#smiling friends James x OC
oinkinpigprince · 4 months
Hiii sorry again im the one that wrote a ton of stuff about an OC who tries to make James somewhat able to live in society hehehe
So, I mentioned that he did try to harm the girl in question and I've been thinking... What if Hammerhead — yeah thats the name of the OC idk if I mentioned this — actually gave him a little bit of the taste of a headbutt?
Idkkk i would just really like to read his building annoyance, his try, her shock and then blasting a full K.O on his head with her own skull (inspired by the person who has an OC that actually killed him lol)
oh btw, them (tsk there goes my secret identity by sending this)
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Omg your OC is so geometric, what are the dimensions of her head?? ALSO I JUST NOTICED THE WAY HAMMER HEAD PICKED UP JAMES, SHES PUTTING HIS ASS INTO TIME OUT 💀💀
James + hammerhead
After a while of hanging out James tried to make more and more of his ‘jokes’ threatening to stab her. Throwing shit across the room, and other stuff like that.
He’s a BIG guy so he wasn’t rlly afraid hammerhead could do anything cause that bro is ALL muscle. Even if she towers over him, he still thinks he could kick her ass
Gets very annoyed by how little she reacts to his antics, even more when she just tells him to ‘knock that shit off’. That gets him STEAMING
James is entitled to do stupid shit no matter what, so what if she doesn’t appreciate his humor? Why tf is she so broke anyways, can’t afford a good radio? Tries to put the blame on her no matter the situation or how obviously in the wrong he is
The first time he tried anything she was able to restrain him easily, just getting up and walking away. Oh he was piiiiissed
He didn’t stop trying, instead of full on attack her though he just gives her quick little punches and slaps. Stuff the let out his anger but not enough to warrant any real immediate repercussions
One day he got bold though, and threatened to slit her fucking throat open. So she did what she knew she had to do to shut him up, using her geometric head to put his ass into place
With a swift head bang, James was knocked onto his ass, swift as hell. He sat on the floor perplexed as shit, not only did she retaliate she gave him some of his medicine
He was pissed, he looked up at her like an angry toddler. Pissed as hell but couldn’t do anything about it. She rolled her eyes and picked his ass off the ground, poor man.
After that James calmed down a little with the whole “gouging her beady eyes out.” Or “gutting her like the fish fuck she it” he would just frown REALLY hard
Poor boy, put his ass into the time out corner >:((
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stupid-at0 · 2 months
More about her
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They are BFF!! :D or something like that.
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robynrileyart · 1 year
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when u joke to ur secret boyfriend that you can definitely top him in a sparring match and then you actually try and he ends up pinning you on the ground like it was easy.... because it was easy, he's way bigger than you and you're really not a close combat specialist at ALL. good problems
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citysuk · 2 months
guilt and shame | remus lupin
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pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
summary: you confessed your love for remus, but he rejects you because he doesn't think he's good enough. james has to talk him out of it.
words: 2,5k
notes: omfg !!! this is my first fic ever and I'm super excited to share it, english isn't my first language so please bare with me. if you like this history you can support sharing it. i hope you enjoy it !!
warnings: angst !!!!!!! so much angsty, insecure and overthinker boy remus, james being a little noisy and trying to get some sense on him but being a little ass. no use y/n but no oc neither. no proofread.
part 2 | innocence of love
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Remus sits down at the table. He's almost alone, being so early that all the students are still in bed, he barely pays any attention to the few people around him as he pours himself a cup of strong black coffee. He takes a big gulp, relishing in the bitter taste, hoping it will jolt his system awake. As he sipped his coffee, Remus can't help but scan the Great Hall, searching for a familiar face. But you are nowhere to be seen, and the sight makes his chest ache. He forces himself to look away, trying to focus on his breakfast, but his mind keeps drifting back to you.
James joins him, looking as chipper as ever. He plops down next to Remus, immediately noticing his friend's exhausted state. "Morning, mate," he greets cheerfully. "Rough night, Remus? You look like a Lethifold sucked out your soul."
Remus barely suppresses an irritated sigh at James's overly cheerful greeting. He turns to look at him, his expression flat. "Yeah, something like that," he mutters, before taking another gulp of coffee. "Didn't sleep, if you must know."
James's smile falters a little at the sight of Remus's grumpy demeanor. He eyes the dark bags under his eyes and the lines of fatigue on his face. He leans in a bit, his voice low. "Mate, what's up? For real. You look awful."
Remus resists the urge to roll his eyes at James's prodding. He sighs wearily, setting down his coffee cup. "I couldn't sleep, alright?" he admits grudgingly. "I was...I was thinking about something. Someone."
James arches an eyebrow, intrigued. "Someone, huh? Care to give the name? Or are you going to leave me in suspense?"
Remus hesitates, torn between sharing his thoughts and keeping them to himself. He lets out a sigh, his resolve crumbling under James's persistent gaze. He says your name quietly, it leaving a bitter-sweet taste in his mouth.
James's eyes widen at the mention of your name, surprise mixed with curiosity on his face. Then a sly smile forms on his lips. "So...what kind of thoughts were you having about her that kept you up all night?"
Remus averts his gaze, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks. He picks at his food, not really eating. "It's... complicated," he mutters, avoiding eye contact. "We... We talked a few days ago. There were some things... some things confessed that have left me feeling... conflicted. Confused."
James nods, sobering instantly at the seriousness of Remus's tone. He frowns, concern etching his features. "Confesses, eh?" he echoes, a hint of confusion in his voice. "Wait, what do you mean? What did she confess?"
Remus's fingers dig into the table, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. He looks up at his friends, his eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and vulnerability. "It's..." he starts, then swallows hard. "She... she told me that she likes me. More than as a friend."
James's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and for a moment, it looks like he's at a loss for words. He glances at Sirius, who has a similar look of surprise on his face. "She.... she told you she likes you? Like... romantically?"
Remus nods, the action almost a wince. He looks miserable, the guilt of his internal struggle clearly visible on his face. "Yes," he says quietly. "Romantically. And... And I didn't respond well."
James's surprise melts into confusion, and then annoyance. "How do you mean, you 'didn't respond well'?" he asks, his tone taking on a hint of accusation. "What, did you reject her or something?"
Remus flinches at James's sharp tone, feeling the weight of the situation even more acutely. He takes another deep breath, his eyes avoiding anyone's gaze. "I… I did reject her, in a way," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I told her it's not a good idea. That we're better off as friends."
James stares at him in disbelief, shaking his head incredulously. "What in the name of Merlin's beard, Remus?" he exclaims, his voice raising in volume. "Are you mental? She likes you. You like her. So why the hell would you reject her?"
Remus glares back at James, his own frustration and guilt bubbling to the surface. He grips the edge of the table. "Because it's not that easy, James!" he retorts, trying to keep his voice down. "There is...there are so many factors at play here that I can't just... just act on my feelings without considering them!"
James throws his hands up, his patience clearly wearing thin. "What bloody factors, Remus? I don't understand what your issue is here. She likes you, you like her, end of story. What else is there to consider?"
Remus lets out a frustrated huff, his hands clenching into fists. The anger in his voice is evident, but he's trying to be quiet since they're in a public space. "You don't get it, James! It's... It's not that simple! There's... there's my condition. I'm a bloody werewolf! Do you know what that means for her!? There are things you and Peter and Sirius could never understand!"
James scoffs, his eyes narrow. His jaw set. "So what, you think she's just going to run screaming if she knew the truth?" he shoots back. "You think she'd be incapable of handling the fact that you're a werewolf? You think she'd think less of you, just because you turn furry every month?"
Remus is shaking now, his frustration and pain obvious in his every word. "Yes, James! Yes, that's exactly what I think! How could anyone, especially someone like her, accept that? Accept all the danger and the... and the stigma that comes with it? I can't put her through that! I won't!"
James is clearly struggling to maintain his cool, his usually cheerful face twisted in anger and disbelief. "You really think so little of her, don't you?" he accuses. "You think she's so shallow, so narrow-minded, that she'd just walk away, the moment she finds out the truth? Or maybe, just maybe, do you actually have so little confidence in yourself that you think no one could possibly love and accept you in spite of your condition?"
Remus flinches at James's sharp words, the accusations hitting a little too close to home. He looks away, shame and anger battling for dominance on his face. "It's not about me, James!" he retorts, his voice cracking. "It's about her! I can't... I can't put her in danger. I can't risk hurting her. It's not worth the risk!"
James huffs out a scoff, slamming his palms against the table, his eyes ablaze. "You're making excuses, Remus. You're terrified. You're letting your fear control you, your guilt consume you, and it's making you blind to the fact that maybe, just maybe, she's strong enough, kind enough, brave enough, to accept you, flaws and all!"
Remus stands abruptly, his own anger and frustration are barely contained now, his eyes burning with a mixture of shame and defiance. "You don't get to lecture me on this, James!" he nearly bellows, attracting the attention of some nearby students. "You have no idea what it's like to live my life, to face the dangers I face! To bear the guilt, the shame, the pain! You can't possibly understand!"
James doesn't back down, his own emotions running just as high. He points a finger at Remus, his voice as firm as his stance. "Maybe I don't understand the specifics of your situation," he says, his gaze never faltering. "But I understand fear, Remus. I understand guilt. I understand pain. Those are universal. You don't get a bloody monopoly on them just because you're a werewolf."
Remus lets out a derisive snort, his jaw clenched. He's trying to push down the wave of emotions threatening to burst forth. "Oh really? You understand guilt, yeah? You understand guilt like mine? The guilt of knowing that you could hurt, could kill, someone you care about? The guilt of knowing that you're a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode and destroy everything around you? That kind of guilt?"
James doesn't have a ready answer for that. He looks like Remus's words have struck a chord. "Maybe I don't," he admits, his voice slightly hoarse. "But I do know what it's like to push people away because I think they're better off without me. I do know what it is to self-sabotage because I don't think I deserve love and happiness. And you're doing the same damn thing."
Remus falters for a moment, the raw honesty in James's words taking the edge off his own anger. He knows what his friend is saying hits a little too close to home. But he shakes it off, determination hardening his features. "I... I'm doing it to protect her, James! Can't you see that? It's for her own good!"
James shakes his head, his eyes hard yet filled with a pleading look. "You're protecting her from what, Remus? From a relationship? From happiness? You're making that decision for her, depriving her of a choice. Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical, considering how much you value your own autonomy?"
Remus feels a pang of guilt at James's words. The truth in them is undeniable, and he struggles to find a comeback, a defense against his friend's well-aimed arguments. "I... I'm just trying to do what's right..." he mutters weakly, his voice lacking conviction.
James huffs out a sigh, his anger now tempered by a hint of resignation. He steps towards Remus, his voice going softer. "You know what's right, Remus? What's right is that you stop making decisions for her and let her decide what she wants for herself. She confessed to you. She clearly wants a relationship. Stop pushing her away because you think you know what's best for her. That's not your call to make."
Remus is silent, the weight of James's words slowly sinking in. He knows his friend is right. He's not being fair to her, no matter how just he thinks his reasons are. But the fear, the guilt, the shame, they all hold him back. "I... I don't know if I can, James," he finally admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know if I can let her in that close. I'm scared, okay? I'm terrified of what could happen."
*James's face softens further, a hint of understanding in his eyes.*
"I get it, mate," he says, his voice gentle. "I really do. But you've got to let go of that fear. She's not a fragile little thing, in case you haven't noticed. She's strong, she's kind, and she clearly cares about you. Give her a chance, Remus. Let her decide if she's okay with the risk. Let her decide if she wants the challenge."
Remus takes a deep breath, his heart hammering in his chest. He struggles with the internal war within him, the fears and hopes battling it out. "It's not just her," he says quietly, his voice thick with emotion. "It's me, too. I... I don't know if I can trust myself. If I can trust the wolf. I'm terrified of what could happen when the full moon comes."
James reaches out, resting a hand on Remus's shoulder, his touch an anchor in the chaos. "But you can trust yourself," he insists, his voice filled with conviction. "You've managed this for years, Remus. You've controlled the wolf. Yes, it's a beast, but you have a leash on it, you can control it. And you won't be alone. We'll all be there for you, just like we always have been."
Remus stares at James, the words striking a chord in him. He looks at his friends, at Sirius and Peter who silently watched the two of them. He realizes that they are all willing to stand by his side, regardless of his condition. The realization brings a lump to his throat. "You... You'd still be willing to stand by me? Even if it puts you at risk? Even if it puts her at risk?"
James smiles, a reassuring, confident smile. He squeezes Remus's shoulder. "Of course, we would, mate. We're Marauders, remember? We're brothers. We stick together, through thick and thin. And if that means dealing with a furry little problem once a month, then we'll figure it out. We always do."
Remus can't help but let out a wry, humorless chuckle, the weight of his fears and doubts lifting a little, but still present. "Furry little problem, eh? You make it sound like we're dealing with a misbehaving Kneazle rather than a bloodthirsty monster."
James grins, his usual mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Mate, have I ever failed to turn a problem into a joke? Besides, I doubt that wolf of yours could top our prank-making abilities. We could write a manual: 'Wolf Handling for Dummies' - by the Marauders."
Remus lets out a snort, despite himself, the image of a guidebook with that title making him crack a small smile. "Yeah, right. I'm sure it'd be a bestseller. I can picture it now: 'Five Tips to Keep the Wolf from Your Door.' I'm sure Pomfrey would purchase a dozen copies."
James chuckles, a sly grin on his face. "Nah, Pomfrey already has a signed copy. She keeps it under her pillow for light reading before bed." Sirius and even Peter can't help but laugh at James's quip, the tension in the air slowly easing off.
Remus even manages a dry chuckle. Despite himself, he feels some of the weight of his worries lifting a little. Looking at his friends, standing there, teasing him with lighthearted jibes and encouraging grins, he realizes how lucky he is to have them by his side, no matter what.
"You lot will be the death of me," he mutters with a shake of his head, the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
James grins wider, giving Remus a playful punch on the arm. "Death by mischief, mate. There are worse ways to go, I reckon."
Sirius walks over, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Yeah, and we'll make sure your tombstone says something suitably epic. 'Here lies Moony. Died of a severe case of hilarity.'"
Remus rolls his eyes, the last of his resistance crumbling away in the face of his friends' unfaltering loyalty and humor. "Great, just what I always wanted. A tombstone that turns my death into a punchline. You lot are a nightmare, you know that?"
Peter grins, finally joining in the banter. "Oh, come on, Moony. You know you love the attention." James throws an arm around Remus, pulling him into a half-hug, half-headlock. "Face it, mate. We're the best thing to happen to your dreary life."
Remus tries (and fails) to look annoyed, a small smile betraying him. He half-heartedly attempts to shake James off, but the effort is half-hearted at best.
"You lot are a bunch of lunatics, that's what you are. And for some reason, I wouldn't have it any other way."
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buckys-metal-arm · 5 months
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Bucky x GN!Reader
Description: three instances of Bucky associating someone stroking his hair with comfort.
Warnings: fluff and angst, mentions of illness, period-accurate toxic masculinity, mentions of nightmares, no y/n used, only pronoun used is "you"
A/N: this is based on something I wrote for my self indulgent self-insert OC Juniper, where Bucky tells them the story of the first two memories and then decided I wanted to also do an x Reader with a similar idea.
One time, when Bucky was young, he was hit with an awful bout of illness. He felt like there was a hundred pound weight on his chest, and he couldn’t stop coughing. Steve kept trying to sneak in to go see his friend, but would be shooed away before he could actually see his friend. Rebecca, Bucky’s little sister, would slip notes from her and Steve under his door as often as she could, trying to remind him he wasn’t alone. One night, when his sickness got real bad, his mother came in to sit up with him. Since it was the Depression, she would be up pretty much every night working on sewing alterations until her fingers cramped and bled. But tonight, she was staying with her Baby Boy. She rubs Vick’s on his chest in hopes of soothing the cough, and sits by his bedside. When Bucky’s coughing gets so bad that he can’t fall asleep, she sits on the mattress next to him, running their fingers through his hair until he falls asleep. She saw how much it soothed him, and from then on whenever he was sick she would stay with him, running her fingers through her son’s hair to calm him. 
Bucky was an adult now, dressed in a soldier’s uniform and trying to pretend he was proud of that. He’d just gotten home from the Stark Expo, and found that his mother and sister had stayed up to wait for him. Rebecca hugs her brother goodbye before heading to bed, but Bucky and Winnefred stay up late talking. During the conversation everything hits him at once. He’d spent the entire day forcing a smile and pretending to be brave, being strong in front of his date, of Steve, of anyone who saw him and saw a young man ready to take on the world and fight for his country. 
When in reality?
 He’s been terrified ever since he learned he was drafted. 
He broke down in front of his mother, telling her that he’s not ready, that he’s scared, and that he hates that he’s scared. That he’s a coward. But his mother shakes her head, and hugs her son tight. She doesn’t tell him to “man up” or that he needs to “get ahold of himself”, just held him and assured him that it’s okay, that he’s not a coward, that he’s not weak for being afraid. She took him back to his bedroom, getting him settled under the covers and sitting at his bedside, stroking his hair the same way she did when he was young. 
“Rest now, James,” she whispered, brushing his hair out of his eyes, “you don’t have to be strong tonight…” 
Bucky woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. He tried to take deep breaths, to calm himself down, but the nightmares that had forced him awake still ravaged his subconscious. 
“Bucky?” He whipped around to see you, eyes tired but still filled with concern, “are you alright, Baby?” 
“Yeah,” he gasped out, running a hand through his hair, “yeah, yeah, I'm…I-I’m…” 
“Oh,” you cooed, wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his back, “oh Sweetheart…” 
You hugged him close, and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. 
“Can you feel my breath?” You asked, running your fingers along his stomach. Bucky nodded, “good, Buck. Can you follow my breathing?” 
He matched your breaths as best he can, and you held him until he calmed down. Once his breathing evened out, you pressed another kiss to the crook of his neck and smiled softly. 
“What do you need to feel better, Sweet Boy?” You asked, “what do you need to go back to sleep?” 
Bucky chewed his lip for a moment, trying to decide. His mind drifted to his youth, to his mother carding her fingers through his hair and the feeling of serenity it brought him. 
“M-my hair,” he murmured. You looked confused, “will you stroke my hair for a bit?” 
He didn't give you a chance to respond. 
“Sorry,” Bucky's blue eyes wouldn't meet theirs, “that sounds stupid, but my Ma used to do it when I was younger but–” 
“Shhhh,” you slid in front of him, “it's not stupid. Of course I'll stroke your hair.” 
His blue eyes met yours, relief flooding his gaze. 
“Lay back down, Sweetheart,” he settled himself on top of you, laying his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat. You cradled his head against your body, running your fingers through his dark hair. His eyes were already starting to feel heavy, and he nuzzled into your neck, a little hum escaping him.
“Get some rest, Bucky,” you pressed a kiss to the top of his head as he started to give in to sleep, “I love you.” 
The same feeling of serenity overtook him, and Bucky drifted off in his partner's arms.
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evolnoomym · 1 month
I’ll Make You Love Me💋
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Bfd!Joel Miller x f!reader
Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Summary: In Joel’s eyes you are an unpleasant person. Yet he has to pretend as if he would not want to get rid of you for Sarah’s sake, she loves you so much you are her best friend. Well Joel also feels terrible for the rather unethical thoughts he has of you.
Rating: 18+ mature content mdni !!!!!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: no y/n, introducing “Lucky”, female oc character, Sarah is 18, Lucky is 21, Joel’s age is not mentioned but he’s at least double Lucky’s age, degradation, humiliation, Dark, Joel is mean, he calls you Bitch/Slut/Junkie, spanking, dub-con, Daddy Kink, Manspreading hehe 😉, pervy!Joel, tears, Joel enjoys her tears, manhandling, hair pulling, weed consumption, alcohol consumption, a tiny fluffy moment, alludes to BJ, Joel can also be nice,
If I missed anything please let me know 🙏🏻
Authors note: this is for @toxicanonymity ‘s manspreading olympics. ❤️‍🔥
Shoutout to @cafekitsune and @saradika-graphics for the dividers ❤️
Big thank you to @jennaispunk and @joelmillerisapunk for beta reading ❤️‍🔥🌙
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so if you come across mistakes it might be due to that. I’m totally here for constructive criticism or feedback on how to improve. In general I appreciate comments, likes and reblogs greatly 💋
Songs I listened to while writing:
What You Do by James Gillespie
Bad Girls by M.I.A
Maneater by Nelly Furtado
Salvatore by Lana Del Rey
Sad Girl by Lana Del Rey
Waiting Game by BANKS
Into It by Chase Atlantic
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You should feel bad for thinking of him in such a peculiar way. You should be ashamed for even considering him an option. He is totally off limits considering he’s much older, a busy mature man and most importantly Sarah’s Dad. Sarah the sweet girl that has been your Bestfriend for over 2 years.
It excited you in the beginning how much Joel hated your presence in his daughter’s life. He didn’t approve of this friendship ever since Sarah at 16 years old first brought you, her 19 year old friend, over for the first time.
In front of Sarah he tried his hardest to appear polite but you could see right through his facade from the beginning. And one evening when Sarah was already fast asleep you gave Joel a piece of your mind in the kitchen.
“Mister Miller let’s stop these silly games we both know what’s going on…you don’t like me and I couldn’t fucking care less.” You scoff and get off the counter, slowly drawing closer to Joel “You hate me so much but Sarah loves me soooooo much and imagine how upset she’d be to know that her Daddy doesn’t want her to be happy. Wouldn’t that be a shame,huh?” You question with an enticing head tilt.
Now you’re right in front of him, toe to toe with big bad imposing Joel Miller. You can feel the pulling in your lower belly from being so close and most importantly smelling his manly musky scent. You remind yourself that you gotta stay focused if you want to win this game.
You get even closer until your able to place your hands on his warm broad chest sliding them slightly upwards his shoulders. “What the hell r ya doin?” Joel hisses.
You lean up to whisper in his ear “Nothing, just letting you know that I eat guys like you for breakfast, I chew you up and spit you out. You’re not a threat to me, old man.” You pull back and give him a sinister sickly smile.
The wickedness in your tone causes goosebumps to prickle on his flesh.
You feed off of seeing him scared. You enjoy knowing what kinda effect you have on this usually so collected man.
“Goodnight Mister Miller, better start sleeping with one eye open from now on.” You giggle while skipping up the stairs.
That was the start of it all.
Now 2 years later with Sarah just having turned 18, Joel realizes that you two are gonna keep him on his toes even more than already.
The 18th birthday celebration was already a disaster, what Joel assumed would be a relaxed family gathering turned into you crashing the party and taking Sarah out, of course Sarah was excited so how could Joel say no.
Well when you two didn’t return at 12 pm like promised he admittedly got worried, but he wanted to trust Sarah so he tried to stay calm.
At 3 am he hears the screeching tires from some show off guys car and loud drunkish giggling. The princesses have officially arrived back home from their trip, almost 4 hours too late.
When Joel opens the front door he sees you and Sarah practically half draped over your shoulder stubbling up the starirs in sloppy drunk steps. You two are giggling and mumbling at each other in a language Joel does not understand, it certainly can’t be English.
You immediately glock his disgruntled face, the alcohol cursing through your system emboldens you so you haphazardly shove him out of the way. You sigh loudly and obviously annoyed at his antics all while herding Sarah up the stairs.
Joel cannot believe that after dragging Sarah off, taking her to god knows where, letting her drink and god forbid smoke… you still have the audacity to behave so entitled.
You put Sarah in danger and don’t feel an ounce of remorse. Joel hates your guts, in his eyes you are an entitled little brat that desperately needs to be put in her place.
Even though Joel hates you, he at the same time cannot keep his head clear of dirty images of your young and tight body. He thinks about the pool day where you showed up in the tiniest bikini he could think of.
Prancing around all while he had to resist the urge to just tear it off. You knew he was looking and he knew that you enjoyed his eyes flitting all over your enticing figure.
The both of you were tethering on a dangerous line, that could cause big trouble. How would Sarah feel knowing this is happening behind her back.
You constantly antagonize him like that wearing short skirts and tight shirts with no bra because apparently it’s too warm for that. Running into him, pressing your perky tits against his bicep in passing, coincidentally bending over in front of him. Joel was quickly approaching a breaking point, his resolve crumbling more and more with each time that he had to tug at his throbbing length all while thinking about you.
Joel clearly underestimated how much you’d play him and how much better at it you are. At this rate you’ll win this game. He however has a plan, that might even after everything still save him the success.
Joel only has to wait for the right time to attack, catch you off guard and use that to his advantage.
He gets pulled from his thoughts when he hears something that confuses him, you are singing and it sounds beautiful.
Joel creeps up the stairs as quietly as possible to not alert either of you.
The closer he gets to Sarah's door the clearer it becomes. Joel pushes the bedroom door open by only a few inches to get a look at the situation and it makes his heart roar. You sit on the side of the bed we’re Sarah is nicely tucked in, your body facing Joel but your eyes locked on Sarah’s face. Softly singing a lullaby in a language foreign to him while gently stroking over her cheeks, smoothing the hair out of her face, almost like a mother would with her baby. Something Sarah never got to experience in childhood since her mother left so early on.
Joel realizes that despite the rough exterior you put up there’s more to you than just a cold hearted homewrecker, you care for Sarah, you take care of her and watch over her wherever you two run off to. Joel feels gratitude for someone he admittedly doesn’t know a whole lot about.
Joel has seen enough and retreats back downstairs.
When you stumble into the living room to bid your goodbyes Joel looks like he’s deep in thoughts.
So you announce “Sarah is sleeping, make sure she drinks lotssssssss of water when she wakes up and takes more aspirin if needed. I’m out.”
You turn to walk off when Joel gets up “Hey ya sure bout walkin home now? I can drive ya.” He offers but you decline “Nah it’s alright Mr. Miller I can protect myself, I’ve always done it. Besides, why do you suddenly care,huh?“ you sarcastically laugh while slipping out of the house.
When you’ve turned away from him the snarky smile falls right off your face.
Joel actually felt somewhat sorry that night for the way he treated you all those times before.
That lasted until you decided to smoke weed with Sarah in his lil work shed that was situated in the back of his garden.
Joel would’ve realized either way if not by the smells wafting up his nostrils the moment he entered the shed later in the evening, then surely by Sarah’s unstoppable giggling, her slow mumbled speech or by the food flash she got.
When the two of you begged him to let you sleep over he eagerly agreed. Chalk it up to the weed that numbs your brain that this quick reaction didn’t seem suspicious.
Joel knows you will find him, you’ll see the open back door and walk right into his trap. You never sleep the night through when you spend it over at the Millers, he can hear you getting up and wandering around the house. Sarah on the other hand has got to be blessed with an extremely deep sleep.
The thought of overpowering you makes him smile giddily into the darkness of the shed.
As usual you wake up in the middle of the night, ever since being a little child the sleeping became a struggle and nothing works except tiring yourself out.
You get up out of Sarah’s huge plush bed, slip out into the hallway and down the stairs. There you immediately catch the wide open back door leading to the garden. Odd, Mister Miller would never in a million years leave that open.
You walk up to the sliding doors and when you stand in the threshold staring into the dark backyard you see that the shed is left open too.
Out of stupid curiosity you decide to investigate, not the smartest to perhaps walk right into a burglar who has a weapon but you don’t really care.
So you pat the way across the cold grass, it tickles the sole of your bare feet and the fresh midnight breeze actually feels awfully pleasant on your heated skin. Halfway you stop and glance upward at the beautiful full moon shining down on you.
After taking a deep breath you continue onward towards the shed.
When you reach the opening of the shed there’s really nothing you can see or hear. So you step further into it, carefully putting one foot in front of the other.
You feel like someone is watching you but you are unable to pinpoint where it’s coming from. It’s unsettling so you do something considerably stupid “Hello, hello is there anyone? Mister Miller are you in here?” You call out with a shaking voice.
No response.
A light flickering in the center of the room catches you off guard and now you can see him, the one that watched you.
Mr.Miller is sitting on a bar chair behind him is his working table, he leans his back against the edge of the table.
Your eyes immediately go to his slightly sweaty face -the Texas heat is unrelenting even in the middle of the night- he looks gorgeous illuminated by the tiny lamp glowing behind his shoulder on the cupboard. He’s smirking sinisterly at you.
You let your eyes wander over his broad shoulders that are clad in a green flannel. Inevitably your eyes slip down to his wide spread jeans covered thighs, they look so big and muscular.
He catches your staring and drops a hand on his thigh that slowly starts stroking up and down. Making you gulp audibly.
“M..M-..Mister M..Miller what are you doing here?” You stammer out.
“I was waitin for ya to come find me.” He huffs gruffly.
He continues “Close the door behind ya Lucky.”
You feel somewhat hypnotized by his slow calculated words as you, out of pure reflex, reach for the handle behind you.
As you shut the door, effectively trapping yourself with him he murmurs “That’s a good girl. Ya do know how to listen Lucky Girl.”
Hearing Joel call you a good girl in his signature dark molasses like voice had you squeezing your thighs together.
“Hmm ya like that baby, huh?” He inquires
“N..no, that would be fuckin weird.” You try sounding sincere but to no avail Joel has seen through you a long time ago.
“Lucky you are liar, a slut, a junkie..-“
You hiss “What did you just say?” While stepping closer to where he sits.
“Ya heard me right Lucky, you are a fuckin junkie, smoking weed in my shed with Sarah. Are ya outta your mind?” He throws back
“You gotta be kidding me, right? Big Bad Mr Miller is shitting his pants cuz of a bit of weed.” You wheeze.
“That’s enough.” He decides, getting up in one swift imposing movement. Suddenly he’s the one towering over you and he looks pissed.
He’s on you in the blink of an eye threading his hand through your hair grabbing a decent amount by which he pulls you with him.
“Ouch…ouch what the fuck let me go.” You huff while trying to get his hands out of your hair. But he doesn’t appreciate the disobedience and starts pulling even harder, which brings you to tears from the pain.
“Ohhh poor baby Lucky, look at those tears, ya not havin’ fun huh? That’s too bad darlin’ but I don’t care.”
He sits back down on the chair and in one swift motion pulls you over his thighs. Your belly rests on his crotch and your whole world is turned upside down.
“Clearly no one has ever taught ya a lesson, that’s why ya always behave like a bratty bitch.”
His free hand flits to your sleeping shorts and practically tears them off of you. At the ripping sound you yelp.
“Hmm look at that plump ass and those sweet lacy panties…ya always wear this slutty underwear when ya have a sleepover?” All while he’s groping you.
“What the hell are you doing Joel?”
“Aw is it not Mr.Miller anymore? Have we lost our manners lil girl? Or is there a better name for me, hmm?” He inquires.
For some reason you know exactly what he wants to hear but you're not inclined to give in. Yet.
“It’s fine baby ya don’t need to say it now, I’ll make you scream that goddamn name you fucking slut.” He pulls on your hair “Ya hear me bitch.?”
All you manage is a meak nod before he lets go off your face.
You can feel his warm and calloused hand on your cheek squeezing, stroking and poking. Then his hand is gone but not for long. You can’t even react. He's that fast in delivering the first smack to your behind.
“Ya gonna take what i give ya and behave cuz you wanna be a good girl, right? Ya wanna be my good girl,hmm?”
“Y..y-yes I do Mr.Miller.” You say defeated.
“Atta Girl. I think 10 should do it, for now, until ya feel like acting up again..”
He is unrelenting when it comes to punishing you, each time the impact is harder and more unexpected than the previous. You have to bite your lip in order to suppress a moan, even though it hurts it’s incredible. You can feel yourself becoming wet, with each time that his hand collides with your behind more slick gushes out of your pussy. At this point there must be a wet patch visible.
His bulge pressing against your stomach tells you how much this is affecting him too.
“Lucky I know ya try to hide it but I can smell how she’s leaking and if I check I’m sure I’ll find that cunt all sloppy for me, right?”
“That’s what i thought.” And with that he continues the assault on your cheeks.
And it may be only ten but he makes them count, the blows are measured and hard. You guess your cheeks must be glowing at this point.
When he finally reaches 10 it feels like hours have passed since you decided to go wander around. He’s massaging your bruised ass. You finally feel like you’re getting a moment of peace but that couldn’t be further from the truth, because Joel threads his hand back into your hair and yanks you to face him.
He’s just staring at you, accessing you and then he kisses you.
It’s rough, teeth clashing, tongues swirling around, his hands urgently grabbing your face, your fingers tangled in his graying curls.
Though the kissing is over before it can escalate too far, Joel is once again pulling you by your hair, this time he’s more gentle, he pulls you off of his knees and pushes you down on them in the space between his spread thighs. You’re at eye level with his crotch now that looks painfully hard.
As you peek up at him through your lashes you muse “Looks like you got a problem, a big problem…Daddy. You want me to help you?” All while innocently tilting your head at him.
He grabs your face roughly “Shut up Lucky and put ya smart mouth to better use.”
“Don’t underestimate me Daddy. I’ll make you love me.” You say while giving him a cheeky wink.
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justagirlwholikesadam · 8 months
Best Friend's Little Sister
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Remus Lupin x Muggle! Evans! Reader
Summary: Lily Evans takes the Marauders to her muggle sister's football game where she is captain of the cheerleading squad.
Warning: The Marauders and Lily not understanding football. Sirius and James want lockers in Hogwarts. SFW, drinking, smoking, OC
A/N: I know nothing of sports or cheering so please be warn if there's a mistake. In HS, I was the one smoking pot under the bleachers lol. please like or comment below. Enjoy - L || Border Credit: @cafekitsune
Word Count: 7.4K
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Unlike Petunia, you were proud of Lily. Never making her feel bad for being different. Lily had lost count on how many times you have told her that she is special to be a witch and she should be proud of it. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of letters have been exchanged between Lily and you when she started Hogwarts. You would ask her about her time in Hogwarts, asking her about how her classes were and her friends. Lily did the same, asking you how life is back home and about your wellbeing. Today Lily received a letter and she was so excited to read it since you told her last week about trying out for a new position in the cheer team at your school. Quickly, opening it she had drawn the attention of the boys around her who were talking and laughing about a prank they recently did. James looks over at Lily when she lets out a gasp and covers her mouth. Lily felt James’ place a hand on her back. He asked her if she's alright.
The boys stopped talking and looked at Lily who gave James a bright smile and nodded. “Yes, it’s my sister. She told me she was made captain and is so excited. She wanted me to go to the last game of the term. She wrote here that I can invite you guys. If you are up for it.”
Lily gave James a picture you had sent along with the letter. Sirius and Peter quickly went over to James and looked over his shoulders. Sirius let out a whistle while Peter's eyes grew wide. The photo was a regular muggle photo of you.
“Evans, where have you been hiding this lovely girl!?” Lily rolled her eyes at Sirius then took the photo from James.
“Don't even think about it!” Lily said before handling it to Remus who remained in his seat in front of Lily.
He grabbed the photo and noticed why Sirius whistled. Remus had met you before, Lily had introduced you to him. He always visited Lily whenever they were on break. Remus knew you were very different from Lily’s older sister. Petunia always gave him a harsh look and would shut the door on his face whenever he came over.
“Don’t be a daft cow.” He hears you behind the door before opening it.
“Rem Rem.” You shouted as you hugged him. Remus always smiles at the nickname and hugs you back.
“She’s captain of what?” Peter asked walking back to his seat to continue on with his breakfast.
“She’s captain of the cheerleading team at her school. She has been wanting that spot for so long.” Lily said with a proud smile.
Remus continued to stare at the photo. His eyes looking at every detail, oh how he wished the photo could move. You had a red and gold uniform with black lining on the hem. Your hair was in a ponytail and he saw the glitter around your eyes, making them pop out even more. You looked beautiful, he says to himself. You had two big red pom-poms in each hand. The smile on your face was big and it reminded him of the smiles you always gave him.
“That’s exciting.” James commented as Lily took out the tickets from the envelope.
“If you guys are up for it.” Lily said, waving the tickets in her hands. Sirius and James looked at each other with a grin, any chance they got to see the muggle world, they took it. Peter nodded before letting them know he would have to ask his parents first.
“Moony?” Sirius said, placing an arm over his friend’s shoulder. Remus looks away from the picture and nods at Lily.
The Marauders stood in front of the school as Lily thanked her dad for giving them a ride.
“It’s a bit small.” Peter commented. “Well, it’s not a castle.” Sirius said, looking at the school. They jumped when a group of guys came walking beside them. James’ eyes widened when he saw they were shirtless with red and gold paint over their chest including their faces.
“Are we safe here?” Peter asked them and Lily came behind them. “Of course, it’s a high school football game.”
“Think of how fans are for quidditch. They are the same for football.” Remus told Peter and gave him a pat on his shoulder.
“What’s football?” Sirius asked, putting his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. Lily glanced over at Remus who shrugged his shoulders.
“Like quidditch but running.” Lily said not really knowing how to explain it better. Walking up to the front of the school Lily soon realized she didn't know where she was going. She hasn't been to a public school in years.
“Are you Lily?” The Marauders looked over at a tall boy with blonde hair and he wore a red and gold cheer uniform just like the one you wore in the picture.
“Who’s asking?” James said, stepping in front of Lily. James puffed his chest out trying to intimidate the boy who was taller than him. Lily rolled her eyes at James and pushed him behind her before greeting the boy. The boy gave them a smile and shook her hand, ignoring the small dramatic gasp from James and Sirius.
“I’m Chris, I'm in the squad. Your sister wanted to make sure you guys won’t get lost. Follow me.” Chris told them as he opened the front door of the school for them. He explained to them, it's easier to go this way so they wouldn't have to wait in line. Remus thanked him as Peter and Sirius looked at Chris with a shady look but soon it went away when they noticed the inside of the school. As they walked they looked inside the classrooms and looked at the papers stapled in the bulletin board.
“Wow.” Sirius said as they walked down the hallway.
“James! Sirius!” Lily called out when she noticed they were not following her. Remus looked over his shoulder and frowned when he saw James and Sirius in front of a wall of lockers.
“What's this contraception?” Sirius said, knocking on the red locker. James twisted the lock and pointed at the numbers.
“It’s a locker.” Remus told them and Peter walked over to look at it. James and Sirius look over at Remus with a curious look. “What is it for?”
Remus fought the urge to laugh. James, Sirius and Peter were pureblood, they had no idea what this was. Pushing James and Sirius back to follow Lily, he answered them. “It’s where students put their coats, books and bags while they attend classes. They use the lock to put their code to open it and lock it so nobody steals their belongings.”
“We should ask Dumbledore for lockers!” Sirius said with a nod thinking how cool it will be to have one. He always forgets his books in his room.
“Where do you guys go to school, again?” They froze when Chris asked them. Lily looks over at them with a stern face before dropping it to answer Chris.
“I’m sure, my sister told you. We go to a boarding school.” Lily said. Remus nods at the tall boy.
“We have dorms so we don't use lockers.” He added convincing Chris who looked over at Peter who was twisting the lock of a nearby locker.
“She probably did.” Chris said, shaking his head. “You guys want to see mine?” Chris asked, pointing over his shoulder at the lockers.
“Yes!” James and Sirius shouted and quickly followed Chris with Peter behind them. After 10 minutes of Chris showing them how to open a locker, they finally made it to the football field after providing the tickets to Chris. Remus stayed in the back making sure all the guys were following Lily. The stands were filled with people and students already. Chris waved bye at them and told them he’ll let you know they are here.
“It’s like a quidditch field.” James said as he looked around excited. Remus sat next to Lily as James sat on the other side with Peter. Sirius sat next to Remus in the middle of the stand getting a good view at the field.
“I haven't seen her in so long.” Lily said as she got comfortable on the metal bleachers. “Has your older sister seen her cheer before?” James asked and Lily shook her. “Petunia says cheering is for sluts.”
“I swear, Evans, your older sister hates everything.” Peter said, making her nod.
“She does but at least Y/n doesn't hate me.” Lily said with a soft tone as she stared at the field. Remus hooks Lily’s arm around with his and James snuggles close to her grabbing a hold of her hand. They knew about Lily's family and how her oldest sister always made her out to be a freak. The Marauders were happy she had you for a sister.
The game started and The Marauders jumped at the sound of the horn playing through the intercom. The people around them stood up and shouted, waving and pumping their arms in the air.
“They look so huge.” Peter shouted as the football team came running out of the field pumping their arms in the air, exciting the crowd even more.
“Oh my! She’s there.” Lily shouted standing up as the crowd hollered at the sight of cheerleaders running out. Remus stood up as well and watched a few girls do a flip as they ran in front of the bleachers.
Sirius smirks to see his tall lanky friend staring at the cheerleaders knowing who he was trying to find. Remus told Sirius on their way to Lily’s town after they left Hogwarts for break. Sirius found Remus shaving his face in the bathroom of the train.
“Oi! Who are you trying to impress, mate?” Sirius asked as he went inside the bathroom and shut the door. Sirius couldn't help but laugh at Remus who was trying to come up with a lie. Remus couldn't lie to Sirius for shit. That’s when Remus told Sirius he had a crush on you and wanted to look good for you.
“Is this why you never go out with the girls at school? And is this why, every time Lily gets a letter you get so happy when you find out it’s from her? Have you tried anything with her yet?” Remus turns red in the face and looks away from his friend. He gets nervous and Sirius can see his hand holding the razor shakes.
Sirius lets out a sigh when Remus didn’t say anything. He tells Remus to sit his ass down on the toilet seat so he can help him shave. Pushing his legs apart, Sirius gets to work and shaves the other side of Remus’ face.
“I’m just gonna say this once mate because you’re my best friend and I love you so much but you can be thick sometimes.” Remus tenses up as Sirius wipes the excess shaving cream off his cheekbone with a paper towel.
Sirius continues, “You should tell her how you feel. I’m hoping you’re not letting Moony get in between her and you because I’m pretty sure she will understand just like Lily did and if her sister is anything like her, she would love you and Moony just like we do."
“She is like Lily. Kind and smart. Dare I say more beautiful than her.” Remus said without a second thought to Sirius.
“Don’t say that in front of James.” Sirius warned jokily before heading back to his seat.
Sirius grabbed Remus by the hand when he noticed everyone sat down when the cheerleaders started to get in their position in front of the bleachers. Remus was pulled down forcibly and was about to snap at Sirius when he leaned against him and pointed ahead. Remus followed his hand and saw you walking in the front of the group. Remus hears Lily squeal beside him at the sight of you. His cheeks grew pink at the sight of you. You had a red skirt showing your legs off, Remus felt his mouth go dry at the sight of your bare thighs and legs. The sleeveless top you had on had the school logo printed on it and you wore a red long sleeve shirt it. It was tight and short showing just a bit of the skin of your stomach. Your hair is in a ponytail tied in a red scrunchie.
“I think I'm in love.” Peter said as the cheerleaders started to dance, his eyes stared at a blonde who stood next to you. James laughed, bumping his shoulder at his friend as they watched the show.
Remus saw you raising your hands in the air above your head and shouting the school name before clapping three times. It wasn't the sound of the music playing or the people around him cheering that had him mesmerized but it was the way you move your hips along with the rest of the girls to the beat of the song.
“LETS GO BABY!!” Remus hears a guy scream from the top of the bleacher as they continue to cheer.
Remus watched as Chris came behind you as the girls walked towards the rest of the guys. You came in front of Chris and he turned you around and lifted you in the air. The crowd went wild as the rest of the girls did the same. They began to clap when you turned to the side and grab your leg with both hands pulling the foot behind your head holding the position all while Chris held you up in the air. Remus grew worry when he saw you were going to come down but Chris caught you with ease, it was part of the show.
“How did they do that without magic?” Sirius asked, looking at Lily when the game began to start. Remus was too busy looking at you to listen to Lily's answer. He noticed you were talking and laughing with the team as the players started the game. Peter and James were watching in awe as the players tackled the other team pushing them to the ground with a harsh force. Lily and Remus were looking at the players running back and forth not understanding anything, they wince when one of the players tackled one while holding the ball. Half way through the game Sirius had his head against Remus’ shoulder as he took a nap with a half empty bucket of popcorn on his lap, he begged Lily to buy it for him since they don’t accept galleons.
The horn rang out loud again making Sirius yelp as he woke up spilling his popcorn on the floor.
“Did she win?” He asked in a sleepy tone to Remus, making him chuckle. “She is not the one playing, Padfoot.” James answered as the game went into halftime.
“Who’s winning?” Lily looked at the giant screen showing the count. “This school is.”
“Yay! It means she is winning.” Sirius said, picking up the bucket from the ground with Remus’ help. James and Peter were dancing around when a catchy song started to play through the intercom. Remus watched ahead at you as the girls started to shout out phrases making the crowd cheer.
Remus saw your eyes widen when you saw Lily. You waved at her as you continued to shout. Lily let out a squeal as she waved back at you. You were doing the usual routine, clapping your hands and turning around to shake your hips when you saw your sister. Your heart grew at the sight of your sister, she came to see you. You missed her so much. Looking to her left, your mouth dropped when you saw him. It was Remus Lupin, your sister’s best friend who you had a crush on since you were little. Quickly closing your mouth you continued with the routine but didn’t look away from him. Remus gave you a smile and you gave him one as well. You met Remus when Lily got back home after her first year in Hogwarts. He was tall for his age and nervous. He had scars on his face and you noticed he had it on his arms as well. You didn't ask him about it, you just told him if he wanted to play in the backyard. As the years passed the three of you would play around and walk around town. He always came to visit every year. Remus has always been kind and treated you respectfully. Giving you his cozy sweater or cardigan whenever you were cold or he would grab something from the top shelf for you when you couldn’t. He would let you grab a hold of his arm when walking around town knowing he walked faster since he had long legs.
You didn't know when the feelings for Remus began. You think you always liked him and the moment you realize when you really did was when Remus noticed one of your shoes had become untied while taking him to the bookstore as Lily stayed home with her parents helping them get started with dinner. He told you to lean against the nearest building and you obey. He knelt down in front of you on one leg and helped you place your foot on his knee. You couldn't help but tense up when you felt his hand on your leg. His long fingers work on your shoe laces; he looks up at you when he's done. He gives you a smile making your cheeks flare up.
“Thanks Rem Rem.” You said removing your foot from his knee. Remus doesn't move from his spot when you get closer to him. He’s too busy looking at you to notice your hand coming up to his face. He feels your fingers run through his sandy curls, something you were dying to do when he began to grow his hair out.
Before both of you could say anything, someone had cleared their throat and stood in front of them. “Excuse me.”
The older woman with a cart passed by , walking down the side walk ignoring Remus and your apologies.
That was two summers ago. You couldn't see Remus' last break since you went to cheer camp. You had written to Lily asking about him and how he was doing. You wanted to write to him. You really did but you were nervous he wouldn’t reply back. You wonder if he had a girlfriend. You didn't ask Lily about it, you were far too embarrassed. You didn't think he would ever want to be with a “Muggle.” Lily told you the term when she told you about Hogwarts and her magic. You continued to hold your stare at Remus. You couldn't look away, he looked so handsome. Lily notices your smile and your blushing face, she looks over at Remus who had a smile on his face.
“You were so eye fucking him.” One of your friends said after the routine was done and the football players started to head back to the field.
“No, I wasn’t.” You said turning around looking seriously at the field. The rest of the girls giggled before one spoke. “He got a lot of scars on his face.”
“He was in an accident.” You lied to them before looking over at your shoulder at your sister and her friends. You have only met Remus but you've heard of the rest and known their names. Your sister had told you about Remus and his wolf problem. You didn't believe it at first but you knew Lily wasn’t the type to make shit up. You were okay with it, Remus never changed, he was still the nice guy you knew and you came to term that the guy you liked became a werewolf once in a full moon. You were glad, Remus had his friends helping him during those times. You never told Remus you knew, not even that day when he so kindly knelt down to tie your shoe or when he gifted you a book.
“The guy next to him with long dark hair is pretty cute.” You just smiled at the girls gushed at your sister's friend. Lily and the Marauders stood by the parking lot of the school waiting for you to come out. James noticed how nervous Lily was as she kept looking for you over the mass of people.
“She’ll be here, dear.” James said, rubbing Lily’s back as they waited for you.
“Yeah, Lils.” Sirius said getting near her. He looks over at Remus who was looking for you as well.
“Oi! There she is.” Peter shouted out and pointed at the exit of the school. Remus watched as you walked out with a duffel bag, hanging on your shoulder as you spoke with someone. Remus smile dropped when he saw it was one of the football players. He wore a jersey with the number 6 and had his own bag over his broad shoulder. Remus can't help but notice how the player looked. The guy was taller then him, had muscles and another thing that made Remus' heart sink was the guy had no scars on his face.
He wouldn't be surprised to find out that he was your boyfriend. Cheerleaders go out with football players, that's the normal thing, Remus thought.
Lily yells your name as she waved her hands in the air. Remus saw you quickly look at them and placed a hand on the guy’s arm before running towards Lily. Remus couldn't help but smile as you threw your bag at the ground and hugged Lily. Shoving his hands in the pocket of his cardigan, he looks over at the sisters embracing each other.
“I missed you so much.” You cried in Lily’s neck. “Me too.” Lily said, pulling away to kiss your cheek.
“I brought the boys.” Lily said, looking over at her shoulder. Remus saw you smile bright at the sight of him.
“REM REM.” You called out, speed walking to Remus. Sirius and James shared a look when you wrapped your arms around Remus’ body. Remus did the same hugging you by the shoulders with both arms. Remus couldn't help but run his fingers through your hair as you looked up at him. You had taken the scrunchie out, he noticed you wore it on your wrist.
You gave Sirius and Peter a hug, greeting them. Lily introduced you to James and you immediately frowned.
“Should I kick your ass now or later?” James' mouth dropped out and was about to say something when Lily and you started to burst out in laughter.
“She told me you were a little shit.” Sirius and Peter laughed.
“How can you say that about me, Lils?” James said with a gasp not understanding it was a joke. You knew about James Potter and knew your sister liked him before she even realized it herself. You have read pages of Lily, telling you about James Potter. She wrote how ridiculous and rude he was but at the end of the letters Lily always wrote that James' hair looked cute.
“She was joking, dear.” You nodded at him as Lily gave him a kiss on his cheek.
“That's right. I'm just joking. She said far worse things.” You said making Lily shout your name. “I’m joking.” You told him before looking over at Sirius, Peter and Remus shaking your head making them laugh.
“My brother in law isn’t a little shit.” You said as you hugged James who grew red like Lily’s hair when you called him brother in law.
“Keep messing with him, Y/n. He’ll turn you into a toad.” Lily said, making you gasp then looked at James.
“Can you really do that?! Can you make me into a tiger instead?” You asked frantically as you looked at James who laughed at your enthusiasm.
“Oh my god, can you turn this guy’s hair red for me?” You asked James. “Remember, we have rules. We can’t use magic outside of the school grounds.” You sighed at her.
“That’s so dumb.” You said as Sirius walked towards you. He placed an arm over your shoulder and agreed with you.
“Wait for next year. We got you. What color tiger do you want to be?” Sirius asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. Remus watched as you smiled at Sirius before tapping your chin as you thought of an answer. You were about to answer when he heard your name being called out.
Remus watched as the same football player came running towards you. Sirius noticed Remus’ face and tugged you closer to him. He wasn’t going to let some beefy guy with a helmet who runs over people for fun get a hold of his best friend’s girl.
“Lincoln is throwing a house party to celebrate our win. Are you coming?” You looked over at Lily and looked back at him.
“Can my sisters and her friends come too?” He quickly nodded as a green jeep drove up by them.
“Yo! Evans! Are you coming to the party?!” The driver asks you. “Yeah! She is going to bring some people.” The football player told the driver.
“You guys want to come?” You turned to them. James looks over at Lily.
“You haven’t been to a house party before, Lily. This can be a good experience for you.” Peter and Sirius agreed while James waited for Lily to answer.
“Rem Rem?” You asked as you walked towards Remus.
“I guess we can stop by for a few hours.” Remus said as you grabbed a hold of his hand. Remus looks over at Lily and tilts his head at her.
“Let's go.” You let out a squeal and kiss her cheek. “Mike, can we hitch a ride with you?” You asked the driver.
“Sure thing, love. Seb, I’ll follow you.” Mike said, looking out the window at the football player.
“Alright, I’ll be back.” Seb said as Mike parked his car in front of them.
“What about dad?” Lily asked as James and Peter got inside the car. Sirius grabs your bag from the ground, throwing it in the back of the car.
“Don’t worry. I’ll call dad when we are there.” Sirius helped Lily up in the jeep car.
“One of you guys can come in the front.” Mike said as he waiting for them to get in. Sirius looks at Remus and you, both of you are still holding hands.
“Moony! Go to the back with Little Evans.” Sirius said as he walked to the passenger seat. Mike looks at Sirius who sat beside him and shut the door.
“Moony?” Mike asked as he looked over at Sirius who sat down and shut the car door. “It’s just a nickname. Name is Sirius but you can call me, Padfoot.” Sirius said as Lily told him to put on his seatbelt but Sirius was too in enthrall looking at Mike to even listen to her.
“Nice to meet you, Padfoot. I’m Mike.” Sirius leaned back in his seat when Mike got close to him. Sirius blushes when Mike got close to him. Mike had short black hair showing his pierced ears and his eyes were light brown.
“Seat belts are important.” Mike said in a soft tone as he grabbed it for Sirius. Mike gives him a smile when he clicks it, making sure it was correctly in place and leans back in his seat.
“Rem Rem, would you mind if I sit on your lap?” Remus looks over to see Lily sitting on James lap as Peter sat in the middle.
When Remus didn’t answer, you whispered to him. “It’s alright, if you mind. I can catch a ride with someone else.”
Remus still didn’t answer and with a heavy heart you were about to shut the door when he grabbed a hold of your arm.
“Yes, you can sit down. Please do.” James snorts a laugh behind Lily’s hair as Remus practically tugs you inside the car. Remus shuts the door as you settle down in his lab. He spreads his legs to make room for your legs. Remus can smell the light scent of your body spray, he’s so close to you. The car started to move and there was a bump in the road. You were about to fall forward when he wrapped his arms around your stomach, pulling you to his chest.
“You okay?” Remus asked behind you. Your cheeks grew hot when you felt his breath behind your ear.
“Yeah.” You whispered as you grabbed his arm. Your fingers began to play with the fabric of his cardigan. He feels so warm behind you. So comfortable, you feel the roughness of his jeans against your bare legs. You hear Lily and James talking to Mike about their “boarding school.”
Remus was thinking hard as he shut his eyes. He thought of vomit, James vomiting, Peter vomiting, Sirius vomiting on Peter and James. He thought of it as he felt your ass against his crotch.
“Gross thoughts. Gross thoughts.” He tells himself.
He felt you lean back and look at him. “I did miss you, Remus.” You whispered as the window of the car rolled down.
Remus looks at you and holds you close as Mike makes a left.
“I missed you too.” Remus admits. He always waited for Lily to receive your letter so he could find out how you were. He was devastated when Lily told him you were going to cheer camp last summer. He didn’t see you that summer and he felt bad for lying to Lily whenever she asked him why he had a long face.
“You know maybe next time, I can write-.” Peter's wow cuts them off when Mike parked in front of a large house.
Remus stood behind you as everyone made their way into the house. Sirius and Peter stood close as they walked inside looking at the other students on the couch, or dancing in the living room. Some where in the corner smoking while others were in the back yard playing something Remus told them was called Beer Pong.
“Holy shit! If it isn’t the captain in the flesh.” A girl came at you, hugging you. She was a bit taller and wore the same cheerleading uniform as you.
“When Seb told me you were coming. I couldn’t believe it. He went out to get more beer for you.” You tsk at her before shaking her head.
“Christina, he didn’t have too. I’m not planning on drinking. I just wanted to show my sister and her friends who just came to visit me the party.” You said looking over Lily and the guys. Peter's eyes were wide as he saw it was the blonde he was fawning over earlier. Peter thought he was going to have a stroke when the blonde introduced herself to everyone and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.
“Please tell your sister to relax.” Christina said, looking over at Lily.
“She never comes to our house party. Our captain is a good girl but finally she is at her first party. She needs to have a drink.”
“Peter, why don’t you help her get some drinks for us.” Peter looks over at you with a face. You gave him a wink and signaled your head to Christina. It was painfully obvious that he liked her.
“Oh yes, come with me.” Christina said, holding out her hand for Peter. Everyone smiled as Peter without a single thought, grabbed a hold of her hand and let Christina drag him to the kitchen.
“She’s harmless. I swear.” You said looking over at the kitchen again.
“Is it true then?” Sirius asked with a smirk. “You’re a good girl? You never drink?”
“Of course, she is. She’s just like me.” Lily said, walking over to you making you chuckle.
You tried your best to not look Remus. A bit embarrassed that your friends had outed you and told your sister and her friends that you were a prude and a good girl who doesn’t do anything bad.
“Yo!” Remus watched the same football player you were talking come behind you.
“Christina said you’re drinking.” Lily's eyes widened at the sight of the football player towering over them. He had a case of beer over his shoulder, showing his muscles.
“Only one, Seb. By the way, this is my sister and these are her friends.” Remus felt like he needed to drink something before lashing out when he saw Seb placing a hand on your shoulder after handing them the cans of beer.
“I want you guys to meet my boyfriend. BABY!” Remus looks up from his beer at the guy. Wait boyfriend, Remus and Sirius glance at each other as Chris from earlier comes towards them with a smile.
James saw Chris come over and give a kiss to Chris before looking over at them. “You met my boyfriend, Seb.”
Remus chuckles to himself. Seb wasn't your boyfriend. Remus liked how you interacted with them. He liked seeing you smiling and talking. He didn’t know you were quite popular. He felt childish whenever he got a little bit jealous when a guy came over to talk to you. He couldn’t help it though you were so beautiful. Of course, guys are going to come up to you. He was glad that you didn’t leave them to talk to someone else. You had introduced them to practically everyone.
Lily and James were dancing while Peter and Christina were in the kitchen, getting their seventh drink of the night. Remus can’t help but smirk when he sees Sirius and Mike leaning close together against the wall. Sirius was showing Mike, his silver rings on his fingers. Remus looks away when he sees you walking back to him with two more beers. He made room for you on the couch and thanked you when you handed him one.
“Are you having a good time?” Remus looks over at you. Your cheeks were a bit flushed and your eyes were glossy, you had more than one beer. You had a smile on your face as you played with the tab of the can. Remus bumps his knee with yours.
“I am. You?” You nod at him as he takes a sip. Remus notices as a couple walking in front of you and sat across from him and you. The girl recognized you as well as the guy she was with. The girl had bright red hair while the guy had his hair neon green. The couple were from your art class, you told him. You were talking with them when you accidently placed your hand on top of his. Remus blushed when you grabbed a hold of his hand as you laughed at them.
"Did you hear them?" Remus smiles and nods at you. He haven't heard a thing, he was freaking out on inside that you were holding his hand. He didn’t let go, he didn’t want you to let go
“To be honest, I’m surprised you’re here. You’re usually reading or in the library. Always reading that weird brown book.” Remus looks up at the girl's words.
“What?” He asked and looked over at you who was blushing really hard.
“She always has this brown book. A fairytale about these four people. They are witches or something.” She said before looking over at her boyfriend.
“Yeah, what is it again? Dude is a lion and one is a snake.” Remus frowns as they continue to speak. “You looked inside of it?” Remus felt you sit up straight.
“Only for a second, we just wanted to know what it was. You're always reading it.”
“Oh shit! I remember! They were wizards and they made this school or something.” Remus' heart dropped when she said that.
You still had the book he gifted you a while back. It was a gift he had given you for your birthday. He remembered he had bought it in Hogsmeade and wrapped it in a paper bag. He remembers the face you make when he sat beside you as you open the book. It was filled with colorful photos and all information about Hogwarts and the four founding members. You had given him a kiss on the cheek when you turned a page and saw the photos were moving.
“They have an orgy at the end?” The guy asks you with a laugh and Remus notices the awkward look on your face.
“They all die.” Remus answered a bit harshly.
“I’m going out for some air.” You said quickly getting up from the couch, letting go of his hand and walking out the back door.
You didn’t realize Remus was following you. He excuses himself to your friends and follows you. He placed his beer on the kitchen counter as he went through the back door where you went. Making your way further to the backyard, you threw your beer on the ground. You sighed to yourself, you felt embarrassed and worry. You were sure that Remus was angry at you for letting someone look in the book that he had gifted you. It would be best if no one got a hold of it, he had told you and made you promise to never show it to anyone. That book was the only thing from Remus and you had carried it everywhere with you. You had read countless times front to back. You read all the stories about the houses and the professors in it. You had daydreamed about going to Hogwarts to see your sister and Remus.
Remus calls your name out when he sees you leaning against a tree. Looking over your shoulder, he saw you were going to cry. He quickly goes to you.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he wrapped an arm around you.
“I’m sorry. They saw the book. I know I promise you no one would look at it. Please don’t be mad at me.” Remus shakes his head as he drops his arm around you.
“It’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” You look up at a Remus with tears welled up in your eyes. Remus quickly wipe the single tear that managed to escape your eye.
“You kept the book.” Remus said as his hand cupped your cheek then slowly dropped down at your neck. His fingers touched the neckline of your uniform. You lean against him before looking down at the ground all shy.
“Of course, you gave it to me as a gift. I love it.” You didn’t say anything else when Remus brought his hand under your chin.
“It’s been years and you still read it?” You nod at him when he made you look up at him.
“Why?” He asked, looking down at your face.
“It reminds me of Lily.” Remus was going to pull away at your answer. Perhaps he thought wrong, he thinks to himself. Maybe you didn’t feel anything for him.
“I think of you too, Remus.” He comes to a halt. "I imagine what it would be like to go to school with you."
"I imagine that too." Remus admitted. "I would walk you to your classes. I'll take you to the Black Lake and to the Astronomy Tower. Then at the weekends, I'll take you out to Hogsmeade."
"I would have love that." You tell him. "Lily told me that the Astronomy Tower is usually where people go to.." You don't finish your sentence, there was no need because Remus knew. People go up there when feeling frisky.
He chuckles and rub the back of his neck avoid eye contact with you. You knew it was now or never when Remus began to stutter, trying to come up with something.
“I want to tell you something. It might seem dumb to you because I'm your best friend's little sister. I like you and before you say anything. I’m sure there are pretty witches at your school and you might have someone already but I like you, Remus. I like you a lot.” Remus felt you about to back away when he didn’t say anything.
He quickly leans down to kiss your lips, give you a peck. Sirius’ words echoed in his mind about telling you the truth.
“Remus..” You said his name softly.
“I like you too.” Remus shyly said as he pulled you into his chest.
“I like you so much that I don’t even look at the witches in school. I don’t care that you’re a muggle.” Remus said easing your insecurities.
When it was time to leave, Remus didn’t want to go. There was one last week until starting a new school year. He had begged his parents to let him stay for a few more weeks after the house party. Your relationship with him blossomed after that night. When he stayed over at the Evans, he slept on the couch. Every night he stayed, he waited up for you to quietly go down the stairs. He would bite his bottom lip to not make a noise when you straddle him to kiss him. Making out until dawn and talking in hushed whispers about his interests and yours, talking about books and movies.
When it was time to go, Lily’s father was nice enough to take me to the train station. Remus and you were behind the house away from everyone, he towered over you as he kissed you.
“Write to me. Promise me you’ll write to me.” He begs as he nuzzles into your neck.
“I will. I promise it. Once a week.” Remus shakes his head. “Everyday.” You looked at him with wide eyes and repeated it in a shocking tone.
“Your owl will get tired.” Remus shakes his head once more.
“I’ll give him treats and feed him more.” Remus said with a smile before sighing.
“I’m going to miss you.” Remus told you sadly.
“One more year and you’re out.” You whispered to him as you kissed him. You pulled away at the sound of Lily calling for him and you.
Remus wants to tell you about Moony. He really did it every time he was going to bring it out, something or someone will get in the way. He was sure that you were going to break up with him once you found out. It was crazy enough that he was a wizard but he’s a werewolf as well. Remus was deep in thought as he gave Mr. Evans his luggage so he could put it in the trunk of his car.
“Bye, Moony!” Remus' head shot up and saw you waving at him by the front door. Lily comes out behind you and waves bye at Remus.
It was a week back in school and Remus was eating breakfast when the mail started to fly in. One by one owls came flying though and dropped letters and mail to the students. Remus knew you wouldn’t write back. You knew his nickname. Moony, he was pretty sure you were smart enough to figure it out. He didn’t mention it to Lily about it. Afraid to ruin his friendship with her but he told Sirius it.
“Oh! Moony!” Sirius shouted as he watched the white envelope slowly falling down in front of Remus.
Remus looks up from his plate and stands up, reaching to grab the letter. Sirius looks over as Remus quickly opens it. Sirius can’t help but smile at the sight of his best mate looking happy as he read the letter from you.
"She knows." Remus said looking at Sirius. "And?" Sirius asked worry as Remus went back to read the letter.
"If you think being one will make me like you less. You are wrong, Remus Lupin." They shared a smile and Remus pulls out a red scrunchie from inside the envelope. Remus pulls his sleeves up so he can put it around his wrist.
Sirius turns back to his plate and raises a brow when he notices a letter next to him. Opening it up, he can’t fight the urge to smile wide when he sees it was from Mike.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 10 months
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Request from @imagine-all-the-fandoms: You have a crush on each other but of course don't talk about it. Then one night you enter the living room all dressed up for a date and buck is totally flashed by you, until you ask for his opinion on it. When he realizes this is for another guy he gets all moody and leaves. Then instead of your date, you head to Bucky's room and decide to finally make a move and kiss him and admit your feelings, which leads to sleeping with him and afterwards lots of cuddles and cute Bucky?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: 18+ angsty feelings, some fluff at the end, reader's relationship with an OC, smut, p in v sex without barrier protection, jealous and possessive behavior from Bucky, very minor injury
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Bucky Barnes was your best friend. Maybe you might not be his. But how exactly does one compete with Steve Rogers? 
Anyway, that was how you felt. Bucky didn't open up to many people, and you felt honored to be included amongst his few trusted individuals. It had been a year ago that you became part of the Avengers initiative. It hadn't taken you long to be accepted as part of the team, become everyone's favorite confidante, in fact.
There was something about you that people trusted, they would open up to you in a way that they didn't to anyone else. Your charms had even managed to weave their magic over one grumpy super soldier. And he was by far your favorite follower.
It had taken a few weeks before he had given in to your spell, finally admitting his love of pancakes to you during one of your midnight snack quests. It was the first piece of personal information he had shared with you and you always remembered it. In fact you'd joined him for a midnight pancake treat on many occasions since that day.
The way you smiled at him lit up his world. Bucky was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. He wasn’t the only one. Objectively, people wouldn’t have described you as the most beautiful person or the hottest, but there was something about you that shone, the expressiveness of your eyes, the kindness in your heart and the unknown bounds of your acceptance of others that drew people to you. Your personality was all anyone saw once they spoke to you and it was stunning.
There were times though, when it all became too much for you, listening to people's problems got a little overwhelming. It was these times that you sought out the company of people you trusted, the people who really saw you for who you were, a slightly nerdy introvert. The list was small; it included Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers and your favorite, James Barnes.
There was something about the solitary supersoldier that intrigued you. He didn't spill his problems to you like others did, you'd had to work very hard at gaining his trust but once you had, you felt like you'd discovered a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Bucky had an unexpected depth and his interests were surprisingly in tune with yours. Steve always seemed to be lost in documentaries when you sat down for down time with him and Nat found joy from horror movies which were far from your taste in cinematography. But Bucky was happy to watch a fantasy or science fiction film with you any time, dawn or dusk.
Bucky enjoyed your interests, but it was your company he enjoyed more. You made him feel comfortable, you didn't ask him intrusive questions, you forgave his selective mutism if he was having a bad day, making no irritating attempts to make him feel happier or better as the other members of the team were so apt to do. No, you let him be himself, in fact, you almost seemed to like his sullen silences.
What he liked the most was that you seemed to be a different person when he was around. You seemed more relaxed, the radiant sunshine demeanor that you exuded became muted, as though you knew that he needed a dimmer switch to help him cope. His scowls were far less ferocious when you were around but woe befell anyone who interrupted or invaded his time with you, his face would become dark and his mood would often turn sour. The only person who he would gracefully accept as an outsider to your pair was Steve. In short, Bucky Barnes was in love with you. Not that he would ever let it show.
The only person who could see Bucky’s feelings for you was Steve. He would smile in a knowing way when he walked in on the two of you laughing together, sharing a plate of nachos. He knew from the way you curled up at Bucky’s side that you harbored similar feelings. The only difference for you is that you had convinced yourself that Bucky couldn’t possibly feel the same way. Friendship was one thing, but you couldn’t imagine that he would want anything more than that. One day, when you had seen a female agent flirting with Bucky and he had smiled back, turned on the 1940’s charm that he apparently was famous for, that was the day you’d decided to put your feelings aside and move on with your life.
It was that decision that led to your current situation. A new dress and fancy heels later, you trotted to the common living area to get your bestie’s opinion. Your makeup was perfect, highlighting your prominent features and Bucky thought you looked radiant as you paraded your dress in front of him, seeking his approval. Naturally, you had it, you always had his approval, it didn’t matter what you were wearing.
“Where are you going all dolled up like that?” Bucky looked you up and down, admiring the view.
“Sidney and I are going out.”
“Oh, that sounds fun. You’ve been hanging out with her a lot. It’s nice that you’re getting along with the other agents too,” he smiled. Bucky was always encouraging of you, even if he would have preferred to keep you all to himself.
You laughed. Bucky usually reveled in the sound, but today he would be wishing he hadn’t heard it at all.
“Bucky!” you swatted his arm playfully. “Sidney is a guy. The guy I’m dating. I’ve told you about this.”
“Yeah, Buck, I did.” You pouted, “were you just pretending to listen?”
“What? No you didn’t.”
“Of course not, you said you were going to minigolf. You were so happy because you won.” Bucky smiled slightly at the memory. How you’d come home with red cheeks from the cold and the joy of winning at minigolf.
“That was our fourth date.”
Bucky was quiet for a moment. “Are you dating a woman?” he asked quietly.
“No, Buck. I mean I have, but Sidney isn’t one.”
“Oh,” Bucky mumbled, processing the information you'd given him.
Your sexual history didn't bother him, it was your present that did. Suddenly Bucky didn't want to look at you. Knowing you'd be spending your time with another man looking the way you did. He hated the thought. He wanted you to dress up for him that way, he wanted to be the one who ripped that pretty little dress off your body, he wanted to be the one who got to kiss you, to touch you, to claim every single part of you. But instead he got to watch another man sweep you off your feet. 
“Well I better finish getting ready.”
You gasped as Bucky stood up suddenly.
“You're unbelievable,” he muttered, a darkness descending across his handsome features.
“What's that supposed to mean?” you asked, angrily.
“Nothing. Go have fun on your date.” Bucky stormed out without a backward glance.
He left you in the living room feeling lost and alone. Tears sprung into your eyes and your enthusiasm for your night out fizzled out completely. You couldn't understand his behavior, the sergeant had always treated you so well. Had you done something to upset him?
The sadness you felt was suddenly overcome with anger. Whatever it was that had upset him, you didn't deserve the attitude he was displaying towards you. In fact, you were going to tell him just that. But first, you picked your phone to make a call.
“Hey Sidney? … Yeah about that. I'm sorry Sidney. I know you went to a lot of trouble organizing tonight. I was really looking forward to it. But something’s come up here. I can't get out of it.”
You sighed, hanging up the phone. Sidney had been understanding, waving off your apology with such grace. On paper, he was the perfect partner for you, he was handsome, he shared so many of your interests and he accepted you for who you were. But you didn't feel butterflies when you thought of him, your face didn't light up when you spoke about him, he didn't fill you with warmth the way Bucky did.
Outrage still bubbled under the surface as you put your phone back on the dressing table in your room, so you decided to address the person who had caused the issue. You marched down the corridor, your stiletto heels clacking angrily as you made your way to Bucky’s room. As you pounded on the door, it flew open just in time for you to fling your hands up protectively as an object hit the wall beside your head.
Bucky’s eyes went wide as he saw the shock on your face. He had been pacing up and down his room and caught sight of a photo of the two of you smiling at each other. He couldn’t bear to see it anymore, to look at you when you didn’t look back at him that way. He had grabbed the photograph, letting it fly away from him in an attempt to extinguish the anguish he felt.
“Wow, do you hate me that much?” you asked. Your anger evaporated as quickly as it had arrived.
Bucky stood, speechless, as you bent down and picked up the smashed photo frame.
“Be careful,” Bucky warned you, as your shoe crushed a piece of broken glass.
“I know how to take care of myself.”
“And going out with some random man who knows nothing about you is what? … safe?”
“Why do you even care, Bucky?”
“You're my friend, you think I want you to get hurt?”
“What makes you think that I need that from you? I mean, if this is what you think of our friendship.” You held up the broken picture frame as a reference to your comment. A single tear slipped down your cheek.
Bucky had the decency to look ashamed of himself, at least that is how you interpreted the look on his face. What you didn't see was the guilt that bubbled under the surface, the devastation at the thought of losing you to someone else.
“He isn't good enough for you.”
You scoffed. “You don't even know him.”
“I don't need to.”
He approached you slowly and stopped right in front of you. If you hadn't spent months getting to know him, you'd be afraid of him, the way his vibranium fist clenched and unclenched repeatedly. But you knew it was a nervous tic of his, not a threatening one.
Bucky bent down and started picking up the shards of glass, then with a low voice, he mumbled something. 
“You deserve to be with someone who knows how special you are.”
Had you heard him correctly? 
You crouched down to help him with the cleaning.
“Leave that, I'll do it.”
“Bucky…” You picked up a small piece of glass between your fingers. “What do you mean?”
“You'll hurt yourself.” He took the glass from you.
You wrapped your hand around his wrist. “Bucky,” you whispered.
But Bucky couldn't look at you, that voice inside his brain that blamed himself for the actions of the Winter Soldier was the same one that often told him that he wasn't good enough for you. How could anyone as bright as you care for someone who held such darkness inside of him? He stood up, hiding his expression from you. 
You sighed, reaching down to pick up one last piece. But you were hurt and careless and the sharp edge sliced your finger, drawing blood, making you hiss with pain.
“I told you to leave it alone!” He grabbed your wrist this time, trying to examine your wound. “This is exactly why I told you not to touch it. It won't hurt me.”
“I don't understand why you're upset.”
“This isn't deep.” He let go of your arm, walking away from you. 
“What do you want from me, Bucky?”
“I don't want you to date him.”
You were surprised but you didn’t let it show on your face. “Okay.”
“Okay? Just like that?” Bucky frowned in confusion.
“No explanation needed?”
“I want you to be happy. And if this upsets you, I won't date Sidney.” You sighed, you hated that he had this power over you, that you were willing to give up a chance for your own happiness because Bucky said so. But you knew you would do anything for him, even if you ended up being single for the rest of your life. And it was all very overrated anyway, happy relationships, you didn’t know anyone who didn’t have problems with the people they had attached themselves to. Who needed a family, it was all nothing but trouble, you said to yourself.
“I don't want to lose you,” Bucky muttered.
“Bucky, you'll never lose me.” It felt like you were telling him you loved him without using the actual words. Rising up onto your toes, you pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. “I care about you, Bucky.”
Bucky brought his hand to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb, wiping away the streak of fluid your tears had left. He leaned in towards you until you could feel his breath against your lips. You opened and closed your mouth, feeling like a goldfish because no sound would come out. The way Bucky was looking into your eyes had rendered you speechless. It almost felt like the love you felt for him was being reflected back at you. You wanted to kiss him but you couldn’t move. His nose brushed lightly against yours and then his lips were pressed against yours. It started out gentle, his mouth against yours, lips moving in tandem, until his tongue sought out yours. The taste of you seemed to ignite a deeper desire inside him because suddenly his arms were wrapped around you, pulling you closer, closer than you’d ever been to him, enveloped in his embrace as his hands roamed over your back, fingers pushing into you through the fabric of your little black dress.
You wrapped your arms tightly around Bucky's neck and as he straightened his back, you were lifted off the floor. The only way for you to support yourself was to wrap your legs around his waist, and Bucky's hands on your ass gave you the encouragement you needed to take this next step. Soon your core was rubbing against his crotch and Bucky stumbled across to the bed, laying you down with surprising tenderness. He knelt down between your splayed legs and smiled at you with an adoring gaze.
“I've wanted this for so long,” he whispered, as though a loud noise might wake him for this dream.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn't you?”
You laughed to yourself, both of you had been so afraid of losing the other that you'd missed out on the happiness you'd sought from each other.
“Do we have to talk about this right now? I want to go back to the kissing,” you pouted.
This earned you one of those rare joyous laughs from him, ones that he often saved for you. You treasured each and every one of these, they were so rare and precious. Bucky captured your protruding lower lip between his teeth, giving it a playful tug before going back to the heated lip lock you'd been engaged in earlier.
Only when he was grinding his hips into yours and moaning that a horrifying thought entered your mind.
“Bucky,” you called his name quietly.
“Mmm?” he hummed, not taking his lips off the spot on your neck that he was sucking enthusiastically.
“Buck… stop.”
There was a pop as the seal of his lips on your neck broke. “Are you okay?”
“I can't…”
“I'm sorry,” Bucky backed away, like he'd been burned. 
“Buck, wait,” you reached for his hand. “I mean, I need to talk to Sidney.”
“Oh, yeah, right. Of course, you have a date.” 
“Bucky, I need to break it off with him before we… I don't want to be that person. Do you understand?”
“Yeah,” Bucky sighed, sitting down beside you as you pulled the straps of your dress back over your shoulder. 
“Can you give me some time to go talk to him?”
Bucky nodded, not quite trusting himself to speak lest his voice betrayed his disappointment. But you knew him well enough to read his face.
“Hey, I'll be back. I promise.” You held out your pinky for him to take.
He smiled and linked his little finger with yours. One of the things he admired most about you was your integrity. You stood up, leaning back for one more quick kiss before you walked away, only letting go of his hand once you both couldn't extend your arms any further. You stole one last look at him before closing the door.
On your way back to your room, you called Sidney, asking him to meet you, before you changed out of your dress and into more comfortable clothes. A heavy guilt settled on your chest, you knew you'd be hurting him but you knew you couldn't offer him your whole heart, not when you knew Bucky was at home waiting for you. The next hour was a difficult one for you, you did your best to be gentle and considerate of Sidney’s feelings as you let him down.
“Look Sidney, I’m really sorry about this, I didn’t mean to string you along.”
“But you’re in love with someone else.” Sidney looked at you with a sad smile.
Your eyes widened in surprise. “How do- what makes you say that?”
“It’s the way you talk about Sergeant Barnes,” he said knowingly.
“I’m sorry.” You turned your head to hide the tears threatening to escape.
“He’s a lucky man.” Sidney leant down and gave you a peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you around.”
You sighed as you made your way back home, still feeling a little deflated about what you’d just done. But a promise was a promise and you didn’t want to keep Bucky waiting. It was the thought of Bucky that stopped you dragging your feet but you made a pitstop in your room to freshen up your makeup.
Before you knew it, you were back outside Bucky’s door and you were pretty certain your heart skipped a beat as you knocked nervously. What if he had changed his mind?
There clearly wasn’t cause for concern because Bucky opened the door so fast, you wondered if he had just been standing on the other side waiting for you. He wrapped his arm around your waist and scooped you into his chest, shutting the door with the edge of his foot. 
Bucky kissed you as though he hadn’t seen you in years and you melted into him with a sigh.
“You were gone too long,” he pouted. “I missed you.”
“You okay?” he asked, a tinge of concern in his voice as he ran his thumb along your jaw. “I know that wasn’t easy for you.”
He was right, it hadn’t been easy for you to break off your relationship with Sidney. You never enjoyed hurting other people. You made time for people’s problems, even when you were exhausted, always ready to lend that extra helping hand. Your generosity of spirit was another reason that Bucky admired you. It made you smile, the way he understood your feelings without you having to explain them to him.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” 
Being with Bucky seemed to make your problems disappear and your feelings for him surged to the surface. 
“Are you sure?” he asked, nuzzling your ear and peppering the side of your neck with tiny kisses.
“Yeah, glad to be here with you,” you hummed, enjoying the way his skin felt against yours.
“You sure you haven't got any more men stashed away that I need to know about?” he mumbled.
You pulled away slightly, just to look him directly in the eye so he knew the sincerity of your next words. “No secret stash. Only you.”
“Just me?” Bucky put his hands on cheeks, putting his fingers under your jaw to tilt your face up to look at him.
“I'm all yours, Bucky.”
You leaned up, puckering your lips for a kiss and he obliged. Locked at the mouth, he led you backwards until your heels hit the edge of the bed. 
“Tell me again,” he growled, pushing his chest against you til you were falling backwards onto the mattress.
Only your fall wasn't uncontrolled, Bucky's strong hands had settled on you back and he guided your descent. You grabbed the front of his Henley in your hands and pulled him down on top of you. 
“Yours,” you claimed his lips hungrily.
“That's right, mine,” his voice rasped, making you tingle with anticipation.
He pushed his hips against yours, grinning proudly as you moaned in approval.
“You like that, huh?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you heard his belt unbuckling, hearing a clang as it fell onto the floor. He pushed his hand under the seam of your leggings and slid it between your legs. A wanton moan left your mouth as you felt his fingers rubbing on your clothed core.
"Look at you, Doll. You're so fucking wet...and I haven't even touched you yet." Bucky’s voice was low and rumbled through you like thunder.
He wiggled his fingers under your panties and between your folds, smirking into your neck and a gasp escaped your lips. Before you knew it, your eyes were rolling back as his fingers stroked your pussy.
“Bucky,” you whined as his fingers delved deeper. 
It barely registered as his vibranium fingers pulled down your leggings and joined its flesh twin on your clit. Your breathing quickened to match the pace that he was pushing his fingers into you. Every push had you uttering a quiet sigh as he caressed your walls.
“So wet,” he hummed. “I’m the only one who can touch you like this. The only one who can make you feel like this, right?” 
“Only you, Bucky.”
Before you could enjoy Bucky’s fingers more, they left your body. You whimpered at the loss. His hands went to the fabric around your waist, tugging it down until it was off completely and he used his hands to open your legs further. You tried not to gawk at him as he removed his clothes, layer by layer. It wasn’t as though you hadn’t seen Bucky shirtless before, but watching him strip between your spread legs was making you melt. He knelt down at your core, hands ripping apart your bra before kneading your breasts and rolling your nipples in between his fingers. You moaned out when Bucky pinched your nipples harshly.
“Nothing but you,” you repeated, biting your lip with anticipation.
“Doll, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’ll completely forget who Sidney ever was. I’ll give you my love until you’re satisfied. You’ll think of nothing but me.”
“Good. Now let’s make sure that you will never be able to look at that man again without thinking of this moment," Bucky groaned as he began to nibble on your neck.
His lips sucked and nibbled at your skin, marking his territory. He tugged his underwear down his thighs, using his other hand to line his cock up with your entrance. Slowly and sensually, he rubbed his tip against you, getting lost in his own pleasure for a moment, forgetting to remind you who you belonged to. Loud moans escaped your mouth as he slammed into you with hardly any warning. 
"Fuck, you're so tight, Doll,” Bucky groaned into your ear. “Feel so good.”
Bucky lifted your legs up onto his chest so your calves rested on his shoulders. He pulled your hips into his and started pushing into you repeatedly, almost mercilessly.
“Sidney only wishes that he could fuck you like this,” he leaned over so his face was up close to yours. “But no one will ever fill you up like I can. No one can make you feel good the way I can. You’re mine, Doll, only for me to have.”
“Buc-” you breathed, barely able to speak.
“What are you?”
“Yours Sergeant, I’m all yours. Promise. Yours. Only yours!” you repeated over and over.
Desperate for your release, you reached down to your clit.
“Don’t even think about it,” Bucky growled. “You come on my cock screaming my name or you don’t come at all.”
Bucky leaned forwards til his face was inches from yours, bending your legs right up to your chest.
"You feel that, Doll? You feel how I fill you up?" Bucky demanded.
You nodded, unable to speak at first. Eventually you gasped out the words, "I feel you, Bucky.”
"And could he ever make you feel as good as I make you feel?" Bucky asked before going back to fucking you hard and fast.
"No Bucky, never,” you moaned.
You could feel your orgasm approaching far more rapidly than normal and Bucky had gone back to marking his territory with his lips on your skin. It almost burned where he was sucking against your clavicle.
“Bu- Buck-”
“Yeah?” He slowed to respond to your attempts at his name. 
His lips were only inches away from yours. All you wanted was to meet them, but instead, Bucky bit your lip harshly, making you throw back your head in pleasure as he kept sucking on you.
"That's what I want to hear," Bucky cooed as he finally kissed you.
He buried his face into your breasts as his thrusts became more frantic. His hands snaked around your waist, a surprisingly soft action for all the roughness he’d displayed up until this point. The moans he released into your ear alone would make you come. The feeling of his balls slapping against your ass, cock diving deep inside of you, sent you spiraling.
“Bucky!” You muttered his name, unable to focus on anything but the way his cock and hands worked your body, filling you to the brim. Pleasure completely overwhelming your mind and body.
“That’s right, Doll. You were made for me.”
“Please, Bucky, I want to come!” There was nothing that could stop the cry that leaves your lips, you needed it so badly, you wanted him so badly. 
“Do it already,” Bucky goaded. “Come for me. Come because I want you to.”
“Yes Bucky, yes!” You as his words finally pushed you over the edge, his name leaving your lips as you finally reached your peak.
The only thing you could think of was his cock thrusting inside you. Your pussy clenched and tightened around his cock making him release with a grunt and a moan as he coated you in his seed. He stayed inside you, catching his breath, playing with your hair, looking into your eyes with such complete adoration that it almost took your breath away. At least until he pulled out of you slowly, making his cum spill out of you and drip across your abdomen.
“You did such a good job, Doll,” Bucky whispered to you as he softly kissed your forehead. “My pretty girl. You rest now, let me clean you up.”
You pushed yourself up the bed, trying to avoid spilling his seed all over the clean bed sheets. Bucky reappeared quickly with a washcloth and started wiping himself off your skin, parting your legs gently and cleaning over your folds.
“Bucky, I-” you reached out to stop him, suddenly feeling incredibly self conscious about this new level of intimacy. “You don't have to.”
Bucky sat down beside you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Let me take care of you,” he murmured, voice filled with tenderness.
He finished up and lay down beside you, giving you one of his looser fitting t-shirts which you slipped over your head gratefully. You tucked yourself into his side and rested your head on his shoulder, sighing as his fingers fluttered over your thighs and over the curve of your ass.
“Was that okay?” he whispered into your hair, his warm breath blowing against the bare skin on your neck.
“It was amazi-.” You started answering but your voice was interrupted by a loud growl from your stomach.
“Still hungry, huh?”
You blushed, hiding your face in his warm sturdy chest.
“Want to grab some dinner. Can't have my best girl starving.”
A warmth spread through you at his words. “Maybe in a bit? I don't want to move yet. Is that okay?” You looked up at him. 
He smiled down at you, placing a small kiss at the tip of your nose. “Perfect.”
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wingedhallows · 4 months
right company; james potter
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pairing: james potter (marauders) x fem!oc | 1k words plot: You knew which company to keep, no matter if your own house might disagree. authors note: hi hi, i cooked up a small little something for you :) as a thank for your lovely support all the time.
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The library was quiet, peaceful as you held James’ hand, his thumb stroking the back of your hand with a small smile on his face.
“What’s for dinner?” Sirius asked, his head resting ontop of Remus’ shoulder. Lily barked a laugh. “We ate an hour ago.” He frowned and threw a plastic wrapper at the girl. You laughed and took a sip from James’ canned soda. 
“We could go to hogsmeade and have some beef or chicken, how does that sound?” Sirius clapped his hands with a smile on his face. “Y/N, my savior. I’d love that.” He smiled and threw his arm over Remus’ shoulder.
“We could also have some-”Oh all gathered her, a freak show meeting?” Guinever Sutton leaned her hand on the corner of the table. Vivienne Blaine smiled over her friends shoulder but quickly sat herself down on the empty chair next to you.
“Is this really the company you should seek, Y/N?” Vivienne twisted some of your hair between her fingers and gave you an awfully sweet and fake smile.
You were a Slytherin, alright. You liked being a Slythering but James and his friends held a big spot in your heart, the house rivalry was stupid and had no place at this table.
You stared at her through your lashes, jaw clenched as you swatted Vivienne’s hand away.
“Fuck off.”
You said, voice low. You were always the more reasonable one between James and you.
He was a hothead, someone who would get angry on your accord but he let you handle this, you were always better at handling Slytherins than he was.
People didn’t fuck with you though, no one has dared to bully you. Afraid of James but mostly of you. You were peaceful, not provoking fights but neither did you back down.
“Oh, not very nice.” Guinever spoke, lips in a dramatic frown.
“I’m telling you once, leave us the fuck alone.” You spoke, slapping your textbook shut as you now faced Vivienne. She gulped but tried to keep her poker face up.
James’ hand squeezed yours, a sign. He was angry, maybe even angrier than you. You released your hand from his grip and faced Vivienne.
“You should bow your head if you want to keep it, Vivienne.” You gave her a kind smile to which she only scoffed.
Sirius and Remus watched you, Lily and Peter stared in shock. Marlene rested her head on her hand with a small smirk.
It was no secret that you were able to be mean, hold your own in an argument but it was rare for anyone to witness you angry. You’d dismiss the argument if you could, too lazy to put up with these antics.
 “You don’t scare me, little Y/N.” Vivienne spoke, her head cocked to side like she was talking to a child. The searing rage in your chest bubbled up further and further.
“Though I have a question, how come you stay friends with a blood traitor, a scratched up bookworm looser, a cowering rat, a halfblood and a mudblood?”
Your eyebrows rushed up as you stared at her, James shifted in his seat to stand but you put your palm on his leg, you’d handle it.
“Excuse me?” You snapped, dark, low and sinister. Remus ducked his head, Sirius had his hand on his shoulder. 
“And worse of all, a boyfriend who pined after a mudblood, of all people. I can’t even imagine how tarnished your family's reputation would be if you decided on further progress.” Vivienne gave her a small smile. You couldn’t think straight, the moment James’ name fell in her truly awful insult your vision went red, blood red.
You grabbed her by the throat and pushed her off her chest to the stone floor, slamming her head down as hard as possible. Her hands clasped your hand with wide eyes as you slapped her once, twice, a third time.
Guinevere snapped out of her daze after a few seconds and pushed you off of her friend. You lifted your leg and kicked her back, she held her stomach with a cough as you clasped your fingers in a fist and with as much as strength as you could muster, you brought your fist down on her face.
She stumbled back as blood rushed down her robes. You grabbed Vivienne by her head and tore her head back, her eyes squinted as she watched you with a horrified expression on her face.
“You should’ve bowed that head of yours.”
Before you stood you looked at the squirming friend of hers.
“The only thing which would tarnish my family’s reputation would be to have company like you two losers.” 
You stood, blood coating your hands as you turned to your friends, who watched you with shocked faces. You grabbed your coat and tucked it over your hand.
“I feel like having firewhiskey instead.” You said before your friends stood. James planted a kiss on your cheek before Sirius high fived you.
“I knew you could fight but damn, almost had a double homicide on your hands.” He laughed before Lily rubbed your back with a small smile.
“Drinks are on me tonight.” You raised your hand and your friends cheered.
“Keep her close, James, I think I just fell in love.” Marlene smiled as she hastily pressed a kiss on your cheek. You only laughed as James pointed his finger at her with a smile on his face, playfully warning the girl.
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world0fmadness · 2 months
nico rosberg x wife! reader x ( platonic! ) oc daughter
♡ how rosie rosberg / little rabbit came to be!
୨୧ i am… so proud of this ^_^ first time doing something that isn’t a smau! do you guys like it? please please please let me know in the reblog tags, comments or my ask box <3 compliments and advice go a long way with me
♡ related smau available here, related hc available here and here | view my formula 1 masterlist here
reading music recommendations: when fortune smiles by kitty craft - i got you babe by etta james
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♡ i can see you guys living in a cozy farmhouse in the german countryside! a medium sized, beautiful house surrounded by greenery
୨୧ you guys have been dating since you were 23 and nico was 27, you both realised you were really deeply in love with each other and didn’t ever want to part pretty quickly so he proposed after two years of dating and living together in an apartment!
♡ the wedding came pretty quickly too, it wasn’t anything too fancy or over the top, only being attended by close friends and family! i can see it being held somewhere in germany, nico having taken you to germany so many times before because of how much you loved the countryside there
୨୧ right after the honeymoon, he surprised you with the farmhouse in the german countryside and you cried out of happiness for nearly an hour… it was BEAUTIFUL and you were sure to thank him in many different ways that night ;)
♡ you had little rabbit ( rosie rosberg ) when you were 27, nico was 31, he was already retired, only occasionally leaving to commentate f1 events and you guys were wanting to start a family so he was ELATED when you told him you were pregnant!
“ we’re having a baby, meine liebe! a mini you, hopefully! argh, gosh, i’m so excited ” ( both rosie and your future second baby turned out to be carbon copies of him… you think he jinxed it )
୨୧ you guys didn’t do a gender reveal, you knew you’d both be happy with any gender so you just decided to wait until the birth to find out
♡ nico is already the BEST husband but his princess treatment towards you TRIPLES when you’re pregnant…
୨୧ literally, you’re not even a month along yet but he can’t stand to see you picking up heavy boxes or trying to assemble things for the nursery… he knows you can do it, he just wants to do it, he wants you to just sit comfy and relax!
“ you’re already giving me the greatest gift i could ask for meine liebe, please just sit? eat your fruit and watch your show ” ( he assembles everything next to you in the living room because he can’t stop talking to you about how cute everything is and how excited he is… you occasionally feed him pieces of strawberry )
♡ when your bump gets big enough, you start using it as a table! when he first sees you using your bump as a table for cups of water or bowls of fruit he literally cannot stop laughing, he thinks it’s the funniest ( but also the cutest ) thing ever, he takes so many pictures of different objects being balanced on your bump but eventually he starts using it as a table for bowls too - popcorn bowl for movie night? balanced on your bump, shared between you two
“ it’s very useful actually, cute too… like you, meine liebe” ( he’ll absolutely start using it as a table more than you do )
୨୧ when your cravings start, you think you got lucky with not so weird ones; banana slices with chocolate spread, chocolate spread with sprinkles on toast, strawberries coated with chocolate! nico was also a big fan of these cravings
♡ he builds a tree swing in your back garden for when the baby is older and your hormones have you sobbing about how cute it is in his arms for way too long… he almost starts to regret building it because he just hates to see you cry
୨୧ when your water breaks, he’s asleep… you shake him awake and all that talk about him being so prepared for when it happens goes right down the drain and he is all over the place, running around the house like a headless chicken trying to find all the stuff before driving you to the hospital ( his f1 past came in very handy there )
♡ when you’re giving birth, he’s the biggest hype man! did you nearly break both of his hands and tell him you hate him? yes! does he mind? not at all! he just keeps kissing your forehead and making sure you know how much he loves you and how he’s so proud of you
୨୧ the birth is long and gruelling… but nico practically never left the room, only ever leaving to get you more water and ice chips and call your family!
♡ eventually, with the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your entire life and a whole lot of pushing, you give birth and it’s a girl! nico immediately burst into tears the second he saw her
“ i’m so happy and you’re laughing at me! for crying at the sight of our child! ” ( you weren’t laughing AT him… okay, you were… )
୨୧ the tiny girl is placed on your chest and has the rosiest cheeks you’ve ever seen! and so the name pops into your head right away…
“ rosie rosberg, yeah, she looks like a rosie ” ( he would later say she smelled like a rose too, he loved that newborn smell )
♡ the little rabbit nickname only came to be because when he held her for the first time in the hospital, he kissed her on the nose and it twitched like a little rabbit, his little rabbit
୨୧ everyone thinks it YOU who dresses rosie up like a doll / princess but it’s actually nico! he absolutely loves buying her new dresses and little tiny shoes <3
♡ whenever he’s abroad for an event that you and rosie can’t come to for whatever reason, he’ll always go into the city and go to cute boutique’s for new handmade dresses and shoes for her!
୨୧ speaking of whenever he’s away, he hates leaving you two… you used to be able to go with him but because of rosie being a newborn / toddler it’s just easier and less stressful for you to stay at home with her! he facetimes you at least five times a day, needing to see his two girls
♡ when he gets home, you pick him up from the airport with rosie and he nearly cries everytime! he gives you a kiss and a hug before moving over to his little rabbit and just SMOTHERS her in kisses, telling her in a mix of german and finnish how much he missed her
“ i missed you so much my little rabbit, we must go home and cuddle with mummy, yes? ” ( he also can’t wait to get home and show you all of the new clothes he bought her and some jewellery for you, of course )
୨୧ her first word is “ papa ” almost immediately followed up with “ mama ” nico nearly screamed out of happiness… but held it in, picked her up and started planting kisses on her cheeks and praising her instead! you’re not upset at all, you know how much of a daddy’s girl she is <3
♡ not too long after, she takes her first steps! nico, being the hype man he is, was cheering her on from behind while you sat across from her and gesture towards you! he was very protectively holding two hands just barely away from her hips, just in case she fell… the second she makes it all the way over to you by herself ( with nico’s hands by her sides ) you’re both immediately showering her with praise and kisses while she giggles
୨୧ along comes her first birthday! he doesn’t want to spoil her too much but… well, one look at her chubby, rosie cheeks and it just kind of happens! you try to tell him off but when he shows you the stuff he got her you can’t help but coo at how cute it all is and hey, you’ll keep it all for any future babies ( cough cough, little ladybug )
♡ the birthday party is small, taking place in your back garden, only close friends and family in attendance! nico hardly sets rosie down the entire day, everyone coming up and cooing over her while nico kisses her head and fixes the bows her hair <3
୨୧ eventually the day is over, baby rosie has had more than enough cake ( which got all over her dress and the frosting covered her rosie cheeks, only causing more cooing from people ) nico puts her to sleep in her room and when you two are in bed together, he just can’t stop telling you how happy he is… he was already so happy with just you but now you AND rosie? he’s at peace… you share a lot of kisses and whispered words of adoration towards each other before falling asleep cuddled up
♡ you guys take her on so many countryside walks and outings… nico rarely putting her down to walk, he just adores holding his little girl… he points out every rabbit you guys see to her
“ look rosie! a little rabbit, like you, but you’re my little rabbit ”
୨୧ time skip a couple years, rosie is 5 and it’s time for her to start primary school… nico is NOT excited…
♡ the night before her first day, you watch him in bed as he lays on his back staring at the ceiling…
“ i just don’t get it meine liebe… she could fit in one of my arms just yesterday… how is she starting primary school already? this isn’t right… ”
୨୧ safe to say he just cannot believe how big his baby is already :( he thinks time is going too fast and you spend the night comforting him and telling him that no, you cannot homeschool her!
♡ in the morning, he’s still pretty solemn but puts on a brave face for his girl and helps her get dressed into her outfit then comes downstairs to help pack her lunch with you
୨୧ he puts an extra fruit snacks packet in for her with a post-it note attached simply reading “ my little rabbit, papa loves you more than the whole wide world, be good ” ( you see it and tear up a little )
♡ when you drive her to school, he takes a few seconds to breathe before getting out and helping her climb out of the car, he nearly burst into tears when she says “ i don’t need your help papa! i’m a big girl now ” you did too… you both give her a big hug and lots of kisses before sending her into her first class
୨୧ he doesn’t say a word on the drive home, you ask him if he’s okay when you’re parked up outside the house and he just crumbles
♡ you needed to give him LOTS of kisses that day and reassure him that she’s still his little rabbit
୨୧ when it’s time to pick her up, he’s ON IT
♡ he practically speeds to the primary school and you both wait outside the car for her to come out… when she does, she runs right to her papa
୨୧ according to her teacher, she had a bit of a meltdown and wanted to see her papa but it’s normal for children to do so they didn’t call you guys
♡ nico is mad as fuck while you try to calm him down and tell him it’s fine
୨୧ it IS fine, she got over it very quickly when she was given crayons and paper by the teacher to draw her papa a picture
♡ he framed the picture, as he does with basically everything she ever draws him <3 you guys have a whole wall in the dining room made up of all her drawings, he always shows it off to guests
୨୧ over the next couple of months he’s still pretty sad about how his little rabbit really is growing up and there’s nothing he can do about it :(
♡ you always assure him that he’ll always be her papa and she’ll never not love him so much but you can tell he misses the days where he could hold her in one arm and cuddle her for hours
୨୧ so you knew he’d be pretty excited when you told him you were pregnant again! this new baby wouldn’t replace his little rabbit, of course not, but you knew he’d be over the moon to be able to experience all of those newborn things again
♡ and oh boy he was…
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hayleythesugarbowl · 10 months
since you're taking requests for joey from friends, could you possibly write an angsty one-shot (with a happy ending)? i love your writing sm and i love joey so im sure it'll be perfect <3
The One With the Pie || Joey Tribbiani x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: after your crush on joey ends before it can begin, you start to move on. but maybe, just maybe, the story of you and joey isn’t over just yet
word count: 6.6k
warnings: suggestive material
a/n: thank you for this request love!! i hope you enjoy this and it’s angsty enough for u 💋 there’re two ocs in here (james + jessica) so if you don’t recognize them from the show that’s why!! also somehow i made this way longer than i intended to so sorry about that but enjoy!! <3💌🩰
     “Joey, stop!” 
     You jumped towards Joey, trying to retrieve your stolen piece of pie from him, which he was currently holding above his head.
     “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.
     “That pie had my name on it,” you huffed, making another jump for it. 
     “I don’t remember seeing a name,” he acted innocent, crumpling up a piece of paper that most definitely had your name on it.
     “Oh yeah? And what is that?” You made a grab for it and he threw the paper behind him, catching your wrist. 
     Your heartbeat picked up because of the jumping and certainly not because of the sudden physical contact with Joey. Or, that’s what you were telling yourself. 
     “That is just my…grocery list.” Joey gestured at the ball of paper. 
     “You don’t buy your groceries,” you countered, “so nice try.”
    “Curse you, Chandler.” 
     You shook his hand off your wrist and gripped his forearm for leverage as you tried to twist to grab the pie again. 
     “So you admit, my name was on that pie?” 
     He smiled. “Nope. Still no. And unlabeled leftovers are fair game.”
     “Not when they’re from my fridge,” Monica walked over to you and Joey, pinching him and grabbing the pie. She handed it back to you.
     “Ow, Mon,” he rubbed at his arm, “I was going to give it back. I was just borrowing it.”
     “Yeah, and I had it under control.” you realized your hand was still around Joey’s arm and you quickly put a hand on your hip.
     Monica watched the movement and then rolled her eyes at both of you.
     “And you’d better make sure you didn’t get crumbs all over my floor with that,” she called as she walked back towards her bedroom.
     You’d been staying with Monica and Rachel while you looked for a place. You appreciated her sharing her apartment with you but you couldn’t say you didn’t miss being able to put your feet on the furniture and drink milk out of the carton.
     As Monica disappeared from view, Rachel walked out of her room in a bathrobe. 
     “Hey (Y/n), hey Joey,” she said on her way to the fridge, “Wait a minute, what are you doing here, Joe?” 
     “Stopped by before my audition to eat my leftover pie,” he said. You elbowed him in the ribs. “Ow, ok (Y/n)’s pie. Happy?” He looked at you.
     “Very,” you said, satisfied.
     “Well, good luck at your audition,” Rachel said, looking in the refrigerator. 
     “Thanks,” Joey said, sitting down at the table, before standing up again quickly. “Oh right, my audition! I’d better get going. Last time I was late to one of these the casting director made me pay.”
     “What’d they do?” You asked.
     “Made me give her 10 bucks for wasting her time. Like I had 10 bucks with me,” Joey said as he walked towards the door. 
     “Break a leg! You’re going to kill it,” you called after him. 
     “Thanks (Y/n),” He kissed you on the cheek before leaving and you watched him go, trailing a hand over your cheek where Joey’s lips had been. 
     “You’re so obvious,” Rachel said pouring milk in her cereal.  
     “I don’t know what you mean,” you told her, as if she didn’t know that you’d been crushing on him for the past few weeks. Rachel just raised an eyebrow at you.
     You hadn’t known what had changed. You’d been friends with Joey for nearly a year. But sometime recently you had started to see him differently and you wanted more and more to be something more than just friends. 
      “You say that every time,” Monica said, obviously overhearing and walking back into the room. “And so I’ll tell you what I tell you every time. Tell him.” 
     You had been avoiding that part for a while. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to make a move—you knew you’d have to at some time if you wanted your relationship to progress any further—but it was more that you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had with Joey. You valued it so much and you couldn’t bear to make things weird between you if he didn’t feel the same way. And you doubted he did. He’d never exactly expressed interest in you. 
     “What’s the worst that could happen?” Monica continued.
     Now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow at her. 
     “Ok I get it, a lot,” she said, “But what’s love without a little risk.”
     You preferred not to risk anything, thank you. But she was right. You knew it. You ran a hand through your hair as you thought. “I don’t know, Mon.”
     “Come on sweetie,” Rachel added, “Joey would be lucky to have you. You’re sweet and funny and kind. Heck, if he doesn’t take you I will.” She smiled at you. 
     You laughed and gave in. “You really think I should tell him?
     “Yes,” they said at the same time and you laughed.
     “But only when you’re ready,” Rachel added, putting a hand on your arm. 
     Were you ready? You supposed you never really would be. 
     You steeled yourself, “Alright, I’ll talk to him.”
    You walked towards the door. 
    “Honey?” Rachel called, “Love the enthusiasm but Joey’s not home.”
     You remembered the audition. “Right,” you walked back towards the kitchen, “tomorrow.”
     You couldn’t say you were sorry about the delay. It would at least give you more time to think about what to say. You sat down at the table with Rachel and Monica and began to peel a banana, thinking about what tomorrow might bring.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     You knocked on the door of Joey’s apartment. You weren’t exactly ready, but it was now or never, you thought, as you waited for Joey to answer the door.
     You were greeted by Chandler instead. You let out a breath. 
     “Oh, I thought you were going to be Joey,” you told him.
     “No need to look so disappointed,” Chandler said, “Good evening to you too.” 
     “I’m not disappointed,” you told him, “I just—is Joey home?” You asked. 
     “You know, if I had a dollar every time a girl said that to me when opening this door…” 
     You shook your head, smiling, “I just have something I need to ask him.”
     “He’s out right now but he should be back soon. Can I take a message?”
     “This is kinda something that needs to be said in person,” you said, playing with a strand of your hair.
     Chandler led you in to the apartment and you sat down on the couch. 
     “So how did Joey’s audition go?” You asked Chandler, trying to make small talk so you wouldn’t die of anticipation while you waited for Joey to get home.
     “Not great,” he admitted, “Something about apple juice and a wild parrot which I’m assuming means he didn’t get the part.”
     You laughed despite your nerves. You didn’t even want to know what Chandler meant by that.
     “I thought maybe he was at a callback,” you said, thinking aloud, “but never mind.”
     “No, Joey has a date,” Chandler said. “Some hot girl he met at the audition, so I guess it wasn’t a total waste.”
     You stopped listening. Hot girl? No. This couldn’t be happening. Joey was out right now with some beautiful woman and you were waiting in his apartment ready to confess your love for him. 
     “(Y/n), are you ok?” Chandler must have noticed your expression because he looked concerned.
     “I have to go,” you told him in a hurry before bouncing up and walking towards the door. It was only then when you heard footsteps approaching and the sound of Joey’s voice as he talked to someone—presumably his date. You ran the other way back towards Chandler.
     “You have to hide me,” you gripped his shirt in your hands. 
     Chandler looked absolutely baffled. You didn’t have time for this.
     “Um, my room,” Chandler said as he hurried you in there. 
     “If he asks just say you have a girl in here,” you called out to him in a whisper.
     “He’s not going to believe that!” Chandler whisper-yelled back to you before you started to shut the door quickly. 
     “You’ll think of something,” you said back. “Tell me when the coast is clear.”
     You left Chandler looking lost in the living room. Safely behind his door you relaxed but only a little. You would just wait until Joey went to the bathroom or something and then Chandler would sneak you out. No harm done, right? You would feel sad later. 
     You heard Joey enter the apartment and you could just make out his and Chandler’s voices.
      “So how was it?” Chandler asked him.
      “Amazing! Jessica’s great! She stopped to say hi to someone she knew down the hall but she’ll be here any second.”
      “Well that’s fantastic, Joe,” Chandler said. 
     “What’s fantastic?” You heard a female voice and your hearing sharpened.
     “You are,” you heard Joey tell her smoothly.
     “No you’re fantastic,” she said back.
      You were going to be sick. Every word they said was like a punch to the gut. And you didn’t mind admitting that you mocked Joey’s date behind the closed door like any self-respecting person would. 
      “Well, I’m glad you two had a good time,” Chandler said, “Now if you don’t mind, I’ll just be getting back to my room.”
      You heard Chandler’s footsteps grow closer to you. They were both silent for a moment and you strained to hear. You leaned forwards and knocked an alarm clock off the desk. It crashed to the floor and you might’ve been fine if it didn’t begin going off loudly. You cursed Chandler under your breath for buying an alarm clock that made rooster sounds. 
     “Chandler, do you have someone in there?” You heard Joey say. 
      “W-why would you think that?” 
     “Yeah you’re right,�� he said, laughing it off, “Like you would have a girl in your room that I don’t know about.” 
      “Yep, that’s me,” Chandler said wryly, “alone forever.”
      Chandler opened the door just a crack and then stepped into his room. 
      “You better pretend to be my date next time we do this,” he whisper-yelled. 
     “You better have a normal alarm clock next time we do this!” You threw your arms up.
     “It makes me think of the farm!” he said, indignantly.
     “You’ve never lived on a farm!”
     “Whatever,” Chandler gave up, “You can go now, Joey’s in his room with Jessica.”
     You nodded and felt relieved as you made your way to the door. You only realized what this meant when you heard Joey and Jessica in the other room.
     And from the sound of it, they were certainly enjoying the second part of their date. 
     And with that the reality of the evening crashed down on you. You and Joey weren’t  going to happen. He was clearly interested in whomever this woman was and your plans for confessing your feelings were obviously ruined.
     You sat down on Chandler’s bed and put your head in your hands—and over your ears so you didn’t have to hear what was going on in Joey’s room.
     Chandler sat down next to you and placed an arm around you. 
     “I know,” is all he said as he rubbed your shoulders.
     “How do—” You started, sniffing. You hadn’t actually told Chandler why you were here to see Joey. He ignored it. 
     “His loss,” Chandler said and you managed a weak smile as you leaned your head against his shoulder. 
     This was so not how you imagined this evening going. 
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     “…and then they did it for the rest of the night and Chandler and I watched a movie,” you told Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe as you took a sip of your coffee.
     All three of you were at Central Perk and you were filling them in on the events of the past night. 
     Which had been, all things considered, fairly miserable. You appreciated Chandler hanging out with you all night and at least the volume of the movie drowned out anything else…almost. But you still hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Joey and the other girl.
     “I’m sorry honey,” Rachel said, “is there anything we can do to help?”
     “Get rid of Jessica?” You mumbled sarcastically.
     “Well—” Phoebe started, an inspired look in her eye.
     You interrupted her, “I’m kidding, Pheebs. But I appreciate the support.”
     You sighed. You were just going to have to get on with your life and pretend nothing had ever been different. Pretend you didn’t want Joey every time that you saw him and be happy for him and his new relationship. 
     “Well, there are plenty of other fish in the sea,” Phoebe said. 
     “And if I don’t want any other fish?” You said, looking down at your coffee mug.
     “You could always talk to Joey about it,” Monica said. “I mean, maybe if he knew how you felt—”
     “Ok, don’t look,” Rachel said, watching out the window. “But Joey’s coming inside.”
     Your stomach flipped. For all you told yourself about moving on and pretending, you weren’t sure if you were ready to see Joey yet. What if it was too painful or you were to obvious? You paused, contemplating how weird it was for you to be nervous to see Joey. You had been friends for so long and you weren’t used to it.
     No time to think about that now, you told yourself as you jumped out of your seat and turned around. You saw Joey walk through the door and you backed up helplessly.
     “Hey guys,” he said, seeing all of you. 
     “Hey Joey,” Phoebe said, “It’s great to see you but, uh, Monica and Rachel and I were just about to go to our…knitting class. Right?”
     What was she doing?
     “Right,” Monica said, elbowing Rachel.
     “Oh yes, and we’re going to be late if we don’t leave soon,” Rachel said, understanding on her face. 
     They all walked towards the door and you stared after them hopelessly. 
     “Talk to him,” Monica mouthed and you bit your lip. 
     “Knitting?” Joey asked.
     “Yeah, well you know how I like the smell of…yarn,” Phoebe fumbled, “We’ll see you guys later.”
     And with that, her and the other two girls were gone leaving you alone with Joey. Well, alone aside from the dozen or so other customers oblivious to your awkwardness as you tried to find words…any words.
     Joey sat down at one of the tables and you sat on the edge of the couch a few feet away.
     “That was weird,” Joey looked thoughtful, “Does yarn have a smell?”
     You shrugged and Joey kept talking.
     “Anyway, I’m starving, do you want anything?”
     “No, thank you, I just ate.”
     A lie. You hoped your rumbling stomach didn’t deceive you.
     Joey ordered and then returned to his table, “So (Y/n), what’s new with you?”
     “Um, nothing really,” you said, “You?”
     You regretted it immediately when you heard his answer.
     Joey ran a hand through his hair, smiling, “Well, I met this really great girl the other day and I’m actually waiting for her right now. We’re supposed to go bowling. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”
     “Oh, that’s awesome.” 
     Was your voice usually this high?
     “I’d love to meet her but, I have to go,” you checked your invisible watch, “now, actually. I’m meeting some friends.”
     Another lie. You had to get out of here before you were stuck meeting—
     Joey hurried over to her and kissed her on the cheek. You bit the inside of your cheek and watched as Joey brought her over to you.
     “Jessica this is my friend (Y/n)…”
     “…and (Y/n), this is my girlfriend Jessica.”
    You watched Joey smiling and looking expectantly between the two of you. You should be supportive of him. That’s what a good friend would do.
     So you inhaled and said, “Hi Jessica, it’s so nice to meet you.”
     “You too,” Jessica said, pushing her blonde locks behind her ear. “Joey and I really should be going but I’d love to get to know each other sometime.”
     “Definitely,” you said and Joey looked thrilled at the two of you talking.
     “See you later (Y/n),” Joey said and then more quietly, “wish me luck.”
     “Good luck,” you almost whispered as you watched Joey and his girlfriend walk away, his hand in hers, him leaning slightly down to hear something that she was saying into his ear.
     And you wanted to wish him luck, you really did. But as you watched Joey walk away with the Jessica, all you could think about was how desperately you wanted that to be you.
     You weren’t paying much attention to what you were doing as you picked up Joey’s forgotten drink order and scone. 
     You turned around to go sit down and crashed into something—or, someone it seemed—on your way there. The coffee went flying and you fell to the ground. 
     “Are you ok?” You heard a male voice say. 
     You looked up and saw a tall man staring down at you, coffee dripping down his front and an arm out to help you up. You took it and dusted yourself off.
      “I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” you hurried out.
     “My fault entirely,” he said. 
     “I’ll buy you a new shirt,” you said.
     “I didn’t like it anyway,” he waved it off. “You did me a favor honestly. Don’t tell Aunt Ruth.”
     You laughed despite yourself, and picked up the mug and scone from the floor.
     “I’m (Y/n),” you said, filling the silence.
     “James,” he shot back. 
     “Scone?” You offered him the pastry awkwardly.
     “Sorry, he said, “but my parents always said never to take floor-scones from strangers. Even very beautiful strangers.”
     You found yourself blushing and your eyes widened. What was happening?
     “But I’d be happy to take you out for real food sometime. If that’s something you would be interested in?”
     You played with the fabric of your shirt. You immediately thought of Joey bit stopped yourself.
     Why should you be thinking of Joey right now? He clearly wasn’t interested in you, so why waste time on something that clearly wasn’t going to happen. Maybe you should take this man up on his offer and go on a date with him. He was funny and nice and had called you beautiful. 
     “Ok, this is getting embarrassing,” he backed up, “Let me down easy, ok?”
     You laughed, “I would love to go out with you sometime.”
     “Not to sound super eager or anything,” he said, “but do you wanna do something now?” 
     “Your shirt?” You prompted.
     “Oh, I’m making it a style now,” he said. “I’m totally adding trendsetter to my resume.”
     “Alright then, let’s do something,” you said, feeling better than you had in the past couple days as James led you out of the door of Central Perk.
     Maybe this was just what you needed.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     “Are you sure he’s coming?”
     “He’ll be here any second, I promise.”
     You answered Phoebe and took a deep breath as you sat at Central Perk with your friends, who were all eagerly waiting for your boyfriend to arrive so they could meet him. 
     Your boyfriend. You pondered the word. If someone has told you a week ago that you’d be seeing someone, you’d have laughed in their face. And no one probably would have, because your friends were just as surprised as you were. They all knew how you felt about Joey. 
     And until you met James you hadn’t thought it possible that you would get over Joey at all. Or at least not for a very long while. 
     But one date with James had turned into seven and you were actually happy. You had learned a lot about him and you had plenty in common. He was so easy to be around that it made you forget about Joey and Jessica and the relationship that would never be.
     Almost. You still felt bitter at the thought of them together, but you tried to push those feelings aside and focus on this relationship.          You reminded yourself that you should be over Joey.
     You saw a glimpse of a familiar flannel through the window of the coffee shop. 
     “Alright everyone be quiet, here he comes,” you said. 
     And you were over Joey, you told yourself, as you watched the amazing guy you were dating walk through the door and catch your eye, smiling at you. 
    You hoped, you added as you looked over at Joey finishing off a blueberry muffin. He shot you a thumbs up and you gave him a weak smile back. 
     “Hey (Y/n)!” James, your boyfriend of exactly three weeks, said. “Everyone.”
     A chorus of ‘hey’ and ‘it’s nice to meet you’ and ‘Well, now I know why (Y/n)’s dating you. You know, for the free firewood’ —that being Chandler—followed as you made the introductions. 
     You rolled your eyes at Chandler. James was an accountant, and not a lumberjack. He had talked about his love of numbers on multiple occasions.
     “It’s so great to finally see you,” Monica shook his hand, “(Y/n) talks about you all the time.”
     Did you? You supposed you did. You hadn’t let any of them meet James at first so your descriptions of your dates were all they had to go on. And if you exaggerated his perfection than it was just because you really liked him and wanted all your friends to like him. You shook off the thought that some of it might be to convince yourself.
     Because on paper James was perfect. And you really enjoyed spending time with him. But—
     You glanced over at Joey again. 
     No. He had his relationship and you had yours. It was better this way. Because he was still seeing Jessica and it sounded like they were hitting it off.
     And if some of your gushing about James was for Joey’s benefit than so be it.
     “All good things I hope,” James answered and you were brought back to the present. 
     Monica turned away and mouthed ‘he’s hot’ to you enthusiastically. You rolled your eyes at her. 
     “So, what do you do?” Ross asked James as the latter walked over and sat down next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders. 
     “I’m an accountant,” he said. 
     Chandler passed a five dollar bill to Ross, mumbling something about “being sure he was a lumberjack”. 
     Rachel elbowed Chandler and as he rubbed his arm she smiled warmly at James and said, “Well, any friend of (Y/n)’s is a friend of ours.”
     “Which hasn’t happened yet because all of (Y/n)’s friends are sitting on this couch!” Phoebe said, teasing. She wasn’t wrong.
     “Well, you all seem really great but (Y/n) and I have to run. We have a movie to get to.” James stood up and you moved with him.
     You said goodbye to everyone, taking James’s hand. On your way out you risked a glance at Joey. You couldn’t help it. He had been so quiet throughout your whole introduction. You didn’t know why, but you almost thought he was disappointed? Or maybe just bored? Probably wishing he was with Jessica right now. 
     Once you thought of it you wished you hadn’t because you felt awful all over again and you willed your cheeks not to heat. You sighed. Now, Joey was looking down, running a finger around the top of his empty coffee mug. He caught you looking at him and you tried to play it off by waving. Pretending you hadn’t just been staring at him. He gave you an almost too enthusiastic wave back and you just turned around and kept walking towards the door, away from Joey and towards your boyfriend who was waiting for you.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     “I’m just saying, if pineapple doesn’t  belong on pizza then why is it on pizza?” Joey said, throwing down his cards on the table.
     “You got me there,”  Chandler said, rolling his eyes. “And I fold.”
     You stifled a laugh as you examined the cards in your hand. You, Joey, Chandler, and James were all seated around Joey and Chandler’s kitchen table playing a game of poker. 
     The whole thing had been James’s idea, and at first you weren’t sure that it was a good one. You’d been doing a lot of different activities that he had planned with your friends lately as he tried to get to know them  better. 
     You appreciated that he wanted to be friends with your friends and all of his efforts were actually adorable. You had already been with Phoebe to her grandma’s together, went with Ross to his museum, and last week you had gone shopping with   Monica and Rachel—and James somehow went home with an armful of fabric swatches, talking about undertones.
     But this was different. It was getting easier and easier to be around Joey as time passed and weeks went by and you were both in relationships, but things were still a bit awkward, on your part at least. 
     But it did seem like Joey was…distant lately as well. It was probably just the fact that he was spending a lot of time with his girlfriend and you scolded yourself for worrying about it. Right now you were just friends playing a game of poker. You looked over and James and found him trying to look at your cards. 
     “No peeking,” you told James as he looked over your shoulder, so not discreetly.
     “Maybe I just wanted to kiss you,” he covered, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
     “Full house,” you whispered to him, flashing him your cards and he smiled down at you.
     Chandler reached his arms out to Joey and pursed his lips, “Show me your cards?”
     Everyone laughed and Joey aimed his cards away from Chandler.
     “Hey, is it my fault for wanting to kiss my girlfriend?” James acted innocent. “Since when is that cheating?”
     He put an arm around you and you kissed him on the cheek.
     “House rules,” Joey said.
     James shrugged, “He didn’t say we couldn’t do this.”
     As he grabbed your hand you heard Joey’s chair slide on the hard-wood floor. 
     “I’ll be right back guys, I’m going to go get us something to eat. Play this hand without me.”
     You watched him leave the room and Chandler called after him.
     “But you don’t have any money with you!”
     “I’ll go to Monica’s,” he called back.
     “You most certainly will not,” Monica said and you turned around to find her standing in the doorway of her apartment. “And your girlfriend’s waiting for you. Why in my apartment, I don’t know.”
     “Oh, right,” Joey said sheepishly, “Can I use your apartment? I told her I’d be over there. It’s important.”
     “Joey!” You heard Monica yell before Chandler got up and shut the door and their voices became muffled. 
     You tried not to think about what important thing Joey could mean. You pushed thoughts of him and Jessica away and reminded yourself that you didn’t care.
     “Well,” Chandler said, “I think I’m out too before I lose anymore money and then who’ll pay the rent?”
     “Yeah, I should get going. I promised my sister I’d help her clean out her basement,” James headed towards the door and Chandler raised an eyebrow at him.
    “Hey,” James defended, “If you’d seen my sister’s house you’d understand why it’s a two person job. Or, a team of movers’ job. Bye, (Y/n).”
     He kissed you quickly and then left the apartment, leaving you with Chandler. It felt eerily like a little over a month ago when you had gone there to ask Joey out.
     “So, you’ve been seeing James for a while now,” Chandler prompted.
     “Yep,” you said, “He’s really great.”
     Chandler stepped towards you hesitantly, “So you and Joe?”
     “What about me and Joe?” You kept your voice even, “He’s in a relationship and so am I. We’re both happy and that’s that.”
     “Well—” Chandler started, but was interrupted by Joey sighing as he entered his apartment. 
     “Glad that’s over with,” Joey said.
     “Did you let her down easy?” Chandler asked.
     “As easy as I could. And then she started crying and—this is why I just don’t call people back,” he sat down on the couch. “Breaking up with people in person is hard.”
     “What? You broke up with Jessica?” You could hardly believe it. “I thought you guys were so happy together.”
     Joey looked over at you, “Well, you know, we just didn’t have that much in common.”
     You were both silent for a moment. 
     “Hey,” Chandler announced, “This is awkward! So I’m just going to...”
     He ran out the door and you cursed him under your breath.
     “Weird,” Joey mumbled and you sat down opposite from Joey as you processed this new information.
     Joey wasn’t seeing anyone. You stopped yourself before you could go any further. No. You were in a good relationship and Joey had just got out of one. Now was not a good time. And just because he wasn’t dating Jessica didn’t mean he all of a sudden wanted to date you. And you were over him. Right?
     “So you and James are really serious now,” Joey said.
     “Yeah, I guess,” you responded. You hadn’t really thought of it like that, but you suppose technically you were. 
     “Well, I’m really happy for you,” he said, “He’s a lucky guy.”
     It doesn’t mean anything, you told yourself, he’s just being a good friend.
     “Well, I’m sorry about you and Jessica.”
     “Don’t be,” Joey stood up, “It wasn’t meant to be.”
     He took a step towards you.
     “Do you ever wonder if anything’s actually ‘meant to be’? Or is it just our decisions that lead us places?” You pondered.
     “I think if something is meant to happen than you’ll realize it and make the decisions that lead you there,” Joey said, taking another step closer to you. 
     “Really?” You asked, “You don’t think something could be staring you in the face and you don’t recognize the signs?”
     “I think in a way you always know,” Joey said, more sincere now. “Even if you don’t realize it until it’s too late.”
     You were saved from working out the meaning of that and this whole conversation by the phone ringing and Joey picking it up. His face got dark before he covered it up and smiled at you.
     “It’s James.”
     You walked over and took the phone from him. 
      His voice was muffled but he sounded intense when he said, “Hey, (Y/n), I need to talk to you. Are you free…now?”
     “Um, yeah, I can be at Central Perk in five minutes.”
     “Sounds good,” he said, “I’ll see you there. Love you.”
     You hesitated and he hung up. Joey looked to you, obviously curious about what that was all about.
     “He says he needs to talk to me and to meet him in a few minutes.”
     You headed towards the door and Joey handed you your coat. 
     “See you later,” you said and he shut the door behind you as you stepped out into the hall.
     What could James possibly want?
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     “James is leaving,” you announced. 
     You hung your coat on the coat rack of Monica’s apartment. All of your friends were lounging around in the living room but they rushed over towards you at this declaration and you held out your arms.
     “No, I’m fine, really.” 
     In truth, you were too fine. More fine than you should be, after dating James for the better part of a month and a half. Which wasn’t a long time, but you had gotten to know him well and you really liked him.
     “Are you sure you’re ok?” Rachel asked, putting a hand on your amt. 
     “Yes,” you reiterated, “James was offered a new job in California and he is going to take it. It’s all very sudden, but I’m ok. And technically, he gave me the option. To either stay long distance or end it now. I’m…still thinking it over.”
     You knew you should be more affected. But you felt numb to the sudden departure of your boyfriend. You knew you should be upset, and you were sad at the loss of him in your life. But it was more that you were going to miss spending time with him as a friend rather than as a boyfriend. 
     You didn’t pretend not to know why that was. 
     Either way, you still had to decide if you wanted to stay with him or not. He had left the decision up to you, saying that he’d be fine with whatever decision you made, and had told you to take all the time you need. 
     You told him you’d call him tonight. You didn’t tell him why you were hesitating to answer him. Because you wanted to stay with him. But you couldn’t make yourself say it, because what if you were missing other opportunities. Your conversation with Joey earlier had made you think and you couldn’t help but ponder what if.
     Not that you had much confidence in that. Joey wasn’t even here right now, you realized.
     You were brought back to the present. “So what are you going to tell him?” Ross asked.
     “I don’t know yet,” you sighed, “I suppose I have no reason not to stay with him, even though we’ll be so far apart.”
     That was the sensible thing, right? Stay with the great guy that wanted to be with you even miles and miles apart. You needed to stop focusing on what probably couldn’t be and focus on what already was. 
     “If you’re sure,” Monica said. “We’ll support whatever decision you make.”
    “I’m sure he’ll send you lots of free wood from California,” Chandler said, and you chuckled.
     “Phoebe?” Rachel furrowed her brow, “Are you alright?”
      Phoebe stood over by the couch. She was biting her lip and looked like she was stopping herself from saying something.
     “Phoebe?” You asked, “What is it?”
     “Oh, it’s just—” she started, “No, I can’t tell you! It wouldn’t be right!”
     “Tell me,” you said, walking over to her. 
     She backed up, “No!”
     “I can’t!”
      “Joey’s in love with you! Ok? There I said it,” She sat down on the couch and looked like she had been wanting to say that for a long time. 
     You felt like you had been turned upside down. 
     “He didn’t say anything because of you and James and, you know, but he loves you, (Y/n). And I know I shouldn’t be telling you and I promised him I wouldn’t but—” she stood up again, “I know you love him and before you make this decision you just need to know that.”
     You couldn’t even begin to comprehend this. Joey loved you? That couldn’t be true. Phoebe must be mistaken and—
     Joey walked into the apartment. You saw your friends look around at each other.
     “You love me?” You mumbled barely able to believe it. 
     Joey’s smiling face went pale and filled with horror as he backed up slowly.
     “Oops,” Phoebe mumbled and Joey glanced once at her before hurrying out the door and down the hall. 
     “Joey, wait!” You shut the door behind you and caught up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to face you.
     “Look (Y/n), I never meant to—” 
     “You love me?” You asked again. 
     “(Y/n), you have to believe me when I say—”
     You stepped so you looked Joey directly in the eye.
     “No, Joey,” you whispered, “I need to know, do you love me? 
     “I can’t love you, (Y/n),” his voice raised with every word, “I can’t love you. And I can’t love you so much that it hurts to pretend that I don’t….that I do…that I…” 
     He looked up, confused, “Oh, you get the point! And every time I see you with James I’m reminded of how I can’t have you.”
     Your conversation about signs and realizations came back to you. Your heart stopped beating. When you found words your voice came out shaky and breathless. “But…Jessica?” 
     “Jessica and I broke up,” he said, taking a step closer to you. “because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I just realized that too late.”
     “And I shouldn’t be telling you this,” Joey continued, “I never planned on telling you any of this…”
     He looked up at you and you tried to discern the expression on his face. 
     “Just forget I said anything, ok?” Joey said looking pained, “I hope you and James are happy together, I really do. Just, forget it.” 
     He moved to walk past you and you started talking trust to stop him from leaving. 
     “James is an amazing guy,” you said, your words coming out slowly, “he’s smart and thoughtful and attractive—”
    “Is this supposed to be helping?” Joey asked, turning around. 
     “What I mean is, James is perfect,” you said, “but he’ll never be you.”
     Joey’s eyes snapped to yours and you continued, “I only started dating James because I was trying to get over you. James is moving away and he left the decision with me to end or keep our relationship.”
     You stepped closer to Joey. “So say the word. Tell me you love me. Tell me you love me and I’ll leave him and be yours.”
     Joey closed the distance between you, fire burning in his eyes. “I love you (Y/n). God, I love you so much.”
     And he kissed you. He kissed you like he had been waiting a thousand years. He backed you up against the wall and his hands went to your hair as you kissed him back. You threw your arms around his neck and took in the beauty of this moment.
     It was passionate and raw and everything you had been hoping for and more. 
     Joey pulled away from you, reaching to brush the hair back from your face.
     “Wow, (Y/n).”
     “Yeah,” you breathed. “I guess I have Phoebe to thank for this.”
     “You’re welcome!” You heard Phoebe’s muffled voice from the other side of the door.
     You smiled at Joey, rolling your eyes and walking over to open the apartment door.
     You turned the knob and all of your friends faces greeted you as they scrambled away from the door. 
     “Run!” Chandler yelled, “Scatter! She can’t catch all of us! It was Monica’s idea!”
     “Seriously Chandler?” Monica smacked him in the arm.
     You laughed. 
     “We’re just so happy for you two,” Rachel said. You tried to convey your gratitude to her—to all of them—for their friendship. 
     “I’m happy,” you said. You felt giddy in a way that you hadn’t in a long time—that you had never felt with James.
     “We knew you’d get together,” Phoebe nodded. “My psychic totally saw it coming.”
     “And we were only listening at the door for a little bit,” Ross added.
     Joey put his arm around you and you leaned in to him. You couldn’t even pretend to be offended, you were just glad to be here in Joey’s arms, surrounded by your friends. 
     “What do you say we go get a bite or something?” Joey asked you.
     You nodded as he walked out the door with you and down the hall once again. 
     “How about pie?” You teased, remembering your almost-stolen leftovers.
     “My treat,” Joey answered in agreement. “Have all the pie you want!”
     “Will it be mine this time?” You teased back.
     “All yours,” Joey said, stopping to look down at you softly. His eyes sparkled as he said, 
     “Just like me.”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ i hope you enjoyed this, i love writing for the friends characters so much!! you can find my other friends fics on my friends masterlist. as always feedback is appreciated and i hope you have a lovely week!! 🍓🪩
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oinkinpigprince · 4 months
Hiii, I hope you're having a good day ^^! So, what about James (Smiling Friends) with an OC? It's not a romantic relationship. It's all platonic (i'm not repulsed by borderline romantic tones. Feel free if you think it adds spice!). He starts out more awkward and even kind of aggressive, but this friendship ends up showing (somewhat) good results! If we ignore James low-key latching onto her later on.
I have this tall critter here who is the leader of a band (I like to think James listens to their music hehehe it would be something like Machine Girl) which also kind of is a bike gang. She’s the one who hands James some money and food from time to time so he doesn't starve since nobody really feels safe around him in a proper working place, but she ends up trying to """rehab""" him regardless, eventually just carrying his ass around with the rest of the gang in the process. The other girlies don't understand what really makes him notable for her, but they just assume she knew him when they were younger (and that's right! They got separated after James’ dad murdered his mother when he was 10 or sum).
Last specific thing about them is that James, sooner or later in this situation, would think of or even try to harm her like he did with Charlie, he only doesn't or stops right away because she makes it pretty clear that the other members of her group would torture him cartel style for it.
Also yeah she tries to not remind him of how hard he fumbled with that Charlie thing because she's ass at romantic advice.
Sorry if it's like, so long I ended up letting no room for elaboration, I just wanted to give context to ask for some possible hcs in the “James is starting to get too clingy to her that he starts to resemble a lamprey” stage ^^’
This one’s fascinating to me! Sorry it took me so long to write, thank you for being so descriptive about your OC!! I also got ur other request which I will be answering later :33
James + hammerhead
Wow! James is an interesting guy, hmm. He is violent, rude, demanding, antisocial, everything you’d want in a best friend!
Everyone in James’ building is SHOCKED, that hammerhead somehow befriended him. Let alone just being around the guy, he’s violent and unpredictable.
No one wants to be around James so, hammerhead is literally his only friend. The only person he can stand to be around for five minutes without trying to freak them out
A lot of the stuff he does is due to self entitlement and also he just thinks it’s funny. Ask for a glass a milk even though he hates milk, that’s just his way of joking around. Hammerhead made him learn real quick she does NOT find that shit funny(it’s just a prank bro)
He sighs and obligates, mainly because of the whole childhood friend thing. He also genuinely wants to get better and learn how to socialize
So yeah, because he literally had no one in his life he does cling to Hammerhead which, she doesn’t mind, she just wished he would just try and make other friends.
Kinda follows her around everywhere, if he isn’t alone, he’s with her. Kinda like a silent(very violent) shadow. The other girls don’t, enjoy, his presence. Because his favorite punchline is to literally punch
Kinda wants to control Hammerhead, especially at the beginning. It’s mainly a fear of abandonment but also, he just is high key very selfish. Tries to isolate and manipulate her before she talked some sense into him
He behaves though, after a little talk. Now he just sits and kinda just watches her. James is just quiet, observing people around him. He doesn’t really know how to socialize other than demanding and threats. So he just becomes quiet
Still gets REALLY jealous though, of everyone in hammerhead’s life. Like, crazy jealous. After the talk of course he kinda just festers in his own misery of self doubt and anger. It’s hard for him to open up so hammerhead had to kinda pester him about it
It isn’t all bad, James really does care about hammerhead. It’s very much like a sibling bond. He’s fiercely loyal to her, and very very clingy. He may follow her around but it’s mainly just to protect her
The two are able to confide in each other they wouldn’t be able to if they weren’t, weird besties. It actually comforts James a lot that he’s able to confide in his fears, doubts, and stresses.
Hammerhead takes James out on bike rides which he loves. He loves anything thrilling, exciting. So going to their concerts and going on bike rides is his #1 favorite thing to do
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stupid-at0 · 2 months
James is showing his knife to his BFF Eddy,what a beautiful friendship🥰(?
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
Our children yearn for violence
Barbie dolls: jegulus x reader (James, regulus, you)
Words: 3.6k ish
Summary: the school calls you in bc your son got into an altercation what happens when the other kids' parents are hot
Warnings: your son is named Elliot, also you're referred to as Ren and Rena like the gn term for your parent so just yk it's not an oc i promise, you're a highschool art teacher, pushing the trans James agenda, misgendering James from the principal, honestly you pour coffee all over the principal and I'm pretty sure that's assault so just yk, no consequences very fictional world, condoning violence, abortion mentioned, James is a baker and regulus is a stay at home dad/writer just so you know, modern au I'm SORRY, Lily has a wife but she isn't here Lily is just mentioned, actually kinda unwarranted meanness toward the principal but yk whatevs, kinda extremely fanficy if that makes sense but let's just close our eyes and laugh along okay, that's all I think man
Your son, Elliot, was quite kind. You weren't one to toot your own horn, but he was a pretty well raised 6 year old. He was more introverted so when he came home telling you all about his new friends you were very proud of him. He loved Lightning McQueen and he was absolutely giddy to tell you his new friend, Harry, had a Lightning McQueen backpack. And his other friend, Luna, loved Tinkerbell almost as much as he did. Elliot loved art too, he took after you in that field. You were a high school art teacher. Luckily for you the same bus that picked up the first graders for his school, also picked up from your high school. Elliot would ride the bus and after dropping off all the other students the bus-driver would  drop him off at the high school. Elliot would spend the last few minutes of the school day with your last class. They loved him, they thought he was adorable. They often made him little cards or gave him candy. Elliot was the best and nicest, if you do say so yourself, first grader you ever met.
When his school called you in the middle of your class, telling you he got into an altercation, you were shocked. You sent your class over to classroom next door, another art teacher who gladly helped you. Then you quickly gathered your things and got to the Elementary school as fast as you could. You spoke to the front desk. They pointed you down a hallway. If you were a third grader, you'd be scared shitless walking down this hallway.
Finally at the end of the row was your son. He was in a short sleeve plain red shirt and his favorite pair of shorts that has a little lightning bolt towards the bottom. Elliot's backpack was sitting next to him on the floor. He was digging his hand into a little ziploc bag of pretzels, a ziploc bag you didn't remember putting in his lunchbox. Elliot glanced up when he heard you approaching. He memorized the sound of the keychains on your bag clinking, thinking of home. He smiled brightly, and scooted out of his chair. He ran towards you, latching onto your leg.
You saw a row of three chairs, each filled with a small child, sat next to a door. The door had a small sign that read 'Princapal' so you assumed it might be the principal's office.
The child closest the the door was a girl with curly white hair tied in two pigtails down by her ears. She was wearing a shirt with Tinkerbell on it and a bright pink tutu. Her tennis shoes looked to light up. Her backpack was sat next to her. It was green and had beautiful flowers embroidered on it. She had what looked to be a thousand keychains, all of which were characters to another children's show. She was snacking on a small ziploc bag of goldfish. Luna.
Next to her was a boy. He had glasses that looked to large for his face, and curly hair that looked tossled from what you assumed was the altercation you were called in for. He had on a Spider-Man shirt and jean overalls. One of the straps to the overalls was unhooked and thrown over his shoulder. His shoes were of Lightning McQueen, they looked to light up too. They matched his backpack. That must be Harry. He was snacking on a ziploc bag of cheezits.
"I missed you, Ren. Am I going to get kicked out of school?" Elliot mumbled against your leg. You squated down and clutched onto his hands. You pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"No, baby. Why did they call me? Are you okay?" Elliot nodded as you asked him questions, holding up his bag of pretzels.
"Luna's dad gave us snacks. I took the pretzels because the cheezits are white cheddar and Harry likes those the best. And Luna likes the pizza goldfish, but I don't because they don't taste like the good pizza. But look, Rena, these pretzels have butter inside." Elliot quickly pulled out a pretzel and bit into it, showing the inside to you. Sure enough the pretzel had the fake cheese filling inside.
"Oh yeah look at that it does have cheese inside." Ignoring the fact he called cheese butter, you looked around Elliot as he continued to tell you all about his snack. You noticed two men  standing next to another water fountain. One of them was holding a green lunchbox that looked eerily similar to Luna's backpack. The other was holding a matching Lightning McQueen backpack, Harry's dad. They looked as confused as you, talking to each other quietly so their kids couldn't hear them in the near empty hallway.
"Okay baby I'm going to go talk to your friends' parents,  you go back to your chair and keep working on those cheese pretzels for me." Elliot quickly nodded. You kissed his forehead before standing up. Elliot turned back to his row of friends and started talking to Harry. You headed toward the water fountain.
Luna's dad was dressed in all black, you were curious as to how he had such a colorful kid. He was in a black button down that was tucked into his black slacks. His shoes were shiny and they made you wonder if he just came from a board meeting or whatever people who don't spend their entire day listening to your mom jokes as they teach high schoolers how to weave do. His hair was black and curly and looked to be perfectly set in place.  The only pop of color was his nails, bright green and pink splattered on each finger. Luna's doing. If you weren't deeply worried for your son, you'd say he was hot.
Harry's dad, and you do mean this in the nicest most respectful way, was fucking jacked. He was just as attractive as Luna's dad. He was in jeans and red converse. He had on a t-shirt that had red text on it. It said 'Boys with Tits' and little stars printed around the text. You wondered how strong that cotton t-shirt was because the sleeves around his biceps and pecs looked tired. Holding on for dear life. Harry's dad had what looked to be flour smeared on his cheek. His hair was also curly and black but was much different from Luna's Dad's hair as it was more messy. He looked a lot like Harry. He even had on very similar glasses. On his own Lightning McQueen backpack, was what looked to be the same number of keychains as Luna's bag had. Although his had less children's shows. You spotted a trans flag and a raccoon eating a sandwich among them. You glanced down at your own appearance, realizing you most definitely looked like an art teacher. Your hands were covered in paint. You grimaced before shrugging. One of these men had bright pink and green splattered on the tips of his fingers and the other was holding a Lightning McQueen backpack, you doubted they would care much. When you finally reached them, they both looked away from the other to stare at you.
"Hi. I'm Elliot's Parent." You gave them a light wave, giving them your name as well. They both nodded.
"Hey. I'm Harry's dad, James." you smiled at him.
"I'm Luna's Dad, Regulus."
"Do you guys know what happpened? They just said altercation on the phone." Regulus shook his head at the question. James shrugged. At this point you honestly felt sympathy for his sleeves.
"Luna won't even tell me what happened. She's just been sadly eating her pizza goldfish." Regulus said, looking between you and James.
"Oh yeah. Hey thanks for giving Elliot those pretzels. He thinks they're a hoot." Regulus shrugged at you.
"Luna's the one sharing." James moved the subject back to the whole reason you three were here.
"I asked Harry what happened and he told me 'name calling' and then continued with his cheezeits. So that's all I have." James explained. You thought you might be putting the pieces together now. Yes, Elliot was a kind boy but he was also loyal to a fault. You were both the type to self sacrifice in the name of love. You'd kill someone for Elliot and any one of your friends. Elliot does take after you in a lot of areas...
"Okay well I only see three children, they all seem to still be friends so who were they fighting?" You asked. There wasn't even another backpack sitting near the chairs. From what you spied in window to the principals office, the only person in there was the principal herself.
"Do you think our kids would actually get into a fight?" James asked. You and Regulus glanced at each other.
"Yes." You said in sync. You glanced back at Elliot. He had finished his snack and pulled out his Lighting McQueen picture book, showing Harry all the pages. Sweet boy, but also a tad rabid. You wouldn't be shocked if the principal told you he bit somebody.
"Luna's lovely don't get me wrong, but her favorite uncle has had to pay for a lot of bail." Regulus said, zipping open Luna's lunchbox. He peered in there. You wondered if he was looking for a shank she made during her art class. James huffed.
"If this is some stupid bullshit, I think I'll riot." James whispered.
"That's something Barty would say." Regulus muttered, stuffing his hand into Luna's lunchbox.
"Listen, I'm sure we're all just a little peaved because it's our kids, but surely this is something serious that truely needs me to leave 17 high schoolers alone with another teacher." James and Regulus gave you a knowing look. "Okay so I'm lying." Regulus pulled out a bag of apple slices. He held them up above his head and leaned to look around you.
"Lue, I'm stealing your apples. Is that okay with you?" Regulus yelled down the short hallway. Luna looked up from making her goldfish swim in the air, to look at Regulus. She nodded and held up a thumbs up. Regulus zipped her lunchbox again and pulled open the bag of apples.
"So what if they threw a couple punches, I taught Harry that we don't start fights, we end them." James explained. Regulus nodded as he bit into an apple. You huffed.
"I'm pretty sure I taught Elliot the difference between oil and acrylic. I'm honestly shocked he even knows the word fight." You felt a little behind on your parenting. Regulus set down Luna's lunchbox by his feet.
"Well to be perfectly honest, I am not shocked that Luna got into a fight. Her mother was, in the best way, fucking rabid. Love her to death, literally, but she got into a good number of fights while we were school." Regulus said. He chuckled after he said 'to death'. You kinda felt like he kept making inside jokes but he was the only one in on them. James nodded along.
"High school sweat hearts?" James asked, giving Regulus an understanding look.
"No," Regulus laughed as he bit into another apple. "Hell no. Um I knew her mother in high school. We were really close. She passed and I adopted Luna." You and James both let out sad ohs. Regulus didn't seemed bothered by it at all though, continuing to much on his apple slices.
"Well me and Harry's mum were high school sweethearts. After Harry was born though, we got divorced. His mum and her wife are both stuck at work so that's why they aren't here." James said, filling the awkward silence. You nodded.
"Really glad we're spending this time trauma dumping." You joked. Regulus snorted and held an apple slice out towards you. You great-fully took it as Regulus held one out towards James too.
"What is the Principal doing in there? Feeding her hostages?" James muttered not even a breath later he was following up his comment. "Sorry, that was mean." You and Regulus both laughed, looking at each other to make sure someone else thought it was funny, too. With that the door to her office opened, the Principal's head popping out.
"Sorry for the wait." She said, holding the door open.
The Prinicple would be terrifying to any first grader. She was in a perfectly pressed suit. Her perfectionism rivaling Regulus'. Her hair was back in an extremely slick bun and you questioning whether or not her name was Trunchbull. She sat down in the chair behind her desk, turning to her computer and typing away. She listed off each of your names, started with what you assumed was James' last name as he nodded at her and ending with yours.
"You should be." Regulus muttered before plastering a smile on and helping Luna out of her chair, shooing her into the office. James carried Harry's bag for him as they entered the office. The principal grimaced at James as he entered.
Elliot took his time, gently putting his book back into his backpack. You smiled at the care he took with his favorite book. Then he scooted out of his chair and pulled his arms through the straps. Elliot clutched onto your hand, as you walked him through the office door. There were three chairs sat in front of the Principal's desk. James was sat with Harry in his lap, James' arm crossed over his stomach. Regulus was sat similarly, Luna deciding not to face the Principals and instead sitting sideways in Regulus' lap. You sat in the chair in between Regulus and James. Elliot hopped up into your lap, placing his backpack next to you. He leaned back against you and held onto both your hands. You were pretty sure he was scared shitless, but you completely understood.
"Today your children got into a fist fight with another student. We do not accept bullying of any forms here so we will-" Regulus cut off the principal, pausing from digging into his bag of apples.
"Well what caused the fight?" Regulus asked. The Principal stayed silent for a moment before continuing.
"What started the fight does not matter. What matters is that your three children ganged up on one student, and beat him. We do not accept physical-" It was James' turn to cut her off this time.
"Well who swung first?" The principal clenched her jaw. She glared at James. Harry took it upon himself to answer for her.
"Charles did." Harry said as he swung his feet back and forth in his father's lap. James hummed.
"So you didn't start it?" James asked. Harry shook his head.
"One could say that he didn't start it but he did finish it." Regulus muttered chomping into an apple. You stuck your hand out to him. Regulus dropped a slice from the bag into your hand.
"Listen, if you three would please let me finish-" The principle started.
"Actually I have a question for you, Mrs. Principle. I didn't have time to learn your name, I was quite busy with my job," James snorted at you. "I was wondering, what happened before the fight? What triggered it to start? I am quite confident that my son wouldn't just beat some other kid up for fun. At least not unwarrantedly." Regulus nodded at you. Luna wouldn't kick somebody in shin just for breathing wrong, well actually.
"Again that does not matter-" Harry took over the principal's speaking time yet again to answer the question himself.
"Charles called Luna a bitch." Harry said, matter of factly. Regulus scoffed and James leaned down to ask Harry if he was serious.
"Yeah he did, so I called him a bootlicking, slimy, vomit inducing, retched, failed abortion." Luna said. You glanced over at her. It was actually the first time you heard her speak. You felt a small smile grow, understanding what Regulus said in the hallway earlier. Regulus was smiling brightly. He held his hand out in front of her. Luna slapped her hand in his, giving Regulus a loud high five.
"Then Charles said she was a dumb idiot." Harry explained, still swinging his feet back and forth. "Then Elliot said something, I don't 'member but it pissed Charles off so he punched Luna in the arm." Harry continued. You looked down at Elliot.
"I told him the only time anyone will ever love him is if he was cremated and turned into a diamond." Elliot whispered. You laughed. Elliot looked up at you, a small smile growing on his face. You gently kissed his on his forehead.
"Oh I love you, you know that Elliot?" Elliot nodded and looked back to the empty Ziploc bag he was tearing holes in.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you three would take this seriously, this is no laughing matter. " The principal said, clenching her jaw.
"Well I would greatly appreciate it if you took this seriously. A boy called this girl a bitch and then punched her and yet we're the ones who had to leave work to meet with you. It seems to me that these kids were just defending themselves. I think you just grabbed the nearest kids and blamed them. Luna didn't do anything she's the victim. Elliot and James were just protecting their friend. Sure maybe they should've gone easy on him the failed abortion comment would've been just enough but-"
"Your children broke a boy's nose."
"Well, maybe he should've kept his mouth shut." Regulus said, sitting up in his chair.
"I think he'll be too busy breathing out of it to call anyone else names, now." James said, setting Harry on his feet. James stood and swung his backpack over his shoulder before holding out Harry's.
"Ms. Potter we are not done here." The prinipal said.
"Seems to me we are, see you Monday." James said. Luna took that sign and hopped off Regulus' lap, pulling her own bag on.
"Well Ms. Potter I do hope over the weekend you find a new shirt, along with new manners." The principal said. You stood up, letting Elliot run out the door after Harry and Luna.
"Well Mrs. Principal I do hope you learn how to shut your mouth on matters that don't concern you, you foul, lothesome, grimy, bottoming-feeding, transphobe. Enjoy your night." You said. You reached over her desk and knocked her mug over. Her coffee spilled over the papers on her desk dripping into her lap. You assumed it was cold by now because she just clenched her jaw.  You gave her a bright smile and left out the office door. Regulus and James shared a look before following. You three lead your children out of the school building and stopped on the steps. The three kids ran off towards the nearby tree, attempting to climb it.
"We are probably going to have to enroll our kids somewhere else, huh?" You asked. James shook his head.
"No, schools almost out and luckily for us she's actually transferring in about a month anyways." James explained. Regulus nodded, setting Luna's bag down.
"I do mean this in the most respectful way, but that was extremely attractive." Regulus said. You heard Elliot laugh over in the tree at something Luna said. James nodded at Regulus.
"Oh yeah extremely Pilf-y." James grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Regulus turned to him with a confused look.
"Public Interest Legal Foundation?" Regulus asked. James, smile fell.
"No, Parent I'd Love to Fuck. Like milf or dilf." Regulus laughed and reached out for James. He gripped onto James' bicep as he laughed. You started chuckling along with him, his laughter very contagious. Regulus wiped at his eyes and he stood again.
"Oh that was good, James."
"I don't think it was that funny." James muttered. You shrugged.
"I thought it was good." Regulus sighed and straightened his back.
"So our kids beat another kid up." He said. You nodded. You glanced over at Harry and Luna helping Elliot climb up.
"Your kid has a filthy mouth Regulus, if she said that to me I think I'd cry." James said, nudging Regulus with his elbow. Regulus smiled proudly.
"I know, right? What a psycho first grader." Regulus said. His chest seemed to puff out a little more.
"Where did she even learn half those words?" You asked. Regulus' face fell as he stared at you with serious eyes.
"Her uncle." You and James shared a look.
"well Elliot isn't innocent either, that diamond comment was wild." James said, jumping topics. You nodded.
"I'm extremely proud of my son, I personally think they derseve some ice cream, what do you guys think?" You asked. They both looked at each other.
"Sounds good to me." Regulus muttered, Pulling Luna's bag over his shoulder.
"They'll have napkins there so I can give you guys my number." James said, winking at you both. You chuckled.
"Ah ha yeah that was smooth, James. Good one." You complimented.
"Yeah I thought so." James said, turning towards the tree and calling the kids down. You looked to Regulus.
"Oh by the way I love Luna's bag it's so pretty." You said. Regulus' ears turned red. He glanced down at his shoes before looking back up at you.
"Thanks. I actually made it for her." You gave him a shocked look.
"Did you really?" Regulus nodded. "Well you're extremely talented Regulus." Soon enough all six of you were in an ice cream shop. The kids were giddy. They were getting sticky ice cream all over their faces and hands, but it didn't matter. This was a celebration. you spent the time laughing along with James and Regulus. When the kids finally finished their ice cream James stayed true to his word and gave you both his number. He made a group chat before you even left the parking lot, starting up a conversation about a date.
part two
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starscabaret · 5 months
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☆StarGirl☆ I am 19, call me Star, I am in college, and I study sex and history, I love nu-metal, Sanrio, and stars. Feel free to DM me with questions, to make friends, or anything else! <33 ☆StarWorks☆ I enjoy writing dark romance and smut. This does not mean I condone these things irl! I only write for fem readers for now. There will be smut. I’ll try to put a TW if I see fit. Feel free to ask things or request! All of my original characters are Yandere or at least Yandere-like unless otherwise stated/ requested. ☆StarRules☆ DNI racism, homophobia, transphobia, ed, MAPS, raceplay, SA, self-harm, incest, bestiality, etc just be a good person, please  I probably won't remember to put TW unless it's crazy stuff so be careful! (murder, drugs, stalking, etc). ☆ My master list is below ☆
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this ✧.* will symbolize sexual content
☆General☆ ☆Yandere OC Profiles ☆Yandere Yearbook ☆Yan OC Songs
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☆Random & Request☆ ☆Yandere Male x Villainess Reader ☆Yandere Womb Tattoo Reaction
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☆Southern Gothic☆ pairing vincent x fem reader  warnings nsfw, sexual content, very kinky, dark romance, etc authors note while I will try not to explicitly state it to be inclusive, I imagine vincent’s darling to be black. ☆Southern Gothic Yandere! Concept ☆Southern Gothic Yandere! Vincent HeadCanons ☆Southern Gothic Yandere! Vincent HeadCanons ✧.* ☆Meeting Yandere! Vincent ☆First Date Yandere! Vincent
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☆College Student Athlete☆ pairing elizabeth x fem reader  warnings nsfw, sexual content authors note this is wlw, sapphic, gay !! This is fem oc x fem reader !!! ☆Gameday Fluff Introduction ☆Elizabeth Gets Jealous ✧.*
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☆Emo Boy☆ pairing james x fem reader warnings nsfw, sexual content, dark love, emo, angsty authors note james is kinda submissive  ☆Emo Boy Yandere! James HeadCanons ☆Emo Boy Yandere! James HeadCanons ✧.* ☆Emo Boy Yandere! James Hole Inspection ✧.*
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☆College Graduate Student☆ pairing cynthia x fem reader  warnings nsfw, sexual content authors note this is wlw, sapphic, gay !! This is fem oc x fem reader !!! ☆Lovesick Student Introduction
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☆Hood Drug Dealer☆ pairing jaden x fem reader  warnings nsfw, sexual content, drugs, etc, cursing authors note this story has an African American male OC, I am African American. I will be glamorizing ghetto black love, I will be using AAVE in this story. If you don't understand something please ask! ☆Smile Struck Introduction ☆First Sexual Encounter ✧.* ☆Girly Pink Attitude Darling
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☆Military☆ pairing aaron x fem reader  warnings nsfw, sexual content  authors note this story will have some military aspects I will try to keep in pretty simple. I am not glamorizing the military btw!! Aaron is a switch!! ☆Military Yandere Concept ☆Military Yandere! Aaron HeadCanons ☆Military Yandere! Aaron Deployment
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☆Cowboy☆ pairing lane x fem reader  warnings nsfw, sexual content  authors note i am from the south, my family owned farms… i like cowboys sue me ☆Cowboy Yandere Concept ☆Cowboy Yandere! Lane HeadCanons ☆Cowboy Yandere! Lane HeadCanons ✧.*
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Bridget x fem!oc
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"Hi!" Jennie squeaked out, her hand tightening around Bridgets as they watched Uliana grab their bags and rummage through them, giving Jennie's to Hook to dump onto the ground for cash.
"Hello to you little mouse, how is your friend piggy going?" Bridget stared wide eyed, and Jennie couldn't so much more than wrap her arms around her arm and clutch it to her chest.
"I have no cash! Please don't dump it out...." She trialed off, her eyes trialing down to the ground where the little box laid just under a few papers.
"No!" The hook that replaced James' hand almost hooked into her skin, but she managed to snatch the box and stuff it into her skirt, sitting crouched after rolling to soften her fall.
Dashing back over to Bridget, who stepped back and shielded her, glancing over her shoulder at the two, Hook smirking as he held his hook up to point at Jennie.
"And what might that be eh? Some valuables?" His shark-like eyes followed Jennie as she squeaked and hid her head into Bridget's shoulder, who wrapped her arms around her tighter.
"Stop it Hook, don't let the faggot get too close." Uliana grinned, holding the cash she found in the bags, signalling for him to follow her out of the courtyard.
"Are you okay?" Bridget looked down at Jennie, who looked back wide eyed.
"I should be asking you that, are you alright? I'm sorry I can't protect you-."
"Don't even try it sweets, you're my baby." The princess hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead softly.
"Y-yeah...." Honestly, the blonde couldn't care less about whatever she just said, the box was burning in her pocket as her senses got overwhelmed by Bridget.
"Hey guys, what's up." Ella walked up to them, arching a brow at the leather bag and its contents laying splattered on the ground, Bridget's laying next to it.
"The sky, silly!" Bridget giggled, detaching herself from Jennie to hold onto Ella's hands.
"Nothing much, I'm just gonna- yeah." The girl looked down at her bag, then back at her two friends, who were already wrapped up in talking to each other, and crouched down to get the two bags together again.
"Oh! Thanks Jennie! You're such a sweetheart!" She kissed her cheek, hugging her briefly before she and Ella went away, probably to go do homework in Bridget's dorm.
"I- am." She looked down at her back, shuffling her mary janes closer to each other nervously, the pink rimmed socks seemed so silly now, why would she even think pink would look good on her, she should try Blue, Bridget likes Blue too right? I mean she loves pink but she didn't even blink at her clothes today so-
Jennie shook her head, that was ridiculous, she should change out of these stupid pink things now, why did she spend money on that stupid blouse and skirt.
A week later, it was blue, she had found a good light blue vest in the back of her closet, matched with a white skirt and blue socks, her leather mary janes shining in the sunlight once she stepped out, the dark blue ribbon tied around her neck neatly turned into a bow.
"Hi Bridget!" Her wave slowed down as she watched Ella throw an insult to Uliana, guiding Bridget away from them.
She followed them with her eyes, clutching her briefcase, desperately trying to lock eyes with Bridget, her princess.
Her gritted teeth didn't stop her from fleeing once she realised Uliana wasn't distracted anymore, her shoes clicked through the marble halls, rushing to her class, she'll change back during break.
"Bridget!" Jennie smiled, her best smile, the only smile she'd ever show Bridget, the others are too ugly, too much teeth, too wide, why would you scrunch your nose? Only Bridget does that right.
"Sweets! Have you met the new transfers?" Jennie had to force herself not to pull a face when she saw they touched her Bridget, she's not yours, shut up.
"I hadn't! How nice to meet other transfers!" Transfer back.
"You transferred too?" The redhead tilted her head, Jennie had to force herself to smile Bridget's smile at them, why would she waste that on some rando's.
"Yeah, I came from Wonderland a bit after Bridget!" The princess in question giggled, grabbing her hand with a smile.
"You missed me so much it's adorable!" Jennie wanted to glare at everyone around her when Bridget hugged her, but at the same time gloat about her kissing her cheek.
"I did...." She 'bashfully' looked down, blushing, more from Bridget being close than actual embarrassment, why would she be embarrassed about the truth? She missed Bridget so much she was going crazy.
"I'm Chloe! You?" Right, the other things.
"I'm Jennie! And who might you be?" Red had been staring with wide eyes for most of the time since she recognised the girl, who had been locked away in the dungeons since forever, looking like she had only been there for a few minutes, and completely crazy.
"Uh- yeah, I'm Red." Why would Bridget ever talk to someone that looked like that.
"Jennie?" Why does Ella feel like talking to her, doesn't Bridget give her enough attention for two? Three? Possibly the whole school?
"What's wrong?" I would never say the name of such a dirty obstacle, why would Bridget talk to something like that? So dirty....
"Could you go check up on Bridget for me please? I can't get to her today but she said she isn't feeling too well." Bridget isn't doing well and she told that?! Why would she ever tell her?! Why do I have to hear about it from the cinder girl?
"Of course I will! No worries, I'll go over there with some soup!" She smiled at Ella, who grinned back before leaving her alone to ponder.
"Why would Bridget tell that thing and not me?" She muttered, her pencil digging into her notebook, the point snapping off and flying up a bit, not noticing the two transfers behind her.
Red glanced over at Chloe, who was staring wide eyed at the blonde girl, who was scribbling harshly into her notebook with the left over pencil.
They quickly shook it off when she stood up, stuffing her stuff into her briefcase and turning around to walk away, her blue eyes widening when she noticed them.
She quickly composed herself, standing straight and frowning at them, she didn't feel like trying for some transfers that Bridget barely talks to.
"What." Chloe stepped back a bit, Jennie arching a brow, grimacing slightly.
"Nothing- just wanted to ask you something about Uliana and her gang." Jennie scoffed, leaning back on the table as she stared at the two, unimpressed.
"Is this about the flamingo thing? That was me, I'll deal with it." Red shot Chloe a glare, screaming 'told you so'.
"Right... well they're planning on pranking Bridget back, it won't be very pretty." The switch up was crazy, Jennie's uninterested picking at her nails turned into her rushing off, presumably to Bridget.
"Bridget? I got you some soup, heard you weren't doing well!" Jennie smiled, opening the door to her dorm, holding the plate with the soup in one hand and looking over at the sick princess.
"Ella?" The pink haired girl looked up weakly, tilting her head, the cloud of curls moving to cover one side of the pillow.
"No." Fuck! Too cold!
"Oh, I was kinda expecting her to stop by..." Why did she sound so disappointed? Is this why she didn't tell me? Does she like Ella or something?!
"Can I tell you something?" Bridget coughed out once Jennie had helped her sit up, now assisting her in eating her soup, sitting next to her on the bed.
"Mhm, always my princess." The box was burning through her skin, she should just give it to her already, if she kept pushing it back it'll be too late!
"I think I like Ella." Too late.
"I'm in here for a reason Red. Now go." The icy glare send her way almost made the 10-year old scream for the guards, but she refrained, inspecting the woman who hadn't changed at all since she'd discovered her.
"Why are you here?"
"Who is your father." Red looked down, and Jennie bit back a smirk, she was living proof someone touched her Bridget, she'll figure it out, she'll be let out soon enough.
"Mom doesn't talk about you-," her eyes widened, " -Who are you?" The woman had fallen silent, her white hair seemed to brighten her skin even more, which already stood out against the black stone.
"I am...." She seemed to think about it, not daring to look away, staring the princess down, her fingers tracing over the folds in her skirt.
"I'm the Queen's, nothing else." Red slowly tilted her head, weird.
That soon, happened to be, very soon.
Because now, Jennie was kneeling before the Queen of Hearts, holding her hand to her lips and kissing it softly, staring up at her.
"My Queen." The Queen smirked, pulling her hand back and gesturing for Red to come closer.
"Do you see her, Red? You'll have to find someone like this when you become queen, someone who'll fight for you." The princess slowly nodded, still staring at the bloodied ground of the village that had resisted, and the blood that Jennie had furiously scrubbed at on her face, which had turned into the only scratch she had, in an attempt to get the blood off of her face she just shaved off a bit of her skin.
"Who'll die for you." Red could only watch with wide eyes as her mother held out her hand, the bloodied sword Jennie held got wiped clean on her own palm before she even let it touch the Queen's skin, and she softly placed it down.
"The blood of the grass and ground of the deepest hells can't go up against the comparison of the sun and moon, my love can't touch but won't diminish, won't lessen but can't broaden." The Queen patted her head, tilting it up by her chin.
"Good job sweets." It pained Red to watch Jennie's eyes light up, staring at her mother as if nothing else mattered, which, knowing her, it probably didn't.
"Anything for my queen."
"Red! My daughter!" Bridget smiled as she approached her daughter at the ceremony, wrapping her arms around the stiffened girl, who watched with wide eyes as Jennie stalked closer, eyes narrowed and zeroed in on her as if she knew something.
"Where were you?" Her suspicions were waved off by Bridget, who happily giggled and dragged Red away and to her new dorm, which she would be sharing with Chloe.
"Jennie!" Ella called out to the woman, who ignored her, and was planning on walking straight past her, if it wasn't for Bridget stopping and smiling brightly at the fellow queen.
"Our daughters will be sharing a dorm! How exciting is this?!" The way Jennie forced herself to look Ella in the eye gave away her excitement.
"Yes, another Charming." She spat out, Bridget slapping her arm.
"Gods, what happened for you to hate them so!" Jennie couldn't help but smile at her, moving to grab onto her hand, but she had already moved on to grasp Ella's.
“You just have to join us for dinner! It’ll be so fun! We’ll have one final dinner with our families before our daughters leave the nest!” The blonde staggered in her movements when Bridget hadn’t grabbed her hands, but quickly started up again to stand beside the queen with crossed arms.
“Yeah, with the family.” She rolled her eyes, and Bridget sighed, turning and finally grabbing her hands, looking in her eyes.
“Would you mind going back to wonderland to take care of the duties for today? I swear I don’t want you to-!” Jennie had tuned her out, staring blankly at her face.
First I have to share attention with some kid, and after a lifetime of devotion this is what I get? She should be mine, mine to love, mine to cherish, mine to keep, why does she keep teasing me, I just want her to be mine.
Why doesn’t she want to be mine?
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