#so all the personalities aren't super fresh in my mind
hood-ex · 2 years
I'm a big Disney fan and i'm obsessed with the idea of Dick being a mix of Naveen,Flynn Ryder,Dimitri personalities with Eric looks. Oh and also the Prince Charming attitude from Cinderella 3
Is it accurate? Bcz if it is i will become a Dick Grayson stan just right now lol
(i was into Marvel but now discovering DC and deciding my new confort character)
There are only specific attributes from some characters that represent him to some degree.
Dick is probably more like some mixture of Tadashi (wants to help people, rushes into danger to help others, hard-working, intelligent, inventor, big brother energy), Jim Hawkins (independent, adrenaline junkie, abandonment issues, competent in mechanical/technician work), and Li Shang (leader, tough but kind, disciplined, high expectations, more serious demeanor).
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coffeedrinkee · 3 months
Pairing: Sakura Haruka x gn!reader
CW: hurt and comfort, mental health troubles
Note: Wrote this super quick while on a trip to visit with my family. This has been the hardest trip to date because my father's health is declining and he's a shadow of the person he once was. So this blurb is pretty self-indulgent.
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You can't sleep.
Your mind won't stop going over the events that happened in your life recently. Things have been changing, not all for the best, and it feels like it's all happening way too fast.
It all feels like too much.
So you're out on the living room couch, in the dark, desperately trying to keep your sobs quiet so as to not wake up your boyfriend in the other room.
You should have known you wouldn't be able to hide from him.
Haruka hadn't always known what to do to help you when you weren't feeling the best. Romantic relationships were totally new to him when you both started dating, and so he needed to your guidance throughout the first few milestones. Holding hands. Hugs. Kisses. Sex.
But he was a fast learner, and wanted to be the best for you. Which he was, of course, even if he didn't always feel that way. Something that surprised you about him, though, was how supportive he was of you and your mental health struggles from the get go. You were worried he'd see you as weak and pathetic, but when you confessed your issues to him, he took it all in stride.
You gasp and turn towards the direction of his voice. Haruka is in the doorway of the bedroom, still only wearing his sleep shorts and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Why're you out here?"
You take in a shuttering breath. "I...i didn't want to wake you, so I-"
"Wake me," he grumbles as he walks over to you, sitting down so he can wrap his arms around you, "I want you to wake me when you feel like this. Don't want you to be alone when you're feeling this way..."
Something about the way he says that strikes you differently. He's felt like this before, hasn't he? He's felt sad and overwhelmed and miserable and had to go through that all alone. The thought of it makes you break out in fresh sobs, and you bury your face in his chest while he gently pets the back of your head. You let it all out now that you don't need to worry about your volume level.
When you finish, your sobs slowly changing into your normal breathing pattern and the tears stop flowing down your cheeks, Haruka stands you both up and leads you back to the bedroom.
You're tucked back in to your futon where he curls around you from behind, his lips pressed against the nape of your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist as you drift to sleep.
You aren't alone. Haruka is here with you no matter what.
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canmom · 5 months
so hades 2 huh
it's fun! i am more convinced after actually playing it than i was in the runup to it. the green colour palette looked a little drab in the videos but it works better for me fullscreen in game, and I really like the second zone's design. the major aesthetic change does go a little way towards making this feel like 'new Supergiant game' instead of just a rehash of the first game.
the difficulty floor is higher than the first game. i think it's well-tuned to go into if you've beaten that one. so far i've played 6 runs, seen the first boss in 5, and and beaten her in 2 of them; yet to get more than about halfway through the second zone after that tho!
the new mana mechanic is kinda interesting, lots of tradeoffs to make. it's a bit more granular than the cast in the first game; you use it to do powered up versions of your attacks, and spending it also charges up the Call-equivalent.
i'm increasingly intrigued by the setting, and i really like some of the side characters like arachne. i think the time skip was a good decision - the story of Zagreus et al. was definitely done. the epilogue ending of the first game was way too neat.
still, starting a revenge plot in media res is curious. especially when Nemesis lampshades the lack of personal motivation. compared to Zagreus's very pressing and relatable motivation (run away from my abusive dad), Melinoë's motivation is a little more abstract - this seems to be deliberate. but it does a fair bit to sell the sort of 'desperate resistance base' setting. it definitely seems rather like they're setting up a twist down the line. but it lacks the immediate emotional hook of the overbearing patriarch in the first game. curious to see how it will work once I've seen more of the story.
as far as the new gods, I'm fascinated by the decision to make Hephaestus and Hestia both be Northern - probably Yorkshire. it's always fun hearing regional UK accents in games. they do also both feel like responses to the criticism that Jen Z never designs fat characters lmao. still, they are good designs. both have satisfying mechanics. Selene also has a really good design I think.
the other gods' mechanics have naturally been redesigned to fit the new game. still broadly the same themes, e.g. Zeus will still be lightning based, but different interpretations of what that means, so for example you have 'hitting an enemy produces a lightning blast behind them' as the primary Zeus mechanic instead of chain lightning. which definitely keeps things fresh. Melinoë's kit has a lot of directional attacks and, with the Cast now being an AOE which slows/freezes enemies, there's a lot more emphasis now on positioning enemies to set up AOE attacks which is interesting.
the witch stuff is quite fun in an admittedly slightly cheesy way. it's definitely pull on aesthetic currents which aren't at all Ancient Greek, like the pointed hats. but hey! I can get into it, it's not like the game's aesthetic has ever been all that strictly historical. even if I am still scratching my head at 'so mote it be'. apparently it's an archaic word meaning 'may', i.e. 'may it be so'.
of course the main thing is, the actual moment to moment gameplay is fun. it flows just as the first game did, and it's just as addictive with the way it spreads out story breadcrumbs. the vfx and such look great, the movement is already super tightly tuned (tbf it's basically the same as the first game with the addition of a new 'hold dash to sprint'), and there's a already good variety of enemy mechanics.
there's some obvious placeholders for some of the UI art and character portraits (notably none of the keepsakes have been drawn yet), but overall it's surprisingly polished for an early-access build. all the voice acting is already there - it's fun seeing the Supergiant voice cast return in new roles.
the meta progression element... there's some neat ideas, like an upgrade system with a limited set of slots that very much calls to mind NieR Automata's chip system. so there are some stronger tradeoffs to make; it's not as simple as 'spend resource, get better' as it was in the first game. and it's clearly possible to advance quite far even without a lot of meta resource investment. so far it definitely feels like my main limit is skill, and I'll progress further once I learn more of the enemy patterns and figure out what builds I like to play.
(though I guess the idea with this kind of game is that the power ups quietly boost you and make it feel like you're getting better a lot faster than you are just learning the game lmao)
overall, it's just really fun to have another Supergiant game to sink my teeth into haha. I still wish they'd continued their streak of coming up with new IPs each time, because they'd come up with fantastic settings, but there's plenty of interest here still.
also the more I work in game dev the more I can appreciate just what a ludicrous amount of polish there is in Supergiant's games. I can only imagine the amount of work it must have taken to tune the feel of everything this tight.
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callofdudes · 7 months
Please bestie, I need platonic Alex Keller headcanons I beg of you 😭😭😭
I'm here to deliver for you in trying times bestie. Stuck at home from work in a blizzard so here I am for you. Hope it suffices and you enjoy. 🫡 @itsscromp
Alex Keller Headcanons:
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I imagined Alex was one of those clowns in school. I think when he was younger he was respectful but also a hog for attention. He always got really happy when the teacher picked him in class and would pout if some other kid got "his answer".
I'm not terribly sure about family headcanons. I feel he fits as either an only child or as a younger brother to an older boy. (Possibly a twin) If he had any siblings I could see him as the middle child, an older brother, him and a little sister.
Alex's parents raised him as a gentleman. You think his manners came from the military?? Even when he was in highschool he called women he respected ma'am on the regular.
Alex watched a lot of spy movies when he was younger. Jason Bourne, Jack Ryan, R.E.D. A bunch of those kinds of movies. But Alex didn't originally want to be CIA.
He also really liked superheroes. (Lovingly borrowing a headcanon from Scromp) He really liked Mega Man and other super heroes like that. Probably watched Ben Ten or something. (Sang the power Rangers theme song)
I think unlike the others Alex's run to the military was as an accidental second hand decision.
He had incredible grades in school but when his brother was called for Mandatory service. Alex was still too young when his brother went to serve a couple years. Instead of going to college and getting a different job he went to serve mandatory years as well.
Alex gives me Texas man vibes, but he doesn't have the accent. So I don't think he grew up there, possibly from California or Georgia. Somewhere warm.
Alex wanted to serve alongside his brother but he was deployed while Alex was in his first stages of basic training.
Alex is a very sociable guy so he doesn't have trouble making friends. However, upon a certain incident he did lose a lot of his confidence. Around people he knows he's a butterfly in flight, but doesn't like attention on the leg.
Alex was super attached to his older brother but when he got past that part he did enjoy his time in the military.
Obviously the first person he wants to introduce you to Is his brother and his parents. He'll introduce you with so much pride.
In my mind I see Alex's parents as your typical Georgia or Texas conservative dressers. But they aren't those types of conservatives. They were worried for him when he was younger, but if their son showed up with a man on his arm they wouldn't bat an eye.
And obviously they love you. Alex's dad is the guy who says that even as a guest, in the house you take on some household priorities. Nothing big, but probably expects some help with yardwork and that you'll help his wife with dishes.
Alex will cook with his mother. And oh you see where he gets it. He's the guy whose mama's boy love takes presidents over other duties. He just wants to be with his mom.
You'll be allowed to join in with a casual soccer game of kicking the ball around with his brother. They're an incredible family and accept you as one of their own the moment they see you.
He loves to decorate it though, and has stickers from several incidents, or young military hostages that he could distract. So in a way it was a blessing.
However, he didn't talk to women as much anymore. Platonic relationships are a breath of fresh air.
His parents used to have to wrangle him in when he got his first girlfriend. Constantly sneaking out to meet up with her. And while a respectful kid, after a certain sneaking out the girl's father was not happy to get the story the next day.
After Alex got his leg, dating seemed to be swept off the table. He had all the qualities, tall, very handsome, strong. But the leg usually got people staring, and all the charisma went out the window.
He barely got hookups anymore. (Yes, he was that guy for a while, and he isn't proud of it.)
Alex has participated in the Invictus Games before and it was a whole lot of fun.
Alex's show for women comes in the form of how respectful he is of Farah's boundaries. While he is happy to assert where he stands. If Farah had told him not to go when he did, he still probably wouldn't have listened.
Alex experiences phantom limb and phantom pain. Most times he has to weather the pain, but whenever he experienced phantom pain in the beginning he'd pass out from it.
He is very active and loves to play soccer. (Is very prepared to get yelled at for calling it soccer instead of football)
In all honestly Alex does want to get close to the other 141 members. He's close with Gaz, Price and Y/n. Soap trusts pretty easily and likes Alex because Farah likes him. Ghostie is a challenge though. He's up for it.
Protein shake man all the way. The day isn't started without a protein shake or a hearty meal. He loves his meat but is also all for leaning into the greener side of his diet to help him feel refreshed.
An incredible cook. If you go back to his house for leave you will be well taken care of, I promise you.
All of his relationships are tended to as he sees fit. He's definitely more of an acts of service guy. If you need something done, he will show you his love and appreciation by getting it done. Garbage is full?? On it. Feet sore? He'll take care of that for you.
Alex is a family man, but he also understands the sentiment that the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. And he holds his friendships with his brothers in high stakes.
Has a very smooth and charismatic air about him the majority of the time. He's well spoken and confident even if he doesn't have control of certain situations.
Just. Don't. Mention. The. Leg. 😁🔪
While he isn't really strong at other acts, physical affection like pats on the back or brief hugs do as well.
Tries to make Scream movie references to Ghost, like the ever popular "Sydney call" or other classic scenes. Is gleefully delighted when Ghost understands most of the references.
If you live somewhere known for its giant spiders *cough cough* he will not go. You are not getting him on that plane. Nada, zilch wiggle room on that one partner.
Probably uses comic book lines he likes a lot. Recites them like those cheesy scenes in movies where the leader of a group gives a heroic speech about kicking ass and staying loyal.
Gets called Price's son and honestly? A compliment.
Going back to acts of service, Alex also feels his love language as acts of service. Whenever he needs to let his leg breathe and get off his feet he takes off the leg and relaxes. And icing on the cake? If you feel comfortable, come over and massage his leg. Oh he'll keep you forever.
Will often do the robot dance to try and make you laugh, loves to dance with you in any setting.
You're never too old to go trick or treating. Alex comes off as the fun uncle that I could see dressing up as a Frankenstein and takes his nephews/nieces along with him for some fun around the block.
Clubber for life 🤟🏻😜 Seriously though, getting him tipsy enough and he'll challenge anyone insight to a drinking off. Will almost always lose. Especially against Johnny or Ghost.
If a girl won't call him a smoking handsome man, platonically please inflate his ego. It's like an air mattress and eventually it deflates to the point that you can feel the floor. Please fill his air mattress with compliments.
His tattoos include homages to his family. And his old squads and friends. Got a special tattoo for you over his left wrist with your initials and something that reminds him of you. (A flower, a hat, etc)
You know those bikes that you can lay down on and pedal almost vertical with the handlebars on the sides?? Photo. Yeah, he owns one of those. Will let you ride it. Yes it is fun.
Tried to grow his beard like Price's once so they could really be twins. Price for offended and now they have a rule that their beards/moustaches are not allowed to overlap like that.
Overall, very interesting man. A fun man, a funny man, loves some attention on him but not his leg. Please not make fun of him, yes he wants a girlfriend, yes he's sad and single but slaying every day of the week. Yes you are his best friend for life and if you try to abandon him he'll eat your legs off 😌.
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relaxxattack · 2 years
How would you go about writing a pitch relationship?
essentially, when you get really down to the wire about it, it's about respect.
the foundation of a pitch relationship needs to be some sort of respect, and equality. this seems kind of obvious at first, because, how the fuck are you meant to rival someone if you're not equal? if they're actually better than you, and they win every fight or challenge, that's a beatdown, it's not a rivalry.
the literal definition of rivalry itself implies that two things of equal chance attempt to succeed.
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they can't just be exactly mentally and physically identical, though, and it's possible for two parties to not be equal and have a healthy kismesissitude anyway-- as long as they consider themselves to be equals.
that's where respect comes in. one party may be completely unable to fight or fend off any attacker, and the other may be the strongest bodybuilder in the universe. and you could think to yourself, well clearly they aren't equal, because the bodybuilder could snap the weak one like a twig. but if these two people really had healthy pitch feelings for one another, they would exhibit in challenges that were not physical. perhaps these two people are equally terrible at video games. their rivalry could manifest around that.
the main thing that people know and remember about pitch romance is the fact that it's based on hatred and annoyance. this person should annoy the shit out of you, and that friction between you is what causes the tension for the relationship.
so, to write pitch romance, what you have to start with is two people who consider each other equal and also find each other annoying as hell. but you have to remember to keep in mind the respect aspect (hatred without respecting and being drawn towards someone is not romantic, it's just plain old hatred). you also need to keep in mind that the oblivious pining stage of a pitch romance can go on a long time, because a classic part of having pitch feelings for someone is not wanting to have them. because, how could you EVER have a thing for someone who bugs you so much?
now, when it comes to the actual relationship itself- once the two idiots start dating, that is- the main idea is that there's a push and pull. an ideal pitch romance is essentially an act of tug o' war between it's two parties. suppose in your general human flushed relationship, the two of you take turns planning date nights, to show your investment in the courting. in a pitch romance, it might be more like taking turns winning- if your pitch partner has just pulled an incredible prank on you, it is now your turn to come up with something even better to get back at them with. you can't be shown up by them! you want to win!
so writing the beginning of their relationship might involve a lot of dates that are essentially formal challenges. what these are of course depends on the characters themselves; nobody likes the same kind of dates and similarly nobody likes the same kind of pitch challenge. if the two parties have similar interests, like say they both enjoy gaming, you might pick that so they can sharpen their skills on each other and try to become better. if they have very different interests, perhaps they'd do something neither of them are super familiar with, in order to be on even footing (remember that equality is very important to a pitch relationship). however, if one member wants the other to learn how to do their favorite thing, e.g. fencing, perhaps they would train their kismesis, and the real challenge would come from seeing who can be more patient, the teacher or the student. there could be some real tension in not knowing whether your partner is going easy on you or not, but showing them you can work hard anyway.
that's what the honeymoon period would be like, in my opinion- tons of challenge dates and pranks, while the relationship is new and fun and fresh they're probably teasing each other all the time and trying to see what one can get better at than the other.
when it comes to later, deeper aspects of kismesissitude, an important function of a kismesis is to point our your faults. yes, they respect you, but of course at the end of the day they still hate you-- and the reason they hate you is because you're too much of an aggravating person to let your good qualities fully come through. if one of your flaws is seriously fucking up your other abilities, it is the job of a kismesis to force you to notice this crack in your armor, so that you can get back to meeting them on equal ground.
for example, if your battle moves are becoming predictable, maybe they block every single move you make in a fight and then tell you they saw it all coming, so that you know you need to work on your tells, or switch up your moves. you want to get better than your kismesis, and in a way you want to get better for them, because you want them to respect you and continue to stay in your relationship. this also applies to mental and emotional flaws; battle skills are just the easiest visual example.
important fact: a healthy kismesissitude, like any healthy romance, is good for both parties.
if one person is consistently getting beaten down by words and defeats by the other person, who refuses to let up, that is abuse. they are absolutely not on equal footing, and no one is getting better at anything- no rivalry is taking place. (a kismesis should only be pointing flaws that are actually harmful to you or others, and actually reasonably fixable. your inability to dodge a sword is something you can train to fix. being disabled for example, however, is not something you can train to fix. beating down on your for traits you cannot change is abuse, even if a kismesis thinks or claims they are well meaning.)
conversely, if someone begins to find their kismesis isn't strong enough or interesting enough to warrant challenging and fighting, that is relationship also unhealthy, and likely going to end soon. being bored with your kismesis means they aren't challenging you in your rivalry at all, in which case they need to get back on even footing- or perhaps you just aren't interested in them as a person, which means the romantic feelings are gone.
(consider, as examples of unhealthy pitch relationships that broke up: terezi and gamzee, in which the relationship seemed to exist mainly because of terezi's low self esteem, and vriska and eridan, who broke things off because vriska became bored of it.)
pitch relationships can be unhealthy, the same as flushed relationships. if the power dynamics are not equal, or there's some insane excusing of actions or abuse of power going on, that's not healthy. it can be interesting though if you're trying to write a pitch relationship gone wrong, but i'm going off the assumption that this anon was wanting my opinion of how to write a healthy and happy-ending pitch romance.
so that's sort of my thesis on how to write healthy and fun pitch romance-- there's a tug of war, a lot of respect, arguing, challenges, training arcs, banter, and exhilaration. oh and of course, what everyone who hears about kismesissitude first imagines- yes, there's hate-fucking. all of those physical fights where you try to beat your rival you're romantically into at stuff? obviously that's going to have a ton of sexual tension. erotically charged swordfights are where it's at.
enjoy writing :]
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mochi-munchies · 2 months
AU/Fic Idea: Ragnarok *Title Still in the Works*
This one has been in my brain for a while and I thought I'd just spew it out on my board just to get it out and not forget it. But anyway-
An AU where Ink and Error were the original menaces to the multiverse. As the two most powerful entities with the personalities of toddlers, they were fucking destroying everything, leveling entire AUs in their clashes and tantrums and impulses. Until the other deities finally had enough.
Core Frisk, Reaper, Life, Fresh and Gaster all get together and are like, "Yeah. We can't keep letting them do this, the multiverse is gonna break." So they devise a plot to get them to fight, and then when their balance of Destruction/Creation was at a sweet spot, took them by surprise and sealed them away. Error in the anti-void, and Ink in the Doodlesphere, where they are promptly put into a deep slumber as long as their balance is not disturbed. *1
Fast forward to present day with Nightmare and Dream having their little war. All the other entities aren't pleased with it, but are neutral to the conflict as they see it more as a childish spat.
Until it wasn't.
One day Nightmare takes it too far and his scheme threatens to actually destroy an AU, which immediately has Reaper, Frisk and Fresh flying in there like, "Nightmare stop. You have no idea what you're doing." But they're too late, the damage is done and the AU is destroyed.
So the outcodes are absolutely freaking out, and Dream and Nightmare are super confused like, "you guys have been watching us from the sidelines for hundreds of years?? Why tf do you suddenly care??"
"You morons! Do you have any idea what you've done??!? You disturbed the balance! They're gonna wake up..!"
Then cue Error air-dropping in and absolutely making a fool of everybody and their moms. Making Dream and Nightmare realize that, oh. They were not. In fact. Among the top of the food chain.
The rest of the story then going on about the brothers being forced to finally put their shit to an end and reconnect under duress while also dealing with two overpowered children. *2
*1 - Was also considering the idea of the whole 'putting them to sleep' part failing, unknowingly to the other gods. Leaving Ink and Error completely awake in their isolation- however, due to the connection of their balance, they can speak to each other not unlike with the Creators. Over the thousands of years of only having each other, in their loneliness they come to have a codependency and low-key errink feelings coming in.
When their balance is finally disturbed and their seals are unleashed, of course the first thing on their minds are mayhem and vengeance. But after letting out some steam, the next thing is to obviously find their other half. Something that the other gods are hellbent on preventing, fearing the return of the days when they ravaged the AUs endlessly in their feud.
So Nightmare and Dream are spending the majority of the fic learning to reconnect with each other as they try to reseal the two and prevent them from meeting. However, they also notice how their behavior seems to be incredibly strange compared to what the others described. And eventually, trusting their instincts as the guardians of feelings, they let Error and Ink meet, only to discover that the two were in love and not in fact looking to settle their ancient death match. Error and Ink vow to behave as long as the others dared not to interfere with them, etc. Cue happy ending.
*2 - another alternative version for the story is for Dream to teach Ink empathy (and low-key domesticate him) as he tries to reason with him, and at the same time learn to let the past go and accept his brother as he was, instead of hanging onto who he envisioned him to be before their fallout. And for Nightmare to learn to trust with Error (as well as rehabilitating him) after failing repeatedly at overpowering the other, and at the same time coming to accept vulnerability in his life again.
At first Dream fears Ink as a soulless being and subconsciously sees him as something inherently evil (just how he sees his brother's corrupted form as evil) however, as he peeks behind the curtain of Ink's behaviors, he comes to realize that is not the case, and starts to help Ink with his memory issues, his lack of empathy, his impulsiveness, etc. Also learning along the way that just because someone's nature (soullessness/corruption) was different didn't mean they were bad.
They get close, and Ink starts to cling to Dream. Connecting the emotional growth within him with the first person to actually have the patience to guide him and understand him like this, he starts to prioritize also being there to help Dream more so than having art binges and harassing Error. Oh, and they also end up falling in love BTW.
Meanwhile, Nightmare is getting his shit rocked by Error, struggling to compete with such a powerhouse and is honestly feeling fucked up bc this is the first time he's been so powerless after his corruption. He continues to use more and more low blows and playing on any and every weakness the glitch has- desperately trying to regain his dominance (which he has been using all this time as a feeling of protection).
Nightmare is low-key tweaking at this point, until he finally discovers a way into Error's hidey-hole. So of course he sneaks in with the intention of catching the maniac with his pants down. Only to peek in during one of Error's low moments.
And then Nightmare suddenly realizes how similar the two of them really were. This whole time he was picturing Error as this larger than life, unstoppable and ruthless pinnacle of violence. When in fact.. he was just another monster, just like he was. So, he starts changing tactics after that. Reaching out to Error in the way he wished someone reached out to him back then, and they come to slowly open up together and eventually just.. tumbling into a situationship.
In the end the other gods are really uncertain about just leaving the two to the apple twins- especially with the fear they might use them in their little war. But the twins have none of it, and even have a realtalk then and there to prove no grudges remained.
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 2 years
Sometimes when I think back on Gravity Falls I just find it funny that, even if we've never seen Mr. and Mrs. Pines before except maybe their arms on the first episode, we just know that they're actually a bunch of weirdo but pretty good parents:
They named their kids Mabel and Mason which aren't really the most common twin names in 1999 because they weren't like those other parents who'd name their kids Jennifer or something as Alex said. He even confirms they're pretty counterculture.
Instead of sending the twins to his probably decent father for vacation to get fresh air, Mr. Pines sends them to his (obviously) criminal uncle in a weird tourist trap in the woods that obviously scams people.
Mabel gets to wear one of her dad's souvenir work shirts for her pajamas and I find that wholesome.
Dipper's mom used to put him in a lamb costume when he was still a toddler and he does a little dance which is embarrassing but also pretty cute honestly. He didn't seem to have issues with this until he reached "maturity" age.
The twins had matching Halloween costumes since they were basically toddlers and they seemingly put a lot of effort into them so that means that they're very open with the kids and their creativity and most likely helped them with their more complex outfits or that they're willing to spend extra cash on giving their kids cool matching outfits that they enjoy
The mail the kids send them say so much about how positive their relationship are with their kids.
Dipper blatantly explains in a postcard sent to them that there are cryptids in the town and even begs them for weapons. Mabel straight up excitedly wants to send their mom a video of her shoving gummy worms up her nose.
This probably means they're open-minded enough to let their kids do these weird things and for their kids to even share them with them with little hesitation.
Even with Mabel being initially upset that their parents wouldn't let Waddles stay (Honestly in another perspective is understandable because how are you going to care for a farm pig in suburban California? It might take a lot of work and it's probably not the best conditions to keep an unconventional pet when you're not used to it. Like we all know Waddles is great but practically speaking it's a lot to ask someone to let their kid keep a farm animal.), we know that they probably let Waddles stay anyway after Stan forces Waddles on the bus home.
They celebrate every holiday because Mabel wants to.
Some other observations on how the twins act that could clue us in on how their parents are. These are more headcanon-leaning but yeah.
Mabel's wonderchild personality filled with sparkles and rainbows definitely show that they didn't suppress her weirdness.
The scrapbooking also adds to the idea that Mabel was definitely allowed to be super creative.
Dipper's unhinged mystery solving behavior (honestly forgot how unhinged he really was until I rewatched the show this year) definitely shows that they probably didn't suppress his weird tendencies either.
Dipper, despite his child-aged pettiness (which is normal mind you), is able to handle intense social situations and could even find the appropriate words even when things are a little too complex. The standout example I could think of was learning of the true extent of Pacifica's abuse and how he's able to find a way to give her the courage to stand up against it. Definitely the most headcanon leaning but I do think that this could also be influenced to a more open household.
The twins truly don't have bad blood between them which means that it's possible that their parents had raised them in a relatively healthy (or at least healthier than others) environment. At the very least, if there was favoritism, it wasn't obvious to cause them any resentment for each other.
I could add more but that's all what's in my brain right now.
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moonlightflowerss · 1 year
you can call it as it is|j.yh
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summary: You and Yunho are the designated drivers for a night out with your friends
pairing: Jeong Yunho x gn reader
word count: 4k
genre: friends to lovers, slice of life, fluff
contents: mention of smoking, mutual pining, reader is very afraid of romantic feelings, Yunho is sickeningly sweet (let me know if I missed something), one of your friends is in a polyamorous relationship with woosan
a/n: This is wayyyy longer than my usual works but I felt shitty and needed some comfort. Also, I'm sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language 🥹.
You love your friends, you really do.
But sometimes you really wish they were a little less noisy as soon some alcohol got into their systems.
It's twelve of you inside the karaoke room, all jamming and vibing to the songs playing.
And out of all of these people, just you and Yunho are completely sober as good designated drivers should be.
You have known this group for just a few months. You wouldn't say you're super close yet, but you really enjoy their company and you can really see yoirslef growing very close with them, plus one of your friend (the one that introduced your group to theirs) is in a lovey-dovey relationship with two of them so you know you find your group hanging out with theirs almost every time you go out and you will for quite some time. So you just feel lucky that they're all people you feel comfortable around and have fun with for now.
When someone in the group chat asked to do something tonight, you were pretty sure it would've been something not too crazy, just a chill night out with your friends.
Everything took a turn when you proposed for everyone to come over to your place since you were alone.
From the table games night you imagined, it became the "let's get shitface drunk and get home when the sun rises".
It was quite a turn of events but you didn't really mind it, you are enjoying yourself and so are your friends. Clearly.
Most of them are singing and dancing like their life depended on it while others were eating each other's faces out.
You get out of the cramped space for just a second to have a breathe and get a bottle of water before going back in and facing an inner crisis that you knew from the start would've happened sooner or later.
Out of all the sofas, going almost all the way around the room, the only available seats were either sides of Yunho.
He is the only other sober person in the room. You knew you had to talk with him at some point, but you just wanted to postpone it as long as you could.
It's not that you don't like him.
Actually, the problem is the exact opposite.
You aren't a very smooth talker to start with.
Entertaining any kind of conversation for you is a whole, complicated task. More so if you're completely sober and you have a (not so) small crush on your interlocutor.
You close the door behind you and make eye contact with him while moving towards the seat beside his and he just gives you a kind smile following your movements until you're sitting beside him, making a little bit more room for you to sit comfortably.
《how's your night going? everything okay?》he asks as soon as you settle on the soft cushions, leaning away from the back rest and slightly towards you to make sure you hear him over the noises
《yeah, I'm having a lot of fun, but sometimes I really need to get a little bit of fresh air from outside》 you answer honestly, chuckling lightly for reasons unknown even to you
《yes, it's very warm》 he just states, nodding and dropping back against the backrest. You understand that this is your cue to either drop the conversation or to make it continue.
You lean against the backrest just a few seconds after him, gaining another small smile from his lips.
《how is your night going? are you enjoying being the designated driver?》 you ask, ironically, making him laugh
《I don't think I remember how it feels going out and not be the designated driver》 he states with faux annoyance on his face before smiling brightly 《joking, I enjoy it very much and the night is going very well. Also, for once, I have someone not drunk to talk to, so...》 he laughs lightly and you with him, internally panicking, feeling every idea you had to continue the conversion, die in the back of your mind.
But Yunho quickly puts a remedy to that by looking at the time on his phone.
《it's quite late, whenever you want to go we can. Don't feel pressured to really wait until the sun rises just because Wooyoung proposed it》 he chuckles, and you shake your head amused
《I don't think he remembers what he said anyway》 you state, eyeing wooyoung sipping his nth glass of wine, struggling to even keep his spine straight and still.
You and Yunho laugh at the scene, shaking your heads.
《anyway, i think i can handle a little more before going home. But if you want to go, we can》 you give him a timid smile, suddenly aware of how close you two are.
He gives another smile back and nods 《I'd say we should take another ten minutes to relax, and then we will think on how to drag all of them into the cars》 he chuckles, making you nod
《I'm going out to smoke a cigarette, wanna keep me company?》 the words leave your mouth before you can think about them throughly, making yourself blush.
Luckily, he can't see it because the room is dark, green and blue lights are the only source of illumination in the room. But you can feel it very clearly, and it gets even worse when he just nods and gets up, stretching a hand out to help you.
You grab it more shyly than you wanted to show, letting him help you to get on your high heels.
Your hands and your eye contact linger a little more than what you would expect from the situation before you turn to collect your jacket and quickly put it on.
《let's go》 you give him a quick smile before moving to go outside.
Once you are finally met with the cold air of the night, you take a deep breath, leaning against a wall.
Yunho is settling against the car in front of you, looking at you attentively.
《you think they'll survive without both of us?》 you ask to break the ice, laughing more than you normally would; but the way he's looking at you is making you feel so tense it's nerve-wracking
《they'll find a way, i really needed the fresh air》 he answers, chuckling before resuming his staring.
He's not a creep, you don't feel in danger or uneasy, but you're anxious because you have no idea of what he's thinking, and you know he's thinking something very intently just by the way he's looking up an down your every inch with a concentrated face.
You keep your eyes on your hands, scrambling to gather everything you need to roll yourself a cigarette.
《everything okay?》 you ask, breaking the silence, refusing to look at his face.
You can still imagine his cheeks are now red from the way your peripheral vision catches him squirming uncomfortably like a kid that is being scolded.
《I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare》 he clears his throat 《I haven't really got a chance to be around you a lot even if our groups hang out frequently so, you know, I was collecting facts about you?》 he says questioningly before shaking his head 《I have no idea what I just said I'm sorry》 he's blushing and looking away from you while laughing nervously and you can't help but find him so cute it makes you want to punch him.
You know it's your fault that you two never really get around each other a lot.
To be clear: you adore the man.
Everything about him is mesmerizing to you, and that is terrifying.
And, as much as you wanted to, nothing seemed convincing enough for you to make a move. Not even your friends telling you that he likes you back a hundred times.
You just couldn't wrap your head around it, so you just decided that it was an absurd impression they got.
All of these things together resulted in avoiding alone time with him as a way to cope with your crush, fearing that your fluttering heart might betray the chill and uninterested appearance you were trying so hard to build.
You laugh, blushing as much as him, waiting a few seconds before speaking again 《and you found something interesting?》 you have no idea what to give the blame for this uncharacteristic forwardness.
He's taken aback as much as you, and you can't bring yourself to hold eye contact for more than three seconds, looking away and finishing to roll your cigarette so you can finally light it.
《not sure I want to share my observations with you》 he tries to contain his laugh behind an ironic intellectual tone
《what? but now I'm curious》 you complain
《you can survive, darling》 he smirks, his voice gaining confidence by the second.
You shake your head in fake annoyance, the pet name making you way more weak than you would like to admit.
A nice silence settles between you two, just enjoying the quiet and the breeze of the night.
In between the drags of your cigarette, you are looking around, trying not to stare at the tall man in front of you for too long.
But your attention is caught when you see him stare somewhere above you, following his gaze and catching a speck of the moon.
Delicately, you move beside him to be able to see its entirety and relish the view.
You make your shoulders accidentally touch, but he doesn't move, so neither do you.
《it looks amazing》 he comments, and you just make a noise of assent, so fascinated you can't take the eyes off of it.
But now you can feel he's looking at you, staring at your loving expression and following the movements of your hand moving the cigarette towards and away from your mouth.
Your skin shivers with anticipation, feeling like you're in a movie.
Both of you are moving ever so slowly towards each other.
His hand touches you with a delicacy you didn't think any human could have, and tucks some hair behind your ear, looking intently at what he's doing.
You can't help but look at him, if it was a movie you would've said that it was a cliche, the two protagonists don't even know each other that well and are already acting like they are the loves of each other's lives? Cringe and unrealistic.
But now you can't put together a sigle thought, only wishing he won't leave you hanging like they do in movies.
《I like the way you look at the moon》 it's a little more than a whisper, his fingers lingering behind your ear, playing gently with your hair
《I love the moon, it fascinates me like just a few other things in this world do》 you explain, your cigarette forgot between your fingers
《what are these other few things?》 he asks curiously, you think you see a glint of hope in his eyes, but maybe you're just feeding into your delusions
《I'm not sure I want to share that with you》 you repeat his words back to him, laughing and leaning slightly in his touch.
He opens his hand, giving you the chance to rest your cheek comfortably against his palm. So you tilt your head further against him.
《devious little thing you are》 he says with a little smile, his kind and warm tone in contrast with his words.
You can feel his fingers curling against your scalp, caressing it, always with the same delicacy.
《finish your cigarette so we can go home》 he says, kindly, gently stroking your cheekbone with his thumb a couple more times before moving away his hand.
There is a little disappointment settling inside your chest, but you just nod and resume your smoking.
《your hair is even softer than what i thought》 he states, his hand finding again purchase in between the strands of hair on the nape of your neck, caressing it gently
《you think about my hair a lot?》 you ask, mischievous, adoring his embarrassed reactions and his slightly flushed cheeks
《you mock me a lot for someone who can't concentrate enough to smoke as soon as i touch you》 he bites back, making your cheeks flush as much as his.
You feel like two teens trying to cope with their first crush, resorting to sneering and teasing each other.
You roll your eyes, making a display of an annoyance you don't really feel before resuming, once again, your smoke.
It doesn't take you long before you are forced to pull apart from Yunho to throw the cigarette stub in the trash and looking back at him.
《let's go call them》 you announce, tiredness seeping from your voice.
He nods and follows right behind you up until the door for the karaoke room
《take your things, I'll convince them to leave》 he smiles kindly before going in.
After quickly checking in with the barman that everything got paid for, you followed Yunho, gathering your bag and some of your friends.
It takes quite a struggle to make everybody get out of the pub and inside the car, but once you're finally done, you and Yunho smile at each other.
《I'll be behind you》 he states
《if you can keep up》 you tease, and he gives you a quick chuckle before looking at you apprehensively
《don't speed》
《damn, dad, okay》 you roll your eyes before laughing and getting into the car.
Both you and Yunho know that you are not the type to drive too fast, especially with people with you, but he likes to show that he cares and you like to feel when people care about you.
The ride to your home is quicker and quieter than you anticipated.
You throw a glance at the clock of your car noting it's past 4 in the morning so you imagine the euphoria your friends were feeling, given by the alcohol, now must be starting to be replaced by tiredness and you really enjoy the relaxed mood in your car.
Once you finally park it takes another few minutes to get everybody out of the cars, specially out of Yuno's since the 2 supplemental seats in the back required some mobility that your friends really don't have right now.
Regardless, everybody is finally home, and since the majority of the beds are upstairs most of your friends decide to just crush on the sofa or on the ground heedless of your and Yunho's effort to put them in a slightly more comfortable place.
So you just looked at each other and shrugged.
He smiles at you and, once again, tucks the same strand of hair behind your ear.
《let's go to sleep》 he suggests and although you feel tired you don't feel sleepy, but most of all now that you finally mustered up the courage to be alone with him you don't want to let it go just yet
《do you want a cup of tea?》 that's all that came to mind to try and stay in Yunho's company a little more.
He smiles sincerely and nods.
You give his hand, still beside your face, a gentle squeeze before going to prepare the teas as quietly as possible since everybody seemed knocked out.
Handing him his cup once it was done you get close to him 《it's better if we go upstairs, so we can leave them rest》 you whisper and, again, he nods and follows you.
《this is my room》 you say, opening the door.
You fear for a second that he might misunderstand your intention so you just stand still on the door, waiting for him to do something.
And he doesn't take long at all, getting into your room and sitting on the office chair comfortably.
《it's very nice》 he says kindly, spinning around the chair while looking around
《thanks, it took me a lot to finally find a place for everything that actually satisfied me》 you explain before sipping your tea
《I think the room tells a lot about the person》
《and what does it say about me?》 you ask, sincerely curios, but it takes one glance from Yunho to roll your eyes 《don't even try to say that you don't want to tell me》 you ironically scold him and he laughs
《you can't force me to say this》 he teases and you roll your eyes again.
And you keep shifting around teasing and getting to know each other, back and forth. Basking yourselves in the heart fluttering feeling you both have.
Soon enough both your cups are empty and both of you get relaxed, you on the bed and him still on the chair. Much so that you fall asleep without even fully realizing it.
In fact, you wake up an unknown amount of time later, shivering. The sun starting to slowly light up the sky.
You are in the same position in which you were talking with Yunho: laying on your side at the bottom of your bed to be close enough to the tall man.
He, just as you, is in the same position in which he was talking to you: on the chair, legs slightly spread and his arms crossed over his chest.
What is different was his clothing. In fact, the hoodie he was wearing all night is not around his fit torso anymore, but lovely spread over your curled body like a blanket.
You took a second to stretch your legs and spine before looking at Yunho.
His relaxed face is a delight to see, waking him feels almost criminal.
But you reason that he probably isn't that comfortable on the chair, plus he must be cold since he's just in a tight black t-shirt.
Your hand pats lightly his thigh, then his arms a little harder, then caresses his cheek until he finally regains consciousness.
《sorry to wake you, do you want to go to bed?》 you whisper.
He barely opens his eyes, putting a hand over yours.
《I'd love to sleep with you if it's okay for you》 he mumbles, still clearly groggy, before kissing your palm and closing his eyes back again, pressing his cheek against your hand.
You chuckle, it's not what you asked but you're glad he misinterpreted.
《come on, then》 you whispered again, soliciting him to get up by using your free hand to pat his thigh.
He sighs and stretches before coming into the bed quickly followed by you.
Now that you're so close, you feel sleepiness leave your body immediately. Forcing yourself to close your eyes trying not to disturb Yunho.
After just a few second his fingertips graze over your cheek and your eyes automatically open to meet his.
《do you have something I can wear as pants, sleeping with jeans is really uncomfortable》he whispers laughing quietly. You nod and move to give him a pair of unisex, oversized sweatpants hoping they will fit.
He thanks you and goes to the bathroom to change and so do you in your room, slipping into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt.
Reality is: you're panicking. You're afraid you are the only one feeling what you're feeling and now he feels uneasy, looking for an excuse to put some distance in between you two.
When he comes back you're zoning out on the bed, sitting and staring into the void.
His gentle touch against your cheek snaps you out of it, making you instinctively turn to meet his gaze.
《they're a little short but I'll be fine》 he comments, amused by the lenght of the sweats 《now let's go to sleep》 he suggests getting back into bed and silently suggesting you to come closer by caressing your arm and then your back.
You stay still for a few seconds, taking in the idea that he was not trying to get away from you. Quite the opposite actually.
Before he could worry you complied, scooting closer into his chest and starting to play with his hair.
《what's on your mind?》 he asks whispering, his lips kissing softly your forehead.
You rise your head to meet his eyes.
His soft gaze making a small smile form on your face.
《nothing... it's nice being like this》 you whisper back, hoping you're not as flushed as you think
《I thought you would avoid me forever》 he chuckles
《what? I wasn't avoiding you》 you were
《you were》 he repeats your thought before bringing his face closer to yours, your heart almost bursting out your chest 《but it's fine because now I know why you were doing it》
《and why is that?》
《because you're head over heels for me》 he states, chuckling, trying to mask the fear to be wrong although you can still read it in his eyes
《head over heels is a bit too much》 you mock annoyance in your voice, your smile giving you away
《that's a shame because I am》 he's back to his soft, delicate whispering.
His eyes looking at you in anticipation, hoping he didn't say too much.
You don't even think about it, moving forward until your lips finally collide.
You feel him smile against you, holding you close to his chest, squeezing the fabric of your shirt in between his fingers almost like to stop you from slipping away.
You hold him too. Never in a million years even thinking about leaving now that you're finally here.
And you don't know how long you have been kissing when he delicately moves his face away.
《how much more time you wanted to gatekeep from me these kissing skills?》 he chuckles, grazing a thumb over your lips.
You burst out laughing, struggling to keep quiet and put your embarassed face back against his long neck 《go to sleep, dumbass》
《will you give me classes?》 he jokes, clearly amused by you embarassed face, trying to pull you from where you're hiding; but you're quick to turn over giving him your back and conceal your face with your hands
《shut up》 you laugh again
《alright, okay, I'll give you time to think about it》 he concedes, laughing in return.
He tightens his arms around you, pressing your back against his chest, before gently taking your hands off your face and intertwine his fingers with yours.
《good night, baby》 you feel him lever himself to be able to kiss delicately your cheek.
You smile and squeeze his hand closer to your body 《good night》 you say simply and close your eyes.
After just a few seconds, Yunho is hoisting himself back up, and you feel him look at you, so you open back your eyes to look at him.
《what’s wrong?》
《I can’t sleep》
《you didn’t even try》
《I did, I can’t》 the dramatic tone he is using it’s making it very hard for you to play along without burst out laughing
《I feel like you’re about to ask me something》
《not my fault if I’m sure that making out with you would help me》
And, laughing, you gladly comply.
You couldn’t say no, and you wouldn’t anyway.
But eventually, sleep got the best of the both of you.
Your bodies still tangled together, and his head is still on your chest when your sleep gets interrupted by some noises out your door and Yunho’s phone vibrating beside him.
《Yunho, wake up》 you stroke his hair, making him curl further against you
《unless someone’s dying, I don’t wanna wake up》 he mumbles, making you chuckle
《yeah I wanna go check if someone’s dying. Also, someone’s calling you》
He grunts and shuffles to find his phone before looking back at you, already out of the bed 《please be quick, I really want to go back to sleep》 he whines before calling whoever it was.
Venturing outside your room, you find your best friend with her face shoved in the toilet and one of her two boyfriends, Wooyoung, holding back her hair.
《you need help?》
《oh no, thank you, San went to get her some water. Sorry for waking you up》 he answers, smiling brightly like nothing’s wrong
《oh no worries, just tell me if you need something, okay?》 you smile back, and he nods before smirking
《you sure you don’t have anything to tell me?》 his eyebrows going up and down
《check your girlfriend’s well-being, Wooyo》 you scoff laughing before leaving the bathroom and going back to your room.
Yunho is lying on his back, an arm covering his eyes, and his hair splayed on the pillow.
《who was on the phone?》 you ask softly, to not startle him
《Hongjoong, but you’ll know as soon as you meet him》 he shakes his head amused, and you look at him questioningly, getting back in bed beside him
《what do you mean?》
《he came in earlier to check if there was an empty bed and saw us sleep together, and now he wants to know every detail》 he explains, his voice somewhere in between exhausted and amused.
It’s gonna be a long day.
The thought makes a small smile come up on your face and sigh.
《what?》 his curious eyes find yours
《nothing, I’ve seen Hongjoong question Yeosang when he wanted him to spill the tea about the chick he kissed in the pub the night before, so I was imagining how he will be with us》
《and what are you imagining you’ll say, then?》 he asks, hovering on top of you.
His head is tilted, fingers delicately grazing over your cheek and his eyes light up with a sparkle of hope, you think.
You love how he’s constantly wearing his heart on his sleeve and that’s also what kept you from get to close to him before yesterday night.
You’re terrified at the idea of seeing that spark die out because of you.
《what are you thinking?》 his gentle tone snaps you out of your swirling thoughts
《I am afraid I’ll give the wrong answer》 you admit, your voice quieter than what you anticipated
《just say what you’re thinking. If you’re feeling it, it can’t be wrong》 he comforted you, sitting up and pulling you gently to sit up with him
《I don’t want you to feel obligated, I fear I’m moving too fast》
《baby, just say it, I can take it》 he smiles, cupping your face with both his hands
《maybe we should, I don’t know, start to… seeing each other I guess, maybe?》 you ask, you feel so anxious it makes you mad
《that’s disappointing, I thought you were about to ask me to marry you》 he mocks you, making you blush
《shut up》 a chuckle betraying you, your eyes avoiding his and your cheeks on fire
《how am I supposed to know? Maybe you wanted a kid, your premises were vague》 he laughed, starting to press pecks all over your flushed face, hovering over your lips before speaking again 《not sure I want a child yet, but for sure I want to date, you can call it as it is》 he mocks before kissing you tenderly.
All of your negative thoughts immediately leaving your head, silently promising yourself you’ll do everything to keep this giant, amazing man and his spark safe.
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celestialholz · 2 years
Surrendering fucking Sunflora.
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Oh Brassius. Brassius, Brassius, Brassius. I'm going to have to murder you with my bare hands for this one. Don't even need to wake up the Armarouge - you take an extended nap, king, keep those cannons fresh.
Did you know guys that there are thirty-three Surrendering Sunflora in and around Artazon? I do, because I've just spent forty-five minutes of the only life I will ever have working it out. And then another twenty ensuring I'm not wrong, which I possibly still am because this bitch has hidden these things everywhere! Arceus has placed me on this earth only to suffer.
But in spending over an hour on this, finally my soul can rest, because I have confirmation. Confirmation of what, exactly?
... Well, every single Surrendering Sunflora location is representative of what Hassel means to Brassius, in one way or another.
Might want to get your popcorn for this one, friends, maybe grab a blanket...
First though, before I attempt the frankly ridiculous task of explaining all these locations and their meanings, corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures:
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They're the same picture.
Hassel is Sunflora in human form and with more dragons, right down to his mostly-green-and-yellow colour scheme and sunshine personality. And we know from this little extract that he is the direct inspiration for Surrendering Sunflora, because after Brassius tells you Hassel saved his life, he adds:
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Much like The Harvest is part-Arboliva, part-Brass and part-Hass, as seen here in respective shape, spikiness and dragon colour...
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... Surrendering Sunflora is part-Sunflora, part-Hass and part-Brass, in form, representation, and mood at the time of its creation.
Anyway, with that established, a map that took me another forty minutes to put together:
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This is the location of every Surrendering Sunflora in and around this goddamn hellscape of a town. (/j, it's very pretty, but I am a salty girl.)
Now, some of these are notably easier to figure out than others, but just for clarity's sake... one to thirty-three, a breakdown. (Of the numbers, not me. Although you pull any more of this shit Brassie, it will be my personal breakdown.) I would screenshot every one, but Tumblr's 10-pic limit is having none of it, so I'll show off the more interesting ones at points and note the rest in text. I will also be looking at them from the perspective of being the Sunflora - the direction the sculpture itself faces.
Now, bear in mind... these are allegorical. I've had to surmise what they mean in most cases, but... that's what an artist does. Art asks you to consider the artist's intent, to interpret what they meant by location, form, colour... whatever the piece entails. It's why we have art critics, why we have museums and art galleries - and all of these point to one singular conclusion: Brassius? Super fucking gay. If you've ever made a fic or a piece of art that hides small details or leaves things just a little to one's imagination, you've been Brassius with these sculptures.
... And frankly, why the hell else are they where they are? These are chosen spots. Most of them aren't even central, or helpful where they are, without an alternate dialogue to them.
So, let's begin!
One: just across and to the left of Two, and directly facing Glaseado Mountain. Hass leading him upwards, to literal higher heights. Doesn't get any grander or higher than Glaseado.
Two: atop a cliff face, and it's already pic time!
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This one has a few things to say. First, it's overlooking the gym, second it's pointing directly south if you look at my mini-map. This is one of several that faces south, which is valid - most of Sunflora's dex entries tell us that it loves facing the sun, and in terms of planetary orbit, south is the direction in the day where the sun is at its height... which is telling, when Hassel led Brass out of depression, being his literal sunshine.
Three: right beneath the centre of the maze. Hass guiding him to the heart, his 'core' - helping him find meaning in life.
Four: also in the maze, but near the entrance. A guiding hand when one is lost, at a genuine 'dead end'. A little girl in another dead end of this maze comments how lost she is.
Five: is actually hilarious.
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Sir are you fucking kidding me I will fight you in an Every Wich Way parking lot right now
Six: facing local small cliffs. Climbing the smaller hills first is a notable method of depression recovery, and given that Brass' health issues also seem physical, this is a small, easy-to-climb hill - a step to feeling healthier.
Seven and Eight: greeting you as you walk into town for the first time from the direction of Mesagoza. A feeling of comfort and homeliness, which two men with such a connection clearly have.
Nine: has a similar vibe - straight ahead of Seven and Eight, the first thing to greet you in the central plaza. The kind of welcome feeling Brass gets from Hass.
Ten and Eleven: are very obvious. These two directly face the maze, and are facing one another on opposite sides. Trust, warmth, familiarity. Interestingly, one faces east, and one west - where the sun rises and the sun sets. Hassel's always there for him.
Twelve: faces the way out to Levincia beyond, because welcoming works from either side of town.
Thirteen and Fourteen: are both either underneath the gym arena, or very nearly underneath, and Fourteen looks straight at the gym. What did I say about these two taking one another into battle?
Fifteen: is facing the pool... for a man who cries a lot. No further explanation required, but this is one of my favourites for how adorable and accepting it is on Brass' part.
Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen: the first of the climbing frame Sunfloras, and all of them are in a line, facing the gym. See Thirteen and Fourteen, but... these ones are also elevated, as though Hassel is watching over him during battle. Another gesture of support. They also happen to overlook a Heterarchical Loop, which we'll revisit in a mo...
Nineteen: is on the side of the climbing frame, staring at the Sunflora field used during the gym challenge. Given that it's also staring at said field's house, this is one of two things - emotional vigilance, or home comforts. It's also beside a version of The Harvest, which we know is part-Hass too.
Twenty: climbing frame, above Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen - an even higher guardian, and also one that can see the arena. This is also directly across from the Paradoxical Popper, and coupled with what I just mentioned about the Heterarchical Loop... well, this brilliant piece of meta that you've probably already read (top job, fellow theorist <3) shows us that yeah, these old pieces by an unnamed artist are probably also Brassie's, which makes this completely adorable - we know from Art (4) that Brass considers his old pieces 'shallow trash'. By his masterpieces overlooking them, they act as a reminder - that Hassel believes in him, that he can do brilliant things - that his new work has a purpose. Even if they aren't his old works, the fact that he places them literally higher up shows that he has more respect for something inspired by Hassel than any other works.
Twenty-One and Twenty-Two: the last of the climbing frame ones, and again, at height, and directly facing the gym. Just behind these is a climbing wall, which heads up towards a dragon-coloured Harvest. Considering that we can infer that Hassel influenced Surrendering Sunflora first, as Brass tells us that he created it directly after Hass saved him, having to head up to a Harvest coloured with Hass' type is really quite sweet as it was likely a result of their connection later down the line. But regardless of order, these two are again indicative of Hass' care for him.
Twenty-Three: is... well, at the back of someone's house. What's fun about this one is that A. there is literally no reason for this to be here if it's simply about showing off an art piece, and B. even in the daytime, as you can see, this spot? Perpetually in the shade. Even when Brassius feels dark, there's Hassel - his permanent sunshine, making sure he never feels too alone, or abandoned in a place no one would look for him.
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Another of my favourites - the symbolism here is gorgeous.
Twenty-Four and Twenty-Five: greet you if you walk into town from the Levincia side, which is very much along the same lines as Seven and Eight - a warm, sunshine welcome, a peacefulness of spirit.
Twenty-Six: stares directly at the side of the Go-for-Broke Grill... which just so happens to be where one finds Encounter Power: Dragon food. Goddamn gay people and their apples...
Twenty-Seven: is behind the Grill, and looking straight at the Sunflora field. The Sunflora field is not only a core part of the gym test, but the specific direction of this one points at the house attached to the field. So not only is this field full of sunshine, it's overlooked by it, too. Anything directed towards a house also speaks of hearth and home - a comfort, a feeling of literally being 'at home' in someone's presence.
Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine: stand as guardians to the Sunflora field, right on either side of its gate. Now, for this one, I would like to draw your attention to a piece of dialogue Hass gives you during the League:
"I am Hassel, the dragon guarding the final fortress of the Elite test."
Whilst this field is no fortress, these ones nevertheless stand taller than any other Surrendering Sunflora in the town - the 'protectors' of the field of sunshine, the warmth and the light Brass has experienced beneath Hass. Now, given that Hass also tells you in the League that his job as a teacher is to guide students and watch them grow... well, here we are. He's helped Brassius grow, prosper, and find his inner light, and he'll protect him at all costs from that darkness. And size matters, here - these are big, they stand out, therefore they are deliberately important. This is Brassius' greatest impression of his love - as a protector, and a guide to the light.
Thirty: stands in the Sunflora field itself. This one is notably smaller than the gatekeepers, the usual size of those around town, and is just across from a dragon Harvest in the same field. Again, why not put your emotional sunshine in a field of your actual ones? (And why not do it twice, y'know, because you're massively dramatic...)
Thirty-One: sees our final return to the climbing frame - this is one of the ones I missed originally, because it's directly beneath it. There's another one down here too, right beneath the Popper, but as they mean the same thing as Twenty-Three, we'll count them together - a location always dark and in shade, illuminated. They're also hemmed in by the wooden walls of the climbing frame - they are, quite literally, trapped - like one might be in their own mind, during depression, without a source of light.
Thirty-Two: is probably my favourite of them all. This harks back to number One, overlooking Glaseado, except...
Well, this looks at another mountain, and it's literally not in Artazon - it's the one I showed you in the very first photo of this post. The location box for Artazon doesn't even crop up. It is, however, facing direct south, but... what's it doing here?
In facing the sun's peak, this one exists to show us that there isn't a mountain Hassel can't help Brassius overcome, however high. Look at where you end up, if you follow this cliff directly from this Sunflora:
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The highest peak you can see all of Artazon clearly from, considerably overlooking every other Sunflora that already overlooks core parts of the town important to Brassie. You know what they call that level of symbolism? Fucking love.
And finally, we end on Thirty-Three, which... well. I think we all know what a Pokemon Center does. It heals, it brings your Pokemon back from the brink of death - and who do we know, who's done that for Brassius?
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... Pokemon Centers are free, and in this generation, even feature a kindly Nurse Joy who will offer you guidance and assistance through the big, wide, open world of Paldea from the goodness of her own heart.
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... This whole town is a love letter. At every turn, you run into a new page of narrative through these Sunfloras: you slot together another meaning, you see the hearts of two men woven into every little stitch. And whether or not this was Brassius' intention, it was almost certainly the intention of those who made him. This is what art directors do, this is what devs hide for you to find. This is Pokemon's ultimate Easter egg, and it is fucking beautiful.
I don't know any more than you lovely people do if they're ever going to officially confirm Hassius as a romantic duo - in love, married, whatever. And I'd love to see it as much as you all would, but... well, I already have. Here it is, right in front of us, if only we're willing to look. Of all the meta I've posted on these two so far, this... yeah, this is the most gay and glorious of them all. And I've still got more to say, just... not on this. We're good here.
... Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do that killing thing I mentioned earlier, though maybe after a nap... sir you must die by my own hand for CRIMES AGAINST MY FREE TIME. (jk, king. Love you, keep doing what you're doing. I am but an average poster without your delicious homosexuality. xoxo)
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Still haven't recovered from "Guardian Demon"
Still feeling physically sick from it
Alright my advice for "so you read the controversial dark fic people sometimes talk about and now you kinda need aftercare"
Get some fresh air if possible, get outside, disconnect a bit, it doesnt need to be for long, but a walk around the block if possible can help
Get something warm and comfortable, make some tea, some hot chocolate, some soup, warm and easy to hold.
Detox it out of your mind. If you're like me you struggle to let go of thoughts unless you can vent them or express them. Gossip with a friend about it, ask to rant about it. While this doesn't help everyone and if you aren't careful could make it worse, I personally find being able to go "LOOK AT THIS BULLSHIT" to be a good way to make my brain move on from a topic
Self care, have you taken a shower lately? eaten? hydrated? you may just be lacking some biological function and it's merging with your unease, so making sure youre clean, fed, and watered can help reduce it.
Read some fluff, listen to some happy music, watch a calming minecraft lets play, let your mind settle down, look at cute shipping art of the, remind yourself that it's a story and they are fine, pet a cat
Alternatively, if you aren't the kind of person that works on, switch to dark content you already know you like. Listen to that heavy metal song about the devil, watch a horror movie you know you like, read a spooky story that you know won't make it worse. Hell, play something like fnaf and get jumpscared a few times to get your brain onto a different less upsetting kind of lingering anxiety.
Vent content, this is similar to the detox, but more creatively focused, write an alternative end to the story, draw a picture of kokichi looking cool and powerful, make a new ending, a new story, one where it ends how you want it end, where it gives the closure you want for the characters. Hell, write about your super cool oc going into the story and rescuing kokichi! Even if it makes you feel a bit silly or self indulgent, that's good! that means youre having fun again!
Not all of these will work or be appealing, but doing a few should at least help take the edge off it. I said it kinda jokingly but it really is similar to aftercare, you read a really dark story with sexual themes and you essentially safeworded, you're going through a similar crash. You aren't being dramatic, or weak, or silly, or overreacting, or anything. Intense emotions over a period of time, even if it's just a few hours of reading, can cause crashes in your brain due to chemicals going a bit funky. It's kinda like how if you get home from a super fun party you suddenly feel really down and unhappy, that's an endorphin crash!
So even if it sounds a bit silly to say it about reading a fanfiction, but if it's fucking with your head still, you need to give yourself aftercare
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emlan · 3 months
Finished expansion!
Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail done, here's some MSQ spoiler thoughts:
I've had XIV on ice for a while so I was going into it as a casual and not a diehard fangirl but still I am shocked and disappointed by how bored I was during the whole thing… And annoyed, which is a bigger crime. Constantly wondering why characters act like they do or why they aren't asking about X.
Alphinaud and Alisae did nothing and they were both an eyesore with their old outfits, dressing them in local threads would've been so easy and a cute way to buff the immersion of visiting a new continent. (To be fair I guess they HAVE to tag along even if the writer doesn't want them there due to Trusts? I'd argue Krile and Erenville were just pieces of furniture until the very last stretch too but they were at least interested in the same goal as Wuk Lamat so they didn't feel out of place.)
My fav stuff is interacting and bonding with characters new and old but it doesn't feel like we got much of that? Trying to picture what people will even draw fanart of for DT of and all my mind's eye can see is Wuk Lamat lovers drawing WoLship art or just her looking cute and/or hot. (Also Erenville looking cute and/or hot.)
Doing a "sweet girl turns into massive threat" right after a "sweet girl turns into massive threat" expansion is rather brazen but it is a Classic so whatever. Would've been neat if she was an adult woman instead.
I could probably rant about several particular moments but I can feel myself slowly starting to morph into a WORST expansion EVER red-arrow-and-circle YouTube thumbnail which would be rather unsexy of me so I'll go ahead and choose happiness by listing the things I enjoyed instead;
Starting with the incredible lvl 93 weapons!!!! They all look like bland NPC pieces which is something super rare in this game, such a breath of fresh air. The NIN daggers especially is pure 10/10 and I was even considering changing my never-glamming-it-away ARR longbow into the new BRD one. The new sets are good too, I'm not much for scifi-y gear but the ones you get before Solution 9 are very nice and the aiming top gave my lizard a very lovely waist. I was really lucky to get the golden bangle hand drop that all Tuliyollal NPCs wear so I could fit in proper :3 Tweaking my main glam slightly to blend into each new areas better was a big source of fun.
Zoraal Ja bringing back an SSR Alpaca made me chuckle.
The moblin pot contract stuff is very endearing, basically they are keeping a crafter as a personal pet to love and pamper so they can do their best work? Such a cute Human Cattle aligned setup even though it's a mutual agreement and not actual ownership.
I liked the little merchant/seller skit we do with Koana even if my main glee was just seeing him wear something that didn't clash with his teal hair.
I perked up during the cooking contest introduction since it seemed like the chance for shenanigans was high, but they didn't really play around with it. At least we got Alisae musing to herself about Zuraal Ja and Baka Ja Ja in matching aprons 👌 Is the Fu awakening in you, my girl…?
Bakool Ja Ja doing his best to help out and getting a little flustered when receiving thanks after having been a stupid miserable bully that pretty much set off a nuke willy-nilly was nice, but only bcs I tend to clap like a seal no matter what when this trope appears. Since I am choosing happiness I'm not gonna comment more on his character.
The play was delightful as was the FF9 town wink in general (I also laughed for the wrong reasons at poor Otis doing a voice gag in an unvoiced cutscene, at least it still got the gist across well.)
lvl 100 dungeon nice presentation.
Of course…….
Koana turning out to be an all-in siscon 🙏
Blessed be. It was rather predictable him and Wuk Lamat would end up as a duo ruler pair to cover each other's weaknesses, but her energetic public marriage proposal and stone carving to truly show off their union ran with the premise more than what I had braced for!
Love him feeling super jealous and obviously having been crying in the shower over WoL getting asked about a place in his sister's court [before he knew he had a place too] and then later him also clearly feeling threatened when she states that she views the WoL as one of her beloved siblings too. So pathetic clearly wanting to be the only Brother™ in her life ❤
I was kinda eyes emoji at Zoraal Ja too when he was staring at his sister with icy contempt, emboldened by my incest win when it came to the catboy I dared to dream that the oldest brother also harbored some obsessive feelings towards her that he didn't know how to handle, but that's not quite what happened… It's a shame we didn't get flashbacks of all those siblings together in various stages of life, I kept forgetting they were actually family so Wuk Lamat angsting over her evil brother made me go Oh Right every time I got reminded.
Lastly it wasn't quite part of the MSQ but the chuuni villain roundtable intro for the Role Quests was very silly (positive) and probably the most entertained I was during these past 4 days. Well, besides the actual trial fights being fun but I don't count those for story.
Ignoring the "human" faces and only going by the world the graphics/lighting update is very nice! My guy made it out OK but it stings a bit every time I see his mouth having had its charm nerfed. Very impressed by the not-Vanu Vanu, Horthgals and Mamool Jas facial expressions. However, hairstyles all look worse than before, so soft and "washed out"? I'm exaggerating for effect rn but Koana looks like he has a soft teal cloud as hair basically? And the twins' white hair is now too uniformly white without the darker hair strand lines…
The inn room is probably the nicest looking one we've gotten so far, both luxurious and cozy vibes. Always crack up seeing my Au Ra in bed nothing says relaxation like a super stiff coffin pose.
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Quite bummed I couldn't find as much excitement as in previous expacks and I probably won't bother renewing sub for a while, but at least I already have other fandoms to keep me occupied.
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lc-holy · 1 year
Hello! I know the Miraculous Ladybug movie is fresh in everyone's mind at the moment, but I've been meaning to ask: have you watched The Super Mario Bros Movie? If so, what are your thoughts -- likes and dislikes? I became involved in the fandom thanks in part to your Mario fanart/comics from years ago. You work inspired me to do my own fanworks. In any case, keep up the good work! It's always a joy to see your art pop up here.
Oh! I remember you!
Yes, I saw the Mario movie a while ago, so I don't remember all the details.
But I remember leaving the theater with mixed feelings.
I wasn't expecting a very deep storyline, but rather beautiful animation, a colorful universe, fights and humor. The animation, fighting and respect for the universe were impeccable ! Adding a family to the Mario brothers was really great! I love Mario and Luigi's relationship. Even Mario and Peach was adorable and Mario and Donkey kong was funny. I liked the change in Peach's personality (which reminds me a lot of Peach from super paper Mario), although I would have liked to see her softer side that she has in the games.
Unfortunately, the pacing was very strange, with everything moving very very fast. The film never slows down to give the characters a chance to bond. They should have at least added 10-20 minutes to the film. The humor was nice, but nothing like the absurd humor I like in Mario and Luigi or Paper Mario games.
But thanks to this film, Nintendo is finally releasing a new game with Peach as the main playable character. I can't wait. I also have some Mario drawings in progress, which I'll post on twitter and deviantart when I've finished them (I'm hesitating to create another tumblr account to post my other drawings that aren't Miraculous-related).
To sum up my opinion of the film, it was fun but nothing more. There were a lot of good ideas, but there wasn't enough time to develop them. But I'll gladly see it again with my brother, who hasn't seen it yet.
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red-man-of-mustache · 7 months
Rules and other relevant information(Mobile view)
Rule 1. I'm not at all selective with who I'll role-play with. I'd prefer mutuals, naturally, but I think if we're interacting with one another that'll come with time so I won't harp on it. I don't care about your writing length but just know sometimes I can get carried away with mine so be warned. I also don't mind doubles! Mario and Mario, Mario and Dr Mario, Shadow Mario, whatever variation is welcome. I don't do exclusivity with muses either(unless discussed). Also, I don't mind role-playing with anons either. Basically, my blog is a free-for-all. Random anons, random asks for the hell of it, go for it.
Rule 2. Personal blogs are welcome here. I'll be reluctant to follow them though as I like to keep my dash a certain way. Should you rp from a side-blog then you know what to do: lemme know.
Rule 3. This blog is multi-ship and multi-verse(ew dirty word). The main verse of course has continuity between threads so keep that in mind if you see Mario mention or otherwise reference your muse and events that happened surrounding their interaction. Verse exclusive interactions will be tagged properly. Posts without a verse tag are to be assumed main verse.
Rule 4. This is a personal mish-mash of everything Mario: the games(mainline and spinoffs), comics(Super Mario adventures primarily, Super Mario-kun is lightly followed) and the cartoons. The recent Super Mario bros movie is an origin story and I'm not sure if I'll make a verse for it yet as Mario is fresh to the kingdom and hasn't been on any adventures yet. I have headcanons that I toss into my interpretation of Mario and I'll be getting a headcanon tag going soon along with updating these rules with said tag for ease of access. I say all that to say that if I do something that you may consider off-color for Mario let me know! I take criticism. Love it actually.
Rule 5. I will reiterate: there is no set way to begin interaction. Toss me a random ask, random starters are also accepted, and my starter calls are always open(might make a perma one, who knows). My messages are open for plotting purposes or general shenanigans. Discord available upon request and I also rp there as well.
Rule 6. I will not be writing any smut. It makes me uncomfortable to try and think of Mario in that light. Sorry. No italian sausage.
Rule 7. Relationships aren't just romance. If you see potential for an ongoing friendship, maybe frienemies, partners in some grand project, let's get to working those deets out.
Rule 8. I personally don't consider much "read-more" worthy but triggers will be tagged. They won't be in the same style as my other tags, simply "tw:wires" or something.
Rule 9. Almost forgot! No god-modding.
Rule 10. If I'm taking a bit to reply and you see me replying to others then gimme a poke. Message me, tag me again, I don't mind. Most likely I forgot or real life got in the way and flipped my perception upside down. Happens more then you'd expect, trust me. Also, I reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason. I'll of course let you know should that happens. I used to be real bad about that kinda thing. This goes double for messages by the way!
This blog is quite the casual place to be( of course that's just my opinion) despite the graphics and whatnot. I'm here to have fun and indulge an old hobby of mine. If you read this far: there's no password. Just like the post so I know you read it. Catch ya on the flipside.
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aleeyenn · 2 years
Hello aleeyenn! I'm the anon who requested and sent that message!
I had to make a whole account because I wanted to show you an image, but anons aren't allowed to do that, so I had to rewrite everything, so my apologies!
Also, my apologize if this is simply weird in general, I dunno if I should stick to Tumblr (since you did, you're the least active here) >.<
But I wanted to say, I'm incredibly happy and honored that my message meant so much to you! I'm really honored and soo hyped because you and your work really mean so much to me, as in your one of my biggest inspirations, so I was so excited to read that!! Thank you! Please keep drawing and creating. (Also, have you considered making full body refs for your gijinkas :o?)
I did want to gush and say why I love your Pin (and all your other gijinkas) and felt really seen. It's because of how unique and out of box the designs are that you rarely see with other designs, while still capturing the same personalities and aesthetic (and even shape sometimes) of the original characters.
But to be specific, thank you for making her super feminine and pretty, while keeping her punk side!!! >u<
Alot of other gijinkas design her in typical biker / rebel chick get up w/ a lot of metal spikes, which dose makes sense, because of her metal part on the top of her (and fits her tough leader role personality wise) a lot of also make her body type in an hourglass, which also makes since, since Irl pins are in those shapes.
But what I really appreciate about your design is that you went in the opposite direction! I love how you made Pin wear these big poofy clothes and aprons! It's not only an easy and unique way to reference the shape of an actual pin, but it highlights a side of her that I don't really see the fandom highlight all that often. Her love of baking, gardening, her being bit of caretaker and just an friendly and easy-going person. I also just love seeing blk and poc women just being so happy and being femmine, it's so rare to see that and makes me so happy.
But another small design choice that I can't over and that made me go over on the edge on the "omg she's literally me" train. Are her punk boots! I know it's there to show off how big and tall she is compared to her meow, but I really like the contrast! And still showing off a little of her and toughie side, that she doesn't mind getting dirty. I love you can show off that is a caring and soft person yet still commanding woman by just a design!
This means so much to me, because I didn't think I could consider myself part of the alt community, due to me being really femmine and plus sized, I thought I didn't really fit, but I think seeing your version of Pin made me realize that being "punk" means so many diffrent things, and I don't really have to be super thing and pale to order to be an part of that culture, and never realizing that I could be considered pretty
Also, I just love how you draw her with your version of Coiny, it's so adorable and again, it's amazing to see a happy plus sized girl being loved and adore by a guy, not be treated as joke., thank you so much
Thats all! My apologizes for going on lesbian and analytical mode on your inbox, I'm deeply sorry if I come across as weird, you probability were not thinking that hard or deep with your designs, but I just really admire of how all of them are breath of fresh air, I have known a specific person that looks exactly like one of designs in my family when I think about it!
I just want to say before I go, is that this what I specifically want to go out and cosplay as, as it's what totally made me single handedly self-confident that I could be pretty in the alt community when I so low on myself
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I love this drawing of Pin so much, you have no ideal it meant so much, I know it's sound silly that a doodle affected me, but seriously, I thought I could never look fit in or look pretty in that aesthetic with my weight, interests, and skin
When I saw this and started really seeing myself in it, literally I went in my head "wow, if your Pin can look so beautiful in that, I guess I can!" and it somehow changed a lot of my perspective of me.
Thank you so much again aleeyenn! I'm currently getting started, thank you for making my entire year just by existing and drawing. Keep doing what you are doing and amazing work, and I hope you have an amazing new year!
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I WOULDVE ANSWERED THIS SOONER BUT I WANTED TO MAKE A REF FOR PIN FOR YOU! but GAAAHHHH nobody has ever said anything like that to me before and it MEANS SOOOOO MUCH I CANT EXPRESS IT 😭😭😭 when i make humanizations allllll i want is for them to make people feel represented and confident in themselves and MY DREAM CAME TRUE!!!im like. genuinely so happy that you said all that and really analyzed her because i actually put a lot of thought into some humanizations i make and she was one of them… i feel like with a bunch of pin gjinkas they either make her super feminine or super punk without an in between and i wanted to make an in between because it’s what she needs .. nobody like really acknowledges both parts of her i feel like a lot of everyone sees her as a shy anxious girl or rude and cold person because they focus mostly on pre split bfb and that irks me … because shes really not just an anxious person she is a leader and blah blah blah but i really wanted to push every aspect of her into a humanization to make her recognized as herself instead of someone she’s not … but no more rambling THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND IM SO HAPPY MY ART MADE YOU FEEL THAT WAY 😢 you are so sweet and i’m literally over the moon that you like her that much and saw so much in her Like my design isn’t just a design it made someone more confident and accepting of themselves THATS SO CRAZY! thank you thank you thank you… i hope you enjoy these little drawings i whipped up i need to make more references anyway so this was a good head start… THANK HOUUUU and remember there’s nothing more powerful than embracing and being yourself and never stop doing that! YAYYYYY!
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the-labyrinth-within · 7 months
A loud and piercing voice yelled out . She turned around to see her best friend and assistant Maya , running toward her .
"Oh my God ... I missed you so much . How was your Christmas? Was it amazing? I can't wait to tell your about mine . I would have done it earlier , but the reception sucked at the resort.....I just can't wait to..."
Gia could have sworn that Maya was the most hyper person in her life . She had literally called her from across the street and dashed past people, not caring if she bumped into anyone, while making crazy gestures with her hand to signal her .
The moment she finally caught up to Gia , she wrapped her arms tightly around her as if letting go was forbidden.
Gia could feel herself suffocate now , she gently patted Maya's back and slowly pulled herself away. When she was finally free, she forced a kind smile and squeezed Maya's soft and slender hands.
" I missed you too Maya. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself this Christmas. Now let's get to work , I think it's gonna rain in a bit , let's catch up at work okay ?"
Maya nodded and hooked her arm with Gia's . As they walked to their workplace, Maya couldn't help but notice that Gia seemed a bit distant. Actually, Gia had been distant for the past few months and she couldn't find a way to get her to open up without unintentionally pushing Gia away in the process. So, as a good and dedicated best friend, she decided to respect Gia's privacy and be around all the time ....just in case the time came when Gia needed to talk to her .
They finally got to work and Gia opened the restaurant. She had gone to culinary school after high school and she became a chef in a few years . She was around 20 . She then moved from job to job, from investor to investor until she met Carlos and he believed in her enough to invest in her . And that's how her world slowly begun to go crazy.
At first everything was professional. She opened her restaurant with Carlos' investment and paid him back bit by bit until she owed him no more . And the restaurant was legally hers.
Looking back on it now , she realised she still owed him . All the gifts and occasional vacations he granted her when they were in a relationship were from the pockets of Carlos. And if they aren't together anymore, then she needs to pay back every single cent. That's what she made herself believe.
"Earth to Gia"
Maya said while vigorously shaking her friend who had been stuck in an unknown land in her mind for more than 2 minutes.
Gia finally snapped out of it and apologised . Maya gave a wry smile and mouthed "it's okay ".
They got busy with setting up the restaurant and calling their suppliers for fresh fruits, veggies and meat . After about an hour of pacing up and down, they finally took a break and sat to talk over coffee.
Gia didn't want to seem like she had a problem, so she wrapped her fingers around Maya's knuckles and asked her to give her a full detailed report on the Christmas holidays. Maya on the other hand , had been dying to tell her everything.
She quickly unloaded everything to her best friend and started beaming in the end . The reason for her joy was that , Maya had met a guy at the resort and though they hadn't talked much about it , Maya felt that there could be something between them in the future.
On the other hand, Gia was trying hard to hold herself together and make sure Maya doesn't see that something is wrong with her. She occasionally threw in quick questions and funny statements to keep Maya from noticing anything.
"You really should get a boyfriend Gee. You have to, you're not getting any younger, you'll be 25 in a few months."
Maya did not know about Carlos, in fact the only ones who knew were the security and home staff of Carlos .
He had made it super clear to Gia that nobody was to know of their relationship. Not even Gia's mom or Maya.
So, for the past 2 years , she had been lying about being single and having occasional flings with people she often supposedly met at bars and beaches.
No one knew, so whenever Carlos hurt her, she had no one to comfort her. She silently broke and awaited Carlos to fix her back and it always took him forever to do so .
This time though, it seemed Carlos wouldn't fix what he broke . And that was the part that scared her the most .
Maya sat across her , confused. She didn't know which part of her story was sad, so she didn't know why Gia had started crying all of a sudden. She noticed that again Gia was lost in thought and she didn't even realise she was crying.
She gently placed her palm on Gia's cheek and wiped her tears .
"Whatever it is Gia, I'm here for you. I don't wanna pressure you , but I know something is wrong . I don't wanna loose you Gee , so tell me whenever you're ready . I'm here "
Gia finally gave up and broke into uncontrollable sobs . She was like that for a while, then she finally decided to tell Maya everything.
Maya , was definitely not prepared for what she was about to hear . She could have guessed a million things, but not this.
"What did you say ?"
Maya asked, stunned and hurt by what she just heard.
" I fell in love Maya, I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have. And now, I'm paying the ultimate price"
Gia didn't need to mention a name . Maya already knew who Gia was talking about . There could only be one person. All those coincidences weren't just coincidences , they were together and Gia kept it from everyone.
As she sat to analyse everything, Maya couldn't help but feel a pang of betrayal and anger towards Gia . She sat back and bit her lip as if that would stop the stream already flowing down her cheeks .
The pain Maya was feeling was like none other and in that moment, she was stuck in a limbo . She didn't know if to listen to Gia first and act or just get up and leave .
The two just sat there across each other in total awkward deafening silence .
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lightbarebunnies · 10 months
Hello! I saw that you have opened up requests and are willing to do match-ups! Could I possibly have one, please?
I'm 5'9'' and a little on the heavier side (she/her) with shoulder length, curly red hair and gray/blue eyes.
As for my hobbies, I love to draw and paint (charcoal is one of my favorite mediums) and I absolutely love creating fantasy world maps (I'm currently working on one for my Capstone creative writing final). I love writing and am in the process of writing my first book (what the map is for). I love gardening and I have a very large veggie and herb selection (My apple and peach trees are supposed to fruit next year and I'm super excited!). Foraging is something that I love. I love playing rhythm games, TTRP's ( I often play as a rogue), and video games. My favorite food would be Soba, my favorite drink would be Vanilla milk tea. Music wise, some of my favorite bands include Icon for Hire, Ghost Town, Good with Grenades, Skillet, and Breaking Benjamin.
Personality wise, I'm incredibly shy at first but when you get to know me, I can be more outgoing, I'll just need to recharge the social battery afterwards. I want to be helpful but there are times that I'm not really sure how. In high school, I was the mom friend. Anything you needed, it was most likely in the backpack. Snacks, water, lotion, a spoon (I carried a set of silverware all the time cause you never know), pain meds, hygiene products. A swiss army bag, is what my teachers called it. I have very high anxiety and can get overwhelmed very easily if I'm not careful.
My love language (giving) would be acts of service and quality time. Receiving would be physical touch and quality time.
I'm sorry if this is a lot, I wasn't sure what to put here so I just did a bit of everything! Take your time and remember to take care of yourself!
Oohh, this was a fun! It's my first time writing one of these - I might've gotten a little carried away though. If you aren't interested in my thought/decision making process, skip to the bottom!
Alright. So, I (as an autistic person) have a special interest in typology. While I'm not an expert by any means, it's just a really enjoyable way for me to analyse things - will be using some of the terms in my explanation. You don't need to know anything about enneagrams really, they're just an easy way for me to use talking points :3
Alright, initially, I decided to just think of anyone I think would have something in common with you. The list of your potential matches were
Natsume (Major Gamer, a fan of fantasy and thus creative writing, a pretty talented gardener)
Madara (Same favorite food! He is also in Kaori, which is a tea appreciation circle.)
Rei (LOVES gardens, but not so much gardening itself. Would definitely keep you company while you worked, provided there's shade. Perhaps he's introduced to you through his tea-loving brother?)
Eichi (He too is a writer, an enjoyer of gardens, and tea!)
Niki (I can imagine a nice dynamic between the two of you, he'd go crazy for your fresh produce, but you'd likely need to keep him from eating all of it.)
Ritsu (Tea fan, and a member of CRAFTMONSTER. I think he'd really benefit from your prepared-ness, as well!)
Midori (Gardener!)
Yuzuru (He is an artist!)
With that in mind, I did a little bit of just general thinking. At that point your top choices were Rei and Madara, but I wanted to delve a bit deeper.
Once I did that, I looked through each character's enneagrams to get a general idea what their basic fear and desires are. Yuzuru - 1 (Fears imbalance and being corrupted, desires balance and integrity.) Rei - 2 (Fears being unloved or unlovable, desires to be appreciated.) Eichi - 3 (Fears being considered worthless, desired to be needed) Natsume - 5 (Fears incapability or being unable to help oneself, desires understanding of the world around them) Midori - 6 (Fears being alone or lacking support, desires guidance) Madara - 7 (Fears being trapped, desires a feeling of contentedness) Niki, Ritsu - 9 (Fears loss and social rifts, desires peace of ones social circle)
I'm not the best at typing people currently, but from what you described I can see you having type 2 or 6 influences, likely as 6w5 or a 3w2.
Then I considered what you would bring to a relationship, your love languages both giving and receiving, and how they fit into everything. You're a carer. You care, you think of every possibility and prepare for anything. You then provide that to those you love so that they also have anything they may need. In my opinion - Rei, and Madara are the two that need to just have someone to be their person, the ones who sticks around even after they break down and stop being 'useful' or 'appealing'. One of the key differences between those two is that Madara is more extroverted and Rei is more introverted.
With all of that in mind… I'd match you with Rei!
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You and Rei would have a Morticia and Gomez Addams type of romance. He adores you, you're absolutely enamored with him, and no one would ever question your relationship.
Rei usually brings an umbrella with him as he watches you tend to your garden, chatting with you about practically anything - if it's with you, it's bound to be entertaining. He's deeply interested in your creative writing, and likely would pick up TTRPGS to play them alongside you. He's a bit of a social chameleon, able to match your energy regardless of what level.
You offer him a place to belong, a home he can always return to. His clinginess can come and go, especially if he's in need of your attention, which comes from his lonely childhood. I think after some time he'd be far more comfortable and trusting of your bond... but he's still the type to always want to have a hand on you when you're in public. Resting it on the small of your back, holding your hand, his arm around your shoulder - it doesn't matter, he just wants to feel you there.
He tends to your needs, doing his best to ease your anxieties and reassuring you that things will be okay, and that he isn't going anywhere. When times are tough, and you feel totally overwhelmed, Rei would pull you close (likely to cuddle on a couch more often than his coffin) and just hold you. He wants you to feel him, his hand combing through your curls, to be reminded that in this moment you're here, with him, in the present. He'll ask you to share what it is that's on your mind, listening attentively as you lay in his arms. While not completely fearless himself, Rei is more than happy to battle your demons.
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