#so I've made it my mission to include all their fics in my masterlist and am slowly posting about all the ones I haven't put on this blog
dawnoftime22 · 10 months
a plan gone...right?
| N.R
Warnings: a small part of walking in the dark within a forest, but with lampposts!
Summary: When some complications come up as Nat does her plan of surprising you for your birthday, the two of you had to take a long journey before the clock strikes twelve.
Word Count: 5.8k
Category: Fluff
A/N: hi hi hi :] it's my birthday loves!! so of course I planned a special fic for you all (including me) to have! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
| Started on 30/12/2023, 9:50 PM |
| Finished on 07/12/2023, 3:46 PM |
Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
“Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back.”
- Dog Days Are Over, Florence + The Machine
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The two of you are in the Avengers compound, alone, seeing as everyone had either been busy with a mission, or out and about, using their free time for relaxing. Some are also simply hanging out at their own houses instead.
You see Nat staring off in a space on the wall, her hands holding the book she was reading. There was nothing on the wall or on the floor when you looked, so it was obvious she's deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" You ask gently, pulling her out of her thoughts while you move in the kitchen, cleaning up remnants of the cooking the two of you did earlier and having finished cleaning the dishes.
"Just...us," she says, her eyes flickering from the book and to you when she gets called back into reality. You smile, amused, but also a little concerned.
"...Mm, and...?" you hum, putting the kitchen towel back on its original place once you're done. She looks at you, staring a little, but her eyes were scanning your face for your emotions. The redhead takes a breath, holding it before talking.
"Well, since I've been really busy, I was thinking maybe we could spend some time outside together?" she asks, grabbing the bookmark she uses and placing it in between the pages to save her spot in the book. It's then placed on the coffee table in front of her.
"Like, right now?" Your eyebrows furrowed slightly while you slid your hands up and down your jeans, brushing off some crumbs that had stuck onto your skin.
"Yeah." You couldn't really deny her, because what she's said was true. But it was quite odd, because she could have asked earlier. Maybe the idea had come in her head just now, you thought.
"When the sun is going down?" You had a confused smile as you made your way over to her, going to lean beside her from the back of the couch. Her gaze was all on you while you talked.
"Yes?" She says naturally, as if she had asked in the middle of the day, while the sun was high in the sky and the wind would send a slight shiver down your spine.
But outside, the skies were blue and starting to mix with shades of red and oranges, clouds melting in some places. It was no longer the light blue color that had fluffy clouds laid over it earlier in the day.
Contemplating the decision, your eyes linger on the couch before they drift over to her. Her face is calm, but her eyes hold a look of hoping you'll take her offer.
"As long as we get ice cream or something." You shrug, your voice soft, and a smile raises on her lips. She gets up from the couch with the help of her hands and grabs her leather jacket hanging off the arms of the couch.
"I'm sure we will." She says, the pitch of her voice going up slightly to enunciate the last word of her sentence. Nat goes off to the hallways, with you following behind her.
You were curious, because she hadn't suggested a specific place you were going to go to, simply to spend some time out with you. The two of you arrive in front of the elevator, and the widow presses the down button with her finger. A ding was heard almost instantly, because the compound was so empty of anyone.
You step onto the elevator along with Nat once the doors opened, and she presses the parking floor button. Nothing but a comforting silence filled the quiet ride down. Although it did include some quiet whooshing from the fancy elevator Tony installed.
You arrive, and the doors slide open. You go out after the redhead, making sure your pace was slightly faster to catch up and walk beside her instead of a little behind.
When she arrives at her motorcycle, she grabs her helmet that she left on the seat and gives it to you, wanting you to have the security on your head. And she's rode on her motorcycle many times in emergencies without her helmet and turns out fine.
She checks that you have everything safely done. The latch of the helmet to secure it on your head, and that the visor was down. Nat then grabs out her keys from her pocket and inserts a specific one for the vehicle.
When it was twisted, she gets on the seat and looks to you as she waits for you to sit behind her and get comfortable. Once you were, she lifts the stand off the floor and then turns on the engine.
Making sure everything was good, and that you had your arms around her waist, she then slowly backs out from the small parking spot, turning the wheel and then driving out the garage.
The sun kissed your skin as soon as you went outside, while her orange hair elicits a slight glow in the sunlight.
You got on the main road, and you feel the wind hitting against every part of you even through your clothes. One of your favorite things whenever you went out with Nat was always this. Her being simply near you, just so close with your arms around her. The wind, watching cars passing by you without having to look out the window, and the feeling of the engines rattling to your bones.
You take a look around with a tight grip on her, and the city was a lovely sight with the sun setting in the background. It was slowly turning to a shade of pink, the orange fading away.
Your mind took every second to preserve this in your memories the best, as you always had whenever spending time with her. Your head moves to rest against her back. She was focused on driving, but feeling the movement and slight weight behind her warmed her heart nonetheless.
As Nat drove, she gets a text from Wanda, her phone lighting up on the phone holder she had set up on her motorcycle. Her eyes darts down for a split second, before focusing on the road once more.
The message had said; Nat! We have a bit of a problem...We're still taking care of some things. You might have to stall a little.
You didn't see it, considering you were behind her, and you were more so focused on the scenery around you. It seems you were starting to near the bottom side of a small mountain.
Her bike scales a bit of it until she slows down at a good spot, where there were now sidewalks beside the road. The motorcycle comes to a stop, and she puts her feet down, also making sure to put down the stand.
You were a little confused, because there was still a bit of road to go, even if you've gotten to almost the top of the mountaib. She got off her seat, her hand lingering on her bike.
"Okay, from here on out we have to walk." She nods her head towards the small dirt path that had trees in the clearing, and fallen leaves on the ground.
"What? The road doesn't lead to where we're going?" You do love yourself a little walk, but the sky was getting dark. You get off the motorcycle as she did earlier, and it stayed still even with the road slanted just a bit thankfully.
"No, it's a bit of an isolated spot." She says, trying her best to brush off your question, walking away to the dirt path that was surrounded by green trees.
"The scenery is amazing, I promise." She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head slightly, waiting for you to give in.
"Well..." You were on your way to protest with her, considering the walk, but the path looked so alluring. Even though it was starting to get dark, there seems to be a few old lamposts further in on the path.
"Okay." At your agreement, Nat nods and turns to lead you down the path. You follow her along, your steps quiet on the dirt path.
As you walk, you look at the sky, the color going to a deeper color of blue. The crickets were also making noise somewhere in the woods, putting on a more comfortable atmosphere with the orange lampposts.
Nat would always keep you safe, anyway. She keeps her eye on you and alert of her surroundings while you walked together, but the path held little to no sign of danger unless you'd have tripped and fell.
"Whoaa! Nat, look!!" You out your hand on her shoulder, and she looks to where you were pointing. In the view ahead, she sees a few dim lights that weren't lampposts.
"Fireflies." She says in a whisper of awe, just as you were as you walked towards it and stared at the bioluminescent beings flying around gently in the trees.
If you had brought a jar then perhaps you would have been able to catch them, but nonetheless they are mesmerizing to simply look at.
As you continue walking on, there was a small lake, and you stay as close as you can to Nat, the darkness surrounding and on the lake slightly setting off your safety system, but the stars and the moon in the sky reflecting within the moving water manages to calm your nerves a bit.
It was a beautiful sight, really. If you were in the city, there were at least about one or two stars you could spot. Maybe the view would look a lot better in the daytime, and it would be a good spot to relax at.
Nat went walking forward, moving in the lit up path that lead to, well, you don't even know. Your eyes focused on her moving figure, and she turns her head to look at you for a second, giving you a reassuring smile as you made your way to the end of the path.
When you walked out the small forest, you then see a road. And almost instantly, you look at her bewildered, turning to her.
"We could have driven here, Nat!" You say, putting your arm up towards the road to exaggarate your sentence. And as it was like at the dirt path, the road of course has streetlights.
"The road earlier didn't lead to here." She reasoned, and you shake your head as she continued her journey to who knows where. Apparently the forest wasn't what she wanted to show you, you thought.
"Are we there yet?" You ask, only the streetlights illuminating your face as you followed her. It isn't as scary when you look at the view of the city from the mountain you're standing on. You could see every car light, and building thats lit on. She was right on the scenery being amazing.
"Nope." She says softly, her head looking straight, while her legs kept her moving on the side of the empty road.
"Why are we walking outside when it's nighttime?" You ask another question, her odd state making you quite curious on what this is leading to.
"The view is better at nighttime. Look at the stars." She reasoned once more, and this time you knew there must be something more she's keeping from you. But you just can't seem to put a finger on what.
You look up, admiring the glowing lights, but then something else glowing caught your eye. Your eyes drift down as you and Nat walked, and you see a small shop lit up just across from you.
You read the shop name and got to see a bit of the inside through the windows, and it was what seemed to be a bakery, or an ice cream shop, or both.
"Did we really walk all the way here for ice cream?" Once you were in front of the shop, surprisingly, it was still open. The redhead opens the door and walks in, holding it open for you while you followed her.
"It's good ice cream, but no, we came for something else." Her hand lets go of the handle after you got inside, letting it slide smoothly back closed. There was someone cleaning up a table, while another stood at the cash register, doing their job. It must be the end of their shift soon, you thought. Until you two probably came along.
"You're really not gonna tell me, are you?" You ask her once more, unconvinced of the fact that she only brought you to walk this far to see fireflies, or the lake, or the stars. Although it is endearing.
"Don't worry, its just a few feet away now." One corner of her lips quirks up, talking with you with a small smirk. Cheeky.
She walks up to the staff member at the front. They were wearing a cap, and their uniform. Nat orders her ice cream, along with yours after she asked you what you wanted.
There were some pastries, too, and you decided on getting one. The worker gets back to the cash register to hand you both your ice cream and a bag of the pastry. Nat pays them, and then goes to find a seat with you.
Since they were all empty, you simply chose whichever one looked the most comfortable. The two of you sit down, the ice cream a delicious taste to your mouthes.
As you enjoyed it, you open the bag, wanting to try out the other dessert you bought. When you took a bite, it quite possibly became your favorite. You might visit this shop every now and then now.
You hold it out for Nat to try, and she takes it. She has a taste, and hums in approval. Slowly, you finish your ice cream as she does for hers. Nat's eyes linger on your face, while seeming like she was trying to supress a smile. And she was.
Her hand reaches up to wipe away a small bit of ice cream on the tip of your nose, and you smile at the gesture.
Her phone dings and lights up, a new message coming up on the screen. You were curious, but you didn't get a chance to look as she took it. You put the last of your ice cream cone into your mouth, the pieces crunching away. She already finished hers.
"Who are you texting?" You ask after swallowing. Her eyes doesn't leave her phone screen until she sends her message and turns off her phone. Suspicious. Not in the cheating way, no obviously, Nat would never do that. But it was suspicious.
"It's Yelena. She's just wondering where we are." You squint your eyes at her sentence, not fully trusting it, but you did see Yelena's profile picture on the screen for a split second, so she's not lying, maybe.
"Yeah...speaking of, where are we going? I know you did not just make us walk all the way here for just ice cream." You raise your eyebrows at her before moving to lean against her shoulder.
"You'll see." One of her arms were around your body, embracing you in a side hug but also holding you protectively while you rested your head on her shoulder.
In the corner of her eyes, she sees the woman at the cash register staring for a little too long now, and she gives her a deadly glare.
"Well, do you wanna see where we're going or not?" She asks you, and you quickly sit up off her shoulder when she moved to stand up. You let a huff of a laugh and smile when her hand reaches out to help pull you off the seat easily. Your hand grabs the small bag of what held the dessert earlier, going to throw it in a nearby trash can, considering it was now empty.
Nat was already waiting by the entrance for you, and you go to her, walking back outside to leave the employees of the restaurant to rest. Outside was darker, but in a way, it still held a somewhat comforting atmosphere, what, with the many lights in the distance, and the moon greeting you two once more.
Nat was walking slow. Why was she walking so slow? She's the fastest whenever you had morning jogging. Maybe she was getting tired, too? You didn't mind anyway, your legs were starting to get sore.
When you get to your destination, her feet stops and you almost run into her, accidentally zoning out during the walk.
"Alright, and we have arrived." Nat said, her voice steady, but inside her nerves were on fire along with her heart beating faster. You look up, and see that she was looking at a house. From the windows, you could see that the lights were already turned on.
"To a...house?" You say, confusedly, assuming it's a stranger's house, or someone she or you know, or a house she got for you to hang out at, as you did sometimes on holidays.
"I mean...it's a beautiful house, but what?" She raises her eyebrows at you with a growing smile while you had your eyebrows furrowed, getting more confused.
"Okay, you have been acting weird ever since we went out. Just tell me what's going on." Your hands gesture at her as if to make her look and think about what she's been doing the past hour.
"I have a good reason for it." She says, taking a look at the watch on her arm. After about fifteen seconds or so, your phone dings with a notification, but you couldn't be bothered to look at it now, especially when Nat finally looked at you, but with an adorable face.
"Well...surprise, and happy birthday." She takes out a key from her pocket and gently grabs one of your hands, placing it in your palm. You blinked for a second, then for a minute or so until you registered what was happening, your eyes widening.
You looked at the house with lit windows in front of you, then back to her, and to the house once more, not believing she had done such a thing, but oh, your heart was doing leaps within your chest when you realized.
"Nat. No way." You look down at the key in your hand. One that holds the way to unlocking a house just for the two of you. And one that might lead to your entire heart and love for her pouring down.
"It's our house." She nods, happy that she got such a reaction out of you. Her eyes were completely focused on you.
"I didn't wanna drive here because there were still some preparations needed, and we would've arrived before they were finished." She says. Nat knows how much you've been wanting a house of your own with her that you two could live in. You've been talking about it and has discussed it with her, but you didn't expect it to come today.
"I also wanted to show you when the clock hit twelve." She holds up her arm, showing you the time. Technically this wasn't in her plan, but with the time spent of your small hike and the two of you hanging out at the ice cream shop, it seemed perfect.
"You still could have just asked me to go later in the day!" You let out a small chuckle, and she raises one single finger at you to stop you from going any further.
"To be fair, we were originally supposed to arrive when the sun was still setting." She explains, making sense of the whole weird situation. She had to deal with being nervous at first, and then she had to stall time for you somehow. You raise a brow at her.
"It came up while I was driving." She shrugs and smiles sheepishly. You smile back at her just the same amount, rolling your eyes just slightly.
"I can't believe your idea to add more time was to take a walk in the forest with me." You were amused to say the least. Yes, god, you're the happiest person in the world right now to get such a birthday present from her of this, but teasing her is so fun.
"The lake looks better in the daytime! I promise," she says, laughing. "But now we're actually here, so let's go in." Her tone was excited, as if she hadn't gone in the house before. But she was thrilled to see your reaction to it, and happy that you're happy about it.
"Yeah!...I need to sit down," you say, remembering the key in your hand again but then your legs started to get sore, and your mind also needed you to sit down to process what's happened for a moment.
"Do you need me to carry you?" She teases, putting her arms out slightly to ready herself carrying you all the way to the house. You turn away, going to walk towards it.
"No, I can make it. It's not like I'll trip and fall or anything." And right as you said that, one of your foot accidentally gets stuck on a small rock as you walked, making you almost fall, but you manage to regain your balance quickly. Nat had her arms around your body already, preparing to catch you.
"You were saying?" She raises her eyebrows at you, tilting her head as she leaned forward. But her eyes held a small look of concern. You give her a tight-lipped smile, but your hand goes to intertwine with her. Well, if you fall down now she'll go down with you. I'm joking. It's sweet and endearing, the two of you walking to where you might live the rest of your lives.
You arrive at the front door with her beside you, and you take a deep breath, moving your hand that held the key to insert it in the keyhole. It fits perfectly. Nat's hand goes to embrace your hand that's holding the key.
Her warmth on your skin and how she looked at you like you were the whole world made you want to preciously store this special memory even more. You twist the key with her, and a click was heard.
Slowly, you open the door and walk in with her. Your heart was beating in anticipation. The light hits your face and you squint your eyes for a second, being in the darkness for so long making it blinding. When you fully got in with Nat, you blink until your eyes got used to it.
The place was beautiful. Oh, so beautiful, and cozy. But why was the lights on? Did she leave them on before she left? Or--
"SURPRISE!!!" The whole Avengers team jumps up, some from couches, some from behind the island of the kitchen and one, from the stairs.
"Oh my god!" Your reaction came quickly, jumping from their sudden appearance. Your eyes widened at every person you saw. Even Nat was surprised, even if she expected it. But she got over it quickly, and smiled almost at the same time as you did.
"What are you all doing here?! Did you plan this?" Your face was bright with joy. And you were frozen at the entrance still. A breath of a laugh comes out from your mouth, shocked over everything happening.
"Yep! In courtesy of Nat." Wanda says, her eyes set on her steady hands holding a...birthday cake?! It even had candles lit up and everything. And it was your favorite flavour. The direction she was walking in was towards you.
"We're actually just here for the cake." Stark says, gesturing towards the dessert, his eyebrows raising before he smiled.
"I'm kidding, you guys can do whatever alone. We only brought the cake for you two and its getting late." He adds on to his sentence, and you shake your head at him while Nat rolled her eyes playfully.
"...But Yelena did kind of steal one slice." Wanda quietly says to you as you blow on the candles with one missing after you had your wish in mind. The cake was obviously missing a piece, but you didn't mind.
"Aw, боже мои (my god), you snitch!" Yelena says, almost about to curse Wanda out in russian, but holds back. She was holding a black cat in her arms, and your eyes brightened up even more when you saw it.
"YOU GOT US A CAT?!!" You didn't even care about the slice of cake nor was it even on your mind the second you laid your eyes on the small adorable fluffball wrapped up in Yelena's arms.
When Wanda moved aside to let you see it more, you almost ran straight to it, careful not to accidentally bump the cake in her arms.
You got in front of Yelena, and close up, you could see the fur shining the lights in the house. The cat must have had the cleanest bath earlier. You touch it with even just a slight brush on the head, and it was the softest thing you've touched.
With how close you were, you could hear the purring. Eventually, its eyes start to open, revealing a pair of soft yellow eyes. Nat walks up from behind you, staring at your interaction with it.
"Her name is Liho." Natasha says softly, watching the black cat's tail move smoothly while it watched you, blinking and taking in the new face in front of it.
"I love her!!" You say, adoring the new small friend, your hands holding its head delicately. Liho closed her eyes once more, and the purring felt against your hands made your heart melt.
"...And I love you!!!" Your hand drifts off the cat's head, going over to your side as you quickly ran over to hug Nat tightly. She blushed slightly and smiled, but trying not to show it too much, especially in front of the entire team.
Yelena continues to hold Liho, looking at the warming interaction the two of you had.
"Aw, how cute. But I did most of the work here while your girlfriend was relaxing with you! I had to take this little cat to the vet and everything and get her a collar." You let out a small giggle at her while Nat rolled her eyes once more.
"Well, relaxing, sure, if that's what you call hiking all the way here is." You say jokingly, and Nat looked at you with her mouth open slightly.
"That's how she managed to stall you?" Wanda asked, a small chuckle making its way out her mouth.
"It was a small walk! And I treated you to ice cream after." She says, defending herself from it. The ice cream was delicious, after all.
"There is an ice cream shop nearby?" A tall blonde with a deep voice asks. Or, well, Thor. You give him a small wave, and he waves back with his hand that wasn't holding the Mjölnir, smiling.
"Yeah! Everything's delicious there. I don't know if it's still open though." You say, warning Thor that he could be up for major disappointment if he went and is greeted with a closed ice cream shop.
"Ah, I will set that as my next destination then," he says anyway, craving far too much for an ice cream at the moment.
"What are you, a GPS Navigator now?" Another blonde says. Clint was on the stairs, sitting on it casually as if the couch didn't have any free space. Well, that was him anyway. He sits in the vents sometimes, so it isn't surprising.
Yelena laughs loudly, while Wanda giggled softly. Tony just let out one "Ha!" and Nat tried to suppress her laugh. She looked adorable with that smile.
As the room calmed down and some started talking to the other, Yelena bumps her shoulder with yours lightly, since she couldn't really move her arms.
You look, and she holds out Liho, the cat's small paws hanging off her hand. Nat was sat down on the couch talking with Wanda, so you and Yelena are alone in the interaction.
"You want to hold her?" she asks, knowing you would full on accept her offer because you've been saying how you want to get a cat while she was aiming for a dog, in which, she is soon getting one, meaning the both of you will have a pet.
"Yeah!" You say in the giddiest voice. She carefully gives you the cat, making sure it was in your arms properly. Liho had closed her eyes instantly as soon as she felt the warmth your body held.
"You know, we haven't done one last thing yet." Wanda says, standing up after finishing her conversation with Nat.
"Everyone!" Wanda announces, causing everyone to stop talking and turn their heads to look at her. "In 1, 2, 3," she counts, you looking at her curiously while everyone seemed ready and changing their gaze to you instead.
"Happy birthday!" They all said at once, making Liho perk up at the sudden noise, but calm back down and lay comfortably against your arms once she realizes no danger is near.
"Thank you, all of you," you say, with the biggest smile you've had yet. Your face musces were going to ache from how much happiness it's been doing recently.
"How did you all even plan this?" You wondered curiously, noting the amount of people in the house and that they had all managed to do it without accidentally spilling it to you.
"I got the cake." Thor says proudly. Somehow the cake was perfect, and nothing went to a disastrous road. Or, well...at least to the cake.
"It was a little chaotic." Tony squints his eyes, showing his teeth in his slight look of somewhat grimace. Everyone else was focused on the conversation, keen on finding out what's happened this time.
"No. No, it wasn't," he denies, blinking and tucking his lips into his mouth. He knew he was wrong, but he hated to not win an argument or let Tony ruin his pride of being able to get the cake.
"Let's be honest, you asked the shop owner if he could make a giant sculpture of you, with fireworks, and big writing at the bottom, and all of it being cake. And you also added that you wanted it as your favorite pop tart flavour." Tony ranted, explaining the many things Thor's said he wanted on a single cake. At least you had an idea of what to do for Thor's birthday now.
"I'm sure the shop owner had a headache while arguing with you that it's too much." Stark scratched the back of his head slightly. Meanwhile, Thor had his mouth moving while he tried to think of a sentence to fire back.
"Okay, fine, maybe just a little...chaotic." He backed down, out of comebacks for words, possibly from being sleepy at how late it's getting, and also not wanting to cause a big argument on your birthday.
"I went to the vet with Yelena." Clint said, raising his hand as if he was in a classroom. Your hands were going through the soft fur of the said cat Clint and Yelena brought to the vet. That's where Liho got the bath that made her fur so shiny, you guessed.
"Oh, I set up the house and made sure everything was under control!!" Wanda followed along with her hand raised, too, a smile on her face. She did an amazing job of keeping things together, with everything going almost exactly as planned. Although Nat suspected something chaotic had happened during the time she had to stall you.
"I...uh, I didn't even really do anything, I just drove everyone here." Tony shrugs, his face tired from all the driving around he's done, but he was calm.
"And I, am the main planner, who is now looking at the time and saying that you are all now well over your time in visiting!" Nat stands up, urging everyone to now go out. They all follow her orders, not wanting to make a black widow mad so late in the night. They might all have nightmares haunted by her, possibly.
They all say their goodbyes, going through the front door one by one. You couldn't really imagine what just happened, but it's real. The cat in your arms, the furniture around you, and Nat standing at the door. The door of your shared home, closing it and walking over to you.
"You're amazing for all this," you whisper, and though it was quiet, she could hear you because she was so close to you. She rests her arms on your shoulders, going around your neck slightly.
"I couldn't have done it if you weren't so trusting of me." At that, the both of you laugh for a small few seconds, remembering how you followed her even though it was through a dark forest, and an ice cream shop.
"I'd go anywhere with you." You say, leaning ever so closer to her. Neither of you noticed until a small meow sounded underneath you, Liho still nestled within your arms. Nat looks down along with you.
She lets out an "aw," and steps back a bit to pet the cat. Liho was already familiar to her and to her touch, considering Nat's bonded with her over the past few days. Or well, years. She found the stray cat out in the street, until it followed her around and soon enough now became her little friend.
"I don't even have the words to say it..." You say, unable to make up a way to say just how much you adored her and all the things she did. Nat looks back up at you before standing up properly, a soft smile on her face.
"...You don't have to say anything." She gently says. Liho jumps out from your arms smoothly, and the two of you look at her go off to wherever, before focusing back on each other.
She puts her arms around your waist instead, her eyes traveling around yours, in search of what? You don't know. Perhaps just to figure out your thoughts.
"I love you," the words come out easily from your mouth. Oh, so easily. She wonders how you do it. But instead of words, she goes and slowly leans in and captures your lips with hers.
Although it was short, it was endearing. You pull away soon enough, and laid your head against her shoulder, your arms on her back. She carefully holds you, looking around at the home you two have.
"Let's go rest now, yeah?" Her hand tangles itself in your hair, going through it a bit. And she could notice your eyes already having that dozy, sleepy look.
The rest of the night was spent in a comfortable brand new bed, with you holding each other. The air was a comfortable cold, and Liho slept somewhere on the bed, near your legs.
You were careful not to accidentally hit her, but you probably couldn't anyway, since she laid on the blankets and your legs were under them.
A new morning later was in a changed life of yours. You still can't believe it wasn't just a dream.
A/N: okay! lets all pretend I did not just forget steve. I realized that like 95% of the way through finishing it :') he's just uh busy on a mission or sleeping I guess...?
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@notevenanna @ludasgf @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @justanotherteenpoet @fxckmiup @dmenby3100 @animealways @natashasilverfox @wandsmxmff @simp-erformarvelwomen
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toxicanonymity · 7 months
boyd-a-thon fic drive.
In this event, I donate $10/fic to Palestine Children's Relief Fund for smutty Boyd Holbrook character fics. You write a fic, 500-3k words. To participate, please tag #boyd-a-thon, me, and @lustaffairs.
Event Masterlist (ongoing). Optional Prompts
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Done: 20 | Remaining: 10
I went ahead and made all the donations, but would love for people to keep participating and be added to the masterlist until it reaches 30 fics.
BACKGROUND: In thanks for these fics, I donated $10/fic to palestine children's relief fund, which is a top rated organization on charity navigator. I decided to continue this for more fics.
It can be any character on Boyd's IMDB, including - Donald Pierce (Logan), Clement Mansell (Justified City Primeval), Billy (Skeleton Twins), Amos Jenkins (Little Accidents) Mo Lundy (The Free World), Steve Murphy (Narcos), Ty Shaw (Vengeance 2022), and more. . .There's not always a steady flow of Boyd character fics, the fandom deserves to feast (including the amazing gifmakers), and this is what I crave.
I don't care if I've never heard of you, or if it's your first fic. It can be porn without plot. It can be an AU like mafia, stepcest, etc. it can be out of character. 500-3k words? Brownie points from me for vaginal sex or jacking off. But this isn't limited to F/M, you can do a reader or character pairing of your choice.
Target - April 30 but no hard deadline.
PLEASE USE A READMORE text divider🙏 so I can reblog, and please include approximate word count if you don't mind. There will also be a masterlist. If I don't interact within a day, please DM. I will donate at the end of each week.
current gif by @boydholbrook-fan <33 always amazing
I made a pcrf acct for this purpose but have also donated multiple times without an account, and it was very easy. I didn't even have to give my phone number. You can choose any amount to give. You don't have to use their pre-set amounts.
Your donation allows PCRF to deliver on its humanitarian mission and send international volunteer medical missions to treat sick and injured patients while training local doctors. It also enables PCRF to send wounded and sick children abroad for free medical care they cannot get locally. As a 4-star rated charity for the past 11 years, you can be sure that your donation will have the biggest impact on the lives of children in the Middle East, regardless of politics or religion.
$10 is comparable to ~15,000 clicks (on arab.org).
Last donation: May 25
IMG: PCRF dashboard says good afternoon, toxi! and shows I've given $300 through the acct I made for this event.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Character x Reader (Fluff) (Drabble)
(Alternative Angst Ending Included)
Context: You like giving/making trinkets to/for the love of your life (Character list below)
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TLOU Masterlist
My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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Disclaimers/warnings: Typical fandom things (read tags), OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
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You giving them a keychain or something of the sort and you think they clasp it on their belt loop or keep it in their pocket but that's actually not how they take it on missions with them because something from you is too valuable to actually be taken out like that where they could lose it.
Same thing goes if you make them jewelry, they think it's too fragile so instead they keep it back in their quarters/place underneath their pillow.
They pull out whatever trinket you gave them that meant a lot to you or you made yourself and they just stare at it reminding themselves that they have you. They hold it close to their heart as the found themselves finally able to sleep, still was difficult away from you.
With all the cruel and fucked up things they've seen in their life, you are by far the only light they have when they are stuck sulking in the darkness.
The one time you gave them a necklace, your favorite one and you begged them to bring it on missions because it was extremely sturdy and was in good condition after all.
They, in turn made a chain and clasped it on that so they can have it hanging by their belt loops so that enemies don't rip it off their neck. (The chain I'm describing are similar to the picture at the top but with chunkier and sturdier chains)
God forbid they actually lose or break something you gave them, they would cry or sulk because they know how much you value it and how your feelings would get hurt.
They were extremely surprised and relieved that you weren't mad at all at them because things like that just happen especially on missions. Instead of being mad, you gave/made them another one. They'll cherish it, that's for sure.
Angst ending below:
They swore to keep it with them to their graves and they did, the shouldn't have made that promise. It cemented their fate...
With their last breath, it was you they thought of. Apologies running through their head for being so weak that they know they're going to fail to come home to you.
Their cold body found in battle, tear and blood stained face while their eyes still open but no signs of life. In their fist was found of a memory of your love that kept them alive till then. The closed fist being held against their heart when they were found..
You couldn't help but fall to your knees, the world around you felt like it was spinning. Your lungs refuse to let you breathe along with the rest of you body betraying you, you choked out a sob. Clenching your hand against the pain in your chest withholding the item you gave them, only having realized that it returned into your hands once more...
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Characters in mind:
Call of duty: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Resident Evil: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Carlos Oliveira, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong.
The Last Of Us: Ellie Williams, Abby Anderson.
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A/n: The amount of tags I used on this post is ridiculous, it was a fucking miracle that I managed to fit everything in. This was originally just supposed to be a fluff fic but my mind was wandering off and I thought of making a part 2 but that seems like too much work for a little paragraph so there
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winterarmyy · 2 years
Alpha!Bucky Fics Recs
Each of the fics will have the author account listed as well, I implore you to go check all of their works because they are as equally delightful as the ones that I've listed in these.
Do follow, like, comment and reblogs these works to support the authors and their works.
Check out this masterlist for the recs for other genres!
"Type" is basically the type of fic, oneshot or series, complete or ongoing, and is it fluff, angst, etc.
"Teaser" is my own way of explaining the summary of the fic.
"Review" is my take on the fic. I won't really comment on the writing so much because I'm not qualified to judge them lol. So, I will just leave some review about how i feel when/after I read the fics and what i love about it.
Genre tags:  🥀 - angst    ⛓ - smut    🐇 - fluff     🖤 - dark
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My Alpha Next Door by @multi-stann​
Type: oneshot, completed – 🥀 ⛓ 🐇
Teaser: The new neighbor next door turns out to be your fated alpha. You are already in love with him ever since you caught his scent, but things were not as beautiful as the fairytale portrayed it to be when your fated alpha decided he doesn't want you (i.e. was already spoken for by someone else)
Review: A little bit of 🥀 , a good amount of feels though. I love that the reader is quite feisty; she was sad but like a angry-sad type rather than moping around drowning in self-pity. It's a oneshot, so there's not much of dragging amount of time between the unrequited feelings to transform into mutual feelings. Decently straight forward pace. And of course, it was spicy and sweet just how I like it to be!
The Mating Program by @multi-stann​
Type: oneshot, completed – 🥀 ⛓ 🐇
Teaser: Omega!Reader joined a program where they set up couples to live with each other for a certain amount of time. It was the reader's first time to the program and Alpha!Bucky's fourth time. Bucky wasn't a mean alpha, he was just cold and distant. It makes the omegas feels neglected. He push people away. Including the reader.
Review: Long-ass oneshot, so it was enough to lay out the one-sided pining, to unknowingly mutual pining. I love that Bucky was not rude or mean type of grumpy, he's just distant and don't seem interested. He was nice enough to have small talk here and there, and will try to cater the reader with her needs. Bucky doesn't hate your company in the house, and that's telling you something. Another good read for quick minute!
Heart & Soul by @all1e23​
Type: series, completed – 🥀 ⛓ 🐇
Teaser: Alpha!Bucky is cop while Omega!Reader is a traumatized omega that developed fear/paranonia towards alphas. It took Bucky a single whiff of her scent in crowd to convice him that she was his, and he was hers. But knowing her unkind past, Bucky made it his mission to court her respectfully, just like she deserved.
Review: I adore this series, I love me some soft alpha, and I mean soft as in he takes care of her so well! Approach her with genuine interest and care! She was hesitant at first, but with the way Bucky was treating her, she couldn't help but to let him in. Really really love this series. This Alpha!Bucky makes me feel soft and safe for some reason.
It's Been a Long, Long Time by @luminnara
Type: series, completed – 🥀 ⛓ 🐇
Teaser: An OC omega injected with the super serum just to cater the needs of Alpha!Winter Soldier. If he's in the cryo, then she'll be in hers too. But when the soldat gained his freedom, he seemed to forgot that his omega was still frozen within the abandoned Hydra facilities. Until one day, she was found.
Review: Another favourite of mine! This time with an original character! Love me some fic where the fl had history with Winter Soldier and not to mention a good relationship as well. The soldat was never mean or forceful, a bit rough sometimes but somehow careful, it's like his inner alpha somehow has his own conciousness? Chanting things like "don't hurt her, take care of omega, protect omega." So he always treats his omega with care and dare I say, with love. I adore every moment of them back in Hydra days. And that scene when she ran out the facility to see the night sky for the first time in a long time. God, something about Alpha!Winter Soldier in that scene! Kinda dark but soft too?! I love that, really! The reunion after years of being apart was heartwarming honestly. And everything after that is just as beautiful.
Alpha!Bucky Drabble by @angrythingstarlight
Type: Drabble, completed – 🥀 🐇
Teaser: After losing his arm fighting to protect his clan, Alpha!Bucky thought he is forever defected and will never be find the other half of his soul, until he met you.
Review: This was just a drabble written for an ask but MY GOD i wish we had a mini series for this! This was not enough, i'm greedy for this because who doesn't Iove some insecure bucky and loving reader. One of the best authors in here!
Meadows and Pine by @bunnygirlwriter876
Type: series, completed – 🐇 ⛓ 🥀
Teaser: Bucky is one of the most successful man in the city. He is a powerful alpha and a rich CEO of his company. But, he doesn't seem to feel whole with his life especially when he will soon be married to his fiance that doesn't love him. Catching a particular scent in his company one day, was the catalyst for his life to finally feeling complete.
Review: This was one of the firsts Alpha!Bucky I've read in this platform and I was hooked immediately. Classics of obvious mutual pining yet there was still back and forth between the couple. I don't what it is but the predatory POV of Bucky when he's around the reader is just sending me both to heaven and hell, honestly. Good pace, good conflict and resolvents. Solid fic, and I love everything about this.
Burning Rose by @kaunis-sielu
Type: series, completed – 🥀 ⛓ 🐇
Teaser: Call it coincidence or fate, but who would've thought that Bucky would find his omega when he walked into that random flower shop. A love story between an Alpha!Firefighter and Omega!Florist with a grey past she wanted to leave behind.
Review: This was also one of the firsts I read in this platform. I don't know what it is about this Bucky, but he gave me comforting vibes. Something about him just makes me feel as if I'm being cuddled in the middle of rainstorm outside. Very dramatic, I know. But that's just how I feel overall when I read this fic. The conflict was unexpected actually, at least for me it was. It was a good read overall!
The Salon Girl by @bunnygirlwriter876
Type: series, ongoing – 🖤 🐇 ⛓
Teaser: Bucky is an Alpha has been through unimaginable trauma. And after being free from the captivity of Hydra, it would be logical to think that Bucky is free from the darker version of himself. But that doesn't seem to be the case when his courting behaviour towards a certain omega seems to be laced with a slightly ominous tendecy.
Review: This awakens something in me, I'm not even kidding. I usually avoid dark fics but this was the catalyst of all my interest to dark fic. Maybe because it was a soft dark but yeah. Congratulations dear author, you unlock the pandora box in me, lmao. Bucky is basically a stalker with a goal to making the reader "realizes" that she is "his omega". He is charming during the days when they converse and questionable during the nights when he watched her through the windows of her home. Though it is still ongoing, I'm cheering for the author for the upcoming chapters!
Matched by @nony-bear
Type: series, ongoing – 🥀 🐇
Teaser: Being deprived from life itself, Bucky dreamed to regain it back by settling down with a mate. With it being the 21st century, there's no doubt that the old ways of finding a mate are long forgotten. As suggested by his therapist, Bucky joined a bio-tech incorporated mate matching program called Swan Program in hopes of finding his other half. On the flip side, the reader was thinking of doing the same thing.
Review: It's the longing, the yearning, the "so close yet so far" feels is immaculate, like you have no idea how much I love this series. Such an interesting take of mate matchmaking system which just adds to the anticipation of Bucky and the reader to get together. The plot and pace are perfect and I love the couple already! Though it is still ongoing and no pressure at all; I'm rooting for the author to continue this masterpiece!
Once Upon Blue Moon by @sagechanoafterdark
Type: series, ongoing – ⛓ 🐇
Teaser: TFATWS!au where Alpha!Bucky realizing that he was lost and needs help to navigate his life in the 21st century and make it more... enjoyable, in a way. To actually find a life worth to live for from the freedom he gained after the Winter Soldier ordeal. Omega!reader came into the picture as a comfort omega that professionally provides service to help those are in need, such as Bucky.
Review: It is newly released and currently just chapter 1 and I am hooked. What can I say? I'm a sucker a/b/o trope! There's a possible ⛓ content but idk. I tagged it as 🐇 because it says to be 'angst in a good kind'. Any good feeling is categorized as 🐇 to me lol. I am looking forward for the upcoming chapters and what the author will be blessing us with,
[ This is not Bucky, but it's actually Lee Bodecker but it made in the list because I love the series so much ]
Grumpy Grizzly by @abbatoirablaze
Type: series, completed – ⛓ 🐇
Teaser: Alpha!Lee is not as desired compared to his other alpha friends. He's from a grizzly lineage, strong and huge. "But he is huge in all the wrong places" they said. He's insecure, yet still one grumpy alpha. Then, Omega!reader is just a sweet little koala bear that have a crush on him.
Review: uhhhh pleaseeeee I just love chubby!alpha x smitten!omega trope. He's insecure, thinking he deserve no one in the world while the reader just constantly look at him like he hung the moon and stars in the sky. That's my shit right there. It's so cute and fluffy, and makes me happy for no fucking reason. The author nailed it with this mini series, istg i've searching more fic like this but haven't been able to hit just the right like this particular author though. Has little bit of spice and it's perfection!
[ This is not Bucky, but it's actually Nick Fowler but it made in the list because I love this one too lol ]
Mate Training by @abbatoirablaze
PT.1  |  PT. 2  |  PT. 3 
Type: series, completed – 🥀 ⛓🐇
Teaser: Omega!Reader is currently a new recruit and on a training camp to be a spy. Being the only omega panther shifter, it's only fair that you managed to attract the attention the only alpha panther shifter, Agent Fowler. And oh how he made it very clear that he was more than ready to mate with you when he partially shifted in front of all the new recruits on the first day of training.
Review: Another a/b/o trope that I simply love! I like the idea that they can shift into the animal counterpart of themselves. I don't see that a lot, or maybe I just haven't find more. Anyway, I kinda like how shameless Nick was for approaching the reader the way he did. It's borderline harassment but yknow, its Nick Fowler though. He gets a pass for that, I'd give him the free pass. Anyway, I love the conflict with refusing to mate because being a spy and starting a family (yknow having cubs and all) is not the best idea. Anyway, I love this series so much! Bless the author for writing this.
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Note: Will update more in the future! Feel free to recommend me fics too, I might list them in this as well!
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fredswrite · 2 months
Hiiii it's me🦅 I've been trying to find some Minho fics so you're my savior!! To the point, I was wondering if you're able to do a small Minho imagine where she was Sonya's best friend and the reunited?
If not it's COMPLETELY ok!! 🦅🙏🏼
Thank you bby 🤍🤍
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A/N: Love this 🦅! Sonya is literally my wife and Minho is my husband so this is perfect. This happened in the second books but doesn’t really follow how it happened because I read the book so long ago.
WC: 2.8k
SUMMARY: You have spend the last weeks with the girls of group B, forgetting about the maze until you meet them again. Reader is supposed to attack them but she loves Minho to much to do so.
WARNING: Use of knife, death!threat, a bit of angst, Minho being honest and Thomas being astonished.
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After you finally succeed in escaping the Maze, you were taken away from your friends with Teresa. You were both completely lost until you met the other girls. They told you about the mission they had, which soon became yours as well. To kill Thomas.
They were all unsure if it was the right thing to do, they didn’t know the boy like you did. When you tried to think back of the maze, all you could remember was the nights spent with Minho laughing after your long days of running.
Yes, there was Teresa, but she was fighting her own thoughts to make sure this was the only thing occurring in her mind. When she stopped her telepathic link with him she stopped talking with everyone, including you. She wanted more than anyone his death, which was kind of confusing after you saw their bond back then.
The others were still debating if they would truly kill him, after all, they didn’t know if he was the evil person they thought he was.
You didn’t know what to do or think about it. He used to be your friend, but Gally used to be too before he killed Chuck.
You missed all your friends too, Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Winston, but one in particular, Minho.
"We’ll meet them soon, I feel it." Sonya told you one night when your thoughts were fixated on this, but not on Thomas, on Minho once again.
He was your best friend if not more. The way he would play in your hair during the bonfire nights and how he loved to run to your side in the maze were the thoughts that could make you find sleep. He wasn’t a demonstrative person, so when he made those small attentions to you, it was occurring in your minds for the next days.
The hammocks that were used as beds were the same ones that were used in the maze. Sometimes it made you consider if you never truly escaped WICKED and this was all kind of their game. But when you look at the many dunes of sand, you easily forget these thoughts.
You all stayed together in the same shelter, weapons for each one of them, in case of crank emergency or any other situation where you would need to defend yourself. You had a small knife you could easily hide if you needed to.
"Sonya what if they had to kill us like we have to kill him." You asked her, scared that Minho could have something to do in this situation.
"It’s about Thomas." She responded, knowing the deeper meaning of her words.
You would only nod, not convinced as you should be. The worry filled you days and nights, trying to find a way to forget about it.
Teresa, though, didn’t forget about it. She wanted to make sure everything she was told to do was done. There was something she wasn’t telling them, something else than her mission.
One morning, Sonya woke her up earlier than supposed, an uneasy smile expression on her face. "Y/n, they’re here."
You didn’t need to be told twice and you stood up from your hammock, grabbing the knife from under it. Straight away, you saw all the girls standing still, waiting for Teresa to give the signal. When she saw you, a weird look covered her face.
"Let me do the talking." She said and you didn’t thought anything about it at first, you were too focused on seeing them again.
Carefully, everyone took positions behind her, you to her side. You walked silently until you saw them. The boys you spent more then two years with.
The other Gladers noticed right after you did, and soon everyone had stopped to gawk at you and Teresa. As she marched toward them, her hands gripping that weapon, her face hard as stone. She looked ready to start stabbing the first thing that moved.
Thomas took a step forward, not really sure what he planned to do. But then more movement stopped him.
On both sides of Teresa, he noticed the girls appearing. They seemed to come from nowhere. He turned to look behind him. They were surrounded, by at least twenty girls.
You stared at him, wanting to run to hold him. But the look Teresa gave you saying "don’t ruin everything," made you back off. The task, right.
You all held weapons, varying knives, swords and jagged machetes. Several of the girls had bows and arrows, their tips already aimed at them. You could feel the slice of fear in Thomas. He couldn’t figure out why you both looked ready to harm the first one to speak.
They were all here unless three more people you didn’t recognize and Winston was gone. An older looking man with brownish skin, a girl with short black hair and a skinny boy with blonde hair that looked dehydrated.
Her thoughts were cut short when Teresa stopped about thirty feet away from the Galders. The girls did the same, forming a full circle around them. Thomas twisted again to see the girls, blades held out in front. He knew those arrows could fly and find a home inside someone's chest easily.
Minho spoke first. "What's this crap about, Teresa? Nice way to greet your long-lost buddies."
He looked like the only one to not notice you were here as well until he looked around like Thomas did. He saw you, your y/h/c hair and those eyes he could get abandoned inside. He trusted you deeply and seeing your weapon armed toward him, he felt betrayed after seeing you for so long.
"Y/n what’s happening."
You both didn't answer the question, and a dreadful silence swept across the group. Teresa walked toward them, and stopped about ten feet from where Minho and Newt stood side by side.
"Teresa?" Newt questioned. "What the bloody—"
"Shut up," she said without snapping or yelling it. She said it calmly and with assurance, which only made it that much more fearful for Thomas. "And any of you makes a move, the bows start shooting."
Minho looked at you, seeing the silence you expressed. You looked back at him, trying to say something but you couldn’t.
You and Sonya stepped closer to Teresa holding your blades. "Y/n." Minho said again his voice filled with calm, but at the same time he felt anger filling his veins.
"Shut up." Teresa said again, her spear closer to the boy’s throat.
"Teresa what’s-"
She reared back and swung the back of her spear at him, hitting it into his right cheek. A outburst of pain shot through his skull and his neck; he crushed to his knees, a hand to his face where she'd hit him.
"I said shut up." You reached down and grabbed him by the shirt until he stood once again.
Teresa repositioned her hands on the pole, and pointed it at him. "Is your name Thomas?" Confusion could be read in his face as she questioned who he was. You tried to stay calm, but you didn’t thought she would go this far.
"You know who I am, he looked at you, Y/n you do know right?"
You were about to speak, but Teresa cut you in your way by hitting Thomas in the stomach once more, but this time he keep standing.
"I used to, I’m going to ask you one more is your name Thomas?" Her voice no longer had the calming effect on him, he was glancing at her breathing heavily by the punch she just made.
"Yes!" He yelled back, "My name is Thomas!"
Just as he said those things, she dragged him out of the Gladers, as he followed with difficulty.
"You're coming with us," she called out. "Thomas. Come on. Remember, anyone tries something, the arrows fly."
"No way!" Minho yelled. "You're not taking him anywhere."
You were alone with the boys in the middle of the circle, since Teresa grabbed him away being half-conscious.
They looked at you while Thomas disappeared of their side. Minho was the first to talk. He looked so different, but somehow he was still the same. His hairs were wet with sweat and he changed his usual blue running shirt for a black compressive one. You could have hug him, having your happy ever after ending. But in that circumstance you were a total stranger to all of them.
"Bring the bag," Teresa said from above.
In his vision, Thomas saw two girls walking toward him, their weapons hidden away somewhere.
One of them Hariett, stepped closer to him, the brown bag ready to cover him. They stopped two feet from him; he got back to his hands and knees, scared to do anything more for fear of getting hit again.
"We're taking him with us!" Teresa yelled. "If anybody follows, I'll hit him again and we'll start shooting you. We won't really bother aiming. Just let the arrows fly any old way they feel like."
As you were about to turn away and join them back, she spoke up to you. "And y/n will stay with you, so don’t try anything." She threw you her spear and you aimed at the Gladers.
Was it a good thing? Maybe that way you could see them again, but you were only seen as the enemy, not their friend anymore.
"Teresa!" Minho's voice. "You catch the Flare that quickly? Your mind's obviously gone already."
She hit Thomas in the head this time and put the bag over him immediately. "I warn you, someone want to say something more?"
In the middle of the scorch, no sound could be heard except from the wind crashing into the sand and the moans of Thomas.
"Good." And they left Sonya gave you a sad smile, before they were out of your sight once more.
"What the fuck." The girl with short hair said, showing her fist to your nose, which you easily dodged.
"I-" You started, but Minho cut you off.
"What in the klunk happened to you?" All the love you two shared was gone, he saw you as a traitor who backstabbed his friend.
"We had to do this Minho, I promise you they said it was the only way we could save things." You tried to explain, but even in your own words, this sounded weird.
"To be killed by group B." Newt quoted the line written on his friend's neck, "For all I know, you aren’t from group B," He added.
They could have killed you easily, which made you think that maybe Teresa made you stay with them so you would get killed. During the past few days, she no longer felt anything that concerned you.
"You changed so much." Frypan let out, looking up and down at you and your weapon. Knife in one hand and spear in the other.
"So you’re going to kill Thomas?" The girl you didn’t know spoke again, and you could tell how deeply she cared for him.
Somehow that made you realize something, it made you come back to your true self, there was no way you would kill Thomas by giving WICKED what they wanted. It all made sense now Teresa was behind all this.
"I won’t. Sonya and Harriet won’t let this happen."
"What’s that supposed to mean? Teresa seemed quite sure she would kill him.« Minho said, crossing his arms.
"We’ll go in the wood, hide for the next day and meet them again. Sonya is smart enough to know what she’s supposed to do."
"What do you mean we." She spoke up.
"Do you want to save him or not?"
When the night had come, you couldn’t find sleep. The Gladers didn’t seem to trust you enough, they all kept a guard turn, to make sure you wouldn’t try anything. Which was understandable considering the things you did earlier.
It was Minho’s night shift when he spotted you, your back pinned against a tree. "Can’t sleep?" He asked you, and that reminded you of all your times spent together.
"I’m sorry Minho, I didn’t know what-"
He cut you off pressing his hand in his hair, which gave you a weird sensation in your stomach you weren’t used to.
"It’s fine." When he said something was fine, it was because it wasn’t. "I don’t know your side of the story, but being with all those girls probably made you feel like them."
"We got told we would save things if we killed Thomas, but now that I’m looking at it, it just seems so wrong. Teresa was really looking forward to doing it, so I thought it was the right thing to do."
He nodded and stood up before sitting back to your side, pinning his back to the tree as well.
"I understand, Thomas can be a real ass sometimes." He chuckled and just the sound of his laughter made your smile come back. He always hid behind sarcasm, but right now you could feel him be honest with you. He was letting his heart to you.
"Brenda really like Thomas doesn’t she?" You asked, finally knowing her name. You already knew the answer but you wanted to know the deeper story.
"Yeah, they got locked somewhere once and got drugged by some shanks. I saved them, of course, but I could tell something happened before I arrived."
He said playing with his dragger at the same time. You looked at it, noticing it was the same one he kept on him when running.
"Is that your knife from the maze?" You question turning your head to look back at him, knowing he probably missed running or was relieved he didn’t have to anymore.
"Yeah, I always keep it with me." He shrugged before pulling it back into his pocket where its place was designed. "It’s stupid."
"Hey, it’s not stupid." You said, grabbing his hand to keep him from hiding it. "I still have this." You showed him the random piece of wood Chuck sculpted for you. You and Thomas were his two best friends, went he was murdered he gave you both one.
Thinking about him always made your tears come back. You knew Gally was strung, but somehow his actions still hurt you. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see his death over and over again.
Minho closed your hand that held the sculptur, closing it with his. He looked up at you, his eyes were staring at yours, filled with worry. He was never good to comfort people, but this was difficult.
The boy noticed your wet cheeks, pressing his hand over your cheeks to wipe the tears away. "Don’t cry, I hate to see you cry." He murmured in a quiet tone, which reminded you why you loved him this much.
He stayed like that for a long moment, fixated on your eyes, your lips and every facial feature he liked deeply. His thumb started rubbing against your skin, millions of fireworks exploding on your face. You felt hypnotized by him and his touch.
"I really missed you y/n." The same damn voice, driving you insanely in love. He was everything you wanted, everything you needed. He was Minho.
"Me too." Was all you could respond, when you felt your skin burning, wanting more than just a simple touch. Your throat could have fallen to the ground if you didn’t remain composed.
"Can I kiss you?" It was a simple question, one that you never thought he would ask. It took you by surprise, but instead of replying, your lips met his in a slow and passionate dance.
It was everything you could think of right now. You were kissing Minho. The boy for who you hid your feelings for what seemed like an eternity. Your kiss expressed the admiration you had for one another.
He grabbed you by your neck, dragging your body closer to his passionately. His tongue asked for entry, which you gave at the same moment. He touched you everywhere he could, from your head to your hips, holding you close to him as if there was no tomorrow.
You smiled through the kiss as you explored his body at your turn. He let out a high-pitched sound when you grabbed his hair firmly. His back straightened to your touch as you felt his muscles tightening.
You were in heaven for the rest of the night, forgetting about all your problems. All you cared to think of was Minho beneath your arms, his lips connected to yours.
You could have easily told him you loved him right now, but he wouldn’t let your lips away except to breathe.
"You don’t know how long I waited for this." He said as he pinned you to the ground.
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A/N: I hope you liked this 🦅 <3.
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harlequin-hangout · 2 years
Loki Masterlist | Bucky Masterlist
Pairing: Dom!Loki x Sub!Fem!Reader x Dom!Bucky
Warnings: SMUT, MINORS DNI Knife play, Denial, overstimulation, kink, honorifics
Contains: This is just porn. Straight Smut
Word Count: 3.1k
This fic includes Polyamory! I've used some terms that, as a Polyamorous person, are part of my life, but I also didn't learn them until I became Polyamorous. So! Here's a glossary, just so everyone can enjoy the fic without googling. Not all terms may be used, I wrote the glossary before the fic 😅
Throuple/Triad: Relationship involving three people that are all involved with each other
V: Relationship involving three people where one person is dating both of the other people but the second and third partners are not dating each other
Dividers are made by me! Want some for yourself? Send me an ask!
I do not nor will I ever give permission for my writing to be copied, pasted, reposted to other sites, or edited in any way shape or form. Seriously, just don’t.
A/N: This may be expanded on in the future, I haven't completely decided yet. Thank of blame @vbecker10 for this one, however it goes 😅😅
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Two weeks. Two fucking weeks. You sigh and look at your phone hoping that maybe you’d missed a text in the three minutes you hadn’t looked at your phone, but you had no such luck. Bucky and Loki had been gone for two weeks – twice as long as was planned – and you hadn’t heard from them in three days. The mission had gone well, much better than expected, actually. It had gone so well that Pepper had immediately scheduled a week-long press tour.  Your boys weren’t exactly the crowd favorites – one of them being an assassin and ex-Hydra operative, the other a god who tried to conquer your planet – but this could change all that. The tip they received had been a trap. If it hadn’t been for Bucky’s intimate knowledge of Hydra protocol and Loki’s magic, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark would be in critical condition, and Peter Parker would be dead. Hydra had been trying to take out as many of SHIELD’s top operatives as possible. Bucky had managed to spot things out of place, and had pulled Stark down out of the way of the explosion. He’d given Steve enough warning to move that the Super Soldier escaped with only some bumps and bruises, those would heal in no time. Peter . . . Peter had been mid-swing. The pillar had crushed his lower half. Thank god for his mutated genetics or he wouldn’t have made it long enough for Loki to get to him. Loki had managed to keep him alive just long enough for the QuinJet to get him to an intensive care hospital. He pulled through, and was due to be discharged from the ICU and sent to recover in the Avengers Tower medical bay next week.
A text from Steve lit up on your phone.
Message from: Steve Rogers
Y/N – Turn on your television, you’ll want to see this. – SteveYou smirked. No matter how many times you tried to bring that man into the twenty-first century, he still texted like an 80 year old man. At least he’d stopped sending letter-length texts in the group chat. Steve was the Avengers’ Golden Boy, but the Steven Rogers you’d come to know was every bit as bratty as you were. Not as submissive, that’s never a word you’d use for him, but bratty? Well, Doms are just brats who get their way. When he was vague like that, you knew he was up to something. You grab your laptop and open one of the national news channels that you knew would be carrying the conference. Tony stood behind the podium giving some kind of statement to the press before fielding questions. What on earth had Stevie Boy wanted you to – There we go. You smirked, he knew your style well. 
The camera changed angles, and you could see your boys sitting in the back. Bucky had his headphones on, and they were both on their phones. Score. You immediately text Steve.
How long until you’re all home?
Y/N – Sometime after 2100, we will finish our last photo session at 2030, then make our way back to the jet. Pepper has already convinced Tony to leave the debrief for tomorrow. – Steve
Mischief spreads across your face. Steve, you sly bastard. Okay, what was 2100 on the twelve hour clock? It’s 2pm now, and that’s 1400, so eight . . . nine. Seven hours should be PLENTY of time to make them wait. You slip into your emerald green lingerie set – the strappy one that hugs your curves just right – and slip on one of Bucky’s casual leather jackets (the formal ones were the ones without knife marks or blood, but you were confident that the dry cleaner had been able to get all the blood out of this one). Planting yourself in front of the full length mirror, you sit on the floor and snap a few photos. Bucky’s jacket falling off of your shoulders, covered in Loki’s colors. Marking yourself as theirs. Smirking, you hit send in the Throuple group chat and watch the laptop screen. If this works, you have something much better in mind.  Three . . . Two . . . One . . .
Message: Read
Bucky smirks, and Loki ever so discreetly raises an eyebrow on your computer screen. Wonderful, they’re paying attention. You grab the vibrator you keep for personal moments. Several settings and fifteen minutes later, you send an audio recording to that same chat with the caption “Headphone Warning 😈” 
You run back to the laptop, and just in time. You see Bucky’s head snap up from his phone, then see him slowly pass the headphones to Loki. The God’s expression darkens, the lust poorly masked on his face. Your phone vibrates, a new message on your screen.
Group Message from: Loki 
We land at nine. By the door. On your knees. No exceptions.
You could feel the butterflies forming in the pit of your stomach. This was definitely going to be a long night.
8:59pm: You kneel next to the door, sitting back on your heels. You’d brought a pillow for under your knees, knowing that you may be here for a while if the QuinJet was delayed.
9:07pm: The tower is silent. You squirm a little and consider getting up, but decide against it. You’d pushed your luck earlier that day, so you better do what you were told.
9:13pm: You hear the roar of the QuinJet engines. Your boys were finally home. 
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They took their sweet time getting ready. It was almost 10 before you found yourself kneeling on the floor with Bucky pressed against your back. His vibranium hand clasped your wrists. You could feel him pressing into your back, his muscles moving against your bare skin as his fingers worked their way up your thigh. You could feel his hot breath on your neck as he leaned down to nip at your ear, smirking as you whined. Loki clicked his tongue at the sound.
“Come now, Pet. Your little stunt during the interview has made things rather inconvenient for the Sergeant here.” Loki’s voice absolutely dripped with salacious intent. “Do you really want to make things that much harder on him?” Loki stared down at you, raising an eyebrow as Bucky gently pressed his hips against you. You felt your breath catch in your throat. 
“N-no, My Prince,” you manage through Bucky’s teasing.
“There’s my good little Pet. Now, hold still.”
Loki was going to take his sweet goddamned time and there was nothing you could do about it. Every touch, every bite, hell, every look, was like electricity on your skin. You did your best to hold still, but the lust in Loki’s eyes made you squirm with need. You felt Bucky’s metal hand squeeze your wrists – a reminder to behave.
“C’mon now, Doll.” His voice was barely more than a whisper, breath hot on your ear. “Be good for the God, hmm? You had your fun earlier, now you need to deal with the consequences of your actions. Understand?” You whine as you feel Loki’s slim fingers ghost over your panties. You feel another squeeze on your wrists, this one a little harsher. “I said, do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir!!” You gasp. Bucky groans softly in your ear. The honorific does it for him and you knew it. 
“There’s my sweet girl . . .” He nips at your neck as Loki stands.
“Pet, I’d like to bring out my knife to pay you back for your press conference stunt. Is that something you’re willing to indulge tonight?”
“Yes, My Prince, but can we use the dullest one please?”
“Of course, love. Thank you.” Loki’s expression softens, even if only briefly. “We’ll use the red light system this time, love. I intend to take. My. Time.” an ornate blunted knife appeared in a flash of green. This one was your favorite. You could feel the cool metal on your skin, but there was minimal risk of your skin breaking. “Sergeant, if you would.” Bucky released your wrists and stood, sliding his intimidating form back onto the couch. He watched, his eyes dark with lust, as Loki worked. While Bucky would never bottom, damn did he love watching Loki work. The man was a genius when it came to denial, and he loved the way your body squirmed as you screamed and begged for your release.
You felt a pressure on your legs as an invisible force began to pull at your thighs. You giggle excitedly, knowing exactly what’s coming next. You loved shibari and being suspended, but it did take a lot of time. You felt a pull between your legs – that must be his magical anchor point – as your body is pulled upwards. You find yourself hanging upside down, the bite of invisible rope along your thighs and ass, as you lazily spin, your feet hanging down by your ass.
“Hold still for me, Pet,” Loki purred. You breathe in and out, waiting. The anticipation was always the worst part . . . not knowing when you were going to feel the cool bite of the knife, your Prince’s firm grip on your skin – you moan softly as you feel a sharp line of pressure draw up your thigh. He’s starting slow, warming you up. The blade makes its way over your hip, up you side, and presses in a bit more at your ribs before disappearing. You whine at the loss of contact, then gasp as you feel the knife scrape down your spine, from your tailbone to the base of your neck. The pressure feels heavenly. You let your eyes flutter closed as you begin to bliss out, your surroundings becoming fluid. Floating there, nothing matters besides you and the pressure of that beloved blade.
It could have been minutes or maybe hours before you felt the pull of the rope switch.Your arms fold crossed on your chest as a gentle force moves you into the perfect position. The pull of the rope traced its way around your arms and chest. The invisible anchor point centers itself over your breastbone and wrists. You feel yourself slowly pulled upwards as the rope drops from your hips.
“Can’t leave you upside down for too long, Pet. Besides, I have other plans for you tonight. Look at you, so pretty covered in those little red lines of mine.” You hang at just the right height for Loki’s hand to snake its way around your neck as you lean your head back against his shoulder. Your feet still dangle in the air as the other hand traces the outline of your panties. His long fingers push the fabric aside as they draw a slow, teasing line across your entrance.
“Remember, not until you’re given permission.”
“I promise, My Prince, I’ll be good!”
“Good Girl.” Loki smirked as his fingers entered you, their pace already merciless. He expertly curled his fingers against your favorite spot, while his other hand tightened on the sides of your neck, allowing air to flow to your lungs but giving you a floaty light headed feeling that made the warmth pooling between your legs infinitely more intoxicating. Your whole world narrowed again as you felt the band tightening in your stomach, bringing you closer to that intoxicating edge. Your moans fill the room and you can feel Loki growing harder by the second  when – Hands off. He immediately ceases all contact, and you whine at the sudden feeling of emptiness. Clicking his tongue, the god holds his slick fingers near your mouth, a silent order hanging in the air. You immediately open your mouth, your tongue swirling around his digits. 
“Now, darling, you didn’t think it would be so easy, hmm?” You can hear Bucky’s dark laughter at your frustration somewhere off to the side, but your world is still hazy. Loki repeats his process again and again, you’d lost count of how many times. Squirming, writhing, begging, bargaining, nothing satisfied the God – your God – more than your frustration and suffering.
“Now,” Loki growled in your ear. “Are you ready to be a good little Pet for your God?”
“Yes!! Oh god yes, please,” you begged. Immediately you felt the ropes adjusting themselves again. Your feet hit the floor just long enough for Loki to pull your arms behind your back as another invisible harness forms, this time two anchors settling, one between your shoulder blades, while the other supports your hips but leaves your legs dangling towards the ground, toes barely able to scrape the floor. Your wrists are bound by the same invisible pressure as you’re lifted back into the air, ready to receive your God.
“How bad do you want to feel me, dove?” The thin grip Loki has on his composure was evident by the strain in his voice as he pressed himself against your ass. 
“Please . . . plea–” You gasp as Loki presses into you. Giving you no more than a couple seconds to adjust, his grip is ironclad on your hips as he pounds into you. You moans fill the room as you’re reduced to a puddle, suspended in the air by nothing more than the will of your God. Loki works expertly, hitting your favorite spots over and over, bringing you to the brink of orgasm time and time again, but always you have to wait. You have to hold.
“Please, oh god, My Prince, please, I can’t last . . . I – I’m gonna–” you fight your orgasm, determined to obey your god’s orders. A hand tangles in your hair and pulls, Loki’s voice thick with lust in your ear.
“Cum for me pet, and worship your God.” You release, the building coil in your lower abdomen finally snapping as your orgasm rips over your entire body. Loki’s touch is electric as he eases you down. The last thing you remember is Loki’s heavenly moan before your vision fades.
“ . . .pet. Come back to us, darling, there’s my good girl. The Sergeant hasn’t had his turn yet.”
You open your eyes to see a now caring Loki holding you against his chest. You’re no longer suspended from your magical ropes. Bucky next to him, running his thumb along your cheek.
“Hey doll, how you feeling? Do you need a couple minutes?” You press your cheek into Bucky’s hand. Your heart always flutters when they’re soft with you, especially after a rough scene.
“No, m’good,” you manage. “Do whatever you want to me, Sir.” Bucky leans down and gently kisses your forehead.
“Mischief? Grab her hands for me. I wanna take my sweet time.” Bucky’s smirk was evident in his voice.
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Loki chuckled, his voice deepening.
“Anything to help, Sergeant,” he smirked as his hands closed around your wrists. Bucky didn’t waste any time getting started, he had different plans than his godly counterpart. Bucky loved watching Loki work, the man had style. However, now Bucky was feeling a little like showing off. He pulled your ankles, pulling a squeak from your lips as he stretched you out, leaving your head in Loki's lap. He traced his hands slowly up your body, pressing your legs open and laying flat on his front. God, he loved how your legs shook when he nipped and kissed at your thighs. Hearing you gasp at the cold metal of his hand excited him, and he growled as he roughly pulled your panties off of you. He smirked up at you as you began to squirm under him.
“You have standing permission from me, Doll. Laufeyson may have wanted you to wait for your release, but I want to remind you what happens when you decide to play with fire.” Bucky could see Loki’s slender fingers squeeze your wrists, and then he got to work. He licked a slow strip up your slit, paying special attention to that ever-so-sensitive bundle of nerves at the top. He could hear you start to moan, only encouraging him. He pressed two large fingers inside of you, scissoring and curling them to find the sweet spot that he loved so much. You struggle to control your volume, back arching in the air as your head presses against Loki’s thigh. Aaah, there it was. Your hips started to buck already, your first orgasm quickly approaching. He can feel you begin to tighten around his fingers, only making him pump them harder, tormenting your favorite spots with a new devotion. He drapes his metal arm over your hips to hold you still as your first orgasm washes over your body. Taking no time for you to recover, he keeps pushing. At about three orgasms, you had lost your ability to control your volume. Thankfully, Loki took care of that for him, his lips crashing down on yours in an effort to keep the rest of the floor from hearing your extracurriculars. By six orgasms, Bucky could barely contain himself. He backed up just enough to give himself time to pull his hardened cock out of his pants and boxer briefs. You whined through Loki at the loss of contact, then moaned despite him as Bucky slid inside. You fit so nicely around him. So warm and tight, he gave you a couple moments to adjust once he bottomed out, then began to move. Slowly at first, relishing every gasp and moan that escaped your mouth. He reached down, starting to toy with one of your breasts, Loki’s hand quickly finding the other as his pace quickened.
“B-Buck– I mean Sir, pleeassse, so much . . . it’s so much I dunno . . .”
“You’re okay, Sweetheart, just one more for me, okay? Just one more. You’re doing so good, baby girl, just one more. Are you green?”
“Y-yeah, Green. Ahh!” you gasp as he picks up the pace, desperate for his own release as well as yours. As soon as you started tightening around him, it was over. Bucky came, and he came hard. He heard you scream his name, followed by a string of profanities. Breathing hard, he leans down and plants a tender kiss on your lips.
“There’s my good girl, you did so well for me.”
Loki had taken you to the shower to clean up. The bathroom was definitely Loki’s domain, Bucky didn’t know much about care products. Bucky grabbed the takeout he had ordered while Loki had his fun, set up the pillow fort in the living room, and queued up netflix. He heard you and Loki erupt into laughter, and he couldn’t help but smile. How someone like him had found two people that not only made him feel normal but loved – like he belonged, he’d never know. Even if nothing else made sense, he knew one thing. Even if your Triad was an unconventional relationship, he had found his family. Nothing could ever take you two away from him, and if anyone ever tried to use you to get to one of the Avengers, he had a partner in Loki who would help him burn the world to bring you home.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @soubi001 @thomase1
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robin-the-enby · 1 year
Hiya! I would like to request Abe Sapien x my oc it would be the continuation of the first fic and it would include her going on her first mission and how the others react to Abe and my oc getting closer. Hope you have a good day/night ^^
Someone like me p.2
Pairing: Abe Sapien x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of killing and hypothetical bloodthirst :)
A/N: To all the lovely readers besides riya: I do not write for other people's OCs! This is an exception, since I've already written part one in the past :) With that out of the way, I am happy to come back to this, Abe was the first fictional character I ever published a fanfiction about (Confusing feelings on my masterlist, feel free to check it out ;D), so I have a special place in my heart for this man <3). Also, I would like to point out that you have no idea how much research went into this fanfic XD (but some things are completely made up, so don't come at me when some things can't be fact-checked).
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Time passed...as it does. Life at the BPRD was nothing like your calm, quiet and mostly uneventful life in the outside world. The facility was buzzing with life most hours of the day, every day of the week. Luckilly, you weren't completely shut off from the world, like some of your more unfortunate colleagues. You could go outside, thanks to your human appearance. It did take some paperwork and time before your trip got approved, but it was certainly better than being stuck inside. You also had access to the internet and your old social circle, because, well, it would be very strange if you suddenly disappeared.
But you quit your old job and told everyone you're moving somewhere far away, which wasn't a complete lie...And now only few people kept in contact with you. And when they did, you either texted or called. But it was still nice.
And it's not like you minded much. You had a whole new set of friends and a world of possibilities open in front of you. Training with Liz and having some girl time every now and then, because both you and her really needed it from time to time, movie nights with Hellboy- or Red, usually everyone called him red, which Liz almost always joined, and sometimes Abe as well.
Speaking of Abe...
After the accidental confession in the BPRD's exercise pool, the two of you were like two peas in a pod. With your passion for learning about all the different creatures that secretely roam this Earth and your aquatic abilities, you were a perfect partner not only during research, but also on missions that required agents to go underwater. So it's no surprise that the two of you spent a lot of time together while working.
But you never had to worry about being sick of each other. Your personalities mended so beautifully together that you rarely needed to be apart. When you weren't working, you both usually did your own thing, just...together. Of course, you loved to talk and learn about one another, but it was nice to be able to just be...close to someone, with no words needed. Not to mention Abe was a very adaptable person, sometimes you worried he has people pleasing tendencies, but when you needed time alone, he always understood and never pushed past your boundaries. That being said, it's only natural for partner's to argue sometimes. And while that was true and there were instances where you disagreed on one thing or another, you both were smart enough to give each other some time to cool down, when things really escalated, and then talk it through. With Abe's telepathic abbilities, communicating feelings that were hard to put into words was also fairly easy.
Finally, you felt content with the way your life was going. And honestly? Everybody was on board. They were all supportive in their own special ways. Liz was glad that Abe found someone who understood him and wasn't put off by his appearance or his abbilities. Knowing him basically her whole life, it warmed her heart that Abe was happy. Red was proud of Abe. Seeing him always as the more introverted and nerdy friend, he thought Abe would be alone for a much longer time, if not forever. Not that he wouldn't wish a happy romance for the guy, hell, he sure knew about Abe's desire to love and be loved, but the in their line of work, meeting new people is hard and doesn't happen often, and meeting people who stay long enough for romance, or any deeper relationship to bloom is even harder. And he knew that. That was why Red was seriously proud of Abe for shooting his shot. Although when his blue friend revealed to him how exactly the confession went down, Red laughed so hard he couldn't quite catch his breath for a while.
The other agents and staff of the BPRD were happy as well. With the special agents happilly taken, the bureau was just a tad calmer. There was still drama, but nothing serious, like when Hellboy used to escape just to see Liz in the mental hospital, who didn't even want to talk to him at that time. Even Manning seemed calmer, to everyone's relief.
As much as you enjoyed your time at the BPRD, it wasn't always easy. You could still remember the first mission you went on. From your first day at the bureau, you worked hard on yourself to be a good agent. You wanted to go out there and face whatever the world had in store for you. And a few months of intense training and working mostly as a researcher, the day finally came.
Manning had called you, Abe, Liz and Hellboy into the library, for Abe's comfort. And because it was spaceous enough that it easily provided privacy. There, you could go over the details of the mission ahead of you, construct a plan and immediately grab some books to help you learn what you were dealing with at once.
So here you were, sitting around a larger table, listening to Manning tell you about a mysterious creature who, according to secret sources, are responsible for the unsolved disappearings and drownings of multiple people at Wilson lake, Kansas. Based on the evidence and statements from witnesses, every person disappeared at night while going swimming. First outside of swimming zones, but then also right from the designated swimming beaches. First, the victims would swim out into the deep water, where they couldn't feel or see under they're feet. Once they got comfortable, they got pulled under, not to be seen until the next morning. The time the victims spent in water was always different. For some it was ten minutes, for others thirty minutes and for a few even an hour or so.
From what Manning implied, there were some sort of agents scouting the area even before this mission has been ordered, since some of the sources saw a snake like creature, covered in scales, with the head of a cat, or somthng similar. It seems to be able to breathe underwater and above water, and it seems to not have any hind legs.
"First, we need to at least have an idea hat we're dealing with." said Manning with a huff and everyone present turned to look at you and Abe. You tried with all your might, but couldn't remember any creature that would meet the description in a closer way than vaguely. With a slight shake of your head you pushed away from the table and disappeared into the rows of bookshelves in search of amphibian cryptids, monsters, demons and the like. After a few moments, Abe joined you in your search, not knowing sure what it could be either. Luckilly, the two of you knew the library like the back of your hand, so it didn't take long before you came back with what you were searching for.
Each holding a few books, you gave everyone a book or two and you started flipping through them. It couldn't be merfolk, because only a few species live alone and not in groups...it could be a mutant, but most things can be mutants when you think about it...You wondered as you flipped through the pages, sometimes stopping to read the description, most times skipping entire chapters. This went on for roughly half an hour, before Liz suddenly spoke up "And what if it's a Tatzelwurm?"
You all looked towards your raven-haired friend. "The what now?" Red grumbled. "Tatzelwurm, a creature commonly found in Alpine lakes. It's venomous and agressive towards humans. How could it end up in Kansas?" Abe tilted his head to the side. "Look, I'm not saying I'm right, I was just trying to point out that it matches the description almost perfectly." Liz shrugged with a huff and you nodded along her words.
"Well, it seems to be the best we've got so far." Manning said, clasping his hands together. "Are there any weaknesses mentioned in that book? Or something we might use?" you asked. Liz picked up the book and flipped through a few pages, before quickly scanning over the text of one. After a moment, she sighed "No, not really. It just warns to be careful, because a single bite can kill an adult human and supposedly it's able to let out poisonous fumes and has acidic blood." "Well, that's helpful." Hellboy grumbles, not mad at Liz, more annoyed that this case was going to be a tough one.
"Abe, is there a possibility it could be something else?" Manning asked. The amphibian thought for a few seconds about the answer "Well, that depends...Are there any creatures with a similar way of living? Yes, many. Are there any that would match the description given to us that closely? No. Or at least, I can't think of any." he shrugged at last. Manning clapped his hands together and stood up "Alright. We'll assume it's a Tatzelwurm for now. I will have a plan created tonight. Pack your things. Tomorrow at seven o'clock sharp" he looked at Hellboy with that instruction "we'll meet here and you will be given the details of the mission. Then, you'll be leaving for Kansas." he turned on his heel and walked out of the library, dismissing you all in the process.
The next morning, you all met in the library exactly as Manning said. Even Red came on time, although you suspected Liz was to thank for that. Along with Manning came two other agents, the ones who made an elaborate plan for you through the night. It was actually pretty simple, you and Abe would search the water and after you manage to find the creature- there is no "if" as you were told by Manning, you will try to lure it out of the water, where Hellboy and Liz will be waiting to dispose of the creature properly. You and Abe will also be equipped with weapons meant for close combat, which you are strictly advised against, but for safety measures, you'll still have them.
After that, you loaded the super secret garbage truck look-alike and then it was a roughly seven hour journey, spent mostly in silence, as everyone prepared themselves for the mission. You pondered taking a nap, but even if you wanted to sleep, you couldn't. It would be a lie to say you weren't nervous. But you had trained for so long to get to this point. You had done so much in life just to be able to do this. You couldn't, and wouldn't, give up now. But the thought of facing a monster that could kill you with a single bite was terrifying, especially when not that long ago, you were a simple civilian.
As if he could sense your nervousness, Abe softly reached for your hand, encompassing it in his own. As soon as your hands made contact, you knew he could read you like an open book, so you just relaxed and let him feel what you were feeling, hear what you were thinking. In return, Abe reassured you that you had nothing to worry about, that he would do his best not only to accomplish the mission, but to protect you as well. His soothing energy calmed you down significantly and you actually managed to catch some shut eye for the rest of the journey.
After arriving to Wilson lake, you and the rest of the agents set up camp near the lake, away from prying eyes. Since the lake was enormous, and the Tatzelwurm could be literally anywhere, a few technicians came along with underwater drones, which would be placed into the water in several places at the lake, scouting for the creature. After that, you and your friends will be transported as quickly as possible to the place the creature was captured at, where the plan you already were familiar with would be set into motion.
And so you waited. And while waiting, you got you gear set up, Hellboy had his guns loaded and checked, Liz had her gun loaded and checked, as well as her knife and her fire proof jumpsuit. Abe was finally able to get rid of his breathing apparatus and you simply had to put on a tight swimming top, since your legs would turn into a fin.
Abe and you immediately got in the water to warm up for the chase. After such long time of training, you had a better grip on your transformation, so now you were able to get through it more quickly and with less discomfort. Of course, you made sure not to venture too deep into the water, in case the Tatzelwurm was nearby.
After several hours, when the sun was already setting, one of the cameras in a more rocky area of the lake captured something big. A big creature. The technician controlling the drone made sure not to disturb it, and it seemed to have worked, but sadly, the drone caught just a slight glimpse of it, so nobody could be sure if it was realy the creature, or perhaps just a big catfish. But the drones nearby were informed to be on high alert, while the rest were instructed to slowly move towards the one who captured it first. That way, it was nearly impossible to miss it.
While this was all happening, your friends got notified of this progress and you promptly loaded a jeep and were driven to the place where the Tatzelwurm was supposed to be right now. On the way there, your driver got confirmation that another drone got a clear visual of the creature and it's heading towards onbe of the beaches slowly. Putting their foot down on the gas, the driver quickly told you about everything and you and Abe mentally prepared yourself. You needed to be fast, because there were lives in immediate danger.
After finding a good clearing, both you and your blue partner wasted no time and jumped in the water, taking off in the direction you were instructed, while Hellboy and Liz were driven to the location you were supposed to lure the creature to. The bottom of the lake was half muddy, half rocky. It almost seemed like a ghost town, with no creature in immediate sight. They were all probably hidden, but that didn't help the already spooky feeling that was creepin into your heart while looking around for the Tatzelwurm.
You kept close to Abe as you made your way through the dark water. He kept updating you from time to time from where he could sense the creature and if you're getting close. So far, everything was going well. After you made it about a kilometer into the water, where it was more than 8 meters deep, you finally spotted a sillhouette moving almost hypnotically in the water. You both swam faster and each on different side, hoping to be able to get in front of the creature and redirect it away from the beach.
As you got closer, you could clearly see that Manning's informators were right, as well as Liz. It was a Tatzelwurm. It was around two meters long, its scales a rich black colour that reflected the sunrays in small shimmers. Its head was that of a feline, except it had no fur. Its eyes were wide, yellow and wild, hungry for flesh of anything that would cross its path. Its front legs were pretty short, compared to the rest of its body, but they were adorned with long, sharp claws. After a few minutes, you managed get ahead of the creature and you started closing in on it. When you were roughly at the edge of its visual range, you quickly crossed in front of it and darted behind immediately, trying to throw it off guard. At which you succeeded, because the Tatzelwurm stopped dead in its tracks and looked around confusedly, before turning around to finally see what dared cross it.
You simply floated there, not moving for a few seconds, before you flicked your tail swiftly, as if to beckon it, challenge it. The creature's pupils slanted, turning into small slits as it opened its maw, displaying rows of sharp teeth, ready to tear meat from bone. Abe swam slightly closer towards it, seemingly not afraid of the killer cryptid in front of him, although you doubt that if you could see into his thoughts right now, you would see a myriad of emotions going through that brilliant mind of his.
This seemed to rile up he creature even more as it hunched its back threateningly and swam closer to you. You darted a few meters in one direction away from it, but as it turned to look at you, Abe moved exactly in the opposite direction. This was the final straw. The creature, frustrated and angry, let out what would've been a roar on the surface, but here it was just a stream of bubbles coming out of its maw, although that did nothing to make it less imposing. You and Abe started swimming away in the direction where Liz and Red should already be by now, the Tatzelwurm following quickly behind you.
It was a if death itself was chasing after you, the sloshing of water completely ignored by you as the only thing that you could hear was your blood pumping through your ears. The amount of adrenaline coursing through you made your skin prickle and you had to concentrate on keeping the motions of your tail as quick, but also as smooth as possible. From time to time you managed to spare a glance at Abe, who seemed just slightly faster than you, and could afford to look out for you and behind you, to see if the creature was sill following you.
And quite surprisingly, it was. Instead of getting tired of not being able to catch you, your speed, that was putting you just slightly ahead of it, was frustrating it to no end. If you saw any signs of exhaustion or that the Tatzelwurm wasn't interested in chasing you anymore, you'd have to stop and tease it again. However, if you stopped now, it would be certain death.
Slowly, you were reaching the shore. It was just a few hundred meters ahead of you. You could feel the cold water rushing against your sking as you pushed forward, caressing you as if to encourage you to keep going. You could also feel the Tatzelwurm right behind you and you imagine that if there was a way for it to snarl at you, it would, its desire to dig its sharp teeth into your tail so strong you could almost feel it.
Suddenly, you are met with the edge of the lake, the water slightly more shallow. Abe shoots up from the water and before you can stop and ponder how you are going to get out yourself, his hand is reaching for yours. You grasp onto it as if it was the last thing to keep you alive, which in this scenario might as well be true.
Abe pulled you out of the water and away from the shore, behind Hellboy and Liz, who were now dealing with the Tatzelwurm, and continued, until you were safe behind the agents who served as backup for your two friends. You were slightly dazed from the quick change of environment and from the physical strain your body and mind just went through. But feeling Abe's hands on you brought you an unexplainable feeling of safety, though later you started o suspect that was just Abe trying to keep you calm. Nonetheless, under the wave of tranquility and love you were surrounded by thanks to your wonderful partner, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and rest.
You didn't come to until you were in the car again, Abe's arms secured tightly around you with you snuggling into his chest. You closed your eyes as soon as you opened them, relishing in the weight of Abe's head on top of yours, occassionally pressing soft kisses into your hair. Back at the BPRD you learned that the mission was a succsess, the Tatzelwurm having been killed by Red and Liz and even Manning told you that for a first mission, you did a great job.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 8 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 25
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Leaning Together
Rating: M - Minors DNI
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings and tags: some angst; SMUT; fingering; orgasm control; fluff.
Suggested Listening:
Summary: Rex and Cerra have a long-overdue conversation; some things come to an end, while others are only beginning.
A/N: This is the final chapter of Stars Beyond Number; however, this is not the end of their story! I have a sequel planned, but since I've now caught up to canon, I have to wait to start writing it until after The Bad Batch season 3 ends. In the interim, I will be publishing more fics in this shared continuity, including a one-shot prequel featuring Fives x Reader x Cerra, a multi-chapter Crosshair x OFC set between "The Solitary Clone" and "Truth and Consequences," and a multi-chapter post-Umbara Dogma x OFC fic.
This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings, "Double, Double Boil and Trouble" (part 2 here) and "Do It Again," but all the fics can be read as stand-alones.
Start here | Previous chapter | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list | Read on AO3
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 We are the hollow men…
Leaning together
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
Cerra had no idea how long she slept. It could have been a few hours or a few days, for all she knew. When she awoke, she was famished and parched. No telltale snores or rustles came from the other bunks, and as she sat up, she could just make out the empty beds in the darkness: she was alone in the barracks. She yawned and stretched, then went looking for her companions. Outside the barracks, the garage was dim and silent. She made her way quietly to the refresher, then wandered into the kitchenette. 
Rex sat on a crate at the far end of the kitchen, studying a datapad, one foot propped up next to him as the other swung idly by the side of the crate. For a moment, in the faint light, he looked so much like Fives that Cerra nearly stumbled over her own feet. He glanced up and smiled, and the spell was broken. 
“She lives.”
“For the moment,” she said with a tiny grin. “Anything good in the conservator?”
“Dex’s,” he replied. “Had to survive without Gregor somehow.”
Sounds like a nightmare, she reflected as she rummaged through the conservator until she found a few takeout boxes. Opening the first container, she wrinkled her nose. 
“Acid-beet salad? I’m gone for a couple weeks, and you all fall to the Dark Side.”
“I’m just surprised there’s something in the galaxy you won’t eat,” Rex replied.
She grunted with disgust and tossed the container back into the conservator. Luckily, the rest of the takeout containers contained actual food, instead of crimes against sentients, and she settled onto the raggedy old sofa and dug into a cold bowl of spicy Gargon gumbo. The garage appeared to be empty aside from the two of them, which was just as well, since she had a feeling he wouldn’t want anyone to overhear what she was about to tell him.
“Where is everyone?” she asked around a bite.
“Scouting mission,” he replied. “Trying to chase down a lead on Omega.”
“Gregor told me what happened,” she said soberly. “Do we have a plan?”
“Workin’ on it.”
“What can I do to help?”
He smiled. “Start by getting healed up. We’ll know more when the boys get back.”
She hated not knowing what to do. She itched to act. But Rex was right; there was no point wasting energy and potentially drawing attention they didn’t need unless they had reliable intel. So she took another bite and pondered the best way to phrase her next sentence. After Hart’s departure, Rex had debriefed her about her experience with the ISB, but with the rest of the team also present, she hadn’t wanted to reveal such sensitive and dangerous information.
She cleared her throat. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“What is it?”
Inhaling deeply, she began. “When Yularen was questioning me, he asked me about Ahsoka Tano.”
Rex froze, eyes wide. He didn’t respond, so Cerra forged ahead.
“They think she’s still alive. He said she had been on Raada when I was there. They thought I was working with her.”
Instead of the relief or excitement she expected to see on his face, a look of horror descended on his expression.
“She—she could still be alive,” she said. “I know you were close.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, I just wanted to wait until I could talk to you alone.”
“We could find her. She could join us—we could protect her—”
“Cerra!” Rex cut her off emphatically. “Stop.”
She sat back, bewildered. “I thought you’d be happy to find out the kid was still alive.”
“I knew.”
She blinked. “What?”
“I knew Ahsoka survived,” Rex said in a deliberate tone that revealed he was weighing his choice of words with great care, “because I was with her.”
She stared at him uncomprehendingly, her brain utterly failing to process this new information.
“She’s the one who got my chip out,” he continued. “We escaped together. We were the only survivors of the Tribunal.”
Her mind whirled, and quite suddenly, she felt sick. A memory flashed in her mind: 
“It’s an agricultural moon,” Fireball said.
“I’m familiar,” Rex replied.
“You knew she was on Raada,” she whispered.
His jaw firmed. “I knew.”
“And you sent me in anyway?” she asked incredulously. “Without full intel? Knowing that I could be walking into—”
“I was trying to protect you,” he interrupted.
“Me? Or the Jedi?” she asked sharply.
“Both of you. I had no reason to expect you to run into her. It’s a whole kriffing moon!”
“She is the reason the Empire came after me in the first place!” Cerra said furiously. “I’m nobody! Do you really think they would have given a shit about a missing supply officer and a clone trooper if there hadn’t been a Jedi involved?”
“She was never supposed to be involved!” Rex exclaimed. “It was just bad luck.”
“Why the kark didn’t you tell me she’d survived?” she demanded.
“The same reason you waited until now to tell me Yularen mentioned her,” he snapped. “It’s dangerous to know too much. I was trying to keep you safe—all of you.”
“It’s dangerous to know too little, gods damn it!” She sprang up from her seat and began to pace. “What if something happens to you? How are we supposed to defend ourselves from a threat that we don’t even know exists?”
“I did what I had to do to protect the soldiers under my command,” he said, gritting his teeth.
“We’re not in the GAR any more, Rex. There is no command! There’s just US!”
“Maybe so,” he replied, “but if you think we’re not at war, you’re lying to yourself.”
His voice was even, but she’d known him long enough to tell from his short, sharp breaths that he was keeping his temper in check through sheer force of will. She forced her clenched fists to relax and took a long, deep breath before she replied.
“I. Know.” She ground out the words. “You think I don’t know? I just spent two weeks in their hands. So don’t kriffing talk to me like I don’t understand the stakes, Captain.”
“What do you want me to do?” he asked. “How would you suggest I proceed, Lieutenant?”
“You could start by trusting your team,” she replied.
He reared back as though she’d slapped him. “You think I don’t trust you?”
“What else haven’t you told me?” she demanded.
He hesitated.
“What else?” she pressed. “I know there’s more. You might as well tell me now; seems unlikely anything could be as sensitive as the location of a known Jedi fugitive.”
He glowered at her for a moment, but at last, his shoulders slumped in defeat. “There is something else. Intel Echo got from the Bad Batch. It seems the Empire has cloned the creature that attacked Coruscant early in the war. We don’t know why. At least, not yet.”
Cerra felt a brief stab of betrayal that Echo had kept the intel from her as well, but she shrugged it off. She hadn’t been exactly open with him, either.
“Is that all?” she asked.
“That’s the only thing that was my decision to keep from you,” he hedged.
“So there is more,” she said.
“Nothing that affects this group,” he replied. “You know as well as I do, Cerra; some things will always have to be kept secret. Some information is just too sensitive to share.”
She sighed. “I know. But when it compromises the safety of everyone on this team? I can’t stay if you’re going to keep secrets that could get us captured or killed.”
“You’re right,” he admitted. “I can’t promise that I’ll be able to share every piece of intel I get, but… I’ll do my best to make sure something like Raada doesn’t happen again.”
She let out a long, slow exhale before she replied. “Thank you.”
It wasn’t perfect, but Cerra knew it was the best promise he could make. The worst part was, she understood exactly why he’d made the decisions he did. She didn’t envy him. Being a leader was never easy at the best of times, and in the growing darkness and danger of the galaxy, it seemed to become a nightmarish balancing act of having to choose between bad and worse options.
Thank kriff it isn’t me.
“Hungry?” she asked.
Rex smiled slightly, accepting her peace offering. “Maybe. What’s left?”
“Acid-beet salad.”
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Something smelled good. Scratch that; something smelled amazing. A burst of laughter echoed through the garage, loud enough that Cerra heard it from beneath the navigation control panel in the cockpit of the freighter. She set aside her hydrospanner and wandered out of the ship, drawn inexorably by the savory aroma and the sounds of merriment. 
In the kitchenette, she spotted Gregor. He was working efficiently: chopping, stirring, cleaning—multitasking with ease, even as he bantered and giggled with Fireball and the other clones who hovered around his workspace like vultures. A large pot on the stove appeared to be the source of the intoxicating scent; she could hear the telltale sizzling, and every so often, Gregor would add some mysterious and unidentifiable ingredient to the mix.
He had his sleeves rolled up over his forearms, and Cerra took a moment to ogle him—er—appreciate the view before the others spotted her. Holy kriff, how had she not noticed the way he handled a knife before? Her mouth went dry as she watched his deft movements. He glanced up, and his mischievous smile told her he’d caught her in the act. His gaze flickered briefly down her body, and quite suddenly, the garage felt very warm.
Fireball called out a greeting and snapped her attention away from Gregor, and she plastered an innocent smile on her face as she approached the kitchenette.
“What’s cooking?” she asked, taking a position next to Fireball. “Smells great.”
“Joopa roast,” Gregor replied. “Been in the freezer since our last market trip.”
Ah, yes. The market trip when he—
“It has to cook for hours,” Fireball said mournfully. 
“It’ll be worth it,” Gregor replied. “Trust me.”
“It’s not nice to torture people,” Fireball complained. His eyes widened suddenly and darted toward Cerra as he realized what he’d said. “Uh—I mean…”
She snorted and nudged him with her shoulder. “Please. You’re not wrong, anyway. An hour of smelling Gregor’s cooking, and I would have folded like a cheap sabacc deck just to get a taste. Nobody tell the Empire. Might give them ideas.”
Gregor set the roast in the oven and began to tidy up the kitchenette. “How’s it goin’ in the freighter?”
“Coming along,” she replied. Suddenly seized with inspiration, she added, “Could use some help clearing the fresher tank if anyone is free.”
Identical expressions of revulsion descended on the faces of every clone assembled, and they all suddenly remembered urgent business elsewhere. As they drifted away from the kitchen, Cerra leaned closer to Gregor as he wiped down the countertops.
“I guess that just leaves you,” she murmured quietly. “Want to give me a hand in the freighter?”
He froze for an instant as his eyes met hers, and then he began scrubbing the countertop with renewed vigor.
“Sure,” he replied. “Give me a minute to wash up, and I’ll meet you inside.”
“It’s a date,” she said, causing him to glance around the garage to see if any of the others had overheard her. “Be sure to seal the entry hatch when you come in. Wouldn’t want the fresher tank smell to get out into the garage.”
Fifteen minutes later, she heard the sound of the freighter’s hatch sealing, and she turned around just in time for Gregor to pull her into a hungry kiss as he pressed her back against the durasteel bulkhead behind the cockpit. His mouth consumed her, warm and soft, as his tongue grazed between her lips and his hands roamed over her body, cupping her breast through her coveralls, pulling her tightly against him. He broke away from the kiss, only to drop his lips to her throat, setting her entire body alight with arousal.
“Please tell me that was a euphemism,” he whispered hotly in her ear as he tugged down the zipper of her coveralls.
“It was a euphemism. I’d never subject you to—oh, kriff!” She gasped as his fingers slid down her body and unerringly found their way between her thighs.
“Shh,” he whispered, kissing her softly. “You did say you wanted a hand.”
She clung to his shoulders, whimpering quietly as he touched her with a gentle deftness that nearly made her knees buckle. With his free hand, he held her head, stroking his thumb across her jaw and his fingers down her neck. He kissed her everywhere: her lips, her face, her shoulders, her chest, lavishing her with pleasure as her body flooded with heat.
She slid her hand down his torso, reveling in the feeling of his warm, solid chest and abdomen as she reached for his cock. She could feel him straining against his trousers, warm and hard and perfect. He let out a tiny, hushed grunt as she took him in her hand, massaging him through the fabric. As she fumbled with his belt buckle, though, he shifted away from her, releasing her jaw and gripping her wrist in a gentle but inescapable hold. He pinned her wrist to the durasteel wall next to her head.
“Next time,” he murmured between kisses.
A fresh wave of arousal swamped her. Gregor’s breath caught as he felt it, and his fingers slipped into her effortlessly.
“Do you like it when I take control?” he asked quietly, gazing into her eyes.
She nodded, unable to form coherent speech, but letting out a hoarse moan of affirmation.
“Shh, love.” He pressed his lips to hers to muffle her sounds of pleasure. “I love to hear you, but the others are still outside.”
“I can’t help it,” she gasped. “I’m close—”
“I know,” he whispered. “Can you hold it back for me?”
She jerked her eyes to his, startled. “But—”
“Will you?” he asked, intensifying his caress to the point that she felt like she was losing her mind.
“Please, please—”
“You can trust me with your pleasure,” he murmured. “I promise. Will you wait until I tell you?”
She panted, her eyes wild and desperate. “I—yes—”
“Good girl.” He pressed his lips to her temple, then abruptly shifted to her mouth, stealing her breath and sending her head spinning.
She focused all her effort on holding back the tide of pleasure, but Gregor didn’t make it easy. He found and exploited her every weakness. His fingers, his lips, his teeth, his tongue: he used them all to work her into a frenzy of arousal until her body shook, her lungs heaved, and she could no longer contain her tiny moans of ecstasy, no matter how hard she tried.
He moved his fingers inside her, pressing deep and finding a place that wrenched a cry from her throat. Abruptly, he released her wrist and clamped his hand over her mouth, resting his forehead against hers as he gazed into her eyes. She pleaded with him silently, her body at the very limits of her control.
“Let go,” he whispered. “Let it happen.”
Her last coherent thought was an overwhelming sense of relief, and then her consciousness splintered into a million pieces as her body jerked and spasmed in his hand. He worked her through it, teasing every last drop of pleasure out of her body. He pulled his hand from her mouth to wrap around the back of her head as he claimed her lips in a kiss that stole her breath and drove everything from her mind except his taste, his scent, his touch.
His hand gentled and slowed as the tension in her body began to ebb, and then he carefully withdrew his fingers from her body and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she melted against him. She rested her head against his shoulder, breathing hard. He smoothed his palm down her spine between her shoulders, again and again, the movement draining all the energy out of her muscles and making her body go limp in his embrace. He pressed his lips softly to the side of her neck, inhaling deeply.
As he exhaled, he whispered, “I never knew I could love anyone the way I love you.”
Her fists tightened reflexively, clutching his shirt in her hands as she buried her face against his neck to hide the tears that suddenly stung her eyes.
“You don’t have to say it back,” he said. “I know last time was a mistake—”
“I love you,” she interrupted. She kissed his neck and jaw frantically. “It was an accident, not a mistake. I love you.”
She kissed him again and again, desperately, her lips finding a way to communicate everything she wanted to say when words failed.
“Loving you could never be a mistake,” she whispered.
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That sofa is laughably beyond capacity, Riyo reflected as she observed the scene before her. Cerra snuggled on Gregor’s lap as Fireball tucked her sleeve up around her elbow and began to doodle on her forearm. Riyo had no idea what was going on with that particular trio, but they seemed cozy. Next to Fireball, Nemec and one of Howzer’s men squeezed onto the sofa as the rest of the team sat on crates around the holotable. She made a mental note to earmark funds for more furniture for the garage. The team only continued to grow, and things were starting to feel crowded in the repair shop.
“Tell me again, what’s the point of this?” Howzer asked. “It seems a little… Odd.”
“Just trust us,” Fireball said. “It shouldn’t work, but it does.”
The opening jingle of the Great Galactic Bake-Off began to play, and Riyo tried to ignore the pang of sadness that Echo wasn’t there to watch the finale with them. In fact, she hadn’t heard from him in weeks—not since the day he’d commed to tell her that he would be staying with the Batch indefinitely. Riyo understood. Of course she did. There was an element of risk every time they exchanged comms, and his mission was dangerous. But understanding didn’t make it sting any less.
The truth was, her situation was a lonely one. She had more political allies than actual friends, and very few people whom she could trust. Echo had been all three, and now he was gone, and she didn’t know if or when she would see him again, or if things could ever be the same between them again. He hadn’t ended their relationship—at least not officially—but they seemed to be in a strange and apparently indefinite holding pattern. As a result, she’d been surprised when Cerra had commed her to invite her to the garage to join the watch party. 
“Echo mentioned you’re a fan,” Cerra had said, as though that explained everything.
In fact, it explained very little, but Riyo wasn’t about to question the invitation. It was the first time anyone aside from Echo had asked her to visit the garage for something other than plotting the Empire’s demise. She’d accepted immediately, and here she was with three of her bodyguards, eating some sort of pastry that Gregor had baked. He’d called it a Corellian ryshcate, and it was delicious. Riyo had to hold herself back from taking a second, though she couldn’t resist casting a longing glance at the platter.
“I still can’t believe Garr Tevv made it to the finale,” Gregor said in a disgusted tone.
“What’s wrong with Garr Tevv?” Riyo asked. “I was hoping he’d win.”
Gregor, Fireball, and Cerra gasped in dramatic horror, and Riyo felt a moment of brief panic that she’d made a faux pas. Then Cerra and Fireball burst into laughter while Gregor shot them both exasperated glares. Cerra wrapped her arms around Gregor’s neck and kissed his cheek. His face softened immediately into a smile.
“Team Runa,” he declared. “She deserves it after everything that happened this season.”
“Agreed,” Cerra said as she snagged another ryshcate—her third—and snuggled back against him. “Any other result would be a gross miscarriage of justice.”
She looked at Riyo with a hint of speculation in her eyes. “Just how much influence does a senator have? You know, if, hypothetically, the unthinkable happens and Garr Tevv wins. Could you have him arrested, or something?”
Riyo choked back a shocked laugh, but then she saw the teasing light in Cerra’s eyes and relaxed. “Oh, yes. I’d just have my guards detain him. That definitely wouldn’t cause an interplanetary scandal or end up getting me removed from office and tried for gross misconduct or abuse of power.”
“It’s settled then,” Cerra grinned as she dug into the bucket of ice next to the sofa and retrieved two bottles of ale.
She offered one to Riyo, who accepted, feeling a strange sense of warmth unfold in her chest as she settled in to watch the show.
“Who is Garr Tevv, and why don’t we want him to win?” Howzer demanded.
“Long story,” Fireball and Gregor said in unison.
“Jinx, you owe me a Coke,” Fireball said immediately as Cerra laughed. “Now everybody shut up. It’s starting.”
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The End.
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
Ships Included: - Harringrove - Steddie - Mungrove - Harringroveson
Gen Fics: - Steve & Robin - Steve & The Party - Billy & El/Jane - Billy & Max
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◇ NO. 1 — A LITTLE OUT OF THE ORDINARY (Steve Harrington & The Party) Adverse Effect | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
Steve is the babysitter, he's meant to be taking care of everyone else so he'll do anything in his power to keep doing it.
◇ NO. 2 — NOWHERE TO RUN (Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove) Cornered | Caged | Confrontation
Billy comes to a tough realization after graduation.
◇ NO. 3 — HAIR'S BREADTH FROM DEATH (Steddie, Implied Past Harringrove) Gun to Temple | "Say goodbye" | Impaled
Steve is apparently supposed to die in 24 hours, but there's so much left to say.
◇ NO. 4 — DEAD ON YOUR FEET (Harringrove) Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can't Pass Out
Steve notices the signs in Billy, and wonders how no one's ever noticed before.
◇ NO. 5 — EVERY WHUMPEE'S NEEDS (Steddie) Blood Loss | Running Out of Air | Hyperthermia
In which Steve doesn't want his bat-inflicted injuries to distract from the mission.
◇ NO. 6 — PROOF OF LIFE (Harringrove) Ransom Video | "I've got a pulse" | Screams from Across the Hall
After Starcourt, Steve wakes in a hospital and no one will tell him if Billy made it out.
◇ NO. 7 — THE WAY YOU SHAKE AND SHIVER (Steddie) Shaking Hands | Seizures | Silent Panic Attack
When Eddie held that bottle up to his neck, it brought far too many memories to the surface for Steve.
◇ NO. 8 — EVERYTHING HURTS AND I'M DYING (Steddie) Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
After another concussion, Steve is pretty sure he's hallucinating. People can't come back from the dead, right?
◇ NO. 9 — THE VERY NOISY NIGHT (Steddie) Sleeping in Shifts | Tossing and Turning | Caught in a Storm
The night reminds them too much of what happened, so they decide to get through it together.
◇ NO. 10 — POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS (Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley) Taser | Whipping | Waterboarding
What if the Russians had more time with Steve and Robin?
◇ NO. 11 — 911, WHAT'S YOUR EMERGENCY? (Billy Hargrove, Implied Harringrove) Sloppy Bandages | Self-Done First Aid | makeshift splint
Billy thought he'd died in Starcourt, but he woke up alone in a strange version of the world he knew.
◇ NO. 12 — WHAT COULD GO WRONG? (Harringrove) Alt Prompt: Ringing Ears
Steve tried hard to keep it from him, but Billy finds out there have been lasting effects from all of the head trauma.
◇ NO. 13 — CAN'T MAKE AN OMELETTE WITHOUT BREAKING A FEW LEGS (Harringrove) Fracture | Dislocation | "Are you here to break me out?"
Steve finds out about the lock on Billy's door. Good thing he's had plenty of practice sneaking into windows.
◇ NO. 14 — DIE A HERO OR LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO BECOME A VILLAIN (Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley)
Desperate Measures | Failed Escape | "I'll be right behind you"
When they confront Vecna again, Steve is determined to make sure they won’t lose. At any cost.
◇ NO. 15 — EMOTIONAL DAMAGE (Harringroveson) Lies | New Scars | Breathing Through the Pain
It's the first summer after it all, and the boys have new scars.
◇ NO. 16 — NO WAY OUT (Billy Hargrove, Implied Harringrove) Mind Control | Paralytic Drugs | "No one's coming"
Billy was aware when the mind flayer took control of him, too aware.
◇ NO. 17 — HANGING BY A THREAT (Harringrove) Breaking Point | Stress Positions | Reluctant Caretaker
They’ve never had a positive interaction before, but when Steve notices Billy on the side of the road he knows there’s no other option but to stop.
◇ NO. 18 — LET'S BREAK THE ICE (Harringrove) "Just get it over with" | Treading Water | "Take my coat"
Steve has new migraine medication. He's also terrified of needles.
◇ NO. 19 — ENOUGH IS ENOUGH (Steddie) Knees Buckling | Repeatedly Passing Out | Head Lolling
Steve gets to Eddie in time to get the bats away, but now they have to get out of the Upside Down.
◇ NO. 20 — IT'S BEEN A LONG DAY (Harringrove) Going into Shock | Fetal Position | Prisoner Trade
It's 1991 and Steve Harrington is celebrating the end of the cold war with a bottle of vodka Murray had sent them all when he gets a call about an American prisoner that had been returned.
◇ NO. 21 — FAMOUS LAST WORDS (Steddie) Coughing Up Blood | "You're safe now" | "Take me instead"
They say nothing is worse than the pain of coughing up flowers. Steve thinks loving without return wins.
◇ NO. 22 — PICK YOUR POISON (Harringrove, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Billy Hargrove & Eleven/Jane Hopper) Toxic | Withdrawal | Allergic Reaction
Dustin and El convince Steve and Billy to quit smoking together. Neither of them are happy about it.
◇ NO. 23 — AT THE END OF THEIR ROPE (Mungrove) Forced to Kneel | Tied to a Table | "Hold them down"
The lab knows something weird happened to Eddie and Billy when they were in the Upside Down, they're determined to find out why.
◇ NO. 24 — FIGHT, FLIGHT, OR FREEZE (Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield) Blood Covered Hands | "I don't want to do this anymore" | Catatonic
Though Billy was reckless, he was the best driver Max ever knew. She never expected this.
◇ NO. 25 — SILENCE IS GOLDEN (Harringrove) Lost Voice | Duct Tape | "You better start talking"
When Steve can't speak after what the Russians did, the most unlikely of people are there to help.
◇ NO. 26 — NO ONE LEFT BEHIND (Harringrove) Separated | Rope Burns | "Why did you save me?"
Billy runs away from Neil, having to say goodbye to the one boy he's ever loved. Years later, Steve goes on a road trip with his nuggets.
◇ NO. 27 — PUSHED TO THE LIMIT (Billy Hargrove & Eleven/Jane Hopper) Muffled Screams | Stumbling | Magical Exhaustion
When El pushes herself too hard, Billy is there to remind her to slow down.
◇ NO. 28 — IT'S JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG (Harringrove) Anger Born from Worry | Punching the Wall | Headache
It's the worst call Billy has ever gotten when he’s told Steve is in the hospital.
◇ NO. 29 — WHAT DOESN'T KILL ME... (Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley) Sleep Deprivation | Defiance | "Better me than you"
Steve and Robin finally talk about what happened in the Russian base.
◇ NO. 30 — NOTE TO SELF: DON'T GET KIDNAPPED (Steddie) Manhandled | Hair Grabbing | "Please don't touch me"
Steve was so worried about the Upside Down monsters he forgot how evil humans could be.
◇ NO. 31 — A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL (Harringrove) Comfort | Bedside Vigil | "You can rest now"
Billy and Steve get an apartment in California together, away from everything that had hurt them.
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Chapter 8 of The Hunt
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Wolffe x Fem!OC, some Comet x Fem!OC
Check out the amazing art by kaijurave that inspired this chapter and the way I picture Wolffe in this fic from here on out!
Series summary: The 104th battalion’s new medic Rose comes into the scene dazzling everyone, ready for anything life as a battalion medic will ofer to her after having spent much too long secluded in a medical station orbiting Rishi. While she forms close friendships with the troopers, she and commander Wolffe never seem to get along. As arguments between them heat up, Wolffe is challenged to make Rose fall in love with him, a game that by no means will end well for either of them.
Chapter summary: Wolffe and Rose enjoy each other's company during shore leave on Coruscant despite the problems that lurk beneath the surface within the squad.
Warnings/tags: SMUT. 18+, minors DNI. Alcohol and a very brief mention of puking because of it. Also includes some good ole Wolffe fluff because I was just so in the mood for the grumpy man being soft for his lover and also I want to include a carefree filler chapter before inevitable DOOM PiV unprotected sex, please do use protection in real life, clit play, shower sex, rough sex, semi-public sex, light anal play towards the end (fingering, mentions of anal sex), dirty talk and the most minimum of hints of degradation if you squint, language, banter. Please let me know if I forgot to tag something!
Word count: 6.2k
Note: Writer's block hit me just as I wanted to start writing this chapter. I've kissed my posting schedule goodbye since it didn't work for me, I'm pretty sure that the pressure I was putting on myself caused the writer's block, so now that I'm feeling better I'm confident that I can update more frequently.
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It had been months since last anyone had heard from the spy.
It didn’t make sense. Balmorra was supposed to be an easy mission, and it had fully gone to hell because of that one mystery person.
Security recordings hadn’t helped the wolf pack get much intel. The spy had known what they were doing, and they’d covered up any possible feature that could get them recognized. No crests or signs of affiliation were visible either, it was simply an average sized humanoid life form, dressed in dark clothing, not letting any skin visible, with goggles and a mask to shield their face.
The dead end kept staring at them right in the face.
Rose had spent almost the entirety of that first day of shore leave cooped in her room, sitting in front of the desk. As soon as she got finished with medical files and reports, she moved back to searching for the spy, rinse and repeat. She hadn’t left the room; she knew it was bordering on obsessive, to insist on finding that spy when it was obvious she wouldn’t find a new lead by staring at papers on her desk.
But with shore leave still ongoing, no new missions planned, and the boys out having their well deserved fun, it was all she could do.
In the silence of her barracks, even despite them being at the edge of the building with a view of the city, Rose made out the sound of steps approaching. Whoever was taking them was being careful not to be heard, and hushed whispers traveled through her door until the steps stopped.
Rose was already expectant when a light knock came on her door, but she hadn’t expected it would be her commander back early from a boys’ night drinking he and the pack had been planning for weeks.
Her dark brown eyes sparkled with joy, even if not much more expression showed in her features at the sight of him.
Wolffe smiled faintly at her, and he quickly turned around to give a signal to someone else, whom Rose figured was Sinker due to the silver head of hair she saw walking away with his back already turned on them, a hand waving dismissively as he stumbled through his steps.
Rose laughed and looked at Wolffe. “Are you sure it’s safe to send Sinker back on his own?”
“He was the least drunk of them all,” Wolffe chuckled as he closed Rose’s door behind him to then let his hands find Rose’s elbows as he held her in front of her. His watchful eyes grazed over her features, noticing the darkness of her under-eyes, the way her gaze wasn’t always on him, the way her red lipstick had faded, not having been reapplied for hours.
“You’re tired,” Wolffe said, his lips curving into a little smile as he watched her.
Despite her sleep deprivation, Rose managed her distinctive, witty smile at him. “Thank you, Commander Obvious.”
With a scoff, Wolffe looked over at the desk Rose had been working on and he sighed, gently letting go of her to walk over to it and see for himself what she’d been so insistent to work on. The papers were scattered, mixed between medical reports and investigations, with at least three holopads powered up on different tabs.
“Oh, Rose,” Wolffe said softly as he looked at her. “What is all this?”
She sighed, her features dropping into a frown, her voice soft and thoughtful as it could be. “We could have died, Wolffe… I can’t… I can’t let that person loose.”
Wolffe sighed back, but he found himself smiling softly at the woman as he walked back up to her. “I know. I want to find out too, but details are already scarce.”
Rose’s gaze traveled down to the floor as she heard Wolffe confirming the same dead end she’d brushed countless times in her investigation.
“It’s not for you to figure out on your own,” Wolffe continued. “You have us for that.”
Rose’s spunk return as she directed Wolffe a sly little grin. “Is that why you’ve been downing shots of spotchka with Sinker?”
Playfully, Wolffe rolled his eyes at her. “You said you wouldn’t be mad if we didn’t take you.”
“That was a challenge,” Rose wiggled her eyebrows. “I’m afraid you’ve failed.”
“And you say women aren’t complicated,” Wolffe tapped Rose’s chin with his finger as he walked past her and headed over to the side of her bead, looking out the window.
Rose’s barracks on Coruscant had been placed at a good spot. Despite the whole city, her room was able to get a breeze of fresh air, at least, fresh by Coruscant standard. It was a little prize that came with having a room so high up on the skyscraper, along with the fantastic view.
Wolffe seldom got the chance to get views like that. He remembered having a nice view from Rose’s room on Theed as well, but during those days, the view from a balcony was the least he cared about. As the months had gone by, and he and Rose had settled into the way of things, the euphoria had gone down until he’d felt himself going back to his roots.
That included a lot of gazing out at the views of Coruscant. He felt it ground him, and he liked the lights in the distance. Returning to Coruscant had become more of a homecoming for Wolffe than going to Kamino, and he wasn’t the only one in the pack whom that was true for.
Wolffe then looked over at Rose. She’d been silently admiring him as he looked out the window, her eyes having to make a clear effort to keep themselves open. He chuckled at her and he walked up to Rose once more, his gloved hand cupping her cheek.
“I take it you’re too tired to do anything tonight,” he said.
Rose leaned into the warmth of Wolffe’s palm, her eyes finally closing as she placed her hand on top of his. “I just want to sleep.”
With a smile, Wolffe tenderly brushed his hand away from her and turned around to begin to remove the top part of his armor, leaving him only in his undersuit from the waist up.
“On one condition,” he began. “Tomorrow, you forget about everything that’s on your desk and you rest. You’re going to sleep in during the morning, and afterwards you’re going to go out with me, and at night we’ll go to 79’s.”
She laughed. “Just so long as you don’t get in any fights again. You wouldn’t want me filling you up with yarrow again, commander.”
Wolffe had removed his armor from the waist up and he was facing Rose again. “These shore leave days are given to you by the military to recover. Use them. That’s an order.”
Rose wiggled her body and cooed at him. “You’re really sexy when you do that.”
A deep, smooth laugh formed at Wolffe’s chest. “Save that for when you have more energy, bunny.”
He climbed into the bed, his back resting on the wall just below the window, and he beckoned for her to climb in with him. Rose smiled brightly, the apples of her cheeks turning a shade of scarlet as she took his hand and let him pull her into the bed.
She snuggled into the warmth of his chest; the fabric of his shirt and his broad muscles made the perfect pillow for her to finally find some rest in. She faced him, curled up against him with her arms pressed between their bodies, and Wolffe leaned his head on the top of hers, brushing against the softness of her hair.
He felt his heart aching as he held her, unable to fathom the very core of the woman in his arms. Wolffe had realized it many times before, but it always hit him like the first, amazing him to no end. She was so soft, so small in his arms, so utterly his.
To hold Rose in his arms like that, have her trusting him enough to sleep with him, to have her love him in return, it was nothing short of a privilege.
Rose opened her eyes briefly and looked up and out the window to see one of Coruscant’s moons shining above. Its light was hazy, with a few clouds stationed in front of it, but it shone nonetheless. Rose could look at it for hours if she wasn’t so tired, but her eyes begged her to let them rest.
But how could she, when this was all she wanted? To rest in Wolffe’s arms, to have him as her pillow and her blanket, to never be able to feel safer than she did at that moment. And then, when she felt him press a tender kiss to her forehead, she felt her senses give out, prompting her to a peaceful, deep sleep.
A rarity on Coruscant was for there to be birds singing in the morning light. Often, birds would be overshadowed by the engines of ships and speeders carrying people ready to start with their day, but that next morning, when Rose woke up in Wolffe’s arms, the first thing she heard besides her commander’s steady breath was the singing of a little bird perched outside of her window.
One of her hands rested just in front of her face, the only thing standing between her and Wolffe’s chest. She rubbed her eyes as she slipped further into consciousness, feeling the way Wolffe softly stirred awake with his arms still around her.
He groaned as he hid his face in the pillow, yawning as he emerged from his own dreams. The nights he spent with Rose were always calm, peaceful; since he’d started dating her, the nightmares had become less frequent, and Rose rarely had to sit with him in the middle of the night anymore, comforting him back to sleep.
It baffled Wolffe how wonderful a good night of sleep could feel.
His eyes strained as they attempted to get used to the morning light, and his arms tightened around the warm, curvy body of his lover, his hands settling at the curves of the back of her thighs, cradling her.
Softly, Wolffe angled his head to find her, not having to open his eyes to do so. He felt his lips brushing her forehead as he planted soft kisses on her skin, only to trail down her nose until finally he kissed Rose’s full lips, soft and devoid of any red tint.
“You’re heaven to wake up to,” Wolffe whispered as his eyes finally opened to look into her dark brown ones only to see her brightly grinning at him with an air of sleepiness.
She giggled softly, nuzzling further into his broad, strong figure.
“What?” He asked her.
“Nothing, I just… I really love what you said,” she whispered, letting one of her fingers gently curl some of the hair on his chest.
Wolffe smiled at her tenderly, his voice lowering into an airy hint of the authority it always carried. “Well, you are.”
Rose shifted her body and positioned herself on top of him, and Wolffe’s grip on her loosened just enough for her to perch herself properly as she straddled his waist.
“Now that we’re on that,” she said. “You’re way more comfortable than that mattress.”
As she spoke, Rose trailed her fingers over the lines of Wolffe’s muscles with a featherlight touch, biting her lower lip as she eyed him with a delicate flame in her eyes.
Wolffe gave a low, proud laugh as he placed his hand on top of hers, pressing her palm fully on his chest.
“What are you looking at with so much craving, bunny?” He challenged. “I thought we were having a calm morning.”
“Oh, we are,” Rose cooed, bending over slowly to give him a kiss on the lips, short and luscious and filled with all her hunger. “For now, at least.”
Wolffe grinned, and he groaned as he thought of all the things he’d do with Rose on that day.
“But it’s not because of what you’re thinking,” Rose continued, her voice edging out of the seductive tone it had carried.
“Oh?” Wolffe asked her as she got up from the bed and headed to grab a change of clothes.
“No,” she winked at him. “We have a date with Sinker and the others for brunch, and that was a plan I was planning on going through with even before you sentenced me to no more research.”
Wolffe easily stepped out of his seductive mood as well, only to give Rose an are you fucking kidding me look.
She laughed softly. “And yes, you’re coming too. Cheer up, it’ll be fun.”
Wolffe sighed and pressed himself back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “Honestly, Rose, I was kind of just hoping we’d spend the day alone together.”
“Oh?” She mimicked him as she powered up the stream of the refresher. “To do what, exactly?”
Wolffe sat up and looked into the refresher, pleased by the fact that she was already halfway through taking her clothes off. He stood up from the bed and paced towards her with slow steps, his broad figure looming seductively over her small, soft, curvy body.
“You know what, bunny,” he purred at her.
Rose couldn’t help the way her eyes landed on his chest, nor could she keep the hungry look from manifesting itself in her features.
“I want you to say it,” she said as she took a step back and removed her shirt, letting her breasts fall freely.
She didn’t break eye contact with Wolffe as she pulled her panties down and stepped out of them, nor when she brushed her fingers through her hair to untangle it.
Wolffe continued to stare hungrily at her. “I just want to fuck you.”
Rose pouted at him, feigning innocence. “But, commander… We’re going to be late if we do that now!”
She stepped into the refresher and brushed her hands over her body as the water covered her, her gaze still firmly on Wolffe’s, rejoicing at how his eyes darkened with every second.
Finally, Wolffe slid his trousers off as quickly as he could. “The hell we are.”
Rose broke eye contact with Wolffe only to stare shamelessly at his length, already hard and throbbing merely at the sight of her. In no time, Wolffe’s body was in front of her, his strong arms caging her to the wall of the refresher as he became drenched as well. His lips crashed onto hers, kissing her with all the fire he could muster.
She moaned with delight at how good it felt simply to have him pressed to her; his lips, kissing her with that sensual fire he carried, his hands kneading at the flesh of her thighs, her ass, her waist. His voice, escaping him in low moans, groans, curses in his native language. Each time, Wolffe reminded Rose how irresistible he was to her.
Her hands went up to his head, and Rose entwined her fingers in his thick, black curls, though focusing on the few gray strands stemming from the crown of his head, falling to the sides of his temples.
As the kiss only grew in fire, Wolffe’s hands firmly held Rose’s behind and he picked her up for her to instantly wrap her legs around his torso. She grinned into the kiss as a playful, pleased coo left her, turning into a soft moan as Wolffe’s fingers found her clit and brushed it a few times, applying the perfect amount of pressure he knew always drove Rose wild.
“You’re so wet already, mesh’la,” he spoke into her ear. “I think you’re ready to take me. You said you didn’t want to be late, right?”
“That’s going to backfire on you, commander,” she teased back, her voice trembling as he kept playing with her clit. “I know you like to take your time, do things right.”
“I don’t mind getting gruff with you,” he smirked deviously at her. “And we both know you’re a dirty little girl who loves it when things get messy.”
Rose gasped, faking her indignation. “Me? But I’m so sweet and innocent—”
She was cut off when she felt Wolffe slipping his girth inside her, her statement, teasing as it was supposed to be, contradicted by the utterly obscene, luscious moan that dripped from her like honey.
Her moaning only continued as Wolffe quickened his pace, all the while looking into her eyes as though he were challenging her. His thumb remained pressed onto her clit, rubbing it while his cock did the rest of the work, slamming into her at a pace relentless even for her standards.
“Told you that you loved it,” Wolffe said between grunts. “You’ll love anything I do to you, won’t you, mesh’la?”
Her lips formed a pout, and all Rose could manage in return was a helpless little mewl that made Wolffe’s cock throb inside of her. It only made him go faster, hammer into her deepest corners as he chased his own release, and hers too when the rubbing on her clit got more insistent.
“Can I get you to come with me, bunny?” He groaned.
Rose was already so aroused, so entranced by Wolffe himself that his very words were enough to have her seeing stars. He looked unfathomably handsome at that moment, his strong body holding her, his skin against hers, decorated by drops of water sliding down him, as well as droplets at the edge of his beautiful curls, his eyes dark and dangerous and sexy, just the way she loved her commander.
Her fingertips clawed into his strong shoulders when she was on her very edge, and she let herself slip into ecstasy, her head falling back on the wall as her vision went white with pleasure, hearing her own blissful moans as well as Wolffe’s breathy groans of pleasure on top of the running water of the refresher, until she finally felt his hot seed spilling inside her.
With her chest heaving, trying to catch her breath, Rose felt Wolffe gently set her down, not letting her go until he was sure she could stand firmly on her feet. He then took some body wash into his palm and he began to gently brush it over her body, taking care of every corner, every curve, as though it were a rite of adoration.
Rose did the same in return, and she focused on cleaning his hair, until at last he too paid attention to her luscious black locks, both of them kissing lips with devotion as they let the water rinse them.
They helped each other dress; Wolffe carefully brushed Rose’s hair, and just before they stepped out the door, they shared one more tender kiss in her bedroom, their hands holding as they made their way down the corridors and headed to the restaurant Sinker had told Rose about early the day before.
The whole pack was already there, and they all looked at the couple with tiny grins as they took a seat at the table. Wolffe eyed the bright orange drinks set in fancy glasses in front of everyone, even in front of him and Rose, and for a moment it seemed alien to him, even ridiculous.
But beside him, Rose was delighted at the drinks, the bread, the fruit, the caf. Her eyes genuinely seemed to shine with joy, making Wolffe smile in silence as his hand gently squeezed hers under the table.
He was as lucky as a soldier like him could get.
“You two look very well-rested,” Sinker told Rose and Wolffe from across the table. “I take it you two slept together? I mean… you slept? Right?”
Rose chuckled, the opportunity never escaping through her fingertips. “Oh, we did. It was very good, if you’re wondering. And what did you do last night, Sinker?”
Proud as Sinker was of Rose’s wit, he stuck his middle finger up at her, not about to let her win the battle.
“He dropped Wolffe off at your barracks, came back to ours, cried because he’s still single, and puked,” Boost laughed.
Sinker redirected the middle finger over at Boost, earning a laugh from everyone at the table.
At the opposite end, Corvis tried his best to hold in laughter at the sight of Wolffe’s eyes hardening at the little orange drink in front of him.
“It’s a mimosa, Wolffe,” Corvis said. “Yes, it’s a girly drink, no, it won’t kill you to take it.”
“What is even in this thing?” Wolffe asked.
“Oh, just some citrus juice and champagne,” Rose shifted her weight closer to Wolffe, tilting her glass close to his and clinked them together. “Fancy, elegant, soft. Alcohol you can drink at breakfast without being a social pariah. What more do you want?”
Wolffe met eyes with Rose, as though to speak with his gaze the one word he was thinking, and Rose’s features softened, as if she’d understood. Her cheeks adopted a faint shade of pink, thinking back to the way she’d woken up in his arms, to the raw passion in the refresher, until she was brought back to the present by Wolffe’s hand squeezing hers again underneath the table.
“You will make me trash the place if you don’t stop being disgusting,” Sinker said as he reached out for a bun from the basket of bread in the middle of the table, handing it to Comet. “And what’s up with you? You haven’t spoken.”
“You didn’t exactly let me sleep last night,” Comet replied, evidently trying to avoid looking at Wolffe and Rose. “There’s only so much shut-eye you can get with all that constant whining.”
“Except, who did the whining?” Corvis said quietly, though loud enough for the others to hear.
Rose lowered her gaze, knowing it would do little to diffuse the awkwardness of the moment. She was fortunate to have been with Wolffe, who knew how to go by any possible mishaps with his squad better than anyone else, and he started handing out bread to everyone else at the table, leaving himself for last.
He knew the best way to get to these men’s good side was through their stomach.
“We’re on shore leave, boys,” Wolffe said, speaking in his usual commander voice. “What have you all got planned?”
“Nothing that concerns you much,” Sinker smirked.
“Care to run that by me again?” Wolffe challenged the sergeant.
“Well, we know you and Rose have probably set aside the day to do disgusting, unspeakable things to each other, so the boys and I are going to hit the penthouse to play some games,” Sinker explained. “We’ll be there all day in case you want to drop by even though you probably won’t, but at night we’re all going to 79’s. That’s a must.”
“We’ll be there,” Wolffe confirmed.
“Just be sure to clean up beforehand,” Boost teased.
“And to lock the bathrooms if you sneak away,” Corvis followed.
“Can we talk about something other than our sex life?” Rose teased back. “Why can’t you guys just stuff yourselves in bread and bacon like regular men do?”
“Because, Rose, brunch is a femenine tradition that requires talking and socializing,” Sinker replied. “But you’re right, I’ll drop the subject. I don’t want to upset anyone at this table.”
Rose knew Sinker wasn’t talking about her, nor was he talking about Wolffe. The two made vivid eye contact like the best friends they were, promising they would talk about it later without exception.
After that, Boost found himself tapping on Wolffe’s shoulder, his eyes bright as if they were those of a child.
“Is there really bacon here?” Boost asked, hopeful.
Wolffe rolled his eyes. “Order whatever you want, it’s on me.”
“Thanks, sir.”
Rose grabbed a bite of her muffin and ate it quietly as she observed the men around the table, each of them talking about something, just having a good time.
It seemed eerie to know of the gruesome battles they’d been through together, all of it seeming like a phantom when put into contrast with that moment, when the biggest concern seemed to be gossip.
But Rose would take it. She’d enjoy it, she’d enjoy Wolffe’s company. The charm of that morning hadn’t quite faded, and she frankly felt she’d burst.
There was nothing that could ruin it for them.
Wolffe and Rose had planned on doing several things with their day off, like visiting the roof gardens, dropping by the penthouse to challenge the others in whatever games they could find, eating someplace nice, just talking at a balcony with the view of the city, enjoying each other’s company like a couple, rather than just a commander and a medic who’d found love somehow.
They’d done the last part, but instead, they’d spent the entirety of the day in Rose’s room.
Make out session followed make out session. Their lips were sore and swollen from how much they had kissed. Declarations of love had been whispered countless times and in different languages, at different decibels. They’d had sex sweetly, passionately, it could go from rough to soft, tender to luscious, from the bed to the floor, the refresher, the wall, the desk, truly never being able to have enough of the other.
But when the sun had set, it was time for them to go back into the world once more, not wanting to break the promise they’d made to a squad who was counting on their presence that night.
The ambience of The 79’s was the same as it usually was, hitting Rose with that air of nostalgia and a sense of anticipation of a good night as she walked in with her arm linked with Wolffe’s.
The couple always stole glances from troopers and by-goers alike, all of them gawking at the sheer level of attractiveness that Wolffe and Rose oozed when they walked by, owning the place with every step they took. They made sense, they were hot, the concept of a relationship between them was promising.
People envied them, wanted them, wanted to be them.
Rose noticed Sinker’s waving hand and walked over to their booth. When they arrived, Corvis and Boost exchanged a couple credits, having bet whether or not the couple would deign to show up at the reunion, earning Boost a light punch in the arm from Wolffe as Rose took a seat in front of Sinker.
“I cannot help but notice you’re dressed better than the whole bar,” Sinker winked at her, his gaze shamelessly falling on Rose’s cleavage.
While Wolffe gave him a death glare, Rose charmingly laughed, inching her body a tad closer to Wolffe’s. She knew a night at 79’s called for a dress-to-impress mentality, and she’d nailed it with her tight black blouse and her brown, flowy mini-skirt with thigh-high boots.
She knew all the eyes were on her, including Wolffe’s. She’d seen him hungrily watching her before they left her room; she could have sworn Wolffe would skip on 79’s entirely just to have her in that outfit.
Rose did love to tease Wolffe so.
A waiter brought a round of light blue cocktails, handing one to each person at the table; Rose took a sip of it and enjoyed its delicate, fruity flavor topped by the intense sting of alcohol as she listened to the boys making conversation around her. They talked about the cutie waiting for drinks at the bar, except it turned out she was there with someone. They talked about wanting to take to the dance floor, but how none of them felt good enough at dancing, how they’d eventually do it when they’d drank enough.
Nothing spoke good times to Rose like a night out with her friends.
But as her gaze fell on Wolffe, she knew she wanted more. She wanted him.
Her drink was almost gone, and she felt the sweet waves of alcohol on her body. Rose had gone from mildly leaning on him to pressing her body on his, resting her head on his shoulder, tracing the outlines of his wolf tattoo with the tips of her fingers. She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling.
Wolffe smiled at her, barely noticeable to anyone else, before planting a soft kiss on her lips, proudly watching as she blushed. Rose’s hands traveled down Wolffe’s strong arm all the way to his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, grabbing his full attention.
“I think I need to go to the powder room,” she said.
Wolffe moved over to let her out of the booth and she casually made her way over to the entrance of the bar’s restrooms, but before going in, she turned around and signaled Wolffe.
She hadn’t thought of being there all by herself.
Rose walked in and noticed the place was empty, and it was decent—the 79’s excelled at keeping the place clean. It would be more than enough.
Wolffe walked into the bathroom shortly after she’d arrived, and he eyed her with hungry, yet loving eyes as the door closed behind him, the music muffled but still booming outside.
“Still not enough, huh?” He teased her.
Rose thought back to the day behind her, to how sore she was, to how much she ached between her legs, her folds tired, quite possibly overstimulated—and most definitely still wanting more.
It would never be enough.
“You know what I want, commander,” she raised a brow and pressed her behind on the sink counter behind her.
Wolffe���s gaze darkened, his trousers tightening instantly as Rose leaned forward slightly, enough to enhance the cleavage of her little blouse. His gaze fell on the perfect curves of her taut, perky breasts, watching closely as they moved up and down with her breathing.
“Fuck, you’re hot,” he walked toward her.
Rose felt her walls clenching around nothing, already anticipating one more pounding from Wolffe, her panties no doubt already getting drenched in arousal.
“Wolffe,” she whimpered. “Please…”
Gently, Wolffe set his hands on her waist, looking into her eyes and awaiting her words.
“I need to have you now,” her voice hushed, trembling in anticipation.
Painfully slowly, Wolffe leaned down and finally locked lips with Rose, kissing her for barely more than a second, but with an undeniable heat. His lustful eyes stared into her as his lips curved to form a seductive smirk.
“Turn around,” he said.
Biting her lip, Rose did as he said and turned to face the mirror, looking at her reflection as Wolffe bent her over the sinks. Her gaze fell on the way her own cleavage looked in the mirror until she became distracted by Wolffe running his hands up and down the back of her thighs, his gaze hungrily brushing over her body, a carnal desire visible in the darkness of his eyes.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell, Rose…” Wolffe groaned as he lifted her skirt above her waist and pulled her panties down to her ankles. He brushed his thumb over her clit, swollen and wet from a long day of making love, still anxious for him.
“Wolffe…” Rose cooed, wiggling her hips. “Please, Wolffe…”
“If I’d known it was that easy to make you beg,” he teased, letting his hands knead the flesh of her ass. “Fuck, look at you, bent over that sink.”
Wolffe bent over too, his body over hers, until his lips hovered above her ear. He breathed out onto her skin, making her shiver, and he chuckled proudly as he uncovered his cock from the confines of his trousers.
“Good girl, bunny,” he whispered into her ear, delighting in the choked moan she struggled to hold in as he pushed himself inside her.
He started rocking his hips into her, his pace slow and passionate, letting her feel every sensation of how he stretched her out and stroked her walls.
Rose was so sensitive from the whole day that it felt otherworldly to her. He was barely moving and she was already seeing stars, switching from looking at herself in the reflection to looking back at him.
“The music’s loud out there, mesh’la,” Wolffe whispered. “I think you can moan, don’t you?”
“And just think, if anyone walks in, they’re going to see you here bent over for me,” Wolffe continued, quickening his pace gradually until they could hear the slapping of skin filling the room.
Rose’s moans got louder. Her hands tightly held the sink in front of her, prompting Wolffe to stand back up straight and hold her hips for leverage. He became faster after that, no longer delaying in pounding relentlessly into his beloved, he too rendered sensitive from a long day of fucking.
She was intoxicating to him. The sight of her bent over that sink, submitted to him, her lips pouting and breath gasping in the pure ecstasy that he made her feel. Wolffe slowly slipped further into that same realm of bliss where nothing else mattered, where his mind would wander to all the things he wanted to do to her, to share with her. Every curve in her body was perfect, every sound she made, from moan to whimper, was delicious. Every corner of her made him lose his mind just a little bit more, making him fuck her harder, faster.
His hands found the top of her back, brushing down the soft fabric of her blouse as he kept up his pace. Wolffe then rested his hands on her ass cheeks, looking down at her spread for him, enjoying the view, and his mind continued to wander. Slowly, as though tentatively, ready to stop at the first sign of protest, he spread Rose’s cheeks open just a bit, gazing into the little hole and slowly taking a finger to brush over it.
Rose gasped, looking up at him through the mirror, but she didn’t protest. She noticed Wolffe looking at her for confirmation, and between whimpers, she gave Wolffe a clear nod.
He teased her a bit, brushing softly over it as he continued to pound into her pussy, his cock throbbing inside her, aroused by the delightful new pleasure. Carefully, achingly slow, Wolffe slid a single finger down the hole, his hips never stopping.
Rose moaned sinfully at the sensation paired with her pussy being railed. Her vision blurred; she had to grasp tighter at the sink in front of her to keep herself from moaning any louder, but at that point it was futile to even pretend she still cared. Rose reached a point where she couldn’t even keep her eyes open, she felt too devastatingly close to climax, one that would feel new and different, raw and downright lewd.
“Who knew you’d love that, mesh’la?” Wolffe grinned. “You like it when I finger your ass?”
“Yeah,” Rose whimpered, struggling to talk as the liquid heat threatened to spill into every corner of her body.
“You want me to do more?” Wolffe huffed. “You want me to fuck your ass?”
Rose’s eyes opened, her gaze finding Wolffe once more through the mirror.
“Fuck, Wolffe, do everything to me.”
Her words were enough, and Wolffe felt his cock pulsating inside her already clenching walls. The two moaned in unison, drowning in the carnal thrill of each other. They moaned the other’s name out, cursed, swore their love, until they were no longer part of the bar, part of the world.
It was just them.
In a blur, Rose got down from her high and found herself sitting on the counter, her back turned to the mirror as Wolffe slid her panties back on. She sat, her head spinning as she vaguely heard Wolffe cleaning up, until at last his lips found hers and trapped her in the most gentle of kisses.
When Wolffe parted the kiss, Rose looked up at him, a gleam in her eyes.
“Wolffe?” She whispered.
Her hands slid up his abdomen, finding his chest, until finally she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“I love you,” she spoke, her voice carrying a subtle quiver in it, only making it more endearingly genuine.
Wolffe grinned softly at her. “I love you too, bunny.”
He planted a series of tender kisses on her lips, his hands cupping her neck and her jaw, holding her intimately close to him, once again rejoicing in her softness.
Wolffe met her eyes. “You want to go back out and dance?”
Rose smiled dreamily in return. “Only if it’s a slow dance.”
He tilted his head at her answer.
“And later I want to sleep in your arms again,” she continued, her head leaning on his shoulder.
Wolffe chuckled. “It’s a date.”
Rose felt she would fall asleep right there, and she knew she’d be safe if she did. It was of little concern what else happened that night. All she cared about was being with Wolffe.
The way Wolffe’s arms tightened around her, squeezing her more to him ever so delicately, let her know that the feeling was mutual, despite how much they seemed to hate each other the first night they’d been together at that very same bar.
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chaoticparker · 3 years
Peter Parker x avenger!reader
summary: you and Peter use to be childhood friends, then for some reason, became each others enemies. But what happens when a mission goes wrong so you and Peter are forced together?
w/c: 9.6k
warnings: swearing, violence/explosions, one suggestive joke
a/n: italicized sentences are inner thoughts, italicized & bolded text is flashbacks (they are really easy to tell when they appear in the fic)
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“Why do you have to be such a fucking dick all the god damn time?”
“I’m not the fucking dick here, if anything, I’m just extra hygienic.”
“Using all of the hot water and staying in the shower for an hour makes you a fucking dick, Peter.”
The team groaned as they heard yours and Peter’s screams getting louder and louder as you moved to get closer to the team meeting room. They all shared an annoyed glance. By now, they were used to it at this point, but it doesn’t make the constant screaming matches any less of a headache.
“I’m sorry I like to shower in hot water-” Peter fumed as he walked into the room with you right behind him.
“Wait! Is the Peter Parker finally apologizing? You finally got some morals!” You applauded with sarcasm dripping from your voice.
“Can you two shut up for ten minutes so we can go over the mission?” Tony yelled.
“You know this is partially your fault too, Stark. What billionaire has limited hot water supply?” You grumbled as you sat down in your seat next to Wanda and Nat.
“She’s got a point Mr. Stark, lots of people live here and it wouldn’t hurt to bump up the hot water.” Peter added as he took his seat next to Bucky and Sam.
“Is the idiot actually agreeing with me?” You teased.
“No, I’m agreeing with the idiot.”
“Agreeing with an idiot makes you an idiot, idiot.”
“Honestly both of you need to shut up or else I'm kicking you both out of the free housing I've provided for both of you.” Tony threatened. “And I'm sure neither one of you wants to look for an apartment in New York.”
“No Mr. Stark.” You both groaned, very familiar with the threat by this point.
“Great! Is there anything else someone needs to say?” Tony asked. “Nothing, great! Steve take it away.”
“Alright, so tonight we are leaving for Canada to dismantle a Hydra base out there. It's heavily forested and fairly isolated so everyone needs to make sure that their trackers are on, and securely placed on their suits-”
“Don’t break them, they take like three hours each to make.” Tony chimed in.
“Yes, thank you Stark.” Steve sighed. “But we need to collect and destroy all samples of the serum they are working on, including -and this part is critical- the instructions on how to make the serum and the machines that can mass produce them.
“We will divide into groups with different tasks, one will gather and destroy all made serums, and the other will destroy the instructions. Team A, consisting of Wanda, Bucky, and I will focus on destroying the serums. Team B, with Y/n, Nat, Sam and Peter will deal with shutting the machines down that are making the serum as well as deleting all information.”
“Why do I have to go with him?” You huffed.
“Because Nat and Sam are guarding you two while you both deal with the production of the serum.” Steve answered, already having the answer prepared for the inevitable question.
“Why can’t Stark come and take my place?” Peter whined.
“Because Pepper wants me to ‘rest’, so I’m just gonna be in the jet and boss everyone around from there.” Tony clenched his jaw, clearly not liking Pepper’s wishes but agreed with them regardless.
“Wheels up in two hours. Meet at the launchpad. Dismissed.”
You quickly got up from your seat and walked out of the room, heading towards the kitchen for a snack. “Hey, has anyone seen my leftovers?” You yelled.
Bucky, who was right behind you, came up next to you and looked in the fridge. “What was it?”
“I made some pizza yesterday but I didn’t finish a couple of slices and I put them in a container, right here.” You pointed to the back corner of the fridge, where it was out of eyeshot from anyone else.
“I saw Parker eat pizza at midnight.”
“Huh? What’d you see me do?” Peter walked into the kitchen reaching for an apple.
“You ate my pizza last night?” You slammed the fridge shut. “Why the fuck would you do that?”
“How was I supposed to know that I wasn’t supposed to eat it?” Peter asked.
“I don’t know, maybe because you didn’t make it? Maybe the fact that it was stowed away in the back of the fridge? Fucking dumbass.”
“Maybe you should’ve included a label saying do not eat or you should’ve labeled your own fucking name, dumbass.”
“I will beat your-”
“What the fuck happened to you guys?” Bucky snapped. “When you two first got here you were friends and now your yelling at each other over fucking pizza? What happened?”
Peter and you went silent. Not looking each other in the eye.
“I gave up being friends with Peter the day he became a dick.”
“Where the fuck is Y/n and Peter?” Sam wondered, hitting his head against the wall of the jet.
Wanda cleared her throat, walking around and using her magic to create little gusts of wind at people to pass the time. “Do you think they are...?”
“It’s about time if you ask me.” Tony chimed in.
“Tony what the fuck you can’t say that.” Steve warned.
“What? We were all thinking about it.”
A few more minutes passed, the rest of the team getting impatient. Natasha’s hand gripped the steering wheel while Tony hummed to some 70’s song while tinkering with some random tools he found.
“Fucking bitch!”
“Fucking dick!”
The team sighed, a bittersweet feeling washing over them. Sure they needed you both to actually leave, but that means both of you screaming at each other.
“Hurry up before I attack you both.” Sam yelled getting ready to shut the jet doors.
You both picked up the pace and ran into the jet, all suited up and ready for action. The doors shut behind you both and you could feel the engine start and the jet quickly lifted up. You felt eyes on you and when you glanced at the others and saw them giving you the death glare.
Choosing to rest your voice and not argue with anyone, you sat in a chair away from the others. It’s not even your fault that you were late, it was Peter’s. He just had to be taking his time about getting ready, something about making sure his hair was curled just right and making sure that it had that nice fluff. So of course you had to wait for him, throwing in a few comments here and there, but in your defense they did start out civil. It’s not your fault that Peter took it the wrong way.
Is my hair too fluffy? Peter thought. He took out his phone and opened snapchat and checked his hair.
“Your hair looks fluffy.” Peter remembered what you said, but did she say it in a teasing way? She always teases me so she must be. I need to fix this fucking bush-
“Alright we should be landing in a few. Y/n, you're going to be carrying this.” Tony tossed you a bag. “Inside contains a device that will delete and destroy all information on their computers and erase all of their data. So plug this in, and destroy their machines and then leave.”
“Nat, Sam, do you remember the layout of the building?” Steve asked. Nat and Steve nodded their heads. “Great. Trackers on everybody.” Everybody double checked their trackers, seeing the faint red signaling that they are on.
“Now Wanda is going to cause a distraction while helping Bucky and Steve find and destroy the serums, so you shouldn’t get too much trouble headed your way.” Tony reminded.
“Tony, take over the controls.” Nat ordered and Tony walked over, dropping the pieces of tech he was tinkering with and sat down where Nat was sitting.
“Are you okay?” Nat whispered in your ear, just low enough for no one to hear. “I didn’t hear a snarky comment.”
“I’m just picking my battles. And I don’t feel like yelling at people before we might die.” You sighed.
“We are not going to die on the mission, you’re being dramatic.”
“I know but I have a bad feeling about this one.”
And like usual, you were right.
“Kids, Nat and I are gonna have to deal with a shit amount of people so don’t kill each other. Got it?” Sam hurriedly yelled.
You both nodded, already knowing the urgency of the task and you quickly parted ways.
You and Peter ran into the room, with it being filled to the brim with computers and servers with a small door in the back leading into what you guessed were the machines.
“You deal with the servers and I’ll deal with the other room?” Peter suggested and you just nodded your head.
Finding what seemed to be the main server as Peter kicked down the door and rushed into the next room, you unzipped the backpack and brought out the device. Quickly plugging it in and switching some switches and pressing some buttons, the device started to do its thing.
A computer came on, you grabbed the bag and quickly walked over. You heard quite a few crashes and loud bangs from where Peter was, then a few gun shots from outside the room; which made you look at the door separating you and Peter from whatever Nat and Sam were dealing with.
Turning your attention back to the screen, you saw code running with the faint Stark Industries logo in the background. You got the keyboard and tried your best to make it go as quickly as possible.
“Hey Y/n we need to go, I’m done in there.” Peter came back into the room, standing by your side and looked over your shoulder at the code running on the screen.
“We just have to wait for this all to be deleted…” Your voice trailed off as a prompt came up on the screen.
“What’s wrong-” The door leading outside became sealed by another metal door, blocking your exit.
“It's locking everything down when we clear everything, it’s a defense thing we need to find a different way out.” You explained, raising your voice against the gunshots and blasts coming from outside “I- I don’t know how to get out.”
“Let me see if I can deal with it.” Peter stole the keyboard from under your hands.
“I was dealing with it.”
“Not very wel- AH!” The keyboard started sparking followed by the servers smoking and diffusing blasts and the computer's starting to explode.
“We need to go before we get blown up.” Your voice faltered as all of the tech around you started to go out.
“Come with me.” Peter grabbed your hands and pulled you into the room where he just was. “I think I saw an escape hatch in there.”
As you ran with Peter, you briefly glanced around at the broken machines all around you, chemicals on the floor and broken glass spread all over. Peter led you to the back corner of the room where a small metal door that looked like a human size version of a dumbwaiter was located. Peter let go of your hand and started hitting the door, trying to break it open.
An explosion bursted from the computer and server room, spreading fires into this room that the chemicals only seemed too induce.
“Peter, the fire is getting pretty close in here.” You panicked.
“I know but this door seems to be made from Vibranium or some knock off version that’s incredibly well made.”
“This isn’t the time to be praising their work.”
Peter’s senses went off, as if the world went in slow motion, he looked behind himself and saw a spark forming that would undoubtedly cause another explosion. Turning back to you, he tackled you and then quickly spun on his heel so that his back would hit the metal door, delivering the final blow.
The last thing you saw was a bright red and orange mixture as you fell down the tunnel, holding onto Peter's arms.
Slowly fluttering your eyes open, you could only see a little. A small fluorescent light was swinging slightly overhead that was slightly blinding, still receiving the effects of seeing the explosion right in front of your eyes.
Groaning as you tried to sit up, you were stopped and looking down you saw Peter’s arms wrapped around you.
“Fuck, Peter.” You quickly unraveled yourself from Peter's surprisingly still tight grip and hung over him. “Peter wake up.” You took off his mask and started lightly slapping his face, then when he wasn’t budging you slapped him a little harder.
“Peter, stop playing with me.” You checked his pulse and could faintly feel it underneath your fingertips. You climbed off of him and grabbed his legs and lifted them up, trying to bring the blood flood to his head.
You heard a small whine escape Peter’s lips and dropped his legs down. “H-hey, are you ok?” Peter opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but you pushed him back. “Answer the question: are you ok?”
“I’m fine, my face just hurts though.” Peter tried to sit up again, moving your hand away from his body. “I have super healing, I’m fine. Stop worrying.”
“Well excuse me for not wanting you to die.” You huffed, getting up on your feet and looking up from where you both fell from.
“What were you doing with my legs?”
“You were passed out and I was trying to bring the blood flow back to your head.” You answered.
Peter sighed then looked around the tunnel. “Where are we?” Peter sat up and scooted over to sit up against the wall.
“Probably an escape route for scientists if they got raided, but I don’t know why they had to design it like that.” You pointed up while kicking around the little debris that fell from the same place as you both did.
“I think it's efficient.”
“The only reason we both survived that was because you took the blow and you have fast healing. I don’t think Hydra scientists could of survived that.” You argued and Peter just shrugged his shoulders.
“We should probably get going, the team is probably wondering where we are.” Peter slowly stood up by himself and shook his head, arms and legs out, trying to wake himself up. And you both headed down the tunnel.
You were always grateful Peter had that ability. After the countless times Peter used to fall down the stairs or trip and fall on the streets of Queens, it was probably the power he was most thankful for. All of the bruises on his knees and scratches on his elbows were never something that you liked seeing.
He was definitely not the most coordinated person; with or without powers.
There was one time that you two were walking out of Delmars and heading towards a park, around the time you both became Avengers, and you both were eating your sandwiches. Peter, ‘forgetting’ to eat Aunt May’s new dish -if you could call it that-, he was starving and ended up being too distracted to look where he was going.
“Do you really think Mr.Stark is gonna let us touch his tech?” Peter asked, practically jumping up and down from excitement.
“I thought that was part of the deal-”
“OH! Do you think Thor would let us try and lift his hammer?” All Peter was talking about to you was the Avengers. He couldn't confide with anyone else so he was giving you an earful on every little idea or question that came to mind.
“I highly doubt you could lift it.” You said as you took another bite of your sandwich.
“What makes you say that? I think I would make an amazing ruler of Asgard.” Peter was now walking backwards so he was right in front of you and he took another bite of his sandwich.
“I mean, sure, you living in your little Peter Palace would be cool and you would care about people but we are like a hundredth of their age.” You explained. “I don’t think they would listen to you. You can’t even get Ned’s little sister to listen to you.”
“Well she’s a bitch.”
“She’s seven.” You laughed, causing Peter to frown. “But I’m sure you would make an amazing Avenger. We both will.”
“Most definitely. And I cannot wait to make the Avengers my bitc- AH!” Peter slipped on some mud in the park and fell down on his back. Sandwiches dipped in mud and pants and shirt ruined.
You bursted out laughing while Peter just stared at the sandwich covered in the icky substance, his eyes brimming with tears, causing you to laugh even more.
“What about making the Avenger’s your bitch.” You giggled. Reaching out your hand to pull Peter up.
“Y/n! Y/n! Are you listening?” Peter yelled, snapping you out of your thoughts. “I asked if your tracker is working, mines smashed.”
You checked your wrist and saw that yours was crushed too, “No, it's broken.”
“Fuck.” Peter ran his hand through his curls and then looked back at you. “What were you smiling about?”
“What do you mean?”
“Just now, you were staring off into space smiling. What was that about?” Peter pressed. “Was it nice seeing me in pain?”
“I was just thinking of all the times you fall on your ass.” You continued walking, your hands playing with the strings of the backpack you were surprised you still had with you, but grateful for something to fiddle with.
“I do not fall on my ass.” Peter grumbled.
“You do when we train together.”
“Oh please, last time we spared I kicked your ass.” Peter reminded you.
“Don’t ‘oh please’ me! You're the one who trips every five seconds.” You fumed. “Not to mention you can count all the times you’ve beaten me on one hand; and I can’t say the same.”
“That is so untrue! Are we just going to ignore how I saved you back there? If it wasn’t for my expertise we both would be dead.”
“I wouldn’t call tackling me ‘expertise’.” You teased.
“Is it really so hard to admit that I’m smart?” Peter asked.
“You’re impossible.” Peter whispered, unsure if he wanted you to hear it or not, but either way you did.
“And to think five minutes ago I was trying to wake you up! I should’ve just dragged you along. Or better yet, I should’ve just left you there.” You remarked, keeping your head looking forward. You didn’t bother to look at Peter, you knew he would do a simple eye roll and move on with his life.
And of course, Peter rolled his eyes, tired of the bickering and would much rather stay in awkward silence. What happened to us? Peter thought. Honestly, he hadn’t forgotten the encounter earlier this morning when Bucky had asked about you two.
You were always so close. Instant friends that could talk about anything and everything all at once. Then one day, there was something off. Almost like a gut feeling when he saw you. He would say something and you would snap, and if you said something he would snap.
Banter was always a part of your relationship. You two could only make fun of each other, and no one else, you knew each other's boundaries, and it was all teasing. But one day the teasing didn’t seem right anymore. He would do his normal teasing and you would too, it just, would feel weird.
Maybe you were just too hard on her and so she decided to be mean back too.
That thought has always bounced around Peter’s head. He would rack his brain thinking of what he possibly could have said to make this reality, but the problem was that he didn’t know when he started feeling his way to you.
Maybe it was always there, and it was just more evident now.
“Is that a door?” You snapped Peter from his thoughts and quickly ran to the end of the long corridor. A metal door was on the roof of the tunnel and you tried to reach for the handle but it was too high up. “Can you get it?”
Peter nodded, he couldn’t reach it himself either so he used his web shooter that was luckily still working, and was able to rip the door open. The refreshing smell of fresh air made both of you a bit more relaxed.
“Here.” Peter cupped his hands for your foot and then lifted you up so you could lift yourself up onto the ground. “Is anyone out there?”
You quickly looked around, nothing was around other than an empty highway and an excessive amount of trees. “No, it's clear and dark out so no one can really see us. Do you need help getting out?”
“No, step aside though.” You moved away from the opening and saw a web attached to the doorway which shortly followed Peter launching himself out of there. “Impressive, no?”
“No.” You said, not really paying attention to him. You walked a little closer to the highway and saw an exit sign. “There's a town down the road. My suit can pass for normal clothes so I could run into a clothing store and steal some clothes to wear. Then we can spend the night in a hotel or something.”
“You want to steal?” Peter's voice was raised, a little shocked.
“It’s not like we have money and we need to sleep. And unless you want to get exposed as Avengers, it's our only choice.” Peter was silent for a couple of seconds then reached for the bag on your shoulders and pulled it off. “What are you looking for now?”
“It’s a Stark bag.” Peter reached into the bag and started shuffling around, before slowly retracting his hand. “It’s bound to have money.”
“How much?”
“Enough.” Peter put the money back into the bag. “I’ll swing us over and wait in an alley for you?”
“Deal, just don’t drop me, or pretend too.”
“Yeah- no promises.”
The town was fairly crowded, but it was easy to find an alleyway on the outskirts of town. You did get quite a few glances, people wondering what someone is going through to be wearing that type of clothing, but you just ignored them. Walking into the store you found a pair of sweats and sweatshirt for the both of you then splurged on some pajamas just because. You checked out and quickly ran back to the alley.
“‘K I got the clothes.” You tossed Peter his clothes while you gathered yours. “Turn around.” Facing opposite walls you quickly started to change into the sweats. “I saw a hotel down the street. We can head there.”
“Did it look alright?” Peter asked.
“Yes, but I didn’t think that you would be so picky about where you were sleeping tonight.” You put the sweatshirt over your head. “Done.”
“Same here.” You turned around and shoved your suits into the bag. You put it over your shoulders while Peter took the shopping bag. You walked out of the alley, making sure no one looked too suspicious, then practically ran to the hotel.
The doors opening wide while you both got blasted with AC was a refreshing feeling. Peter walked up to the receptionist at the desk with you right next to him.
“Hi, can we get two rooms for one night?”
“I’m so sorry sir, we only have one room left, will that be ok?” The lady asked.
Peter lazily nodded, trying to fight off a yawn. “Yeah that’ll work. How much?”
You took the bag off your shoulders and shuffled around for the wad of money. “It’ll be 350.” She said in her monotone voice, typing away at her keyboard.
You found the money and counted out 4 100 bills and put it on the desk, putting the rest of the money away. “Here.”
She raised her eyebrows at the cash, but then quickly put it away, “because your paying with cash there just so happens to be a $50 deposit so-”
“Yeah yeah keep the change it’s fine.” You mumbled, knowing full well that the deposit was already included, but you didn’t feel like fighting the women right now.
She slid a room key across the desk. “Room 311. Enjoy your stay.”
You slung the bag back over your shoulder and Peter took the room key as you headed for the elevator doors. Walking into the confined space with cheesy music playing you pressed the three and felt the elevator go up.
Leaning against the cool metal wall you noticed a flyer hanging up on the wall. “It looked like there was some work convention going on so that's why they’re all booked up.” You handed Peter the flyer and he took it, looking at the flyer out of pure boredom.
The elevator door pinged and you both stepped out then headed for the room. “If you’ll allow me.” Peter said, a little more awake now. He pressed the key against the scanner and heard the little happy chirp and swung the door open.
Peter looked in and his face dropped. “What's wrong?” You pushed Peter aside and walked into the room with Peter behind you.
“Oh no, there is only one bed, what will we do now?” You joked. Seeing Peter blushing made you smile and you decided to continue. “Oh come on Petey, don't act like you haven’t fantasized of sharing a bed with me.”
“What! NO! No- no, I would never.” Peter stuttered, holding his hands up in defense.
“Peter, it's fine. Besides, there is plenty of room for both of us. Just choose a side.” You dropped the bag off your shoulders and gestured to the bed.
“I’ll take it right.”
“Perfect, I’ll take left.” You collapsed on your side of the bed and turned your head to look at Peter. “Go take a shower, you need it.”
“I’ll be sure not to use all of the hot water.” Peter joked.
“You better not.”
Peter gathered the t-shirt and pj pants you got him and dropped the bag of clothes and opened then shut the bathroom door. You heard the noise of the shower turning on then the running water. You rolled over and saw on the bedside table a phone. You quickly grabbed the phone and dialed Tony’s cell.
Your call cannot be answered at this time-
“Fuck.” You groaned, waiting for the automatic voice to end so you could record a message. “Hey Mr. Stark, it's Y/n, Peter and I are safe and good, staying at some hotel. We were able to escape with some exit, hope everyones alright. Just hurry up and call us back” You ended the call and set the phone down.
A menu caught your eye and you just realized how hungry you were. Reaching back to the phone, you dialed the room service. “Hi room service, what can I get, yea!”
“Hey, could I please get one large pizza, two waters and... “ you glanced back at the menu, looking to the dessert side. “Three slices of Cherry Pie?”
“Of course, what room?”
“Great. It’ll be up in ten minutes, it will cost $50 which you’ll have to pay when it arrives, is that alright?”
“Perfect, thank you.” You hung up the phone and set the menu down. You heard the shower turn off and a couple of minutes later Peter walked out in just his pajama pants.
“Is it ok if I don’t wear the shirt? I’m a little hot.” Peter asked.
“Yeah, it’s fine.” You got up from the bed and got your clothes from the shopping bag, ripping the tags off. “I ordered room service and it's gonna cost $50 so just give them a hundred and tell them to keep the change. It’ll be up in a few.”
Peter nodded and you went to the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
Peter collapsed on the bed, giving his body a much needed rest. In the shower he checked out all of his injuries. They weren’t too bad, his back was covered in bruises but they would probably disappear through the night. And his head felt right, he wasn’t nauseous or seeing the room spin so he knew he didn’t have a head injury.
He glanced at the bedside table as saw the phone. He reached over and grabbed the phone, and dialed Tony’s number. He heard the usual rings and groaned at the automatic recording.
“Hey Mr. Stark, Y/n and I are safe and ok and we are at some hotel. Anyways, we’re fine, the explosion caused us to use an escape route designed for the scientists in case they needed to leave. We have the backpack you gave Y/n on the jet which had a ton of money so we were able to get out of our suits.
Call me back when you get this, and come get us as soon as you can. Oh- and please call Aunt May before anything else and tell her I’m alright. If I call her she wont pick up because she doesn’t answer unknown numbers and doesn’t bother to check her voicemail. Thanks, oh- and this is Peter by the way but I’m guessing you knew that by now. Bye!”
Peter hung up the phone and luckily he heard a knock at the door, “room service.” Peter jumped to get the bag and took out a single crisp $100 bill. He swung the door open and saw a person with a little cart with food in containers. “May I come in?”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry.” Peter fully opened the door and moved out of the way. The person rolled the cart in then stacked the food on the small desk in the room.
“That’ll be $50, and here’s the check.” They handed Peter the receipt and Peter didn’t bother to go over everything closely. It looked right and he just tucked the $100 in there.
“Thank you so much! Have a nice night!” Peter chimed, handing the check back to them.
“And I’m sure you will too.” The employee smirked as they took the cart and headed for the exit.
“It's not like that! Not at all! ” Peter rambled. “Don’t worry, there will be nothing like that. No noise complaints or anything of the sort-”
“I’m joking, you’re fine. Just have a nice night.” They smiled and then left, and Peter closed the door.
“Are they gone?” You asked, peaking your head out the door.
“AH!” Peter jumped. “What the fuck don’t scare people like that. And yes, they're gone.”
You fully opened the door, walking out in your comfy clothes and feeling clean. “I thought you had super senses, so you don’t get spooked?”
“You’re not a threat.”
“I kick your ass in training all the time, what do you mean not a threat?”
“I’m not doing this argument again.” Peter concluded walking over to the food and setting it down on the ground. There wasn’t enough table space and he wasn’t just going to eat food on the bed, so the floor it is.
Peter opened the first large container, the pizza and moved it in between him and where you just sat down. He got the waters and tossed one to you. “Why did you get Fiji water? We could have used tap?”
“Because after walking that fucking tunnel I felt like drinking fancy water.” You explained. “Not to mention it's Stark who's paying so I don’t care.” You gave a light smile, twisting the bottle open and taking a sip.
Peter gave a small laugh and looked back to the continers and opened one of the last three. “Cherry Pie?”
“Yeah, I know it's your favorite, so I figured I should make this as New York as possible.” You reached for a slice of Pizza and took a bite. “I know Aunt May’s Cherry Pie is like your comfort pie, and I know this isn’t exactly Ray’s Pizza but-”
“You remember my favorite food?” Peter wondered.
“Well, yeah?” You said it like it was the most obvious thing, and to you, it was. “We were friends for years, so I think I know your favorite food.”
“I just didn’t realize you would remember.” Peter confessed, then raised his eyebrows when he noticed three boxes. “Why did you get an extra?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Figured you might need some extra comfort, and you’re probably not gonna get it from me.”
Finishing up a slice of pizza you took another while Peter did the same.
“You remember that time when we got Delmars and we just became Avengers so you were so excited, but then you slipped in mud and your sandwich was covered in mud?” You asked with a smile creeping back on your face at the memory.
Peter gave a light laugh too, “Yeah, I was so hungry that day. Aunt May had been trying out new meals and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings so I just said I forgot to try it. And when I saw the sandwich covered in mud, I debated if I should just scrape off the mud and continue eating it.”
“You were so lucky I was willing to share.” You added.
“I swear you saying you would share with me was better than anything else that has ever happened to me.” Peter chuckled, while trying to stuff his face with the rest of his slice of pizza. “What made you think of that?”
“I was thinking about that earlier. When you asked what I was smiling about.” You finished your half of the pizza and reached for a slice of pie and a fork.
It was silent for a little after that, and you started to wonder if that was too weird. You hoped he didn’t hate you more than what he already does.
Why do I care how he feels about me?
“What happened to us?” Peter asked, voice quiet. Already stuffing his face with his second slice.
“What do you mean?”
“Like... Why do we hate each other?”
You didn’t really know. Honestly you and Peter were always close then you just yelled at each other. That memory of Peter falling was probably one of your last happy memories together. Before you both start giving the other unflattering nicknames.
“Maybe when we became Avengers?” You guessed. “Maybe when we started training together and sparring with each other it got a little to…”
“Real?” Peter suggested and you nodded your head. You're both crazy competitive, and whenever someone loses it would always hurt someone's pride while inflating the others.
“What about you? What do you think?”
“I’m not sure, I just remember being friends one day, then not.” Peter thought back again, and still no memory of a spark that caused it all.
“I’ve missed it.” You felt your heart rate increase as the words just slipped out of your mouth, you didn’t mean to say it. But you meant it.
“Me too.” Peter said, but it sounded more like he was telling it more to himself. Like he wasn't confessing it to you but to his conscience and soul. He looked back up to you, and you could make out the cherry pie still on his face.
You didn’t speak for the rest of dinner. You finished everything and then threw it all away, followed by doing your nightly routines.
“So if we don’t get rescued tomorrow what do you want to do?” You asked, coming out of the bathroom to see Peter flipping through tv channels.
“We should probably stay put. When I called them and said our room. And what if they come while we’re out. They’ll think we’re gone.” Peter answered, turning off the tv and tossing the remote away.
“Well I called them too, so right before we leave we can leave another message telling them where we are going.”
“But what if there are Hydra people around? They could make us out somehow? I don’t want to get captured and have to deal with that.”
“LIke that is going to happen. You’re just being a baby.” You teased.
“No, I’m being realistic. How am I the baby when you're acting all whiney about wanting to go outside!” Peter raised his voice.
“Maybe I’m acting like a baby because I’m sick and tired of having to put up with your bullshit!” You yelled back. “Maybe I need some fucking fresh air from you!
“Fine! Tomorrow, be my guest! Leave and go explore whatever is here! I’m sure you’ll find some great fish gear shops and some hiking gear shops! Maybe, and just maybe you will find a shitty bar that serves shit beer that’ll let you in without ID!”
“I’ll need to be drunk if I’m going to spend anymore time with a fucking asshole like you-”
“HEY CAN YOU TWO KEEP IT DOWN MY GIRLFRIEND AND I ARE TRYING TO GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP!” You both turned and faced the door, hearing the knocking fade and the footsteps disappear.
So much for no noise complaints. Peter thought.
“You’re a fucking dick do you know that?” You whisper yelled.
“At least I’m not a fucking bitch!”
And that was the end of that argument. You each just rolled your eyes then went to your side of the bed, on the very edge so you were farthest you could ever be from each other.
What the fuck happened. You thought. We were so close to becoming friends again. But who cares, I don’t want him as a friend. That part was true, the idea of being all buddy buddy with Peter made you feel sick inside. It wouldn’t feel right.
Peter on the other side was trying to figure out the same thing.
What did I do? We were almost there. And now it’s fucking ruined, all because I think we should be careful.
Was it really that suffocating for her to be near me?
You woke up first. With your eyes still closed, not yet fully processed yesterday's events, you tried to stretch and shift to the side- but you couldn’t. You opened your eyes and started to take in your surroundings while the memories of last night came in.
Your legs were tangled with someone else's, your hand was holding someone else’s, and you were being held by someone else.
I really need to stop waking up in Peter’s arms.
You moved your head to an angle to see if Peter was awake. His eyes were softly shut and you could just see his lips partly open, light breaths coming out. He looked almost sweet… almost.
No sweet person would throw a fit just because you wanted to explore the town and stretch your legs. There was no way someone would be able to recognize either of you in public, Peter was just being paranoid.
Either way, with or without Peter, you needed to get out of this room.
You disconnected your hand from Peters and unraveled his arms. You quickly got out and replaced yourself with your pillow, hopefully he wouldn’t notice the difference and wake up now. You wouldn’t want Peter to ask what you were trying to do and having to explain that you were escaping his cuddling.
Once you were able to quietly and softly get yourself out from the bed you gathered your clothes from yesterday and changed in the bathroom. You saw a small red light coming from the hotel phone when you exited. You walked over stealthily, making sure you kept Peter asleep and picked up the phone.
“You have one message, please press one if you wish-” *Click* “Playing message.”
“Hey kids! I got your messages and we’re glad you're both safe. We all were able to leave the building before it self-destructed. We went back and searched for the both of you, and we did see a little escape route, so I guess we’ll take that and we’ll meet you at the exit at what? Noon? That should be plenty of time.
“And Peter, I called Aunt May to let her know you're safe, so don’t get all stressed when you can’t contact her so don’t worry. And Y/n I know you didn’t ask but I also reached out to your family, they think you're out doing some lab work for me so your cover isn’t blown.
“Anyways, don’t kill each other! Don’t keep us waiting! And don’t spend all of my-”
The message cut out.
You set the phone back and looked at the clock, it was 11, so you had an hour, it would take about a half hour to walk back to the site. And if you were to go downstairs to the little food area you’re pretty sure they had, you could grab a light snack before heading out on the walk.
Deciding that's what you were going to do, you got up, grabbed your room key and left the room, quietly shutting the door behind you.
Walking down the hotel hallway, you notice how every person you passed was in some sort of fancy suit, and how they would all stare at you funny in your sweats. Probably thinking what parent would bring their kid on a business trip.
You opted not to take the elevator, seeing a few other business people gathering inside, you rather not be stared at. Not to mention it gave you some time to think about everything.
As much as you hated to admit it, you vaguely remember moving around in bed. You remember rolling over at the same time as Peter, who wrapped an arm around you while you tried to get comfortable again.
Did he mean to do that? Or did his arm just so happen to fall that way? You thought. And why do I so badly want him to do that on purpose?
As much as Peter’s infuriating and killjoy opinions were last night, not to mention the constant yelling you did, it was somewhat comforting to have him near you. It was the same feeling when you woke up in his arms earlier, a mixture of feeling relaxed, then dread because of how at peace you were.
The feeling was somewhat familiar from even earlier though, before last night, before you hated each other, before you felt drained.
A little after you and Peter first became friends, way back when you could actually stand being near each other, you could notice the little heart skips when you see him. Every time you would go out into the field and you see him hurt would make your heart stop. Every time he would make you a smoothie ‘just ‘cuz’ would make your heart stop.
And you missed the feeling.
Instead you feel this regret building up inside of you. Regret of what? You had no idea.
You would tell yourself that you were simply regretful of being friends with him all throughout those years. Regretful of how you could ever let him into your life.
But how could you ever be so regretful of all of those memories? Memories of spending countless hours binge watching and judging movies. Memories of eating countless Delmars sandwiches and sometimes falling. Memories of accidentally falling asleep next to each other while talking about everything and nothing all at once.
Pushing the door open to the main floor, you headed to the complimentary buffet bar. Pursuing your choices, you wanted something light to eat. Knowing the team and their constant babying of you and Peter, they probably are going to make you eat something; right after the dozens of medical tests they’ll make you both do.
You opted for a bagel, and debated on getting Peter one. Mr. Stark did say that he gets stressed when he isn’t in contact with May, so maybe that's why he was being such a prick last night? The argument was completely and utterly a waste of time, there’s no time to actually do something before you have to leave. But still, if you wanted to have a snoop around town, you should be allowed to do so.
You got a bagel for Peter, grabbing a little box and placing it inside while also getting two small packages of cream cheese for him. Peter had a weird obsession with anything dairy, especially cream cheese. He would always put an excessive amount on his bagels, grossing you out with you telling him how he’ll eventually get sick of it, but he always ignored you.
You grabbed another box and sorted your bagel out. Now carrying the two small boxes, you headed back up to the room.
Groaning, Peter awoke with the strong scent of you. As he opened his eyes he saw how he was clutching onto a pillow for dear life, and upon further inspection he noticed how it was your pillow. He quickly pushed it back to your side, which was empty and turned around, trying to smell something else.
He had the nose of a bloodhound, or at least what he thought was like a bloodhound's nose. Because his scenes were all dialed up, he could always smell everyone, or the most prominent person, which just so happened to be you.
He tried to shut his eyes again, wanting to drift off and get more sleep but then when he realized you weren't next to him, he couldn’t.
Why does he care? He has no idea. But what if something happened to her? Kept echoing throughout his head.
Now wide awake he took in his surroundings, double checking the bed again-bare other than him. Getting up, the room was empty, and walking over to the bathroom door, he knocked on the door.
“Y/n are you in there?” He shouted.
No response.
“Y/n please tell me if you are in there.”
Again, no repose.
“Y/n, I’m coming in!” He swung the door open, using a little bit too much strength thinking the door would be locked. The lights were off. The shower was empty. You weren’t here. Then where is she?
Peter, now panicking, scrambled out of the bathroom and looked over the room again, making sure he just didn’t imagine you were gone. Once he made sure you were gone he ran to the door and opened it, then not even bothering to probably shut it.
It’s all my fault. I told her to leave without me. Peter reminded himself. If anything bad happened to her, I did it. I encouraged it. I pushed her to leave.
But I never wanted her to leave.
He bolted down the twisted hallway and headed for the elevator. He kept pressing the down button, “come on, hurry up.”
He heard the stairwell door click but didn’t bother to look up. “Peter?” Peter whipped his head up. “What the fuck are you doing?”
You were walking up with some guy who was around your age that must have been here for the conference. You met on the stairs, you caught him holding a cigarette in his hands, unlit but he had a light in his hand.
“I think the smoking area is outside.” You mumbled as you tried to move past him on the steps. He gave a heavy sigh that caused you to look back, “are you okay?”
The man gave another sigh and shook his head, looking down at the stairwell. “No, sorry, it’s just I’m trying to stop but the people I intern under are such dicks.”
You gave a light laugh and moved the boxes and put them in one hand, leaning them on the side of your hip. “Do you need to talk about it?”
“It’s just that they don’t listen to my ideas because I'm new. I just want to be listened to, yeah know?”
“Yeah, I do know.” You groaned. “I’m here with one of my... colleagues and we’ve known each other for so long but for a while now he been acting like a fucking dick. But, the point is that he wouldn’t listen to my ideas because he thought I was being a baby.”
You looked over to the guy who was smiling and putting his lighter away in his back pocket but twirling the cigarette in his hand.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to ramble and make it all about me-”
“No, you're fine. It’s just…” The guy moved to face you, fully showing his smirk. “You guys were friends-”
“Childhood friends.” You interrupted.
“Oh come on, that just makes it even more obvious!” The guy had a cheesy smile who was trying and failing to not laugh. “Don’t tell me you don’t know?”
“The fuck do you mean?”
“I mean, your situation sounds funny.” He commented. “Describe what it’s like being around him.”
“Oh don’t go trying to therapize me or trying to analyze our relationship, th Av- my other colleagues have already tried that.” You cleared your throat, trying to pass it off as a small stutter.
He held his hands up in defense, “all right fine. But all I’m saying is that childhood friends are the perfect couples.”
“Romantic are we?”
“I may or may not have had a crush on my childhood friend.” He admits. “And I might still have a crush on him.”
“You should shoot your shot.” You advised. “Stop living through my shit relationship.”
“I don’t know, he doesn’t have a thing for smokers.”
“Good thing you're trying to quit then.” You tried. “But honestly you should ask him out.”
“Hey hey hey, this isn’t about my childhood crush, this is about yours! Now come on, is it really that weird of me to assume that you don’t have feelings for ‘em?”
“Yes! Extremely!”
“Are you sure you’re not just misinterpreting your feelings of love for hate? There’s a fine line you know.” He said matter of factly.
“I’m not following.”
“Just think about it.” He threw the cigarette down the stairs. “Anyways, I should get back to my room. Need to get a patch if I’m gonna have to go back in with the dicks.”
“Where were you! I-I woke up a-and you were gone and… and who is that?” Peter’s attention to the tall man next to you.
“Oh! This is…” You realized you never caught his name.
“I’m Harry Osborn-“
“Wait. As in Harry Osborn son of Norman Osborn of Oscorp?” Your eyes wide, looking back at the man who you were just venting with.
“Yeah, I thought you knew? Why would you talk to someone you had no idea you were dealing with?” Harry asked, getting a little annoyed by the lack of recognition.
“You talked to someone you didn’t know?” Peter’s voice was strained, trying to keep it steady but clearly failing.
You rolled your eyes at Peter, he knew full well that you could defend yourself, but his paranoia was getting on your nerves.
You ignored their comments, “didn’t you say your interning?”
“Under my dad yeah, planning on taking over the family business. But some of the fuckers in those rooms make be just wanna fuck them-“
“Hey Y/n, we need to get going.” Peter pulled on your hand. “Nice meeting you.”
You gave a small wave after being pulled by Peter, walking slowly backwards.
“Remember what I said! Childhood friends!” Harry yelled.
You rolled your eyes and didn’t bother to look at Peter. “What was that about?”
“I don’t know, he's just talking nonsense-.”
“No, I don’t mean him, I mean why would you go out? And what’s in your hand?”
“Maybe if you stop pulling my arm I’ll tell you.” You pulled away from Peter and his grip let go. “That was the first good thing you’ve done this whole trip.”
“What? Better than saving your life!” Peter opened the door and you shoved your way past him. “I didn’t even get a thank you!”
“Because I had to get you back into consciousness after you fainted!” You screamed. “I think we are even!”
“And you know what? I went downstairs to get you breakfast because Tony called and we have to meet him at the tunnel exit at noon! But you know what, forget it!” You threw his bagel box in the trash, causing it to fall down.
“The least you could do was leave a note! I thought some Hydra person came in and kidnapped you!” Peter fumed. “I-I just can’t-“
“Spit it out Peter! You just can’t what?”
“I just can’t lose you again! Please, it’s just all of this yelling and shit.” Peter stammered. “Just don’t make me lose you again.”
“What do you mean lose? We live right across the hall from each other.”
Peter ignored the question, “we just stop all of this bullshit. All of the arguing and constant screaming, it's just hurting us both.” Peter took a few steps closer, you were each an arms reach away.
“Why do you care anyways? Why the fuck would you care if I’m hurting?”
“Because I love you! Is that what you wanted to hear?” Peter yelled. “Maybe this was some sick joke you were trying to play with me? The prank to end all pranks- playing with my heart?”
Your body betrayed you before your mind could come up with a more logical move, you closed the gap between by taking one step and crashed your lips onto his.
Peter’s heart started beating faster alongside yours; from a mixture of nerves and excitement. There was a moment of hesitation, slightly leaning back but you reassured him by leaning yourself closer to him.
All you could think about was what you would think if you could see yourself. See yourself wanting to kiss Peter more and more as the kiss gets deeper, more passionate, more fulfilling, and just more right. Something in your mind had clicked, all of the fighting and yelling had taken place from the pain of not being together.
Breaking away from the kiss, foreheads just grazing each other, you each breathed in a shaky breath. “You kissed me?” His voice was softer, just coming to terms with what happened, but still strained.
“You kissed me back!” you whispered.
The smile on Peter’s lips melted into a frown and his eyebrows furrowed as he took another step back, sitting on the side of the bed. “Was that part of the joke-”
“No asshole, just listen.” You interrupted, sitting down next to him.
“How loving.”
You took a deep breath in, collecting your thoughts. “Just listen.”
“I am listening.”
“Listening means shut up.” Peter stayed quiet so you continued. “I think love you too.” Your voice was drastically softer than before. You were too embarrassed to say it out loud, you’re in too vulnerable a position.
“I can’t hear you.” Peter teased. You rolled your eyes knowing damn well that Peter could hear you, advanced senses and all.
“I’m not saying it again.” You grumbled. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you saying the same thing earlier.”
Peter blushed, any pride he had diminished. He was just as vulnerable as you, but isn’t that when the truest emotions show through?
“What does this mean?” Peter asked, not daring to look you in the eye.
“Well what normally happens when two people love each other?” Your words teasing, but you were too busy thinking to make your tone teasing.
“They date, right?”
“No, they try to kill each other.”
“Honestly I think that's more likely for us.” Peter remarked. “But, in all seriousness, I think I do want to date you.”
“Don’t say it like you're disappointed!”
“What? No, no, no. I’m just…” He paused, searching for the right word. “Surprised?”
“Surprised that you would fall in love with someone way out of your league?” You joked, giving a small teasing smile to Peter.
“Yeah.” It surprised you that Peter didn’t say something back, he always says something back. “How do you feel?”
You sighed, racing your hand out to touch his, stroking his skin with your thumb. “The same way, I guess.”
“I GUESS?” Peter dramatically gasped, with a playful smile.
“You know what I mean. Just don’t make me regret it.” Your eyes wandered to Peter’s, then they caught sight of the clock. “FUCK! We’re going to be late to meet the others!”
You got up and reached for the bag and then got your bagel that wasn’t thrown in the trash and took a bite, Peter getting up behind you.
“What time-”
“In like ten minutes. Now come on, the others are gonna be pissed if we’re late.” You grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room to the elevator.
“Do we have time to get food? You threw my bagel in the trash.” Peter whined. You shook your head. “Alright but could I atleast have some of yours?”
“Ew, what? That's disgusting.”
“We literally shared spit like two minutes ago and you didn’t seem to mind.” Peter grinned.
“Ugh, fine here, take a bite.” You handed the bagel to Peter who took much more than just a bite.
“Thank you.” Peter said even though his mouth was full, causing it to come out quite muffled. He swallowed his food and gave you a kiss on the cheek. “Love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too.”
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Blueberries and Cowboys: Chapter 4 (Blueberry Path)
A choose-your-own-adventure style fic. Refer to this Masterlist for previous chapters and alternate paths.
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Chapter 4: The Party (Blueberry Path)
Pairing: Thrawn x reader
Content: Light drinking, more pining
Length: 2.4k
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
The gala was as elaborate and ostentatious as you would expect of a formal event at the Imperial Naval Academy. It was like the whole ballroom shimmered as glasses of drinks were passed around and ornate dresses swished about in dance. You'd certainly never been a part of anything so grand from your home world before.
It was quite a sight, to be sure. But it still paled in comparison to the man who walked beside you.
You could feel the stares from the classmates and superiors around you as you moved deeper into the ballroom with your date. But you didn't let their open judgement get to you. You were proud to be on the arm of Mitth'raw'nuruodo. If anything, these pretentious Imperials should be envious of your connection to him.
You also tried not to let your own insecurities get to you. Occasionally you'd catch glimpses of yourself and Thrawn, reflecting off mirrors and windows. You'd thought you looked decent standing alone in front of your bedroom mirror. But next to him, you were so... plain.
"The music is quite pleasant," said Thrawn from beside you.
Part of the plan for the night was to substitute your targets for other subjects, so any potential eavesdroppers would be none the wiser to your true intentions. Anything related to music was to symbolize one half of the plan: Eva and Arden.
You saw the couple near the entrance, having just arrived a few minutes behind you. Eli was supposed to keep an eye on them, while you and Thrawn were tasked with Burdick. You internally shook yourself free of your complicated thoughts about the gala and your date, and instead turned your focus to the mission.
"Do you think Eli has noticed?"
"Yes, he seems to be enjoying it." Thrawn nodded across the room, where Eli was standing next to his date. He held a drink and was making a show of casually looking around, but you could tell he was paying extra attention to the entrance.
"And how about that assignment?" you asked. Burdick would be referred to by discussions of homework, another innocent topic. "Have you found your thesis for it yet?"
"No, I'm still looking into it," Thrawn said calmly.
You looked up at him to see his steady red eyes were mostly blinking politely at the faces that passed directly in front of you. Every once in a while, ever so subtly, they would flick elsewhere. A gap in the crowd. A far corner of the room. You even caught him looking at a tray of champagne glasses hovering nearby, casting a perfectly angled reflection of the space behind him.
Gods, he was so good.
"Is there something you wish to say?" he suddenly asked, catching you off guard as his eyes made their way to your own.
"No..." You struggled to find balance, not wanting to seem too dismissive or too dishonest. "I was... uh, just... watching you... watch... the room...."
Thrawn's left eyebrow quirked ever so slightly. Almost imperceptible to the untrained eye, but you knew it was a sign that he was amused.
"It would be far more productive if you were to watch the room with me," he stated. His eyes traveled to somewhere behind you and for a moment you thought he had finally found Burdick. But upon turning, you saw it was only a tall cocktail table that had opened up. Thrawn placed a gentle hand on your lower back and guided you toward it.
"Here. Now we can discreetly observe both directions," he said just low enough that only you could hear. He moved to stand opposite the table from you, and while he was right, your positions now covered both halves of the ballroom, you were finding it difficult to focus on your side when Thrawn was also in your view.
"Drink?" he asked, swiping two champagne glasses from a passing tray and placing them on the table before you had a chance to answer. Considering he didn't touch his glass after that, only resumed his scanning of the crowd with hands folded neatly in front of him, you knew it was more for show than anything.
But your nerves were on fire, and so you gladly took up your glass and downed most of it in one go.
"I have decided on my thesis for the assignment," said Thrawn as you clanked the drink back onto the table. You held back a burp as you casually looked over your shoulder to where Thrawn seemed to be looking. Commander Burdick was hovering by an hors d'oeuvre table, a small plate piled high with food in one hand, scowling at every person that passed him.
"Just the one assignment?" You turned back before the commander could notice you staring. You could've sworn you'd overheard during your recon that Burdick had found his own date.
"My last-minute arrangement," said Thrawn quietly, breaking from the code you were supposed to be using. "It occurred to me the commander may end up distracted by his partner, rather than focusing attention on Arden. Thus, I've arranged for his date to be delayed in arriving, possibly even too late to make it altogether."
You nodded and finished off your champagne.
"You're not impressed."
You looked up at him to find his eyes were inspecting you, searching for something. Approval? Praise? Surely not, not from Thrawn.
"Would you like me to be?" you side-stepped the question, mostly out of surprise.
"I don't do these things for clout," he stated plainly. "But I do value your opinion."
You blinked at him a few times, unsure how to process those words. To say you could count on one hand the number of opinions Thrawn valued outside of his own was an overstatement, as there would only be one finger up for Eli. You'd never dreamed you could be included in that count, too.
Thankfully you were distracted from having to come up with a response by the change in music to something much more lively. Several pairs of people excitedly moved toward the dance floor, including Eli and his date, and Eva and Arden nearby. You angled your head to see around Thrawn's body and watched them.
"The music is... uh... going well." You cringed at your own inability to find a way to incorporate the code. Thrawn casually followed your gaze, only sparing the two couples a second of attention before turning back to give you an amused smirk.
"And now we must do our part. With the homework."
He came around the table with an arm extended and gave you a wink. An honest-to-god wink. You thought you were surely going to collapse on the floor, but managed to grab ahold of his arm in time, allowing him to lead you away from the table.
"Commander," Thrawn's ever-calm voice raised in volume to address the man you were approaching. The Commander in question looked up from his food plate and somehow managed to scowl even deeper as he recognized who was addressing him.
"Well, well. If it isn't my favorite student," Burdick said dryly. Though he was a full two feet shorter than the Chiss, he still had an air of looking down on him. "I'm surprised you'd even come to an event like this."
"The Academy has provided a generous occasion tonight," said Thrawn evenly. "It would have been in bad taste for us not to attend."
It was only when Thrawn referred to you collectively that Burdick took note of your presence.
"Commander," you said with a polite smile that he was definitely not deserving of. "It is quite an evening. Are you enjoying yourself?"
Burdick scoffed slightly, which you took as his attempt at a laugh. He turned back to Thrawn as he responded with a grumbled, "Thoroughly."
"And where is your date, Commander?" Thrawn asked, turning to you slightly. "What was her name? Eva?"
You met Thrawn's eyes, and though they perhaps didn't seem much different than usual, you thought you picked up enough in them to understand his game. You suppressed a mischievous smile as you played along.
"Thrawn," you pretended to scold in a low voice, slapping his arm and giving Burdick an apologetic look. You could already see a vein bulging along the man's temple at the mention of her name. "I'm so sorry, Commander.... Thrawn, I told you they're not together, not anymore."
"Ah," the Chiss nodded solemnly. "That explains why I saw her dancing with a fellow classmate of ours."
He turned to cast a look at the couple in question, and to allow enough of a view for Burdick to see them on the dance floor as well. Arden was moving rather intimately with Eva, and though they were a distance away, you could still see the boy's eyes glancing over at Eli and Sadie just a few steps beside them. Your friend was putting on quite a show with Sadie, undoubtedly making Arden feel the need to one-up him with his own partner. How clever.
"Who is that?" you feigned ignorance, squinting your eyes just a little dramatically.
"I believe his name is Arden Fey," said Thrawn. "He is in our flight class."
The two of you watched the couple for just a few seconds more before simultaneously turning back to Burdick. The man's face was as flushed with annoyance as you'd hoped.
"My apologies, Commander," said Thrawn. "I did not mean to be inconsiderate. However, on that note, I have spotted another one of our professors. We really must acknowledge them. Please excuse us."
Thrawn gave a courteous nod as he began leading you away. The Commander only remained rooted to the spot, glaring at his ex as she continued to move provocatively with her new beau.
There did end up being another professor that you spent some time greeting. You tapped your fingers restlessly against your thigh while Thrawn engaged in their small talk, all the while sneaking looks behind you to track Burdick as he continued to fixate on the dance floor. When Thrawn eventually wrapped up, you were practically bounding after him as you went toward the veranda in the back of the ballroom.
"Oh my god," you finally let yourself smile, wide and excited. There were only a few people outside, most briefly checking on the view before returning indoors, and one pair who'd clearly been fooling around in the shadows and hurried away with frustrated looks as you and Thrawn went up to the balcony.
"I can't believe we're pulling this off," you were still gushing.
"You speak as if you had doubts about this evening," said Thrawn. He leaned against the railing beside you, an amused glint in his eyes as he watched your face contort in all its excitement.
"Not doubts, just..." you shrugged, not sure why you were so surprised, honestly. It's not like this was the first, or even the most complex, scheme of Thrawn's you'd been a part of. Maybe it was that glass of champagne, or your nerves from earlier that day resurfacing. "I don't know, it just feels good when a plan comes together."
Thrawn hummed, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he looked away in thought. You let your gaze drift out, too, taking in the twinkling glow of the garden lights. There wasn't much impressive with that small patch of greenery in the daytime; most of the plants were imported and only minimally kept up by ungrateful horticulture students who just needed some extra credits for the year. But at night, there was enough shadow to pretend something interesting might be hiding out there. In fact, now that you thought of it....
"Oh, I heard they're bringing in some featherferns soon," you said, remembering you'd been meaning to tell him before all of this flight school drama came up. "One in the traditional violet, but the other is supposedly a pale yellow. Possibly a hybrid, or maybe sun damaged, they're going to have to study it to be sure. But they'll replace those awful garlic roses."
Whatever thoughts Thrawn had been consumed by were no longer important as he looked down on you with wide eyes. "I was not aware you were keeping tabs on the Academy's flora collection."
You threw him a little smile and a shrug. "Well, ever since someone taught me to appreciate it, I can't help but stay informed."
"I am glad," he said, turning to face you more fully. "And likewise, your enthusiasm for this evening also pleases me. Your good spirits are... infectious."
You gripped the balcony railing in order to steel yourself. Your eyes flitted about his face, once again unsure how to read it. Was he really smiling at you now, or was it your imagination playing tricks? A mere projection of the feelings you wished he had? You usually didn't mind the mystery that surrounded Thrawn; in fact, it was probably what drew you closer to him. If he chose not to show his thoughts and feelings, he did so for good reason, and you were free from the burden of having to interpret or address them.
But now it infuriated you. You needed to know what he was thinking. Where did his mind go every time you said something that caused him to look away? How strongly of a line had he drawn between your usual dynamic and the parts he was having you play tonight? Was he even conscious of the fact you were standing much closer than friends typically did in such a setting?
You shivered involuntarily. It was much cooler outside, but his gaze on you was also unnerving. The slight shake of your arms and the growing goosebumps on your skin did not escape his notice.
"You're cold," he stated.
Despite the truth of that statement, no sooner did he say it did your cheeks flush with warmth. Now you were wondering if he was going to offer you his jacket, picturing how warm it would be, how it would smell like him.
"We should return inside."
But obviously Thrawn's solution was much more practical. He moved away from the balcony and set his arm back in place for you to accept it. You cursed at yourself for letting your feelings get the best of you yet again today. Why were you doing this to yourself?
You took his arm and offered an easygoing comment to cover your silliness. "We should probably check on our assignment, anyway."
He nodded with what could've been another smile, but you were determined not to keep reading into it.
"Yes, we certainly should."
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Their Doll 8
Let me in
B.Barnes x Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets emotional
Warnings: swearing, feelings
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Life at the tower was...tiring, to say the least. During my free time I often found myself in the gym, lobbing knives at a target and trying my hardest not to biting one in Steve's chest every time he would correct my technique. When I wasn't trying to murder the avenger in cold blood, I was usually dragged into things by the other: briefings and debriefing for missions I'd never go on, my dad's parties, group training sessions and study periods with Bruce in his labs to name a few.
But for now, I was huddled in my rooms - fresh out of a hot shower after a brutal two hour training session and four mile run with Natasha - curled up on my bed and attempting to catch up on a few of the films I'd missed. But the exhaustion and drowsiness clouded my eyes, the noise from the TV merely in the background as I felt my eyes growing heavier by the second.
A sharp knock at the door snapped my out of my lowsey state, the people movie across the screen simple a blur of colour as my eyes darted past the tv and over to the door.
"Mr Stark is waiting at your door. Would you like me to let him in?" FRIDAY's evenly calm voice chimed, making me groan and mumble a 'no' into my pillows. The last person I wanted to see right now was my dad.
"Come on kid, let me in." My dad called from the other side of the door, and I could practically hear him roll his eyes and shake his head when I stayed silent. When he spoke again, it wasn't directed at me. "FRIDAY, override command and open the door."
"Wait! That's hardly fair!" I whined like a five year old, groaning again when the door swung open and my dad stood on the other side, quite clearly just as exhausted as I was.
"Get used to it, kiddo. Life isn't fair." Tony chided, walking over to my bed. I tried to shuffle away slightly when I felt the bed dip, my dad perching on the edge as his eyes scanned over the room. "I see you haven't decorated yet." He commented casually, as if nothing had ever happened between us.
"Yeah, well, I thought It'd be a shame to spend so much time on something when you're probably waiting to kick me out anyway." I mumbled, refusing to look at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you, y/n? Ever since you got back you've been-"
"Acting different?" I cut in, and when Tony simply swallowed thickly I nodded. "Funny that, seeing as I was kidnapped and tortured for three years. Not to mention made to kill people for another year after that."
"Y/n I'm sorry..."
"But you're not! You can't be, otherwise you'd actually have tried to save me, rather than leaving me to rot!" My voice cracked, tears pricked at my eyes and I now sat up straight in my bed, facing my dad but not looking him in the eye. "And you can't change that, you can't go back in the past and fix your mistake. And trying to fix it now sure as hell won't work, so I suggest you leave before I'm tempted to use you as my target for my training session tomorrow." I raised my voice, eyes now keeping his captive as the tears rolled freely down my cheeks.
"Oh, kid, they broke you." Tony murmured, cupping my cheek with his hand, eyes swimming with sorrow. Sorrow that I didn't want.
"You can't fix me either, because I'm not broken!" I said harsher now, voice only getting louder. "I don't need to be fixed..." I trailed off, voice barely above a whisper Joe as my eyes broke the contact, averting to my lap as the tears dropped onto the bed sheets.
That's how I found myself in my fathers arms, face pressed against his shoulder as the sobs made my body shake, hiccups escaping me as I tried to speak.
"A-all I needed W-was my D-dad, and yo- you took him f-from me!" I wailed, hands clutching my dad's shirt and his arms wrapped protectively around my shoulder, hands rubbing circles over my back soothingly.
"I know, kiddo. I'm sorry."
"Who is that?" Clint frowned, staring at the pictures scattered over the table in front of Natasha and Steve as they studied them deeply,  brows creased in thought.
"Our newest pain in the ass." Tony answered for them, slapping a thick folder down in front of Clint as he said so. The marksman was quick to pick it up, flicking through the documents, news stories and information sheets greedily.
"The...winter soldier?" He asked, looking at the three superheroes in front of him as if they'd gone mad. "But he's a ghost story!"
"I've seen him. Been shot by him, actually." Nat said, an sadistically proud smirk forming on her lips with her last words, almost as if it were an achievement.
"We're trying to find out more about him, maybe that way we can beat him." Steve explained, sitting back in his chair with crossed arms as he huffed in defeat, sick to death with staring at the same five pictures all morning.
Y/n walked in, a skip in her step as she crossed the room to Tony.
"Morning, dad." She greeted, placing a quick kiss to his cheek and heading over to the cupboard to grab a mug. Clint and Natasha frowned in confusion, looking between the two as if they'd witnessed pigs fly.
Tony shrugged, y/n too preoccupied with making herself a coffee to notice the avengers' reactions. When her coffee was done, y/n swiped her mug from under the machine and sipped happily, letting out a content sigh before wandering over to stand behind Natasha.
"What are you working on?" She asked, peering over the spy's shoulder to get a glimpse of the pictures.
A loud smash crashed through the room, Tony's eyes widening in shock and Natasha jumping from her seat in order to not get covered in spilt coffee. Y/n stood paralysed, eyes never leaving the photo in front of her as she started at the Soldier. Steve frowned deeply, studying the girl as her eyes glossed over with with what seemed to be...sadness.
Clint was already at her side, a comforting hand on her shoulder as they all asked y/n what had happened and if she was alright. It was like a constant ringing in her ear interrupted their words before they reached her ears, and y/n suddenly felt nauseous as she starred at the bright red star on the soldier's arm, his long and messy dark hair shrouding his face and his leather clad, muscular body. Only his cerulean blue eyes could be seen, the rest of his face covered in a black mask she didn't usually see him in.
"I-I need some air." She stuttered, stumbling blindly out of the room and down the stairs, tipping over a few steps from the bottom and tumbling down the last few. She quickly pulled herself to her feet, hearing still ringing and vision offset, hazy, as she scrambled for the double glass doors. Luckily they already stood open, so she flew through them and out into the busy streets of New York.
Y/n found herself colliding will someone almost instantly, angry shouts of 'hey, watch it!' And 'look where the fuck you're going, kid!' Being called after her like a chorus as she pushed through the bustling people.
She finally stopped, dropping to her knees and simply staring straight ahead, no intended subject in her line of vision as she tried to comprehend the-the grief, at seeing the a soldier's face again.
It had only been two weeks, and yet two weeks without him, his touch, his scent - it felt like an eternity to y/n now. She hasn't registered what her feeling meant for him before, liking him beyond a source of comfort had just felt...wrong, after all he'd done, and yet y/n couldn't deny it.
She was in love with the Winter Soldier, and she didn't even know his name.
I wasn't aware of when someone had found me, nor of how they got me back to the tower or even how I was now stood staring blankly out of the window that stood next to my bed. I gazed longingly, almost as if I stared long enough, hard enough, he'd appear.
But of course he wouldn't, he was probably half way across the world, knowing HYDRA. A soft knock on my door and my head was turning, facing my visitor with a look of pure grief and want. Desperate, unhinged want that could eat you up from inside out and you'd still feel it.
"Hey, y/n. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Nat asked tentatively, clearing trying to to disturb my shaken up state. I nodded, offering a small smile which she returned as I now faced her. She walked up to me, talking my hands him hers and playing with the as she spoke, eyes kind and full of understanding.
"There's a mission, and we want you to go." She said calmly, almost as if the mere thought of it would send me into some kind of heart attack.
"Okay," I begun, eyes flitting down to the floor before back up again. "What is it? Aren't you scared that I'm still HYDRA and all I'd do is stab someone in the back?"
"Not exactly." Nat informed me with a smile, amusement glinting in her eyes at my assumption. "For starters, we all trust you, well maybe not steve - but everyone else does." Nat and I both laughed slightly. "And I think you wouldn't have it any other way it to go on the mission yourself." Nat finished.
"How come?" I asked, brow raised.
"There's been a lead..." she started. "On the winter soldier. We thought you might want to help check it out, possibly capture him. Your powers may be the best chance we have a detaining someone as strong as him." Nat spoke. "And if we can detain him.."
"We can save him." I finished.
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fayeimara · 4 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
1. Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa
*Both written and SMAU parts this epsiode*
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You hear the familiar sound as you open the door and look inside the gym. The Shiratorizawa campus is definitely impressive but nothing feels more familiar than walking into a strange gym filled with mostly strangers. Back home or a world away, volleyball is the same, perfect sport.
You're smiling wide before you even lock eyes with your favourite redhead. "Tendou!"
Your greeting is muffled in a bear hug to beat all bear hugs and you can't help but laugh as you wrap your arms around your cousin's best friend.
"I am glad you could make it." Toshi is standing behind Tendou with a small smile and you pull away to give him a hug too.
"Let us introduce you to coach first, and then you can meet the others."
"Sounds good!"
The three of you walk over to the side where a small elderly man is scowling at the players on the court and when Toshi introduces you, you follow what you know of polite customs here and bow at the waist in greeting, "Thank you for having me!"
"I hear you play as a setter for a premier league."
Yeah, Tendou and Toshi weren't lying about his intimidating demeanor, but you're unfazed. You've dealt with some like him and they're good leaders in their own way.
"Yes, sir."
"You're quite short for your age."
You blink. You're pretty sure you're the average height for girls your age. You're definitely on or above average in your league even though you're not as tall as your hitters. Okay, cheeky, it is.
"Yes, sir. I hear that sometimes from opponents before we play. Not so much after a game, however, if at all." Tendou starts chuckling only to muffle it when the coach's sharp gaze locks onto him for a moment before focusing back on the court.
"Is that so." He finally looks over, making eye contact and drawing out the silence for a few quiet seconds. "Well, height isn't critical for a setter, though it's an asset."
"Yes, sir." You have to bite the inside of your cheek so you don't push it. You're aware of his status and tenure, after all. To someone like him, kids your age with a little cheeky boldness and confidence can be surprising and impressive. Too much is disrespectful and you're still a guest here at the end of the day.
He looks back at the team and you do startle a bit when he barks out, "Did I say it was time for a break?!"
Looking over to the court, you finally realize the practice game has all but stopped. You meet several wide eyed, disbelieving stares before they jolt back into motion.
Tendou and Toshi leave you there to rejoin their teammates with a grimace and a nod, respectively. You just smile blandly and take a seat next to their coach.
By the time Coach Washijo blows the whistle for the end of their practice, you've got a clipboard on your lap with notes and the begrudging respect of the ornery man beside you. Yes, you know your shit when it comes to volleyball and you didn't hesitate to use your knowledge to impress. You have a feeling he'll be taking a look at the link you wrote down to your national games at some point given the observations you pointed out. Mission: Success.
As the boys are grabbing water and towels and gathering around, Coach locks eyes with you once again to study you as you smile politely back at him, waiting for what he's chewing over. "You can visit again."
And then he stands to address his team before heading over to his office and leave them to clean up.
You look away from his retreating figure and, oh my, that's a lot of eyes on you. Why do athletes look so pretty? You smile wider and stand to introduce yourself, "Hello. I'm L/n, Y/n, Toshi's cousin. Nice to meet you all and thank you for having me here for this practice."
You bow and they start stuttering and speaking over each other while Tendou laughs, knowing you're also teasing a little. They're clearly flustered so it takes the edge of your own nerves and your smile relaxes into something a little easier.
"Wow.. that was.. different. I've never seen anyone interact with Coach like that." You look over to an ash haired boy, oh hello- "I'm Eita Semi. Nice to meet you.”
He sounds a little brusque.. hmm. He's their setter and knowing Toshi and Tendou...
"Semi-san, your sets... they really show your love for volleyball."
His mouth drops, hopefully in surprise, but you also hope you didn't say anything too forward? You know it's pretty different here and some things like feelings aren't used as carelessly in conversation but.. he's blushing. Oh no.
You try to correct, just in case, "I mean, I hope it's not presumptuous or inappropriate to say! I'm lucky to call myself a setter too, so from one to another, I just wanted to say I can see how much fun you have and it's inspiring!"
Okay, now Tendou is literally dying of laughter, bent over grabbing his stomach but you can see his face and yeah, he literally looks like the emoji that's crying with laughter. And- what?! Even Toshi is smiling a little, he knows that under your calm and playful exterior there's an impulsive, reckless storm.
Semi raises his hand up to the back of his head and you swear he's full on blushing. Okay, yeah, no, you're good. It might sound cruel but when you see people more embarrassed or flustered than you, usually, you find your own equilibrium steadies in response.
"That's- uh- thanks! I hear you're incredible. I mean, as a setter. I- Thanks."
The rest of the team has been looking on and slowly amusement and excitement is like a wave that slides across their features. One of his teammates hits Semi across the back, knocking him forward a bit, while teasing him about compliments from a pretty girl. But you politely pretend not to hear and focus on some of the other members as they start asking you about yourself and answering your return questions about each of them.
I think we can call Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa a success, you think, happily satisfied with the people your dear cousin has to call his teammates and friends.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Toshi is not directly related to Y/n but they might as well be brother and sister for how close they are
-He’s actually her (bear with me, please) dad’s brother’s sister-in-law’s son : Her uncle’s wife is an Ushijima - so her aunt by marriage is sister to Toshi’s mom.. I’m sorry, am I making any sense?
-Their mutual cousins will appear in the story, you’ve already seen their profiles in Family Matters: Kazuya, Akira, and Akari
-Tendou has known Y/n as long as he’s known Toshi and treats her like a cross between best friend and older brother, which means he’s sometimes mean, always teasing, and he will smack, cut, bury a bitch if they hurt her
A/N: Two things.. 1) I absolutely love Ushijima, I find he's seriously underrated. Although I guess I’m guilty here too because he’s Y/n’s family instead of a love interest 😔 If anyone ever wants to see a Toshi fic, let me know, I’ll do my best to work on his characterization 2) CHARACTERIZATION... guys, I’ve wondered this with all the HQ characters I’ve incorporated so far, but.. I don’t know if I’m hitting anywhere close to what they might actually be like in the scenarios I put them in?? So I apologize in advance, and profusely, for all the HQ characters that turn out not quite.. the way they should lol. The writing kinda sorta maybe gets away from me all the time 😅
I lied, there's a third.. I know I've made several posts on days that I've posted so far, and while I do hope to be consistent with a steady couple posts a week (particularly concerning this fic, or rather, not including other fics and stuff I might decide to post as I get more comfortable here), I may not always be able to deliver the same amount of content as I a) am still slowly getting a handle on the social media aspect and how to smoothly deliver it; and b) catch up to where I'm at in the story. So I just want you all to know, I really appreciate your patience with me <3
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Author's Note: I got this as a request, but decided to turn this into a fic. Thank you to whoever this person was who requested it. 💗
Summary: Your first meeting with Sergeant Barnes wasn't exactly charming, hell, it was a disaster. And the only adjectives that came to your mind when you thought about him were words like prick, bastard and a jackass. He made your life hell, and you lived to make sure you made him suffer. And neither of you realized, how your sole mission of tormenting each other became the most important part of your life.
Set somewhere after Avengers Civil War. My book does not follow the storyline, and will not include the events of Infinity War and Endgame. I do not take credit for any of the characters, except for my OC/Reader.
Warnings: 18+ [Will include SMUT, curses and violence] // Bucky Barnes is an ass
Coffee Stains - Masterlist
Coffee Stains
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You almost didn't realize how late it was; the sun had set hours back, and the moon was now shining bright, pale white glow radiating from its cheeks like White ivory spread over the ground outside. You finally decided to stop working, and instead head home. So, you shut your laptop, pushing your glasses over the bridge of your nose, and finally stood up. The SHEILD headquarters was still hustling and bustling with people. People kept walking past your office door, most of them in a hurry as you joined them in the hallway, making your way towards the elevator.
Your father had worked for SHEILD, having been one of the building blocks, along with Nick Fury, and now you, being his daughter, there was nothing more you had ever wanted to do but to dedicate yourself entirely to SHEILD. So here you were, associated with SHEILD, for almost two years now.
You didn't realize when in the bubble of your mind, the kinesis of your thoughts, a woman had stepped out of her office and was making her way towards you, but not after having called your name almost three times. When she reached the elevator, she let out a soft huff, which was enough to finally put you out of your trance.
"Maria, I'm sorry, didn't see you there," you retorted, a little flustered and pink at the cheeks.
The woman almost gave you a tight lipped smile, and slowly, her long, slender arms came to cross on her chest, her left foot almost tapping against the tiled floor of the headquarters, "I've been calling your name, you didn't respond. You alright?"
You thought for a moment, your glossy eyes looking down at her feet before back up on her face again, and nodded, "Yeah, yeah, just thinking. Is there anything you needed?"
"Not me, Fury wanted to see you before you left."
You nodded, pursing your lips slightly and gave her a ghost of a smile before taking a step back and craning your neck towards Fury's office once and then back, " Well then, I guess I'll pay the boss a visit." The two of you exchanged a light hearted chuckle, and you waved Maria off as she stepped into the elevator with two more agents, and you slowly made your way up to Nick Fury's office.
You stood awkwardly at the glass door, bringing your palm up to the glass and knocking on it. Inside the office, the bald headed man with a patch on one of his eyes slowly looked up, and when he saw you, a hint of a smile broke out on his lips as he nodded, and you stepped in.
"You wanted to see me?"
You and Fury shared an easy going relation; he reminded you of your dad, for the two of them had served together before your dad was killed in action, and ever since, Nick Fury had taken it upon him, to watch over you like a father figure.
"Come on in Y/N, I wanted to speak to you."
Shutting the door, you walked up to where he was seated and slowly lowered yourself on the empty chair in front of him, your elbows coming to rest on the surface of the desk.
"So– " He began, sitting back more comfortably, and also to keep a better eye at your expressions and reactions, "With Natasha Romanoff out on a mission, the Avengers are in need of a dire back up agent."
Your eyebrow shot up at his words, not understanding where he was getting at. As though he sensed your confusion, he continued, "A position is open. The Avengers are looking for someone to join the team. And I recommended your name."
It was as though your ears managed to block out every word that Fury said except for the part that he had recommended your name. Avengers had only been a distant dream for you till now. They really intrigued you; and you had done your research on almost everyone of them, except for the newbies of course that you hadn't had the chance to meet. Your lips parted in surprise, and a soft gush of air managed to escape your lips.
"Fury, I – I don't know."
"They asked us for the best we've got, and although it's been a long time we've sent you on our mission, you're the best we've got. I couldn't say no," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood for he was now able to sense that you were starting to get nervous.
"Holy shit." You finally managed to form words, not the best choice of words that you could have formed, but you were so surprised, you didn't know what to say.
"Rest up, Y/N. Tomorrow, we go to the Avengers Towers, and meet your new team."
The next day, you woke up earlier than you usually did, but you knew that it was your part excitement part anxiety bubbling up that had kept you tossing and turning in bed all night. You had gone over all the possible scenarios that could happen today, at the Avengers Towers, on why the Avengers would think that you weren't cut out for this. You were really good, there was no doubt about that; you were trained in hand to hand combat, espionage, you were good with weapons, with the small guns and also the big ones; you could say you were pretty good with your sniping skills. But, you hadn't been on a mission for the SHEILD in a long time, especially not after your messy divorce with Wallis, your ex husband who had been your colleague and your partner at SHEILD, the one person you always went on missions with. It had taken you a long time to come out of the emotional trauma that came with a separation, and to worsen it all, he had been the one that you had caught with another woman in your bed, on a night you almost escaped death, on one of your solo missions.
You were already dressed and ready by the time you were picked up and dropped off at the Stark Towers, with Fury by your side.
You wouldn't lie if you would say that you were starstruck, by just a look at the exterior of it. It was heavenly. And the interior. You didn't even want to comment on it, it was that breathtaking, a complete opposite to the SHEILD headquarters.
"Like it?" Fury chuckled next to you, breaking your thought process, and a faint hue of a blush to grace your cheeks. As the two of you got into the elevator, you turned around and gasped slightly at the sight of the entire city of Manhattan right there in front of your eyes, from a little glass box.
"Friday, Tony's lab, please. Thank you."
"Right away, Director, and Miss Y/N," the AI chortled back, causing your eyes to widen even further. Friday was like a celebrity to you, and now finally you were here, at a place you had only dreamt of being, and the reality was slowly sinking in.
The elevator pinged open, and Fury was the first one to step out, followed by you as the two of you walked into what looked like a really high technology lab. Your eyes marvelled at the sight, and you just looked around, your eyes scanning through it all, your mind still in a daze.
"Welcome, welcome to my humble abode," there he was, the man himself, the man behind all of this, the famous Tony Stark. Although you had met him before, and Steve and Natasha as well, it was back at the SHEILD headquarters.
"Tony Stark, long time no see."
"Well, I've been busy you see," he smirked smugly at you, but soon, a small smile paved its way over his lips and he slowly engulfed you in a warm hug.
"Welcome home, I always did say to Fury."
"What?" You raised an eyebrow, side glancing your boss, who was, for a change, having a smile of his own over his lips.
"You always belonged with us, here at the Avengers Towers. He never really let you go," he gave Fury a look and then, his friendly demeanor altogether changed and a professional look took over his face, his features turning stoic. "Now Fury have you spoken to her about her trainings?"
"Not yet."
"Great, so–" Tony dramatically clapped his hands together, "With a great position comes great responsibilities."
"With power you mean?" You chuckled.
"Yes yes. And that," he winked playfully, only to straighten up again. "But that power needs to be harnessed. You will be put into training, like all the newbies we get and we will get to decide when and if you have what it takes to be one of us."
Fury nodded, and you looked at him, noting how he was beaming at you, like a proud father, causing your confidence to boost up as you nodded in Tony's direction.
"When do we start?"
"Hold that thought, ah, Friday? Can you please ask Captain to join us, please?"
"Right away, Mr. Stark." The AI replied.
"Well then, so that fixes it."
A comfortable silence fell over the lab and Tony walked off to look at something on one of his screens. You fixed yourself by the glass staring out at the picturesque view of the city of Manhattan. It wasn't long when you heard heavy footsteps behind you, and finally when you heard Fury greet Steve, you realized he had joined the lot of you. The minute you turned around, your eyes fell on him and with a soft smile, you nodded in his direction, "Mr. Rogers."
Bucky wasn't having the best day.
At first, he had woken up to bone chilling nightmare. If that wasn't all, he had taken his motorcycle out for a ride, and somehow he had parked it when he had reached the cliff, and made his way to the edge to just stare at the horizon, when someone had somehow managed to steal the bike. And if that wasn't the worst part of the day, he was sexually frustrated and utterly sex deprived as he had just returned yesterday from almost a month long mission.
Sam being the nice person he was, had tried to warn most of te people to stay out of Bucky's way today; because today, he was really biting.
But he really hadn't warned you.
Because he still didn't know who you were.
After having met with Steve in Tony's lab, Fury had left, and Steve had opted to walk you around the facility, until he had dropped you off at your apartment on the seventh floor. He had told you that you were to share this floor with a few of the Avengers, but he was in a hurry so he had asked you to come find him later in the evening. Besides, you had to be ready to train with him today at 7 in the evening.
It was already 5 by the time you stepped into your apartment; your eyes widening in awe when you saw the interior of it. The furniture was sleek and modern, made out of the best quality of wood there could be, and the walls were painted a spotless white, numerous abstract paintings hanging on the walls.
You gotta hand it to Tony, the man sure did have a taste.
It didn't take you long to fill the walk in closet up with your clothes, and even after filling up the two bags that you had brought over, you couldn't help but marvel at how much space the closet still had for more stuff, giving you an inspiration to shop for a dozen more outfits. However, now wasn't the time to think about it, and instead you decided to grab yourself a mug of coffee from the kitchen, so you could be alert and fresh for your training session with Captain.
Whistling to yourself, and with the help of Friday, you did manage to find your way to the massive kitchen, adjoining the spacious recreation room that was empty when you reached. Walking into the kitchen, you filled up your mug with piping hot coffee to the brim, and lifted the mug up, walking out of the kitchen.
Little did you know that a mistake was bound to happen on your first day here.
Bucky had just stepped out of the gym, dressed in a tight white tank top and his joggers, his hair all sweaty and sticking to his face. At first he had decided to hop right into the shower, and maybe get a little frisky, but at the last moment, he finally gave up on that idea, having decided to stall the shower for a little more time so he could grab himself a granola bar from the kitchen.
Although his feet made a lot of ruckus as he walked into the recreation room, and towards the kitchen, but perhaps you were so engrossed in licking your lips, eyeing the mug of coffee in your hands that you failed to hear him come in.
You stepped out of the kitchen at the exact same time when he tried to enter, and you ended up crashing into him, your hot coffee spilling all over his white tank, causing a massive stain.
Bucky cursed as the coffee came in contact with his flesh, a faint hissing sound escaping from his lips, which was probably due to the burn that he could now feel on his abs. His eyes turned venomous instantly, and his face contorted in fury.
"Even with a pair of glasses on, you still cannot watch where you going?" He barked at you, in a rude tone.
You looked at the stain on his abs, and then back up at him, not failing to notice the blue in his eyes, mentally cursing yourself for how clumsy you were.
"I – I'm really sorry, I –" You started stammering, only to be cut off by him again.
"Your sorry won't fix the mess you made, would it?" Sarcasm dripped through his words, and now, you were starting to feel how this man was simply overreacting. You spilling a piping hot mug of coffee over him wasn't really that much of a big deal, was it?
"Let me wash it –"
"We have machines that does that stuff for us, you really don't have to bother. Now, if you don't mind, you are in my way," the blue eyed man simply huffed, his face slowly turning cold and emotionless, as he crossed his arms over his chest, watching you and waiting for you to move out of his way. Maybe you weren't that fast in moving; and you understood this when you felt him roughly push himself past you, ignoring the way you fell to your side by the weight of his body, almost crashing against the doorframe and hurting your side.
"Really? Did you just fucking push me?"
This time, you turned around, your eyes contorted in fury, and your lips laced together, in a hope that pressing your lips together like that would stop your curses from flowing out.
"Would you rather have had me jump over you? You aren't exactly small."
He had his back now turned towards you, his body bent over the fridge as he callously moved his hands through the contents of the fridge.
Shaking your head, you took a step away, leaving the now empty mug of coffee on the slab before making your way out of the kitchen.
You were fuming.
(Feedback is always appreciated.)
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
currently vibing in a two-week lockdown, can you share some of your favorite fics? i need some new things to read, and I've got too much time on my hands-
Aw man, same! The rest of my actual Spring Semester got turned online… Let’s see…..Fic recs for the pseudo End of the World (Courtesy of AO3, arranged by most prominent ship!) Keep in mind that my descriptions are shorter and written mostly for comedic effect than the actual fics, so if something looks interesting Click it! Get more info about it! Don’t just take my word! I tried my best to get a lot of variety of fics and topics and tropes, as well as authors that might not be as well known! Uhhh here are the links to lists I’ve already made for various other reasons check out my Fic Rec Masterlist!
I also am including various of my fav authors masterlists for funsies!
jungle321jungle’s || Max-isTired’s || TrashficParlour’s || Lefaystrent’s || Mine!
Completed Fics
A Deal in which Virgil tries to summon a familiar and gets a Circle King instead. And he’s really pretty. (Anxceit)
Love Like You in which Virgil decides to give up looking for a romantic partner and considers adopting instead. He finds more than he’s looking for with a set of twins and the man who watches over them (Anxceit)
A Dragon’s Tail in which Logan is cursed to be a Dragon by his best friends stepmother, Virgil is struggling to learn a power he can’t control, Patton who’d rather marry a servant than the Prince, and Roman has no clue what is going on but the Prince he’s supposed to be saving can probably kick his ass. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
A Game of Vice in which Remus kidnaps Roman and turns it into a game of who can come save him from his lonely tower. (Logicality, Prinxeity) 
double down with the paradigms in which Logan tries to explain away his own OCD while dealing with the emotions he has for a certain Pre-Vet. Excellent depiction of OCD, made me cry, 300/10 would read again. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
It Takes Two to Tango in which Roman begs his brother, Logan, to let him go back in time to meet a famous dancer. Falling in Love was not part of the plan. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
A favorite star in the heavens in which everyone has at least one soulmate. They’re luckily enough to have three each. (LAMP) 
Forgotten Forests and Magnified Myths in which Logan finds out very suddenly that he has the passive ability to talk to dragons. (DAMP, Remilie)
Sense5 in which five people in different countries are suddenly psychically linked together and uh…yeah fun times. (DLAMP)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To Change in which black cat hybrid Virgil plans to die very heroically in an alley and Roman completely messes up that plan by being a decent human being. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
Hidden In Shadows in which Virgil is the boogieman every adult warned you about but he doesn’t actually enjoy being scary. Good thing the three Sanders kids aren’t scared of anything. (Not so good for their very confused Dad who isn’t sure what to do about their new imaginary friend)
Paved with Good Intentions in which the dark sides agree to send Virgil to the light sides as a way to get Thomas to listen to them more. Now if Virgil can just get along with the Light sides enough to actually start making some progress…
Absent Gods and Silent Tyranny or: How Logan Learned to Stop Over Thinking and Love Everyone in which Logan is a morally grey scientist who just works for supervillains because they pay well. He doesn’t expect someone like Virgil to change that.
Clouds and Moss AU in which the sides are gods and its very gay and very good. (Intrulogical, Roceit)
Colors in which Logan is an excellent Dad, Virgil is an amazing son, and the world is very colorful. (Logicality)
Labeled in which Logan is a famous superhero, Patton is a doctor, and they adopt the would-be super villain and everything is soft and lovely and I cry at the purity. (Logicality, Remilie)
Fbi!au in which the sides work for the fbi and I diligently reread these series of oneshots for a daily dose of serotonin!  (Logince, Moxiety)
Growing Old is More Fun with You in which Patton is a PTA dad and so is Deceit and they have a “rivalry”. (Mociet)
Gilded Cage in which Roman is forced to dance for the fairy queen whenever she wants it. (Prinxiety)
Renegades! in which the sides live in a dystopia and fight the government while being completely in love with each other. (Prinxiety, Logiciality) 
Love and Other Fairytales in which a couple decides to keep their changling and their actual son, a child is cursed gifted a voice that makes people do whatever he says, a boy makes a rotten deal for the sake of his friend, and centuries before any of this, a fae prince is tricked into an endless sleep by his brother. 
The Vampire Hunting Vampire in which Virgil was turned into a monster and LPR slowly convince him he’s not as bad as he thinks he is. Through cuddles. (LAMP, DLAMP)
Wasteland, Baby! in which there are things in the woods and Patton gets,,, intimate with them. On purpose! (LAMP)
Destined in which Damian has successfully ignored his Soulmates for five years and he planned on doing it for much longer but on his twentieth birthday fate intervenes with a second soultrait that forces him to come face to face with all of them. (DLAMP)
Old Gods in which Gods sometimes walk the earth and Remus is pleased to hear that people are still making offerings to him– wait that is not a goat. And other fun stories!
Sit back and watch the world go by in which Virgil is a human abducted by alien smugglers, befriends Patton, breaks out, and everyone fears humans as space orcs, almost as much as Virgil is afraid of them. 
Teaming the Pieces Together in which Thomas is a pokemon trainer and eevees just…click with him.
Tales from the Dark Sides in which the author provides a lovely hub of works where Virgil is abused by OC dark sides and DLMPR are there to help patch him up.
Uncle Emile and the Super Nephews in which Emile gets custody of his six nephews and tries to bond with them. They in turn try very hard not to tell him they have superpowers.
Cuffed Universe in which Remus is a cop chasing after a hacker, Logan breaks the laws and Virgil would just like tO KEEP ONE JOB WITHOUT ONE OR BOTH OF THE OTHERS DRAGGING HIM INTO THEIR SHIT. (Analomus)
Ongoing Fics
The Origin in which space travel via Thomas Sanders’s ship SS Revelation gets more complicated when the Planets themselves turn out to be entities who aren’t all on board with humanity spreading to the rest of the solar system. (Remile) 
Delicato in which Logan and Patton are music professors with very different conceptions of music, and Virgil and Roman are students in both their classes who just want them to kiss already. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
Coming out of The Shadows in which a small mutant child Virgil is treated as subhuman because of his uncontrolled ability to manipulate shadows up until a scientist buys him. (Royality)
Falling Stars At My Command in which Roman wishes on a star and Patton reaps the benefits while Logan unfortunately gets dragged along for the ride. (Royality) 
Sugar in which Patton has three sons and no free time to bother with a relationship while he’s trying to manage bills. At least until Roman walks into his life. Sugar Daddy anyone? (Royality) 
A Man, a Snake, and a Rat in which Logan, Deceit, and Remus become college roomates (Intruloceit) 
a.s.h.es, ashes (We all fall down) in which after Logan almost dies during one of his recuse missions, him and his partner start to dig into the superhero agency they’re employed by and stumble into something far bigger than they expected. (Logicality, Prinxiety, LAMP? LAMP)
Keep him safe in which Detective Logan falls for the owner of his new favorite bakery while his partner Roman falls for the gang member they’re chasing. Ft: emotions, a pet rat, dealing with delusions 101, trauma, and family so gooey it literally makes me melt whenever it updates. I love this fic so much. (Advertises as Logicality and Prinxiety but theres so much LAMP I can’t not put it down here)
Multitudes in which Virgil works at a coffeeshop, pines over the customers that come in, and wonders why they all tip him so well. (LAMP)
Songbird in which the only thing keeping Virgil’s parents alive is his voice: the moment the (new) King gets tired of listening to him its off with all their heads. And Virgil’s okay with that, he is…. Until three visiting nobles leaving him wishing for his freedom for the first time since he was ten. (LAMP)
Shatter in which Logan gets fed up with not being listened to, and takes some poor advice from Rage, which ends with the entire Mindscape being turned upside down and inside out. Now its up to Deceit fix it all. (aka the author decided it was about high time Deceit got some love and appreciation and I’m out here living for it.) (DAMP)
Incredible Cosmic Power in which Virgil awakens some genies by accident and they refuse to let him go back to living a relatively normal peaceful life. (DLAMP)
Plea for my New Self in which Vampire Virgil decides he wants to start over again, and goes back to college to work on coding. There he proceeds to do reckless good with his absurd amount of wealth and a “fuck it” attitude. Actually one of my favorite things ever okay. I love this one so much. (DLAMP)
Your Wish Is My Command in which Thomas accidentally rubs six lamps and becomes the glorified babysitter to six jinn who definitely don’t trust him. But its fineeee. (DLAMP)
6 Dads in which Deceit, Emile, Remus, Roman, Thomas, and Remy make a relationship work and their children aren’t sure how but go along with it anyway.
Rebel Rebel in which Thomas, a well respected man, visits the Imagination, for some pleasure business as a one time thing. Except that he keeps coming back. Maybe maybe falls in love with one, two, thr– all of the men who work there. 
A New Kind of Experiment  in which Virgil runs away from home, and ends up kidnapped by merman, and somehow he doesn’t mind that much.
Becoming His Own Hero in which everyone has to juggle their superhero lives with their regular lives and sometimes…its just hard.
don’t wanna be a tragedy in which brothers Roman and Remus get a house and subsequently find out its totally, completely, 100% haunted.
Don’t You, Forget About Me in which the author recreates Breakfast club and does it spectacularly.
Heart’s Heroes in which Patton may be a villain but that does not mean he wants to see the child heroes of the city dead.
Mortals and Fae in which Deceit barely escapes the wrath of his town when they all turn against him. Dying, he stumbles into a fairy circle hoping that with his name the fae make his death short and sweet. Big Shock for him when he wakes up with a Fairy Prince swearing to protect him.
Sanders Family in which Thomas adopts six kids and has no regrets about it.
How Not to Go About an Important Inspection in which after a devastating betrayal the crew of the USS Bifrost is docked for repairs and the crew just wants to go back to being a normal family but Command is insisting on an inspection to ensure nothing so…drastic occurs again.
Symbiotic in which certain Vampires have a vemon that leaves with victims craving getting their blood drunken. Deceit, one of these Victims, continues to burn bridges because that’s easier than admitting he might need help dealing with this. 
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