#smash nbc headcanons
phierecycled · 2 years
Marvin, answering the phone: Shalom from Hell.
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poorguysheadcanon · 5 years
Whizzer’s Got A Type
ohhhhhhhh my god you guys so basically when i started this side blog i did not think i was going to be writing any full-length fics. this all changed when i started rewatching the show Smash and came up with might be my favorite headcanons i’ve ever had??? but anyway, after like 10 days of writing, editing,  and countless conversations about these characters, i have about 3200 words of a fic i genuinely enjoy, and i hope yall do too!! also, huge huge thank you to @browniemixinawaffleiron, @sandfordsmostwanted, and @cookies-for-all for helping me with this!!!
After Marvin had gotten back from work today, he and Whizzer had fought for hours. Whizzer was late to making dinner and Marvin had been livid. The younger man had enough of his boyfriend’s screams and decided he was done playing housewife for the day. He grabbed his jacket and walked around for a while before eventually finding the closest bar, knowing he needed a drink or two. As Whizzer approached the bar, he saw the back of a man’s head that he knew he could recognize anywhere. His face flushed with anger and he began yelling insults at his boyfriend while hitting his shoulder. How dare he come here? Whizzer was the one who needed this bar, not Marvin who had booze at his place. As he began to say something particularly cruel, a man with a soft confused expression turned around. This man, who looked exactly like Marvin, glanced up at Whizzer and said “Well, I’m certainly happy I’m not actually the guy you’re so pissed at. Care to explain?” and Whizzer sat down next to his boyfriends' doppelganger, got them both a drink and explained his situation. He spared no detail and ended the story with him walking out mere hours ago. The man, who had introduced himself as Tom Levitt, was interested in every word Whizzer had to say. Whizzer was certainly not used to the look on Tom’s face, one of sincerity. He hadn’t seen that since he started sleeping with Marvin. When Whizzer finished up his tale, Tom shook his head before raising his hand to get the bartender’s attention. “You are definitely in need of another drink,” he said before ordering another round for the two of them. They talked for a few more hours at the barstools until their conversation moved to a taxi, and then Toms’ apartment, and the conversation seemed to cease once they reached Tom’s bed.
The next morning, Tom rolled over to find a handsome man in his bed and he smirked to himself. He carefully got up, not wanting to wake the man sleeping peacefully, and got up to make them both some tea. As he was taking the kettle off the stove, he felt strong arms wrap around his waist from behind him. He smiled a bit when a kiss was pressed to his cheek before he felt Whizzer’s head rest on his shoulder for a second before he walked over and sat on Tom’s couch. They drank their tea in comfortable silence before Whizzer finally spoke up. “Well, I should probably get back to the war zone… try and smooth things over.”
Tom felt his heart pang but he pushed it down, offering a smile and a kiss on the cheek instead. “I wish you all my luck, but do call me again if he ever acts as dumb as he did last night.”
And call him again he did. Sooner than Tom expected, if he was honest. They had little fights here and there for about a week but things got back to normal. Well, normal for them. But after a little while, they had another big fight and Toms’ phone buzzed during a late night writing session with Julia. Tom sheepishly explained his plight to his best friend who promptly rolled her eyes while telling him this affair was an awful idea. “Tom, sweetheart, sleeping with this guy just because you look like his boyfriend is a terrible idea. This is just gonna end up hurting you in the end.” Tom just shook his head and began grabbing his coat before saying, “Well Jules, not all of us have men falling at our feet. This is what I have. Plus, he’s great in bed and shares my taste in tea. So I like it, no matter how it ends.”
After about a month of this went on, Whizzer going behind Marvin’s back far more frequently than he originally intended to. Eventually, this all had to come to a stop. One morning, Whizzer had forgotten to cover up the hickeys on his neck and Marvin took notice. Marvin questioned him and Whizzer revealed what had been happening, making jokes about Marv’s cute little doppelganger and calling him Marvin’s “better half.” Marvin hid his heartbreak behind more arguments and after two full days of screaming matches, their 9 month (10 month) relationship ended after a game of chess. Whizzer called Tom, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice as he walked out of Marvin’s place with his bag. Tom was actually in the middle of a workshop for he and Julia’s musical but as soon as he heard the other man’s tone, he called out for the rest of the day and met him at his own apartment. He made Whizzer tea and sat on the couch with him, rubbing his arms every once in a while. Whizzer got tired and laid his head on Tom’s lap, prompting him to play with his hair. Whizzer fell asleep and Tom smiled contently. He took this as a good sign. The sleeping man was now single and still chose to spend his time with Tom, that had to mean something. Tom had thought before that he was getting too attached to Whizzer, but when he looked down and saw him all curled up, Tom decided he got attached just the right amount.
A few months went by and the two men grew closer, all while not getting too serious. Whizzer spent almost all of his at Tom’s apartment, content to spend his time listening to Tom and sometimes Julia work on the Marilyn Monroe musical that he was about 90% sure they were calling Bombshell. Tom even got Whizzer to sing a few times, which Whizzer was sure wasn’t beneficial to anyone unless Tom was curious if his songs could still sound decent if someone tone deaf sang them. When Tom wasn’t working, he and Whizzer would go out to various bars together. It was a happy blur for six months.  Life was much calmer for Whizzer like this; no bickering, no insults, just kisses and affection. And although it was nice, something still felt off. Whizzer liked Tom, he really did. Not only was he sweet and funny, he just so happened to look exactly like the man he had loved. It was the perfect scenario, Marvin’s looks but a kind personality. He should have been head over heels for Tom, but he wasn’t. Tom wasn't Marvin and Whizzer needed to find a way out before he hurt Tom, more than he probably already was going to.
Tom had been in rehearsals all day, Bombshell was two weeks away from going to Boston and everyone was on high alert. At least when night fell, Tom went home to find Whizzer at his apartment most days. Nothing made him happier, his work life was starting to come together (even though it was beyond stressful) and his home life felt happier than it ever had before. He came home to something that shook his world that day though, Whizzer packing a bag. He coughed a bit to let his presence be known and Whizzer looked at him with a pained expression. “I hoped I had finished packing before you got back, but we need to talk.”
Tom bit his lip but nodded, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to him. Whizzer sat down next to him and put a hand on Toms' leg. Whizzer attempted to explain how he was feeling carefully, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Tom but he knew that was unavoidable. He did the best he could to soften the blow. Tom was holding up okay, all things considered. Hiding his emotions when he needed to was one of his best talents. That all went out the window when he tried to mumble out, “Are you… are you going back to him?” And all of a sudden, Tom was a puddle of tears and Whizzer didn’t know what to do. He wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his back.
“No.. Not yet at least. He’s just on my mind still, I don’t think he’s leaving it any time soon. And it’s not fair to you that I keep this going, as much as I want to. Because I really like you, Tom, you’re such a great guy. It’s just not fair to you. I’m so sorry, Tom,” he whispered and continued to rub his back. Tom quickly forced himself to calm down and he wiped his eyes, looking at Whizzer before kissing his cheek.
“You’re a great guy too Whizz, if you do go back to him, make sure he deserves you. You deserve to be treated so much better than what you got before, if you do ever go back to him make sure you’re treated with respect.” He said and got up slowly, wiping his eyes again. Whizzer got up as well and kissed his cheek. “Take care of yourself Tom,” he said before quickly grabbing the rest of his stuff and walking out, leaving Tom alone, completely heartbroken.
Tom sat for a while on the couch, drinking scotch and trying not to cry again. He eventually called Julia, not trusting his voice but knowing she would understand him. She picked up and immediately heard his shaky breath. “Tom, what happened?”
He sniffled a bit and mumbled out a quiet “He left… he... He said he still loved his ex and that it wasn’t fair to me or something…?” and Julia grabbed her coat and began to walk over to his apartment. Tom sighed and said “You were right, I guess. Don’t tell me you told me so though.” Julia chuckled sadly “Of course I’m not gonna tell you I told you so, at least not for a few days.” They stayed up a few hours drinking and talking about the men in their lives, eventually passing out on Toms’ couch.
Almost a year and a half after that night, things were looking up for both Tom and Whizzer. Whizzer and Marvin were back together, much happier than they ever had been before. Marvin had grown a lot over the course of their breakup and treated Whizzer with respect, something the younger man didn’t think Marvin was capable of the last time around. Bombshell had finally made it to Broadway and things were going really well for Tom, he was even nominated for a Tony for Best Director. With the two of them so busy, they rarely thought of each other. This changed the night of the Tony Awards while Whizzer was sick in bed.
After a day of being pampered by Marvin, Whizzer was curled up in his boyfriend’s arms in bed. Whizzer was very whiny when he was sick, even though all he had was a common cold. Marvin made sure each of Whizzers’ requests were met, even the ridiculous ones like having his bath at exactly 107 degrees. The day was finally winding down and the two had the Tonys on as background noise. Everything was quiet in a comfortable way until a certain someone's name was called out on the TV for Best Original Score. Although Whizzer had complained of a sore throat all day, he screamed. That was Tom, his Tom, on his TV screen accepting an award. After his general excitement died down, he explained to Marvin who that was. Marvins face paled a bit when he realized this was his so-called “better half” doppelganger that Whizzer had been with all those months ago. Whizzer was too caught up in his excitement to notice, already grabbing his laptop to look for tickets. “Marv, we have to see it. We have to go see Tom’s show, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner.” The older man just sighed, knowing there was no way around this, and took out his credit card.
The soonest the two men could get tickets was two weeks away and Whizzer was both counting down the days and incredibly anxious all at once. On the one hand, he was so excited to see this show. He remembered the days he spent watching Tom and Julia write songs, the times he would stop into the workshop to see Tom at work, and of course all the times Tom would sing various Bombshell songs to him. On the other hand, seeing this show meant seeing Tom again. After leaving Tom’s apartment that night, Whizzer hadn’t seen the man. As much as he wanted to see Tom, he was scared that Tom didn’t want to see him.
The day finally came and Marvin and Whizzer arrived to the theatre, dressed to the nines. They had relatively close seats and Whizzer was so excited. The second the curtain opened, he was in a trance. The show was fantastic and he felt an overwhelming sense of pride for Tom. By the act one closer, Whizzer had already cried twice. The first time was during “Never Give All The Heart” because he could just hear Tom’s struggles with love in there. Even though Marilyn (or more accurately Ivy) was singing, he knew that this song was personal to his ex. He cried once more at the act one finale, holding Marvin’s hand so tight the older man thought he was losing circulation. During intermission, the two stood in the lobby discussing the plot and how much Whizzer adored it. Marvin did as well, but with his underlying anxieties about Tom, he didn’t want to admit how fantastic it really was.
In the middle of their conversation, a staff member came walking up to the pair. “Mr. Brown? Tom Levitt has asked that you and your guest come to the stage door after the show so he can give you a tour.” Whizzer smiled excitedly and nodded his head, thanking them as they walked off. It was really happening, after all this time he really was going to see Tom again. Just as he was about to talk with Marvin about it, the lights flashed as a signal that intermission was about to end. They quickly found their seats again and the curtain rose again for the second act. This act also made Whizzer emotional but nothing could have prepared him for the death grip on his hand during “Hang the Moon.” He glanced over at Marvin to see what was wrong and he saw him desperately trying to hold back tears. Whizzer rubbed his arm gently and leaned over to whisper to him, “Love it’s okay to cry, no one’s gonna see you.” And that was all Marvin needed to let his tears flow. When the lights came on after curtain call, Marvin was still desperately wiping at his cheeks to get rid of the evidence of his emotions. Whizzer gently wiped them away while softly telling him that it was normal for him to be crying. “Whizz it’s stupid, I shouldn’t be crying over a- I’m a grown man.”
“Marvin. It’s okay, you’re allowed to cry whenever you’d like. There’s nothing not normal about crying. You’ve seen me cry a bunch of times, is that not normal?”
“No, but that’s differ-“
“No it’s not babe, we’re both grown men. We both have emotions. It’s perfectly alright to let them show.”
Marvin stayed quiet for a second and wrapped his arms around Whizzer, thankful he had someone like him in his life. “Thank you, Whizz. I needed that.” The younger man gave his boyfriend a soft but sweet kiss before taking his hand and beginning to make their way to the stage door.
Once they reached the door, Whizzer pressed the buzzer and waited for the stage manager to open the door for them. He smiled and thanked the woman who led them back to Tom. It was now Whizzer’s turn to have a death grip on his boyfriend's hand. He released it the second Tom saw the two of them and was walking over with open arms. Whizzer quickly hugged him with a smile, Marvin standing back slightly to let the two have their moment. They exchanged pleasantries before Whizzer began to praise Bombshell. “Tom it's magical, really. I haven’t enjoyed a show this much in a long time. I just can’t believe those songs you’d sing to me have turned into this.”
Tom smiled sheepishly and shook his head. “Well it wasn’t just me, it was Julia, and Derek, and Eileen, and-”
“Tom stop, give yourself some credit. You’re so unbelievably talented, I’m so happy I get to see you shine like this.”
Tom blushed a bit and touched his shoulder. “Thank you, really Whizz. I’m so happy you got to see this show outside of me drunkenly singing to you.” When Marvin saw the blush creep onto Tom’s face, he walked up and put his arm around his boyfriend’s waist. Tom looked over at him and his eyes got wide for a second before going back to his signature smile. “Ah, you must be the famous Marvin. So happy to meet you.” They shook hands, Marvin making sure he had a firm handshake. Tom tensed a bit when he felt his hand crushed by Marvin’s but he just continued to smile.
Marvin would eventually walk off to let them talk once he was sure Tom wasn’t a threat. He walked over to Leigh Conroy, looking particularly starstruck. Whizzer looked over at him and saw his boyfriends eyes light up. He laughed slightly and looked back at Tom with a smile. “So… you and Marvin seem to have worked out, I’m really happy for you. He’s treating you better, right?”
“Yeah, so much better. It’s like night and day honestly, he’s wonderful,” he said as he glanced over at Marvin again, sighing happily. “So, enough about my relationship. Have you found anyone?” Whizzer asked him, hoping he found someone that gave him the love he gave others.
“I did, he sits on my desk all day and spins, his name is Tony.”
“No, I did.. One of them left and one… well, one died.” He said and looked down and Whizzer put his hand on his arm.
“Tom I’m so sorry.”
Tom nodded and smiled sadly. “Me too.” The two talked for a while, happy to catch up with each other. Their conversation eventually died down when Ivy walked up to Tom and cuddled up to his arm, knowing exactly who Whizzer was and how badly he had hurt Tom.
“I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met,” She said with a smile while giving him a slight side eye. Ignoring the side eye, Whizzer smiled.
“Oh my god, you’re Ivy Lynn. You were absolutely amazing in the show. I’m Whizzer, an old friend of Tom’s.” She smiled politely and thanked him before reminding Tom of plans they had for that night. Whizzer smiled softly. “We should probably get going anyway. It was great seeing you again Tom, really. Don’t be a stranger,” he said before giving him a quick hug and walking off to find Marvin.
“So that’s Whizzer, huh? Seems cute enough, but you really still think he was worth the heartache?” Ivy asked and looked up at Tom.
“Yeah... Yeah, I think he was.”
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tinymintywolf · 6 years
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video game date! (jiya is winning)
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Okay, if you're needing a distraction, tell me all about Gawain/Galahad! I've seen you mention them quite a few times, and I'm curious. I've seen King Arthur a few times but that was never a ship that occurred to me. (Admittedly, I may have been blinded by all the Arthur/Lancelot vibes ;P) So tell me what makes these two awesome! <3
Oooooh! *cracks knuckles* (insert that gif of Tom Hanks gleefully preparing to type here, the wifi on the train isn't nearly good enough to load the gif search XD )
SO. Gawain/Galahad, my darling brothers-in-arms. They're a bit subtle and understated, if I'm honest, I was definitely looking at them with slash goggles on, but once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it (although it is a bit of a case of having to go looking for it XD ). They're together a lot of the time, there's a certain amount of banter (and to be fair most of my shippy headcanons take place offscreen, such as Galahad getting a bit snippy and insecure about the bit where Gawain talks about going home to Sarmatia and having a wife, and hitting Lancelot with his axe if Lance even thinks about going near her), but the thing that really does it for me is that scene in the 'town square' of the fortress, when Arthur has to come and tell his knights that they're going to have to do One Last Mission before they can go free. Gawain, who I headcanon as the sensible, steadfast, utterly loyal type (his loyalty is to Arthur, not to Rome), says something to the effect of "I'm with you. Galahad too." Galahad is a) drunk and b) rather more impulsive than Gawain and c) incandescently angry, and I can't remember if he actually says anything at this blatant assumption that where Gawain goes, he goes (IT'S TRUE), but he smashes his wine-jug on the floor and strops off. Gawain heaves a long-suffering sigh and follows him, and of course we don't see what happens, but I am convinced it's a long and rather fraught conversation about the effrontery of the bishop, the absolute injustice of it all, and by the way, where does Gawain get off thinking he can speak for Galahad. At which Gawain patiently points out that he's been doing it for years, because let's face it they're basically of one mind about pretty much everything, and Gawain is just as angry as Galahad is, but someone has to keep their head around here.
It probably helped that I wasn't the only one in the fandom, there were a few of us and we definitely enabled each other XD But I went off in my own direction a bit and wrote several fics in which they're not particularly demonstrative or out-there, but they are absolutely all and everything to each other (they're the sort of couple who don't need to put it into words, they don't need to say what they mean to each other, they've been so close for so long that they just know). I've had Gawain being a quiet, patient, steady presence in the back of my head for almost as long as Legolas has been there (being somewhat similar in presence, actually, he's pretty quiet and steady too, most of the time), and I absolutely adore him. I was beside myself when I realised Joel Edgerton was playing Bertilak in The Green Knight, and when I realised they KISS, oh my GOD, both my Gawains at once! (I've been utterly in love with Gawain-the-mythological-character, as opposed to Gawain-from-the-2004-film, since I was about nine years old, and I am always a sucker for seeing him well portrayed. And KA2004 was...well, it's a very silly film and it has a very great many issues, but Gawain and Galahad are one of my absolute all-time OTPs/comfort ships - it's a bit of an old-fashioned you-have-to-go-looking-for-it kind of ship, but I love them to pieces.
I don't tend to go looking for KA fic any more, since the tags are absolutely flooded with Hannibal crossovers etc (thank you very much NBC for casting my Tristan and Galahad together in that...) but there is some great stuff out there (I can highly recommend my friend sashab's Arthur/Lancelot stuff!)...
omg, thank you for asking! <333333 anyone else want to ask me random stuff to distract me from studying and travelling? :D :D :D
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twicenominated · 2 years
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there is nothing as important or special as live theater.
TWICENOMINATED.   ivy lynn of nbc’s smash.    headcanon & season one based,  with a rewritten season two.   by zanza.
*   non-roleplay blogs don’t interact!
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viceadmrl · 2 years
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influenced heavily by headcanons and canon divergence,  of star trek,  by zanza.
carrd.    memes.    headcanons.   character study.
you might notice i’ve got a lot of blogs!  that means i do hop around a lot,  but i typically have a pretty narrow focus on one or two.  this does lead to the others having sporadic activity,  sometimes i’ll do one thing a month on a blog,  sometimes i’ll do more,  sometimes i’ll do less    if this bothers you,  please don’t feel obligated to stick around.  we’re just here to have a good time and i’ve figured out a system that’s working pretty well for me.  if you have interest in writing with any of my muses at all,  let me know!  even if i haven’t been active on them in a while,  i can promise that your interest in them will wake them up. if you want to stay in contact in general,  mutuals can add me on discord at zanza cinematic universe#4185.  
B’ELANNA TORRES,   star trek: voyager.   CASSIE LANG,   mixed 616 / mcu.   EMILY THORNE / AMANDA CLARKE,   abc’s revenge.   EVELYN ABBOTT,   a quiet place.   IVY LYNN,   nbc’s smash.   KATRINA CORNWELL,   star trek discovery. LAUREN BLOOM,   nbc’s new amsterdam.   LORELAI GILMORE,   wb’s gilmore girls.   LILY HOUGHTON,   disney’s jungle cruise.   MELLIE GRANT,   abc’s scandal.   NIC NEVIN,   fox’s the resident.   SEVEN OF NINE,   star trek: voyager  +  star trek: picard.   SHAWN SPENCER,   usa’s psych.   UNA CHIN-RILEY,   star trek.
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microstature · 3 years
influenced heavily by headcanons, 616,  and the mcu,  from marvel,  by zanza.
SHE/THEY*   /   27   /   MOUNTAIN TIME
carrd  (coming soon,  find rules here).    memes.    headcanons.   character study. 
you might notice i’ve got a lot of blogs!  that means i do hop around a lot,  but i typically have a pretty narrow focus on one or two.  this does lead to the others having sporadic activity,  sometimes i’ll do one thing a month on a blog,  sometimes i’ll do more,  sometimes i’ll do less    if this bothers you,  please don’t feel obligated to stick around.  we’re just here to have a good time and i’ve figured out a system that’s working pretty well for me.  if you have interest in writing with any of my muses at all,  let me know!  even if i haven’t been active on them in a while,  i can promise that your interest in them will wake them up. if you want to stay in contact in general,  mutuals can add me on discord at zanza cinematic universe#4185.  
AMY ABBOTT,   wb’s everwood.   B’ELANNA TORRES,   star trek: voyager.   CASSIE LANG,   mixed 616 / mcu.   EMILY THORNE / AMANDA CLARKE,   abc’s revenge.   EVELYN ABBOTT,   a quiet place.   IVY LYNN,   nbc’s smash.   LAUREN BLOOM,   nbc’s new amsterdam.   LORELAI GILMORE,   wb’s gilmore girls.   LILY HOUGHTON,   disney’s jungle cruise.   MELLIE GRANT,   abc’s scandal.   NIC NEVIN,   fox’s the resident.   SEVEN OF NINE,   star trek: voyager  +  star trek: picard.   SHAWN SPENCER,   usa’s psych.   UNA CHIN-RILEY,   star trek (coming soon).
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phierecycled · 3 years
That scene in SMASH where Tom sings Vienna to Kyle but make it Marvin and Whizzer
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twicenominated · 2 years
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influenced heavily by headcanons and canon divergence,  of nbc’s smash,  by zanza.
carrd.    memes.    headcanons.   character study.​
discord:  available upon request.
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