teamfricndship · 9 days
😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc?
MUNDAY  ASKS ! - Accepting
My favorite part is getting to write the characters I love because they mean so much to me. The rpc is amazing!
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badxsshottiexllie · 25 days
After saving New York from the chaos caused by Ice Dragon and Bonkers, it would appear that the teen had passed out. Considering she had only seen him while trying to take control of the monsters, who knows what he had been up to prior to all this happening.
Not wanting to just leave him here, The Rose Shield scooped him up and flew him out of the city. To her home to be exact. It was located somewhere in the countryside in the middle of nowhere. Judging by the fact that it was a luxury home, it could be assumed that the heroine was pretty wealthy.
Once they got inside her house, the woman placed him gently on her couch and proceeded to take off her mecha suit, revealing her true identity as a tall redheaded woman. Since he was out of it for the time being, the ginger walked away to get some snacks and something to drink for when he finally wakes up.
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hxuse-of-muses · 5 months
//what are your thoughts to Crash Team Rumble?//
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{{There are several things I could say about the game, but to start, I really liked the game and thought it had a lot of potential. One of the biggest appeals was seeing characters become playable for the first time who never have been aside from one of the kart racers.
But the difference here is each character has their own unique moveset, instead of just being cosmetically in a kart. Characters like Ripper Roo or N. Gin for instance. Or even the two Spyro characters we got like Elora and Ripto.
I had a lot of fun with the events of the game and it's obvious they had so many plans for the game but support was cancelled. There is tons to suggest they had other plans for the game, such as having a Season 4 at least. From datamines, it suggested they wanted to bring characters like Pinstripe, Nina and Tiny to the game during that season. All of that was sadly scrapped and never happened, along with any other plans they might've had.
It's too bad, but one of the game's biggest flaws is that it is online only. Unlike something like Nitro Fueled which featured both online and offline modes. Without that latter it means that one day the game will become lost media purely because those servers won't last forever, sadly.}}
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friendlyheartless · 2 years
The sun happened to be setting for the time being in Dream Land, ending the time of the current day with another one soon following afterwards. However, it wasn’t the end for a particular King; having ridden the world of the Heartless’, since he didn’t want anymore of those creatures within his kingdom, Dedede trained himself to fight well and hard in case they do arrive.
At this moment, the King was whamming his hammer into a beady-eyed sandbag that he borrowed from the tournament, which didn’t seem to be mind being used as a punching target. “Ha…! Aww, I can’t smash as much as I can back in Smash,… but I can try alla same now, can’t I?” the teen murmured, before planting across his rear-end to rest his weary body.
Penelope the Parasol Beauty went out of Traverse Town to find some new materials to create some clothes, and so he encounters King Dedede of Dream Land when she entered.
"Greetings, King Dedede." The Parasol Beauty greeted and curtsied to the King.
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timid-plumber · 11 months
"Well? What do you think?"
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Luigi had offered the king his best cooking, and waited for an opinion on it. He'd made it more or less the same as he had for years, but with a small twist he hoped that Dedede would like.
"It isn't too spicy or anything is it?" he asked.
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divine-knight · 2 years
The Novamas Baby (Closed Starter)
Wintertime had reached Dream Land- and not in any small amount, either! Large piles of snow coated the ground, hiding the grass and coating trees with thick amounts of the powdery substance. Even the nearby Castle Dedede had a considerable dusting atop its roofs! The chilly air hung about, with only the faintest of breezes occasionally stirring what loose snowflakes laid on the ground.
The only object not coated in the fine substance was a gray door standing unattached to any building, somewhere a ways away outside of the castle.
... Wait a minute, that wasn’t there, before-
The door opened, and out stepped a blue-eyed, pink-haired human dressed up in a light blue coat with white fur trim around the collar and sleeves. She glanced at the castle and frowned, looking rather annoyed.
“Of all the places he could’ve ended up at,” she muttered to herself, shaking her head briefly as she looked down at one of her gloved hands.
Her worried gaze trailed to the pair of bracelets hanging from her palm, before shifting her focus to a device in her other hand. Without missing a beat, she closed the door behind her, and it vanished without a trace! She ignored the disappearing door, however, focused on something more concerning that had her crunching through the snow.
“Lafi!” she called out, cupping a hand around her mouth as her voice echoed through the otherwise-quiet area. “Lafi, where are you!? LAFI!?”
In her panic, she barely noticed anyone else that might have been nearby, her mind consumed by only one thing: her missing son.
( @smashingsire )
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🤍 Starter for @smashingsire​ 🍰
Power drainage was a bitch. This was something Hope Raymond knew well. Sometimes you got bored with how quiet your homes had been and you go world hopping and end up stranded. That’s just how it is sometimes.
This time in particular, she’d ended up stranded on a version of Popstar. At least it was somewhere she could stretch her wings and tail and could be relatively safe in camping out in. She even knew somewhere relatively sheltered; she just had to talk to this universe’s Whispy and let them know her issue. Which is exactly what she did and in very little time at all, she was set up in a secluded part of the woods, camp sheltered by a cliff.
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Naturally the next course of action was stretching her multi-colored wings and tail out so she could flop down on her sleeping bag and rest. The half-human was exhausted in many ways and it was admittedly nice to have some time away from all the stresses that city life evidently came with. Even if it did come with the classic attitude to Dreamland and it’s curious denizens; cautious for good reason, given how notorious foreign visitors turned out to be malicious.
Thankfully, this wasn’t the case this time. But they had no real way of knowing that.
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rainbowxfmuses · 2 years
Closed rp with @smashingsire​ . Sorry for taking so long, but your patience is appreciated. <3
It was a lovely day in Juuban, Japan, and Hotaru Tomoe was outside. She was about 14, and it was the weekend. She smiled, as memories of her smaller self, filled her brain, of her playing with a ball, or Haruka yelling out at her to be careful not to play to close to the road. She loved them, and she was glad to be with them after everything that had happened. She was older, and had regained her memories of being a Sailor Senshi, but she yearned to play with that ball again. Although part of her thought that it was silly, she could not resist any longer. As she sat up from the porch, and got to her feet with the intention of going inside and finding her ball, something came over her.
"Something isn't right..." she thought, and was suddenly compelled to walk to towards the street. There was something there, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. 
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Nevertheless, she felt drawn to it, and her feet seemed to move on their own. Suddenly, something opened up..a rift?! Before she knew it, she was falling through space time, and just as quickly, she landed with a thud on her rear.
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The King was seen within the bar of the Smash Mansion, helping himself to some a glass of Whispy Woods Wine; due to his good terms with Whispy, he managed to have the Cappies supply grapes from his domain in order to make wine.
Upon meeting someone familiar, a smile crept up on his face; the pudgy human donned in his red finery raised a hand and ushered a seat right next to him. “Hey, plumber pal! I dun’ see ya here often. Came here t’take tha load off?”
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Luigi wasn't the type to frequent bars; a casual imbibement now and then was fine and dandy to him, but he could just as easily drink something at home as he could out in public. But Smash Mansion's bar was different from a typical dives he was used to seeing in Brooklyn. This place was far more like an upscale bar and grill, and Luigi had taken full advantage of that fact. He'd ordered one of everything on the appetizer menu, and he'd been grazing on the food for the better part of an hour. The bartender had suggested a light wine, and he'd taste-tested it. It had long disappeared and had been replaced with soda pop.
"My bro told me I needed to live a little," Luigi laughed. "And he told me the food was good."
Of course, knowing who all was at the mansion enticed him to come too; being where a lot of Smashers were meant a chance to see his beloved Daisy.
"How have things been on Planet Popstar, Dedede?"
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boombambaby · 6 days
“EY!” called out a large voice, coming from the end of Cappy Town, featuring the King in his large robe and crown that reflected the sunlight. “Word on tha street is yer an emperor, I can tell from yer flat crown on yer noggin! But, y’ain’t ‘un ‘round here! No way we had humans ‘round Dream Land anyhow!”
He whips around, startled by the sudden voice to find. . . "What are you even supposed to be?" Another talking animal? This is just his life now, apparently. "Yeah, no kidding-- I think I'd know if I came from a land of giant talking birds. But let me guess;
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you're the Leader of the Flock?"
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variantia · 4 months
@smashingsire / lyric starter !
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“ All I really wanna do is lean back ; everything is SIMPLE when it’s out of my hands. ”
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qveenofgluttony · 9 months
“My Queen”
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"I'm pleased to see royalty recognizes royalty."
//Thanks for reading the rules!
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☕️: Our characters meet at a cozy little coffeehouse.
Peach looked up from her cup of coffee, which had been heavily sweetened with milk and sugar. "Oh, King Dedede, How nice to see you here. I don't often come here, but it's nice for a brief escape from my royal duties. How are you?" She asked the penguin.
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friendlyheartless · 2 years
This… This couldn’t have happened! When this Kimodameshi was organised throughout Whispy Woods, the King was expecting some lighthearted scares…! Today was finally the day that he was going to face his fears of paranormal activity and come out cured. It all happened this one time when he strolled down the designated path, where a certain spectre appeared.
“Ha! Some special effects ya guys got this here time, but I know whut’s real an’ whut ain’t!” he exclaimed, before running into it… quite physically. Knocked onto the ground, the teen regained his composure before putting two and two together.
“Gah!! A paranormal pumpkinhead! This ain’t no puppet!! It’s REAL!!“
The pumpkinhead started to move around as it was being on fire, and began to exhale fire towards King Dedede. After that, he jumped into the Halloween Town spring. 
Meanwhile, Cryst the Fortuneteller arrived with Bubbles the Bouncywild in town as their colors and appearances had been dark-tinted.
“King Dedede?” The two spoke in unison seeing King Dedede. “What’re you doing in Halloween Town?” Bubbles the Bouncywild asked.
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anothercastlc · 1 year
//Hey there, hope you’re doing good! Would you like to roleplay, sometime?
I do like your collection of characters here, especially Peaches//
Hello! I’m very open to new rp partners :))) and thank you! I’m trying to do my best with her.
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hxzelwallflower · 1 year
" how long was I out for? "
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❝ A couple hours at least . M'surpised you're even awake . ❞ Some of his wounds have yet to be treated , but maybe now with him talking she can get more information as to what happened . After all , it's not common to find people laying injured in the middle of the road .
❝ Do you remember how you got here ? ❞
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