#snk spoilers 125
kaoru-nk · 2 years
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A big redraw. [img 1 - redraw, img 2 - the first version from 2019] I had to correct the whole art. 🥴
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izvorposts · 5 years
SnK ch 125 Spoilers Ahead.
About Levi
I haven’t been in the fandom for too long, but SnK has become an addiction (laughs in suicidal) and I want to share my thoughts on the latest chapter, mainly Levi. I know I won’t say anything new, but I have the urge to write about it. 
First off, they’re back, yay! Maybe we can say that 2020 started in a promising way. Maybe.
Second of all, Levi is a burrito and I see way too many people being overly excited about him going back to fighting when/ if he gets better. No. Please, no.  Levi is not a killing machine. There is so much more to him than just being a soldier/ captain. But, let’s start from the beginning.
Levi’s life has been heavily permeated with loss and abandonment since he was born. Kuchel died when he was very young, but old enough to remember her. Knowing what having love means and then losing it is devastating. To top that off, when she died, he had nowhere to go, so he just lived for, we don’t know how long, but even if it was just a few days it’s still heavy, his mother’s dead body in a small room in a brothel. After that, Levi gets saved (let’s put it like that) by Kenny, who teaches him how to survive, but eventually (yes, for a sensible reason) he abandons him, too. Levi learns the reason only after it is disclosed by Kenny many years later, but up until that point Levi only knows he was abandoned and that’s it. His life in the Underground can’t have been easy, not matter how skillful a gangster he was. I feel suicidal if there are more than three days in a row with no sunshine, he lived with no light for years. There he has two friends, Farlan and Isabel, whom he also loses after they’d joined Erwin. He’s left with two people he’s close to – Erwin and Hange, and he’s also left with that damn syringe Kenny gave him, which eventually led him to decide who lives and who dies. The syringe was an insane cycle. Levi gets it from Kenny, gives it to Erwin and Erwin now only entrusts Levi with the fucking thing, he also entrusts him with the decision to use it as he see fit. And, yet again, Levi loses the person he deeply cares about – Erwin, just this time it was Levi’s decision. Like, fuck. Now, these are just some major losses in his life, but we can’t forget about his comrades and the life he leads as a soldier.
For the longest time he lived he was Levi, just Levi, not even knowing his last name. Then he becomes Heichou and Levi Heichou and only later in the story he is someone with full identity – Levi Ackerman. There are many other things that constitute our identity more deeply than our name, but our names are the first things we learn about ourselves. I guess we have them for a reason. Another important part of his identity is Humanity’s Strongest, and while he does deserve it, it’s vital we see beyond it – he’s a human person. It’s also vital to take a look at how much pressure this puts on someone, no matter how mentally strong they are. Having only one person rely on you for something puts you under pressure – let’s try to imagine having entire humanity rely on you for, no less than, giving them freedom. We see Levi fight and we see him live, but the question is – what does he live for? Does he live for himself among other things, or is his every move carefully calculated so he could survive to go to yet another battle? Does he see himself as Humanity’s Strongest and nothing more? His current burrito-like state and the final sentence of the manga sound ominous to me, because no matter how precious someone is for the world, their inability to keep doing something they did for the longest time hopefully won’t make them lose their sense of purpose. We don’t know what is going on in Levi’s head, but for the fans, really, there is so much more depth to him. I hope that, if he can’t fight anymore, he won’t think that this is the end for him, that his purpose is lost, and I sure as hell hope the fandom won’t be disappointed, because:
What Levi did with Erwin when he let him go was a prime example of selflessness. There was literally nothing in it for Levi except guilt, pain and more loss. Had it been me with that syringe and one of my friends, I’d be like: Bitch, you’re getting the serum and you’re staying because I can’t face yet another loss (this is probably why no one will ever do a manga about me lol jk). Levi lets him go, he lets Erwin find peace, he puts what is most important for Erwin above everything else, himself included. Giving someone up to let them die in peace/ be happy/ find their sense of purpose/ really whatever requires superhuman effort and loads of selflessness and that’s Levi for you.
No matter if you only watched the anime or also read the manga, Levi is extremely caring towards his comrades and friends. On countless occasions he stops Mikasa from getting hurt or killed, because she’s incapable of not following her impulse. His priority is to minimize the loss of human life and he does everything he’s capable of to keep his people alive. When Eren was to seal the hole in wall Maria, we see Levi mention Hange’s group and wondering if Hange is alright more than once. He takes care of them like they’re his responsibility, he protects them and he genuinely cares.
Even though he comes off as impatient and blunt, he actually rocks the role of a teacher. He takes pastor Nick to see for himself what people have gone through and he does the same with Dimo Reeves – he just talks to them, no aggression, no threats. He lets people choose, and this is really something I admire about him; he lets Eren make a choice when they face the Female Titan for the first time. He keeps saying that no one can know what the right choice is, he doesn’t force people to do as he says (okay, a small exception being Historia becoming queen).
Yeah, not the first adjective you’d associate to Levi, but let’s remember his reaction when they all learn that the titans are actually humans, when he realizes he’d been killing humans all along. His reaction to Petra’s dad when they come back after fighting the Female Titan. The fact that he collected Ivan’s patch and what he told Dieter and Jurgen.
Okay, no need to overanalyze this, obviously, the man is the epitome of bravery, but he’s the one who assumes responsibility for Eren, when we just learn Eren can become a titan, before anyone, Eren included, knew what he, as a titan, could do. And it’s also Levi who guards Zeke, and we all know how well that ended for Levi.
Levi doesn’t claim that he knows what the best or the right thing to do is in many situations. We don’t hear him speak a lot, but he does say more than once: “Who’s to say what the right choice is.” “Make a choice you’ll regret least”, etc. He doesn’t try to enforce (again, the situation with Historia is an exception) his views on anyone.
And so on and so forth.
So, wouldn’t you agree that it’s been enough, that he deserves to keep living in peace? I’m afraid that he’s one of the most underappreciated characters in SnK, and I claim that he’s the most tragic one, and making him a one-dimensional killing machine simply isn’t fair. Levi is a deep, multi-leveled character and he deserves all the appreciation we can give him. And I can’t emphasize this enough - he’s human.
If Levi can’t fight anymore, his role won’t be any less vital - he’s already done a fuckton of things for humanity, maybe more than anyone, both as a soldier and as a person.
He deserves happiness and peace, he’s got Hange by his side (if I’m inspired and not lazy I might write a few things about Hange these days, I feel they’re also quite underappreciated), which is a good start. Levi is comprised of unbelievably many qualities we don’t see in people too often, please pay more attention to him.
I will wholeheartedly support fanart and fanfics that give Levi and Hange happiness and if I do write more fanfic, I solemnly swear the two will always be happy. And if it’s okay to ask, Isayama, please, do the same. 
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luyacor · 5 years
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snk 125 "annie and her father" manga spoiler
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anlian-aishang · 4 years
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JUST ANNOUNCED: Levi Ackerman named Time’s Person of the Year simply by being alive
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viahackerman · 4 years
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For me the boys are basically not rejecting their baes its just that they're living in a cruel world rn 😭😭💕😭💕😭
I can't with these 😔😣
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eithiesawan · 5 years
Levi and Hanji in this chapter.
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theskyunderground · 4 years
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Zeke's worst nightmare.
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byallmeans1 · 5 years
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lily-evans-stuff · 4 years
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- Now we’re basically the same person, Levi! - Shut up, Shitty Glasses.
(but he’s smiling behind the bandages)
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super-peace-fangirl · 5 years
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sollarmoon · 4 years
❤ Aruani Moments ❤
I decided to make this post to show that shipp was not meaningless in the manga
❤ Enjoy ❤
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Chapter 21 Images
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Still in chapter 20 I wanted to show the two together listening to Jean talking
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This sequence of images from chapter 23
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Still in chapter 23
Off: It’s curious how in this chapter she has two chances to kill Armin and even then she doesn’t. 
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This sequence from chapter 31
Off: Even though she knows that Armin is luring her into a trap (shown in her focus by placing the ring), she goes with him
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Still in chapter 31
Off: Another thing I noticed is that every time Annie starts a dialogue, she talks directly to Armin
I don't remember any other Aruani’s scenes in the course of the manga until chapter 106.
If anyone wants to comment on another scene that I forgot between these chapters, feel free
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He talking to her in chapter 106
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Hitch who already knows his feelings for her in chapter 110
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The scene in chapter 124 is just Armin realizing that if Eren took off Reiner's armor, Annie came out of the crystal
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Annie confirming in chapter 125 that only Armin and Hitch came to talk to her
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Sequence of Annie eating a pie and going to save the world with Armin and Connie in chapter 126
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For me, this scene from chapter 128 is Annie trusting Armin as hope.
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The whole conversation in chapter 131, where Armin admits how he feels about her  (of course, the conversation goes much deeper, but I won't say too much)
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Annie seeing Armin as her hope. And Mikasa realizing that she likes him in 132
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She refusing to say goodbye to Armin
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She thinking about Armin in 133
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And finally, the scenes from chapter 136
❤ I hope you liked it ❤
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innspector · 5 years
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levi: *refuses to die*
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izvorposts · 5 years
Connie Springer - some thoughts; Spoilers chapter 125.
Connie is pissed off.
Connie is pissed off to hell and back and it shows.
Although, sadly, he’s another character whose backstory is incomplete, we do, in bits and pieces, get Connie’s development.
He starts off as a kid who pretends (even overly) to be self-confident (telling Eren he can’t help him master 3D maneuver gear, because he’s simply too talented), but that was a show no one really bought.
We then get to see the real Connie, Connie who, as a friend, is unfailingly willing to help, who overcomes himself and decides to join the Survey Corps despite his desire to help his family (he deeply cares about) live a more comfortable life.
And after that we finally see the pure Connie.
Connie is (after Eren when he didn’t believe that Annie is the Female Titan) the person who deals with treason worst, so badly, in fact, that he is screaming at Reiner and Bertholt while Reiner is in his titan form, he’s screaming at them to tell him the truth, and whether their friendship and comradery were lies. He can’t deal with it, he does not comprehend. Connie hurts so much there it’s unreal.
As the story unfolds, Connie somehow deals with the loss of his family (both full and partial), relying on his friends, but mostly on Sasha. To me they had this sibling-esque closeness (I’m an only child, so I might be way off) and when Sasha gets killed, I think that is the point after which Connie becomes aware of one segment of the full-blown reality: he is alone. In the most literal sense of that word. Eren, Mikasa and Armin, apart from having been a tight-knit group, are seen more often involved with Jean than Connie; his family is either dead or titanized, Eren is somewhere and very genocidal (Connie also feels betrayed by Eren), and finally, his best friend is dead.
Another thing that I think comes to his mind is that everything was in vain – the fight, deaths, strategies, fear, courage – everything he put towards fulfilling his role as a soldier was in vain. This is, that’s my impression at least, the point when Connie stops seeing the good in people. He sees their world for what it is – mindless, cruel and unfair.
At this point Connie is someone with nothing left to lose, so he goes for the kid.
Commercial break: I do not in any way support eating kids or grown-ups. It’s important you remember this for the next part.
A lot of people can relate to loss, loss is part of life and that’s how it is. And if I could, I really wouldn’t pick up a random or not random kid from the street and feed him to a loved one I have a chance to bring back to life. And I believe most people wouldn’t. But, what I would do if literally everyone and everything I cared for was gone (I know he cares a lot about his friends, but he lost HIS PEOPLE, people he was connected to on a deeper and more meaningful level), if I realized that I invested myself in something which has degenerated to an unrecognizable mass of mess, if my best friend was dead and I lost my family, and there was a chance that I get, best case scenario, 13 years with my mom… Falco, sweetie, do you want candy?  
What I’m trying to say is that his actions are not unexpected or unimaginable. He’s human, he has the right to break, to be weak and unreasonable.
But even though Connie is having a breakdown, and has lost a lot of what he was, I think there’s still a lot of purity in him, I think he’s just, among other things, and I somehow believe he won’t serve Falco to Mrs. Springer.  
If there’s something that can be described as a leitmotif of Shingeki no Kyojin it’s that there’s no black and white, there’s a gray filter over everything and everyone. Yes, it’s ethically questionable and begs for judgement, but good people do bad things and vice versa, and I have to quote Armin here: “I don't like the terms "good person" or "bad person" because it is impossible to be entirely good to everyone. To some, you are a good person, while to others, you are a bad person.”
He’s not the first and I’m certain he’s not the last person in the series who’s doing a shitty thing, but can that one (1) shitty thing (that hasn’t even come to its realization yet) overshadow all the moments when Connie was really awesome? This was rhetorical.
And if someone could kill Floch that’d be awesome, ok thanks.  
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tsukidrama · 3 years
getting stoned at 12:35 in the afternoon because i am worried about my pokko on this attack on titan sunday
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animaymay · 5 years
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So I’m not sure if anyone else has mentioned or noticed this, but I found this really interesting. Levi’s and Hanji’s injuries are exact inversions of each other.
Hanji’s left eye is injured, but everything else is fine.
Literally everything but Levi’s left eye is bandaged. (and in the same shape as her eye patch, no less)
I honestly feel like this symbolically represents the fact that Levi and Hanji complete each other. And I don’t even necessarily mean in a romantic sense.
They complement each other – which we have seen countless times in the past. Not that Hanji is not strong, or that Levi is not smart, but I think we all know what each of them is known for and what they excel at.
With Levi in this state, I can only imagine that we will see more of them working together, complementing each other’s skills, and depending on each other more than ever before.
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thelonelynereid · 5 years
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I can't believe it I can't fucking believe it, it's been 84 years
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