#smeraldo blog
tabathamodaedesign · 10 months
"Per un look “prezioso” (nel vero senso della parola), abbinalo ad altre tonalità gioiello: questo colore sta benissimo con il verde smeraldo, il blu zaffiro e il viola ametista" - Leggi l'articolo e scopri di più!
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andy-wm · 2 months
Andy, I dont think JM is queer, coz in WHO he is singing about a her, not a they.
She/her pronouns leave no scope for ambiguity.
Anon, that's like me saying 'Anonymous' must be your real name because that's who the ask came from.
Makes sense?
No it does not.
If the pronouns were THEY, Jimin would be
a) slammed for being woke
b) not clearly telling you that he lives in a society that makes him think his love MUST be a she/her. And he can't find love, he can't find it anywhere.
If he had grown up thinking he could find love with (he/she/they... any pronouns) don't you think he would have found it by now? I mean, look at him, he's so beautiful and kind and smart. How could he not find someone?
Would he be singing songs about how he can't find love?
The way he specifically says HER tells you THAT'S WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES.
Please, Anon (not your real name, yeah?)
Please, for your future self, for you to navigate the information you encounter every day, don't just grab the first thing you see and run with it. Sure, consider your immediate reaction, but also consider what else might be happening.
Because theres always more than one way to look at a situation.
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(Thats why we have a jury of 12 and courts of law, and we don't just let people claim revenge for perceived wrongs by vigilante justice. Because there's two sides to a story, and you need different perspecives to see all the angles.)
Critical thinking skills are important because often messages are hidden.
Sometimes it's because the author wants you to misunderstand at first, because their real meaning will have more impact when you discover it later.
Sometimes there are two different messages directed at two different types of audience (like kids movies with adult jokes hidden in them)
Sometimes it's because they actually cannot say what they really want to say because they aren't allowed to or because it'snot safe or because they simply don't want to be upfront.
In the case of this song, it's all three of those reasons.
Context clues tell us that this album is very queer themed. There are rainbows and smeraldo flowers everywhere.
Smeraldo flowers LITERALLY mean a hidden truth/ truth untold/ I couldn’t tell the truth.
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The original posts about Smeraldo flowers are translated here:
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You'll find this here: https://cafearmy.wordpress.com/category/flower-smeraldo-blog-post-translations/page/2
There are also clues in the WHO music video - the extended metaphor of the weather, and the rainbows and colour flares. These tell us THERE'S MORE GOING ON HERE.
Read the lyrics and also watch the mv and think about what you are hearing and seeing.
Follow the story and think about WHY everything is happening the way it happens.
The director didn't just randomly yell "ok dance! Now run a bit, now look at the camera, now sing!"
There's a plan. The plan is based on a story they're telling. The story has an ending that THEY ALREADY KNOW, but that we don't.
Until we've seen the whole thing and thought about it, and then gone back to see what we missed the first time around, we dont know.
Like Spring Day isn’t REALLY about the seasons, and Bapsae isnt about birds, and The Truth Untold isn't about growing flowers.
Go back and watch the MV with the audio muted and think about the story thr MV tells without the music.
Read the lyrics as though you are reading a poem.
Genuinely, i care about this (i am a school librarian Anon, i wouldn’t be one if i didn't care about how people interact with information) so listen and think about it.
Then come back and tell me if you still think he's not queer because the pronouns in this song are she.
Borahae 💜
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stormblessed95 · 3 months
I am very curious to know your opinion on sgmb…
It watched it the first time through and based only on the English lyrics was not about to jump to any conclusions. There wasn’t even a part of me that wondered if the song had any jikook connections or allusions.
I watched the video again with the subs on, saw the lyrics about debut and went, oh, maybe a fan song. A few seconds and a few lyrics later and now I cannot see the song in any way but to JK/about jikook. Your thoughts?
(P.S. I love your blog :3)
Okay okay, but be prepared to revisit this with me if more songs/interviews come out and prove me as delusional as I know I am 😂😂
Let's take this bit by bit... Promo photos for Muse are very matchy with a previous JK outfit (so par for the course this solo season for them!)
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The ONLY bit of information we have for Smeraldo is the information released with it....
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Smeraldo likens back to HYYH era where they came up with this flower for their whole storyline basically which HYYH is for the gays. Let's not even pretend it's not. Lol my answer to someone asking me "why is it gay?" Post here:
No idea why he mentioned June 12. June 13th is BTS debut date. July 9th is ARMY namesake day.... If anyone has any better ideas or I just missed something, clue me in!
The lyrics all just light hearted pure in love beautifulness? A song about feeling your feelings and letting your emotions emotion 🥺😍🥰
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The lyrics just talking about loving you, getting closer to you, always wanting you.... Especially with the connection to the truth untold too? Jikook with the truth untold??!! Come on...
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PLUS he filmed/recorded this song right before going on vacation with Jungkook. We know this because some of the kids in the MV with Jimin posted autographs they got from him, which he dated. 231122
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And on 231123, he travels to Tokyo with Jungkook...
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"you don't have to worry anymore, because we are together. Let's be more honest now" Right before they go on a trip together and then enlist together??? Alright 🥺🥰
I'm willing to jump to conclusions. I'm NOT going to encourage anyone to take this as fact (ever) or jump with me though (yet). Lol I forewarned EVERYONE at the start of this post I was letting my delusions run a bit with this one for now 😂 I'll come back and either double down or say forget this post exists after MUSE releases and if we get any more interviews over this lol
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To the anon who sent me a link to another blog, I won't post your ask. I don't want to insert myself into a conversation happening in a space where I'm not part of. I don't even follow the blog and I try to stay away from answering asks that include links to other posts.
Suffice to say, I do agree with a lot of what has indeed been discussed there. I don't even think there's a point in labeling Muse as a sophomore album. We all know they worked on the tracks at the same time with Face. It is technically a second album, but in terms of production and chronology, it is like an extension to Face. So debates in terms of evolution cannot even take place.
I can understand why you brought that ask to my attention. I think it's healthy to look at an album/song/concept through a critical lens and when an actual Jimin fan is doing it, that's a good thing at least because that person is not going to trash talk him. Which considering the usual reactions, this is not that common.
I think that expectations for Jimin are always high and coming from everyone, including those who do not listen to his music. A song such as Like Crazy was not good enough. SGMB is of course not enough. SMFP2 was not good enough. I would say other songs from Face were considered not good enough, but I'm sure that only people actively interested in Jimin have listened to those. There's a criticism for everything so it's not like he can win in any way. And I know this sounds like I'm making him into some victim. That's not it. But I too use social media and I see it. That's just how it is. He doesn't get a vote of confidence for a myriad of reasons. At that point, you do have to wonder why people pay attention.
I don't have much to say about SGMB. Soundwise is similar to Closer Than This which I haven't listened, apart from the first time it got released. I don't think Smeraldo is as bad is it said to be. I think Jimin and his team were having fun with the name and decided to use it for a song. One that doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't. Having other expectations is just ridiculous and shows a lack of interest in what Jimin has been trying to do with his solo career.
Which hasn't taken off as much as I would like to. Him being in BTS and doing his military service have had a contribution to that. Maybe it will change once he comes back. Maybe not.
But I do want to point out that regardless of shortcomings here and there, I will cut him some slack simply because he's among the few who has been 100% involved in his album production. There's nothing wrong with choosing the songs and singing them. Not at all. But I will appreciate that Jimin was involved in writing the lyrics, and as a producer for most of Face and Muse. I think he took full advantage of that music camp. So what if he hasn't found his music identity yet? There's a timeline? Does it have to happen immediately? At least he hasn't reached a stage in which he has become complacent and have every song sound the same. If he finds that identity in 10, 20, or more years, then so be it. It is his journey.
Personally, I will refrain from making any in-depth analysis of Muse, not now and not immediately after release. I will take my time. It's the reason why I don't like writing reviews. I find that jumping right it, without having time to listen and digest the work does not work for me. Others can, and some critics are actually good at it.
For now, I just want to enjoy this period of anticipation, the music videos and the performances. I can't bring myself to get involved in debates or mean girl-ism over music. I don't have the mental bandwith for such things.
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Un futuro tutto da scrivere ed un filo che non si romperà mai.
Sono una persona sognatrice che appunta ogni pensiero su carta, da sempre
.Scrivo di me in questo blog, che uso come mio diario virtuale.
Scrivo di ciò che voglio e di ciò che vorrei avere e trovare durante il cammino della mia vita.
Sono una persona che crede nell'amore come quello delle favole.Quel tipo d'amore che ci faceva sognare da bambine.
Mentre scrivo questo, resto legata ad un filo, quello del destino.
Quel filo di color rosso per il quale, esiste una leggenda giapponese che ci racconta di come due persone siano legate tra loro.
Ho sempre creduto in questa leggenda nonostante tutto.Sono convinta anche io di questa cosa, e spero che un giorno, anche se tardi, troverò anche io la mia anima gemella, il mio amore per la vita.
È importante ricordare che, il filo rosso può aggrovigliarsi e allungarsi, ma mai spezzarsi.
Un-mei-no-akai-ito è ciò che sono io, sono io quel filo. Mi trovo già legata alla mia anima gemella, senza però, essere ancora a conoscenza della sua effettiva esistenza.
Questo non è un sogno, è la realtà, e come tale, molto presto, si realizzerà, anche se ci vorrà del tempo.
Vorrei che sappia amarmi nonostante la mia disabilità, e che faccia in modo che per lui non sia un problema, ma un valore aggiunto.
Vorrei che mi insegnasse ad amare (visto che quella in questione, sarà la mia primissima relazione e spero anche l'ultima).
Sono spesso sola, non ho molti amici, quindi vorrei che lui per me fosse un amico o molto di più.
Non so nuotare, quindi spero che apprezzi la montagna 🗻 e le colline, cottage e agriturismi, cose così.
Mi vedo bene in vacanza anche ad esplorare città d'arte, in Italia o all'estero.
Vorrei che fosse una persona aperta al dialogo con le persone e che modo educato esprima il suo pensiero, come io faccio abitualmente.
Vorrei che rispettasse sempre il prossimo, sia per quanto riguarda il pensiero altrui, e tutti i loro credo, qualunque essi siano .Mi piacerebbe che parlasse più lingue straniere, come lo faccio io avendo questa passione da tutta la vita, e che magari lui abbia piacere di insegnarmene qualcuna se ne conoscerà.
Da sempre, sono stata rapita da occhi color mare e color smeraldo.
Chi sono io?
Beh qualcosa ti ho già raccontato di me, Anima ancora sconosciuta.
Sono una ragazza semplice, con l'animo da bambina. Sognatrice, forse anche troppo, con la vena d'artista, a volte.
Spesso scrivo volentieri un mio pensiero su carta, anche se non ho mai avuto un vero e proprio diario.
Qualche volta mi trovi chinata su di un foglio, mentre disegno e coloro.
Altre volte mi trovi a giocare ai videogiochi, ed altre ancora, a guardare film e serie TV in lingua originale e partite di calcio, senza togliere tempo alla lettura, una delle mie più grandi passioni, trasmessa da mia mamma.
Spero che con la tua presenza costante nella mia vita, tornerò a scrivere d'amore, quell'amore che parlerà di noi.
Scriverò per te lettere (perché si, scrivere è sempre stata una passione che da un po' di tempo che si è spenta) che potrai leggere ogni volta che vorrai, ricordandoti di me, anche quando saremmo lontani, se vorrai.Scriverò per te poesie, descrivendo il nostro amore che muterà piano piano nel tempo.
Crescerò insieme a te dentro questa relazione, e grazie a te spero passino anche le mie ansie, soprattutto la sociale, che mi accompagna da quando ho finito la scuola superiore (per via del bullismo subìto ecc..).
Per conquistarmi penso che non ci voglia molto: non sono una ragazza che indossa borse all'ultima moda, né ha un cellulare ultimo modello anche perché non sono malata di fotografie e non avendo altri social, non mi serve un cellulare troppo performante.
Come una bambina amo ancora i peluche (quindi questo sarebbe un ottimo regalo), ovviamente accompagnato da una lettera scritta a mano, sarebbe un sogno realizzato, ma non voglio chiedere la luna.
So per certo che, per amor mio, dovrai fare tanti cambiamenti nella tua vita, nel tuo quotidiano, e ovviamente io non obbligo nessuno ad amarmi, ma spero che un giorno, proprio come nelle favole, potrai essere il principe azzurro sto cercando e sognando da sempre.
Tiro un po' di più il mio capo del filo, se ti va, fallo anche tu, per incontrarci prima.
A presto amore mio, resto qui ad aspettarti.
@un-mei-no-akai-ito //(Lun 12.08.24 h 21:53) @un-mei-no-akai-ito
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un-mei-no-akai-ito · 2 months
Un futuro tutto da scrivere ed un filo che non si romperà mai.
Sono una persona sognatrice che appunta ogni pensiero su carta, da sempre.
Scrivo di me in questo blog, che uso come mio diario virtuale.
Scrivo di ciò che voglio e di ciò che vorrei avere e trovare durante il cammino della mia vita.
Sono una persona che crede nell'amore come quello delle favole.Quel tipo d'amore che ci faceva sognare da bambine.
Mentre scrivo questo, resto legata ad un filo, quello del destino.
Quel filo di color rosso per il quale, esiste una leggenda giapponese che ci racconta di come due persone siano legate tra loro.
Ho sempre creduto in questa leggenda nonostante tutto.Sono convinta anche io di questa cosa, e spero che un giorno, anche se tardi, troverò anche io la mia anima gemella, il mio amore per la vita.
È importante ricordare che, il filo rosso può aggrovigliarsi e allungarsi, ma mai spezzarsi.
Un-mei-no-akai-ito è ciò che sono io, sono io quel filo. Mi trovo già legata alla mia anima gemella, senza però, essere ancora a conoscenza della sua effettiva esistenza.
Questo non è un sogno, è la realtà, e come tale, molto presto, si realizzerà, anche se ci vorrà del tempo.
Vorrei che sappia amarmi nonostante la mia disabilità, e che faccia in modo che per lui non sia un problema, ma un valore aggiunto.
Vorrei che mi insegnasse ad amare (visto che quella in questione, sar�� la mia primissima relazione e spero anche l'ultima).
Sono spesso sola, non ho molti amici, quindi vorrei che lui per me fosse un amico o molto di più.
Non so nuotare, quindi spero che apprezzi la montagna 🗻 e le colline, cottage e agriturismi, cose così.
Mi vedo bene in vacanza anche ad esplorare città d'arte, in Italia o all'estero.
Vorrei che fosse una persona aperta al dialogo con le persone e che modo educato esprima il suo pensiero, come io faccio abitualmente.
Vorrei che rispettasse sempre il prossimo, sia per quanto riguarda il pensiero altrui, e tutti i loro credo, qualunque essi siano.
Mi piacerebbe che parlasse più lingue straniere, come lo faccio io avendo questa passione da tutta la vita, e che magari lui abbia piacere di insegnarmene qualcuna se ne conoscerà.
Da sempre, sono stata rapita da occhi color mare e color smeraldo.
Chi sono io.
Beh qualcosa ti ho già raccontato di me, Anima ancora sconosciuta.
Sono una ragazza semplice, con l'animo da bambina. Sognatrice, forse anche troppo, con la vena d'artista, a volte.
Spesso scrivo volentieri un mio pensiero su carta, anche se non ho mai avuto un vero e proprio diario.
Qualche volta mi trovi chinata su di un foglio, mentre disegno e coloro.
Altre volte mi trovi a giocare ai videogiochi, ed altre ancora, a guardare film e serie TV in lingua originale e partite di calcio, senza togliere tempo alla lettura, una delle mie più grandi passioni, trasmessa da mia mamma.
Spero che con la tua presenza costante nella mia vita, tornerò a scrivere d'amore, quell'amore che parlerà di noi.
Scriverò per te lettere (perché si, scrivere è sempre stata una passione che da un po' di tempo che si è spenta) che potrai leggere ogni volta che vorrai, ricordandoti di me, anche quando saremmo lontani, se vorrai.
Scriverò per te poesie, descrivendo il nostro amore che muterà piano piano nel tempo.
Crescerò insieme a te dentro questa relazione, e grazie a te spero passino anche le mie ansie, soprattutto la sociale, che mi accompagna da quando ho finito la scuola superiore (per via del bullismo subìto ecc..).
Per conquistarmi penso che non ci voglia molto: non sono una ragazza che indossa borse all'ultima moda, né ha un cellulare ultimo modello anche perché non sono malata di fotografie e non avendo altri social, non mi serve un cellulare troppo performante.
Come una bambina amo ancora i peluche (quindi questo sarebbe un ottimo regalo), ovviamente accompagnato da una lettera scritta a mano, sarebbe un sogno realizzato, ma non voglio chiedere la luna.
So per certo che, per amor mio, dovrai fare tanti cambiamenti nella tua vita, nel tuo quotidiano, e ovviamente io non obbligo nessuno ad amarmi, ma spero che un giorno, proprio come nelle favole, potrai essere il principe azzurro sto cercando e sognando da sempre.
Tiro un po' di più il mio capo del filo, se ti va, fallo anche tu, per incontrarci prima.
A presto amore mio, resto qui ad aspettarti.
@un-mei-no-akai-ito //(Lun 12.08.24 h 21:53) @un-mei-no-akai-ito
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unmeinoakaito · 1 month
Un futuro tutto da scrivere ed un filo che non si romperà mai.
Sono una persona sognatrice che appunta ogni pensiero su carta, da sempre.
.Scrivo di me in questo blog, che uso come mio diario virtuale.
Scrivo di ciò che voglio e di ciò che vorrei avere e trovare durante il cammino della mia vita.
Sono una persona che crede nell'amore come quello delle favole.Quel tipo d'amore che ci faceva sognare da bambine.
Mentre scrivo questo, resto legata ad un filo, quello del destino.
Quel filo di color rosso per il quale, esiste una leggenda giapponese che ci racconta di come due persone siano legate tra loro.
Ho sempre creduto in questa leggenda nonostante tutto.Sono convinta anche io di questa cosa, e spero che un giorno, anche se tardi, troverò anche io la mia anima gemella, il mio amore per la vita.
È importante ricordare che, il filo rosso può aggrovigliarsi e allungarsi, ma mai spezzarsi.
Un-mei-no-akai-ito è ciò che sono io, sono io quel filo. Mi trovo già legata alla mia anima gemella, senza però, essere ancora a conoscenza della sua effettiva esistenza.
Questo non è un sogno, è la realtà, e come tale, molto presto, si realizzerà, anche se ci vorrà del tempo.
Vorrei che sappia amarmi nonostante la mia disabilità, e che faccia in modo che per lui non sia un problema, ma un valore aggiunto.
Vorrei che mi insegnasse ad amare (visto che quella in questione, sarà la mia primissima relazione e spero anche l'ultima).
Sono spesso sola, non ho molti amici, quindi vorrei che lui per me fosse un amico o molto di più.
Non so nuotare, quindi spero che apprezzi la montagna 🗻 e le colline, cottage e agriturismi, cose così.
Mi vedo bene in vacanza anche ad esplorare città d'arte, in Italia o all'estero.
Vorrei che fosse una persona aperta al dialogo con le persone e che modo educato esprima il suo pensiero, come io faccio abitualmente.
Vorrei che rispettasse sempre il prossimo, sia per quanto riguarda il pensiero altrui, e tutti i loro credo, qualunque essi siano.
Da sempre, sono stata rapita da occhi color mare e color smeraldo.
Chi sono io.
Beh qualcosa ti ho già raccontato di me, Anima ancora sconosciuta.
Sono una ragazza semplice, con l'animo da bambina. Sognatrice, forse anche troppo, con la vena d'artista, a volte.
Spesso scrivo volentieri un mio pensiero su carta, anche se non ho mai avuto un vero e proprio diario.
Qualche volta mi trovi chinata su di un foglio, mentre disegno e coloro.
Altre volte mi trovi a giocare ai videogiochi, ed altre ancora, a guardare film e serie TV in lingua originale e partite di calcio, senza togliere tempo alla lettura, una delle mie più grandi passioni, trasmessa da mia mamma.
Spero che con la tua presenza costante nella mia vita, tornerò a scrivere d'amore, quell'amore che parlerà di noi.
Crescerò insieme a te dentro questa relazione, e grazie a te spero passino anche le mie ansie, soprattutto la sociale, che mi accompagna da quando ho finito la scuola superiore (per via del bullismo subìto ecc..).
Scriverò per te lettere (perché si, scrivere è sempre stata una passione che da un po' di tempo che si è spenta) che potrai leggere ogni volta che vorrai, ricordandoti di me, anche quando saremmo lontani, se vorrai.
Scriverò per te poesie, descrivendo il nostro amore che muterà piano piano nel tempo.
Crescerò insieme a te dentro questa relazione, e grazie a te spero passino anche le mie ansie, soprattutto la sociale, che mi accompagna da quando ho finito la scuola superiore (per via del bullismo subìto ecc..).
Per conquistarmi penso che non ci voglia molto: non sono una ragazza che indossa borse all'ultima moda, né ha un cellulare ultimo modello anche perché non sono malata di fotografie e non avendo altri social, non mi serve un cellulare troppo performante.
Come una bambina amo ancora i peluche (quindi questo sarebbe un ottimo regalo), ovviamente accompagnato da una lettera scritta a mano, sarebbe un sogno realizzato, ma non voglio chiedere la luna.
So per certo che, per amor mio, dovrai fare tanti cambiamenti nella tua vita, nel tuo quotidiano, e ovviamente io non obbligo nessuno ad amarmi, ma spero che un giorno, proprio come nelle favole, potrai essere il principe azzurro sto cercando e sognando da sempre.
Tiro un po' di più il mio capo del filo, se ti va, fallo anche tu, per incontrarci prima.
A presto amore mio, resto qui ad aspettarti.
@un-mei-no-akai-ito //(Lun 12.08.24 h 21:53) @un-mei-no-akai-ito
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tomuchabotme · 17 days
what a stantwt can do to you? i'll say "a lot". here i am with my true feelings.
i am not a tumblr user, just sneak here and there reading jimin's fans (pjms? i won't call people there true solo stans, rather jimin-biased ex-armys) opinions since they sound truly logical and correspond with reality that i also see. a much healthier place than stantwt.
yesterday i came across one discussion about "who" mv with "not yet known" eyes on falling billboard, some think its jungkook others think it can be taehyung. anyway, it may be jimin's way of some kind of a spoiler for a future collab.
and you know what? i don't want any collab with either jungkook nor taehyung. they can harmonize well and all but i am sick of it. i am sick of all the hell fans go through when jimin is near them both (moreover, imagine what i feel when i think about what jimin goes through). and what is more i am sick of the fact that jimin went to ms with jungkook and left a show with him for us.
do i sound as a person who seems to be angry at jimin? probably yes. but i am not. if jimin wants to do something he can. if he likes doing something he can. i will appreciate every piece of his artistry. but will i fight for everything? i am sorry, but not. let me give some examples. i didn't like smeraldo garden marching band much. i streamed and voted as if i did like it a lot but not with strong enthusiasm. the song has a good sound, it is energetic but not my taste. are you sure show. i watched it but skipped more than half of scenes (as you can guess, all scenes with jungkook and taehyung).
am i bad for thinking like that? i believe i am a bad fan with some projections of my own feelings on jimin. but deep down i realize that i can't help but wish this show to end as far as possible (and never ever happened to be honest). and i wish there will be no collab with those two members especially with jungkook. and if there is, i'll listen to it because i love jimin's voice. but i won't stream a minute because i can't consume jikook content anymore even if jimin is present and i want him to have it all with numbers and everything.
and the very reason is all the hate i see jimin goes through when he chooses to give us more content with him/them. i wish i erased my memory.
hii. I think here if you follow the rights blogs, it's a better place than twt
your feelings are right. You may not like or not agree with things jimin does, I also don't want him to collab with jk bc it would be a mess and I dont think jk would bring something new to jimin
speaking about sm, jimin and jk are friends, they know each other for more than 10 years, and I think their friendship (to them) is more than hate and fan wars. they went together bc maybe, they felt it would be easier
and about 'are you sure', i get you but also, i enjoy seeing jimin. I try not to focus on the hate the show means because I really miss jimin, so I'm eat up his content even though I don't like jk and tae.
jimin can do what he wants and it's up to us whether we like it or not. if you don't want to consume jikook content, don't do it, you're not obligated to.
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cq-gifs · 2 months
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. Loco) | Jimin
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Source video: link
I made this blog to organize and properly cite sources of gifs I make for my main blog. You're very welcome to take these gifs and use them however you'd like; I'd just love a link to join in.
My posts that have used this gif:
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mimikoolover · 2 months
What is the hidden truth Jimin was talking about in Muse? Because the whole concept of the album involves the smeraldo flower and its meaning, but I didn't get it.
not sure about the hidden truth or if we're ever meant to find out but I think the album relates to the smeraldo stories so perhaps he drew inspiration from there.
selfishly I'm lowkey hoping as the smeraldo story is tied to bangtan universe, they as a group may continue with the bangtan universe/HYYH when they regroup next year and jimin may have 'kicked it off' in a sense.
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namjoonluvnotes · 3 months
hi, tumblr army! my name is maja, and I've been an army since bwl era. I made this blog to show my love for namjoon, and the rest of the tannies in a beautiful way. please give me tips on what to post if you see this, and feel free to follow me!
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p.s: stream smeraldo garden marching band by jimin!
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sayuricorner · 2 years
There's this question that has been my mind for a while now what would of EAH life had been like if headmaster grimm never separated the worlds?
I think such scenario would have happen in a alternative universe where Milton Grimm isn't obsessed with destiny and in such scenario with both worlds still being connected, I think life in the Ever After world would be less complicated and more peaceful since its people wouldn't be forced to follow their ancestors destiny.
They would also had more importunities to develop their potentials and to searching themself.
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villacostadeglidei · 2 months
Villa For Rent Near The Sea in Praiano
Nestled along the stunning Amalfi Coast, the Villa Costa Degli Dei in Praiano offers an unforgettable experience of luxury and tranquility. This picturesque villa, perched above the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea, provides an ideal escape for those seeking a blend of relaxation, cultural exploration, and natural beauty. Whether you are planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a retreat with friends, Villa Costa Degli Dei offers everything you need for an unforgettable stay. In this blog, we will explore the many facets of this beautiful villa and its surroundings, highlighting why it should be at the top of your list for a coastal retreat.
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I. The Charm of Praiano
A. Overview of Praiano
Location and Accessibility: Describe Praiano's location on the Amalfi Coast, its accessibility from major cities like Naples and Salerno, and transportation options.
Historical and Cultural Significance: Provide a brief history of Praiano, its cultural heritage, and its significance in the region.
B. Unique Features of Praiano
Scenic Beauty: Highlight the stunning coastal views, charming narrow streets, and the unique position of Praiano between the more bustling towns of Positano and Amalfi.
Local Lifestyle: Discuss the relaxed and authentic Italian lifestyle, local cuisine, and friendly community atmosphere.
II. Introducing Villa Costa Degli Dei
A. Overview of the Villa
Architectural Beauty: Describe the villa’s architectural style, blending traditional Mediterranean design with modern comforts.
Interior and Exterior Design: Highlight the elegant interiors, spacious rooms, and beautifully landscaped gardens.
B. Accommodation Details
Rooms and Suites: Detail the number and types of rooms available, their amenities, and the decor.
Common Areas: Describe the living room, dining areas, kitchen facilities, and outdoor spaces such as terraces and balconies.
III. Luxurious Amenities
A. Comfort and Convenience
Modern Facilities: List modern amenities such as Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and entertainment systems.
Kitchen and Dining: Discuss the fully equipped kitchen, dining options, and availability of private chef services.
B. Outdoor and Recreational Features
Swimming Pool and Jacuzzi: Highlight the private swimming pool, Jacuzzi, and sunbathing areas.
Outdoor Dining and BBQ: Describe the outdoor dining spaces, BBQ facilities, and options for al fresco dining.
C. Additional Services
Concierge and Housekeeping: Outline available services such as concierge, daily housekeeping, and laundry.
Transportation and Excursions: Mention options for private transportation, guided tours, and excursions.
IV. Exploring the Surroundings
A. Local Attractions and Activities
Beaches and Water Activities: Provide information about nearby beaches, boating, snorkeling, and diving opportunities.
Cultural and Historical Sites: Mention local churches, museums, and historical landmarks in Praiano and surrounding areas.
B. Day Trips and Excursions
Amalfi Coast Highlights: Suggest day trips to nearby towns like Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello, and the unique attractions they offer.
Natural Wonders: Explore natural attractions such as the Path of the Gods hiking trail and the Grotta dello Smeraldo.
V. Culinary Delights
A. Local Cuisine
Traditional Dishes: Describe popular local dishes and specialties unique to Praiano and the Amalfi Coast.
Dining Out: Recommend local restaurants, trattorias, and cafes.
B. Wine and Culinary Tours
Local Vineyards: Discuss wine-tasting opportunities in the region, highlighting local wines.
Cooking Classes: Mention opportunities for guests to participate in cooking classes and learn traditional Italian recipes.
VI. Tips for Renting the Villa
A. Booking and Availability
Best Time to Visit: Suggest the best seasons for visiting Praiano and staying at the villa.
Booking Tips: Provide tips on booking the villa, including early reservations and dealing with peak seasons.
B. Travel Preparation
What to Pack: Offer suggestions on what to pack for a stay at the villa, considering the climate and activities.
Travel Arrangements: Give advice on arranging transportation to Praiano and the villa.
C. Local Etiquette and Tips
Cultural Etiquette: Provide insights into local customs and etiquette to help guests feel at home.
Safety and Practical Tips: Share practical tips for safety, money exchange, and navigating the area.
VII. Testimonials and Guest Experiences
A. Guest Reviews
Positive Feedback: Include excerpts from guest reviews highlighting their experiences at Villa Costa Degli Dei.
Memorable Moments: Share stories of memorable moments from past guests.
B. Visual Gallery
Photo Highlights: Include a selection of high-quality photos showcasing the villa and its surroundings.
Video Tour: Suggest the possibility of including a virtual tour or video showcasing the villa.
VIII. Conclusion
In conclusion, Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and breathtaking natural beauty, making it an ideal destination for anyone looking to experience the charm of the Amalfi Coast. Whether you're interested in relaxation, adventure, or cultural exploration, this villa provides a perfect base for an unforgettable vacation. The stunning views, luxurious amenities, and rich local culture ensure that your stay will be filled with memorable moments. Book your stay at Villa Costa Degli Dei and discover the enchanting allure of Praiano.
This comprehensive outline serves as a framework for a detailed blog post. You can expand each section with more detailed descriptions, personal anecdotes, guest testimonials, and high-quality images to create a captivating and informative blog. If you need any specific details or additional content, feel free to ask!
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stormblessed95 · 3 months
Hi! Firstly, Smeraldo Garden Marching Band is amazing! It gives me lowkey Beatles vibes too, which is really cool. Adding Closer than this, and I’m so excited for the rest of the track list! (And the mini moni interview)
I’ve been following your blog for a while, but just wanted to share some thoughts:
What you said about jikook probably not coming out in the near future reminded me very much of Dan and Phil. I don’t know if you’re aware of them? They’re British YouTubers who were probably one of the first big Internet “RPF ships,” from their first videos together in 2009. They also hid behind ambiguity as “best friends, roommates, somehow still “single”” (like a glass closet) for a very long time. Even after they both came out as gay in 2019, they still leave ambiguity as to whether they’re a couple even though they literally bought a house together - it’s very much a “we know you know” kind of vibe. (Recommend watching Dan’s “Basically I’m Gay” 45 min videos essay if you have the time. Even without knowing anything about him, it’s very impactful.)
I respect their balance between drawing of boundaries and letting us in so much, especially how they cultivated their communication and connection with their audience. (I see a lot of similarities between BTS and Dan and Phil in general, maybe just because I’m very deep in both fandoms😅)
Obviously JM and JK are at completely different levels of fame, in a very different culture and position, but I can see their future looking similar (minus the coming out videos most probably).
I can’t imagine them ever leaving Korea to move abroad. Just quietly living their lives together with enough ambiguity to avoid an avalanche of hate, while maintaining their own boundaries (however they’re defined) and creating their own version of happiness seems like the most likely thing to happen.
Either way: However they plan their long term future, I’ll support them and wish them all the happiness. 💜
You are not the first person to bring up the Dan and Phil comparison and you probably won't the last! And for a good reason too. It is similar is some ways (while drastically different in others like you mentioned). Thanks for sharing!!
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cocamalfeta · 3 months
Hybe re-awakening Fire and Water imagery?
So again I'll leave this here just to keep track of some interesting things that are happening now. Some fans noted a while ago that Hybe is reviving old HYYH lore, and this is good news for more hinting to current situation with Taekook. So Hybe posted the "Truth untold" song sheet (?) as the first comeback teaser for Jimin's upcoming album "Muse". The song is linked to fire and greenery colours representing Taehyung and blue colours for Jungkook. Here:
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And the Smeraldo flower (?) next to his name:
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(These two references were noted by a fellow Taekooker, and I can't really confirm now if these are true or not, but let's suppose these are true). Also note the colours in that background: between green-reddish and blue ¿?
So, on this Smeraldo flower. I haven't checked all of it, but. A pic with Jin holding a bouquet of Blue flowers was posted on Twt back in 2018 before dropping "Fake Love" as part of the BTS "Smeraldo blog". Smeraldo flowers, which means green, but actually were blue. I mentioned before, the "Euphoria" lyrics linking in the same line the words "green oasis" and the imagery related to water, and ocean, with the meaning of a state of Happiness and Stillness or, in other words, a Happy Ending for a Love Story. Euphoria = Happiness.
In "Run" MV (2015) the blue-coloured flowers had the meaning of something secret / hidden and were connected to Sugakookie theory. In my theory, Suga represented Taehyung. And I just learned that a Smeraldo flower was used by Tae in "Singularity" too, another song that heavily hinted to something deeply buried under frozen ice (water?).
Taken from the Smeraldo blog, this is just an excerpt alluding to "Love Yourself" cycle: "The first story introduces the florist “Testesso” [Jin] (Italian for “yourself”) who opens the blog to write about the smeraldo flower and playing cards (smeraldo also means “emerald” in Italian). He mentions that he is opening a flower shop that will specialize in smeraldo flowers. He went to the U.S. to attend a lecture on these special flowers, but missed the lecture due to getting the date wrong. Instead, he attended a lecture about playing cards and in doing so learned about the smeraldo flower. He provides a photo of the flower and notes that the “flower’s language” is “non potevo dire la verità” which is Italian for “the truth that couldn’t be told.”* Of course, this will sound familiar to fans, as 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold) later came out on Love Yourself: TEAR."
The Italian phrase reads to me more like: I can't tell [you] the truth, and the title of the song as "a truth that can't be told [yet]" (like the issue is still ongoing at present time). Since I'm now more familiar with HYYH imagery and since those themes kept getting repeated around the elements of Fire/Water, I checked the English translated lyrics for "The Truth untold" and there're a few things in there that caught my attention. There're a few references to fire and a garden, both red and green colours associated to Taehyung, but these are still quite muted, because it's a song for the defeated, there's no hope unless under the form of a lie. But then there's this strong presence of the "blue flowers" linking both things, the greenery (Taehyung) and the blue colour (Jungkook). And this flower is quite quite a strong reference here. Even though it still alludes to something that must remain hidden (in public).
Taehyung sings in the voice of a man being "chained to this sandcastle" (like the "Desert" in "Euphoria", this is the fire element) and his feelings of being trapped and hidden in a garden (the garden reminisces the "green oasis" from "Euphoria"). A second voice (sung by all the others) calls him to go out of this hidden place, alluding to his "warmth" (fire again). And the lyrics "I want to hold your hand picking the blue flower", so the first voice (Taehyung) is the man wielding the blue flower with its big secret --his love (or their love). This song tells about the voices of a couple in love that can't reveal themselves.
And then the first voice starts a parliament on how he can't reveal his trueself, how he can't get out of that symbolical place to reveal publicly his love: "It's my fate, don't smile on me, light on me. Because I can't come to you, there's no name you can call me... You know that I can't show you ME, give you ME. I can't show you a run-down part of myself, I wear a mask again and go to see you. But I still want you". So this thing with the mask reminds me of the "fake love" insistence, hiding their identity behind a lie.
"Bloomed in a garden of loneliness, a flower that resembles you, I wanted to give it to you after I take off this foolish mask" This means the blue flower, the greenery and the Water-coloured element together. The flower is just their secret love that he wanted to reveal. "But I know, I can never do that ... I wear a mask again and go to see you"
"What I can do is in the garden, in this world, I bloom a pretty flower that looks like you and breathe as the me that you know. So at the end they agree to keep their masks on, to keep the secret hidden and try to live their love in that way. At the end the lyrics repeat "Sand castle" (Tae) that's left alone looking at the broken mask..." But a broken mask is still a mask as much badly damaged as it is.
Interestingly, like in the song "Save Me" , the lyrics in "The Truth untold" not only seem to be charged with heavy symbolism behind the lyrics, but it matters as well who actually is singing them. Besides, the setting used on the MVs in "Save Me", the endless beach as in-between space, has again particular meaning within this narrative.
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namjinsuperior · 2 years
(っ◔◡◔)っ 💜BU/Bangtan Universe 💜
En cours de création
Love Yourself: HER
Love Yourself: TEAR
Love Yourself: ANSWER
Map Of The Soul: PERSONA
Map Of The Soul: 7
The Notes Tome 1
The Note Tome 2
Webtoon: SAVE ME
BTS Universe Story (Jeu mobile)
Explication des années, des notes du BU et de l'âge des membres - Tableau des âges
La relation du Yoonkook dans le Bangtan Universe
起 Wonder - Euphoria, le s*icide de Jungkook et son lien avec le BU
Bangtan Universe - Informations sur le père de Seokjin
The Notes Tome 2 - Analyse et traduction des dernières pages (TRAD)
Théorie HYYH The Notes 2 (TRAD - théorie by twt: koonaikoo
Bangtan Universe - Lien avec les Graphic Lyrics (TRAD)
Tome 1: You Never Walk Alone
Tome 2: Save Me
Tome 3: House Of Cards
Tome 4: Run
Tome 5: Butterfly
Les personnages principaux du Bangtan Universe - un résumé de leur histoire
L'histoire de la fleur de Smeraldo
Blog du fleuriste Testesso
2019 - Smeraldo Book
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