#so I asked if it’s ok if the 2 classes I need are taken in the fall and ‘in progress’ when applications open
quietstormxr · 1 day
My first post out to the Tumblr universe. Here’s some angst between you and Xaden.
Let me know what y’all think! And if there should be a part 2!
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The green dragon, but not your green dragon, have taken residence inside your heart and mind. Never before had you felt threatened in your relationship; however, something seemed to change the minute Violet Sorrengail entered the quadrant. Not only did your friends seem distracted by the girl, but you could feel him peeling away little by little.
As days and months wore on, it seemed that the interest that peaked in him as he withdrew from interest in you. At first, you figured it was the stress of the deal with her mother, then you realized that wasn’t it at all. He stopped visiting. He stopped paying attention to you. He stopped seemingly seeing you at all. To protect yourself, you began to pull away. You thought he would notice, but once threshing passed, it all seemed to be over. Xaden told you that he was just figuring things out due to the mating bond between Sgaeyl and Tairn and his life now being tethered to Violet’s, but it seemed there were more to things.
At that point, you had decided you’d pull back from everyone and see what changed. One night in December, you decided some fresh air was needed and that’s when your heart broke. There he was kissing her. His hands in her hair and pushing her up against a wall. You couldn’t believe the brokenness you felt. He couldn’t even come to you first and end things before moving on. The feelings of worthlessness and nothingness were enveloping you again. Watching the person that had driven those feelings from you drove the despair in deep and fast. The thought that the man you had picked you up from broken pieces could toss you aside so fast was the most heartbreaking thing you had ever experienced. From there on you knew that there was no going back, your relationship was done, and you were done pretending.
The next day, you couldn’t even look anyone in the eye. At breakfast Bodhi and Garrick both asked if you were ok, but you brushed them off and went to class. During class, Eya and Imogen tried to talk, but you just ignored them. Even though you weren’t a marked one, most all your friends were. You knew that since Xaden would never be abandoned, you would now be pushing them all away as well.
Being that Xaden seemed always busy with leadership, the revolution, and now Violet, it seemed you didn’t even have to have “the talk”. At least that is what you were hoping, until one day in January, he showed up at your door. You opened it a crack to see him standing there looking at you expectantly.
“I have nothing to say to you, Xaden.” You told him with a cold certainty.
He looked at you questioningly. You noticed the fight in his eyes, the only place he ever showed his emotions.
“I don’t want to fight with you about this, us, or whatever we were to each other. I know you’ve moved on and I would appreciate it if you would let me do the same.” You said. With that, you shut the door on him and slammed your face in your pillow.
‘It’s ok to protect your heart, Stormy One. I could always maim him in a place that would not anger Sgaeyl.” Cedri states.
‘Thanks for the offer, Cedri, but I’m not sure that would help.’
You were lucky that your dragon, though being a curmudgeon at times, always knew when to push you or comfort. Cedri was always there to bolster you in times of doubt and fear.
The next day, things seemed to change. Imogen, Eya, and even Soleil seemed to distance themselves from you. You didn’t mind, it seemed to make the process of moving on to pick up the pieces easier. It only seemed that they boys didn’t get the memo.
It was obvious that Xaden must have said something, as Garrick seemed to keep staring at you from the leadership table at breakfast. And it was on the way out from breakfast that Bodhi came up to you and asked if he could walk you to class. Due to the overwhelming exhaustion of your own feelings, you just said ok and let him walk you in silence. The most unusual part of the day came when Liam came up to you during dinner and asked if he could sit with you and your squad.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on guard duty, Mairi?” you asked with a look of pure confusion on your face.
“Well, yes. But I was hoping that maybe I could convince you to sit at our table.” He looked with a sheepish grin.
“Thanks, Liam. I think I’ll have to pass on that one.” How could he think that you would want to be anywhere near the girl that took your world away?
He walked away seemingly saddened by your answer, but you just stared back at him in disbelief.
It didn’t make sense that now they all seemed to be interested in what you were doing. You knew that Xaden would have told them what happened, well Garrick at least. Garrick would’ve informed the others.
The next few weeks passed by uneventfully enough. Your world seemed to find a new rhythm now that you had distanced yourself from your marked friends. You started spending more time with your three other squad mates and the change didn’t go unnoticed.
“Not that I’m complaining, but why have you started hanging out with us so much?” asked Nico pointing around the table between himself, Kai, and Iona.
You shrugged your shoulders and said, “Is that not ok?”
“Of course, its ok!” Nico said. “We are all glad you are, but just really wanted to check that everything was alright. You seem to be shutting your other friends out.”
You let out a huff of a laugh and slowly shake your head. “Yeah, that happens when you find out someone cheated on you and then don’t come to you about it.”
Nico looks at you with eyes wide in surprise. Everyone knew that you were in a relationship of sorts, but no one knew who it was with.
“Well if we need to bury a body, you just have to say the words.”
And with that you break out into fits of laughter, the first in months and you can feel four pairs of eyes on your back.
As the weeks passed, you started to get into a new rhythm. You found new sparring partners, friends, and even went on a few dates. You didn’t miss the glances from the boys when they thought you weren’t looking. But the thing that you couldn’t understand was why Xaden would ever be looking.
You were in the middle of studying in the commons with Kai and felt his eyes before even meeting his gaze. The thing that surprised you most was the flash of sadness and, was that jealousy, that crossed his face. You shook your head knowing that you must have dreamt those looks and went back to your books. But that didn’t help the thoughts from swirling.
Why would he be sad? He seemed to have a shiny, new obsession, why would he care what you were doing?
‘Maybe things aren’t really what they seem.’ Cedri states.
‘That may be true, but how would I know when no one has said anything otherwise.’ You retort.
The next few days seemed to drag, but you found yourself feeling lighter than you had in a while. You started getting up for morning runs in the past few days and that seemed to help your mood improve. That was until a week later; you saw Bodhi standing at the wall out of the citadel on your way there for a run.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of this morning visit Bodhi?” you question.
“I just wanted to see if we could talk, maybe hang out later? Things have been weird lately between you and everyone and I just wanted to see what was going on.” He explains.
“Did someone put you up to this?”
“No.” He says resolutely with a furrow in his brow. “I just miss hanging out with you and talking. We’ve been friends since we entered this hellhole and I just want to continue that.”
“Fine, we can talk later. Want to meet down by the river after classes today? I could use some fresh air away from the quadrant.”
“Sure, I’ll see you down there.” He says and walks back towards the academic building.
‘If he tries to hurt you, I will make sure Cuir does not have a good evening.’
‘I don’t think that’s Bodhi’s plan, but I know you’ll be there to make sure.’
‘Of course, you do not think I would leave you with those humans after the hurt they’ve inflicted recently.’
‘I would never expect anything less.’
You can hear your dragon ‘harumph’ in a sigh at your confidence.
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galariangengar · 1 year
STRESS STRESS STRESS!!! The one community college that cleared me for Pharmacology is giving me an error when I try to register for the class, even though I already submitted a prerequisite form and my transcripts! I’ve tried calling their admissions office AND their counseling office, BUT NOTHING! I sent an email and I’ll leave a voicemail right now but HHHHHH I AM VERY STRESSED AND ANXIOUS RIGHT NOW!
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bestanimal · 1 month
~ Round 2 will begin November 1st! ~
On a quest to find Tumblr’s favorite animal!
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(Pictured is my personal favorite animal: the bearded vulture! Photo was taken by me… if you want to see more I post my photography on my instagram: SaritaWolf ;P)
Ever wondered how your favorite animal stacks up against other people’s favorites? Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here’s how this will work…
Polls will be ranked like so:
My fav is in this group!/This is one of my favorite animals!
I love these/this animal(s)
I like these/this animal(s)
I am neutral about these/this animal(s)
I dislike these/this animal(s)
I hate these/this animal(s)
If an animal is your favorite, it receives 5 points
If you love an animal, it receives 3 points
If you like an animal, it receives 1 point
If you are neutral about an animal, no points are added or subtracted to its ranking
If you dislike an animal, 1 point will be taken away
If you hate an animal, 3 points will be taken away
At the end of a polling period, that animal’s points will be its rank.
The top 20 or 50 or 100 or whatever (number to be decided on at a later date) will move on to the next round!
Polls will be open for 7 days
Since it’s not very feasible for me to make 1.5 million polls for every known species of animal, the first round of polls will be by Phylum, the next round will be by Class, then Order, then Family, then Genus, and then Species.
If you want your favs to make it to the top, make sure you know what group they’re in! This can be found via a quick Wikipedia search and a look-see right here (using the bearded vulture as an example):
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The Bearded Vulture is in the Phylum Chordata, the Class Aves/Reptilia, the Order Accipitriformes, and the Genus Gypaetus, so now I know to vote for that group as my favorite when it comes up!
The top ranked Phyla will move on to the next round, where they will then be split into Classes, and Round 2 will begin.
Round 3 will take the winning classes and split them by Order, then follow the same pattern.
Round 4 will take the winning orders and split them by Family, then follow the same pattern.
Round 5 will take the winning families and split them by Genus, then follow the same pattern.
Round 6 will take the winning genera and split them by Species, then follow the same pattern.
The Ultimate Round will pit the top 20/50/100 (number also to be decided at a later date) species against each other.
If no clear photos exist of a species, it will not be included in the polls. (So, if you’re a scientist who just discovered a new moth and it’s your favorite animal you better get those photos on iNaturalist quick)
You can have multiple favorites, I am not keeping track of that, but I do ask that you answer honestly!
I will add a bit of propaganda under a cut on each poll, but please feel free to reblog polls and add your own! If you want your fav(s) to win, these polls need to be seen by lots of people!
I do encourage people to not vote blindly. Look at the photos, read the propaganda, maybe even do your own research before you decide how you feel about an animal!
And lastly, please keep things civil! We all have different tastes and someone hating your fav is not a personal affront against you!
That being said, we do not “Kill it with fire” here. It’s ok to not like an animal, but we do not tolerate people calling for violence against a species or wishing a whole species extinct.
Important Tags:
#Animal Polls: All main polls
#Poll Results: Completed polls will be reblogged along with their calculated ranking
#Special Poll: Any extra polls
#Extra Propaganda: Any reblogged propaganda added by voters
#Statistics: A stats post will be posted after each round
#Asks: For any responses to asks (my askbox is open!)
#FAQ: For questions that may come up often
#Extras: For any announcement posts, reblogs, etc
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cloudyskiiees · 7 months
ok hear me out. total drama high school au. alenoah. scott pilgrim but instead of evil exes noah is friends with them all and they find it hilarious so they make a pact to have to approve whoever he dates next, and noah finds it fucking hilarious so he goes with it.
1: owen (and izzy and eva by association)
e-scope are poly! izzy is dating eva and owen, and owen was dating izzy and noah. noah loves his idiots, but decided he needs a partner with at least a shred of sanity. they're all still best friends and very close! dated for fiveish months sophomore year!
2: cody (of course)
middle school bfs. dated for like two weeks until noah couldn't deal with cody anymore. have been friends for so long he can't get rid of him, despite it all noah appreciates the geek (even if he wants to strangle him most of the time)
3: tyler
tyler came out as bi in freshman year (noah was his gay awakening) and asked him out on impulse. noah found it amusing and accepted, knowing the jock would quickly figure out he wouldn't wanna date such a pessimist. broke up after like a month, tyler is a good friend and very happy with his gf lindsay!
4: justin
got dared to ask out noah and date him for three days freshman year, accepted the challenge. noah isn't stupid, so he accepted then broke up with him after two days, making him lose the bet. justin was so distraught about it he confronted noah, who quickly learned he may be a prick but really he's just a crybaby attention seeker. if you asked noah now why he's friends with him, he couldn't give you an answer. but they're on friendly-rivalish terms!
5: emma
first and only gf. was scared to come out as a lesbian to everyone, so noah offered to date her to ward of suspicion from her family (people assume he's bi, he's still not sure) till she was ready. dated for a solid year between sophomore and junior year before she came out and got with her current gf (courtney), her and noah are lesbian gay solidarity, he's good friends with her and her sister, kitty.
6: duncan:
most recent breakup. end of junior year they both wound up in detention together a lot (noah couldn't stop correcting teachers + being a snark in class) ((duncan is a delinquent)) and a very unlikely friendship formed. duncan wanted to piss his ex (courtney) off so he would constantly flirt with noah in front of everyone. unbothered, noah and him went on a few dates just to post about it. emma found it very funny, courtney did not. both boys enjoy being assholes and judging people together.
alejandro has to go through and befriend all of them to basically get a stamp of approval to date their fav snark <3333
total drama has effectively taken over every inch of my brain i hope y'all enjoy my silly thoughts
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romanreignsbae · 4 months
I’ll help you - R.R
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Me and my boyfriend Joe of 2 years now have always supported eachother no matter the circumstances. More recently Joe's schedule has been hectic as ever, because football season has started and he has a minor problem consuming him.
Since he came into college on a full ride scholarship for football this doesn't mean grades don't matter. He's an student athlete so his grades are always took into consideration before football.
Me and him have basically have all our classes together. In one class specifically, he's been struggling and is on the verge of failing, if his grade goes any lower, he will be taken off the football team until it goes back up and he can't have that.
We have a test in 2 days that's worth enough to bring his mark back up, so here I am in our dorm room trying to help him study.
I'm explaining the question thoroughly to make sure he understands. "So, Joe do you get it?" I ask him. I get no response so I look up at him seeing he's staring at me in awe. He then keeps eye contact while pushing my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. I blush profusely.
"Your so gorgeous baby, you know that" he talks in low voice while questioning me. But no- I can't fall for this right now.
"No Joe don't try to sweet talk your way outta this, you gotta get your grade up otherwise you won't be able to play" I remind him. He groans loudly before throwing his head back clearly annoyed.
I don't blame him because this is a pretty hard class, even for me. "C'mon Joe-" I get cut off with lips being smashed onto mines.
I try to pull away but he only deepens the kiss. I decide to let him get everything outta him, before I lecture him a little. He pulls away smiling at me with a proud look on his face. He reaches out and runs his finger over my now bruised bottom lip.
"Joe now seriously let's do a few more questions…then we can lay down and take a nap together" I try to compromise.
"Alright fine" he replies. What takes about 30 minutes we get through about 4 questions and I can see Joe's kinda starting to get the hang of it.
"Can we finally lay down?!” he pleads me in a whiny voice.
I nod my head and leads me to our bed. I lay down on my back and he crawls on top of me, laying his head on my chest. I start running my hands through his hair and within a few minutes I hear light snores. Before I know it I feel myself falling into a deep sleep too.
I wake up the next morning and get ready for my first class. I always wake up earlier then Joe because I like a fresh start to my day. I usually wake Joe up around 15 minutes before we leave cause he barely takes any time to get ready.
We get through all our classes and before we know it, it's break. Me and Joe hold hands walking through the courtyard. Usually during break we just sit under a tree and chill. I read occasionally if he wants to throw a football around with his friends. But it's rare cause he claims he would rather spend his time with me.
We place ourselves down under the big tree that gives a shadow to block the sun. I open my book bag and pull out the text books we need for him to study.
"Babyyyy nooo, not during break" he whines. I try not to giggle at his tone.
"Yes Joe, you have a practice that runs late tonight, when you get home your not gonna wanna study and the test is tomorrow, so you need to study" I explain.
He surprisingly complies and nods while he leans his head onto my shoulder.
"Ok so I'm gonna give you a few practice questions, and if you need help wait until the end, I want you to try these yourself at first" I announce.
I grab my notebook and write out a few questions. I hand the book over to him and I see him writing. A few minutes later he hands me back the notebook.
He had a confident look on his face and I hate to burst his bubble but these were all wrong. "Joe sweetie, these are wrong, but you got all the steps right, your just rushing the end" I exclaim.
He's truly so smart he just needs to try harder, and if he did I'm confident he would be doing phenomenal in all his classes.
"I know, I just don't have any motivation for this type stuff" he tells me. He leans forward and tries to give me a kiss. I back away and he groans.
"Y/n baby, please let me kiss you" he begs. A idea then pops into my head.
"Okay Joe, how bout every question you get right, you get a kiss, but… don't rush otherwise you won't get one" I compromise to him.
His eyes light up. He shoots up and sits up straight. "Yeah yeah lets do that, gimme some questions" he says almost excitedly. I laugh at his excitement.
I hand him the notebook and this time he takes about 20 minutes, I calmly read waiting for him.
I look over the answers and squeal. "Yes Joe! These are all right! I'm so proud of you, your gonna do great on the test" I exclaim.
He smiles at me proudly "that's because I have the best tutor" he tells me. He then quickly pulls me by my sweater and smashes his lips onto mine. We share a mini makeout session, until I feel my head throbbing in pain.
I quickly pull away and keep my eyes shut, the pain is so bad. "Hey! What the fuck man! Why the fuck would you do that" I hear Joe yelling.
I open my eyes and see that a football is right beside me. Great. I've had a football thrown at my head.
"Owww" I whine out while trying to contain myself from crying.
Joe collects all my books and puts them into my bag, he then picks me up and I nuzzle my face into his neck, his cologne calming and distracting me from the pain.
When he stops walking I open my eyes to see we are in the nurses office. Joe explains what happend to me to the nurse.
She quickly tests me out. "Ok well, it's not a concussion, but I suggest you rest now, stay home from school tomorrow and go back if you feel right" she tells me.
I thank her and we leave, while we walk to our dorm room, Joe's shit talking the guy who through the football at me, and about how he's gonna beat him up during practice.
When we get back Joe lays me down on our bed and gets a ice pack placing it on my head.
"I'm gonna stay here, instead of go to practice today" he lets me know.
I feel guilt wash over me. "No no, go Joe I'll be alright" I try to convince him. He doesn't budge at all though and pulls me onto his chest.
The rest of the night we spend cuddled up in our bed watching movies and order takeout.
The next morning I wake up before Joe per usual and decided I don't feel good enough to go to school. I wake up Joe and inform him he needs to get ready, but I'll be staying here.
He offers to stay with me, but I protest since he has that test today.
"Your gonna do great baby, just remember take your time and double check your answers." I tell him.
When it's time for him to go he kisses me softly before asking if I need anything before he leaves, which i refuse to.
I spend my day reading a book I've needed to get to, I took the opportunity since I had nothing better to do.
I look at the time and see Joe should be back any minute. While I'm finishing the book I hear the door slam open. I turn to my side to see Joe with a massive smile on his face.
"Baby, baby! Look what I got on the test" he practically yells. He walks over to me and sticks his hand out. I take the paper from him to see '93%' bolded in red in the corner of the page.
"Joe, you did it! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!" I tell him excitedly.
The rest of the night is a calm night, I decide I need some fresh air so I sit on the bleachers reading during Joe's practice. And we spend our night embraced in each other's arms.
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zooliminology · 5 months
Update/What's in the Future
[Hey guys, you probably have noticed that this is going to be likely the longest dry spell of real Zoolim content in a while. I apologize for this. Life has gotten in the way of a lot of things.
-I'm an art student in college, and last semester I didn't take any art classes so I was basically free to do whatever, but this semester I've taken three studio art classes, which are all very intensive and in honesty I would not recommend it! If you're a studio art student stick to 1-2 studio art classes a semester so you don't go insane please! I'm currently absolutely SWAMPED with work right now. -The Golbo video and the video that is imminently due this Tuesday (that i am writing this post about instead of working on) are the results of my New Media class. Considering the ten thousand million fucking art assets I have to draw for these it's been very time consuming (still want to do it though.) -A lot of life things have happened to me recently, not to be super personal but a family member of mine is sick and my living conditions are not the absolute Best, so it's been taking a heavy toll on my health.
All of these combined, especially the studio classes part because I've been bled dry of creativity energy relating to zoolim basically, has caused this dry spell basically. My hopes are that after the semester ends (which is soon) I'll be able to work on things more. I feel bad about not working on it more but I have to draw things other than zoolim to literally stay sane because it's a lot.
So I guess that leaves us with one question: what's in the future?
Well, a lot of things... maybe? I'm a little dry on entity ideas right now but i have a few, and I'd like to revisit some entities more and expand on them. And while I enjoy the videos and the non-entry ideas I have for material, I would also like to continue the 'traditional' paintings and entries. So I hope I can work on that alongside other things! I also have more ideas for videos, but considering how I have to do nearly all of the work, aside from the narration (thanks Darvinos) any video production will likely slow down dramatically after the semester is over. Until my next New Media class at least, but IDK if it will let me make the same shit.
I also have some deeper lore and a story semi-figured out, along with characters (you ever wonder who's taking the pictures? not the same person who's writing the captions!!!) but they would be hard to implement in this tumblr blog organically, so maybe they'll show up in some videos. I've thought of asking more people for help for this purpose, though I'd need to work out completely how that would work, and the moment that zoolim becomes more than some backrooms world i work on mostly by myself will become scary.
Sorry that this post is a big ramble, I hope yall understand and I swear the Longlegs video will come out pretty soon, it will be worked on again right after I post this lol. But please take care, and thank you for all the support you've shown me so far. It truly does mean a lot to me. I've said it several times but I'll say it again, I never imagined this shitty little art project about weird goobers in the backrooms would get so much attention lol.
ok end of post]
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bellabean24 · 1 year
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
Word count: 948
Summary: You and Nanami are at your daughters Lola’s soccer game. And when you leave for a drink you see one of the single mothers come up to Nanami and asks him out and shames you.
Warnings: Slight jealously, reader being insecure, Someone talking bad about reader, tiny tiny bit of angst, pet names (sweetheart, dear), kisses
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist | Ex-Husband Nanami Kento Masterlist
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You and ex-husband Nanami Kento have your moments when you’re both calm and don’t fuck like horny teenagers. Like right now the both of you are at your daughter's soccer game.
Little Lola is running around with her friends occasionally looking at you two with a big smile and a wave. She ends up knocking into a kid and taking the ball from him earning a cheer from her team and the teammates parents and you and Nanami of course. "She's a lot like you, you know" Nanami whispers into your ear with his arm around waist.
"How is she like me," raising your eyebrow with a confused look on your face. "Because both of you are very aggressive when it comes to winning."  Faking an offense gasps you let out a small laugh looking at Nanami with a smile. "I do not get aggressive when it comes to winning." rolling your eyes at him you see a small but noticeable smile creep up to his face.
You both stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you hear loud cheers in the stands, looking up you see that your daughter scored a point, you and Nanami stand from your seats shouting Lola's name. She looks at the two of you giving you a thumbs up before running back with her team.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?" You ask Nanami as you reach inside your purse for your wallet. "Can you get me some water, dear?" Nodding your head you turn to leave for the concession stand, when walking you walk past a woman who gives you a stank face. Which is odd because your daughter plays on the same team and is in the same class as her son. Choosing to ignore it and complain about it when you get back to Nanami.
While you're at the stand getting the drinks you didn't think the lady you walked past would go up to Nanami.
Nanami is watching your daughter on the field and would sometimes sneak a look at you to make sure you're doing ok, as Nanami is looking at you the same lady from before comes to him. "Hi, Nanami. Can I sit here" she lets out with a flirtatious smile on her face, pointing to your spot next to him, before he can respond she takes your seat.
Nanami looks her up and down with a stoic face wondering why the hell is she here and what her name was. "Hi, miss" choosing to call her miss Nanami turns his head and looks at you once more to see you walking back.
'Don't be silly, you can call me Jen." she winks at him and scoots a bit closer to him. "Do you need something, Jen? If not you can leave me be please" malice dripping in his voice as he speaks to her. Jen is a bit taken aback by his tone and chooses to just keep talking, "I was wondering since you are now finally divorced from that crappy wife you had, I wanted to know if you wanted to go out."
Nanami is so confused since you and him have been divorced for 2 years, so what the hell does she mean finally? What the fuck does she mean crappy wife, you were and still are the best wife a man can ask for, you only got the divorce cause his overtime was messing up with your relationship and it was harder with your child always asking were her dad was.
"I don't know what you mean by 'Crappy wife' cause Y/N was the best wife I can ask for." He snaps at her before scooting away from her, "I was just saying that since you guys are divorced you must have realized what a shit wife she was, no man would divorce their wife if they weren't shit." She pushes getting a bit snappy with Nanami.
You hear the words she says to Nanami, you would be lying if you said it didn't hurt a little. Especially since you thought that about yourself too. Choosing to push down those feelings and deal with it later you walk towards them without them noticing. 
"Is that why your husband divorced you?" You speak, handing Nanami his bottle of water, Nanami looks up at you with a small smile on his face. "No, but that's why yours divorced you. All the moms know it." she adds getting up from her (your) spot next to Nanami.
"Thank you, sweetheart" Nanami says to you, kissing the side of your head, "Yeah, whatever. You won't actually go out with her right?" You look at him eyebrows raised and a worried smile on your face. He smiles at you rubbing his thumb on the side of your neck, "No, why would it make you jealous."
"Ha, what do I need to be jealous about? Hm?" Your body is tense and Nanami can feel it, you start pulling at your fingers a habit you do when you're nervous or upset. Nanami reaches for your hand gripping it in his. "Oh sweetheart I was just teasing, I'm not going anywhere. You kind of have me wrapped around your finger," he lets out a small chuckle as he plants a kiss on your cheek then forehead.
Smiling at his words you lean your head on his shoulders letting out a little sigh. "You hear me Y/N, I'm not leaving your side anymore, I'm going to be here for you and Lola." Nodding your head you lift your head off his shoulder to leave a kiss on his lips, "I know Kento."
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Jay Halstead- Case Gone Wrong
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It's been 2 weeks since YN's disappearance. 2 weeks since a case went wrong and YN was taken, tied up and beaten to an inch of her life. Everyone at intelligence has been working hard to find her, especially her boyfriend Jay and her dad Hank Voight
"Jay you need to go home, rest" Erin sighs at her partner
"I can't"
"I know your worried, so am I, but we won't help YN if we're tired"
"We won't help her if we're asleep either!" Jay yells, but Erin knows he's just tired, angry, upset, worried
"I think we may have a break through" Antonio says walking in with a woman "this is Mary she has something that could help us"
Voight and Antonio sit Mary down with a glass of water while the others stand behind the glass watching
"Tell him what you told me"
"Errm a couple of weeks ago I saw my neighbour take a young woman into his house. She was unconscious, she had a bandage on her head. So obviously I asked him if she was ok and he said that she fell and he was bringing her back from the hospital. I didn't think much of it. But this morning I watched him come home with more bandages"
"What did the girl look like?"
"Errm short dark blond hair, almost light brown. I didn't get a good look at her face, but she had a tattoo behind her ear" Voight and Antonio look at each other
"What was it?" Antonio asks
"It was a J I think"
"That's YN" Voight rubs his hand over his face
"We need an address"
Unbeknownst to YN, her PD family were on the way to save her while she was being tortured once again
"You nearly got me arrested. I thought you were my friend" Max, the guy they have been after for a year, says "thought we had something special. You know, after the trade I was going to ask you to be by my side permanently" YN doesn't speak, mainly because it hurts to open her mouth, but also because she has nothing to say to Max "now I think I'm going to have a little bit more fun with you, then I'll start cutting you up piece by piece, sent it to you dad, or maybe your boyfriend" Max grabs a knife stabbing it into her thigh, but she refuses to make any noise and give him the satisfaction.
Intelligence arrive in no time at all so when Max hears there's a bang upstairs, he looks at YN smiling. He places some tapes around YN's mouth, wrapping it around her head. He picks up his gun and leaves YN alone in the basement downstairs. All she can do is hope someone comes downstairs, but she knows that her dad and Jay will check every inch of this house.
Footsteps run down stairs, YN looks up to see Erin
"I got her!" Erin shouts running over to YN then sees the blood coming out of her thigh "I need an ambo at our location, stab wound victim loosing blood" Erin says into her radio after taking off her jacket and wrapping it tightly around her leg "guys I need help down here!" Erin yells again trying to untie the girl she classes as a sister "god YN your freezing" more footsteps are heard running down and over to YN
"Baby what did he do to you?" Jay exclaims before helping Erin
"He's wrapped the tape around her head. If we rip it off it will pull her hair out"
"Paramedics will have scissors, they can at least release her mouth" once Jay and Erin have YN untied, Jay picks his girlfriend up and takes her upstairs to wait for the ambo to arrive.
YN wakes up to Jay, Will and her dad in her hospital room
"Hey YN" Will softly says
"You want a drink?" Voight asks his daughter who slightly nods her head
"Here let me help you" Jay helps YN sit up a little so that her dad can direct the straw into YNs mouth. She takes a couple sips before laying back down. Jay moves some hair out of her face, she now noticed how tired both her boyfriend and dad look
"Have you slept?" YN asks quietly
"Not much. We were worried about you" Jay replies
"Do you remember what happened?" Will asks, YN gives him a nod "you had to have stitches in your leg"
"YN did he.. did he erm..." YN knows what Jay is trying to say
"No. Just hit me" Jay breaths a sigh of relief
"When can she leave?" Voight asks Will
"Well she can go home tomorrow as long as she's eaten and gone to the toilet. And she needs to have someone with her all the time for the next 2 weeks"
"Jay you can stay home with her, just have your phone on you"
"Got it"
"Now what do you say to trying to eat something?" Will asks. YN gives him a nod "ok. I'll be back in a bit" Will leaves the room
"Did you get Max?"
"Yeah we did"
"Good" YN smiles
"I'm going to head back to the precinct, I'll be back later" Voight says kissing his daughters forehead then leaving the room.
Jay stays with YN for the next 24 hours, even when Will and YN both tell him to go home.
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morgana-larkin · 4 months
Here it is! Mine part 5! Here we take a look in the past! In part 6 it’ll be more of them raising the kids again.
On another note: I’ll be finishing up Marilyn Thornhill and reader, I’m halfway done so I might finish before I sleep.
Mine - Part 5
Warnings: smut, swearing, lots of fluff
Words: 4.5k
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You get home and you get the stroller out for the twins and then hand it to Melissa while you get Amelia. Melissa expertly sets up the stroller and then puts the twins in it. You all head inside and set Amelia up on the tv while Melissa sets the twins down for their nap. You don’t even question why she’s taking longer, you know she must have missed them and now you both can spend the entire summer, the 5 of you, just being together.
“Mommy?” Amelia pipes up.
“Yes honey?” You asked as you were sitting on the couch and Amelia on a little chair that Jacob got her for her birthday.
“How did you and Mamma met?” She asked just as Melissa was coming down the stairs.
“Well how we met was where we work.” You told her.
“I know that, but how?” Amelia asks.
“Oh, do you want the story, little Tesoro?” Melissa asks her and she nods. Melissa picks Amelia up and sits on the couch beside you with Amelia on her lap. “Well it all started about 9 years ago…
*9 years ago*
You were walking into Abbott Elementary, excited to start your first day as the new aide for Melissa Schemmenti.
You walk into the front office and get your badge and Ava brings you to the break room to meet Melissa.
Melissa was running late that morning as she overslept from staying up late making 2 lesson plans. She went to walk to the break room when she runs right into someone.
“Oh I’m so sorry, are you ok?” You say and stabilise whoever it was.
“Ya I’m fine. Are you okay?” Melissa asks and looks up to see the other person and you both lock eyes.
You look at her and your mouth goes dry, she was beautiful. “Um *clears throat* ya ya, I’m fine.”
“Oh well this is perfect, Melissa, this is your new aide y/n y/l/n.” Ava pipes up.
“Oh, perfect.” She says with a sigh and rolls her eyes.
“I was told she’ll be better than Ashley.” Ava says.
“She better be.” Melissa says and then looks at you. “Hey kid, why don’t you head down to the classroom and get settled, I’m just going to go get a coffee.” She says as she hands you the classroom key.
“Oh, where’s the classroom?” You ask as you take the key.
“Ava, you’re not doing anything, why don’t you show her where my classroom is.” Melissa says and then walks away, not giving Ava a chance to reply.
Ava brings you to her classroom and you go in. You’re shocked at the amount of desks there are. “How many students are in this class?” You ask Ava.
“It’s a split second and third grade class. 15 second graders and 10 third graders.” She tells you and you sigh.
“No wonder she needs an aide.” You say and Ava smiles.
“Alright I’m going back to my office.” Ava says and walks out.
You find the extra desk at the other end of the classroom and put your stuff down on it. You take a look around the classroom when Melissa walks in.
“Alright kid, I’m gonna be blunt with you. The first aide I had, she sucked, I got less work done with her here. So you better actually be helpful or I won’t hesitate to tell Ava to fire you.” She says and you’re taken back.
“Um, uh, alright.” You tell her.
“You alright?”
“I’m just, um, you’re a little intimidating is all.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well good, then hopefully we won’t have a problem.” She tells you. She then goes over the lesson plan for today and what you’ll need to do today and you listen to her every word carefully.
After the first day she was impressed by how helpful you were. After about a month she decided to start being nicer to you as you proved you weren’t another Ashley. She noticed that at lunch time, you stay in the classroom and type on your laptop.
“Hey kid, why don’t you come and have lunch with us in the break room?” She asks you and look up from your laptop.
“I would love to, but I gotta finish this paper for school.” You tell her and that caught her interest.
“You go to school?” She asks and you nod.
“Trying to complete my teaching degree.” You tell her and she smiles. No wonder you were a good aide. She looks over at your laptop and takes a look at the paper you’re working on, she then brings both your lunches to the classroom and helps you with your paper.
After that day, you notice a change in Melissa, she actually has conversations with you now, she helps you with your teaching degree, she gives you her phone number for just in case, and she once split her lunch with you when you forgot one. And you have to admit that the lunch she shared with you was the best thing you ever had. There was something about you that just drawed her to you, she doesn’t want to but she’s attracted to you. After a month of working with you everyday, she’s developed a small crush on you. She has no idea where you stand though, maybe she should try flirting with you.
3 months pass by and you run into the break room one morning in search of Melissa. “Melissa! Melissa! Melissa!” You yell down the hall and you see her when you burst into the break room and she’s looking at you curiously.
“What’s up hon?” She asks you.
“I passed!” You tell and her jaw drops as she stands up.
“Are you serious?” She asks and you nod with a huge smile.
“I got 90%!!!” You exclaim. “I got my teaching certificate!” You shout and she runs and hugs you.
“Congratulations hon!” She tells you.
3 months pass by and it was the end of the school year and the end of you being her aide. You and Melissa decided to keep in contact as you became friends. Ava comes in to the break room at lunch to talk to you.
“Hey y/n.” She calls for you and you turn to look at her.
“Wanted to let you know that you got the teaching position for third grade.” Ava tells you and you gasp.
“Are you serious?” Ava nods.
Melissa invites you over that night for dinner to celebrate your new job at Abbott. She gets you to taste test her food and she brings the spoon to your mouth as you take a taste. As soon as it hits your taste buds you let out a small moan. You swallow and Melissa is looking at you stunned. Before you can react, she puts her lips on yours and you kiss her back.
The two of you go out for a month before you have sex for the first time. You had a date at her place and it’s the start of August right now so you decided to wear a short dress and it shows some cleavage as well. Melissa keeps looking at your legs and chest the entire time and you see her eyes are blown a bit and she licks her lips multiple times that night. Melissa puts the dishes in the sink then goes out to the dinner table where you’re clearing the table. You’re bending over a bit to reach the other side of the table when Melissa pulls your body up against hers and kisses your neck. She has her left hand placed on your stomach to hold you to her and the other one is touching the exposed skin of your chest.
“It’s like you want me to snap and make you mine.” She tells you and you moan. “Is that what you want, baby? Want to be mine?” She asks with a husky voice and you gasp as she sucks on your neck.
“Yes! Yes that’s what I want. I want you to fuck me so good Mel.” You tell her and she smirks. Her right hand goes down from your chest and cups your boob through your dress.
“I see you decided to not wear a bra, naughty girl.” She whispers in your ear and you shiver.
“Want to know something else?” You ask her.
“And what would that be?” She asks you.
“I’m also not wearing any underwear.” You tell her and you don’t see the way her eyes are fully blown and all her self control leaves her. She brings you up against the nearest wall and trails kisses down your neck. She then hooks her fingers around your dress straps and you nod at her. She pulls them off your shoulders and lets the dress fall, and true to your words, you were completely bare underneath. She takes a few seconds to look at your body and she licks her lips.
“You’re beautiful.” She tells you and takes a nipple into her mouth. You moan and put your arms on her shoulders so you don’t fall to the floor. Melissa seems to understand your struggle and moves you to sit on the dinner table, the side you didn’t use to eat. As soon as you’re sitting on the table, she goes to put your other nipple in her mouth and you moan. You put your hands in her hair and hold her head to your nipple as it’s been awhile since you’ve had a skillful tongue on your breasts. She trails kisses down your stomach and she gets on her knees and keeps your legs separated. She then connects her mouth to your entrance and licks a long strip up and you gasp. She then puts her tongue in your entrance and starts sliding it in and out. You grab her head and keep it to your pussy so she doesn’t move as it feels so good.
Melissa is enjoying the fact that you want to keep her there, even if she’s getting less oxygen. She then brings a finger to your clit and rubs circles on it, you start bucking your hips and you’re slow close now. “Omg Mel, I’m so close.” You tell her and she moans. Your legs start to shake and your toes are curling and then you come seconds later. Melissa licks it all up and then she stands up. She connects her lips with yours and you taste yourself on her and you moan at that. She then slides a finger in your entrance while she’s kissing you and you gasp and pull her closer to you.
“You’re so willing for me aren’t ya? So willing for me to ruin you and make you mine.” She almost growls in your ear. She then adds a second finger and puts her thumb to your clit and you cry out.
“Omg! Yes Mel! Please ruin me!” You scream out then you whimper. It makes Melissa go faster and your legs start shaking.
“Come on baby, come for me.” She tells you and you cum for a second time.
You put your head on her shoulder to catch your breath while she pulls out of you and wraps her arms around you. Once you catch your breath you take the hand of hers that was in you, and put her two fingers she used in your mouth and you lick her fingers clean and you moan.
“Oh fuck hon.” She says breathless and then she whimpers. You then go to take her shirt off and she helps you by raising her arms, her bra following quickly after that. You go to kiss her neck but then she leads you to her nipples and you put one in your mouth. She gasps at the sensation and then you suck on it and she bucks her hips. While licking and sucking her nipples, you roam your hands all over her stomach and moan at feeling her soft skin. She notices this and it gives her a confidence boost as she was a bit self conscious about her stomach. “You love my body hon?” She asks you and you nod then switch to her other nipple. She lets you lick and suck her other nipple for 20 seconds before she gets impatient and pulls you away. “Then prove it, get on your knees for me, and make me cum with just your tongue.” She tells you and you get off the table and onto your knees. She spreads her legs for you and then you attach your mouth to her clit. You start licking and sucking and she leans forward to hold on to the table and moans. “Oh god baby! Yes keep coming, your mouth and tongue feel so good.” She says very breathy.
You do a rather hard suck on her clit and she falls to her elbows on the table. While sucking on her clit, you bring your hands up to cup her breasts as they’re right above your head, and play with the nipples. Her legs start to shake as she’s getting closer to an orgasm.
“Baby, put your fingers in me please. It’s been so long.” She says and while she said just your tongue at first, you won’t disobey her. You stick 2 fingers in her and she gasps. You stick a third finger in her and she cries out and then comes. You slow down inside of her and then pull out. Before you can react, she’s kneeling down to your level and pulls your legs so that you’re sitting with your legs out and she starts grinding your thigh. “Lick the fingers that were inside of me.” She tells you and you obey. “Mmm, so obedient.” She says and grinds on your thigh faster. You go and put a nipple in your mouth and she puts her hands in your hair. It doesn’t take her long for her to cum a second time. She slows down and catches her breath on you. She kisses you for a few seconds and then her breath evens out. “Thank you for sticking your fingers in me, it’s been awhile since something has been inside of me.”
“It’s not a problem Mel.” You tell her and then kiss her. In the morning she has you put the strap on and lay on your back while she rides it. You watch as the strap fills her entrance until it’s fully in and then she starts riding it. It’s such an amazing sight to see and it’s all for you. She comes and that’s when an idea pops in your mind. While she’s blissed out, you pull her off and then get behind her and put the strap in her and start fucking her from behind.
“Uh? Y/n…what are you- OMG!” She says and lets you pound into her as it feels so good. You find her clit and rub it and she falls forward as she screams out. You keep her hips lifted and the new angle makes it even better. She comes not even a minute after the first one. You don’t stop though as you’re just about to come as well and she notices. She feels her third building fast. “Y/n…come… with me… baby.” She says as her legs start to shake along with yours.
You cum and then the sound of you cumming sends her over the edge herself. You slow down inside of her and then pull out carefully. You take the strap off and then cuddle into her.
“Wow hon, where did that come from?” She asks with a giggle and you blush.
“I don’t know, it just came to my mind so I did it.”
“Hmm, well it was a nice surprise, it felt really good. But just remember that I’m in charge in the bedroom.” She tells you sternly.
“What if we fuck outside of the bedroom?” You respond slyly and she looks at you for a second before she bursts out laughing. She then tickles your sides and you start giggling, “ah Mel.” You say through giggles.
“You want to be sly then this is what you get.” She tells you while she’s laughing.
“Ok I surrender! I surrender! I got no white flag because I’m naked.” You said and she sighs happily and stops tickling you.
“Naked is how I prefer you.” She whispers in your ear and you smile at her.
“Hmm, naked is how I prefer you too.” You tell her and she smiles at you. “Hey Mel.” You say and look at her and she’s looking at you. “I love you.” You tell her and she beams.
“I love you too Amore.” She tells you and you smile and kiss her.
*11 months later*
Melissa is putting the finishing touches on the cannoli she made for you guys before putting it in the fridge. She wants everything to be perfect for your one year anniversary.
She hears the door open followed by a “Mel, I’m here!” You yell and she runs out of the kitchen and right to you. She reaches you and picks you up and spins you around. “Ahh!” You scream as she took you by surprise.
“HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AMORE!” She yells and you giggle. She puts you down and kisses your lips and you kiss her back.
You reach in your pocket and pull out an envelope and hand it to her. “Happy Anniversary Mel.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“You didn’t have to get me anything Amore. The fact that you’re mine already makes me happy everyday.” She tells you and you smile.
“Nevertheless, open it, open it, open it! I’ve had to keep this a secret for 2 months.” You tell her and she giggles at your excitement.
“Alright I’m opening it.” She says and opens the envelope and pulls out the contents and stares in shock. “What? But these are really good seats… to an eagles game.” She says in disbelief and looks at you confused.
“I know a guy.” You tell her.
“Woman after my own heart.” She tells you and kisses you. “Thank you Amore.” She tells you and boops your nose.
You then go to her ear to whisper something. “I’m wearing your other gift.” You whisper and she shivers. You see her eyes go black with lust at that and you see a conflict in her.
“B-but… the food…it’s ready.” She says then looks at you. “Show me first.” She tells you and you pull your dress up to show her a small red lingerie dress and she becomes breathless.
“We should eat the food Mel.” You tease her and she picks you up with a growl.
“I’m gonna eat you first.” She says and pushes you up against a wall.
*1 year later*
You open her door to the house and she runs to you and kisses you after a hard day at work and all the stress leaves her body instantly.
“Happy anni-”
“Move in with me.” She blurts out and you look at her stunned.
“Will you move in with me?” She asks you and you smile.
“Yes!” You tell her and she kisses you passionately.
*1 year later*
“Mel, I had to go to 3 different stores to find the exact ingredients you wanted.” You tell her as you walk into your shared home. You turn around and see Melissa coming towards you and pulls you to the kitchen. You walk into the kitchen and you see the meal you had when she first kissed you. You look at her and she’s smiling but also nervous about something.
“Amore, it’s in this very spot where the most important moment of my life happened. I couldn’t resist you any longer and I kissed you. And as soon as I did, I knew I’d want to spend the rest of my life kissing you.” She says and you’re confused as to what’s going on. “I was making this exact pasta for you when you got a full time job at Abbott.” She tells you and brings a spoon up to your mouth to get you to taste it. And it tastes just like it did 3 years ago and you hum. “Your first reaction was better.” She teases you and you giggle. “3 years ago we started going out and I don’t regret a single moment with you. You’re the love of my life Amore and I want you to be mine forever.” She says and gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring box. You gasp and she has a smile on her.
“Y/n, will you marry me?” She asks and before she opens the ring box, you tackle her into a hug.
“Yes yes yes yes yes!” You say.
“Woah!” Melissa says as she’s pulled back by the hug and falls to the floor with you in her arms. You kiss her lips and smile at her and she smiles at you.
*1 year later*
“I’m so nervous.” You say, pacing around the living room to one of her siblings' houses. You can’t remember which one at the moment as there’s too many thoughts in your head.
“Relax honey.” Your mom tells you. “It’s just pre wedding jitters. That girl out there loves you with her whole being. She’s not going to leave you.” Your mom tells you. Your mom is giving you a way today as your father just had a surgery and is walking with a cane for a couple months and can’t stand for too long. “You look beautiful honey.” Your mom tells you. You got the wedding dress of your dreams and your whole family put their money together to get it for you. “Now let’s go outside to that backyard and get you married to that bride out there who can’t stop smiling.” She tells you and you smile.
“She’s been smiling a lot?” You ask her.
“A few people have told her to stop for a bit or her cheeks will hurt before the night ends.” Your mom tells you and you link her arm with yours.
The people you chose to stand with you make their way down the aisle, then a little cousin of Melissa’s goes down and places flowers. Then the wedding song starts everyone stands up and looks at you. You emerge from the crowd and you and Melissa lock eyes. You see her in the best white pantsuit you’ve ever seen and she makes it even better and it takes your breath away.
“Fuck.” Melissa mutters. Only quiet enough for Barb, who’s marrying you two, could hear. You see all of Melissa’s siblings standing there beside her. And you see your long time best friends, as well as Janine and Jacob, standing near where you’re going to be. You walk down the aisle with your mom and you get closer and closer to your future wife. You eventually reach her and your mom joins your hands together and looks at Melissa with a glare.
“Don’t fuck it up.” She tells her sternly.
“I don’t plan too, I’d be an idiot if I did.” Melissa tells your mom and then looks at you and smiles more. “You look beautiful Amore.” She tells you with heart eyes. Barb starts the wedding and you and Melissa look at each other, both of you have hearts as eyes.
“And as I understand it, you two have written your own vows.” Barb says and you both nod.
Melissa goes to pull hers out and looks at it and then puts it back. “I know what I really want to say to you.” She says and then takes a deep breath. “When we first met, I didn’t like you. You were hired to be my aide and I got traumatised from my previous aide. You proved how good of an aide and teacher you are to those kids and to me. And somewhere in that time I became attracted to you. It took me a few months before I actually did something about my feelings, when I kissed you in the kitchen. Best and most important kiss of my life. You have been so patient with me and I never felt rushed or pressured with you, and I couldn’t be happier than to be able to love you everyday and now to be able to call you my wife.” She tells you and a tear falls down your cheek, Melissa wipes your tear away and then you go to speak.
“I should have gone first because you made me forget my entire vow.” You say and she chuckles, as well as a few people in the crowd. “Melissa, when I first laid eyes on you after bumping into you in the hall, you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I thought you were out of my league and was scared when I got feelings for you. I never thought I’d be able to even kiss you but now here you are, about to be my wife. My feelings and love for you has only grown since that first moment in the hallway and I know I will continue to love you more each and every day of my life.” You tell her and her eyes become watery. You’re two focused looking at Melissa that you barely register you two putting the rings on each other and everything else that’s said until Barb says those last words.
“I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may now kiss the bri-” Barb doesn’t get to finish as Melissa takes you and gives you a passionate kiss.
*a year and a half later*
“I want a baby.” Melissa suddenly says as you’re cuddling on the couch together and you turn to her.
“I want a kid. I’ve always wanted one and never got the chance. I thought it wouldn’t happen for me so I gave it up but I’ve recently been thinking that I still want a child.” Melissa tells you and you smile.
“I want a child too.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Really?” She asks and you nod.
“Why don’t we start tonight?” You tell her and she immediately picks you up and brings you to the bedroom.”
*present day*
“It took a few months but then eventually we got news that mommy was pregnant with you and we were thrilled. Then she got pregnant with the twins and we were so happy. We married the love of our lives, and we have 3 kids now that we love.” Melissa explains and Amelia is looking at her confused while you’re looking at her with adoration in your eyes. You always loved remembering you and Melissa’s past, how you fell in love and built your family.
Amelia goes to play with her toys on the floor while you and Melissa cuddle.
“I love you Mel.” You tell her.
“I love you too Amore.” She tells you and gives you a kiss.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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dearest-painter · 1 year
can i request yan gray with a darling thats in a gang or they a big himbo (gender is up to you)
it ok if not lol and sry for bad spelling
Omfg yes I can!!! Also your spelling is good!! If you have any more ideas Anon please tell me!!!
Yandere Gary with a Himbo!Male!Reader
Summary:Everyone is in denial of Gary actually being in love with the school’s himbo. They don’t believe Y/N is good for him yet Y/N’s little head is filled with thoughts that Gary fills his head up with to make sure their together.
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Gary himself,Gary being a manipulative piece of shit,mentions of Gary giving Reader hickeys to show reader is his,Gary loves Reader in his own odd way even if it seems like he sees him like an object because he does,Homophobia is mentioned but I do not share the same ideology with that,Threatening,tell me if I need to ass anything more
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-Gary saw you with the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders used you as a mannequin for makeup and he was very interested it by it so he waited when you were alone
-He originally made fun of you but the way you didn’t understand he was making fun of you made him think you were stupid which he is right!
-He stuck around you for fun but he didn’t like when people would touch you,talk to you,gift you stuff,or even joke that they were dating you! He got pissed off and Jimmy called him out for liking you.
-He knew he had to manipulate you so he can date you,he also made sure to slowly isolate you. You believed him when he said ‘Everyone just wants to use you but I don’t,you can trust me. I’ll protect you from their dark desires’ or ‘I’ll always be here with you unlike most people. So just stay by me and listen to me and you’ll be safe’ or ‘Your lucky to have me around,if I wasn’t around you,you’d be taken advantage of and used so be happy that I’m even around you!’
-When he finally knew you were mentally vulnerable he confessed. It was out the blue as he didn’t have this grand idea he just asked if you wanted to be his boyfriend. With all the stuff he’s said you said yes as he’s the only person who loves you…right?
-He made sure you two had all the same classes so he can help his stupid boyfriend. “Without me you’d be failing all your class! Aren’t you lucky to have me with you at all times?” “Mhm! Thank you hun! You really help me a lot!”
-You are big into pet names but he barely uses them unless it’s in private or ‘My man’ and that’s all. In private he calls you many pet names that are sweet but also insulting as it’s Gary
-He’s self aware and sadistic but wouldn’t really harm you. He’d only harshly grip your face but you think it’s just fun in games!
-He gives you love bites and hickeys to make sure people know your his,he has his own of course because he does ask you to give him some so that people know you two are a happy couple!
-Jimmy and Petey feel bad because they know your to stupid to know that Gary is toxic.
-Gary threatens people and also attacks people who tries to take you from him. He is very possessive and when you ask why you hurt them all he says is “They wanted to take you away from me and hurt you! I love you to much and wouldn’t allow them to do so!” Which in your eyes is pretty romantic.
-People make homophobic remarks at you two but since your two stupid to understand their being mean Gary puts them in their place.
-Cuddles happen a lot in private,he’s the big spoon but if he’s been extra pissed off and more jealous he’s the little spoon. Don’t you dare tell anyone you two cuddle because he doesn’t want anyone to know
-Overall Gary is an insane piece of shit who loves you in his very twisted and unhealthy ways while making sure you two will get marry.
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gaystayzennie · 7 months
I Did Everything I Was Supposed To Do (pt.1)
Haechan x male reader
Summary: Finals week turns out to be the final breaking point for y/n, but luckily Haechan is around right when you need him
Warnings: fluff, some angst: homophobia, allusions to panic disorder, stress
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“Fuck. I can’t believe I forgot about the final on Monday. Fuck fuck fuck” Y/n cursed under his breath as he walked as fast as he could toward the entrance to his boyfriend’s place. Y/n had a million things to do the next few days already, and now he had a final to cram for on top of it all. “One thing at a time” he told himself knowing it’s what Hyuck would tell him if they were together right now. He didn’t really listen to this advice of course… especially coming from his own mouth instead of his cute adorable boyfriend.Oh God. I wish he was here so bad. But Haechan was still at the dance studio and would be for the next several hours. That’s why y/n was even entering Haechan’s apartment right now in the first place; Daegal needed to be taken out while Haechan was gone.
He HAD to have his stupid extra long dance rehearsal today of course. On the day where he already had to finish a ton of assignments and now cram for a test. Y/n quickly threw his backpack on the ground and sprinted over to daegal scooping her up before she even knew what was happening. While he waited for Daegal to do her business and walk around a little, y/n got back to planning his study schedule in his head. If I start by studying for the exam… I can trade every 45 minutes from cramming to working on the lab report for my other class. Fuck! That depends on whether the others ever filled in their data. Ok so I’ll save that for the end and work on the PowerPoint instead even though it’s due the longest from now. As long as I cut myself off at around 1:00 am, that should be enough sleep to take the exam at 9:30 the next day. It was going to be a rough night, but y/n decided he’d just have to work away and hope for the best.
Y/N went back inside and scooped his backpack up again to go work in Hyuck’s bedroom. He found the smell of his boyfriend clinging to the room to be extremely comforting and he hoped it would help him stay calm and focused on his work. He opened up his laptop to the lecture notes for the exam and began skimming them for any confusing topics that jumped out at him. What the? I only know like 2 of these concepts?? I’m screwed. Y/N new from plenty of old tests that it would only make things worse if he worried about it now, and feeling himself start to panic, he decided to work on the PowerPoint instead. He figured he should just finish all his other assignments so that he could then spend the entire rest of the night studying.
An hour into working on the PowerPoint y/n’s phone buzzed. He opened it to find a message from one of his lab partners that read “hey y/n I’m really sorry but I’m actually boarding a plane right now so I’m not gonna be able to finish my part of the lab. Maybe you can ask [partner name 2] for her data? I think she got mine down too.”
Y/n: “I’ll ask her.”
Partner 1: “KK.”
“Gotta go, sorry again!”
Partner 2: “Shit. I don’t have her values either y/n. I’m pretty sure that part of the lab was online though, so one of us can just do the lab at home right now.”
“Oh wait actually, I have to take both of my finals on Monday. It’s due Tuesday right? So I won’t have time to do her part. Y/n any chance you can do it?”
Y/n: “ I only have one midterm tomorrow… I guess I can do it if no one else can.”
Partner 2: “Ur the best bro! Tysm <3”
Y/n: …
Fuck me. How am I supposed to do [p/n 1]’s work for them on top of everything else? Y/n barely had enough time to do all his work as it was. And he had done all of HIS work on the lab already too. He thought he’d just quickly analyze his partner’s data and then turn it in… but no. This is totally unfair. I have more work than either of them, and I’m doing their work for them too on top of it all. Y/n’s eyes grew misty for a second threatening to turn into tears, but y/n shook his head hard and the urge to cry went away for now. He had to get back to— wait no. He needed to cook dinner. With no Hyuck home to cook dinner like usual, he was going to starve if he didn’t make something for himself. Standing up quickly y/n smacked his arm on Hyuck’s dresser skinning it in the process. Great. Now he was bleeding. And it had gotten on his white shirt too. Except it wasn’t his shirt, it was his boyfriend’s shirt that he had borrowed. Y/n was this close to screaming in frustration, but stripped off the shirt quickly and made his way to the bathroom to clean the spot before it stained. And of course, he needed to throw it in the washer if he really didn’t want it to stain, and that meant he should really just do all of Haechan’s laundry now. So heart now racing in a slight panic, y/n gathered the laundry and started the cycle as quickly as possible so that he could start on dinner.
Opting for the most time efficient option, y/n grabbed some pasta and left it to boil while he got back to work for a few minutes. There sure was a lot on his mind now between the pasta he was cooking, Daegal (who he suddenly remembered needed to be fed as well), the lab report, the final exam in a day, Haechan’s laundry that still needed to be dried, folded, and put away, and the millions of other things he needed to get done before going home to his family at the end of the week. And the trip home would be another ordeal that required a lot of planning and prep work. Y/n had a lot of problems at home due to his conservative family and their recent discovery that he was dating Haechan. But that’s silly. I shouldn’t worry about that right now. And it’s not like it’s anything new knowing they all disapprove of my “lifestyle choice”. That’s old news, and I need to focus on this. Y/n went back to his multitasking and eventually got Daegal fed, the laundry in the dryer, and got a good portion of the lab done.
At 10:30 y/n finally felt satisfied with the PowerPoint and had finished collecting most of the data his partner was supposed to do. So he went to wash all the dishes he had left out at dinner and put away the leftovers as a quick study break. He smiled at the pasta he’d saved for Haechan knowing it would make his boyfriend’s day to find food ready for him after a long night of dance practice. When he walked back into Hyuck’s bedroom to finish the lab, he noticed several notifications on his phone again.
Mom: Hey you’re coming home on Wednesday right? You’ll be done with finals week by then?
Dad: Hey y/n you better have a gift ready for your mother when you come home on Tuesday. She’s still pretty upset about Haechan, so you should really try to make her feel better.
Bro: Dude mom and dad are pissed cuz dad thought you were coming home Tuesday after your final, and then mom told him you said Wednesday. So he flipped and said you were probably staying longer to fuck Haechan or something
Y/N: I told them both Wednesday. I AM spending Tuesday night at Hyuck’s place. But I just wanted a night to relax before immediately coming home
Don’t tell them that… just say I’m busy or something
Bro: sorry bro, that’s not gonna work. You better come home Tuesday or they’re gonna make the trip absolute hell for you
Y/N: fuck ok fine, I’ll make it work
Y/n was getting more and more stressed by the second. And now he wouldn’t even get any sort of buffer between finals week and seeing his family. And fuck he had that feeling in his head- that feeling of anxiety setting in- making him slightly dizzy and his chest tight. Fuck. Fuck. I’m gonna have a panic attack. I know it’s coming. Should I call Hyuck? He should be on his way home by now anyway right? Ok fuck. Yeah he should call his boyfriend. Maybe he could talk him through it. He prayed he was right and Hyuck would actually answer his phone, and to his relief, Hyuck answered right away.
“y/n! I’m on my way home and practice went pretty well! I think the show is going to be really good this quarter. Have you made dinner yet? And how’s the studying going?” He was so excited to hear his y/n ie’s voice on the phone. “Hyuck.” Y/n felt the lump in his throat form and wasn’t able to get out the rest of your words as he broke into tears. “Y/n? What’s wrong love? Are you ok?” No words came out of y/n as he began to hyperventilate. Haechan could hear y/n’s shallow breathing and put together that he must be having a panic attack. He assured y/n he’d be there in the next ten minutes and stayed on the phone with him until he rushed through the door exactly ten minutes later, Immediately making his way over to y/n huddled in the corner of his bed crying and hyperventilating. From past experience he knew y:n liked him to stay close until he was able to calm down and talk.
Haechan slowly climbed into the bed, sliding his body between your back and the bed frame, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting bear hug. “I’ve got you y/n. I’ve got you, and I’m not going anywhere.” Y/n began shaking in Haechan’s arms unable to fully process what was happening with his mind completely taken over by panic at this point. Haechan rested his chin on y/n’s soft hair and hummed a song. Y/n did his best to focus on the light vibrations on his head from Haechan’s tune. “I’ll just talk about my day a little too ok y/n? Squeeze my hand if you’d like that.” Y/n’s eyes remained squeezed tight, and his body was still trembling, but he gives Haechan’s hand a light squeeze back. “Ok love. Let’s see… I saw Jungwoo today! I know he’s your favorite dance major right? He was really cool to watch, you were right! He might even be more charismatic than me” he teased. Y/n didn’t laugh out loud or acknowledge him, but he appreciated Hyuck trying to lighten the mood. “I spent most of the night working on my duet with Mark though. They have us doing this really acrobatic hiphop song and it’s a lot of work. I’ve memorized all the footwork though. It was kind of funny watching Mark struggle with it more than me for once honestly. Next time you should tag along and watch. When it’s not finals week of course!” He adds, giving a small pec to your forehead.
“Is that why you’re stressed by the way? Finals?” He doesn’t really expect y/n to give any responses yet. But much to his surprise you shake your head in response. “No. More.” Y/n says quietly, starting to breath a little more evenly. “What else baby? What’s stressing you out.”
“Everything!” Y/n exclaims. “So much. TOO much” y/n squeaks out bursting into more tears. Haechan gently shushes you and squeezes his arms tighter around your body and begins planting little kisses all over your head to comfort you. “It’s ok y/n. It’s ok.” Hyuck can feel y/n’s body body relax a tiny bit despite his sobs. Y/n spins around melting into Haechan and burying his face in his chest
To be continued…
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phoxey · 9 months
Talent vs Hard Work
This is part 2, for Part 1 click here
Bebe!Bada x WolfLo!reader
CW: reconciliation first fluffy then smutty... (yall wanted it that way.... tho me too tbh) MDNI
AN: Thank you for your support for this random two-shot, it really means a lot to me! So enjoy this!
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“Don’t forget that I loved dancing first, Bada Lee! All of what you are now is because of me! You may have talent, but you would never have found it, if it wasn’t for me! I built both of our careers. But honestly? I wish I would have never taken you dancing. We both would have regular lives; all of this shit would have never happened. Maybe you would have actually proposed today…”
“I guess we will never know.”, Bada said quietly.
You sighed. “I love dancing. I really do. But before I loved dancing, I loved you.”, you whispered then.
Bada looked at you then, pain in her eyes. “Then why did you always hold me back? Why did you never share my ambitions? You always talked me out of taking advanced classes… I thought we wanted to become a famous duo together?”
You looked away ashamed. She was right. “Because I never wanted to be famous. I just wanted to dance with you. And when you became so good that you could take the advanced classes, I knew I couldn’t, because I don’t have your talent. You would find new friends; we would have grown apart. I didn’t want that. I wanted to keep you to myself. I was selfish like that.”, you admitted.
“So, you wanted to me be unhappy?”
“No! I want you to be happy. But I thought I could be the sole reason for your happiness…”
“But you always were! I wanted nothing more than being successful with you, dancing with you. You are the reason I fell in love with dancing. If I had started dancing alone, I don’t think I would have fallen in love with it. But when you changed… when you began being passive aggressive about my dancing, I felt like you began to hate me. It broke my heart.”, Bada said and sat down on one of the sofas. Reluctantly you sat down next to her on the couch. “I thought if I get you to stop dancing, I get both, a career I love and my best friend who I loved.”
“That’s why you said all those things?”, you asked.
Bada nodded. “Stupid, if I think about it. Why would you stay my friend if I bullied you out of dancing?”
“We both were stupid. Why would you stay my friend if I caged you and limited you?”
Bada then grinned a little, it was a tired and sad smile. She looked at you and shoved you a little with her shoulder.
“What was that for?”, you pouted.
“Wanna know a secret?”, Bada asked.
You nodded.
“I never liked the word ‘friend’ when it came to us.”, Bada whispered.
“Yeah me neither…”, you blushed. “Bada?”
“Do you think we can start over?”
“Do you really want to? I don’t want to start over…”, Bada said.
“Oh… ok…”, you whispered and looked down.
Bada took your hand then. “I don’t want to start over, I don’t want ignore what we had. Because what we had was great. And the last ten years… maybe we needed that to grow as people independently. But now we found eachother again. I believe if we accept what happened and work through it, we can be stronger… together.”
You laced your fingers with hers and looked at her with tears in your eyes. “Please don’t leave me again. I can’t do this shit again.”
Bada cupped your chin and kissed your tears away, before putting her forehead to yours. “I won’t.”
“Promise.”, she whispered and kissed your lips, almost desperately.
You leaned into it. You both kissed to convey the words neither of you could say. But Bada suddenly broke off the kiss. You wanted to protest until she showed you your hand, that she still held with hers. Around your wrist was a blue and purple bracelet. You noticed the same on hers.
“You still had them?”, you gasped.
“Yeah. I couldn’t bring it over myself to throw them away.”, Bada whispered and kissed your wrist. “I’m glad I didn’t. That way I can keep my promise from ten years ago.”
“Your promise?”
“I said I would propose in ten years.”
Your eyes got big. “Bada!”
“Would you like to be my girlfriend?”, she asked softly and before she had even finished her sentence, you were eagerly nodding.
“Yes, Bada, I would.”
She kissed you again, deeper this time. She let go of your hand in favor of letting her hands roam over your sides, while your arms wrapped around her neck. You both chuckled briefly, as you clumsily moved to sit in her lap. As soon as you had straddled her, Bada’s hands moved to cup your ass and pull you as close as possible against her. You grinned and paid her back by sucking on her tongue. A low moan escaped Bada’s throat. But before the tall woman could react, you had already found your next target: Bada’s neck; and you were rewarded immediately by Bada moaning your name.
Her head fell back to give you full access to her neck. “You don’t know how often I thought about doing this…”
After a moment of just enjoying your affections, she decided it was her turn now. One hand in your hair, she pulled your head to the side, so that she could return the favor and hungrily attacked your throat with lips, teeth, and tongue. Your moans were music in Bada’s ears, so her hand danced deliberately up to cup your breast. Soon you were a panting and moaning mess because of her efforts, your hips were bucking restlessly in desperate search for something, anything.
“Bada… please…”, you breathed out, not quite sure what exactly you were asking for, you just wanted more. More of everything. More of her.
Bada seemed to understand though, she could always read your mind. Both of her hands moved down and expertly opened your pants just enough so that her hand could slip in. Bada’s fingers were immediately met with your wetness.
“Shit, baby… you need me that much?”, she whispered then, against your lips.
You nodded shyly when you saw her smirk. Bada’s fingers left your pants again, but before you could protest you saw her putting her finger into her mouth. “I needed a taste. Since we don’t have time for the whole thing now.”, she whispered.
Then her hand slipped into your pants again. You held your breath when she ran her finger along your heat, always stopping just before touching your clit. She definitely enjoyed teasing you. But Bada wasn’t the most patient person and soon she gave in to her desires and slipped her finger into you. It was hard for her to control herself, but she wanted to give you at least a moment to adjust. But she found, you didn’t even need that. Because as soon as she was inside of you, you started rolling your hip, chasing that sparkly feeling inside of your stomach. Bada decided a second finger couldn’t hurt, and she was right. Soft moans fell from your lips, that she drunk in with her own.
Meanwhile she started to thrust a little rougher, losing herself in the feeling of you clenching around her fingers. Her palm was rubbing against your clit, only adding to your pleasure.
Damn you, Bada. Why was she so talented at this too?
Your kisses were all teeth and tongue by now. She was helping you ride her fingers, by grasping and guiding your hip. Bada could feel you clenching harder and harder, indicating that you were close.
“Cum for me, baby. Please.”, she muttered into your ear.
Almost on command you came, with a soft scream that Bada quickly silenced with a kiss. A few erratic jerks with your hips later, you sank against her exhausted. Gently Bada pulled her fingers out and tenderly rubbed your back.
“You did so well.”, she whispered as you hid your face in the crook of her neck, panting harshly.
“We should get back…”, you mumbled after you had caught your breath and pulled away, even though you wanted nothing more than staying like this forever.
You gasped when you saw a giant purple spot on Bada’s neck. “Oh shit! I think I got carried away.”
Bada’s thumb ran over your throat as well. “Me too.”
You wrapped Bada’s Bebe scarf around her neck to hide the hickey and Bada did the same for you with your WolfLo scarf.
Both of you got up, you were noticeably wobbly on your legs, so Bada grabbed your hand, that you wouldn’t fall.
“Tonight, you will get all of this and more back.”, you hissed, noticing your soreness between your legs.
“I’m looking forward to it.”, she whispered into your ear.
Hand in hand you walked downstairs to the fight zone again. All of the dancers looked at you two, as they all have been waiting. Bada squeezed your hand one last time, before you had to let go to walk over to your own crew.
Arriving there Haechi grinned smugly. “You really took reconciling to a whole other level.”
You laughed. “Shut up and let me be happy. I have a girlfriend now, what do you have?”
You looked over to Bebe and Bada was already gazing at you, smiling fondly. You smiled back.
In the end, in every fight, love will always win.
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littlebitsalt · 8 months
IM SO HAPPY MY REQUEST (the catboy one) TURNS MORE THAN MY EXPECTATION(≡^∇^≡) im so happy you make it story, i thought you wouldnt understand with my words(T_T) and i love your drawing of him! :D
Yandere catboy x reader
Note: this is a continuation of part 1
Summary: 5 short stories about the catboy
Blake dreamed of this moment. Snuggling next to you, on your bed.
He had to be in his cat form in your house, and he had a new name, but it didn't matter that much.
He actually changed into his human self again to unlock the door to your room. It was a close call and he almost got caught by your brother who got thirsty at night. When he went inside your room, you were sleeping peacefully. He looked at you, occasionally touching your face, smiling.
He knew he had to turn back to Tux if he wanted to keep it safe. However, he also wanted to feel you against him in his human form for a little bit longer. He lay beside you, his eyes half closed because of exhaustion.
He knew well not to fall asleep as Blake, but he drifted off to sleep.
Blake woke up the next day, his eyes opening right up looking around the room fast. Luckily, you were asleep. After checking the time, Blake quickly changed to his cat form.
Blake had a busy day. He pretended to be a stray cat taken in by your family at day. He also had to stay right beside you, watching your every movement(and he loved it). And after you drifted off to sleep, he had to go to his own house, just to do things he missed at daytime.
No one really cared if he was in his house. Maybe no one really was in the house is more accurate.
Blake crawled away from your bed and went out of the house. It was midnight, and the streets were empty.
In his cat form, Blake walked to his own home. He wanted to stay with you for the night, but he couldn't. He slept in his cat form the first few nights, but he couldn't stay that way forever. Changing into his cat form was not something to do for hours.
Blake's house was empty and quiet. There was no one in the house as expected. Blake changed back to his human form and looked around. He had stuff to do, normal things he needed to take care of. He didn't want his family member to find out he is changing into his cat form regularly only to see you.
He spent the entire night awake. It was tiresome, but he managed. It was better than you waking up and finding him on your bed because he couldn't manage to stay in his cat form.
At school, all Blake did was sleep. He slept through all classes. It didn't matter to him anyways(he could catch up by studying at night). Maintaining a life as your cat was his top priority right now.
All he needed to do was get close to you as Blake, and somehow make you open up to him.
"I know there's something going on with you and Blake.*
You had to admit your friend has great insight when it comes to relationships between people.
"What? No."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying"
There was something going on with you and Blake, but it was not something normal.
"I'll prove you wrong at some point."
Your friend said, as she walked to another direction home.
You walked past where the cats usually hang out. You were listening to music through your earphones when you felt a familiar touch.
It was Blake. You knew it was him easily.
"Did you miss me?"
Blake asked, smiling.
"Why did you skip school today?"
You asked.
Blake looked surprised.
"Were you sick? An appointment?"
You asked again. Blake chuckled at your genuine questions.
"No, I was with my family member. Well uh.. he visits once a month to check if I'm doing ok. I spend time with him when he comes to my home."
You remembered now that Blake always skipped school once a month for some reason.
"That explains it... uh.. what do you mean by family member?"
You realized you knew nothing of Blake while Blake almost knew everything about you. Blake never told you about his story.
"... uhm.. he's my uncle. I live alone so he comes once every month to see if I'm living like a decent human being."
"Oh, okay.. that seems a bit.. lonely."
"Then you can spend time with me, and hug me back every time."
You guessed Blake's family was either super cool about him wandering around or too busy, but you didn't know Blake was that lonely.
"What did you do today? I hope you didn't get closer to anyone else, because.. I can't let you do that- well.. uh.. we practically live together, and you can't deceive me.."
"You know well I don't have much friends."
Blake held your hand until you arrived in front of the door to your house.
"Are you going to turn into a cat again?"
".. I guess so."
"You can turn into human again in my room, so don't worry."
That day was limit and Blake know that well now. Staying as a cat in your house was too much to handle. Staying awake all night and wandering around all night made stress unbearable to his body.
So when you came back home to greet Tux, Blake couldn't control himself.
And that made all his work into nothing. Now you knew he was not the cat you imagined and you cared of. You now avoid him in school, hanging out with someone else when he's right there, looking at you.
Blake raced to your house and turned to a cat before he was too sick to do so. He waited for you to come home, and see him as Tux again.
You never rejected him harshly or directly so Blake thought that if he push you farther it would work. You might accept him. Then he'll be beside you, as Blake.
"That explains everything. Why you turned into a human so suddenly, and why you always sleep in class-"
You say giving some snacks your mom bought to Blake. Blake was sitting at your desk while you unpacked your school bag.
"... but don't you think it'll be better if you.."
You stopped for a moment. You acknowledge Blake's lonely(or you assume), but does that mean you should let him be with you all day..?
"I mean.. I think staying with one person all day won't be the best idea."
You finished your sentence.
"Why not? I don't have anything to do in my house, and I love you. I want to be beside you."
Blake frowned at your statement. Standing up from the chair, he continued,
"I don't understand why you're so distant. You loved it when Tux was with you 24/7, and now you don't like the idea of me with you all day.."
Blake was now right behind you.
"... uh.... I mean that you should find something else to uhm.. accompany you."
You said.
"You're getting it all wrong. What else would I accompany when I do not have you in the first place?"
Blake was persistent about staying with you all day. You could feel that from his tone. You turned around to face Blake.
"Then... what about you come over to my house after dinner time and sleep in my room?"
"You can stay at your place and do your own things. And after dinner.. maybe about 7 or 8, you can come over to my room, and we can spend some time with each other. You can sleep in my room also."
Blake seemed to be hesitant but nodded.
".. but what will you tell your family if Tux is gone?"
Blake asked.
"I don't know.. I'll just tell them the cat ran away. I think they'll believe it. I'll pretend to be shocked about the disappearance too."
You replied, looking at Blake, who had the best expression on his face.
Blake said, his hand wrapping around your body hard.
"Okay, okay- don't hug me too hard-"
You turned off the lights and plunged onto your bed. It was been almost a week since Blake came to your room to spend time with you. Blake seemed to be enjoying the whole situation. You were sometimes tired of Blake's affection, but you managed.
"I feel like we're a married couple."
Blake said suddenly.
"You should stop daydreaming."
You said, turning your body to the opposite side of Blake.
"It's not daydreaming."
"I'll make it happen someday. You wait and see."
"We're already so close to each other, so I think it's only a matter of time."
Blake said with confidence.
"You always accept me. You only need some time."
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WIBTA If I told my neighbour (40 F) to stop sending her kid (9 M) to my (24 M) house whenever I come home?
Long story short last summer I was an unemployed grad student who wanted to make some extra cash. I am a certified swim instructor, so I decided to run some lessons for the neighbourhood kids out of my parents’ backyard. I advertised around and I got a few bites and I ended up doing fairly well for myself between my classes at Uni, with around 7 different family’s joining my lessons.
Well now I’ve graduated and I’ve started a career job around 2 hours away. This summer I have been coming home almost every weekend so I can see my family and use the pool, which has been a really nice break from the city.
The problem is this kid (who is honestly a really great kid, and I don’t fault him) whose mother is using me like a free babysitter. Whenever I come home (i.e. whenever they can see my car in the driveway) the kiddo comes over so say hi, and asks if he can hang out. I kind of assume the poor guy doesn’t have a lot of friends, and I’m worried that if I tell him no I’ll really hurt his feelings.
The first time I texted his mom to make sure she knew where he was and if she was ok with him being in my house. She said yes and asked me if that was ok with me, and I said it was cool. We mainly played some age appropriate video games, and chatted, and I made sure my mother was in the room with us the whole time (because I honestly feel a bit awkward and I don’t want to be seen as a creep or anything). I sent him home and I was happy that I could make him feel a bit better, but then the next time I came home he was there again. And then again. And then again.
It’s getting to the point where it feels very inappropriate. I would never do anything to hurt a kid, but I keep feeling more nervous that this could be misconstrued as some kind of grooming. I see him a lot like my little cousin (7 M) and I want him to be happy, but I’m just not feeling comfortable with the situation. I also feel like I’m being taken advantage of, because his parents keep letting him come over, sometimes for multiple hours at a time, without asking and with no warning, and of course no pay for what is technically babysitting.
I really don’t want to hurt the little guys feelings, but this last time I was home without my parents and I just got out of the pool so I was in my swim trunks. I didn’t want to turn him away but I also didn’t want him to stay because of the way it looked. I didn’t know what to say so we hung out for a bit in my front yard (in clear view of the whole neighbourhood) and chatted for a bit before I sent him home.
It’s getting very disruptive because I feel like I can’t have a few drinks with my buddies just in case this kid comes over and I need to pull out my camp counsellorsona, and again it’s not like I’m getting paid. To be blunt, I want to be able to relax.
He’s moving away in a few months, so I figured it wouldn’t matter for much longer anyhow, but after this last time I really don’t know anymore.
I have a hard time saying no to anyone, but it’s especially hard to tell this little kid no to his face when he comes to my door so excited to see me, so WIBTA to text his mom and tell her not to let him come over again? I really don’t want to hurt his feelings, and I really don’t want his mom to tell him I don’t want to see him again, but I’m running low on options here. I’m uncomfortable and frustrated, and I don’t know what to do here.
What are these acronyms?
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rowretro · 9 months
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WARNINGS: Sexual harassment, kissing, mentions of a foot fetish
✧taglist✧: @heeseung-min
Rowan held Sunghoon's hand, lovingly with a smile, as she walked through the school hallways. It has only been 3 months since the 2 started dating. Heeseung was happy for them, really, but part of him is pretty upset. Upset that his best friend took his baby sister. The man he most trusted with y/n is now dating her. God how much he wished it was something innocent but given how Jooyeon would openly make out with his sister, he didn't have high hopes about Sunghoon, heck he may have taken her virginity.
Their mother still trusted Sunghoon deeply while their father didn't really care, hence y/n was allowed to live with Sunghoon. "Babe I'll finish packing my bags tonight kay?" y/n said as Sunghoon kissed her forehead. "Y/nnnnn we're gonna be late for class!" Eunchae called out, waiting for her. Y/n smiled, kissing Sunghoon's lips one last time, before she ran to Eunchae, the 2 going to their lesson, giggling about some stupid things.
"Let me get this... you've only been dating for about 3 months, and you're already moving in with him?... I guess that's ok since he spends a majority of his time at your home" Eunchae shrugged as she took some notes. Y/n smiled and doodled in her notebook, taking notes at the same time. Smiling as she did so.
"Eunchae and Yunjin... Ah- and y/n you can work with Sungchan." The teacher finished as Sungchan turned to y/n, winking at her flirtatiously. "Isn't that the guy who's friends with the foot fetish boy?... I thought Sungchan got arrested-" Eunchae whispered to her as y/n shrugged. "Meh it's fine, it's just a school project" y/n said reassuringly.
Eventually the school day came to an end "See you tomorrow bestie~" Y/n smiled as Eunchae hugged her. "Wow I love the change in vocab, 2024 and your most used phrases are, Slay, bestie and lawd ha mercy" Eunchae snickered, before Eunchae could leave with her friends, she caught sight of Sungchan slapping then full on groping y/n's ass. Just as Sungchan walked away, Sunghoon walked up to y/n, seeing him arrive, Eunchae left asap.
"Hey darling, ready to go home?" Sunghoon asked as y/n forced a smile, nodding. That forced smile. Sunghoon knew that smile... but he wasn't going to push it because he wasn't too sure yet "After I finish packing sweet heart, just one more suitcase~" y/n smiled, kissing his jaw. Sunghoon had already unpacked half of her belongings in the bedroom beside his. He drove her by her home, as Heeseung stood at the door hugging her pretty tightly.
"Heeeee- let go I need to finish packing!" y/n exclaimed as the boy poutily let go, narrowing his eyes at Sunghoon. Sunghoon chuckled at his actions, patiently waiting for y/n. the girl dragged her last suitcase into the boot with Heeseung's help, and after a long good bye, Sunghoon drove her to his apartment.
Upon arriving at the place, y/n examined how luxurious it is, a little intimidating by the big building. "I know its bigger than your home but don't worry sweetheart, I'll show you around, your bedroom is right beside mine and you can sleep with me anytime you want." Sunghoon winked making her blush a little. "I have to stop by a friends later, presentation" y/n said as Sunghoon nodded, assuming it's with Eunchae. The girl unpacked her last suitcase, not noticing the cameras in her new room.
As she released a sigh, she left her room looking for Sunghoon. One thing the girl noticed was how high on security measures Sunghoon was. "Sweetheart, want me to drop you off?" Sunghoon asked as y/n smiled at him sweetly. She knew Sunghoon would worry if he found out that she had to be working with the Sungchan who was bailed out by his rich father.
"N-no it'll be fine..." she trailed off as Sunghoon grabbed his car keys "No no sweetheart... I insist, its so dark so early, let me take you there hmm?" Sunghoon didn't even let her respond as he softly dragged her to his car, her 7 inch heels sort of dragging across the floor a little as he did so. "So what's the address?..." Sunghoon asked, turning to face her y/n nervously scratched at her arm "Y/n... " he trailed off as the girl's hand reached the back of her scalp already picking one of her scabs.
It was one of her nervous habits, she'd pick scabs from her scalp, Sunghoon pulled her hand away, staring at her intensely, "What are you hiding from me?...." Sunghoon asked sternly as y/n sniffled. "Baby... You know you can tell me anything right? I'm your boyfriend, I live with you." Sunghoon convincingly said as he hugged her, comfortingly.
"I-I have to do my presentation with Sungchan..." y/n admitted as Sunghoon frowned, pulling his key out of the car. "Jung Sungchan?! That perverted mother fucker?!!!" Sunghoon asked, somewhat mad as y/n sniffled "I-I'm sorry, I thought that id would be fine, it's just a school project and the teacher did pair us, but then I realized I was wrong..." the girl admitted, as she looked down at her lap. "What do you mean you just realized?!... Y/n did he touch you?!" Sunghoon asked as the girl went silent.
He didn't need to hear anymore... The key was back in and the car was up top speed...
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Pluto Pt. 2
Summary: You finally meet and get to go home with Jungkook
Warnings: idol!au, female reader, hybrid reader, mentions of being mistreated, anxiety, felling humiliated, hybrids being second class citizens
Word Count: 2857 M.list
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You sat quietly in the interview room, fidgeting nervously.
You knew how these things went. They ask to meet you because your mysterious past and striking looks intrigues them, but when they find out you aren’t so willing to talk about it they quickly get bored, and end up adopting some other hybrid instead. Just how you like it.
Truth be told you could do without this tonight. All you wanted to do was finish your book, but if someone requests to meet you, then you don’t really get the choice to refuse, for fear of offending a potential ‘customer’.
You’d clocked the handsome stranger as soon as he walked through the door. For some reason he felt extremely familiar, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on why.
‘Here we are!’ The sudden door opening startled you from your thoughts. You couldn’t stand Margaret. She always had this fake smile around customers and it made you sick.
‘Why don’t you make yourself comfortable, Mr. Jeon?’ The stranger eagerly followed behind her and took a seat across the table from you, flashing you a reassuring smile.
‘I’ll leave you now. If you need anything, press the call button!’ And then, it was just the two of you left alone. Neither of you spoke at first. You certainly wouldn’t start the conversation, so unless he did, then you would both sit there forever, in silence I guess...
Jungkook suddenly cleared his throat.
‘I uh.. I’m Jungkook. Y/N right?’ You looked up at him and nodded slowly. Silence again.
‘Sorry. I didn’t really come here prepared...’ Jungkook laughed apologetically. He  really should have planned better. He noticed that you still had yet to say anything.
‘Do you want to talk?’ he asked kindly, not wanting you to feel pressured. You quickly shook your head, no.
‘That’s ok. Can I talk and you listen then?’ You looked at him for a moment, still suspicious before nodding. Jungkook picked up on your nervous nature, so he smiled softly at you. Now that he was actually meeting you, the anxiety he was feeling earlier seemed somewhat silly now. Although, he did notice that you were still ill at ease just sitting here with him.
‘You don’t have to be scared, I’m not that mean.’ He joked, hoping to relax you.
You heard it all before, seen through the facade, but for some reason, you believed Jungkook when he said he meant no harm. Just his whole nervous demeanour showed he had no cue what he was doing here.
‘Tell me about you...’ You whispered, so quietly he almost didn’t hear you. Jungkook was surprised to hear your voice after saying you didn’t want to talk, but he took in the sight of your ears, still pinned back nervously, so he just smiles and agrees.
‘Well, I’m a singer, pretty well known I guess you could say.’ He chuckled and rubbed at his arm.
‘You’re famous?’ You asked, a little taken a back by this new information.
‘You could say that.’ He laughed again, not picking up on your attitude change until he noticed you once again looking down, adverting your gaze.
Celebrities adopting or buying hybrids wasn’t unheard of and some were genuine and really did care for them, but a lot weren’t like that at all. You had known a few hybrids who were adopted by celebrities, only to be returned months later, a husk of who they used to be.
‘Is everything ok?’
‘I’m not going to be some PR stunt or sex toy for you! If that’s all you’re after then we can end this now!’ Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock after hearing your outburst, and quickly back peddled.
‘No! God no! That’s not it!’ He waved his arms frantically, trying to make you understand.
You narrowed your eyes and leaned back, allowing him the chance to talk. He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his short hair.
‘Honestly... I’ve been more and more lonely recently, so I thought getting a hybrid might help...’
‘Oh..’ You once again fell silent with a frown.
‘Do you even want to be adopted?’ Jungkook suddenly broke the silence again. You looked at him confused.
‘I’m not going to force you to go if you don’t want to leave.’ You just stared at him, face still contorted with confusion. Usually, if someone wanted you, you didn’t get a choice, so you always tried to make yourself seem as undesirable as possible to people.
You weren’t used to actually having a choice...
‘I do..’ You mumbled out after a few tense moments of silence. Jungkook’s face lit up and he had to stop himself from leaping out of his chair.
‘Perfect! I mean... That’s great!’ You stared at the excited man across the table and gave him a small smile to show that you really did want this. Just as fast as it began, the moment was over when the door swung open again and Margaret strolled back in.
‘Sorry to cut this short, but we actually are closed now...’ Now that the shelter was closed, the sweet voice had faded away to one of slight annoyance.
‘Oh of course! Sorry I didn’t realise.’ Jungkook got the hint and stood up apologetically. She gave him a tight smile before turning towards you.
‘Y/N, why don’t you go to your room whilst I show Mr. Jeon out, hm?’ With one last glance to Jungkook, you quickly got up and scurried out of the room.
Margaret had already started walking away, so Jungkook jogged to catch up to her.
‘Actually Miss, I’d like to adopt Y/N.’ She stopped in her tracks and span round to face the startled man with a perplexed look. ‘S-she said she wanted it too, so...’ Jungkook was taken off guard by the sudden scrutiny.
‘She actually spoke to you!? Huh, interesting.’ Margaret looked him up and down before spinning round and carrying on down the hall.
‘If you follow me, there is paperwork to do.’
Jungkook didn’t really know what to make of the strange interaction, so he chanced a look back to the interview room, where he caught sight of your fluffy ear as you peaked round the corner at him. You gasped slightly when he saw you and ducked away. Jungkook couldn’t help the laugh that left his mouth as he turned away and followed after the annoyed woman to work out the details.
Turns out getting a hybrid isn’t as simple as he thought. You couldn’t just turn up and leave with one the same day, there was a system.
Somebody had come out to his home to make sure it was a safe environment for a hybrid. Space wasn’t an issue for Jungkook, but the room he had haphazardly set up was a little lacklustre.
Since that visit, Jungkook had gone all out on decorating the room and furniture. He’d even gotten you your own TV and tablet. He’d be damned if you wouldn’t be comfortable whilst living with him. The inspector was much more impressed on their second visit.
When he returned to the shelter a week later, he found you already in the waiting room with your bag, waiting for him to arrive. He couldn’t help but notice that you only had a small rucksack worth of luggage.
‘Hey, is this all you have?’ You nodded as you fiddled with the straps of your bag.
‘Oh Mr. Jeon! She’s all ready to go. Do you have a collar for her?’ Your face soured at the word.
‘Umm no? Does she need one?’ The receptionist, a different woman than before, reached under the desk, pulling out a plain collar with plastic tags reading 'temporary.’
‘Yes it’s law. She can wear this until you get a replacement and we’ll put a sticker with your address on.’ She stood up and looked at you expectantly. You knew it would only make a scene if you refused so you let her put the collar on you, feelings of humiliation washing over you.
‘There, that’s better.’ Jungkook quickly picked up your bag and ushered you out the door, and into the front seat of his car.
When he was securely sat next to you, he reached over and took the plastic tag of the collar between his fingers.
‘You don’t have to wear this you know.’ He was trying to help, but he was very wrong. He still had a lot to learn when it came to hybrid laws. You shook your head.
‘In public I do. You’ll be fined if I’m seen without it.’ You spoke sadly and pulled the tag from his grip, hiding it within your own hands. Jungkook sighed in defeat and shook his head before looking back to you.
‘We’ll figure something out, ok? And when we’re home, you don’t have to wear it at all if you don’t want to, ok?’ You caught his gaze and saw the sympathetic look in his eye, and you couldn’t help but trust him.
‘Thank you.’
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Jungkook had told you he was famous but you still didn’t really know who he was. You didn’t have a phone and finding an unoccupied computer at Pluto was rare, so you couldn’t even Google him. So imagine your surprise when he pulled up to one of the wealthiest gated communities in South Korea.
‘What’s that look for?’ Jungkook laughed when he noticed you looking round in awe.
‘I just didn’t expect this...’ Jungkook laughed again and focused back on the road.
‘You’ll get used to it.’ As he was pulling into the parking lot, you only then realised how long you’ve been driving. Plus you’d passed some pretty high end hybrid shelters on the way, ones with more exotic hybrids, so why would he travel all the way to Pluto?
You decided to keep the questions to yourself for now, not wanting to scare him off before you even got through his front door.
‘So here we are, this is my home!’ You looked around the room and the first thing you noticed was that the walls were quite bare, but you could already tell it was a nice place just from the first room.
‘I know it could do with some decorating, but I’ve been too busy...’ He trailed off almost shamefully.
‘I think it’s nice.’
‘I can give you a tour if you like? Or you can walk round alone if you prefer?’
‘I’d like to walk alone please.’ Jungkook nodded in understanding.
‘Ok! I’ll work on lunch then. You must be hungry.’ Before he could scurry away, you called out to ask a cautious question.
‘Is it still ok for me to take this off?’ You gestured to the uncomfortable collar. Jungkook gave you a sad smile.
‘Yes, definitely. Here, let me help.’ He came up behind you and with gentle hands, undid the offending clasp. ‘There, hopefully you’ll be more comfortable now.’
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You walked the lavish home, still cautious of this all being some cruel joke, or Jungkook not being as kind as he’s made himself out to be.
If doors were closed, you didn’t attempt to open them, only venturing through open doors. Sticking your had into a room, you noticed that it was mostly empty aside from some exercise equipment and... What’s that in the corner? You curiously ventured forwards and your ears fell down sadly when you realised it was an empty dog beg, with a few toys scattered round.
He hadn’t told you he had a dog. You didn’t have a problem with animals, but you would have liked a heads up. You held yourself tightly, anxiety slowly rising again. You speedily made your way from the room, breathing heavily and trying to stop the panic.
‘Hey- Woah! What’s wrong!?’ Jungkook rushed down the hall to you and went to grab your arms, but thought better of it. He settled for hovering his hand behind your back, ready in case you fainted.
‘You didn’t tell me you had a dog.’ You mumbled out sadly. He looked confused for a second, before groaning out, annoyed.
‘Y/N I’m so sorry! I thought they would have told you, or at least shown you my forms...’ You just shook your head with a frown.
‘Shit...’ He whispered and rubbed his face in frustration. How could they not tell you something so important?  ‘I’m sorry. Seriously I am. Will it be a problem for you?’ Jungkook held his breath after he asked the question. If you couldn’t live with Bam, then he didn’t know what he would do. He didn’t think he could handle taking you back after giving you false hope, but he couldn’t get rid of Bam either.
‘It’s fine.’ You whispered after what felt like an eternity. Jungkook released his breath with a thankful sigh, but noticed you were still a little on edge.
‘He’s not here if that helps. I thought it might be a bit much for you at first.’ You nodded, grateful that he’d thought about your comfort.
‘Did you see your room yet?’ Jungkook asked, trying to move on the conversation.
‘Um no. The doors were closed so I didn’t know if I was allowed..’ Jungkook just shook his head.
‘You live here now Y/N, nothing is off limits. Come on!’ He walked ahead and gestured you to follow behind. He stopped in front of a closed door at the end of the hall, but he paused before opening the door.
‘Before you see it... I tried my best with the decorating, but I’ve never decorated for a girl before, plus I didn’t really know what you liked.’ You stared at him incredulously. He’d gone through the effort of decorating your room. That was the most thoughtful thing someone had done for you in a long time.
He pushed the door open and your breath hitched in your throat. You had expected a tiny room with a bed just about fitting, but what you saw threw you completely off guard.
In the middle of the room was a king size bed, with simple baby pink bed sheets and soft looking pillows. As you stepped forwards, you were shocked by the sight of the massive TV  mounted on the wall at the end of the bed. It was bigger than any of the TV’s  they had at Pluto. You noticed a door next to the TV and went to open it before Jungkook stopped you.
‘That’s just a walk in closet. I didn’t realise you had so little clothes so we’ll have to go shopping at some point.’ Curiosity got the better of you. Even though he had told you it was empty, you still wanted to see. Pulling open the door, you gasped when you realised this simple closet was bigger than your whole room at Pluto!
Backing out, you closed the door and leaned against it as you once again looked into the room. Finally in the corner of the room, sat a desk whose top was littered with all different kinds of books and drawing/writing materials. Also a very expensive looking tablet.
‘I noticed you reading at the home, so I picked out some books I thought you’d like.’ Jungkook hurried over and began standing the books up, only for them to fall back down. You let out a gentle giggle as you watched him struggle.
He stopped and turned to face you, smiling wide at the sound you made. Having him stare at you like that made you feel hot all of a sudden. You looked away with a blush.
Jungkook laughed to himself and rubbed the back of his neck.
‘Um, I sort of didn’t know what else you liked, so I got you some craft stuff too.’ He gestured to the other items on the desk. Maybe you can make some stuff to decorate my walls with! Or draw on the tablet.’ Jungkook joked but you weren’t listening anymore, not really. As you took one last look round the room, tears began to form in your eyes. Jungkook was horrified when he saw.
‘N-no! Please don’t cry! If you hate it, we can change whatever you want! We-‘
‘I love it.’ You cut off his panicked ramblings with a strangled sob, emotions getting the better of you. ‘Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me before.’ You covered your mouth as you began to sob harder with happy tears.
Jungkook felt tears of his own form as he stepped forwards and reached out his hand to touch your shoulder, but he once again hesitated.
Without any hesitation on your part, you threw your arms round his shoulders and buried your face into his neck.
‘You have no idea how thankful I am.’ Jungkook was stunned at the sudden contact from you, but still tightly wrapped his arms round you in a comforting hug. He knew that’s what you needed right now.
As you stood in the warmth of his arms, you’d never felt safer than you did in that moment.
In that moment, you knew everything would be alright.
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