#so I can beg for a short term loan I can pay back with my next paycheck
Fucking hate short weeks at work, the weeks after always suck ass.
Bitching about finances in the tags
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robzombies-hotwife · 2 years
I wish rich people would stop saying "scholarships and grants make college equal for low-income students! Poor people who take out loans are stupid and irresponsible!"
Oh hey, I'm a person who can speak of my own experience being a "good poor" smart kid who "pulled myself up by my bootstraps" and didn't take out loans. Let me tell you the sheer level of misery I lived in.
It started when I was 14. My mom stayed up all night to put me in the lottery for a spot at a charter school 30 minutes away by train. In my state, charters are free and public, they're just smaller with a dedicated focus (mine was STEM and early college). Luckily, I got in. I'd wish I didn't but my local public high school was a severely underfunded trash fire with a very low-quality of education. Both of my older siblings went there and they both said it was awful.
From that day until I graduated college at 21, my life was an out-of-control rollercoaster that yanked me along without ever giving me a chance to breathe or think for myself or develop a real personality and sense of self.
I entered a local college at 16 through my school's early college program. Tuition was free through the school, but class fees, textbooks, and other life expenses were so high I had to get a job and worked 20-30 hours a week at minimum wage to afford it. My most severe period of substance abuse was at this time because the stress threatened to pull me under every day. I had one short-term volatile relationship with someone who made me feel ugly that ended badly because I also couldn't give her any time or energy to make up for being me. I graduated at 18 with an Associate's and no debt, but also no friends or any good memories of high school. I openly begged my mother not to put my younger brother through the same thing when he started high school last year and thankfully, she didn't and he's happy as a normal teenager. They're in an economically better place now so maybe he'll have his college or trade school paid for in the future.
Normally, the first 2 years of college are supposed to be general studies, where you try a lot of things and figure out what you want to do with your life. Unfortunately, since I got my generals out of the way to save money in high school, but didn't have time or independence to develop any desires/goals of my own, I was on a time crunch after I graduated with a lot of pressure to immediately jump to high-level classes on a degree track. Even though I didn't have any actual interests or a plan for a degree I wanted, I transferred to my state university with some grants and scholarships. A gap year to decide what I wanted for myself or even what I was interested in was impossible because I would've lost those scholarships, so the current pulled me along. The scholarships I had required 15 credits a semester (high end of normal course load) and nearly straight A's. They also didn't cover housing, so I spent at least 4 hours on public transit a day because I had to live with my parents. Between that commute and my job (I still had to pay fees/books/food/etc), I missed A LOT of class and assignments. Even when I lived in the university's city for 2 semesters on the cheaper housing option without an expensive required meal plan, I had to work constantly at my shitty $8/hour deli job just to afford the rent, school stuff and food, though there were some months I went hungry because the paycheck didn't cover it. And I missed class and assignments so often that it was almost like I wasn't in school at all. I got fired from the deli during finals week because I was so goddamn exhausted and frazzled that I was late for a few shifts and snapped at people a couple of times.
And it was all for nothing because I ended up losing those scholarships for low grades anyway 💁
Fortunately, I only had one incredibly stressful semester left because I forced a 23-credit final semester for financial reasons. I moved back to my parents' and had my 4-hour commute again, plus the now full-time job I had to work to make up for the lost scholarship money. I graduated with a Bachelor's in December 2019 with a GPA below 3.0, no recommendations or internships (because I can't afford to work for free), and no good memories of college. I didn't even get a graduation ceremony for my trouble because of COVID.
I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD and medicated until May 2022 (so that undiagnosed condition added to my stress and inability to manage life), but I spent most of my time from 16-21 suicidally depressed because of university and the fact I had to work and travel constantly to afford to go when I couldn't even enjoy it or learn anything at all. I didn't date at all in college (or even now tbh) because my brain just screamed "how the fuck would you even have time for a relationship? You'd make them miserable" so now I'm 23, with a degree, no debt, and a steady career but severely under-socialized.
My situation is not unique. In fact, it's probably the furthest thing from unique. Some of my exact details are individual, but this is the fucking reality for most low-income students who try to live the American Dream and move up in the world through education. It is worse for students, particularly those who are racial minorities or have immigrant parents, who come from even lower income households, didn't have some of the opportunities I did (like free charter schools to make up for poorly funded public schools), or live in more expensive states. Work and struggle and sacrifice for years to go to a college where you don't have the time or energy to go to classes or study the textbooks you gave up your life to afford, all for a degree that you'll MAYBE be able to use for a career you don't hate.
I like my career (teaching ESL), but I had to pay $1k for a course to get a certificate because my Bachelor's degree, though somewhat practical, was utterly worthless for finding a job that pays actual money because research positions are usually unpaid. I never had a choice, because studying something creative is like studying unicorns and fairies when you're poor, but there are so many things I love that I wish I could've trained in instead. There was no point from 16-21 where I could've said "hey, make it stop, I can't breathe, I need time to think!" because I would have fucked up my entire life, possibly forever. Living life like that is like dancing on the edge of a knife with a cliff on either side: one wrong move and you slice your feet open and plummet to your death. There's no point mourning what happiness I could have had if I had lived normally, I just have to swallow my grief and move on.
And if you think "hey, that life sounds like it fucking sucks, I'll just take out loans"? Good luck ever paying those back because the interest is insane. That is, if Uncle Sam doesn't get you for missing a payment.
I don't blame my parents who genuinely tried their best to get me through school so I could have a better, easier life than they did. We've had a lot of therapeutic talks about my experiences and I have recieved some nice apologies for the pressure I was under as a teenager. I'm trying to learn to be happy and discover things I actually like and want now, but the fear of having to start college over again if I find something else I want to do sometimes keeps me awake at night in a panic.
I blame the highly exploitative and unfair system of American higher education. I blame the capitalists that keep wages low and prices high. I blame the society that shoves "exceptional" kids into the rigorous responsibilites of adulthood without letting them actually develop as people.
Most of all, I blame the out-of-touch fucking goverment who has the audacity to say eduaction is the great equalizer.
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marvelsswansong · 4 years
Could you please do 48 with Sugar daddy!Bucky, please? Thank you!
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48: “Why do you keep this picture of me in your wallet?”
word count: 2.3K
a/n: includes mention of sexy times (obviously, it’s a sugar daddy AU). I changed the quote slightly to fit the blurb better, sorry about that x blurb requests are still open, check my bio for more info :)
NOTE: above gif is simply used for aesthetic. not to indicate the reader is imagined to be white and skinny. 
regular taglist: @wantyoubackpeter @platonic-plots @superwholockwannabe @xxmizzlexx @xdsockmonkey @princess-unicorn124  @not-jay-c @therealmrshale @caswinchester2000 @heartbeats-wildly @mostlylyricedits @musiclover1263 @angel-spidey @delicately-important-trash @theimpossiblehologramtree @sweetstilesofmine @valentinevirgo @barnes-heaven @paintingbellarke @cherryblossowm @sailorcrescentpotter1 @tomshufflepuff
“No feelings, just business.”
That’s what he had told you, the first time he had bought you that far too expensive champagne at the bar at a roof party in Milan. You had been dragged there by Natasha after turning down her offer to let you stay in her penthouse for a few weeks while you could find another place to live in after your landlord had decided to kick you out for a wealthier renter. As a university student, you needed to find a new place to live, and fast, near the university. Unfortunately, your university was in the smack middle of the city- making any possible accommodation extremely expensive.
“Just two drinks and you can leave.” Natasha argued, grabbing your hand and dragging you into the party. You already regretted entering as you felt so out of place- Natasha had been born into wealth, her father being an oil baron and her mother being one of the most famous actresses in Russia’s history. The other people at the party were those in her circle, other rich, successful and attractive people far above your caliber.
“I don’t belong here, Nat.” you complained, frantically pulling at your dress. She had insisted on buying it for you, going as far as pretending to go to the bathroom before paying the bill at the cashier of the designer store, but it was far too tight and short. The black little number clung to every crevice of your skin and matched with the velvet heels you were wearing, making you feel slightly self conscious with every step you took.
“Nonsense, babe. You look fucking gorgeous, you’ve been stressing too much lately and you need to blow off some steam tonight! Besides-” she leaned in closer to your ear to whisper. “I’m pretty sure half of the men here want to jump into your pants tonight.” 
You didn’t even want to glance at the direction she was pointing at and scowled, pushing her off with a playful glare.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend.” 
“No I’m not, I-” 
Someone near the pool called Natasha’s name and she gave you a brief apology and a hug before scurrying off, greeting the other person with a loud scream. She was definitely a social butterfly, whilst you took a bit of time to warm up to people- especially in situations where you felt out of place. And now you were left. 
“Could I keep you company instead?” a deep voice rung out from behind you. His tall stature dwarfed yours in comparison as he extended his hand towards you, the cuff links of his Armani suit rolled back slightly to expose his skin. The designer suit was nothing compared to his gorgeous face, a hint of stubble on his chin and a jawline that could cut crystal glass.4
He ordered the two of you a cocktail you’d never heard the name of, but you didn’t question it, still mesmerized by his presence. He chuckled at your obvious stare, causing you to look away in embarrassment.
“Are you fond of Oscar de la Renta?” he asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
He chuckled at your frantic response, sipping on his glass slowly as he eyed you up and down.
“Your dress. It’s an Oscar de la Renta piece.... You’re not a part of this usual crowd, are you?” 
You shook your head sideways, confirming his suspicion.
“How’d you know Natasha?” 
“We go to the same university. She invited me to this party because I’ve been pretty stressed in between studying and finding a new place to stay... Money’s really tight right now and places in the city are expensive...” you rambled on, not noticing the shift in his eyes as he listened to your predicament.
“I could help you, you know.” he proposed. You chuckled nervously, toying with the hem of your dress.
“I don’t even know who you are.”
“The name’s Bucky. Bucky Barnes.”
Three glasses of wine later and he’d lured you in, trading details of your life with his. You found out that he was a self-made billionaire who co-owned a private equity firm with his business partner, Steve Rogers. With hundreds of companies under his palm, he had it all- the money, the fame in the business world, the admiration and loyalty. But he wanted more than a “quick fuck”, as he put it.
“So what exactly are you proposing?” you’d pressed, leaning in closer. He smirked, flexing his rolex watch in the dim bar light.
“I could be your sugar daddy, in the bluntest terms.”
“Do I look like the type of girl who’d be a sugar baby?” 
He raised his eyebrow.
“I don’t know, doll, but... you’re fucking gorgeous. And out of money. I know you’re busy with school and all, but all I’m asking is that when you’re not at school to accompany me. I’ll give you everything else- money, gifts, trips to exotic places, connections.... All you need to give me is affection and physical company.” 
You bit your lip, mulling this over. The thought of being a sugar baby had never entered your mind, but here you were, being offered the world and more by an insanely attractive man. And all you had to do was keep him company- emotionally and sexually. His hand traveled over to your lap, his clean cologne warming your senses as he awaited your answer.
"No feelings, just business, right?” you asked quietly. He nodded.
“No feelings, just business.”
That solidified your decision.
For the first few months, you followed him everywhere.
Fiji. London. Paris. French Rivieras.
You’d let him pin you against the wall and fuck you senseless at the hotel room in exchange for an unlimited access to his platinum credit card the next day. He spoiled you with designer dresses from brands you couldn’t even pronounce and gifts that could single-handedly pay off student loans. 
With your schedule as a full time student and his hectic lifestyle as a billionaire CEO, you both agreed on having spaced out interactions. If he was in the city, you’d meet him twice a week, maybe even more if he was offering extra. If he was travelling, you could take a week off, week and a half off, maximum, to see him. On the days where you couldn’t physically see him, lots of sexts and calls were exchanged, all from the new phone Bucky had bought you. 
It was as business as it could get, or so you thought.
You’d gotten a call from Bucky in the middle of the night, whilst you were cramming for a final, even though you’d both agreed at the beginning that meeting up during finals would be extremely limited.
“I need you to fly with me to Boston tomorrow night.”
You sighed, rubbing your eyes.
“Bucky, I can’t. I’m swamped with finals and-”
“Doll, I’m literally begging you, I-” 
That caught your attention, causing you to sit straight up. Bucky never begged for anything. Let alone, to you.
“My family’s been bugging me about meeting my new ‘girlfriend’ and me ‘settling down’ or whatever. I already told them I was bringing you, please, doll? I’ll double, even triple your pay.”
“Buck... It’s not about the money right now, I really need to do well on my finals. It’s in two weeks.” 
“And we’ll be back in a day or so, it’s just a quick stop by. Please... do this for me? A-at least as a friend, we’re at least friends, right?” 
And for some reason, perhaps it was because he sounded unusually desperate, you said yes. He picked you up in his limo the next day, exactly at 6pm, and you flew with him in his private jet to his childhood home in Boston. 
“It’s a little small.” he’d warned on the plane, as he helped you step down the metal stairs. 
Small your fucking ass.
You were astounded by the sheer amount of ground the mansion covered, as a maid scurried towards you and took your bags into the house. The steep marble arches and the high pane windows made you feel small, as you felt Bucky slip his arm around your waist and guide you towards the entrance.
Bucky’s mother was waiting for you at the door, pulling you into a tight hug and gushing about how pretty and polite you were to Bucky. You felt your heart skip a beat when Bucky referred to you as his “girlfriend”, but you forced yourself to breathe and smile.
No feelings, just business, you had to remind yourself. 
Bucky was dragged off to the side by his sister and father, meaning that you were dragged to the kitchen to keep his mother company. She was a very lovely woman, which was why you felt quite guilty lying to her about dating her son. 
“I’m so happy you’re dating my son, (Y/n).” she cooed, opening the stove. “I’ve never seen him stare at a woman so madly in love.” 
Signing if off as good acting on Bucky’s part, you smiled, waving off her compliment.
“I’m the lucky one, miss. That said, I’m pretty sure I’m the romantic in the relationship.” you joked, eliciting a laugh from her.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that, you know. I’ve seen that picture of you in his wallet.”
Bucky never told you he kept physical pictures of you. You’d spend him pictures and you two took pictures on dates and outings, sure, but it was all digitalized and kept away in your phones....
Before you could question her further, she announced that dinner was ready, forcing you to sit next to Bucky. He pulled out a chair for you, causing his sister to outwardly “aww”, and making you let out a shaky sigh.  His hand found his way down the table to rest in yours, his thumb grazing your hand repeatedly in a soothing manner. 
That was new.
Bucky was an affectionate man, but he usually kept it brief, unless in bed. 
“So (Y/n), tell us more about how you met Bucky.” Rebecca pressed, sipping on her glass of wine with a teasing smile. The conversation flowed easily from there, jokes and embarrassing childhood memories being thrown around as time passed by. Four cups of wine and a mortifying story about Bucky falling on his face during a dance recital at his boarding school, you and Bucky clambered up to bed, your face still red from laughter.
“It’s not that funny.” Bucky grumbled underneath his breath as you clung onto him for support.
“Sorry, I just... I never would’ve thought you’d be a dancer. Let alone a clumsy dancer.” you teased, opening the door to the bedroom.
“Well I guess there’s more of me for you to discover.” 
The drunken haze lifted from your consciousness at his response, the sudden soft tone catching you off guard. The entire night, you drank away your fears, the fear that maybe he liked you back. You’d realized you had caught feelings for him, hard, about two months into it, but you’d talked yourself out of acting on it.
No feelings, just business. That is what he had said.
But the whole night he went out of his way to touch you, holding your hand and kissing the back of your neck. Calling you “doll” and “sweetheart.” Telling his family stories about you with an adoring gaze in his eyes. And according to his mother, that picture of you in his wallet...
“Shit, I left my phone downstairs. I’ll be right back.” he said, interrupting your train of thought. He conveniently left his wallet behind, and when you flipped it open, there indeed was a picture of you inside. 
And not just any picture.
It was one of you, passed out on his lap after a particularly grueling and boring conference call, in which Bucky was working from his home. You weren’t dressed up, hell, you didn’t even have any makeup on. Just an old t-shirt he owned and short pajama shorts, and a pair of penguin socks. It was oddly domestic and simple.
And he had it printed and stuck in between the leather bindings of his wallet.
“Why do you keep this picture of me in your wallet?” 
Bucky’s smile dropped off his face as his eyes shifted to the picture he’d been hiding away in your hand, dread seeping across his chest. He swore under his breath, he knew he should’ve kept it somewhere more secretive, but he just couldn’t help himself.
“Can I be honest?”
You nodded as he took in a deep breath.
“I.... I know I said ‘no feelings, just business’, and really, at the beginning, I thought that was all it was going to be. But... somewhere down the line, I realized, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re wicked smart. You’re so kind. You’re not afraid to crack a joke at my expense. You’re... the perfect girl for me, except I was paying for it. I was paying for this... fantasy. Before you say anything, I know you don’t feel the same. I know this is all business for you, so uh, if you want to end the relationship now, since I’ve gotten attached, I’ll under-”
He’s cut off by your body crashing into his, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and he can taste the cherry wine on your lips as you press into him. He eagerly returns the kiss but is left dazed when you pull back, a wide smile on your face.
“I love you, you idiot.” 
He smiles back, a smile so bright and sweet that makes your heart flutter, before he pulls you onto his lap on the bed. His hand is already underneath your blouse as he pulls out his phone, his lips tracing your neck.
“So... what’d you say I get a new picture for my wallet?”
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Yes, Professor.
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Synopsis: Y/N gets a new Professor, and she really wants to fuck him. 
Word Count: 3, 043
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“Have you seen the new English Professor?” I looked up from my course book as Julian my best friend flounced up to my desk in the library. “I just saw him getting a tour of the school from the Dean, and boy,” He fanned his hand against his face dramatically. “The man could bend me over a table any day,”  
“Julian,” I gawked, “You can’t just say things like that, he’s a Professor, and last time I checked, sleeping with your Professor was still frowned upon,” 
“You didn’t see this man, Y/N.” He waved his hands about dramatically. “I would give up my degree and still pay the student loans for the chance to see that man naked, even once.” 
“You’re being ridiculous,” I scoffed, “He can’t be that hot,”
“You know how all the Romans of old had the hots for the chick who came out of the clamshell? Ya know, the one with the long hair?” 
“Yes, Julian,”
“He’s the male version of her,” I began to collect my things, as he continued to ramble. “He looked too good to be straight, but then again a lot of straight men these days have begun to dress better…”
“I’m going to go to class now… enjoy your fantasies.” 
“I’ll come,” 
“You don’t even take the class,”
“No better time to learn about English and books.”
“We’re studying Shakespeare, reading texts, today’s Romeo and Juliet.”
“Oh fuck me,” Julian bit his bottom lip, following me away from the table and towards the door. “Do you think he’ll be reading Romeo because, I swear to everything in Heaven, I swear on my mothers grave -.”
“Your mother isn’t dead,”
“I would die to hear that man utter sweet, sweet poetic moronic dribbling into my ears as he pounds into me,”
“You really have an issue, have you considered you know going on a date, maybe seeing if there’s someone out there who can cure the issues?” 
“They’re not issues,”
“No? Wanting your professor to lay you over his desk, pound into you while muttering Shakespeare into your ear isn’t an issue.” I chuckled as we reached the entrance to the lecture hall. 
“Ahem,” Julian and I froze, turning slowly to face the source of the intrusion. “Quiet… bold imagery there.” The man in front of me would have only been thirty tops, his hair was a dark brown, and his eyes the brightest blue I’d ever seen. He was dressed smartly, but not like the stuffy old Professors we were used too, he wore a white button-down, probably leaving one too many buttons undone to be deemed as more professional than a casual dress. He extended his hand towards me, “I’m Professor MacKay,” 
“I’m so sorry,” I began to mutter shuffling items to shake his hand, “That conversation, what you heard it was out of context, and I can promise you that you will never hear anything of the sort slip from my mouth again,” 
“Shame,” He muttered dropping his hand to his side, “I quite liked the bold imagery.” He looked down to his wristwatch, flashing Julian and I a toothy grin. “Best hurry, class starts in a minute,” Julian and I watched in two different emotions as Professor MacKay waltzed into the lecture hall. Julian was in a state of awe, his mind probably running over all the ways he could have Professor MacKay in his dirties dreams, whereas I was in a state of utter humiliation. Professor MacKay looked over at us once more sending me another smile as he dropped his satchel on the desk.
“You heard the man,” Julian pushed in front of me, “Best get a seat before they fill up.” I followed Julian into the lecture hall, my hair hanging in front of my eyes as I felt those of my new Professor on my body, wishing death upon Julian when he picked the seat right in front of Professor MacKay’s desk. 
“Really this one?” I hissed sliding in beside him, careful to keep my voice low in case a prying Professor was listening. 
“Wanted to be close to the front,” Julian’s eyes dragged over Professor MacKay’s frame, “Didn’t want to miss any learning,” 
“Oh, Fuck me,” I groaned head dropping back. 
“Really miss…” My head snapped up, eyes popping open as Professor MacKay knelt before me, his hands clasped together, a cheeky smile on his lips. 
“Her name is Y/F/N Y/L/N,” Julian pounced, “And I’m Julian,” He smirked lips pursing at the end. 
“Nice to meet you both,” He turned back to me, “I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you seem to be having an issue with your filthy language today,” 
“I promise, I'm not always like this…” I sat up straighter, “Normally I don’t even cuss, let alone speak how I did earlier,” 
“Relax, I’m teasing.” He stood up stopping when he was in front of my eyes, “But I want you to be careful, someone might take you up on the offer,” He bit his lip as he looked over me before walking back to his desk,
“Oh he wants the pussy,” Julian whispered in my ear, “Really bad,” 
“Shut up Julian,” I hissed, cheeks on fire. 
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?” Professor MacKay burst out, “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.” He picked up a book sitting on the desk, “Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief,” I watched as he immersed himself in the poetry of the scene, “That thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green,” He looked at me as he continued, his eyes never straying from mine. “And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.” 
“Fuck yes,” Julian cried beginning to lead the class into loud applause for the new Professor, who had so quickly won over his audiences. 
“Thank you,” Professor MacKay raised his hand to hush the crowd, “My name is George MacKay, but the board doesn't take lightly to students calling their Professors by their ‘human’ names, so let’s stick with Professor,” He shuffled himself on the desk, “Now, who can tell me what Shakespeare meant when he wrote that passage?” 
“He wanted Romeo to fuck Juliet,” Someone called from the back of the room which caused half the rooms occupants, including George, Professor MacKay to snort out a couple seconds of laughter. 
“You’re not wrong,” George Professor MacKay confessed. “In this passage, Romeo uses an intricate conceit to express a simple desire, does anyone know what that desire is?” 
“To take Juliet’s virginity,” I voiced, 
“And how do you conclude that?” 
“Romeo begins by saying that the envious moon, Diana the Goddess of the moon, and patron of virgins, is jealous of her servant, Juliet’s radiance. He then goes on to beg Juliet to be Diana’s maid no longer, for the virginal uniform, vestal livery, she wears as a follower of Diana is sickly green in colour, and not to remove it.” 
“In lamens terms,” Julian questioned. 
“Romeo basically says to Juliet it would be foolish to remain a virgin,” I huffed, “Romeo, the frat boy of ye olden times,” I muttered much to the amusement of my Professor. 
“Correct, everything Ms Y/L/N said, was correct,” George. Professor MacKay clapped his hands together standing from the desk he began to bounce on his heels. “The phrase sick and green was hotly debated among early scholars, because of a discrepancy among the printed versions of the play.” He paused, “Can anyone tell me why?” He looked around the class, waiting for someone when no one answered he begun again. “In the first quarto of Romeo and Juliet in 1597, the line reads pale and green, which invites a new explanation of the lines,” He cleared his throat,  “Her vestal livery is but sick and green, And none but fools do wear it.” He picked up two of his books holding one in the air. “Some editors charge the compositors of the subsequent quartos and the First Folio where it appears as sick and green with carelessness, convinced that Shakespeare intended pale and green not to mean the green sickness of anaemia as is described three lines above, but to mean the colours of the uniform worn by Henry VIII's court jester – white and green. Thus, her vestal livery is the garb of a fool.” He held the second book up. “Others, not so much,” 
“I might need to consider taking this class,” Julian smirked as he waited for me to pack up my books. “Professor MacKay is not only delicious to look at, but he’s also extremely entertaining to watch,” 
“Julian,” I groaned, but I couldn’t deny it, George MacKay was delicious to look at, and I enjoyed the way his eyes looked at me, my face, body, lingering on my chest through the lecture. 
“I think you should try and seduce him,” 
“I dare you,” 
Those three little words were how it started, a game between Professor MacKay and I, except I, couldn’t be sure he knew he was participating. 
As the ‘game’ continued I upped the ante each lecture, it started off easy, low cut shirts, with lacy bra’s sticking out. 
Then it became low cut shirts with no bra, and with the lecture hall always being cold enough to harden my nipples I was sure Professor MacKay had gotten a good look at the pierced flesh, 
My next step was dressed, short ones that really shouldn’t be worn on campus, but I had a dare to win. 
I next resorted to wearing short skirts, tartan preferably but really anything that would allow me to teasingly spread my legs and give George a glimpse at my barley there underwear before I crossed my legs back over each other, pretending to be none the wiser to my Professor catching a glimpse of my hairless pussy, 
“Ms Y/L/N, can you stay a moment,” George called as the class began to pack up, it was Friday afternoon, and I was horny a week of teasing and I was in need of a good come down. 
“Can I help you, sir?” I asked once the last of my classmates had left the hall crossing my legs once again. George sat back on his desk, not even trying to hide that he was eyeing up my bare legs,  
“I thought you weren’t a fan of brave imagery,”  A smirk came to my lips, I couldn’t help it. “You think it’s funny?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir,” 
“Fucking christ,” He groaned. “Sounds like Heaven when you say that,” I uncrossed my legs slowly, spreading them as I leant forward against the small wooden desk, breasts nearly spilling out of my shirt. 
“You’re enjoying the game aren’t you?”  George pushed away from his desk, striding over to me, he lent down so he was looking in my eyes. “Teasing me,” His squatted down, his hand starting at my ankle, running up my leg, unconsciously they opened wider, welcoming his hand against me. “Cunt’s dripping isn’t it?” I nodded, tongue dipping out to wet my lips. George’s hand hit home, his thumb against my clit teasing it. 
“F-F-fuck, George,” 
“Ah, ah…” He chided his finger leaving my clit, playing with the string of my underwear, “That’s not my name, is it?” 
“What do you want me to call you?” I whispered leaning forward, “Are you more of a sir, or should I call you Daddy?” 
“Fuck, you are a dirty girl,” George groaned, his hand leaving my clit, pushing my skirt up as he ran it up my body to my neck, “Call me sir,” He gave my neck a light squeeze, “You can call me Daddy next time,” 
“Yes, sir,” 
“Stand up,” He demanded standing himself upright, “You’ve been a brat lately haven’t you?” I nodded my head, standing upright myself, “And good girls are the ones who get fucked, what do the brats get?” 
“Punished, what?” 
“Sir,” I corrected, feeling a pool of wetness drip down my legs, “Sorry, sir.” 
“Good girl, now we’re learning.” He moved back to his desk, “Lose the shirt, and your skirt,” I quickly pulled the shirt over my head, throwing it to the ground. I took a little more time with the skirt twisting and twirling my hips as it dropped to the ground. “Turn around, over your desk,” I turned, bending over the desk I’d spent so much time teasing George from. “Going to take you here, so every time you have to sit here, you remember,” His hand came down on my ass, “How I spanked you,” Another “And how I fucked you,” Another spank “Okay,”
“Yes sir,” His hand went from my ass to my slit, fingers pushing inside of me, pumping once, twice, a third time before he withdrew them. 
“How does my little girl taste?” He pushed the fingers into my mouth, grabbing my hair with his free hand. Desperate to impress him I deep-throated them, imagining they were his cock, George pulled his hand out, pulling me to a stand, spinning me so my sensitive ass sat on the desk, He leaned down his lips meeting mine in a filthy kiss, his tongue shoving it’s way into my mouth, meeting mine dancing and twirling against one and other. He pulled away teeth gripping my bottom lip dragging it out before letting it go. “Taste good, Angel.” He kissed me again. “I could eat that little cunt out all day until your cried and begged me to stop…” I nodded, ready to beg him to. “But, you’re still in trouble for all your teasing, and I’m not sure if trouble makers deserve to have their cunts eaten out…” He pursed his lips “What do you think?”
“No, sir.” 
“See, you can be a good girl.” His fingers went back to my pussy pushing inside, my back arched towards him, his lips latching onto my nipples. 
“Fuck,” I moaned as he bit down, teeth teasing the bar pushed through the flesh. “I can be good,” I whined needing more of him. “Promise, I can be good.” His fingers continued to move inside me, unwavering. 
“Minute I saw those tits through your shirt, I knew I wanted to suck on them.” My thighs began to tremble from the pleasure he was giving me, “I’m going to fuck you, until you cry,” He murmured looking down at me with devilish eyes, “Maybe once you cry I’ll think about stopping.” His free hand went between us undoing his belt and zip before pulling my legs to his hips. “Keep them here,” 
“Yes sir,” I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding tightly as he reached between us again, grabbing at his cock. I felt it against me as he withdrew his fingers, pushing inside of me. He pressed in slowly at first, then all at once. I gasped out in shock, clenching down around him like a vice, fuck he was big. He looked down, at where he spread me open, tutting. 
“You haven’t even taken me in all the way, love.” 
“Big, sir.” 
“Too big?” I shook my head, 
“No sir,”  His hips pulled back and snapped forward, burying his length inside of me completely.
He was huge, wait until I told Julian about this, how good our Professor can fuck. 
“No one will hear you,” George growled into my ear as I let out a soft moan, “Louder,” 
“Fuck, Sir,” I groaned as he thrust harder. “You want everyone to find our your currently bottomed out in your student?” My question was accompanied by a moan. 
“Like I give a fuck,” He said lowly before he slowly pushed himself in, making me grip his shoulders tightly. He watched me through half-lidded eyes as I bit my lip, heavy breathing until he was fully settled deep inside of me once more. “And you're not just my student,” He groaned as I opened my eyes to look at him.
“No?” I asked sighing as he slowly began to move faster again.
“No.” He groaned, “You’re my little whore,” 
“I try,” He groaned picking me up off the table, he laid me on the cold tile floor, his body quickly coming down onto of me. He took both of my arms and pinned them above me with his one hand.
“Fuck…” I moaned as I felt him fucking into me harder, chest to chest, his chest hair brushing over my hardened nipples. George let go of my wrists instead grabbing onto thighs sitting back on his as he thrust even deeper. 
“This is what you wanted all along wasn’t it?” He growled, his hand leaving my thigh coming down to circle on my clit. 
“Yes... Just like that...” I moaned, eyes rolling back as his fingers rubbed constantly over my clit. I could already feel the familiar warmth in my belly spreading. “You going to cum sir?”
“Waiting for you...” He smirked. He pushed harder, making me cry out as my orgasm washed over my body, sending tingles throughout. “Come again,” George groaned his grip lighting on my thigh, fingers continuing to work my clit, as he kept fucking me through my first orgasm straight into my second. My body exploded in pleasure as I felt George still deep inside of me, the warmth of his own orgasm making mine even more epic. 
“Holy fuck,” I groaned as George collapsed on top of me. I ran my hand through the sweaty hair at the nape of his neck. 
“You know how you’ll remember me spanking you on your desk?” I groaned in response, too fucked out to make any other words. “Well, I’m going to look at this spot and get hard every time because this is the place I made you squirt.” 
“Maybe next time I can do it on your face,” 
“How does later tonight sound?” 
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missmentelle · 4 years
Tips for cutting off toxic, manipulative, and abusive parents?
I recently wrote a guide to escaping from a toxic household if you are currently living with your parents, but to summarize, cutting them off basically boils down to two things: financial independence and emotional resolve. 
When you are cutting your parents out of your life permanently, the most important thing to do is to get yourself into a position where you no longer need them for anything financially. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be debt-free or living a middle class lifestyle - you just need to be able to pay for all of your rent and expenses every month without any assistance from them. If you are still in school, you need to secure a way to pay for your remaining tuition - like a scholarship, needs-based financial aid or student loan - and make sure that you don’t need your parents’ signatures on anything to get that money. Needing any kind of money or material support from your parents gives them leverage over you; it’s something that they can hold over your head to maintain control of you. So long as you rely on them for room and board, tuition or financial support, cutting them off is not going to be a realistic option for you - once they have no financial hold over you anymore, they have no weapon to wield against you. 
Achieving financial independence is something that is obviously easier said than done, but as someone who has been financially independent since age 19 (not because my parents are abusive, but because they are flat broke) and financed two degrees by myself, there are a couple of tips that you can use to get there as quickly as possible:
Start saving money in a place where they can’t get it. Make sure that you have a bank account in your name only, so that your parents cannot take money out of your account or tell how much you have. 
Start building your credit. You will not have an “oops, mom, I’m short on rent this month, can you send me $200?” lifeline that your peers have. Your “in case of emergency” plan is your credit card. Get a basic credit card - even if it’s a “secured” card that makes you keep $500 in your bank account to get it - and start building your credit. Make one purchase with the card per month and pay it off right away to avoid interest. Be responsible with your card, and build a good credit score as quickly as you can - this will make it much easier for you to rent apartments, get loans and buy a house later down the line. 
Get a budgeting app or spreadsheet and learn to use it. Make sure you know exactly how much you earn, how much you spend, how much you’re saving, and how much money you need to have in order to be financially independent. Knowing where your money is going is an essential part of the process. 
If you’re in school, try to graduate on time. Make sure you are taking a full course load if you can, and make sure that you are taking the correct courses for graduation. Delaying graduation often means delaying your independence. 
Ask for help when you need it. If you are in school, ask your financial aid office or student advisor for information about scholarships, bursaries and grants. If you’re working, ask your boss about professional development and career advancement opportunities. 
Take on odd jobs if you need to. I have worked many odd jobs to keep myself afloat and build my savings - you can see if anyone needs babysitting, tutoring, help with yard work, dog walking, etc. I’ve done paid freelancing writing, taught English online, delivered flyers and taken on part-time jobs; sometimes you have to grind a little bit to give yourself a cushion of savings. 
Minimize your spending. It goes without saying, but it’s easier to be financially independent if you find ways to live on less money. Find roommates or rent a room in someone’s home instead of finding your own apartment. Try to minimize your subscription services and make sure you’re not paying for subscriptions you no longer use. Learn to cook and make as many meals at home as possible. 
The other important component of cutting off manipulative and abusive parents is to gather up your emotional resolve and commit to cutting them out of your life. Toxic and manipulative parents will use every tactic in the book to try to get back into your life - you know your parents best, but expect that they might beg, lie, threaten, make false promises, make appeals for sympathy, or use other underhanded tactics to try to regain control of you. They may drag other people that you care about into the situation and have those people plead on their behalf. Some do whatever they can to get you to drop your guard and let them in again. Start thinking about that possibility now, so that you can prepare for anything they might throw at you. Remember:
Don’t panic if your parents call the cops or report you missing. If you are an adult, you cannot be forced to go home to your parents, even if your parents report you missing. If law enforcement contacts you, answer their questions, explain that your parents are controlling, let them know that you don’t want any help and tell them that you don’t want your personal information released to your parents. Your family will only be told that you were located safe and that your case is closed. 
Lock down your social media and online presence. Block your parents from your phone, and make sure that they are blocked from all of your social media accounts so that they cannot get information on you. It may be a good idea to set your accounts to private for a while or change your handles and profile pictures so that they cannot find you. 
Prepare yourself for the possibility that you might have to cut off other family members too. When you cut off your parents, brace yourself for the possibility that other members of your family that you were on good terms with - aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc - may take your parents’ side, or may reach out to encourage you to forgive your parents “for the sake of the family” or “to keep the peace”. Being free of your parents sometimes means cutting ties with family members who won’t respect your decision. 
Remember the reasons that you decided to cut them off in the first place. Sometimes when you’ve been away from an abuser for a while, you will start to forget the abuse and become nostalgic for the good times that you had with that person. You might even decide that you “overreacted” by cutting them off and consider give them a second chance. Tread carefully with this. Remind yourself of the reasons you left.
The first few months after you leave may be difficult. Your parents may fight back against your decision as hard as they possibly can, and you may find that you have a lot of grieving to do - not because you miss your parents, necessarily, but because you have to come to terms with the fact that you will never have the loving and healthy relationship with your parents that you may have wanted. You will get through it. Seek out support from therapists or from other people who have cut off their parents. Focus on forming new, healthy relationships with the people in your life. Build a life free from abuse, a life that makes you happy and fulfilled. Stay strong, stay focused. Remember that you deserved better than your parents were willing to give.  Best of luck to you.  MM
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Bluegrass-Chapter 11
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               A special thanks to @statell​ for everything you do for my stories
Previous chapters on AO3
Chapter Eleven
The following day, Jamie drove Michael to look at a car. It was perfect for his needs and he paid cash for it. Once they were done, Jamie suggested dropping in on Claire and he would just stay after their visit. Michael was all for a glass of whisky and texted her they were on the way.
Claire heard two vehicles pull up to her stairs and went outside to welcome the men into soft comfortable chairs on her patio. Jamie looked at her for a long minute, appreciating the long cotton dress she wore and hair up in a ponytail. She took his breath away, but was soon snapped out of his reverie with a glass of whisky. The three of them seemed happy and relaxed and the whisky flowed. Stories about training horses and buying quality broodmares were shared and Jamie laughed while telling how he acquired the Runner’s dam.
“It was ridiculous inching up with another bidder. That fucken guy was so cheap it was turnin into torture for all of us. I decided to offer the askin price and Chad could kiss my ass.”
Claire put a hand to her chest and took a deep breath.
“Did you say Chad? You outbid Chad, Jamie”
“Aye, he was plenty pissed too. I told him to grow up and find another mare.”
Claire stood up and paced around her patio. Suddenly it all made sense. That’s why Chad went out with her, to get information about Jamie, or Runner. She sat down and stayed quiet until Michael left, and she was plenty worked up by that time.
“Maybe Chad had something to do with poisoning the horses, Jamie. I don’t know how yet, but I always wondered why he wanted another date when we didn’t seem to get along.”
“I know him, how could he slip in and poison the feed without someone seein him?”
“I don’t know and forgive me for saying this, but I think Isobel had something to do with it too. Only because her horse was not affected. Porcelain was not poisoned but she did beg me to get her away because she was afraid of Isobel.”
Jamie got very quiet and listened to Claire feeling the truth in what she said.
“It was a sudden trip to Scotland she went on, maybe she was afraid of bein implicated, so she left. I remembered she cried and carried on for days when she got home. An exaggerated response because she couldn’t give two shits for those horses.”
“Why is she staring at Runner in the middle of the night. What can she gain from hurting him?”
“I don’t know Sassenach, but it’s time to push her a bit and hope she makes a mistake. Right now I need yer body mo chridhe. Come inside, I have somethin to show ye.”
Claire was hungry for him and peeled his clothes and boots off slowly and then worshiped his naked body until he almost came in her mouth. He pulled her away from him and told her to remove her dress while he watched. She slipped out of the dress and waited.
“Bra and panties too, love.”
She stood in front of him raking her eyes over his gorgeous body.
“Come here.”
When Claire was seconds away from her orgasm, Jamie heard Molly come in and the front door close. He covered Claire’s mouth with his hand and pushed her off the cliff she was on, keeping his hand in place until her moaning stopped. She gave him a come fuck me look and he tumbled into his own hurricane of release, heroically quiet.
Most of the next day, Claire and Runner worked with Michael, giving Jamie some time to consider the Chad connection and possibly Isobel. He picked up the phone and dialed Ned Gowen. The older gentleman’s voice gave Jamie goosebumps and made his heart hurt. Ned had been a friend of the family for decades and his voice reminded him of home.
“Yes laddie, I added terms to your contract with Dunsany for the dissolution of marriage. Ye havena married the lass and doesna sound like any possibility in the future. If you want her out, tell her to leave. The loan contract was signed by you and Dunsany. Isobel was not a signer and as long as you are current on yer payments, she canna force you to sell. It may be harsh for Isobel, but she is entitled to nothing.”
Jamie couldn’t believe his ears and struggled through the rest of the conversation. He wanted to get up to the house and pack all of Isobel’s belongings right away. Isobel could rent an apartment somewhere, but he wasn’t paying for it. Maybe this was enough to drive her back to Scotland.
Fortunately, he gave it some thought before impulsively kicking Isobel out and though it was a dreaded phone call, he decided to touch base with Dunsany. He had given Dunsany double and triple payments when his foals and yearlings sold, consequently he was far ahead in paying off his debt. He hoped that would count for something. It was the dinner hour in Scotland, so he made the call before he lost his nerve.
Dunsany was not surprised at this development in the relationship of Jamie and his daughter, in fact, it was expected.
“If Isobel has taken no interest in your breeding business than it stands to reason she will not share in the profits. She isn’t smart enough to realize this so I imagine you will have quite a time with her. If she wants to come back to Scotland, her mother will welcome her with open arms. If she decides to stay in Kentucky I will pay for her housing. You can pass that along to her please and I will wait to hear from her.”
“Jamie, I financed your operation because you acted honorably, agreeing to marry Isobel when she was with child. I make money with honorable men every day and knew this was a good investment, no matter the turn out between you and my daughter. So far I was right, although I’m not happy with the doubling up on your payments, it's costing me too much in interest. You can pay your monthly installment or pay me off so I can reinvest.”
That was all there was to it. Jamie hung up the phone feeling like a man freed from four years of imprisonment and couldn’t sit still with his happy energy. He went out to watch Claire and Runner, also getting some sunshine on his face.
Claire was breezing and Runner was open-mouthed from her holding back on the bit. He wanted to bust out and gallop, it was obvious how much he loved to run. Jamie smiled as they came closer. Michael called to her to move him eight feet to the left and Claire was able to direct him with no problem. Other horses were working out and when three of them came close to Runner he pinned his ears back and almost broke out of Claire’s control. She let him accelerate a bit but still held him back.
Jamie sat against a tree and dialed Isobel.
“Something important has come up Isobel. I need you to call me back right away.”
Jamie closed his eyes to the bright sun and wondered what kind of shit storm Isobel was going to cause over being kicked out of the house. He picked up his vibrating phone.
“What is it, Jamie.”
“I need ye to come home as soon as ye can. I’ll be packin your stuff tonight because ye are movin out of my house. Yer father said he will pay your housing if ye stay in America, or ye can go home to Scotland.”
“You must have hit yer head today if you think I’m leavin with nothin. Ha, that’s rich Jamie. You will pay off the loan to my father and sell the farm so we can split it. Then I will leave happily.”
“By contract, you are entitled to nothin. You are not a signer on the finance agreement, more importantly, you have not contributed five minutes of your time to this business in the four years we have been here.”
“Bullshit! I am not stupid Jamie Fraser.”
“I think ye should call yer father and stay calm so he can explain it to ye. I’ll pack yer things and ye can take what ye need for the short term. You can stay in a hotel until ye find suitable housing or go home. If ye don’t come for your things tonight I will leave them outside the door for ye.”
“No!” Isobel was shrieking into the phone, so loud that Jamie held his cell away from his ear. “No, you canna do this to me, fuck ye. I will be home for dinner and bed like every night.”
“Perfect, I could use some help gettin it all packed. Goodbye Isobel.”
When Jamie looked up, Claire and Michael were staring at him. They could hear Isobel from the track. Claire jumped off Runner and pulled his saddle off. She gave Jamie a long look as she walked to the wash rack.
Jamie ran after her and helped kneed Runner’s muscles with his permanent smile. Claire had never seen him so happy.
“I am very curious about what has made you so happy.”
“I am movin Isobel out of my house, tonight. She isn’t happy about it but I’m doin it anyway. I spoke to Ned Gowen earlier and he told me the financing contract was signed by Dunsany and me, not Isobel. If we had married, the property and assets would be split according to Kentucky law. Failing to marry means she has rights to nothin. Her father will support her so she’s not in the streets and maybe she will go back to Scotland. I can only hope.”
They walked out into one of the pastures to enjoy the Indian summer warmth and let Runner chow down on grass. Jamie touched her cheek and then kissed her.
“Jamie, I can’t stop thinking about Dustin today. Can you think of a reason he doesn’t call or email me? I’m curious about how he is doing, and I miss him. It hurts my feelings that he just forgot about me after being attached at the hip for almost two years.
“He loves ye Sassenach. I imagine he’s suffering with a broken heart and talkin to ye will make it worse.”
Claire looked at him like he lost his mind.
“It’s true, love. I saw it the first day you were here. He will come around when he’s ready.”
Claire was deep in thought when they walked back. She wondered if it were true about Dustin and wondered why she never noticed. Jamie kissed her deeply and said he would be fighting with Isobel all night so he would not see her after work. He held her for several minutes, one last kiss, and she was gone.
Jamie stared at the enormous job of packing all the clothes, makeup, lotions, shampoo, and a thousand other things. This was way bigger than he estimated, and he would need a ton of boxes. He dashed into town and bought a dozen boxes in three sizes. Coming back, he saw Isobel’s Cadillac in the driveway and took a deep breath.
Isobel walked swiftly toward him looking like she would stab him in the face if she could.
“What are all those boxes for?”
“I told ye, yer movin out tonight. I suggest ye find a suitable hotel to stay at until ye find somethin to rent.” He moved toward the bedroom and started building the boxes. When the tape gun made that horrible noise, Isobel snapped. She grabbed the tape gun and kicked the boxes all over the bedroom.
“I’m callin the police to arrest ye, ye piece of shit!”
Jamie grabbed another box but could not get the tape from Isobel. It looked like she was having a stroke with her purple face and wide eyes. Jamie walked back to his truck where he had a second tape gun and then started on another box.
“I’m callin Jenny. She will stop this, she is at least sane.”
“Enough Isobel! Stop acting like a spoiled four-year-old! You have hated every minute in Kentucky, I can’t remember the last time you were here, and there’s no reason for ye to stay. None whatsoever. I’m not sellin the business and yer father doesn’t want any more double payments. I know ye lied to me about being pregnant, if ye don’t get out tonight, yer father will know as well. Now you can help me or leave me to my task.”
“Ye prick!” With that Isobel ran out the door and sped away in her Cadillac.
Jamie continued until he saw Michael at his bedroom door looking like he had seen a ghost.
“What’s wrong with ye Michael?”
“Did you tell Isobel I was staying in the guest room for a while?”
“I did, well I sent her a text message ye were here, why.”
“I doubt she read it. She came bursting into the house like hellfire was chasing her. She called someone and paced like an animal while she talked. She told this person he was an idiot and if he hadn’t botched the poisoning this would all be over. She also told him she was getting kicked off the property, so it was now or never.”
“Holy shit.”
Jamie sat on the bed and stared into space for several minutes. Both men were shocked by what Isobel revealed not knowing Michael was in the house. Jamie grabbed his phone and dialed Angus hoping the guys had not left yet.
“Angus, can ye and Rupert wait to leave until I get there. There are big developments and I need yer help. I’ll be right there.”
The men assembled in the office and Jamie explained what Isobel said on the phone before asking for ideas.
“Do ye think the poisoner is comin back to finish the job, Jamie?”
“I think this person still wants to hurt me, whether it be poison again or some other terrible thing. I don’t know why Isobel’s presence here will facilitate the guy, but she seems to think so.”
They continued thinking about what might happen and after fifteen minutes Isobel was calling.
“I never want to see your face again Jamie Fraser and if you get near me, I’ll call the police and tell them you tried to kill me! I must get my tack out of the barn, so I need a passcode. I’ll be in and out and you can watch from your ridiculous cameras if you want. But if you come near me, you’ll spend the night in jail. So give me your code.”
“8246 star.”
“Do I get to say goodbye to Porcelain Love?”
That’s a different code, its 7933 pound.”
Isobel clicked off without another word. Jamie was shaking with rage. Rupert and Angus were incredulous at what Jamie did, giving her his code. Michael figured it out and smiled.
“If I’m right gentlemen, she intends to give the code to the poisoner so he can finish the job. We know it’s happening tonight so if we take positions in different areas of the compound, we can catch the bloke in the act. As soon as you see him stop at a stall ye jump him. I have a feelin he’ll be headed straight for Runner so let him pass through if he is headed that way.”
“It’s a little daring Jamie. He could easily squirt poison into the water, and we might not even see that in the dark.”
“We should empty the water in each stall. They can handle it for a few hours. And Michael, ye will not be joining us tonight. You don’t need to risk yer neck for a job that doesn’t even pay ye.”
The men were all shaking their heads at the plan and figuring out where they could hide.
“We have another hour of daylight so ye guys get some dinner and a beer, only one beer please.”
Jamie took out a fifty and handed it to Rupert. “When ye come back, you need to hide yer truck Rupert. I’ll leave my truck in the driveway and you pull into the garage and shut the door. Since we don’t know when he’s comin, be silent after dark.” He tossed Rupert the remote to his garage.
The men disbanded to eat and get ready to catch the man that killed five of Jamie’s horses. Jamie argued with Michael on the way back to the house refusing his request to participate.
Jamie laid on his bed and called Claire to fill her in.
“I’m coming over Jamie.”
“No, yer not lass. I would be too worried and distracted with you here. We will get him tonight, I’m sure of it. Isobel has done a fine job of setting him up to be caught. I love ye Sassenach, don’t worry. I will call ye when we catch him.”
“Any time of night Jamie, I doubt I’ll sleep until I know you’re safe, and Runner too.”
“Lass, ye put me ahead of Runner, ye know what that means don’t ye? It means ye love me more than him.”
“I do love you more than anyone in the world. Please be careful.”
Jamie watched the monitors until he heard a light tapping on the front door.
“Claire, what are ye doing here?”
“I’m coming so I can prevent Runner from jumping his stall walls.” She put her hand up at Jamie. “You know the risk of him seeing someone at his stall in the dark. I will crouch down under his water bucket and keep him calm while you catch the guy. No one will see me.”
“Where is your truck?”
“It’s in the lower pasture, well hidden. I hiked up here.”
“In the pitch-black outside, no moon to light yer way? Yer in big trouble lass, let's go.”
As Jamie pulled the door closed, he felt it open again as Michael slipped out to join them.
“I’m coming too.”
Jamie looked at Claire and Michael, both dressed in black and shook his head.
“Silence as we walk.”
Michael hid in the breeding wing, Angus near the entrance door, Rupert on the long aisle. Claire was crouched under Runner’s empty water trough. Runner could not figure out why she was down there and pestered her to race him. She convinced him to lay down in his straw and showed him multiple images of him winning races. Before long he was snoring and the wait began. Jamie logged into the cameras and watched them closely. He had shut down the lights near the entrance so the man would be at ease coming inside. Most of the lights inside were off as well. With all the darkness, the night vision cameras would find him easily.
It was a grueling three hours later that Jamie saw a dark figure approach the keypad and then duck inside. Angus saw him right away and watched him closely. Rupert saw him move down the aisle and Jamie was right, he was heading right for Runner’s wing.
“Sassenach, he’s comin, stay down and quiet.”
Jamie pushed against the wall so he would be on the other side of the door when it opened. He heard the beeping keypad and tried to slow his heart. The door opened slowly, and the dark figure moved toward Runner’s stall door. When he opened the stall, Jamie slammed the door closed and turned on a light. The figure twisted and lunged at him. His arm was raised above his head, and there was a large syringe in his hand. The man slashed at Jamie with the syringe.
When Claire heard the stall open, she almost fainted. He was coming into the stall! She concentrated on images to Runner to keep him asleep. When the lights went on and the door slammed, she jumped up and watched Jamie in a struggle to save his own life.
Jamie reached up and grabbed the man’s forearm and kicked him viciously in the nuts and then pounded his face with his fist, three hits directly to his jaw and the man went down. Claire grabbed the syringe out of his hand and found a safe place to put it. She put her arms around Jamie who was panting from the fight.
“Sassenach, do you have that size syringe in yer truck?”
“Yes and the needle too.”
Rupert and Michael piled in the door and looked at the man. He had a ski mask on which Jamie pulled off to reveal Chad Remington.
“Rupert, go with Claire to her truck and hurry. Angus, turn the water main back on to refill the buckets.
Claire was back in short order with the syringe and needle. She filled the syringe with D5W, a harmless fluid, and looked at Jamie.
The man was tied to a chair and slapped awake. As Claire tied off his bicep and slapped the inside of his elbow to bring up a vein. She pulled the syringe out of her jacket pocket and pulled the safety cap off. Without saying a word, she bent forward and inserted the needle while Chad thrashed in his chair.
“Now then, ye worthless asshole, suppose you start at the beginning with poisoning the horses two years ago.”
Chad ordered Jamie to call the police, willing to face charges to get away from him.
Jamie brought his face close enough to Chad’s he could feel him breathe. Jamie put his thumb on the plunger and growled his question, “start at the beginning or I empty this syringe into yer arm.”
Chad was clearly terrified of the syringe and started sputtering about meeting Isobel at the Keeneland auction two years ago.
“We started sleeping together and I confessed how much I hate you for stealing the broodmare. She hated you and she hated Kentucky, but you wouldn’t sell the farm because your breeding program was making money. She wanted to cash out and get away, I wanted to cripple yer business. Killing your horses would satisfy both of us.”
Jamie couldn’t take another word and smashed Chad’s face with his fist, knocking him out. He left the wing and walked the aisle briskly, trying to calm down. Claire caught up to him and hugged his waist asking him to slow down. She could feel him shaking and spoke softly to him.
“It’s almost over sweetheart. One more person to identify and we can call the police to haul him away. We need to know who helped them poison the horses.”
Jamie exhaled and shook his head. They came back with smelling salts from the emergency medical kit and revived Chad.
“Sorry, I lost my temper for a minute and these blokes held me back from pushin that plunger in yer arm.” Jamie put his thumb on the plunger and told Chad to just give him a reason. “Who helped ye poison the horses. It wasn’t you, so who?”
Chad stared at Jamie but was silent until Jamie jumped forward and pushed the plunger a bit. Chad screamed as five cc’s were injected into his bloodstream.
“It was Yvonne! You hired her to manage the feeding, but she worked for me. She was in love with me and would have done anything I told her. She wasn’t happy staying on two weeks after you found out the horses were poisoned but she did it because I told her to.”
Jamie sneered at Chad and pushed the plunger all the way down. Chad was screaming as he watched the solution disappear into his body. Chad knew there was enough tranquilizer in the syringe to kill a twelve- hundred- pound horse and he would be dead in a matter of seconds. He was hyperventilating and screaming until he passed out.
Jamie pulled the syringe from his arm in disgust and then reached for his phone.
Sometime later Isobel pulled up to the driveway, thoroughly pissed off that Jamie left her boxes on the street. He had sent her a text an hour before telling her to come get them or the borders could have them. She had not reached Chad to come and help her, so she pushed and grunted to move the boxes toward her trunk.
“It looks like you could use a hand.”
Isobel squealed in her shock to hear someone on the road with her on this dark early morning.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me.” When she looked at where the voice came from a police officer came out of the dark and walked toward her while pulling out handcuffs.
“What the hell are you doin?”
Jamie came out the front door and looked closely at the vilest woman he had ever known.
“Yer goin to jail Isobel, along with yer lover Chad who told us the whole story. I’ll donate all this stuff because I’m told yer lookin at up to ten years. Nothing could make me happier.”
Isobel was screaming at Jamie to help her, but he walked into the house and closed the door.
Rupert and Angus were quick to leave, needing a little sleep before they came back for a full day of work. Michael begged off to his room thinking he would easily fall asleep tonight.
That left Jamie and Claire. He held out his hand and hugged her.
“Will ye stay with me tonight mo chridhe?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
They stood under a hot shower not willing to let each other go and soap up. She kissed her hero and felt her heart in her throat at the way he looked at her. He bundled her up in fluffy towels and held her close in bed. Neither wanted to make love after such a day. So they slept in their embrace and felt protected from the world by the other.
Jamie felt Claire’s movement several hours later. He watched her dress and asked her to stay with him.
She kissed him deeply and touched his cheek.
“See ya soon.” She left quietly to find her truck and her way home to change.
Two officers came to the compound the next day and took testimony from each of them. There would be more required of them in the near future, but this was enough to charge Isobel and Chad. Later that day, the officers were able to find Yvonne at Chad’s facility. She was arrested, charged, and sent to jail to await trial.
Claire worked on stats of the horses she would race that day. She was in her silks after weighing in and felt very determined after their disqualification in New York. There were ten horses in the stakes race, Sham was among them. Claire smiled and said a silent thank you knowing Runner would do anything to beat Sham.
Claire turned and smiled at Jamie as she was ponied to the gate. Runner was coming out of the fifth position, right in the middle of ten horses. Claire suggested he hang back for a few seconds to avoid the chaos. When the gate slammed open Claire was in her jockey position and finally asked Runner if he intended to run the race. Almost like an afterthought he jumped onto the track and loped like a rodeo horse falling even further behind. Claire told Runner that Sham was in first place so he better hurry and that was her last thought before he bounded into the turn and took off.
Claire was worried he had dallied too long. It looked impossible to run past the clump of horses and overtake Sham. “We’re going right up the middle big guy,” she yelled, and directed him to shoot straight up the middle of the pack. It was something the crowd would not soon forget. The dark horse coming out of dead last to run up the middle of an eight-horse clump at a staggering speed and overtake the leader, Sham.
Runner told Claire to tuck in from the start and when she peeked around her, she saw no horses. She looked ahead, no horses.
“Jesus Christ Runner, you are all alone. Hurry!” Claire looked ahead at the finish line and the camera blinded her again. “You won the race! Holy crap, there had to be five or six lengths between you and Sham!”
Claire pulled him back and waited for the ha-haha-ha-ha as he passed Sham, still at a full gallop. Claire came around the turn and saw Jamie and Michael smiling like the blinding sun. She stood in her stirrups and pointed her crop at them before pulling Runner back in earnest.
Three weeks later they were racing at Keeneland Park for the Breeder’s Futurity Stakes. Claire could see Jamie was right about better horses as they continued down the road to the Kentucky Derby. They were still running the prep races and Claire shivered to think what the super six would be like.
They were ponied to the third position in the gate and Claire was tense and ready when the gates slammed open. Runner let the others go first but quickly jumped onto the track. Claire could feel how tense he was and coming into the turn he took the wrong lead, slowing him considerably. Claire asked him for the left lead, and he changed it quickly. She didn’t know how to help him but as he came out of the turn his body stretched forward and she could feel his leaping gallop. She tucked close to him looking for trouble ahead every few seconds.
The crowd went wild watching the big black horse turn on his power and run ahead of the others at a blinding speed. Runner took the lead with the closest horse right on his butt as he ran across the finish line. Claire pulled him back while going a little crazy he had done it again. There was no showing off for the horses he beat. Runner obediently slowed down and a track pony was able to stop him quickly. Claire’s heartfelt sad for Runner because he didn’t have fun like he usually does. After the winner’s circle picture, she jumped off and held his face. He told her he was tired and he missed Jason. Claire took a double-take at this asking why he missed Jason, but Runner was being led away by Michael.
Claire jumped into Jamie’s arms kissing him while smiling hard. The number of spectators that gathered to congratulate Claire after the race was growing. She smiled and thanked them as Jamie led her into the stall area where Michael was washing the colt. She held his face and saw pictures of Jason rubbing him with a towel and throwing a blanket over him when he was wet. Claire wondered how they would find a groom like that. Michael was clearly not doing it right.
One man waited outside for Runner to emerge and be loaded into the trailer. The horse was accompanied by the owner, trainer, and jockey, and the man was thrilled. He identified himself as a writer for Sports Illustrated and fired a dozen questions off which were answered by one of the three. The man’s name was William Nock and he had Runner in his sights. The reporter returned to New York that night and blazed through his first article about the incredible stallion, Midnight Runner. He would be trackside for his next race in Florida, at Gulfstream Park.
Claire talked to Jamie when they were alone in the truck. She told him Runner was not happy about today’s race and he wanted Jason back.
“The groom you hired in New York. Runner showed me pictures of everything Jason did for him and he wants that touch again. It’s cold outside and Michael walks him without a blanket after the race and doesn’t rub his muscles, so they cramp up. I love Michael but we need a better groom.”
“I’ll look into it Sassenach. He won one-hundred thirty thousand today, so he gets the best groom. He kissed her and smiled.”
Over the next week, Jamie looked for an outstanding groom, talked to five or six that were still available but could not find anyone who did the treatments Jason did. He made a bold phone call to the track in New York and left a message for Jason to call. Later in the day, Jason returned the call and Jamie made him an offer.
“Come to Kentucky to be our groom for the rest of the races. It’s all travel until the winter break so you’ll be living in hotels, but we will feed ye well and pay all your expenses plus five-hundred a week cash.”
“No kidding?” Jason’s excitement came through the phone. “I love Runner and can’t wait to get out of New York! Heeeell ya!”
Jamie laughed at Jason’s exuberance and felt something release inside of him. He was still getting used to his new freedom. The happiness, the chance to love Claire and let the world know she was his. Why not give Runner the support he wanted to make him happy too?
The oppression of living with a hateful woman was slowly seeping out of him being replaced with happiness and hope. Jamie lived with secret doubts about Runner’s chance to get to the super-six races. He wanted to believe in him that much, he tried to believe, but in the end, he just didn’t. His gut told him great things didn’t happen to him because he was undeserving, not good enough, a pretender. Those were Isobel’s words that had been hurled at him for four long years. She was gone now and he was healing, feeling like himself again. Jamie was content to know however many races Runner had left, he would arrive to the race and exit the race a happy horse with his favorite groom.
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fungusqueen · 4 years
Here it is! The promised car-buying tips from my amateur and frugal experience! My general tips are to be prepared, do your homework, and don’t get caught off guard by not doing research and agreeing to things/paying for things you didn’t plan on. 
Car salesmen are not your friends and they’re trying to lead you down the path that’s most profitable for them, which is never going to be the best situation for you. It’s their job to try to sell you on a bunch of stuff you don’t need, so be prepared for their tricks and understand the process so you’re not blindsided. Something specific to the coronavirus pandemic is that dealerships will be very desperate to sell (because no one is buying cars right now) and dealerships are willing to take a loss on a sale! BUT! If you go unprepared, it may also leave you vulnerable to dealerships attempting to do unethical shit BECAUSE they are so desperate to sell. They might try to make profits in places you may not suspect. A lot of aspects of buying a car (especially in financing car) sound good up front, but you might find out you’re getting screwed over. 
I’m not going to discuss what makes a good car, or what you should buy etc. because I really don’t know and that’s your business! I’m mainly going to talk about the steps before and during the car-buying process (inside of a dealership and over the phone inquiring prices etc). I did my car search and car-buying alone (due to the global pandemic and my own desire to have minimal contact with others) and for my first time ever! So I’m only going to share my experience and offer resources.
I recommend this podcast episode from NPR’s Life Kit, “How to Buy a Car Without Being Taken for a Ride” as a simple starting point for car buying advice. It’s 23 min long. I know not everyone will listen to the podcast episode (and you don’t have to) so I summarized some of those episode tips below and elaborated on certain points.
1) Don’t appear too excited (at the dealership); they will try to build your excitement as high as possible. Playing on your emotions and creating a fantasy of a new life in a new car puts you in a position to make irrational decisions. When I was in the dealership, they actually asked me “Are you excited?” and I said “No.” I was also wearing a face mask, so with half my face covered, concealing my excitement was pretty easy! Their attempts may also appear as them trying to get you to talk shit about your old car to get you complaining, and further idealizing your future car. Overall, appearing too eager will not make them fight over you to get a sale. Make them beg!
2) Get pre-approved for a loan before going to a dealership. Know what kind of interest rate you can get and what kind of monthly payment you can afford. Your credit score will inform this; the better your score, the better your rate will be (so if you have time to improve your score, try to build it as high as possible). Your bank/credit union should have rates listed easily online. You don’t have to be a member of a credit union to get a loan with them, but there may be a discounts if you’re already a member. PLEASE KNOW that after applying for a loan, your bank/credit union will give you a time limit on how long you have to find a car/use the loan. My credit union gave me 20 days from the time I applied, but it can vary. You can also call to increase or decrease the loan if the car you initially wanted is no longer available or you choose a different one. When you apply for a loan, you have to supply the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), but obviously car shopping can change so make sure you supply your bank/credit union with the new VIN number of the car you decide to go with. Your bank/credit union may not approve you for a car that is too old. This happened to me (I first applied for a 2013 car in my budget) and they let me know they typically dont approve loans for cars older than 2014, which was a blessing in disguise because I found a newer model of the same car for around the same price. I ended up changing the car VIN/loan amount 3 times overall from the time I first got pre-approved for my car loan. Just keep your bank/credit union updated. Also! It’s not necessary but it helps if they can send a written (emailed) confirmation of the loan amount with APR listed, as the dealership will need it later in the finance office. 
3) Definitely TEST DRIVE a car you see online before considering purchasing it. It might feel different than you thought! I test drove an older model of the car I wanted before test driving a slightly newer model and I’m really glad I test drove the older one so I had something to compare it too. There was only a two year difference between the models but the upgrades made a difference in ways I wouldn’t have thought before sitting in the driver’s seat!
4) Beware the 7 year car loan. It’s probably not the right car for you if you need 84 months to pay off. Car loans are not like home loans; cars are always depreciating in value. Interest on car loans is also always front-loaded, so the money you put in your first few years will mostly go towards your interest, not the principal of your car loan, and you could be spending way more than you thought. If the car does not last you 7 years, you may owe more than the car ends up being worth if you want to or have to sell it. At this point, it might be a smarter decision to lease a car, if for whatever reason, you insist on getting a specific car. 
4.5) To add to this last point, you’ve probably seen dealership ads on TV or in print that say “0% APR for 84 months!” This is kind of a scam (at least imo) because it’s very seductive in a way that can distract you from other ways you can save. These advertisements serve the purpose of getting people into showrooms. This is because interest rate is only ONE SMALL FACTOR into finding what’s right for your budget. An APR offer is minimal compared to your monthly payment...if the monthly payment is too high (overall car price too high), are you really saving $$? These offers might even be for a shorter payment term, (ex. 36 month instead of 60 month), your monthly payment could be too high for your budget because you didn’t have the flexibility outside of this offer! If your term payment is longer (ex. 84 months), while your car depreciates in value, you may end up owing more than it’s worth by time you pay it off. 7 years is a long time! As well, these offers are usually only for NEW cars (again, more expensive than necessary) and buying used might be a better option. As well, they are not transparent about the minimum credit score required to qualify for 0% APR, so you may not even qualify...even with great credit! The 0% offer is also usually offered along with other incentives, like a manufacturer rebate (thousand $ and above). You’ll often have to chose between one incentive or the other...you could be turning down a multi-thousand dollar rebate because that 0% is very seductive...but if you did the math, it might not be the best option for your budget. ALSO! If you’re going to buy new anyway, banks/credit unions offer better APR rates for new cars rather than used so compare. If you can get a super low APR from your credit union on a new car, why get stuck with a higher monthly payment on a too long/too short loan term you otherwise wouldn’t have chosen just to get that 0%?
5) To continue with the point above ^^ When you are with the salesman, start with price of the car and don’t talk about ANYTHING else until later. THIS IS WHERE THEY GET YOU! They will try to get you to talk about financing, how much money you want to put down etc. BEFORE promising you a juicy competitive price on the car. SO! APR rates shouldn’t even be discussed until you can agree to the price of the car! Sort of another way they GET YA! So distracting! Can prevent you from getting your lowest overall price possible! 
6) IT IS SO FRICKEN IMPORTANT AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, BECAUSE THIS HAS HELPED ME THE MOST OF ANY TIP I’VE HEARD FROM FRIENDS: ASK FOR OTD (Out the door) price. The prices you see listed online or on a sticker on the car window are not the prices you’ll end up paying. OTD price includes everything, tax, fees etc. A few dealerships nearby had the same car I wanted (only varying slightly in color, mileage etc. but exact same year and model) so I called a few and said “HI I saw your car online, could you give me the OTD (out the door) price?” Ask them to break it down for you, what’s the price of the car, what’s tax, document fee, dmv fee, etc. If the OTD price is very high above the car price plus tax, beware! You should not be paying thousands of dollars in additional mystery fees. If a handful of dealerships have basically the same car, see which one can give you the best price. If a dealership cannot be up-front about their OTD price, and break it down for you so you know how all the money is adding up, RUN AWAY! You can ask for this information over the phone, some fees are often not necessary and are negotiable.
With this coronavirus pandemic, you should not be paying this full OTD price on the car, ask for at least 10% off and see what they say. In my situation, I called, got the OTD price at two different dealerships, one dealership asked me what they could do to get my business and I said, “I might come in today if you can give me 10% off the OTD price.” (I was cackling behind my phone tbh! it seemed ridiculous to me but whatevs). The salesman I was speaking to calculated it, said he’d call me back after asking his manager. When he called me back, they offered me just under 10% off...which sounded pretty sweet to me because the car was already being sold below it’s Kelly Blue Book value and that was the dealership I eventually went with. So u never know if you don’t ask! I asked the same of another dealership and they basically said no. So call around! This guy, Kevin Hunter, on youtube, gave me this idea! His channel is full of car buying wisdom so I highly recommend! 
He has a great recent video specifically about the car buying market in during this coronavirus pandemic. He has videos on topics like, honest car salesman techniques, are certified preowned vehicles worth it, fake fees you shouldn’t pay for, etc. 
7) Something I experienced that Kevin Hunter ^ also explains, (in this video titled, CAR SALESMAN TRICKS YOU into buying a car! DEALERSHIP Rip off: The SET UP) is this weird 4 square setup they did to me...and they do to everyone at a dealership. It’s another distraction tactic, that they will use to distract you from getting a good price on the car. It will look like this:
Tumblr media
So the salesman will bring this informal piece of paper out. It’s not a contract, it’s not official, but they’re going to use this paper to pull information from you THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE THEM! At the point they bring this out, you should only be talking about car sales price. So this piece of paper has spaces to write trade in value (if you’re bringing in your old car to trade in), down payment, monthly payment, and car price. Anything that is not the car sales price will be used against you to try and get you to pay more. They’re trying to create the best profit for the dealership. 
When I was at the dealership, the salesman kept pushing me to say how much cash I wanted to put down, what kind of monthly payment I wanted (ie. how much money can I spend), (and in my situation, I didn’t have a trade-in car, so discussion about that wasn’t brought up). Practice refusing to answer these questions...I kept saying I did not want to discuss financing or cash down until we could agree to the price of the car. You can also say you prefer to discuss this with the finance manager. He tried to get me to sign this 4-Square paper with a higher price on it than I was given on the phone. Do not sign this, it’s weird. I brought out a paper with a much lower price and asked him to sign off on that price instead. Bring the focus back to the car price. Be prepared to walk out and TELL THEM you will leave if you don’t get the price you want! 
which leads me to my next point...
8) DO NOT SAY YOU ARE PAYING CASH. Do not say how much cash you have, do not discuss HOW you are paying at any point with the salesman. After you can agree to a favorable price on the car, you’ll be handed to a finance manager in another room. The salesman is NOT the finance officer. You should not tell your salesman your financial details. If anything, you only have to give the salesman VERY BASIC details so they can run a credit check before handing you to the finance manager.
9) Dealers can make a lot of money off a car loan...if you finance through them. Make them believe in the possibility that you might finance through them. They might give you a lower price on the car because they might assume they can get ya with a high APR or long term payment...which will bring them money in the long term. Don’t tell them you’re financing through your bank/credit union before you settle on the car price! In some cases though, a dealership might be able to give you a better deal thank your bank. You can say, “Why don’t you run my credit and see what you can offer me” and then see if it’s better than what your bank/credit union can give you. They also might test you with a high APR, even if you qualify for a lower APR (just to see if you’ll take it), and might even use details of your credit report against you...
10) If you have a trade in, they will also try to make a profit from not giving you enough $$ for your old car. Get a price quote from Carmax and check the Kelly Blue Book value beforehand to see if they’re giving you a good price. If it’s not good enough, you might want to consider walking away from the dealership and just selling to Carmax. Because of online transparency and easy access to prices of cars, they will try to make money in other areas OTHER THAN the car price, and this is one of them. 
11) After you’ve settled on the price of the car and they’ve run your credit, you’ll be moved from the salesman to the finance office...where you’ll be signing contracts and discussing other add-ons, (warranties, insurances, protections etc.) When you’re in the finance office, DONT BUY ANY ADD ONS THE DAY YOU BUY YOUR CAR. If you decide to, research a good price for what they offer you. You can call the dealership and ask to speak to the finance manager ahead of time and ask what additional items you may be offered. These might be paint protection, tire protection, extended warranties, gap insurance etc. When they offer these things to you, they are often overpriced. You can also get these later, or get these elsewhere for a better price. Research ahead of time to see what’s right for you and don’t try to figure it out unprepared because they will try to convince you. 
That concludes my numbered dealership tips! I probably left some stuff out, so please continue to do your research.
This podcast episode from This American Life, 129 Cars, illustrates the importance of using timing and desperation on the part of salespeople to your advantage. This is a longer listen, over an hour long, but it follows salespeople during their work day as they try to meet their monthly quota in order to reach their sales bonus. Towards the end of the month can be an ideal buying time because dealerships may be willing to take a loss or make no commission from a sale because if they’re able to reach their quota, they will either...not be fired, or they may receive a sizeable bonus. Overall, TIMING can be key in getting a good deal. Dealerships also have yearly sales quotas, so if you can wait, you may be able to get a better deal on a car towards the end of the year. 
As well, I recommend a Monday/weekday since dealerships are least busy during this time. AND! If you need to contact your bank, it might be impossible on the weekend. Because of coronavirus, operating hours for banks/credit unions have been shortened so if you need to finalize some financing details or ask your bank/credit union questions, make sure you’re able to do so when needed! I ran into this problem and was delayed because my credit union was closing early. 
One last tip! You also will also need to insure this new car so call your car insurance carrier and let them know you’re car shopping and they can help you add the new car to your current policy, or change your current insurance. You car insurance might increase or decrease with the addition of a new car. And if you’re getting a car with a higher value, you might want to consider adding more coverage to your current coverage. The dealership might give you free temporary insurance so you can drive the car off the lot with coverage. When I called my insurance carrier to add this new car onto my policy, it didn’t take effect until midnight that night so the dealership gave me temporary insurance just in case something happened on the drive home. You legally do need insurance to drive it off the lot or if you’ve never been insured before. So if you’re currently on somebody else’s policy, get some quotes from different insurance carriers and try to get an idea of the future cost.
Those are all my tips! This took a lot longer than I thought, heh heh, but I seriously hope this helps someone because buying a car is a HUGE DEAL and there’s so much potential to get taken advantage of due to the lack of transparency!!! There’s a lot more I could have covered so I encourage you to take more time to do more research! And good luck if you plan on buying a car soon!
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queerbloodyangel · 5 years
You should totally link some of ur favorite reddie fanfic for recommendations for me pls and thanks
oh I SHALL!!!!!!!! 
black on black Eddie licks his lips. “Who deserves to put their hands on me?”Richie’s staring at him like he’s not sure if Eddie is real. In all honesty, Eddie’s half-convinced that he’s dreaming—worried that he’s gonna wake up back in his dorm with his dick aching under his covers, Richie snoring soundly across the room.As it is, Richie is standing in front of him in the middle of a college party looking like he could eat Eddie alive. this one is #1 on this list bc my friend @sunxcherries wrote it and its the hottest thing ive ever read lasjdfajlsd
you could devestate me bdsm. sex swing. what more do u need
i just called to hear you breathe But Richie is not altogether that patient, so he says, “Have phone sex with me.” It almost sounds like a whine. In his defense, it’s been four days. He’s kind of keyed up.“No,” Eddie says immediately, and he huffs a laugh, like he thinks Richie is joking. “You’re so annoying.”
award show blues “And what if I win all five awards?” Richie asks, swaying Eddie around the room now to music that didn’t exist, dipping him dramatically and then bringing him back up to sway him some more, “Wouldn’t it turn you on to know that your man is so successful?” He uses a voice to mock all the snobby people they’re about to meet, an obnoxious british tone.
always you-shaped thoughts inside my head It's been a few months since he's seen Richie, and it has been far too long, even if he doesn't want to admit that. this one is like. insanely hot and EXTREMELY well written and highkey i could read 50k of this au
stupid deep (series) this series is 4 parts long atm and its literally just 4-9k words of smut in each series and id literally die for the author alsdfkajdlf part three is bottom richie sadly BUT eddie spends the whole time topping talking abt how much he loves bottoming so ill allow it Just This Once 
watch me Richie wanted them to go to a sex club. Like, an honest to goodness 'have sex while you're here' club.Eddie wasn't sure what to expect. He definitely wasn't expecting to be as into as Richie was, but here they were, in a booth with their drinks long forgotten. Eddie was sitting in Richie's lap as his boyfriend palmed him through his pants. They had been kissing, but that had quickly devolved to them mouthing at whatever bare skin they could reach. It had taken Richie an hour and two drinks to finally talk Eddie into a kiss -- and only 15 minutes to get to where they were.
i want it all with you The only problem with facing down a killer clown and coming to terms with your sexuality and the intense crush you've harbored on your best friend unknowingly for the past twenty-seven years is no one will accept that. The other problem on Richie's plate is knowing that he wants to share every stupid little thing Eddie does with the world-- which requires coming out.
everything you and i have got (it takes so long to find) Eddie is in college and wants to pay off his student loan debt before it overwhelms him. He decides to do a few porn films, knowing his friend does it at a safe studio, and gets paired with Richie the first day.They have no idea how much it'll change everything.
move in, mess my place Stan motions to the two new guys in the room. Eddie doesn't even have time to focus on Bill, because he's too distracted by the lanky boy sprawled out across his bed. With his dark curls and pale skin, it's undeniable. It's the guy from last night.
"Well, hello there, princess." Richie says with a smirk, and Eddie can feel the flush in his cheeks.
yeah so i read this one while it was a wip which i hardly EVER do and i do Not regret it this one was SO GOOD 
attention the losers are trying to have movie night, but eddie is desperate for richies attention, he just won't stop teasing.aka eddie teasting richie, then rich pounding the life out of his boy.
how to make a short, angry, low-key-freaky boy fall in love with richie tozier Eddie’s breath hitches. He’s looking up at Richie like a curious child, completely captivated in Richie’s words. Richie smirks. He brings a hand up to Eddie’s hair, fixing some of the curls that drooped down.“I think you’d change, Eds. You’d definitely be more submissive,” He brings a hand to Eddie’s cheek, rough fingers rubbing the soft skin.“Yeah. I think you’d let someone do whatever they wanted to you,” he says lowly. “You’d probably beg for it, too. I can just see it, baby. Your innocent fucking eyes, those red lips shiny with spit, and those thighs—oh shit, those fucking thighs, Eds.” Richie’s hands twitch, like he’s trying not to reach down at Eddie’s ass. He settles for grabbing Eddie’s chin again, kind of harsher this time. yeah this ones so fucking good ive reread it like. five times. it IS technically unfinished, but the last chapter ends really well and for all intents and purposes def functions as a good ending for me, especially with how good the smut is that leads up to it alsdfaljsdfk
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designsfromtime · 5 years
Imitation is NOT the Sincerest Form of Flattery:
When I first started out designing custom couture costumes, there was a brief moment of temptation to imitate those I viewed as “successful.” Thankfully, my integrity guided me to find my own artistic expression. But, I get it. You see an artist’s work all over the internet and hear about how busy their commission calendar is and you covet their success.
In the desire to reach another’s “presumptuous” pinnacle and enjoy a FULL commission schedule, it’s tempting to copy from them. But patience, practice, and perseverance are the necessary companions of success in this business, and success isn’t necessarily reflected by dollar signs. 
This post is motivated by a recent incident involving a client that contacted me about a commission, but it’s much more far reaching than that. In this instance, he had three pictures of men’s 16th Century noble costumes that he presented me. This is a usual and customary step in my consultation process, as it gives me an idea where their tastes lie, and guides me in sketching out a concept I feel encapsulates their favorite features. As I worked to draw out more information from this client, to include his preference in color and textiles, he was rather vague. He’d referenced one of my original designs in his original message when he contacted me, then supplied me with three pictures - but wasn’t specific about the overall design points he liked; other than to state when I offered him samples of historical styles that he did NOT want “poufy” pants. Translation: short paned slops. He wanted royal blue, and had picked out a brocade from my Pinterest board.
Feeling confident that I was heading in the right direction - based on his expressed likes and dislikes - I sketched out my concept using my “historically accurate” model I have developed in the cut of my clothing, and worked up a design board complete with samples of the fabric in the colors he requested. After expending many, MANY hours (once again) in consultation that spanned a couple of weeks, he replied back with one of the pictures he had sent me previously, describing in detail what he liked about it, and asked me - in no uncertain terms - if I would “copy” that ensemble. Copy? As in reproduce the exact garment? - with the exception of different textiles of course. 
My reply?  I politely informed him that I felt it was unethical to copy another artist’s designs. I offered him something of my own design collection, but stated that ethically I wasn’t willing to copy another artist - even though I would be using different textiles. Call me crazy, but that’s just not something I will do! Not even at the risk of losing a commission - which I did!! 
Look, when you approach a designer - who has already established themselves and has developed their own design “aesthetic,” to be shown a garment that isn’t yours, or isn’t remotely historically accurate, and ask them to “copy” it, feels like a slap in the face. You obviously thought enough of that designer’s work to contact them? - Right? What’s more disconcerting is that the dude canceled the project because I refused to plagiarize another’s work! Okay, so is it pride on my part? - or Ego that they want you to replicate someone else’s work rather than yours? Yeah, I suppose my reaction could be labeled thus. But what drives me in these situations is my integrity. The garment is all over Pinterest. It’s nice work. The cut isn’t historical, but it’s recognizable, ya’ll!
But more than anything this situation begs the question: “Why contact an artist whose style and quality of work is already established and then request they  copy someone else’s work? This situation hearkens me back to my “Nicole” experience and my advice about not accepting a commission simply for the money. Sometimes fate steps in and works it out for you - as in this situation. But other times you will need to be perceptive enough to know the warning signs and exit stage left.
So, if I haven’t already established my position, let me clarify:
I WILL NOT copy another designer’s work. Period. End of discussion. 
Draw inspiration from? Yes. Copy it exactly? Absolutely NOT!  
I will put my own spin to it, but I’m not going to replicate it. I feel as an artist copying another’s work is a cop out! In essence, what you’re saying is that “I don’t have my own vision, or the confidence to create my own aesthetic, so I want to ride on the coattails of someone else’s hard work and investment of time.” You gotta do the work, ya’ll. Pay your dues, so to speak. As the artist who’s being copied, it’s infuriating, and it’s just WRONG. 
In all sincerity, I am happy if my work is so well received that someone would like to draw inspiration from it, but I would be highly upset if someone were to purchase the same embroidery patterns and replicate my work - and sell it! I’ve actually had a similar situation occur with someone I have a long-standing working relationship with and who I respect as an artist in their own right.They replicated one of my skirt and forepart designs to market their embroidery patterns rather than just seeking my permission to use pictures of mine. Thankfully, they took the high road and honored my request to take down the picture of my “jocked style.”- And I am SO appreciative of that!  I’ve had other experiences that did NOT end so amicably. In that particular instance, I had loaned my prototype for an Elizabethan headdresses inspired by “The Tudors” to a fellow guild member. I have the copyrights to my pattern. I had scoured the internet for a pattern, but after several years decided to just draft my own. I worked on it on and off for two damn years before finally perfecting my pattern. I had, at one time, considered selling my patterns, but decided against it. This “person” took my prototype home with the intention of wearing it to an upcoming event, but then showed up wearing a COPY of my headdress!  When I saw the pictures, I freaked!! I contacted her in a snit and asked her what the hell she thought she was doing copying my pattern and informed her that it was copyrighted. She replied that she liked my headdress so much she wanted one. My translation: I didn’t want to pay for one of yours, so I stole your pattern. What was I supposed to do? - Act a fool and rip it off her head and stomp on it? I chose to let it go with the stern warning that if I suddenly saw replicas of my work floating around she and I would be meeting in person in less than amicable terms. 
It’s bad enough that artists have to deal with unscrupulous hacks overseas who steal pictures of our work and use it to dupe naive customers into a sale - - Only for that customer to receive a hideously styled and cheaply made knock off that doesn’t look remotely similar. What sucks is that YOUR work, in that situation, is now forever connected to a scam! 
To artists or costumers seeking to parlay their passion into a small business, I have this to say:  BE ORIGINAL people!  Develop your own aesthetic, rather than mimic someone else’s work. It’s what will set you apart from the thousands of costumers out there who have the same goal. With the exception of COSPLAY don’t copy another’s work!! 
You gotta find your niche and market it.
My business model has been to scour the internet and find items that no one else is offering, or offer something similar in an elevated version. Look, historical clothes are similar in their cut and pattern, so it takes some creativity and inspiration to find a unique spin to these typical garments - especially if you’re using commercial patterns. There is only so much one can do using textiles and trims, as so much of what you see out there is similar. However, I built my business model on quality construction and customer service. It isn’t my fellow costumers out here in the real world from which I draw my inspiration, but rather extant garments and those in the theater and film industry who actually get it right! 
From the beginning, as I honed my abilities, I strove to create pieces that matched the quality of those seen by professionals in the film industry and by pieces owned by museums..I create my own textiles using historically based embroidery, in an effort to create my own aesthetic. Because so many costumers are using the same patterns and accessing the same vendors for textiles, there will be similarities you see out there. But to intentionally copy another artist’s work sticks in my craw. Maybe my work ethic is indicative of my generation, I don’t know. But I will stand by my ethics in this regard and sleep better knowing that if nothing else, I’m original. 
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yastaghr · 5 years
Kinktober 2019: Day 12
Pairing: Blue/Grape (Underswap Sans/SwapfellPurple Sans)
Kinks: Prostitution, Detachable Ecto-parts, semi-public sex, don't get caught, creampie
Warnings: none
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20851682/chapters/50125064
The conversation that started it all could not have happened in a more contrasting place. The parlor was full of frilly and frivolous things. Doilies and knickknacks covered everything. Fine china filled with herbal tea was being used by both of the room’s occupants.
“so, you want to sell yourself, but not in a way that your brother could find out. given the way he’s reacted in the past i can’t blame you. but why take the risk at all? you’ve got a big house and a nice car, and all the furniture and tchotchkes you might need.”
Blue shifted under the one-eyed stare of Cash. He was everything Blue wished he could be; blunt, safe, rich, and on good terms with his brother. They shared a past in prostitution. There was no one Blue would trust more about this than Cash. “THAT’S...KIND OF THE PROBLEM. I BOUGHT EVERYTHING WITH LOANS. I THOUGHT STRETCH AND I WOULD BOTH FIND JOBS THAT PAID DECENTLY. BUT...STRETCH STILL HASN’T, UM…”
“he’s flitting about from job to job with no care for keeping them or getting paid,” Cash said in a disgusted tone of voice.
“heh, not very likely. and definitely not before your loans come through, hmm? so you need cash, heh, quick and discrete. hmm...i think i have just the scheme for you. how long has it been since you summoned detachable ecto-parts?”
“a pussy,” Cash said without hesitation. “they sell for better prices. go into the bathroom and make your magic. i’ve already got some customers in mind.”
Blue got up and scurried into the bathroom. One hand reached down and cupped his pubic synthesis. He curled his index and middle fingers and stroked the backside of it, gently coaxing his magic to form. When it did he concentrated and shifted it enough to detach from the bones around it. He slid it out of his pubic cavity, stood up, pulled up his briefs and pants, and opened the door.
Cash was standing on the other side of the door with a wicked smile on his face. “well done. my contact came through. give me the pussy and i’ll wire you the money directly. he paid to keep it for a week, so drink and eat plenty of fuel to keep the magic going strong. i don’t want  to find out you short changed him. got it?”
Gash grinned. “i’m not doing this for free, you know. i’ll take my percentage of the gold before i wire the rest to you.”
Cash led Blue to the front door, handing him his long trench coat and mud boots. “it definitely has its good points. now, get out of here before my client shows up.”
Blue scurried out into the pouring rain. He headed straight for the bus stop. Only when he was out of sight and around the corner did Cash head back inside. The client was waiting for him. His purple gloves were interlaced beneath his chin. The pyramid of triangles that was his eye lights watched Cash with an eagerness that belied his calm state.
“i got it for you, brother,” Cash tossed Grape the pussy. “it wasn’t nearly as hard as i thought it was going to be. his loans were pathetically easy to buy and he caved under the pressure immediately. he even came to me for advice. it was way too easy to do this.”
Grape’s hands caught the pussy eagerly and held it close to his chest. Then he narrowed his eye sockets at Cash. “I’M NOT PAYING YOU ANY MORE THAN WHAT WE AGREED UPON, YOU CON ARTIST.”
Cash snickered. “oh, brother, that really hurt. you know i would never do any of that stuff to you.”
“2,100g,” Cash said without a second’s pause.
Cash got up and smiled. “have fun with your new toy, brother. maybe you’ll finally work up the courage to ask him out while you’re fucking his magic.”
Grape blushed and pointed to the door. “OUT. NOW.”
Cash snickered. “you’re going to do the deed in here? where all your doilies are just waiting to be stained?”
Grape jumped up, a sharp bone sprouting in the air next to him. Cash popped through a shortcut just in time to miss being impaled. Grape growled and dismissed the bone. Then he stomped out of the parlor and up to his room.
“NOW IT’S JUST YOU AND ME,” Grape whispered to the little toy as he slipped out of his clothes. “I’M GOING TO HAVE A GOOD TIME WITH YOU, I JUST KNOW IT! NOW LET ME GO FIND MY BOTTLE OF LUBE…”
Blue was on his second bus of the trip when he felt something slimy enter his detached pussy. A part of him that had been tensed in anticipation relaxed. At least whoever it was was using lube. That would make this easier to stand.
Two fingers introduced themselves into his pussy. That was a little much for him right off the bat, but it wasn’t long until he was craving a third. The fingers were rubbing him in all the right places. Blue rubbed his thighs together. He could feel his magic reacting. He schooled himself. He only had three more stops to go. Then he could retreat to his room and...deal with things.
Grape pumped his cock slowly, bringing it up to full hardness while his other hand massaged Blue’s pussy. “NOW I KNOW YOU’RE PROBABLY IN AN AWKWARD PLACE RIGHT NOW, MY DEAR BLUE, BUT I AM VERY HARD AND I THINK I’VE PREPPED YOU WELL ENOUGH.”
With that, Grape plunged his dick into the pussy. It spasmed around him. He took a moment to enjoy the sensations. Then he dove into a brutal pace that would no doubt make his arm ache tomorrow.
Blue had just stood up to reach for the stop signal rope when he felt the dick enter him. It was squat and tapered to the tip. The force of its entry had him falling to his knees on the floor of the bus. He quickly got up and shook off the offers of help from concerned passengers. “IT WAS JUST A MUSCLE SPASM. I’LL PUT A HEAT PACK ON IT THE MOMENT I GET HOME. THIS IS ACTUALLY MY STOP, SO IF SOMEONE WOULD BE SO KIND AS TO PULL THE SIGNAL ROPE?”
He scurried off the bus and dashed over to his house. If he walked a little crookedly because he was being pounded into, at least there was no one around to notice.
Blu locked the door of his room behind him and slid to the floor. He was panting with the effort it took not to scream. It felt so good to be used like this again. He knew it shouldn’t be, but...he loved it.
The coil in his soul told Blue that he was getting close to cumming. “OH, DEAR. I HOPE I CAN STAND THIS A LITTLE BIT BETTER AFTER I’VE CUM ONCE. I CAN’T STAY LOCKED IN MY ROOM FOR THE WHOLE WEEK.”
A particularly had thrust pushed him over the edge. Blue curled up into a ball as the orgasm rolled through him. Whoever was thrusting didn’t even pause. They drew out his high for nearly a minute. Then the sensations died down for a second. Blue could tell his pussy was still being used, but for now he could just recover in peace.
Grape desperately chased that approaching orgasm. Blue’s pussy had clamped down on him. It had only spurred him on further. “I’M ALMOST THERE, BLUE. JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE…!”
He came hard. His whole body tensed with the pleasure of it. “OH, BLUE!” He called out. Squirts of cum filled the detached pussy. He was flushed as he came out of his high. “I’LL JUST GO CLEAN YOU OUT SO WE CAN HAVE MORE FUN LATER. I’VE GOT YOU FOR A WHOLE WEEK, AFTER ALL. I CAN’T WAIT FOR OUR NEXT ADVENTURE!”
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Learn more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_loan
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norwegianfriedokra · 5 years
Introspection...in fact another’s assignment
Today's topic is a bit strong, it's a bit impactful, it's personal. It's something I've done a ton of thinking about. It's about the meaning of love. Oh I know what you're thinking. What's with the cheesy catch phrases, seriously Rachael...but one thing I know. One thing I can impart, is my own thoughts and feelings in this world. If my thoughts, feelings and the meaning I find can do anything for anyone else. Even if it means to clear up misconceptions that I created or ones others have in their own life...it's worth it. Communication, at least the attempt of which, is of utmost importance. Without it are you showing that you care, that you love, others? 
Here in Germany, a strong cultural trait that I've picked up, is that people have a tendency to withhold information. By that I mean keeping certain things, even basic information that we, in the states, would find odd. Where you were born, or what you studied in college, telling someone you just met that information isn't necessary. Being vague about it is totally acceptable and common practice. Sharing such information comes after the first couple of times you meet someone. Perhaps this is an incorrect interpretation, but as I have experienced it, it seems to hold true.  
However once you get to know someone the real intensity starts. You see, once the wall breaks down it gets real. The nature of relationships of any kind here, once they really begin, it's hard to truly explain. Of course, this could just be the people I knew in the states.  The relationships I have with my friends and family in the states.  It could also just be me. I beg of my readers today to hold some compassion and withhold judgement. 
I always felt like there was a wall. You can become friends with people in the states, but that wall that keeps your soul safe is always up. There are few people I have ever really felt like that wall broke with. There are definitely people who have seen my own intensity and emotional reactions. To try to really communicate what I mean I will describe a couple of extreme situations in my life and what happened.
One that springs to mind is when my dog died. After college I got a dog, and I named her Iza. I could easily say that I got this dog to fill a void. Some people have children, I got a dog. You see, right after college life got wicked hard for me. My family broke, my parents split right before my last term of college and I barely graduated. For the first year or so I was dating someone, and when that ended I jumped from home to home. When a potentially more long term solution came up to move in with some friends, somewhere around then, I got a dog. 
I had dreams to take this dog with me and hike the Appalachian Trail. I wanted it to be my companion, a true second in my life. Unfortunately within 4 or 5 months I got an injury during a soccer game. During a time when I needed to focus on training this new addition in my life, I couldn't. I couldn't walk, I was on crutches for three weeks. Afterwards I still needed lots of time to recover correctly, but this dog needed to be cared for too. I quickly realized that if I wasn't able to take care of myself, I couldn't take care of this dog. But nevertheless I recovered, I was able to walk and then run again.  Then I moved into this new home, finally I found a chance for consistency and rhythm. I think it was within a week of moving into this new home my dog was hit by a car. It was an unfortunate accident that directly coincided with the breakup of my then boyfriend. Literally, my boyfriend and I were breaking up when it happened. Then I took my dog to the vet, only to learn that she would need to have a leg amputated. There was a surgery option but it was too expensive. I had also grown up that spending money like that on pets wasn't really an option. I made, probably, one of the worst decisions of my life. I decided to get my pet put down. 
I did my best to be realistic about it. I was barely able to take care of myself at that time. I couldn't pay for the surgery even to have her leg amputated, I would need to take out a loan to manage it. Even after that I would be living with roommates whom I couldn't imagine what an impact it would have had on them. So much of my decision was based on things that now, when I look back, I know I could have managed in some fashion. But emotionally where I was (and by no means do I mean due to the breakup), and financially, I felt totally incapable of handling the situation. 
All the while my now ex-boyfriend stayed by my side trying to just be there. I couldn't even be in the room when she was put down. I was so consumed with guilt at my decision, my selfish decision, I couldn't look her in the eyes. I can't help thinking about this time and not cry, the sadness still consumes me at times. When we got back to the house I was now living in I raged. I grabbed some glassware I owned and smashed it against the garage wall outside. I searched desperately for something to help me process this.  
What I know now is that I wasn't just processing the death of my dog. This evening was the culmination of all the loss I had suffered in the past year. That past year my family had totally broken apart. My father was homeless. I had ended three relationships, two of which were with men whom I deeply respected and had deep attachments to as friends for years. Both of those breakups, even though the physical relationships were short, had immense meaning to me. I had graduated college to find myself in the middle of the burgeoning economic crisis. Attempting to find work that gave my education meaning was meaningless, or at least seemed so in the midst of everything else going on in my life. I lived paycheck to paycheck, but I kept moving. I planned for the future. I got a dog, I bought tickets to visit my friend Jens in Germany. And then, like pulling a tooth with a slammed door, I crashed.
Yes, I said the point of this entry is the meaning of love. Well, in times like this, love is what can pick you up. Love can support you. It can make you feel cared for so that despite when you feel lost and alone you realize you're not. At this point in my life I felt concern and care from my ex-boyfriend and best friend who stayed with me throughout the night. But the pain I felt, the loss. 
I had always been one to think of sadness as a beautiful emotion. Not because I was always depressed, but because crying and sadness was a reaction to beautiful things. That to feel sadness was to evoke and emote your empathy. It's not always so, I know that, but in terms of the loss of loved ones, or when enduring difficult situations, it was an acceptable emotion. As I love to write, it was something I always embraced as I felt it helped me to better access my inner poet. 
This rage I felt, at this time, I had never felt something so intense. I had never felt the desire to break things. Now, with the sun setting behind the tall buildings here in Offenbach I find myself melancholy in my thoughts. A heaviness on my heart as I recollect my first dog. The love and joy I had found in Iza, it's something I won't get back. It had an innocence to it, one that denied all the hardships that were surrounding me. I could giggle and simply find myself with her. I could be angry but joyful, happy and comforted.
And what's the point, you ask again? Love is something you experience. It's entirely personal. Without communicating it others will have no knowledge of it. My love of my dog, it was something I experienced. It is a memory, and something that changed me. I chose to love my dog, and I was the one who was crushed by the circumstances of her death. You chose to love others, but to expect them to love you back...you can't rely on that. 
With pets, as they communicate very differently, you can only imagine that they love you back. That they also care for you in that way. Their devotion and need, it implies such feelings. Perhaps they do, in fact, feel that way. But my loss in this instance was entirely of my own creation. I had chosen to love my dog. It created meaning in my life, and filled a void I thought I had.
Aww shit, am I even expressing this right? The meaning of love is entirely dependent on whom is loved and who does the loving. Everyone's love is different, expressed differently, and exists differently. No two people love each other the same. When love can't be communicated well, how will the other actually know they're loved? Is faith, in this instance, enough? The meaning in love, in my mind, isn't found. If you can't find a way to reach the other person, to communicate your love, then will it exist for them? 
I think that's where most mistrust, and distance between people, comes from. At some point people can't communicate their love to each other anymore. I know it's not only that, but I really feel that because love in every situation is different, that unless it is truly understood by the other person/being, without being understood has it existed? At that point it's a one-sided love. 
And as love is also different in all situations, it's also fluctuating. Like the seasons and tides it changes. Strong and bold, or like a whisper, it flutters through our lives on butterfly wings. Sadness then being they symbol that once one did love, once, perhaps, one found love.
Ok, my melancholy sunset and I are going to go drink some tea and take a nap. These meanderings of meaning, I hope in some way that they reached you, my dear readers. I never profess to know anything, only to impart and share in this complicated world. Another jenga piece when you'd rather be playing beer pong.  
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sleepingsagittarius · 6 years
Guide to Venus in Retrograde 💔❤️Part 2
The 5th House 💝
I look with child-like wonder at my life creating refreshing insights and experiences.
The 5th house rules children, creative projects, hobbies, sports/recreation, gambling, pleasure, fun, romance/true love. When Venus dips back into this house, a very common occurrence is something involving children, conception, pregnancy comes back into focus.  Sometimes a child needs attention, or new information is needed to have a successful pregnancy. Creative projects that fell into the back drop or ideas from the past resurface.  Often the creative projects relate also to a way that money was made in the past or could be made in the future but sometimes they are projects that are “just for arts sake” without a concern for income. Sometimes a love relationship “cools off” in the retrograde.  
People will often come to the conclusion that “things aren’t working”.  If it is a relationship of substance and value, it is best to avoid big decisions if possible until the energies are more clear/you are seeing things more clearly.  If things come up, it is a GREAT time to try to work them out. Romance from the past often comes back during Venus in retrograde in general but especially when the retrograde occurs in the 5th house, as it rules romance, also called the house of True Love. Indulgence in anything in the past that was not positively serving could have repercussions surface during the retrograde.  For instance, if there was a gambling debt forgotten about, payment could come due.  Or if money was borrowed for the 5th house agenda of “having fun” then this could transit could create a reality check.  I have seen situations where people using “substances” have had backlash from those choice, especially showing up during the retrograde, or temptation or “tests” coming up to have a chance to make a different decision. The chance to clear up addictions could come at this time. Ways of having fun from the past could come up for healthy interactions, too.  
Fun is such an important part of life, especially when well-balanced with responsibility, so Venus dancing backwards in this area of the chart can bring a refreshening of the fun factor. Also, for people already in their desired romantic relationship, the retrograde could bring magic, fun, and spark into the romantic relationship. More fun and magic could also come for interactions with children (either the ones by birth, adoption, other caregiving, or someone working in fields with kids not related to them). Inspiration from how to live more with the fresh eyes of a child could come at this time. Retrogrades test “weak links” so if there are aspects of relationships with children or romantic partner that need to be addressed and strengthened, they are very likely to come up to support the goal of better relationships. 
Similar to the Venus retro in the 1st house, things involving wardrobe, fashion, beauty may come up now.  It is a great time to go “retro” rather than cutting edge innovative focus.  Going back to things that worked in the past in this area of life can bring much satisfaction.  Also finding second-hand things is a great idea.  Where I used to live, my friends and I would have “Clothing Swap” parties where everyone brought their clothes and wardrobe items they didn’t like, that didn’t fit, or in other ways didn’t resonate with anymore and emptied the bags of garments in a pile in the middle of the floor and everyone would just have at everything!  We would have a pot-luck style meal set up and chat, eat, play, sing, dance, and find new perfect clothing without having to spend money. This type of event is PERFECT for the Venus retograde energies.  After you do these long enough, you may find clothing you gave away come back to just when you want it :)
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 5th house:
What lessons from past/present romantic relationships are showing up for me to work with?
How can I have more fun in my life?
How has having fun in the past negatively affected me now and how can I rectify this and shift future trajectory?
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The 6th House 🌶
I easily create and maintain an effective and fulfilling routine
The 6th house rules pets, health, medicine/medical diagnostics, procedures, treatments, daily work environment, self-employment, how one does their work/gets things done, routine, diet, supplements, exercise, etc. Venus going backwards in this area of life can bring questions about the workplace or self-employment methods.  Great opportunities will often come during this time from the past somehow, like past connections, ideas, or efforts.  It may be easier to find business and solutions when getting back to basics and tried-and-true principles than new development or ideas. 
Things involving a situation with a pet may surface from the past.  For people who are in businesses involving animals, or who want to, this could bring up financial opportunities that relate to making money this way.  It is not advisable to launch a new business that involves financial or other major investment, or one with the intention of being long term, at this time. Short-term ventures can be fine to implement during the retrograde, as long as a lot of money or resources or risk is involved. Money owed to you from past work could come in at this time.  Bonuses from work for past performance could also show up. Recognition, raises, or clients from past work could show up but when it comes to asking for a raise, you may have more luck when Venus is in its full power.  Feel into your specific situation and assess if this general recommendation is true for your case. Issues or dissatisfaction with how you make money, income level, workplace dynamics are very likely to come up or escalate if this has been a theme that was already present or swept under the rug of daily consciousness. It is not generally advisable to quit a job under this transit because your emotions could get the better of you and may not factor in long-term consequences.  It is definitely a great time to start researching your escape plan/plan B.  
Again, ideas and connections from the past could prove helpful in your investigation of a better situation. Sometimes love from the past that was related to work could resurface at this time.  Also, sometimes the return of a love interest could come from something else you do every day - grocery store, run, yoga, neighbor, etc. Nagging health symptoms could get stronger during this transit or an event with someone close to you could spark some motivation to get them checked out.  Learning about the options you are already paying for you with current insurance or work-related benefits may bring some surprises.  There are often more things on a health plan than people utilize. Do your homework.
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 6th house:
Do I love my job?  if not what can I do to have a better work experience in the future?  What are some ideas for “plan B”?
How can I leverage past accomplishments and connections to boost my current business/income/improve my work life?
Do I have nagging health symptoms that are begging for attention?  How can use resources available to me to investigate these?
Do I need a new health, exercise, diet regimen?  What support options are there for me?
Does my pet need some attention?
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The 7th House 💍
I choose to sharpen my listening skills (as it relates to self and others)
Venus rules the 7th house so like the transit through the 2nd house this placement can carry more oomph.
Questioning/addressing issues in/restoring magic of relationships is one of the number one ways energy manifest during this transit.  Another is opportunities coming from personal and business relationships from the past.
Doubt will be cast on many relationships during this time and also there is a great chance for wonderful things to be restored from past experiences or people.
As people come in from the past, it is ok to “dance” with the potentials but it is better to do so in a way that is “trying things on” rather than a long-term commitment if possible, leaving intact a return to the “pre-dance” situation.
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 7th house:
In what ways do I perceive my current relationship (of any kind) as helping me on my highest path? serving to hinder me on my highest path?
Are my perceptions correct or am I projecting my internal issues on the person/relationship?
How can I shift out of my negative patterns in relationship?
How can I create win-win relationships?
How can I be better heard in relationship?  better hear others I am in relationship with?
What patterns are present in this relationship that have been with me ever since I can remember?  Am I willing to see that I am the common denominator in all of my relationships so that blaming the other won’t get me very far in correcting the pattern?
What contacts from my past might be helpful to my visions?
What people from my past am I feeling drawn to reconnect with?
What do I really want?  What do I need to do to be able to communicate my needs and desires?
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The 8th House 🕷
I attract amplified synergistic connections
The 8th house rules “other people’s money” so when Venus is retrograde in this house or sign money or resources such as inheritances, family money/resources, marriage or partnership money/resources, lotto/sweepstakes/other winnings, venture capital funding, loans or financial gifts of any kinds, credit cards, stocks, and anything like all these are more likely to come up as a hot topic.
It is a great time to look for money/financing from connections in the past. It is also a great time to consolidate, manage, or pay off debt.
Past romantic interests are very likely to return, as are issues in marriage or intimacy.  Deep intimacy work could be done at this time.
Making money from or a return to a fanatical interest in Scorpio-related things that are tied to ones past experience or interest such as psychology, mystery, research, esoteric topics, astrology, ancient wisdom/tools all have an increased chance in showing up.
Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through the 8th house:
How can I add more substance to my life?
How can I connect in with powerful partners and create synergistic outcomes with our combined resources and efforts?
How can I PAY OFF/ MANAGE DEBT?  Being smart with money is a big theme at this time.
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thebigbibee-blog · 6 years
Hey guys, gals, and nb pals!
As of late, I have hit a bit of a slump with work. Since there’s no big holidays around rn, my hours have been cut really short. Gotta fucking love retail, This combined with me having to pay off student loans from my other school (I dropped out and I don’t want to push back payments) and having to pay for stuff towards my new school has left my bank account, for lack of a better term, pretty damn barren.
This is an issue because I am trying to get to go to Anime Boston this year so I can finally meet one of my cosplay friends IRL. This is why I came here to y’all. I hate begging but if y’all could donate even something small like $3 a person I could get to meet my best friend Grey. If you do happened to donate, please lmk so I can properly thank you! (I may throw in a few fansigns in one of my cosplays as thanks)
I put up a goal on ko-fi to help me get there. I just need enough for my tickets and transportation.  If you absolutely CANNOT donate, please spread the word. 
My ko-fi is here if you want to help! Thank you so much for your continuous support!
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wannawritefast · 6 years
Hiatus/Leaving Tumblr
Hey lovelies!!
This is something I did not want to have to write to you guys and I was lying to myself for a long time over this post. I finally came to terms with what I needed to do and you can tell what that is based on the title.
If you don’t want to read a hefty post, here’s the short version:
This blog is too much stress for me at the moment and it is outweighing the lack of feedback I’m getting. I don’t feel appreciated and, after 2 years on this site, am leaving tumblr for a presently undetermined amount of time.
As many of you know, hopefully (y’all don’t give much indication that you’re reading my author’s notes at the tops of my fics), I just graduated high school in June. With that comes the next step in my life: college. I am moving into my dorm in 2 weeks and will be jumping headfirst into a packed schedule with classes and a part-time job so I can pay for a study abroad program next year in England like I have always dreamed of doing.
Meanwhile, I have discovered the wonderful world of cosplay and the supportive, interactive community there is. I went to Wondercon this past March and I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with that world after one of my best friends convinced me to go with her. I love seeing other people’s creativity and taking pictures and going to panels and actively interacting with other people who accept and even exceed my nerdiness.
Like many things in life, one needs balance. And I am kind of drowning right now.
My parents are kind of tossing me into college without any flex spending money. I have a meal plan and am attending my college on a decent scholarship and I still needed student loans. Which will take me a long time to pay off, assuming I marry someone else who also does not have student loans (unlikely). I am excited to attend college, don’t get me wrong. But I am learning now, brokenhearted, that I need to devote my time to things that are worth my time.
And I don’t feel like my writing is reaping tangible rewards. My fics aren’t getting the attention I had hoped they would. I pray for interaction that you guys don’t usually provide. And it has worn me down. I don’t think I should have to beg or coerce you guys to comment or reblog. If you liked it, you would. Simple as that.
Maybe I’m just a mediocre writer. Or maybe I’m yet another artist to fall victim to being worn down by lack of feedback. Or maybe I’m going through a rough patch and I’ll come back in a few months. Or maybe this is my last post on my blog. I don’t know. But what I do know is that I am exhausted.
I put my blood, sweat, and tears into writing and I don’t get a whole lot of feedback. I’m a hard-worker in the sense that if I put my time and energy into something, I expect to see the fruits of my hard work. And that’s not what’s happening. I’m not giving up. I am fed up.
It could be because I’m a sucky writer. I don’t know! I don’t get enough feedback to know if I’m good or bad.
I am at a point in my life where my time and energy is super important, now more than ever. I need to be able to live, pay my bills, go to classes and use my time and money wisely and effectively. Because after enrolling in college, I don’t have much of either. And if we’re being honest here, I don’t enjoy writing fanfic. I like writing but not fanfic. I know I used to at some point. But not anymore. It’s not worth it to me or you to continue writing something that isn’t my best.
I suppose it doesn’t matter if it’s my best or not. I’m not getting communication. It could be the best and y’all don’t give me that much feedback so, again, I wouldn’t know.
I’m sorry if I’m coming across as dramatic or even angry but, actually, I’m not sorry. I feel how I feel and assessing the situation, I need to just leave tumblr.
It’s not beneficial for either of us.
(God, this sounds like a break-up letter. I guess it kinda is.)
I will post the next few parts of the Queen because that’s what I get the most feedback on. And those who have been interacting with me on that deserve it. I will also keep this blog up.
I’m going to tag some other Marvel writing blogs to signal boost. Maybe some of you who have read my work but don’t give feedback or follow me will get word that I’ve left. To the Marvel blogs I tag, please don’t feel obligated to reblog this post. If you want to, please do. If you don’t want to, I understand.
To my lovely followers who have and do comment on my work, thank you and I’m sorry to have let you down.
If there is one thing you guys take from this, it’s to let writers know when you like our work. We love that shit. Really. It’s not annoying.
I don’t know how many of you guys will actually read this but I hope that someone at least does. It breaks my heart to do this but I can’t keep doing this to my mental health.
Signing off for the potentially last time, XOXO, Echo
@imagine-assembling-the-avengers (bonnie, you are an angel and i’ve admired you for a SUPER long time. i hope im like you more when i start working and living on my own)
@starksparker (congratulations on 10k! you deserve it!)
@bionic-buckyb (thanks for including me in your angst challenge. you are such a joy to talk with)
@caplansteverogers  (you are such an amazing writer! and your mob fics are my guilty pleasure. you are an insanely talented person
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0403: Cash Flow Management And How To Track Income
This Podcast Is Episode Number 403, And It's About Cash Flow Management And How To Track Income
A wise business owner once said, "Happiness is positive cash flow." As a business owner, I'm sure you agree. Everything is better when your cash-in exceeds your cash-out.
A cash crisis can be emotionally devastating, and it can even kill your business. If you've ever had to beg, borrow, and steal to cover tomorrow's payroll, you know what I mean.
Having a proper cash management system allows you to:
Know when, where, and how your cash needs will occur.
Know what the best sources are for meeting your additional cash needs.
Be prepared to meet these needs when they occur by keeping good relationships with bankers and other creditors.
The starting point for avoiding a cash crisis is allowing your accountant to develop a cash flow projection for you. Your construction accountant can help you develop both short-term (weekly, monthly) cash flow projections, help you manage daily cash, and long-term (annual, 3-5 year) cash flow projections to help you develop the necessary capital strategy to meet your business needs.
Also, a well kept historical cash flow statements help you understand where all the money went. Having an accurate cash flow projection has several benefits and will make many procedures easier for your construction company. The one burning question contractors want to know: When is it income?
When money comes into the business, at some point, it turns into income. "Money goes in and out of my business, and I don't understand when it is income and when it is not." Without proper tracking and matching of income and expenses, most construction companies never know if they made a profit until the job is over.
The Diagram Below Shows Five Ways Money Comes In
Job Deposit - Customer signs a contract and gives the contractor a down payment check - (Not Income)
Invoice - Contractor sends the customer an Invoice for the work done, and the customer pays - (Income)
Loans - Contractor, outside investors, banks loan money to the business - (Not Income)
Refunds - Contractor returns unused material, gets money back - (Not Income)
Rebate - Contractor receives a rebate when buying a new truck - (Not Income)
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The Diagram Below Shows Five Ways Money Goes Out
Labor - Payroll and taxes because contractors can make good money with qualified labor - (Not Income)
Material - It takes money to make money, and you need material to build and repair things - (Not Income)
Other - Costs you need to operate a mobile business like construction - (Not Income)
Subcontractors - Do what you do best and outsource the rest - (Not Income)
Overhead - Everything not directly related to fieldwork - (Not Income)
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The Diagram Below Shows When It Is Income
Invoice - The only time when money coming in is - (Income)
Job Deposit - Applied to an Invoice, the money is - (Income)
Customer Payments - Applied to a complex Invoice, it is - (Income)
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Our services can provide you:
Help in obtaining an appropriate line of credit
Cash collection acceleration techniques
Proven effective collection policies
Established effective payment policies
Help in getting the maximum rate of return on your idle cash
Final thoughts
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any construction company, especially those with annual sales volume under $1,000,000. Some construction Company experts even say that healthy cash flow is more critical than your contracting company's ability to complete projects. While that might seem counterintuitive, consider this: if you fail to satisfy a customer and lose that customer, you can always work harder to please the next customer. If you do not have enough cash reserves to pay your suppliers, creditors, and make payroll, then your Construction Company is out of business; game over!
About The Author:
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Sharie DeHart, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations and offers insights on how to manage the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 1-800-361-1770 or [email protected]
Check out this episode about Contractors Marketing - Accounting - Production (M.A.P.)!
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