#snow ; rants !
bl-recs-and-reviews · 2 years
WHAT THE FUCK was that ending???????
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snowy-wife · 16 days
Why am I craving a toxic yet healthy relationship......... like.... idk why i am craving to be manipulated and to have someone coerce me into doing shit, like partying and shit..... just for them to make it up to me in the end but always protect me and treat me like their princess....... why do i want this...... it sounds way too comforting and i hate it.... maybe its because i feel so fucking empty.... just idfk.
— venting snow thoughts
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cosmicschmidt · 10 months
I need this man biblically.
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
"Why would I show my daughters Snow White when Anna and Elsa exist?"
Because girls need to see more than one type of female character in their stories. We don't want girls to see "damsel-in-distress housekeeper" as their only option, but its equally dangerous to show them the currently-popular flavor of "take-charge Strong Female Character" as the only acceptable kind of woman to be.
Because Snow White is confident. While the Queen is obsessing over her own insecurities, Snow White is going through her day completely comfortable with who she is.
Because Snow White is skilled. While the Queen's treatment of her is unjust, Snow White's acceptance of her work as a scullery maid makes her, not just an idle princess, but a working woman. She has cleaning and cooking skills that are recognized as valuable contributions to society. She is then able to use those skills when she needs a place to stay--instead of just a helpless damsel-in-distress who has to beg for a place, she is someone they want to have living with them because she has valuable skills to offer.
Because Snow White is kind. She is so kind that animals immediately trust her, that a hardened assassin can't kill her, that dwarves love her. She is sensitive to the feelings of others rather than embittered by her own fears. She is friendly to everyone she meets, showing interest in their lives and concern for their problems.
Because Snow White is a caretaker. Though young and mistreated, she is always looking to care for others. She immediately comforts a lost little bird. When she finds a cottage belonging to what she believes to be lonely orphans, she takes it upon herself to make their home comfortable. She even takes this a bit too far in setting rules for the dwarves' household, which offers depth to her character. She does take charge, but instead of seizing power like the Queen, Snow is looking to serve others and seeks their good.
Because Snow White is brave. After her panicked flight through the forest, she is sharp enough to recognize that her fear made the situation worse than reality, and she consciously decides to adopt a cheerful, hopeful outlook.
Because Snow White is intelligent. She's a good-enough judge of character to recognize a worthy love interest when he appears (and unlike certain princesses, she's right about it). She recognizes when her fear makes things worse than they are and is able to make better plans for the future. She is able to coordinate a housecleaning effort among a huge variety of untrained forest animals.
Because Snow White is humble. She is willing to take on the humblest work in the castle and is not humiliated by it. She asks the animals and the dwarves for help when she needs it. She even recognizes the need for prayer.
Because Snow White is good.
Because she is innocent.
Because she is patient.
Because she is loving.
Because little girls should learn to be all those things, and Snow White is a character who shows them what that looks like.
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catastrxblues · 9 months
everything about coriolanus and sejanus is sick. because to sejanus, coryo was his everything. his best and only friend, his only companion, the only person in the academy who cared enough for him that he had even risked his life to bail him out of the arena. in district 12, when sejanus appeared in the brink of snow’s hopelessness and brought hope and familiarity to his life, coryo immediately embraced him, and then practically telling him that sejanus just saved him from committing suicide— which obviously only solidified sejanus’ belief that his best friend treasured him and loved him and cared for him unconditionally. (which i believe snow did, just to some extent).
but most of the times, to coryo, sejanus was just a friend. a friend that he tolerated every once in a while, a friend he resented lots of time because of his background, and a friend he really cared for, but not enough. never enough when the other choice was his country. and sejanus died not knowing that. he died without the knowledge that it was his best friend who betrayed him, and that he was still referred to as a “traitor” by him on an occasion with the dean.
and what’s so fucking sick is that coryo did care and mourn about it yes, but then he moved on and took on the ladder by taking pieces of what was left of his friend’s life with his blood on his hands and used it to his advantage.
he was taken in under the care of his dead friend’s family, loved and cared for, never had to worry about money anymore. ma and strabo plinth would never know that the reason their beloved son wasn’t alive, why their son wasn’t there anymore for his 19th birthday was because of his best friend they had just taken in. and no one would ever ever fucking find out.
and coryo. just. doesn’t. care. about. sejanus. anymore. in a snap. because now he has won, taking over panem one step at the time, and that has always been his biggest motivator. he might’ve cared for sejanus, like he cared for lucy gray, but that has never been enough. not when at the end of it all, the only person he has always been striving to save was himself and the glory of his family name and he ends up getting both. all’s well that ends well
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kingofwinter283 · 1 year
i actually hate talisa maegyr. i think her whole plot with robb was so stupid. like in the books robb’s marriage with jeyne is this tragic situation that’s really a culmination of the stress and grief that robb has been going through and unable to truly process because he is a child trying to lead his people in a war. he gets injured and then learns that his former best friend has just betrayed him, captured his home, and killed both of his younger brothers which adds to growing list of loss in his life. his father got executed, his sisters are being held hostage, his best friend betrayed him, and now his brothers are dead. so while he’s injured and kind of being consumed by his grief, jeyne westerling is there to comfort him and they do the deed and this only makes things worse because of how robb was raised and instilled with his father’s honor, as well as seeing how jon was raised, robb feels compelled to marry jeyne to preserve HER honor which ends up being his downfall. but nooooo in the show robb falls in love with foreign beauty talisa maegyr and dies because he’s an idiot and couldn’t keep it in his pants. like don’t get me wrong i love robb’s scenes in the show richard madden call me i just think the story could have been so much better and been true to the tragedy that it is in the books.
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frenchiepal · 9 months
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5.1.24 🌨️ was productive during my cinema shift. then i had to walk home in the snow because the busses were all cancelled 😩
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isabeauwolf · 3 months
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That challenging smug smile 🫣🤭🥰❣️😍 Law's not giving up, he's just getting started! Get'em, my snow leopard 🐆 Go kick some ass!
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rewrite-canon · 10 months
im going crazy with how people are starting to agree with snow that sejanus was really stupid and deserved what was coming to him. reading the books first should be a pre requisite to the movie idcccc if that takes away the wider audience, the wider audience all have smooth brains anyway.
“why was he colluding with rebels when he could’ve just thought about it pragmatically 🙄” i’m in your fucking walls. sejanus was never dumb, snow just kept pushing that perception of him through the book to deflect the fact that sejanus was an actual good person. snow thought himself the personification of good and benevolence, which was why everything he did had to have some half-assed excuse as to why he was justified in doing it. it was why he was actually tweaking in the woods when lucy gray left him, because he wanted to rid himself of her but he didn’t have an actual reason so he convinced himself of the most random scenario ever to justify trying to shoot at her. so we can establish that snow was an evil broke boy who clearly wasn’t good— then sejanus was a direct confrontation of snow’s own shortcomings towards that (i don’t think i have to detail how sejanus was genuine, it was obvious). coriolanus and sejanus are like the direct opposite characters of each other, and snow knew and took pride in this to an extent. which is why snow couldn’t admit that sejanus was good to himself, thus sejanus was deemed ‘stupid’ to protect his own deluded self actualisation (but this also includes other aspects like how the war made the plinths rich and the snows poor, leading to resentment and jealousy from snow).
“but that still didn’t mean he wasn’t doing dumb things throughout the book” was it really that dumb? a rebellion will always include some level of risk but i don’t hear anyone calling heavensbee stupid because it actually worked out for him. plus sejanus is district, so if we use our common sense of who he is as a character and emotional intelligence of his situation, it’s pretty easy to see why he would get in touch with rebels. he’s literally always yearned for the districts, he never once cared about his money or safety, which isn’t stupid, it’s sad. this was his way of dealing with the guilt of profiting from his people’s suffering— again, not stupid. you could argue he was reckless, especially when he went into the arena, but most people who simply cast him as a ‘dumb character’ ignore how troubled he is and fall into the very filtered lens of snow who was just concentrating on his stupidity.
sejanus’ growing radical actions had nothing to do with stupidity and everything to do with feeling helpless and like nothing was changing. he tried minor/low-risk things such as attempting to change the perception of the districts in the capitol, advocating against the hunger games etc etc. of course it didn’t work, so his options grew limited to more radical courses of action. its a natural line of thought— activists literally do it in real life when they feel as if their cause isn’t getting enough attention (eg. setting themselves on fire). sejanus is a desperate character who is so selfless in light of snow’s constant self-preservation. snow will always put himself first and be paranoid that he will be betrayed like he’s betrayed others, so he never understands sejanus’ disposition to help and trust people, so he labels him dumb. omg. like. sejanus is so not-stupid i’m actually gonna start freaking out!! this is defamatory leave my boo alone!! plz go read a book and work on media literacy i am begging!!!
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bl-recs-and-reviews · 2 years
Make a wish came out in Thailand on Viu but it doesn't seem to be available anywhere else TT^TT
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snowy-wife · 28 days
I would like to appreciate a few dozen people and a couple companies.
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, R.K.O Radio Pictures Inc, R•C•A•Victor "High Fidelity" Sound System, Walt Disney, David Hand, Perce Pearce, William Cottrell, Larry Morey, Ben Sharpsteen, Hamilton Luske, Fred Moore, Vladimir Tytla, Norman Ferguson, Charles Philippi, Tom Codrick, Hugh Hennesy, Gustaf Tenggren, Terrell Stapp, Kenneth Anderson, Mc Laren Stewart, Kendall O'Conner, Harold Miles, Hazel Sewell, Samuel Armstrong, Mique Nelson, Phil Dike, Merle Cox, Ray Lockrem, Claude Coats, Maurice Noble, Ted Sears, Richard Creedon, Otto Englander, Dick Rickard, Earl Hurd, Merrill De Maris, Dorothy Ann Blank, Webb Smith, Albert Hurter, Joe Grant, Frank Churchill, Leigh Harline, Paul Smith, Frank Thomas, Les Clark, Dick Lundy, Fred Spencer, Arthur Babbitt, Bill Roberts, Eric Larson, Bernard Garbutt, Milton Kahl, Grim Natwick, Robert Stokes, Jack Campbell, James Algar, Marvin Woodward, Al Eugster, James Culhane, Cy Young, Stan Quackenhush, Joshua Meador, Ward Kimball, Ugo D'Orsi, Woolie Reitherman, George Rowley and Robert Martsch.
Without these people, companies and systems Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs wouldn't be a thing and wouldn't exist. So really I appreciate these people and things so much.
— Snow Rants
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ASOIAF discourse would be a lot more fun if we all realized that every single person who has been put in a position of leadership/rulership fails in one way or another. Jon and Dany failing is not an indictment on their abilities to lead or rule. They’re kids, they still have shit to figure out. Given “what was Aragorn’s tax policy”, I doubt GRRM will write a story that will feature the appearance of a most perfect ruler ever who will be a total success instead Jon and Dany who were tOtAl FlOpS. Especially if this person has no previous experience that has been detailed within the text itself. That’s not only antithetical to the series, but also not how you write a narrative.
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fictionadventurer · 3 months
One major mistake people make when looking at Snow White is assuming that they were trying to create a Disney Princess role model for little girls to emulate, when actually they were just trying their darndest to create an animated character that audiences would care about.
When we see pure and innocent Snow White being mistreated by her stepmother and later driven into exile, it's supposed to activate parental instincts that make us want to protect her. It shouldn't matter if she doesn't do anything to save herself, because she shouldn't have to. We're supposed to feel the injustice of it, feel sad and angry that she's treated this way, fear that she's going to come to harm. We're not supposed to want to be her, we're supposed to love her, and want to see her get the love she deserves, so we remain invested for the entire runtime of this 80-minute cartoon that they're afraid audiences won't sit through. That's what mattered to the story while they were making it, so applying Disney Princess expectations is ridiculous.
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chaoticace2005 · 6 months
Why can’t my brain be like a TV? Turn it off and turn it back on and all this visual snow (and everything else) goes away.
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felt-squirrels · 28 days
Sometimes I feel sad but then I remember the sheer hilarity of the Carry On series and how Simon ended up falling in love with the person he hated most.
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mitsuki91 · 9 months
Okay but you know what could really destroy Snow?
Seeing Lucy Gray slowly starting to fall out of love with him. Lucy Gray knowing him so well she starts to be repulsed by him. The pain and disdain and the masks she has to wear (expecially if they are in the Capitol and she depends on him) in order to survive... With him because she has no other option. Lucy Gray, who put trust above everything, slowly starting to lie to his face, to hyde the fear and the pain behind fake smiles to make him happy with her.
And he will see this. He will see because, as always, as they are connected by the stars, as they are both performers, he can read her as she can read him. He can see her pulling back from their love story.
So. He may think that he want her to be caged, because so he can feel safe. But in reality he can not. In reality, he needs her to choose him. Everyday. They have to be a team. They have to be alone against the world (even if that means they have to perform to find a place in that world). He has to know, to feel sure, to feel warm about the fact that his Lucy Gray wanted him and wanted to be with him in the same way he wanted to be with her.
He has to be sure they truly love each others.
Or he is going to be insane. After all, he already did. One trace of doubt - he lost it. He lost it so bad.
But betrayal in a so giant way is a thing; a thing that set him in a rage, that make him spiraling without control and do despicable things in a matter or seconds.
Slowly see your only love slowly fade away? This is another type of pain who can drive one mad in a more subtle way, because he still had hope he can just fix things and surerly he will do it. Just a little time. Just a little patiente. He will do it. But in reality she fade. More and more far away. And panic arise, day by day.
So yeah, Coriolanus Snow was a boy in love, and as a boy in love (the first time I must add) wanted to cage her loved one, to control her. It's normal to feel this way when you love someone, because you want the other one to love you the same. But it's a passing thought, not a real one, because physical possesion doesn't mean owning someone's feelings, and he knew this. Deep down he knew. And he wants Lucy Gray's love above everything else.
Seeing her simply perform their love story to him will be too much.
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