fiercerthanyou · 2 years
The Chemical Brothers - No Reason (Neon Marching Band Video)
Creative by @Smith&Lyall 
We have no reason to live 
We have no reason at all 
We have no reason to live 
When will they Kill us all
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sometranssoup · 2 months
My really out there Harry Potter head canon is that Hermione and Remus are cousins. Also here's a rough family tree so y'all understand my vision.
Faith and Hope's last name is Lupin. Hope took lyalls last name whilst they were married but she changed it after they divorced (in 1965). Faith isn't quite sure who Angela's father is. Everyone was given religious names except for Remus. Hermione started going by her middle name at the start if Hogwarts. Faith and Hope's mother and father were southern but moved to England in the 1957 when Faith and Hope were about 15 (yes that means Hope had Remus at 17-18) Faith and Hope are twins. Angela was born a few years after Remus and they grew up very close. Close enough that Remus is considered Hermione's uncle.
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2700lagostas · 2 years
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The Chemical Brothers - "No Reason (Neon Marching Band Video)" dir. Adam Smith & Marcus Lyall
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thepassengermag · 4 months
The Chemical Brothers en Casa Batlló
Vive una experiencia inmersiva de la mano de los artistas visuales Smith & Lyall y Sónar en uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Barcelona. Continue reading The Chemical Brothers en Casa Batlló
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girl-named-matty · 10 days
Hogwarts Legacy next generation - The Sallows
As I said in this post, I wanted to share some photos and lore of some of the next generation of hl kids in my lore! So, today we're doing the Sallows! <3.
Eleazar Sallow:
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You've already seen him on my account before but this is Eleazar Sallow! He is the oldest child out of the five Sallow kids and he was named after Matty's late mentor at school, Eleazar Fig. Upon coming to school, he was sorted into Gryffindor (much to Matty's bragging rights upon her husband since she's a Gryffindor herself).
Growing up, he was definitely your stereotypical mature oldest brother. He helped out with his younger siblings, kept his younger brothers from getting into trouble (or at least tried) and looked out for his younger sisters when trouble came by.
He is an absolute hopeless romantic and has been in love with the same girl since he was five (whom he later on married). In school, he was close friends with Xander Prewett and Hector Weasley who were both sorted into Gryffindor as well. The three of them do a lot together and were practically inseparable in school. He played on Gryffindor's quidditch team and that was one of his hobbies he really enjoyed.
Later on in life, he follows in his mothers footsteps and becomes an Auror. Although, unlike her he didn't go into the Hit Wizard/Witch department, he went into Magical Law Enforcement Patrol (so basically what Officer Singer does, except for he actually does his job.)
He marries Noctua Gaunt II (more on her later) and has one son whom he names Gideon.
Caroline Sallow:
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This is Caroline Sallow! She's the 2nd oldest in the family and the oldest daughter. When she went into school, she very unsurprisingly sorted into Ravenclaw.
From a young age, Matty and Sebastian noticed just how intelligent their daughter was. She taught herself to read and write, advanced in her understanding of magic, and even taught herself about muggle studies that she had heard of from her mother. So it wasn't surprising that she got into Ravenclaw.
She is definitely the braincells when it comes to the Sallow kids (more specifically her younger brother, Marcellus) and attempts to keep him from doing dumb crap like teenage boys often do.
She's somewhat a "no-nonsense" kind of woman, meaning she just likes things to get done the way they should be and nobody should be goofing off while doing it, as that might interrupt the process of it. She's very particular about specific things.
Her best friend is Noctua II, as they have been good friends since childhood. Although they are in different houses, they always made sure to find time to hang out together. Caroline is also well acquainted with Dean Clopton (bet you cant guess whose kid that is lol). But regardless of her acquaintance with the quidditch lover, she absolutely despises quidditch and is the only Sallow child to not play. She read a book about it once and said she knew all that she needed to know about it.
Later on in life, she becomes a Professor (although she doesn't teach at Hogwarts). She met her husband, Rome Smith, in her workplace. The two were later married and had two children, Hildegard and Lyall Smith.
Marcellus Sallow:
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Ah yes, the Sebastian-esque child who also happens to be the middle child. Buckle up because this is a complicated one lol. Marcellus Sallow is the third oldest out of the Sallow children and he also happens to be the middle child. He is the most like his father out of all of them and half of the time that's a good thing and half of the time its a disaster.
He was a total daddy's boy growing up, following Sebastian around everywhere as long as he was allowed to. So, obviously Sebastian spent a lot of time around Marcel in particular. And like Sebastian when he was younger, Marcel tended to get into a bit of trouble throughout his childhood.
Eleazar and Caroline would constantly have to make sure he wasn't getting into trouble or doing something he wasn't supposed to. So yes, he is absolutely the problem child but he isn't all that bad.
He enjoys reading but prefers action fantasies over other genres. He's constantly outside and exploring the world around him and that usually is the way he gets into trouble if he doesn't stop himself before its too late. He actually slit his own eyebrow himself because he thought it'd make him look cool. He ended up getting in trouble for that later and it got infected because he didn't do it right (💀). But he has zero regrets about it.
In school, he is unsurprisingly sorted into Slytherin and he is good friends with Lorenzo Gaunt, despite the two of them having around a three year age gap. He plays Quidditch and loves winning has he is a very competitive person. Merlin forbid he loses against one of his siblings in a game of Quidditch. He gets all salty about it but eventually gets over it.
In his fifth year, he meets a girl named Marie, who had been ditched by her date at one of the school dances. Marcel himself didn't have a date, so when he saw her sitting alone (and thought she was cute) asked her to dance. He then harbored a massive crush on her and they ended up getting married almost immediately after school. Later, they had two sons Jonathan and Roman.
For his career path, Marcel dreamed of following in his fathers footsteps of being a Curse Breaker but unfortunately after getting mixed up with the wrong group of friends once Lorenzo graduated from Hogwarts, Marcel got into a bad mix of people and ended up becoming a smuggler secretly.
(i'd have to take a whole post to explain his further lore on just this subject alone, so we're gonna stop it there before it gets too sad LOL)
Adonis Sallow:
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The boy sweetheart of the Sallow family, that's for sure. Adonis is the forth and youngest son in the Sallow family. He is the older twin of Anne Sallow II by about five minutes.
He is an absolute mommy's boy. As Matty got older and stopped working more frequently, she could spend more time at home as she desired. The twins were the last two children to be born so she got to spend more time with them as expected. Adonis was practically glued at the hip to his mother for the first couple of years of his life. He could be described as a sweet but anxious child.
Eventually, he grew out of his mass anxiety thanks to the help of his older brothers and learned how to cope with it. Although he still struggles with it, it's much better than it used to be. He enjoys being outside and enjoys small creatures of pretty much any kind. He used to find insects or other small creatures and bring them inside to show everybody, much to Caroline's dismay (she hates insects).
In school, he was sorted into the Hufflepuff house and has many friends there. But either way, his best friend is his twin sister. He is loved by the Professors and students there due to his loving nature, something his family was very proud of. He also played quidditch and got really good at it.
He met his future wife, Rose, at school when he was in his seventh year. Rose didn't talk much and as a result of this was often bullied for it. When Adonis was made aware of this, he made sure to reach out to her. He knew she didn't have any friends, so he offered to be hers. He told her she didn't have to talk if she was uncomfortable with it and that he'd keep up the conversations himself.
Eventually the two ended up falling in love and eventually Rose was comfortable enough for the two of them to begin talking with one another. It was something that he helped her with and that deepened their love for one another. After school, they ended up getting married and had four children: twins Peter and Dorran and then two daughters, Amaryllis and Cassiopeia.
As for his career, he saw how being an Auror affected his mother and older brother mentally and physically and wanted to help those from that department with their struggles. He ended up studying to become a therapist and opened his own practice to help Aurors who were struggling mentally. He was publicly praised for this since the Ministry offered no compensation to the Aurors who had been working for so long.
Anne Sallow II:
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Anne Sallow II is the youngest child out of the Sallow children. She was obviously named after her aunt, Anne. Sebastian attempted to name his first daughter, Caroline, after his sister but Anne griped about it saying it made her feel old. Eventually, once Anne II was born, she allowed Sebastian to name his daughter after her. Although a contending name for her was Aria, after Sebastian and Anne's mother.
She is the younger twin of Adonis and was the unexpected one. When Matty found out she was pregnant for the fourth time, she expected it to be one final child. Turns out it was twins, surprise!! I hope you enjoyed all the sleepless nights with not one but two babies!!
The twins were also born prematurely, which definitely didn't help with Matty's anxiety about the situation. But everything worked out and Anne II is dearly cherished by her parents. Although, since she and her brother were premature, they developed some health issues and often got sick as children. As they grew older, it got better but both of them can recall getting sick quite often.
Just like her twin brother, Anne was also sorted into Hufflepuff and is friends with many there. She is outrageously outgoing and is the more competitive twin. She loves Quidditch and made a very good chaser in her days of playing.
After her time in school, she went on to become a Professional Quidditch player and being half Irish, she played on Irelands team. Which Matty was very happy about. After a few years of Professional playing, Anne decided that the life of quidditch was no longer for her, as it became less enjoyable. She turned to studying nursing and became a nurse in a muggle hospital.
Under unfortunate, but slightly humorous circumstances, she met her husband, Clark Nelson, who was a muggle man. The two later ended up marrying and had two sons, David and Benjamin.
(Sebastian wasn't the absolute happiest that his daughter was marrying a muggle, simply due to the fact that she'd be around less since she had chosen to stay with her muggle lifestyle. However, once Matty reminded him that she was a muggleborn and spent fifteen years of her life living as one ((not to mention he had muggle in-laws)), he quickly got over it and has a good relationship with his son-in-law.)
Sorry this is long as crap. But this is actually very little of their lore, pretty much just the basics. Each one of these characters has a lot of lore behind their characters because I just couldn't help myself LOL.
Hope you enjoyed! The Gaunt's are next! 💚
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aurora-daily · 1 year
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AURORA for The Chemical Brothers' track “The Eve of Destruction“ by Adam Smith and Marcus Lyall | 2019
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pfctipper · 3 months
16 & 22 for the violence ask!
thank you anon these are such good ones!
16 you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterisation, trope, headcanon etc)
obviously i understand why people like it but i don't read self-insert or ofc fic! which is not a slight at all as lots of it is incredibly high-quality and well-researched. but one of my favourite things about fic is how it lets me explore chearacters i already know further (which imo enhances the porn).
also i have never really read or written it, or frankly any m/f ships, in any fandom. even as a twelve-year-old i was like oh no draco/reader or harry/hermione for me thank you i would exclusively like to read about oliver wood kissing percy weasley in the quidditch locker room
so i was definitely surprised by quite how popular it is in hbo war!
22 your favourite part of canon that everyone else ignores
this is stretching the definition of canon to encompass actual history lmao but easy company beyond the key players we focus on each episode! both in the sense that e.g. babe and roe don't feature much in crossroads but were there, so you can have fun filling in the blanks as to what they were up to during mourmelon (this was also when lip interrupted the nco pillow fight haha), and also that if you read e.g. web's book he basically experiences the war with an entirely different group (mccreary, christenson, vd, tiny baby clancy lyall, burr smith). i like finding out more about them and it tickles me when they pop up.
also i love moose heyliger (who was with easy originally at toccoa!). it is criminal that there is not a single moose fic on ao3
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allamericanb-tch · 3 months
kill your darlings thoughts
all of them bc i read this in one day 
chapter 1
hooray i know nothing about hockey
“like some kind of psychological boob job”
ooh he’s moving
i love bad drivers
no sirius definitely is infamous
regulus is in gryffindor ?!
marlene and dorcas omg
having an older sibling with a reputation and everyone assuming you’re exactly like them is the worst can confirm
baby black
ahhh i want to know who’s in his dorm
i like cerci
sirius jump scare
james is the ra
regulus you’re giving me secondhand embarrassment i may have to take a lap after reading that
evan is just trying to be a good wingman 
they’re at the bar now ahhh
oooh remus
sirius knows sign language omg
wait is wolfstar wolfstarring
oooh james is here
omg lily
oh no poor regulus omg
oh no walburger is calling
oh wait james is talking to regulus now
me this whole time: “oh oh oh omg oh”
omg they were having a moment
wait i love this
chapter 2
oooh lore
eugh snape
eugh lucius
omg james is here
james taking a creative writing class 😭
kill your darlings omg
lily is studying marine biology omg
ope james casually telling regulus his relationship with lily is too easy ?!
“He’s not…gay. Well, not outside his head anyway. It’s better that way.” ☹️
evan is feeling homesick ☹️
omg regulus is going to the hockey game
chapter 3
remus pov (!!!)
are they dating i’m confused
they’re on the roof
this is cute
“i love the smiths” “sorry?” “i said i love the smiths”
it’s so like. hmm. to see mulciber being referred to as nicolai
eugh nicolai
remus is facetiming his parents
i do not like lyall
regulus pov
oh wait i think this is the same day
james jump scare
“You’re in the closet?” “Yes.” A heavy handed metaphor but there’s not much that can be done. The beds are too low to crawl under.   
lucius is making me nervous
sirius is here
evan is a good friend
oh james is here
pete is being a good friend
chapter 4
oh??? hanky panky??? 
oooh a flashback
eugh mulciber
james pov
oh my
regulus is here
oooh they’re talking
“This is bad. This is so so so bad.” you’re right about that james
peter pov again
oh my
chapter 5
sirius pov
how is james being normal right now
and with LILY
alice hi
ok i think wolfstar is just mutual pining and not dating
i get the feeling mary and lily are marylilying
oh no im nervy
regulus pov omg
eugh snape
so are we just not gonna address what happened
evan pov again
james pov
uh oh peter
oh no the party
it was. omg.
i’m tweaking out guys
regulus pov
james pov
plot is plotting guys
my hands are shaking
chapter 6
this fic is all over the place but it adds to the drama i think
backstory hello
wait does sirius think regulus has a crush on evan
omg wait
i think the reason evan didn’t go to salazar was because barty did and something happened with them
james is talking to the cops
ope sirius and mulciber are fighting
evan is talking to the cops now
why did evan tell them he did the drugs voluntarily 
backstory again
bye wait i haven’t been saying anything im just too invested in the evan lore
this chapter is crazy omg
oh hello barty is telling evan to meet him
they’re kissing omg
they’re having a chat
chapter 7
regulus pov
he’s at work im nervy
i know what’s coming
omg james is here
this fic is so crazy actually
so we’re just not going to address the hanky panky in chapter 4 i see
remus pov
so remus thinks sirius is mad bc he didn’t tell him about the cochlears and sirius is mad because he thinks remus likes regulus
wait im actually so confused
james pov
wait so did nothing happen??? WAIT WAS IT A DREAM OH THAT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE
omg jily break up
it was for the best.
GASP guys my face is actually like 😧
chapter 8
evan hello
evan and regulus save me evan and regulus
omg she’s ace
i love cerci
evan pov again
stop this is so funny evan is offering to kiss regulus because regulus thinks he will never kiss a boy
they’re kissing
did james see this and they didn’t even know he did??
sirius pov
my red flag is that i love miscommunication
omg wait
walburga is calling sirius
sirius is talking to regulus now
regulus pov
they’re at the leaky
they’re drunk kissing on the floor of the bathroom
this is not going to end well i fear
chapter 9
james pov
guys i was so locked in reading this i didn’t write anything
they kissed for real in the LIBRARY
chapter 10
oooh regulus pov
why is severus not the worst actually like
regulus is going to james dorm oooo
he’s reading a book to him
ope they’re kissing now
gasp walburga is calling
he is leaving ☹️
remus pov
noooo remus
evan ahh
oh cerci i love her
text ??
uh oh walburga again
pete ☹️
sirius just came home and remus and fabian were on the couch
 chapter 11
i’m getting secondhand embarrassment 
guys i think it’s game day
omg effie and monty are here
they won!
oh my
barty ?!
chapter 12
lilyyyy hi
mary is a hijabi omg
this fic has so much going on i can’t keep up with it
lily is iconic
not a fan of fabian and remus
chapter 13
these thoughts are getting shorter and shorter
james is asking him to come over
ART HEIST BABY REFERENCE ?? wait idk if this was written before or after art heist baby
they’re talking about like in every universe this has to be an ahb reference 
cerci and evan friendship 
peter. hm. 
sirius doesn’t even know 😭
he told evan
“James Potter, the great moral authority. Everything is black and white with you until one of your buddies is involved right? Then it’s complicated.” regulus has a point
chapter 14
guys my lip is so swollen from my canker sore 
uh oh lucius
ugh mulciber
james is here
they had a talk that was important
uh oh evan walked in on them
chapter 15
bye i haven’t been writing my thoughts but SIRIUS IS GOING TO HIS PARENTS FOR CHRISTMAS??
chapter 16
basically regulus is. well. you know. and james came out to his parents somewhat unintentionally 
chapter 17
regulus ☹️
monty didn’t know that sirius doesn’t know
sirius kissed remus and fabian saw and now remus and fabian have broken up
marylily save me marylily
regulus pov ive been waiting for you
chapter 18
looking forward to this i haven’t been home in 4 hours and i went through withdrawals
james wooo
he’s getting filled in on the wolfstar lore
fabian pov jump scare
aw gideon
ope peter
effie marry me
regulus went back to james and james was gone
they’re skating
they’re talking
wait ❤️‍🩹
very platonically but they kissed nonetheless
they way they all text is so on brand for them
ugh i lowk feel bad for fabian like i disliked him bc i love wolfstar and he was getting in the way of that but this is sad for him
you know i was not expecting the hanky panky to be fabian and remus
james again
chapter 19
awkward jegulus save me awkward jegulus
they’re awkward in an endearing way and not in a secondhand embarrassment way right now
woo game
evan ahh
evan may be having a crisis
woo hoo they won
omg evan and cerci asexual power couple of the century
alice jump scare
omg alice and barty crossover
stop wait i love them
chapter 20
wait why is it sad now
aw wait
marylily save me marylily
i love them
oh no his parents
wait wolfstar
they’re talking
chapter 21
oh no (the tw’s)
aw wait
me bc it took wolfstar 21/28 chapter to get together
regulus eek
evan is a real one
severus ?!
chapter 22
gasp regulus 
 chapter 23
i have five chapters left but it’s 1 am ugh
wait i’m loving this
and the poem
oh wait
sirius and mary friendship
i love muslim mary
chapter 24
regulus ☹️
he’s just like me fr
wait stop i actually really like severus
james ☹️
he told regulus he loves him
no stop im gonna cry this is hitting too hard
no this sucks
chapter 25
flashback regulus
chapter 26
i’m a little bit worried that there’s only two chapters after this and it’s all very angsty right now
flashback sirius
remus made him safe food
sirius and reg are talking
it’s almost two i should sleep
evan i love you
chapter 27
almost done guys
barty chapter
i like alice a lot 
barty just drove all the way to evan
i love rosekiller
 chapter 28
last one
and james
regulus again
sirius again
regulus again
sirius again
peter ?!
flashback james
i may cry
☹️ (?)
james ☹️ oh my
hey i thought this was supposed to be a happy ending
they’re going to the hospital
walburga just told regulus she loves him
this is cute in a sort of sad way
slowly but surely this ending is getting happier
they’re boyfriends
good (not sarcasm)
wolfstar save me wolfstar
aw fabian met someone
marylily save me marylily
regulus again
ok that was a lovely ending and it is now 3 am
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regulusblaxxk · 9 months
We’re urgently looking for more female marauders including Marlene , Mary , Alice longbottom, and Effie potter!!
It’s 18+ strictly (admin age wise)
Here’s who’s available!
・Phineas Black
・Horace Slughorn
・Millicent Bulstrode
・Vincent Crabble
・Gregory Goyle
・Dolores Umbridge
・Walden Macnair
・Rabastain Lastrange
・Avery jr
・Corbin Yaxley
・Marcus Flint
・Adrian Pucey
・Terence Higgs
・Tracey Davis 
・Delphini Riddle
・Sebastian Sallow
・Druella Black
・Felix Rosier
・Andromeda Tonks
・Mattheo Riddle
・Lorenzo Berkshire
・Minerva McGonagall
・Rubeus Hagrid
・Lavender Brown
・Mary McDonald
・Marlene McKinnon
・Arthur Weasley
・Hugo Weasley
・Euphemia Potter
・Dominique Weasley
・Fred Weasley Jr.
・Rose Weasley-Granger
・Alice Longbottom
・Frank Longbottom
・Lucy Weasley
・Angelica Weasley
・Lyall Lupin
・Roxanne Weasley
・Hannah Abbott
・Ernie McMillan
・Theseus Scamander
・Artemisia Lufkin
・Pomona Sprout
・Susan Bones
・Molly Weasley Jr
・Nymphadora Tonks
・Audrey Weasley
・Justin Finch-Fletchley
・Zacharias Smith
・Artemisia Lufkin
・Gilderoy Lockhart
・Padma Patil
・Rolf Scamander
・Victoire Weasley
・Rita Skeeter
・Marlene McKinnon
・Fleur Delacour
・Gabrielle Delacour
・Ted Tonks
・Vinda Rosier
・Minette Rosier
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
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🎬: Smith & Lyall.
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fortitudina · 2 years
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               * MUSE LIST.     ------      Angel Aalbiel  /  Abigail Walker  /  Aeshma Daeva  /  Archangel Akrasiel  /  Alec Lightwood  /  Anastasia Grey  /  Anastasiya Schmidt  /  Anastasiya Zakharov  /  Anatola  /  Angel Aoife  /  Angel Arik  / Divine Goddess Asherah  /  Asmodeus Morningstar  /  Angel Aziel  /  Angel Bina  /  Briar Morningstar  /  Caassimolar  /  Castaelar Aleanundlin  /  Charlotte Holmes  / Chloe Decker  /  Cillian Brockhurst  /  Clary Fray  /  Dr Conrad Hawkins  /  Cooper Hemming  /  Daisy Johnson  /  Dantanian Daeva  /  Dorothea Morningstar  /  Dr Eliza Campbell  /  Ella Lopez  /  Elua D’Angeline  /  Esther Morningstar  /  Angel Evangeline Stewart  /  Faolan Lowell  /  Archangel Gabriel  /  Genevieve Hart  /  Dr Guinevere Voigt  /  Angel Hali  /  Prince Hamon of Zion  /  Harv Wilson  /  Hermione Granger  /  Iris Russell  /  Isabelle Lightwood  /  James Bond  /  Dr Johanna Carter  /  Archangel Jophiel  /  Julian Barnett  /  Kate Bishop  /  Kol Mikaelson  /  Leon Andrews  /  Lien Xao  /  Life  /  Dr Lily Morningstar  /  Lily Evans-Potter  /  Dr Linda Martin  /  Prince Liron Strix  /  Louie Morningstar  /  Love Pena  /  Luna Lovegood  /  Lyall Mortis  /  Angel Malachi  /  Lady Mary Crawley  /  Mother Mary ~ Jesus’s momma  /  Mary Queen of Scotts  /  Massimo Torricelli  /  Matilda Demiurgos  /  Matt Casey  /  Matthew de Clermont  /  Mazikeen Smith  /  Archangel Michael Demiurgos  /  Mycroft Holmes  /  Nancy Perez  /  Nancy Wheeler  /  Demon Ornias  /  King Paimon  /  Q  /  Quinlan  /  Archangel Ramiel  /  Rebecca Barnes  /  Rhonwen Harrow  /  Romy Willow  /  Rosier D’Angelus  /  Ruby Moran  /  Rudi Miller  /  Sherlock Holmes  /  Demon Sitri  /  Storm Demiurgos  /  Angel Temeluchus  /  Tito Giordano  /  Tommy Shelby  /  Uinseann McConnell  /  Waverly Earp  /  Wynonna Earp  /  Yahweh ( God )  /  Yelena Belova  / Zarya Demiurgos.
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lonexstars · 2 years
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R E M U S   J.  L U P I N about;; 
Name: remus john smith Nickname: moony, moons, wolfy, wolf boy, wolf Gender & Pronouns: male he/him Age & DOB: 21 march. 10. Zodiac sign: Pisces  Orientation: pansexual Nationality: welsh Ethnicity: white Religion: n/a Neuroses: n/a
Hometown: cardigan, wales Father: lyall lupin Mother: Hope Howell Siblings, if any: n/a Extended family: n/a Educational background: hogwarts, oxford
MBTI: INTJ Enneagram: peacemaker Temperament: melancholic Hogwarts House: gryffindor Inspirations/Parallels: rory gilmore, peter parker, jo marsh, 
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bitsmag · 4 months
Festival espanhol Sónar e Casa Batlló exibem instalação dos The Chemical Brothers
Quem estiver por Barcelona em junho poderá conferir o novo trabalaho de The Chemical Brothers e Smith & Lyall. A instituição de arte espanhola Casa Battló (também conhecida como Casa de Gaudi) #Sonar #TheChemicalBrothers #CasaBattlo #Barcelona
Trilha sonora de The Chemical Brothers (Tom Rowlands & Ed Simons) Visuais de Smith & Lyall (Adam Smith & Marcus Lyall)Trilha sonora de The Chemical Brothers (Tom Rowlands & Ed Simons) Visuais de Smith & Lyall (Adam Smith & Marcus Lyall)Trilha sonora de The Chemical Brothers (Tom Rowlands & Ed Simons) Visuais de Smith & Lyall (Adam Smith & Marcus Lyall)Trilha sonora de The Chemical Brothers (Tom…
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g4ljw-amateur-radio · 10 months
Taking amateur radio into schools – RSGB Convention presentation
As part of its commitment to outreach and the growth of amateur radio, the RSGB has released a presentation from its 2023 Convention, called “Taking amateur radio into schools”. Lyall Smith, GM4XID; Chris Leviston, M0KPW; and Simon Harris, G4WQG, share their experiences of inspiring school pupils to explore and have fun with amateur radio. Lyall […] http://dlvr.it/SyyWvF
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gastricotv · 2 years
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emiliodown · 2 years
Lay Me by the Shore from David Findlay on Vimeo.
Introducing a young cast of first time actors, ‘Lay Me by the Shore’ follows a week in the life of Noah, a high school senior in his final days of school as he comes to terms with his best friend’s passing.
Berlinale, 2022 TIFF, 2022
"Lay Me by the Shore" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere. Our new interactive player enables viewers to watch the film, play with Director's Commentary, and read a Q&A with director David Findlay. To return to the main menu, click "Menu" in the upper left hand corner of the screen at any time.
lay me by the shore Starring Isla Pouliot & Kai Smith Written & Directed by David Findlay Inspired by the Music of The White Birch (Ola Fløttum) Produced by Joaquin Cardoner
Cinematographer Evan Prosofsky Editor Alexander Farah Production Designer Kathleen Cooper Sound Designer Mitchell Allen
Executive Producers Sultan Al Saud, Evan Landry Co-Producers Nicolas Tiry, Aline Meyerhoffer, Neel Gupta Associate Producers Philippe Widmer, Max De Pfyffer, Michael Kuna
With Brennan Smart, Aslan Campbell, Tait Jordan, Mary Alef, Jacob Milton, Quinn Bovell, Elyse Farmer, Dylan Macauley, Luca Jacoe, Amadou Bella Diallo, Julian Pineda, Caleb Richmond, Paul Snider, Vivi Harder, Demelza Randall, Ian Kim, Austin de St Croix, Sylvain Rousseau, Brittany Charlston, Gwenna Cooper, Kalayna Kozak, Sam deBock, Nicky Lee Evans, Christopher Evans, Vincent Delorme, Halia Hirniak, Ethan Chao, Sam Gilling, Asaad Al Arid, Charles Booth, Krystal Issa, Lyall Woznesensky, Debbie Woznesensky, Scott Girling, Maria Lefebvre, Aggie Cheung, Jodie Bartman, Anthony Curtis, Nicholas Chase, Mathew King
Casting by Kris Woznesensky & Kara Eide Casting Associate James Kirk
Production Manager Angelica Stirpe 1st AD (mvp) Nano Clow 2nd AD Dide Su Bilgin
Colourist Sam Gilling 1st AC Jared Boyce 2nd AC Chris Merrell Loader Angelo Daniele Steadicam Operator Peter Park 2nd unit DP Jeremy Cox 2nd unit 1st AC Cody Preston
Gaffer Greg Goudreau add'l Gaffers Torbin Doege & Adrianna Hankins Genny Op Ben Graham Key Grip Andriy Lyskov Grips Benedict Dawson, Jan Schädle Ubeda, Greg Sisson, Rob Hastings
Art Director/Man of the Year Jordan Macken Art Department Justin Macken, Sebastian Cerani, Chino Cando, Myra Gimenes Stylist Nina Maidment Style Assists Jordan Campbell, Nina Cheb-Terrab, Samantha Green
Music Supervisor Dondrea Erauw VFX Evan Graves & David McDonald Stunt Coordinator Owen Walstrom Stunt Driver Brennan Walstrom Kayak Instructor Kiah Schaepe
Sound Mix Harry Knazan - OSO Sound Recordist Jjuan Marcos Percy Production Coordinator Sydney Robertson Key Production Assistant Grayson Lang Production Assistants
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