#so anyway i’m taking elementary japanese again so i can see her (and also for my degree)
genderqueer-karma · 6 months
crying real tears my japanese teacher came back to the states after going back to japan in 2020
0 notes
awaitingfall · 2 months
Crazy how it only took me 3 days to gain back the same amount of weight that took me 2 weeks to lose 😮‍💨 I really shouldn’t have smoked yesterday cuz I instantly got the munchies and started eating too late into the afternoon. I also ate almost an entire package of Tate’s cookies on our picnic we went on yesterday, AND my bf talked me into getting gelato on Saturday and we both ate too much of that 😭 I gotta be better on my period. I even told myself I’d regret all these choices when the day to finally weigh again came, but then I told myself “it’s the last day before I start my routine again, I deserve a treat” 🥲 I wish I had thought harder about the consequences.
So now my goal for this week is to get back to 133, and then if that goal is reached, my next goal will be 131 by the end of next week. AND THEN HOPEFULLY by the end of August/beginning of September I’ll be somewhere in the mid-120’s 🤞🏻
I had called out sick from work this past Thursday and the other girls ended up having to leave early anyways because there wasn’t enough work to do, I’m hoping there will be something for us to do today. OH! Speaking of work, I went to the mall on Friday with my mom to help her pick out a new pair of glasses and I mentioned to the girl that was helping us that I used to be the lab tech at the other glasses place in the mall and she offered me part-time work there cuz she ended up being the sales manager. I thought at first she was just saying that to be nice, but then she said it again as we were leaving. So that’s really cool I have a back up/side gig option if I feel like money is getting a little tight. I do miss working closer to home, but if I quit my current job that I really wanted to get back, then I’d only be working part-time and that definitely wouldn’t be enough money coming in. Maybe I can see about working part-time in the winter? Friday-Sunday, especially since I don’t do anything on the weekends in the winter time. I’ll just hustle a little to save up for a house and a trip to Japan (finally) 😌
My bf and I have been considering moving to Japan temporarily, especially with the way the US been actin’ up lately. He at least has some sort of an in, though, cuz the company he works for is a Sake brewery with their main headquarters in Japan, so he could tell them he’s interested in working for the main brewery and spending time there and they’d probably send him in a heartbeat. They like that shit. One of their requirements for the job was to be interested in Japan and Japanese culture. So they’d probably be so excited to hear that one of the American employees wants to experience life over there. Only thing is, idk if they’d also send me. I highly doubt it, so I’d have to come up with my own visa. I could get a student visa. I’ve been trying to learn Japanese since 2016 when I took elementary Japanese in college, but it’s been a struggle trying to self study since then. I know basics, but the speaking part is difficult for me because I have no one to practice with so I stutter and take way too long to think of the sentences before I try to speak. Just doesn’t flow naturally. So studying in Japan would be a great opportunity to get better. Only problem is I wouldn’t be bringing in any money 🥲 so idk. Plus we have our cat that we need to consider cuz I also don’t want to put her under so much stress traveling so far and long like that. Plus they have that animal quarantine and all her documents have to be sent over super far in advance. So yeah, it’s just a lot to take care of. It wouldn’t be as stressful if we didn’t have her, but our life wouldn’t be the same without her so I’m, grateful for my Chichi baby 🥹💕
(I can hear my bf playing one of those YouTube live Coffee shop jazz videos upstairs while he’s drinking his morning coffee lol he used to make fun of me for playing that as background noise in the morning, but he’s come to enjoy it now)
Okay! Today will be a great day! I already started on the right path by waking up at 5, then meditating, exercising, showering, and journaling. Now I’ve gotta feed my cat, feed myself, and get ready for a good day at work 😤
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shihalyfie · 3 years
@sage-striaton replied to your post:
Idk how people can say Frontier has characters that lack depth. Imo it’s a very psychological season. The whole adventure thing is aimed to making them grown in their behaviours and feelings, it’s a big metaphor of their development
I’m sorry for hijacking your response to my post to segue this into another rant of mine, but I want to emphasize that one of my goals with this blog (if I can be said to have any) is that I really, really, really want people to re-examine whether they actually believe in the rhetoric that’s been dominating this fanbase for two decades, or whether there’s more to it. This is especially in regards to the fact that we’re talking a series deliberately written in such a way that it’ll change meaning and nuance as you get older, so it can “grow up” with you in a sense, and yet it seems like -- especially in regards to Adventure through Frontier, due to their position as the oldest series that the majority of the fanbase was elementary or preteen age during -- people are still regurgitating the same rehashed twenty-year-old ideas like they’re undeniable law. It’s one thing if they’re saying it because the series didn’t sit well with them the first time and they don’t want to watch it again, but we’re reaching a recurring problem where it’s sort of “brainwashing” even people who don’t actually believe it but feel compelled to go along with it, or wouldn’t feel that way if it weren’t for peer pressure. Obviously, there are dissenting opinions, and ones that are even very loud about that, but that pressure remains.
The mainstream opinion in the fanbase is that Adventure is untouchable and impervious to any criticism, 02 is its inferior sequel with half-baked characters, Tamers is an auteur work that’s the “deepest” of the original tetralogy due to being dark, and Frontier is devoid of much substance at all. Even those who don’t really believe in this will still be pressured to go alongside it, those who like 02 or Frontier will be pressured to consider it a “guilty pleasure”, and it’s only very recently when certain events revealed that the idea of 02 actually having quite its own fervent and passionate fanbase that likes it on its own merits became properly recognized. (I have actually noticed a huge uptick in 02 fans, especially casual ones, being more shameless in talking about liking it in the last two years; you’re still going to get the obnoxious person “reminding” you how bad it apparently is if you bring it up, but it’s not nearly as prevalent as it used to be.) I’m not talking about whether something is a “good” or “bad” series -- that concept doesn’t really exist to me as much as whether it’s “to one’s tastes” or not, and I think one of the joys of this franchise is that it has things that cater to people with vastly different preferences -- as much as a lot of potential for analysis and intimate thought about these very fascinating series. Even if 02 and Frontier were as shallow or half-baked as they were accused of, I wouldn’t think it’d be shameful to like them for one’s own reasons anyway, but what frustrates me is that I just don’t think that’s true in the first place!!
Not helping is that there’s still a refusal among the fanbase to admit that there were substantial differences in American English dubbing (especially in regards to Adventure and 02), which I don’t mean as a bad thing in the sense that some people prefer to stick only with that dub and consider that version what they want to work with, but in the sense that the treatment of them as “the same thing” has been horribly detrimental when two people, one coming from that dub and one coming from the Japanese version (or a dub more closely based on it), will end up often having an argument doomed to go nowhere because they were never talking about the same thing to begin with. Recently, a friend admitted to me that although they’d switched to the Japanese version a long time ago, they still couldn’t get the image of Daisuke and Takeru having an inherently hostile relationship (they don’t) out of their head due to the influence of that dub, and although they consciously knew better -- at least enough to admit this to me -- it wasn’t helped by the fact that the fanbase itself continues to reinforce this image because of how normalized it is to treat the dub version and the Japanese version as “virtually the same” and for Western fanbase discourse to assume you should be projecting those takes into the Japanese version. If you’re hanging out in English-speaking circles but are working from the Japanese version or a dub directly based off of it, you do actually have to filter out a lot of takes you’re hearing because they won’t actually apply to the version you’re watching, but not a lot of people realize this.
All four of Adventure through Frontier share tons of key staff, especially Seki, known for her focus on wanting the kids in the audience to be able to empathize with and relate to the characters on screen. All four share some of the best character work I’ve seen not only in this franchise, but also in kids’ media in general, and I also stress that a lot of this has a ton of nuance that isn’t always apparent unless you read between the lines. I do understand that a lot of this probably went over our heads as kids, and I won’t say that the choice to execute it this way should be impervious to criticism, but nevertheless, I think it’s important to call attention to the fact it is there, and much of it becomes recognizable once you see it that way; for instance, so much of "it's contradictory character writing!" comes from the fact that the series tries to represent humans in their inconsistent, messy ways, and while it'll feel "messy" from a writing trope perspective, when you think about it as "since this person has this mentality, does it make sense to approach this with this mindset?", suddenly it becomes very consistent. The supposedly “shallow” 02 and Frontier characters will act in ways that match existing psychological profiles meant for actual humans to terrifying degrees, in ways that you might actually recognize even better once you’ve hit adulthood and start intimately understanding things like depression or anxiety in ways you might not have before. Shockingly, “having heart, important themes, and kindness towards the human condition” are completely valid reasons to uplift a creative work in ways distinct from technical writing or cerebrality or how many tropes they subvert or whatever.
On the flip side, people praise Adventure and Tamers for being the naturally “superior” works with better writing, but when it comes to talking about why the writing is supposedly better, a good chunk of the reasons stated don’t actually explain anything substantial, or go back to actually being passive-aggressive dunks on the other series in some form -- it’s because 02 and Frontier’s character writing sucks that badly, or because Adventure had the “best plot” (which may be true if by “best” you mean “easiest to understand”, but that doesn’t mean much to someone who might not be very happy about how its story progression is just a boss rush), or because Tamers is the “deepest” when by “deep” they actually mean “cerebral, dark, and unsubtle about it” without any further meaning (as if Adventure and 02 were idealistic series that never went into anything nuanced and not, say, the fact they went very viciously deep into societal issues between parents and children, psychological horror, and intimate takes on the human condition). I’m personally saying this as someone who does think Adventure and Tamers have a lot to praise in terms of their approaches to realism and the unique aspects each bring to the table, and I feel that people like this are doing them more of a disservice by not bothering to uplift them for any reason that isn’t actually just inherently condescending. I mean, even taking this outside of the original tetralogy for a bit, when I was plugging Appmon earlier, there’s a reason I focused more on its theme and character writing and the use of “dark” writing to convey its sheer range, rather than trying to boil it down to a shallow “it looks cheery but gets really messed up later!”, which is unfortunately an argument I’ve been seeing about it lately.
In the end, when I write my meta, I write it "making a case" for my point of view, and I welcome others to disagree, but if you disagree, I really hope it'll be because you personally disagree, and not because the entire fanbase has been saying otherwise for twenty years and I sound like a radical. I’m not saying that everyone’s consensus takes are completely unfounded, but frankly speaking, this fanbase has some really bad takes, and in the past few years I’ve found it freeing to not only “say what you feel without worrying what others think”, but actually go out of my way to outright try and purge all the preconceived notions and pick only the ones I agree with because I actually agree with them. I encourage you to do it too! And if you do, you might find things about something you like that you didn’t realize before.
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unforth · 3 years
So, English-Speaking Danmei Fandom... (Part 2!)
...you saw my post yesterday and you’re like, “okay, I made a JJWXC account and now I know how much the thing I want to support costs, how do I do the actual money thing?”
Here, I’m figuring it out right now, let’s do it together. I AM STILL RELYING ON THE GUIDE BY SHOKO TRANSLATES. YOU SHOULD USE IT TOO. I have only the most basic idea wtf I’m talking about, and I only have that much because of this guide. That said, it seems to focus more on mobile, and I’m using desktop, so if you’re also on desktop my thing here might help you?
One, go to the payments page. Fortunately, they’ve made it pretty easy to find...
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...by making it the one on that list that’s in RED. Handy, right? No, I don’t know what it actually says. Again, I don’t speak a lick of Chinese. I have some Japanese so sometimes I recognize characters but that doesn’t get me far, ha.
Once you click that (you have to be logged in, of course!) it’ll open up a new screen, with a list of payment options on the right. As far as I can tell, this is what the choices are:
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I’m gonna take a stab at international credit card, since that’s...the only one of these I have??? I tried to figure out what the “shenzhouxing” prepaid card is but basically got no where.The Shoko Translates guide does NOT have instructions on this part, at least not for desktop? And the pages look pretty differently on desktop. Anyway. Here goes nothing...I’m mostly relying on C&P and Google translate. *sweatdrop*
So, there are two tabs, but I can’t C&P them and I have no idea what they say. However, the one on the right doesn’t have any boxes for entering stuff?? So I’m gonna stick with the left...OH. It’s a page for doing security questions. Oh god, um.
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Alright. So. Put your password in the top box. For the security questions, what they say is basically irrelevant, except it’s worth noting that the default option is apparently not a question - it’s just “select one.” If, like me, you don’t know Chinese...just pick whichever questions, and put in answers you’ll remember. It doesn’t give a damn if your answers are correlated (though, the first one on the list has something to do with dad, and the second on the list has something to do with mom, I recognize those characters, ha. It doesn’t let you pick the same questions twice...and there are two near the bottom that I THINK might be “father’s birthday” and “mother’s birthday.” And one about elementary school. Sorry, I’m distractable. The point is, the questions don’t matter as long as they accept your answers! Yes, it accepts English ones, and no it doesn’t have anyway of knowing if your answers correlate to the questions at all. TAKE A SCREENCAP OF YOUR CHOSEN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS AND SAVE IT BECAUSE YOU’LL NEED THEM AGAIN!!! Do your pattern match thingy, then click the green button, and there’s another page which looks like it’s asking me to re-enter the same answers.
Click the green button on that second page, and there’s a new page with a single line of Chinese text:
which, according to google translate, is
“Congratulations, the secret security setting is successful, click here to jump to the user basic information page.”
Guess I’ll click the thing.
ALRIGHT. So, after doing all that, it takes me back to a home page? Awesome. Whatever. As long as it worked. Click on that red one in the navigation bar again, and NOW when you go to the “international credit card payment” one...
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AHA THIS IS VERY PROMISING, lol. So, based on Shoko Translate’s guide, that place drop down menu with “17″ written says “USD” after it, and that it’ll get me 10,000 points. It looks like it processes payments through Paypal; based on my experience with Paypal, that means you may not need an actual Paypal account? But I’m honestly not sure, and I’ve had a Paypal account for 20 years, so I’m just gonna, ya know, use that.
A little window pops up that I’m assuming (blind guessing) is a “this will take you to another page/open a new window, is that a thing you want?” and I clicked the option on the right, and yep, it opened my Paypal. I’ve got a card on file, so...I’m just doing that. (I’d...better make sure I actually have $17 in my account... *another sweat drop*...okay yes I have like $80, wooo...oh, crap, I accidentally paid from my business account, sigh...well, there was def money in there but I’d better pay myself back...ANYWAY.)
Do the payment thing!
It redirects back to JJWXC!
It says something in big bold letters and I have absolutely no idea what! But then it loads, and it’s all the Chinese that I now recognize as my personal account page, and when I scroll to the bottom and...
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...well I have no idea what any of that says but it sure as hell LOOKS like victory. Now to see if I can actually, ya know, buy a thing! I can’t afford to get everything I’d like to at once - I’m pretty broke - so I’m going to start with Tian Guan Ci Fu. It’s my favorite danmei novel, and one of my favorite books of all time, AND it’s by MXTX so even though I can’t buy MDZS on here, I can still support her. I linked to it yesterday in my previous post (which, again, is here).
Author: 墨香铜臭 
Title: 天官赐福
Direct Link:
1. scroll down to the chapter list and click on the first one that says [VIP] next to it. Click the chapter title.
2. the circled button is “select all”
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3. a pop up checks if you actually meant to do that. click the one on the left to confirm.
4. scroll to the bottom, and...
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5. ignore those two check boxes, you might think they’re a ToS confirmation or a “are you sure” but they’re actually about subscribing to the book (which is pointless, since it’s finished) at least according to google.
6. ...uh...shit...now I have to figure out which of these buttons actually does the thing...um...oh thank God, it’s in the Shoko Translates Guide. So, there are five buttons right below the line saying how many points I have. The first is “confirm purchase” so, ya know, just ignore the other ones and click it.
7. A dialog box popped up! It says how many I spent and how many I have left and a bunch of Chinese and two mystery buttons...thank God, again, for Shoko translates, apparently they’re “read now” on the left and “read later” on the right. I’m gonna “read now” just to see if it worked...
8. Well...it sure looks like a book??? I have the PDF translations (a copy from before it was removed, and no, I won’t share it), and, um...okay, so the first unlocked chapter is 21...oh hey, I see San Lang (三郎)! That’s, like, the only thing on this whole page I can read! lmao. Anyway, comparing, like, pagination, and the placement of the exactly one thing I can read, YES, this definitely worked!
This has been your second installment of “disaster dumb white person who speaks no Chinese liveblogs their way through figuring out how the HELL to buy danmei on JJWXC.” If this has been helpful to you, please REBLOG, SIGNAL BOOST, and more importantly, SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE DANMEI AUTHORS!!!!!!
(I own TGCF. I’m so happy omfg. 😭 😭 😭 😭 )
(and as a reminder: I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. If you have a question that requires that someone know what they’re doing, DON’T ASK ME. Instead, try the Shoko Translates guide I linked at the beginning!!! Here, I’ll even link it again. USE IT. DO THE THING.)
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taegyuun · 4 years
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request: Can I request a ni-ki fluff where u both are besties but love each other and u try to confess but ur to shy so he kisses u ?🥺💗
word count: 1.5k+
note: his outfit is inspired by what he wore in his lie cover and italics are your thoughts :) 月が綺麗ですね means “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” which is a more poetic saying of “i love you” in japanese
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it was a around 4 pm and the sun was beginning to set. you promised to yourself that one last time, before riki left for a few months to go to a dance company, you’d see the sunset with him for old times sake.
but a teenager needs their sleep, right? right. so you overslept through your alarm.
you look at your phone in disbelief for a few seconds, letting your half asleep brain render what you’ve done. and then once you realise that the sun would be setting in 30 minutes, you scramble out of bed - legs still tangeled in your sheets and run to your wardrobe, pulling out a random hoodie that coincidentally belonged to the boy you were meant to be meeting in about 15 minutes.
you pull it over year head before checking yourself in the mirror and deeming your messy outfit enough, he is my best friend, you think to yourself.
ah yes, here’s that word again - best friend.
it was a cliché trope, the one where one of the two friends fall for the other and they either suck it up and deal with their feelings till they move on and possibly miss their chance at one of their best things in life or they confess and potentially ruin their friendship. you were a brave one, or at least that’s what you told yourself, and you decided it was the best choice to finally get your feelings out in the open - hoping they would be reciprocated.
and hey, if it didn’t work out, at least you wouldn’t have to see him for a month minimum and that would give you time to get over the embarrassment of ruining your tight knit friendship.
you snap out of your thoughts with a shake of your head and the sound of a message coming from your phone - it was from riki.
riki :D : hey u comin? 16:08
y/n <3 : hi yeah sorry got caught up with sumn 16:08
riki :D : alrighty i’m waiting outside 16:10
you furrow your brows at the message. outside? you both planned on meeting in the field and stuff yourself with your favourite food one last time before he had to stick to a diet - but you didn’t question it further and quickly ran down the stairs ready to run out the door to see your best friend.
instead, you’re met with your mother gushing over him in the kitchen and your father congratulating him on his future career - even as a 15 year old. it was common sense that your parents liked him, you’ve been best friends since elementary school but what you didn’t expect was your mother almost at the brink of bursting into obnoxious tears at the thought of the nishimura riki leaving okayama and her child behind.
to be quiet frank, she was completely more bothered about the fact that riki was leaving okayama, more so than the fact that he was also leaving you behind - she loved him as if he were her own son. “remember to call us ok? tell us how it’s going.” she gripped his shoulders tightly before caressing his face and pulling him into a tight hug. he quickly wrapped his arms back around her, reciprocating the feeling of homesickness even though he hadn’t left yet, before muttering a, “don’t worry, i’ll make sure to call everyday.”
he shared another hug with your dad, more manly than the one with your mum before your mother saw you waiting at the stairs, ushering you to come forward before shoving a bag full of snacks for you two. “make sure to stay safe with riki and don’t go wandering too far - oh also don’t stay out too late... have fun!” before she shoved the both of you out the door, quite stunned.
you then open the bag, seeing it full of yours and his favourite snacks and some... hearts? flowers? what on earth-
“hey, come on slowass... let’s go before it gets too dark,” rikis voice calls out before he softly grips your hand and tugs you along, a bright smile spreading across his face. “what are you wearing?” you look at his outfit and see him covered in a slightly large white dress shirt and black jeans. he looked... put together.
“oh this? i had a dance cover i had to do today, ignore it.” you usually wouldn’t pay attention to what he wore - especially if it was for his dance covers but what you couldn’t ignore was the slight blush that dusted his pale cheeks. is it because i’m wearing his hoodie? no that can’t be it. he never minded before - actually he was always the one to hand you his hoodies. so what could it be?
“let’s sit here, it’s a good spot for the sunset,” he pats the spot of grass next to him on the hill, indicating for you to take a seat. you place the bag at his feet before sitting down onto the cool grass, feeling it tickle at your ankles. 4:33 pm. the sun should be setting right about now-
“riki, uhm, uh well i was gonna uh-“
“spit it out, y/n,” he giggles through his words as he digs his hand into the bag before pulling out two snacks and handing one to you. easier said than done, einstein.
“do you really have to go?” you curse under your breath for being such a coward and not just saying what you wanted to say straight away. “yeah, unfortunately,”
“unfortunately? don’t you want to go? it’s your dream, riki. for the love of god, don’t tell me you’re starting to question it.” you voice raises slightly in bewilderment. he chuckles lowly while looking out into the sky: orange, pinks, purples and hints of blue mixed in the sky like water colour being dipped in a glass half full. “no i’m not... questioning it, i’m more concerned about what i’m going to leave behind.” he takes another bite before speaking again, “i’ll miss okayama, y’know? and all my friends... even that weird, janky shop on that corner that no one really goes to. but it’s the fact that i’m leaving you behind thats making me want to stay here... i don’t want to leave you.” as he speaks, the moon peaks through the clouds more, becoming more apparent to the human eye. it almost reminds riki of his own feelings - hidden for so long before finally becoming clear.
“riki, you two-braincelled dumbass, stop being worried about some janky corner shop and go follow your dreams! you won’t be gone forever, a few months at top and sure, i may not be there in person but... you’ll always have me y’know? i’m your best friend after all!” you end your little speech with a gentle push from your shoulder to his and a wide smile, making him chuckle.
but it was humourless.
“you good?” your smile fades and instead is replaced with a small frown. he looks out into the sky again, the beautiful sunset colours suddenly replaced with a darker blue and grey transparent clouds covering a tiny part of the moon. “best friends... yeah.” it was a very quiet mutter - clearly not meant to be heard by you but it was just loud enough for your ear to catch.
this is my chance.
his quiet words gave you a slight boost of confidence and you suddenly sit in front of him, making him jump slightly in surprise. “what are you doing?”
“riki, shut up for a second,”
“right ok well, i was meaning to say this for a very long time but i kinda didn’t want to ruin anything so i decided to be a genius and basically leave it till the day before you leave so incase i did mess anything up it would give us some time y’know? but anyways uh i just wanted to say that i uh... well ok so i - well basically-“
“y/n, shut up for a second so i can kiss you.”
“i’m sorry what?” that’s what you tried to say, but instead your words got muffled by his hands softly grabbing your face and connecting his lips to yours in a warm, slow kiss.
oh good lord.
kissing riki felt like midnight strolls. walks under a roof where the rain bounced off. mario kart competitions at friendly gatherings. ordering a takeout when you don’t feel like cooking. finding your favourite shirt after misplacing it for months.
it felt so... normal. so exciting yet homely. it was something you were so happy to experience - yet it made you feel at peace and as if you were meant to be there.
as he pulled away, your cheeks warmed in delight and he shyly smiled down at the ground. in return, you lift his face and place another soft peck onto his pink lips and smile brightly after. his black pearl eyes then flicker to look behind you, smiling tenderly as he looked back at you before opening his mouth to speak.
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yutahoes · 4 years
(Part Eleven)
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One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven -  Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven
genre : Chaptered, Fluff
pairing : childhood friends: soccer player! Nakamoto Yuta x single mom! Y/N
word count : 2.4k words
You’ll always be his Sakura.
@ailoveyuta @loona-4-eva @aiforyuu @2-3-t-i @cosmiclatte28 @url-lindo-sexy @nuoyipeach @aaasteroidsky  @readers-posts @delightfultacobread @bby-kji9​
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"Dude, you are crazy," Mark exclaimed. "Now, you can't play with the team for a month." Yuta just shrugged. It was just probation, a warning against what he did earlier. Honestly, it was all worth it especially when he found out that the coach was relieved from his job. Some parents complained that his son is indeed a bully and the coach would often abuse the players of the team. 
Instead of heading to Germany where the team is playing, he's here in Korea and practicing on his own. "It's just a month, Mark. Don't overreact." He teased, seated on the soccer field. "If they don't let me play again, I'll apply as the soccer coach in the elementary school." The younger sighed, sitting cross-legged beside him. 
"You're serious about this girl, aren't you?" Yuta smiled, playing with the soccer ball. "What if you marry her, hyung? Are you planning to have a child with her?" 
He lay down the grass. "That's just a bonus. I wouldn't mind adopting Jae and Cherry, just the four of us would be fine." 
"But they're not your children." 
Yuta glared. "You don't need to be blood-related to call each other family, Mark." He chuckled. "I even call you brother." He took his phone from his jersey pocket, creating a message. "Speaking of which, do you want to come with me to Japan this summer? Okaasan would love to see you again." His gaze never left his phone. 
Mark nodded. "Are you bringing them to Japan as well?" 
Yuta smirked. "I'm going to ask Y/N first." He put his phone back in his pocket. "She said she's bringing lunch. Just wish that it's edible." 
The younger just shook his head that made Yuta laugh. Jae was running to him when they reached the field where Yuta is and Cherry gave him a hug. Y/N was just bowing at him and at Mark, apologizing for the bother but Yuta shook his head. He introduced his manager to the three and the two immediately called him 'samchon' that made Mark smile. 
They set up a mini picnic on the grass and Y/N showed the variety of sushi on different lunch boxes. “You made these all?” Yuta asked and she shook her head saying that it was Taeil, the chef in the restaurant she’s working at, who did everything. “And I thought I’m going to taste sushi cooked by you. You got me excited for no reason.” He said cutely that made Mark choke on his food. The older just glared at him but he shook his head. 
“Yuta appa, do you like sushi?” Cherry asked that made him nod. “This is my first time eating sushi.” 
Really though? He remembered eating some great flavored sushi in Chicago. And these, it’s really good. “You’ve never tried Japanese cuisines before?” The two kids shook their heads. He watched as Jae removed the vegetables, eating them then the rice covering the sushi. That's cute. He taught the younger guy how to properly eat the meal, even Cherry who just listened to them. 
After some practice and even playing with Jae and Cherry, Yuta invited Mark to come with them but he declined, only smiling at him. He brought them to the library that Jae and Chery liked, making Y/N amazed. "No wonder they liked this place." She exclaimed which made Yuta laugh, watching as the two kids started running to the designated rooms: Jae on the play area and Cherry on the mystery novels. "How did you find this place?" 
"I was searching for Agatha Christie books nearby when I found this library." The girl only raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't read much but Cherry seemed interested so I wanted to read some of her works. It's amazing, Y/N." 
The girl smiled. "I'm glad you're reading. You can't even make a book report when we were in elementary." Yuta looked offended but he just laughed. It was true anyway. He only picked up reading when she wrote letters for him. "So you're going to read with Cherry today?" 
"Will you be alright with Jae? He's kind of hyper when playing." 
"I think I can manage." She said with a smile which made him nod. "We'll see you later." 
Yuta held her hand and she gave him a puzzling look. "I like these little dates." Y/N just smiled at him. A simple smile that made his heart go haywire. He was grinning when he went inside the room where Cherry is that made the younger look at him weirdly. "What are you reading?" She showed the book, Five Little Pigs. "What was the book you were reading last time?" 
"The Body in the Library," Cherry said, not removing her eyes from the book. "Appa, should I tell you who the killer is?" 
The guy had to chuckle while looking for the book she mentioned. "Later. Let me just read the first chapter then tell me what happened." Cherry nodded then returned to her book when Yuta sat on the bean bag next to her. This is so calming. Reading quietly after a long day of practice. Next to a bookworm who seemed so engrossed with her reading. 
He liked this calmness. Wanted this calmness. Appa. Cherry calls him appa now. Who would have thought that the expressionless girl he met earlier this year is now warming up to him? Who would have thought that his youngest fanboy before would be his favorite soccer player now? Who would have thought that the girl he grew up with, who he tried to forget about, is now the girl who makes his heart race? How can he even make this calmness his?
"Cherry." He called, closing his book. "You said you'll help me with your mom right?" The younger nodded, smiling widely at him. It's weird that he's asking this thing to Cherry but this is the only thing he can think of. “What can I do to make her fall in love with me?” 
The younger laughed at that. “You should know it. You’re older than me.” But Cherry knows her more. “You should bring eomma out for a date. Make her eat delicious foods, watch a movie together, then buy her flowers.” She listed and he listened attentively. “You should also take her out dancing. Eomma would really love that.” 
“Your mom loves dancing?” 
Cherry shrugged. “But that’s what they do in romance novels.” Yuta chuckled at that. Of course, they do that. “After that, they kiss then they go to a hotel…” 
“What romance novels have you been reading, young lady?” Cherry was giggling that made Yuta smile while ruffling her hair. “Do you think I can make your mom fall for me that way?” 
The younger nodded. “She already is.”  
“Hyung, you look weird.” Mark teased which made the older glare at him. “It’s just a date night. Haven’t you been on a date before?” 
Honestly, he had never been on a date before. This will be the first. And he can’t believe that it is with her. But Mark doesn’t need to know that. 
He was thankful enough that he volunteered to babysit Cherry and Jae for the night. He repeatedly took note of the things he must do, make her eat delicious foods, watch a movie together, buy her flowers, then take her out dancing. He can kiss her as Cherry suggested but the hotel would be out of the equation now. “Do I look alright?” He asked the younger guy who only laughed and said that he looked weird. 
Cherry opened the door then grinned at him, “Where are the flowers?” She asked and Yuta answered that it’s in the car. “What time are you bringing eomma home, appa?” Even Mark laughed at the tone of her voice. She sounds like a mom. 
“Before ten?” Yuta answered in a questioning tone that made the younger girl nod. Jae sat on his lap when he sat on their couch, asking if he could buy some chocolates for him on their way home. Yuta nodded although he’s surely sleeping when they get home. His focus was disturbed when Y/N went out of the room in skinny jeans and a pink hoodie. So pretty. 
“Eomma!” Cherry shouted. “Didn’t I tell you to wear that black dress?” 
Yuta chuckled at that. “It’s fine. You look great. Don’t dress up too much, I’ll get too nervous.” 
“I still don’t know what you two are planning.” She stared at both Yuta and Cherry who grinned playfully. “Why do you have to drag Mark here?” She asked then bowed at the younger guy who only smiled then shook his head. “Can’t we just stay here? I’ll just cook dinner.” 
Yuta started whispering in Jae’s ear that made the younger boy giggle. “Appa said you have to trust him and Cherry noona.” He chuckled then whispered something in his ear again. “Appa said you’re really pretty.” She squinted her eyes at the two boys. 
"You two should go if you want to return by ten," Mark said, taking Jae from Yuta. "Don't worry about anything here." 
Y/N kissed Jae's head before leaving, reminding him that he should behave and not give Mark trouble. “Y/N,” Cherry called that surprised them. “You should be Yuta’s date tonight and not Cherry and Jae’s eomma, understood?” The older girl just chuckled then kissed the top of Cherry’s head, whispering something to her that made the younger giggle. 
He held a hand out for her which she took, intertwining their fingers together. “Why do I feel like Cherry and you have something planned?” He opened the door to the passenger seat for her, nodding. Well, her daughter planned this date after all. “Where are we going?" She asked when he sat on the driver's seat. 
Before starting the car engine, Yuta handed her the flowers from the backseat that made her smile. He even helped her with the seatbelt that she unconsciously forgot. "To eat delicious food." He answered. "Do you have a place in mind?"
"I'm not yet hungry. Are you?" Yuta shook his head. It's still early. Maybe they can watch a movie first. But what is showing nowadays? "Yuta, can we go to a museum?" A museum? "You know when we were young, okaasan would always bring us to museums." He remembered that she liked museums so much when she was a child then his mom would always leave the two of them in front of a painting that she would stare at for hours. Yuta smiled. Maybe that was his first date without even realizing it. 
The museum was quiet with few people walking to see some paintings, a silent chatter can be heard in every corner. They stopped in front of a large painting of flowers, seated on the bench in front of it. Her eyes were focused on that canvas as if painting the picture with her mind. She hasn't changed. She's still the same girl. 
They walked to the further part of the art collection without even talking to each other yet he found the quietness calming. She stopped in front of a woman's painting, holding what looks like a sword. "Lucretia," she whispered. "I remembered first seeing this when I'm pregnant with Cherry." Yuta glanced at the painting. He's never a real good art critic, he doesn't even know anything about art but this looks sad. 
“What is the painting about?” 
Y/N smiled. “She’s a noblewoman from ancient Rome. I read that her suicide created a rebellion that changed Rome from kingdom to a republic.” He smiled, he can actually listen to her explanation all day. 
“She’s killing herself here?” She nodded. That’s why it looked so melancholic. “Why would she kill herself?” 
“Because she was raped.” It made him stop. “Oddly enough, the artist who made this painting is Artemisia Gentileschi and she was also raped.” He lightly glanced at her but her eyes were still focused on the oil canvas in front of them. “I thought I could be like that.” A bitter smile escaped her lips. “But whenever I hold a paintbrush, I can feel cold hands touching me.” 
Fuck, Yuta thought. He doesn’t want to imagine the things that happened or he’ll see red. Imagine how hard it was for her who actually experienced everything. That monster. He only hoped that Johnny could do something to make him pay for his sins. “I felt disgusted with myself.” 
He moved closer, his hand held hers. “It’s not your fault. You were a victim.” He slipped his hand off hers then held her closer by her shoulder. “I wish you could go back to painting without all these negative thoughts.” He rubbed her arm in comfort. “Whatever happens, I just want to assure you that you’re a strong woman just like…” he stopped then giggled. “That painter. What was her name again? Fettuccini?” 
Y/N laughed then leaned her head on his chest. “Thank you, Yuta.”
“Anything for you, Sakura.”  Y/N smiled. “Speaking of which…” Yuta let go of her, taking something from his jean pocket. “I had this for years now.” On his hand was a necklace with a winged beak-like image as a pendant. Cardcaptor Sakura’s necklace. “I was about to give this to you in Chicago when I confess.” He removed the hook of the necklace asking her to turn around to put it on her. “Now, we just wait for it to transform into your magical weapon.” 
The girl giggled at that, touching the pendant. “Isn’t this the necklace I wanted back in Osaka? You said I can’t eat it.” 
Yuta nodded. “You can’t. He smirked at her. “But now, you can eat my love.” She raised an eyebrow at that and he groaned. “That was so cheesy. I can’t believe I said that.” She chuckled at that, still playing with the pendant of the necklace. “This isn’t part of the plan. I should have stuck to Cherry’s date plan.”  
She smiled at that. “You really do love Cherry.” 
“More than anything. Jae too.” 
“Yuta,” she called which made him hum. “I’ll try to paint again.” He nodded encouraging her. “When I finish my painting, can you grant me a wish?” Yuta grinned then raised an eyebrow at her. What wish? 
But then, who is he to say no to her? He nodded. “Anything for you, my love.” 
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Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime (Belle) Novel | English Translation | Chapter 3
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**This is a machine translation. I put it together by extracting text page-by-page from a .pdf version of the Japanese novel, and running it through Google translate. I have only minorly edited some of the more confusing lines to make it more read-able. It is still a very rough translation, but it’s good enough to understand what’s going on. If there is anyone out there who wants to properly translate the novel, I am more than happy to edit it, if you’ll contact me.**
Chapter 3: Memory
"What is it, Suzu?"
When I called, my mother turned around and replied.
Eleven years ago. The house was still new. There was no garage yet, and potted flowers were lined up all over the garden. "Do not cut my hair."
I told her that and ran down the slope in front of my house. Mom walked down the stairs opposite her, resting her hand on her waist and waiting. I ran away in the opposite direction, bouncing, saying that I would never let my hair be cut. But I was taken back without a hitch. She was seated on a bench in the garden and dressed in a haircut cape. “I’m going to make you look cute, Suzu.” After cutting my hair, I don't like the tingling of my hair. She shook her legs and sharpened her lips. But when she held the scissors without hesitation, she cut my hair all at once. "Because you’re going to be an elementary school student," I hope the hair on both sides doesn't stick to my shoulders. The bangs were far above the eyebrows. Even when I went to school, my neck was tingling for a while.
I played a lot with my mother. I took a sumo wrestling on the lawn of the riverbed in the evening. I pushed her by force and my mother rolled on the grass. I won, I laughed happily. Mother also laughed. I asked why? Won’t she cry if she loses? Mom shook her head. “I'm glad that the weak Suzu has become stronger.” Dad was laughing while lying on the grass. My mother often made salted seared meat. She lightly sprinkles salt and roasts the bonito stabbed on a gold skewer from her lenticel over an open flame on the stove. I was staring from the top of the chair. Since the fat drips, the microwave oven will not get dirty if you bake it while sucking it with cooking paper. When it gets burnt, dip it in ice water to cool it, and then drain it. It was a style. So as a kid, I had a hard time holding a thick piece of salted meat with chopsticks, and I had a hard time putting it in my mouth. Mom was waiting for dad's return, holding a mug and watching my struggle.
My dad was a salaryman at that time, and he wore a tie and went out to the city every day. Perhaps because of that, we had some money in our house in the old days. Mother bought a state-of-the-art smartphone at the time. I decided to try out the performance of the on-board camera, and on dad's lap, I pointed my smartphone at my mom. I asked dad to help put mom in the frame and pressed the shutter. She is dressed in white.
The smiling mother, she was beautiful. The photo of her was printed on paper and is still at the house. I was a cheerful child running around, unlike now. I definitely liked playing outside rather than inside the house. If there were trees, I climbed, if there were leaves, I tore them, and if there were insects, I chased them. But it didn't burn in the sun. I must have been such a constitution. Instead, my face is freckled.
I was often injured. My knee was also full of scratches. In the woods, on the riverbed, on the slope in front of my house, I often stumbled and fell. My mother ran up in a hurry and she hugged me tightly, crying in pain. Mysteriously, it hurts somewhere. That's when I was happy. I don't know how many times I fell because I ran around vigorously and wanted mother to hug me. Every time mother rushed in as if it was a big deal for her daughter and worried. Every day was like summer vacation. I clung to mother doing the laundry and cleaning and played. After lunch, she opened the tatami mat, laid a summer futon on the tatami mats, and we took a nap together. The smoke of the mosquito coil was rising slowly. When I woke up, most of the time, I couldn't see my mother sleeping next to me, and she was busy doing housework. In retrospect, she never been told me that she is busy. She was always with me when I asked for it. Since my house was in the mountains, I rarely went out to eat somewhere, and instead my mother cooked any kind of food. One day she saw it in a picture book, and she said she wanted to eat yakitori. She had never eaten it before. My mother made yakitori by sticking chicken on skewers one by one. For the first time in my life, I saw yakitori with the naked eye. I didn't know how to eat it, so I couldn't do well by chewing the meat and removing it from the skewers. Dad and mom were staring at me. Never missing what her daughter experiences for the first time in her life. The place where we, who live in the mountains, go out to play is not an amusement park or a shopping mall, but a campsite further in the mountains from our house.
On a sunny summer day, my mom and I wore a wide-brimmed hat and crossed the subsidence bridge. Dad was carrying a lot of camping equipment. The water crystal pool in the depths of the Yasui Valley was a breathtaking blue color even for us living in the area. The water is so transparent that you can clearly see your shadow on the bottom of the river. I feel a little scared as if I were floating in the air. My mother was an advanced swimmer. She boasted that her mother, who was once a local kid, swam like a kappa every day in the summer. She knew all about the fun of the river. At the same time, she never let her swim in dangerous places on dangerous days. Mom wraps around me, floating. She dived into the water to show her off her skills. Still picked up by her, I became anxious and called out. “Mom, don't go.” But mom, she swam in the blue water, as if she couldn't hear me.
One evening, I was playing with my mother's smartphone and saw a strange app. I put it on. When you launch the app, you'll see white and black horizontal stripes lined up. I pointed to what this was and asked my dad who was next to me. Dad looked it and twisted his neck, calling mother, who was preparing dinner. After dinner, mother's hand fixed the smartphone I was holding vertically. I laid it down and found it to be a piano keyboard. As prompted, I pressed one of the keys. There was a "do" sound. I looked at my mother's face. My mother also saw my face, saying that she had come out. It's mom’s music production app. Only then did I look around my mother's room and notice. Old records, cassette tapes, and CDs are lined up on the shelves to the end. And if you set them on a record player or cassette deck and pass them through an amplifier, music will be played from the left and right speakers. The collection was a brilliant one that accurately captured the main points of the history of classical, jazz and rock. I didn’t know at the time, the value and meaning of such a lineup being packed in a room at the end of the world.
In that room, I pressed the keys of the app one after another and recorded. When played, each sound sounds in the order in which they are arranged. Even if you enter an insane scale, it will play back in a lawful manner. I was so happy that I bounced on my chair. My mother was laughing too. Warm incandescent light was illuminating us. After that, I was crazy about this app. I had my mother lend me a smartphone and I was playing around with it day, night and morning. The operation was intuitive and easy to use. There were words that I couldn’t read because it wasn’t a children's app. And there were many functions I didn't understand. But I was absorbed in that kind of thing. I was completely absorbed in the exciting new experience of writing songs. I composed a number of songs and previewed them in front of my mother. The mother who finished listening gave me advice in short words each time. If you do xxx, it will be better, or the trick is to do xxx. She sometimes took out some of the records in the collection and listened to them for reference. My mother is neither a musician nor a composer.
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I think each piece of advice is accurate even if I look back on it now. Over and over again, she listened to my melody, and she said she noticed something, and she sang herself to make sure it was. When I asked, she said it wasn't bad. She said she was smirking at me as she said. I put the sound in a place that I wouldn't normally put it. I'm sure this song was a failure, and all the work I've done so far will be ruined. But as it gradually takes shape, it seems strangely cohesive, she said. I felt as happy as I wanted to. I'm sure it's my parents' favor, but even if my mother added, I was happy. For me, I'm not making it with the intention of letting someone else listen to it. It would have been nice if only my mother could listen to it. My mother sings along with the song I typed in. Take the tempo with her right hand and sing gently. The voice of mother, who was also a member of the chorus made by her friends, echoed and was transparent.
She listened to my weird songs many times. I was happy and sang along with it. Anyway, it’s a song that is as nice as my mother.
I couldn't. Happy memories of me and mother suddenly end here. And that August has come. After this, all I have is a painful, painful memory. The voice of a little girl crying and crying echoed in the riverbank. A girl was left alone on a sandbar. Is she 4 or 5 years old? She looked smaller than I was. It was so sunny just a while ago, but I noticed it wasn't a blue sky, and it was covered with overcast clouds. The beautiful and calm river was cloudy, flooded, driftwood-filled, and surprisingly fast. I can imagine that it is raining heavily upstream. Before this happened, there were people happily making noise on the opposite bank when the flow was still transparent. They are now staring at the girl on this shore. She wore colorful outdoor clothing that made it easy to see that she probably came from the city, not a local. The girls' clothes were also bright colors that I had never seen. Why did people from the city overlook the girls' flashy colored clothes? Why did she forget her existence and she came back to this shore? What to do with friends, their families, and those who enjoyed fishing and canoeing on the riverbanks.
It seemed that she couldn't do anything, and she had no choice but to stand and look like a stick. It's no wonder you're standing. The violent flow of the river separated the girl from the people. Everyone realized that it couldn't be helped. One of the adults was talking to someone on his cell phone. However, everyone can see that where the girl is, is gradually narrowing. Everyone is aware that it is very unlikely that the rescue team will arrive in time. Therefore, I have no choice but to stand up without being able to do anything. Is it just listening to the girl's crying as it is? At that time, someone picked up the red life jacket beside the canoe.
I went forward while staring at the girl. She was a mother. Mommy, and I hurriedly clung to the hem of her mother's clothes. She realized that what her mother was trying to do was too dangerous. She wouldn't have been anxious. She screamed and pulled hard, trying not to let her go. Mom crouched down and squeezed my hand, and she told me something. At that time I can't remember what mother said. Maybe I was screaming and not ready to hear the words. Mom stood up to shake off my chasing and ran, locking the buckle on her life jacket. I fell down on a stone in the riverbank trying to chase her. Still, I got up and shouted at mother's back. Don't go. I think mom didn’t hear my words. While checking the girl's whereabouts, I went around the river, went into the water, and got in the stream to help. It started to rain.
How long has it passed since then? Suddenly the surroundings became noisy. The girl was rescued from the river. Adults are pulling the soaked and tired girl out of the river. I was staring at while getting wet in the rain. People running up. A mixture of joyful voices and crying voices. Are you okay? Open your eyes. I'm glad I was saved ... The girl was wearing the same red life jacket that her mother wore. At that moment, I understood at once what was happening. Mom isn’t here.
"Mother ..... Mother .....!"
I looked left and right, searching for her.
Not anywhere.
"Mother ...!"
In the distance, I heard an ambulance siren. The girl was wrapped in a blanket.
Carried by many adults, she leaves the riverbank. Everyone is crazy about it and realizes that my mom isn't there.
She isn't.
"Mom!" Only I raised my voice and kept calling. Many times. Many times. Many times. I don't remember much after that. When I heard that my mother was found all the way down the river, it seemed like a lie. It wasn't long before I realized that the mug that mother was using was missing. Dad put a picture of mother, which he took someday, in a picture frame and put it in a corner of the kitchen. He had to add flowers every day next to it. Neighbors bothered to talk to me every time I met them on the road, listened to me in a friendly way, and encouraged me with tears. Meanwhile, the Internet was flooded with anonymous posts about the accident.
"It's a suicide act to jump into a river flooded by rain"
"It seems that she was confident in swimming, but it's different from the pool."
《It is irresponsible for my child to help someone else's child and die》
《If there is an accident, playing in the river will be a nuisance and annoying》
《Because helping people is a good person, this is what happens》
The person who wrote it probably didn't know anything about the actual situation, and the day after he wrote it, he probably forgot what he wrote. However, the person who wrote it keeps sticking in my chest forever. Immediately after the accident, an acquaintance told me with resentment that it was terrible when I saw this. In front of these words, I was too young to understand all the meanings. However, as I grew up and became able to understand the meaning of the words accurately, I continued to suffer from the unconscious malice contained in them. Losing mother.
How should I pass on these writings as a bereaved family, even though I still can't accept them, as if the mother who helped me was all bad?
Aside from me, my mother just smiled in the picture frame in the kitchen. From that accident, I think something has changed decisively from what I used to be. One evening, in mother's room, where dust began to build up, I stood on her chair, hoping to return to her happy memories. And I sang the song I sang with mother. But when I started singing, I realized I couldn't sing at all. My voice became stuck in the back of my throat and couldn't get out of my mouth. I was confused. Something in my heart was suppressing me from singing. Why can't I sing? Tears came out.
Hey mom. Why can't I sing?
It was clear that the reason why singing was so fun and necessary was because my mother listened to it.
However, just because you can't sing... You don't have to worry about anything. Even if you can't sing, no one will blame you. Life just goes on. I went to a local junior high school. The jumper skirt uniform was stuffy. Many of the elementary school classmates went to the town as they went on to school, and there were not half of the students remaining in the local area, so even in junior high school, it became a compound class. Therefore, the chorus practice was accompanied by the vice-principal teacher, and it was decided to sing in all grades. There were three people in all grades. Because there were only three people, I quickly realized that I was just lip-synching without singing. I was asked why I didn't sing, but I didn't say anything. I thought they would get angry, but they didn't get angry. It means that only I can visit from the next practice.
I sat alone in a corner of the music class and watched everyone practice. I may have looked like a lethargic girl who was just silent. But inside that, there are things that can't be translated into words.
I think it was swirling. When I left school and returned home, I irresistibly entered mother's room in the twilight. The twilight light was shining through the window. Cardboard boxes containing tableware and seasonal home appliances that are no longer in use are piled up on the table. It was completely turned into a storeroom. It's been many years since then. It has passed. I listened to the large number of records there, one by one from the edge of the shelf. Days, days, days. By listening earnestly, I managed to calm my rough feelings. But one day, there was a moment when I thought I couldn't bear it anymore. Upon returning, I entered my mother's room, sat down in front of the keyboard, quickly opened the report sheet, and began to write fiercely with a pen to spit out the incomprehensible feelings in my chest. I was almost suffocating if I didn't spit it out. I turned over the paper and continued to write forever. -Why did mother leave me in the river? Why did she choose to help the child who she didn't even know her name rather than live with me? Why am I alone? Why, why, why – I added paper, supplemented with post-it notes, and wrote long, long lyrics. The scale that springs up is notated long and long. Those that were neither were spit out as pictures. It was a swirl of many kinds. It was like a whirlpool floating on the surface, like a black hole that swallowed everything, and like a hole in the top of my head. The floor of the room was filled with pieces of paper with a mixture of lyrics, pictures and sheet music. But suddenly..... I returned to myself and stopped writing. Right now, I've noticed the worthlessness, meaninglessness, ugliness, and helplessness of the words, pictures, and scales I wrote.
What are you doing? I broke the paper. Everything I've written so far.
I threw it in the trash can without hesitation. The bundle of paper looked like a vomit that I had just spit out. Then I became a high school student.
I finally found myself worthless. The uniform tie was stuffy. I crossed the subsidence bridge while looking down and went to school. I took an exam and passed the exam at a junior and senior high school in the center of the city, and transferred from high school. There, I met my childhood friend Shinobu-kun again.
"Shinobu-kun ..."
Now that I was in high school, Shinobu-kun looked tall and shining, all different. On the other hand, I didn't seem to have grown at all since then, and I was irresistibly embarrassed and couldn't even talk. What have I been doing so far? I started a new life going to the city from the mountains, but I couldn't get into studying. Even though I had a hard time taking the exam, I just looked out the window during class. Knowing that this shouldn't be the case. Club activities didn't go anywhere. There were very few such students. On the way home, you can see the students devoting themselves to club activities. The track and field club is jumping the training hurdle in a line in the courtyard. The volleyball club is running on the ground. A percussionist in the brass band with a metronome in his ear is striking a stick in the hallway. The Naginata club sits upright in the martial arts hall with a good posture, and thank you for your cooperation, saying before the practice. The first-year students of the baseball club, who have not yet been numbered, stand side by side and watch as if they are digging into the practice of their seniors. I didn't belong anywhere, so I left school quickly. It was already winter. There is a river called Kagami River that flows from east to west in the center of the city. Since the flow is often gentle, the TV tower and buildings on the opposite bank are reflected like a mirror. When I returned to the station through the road beside it, the girls of the light music club carrying the "Chahahaha" musical instrument case overtook me with a light step while laughing. A cute cat-shaped stuffed animal attached to the school bag is shaking. Attached to my school bag was a cheesy plastic plate of "Gutto Koremaru". "Gutto Koremaru" is an egg-shaped character who can poke his hand against the wall and endure the pain. I have a crack in my head, probably because I endured it too much. Of course, it's not cute.
In a dark and narrow corridor.
I resisted, "I can't do it! Hey!", But I was pulled into the room, saying "OK." The soundproof door slammed behind me. Shinboku "Ah!" There was a flashy room in a karaoke box, and the pink and purple lights were spinning mysteriously. It smells of incense. Only for girls in the class.
I heard that it was a social gathering, but when I saw the frenzy of the girls standing on the sofa and shaking their heads, I thought that I could not get into this tension very much.
"Peggie Sue is cute"
"This is the one that is popular in" U ", isn't it?" On the monitor screen on the wall, the popular Az of "U", Peggy Sue, was seen singing in a black rubber dress. Purple lipstick that shakes silver hair. An eccentric beauty with red eyes. Peggy Sue? "U"? Az? Is it popular? I don't know anything. It's like an event in a different world from me. Then, Hitomi suddenly offered a microphone, "Yes." Sing, and so on. "Huh?" Puzzled. Neither the coat nor the muffler is taken off. But "yes" the microphone was pointed again. Why for a child like me who is at the end of a class?
"Sing together?"
"Hey, sing."
The shadows of the girls press the microphones. What do you mean?
"Are you not going to sing alone?"
"Isn't it a lie that you can't sing?"
I see, so it’s this situation.
Dozens of microphones are forced against my face one after another. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"
"Hey, sing?"
Those voices sound like a threat.
"You're telling me to sing."
Immediately, the microphone popped off and fell to the floor.
The girls dancing on the sofa suddenly saw me. It's calming down as if I was taken aback.
"What happened? Suzu-chan"
The mic and the shadows of the girls disappeared like a phantom.
"No, nothing. I'm sorry. Hey ..."
Without saying anything, I pushed the door of the karaoke box open by force and went out like crawling. Someone might have heard and told everyone that I couldn't sing.
When I got off the bus, powder snow was flying. I almost slipped down the slope from the bus stop. Even in Kochi, it usually snows in the mountains, aside from the city. When I crossed the subsidence bridge, I heard a crackling sound of thin ice. The surface of the concrete bridge is frozen.
Cold. It's not dexterous enough to get used to everyone, and it's not divisible. On the other hand, I’m not strong enough to be alone, not prepared, and have no idea.
I don't do anything selfish. Rumors that you can't sing, that's a lie. I'm just not confident in myself for a while. I want to get along with everyone. Really. I know. Of course I know. So "Ah ... Ah ..."
In the middle of the bridge, I impulsively exhaled my voice.
"Ah ... ah ... ah ah"
As I breathed in, cold air sank into my throat. Still, I sang towards the river. "Ah..”
Did I sing? It didn't match a song. It's just a growl. The bag slipped off my shoulder. Will you forgive me if I sing? Can I get along with everyone if I sing? It doesn't help to sing alone in such a place. It's like a scream of a dead end before being crushed. Still, I sang that song with my mother with a squeezed voice. I was happy back then. It's different now. Powder snow was swirling in the flow of the river. Suddenly, in front of me it became pitch black. Nausea swelled from the back of my stomach, and I held my mouth with both hands.
I crouched on my knees. However, I couldn't stand the momentum of the backflowing gastric juice. I pushed my body forward and vomited towards the clear stream under the bridge. The vomit that was about to kneel and vomit fell to the surface of the water, creating a number of ripples. I spit out everything in my stomach and fell on the bridge. My hair is messed up and my mouth is smeared with gastric juice and smells. It's already spicy. I want to get rid of everything. Shivering and crying as if groaning. Drops of tears ooze on my cold cheeks and tingle. I wish I were gone.
I could hear the slight sound of powder snow folding and piled up right next to me. A notification came to the smartphone that slipped off my bag. It was a message from Hiro-chan.
<< Look at this, Suzu. It’s so amazing that I’m seriously laughing. >>
There is a link to somewhere.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dcx2NedPVBEdbfQaU-WC0pJMRmn20ASn7HSC0KY9R7E/edit?usp=sharing ~ Google Doc of the English-translated novel.
ryuutosobakasuhime.wordpress.com ~ English fan-site for Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime where translations, scans, and other content is posted.
30 notes · View notes
Nothing changes
Just to make things clear... (go on) Last night, I was attacked by someone wearing a mask... (yep) And whoever that was--now they're... I don't know why, but now they're laying dead in front of me... (I can neither confirm nor deny this query)
Makoto: what is that supposed to mean.
Siramay: I can neither confirm nor deny this query sorry you’re on your own.
So after seeing the corpse they began to investigate what could possibly have happened and then they tried to tell who it was and take of her mask and then
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...there was a blinding light, and a deafening roar. The body...blew up. It blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up!
Needless to say the survivor gang tried to put out the fire, but the damage was done WAS HER DEATH NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU! YOU GO AND DAMAGE HER BEAUTY TO!? Well even so may she still be an angel at first they all thought it kyoko, but they did bring up the possibility of it being the mastermind.
Makoto: Is it the teenage girl Kyoko told me about? The Ultimate Destrawberry...?
Siramay: you still doing that?
Makoto: you can never be to sure, also its funny
Siramay: true
Then makoto told the others about mukuro ikusaba the ultimate des-…. I’m running out of food… destarfruit.
Byakuya: There's another student here, and it's a female? That *would* match the body's characteristic...
Aoi: And that phrase, the Ultimate Des-
Siramay: NOOOO!!
Aoi: Desblackberry--it sounds super mastermind-y, doesn't it?
Makoto: what did you do this time siramay?
Siramay: now no one can say desboysenberry MAHAHAHAHHA.
yasuhiro: Okay, so...the mastermind is this girl Mukuro? And she's a student here? And she's the Ultimate Desdragonfruit? But if she's been hiding here in the school like some teenage Bigfoot...how'd she wind up burnt to a crisp!?
Well needless to say they went to investigate the body, also toko is ok what makoto saw was a strange key on the ground, then bayakuya kicked makoto out to look for the door the key opens.
Siramay: it opens the data center.
And makoto immediately went to tell them, REALY NO CHECKING!? then when they went they forced makoto to open the door incase it blew up, rude and so he opened it.
Siramay: behold…. THE MASTERMIND LAYER!!
Dramatic pose Epic thunder sounds
Makoto: where that come from?
Siramay: where do you think.
So yeah they saw all the cameras and such the mastermind uses to watch everyone.
So they all think mukuro was the mastermind BASELESS SLANDER and that shes dead, eh I don’t care I got a David bowie stash to find and steal then they wanted to investigate the data lab to find out secrets since they think zetsu was murdered.
Byakuya: Naturally. The state of the corpse makes it plain as day. There is absolutely no doubt the mastermind was murdered.
Siramay: ah not clearly they laid down put their coat on top of them and stabbed themselves in the stomach.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: no!
Well anyway they began to investigate the room like how the monodoor was locked and oh look a tv antenna witch they had yasuhiro use to connect to the tv which showed them and on every channel to how confusing oh and look monokuma was here.
They also said he’s acting different, but I don’t get that they seem the same to me, must be the madness of isolation.
Makoto: Oh yeah, that's it. Puhuhu... The look on your faces right now is sublime!
Siramay: it is kinda funny.
Monokuma: That's what I wanted to see--the moment you went from hope to despair.. I can say it myself naegi!
Then siramay jumped away in a portal in fear
monokuma: Well, it's almost time to cut off your past so full of hope and begin to DESPAIR at the future ahead of you! I want you to all have way more fun in this killing game!
Then monokuma said other things
 This life isn't all bad ya know! I mean, there's stuff you won't like about life no matter where you are!
Siramay pops his head out of a tiny portal.
Siramay: that’s fair
Toko: Are you s-serious? This place is the w-worst...!
Monokuma: If it's the worst, does that mean you're in...despair? Ahh-hahahahaha!
Siramay: man you’re running millage on that word guess it makes sense its all you have left.
I say holding the secret stash of David bowie music I could burn this all right now in their face… no I shouldn’t I could use this later anyway also as a music man the songs are indeed quite good so anyway monokuma talks about how the tvs a clue.
Monokuma: Everything has a meaning, you know... All those hints I gave you, all those tantalizing tidbits about the school's mysteries... Even me luring you here right now... Why would I do any of that without a reason?
Siramay: ah so you admit it!
Monokuma: It was all for my captive audience--to show them true despair like they'd never seen it before!
Siramay: riiiiiggghhtt all right keep your secrets and ignore me not like I care!
Monokuma: I became the director of a despair-based production! This is the ultimate reality show! The best in despair entertainment!
A single tear sheds from siramays eye from being ignored.
Course monokuma went on and on about there evil but then he stopped cause after all if there still alive that means there not the body and if there not the body that means there’s another murder a foot and if there’s another murder a foot that means A TRIAL SHALL SOON COMENCE BUM BUM BUUUUMM
And then...he was gone. Reality was incomprehensible, the truth hopelessly out of reach. All we were left with...was despair. (monokuma: GOT IT! New ringtone!) We stood there for I don't know how long, frozen in place. I couldn't think- AW I COULD HAVE SAID DESPUMPKN GOSH DARNIT! (monokuma: you lose!) (it’s not over till the despair lady sings!). It took everything I had just to keep myself standing upright.
Yasuhiro: I don't understand any of this... What's "deswatermelon entertainment"? (monokuma: don’t start this again!) (to bad!) And...how is he still alive!?
Also byakyua thinks kyoko is dead cause his blatant and disrespectful slander of saying mukuro is the mastermind SLANDER I SAY! Course makoto refuses to believe it WITCH IS FAIR AS ITS AS FALSE AS ZETSUS HAIR COLOR and so the investigation begun, and so makoto went back to the garden, he saw fragments a knife, also makoto got all worried about murdering them awe no baby boi you didn’t do that then they checked the chickens.
I count four chickens.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: no
Then he recalled how the body looked before the boom, then they talked about the body was found, and byakua was suspicious about makoto thinking he’s the killer witch is not true at all, though I will admit it’s a fair point BUT MAKOTO IS AN ANGEL HE’D NEVER KILL and then makoto looked closer at the body..neeeeeerrr
Siramay: sad dragon noises
Makoto: … yes?
Siramay: look at those fake nails shed never where them she was forced to she couldn’t even have the honor of dyeing as herself what sick twisted monster would do that to a girl sob.
Makoto also noticed the wolf tattoo.
Siramay: yee I say she liked wolfys makoto but uh it had a more bisunessy reason but can’t say but shes a good girl she deserved head pats and love I hope she gets all the love in heaven, because she never got it here sob.
The upper half of the body got set on fire in the explosion, so it's totally blackened... Also, the top half of the body is wet.
Siramay just kinda stayed looking at the body in sadness.
Makoto also saw a tarp in the toolshed, then makoto wanted to investigate kyokos room, but first he realized the thing about the bomb but then they were allowed to go to kyokos room saw a woodblock key, then after talking to byakuya he recalled kyokos last will and testament sadly instead of giving makoto money or at least a boot to the head all it said was “under the sheets” in which makoto found a note about mukuro.
Siramay: aaayyy that’s my giiirrllll.
“Name: Mukuro Ikusaba
Sex: Female
The Ultimate Soldier (so coooool)
Although small for her age, she was a military specialist trained in every weapon type imaginable. (she could crush your skull with her thighs!)  She showed an interest in the military from childhood and soon found herself completely absorbed in it. In elementary school, she won a survival game tournament and began writing for military magazines. (soooo cooool oh I already said that…well its true)
Just before entering middle school, while she and her family were on vacation in Europe (Ireland specifically shes half Irish don’t ya know makoto)...she disappeared. The story of a young Japanese girl being kidnapped quickly took over Japanese media outlets (her grandfather died! But he had it coming). An intense international investigation turned up no information, and she was never found. (she must be smart to stay hidden or at least I think so clever girl but never appreciated)
However, she reappeared in Japan three years later (could have sworn it was 4), alone and completely unannounced. She revealed that she had joined a mercenary group known as Fenrir for those three years. She insisted that she hadn't been kidnapped, that she'd received battle training of her own volition. However, she never revealed why she decided to return home when she did.” (…its complicated you know hard to explain with parents dying and your father figure telling you not to give up on family and siblings who may or may not have turned super evil while you where gone….. I don’t wanna talk about it)
Then byakua said how he recognized Fenrir
Siramay: oh yeah I know about it to!
Makoto: can you say anything about it.
Siramay: awe yeah its multiverseal! I’ve heard in many words I traveled to of the infamies Lycan family and there gang of fighters who follow the wolf loving war and all that heard about them all the way back in the 1800s with the great vvulf from the DD dimension though maybe they are older then even that and of course I can’t forget that cunning Worriz and the twisted gang in the 1980-2000s nearly killed a good friend of mine that guy did, though in your time in this world it was run by a Mr. Wayne Lycan he was cool a bit on the scrawny side though that’s why he worked twice as hard to prove the worth to his father that he could leady the business named ATM to Fenrir how fancy oh he was like the father mukuro never had and always wanted though I do have to question how sensible the man was to just allow a 10-11 year old into a mercenary gang but he did care about her he cared about her greatly he was so proud to see her fight and be victorious in battlefield… he must be just as sad as I about her death and what that cruel excuse for a sister did to her he said it himself he said “if anything happens to mukuro I’ll kill everyone on the battlefield then myself” so if he wasn’t already dead I assure he’s dead now
Makoto: how do you know all this
Siramay: I know everything makoto and also nothing at all.
And then monokuma showed up and was all mad about rule breaking and making a fuss about it.
Monokuma: Of course I am! A proper school life is built on the dedication to organization and order! Which is why even I, as the school headmaster, have to follow the regulations myself!
Byakuya: Oh? So you're saying you have to follow your own rules, as well?
Monokuma: Absolutely! I can't have you complaining about how unfair it all is, now can I?
Siramay: riiiigggghhhttt
Makoto: ?
Siramay: I’m just saying makoto there are two types of villains, villains who will literally kill themselves when their world order is broken and villains who will fuss about it but when the time comes will break the rules as easily as they made them, now just look at monokuma and everything he’s done and ask yourself which type he looks like
Then monokuma admitted how there where 16 students and he is one of them then he also revealed kyokos secret about her KFH (kyoko fried hands)
Monokuma: You know how she wears those stupid gloves day in, day out, all the time? Well, don't tell anyone I told you, but... She wears them to cover a bunch of hideous scars that she doesn't want anyone to see!
Makoto: ...What?
Monokuma: Puhuhu. Okay, NOW that's all you get! Ahh-hahahahaha!
And then they left
Siramay: how rude talking about kyokos hand scars I bet you wouldn’t like it if I talked about your back scars.
Makoto: they have scars?
Siramay: yeah but it aint like kyokos that come from burning hers come from FLAELLATION!!
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Siramay pulls out said tool above you know classic family abuse I would talk about it, but I feel its cliche, so I don’t wanna be rude.
Makoto: they used that!?
Siramay: oh no her parents used more a basic stuff like riding crops and their fist though he did have big fist like bigger than a mug I think, there was this one tool, but I can’t recall the name OH WAIT!
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THE SJAMBOK! these things hurt like death…. but as I was saying oh yeah that old whip was more used by good old grandpa damian, he was the old Irish one I was talking about he was a flagellant and a sado-masochist, so he was delusional but still she was just 10.
Makoto: TEN- makoto covered his mouth as not to react deeply.
Siramay: at least he never got to use the metal ones like this thing!
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makoto almost fainted at the thought of what siramay brought up but siramay with a portal grew another hand to catch makoto.
eh its ok makoto whats a little mental damage between friends eh? After all scars may be forever (unless you get scar removal surgery witch they possibly did) but psychological damage will last even longer
anyway with monokumas info makoto realized the corpse can’t be kyoko, cause clearly me constantly calling the course mukuro was totally not valid proof…. Then again mukuro does mean  corpse in Japanese maybe makoto just though I was being weird again, but no he would know her name yes! eh I digress anyway byakuya talked about mukuro and kyoko honestly it was pretty confusing.
Byakuya: We thought Mukuro, the Ultimate Despair, was the mastermind's true identity.
Makoto: don’t say that word!
Byakuya: why?
Monokuma getting aroused in the background.
Byakuya: But if that's true, Monokuma's behavior makes no sense. Why would the mastermind go out of their way to reveal themselves to us?
Makoto: That's a good point...
Well anyway they went to investigate the dojo to look at the locker and there where arrows and tape then they went to the archive to learn more about mukuro.
Yaaahhh more mukuro lore
Byakuya: "Fenrir is an elite fighting unit base out of the Middle East (it’s always the middle east why can’t they spice it up by fighting somewhere like Canada) (makoto: Canada really?) (I couldn’t think of anything but man that’s far from Europe don’t yah think. I think they were on draft world tour you know how it is). Unlike military contractors, they are a fierce group of soldiers who engage in direct combat. (fierce wolfy woos) They claim that a single member is equivalent to an entire company of regular soldiers. Just like Fenrir, the Wolf of Ragnarok, their mere presence is enough to strike fear into any enemy. They have been involved in countless military battles and operations, most of which are highly classified. (ou like the great battle of the heart of darkness a literal Eldredge abomination… wait that wasn’t them they were just commissioned by the cultist who found it oh, but they were defeated by the team who did defeat it I can still remember how they sliced vvulf in half)
"However, some time ago, they completely ceased all activity. At present, their continued existence cannot be confirmed. There are unconfirmed reports that the key members of the group were all neutralized. Rumors indicate they were killed to keep them from revealing the many state secrets they'd acquired. Some, however, believe there was mounting internal tension within the group, and they simply imploded." (WAYNE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) ……(PLEASE DON’T BE WHAT I THINK HAPPENED) (makoto: what do you-) (IM NOT SAYING!! As long as I don’t think it happened it didn’t happen, no no… oh no I can see nonononononoon! MAKOTO DISTRACT ME)
Makoto: ...
Siramay: at least Wayne and mukuro can reunite in heaven…
Byakuya: ...What is it?
Makoto: This all just sounds like some kind of...alternate reality.
Byakuya: Well, it isn't. This is *our* reality, the *only* reality (that’s not exactly true!). These people are part of our world. Their battlefields aren't much different from our lives here. An unpredictable, unimaginable world...
Also makoto realized the Fenrir people getting tattoos and that mukuro had a wolf tattoo and then it was time for the class trial, so as makoto went to the red doors siramay…started to beat box.
Siramay: bum bum bum bum bum bum bum a body’s been discovered a person has been murdered one of your fellow students is dead there’s a giant pool of blood and your names dragged through the mud gotta prove who is messed up in the head.
Well despair starts coming and it don’t stop coming don’t break the rules or you better get running dosent make sense why you’re trapped in here not what you expected from a new school year.
you’ve called it quits you’ve had enough so whats wrong with picking the knife up you’ll never leave if you don’t kill you’re gonna die if you just chill.
hey now! you’re the blackened! time for trial how sad!
Hey now! look what happened you got found out to bad.
And not its punishment tiiimmmee killers have to pay for their criimme.
Eh? Eh?
Makoto: …that was actually pretty good.
Siramay: YEAAHHH
Well when makoto got in the elevator everyone assumed him and byakuya where being gay (NO THEY WENRT) yes they were makoto, and so they where waiting for the elevator to go down… but go down it did not, it was a little over ten minutes, then monokuma showed up to explain the predicament, and then, like a hero in the climax of the movie, like a great explosion in a mine KYOKO WAS HERE ALLLIIIIVVVVEEEE even if yasuhiro thought she was a ghost so the others went to the elevator but makoto had a heart to heart with kyoko first, where makoto ask what kyoko was doing and she says how she was on the second floor dorms revealing that the key she had was a master key that could open any door in the school but they didn’t have much time to go further as they had to go to the trial, then kyoko sounded suspect but that ok cause it was trial time
Being the last one left, I stepped into the elevator. And the doors slid shut... This time, the clunking was loud enough to hurt my ears, and the dread began to consume me once again... I can't imagine ever getting used to the mental pressure that comes with preparing for an execution. In that dusky darkness, nobody said a word. We just stood there, silent, and still. After an immeasurable period of time, the doors opened without warning... A dazzling light penetrated every depth of my eyes. But it wasn't the illuminating light of hope... It was the blinding light of descarrot.
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Siramay: I’ve heard of eyestrain but my word.
Monokuma: …rude Ahh, I've been waiting for this! I feel like it's been forever since we got together like this... The time for pointless jokes and jabs has passed. Let's get on with the show!
And so, the curtain opened for the fifth time... A deadly judgment... A deadly deception... A deadly betrayal. A deadly riddle, a deadly defense, and deadly faith... A deadly...class trial...!
SOOO COOOLL so the trial started.
Started with hagakure saying kyoko was dead and the one on podium was a GHOOOOOSSSTTT hahahahahahah thankfully makoto proved that argument wrong as they now needed to identify the real body victim …not thinking about it I guess that’s why he needed other not me proof to prover her identity he can’t just say “its mukuro cause the magic dragon only I can see told me so” hahahah they think he’s crazy so they talk about her tattoo.
Toko: Her master m-must have made her get it...to be like, "You're my *censored* ."
Crying cause shes not entirely wrong in a sense
But yeah so they all realized the corpse is mukuro.
Monokuma: Ah-ha-ha-ha! You sound surprised! But you're absolutely right! Yes, indeed! The trial this time is to solve the murder of Mukuro Ikusaba!
Aoi: But I mean...being the Ultimate Des-
Makoto: HINA NO!
Aoi: uh des…lettuce seems like a pretty mastermind-y title to me... sorry we’ve been out of fruits we have to go with vegetables now.
Monokuma: I don’t like this idea that’s spreading…
Byakuya: : Maybe we shouldn't have been thinking of her as the Ultimate Despair (makoto: EGGPLANT) in the first place.
Monokuma: I heard it~
Needless to say as they were talking about masterminds and all that and how mukuro wasn’t the big bad monokuma wanted to avoid the subject and move on to the fact the only 2 subjects that could have killed mukuro are kyoko and makoto, despite neither doing it but I digress so makoto had to clear his name so he explained cause the body’s dry (besides the water outage) that it had to have happened during 7:30-9 course that leaves kyoko without an alibi but kyoko wants to live to solve the school mystery says it’s a trap by monokuma (witch it is) but byakuya does state she had a motive
Byakuya: She thought Mukuro was the Ultimate Des-(makoto: GOARD). In other words, the mastermind behind everything... So she killed her to try and put a stop to all this. Isn't that right, Kyoko? But you made one catastrophic mistake--Mukuro wasn't the mastermind at all.
 So in this scenario kyoko opts to bunk makotos alibi unintentionally pining blame on him
And thus began the game OF BLACNKED TENIS where makoto and kyoko kept throwing the title of blackened back to one another stating why they went the killer framing the other in the process crazy right?
Like saying the blood on the body was actually chicken blood to make it look wet when it could have been dry
Makoto: wait why did they have to stab a chicken for the blood couldn’t they just stab the body?
Siramay: blood coagulates sometime after the body dies though.
Makoto: well how long?
Siramay: uhhh I donno, OH like at least 10 hours or so
Makoto: that would have been plenty of time!
Siramay: … cringing cause he knows mukuro was dead for over a month so her blood would be long past coagulated but unable to tell makoto cause if he revealed that he would be spoiled for knowing something is suspicious about the trial right.
So they continued with this argument and then kyoko brings up the ultimatum that they couldn’t have had the dojo key cause the dojo key was in their room and they couldn’t get in their room cause byakua took their key, but makoto knew otherwise since she had the master key and so makoto was left with a huge choice call kyoko out or keep it to himself.
Makoto: siramay what should I do
Siramay: well I can’t say due to the universe but what I can tell you is to follow your heart for you are an angel and your word will always be divine even if not at first glance.
Makoto: what does that mean.
Siramay: you’ll soon find out.
...I've made my decision. I have to believe in Kyoko. There's no way she would kill someone! There has to be some secret here, something that has to do with the mastermind's trap that Kyoko mentioned.
But sadly by holding that info the suspicion crashed down finally on him and stayed there despite makotos please that something is wrong but monokuma wouldn’t have it and ended the trial.
Monokuma: Now, who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one?
Makoto: Hey, hold on! siramay! Is this supposed to happen?
Siramay: …
Siramay just sat in silence looking at makoto.
Monokuma: What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeee!?
And so makoto was deemed guilty.
Makoto: What...? You think *I'm* the killer...?
Yasuhiro: Sorry, man...
Aoi: Yeah, s-sorry...
Toko: It's all your f-fault...!
Byakuya: ...
Makoto: Everyone...you're wrong...! You've got it all wrong! I didn't do it!
Monokuma: Good job, everyone!
Makoto: G-Good job...?
Monokuma: Yeah. They got it right!
Makoto: N-No, I know that's not true... None of this makes any sense... This whole trial doesn't make any sense!
Monokuma: It makes perfect seeeeEEEENNNSSSSSEEE!!! It's the same as always! It's just like all the other class trials! And I'm gonna end it the same way! It's time for your heart pounding, positively thrilling punishment!
Makoto: W-Wait! Why do I--!? siramay!
But siramay just looked at him and started to sing.
[SIRAMAY] Poor, poor Makoto, what'cha gonna do? Things look bad for you, hey, what'cha gonna do? Poor, poor Makoto, what'cha gonna do? Things look bad for you, hey, what'cha gonna do?
Makoto: ... Kyoko--!
Kyoko: I don't expect you to forgive me. I know this is all my fault...
Makoto: Kyoko...?
Monokuma: Let's give it everything we've got! It's...PUNISHMENT TIIIME!
And so he was dragged off to his execution and I could hear him beg.
[SIRAMAY] Why the struggle, why the strain? Why make trouble, why make scenes? Why go against the grain, why swim upstream? It ain't, it ain't, it ain't no use You're bound, you're bound, you're bound to lose What's done, what's done, what's done is done That's the way the river runs
So why get wet? Why break a sweat? Why waste your precious breath? Why beat your handsome brow?
Nothing changes.
Nothing changes, nothing changes Anyhow…
And at the final moment when it seemed all hope was lost for makoto alter ego showed up and opened the trash shoot saving makoto just as expected thank goodness its still sad to see though did have to scream it truly scared me to death I’m glad he’s safe though.
[SIRAMAY] Oh now survivors, how low can you stoop? You make a sordid group, hey, how low can you stoop? Poor, poor makoto, sent off to his grave Situation's stay, hey, sent off to his grave.
And so siramay jumped down after him.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
A3! SR Azami [Wishing Upon The Paper Cranes] Backstory
I’m back, this time with the translation for June Bride 2020 Azami’s Backstory. I have been wanting to translate this story for awhile but I was kinda distracted with some things. But here it is, so enjoy!
Azami is helping Ginsenkai folding paper cranes and somehow the whole Autumn Troupe gets involved.
I am referring to this card this time~
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He looks so good here, also if you have seen the bloomed version, he looks even cuter. I tried so hard to get this card and there’s no regret. Enjoy the translation below~
A3! is owned by Liber Entertainment
Ginsekai-style Wedding Item
Translator’s Note: Origami is a Japanese art of folding papers. Azami called Sakyo as Kuso-Sakyo and I don’t know how to translate it properly. Most translation goes for Damned Sakyo, but it can also be things like Smelly Sakyo, Annoying Sakyo, Asshole Sakyo, or whatever you want him to be. But the point is, it’s Azami’s expression of annoyance to Sakyo. Kaichou is referring to the Ginsekai’s clan leader.
(I only have one more paragraph left for my work, I guess I’ll take a short break)
A-chan, look, look~!
Hm? This voice is……
Taichi-san, you’re really fast at folding Origami papers.
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What are you guys doing right now?
Ah, Director-sensei!
We’re making Paper Cranes!
Paper Cranes…… Are you going to use it for something?
Ah…… Actuallly --
I’m home.
Yo, bocchan.
Do you come here to see Kaichou’s face?
You’re wrong.
I just need to get something.
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Well, if you have some time, you should go and say hello to Kaichou as well.
Isn’t it Azami!
Ken-san…. Err, what are you going to do with that large amount of Origami?
One of our members will be having his wedding ceremony!
They’ll be used for that.
To fold cranes and scatter them, it’s the standard way to celebrate in our clan right.
Ah, the Paper Crane shower, last time you also did a similar thing.
This is really a lot~
I should start folding soon, otherwise…
Then, I’ll also help you with the folding.
That will be a great help, thanks, Azami!
As usual, bocchan is weak to Sakoda, huh.
….. Leave me alone.
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<Back to Mankai Lounge>
So it’s like that, and we divide the works among the clan members.
Then, I’m also helping out after I heard about it!
Is that so. If that’s the case let me help out too.
That’ll help.
You can use any one you like from these Origami papers.
I’m done~! Ta-daaaah!
Woah, amazing!
They also have legs!
It’s certainly amazing, but the difference will make the whole thing quite messy isn’t it.
Isn’t it fine!
Well, maybe it will be fine if it’s only one.
Hehe! Then, next!
What color should I go for next~
Even choosing the paper for Origami is a fun thing, huh.
Which one should I choose, I wonder……
Ah, there’s a gold color Origami.
The gold color ones, since there’s only a few of them it becomes a rare item!
During elementary school, I used to fight for those with my friends~
Let’s keep it precious till the end then.
Eh, I wasn’t really concerned about that.
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<Short Time Skip>
Eh, this part, how to fold it again……?
You’re wrong. You fold a valley on this part.
After that, here, it will look better if you fold it until the edge.
Choice 1: I see!
Choice 2: Origami is surprisingly hard.
I see! As expected of Azami-kun.
You’re good at guiding other.
The paper cranes that you fold have a very beautiful shape.
You can easily see that it’s carefully folded.
Since we make it, might as well make it looks beautiful right.
…… What.
I was thinking that you really pour your heart into folding these Paper Cranes.
…… Not really, this much is normal.
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Origami is surprisingly hard.
I already forgot a lot of things too.
Well, you don’t really have the opportunity to fold them before.
But, if you master it you’ll be able to fold things like crocodile and gorilla too!
Taichi-san is at a totally different level.
Ahaha, true that.
Well, regardless, to have Paper Crane shower as a custom…… Somehow, it feels so innocent.
A very homely Yakuza!
What is that even.
<Shifts to Road>
Ah, A-chan you’re going home now?
Let’s go home together!
How is it? Everything well with the Paper Crane folding?
Not really…… It’s still not enough.
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Then, I’ll help out today too!
My bad, that will really help.
Taichi-san is really good at folding Origami, you’re fast as well.
I’m glad that I can put my special skill to good use.
By the way, Director-sensei will be helping out as well isn’t it?
She brought back some Origami paper with her that time!
Yeah. Somehow, she started  folding Origami in her free time.
I won’t lose to Director-sensei as well!
What kind of competition is this.
<End of Part 1>
I’m home!
I’m home.
Welcome back. You’re with Azami today.
We coincidentally met each other on the way back!
Wash your hands properly.
No need to say, I’ll do it perfectly!
Guh, kuso Sakyo……
What kind of reaction is that.
Then, let’s start making them immediately!
What are you guys making?
Paper Cranes!
We’re in the middle of helping out Ginsekai~
Even though it’s the clan’s business, sorry to make you help out with it.
I also try to do it in my freetime but……
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No problem at all! I do it because I like it.
Eh, then let me help out too.
Thank you, Omi-san.
Kuso Sakyo too, help out if you’re free.
…… I know.
Then, I’ll leave this much to you.
…… Oi, it’s obvious that mine is too much.
Don’t be such a loser.
Ah, I’ll help out too.
Let’s all do it together.
Why do I need to go back together with you.
We came back from the same place, there’s no other choice.
Ban-chan, Juza-san, welcome back!
Tch, you were walking so slow in front of me.
You were the one following me.
Don’t anyhow, I was just walking behind you.
Eh, they weren’t listening!?
Haha, it’s this kind of scene as per usual.
They sure don’t get tired of it every single time.
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Anyway, as an actor you should be more aware of your surroundings.
Walk far away from me.
Damn you, I don’t need to be told such thing.
Haa? I was so nice to give you an advice, what the hell is that attitude?
You guys, you just came back and you’re already so noisy!
Uwah, Sakyo-nii just striked them madly.
The Cranes are crying.
Sigh, if you have time for pointless thing, might as well you help with this.
…… What is it?
Paper Cranes?
Yeah, we’re going to use it for a wedding ceremony of Ginsenkai.
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Juza-san, Ban-chan, let’s do it together!
It will be fun if everybody is doing it!
…… Alright, I’ll do it.
Since when did you guys do Origami.
Banri-san too, you seem to be dexterous with your hand.
That useless dexterity of yours, might as well put it to a good use.
…… Well, Ginsenkai’s members have taken care of me before, so I’ll do it.
Juza, do you understand how to fold the shape?
<Short Time Skip>
It’s done.
It’s an interesting looking Crane.
Even though it’s just a crane?
Well, it’s fine to have one with a personality, isn’t it.
What’s with that distorted Crane?
If you fold it normally, it should like this right.
Oh! As expected of Ban-chan, it’s perfect!
…… It’s not much different from mine.
Are you blind! They look totally different.
But, we have accumulated a lot them.
Looking from this pile, the color seems to be too contrasting.
Then, I’ll fold this one this time.
Ah, the gold color Origami!
Looks neat.
It’s a waste of gold paper if you fold it with that sucky hand of yours.
Just leave it and fold the weird flyers over there.
It’s fine however isn’t it.
Gold doesn’t suit you, bastard.
I took it first.
Are you guys elementary school kids.
This kind of argument, it  sure happened a lot in the past.
So nostalgic!
But, you shouldn’t fold a celebratory Crane using a flyer.
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Azami-kun, I finished the Origami share I took yesterday.
Are there more…
The flyers are enough for you.
What a persistent bastard.
You can use the flyers instead.
…. What kind of situation is this?
Ban-chan and Juza-san are trying to take the gold-colored Origami!
As usual, it’s just a low level argument.
(Even for Origami they become like this……
I guess it’s as expected of  Autumn Troupe……?)
<End of Part 2>
65 notes · View notes
applepiry · 4 years
Hibiki’s BackStory Part 1
Anything in BOLD TEXT is Hibiki’s special phone speaker’s voice speaking. It is a mechanical made voice, but it is from a data bank of Hibiki’s speech he’s put into it so it does have his mannerisms in speech! It also does sound a bit like his actual voice, just at a decent speaking volume.
This is the first part of Hibiki’s first day at UA in first year! It also tells the story of his history, and how he came to be in Recovery Girl’s care.
TW for: Death and Bullying
Age 4…
“Reiki… you feel really warm…” the small raven haired boy said, whimpering as he touched his baby sisters forehead. 
Four year old Hibiki had been left all alone, with his infant sister. His father was supposed to be watching them as their mother was on the night shift at the hospital but had stepped out to get things from the store. The boy knew he could use his singing to do a few different things, but he wanted to be able to heal his sister. His mother was a healer, and it was all he had ever wanted. 
His sister’s small cries made him whimper, and he thought of the song his mother had sung to him, hoping and begging it would work. He started out humming to get the melody, before taking a deep breath and singing as best as he could. His sister began to glow, her cries subsiding as the discomfort of the fever disappeared. Her large eyes fluttered as she yawned and settled down as Hibiki stopped singing, taking a deep breath when he was done. 
Hibiki smiled wide, feeling that her fever was gone and considering she was now sleeping, must not have been in any pain. The small boy began crying out of happiness, so glad he was going to be able to take care of his sister. She would never have to be in any pain, as long as he was around.
Age 7…
Smack! Whack! 
Hibiki was on the ground, getting kicked and punched by a group of boys from his elementary school. The current beating he was received after he had refused to do the other kids homework. He was the smallest in his grade, and it was easy to pick on someone who didn’t have a physical quirk. Plus, Hibiki had sworn never to use his quirk to hurt anybody. He could heal with it, and that was all he would do with it. He was just going to have to get better at avoiding others. 
When the others left, bored by the lack of reaction Hibiki had, he sat up and wiped the blood from his face with a red colored handkerchief. Sighing, he got up and looked down at himself, grimacing at all the bruises as he checked himself over. While he could heal others, he could not heal himself. He’d have to tell his mother, or let these heal on their own. 
Wondering towards home, he was slow and careful not to catch any attention. However, a boy with blond hair had come running up to him and tried to see how he was doing. Hibiki didn’t remember much about this boy, as he had insisted he was fine and ended up running all the way home, even through the pain.
Walking through the door, he was tackled right away by his sister, a now four year old Reiki with bright red eyes looking up at him. 
“Nii-san!” she said, her loud pitch making his ears ring, causing him to gently push her back. 
“Reiki, be careful,” he said with a soft whine, rubbing his ears. 
“Oh, sorry,” she said with a small pout. Her quirk had showed up and was similar to their fathers, only hers depended on her pitch of voice to use it to manipulate things. 
“Just remember to watch your pitch, okay?” he told her with a gentle voice. He slipped around her and headed to his room, trying to avoid his parents. He didn’t see either of them as he ran past the living room and kitchen, making it to his room right as he heard his father call for him. He closed the door quickly, and would lie and say he didn’t hear him if he asked. Hibiki quickly got to work cleaning himself off and making sure all his wounds won’t be visible. He hated lying to his parents, they were so nice, but he really didn’t want them to get involved with the bullying. They would only worry...
Age 15… Beginning of February
“Hibiki, you’ll be switching high schools,” his mother's voice came as a surprise as he stood outside his room, about to go in before she had stopped him.
“What?” he said, shocked. He was going to a decent middle school right now, close to home, and doing well in it, and had picked the neighboring high school to continue being close to home. Why was she suddenly saying such things? 
“You got a recommendation to UA High!” she told him.
“What?” he repeated, still not sure what was going on. Had he even applied? No, he hadn’t. He had never even thought of going to UA.
“Yes, remember my superior I told you about? Who works there? Well, anyway, I mentioned you have a quirk capable of healing, like mine, which is very rare, yaknow? And well, she insisted you go to UA and study under her. Her name is Recovery Girl.” his mother explained. 
Hibiki stood there, rather in shock. He knew the part of his quirk was rare, but hadn’t ever thought about applying to UA. Now UA wanted him? But he wasn’t planning on becoming a Hero…. Wait, that’s right, they had general studies as well, and had some of the best teachers in the entire country… Maybe he would get a great job at a hospital with this opportunity. 
“I’ll go,” he said, looking at his mother with determination. She grinned at her son and patted his shoulder, telling him how proud she was of him for coming so far.
“You’ll be an amazing hero,” his sister had told him when she found out.
“Ha, thanks but I dunno about hero?” he had said.
“Saving people is a heroes job, and that’s what you do, nii-san!” she had replied.
About a month later….. Middle of March
Hibiki stood there in the hospital in shock, staring at the charred bodies of his family members. He had been at a friends house when his house had been broken into, and the robber used his fire quirk to set the entire house ablaze to cover his crimes, not realizing the family was asleep inside. His parents and sister had perished in that fire, unable to escape from the hellish nightmare as the fire spread all around them. The roof had collapsed in on them, trapping them even further. He had heard the coroner telling the police they had died slowly, and in a lot of pain. He had no idea who he was going to live with, his closest family was in Brazil and he doubted they would even take him in. His mother had been disowned by the family when she had fallen in love and married a Japanese man. 
Hibiki began sobbing in the hospital hallway after he had said goodbye to the bodies of his family, shaking heavily. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. His sister was supposed to become a nurse, and his parents were supposed to be here for him until they grew old. Feeling a presence, he looked up a bit, seeing a small, older woman standing in front of him.
“Hibiki?” she said, her voice was kind. “I’m Chiyo Shuzenji, better known as Recovery Girl, I was your mother's superior at work. I am so sorry to hear what happened…” she said, sitting beside him and pulling candy out of her pocket, offering it to him. “Your mother… she was an amazing woman.” she said, sighing softly. 
Hibiki stared at the woman, looking at the candy and taking it with a shaky hand. He held it, staring at the colorful wrapper but not speaking a word.
“The police said they are trying to contact your family but… would you like to stay with me until they find someone?” she asked him.
Hibiki looked back at her, his eyes showing his shock. This stranger was going to take him in? Slowly, he nodded, sobbing again as he wrapped his arms around the womens small frame, unable to help himself any longer. He needed to hold someone right now. Anyone.
Sure enough, none of his family wanted him. And his father’s parents had only had his father, and had passed away about two years ago, so there was nobody from that side who would, either. Hibiki had nowhere to go. Well, almost nowhere. Recovery Girl quickly agreed to adopt him, excited by the thought as she had grown fond of the young man. The government had agreed it would be a perfect match, and had given her guardianship over Hibiki, and put any of his parents assets in a trust for when he needed money, and would get full control over it when he turned 18.
Hibiki wasn’t up to starting school the first month, still a hollow shell of his former self without his parents, his little sister he had cherished so much. Recovery Girl had allowed him to stay back for a bit, not wanting to push him. He had his uniform, and had been told which class he was going to be a part of, but he just did not want to go. Even after witnessing the sports festival and seeing how many kids got injured. If this had been months ago, he would have been so eager to go heal those kids.
His mother had done this for him. So he could become a Healing Hero, and help others like she had. His sister had always told him she believed he was going to be the best hero ever with his quirk. But now, they were gone. And he felt like that dream was too. He no longer wanted to be a hero, now only wanting to be left alone. Recovery Girl had agreed he could wait until after his first birthday without his family before going to school, but after that he needed to at least try going to school. He had agreed because she was so nice to him, there was no way he could tell her no.
A few weeks after the Sports Festival…. End of May
“We have a new student joining us!” Snipe told the students of his homeroom, 1-C. 
Everyone was naturally confused, as new students during the middle of the school year were very unusual. They stay quiet so their teacher can finish. “He was supposed to start at the beginning of the year but due to unforeseen circumstances, he couldn’t join us until now.” he told the students. “Please come in, Shimizu,” Snipe said.
The sliding door opened, revealing a fluffy raven haired boy with bronze skin, his eyes the color of the golden sun. His eyes held a dark violet color under them, the dark circles under his eyes making it obvious how tired this boy is. Under his right eye, and his lower left lip were moles, his chin soft yet not quite round, and cheekbones just barely visible. He was about average height for the males in the school, standing at about 177 cm. Dressed in the usual male uniform, with a loosely put on tie, he suddenly let out a loud yawn as he stopped next to Snipe and turned to face the class. 
Not a very good first impression, most of the students think.
“Please introduce yourself, Shimizu!” Snipe urges.
“My name is Hibiki Shimizu. It’s nice to meet you,” he says, his voice soft and barely able to be heard. 
“Huh?!” most of the students shout, a little annoyed with this guy.
“Ah- my quirk uses my voice so…” he says, still softly, to Snipe. He goes through his bag and pulls out a phone, which makes the students look even more puzzled. He presses a button and a mechanical voice plays.
“My quirk requires me to sing, so I do not speak freely, or loudly, so forgive me.” 
“Oh!” a girl says, “That’s neat, what is your quirk!?” she asks excitedly. 
Everyone agrees they would like to know. Everyone aside from one boy in the back, who’s being awfully quiet. Hibiki had noticed his lavender hair right away, as lavender was one of his favorite colors and it was unusual to see such a color of hair, even in this quirk-filled world.
“It has been dubbed ‘Holy Voice’, and it allows me to control various things with songs that I sing.” the recording plays after Hibiki hits a sequence of numbers into it. Hibiki wasn’t really very interested in telling them the specific’s though, and hoped they would not pry. They would see him in PE classes, after all. 
“Wow, that is so cool!” someone says.
“How are you not in the Hero course!?” one student asks.
“I do not want to be a Hero.” the recording plays. Hibiki looked at them all with tired, but serious eyes, honestly hoping they do not pry any further.
“Ah, that’s the bell. Well, off to the Gym!” Snipe says, ushering the students to leave. “And see me at lunch, okay, Shimizu?” he says. 
“Yes, sensei.” 
“That’s totally weird,” he hears a student whisper to another. It makes him let out a breathy laugh, though, enough to make him curl his lip into a half-smirk. 
The girls that saw the smirk started to swoon, shocked the tired looking boy could look so... hot when he had that smirk on his face. Maybe the new boy wasn’t so bad!
--------------IN P.E..------------
Oh, wrong… All the girls watched as Hibiki ran away from every single attack, dodging easily but never attacking back. He only ran. Hibiki made sure nothing hit him, his movements as if he was a cat avoiding being sprayed with a water bottle. While they weren’t perfect, they worked enough so he didn’t get hit. 
By the end of class, everyone was frustrated and tired, having gone after Hibiki to see him use his quirk. But, they had failed by the end of it. The teacher wasn’t all that happy he hadn’t used it, and scolded him, telling him the only way he could improve was to use his quirk. 
Hibiki hadn’t taken the words to heart as he went to change and went off to his next class, now having regular studies until it was time for more training after lunch. He wasn’t here to learn to fight, anyway, but knew it was essential. That’s why he had mastered dodging, not one for physical contact. In fact, he hated being touched by people. 
Going through classes was fine, as he was good at school work, and it required very little contact with any of the others. At least, until he got called into the principal's office right before lunch. 
“Can you take him, Shinsou-kun?” Ms Midnight said with a large grin. 
“I can go on my own, miss,” Hibiki tried to insist.
“Don’t be silly! It’s hot to help new students! Go now, Shinsou!” Ms Midnight said.
The lavender haired male stood and nodded, heading to the door, “Yes, ma’am,” he said as he nodded fort Hibiki to follow him.
The two walked silently towards the principal's office. It was nice, but odd, as Hibiki was used to others chattering away or asking him questions. 
“Here we are. See ya,” Shinsou said with a wave before heading off. 
Hibiki blinked, not used to such an unfriendly person like himself, but he shrugged and knocked on the door. 
“Come in,” Nezu said from behind the door.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” Hibiki said after he went inside, tilting his head a bit. He had met the small, animalistic principal when Recovery Girl had introduced them yesterday, letting him know that Hibiki would finally be coming to school. 
“Yes! Shimizu-kun, will you come with me to class 1-A?” he asked, suddenly on Hibiki’s shoulders.
Hibiki seemed generally unfazed as the principal sat on his shoulders as he walked down the hall, being directed by him as he had no idea where he was going. A few passing students gave odd looks but always said hello to the principal. 
When they got to the classroom, Nezu had Hibiki knock on the door. A lazy-sounding voice replied, “Come in,” prompting the raven haired male to open the door. 
“Principal Nezu?” the teacher said, a bit confused but his face relaxed when he seemed to remember, seeing the golden eyed boy who Nezu sat on. Hibiki noticed this man resembled him a lot, or rather he resembled him? Either way, they both had the same exhausted look.
“Aizawa! Do you remember that student I told you would be joining you in the afternoon from class C?” he said happily, now situated in Aizawa’s scarf looking item. 
Hibiki tilted his head, confused at this new information. He hadn’t been told he’d be with another class in the afternoon. 
“Ah, right.” Aizawa said, sounding bored, “Students, this is Hibiki Shimizu from Class C. He’s a new student, but because of his quirk, he’ll be joining us, and class B, during the afternoon for training. We wanted to introduce you all before training so we can just jump into it.” he tells them.
“Ooooh, whats your quirk!?” an all pink girl asked, sounding just as excited as his classmates this morning.
“Aw man I was hoping it’d be a hot girl!” a purple boy whined, but nobody paid him, or the person who hit him, any mind.
Hibiki looked at Nezu and Aizawa, wondering if he should answer. 
Nezu nodded, “It’s okay to tell them. You’ll be working with them all after all, probably very frequently, you know?”
Hibiki pulled out his phone, pressing a button. “My quirk is called Holy Voice. I can do many things with it, but my main focus is healing others.” the recording plays his answer.
“What?! A healer?!” the students sound shocked, as they naturally would be. After all, being able to heal others was a very rare quirk to have. Most of them were only aware of Recovery Girl who had such a quirk. 
All the students are chattering excitedly, asking questions over one another until Aizawa just glares, and they all go silent. Hibiki looks at Aizawa with a bit of admiration, wishing he could do that. 
“One question at a time. Raise your hands,” he said, frowning as he glared at his students.
A green haired boy raised his hand first, looking extremely eager. “Yes, Midoriya?”
“What else can your quirk do? You said you can do a lot of stuff with it? Do you mean your voice?” he said, rattling off questions one after another. 
Hibiki blinked, a bit taken back by the amount of questions. He heard Aizawa sigh beside him, “Just one question, Midoriya,” he told him.
“O-Oh, sorry.. Erm… How does your quirk work?” he asked shyly, his face bright red with embarrassment as he fidgeted in his seat. Hibiki took notice of all the scars littering his hands that clutched a notebook and pencil, and could tell he was going to be busy with this person in particular. 
After some tapping on the screen, the phone began to play another recording, “When I sing, depending on what I sing, I can do various things. I can heal people, cause people to see illusions and shatter, disintegrate, destabilize or stabilize living and nonliving objects.” His quirk was a perfect combination of what his parent’s quirks had been.
“What the fuck?” said a blond boy with red eyes.
“Woah,” said a few students.
“Wow, you sing?” a girl with a cool haircut and odd ear-lobes. Wait, where those mic plugs? 
Hibiki didn’t answer immediately, but instead made his way to her desk. 
“Yes,” he said once he reached her side, using his own voice instead of the phone. “Are those mic plugs? 3.5mm?” he asked, looking down at her in her seated position, staring at her with golden eyes. 
“Ah-!” she made a startled sound, her face going a bit pink as she jumped back, “Hey! Don’t get so close so suddenly!” she said, frowning. 
“Oh, apologizes,” he said, stepping back. “I noticed your ears and they interested me,” he said, his monotone tone reminding everyone of the way Todoroki had been back at the beginning of the year. However, there was an almost childish way about the way he said the words. In all reality, he was just curious if she sang too, liking to find others with hobbies like his. He was just… awkward.
“Well, in any case, Shimizu will be sitting in on your training in the afternoons when you do combat training, so that way we don’t have to bother Recovery Girl all the time.” Aizawa said, cutting the conversation short. 
“Since he also has defensive and offensive capabilities, he’ll be directly involved as well.” Principal Nezu said from Aizawa’s shoulder. 
Hibiki softly glared at the principal, not wanting to be in combat training but he didn’t say anything against it. He walked back to the front, making note of every single student in this class. All of the blondes he was going to have to avoid, just looking at their faces, he could tell that much. One looked angry, one looked like an idiot and another looked loud. The one with the tail seemed normal, but Hibiki was always cautious. Actually, most of the class looked like they were going to be annoyingly loud to Hibiki. Except maybe, like, two of them? 
Yawning again, he rubbed his left eye a bit as Aizawa and Nezu talked for a moment before the bell rang again. 
“Alright, see you all after lunch,” he told the other students. Nezu told Hibiki to go to lunch as well, but Hibiki had to find his way to the staff room first to see Snipe. 
Hibiki waited until nearly all the students had left, staying close to the teachers acting as if they were talking to him too. He really did not want to make friends with any of these guys. Sure, he knew as a future doctor to pro heroes, he had to get along with them but all of them seemed too much for him to really handle. 
He had nearly made it to the staff room when he was caught by a group from 1-A, who all seemed very eager to get to know him. Five students stood in front of him, blocking his path as they all tried to introduce themselves at once.
“I’m Tenya Iida! I’m the Class Representative for 1-A. It is a pleasure to meet you!” the tall dark haired boy said, extending his hand.
“I’m Izuku Midoriya,” said the green haired boy. Ah, the scarred boy. 
“Oh! I’m Ochako Uraraka!” the brown haired girl said with a bright smile.
“Call me Tsu,” the black haired girl who resembled a frog said, pointing at herself. 
“And I am Momo Yaoyorozu! I am the Vice Representative for 1-A. It is so nice to meet you.” the tall black haired girl said, her hair in a tall ponytail. 
Hibiki stood there, his eyes a bit wider than usual from the shock, unblinking for a good few moments.
“Um, are you okay?” Uraraka asked, stepping closer. Hibiki had to force himself not to step back and run. 
He nodded, her words pulling him out of his shock, pulling out his phone and typing into it. 
“I am Hibiki Shimizu,” the speaker played, “Nice to meet you all.”
“Oh, do you not want to talk to us like you did with Jirou?” Tsu asked. 
Hibiki tilted his head, a smirk crawling onto his face as he exhaled a breathy laugh. 
“My quirk requires my voice. I do not use it often. I do not mean to be offensive.” 
“Oh, right,” she said, blushing a bit. 
“So, where did you transfer from?” Momo asked.
“Homeschool.” That’s right, they had no idea who he was or that he was supposed to have started here originally. Well, easier to lie than explain.
“That's highly unusual for anyone with a quirk. How did you come to end up at UA?” Iida asked, staring at Hibiki with questioning eyes. He seemed very stern to Hibiki, and he didn’t like his tone.
“Recovery Girl is my guardian. She recommended me.” Another kind of lie. 
“What? She has kids?” Tsu wondered out loud.
“Wow, so you got in on a recommendation?!” Ochako asked, sounding shocked.
“I suppose so, yes.” They weren’t sure who’s question he was answering, but assumed it was Uraraka’s. 
“That’s impressive. Only four other students are even in on recommendations, and two are in class A!” Momo said.
Hibiki tilted his head in curiosity, which prompted an answer.
“Me, and Todoroki-kun. The one with red and white hair?” Momo said with a smile.
Hibiki thought back, remembering each student's face and matching the bicolored eyed boy with the name Todoroki for future reference. 
“Ah, yes, him. He looks like he’ll need to be healed often. Actually, you two do as well.” the phone spoke, Hibiki looking directly at Midoriya and Iida. “Wreckless, that’s the word.”
Tsu laughed, which caused Ochako and Momo to join in with her. 
“How rude!” Iida said, shocked the new student would say something so… right? After meeting him. Not that he would admit such a thing. He didn’t really see himself as reckless.
“You can probably tell for me, huh?” Midoriya said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Hibiki nodded at Midoriya, choosing to ignore Iida for now.
Thankfully for him, Snipe had come to find him and found him not far from the staff room, and took him away from this awful encounter. He’d have to see them later, but that was later. After lunch. He could pretend nothing had happened in that short of time.
Of course all hope of that was dashed when Snipe merely told him he would meet Class B tomorrow, and sent him on his way. Hibiki groaned softly as he headed for the cafeteria, wondering how crowded it was, but he knew it was going to be ridiculous. 
Making his way into it, he tried his best to slip around the crowds of people, and nicely for him, he was rather average. He wasn’t too tall or short that he stood out much, he liked that. He wanted to blend into the wall and disappear when he saw more students from 1-A, hoping they wouldn’t try to talk to him like the others had. 
But then, he noticed the mic plug girl, and changed course, now wanting to talk to her. She was with a boy with odd elbows, one of the blondes; the loud looking one, and the all-pink girl. Hm, he supposed it would be worth conversing with them to get to know the only other one who looked like she enjoyed music as much as he did. 
The loud looking blond boy noticed him first, “Oh hey new kid!” he shouted, waving frantically.
Hibiki wanted to turn on his heels but forced himself to smile a bit, trudging forward in his attempts at making a friend. He took out his phone and typed into it.
“Hello. I am Hibiki Shimizu. Just call me Shimizu. It’s nice to meet you all.”
“That is so interesting!” the pink girl said, looking at the phone. 
“Is that a special program?” the elbow-boy asked.
Wow, these students are nothing like the ones I met earlier. Hibiki thought to himself.
“Yes, I made it myself.”
“Wow that is so cool!” the pink girl and blond boy said together. 
“Wow, by yourself?” the elbow-boy asked.
Hibiki nodded and turned his attention to the mic-plug girl. “May I have your name?” 
“M-Me? Oh, it’s Kyouka Jirou…” she said, holding out her hand for him to shake.
“Jirou…” Hibiki said in his own voice, taking her hand and gently squeezing, his thumb going over the callous’ on her hand. “You play many instruments, too.” he said, his voice quiet as if Jirou was much closer than she was. Jirou’s face became hot and she pulled her hand away. 
“I do, so what? … Wait, did you say too? You play?” she said, cautious at first before becoming excited. 
Hibki nodded, glad he had finally gotten what he wanted to get across.
“That makes sense considering your quirk is singing!” the pink girl said.
“That’s cool, what do you play? Oh, er, I’m Hanta Sero, by the way,” said the elbow boy, holding out his hand. 
Hibiki took it and shook it once before letting go.
“I’m Mina Ashido!” the pink girl said, realizing she hadn’t introduced herself.
“Denki Kaminari!” the loud blond said, grinning and getting a bit too close.
Hibiki moved back, shaking a bit. Jirou seemed to notice, so she put herself in between the two a bit.
“So, yeah, what do you play?” she asked, smiling.
Hibiki slowly stopped shaking, taking a deep breath, taking out his phone.
“Piano, guitar, bass, drums, flute and the saxophone.”
“Woah, that's so cool!” Kaminari said. “I play the guitar!” he said, grinning.
Hibiki looked at him, a bit shocked this boy could play anything. Maybe he would be able to find friends here after all. Wait, no. He wasn’t here to make connections. He couldn’t allow himself to emotionally connect with anybody. 
“I play a few things too,” Jirou said, making him look at her. 
The rest of lunch flew by, with Hibiki mostly listening to the students as they all talked about their interests. Every now and then, Hibiki would give vague and general answers about himself, but he was trying very hard not to reveal much about himself. 
When the bell rang signaling the end of lunch, Mina grinned at him, “Are you ready to see Class A in action?” she asked.
Hibiki nodded a bit, “I suppose so.”
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senboago · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Abby / Kitty      Age: 24       Contact: pm, discord
Character(s) I rp: (canon) Candice Catnipp, Haineko, Mizuiro Kojima, Retsu Unohana, Yachiru Kusajishi; and them I have about 8 ocs. Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Elsabeth, Naomi, & Haineko. Current Fandom(s): Bleach (and one One Piece oc) Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Bleach (Mizuiro’s shinigami au) My language(s): English (natively), Japanese (elementary level) Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: history, mythology
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  Pms, mostly. If you have me on discord, even better. I have both apps on my phone too, so I’m usually good about replies; granted if I’m not busy, left my phone somewhere in the house, or am asleep.
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  Well, I tend to be the type that actually fails at coming up with plot ideas. It’s not that I don’t think of anything, but that I’m either too shy or my brain is too exhausted of ideas. So I guess just enthusiasm works for me, since it gives all the same energy! Especially when talking about ships (including platonic and hate ships) between our muses ‘cause that usually helps lead into some potential plots, as I’ll always be up for discussing new stuff for them; like how we want to develop them, where will they go, when will they get there, etc.
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  I’m a bit of too quiet to say anything really, kinda like a pushover. But if I can gain the confidence, I’d prefer to ask what’s going from my partner’s end. If it turns out they’re really not interested then, and I hate to do it, we’ll just drop it. I want us both to be having fun, and if they’re not into it, then it’d be too selfish of me to try and continue it.
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  Again, I’m pretty terrible at it, so I’m usually a go with the flow type person. So unfortunately, that leaves most the plotting to them, unless my brain decides to wake up. But when I do have an idea and have the courage to, I’ll pitch it to them. Usually my plots end up starting out as some random headcannon between our muses and their ship, and then it falls into the fascination of ‘I wanna rp that now’, just to see it have a story.
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I get anxious easily. So whether or not I was really into it, it’s nice to know, and easier on my nerves if it was something I was really into. However, it’s not entirely and outright demand that they do all the time. - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Not required, just preferred that they just let me know.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  Two things. Disinterest is one, and pretty self-explanatory. Then there’s if I just lack the energy for a certain amount of time, after several attempts to actually reply. I usually hate to drop threads. But if I feel there’s absolutely no way I’ll be able to reply, then I’ll either pm my partner directly or make out a post and tag those I’ve dropped threads with, if it’s multiple. - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  Even though I’m terrible of communication, I still like to hear from my partners every once and a while. It’s kinda why discord is easier to get a hold of me ‘cause, since I have two servers there I mod/admin, I usually check it and will answer there more often. - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I wanna say yes, but there’s that anxiety in me that says no. It’s a hit or miss with me. I usually try not to get defensive, and most the time won’t. It’ll just end up making become a bit more cautious, confused, or reclused, depending on what it is; and that’s all ‘cause of anxiety. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  Mostly to have fun. Also so I can explore my muses and work on my creative writing. When people like what I post too, it makes me extremely happy and excited, wanting to pour out more! So really, not much of a goal other than just share my thought process and ideas.
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  To roleplay and post more stuff for Mizuiro. And to build more relationships of all kinds for my muses, especially my ocs. I’d also like to explore darker themes for a few muses as well, though that’s a bit of a tall order... Not too people can handle or are willing to deep dive, so I’m not sure if that’ll happen really.
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  I don’t really have any hard limits. However, I usually refrain from a lot simply for the comfort of others. So I guess there’s quite a bit I won’t ever get into, though I’d like to.
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: i’m usually good with just about anything. If I’m not, then I’ll inform my partner.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Better question is; what type am I not into? Though truthfully, I’m really into characters with a lot of development, an establish backstory of any kind, and just about any that can capture my heart (which isn’t hard to do btw). I’m not picky and I have very few I truly hate, except for their person rather than the character.
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Flat, one-dimensional types with very little development or their own story. I like seeing the ins and outs, the positives and negatives of a character. I want them to put me on a roller coaster of emotions, since that’s life in a nutshell. If they can’t, then I’ll lose interest quickly. Also mary sues/gary stues. Characters that just don’t make sense or follow the universe’s logic are also a major turn off.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  Oh boy... I guess my dedication and love for my muses’ ships. It’s not much, but only thing I can think of. I also try to keep an open mind, be as understanding as possible and to support my partner wherever I can.
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?:  My inability to reply to drafts that have been sitting for a couple of weeks. I want to reply, and yet, as soon as I open the draft and get to work, my brain blanks. It’s really frustrating.
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  Just about whenever, as long as partner is up for it. And it’ll be for either or, depending. For certain ships, such as Kaede and Kenpachi, I feel it is part of their character and relationship development, seeing as they’ve managed to grow a deeper bond with each other through it. For other muses, such as almost anything with Amaterasu, it’s usually out of fun. - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  Eh... not really, unless partner is uncomfortable with it.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The growth between them. Just literally anything between that. Watching the couple’s bond deepen, how much they learn about each other, and the trust that strengthens over time. - What is your smut tag?: nsfw mention
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?:  Just about any; romantic, sexual, platonic, hate, family, etc.
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- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  Usually that’s up to the other’s interpretation of the character. But Kaede has some potential, developing surprising friendship despite her division’s reputation. She’s bit of an opposite from her captain and co-lieutenant, probably being the most patient and kindest of the three, as she’s the only one to pursue any friendships. I would say I’d love to find more plots in reference to her backstory, whether some random character she befriends or is enemies with finds out her birth, or she feels to rekindle a past friendship.
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   ... I dunno if I really have an answer for that. Kaede’s one of my easiest going muses, unafraid to interact with anyone. She tends to fit in just about anywhere. Though I’m sure this partly due to her being my most developed and being well established. - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Honestly, I think just about anyone, depending on the scenerio and who they are. That also determines how she approaches and interacts with them.
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  There’s a list of things. Gardening, social gatherings, her division... She’s also into new experiences, things that are foreign to the Soul Society. - What do they desire, is their goal?:  She simply wants to make her mother proud, to better society if she can, and continue to aid and serve her division. - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  Body language. It’s a trained type of thing, trying to read them by how they hold themselves. How approachable they appear, their intent, etc. - What do they value in a person?:  Depends, as she understands everyone is different. But mostly their determination, honesty, and dedication, even if she’s not the receiver. She can still respect them for it. - What themes do they like talking about?:  Eh... Just about anything, aside from herself. Anything gardening or about flowers is where she’s the most enthusiastic. - Which themes bore them?:  Idle chitchat or small talk. She likes to carry an actual conversation. So trying to ask her about the weather, she’ll more than likely walk away.
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Sort of? There’s a couple things; the discovery of Azashiro’s imprisonment and his crimes, the sudden disappearance of Yoruichi and Kisuke, and the brief encounter with Yhwach’s clone during the war. - What could possibly trigger them?:  Both Azashiro’s imprisonment and Yoruichi and Kisuke’s exile have been resolved, so no. Though to ask her about Azashiro, she’ll be guarded and, depending on the person, defensive. The incident with Yhwach was a literal flash, leaving her physically scarred, but otherwise unfazed. - What could set them off, enrage them?:  Azashiro, yes. Depending on who the person is, obviously. Kisuke is the most notable target of this rage. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Again, Azashiro, depending on who brings it up and what’s brought up. Mostly, if it targets her mother and threatens to expose them, including her adopted father.
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Yhwach and Aizen. Both have caused a degree of grief in the Soul Society, and even for those outside it. She also hates those that use their position of power for selfish reasons. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:  Her mother and adopted father, and the Shiba clan as a whole. Her division, and her current captain and co-lieutenant, along with her former captain and her brother Yuushirou. She also loves, though won’t admit it often enough, Askin (verse dependent). Kenpachi as well (verse dependent). Any and all her friends, including Kisuke. There’s also a huge soft spot for animals of any kind.
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  As long as you’re not a sworn enemy to her or the society, just about anyone’s good to go. Just strike up conversation, ask for a spar, to drink, etc. She isn’t one to simply ignore or dismiss anyone, so long as there isn’t any bad terms between them. - Where are they usually to find?:  In the second division offices or training grounds (sometimes in the onsen), at her home, or strolling or patrolling through the Seireitei.
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Eh... nothing I can think of off the top of my head. Except that, no matter how kind a face she has, she can still be a merciless killer.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar​ (thanks for the tag, though not sure if I should really be thanking you ‘cause this about drained me!) Tagging:  you reading this.
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kaluawoo · 5 years
GX Headcanons
Very much Not Sorted because what is organizing but oh well. Doubly unsorted bc I decided to start typing up the ones I already had and add on if I found new ones.
Me:”Yeah I only have five HCs or so.” Also me: *Ends up with this long list* “Where do all these come from?”
(Anyway I’m putting them under a cut bc. Length. And I guess it’s because one HC tends to lead me to another ashdjkhlkhjk)
@lecliss You said you wanted to see them? They ended up a bit rambly sorry
Johan’s family is from Northern Germany and Denmark, and sometimes even he and his parents aren’t quite sure which family members come from where
He grew up in Germany, but went to a Danish Kindergarten and a Danish elementary school* but afterwards went to a normal German high school (Gymnasium**, to be exact) until he switched to a duelling school
Johan is really good with languages, and the most fluent in Japanese out of the Exchange Squad. He also started learning it the earliest of them, mainly via Volkshochschule***
Speaking of Japanese proficiency: When they all arrive, Jim is the one who knows the least Japanese, though he quickly improves
Other way round, among Judai’s group, Kenzan is the one who’s the best in English
Judai isn’t that good in English, but that doesn’t stop him from using whatever English he knows to talk to the Exchange Squad. With charades and quickly scribbled pictures if need be. As a former exchange student I say from the bottom of my heart that the world needs more Judais
Sho is actually really good, but he’s too insecure to try talking English with the Exchange Squad, and is relieved that they’re all pretty fluent in Japanese
Jun thinks he’s awesome in English regardless of his actual skill. He fairly often confuses everyone else because “No this is not a word”. (Yet. They all end up adopting quite a few of the words Jun made up/is convinced are real English words, so at some point, they are words. To this group, at least.) Again speaking as a former exchange student, the world also needs more Juns
People are sometimes convinced the Exchange Squad has a secret language but they don’t. Theoretically they speak English to each other, but every now and then they throw in Japanese words because they remembered that one first, Johan sometimes talks to O’Brien in Portuguese, meanwhile O’Brien tries to teach Jim Portuguese, Jim knows like 10 German words he likes saying to Johan, Johan once tried mimicking Karen’s crocodile noises to talk to her, Jim got taught how to count to 5 in Thai by an exchange student who came to his school in Australia and now tries to teach the others how to do it, too... Etc
Meanwhile, Amon has been taught some phrases in many different languages, and uses those occasionally. Sometimes in a language one of the others speaks, sometimes in one he thought nobody knew. And at least once Johan surprised the heck out of him when he answered in the same language. Also, he can tell that everyone is pronouncing the Thai words really wrong, but decides to let them have their fun.
O’Brien is from Brazil I don’t remember if there’s canon info so I’ll add it here lol
The Exchange Squad is Shocked(TM) when Jim tells them he’s never watched Crocodile Dundee. A movie night commences, obviously including Judai’s group.
Jim is kinda neutral about the movie but he does lowkey wanna quote the “That’s not a knife - This is a knife!” scene (He’d be willing to substitute a different noun if the situation arises. Part of him hopes he can even go “That’s not a reptile, this is a reptile!” and show Karen but like, the chance for that is low. Also, mood)
Ra Yellow’s Dorm Teacher is the Home Economics teacher (I’m assuming that since they have PE, physics and alchemy they have more classes than just duelling lmao)
Daichi used to think he was bad at maths when he was a kid because he had a shitty teacher who got mad at him if/when he found other/easier ways of doing stuff :( (Which doubly sucked because Daichi really enjoyed math, especially finding other solutions, just to be told he was wrong)
However he did at some point get a better teacher and absolutely thrived in math class after that
He sometimes forgets that most people, especially his age, really don’t like maths. He at least once invited Judai to do Math together or help Judai with his math homework and was lowkey hurt when Judai declined, before Daichi remembered that, right, he probably just dislikes math.
Of course Judai noticed that Daichi was missing for a long time in the Society of Light arc, he just played it down so he wouldn’t worry Sho and Kenzan. And it’s part of the reason he was so hell-bent on getting Johan back, because he felt as if this was the second time he was at fault for a friend getting hurt!
Idk what gender Martin is but he’s not a cis dude.
Post-canon, Jim does a gap year to volunteer at a wildlife preserve in Australia
Fujiwara uses they/them pronouns
Fubuki had a crush on Fujiwara at some point
O’Brien gets nervous in cars and prefers pretty much any other method of transport (even busses, though if he has a choice, he’ll pick trains etc over busses, too). He does have a driver’s license though.
Judai’s Winged Kuriboh and Yugi’s Kuriboh are brothers (Idk if spirits can actually have family but let’s assume they do)
* Close to the Danish border, there’s schools and kindergartens called “Danish School/Kindergarten”, where the lessons are taught in Danish etc. Different ones have different rules which kids can enroll there, e.g. some only accept kids with at least one Danish parent, others accept everyone, but afaik all or at least most have all the lessons etc in Danish, and after a few years the parent-teacher-conferences are also in Danish, so non-Danish parents are expected to learn Danish if they want their kid there.
** German school system is confusing af; elementary school is until grade 4, then grade 5+ are high school (or secondary school I guess). There’s multiple types of high school, Gymnasium
*** One dictionary says it’s community college in English, but the English wikipedia page calls it Folk High School... Either way, it’s technically aimed at adults, you can take specific classes including languages, and I know at least one teen who took Japanese in one.
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omishu · 5 years
3, 5, 10, 13, 28, 29, 40, 47, 61, 87, 95, 98!
AAH! 🤩 Thank you so much for your inquiries!! 😆 This is my first ever Tumblr ask challenge to receive, so I'm honored 😖 but it's a lot! 😱 I'll try to answer everything thoroughly. 😅 Here it goes! 😁
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I love the idea of shapeshifting., Not just the kind of transfiguration that Tonks or McGonagall do, but more like adopting the abilities of different animals suited for different scenarios. Like, if I could grow bat wings to fly and then switch to develop lungs like a seal to swim for long periods or the eyes of a tarsier to see in the dark, etc., that'd be dope.
But my superhero alterego actually has the ability to manipulate luck, so she can basically be a blessing or curse to others. It's based on her own storage of luck though. So if she's had a lot of bad luck lately, she can deal it out; alternatively she can give out good luck when she gets lucky. It's kind of a game of balance, but she has meters for both that get distributed and replenished.
5. Tell us some funny drunk story.
I've really only ever been drunk once. It was a time when I was house-sitting for some friends, watching their two dogs while they went on vacation (the usual). I invited a different friend over, my bestie from middle school. Typically, I have a code for myself to not invite guests into clients' homes, and doing so this time set the dominos a-topplin'. We decided to have a Toy Story marathon, like normal grown ups. To make it really adult, we thought we'd make it more interesting by playing drinking games throughout all the movies. There are four movies. Normally, I don't drink much, just a glass of wine or a beer every once in a while, so ... we got big cans of Mike's extra hard lemonade in different fruity flavors (because ... adults watching kids' movies). Anyway, we had our snacks (French macarons and Wegman's pizza, q classic combination, but not really), the dogs had been fed and set up for bed, and we had our jammies on. All was well for the first two movies: we're reliving our childhoods and the early days of cgi animation, laughing and having a grand old time. By the third movie, what's left of the large pizza is cold. So we stumble down two flights of stairs, carrying a mostly empty pizza box, while dogs jumped all over us, trying to get to the oven in the kitchen on the main floor, like this was some kind of epic high fantasy novel quest. I put the pizza on a cookie sheet. The oven's preheated. Pizza goes in. When pizza is all melty again, I grab a potholder, because I'm responsible. BUT it's not covering the end of the metal handle poking out, and I get BURNED, literally, right on the wrist. Which is the hand I usually pose with for selfies. I've had to totally rearrange how I take pictures of myself now because I have an obvious scar there. Anyway, I stick my hand under cold water and get some ice on it right away, so it doesn't actually hurt as much as it probably should have; granted I have a lot of experience with burn damage, so I may be somewhat desensitized to it. Moral of the story, kids, don't heat up food while you're drunk. I don't even remember what happened in the third movie tbh. I passed out after finishing my third large can of alcoholic beverage, and we went to see TS4 at the theater the next morning, hungover like fools.
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?
The answer is me. I constantly disappoint myself, because I have impossibly high standards. I tend to be very ambitious and driven, so when I don't live up to my own expectations for myself, I'm disappointed. But failure is a chance to learn. Keep moving forward!
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
28. What was your last lie?
"I'll check it out" when someone recommended a phone app to me today. 😬
29. Dumbest lie you ever told?
🤔 I don't really remember most of my lies because they're small, meaningless, and/or usually get cleared up right away. Plus, I don't normally like to lie, so most of them are accidents from misunderstandings or possible future truths or super obvious for joking purposes, like hyperbole or sarcasm.
40. What was the last gift you gave?
When my sister and I rode the bus to NYC from DC to go see Frozen on Broadway together, I gave her a keychain. I got us matching Funko Pop Frozen 2 keychains to commemorate the event. We both Disneybounded as the queens, so we got the characters we matched; she got Anna, and I got Elsa.
47. When was your first kiss?
It depends on what kind of kiss you mean. When I was in 1st grade, I kissed a boy's forehead on a dare. Then in like maybe 3rd grade, I kissed my best friend on her lips out of excitement for something that had happened. But if you mean romantically, I've only ever kissed one person in the lips, and that was my first love. He was my boyfriend in the beginning of high school, back when I still had braces, so it was probably freshman year. He used to come to my house after school some times, and we went for an evening stroll along the golf course one night. He kissed me, and I kissed him again, but then I turned away when he tried to kiss me again. My face was hot and red when we got back, and his mom was waiting to take him home; she knew exactly what had happened because she made a joke about it, and I started getting dizzy from embarrassment. He dumped me a couple years later and then almost a decade later, we started hooking up again, but then he decided he just wanted to be friends, which I couldn't handle, so I cut off ties with him. 🤷‍♀️ His loss
61. Something you find romantic?
There was a time when I liked a guy in my Japanese-American cultural exchange group. The whole club went to an obon matsuri at a Buddhist temple one year with crafts, food, kimono fashion show, taiko, etc. We danced together under the stars with my dress swirling at my feet and thousands of fireflies twinkling out of the ground around us. It was so magical. Then we all went for the best sushi I've ever had and my first beer, which I split with a girl who's now one of my besties. He walked me to my car and made sure I got home safely. Turns out he was 17 years older than me (short and baby faced), twice divorced, and had kids. I was barely 21. Yikes.
87. Meaning behind your blog name?
This is a fun question! I've always loved animation and making my own characters. When I was really little, some time in elementary school, I was super into the show Xiaolin Showdown, which has a character named "Omi". I used that as the basis for the name of my first ever OC and then several other OC's after her haha then in middle school, my best friend had the same first name as me, just spelled differently (yes, the same ms bestie from the drunken shenanigans above. We're getting brunch next weekend too). So we started calling each other by our OC's names, Omi and Lala (Omishu and Laphelliae). We even introduced each other under these identities, so the name stuck. Everyone called me Omi in highschool, and it drove my mom crazy! Even the teachers called me that; Mom absolutely hated it. Now it's my online alias for almost every platform I use. If you ever see a username with Omishu, Omishu Kitsuni, or OmishuK, chances are it's me!
95. Share your favourite quote.
Too many!! Short answer, THE ENTIRE BIBLE. Long answer ... Uh, it depends on the context. The whole series of quotes from the Disney wisdom collection, yesss. A couple on speaking/listening that I appreciate are: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln and "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." Epictetus. I live by Mark 12:28-31, though: "... 'Which commandment is the most important of all?' Jesus answered, 'The most important is, '... you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these.'"
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
Yes, in college my mentor's husband preached a message about forgiveness. I had to leave in the middle to call my mom. She had verbally abused me and my sisters while I was growing up, which has caused me to develop multiple psychoses in my childhood that I'm still learning to deal with today. My unrealistic expectations are also caused by trying to earn her approval. Anyway, I had to tell her that I don't hold it against her and recognize the stresses of parenting and appreciate how she's tried to do her best for me. We were both crying. She had no idea the affect of her words on me, but our relationship has improved so much since then. We're both careful to speak the truth in love with each other now.
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theangry-ace · 6 years
currently playing: Charade Maniacs
quite possibly the most mysterious otome game I’ve played yet. and again, I’m having quite a hard time to follow the story. it’s as bad as Tengai ni Mau, but at least this one I can understand at most 30% of what’s happening. Tengai ni Mau I just don’t know what actual fuck was happening all through out the entire game.
the concept is in future Japan, our MC, Hiyori and her overprotective osananajimi suddenly found themselves in another world where the “people” there doesn’t seem like normal human being. it’s like they’re robots, or something that not used to be a human. along with them are 8 other guys and a mysterious masked person - the Director - who said all 10 of them are to be there, Arcadia, and to occasionally play a short skit or drama to gain points. the points can be used to ‘purchase’ anything they want, but if their points to reach zero, they will be erased for existence. finishing their forced job as an actor would grant them a wish to be fulfilled.
unfortunately, among 10 of them, one of them is the person who led them to be chosen to Arcadia; the Producer. who is the traitor?
part1: Kyouya, Tomose & Mamoru routes
though honestly, I don’t think I would continue clear other routes. maybe. my Japanese is way too low to understand the details of this fucking gamee
if anyone can explain to me the game plot, also the spoiler of who is the Producer and why the heck he’s doing all of these, that’ll be great. 
my first impression of this game was; “HOLY SHIT 9 CAPTURE TARGETS?!!” but then I found out “thERE’S A HIDDEN CHARACTER AS WELL???” I just know I’m gonna be a mess for this game. I expect it to be kinda dark of a theme but not entirely? I think most of the creepy vibes were taken off to some degree by the awesome BGM. still, I don’t really get some details of the entire plot, shameful to admit. no. correction; I understand exactly nothing from the plot so..
all I know that aside from the Producer hiding among them, there’s also a Sponsor who had been possibly working together to keep them all there. a
he is the genki guy of the 10 of them, and despite being kidnapped to another world, he's the most optimistic and motivated that they all will be out of this psychopath of a forced imprisonment. he sees himself as a superhero that will protect and help everyone. he even said, when knowing there’s at least 2 traitors (the Producer and the Sponsor) among them, that doesn’t mean that they should all start to doubt everybody and distrust them.
turns out the Sponsor among them is Kyouya’s parents. they were one of the main contributor (or supporter) of this whole ‘kidnapping people into forced reality tv to act in skits for the sake of amusement’. kinda. I’m pretty hazy about that... anyway. but Kyouya is there to stop the psychopathic project. he actually had two little sisters, both was also been made the Cast of the project but they failed to meet the necessary points needed and was deleted out of existence, and that includes from the Kyouya’s memory. it was said because being no longer remember what you lost is much easier. he was very devastated when he began to remember them, and felt so bad how he could ever forget about his two sisters.
Kyouya managed to gained enough points to have his wish, but there was a catch that asshole Director just suddenly announced; he could only wish one person to return to the real world, or but one to remain. he chose the latter, and Hiyori was mega sad. he stayed and he promised to continue to stop Arcadia, and retrieve his two sisters.
dude is younger than Hiyori, and used to be the target of bullies. Hiyori, with her strong oneechan power, took the role of his protector. he came to secretly fallen in love with her as the years gone by, and he swore he would do anything to protect her in return. despite his near-obsession towards Hiyori, she never agreed nor encouraged this behavior. she simply said she saw him as just the osananajimi, and nothing else. 
with the little that I can understand from his route, there’s not really any new revelation aside that Hiyori suspected Tomose to be the Sponsor because he kept saying he didn’t mind staying there in Arcadia so long he could play the role of her boyfriend. you’re twisted, my dude. I might missed a lot of the stories in Tomose’s route, because, fuck, a lot of the ‘explanation’ was left to Hiyori. which means no narration, and fucking shit my reading skill is lower than an elementary kid so... oh. Hiyori got her ‘emotions’ yanked out of her when she refused to do the play and kept on telling Tomose how he was wrong, and that he was acting like not the Tomose she knew.
in the end, after a thrilling (/sarcasm) game of charades with the resident of Arcadia, Tomose was about to wish for all of them to return before the Producer dropped his asshole of a new rule. Tomose wanted to say that he would remain while everyone was to sent home, but Shouta stepped in saying he volunteered to stay instead. dude said he liked playing games so he didn’t mind staying in Arcadia. I suspect he might be the Director....?
after getting back home, Tomose and Hiyori decided to start all over again with their relationship.
a soft spoken and overall very tender guy, Mamoru didn’t stand out that much among the 10. he gave Hiyori a teddy bear to cheer her up when he think she was not feeling too good after the whole thing of them trying to find a loophole of Arcadia as an existence while they were doing a maintenance. they were supposed to stay at the house they’re staying but he and Hiyori went to another place. in result they saw the real form of the people in Arcadia. they were slimy alien looking creatures.
for some time, Hiyori was terribly traumatized by what she discovered and could no longer see the Another Worlders in the eye. then later Mamoru refused to act in a skit where he would have to stab the co-star. he begged to the Director that he could take anything of his, just not his right hand. so Mamoru got his leg paralyzed and had to walk with a cane afterwards. 
Mamoru’s personality changed since then, and the other kids started to think it’s proof enough he’s not the Producer who was supposed to be hiding within them. Hiyori caught him went out late at night and asked him where he gone, but he never answered and continued being cold and distant. then later there was a skit asking for Hiyori and Mamoru that involved a kissing scene. before it could start, Mamoru called the Director that he didn’t want to do it and would accept another penalty. he lost his sight this time, and as he was hurrying on his way away, Hiyori caught his right hand that he treasured more than his life and felt the slimy unholy texture of the alien she had seen before.
Mamoru closed himself in his room for days until Hiyori managed to talk to him. he admitted to be the Sponsor and also the person responsible for taking them all to Arcadia. he also admitted to be one of the Arcadian people through his dad and his mom was one of the past Cast. every other explanation he gave I didn’t quite get like why he became a Sponsor? also how could a child could be made from one of those emotionless alien who’s barely human and an actual human? from Kyouya’s end, Hiyori woke up on a bed connected to an IV, meaning she went to Arcadia only in her conscious so...??? well. anyway. because he is part Arcadian part Human, he never belonged to neither of them. the Arcadian makes fun of him and gave him less points for his acts, while at the same time he knew he is less than a human to familiarize with another human.
I actually didn’t manage to see to his route to the end because... the lack of my understanding of the plot really made the climax so boring.
and that’s it. I prolly won’t be able to go through other routes. I took a peek at each of them’s walkthrough and saw either Mei or Takumi being the Producer since theirs has multiple endings. I’m betting on Takumi because if any character’s gonna be shady, might as well be the most innocent looking one. 
I might clear Mizuki’s though because, let’s face it, they’re the most interesting person of all.
so in conclusion: I really need someone to explain to me this game’s story. I’m way underqualified for it.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 43 Review.
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Ahhh! Where did that woman come from?!
Hi everyone, we have stumbled across the third episode that was never aired outside of Japan, why is that? I don’t know, but let’s try to find out.
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Oh man, I know nothing about baseball, this episode is gonna eat me alive! T.T
We start the episode in Netto’s house one evening where he and Rockman are focused on a baseball game.
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Aren’t they adorable? But now I’m curious, is Rockman watching from the same TV as Netto or he is live streaming it online? It could be a live streaming because we also see Dekao watching the same game from his computer.
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Maybe Dekao doesn’t have cable?
They are watching a player name Hoshida Kyuuma who surprises everyone with a homerun. Both Netto and Rockman cheer for the player as he runs the bases making some famous gesture he has of scratching his nose, something that Netto copies before the title screen appears.
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Nihon Senators? It’s not bad, but at least make up something creative, there is a real Japanese team called the Ham- Fighthers after all.
The next day, Netto greets Dekao and Tohru on his way to school taking part in the stereotypical guy exchange of “did you catched the game last night?” With Meiru and Roll stereotypically uninterested in the subject.
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“Next thing your gonna say is that cars are cool”
At school, Mariko-sensei introduces a new student to everyone who just so happens to have the same last name as the baseball player they saw last night.
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Geez, what a depressing looking kid. He looks sadder than Tohru’s picture in the N-1.
After introducing this new character, we then cut to them at P.E. where Netto and the rest of the class are playing, coincidentally, baseball.
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Uhg, somehow Dekao in sports cloths looks fatter than usual.
Netto is at the bat, Dekao is the pitcher and Yaito is the catcher who makes hand signals to the pitcher behind the batters back. Looks like Netto sucks a this because Yaito kicks him out after calling Dekao a cheater and only getting two strikes.
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I never thought I would miss their Navis commentating. It feels boring watching them on their own for so long, especially doing something unrelated to the net.
Mariko-sensei models her pink sweatsuit as she calls the new kid at the bat. Dekao is confident in his pitch, but Kyuuta shuts him off by hitting a homerun and surprising everyone.
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As Kyuuta runs the bases and scratches his nose, Mariko-sensei reveals to everyone that he is the son of the baseball player Hoshida Kyuuma.
This is enough to make him “mister popular” since Netto and his friends start talking to him.
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“So... Do you like Net Battles?”
He doesn’t seem happy with all this attention since he suddenly stands up after Yaito mentions his dad being transfered from another team.
Turns out Kyuuta is sad because he misses his friends since he is sitting alone after school looking at a baseball covered in signatures and starts crying. Netto walks in and asks him if he wants to walk home together (lucky bastard), but he ignores him and accidentally drops his baseball that rolls over to Netto’s feet. Netto picks it up and then notices that Kyuuta was crying.
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Wish I had someone like Netto ask me to walk home together back when I was in elementary school. Sure, it’s dangerous for kids to walk home by themselves in Costa Rica and my house was pretty far, but I was a very lonely child, okay? :c
Kyuuta wipes his tears and just leaves Netto with the baseball. In the next scene we see Kyuuta arriving at his house.
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You should answer when your mom asks you a question! I can never get away with that!
I wanna point out something first. This anime is not the best at portraying good mom characters, you know how I constantly call Netto’s mom a useless woman? Well this one right here I’m gonna call her... Sad face woman in the corner. It seems cruel, but believe me, you’ll see why.
We see Kyuuta sulking in his room when Netto and his friends arrive at his house to return the baseball he dropped. Kyuuta just puts on his shoes and tells him that he doesn’t want that ball anymore and runs out of the house.
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See? She did it again.
Anyway, as Kyuuta is running in front of the sunset, his mom tells everyone that he is sad because he is constantly changing schools because of his dad getting transfer to other teams, but in the last school he was in he made friends with the kids in a baseball team and had to leave them behind to go to Akihara.
Kyuuta’s dad overhears this and gets all fired up for some reason while the mom does what she does best and goes hide behind a corner to cry.
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THIS is when you realize this episode is not to be taken seriously. It is obvious that they are making fun of something. I would say this is a satyre of sports anime, but since the only sports anime I know is Captain Tsubasa I’m not really sure if there are others like that one.
So Netto and his friends along with Kyuuta’s parents find him and say that everything is alright since they figured out a way of solving his problem, by using the net!
They tell Kyuuta to go to a stadium where he finds his friends from the baseball team on a huge screen. They ask him to play baseball with them, Kyuuta doesn’t understand what they mean and that’s when Netto and all his friends including Tohru, Higure-san and the Net Agents, explain to him that thanks to the internet and some super special equipment installed in that stadium, they can play baseball using their Navis.
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And of course Kyuuta just happens to have a Navi name Leagueman, but I have no idea why he has restrains.
Right before commercials we see Dekao planning to get his revenge against Kyuuta as we see Gutsman in a baseball uniform at the bat, only to return with Midorikawa as the commentator and Gutsman getting three strikes in a matter of seconds.
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Aren’t they just balls if the batter doesn’t swing?
So yeah, in this episode we get to see some of our favorite Navis, and Glyde, playing baseball and wearing uniforms. Skullman is up next where we can see how the field switches from humans to Navis.
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But I can’t tell if they are like holograms or if there is a seperate cyberworld for them with the same field.
Skullman proves to be a good player because of his speed and attempts to steal the bases as Glyde is next at the bat. Leagueman quickly get the upper hand by making Glyde strike out before Skullman can steal all the bases.
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Thumbs up at Glydes pants.
Now it’s Woodman’s turn at the bat, but he quickly gets three strikes off screen and Saloma confesses that she have never played baseball before, to which Miyuki replies with annoyance as we see Skullman’s image break down and regenarating into Miyuki standing on the same base.
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Again, making it very confusing how the set up is suppouse to be like.
Now we get Midorikawa naming the line up for the Akihara team.
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Rockman looks so cute in that uniform! But I don’t understand why Gutsman has a plant in his mouth, is that like the Japanese version of the old gag of baseball players chewing tabacco?.
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Roll-chan is the pitcher, and yes, she throws like a girl, and maybe that’s the reason why most of the balls she throws are hitted.
The batter hits the ball, but luckily the cute shortstopper catches it for her.
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Their interactions are just so cute.
Now, if you are a baseball expert, unlike me, then get ready for to see how crazy Navi baseball can be.
The batter hits the ball, but it’s too high for Numberman to reach it, so Woodman creates a platform for Numberman so he can stop the ball and “pass it” to Skullman.
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Kyuuta’s father, who is with Midorikawa at the commentator booth, praises their teamwork, a confused Midorikawa asks him if that is allowed, but then she gets this.
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Thanks to the subs and by searching on google I figured out that this guy is actually doing a play on words. “Ari” is also used to affirm something in a sentence and he dresses up as an ant because Ari also means ant in Japanese.
We get more Navi baseball madness when Iceman freezes a ball to catch it and throw it at Woodman.
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“Ant, I mean, yes.”
I haven’t seen these many fouls in a sports game since Space Jam.
Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for, it’s finally Rockman’s turn at the bat! Yaaaaaaaaay!
Save me from this nonsense, Rockman!
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The humans are replaced by their Navis, and is it just me or is Netto and Rockman’s art a little diferent in the last panels? Either that or they suddenly got dirty
Leagueman does a ballet pose and throws the ball in a weird way, Rockman is ready to hit it, but the ball suddenly splits in two.
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Rockman get’s his first strike. Midorikawa asks Kyuuma what just happened, he explaines that it’s a move called the “Mayor ball”. Leagueman put pressure into the ball and mixed with the sand from his kick created an illusion of a second ball. That’s quality BS right there, and WHY THE HELL IS HIS LINEART SUDDENLY DIFERENT IN THIS SHOT?
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It’s like seeing an Archer crossover. o_o
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What is the meaning of the dragon vs tiger scene? Because this also happend in episode 40.
Leagueman throws the ball again and Rockman gets a second strike. You would think that this time he would go for the first ball, but they reused the animation from before.
 After their second stike Rockman and Netto figured out a way of outsmarting this move, if they can’t tell which ball is real then they’ll just have to hit both with this over the top anime scene.
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If Rockman wears pants, does it still count as a butt shot?
Rockman hits a homerun and Leagueman praises him after he runs the bases, but then Commander Beef ruins the moment by anouncing that it is Sharkman’s turn at the bat and then getting three strikes.
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It looks like Sharkman is bitting his tongue. :P
Then Higure pushes the commander out of the way to plug in Numberman, and what a surprise, he gets three strikes as well. So in short, everyone sucks except for Rockman.
We then get various shots of the rest of the game and for some reason a close up of Gutsman’s jaw plant.
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Oh great, Rush is there too, now I definitely have no idea if this shot is from the real world or the cyberworld.
The series of pictures ends with Roll-chan looking tired and Midorikawa telling us how it looks so far.
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I have no idea what she just said, but I guess that is baseball talk for “Akihara team is losing, and with Leagueman at the bat they are pretty much screwed”
But worrry not since Akihara still has their secret weapon, Rockman! With Rush calling to change the pitcher because apperantly he’s the coach now.
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I did some research, and it seems to me that the shortstop position is kinda important, so why the hell is Rush a better option than Roll?!
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So once again Rockman, Netto and now Leagueman’s lineart changes, (along with a coloring mistake on Rockman’s neck) Rockman pitches and Leagueman gets two balls, not strikes, balls.
Rockman throws the ball a third time breaking Leagueman’s bat.
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I don’t know if that counts as anything. Has this ever happen in baseball?
Now get this, since Leagueman’s bat is broken, Kyuuta’s dad leaves the commentator booth to give HIM some special red bat he had with him and says how Netto and the others are very good friends to him since they are giving him a good game.
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Those last shots just made things even more confusing! Can he see Rockman standing there or was he just looking at Netto the whole time?
Kyuuta accepts the bat from his dad that somehow ends up in Leagueman’s hands and we get this last shot of sad face woman in the corner watching from afar as always.
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Still, she cares more about her son than Netto’s useless mom does for him. She even came to watch him play, so this is the best mom I’ve seen in this show which is pretty sad if you think about it. 
Rockman pitches one last time with the whole dragon vs tiger background again, where Leagueman finally hits the ball and it’s a homerun!
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And of course he has to break a light with that homerun, or is it a cyber light? IDK O.O
Leagueman runs the bases scratching the nose he doesn’t have, Netto congratulates kyuuta and the episode ends with Midorikawa announcing Kyuuta’s team as the winners. Oh, and a little sceane with Rush losing to a Metool virus.
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Admit it, by good players you just mean Rockman.
My thought?
This episode was crazy! A little confusing, but fun to watch. It’s nice to see some of the characters play a casual game of Baseball because its something diferent to what we normaly see. The episode was obviously a satyre of sports animes (Again, I dont know any sports anime besides Captain Tsubasa), the overdramatic characters, the over the top animation, the art style, the firing up thing that happend like four times in this episode mostly from Kyuuta’s dad, and maybe other things that I didn’t catch.
This episode is indeed a filler, but that can’t be the only reason why this episode was never dubbed. So I made up these criterias to figure out the reason why it didn’t aired in America.
1. Was an important new character introduced that will appear in future episodes?
2. Does it introduce a new game, style or battle system that fits in with the theme of the show and will be mentioned again?
3. Will the dubbing for this episode be worth the effort?
Let me explain using episode 40 as an example. With the first criteria, even though Torakichi and Kingman never appear again in future episodes, they were still considered important characters in the Battle Network series, especially since the purpose for the episode was to promote the upcoming Battle Network 3 game.
Yes and no for the second criteria. It fits the theme of the show because it combines Net Battles with chess, but it is not mention again.
And for the third criteria, it was not hard to dub, there was no reason to explain Net Chess Battles because we already know how Net Battle works and Chess is already world wide knowen as a game.
Now for this episode. First, no. Kyuuta, leagueman, his parents and his baseball friends are not important in any way and are never seen again. 
Second, it was just baseball. Even though we saw the Navis used their abilities during the game, it was still baseball. It did not have Net Battle rules and it is never mentioned or seen again.
And third, it was not worth the effort to dub. Trying to explain how Navi Baseball worked, especially since Japan didn’t do a good job in explaining it, would’ve required unecessary effort. They would have skipped the ant joke, but how would they explain how the Navis seemed to be in the real world? It was terrible confusing because it is the first time we see something like this on the show. People would get curious to see this again only to find out that this was a one time thing.
So that’s strike three and this episode is out of the dubbed version!
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alextravelstojapan · 6 years
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Saturday, November 17th, 2018
A continuation of my last post~~
Dru and I decided to go to another cafe so that we could use their free WiFi and plan our end of the year trip to Tokyo. We had just gotten the free WiFi when we got a FB message that Meda, Carson, and Caleb were also in the city. Then we happened to look out the window and notice that they were walking past the cafe we were in, so I ran after them and got them to come inside. We all got drinks and then Meda, Kevin, and Carson left shortly after we finished our coffees to shop around or something. Dru and I stayed for a little while trying to be productive but it didn’t last long before we got hungry again, so we packed up our things and got some egg sandwiches from the 7/11 next door. I don’t usually like egg salad, but the egg salad in Japan can’t be beat. I think it’s literally just mayo and eggs mixed together but it’s really good, and I think that may be because the mayo in Japan is also way better than American mayo. Anyways, after getting our sandwiches we stopped into Loft to look around for a while, then met up with Meda, Carson, and Kevin at the station again before getting on the train back to AIU. 
I also wanted to add a small comment here about my dinner with Shiho and Minja (another girl in the Nihongo house that is from Singapore). 
Shiho bought all of the ingredients for this really delicious Korean dish. I helped Shiho chop some onions, pumpkin, cabbage, mushrooms, and carrots while she prepared and marinated the chicken. Shiho and I try to talk to each other in Japanese but sometimes she can see that I am confused or unsure so she will kindly clarify for me in English. I also often don't know how to say some things in Japanese so I have to switch back and forth between English and Japanese.  Minja came over about halfway through the cooking prep and she’s really good at Japanese so Shiho and her were able to talk and understand each other with no problem. When people speak fluent Japanese, I think I usually am able to understand the general topic of what people are talking about because I can identify certain words and grammars being used. But I am also painfully aware that I often don't actually know what people are saying. Like I know what people are talking about and based on tone and body language can infer some things, but I also don't know if my assumptions based on these inferences are correct at all. So I have gotten very good at listening and observing and I think that Shiho and Minja are aware of my elementary Japanese skills so from time to time they would ask me questions and patiently listen as I struggled to answer them in Japanese. I really like Shiho. She’s so nice and even though she used to intimidate me (just because I’m a self-conscious person), I now sometimes find myself feeling really uplifted by her kindness. There have definitely been a couple turning points in our relationship that have steadily turned my intimidation to an appreciation for her. Wow the addition to this post has gotten quite long but I want to mention these turning points here now that I’ve started, since I haven't mentioned them in my other posts. 
Okay so to start off, I think Shiho’s very first impression of me was probably not very good... I had gotten home when she was in the shower so I just put down my things and sat in the chair at my desk after closing the sliding door that divided the front room and the bedroom. I was anxious because I didn’t know if she expected me to speak in Japanese or if she would be disappointed or surprised that I wasn't very good at speaking in Japanese. I had my back towards the shoji and my legs propped up against the frame of my bed when she opened the shoji after her shower, and since I didn't turn around right away I heard her timidly say, “Hello” from behind me. After that was fine, but now I feel like my body language must have been unwelcoming and sometimes wonder what kind of person she thought I was. I made another mistake though and had filled out our roommate contract when she wasn't there, because I thought she’d have been given her own copy for some reason and then we’d fill them both in together but turn them in separately. It really wasn't a huge deal, I just feel like it pressured her to agree to terms she may not have wanted since I had already filled it out in pen... yikes. Anyways that was just about our first encounter.
At one time I was really struggling at how to deal with her coming home super late and then proceeding to do things like take a shower, and brushing her teeth, blowing her nose, and eating a midnight snack right next to our bunkbeds where I was trying to sleep. I was convinced that she was being loud on purpose because she didn't like me. I spent a couple nights of trying to show my sleeplessness by tossing and turning, sighing loudly, and picking up my phone and aggressively typing in my Notes to vent about how I didn't understand how she possibly thought I could sleep when she was being so loud. After talking to my dad about it though, he suggested I just asked her to be a little quieter. And so, the next night when she came home really late and proceeded to be super loud, I rolled over in bed and asked her to be a little quieter, and she seemed confused and truly sorry. And ever since that night, I was able to sleep peacefully! But not because she is super quiet now, but I guess because my mind is able to be at ease knowing that she isn't being loud on purpose. What a simple solution. Thanks Daddy O :) 
So another thing that happened was really quite embarrassing for me. Basically, I went to the bathroom and then after using the toilet decided I’d just keep my jeans off so I could put my sweats on. But right as I was exiting the bathroom, Shiho opens the front door and I let out a little yell and so she yells too. I start laughing because I am really embarrassed and she starts laughing too I think because we just scared each other. I then proceeded to run into the bedroom so I could quickly put on my sweatpants, and she’s still standing in the front room saying, “bikkurishita” (sounds like bikkurishita) which means “You startled me”. I start apologizing but I’m still laughing because I was embarrassed and the situation was to funny for me not to laugh. A couple minutes later and I am sitting at my desk reanalyzing the scenario and realized that she may not have saw that I didn't have my pants on until I ran into the other room with just my underwear on. So she may have been more startled when she saw my butt running away than when I yelled after she opened the front door. And after realizing that, I started laughing all over again and said sorry again even though a few minutes had passed and she seemed over it. I still laugh when I think about it and I felt that since we had laughed together, we had gotten closer somehow, even though it was at the price of my embarrassment. This may not seem like a big deal for her to see me in just my underwear, especially since we’re roommates and we’re in a country with public baths, but I have gotten in the habit of changing in the bathroom.
Shiho also brought me an apple as an omiyage (souvenir) from Aomori, which is a city in Aomori prefecture pretty far north of Akita city and is a place that is famous for apples. Needless to say the apple was delicious. The apples that I’ve had in Japan have actually been the best apples that I've had in all my life so I always buy some from the grocery store every week.
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