkle of rocket science. Examples include e-commerce platforms or social media apps. Cost: ₹7,00,000 - ₹20,00,000+.
2. iOS app development or Android app development Platform
Deciding whether to develop for iOS, Android, or Hybrid app development is like choosing between Bollywood and Tollywood. Each has its unique charm and audience.
- iOS Only: Slightly less expensive due to fewer device variations.
- Android Only: Can be pricier due to the variety of devices.
- Both: Developing for both platforms will cost more but reaches a wider audience. Cross-platform development using frameworks like React Native or Flutter can save some money.
 3. Design and User Experience
A good design is like a good outfit – it makes a great first impression. But just like fashion, good design isn’t cheap.
- Basic Design: Clean, simple, functional. Cost: ₹20,000 - ₹1,00,000.
- Custom Design: Unique, eye-catching, user-friendly. Cost: ₹1,00,000 - ₹3,00,000.
4. Location of Your Development Team
India is a land of diversity, and this extends to the cost of hiring developers too. Here’s a rough idea:
- Junior Developers: Fresh out of college, eager to prove themselves. Cost: ₹400 - ₹800 per hour.
- Mid-Level Developers: A few years of experience under their belt. Cost: ₹800 - ₹1,500 per hour.
- Senior Developers: They’ve seen it all, done it all. Cost: ₹1,500 - ₹2,500 per hour.
5. Maintenance and Updates
Launching your app is just the beginning. Think of it as buying a car – you still need to pay for gas and maintenance.
- Bug Fixes and Updates: Regularly needed to keep your app running smoothly. Cost: ₹20,000 - ₹1,00,000 per year.
Additional Costs to Consider
Just like there’s more to a wedding than just the dress, there are other costs involved in app development too.
1. Marketing and Launch: Getting your app noticed is as important as developing it. Cost: ₹50,000 - ₹2,00,000+
2. Server and Hosting: For apps with backend requirements. Cost: ₹500 - ₹10,000 per month.
3. Third-Party Services: Integration with payment gateways, analytics, etc. Cost: Variable.
Case Studies
To give you a clearer picture, let’s look at a couple of hypothetical case studies.
Case Study 1: The Simple App
Ramesh wants to develop a basic to-do list app. Here’s how the costs break down:
- Design: ₹50,000
- Development: ₹1,00,000
- Testing: ₹20,000
- Total: ₹1,70,000
 Case Study 2: The Moderately Complex App
Priya is developing a fitness tracking app with user profiles and social sharing features.
- Design: ₹1,00,000
- Development: ₹4,00,000
- Testing: ₹50,000
- Total: ₹5,50,000
 Case Study 3: The Highly Complex App
Rahul is creating an e-commerce platform with payment integration, real-time chat, and advanced security features.
- Design: ₹2,00,000
- Development: ₹10,00,000
- Testing: ₹1,00,000
- Total: ₹13,00,000
Developing an app in India can be a cost-effective way to bring your ideas to life, but it’s important to plan and budget carefully. From the complexity of the app to the design, platform, and the development team’s location, many factors influence the overall cost. So, whether you’re dreaming of creating the next big social media platform or just a simple productivity tool, understanding these costs will help you navigate the exciting journey of app development without breaking the bank or you can hire an outsource software development company in India who offers affordable app development cost in India which suits your pocket and delivers top notch app and experience to its user.
Remember, just like with anything in life, you get what you pay for. Investing in good design and development is crucial for the success of your app. So, save up, plan well, and get ready to see your app idea come to life! Happy app developing!
If you like this article you can give us an upvote and can visit our website for best app development Company in Delhi-India.
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repaireex · 3 months
Phone Repair Specialist
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Key Responsibilities
A phone repair specialist is a professional who diagnoses and fixes issues with smartphones and other mobile devices. Their tasks can range from repairing cracked screens and replacing batteries to fixing more complex hardware and software problems.
Diagnosing Issues:
Identify the problem with the device through a series of tests.
Use diagnostic tools and software to pinpoint issues. Mobile Laptop Franchise
Repairing Hardware:
Replace damaged components like screens, batteries, cameras, and charging ports.
Fix issues related to the motherboard, such as replacing integrated circuits.
Software Troubleshooting:
Resolve software-related issues, such as system crashes, malware, and application errors.
Perform software updates and reinstallations. Authorized Mobile Service Center Franchise
Customer Service:
Communicate with customers to understand the issues they are facing.
Provide estimates for repair costs and timeframes.
Explain repair processes and any potential risks to the customers.
Maintenance and Upgrades:
Conduct routine maintenance to ensure devices are in optimal condition.
Install upgrades to improve device performance and longevity.
Skills and Qualifications
Technical Knowledge:
Understanding of smartphone hardware and software. Mobile Repairing Franchise In India
Familiarity with tools and equipment used in phone repairs.
Attention to Detail:
Ability to identify and address small issues that can impact the device’s performance.
Problem-Solving Skills:
Capability to diagnose problems quickly and find effective solutions.
Communication Skills:
Ability to explain technical issues to customers in a clear and understandable manner.
Dexterity and Precision:
Steady hands and precision are essential for handling small components.
Training and Certification
High school diploma or equivalent; some positions may require postsecondary training in electronics or related fields.
Certification from recognized bodies (e.g., Certified iOS Technician or Certified Android Technician) can enhance credibility and job prospects.
Hands-on experience through internships, workshops, or previous jobs in electronics repair.
Career Path
Entry-Level Technician:
Start with basic repairs and gradually take on more complex tasks.
Senior Technician:
Handle advanced repairs and mentor junior technicians.
Specialist Roles:
Focus on specific areas like software troubleshooting or advanced hardware repairs.
Move into supervisory or managerial roles, overseeing a team of technicians.
Start your own India Number One Mobile Repair Franchise.
Tools and Equipment
Basic Tools:
Screwdrivers, tweezers, pry tools, and sludgers.
Advanced Equipment:
Soldering iron, mustimeter, heat gun, and diagnostic software.
Challenges and Rewards
Keeping up with rapidly changing technology.
Dealing with frustrated customers.
Satisfaction from solving problems and restoring functionality to devices.
Potential for high earnings, especially with specialization and experience.
Becoming a Repaireex phone repair specialist requires technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and excellent customer service. With the increasing reliance on smartphones, skilled phone repair specialists are in high demand, offering a promising career path with various opportunities for advancement and specialization.
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sportvot · 4 months
Tailoring Sports Broadcasting for Regional Audiences
India's diverse cultures, faiths, and personal tastes create a vibrant social fabric, significantly impacting how we engage with technological entertainment. As technology has surged in India over the last decade, entertainment has become more accessible in various forms and states. It is crucial to understand local tastes and consumption habits, especially in sports broadcasting, where customized content is key to capturing the varied hearts and minds of Indian viewers.
The digital era revolutionized how people acquire and consume information, increasing the ease of internet and smartphone use. The sports industry had to adapt to new technologies and shifting consumer preferences to bridge traditional and digital means. Over-the-top (OTT) platforms, a new form of visual entertainment, emerged to meet consumer demands, offering a vast collection of films, TV shows, sports, documentaries, and more. Sports organizations and broadcasters started live stream sports TV on OTT platforms alongside regular television telecasts. This shift significantly increased revenue and visibility, making entertainment easily accessible to anyone with a basic smartphone.
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Many sports organizers sought services to broadcast competitions and sporting activities. However, the high costs deterred most organizers. Consumers' premium payments on OTT platforms led to a surge in broadcasting quality, leaving no room for mediocrity. OTT platforms provided fans with online games, multi-language commentary, quizzes, and various camera perspectives. Consequently, the quality of production matched its financial gains.
Local sporting events have become eagerly awaited entertainment sources for minor sports organizers. Local competitions have evolved from splitting friends into teams to hosting auction events supported by nearby companies. Today, local sports tournaments resemble professional competitions, involving branding, production, kits, venue management, catering, logistics, and operations.
Despite their lofty goals, organizers struggle to get the word out. Such tournaments are only enjoyable for spectators physically present at the venue. Families with young children or seniors might find it inconvenient to attend. The tournament's lack of broadcasting capabilities prevents organizers from reaching their full potential. Additionally, live streaming services are costly, which the community might not afford.
SportVot's co-founders, including Nikin Jose, responded to this challenge with a tangible solution. SportVot is an all-inclusive, state-of-the-art digital platform for producing various sports, offering affordable live streaming services based on user preferences. Numerous national sports organizations have benefited from SportVot's high-quality streaming, expert commentary, and experience.
What sets SportVot apart is its exceptional cost-effectiveness. Unlike other platforms, SportVot offers affordable pricing without compromising quality or features. SportVot caters to a variety of clients, from local tournaments to professional sporting events.
Recently, SportVot announced its innovative automated sports production technology, transforming the landscape of sports broadcasting. This technology seamlessly streams matches with smart streaming solutions. SportVot offers live streaming of more than 30 sports, including kabaddi, providing multi-camera footage, instant replays, customizable scoring graphics, remote and interactive commentary, and enhanced integration of advertisements and sponsors.
These capabilities come at a reasonable cost, offering local and regional sports communities top-notch live streaming and brand endorsements. SportVot allows even smaller events to reach large audiences without sacrificing production quality. The technology enhances the viewing experience with multiple camera perspectives, rapid replays, and interactive commentary. Improved sponsor and ad integration increases revenue possibilities, aiding local sports expansion. SportVot improves exposure and professionalism by decentralizing high-quality broadcasting, ensuring every match is expertly televised.
Platforms like SportVot are revolutionizing how regional audiences in India consume sports. Through understanding and considering the many cultural, technological, and entertainment preferences of Indian viewers, SportVot has made top-notch sports programming, including kabaddi matches, reasonably priced. Features like multiple camera perspectives, immediate replays, and interactive commentary enhance the viewing experience and help local sports communities flourish by increasing visibility and generating income. As technology advances, focusing on producing tailored, regionally specific content will be crucial to winning over the hearts and minds of sports fans across India.
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roamnook · 6 months
"Quantum computing set to unlock $1.3 trillion in value by 2035 with government investments nearing $34 billion. Get the facts on the next big tech trend from McKinsey experts."
What is Quantum Computing?
April 5, 2024
(8 pages)
Flip a coin. Heads or tails, right? Sure, once we see how the coin lands. But while the coin is still spinning in the air, it’s neither heads nor tails. It’s some probability of both.
This gray area is the simplified foundation of quantum computing.
Ondrej Burkacky [/our-people/ondrej-burkacky] is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Munich office, Miklós Gábor Dietz [/our-people/miklos-dietz] is a senior partner in the Vancouver office, Dieter Kiewell [/our-people/dieter-kiewell] and Jared Moon [/our-people/jared-moon] are senior partners in the London office, Alexandre Ménard [/our-people/alexandre-menard] is a senior partner in the Paris office, Mark Patel [/our-people/mark-patel] is a senior partner in the Bay Area office, and Rodney Zemmel [/our-people/rodney-zemmel] is a senior partner in the New York office.
Digital computers have been making it easier for us to process information for decades. But quantum computers are poised to take computing to a whole new level. Quantum computers [/featured-insights/the-rise-of-quantum-computing]represent a completely new approach to computing. They have the potential to solve [/industries/chemicals/our-insights/the-next-big-thing-quantum-computings-potential-impact-on-chemicals]very complex statistical problems that are beyond the limits of today’s computers. Quantum computing has so much promise [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/quantum-computing-just-might-save-the-planet]and momentum that McKinsey has identified it as one of the next big trends in tech [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-top-trends-in-tech]. Quantum computing alone—just one of three main areas of emerging quantum technology—could account for nearly $1.3 trillion in value [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/quantum-technology-sees-record-investments-progress-on-talent-gap]by 2035. Investors of all kinds are perking up their ears—and opening up their wallets: government investors alone have pledged $34 billion [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/tech-forward/is-winter-coming-quantum-computings-trajectory-in-the-years-ahead]in investments. In 2022, the US government announced $1.8 billion in funding, bringing its total investment to $3.7 billion.
Here’s how quantum computing works: classical computing, the technology that powers your laptop and smartphone, is built on bits. A bit is a unit of information that can store either a zero or a one. By contrast, quantum computing is built on quantum bits, or qubits, which can store zeros and ones. Qubits can represent any combination of both zero and one simultaneously—this is called superposition, and it is a basic feature of any quantum state. Chips are the physical hardware that store qubits, just like in classical computing.
When a classical computer solves a problem with multiple variables, it must conduct a new calculation every time a variable changes. Each calculation is a single path to a single result. Quantum computers, however, can explore many paths in parallel through superposition.
Additionally, qubits can interact with one another. This is known as entanglement. Entanglement allows qubits to scale exponentially; two qubits, for example, can store and process four bits of information, three can process eight, and so on. This exponential scaling gives the quantum computer much more power than classical computers.
Explore the series [/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers]Heavyweight tech organizations are already placing bets on quantum technology. In 2019, Google claimed that its quantum computer had solved in just 200 seconds a problem that would have taken a classical computer 10,000 years (although other tech organizations and academics have surfaced doubts [https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/10/22/132519/quantum-supremacy-from-google-not-so-fast-says-ibm/] about the validity of Google’s claim).
Even if Google’s claim was accurate, the achievement was more of a theoretical leap forward than a practical one since the problem its quantum computer solved had no real-world use. But we’re rapidly approaching a time when quantum computers will have a real impact on our lives.
Today’s classical computers are relatively straightforward. They work with a limited set of inputs and use an algorithm and spit out an answer—and the bits that encode the inputs do not share information about one another. Quantum computers are different. For one thing, when data are input into the qubits, the qubits interact with other qubits, allowing for many different calculations to be done simultaneously. This is why quantum computers are able to work so much faster than classical computers. But that’s not the end of the story: quantum computers don’t deliver just one clear answer like classical computers do; rather, they deliver a range of possible answers.
For calculations that are limited in scope, classical computers are still the preferred tools. But for very complex problems, quantum computers can save time by narrowing down the range of possible answers.
Over the next few years, the major players in quantum computing, as well as a small cohort of start-ups, will steadily increase the number of qubits that their computers can handle and improve how the technology functions. Progress in quantum computing, however, is expected to remain slow. According to our conversations with tech executives, investors, and academics in quantum computing, 72 percent [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/tech-forward/is-winter-coming-quantum-computings-trajectory-in-the-years-ahead]believe we’ll see a fully fault-tolerant quantum computer by 2035. The remaining 28 percent think this milestone won’t be reached until 2040 or later.
But some businesses will begin to derive value from quantum well before then. At first, businesses will receive quantum services via the cloud. Several major computing companies have already announced their quantum cloud offerings.
Learn more about McKinsey Digital.
One major obstacle to the advancement of quantum computing is that qubits are volatile [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/a-game-plan-for-quantum-computing]. Whereas a bit in today’s classical computers is in a state of either one or zero, a qubit can be any possible combination of the two. When a qubit changes its status, inputs can be lost or altered, throwing off the accuracy of the results. Another obstacle to development is that a quantum computer operating at the scale needed to deliver significant breakthroughs will require potentially millions of qubits to be connected. The few quantum computers that exist today are nowhere near that number.
Here are some other challenges facing the technologies [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/tech-forward/is-winter-coming-quantum-computings-trajectory-in-the-years-ahead]that could support quantum computing at scale:
High-fidelity two-qubit gates at scale. Maintaining high fidelity (meaning accuracy and reliability greater than 99.99 percent) is required for fault-tolerant quantum computers. Doing so at scale will be difficult.
Speed. Qubits need to retain their quantum state to be able to interact with one another. Even in specific environmental conditions, they will eventually degrade. For quantum computers to operate at scale, gate operations will need to move very quickly to complete computations before qubits degrade.
Multiqubit networking. Connecting, or networking, qubits to one another could theoretically make quantum computers much more powerful. The key challenge here is connecting qubits across chips, or from one physical quantum computer to another.
Individual qubit control at scale. The control of individual qubits becomes increasingly complex as the number of qubits increases.
Cooling power and environmental control. As quantum computers become larger, the size and power requirements of the cooling equipment become more and more expensive, from both a cost and an environmental standpoint. Currently, powering a quantum computer large enough to connect millions of qubits is cost prohibitive.
Manufacturability. Producing large numbers of quantum computers will require automating both the manufacturing and testing processes. The production of certain quantum computers may require developing entirely new manufacturing techniques.
Slowly, at first. Initially, quantum computing will be used alongside [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/a-game-plan-for-quantum-computing]classical computing to solve multivariable problems. One example? Quantum computers can narrow the range of possible solutions to a finance or logistics problem, helping a company reach the best solution faster. This kind of slower progress will be the norm until quantum computing advances enough to deliver more significant breakthroughs.
Learn more about McKinsey Digital.
Quantum computers have four fundamental capabilities [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/a-game-plan-for-quantum-computing]that differentiate them from today’s classical computers:
Quantum simulation. Quantum computers can model complex molecules, which may eventually help reduce development time for chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Scientists looking to develop new drugs need to examine the structure of a molecule to understand how it will interact with other molecules. It’s almost impossible for today’s computers to provide accurate simulations, because each atom interacts with other atoms in complex ways. But experts believe that quantum computers are powerful enough to eventually be able to model even the most complex molecules in the human body. This opens up the possibility for faster development [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/a-game-plan-for-quantum-computing]of new drugs and new, transformative cures.
Optimization and search. Every industry relies in one way or another on optimization. Where are robots best placed on a factory floor? What’s the shortest route for a company’s delivery trucks? There are almost infinite questions that need to be answered to optimize for efficiency and value creation. With classical computing, companies must make one complicated calculation after another, which can be a time-consuming and costly process given the many potential variables of a situation. Since a quantum computer is able to work with multiple variables simultaneously, it can be used to quickly narrow the range of possible answers [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/a-game-plan-for-quantum-computing]. From there, classical computing can be used to zero in on one precise answer.
Quantum AI. Quantum computers have the potential to work with better algorithms that could transform machine learning across a diverse range of industries, from automotive to pharmaceuticals. In particular, quantum computers could accelerate the arrival of self-driving vehicles. Companies like Ford, GM, Volkswagen, and numerous mobility start-ups are running video and image data through complex neural networks. Their goal? To use AI to teach a car to make crucial driving decisions. Quantum computers’ ability to perform multiple complex calculations with many variables simultaneously allows for faster training [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/a-game-plan-for-quantum-computing]of such AI systems.
Prime factorization. Businesses today use large, complex prime numbers as the basis for their encryption efforts, numbers too large for classical computers to process. Quantum computing will be able to use algorithms to solve these complex prime numbers easily, a process called prime factorization. (In fact, a quantum algorithm known as Shor’s algorithm theoretically already can; there’s just not a computer powerful enough to run it.) Once quantum computers have advanced enough, new quantum-encryption technologies will be needed to protect online services [/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/a-game-plan-for-quantum-computing]. Scientists are already at work on quantum cryptography to prepare for this eventuality. McKinsey estimates quantum computers will be powerful enough for prime factorization by the late 2020s at the very earliest.
As these capabilities develop at pace with quantum computing power, use cases will proliferate.
Research suggests that several industries in particular stand to reap the greatest short-term benefits from quantum computing based on the use cases discussed in the previous section. Collectively—and conservatively—the value at stake for these industries could be in the trillions of dollars.
Pharmaceuticals. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the research and development of molecular structures in the biopharmaceuticals industry. With quantum technologies, research and development for drugs could become less reliant on trial and error, and therefore more efficient. (Read more on how quantum computing stands to affect the pharmaceutical industry [/industries/life-sciences/our-insights/pharmas-digital-rx-quantum-computing-in-drug-research-and-development].)
Chemicals. Quantum computing could be used to improve catalyst design, which could enable savings on existing production processes. Innovative catalysts could also enable the replacement of petrochemicals with more sustainable feedstock or the breakdown of carbon for CO2 usage. (Read more on how quantum computing might affect the chemicals industry [/industries/chemicals/our-insights/the-next-big-thing-quantum-computings-potential-impact-on-chemicals].)
Mobility. Quantum computing could result in a mobility ecosystem that is fully connected, intelligent, and environmentally friendly. Changes depend on the rapid and smooth exchange of vast amounts of data between in-vehicle computers and computers elsewhere. Quantum computers can process these large amounts of data Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-quantum-computing&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiemvXY-7mFAxWsM1kFHUn_DfoQxfQBegQIABAC&usg=AOvVaw1el2CGaGO9OnmyLEz0BtLV
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spprkle · 6 months
Embracing Easy Techy: Simplifying Technology for Everyone
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In an era where technology permeates nearly every aspect of our lives, there's a growing need for solutions that are not only powerful but also accessible and user-friendly. Enter the concept of "Easy Techy" – a trend that's revolutionizing the tech industry by making complex technologies more approachable and easier to use for everyone, regardless of their technical expertise.
The term "Easy Techy" encompasses a range of innovations, products, and services designed with simplicity and usability in mind. From intuitive user interfaces to streamlined setups, the goal is to remove barriers to entry and empower individuals to harness the full potential of technology without feeling overwhelmed.
One of the hallmarks of Easy Techy is its focus on user experience (UX) design. Companies are investing heavily in creating interfaces that are intuitive and user-friendly, minimizing the learning curve for new users. Whether it's a smartphone app, a smart home device, or a piece of software, the emphasis is on making technology seamlessly integrate into our daily lives.
Take, for example, the rise of voice-controlled assistants like Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri. These virtual companions have simplified tasks such as setting reminders, playing music, and controlling smart home devices – all with just a few spoken commands. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, these platforms have made interacting with technology as easy as having a conversation.
Another aspect of Easy Techy is the democratization of knowledge. With the abundance of online tutorials, how-to guides, and instructional videos, individuals can quickly learn how to use new technologies without formal training. Platforms like YouTube, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer a wealth of resources covering everything from basic computer skills to advanced programming techniques.
Moreover, Easy Techy extends beyond software to encompass hardware as well. Companies are designing devices with user-friendly features such as plug-and-play functionality, automatic updates, and seamless integration with other products. For instance, modern routers often come with simple setup wizards that guide users through the configuration process, eliminating the need for technical expertise.
The benefits of Easy Techy are far-reaching. By making technology more accessible, it opens up new opportunities for education, communication, and innovation. Seniors can stay connected with their loved ones through video calls, small businesses can leverage digital tools to streamline operations, and students can access educational resources from anywhere in the world.
However, the journey towards Easy Techy is not without its challenges. Balancing simplicity with functionality requires careful design and engineering, and there's always a risk of oversimplification leading to limited capabilities. Moreover, ensuring accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities or older adults, requires ongoing attention to inclusive design principles.
In conclusion, Easy Techy represents a paradigm shift in the way we approach technology. By prioritizing simplicity, usability, and accessibility, we can empower individuals of all backgrounds to embrace and benefit from the digital age. As technology continues to evolve, the principles of Easy Techy will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of innovation and connectivity.
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capnrichie · 6 months
Welcome to the world of TTfone, where simplicity meets functionality in our specialised range of big button mobile phones, catering to the unique needs of seniors and those seeking a straightforward communication experience. Our TTfone mobile phones are designed to provide a user-friendly alternative to complex smartphones, delivering essential features that enhance ease of use and convenience. At the heart of our TTfone range lies the commitment to simplicity, making them ideal for seniors and those who prefer a basic phone. With large, easy-to-press buttons, our phones ensure effortless dialing and texting, reducing the frustration often associated with smaller, intricate keypads. The clear, spacious displays further enhance visibility, making it easy for users to navigate through menus and read text messages without straining their eyes. TTfone mobile phones boast loud volume capabilities, ensuring that conversations can be heard clearly even in noisy environments. Some models have a dock charger that simplifies the charging process, eliminating the need for fiddly cables and making it convenient for users to keep their phones charged. Other models are dual sim allowing you to use 2 sim cards at the same time.
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chee-annn · 7 months
Hello and welcome to my blog on ICT where we will look at the complicated world of ICT components and their functionality in real life. Let’s explore some practical examples of how these components play a significant role when it comes to developing a contemporary lifestyle, accessing information, and browsing through this new digital era. We will travel from basics of hardware to software inventions, as we discover how different parts of ICT make a connected world.
Cloud Computing
I use cloud storage applications such as Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive for my academic papers, research documents, or project files. My documents are kept in clouds hence they can be accessed by any device with an internet connection. With cloud storage being so convenient and flexible, I can easily shift my papers from a computer or laptop even a smartphone. In addition, this permits me to collaborate more effectively as well as work on educational things wherever I need them to be done.
Last semester and this semester, our instructor introduced some helpful software. For instance, the simulation software we have been using like Interactive Simulations helps me to do virtual experiments and understand complex scientific ideas by doing them virtually. It makes difficult things easier to understand. My assignments and projects are being done in Microsoft 365 as well. I can easily work on documents like making a report or presentation; therefore, it simplifies school activities and creates a platform for collaboration.
To start with, when it comes to academic life an essential tool is a laptop which helps me to find the latest information relevant to our lessons, visit educational websites as well as gather multimedia materials that improve my understanding of different subjects. Our instructor took us through hands-on sessions where we could practically learn about microscopes most recently. During our practical quiz, I learned about the importance of microscopes, and their functions and gained experience in focusing on various samples under observation through a microscope lens because of its higher magnification power in comparison with eyesight. Moreover, we also use printers for printing hard copies of our experiment papers, research papers, and other outputs.
I recently bought a pair of high-heeled shoes on Shopee as I prepared for an upcoming Soiree. The entire process was smooth as I navigated through the Shopee app, I'm careful in selecting the perfect pair before proceeding to check out. To make it more convenient, I chose to pay using G-cash, a mobile wallet service. This payment option is made for a smooth transaction that guarantees fast and secure digital payment.
Communications Technology
In our capacity as SK officials, we actively participated in a seminar through Zoom last Saturday. During the seminar, there was an online orientation on different aspects such as youth development plans, fund utilization, and disbursement. This digital forum made us understand our roles and responsibilities. When I look back at my Senior High School (SHS) days Google Meet proved to be very useful. First of all, a few classes were conducted virtually and Google Meet was a way of connecting teachers and students online. Apart from educational issues, I also can connect with my family members using communication platforms such as Messenger, Instagram, etc. These platforms give me instant access to my contacts whether they live nearby or far away, as I can share my stories and stay in touch with them.
Digital Data
It is normal for us to utilize tools like PowerPoint or Prezi as well as create visuals, infographics, and charts that are eye-catching and talk about our findings and data in class. The presentation’s appeal is boosted by these digital platforms and enhances understanding of the research results. Besides, rather than physical notebooks, I love using an app called Microsoft OneNote for jotting down ideas, main points, and references. This digital process ensures easy accessibility, efficient organization, and fast retrieval of information leading to a more streamlined way of organizing academic work.
Internet Access
Being a BSED Science student, I need to have internet access. It plays a crucial role in my study of the Spiral Progression Approach in K to 12 Science. My group mates and I can also get materials from recent academic sources through the internet hence incorporating the latest teaching methods in our papers. Moreover; we can communicate easily since we have online contacts which makes teamwork easier thus allowing us to compare notes together. In turn, this means that we can dig deeper into the curriculum.
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Empowering Seniors in the Digital Age
In an times dominated by shortly advancing technology, it's necessary to ensure that all segment of work can pro from the digital revolution. Seniors, often overlooked in the tech conversation, aim unique challenges in adapting to the digital age. However, various initiatives are actively involved to bridge the digital divide, making technology more accessible to the elderly. This article will delve into these initiatives, exploring how they put up to seniors adapt to and utilize technology, fostering connectivity and establishment doors to online resources, particularly in financial matters.
Understanding the Digital Divide
The digital divide refers to the gap in the midst of those in imitation of right of entry to objector recommendation and communication technology and those without. For seniors, this divide is not just practically having the latest gadgets; it's moreover practically union how to use them effectively. Many seniors, due to factors in imitation of unfamiliarity, fear, or financial constraints, locate themselves upon the wrong side of this divide.
Initiatives to Bridge the Gap
Numerous initiatives not far off from the globe are actively addressing the technological needs of seniors, aiming to empower them in imitation of the skills and knowledge required to navigate the digital landscape.
Senior-Friendly Technology Workshops One of the most involved ways to bridge the digital gap is through hands-on learning experiences. Senior-friendly technology workshops present a willing and in favor feel where seniors can learn at their own pace. These workshops lid basic digital skills, such as using smartphones, tablets, and computers, as skillfully as navigating well-liked applications and websites.
Organizations in imitation of AARP (formerly the American membership of Retired Persons) and local community centers often organize such workshops. These initiatives focus not by yourself upon the practical aspects of using technology but moreover upon building seniors' confidence in their abilities.
Tech friend Programs Tech friend programs pair tech-savvy volunteers, often from younger generations, in imitation of seniors seeking recommendation in navigating the digital world. This one-on-one door fosters meaningful links and provides personalized guidance.
The intergenerational aspect of tech friend programs is particularly beneficial, as it allows seniors to learn from individuals who comprehend their unique needs. It's not just practically teaching obscure skills; it's practically building interaction and creating a sense of community.
Digital Literacy Apps and Online Courses In an age where digital platforms are integral to daily life, digital literacy is a crucial skill. Several organizations have developed welcoming apps and online courses specifically designed for seniors. These resources lid a range of topics, from basic internet usage to online safety.
Platforms in imitation of SeniorNet and Senior Planet present interactive courses tailored to seniors, allowing them to learn at their own pace from the comfort of their homes. These initiatives say you will the diverse needs of the aging population and present gymnastic learning options.
Fostering Connectivity
Technology not by yourself open up supplementary avenues for learning but moreover serves as a powerful tool for fostering connectivity along with seniors.
Social Media for Seniors Social media platforms present a unique opportunity for seniors to be close to in imitation of links and family, allocation experiences, and stay updated upon the latest news. Organizations in imitation of Cyber-Seniors have official the potential of social media in bridging generational gaps and conducting programs that tutor seniors how to use platforms in imitation of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Engaging in imitation of social media allows seniors to preserve social connections, reducing feelings of hostility and loneliness. It moreover provides a platform for sharing memories, photos, and vivaciousness updates in imitation of loved ones.
Virtual Community Centers Recognizing the limitations that creature keep apart from can impose, virtual community centers have emerged to bring seniors together online. These platforms host a variety of activities, from instructor webinars to social events, providing seniors in imitation of the opportunity to be close to in imitation of peers who allocation thesame interests.
Such virtual spaces recreate the sense of community that acknowledged community centers offer, fostering supportive feel where seniors can engage in imitation of each supplementary and participate in discussions or activities.
Opening Doors to Online Resources
Beyond connectivity, technology offers a wealth of online resources that can greatly pro seniors, particularly in managing financial matters.
Online Banking and Financial handing out Tools The user-friendliness of online banking and financial handing out tools is invaluable, especially for seniors who may aim mobility challenges. Initiatives by banks and financial institutions focus upon creating welcoming interfaces and providing instructor resources to put up to seniors navigate online banking safely.
These tools empower seniors to manage their finances independently, from paying bills to monitoring transactions, without the infatuation to visit creature bank branches. Moreover, online resources often improve tutorials and guides to improve financial literacy along with seniors.
Telehealth Services The integration of technology in healthcare, specifically through telehealth services, has proven to be a game-changer for seniors. Online consultations considering healthcare professionals present seniors considering a convenient and secure way to right of entry medical advice without desertion their homes.
Platforms in imitation of Doctor upon demand and Teladoc present a range of healthcare services, from routine check-ups to mental health consultations. This not by yourself addresses the accessibility of healthcare for seniors but moreover contributes to their overall well-being.
Overcoming Challenges
While these initiatives be active union in bridging the digital divide for seniors, challenges nevertheless exist. Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensuring that all senior has the opportunity to embrace and pro from technology.
Affordability and right of entry to Devices One major obstacle is the cost of technology. Many seniors may be upon fixed incomes, making it hard to afford smartphones, tablets, or computers. Initiatives must focus on making devices more affordable and accessible to seniors, perhaps through subsidies or donation programs.
Community-driven efforts, such as device recycling programs, can moreover be active a role in providing seniors considering right of entry to technology. Ensuring affordability is necessary for widespread adoption along with the senior population.
Tailoring Technology to Unique Needs Seniors often have unique needs and preferences that may not align in imitation of mainstream technology design. Initiatives must regard as being factors in imitation of larger font sizes, simplified interfaces, and voice-activated features to make technology more welcoming for seniors.
Engaging seniors in the design process, buildup feedback, and incorporating their insights into technology enhance can result in solutions that greater than before cater to their specific requirements.
Building Trust and Confidence Overcoming the distress of technology is a significant challenge for many seniors. Building trust and confidence in the digital realm requires ongoing support and encouragement. Tech friend programs, community workshops, and welcoming resources all contribute to creating an in favor feel where seniors can feel willing exploring technology.
Bridging the digital divide for seniors is not just practically providing right of entry to gadgets; it's practically empowering them in imitation of the skills and confidence to navigate the digital world. Initiatives focusing upon education, connectivity, and right of entry to online resources are making significant strides in ensuring that seniors can harness the advance of technology in their daily lives.
As we continue to advance in the digital age, we must improve seniors in the conversation, recognizing their unique needs and challenges. By fostering a sense of community, providing tailored education, and addressing affordability concerns, we can make an inclusive technological landscape where seniors are not left at the back but are lithe participants in the digital revolution. In be active so, we not by yourself improve the feel of vivaciousness for seniors but moreover tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience they bring to our interconnected world.
https://empoweringseniorsinthedigitalage.blogspot.com/2024/02/empowering-seniors-in-digital-age.html Social Media for Seniors Financial Assistance for Seniors in Arizona Senior Financial Support in Arizona https://massagecourseslosangeles.blogspot.com/2024/02/massage-courses-los-angeles.html https://localwapatomobilervwashingservice.blogspot.com/ https://localwapatomobilervwashingservice.blogspot.com/2024/02/local-wapato-mobile-rv-washing-service.html https://www.tumblr.com/starsaligning1010/743070067940638720 https://www.tumblr.com/jose-guillermo/743070117457477632
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