#snapper island
brattylikestoeat · 8 months
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sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months
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"Snapper Sunset"
A serene moment of paddletail snappers (Lutjanus gibbus) swimming in the largest atoll in the Tuamotu Islands
Rangiroa, French Polynesia.
By Renee Capozzola
BigPicture Natural World photography competition
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orange-s-mario · 8 months
frequent time travelers;
Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Batman
Aquaman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter
all of them except Barry (even without j'onn's current origin; he WAS stranded on Earth)
Aquaman and Superman are both of two worlds
training since they were kids:
superman, aquaman, wonder woman, batman
Barry & Bruce are the only humans*
*iirc Amazons, and atlanteans kinda considered different than humans in dc lore
snapper carr. he'd be in the human section
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pochqmqri · 2 years
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Spanish flag snapper on Fitzroy Island, QLD, Australia 
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trucenz · 2 years
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vestaignis · 5 months
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Филиппины , Озеро Барракуда. Philippines, Barracuda Lake.
Озеро Барракуда, расположенное в северной части острова Корон на Филиппинах, предлагает уникальные условия для дайвинга. В кристально-голубых водах озера (его ещё называют Лулуйюань), скрытых между величественными скалами, вы можете встретить реббит-фиш, сомов, пресноводных креветок, моллюсков, рифовых окуней ну и конечно ту самую 1,5-метровую барракуду, которая живет тут одна.
Еще в этом месте дайверам предлагается испытать термоклин и галоклин, уникальные явления, которые сложно найти где-то ещё в мире. На поверхности озера дайверов, пловцов и любителей подводного плавания ждёт температура воды около 28°C. Но когда опускаешься на глубину 13-15 м, температура резко меняется и становится почти 40°C .
Такое необычное повышение температуры связано с тем, что озеро содержит как солёную, так и пресную воду. Дайверы могут даже видеть тонкую, отчетливую границу, разделяющую два водоёма. Озеро также характеризуется впечатляющей коллекцией известняковых образований, которые поднимаются со всех сторон и простираются под поверхностью воды. На северной стене озера Барракуда есть пещера на глубине 33 метра. Она соединяет озеро с морем.
Ещё одной уникальной особенностью озера является песок на самом дне, который описывают как желеобразный, шелковистый, воздушный и илистый.
Barracuda Lake, located in the northern part of Coron Island in the Philippines , offers unique diving conditions. In the crystal blue waters of the lake (also called Luluyuan), hidden between the majestic rocks, you can meet rabbit fish, catfish, freshwater shrimp, shellfish, reef snappers and of course that same 1.5-meter barracuda that lives here alone .
This place also invites divers to experience the thermocline and halocline, unique phenomena that are difficult to find anywhere else in the world. On the surface of the lake, divers, swimmers and snorkelers can expect a water temperature of about 28°C. But when you descend to a depth of 13-15 m, the temperature changes sharply and becomes almost 40°C.
This unusual increase in temperature is due to the fact that the lake contains both salt and fresh water. Divers can even see a thin, distinct line separating the two bodies of water. The lake is also characterized by an impressive collection of limestone formations that rise from all sides and extend below the surface of the water. On the northern wall of Lake Barracuda there is a cave at a depth of 33 meters. It connects the lake with the sea.
Another unique feature of the lake is the sand at the very bottom, which is described as jelly-like, silky, airy and silty.
Источник:t.me/+HLoqW4OcT5VjZjM6,/dzen.ru/a/Yoi_mPWnvXsTT2TX, /bangkokbook.ru/galereya/filippiny-ozero-barrakuda-94-foto.html, /account.travel/place/barracuda-lake.html, /account.travel/place/barracuda-lake.html, /dzen.ru/a/XXq1jB7jTwCshHXm,/www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g729733-d2061953-Reviews-Barracuda_Lake-Coron_Busuanga_Island_Palawan_Province_Mimaropa.html.
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famousinuniverse · 4 months
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Road on Kangaroo Island, Near Bunker Hill, Australia: Kangaroo Island, also known as Karta Pintingga (The Island of the Dead' in the language of the Kaurna people) is Australia's third-largest island, after Tasmania and Melville Island. It lies in the state of South Australia, 112 km southwest of Adelaide. Its closest point to the mainland is Snapper Point in Backstairs Passage, which is 13.5 km from the Fleurieu Peninsula. Wikipedia Bunkers Hill is a locality on the southern rural fringe of the City of Ballarat municipality in Victoria, Australia. Wikipedia
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trashpandato · 1 year
“You have a way with words, Miss Danvers.”
Kara would never forget that statement. It was early on, she barely knew Lena then, but somehow, Lena uttered the words that shifted Kara’s career path, put her in a position to do good for her community not just as Supergirl but also as Kara Danvers.
Kara remembers how hearing Lena say those words made her feel at the time. Self-conscious, a little shy, but at the same time, they lit a fire in her. If someone as successful and powerful as Lena Luthor thought she had a talent for writing, thought she had the chops to be a reporter in her own right, then maybe she should really give that a proper try. Lena had said the words at a point where Kara wasn’t sure she was cut out for the job. Snapper had been hard to work for, often ignoring her suggestions for stories to cover and relegating her to do menial tasks that were not much better than running errands for Cat Grant. Kara had spent several evenings with Alex in those early days, complaining about her job, about Snapper, even bouncing ideas for entirely different careers off her sister.
But then Lena told her that she was a good writer.
And it changed everything.
When Kara gets home that evening, late after a few meetings at CatCo that required the newly installed Editor-in-Chief to be present, she finds Lena curled up on the couch, flipping through CatCo’s latest print edition.
“Hi,” Kara greets her, the stress of the day evaporating as soon as she steps more fully into the apartment.
Lena looks up and smiles. “Hey you. There’s Chinese takeout in the fridge. I can warm it up if you want to have a quick shower?”
Kara drops her jacket and purse on the kitchen island and walks over to Lena, pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head.
“That sounds perfect.” 
After a pause, she leans over to peek at the article Lena has open in her lap. It’s a short interview Kara gave about becoming Editor-in-Chief, a puff piece, really, but in it, she credited Lena for inspiring her to be the best reporter she could be.
When she pulls back a little, Lena is looking at her, eyebrow raised, and smirks.
“You still have a way with words, Mrs. Danvers.”
“It’s Luthor-Danvers, I’ll have you know.”
Lena laughs a little, but pulls her closer for a kiss. “Go have a shower. Food will be ready when you’re done, and then I want to see if I can make you forget all your words later.”
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extrajigs · 2 years
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Some species of Mirum Wyverns! Wanted to get a broad grouping because they're very diverse.
Marshy Garfinch- These are barely flighted predators who specialize in wetlands and floodplains. They are more comfortable in the ground and water than flying, but to escape danger they can fly for short bursts. Very chill, will wait patiently for bycatch.
Common Coast Wyvern- Most populous kind, basically a large seagull. They are notoriously bold and fearless, which leads to them stealing food from much larger animals. Most of the time this works out.
Blushing Snapper- Sea going wyverns with a bad temperament. They're known for shrieking and snapping viciously, but tending to flee immediately at the first sign of a physical confrontation.
Pelizard- Basically a lil pelican. They like to bound around the numerous islands around Mirum scooping up fish. On the ground they struggle to walk so they end up hopping along most the time.
Sneck- Another marshland wyvern. One who has completely lost the power of flight. Mostly aquatic they spend pretty much their whole life hiding at the bottom of lake and river beds. Will stick their whole head and neck out to look around.
Galunk- Named for the sound the males make to woo the ladies, these fellas spend most of their time roaming around grasslands. They prefer going after small terrestrial prey which is easy as they are the fastest wyvern on the ground.
Pendulo- Basically a lil hummingbird. They spend their days drinking nectar and catching bugs at breakneck speed. Then at night they sleep by biting and dangling off tree branches. Goofy lil guys.
Rain Chaser- One of the largest wyverns, these guys spend most of the year away at oceanic islands and only return to the mainland during the rainy season. There they like to snack on woodworm eggs for a couple months to fatten up.
False Wyvern- This ones actually a bird.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
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A/N, not important: YO THIS IS IT! I'M DONE! This is my last request from the follower special. I'm so tired. I hope I did Raph justice, he's always difficult for me to write. Also, I've never written a kiss scene like this before, which is probably obvious form how bad it was. Anyways, I'm going to go do homework now. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: Fluff, bad characterization, kissing
Words: 1429
Prompt(s) requested: 7(Running in the rain)
Summary: Raph didn't mean to wait this long, but it's now or never. He really hopes he isn't too late.
Raph sits at the island counter in the kitchen, a warm cup of tea in his hand. His eyes wash over the scene in front of him, taking in the details. The lair was warm and cozy, a stark contrast to the wet, cold surface. He could faintly hear the rain thrumming against the concrete above. It was peaceful, with everyone being holed up in the lair. You were there, sitting with his brothers. Mikey was showing off another one of his drawings, your praise for his art singing high. Raph smiles behind the lip of his mug, happy everyone was getting along so well.
They all knew you were leaving soon. Off to college as most kids your age were. Raph puts his mug down and stares into the golden liquid, a small frown on your face. He never did conjure up the courage to tell you how he felt and now he was certain he never could. How could he, after you told them all you were leaving for college. 30 minutes from now, you would be on a bus heading to the airport so you could make it to college.
The large snapper chewed on the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t help but feel bitter about it, even if it was technically his own fault. Maybe if he told you earlier, or even told you at all, you might’ve stayed. Or, you might've at least picked a college closer to home. But now it was too late, and the person he loved was leaving. Would you still visit? Would you still call? Raph hoped so. He really really hoped so.
Leo walks into the kitchen, waving at his older brother. At Leo’s approach, Raph scoots over slightly to make room for the younger turtle. Leo sits next to Raph, resting his elbows on the counter and his chin in his palms. 
“You haven’t told them.”
Raph avoids his brother's gaze, sipping on his tea as a distraction. The liquid inside was quickly depleting from the amount of times Raph had done this. He really needed a refill. Or a better excuse. He couldn’t stomach seeing you before you left, possibly forever. “Raph knows.”
“You should probably do it soon, you’re running out of time.” Leo says, looking past the doorway and into the living room where everyone else was situated. Even Donnie had been hanging out with you all day, despite claiming he was too busy.
Raph only sighs at his brother’s words. Leo was right, he knew he was. You were leaving, and here he was, avoiding you. This was the worst way to do it. His voice sounds defeated as he speaks in his low tone. “Raph knows.”
Leo watches as Raph swirls the rest of his tea in its cup before drinking it in one final gulp. Raph gets off the chair he was sitting in and sets the mug carefully in the sink, grabbing the dish soap and washing it out. Leo says nothing, and neither does Raph. It was a heavy silence, much thicker than the airy tone of the room just next door. Raph could hear your voice sounding loud and clear as you swapped stories with his youngest brothers.
He puts the now clean mug on the dish rack as you wrap up a story about something one of your coworkers did, April’s loud laughter echoing around. Raph could sense Leo’s stare, his scales itching at the feeling. He knew he was being a coward, and wasn’t acting like a hero at all. How could he fight bad guys if he couldn’t even tell you about his stupid crush?
Raph doesn’t know how long he stood there, staring into the sink as he contemplated what to do. Telling you wouldn’t help anything, you were still leaving. But, it might just make the visits back home just that more sweet. Raph exhales slowly. He would tell you.
When Raph turns around, he is hit by the stark realization Leo was gone. Raph listens for a moment, expecting to hear your voice sounding loud through the lair, but all is silent. A pit forms in the snapper's stomach as he carefully walks forward, peeking his head through the doorway. You were gone. Raph looks back and forth between the lair. His brothers were still there, as were the Casey’s, April, and his dad, but you were nowhere to be found. Raph felt sick.
“Where’s (Y/n)?” He asks, already knowing the answer. You had left. The faces of Mikey and Casey Jr. confirm this, both looking uncomfortable. Donnie glances up from his phone at the eldest brother, nodding his head towards the door.
“Oh they just left. If you hurry, you might be able to catch them.”
Raph nods, thankful for his brother's advice as he takes off with nothing more than a hushed goodbye. He couldn’t let you leave, not without saying goodbye. He couldn’t understand why you didn’t in the first place. Raph pushes the growing thought out of his head. In reality, you probably tried, but ended up getting ignored by him in his half lucid state.
Raph lifted open the manhole cover that led to the surface, runoff water pouring onto his face. He shakes it off with a grimace, climbing out of the sewers and standing in the vacant alleway. The downpour quickly drenches Raph despite having only been outside for mere moments. The water doesn’t stop him however, as he quickly starts to make his way to the bus stop, and by association, you.
He would tell you how it feels even if it killed him. He had to.
Raph quickly makes his way to the rooftops, running and jumping despite the slick surfaces from the rain. Was it dangerous? Yes. Did Raph care in the slightest? No. His goal was to get to you before you left, and he planned to complete it. 
The bus stop comes into view and Raph skids to a halt a couple rooftops away. Water was running down his face and into his eyes, making it hard to see. The cold water makes him shiver as he scans the ground for your figure. He couldn’t lose you, not yet.
His body almost crumples in relief when he sees you approaching, your raincoat, boots and umbrella making you easy to spot. Raph jumps down into the closet alley to the bus stop, waiting patiently for you to walk by. He didn’t want to scare you, but he couldn’t risk being seen.
Once he notices you’re about to walk in front of the alley opening, he calls out your name. Your head turns, and your eyes meet. Raph smiles warmly at you, gently taking you by the hand and pulling you into the shadows of the alley. Your bus arrived in nearly seven minutes, so he had to make this fast. Short, sweet, and to the point.
“Can Raph kiss you?” Raph panics slightly at the words that tumble out of his mouth without permission. That was too short. Raph stumbles over his words a bit at your confused face, trying to explain himself. “Raph- I love you. I’ve loved you for such a long time, and I can’t let you go. Not like this. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
Your hands cupping his face was not what Raph expected, nor the smug smile. You pull him in for a kiss, your lips meeting his in a gentle succession. Raph’s knees nearly buckle before he steadies himself once more. The snapper’s heart swelled in his chest, and he had to keep himself from pulling you back when you separated.
“Wait for me.” You whisper against his lips, the bus that would start your journey beginning to pull to a stop. Raph thought it was a silly request, he would wait a lifetime if it meant he got to see you again. Raph kisses you again as an answer, his large hands hovering just above your sides. He was terrified he might never let go if he held you now. You pull back from him, your eyes shining with fresh tears to match the falling rain. You give Raph a final wave before heading to the bus, disappearing around the corner to load on. Raph watches your fleeting form, frozen for just a moment. He quickly makes his way onto the roof, watching as the bus drives off, taking you with it. Raph wanted you back already, the pang in his heart growing stronger every inch the bus gained.
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radiofreederry · 2 years
American Regional Hot Dog Styles Poll
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zanysmurf · 4 months
something is always happening to greedy in season 9 like first he gets lost in time. he had detailed bony ribs for a scene. he ate giant figs. bird thought he was her baby. he and the smurfs get small heads. he fell for a mirage in the desert and tried to eat a rock. he ate leaves. he got turned into a leprechaun because of soup. his friends transformed into monsters and chased him. he makes pizza with some italian guy. he and brainy had a war on an island with tiny people. he sniffed out chocolate like a dog. he ate cheese. he ate an entire unpeeled orange. he was seen in the knight episode for a second. he tried to outeat a guy and lost and he also criticized the way the guy cooked snappers. he was a pirate. he was sexist
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beni75 · 4 months
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Photos and text: @thomaspeschak
1-. A blacktip reef shark navigates a narrow canyon off Aldabra Atoll. Seychelles
2-. Every winter sub-adult whale shark gather in the seas off Djibouti
3-. Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives
4-. I had been watching these seals for years & wanted to photograph them surfing a unique underwater perspective on southern African marine reserves
5-. In Mexico's San Ignacio lagoon a gray whale mother pushes it's young calf to the surface so it can get a better look at the photographer
6-. June-July is sardine run time off South Africa's East Coast. Long-beaked common dolphins are the only predators that hunt cooperatively
7-. Kira is a black labrator that loves swimming with dolphins
8-. Manta rays. Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives
9-. Mantas feeding amongst baifsish. Hanifaru Bay
10-. Reef mantas feeding at Hanifaru Marine Reserve
11-. My fascination with seahorses began more than 10 years ago when I still was a graduate student in marine biology
12-. Not all sharks look like Jaws. An endemic Puffader shy shark hovers above dive guide hand
13-. Sharks, Bohar snapper and other predatory fish are abundant on the fringing coral reefs of the seas around D'Arros Island and St. Joseph Atoll, Seychelles
14-. Long beaked common dolphin hunting sardines off South Africa's Wild Coast
15-. South African free diver @hanlinprinsloo diving with blacktip sharks in the Aliwal Shoal Marine Protected Area
16-. y 17-. South Africa's Table Mountain Marine Protected Area host a unique sevengil shark aggregation site wich draws divers from all over the world
18-. South Africa's Wild Coast is a mosaic of river mouths, grassy hillsides and formidable sea cliffs
19-. Aerial perspective of the sanctuary zone of the Ponta do Ouro Marine Reserve, Mozambique
20-. Steller's sea lions ar common off Canada's British Colomia coast where populations of their preferred prey such a sand lance and herring are still relatively abundant
21-. Sunflower sea stars are the largest shallow water starfish in the world
22-. The broadnosed sevengill shark is a top predator in South Africa's kelp forests. With saw shaped teeth akin to tiger sharks, they hunt fish and scavenge dead fur seals
23-. The seas around Aldabra atoll are some of the most pristine in the Seychelles and the entire western Indian Ocean
24-. The tail belongs to one of the top predators in South Africa's kelp forest
25-. This green turtle traverses the unbelievably blue waters of Europa Atoll in search of a mate
26-. To survive in the vastness of the open ocean, Silky sharks rely on their boldness and curiosity to investigate every opportunity that might yield a meal
27-. y 28-. This pod of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphins regularly crosses from Mozambican into South African waters
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chroniclingworlds · 7 months
Stalking the plains and forests, these are the apex predators of the south. This is a diverse group, united by their razor-sharp tooth plates designed for tearing flesh and a hoof-and-claw arrangement on their feet.
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Pictured: the leopard Cleaver, native to the forests of the west.
Found in the coastal forests and islands of the Southern Sea, these relatively small, agile predators are named for the cleaver-shaped crest on their head. Preying on animals such as Weavers, One-Claws, Heralds and small species of Snappers, they hunt in groups numbering around five and work cooperatively to take down prey. Cleavers that live on islands hibernate during the sunless winter, but mainland populations do not. Instead, they expand their range during the winter to search for food, although this makes them vulnerable to the larger predators of the woodlands and plains. Thus, they can be skittish and will often run from any animal larger than themselves, presenting a challenge to studying them.
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Pictured: the black ghost, native to the far eastern woodlands.
Solitary and aggressive, Gorgons live in the forests and open woodlands. They are not particularly quick or agile, and thus tend to be ambush predators who lurk in the shadows until prey comes close enough to lunge at. With heavily padded feet, they can move through the woods in almost total silence. Hunting primarily at night, they have enlarged infrared receptors and thus have a strange-looking asymmetry in their eyes. In many of the societies around the Southern Sea, Gorgons are considered somewhat of a legendary forest monster, rarely seen or heard but always stalking the shadows just out of sight.
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Pictured: the white-striped Fang-Mouth, found across the semi-arid plains south of the Salt Desert.
On the plains and semi-arid regions, packs of Fang-Mouths lurk. With elongated extensions of their tooth plates, they resemble the aquatic Bidontae, and use these fangs to slash the tendons and muscles of their prey’s limbs. These are the fastest of the Rexiidae, chasing down fleet-footed creatures with bursts of speed up to 60 mph. They are also known to use their numbers to gain advantage over other predators, mobbing larger Rexiidae after they’ve made a kill and driving them away. Due to their size and chosen prey, they frequently come into competition with Xarakoids, and Fang-Mouths will often kill and eat young Xarakoids and vice versa.
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Pictured: the redback Skullcrusher, found on the steppes of the Pinnacles.
Named for their method of taking down prey, the Skullcrushers have incredibly powerful jaws. Once they have run down an animal, they grasp the head or neck and crush the bones, killing their victim often with one bite. Hunting in pairs or trios, they frequently employ a complex strategy involving corralling a prey animal towards their hidden companion, who will leap out and latch onto the prey’s face or neck. This implies a certain level of communication and problem-solving not typically associated with the Rexiidae, implying this group may be more intelligent than previously thought.
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Pictured: the lowland Tyrant, the largest species, which can be found in the valleys of the Eastern Rise.
These are the largest predators on Strix, specializing in big prey such as Magnipods and Orbiphants. Living on the plains, they are ambush predators who hunt at night like their distant cousins the Gorgons. They are solitary and very territorial, aggressively driving out any other Tyrants who stray into their domain. The Xaraka fear and respect these apex predators, and slaying a Tyrant in battle is considered the ultimate mark of a high hunter or warrior. Tyrant bones and skins are used in rituals in many Xaraka cultures, although these are often collected from already dead specimens.
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thehermitwitch · 2 months
The Wrong Side of the Portal Raph from cabin 10 was wondering if you have enough water before you do anything fun!
"Raph wanted to swim with his family and maybe some new friends if they want to, but it's important to have enough water first. I have some extra water bottles if you need them!"
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AN/ i forgot about the sea, or water in general. … woops.😅 I also made this rather angsty … Enjoy!
It was early evening. April finished prepping for the jog she wanted to do while there was still light. One good thing about the pocket summer camp dimension, no sketchiness to make the trek dangerous. Having done this before, April knows how long it would take to do the entire island. While it was a great change of scenery, it was still weird to see other Aprils, along with her brothers. Especially a specific brother. One, that could easily pass as him.
"April!" Said voice making her stumble, loosing the rhythm she managed to get into. April slowly halted, turned around and, - her breath hitched. Small tears, managing to be blinked away.
It was Raph. "Sorry, did Raph make you jump? You're not hurt are you?" But not her Raph. Said snapper, fumbled over his words, apologising profusely, checking all over April. April just stood there searching her brothers face. The mask around his eye was damaged, and April, with no thought process attached, placed her hand by the eye, rubbing the materiel ever so slightly. Thankfully Raph leaning down helped. 22, and still nowhere catching up. "April?"
April gasped slightly, flinching her hand back. Taking a step back, she held her hands, and softly apologised. Raph blinked slow, "April?" April beamed as bright as she could. "Raph! You look well. You look very well."
"?" Raph stood properly, "Thank you? Raph saw you running, and thought of joining. Oh that reminds me." Raph handed April a water bottle. "Raph couldn't help notice that April had nothing to drink. So I wanted to give you one."
"oh. Thanks Raph." April said quietly, opening the bottle, taking a few good gulps. "That hit the spot." It did, soothing both her parched throat and frayed nerves. April licked her lips, her chin resting on the bottle, thinking.
"So … do you still want that jog?" Raph beamed. "More than happy to April."
And with that, the two continued the jog, comparing each others worlds in the meantime.
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mywisdomexchange · 24 days
Ride the Wave: A Global Guide to Surfing Paradises
Whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious beginner, the allure of riding the ocean's waves is undeniable. From towering barrels to gentle rollers, there's a perfect wave out there waiting for everyone. To help you plan your next surf adventure, we've compiled a list of some of the world's most iconic and lesser-known surfing destinations.
North America
Hawaii: As the birthplace of modern surfing, Hawaii offers a diverse range of surf spots for all skill levels. From the legendary waves of Oahu to the pristine beaches of Maui, Hawaii is a surfer's paradise.
California: With its iconic surf culture, California boasts numerous world-class surf spots. From the classic waves of Huntington Beach to the rugged coastline of Big Sur, there's something for everyone.
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Costa Rica: This Central American gem offers a mix of tropical rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and stunning beaches. Costa Rica is home to several surf breaks, including Playa Tamarindo and Playa Nosara.
Mexico: With its long coastline and diverse surf conditions, Mexico is a popular destination for surfers. Puerto Escondido, Sayulita, and Tulum are just a few of the many surf spots to explore.
South America
Peru: Peru's Pacific coast offers a variety of surf breaks, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Popular surf spots include Mancora, Chicama, and Punta Rocas.
Brazil: Brazil is known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant surf culture. Rio de Janeiro, Florianópolis, and Jericoacoara are all popular surfing destinations.
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Ecuador: Ecuador's coastline offers a mix of tropical rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and stunning beaches. Popular surf spots include Montañita, San Clemente, and Canoa.
Portugal: Portugal has emerged as a popular surfing destination in recent years. Ericeira, Peniche, and Nazaré are all known for their world-class waves.
France: France's Atlantic coast offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Hossegor, Biarritz, and Anglet are popular surfing destinations.
Spain: Spain's coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Cantabria, Asturias, and Galicia are popular surfing regions.
South Africa: South Africa's coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Jeffrey's Bay, Cape Town, and Durban are popular surfing destinations.
Morocco: Morocco's Atlantic coast offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Taghazout, Essaouira, and Imouzzer des Idaougan are popular surfing destinations.
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Indonesia: Indonesia is a surfer's paradise with countless islands and surf breaks. Bali, Lombok, and Sumatra are all popular surfing destinations.
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Philippines: The Philippines offer a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Siargao, San Juan, and Baler are popular surfing destinations.
Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka's southern coast offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Arugam Bay, Mirissa, and Weligama are popular surfing destinations.
Gold Coast: The Gold Coast is one of Australia's most popular surfing destinations, with numerous world-class breaks. Snapper Rocks, Kirra, and Burleigh Heads are all iconic surf spots.
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Western Australia: Western Australia offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Margaret River, Rottnest Island, and Trigg Beach are popular surfing destinations.
Tasmania: Tasmania's rugged coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Hobart, Strahan, and Bicheno are popular surfing destinations.
New Zealand: New Zealand's coastline offers a variety of surf spots, from beginner-friendly waves to challenging barrels. Raglan, Piha, and Mount Maunganui are popular surfing destinations.
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Fiji: Fiji is known for its crystal-clear waters and world-class surf breaks. Cloudbreak, Teahupoo, and Tavarua are iconic surf spots.
Tips for Your Next Surf Adventure
Research your destination: Learn about the local surf conditions, etiquette, and culture.
Choose the right time to visit: Consider the peak surfing season and weather patterns.
Pack appropriately: Bring your essential surfing gear, including a wetsuit, board, and leash.
Be mindful of the environment: Respect the local marine life and avoid polluting the beaches.
Consider a surf camp: Surf camps offer a great way to learn from experienced surfers and meet other travelers.
Have fun! Surfing is a great way to relax, connect with nature, and challenge yourself.
Remember, the best surfing destination for you will depend on your skill level, preferences, and budget. With so many incredible places to choose from, there's no shortage of opportunities to ride the waves and experience the thrill of surfing.
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