#so a warnign!
aka-indulgence · 1 year
Home Invasion (Centipede!Sans)
So, I’ve missed writing about centipede!sans, he needs some love… so he’s here to pursue it himself by coming straight to you >:) huehuehue
TW: Bugs, beginning includes a nightmare where reader is covered in bugs (the first italics section), and centipede!sans being creepy and grabby with you
Legs, crawling all over you.
You couldn’t move.
A myriad of insects were wandering over your body, tickling you with their antennae.
There were too many of them. The sound was deafening. You could feel one start to crawl over your neck. You’re going to be buried in the mountain of them.
Your eyes widen as they approach your face. Your chest tightens, your mouth opens-
You sit up, gasping for air, sweat soaking your pajamas, heart beating a mile a minute. You swallow your spit, eyes darting everywhere, looking for those phantom bugs. You’re in your bed, and it’s still dark out. You let yourself smile in relief, laughing nervously. It was just a nightmare.
You throw the blanket to the side and lay back down, the sweat evaporating along with the fear on your forehead.
Just a horrible nightmare. You tell yourself, shivering. I hated that.
You sighed, and closed your eyes. Just go back to sleep now, (Y/n).
… You think you were in the middle of drifting off, when you heard the distinct sound of scuttling.
You blinked your eyes open, scanning the room, though it sounded like it came from outside. You were confused- maybe you were having a half dream and the nightmare was just going to continue? That was a terrible thought, but you had a creeping feeling that it might’ve been real.
Just to be safe, you kept your eyes open and quietened your breathing as you listened.
There it was again. The scuttling. And it sounded like it was shuffling over the floor, before it went quiet again.
You could feel a weight settling in your stomach. It sounded like it was out in the living room.
You stood up from the bed and tip-toed over to your door. You turn the key slowly so it wouldn’t click too loudly and… open the door.
Of course there’s not a lot of windows in the living room. The door is only open a crack, and you could barely make out your kitchen and table. You hold your breath, expecting something to move in the dark, but… nothing.
You don’t think you’ll be able to sleep once you find out what it is- maybe a cat broke in somehow or something? So, taking a deep breath, you turn on the torch of your phone and step into the living room.
Everything looks way more horrifying in the darkness. Why? The lighting from your phone is certainly giving your room a haunted house feel to it, which was doing wonders for your nerves. everything you shone your light on looked too bright and shiny while everything else looked too dark and shadowy. At least… so far the kitchen was alright. One knocked over can of tuna isn’t something to lose sleep over.
You find your way to the lightswitch and flick it on. Maybe it’s because it’s night and you’ve still got nerves from the nightmare, but it looked like a shadow moved- however there was nothing there when you looked. Instead, you find what looked like a dust explosion, trailing from a corner of the room, and you pause when you see where it comes from.
You feel dread forming in your stomach as you approach your cracked floor boards, snapped in half and splinters around a hole where a floorboard was popped off completely. There were suspicious scratches on the floor that… don’t look entirely unfamiliar. You’ve been finding random scratches on the walls and floor recently, and you just chalked it up as accidents you hadn’t noticed. Now though… there was a lot of them congregated around the hole and, hesitantly, you took a peek down.
And your blood. Ran. Cold.
Down under your floorboards- where you didn’t expect to have so much empty space in the first place- was a piece of centipede molt.
But it wasn’t really a ‘piece’ of centipede molt, was it?
No. It was a boulder-sized centipede molt. White, and crumpled, and- you don’t even know how long it’s been sitting there, but there was dirt and a bit of dust on it so it must’ve been sitting there for a while. And that was just its molt, how big was the beast that left it there?
Monsters from the wild almost never break into homes- they could be aggressive and terrifying but most were ‘shy’ of humans. But then again, news of monster and human scuffles weren’t unheard of.
I need to call monster services. You thought.
You thought hear a scuttle from behind you, but no giant centipede to be seen.
I need to call them RIGHT NOW.
How long has it been down there? Is it there right now? Please be under the floorboards.
As you sprint your way back towards the bedroom, you thought of the nights before. This wasn’t the first time you heard sounds in your house. They started about a week or more ago, and yeah, sounds in the dark weren’t comforting, they hadn’t seemed substantial enough to be anything. You’re not the girl that needed to sprint to get to her parents room when she heard a scary sound anymore. You chose to ignore it and went to sleep.
But now, with the molt… you remembered a lot of the sounds did resemble scuttling. You thought it was something creaking. Something flying into the windows.
… Or maybe it had been  exploring under your floorboards for god knows how long…
Oh fuck, you thought. Please go back down there.
You slip into your room…
And freeze.
There was no point in you trying to sneak back into your room, because as you stand there uselessly, a mountain of carapace, legs and bones was circling your bed, making his mark on the sheets, clicking his mandibles as he rose into the moonlight.
You inhaled so sharply it felt like you swallowed a thorn. You could feel your legs tense when the monster turned to look at you, and you rushed back out the door-
You fall to the floor and your phone tumbles out of your hand. You could feel something sharp wrapped around your ankle, just shy of impaling your skin. Your nails drag over the floor as you’re pulled into the room effortlessly. You scream and yelp as a storm of carapace and legs flood your vision. You feel the clawed ends grip and drag over your skin all over where you were exposed, leaving little welts all over your body. You gain your sight again when you’re lifted right into the middle of his twisting, endless body; his coils shifting and scuttling around as you’re settled into him.
He wasn’t squeezing- not too hard, at least. But you could feel your chest tighten and you struggled to breathe- you were panting and groaning like you couldn’t catch your breath.
You tried to wriggle but that only made him tighten around you more- you couldn’t move. His long centipede body had you circled up to your shoulders, the only part you could move was just your head. You could feel more of those centipede legs shift and move all the way down, tickling your feet and making goosebumps form all over you. When you look around you couldn’t even… see where he ended. His entire body had completely filled your room, spilling over the bed and stacking against the walls.
Your heart was beating in your ears as you looked up at the monster watching from above. He wasn’t entirely centipede, it appears: his upper half was skeletal from the waist up, and even then he was still bigger than you were. He had thick bones, resembling muscle, and his hands were clawed. Despite that, that wasn’t what struck the most fear into your heart- it was seeing his face.
His skeletal face was fearsome, large mandibles on the side of a wide smile full of razor sharp teeth accompanied by two abyss-dark eyesockets. One single glowing orb sat in his left socket, glowing with the intensity of a red star. Up from that socket was a skull fracture that left a hole in his head- just looking at it made you hurt to think about. He must’ve been through a lot of fearsome battles. In addition to his skull crack, one tooth was missing from his arsenal, and when you look everywhere on him there were minute scratches, indents, and cracks on his bone.
You see the end of his mighty body shift to the side, leaning against the door, shutting it close. Your phone lay uselessly on the floor, the screen turning off just as a leg crawls over it.
You feel a hot breath brush your face.
You turn your gaze back to your captor and feel your heart jump at how close he’s gotten. In the time it took for your frantic brain to take in the monster who has your life in his grasps, he’s leant in- possibly doing the same to you. Sweat beads on your forehead as he turns and leans around you, staying silent the whole time. His wide smile was eerie. It felt like he was a predator playing with his food with his sockets crinkling like that, and his legs digging into your flesh like it was aching to rip you apart.
You lean as far as you could as he approached. Goosebumps formed over your neck when he pushes his face into it. … You could feel him taking a deep sniff, followed by a deep, rumbly purr. You let out a surprised yelp when you feel claws trace over your scalp, leaving tingles where they went. The monster pulled back a little and turned to look at your hair, caught in his fingers, letting it slip between. His red orb dilated and refocused like a camera lens, picking the locks apart, looking at every individual hair strand like it was a mystery to him.
You couldn’t help but cough. His presence was overwhelming already. Everywhere you looked was his sprawling, crawling centipede body. The sound of his multitudinous legs filled the air with clicks, so much so that you couldn’t hear your own racing thoughts. Carapace rubbing and gripping onto you was distracting. And now, this close to his bony body, he smelled like iron, and musk, the air thick with his magic.
It sounded almost like he was laughing, and you noticed he was looking at you this time. Perhaps… sadistically enjoying how you couldn’t escape him, that his mere presence was crushing you (or perhaps it was his body tightening around you again.) He leant back.
It was odd. He tilts his head to the side and starts clicking his mandibles at you. You aren’t sure why, but the way he clicked them at you didn’t seem aggressive. You flinch as he twists around you, a couple of legs menacingly tapping over your clavicle, nearing your neck.
The imagery of being impaled by one of them enters your mind. You shudder.
It looked like he was waiting. Like… he was expecting you to say something.
“U-uhm,” You stutter. You inadvertently whimper as his claws trace down from your ear down to your jaw, tickling under your chin in a distinctly gentle… almost wanting way.
“H… hello?”
He clicks again in response, flexing his legs. You could feel your eyes getting heavy as you withheld frightened tears while he brushes your hair with his other hand.
“W-w… what do you want?” You squeak, a giant thumb brushing your cheek. “Do you…” gulp, “do you want to eat me..?”
He twitched, eyesockets widening, all movement halting. Was he… did he understand what you were saying?
All of a sudden, his great ribcage started to shudder, the quaking spreading to the rest of his long body.
“m… mheheheh…”
You grit your teeth as you’re shaken with his mighty, convulsing body, staring up helplessly at the monster. Was… was he… laughing…?
His sockets were crinkled, and he had one fist to his teeth, like he was trying to get ahold of himself. He shook his head, then extended a claw at you.
“... like…” He growled, the power of his voice rumbling in your chest. “like you…”
“L-like…? What do you-?”
You squealed as the entirety of his body starts moving again and those ticklish, frightening legs started crawling around you as the skeleton circles around you more tightly, nuzzling your face and trilling. He pauses on your left side and you freeze as his fingers crawl over from the back of your head to grip your right cheek. It felt like he was looking into your soul, his face mere inches from you. You freeze, breath hitched as a long, red, glowing tongue trails from your jaw up to your cheek.
He licked you. You could smell his breath- that blood scent, of prey having fallen to the beast’s teeth.
You couldn’t stop the frightened mewls as he fusses your face, sniffing you and shifting your body here and there, until you end up with your back against his ribcage and your head under his skull. His hands seal around your chest and stomach, and though in his turning and twisting you ended up moving out of his encircling coils, his lower half had its legs clamped around your legs, keeping you squished. against him.
You stiffened as he convulsed and squirmed, settling over the bed, having you placed on top of the rest of his carapace. Claws started tangling in your hair, as he seemed to obsess with it, feeling how silky it feels against his phalanges.
You quieted your breaths, rapid and shallow like a mouse, freezing when the monster purrs, rumbling against you. You huffed, pressing your lips together.
So. It looks like he isn’t going to eat you. But as the monster relaxes, a hand slipping under your shirt, mindlessly caressing it like… like a lover would, you think you have a very different problem at hand.
He lets out a satisfied sigh, the steam of air brushing your face, and you shake your head.
I guess I won’t be sleeping tonight…
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
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no talk. me maiming
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the-owl-tree · 6 months
saw one of your posts mentioning pride of baghdad, it's such a good fucking comic but also i wanted to add some content warnings for the list:
Blood and gore (Graphic, shown multiple times): Animals getting gunned down, torn apart, getting their heads blown off
Animal Death: The comic's full of it constantly, like mentioned before in the previous warning
S/A: The old lioness has a flashback sequence where she's violently attacked and sexually assaulted by a male lion and his brothers. It's not explicitly shown (It only shows the moment right before it happens) but pretty much confirmed that it happened, so a warning is needed
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thanks for the heads up! i'll add the warnings in
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reel-by-reel · 2 years
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fuh naff
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bathtub4rats · 1 year
Actually im not done thinking about codotverse Riddler's Super 50. Do you know how interesting I think it is that he has and drives around a 1949 Super 50? I think it's so fascinating and intriguing and I'm going to try to put it into words
1949 Buick Super 50s are collectors items right? Buick and other car enthusiasts jump at the bit to get their hands on one, because it was the first time in years that buick had produced a brand new design for their cars, and they only sold it for a year. I consider this design to be very classy, sleek, and very dramatic. All things I would also consider mr riddler.
Now what I find most interesting is that he actually drives it around. I dont know how common it is for collectors to drive their cars about town, I assume common enough because you cant really just let it sit there otherwise it can become damaged, but also you cant really drive them around too much bc theres a higher risk of external damage as well. So probably they just drive it around the block once a month. But I dont think collectors will drive their 1949 super 50 across country. That's FAR too much of a risk to damage. But Riddler did! He drove it all the way to georgia and Minesota! He actually uses it like a car and not like a glass figure. (I assume. granted i dont think there was any reference to him driving the 50 specifically but that is the only car that has ever been mentioned and when he's scolding Query and Echo he refers to them taking care of his car in the singular so I'm assuming thats his only car)
It's like he wants to be seen as classy, and I would say even gentlemanly as shown by him having said car and his 1866 Derringer (things I personally think are classy and gentlemanly), but then breaks and distorts that image by using these items with their original intended use instead of preserving them. It feels like hes intentionally breaking the 'rules'. Probably mostly to show off, but also it makes a statement about his whole mindset of refusing to be controlled and not wanting to be forced into place. So he acts out even in the smallest and most insignificant ways. idk. I lost my train of thought.
Anyway i just think its interesting that he went through all the trouble to get this cool car then kind of break the 'rules' with it.
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landofgay · 1 year
my eye is not allowed to do this
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darkbluekies · 4 months
A little game
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Yandere!king oc x fem!reader
Summary: Edmund going insane when he finds you hurt and unconscious and swears to kill everyone in town.
Warnigns: behading, insanity, blood, guns, abuse, arson, everything like that
Word count: 2.3k
His eyes wander over your lifeless body. Numerous signs of brutal harm can be seen on your body. He can't even imagine what you've been put through, and when he tries he feels sick.
“Kill them all.”
His secretary widens his eyes.“But … your majesty-”
Edmund turns to him with eyes burning with rage. “Do I speak another language?!” he screams. “Kill them all! Every single one of them!”
Maids look at each other in fear, the secretary gulps. Edmund can feel his body tremble. He wants to grab the glass bottle on the bedside table, break it and plunge it deep into someone's, anyone's, heart. Wants to see blood, wants to kill. 
His hammering heart thumps in his ears. A chanting “kill them all, make them pay” repeats in his head, sounding better and better each time.
It all had happened so quickly, and yet so slow. You were kidnapped on a town visit and hurt by someone, badly. A knight had found you after hours of search lifeless in the forest, body torn and beaten. Edmund had thought that you had died. The few moments of uncertainty had felt like hours. Millions of thoughts had passed through his head. What would he do if you were dead? Could he live without you? Why did it hurt so much? Why couldn't he breathe? Was he dead too? Why was he alone again?
But now he was only angry. Someone had hurt you … and the entire town hid the truth, protected the culprit. Edmund didn't care who had done what, everyone was guilty. They are no individuals, only a herd of characterless peasants. And he hates them all.
He wants to touch your face, but he doesn’t dare to. He’s scared that if he touches you, he’s going to kill you. His touch is deadly. You’re already so fragile, so vulnerable. 
“Take families, one by one”, Edmund starts, still shaking, “and bring them here.”
“What are you going to do, your majesty?” the secretary asks, sounding worried. 
“Give this castle a fucking paintjob.”
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His hands are bloody — they’re never bloody. He never gets down and dirty, always watched. His heart is beating even quicker, but he can’t seem to get enough. He can’t get rid of the unimaginable anger he feels. It’s like a beast has taken control over his mind and soul and given him a new unclenched blood thirst. Every time he lets his fist make contact with a poor peasants body he sees your broken face in front of him. It makes him hit them more, with even more force. He enjoys it, he finds. 
“Your majesty, please!” the man he’s holding begs. “Please spare me, I’m sorry!”
“What are you sorry for?” Edmund questions harshly. “What can your filthy little peasant heart be sorry for, huh? Was it you who abused my wife?!”
“No! No, your majesty, I didn’t-”
His voice echoes across the court yard. “Then who did?! Who was it?! Who are you covering up for?!”
Before he has the time to answer, Edmund has thrown the man against the castle’s wall with such force that he cracks his skull open on the harsh, sharp stones. Blood splatter. Edmund’s heavy breaths are enough to cause his head to spin. He runs a bloody hand through his black hair. Bodies are lined up against the castle’s walls, stacked on top of each other.
Edmund turns to the knights standing a few meters away from him. 
“If no one fesses up I will kill the entire town!” he shouts. “Every single one!”
“Your majesty, if you kill everyone, who will you rule over?” a knight asks. 
In a swift motion, Edmund grabs a gun from the nearest knight and shoots him. 
“Does anyone else have idiotic questions?!” he screams, directing the gun around. “Huh?! Ask them now so we can get them over with!”
To show that he’s not kidding, he shoots a bullet straight up into the air. None of the knights answer. Edmund scoffs and throws the gun to the side. He catches a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the window and flinches. He didn’t need his mirror to let him know that he’s drenched in blood and sweat. The look inn his eyes is what is startled by. He looks … animalistic. There’s no humanity left in his ice blue eyes anymore. He can feel himself drift into insanity, but he can’t stop it — maybe he doesn't want to.
“Bring the next group”, he demands.
“They are fleeing into the woods, your majesty”, a knight says. 
“Then stop them?!”
“How, your majesty?”
He thinks for a moment. Head spinning, heart thumping in his ears, tast of blood in his mouth. 
“Burn it all down”, he decides. “Burn every possible way out. Burn them in, if necessary.”
The knights nod. Edmund turns back to the poor body on the bloody gravel and picks him up by the collar, carrying him to the others. 
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“Isn’t it pretty? The color?”
His secretary tilts his head as he studies the flames in the distance. “I suppose so, but the smell is God awful.”
“Smells like victory to me.”
Edmund turns away from the window, eyes darting to all the things scattered all over the floor. His office is near destroyed. Things lay broken everywhere after his tantrums. He used to value his materialistic obsessions highly, but now they’re not worth a dime to him. Nothing is. Only you. He has to avenge you rightfully. 
“How is my darling doing?” he asks and gives the secretary a stern gaze. “You know to tell me the second she awakes, right? If you don’t, I will drag you out on the court yard and put you with the other bodies.”
“Of course, your majesty, I will come running right away”, the secretary answers. “You can rest assure. I won’t betray you. Besides, her skin is healing. You won’t have to see her grotesque marks.”
Edmund nods. “I want to see her now. To see if you are telling the truth.”
The secretary leads Edmund through the large, dark halls. The people passing him makes his blood boil. They haven’t done anything, but he’s ready to lash out in case anyone gives him a foul look. Anyone showing any signs of distrust need to be killed. Roughly. He will not be made a fool.
A maid opens the door to your shared chamber and Edmund walks over to the bed. For a few seconds, he doesn’t believe that it’s you sleeping under the white sheets. You look so awfully small in the big bed, so unbelievably broken. Your skin looks so weird compared to the white sheets … washed out, somehow. He hates it, absolutely despises it all. 
Edmund sits down on the side of the bed and takes your hand in his, sighing heavily at the state of you. Seeing your frail figure makes him even madder. Why aren’t you waking up? What have that creature done to you to make you look like this? His secretary was right, however, you seem to be doing a bit better. Your body heals. So why aren’t you waking up?
“I will punish them”, he whispers and kisses your forehead. It must be one of the sweetest gestures he has done since you disappeared and came back in whatever state you are in now. “I promise. I love you so much, my darling, I will make them pay.”
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The guillotine is working over time. The blade is covered in blood, heads everywhere. Edmund has realized that all people about to be beheaded has either of three possible reactions. Pleading and crying, begging for forgiveness, and emotionless and accepting. He likes to guess who will have what reaction, and when he guesses right he gives himself a clap on the shoulder. He’s standing on the balcony, leaning forward against the railing with his arms resting on it. Smiling. It’s all a big game for him. Like how hurting you and covering up the deed is a big joke to them. But now he’s the hunter, and they’re the pray. They are the punchline in his joke. Not the other way around. His blood boils when he thinks about what the ones hurting you must have been thinking while performing such a merciless act. Were they thinking about him, about how mad he would be? Thinking: “we will have caused a reaction to form in him but he will not know who have done it”, in that case they were wrong. Everyone is punished for their stupid game.
“Please, please!” a woman screams, about to be beheaded. “I know who it was!”
Edmund freezes. 
“Wait!” he shouts to the man holding the rope controlling the blade. 
Edmund hurries down to the court yard and walks over to the woman with her head in the locked hole. He grabs her chin roughly, trying to direct her head up without luck. 
“Who was it?” Edmund spits. “Tell me their names.”
She seems to have lost all speaking ability when nearby Edmund. All color is drained off her face. She faints. Angrily, Edmund lets go of her chin, grabs the rope and lets the blade fall. Her head falls down on the gravel and rolls towards the others. No one says anything.
“Your majesty!” he hears his secretary shout. “The queen is awake!”  
Edmund feels his entire body go numb. He spins around, looking at the secretary in the doorway with large, shocked eyes. He runs after. 
You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake.
“Get out of my fucking way!” Edmund growls and shoved a maid into the wall when she tries opening the door for him.  
You’re laying in the bed, but your eyes are open! Edmund runs over and throws himself at you, hugging you tightly. You start to cry the second he wraps his arms around you and brings your face into his shoulder. He can’t believe that he’s holding you again, to feel your body tremble under his fingertips. He wants to cry. 
“It’s okay”, he whispers and caresses your hair as you sob against his neck. “Everything is okay, my dear. I’m here now, I will not let anything happen to you.”
He can feel his entire body relax. He has you back. Your shaking body feels so … alive. 
“Does it hurt?” he asks. 
You nod against his shoulder and try to pull back, out of his embrace. He doesn’t let you, he only moves you closer. What if you slip away when he lets you go?
“Not yet”, he whispers. “Stay with me a bit longer.”
His hands grab at you, trying to reassure himself that you are, indeed, alive. 
When he does let you go, your eyes are red with tears. He puts his hand on your cheek, wiping your tears carefully with his thumb. 
“I’m so sorry”, he mumbles and feels a stone in his throat. “I really am.”
“Your hand smells like blood …”, you whisper.
He becomes cold as your eyes start to widen in fear.  
“No, no, no!” he says quickly and grabs your face in his hands. “I will stop. Is that what you want? Hm? I-I’ll stop, I’ll show mercy to the ones left if you just give me the name of who … who hurt you. Okay? Please?
The name you give is one he’s familiar with. It’s suddenly clear why everyone wanted to shield the guilty one. His father is one of the richest men in the town. Edmund has yet to kill him. 
“I will take care of him”, he says. “Everything he did to you, I will do to him. I promise. Not more, not less.”
Your shaking hand takes his. Edmund gulps and lifts your intertwined to his lips and kisses. 
“I love you”, he whispers. 
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“What is that?” you ask and point towards the forest.”Why is it so black?”
Edmund hesitates and hugs your other hand tighter. They have cleaned the entire court yard and scrubbed the walls so that you won’t have to see any of the horror that has occurred while you were unconscious, but he can’t replace the forest with a new one.
“A wildfire happened while you were unconscious”, he lies. “It was just fixed. Nothing to worry about.”
He continues to walk with you, hand in hand, through the large corridors. He’s on his way down to the dungeon where a certain someone is waiting for him. Edmund’s hands itch when he thinks about what he’s going to do to him. He can’t wait. 
You suddenly hug him. He flinches, but is quick to wrap his arms around you, to secure you against his body. You fit so well against him 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. 
“Nothing”, you say, sounding shy. “Thank you for saving me. I think that I would be dead without you.”
“I would kill everyone in this world for you. You know that.”
But hearing you say ‘thank you’ to him, after everything hes done for — and towards — you causes his stomach to to fill with butterflies. He really would kill everyone for you. Over and over again. 
“I’ll have to leave you here”, he says as you reach the stairs down to the dungeon. “I have something to do. Will you wait for me here?”
“What are you going to do?” you ask hesitantly. 
Edmund smiles, showing off his teeth. “Play.”
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 months
A Haunting
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Summary: You and Bucky had recently become married and moved into a house in the middle of nowhere for safety. However, the longer you spent in the house, the more often things became deranged and frightening in Bucky's absence.
(Sneak Peek)
Warnigns: n/a
Word Count: 513
if this flops im not going to continue this lmao
You stir awake as you hear footsteps coming from the hallway. You find this odd because your husband works overnight and never once comes home without leaving a text message so that you wouldn’t think anything of it. You had just recently moved into a new home with Bucky, your newlywed husband. You’d been dating since high school years ago. 
A simple date of catching things up between friends over lunch one afternoon had led Bucky and yourself nearly falling for each other then and there. He’d ask you out for a few more dates, and you agreed every time.  You found yourself enjoying his company more and more. You knew you were falling quickly and never questioned your feelings. You knew he was the one for you, and soon enough, the pair of you had become engaged, and within months, you had your honeymoon. You’d recently moved back to New York into a new house that Tony had so graciously helped build in the middle of a remote location so neither of you would be bothered too often.
You frowned as you noticed the hallway light was left on, even though you clearly remembered turning it off on your way to bed that night. As you sat up, the footsteps grew louder and heavier. You glanced at your phone before picking it up and unlocking it, frowning in defeat when you had no missed texts from Bucky.
Just as quickly as the footsteps sounded in the hallway, they disappeared quicker. You threw the covers away from your body and ran to the door, pulling it open, expecting to see Bucky standing in front of it with a tired grin.
But the hallway was empty. You frowned and walked down the hallway to flick the light off again before returning to bed. You texted your husband, stating that you’d heard someone walking through the house and were scared. He sent back encouraging words, saying nobody could have gotten inside without the alarm, alerting himself and Tony of a break-in. Tony Stark and the gang had taken extra caution in installing every safety measure and device they had on hand into this house so SHIELD nor HYDRA could get their grubby hands into your privacy. 
So what could have been walking through this house? It was surrounded by trees and a small lake in the far distance. So what had happened?
You tried not to worry too much as sleep overcame your body once more, and you fell into a deep sleep until you were roused awake in the early morning once more as Bucky had sent a text to you, saying that he was coming up to the driveway.
You grinned widely as you threw the covers away from your body and hurriedly got dressed and went to the bathroom across the hall to brush your teeth. You completely missed the dark figure standing in the shower as you had dunked your head down to spit out the toothpaste from your mouth. However, the figure disappeared as quickly as it had come.
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mikalame · 1 year
2023 Tom Kaulitz
Warnigns: tom eating you out basically, squirting, fingering, this is kinda cringe i apologise lol
I have some more bill stuff coming out but i did have to write for my hubby make sure to request taglist: @oppopotamus@violentnewmarley@saumspam@adissonsss
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"Mmmh-hold still hübsches Mädchen- mmh" Tom groans his tounge flicking back between your swollen clit and your sopping hole. You lift your hips up trying to pull away from his mouth but his thick arms wrapped around your thighs are just getting tighter.
"Tom plea-ah- please- hold on" you whimper, your over-senstive clit making it harder to enjoy what toms giving you. You rake you nails through his curls and pull away with what little streaght you have left.
Tom had just gotten back from The Voice Germany and you havent been able to get a second with eachother on phone or facetime. You were both craving eachother so much but tom had been between your thighs for over 30 minutes and didnt look likke he was gonna stop.
"Not yet- stay still fuck you taste so good- missed this cunt" he trails off in groans taking about how he missed your taste, how he cant wait to fuck you senseless. Feeling famillar feeling shoot up from your legs to your achcing core you try and chase the feeling your hips grinding on toms face his nose bumping up agasit your throbbing clit.
Tom tounge dips in and out faster, feeling how warm your body was getting he deciseded to make it worth your while. He unhooks one of the arms wrapped tight around your thighs and move his index and middle finger to your core, your hips bucking at the lost sensaction before his lips wrap around your clit sucking hard.
His fingers make quick work at your cunt, picking up all your juices that have dripped out before teasig your entance with the tips of his fingers. "Please tom put them in alr-ah!" you moan as he pushes his fingers knuckle deep into your pussy.
His fingers moving at a fast and hard speed along with his lips around your clit puts you into over drive, your thighs closing tighter around his head while the rest of your leg straightens up. Your back arching of the bed as his fingers hit the aching spot in your pussy.
"Fuck Tom i-im gonna cu-!" you try and warn him before you screww your eyes tight, your hips moving on there own, you hands fliging ito his hair holding it tightly. Tom never lets out pushing your trough your high, knowing your high has hit when your back collapes back onto the bed your cheast riging fast as you come back down to earth.
Tom looks up at you through heavy lashes as he keeps on his movements, you post-nut clarity ending abruptly as a warmth heats up your core. You gasp and grind agaist his face trying to let him know you where gonna come again.
As he keeps on going your mews and whimpers only adding to the mischievous grin you can feel across your sensitive pussy. Tom fingers gring fast agaist your g-spot making it very clear to you that you wernt about to come.
"Ah tom- stop im gonna pee- ah tommy- Ahh!" you moan loudly, your climax hitting rather unexspected as your body shakes with pleasure, Your fingers now pulling on the sheets beside your ached body. You body flopping down on the bed fully exsuaghed from you cumming 2x in a row you gathher enough strength to look down your body littered with deep purple marks and light red teeth marks from tom.
You peer down to see toms faces dripping wet his beard speckled with little water drop-lets as his eyes meet with yours. You breathing slowing back down to a normal pace as you try a peice to gether what happened.
"Fuck hübsch, didnt know you had in in ya" he chuckles spreading your legs apart, leading your hand to feel the messy to made between your legs. "Ah Tom did i piss myself" you sit up looking down a the wet patch you toms face, shirt, arm and the puddle on the bedsheets.
"No- well sorta Liebchen, you squirted and i was so fucken hot" Tom groans he leans over you and places wet kisses on your shoulders leading to your face where he processed to say " cant wait for you to do that again" before pressing his lips into a passionate kiss.
i hope you liked i didnt spell check and i cant spell for shit sorry...
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fandomzwriterk · 2 months
Can you write about the female reader teasing Smoke while cuddling? 😁
A/N: I’m collecting all the Mortal Kombat fans like Pokemon cards now and I couldn’t be more prouder
Warnigns: GN!Reader gets kidnapped + blood warning + The Lin Kuei brothers fight each other + fluffy content at the end
Smoke x GN!Reader
“This is the dumbest idea we’ve ever had.” Bi Han growled
Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Bi Han walked around the underground grave, looking around as the other Lin Kuei foot soldiers started building a camp to stay in. They weren’t leaving this place anytime soon.
“Well they’re our bargaining chip so they’ll come soon.”
“My brothers are not idiots.”
“Yet I know one of them is going to slip up.”
Shang Tsung and Quan Chi left, Bi Han staring at the cage Quan Chi built to keep you contained. You had two guards always watching, your leg tied by a chain so you wouldn’t even think of escape, frozen extra solid by Bi Han’s ice. He scowled at you, noticing your dirty and poor living condition. You still had open wounds all over you, pathetically covered in pieces of cloth, staining them to the point you could see the blood underneath.
“You are a pathetic excuse of a Lin Kuei soldier. I know they’ll come for you, Tomas always does.”
Some time earlier…
“I can’t climb that. What do you expect me to do? Have Kuai pull me up with ropes? Have Tomas carry me?”
You remember the scowl on Bi Han’s face, much like the one he gave you now. He hated you, you always knew that. You just never expected he’d hurt his brothers the worst way possible.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Tomas shouted as he lunged at Quan Chi
Kuai Liang and Bi Han were fighting Shang Tsung, both trying to incapacitate him so they could bring him back to Liu Kang.
“Then why don’t I do this?” Quan Chi replied darkly
Quan Chi’s dark magic opened up under the ground, four ropes of it grabbing your arms and legs, holding you down to the ground. You struggled, but Quan Chi had strong mental power and hold of dark magic.
“This is pitiful.”
One flick of his hand and Kuai Liang and Bi Han got sent into the wall while Tomas was grabbed by one more of the dark magic ropes. He tried stabbing it, smoking away, nothing worked. Quan Chi tied down Bi Han and Kuai Liang on their knees in front of Shang Tsung, being held back by animated corpses.
“Work with me, and I can make the Lin Kuei great and feared again.”
You saw Bi Han’s eyes scan around at each of you in the room, resting them on you as you were helplessly tied down by the magic.
“Bi Han I swear on the Elder Gods if you do this-“
“And what if I did?”
“You wouldn’t hurt us, we’re your brothers, and Y/n is practically like our family too.”
“She’s family Bi Han! Don’t destroy what Father worked so hard-“
“Father was an old man who lost his mind, and I’m glad I left him to die. Now, I’m going to make sure both of you are without the distraction once more.”
Bi Han was let go, standing up as he walked over to you and crouched in front of you.
“You have no place in our family, even if you care about Tomas. You are nothing, and you always will be.”
He kicked your face, feeling the actual strength he’d been holding back from you in practice. It was painful, painful as hell. He kicked you once more, blood falling from your mouth and your eyes almost shut, but you could see his eyes staring at you with years of hatred. He was going to make everyone suffer his wrath, even his own family.
“You mother fucker!”
Quan Chi’s grip on Tomas loosened as he sent a smoke bomb out. Through the thick fog you could see Tomas move to help Kuai Liang up, starting to make his way to you.
“Get her out of here and into the tomb. She’s more valuable alive.”
Tomas and Kuai were fighting Bi Han as Shang Tsung and Quan Chi dragged your body down the cold stone hallway, as you could only watch as the room became smaller and smaller the more you got dragged away.
“You are a shame on the name of the Lin Kuei! Both of you! I am your Grandmaster and you listen to me!”
“I’m not listening to your shit anymore Bi Han! I’m going to end your reign of terror right now. Give her back now!”
“Tomas were outnumbered.”
Animated corpses crawled from under the ground, slowly going to surround both Tomas and Kuai, moving them to the edge of the stone balcony. Tomas could only fight in fear as he watched you get dragged away.
“Oh I’m going to get out of here Bi Han and when I do, I’m going to make sure you suffer for what you did to your brothers.”
“Ha! Not by the grace of the Elder Gods you won’t. You have no chance of even making it out of this room alive. You’d be dead before you could even think of fighting back.”
You wanted to curse him out, call him a bastard, but you knew words weren’t going to do anything now. You could see his smug expression while he crossed his arms, staring down at you like a dog in the streets.
“It’s been five days, I doubt they’ll be coming for you.”
Five days… this had been hell on Earth for you. Little did you know, somebody was making his way inside. Eventually, Bi Han followed Shang Tsung and left you alone with two foot soldiers. Even if you tried to escape now, the chain on your ankle would stop you. Your body felt weak, feeling faint at the loss of blood that seeped into the dirt you sat on. So, you closed your eyes, praying someone would save you as you fell to the ground.
“Hey! Y/n! Tomas over here!” You heard
Your hearing was starting to sound like you were going underwater, the pain slowly drifting away and you felt lighter, feeling calm as your eyes remained closed.
“No no no no! Y/n! Wake up!”
Through the darkness and light feeling, you could feel someone holding you, putting your body against their chest as they stood and picked you up, walking fast as more voices began to speak.
“Liu Kang!”
“Time to go! Right now!”
You felt the person holding you tightly, their grip never letting go as you felt warmth start to touch your skin. You still felt faint, but the warmth was brining back the sounds you could hear. After some time, you opened your eyes, staring at a white ceiling as you felt your body stiffen up while you tried to sit up. Your vision was blurry, slowly becoming clear as you blinked. You looked down, Tomas’ head laid on top of your hand, feeling the fact he was holding it too. He seemed tired. Had he been looking for you? As if he could hear your thoughts, he looked up, eyes red and puffy from crying. He jumped into you, hugging you like his life depended on it.
“You’re okay. Thank the Elder Gods.”
His grip tightened, holding on to you like it would be his last. Tomas pulled back a little, staring into your eyes as he brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes, tucking it behind your ear. For the first time since you’ve met him, you could finally see his smile. You could see him, the real Tomas, who wasn’t hiding anything from you. You put a hand on his cheek, seeing all the worry and hurt in his eyes. He loved you, more than you could ever know.
“I’m okay Tomas. I’m okay.”
“Good. Cause your dumbass had me worried!”
“Eh?! What does that mean?”
“You are such a dumbass for getting caught.”
“And you’re an even bigger dumbass for letting me get caught.”
You booped his nose, something you often did as kids whenever you teased each other. It was an old habit that even now, as a young man, Tomas still loved.
“But seriously… did Shang Tsung do anything to you?”
“No… I didn’t really see him. It was mostly Bi Han that was around.”
Tomas frowned, moving to sit next to you as he helped you lean against the wall on your medical bed. His silver hair was a mess, having been fluffed up by smothering you. Your hand reached up, trailing along the side of his face, admiring the small scars on his face while you fixed his hair.
“There. Now you look cute.”
“Hm I think I’m always cute… according to you at least.”
“Oh you are so getting when I’m better.”
You leaned against him, head leaning against his shoulder. Your hand drifted, grabbing his hand in yours.
“I promise to never do anything like that again.”
He turned his head, staring at you with his silver-blue eyes, a smile on his face.
“And I promise that while I’m around, nothing is going to happen to you my love.”
A/N: I feel like I did TERRIBLE on this but I’m glad I could do your request☺️ I like writing for everyone!
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
I want to steal the bride (1)
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1. As Lemon and Chocolate
Summary: It had been ten years since you met Aemond, your best friend 
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x BestFriend!Reader, Cregan Star x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Aemond is a sl*t jiji, active sexual life, implied smut, might miss some warnigns, Aemond does threaten to throw himself of a bridge, but he is playing, I will put thaton here just in case
Wordcount: 5k
Disclaimer: this is a direct adaptation of the movie "Made of honor, and its script! the pictures of the header are not mine, I found them on pinterest
Notes: Well, this is of course the adaptation of the movie! so it won’t be long… five parts maybe? including this one! is my favorite movie, so enjoy! Aemond calls reader “love” a lot, because I’m tired of the use of (Y/N) jejeje
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10 years later
“Good morning”, she purred, hugging his shoulders, trying to prevent him from getting dressed and leaving. Aemond only chuckled, turning slightly and kissing her cheek
“I'm late”, he said matter of factly, with a smirk on his lips. He left his female companion on the bed and went to grab his dressing shirt and jacket, putting them on quickly 
“What are you doing tonight?”, she asked sweetly, oh she was cute, enough to have seen her twice already
“I don't do back-to-backs”, he remembered her
“Isn't that what we were doing last night??”, she said, raising one of her perfectly trimmed eyebrows 
“No, that was something different”, he reminded her, “back-to-backs are seeing each other two nights in a row and you know I don't do that”, he reminded her gently. She sighed, covering herself with the sheets
“Couldn't you just break one of your stupid rules?”, she whined
“No”, he said shortly, grabbing his jacket from a chair in the corner of the room
“For me?”, she asked then
“I'm sorry. I don't break the rules”, he said with a soft smile, he did want to see her again, just not like that. “I have a rule about that”, he leaned in and kissed her cheek, “see you next week”. She left her in her bed and exited her apartment
“Gods I’m late”, he muttered, climbing into his classic convertible 
He speed down the street and into the Starbucks that was the nearest to your job, jumped out finding a miracle parking spot and jogged inside
He didn’t have tog et back to work, but you did, so the lunchtime was always a bit speedy, but to no matter, he loved more than anything his lunchtimes with you
“Excuse me”, he called the attention of the barista and shot him a quick hello, “Sorry. Can I get a grande drip, and a decaf, triple grande non-fat, extra-hot, stirred, no-foam Caramel Macchiato?”, he felt proud of how easy he had learned your coffee order, “with whipped cream, extra caramel?”, he continued, “And fill that 70 percent of the way. Thank you!”
He received his order fairly quickly, and moved to the side to sweeten his coffee. He looked to the side and couldn’t help but gaze upon the beautiful woman that stood there, with his coffee in her hand, and hers on the other
“Oh, here. Let me put a coffee collar on that for you”, he whispered sweetly, he grabbed his own invention and placed it around the cup for her
 “Oh, thank you”, she flirted
“I hear the guy that invented that gets a dime for each one used”, he said raising one of his eyebrows
“You're kidding”, she teased
“I am not”, he assured her, giving her a wink, “That could add up”, she smirked, looking at the second coffee she was holding
“Oh, I think I picked up yours by accident”, she whispered seductively. Aemond smirked, receiving the coffee from her, “Sorry about that”, she made sure to touch his fingers and much and as long as she could.
“Oh, that's all right. Thank you”, he said, noticing the number and her name on the collar
 “Anytime”, she flirted 
“Bye-bye”, he said, remembering he needed to rush, he got out of the coffee shop quickly, looking over at the paper cup, "Gloria.", he tasted
He got lucky again when the traffic was smooth on his way to your job 
He found just in front of the crotch of the painting of a man, and the movement you were making made you look like you were… he chuckled, looking up at you, he took his time, and when he spend a couple of minutes staring at your funny pose, he decided to make himself known
“Good morning Love, coffee the way you like it”, you turned around to see your friend standing by the scaffold, smiling up at you, you laughed
“Perfect timing. I just finished working on his balls!”, you giggled, pointing behind you
“That's some balls... Yeah. Good”, he mumbled, embarrassed, “Um, so, I made a reservation”, he finalized with a shy smile
So not even fifteen minutes later, you were having lunch in your favorite chinese place in King’s Landing
“So, uh, which rule is this again?” you asked, sipping on the rests of your coffee
“No back-to-backs”, he said quickly, signaling for the waiter with the cart to pass by your table
“Oh, isn't it the same as the "no more than once a week" rule?”, you asked, entertained 
“No, the "once a week" rule works Monday to Friday…”
“Oh, so, theoretically, you could have a date on Sunday night and then Monday without breaking it”, you said, really impressed
“Exactly, you got it”, you loved it when Aemond smiled like that, pursing even more his curvy lips 
“Of course!”, you teased, “Ah, here we go!”, you chanted when the cart was coming towards you, you were starving, “Good morning”
“Hey, good morning”, Aemond greeted
“Can I get the... steamed buns, uh, the scalloped steamed dumplings and the vegetarian and shrimp steamed dumplings?”, you asked, pointing at all the more healthy options. You caught Aemond staring as the lady served you your food
“Thank you”, he whispered, once the nice lady had left 
“For what?”, you laughed 
 “You know how much I love the fried stuff. You're looking after me”, he said with a soft smile
“Of course!”, you said back with a wide smile, “that is why I’m here for! right?”, you teased, “So, what did she say?” you kept the conversation going about his last conquest 
“Oh, she was hurt, but, you know, at least I was…”
“But you were honest, weren't you?”, you mocked 
“What? I was. I am. Always”, he defended, almost offended
“I know you are, but it's just… shocking how you use it as a shield”, you analyzed
“Maybe I should lie. Be more like Jaime Lannister. Say whatever it takes to get a woman in bed”, he said quickly
“Do not be like Jaime Lannister. He's so gross.”, you said, taking out your tongue in a gesture of disgust
“He only hit on you once”, he said with a smile
“At my father's funeral!”, you replied, “he was his friend!”
“Okay, he's not known for his sensitivity”, he hissed 
 “Oh, God. Anyways…”, you dismissed, he looked at you
“What?”, he asked
“Nothing.”, you answered
“Oh, I know that "nothing".” he said, squinting his eye at you, “It's not nothing, it's something. Anyway...?”
“Anyway, we both know you don't need to lie to get a woman into bed”, you deviated from the subject at hand. Grabbing the cup with the woman’s number on it 
“Gloria”, he called, “I don't wanna lose that.Can I keep it? Thank you”, he said, taking the cup from your hand, he admired the number written there like it was some sort of artwork
You couldn’t help but feel a tinge of… something in your chest, you sometimes asked about his conquests so you get more used to the idea of Aemond being a playboy, and to convince yourself he was never going to change….
“Here's another rule too: 24-hour rule.”, he said, finally leaving the cup on the table, and looking at you, “I can't call her for another 24 hours. Then it appears I'm too desperate”
“Yeah, right. It’s better for her to think that you are some hoarder that would keep a disposable cup of coffee for more than an hour!”, you mocked, he seemed shocked and then he nodded
“Good point”, he chuckled.
When you were done with a healthy lunch, you were ready to splurge, in a good and needed dessert. Of course, like always, the best bakery in town was filled to the brim, almost a block of waiting line, but you didn’t care, as you walked to the end, of course, always talking
“You know, Renly sent me another letter”, you teased him
“Asking you to move to Storm’s End and marry him again?”, he asked, a bit annoyed 
“A slice of apple-crumb pie”, you guessed, ignoring him as you walked by a table that ordered just that
 “No. Got that last time”, he dismissed, “You guys broke up like a year ago” 
“Nineteen months”, you said unimpressed
“You are counting?”, he mocked 
“No, he is. It was in the letter”, you looked at him and he laughed, “Lemon, butter-cream cup”, you guessed again
“Hmm, not feeling the cream cup today”, he said, looking back at you, you coiled your arm with his and lean over his shoulder
“Cranberry-orange muffin?”
“Oh, Love, come on. You're losing”, he twhined, squeezing your arm 
“I know, I know, I know. Okay, okay, okay, okay…”, you said, looking at the showcase with all the desserts in it 
“Come on. You're disappointing me”, he teased 
“I got it. I got it!”, you celebrated squealing in his ear, 
  “Whoa”, he said, leaning away from you but you held onto him tightly 
“Okay, I so have it, I so have it!”, you kept teasing, “Cream-cheese-swirl brownie!”, you guessed, and only when you saw his smile, you knew you got it right 
“Ooh. Mmmm yeah, you're so good”, he said back
“YES!”, you celebrated until everyone in line was watching, “Mmmm I want one too”, you muttered
After you had your delicious desserts on the go, you made your last stop of your lunch break, to a department antique shop, he had brought you along to pick a gift for his grandfather Otto, who was getting married for the sixth? time?
“What do you think of this?”, he asked, showing you a crystal spice rack, “I think we should bring them this”, he muttered, you looked at him seriously
“Aemond, I'm not going to another one of your grandfather's weddings”, you said, annoyed 
“Love? Please”, he purred with that soft voice you enjoyed hearing
“Take one of the girls you've been rubbing against”, you teased, looking away from him
“No weddings or family events”, he remembered you
“Oh, that's right, I forgot that rule!”, you giggled, looking at the strange things this antique shop had to offer, “Leaves the wrong impression”, you mimicked. Aemond continued as you both walked amongst the small shops. You looked at him with a warning in your eyes
“It does”. He agreed as you sighed, you were going to have to attend his grandfather’s wedding… again didn’t you? well the excuse to dress up and eat good free food did sound entertaining
You stopped by a shop who sold leather purses, one with a small alligator attached to it caught your eyes
“Is this made with real alligator?”, you asked the old salesman
“Yes, baby alligator”, he said proudly, you opened your mouth, enraged
“You should be ashamed of yourself!”, you cursed him. Aemond came quickly and grabbed you gently by your upper arms and drag you away before you jumped the man
You kept looking at a small shop of watches and belts, whe Aemond separated from you to crouch at the side of a beautiful Golden Retriever 
“Look at you!”, he cooed with a childish voice, grabbing his face and started petting him. The dog loved it, moving his tail left and right, “Hello, there. Hello, there. Aren't you beautiful? Oh, I love you. Yes, I do, I love you!”, he kept saying, and you raised one of your eyebrows as you looked down at the interaction.
A man as handsome as Aemond, with that shiny platinum blonde hair, and those features, petting one of the sweetest animals on earth… it was an image worth millions, and you understood why he had so much game
“You're beautiful. You're so beautiful. Look at that face! Love you, love you, love you!”, he kept saying, as he finally gave the poor dog a rest and stood up to continue his shopping
“You should try saying that to a human sometime”, you teased 
“What? A human? You don't say that to a human”, he mocked back, he seemed serious, but then he cracked up a smile, “You're sweet. Love you. See? I said it!”, he said softly, you only smiled and kept looking around. “Love, please. Come to the wedding!”, he begged grabbing your arm softly
“No.”, you said softly, “He gets married and I go!”, you whined
“I go because he's my grandfather and I care deeply for the man and everybody knows he doesn't love them..”, he said quietly, “they don't love him. It's pathetic. Breaks my heart. I don't know what to say”, he kept saying, you looked at him squinting your eyes, wondering if he was serious, his face and that movement of his lips on which he pouted shortly and then draw them back told you he was 
“You know, if someone's making a mistake and it's not your place to interfere, you simply say: "I'm happy you're happy.", yous aid with a smile, he look back at you and smiled back
"I'm happy you're happy.", he repeated
“Yeah”, you muttered, coiling your arm with his like you tended to do
“Okay. I'll do that”, he said as he kept looking for something to but, mumbling and repeating those four words
He look back at you with those puppy eyes 
“I promise you, this is the last time I'll ask you to come!”, he said quickly, “And then I'll find somebody else to come for the next few”, the prospect of him getting so close to another that he would ask to his grandfather wedding did not amused you as you thought it would, “Love, please”
“That's cute”, you mocked, and then you sighed, “last time”, you sounded defeated
“Thank you! Thank you!”, he leaned in and kissed your cheek 
. . .
Aemond fixed his tie as he walked up the steps to the front of the chapel, he there could see his grandfather Otto, and his lawyer Erryk talking frantically on the phone
“Right. Okay, okay. You get the house in the Hamptons”, he said to his grandfather, Aemond frowned, looking at his grandad, “She's asking for the apartment in the city and 30 grand a month”
“Thirty?”, he whined, “but…”
“Are you still negotiating the prenup?” Aemond asked alarmed, as soon as he saw him Otto walked towards him to cradle his son’s cheeks
“Now the party starts, my son is here”, he celebrated, hugging him tightly 
“Grandad, please. I can't breathe”, he chuckled, “Grandfather. Please”
“Did you bring the lovely (y/n)?” he asked, finally releasing him
“Yes, I did”, he said with a shy smile
“You know, you don't act on that pretty soon, you know what I'm gonna do?”, he teased
“No”, he whispered, scared
“I'm gonna make her my number six”
“It's seven”, interrupted his lawyer, “This is number six”, they both look at the lawyer and then turned to each other 
“Yeah, that sounds about right”, laughed Otto, he then looked at his grandson.
Aemond was the only one speaking to his grandfather, his mother had cut him out, around his third marriage, so did his brothers, but he couldn’t
“My God, you are pretty…”, he whispered
“Oh, grandad…”
“I used to be that pretty once”, he said with a chuckle, “Eryk, look how pretty my boy is!”, he celebrated, turning to him
“He's beautiful. They won't accept a minimum of five times a week”, he said pointing at the phone on his ear 
“She promised five, I want five”, said Otto
“What did she promise you five times a week?”, asked Aemond, white as paper 
“Four times?”, asked Otto, Eryk shook his head
“Two”, he fought 
“Oh, this is disturbing”, whined Aemond, taking a few steps back, he looked at the marble stair he just climbed and wondered what kind of damage he would get if he just jumped, nothing major, only a few bumps… only to stop hearing this conversation
“Four, and make it a weekly BJ!”, Aemond sighed, rubbing his forehead 
Otto looked at his grandson
“Come on, tell me. Say what you gotta say”, Aemond raised his head to look at him
“Well, I'm happy if you're happy”, he said, smiling when he remembered you and what you told him, but Otto chuckled
"You're too old for her, grandad. She doesn't love you.This is embarrassing. You're gonna rack up your fifth divorce.", he mocked 
“Sixth”, remembered Erryk
“Sixth”, agreed Otto
“Come on, I'm happy if you're happy”, Aemond said, shooting him a calming smile
“Bullshit”, he laughed 
“They'll go for four if you exercise more!”, celebrated Erryk, “She says you can't gain any more weight”
“Take it. Deal!”, Otto cheered, “I told her I weighed 10 pounds more than I do. Ain't love grand?”, he said cheerfully. Erryk finished the call and passed him two blocks of papers
“Sign them both, please”, he said quickly
“What's he signing now?”, asked Aemond, worried 
“The current prenup and his last divorce papers”, said Erryk with a content smile. Aemond’s smile wiped out pretty quickly 
“Ah, that's just great”, he mumbled 
He was part of the marriage courtship, so he didn’t get to see you until the party, that was held a few blocks away from the church 
You were waiting for him with a flute of champagne in hand, and a mashup of “i got a woman” with “gold digger” was blasting the speakers and got everybody dancing on the dancefloor
“Cheers”, you giggled, he took his and clinged his with yours 
“Did you tell your grandfather you loved him?”, you asked him
“I told him I cared for him”, you sighed 
“You can't even tell your grandfather. I don't get that”, you said, defeated, “you call me love all the time!”
“It's a guy thing”
“No, it's a Aemond thing”, you corrected
“I’m going to need something stronger than this”, he whispered,  “Oh, well, you're an "I love you" slut”, you gasped
“Are you kidding me??”, you asked, the audacity
“You say it all the time, to everybody”
“Only the people that are important to me”, you defended
You were interrupted when the waiter brought you pieces of cake that you ordered
“Oh, this looks so good”, you moaned when he placed in front of you the lemon cake that you ordered, in turn, Aemond ordered the chocolate one
“That does looks good. What is that?”, he asked whispering in your ear leaning over you, he used his fork to steal a piece of cake from your plate and you giggled as he tasted it and moaned with satisfaction, “Lemon. I should've ordered this”
“This looks good”, you said back, stealing a piece of his cake instead
“You always order better than I do”, he said with a smile, ‘It's lemon, right? It's good. I'm ordering that from now on”
“No, you won't”, you fought with a smile
“Why?”, he asked
“I need you to order the chocolate cake so I can have some”, you answered simply, the chocolate was just delicious. He chuckled
“That makes sense”, he said happily
“There's my son!” You almost spilled your drink when you saw Aemond’s new stepmother approaching you, with a very inappropriate low cut dress, she was gorgeous,
“Here we go”, Aemond muttered to turn to her with a smile, “Grandson actually”, he said with a mockingly smile
“Oh very funny!”, she giggled, “isn’t he funny?”, she asked you, you only laughed
“Very much so!”, you quipped 
“Margaery. How are you?”, he asked politely 
“If you're a bad boy, I'm gonna spank you”, she giggled, Aemond looked back at you with scared eyes but a weird smile on his lips
“Yeah. Do you know what I would like to say to you? Is that... Ow!”, you stopped him by pinching his arm
“I want you to listen to me, Aemond”, she said with her big cat-like eyes, gods she was beautiful, she took his hand, and placed it in her chest, you gasps as Aemond was visibly uncomfortable
“Yes”, he encouraged quickly and nervously
“If you need any money… or you need any advice…”, she said slowly 
“Right”, he said uncomfortably, trying to pull away his hand but she would let him
“...or you got girl problems”
“I don't think… it’s a good idea”
“I need you to think of me how you would a real mother”
“Grandmother!”, you pitched in and Aemond snorted 
“Yeah, that's exactly what I…”, Otto showed up, hugging his wife tightly who released Aemond
“Look at this beauty, will you?”, he boasted, his chest filled with pride, “Hello, sweetie”, he greeted you
“Hello Otto, it was a wonderful wedding”
“Thank you my dear” he then turned to his new wife, “Drunk as the night I first met her”, he said with admiration making her giggle
“So romantic”, mumbled Aemond. Then the bartender gave you the shot that Aemond had asked for, but before he could drank it, Margaery snatched it from his hand and drank it quickly 
“Oh, please. By all means”, muttered Aemond rolling his eyes 
“You are a bad influence on her!”, teased Otto, you just eyed Aemond carefully
“Me?”, he asked back
“Last shot, okay?”, Otto warned his wife, who roared to life and giggled, grabbing her new husband’s hand
“I'm stealing you away, let’s dance!”, she laughed, and they walked awy from the both of you
“He does know that he can just date, right?”, you asked Aemond, entertained
“No, I don't think he does”, he whispered, now the bartender finally grace you with two shots, you took one each
“To grandmothers”, he said, defeated 
“To mothers. Cheers”, you giggled back 
You drank down the shot and you hissed when it burned your throats, this was going to be a long night 
Aemond frowned suddenly, and you followed his uneven eyes (he had a glass eye installed). but couldn’t find anything unusual
“Oh, God”, he said suddenly trying to hide behind the bar, “Hide me”, he said, grabbing you and placing you in front of him
“What?”, you asked, confused
“It's my dad's patient coordinator”, he whispered, you looked back to see her, Aemond had told you about her before, but before you could, he grabbed you back, hiding even more 
“Yeah, don't look, don't look. Don't look”
“What’s going on?”, you asked him
“No, no. She's obsessed with me!”, he whispered frantically, “Yeah, she's created a website called AllThingsAemond.org”, you chuckled 
“The psycho blogger?”, you asked him
“Yes” then he grabbed your hand and turned quickly, “Okay, come on. Dance with me. Watch yourself”, he dragged you to the dance floor and took you in his arms. You were finally able to see her, searching for someone, or something frantically
“I think she's cute”, you mocked. She was tall and lean, redhead, and sharp blue eyes
“Oh, stop it”, grunted Aemond
“I'm serious”, you defended
“Just keep dancing woman”, grunted Aemond, and then, he saw her turn to him so he spun you around making you gasp to turn your back to her 
  “Hide me. Up. Neck, neck, neck. Up. Back. Side, side. Go. Over”, he signaling, moving frantically to avoid the woman, “Her last blog was a two-page description of my face”, you laughed, truly entertained, you had never seen him like this
“Where, there is much to describe”, you felt his hand get clammy, he was truly nervous
“You see, she doesn't think my nose is too bent or my lips are too thin”, he mocked, you frowned in confusion
“Who said that?”, you asked
“You did. When we met”, he said 
“Well, I lied”, you said, looking at him in his eyes
“What?”, he asked back
“I thought you were hot”, you confessed, he looked back at you surprised
“Why didn't you say something?”, he asked incredibly surprised, so much he surprised you too 
“Well, you told me I looked like a dog”, you giggled
“That's because I was just trying to sleep with you”, he offered, analyzing your face
“Why haven't you since?”, you asked quietly, he held you tighter against him
“Well, I like having you in my life”, he gave you that smile that makes you think he wasn’t being serious, so you just sighed 
“Funny” you mocked 
“Hi, Aemond”, you both screamed when you were surprised by the blogger/stalker 
“Oh, hi”, greeted your friend grabbing you even more tightly, this time, making you stick to his front
“Did you see the new blog?”, she asked excitedly, she was pretty, you wondered if Aemond ever… slept with her
“Uh, no, we haven't”, he said, you looked back at him at the word he used 
“Who's this?”, she turned hostile towards you
“This?”, he asked, looking at you with a smirk on his lips, well, this is my… My girlfriend”, you raised an eyebrow looking back at him, but well, he was you friend so you were going to play along
“Why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?”, she asked angrily
“Because I don't know you”, he said back, annoyed, but oh you wanted to play both along
“Look, we have a really really open relationship”, you said, relaxed, winking at her, her face lit up again
“Really?”, she asked excitedly. Aemond squeezed your hand
 “You know, I wanted to talk to you about that, princess”, he said looking at you with urgency
 “Princess...?”, you teased
“I-I-I don't wanna be with anybody but you”, he said quickly, turning to you 
“I don't know if I'm really quite ready to make that commitment”, you said dismissively, moving your shoulders upwards, “you know my rules…”, you chuckled, his face in that moment was very comical
“We're a bit of an emotional retard”, he explained, she now looked terribly angry
“I think I need to start a new blog now”, she threatened, and abandoned you
“That is so scary”, you said
“She's psychotic on top of being… Oh, this is not good”, you looked at her go, pushing with a rare strength everyone of her path, it was kind of comical
“Get out of my way!”, you heard her say
“Okay, good, she's gone”, Aemond released you from his grasp, his body what abandoning you
“Perfect. Let's go” 
“You want to go already?”, you asked him, he nodded, grabbing your hand and taking you of the ballroom, and out of the building 
It had been a quick affair, the sun was setting. and as such, you decided to take a walk through the King’s Landing park
At first you walked in silence, enjoying the beautiful scenery and warmth of the season, but then you remembered you had something to say to Aemond
“Do you remember that ancestral home in Winterfell with those paintings I told you about?”, you asked, he looked back at you and smiled 
“It's all I think about”, he mocked
“Stop it, Aemond”, you giggled, pushing him playfully, “I finally got the board to sign off on making them additions to our permanent collection”
“Really?”, he asked, now truly invested
“But they want me to go to Winterfell for an acquisition trip”, you said shortly 
“When do you go?”, he asked, alarmed
“Couple of days”, you whispered
“Couple of days? For how long?”, now he was alarmed 
“Six weeks”, he opened his eye widely
“That's a long time! more than a month!”, but then when he looked at your face, he softened his, “That's great”, he confessed
“You think?”, you asked, surprised and happy
“Yes, it's a great opportunity for you”, he admired, “You're like the museum maven of the The Keep”
“It's got a good ring to it”, you teased, and then smiled brightly at him, “thank you”, you whispered, looking into his handsome face 
“Congratulations”, he said after a long, pleased sigh, “Six Fridays”, he said then
“That is six fridays”, you agreed
“What am I gonna do without you?”, he asked
“Oh, well. I can just imagine”, thinking about all the free time he was going to have to bang women left and right. He looked at you, and then he climbed onto the railway of the bridge just as you were walking above it
“What are you doing!?”, you asked, trying to grab him
“I'm gonna jump!”, he threatened with a chuckled
“No. Gods. Aemond get down!
 “Six Fridays, how can I live without you!?”, he asked theatrically, grabbing your hands
“Can you not take anything seriously?”, you laughed 
“Yeah, I can”, he defended, just when you thought he was going to take it seriously this time
“Get down”, you demanded, and he grabbed you for stability and jumped back to the bridge, “Let's get you another drink!”, you suggested
“I think I've had too many already”, he whined, “Oh, thanks for coming to the wedding”, he whispered, coiling your arm with his
“It was a ball. I can't wait for number seven”, you giggled 
“It's coming up soon, I have a feeling”, he lamented
“And what do you have to say?”, you whispered
“I’m happy you are happy”, he said back
“That’s my boy”
“I’m going to miss you”, he admitted
“Mee too”
. . .
You were staring at the wallpaper of your phone, it was a picture of you and Aemond, your face next to him, both smiling to the camera
You were going to miss him
He was your very best friend in the entire world, and six weeks was a long time, wasn’t it?
“We also ask at this time that you turn off all your electronic devices. Please leave your cell phones turned off for the full duration of the flight”, you heard through the speakers of the plane. With a last look your turned off your phone
You were so excited for this trip! 
It was going to be huge for your work, and you couldn’t wait to get to Winterfell, you had never been but they say it's beautiful
  Was it weird that you wanted Aemond to be there with you?
But he would never go for something like that, you didn’t think
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taglist! @snh96 @sagelovesreading @toodlesxcuddles @ammo23 @bananzaa @ttkttt
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sallymew4 · 3 months
urm warnign theres some kinda suggestive bits in these doodels maybe. theyre mostly jokes thoug so :) also half a pair uf underwear so beware !.just thouhgt i should mention ( :
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i didnt choose the fem reigen life the fem reigen life chose me.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hi! I'm looking for a fic which was about LWJ and his feelings about relation WWX&LSZ. It was post-canon fic. LWJ felt hurt because Sizhui was formal while speaking to him meanwhile he treated WWX like parent, calling him Baba (or other word but with the same meaning)or joking with him etc. LWJ haven't told anyone. I remember that they were going to nighthunt but LWJ fainted and that's how WWX noticed that sth is wrong. WWX told Sizhui sth like "your father miss you"
2. Hi, I was wondering if you know a fanfic where it’s like during war time,wei ying and nie mingjue get together and than add lan zhan to the mix. Thank you @chloecov4506
FOUND? Bruises be damnded red and green by amykissthedark (T, 44k, WWX/NMJ, wangxian, NMJ/WWX/LWJ, canon divergence, everyone lives au, character study, PTSD, trauma, canon-typical behavior, pining, blood & gore, YLLZ WWX, golden core reveal, sunshot campaign, warnign: JGS, polyamory, fix-it, slow burn, WIP) not sure but it could potentially be this one. At least the description reminds me of this one
FOUND? Better Things to Do with a Flute in Wartime by Anonymous (E, 365k, MingXian, WangXianJue, Sunshot Campaign, Fix-It, Magical Healing Cock, Dual Cultivation, mild Dom/Sub, Undernegotiated Kink, Golden Core Reveal, Breathplay, Choking, Painplay, Subdrop, Topdrop, Major Character Injury, Canon Divergence, What-If, Temperature Play, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Fisting, Spanking, PTSD, Trauma, Self-Harm, (in the pursuit of cultivational badassery))
FOUND? An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut)
3. Hey! Hope you guys are doing well.
I was looking for this fanfic where the sects send their heirs to vanquish the Yiling Patriarch, but none of them return. Even Lan Sizhui goes missing, and Jin Ling takes matters into his own hands and goes to find the Yiling Patriarch himself because he's grieving.
So he goes there but the situation is entirely different. All the sect heirs are at Burial Mounds safe and dound they just didn't go back because of all the responsibilities their parents have for them.
Also, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are actually together, and Wangji just sent Sizhui because the teen misses his other baba. And so when Jin Ling gets to know and Lan Wangji comes and they establish them as a new sect and all that jazz.
I'm not sure if the fix is actually complete. But please find this for me cuz I really really love the feels in this fic. @poetic-writes
FOUND! Safe in the Arms of a Demon by Starlight1395 (G, 19k, JC & JL & WWX, wangxian, LJY/LSZ, canon divergence, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, WWX doens’t die instead quarantines in BM, WWX adopts every child he sees, uncle nephew bonding)
4. help to find a fic please. So there was this Wangxian fic, where Lan Wangji is rescued after being tortured. I don't think it was very long; probably on the shorter side. One quirk I remember is the narration being in second person, though I don't know if I'm remembering correctly. There was a mention of sea glass near the end of the fic. That's all the details I remember. Please help me find the fic.
I think #4 is one of those mer type fics, where lan zhan is held hostage and either his scales are being harvested for medicine or he's tortured to give tears, I have to research some more , but does the requestor think it could be along those lines ?
FOUND? ocean eyes by bunnylan (weiyingpretty) (T, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, Human WWX, mermaid LWJ, Childhood Friends, Memory Magic, Getting Back Together, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, First Love, Hurt/Comfort, First Meetings, Mutual Pining, Temporary Amnesia) tho I don't know if this is 2nd person narration ?
5. Hi!! I'm looking for a fic where lwj is a fanfic writer and wwx was a podficer? is that the word? anyways that's all I remember from it because I only read the summary :')
FOUND! Your Words, My Voice by AverageFandomEnjoyer (T, 5k, wangxian, modern, canon divergence, fluff, kissing, pining, falling in love, writer LWJ, podficcer WWX, meet-cute, minor miscommunication) and has a podfic! :)
6. Could you please help me find a colored-blood fic? It was canon divergent, where people with golden cores had golden blood (and normal people had normal red blood). After the core transfer WWX’s blood slowly turns back to red and he has to be careful not to get injured or it will show that he lost his core. In that scene after he is revived JC doesn’t whip him, WWX pretends to be MXY and shows his red blood to “prove” it. I am dying to read this again! It was most likely on ao3.
FOUND? who cares when you're gone by camellialice (M, 22k, WangXian, Hades (Video Game) Fusion, Canon-Typical Levels of Self-Sacrifice, Canon-Typical Levels of Spitting Up Blood, Canon-Typical Levels of Pining) this is a bit of a stretch, but 'who cares when you're gone' by camellialice on ao3 might be #6 on the fic finder. it has the gold blood / red blood thing but not the mo xuanyu part of the ask.
7. Hi can you help me find a fic I read a couple of years ago? It was a modern au where all the sect heirs were sent to another planet/alternate reality (?) for some kind of reality TV show. I think JGS was behind it but for some reason also sent JZX. I remember that NMJ is killed while they are trying to escape and WWX stays behind alone to allow the rest to escape. He has to survive in a wintery wilderness until the others manage to rescue him.  Thanks for your help. @i-amnotawriter​
FOUND? and from our own/live to ourselves by betweentheheavesofstorm (M, 105k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fantasy, Reality TV, Arctic Survival, Blood Magic, Blood and Gore, Getting Together, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Harm, Bloodletting, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Animal Death, Hunting, Mild Sexual Content)
8. helluu! i have this one fic that i really want to re-read, but i cant find it for the life of me. i remember it was pretty long and so well written so i really hope you can help. what i remember is it took place during (after?) the guanyin temple arch, and i think JGY forced WWX to make a time travel array for him. dont remember much but i belive WWX LXC NHS and JC end up sacrificing themselves to get the array working and they send back the junior quartet to the time of Jin Lings one month anniversary party (i just remember random facts from here and there) but i think the try to fix things up with jin zixuan’s death so it doesn’t happen..? i hope any of that makes sense. could you please help me find it? @constant-brainrot-24-7​
FOUND? ❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
9. Hi! It's me again hahaha.
I was reading a fic and suddenly I remembered another fic, but I can't find it in my bookmarks. It's a Canon Divergence where WQ transfer the half of the golden core back to WWX with the permission of JC.
I hope you can help me, thanks ☺️. @wangxiansgirl
FOUND! The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou ( E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts)
Not FOUND in this place where we don't have a prayer by Cerusee, Mikkeneko (T, 42k, WangXian)
10. 👋Hello! I'm a big fan of your blog! ❤️ I've seen that you help to find fics and I'd like to ask for help to find one. 🙏
It's a Wangxian and takes place after the war ¿? 🤔 I think. I remember that Lan Zhan has to accumulate power in his golden core and then transfer it to Wei Ying.
And Idk if it's the same fanfic, I think not, but Lan Zhan has to create a second golden core for Wei Ying.
I'm sorry, that's all I can remember. I have a terrible memory. Please help 🙏😔
FOUND? 🧡 Discarded by teawater (E, 141k, WIP, WangXian, Lots of Angst, Hurt/Comfort, YLLZ WWX, Golden Core Reveal, Case Fic, Depression, Family Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Multiple, BAMF WWX, dubious morals in the Lan sect, Feels, Pining, Grief, Fix-It, BAMF LWJ) I remember a scene where LWJ gives WWX the second core he slowly grew over the years specifically for him in this one? - Mod C
FOUND? these colours fade for you only by doodlebutt (T, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everybody Lives, Golden Core Transfer, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, …eventually, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, bed sharing, Mutual Pining, like really unreasonable amounts of pining, Slow Burn) i'm not sure about the details, but maybe this fits? iirc lwj starts cultiivating a new core during sunshot and gives it to wwx right after
FOUND? three surgeries and a mercy kill by MarbleGlove (T, 11k, Medical Procedures, Demonic Cultivation, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Self-Indulgent, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies)
11. Hi,This fic has the whole group thinking wei ying commited suicide but actually he ran away thinking everyone hates him and living in streets. Accidentally meets Lanzhan in a coffee shop who feels connected to him even though LZ thinks he is Mo xuanyu. starts taking care of him and the huisang plots to reveal weiying to all so things happen.LZ is super protective and its super angsty. Also LZ sleepwalks. Know the fic? @mridhu6​
FOUND! Where You Fell by Sweet_William (E, 303k, wangxian, 3zun, NHS/JC, JYL/JZX, modern, coffee shop au, angst w happy ending, homeless au, pining, getting together, slow burn, implied/referenced child abuse, suicidal thoughts, self-esteem issues, autistic character, WWX has ADHD, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced sex work, implied/referenced substance abuse) but i dont remember reading about some of the details the asker mentioned, so it might not be the same fic
12. Hello! Read a fic a couple months ago and have been scouring the internet to find it for the past week. (My apologies for the very bad recalling of what happened in the fic) Anyway, basic plot points that i remember was wwx had been asked to paint lwj bedroom walls and was given a key to his apartment (fairly sure they were already friends before this tho) also lwj had a pet rabbit that wwx would often feed. Sorry! I know there's not much to work with it for finding fic but I'd really appreciate @mopdopplophop
FOUND? show me a quiver, give me tonight by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 115k, wangxian, modern, artist au, communication failure, pining, angst w happy ending, demisexual WWX, mentioned past LWJ/OMCs, eventual smut, gossip, getting together, crack treated seriously, friends to friends w benefits to lovers, WWX pov)
13. Hi! I'm trying to find a fic I've read a while ago. On that fic, an old person at Yilling confuses Wwx with a woman, and gives him a discount because they think he's a young woman who was abandoned with her son by her husband. Wwx starts dressing as a woman to gain people's sympathy and get discounts. He accidentally describes his husband as being Lwj, and when Lwj goes to Yilling people all but siege him because they think he's the scoundrel who abandoned his wife and son.
FOUND? Mother Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 12k, wangxian, canon divergence, crossdressing, food issues, gender identity, gender noncomforming, trans WWX, poverty)
14. A) Hi, I'm trying to find a fic where its female wei ying who becomes pregnant with twins and is perilously I'll so lan zhan volunteers to marry her but something about a caravan attacked by jin and her becoming so I'll happens.. any idea
B) Hi, I'm trying to find a fic where wei ying is disguised as lan zhans bride fo be and weirdly makes friends with lan Quiren by being he model in law? @quxxnrandonmness27​
FOUND? Wei Wuxian, Who’s That? by bumbledees (T, 48k, wangxian, crossdressing, pining, sibling feels)
15. Hi could you help me find this fic, I think it's been deleted
I know the summary went like this
Wei Wuxian begins weakly, but Lan-laoshi, cruel as he is, continues speaking.“Well? I have provided you with three choices. You move, you act, or you let Wangji tutor you after school.” Lan-laoshi raises an eyebrow. “I, of course, recommend option two, as it would solve everyone’s problems, but alas. Teenagers.”He should choose to move classes. Lan-laoshi is right – it would help him focus, and it would help his grades, and Madam Yu would be less disappointed in him than she usually is. And Lan Wangji would be rid of him, which would undoubtedly make him more comfortable in his own damn class.But Wei Wuxian is weak. And horrible, and selfish, and so he chooses the third option. “Lan Wangji,” he says, turning to him with pleading eyes, “Lan-er-gege, light of my life – would you terribly mind tutoring me after school?”
Any help would be appreciated @imgonnablogtheworldtodeath
16. Hi so i read this fic but i cant remember its name.this is a fic in which wangxian adopt a abused ayuan .he was abused by xue yang i think.and they adopt him and ayuan still has that trauma but slwlu overcomes it @rosy1324
17. Hii for the next fic finder pls help me with a story where 
wwx gets de aged (post canon) and doesn’t remember that Jiang Yanli is dead but he gets happy to see jin Ling even says something about JY to him (that he should address him better cause he’s his nephew). Then he goes to lotus pier because he wants to be with JC but he starts remembering more things and is sent back  to cloud recess. The more the time pases the more he remembers and he gets where he remembers the wens, he’s happy to see Sizhui but discontented with the fact that after all he dies. 
After that, His body kind of shuts down (replicating  the years that was dead) and lwj has to keep passing energy so he doesn’t die and after a week or something he finally wakes up with full memory of what happened. 
Thank you!! 💙💙
FOUND? Rewritten by yamadori (Katsumi27) (G, 6k, wangxian, JC & WWX, age regression/de-aging, hurt/comfort)
18. Fic Finder for a twitter thread fic? It was Modern AU, LQR POV, and he was Convinced WWX was abusive toward LWJ. LWJ gets very sick and isn't answering LQR's phonecalls, and LQR assumes WWX is isolating LWJ from his family; it's implied LWJ had actually pulled away from LQR because of LQR's behavior. WWX and LWJ owned a farm with the wens and were raising a-Yuan. LQR goes to the farm for the first time and ends up seeing how much WWX cares for LWJ. @lewiscarrolatemybrain​
FOUND? Twitter thread by enigmatree
19. Hi! Can you help me find a fic? it is a time travel fic wherein Wangxian, Ayuan, Xicheng time traveled in the middle of Past wwx and jzx's fight? Yilling Laozu was hurt and he's craddling ayuan. There's also a part where the past characters thought HGJ and YLL were married and had a child which is Ayuan. It is also not Xicheng friendly if I remembered correctly. Thank you! @sandralyne07
FOUND? How did I end up with this Frozen Heart? by Grace_ShadowWolf (TaubeLePigeon) (T, 53k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-It, PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, YP!WWX, twin prides of yunmeng are horrified at the relationship between their future selves, YP!WWX has short hair, Canon Divergence, Self-Indulgent, wangxian get together early, Songfic, JC Bashing, LXC Bashing)
20. Hello! I’m looking for a fic where I think WWX was a dragon or fox who imprinted on LWJ and refused to leave him. I don’t remember much but I think there was a scene where LXC says he can’t do anything about it because dragons/foxes are celestial beings and that LWJ should study some books… or something like that.
FOUND? To lurk, to lie in wait by trippednfell (M, 124k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Huli Jing, strangers to co-parents to lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Dragons, Kid Fic, teenage juniors, background NieLan, Angst with a Happy Ending, Case Fic, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Fox Spirit WWX, Dragon LWJ, Blood and Injury, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
#20 sounds like a fic where Wei ying was a literal tiny noodle dragon 🐉  that literally imprinted on lan zhan and would ride on his shoulders and go to classes with him lol and they had to research how to get him back to human form. Wei ying apparently was messing around with arrays or something and sumoned and then was trapped by a celestial dragon being form.   they fix it and then Wei ying becomes human and wakes up in bed with lan zhan lol
FOUND? Strange Magic by Sabinasan (T, 18k, wangxian, Alternate Universe, Cursed WWX, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Possessive WWX, Protective WWX, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Hair Brushing)
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igotanidea · 11 months
Ren Fair: Dick Grayson x reader
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summary/request: dick x reader going to a renaissance fair.
Warnigns: some innuendo (but funny ones I hope), some injuries (obviously), fluff.
She definitely didn't expect this.
It was just a regular Friday, and that usually meant counting down the hours until the weekend and dreaming of spending the entire two days in your apartment, in a comfy sweatshirt and sweatpants, doing nothing except maybe cuddling with your boyfriend.
With her beloved boyfriend Dick, who always knew how to take care of her, even if she wasn't aware of it.
And whom she loved because of it.
So when she came home from work, dropped her bag on the floor next to the door, kicked off her shoes, and fell face first onto the couch with a loud groan of relief, she was more than pleased to see a box wrapped in blue paper with her name tag on it. Apparently Dick's handwriting.
Her energy felt like it immediately surged again as she stood up, reaching for the gift, almost falling to the floor in the process. She was just too lazy to get up, so she took the classic "let's see how far I can stretch before I fall backwards" approach.
With the greatest delicacy and care, she untied the ribbons and took out the paper, looking inside.
She loved surprises from him.
Or at least until then.
What a pity she couldn't see her own face as she reached in and pulled out what looked like a dress but wasn't.
– Is that a damn corset? Y/N muttered, the frown on her face growing by the second. What the hell!? She never wore things like that! Did Dick get the gifts wrong? Maybe he wanted to give it to another girl? Was he cheating on her? But if so, shouldn't it be...sexier? Even though she was pained by the possibility of Dick's infidelity, she would eventually come to terms with him having a kink for a women in lingerie. But the clothes she held looked more like a habit than a seductive underwear. Did he like the nun cosplay for foreplay now!?
Her own thoughts disgusted her and she threw the outfit away with a groan.
Apparently she didn't know her own boyfriend.
“Hey, Y/n!”
She almost jumped on the couch when he entered the room (of course, he moved like a 100% vigilante even in his civilian version, so she didn't hear a sound. Knocking was overrated in this relationship).
"Hey Baby." his eyes landed on the dress on the floor and his smile immediately disappeared. Didn't like your gift?
"I..." she began, stopping mid-sentence as her eyes landed on his figure, widening in pure shock. "What-? What are you wearing?!"
“Amazing, right? I know, I love it too. And you better not ask how long it took to find it and how much I charged Bruce's credit card. Dick chuckled, squirming around, flexing his muscles.
What the hell was going on!?
Her beloved boyfriend stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself with a huge and completely unjustified amount of self-love, while looking like...
"Clown". He smiled as if that explained everything.
“Mhm. Yes, of course. She made a confused face, barely keeping herself from palming her face. "The only thing you're missing is a hat with bells."
“You know what, that's a really great idea! Maybe I should-"
“Wow! Hold back, Grayson. Hold back! Do you want to explain this?
"But what?" he tilted his head with a confused expression, thus resembling the character whose costume he was wearing.
“Why are you wearing puffy pants and a diamond-patterned vest? Why is there a weird looking dress in the box with my name on it? Dick - "
"Wait. Wait, wait..." he pinched the bridge of his nose, turning to her. "Didn't you look in the box?"
"Yes but…"
"No? No. Inside inside." - he emphasized, and for some unknown reason a shiver ran down her spine. Should she be worried? Was there a themed toy there too?
Damn it!
She wanted to scream when, at his watchful, expectant look, she turned the box upside down and watched in amazement as a piece of paper fell out of it, which turned out to be an invitation.
What a relief
She clearly had that feeling written all over her face, because Dick's initial concern turned into a fit of laughter, which only made him look even more as a jester as he continued to shake his head.
“Y/N-” he almost choked. “What were you thinking?”
“Shut up…” she muttered, blushing
“Oh, no, please tell me. I insist!"
"Shut up you idiot!" she threw a pillow at him, which of course didn't hurt him, and focused on the list to keep her trembling hands occupied. “Renaissance fair?”
"Ta dah! Surprise!" - he smiled, throwing his hands in the air
“Since when have you been a fan of history?” Y/N frowned. “I mean, I know you're an 80s fan because Discowing….”
"Shut up!" he ran up to her and put his hand over her mouth before she even said a word. “It was comfortable and airy!”
“Can't argue with that!” She giggled, but it was actually liberating to know that he wasn't into the type of cosplay she had initially thought of.
"come on, let's go. It'll be fun, I promise. You'll be the lady-in-waiting, and I'll be your devoted clown, always ready to cheer you up."
“You don’t need that outfit to do that.”
“But it’s working,  isn’t it?” he smirked, enjoying the smile forming on her face, which he didn’t see for a while now. “Pretty please?” he pouted his lips, giving her a begging puppy look.
“can’t say no to those eyes, can I?” she ruffled his hair playfully.
“But we definitely are getting me that hat!”
Given all that, on Saturday forenoon Dick and Y/N dressed up (obviously not without her complaining about lack of ability to breathe because of the corset ties) and drove to the renaissance fair Dick was so excited about.
And apparently not only he had such feelings, cause the crowd of people coming from all directions was in fact overwhelming. Who would have thought that so many women would choose to spend their weekend dressed up in sixteenth-century robes, listening to the sounds of lute music.  Who would have thought that so many men would rather discuss the aspects of the works of the brightest minds of the era than lay on the couch mindlessly flipping through their phones or switching TV channels.
In a spacious field, here and there, were colourful tents, in which women showed Renaissance activities such as weaving and embroidery. In the very centre, at located there stage, at high noon, a typical scene from the life of people at that time was to be performed. There were costumed event participants everywhere, and the tables set under canopies were brimming under the weight of delicacies and drinks, the sight of which made your mouth water. The smells, sounds and the lazy atmosphere of sunny weekend day were creating an otherworldly and timeless impression.  It was almost like a time travel few centuries back, and despite her initial inhibitions and fear that it would all turn out to be a flop and a laughing stock it seemed like everything was buttoned to the last detail.
“are you ready m’lady?” Dick bowed slightly in front of Y/N reaching for her hand, the bells on his hat jingling at the motion.
“Grammercy (thank you)” she mirrored his motion „although I am not sure whether a Good Madam (lady of the court) shall be seen in such familiarity with a jokester.” Y/N turned her head away slightly, feigning the woman’s shyness.
“Grammercy? Oh, you little minx, you came prepared!” Dick laughed happily, trying to tickle her.
“Yeah, well, I did some research, but you have no idea how hard it was to find something more than please and thank you on the Internet on such short notice!“
“Mhm, sure…” he muttered absentmindedly, too excited by the fact that she was already starting to enjoy the day.. “You’re doing amazing one way or another. Now come on, love, I want to see everything.”
“Told you it was not a good idea to try and outdo the professionals!”
“I am a professional!”
“Not is this outfit, Dick!”
It was such a nice day, full of laughter, joy, tasting food and trying out new activities. No worries or stress or the pressure of time (pun intended). Just spending time together.
Until it was time for the acrobats to perform.
Obviously, after literal five minutes Dick crossed his arms and started sulking and muttering under his nose. Something about him being better and more skilled and if only he could get on that stage, he would let everyone know what a real SHOW was all about. Unfortunately, one of the performers heard his gabble, and unaware of the potential consequences and Dick’s attention-seeker attitude, invited him to join, before Y/N managed to stop them.
It wasn’t surprising to her that her boyfriend was in fact good, he was raised in the circus after all, but doing acrobatics, somersaults and pirouettes in the air, in a very specific suit and footwear was far from trying to do so on a slippery stage in a jester’s pompon shoes.
So, in result, she was now sitting with him in the shade of a tree, with his leg stretched out on the grass using some ice to minimize the swelling on his ankle, laughing internally at the whole situation.  
“But Y/N!”
“hush, Grayson. I swear I’m gonna put you on house arrest for bringing shame to me.” She chuckled, making sure the whole ankle was evenly cooled.
“HEY! That’s mean! And not true! That’s a slander!” he started to fidget, equally hurt and annoyed by those words. But the second her joy-filled eyes landed on his face and she gave him her prettiest smile he had to let go of the feigned resentment.
“You were so much better than those acrobats there, Dick. Truly. Thanks for bringing me here, I did have fun.” She pecked his nose briefly. “Regardless, you got to warn me next time you come up with such a crazy idea.”
“Where’s the surprise in- Wait, did you say next time?!”
“hush, jokester! It is not proper to address a lady this way.”
“God, Y/N, I love you” he grabbed her waist and not caring about correct reflection of the era’s customs pulled her close to his chest kissing her deeply. He adored that woman with her endless acceptance of his jokes and humour and staying with him despite his (sometimes childish) attitude and his openness and crazy ideas. And maybe he was keeping a little something in those puffy pants pocket, waiting for a proper time.
Which he was sure was going to come sooner than later.
honorary mention to @gone-batty-fics as a thanks for making me pay more attention to punctuation :D
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metalgrateeater · 5 months
no one will ever understand how much i love ezekial hes like a SON TO ME i wish he was real cause you arleady know id be rasing him like hes my OWN he deserved so much betteri love him my beloved ezekial
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FLASH WARNIGN!! sihtty picmix so it has blinking images
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hollojollow · 7 months
warnign for ummm artistic nudity.......tities....
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okay so i have black pearls #1 fan as my best frien dright. i was like around whateer ht ehell i was going and i saw them talking about a black pearl horrid creature guy and it gave me the idea of liek an eldritch being black pearl like a chtululu or hwatevr how theyre spelled,, this is like months ago i started getting on and starting to like make a banger eldritch beign which btw i just added an eye and give them 4 eye sinstead of 2 and it was just so bland then ileft it alone until now where i resaw it and exchanged some stuff and i pulled up THIS banger of a drawing,,,,,,, it was first a sketch but bc of how much i liked the drawing i simply kept it and just added coloring to the whoel thing. this also was a nice way to check out if my new brushes fuck hard or not ,,, im veyr proud of this drawing tbh :] it got rlly good and i hope it gets recognition idk prayign god bless
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also hae this other ver with water ,, i was gonna add a ship but got rlly tired so i simply didnt eks dee!
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