#so MAYBE I'm a hater
newsiesimagines · 2 years
Newsies Imagines #36
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dootznbootz · 24 days
Fascinating how Polites, the character who is the personification of Odysseus' optimism and is only in 5 songs, is more grieved and appreciated than Eurylochus, a character who is his own person and is in 11 songs.
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mire-7viii · 8 days
Why are women on here going on about "it takes a village to raise a child" to alleviate the mother's burden like that "village" is some mystical entity? What labour are you asking for, from whom do you want it, and how will you compensate?
Demanding that other people (and let's be honest, these women at least claim not to trust men, so the burden will inevitably fall on child-free women, because other moms also want breaks from childrearing, yes?) sacrifice their decision to not deal with children for a mother's desire to have offspring is anti-feminist.
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lavendermemoriess · 5 days
"that mclaren is illegal." no it isn't. lando just has the skills. if ur driver has a skill issue just say that 🤷‍♀️
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 month
i think fandom spaces would become much more enjoyable across the board if people stopped flipping their pancakes over other fans enjoying characters that they don't like. or, god forbid, like them but in 'the wrong way.'
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jakeperalta · 1 year
I get why people complain about the overexposure of celebrities..... I'M sick of hearing about taylor and I'm a fan :/
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
The reason this fandom hates IDW Optimus isn't because he's a cop (plenty of people are fine with Prowl) or because he's a bastard (most characters in IDW are) but because he commits the crime of being an actual person who's messy, flawed, and makes a shitload of high stakes mistakes fitting for the intense situations and pressure he's put under constantly.
But we can't have Optimus actually react to his situations by lashing out or being unpleasant, no, he has to have the personality of a cardboard cutout of G1 whose only defining personality traits are "dad, funny, nice," and if he ever vents negative emotions it can only ever be #relatable depression or him being sad on his own without ever letting it show during the important parts of the story. If Optimus dares do things like be angry or frustrated or bitter it's just a sign that he's a bastard and LITERALLY the worst Optimus ever. If Optimus ever makes mistakes or does wrong things in the heat of anger/frustration/stress it's because he's just an evil bastard with no redeeming traits.
God forbid Optimus go through an unending gauntlet of war, politics, atrocities, near-complete loneliness, and a seemingly endless cycle of violence for his entire life and come out of it kind of bitter, angry, and tired of dealing with people's shit. He's not allowed to be a realistic person, context doesn't matter, sympathy doesnt matter. IDW Optimus doesn't fulfill the fandom's fantasies of Father Figure or Perfect Cultural Icon or Twinky Fucktoy and since that's the only reason most people care about Optimus in general, the fandom collectively trashes on IDW OP.
All because he can't fit into the overly simplified and childlike double standard the fandom has where if any other character is messy and flawed, that's good writing and interesting and compelling, but if OPTIMUS is messy and flawed, he's Literally The Worst and he's an asshole for no other reason than He Sucks, context be damned
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rubberduckyrye · 10 days
Can you shut the fuck up about how you hate kokichi haters
LMAO Only when the 90% of Kokichi Haters I'm talking about stop being ableist towards Gonta. :3
As an AuADHD person frustrated and tired of the ableism towards Gonta and the infantizing of him contributing to 90% of Kokichi hate, like. Bro. No????
Like ofc I'm gonna yell and scream about how I hate the ableism 90% of Kokichi Haters have towards Gonta like idk what to tell you this isn't just about me hating Kokichi Haters
In fact if Haters hate Kokichi because he's rude, annoying, or for some other reason, I literally don't give a crap.
So I'm gonna continue being annoying about how the ableism annoys me, mkaaaay~?
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Game designers/visual artists going "yeah we'll minimize the narrative noise" while having literally zero expertise in storytelling/narration <33333
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steakout-05 · 2 months
medic tf2 doodles?!?!?? in this economy!???!?!? (art from yesterday)
most gentle and sweet middle aged german man in the whole entire world smile vs planning to swap all of your organs with a series of interconnected frogs smile
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a doodle i did of Medic and Archimedes.... he looks too round in this drawing, not smug and evil enough..... also Mitzi from the RAE appearance :D
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i LOVE the voicelines Medic has with Haunted Archimedes, he's not disturbed or even slightly put off by the fact that his zombified dove is 1. talking and 2. has a violent and constant craving for brains. he's just like. being a slightly irritated pet owner about it. he's just like "ugh yes archimedes vants all zhe brains doesn't he. now shut up". also i think this is the most on-model medic drawing i've ever done wtf
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#tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 medic#medic tf2#archimedes tf2#mitzi mozzarella#doodles#sketches#sketch#also um. please no thirst comments in the tags. /srs#i feel incredibly uncomfortable with comments like that and i don't want those things being said about my art#and i feel like it might happen here so like. please don't do that thanks 👍#man i love drawing medic. he's actually so fun to draw and i love giving him the most insane expressions ever#he has so many sharp angles it's so fun!!!#i also really like the second opinion voice lines. he's not even frightened. he just has an annoying roommate sewn to his face#aahh this is why i love medic#i have a cold right now so i can't think of any other tags to put on this post........#might post some more barry stuff later. i drew a pretty cursed one yesterday heehoo#i want to post some of my really old tf2 art from like 2018#and maybe some SUPER old tf2 stuff from a decade ago if i can find the notebook i drew it in#back when i used to draw everything with a pen and no guidelines 💀#i'm pretty sure i still have it! it's not something i would throw away at all#it's probably hidden deep in my closet with my other old art stuff#i'd like to share my super old unhinged comics with a bunch of characters from various properties some day#i remember making a comic where all my favourite tf2 and mlp characters teamed up to stop peg from peg + cat from taking over the world#because i really didn't like the show as a kid. i thought peg's voice was annoying and it was a show about math. and i hate math#it's not even a bad show... it's really cute actually..... why did i hate it so much#i was peg + cat's biggest hater. if p+c had a million haters i was one of them. if it had 1 hater that was me. if it had 0 then i grew up#anyway. ignore all those tags i went on a ramble loolll#i forgot this post is about my medic drawings... yeah i really like these drawings and i love drawing medic <3
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mamawasatesttube · 1 month
tagged by @mysterycitrus for the "last sentence of your most recent wip" tag game!! ty greta <3 the problem is. im not actually sure which wip is my most recent, because its been all space adventures but i just posted that one. so... i grabbed a few paragraphs from Something i scribbled out a few weeks ago that's. probably it? (paragraphs, to make up for it being not necessarily the most recent. um. i dont know. anyways.)
Kon takes a breath. Lets it out slowly as the man keeps going. He thinks he deserves some kind of reward for not rolling his eyes at this man. There’s, like, a mini-Kal sitting on one shoulder saying he’s proud of his restraint; a mini-Kara on the other shoulder is chanting Tell him to fuck off! Tell him to fuck off!, though, and as the officer makes another dig at superheroes, mini-Kal has to admit, he’s starting to come around to her point of view.
“—young people tend to be reckless, and this is a hostage situation! I really think we ought to wait for Superman—"
“Okay, officer.” Kon cuts him off. He’s already taller and broader than Officer Whatsisname, but just to add a little flair, he floats a couple inches up into the air and lets himself hover there, unnervingly still.
Officer Whatsisname’s eyes widen a little. Yeah, take that, Kon thinks. You’re lecturing a superpowered alien.
“I might be younger than you, but I can easily handle a few guys with guns. I’ve been operating as a hero since I was fifteen, and, I mean, I don’t like to play this card much ‘cuz it feels kinda mean since you can’t trump it, but hey. I literally died to save the world, remember? So chillax, pal. I know what I’m doing.”
aaand i will tag!! @dio-icarticaae, @lemonlimestar, @radioactive-earthshine, and @loisinherlane <3 last sentence of your last wip. or paragraphs. do whatever you want forever yayyy
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superfallingstars · 17 days
Hello superfallingstars - from one marauders fan to another, care to answer these too? Some will be repeated, but I want to know what you think!
- Which marauder likes a big city, and who prefers the countryside or a small town?
- Who got the most free drinks or pub snacks from Rosmerta?
- Who handled their drink the best?
- Who couldn’t handle their drink?
- Who gave the best romantic advice?
- Who learned the patronus charm first?
- Who swears the most?
- I suppose this excludes James, but we can swap him for Lily: who enjoyed watching Quidditch matches the most?
- Who had the coolest childhood bedroom? (This is very subjective, I know)
- Who’s the most likely to be a good cook?
- Who’s good at fixing things?
- Who was always getting caught and who never got caught?
- Most likely to be a vegetarian
That’s what I got for today! I hope you all don’t think I am a creep. I just like to come up with questions that dig a bit more into the personalities of my favourite characters.
Hi I would love to answer these!
Which marauder likes a big city, and who prefers the countryside or a small town?
I think James and Sirius would both prefer the big city (so much mischief to get into!), Peter would prefer the country (is overwhelmed by the city), and Remus would be somewhere in the middle. Maybe Remus would find the city more enjoyable, but he would feel safer and more at ease in the country (for obvious reasons).
Who got the most free drinks or pub snacks from Rosmerta?
James. For all his faults (of which there were MANY), I think he was probably very charming…
Who handled their drink the best?
I think Sirius. I imagine James could also drink a decent amount, but he would get sillay with it, whereas Sirius would just seem slightly less coordinated. It’s because one of them is drinking for fun and the other one is drinking to cope. Who said that. Speaking of, I think Remus would also partake in some self-destructive substance abuse post-Lily and James death
Who couldn’t handle their drink?
Boring answer but Peter. I think he would be such a lightweight, to the point that everyone thought he was faking it and that he was just trying to seem cool by acting drunker than he actually was, and everyone found it really annoying. And then like an hour into the party he would just fall asleep in the corner (and James and Sirius would write/draw profane things on his face)
Who gave the best romantic advice?
Remus but only by process of elimination. His advice was still not very good.
Who learned the patronus charm first?
I have to go with James… ugh. I think he is such a complicated character (as you may be able to tell from the fact that I write an essay every time he comes up). I have a really hard time reconciling how spoiled and nasty and cruel he was with the near-reverence with which Sirius and Remus speak of him, not to mention the fact that Lily eventually deemed him worthy of marriage, or that he died fighting honorably for the Order... He's a mess of contradictions. But because of all that, I imagine him as someone who was almost delusionally optimistic, with relentless confidence in himself to achieve the impossible (though this confidence was also kind of a cope, since I think his bullying of Snape points to some deep-seated insecurities). It takes an impressive amount of nerve to try to become an animagus at age twelve, and it takes an even more impressive amount of resolve to actually achieve it… Like, James was the type of guy to make impossible promises and then somehow manage to pull them off (at least, until he wasn’t). And I think this inability to be deterred was kind of infectious – deep down, all of the Marauders wanted to believe in themselves as much as James believed in himself (and to be fair, as much as James believed in them!) – and it was this magnetic personality that made him a such a big influence on his friends’ lives, even after his death. All that to say: I think James would be able to pull off the Patronus charm first out of sheer willpower alone
Who swears the most?
Sirius or James, I could go either way here... Sirius being super reserved and barely cursing as a result of his posh upbringing, or Sirius having a huge pottymouth because he’s rebelling against his posh upbringing... I could also see James swearing a lot, because my best explanation for his contradictory combination of awful personality + great politics is that Euphemia and Fleamont were rich old money hippies with overly lax parenting skills, and they would probably let their dearest baby boy curse up a storm at home. But I think the real answer to this question is Snape.
I suppose this excludes James, but we can swap him for Lily: who enjoyed watching Quidditch matches the most?
I think Peter. Though he would also be the most scared during Quidditch matches. Like he would be shrieking and ducking and covering his eyes and Sirius and Remus would be like “dude what’s wrong” and he’d be like “I thought James was gonna fall off his broom!” D: But his joy at Gryffindor winning, his pride in his talented Seeker friend who he looks up to (and let’s be real, likes being associated with), and perhaps most importantly, the feeling that he belongs to something larger than himself, a group of winners – yeah, he'd be into that. (Sidenote, this is why I think Remus wouldn’t really give a shit about Quidditch; he is incapable of seeing himself as someone who “belongs” to a group any larger than his close circle of friends. Not that he would never have moments of House pride, but they would most likely be brief and fleeting.) I could maybe see Sirius being into Quidditch too, if only for the competitive aspect, but I think it’s also possible that he could be rather indifferent about the whole affair. Maybe Sirius enjoyed Quidditch the most only if Gryffindor was beating the pants off of Slytherin (can I say that phrase or is it too similar to, well, you know…?). And Lily was probably just a casual Quidditch enjoyer imo, though I'm sure she enjoyed having an excuse to stare at James for a few hours when Gryffindor was playing.
Who had the coolest childhood bedroom? (This is very subjective, I know)
Honestly I don't think this is subjective at all because it's gotta be James, EASILY. Mommy and Daddy will buy him anything he asks for and they live in a gorgeous old manor. His room would have posters of famous Quidditch players flying nimbly through blue skies, hung up over ornate crimson wallpaper… a plush red and gold carpet over dark, lustrous wood floors… a huge window stretching almost to the tall ceiling, opening up to a lush garden, that he could leap out of on his broom whenever he pleased… oh my god, imagine his bedframe is gold and the headboard is like the three Quidditch hoops?! Yeah it’s James for sure
Who’s the most likely to be a good cook?
Maybe Sirius? Only because he canonically makes breakfast for the kids on Christmas morning? Hey, maybe he was cheffing it up for the Potters as a way to thank them for taking him in, who knows. I also like the idea of Lily being good at baking and bringing homemade cookies back to Hogwarts after every winter break (and of course, bringing some to Snape nearly every day of winter break).
Who’s good at fixing things?
I’m gonna go with Sirius because he’s a motorcycle guy. Idk, I could see him as someone who likes tinkering with things.
Who was always getting caught and who never got caught?
I mean, James was notorious for being a troublemaker, so I think he must have gotten caught a fair amount of times… And I think I have to say that it was Peter who never got caught, if only because it’s rather poetic.
Most likely to be a vegetarian?
I like to imagine Remus as a vegetarian because of my headcanon that one time as a kid he escaped from whatever werewolf containment he was in (I have sooo much more to say about the logistics of Remus’s parents dealing with his lycanthropy but hoo boy that’s another post) and in his excitement unknowingly killed a rabbit, and then he came to in the middle of the woods with blood all over his face and the taste of raw meat in his mouth and now he’s disgusted by meat <3. Though idk if that headcanon actually works because it still has to be true that werewolves don’t kill animals (otherwise that defeats the whole point of becoming animagi!). Idk werewolf lore is kind of fucked anyway (why does lycanthropy make Remus weak and ill but Greyback seems to be doing just fine?), so maybe I can chalk it up to erratic behavior as a result of being cooped up unnaturally, or because he was a baby werewolf so he was maybe just killing stuff out of curiosity, or maybe I don't even need a reason… idk. If this sounds bad just pretend I said James for hippie reasons and he’s always really annoying and pretentious about it
And no omg I do not think you are a creep, in fact I was watching some of my moots get these asks and I was like… sigh… I wonder if someone will send some to me… so thank you lol. Perhaps unsurprisingly I enjoy talking about the Thing I Like, and I am always happy to do so!!! (Even though sometimes it takes me awhile to respond.) And these questions in particular were really fun!
Thank you for the ask!
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presiding · 10 months
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genuinely admire those who were optimistic for dishonored 3 but in this videogame industry climate and [insert a 4hr video essay about arkane's recent history here], honestly, not getting dh3 is good news
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ambassadorquark · 2 months
i'm honestly enjoying the locked tomb but i know all my takes about it are crazy. i think gideon is irritating and i don't care about her problems. i'm an ironic john gaius stan but i dont think its a joke anymore. And so on
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This is a Brady hate post, because what I said in my review of the book is not enough to express my feelings about him
Looking back, he was acting much older than he was and treated Gigi like a child, despite being only 3 years older than her, which makes the "relationship" weird. And he touched her stomach like that? Even when I liked him, I still found it weird. Knox's reaction was amazing though "She's 18 and I'm 25, I can't see anything"
He kinda took advantage of her skills, she solved most of the puzzle but he still had no hesitation to accept the second chance, even when he barely did anything the entire game. I want to point out how Odette, who we know notices everything, probably saw that Gigi deserved the chance the most and offered it to her first. And even though I think she should've accepted, because she deserves it, I still love how she knew that she didn't earn it like the other teams and denied. That's fair play over here, which is something Brady didn't do, because he actually wasn't even good enough to deserve to stay in the game, he wouldn't have made it without relying on Gigi, therefore kind of cheated his way back in.
He shamelessly lied to Knox and Gigi about his mom being sick to manipulate them in a way, especially Gigi, who took it upon herself to carry them through the game because of this and OFFERED HELP EVEN IF SHE DIDN'T WIN! That's a good person over here!
He also told Knox about their mentor and father figure's death out of the blue? Imagine the shock in Knox, like wtf was that announcement?
PLAYING WITH GIGI'S FEELINGS!!! He got her into him, told her all the things she wanted to hear, just to drop the bomb that it was all a lie? And that he's still in love with Calla? That was such an asshole move of him and I know for a fact that it worsened Gigi's insecurities about not being enough, not having anyone to love her and being too much even more! He was too good to be true and I hate how I fell for his lies along with her
Some of this might be over exaggerated and maybe I'm too blinded by the betrayal but I don't care! I hope he doesn't have a redemption arc and that she doesn't actually end up with him, because he sucks so much that I somehow ended up rooting for the kidnapper. If you know one thing about me, I DESPISE the kidnapper x kidnapped trope and any dark romance trope in general, which shows how low I'm getting for the sake of my girl's happiness and how low Brady set my standards.
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pardonmydelays · 2 months
"what's your role in the fandom" i am a clown who writes the most terrible posts only liked by two of my mutuals out of pity
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