#snape plus size oc
orchideous-nox · 1 month
what are some problematic opinions you have??
I really don't think any of my opinions are problematic? Idk, I guess I'll let the people be the judge of that. I want to preface that these are how I feel personally and I would never try to enforce my opinions on others. Ship who you want to ship, love who you want to love. If you disagree with any of my opinions then that's fine but please don't try and convince me to "see your reasoning", these are opinions I'm pretty set on.
I don't particularly multiship, not because I have no sense of fun but because I genuinely can't understand how people ship Barty with Sirius or Narcissa with Lily or Evan with James etc. It makes so sense and no amount of reasoning will ever convince me that anybody other than Evan can stand Barty to a degree that they want to fuck him. He's so annoying and I mean that with all the love in the world as an Evan kin. I think Sirius needs Remus to mellow him out. Lily and Narcissa is just a no from me. Period.
I think sometimes the fandom forgets that relationships can be platonic. Friends exist, not every character needs to fuck all of their best friends because they understand each other so deeply. Yes, they have great chemistry...as friends. Platonically. Do you want to fuck your best friend? .......actually you're on tumblr and a marauders fan so who knows
People are so desperate in this fandom for others to talk about the girls more but then when people do post about them there is like no interaction. From experience, the boys get more hits, more kudos, more notes etc. I write about Rosekiller expecting not much attention, I'm not in it to get popular otherwise I would stick to Jegulus and Wolfstar rather than my precious murder husbands. But whenever I post about the girls the comments are dryyyyy and it's not fun. I love getting comments and replies so I can interact with others and talk about headcanons. It feels like as soon as I post about the girls people forget that they were encouraging more of that content in the first place.
Fanon and canon are blurring and not in a fun way. There are certain headcanons that people take from fanon or even from specific popular fics and start stretching canon to fit the fanon and then get angry when people don't stick to it. Saying a character is canonically a certain way because of implications in the canon can be really harmful.
I don't particularly care for OCs in fics. I read these stories for the characters I like and if an OC has like a massive chunk of a chapter on their own or even whole chapters or whole fics I will likely skip or even DNF because that's just not what I'm here for. Like I don't care.
If a character isn't attractive in this fandom, people don't care. Just because someone doesn't have rippling abs and perfect skin, it doesn't mean you can write them off as being bad. People can be hot and fat, ugly and fat, ugly and skinny, ugly and a good or interesting person!!! As a plus size person, I have spent my whole life looking at media portrayals saying that I am not worth attention until I am skinny, only then can I be attractive, and this fandom can be just as guilty sometimes (I'm looking at you people who make Snape hot to justify liking him, and making Peter have no personality besides being fat).
People are way to eager to interact with content they don't like to tell them they don't like it. Look up what an algorithm is, hun, I'm begging you. (this isn't controversial unless you are one of those people who does that)
Okay, hopefully I've not lost anyone along the way. Like I said, don't try and convince me I'm "wrong" in the comments, these are opinions and cannot be factually incorrect < 3
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an incomplete timeline of the marauders fandom
1999 - Prisoner of Azkaban is released - Wolfstar is born
2003 - Order of the Phoenix is released - WOLFSTAR
The case for R/S - an essay analysing all of Remus and Sirius' canon interactions and making the argument that they're canonically together
2004 - The Shoebox Project - wolfstar centric marauders era fanfic - Jily is popularised
(note: until this point wolfstar fics had mostly been set during the Harry Potter books timeline, with Sirius and Remus as adults)
2005 - Half Blood Prince is released - canon Remadora and the birth of bi Remus
2009 - The Life and Times - popular marauders era Jily fic
2010 - 2012 - the OG fancasts are popularised (Ben Barnes, Andrew Garfield, Aaron Taylor Johnson, etc)
2015 - An article about the Potter family reveals Euphemia and Fleamont Potter as James' parents (not Charlus and Dorea as was previously assumed)
2017 - All the Young Dudes - long marauders era fic in Remus' pov - Lesbian Marlene is popularised (which also marks the downfall of Blackinnon and the rise of Dorlene) and sarcastic Remus (influenced by his atyd characterization as an orphan. he's not always as hard/mean as he is in atyd, but it is a huge difference from the nerdy/shy Remus that was widely accepted before)
2019 - Welsh Remus becomes a thing (honestly I have no idea where that came from)
2020 - 2021 - All the Young Dudes is blows up on tiktok - Desi James is popularised - Peter also starts playing a bigger role in stories with an actual personality
2022 - Zeppazariel's fics and Choices - Jegulus focused fics, which led to Marylily, the Slitherskittles (and Rosekiller), and bi/pan James
other later marauder's fanon that popped up in the last five years
70s pop culture (music, smoking, fashion, etc.)
generally more diverse and socially aware characters (poc Mary and Dorcas, plus sized Lily, feminism, everyones queer and accepting) that tend to move away from their canon characterisations (James and Sirius were not bullies, but slightly immature pranksters. James is the Mom Friend and Sirius just has trauma. The technically death eater Slytherins aren't actually evil and blood supremacist , only affectionately mean and morally gray.)
note: personally I like what the fandom and characters have evolved into, however it has been criticised (especially by older fans) for being completely canon divergent, the characters being essentially OCs, and the 'glorification' and 'babygirlification' of bad people (I should also add that often times people who take this stance are often avid Snape fans/defenders)
feel free to add on to anything that I missed
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moonystoast1971 · 2 years
so i saw a "hot take" it was the coldest shit ever like girlie my fridge is broken rn pls bring ur opinions this way
basically they were mad that the marauders fandom now has more characters in it (the characters they named: pandora dorcas evan barty) and that it was now less about james sirius and remus but more about "ocs" and want to bring it back to the early 2000s
TW!!!!!!!!!!: talks about racisim, colourism, sexual harrassment, homophobia, fat phobia, lesbophobia, general toxicisity, sexism, shitty beauty standards
lets evaluate ur early 2000s:
-two ships only ever written about and they were both toxic: jily and wolfstar lets talk about that for a second: Jily was only ever written in a way that was litterally sexual harrassment! you had james sexually harrassing lily every five minutes but called it romantic. you had this girl subjected to years of humiliation and sexual harrassment - THAT STARTED AT AGE 11 AND WENT ALL THE WAY TO AGE 17! like u were telling us how cute it was to be pressured into romance. THE LOVELYYYYYY EARLY 2000S <333333333 next we have wolfstar which was litterally gays for straight ppl, remus was ur tortured little broken boy who treated sirius like literal shit- this man treated sirius as if he was an annoying ass burden, he could never do anything good, he was always treated as if his presence was killing remus. but its fine they were aestheticly pleasing and the straight girls loved to read about them. sirius and remus were ur trauma porn gays written for straights. lily and james were ur sexual harrassment turned love affair romance for the toxic love girlies.
-all ur characters were white: james occasionally got to be desi but that was fucking rare, all ur characters were skinny white ppl. if james was written as desi itd be one quick "cholatey skin" (seriously why were you out here describing his skin as food???????? none of the 4385853959 billion white ppl got that treatment) dorcas and mary eventually got thrown in but of course OF FUCKING COURSE ya'll still had mary as miss lily collins miss emily from paris and dorcas as light skin when she was dark skinned (your colourisms showing babes - dark skin girls are beautiful, don't forget that) but no yall had her as miss zoe kravits well knowing she was dark skin
-your over glorification of male characters and complete ignorance to the female characters:
Tell me why james sirius remus and snape (never peter) all got these in depth stories, all got to have feelings that got explained, lives that had meaning but lily evans was a pawn in her own love story? was used as a plot device? as personal growth for not one BUT TWO MEN she wasn't a person to ya'll she was james and snapes character development. mary and dorcas got added in and were given the personality of fucking sticks on the ground. you treated these women as if they were plot points to further the lives of men AND NOW UR COMPLAINING WE'VE GIVEN THEM PROPER PERSONALITIES?????? my brothers in christ ur sexism is showing, better cover up.
-UR TOXIC ASS BODY STANDARDS (oml this one drives me up the fucking wall):
you will be genuinely SHOCKED how many early 2000s marauders fics i've read where the second its revealed peter betrayed them he's being called fat and ugly and horrible names about his weight. james remus and sirius were these perfect little pretty boys who were basically described as gods while peter was described as ugly and surprisingly (no it fucking wasnt surprising in the slightest) fat THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH PLUS SIZE BODIES so why was that how you described him? always just "fat and ugly" what the fuck? STOP DEMONISING PLUS SIZE BODIES
-ur antisemitism: Snape was ur bad guy, so of course your "amazing" writing "talents" had to talk about how ugly he was but snape wasn't plus sized so ya'll couldn't call him fat, OH BUT LOOK GUYS HE STILL HAS A BODY PART WE CAN INSULT TO MAKE THE MARAUDERS LOOK EVEN BETTER THAN HIM!!!!!!! HIS NOSE!!!!!!! sitting here writing fucking paragraphs describing this man and always going back to his "big ugly nose" "ginormous nose" u may not like it but ur an antisemitic. you're talking about a jewish mans nose and describing it in ways to make it sound hideous JUST TO GLORIFY UR BORING ASS WHITE MEN! why was his nose the marauders favourite insult?
-ur general homophobia:
those were ur only queer characters. james was straight, peter was straight (tho some of yall mfs [2000s remadora shippers] were out here making peter the only queer character so it just worked so well when he was ur bad guy) snape was straight, lily was straight (not that it mattered bc the girl barely had a personality) the fandom was just a bunch of overly glorified straight assholes with their two gay friends who hold hands to make the straight girls horny. eventually marlene and dorcas were thrown in to apease the lesbians but all they did was come by holding hands and say hi to ur precious white men and never speak again
female characters are actually treated like important characters NOT JUST PLOT DEVICES (wow who knew that was something we could do 😲😲😲)
queer characters are written properly they aren't just jerk off material for straight girls
the characters arent just fucking white men and when they arent white their culture is actually fucking mentioned it isnt just a throw in to appease ppl
the characters just have more fucking personality tbh
body types are celebrated not demonised
there are so many different ships which allows representation for so many different people
redemption for characters that were literal children in that war (these kids were raised in households brainwashed and abused to fight in a war they were too young to even understand properly)
honestly our stories r just fucking better
now last thing i wanna talk about is the added characters and the redemptions for certain characters: literally all i want to say is if u dont fucking like seeing other characters being given roles in it DONT PRESS THE FANFICS WITH THEIR NAMES TAGGED theres this special button in ao3 which allows u to exclude certain things - exclude their names if ur small brain cant see that these were literal children who were being manipulated into their ways and if ur tiny little brain cant handle so many names
please feel free to agrue with me in the comments babes id love to hear ur shitty ass old ass out dated ass opinions <33333
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account-archived · 3 years
Indulgence//Snape x plus size OC
Summary: Severus Snape's wife doesn't seem to be enjoying her birthday and he makes sure she has a night to remember. Starts with hurt/comfort and ends in smut and tooth rotting fluff. This fic contains a slight food kink so read if you like birthday cake.
Trigger Warnings: body image, food kink, mentions of low self esteem, and smut.
words: around 2500
pairing: Snape x plus size OC
This is a birthday fic from myself to myself so it is very self indulgent. It is intended for mature audiences, please don't comment on this fic if you are under 18.
Severus was out later than he had meant to be and he cursed himself endlessly as he made his way home. In his arms was a bouquet of red roses and a small box containing a very small cake. It was all he could afford. His salary as a professor barely covered the monthly cost of their shabby little cottage, but he hoped that somehow the small gifts he could afford would cut it. He fumbled for a moment in search of his wand, unlocking the front door and stumbling into the warmth of his home.
"Ophelia," he called, setting his things down on the kitchen table. "Where's my girl?"
He set the cake carefully on the table and flourished the red bouquet as he made his way through the house, searching for his wife. To his dismay, he found her curled up on the sofa wearing the saddest frown he had ever seen. He walked to her swiftly, easing her up just long enough for him to sit down so she could lay her head in his lap.
"What's wrong my girl?" He asked gently, setting the roses down on the arm of the sofa so his hands were free to brush through her tangled blonde hair. "Have you just woken up my love? It's past dinner time."
She huffed and refused to look up at him. "I got up after you left this morning but there's no point in staying up today. Just want it to be over."
"It's your birthday," he said incredulously, his dark brows knitted tight in confusion. "I thought you wanted to get up and get dressed up. That's what you told me last night." His fingers smoothed out her tangles and it was apparent she hadn't even brushed her hair. He didn't mind, he thought she was beautiful just the same, but it was uncharacteristic of her.
"Hate my birthday."
He couldn't help but sigh at the air of brattiness in her voice. "Why is that, my love?" His patience for her was unwavering, if she needed to throw a fit he would let her. "Why do you hate your birthday?"
"I'm old," she whined, hiding her face in his thigh.
This time he scoffed. "You're only thirty. What is actually the matter, hmm? Don't want to tell me?"
She sat up slowly, her hair somehow still a tangled mess. "The older I get, the less beautiful I feel. My body..."
Severus looked appalled. "Ophelia Snape. Don't you even say it," he warned. "You're as beautiful as the day I met you. Even more so now because you're not so scrappy."
"But there's the problem," she protested. "My body is getting old and heavy, my prettiness has faded and you're going to lose attraction for me." She hid her face in her hands and groaned, but Severus remained motionless, completely taken aback.
"Ophelia...your prettiness hasn't faded. It could never fade. The years have been very kind to you," he tried to assure. "If you don't believe that, can you at least believe that I love you more now than I did when we first fell in love? How could you not be beautiful to me?"
She didn't respond and his heart ached. He wasn't going to be able to talk his way out of this one, he would just have to show her.
Gently, he sat her upright and moved her hands from her face, frowning at the tracks of tears that stained her plump cheeks. He shook his head and gently wiped her face dry with the cuffs of his sleeves, his dark eyes fixed on hers. Normally her eyes were a strikingly vivid sky blue, but now, glossed with fresh tears, they were a deep sea blue. Stormy weather and endless depths was all he could see in her gaze and he ached to save her from drowning in her own self loathing.
"I got you flowers." His voice was a soft, low husk, a tone he knew soothed her. "Can I give them to you?"
Ophelia sniffled and managed a nod, her gaze following his hand to the arm of the couch. The ghost of a smile flashed across her face for only a moment and she reached out eagerly for the flowers. "These are my favorite," she whispered, to which he replied with a nod. "Thank you. I'll grab a vase from the kitchen."
She arose slowly from the couch and Severus had to steady her before letting her wander off. His gaze followed her to their small kitchen, watching as she searched their cupboards for a suitable vase. Once she had found one and filled it with water, he got up to join her.
"I also brought you a cake. Raspberry buttercream frosting, your favorite." He was trying to tempt her, but he knew before she even spoke that she would refuse.
"Thank you, I'll save it for later. I'm not hungry."
His jaw clenched in an attempt to keep himself quiet, but as he watched her place each rose individually into the vase, he couldn't hold it back. "Ophelia," he whispered. "You deserve to have the best birthday you've ever had."
She smiled sadly, placing the vase in the window above the sink. "Maybe next year."
No. That wasn't good enough. Severus took a step towards her and placed his hands on her waist, squeezing her softly. "My darling girl," he whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. "You are a goddess, you are the softest creature I've ever seen. You are the only woman I could ever want and as your husband it is my duty to show you how special you are."
"Let...me," he whispered against her lips. "Let me show you how much I love you. Can I? Do I have your permission?"
She nodded silently, melting into his touch with a sort of pleasant resignation. That was good enough for him. His hands moved up the curve of her waist, grabbing her gently under her arms so he could hoist her up against the cupboards. She let him fall between her plush thighs, leaning against him so she wouldn't fall back into the sink. His lips found hers and within seconds she was wrapped around him, her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. He took advantage of this and carefully picked her up, holding her by her thighs as he turned around to set her down on the kitchen table.
"Comfortable?" He asked between kisses, once again falling between her legs.
"Yes," she sighed before pulling him back into her. He stopped her this time and she whined, her hands desperately tugging at the clasp of his cloak.
"I want you to enjoy yourself," he whispered, moving his lips to her neck. "And I want you...to enjoy your birthday." He nipped at the soft skin of her shoulder before pulling back just enough to watch her. "Can I help you do that?"
She nodded and once again his lips found hers. This kiss was more passionate, more desperate. All tongues and teeth, they shared a few gasps of breath as their hands worked to free each other from their clothes. Severus' cloak dropped to the floor, his wife's fingers trembling as she unbuttoned his dress robes. Her hands pushed beneath the fabric and he felt lost in bliss for a moment as she ran her fingers over his collar bones and across his chest. After a moment of selfish indulgence, he pushed her hands away and lifted her arms to strip her of the nightgown she had been wearing all day.
"You minx," he growled, glimpsing at her bare body. "Not wearing anything under your gown. Know what that does to me."
His fingertips grazed the valley of her cleavage, eliciting a shiver from the woman. Deciding not to tease her further, he took handfuls of her ample breasts and squeezed softly, pawing at her desperately. This roused a reaction from her he had not expected. She was grinning.
"That's my girl," he praised. "There's that beautiful smile."
He took the liberty to pinch her nipples, feeling them harden in his fingertips. He tugged on them softly and still she smiled. At that moment, she looked more beautiful than he had ever seen her.
"No," she whined the moment he pulled his hands away from her breasts and he couldn't help but raise a thick brow at her.
"No? Then you prefer I keep my pants on?" He teased, his hands hovering over his belt. She pouted and he came undone, hastily unbuckling his belt and letting his pants drop. The moment he was laid bare for her, she tried to reach out for him and he pushed her hands away. "Not yet. I'm still teaching you how to enjoy yourself."
Her whine of protest turned into a gasp of pleasure as his hands found their way back to her breasts. "Every time I touch you, I want you to remember just how much I love you. How much I'll always love you," he whispered as his hands roamed from her breasts to her stomach.
Ophelia flinched, insecurity flooding through her as his hands smoothed over each curve and roll of her flesh, but he continued to shower her with affection, watching her expression closely in case she needed him to stop.
"Are you nervous?"
She nodded and he stepped closer to her, pressing himself against her body. "We've been married for ten years and you're still nervous?" He teased. Sensing that she was particularly unsure about him touching her stomach, he moved to her wide hips and down to her thighs. Pushing her legs open, he brushed his thumbs over the insides of her thighs and her insecurity seemed to vanish, replaced with lust.
"Good girl, just relax for me," he purred, feeling her melt in his hands. "Your body is so beautiful."
His thumb brushed over her core this time, teasing her clit with the lightest touch he could manage. Her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth fell open in a soft gasp, the sight striking inspiration in him. He began to rub soft circles against her swollen bud, his free hand reaching beside her for the small cake box. He opened it quietly, keeping her distracted with pleasure as he dipped his fingers into the pink frosting. The moment her mouth fell open with another moan, he slipped his fingers past her plump lips.
Ophelia sucked obediently before she even noticed the frosting, then after a second her eyes snapped open to gaze up at him inquisitively. She gave a soft hum but did not stop sucking his fingers clean, her wide eyes trained on him.
"See? The cake is good." He pulled his fingers from her mouth and cupped her round face lovingly, gazing down at her with an expression of pure admiration. "Taste good?"
She nodded silently and his lips quivered into a sly smile. He squeezed her cheek softly before gathering more frosting onto his index and middle fingers, his other hand still working on pleasuring her.
"Is how I'm touching you making you feel good or do you need more?"
"Feels good, but what about you?" She asked softly, trying to reach for his very obvious hard on.
Once again, he pushed her hands away. "This isn't about me, it's not my birthday." His voice was firm but he couldn't help but grin, leading his fingers once more to her mouth.
She accepted him without question, sucking softly as he watched her, his thumb pressing firm against her clit. He focused all of his attention on rubbing the soft button the way he knew she liked, wanting her sensitive before he went any further. From the hazed look in her eyes, he knew she was feeling good so he kept up what he was doing.
"Do you want to taste more of your cake?"
She hesitated before nodding and watched him curiously as he pulled his hand from her mouth. This time, instead of merely dipping his fingers into the frosting, he sank into the confection and returned to her mouth with a handful of, not only frosting but vanilla cake. Ophelia grinned at his antics, intrigued and confused all the same.
"Well?" He purred. "Open up."
Ophelia opened her mouth obediently and he fed her the cake, all the while still stroking her clit. She didn't know which bliss to focus on; the building pleasure between her legs or the delicious dessert in her mouth.
"You're beautiful, Ophelia," he coaxed. "And you deserve to enjoy yourself. You deserve love and you deserve to feel beautiful. And...you deserve cake."
She swallowed thickly, moaning around his fingers as her pleasure mounted. Just when she thought it couldn't get better, she felt the thick head of his cock prod her wet entrance. He sank into her inch by inch and she lowered herself onto her elbows, not able to sit up straight anymore. Once she had eaten all the cake out of his hand and sucked his fingers clean, he was back at it again, scooping another handful out of the box.
"You're making a mess of me, Sev," she whispered breathlessly.
"And it's bloody gorgeous," he growled, carefully pushing a bit of cake past her lips. "And you're going to taste so sweet when I kiss you."
She moaned again. Whether it was a response to his words or to the feeling of him thrusting into her, she did not know. She savored the cake this time, not quick to lick him clean just yet. She was, as he intended, truly enjoying herself.
"Such a good girl," he purred, watching her closely. "My beautiful girl."
His praise drove her crazy and she buckled under her own weight, falling back to lay against the table. Severus took advantage of this and picked up his pace, thrusting steadily into her as he pulled his now clean fingers from her mouth. He abandoned the cake entirely now, using the hand that wasn't between her legs to steady her, gripping her hip.
"Sev-" she choked out. "Sev it feels so good."
He slowed the movement of his thumb on her clit slightly but quickened the pace of his thrusts and she fell over the edge instantly. He recognized her orgasm by the way her moans got louder and her velvet walls spasmed around his cock. Her eyes rolled back and he admired her beauty, though he couldn't help but notice the stain of pink frosting on her bottom lip.
"That's my girl," he cooed, still rubbing her through her orgasm. Once she had finished, however, he pulled out of her and leaned down to kiss her passionately. How sweet she tasted.
"Mmmm," she hummed against his lips. "Did you cum?"
"No," he whispered against his lips. "But this isn't about me, remember? Now let's get you cleaned up."
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thesoftrainbows · 3 years
Wolfstar FanFic Coming Soon
Hello everyone!
My name is MG Soto, and I’ve been writing a very long Wolfstar fan fiction for about five years - it’s mostly detailing and outlining, so I still have to do the actual writing. It all really started shortly after reading PoA and I just honestly fell in love with the very few details we were given of the Marauders’ lives. 
I don’t, in any way, support JKRoach - but I am a strong believer that one can separate the art from the artist. 
Anyways, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading it. It’ll be from 1971-1981; so basically, I’ll be taking everyone on a special journey throughout their years at Hogwarts and the few years before the end. I have a couple of twists up on my sleeve, which I’m very excited about. 
Under the cut are some important headcanons I’ll be using throughout the story:
Remus Lupin
1. Remus is an avid reader but not the best student when it came to academics - this comes from the tendency to procrastinate a lot as well as always being out with friends causing mayhem, as you do. 
2. Remus has issues with his father, because I just really don’t think Lyall Lupin is just going to forget his strong hatred/ignorance towards werewolves just because his son is one. I think there is so much more we can unpack in their relationship. 
Sirius Black
1. Sirius was not automatically okay with being a Gryffindor despite his entire family being Slytherins; it takes him at least a year to warm up to his roommates and the other House-mates. 
2. Sirius is the one that keeps his part of the room neat, has pretty handwriting, turns in most of the work on time and checks his friends’ work for grammar errors. You can’t grow up in a household where your parents are constantly drilling their expectations in your head and then leave it all behind overnight. 
James Potter 
1. James is a POC, Indian, to be specific. His parents are immigrants who had done everything they could in order to get a better life, they try to teach James as much as possible about his culture and language, so that he never forgets. 
2. James is the one that makes sure his friends have completed all of their schoolwork before they can even think about having fun. He’s not about to let them fall behind just because they weren’t responsible. 
Peter Pettigrew
1. Peter is an actual member of the Marauders. He has his positive and negative traits just like every other character. He falls in love, has his hobbies, and his own friends that are not James, Remus, and Sirius. He’s a person. 
2. Peter has a younger sister, which he would do any and everything for. He’s very protective of her, and is willing to do just about anything to keep her safe. 
Lily Evans
1. Lily will be an accurately represented plus-sized character. She’ll have her confidence, but also her insecurities like every other skinny or fat girl. Being fat will not be her only character trait, but it’ll be brought up enough to show what it means to be anything but skinny in this society. 
2. She’s not going to be a complete stuck-up. I’ve always hated it so much when they showed her like that, honestly, and so I decided that she can be fun and funny too. 
Marlene McKinnon
1. She’s a transgender woman. She’s incredibly badass, but also sensitive. She’s my baby, I’ve worked so hard on her (the amount of trans women who’ve helped me is ridiculous, I love them all). 
2. She was the Marauders’ fifth roommate, and she is also Sirius’ platonic soulmate. Their friendship’s so pure. 
Other Characters You’ll Meet...
1. Mary MacDonald
2. Dorcas Meadowes
3. Severus Snape (not a main character, but an important one)
4. Three (3) OCs
That is all that comes to mind! I’ll be posting the story on AO3 and on Wattpad once I’m done. I’ll be using this account to update everyone on the process (It’s mostly done, but I’m hoping that you guys will help me push through so that I can finish it). Let me know if there are any questions, suggestions, or comments!
To the moon and the stars, 
MG Soto
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
I totally feel that about roleplaying OCs, I ran into that problem too! I would love to hear about your Ravenclaw OC tho! Can you tell us more about them? :)
Well I haven't done anything major with her character yet but she's an adult/marauders era chick but I'd be willing to play her younger. Her name is Amelia (last name is still in works). She's really smart and has a goal of integrating more muggle technology with wizard tech. She's a muggle born and loves both aspects of her life. Of course she is also on the plus size and always has been often trying to go on crash diets that never work. She is super nice and gets along with almost everyone. In fact, she's even friends with the minister. She does deal with a bit of anxiety due to bullying in school but she's great at hiding it. But when she's alone she'll often find herself crying a bit.
She also really wants to be a mom but hasn't found a person she would want to have a baby with yet. In school she definitely had interest in Sirius Black or perhaps Remus Lupin. But she was definitely in Lily's friend group and probably friends with Snape because they related to one another through the bullying despite her crush on one of the Marauders. I think as an adult she would still be friends with Severus and send him letters and so on. Especially since she is really forgiving which can be a problem that often gets taken advantage of by certain types. She's smart but not always as logical as she should be. She's also dyslexic and that made her last few years of school difficult but luckily she had Lily and Severus who helped her through it.
That's what I have so far. I still need to tweak and I have no idea who she would be fc by since no one I've found fits my imagination yet.
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thegreenmeridian · 5 years
Tagged by @randomingoftherandomness
1. Favorite OC to write?
The twat in the bar in A Discreet Evening, was exceedingly fun to write
2. Dialogue or Descriptions?
Both! And internal monologues! Pretty much all of my stuff happens because a few sentences or a vague idea pops into my head, there’s rarely any planning whatsoever. So pretty much whatever springs to mind, whatever form it may take.
3. Favorite plot twist?
Hmmmmmmm. Shit, I do not consume enough pure fiction, practically everything I’m into is either non-fiction or dramatised history like Chernobyl. Lemme think...
Ok so like the entirety of The Leftovers is good for plot twists and turns and just... shit, if you haven’t watched it, you fucking well should because it’s divine.
I don’t know if it counts as a plot twist per se but Bill’s family storyline in the latest season of Mindhunter blew me away.
Young me was very excited by the whole Snape thing in Harry Potter and honestly I still have a soft spot for that (and an incurable Snarry habit) so that counts.
Also I watched the first season of Wayward Pines (really need to read the books) a ways back and I was hella fucking hooked on that. That whole story was just damn excellent.
4. Favorite Cliche?
Big fan of James Fitzjames style “asshole turns out to actually be vulnerable and sad”, especially if it includes the asshole bonding heavily with a former adversary.
5. Favorite season?
Summer in Iceland, so I can go hiking up mountains without the risk of dying in a storm, and autumn/winter everywhere else. I feel the heat really badly and I have really bad hyperhidrosis on my back and my head so me and summer do not get on. Plus mosquito bites swell up to a minimum of golf ball size on me and repellent doesn’t seem to work for me so yeah. At one point in Ukraine I got 73 bites over three days and my foot swelled up so much my course director was convinced I’d been bitten by a snake.
6. Writing by hand or on a computer/phone?
Phone all the way. I seem to be able to keep track of what I’m writing better on a smaller screen. Plus my laptop is old and primarily used for my aggressive hoarding of music.
7. Music while writing?
Nope! I get a really big autistic thing going with music and I can’t concentrate on anything BUT music if I’m listening to it, so it’s not helpful for writing.
8. Weirdest thing you’ve ever been inspired by?
My hot Ukrainian friend constantly wearing trousers that had a very “Jared Harris” effect whenever he sat down. Or when he walked. Hnnnnng.
9. Biggest no-no for a book? What will immediately make you put the book down if you see it?
So I mostly read non-fiction. Generally about 20th century history. The last two books I gave up on, it was because the authors were weirdly smug and patronising about the subject. Like, one approached the topic of Ukrainian history as “look at these backwater Eastern Europeans, everything they think is culturally important to them is stupid and they only like it because they haven’t got actual cool stuff like Russia and Western Europe”. So yeah, that went right in the trash. Normally I leave books I’m done with in the take-a-book-leave-a-book thing at the supermarket but that one was undeserving of finding a new home.
10. What titles grab your attention in bookstores?
Like I said, I mostly read books about history. So it could be anything really. Normally I just scan the shelves and yank things at random. I also bought some Ukrainian books for 8 year olds to translate for language learning purposes and one of those I just chose because it was called ‘Moose’ and it had a picture of a moose on it. Haven’t tackled it yet, fuck knows what it’s about.
11. Can you describe the color purple in one sentence?
Bruised eyes from lack of sleep.
Edit: shit, forgot to tag people! So... @az-5-elimgarak @boisinberryjamarama @johnlockismyreligion @fmasha-l @gwinny3k @elenatria @anyone who wants a go
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ao3feed-snape · 6 years
The Ravenclaw
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Om7JXS
by acciosnapes
TUMBLR REQUEST: Can you do a Lucius Malfoy x Daughter!Reader where he’s been cold and distant to her ever since she was sorted into ravenclaw as a first year?? And now she’s a sixth/seventh year & he still hates her, accusing her of not being his blood daughter and such. And then somehow make it smutty because one day she comes home in tears and he lowkey goes into protective mode or whatever, maybe tries to make it up to her. also can you make her plus sized? thank you!!
NOTE: I DO NOT CONDONE incest or underage sex! I’ll say it time and time again. I just simply write the requests I receive from my tumblr: Acciosnapes. Also, I changed the request up a bit. Hope you don’t mind :)
Words: 2576, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - Fandom
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, You, Reader, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Dobby, Sorting Hat, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape
Relationships: Lucius Malfoy/You, Lucius Malfoy/Reader, Father/Daughter - Relationship, Lucius Malfoy/OC, Lucius Malfoy/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Incest, Tumblr request, Pure Blood Witch, muggle, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Hogwarts, Oral Sex, Blowjobs, Female receiving oral sex, pussy licking, pussy eating, Step dad, Spanking, Family Issues, Malfoy Manor, master - Freeform, Daddy Kink, Pain Kink, Praise Kink, Fetish, Kinky sex, Missionary Position, Doggy Style, BDSM, Bondage, Dirty Talk, plus size, plus size reader, BBW, not canon, GOES AGAINST THE PLOT, NOT ORIGINAL STORY LINE OF HARRY POTTER, Humiliation, eh too much stuff to tag i’m tired
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Om7JXS
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rosaline-black · 2 years
tagged by: @robynlilyblack
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
favourite colour ~ purple or sage green
currently reading~ little fires everywhere since im obsessed with murder mysteries with Reece Witherspoon lol
last song~ should've been me - mitski
last movie~ ruby sparks
sweet, spicy or savory~ deffo sweet
coffee or tea~ really depends on my mood but i do love a flavoured ice tea
three favourite ships~ well wolfstar obviously. I love jily with my whole heart, there's something about the guy loving the girl more that always sells me tbh. and probs scarlett vision too.
first-ever favourite ship ever~ maybe stucky
currently working on~ a severus snape x oc fic which im obsessed with and a sirius x plus size oc which is so bloody fun. also a bunch of one shots
favorite piece of clothing~ my baggy ass t shirts that i wear day in day out. I'm a slut for comfort
comfort food~ cupcakes and burritos
favorite time of the year~ autumn or any time its raining
favorite fanfiction~ tightly knit on Wattpad, everytime i read it i have big ass butterflies
tagging: @anna-bortion69 @moonagedeydreamer @once-upon-an-imagine
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account-archived · 3 years
Undone- young Severus Snape//plus size OC
A young Severus Snape sees his girlfriend without makeup for the first time and finds out it's one of her insecurities, though he can't fathom why.
All characters in this story are of legal age. No smut will occur but this is absolutely a romanticism of the mundane.
Trigger warning for body image, insecurity, poor self esteem, and mentions of bullying.
Severus and Ophelia had been dating since their sixth year at Hogwarts and they usually spent the summers apart from each other, but now that they had graduated Ophelia had invited him to live with her and her family.
It was the first night of summer and Severus had marveled at the queen size bed he was now sharing with his girlfriend. Growing up, the boy didn't have much, and Ophelia knew that. She didn't know the extent of the neglect and abuse, Severus had spared her certain details, but she knew enough to understand how much it meant to him that she would let him share a home with her. So when she sulked into the room and flicked off the lights, Severus was taken aback.
"It's dark now," he whined. "Now I can't see you. Why'd you turn the lights off?"
"It's time for bed," she said simply, crawling under the covers beside him. She had just showered so her hair was damp and she smelled of lavender, a scent Severus had grown attached to over the years.
"I'm not tired yet." He huffed when she laid back against the pillows. "Wanted to talk to you."
"You can still talk to me," Ophelia countered, rolling onto her side so she was facing him.
"I can't see you."
"You don't need to see me to talk to me."
In the darkness, Ophelia reached forward and brushed the pads of her fingertips over his bare shoulder, goosebumps raising in her wake. Even though he could not see her expression, he knew something was wrong.
"Why won't you let me see you? Have you done something to your hair? I promise I'll still love you if you've cut it all off." He was trying to reason with her just as much as he was trying to figure out what was wrong. "You're so beautiful to me, I like looking at you."
A long silence met him and he wiggled closer to her on the bed, squinting to try to see her face in the moonlight. His vision was already lacking, though his parents had never cared to get him glasses, so he strained to see any details he could.
"What is it?" He whispered, his hand hesitantly reaching out to rest against the curve of her plush hip.
"I'm not wearing makeup, Sev," she confessed finally. This time, she was the one met with silence.
He tried to piece it all together in his mind, but he didn't understand what she was getting at. "Do you usually wear makeup?"
"Haven't I seen you without it?"
"No. I'm very careful about that, but now that we're living together..."
Severus sat up in bed, the bed frame creaking slightly with the shift of his weight. He stared blankly into the darkness for a moment before getting up and stumbling his way to the light switch. As the lights flicked on, they both winced at how bright it was and Severus had to wait for his vision to clear.
When he saw her, he stared at her with an unreadable expression, his eyes rolling over the details of her face.
"Oh no," she sighed, covering her face with her hands. "I know what you're thinking-"
"Ophelia, you're beautiful," he whispered, absolutely in awe of her.
She slowly lowered her hands and looked up at him, her pale blonde brows furrowed in confusion. He took in her pale complexion, the curve of her soft jaw and the freckles that splashed over her rounded cheeks. She looked different now than he had ever seen her before. She looked innocent and fresh.
"Why didn't you want me to see you like this? You're lovely," he coaxed, taking an uncertain step towards her.
"Other people have said some not so nice things about me," she admitted.
"Who? Tell me who?" His voice was stern now, his step more confident as he kneeled in front of her as if vowing to defend her honor.
"Girls in my dorm room, my mother, boys I dated before you," she explained. She watched as his jaw clenched and his brown eyes went dark with rage. "I know what they say is true, it doesn't matter."
"It does matter, Ophelia. None of it is true. You're lovely," he cooed, pulling himself up on the bed beside her. "You look like a portrait of an angel."
A soft pink blush heated her plump cheeks, her blue eyes darting away from him as he praised her. "You really don't have to say that, I know you're just saying it because you're my boyfriend-"
"No, really," he urged. "I really do mean it. I would never lie to you."
Ophelia was frozen still for a moment before carefully climbing onto his lap, nuzzling into him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he knew by the way she was hugging him he had done something right.
"You're my beautiful girl," he coaxed, his hands gently smoothing over the fabric of her vintage white nightgown. "You should love yourself more. You deserve to feel beautiful just as you are."
She sighed softly and melted against him, her button nose nudging his jaw lovingly. "The same goes for you, you know? You're much more handsome than you give yourself credit for."
"Now look who's saying things just to flatter me," he teased, pulling away just enough to look at her. "Merlin...you're beautiful. I could come absolutely undone by the mere sight of you. Why did you hide this face from me for so long?"
Ophelia was about to speak but he hushed her by placing a thin finger over her soft lips. Her eyes met his and she knew in an instant he meant everything he was saying. She knew his expression when he lied, and thankfully he had never once lied to her.
His finger brushed over her lips softly before tracing down to her round chin. She didn't have a very defined jawline, but Severus thought she looked more like an angel that way.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, to which she replied with a silent nod.
His eyes fluttered closed and his lips found hers with ease, his hands resting on her wide hips. She kissed him back with a tenderness that melted his heart and he couldn't help but lay back onto the mattress, carefully pulling her down with him.
if you liked this fic please follow my new blog @empressofalderaan
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account-archived · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty- Severus Snape/plus size OC
Severus found himself restless, though the woman beside him was deep in a peaceful slumber. He couldn't help but wonder what she could be dreaming about as he studied her features in the moonlight. Her long eyelashes rested against her round, freckled cheeks, her golden hair framing her face in a way that made her look angelic. She looked so calm and he feared that any sudden movement would disturb her serenity, yet he could not resist reaching out to touch her.
His fingertips brushed her smooth shoulder, his skin eliciting goosebumps on her soft flesh. He froze, certain he had just woken her up, and yet she remained asleep. With a soft sigh of relief, his hand continued its journey down her body. He studied each dip and curve, each roll of flesh and each blemish. To him she was perfect.
As his hand smoothed over the plush curve of her hip, the woman let out a soft coo as if responding to his touch, though she still slept. The noise made his heart melt and he pulled her into his arms, gently guiding her head to rest against his bare chest. With her in his arms, he finally allowed his eyes to close, her sweet scent lulling him to sleep.
If you liked this blurb please follow my new account @empressofalderaan
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account-archived · 3 years
I'm practicing my artwork. It's not very good but here is my plus size OC and Sev
Tumblr media
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account-archived · 3 years
Yule Ball//Severus Snape x plus size OC
Severus had been dreading the night of the Yule Ball. He was not looking forward to playing chaperone to hundreds of loud teenagers, especially when he would have to be pulling them apart all night. He remembered being their age and he couldn't for the life of him figure out why any of them would want to snog each other. He himself had been a reserved teen and hadn't been interested at all in physical intimacy until he met his life long partner, but perhaps that was because he had been neglected as a child and did not know what affection was supposed to feel like.
Severus could not possibly see a reason why he should enjoy such a ridiculous event and he detested the air of cheer that had spread through the castle. He could not fathom how anyone would enjoy such ruckus; and then he saw his wife.
Ophelia stood in front of their bedroom mirror, smoothing out her blush pink gown as she hummed a soft tune to herself. As soon as he saw her reflection, Severus' heart thumped wildly in his chest.
"Look at you," he whispered breathlessly, stepping into their room with slow strides. "You look..." He was at a loss for words.
Ophelia frowned, turning away from her reflection to look at her husband. "It's too tight, isn't it? I knew I should have picked a different dress-"
"No," he said quickly, stepping forward and placing his hands on her wide hips. "No no no. You look radiant, my love."
He gave her hips a gentle squeeze, his dark eyes falling to the scooped neckline of her dress and the plush curve of her cleavage. He could feel himself blushing but he couldn't bring himself to look away until she spoke.
"Do you like the dress?"
"I adore it," he whispered, his gaze locking with hers. "Will you save me a dance tonight?"
She smiled softly and leaned up to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "Always."
If you liked this fic please follow my new blog @empressofalderaan
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account-archived · 3 years
I've started a collection of Severus Snape/plus size OC one shots. My inbox is open for chapter requests and I'll also be taking requests through my wattpad comments! 😊
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Love Won't Keep You Safe
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hxZuaX
by missouterspace
Severus survives the battle of Hogwarts and finds himself building a friendship with the woman who saved his life. As he gets to know her, he learns she has a troubled past and he forms a bond with her that turns out to be the most important lesson of his life. As they grow closer, he seeks redemption and peace from his own haunting past, longing to deserve a place beside the woman he has now grown to love.
Trigger warning for themes of PTSD, death, violence, abuse, murder, torture, and adult content.
I do not support JK Rowling and this is a safe space for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community. I also do not support or condone the actions or beliefs of the Death Eaters despite the dark themes in this fic.
Words: 3608, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Severus Snape, Poppy Pomfrey, Original Female Character(s), original female character (plus size), hufflepuff oc - Character, plus size oc - Character, Snape
Relationships: Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: plus size OC, Severus Snape - Freeform, snape - Freeform, Severus Snape Has a Heart, Severus Snape Has PTSD, Severus Snape Lives, Bottom Severus Snape, Good Severus Snape, Alan Rickman Tribute
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hxZuaX
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Two Flowers
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3x0nARC
by notnatalia
“The rose is the flower and handmaiden of love – the lily, her fair associate, is the emblem of beauty and purity.” – Dorothea Dix
OR in which
Everyone knew James Potter fancied Lily Evans. Just as well as everyone knew Lily Evans constantly rejected James Potter and his advances on her. But what happens when what is to be just a friendship starts to turn into more between Lily Evans and her friend and James Potter's twin, Rosabella Potter.
Everyone expected Lily and James to happen at some point, but no one expected for the redhead to go for his twin sister instead.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (This will be a series seeing as I want to have many different relationships and I want to write about them all)
Words: 1859, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Mary Macdonald, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Rosabella Potter (notnatalia OC), Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Lily Evans/Original Female Character, Lily Evans/Female OC
Additional Tags: Jegulus, Not Canon Compliant, Everyone Is Gay, Plus Size Lily Evans, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Good Regulus Black, Regulus Black Deserves Better, Potter Twins, James Potter's Twin Sister, James Potter Has a Sibling, Series, multi-ship, dorlene, wolfstar, Lily Evans X OC Female, Alternate Universe - Happy, a happy marauder fic for your damaged heart, Severus Snape Bashing, Severus Snape Being a Bastard, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, POV Female Character, POV Rosabella Potter (notnatalia OC), Metamorphmagus, I Dont Have Any More Tags, i hope this is good, Marauders, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Marauders era, Marauder Hogwarts Era, Fifth Marauder, girlboss, Finally A Gay Lily Evans Fanfic, POV Lesbian Character, LGBTQ+ Themes, lgbtq character(s), Character(s) of Color, Rosabella Is A Metamorphmagus
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3x0nARC
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