#smarty weasel
jacscorner · 8 months
Toon Patrol - Kill The Mickey Mouse Club
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Ugh, the weasels did not come out too great, but I'm still kinda happy with myself. And besides, I hadn't watched the movie in a long time, so cut me a little slack.
Anywho, I love the Toon Patrol. It's kind of a shame we haven't gotten more stuff with them. They're kind of the perfect set up for reoccurring villains. They're maybe a bit too violent for cartoons these days (eyeroll.exe), but I think they're cool. Disney really should've made a proper follow-up to Who Framed Roger Rabbit instead of Bonkers or the Chip & Dale 'reboot movie' or whatever the hell that was.
As for the title…yeah, it's a parody of that Suicide Squad game. Disney wouldn't have the balls (or, maybe they still have a lick of sense) to make a game where you hunt down and kill their mascot and his close friends, but I digress. I think it'd be more fun then Rocksteady's dumpster fire.
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loveforskekshod · 1 year
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Wheezy as an expecting dad and Smarty being a loving uncle
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imaginarytoon1 · 1 year
Toon Patrol + Ed Edd 'n Eddy
(I don't usually do something like this, but I decided to give it a try after reading some of @marinerainbow's incorrect quotes posts.)
*Smarty is an owner of a fancy cordless telephone. Unfortunately, he did not heed the previous owner's warnings about said phone bringing bad luck to anyone who answers it and has already experienced two disasters. Immediately after recovering from the second disaster, the phone rings a third time. Of course, Smarty answers it.*
Smarty: Y’ello? (*Hello)
*Suddenly, an ice cream bike bursts through his office door! It bounces around the room, somehow missing Greasy, Wheezy, Psycho, AND Stupid. The bike then rebounds from the ceiling and lands on Smarty with a crash. Stupid takes the phone from him.*
Stupid: (casually) Duh, Smarty's in pain now. He'll have to call you back.
Stupid: (hangs up the phone as if nothing's wrong)
*Bonus: Psycho and Stupid help themselves to some sweet frozen treats from the ice cream bike.*
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jumpythestoat · 1 month
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I like him
So much for my speech
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reagan700 · 2 months
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some silly meme stuff featuring Honest John and Gideon from Disney Pinocchio (1940) and Smartass (smarty) from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
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marinerainbow · 9 months
I have been obsessed with Bistro Huddy for a couple days now, and I found this video and... I can't. I can't stop thinking about this with my Poppy ships. I had to write this crack XD
@just-kit-ink and @wicked1will0sparkles I have a feeling this'll get a chuckle out of you guys (for the sake of argument, let's say that Shiny and Poppy do work for the TP from time to time in this fic. Like... Poppy can offer them info about some of the Uptown toon she works with, and Shiny can do all kinds of crimes with them).
It was a rare, and almost frightening, sight to see the boss smiling. Not in an unnerving way, not in smug pride, but actual genuine joy from another person. It almost never happened. Which was why Greasy knew something had to be up between Smartass and Poppy when he saw the two laughing and drinking coffee side by side in the kitchen.
"Ohhhoho! You really said that??"
"Well 'yea, what else was I gonna say? You 'shoulda seen the look on his mug!" The weasel breathed out a few chuckles before he noticed the new presence and looked up, just in time to see his right hand man smirking at him knowingly. Rolling his eyes and shrugging, Smartass chose to just cut himself off, now that he and Poppy weren't alone anymore, "Alright, I'll tell 'ya what happened next later. Seeya at lunch."
It wasn't lost on Poppy that another person's presence did ruin the mood, but she didn't make any implication about that. She didn't want to hurt the Spaniards' feelings... That and work needed to be done anyway. So she just nodded, "Alright. I should get you the paperwork you need by ten, at the latest."
"Sounds good."
Poppy walked off with her mug and a smile, nodding and offering Greasy a cheery "Bonjour." As she passed him and slipped out the kitchen door. That left him the opportunity to smirk knowingly at his boss, who rolled his eyes in response, "Buen día."
"Shuddap, Grease."
Though 'shutting up' was not on Greasy's plans. Not after what he just witnessed. The weasel took his time grabbing his coffee cup from the cupboard and pouring himself some of the much needed caffeinated liquid, all while keeping eye contact with a Smartass who was ever-increasingly going back to his grumpy persona. This probably wasn't a good idea to poke the bear before he could finish his coffee... But hey, this was what happened when you chuck out the TV the night before, and there was nothing else to entertain your right hand man, "So, I see you and Poppy have a little something going on~"
Usually there would be a tapping foot- or a death glare- or a twitching hand and glancing towards the nearest object that would tell the taller weasel that there was indeed something happening between his boss and their sweet friend. However, Smartass must have been truly exhausted since he just huffed and went back to stirring his coffee, "There ain't 'nothin going on. That's just how a work marriage is
The ear-to-ear grin on Greasy's face fell instantly after that, and looked like his brain was shutting down from attempting to process what Smartass just said. As if he claimed that Bugs Bunny was actually a crcodile, "A... A Work marriage?"
"What?? You 'nevah heard of it??" The hint of jealousy in Greasy's eyes seemed to be lost on the head weasel. He looked more surprised at the thought of him not being aware of the special relationship one could have with their coworkers, "Well I ain't explainin' it-"
"Ohhh no, I know what a work wife is. Because that is what Poppy is to me."
The sip that Smartass had attempted to drink almost got coughed up onto his suit. The pink weasel actually had to set the cup down before he glowrred at the other toon. There was absolutely no way his ears were working right. At least Greasy better hope they weren't, "Excuse you??"
Instead of being intimidated, Greasy just crossed his arms and seemed to take on the challenge instead, "You heard me, boss. If she's work married to anybody in this house, it's me."
"Oh no. Uh-uh bub. She's work married t'me."
"No, Poppy is my work wife."
The two weasels whipped their heads towards the doorway, looking at a just woken, disheveled, feral looking Psycho staring at them like they were the insane ones. And he was sending Greasy in particular a glare that could make any iron-willed man feel weak in the bladder, "You already have Shiny. You can't have Poppy too."
At that, Smartass immediately turned back towards Greasy with his fists on his hips, "Oh! You got that lunatic, but you're over here movin' in on my work gal??"
"MY work wife! Get your own!"
"And who's to say I must limit myself to one beautiful woman, eh?" Greasy glanced between his comrades with a hand to his chest, like he wasn't just getting on Smartass' case for being work married to Poppy, "How is that fair?"
"How is tha- BOY-"
"Actually, I'm Poppy's work husband too."
"WHAT!?"All three looked straight at the smoker, now standing in the doorway and looking like he just made the biggest mistake in his life. Why he thought it was a good idea to say that out loud, who knows. But the smoker just groaned and walked further in the kitchen to grab an apple from the fruit bowl, with Stupid following after him.
"Duh, what's happening here?"
Seeing the big lug of a weasel come in all confused made Greasy and Smartass narrow their eyes at him in suspicion. Psycho on the other hand was too busy growling at an unphased Wheezy, "Estúpido, you better not say you're Poppy's work husband too."
Stupid blinked at his brother and coworker for a moment, before his eyes lit up once he caught up with the topic of discussion, "Huh? Noooo, we're not work married!"
"Good. I don't need'ta deal with yo-"
"She's my work mom!"
The whole room fell silent. Smartass and Greasy glanced to each other before looking at the oblivious Stupid, and even Psycho had paused his confrontation with Wheezy- who was now burying his face in his free hand, "Stu, don't-"
"And Wheezy is my work dad!" The buck toothed toon proclaimed happily as he pointed to the internally dying Wheezy, still blissfully unaware of the tension in the room, "He and Poppy work adopted me! We even got ice cream yesterday!"
At that moment, without even looking up from his paw, Wheezy knew his smokes would not be enough emotional support to face these ridiculous weasels, "Ok, guys-"
"¡Destructor de hogares!"
"Is there ANYBODY in this house NOT puttin' the work moves on her!?"
"I'm not, boss!"
Breakfast and coffee were on no ones mind now. The entire kitchen was quickly filled with screaming, threats, and proclamations of betrayal. Poor Stupid could only stand there, glancing to his work dad and pleading with his eyes for an answer of what to do. Though all Wheezy would do was suck in as much toxic smoke as he could while he still had the chance. Before Smartass could throw the toaster, or Psycho could pounce on somebody.
The only thing that could break up the whole room was the very rabbit of discussion when she poked her head inside in concern. Her eyes pinned down against her head and her eyes were wide as they darted to each individual in the room, "Uh, g-guys? Is everything-"
"Get outta here while you still can, Pops."
"What do you-"
She just barely managed to contain her shriek when suddenly all four pairs of eyes locked onto her, making her stand straight up at attention. The moment to escape was long gone now, "Guys...?"
A long silence hung in the air as the first three weasels all looked at each other, as if agreeing upon something, then looked right back at Poppy. Stupid scratched under his propeller hat in confusion, and Wheezy closed his eyes to fully enjoy the silence before it would be undoubtedly ruined again.
"What on Earth- What are you guys talking about?"
Having taken this out to the living room, Poppy was seated on the couch and resisted rubbing her temples. The papers she was working on for Smartass were currently strewn about the coffee table, but all she could focus on were the weasels surrounding her. Wheezy was sitting on her left, not at all wanting to be here either. Smartass was sitting straight up in his own chair, tapping his foot with his arms crossed. Greasy had been trying to sit on Poppy's right, though he kept getting driven off by Psycho who was standing by the couch like a gargoyle. And Stupid was busy getting himself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen now that it wasn't crowded anymore.
If Poppy had been told she was going to be in the middle of a work love triangle- or rectangle in this case- with four of Toontowns biggest criminals four years ago, she would have laughed it off as a joke.
"I don't know how we can make it any clearer, but fine." Smartass huffed out as he leaned forward, almost looking like he was in the middle of one of his business meetings, "These nimrods think you're their work wife. We gotta clear it all up, like usual."
"Poppy, it's alright. I know this is all a terrible misunderstanding." Greasy still hadn't managed to slip past Psycho, so he chose to kneel in front of her and take her paw in his hands all dramatic like. He looked like the love interest in one of his novelas, and Poppy just looked so tired, "Just tell these putas that you, Shiny, and I are exclusive. Then we can get back to normal, si?"
Poppy was once again interrupted, but this time by Psycho as he hopped over the couch just to smack at Greasy's face and hiss like a territorial housecat. The second in command managed to jumo back in time, but that didn't make the lunatic back off, "¿¡Qué carajo!?"
"You go be 'exclusive' with Shiny!"
"Yeah, you shouldn't even be here!"
While the three spiraled into yet another argument, Poppy heaved out a defeated sigh before looking towards the only sane one right now. Their eyes met and, like always, they shared a silent moment of pity and understanding for the other, "Help me."
Although he truly felt sorry for his work wife, and wanted nothing more than to escape this madhouse, there really was nothing Wheezy could do for either of them. All Poppy had to see was his slumped shoulders to know what he was going to say, "I tried, Poppy. You know how they get."
The toon groaned as she gave in and leaned back on the couch to rest her head on the back. Her headache growing with each curse word flung around. Why couldn't these guys just... The bond formed within a stressful and emotionally draining work environment knew no bounds. It couldn't just be contained to one individual. Why couldn't these jerks see that??
Well, at least Wheezy understood it. And Greasy, to an extent... Maybe it was more of a pride thing between him, Psycho and Smartass. If that was the case, then she could get this fixed no prob-
"Alright then. How about a fight?"
Blinking back into the present, and getting over the jarring sudden silence that befell the living room, Poppy turned her head far back enough to see the source of the familiar voice; Shiny standing in the middle of the open front door, with what looked like a crate of her homebrewed alcohol tucked under her arm. The arguing must have been loud enough to cover Shiny coming inside. But either way, her announcing her presence caused the three weasels to actually pause in their bickering, "You guys heard what I said."
Oh god no, "I- Shiny, I don't think that- we don't want that to happen."
The weasel lady just shrugged as she kicked the door closed behind her, taking turns to look each and every one of them in the eye- including Psycho, despite the probability of him taking that as a challenge in the mood he was in now being high. She didn't even bother trying to hide her smirk while placing the moonshine on the nearest syrface as she reiterated, "If you guys want her to choose, why not prove your worthiness and fight for her?
"Shiny, for the love of God, no." Wheezy stated in a firm voice he didn't often use. Glancing to his team, he could see the gears turning in Psycho's and Greasy's heads as they briefly shared a look. Fortunately, though, Smartass at least was currently stuttering out a response in disbelief. Hopefully, that meant the boss' sanity was coming back.
"Too late, Cowboy."
"No! No, not too late! Guys!-"
"You know what?!" Finally. Smartass was being the leader he should have been from the start. Standing up and pointing a finger at the mischievous woman, who just raised an amused brow right back at him, he snapped, "You don't get to come in here and-"
Though he was too late. The time for actual sense in this house had passed. That was made obvious when Smartass was sent flying over his chair and across the room. After a straightjacket clad weasel launched himself right at him. Psycho' battle screech and Smartass' cursing and gun clicking filled the room, and all Greasy did was pull out his switchblade and started cleaning it; preparing himself for war.
Although his expression remained partially neutral, his shaking hands while he lit up his whole pack and jumped right out of his seat showed how absolutely done he was. He wasn't going to bother trying to pull those maniacs away from each other. Not when he didn't even want to make a big deal out of this in the first place, "I'm out."
"PSYCHO NO!" While Wheezy was walking away from the others, Poppy leaped up to her feet with intentions of trying to break up the fight. Though before she could take a step towards the brawl, she was stopped when Shiny placed her well manicured paw on her shoulder. Looking behind her, Poppy watched her shake her head, silently telling her 'it's not worth it, honey', "Shiny!-"
"Let them get it out of their system. They clearly need it, sugar." The woman casually shrugged. The tiny smirk on her lips, though, showed she had more selfish reasons for starting this between them... And that she wasn't going to even try to hide it, "Besides, it's funny how easy they all are. Isn't it?"
"N-No! I can't let my work marriages fall apart!"
"Oh, please. This'll get through to them better than 'sitting down and talking it out' ever would. And you know it." Shiny sighed- not as dramatically as Greasy was renowned for, but there was a hint of drama behind it- before wrapping her arms around the rabbits shoulders and pulling her around and close, making Poppy completely face her now. Good thing, too. As the pencil holder that flew behind Poppy would have hit her in the eye otherwise. Even though Poppy was upset, the look of worry and slight anger towards her was absolutely adorable, and only made Shiny's grin broaden, "Besides, it doesn't really matter in the end. Does it?"
The tiny frown on Poppy's face faltered at that. Though not because she was comprehending how close her best friend was now, "How?"
"'Cause you and I both know that out of everybody here, I'm your true work spouse."
"Oh my god-"
"Hey! I didn't say anything about being the only one! I'm just saying that I'm the matriarch of your little work harem~"
Somehow, despite her soured mood, despite the waging three-way war happening just mere feet from them, Shiny still managed to get a smile, and even a little chuckle, out of her. Shaking her head, Poppy decided in that moment to just press her forehead against her favorite lady's crown, and enjoy this tiny moment between them while it could last, "You're terrible."
Not paying any mind to the sounds of agony from the three men, or the crashing and breaking of wood, or Smartass' "WHERE'D PSYCHO GET THE LAWN CHAIR!?!?", the dancer just touched noses with her little rabbit and giggled alongside her, "I know~"
While the girls were distracted, Stupid poked his head out of the kitchen doorway to see what was causing so much of a rucus. Crumbs of ceral still unwiped from his lips, "What's going-"
One look at the three feral weasels, a mising Wheezy, and Poppy and Shiny completely forgetting the world around them, Stupid had made probably the smartest decision he ever hsad made in his life at that moment. He quickly and quietly slipped back in the kitchen to finish his food, "Nevermind!"
This got a little genuine Popshine'y at the end of the crack. I don't regret it XD
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darlingpassion · 8 months
Okay I need to go to sleep because i close at work tomorrow and I already stayed up too late cuz I had a need the clean the whole house, but I had to ask this!!
I need to know- how would Terry respond if any one of the Toon Patrol tried to Come Onto Him? XD 😏 Would he say yes to any of them? Would he get the hell outta there? I must know XD
Right, now that I've thrown a spanner into the works, goodnight! XD 💤💤💤
Ohhhhh my god I did not expect this kinda ask today. I love it XD
My poor Terry. First Rena, now these assholes. Will he ever catch a break? (Probably not)
Alright! Let's go through weasel by weasel.
Short answer: "I thought he was a kid??"
Long answer: No, Terry doesn't think he's a literal kid XD but he did think Smartass looked pretty young to be in a bar setting (it's the height and the hat shielding the face. Shhh don't tell Smarty-). The angry weasel ain't his type, so Terry would brush him off after getting over the realization that this man is in his mid 30's.
Also, this is absolutely Terry reacting to Smartass in the bar if he was mean like Shiny XD
Short answer: "... Shiny, come get your man before he makes'a fool 'a himself!"
Long answer: Hmmm... It's iffy with Terry. Like, he can see why Shiny thinks he's handsome physically, he can appreciate what Greasy offers in looks. But unfortunately, the green bastard ain't got game XD and Terry can see that, and is not up for Greasy's loony pervert shenanigans 😅 so yeah, Shiny can keep him. Greasy'll be house trained under her better than with him 😅
Short answer: *side eyes Wheezy* "..." *grins in 'I'm game if you are'*
Long answer: Wheezy is where it's at with Terry. For starters, he and the weasel are part of the same old, kinda gross group. Wheezy is far worse than Terry with smoking, but they're both still tired old men who are buddies. And it also helps that they both speak practically the same lamguage; no words needed, only vibes. They're both slow, a little lazy, and Terry knows that Wheezy won't expect their fucking around to go anywhere past a friend's with benefits sort of thing... Also it doesn't hurt that Wheezy is pretty good looking whether or not he showered that day-
Short answer: "Wheezy for fucks sake, get your fuckin' dog outta here!"
Long answer: I can't imagine Psycho flirting with Terry, but for comedy's and arguments sake, let's say he wants that old man rat XD and Psycho when he flirts... Doesn't look like flirting 😅 Terry can tell what his intentions are, he's been around long enough to recognize how someone is trying to flirt even if they don't have the best game But he absolutely is not going to bring that rabid animal in bed. He prefers his crotch unscarred, thank you very much XD that rabbit girl can take this one. She seems to have a knack for the crazy men.
Short answer: "... Shit, ok. I can see it-"
Long answer: Look, it's a giant, fat, goofy and cuddly weasel!!! Who can resist that???? Granted, Stu's company isn't as relaxing as Wheezy's is (Terry's gotta verbally engage with the dummy. Answer so many questions. Terry is paitent, but not a talker XD), but if Stupid showed interest, Terry would definitely consider it. And if Stu is shaking up those fruity drinks you said he makes, well shit how can any sensible man resist that?
Tldr; Terry would be down to fuck Wheezy and Stupid, maybe Greasy... Smartass ain't his type, and Psycho is too much for him XDD
Thanks for sending this ask in! Ohhh I gotta send you a similar ask now, hang on-
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Simba+Timon+Pumbaa AU with the You and the Toon Patrol
Greasy: -Ahem... So, where ya from?
Y/N: Who cares? I cant go back.
Psycho: Ahhh, you're an outcast! That's great. So are we!
Wheezy: What'd you do, kid?
Y/N: Something terrible,.. but I don't wanna talk about it...
Smartass: Good! We don't wanna hear about it.
Stupid: C'mon, boss! *Turns to you, a sad look on his big dumb face* Anything we can do?
Y/N: Not unless you can change the past...
Stupid: You know, kid, its in times like these that my buddy Greasy here likes to say- you gotta put your behind, in your past ^^
Greasy: Wh?- No no no-
Stupid: I mean-
Greasy: Amateur.
Smartass: Lie down, before you hurt yourself.
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Smarty x Savy Dancing With Musical Notes & Hearts Around Them (2023)
This Is Both A Drawing Request & Gift Art
Credit for Savannah "Savy" goes to Heartsissopure
Credit for Who Framed Roger Rabbit Movie goes to Robert Zemeckis
I hope I did okay with this, and yes I gave Smarty some pants in this drawing.
as to what music could be playing as they are dancing...
I guess it could be anything, maybe like that one song I like from the first Hotel Transylvania Movie, that is either called “My Zing” or “Your My Zing”.
okay I decided, the song they are dancing to in this drawing, is that song. XD
I’m weird, and I nickname myself The Embodiment Of Weirdness.
the title of Embodiment of Ego, would belong to Grunkle Abel, which is what I’m viewing him as being the embodiment of ego now because of certain reasons....but anyway I hope I did okay on this, and I’m glad I was finally about to draw it a few days ago this month.
Smarty giving a wink does add something to the drawing, even if it might seem like they aren’t dancing, but they are still suppose to be.
maybe I will do another drawing of one of the Toon Patrol this year, I can come up with some ideas, like is it weird to fan headcanon Psycho from the Toon Patrol, as being a Nonbinary-Boy who’s pronouns are They/Them & He/Him.
if they ever make a new remake of the Who Framed Roger Rabbit Movie, but like handled by those who made two awesome Sonic Movies, where Eggman is Smart but Sassy, and has Agent Stone clearly crushing on the “good” doctor.
then maybe they could end up making Psycho into a Nonbinary Character.
Disney, as great as they can be, but they have their not so great moments at times, so if they form a partnership with Paramount, and let Paramount handle the remake of Who Framed Roger Rabbit or like a sequel that has Eddie and Dolores’s Great-Granddaughter or Great-Grandson in it as the main human friend of Roger who helps him and his wife, then that would be awesome.
I got to say this about the last episode of The Owl House, at least they didn’t pull a Twilight Sparkle or Star Butterfly...which one didn’t stop Celestia, Luna and Discord from turning three creatures to stone, and other decides to destroy the magic, and basically make magic the scapegoat, even if Star and her family had misused that very same magic.
don’t get me wrong, still love MLPFIM and SVTFOE, but I come to question their moral compass I guess, and if Sunset Shimmer were there just as Celestia, Luna and Discord were about turn living creatures to stone, then maybe she would of stop them......The Element Of Empathy is more important than we realized, and Chrysalis reaction to her forming a bond with Cozy and Tirek, but rejecting it, might have to do with her trauma.
anyway, if Disney and Paramount did form a partnership, where Paramount ends up making the new Roger Rabbit Movie, they could possibly make it just as awesome as the first and second Sonic Movies.
maybe even show Smarty using a cellphone, and when in the drivers seat with maybe Greasy sitting next to him.
his ringtone could play a song that could be anything...
maybe “I Make Those Good Girls Go Bad” by Cobra Starship...
Greasy’s ringtone, would likely be “Valentino” by Years & Years, and MNEK.
if there was a emoji I could use, it would be one with a smirk and eyes that  look to either the left or right....
I like that song, the first time I heard it, was I guess from a fan Hazbin Hotel Music Video Animation, that song just fits so well with that Overlord with the same name as the Valentino.
can you picture Valentino from Hazbin Hotel, hitting on Greasy from Who Framed Roger Rabbit...?
even if it would be in a Fanon Timeline, but still, can you picture the look on Greasy’s face....?
and picture Jessica and any other Girls that Greasy had hit on, watching and saying all at once “Not So Funny Now, Is It...?!”
that would be interesting to see, but anyway like I said before, I hope I did okay on this, I did try the best I could, and I think the stuff I added into the drawing really looks nice and awesome to me.
and I hope the one who this requested drawing is for, likes it. :)   
also even if one of the tags says “toon patrol weasels” it just as the one toon weasel person in this, but anyway when I can I might do some other drawings of The Toon Patrol. :D                                             
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plutokneeurm · 3 months
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hii heres like a little smarty weasel clothes study before I delete it in my pc because for some reason, my laptops onedrive HATES IT and wants it deleted, so erm yeah.
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loveforskekshod · 6 months
Smarty the weasel, leader of the notorious Toon Patrol, was known for his tough and ruthless demeanor. But to his wife Wheezelene, he was a loving and caring husband.
As Wheezelene's pregnancy progressed, Smarty's protective instincts kicked in even more. He made sure she was comfortable and well taken care of, often showering her with affection.
One day, as Wheezelene sat in their cozy den, her belly swollen with their unborn child, Smarty couldn't resist the urge to give her growing belly some love. He gently caressed the round bump, feeling the kicks and movements of their little one inside.
Wheezelene giggled and placed her hand on top of Smarty's, feeling the warmth and love radiating from him. 'Our little weasel is going to be so lucky to have you as a father,' she said, smiling lovingly at him.
Smarty's heart swelled with pride and love. He couldn't wait to meet their child and teach them all the tricks of the trade. But most of all, he looked forward to showering them with all the love and affection he could muster.
To Wheezelene and their unborn child, he was no longer the tough and ruthless Toon Patrol leader. He was simply a loving husband and soon-to-be father, ready to protect and cherish his family with all his might.
Smarty wrapped his arms around Wheezelene's swollen belly, feeling the kicks and movements of their unborn child. He couldn't wait to hold their little bundle of joy in his arms.
'Hey there, little one,' he whispered, placing a soft kiss on Wheezelene's belly. 'Daddy loves you already.'
Wheezelene smiled down at him, her paws resting on top of his.
'I can't believe we're going to be parents,' she said, her eyes shining with love. 'I know you'll be a great dad, Smarty.'
He nuzzled his face against her belly, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. He had always been a tough and ruthless member of the Toon Patrol, but now, with Wheezelene and their child, he felt a softer side of himself emerging.
'I'll do everything in my power to protect you both,' he vowed, his voice filled with determination.
Wheezelene placed a paw on his cheek, brushing away a tear that had escaped from his eye.
'I know you will,' she said, her voice filled with love and trust. 'We'll make a great team, just like we always have.'
Smarty smiled, feeling grateful for the love and support of his wife. He couldn't wait to start this new chapter of their lives together, as a family.
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trashogram · 2 months
What do you think the Patrol's nicknames for you would be? Personally I think Smartass favours old fashioned 1940s Brooklyn, New York ones like "dollface" and "angel-face" while Greasy goes for Latin Spanish, Puerto Rican ones like "mamí" "chiquita" "bonita" etc. He also does the kissing up the arm routine ala Gomez Addams while Smartass prefers privacy with his partner, but he'll happily "cohort" (escort) you places by letting you take his arm which is pretty funny considering how much taller you are than him.
100% I agree w those nicknames from them. I actually like the idea of Smartass calling Reader ‘Cookie’ and ‘Kid’. It’s like silly but also a bit demeaning, sort of in-line with his bossy persona and attitude initially, and belies a growing fondness. Grease def lays it on thick no matter what he calls you. Probably says your given name with a lot of… passion, as well lol
Stupid would probably call you ‘Lady’ or even ‘Ma’am’ and Wheezy would use ‘Doll’ maybe?
I also think Psycho would call you ‘Bunny’. Another 40s endearment but also denoting his crazed weasel tendencies.
How dare you put it in my head of Smarty ‘cohorting’ us around while he’s like 3ft tall 😂 That’s so flippin’ cute omg — any of the weasels walking around with you arm-in-arm, or even just hand-in-hand, is too much for me that’s adorable ahhhhhhh
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just-kit-ink · 1 year
Ok your answers are AMAZING. They have catapulted me in a Smarty-Pop mood. I'm not feeling too good so I was gonna save reblogging them later. But I knew I had to send this ask in at least.
On the ball! I tried to Google venetian style costumes for Smartass to see what would fit him best. Assuming I git the right time period, I can see him wearing this! Except in his colors and without the mask (and wearing the diamond he may or may not have stolen from a king before Doom hired them all)
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I mean, with how flamboyant his suit is in the movie, I can imagine how his ballroom outfit would look. Good luck getting the other weasels into something this formal, though XD
And Poppy!! She's not only more low-key in general, she also has been starting to get worried about people finding our her identity as the run away lady too (Kitty worrying about people finding out her real identity has made Poppy wonder her own safety as well). So she wouldn't go too all out for her dress. This image was the best example I could find of what I imagine her wearing. Just make the sleeves a bit longer and change the color to a more light dusty rose (she would have just gone for plain white, if she wasn't trying to catch someone's eye ;)). From afar it may look plain, but up close you'd be able to see all the work and talent that was put in the dress.
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Instead of glitter/jewels though, I'm thinking Poppy would have sewn in a more floral pattern? Oh! Maybe even sewn in actual fake flowers in the neckline? Diamonds are more Smartass' thing anyway XD
Can you imagine these two on the dance floor??? He's like a peacock with his apparel, but she's just as stunning with her simple yet elegant look ^^
Ok now that we have clothes out of the way; I'm just imagining these two looking at each other across the ballroom and just being stunned by what they see. Especially Smartass. People move between them, but they only have eyes on each other. Like- like when Sarah and Jareth saw each other during As the Workd Falls Down. Except Smartass' jaw is dropping XD (not that Poppy is so calm herself. She's got nothing but the sounds of her internal screaming echoing in her mind while trying to keep a cool front XD)
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I can see Poppy taking the initiative and making her way to him! Even while he's busy elbowing Greasy for his comment XD If Kitty can go dance with that duke, then she can go ask Smartass if he'd like to dance ^^ But then that stupid knight that has been harassing her this whole time comes over to her and stops her, talking about how beautiful she looks- for a peasent- and expects her to come dance with him. Poppy doesn't want to, of course. The only eyes she wanted on her tonight were the bandit leaders! But he keeps cutting her off, and even tried grabbing her hand when she tried to just slip away.
Smartass sees this when he's done berating Greasy, and storms on over. Not caring if anybody sees because he's had it up to here with that knight now. He might not even bother with words at this point, he's that ticked off. While the knight is recuperating, Smarty grabs Poppys hand, gently despite the hard look in his eyes, and then walks away from the scene, and his patrol position that Doom assigned him, with her. Maybe he asks her himself for a dance, to which Poppy would reply "Yes" all happily and relieved.
Maybe during the dance, they open their hearts to each other more than before. Like Poppy asks him if he could ever love someone who runs from their past, and he asks her why she's so nice even to a rotten bandit like him.
But yeah, that's what's been in my head ever since you answered my ask XD I wish so so badly I had the energy to write this out or could just draw it.
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//I love every part of this! Smartass peacocking, Poppy's understated beauty, Kitty gaining confidence, the knight getting weasel-blocked! 😂 It's all so perfect!
And OOOOH that scene from Labyrinth is actually what I had in mind when I thought of Kitty in a dark fantasy AU! It fits Poppy too! Dark-haired maiden meets mysterious flamboyant man who's part of a magical world and seduces her even though he's on the corrupt end of the moral spectrum.
This is all really well thought out and yes, I am so imagining Smartass in that outfit!
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ohpollenpowder · 7 months
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Rotation time! Since...I can't remember if I did it last week or not. I don't think I did. Astrëllä here is and always has been my namesake! I wouldn't have originally pinned myself for an Asura but she works too well. So terrible miss smarty-pants here has gotten her hands on a pistol now... I imagine she's found some way to weasel her way into the Ward and is currently tutting around either the Archipelago or in the Tower itself. Probably the former seeing as it's always got something going on and that means there's plenty of things to learn.
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marinerainbow · 11 months
//OKAY so...What if one of Poppy's returning shorts gets a bad review when it's re released in one of ToonTown's theatres and some snobby toon critic has written it and forgets about it the next day. Well Smartass sees it in the paper and he is pissed https://youtu.be/QF2i6vLImh0?si=5eJA04UwJqhr-MAN
Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! Oh my gosh. I love the idea that he wouldn't care about his S/O's acting life if they were a former star, but I also love the thought of him doing this! Disrespect his gal? Make her feel bad about herself? Oh hell no.
And Poppy, she's conflicted because although she didn't like that time of her life, it still hurts to see someone say such a thing about something she tried so hard to do right. But also, this critic is coming years later, so that's another reason for her to just try to brush this guy's words off. If this critic went after her, I imagine not only would he have to comment on one of her more favored cartoons- specifically the one where she was predicted by a psychic to have terrible luck (she doesn't get hurt too bad in it, so she doesn't mind that short. Also, it plays into a more Twilight Zone like horror, which would be Poppy's prefer genre of horror), but also made some really mean implications about her personal life that are really unnecessary.
Actually, you know what? Here. Lemme write this out.
Smartass was just focused on his coffee this morning. Or at least he had, until out of the corner of his eye, he saw his wife quickly fold the morning paper back up and tuck it away somewhere. That was enough to raise his brow; it wasn't an uncommon occurrence in their household for Poppy to read something in the news that she didn't like. Usually, it was about something that he and his boys did. However, during those times, she would send him a look and ask her concerned questions, like 'Did you really have to hurt him?' Or 'What if you guys had gotten killed!?'. Poppy wouldn't just try to hide whatever she read unless it was something that would make him mad, "What's that, Pops?"
"O-Oh! It's nothing. Really." She had been getting better about her stutter, though it still reared up whenever she got emotional, or scared. Which meant that whatever was in the paper should be brought to his attention, "Nothing interesting happening. Just talk about that new golf course on the other side of town. Nothing more."
"Nothin' happening in Toontown? 'Ya expect me to believe 'dat?"
Poppy had always been a terrible liar. The way she nervously tapped her fingers on her mug showed that. Though the disheartned look in her eyes was wgat really made the weasel suspicious. Why was his gal getting this kind of worked up over the news? "Um... You know, it could just be a quiet time in town! We should enjoy it while we-"
He didn't bother letting her finish before he huffed and strode over to the table, quickly grabbing the paper she poorly hid in one of the chairs. Poppy jumped to her feet and tried to reach for it, though Smartass managed to keep it out of her reach while he scanned the pages for whatever could get the rabbit so upset and prompt her to hide it from him.
What he found made him see red. That new toon critic in town, Earl Gray or whatever his name was, had written up a review for various old cartoons that were being re-run in the theater in Uptown. The only one he cared about though, was the one about Poppy's old short, "Too ashamed a'yourself to stay outta the spotlight 'fa years!?"
"Amor, it's nothing!" Poppy proclaimed, desperately trying to calm him down. She didn't even try to reach for the newspaper anymore; Smartass already read the review. There was nothing she could do but try to convince him to ignore it, "Smarty, please-"
Though unfortunately for her, the gangster continued to read angrily. Whatever the critic said about the short itself, he didn't pay it any mind. But it was the attacks on his wife that got him digging holes into the paper, "So this bub thinks that just 'cause you ain't gluin' yourself to the camera, you can't stand the thought of yourself?? He thinks you're that talentless and conceited???"
"Smarty, please, it doesn't matter! It's just one opinion. I don't care!"
"Oh, like hell you don't. I saw the look in your eye." He retorted before holding the paper up for her to see, as if she hadn't read it before him, "You don't even care about what he said about your marriage to the 'villain toon who tried to dip the whole town'? You don't care about him callin' you stupid??"
Poppy sucked in a deep breath, remembering what Earl Gray had said. Not just about her marriage, but about her love life in general. And how Henry, along with her acting 'choices', were all evidence of her 'not having much behind that pretty face'. She didn't want to care about it. She shouldn't if she didn't even care about her acting life that much... But she still did, "I... I... I-I shouldn't. It doesn't matter what one person thinks..."
Instead of replying, Smartass just roughly tore out the review from the paper and stuffed it into his pocket, before storming out of the dining room, "Boys! We got a new job t'do!"
"Smartass, no!"
(Yes. Earl Gray is a stuck up tea toon)
I'm gonna leave the part where he finds the critic out, because you already put it beautifully in your ask. But I just had to write this out!
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
I just wanted to say this because this idea just randomly popped into my head and I thought that maybe you’d like the idea.
Just thinking about how Smarty would find out that you have an ex and you two are still close but not in a romantic way and Smarty would repress his jealous emotions so bad. The only time it’ll show that his eye would twitch out of jealousy.
Overall, I think he’d be an eye twitcher of a jealous weasel.
Omg yessss! I agree, haha XDD Bonus imagine: his s/o never notices the eye twitching- but all the other weasels do XD
Greasy: ... that's not good. Uh, B-boss?? Can I get you a uh... a tea??... or a muscle relaxant??
Psycho: *looks at Smartass and his truth-telling eye* *turns head and looks at Y/N talking to their ex/friend on the phone* *turns back to Smartass* *turns back to Y/N* ... oopsie daisies.
Stupid: Uhhh boss?? You got a... Oh, you're fine?? Okay! ^^ *two minutes later* Hi Y/N! ^^ OH yeah, I'm fine, but I think the boss's getting a migraine...
Wheezy: ... *sigh* You need a smoke?
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