#so all the opinions I complained about might be incredibly niche and mocked opinions
punkrockbuttrfly · 1 year
Can I have 8, 12, and 22 for the fandom asks (for Gallifrey)?
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
season 5 is good. Listen, I've heard all the arguments about how it's boring and how nothing is achieved by the end and how it spins its wheels and is just padding until season 6, and maybe it felt that way when it was first coming out, but I love season 5.
It is such a good insight into the characters we love, because it's about Romana and Narvin on one side and Leela on the other, all sticking so hard to their principles while feeling like the other side has betrayed theirs and betrayed them in turn. Romana and Narvin relying so hard on each other in this universe where it's normal and expected for upper level politicians to turn on each other constantly and challenging the norms of the society they feel stuck in, while Leela tries so hard to get back to her own roots and help the people who were so screwed over by the people she feels Romana and Narvin are now defending, all of them doing exactly what's right but having differing methods on how to do it and ending up struggling to actually do good against the real monsters of this society.
It's so good, and the way they do come together at the end is such a wonderful conclusion and lead in to series 6. Season 5 is good and I will hear no arguments against that.
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't know if there are any unpopular characters in Gallifrey. I'll admit that sometimes Ace feels like the writers didn't want her there given how little she actually does in the series, but everyone else loves her.
Seriously, I really wish Ace got more to do, she brings so much of that rebellious energy that exasperates everyone around her but also makes them question themselves, because even if she's definitely naive and very loud, she's got probably the strongest (or, at least, the least battered and worn down) moral compass, so if she disagrees with them, they're probably in the wrong.
I'm choosing to defend Ace in this because it feels like she was only there as a mandate to the writers, given that she spent most of Intervention Earth under mind control, most of Enemy Lines dead, and then got written out halfway through Time War 1, and she deserved better.
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
the fact that Braxiatel legitimately cares about the rest of the cast. He manipulates everyone, and that's what I see most people talking about with him, he's the master chess player who sees everyone else as a piece on the board, and, like, maybe, but he does legit love these people.
He makes a joke about how many times he's rescued Narvin "by accident" but every time he does it because he's helping Romana, and he's perfectly willing to help out someone he (ostensibly) hates just for Romana's sake, and he is never anything but curteous and lovely to Leela.
Like, his loyalty to Romana is talked about, but I often see people talk about how he's only loyal to the President, ignoring the fact that he murdered an earlier President the second he gave him an order he didn't like and covered it up by acting as his own investigator. He could get away with messing these people over easily, and he would probably be better off doing so and fucking off back to his Collection to spend the rest of eternity doing his own thing.
But he doesn't. Because he cares about them, whether he admits it to his enemies or himself or not.
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eunych-born-eunych · 7 years
tell us more about witchcraft tumblr
oh boy. follow @alkaloidwitch​ for my unironic witchcraft opinions. I’m a witch! and a materialist with a background in empiricism/scientism, also a materialist in the marxist dialectical sense! you can be all of those things at the cost of your popularity among idealist witches, non-witch materialists, and most of all:
my materialism and my witchcraft both grow out of madness; human beings are computers complex enough to perceive things that are not real. For things I know to be real, there is materialism; for things I know to be chimerical, there is witchcraft. as the chaos magicians, wankers that they are, put it: belief is a tool. believing something now may serve a purpose, even if you do not intend to continue believing it later. Playing make-believe with my literal demons now will help me try to make sense of the material world better later.
And it is imaginative play, much as it is deadly serious; much of what we do in life is imaginative play of some kind. let’s pretend there’s a thing called money and let’s pretend it belongs to this specific kind of paper, these specific bits of metal. let’s pretend a corporation is a person. let’s pretend sex is simple; no, let’s pretend sex and gender are different; no, let’s pretend to stop believing in gender and start pretending to believe in ungendered sex.
materialism, again, is the resolution. imaginative play doesn’t have to be bad, but things that are only imaginary play by certain rules; we learn them as children. so when your imaginative play, witchcraft, seeps into your view of the world (as it must), other people calling themselves witches are sometimes going to believe or imagine mutually-contradicting things; the politest way to resolve an imaginary conflict is to come up with some imaginary solution, the more minimal the possible, and stop talking about that because it’s gonna harsh yr witchcraft to get snippy.
entirely different things happen when people come, materially, into conflict. and witch tumblr frustrates me a lot because my tacit acknowledgement that
“none of this is real like rocks are real, so when your imaginary collides with the material world, the material world is always going to trump. if it is materially bad, I don’t care that your imaginary justifies it, and if it is entirely immaterial there’s no point arguing about it”
…is not super popular with tumblr witches. there’s lots of, like, arguments and discourse and positivity posts about the wildest shit.
a three-screens-of-scroll witch tumblr textpost: positivity post for lazy witches! uwu // • positivity for lazy witches who [emoji-capped bullet points all the way down]me: it’s so inspiring that lazy witches can be positive despite the incredible scrutiny and terrible hardships the morning people witches subject them to, ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟
so, like, I don’t have the same reaction to the idea of demon apologia that OP did. thinking highly of demons just isn’t that uncommon in my circles. to me, that post’s fucking ridiculous because why would you ever bother making it? if you wanna work with demons, do it, but like… other people don’t like demons, and make their own witchblr posts from that perspective, and you can resolve that conflict by just ignoring the imaginary content that is not meant for you.
a clarifying example is in order.
‘don’t use sigils you find on the internet, anyone can upload a curse and say it’s a different spell!!’
my guy. that is so far from being anybody’s real, substantive problem. you would never know unless they told you. their imaginary isn’t accessible to you and you can ignore it. if someone tells you they made a sigil you used to be a curse, and you feel like you have indeed been cursed, that’s still an event internal to you. and after all, someone could lie and tell you their beneficial sigil was actually a curse after you’ve already used it, just to fuck with you.
I can’t get this level of panicked about that level of made-up problem! if the idea of curses hidden in graphics created by random Internet denizens appealed to me, I’d engage with it on my own and not waste time trying to convince other people they should care about my niche paranoia.
the thing is, cultural appropriation is way less imaginary than witchcraft. there’s a real, economic impact to the mass-production in the West of symbols indigenous to ‘exotic’ colonies. there is a real dehumanization involved in treating someone’s proudest and most mundane garments, alike, as being a gaudy costume purchasable cheaply from any two-bit metaphysical store.
(privilege claim for the next bit: I’m a white, American settler-colonialist. that’s a me. I’m a that.)
and on the subject of metaphysical stores…
… run by white settler-colonialists who claim to have spirit animals and have no sense that there might be something inappropriate about shopping for toys in the cultures and religious practices of living indigenous populations whose homeland we are still occupying by force, whose access to their own cultural history we are still actively sabotaging, to sell bastardized sweatshop lookalikes whose significance is less than half-remembered and wholly stripped of context to other white settler-colonialists
there’s endless newb questions in this form:
Q: “can I use this color candle to mean this thing?”A: “I don’t care?”[a reblog insisting that actually they CAN’T use that color candle to mean this thing is the version that went viral]
, which indicates extreme hesitancy to break the rules of the imaginary.
on the other hand, witch tumblr is actively resistant to any demonstrable criticism. these same people fretting about candle colors also throw bizarre tantrums mocking the concept that they should stop cleansing with smoke from white sage, a critically endangered sacred herb that isn’t farmed, and how dare you say they shouldn’t call their white ass waving burning herbs in the air on occupied land ‘smudging’.
no-one cares if you think about the candle differently; stop asking for our input on that shit, because you don’t need it and we have better things to do. on the other hand, people very much do care if you engage in the alt religious scene’s rampant bigotry, but you don’t wanna listen to us on that. those priorities are fucked.
also witch communities have long, long memories, and some things happen again and again. a sampling:
the annoying
‘fluffy bunnies’ who read one barely-researched pop-Wicca text and are here to tell non-Wiccan witches what they’re doing wrong.
relatedly, ‘curse-shaming’, a practice in which even ‘respectable’ Wiccans participate, is genuinely aggravating if you’re at all into, like, historical witchcraft, because for a very long time (Wicca under that name had no public presence before 1954) there’s been not much more traditional for a witch than a curse.
arguments about “male witches” (that no-one acknowledges arose out of transmisogynistic practices in Dianic Wicca, and not really in reaction to men).
‘the Burning Times’ (not real, any historical events embarrassingly misrepresented).
“Easter is a pagan holiday;” relatedly, “Easter is Eostre is Ishtar”.
“Christmas is a pagan holiday.”
the ugly
an entire alt-history of Europe and European magical practice in which Jewish people play no perceptible part.
neo-Nazi physiognomies being passed around as “correspondence charts”.
every reputable resource on Norse mythology, Heathenry, or Asatru has an explicit public disavowal of Nazis, for very good reasons.
anti-Black propaganda, dated to the sixteenth century, about Afro-Carribbean syncretist esoteric/religious practices being repeated with all explicit reference to race left out on Tumbler Dot Com in 2017.
gentiles doing Kabbalah.
an all-white vision of the Hellenistic Mediterranean.
that one girl who stole black people’s bones from burst/eroded graves in a Louisiana graveyard and posted about it on Tumblr (one of witchblr’s few big mainstream crossover posts), leading to her arrest.
the (mostly) harmlessly bizarre
what is a familiar really? (& relatedly: sex with spirits. EXTREMELY traditional, by the way),
etsy shops where you can buy custom spirits (NOT as in alcohol),
chemically-treated quartz named as if it was a real mineral,
“correspondence charts” broken alphabetically into individual readmore posts listing the magical properties of various objects (with a reblog later on in the chain complaining that people need to be more obsessed with pointless minutiae)
minors-only witchcraft discord server drama that you’re actively, unsuccessfully trying to avoid learning about
looking for witchcraft podcasts that aren’t run entirely by dudes
“my dog is horrifyingly sick, what spell should I cast?”//”GO TO THE VET”
a wealth of incredibly shitty and boring and unreadable esoteric PDFs by snake-oil salesmen
skyclad discourse
my tarot cards just read me for filth
thirty-year-old woman who should know better by now: christian witch is an oxymoron
christian witchblr: the Law of Attraction is just the prosperity gospel for Democrats
someone’s angry about the existence of secular witchcraft again
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