#so I had to walk to the stop for the east bound bus
bottlewoman · 2 years
My city has the worst fucking transit system
I hate it with a fiery passion and I want who ever redesigned the routes to die from excessively stubbed toes.
0 notes
livsoulsecrets · 3 years
Deanoru Fic: It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"
Summary: The one where the Runaways have to fight an unexpected criminal attack in L.A. during their night out and Nico ends up taking big risks to protect Karolina, which prompts her to ask Karolina the most important question of their lives.
§ - §
 What was supposed to be a quiet Sunday night for the Runaways quickly turned into a mess in a matter of seconds.
 Thinking in retrospect, Nico assumed she should have known they were bound to stumble upon a disaster every time they stepped outside.
 Still, it had been the first time in a while they had managed to get the whole group together at the same place. With Alex off to MIT, Gert and Chase finishing off college and Molly about to graduate high school all while Nico and Kare adapted to moving in together last year, they had been too busy for a reunion. At the same time, Nico was pursuing her own career in journalism (which had been quite a surprise to her, once she realized writing about the things that angered her was a better coping mechanism than trying to solve everything with spells) and Karolina started working towards her Sociology Masters (which did not come as surprise at all, because this girl was amazing and capable of anything).
 Because of the crazy times they had been going through, Nico had planned to have a peaceful night out with her friends at the amusement park downtown, followed by a sleepover at their old hideout, the Hostel, to blow off some steam. Of course, that didn’t go as planned thanks to some lunatic that had decided to attack LA and kidnap a bunch of kids in the middle of their night off. 
 Now, Nico was following the crazy man’s track to some abandoned warehouse (because he was a cliche like that, apparently), alongside Karolina, Molly and Chase. They had left Gert and Alex at the park, to make sure the civilians got home safe and nobody was hurt. When they finally reached the place Nico’s localization spell had pointed out, she stopped her friends in their tracks.
— Look, we don’t know much about this dude, other than the fact he’s insane enough to kidnap a bunch of kids without thinking twice. What we do know is that he seemed to know exactly what he was doing, so he may be a professional. — Nico explained, keeping her voice low while the four of them hid behind a bus stop. The sight was quite ridiculous, but the dark street provided a very welcome hideout.
— So, you think he is part of a gang or something? — Molly asked, appearing to be excited at the prospect of kicking some gangster’s ass, which did not appeal to Chase at all, considering his furrowed brow in Molly’s direction.
— He could be. Anyway, he had a whole crew and lots of guns. Be careful and don’t do anything dumb. And, yes, I’m talking to you, Chase, in case there is any doubt. — Nico reinforced, receiving a scowl from him.
— Oh, there wasn’t, baby. — Kare commented, earning a small smile from her girlfriend, despite the tense situation they were in. Chase just threw his arms up in frustration as a response.
— Just remember our main goal is to get the children back to their families before anything bad happens. Let’s go inside by the backdoor and, please, don’t forget to- 
— Stick together. — Molly interrupted. — We know it, Nico. You give away too many speeches for somebody that hates motivational stuff. — With that, she turns and leads the way to the back exit.
— Ow, I was just disrespected by a fetus. — Nico sighed, but still followed said fetus’ steps.
— Now you know how I feel. — Chase replied, shaking his shoulders.
 Their banter died down as Molly forced the door open and the four of them walked inside in complete silence. The place was pitch dark, so Karolina instinctively lightened up her hand, leading the way through an infinite amount of hallways that seemed to lead nowhere.
— Wait, I’m hearing something. — Kare whispers just when Nico was starting to lose hope of finding any clues in that place. Kare very quickly diminishes her light. — I think someone is coming, get ready. 
 Some moments after her warning, Nico manages to catch sight of a dim lantern light in the end of the hallway. Shortly after that, six men appeared, guns in hand. 
 Despite their muscles and armament, they had no time to react as energy blasts from Chase’s Fistgons hit the first two men right in their chests. Without missing a beat, Karolina flew over the fallen thugs to bring the next two to the ground as Nico attacked one of the remaining men with a restraining spell. Molly hit the last one of the men hard against the wall, leaving him momentarily unconscious. 
— Tell us where the kids are. Now. — Nico demanded the man she was holding against the wall. 
— Fuck you, bitch-
 A burst of light hit a spot near the guy’s head, leaving a massive hole in the wall. Molly let out a surprised squeal, but Nico didn’t even flinch, knowing exactly where it came from.
— You will tell her what we want to know or the next one is going right into your head. — Karolina bluffed, rainbow couloured beams of light coming out of her hand.
 Anyone who knew her could see right through her act, as Nico did, but, right there, in a dark creepy hallway with her exhilarating power consuming the whole place, it was no surprise the man was terrified of her.
 With blonde hair falling into her face, an anger-filled look on her dreamy blue eyes and incredible power radiating from every part of her body, Nico thought she looked like an avenging angel.
 Nico also thought several other things right after that, but she had to push those ideas away in favor of focusing on their mission.
— East side of the building. They are keeping the kids in the basement over there. You have to turn right in the next hallway and keep walking straight down. — The guy grunted out, visibly shaken up.
— How many people are guarding them? — Chase questioned, stiffening up.
— About twelve, but I guess you will have no problem with that. — He growled.
— Why did you take the kids? Is it to make a statement to a rival gang? — Molly seriously questioned, talking for the first time in a while, which earned a raising eyebrow from Chase. — What? I study gangs quite a lot, you never know when you will have to fight one.
— You terrify me sometimes, kid. — Chase said, deeply disturbed.
— She’s not wrong. — Their hostage said, once the hold Nico had on him tightened up. — I don’t know much, I was just paid to guard the place. All I know is the boss has some crazy guns and is trying to show off his firepower, the kids are just to attract attention. 
— As usual, kids are the ones getting caught up in the middle of adults’ bullshit. — Nico murmured, anger burning inside of her. — That’s all we need to know, let’s go. — Nico dropped the thug to the ground and whispered a spell to make him fall asleep.
— Alright, guys, let’s find them. — Karolina pleaded, holding out her hand for Nico to grab. Without thinking twice, Nico took it and guided her girlfriend and friends to the basement. They successfully avoided being seen by any other guards, managing to reach the place rather quickly, now they knew what to look for.
 Once they got to the spot where they were hiding the kids, Nico caught sight of plenty of guards gathered in front of the door. Nico signaled for the group to stop and listen attentively. They all waited together, trying to listen to the conversation being held near them.
— Is the gun ready? — One of the men questioned.
— The Boss says so. He brags it can take out any of those super powered freaks out there, anything that isn’t human. — Answered another.
— Do you believe it?
— I don’t need to believe it. Every other gang in town is going to be terrified. We are in for some good money. 
 Nico reached for Karolina without thinking twice, fear washing over her at the thought of some despicable guy harming Kare. The next thing in her mind was Molly, fearing the weapon could hurt her too due to her powers. Chase’s panic was also written all over his face when she looked up to him.
— So, what do we do? — Molly whispers, voice trembling. 
— We save the kids and get out of here. That’s the plan. — Nico answers, fearing Molly and Karolina would cross ways with a potential threat.
— We can’t let this guy keep the weapon. It could hurt people. People like me. Like Molly. — Karolina disagrees, nervously.
— This is exactly why we need to leave. We can’t put you and Molly in danger. — Chase pondered.
— Also, we don’t even know if this gun is real, the dude might just be making it up. — Nico argued back, trying not to raise her voice.
— We can’t take risks with this, Nico. — Karolina insists. There is a moment of silence where Karolina just holds Nico’s eyes on hers, letting her know she is not letting this go.
 Well, Nico realizes she isn’t either. 
— I don’t want to get in the middle of this staring contest you guys are having, but I think the guard is walking toward us, so maybe we can argue later and fight now? — Chase suggests, speaking fast as he prepared his Fistgons to shoot lasers at the upcoming target.
— Say no more. �� Molly complies, eyes glowing in the dark.
 After that mutual agreement, everything becomes a blur of punches, light and loud noises as the four of them fight through the wave of thugs. 
 Once they finally reach the door, Chase blows the lock up, sweat covering his face and his breathing heavy. 
— Man, I don’t see you in this bad of a shape ever since you lost the Junior league championship. — Nico commented, earning an offended scowl from him.
— That’s low, Minoru, you know that’s the thing I’m sensitive about. 
 As Chase catches his breath, Molly screams a warning before kicking the door down. It’s all a bit dramatic and not that necessary, but Nico lets her have it. It has been a long night, after all.
 They find about fifteen very terrified kids grouped together in the dark, loud sounds of crying and screaming reverberating through the room.
— Hey, it’s okay. — Karolina softly announces, lighting up the place. — We’re here to help. — The kids amusedly stare at Kare as she shines, momentarily forgetting their current situation.
— Yes, we will get you out. Just make a line and I’ll make sure you get back to your families. — Nico asks, turning to prepare for her next speel. With a deep breath, she pictures the amusement park with clarity in her mind as she tightens her hold on the Staff. — Open the portal. — She murmurs, focusing on keeping it safe for the kids. — It’s stable now, but it’s not safe for them to cross alone. Molly, you and Chase go with them.
 The girl opened her mouth to protest at the same time Chase let out a breath of relief.
— Please, Mols. Those kids need protection, we have no idea if there’s something waiting for them at the park. They will need to be kept safe until finding their families. I’m trusting you with this. — Nico pleaded, hoping she would listen to her. Molly still looked unhappy about it, but nodded and accepted the request. 
— Hey, y’all, just stay together and follow me. — Molly said, walking through the portal right after. Chase spoke softly to the kids as they crossed it as well, only stopping when the last one was gone, following them as well. Despite that, Nico kept the portal open, fortifying it.
— Kare… You should go with them. — Despite her request, Karolina sighed, unbothered.
— I’m not going anywhere. 
— This guy is dangerous, okay? His weapon especially targets super powered people, you heard it.
— That is why I can’t let you go alone. If he can really hurt superheroes, I’m sure he can hurt witches with staffes too! — She argued back, hands crossed in front of her body.
— The Staff doesn’t count! Your power is engraved into your blood, Kare. It is too dangerous for you to stay. Also, I can handle him, believe me.
— I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but if you get hurt, we will be lost without you... I will be lost, Nico. — Karolina’s voice is shaking, which breaks Nico’s heart even more. 
— I won’t let that happen. But, even if it does, the team needs you to go and keep everyone else safe. You need to make sure these kids get back to their families and meet me back at the Hostel. I added an additional protection to the portal. It doesn’t let those who cross it come back here, keeping everyone safe. Please, just go. — Nico insisted, holding onto Karolina’s arms, trying to get her to listen. They are standing right in front of the portal right now, its purple energy beaming so strongly Nico needs to put a lot of effort into properly seeing Karolina’s face.
— Nico, no! I’m not leaving you behind, especially with no way of getting back to you. — Karolina firmly denied, sounding terrified with the idea.
— Karie, that’s not leaving me, that’s following a plan. Trust me, I would never not come back to you. 
— I do trust you. I just can’t-
 Nico stops her mid-sentence, hands gripping around her shoulders as she presses their lips together, hard and sharp. It’s not like their usual kisses, it’s not soft or slow or loving, it’s desperate and rough, just Nico sealing them together one more time before she does what has to be done.
— I love you, Karolina. Don’t forget that.
— I love-
— Also, I’m sorry. — Nico whispers, before using her tight grip on Karie’s shoulders to push her through the portal. 
— Nico! No, don’t you dare! I swear-
 Karolina’s furious scream is cut out by the portal closing.
— Please, don’t go too hard on me for this, Karie. — Nico begged the empty space her girlfriend was in until a moment ago, before turning on her heels to face her target.
§ - § 
 When Nico makes her way back to the Hostel almost an hour later, Molly is the first person to throw herself at her. Soon enough, she’s being passed around, from Alex to Gert to Chase and, finally, to receive a friendly tap from Old Lace’s tail.
 Karolina is the last one in her arms, holding her so tight Nico loses sense of everything around them for a moment. 
— Are you okay? Are you hurt, what happened? — Karolina fired the questions quickly, hands scanning her body, looking for any injuries.
— I’m fine, really. Not hurt, just really tired. — Nico assures her, trying to sound light.
— Did you catch the guy? — Chase asked next, curious.
— Yes, I did. He had a weapon that was quite powerful, but it wasn’t capable of all the things that he was told about. Someone tricked him, apparently. It could cause a lot of damage, but not to the point of harming superpowered people. I mean, at least that’s what I understood from the cops’ talks after they took him away. — Nico explained, hand rushing through her hair, trying to keep it off her face. 
— So I left for nothing? Damn it, I could have kicked his ass. — Molly complained, disappointed.
— It wasn’t for nothing! Nico made the right call. If this guy had the gun he claimed to, you could be dead right now just for crossing his way. — Gert refuted, arms around her sister in a tight embrace. Nico nodded softly to her as a way of thanking the support and Gert smiled back.
— Better to be safe than sorry. — Alex added, to Molly’s further disappointment.
— Whatever, I guess. — She muttered, arms crossed.
— Still, it took all of my energy to get him and his thugs to step down. I’m really drained. — Nico explained, breathing still irregular even now.
 As their friends discussed the night’s unexpected turn of events and planned a brunch for the next day to make up for tonight’s disaster, Karolina took the chance to lock Nico in another hug, still not saying much, appearing to be just taking in her presence.
— We will… Huh, leave you to it? — Chase suggests, his voice nothing but background noise to Nico as she buries her head in Kare’s shoulder, relief washing over her. In a moment, all her friends have dispersed through the Hostel and Karolina is taking a step away from her, cleaning her throat.
— Kare, I-
— Let’s not do this here. — Kare asks, indicating the stairs with her head. 
— Okay. Sure. — Nico complies, not sure of what to do, but still quietly following Karolina as she took them to their old bedroom. 
 Once they get there, Karolina closes the door and walks to the center of the room, nervously standing there. Karolina seems to gather herself for what she’s about to say. When she talks again, her tone is so sharp Nico feels as if her heart is being split in half.
— You’re unbelievable, Nico. What you did- I don’t even know what the hell to tell you. I was so scared for you, even more than I was mad. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you!
 Nico knows Karolina needs to get her anger out, knows she has every right to be pissed at her, but she’s too tired, too broken to do anything other than let her body take over.
 Her feet move before she even takes notice of them, arms enlacing Karolina’s waist, head fitting right under her chin.
 She listens to Karolina’s heartbeat, furiously beating because of what she did.
 Somehow, Nico is just really glad it’s even beating at all. Nico knows she put herself in danger more than anyone else in the team today, but she finds herself realizing the thing that terrified her the most was Karolina getting hurt. She didn’t think twice, didn’t hesitate, before throwing herself in the unknown, if that meant getting Karie to a safe place.
 Nico would rather do it a thousand times again if that meant Karolina would be waiting for her on the other side of it. Even if they fought, argued and screamed. 
 Karolina was all there was, as usual.
— I love you, Karolina Dean. — Nico whispers.
 Karie sighed, hands coming to tangle among the heavy locks of Nico’s hair. 
— I love you too. — Kare says it back. — I’m still mad though.
— I know. I’m sorry-
 Nico stops, breathes one time. Then, another. She runs what she’s about to say through her mind again and again. 
 Karolina waits for her, as she always does, even through Nico’s worst moments.
— I’m sorry I pushed you away. — Nico apologizes, taking enough distance for Karolina just to take a better look at her face. — I’m sorry I made you feel so worried for me, but I’m not sorry for what I did.
 Karolina is clearly confused, but still pays attention to Nico. Now, she is looking down to face her as well, which would annoy Nico if it came from anyone else, since she hates feeling so small, but it’s always quite endearing when Karie does it. The difference is that Karolina does it to make sure she never misses a single movement Nico makes, she stares at her as if Nico is something precious… Something marvelous. When Kare bows down to touch her face, when she pulls Nico towards her, it’s never patronizing… Quite the opposite actually: Every time Karolina touches Nico, she feels unchained.
 That is the one thing that prompts Nico to be truly honest about the reasoning behind her actions tonight.
— I'm not sorry for doing something stupid to keep you safe. I’m not sorry for putting you first. I’m only sorry for not letting you in. I just need you to understand that I will never stop trying to get you home safe. No matter what it takes. I promise to include you in that, though. It was shitty of me to just push you through the portal. I panicked and didn’t take the time to talk with you or respect your choice, and that’s all on me. I shouldn’t have been so reckless and stupid. — Nico was out of breath when she finished talking and Karolina was still surprisingly quiet. — Kare? Do you need some time to think? I can leave, I know you sometimes like being alone after stuff like this.
 Nico moves to leave, but Kare’s hand clasps around her wrist. She feels more than sees her body being snatched against the other woman. Karolina kisses her the way Nico has been dying to be kissed throughout this whole nightmare of a night. 
 This time, there’s no threats, fears or risks. This time, it’s just the two of them.
 When Karolina clutches Nico’s jacket and throws it across their room, she knows that means Kare was craving the same comfort from her. In a matter of seconds, Nico has gripped onto Karolina’s shirt and pulled it over her girlfriend’s head. 
 Kare knows Nico’s body as much as her own at this point, so it doesn’t take much time for her to get Nico’s shirt off and clash the two of them against their bed. Karolina’s hair is falling in a cascade, tingling Nico’s neck, but she is too busy kissing every inch of skin Kare has exposed to care. 
 Karolina is over her, but she’s also everywhere around Nico, light consuming their surroundings. Nico could watch her for the rest of her life without ever getting tired. More than that, she wants to spend forever getting to see Karolina like this, no walls up, just hopelessly opening up to Nico.
 It never fails to amaze Nico that she’s the one doing this to Karolina. That it is all her, darkness and brokenness and all, making Kare lose all control, disclosing herself in the most breathtaking way possible.
 Karolina desperately reaches for her, as if she will die if Nico isn’t closer. There’s nothing else in Nico’s mind once Kare touches her like that. 
 All there is in the world is Kare’s warmth washing over her, erasing every bit of pain and despair this night had caused.
§ - § 
 It’s pitch dark when Nico talks again, her head laying in Karolina’s chest, the two of them laying together in bed, Kare’s arms around her.
— I’m not one to repeat myself, but I really felt awful for shutting you out like that.
— I know.. I could tell it as soon as you did it. 
— I’m predictable, after all.
— Only to me. — Karolina scoffs, making Nico laugh. 
— I still feel like an idiot, though. — Nico confesses, causing Karolina to answer in a rather frenetic manner.
— You are not an idiot- Damn it, Nico. You’re everything, don’t you see? — Her voice is nothing but a whisper, but Nico still listens to it perfectly, years of secretive talkings like those preparing her to understand Karolina in any situation possible. — I can’t function without you, I can’t think, I can’t live if you’re not there. The worst part is that I’m so mad at you for doing something this crazy to protect me, but I would have done the same. I did before. Hell, I will probably do it again. 
— I get it, Kare, trust me, I do.
— I'm not sure you do, babe. — Karolina disagrees, fingers coming to trace the curve of Nico’s neck. — I was raised to obey, to comply. I was taught that to love someone meant to be loyal beyond reason. With you, though, it is the opposite of that. I don’t follow your lead because I’m forced to do it. I do so because I trust you. I put myself in risk every time you’re in danger because I can’t imagine not having you there, even though I know you would never ask that from me. I think I love you even more because I know you wouldn’t.
 Nico is not one to be left speechless, yet every single time Karolina tells her things like that, as if they’re a matter of fact, as if Nico is even deserving of that type of love, she takes a moment to convince herself this is real: that Nico is the one she loves, the only one she wants.
 So, she figures she might as well try to make Karie feel that same way.
— Marry me, Karolina. — Nico tells her, eyes locking into hers as Kare’s breath catches, shock written all over her face. — Marry me and stay with me. Fight me and love me and never leave. You’re my light, Karie. You’re my heart. I don’t want to wait any longer to ask you this. So… Will you marry me?
 As Karolina takes in the unexpected words, Nico’s heart desperately beats, terrified of what is about to come.
— Do you know that, when I fly, I can’t always see what’s ahead of me? — Karolina questions, confusing Nico, that doesn’t understand where she is going with this. Still, she’s smiling adorably, which warms Nico’s heart despite how nervous she feels.— The clouds blur my vision and I need to trust my instincts to make sure I’m not going to hit anything. I was terrified of getting hurt or falling at the beginning, but, over time, I realized that flying was part of me, that my body knew exactly what to do, even if my mind couldn’t quite understand it. My body can take over every sharp turn, every last minute deviant, before any thought crosses my mind. It's my nature.
 She stops and the look she gives Nico is so full of love that she can’t find it in herself to panic over the fact she just proposed to Karolina out of the blue. Nico listens attentively as she continues, heart pondering in her chest with every word out of Kare’s mouth.
— That’s how I feel about you. You’re my nature. I have always known you, every part of my body did, even when my mind hadn’t caught up just yet. I always knew you, Nico, more than that, I always loved you, for all the things that terrified you and amazed me. So, yes, I will marry you. I will stay with you and I will never leave because being apart from you is denying my own nature and I won’t ever do this to myself again.
 Kare is crying now and Nico notices she is too. Karolina’s hands are shaking when she holds onto Nico's face. She kisses her, her lips, her cheeks, her nose, her chin. Somehow, through the tears, Nico is also laughing, never getting tired of the soft feeling of Kare’s lips on her. 
— You’re all I have ever wanted my whole life. Sometimes I still can’t believe I have you. — Kare utters, one last kiss being laid at Nico’s forehead.
— You do. Kare, you always had me. — Nico moves fast to lay a leg on each side of Kare’s body. She holds Karolina’s delicate face in her hands, the look of awe in her eyes almost burning through her heart. — It’s just official now.
 — You really are everything, Nico. You really are. — That’s the last thing Karolina says before leaning forward to capture her lips again. 
 Just like that, Kare manages to surround Nico with her presence once more. 
 There she is again: Nico’s light in the dark, now and for the rest of their lives.
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pangur-and-grim · 5 years
so I was followed back in March, and I think it's so cool & great that the TTC and Toronto Police did jack shit about this despite me contacting them with full documentation of the event :)
since nobody Official™ cares, I'll post the whole thing publically and be done with it. the progression was terrifying, and altogether it lasted 20 minutes.
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it took place entirely on the subway. at first I was uncomfortable that a man was choosing to stand in front of me (I was seated) despite the ample space. then I notice he’s sneaking peeks at me. then I notice he’s STARING at me.
whatever, creeps exist. after 8 minutes we reach Yonge/Bloor, and with a LOT of relief I exit the car to change to an east-bound train. except that he follows me down the stairs, and stands beside me on the east-bound platform.
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at that point it could still be coincidence, so I shrug and walk down the platform to put some solid distance between us. the next time I look up, he’s beside me.
adrenaline is starting to kick in. the train arrives, and I step into it, wait for him to follow inside, and then dart back out the door and enter a different train car. I’m again feeling a lot of relief, until I sit down, and see him directly in front of me making full eye contact. At this point I’m shaking from the adrenaline, hoping he’s just an old creep who gets off on scaring people and will leave once we reach his stop, except that the minutes are passing, we’re getting very close to my home station, and he’s still staring dead-eyed at me.
this is when I take these photos. in the first one, he doesn’t realize what I’m doing.
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in this one, he’s clued in and is turning his face away. IMMEDIATELY after, he walks to the doors (standing with his back to me) and gets off at Broadview station.
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I fully expect to see his face in the papers some day. I've lived in Toronto nearly my entire life, have had a man follow me off a bus and into a stairwell, been grabbed, shouted at, cat-called, propositioned, had my arm pulled back to prevent me from leaving an encounter, had people try to get me into cars, had a stranger follow me off an elevator to my apartment door asking for sex, etc, and NEVER have I gotten Bad Vibes as strong as this.
and yeah, I could've asked any number of people around me for help, but what if I hadn't noticed him? what if I'd been reading a book & oblivious to my surroundings, like I am 80% of the time on the TTC?
so anyway, really good that literally nobody I contacted cared or did anything about it. great stuff.
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haddonfieldproject · 3 years
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1.3.1 FRIDAY OCTOBER 31st 5:06 AM
Highway 57, Warren County Illinois
The man sat in the bus, in the parking lot of the church, looking out across the highway at the truck stop. He looked at his watch again.
An hour and six minutes late.
The man pulled his phone off the dashboard and hit the button on the side. His watch was not wrong, his phone showed the same time. It also showed 0 messages or missed calls.
Joe always calls.
The man replaced the phone on the dash, wiped his forehead which was dripping with sweat, and turned over the ignition The ancient bus roar to life, and the man sighed as a sweet blast of air conditioning hit his face. It has been hot and humid all day, and despite his cracked window, the inside of the van was swimming in humidity. He had to be careful though, he didn't want to call attention to himself, and an idling church van ‪at five o'clock‬ in the morning was more than enough to tip the curiosities of small -town Midwestern minds.
The man looked up and watched the digital display time on the First Congregational Church of Holiness and Power sign go ‪from 5:06 to 5:07‬. Right below a small light up marquee read: HEAVEN IS NO TRICK, HELL IS NO TREAT.
An hour and seven minutes late.
The plan had been foolproof and had worked now without fail for over five years. Dodge had bought the church van from a Baptist Church on Craigslist. Tim Dawkins, who owned a paint and body shop down in Russellville had painted it brown, the same color as the First Congregational Church of Holiness and Power's real church van, and had even done a good job of stenciling CHURCH BUS on the side.
Every shipment, Joe Grizzly would bring the merchandise to the truck stop out on 57, give the man a call, and the man would then pull the church bus into the gravel sleeper lot to the rear of the truck stop, right next to the dumpster, behind a line of trees that provided a decent shield from the road and the highway. Joe would then open the trailer and unload the shipment to the church bus. Then Joe would drop the trailer, and pick up another bound for El Paso, San Diego, or Miami...the origin point of the next shipment. The man would then drive the church bus, with the shipment, to the Regal Estates Motel in East Langdon, and unload. Lastly, he would return the church bus to the storage unit across Langdon, and wait for the next shipment.
Joe Grizzly always delivered, and Joe Grizzly was never late.
And Joe Grizzly always called.
A car passed by on the highway ahead, the man cut the engine and crouched low. There was no protocol for a missed shipment, no plan B.
How long should I wait? He wondered.
But Joe always called.
He picked up his phone, thinking for not the first time that perhaps he should call him. But he wasn't sure that was allowed and besides, the number that Joe called with was always different. It was highly unlikely that he would be using the same number as he had called from the last time. He thought momentarily about driving over to the truck stop to see if Joe was there. He had seen plenty of trucks go in and out of the yard over the last hour, and like his phone, Joe always used a different truck for the shipments.
The man didn't think that was a good idea though because he had always been given strict orders to limit the visibilty of the church van in the truck stop parking lot. In a way, the transfer of the shipment to the church van was the most dangerous part of the whole operation. It was not everyday one saw a church van in the sleeper lot of a truck stop, and they had always made pains to work quickly, so as not to burn the sight of the brown GMC into anyone's memory. Circling the parking lot in the van worked against this goal.
He had considered walking over on foot to take a look. But the same logic prevented him. He didn't want the make and model of the van in people's minds, he definitely didn't want anyone memorizing his face. He and Joe barely ever looked at each other as they worked, and even though he knew his partner in this endeavour was a big man with dark skin, he probably couldn't pick him out of a crowd, and liked it that way.
So here he was, stuck in the parking lot of the church, wondering his next move. The clock on the sign clicked over again.
One hour and eight minutes late.
There was only one person left to call. It was the one he never wanted to call.
He quickly found the name on his contacts list and hit the green button, not wanting to think too much about it. The person he was calling answered on the second ring.
“The shipment is not here.”
There was a long pause before the voice on the other line spoke again.
“He has not called?”
“Does he usually call if he is running late?”
“He's never been late.”
Another long pause.
“Go put the van back and go home, I'll take care of this, and we will touch base tomorrow.”
Before the voice on the other end even finished speaking, the man was reaching to turn the keys in the ignition. As his fingers tickled the cold metal of the keys however, he stopped cold. Two brown and white Warren Country police cruisers pulled into the parking lot of the truck stop with their lights on, followed by a red Warren County Fire Department ambulance as well as a fire truck with lights and siren wailing.
“Woah, hold on,” the man breathed.
“What is that sound?”
“Cops, and fire department. They're pulling into the truck stop, I gotta go.”
“No!” The man on the other end barked. “Do not pull the van out of the parking lot.”
“Well what the hell am I supposed to do? Just sit here?”
“Do you have any tools?”
“A screwdriver. Do you have a flat blade screwdriver?”
“We left one of those dollar store tool kits in the glove compartment.”
The man watched as the cops exited their vehicles and withdrew their weapons. Something serious is going down over there, the man thought.
“What am I going to do?”
“Exit the vehicle from the rear emergency exit. Make sure the key is out of the ignition or the alarm will sound. Slide out cautiously and remove the license tag from the vehicle.”
The man saw an employee inside the truck-stop motion something to the police officers across the parking lot. The two officers jogged around to the side of the building. Some other people were standing out on the curb outside of the store motioning as well. The man knew that the restrooms were on that side of the building, along with the driver's lounge.
“Place the tag and the tool kit inside the duffel bag with the cash and then walk to the rear of the church.”
The two cops across the street darted around the corner. They disappeared for a moment, and then one of them jogged back around the corner and summoned the ambulance and firetruck, who, up until now had been idling in the parking lot in front of the truck stop.
“From behind the church, it is a short walk through the wooded area. You will come out at the back of Crazy Chan's Chinese restaurant on Harris Street. I will send someone to pick you up.”
“Yes sir.”
“They will be driving a blue Honda. Utah plates.”
“Very well sir.”
He heard the click of the broken connection in his ear.
Not even a goodbye, or a 'Sorry you got to go romping through the woods ‪at 5:30‬ in the morning!' the man thought to himself.
The ambulance and fire truck roared to life and shot around to the rear of the truck stop. For a moment, all emergency personnel were out of sight. The man quickly rolled up his window, took his keys from the ignition, and headed toward the back of the bus.
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carothepoet · 5 years
And So It Was Written
Six Years Before the End of the World
Nanny Ashtoreth stood uncertainly outside the door of Warlock’s bedroom, clutching a leather-bound book with squeaky-new pages. The words Holy Bible were emblazoned in tall gold letters across the cover. She replayed her earlier conversation with an ever-frustrated Harriet Dowling… or tried to.
Something about religious education and expectations and Tad’s mother won’t shut up about it, so canyoureadthistohimplease before she shoved the bible into Nanny’s reluctant hands and disappeared through the sitting room doorway, muttering obscenities about interfering in-laws.
She gritted her teeth. This was going to be unpleasant, of course, but she was a demon; she was bloody used to unpleasant, and it had to be done. Perhaps, at least, she could have some fun with it.
She entered the room to find Warlock already tucked in bed, watching her expectantly. “Is that a story for me, Nanny?”
He loved stories. Especially Nanny’s stories, which were woven through with doom and darkness, blood and world domination. Any five-year-old would, but Warlock thought Nanny’s stories were especially grand, as she made them all up from her head, just for him. He had the best nanny out of all his friends.
“Of a sort,” Nanny answered. She sighed (it sounded rather like a hiss) and pulled up the rocking chair to Warlock’s bed. Opened the Bible to the first page.
“In the beginning…” She stopped. Bit her lip for a moment. Set the Bible aside. “I know this story already, Warlock. I’ll tell it instead of reading it.”
Warlock leaned back against his pillow and waited with bated breath while Nanny sorted her thoughts. Finally, she looked at him through her dark glasses and smiled.
In the beginning, there was an Angel who watched over a beautiful garden. Inside the garden, there lived the first Man and the first Woman, and a very clever Serpent.
Now, the Serpent had once been an angel himself, but he had sought after forbidden knowledge, and so was cast out of Heaven to the earth.
The Serpent, always out of sight of the vigilant Angel, befriended the Man and the Woman and told them of this forbidden knowledge. They desired to have it, too. The Serpent told them how to get it and gave them a choice: You can have the knowledge of God, but it will come at a terrible price.
The Man and the Woman chose knowledge. Freedom. And God cast them out of the garden, just as She cast the Serpent out of Heaven.
The Angel looked on the Man and the Woman, abandoned to the wilderness without protection, without hope. God had cursed them, but their guardian could not. He drew his flaming sword, his only weapon, and gave it to them for warmth and protection.
This defiant act was also the first act of mercy, and so it was written many years later, ‘Mercy triumphs over judgment.’
The Serpent was left alone, and he warily approached the Angel as he stood on the garden wall, watching the Man and the Woman make their weary way across the desert. Billowing black clouds rose up from the East, bringing a cold wind and the smell of the first rain, and the Serpent shivered; for above all things he feared heavenly water: it was the only thing that could destroy him.
The Angel saw the Serpent’s fear, and instead of smiting him (as he should have), he smiled and extended a warm, white wing, shielding the Serpent from the rain. This defiant act was also the first act of kindness, and so it was written many years later, ‘With everlasting kindness I will have compassion on thee.’
Warlock squinted at Nanny suspiciously. “This isn’t like the stories you usually tell.”
“Isn’t it?” She was lost in another world, another time. Soft, white warmth and radiant smiles, laughter on an ancient garden wall. Be funny if we both got it wrong, eh? Only it wasn’t funny, after all. The Angel had been right all along. She came back to herself with a quick, hissing breath.
“There’s no blood and no death,” Warlock grumbled, crossing his arms. “It’s boring. ‘Sides, you never tell me to be kind or nice. Only the gardener does--”
“Oh, you misunderstand,” Nanny interrupted smoothly. “I’m not telling you to be nice. The Angel’s kindness was quite the end of him. He was severely punished, and so was the Serpent.”
The Serpent had given forbidden knowledge, and the Angel had given forbidden mercy. And so their punishment was a forbidden love. They would love each other for all eternity, but this love could never be so much as spoken of, or it would destroy them. They went their separate ways, loving each other beyond all reason but unwilling to put the other in danger. And so it was written, many years later, ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that he lays down his life for his friend.’
“Couldn’t they ever be together?” asked Warlock hopefully.
“Never ever.” Her golden eyes glinted fiercely through her glasses. “So the moral of the story, dear child, is to never show mercy and never be unnecessarily kind, because that is weakness. It will destroy you. You are going to rule the whole world; you must be strong.”
“The gardener says Love is the strongest thing in the whole universe.”
“Don’t listen to him. Listen to me.”
She kissed Warlock goodnight, and as she looked up toward the doorway, she caught a glimpse of the gardener’s coat, just vanishing from sight.
Shit shit shit shit shit. Crowley threw his glasses on an end table. He stripped off the shoes, the dress, the stockings, the damned uncomfortable garter-thing. It had been so much easier to present female back in ancient Jerusalem. What bloody bastard idiot had invented garters and—and corsets and all the miserable undergarments women were forced to wear??
Shit. SHIT. That had been him. He sucked an exasperated breath through his teeth as he pulled the hairpins out of his hair and shook it down.
Maybe Aziraphale was right. Maybe evil really did carry the seeds of its own destruction.
Crowley tugged on a bathrobe and collapsed in a chair, despair weighing him down. How much had Aziraphale heard?
Not that it mattered, in any case. It was never spoken of, this yearning, protective love that drew them back together over and over through the millennia. But they both knew it was there. They both knew that somehow it had evolved from interest to business to friendship to something that felt a lot like I cannot bear to think of an existence without you. Crowley would have gladly thrown caution to the wind any number of times, but Aziraphale—ever the guardian, ever the Protector—would not take any action that might put either of them in danger.
Crowley pulled himself up from the chair; strode to the huge open window that fully bisected the east wall. The stars burned brightly in the dark canopy of sky, whispering to him. His fingers itched to touch unrefined stardust, to create galaxies and nebulae, to string the ephemeral light across the infinite black, as he had before time began. It was nearly more than he could bear.
“Is it not enough?” he shouted into the empty night. “Is it not enough to cast me out? To cut me off from Your light, from my purpose? Must I be tortured eternally? I cannot have my stars, and I cannot have my angel, who is even more to me than the stars. Do You never tire of it? Of creating sentient beings and then testing them to destruction?”
There was no answer from the sky. He closed the window. He did not see Aziraphale down below, wringing his hands as he made his own lonely way back to the garden cottage.
  The Very First Day of the Rest of Their Lives
The world was saved. They were on their own side. And on the bus ride home there were knees touching and fingers slotted together; and in Crowley’s flat there were soft first kisses and bruising, possessive kisses and tangled limbs and ecstatic sighs.
And love. So much love.
Crowley fell asleep with his back to Aziraphale’s chest, Aziraphale’s arm, heavy and protecting, draped over and curled around him. Heaven and Hell were coming for them; they might not live out another twenty-four hours; but at least they had had this. No amount of hellfire or holy water could undo this night.
Sleep came in peace, but it did not leave him there. Walls of flame possessed his sleep-drunk brain, a dusty bookshop going up in smoke. His own screams echoing in his ears: Aziraphale! I can’t find you! Somebody killed my best friend! Empty, hopeless, lost in a sea of smoke and heat.
Doom and darkness.
Crowley. Crowley, wake up.
His eyes flew open, his heart pounding, his body drenched in cold sweat. He drew in gasping, hissing breaths.
“I’m here, dearest, I’m here.” Aziraphale gathered Crowley in his arms, pulled his head down to rest on his broad chest, stroked his fire-colored hair. “Shh, shh. Only a dream, my love. Breathe.”
Crowley relaxed against Aziraphale’s chest, willing his breathing to slow. Damned bodies, always malfunctioning and screwing around with one’s emotions. Only thing he hated about sleep.
He found his voice at last. “Wasn’t a dream. It really happened. You were gone.” He felt a rush of tears to his eyes before he could stop them, and he sat up, pulling away from Aziraphale. “You were bloody gone and I thought you were dead.”
Anger at himself, at Aziraphale, at Heaven and Hell, welled up in him and overflowed before he could stop it. His nerves thrummed with it; his eyes burned. Aziraphale sat back against the headboard, stunned. “Crowley—”
“No, angel! They were coming for me and the world was ending and none of it mattered because you were gone and it was like Falling all over again. There was nothing left, understand? Just let it all end and if it didn’t take me with it I was ready to walk straight into heaven and drink holy water.”
Aziraphale blanched.
“And the last thing I’d ever said to you—” He paused, unable to speak for a moment. The words burned into his brain; he had replayed them over and over as he sat in a bar, drunk, waiting for everything to end. “I said I’d never think about you agai—”
“Stop.” Aziraphale sprang forward, pulling Crowley’s shaking body into his arms again. “Don’t. I know you didn’t mean it. I knew it then. Don’t torture yourself, please.”
Crowley only nodded, his strength spent. He leaned into Aziraphale’s shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of cocoa and cinnamon and dusty books. Breathe in, breathe out; he’s here now.
Aziraphale reclined back against the pillows, bringing Crowley with him. He made soft, comforting noises as he dragged his fingers through Crowley’s hair. “Dearest,” he said at last, “may I tell you a story?”
“Suit yourself,” Crowley mumbled into Aziraphale’s neck. He was only half paying attention, still trying to shake off the flame-scorched nightmare.
Aziraphale began.
In the beginning, there was an Angel who watched over a beautiful garden. Inside the garden, there lived the first Man, the first Woman, and a very clever Serpent.
Aziraphale had Crowley’s attention now. This all sounded...vaguely familiar.
The Serpent saw that the Man and the Woman were confined within the garden walls, and had no knowledge of anything beyond it. He desired to give them a gift, even though he knew it was forbidden. Even though he knew that if they accepted it, they would be cast out of paradise, even as he had been. He told them this. And he told them of the knowledge they might obtain; how it would course like fire through their blood and illuminate the world. How they would build and discover and dream. The Serpent offered them a priceless gift: the freedom to choose.
This defiant act was also the first true act of mercy, and so it was written many years later, ‘Blessed are the merciful.’
The Angel saw the Humans make their choice, saw them cast out. He grieved for them and feared for them, and so he gave them his flaming sword, his only weapon. He meant it to be a kindness, but the sword would become War, and would curse the Humans with millennia of heartache.
The Serpent joined the Angel on the garden wall, watching the Man and the Woman make their lonely way across the desert. The Angel was afraid, for he had no weapon, and the Serpent could have ended him there. But instead, the Serpent smiled and offered the Angel another priceless gift: friendship.  
This defiant act was also the first true act of kindness, and so it was written many years later, ‘Love is kind.’
Storm clouds rose above them and the first rain began to fall, and the Angel saw that the Serpent was afraid. He returned the Serpents’ offer of friendship, inviting him to take shelter under his wing. And so it was written many years later, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.”
“Ngk,” said Crowley. It was all he could manage at the moment.
Aziraphale continued.
The Angel and the Serpent found their lives knit together from that moment. Some days it felt like a beautiful gift, and others it felt like the most cruel kind of punishment. They loved each other beyond all imagining, but the forces of Heaven and Hell stood against them. At the very end of all things, the Angel was taken away from the Serpent, and all seemed lost.
But the Angel found his way back. Together they thwarted Heaven and Hell, and saved the earth. And after it was over the Angel made a vow to the Serpent: that he would never again leave his side, and that if they were ever separated, he would search the whole earth, and Above, and Below, and every star, and not stop until he found him—
--just as it was written, many years ago: ‘The Lord do so to me, and more also, if aught but death part me and thee.’
Crowley clung to Aziraphale, not daring to look up lest Aziraphale see the telltale moisture in his golden eyes. He gulped. Took a breath. Thought for a moment.
“You bastard!” He sat up and fairly glowered into the angel’s startled blue eyes. “You bloody bastard! You sat outside that bloody door and listened to me tell that whole goddamned story to Warlock! What the hell were you playing at?”
Aziraphale pouted. “There really is no need for that kind of language.”
“Don’t change the subject!”
“Well, if you must know, I came to say goodnight to Warlock and see if you needed anything, and you were just beginning the story and I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“So you waited.”
“I waited, and then you got to the end, and I couldn’t bear it, and so I left. That’s all.”
Aziraphale looked contrite. Crowley felt a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, and he let it take over. He did love his beautiful, eavesdropping, bastard of an angel. “S’okay. I liked your version better, anyway.”
Some hours and many kisses later, Aziraphale slept peacefully. Crowley stood at the window, watching the stars. He couldn’t see them as well here, in London. Dim and distant, not even like stars, really. Just vaguely shiny motes of dust. What half-witted buggar came up with the idea for electric lights, anyway?
Oh. Shit. He’d gotten a commendation for that one,too. Light pollution, and all that.
He opened the window; felt the cool, damp breeze. “Did You really mean for us to be together, all this time?” He spoke quietly, so as not to wake Aziraphale. “Did You really plan it this way, all along?”
There was no answer from the sky. But perhaps it didn’t matter.
The gardener had been right: Love was, indeed, the strongest force in the universe; and the fact that it was ineffable didn’t change the power that it held. Whatever the morrow brought, they would find each other, their love pulling them back together like binary stars.
As it was written many years before: ‘Love never fails.’
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oforamuse · 5 years
i had a dream (i got everything i wanted) 1/?
mickey milkovich hasn’t seen ian gallagher in over 9 years, not since the day he broke his heart and they shipped him off to prison for a crime he didn’t technically commit.
the last place he expects to bump into him is new york fucking city.
or, the one where two broken puzzle pieces find a way to fit themselves back together.
au from 5x12/6x01 onwards.
read and comment on ao3
They’re out of fucking milk. They’re out of eggs, butter and even bread.
There’s not even a bag of chips in sight - what the fuck is this?
‘Fuck.’ Mickey curses, he’s hungry and there’s nothing in his goddamn apartment to eat. He could’ve sworn Mandy went grocery shopping only a few days ago, how did they already manage to finish the lot off? He swears someone’s been sneaking into their fourth floor walk up to raid their fridge - it’s probably that bitch who’s always yelling at the ass crack of dawn on the floor below, Mickey’s constantly having to stomp on the floor at 5am to shut the bitch up. His stomach rumbles angrily, he got in late last night from work and couldn’t be bothered to throw something together before he passed out on the sofa. Mandy’s not even home right now so he can’t even be properly pissed at her for eating all their food as much as he would like to. He rubs his hands over his eyes, already exhausted by the day despite only waking up 10 minutes ago. He slept in late, later than usual, since work had been a bitch the night before. Too many drunken handsy people having to be thrown out of a club on a friday night - he definitely does not get paid enough to deal with that shit.
He opens the fridge door again hoping for some sort of fucking biblical level miracle but groans, it’s still as empty as before. There’s not even a 20c pack of ramen floating about, only a bag of flour, a few beers and a lonely can of soup sitting on the top shelf. There’s no chance he’ll be eating that can of shit. He begrudgingly resigns, it’s 2pm on his day off and he just wants some damn eggs.
To the overpriced bodega two blocks down he goes, he fucking hates that place.
He huffs and stomps grumpily into his room to quickly throw on some proper clothes, hastily picking out a clean t-shirt and pairing it with yesterday’s somewhat clean jeans. He shrugs at his reflection in the mirror - he ain’t got no one to impress, especially not on a run down the road. He goes into Mandy’s room and grabs the twenty bucks he’d seen sitting on top of the dresser - telling himself that he’ll pay her back somehow, despite the fact she’s the greedy culprit who ate everything. He throws a jacket over his shoulders, grabs his keys off the hook by the door and bounds down the narrow staircase. Their apartment sits on the top floor of an overpriced but barely used laundromat on a busy cross street in the high east nineties. New York is loud, people are rude and it stinks 99% of the time, but it works for them. Besides, it’s not Chicago, that’s the important part.
That’s the really important part.
Mandy had moved in here originally with an ex boyfriend she’d chased all the way out here from Chicago, and they’d actually managed to stick it out for a few years before he inevitably ran off with another girl. By that point, Mandy had already gotten a receptionist job at a gym downtown and somehow managed to score a relatively low rent with the landlord, so she decided to stick it out instead of moving home. Mickey isn’t 100% sure there wasn’t a blowjob involved or something, but he ain’t questioning it.
He got out of prison just over 3 years ago on good behaviour and pretty soon after found himself following Mandy out to the East Coast. He never thought he’d see himself leave Chicago’s city limits but as soon as he completed his 2 years of parole and he was free to leave the state, he hopped on a bus without looking back.
There sure as hell wasn’t anything left for him there.  
His few years of parole had been lonely and even though he’d never admit it if anyone asks, the last thing you want after being locked up for years is to live alone. He mainly kept to himself, picked up some shifts at a local mechanic that his PO had managed to organise for him. Stayed out of trouble and mostly kept his head down - which wasn’t the easiest thing for a Milkovich to do but his heavy ankle monitor constantly reminded him that he was barely even out of the clink, he knew he couldn’t chance it to toe the line. It surprised him how relatively easy it was to stay out of trouble and it made him wonder how different his life could’ve been had he not been brought up by a sadistic criminal of a father and a nonexistent mother. If he’d had a normal childhood without the scrounging and the hiding and the beatings.
He didn’t try and reconnect with anyone he knew from before. What was the point? Svetlana had skipped town for some rich guy, she’d mailed him the divorce papers and they’d finalised it all around the third year or so of his incarceration. He didn’t even get to say goodbye to the kid, not that Mickey particularly minded, but he had been growing somewhat fond of the fucker. His brothers’ still lived at home, but he’d heard from some fellow inmates that his dad was out so he steered clear of his childhood home and any of his dad’s old local haunts. He bounced around dingy motels for the majority of the year, which was a fucking hassle since he had to keep asking his PO to change the radius on his montior, but it out weighed having to go and ask anyone for any favours. He avoided his entire old neighbourhood, willing every single time he got on the L or walked down a busy street that he wouldn’t bump into someone he knew.
Even if he wanted to reconnect with people he didn’t even know where he’d start, it had been 6 full years. It took him for fucking ever to track Mandy down, let alone…
He’s halfway to the store when he stops. He can’t fucking breathe.
What the fuck.
He can’t move, he can’t physically move.
His bones feel like they’ve interlocked in place, sticking together and solidifying him into an ancient statue and he can’t. fucking. move.
Because it’s Ian fucking Gallagher.
Ian Gallagher standing right in front of him.
Ian fucking I don’t love you enough anymore Gallagher.
He’s standing right in front of him on the sidewalk in New York city, right outside a goddamn Duane Reade, hundreds of miles from the Chicago South Side.
What in the fucking fucking fuck?
Mickey could be dreaming, Mickey must be dreaming, because this can’t be fucking real. He’s often seen the ginger boy, man - he corrects himself, in his dreams over the last few years. He’s always appeared as a shadowy figure or even as a whimsical idea echoing in his subconsciousness but this is way too realistic.
He’s here, he’s here standing right in front of him in the living and breathing human bodied flesh.
Yet he’s still the exact same tall, red headed guy that a teenage Mickey fell for over a decade ago and it’s like being bitch slapped by a bus, full force and full of impact. Ian hasn’t seen him yet, he’s talking into his phone, laughing at something that’s been said and Mickey’s heart hurts. It’s been over nine years since he saw Ian laugh like that. His hands start to shake and his breath picks up in short, small uncontrollable bursts. There must be somewhere he can go and duck into. He checks the distance to the entrance to the Duane Reade, wondering if he could chance it before the other man notices.
He should turn around, groceries be damned, he should go right the fuck now before Ian see’s him and-
Oh, fuck. Even his voice is exactly the same. God, Mickey has waited 9 years to hear that voice again but right now all he can hear is rushing wind in his ears, his entire world turned on its axis.
Is everyone around him moving in slow motion or is it just him?
He looks up and Ian is staring at him with a wide eyed, what the fuck is going on, expression on his face. Yeah, Mickey would like to know too, if only he could get his fucking breathing under control.
‘Mickey?’ He repeats without moving closer, the phone call hangs abandoned in his right hand. He wonders who from his past is on the other end of the line, Lip? Fiona? Perhaps a new boyfriend? Husband, even?
‘Hi.’ Mickey breathes out harshly, panic rising up slowly in his throat. He still can’t move.
This is a dream, this is a fucked up dream.
‘What, what are you- you’re out?’ Ian asks, finally breaking the barrier between them and moving a step closer. His face is practically the same as he looked the last time Mickey saw him, but it’s been clear the time that has passed. He’s lost even more of the baby face he once possessed, his jaw now sharp and precise. His eyes are bright and alive, worlds apart from the dead and sunken look Mickey recalls from their last interaction - the one where Ian had told him he’d wait and never fucking visited him again.
‘Fuck you doing here, Gallagher?’ He hears himself blurt out shakily and he barely even realises he said it, only noticing Ian’s eyebrows furrowing together in a response. He looks so confused and concerned but also somewhat hurt and Mickey wants to. fucking. bolt.
All he wanted was some god damn eggs but instead he gets sucker punched by history and the feeling he’s about to spew his guts out onto the sidewalk.
‘I could ask you the same thing.’ Ian replies, dumbfounded. Someone shoulders grumpily past Mickey and he’s suddenly pulled back to the fact they’re standing, staring at each other in the middle of a busy sidewalk.
‘Fuck you, watch yourself asshole!’ He calls after the guy in the classic New York fashion he’s managed to perfect in the last few months, he’s getting quite good at blending in. People continue to shove passive aggressively past them, though neither men move. ‘Been here almost a year.’ He says without bringing his gaze back to Ian, staring just over his shoulder at the busy traffic.
‘What? You’ve been out for a year?’ Ian’s ask incredulously, bringing Mickey back to the shocked expression on his face. It’s almost as if he never even considered the possibility that Mickey might’ve made parole early instead of sitting his full sentence. Behind the confusion there’s a small smile playing on his lips, it reminds Mickey too much of those days and it hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
How is it still hurting after 9 years?
‘Almost three.’ Mickey replies, his attempt at nonchalance hardened by the bitter taste flooding his mouth. He feels like he’s about to choke, he has to get out of here. ‘Listen, I gotta go-’
‘Mickey, I-’ Ian interrupts, stepping a foot closer to him. His arm is raised in front of him in a way that looks like he’s going to try and touch him or hug him or something-
Mickey spins on his heel and gets the fuck out of dodge.
Groceries forgotten, Mickey practically sprints back to his apartment, the streets a blur around him as he shoulders through. He takes the four sets of stairs two at a time, not letting himself register the sharp ragged tightness in his chest until he gets to his front door.
His hands fumble as he pulls the keys out from his pocket, but somehow he manages to steady himself enough to let himself into his apartment. He slams the door behind him and slumps immediately down to the floor, his back against the wood as he tries, unsuccessfully, to steady his breathing.
Fuck, fuck, fucking, fuck.
What on fucking God’s green earth is Ian doing here?
Here in this world that Mickey has so painstakingly created for himself, for him and Mandy. A world that is hundreds of miles away from Chicago, from the South Side, from them. From the porch steps where Ian stood blankly, rejecting Mickey’s heart and crushing it in his hands. Hundreds of miles away from the Kash and Grab where they’d fuck in the back room but laugh out front, from his broken childhood home that was made just that little brighter by Ian’s laughter, from the prison he sat in for 6 fucking years doing time for Ian fucking Gallagher.
Mickey’s hands are shaking, the tattoos on his knuckles blur as he shoves them underneath his thighs in an attempt to get something under control and closes his eyes. He breathes slowly, his stomach nauseous, his rabid hunger from an hour earlier long forgotten. He doesn’t think he could eat anything for another week.
There’s a quiet, hesitant knock on his apartment door, a foot or so above Mickey’s resting head.
It’s Ian again, Jesus, he must’ve followed him here. He curses the fact that the main door downstairs is broken so any random fucker can walk in. He’s told their landlord so many times to get it fixed, and God he should’ve done it himself because he really could’ve used a proper lock right about now.
‘What do you want?’ Mickey grunts out, pulling himself off the floor to grab the pack of smokes sitting on the small table by the door. His hands shake as he pulls out a cigarette and it falls to the floor, fuck.
‘Mickey.’ Ian’s voice persists, and Mickey rolls his eyes because the kid was never good at getting the message of go the fuck away. His stomach jolts at the thought of that persistent teenage ginger freckled freak that buried himself under Mickey’s skin and tattooed himself there when they were just kids. He remembers 16 year old Ian’s earnest way of looking at him like he held the world in his hands, following him around and slipping into Mickey’s life almost seamlessly. He remembers the feeling of agony he felt every single day, sitting in that cell and willing to turn back time and change things. Mickey registers something flowing through him, something fiery and hot, it’s anger. He feels it swarm from his fingertips all the way down to his toes, it pushes him forward. He swings around, unlocks the door and stares at the man standing in front of him.
‘What the fuck do you want?’ He spits, years and years of pent up disappointment and heartbreak coursing fiercely through his veins and he feels like he’s about to explode. This isn’t how he used to imagine seeing Ian again would be, he always imagined warmth and floating and butterflies in his fucking stomach. He imagined kisses and tears and I love yous.
He stopped imaging seeing Ian again around the 4 year mark. 6 years of sitting in a prison, waiting, changes people.  
And yet, everything feels the same. His heart still fucking pounds in the same way and his knees feel like they’re about to give out at the sight of those eyes and that ginger hair.
‘It’s you.’ Ian breathes, the surprised expression slipping away from his adult and aged features revealing the same kid he’s always been, ‘It’s you, here.’
‘Yeah no fuckin’ shit Sherlock Holmes.’ he snaps, patting his pockets to find a lighter in an attempt to give his hands something to do other than shake. Fuck, he must’ve left it inside.
‘I didn’t know you were out-’ Ian starts awkwardly, almost as if he doesn’t know what to do now that he actually has Mickey in front of him, like the bastard didn’t follow him up here and practically demand his audience.
‘Are we really going to do the fucking sentimentalities?’ It comes out way more breathy and defeated than Mickey would’ve liked but he’s tired, overwhelmed and really just wants a smoke. They stare at each other, it’s awkward and clunky and full of history. ‘Like, how's the fucking weather been? Really?’
‘No, I just- you look good.’ Ian offers quietly, his eyes flickering down, following Mickey’s entire body to the floor. It should feel good, getting checked out, but it doesn’t.
‘Not a lot to do in prison other than work out.’ Mickey says firmly, puffing his chest out slightly. He doesn’t miss the way Ian’s shoulders slump as a response at the mention of his incarceration.
Truthfully, other than his heart hurting every minute of everyday, the majority of prison feels like a blur to him now. It was hours of working out, fucking and volunteering in the canteen, the library, the yard. Anything to keep his mind off of things. He’s managed to keep up with the working out though, regularly running around the top end of central park and he sometimes gets one on one boxing lessons from a guy down the road. It feels good, he feels strong. Ian was always the strong one between the two of them - not any more.
‘How ya been?’ Ian asks casually as if it’s only been weeks and not years, the ease at which he says it slaps Mickey, it stings.
‘Oh real fuckin’ fine and dandy.’ Mickey replies harshly and Ian’s eyebrows drop, his forehead creased by the words that hang unspoken. Mickey can feel a heavy scowl form on his face, it hurts with the intensity he’s holding it.
‘We could, uh, go for a beer? and talk, maybe?’ Ian presses earnestly, somewhat testing the waters. Mickey can’t help but bark out a laugh. Nine years of fucking silence and the guy wants to go for a beer. His stomach churns and he feels like he’s going to vomit. He stares at him, his silent answer glaringly obvious. Ian’s eyes fall, they’re heavy and sad and they’re burning right into Mickey’s skin. He shakes his head, exhausted by it all and goes to close the door, but Ian steps forward sharply and grabs the handle.
‘Don’t- Mick, please.’
The nickname stabs Mickey in the gut. He can’t do this.
‘Really, Ian?’ Mickey asks in disbelief, ‘Nine fucking years of nothing and you want to go for a beer-’
‘I know that-’ Ian tries but Mickey keeps barrelling through.
‘Act like I never went to prison for your ass?’ Mickey fires back sharply, unable to hold it all back, ‘And you never fucking visited me? Not once after that first time- six years I sat there like a bitch and nothing.’
Mickey’s breathing is ragged, his chest heaving. He's angry, he's so fucking angry.  
Ian’s face crumbles. He resigns and releases his hand from where he’d been holding the door open and steps back cautiously, shame hangs in the air between them.
‘I just want to talk to you.’ Ian says softly, his eyes serious but desperate. There’s a glimmer of wetness in them that makes Mickey want to both scream and take him into his arms. They’re the same green eyes Mickey filled into the 'IAN GALLAGHER' filing cabinet and locked away in the back of his mind - he doesn’t think he’s even slept with someone with green eyes since Ian. He’s fucked a lot of gingers over the years, a lot more than he would ever probably admit, but those eyes? They’re something you can’t just replicate.
Fuck those sad eyes, he thinks, you don’t get to be sad.
You don’t get to be sad when you are the one that did this.
‘We had six years to talk.’ Mickey bites back venomously, he’s not sure where this surge of confidence came from but he’s grabbing it by the reins and riding it out.
‘I know, I-’ Ian steps forward, his hands raised up as a peace offering. Mickey wants to push them far away but also grab them by the wrist and never let him go. His head hurts, he’s confused. He wants to throw up.
‘Ian?’ A voice calls out from down the hall, slicing through the red hot tension between the two men. Mickey breathes out heavily and glances down the hall at his younger sister.
Fantastic, just what he needs. He braces himself.
‘Ian!’ Mandy all but squeals, throwing her arms around him happily, her skinny arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders. He lifts her off the ground easily for a moment before dropping her back on her feet. God, they're like a bunch of school kids. Mickey shifts his weight from foot to foot awkwardly, not knowing where to put himself between the two old friends, and ultimately, he just wants to leave.
‘It’s so good to see you, Mandy.’ Ian says quietly, the corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile, his eyes then shift plainly over to Mickey. He looks away sharply.
Mandy steps back, throwing a slow glance between the two of them, Mickey standing in the doorway, eyes down, and Ian a few feet back. The atmosphere shifts as her slow realisation sets in.
It’s an echo of a moment all those years ago, Mandy standing in the doorway just before Mickey’s disastrous marriage to Svetlana after Ian had begged him not to go through with it.
‘Am I interrupting something?’ She asks awkwardly, and Mickey wishes his sister could just read the fucking room for once.
‘Uhhh…’ Ian begins, clearly unsure where to start but Mickey rolls his eyes because fuck this.
‘No, you’re not.’ He grunts, turning around quickly and slamming the door on the two of them - despite knowing fully well that Mandy has her own key and Ian could walk right in there anyway.
He stomps into the kitchen and paces, the filing cabinet deep in the back of his brain marked ‘IAN GALLAGHER’ breaks open like Pandora's box and decade old memories he’s tried so hard the last few years to lock up come flooding out. They fall out onto the kitchen floor and Mickey feels like he’s drowning.
I love you. What the hell does that even mean?
Shut up.
Don’t. Don’t what? Just…
Shut up.
You love me and you’re gay.
Shut up.
Ian what you and I have, makes me free.
Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. He slams his fist into the wall, pain coursing through his knuckles and up his arm. It does nothing to relieve his anxiety, only leaving him with an inch dent in the wall he’s going to have to fork out for at some point. He can’t bring himself to care.
He pulls the fridge door open and reaches to the back for a knocked over beer. He opens it deftly and chugs it in one. It’s bitter as it goes down and does nothing to suppress the swarming unwanted thoughts.
Chugging beer in the dugouts, covered in blood, breathless. Kissing. Fucking. The taste of beer and blood and sweat lingering on each other’s lips.
‘Fuck.’ He mutters, he can’t even have a fucking drink in peace without his brain reminding him and reminding him and reminding him.
Reminding him that if Ian walked in right now, heart and arms open, Mickey would probably fall into them willingly, years worth of heartbreak be damned.
Fuck, he thought he was done with this. He’s worked so fucking hard at being done with this, but apparently, Ian Gallagher is allowed to just walk back into his life - without notice - and set fire to years of his progress.
He reaches for the fridge door and has his hand wrapped around his next beer when Mandy comes storming in, knocking it from his grip. It clatters to the floor, spinning slowly to a stop below the sink.
‘You’re a fuckin’ rude asshole, you know that?’ She spits, her face twisted and ugly.
‘Fuck off.’ He fires back, once again going to open the fridge without bothering to pick up the fallen can off the linoleum. He just wants to get fucking drunk and forget, but of course, Mickey’s not one to usually get what he wants. Mandy’s hand slams the fridge shut before Mickey can even inch it open.
‘You haven’t seen the guy in years, you could at least be fuckin’ nice.’
‘Can’t a guy have a fuckin’ beer in his own home?’ Mickey snorts, feigning nonchalance but fooling neither of them. He steps out of her glare and bends down to collect the fallen can. It’s gonna be a bitch to open, but clearly access is denied to the fridge right now. He needs another drink.
‘No wonder he fucking dropped your ass as soon as you got locked up.’
He stops. Mickey feels like he’s been slapped.
One hand grips the can and the other balls instinctively into a fist. He stares down at the floor, he can’t move, panic and anger and sadness all flare up in his chest, like broken fireworks spitting out against a dark sky. He was brought up to never use violence against women, but fuck, this is the first time in his life he feels like punching, slapping, or doing something to his sister. Making her feel even an ounce of the agony he’s dealt with for the best part of a decade.  He won’t, but his hands are shaking, his breath is rising up his throat and he wants to scream.
He doesn’t. He stays there, halfway bent down to the floor, staring at his shaking white knuckles wrapped around the Bud light in his left hand.
‘Fuck you.’ He grunts without looking up. Mandy scoffs and turns away, padding slowly into her room. Her door slams shut and Mickey’s knees buckle to the floor.
He lies on the dirty kitchen floor and breathes.
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nazariolahela · 5 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 3
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a new TRR AU I’ve been working on. This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow​ @aworldoffandoms​ @dcbbw​ @ladyangel70​ @texaskitten30​ @sunandlemons​ @jlynn12273​ @indiacater​ @jared2612​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @drakesensworld​ @badchoicesposts​
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Riley and Hana discuss the new changes in their lives.
As the cab pulls up outside of Nomade, I spot Hana leaning up against the side of the building. She’s dressed in black leggings and a denim jacket over a purple A-Line tunic. Her brown hair is twisted in a side braid that rests on her left shoulder. Tendrils fall across her face as she taps on her phone screen. Looking at the door to the restaurant, I notice there’s no line. That’s good for a Friday afternoon, considering people line up around the block to eat here.
Hana and I prefer the lunch menu because it’s cheaper and less crowded. The one time we came here for dinner, we had to wait two and a half hours for a table, and our tab was almost $300. I tip the driver and exit the cab, bounding across the sidewalk to my roommate and best friend. She giggles as she sees me and scoops me into a bone-crushing hug. 
“Hey, girl! You’ll never guess who just emailed me!”
“Who?” I ask. Her parents Xinghai and Lorelai are well-known in the New York social scene, so it could literally be anyone.
“I’ll tell you when we get inside,” she says and links her arm through mine as we make our way into the restaurant. Typical Hana. Always keeping people in suspense. When we reach the host station, her phone buzzes. She quickly pulls it out of her purse and glances at it, rolls her eyes, then shoves it back in her purse.
“What was that all about?” I eye her.
She sighs. “Oh, just some weirdo my parents are trying to set me up with. Neville Vancoeur or something,” she waves her hand dismissively. “My mother gave me her famous ‘When are you going to settle down, Hana? You’re not getting any younger and I want grandchildren,’ spiel last week, so now they’re aggressively playing matchmaker.”
Hana and I met freshman year at NYU Steinhardt. With both of us being education majors, we ended up having a lot of classes together and spent way too many late nights cramming during our study sessions in the library. After graduation, we both realized rent in this city is impossible to afford if you’re not a Rockefeller, so we rented an apartment together and have been roomies ever since. Hana got a job student-teaching music at Stormholt Middle School, and she also gives piano lessons one Saturday a month to a rich family in the city.
Her parents are something else. I’ve only met them once, but they make me glad I don’t have much of a relationship with mine. They feel she’s better suited to be a wife and a mother than an educator. It makes me angry for her because she’s so much more than that. She doesn’t need to marry some stuffy guy who probably skated his way through business school on daddy’s money and pop out his crotch goblins to do something meaningful with her life. She’s also mentioned to me many times that she’s into girls, so all this effort to set her up with some preppy trust-fund douche from East Hampton is a waste. Jokes on you Mom and Dad Lee.
I giggle as the hostess arrives from seating another customer. “Good afternoon, ladies. Table for two?”
We answer and she grabs two menus before motioning for us to follow her. When we arrive at our table, she informs us our server will be with us shortly and walks away. 
“Okay, so tell me who emailed you,” I say to her as I unroll my napkin and place it in my lap. She looks up at me, her eyes beaming. 
“Do you remember that benefit dinner we went to a few months ago? You know, the one for New York educators, where we drank our weight in Lemon Drop martinis?”
I smirk recalling that evening. The bits and pieces I remember, Hana lost one of her shoes and spent the better part of the evening showing everyone on the dancefloor the “proper way” to perform a pirouette.
“Well, I do remember you taking over the dance floor and me going home with that cute bartender. What was his name again? Daniel?”
“Oh my god!” she replies, laughing and slapping my forearm. “I can’t believe you don’t remember his name!”
We giggle as our server approaches our table to take our drink orders. I order a glass of white wine and Hana orders a Sangria. When the server leaves, we resume our conversation.
“So anyway,” she continues, “that night, I was talking to one of the ladies who works in the music department at Valtoria High School, and apparently there were rumors their music teacher was planning to retire. So, after we exchanged information, she passed it along to the school board, and they just emailed me asking me if I was interested in a job!”
My eyebrows shoot up to my forehead. “And?”
“And...I think I’m going to take it!”
I jump up from my seat and move around the table to wrap her in a hug. “Oh my God, Hana! That’s amazing!”  She laughs as I give her a congratulatory squeeze. Hana has been trying to get a position with Valtoria High since we graduated. It has one of the top music programs in the city, and the waitlist is insanely long. Most of the teachers there have tenure, so not many positions open up unless someone quits, retires, or dies. Hana securing a position on the teaching staff will not only get her parents off her back but also open up so many doors for her. Her dream is to eventually start her own music school where she can teach music to kids of all social and economic statuses. 
We return to our seats as our drinks arrive and the waitress takes our lunch order. After she leaves, Hana turns to me. “So, enough about me. Tell me about the new nanny job.”
I smile. “The interview went really well. I met the family I’ll be working for. They seem really nice and I’m excited to get the opportunity to work with them. My first day with them is Monday. The pay is pretty great, plus, the children seem very well-behaved. Nothing like the last family I worked for. The mother comes off a bit cold, but she seems pretty easy to work for. At least I don’t have to worry about her micromanaging everything I do.”
“Uh-huh. And what about the father?” 
I whip out my phone and google “Liam Rhys” to show her a picture of him. After scrolling past links to his company and click-baity articles from the local tabloids, I pull up a photo of him and his older brother from a few years ago. I hand the phone to her. She glances at it, her eyes wide.
“Oh wow...Riley… That’s Liam Rhys,” she says, warily.
“Yeah. What about it?”
She shakes her head and hands the phone back to me. “Nothing, it’s just his family is very well known throughout the city, as well as in the tabloids. Not to mention, he’s extremely attractive, so you need to be careful.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “What are you trying to say, Hana?”
Her face turns serious. “You’re a wonderful person, Riley. I read those tabloids, and I see what they say about the nannies of public figures like him. I don’t want your name dragged through the mud because you were photographed staring too hard at Liam.”
“It will be fine, Hana. Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I remember what happened with Ben Affleck’s nanny. And Gavin Rossdale’s nanny. And Jude Law’s nanny”
“Those men were also sleeping with their nannies while they were still married. Even if it gets that far, he’s getting divorced. We wouldn’t be doing anything wrong.”
“The public won’t see it that way. They’ll blame you for the split. Just be careful.”
I nod, taking her words seriously. Our waitress returns with our meals and we dig in. We spend the rest of the meal gossiping about our friends from college; who’s working where, who’s getting married, who got arrested, and so forth. After the check arrives, we pay our tabs and gather our things to head out. As we exited the restaurant, Hana turns to me and grabs my arm turning my body toward hers.
“Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I’m here if you need anything. Please don’t forget that.” 
I smiled and wrap her in a hug. “I know. Don’t think that I won’t take your words to heart. I know what I’m getting myself into with the Rhys family, and I appreciate you looking out for me.”
“Of course, that’s what besties do.” Her phone chimes inside her purse. She releases me and reaches into her purse to retrieve it. She frowns then slides it back into her purse. “I’d ask you if you wanted to head over to The Double Tappe for a drink, but my mom wants me to come over. I’ll see you back at the apartment?”
“You bet. I think I’m going to head over to the Northbridge Mall and buy some new outfits for my new job.”
She laughs and wraps me up in another hug. “‘Kay. Call me later,” she says before turning and walking down the sidewalk. I wave goodbye and take off in the opposite direction. As I stroll down the street, I walk past a magazine stand. There on the rack is the latest issue of Trend the receptionist was reading earlier. I pull a $5 from my purse, and set it on the counter, before picking up a copy of the magazine. After thanking the cashier, I slip the magazine in my bag and continue walking until I reach the bus stop on the corner. When the bus arrives, I step on, flash my Transit Pass, and take a seat near the front. I settle in and pull the magazine out to read up on my new employers.  
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The article shows pictures of Liam, Madeleine, and the kids at the park. The kids look adorable playing with their father and each other. Madeleine is sitting on a bench, her nose in her phone, wearing her usual resting bitch face. I swear, that woman never smiles. Then, there’s Liam. The butterflies in my stomach start fluttering at the sight of him playing with his children. The cutlines on the photos mention how happy he looks to be spending the day away from work with his kids, but I don’t need to read it. I can see it in his face. 
Despite his notoriety here in New York, he’s still a man that is devoted to his family. It’s a shame his soon-to-be ex-wife, couldn’t see that. Stop it, Riley. Their relationship is none of your business. But it is, though. Now that I’m working for their family, their business is my business. Which means I have to keep my mouth shut about what happens behind closed doors. I’d hate to lose my job because I told someone something, who told someone else, who leaked it to the press.
I read on and catch myself staring at the pictures of him. It’s unfair how good looking he is. The fact that he is a doting dad makes him that much sexier. My cheeks flush as I imagine sitting at the park with him and the children. In my fantasy, I’m sitting on a picnic blanket, a wicker basket full of snacks and drinks, while he chases Philip and Charlotte around the grass. After they tire themselves out, they wander over and I pass out juice boxes and crackers. Liam comes up behind them, smiling. When he reaches me, he kneels on the blanket, takes me in his arms, and presses the most sensual kiss to my lips. 
The squealing of the bus’s breaks rips me from my little daydream and I shove the magazine in my purse. Nope. Not going there. I exhale loudly and stare out the window as the bus continues down the street. Oh man, I’m in big trouble.
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thestarwrites · 5 years
City of God part VI (Finan X OC)
Fic Summary: Finan the Agile meets a Celt-Saxon woman, and for once he can’t think of anything else. A Royal Wedding approaches...
Part Six
Rating: PG-13
Please don’t plagiarize! Tag list; (please DM me if you’d like to be added!) @nxrdist @joyofbebbanburg @medievalfangirl @bookworm925 @buckysskye @jcalpha1@sprinkles617
word count: 1,870
And just like that, the lovers were happily together once more, and in Coccham she remained, her hair partially bound up most days in the hair comb Finan had gifted to her. They were openly more affectionate, although he had not proposed marriage or asked his Lord for permission. Though they were content as they were.
The next day came a visit from the King himself. Sihtric, Clappa, Rypere, Finan, and Kelly beside, stood, watching the King’s procession of priest after priest after priest. Kelly took a deep breath and looked up, “This is what I do NOT miss about living at the palace.” Finan chortled, “Man must have a priest for every day of the year.”
They all chuckled gently, Finan crossing himself with mocked respect. Kelly nudged him gently and he grinned down to her, “I feel I must be needed in the Hall.” Kelly sighed softly and nodded, the Irishman leaned down and kissed her head, “Love ye.” “Love you too.” She smiled, and when Sihtric and Rypere started poking fun at her she turned red and yelped, “Quiet! You’re just jealous.” “You forget, love, I’m married.” Sihtric laughed, “Rypere though, I cannot speak for.” “I wonder what the King is doing here…” She said softly, sitting on a stump. Rypere shrugged, “He is displeased with Uhtred that he is still a Pagan, he doesn’t much trust him— though he should. Alfred would not be on that throne without Uhtred.” “Alfred is grateful to none but the Lord.” She reminded, “Though, he should know that the Lord must have sent you all, pagan or christian.” Sihtric smiled, “Aye- the Gods work their wonders with us like puppets, it always works to their will- and I assume, to your God’s as well.” Yawning Rypere left to go sharpen his swords, and Clapa went to spar with some of the less-trained guards. By the time Finan came out of the hall with Uhtred, Gisela and the King— Sihtric was braiding some of Kelly’s hair. Walking over to the two, they both stood at attention and bowed to their lord. “Miss Kelly, it is good to see you at last.” He gently bowed his head, “Your father tells me you live exclusively here at Coccham. With Finan.” She swallowed and smiled, nodding, “Yes, Lord King. I stay with Hild, but I do live here with the people of Coccham.” He nodded, “And you have been-“ he paused, “Enjoying life here?” “Oh yes, Lord,” she beamed, “I think Coccham might be my favorite place in all Wessex— besides Wintecester, of course.” “Will you walk with me, Kelly?” He offered his arm. Kelly bowed graciously, shooting a look to Finan as she saw him, Uhtred and a few others going to one of the regular merchant ships at the docks, “It would be my honor, Lord.” Alfred was silent as they walked through the town slowly, “I am… worried about you, my dear.” “Worried, Lord?” Wetting his lips he stopped behind a cluster of trees, “This is a town run by a pagan. I fear for a good Christian as yourself.” Kelly just smiled, “A pagan you owe much to, Lord. Besides, I have never felt more included and respected than here. I feel like an equal, not a subservient woman, though I know that is not most men’s view of a woman.” “You are quite outspoken.” He said calmly, “I blame the Irishman.” He then turned and gave a smile, “His presence as well as your influence on him, as well as Hild, are guiding lights for Uhtred. And I pray someday he becomes a Christian.” Kelly took a deep breath, “Lord? If I may be so bold as to say Christ loves us all, including the pagans. And as long as we live our lives spreading the word, how others receive it is not on us. And yet we are still to love our neighbors as Christ would.” The King looked out for a moment and then nodded as he saw Uhtred and his men returning from the docks, “Food for thought, my dear. Excuse me.” And with that he walked away, Kelly was hoping she had not lost grace or favor with the King. And she only hoped that Uhtred would keep her on at Coccham as time went by, and she could owe her allegiance to him. Finan left the side of Uhtred, setting down a handful of torches, “Private conference with tha King, ey?” Kelly looked up at him and put her arms around his waist, sighing softly, “Trying to make him see a little sense.” Raising his brows he smirked, “Ye should be lucky he likes ye.” “And you? What on earth was all that about?” Finan bit his lip and took a deep breath, “Remember I was talking about possibly crossing into Daneland?” After a nod he continued, “Same problem, but delivered by Erik.” “Erik?? Sigefrid and Erik, Erik?” Kelly looked up at him afraid. “He was peaceful, I did not speak to him, only Uhtred alone. I did not even see him.” She nodded and rubbed his lower back gently, “And what do you think our Lord will do?” “Honestly girl? I’m not sure.” Kelly wet her lips, “If you cross into Daneland, I am coming with you.” He gave her a warning glance, “We talked about this.” “Talk isn’t actually what we did, you just forbid it. But I am my own person with my own mind and it is made up. I do not wish to sit behind like Uhtred and Sihtric’s wives. I am going to see everything through with you, Finan. I am tired of being idle and staying behind!” His face flashed quick anger, “I won’t lose you.” “No, you won’t.” She leaned up and kissed him softly, lovingly, “Now. There is a wedding coming up, isn’t there? Aren’t you in need of a date?” He melted under her, he always did, “No. I already have one.” He pulled her in and gave her a squeeze, giggling she held him, “I love your spirit, you crazy, wild, girl.” “And I love yours, my Celtic Warrior.” Kissing him again she pulled away, “I am going to go and bathe.” “And that will be the thoughts in my head for the rest of the afternoon.” He quipped, leaning to steal another kiss- eyes darting up as he watched the king depart, “Quick visit then.” He sighed. Kelly patted his chest, “Go and see to Lord Uhtred.” And with that she sauntered away. He briefly spoke with his Lord, and went to do some chores.
About an hour and a half later while Kelly was bathing alone in the abbey, Hild came to speak with the Irishman, “So, Finan.” He turned from brushing his horse and grinned, “Abbess! Hello- how can I be a’ service?” “We need to talk.” Cocking his head he smiled, “Do we? Well, go on then.” “Its about Kelly.” She said softly, and when he looked upset she continued, “You and she are spending so much time together. You get along so well, and there is clearly a strong bond between you.” Finan nodded, “Aye…? I am courting her? Has she not told ye?” Nodding she said, “Its not that I don’t know that but…People are beginning to talk. Alfred has asked me several times about her and you, and has been wondering when you two will be joined in holy matrimony.” He coughed and looked up at her with worried eyes, “M-matrimony—” “You’ve practically asked her to move here to Coccham.” “Aye bu’ I—“ “Do you not wish her to be your wife?” “I- Its no’ that!” Hild sighed and looked at him, “Have you lain with her?” His face flushed red, “No a’course no’! We’ve been intimate but nothin’ she’s no’ comfortable wit and nothin tha’ would compromise her honor!” Hild sighed softly once more and gave him a knowing look. Finan just looked down at the ground before speaking again, “I’m worried. I’m worried I won’ be a good husband. I’m worried I can’t provide for ‘er, and wha’ if she gets so attached an’ I die?” She touched his arm, “Pray about it, Finan. Pray for clarity and peace. Thats all I ask.” He nodded, “Fair enough, Abbess.” “Your bonnie lass will be finished with her bath soon.” She chuckled, “I’ve lent her a book and she’s already confessed she wishes to read to you a while this afternoon.” A crooked smile came over the Irishman’s face once again and he sighed, “A dream come true.” “And it was under the Oak tree, that the brave knight knelt to his lady, and pledged his undying love. She, embarrassed and happy, confessed her own, and under that tree, they shared true loves first kiss…” Finan looked up at the girl, his head in her lap, “Yer beautiful, lass.” Marking her place, she sat the book down and sighed, stroking his hair, “And you’re handsome.” He grinned, “I’m a lucky man ta have a lass like you tendin’ me.” “Yes, you are.” She chuckled. Sitting up, he kissed her softly, “We’re to leave to Wintecester for the wedding in the morning.” “Ooh, good think I bathed- you should as well, Lord.” “Are you goin’ ta bathe me, my darling?” He smirked. Scoffing she tapped his cheek in a soft slap, “In your dreams, Lord.” He laughed gently and closed his eyes, basking in the feeling of her fingers in his growing crop of hair. “Finan? Where /is/ Dunholm?” He smiled, “Why? Thinkin’ a runnin’ away ta join the Danes?” She laughed, “No, I just want to know more about the land- I lived in East Anglia, more toward the north for a while, I heard tales of Dunholm, but I never saw it.” “Well I was there for a spell, after we captured it from Kjartan the Cruel, Shitric’s arse of a father… its a great large fortress, high on the cliffs. A river winding round it. Its at the bottom of Northumbria, near the coast. So if you were to ever be in Eforwich, and follow the coast up for about two days- you’d see the great fortress.” “I’ve been to Eforwich— I met King Guthred once before we were Brought here with father, he was a very kind man—“ “Um, girl, I wouldn’t bring tha up with Lord Uhtred.” “How come?” Finan wet his lips, “Guthred was the man who sold Uhtred into slavery.” Her hand went to her mouth, “Oh—I—“ “Ye didn’t know lass its fine.” He smiled up to her. She was quiet for a moment before she looked up at the sky, “Is Dunholm beautiful?” He chuckled and sat up, “I’m sure with how Ragnar is, it is now.” He stood up and held out his hand, “Want to come help me take a bath?” “Finan!” He smirked, pulling her close, “Yes, my angel?” “You’re an idiot.” She grinned. “And I’m all yers…” He smirked and kissed her gently, “I’ll go an get a bath, m’lady, as requested. I’ll see you soon in the hall aye?” Nodding she smiled, watching him walk off. A wedding. How exciting.
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experimentaldata · 5 years
Fictober, day 12
ALLRIGHT so I’m a DISASTER child and missed like two days but here is the dang Royai angst that has not let me rest since Friday morning hope u enjoy. A sequel to my day 9 fic, Blind!Roy post-canon au because I have feelings on this
Prompt: “What if I don’t see it?”
Fanfiction Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood/FMA:B
Rating: T for thematic material, language
Warnings: PTSD, alcohol, smoking, depression, [fictional] war, genocide
Roy tamped down his pipe and lit it with a snap of his finger. Just the, Riza walked in from collecting his mail. 
“Why the hell are you smoking that thing?” she asked.
Roy grinned and gave it an experimental puff. “Big interview at the new university campus in the eastern sector tomorrow. Hoping to look, sound, and smell the part.” 
Against her better judgement, Riza was back at his apartment for the fourth night out of five that week. It was pragmatic, really. Roy needed help organizing things, and keeping up with the paperwork from his various “consulting” assignments. Together, they had rescued his apartment from his state of “organized chaos”, as he called it, and arranged his closet and pantry so he could manage independently. As for herself, she was finding it harder and harder to go back to an empty apartment each night. She spent too long looking for eyes in the shadows. 
“Don’t know why I’m bothering though,” he said, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied expression. “To hear Falman talk, no one else with any real experience has applied.”
 Riza slapped the letters down on the table and stalked to the kitchen to pour herself a brandy.
“Be a dear and pour us one too, lieutenant?”
“You’re an ass, you know that?” she said, setting his drink down with an audible  thunk. She sat down beside him on the sofa and put her glass down on the coffee table. 
He laughed and reached for the glass. “An ass who’s about to have himself a full-time job for the first time since the Promised Day. Cheers.”
Riza scoffed and continued sorting his letters. “I’m not going to toast to this, Roy. You of all people should know that.”
“And why is that, may I ask?”
She rubbed her temples and sighed. Once, just for once, could he keep his big ego in his pants? In your experience, no, she thought. 
“I��ve made my feelings clear on this, Roy,” she said, “I shouldn’t have to explain to you why it’s offensive to hire someone from East City as a professor of Ishvalan relations.”
“And why shouldn’t they,” Roy asked with another puff at his pipe, “After all, I have experience on both sides--fought against and alongside them.”
Puff on that pipe one more time, Mustang, and I shove it up your nose, she thought.
“Besides,” he continued, “This is the first chance I’ve had in a while to get back in with the elites in Central. Who knows this could turn into something big. Some of these state university professors end up in parliament, especially ones with military experience.” 
She attacked an errant bill with her letter opener. “Do what you think is best for you, I suppose.”
“Oh it’s not just what’s best for me,” he said with an expansive wave, “I’m doing what’s best for this country. Amestris needs someone to tell the story of Ishval, and of the corruption in Central. Someone who was really there, who can speak to both sides of the conflict. If future generations don’t know about what happened, they’re liable to make the same mistakes.”
“I’m sure when they see the wounded warrior of Ishval, they’ll be properly inspired.” she muttered. 
He scowled. “It’s better than holing myself up in my apartment, drinking whiskey and not returning any calls, which seems to be your approach.”
“I just think that they should have one of their own to speak about their own conflict, considering what we did to them,” she said. “Listen, Roy, I think I’d better go home if you’re going to act like this.”
He felt for the ashtray and set his pipe down. “Listen, I can't explain it. You’ll have to trust me. I’m doing what’s best for this country.”
“What if I don’t see it?” she snapped.
“See what?”he asked. 
“I just don’t understand how this isn’t a slap in the face--we slaughtered thousands of them! Or have you been so busy feeling sorry for yourself and kissing up to parliament that you’ve forgotten the Ishvalan Civil War?”
“I’m feeling sorry for myself?” he said, flames rising in his eyes, “I’m sorry, which one of us was it that has faced what happened to them, and is trying to redeem something out of it, because it sure as hell isn’t you! Unless of course you count drinking and collecting a pension check every month.”
“I think you’re so used to being a war hero that you’ve not stopped to face reality.” she said. “We’re criminals--it should've been us that perished in that conflict.”
“At least I’m trying to help the situation,” said Roy, “which is more helpful than sitting around in retirement, wallowing in my own misery, which seems to be your strategy.”
Hot tears streamed down her face. “You know I can’t sleep, Roy. I see them, every night, all those innocent people shot to death for nothing. I remember their names, the names of the villages, what their children looked like...” She broke down and sobbed, her head in her hands.
Roy’s expression softened. “And you think that I don’t?” he asked, “I was there, too, you know.” He paused for a moment. “I suppose I just thought telling my story would be the first step towards redemption. I can’t change what I’ve done, but I can help others not to make the same mistake.” 
She wiped her eyes on her coat sleeve and stood up from the sofa. “I’m going home now I think.”
“Leaving so soon?” he said with a yawn. 
How can he be so calm, it’s infuriating, I have had enough of him, that rat bastard--
She shoved her arms into her jacked and headed for the door. “There’s a bus at 07:40 on the corner of fifth and third ave tomorrow. I suggest you take it if you want to make it to the train on time. Good night, Colonel.” 
She slammed his front door and walked down his front steps with a huff. She almost missed the last one, tears blurring her vision in the dim streetlights. She walked home in the too-quiet city to her empty apartment. Black Hayate was waiting at the door for her. She threw herself down onto her own sofa and he snuggled into the small of her back. Might as well get a head start on the nightmares tonight, she thought. He’ll be bound to miss his train in the morning.
She dozed off soon after, still wearing her coat. In her minds eye, the first gunshot rang out.
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emmhannaford-blog · 5 years
So we took the New Jersey Transit to New York City
The modern coach bus goes to the 42nd Street Port Authority. The Port Authority is one of the many hubs of ground transportation in NYC. Most of your major bus companies are located there and you can make connections with almost every subway line via a walking tunnel to Times Square. The rail hubs are Grand Central Station, connected by subway shuttle from Times Square, and Penn Station, a two-stop jaunt on the subway. The subway system in Manhattan is the quickest and most efficient form of transportation on the island, with stops within four to six blocks of each other. The system used to be confusing with many independent lines designated by different letters: IRT, BMT, etc. Today the various routes are designated by colors and either numbers or letters. A map shows all of the routes and their connecting points. The subways system today is very easy to follow. It is also safe, contrary to some people's perceptions. Here are a few little known facts about the system. The tunnels go at least eight stories below the ground. There are miles of mazes even under the tubes themselves, where the homeless have made their homes. On one of the lines from Manhattan to Queens, the tracks literally ride on water under the East River. Even engineers do not know how to correct the problem. The money collected at the ticket booths is sent by a special train which travels the system. The trains are very long, at least ten cars in length. Most of the cars have benches along the sides, which leaves most of the car for standing room. There are three exits on each side of the car, which allows quick entrance and egress. The riders are called strap hangers, because they hold on to straps hanging from the ceiling while riding. The newer cars post the next stop on signs in the car. Some even have a map of the route and the present location of the car lit up on the map.
The city of New York consists of five Boroughs: Kings (Manhattan), Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Richmond (Staten Island). All of the boroughs are connected by subway or train or bus, except for Staten Island which is serviced by the famed ferry. More about the different areas when we visit them.
Went for desert at Cafe Lalo, where part of the movie "You've Got Mail" was filmed. Then we walked up Broadway to Fairfield Market, a few blocks South of World famous Zabars, a grocery and kitchen appliance store (but so much more: an experience). I was surprised by the variety of fresh produce and meats, fish, and poultry and relatively low prices. The aisles are very narrow in the store, due to the fact that space is at a premium in Manhattan. Buy an unlimited Metro Pass, $21.00 for the week, and hop on a Downtown bound bus on Broadway. Downtown means towards the Battery, the Southernmost point of Manhattan.
Uptown is Northbound and Cross-town is either to the East River(East Side) or the Hudson River(West Side). What a wonderful and safe way to see the city. We passed by Columbus Circle, the edge of Central Park, Julliard, Lincoln Center, the Theater District, and of course glitzy vibrant Times Square. The bus then turned East on 42nd Street and passed by the Public Library, Grand Central Station, and ended at The United Nations Building.
As long as fate brought us there, we toured the famed United Nations building. Mati from Senegal in Western Africa, was our tour guide and was very knowledgeable about the workings of the UN. It is not the paper tiger that some people claim it is. It is a real forum for all of the nations of the world to discuss mutual concerns: military conflicts, land mines, disease, hunger, trade, etc. Perhaps the real tigers are the ones who want to control the other nations or make huge profits by fostering these problems. Some of the Chambers were in use, namely the Security Council, and the Council for Economic and Social Justice. They were in session.
The Lexington Avenue bus goes further Downtown. Along the way we passed Chinatown, the Bowery, Little Italy, skirted Greenwich Village, and ended at city hall. There are so many different types of restaurants in NY that you could eat at a different one every single night and not repeat yourself for your entire lifetime.
Today we rode the subways. First we went Uptown to the Northern tip of Manhattan to Tryon Park and the fort. This is the highest point on Manhattan, overlooking both the Hudson and the East Rivers. At the northern most point of the park is The Cloisters Museum. This unique museum consists of five medieval cloisters rescued from buildings being demolished in Europe, along with chapels and numerous artifacts. Some of the statuary was being used as scarecrows by farmers, while others were found in junk piles. One outstanding room is the Unicorn Tapestries, which tell of the hunt, death, and resurrection of the unicorn-a symbol of Jesus Christ. The tapestries contain over one hundred different species of medieval plants woven into the stories. They are just breathtaking not only from their beauty but also from the textures of the weave.
We went back to Times Square and then hopped on the route #7 subway to Queens and Flushing Meadows, the site of the 1963 Worlds Fair with its massive sculpture of the world. On either side of the train station are Shea Stadium, home of the NY Mets baseball team and Arthur Ashe Stadium, site of the US Open Tennis Tournament. Back on the train to Times Square and on to W route to Coney Island at the tip of Brooklyn. We ate a Nathan's World Famous Hot Dog. It cannot compare to a Chicago Vienna Hot Dog. The amusement park was closed, open only on weekends while school is in session. The Cyclone, their famous roller coaster, had just closed up. Thank our growling stomachs for this lack of timing. It is open daily from 12:00 to 4:00. The coaster does not look like much. But looks are deceiving. This baby shakes, rattles, and rolls. I wanted to see if it still gave me the same thrills as the last time I rode it in 1963. But that was to be for a later day, which never came.
This day was reserved to visit the grand dame of New York City, the Statue of Liberty. Taking the train to Battery Park at the lower tip of Manhattan, we purchased our tickets at the Castle Clinton, once a fortress guardian for the harbor, then a concert venue (the American debut of Jenny Lind), then an immigration port of entry, and now the ticket office for our lady. Circular in design, it is only fitting that one must pass through a fortress to gain access to greet the great lady. On the fifteen minute boat trip to Governors Island it is easy to imagine the awe and deep feelings of overwhelming joy of the millions of immigrants who first envisioned her while sailing through the Verrazano Narrows into New York Harbor. The statue, donated by France over one hundred years ago, stands on another fort, one of five which guarded the harbor. The pedestal rises eleven stories and the lady herself stands one hundred fifty-one feet. Once again security is very tight and visitors are not allowed either in the museum, on the pedestal, or into the crown. But just being in her presence was as said in Hebrew, "Dayenu" (It would have been enough).
Embarking on the boat again we went to Ellis Island, built in 1892 to process the great flood of immigrants. Both of our ancestors arrived before that date, so they might have come through Castle Clinton, AKA, Gardens or a different port of entry. Charlie Walker was our Ranger tour guide. Once a drill instructor, he has a voice to match. He also missed his calling to the stage, because the tour he gave was more of a living presentation with a cast of characters than a boring recitation of facts and figures. polyamorous dating site He definitely loves his job. The experience of Ellis Island was reserved for passengers in steerage class. Remembering the movie "Titanic", steerage was the lowest of the low. The passengers in first and second class were processed on board ship. After they disembarked, the ship proceeded to Ellis Island. There the steerage class ran the gauntlet of the eyes of the inspectors. I was reminded of the pictures of the holocaust where the prisoners were "selected". If you walked funny, protested, or looked frail, your clothing was chalk-marked for further inspection and processing. Many of these people were fleeing tyrannical regimes and were terrified of uniformed men. Here in America they were being ordered about by more men. Families were separated, while the processing took place- men on one side and women and children on the other side of the room. The good news is that the process generally took less than five hours and only 2% of the twelve million immigrants were deported back to their home lands. The ones who remained took the trains Westbound out of New Jersey or stayed in NYC, digging the subways or other back breaking jobs.
Arriving back at Battery Park we walked to Broadway. At the entrance was the sculpture of the Peace Globe which stood in the World Trade Center Plaza. Miraculously it withstood the tragedy and is now at the foot of Broadway being kept vigil by an eternal flame. Although damaged, the globe still stands for peace in this world.
Walked through the financial district, which looks like a war zone, barricades and armed police patrolling the area. Our goal was Federal Hall at the corners of Nassau, Broad and Wall streets. Federal Hall was the first capital of the United States. Here Washington was sworn in as president and the Congress met. The building has long been torn down. In its place is a Neo-Classical designed building, Parthenon-like exterior and Pantheon-like interior. Used as a customs house and then as a depository for US gold reserves during the Civil War, it is now a museum remembering our first capital. One of their prized possessions is the Bible which Washington used for his inauguration (the one that President Bartlett wanted to use on "The West Wing").
Walking down famed Wall Street, where never have so many been raped by so few (written over five years ago), we went into Trinity Church where many come to pray after losing their life savings down the street. Built in 1696, the church has withstood many Wall Street crashes. Notable people buried there include Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton.
Many people talked to us about visiting St. John the Divine Cathedral. Happily, we took their advice. Started in 1892, this Gothic house of worship is over two football fields in length. The cathedral is still unfinished, but is still spectacular. Each set of stained glass windows has a different theme: poetry, medicine, law, etc. Standing in the immense interior is a humbling experience not to be missed. Around the high altar are side chapels, one which is reserved for local artists to show their work. At this time the children from the Cathedral's school have their artwork on display.
From St John's is a short bus ride to Grant's tomb, where he and his wife lay at rest. The interior is similar to Napoleon's tomb in Paris. Mrs.Grant chose New York, because the people were kind to them after they had become penniless. The tomb sits high on the palisades overlooking Riverside Park and the Hudson River.
Adjacent to the tomb is Sukaru Park, so named because of the numerous cherry trees in the park, which were donated by the Japanese government. In the park is a statue of General Daniel Butterworth, the composer of Taps (remember Berkeley Plantation in Virginia). He is looking over to Grant's tomb, keeping his eyes on that hallowed ground.
Across the street is Riverside Church, a Presbyterian Church noted for its grand carillon of over seventy bells. The nave of the church is Gothic in style, but not quite as large St. John's. The Church is part of Union Theological Seminary, which is connected with Columbia University also present in the neighborhood.
Hopped on the train again to Theodore Roosevelt's Birthplace. This is a large brownstone at 28 East 20th Street. The original house was torn down and a reconstructed one was erected according the similar design plans of others in the neighborhood. His sisters, still alive gave instructions about floor plans and the arrangement of furniture in the house, as they had remembered. Roosevelt, born in to a very wealthy family, suffered from asthma. After losing his first wife and mother within the same week, he moved out to North Dakota to find himself. There he rediscovered his love for nature and the independence of the common working man. To prove his virility, he longed for a war, which he got when the Battleship Maine blew up in Havana Harbor, Cuba. The Spanish were blamed for the sinking. He formed the Rough Riders in San Antonio, Texas, and the rest is history. Of his presidency he claimed that the building of the Panama Canal was his greatest achievement. Even though he was a war monger and empire builder, he is the first American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his help in ending the Russian Japanese War.
A short distance South is Greenwich Village, not quite the Bohemian atmosphere it was in the 60s. It is still a thriving area of restaurants, small theaters, interesting shops, and people watching. Washington Square, the quasi-official entrance to the area, still has its checker and chess tables set up with games constantly going on.
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idkrogertaylor · 6 years
Eyes That Know Me Part 2 (Roger Taylor x Reader)
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Words: 4,597
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. Hello and hi! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this and I think things are starting to get moving! Thank you all to the positive comments I’ve been receiving and please do let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Cheers!
You’ve always wanted to travel, especially around England. When you were younger, your dad would tell you stories of the cities and places he would visit around the country, and you were bound and determined to visit and experience it for yourself. If not for the sake of the thrill of the adventure itself, but to feel closer to your dad. Now, you were going to be visiting some of those destinations, just not in the same style as you had initially envisioned. You finished throwing your last piece of luggage on the bottom of the tour bus, and you felt so relieved to have finally been done. You walked on the spacious bus, taking in your surroundings. It wasn’t like a normal travel bus. This one had bigger seats, and tables, and more room to relax. You were going to be spending a lot of time on this bus during the travel days, so you had better look around and claim your spot now. You were searching around when suddenly you felt an arm snake around your waist and you smirked to yourself, wrapping your arms around the culprit’s neck.  
“So what do you think of your new hang out?” Roger asked you and you looked around and looked up at him. 
“It’s cozy, smaller than I had imagined.” you winked chuckling, and he just rolled his eyes in response, removing his arms from your waist and grabbed your hand leading you to the back. 
“Right, and I’M the diva here. Well then your highness, do you approve of this?” he asked and you looked at what he was showing you. It was an extended seat, almost like a love seat without the cushions. It looked like it would make an amazing nap station on these long rides. 
“Aw I love it! Is this my bed?” you chuckled looking at Roger, and he sat down on it shaking his head.  
“Only if we share because I do believe this is my bed sweetheart” he said as he pulled you down into his lap and wrapped his arms back around your waist. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your forehead on his temple, trying to make yourself comfortable. You closed your eyes and smiled into him, and even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel Roger smiling just as wide as you.  
This sitting arrangement was pretty normal for the two of you. You guys were somehow always on top of another, normally you were in his lap. You never felt weird or thought anything of it, it was just something you were accustomed too. Sitting on him or cuddling close was a normal occurrence. Whenever you say on the couch and watched television together (every Thursday night, Roger would come over and watch The Brady Bunch with you. He’d never admit it but he loved the show), your head always found his shoulder, and his arm was always slung over your shoulders, bringing you close. Or when he’d take you out to see a movie (always his treat, the stubborn bastard), he would sling his arm around your shoulder there too and you’d lay your head on him. Your colleagues who have seen the two of you together always commented on how it looked like you two were together, but you always stuck by your story that it was normal. That was the truth, it was a normal thing for you two. But it always felt right. He felt right. Being in that position with him…felt right.  
“That’s a sleeping arrangement I wouldn’t mind. You’re a nice body pillow sometimes.” you teased as you kissed his cheek and he laughed, pulling you closer to him.  
“You would be the luckiest girl in all of England then. Sleeping with THE Roger Taylor.” he smirked and his raised his eyebrows playfully and it was your turn to roll your eyes. As you went to reply something sassy, you saw you had company and saw the rest of the band packing up their stuff just as you had and coming on the bus. Freddie, of course, was the first one on and he saw the two of you on the seat, and you in Roger’s lap and he clapped.  
“Oh my darlings I do hope we aren’t interrupting anything! We would just HATE to break up the fun!” he exclaimed dramatically. Yup, typical Freddie. You shook your head in negation to his statement and you got up off Roger’s lap and you walked over to greet him.  
“Never Freddie!” you said as you went to hug him. He laughed and a mumbled a quiet “sure” in your ear, and you just shrugged it off.  
“Yeah you interrupted time with my best girl wanker!” you heard Roger scoff from the back, and although you knew you weren’t his “best girl”, you still felt a blush creep up on your face. You knew he just wanted some time alone with you, because once the bus left, the two of you wouldn’t have much time alone, and you two connected better when it was just you two. You turned back to Roger and blew him a kiss and threw in a wink, and you sat down next to Freddie on the seats by the table, as he was setting up a game of Scrabble. You helped him set everything up and you saw someone slide into the seat next to you. You looked over your shoulder and smiled.  
“Oh I am so not playing if Y/N is!” you rolled your eyes. A typical Brian teasing moment, at your expense once again.  
“Why? Afraid I’m going to beat you again?” you arched your eyebrow at him turning your head fully towards him, waiting to hear his comeback. He flashed you a toothy smile and a wink. 
“That was one time, and you used your flashy law jargon. So technically it was unfair to the rest of us quite honestly.” You threw your head back in laughter, remembering the last time you had played with the boys. You had just finished studying for a vocabulary exam, and used your knowledge to win, much to the boys, mainly Brian’s, dismay.  
“Guess the astrophysicist can’t take down the financial lawyer after all.” you teased and bumped shoulders with him. 
“The day you take me down in Scrabble Y/N is the day I finally cut my hair short.” he told you and you fake gasped.  
“Brian May don’t you dare make a promise you can’t keep!” you exclaimed dramatically, putting your hand over your heart and Brian smirked.  
“Oh believe me, I could make you a whole lot of promises I intend on keeping.” he winked again and you bit your lip to keep from smirking. You would never admit it out loud or to anyone else, but you always had sort of liked Brian. Besides Roger, he was the closest one to you, and the two of you had bonded over the college life and the studies, as he was studying astrophysics while you were studying law. You both had a thirst for knowledge, and since you both had bore Roger to absolute tears, you decided to indulge the other with your studies, and you had become great friends since. You two would also occasionally flirt as well, but that was just a habit you both seemingly had. You were about to reply with an equally as flirty comeback, but a loud cough and clearing of the throat had distracted your train of thought and you saw Roger standing in front of you with his arms crossed. 
“Roger sit down and play with us!” you had exclaimed, patting the seat next to you. 
“Lolo you know I’m no good at Scrabble. I was going to see if John needed any help loading the equipment. Brian come help me?” he said and looked at Brian with narrow eyes. 
“No I’m good here mate.” Brian replied calmly and you had stopped setting up the game.
“Rog go help John and come back and play with us pleaaaase?” you were practically begging and you puckered your lips and Roger sighed, nodding and giving into you. He could never refuse when you puckered your lips and made your eyes go wide. You clapped in victory and waved to him as he walked off the bus and went to go help Deaky. You had moved a seat over so Roger could sit next to you and John could sit wherever he wanted too. 
The two men had come on the bus around 10 minutes later, and Roger had plopped down next to you, and Deaky took the seat in between Freddie and Brian. You had smiled at Roger and rubbed his leg comfortingly. Once everything was settled outside, everyone else had made their way onto the bus and it started it’s journey. 
About an hour in and while in the middle of an intense Scrabble game (you were the only one really taking it to heart. You just really wanted to beat Brian), you saw Jim-no-Miami, hover over your table. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to inform you all that we are nearing our first stop.” he started and sat down on the edge of the table near Roger, who, as per usual, had his arm behind you. “The concert isn’t until tomorrow night so you all have the night to do as you wish.” 
“Pub crawl!” Freddie happily exclaimed and the four of you had cheered in agreement. 
“Right yes, well first get comfortable in your hotel rooms before you head out. We are all staying on 4th floor except for Y/N. I tried to get you on the same floor as us but since your name isn’t technically associated with the band or label, they wouldn’t give you a room on the same floor. You will be on the 3rd floor. I’m sorry I really tried.” Miami explained to you and you sent him a warm smile in understanding.  
“I understand, thank you so much for trying for me. That means a lot.” you told him and he nodded and smiled a genuine smile at you. He got up and sat back to where he was before and the five of you had resumed the game of Scrabble which you knew you were going to win.  
You liked drinking, you liked pubs. You hated beer. You knew the English crowd loved beer and drank it religiously, but you were an East Coaster from America. You grew up being surrounded by cocktails and your first drink back home was a martini. Still, you drank very little beer and tonight would be no exception. You were sliding your heels on and was about to grab your purse when you heard a knock on your hotel room door. You had originally told Roger to go on to the pub without you and you would meet him there, but he insisted he walked you there himself. 
“Come in Rog!” you yelled as you were giving yourself the once over in the bathroom mirror and you heard Roger walk into your room. “I’m in the bathroom finishing up, I’ll be out in a moment!” you yelled and you had sprayed some perfume on and walked out to greet your friend. He turned around when he heard the click of your heels approach and when he saw you, his jaw dropped. You were in a sleeveless deep red dress that had stopped at your knees. It wasn’t terribly low cut but it definitely helped shape your breasts better, which was always a needed benefit. The dress had clung to the shape of your body perfectly. You saw his reaction and you smirked, trying not to mess up your perfectly tinted lips. 
“Why does the cat have Roger Taylor’s tongue?” you teased him, grabbing the room key off the counter. Roger had followed you immediately, not tearing his eyes from you. 
“N-no, you just look...” 
“Different?” you mused at his stuttering and loss for words. 
“No! Well yes, but no, you’re so done up, and that dress! You look so...beautiful. Wait I mean you always look beautiful, you’re you but you look so...wow.” he tripped over his words and you giggled, enjoying it too much.  
“It’s astonishing what lipstick and eyeliner can do yeah?” 
“Well yeah, but I mean you look even more beautiful than how much you normally do! And you always look great and you, well you..” Roger fumbled again and you laughed, dragging him to the door ending his misery. 
“Let’s go Taylor, before you say something you might regret.” you winked and you both walked out of your room and you locked the door. 
“Y/N I mean it..you look great. Amazing actually.” you softly smiled at him. 
“Thanks Rog, you look good too.” you both started walking to the elevator, and Roger’s hand had found the small of your back, ushering you into the elevator, which caused you to fight off a grin. You pushed the button to the ground floor and you eased into a comfortable silence. The elevator dinged and Roger led you out, not removing his hand as you both walked to the pub. 
The establishment wasn’t terribly far away and you had no trouble getting in. You walked ahead of Roger and waited for him to catch up. When you felt the familiar hand on your back again, you smiled waiting for him to lead you to wherever. He led you to the bar and you sat down the on the stool and he slid in next to you, ordering a round of shots. 
“I know how much you hate beer, thought you might enjoy tequila better!” he loudly spoke, trying to get you to hear over the music playing. 
“Thanks! Where’s the rest of the lads?” you shouted back, and he looked around and shrugged his shoulders.  
“Not sure, probably not here yet! I’m going to run to the loo, I’ll be right back!” he announced and disappeared. You just nodded and took yours, and ultimately his, shots and ordered a few more. You didn’t plan on getting absolutely shit-faced, just a good amount to get rid of the unnerving feelings you had been feeling since you left.  
About 10 minutes later, you decided to look around the pub because Roger still hadn’t. You turned your head in the direction of the bathrooms and didn’t see him. You scanned the room hoping he was okay, until your eyes gravitated towards a table in the back in the corner, and sure enough you saw him there, with his arm draped over a pretty red-headed young woman’s shoulder, and she was cozied up to his side. You sighed and took another shot, trying to brush it off. You should be used to it by now, the amount of times you and Roger had gone to pubs together in the past, he’d usually get pulled into a beautiful woman’s conversation and ultimately spent the night with her. You loved spending time with him, but going out to the bar was something you didn’t enjoy doing with Roger, but you went anyway. Again, you should’ve expected it but, unsure to you, it had stung this time. It never has before. You ran your fingers through the ends of your hair, trying not to mess up the curled style, and ordered another round. You looked towards the entrance and saw Freddie, John and Brian walk in, and you waved them down. They saw you and began their way over to where you were sitting. 
“Hey lil darling, why are you here all alone?” Brian asked as he slid into the open seat next to you, John and Freddie taking the others. You just shrugged and took your shot. 
“A little gal can’t drink by herself to unwind huh?” you stuck your chin up at him. 
“Roger’s not with ya? He said he was picking you up.” John asked as he stole a shot off you.  Both the statement and action had made you laugh. 
“Oh! Yeah he did, guess he just got sidetracked on his way back from the stalls.” you said as you pointed towards the table he was sitting at, and the woman had no attached her mouth to Roger’s ear and he fake laughed at something she said. You could tell it wasn’t his genuine laugh, his nose always scrunched up when he laughed genuinely.  
Brian rolled his eyes at what he saw. “Typical Roger. But you have us for company now.” he raised a glass as he said that, and you and John followed suit, as Freddie already made his way into the crowd. The three of you clinked your glasses together and you each took a shot. You then all fell into a comfortable conversation about the upcoming tour, and Brian and John were talking about the set list. You enjoyed hearing them get so passionate about their music and you listened intently. You would contribute to the conversation when you could, mainly about your experience with instruments. 
“Wow Y/N you play guitar?” John asked excitedly and you nodded.  
“Not like you or Bri though, but I learned. I much prefer playing the piano and singing of course. I fell in love with singing when I was a child, had to be the little theatre star of the family. I initially went to university for it, but changed when I fell in love with numbers and the law.” you laughed and they both took a shot to that. You were bopping your head to the music and you suddenly heard a familiar beat of a song you loved and you gasped.  
“Oh my God I LOVE this song! Deaky come dance with me!” you exclaimed and grabbed his hand. 
“Oh no, I need a few more of these before I show off my moves.” John chuckled as he ordered another glass of whisky. 
“Well alright, suit yourself!” you said as you took another shot and made your way to the group of people who were already dancing and you moved your hips to the music. You loved to dance and whenever you had the opportunity too you would, especially to a song you loved so much. You felt a familiar presence behind you, and you turned around to see Brian there. “Decided to join the party May?” you winked as you took his hand and started moving again to the music. He smirked and then took both of your hands and moved with you, where he let one go and put one of his hands on your waist. The two of you had danced perfectly with another and rather closely to ABBA’s Waterloo (your current favorite song), and you were having a lot of fun with Brian. You were so into dancing with Brian, you had missed the looks coming from the corner that Roger was giving. He was watching you and Brian so intently, that he missed and ultimately declined the red-headed woman’s offers to sneak out. That was something out of the ordinary for himself, he almost never refused a fun night like that, but tonight something was holding him back and experience things he had felt but never paid attention too and brushed off. A feeling...a feeling in a red dress dancing closely with his best friend and band mate. 
After a few more songs, you and Brian made your way back to the bar, where you saw John in a deep conversation with a blonde woman. You and Brian had smirked at each other, and you sat a few spaces away from John. “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a while Bri, thank you so much for dancing with me!” 
He nodded and bumped shoulders with you and you giggled, fixing your hair. “It was very fun Y/N, we should do it again sometime...” he said very quietly and you nodded in agreement. You hugged him tight and stood up. 
“I think I’m going to head back to the hotel. I really danced till I dropped!” you giggled again and fixed your dress. I’m going to go tell Roger I’m leaving. Not that he’d really notice tonight but just so he knows..” 
“Do you want someone to walk you back? I mean I don’t want you being by yourself on the way back in case something happens.” Brian offered but you just shook your head. 
“Thanks honey but I don’t want you to leave the fun, I’ll be okay.” you assured him and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Brim and thanks again.” you waved and walked towards the corner where you last saw Roger. When you approached the table, you had seen that it was abandoned. Assuming he left with company, you sighed and turned around to go leave, when suddenly you were being pulled by your waist in the opposite direction. You yelped and went to hit whomever had you, but you looked up and were greeted by an unmistakable pair of blue eyes. 
“Roger! You scared the shit out of me!” you screamed and he smiled. 
“I’m sorry Lolo. I saw you and couldn’t let you get away.” he said as he pulled you into a hug. You relaxed in his arms and hugged him back, resting your head on his shoulder. He squeezed you tighter and kissed your head. “Have a fun night?” he asked and you nodded into him. 
“Yeah, Brian and I had fun together. We danced a lot.” you started and you felt him stiffen under you. “It would’ve been ever more fun with you there too.” you finished as you heard him sigh and he rubbed your arm gently.  
“I know sweetheart. I just got...” he started.  
“Distracted?” you finished and looked up at him, he half smiled and nodded. 
“Yeah...but I’m ready to party now!” he said excitedly but you just shook your head. 
“You go have fun Rog, I’m heading back to the hotel. All that dancing made me tired.” you told him as you let him go and he pouted. 
“Well then I’ll go with you. I could go for some room service.” he joked and quickly grabbed your hand and you half smiled.  
“It’s okay Rog, you stay here and have fun. Take that gal back.” you winked at him but couldn’t help but have that feeling of disappointment return. You still weren’t entirely sure what was causing it, but you let it go when you looked up at Roger, who was giving you a look mixed of confusion and what seemed to be disappointment himself. 
“Nah, she was cool but wasn’t my type. Besides, there’s one gal I’d rather spend my time with.” he beamed and you swore you felt your heart flutter. You nodded fast and grabbed his hand walking out. “Let’s take the long way yeah?” he asked and you hummed your agreement and followed. You two fell into a conversation about the upcoming concert and what he planned on doing and how he felt nervous. You assured him it’d be okay and he smiled pulling you closer. You had a good feeling again talking to him, any and all conflicting feelings you had were long gone, until a gust of wind hit you and caused you to shudder. You hadn’t realized you even made a sound until you felt Roger slip his jacket over your shoulders.  
“Rog aren’t you going to be chilly?” you asked fully slipping on the jacket. 
“Don’t worry about me darling. Besides, you looking amazing wearing my jacket.” he winked and you swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the giggle stuck in your throat. You suddenly felt a weird, almost flutter like sensation in your stomach. No-butterflies. Roger had given you butterflies in your stomach. You tried to ignore it, as it was such a middle school concept, but being so close to him in proximity made it increasingly difficult. Thankfully you were saved by the approaching hotel, and Roger had stepped ahead of you to open the door for you. “Always the gentleman” you thought. You called the elevator and pushed the 3rd floor button. As you waited, Roger’s hand had found the small of your back much like it had earlier. The elevator opened and you walked in, and Roger had kept his hand on your back the entire ride up. It stopped on your floor and you both slowly made your way to your room.  
“Well...this is me!” you said with a high pitched voice. You coughed to hide it and smiled. “Thanks for walking me back Roger, I hope I didn’t take you away from the fun.” you looked up at him and he was smirking at you. 
“Y/N it wouldn’t have been any fun without you anyway...” he stared at you and a big smile formed on your lips. “May I come in or are you kicking me to the curb?” you laughed and shook your head. 
“On the curb you go. I’m going to sleep and so are you, you have a big concert tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep!” 
“Oh fine oh fine. But I will see you tomorrow right? You are coming to our show? I need my good luck charm..” as Roger had said that, you felt the heat return to your face and you were positive your face was bright red.  
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” you exclaimed happily as you hugged him again. He rested his head on top of yours. 
“That makes me so happy to know...and don’t worry about your beauty sleep. You’re already so insanely beautiful.” you bit your lip and grinned up at him. You let go of him and quickly pecked his lips. 
“Thanks Rog, you too...sleep well!” you said as you unlocked your door. You turned back to face him and you saw him smiling big, his face a slight red hue. You had no idea, probably from the heat in the building causing him his face to turn. 
“Sleep well Lolo, Goodnight. I love you” he said and you waved to him, the butterflies returning. 
“Love you too Rog.” you told him with a small smile before going into your room. You took a deep breath and plopped on the couch. You sat there and looked at the wall, cuddling into the jacket you were wearing before realizing it was Roger’s. You groaned as you took it off, laying it on the table. Great, you smelled like him now too. Like the cologne you bought him for his birthday and cigarettes. You wished you had a cigarette right now as you thought back on the night. More specifically, you thought back on the times you spent with Roger the last night. You were thinking of the feelings he gave you and the ones you had gotten when he was around. You thought about how they’ve been happening more and more lately. The giggles, the blushing, the middle school butterflies. They’ve all been apparent the last few months, even before you decided to join him on the tour. You never thought about them much, and you never put the puzzle pieces together. It took a few moments of intense reflection and thought for you to realize what it meant. 
“Fuck.” you muttered under your breath. It finally clicked and you dreaded acknowledging it. You were falling for Roger and you were seemingly falling hard. It was too late for you to be picked up now.
taglist: @obsessedwithrogertaylor @dreamy--far-off--look @godknowsivefalleninlove @okqueenie @tohellwithsafe
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timetrickster · 5 years
Living W/ Immortality: Episode 2: The Return Of The Madness
FINN is walking to school.
And we’re in act 2 of our story. Now… where were we? Ah! Our dual-faced soon to be dumbass was frightened by his first experiences of pain, idiot. He is yet to meet his dark old fool of a mentor and the other two immortals morons.
The song “Vertigo” by Raphael Lake. FINN is silent while walking to school.
Are you okay? It’s alright if you’re not.
FINN is still silent and doesn’t respond.
ERIN (V.O) (cont’d)
Finn, say something.
(He screams loudly and breathes heavy in anger)
Calm down, it’s okay.
It’s not okay! Everything, that happened yesterday. Being stabbed and cutting my own hand, feeling pain for the first time. It was freighting, I never expected this to ever happen in my cursed life and look what happened! Something normal happened.
ERIN is silent now.
FINN (cont’d)
I’m sorry.
It’s okay. We can figure this out later.
Thank you.
Without noticing, a STRANGER follows FINN. He brandishes an article of full black clothing with a black trench coat. FINN stops in his tracks for a bit and gets serious in the moment. FINN pauses the music. Stop the music at, “Why’d it end so soon.”
You see him too right?
Random stranger, a black trench coat. Kidnapper, you think?
Most likely, it’s obvious because that entire outfit spells out “You want some candy?”
FINN plays the music again at Verse 2 and continues his walk while ERIN keeps an eye on the STRANGER. FINN keeps walking till the end of Verse 2. The situation gets tense when the STRANGER suddenly appears right next to both of them.
Chorus of the song plays. FINN out of sheer panic gives the STRANGER a couple punches to the gut and face. He then makes a run for it, running past random people in the streets. He turns around to find the STRANGER looking back at him. ERIN takes over suddenly. He runs at the STRANGER about to attack.
Erin stop!
The STRANGER attempts to grab him by the arm but ERIN manages to throw more punches at his gut releasing him from his grip. The song stops once FINN’S body suddenly stops moving and hits the ground.
FINN pulls back ERIN and both end up in an empty space of darkness. With a light looking above them in a circle.
What the hell?!
We can’t fight him! We don’t know what he’s capable of!
Screw being cautious! I’m tired of you wanting the peaceful way.
With the two of them arguing, Neither FINN or ERIN was in control. FINN realizes this at the last second, the STRANGER is seen kneeling down in front of them.
We need to talk.
He reaches his hand onto FINN’S shoulder. They both teleport to a different location and are sitting on a bench.
Take your time kiddo. It’s not like I have nowhere to be.
FINN looks at ERIN and he nods in responses. FINN walks into the path of light showing the outside images. He awakens and back into his body. He holds a fighting stance and the STRANGER doesn’t react. He simply motions him to sit.
For a kidnapper, I expected to be in a dark room or a van or drugged.
Sorry for not living up to your expectations…  But to clarify, I am no danger to you or the person I can see floating about in your brain. I’m only here as a counselor.
A counselor?
Yup and I know you and the other one are immortal.
FINN & ERIN were stunned by the statement.
I’ve met my fair share of immortals and you both are one of the youngest ones. It’s my job, as a counselor to immortals, eternals, whatever you damn please call yourself.
There are others like us?
Oh, yes, many immortals, but recently the Big Man Upstairs decided only three immortals can roam the Earth.
Just who are you?
You’ll both figure that out one day. Just call me Acheron.
Alright, Acheron. Why are you here?
Well, like I said I am a counselor. I’m also here lawfully bound to inform you both of the rules of your immortality given by the Man Upstairs.
Is there a field trip?
Yes, there is. You’ll learn how your immortality works and you will meet the other two.
Oh… cool, love a good field trip. I just have a question?
What’s your question?
Is there a way to take away my immortality?
That’s an interesting question… I have no clue.
Kid, I’m a primordial being with the main job. This is part-time gig and immortals are born whenever which literally takes years or you and the other two die.
Jeez, sassy much?
Again, primordial being, watching every being in the universe is a difficult job.
Oh dang, sorry, it’s just that my powers had gone crazy the other day and I’m curious if there was anything that could affect it.
All your questions will be answered on the field trip to Fortune Valley, meet in Chinatown.
FINN nods as a response.
Fortune Valley?
There are places in this world, humans without magic or without creature status can’t see. This one is in Chinatown.
Crap, that’s far from home.
If anybody’s got information, it’ll be the Knowledge Dweller who we’ll meet.
(He looks at his watch)
I have to go, my main job is calling. I’ll meet with you at Fortune Valley, once you get there whenever. I’ll keep my eye on you.
ACHERON gets up from the bench and walks away.
He says as he gets up from the bench. Stopping ACHERON and looking toward FINN.
FINN (cont’d)
Can you bring me back to school? Ya took me to Waipahu and the last time I was here I ran into a group of kids who for some reason had a pink scooter, a shopping cart, a chicken and a red balloon.
ACHERON looked at him with a face that was about to say, “What The Fuck?” He snaps his fingers and they instantly teleport back to Campbell High.
Thank you.
Oh, forgot to mention.
FINN turns around and ACHERON throws a blue jewel attached to it, and FINN catches it.
Protection charm. Should keep your immortal scent hidden away. I really have to go… I’ll see you both around.
He disappears into a cloud of smoke and FINN looks at the charm in his hand.
Was it just me… or did he say hidden?
Yeah, he said hidden…
You think we can trust him?
Probably, but the field trip means information and that info could actually help us understand all of this.
FINN closes his hand and walks toward school.
Night has fallen and FINN had snuck away from home. His headphones are in and playing the song, “Sorcererz” by Gorillaz. He takes a bus to Chinatown. Shows a montage of him on the bus, bobbing his head, moving from seat to seat, sleeping. He ends up at Chinatown’s East Gate, where two Guardian Lions had stood.
Well, here we are.
Alright, let’s hope Acheron shows up before we get robbed.
He notices two other people nearby, a boy and a girl. It was ATHENA & TAVEN. FINN attempts to hide but they both notice him and confront him. Sorcererz stops playing
Finn? Is that you?
Hey, Taven, Athena…
Song stops and FINN takes off his headphones placing them around his neck.
What are you doing here?
FINN is nervous and doesn’t know what to tell them. Not wanting to reveal his secret of his everlasting life. He struggles to make an excuse but blurts out a random word.
ACHERON shows up in that puff of smoke frightening everyone in company.
Ah, you’re all here.
FINN becomes shocked at the fact that his friends are actually the other two immortals in the world. ACHERON moves past him and whispers some strange chant. A portal opens revealing a world different from their own. Red skies were floating in the air and they had entered a place full of exotic creatures. The three kids looked both amazed at what they see before them.
Welcome to Fortune Valley. Lovely place. Now, let’s find the Knowledge Dweller.
FINN/ERIN, ATHENA, & TAVEN follow ACHERON into Fortune Valley. As they walked through the magical town, they passed by different creatures alike.
Cucumbers for sale! Freshly stolen from the local farmers!
Fresh human organs for sale! Just lured away and ripped apart fresh!
ACHERON leads the three young immortals to what looks like a library.
We’re here.
The enter the library and find a simple mid 50s Chinese old man near a desk.
Wan Shi Tong, hello old friend.
Acheron…  I’m guessing you’re here with the newborns?
Interesting, one flourishes in life and this wanders through death. But the two in the middle, they walk in time both light and dark. Fascinating… you know what to do.
Understood. Come on kids, time to learn the rules.
ACHERON leads the three to a room, with a table and a few seats and a mirror in the back.
I have some business to attend to. You three know what to do.
He disappears in his cloud of smoke and the three look at the book.
Well, let’s do this.
Did Wan Shi Tong know about our powers?
TAVEN looks toward ATHENA
Acheron says he’s a Knowledge Dweller, whatever that is. He must know many immortals that have our powers.
FINN steps into the conversation.
You guys have other powers too?
I’m able to control plant life.
I can change into a ghost. What powers do you have?
Accelerated probability, semi-telepathy, enhanced condition. I haven’t even developed any time powers.
What did he mean by the two? When he looked at you.
FINN sighs and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath and lets ERIN take over. His full physical features manifest.
Hi, my name is Erin Nitty. The split personality of Finn. His immortal powers affected me somehow and well I became sentient and we’ve been like this since we were kids.
ERIN retreats back into the mind of FINN and takes over again.
So yeah…
So the times, you’ve been talking to yourself? That was Erin?
Why didn’t you tell us?
People would think I’m crazy. Which I technically am, the fact that I have a Hulk in my brain… Can we just move on?
The three read the book, and each learns the rules of their own immortality.
Reliant immortality, their existence tied to an object, soul fragments, or even a person or concepts. So long as these things exist, the user can never die.
Multiple Lives, the user is able to become back to life after being killed or fatally wounded, giving them multiple chances to live. WARNING. User may be limited to a certain number of lives, be cautious.
Immortality… healing factor. Blah blah blah, know all this. If advanced enough, the ability will cause the body… granting immortality. Turn the page to find out the different levels.
FINN turns the pages.
Level 1… no. 2? No. 3… fuck no.
Finn? Read Level 7.
FINN reads the paragraph.
Level 7: Meta Regeneration. The user can heal from anything completely, even if there is absolutely nothing remaining of the body… No. No. No. No No! Why? Really?!
FINN looks at the paragraph in disbelief.
Are you okay?
FINN starts to freak out over this fact.
I literally can’t die. Even if there’s nothing left. I can heal from a metaphysical level of existence and think my injuries were all just a dream.
You want to sit down bud?
Yeah, you should sit down.
FINN does so and keeps his head down. With FINN’S face down on the table, he mumbles an unintelligent noise.
I have immortality figured out, I just haven’t figured out my emotions.
Well, maybe there are limitations too. There’s always a way around something, we can find out right now.
TAVEN grabs the book and looks up the weaknesses of FINN’S powers. FINN drags his head on the table and chair to their side of the table to hear the possible weaknesses.
Alright, Divinity… Emotional Spectrum & Self Judgement. An immortal with a specific type of healing can be weak to the Emotional Spectrum. Embodiments of specific Emotions. For example, Love.
FINN’S head raises up after hearing the word.
Falling in love with a non-immortal can result in a fluctuation of their ability, and possibly loss of immortality.
He says under his breath. ATHENA seemed to hear him.
You love her, don’t you?
FINN looks at ATHENA, he simply nods and looks his head down in shame.
ATHENA Hey, don’t feel ashamed. There’s nothing wrong with loving someone. Especially Serena, she a great girl.
She makes me feel normal. Like my immortality never existed. I feel genuinely happy whenever I’m around her or when we hang out. She makes me feel mortal. And thank you.
Aw, that’s touching. An immortal boy falling for a mortal girl. Now entrance music!
All three of them here the voice talking, looking around to find the source. The song, “Return Of The Mack” by Mack Morrison plays all of a sudden. Shouting is heard from the main room. The three immortals investigate and see WAN SHI TONG being confronted by a gang of mythical creatures.
And so meanwhile our three immortal soon to be heroes are now listening to this new conversation of a turtle, a fox and an owl disguised as an old man.
Where are they old man? The three immortals that walked through the valley.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
You can’t hide them forever. He’s looking for them you know?
WAN SHI TONG looked at the KITSUNE with grave concern. He realizes who the two creatures were referring too.
WAN SHI TONG (cont’d)
Yes, old man me.
LUCIAN had appeared suddenly, dancing to the beat of the song. While also mumbling the words.
Return of the mack… Return of the mack… don’t ya know. Return of the mack… here I go.
He was this average man glowing blue. His face was cracking like a porcelain mask. One eye was glowing while the cracked side showed darkness. He held his arms out as the song continued to play toward WAN SHI TONG.
LUCIAN (cont’d)
Wan Shi Tong, one of the last great Knowledge Dwellers of the Pantheon of Wisdom. You haven’t aged a day, old man. But anyway, let’s get on with what I’m after, I know that they’re here.
He snaps his fingers and the music stops.
You shouldn’t be here. Let me rephrase that. You should’ve been destroyed, your existence is a rule broken by the laws of Him.
Aw. That hurts my heart you know.
He says sarcastically.
Your heart’s nothing but dust and sand.
LUCIAN laughs.
Where are they? I just want them to join me on my crusade of creating a better world between us and them. If not, I can still take away their immortal lives and extend mines for another 300 hundred years. Like I did the last two… thousand? I usually forget that.  
Even if I knew you know I wouldn’t say a word.
Oh, old man, that wouldn’t be any fun. Although a little blood and death didn’t hurt anybody.
WAN SHI TONG is silent.
The great wise man was effortlessly fierce in protecting the newborns. Yet it was impending that I knew where they were. As they weren’t ready for the grand acts of heroism just yet. That was a finesse, that dear old Acheron didn’t bother to teach them!
Who are you talking to?!
As of right now… a bunch of college students trying their best to voice the characters of this act. A professor who thinks how horrible this shit show is. And the one student who created this story, who has no idea what he’s writing at this point.
You still think you control this story, don’t you?
LUCIAN Haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary old friend.
He points to the door where FINN, TAVEN,& ATHENA were hiding behind
LUCIAN (cont’d)
Now, if you will excuse me I have to meet the newborns.
He walks toward the room. WAN SHI TONG now intensely worried, he transforms into a giant owl and dragonish hybrid. He creates this windstorm sending LUCIAN and his two hench-creatures away. He transforms back into his human form and rushes toward the door. He opens it, finding them behind the door instantly.
You have to go. All of you. He’ll kill you. There’s a mirror portal in the room that will take you back to the mortal world. Now there’s no time for arguing. Go!
ATHENA, FINN, & TAVEN run back into the room and find the mirror. TAVEN goes first, touching the mirror and instantly is grabbed and thrown in. FINN hold ATHENA’S hand and both jump through. They both land on the ground outside of the entrance to Fortune Valley next to TAVEN. They all groan in pain from the fall. FINN gets up first and picks up ATHENA then TAVEN.
Who the hell was that?!
Acheron never mentioned him.
ERIN switches in.
Yeah, no shit Athena!
ACHERON appears before them, which then ERIN proceeds to grab him by his coat collar.
WHAT THE HELL?! We almost died when you left!
I’m aware…
ERIN raises a fist quickly but TAVEN & ATHENA try to hold him back as best as they could.
Erin stop!
ACHERON grabs all of them and they disappear in a puff of smoke. Reappear on the hill with the benches,
It was him, wasn’t it?
(intensely worried)
You said there can only be three immortals on Earth. Why does he exist then?!
He was the first immortal. Guardian of peace between the two worlds. Years of endless living drove him insane.
Wan Shi Tong mentioned he started wars?
The Chronicle Wars, old and long forgotten wars between humans and mystics.
Then why us?! Three kids who had no goddamn reason to do with any of this!
He screams at ACHERON.
Other immortals tried to stop him. He’s killed many and taken there lives and immortality. Only three were left, they stopped him. Imprisoned him, by suspending him in time.
Who were the last three?
(He is silent for a bit)
Life, Time, and Death.
Which one are you?
ACHERON is silent.
Do you all really want to know that?
They are silent.
ACHERON (cont’d)
This is what I am called. I am called Azrael, Thanatos, Mors, and Four. I am La Calavera. I am also called Samael, and Shinigami. I am Keres and The Dullahan. I am Grim Reaper, Dark Angel, Pale Horsemen. I have as many names as there are winds. As many titles as there are ways to die. My parents are Erebus and Nyx, Darkness and Night! My siblings are Dream and Vengeance! My horse is the ashen! I am Death!
As his words were spoken, it was menacing, having echoed as he stood before them. The surroundings roared with screams and thunder. Causing the three immortals to look at him in such grand fear. A black smoke surrounds him like a cloak and his face had shown parts of a skull.
The awkward of silence fills the air.
Can we move on, please?
FINN switches in and nods with ATHENA & TAVEN in agreement.
ACHERON (cont’d)
Back to the matter at hand. Lucian… I never the return of the madness. But some things are inevitable. Has he seen any of your faces?
They all answer with a nod.
ACHERON (cont’d)
Good. You guys have time. I’ll work my way on covering your tracks. Just go back to your normal lives. This time I turned your protection charms on and keep them close, I’ll find you again.
He snaps his fingers and the three of them disappear in clouds of smoke. FINN is outside of his home and sneaks back into his room. He sits on his bed and contemplates his entire situation.
(Intensely Worried)
Erin? What do we do?
(Intensely Worried)
I have no fuckin clue.
Tags: @cometworks, @cookiecuttercritter, @coloursintheblur
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deakyrog · 6 years
Eyes That Know Me (Roger Taylor x Reader) Part 2
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Words: 4,597
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. Hello and hi! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this and I think things are starting to get moving! Thank you all to the positive comments I’ve been receiving and please do let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Cheers!
Warnings: Mild swearing
You’ve always wanted to travel, especially around England. When you were younger, your dad would tell you stories of the cities and places he would visit around the country, and you were bound and determined to visit and experience it for yourself. If not for the sake of the thrill of the adventure itself, but to feel closer to your dad. Now, you were going to be visiting some of those destinations, just not in the same style as you had initially envisioned. You finished throwing your last piece of luggage on the bottom of the tour bus, and you felt so relieved to have finally been done. You walked on the spacious bus, taking in your surroundings. It wasn’t like a normal travel bus. This one had bigger seats, and tables, and more room to relax. You were going to be spending a lot of time on this bus during the travel days, so you had better look around and claim your spot now. You were searching around when suddenly you felt an arm snake around your waist and you smirked to yourself, wrapping your arms around the culprit’s neck.  
“So what do you think of your new hang out?” Roger asked you and you looked around and looked up at him.
“It’s cozy, smaller than I had imagined.” you winked chuckling, and he just rolled his eyes in response, removing his arms from your waist and grabbed your hand leading you to the back.
“Right, and I’M the diva here. Well then your highness, do you approve of this?” he asked and you looked at what he was showing you. It was an extended seat, almost like a love seat without the cushions. It looked like it would make an amazing nap station on these long rides.
“Aw I love it! Is this my bed?” you chuckled looking at Roger, and he sat down on it shaking his head.  
“Only if we share because I do believe this is my bed sweetheart” he said as he pulled you down into his lap and wrapped his arms back around your waist. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your forehead on his temple, trying to make yourself comfortable. You closed your eyes and smiled into him, and even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel Roger smiling just as wide as you.  
This sitting arrangement was pretty normal for the two of you. You guys were somehow always on top of another, normally you were in his lap. You never felt weird or thought anything of it, it was just something you were accustomed too. Sitting on him or cuddling close was a normal occurrence. Whenever you say on the couch and watched television together (every Thursday night, Roger would come over and watch The Brady Bunch with you. He’d never admit it but he loved the show), your head always found his shoulder, and his arm was always slung over your shoulders, bringing you close. Or when he’d take you out to see a movie (always his treat, the stubborn bastard), he would sling his arm around your shoulder there too and you’d lay your head on him. Your colleagues who have seen the two of you together always commented on how it looked like you two were together, but you always stuck by your story that it was normal. That was the truth, it was a normal thing for you two. But it always felt right. He felt right. Being in that position with him…felt right.  
“That’s a sleeping arrangement I wouldn’t mind. You’re a nice body pillow sometimes.” you teased as you kissed his cheek and he laughed, pulling you closer to him.  
“You would be the luckiest girl in all of England then. Sleeping with THE Roger Taylor.” he smirked and his raised his eyebrows playfully and it was your turn to roll your eyes. As you went to reply something sassy, you saw you had company and saw the rest of the band packing up their stuff just as you had and coming on the bus. Freddie, of course, was the first one on and he saw the two of you on the seat, and you in Roger’s lap and he clapped.  
“Oh my darlings I do hope we aren’t interrupting anything! We would just HATE to break up the fun!” he exclaimed dramatically. Yup, typical Freddie. You shook your head in negation to his statement and you got up off Roger’s lap and you walked over to greet him.  
“Never Freddie!” you said as you went to hug him. He laughed and a mumbled a quiet “sure” in your ear, and you just shrugged it off.  
“Yeah you interrupted time with my best girl wanker!” you heard Roger scoff from the back, and although you knew you weren’t his “best girl”, you still felt a blush creep up on your face. You knew he just wanted some time alone with you, because once the bus left, the two of you wouldn’t have much time alone, and you two connected better when it was just you two. You turned back to Roger and blew him a kiss and threw in a wink, and you sat down next to Freddie on the seats by the table, as he was setting up a game of Scrabble. You helped him set everything up and you saw someone slide into the seat next to you. You looked over your shoulder and smiled.  
“Oh I am so not playing if Y/N is!” you rolled your eyes. A typical Brian teasing moment, at your expense once again.  
“Why? Afraid I’m going to beat you again?” you arched your eyebrow at him turning your head fully towards him, waiting to hear his comeback. He flashed you a toothy smile and a wink.
“That was one time, and you used your flashy law jargon. So technically it was unfair to the rest of us quite honestly.” You threw your head back in laughter, remembering the last time you had played with the boys. You had just finished studying for a vocabulary exam, and used your knowledge to win, much to the boys, mainly Brian’s, dismay.  
“Guess the astrophysicist can’t take down the financial lawyer after all.” you teased and bumped shoulders with him.
“The day you take me down in Scrabble Y/N is the day I finally cut my hair short.” he told you and you fake gasped.  
“Brian May don’t you dare make a promise you can’t keep!” you exclaimed dramatically, putting your hand over your heart and Brian smirked.  
“Oh believe me, I could make you a whole lot of promises I intend on keeping.” he winked again and you bit your lip to keep from smirking. You would never admit it out loud or to anyone else, but you always had sort of liked Brian. Besides Roger, he was the closest one to you, and the two of you had bonded over the college life and the studies, as he was studying astrophysics while you were studying law. You both had a thirst for knowledge, and since you both had bore Roger to absolute tears, you decided to indulge the other with your studies, and you had become great friends since. You two would also occasionally flirt as well, but that was just a habit you both seemingly had. You were about to reply with an equally as flirty comeback, but a loud cough and clearing of the throat had distracted your train of thought and you saw Roger standing in front of you with his arms crossed.
“Roger sit down and play with us!” you had exclaimed, patting the seat next to you.
“Lolo you know I’m no good at Scrabble. I was going to see if John needed any help loading the equipment. Brian come help me?” he said and looked at Brian with narrow eyes.
“No I’m good here mate.” Brian replied calmly and you had stopped setting up the game.
“Rog go help John and come back and play with us pleaaaase?” you were practically begging and you puckered your lips and Roger sighed, nodding and giving into you. He could never refuse when you puckered your lips and made your eyes go wide. You clapped in victory and waved to him as he walked off the bus and went to go help Deaky. You had moved a seat over so Roger could sit next to you and John could sit wherever he wanted too.
The two men had come on the bus around 10 minutes later, and Roger had plopped down next to you, and Deaky took the seat in between Freddie and Brian. You had smiled at Roger and rubbed his leg comfortingly. Once everything was settled outside, everyone else had made their way onto the bus and it started it’s journey.
About an hour in and while in the middle of an intense Scrabble game (you were the only one really taking it to heart. You just really wanted to beat Brian), you saw Jim-no-Miami, hover over your table.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to inform you all that we are nearing our first stop.” he started and sat down on the edge of the table near Roger, who, as per usual, had his arm behind you. “The concert isn’t until tomorrow night so you all have the night to do as you wish.”
“Pub crawl!” Freddie happily exclaimed and the four of you had cheered in agreement.
“Right yes, well first get comfortable in your hotel rooms before you head out. We are all staying on 4th floor except for Y/N. I tried to get you on the same floor as us but since your name isn’t technically associated with the band or label, they wouldn’t give you a room on the same floor. You will be on the 3rd floor. I’m sorry I really tried.” Miami explained to you and you sent him a warm smile in understanding.  
“I understand, thank you so much for trying for me. That means a lot.” you told him and he nodded and smiled a genuine smile at you. He got up and sat back to where he was before and the five of you had resumed the game of Scrabble which you knew you were going to win.  
You liked drinking, you liked pubs. You hated beer. You knew the English crowd loved beer and drank it religiously, but you were an East Coaster from America. You grew up being surrounded by cocktails and your first drink back home was a martini. Still, you drank very little beer and tonight would be no exception. You were sliding your heels on and was about to grab your purse when you heard a knock on your hotel room door. You had originally told Roger to go on to the pub without you and you would meet him there, but he insisted he walked you there himself.
“Come in Rog!” you yelled as you were giving yourself the once over in the bathroom mirror and you heard Roger walk into your room. “I’m in the bathroom finishing up, I’ll be out in a moment!” you yelled and you had sprayed some perfume on and walked out to greet your friend. He turned around when he heard the click of your heels approach and when he saw you, his jaw dropped. You were in a sleeveless deep red dress that had stopped at your knees. It wasn’t terribly low cut but it definitely helped shape your breasts better, which was always a needed benefit. The dress had clung to the shape of your body perfectly. You saw his reaction and you smirked, trying not to mess up your perfectly tinted lips.
“Why does the cat have Roger Taylor’s tongue?” you teased him, grabbing the room key off the counter. Roger had followed you immediately, not tearing his eyes from you.
“N-no, you just look…”
“Different?” you mused at his stuttering and loss for words.
“No! Well yes, but no, you’re so done up, and that dress! You look so…beautiful. Wait I mean you always look beautiful, you’re you but you look so…wow.” he tripped over his words and you giggled, enjoying it too much.  
“It’s astonishing what lipstick and eyeliner can do yeah?”
“Well yeah, but I mean you look even more beautiful than how much you normally do! And you always look great and you, well you..” Roger fumbled again and you laughed, dragging him to the door ending his misery.
“Let’s go Taylor, before you say something you might regret.” you winked and you both walked out of your room and you locked the door.
“Y/N I mean it..you look great. Amazing actually.” you softly smiled at him.
“Thanks Rog, you look good too.” you both started walking to the elevator, and Roger’s hand had found the small of your back, ushering you into the elevator, which caused you to fight off a grin. You pushed the button to the ground floor and you eased into a comfortable silence. The elevator dinged and Roger led you out, not removing his hand as you both walked to the pub.
The establishment wasn’t terribly far away and you had no trouble getting in. You walked ahead of Roger and waited for him to catch up. When you felt the familiar hand on your back again, you smiled waiting for him to lead you to wherever. He led you to the bar and you sat down the on the stool and he slid in next to you, ordering a round of shots.
“I know how much you hate beer, thought you might enjoy tequila better!” he loudly spoke, trying to get you to hear over the music playing.
“Thanks! Where’s the rest of the lads?” you shouted back, and he looked around and shrugged his shoulders.  
“Not sure, probably not here yet! I’m going to run to the loo, I’ll be right back!” he announced and disappeared. You just nodded and took yours, and ultimately his, shots and ordered a few more. You didn’t plan on getting absolutely shit-faced, just a good amount to get rid of the unnerving feelings you had been feeling since you left.  
About 10 minutes later, you decided to look around the pub because Roger still hadn’t. You turned your head in the direction of the bathrooms and didn’t see him. You scanned the room hoping he was okay, until your eyes gravitated towards a table in the back in the corner, and sure enough you saw him there, with his arm draped over a pretty red-headed young woman’s shoulder, and she was cozied up to his side. You sighed and took another shot, trying to brush it off. You should be used to it by now, the amount of times you and Roger had gone to pubs together in the past, he’d usually get pulled into a beautiful woman’s conversation and ultimately spent the night with her. You loved spending time with him, but going out to the bar was something you didn’t enjoy doing with Roger, but you went anyway. Again, you should’ve expected it but, unsure to you, it had stung this time. It never has before. You ran your fingers through the ends of your hair, trying not to mess up the curled style, and ordered another round. You looked towards the entrance and saw Freddie, John and Brian walk in, and you waved them down. They saw you and began their way over to where you were sitting.
“Hey lil darling, why are you here all alone?” Brian asked as he slid into the open seat next to you, John and Freddie taking the others. You just shrugged and took your shot.
“A little gal can’t drink by herself to unwind huh?” you stuck your chin up at him.
“Roger’s not with ya? He said he was picking you up.” John asked as he stole a shot off you.  Both the statement and action had made you laugh.
“Oh! Yeah he did, guess he just got sidetracked on his way back from the stalls.” you said as you pointed towards the table he was sitting at, and the woman had no attached her mouth to Roger’s ear and he fake laughed at something she said. You could tell it wasn’t his genuine laugh, his nose always scrunched up when he laughed genuinely.  
Brian rolled his eyes at what he saw. “Typical Roger. But you have us for company now.” he raised a glass as he said that, and you and John followed suit, as Freddie already made his way into the crowd. The three of you clinked your glasses together and you each took a shot. You then all fell into a comfortable conversation about the upcoming tour, and Brian and John were talking about the set list. You enjoyed hearing them get so passionate about their music and you listened intently. You would contribute to the conversation when you could, mainly about your experience with instruments.
“Wow Y/N you play guitar?” John asked excitedly and you nodded.  
“Not like you or Bri though, but I learned. I much prefer playing the piano and singing of course. I fell in love with singing when I was a child, had to be the little theatre star of the family. I initially went to university for it, but changed when I fell in love with numbers and the law.” you laughed and they both took a shot to that. You were bopping your head to the music and you suddenly heard a familiar beat of a song you loved and you gasped.  
“Oh my God I LOVE this song! Deaky come dance with me!” you exclaimed and grabbed his hand.
“Oh no, I need a few more of these before I show off my moves.” John chuckled as he ordered another glass of whisky.
“Well alright, suit yourself!” you said as you took another shot and made your way to the group of people who were already dancing and you moved your hips to the music. You loved to dance and whenever you had the opportunity too you would, especially to a song you loved so much. You felt a familiar presence behind you, and you turned around to see Brian there. “Decided to join the party May?” you winked as you took his hand and started moving again to the music. He smirked and then took both of your hands and moved with you, where he let one go and put one of his hands on your waist. The two of you had danced perfectly with another and rather closely to ABBA’s Waterloo (your current favorite song), and you were having a lot of fun with Brian. You were so into dancing with Brian, you had missed the looks coming from the corner that Roger was giving. He was watching you and Brian so intently, that he missed and ultimately declined the red-headed woman’s offers to sneak out. That was something out of the ordinary for himself, he almost never refused a fun night like that, but tonight something was holding him back and experience things he had felt but never paid attention too and brushed off. A feeling…a feeling in a red dress dancing closely with his best friend and band mate.
After a few more songs, you and Brian made your way back to the bar, where you saw John in a deep conversation with a blonde woman. You and Brian had smirked at each other, and you sat a few spaces away from John. “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a while Bri, thank you so much for dancing with me!”
He nodded and bumped shoulders with you and you giggled, fixing your hair. “It was very fun Y/N, we should do it again sometime…” he said very quietly and you nodded in agreement. You hugged him tight and stood up.
“I think I’m going to head back to the hotel. I really danced till I dropped!” you giggled again and fixed your dress. I’m going to go tell Roger I’m leaving. Not that he’d really notice tonight but just so he knows..”
“Do you want someone to walk you back? I mean I don’t want you being by yourself on the way back in case something happens.” Brian offered but you just shook your head.
“Thanks honey but I don’t want you to leave the fun, I’ll be okay.” you assured him and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Brim and thanks again.” you waved and walked towards the corner where you last saw Roger. When you approached the table, you had seen that it was abandoned. Assuming he left with company, you sighed and turned around to go leave, when suddenly you were being pulled by your waist in the opposite direction. You yelped and went to hit whomever had you, but you looked up and were greeted by an unmistakable pair of blue eyes.
“Roger! You scared the shit out of me!” you screamed and he smiled.
“I’m sorry Lolo. I saw you and couldn’t let you get away.” he said as he pulled you into a hug. You relaxed in his arms and hugged him back, resting your head on his shoulder. He squeezed you tighter and kissed your head. “Have a fun night?” he asked and you nodded into him.
“Yeah, Brian and I had fun together. We danced a lot.” you started and you felt him stiffen under you. “It would’ve been ever more fun with you there too.” you finished as you heard him sigh and he rubbed your arm gently.  
“I know sweetheart. I just got…” he started.  
“Distracted?” you finished and looked up at him, he half smiled and nodded.
“Yeah…but I’m ready to party now!” he said excitedly but you just shook your head.
“You go have fun Rog, I’m heading back to the hotel. All that dancing made me tired.” you told him as you let him go and he pouted.
“Well then I’ll go with you. I could go for some room service.” he joked and quickly grabbed your hand and you half smiled.  
“It’s okay Rog, you stay here and have fun. Take that gal back.” you winked at him but couldn’t help but have that feeling of disappointment return. You still weren’t entirely sure what was causing it, but you let it go when you looked up at Roger, who was giving you a look mixed of confusion and what seemed to be disappointment himself.
“Nah, she was cool but wasn’t my type. Besides, there’s one gal I’d rather spend my time with.” he beamed and you swore you felt your heart flutter. You nodded fast and grabbed his hand walking out. “Let’s take the long way yeah?” he asked and you hummed your agreement and followed. You two fell into a conversation about the upcoming concert and what he planned on doing and how he felt nervous. You assured him it’d be okay and he smiled pulling you closer. You had a good feeling again talking to him, any and all conflicting feelings you had were long gone, until a gust of wind hit you and caused you to shudder. You hadn’t realized you even made a sound until you felt Roger slip his jacket over your shoulders.  
“Rog aren’t you going to be chilly?” you asked fully slipping on the jacket.
“Don’t worry about me darling. Besides, you looking amazing wearing my jacket.” he winked and you swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the giggle stuck in your throat. You suddenly felt a weird, almost flutter like sensation in your stomach. No-butterflies. Roger had given you butterflies in your stomach. You tried to ignore it, as it was such a middle school concept, but being so close to him in proximity made it increasingly difficult. Thankfully you were saved by the approaching hotel, and Roger had stepped ahead of you to open the door for you. “Always the gentleman” you thought. You called the elevator and pushed the 3rd floor button. As you waited, Roger’s hand had found the small of your back much like it had earlier. The elevator opened and you walked in, and Roger had kept his hand on your back the entire ride up. It stopped on your floor and you both slowly made your way to your room.  
“Well…this is me!” you said with a high pitched voice. You coughed to hide it and smiled. “Thanks for walking me back Roger, I hope I didn’t take you away from the fun.” you looked up at him and he was smirking at you.
“Y/N it wouldn’t have been any fun without you anyway…” he stared at you and a big smile formed on your lips. “May I come in or are you kicking me to the curb?” you laughed and shook your head.
“On the curb you go. I’m going to sleep and so are you, you have a big concert tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep!”
“Oh fine oh fine. But I will see you tomorrow right? You are coming to our show? I need my good luck charm..” as Roger had said that, you felt the heat return to your face and you were positive your face was bright red.  
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” you exclaimed happily as you hugged him again. He rested his head on top of yours.
“That makes me so happy to know…and don’t worry about your beauty sleep. You’re already so insanely beautiful.” you bit your lip and grinned up at him. You let go of him and quickly pecked his lips.
“Thanks Rog, you too…sleep well!” you said as you unlocked your door. You turned back to face him and you saw him smiling big, his face a slight red hue. You had no idea, probably from the heat in the building causing him his face to turn.
“Sleep well Lolo, Goodnight. I love you” he said and you waved to him, the butterflies returning.
“Love you too Rog.” you told him with a small smile before going into your room. You took a deep breath and plopped on the couch. You sat there and looked at the wall, cuddling into the jacket you were wearing before realizing it was Roger’s. You groaned as you took it off, laying it on the table. Great, you smelled like him now too. Like the cologne you bought him for his birthday and cigarettes. You wished you had a cigarette right now as you thought back on the night. More specifically, you thought back on the times you spent with Roger the last night. You were thinking of the feelings he gave you and the ones you had gotten when he was around. You thought about how they’ve been happening more and more lately. The giggles, the blushing, the middle school butterflies. They’ve all been apparent the last few months, even before you decided to join him on the tour. You never thought about them much, and you never put the puzzle pieces together. It took a few moments of intense reflection and thought for you to realize what it meant.
“Fuck.” you muttered under your breath. It finally clicked and you dreaded acknowledging it. You were falling for Roger and you were seemingly falling hard. It was too late for you to be picked up now.
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taylorfiction · 6 years
Part one of an AU that i hope you’ll enjoy? let me know? i loved writing this. Be patient with me, i have plans to make the next part slightly more interesting? i understand that it’s a little dull but think of it as a prologue. Also it may take time as im in a weird place with writing atm x
‘She was nineteen, with a baby on the way, on the East side of the city she was working every day, cleaning dishes in the evening, she could barely stay awake, she was clinging to the feeling that her luck was going to change. And, across town she would take the bus at night to, a one-bedroom apartment and when she turned on the light, she would sit down at the table, tell herself that it’s alright. She was waiting on the day she hoped her baby would arrive. She’d never be alone, have someone to hold, and, when nights were cold, she’d say, “the world’s not perfect but it’s not that bad, if we got each other and that’s all we have, I will be your mother and I’ll hold your hand – you should know I’ll be there for you. And the world’s not perfect and the world’s not kind, if we have each other then we’ll both be fine, I will be your mother and I’ll hold your hand – you should know I’ll be there for you.” ‘ If We Have Each Other – Alec Benjamin
‘Hey sweetie, how was your day?’ I kneel down as I greet the little girl in front of me, her toothy grin already telling me her day was as good as ever.
‘It was good, we did colouring and I made this for you,’ Lilly smiles as she hands me what she had been holding so tightly onto. It was a butterfly. It was a pink and purple butterfly that I already knew would be attached to the fridge later this evening with all the other lovely pieces of art my daughter had made for me at school.
I stand up again and hold my hand out for her to take, walking towards Lilly’s teacher for a brief chat, ‘Just checking she wasn’t any trouble today? I know she can get excited sometimes, can’t you chicken?’ Lilly giggles as I ask her, swinging and hanging off my arm, my eyes flick back to her teacher, Miss Miller, and we both smile.
‘Taylor you know Lilly is always a dream, she’s always making the other kids smile, I don’t know how you managed to make such a perfect child on your own at your age’ my heart warms as I hear Miss Miller gush about my pride and joy. I squeeze Lilly’s hand and smile down at her as she wriggles around my legs, not listening to this adult conversation.
‘My Mum has helped a lot aha, Grandma has dinner with us two times a week, doesn’t she?’ I look down at my daughter and I squeeze her hand slightly to get her attention, she nods eagerly at her teacher, that cheeky smile still plastered on her face.
‘Anyway, thank you for looking after her, I’m gonna take her home now before she pulls my arm off’ we both laugh at my joke before Lilly drags me away, excited to to get home to her dolls, we wander through the corridors of her small school and begin the walk back to our apartment.
We walk the five minutes before we reach our building, racing up the stairs to see who could get to the front door first; ending in my wheezing and Lilly’s fits of giggles. I unlock the door and smile as she slips her shoes and coat off and instantly runs into her room to find her dolls before she sits on the sofa with them, fully immersed in her own little story.
I place the coloured-in-butterfly on the fridge under the magnet of the Statue of Liberty, we were in New York after all, and admire all the other colourings and paintings that were there, it was like a collage of everything Lilly.
My phone buzzes and I smile as I see the icon telling me who is calling ‘Hey Gi, what’s up?’ I ask one of my best friend’s, remembering that she was meant to come over later.
‘We still good for tonight? I’ll come at 6?’ she asks, apparently reading my mind with her question.
‘Yes, Lilly is very excited to see you, as normal’ I laugh, remembering how bouncy Lilly was when I told her Gigi was coming for dinner. She loved Gigi. Lilly would never admit it to anyone but I knew she was her favourite out of my three best friends; Gigi, Karlie and Martha.
‘It’s 5 now so that gives me an hour to make dinner, I think we’re good,’ I say as I start to move around the kitchen getting out the tomato sauce from the freezer from when I made too much last time we had it.
She laughs down the line before we say our goodbyes and she hangs up. As the sauce defrosts slightly I realise I’m still in my work clothes and I should probably get out of them before Gi gets here, I guess I was in such a rush to start dinner and get ready for Gi coming round that I completely forgot about changing.
I nip into my bedroom freeing myself of my office attire and slipping into my sweats and a tee, knowing that Gi will probably be in the same kind of outfit and won’t care, the only difference is that she will still look stunningly beautiful.
I walk back over to the kitchen and smile as I see that Lilly is still fully concentrated on the dolls in front of her, ‘Hey Lils, remember Aunty Gi is coming round are you gonna get changed?’ I ask her, snapping her attention from the toys in front of her.
She giggles, clearly happy Gigi was coming round, we ended up calling all of my friends Aunty because they were so close to Lilly and I, it was as though we were all related. ‘Okay, what’s for dinner?’ she asks chirpily, getting up from the sofa but pausing before she ran into her room again.
‘Bolognaise, is that okay sugar?’ I respond, knowing full well that she loves Bolognaise and would eat it any or every day of the week. She nods and bounds into her pink room to get dressed. I mix the mince into the tomato sauce, smiling as I think about how lucky I am to get an angelic daughter like Lilly who was only a hassle at bed time because she didn’t want to leave me.
I used to feel bad that Lilly didn’t have a father figure to look up to. I used to feel bad that I didn’t go out and find who he was and make him help bring her up but then I remembered I probably didn’t want someone who wasn’t even there when I woke up after that one-night stand and probably would never be there for either of us. Pregnant after a one-night stand. And that’s when I get judged. I remember as a child wanting a fairy-tale romance. Look where that got me.
I put the Bolognaise sauce in a pan and let it simmer, knowing Gigi would be here in ten minutes and the pasta would only take about five meaning it would be ready the instant she got here. At that point my wild four-and-a-half-year-old came bounding out of her room, some striped leggings and a Disney t-shirt on.
‘Can I help? Can I help? Can I help?’ she skips towards me with a huge smile on her face and I know that I have to give her a job to do otherwise she’ll sulk. ‘Hmm can you get three bowls out and three sets of knives and forks for all of us sweetie?’ I smile back at her, hoping one day I would actually be able to ask her to stir the sauce without worrying if she’d burn herself.
I place the Pasta in the pan and turn back to watch my daughter counting out three of each object, placing the cutlery on the table while leaving the bowls up there so I could serve it easier later.
There is a knock on the door and an instant squeal comes out of Lilly’s mouth as she realises who it is, she bounds over and opens it for her Aunty Gi before flinging herself into my best friend’s arms.
Gi bends down to Lilly’s height in order to give her a proper hug, ‘Hi Lils, how’s my favourite four-year-old?’ she says into my daughter’s shoulder, making me smile and Lilly giggle.
‘Im the only four-year-old you know Aunty Gi’ Lilly pulls away and gives her that sassy-four-year-old-look that I always tell her off for. We all laugh before Gi pulls Lilly closer to her and begins tickling her, making her squeal.
‘Well then you must be my favourite, mustn’t you?’ Gigi continues to tickle her before Lilly begins squealing at her to stop in between her wild fits of laughter. Lilly nods eagerly at her ‘Aunt’s’ question after the attack was over and hugs my best friend again before running over to where she had left her dolls on the sofa.
‘Hey weirdo’ Gigi walks over to me now and we hug briefly, pulling away after a good squeeze, ‘Oh it smells so good, gimme food,’ she acts her grabby hands at the food still simmering which was probably done now.
I pick up one of the pieces of pasta before encouraging Gigi to open her mouth so she could taste it, ‘Done?’ I ask as she chews and she nods eagerly making me laugh a little. I pick up the pan and wander over to where the bowls are; two larger bowls and a smaller pink one for Lilly.
‘Sweetie, dinner’s ready,’ I raise my voice slightly so Lilly can hear me and she instantly hops off the sofa and bounds across the small distance between the kitchen table and the counter. It was only a small apartment after all. I can’t afford anything bigger on the salary of a sales assistant.
After dishing out the three meals me and Gi took them to the table along with three glasses of water, the wine would be for after Lils was asleep. We chatted about what Lilly did at school that day and the butterfly she had coloured in for me and we talked about when we were seeing Aunty Gi next. It was comforting to be around some of my favourite people. It was peaceful.
By the time we had finished eating and had been chatting for a little while it was 7 pm and Lilly was yawning - I could tell she was tired even if she didn’t want to go to sleep, ‘C’mon missy I saw that yawn, lets get you to bed,’ I stood up, collecting the plates and placing them on the side before offering my hand to the little girl still sat at the table.
‘But Aunty Gi is here, can I stay up? Please?’ I could see her puppy dog eyes and it took so much of me to shake my head at her, I knew she didn’t want to but I also knew how tired she would be tomorrow if she didn’t.
‘Say goodnight to Aunty Gi, because if you don’t sleep now you won’t be able to get up in the morning,’ I raise my eyebrows at her and I hear her dramatically huff before slipping off her chair and giving my best friend a hug and a kiss on the cheek goodnight.
She took my hand and we wander towards her bedroom where I help her get ready for bed and give her a kiss goodnight, promising to read her a story tomorrow. ‘Goodnight, sweet dreams angel,’ I whisper into her room as I shut the door part way and let her sleep.
‘If I ever have kids I want one like her,’ Gigi says with a smile on her face following me across the room towards where the wine is. I pour us both a glass of red wine and we chink our glasses before wandering towards the sofa to chat, ‘You’re twenty-three how in hell did you raise that girl to be so lovely? She asked.
‘She can be chaos at times so be careful what you wish for and you guys and my Mum helped a lot,’ we both laugh at this in agreement before a comfortable silence overtook us and we sipped at our wine, occasionally swirling it around the glass.
I knew It was coming the second she stepped over my threshold it was just a matter of when, ‘So, met anyone interesting recently?’ she asks not-so-subtly, I scoff and roll my eyes at her. I don’t know why she asks when she knows I haven’t.
‘Do I look like I’ve met some interesting recently?’ I use her words in my response, raising my eyebrows to encourage her to answer so I can hear her excuse for asking me when she was really telling me to get out more and to get a life.
Gi smiled and took a sip of her drink, ‘I was just wondering because me and the others are going out Sunday and we want you to come,’ her offer warms my heart but the four-year-old kid asleep in her bedroom reminds me I can’t.
‘What about Lil-‘ I start before she cuts me off.
‘Ask your mum to mind Lily because you will come out with us and you will have fun,’ I try to protest that I’m so out of practice I’d be a let down but she interrupts me before I can start, ‘When was the last time you went out and got drunk? Eh?’
I sigh, trying to remember, ‘last year? When Lilly spent a week at Mum’s? I think?’ I answer skeptically and I see Gi’s unimpressed expression on her face.
In summary: I have no choice.
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inklingleesquidly · 6 years
Chapter 6
Lee Squidly gets a special call by the headpriestess of Knifefish Shrine to take part in special preparations for one of the biggest holidays celebrated by Inkopolis’ ghostly neighbors, Yokai. Yo-Fest is only a week away and it’s up to Lee to make sure the fesitivies go off without a hitch.
He’s not alone though; joining him is his pals Guist, Juddinyan, and his many Yokai friends who are just a dial away via his Yokai Smartwatch.
Featuring the characters of @askvincent
Chapter 5 available here
Word count: 6,208 words
Lee jolted up with a sharp gasp.  From the sheets pooled around his lap, he recognized where he was. He wasn’t home but instead was in the common room of the main pavilion of Knifefish Shrine.  
Through desperate pants for air he wondered if what happen to him really happen? Was it a dream? He touched his face and then his chest as a cold sweat rolling down his cheek.  Did he really, truly go to the Yokai Realm?  What happened after? By now he was desperate to collect his frantic, fragmented thoughts.  
Clutching his Yokai Smartwatch, there was something amiss; there was an unshakable feeling that dominated his mind. Before he could give it a moment of thought, the room’s door slid open.  
The startled Inkling screeched and squeezed his eyes shut from the light of the outside flooding into the solemn room.  Standing there was Lyra, the shrine's head priestess who greeted him with a deep sigh of relief. “Thank goodness you’re finally awake.”
“Miss Lyra?” He groggily questioned? “Miss Lyra!” Suddenly remembered everything that had transpired, he darted up from his futon bed. Without sparing a thought he threw his arms around her waist, elated to see the shrine maiden unharmed. “Miss Lyra are you okay? What happened to us? I-- I—where is everyone? Guist? Juddinyan? A-and--.”
Stern and pragmatic as she always was, Lyra informed him of the grim news. “--They're all gone.” As she politely pushed him back, he got a look at her remorseful stare. “I can’t feel any sort of spiritual presence anywhere. I don’t think King Inkma was kidding around; I believe every Yokai on earth has been called back to the Yokai Realm.”
This feeling Lee had. Everything around him felt so—still, so lifeless, so strangely dismal. Was this a result of all the Yokai being gone?  His thoughts raced a mile a minute so he could only babble out his words. “B-but they have to come back! Yo-fest! T-The-They can’t miss it, we--.”
The holy woman silenced him with a hand on his shoulder. “With or without them we'll continue with the ceremony and boffer—ahem, excuse me, offer the bamboo feast as we always have.”
“No buts.” Her hand fell from his shoulder to her side. “Everything else is out of our mortal hands now. We can only keep going as we always have.”
There were hundreds of things Lee wanted to say and questions he wanted to ask. There was so much he didn’t understand and so much more that troubled him.  
In the end all that he could say was, “What do you need me to do today?” The brooding in her voice told him all they could do was accept the outcome fate had dealt to them.
Lyra said, “Today is the harvest. You've done the job I asked you to do so today I'd like you to dake the day off—I mean take the day off.”
“Are you sure?” Lee asked? “Can’t I help you with it at all?”
His offer was expediently declined. “The harvest and preparation of the bamboo is only to be done by the women of the cloth.”
“Lee,” she countered with that firm and strict voice, “You've done more than enough. You risked your life for this shrine, for your friends, and most definitely for me. It’s high time you did something for yourself so do whatever you want before the festival starts. You've earned it.”
As she spun around to leave, that signified she wanted the end of the conversation but Lee couldn’t just leave it at that. “But what about you though?”
The priestess stopped at the door's threshold. It took her a moment to analyze and reply to that question. “Returning to my duties will help me.”  
Lee believed her, he really did; she had so much pride in the work she devoted her life to. He kept that in mind yet he couldn’t shake that there was a startling sadness in her voice.
Whatever I want? As much as Lyra suggested he relax, it just wasn’t in Lee to sit around doing nothing. To alleviate this, he resolved to take a stroll around the property.
Making his exit, the first sight he encountered was the normally empty plot of land across the street from the shrine. It was already filled by early rising vendors. The vacant lot belonged to the shrine and was used for events such as tonight's festival. Yo-Fest may have been the main event for him and Lyra but Olden Days, the celebration of Inkopolis's history was also to take place. From here he could see all manner of trucks, trailers, and currently bare stands readying to dispense food and fun.  
Food, Lee thought.
He thought back to the first time he came to Knifefish Shrine.  “Both fests going on at once is how I get double Tofu Takoyaki,” Juddinyan had said. His shoulders sank when he thought about that so he walked away.
He didn’t get far before coming upon a dry divot in the soil. Days earlier it had been filled with water, making it the sight of one of Leakina's tricks.  He thought back to how she made him step into puddle with only his socks on. That moment had previously made him furious but now…
“Huff.” The troubled teen could only let out a sigh. The rest of the day was exactly like that. No matter where he went his mind was flooded with memories he had made during his week at the shrine.
There's the sunflowers the Moleymoreys really liked.
The shrine of the Misty Maiden. It looks so empty now.
That's where Leakina and I both talked.
Everything was so quiet, and so lonely. If not for the gentle lapping of water from the stream it would've been completely encompassing. He wanted to hear Guist cheerfully blather about how good the weather was, to see Juddinyan hop and bound through the tall grass, or even for Leakina to flick water in his face.
Maybe some food would help clear his mind? A trip to the convenience store just a block away was in order. With a bag of sour cream & onion chips and a bottle of cola, the smallest of smiles found its way to his face as he returned to the shrine.
A bus rolled by him, coming to a halt at the weathered wooden bench just below the stoop leading up to the shrine. That was the same stop where Kakkonyan and Wanderzan arrived.  
Seeing that made Lee weakly toss his half-empty containers of food in the trash, his appetite gone. That pit in his stomach just couldn’t be filled by junk food.
Being so preoccupied with his thoughts, he failed to notice how the collection of the bamboo had been proceeding. At first he wondered how long ago were the morning prayers? No matter how much time had passed he was still impressed at how the entire field was almost completely cleared away by all of the shrine maidens.  
There was one particular scene that caught  his eye. It  was two Inkling girls, the youngest of the priestesses in-training that he was familiar with. From his distance, Lee couldn’t tell what they were talking about but he could see one of them holding something out in her hand for the other to see. She then threw whatever it was up in the air with a hearty laugh.  
Seeing that made him hang his head low; remembering Guist haphazardly throwing seeds everywhere when they first started. Heaving another heavy sigh, he solemnly brushed his tentacles out of his face.  No matter where he went it was just impossible not to think about them, and miss them.
“Ohh Lee.”
He failed to notice someone had approached him. “Wha--? Oh Kaitlyn,” he breathed with ease, “I'm sorry I was just kinda, umm, thinking.”
The quiet anemone aologized cordially. “I'm so sorry for scaring you.”
“Nah,” Lee interrupted with a wave of his hand, trying to play it off like she didn’t actually startle him.
“Sister Lyra has a special surprise for you.” She grabbed his hand and jerked his arm, hurrying him along to follow her. “Come on, we can't keep her waiting.”
They found the head priestess at the rear of the base of the shrine where she was giving directions to other maidens. “Fantastic, we have even more than we did last year.” She said, pointing to the harvest crop piled high in plastic buckets. Tapping at a tablet computer’s screen she then gave further instructions. “Okay, take them to be boiled and don’t forget which batch is for frying and which is for stewing.”
Turning around, Lyra jolted at the sight of her trainee with the high-strung Inkling. “Ohh! Oh it's you two. Kaitlyn what have I told you about sneaking up on people? It's rude!”
“Forgive me Sister Lyra.” Kaitlyn said in that hushed voice of hers, bowing her head, “But I found Lee just like you asked.”
With a modest wave, Lee asked, “You have a surprise for me, Miss Lyra?”
“Yes actually,” she confirmed, “And here it is.” He never would've expected her to slide an apparel box into his arms.  The priestess exclaimed, “It's a token of thanks for everything you've done. Go ahead, open it.”
Lee was rather hesitant at first; due largely to how beautifully wrapped the rectangular package was. The paper was a smooth muted brown color that hadn’t a mark or blemish on it, and the whole thing was secured with a green ribbon tied in an ornate bow. When he looked up to see Lyra giving a hurrying gesture, he tore the packaging apart to unearth his gift inside.
It was some sort of cloth; colored black and gray with what he noticed were pieces of silver speckled material stuck to the gray portions. He removed it from the box to watch as it unfurled within his hands. He marveled at his gift with an awestruck “Oh my stars,” only to dumbly ask, “Is it some kind of bath robe?”
That managed to get Lyra to snicker. “What, that? Well you’re close, it's a yukata like they wear for festivals in the east. The girls all pitched in to help sew it for you.”
“I made the collar.” Kaitlyn declared.
Lyra clarified, “You helped with the collar.” She then revealed, “We each gave our own blessings when we were making it so keep that in mind. Every time you wear it you carry a little bit of all of us here at Knifefish Shrine with you.”
With an inquisitive smile and a twinkle in his eye, Lee breathed out. “I love it.” He did inquire after slipping it on, “Is there a special way that you're supposed to wear this?”
How he tried to cross the right side of the garment over the left got another little chuckle out of Lyra. “No,” she said, covering her mouth with her palm. “Kaitlyn, please take him and show him how to do it right.”
Kaitlyn quickly agreed, confirming with a submissive bow. “Yes ma'am.” She said, grabbing at Lee's wrist again in spite of protests he gave.
“W-wait, isn't there a guy who can show me how?” His modesty against the opposite sex fell on deaf ears as Lyra returned to her work. In that moment he really analyzed how she conducted herself with him and her subordinates. Maybe it was true what she said; returning to her normal life really did do the trick for her. She was back to normalcy despite such an unfathomable event. Or so he thought…
It did not take long for him to be fitted into his festival garb and he was quite relieved when Kaitlyn suggested he could wear his clothes underneath. With a feel-good spring in his step he rushed to meet Lyra again to show her only to be informed that she had retreated to the bathhouse. Sure enough he did find her there, alone and mysteriously crouched on the faux-stone floor.
“Miss Lyra?” Lee whispered.
Whipping her head around, Lyra gasped. “Ohh, Lee!” She stood up sharply, a handful of rubble from the statue clutched in her hands. “I was just,” she sputtered unsurely before clearing her throat, “I can’t believe I've been gone less than a day and nobba—ahem, not one girl here comes to clean up this mess. I'm going to have them all spit shine the entire shrine from top to bottom for this.”
Her shortness of breath, the somber look in her eyes, the way she so tightly held the statue’s broken pieces; despite her best attempts there was no hiding how troubled she was. The priestess was quick to realize he saw through her façade with the downtrodden stare he offered her in response.
Carefully approaching the subject, Lee inquired, “What's on your mind Miss Lyra?”
“We went to the Yokai Realm, Lee. No living mortal is ever meant to pass into that world.” He failed to comprehend the true weight of their experience as the grave look in her eyes shown. “We both saw things not meant for mortal eyes and yet here we both are. It makes me think. Who am I? Where am I even going? I know my purpose is my faith,” she clutched her chest, “I know that with all my heart but deep down I feel there's so much missing.”
Confused, uncertainty, utterly lost; we had felt those exact feelings before, himself.  Due to very recent events in his life he was making greater strides to find himself on his own terms. As for Lyra had been marinating in those thoughts longer than he had so what could he hope to do to even attempt to help her? The only thought he had was to extend his hand, literally reaching out to her to signify their common ground.  
Just as he tried, the bath water suddenly  began to drain away. Lyra panicked but watching as the rising steam gathered together, Lee knew precisely what that meant.
The portal to the Yokai Realm was opening!
A laugh echoed from beyond; a mirthful, mischievous laugh one might mistake for malicious.
It sounded again, that ghastly laugh ringing louder in their ears as it drew closer. Whatever this mystery was it was solved in an instant as none other than Leakina herself came soaring through the open gate.  
Both Inklings were utterly astonished to see her, so much that neither could follow her movements as she twirled her ghostly body around Lee.
“Heeeey Leeker!” She squealed with boundless joy.
His eyes spun with dizziness in trying to follow her, so much that he could only stammer out his response. “Wha-bhu-ahh, Leakina?”
“Lyra!” The watery specter fastly turned her attention to the priestess; uncoiling herself from Lee and circling her arms around the young woman's neck. Their eyes met, Leakina grinned from ear to ear as she hovered closer and closer within Lyra's space.
Her sudden proximity caused the maiden's cheek to become flushed. “Leakina,” she whispered. “Water you-- whudder—what are you doing here?” Her brow furrowed, remembering the damage she had done and how she was furious with her. “You're supposed to be ban—UMMF!”
Was it the spontaneous, unpredictable nature of Yokai? Perhaps it  was the feelings Leakina held deep within her heart? Whatever it was, Lee lurched back in surprise as he watched  Lyra be silenced with a kiss right on the lips. Was it as much a shock to her as it was to him? He was unsure because she didn’t appear to offer even a hint of resistance or displeasure from it.
Before he knew it someone else came barreling through the portal. “Cowabunga dude!”
“Guist!” Lee gave a joyful gasp as he watched the squid spirit soar toward him.
“Cus!” Guist cried through emotional, misty eyes.
Neither needed to exchange any more words; Lee held out his arms to the pint sized poltergeist as he flew straight into a squeezing hug.
That wasn’t all though;  an excited MRROW sounded from the coolest cat in the Yokai Realm and the Mortal World as he came bounding into the bathhouse.
Lee called out breathlessly. “Juddinyan!” The agile feline jumped onto the teenager, climbing his way under his shirt, and up his body. Though those razor sharp claws painfully dug into his flesh again and again, Lee could only laugh to the point of tears from his happiness.
Popping his head out through Lee's collar, Juddinyan inquired, “Did you me'iss us?”
“Only a whole lot!” Lee answered straight away, shrugging Juddinyan off his back but catching him in his arms in order to embrace both him and Guist and never let go.
There was so much happiness and most especially love in the bathhouse as the Yokai and mortal Inklings were reunited. It didn’t last long as one more entity stepped out, the very aura that they emitted causing every eye to be upon them.
Lyra was the first to point them out. “Lord Inkma!” She threw herself to the ground, followed by everyone else in observance of the arrival of the Yokai sovereign.
As he made his approach he declared, “Arise. I have important matters to discuss, and they have to do with you.” He pointed an accusatory finger to Lee.
“Me?” Lee pointed to himself.
Inkma began to explain. “It is forbidden for mortals to enter the Yokai Realm.”
“But I--.” Lee tried to start.
“—I know you came to rescue your friend.” Inkma finished for him, “But good intentions do not excuse breaking the laws of our world.” Glancing around at the other occupants of the bathhouse, nobody had an argument to offer, especially not with  what Inkma said next. “You are also guilty of multiple counts of a crime of harboring escaped criminals.”
With a snap of his fingers three clouds of black smoke appeared beside him, dissipating away to reveal all three of the Yokai criminals along with those attached to them.
Boss Moley spoke on behalf of himself and his assembly of Moleymoreys. “We had our fun but we got a bone to pick with that skunk.”
With a hand on Tropicanna’s shoulder, Dehydreaded said, “I just wanted my little flower back. I’m ready to serve out the rest of my time.”
“I’ll come visit you every day, Daddy.” Tropicanna added with a hug around her father’s waist.
Finally, Paranumbra complained, “There’s too much light here, even at night! I want to go back to my dark prison cell.”
King Inkma walked forward, speaking directly to Lee. “The law of the Yokai Realm is that fate should fit one’s character so this will be your punishment.” He stopped in front of him; despite their similar appearances, King Inkma’s firm, statuesque stance trounced Lee’s nervous and hunched demeanor. The Yokai King gave his judgement. “Because of your kindness and ease of friendship towards others you will become the Ambassador of Mortal and Yokai Affairs. Whenever there is trouble between worlds you will be the one to answer the call.”
The Ambassador of Mortal and Yokai Affairs? Lee could only stand there, dumbfounded as question after question arose in his mind. There was one in particular that King Inkma seemed to answer of his own accord, leading Lee to wonder if the monarch was psychic?
“If you refuse then look into the celestial mirror to see what will become of you.” He held up the mirror that hung around his neck. “What do you see?”
“Mm-Myself,” Lee answered. It was a mirror after all.
“What else?” Inkma replied.
He peered closer. Was there something he was missing? “I don’t see anything.”
“That’s right,” revealed Inkma. “If you refuse then you will spend eternity in purgatory. You will not receive judgement for your deeds in life, and you won’t even become a Yokai.”  
This ultimatum brought about a stunned silence to everyone present. Even the Yokai criminals were at a loss for words.
The king asserted, “What’s it going to be?”
Now all eyes were on Lee. How was he possibly going to answer? The vague weight of such a responsibility placed upon him by the most intimidating Yokai of both worlds was unfathomably insurmountable  
“That sounds fair, I’ll do it!”
Nobody had known the frustration this last week had brought him; how he felt so miserable that he contemplated dropping his smartwatch in the river. He wanted to be done with Yokai forevermore. In spite  of that that though,  the mere hours not knowing what would become of the friends he made felt so much worse. He didn’t want to go through again.
“Do I get a badge or something?” The eager boy queried while shaking his clenched fists.
Inkma answered with a stern, “No.” He folded his hands behind his back and lifted his head in contemplation. “Now that that’s settled there’s the matter of this new portal being opened. We’re going to need to find a guard to watch it.”
Straight away, Leakina pushed Lee aside, eagerly waving her hand. “Ooo, me! Me! Pick me! I’ll do it!”
“The job is yours,” Inkma decided without a second thought. “There’s also the problem that our new Ambassador needs a chronicler; someone to be in charge of receiving and recording all of your assignments.”
This time Guist was the one to rush in. He cried out excitedly, “Dude! I’ll do it!”
“Done, you’re the Ambassador’s Chronicler.” Inkma tapped his chin, puzzled by one last order of business.  “Now you just need a savvy partner knowledgeable of both worlds to shadow you on each endeavor.”
“Meow?” Juddinyan raised a single paw.
That was well enough for King Inkma who said, “Excellent, glad we could make this easy.” It was all happening so fast, Lee could barely keep up. What’s worse was the Yokai monarch decided their business was finished. “Now then, I’m returning to the Yokai Realm with these criminals. We’ll be in touch for your first assignment, whenever that will be.” With that, he returned to the three convicts, all disappearing In the same puffs of smoke as they arrived.
He might have strong armed into the job but what did Lee really get himself into? That thought was shaken out of his head as he suddenly felt Leakina leaning all of her weight on his shoulder.
“YA HA HA HA, isn’t this great Leeker?” She laughed right into his ear.  “We’re gonna see even more of each other than ever.”
Guist hovered in front of Lee, happily wiggling not only his tentacles but his whole body. “This is mondo cool Cus, we’re gonna be chillin’ so much too!”  
Finally, Juddinyan hopped up excitedly, eager at what was to come. “We’ll be able to go to the Meowkai Realm whenever we want. Isn’t that great?”
“Yeah,” Lee readily agreed, “That’s all great!” He meant that sincerely, he wouldn’t want it any other way. However, he had something to address with the Yokai. “If we’re going to do that though I think we need to set some ground rules first.”
Later that night...
The time had come at last; with the sun setting and the shroud of night rolling over the city, the celebrations were ready to begin. Creatures all throughout Inkopolis  gathered at the humble Knifefish Shrine for Older Days Fest. Unknowingly, they rubbed shoulders with their invisible poltergeist neighbors who were assembling for their most beloved holiday of all, Yo-Fest.
Paper lanterns and fiery torches decorated the shrine, a clash of old-fashioned aesthetics against the modern trucks and carnival rides a mere walking distance away. Acting as a makeshift stage, everyone turned to the main pavilion as Lyra stepped forward to address the crowd.
“Welcome one and all.” She spoke into a microphone that amplified her voice into speakers arranged around the main hall. “Thank you for coming to Inkopolis’s annual Olden Days Festival. Now, Olden Days as we know it is a celebration of our city’s long and wonderful cultural heritage. From the very first settlers who came from the east, our history is rich with the stories of many different species but there is another side to today’s celebration.”  
The head priestess extended her arms outward, elaborating further. “Today we honor the spirits that coexist in our world and impact our lives in ways we can’t possibly imagine. Whether they be the souls of the dearly departed or even the spirits of the smallest pebbles beneath our feet, tonight is the night to remember our connection to the world that neighbors our own.”
With that, her subordinates and even Lee filed in with the prepared bamboo. One by one they settled down plates, bowls, and baskets filled with prepared meals in front of main hall. As they did, Lyra continued with her address. “To guide and appease the spirits we offer this sacrifice of bamboo as a testament the longevity of our union to each other.”
Spirits? Neighboring world? Sacrifice offering? To many in the crowd she was speaking utter mumbo jumbo, old-age religious nonsense that they boredly awaited her to finish. Onlookers in the crowd thought the priestess to be crazy as they watched her look to her side and hold out an open hand to nothing.
Of course, those like Lee and Kaitlyn could see that she wasn’t reaching out to nothing. Leakina had been standing beside her the entire time and when Lyra stretched out her hand, the watery wraith silently but tenderly rested her hand in the young woman’s palm. Only they could see the two turn to each other as Lyra enthusiastically stated, “As head priestess of Knifefish Shrine I declare Olden Days started!”
The crowd dispersed and the festivities went into full swing with Lee joining the collection of hundreds of mortals and yokai with Guist and Juddinyan at his side. Over the music and merriment, they finally had a chance to inform their friend of what had happened after the battle with Goredinator.
“The king-dude was seriously cheesed off about the whole thing, he was totally about to blow his lid but then we reminded him that it was almost time for Yo-Fest.”
Juddinyan added, “He was meowly excited bout the bamboo feast.”
“But not nearly as hyped as getting to see his Pops like he said.” Guist let out a laugh as he bobbed in the air. “How d’ya like that Cus, Yo-Fest totally saved our bacon!”
Lee could help but join them in chuckling at such happenstance. “Heh-eh, you know what, I do like that.”
Even though he did laugh, Lee couldn’t help but dwell on that thought about King Inkma and his pops. He had wondered this entire time what was Yo-Fest all about and he was starting to figure out what.
Yokai as he knew them always caused trouble for mortal creatures. It was in their nature to cause mischief yet all around him he saw them calmly hovering over them. From families to single visitors, some had yokai that stuck to them like glue, even if they couldn’t be seen. Those visiting the nearby cemetery  were a sight to see.
The young Inkling had a strong feeling he knew why and he suspected it had to do with what Lyra said about the unity and harmony between yokai and mortals. As joyous as it was to see all kinds mingling together, and for him to be back with his best pals there was a longing in Lee’s heart that he couldn’t shake. It was something that seeing all of this made him yearn for even harder.
“Lee! Lee! Oh Honey, there you are!”
Was his mind playing tricks on him? That voice he heard, it couldn’t have been who he thought it was? He focused forward, searching through the crowd. There was; waving her hand above the crowd, eyes twinkling with delight as they spotted each other.
“MOM!” Lee nearly screamed. He took off, dashing the short distance into a waiting hug.
Squeezing her son with all her strength, Janine happily greeted him. “Ohh Sweetie, even though it was only a week, I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too Mom.” His grip around her did not loosen, even as hers did.
“Everything here looks great,” she said, finally managing to peel him away. “Of course it would be with you helping out.” He modestly shrugged his shoulders, unable to take the praise knowing all of the preparations weren’t his doing. His thoughts were shaken by her brushing his tentacles out of his face and dusting the front of his robe. “That yukata makes you look so handsome, is it really handmade?” She continued inquiring.  “Did you have a good time while you were here? I bet you're itchin' to come home, huh?”
Honestly? “I had a great time!” That wasn’t untrue but he decided it would be best to omit all the details about his numerous brushes with death, and going to a parallel dimension. “Actually,” Lee added, “Could I stay one more day? Just to help clean up when the festival is over and hang out with my friends a little more?”
Janine's face gleamed with a shining smile as she replied, “Of course Honey. I'll swing by and pick you up tomorrow, but before that I brought a nice picnic dinner for us.” In his excitement, Lee didn’t notice the wicker basket cradled in the crook of her arm until she slid it into his grasp.  
Gingerly opening the basket, he let out a dramatic gasp upon inspecting its contents. “Haa-- heh-- h'oh my stars,” he stuttered. “Salmon Bagel sandwiches, mom’s macaroni & cheese, and-- and--,” he was too taken in by one other thing to pay attention to the plastic container of steamed greens. “I-is that chocolate cake?”
Janine anticipated he would be fonnd of that as she clarified, “Baked it this afternoon. I even brought your favorite ice cream too.”
Hearing that couldn't stop his lips from quivering and his eyes from watering. After a week of delivered dinners and gas station ramen, one of his mom's home cooked meals was like a gift from heaven. “Ara ara,” she giggled, “I’ll be right back with it, I left it in a cooler in the car. We'll find a nice place to eat and you can tell me all about this week. Love you, Sweetie.”
“Hiff, love you too Mom.” Lee tried his best to control his sniffling, unable to believe he was so emotional over food.
As she walked out of sight, Leakina hovered over with a look of awe on her face. “Whoa, is that your Mom, Leeker? Good choice, you picked a real pretty one.”  
Her inquisition made Lee chuckle. “Heh-eh, I didn’t choose my mom.”
“Really?” Leakina wondered. “I did. Yokai pick their own families and speaking of which, my sisters are coming right now.”
“Your what?” Lee repeated.
Right before their eyes, he watched as a bevy of yokai that looked just like Leakina rise out of drinking cups strewn about the festival area. His eyes darted all around as he watched  them appear. There was a pink Leakina, then white, orange, and finally cola colored one that appeared before them.
“THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!” One was more than enough. And the prospect of several Leakinas made Lee scream. “AHHHHHHHH!” He ran in the opposite direction but not before reflexively hurling the picnic basket up in the air.
It was safely caught by Leakina who curiously asked Guist and Juddinyan. “What's wrong with him?” Their answer was an unknowing shrug of their shoulders.
The rest of the night went on without a hitch for mortals and yokai alike with fun, food, and frolics. It was soon time for the midnight fireworks. Janine had already gone home to Shee-Booyah for the night , leaving Lee to his devices at the shrine. He exited the main hall after setting his phone down to charge only to have Guist spiral in front of his face. “Sup Cus! Peep this, the whole crew is here to watch the fireworks tonight with us!” There on the stoop was Juddinyan laying on his back, Leakina, and surprisingly Kakkonyan and Wanderzan to.
“Hiiii-nyah,” Kakkonyan waved a candied apple he held in his paw.
Meanwhile, Wanderzan coolly greeted, “Sup Homie.”
Lee grinned, “Heh-eh, glad you guys could make it!”
As he sat down, Guist eagerly danced about in the air. “Woo-hoo, this is gonna be the raddest, most excellent thing ever! I never saw fireworks before.”
As the pint sized spirit babbled, Lee felt a nudging at his arm. Leakina offered a candied apple, whispering, “Psst. I snagged the last one of these for you Leeker. If I didn’t then the fur ball would have gotten them all.” Upon closer inspection, Juddinyan was soundly sleeping with a satisfied smile on his face, holding his swelled belly with four discarded sticks at his side.
“Hey thanks,” appreciating the gesture with a nibble on the sweet, crunchy treat, Lee took a seat on the wooden veranda. It felt so oddly quiet despite all of the activity going on at the festival grounds. To Lee, this silent stillness was a reprieve from the craziness he had endured the entire week. However  what should have been relaxing was blanketed by a sudden strange feeling though.
The unnerved boy caught Leakina sitting beside him out of the corner of his vision, and she was oddly staring at him.
“What?” He asked curiously?
She swiftly answered, “Oh nothing, nothing.” After a momentary pause she added, “It's just pretty amazing how you came through for everybody and saved Yo-Fest.” Lee could only throw her an unsure look so she elaborated further. “You helped out Lyra, all those bad guys who gave us a hard time, and you kicked that big red jerk's butt!”
Ever modest, Lee replied with a shake of his head. “I didn’t really do a whole lot, you guys are the ones who did all the heavy lifting.”  
That answer made Leakina tap her fists against her hips and grimace at him. "Well Mr. Modesty,” she snapped back, “If there’s one person you did a lot for its me.”  
“What?” He muttered.
“Yeah, I mean look at me now; I’ve got my own home to haunt, I got a job, and I even got a girlfriend!” Leakina proudly proclaimed all of the things she had achieved.
“Girlfriend?” Lee repeated with keen interest.
There was a moment of backpedaling. “Well-- Lyra’s not quite there yet with the whole idea but she’ll come around. Why wouldn’t she? Who could say no to all this?” She made a gesture of presenting herself, the act of which made Lee unable to keep from eyeing her with a scoffing smirk.  
Once she finished, she returned to the main topic.  “Don’t even try to deny it.” The watery woman leaned toward him, her weight on one arm. “You did a lot for me, and it means a lot that you did,  so thanks for everything Leeker.”
That genuine appreciative tone in her voice; it seemed as though she really meant what she said. All he had to do was give a simple “you’re welcome” but instead it came out as a nervous stutter. “W-well, it wasn’t anything really, ee—really I--,” he was then left at a complete loss for words. He felt a gentle, damp sensation on his skin as Leakina leaned in to give her hero a kiss of gratitude on his cheek.
Though he was stunned by that act, he was somehow able to find the words he was looking for. “Gosh Leakina, it was nothing, really, but uhh, watch where you're putting that water bottle.”
“What water bottle?” She asked with a sheepish grin, pulling her hand away and discreetly trying to hide a leaking bottle of water.
That battle ended before it began; segued by a series of explosions signifying the beginning of the long-awaited fireworks show. Guist gave a roar of a cheer as he pumped and wiggled his pale tentacles with so much excitement, almost stealing the show himself.
As Lee reclined back on one arm, he found his mind wandering as he really took in everything around him. To one side he could see Kakkonyan circling his arm around the shoulder of a glaring Wanderzan. On the other side was Juddinyan, wearing away the time in a peaceful, gluttonous slumber. Above him was Guist who served as a beacon of wonder and excitement as he fluttered about with so much earnest joy in his heart. Finally, right beside him was Leakina; someone he had endured variably endless, cruel bullying and humiliation from. Now, according to her he completely changed her afterlife around for the better.
He had heard a mantra once before; “When a Yokai enters your life, it will never be the same ever again.” For Lee he didn’t want to fathom what life would be like without the friends he had right here, the friends he was glad to stay with forever.
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destinado18-blog · 6 years
The Philippines is well-known for its attractive island but there are few which seem to stand above the rest. One of this is Samal island because of its unspoiled beauty “A little paradise on earth “is how people describe the place.
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There is absolutely nothing like Samal Island. Its beauty, the white sand beaches, an abundant marine life, manificant rock formation and the wildlife treasure and it has to offer like no other but the thing is you will not get to appreciate it until you actually experience it for yourself and when you do, you will see a paradise.Samal Island is located in Davao del Norte,Davao region Philippines- since it has numerous lush garden and natural –filled sceneries, it is known as the Island Garden City of Samal or IGaCoS.
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There are more than 30 commercials resortscattered along the 116kilometers of shoreline of samal and the famous for high tourist is the Pearl farm beach resort where you can laze around all day, frolic along the white sand, walk under the trees, or have a good time day and night while the paradise sland beach resort is popular for its affordability, accessibility and amities.The true beauty of the island is not just its white and unspoiled beaches or its diver’s natural attraction but also it’s a warm and lovely people there as well.
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Just because it is Samal you can discover its inland treasures-rivers, water falls, heritage house, private islets, white sand beaches and caves that hosts the biggest colony of fruits bats.Yes, it has a lot of tourist attraction in samal and there’s more samal island has a lot of fiesta celebration and it’s called festivals of the island hugyawMagdayaw samal fall every 29thand 30th of august, thekabasanfestival, which in a 7 day celebration every may 22nd -29th, the caracoles festival is held every 28th and 29th of April and also among the famous festival in the Philippines where the riches marine life and the cultural heritage in this island are being highlighted with street dancing, parade and etc.. There are also other celebration such as the bat festivals and the pangapoy which is thanks giving celebration held every first weekend of august.
The island is blessed to be free from typhoon all year round but it does have its share of rain showers and windy seasons. The dry months are from December to May, with March being the driest; rains usually come in between June and Nov. If you want to get the most of the year trip, you should go there during sunny season. But, you should also take consideration during its festival.
My family plan to have a family bounding so they decide to have a vacation.
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March 1 2016 they decide to go in Davao City and had a fun and relax one of the beaches in Samal Island and I’m so very excited and happy because it’s my first time to travelled as a whole family, we used van for the rides it takes 4hrs 29min. when we reaches Davao City but when you a travellers from Maramag you can rides by bus or van with the total cost of 300-400php and when you reach Davao Bus stop or terminal you can rides a bus ,jeep or a taxi going to Samal with the total cost of 15-20phpdepending where you came from (Bus, jeep)150php when you want to ride a taxi. Going to SaSaWharf then you can rides ferry going to Samal Island. We continue travelled going to SaSa Wharf and ride ferry going to Samal Island with the total cost of20-25php.    
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Davao city is accessible via air or land and water travel from major cities in the country and South East Asia they can fly direct to Davao City international airport through airline companies and rides a taxi, bus or a jeep going to Santa Ana Wharf boats and ferries are available there where you can across to Samal Island you also pay 5 pesos fee after arriving at the ferry terminal on Samal Island, there will be a lot of habal-habal road drivers waiting for a passengers  with the total cost of 75php if you want to go to the beaches directly and 450-500php if you want to go to three places in Samal Island. In Samal Island we travel go to Kaputian Beach Resort and because it’s my first time here in Samal I was amazed to all the resort we passed and after we reach the resort.
When I entered the entrance of kaputian I see a dugong (sea cow) it was display near at the beaches entrance they say that it was found lifeless in the resorts shore and it’s my first time again to see sea animals like that in personal.
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The entrance fee is 50php for adults and 30php for children, cottage rental fee is 300-800phpand 100php for the chairs and tables.I enjoy a lot the whole beauty of the resorts; swimming, walking at the seashore, listening the waves and especially taking some photos our last day in resorts was amazing and enjoy much.
We saw two big starfish in the seashore its very beautiful colors and I want it to bring at home but its prohibited in the resort I’m so sad but its fine the important is I saw the starfish personally.
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Afterwards we decide to go back in Bukidnon we travelled back again in Davao City but first we visits in the People Park (PLAZA) and I can say that there a lot of statues that describes the place, culture and there economic and also they have a secure security when you enter in the plaza and our last stop is to buy a pasalubong like durian candy, mango and mangoestein and etc..
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