#smurf berry crunch
steamboatdreamy · 7 months
(VHS Recording credit: Unknown. Two watermarks got cropped out by the uploader on YouTube, not myself.)
A fully-animated commercial advertising the Smurf Berry Crunch Cereal in 1983. It features cast members from Smurfs (1981) reprising their roles. This one follows a short plot of Jokey Smurf pranking his friends as they're making the cereal and ends with Jokey getting pranked himself.
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zanysmurf · 4 months
i want smurf berry crunch or really any new smurf cereal to come out just because of that image. the former is never going to happen but i just think it would be poetic. "smurf berry crunch IS coming back. soon! so get the fuck in here. NOW!"
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thecerealdiet · 5 years
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Cereal #161: Cap’n Crunch’s Red, White & Blue Crunch
This is just Cap’n Crunch Oops! All Berries with a wig on.
This is probably as good a time as ever to explain why I have never been a big fan of that weird cerealberry flavor.
Back when I was a little kid (late 70s / early 80s), when cereal was at its absolute finest, the store cereal shelves were lined with boxes that threw all caution to the wind. 
We had all the sugar that rotted out teeth and probably our minds.
We had all the food colorings that turned our poop neon green.
We had Quisp. And Kaboom. And all the monster cereals year-round!
But one thing we didn’t have much of was “BERRY-flavored” cereal.
I will never forget my first encounter with cerealberry and its super weird taste. It was around 1982-83, and there was a new cereal that had just hit the stores. Capitalizing on the hit TV show and toy line, the smart people at Post put their collective heads together (and money-lined pockets), and put out this thing called SMURF BERRY CRUNCH.
Now, I wasn’t the world’s biggest smurfs fan...that would have required me to stop looking at Star Wars stuff for a few minutes, but I had enough classmates who were all caught up in the day’s hottest craze. Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Hefty, Azreal, Gargamel, blah blah blah....
One day, I am with my mom at the store and I see the box. It’s something new! NEW CEREAL!!!!
1982 is in no way like 2019. These days, they will put out cereal for just about anything. In the 1980s, when there was something new on the store shelves, that was a big deal.
For whatever reason, I convinced my mom to get this box of Smurf Berry Crunch. I have no doubt that as soon as we walked in the door, I got my bowl, I got my spoon and reached for the milk.
I can still remember quite distinctly the first bite. I was expecting blueberry or maybe strawberry. Instead, I got my first taste of weird cerealberry. And boy, did I hate it.
Cerealberry is it’s own thing. Kinda like how a Totino’s pizza isn’t really like pizza. It’s Totino’s and it is wonderful. When I want pizza, I get REAL pizza. And when I want Totino’s, it’s not because I want pizza, I want that weird pizza like quality that comes with Totino’s. (This principle also applies to Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs).
I have learned over the decades that sometimes cereal is just gonna have cerealberry and I need to deal with that. I don’t hate it like I did when I was nine-years-old, but I still don’t like it much either.
All that to say, Cap’n Crunch’s Red, White & Blue Crunch is straight-up Smurf Berry Crunch. The only difference is that the Cap’n has white berries.
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I’ll add a half-bowl just because I love to stare at cartoon illustrations of Cap’n Crunch while eating, this one gets three bowls out of five.
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retropunch · 8 years
Post Smurf-Berry Crunch - Papa Smurf breakfast in bed commercial (1983)
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deedoop · 2 years
Saturday Morning Cartoons
Cw: Non Sexual Age Regression, Canonical Child Abuse
In the living space of Eddie’s trailer, there lay Billy Hargrove. If someone had peeked their head into the trailer, they would be dearly surprised, shocked even. Billy Hargrove, town menace, was on his belly, feet in the air, watching Saturday morning cartoons on an old tv. A TV of which Eddie had to spend forty minutes adjusting the antennas to get a signal. This however was not the only shocking factor, BIlly Hargrove, a man many were scared of, was wearing green dinosaur pajamas.
It was shocking to see Billy so soft to anyone else but Eddie; Eddie who was currently pouring Smurf Berry Crunch for his boyfriend on the small sticky blue countertop that acted as the kitchen. If a person was to look in through the window on the early cold morning in the fog of the trailer park; if they looked really close; they would see Billy sucking on a blue pacifier, a small T.Rex tucked in his arms. That would be a shock to anyone.
Billy looked up at his Daddy; his Eddie, and kicked his feet against the ragged brown carpet of the living room. “By the Power of Grayskull! I have the power!” The television was quiet, the screen slightly crackling, the young boy that was the fully grown Billy Hargrove was kicking his feet in the air, the sounds of his pacifier the only other noise in the trailer. It was a peaceful.
A yawn escaped Eddie as he made the short distance from the tile of the kitchen to the raggedy carpet of the trailers living room. “Here we go baby. Careful.” He placed the cereal in front of Billy, “Sit up while you eat.” Came the murmured voice. The young boy who truly was a grown man slowly sat up, stretching his arms up as he too yawned around the blue pacifier in his mouth; his hair ruffled by his Eddie; his Daddy.
“Not so fast, He-Man. Just because you defeated that fur-brained fool, haha, don’t think you’ll get past me.” It was cold in the early hour of the morning, a shiver went through Billy. “Can I sit with you Daddy?” he asked, staring up at Eddie in the old raggedy recliner.
“Yeah, C’mon baby.” He said softly. Billy stretched once more before scooting over towards Eddie and climbing onto his lap, snuggling into his immense warmth. Eddie hummed, running his fingers through Billy’s hair. It was so peaceful, just the two of them together, Billy in his little space. Eddie loved being his Daddy, honored that Billy showed him that level of trust.
"You still sleepy?” Eddie murmured, rubbing his thumb against Billy’s cheek. The little one nodded, resting his head against Eddie’s bony shoulder, eyes heavy.
It had been a long night, Billy had come over, bruised from a fight he would not talk about, (Eddie knew all too well what it was even if Billy would speak about it) and had immediately regressed into his little space. It had been a long night. Billy needed to act out, needed to be reassured; Eddie had provided every ounce of love he could and thensome. Billy hadn’t gone to sleep until he passed out from crying around three, and here they were up at seven. Eddie wondered if real parents experienced this, if so, Eddie wasn’t planning on having any real kids anytime soon. Billy was enough. He kissed the top of Billy’s curly locks and pulled a warm quilt over them both.
The cereal lay forgotten on the living room floor, Eddie could clean it up later, just glad his baby was getting more sleep. He rocked him nice and slow in the recliner. “Daddy?” Oh. Billy wasn’t asleep, not yet at least.
“Yes baby?” He murmured, sleep had begun to tug at his brain, Billy’s warmth was all consuming and in the cold dreary morning, it was heaven. He had to force his eyes to stay awake as he looked to Billy.
“Thanks for putting up with me.” Billy looked so shy and bashful, almost ashamed really. His baby blues hidden by long lashes. In that moment, Eddie no longer felt so tired, but instead felt deep concern. Put up with him, like Billy was some chore that he had to deal with from time to time; like Billy wasn’t a man he loved with a passion, whether he was big Billy or he was regressed, he loved him and wanted to be there for him. Put up with him..had Eddie done something to make him think otherwise? Was it the tiredness in his eyes? Was it something he had said?
“Billy..” He wasn’t sure where to begin, how to even unpack that statement. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. “Billy. Whether you are big or you are small, I do not put up with you. I love you. Whether you are my boyfriend or my sweet little guy, no matter if you are angry or full of joy. I do not put up with you. I love you and I want to take care of you, I want to help you get better.” It was truth, truth spoken from the very depths of Eddie’s heart. It was truth Eddie hoped Billy even in his little head space could understand, could recognize. Billy was the love of his life, and he did not just simply put up with him.
He felt the tears before he heard them, Billy was always such a silent cryer, another thing that broke Eddie’s heart. How could it not? “Billy?” Eddie asked gently, his thumb wiping away at the tears dripping onto his shoulder. “What’s wrong buddy?”
Billy hiccuped slightly, sucked on the pacifier just a bit harder, hugged the T.Rex just a bit tighter. “I dunno..” He mumbled, eyes watery despite Eddie’s best efforts to dry them. “I’m so scared you’re gonna leave me or..I dunno think i’m a freak or..”
Eddie shook his head, “You are talking to king freak right here. I love you and when I say that I mean it. I mean it Billy. You are perfect to me and I will always be you’re daddy, you’re boyfriend, whatever you need for as long as you want it.”
Billy bit his lip, “Promise?” He whispered
“Promise Bills. C’mon I think we can both use a nap.” He murmured, scooping Billy up and kissing his forehead. “Love you Daddy.” Billy whispered, snuggling close.
“I love you too Billy."
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cryptidsnackpack · 2 years
Tonight, Tonight
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Fluff, Part One of maybe more? You’re a cheerleader and Dustin’s cousin.
You and Chrissy had gone over to Megan Kowalska’s house after the game to study for Mrs. Davidson’s AP Bio midterm. Except Megan had other ideas, which involved raiding her parent’s liquor cabinet and inviting over half of Hawkins High’s student body.
You elbowed your way through the sweaty crowd. Someone had been playing exclusively Wham! for the past two hours, your cheer uniform was overly starched and uncomfortable, and Jason had tried to set you up with at least three guys. All of which were in various stages of slurring, and one had a suspiciously vomit colored splotch on his letterman.
You snagged the sickly yellow phone from the Kowalska’s kitchen wall and brought it into the pantry with you. You closed the door as much as you dared, worried about pinching the long cord.
You fished the crinkled piece of paper from the pocket of your Members Only jacket. It had been torn out of a composition notebook. Vampire bats, wizards, and dancing skeletons dominated the page in pencil and red ink.
In a large speech bubble sat Eddie Munson’s number. He’d slipped the note to you after your inaugural session with the Hellfire Club. You were more of a floater in the group, with cheer, academics, and journalism club taking up a large portion of your time. But you were Henderson’s “cool older cousin”, and you couldn’t let him down. Not to mention you actually loved it. Trying to find a D&D group that took you seriously was hard enough as it is.
Munson wasn’t trying to flirt by giving you his number. He gave it to everybody in case they had some last minute backstory they wanted to share. As a DM Eddie was big on character development. Despite that, you got the sense that Eddie was a very lonely person, and the silly note with his number on it was a lifeline in equal measure for himself and others.
On the third ring you were about to hang up. You could walk to the video store. Robin and Steve were working, and you and Robin lived right next door to each other. Steve could drop you off, or you could just spend the night with Robin. You practically lived at Robin’s on the weekends.
“You’ve reached Hell Enterprises. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord is unable to take your call right now. How can a hapless hellion of horror help you in the meantime?”
“Hey Eddie. It’s y/n. Henderson’s cousin?”
“You think I don’t know my party’s own level 13 half-elf ranger?” Some of your nervousness began to ebb. This was Eddie after all. While he came of as unhinged and intimidating, intentionally so, he was actually pretty sweet underneath.
You let out a dry laugh.
“So uhm… What are you doing right now?”
“About to head to a gig. What’s up? Gunna ask what I’m wearing next?” His laugh bubbled through the line.
“Mind picking me up from the Kowalska’s? Megan decided to throw a party and I’m miserable. Jason was just explaining, in detail, how to properly iron an Izod. I have some-” Your eyes scanned the shelves of the pantry. “Oooh! An unopened box of Smurf Berry Crunch to trade you for a ride.”
“God. You do know the way to a man’s heart y/l/n. I’ll pick you up in ten.”
You met Eddie outside the Kowalska’s with a backpack filled with contraband cereal and a shit-eating grin plastered to your face. Eddie opened the passenger door for you, bowing dramatically.
You curtsied before hopping inside.
Eddie drove like a maniac. Which you commented on, like one time. But apparently that one time was enough for Eddie to loudly proclaim that he wasn’t removing his hands from the wheel. Ever. He was going to die with his hands at 10 and 2. Which meant it was your duty to hand feed him fistfuls of Smurf Berry Crunch.
“Eddie!” Your sides had started to cramp from laughter three blown stop signs ago. He tried to nip at your fingers as you dropped cereal into his open mouth. He started to laugh, and three chunks of red cereal flecked the dashboard.
“Eeeewwww.” He laughed harder, taking both hands off the wheel to brush crumbs off his lap. Panicked you reached over, gripping the steering wheel in a white-knuckle grip. Eddie’s laughed simmered to a low chuckle.
“This is a much better idea. You take the wheel for a while.” He patted his lap before tucking both hands behind his head. Scowling you plopped down. Not that you minded. Not that you hadn’t thought about sitting on Eddie’s lap a million times. But you didn’t want him to know that.
His lap was warm, and you could feel the rough denim of his jeans prickle the backs of your thighs where your skirt had ridden up. He wrapped his hands around your middle immediately.
“This alright?” He tucked his chin against hollow of your neck and shoulder. You nodded jerkily, pretending to concentrate on keeping the van between the lines. You were, quite honestly, incredibly comfortable. Eddie’s arms felt good around you, the interior of the van was warm and smelled like too-sweet cereal. Vince Neill was crooning about home from the cassette stereo.
“TONIIIIIIGHT, TOOOONIGGGHT. I’M ON MY WAAAAAY.” Eddie screeched into your ear. You joined him.
“Just set me freeeeeee! Home sweet hoooooome.” You both devolved into giggles and Eddie pulled you in a little tighter.
“Where’s your gig?”
“The Hideout. Their Friday usuals dropped.”
“Lucky for you.” You stopped at the intersection of Cornwallis and Kerley. Left would take you home. Straight would take you out to Highway 77 and the Hideout. You went straight.
“It’s also lucky for you Munson” You cocked your head to see him grinning from your peripheral. “That your chauffer and cereal supplier is going to this gig with you.”
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stenka-razin · 2 years
Time Machine To-Do List
Try Urkel-O's Cereal
See Barry White live
Give Kristina Queen of Sweden a hair style that works
Attend the diplomatic function in Japan where George H.W. Bush vommed all over himself
Try Pop Tarts Crunch Cereal
Show Gustav Mahler ICP
Make a tumblr post in 2013 predicting the exact plot of the Force Awakens
Show Elvis Presley ICP
Roll up at the Battle of Gettysburg with an M-16
Stop 9/11
Show Osama bin-Laden ICP
Try Smurf Berry Crunch Cereal
Break up the Doors
Cornell 5/8/77
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duranduratulsa · 2 years
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80's Fest Food of the day: Smurf Berry Crunch Cereal #food #foodporn #breakfast #cereal #thesmurfs #smurfberrycrunchcereal #durandurantulsas4thannual80sfest #80s #80sfest
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somenerdthing · 4 years
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Old discontinued cereals.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cereal - 1989
C3PO’s - 1984
Pac-Man Cereal - 1983
Smurf Berry Crunch - 1983
Frosted Krusty O’s - 2007
Urkel O’s - 1991
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Ultimate Retro Beach Party (2011)
Thanks again for supporting I-Mockery.com by getting one (or more) of our limited edition prints in the "Four Seasons of Pixels" series!!
First off, we have the "Ultimate Retro Beach Party" pixel poster map.
Source: I-Mockery
(image via DeviantArt)
#unofficial #PowerPuff Girls #Pirates of the Caribbean #Mystery Science Theater 3000 #Gremlins #Phantasm #Transformers #Back to the Future #Voltron #Terminator #Predator #Big Trouble in Little China #Karate Kid #The Neverending Story #Dragon Ball Z #Star Wars #Kirby #Astro Boy #Star Trek #Dig Dug #Rocky #Jack Frost #Mortal Kombat #Puppet Master #Futurama #Robo Force #Jem #Duck Hunt #Spy vs Spy #Pee-wee's Playhouse #Boglins #Commander Keen #Rambo #Lobo #Q*Bert #Twin Peaks #Simpsons #Monkey Island #Pokemon #Hellraiser #Nightmare on Elm Street #Wolverine #Ren and Stimpy #Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #Punch-Out!! #The Maxx #GI Joe #Masters of the Universe #Domo Kun #Smurfs #Invader Zim #Where's Waldo? #Batman #Night of the Living Dead #Donkey Kong #Tremors #Legend of Zelda #Aladdin #Tron #Cap'n Crunch #Ghostbusters #Tootsie Roll #Charlie and the Chocolate Factory #Power Rangers #Metroid #Beetlejuice #Garbage Pail Kids #Alien #General Zod #Superman #Venom #Maakies #River City Ransom #Gorton's of Gloucester #Evil Dead #M.U.S.C.L.E. #Little Shop of Horrors #Final Fantasy #Attack of the Killer Tomatoes #Megaman #Braveheart #Commander USA's Groovie Movies #Inspector Gadget #Snorks #Aquaman #WWF #Short Circuit #Robocop #Baywatch #Friday the 13th #Reboot #Boo Berry #Bananaman #Sealab 2020 #SpongeBob #South Park #Double Dragon #Bleach #Toxic Avenger #Stargate #The Fifth Element #Kool Aid #Flaming Carrot #Captain Planet #The A-Team #Street Sharks #Monkey Island #Greatest American Hero #Castaway #ThunderCats #Goonies #Green Lantern #Pac Man #Creature from the Black Lagoon #Sinistar #PickleMan
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steamboatdreamy · 8 months
(VHS Recording credit: RetroStatic on Youtube)
A fully-animated commercial advertising the Smurf Berry Crunch Cereal in 1983. It features cast members from Smurfs (1981) reprising their roles. This one follows a short plot of the Smurfs making breakfast for themselves and Papa Smurf.
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thesiouxzy · 5 years
I find this car wash to be relaxing in a Smurf Berry Crunch kind of way. The big mops are so lackadaisical ☔️🚙🧽🧼
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babbletop · 5 years
Here's a list of 10 Discontinued Breakfast Cereals We Miss. Sometimes the cereal you love get discontinued, these are the top 10 discontinued breakfast cereals we desperately miss. ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 Most kids grew up eating cereal before heading off to school, or while watching their favorite Saturday morning cartoons, and have very fond memories of the stuff. Unfortunately, cereal is one of the most frequent victims of discontinuation. As a result, many of the cereals that people loved growing up are no longer being produced. It’s time to reminisce with 10 discontinued cereals we miss. If you enjoyed this list of 10 discontinued breakfast cereals we miss, then comment: #Cereal #KidsCereal #Top10 TIMESTAMPS: 0:29 Breakfast with Barbie 1:46 Ice Cream Cones Cereal 3:06 Rocky Road 4:36 Smurf Berry Crunch 5:38 Waffle Crisp 7:08 Nerds Cereal 8:32 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cereal 10:09 Cröonchy Stars 11:31 Sprinkle Spangles 12:42 Pop-Tarts Crunch SUMMARIES: - Breakfast with Barbie made its debut in 1989, and, while its Barbie theme made it uber appealing to kids, it also put considerable effort into pandering to parents. The box listed the cereal’s several health benefits. - Some cereals on this list had long runs and are looked back on with nostalgia by many. Others were discontinued before they ever really had a chance to make it. Unfortunately, Ice Cream Cones Cereal falls into the latter category. - Keeping with the theme of ice cream inspired cereals, Rocky Road cereal drew its inspiration from one of the most beloved ice cream flavors of all time. The ice cream originated in 1929 and was named “Rocky Road” with the hopes of bringing some joy to people’s lives after the stock market crash that led to the Great Depression. - It seems that the key to a successful cereal is to base it off of a popular movie or TV show. The Smurfs was a hit cartoon back in the day, and this cereal rode that popularity to great heights. The cereal first hit shelves in 1983, two years into the TV show’s eight-year run. - When given the choice between French toast, pancakes, and waffles, everyone in their right mind would choose the latter option. So, step aside French Toast Crunch and make room for Waffle Crisp. - Nerds are a small rock-like candy that come in boxes separated in two flavors, with the iconic pairing being grape and strawberry. If you were a kid at any point during the period of 1983 to present, odds are your childhood was ruled by these little guys. - First there were the comic books, then the cartoon. Action figures, video games, movies, and, you guessed it, a cereal. The crime-fighting turtles named for Italian Renaissance artists took the world by storm during the eighties and nineties, and from 1989 to 1995, its cereal was a major hit as well. - The Muppet Show was a revolutionary television series of the seventies, and this cereal stars one of its most popular characters. The Swedish Chef’s skits are always a crowd-pleaser, and using the character as the mascot for a food item was a genius move. - This cereal wasn’t a direct Aladdin product, but it came out at just the right time to bask in the hype surrounding the Disney movie. The Sprinkle Spangles cereal box depicts a genie who, other than the fact that he’s purple instead of blue, bears a striking resemblance to the Aladdin genie character. - The most efficient way to summon nineties children is to say the word “Pop-Tart” three times in a row. During that decade, this jam-filled pastry was at the height of popularity, filling the role of breakfast, afternoon-snack, and dessert for kids everywhere. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 🥳 JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://www.youtube.com/babbletop/join 👕 Check out our MERCH! https://ift.tt/2xcFumO 🔥 Our Most Popular VIDEOS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOvb3ZRIwh0&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg Top 10 Saddest McDonald's Happy Meal Toys Ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXjSIxWR9Jo&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=63 Top 10 Most Popular Secret Menu Fast Food Items https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEDoWmFKBWI&list=PL2AXIR2uRsIlSkW5W0YF4gcw66jKxXUCy&index=13 Top 10 Candy Bars America Wished They Had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiVIx10iBgc&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=40 10 Coca-Cola Drinks That Embarrassed The Company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEqcMBAbur4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=15 10 McDonald’s Items That Would Make America Great Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UksU5Ki0SW4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=9 All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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mesonishashank · 6 years
From Star Wars To Super Mario: 22 Crazy Cereals Based on Movies, TV, And Video Games
The most utterly ridiculous cereals ever based on movies, TV shows, video games, and more
The 1980s and 1990s were a great time to be a kid if you loved cereal. Every trip to the grocery store would find a new offering on the breakfast cereal aisle, taking a movie, TV show, video game, or celebrity and turning it into a sugary morning treat.
While themed cereal can still be found in stores--we're looking at you, Fruity Pebbles--the glory days that saw practically every title getting its own special blend of marshmallows, corn, rice, and oats have come to an end. Ralston, the company behind many of the best-remembered offerings, no longer dabbles in licensed foods. In fact, based on their website, the company now specializes in cereal that looks similar to name brands like Fruit Loops and Cocoa Puffs, while being different enough to be marketed as a different product.How the might have fallen. Then again, in its heyday, Ralston was actually known as Ralston Purina and dedicated a sizable chunk of its business into making pet food, so perhaps its better off now.
How important is taste and originality in these cereals anyway? After all, one of the biggest reasons anyone bought these was due to the characters emblazoned on the boxes and the prizes that were included with the cereal. Who cares what Batman cereal tastes like when it comes with a bank in the shape of the Caped Crusader? Thankfully, there were still some colorful and tasty cereals to be found back then, right Spider-Man?
Take a trip back in time with GameSpot as we revisit 22 of those cereals--both good and bad. How many of these do you remember sitting down with at breakfast?
Image: Sony Entertainment
1. Urkel-Os
There was a time when nothing in pop culture was hotter than Steve Urkel, the nerdy character on Family Matters. In an age where the TGIF programming block ruled the world, Urkel was its king. This cereal that was first released in 1991--and remained in production until 2000--is proof of that.
Image: Ralston
2. Nintendo Cereal System
When it came to video games, nothing was hotter in the late '80s than the Nintendo Entertainment System. It permeated pop culture in such a way that it spawned merchandise, cartoons, and even the movie The Wizard. Naturally, like many popular properties, it also got a cereal--two if you want to get technical. In each box were two bags, one a Super Mario Bros. cereal and one for The Legend of Zelda. What a time to be alive.
Image: Ralston
3. Bill and Ted's Excellent Cereal
Excellent! A Bill & Ted cereal not only existed, but it wasn't based on the movies. Instead, this cereal followed the cartoon and featured the animated versions of Bill and Ted emblazoned on the box. The real joy of this breakfast wasn't the marshmallows, though. Instead, it was the prize that came with the cereal--a cassette tape holder shaped like Bill and Ted's phone booth time machine.
Image: Ralston
4. Smurfberry Crunch
For many, Smurfberry Crunch is the gold standard for sugary cereals based on TV shows and movies. The fruity corn and wheat cereal first debuted in 1981 and lasted for years before an addition to the Smurf's cereal line--Magic Berries--that added marshmallows to the mix in 1987.
Image: Post Cereals
5. The Addams Family
Addams Family cereal sounds like a great idea, in theory. However, its pieces were made to resemble skulls, dismembered hands, and headless dolls--all things very familiar to this particular family. Serving a bowl of that to a kid could be pretty traumatic, though. However, there was a period of the time where the "toy" it included was a flashlight made to resemble a character from the movie. That's pretty exciting for a kid.
Image: Ralston
6. Donkey Kong
Mario and Zelda had to share a cereal. Before that, though, Donkey Kong got a box all to himself. According to the box, it was "crunchy barrels of fun." While that doesn't exactly found appetizing, what's not to love about a video game-themed cereal with a taste similar to Captain Crunch?
Image: Ralston
7. E.T. Cereal
While the E.T. Atari game may have been a colossal bomb, the cereal was not the same case. Taking a note from E.T.'s love of Reese's Pieces in the movie, the cereal was flavored like peanut butter and chocolate. Among the bonus prizes included in the box were trading cards, as well as a picture of Michael Jackson and E.T.--because why not?
Image: General Mills
8. The Real Ghostbusters
This is another cereal based on a cartoon that's based on a movie. This particular cereal was released three times under three different names and was incredibly simple, in terms of design. Marshmallow ghosts mixed with fruity Os, to create the Ghostbusters logo in your cereal bowl. The best part of this cereal, though, was the prizes that came in the box--from glow-in-the-dark door hangers to buttons to frisbees.
Image: Ralston
9. Batman
Like many Ralston cereals, Batman essentially consisted of themed corn pieces--bats in this instance--and a standard sweet flavor. The prizes were where Batman was able to shine. Honestly, the only reason to get this cereal was for the Batman bank that came attached to the front. Who's going to keep your change safer than the Dark Knight?
Image: Ralston
10. Gremlins
This sweetened cereal may not be all that exciting--its pieces are meant to look like Gizmo but they don't--but it's hard to resist something as adorable as the mogwai on its box. Inside the box with the cereal was a sticker, which is a decent bonus. However, the big prize was something you had to actually mail away for--a plush Gizmo.
Image: Ralston
11. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
It's essentially Rice Chex ("ninja nets") with marshmallows. The marshmallows in question are shaped like ninja weapons and pizzas, everything needed for a radically tasty breakfast. None of that matters, though, without what is perhaps the most beloved prize of all time-- a Ninja Turtle-shaped cereal bowl. You could eat your Ninja Turtles cereal out of a Ninja Turtles bowl.
Image: Ralston
12. Fruity Pebbles/Cocoa Pebbles
Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles are undeniably the most successful licensed cereal of all time. They were first released in 1971 and can still be found in stores today, almost 50 years later. Clearly, Post stumbled onto something good when it came to The Flintstones.
Image: Post Cereals
13. Spider-Man
The Spider-Man cereal from 1995 is very similar to Ralston's Ninja Turtles offering. This time, though, the "ninja nets" were spiderwebs and the marshmallows were supposed to be pumpkin bombs, "spider symbols," Peter Parker's camera, and Kingpin. In reality, they were essentially blobs of various colors.
Image: Ralston
14. GI Joe Action Stars
This cereal arrived in stores in 1985--the same year the cartoon premiered. It wasn't colorful or flashy, but it was part of a complete breakfast to help create a real American hero… probably. What's most important is the mini-comic books that came packaged in the box. Cereal and comics, what more do you need?
Image: Ralston
15. C-3PO's
And you thought the Star Wars Christmas Special was the most shameless cash-in on this franchise. These were essentially Honey Nut Cheerios in a figure-eight shape. As for prizes, they varied from trading cards to a Rebel Rocket toy.
Image: Kellogg's
16. Mr. T
We pity the fool that never got to try Mr. T's cereal. Why did Mr. T have a cereal, you ask? Between his appearance in Rocky III and his role on The A-Team, Mr. T was a pop culture sensation in the early 1980s and that got him his own breakfast. If only they'd come up with a better idea than pieces shaped like T and literally nothing else, though.
Image: Quaker
17. Pac-Man
Following the success of Donkey Kong's cereal, it was Pac-Man's turn. This cereal features Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and ghost marshmallows, along with sweet balls of corn. Among the prizes offered inside was bubblegum. There was also the possibility of winning a full-size Pac-Man arcade game.
Image: General Mills
18. Donkey Kong Jr.
Donkey Kong cereal was a little too basic--thankfully, Donkey Kong Jr. righted the wrongs of his father. Out are the crunchy barrels. Instead, this cereal is made up of pieces shaped and flavored like bananas and berries, putting a fruity twist on breakfast.
Image: Ralston
19. Rainbow Brite
Of course, the Rainbow Brite cereal--based on the cartoon and movie--is rainbow-colored and shaped. It's essentially Fruit Loops, but with half-circles instead of full loops. The only notable prize, really, was a colorful chain necklace you could mail away for. What's the point of buying cereal without a toy in it?
Image: Ralston
20. Morning Funnies
With so many cereals based on well-known cartoons and movies, opting to create one based on newspaper comic strips might not seem like a cutting-edge idea. What's even more bizarre is the cereal itself had nothing to do with the various comic strips it licensed. It was simply made up of smiling faces in a variety of colors.
Image: Ralston
21. Booty O's
Where do you start with Booty O's? What started as an on-screen joke made by the trio known as New Day became an actual breakfast cereal you could buy in stores and a never-ending string of merchandise. The oat-based breakfast comes packed with marshmallows that look like trombones and booties, to name a few shapes. If only Ralston was still a cereal giant that could mass produce it.
Image: WWE
22. Pro Stars
Not every cereal can be based on a fictional character, right? That's where Pro Stars, which puts the spotlight on sports celebrities, comes in. We know what you're thinking: That's what Wheaties are for, right? Thankfully, Pro Stars added funny to the mix and included a contest to win breakfast with Wayne Gretzky. Top that, Wheaties.
Image: General Mills
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New Post has been published on http://fitnessandhealthpros.com/beauty/5-coolest-brunch-spots-in-brooklyn-that-feel-like-vegan-heaven/
5 Coolest Brunch Spots In Brooklyn That Feel Like Vegan Heaven
“The Waffin” from Seven Points Espresso Bar in Brooklyn.
Brooklyn is transforming quickly and is offering more and more vibrant dining options. Likewise, the Brooklyn vegan scene is growing and so are vegan restaurants and plant-based options at non-vegan restaurants. Needless to say, vegan brunch in Brooklyn is more delicious than ever, and we definitely have some favorites. If you’re looking for hip and healthy eats, we recommend checking out any of the following vegan and vegan-friendly brunch spots.
1. Seven Point Espresso Bar
Tucked away on the edge of Crown Heights and Prospect Heights, this Australian-owned espresso bar offers a delicious brunch menu. It’s not entirely vegan, but it offers amazing plant-based options. We are obsessed with their acai granola bowl as well as the gorgeous avocado toast with hazelnut crunch and dukkah. Good news–all of the brunch items on the menu are offered all day, so sleep in!
2. Riverdel
Riverdel, an entirely vegan cheese store, has recently increased their seating area so you can enjoy their extensive sandwich menu as well as coffee and hot chocolate. The classic ham and grilled cheese is our favorite. The smell is unbelievable. While you’re there, you’ll be seriously tempted to pick up a few of Riverdel’s vegan condiments. Not only do they make their own vegan cheeses, they also carry vegan cheeses from some of the top vegan cheese brands (including Miyoko’s and Fauxmage), offering a range of cheesy goods and spreadable creams.
3. Sun in Bloom
This Park Slope restaurant is almost a vegan veteran, and it never gets old. The brunch menu will impress you and pretty much leave you speechless. Honestly, it’s hard to make a choice, but we love the tofu scramble with home fries if you are looking for something heartier. The orgasmic granola bowl hits the spot if you are looking for a sweet treat. Sunbloom specializes in organic, plant-based, vegan, raw living food, macrobiotic, and gluten-free food.
4. OJ Cleanse
This tiny juice and smoothie place on Bergen Street is great for a quick breakfast or mini brunch. The berry acai bowl is delicious and so are the green smoothie options. Ingredients served at OJ Cleanse are organic, unpasteurized, and raw (read: detox-friendly!).
El Atoradero
Another non-vegan place with amazing vegan options, El Atoradero offers a simplified version of their dinner menu for brunch. The veggie tacos are delicious, the jicama salad refreshing, and the guacamole rich. But our favorite is definitely their mushroom burrito (no cheese, extra spice). It could almost feed a small family, and it will definitely leave you craving more.
Have you tried any of these delicious, vegan-friendly Brooklyn brunch spots?
Also by Isabelle: 3 Artisanal Vegan Cheeses to Serve at Your Next Happy Hour
Related: Smurf Lattes & Other Eats That Prove Melbourne Vegan Scene Is Bananas
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Photo: Seven Points, Isabelle Steichen, Riverdel, El Atoradero
​Isabelle grew up in Luxembourg and transitioned from an omnivore, cheese loving life to a plant-based diet after she finished her master’s in urban studies in Paris and moved to NYC in January 2013. Her decision was triggered by environmental, ethical as well as health reasons. She is passionate about veganism and health and has a plant-based nutrition certificate from e-Cornell. The Plantiful is her blog and creative outlet that she uses to share her love for all things plant-based. Isabelle is also a health coach and a certified yoga teacher with focus on restorative. Visit Buddhalicious, her new online vegan meal program!
Originally at :Peaceful Dumpling Written By : Isabelle Steichen
#Brooklyn, #Brunch, #Coolest, #Feel, #Heaven, #Like, #Spots, #Vegan #Beauty
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gifsofthe80s · 9 years
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Smurf Berry Crunch - 1984
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