#smell is literally the strongest memory trigger
thatbitchsimone · 1 year
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im fucking fuming over this i cant even lie like what the actual fuck is this. straight up evil behavior. also good job literally flat out admitting amber was indeed abused by depp since u fully acknowledged that she suffers from ptsd and that the ptsd is directly related/linked to him. literally just proudly telling us that ”yeah i knew he had abused amber and that amber has ptsd from it so i decided that we should try to give her panic attacks and just totally torment her like wouldnt it be so funny to give her flashbacks so she feels like shes being raped again lol she will look so craaazyyy” like honestly kill urself
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Writing Notes: Imagery
In literature, imagery refers to words that trigger the reader to recall images, or mental pictures, that engage one of the five senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch.
Imagery is one of the strongest literary techniques because it connects to the personal experiences, or memories, of the reader.
Showing vs. Telling
Images don’t tell the reader something; they show the reader by using concrete details.
Example of Telling: "It was wretched weather in town." Example of Showing: "Gusts of wind and blasts of rain swept through the town."
2 Common Types of Images
Literal. A literal image represents a literal object or sensation. Its meaning is obvious and realistic and needs no interpretation. It is what it says it is. Literal images are common in both prose and poetry.
Figurative. A figurative image means more than what it says it is. It suggests certain meanings that must be interpreted.
There are 2 major ways by which a writer creates a figurative image:
Simile - a figurative image which relies on “like" or “as” to compare two things which are unlike. It is an expressed analogy. Example: “He acts like a pig at the dinner table.”
Metaphor - a figurative image which identifies one thing with another without the use of “like” or “as.” It is an implied analogy. Example: “He is a pig at the dinner table.”
Strategies for Organizing an Essay on Imagery
You can discuss:
Images suggesting ideas and/or moods. What ideas or moods are evoked by the images?
Types of images. Is there a predominance of a particular type of image?
Patterns of images. Is there a pattern of similar or consistent images?
When Writing about Imagery, Ask the Following Questions
What types of images prevail in the work?
How vivid are the images?
What explanation is needed for the images?
What effect do the images have on you? How do you respond to them?
How well are the images integrated in the work?
Within a group of images, do the images pertain to one location rather than another? For example, country vs. city or indoors vs. outdoors.
If these writing notes help with your poem/story, do tag me. Or send me a link. I'd love to read them!
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Sense Of Smell Day
Take some time to stop and smell the roses—literally. National Sense of Smell Day is for appreciating the many scents our noses can pick up  and enjoy.
In the dark annals of history it served to protect us from danger as  we came down from the trees and raised ourselves onto two feet. So  strongly attached to our development is it that it is connected to  multiple different neurological systems, and as such can trigger  memories in a way that little else can.
With it we can identify our favorite dish, or pick up the wafting  scent of our favorite person, that’s right, Sense of Smell Day is  dedicated to this most amazing of our (far more than five) senses.
History of Sense of Smell
The Sense of Smell Institute sponsors this holiday for reasons so  obvious we needn’t mention it. The importance of the sense of smell is  often overlooked, and some don’t truly appreciate how much of a role it  plays in every day of our lives.
Some of the most important and comforting things we can experience  are intricately tied to our sense of smell, and our sense of smell  becomes much less discerning without it. The Sense of Smell Institute is  the research and education division of The Fragrance Foundation.
Interesting things that this institute has managed to unveil is the fact that no two people smell odors  in quite the same way. As the day progresses your sense of smell gets  stronger, with the evening representing our strongest sense of smell.
This makes a certain amount of sense when you consider that during the day our sight  is the most important sense in identifying dangers, and at night, it  could be a scent on the wind that saved our ancestors. Another  interesting revelation is that Vitamin A is not, as purported, good for  our eyesight by and large, but is actually vitally important for our  sense of smell. A lack of it can actually cause Anosmia! (An odd little  word that means ‘loss of a sense of smell’.)
How to celebrate Sense of Smell Day
The best way to celebrate Sense of Smell Day is to give our little  sniffer a work-out. Try savoring new scents throughout the day, and  really take some time to appreciate all the various odors that cross  your path.
While it was generally a feast for all the sense, you can even get  together with friends and play a game called “The Pleasure Room”, where  you take turns trying to identify things by smell.
Maybe even set up some surprises and get smells that are really close  to each other, or smell very much alike but are from incredibly  different sources. All sorts of fun can be had on Sense of Smell Day!
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weirwoodking · 4 years
what do you think sansa's endgame is? and i'm not talking ships. like what do you think she'll be doing by the time the books end.
Anon, you accidentally made me write an essay.
So, to try and guess where Sansa could be at the end of the story, we have to look at where she’s heading currently.
She’s currently in the Vale, stuck under the control of Littlefinger. I think Sansa’s arc in TWOW will revolve around breaking free of his manipulation. There’s a line in Bran’s first ASOS chapter that seems to foreshadow this:
Sometimes he could sense them, though, as if they were still with him, only hidden from his sight by a boulder or a stand of trees. He could not smell them, nor hear their howls by night, yet he felt their presence at his back . . . all but the sister they had lost. His tail drooped when he remembered her. Four now, not five. Four and one more, the white who has no voice.
These woods belonged to them, the snowy slopes and stony hills, the great green pines and the golden leaf oaks, the rushing streams and blue lakes fringed with fingers of white frost. But his sister had left the wilds, to walk in the halls of man-rock where other hunters ruled, and once within those halls it was hard to find the path back out. The wolf prince remembered.
—Bran I, A Storm of Swords
It’s hard to find the path back out, but not impossible. I do believe Sansa will return to “the wilds” that belong to her and her siblings.
George was asked once if Sansa still has skinchanging powers even though Lady is gone, and he said she does. We’ll probably see that aspect of her character start to make an appearance in Winds, especially since the presence of magic ramps up with each book. I think it would make sense if she bonded with a bird (such as a falcon or a hawk), seeing as she has quite a lot of bird imagery (particularly caged bird imagery) in her story. Sansa “flying free”, both literally and figuratively, seems like a logical step for her arc.
I do wonder how her connection with the “pack” will be handled. All of the Stark kids except for Sansa have the telepathic bond through their wolves, so I wonder what GRRM will do with Sansa there. It’s heartbreaking, that she doesn’t have that mental connection that the others do. I don’t know if that could somehow be reformed without Lady? There are a lot of unanswered questions about the Stark kids skinchanging powers (and the telepathic bond). Why did their powers only show up when the wolves did? How far do their powers go? How powerful could they become once they’re properly trained? How does the telepathic bond work? Is that a thing that other skinchangers can do? Is it there because of the wolves or is it through the kids themselves? Is it forever broken with Sansa because Lady is gone, or could Sansa reform that connection through another wolf that joins the Stark warg pack? Would it make sense narratively and thematically for GRRM to give Sansa another wolf?
Anyway, no idea what he’ll do with that. (Some sort of scene where Sansa is like “I don’t have a wolf anymore”, and then all the other Starklings crowd around her for a giant group hug and say “that’s okay, you’re still a part of the pack no matter what” is something I could see happening. It’s not like the other kids would treat her any less for not having a direwolf, she’s still their sister.)
A common speculation I see for Sansa’s endgame is that she could become the new head of House Arryn. And, well, the aesthetic of Sansa being Lady of the Eyrie/Lord Protector of the Vale/Warden of the East is definitely cool. The Queen of Birds up in a mountain palace with her flock all around her like a winged army? That’s some gorgeous imagery.
I don’t think Sansa would ever willingly choose to stay in the Vale if she had the option to go home to Winterfell:
She awoke all at once, every nerve atingle. For a moment she did not remember where she was. She had dreamt that she was little, still sharing a bedchamber with her sister Arya. But it was her maid she heard tossing in sleep, not her sister, and this was not Winterfell, but the Eyrie. And I am Alayne Stone, a bastard girl. The room was cold and black, though she was warm beneath the blankets. Dawn had not yet come. Sometimes she dreamed of Ser Ilyn Payne and woke with her heart thumping, but this dream had not been like that. Home. It was a dream of home.
The Eyrie was no home.
—Sansa VII, A Storm of Swords
One of the largest themes in the stories of the younger POV characters (Theon, Jon, Dany, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon (even though he’s not a POV character)) is that of home. Just go on A Search of Ice and Fire and search for the word “home” in each of those characters’ chapters. I think Sansa will end up at her home, with her pack. We know she must return at Winterfell at some point, as she has the final part of this prophecy to fulfill:
"I dreamt a wolf howling in the rain, but no one heard his grief," the dwarf woman was saying. "I dreamt such a clangor I thought my head might burst, drums and horns and pipes and screams, but the saddest sound was the little bells. I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow."
—Arya VIII, A Storm of Swords
The wolf howling in the rain is Grey Wind (or Shaggydog/Rickon, since it’s raining on Skagos when Jon dreams of his “black brother”), the clangor is the Red Wedding and the bells are the ones on Jinglebell’s hat when Catelyn sawed at his throat, and the maid at the feast is Sansa. And Sansa will “slay a savage giant in a castle built of snow.” That castle is obviously Winterfell, although the fandom has yet to concretely agree on who the “savage giant” is.
Evidently, Sansa will return to Winterfell, and she probably has to get there before winter really starts setting in, or else the journey would be nearly impossible in the deadly weather. So, probably at some point in the next book.
Now, I believe that there’s a big moment coming for Sansa in TWOW: the moment where she unrepresses/uncovers her memories. Sansa knows a lot of important things. She knows the truth about Jon Arryn, she knows that her hair net was used to poison Joffrey, she knows that Littlefinger was involved in the disappearance of Jeyne Poole. Sansa’s memory swapping/adjusting/erasing/repressing (whatever you wanna call it) is important to her character. It’s her brain’s way of coping with the trauma she’s been through.
I think that one of these memories coming to the forefront is going to trigger something big: Littlefinger’s downfall. I speculate that what will most likely come out in the open first is what happened to Jeyne Poole. Sansa finding out what Baelish did to her closest childhood friend could definitely be what turns her against him.
Warning, I’m going to mention the sh*w here for a second. George has said that he wrote Sansa and Jeyne’s interactions into season 1, and that he tried to build Jeyne as a character, but her scenes were cut by the showrunners. Clearly, George cares about her, her friendship with Sansa, and her value in the story, he was very upset about the deletion of her character and of Sansa’s friendship with her.* I believe the reveal of what happened to Jeyne will be a major part of Sansa’s story in Winds. She’s repressed her memories of Jeyne and her disappearance because it is, understandably, too much for her mind to handle thinking about.
The reveal of this memory could be a catalyst to the other memories coming forward, especially since they involve Littlefinger. I think Sansa will be a key part in wrapping up the political aspect of the story, she can reveal the truth of why the Stark-Lannister conflict began all the way back in book 1. She can expose Littlefinger’s lies and schemes. That’s where I think her narrative is heading, at least in TWOW.
I’m not sure what Sansa’s story arc will be in ADOS (I’m not sure what anyone’s story will be in ADOS, but Sansa’s is a bit more of a blank page than others). If the Littlefinger conflict gets wrapped up in TWOW, I don’t know where her story will go from there. Supposedly, she could be in Winterfell at that point. What will happen then… well, then it’s Long Night time. Sansa is not one of the “key five players” (Tyrion, Dany, Arya, Bran, and Jon), but I still think she’ll have an important role in the book. I think Sansa and Arya’s relationship is something that will be focused on a lot through both of their chapters in the final novel. We’re going to see Ned’s quote, “you need her, as she needs you”, really matter.
No matter where her arc goes over the next two books, though, I do think she’ll end up at Winterfell. And like I said, I don’t think Sansa would choose to leave her home again after returning. I think that her story will end with her staying at Winterfell with the other kids. The Stark children would never willingly leave each other after reuniting. Jon literally describes the separation from his siblings as “a deep ache of emptiness, a sense of incompleteness.” And, of course, the iconic line Ned delivers to Arya: “The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” I don’t see any of their endings being them as “lone wolves” again.
So, to answer your question, I think the endgame for Sansa will be her back in Winterfell with her family, where she belongs, where she is strongest. I do suspect, however, that there will be some sort of epilogue at the end of ADOS, possibly a “10 years later” or somewhere along those lines. Where she’ll be then, I have no idea. She’ll probably be involved with something politically by then, like ruling or advising.
*Based on what George himself has said about the show’s post-season 4 portrayal of Sansa, I don’t think her story will be similar in any way to the show’s very different version of her character (same goes for everyone). George is typically very mild when talking about the show, saying stuff like “they chose to go down a different path with the story”, but this is one of the only times he flat out criticized the show for how wrong it is. He was very upset the show cut out her storyline. He has also said that “every character has a different end” in the books. So take from that what you will.
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thiscatiscreepy · 3 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: The Mechanisms (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Marius von Raum, Raphaella la Cognizi, Ivy Alexandria, Drumbot Brian (The Mechanisms), Nastya Rasputina, The Aurora (The Mechanisms) Additional Tags: Prophetic Dreams, that you forget as soon as you wake up, Body Horror, also. meat in general. and rot, you know that thing about how smell triggers strongest memories out of all the others senses? yeah, remembering fragmented traumatic memories, marius is straight up Not Having A Good Time, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
After landing on a new planet, the crew discover the locals to be... rotten, quite literally. Marius suffers the most from this.
While I’m finishing up a kiss, here’s the first two chapters of a fic I’m writing!
(also please check out the toy soldier fic too i love it a lot)
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Bloody Roses - Chapter Two (Bucky x reader)
SUMMARY - What you thought was a trapped squirrel turned out to be a super soldier in need. It’s not every day an Avenger turns up in your garden, in serious need of help but you deal with it as best as you can.
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The Winter Soldiers absence had strangely left something of a chasm in your chest, an aching void. You were somehow empty and heavier at the same time, carrying the heavy weight of what was missing with every step you took. Everything you did seemed to take longer and had much less reward. It was wholly unlike you to get attached to people, and it never happened this quickly.
People in general were like a loud buzzing in your head, they made your skin feel too tight and your heart beat a little too fast. It wasn’t full blown anxiety, more like a quiet discomfort. It was easily hidden, and usually you ignored it so you could persevere. It actually took you a few days to realise that Bucky hadn’t made you feel uncomfortable at all, he hadn’t triggered that stifled feeling.
 There was a strange juxtaposition between your dislike of company and you human need for companionship, it’s why you befriended Othello. So while Bucky hadn’t been around for long, his absence was felt.
 Over the next week, that aching chasm numbed though. You went about your day to day life, walking Othello, baking, gardening, painting… Whatever random artistic endeavour you wanted to try out and inevitably abandon in an attempt to keep yourself amused, keep your life going, keep yourself soldiering on instead of just festering away.
 Today it was knitting, because you’d seen a youtube video about making blankets from giant wool with just your arms. That had ended spectacularly badly, thpugh Othello had fun. It had however, led to you deciding to try actual knitting, with actual needles and wool. When Othello started barking at the door, you were tangled up in a long strand of periwinkle blue and had resorted to cussing it out in the hope your foul language would free you. Doing a weird twisting move to get free you made your way to the door, pulling it open and peering out.
 There were several boxes on the deck with a clipboard resting atop them. You pulled the door open to see John, the delivery guy pretending to be very interested in the bushes that lined the driveway. He did this every time, tried to be subtle about giving you space. You appreciated it, and made sure he knew it with the tip you always left. You signed for the delivery and picked a box up, pushing the others over the threshold with your foot.
 As soon as you closed the front door you used your keys to cut through the tape and started unpacking the new books you’d ordered.
 “What do you think, is there room in the upstairs hallway for these?” You asked Othello.
 He barked and shook his fur out.
 “Fair point, maybe by the window seat I keep meaning to build?” You suggested.
 “I will so get it done! Right after I build that porch swing.” You gasped, thoroughly offended.
 Ultimately, the books stayed in the box, at least for the time being and you went back to trying to *not* stab yourself with a knitting needle. After making the worlds thinnest scarf (“You have fur so I did this on purpose, I didn’t want you to overheat.”) you got frustrated and bored, giving in and curling up on the sofa with your laptop.
 The cursor hovered over Microsoft word for a moment while you chewed your lip and tried to bring yourself to click on it but as was the norm lately, you went for Chrome instead. You had just enough dregs of energy to click on Facebook and assure the minimal amount of friends and family who pretended to care that you were in fact, still alive.
 You were 100% convinced that the rumours that Facebooks advertising algorithm could read your mind were true because right there at the top of your feed was a news article. Apparently The Avengers had been caught up in another scrape. Before you could catch yourself you clicked on it, quickly scrolling through the article. It was remarkably vague but posturing, so the press didn’t know what The Avengers had actually been doing then. They did know that Earth’s Mightiest had won.
 It was strange to thin that you had had one of them on this here couch, life in your hands. And like your thoughts had summoned him, there he was in HD. Pictures didn’t do him any justice. Yes, he was handsome in a photo but it couldn’t capture the tenor of his voice, the glint of light in his eye or the way that despite falling in a river and walking several miles in his own blood, he still smelled divinely sexy.
 There was a minute, tiny, very high chance you had developed a lingering crush on the man out of time who had literally stumbled into your life. He was dark, tortured, charming, funny, gorgeous and strong, all strong ingredients in a crush. Most importantly, the strongest factor, guaranteed to make you fall… he was fleeting. He was a feather on the breeze, the rays of light at sunset, the crashing waves of a cerulean sea. Beautiful and gone too soon, leaving nothing but the awing memory of the beauty you had once bore witness to behind.
 You ploughed through the article, breathing a sigh of relief when you read that eyewitnesses had seen The Soldier leaving the scene unharmed. You were relieved but… the aching void had returned.
 You tried to distract yourself, knowing it was futile but going ahead with the attempt anyway. In the end, as predicted, your mind could not be coaxed off of the topic of the stormy eyed sergeant. You had a number you could call if you needed him but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t come up with a good enough reason to call.
 You could call and say you were worried one of his enemies had tracked him here but that wasn’t close to true and you couldn’t bring yourself to worry him about it. If you had gotten the correct measure of him, and you were certain you had, he would immediately feel guilty and would panic.  Truthfully, you doubted you would make that call even if there was truth to it. But that kind of left you at a loss as to reasons to seek him out again.
 The truth was that even though you had a solid feeling in your gut that you shouldn’t let him leave your life, you had to let go.
 Bucky Barnes had no place in your world, and you very much doubted he would want to be in it anyway.
 So you went to bed that night, knowing you would be thinking about him as you fell asleep, knowing you would dream about him and knowing that he would never be more than that, a beautiful dream.
 Othello pushed himself into the small of your back, letting you lean on him while you lay your head out on the pillow and closed your eyes, and remembered to press of Bucky Barnes lips so tantalizingly close to your own. It was the image that carried you off to dreamland, and that’s where you stayed until after the sun had risen over the horizon.
 You knew that a specific sound had woken you, a loud buzzing sound, relentless and loud but for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out what it was. A lawnmower? But that begged the very important question… who the fuck was mowing your lawn? You groaned loudly and flopped onto your back, glaring up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling as if they might be responsible. Eventually you sat up, flinging the duvet away  and stomping over to the window to look outside.
 Not a lawnmower, a Buzzsaw. Your unused, should be in the shed, Buzzsaw. Someone was slicing planks of wood in your garden and you actually recognized the pulled back brunette hair before you recognized the glinting metal arm. Your heart summersaulted in your chest and a kaleidoscope of butterflies burst to life in your stomach as you pushed out of the French doors and hung over the edge of the balcony. Othello saw you and barked happily, wagging his tail. Bucky switched the saw off and turned around to lean against the table, arms crossed and gazing up at you with a charming, cock-sure grin.
 “Hey Romeo, whatcha doing?” You called down to him.
 He chuckled and scratched Othello on top of the head before he answered.
 “You never called sweetheart, and I still felt like I owed you. I remembered seeing a lot of books lying around when I was here so I decided to come and build you some bookshelves.” He explained.
 “Uh huh. How’d my dog get out there? And how did you get into my shed?” You asked, trying to contain the giddy smile threatening to break across your face. `
 “I picked the lock, didn’t want to wake you and this guy was scratching at the door. As for the shed, I wanted to see if you had any tools before I went to get the stuff I needed. Surprisingly, you had everything I needed, all brand new and unused?” He said, lilting at the end to signify he was curious about the state he’d found the shed in.
 “I may have decided to take up woodworking a while ago. There were setbacks.” You admitted, ducking your head in embarrassment.
 “What happened?” He asked in a teasing voice.
 “I turned the saw on and it scared the hell out of me. That thing is dangerous!” You explained.
 Bucky threw back his head and let out a full throated laugh, unrestrained in his amusement at your predicament.
 “Not if you’re partially made of metal.” He said, still laughing.
 “Saws can cut through metal!” You insisted.
 He arched an eyebrow at you and reached behind himself to flick the saw on, before he turned around, holding his metal arm over the rotating circular blade.
 “DON’T YOU DARE!” You shrieked, but it was too late.
 His metal fingers came into contact with the saw and you thought you were going to be sick but to your absolute disbelief and wonder, the saw shuddered to a halt for a few seconds before he moved his hand away and flicked the switch again. He turned back around to see you hanging over the railing of the balcony, hand held to your heart and an expression between fear and fury on your face.
 “Doll, my arms made of Vibranium. Nothing can cut through it.” He soothed.
 “Next time, tell me that!”
 “Sorry! I’m sorry.” He said quickly, but you could still see the smug amusement on his face.
 “It is RUDE to break into someone’s house and give them a heart attack before they’ve even had coffee.” You half grumbled, half gasped as you righted yourself, glaring down at him.
 Not that your glare lasted more than half a second before it melted into a fond smile. Something he definitely noticed because he perked up and beckoned you down.
 “I figured out your ridiculous contraption and made a pot of coffee actually, I do have some manners.” He informed you.
 You didn’t need telling twice and did your best roadrunner impression as you whooshed through the balcony doors and padded down to the kitchen, only just remembering to grab your nightrobe on the way. You shrugged it over your shoulders and tied the sash as you perused the cupboard for a suitable mug.
 You liked collecting mugs, from ones with funny captions, to photo mugs, to your personal favourites… The Disney Collection. Today felt like a dopey the dwarf day and you fetched the giant cup from the correct cupboard and filled it with the steaming coffee, inhaling deeply to enjoy the smell. You heard the door open behind you, seconds before a cold wet snout was pressed the back of your knee.
 “Morning traitor.” You said amicably to Othello, gently flicking his ear.
 “Morning sweetheart.”
 You turned around to greet Bucky, trying to shove down the voice in your head screaming at how right he looked stood in your kitchen, illuminated by the early morning sun and sipping coffee out of your oversized Grumpy Mug.
 “Mornin Sarge. Top up?” You offered and he held the mug out for you to refill it for him.
 It felt strangely domestic and natural considering he was a near stranger. Who had technically broken in…
 “Do you have a pen?” he asked and you pulled open the knick knack drawer under the microwave and dug one out and tossing it to him.
 “Actually it’s for you. I was wondering if you might sign something for me?” He asked sheepishly, pulling a book out of the back of his waistband and sliding it across the counter to you. When you saw the cover, your stomach dropped.
The Life Of Death.
 “You looked into me.” You scoffed, shaking your head.
 “I didn’t. Stark did, he gave me the book, didn’t tell me you wrote it until after I read it.” He defended himself.
 “You read it?” You sighed.
 “I did. It was beautiful. Really. The idea that Death fell in love with humanity, slowly becoming more and more human himself and when the gods found out they ripped the flesh from his bones, leaving nothing but the Grim reaper behind… but he never stopped loving humanity, shepherding them to the other side and asking them to tell him their stories, even when they feared him. It was tragic but there was still hope in it.” He said softly, and you could tell he meant it.
 You could feel the weight of his gaze, the silent assurance that he’d gotten the hidden message in the book. Death didn’t let what had been done to him change who he was, he kept his curiosity and compassion intact, even when his body was ripped apart.
 He was still holding the pen out to you and you sighed and took it, flipping the jacket of the book open and scribbling something, slamming it closed and handing the book back to him before he could see what you’d written.
 “Why aren’t you more proud? You wrote a novel, a damn good one.” He questioned.
 “All I ever wanted to do was write, to connect with people and give them some kind of hope. Didn’t work out the way I expected. I am proud, I am but… the books a reminder of my failings more than my achievements sometimes.” You said tiredly.
 “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up.” He said.
 His eyes were heavy with guilt, regret etched into the frown lines on his face.
 “Don’t be sorry for trying to give me a compliment, it’s not your fault I’m not great at taking them.”
 He looked you up and down, almost like he was sizing you up before the corner of his lip twitched minutely, drawing up into the flicker of an almost smirk.
 “You’re beautiful.”
 The breath you’d been in the process of inhaling froze in your lungs, suspended in your airway as the painfully raw, honest, heartfelt compliment passed his lips. Your shock lasted only a brief second because while you’d been telling the truth about not taking compliments well, you were a fucking master at reigning in your embarrassment and anxiety’s to regain the upper hand in a situation. Spitefulness could achieve what years of therapy could not.
 “And you’re exquisitely stunning , Sarge.” You said back, equally as honest.
 His eyes widened and his jaw loosened. He blinked at you, once, twice, three times and swallowed the lump in his throat before his brain kicked back in. A deep chuckle vibrated from his broad chest and it was a warm, soul soothing sound.
 “I’ll build the shelves and repay my debt, should be done before lunch and then I’ll be out of your hair. Unless…” He started, looking at you with unabashed hope.
 “Well since I’m here and not afraid of the power tools, anything else you need built or fixed?” He offered.
 You chewed your lip and thought it over.
 “Do you want to help me build a porch swing?” You asked.
 His whole face lit up, brighter than the sun and he smiled so wide and happily that you felt your heart crack a little.
 “I’ll even make you lunch.” You quickly offered, knowing he was already going to say yes anyway.
 “S’long as it’s not broth, you’ve got yourself a deal darlin.”
A/N -  Ok so... If you've read any of my other fics you may notice a slight difference in style with this one. That's because this fic is kind of more me than the others. I'm writing this one selfishly, it's very much my comfort fic. So I won’t be offended if you don’t wanna read this, it’s basically me living my ideal life with zero drama. I actually had to go back and edit because Bucky called the reader by name a few times. But it's such a fluffy, warm, drama free fic that I'm hoping it provides a little bit of comfort for someone else as well. It's a safe haven.
@likes-to-smell-books @thelostallycat @dilaila95 @dropthepizza346  @destiel-artemis @hiddles-rose @myfandomlife-blog @thosesexytexasboys  @liveonce-sodoitright @spnrvt   @tarastudiesalot  @dahkness @sexyvixen7 @jaynnanadrews  @littledeadrottinghood  @pinkisokay  @angieptt @anamcg317 @belladonnarey @queen-kayy92 @breezy1415 @penumbrawolfy  @fairislesheets  @lianadelphius @coolmassivenerd @youhavebeenspared  @candyxcyanide @musingpredilection  @isaxhorror @destiel-artemis @my-drowning-in-time @isabelcrichards @teh-nerdette  @dlcita @deathofmissjackson  @life-wanderer @cleo0107 @spicymagz @drdorkus  @inquisitor-selvala @le-mow @zeannastardust @nighmxre @blue-cat-1989  @writingforbucky @abo4280ooof
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heartlesslywhumping · 5 years
hi i love your prompts!! my friend is writing a story and wants to have some whump in it, so i thought i’d ask you if you had any prompts for it! it takes place 100 years after nuclear war broke out, and 12 young adults were forced into cryofreeze 50 years ago to see if they could live above ground. and while a lot of radiation cleared out, there’s still areas that are dangerously radiated. to make things worse, they all had their memories wiped and there are basically mutants above ground. ty!!
Oh daaaaaaaaang I love that idea! It reminds me of the 100 series, both the book series and TV show
(I refer to the young adults as a team here for ease of writing) ((also, there’s nothing bad under the cut, this is just a really long post and I’m breaking it up a bit))
One member gets a debilitating disease from the radiation, something similar to cancer. The rest of the team has to watch as the member suffers and slowly deteriorates, all while the member brushes it off and tries to hide how they’re suffering. Whether or not the member recovers is up to the writer.
The vegetation has mutated leading to the team preparing something wrong or eating the wrong thing. This leads to allergic reactions, poisoning, comas, seizures, vomiting, hallucinations, all the fun stuff.
There’s something bad in the water to include rain, mist, snow, etc. Does it cause them to hallucinate or does it cause physical harm? How does the team react to having no water?
One member touches or eats something that messes with their brain and leads them to attacking the team. The team has to physically restrain and contain the affected member. Now the team has two members out of commision, one injured and one potentially insane. The team has to listen to the affected member raving, screaming, thrashing, and pounding against their restraints. The team doesn’t know what happened, if it’s curable, or what they do next. The elephant in the room is the fact that they may have to kill the affected member. Meanwhile, the member acts like a rabid animal, snarling, clawing, screaming incoherently, sobbing, thrashing, throwing things, tearing at everything and everyone.
Consider what the member was/is. Weakest or strongest? Social butterfly or lone wolf? Leader or rebel? All of this will affect the team emotionally and physically. The way a trained warrior fights versus the way a healer would is vastly different. The most experienced or the least experienced would react and hit differently than the other option
If the member recovers: They now have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives. Do they look at the injured member and are stuck with horror and guilt?  How does their dynamic with the team tear at what they did? What are the lasting emotional and physical repercussions? Is the injured member unconscious? Is it debatable if the injured member will live? What if the affected member potentially killed their friend? Were they aware of what they were doing but unable to stop? Were they fully gone? Do they still hear the screams and pleads to stop? The horrible things they said? Do they still feel what they did to the injured member? Can they still smell and taste the blood and dirt? Is there still blood under their fingernails? Will they ever trust themselves again? Will anyone else?
If they don’t: Who decides to kill the member or make the executive decision to leave the member behind? Does the member fight back or lie still when they’re about to be killed? Do they have moments of clarity and beg for either death or life? Are they shot, stabbed, poisoned etc? If they’re left behind, are they left food and water just in case? If they still manage to recover, does the decision to leave the member behind come back to bite the team in the butt? Or does the recovered member come back and save the team? The team now has to deal with leaving the member behind. Walking away to the screaming and thrashing.
If the writer is writing from multiple POVs, play with writing in one you wouldn’t expect here. Try writing from inside the affected member’s mind. Are they aware of what they’re doing but they’re a puppet in their own body? Are they completely insane? What does that look like? Do they think the team intends to harm them or do they think the team are intruders? What do they think or feel as they die? As they’re left behind to die slowly? POVs can really add to some unique whump
There are mutants?
Is the team revered or looked down on because they are not mutated? (Or are they?)
Treated like gods, which seems nice at first until the people start demanding miracles
If they team can’t provide those miracles, it’s likely that they will be killed and/or tortured
The team frantically tries to escape while providing those miracles
Consider El Dorado (the animated movie) if it wasn’t a children’s comedy and things went significantly worse
Looked down:
Are they experimented on?
“Welcomed” by a group only to find out later that they’re meant for a sacrifice or meal
Hunted for sport
Creatures have mutated. Give them elongated necks, extra heads, insane amount of eyes, rows of teeth, reloadable stingers, giant insects, heightened vision and hearing, what have you. Let your horror mind go crazy (we all have a horror mind). The more grotesque and crazy your mutated creatures get, the more havoc they can wreak. Remember that this is a dystopian! In the Hunger Games there were birds that could mimic voices/screams, and wasps whose stings could cause hallucinations and/or death. Go crazy! Have your creatures melded with technology? Or gotten technological features all on their own? Do they have specific radiation related abilities? Play with this and then set the worst of it all upon your OCs *evil laughter*
Some ideas to play with just from our own world that creatures (animals, insects, aquatic beings) can do
Overwhelming a prey
Lures (think of angler fish or cookie cutter sharks that light up in the darkness to attract prey. Or venus flytraps)
Crocodiles and their death rolls
Forcing a prey to drown
Some octopi can whip their prey with venomous tentacles
Animals and bugs can spit
Marble cone snails literally deploy a venom filled harpoon
Suckers or various ways of sticking to prey
Constantly following until the prey is exhausted
There is a breed of wild, big cat (like a leopard) that mimics the cry of baby monkeys
Just read what tentacled sea snakes do!
“They can basically read minds. Maybe they can’t control other objects, nor can they tell exactly it is what they’re thinking, but based on their evolutionary method, they know where their prey is going to swim, and wait there with their jaws wide open. How does it manage this, you ask? Well, because of a fish’s innate reaction to perceived danger. It’s call C-start. When a fish sense sound waves in the water, their body automatically jolts and they go swimming speedily away from potential predators. The tentacled sea snake, however, moves its mid-section in order to purposefully trigger this response, then, when the fish tries to flee, it ends up right in the snake’s waiting mouth.”
And all of this is just from our own world. Also….just look at Australia.
Some more quick ones are to remove resources. Remove food, water, shelter, anything. Make the world itself a terrifying place. Mess with the elements of nature, mess with creatures, mess with people (do the mutants have powers? Even simple things like better strength or endurance? Better senses that can smell, hear, see, taste danger? Natural resistant to things that hurt the team? It doesn’t have to be X-men style powers unless you want it to), mess with           e v e r y t h i n g.
Also, how have the mutants survived so long? What do they have that the team doesn’t and how can that hurt the team?
To heighten something,  add a layer of time sensitivity or danger. Is something coming for them? Do they know?
And of course, there are lots more for mind wiping. This is just getting into a pretty long post and I’ve already re-written this several times (stupid tumblr kept crashing and my webpage kept reloading and deleting everything I’d already written) so I’m going to cut it off here with those quick ways to add whump as well.
If you’d like a follow up with mind wiping stuff, just message me! I’ll try to respond quicker this time 😅
Thanks for the ask! I’d love to know how this story goes! If it’s ever publicly shared somewhere (printed in a book, turned into a comic, posted on wattpad) message me again! I’d love to read it! (And if it’s never shared, I totally get that. Writers are weird and stories get away from us.) All the best of luck to your friend!!!!
Some gruesome things that animals do below this line
Eating prey alive
There is a breed of ant that makes a vertical, sticky platform filled with holes. Once a bug sticks to it, the ants pop out and pull it in various directions while stinging it to death. Some bugs can be stuck there for hours, being torn into manageable chunks
Spiders and their webbing up prey for later. Some do it while their prey is alive
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mightywhispers · 5 years
Some not-talked-about things that happen when you have PTSD.
It’s not just flashbacks, nightmares, and disassociation.
It’s so, so, SO much more (as if that isn’t enough). Living with post-traumatic stress disorder is a constant learning process. Sometimes symptoms get better. Sometimes they get worse. It’s never linear and sometimes it makes no sense. But one things for sure...it’s a constant learning process. Please note, this is only my personal experience that I am sharing with the hope of shedding some light on the less talked about aspects of PTSD that I have noticed. Always seek professional help if you feel you are a risk to yourself or others. You deserve it. 💙
1. Waking up with bruises and cuts...from yourself.
Characteristic of those who live with PTSD, I often get night terrors. Occasionally in the throws of a real doozy, I will accidentally scratch or bump some part of my body, only to wake up the next morning with a reminder of the night’s struggle. Don’t let this embarrass you or make you feel ashamed. You don’t have to tell others where they came from unless you’re comfortable disclosing that. I usually throw out a smart ass answer (cage fight with a grizzly) or pretend I didn’t even notice the mark in the first place. Remind yourself that there was a big battle going on in your head and even the greatest heroes get bumps and bruises once in a while.
2. Scaring the dickens out of your partner during the night.
While on the subject of nightmares, let’s talk about their effects on your significant other. I’ll sttt with this—a good partner will work through any struggles with you so that you both can feel safe and comfortable at night. First and foremost, be honest about what you need from them. They probably want to help, but don’t know how. So tell them what soothes you the most. Usually it’s best that they don’t wake you, or at least not touch you. Make a plan together so that you both feel prepared. Perhaps set up a separate place for them to sleep every once in a while when symptoms are severe. Keep yourself healthy in order to minimize the frequency of night terrors and educate yourself and your partner on interventions that work best for you.
3. Those “why the hell is that upsetting me?” triggers.
It’s easy to identify the obvious triggers. Locations, sights, songs, movies, etc are usually at the top of my list. But every once in a while there will be something totally out of the blue that sends me into a spiral. Smells for example, are hard to recall until you actually re-experience the smell. Furthermore, they often illicit some of the strongest, most vivid memories. So, you have the trigger itself, plus the feeling of being unprepared which creates a lovely cocktail of chaos. Feeling out of control is not a hyper-vigilant person’s ideal frame of mind. Be gentle with yourself and break out your best coping skills. I have a service dog who helps me. Some people begin listing things they see, smell, hear, taste, or touch to ground them in the moment. Perhaps carry around something that smells soothing, or feels soft and comforting. Do what you need to to keep yourself and others safe, even if it may feel or look “odd.”
4. Foggy brain.
This one is something I have had to practice radical acceptance and self love over time and time again. I forget everything. Not just “it slipped my mind” kind of forget, but “wow I don’t even have the slightest recollection of that happening” kind of forget. The PTSD brain is already running a mile a minute, so sometimes there’s not much room left for recall. How did I even get here? I don’t remember that conversation at all. How could I have forgotten something that we just discussed a few minutes ago? Some people may give you a hard time over it. I left work crying once because I was told by 2 separate people that I was “like literally the most forgetful person” they knew. With time and self-love, comments like that have begun to hurt much less. Laugh it off. Remember, they haven’t walked in your shoes, and will have trouble making sense of your personal situation. Perhaps take notes or set reminders in your phone. And if you still forget (because I definitely still do) don’t be afraid to ask others for reminders...and ask again, and again! You never have to explain yourself unless you want to.
5. Ew don’t touch me. But also please touch me.
As someone who’s love language is touch, this one can be super confusing to those around you, and yourself! I love platonic touch by the people closest to me, such as family, my best friends, or an intimate partner. Touch can be incredibly healing and comforting during difficult times. For me, it is about showing and receiving love and trust. But for acquaintances or strangers, I keep a 2 foot minimum rule. It’s ok to ask for space. It’s ok to request a handshake instead of a hug. It’s ok to request that someone not stand close behind you or sit right next to you. There is a way to politely ask others to keep their distance. If they consistently don’t respect your space, then it’s time for a serious talk or an end to that relationship. That said, sometimes you may want space from those people who’s touch you normally enjoy. PTSD is so sensory that sometimes your body may revolt against even a pat on the back. Again, the people who are worth your time will understand. But always be honest. It’s better for them to be mildly offended than to sacrifice your mental health.
These are only a few of the symptoms that I’ve discovered on my mental health journey. You may find that your experience is similar or vastly different. Regardless, everyone’s journey is their own, and requires vigilance, bravery, open-mindedness, and determination to create a life in which post-traumatic stress disorder becomes manageable. Feel free to tell me some of your learning experiences on your personal journey. Be well lovelies. 💙🧠
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Indomitable; Flickering Light Through The Darkness (Trixya) - Dymphna
Here’s chapter two!  I’m gonna put some trigger warnings here but also in the tags so just be careful sweets! tw: blood, fighting, demons, someone’s in a coma for a while (idk if the last two are really tw but better to be safe than sorry!) 
With heavy eyes, Trixie continued to scroll down her phone, the brunette humming softly next to her ear, so soft and melodic it was lulling Trixie to sleep. With a low sigh, she rested her head against Shangela’s shoulder. It was uncomfortable, almost. Shangela was smaller, yet delicate and warm. So warm.
Trixie was rather unaware of everything, except the soft humming and the fact that it was really dark in the hotel room. Aquaria had gone to bed two hours ago, but Shangela had refused. She had been out for a whole day, and said she had a lot to catch up to. Trixie, proving once again she was an amazing person, volunteered to stay with her, reading some more about the case. Staying awake was a difficult task, though.
“So who’s coming again and why are they taking so damn long?” Trixie suppressed a yawn, failing slightly and earning a low laugh from Shangela.
“My girl Adore is coming,” Shangela rubbed her eye, and Trixie used that time to glance up at the girl. She was beautiful, really. Her long hair was resting on her head in a messy bun that suited her. Flecks of glittery eyeshadow were resting under her eyes, her mascara beginning to smudge. It looked so human, so normal. As if she was just a regular girl, working long days and barely sleeping. “I don’t know why, all I know is that she had a setback.” They both knew they weren’t normal. They never were, and never would be.
“Oh,” Trixie yawned again, and Shangela wrapped an arm around the woman. “Not that I mind working longer with you, though.” She wasn’t sure if it was the glasses of wine talking or her sleep-deprived self, but her flirting was shameless.
“That’s nice of you to say,” She told herself Shangela was probably too tired to notice. “We should go to sleep, though.”
“Do you mind if I stay over?” Her tone was painfully pathetic. “I’ll crash on the couch.”
“Are you kidding?” Shangela shoved the taller girl with a soft laugh. “My bed is large enough, just join me.” Shangela didn’t have to say that twice.
In just her underwear and her t-shirt, Trixie crawled in the soft bed. She hadn’t thought about bringing pj’s, and she wouldn’t want to sleep in clothes she was going to wear the day after. She felt Shangela’s eyes on her when she was shimmying out of her clothes, which gave her a confidence boost. Trixie knew she was beautiful; her body was right, even though a little jiggly. Trixie liked her body, though. She was confident, and felt beautiful in whatever she wore.
The duvet was warm and soft and felt nice against Trixie’s cold skin. When Shangela turned around, she didn’t feel tired anymore, not when that sleepy but bright grin was focussed on her.
“So,” Trixie wanted to remove a loose curl from her face, but stopped herself. She had to be appropriate. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“You’ve asked me that like twelve times since I woke up,” The young woman giggled. She was a few years younger than Trixie, even though she looked mature. Even now that her face was completely makeup-less, Trixie had a hard time believing that one woman could be so beautiful. And yet, women like Shangela weren’t necessarily her type. Too soft and beautiful to be touched by the dirt of her life. “And yes, Aquaria’s great at runes, I’m fine.”
“Okay,” Trixie smiled. She remembered when she rushed back to the hotel the day after the incident. Shangela was awake and the first thing Trixie heard was a loud laugh, echoing through the room as an indicator that the previous silence was done.
Peppermint had been sitting at the table, talked a bit to Trixie. She was a witch, apparently. Trixie had worked with a few, they were usually portrayed as bad, yet it was hard to imagine Peppermint do something bad. Everything screamed soft and sweet.
When she entered the bedroom, Aquaria was drawing on Shangela’s stomach with a see-through stick. Sometimes the girl twitched or hissed, and Trixie didn’t know what to do.
“Trixie, you’re earlier than I expected,” Aquaria briefly glanced up at her, before placing the stick back to Shangela’s skin, who moaned in pain when she continued drawing. “I’m sorry, you were almost dead, of course this is gonna hurt.”
“What are you doing to her?” Trixie felt uncomfortable, looking at the girl who was obviously in pain, who would be squirming it Aquaria’s grip wasn’t iron.
“A rune, don’t worry, it’s usually not that painful,” Aquaria finished the last curl and placed a soft kiss on Shangela’s cheek. “You did well, I’m sorry, baby.”
“You’re Trixie, huh? My savior?” Shangela’s breathing was heavy, yet the twinkle in her eye was bright and warm. “Thank you.”
“Thank-“ Trixie frowned, crossing her arms. “Why?”
“For bring me back here,” Shangela shrugged, reaching for her glass of water. “And helping with everything, I suppose.”
Trixie hated the word everything. It never seemed specific enough. Never held enough to be genuine. “You’re welcome,” She gently rubbed her own arms, unsure what to do now. “So, are you okay?”
Shangela had just laughed, gesturing around her and joking that she was being tortured. Her tone had been light, and happy. Trixie had found the tone weird, not suiting the situation that was their life.
It was wild to believe that had only been a day ago. And now Trixie was in her bed, had held her hand when she got a new rune, and put the smelly cream Peppermint had given them on Shangela’s head. Both girls were amazing, funny and warm. Trixie felt comfortable around them, mostly because they understood her life.
“Are you okay?” Shangela probably was smart enough to know Trixie wasn’t, even though she had never seen Trixie when she was okay. Coming to think of it, Trixie wasn’t sure if she had ever been okay.
“Yes,” Trixie smiled. She was shaken when she first properly met the girl. The small wounds on her hands and lower legs a reminder of how she had lost her temper in her motel room. With the memories brought back, it was hard to forget, hard to let go again. She had never really let her go, after all. “Just tired.”
“Okay,” Shangela wasn’t convinced, but she just smiled. “It’ll be light in a few hours, so we better go to sleep.”
“Stop talking, then,” Trixie snorted, maybe a little too loud, since she was hit by a pillow from the other bed.
“God, go to sleep or fucking die, let me sleep.” The two girls giggled as Aquaria turned back around, mumbling a little under her breath. Trixie really began to regret traveling alone. Having friends was nice, and blocked a lot of negativity out. She didn’t know how she had survived.
“Good night, Trixie.”
“Good night, Shangela,” Trixie mocked, lightly smacking her arm, earning another soft giggle.
The sun was climbing over the walls, to the ceiling, tickling it with light and warmth, yet not giving it. It was a feeling Trixie was way too familiar with. The other side of the bed was cold, but the soft snoring of Aquaria was all too present, making Trixie feel less alone, as if she had something to fall back on.
Pushing the duvet off, Trixie stepped out of bed, feeling soft and warm carpet instead of cold, hard wood. Trixie could get used to that. To all of what Aquaria and Shangela had shown her. More money, new clothes, clean weapons. She wanted it all.
She quickly got dressed, being as quiet as possible to not wake Aquaria up. As if staying over in a fancy hotel with warm and soft floors wasn’t enough, when she entered the main area, the smell of actual coffee hit her, a kind that didn’t take hours to warm up, still tasting like swamp water. It was even better, seeing Shangela still in her pajama’s, leaning against the counter with a grin, taking a sip from her mug. “Want some?”
“Yes please,” Trixie swallowed, taking a moment before she felt comfortable enough to walk again. Shangela handed her a mug, warmth immediately spreading through her hands and warming her fingertips up. Even though Trixie had held a lot of hot coffee cups in her life, that one felt warmer than any she had had in a long time. Not since she was a teen. Not since she had felt the soft and comforting touch from a friend.
“Had a good night sleep?” Trixie almost choked on her sip of too hot coffee, couching awkwardly before she smiled with a red face.
“Oh, my God,” Trixie wiped a drop of coffee from her chin. “Literally the best, I always sleep in crappy motels, so this is a nice change.”
Shangela raised a teasing eyebrow, smiling into her own cup. “Hopefully it’ll be for more than once, then.” It was soft, a mumble, a whisper. Maybe Trixie hadn’t heard it correctly, but she hoped she had. She hoped she’d read the way Shangela grinned correctly.
With her only answer being a crooked smile that was too bright to be flattering, she brought the cup back to her face, content. Socializing wasn’t her strongest suit, but she was charming, which was something no one could deny. Trixie Mattel was one charming bitch.
Aquaria woke up a little while later, mostly because Shangela decided to loudly play a Beyconcé song, and Trixie went back to her own motel room, changing and doing her makeup. There were still plenty of demons to take care off.
When she entered the motel, it felt lonelier than she remembered. The coffee maker wasn’t on, one of the lights broke and the worse part was how there was no one there.
She always felt lonely after a night of fun, but somehow it was worse. She had actually talked to Aquaria and Shangela. It was a good thing she was only there to get changed. Trixie had spent so much time in silence that it felt like the loudest yell, a scream of desperation.
Trixie was driving with Shangela navigating them. Aquaria was looking rather bored on the backseat, twirling with a knife. It looked so… weird. There were never people in Trixie’s car, especially not people who casually played with knives.
“Left,” Shangela said, pulling a pink bag that said ‘Aquaria’ on the side, on her lap. Seeing it filled with weapons was the strangest, uncomfortable thing Trixie had ever witnessed. It held a promise of a childhood that was ripped away, stolen, exchanged for weapons, danger, and fear, simply because she was born in a certain family.
Trixie turned left.
The lake was abandoned, no living soul near. When Trixie opened the trunk, she was glad no one was near. Her coat was already filled with knives, but she took a few guns with her to be sure, as she did with a large bottle of holy water.
Aquaria took a manchette, which glowed up under her touch. Shangela picked a few smaller knives and a large gun. “Devil Trap bullets are quite big, as you should know.”
“Devil Trap bullets?”
Shangela nearly dropped the gun, mouth agape. “Literally, how are you alive,” Aquaria said, gently shoving Shangela. “She’s like a lost lamb.”
“Hey, look-”
“No,” Shangela smiled, reaching in her pocket. “Here, this is a Devil’s Trap bullet. It basically takes demon powers away, and traps them.”
“Y’all just…” She vaguely moved her arms. “Make that?”
“Adore does with the help of witches and warlocks, sometimes others,” Aquaria said, loading her gun with the golden bullets, handling the gun with roughness, one that no one would give her credit for, just looking at her. “She’s no hunter, but she’s smart.”
“Wait, wait,” Trixie stopped checking her weapons. “You work with a non-hunter? A regular human?”
Shangela and Aquaria exchanges a look, Shangela raising a neatly drawn eyebrow. “Well, you’re a regular human in our book.”
“I had training!” Trixie argued. “I worked my ass off, learned how to hear and see demons, I’ve been doing this since I was fourteen!”
“And yet you haven’t heard of or created a Devils Trap bullet.”
Trixie had nothing else to say. It was true, after all. With a glare, she snatched a few of the bullets Shangela was holding, pressing them into her gun before aggressively cocking it. “Shut up.”
Shangela and Aquaria laughed, rolling their eyes at the girl. Trixie, still annoyed, closed her trunk a little tougher than necessary, turning her back to the girls. “So, where do we need to be?”
“Girl,” Shangela picked up a sword that was almost taller than she was, the light casting a soft glow on her face, making her cheekbones pop even more. “All I heard was a complaint about un-natural sounds after witch hour,”
“Did you just quote the news?” Aquaria snorted, tucking the last knife under her dress. Trixie still wondered why Aquaria had decided to wear a dress. A freaking dress. Whatever the reason behind it was, she did look amazing in it.
“I did,” Shangela hummed, stepping away from the car. “You went to sleep early and drunk, it’s not like I had much to do.”
It wasn’t too warm, even though the sun was still setting, casting a bit of light, still. Trixie shivered in her thin sweater, the material not warm or thick enough to stop the chill from settling in her body.
“Come on, it’ll be dark soon. We should get going.”
“Scared of the dark?” Aquaria poked Trixie’s side with a laugh, joining the other girls with a short sprint.
“I’m not,” Trixie rolled her eyes, hand resting on her gun, the other held the holy water. “I just want to get this over with. We have another case to look into, remember?”
“Another case?”
“Did you literally not pay attention?” Shangela sighed. “This is typical you, sleep long, fight and eat. That’s it.”
“You’re forgetting alcohol.”
“Yeah, Aquaria. I would definitely brag about being an alcoholic. We all know how that ended with Raja.”
Trixie felt like she was invading their privacy, crossing an invisible and not explained boundary as the two girls were bickering.
“First of all,” Aquaria began. “I’m not bragging about being an alcoholic. I’m not even addicted second of all, how dare you talk about Raja like that? She wasn’t an alcoholic.”
“What’s she gonna do?” Shangela spat. “Kill me from the grave? Girl, I have bigger things to worry about.”
“Shangela, Sometimes you’re just too horrible-“
“Okay!” Trixie clapped her hands once, not wanting the bickering to get out of hand. “If y’all really feel this strongly, I think you need to talk about it when I’m not near.”
“No, let her-“ Shangela began, but Trixie’s glare stopped her.
“No,” She breathed out. “We have one, maybe more, demons to take care of right now. For fuck’s sake, focus.”
Trixie picked up her pace, even though the other two matched hers soon, she felt like she made a statement. Even if she didn’t, they weren’t talking anymore, seemingly more focused on the case, which was all Trixie could wish for.
She finds herself getting used to having someone by her side. It was strange, she’d been alone for years, yet there she was, growing comfortable around two women she barely even knew.
Trixie, who had expected a smaller cabin, was surprised by how big the place was. Two floors and a seemingly large garden. It probably would be empty if it had been standing anywhere else but in the empty void that happened to lay around the lake.
Trixie opened the door, welcomed by silence, darkness, and dust flying everywhere. There were footprints in the dust, and Aquaria pulled out a flashlight, as Shangela reached for her sword. Trixie, knowing her little throwing knives would only slow it down but not kill the demon, opted for the gun, loaded with Devils Trap bullets.
Just like before every fight, her heartbeat sped up, her breathing becoming low yet uneven. The nervous twitch in her fingers too familiar. “Split up?” Shangela whispered, and Trixie nodded.
She took her own flashlight as she took the first floor, Shangela the second and Aquaria the garden. Trixie could only make up one pair of footprints on the ground, but she knew that not all demons traveled in vessels.
With careful and silent steps, she went to the kitchen, a few blown out candles standing on the counter, yet nothing else. The living room was empty, as was the hall. The last room was the bathroom, but before she could even open that door, she heard Aquaria yelp.
Turning on her heels, Trixie turned around, sprinting to the garden. The garden was pretty open, the last rays of sun vanishing over a pool smelled so awful, Trixie wanted to stuff her nose in rotten eggs.
Aquaria was cornered by two demons, one in a vessel, the other not. She continued running, seeing Shangela jump out of a window in front of her with an elegant roll before sprinting off. Damn those runes. It wasn’t the best moment to be jealous, though.
Aquaria stabbed the human vessel with her fancy knife before turning and kicking the demon in the stomach with her heel. The flesh made an awful sound, a gassy smell soon surrounding the place. Aquaria pulled her gun, and Shangela had her sword ready. She sliced at the regular demon, Aquaria pushing the vessel to the ground, her tiny bracelets lighting up, doing… something.
Shangela cut the head off of the demon as Trixie reached the scene. She was late. As fast as she could, she threw holy water on the demon, Shangela getting where she was going to, started drawing with her rune stick.
The vessel yelled, nasty burns bubbling on his face and neck, wherever the water hit him. “We’re good.” Shangela panted, and Aquaria got up, the demon trapped and in pain.
“Exorcism?” Aquaria was short of breath, cleaning her hands on her dress and brushing a few strands away from her face.
“Obviously,” Shangela stated.
“Why? He won’t survive, you stabbed him and he was already weakened.” Trixie argued. It’d be easier to just cut him open.
“We have to try,” Shangela didn’t look at Trixie. “We always do.”
Trixie, who knew that it was pretty useless to try, didn’t fight it. She knew that if there was anything she could do to soften the hurting they’d feel after the vessel, who had been a man, died, she’d do it.
“Okay, go ahead.” Aquaria had already taken a few steps back, after squeezing Shangela’s hand. Trixie followed, listened to the brunette speak the Latin words carefully. She saw the man squirm, scream, arch his back. There was a reason why Trixie preferred to just kill. She closed her eyes.
The demon left his vessel in a cloud of dust and with a low, deep sigh.
Shangela lunged to the man, checking his pulse. “Dead.”
Much to Aquaria’s delight, the group decided to go to the one bar the little town had. Surely, if a demon were to cause any trouble, that’d be a good place to start.
After a few drinks, Aquaria seemed to see someone she liked, and headed to the pool table. Shangela had darted away to chat with one of the employe’s who was on a break, Trixie heard her asking about strange activities lately. Always professional.
Trixie slowly traced the edge of her glass, the ice in the pink cocktail slowly melting, the drink warming up in the damp bar.
When she glanced at Aquaria, she noticed a new tattoo, a new rune. It was fading, and Trixie guessed it was one for health, a speedy recovery. She couldn’t care less, if she was being honest. It couldn’t help her, and it hadn’t helped the people from her past.
Her mind wandered back to the fight. To how Shangela had jumped out of a window while Trixie couldn’t get to the younger girl in time.
It wasn’t often she felt useless, or as if she had never felt like she had disappointed everyone, it was just never quite like that. She wasn’t fast enough, not smart enough.
“Hey, pretty lady,” Trixie had expected a man, a cheeky grin or something like that, but when she looked up, she saw a lady. A pretty lady in a purple dress, hair in a high updo, and perfect eyebrows. “Don’t tell me you’re here alone.”
She could have been. “No, no,” Trixie smiled, taking a sip from her awfully sweet and room temperature drink before smiling at the lady. “But, they’ve ditched me.”
“Well, allow me to entertain you,” She took Trixie’s hand, kissing it. “The name’s Violet.”
Talking to Violet was… an experience. She was a little snobby, though she could laugh with Trixie’s sometimes horrible jokes. She casually threw around terms like “to be completely candor”, “as one has informed me”, and so on. But she bought Trixie drinks, and the more pink Barbie drinks Trixie drank, the less she cared.
Until she heard Shangela’s loud, slightly over the top laugh, Trixie had forgotten they were at the bar for a case. “So, you’re from near here, I heard that they found a body, yesterday.”
“I heard something too,” Violet dipped her finger in her glass of champagne, still as full as if had been when they began talking. “Jaw broken open, burns over his body.”
“Do things like that…” Trixie wanted to sound as if she wasn’t fishing for information. “Happen often?”
Violet glanced up at Trixie, a short chuckle followed before she finally took a sip of her drink. “Let’s just say that you better stay away from the woods. Everyone knows that, here.”
Trixie hummed, finishing her drink. She had stopped counting at four. “Let’s not talk about something that dark and twisted,” Violet leaned forwards, placing a hand on Trixie’s thigh, her eyes focussing on Trixie’s. They were almost purple. Violet. But then again, Trixie was tipsy, and the funky lighting probably wasn’t helping. “Let’s get out of here.”
Turning Violet down seemed unthinkable. She was beautiful, graceful, and looked so soft and beautiful. Violet leaned in, and Trixie couldn’t help but be enchanted by the way her lips twitched slightly, hovering before her face. “What do you say?”
Trixie wanted to say yes, do anything to please Violet and keep her close. Anything, anything, anything.
“Trixie,” Shangela’s arm was wrapped about her neck, pulling her back and out of the trance that was Violet and everything about her. “Girl, what are you doing?” She laughed freely, yet limited.
“What do you mean?” Trixie felt dizzy, unstable. She blamed the drinks.
Violet scoffed, and Shangela glared at her. “C’mon, you look like you need some fresh air.”
“But I’m talking to-”
“She’ll be here when you’re feeling better, come on.” And Trixie didn’t fight anymore. All willpower seemed to have left her body, a drunken warmth falling over her when she left Violet behind. A tension slipped off her body as soon as she felt the fresh air on her skin. She sighed with content.
“Jealous?” Trixie raised an eyebrow, giggling like a little girl as she leaned against the brick wall, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers.
“Are you literally that stupid?” There was a harshness to Shangela’s normally playful, warm voice. “How the hell are you still alive, girl?”
“What do you mean?” Trixie let go of her hair, frowning as she pushed herself up. She was probably too drunk to understand anything serious.
“That woman!” Shangela snapped, pointing a finger to the door. She took a deep breath, running a hand over her face. “That woman is a vampire. She charmed you. She’d kill you.”
“God, do I fucking need to spell it out?” Shangela took a step closer to Trixie. “You could have died! Violet would have killed you! How-”
It wasn’t like Trixie to hug someone. But drunken, and apparently enchanted, Trixie was another story. She was warmer and actually dealt with her emotions. So, she hugged Shangela, who was about a head shorter than Trixie, and also very surprised.
“I’m not dead yet. I promise.” It felt good, being cared for. Having someone who looked out for her. She knew she wasn’t alone, at least not anymore.
After being frozen for a hot second, Shangela wrapped her arms around Trixie as well. “Let’s keep it like that, honey.”
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10. What’s something that brings back bad memories for them? A scent, a phrase, a place- anything.
Unusual and/or Prying Character Questions ; accepting | @eloquentyrant
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// This may be quite long, but please bear with me.
10. What’s something that brings back bad memories for them? A scent, a phrase, a place- anything.
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--- Ever since Blackfire was a child she absolutely detested the scent of her mother’s perfume. It holds very painful memories of where Blackfire stood in Luand’r’s life. Sure. The queen of Tamaran was known to be a kind, generous mother towards her children. But to Blackfire? She was...distant. She never looked at Blackfire directly in the eyes, or lent her comfort when she fell ill, got hurt, was sad, etc.. Blackfire truly was just...there.
When Starfire or Wildfire were around Luand’r when Blackfire wasn’t present, she was vibrant, soft, and sweet. She gave hugs, kisses, stroked their hair. But when young Blackfire would stretch her arms out for a hug from her mommy, Luand’r just kind of patted her shoulders and moved passed her firstborn with her head held high, the scent of her perfume trailing after.
--- Another scent that fucks her up is the strange inky substance that drips down her nose when she’s having a flareup from her disease. It smells kind of like rotten meat, but MUCH more pungent. It’ll literally make people sick in a wide radius, its that bad. That stench is a heart shattering reminder that she is not physically well, nor will she ever be. Hated by her people, lost to the throne, rejected by her family, and she’s dying. Not even her body wants her.
--- Not so much as phrases, but certain words can trigger some hurtful reminiscence from the past. For example, calling her ‘highness’ or ‘princess’ is near to insulting to her. She was originally, next in line to ascend the throne on Tamaran but it was quickly ripped away once her little sister was born. Blackfire should have been a queen a LONG time ago. But. Well. We know where that went.
--- Calling her by her native name, ‘Komand’r’. Blackfire is MUCH more preferred. But calling her Komand’r is a NO. Blackfire detests her planet, her people, and her native tongue. So she refrains from using the language and the name. Tamaran put this little devil through a lot of trauma. From bludgeoning her nearly to death, verbally abusing her, physically, mentally, you name it, they did it. All of that ties to her name. But lol. Can you imagine an ENTIRE PLANET against you? This little girl was all alone. Komand’r had no one.
--- Generally speaking to her in Tamaranean. Just dont.
---”Omen”. Its canon that when Blackfire was born, the citadel empire attacked Tamaran, which led the people to link Blackfire to the attack---even though it was very much out of her control. Still, they thought her birth was an omen for future disaster to come to their planet and they had already given up on her just seconds after she got to breathe life. (Tamaraneans, amirite?) She was branded an omen because she came out deformed (black hair, purple eyes) which obviously meant she had something to do with the attack on Tamaran. oTL
--- Her childhood home, the kingdom where she lived. Too many hardships happened within those walls. The list would go on forever if I even tried to begin writing it lol.
--- Tamaranean Army. For obvious reasons. However, she DID prove herself the strongest of the bunch. She was basically a one-woman army. She had to be. But the struggle was real. Constantly ridiculed, put down, getting into MANY fights. It was rough. She endured a lot of unspeakable things I will not put here. ^^;;
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Sense Of Smell Day
Take some time to stop and smell the roses—literally. National Sense  of Smell Day is for appreciating the many scents our noses can pick up  and enjoy.
In the dark annals of history it served to protect us from danger as  we came down from the trees and raised ourselves onto two feet. So  strongly attached to our development is it that it is connected to  multiple different neurological systems, and as such can trigger  memories in a way that little else can.
With it we can identify our favorite dish, or pick up the wafting  scent of our favorite person, that’s right, Sense of Smell Day is  dedicated to this most amazing of our (far more than five) senses.
History of Sense of Smell
The Sense of Smell Institute sponsors this holiday for reasons so  obvious we needn’t mention it. The importance of the sense of smell is  often overlooked, and some don’t truly appreciate how much of a role it  plays in every day of our lives.
Some of the most important and comforting things we can experience  are intricately tied to our sense of smell, and our sense of smell  becomes much less discerning without it. The Sense of Smell Institute is  the research and education division of The Fragrance Foundation.
Interesting things that this institute has managed to unveil is the fact that no two people smell odors  in quite the same way. As the day progresses your sense of smell gets  stronger, with the evening representing our strongest sense of smell.
This makes a certain amount of sense when you consider that during the day our sight  is the most important sense in identifying dangers, and at night, it  could be a scent on the wind that saved our ancestors. Another  interesting revelation is that Vitamin A is not, as purported, good for  our eyesight by and large, but is actually vitally important for our  sense of smell. A lack of it can actually cause Anosmia! (An odd little  word that means ‘loss of a sense of smell’.)
How to celebrate Sense of Smell Day
The best way to celebrate Sense of Smell Day is to give our little  sniffer a work-out. Try savoring new scents throughout the day, and  really take some time to appreciate all the various odors that cross  your path.
While it was generally a feast for all the sense, you can even get  together with friends and play a game called “The Pleasure Room”, where  you take turns trying to identify things by smell.
Maybe even set up some surprises and get smells that are really close  to each other, or smell very much alike but are from incredibly  different sources. All sorts of fun can be had on Sense of Smell Day!
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lunar-magnolia · 7 years
11 Questions
Hello! I was tagged by @mikia87. As always, thank you very much for thinking of me! I���m very happy :D
Rules: Answer the questions you’re given. At the end, write 11 of your own, and tag people.
1. What is your favorite video game? Final Fantasy XV. I’m sorry, Kingdom Hearts, you’ve been dethroned. Jokes aside, this game literally saved my life, so this is the bare minimum.
2. What kind of music do you like? Uhhh anything and everything tbh. Although when I hear a new song the thing I value the most is the lyrics, then the global arrangement.
3. What is your favorite movie? I don’t have one, I’m not that much into movies… I like them of course, but meh.
4. If you could be a fictional character, which one would you choose? Uhhhhh… the one that gets to bang/be besties with Aranea I dunno really. Surely I’d like to live into the Final Fantasy XV Universe and have some kind of relationship with the main characters, but I don’t really want to be anyone else more than me.
5. What is your favorite color? Purple! Or red. Or blue. Or rainbow.
6. What is the first video game you played? Ohhh I dunno. I was like 3 LOL. I saw my father play something and I tried it, back in the days when the ps1 and the gamecube were around. Maybe it was Mario Bros? I don’t know man lol
7. What is your favorite book? Damn it’s been so long since I’ve read a book because I liked it, I really don’t know how to answer. Guess I’ll go for “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. The moral conflict depicted in the book is something that always fascinated me.
8. Big question: Moogle or chocobo? Why? 😉 Chocobros. LOL Chocobos! They’re like horses, but with fluffy feathers. And they can glide. I mean. Imagine.
9. Who is your favorite artist (any kind : art, music, dance, acting…)? Every single artist who loves their art is my favorite. It’s not just a poetic thing, I just think that when someone loves what they’re doing it shows somehow. The passion put in their work is in plain sight and I love it. So yeah, everytime I see a new drawing, or hear a new song, or whatever form of art, I fall in love with the artist’s passion and the artist. I love art, even if I can’t really contribute.
10. What is your favorite anime/cartoon? I haven’t watched anything of the kind in a while, but I’d say Black Butler. When I first started watching it I wasn’t only fascinated by the artwork, but also the story, how history and fiction melded together and how it felt challenging in its moral choices at times. I should catch up with it sooner or later…
11. If you had to sacrifice one of your 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch). Which one would you choose?  My name is not IGNIS FUCKING SCIENTIA so maybe not my sight. I rely too much on it, I need it to read fanfics.
Smell has been recognized as the sense that triggers the strongest memories and tbh I like those moments when I remember things. Even if they make me cry sometimes.
Taste no. I love eating and different flavors. Don’t, please.
And last but not least touch. I’m already touch-starved, I’d like to keep what’s left lol. Jokes aside, I like touching things to study the textures, so meh no thanks. So yeah, goodbye hearing. And music. Well, it is a sacrifice, isn’t it?
Uhh I’m not good at asking questions.
1. Do you daydream?
2. Ever dozed off unwillingly?
3.What would you do if your favorite character knocked at your door?
4.If you could change your age, would you rather be older or younger than you are now? Why?
5. Have you ever done something very important and never told anyone about it?
6. If ancient deities existed and you coul meet one of them, who would you like to know better? (Consider: going on a tour with them and helping them perform their duties, learning more about their relationship with humans and other gods, maybe going to a party with them.)
7. If you could change the law for a month, what would you do?
8. Bitter truth or sweet lie? Careful: both, to hear and say.
9. Is friendship different from romance or not?
10. Liberty is..?
11. Would you change your name?
Tagging: @saintsimcat @swizzlecahoots @sternentreue @faygosmayhem … I dunno guys, if you want to do it is cool, otherwise don’t feel pressured! I’d be curious to hear your answers though!
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ellanainthetardis · 7 years
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It’s announcement day! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know!
[ff] or (ao3]
Chapter 12 :  A True Victor
His ears kept ringing long after Snow’s face had disappeared from the screen.
His hand was empty of the glass he had just been holding and he realized, belatedly, that he had thrown it at the wall, missing the screen by two inches. It laid, shattered, on the floor.
Someone laughed and it took him a few minutes to understand it was him. He laughed until his side hurt and tears ran down his face.
And, then, abruptly, as quickly as it had started, the laughter stopped.
On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors.
He wanted to throw up.
He bowed down in two and took long deep breaths that did nothing for the anarchic beating of his heart or for the nausea.
Cannot overcome the power of the Capitol.
This was Snow’s revenge. This was why Haymitch was still alive when Cinna was dead. It wouldn’t be just Haymitch. It would be Katniss too. And enough of the victors to remind them all of where they stood in the food chain. It was a direct message to the Districts. The Capitol could kill their champions. It was…
It was the perfect answer to a failed coup.
Obvious enough for those who knew, not open enough to trigger reactions from those who didn’t.
Most District people would be relieved even. It meant that they didn’t need to fear for their children that year. He might be able to find comfort in that small mercy later on. For now…
For now, he couldn’t quite process it.  
Reaped from their existing pool of victors…
Katniss, for sure.
But not only.
Twelve was the only District with so few victors but there were others… How many were there in Eleven, for instance? Five? Two of them being elderly. It didn’t bode well for his best friend either. And even if Chaff managed to slip through… He knew all the victors. Some better than others, true, but he knew them all. Even the Careers… Some of them he had no sympathy for, others he liked to think he was on friendly terms with.
He knew those people.
Every single one of them.
How fucked up was this?
Was it Heavensbee’s idea? Was that the suggestion that had convinced Snow of his loyalty and had saved his head? Tossing the victors back in their personal hell?
The arena.
The arena and its luring treacherous beauty. The emerald green grass, the deep blue water, the sweet smelling colorful flowers… The candy pink birds. Maysilee choking on her own blood. The volcano erupting in a rain of lava, the smell of sulphur in the air. Nya and her missing eye chasing after him to finish him, to win. The gut wrenching fear in the launching pod. The voice in his head pushing him on, reminding him that Hayden and his mother were waiting for him at home, that they would eventually starve if he died there, that Mabel would be there to welcome him back with her soft lips and her secretive smile. The voice telling him it was all worth it. Lives taken. Lives lost. All worth it for the certainty of holding all of them in his arms again, to melt in their embrace, to hear them say they loved him again.
A lie.
All a lie.
A trap.
Couldn’t go back.
Wouldn’t go back.
Fear was paralyzing.
He was sixteen again.
Listening to his name ringing out in the Square, last to be called by the Capitol clown on the stage. Being nudged forward by his friend because he was taking too long to move and it wouldn’t look good, it never looked good when they tried to run and the Peacekeepers had to chase after them. Pushed in that room in the Justice Building, intimidated by the place despite himself because he had lived his whole life in the Seam and this was the wealthy part of town. Trying to look strong for his mother, for his brother… Losing it with Mabel because she wasn’t just his girl but his best friend, had been since they had learned to talk, and he was freaking out. The words she had murmured in his ear until he had calmed down, learned how to breathe normally again, words he couldn’t remember at all even though their rhythm was branded in his memory like a distorted melody.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Words he had offered to all of them like a confident gift, a promise.
He was sixteen again.
He was sixteen again and his ears were ringing…
His name was quiet and it made the ringing stop. He looked up at the boy standing on his living-room’s threshold. Peeta was paler than usual but there was a determined tightness to the line of his mouth, a tension in his shoulders.
And suddenly Haymitch was back to himself. If felt a lot like falling. He fell through memories that seemed so real he could almost touch them and back to his tired weakened body.
A forty year old man who was responsible for two kids and couldn’t afford to be paralyzed by fear.
“We need to talk.” Peeta declared, all tough, just like when he had confessed his feelings the year before, before the interviews, and had told him he intended to see Katniss out of that arena.
Peeta was the best of them. Haymitch had always known that.  
“Yeah.” he said. His voice sounded rough, raw, to his own ears and he cleared his throat. “I guess we do.”
He gestured at the armchair but Peeta declined with a shake of his head. The boy took a few steps toward the fireplace and remained there, in the middle of the room, a commanding presence. The charisma was good, Haymitch noted, Effie could work with that.
“We’re going to make sure Katniss wins this.” the boy said.
No surprise there.
No question either.
“Alright.” he agreed.
He was a bit impressed with himself for not even hesitating. He had thought his own survival instinct was stronger than that. But maybe he had developed another instinct in the last year. An even stronger one. An instinct that commanded him to save those kids by any mean necessary.  
“Well, that was easy.” Peeta said. The boy let out half a bitter chuckle. “I thought you would fight me at least a little about it first.”
“What’s there to fight about?” He opened his arms wide and let them fall back to his side. “We get Katniss out. You two crazy kids can have a very long life together. Pretty sure she doesn’t want kids of her own but maybe if you ever get a dog you can name it after me. That’ll make for a good joke, too. Caesar will love that. It’s important to be funny, you know. Helps with sponsors.”  He licked his lips and ran his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, I need a drink.” This was a lot to take in without the help of alcohol. His hands were shaking but he forced himself to slouch further in the couch instead of pacing the room like he wanted to, look casual. Detached. Like this was no big deal. “We’re done? ‘Cause I’d like to do some cursing in peace now.”
Peeta was frowning. “You’re not going. I’m going.”  
“Ah. That fight.” he snorted, studying him. He understood the projected confidence and determination better now. Peeta wasn’t there to ask him to die. Of course not. It would have been too easy. “No, kid.”
“You owe me.” the boy snapped. “You chose Katniss last year so you owe me. And that’s what I want. I will go in there and…”
“And get yourself killed for her?” he scoffed. “I’m curious. What’s the plan here? You die so she doesn’t have to marry you and she’s free to be with that other boy she doesn’t even know she actually likes? Or you hope that, then, she’s finally gonna understand that you’re the good guy? ‘Cause that’s stupid. Either way? You’re gonna be very dead and she’s gonna be very unhappy.”
“You think I want to die? I just want her to live!” the kid shouted, eyes suddenly brighter. He clenched his jaw and forced his voice down. “I can help her win.”
“Sure, you can. And you will.” he shrugged. “Out there. You’re gonna charm the pants off sponsors – not literally if possible – and you’re gonna make sure she’s got everything she needs to live another day.”
“Oh, come on, Haymitch!” Peeta snapped. “Let’s not pretend you care for me enough to volunteer if…”
“Don’t you fucking dare.” he spat. “I’ll volunteer. And I’ll punch you if you try to do the same thing. Don’t think I won’t.” They glared at each other until he shook his head. “You want to save Katniss. I can save you both. That’s the way to go.”
“No.” the boy protested. “If I go in there, I can make sure…”
He was out of the couch in a flash, not as swiftly as he would have liked but faster than Peeta had been expecting. He grabbed the kid’s arm and gave it a firm shake.
“Listen to me.” he hissed. “Fucking listen to what I’m saying. There won’t be any more tricks. There won’t be any miraculous save. Only one person is coming out of that arena and if you think for one fucking second I’m gonna stand by and let both of you go in when I can stop it…” It wasn’t convincing the boy. Not at all. He could read it on his face, plain as day, set in his damned stubbornness, his damned tendency at playing the knight in shining armor. Haymitch would never be much of a knight but he could probably be a good rook – knock everyone out of the way, clear a path, protect Katniss long enough for her to cross the chessboard. “I won’t be any help out there. Remember Cinna and Portia’s accident? I got out of that one easy, you hear what I’m saying?” He gave him another shake. “I’m blown in the Capitol for sure. Doesn’t matter how they’ll do it but I’m pretty sure no sponsor will deal with me. I’ll be useless, boy. That’s my accident. I get to watch you die.”
Peeta was staring straight into his eyes, searching for the lies, always mistrustful because he and Katniss had hidden too much.
“You don’t know…” the boy argued, a touch less confident.
It was all Haymitch needed. An in.
“Yeah, I do.” he chuckled. It almost sounded hysterical. He adjusted his grip on the boy’s arm, relaxed his fingers enough that they wouldn’t leave bruises. “I fucking do.”
“Even so…” Peeta shook his head. “I don’t know anything about mentoring. Even if…”
“Effie will take care of the practical stuff.” he cut him off. “Hell, she’s better at mentoring than I am. She practically got the two of you out by herself last year.” That was a gross exaggeration. But Effie was good. And she could do this. She would do this. “You just need to trust her and follow her lead. You’re half of the star-crossed lovers. Sponsors are gonna eat in your hand. They’re all gonna be rooting for you.”
“If I go in, I can protect her.” the boy pleaded.
“You think I wouldn’t have her back?” he sneered. “You think I’d turn on her?”
Peeta didn’t answer at once and it was almost insulting. Haymitch dropped his hands and stepped back, his sneer deepening. He was a despicable man on a lot of accounts. But he would have never…
“No.” the kid said quietly. “But I’m stronger.”
He hadn’t just spent weeks in withdrawals, he meant.
Although Haymitch supposed that had been a blessing in disguise. Withdrawals in an arena… That wouldn’t have been fun. And it would have made him an amusing spectacle for the wolves. He would have hated that. He had been a joke for most of his life, he hoped his death would carry a little more meaning than that.
Not that there was ever any meaning in death.
“You’re missing a leg.” he reminded him. He didn’t feel bad about the flash of pain and shame that passed on the boy’s face. It was a fact. The crude and honest truth. And speaking of truths… “You know what’s going to happen, kid? You’re gonna volunteer, you’re gonna go into that arena and she’s gonna realize she loves you at the worst possible moment.”
“Yeah, that’s going to happen.” Peeta scowled.
“Yeah. It will.” he laughed bitterly. “’Cause that’s the kind of person she is. It’s the kind of things she’ll figure out too late.” A bit like when he had held Effie until dawn on the last night of the Tour. A bit like… He rubbed his face. “You know the worst? It’s gonna make the Capitol’s day too. Tragic end to a tragic love story. You go in there and you die, you let them win.”
“I wanted to be more than a piece in their game.” the boy whispered sadly.
“Then be more.” he almost begged.
“If I let you go in there for me, they win too.” Peeta countered. “I let them win.”
“No.” he objected. “’Cause this Quell… That’s my game. Not yours. It’s my own fucking fault. I tried…” He let his sentence trail off and shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. You said I owe you. I do. I chose her last year, I’m choosing both of you this year.”
“Haymitch…” the kid said, his voice breaking a little.
It was tempting and the boy was tempted.
Haymitch understood that very well because he was tempted to. Accept the teenager’s offer, promise to stay out of the arena whatever happened… If he had thought for one second that there was any hope of getting both of them out of there, if he had thought for one second that he would have been more useful out there… If there had been any guarantee…
If Thirteen hadn’t left them all to hang…
“You know what the smart thing to do is, Peeta.” he insisted. “And you know what Katniss is gonna say once she pulls her head out of her ass. How long do you think before she gets here and asks me to die for you?”
“She won’t.” the boy denied.
“Wanna bet?” he snorted but he wasn’t amused and he didn’t pretend to be for long. “I’m an old man. Whatever shitty life I had is behind me.”
Peeta ran both his hands in his hair and tugged a little at the roots, clearly distressed. “It’s not fair. I can’t ask you…”
“You’re not asking.” Haymitch cut him off. “You’re not asking and you’re not carrying that guilt. My choice.” The boy stared at him, breathing hard, so Haymitch went on. “We need you to be out there. For Katniss. That’s the best way you can protect her.”
Peeta turned around and paced back and forth, retracing the path from the couch to the bookshelf a few times. “What about Effie?”
The question took him a little aback. “Told you. She’s the best. She can…”
“That’s not what I mean.” the boy interrupted him, not unkindly. “You know what I mean.”
What about Effie?
He felt a pang of sadness only thinking about her. What she would have to go through… It was hard for her when it was children she had only known for two weeks. Watching friends go in there… Watching him…
Oh, it would kill her.
Just like it would have killed him if he had been staying behind.
But she would do her job and she would do it well. He trusted her implicitly. She was the best escort out there and everyone knew it. Every other victor had put a request for her at one point or another. The only reason she was still in Twelve was that she was the only one who had ever been able to talk some sense into him and make him somehow behave.
“Effie’ll put Katniss first.” he promised. “She…” He rolled his eyes. “Do I really need to spell this out, boy? We care about the two of you in case you didn’t notice. Both of us. We have our priorities straight.”
Peeta stopped pacing to study him once more, wary. “She’s your…” His sentence was left in suspension either out of tact or because he wasn’t sure what term to use. The boy cleared his throat and averted his eyes. “Are you sure you’re ready to…”
He appreciated what the kid was trying to say, to ask, but it was a pointless line of enquiries.
“She’s Capitol.” he said quietly.
“What does it have to do with anything?” Peeta scoffed. “It’s Effie. She’s much more than just her citizenship. She’s…”
“Capitol.” he finished before the teenager could launch into a speech on her qualities and flaws. He was intimately acquainted with each and every one of them. “I know everything’s about love at your age but for some people sex is just sex. It’s just a fling. Could never be anything but that.”
They didn’t belong in the same world.
And it would have been a selfish waste to save his own skin for something that had been doomed from the start.
Peeta nodded thoughtfully – not really convinced, he suspected, but maybe understanding the lie was a necessary one.
He and Effie had no future whatsoever.
The boy swallowed hard. “Are you sure?”
“That I want to go back to an arena?” he mocked. “What kind of fucking stupid question is that?”  
“That you want to die for me.” Peeta clarified. “For Katniss.”
He didn’t let himself hesitate. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure.”
The boy slouched a little, as if a weight had just settled on his shoulders. He looked older all of a sudden, older and exhausted. Lost.
A true victor.
Haymitch had won the argument but he found no joy in it. He wasn’t twisted enough for that.
“Go home.” he told the kid. “Get some rest.”
“What are you going to do?” Peeta asked in a small voice. That was a very good question but the sharp ringing of the phone answered that for him. The boy flashed him a small sad smile. “Tell her hi for me.”
Haymitch waited until the boy had slipped through the backdoor to put his shaking hand on the phone. He took a deep breath before answering. “Took you long enough, sweetheart.”
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cannabisprnewera · 5 years
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The Strongest Strains on the Planet
Have you tried any of 2019’s strongest strains? Some of these strains have now reached whopping THC levels of over 35 percent!
In the great wide world of contemporary cannabis, we’re certainly not smoking reggie anymore. While the jury is out on how accurate the inspection of cannabis really is when it comes to THC percentage, there is no doubt that today’s herb is more potent and more craft than it has ever been in the past. Classics and new-school blends now co-exist in harmony, setting the stage for some truly earth-shatteringly good marijuana strains. Over the past five years, we have been some impressive new kids on the block. Many of these new creations have quickly earned their place among the strongest strains on the planet. To keep you updated on the very best strains in the world, this master list highlights strains and products that are truly exceptional.
The strongest strains in the world
Back in the 1970s, the average cannabis plant clocked in at a little over one percent THC. Nowadays? The hottest connoisseur strains can feature thirty times that much. Not only is cannabis stronger than it has ever been in history, but the friendly herb now comes in a variety of colors, flavors, and can produce a surprising bouquet of experiential effects. In an effort to highlight some top-notch flowers, here are some of the strongest weed strains in the world.
Nova OG
Another Manali West treat, Pink Starburst has tested as high 32.49 percent THC. This hybrid is a complicated cross between DJ Short’s Blueberry, Headband (Underdog OG), and AJ Sour Diesel (BX3). The strain was then backcrossed on itself to produce Pink Starburst. Well that’s some skilled breeding, right? The result is a strain with indica growth patterns but more of an uplifting sativa experience, a true craft flower.
Lemon Head
This is a blend that features Faceoff OG. Named after the 1997 Nicholas Cage and John Travolta classic, Faceoff (where John Travolta literally steals Cage’s face). It has also been said that the high that’s experienced from smoking this strain can be compared to actually “losing your face” because of the tingling sensations and dizzying head high. Infusing this with a Lemon lineage of cannabis is the perfect way to breath new life into a strain from the 90’s reserved for longtime smokers. The Lemon G of the combination adds a zesty energy to the high that might normally leave you stuck. Although not a pure Sativa the combination of the two parents offers a good balance for pain relief or just general relaxation. Lemon Head has levels of THC that are approximately 22 percent.
NYC Diesel
One of the original Diesel strains, this Sativa dominant strain is the hybrid of Afghani and Mexican original strains. The result is a strain that delivers the perfect body elevation for a deep and consuming state of tranquility. Similar to Sour Diesel, smoking this will offer a chattier high and will help relieve symptoms of social anxiety. NYC Diesel has also been known as a potential aphrodisiac. Aromas are pungent, but instead of skunkiness, anticipate strong lime and fruit aromas. It weighs in at 22 percent THC.
Cherry Pie
A mix up of that Grandaddy Purple and Durban Poison this strain tastes exactly how you would expect it too. With hints of fruity aromas and berry flavors, it’s got a calming quality when smoked. Cherry Pie makes for a giggly high and is perfect for the movies or brunch. Its fruity components will compliment the fun vibes you will get since the high allows you to still be sociable. This strain is perfect for fueling the imagination too. Its THC levels are approximately 21.8 percent.
Chemdawg is a popular and pungent strain that has quickly become a staple for many. Measuring in at a hefty 28.2 percent THC, it’s a hybrid of Sour Diesel and OG Kush and undeniably one of the strongest strains on the planet. Beware of the stinkiness of this strain– like most Diesels, it’s easy to catch a whiff of from far away. This strain delivers a full body high so prepare to feel all the feels after smoking this.
Irish Cream
This Indica is raised by Mighty Irish Seeds crossbreeding Real McCoy with Cookies and Cream. It stems from a blend of Girl Scout Cookies. One can expect the same full-body mellow and cerebral high. With an indica-heavy smoothness, Irish Cream will have you high af. Expect a sticky melty feeling combined with a sweet and earthy flavor. But like most real McCoys it will leave you carefree too. This strain has THC levels of approximately 27.1 percent.
Rude Boi
Rude Boi isn’t just for Rihanna anymore. Coming in strong at 26.9 percent THC this blend hails from the South East regions of Atlanta. This strain is named after it’s the original grower “Rude Boi.” This strain includes components of OG Kush, Irene OG, and Faceoff OG to offer the perfect trifecta of sophisticated smoking. Smoking this potent blend will trigger nostalgia of dankness and memories of all things “old-school.”
White Tahoe Cookies
White Tahoe Cookies is the one to watch in 2018. Originally grown by @Kush4Breakfast and distributed through Archive Seed Bank. This strain is a blend of The White, Tahoe OG and Girl Scout Cookies. Perfect for sedating a racing anxious mind giving off a citrus flavor offset by a skunkier taste. Expect to see this nug up and down the West Coast. With THC levels coming in at 27.15 percent, it’s safe to say this is one of the strongest strains on the planet.
Blue Magoo
LA Photographer Bentley Rolling described this beauty as a heavenly blend between the strains DJ Short Blueberry and Major League Bud. The nug photographed was grown by Happy Cabbage Farms. This potent herb has aromatic scents of blueberry and other fruity characteristics and being a hybrid smoking it allows the best of both worlds with an energizing sativa feel to enjoy the mellowness of this indica dominant flower. 22 percent THC.
Snoop’s Dream
Snoop’s Dream is named after the Godfather of Cannabis, Snoop Dogg so you know it’s legit. Not to mention being bred with a personal favorite, Blue Dream, and Master Kush. This indica-dominant hybrid lives up to all its high expectations. Covered in pretty orange hairs the bud has a woody aftertaste and a heady high. But this is not for the beginner smoker with some variations of this strain testing THC as high as 25 percent.
UK Cheese
When looking for which weed has the most THC, UK Cheese won’t necessarily win, but it is worth considering. UK Cheese is a classic, potent hybrid strain. Famous for its pungent cheese aroma, many cite “Cheese” as the strongest weed they’ve ever smoked. When looking for which weed has the most THC, UK Cheese with its average of 20 percent THC, doesn’t quite stack up to the other heavy hitters we’ve rounded up. However, this classic strain with its euphoric effects, mental stimulation, and full body high, rightfully earned its spot on this list.
LA Confidential
Sometimes you not only want to know which weed has the most THC, but which weed will give you the exact effect you’re looking for. If you have difficulty sleeping, LA Confidential is a safe bet. LA Confidential is becoming a legendary strain in southern California for good reason. This indica-dominant hybrid has a sweet pine taste with a classic skunk aroma, but it’s more famous for the appearance of its nugs. These babies are colorful and covered in thick, frosty trichomes. Plus, the effect is strong; it’s super sedative and great for unwinding or getting ready for bed.
Ghost OG
Ghost OG is a hybrid strain known for its epically high levels of THC. Consistently testing around 30 percent THC, if you are looking for which weed has the most THC, consider your question answered. An indica-dominant hybrid, Ghost OG is known for its calming effects, invoking a heavy body high that can alleviate pain, depression, and stress. Plus, this pungent and citrusy smelling bud also provides a euphoric cerebral effect, making it the best of both worlds.
PsychOG is an enigmatic hybrid with an intriguing reputation. This plant supposedly produces up to 24 percent THC, but the psychoactive potential of different samples will vary. A cross between Fire OG and Headband, this plant comes from a world-famous lineage. Leaning indica-dominant, expect PsychOG to deliver a relaxed and tranquil cannabis experience. However, within minutes after the first inhalation, don’t be surprised if you find your mind overtaken by a dreamy cerebral quality.
Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints
Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints is a legendary phenotype of the popular Girl Scout Cookies Strain. While this plant clocks in at around 24 percent THC, it’s the unique flavor and aroma that are often the most impressive. Upon inhale, a cool herbal quality teases the tongue. This spiciness is accompanied by an oddly pleasurable shortbread flavor, making this strain an aptly named bud. Considered a moderate hybrid, this plant produces strong effects that will not leave you stuck to the couch. However, the more Thin Mints GSC you consume, the more you may find yourself yawning and ready for a nap.
Blue Cookies
Let’s be honest, Girl Scout Cookies (GSC) has mothered some truly high-performing cannabis strains. Blue Cookies is another impressive offspring to add to the collection. This indica-dominant hybrid is a cross between the famous GSC and Blueberry. Blueberry is a delicious fruit-flavored plant that donated some of its genetics to the infamous Blue Dream. Now, however, its Blue Cookies that deserves the limelight. This fanciful flower can produce up to 25 percent THC. With a warm berry-citrus flavor and a soothing relaxing high, there’s a lot to love about this mouth-watering botanical.
Strongest Hybrid Strains
While scrumptious landrace strains were popular in the hippie era, today’s cannabis environment is full of craft hybrids. Contemporary strains are often fast-growing, high-yielding, fragrant, and are chock-full of psychoactive THC. In fact, strains are now producing upwards of 25 to 35 percent of the compound. If you’re interested in consuming or growing some truly potent cannabis, here’s a list of the strongest hybrids in the world right now.
Chiquita Banana
World’s Strongest Strain
Chiquita Banana has won the title of one of the strongest strains in the world. In some tests, this strain reached over 33 percent THC, making it one of the strongest strains in the world. Those who manufacture clear concentrates or distillates will love this strain, as it produces such a concentrated amount of THC naturally. Chiquita Banana is a cross between the famous OG Kush and Banana, and you’ll be finding yourself soaring through a dreamy bliss after just a taste or two of this strain. This strain has been named a High Times strongest two years running, in 2015 and in 2016. Featuring a sweet and tropical taste, you can’t go wrong with a little Banana. Vaping this from the DaVinci IQ would seriously maximize its flavors like nothing before.
Tutankhamun (King Tut)
King Tut, also known as Tutankhamon, is a sativa-dominant hybrid with THC levels that can reach up to 30 percent. This strain is thought to be an offspring from the legendary AK-47, a potent sativa that produces a fast-acting and clear-headed cerebral high. This is a great strain for daytime use, promoting energy, vigor, and focus. However, those sensitive to sativas or large amounts of THC may experience some anxiety with this strain. Classified as a sativa, this flower is a bit unique among other high-producing buds. While all of the most potent strains in the world are hybrids, most err toward the middle or indica side of the spectrum.
The OG #18
Released by DNA Genetics under the Reserva Privada label, OG #18 is a phenotype of OG Kush. OG #18 tested with up to 27 percent THC. This strain has won several awards, including Best Hydro at Spannabis 2011. The flower perhaps leans a little to the indica-side of OG Kush, providing consumers with a positive, upbeat mood and a substantial body relaxation. The OG #18 is certainly potent, but it is not likely to leave you stuck on the couch. Rather, save this bud for an easy afternoon when you can sit back, unwind, and de-stress.
Blissful Wizard
Blissful Wizard was bred by the Captain’s Connection tests between 25 and 34 percent THC. A cross between the famous Girl Scout Cookies and Captain’s Cookies, this bud produces a soaring euphoric high that will put you in a good mood for a few hours. The strain has a tendency to stimulate appetite, so having some snacks on hand before partaking is recommended. An award-winning flower, it took home Best Non-Solvent Has at the SoCal Medical Cannabis Cup in 2015 and it remains one of the highest testing strains around right now. The experience from this strain is happy and comfortable overall, interspersed with extremely pleasurable sensations of bliss.
Gorilla Glue #4
Gorilla Glue #4 is one of the most popular strains in the U.S. right now. A potent and high-yielding hybrid, this bud produces a heavy yet comfortable experience that knocks away pain. In the past, this strain has reached the 30 percent THC mark. Yet, the standard bud falls between the 24 and 28 percent range. Gorilla Glue produces a very strong hybrid experience, perhaps leaning a little toward the body-heavy side. However, the herb also provides some intensely euphoric effects. All in all, anyone in need of a powerful yet blissful experience will love Gorilla Glue.
Bruce Banner #3
Bruce Banner #3 is a difficult find and the demand for this bud is increasing. Named after the Incredible Hulk’s alter ego, Bruce Banner has stayed on the strongest strains list for the past couple of years. This bud can reach up to 30 percent THC, making it one heavy-handed hybrid. One of the strongest strains in the world, Bruce Banner is a great medical cannabis bud and can be extremely helpful for those with chronic pain, including neuropathic pain and pain after injury. This flower is also known to inspire a bout of creativity, that is often appreciated by those who struggle with focus and attentiveness. Considered slightly sativa dominant, expect to be floating on waves of blissful euphoria after a few tastes of this potent herb.
Paired with the Mighty Vaporizer for pure and clean vapor, Bruce Branner provides a relaxed body experience.
The White
In the past, The White has been difficult to find. However, as word about this amazing hybrid spreads around, this strain is growing in popularity. The genetics and original breeder of this strain are quite mysterious, but it is thought to be a phenotype of a Kush strain, Triangle. Triangle is a three-way cross between OG Kush, Purple Kush, and Master Kush. While some reports have put The White at up to 29 percent THC, it features an average of about 24 to 25 percent. For experienced consumers, this delicate flower produces a manageable daytime high. Novice consumers may find this strain a little on the sedative or hazy side.
White Fire OG (Wifi OG)
If you need something strong during the day, White Fire OG is an excellent choice. An offspring of The White and Fire OG, White Fire OG also makes the list of most potent strains this year. Sometimes called Wifi OG, the strain is covered with a thick coating of white crystal trichomes and features a contented and sociable high. The THC levels in this strain range from 25 to 30 percent, earning this bud a place as one of the world’s strongest. Many consumers report that the plant has a lung-expansive effect and some pleasant sensations of bodily heaviness.
Girl Scout Cookies
Over the past few years, Girl Scout Cookies has taken the U.S. by storm. This delightful hybrid is now one of the most popular strains along the West Coast and is often used as a base for uber-potent Kurupt’s Moonrocks. A cross of Durban Poison and OG Kush, this psychoactive plant sets a new standard for contemporary hybrids, featuring up to 28 percent THC. Uplifting and euphoric, Girl Scout Cookies provides a soaring cerebral experience and a hefty amount of full-body relaxation. However, in large doses, this strain can cause sedation. When you smoke a little too much GSC, you might find it difficult to get off of the couch. For experienced consumers, this strain makes a great daytime treat.
Strongest Indica Strains
Kush fans are in for a real treat with this list. Indica strains are naturally high resin producers, meaning that you can count on plenty of crystal-coated buds from these strains. Sedative, dreamy, and calming, these psychoactive flowers can ease away stress while delivering some seriously euphoric highs. Medical consumers may appreciate the potent and narcotic-like pain relief provided by these intoxicating herbs. Without further ado, here are the 10 strongest indica strains on earth right now.
Death Star
Death Star is a strong indica-dominant hybrid strain with an even stronger smell. It has a skunky, diesel aroma that’s hard to hide, but when smoked is sweet, earthy, and delicious. It provides a powerful high that’s super relaxing, which is great for smoking after work, before bed, or for relieving pain and anxiety. A cross between Sensi Star and Sour Diesel, Death Star is one sedative hybrid. Featuring between 20 and 26 percent THC, Death Star will blast stress and worries to another galaxy. Highly euphoric, this strain is known to promote some laughter and a curate positive sense of well-being. However, the plant is also about 80 percent indica. That means that most can expect to feel drowsy, relaxed, and maybe even a little unmotivated after several tastes of this psychoactive plant.
Strawberry Banana
Strawberry Banana is a potent indica-dominant hybrid from DNA Genetics. This drowsy herb produces more of a euphoric feeling than other strains on this list thanks to split indica/sativa lineage. A cross between Banana Kush and Bubble Gum, Strawberry Banana is an award-winning strain loaded with THC. On average, this fruity bud produces between 22 and 26 percent of the psychoactive. Unlike other strains on this list, Strawberry Banana is not completely sedative. This powerful bud can encourage a deep relaxation and jolly mental high. Some can get away with consuming Strawberry Banana during the day, however, it is generally considered an evening strain. Strawberry Banana is often used for creative endeavors as well as for gastrointestinal issues like nausea and Crohn’s Disease.
Ice Wreck
Ice Wreck is technically a hybrid, but this potent strain has some seriously drowsy effects. A cross between Ice and Trainwreck (an equally noteworthy sativa strain), Ice Wreck provides an almost psychedelic experience. Testing as high as 27.7 percent THC, this strain offers the cerebral stimulation of a sativa with the heavy-hitting relaxation of an indica. Many find this strain to be helpful in pain management and insomnia. Drowsy and relaxed, this strain is known to promote a tingly body buzz and a bad case of the munchies.
G-13 is one of the most mythic indicas on the market. As the story goes, G-13 is an escapee from a breeding experiment funded by the U.S. government. While there is no saying whether or not this story is true, G-13 is truly a five-star indica hybrid. One of the most potent strains on the shelf, G-13 features between 20 to 24 percent THC. Recommending for experienced consumers, this strain provides a powerful, rolling euphoric high that can truly warp your senses of space and time. Encouraging deep body relaxation and heavy eyelids, it’s easy to melt into a puddle of bliss after just a small amount of G-13.
Kosher Kush
Kosher Kush is a Californian strain with unknown indica heritage. Bred by DNA Genetics, this bud features a robust herbal aroma with plenty of lemon and pine. Containing between 20 and 25 percent THC on average, Kosher Kush is one drowsy bud that indica fans are sure to enjoy. This strain is recommended for nighttime use, though Kosher Kush also has a giggly, talkative side as well. Recreational consumers who love winding down with a movie and some nice herb after a long day may find a new best friend in this crystal-coated flower.
MK Ultra
Named after a mind-control program operated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), MK Ultra is an uber-strong indica hybrid that promotes a dreamy, euphoric state. One of the strongest indicas in the world, the THC in this strain reaches between 18 and 23 percent. THC, however, is not the ultimate indicator of strength. Rather, there’s something about MK Ultra that promotes a super heavy body numbness and a spacey, euphoric bliss. This cross between G-13 and OG Kush is a must-try for serious indica fans.
Critical Kush
Critical Kush is a Barney’s Farm creation. A cross between Critical Mass and OG Kush, this woody flower boasts THC levels between 20 and 25 percent. This deeply tranquilizing strain may be soothing for those with anxiety or under chronic stress. Fast-growing and high-yielding, Critical Kush is an excellent cash strain. As a Critical Mass offspring, Critical Kush features large, resin-dense buds that release an intoxicating lemon-pine scent. Popular among patients with chronic pain, Critical Kush is a therapeutic strain that provides full-bodied nighttime relief.
God’s Gift
No matter your religious beliefs, God’s Gift seems like a flower from a higher power. This sedative indica can feature as much as 22 percent THC. Though this strain has been around since the 1990s, it remains an impressive specimen. Fast-acting, the happy and upbeat effects of this strain often come on first. Many enjoy the happy, bubbly mental side of this strain. However, don’t let the upbeat nature of this herb fool you. God’s Gift can pack some serious sedation. The area behind the eyes is likely to grow heavy, and many find that this strain leaves them stuck on the couch. Get some snacks ready and prepare yourself for a strong, yet genuinely good-spirited experience with this one.
Sunset Sherbet
Sunset Sherbet, an indica-dominant hybrid, is heir to the Girl Scout Cookies throne. Funky and pungent, this strain boasts THC levels of up to 20 percent. While this strain may not be the most potent in terms of THC, the overall experience is quite incredible. Thanks to its hybrid heritage, Sunset Sherbet is more uplifting than many strains on this list. Many find that the effects often start off in the head, providing a joyous and upbeat high. However, this strain soon mellows out into an easy, full-bodied indica experience. This strain is only gaining popularity as a go-to indica hybrid. It is much beloved by those with mood disorders and chronic pain. Sunset Sherbet is a very enjoyable, top-notch bud all around.
Try vaping these through the Mighty Vaporizer from Storz & Bickel available at the Herb Shop for a sesh like never before.
Strongest Sativa Strains
In general, most of the incredibly strong strains on dispensary and coffee shop shelves are hybrids or indicas. However, there are a few sativa strains that consistently show up to the plate. These top 10 strongest sativa strains all can produce over 20 percent THC and are famous for providing cerebral and zippy cannabis experiences. Break out these beautiful buds when you’re hoping for a strong daytime experience.
Ghost Train Haze has been making lists for the past couple of years. This cerebral and extremely potent sativa has tested up to nearly 28 percent THC, making it raining champion as one of the top 10 strongest strains on earth. Speedy and uplifting, this strain is like taking a shot of relaxing espresso. With such high THC levels, Ghost Train Haze is recommended for experienced consumers.
Strawberry Cough
Strawberry Cough is consistently one of the most popular sativas around. While this fruity and fragrant strain does have a reputation for causing a bit of a tickle in your throat, it’s also quite potent. In fact, Strawberry Cough will likely be one of the more potent sativas available on coffee shop or dispensary menus. Expect THC levels between 24 to 26 percent in this tasty flower.
Cinex is a strain with some variety. It’s not uncommon to find Cinex samples that produce as little as 15 percent THC. However, when grown with expert care, this happy sativa-dominant hybrid can produce up to 26% of the psychoactive. Regardless, of the potency, Cinex is known for producing a very clear-headed and focused high with a comfortable body relaxation to boot. Save this strain to use during the day, or right after breakfast. A mighty strong strain like this will suit Storz & Bickel Mighty Vaporizer perfectly.
Chernobyl is a three-way cross between Trainwreck, Jack the Ripper, and Trinity. Bred by TGA Genetics, this sativa-dominant hybrid has been making the rounds on dispensary shelves. While it’s possible to find Chernobyl samples that test somewhere in the teens, this strain has reached a whopping 30 percent THC. The potency of this strain is a lovely surprise, as Chernobyl provides an uplifting and contented experience overall.
Durban Poison
Sometimes, the strength of a strain is about more than THC. Durban Poison is a landrace sativa strain from South Africa. Unlike many hybrids out there, this strain is a 100 percent pure sativa. Consumers can expect a strong head rush from this bud. This solid Sativa possesses a sweet smelling quality and a hit of this helps with productivity. Don’t expect to be glued to the couch! Perfect for exploring nature or working out. Some have described this as the “espresso of cannabis” due to the effect it has on leaving its smokers with high energy and a little extra pep in their step. Durban Poison measures in at 23 percent THC. What to get the most flavor out of this flower? This strain would be a great fit for the Mighty Vaporizer providing clean and pure vapor.
Amnesia Haze
Amnesia Haze is an old school sativa with some legs. While many sativa strains provide an introspective, clear-headed, and concentrated experience, Amnesia Haze truly takes after it’s namesake. While this strain is lively and thought-provoking, it’s also quite hazy. Featuring up to 25 percent THC, this strain will send you off into a foggy (and perhaps even a little psychedelic) bliss.
Super Silver Haze
Super Silver Haze is a quintessential sativa strain. Popularized back in the 1990s, this sativa hybrid has won the hearts of cannabis fans all over the world. While Super Silver Haze is not often the strongest strain on the shelf, this bud has some impressive trichomes for a sativa strains. When grown with expert love and care, Super Silver Haze can produce up to 24 and 25 percent THC, making it one of the strongest sativas around.
Green Crack
Rumor has it, this strain was named by Snoop Dogg himself. Get ready for a truly gleeful and energetic experience with this bud. Green Crack can feature up to 24 percent THC, and often provides a spacey, cerebral experience. Many find that laughter comes a more easily after a little Green Crack. A great daytime strain, some find that this strain helps them focus and calmly get things done.
Cinderella 99
Cinderella 99 is not the most potent strain out there in terms of THC. But, this is certainly one strong sativa-dominant hybrid. Often featuring up to 22% THC, this strain is still considered a potent bud. Cinderella 99 provides a very quick cerebral high and is nice and energizing. While some strains on this list can be extremely racy or just a little too energetic, Cinderella 99 is a strong-armed strain that provides a slightly more mellow experience by comparison.
Laughing Buddha
As the name might suggest, Laughing Buddha is one happy hybrid. Easy going, enjoyable, and energetic, this strain is jolly and can help you accomplish all of your daytime tasks. Similar to Cinderella 99, Laughing Buddha is not quite as potent as other strains on this list. However, this bud certainly provides a strong yet manageable sativa experience. Expect this strain to produce up to 23 percent THC with lots of care and nurturing.
Enhance any of these strains with the Mr. Black Bong from Killer Bongs – available in the Herb Shop!
The strongest marijuana products on earth
It’s a challenge for the most dedicated stoners. How do you overcome a massive marijuana tolerance (short of a tolerance break, of course) and get high-school high again? It can be done. It’s just a matter of dosage. Having done, shall we say, a bit of research on the topic, here are the strongest weed products on the planet.
Moon Rocks or Caviar
When it comes to which weed has the most THC, it’s actually not a strain at all. Moon rocks are top shelf buds dipped in hash oil and then covered in kief. Caviar is very similar, but it’s typically just top shelf herb covered in hash oil. Needless to say, both moon rocks and caviar are some of the strongest buds on the planet and will have THC levels that are literally off the charts. They’ll cost a little (or a lot) extra, but you won’t regret having treated yourself.
Crystalline THC-A Diamonds
They took last year’s Emerald Cup competition by storm. Crystalline THC-A diamonds, “the world’s strongest hash,” is a crystallized extract known as the most potent dab available. At upwards of 99 percent pure THC-A (which is the pre-activated form of THC, before heating), these potent little pieces of pot concentrate are not for the faint of heart. It’s helpful to think of THC-A crystals as the cannabis equivalent of Everclear. They’re among the strongest weed products around.
Flowers top out at between 25 and 30 percent THC. Concentrates like butane hash oil usually fall between 70 and 90 percent. But these glittering diamonds approach 100 percent pure THC. Now, keep in mind with crystalline THC-A, you only have one cannabinoid, not the entourage effect. Also, there are no terpenes, which affect and potentiate the high. So lots of people add a bit of THC-A diamonds to shatter or wax, pumping up the high.
Slactavis Cannabis Syrup
Photo courtesy of www.hellapaxx.com
Each 4-ounce bottle of Slactavis Cannabis Syrup contains 1,500 milligrams of THC. Medical patients use the syrup for serious pain management; it’s that potent. Flavors include Watermelon, Grape, Tangerine, and Bubble Gum. Mix with your favorite drink, or have it straight from the bottle.
Bakked CO2 Distillate Oil
Bakked’s supercritical CO2 extracted cannabis oils, available in Arizona, California, Colorado, Maine, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oregon, are up to 95 percent potency. That means they are among the strongest weed products and pack a mighty punch for dabbing. The CO2 extraction ensures pure and clean oil, allowing for the widest range of terpenes and cannabinoids possible. Organa Labs‘ Bakked distillates are strain-specific and small-batch and available in Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid.
The 4.20 Brownie
Photo courtesy of www.vccbrands.com
A solid gram of THC in a brownie? We’ll take it! Lots of people divide this potent 1,000 milligrams brownie up into bites, making multiple doses of it. Its rich, creamy texture is good for cutting into portions without much crumbling. Kudos to California’s Venice Cookie Company for packing so much potency into a brownie that still manages to be quite tasty (although you will detect a distinctly herbal flavor).
The Clear Concentrate
Photo courtesy of Dab Farms via Youtube
California-based Clear Concentrate makes a dab with the minimalist, but meaningful, name: The Clear. The concentrate is 100 percent solvent-free and comes in 16 different flavors using natural terpenes. Clear Concentrate is one of the strongest weed products, at upwards of 90 percent THC.
TWAX THC Infused Rolling Papers
You have to be a fan of the steady march of progress. Ladies and gentlemen, in modern America, we have access to THC infused rolling papers. Thanks to the genius of cannabis concentrate company The Clear, these papers will take your joints to the next level. TWAX Concentrated Papers are RAW Rolling Papers infused with 100 milligrams of 97 percent THC oil each. That’s going to make a big difference in that joint’s effects, don’t ya know. Two papers will run you about $20.
CannaPunch Drinks
Photo courtesy of www.thespot420.com
Colorado-based CannaPunch drinks, true to their name, pack a punch at 100 milligrams THC each. Take your pick of Pineapple Mango Delight, Black Cherry Fusion, Watermelon Nectar, Grand Daddy Grape, and Blue Raspberry Sour. The source of the THC in CannaPunch drinks is high-quality, whole cannabis buds.
Full Extract Cannabis Oil
Photo courtesy of www.buycannabisoilnow.com
A time-honored classic, Full Extract Cannabis Oil (FECO) is extracted from the entire plant using alcohol as the solvent. This creates a product of high strength and purity which contains the full entourage of cannabinoids, including THC. Medical patients have found FECO highly effective in treating pain and insomnia. It’s shown lots of success fighting seizures and cancer tumors, as well. Of course, as one of the strongest weed products available, typically between 60 and 80 percent THC, it will also get you very, very high. FECO is by definition activated in the extraction process, so it’s basically ready to consume. Newbies typically consume about 1/10 a gram, roughly equal to the size of a grain of rice. Those with higher tolerances take more. Doses of a gram aren’t unusual for medical patients and high-dose advocates.
Punch Bars
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cuddleslutloki · 7 years
I hope this causes some sort of amusement and September's shittyness ends soon. So my coworker uses the same body wash or cologne as the guy I hook up with and it LITERALLY triggered me and I was horny all fuckin day like some fanfic LOSER god it was so dumb. On my coworker the smell threw me off so much, I was so confused. On the guy it smelled really good. Why am I like this💩
i literally cannot use anything cucumber melon scented bc it reminds me of a bad hookup i had as a teen lmao
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Since memories triggered by scent are the strongest... Send my muse a scent and see how they’ll react to it. Gideon- The ocean. Maddox- Blood. Quinn- Wine. Luka- Winter. Christian- Fresh dirt/graves.
Gideon stopped mid sentence as a familiar scent hit his nose. The ocean. Salt water, the sand, the breeze. It was completely out of place considering he was in the backroom of a seedy bar, hundreds of miles away from any body of water, but there was no denying what had caught his nose. For a moment, his mind wandered back to a small frame with long black hair and bright blue eyes. And that laugh. The witch had always loved the ocean and more often than not, some scent of it clung to her skin or her hair. It was almost ridiculous just how easily his train of thought could turn to Levi considering how long it had been since he’d seen her in the flesh. There was a part of him that was sure she was dead, that he’d never get to hear her voice or see the way those eyes lit up when trying to convince him to do something crazy. But he couldn’t help but keep searching because maybe–”I’m sorry, what?” he asked when the man across him snapped fingers in front of him and dragging him back to the here and now. “No, no, I was thinking about what you said.” Another deep breath told him that wherever the scent had come from was gone–or maybe it had never been there at all–so he forced the thoughts away and tried to focus on the deal at hand.
“Ah fuck,” Maddox huffed out as he stared down at the stained sheets on Ben’s bed. The domestic shit and cleaning up was getting old already, but at least the demon wasn’t around to hear him complain. The sight and the scent of blood wasn’t one he was a stranger to by any means. Oddly enough, it had never been his thing, at least not until his parents had sold him off into slavery. For the longest time the scent of blood had been tied to nasty memories, things he’d tried hard to block out. A whip that never stopped landing, even after flesh had been flayed. Gags that stretched and cut into skin until all he could smell and taste for days was his own blood. And then he’d been cursed by that fucking witch who thought she was so smart. The joke had been on her though and his healing had served to turn his greatest weakness into his biggest turn on. And now when he thought of blood, when the sight caught his eye or the scent hit his nose, well, it went straight to his dick. Especially when Ben–his Master–was the one drawing it out. Another huff sounded as he leaned down and began stripping the sheets from their bed like he’d been told to do. He didn’t really see a point in it when they were just going to make another mess there, but whatever.
Quinn did his best to make his steps light as he slipped through the doors of the kitchen. He’d used his free time to sneak up here in search of a snack. Technically, it was an area that was supposed to be off limits to slaves, but he often counted on his sweet smile and the fact that everyone thought he was an idiot to get him out of trouble. And it usually worked. Cabinets were opened and snooped through in search of something suitable to his taste. He’d been pushing the contents back onto the shelves of one and trying to convince the door to close once more but as soon as he pulled back, the door popped back open and a large glass bottle came rolling out. It was too fast for him to catch it before it hit the floor and smashed. His eyes widened at the mess and he looked around immediately, worried the sound would draw a guard and he’d be done for. Quinn moved to grab a towel to clean up the liquid but as he came down to his knees, the smell of wine, strong and sweet drifted up into his nose. It wasn’t a taste he knew too well, but the smell…The smell never failed to bring Nixon’s face to mind. Jonas had always been a drinker, but he preferred the harder stuff, the liquor that could ignite his pisspoor temper in a second and one of the first things he’d done after he’d claimed Quinn had been to make him his personal bartender. He remembered that the request for a glass of wine had seemed so…odd and out of place. But he hadn’t questioned it, reaching for the bottle in the refrigerator to fill a glass alongside the mixed drink he’d already made. He’d never mastered serving on a tray so the drinks had been carried into the living room, his Master’s delivered first. The glass of wine had to belong to the back of the head currently facing him and as he’d approached, the man had turned to face him and Quinn had nearly frozen up. The man had been gorgeous and the dazzling smile he’d offered up with his thanks as he took the glass had done all sorts of things to his heartbeat. After a sip of wine, Nixon had introduced himself with that same smile and had even attempted some small talk, something that Jonas had immediately jerked him back from with orders to disappear until he was needed again. Nixon had ended up finishing the bottle and after that night, it was impossible for Quinn not to feel a spark of excitement any time Jonas ordered a glass of wine poured because he knew who it was for. It wasn’t the case now though and Quinn did his very best to soak and clean up the mess, the tiny shards of the bottle picked up and discarded quickly. His search for a snack was abandoned as he all but ran from the kitchen, not wanting to get caught quite literally redhanded.
Luka had never thought much about his love of candles, having grown partial to them right around the time they’d started mixing scents into the wax. Because he’d been so many people in his life, he’d had so many memories and thoughts and feelings that didn’t belong to him, it was impossible not to have a few still lingering about locked away somewhere. And the assorted smells that came with different candles always managed to draw some of them out. Of course his own were mixed in there, rooted deeper than any others. The cheesy sounding name of Winter Wonderland was too ridiculous to pass up and he picked it up from the shelf, his nose pushing down to catch what hints he could from the wax. It was something he immediately regretted though because the tones of pine, smoke, and cinnamon even for as commercial as they were did manage to call forth that winter feeling. And it wasn’t one he cared to remember. His first winter after his family had abandoned him was the one that was burned into his mind. Four or five years old, everything around him was so big and scary and the snow that covered everything made it all look the same. The chill in the air was one he could feel down to his bones, the scraps of clothing he wore was barely enough to offer protection from the wind. Smoke billowed from chimneys and hung in the air as did all the wonderful smells that cooking over those fireplaces produced, wafting out just to tease his nose and make his stomach growl. Pity seemed to be in even shorter supply than food was then so no one bothered to spare him a second glance, not even if they happened to knock him to the ground in their haste to escape the blistery condition. The candle was slammed back down onto the display shelf with nearly enough force to crack the glass that encased the wax and he turned around without a word, pushing out of the shop without purchasing a single thing.
Christian let out a sigh as he stepped outside of his house and turned around to lock the door. It had been raining on the Island for the last few days and while those clouds offered the coverage from the sun that he enjoyed, they also brought rain which made everything slick and slippery and muddy. That didn’t mix with Italian leather very well, but it couldn’t be avoided. The earth always had that unique smell after a rain but it was rarely one that he cared for. Everything was clean and the dirt was fresh. And fresh dirt never failed to lead his mind directly to the thought of graves. Death wasn’t something he wasn’t used to, nor was it something that bothered him much. More people than he could ever care to count had met their end by his fangs, but a meal was a meal. In the beginning, he’d simply dropped the bodies to be found wherever he was but it quickly became a problem. So he’d resorted to carting them off to the graveyard, finding a fresh grave not yet filled in and simply dropping them inside to be taken care of by someone else. All in all, it was something that never phased him for the longest time. Until of course, he was the one digging a grave to bury the love of his life. Cosette shouldn’t have been killed, she shouldn’t have died. He should have turned him. But his mistake had cost him something more dear than he could ever explain and it left him in a secluded corner of one of the graveyards he’d once used for disposal, shovel ripping apart the ground and the scent of fresh dirt surrounding him. Laying her down to rest in that hole was nearly impossible and he’d climbed in himself, a part of him considering just curling up and dying with her. But he knew that he couldn’t. Immortality was a bitch like that. It was something that was burned into the back of his mind and even now, centuries later, it sparked to life at just the scent of the fresh ground beneath his feet, feet that now turned in the direction of Cosette’s house. Even if she didn’t want to see him, the need to lay eyes on her and have that reassurance that she’d come back to him was too strong to fight.
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