clairebear0724 6 years
Another day, another seizure.. long story short, on Saturday I had a seizure casually walking to the car to leave with my bf. I asked him what happened after we got back upstairs and he told me he knew once I stopped walking and responding to him. I felt pain on my ankle and when I looked I'm just thinking, WTF. I was going on a week seizure free and I'm just so bummed. I know its always bound to happen but it just sucks that's all. I honestly think that was a breakthrough seizure since I'm decreasing one of my meds. I do feel better now that I'm back to one medication instead of 3 馃憤
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thatscalmdotcom 8 years
To purchase this track please contact my email: [email protected] More beats on the way...
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clairebear0724 6 years
Fuck you FDA
Ok, I want to make this perfectly clear. These FDA and scientists mfs cannot just go into a lab, learn that a NATURAL PLANT grows out of the earth to CURE diseases, and yet they still insist to make FAKE cannabis. How the fuck are you supposed to cure diseases if it's fucking "SYNTHETIC". There is no such thing as a "synthetic form of cannabis" that is "safe". That's like going to Walmart to buy a plastic plant to make your office look nicer and then tell everyone its going to grow because you're watering it. It sounds stupid huh? Exactly, it doesn't work that way. The government is brainwashing americans again to believe that this is "safe". The only way anything of medical value will be approved is if its filled with chemicals. It's not fucking rocket science to literally see that cannabis cures fucking cancer, epilepsy etc etc. Last time I checked, if you put chemicals in your body, you'd end up calling the poison and disease control. Your so called "doctors" are pieces of shit too if they keep shoving pills down your throat every month. Fuck you FDA. Fuck you US government. Fuck you Trump. And a big fuck you to people who are so brainwashed that they think a fucking plant will kill you. I have fucking epilepsy and my seizures will COMPLETELY STOP 3 minutes after I've used cannabis. And a little fun fact for you too: did you know your body has natural cannabinoids already since birth? This isn't a new thing either. Gtfoh with your synthetic cannabis bullshit.
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clairebear0724 6 years
Things I Ramble About #6
Ok so here's the thing, I've been working with my job on disability and how I don't know if I'll have to quit or if they'll give me leave since I'm part time right. AND on top of that my boss is hiring already. The government is now shut down simply because this stupid mother fucker likes to act like a 2 year old. But you know us working class, 20 something year old, epileptic, part time employee peasants don't matter because we're not rich. Its irritating that this is nothing new.
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clairebear0724 6 years
Things I Ramble About #5
Ok so just like a million other people starting a youtube channel, Ima go for it. I mean why not? Maybe other people can relate to me? Or maybe I鈥檓 so strange people will watch me put a camera in my face just for shits and giggles. I鈥檒l try. Not anytime soon though. Like, I still have to figure out editing and uploading and etc etc all that jazz. Wish me luck on my endeavours.聽聽
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clairebear0724 6 years
My Abnormal Brain etc.
Here it is in no particular order. Yes, I have epilepsy. Yes, I smoke cannabis, weed, herb, whatever suits you, everyday. Yes, I'm a functional stoner. Yes, I've got issues with mental health. Yes, I educate as many people as possible about epilepsy. Yes, I get upset at anyone completely incompetent about cannabis and/or epilepsy (use google, it's not that difficult). Yes, I have seizures every couple of days. Yes, I've been on 5 different medications. No, I'm not an angry pessimist. Yes, I'm bettering myself everyday. Yes, I work. Yes, I'm trying for disability. No, I don't drive anymore because I had a seizure while driving. Yes, I'm ok. Yes, I have shitty family issues too. Yes, I'm the weirdest person ever. Look, my issues are more or less similar to yours. That's called being a human.
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