#smosh dms
unknownteapot · 6 months
the only dm i've ever sent anyone on the smosh cast was this morning, and it was to angela:
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simplydm · 6 months
Shayne and Courtney tomorrow maybe
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babychosen · 2 months
just checking in, how we doing smoshblr?
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ianthoni · 8 months
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tame-a-messenger · 5 months
After watching the lego livestream and the big brother/little sister thing Shayne and Angela have I keep thinking is Damangela just a my-brother's-best-friend trope thing?
We love a Brothers-best-friend trope!
I think that's pretty spot on, minus the romance lol.
I've never really gotten the vibe that Ang and Damien are like siblings or cousins? They feel more like rivals or like a version of Tom & Jerry to me. I don't think I've EVER known anybody with siblings to act like they do, just in general.
They have that kind of "12yr old neighborhood kids that ride their bikes around" Goonies vibe/friendship. They give me that kind of summer nostalgia from when you were a kid feeling. Not too close with each other but willing to anything for one another, buddies regardless of closeness.
(HOLY FUCK would that be a fun story!! Some of the Smosh cast as youngin's (12-17yrs) going around Goonies/Stranger things style on bikes solving something!!! I would read the SHIT out of that!! SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE IT!!)
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Love Sword AF but holy shit after today’s games video I want a campaign featuring this group with Spencer DMing
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smoshkidtv · 1 month
i’m nervous and excited for whatever drops tomorrow!! i really hope i&a will still be part of the main channel (beyond working behind the scenes, i want to see them on camera), but i want to put my trust in them and the cast.
also, i hope whatever show it is, that they still do sketches like the did pre-break. at least to me, it wouldn’t make sense to push out i&a to just the lwspod, so i really hope they become more involved in content now that they’re back from their break. also also, they can’t keep the members hanging on for so long with no bonus content! i hope they bring back more content for members as well ^^
i want to be optimistic since, while i do love i&a and they’re the reason i got back into smosh, i realized during the break that i still enjoy smosh content that they aren’t in. i still want them to be involved somehow, whether it’s main, pit, or games!!
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crunchycrystals · 6 months
i cant find all the posts ive made ab dropout and smosh crossovers anyway apparently garrett worked on sam says 3 so i am begging sam reich to get angela and/or chanse on dirty laundry
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starangela · 2 months
my dms are always open if yall wanna be moots (and talk about Amangela hehehe) MEN DNI
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baflegacy · 4 months
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 6 months
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unknownteapot · 4 months
heyyyy wonderful people <3 does anyone maybe m a y b e have a link to the fuck this month vod they'd like to share? i promise i'll be so so nice to you and thank you so much :,) just got my wisdom teeth out and i have to lie down for a while and ouchhhhhh and i would so so deeply appreciate any kind soul who would be willing to share it cause honestly amangela is probably the only thing that could save me rn...
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silly-22-kitty · 23 days
What I love the most is an obedient pet, I love puppies that follow my orders. They are cute and pretty, specially when they give me their money.
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smoshrot · 7 months
have a really cool idea for a spencer and courtney fanficiton that uses a similar fantasy reality fusion concept as she kills monsters but makes it a trillion times better and not uncomfortable but i don't really do fantasy content so you guys just have to trust that this could have been really cool and i'm a really good writer who could have made it awesome
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jovenshires · 10 months
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this is unfortunately too real
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
damien's "i guess i've been working out'' comment towards angela?? idk if he realizes or not but he's peacocking big time loll and caling angela's character his fave etc.. he wants to impress/noticed by her so much (to me i think this is more of admiring/friendly crush but i do smell something.. :) idk enough about angela to read whats her deal is, she is more subtle to me)
I raised my eyebrow when he made that comment too lmao
It's usually something you'd say if you were flirting with someone lol, it's really funny to me how often they both accidentally walk into 'flirty scenarios/sayings'.
(I can literally think of a LARGE handful of times they've said/done flirty shit to each other not thinking too much of it) (i.e.. the "I know Damien's!" misunderstanding, to the most recent big one- the Christmas Event™ among others)
pea·cock - verb - peacocking
display oneself ostentatiously.
os·ten·ta·tious·ly - adverb
in a pretentious or showy way designed to impress.
I love the term peacocking, it's such a funny way of saying someone's trying to impress you lol.
He's almost constantly calling Angela's character's his favorite (and sometimes calling Angela herself 'his' favorite)(see- Mr. Grub on numerous occasions) and is always saying some flirty shit to her in TNTLs (his 'Sarah Christ'- "My place or yours?")
I find it interesting that you said Angela is more subtle! I can read her SUPER easily (by virtue of being damn near the exact same person as her). Damien's the one I struggle with reading.
I think I've talked about it before but, Angela's biggest tell to me with Damien is how much she makes fun of him. Like whenever he makes faces she stares. Like fully stares straight at him and smiles/laughs while pointing at him. (lol) And repeating his sayings "Heart of the cards" is another big way that she, not so much trying to impress, but shows him that she thinks he's cool?
AND HOW COULD WE OVERLOOK HER DRESSING UP AS HIM MULTIPLE TIMES! as someone that is incredibly similar to her, I would only dress up as somebody that much if I'm OBSESSED with them in a friendly way (think weebs and cosplaying, they have a favorite character, they cosplay them)(Damien is Angela's favorite character).
I do fully believe they both are trying to impress each other, but they're both like? super nerds? so them 'impressing' each other is usually dulled down and twisted into them making fun of one another (which I think is hilarious) because they don't know what they could even impress each other with.
They both really like each other (friendly way) and seem to have just fallen into rhythm with one another. (they've always had good energy around each other, but it was like they were nervous/unsure if they were saying the right things)(whereas now it feels like it's getting closer to them being 'lock-step' with each other)
I don't think 'crush' is the best way to describe them though? (I understood what you meant by it being a 'admiration crush' though! (this shit is so hard to explain, just know I know what you meant lol) Weirdly, chummy is coming to mind? they're very good chums <3 also pals, they make good pals
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