#so anyway yeah. it's been rough 👍
arcadian-vampire · 1 year
[Medical Anomaly Blogging whining, drug mentions]
So after my first dose of Fentanyl (given for my surgery), there was a mix up and I didn't have orders for Anything. The nurses were able to give my Tylenol and said they'd contact my doc abt the situation, but???? never managed to get ahold of him????? So I waited.
Eventually (after 4 hours) I started really hurting, so I called in a nurse, and was told I could have more Tylenol in two hours. I couldn't draw a deep breath and could barely move, but sure, I could wait, probably.
I lasted like 20 more minutes before I cried (which made it WORSE) lmao, I got an icepack to try to get me by for another hour and 40 minutes so I'd get Tylenol, nurses tried contacting my doctor again, nurse shift ended so I got a new nurse, I straight up stopped existing for a while bc hooooly fuck.
My tube leaked all over the place at one point and a nurse changed my bedding, I remember that! That was fun
Eventually ???? a nurse came in, gave me smth through my iv, and VWOOP surprise, it was Fentanyl again, thank fuck. She apologized a ton, and gifted me a cute pill crusher bc she heard I can't swallow pills and usually have to crush them 😭
Unfortunately, I tried to adjust my bed afterwards, and apparently hospital beds are actually stupid as shit and suddenly lurch into motion when you click the button. The movement yanked on my tube and I was right back to a 10 on the scale, couldn't talk at all, had to wait 45 minutes for fentanyl again. sigh
I still can't really talk tbh and I'm stuck in like, a permanent muscle spasm after the bed wrecked my shit, but I'm a human person again so that's nice
tldr; I've spent like ~5 hours at a 9 or 10 on the pain scale and I am EXHAUSTEDD but too uncomfy to sleep. I'm gonna have to get out of bed to use the bathroom at some point too but that sucks so much, I'd kind of rather hit myself in the face with a cactus.
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carcinized · 2 years
i feel like the most important things ive learned about friendships recently are that
a) if someone really, really loves you they will love you despite and sometimes even for your flaws. for example my best friend in the whole world is a show off who cant talk about her feelings. do i care? of course. do i want to strangle her sometimes? hell yes. do i love her? i would probably take a bullet for her.
and b) dont put all your energy into having one perfect ideal relationship with one person (whether romantic or platonic or whatever else). just surround yourself with people you love and enjoy being around. you can get something from each relationship and satisfy all your needs plus you dont lose everything if you have a falling out. PLUS you can almost always find someone whos free when you are LMAO
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matd0 · 3 months
Hello guys
I had to take a pretty lengthy break from pretty much all social media, super sorry for just disappearing like that.
bunch of stuff happened, I moved back to my parents’ house, tried to focus on school, got kicked out of school lol, went through a pretty rough patch over all :´D
I’ve been trying to work on just pretty much getting my basic needs met every day (eat enough, sleep enough, drink enough water, shower, etc.) and even though it’s a bit of a struggle i think I’m starting to feel pretty stable and happy again. yahoo :3 !!! so yeah i feel well enough to be perceived on the internet again 👍
Since i’m currently a jobless dropout, I should have time to post more stuff i think (this is genuinely something i love, and all I rlly want is to make stuff that makes others happy so thank you all for supporting my goofy and dubiously cringy creepypasta posting)
List of things and stuff I want to do/post/focus on:
- commissions. nbr. 1 priority (unfortunately i become a bit of a perfectionist when i get paid to draw something T_T)
-reply more to asks. It’s fun and I want to interact more with people (just need to beat up the anxiety demons)
-literally just draw more.
-maybe perhaps even post about the eyeless jack AU story thing i have been brewing in my mind…….. maybe.
-also i’m trying to do artfight again this year. bit dubious how much i’ll actually get done but oh well.
Anyway, thanks for reading lol.
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here's a couple of little sketches for you o7
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franbowidk · 9 months
No thoughts… just Jason Todd HC’s
A/N: These thoughts have been driving me insane and the time to finally share this with other fellow Jason enjoyers is finally in my grasp. Also some of these might be a lil ooc. Also minors DNI
We can all agree that he has a big dick, right?
Just imagining him having a partner and needing at least, like, 10 minutes to adjust to the tightness and his partner needing to adjust to how big he his or else they’d both cum too soon if he started moving now.
Depending on his mood and if he has time, he’d either be degrading and manhandle you (which I don’t think I would mind honestly 🛐) or he’d talk you through it, praise you, taking his time and enjoy the moment, hold your hand, all the fluffy stuff and shit. Obviously, quickies are a must even if he still feels frustrated after it. Better than nothing, right? 💀👍
But like… no matter what, his eyes would always glow a slight green. And I’d just love that ✨🫶
… Also, submissive Jason has been on my mind 😭 Like, he’d be the last person you’d expect to be whiny or vocal (which he is), but my mind is just saying, “Oh yeah, he’s a whiner”for some reason. But, especially if he’s been pent up for a long ass time, get ready for noise complaint warnings if you’re doing things privately in the comfort of your home
And he’s definitely the type to overstimulate, ESPECIALLY when he’s had a rough day or couldn’t quite find the criminal he was looking for or something. Doesn’t matter if it’s his partner or him getting overstimulated, but damn, it all depends if he still has the energy to do shit or not 💀
If you’re a fellow vigilante like himself, you better be ready cuz he’s not being gentle most of the time. If you’re a normal civilian you bet your ass he’s being gentle a little more than half the time. If you’re still just a normal civilian, but could handle yourself against a common thug or mugger, it’s 50/50 (he’s still going to be gentle every so often).
He’s not into being tied up and no pain play. Brings back bad memories. Even if his partner would beg for it, he would decline without a second thought.
I like to think his type would be similar to Raphael’s type from 2012 TMNT 💀. I’m also basing this headcanon off of Red Hood: The Outlaws from Webtoon— but anyway, he wouldn’t be too discriminative, he just wants and needs someone that can always be by his side and loyal, but he would make it so obvious that his type would be badass, strong, and independent. Like, the entire DC fandom just knows he’s a Wonder Woman fan too, so… 💀
After care would consist of cuddles, reassuring words until him and his partner would fall asleep, and food— especially food. I can just imagine him making grilled cheese sandwiches (or cheese toasties depending on where you’re from) and he’d be wearing a silly, cute, pink apron, sweatpants, no shirt, and just… the scratch marks being so visible on his back from the night before ✨🙏
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xshiny · 8 months
König x gn!reader prt 3
Imma pretend that the Weimar Constitution didn't happen on August 14, 1919...it's a fan fiction, what can i say 🤷‍♀️.
When you turn, you see a whole ass 6'10 giant man walking your way- but he's wearing traditional German royal clothes. Could this bear for a man possibly be your long lost spouse from childhood? I mean...the hood he was wearing over his face was familiar...
You didn't notice you were staring until Horangi nudge you. He gives you a smirk, but also gestures to the man who is now standing in front of us. He gives you an encouraging thumbs up to greet him.
Turning back to face the man, you stammer, unsure of what to say or how to react. Were you supposed to curtsy/bow? Did you have to get in one knee and kiss his knuckles? Should you put your hand out for a handshake? Instead, the man just chuckles at you, seeing how you fumbled with in greeting him.
"Y/n...it's been so long since I last saw you" the man speaks, and bows. You quickly bow/curtsy back. "Meine Liebe...Surely you remember me, no?" The man asks, his German accent slipping through. He takes his hooded mask off, revealing his handsome face.
Those eyes...the hair, am even the smile was still the same as you remembered it was, twenty years ago. You don't realize you were crying until the man reaches forward and wipes it away.
"Schatz...why are you crying?" He asks, and you lean into his touch. Yes. This was your long lost spouse from childhood.
"König..." you croak out, same reach up to his hands, feeling how calloused and rough they were, yet how soft and warm they held you. You haven't spoken his name since the day he left till now. "It's really you"
"Ja, das bin ich wirklich" König speaks, and pulls you in for an embrace. "I'm here, Meine Libeling"
A/n: Imma put this here so I can brainstorm some more 😃👍
Anyway, yeah. Womp womp chomp chomp.
"Meine Libeling" -> "my love"
"Schatz" -> "Darling"
"Ja, das bin ich wirklich" -> "Yes, it's really me"
Also, does anyone else know his real full name? Like I found a post About it but I can't find it...😭 Wasn't it something like Kilgore Alexander or something 🤔.
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mamasplat · 5 months
ooooooooo ive been keeping up with the huge thread.. <3333
is the fic smth you actually want to do? id read it 👍
have you got a timeline in mind?
also hows the run going?
im still in the middle of playing y, im almost at the snowy city, check out my squad 💪💪💪💪💪🐺
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The true Calem run is coming along great, I only have one spot to fill in my team and I just got through the power plant!
Now regarding actually writing the Kalos vs amour story, I want to, I’d LOVE TO. It’s something younger me wanted so badly to do- however I am not exactly confident in my writing.
I’ve dabbled under a few sites with a lot of different “pen names” if you will, and I’ve never been too fond of my own work. I struggle with coming off as redundant when I use one word too much without realizing till after the fact, but in my defense! I’m entirely self taught with reading and writing so It’s surprising I’m even a little bit literate.
I can’t say I have the confidence to get a beta reader either as that would mean letting someone read my messy work which- yeah that kinda makes my skin crawl. So it could be a great exercise for me! But it would be a big step. I haven’t publicly written anything since 2019 and it was all small fandom stuff.
But I do have a rough list of story beats? Kinda? Ideas really.
Serena leaves for her journey on a whim to see ash, but in the process she neglected to tell anyone other than her mother. Which means Calem would have no clue where she went until he went to Grace. The dialogue “I was starting to worry until I saw you on pokevision” definitely dings around my skull a bit.
He was a member of the summer camp team with Shauna Trevor and Tierno, he was just too shy to talk to Serena again after she up and left without warning, especially seeing her proximity to a guy who is wearing HIS EXACT JACKET
Yeah no I’m making that a thing, the fact him and Ash dress nearly identically is going to freak him out in some way.
When I envision this as animated scenes, I can see him as a faceless character watching from the sidelines. Obscured but noticeable, coming to a head at the end of the episode where there’s a scene between him a Shauna. In a cabin kitchen at camp, It reveals him and Shauna specifically are traveling together. His face still unseen she’d pry at him for information on why he was so distant and why he hid from Serena. He’d dodge the question with an ever brooding “I don’t know” and the silence would linger as whatever midnight snack is being prepared. A camera angle change and turning to face Shauna for the first time during the conversation it ends with a single line. “Who was that guy she was with anyways?”
We would then see him again officially in a later episode with the appearance of Shauna, he and Serena finally reconnect over an awkward apology for her sudden absence. He’s familiar with Serena, his behavior is starkly different around her to anyone else- even Shauna. And while it might not peek anyone else’s concern it would get Bonnie’s gears turning, the kid is perceptive and comes to the conclusion Calem likes Serena, but that also turns into distrust thanks to Calem’s inherent standoffish nature. She would recognize him as “no good”
Also insert plot of Ash being super hyped like “oh yeah! New rival! Let’s go!” And Calem being violently uncomfortable around this hyper short stack who is dressed just like him and traveling with his run away neighbor-
If you couldn’t tell, I’d have no clue how to pov this. A third person pov makes the most sense but with a shift in focus from our main cast to Calem and Shauna- idk-
I’ve put more thought into this as actual anime episodes rather than written pages, so it’s all art stuff in my head and might translate weird to a fanfic
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To The Sound of Beskar
Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Older!Male!Reader
Summary: When dropping off your latest bounty, you have the vague feeling that you will see the Mythrol, Mirialan, and Zygerrian again someday. Until you end up with more pressing matters to worry about. Like how Greef Karga immediately sends you after a new bounty when you step foot in the bounty hunter guild's cantina.
AN: If you can't tell, I suck at writing fight scenes, and The Mandalorian series contains a lot. So, here's to a long ride and lots of research on my end on how to write it! 😃👍
Chapter II: Strengthen Those Beside You
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It was easy to get lost in thought when traveling through space.
The swirl of color drew you into a sense of peace unlike anything else you've ever experienced, allowing you to let go for a moment. You got lost in thought more often than you'd like to admit when flying.
Currently, you were thinking about the training Din had gone through.
Was he able to learn everything you had?
When Concordia was attacked, you were both still very young. From what you recall, you were still going through training even then. And you were able to be on your own a few weeks after the tribe had settled on Nevarro.
The younger kids, like Din and Paz, had their training pushed back. Yet you doubt the older Mandalorians let them skip for long.
Din had to have finished his training, or the other Mandalorians wouldn't let him keep sneaking away to join you on dangerous bounty-hunting missions without speaking with you about it.
"...ey. Hey, are you alright?" A hand shaking your shoulder pulls you from your thoughts. Din doesn't let go even when you crane your neck to look up at him.
You examine him, feeling a stupid smile crawl across your lips before noticing the beep from the navigator in front of you two. Damn, you had to start doing something to avoid wasting fuel by zoning out between jumps.
Pressing the right buttons to exit hyperspeed, you manually take over to fly back to Nevarro.
"Yeah, I was just lost in thought." You mutter before tightening your grip on the Crest's steering wheel. Din's fingers squeeze your shoulder before he lets go.
"You should just let me fly. I don't think you've been getting enough sleep lately."
He was one to talk.
Was it just you, or did Din sound oddly grown up suddenly?
Din chuckles after the bolt bounces off the top of your helmet. You turn to glare silently after him as he exits the cockpit.
He lazily tosses over his shoulder before completely disappearing from sight, "I think I'm a better flyer anyways."
No, he hasn't grown up at all. That womp rat.
Sighing heavily, you fly the Crest to an open space close to the city. You maneuver it between a freighter and a quadjumper. Checking that there was enough space for Greef's guys to get the quarries out.
Stepping out of the cockpit after powering down the Crest, you head down the ladder leading into the belly of the ship.
Din waits for you by the open ramp. From your place by the ladder, you watch how his lazy demeanor shifts back to that of the cold Mandalorian. Shoulders squared and back straight.
You can't stop the ache stinging your heart as you stride past him.
If you could choose for him to have a different life, you would. One where he was still on Aq Vetina learning whatever from his parents. One where he didn't have to put up a shield between himself and everyone else.
"Hey! Watch it, Mando." The words are spat at you like poison when you accidentally bump into a rough-looking Trandoshan. You say nothing and stare him down from behind your helmet until he sidesteps you with a sneer and continues on his way.
This was the life Din was born into. One where he had to learn from the world around him. One where he was safe behind the mask because it protected him from those who wished him harm.
This wasn't a life you would willingly choose for anyone. But it gave some a second chance.
You make your way through the bustle of the city, and the crowd parts around you. Din follows behind silently as you head to the bounty hunter's guild.
When your shadow darkens the guild's entrance, Greef Karga rises from his table further in the cantina.
"Mando! Glad to see you back. Good job on those last bounties." Karga tilts his glass at you with a smile. "Come, come! I believe I have something that will help secure your spot in the guild." He beckons you over.
You ignore the glares and whispers rising from the other bounty hunters as you and Din move to sit in front of Karga. Said man completely ignores them and focuses solely on you.
He jovially states with a flourish of a bounty puck, "This bounty is one of the most important ones I have gotten as of late. But I trust you can handle it, Mando."
He slides the puck your way, humming, "You're headed to Gamorr. This particular bounty is a slaver wanted in many parsecs. Goes by the name Bhoa Myoduza. She should be easy to find, considering she's likely the only Rodian on Gamorr."
You snag the puck before standing up.
Staring down at Karga, you question him with vauge curiosity, "Any idea which part of the planet she's on?"
"That planet is ravaged by war. Surely there is one quiet place that would stand out." Din speaks up after Karga shakes his head at your question. For a moment, his looks as if he's about to shake his head again when his face lights up.
"Now that you mention it, I believe there is one place you could check first. Ah, but it requires one of the locals to take you there."
Din sighs beside you before standing to follow you.
That wasn't going to be easy.
The Gamorreans were too focused on fighting each other to worry about helping a Mandalorian looking for a bounty. But it wasn't like you needed their help. You would figure it out yourself. With Din, things would be easier. Strengthen those beside you. That's what Din was good at. And you were glad he was born into this life with you.
Next Chapter -> tbd
Here <- Previous Chapter
Star Wars Masterlist
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dmbakura · 4 months
doing this meme with V cuz I FEEL LIKE IT WEHHH. warning for necrophilia, minor incest implications (with Bhaal) and SA mention 👍
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1. vers-bottom, and very much a sub.
2. he's a dark urge so you can imagine violence and gore gets him off but even without the durge stuff he's still quite morbid. he has a bit of a silly side in bed too tho and if you can make him laugh (with terrible gallows humour especially) he's all for it. turn offs? uhh he doesn't really like chivalrous hero types at all and anything like that is likely to just make him really bored.
3. he's kind of a rapid fire cummer 🤨 lord have mercy that boy can squirt
4. his chest is pretty sensitive, especially around the scarring. his ears and neck as well
5. again, offering him gore, either killing someone/something or hell, even just talking about it really gets him going. but if you ACTUALLY want to get to know him, paying attention to his emotional needs and offering him a place to spill his thoughts and he's pretty damn easy lmao. he's not hard to seduce at all, he's quite lonely.
6. uhh pre tadpole, actually quite a lot. he kind of worked it into his killing schedule 💀 again, he's pretty lonely and doesn't feel safe with a lot of people so he only really found solace in dead bodies. post tadpole, after meeting Astarion, Abdirak, Halsin, etc he has way too many boyfriends to really bother with it at all
7. V would answer "yes". he probably likes riding the most, anything where his partner can touch him or look at him easily
8. 🧍‍♂️I don't really know if having sex with dead bodies counts as losing virginity. but anyways his first real sexual encounter with another person was at the temple of Bhaal. he got there late teens/early 20s and was curious and did it with another cultist
9. anywhere. bed, floor, sacrificial altar. he doesn't care and not much bothers him in terms of comfort
10. yep... it's not so much that he has an exhibition kink (I mean maybe a little) but he literally just doesn't care if he's caught
11. loud, extremely loud
12. ehhhm... I guess the closest thing is he learned a magic penis spell and uses it sometimes?
13. he *generally* prefers receiving. being a bhaalspawn, he's somewhat afraid of what he can do to another person, hence post tadpole he's pretty passive in sexual encounters with say- Astarion. however, he also has streaks where he REALLY wants to please his partner, so yeah i guess once he's more comfortable with his own autonomy he's more comfortable giving and being in control.
14. pretty often once he's with his boyfriends... you can imagine lmao
15. he wants to be understood, he wants someone to be able to handle him and make him feel like he won't fly out of control. he gets really comfortable when people take him seriously and pay attention to his needs. he's been neglected a lot of his life and he tries to portray himself as a mindless killing machine, but he really just wants to be known.
16. starved. he's a bit like Astarion in the sense that might come across as a mindless hedonist, but he really wants genuine connection and he's quite greedy for it when it's offered to him.
17. he doesn't have tits or a dick so idk what to put here 💀
18. pre tadpole: Bhaal. worshipping Bhaal. utter devotion to Bhaal... yeah he desperately wants the approval and love of his father and it comes out in really unhealthy ways. post bg3 if he somehow finds the time to masturbate he's doing it while thinking about either Astarion, Abdirak or Halsin.
19. he prefers men but he's open to pretty much anything else. I'd probably classify him as bi with a male lean. he thinks women are hot too and kind of laments he doesn't have many female partners 😔 maybe I should give him a girlfriend too.
20. pain REALLY gets him off. he usually likes being punished or rough treatment during sex, and then being thoroughly taken care of afterwards. specifically he likes his pussy being spanked. also likes being bitten.
21. currently doing an RP with him where he and Astarion sneak in Gortash's bedroom and have sex 💀 but honestly there's probably been weirder places
22. neck probably. V would just say "everywhere. kiss me everywhere."
23. he was sexually abused by Kressa Bonedaughter during his captivity in the colony. he only remembers this when meeting her again and he Doesn't Take It Well
24. as mentioned above, yes. Abdirak basically makes it a requirement when they have their penance sessions LOL
25. decently often. not really all the time tho. it just sort of happens when it happens
26. so V had? a weird experience with being trans? his self consciousness only sort of came into play AFTER he got bonked on the head by Orin and lost his memory. his senses got scrambled, he was kind of surprised (?) he didn't have a penis? so for whatever reason he got a bit thrown off about that and thought Astarion might be weirded out by it, even though Astarion wasn't. he was also really unimpressed when he got his period and just went "how the fuck did i deal with this again?"
27. V likes a drawn out session... so long, ideally.
28. as mentioned above, he has a silly side. I've drawn this with him cracking puns while Astarion fucks him as well
29. I've mentioned it before but Orin did his top surgery and it was part mastectomy and part murder attempt. he got some pretty sick scars out of it tho!
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indomiinus · 6 months
rough version of the bg3!leon verse is up! ill probably tweak it a bit as i figure him out more, but yeah. 👍
👑Far from Home // BG3 TAV👑
Content warnings for abuse, exploitation, anxiety, depression, loss of identity, horror themes, blood, violence, gore, will likely also include mentions of past transphobia and misogyny
After finding a sword and shield in an underground cave system on his home continent of Eryth when he was ten, Leon was swept away by Rose, torn away from his family and friends and thrown into a life of nobility and knighthood. The Sword and Shield he found turned out to be the very ones wielded by the deceased Kings from centuries ago, and they only seemed to listen to him.
Class: Fighter // Champion
Proficient with: Short swords, long swords, shields, medium armor
Background: Noble
Life was... good.
As long as Leon stayed in line, did as he was told, he was treated kindly. And even better, his family was taken care of. They never had to want for anything just as long as Leon stayed under Rose's control.
At least, that was what he told himself anyway.
Even though he never saw his family again, and Rose was cruel with his teachings and controlling while acting kind and gentle when in the public eye, it was okay! Even when he was harassed and treated cruelly by people jealous of his position and Rose did nothing but tell him to handle it himself, it was all a small, insignificant price to pay surely.
But then, Leon was abducted by a ship from beyond the stars, and after a crash that should have killed him, he has suddenly found himself lost in another continent he knows little about. Far from home and with a mind flayer tadpole in his brain, all Leon can do is move forward and hope that he can find a way to save himself and the others that have also been infected.
Additional Information about his home country
Located west of Faerûn is the island continent of Eryth, ruled by a kindly king Ambrose Blackthorn. So loved is he that even his people simply refer to him as Rose.
It's said that long ago, some ancient evil was sealed under the castle in the Eryth capital of Wyndon, and that should it ever awaken, the world would be bathed in darkness and the monsters of the world would be strengthened tenfold under its rule. Long ago, the previous rulers of the kingdom fought and sealed the creature, though at great cost: they perished but swore to one day return when the world was in danger once more, and their sword and shield were lost to time.
The country is extremely closed off from the world, and has been for quite sometime. There are also entire sections of the country that directly mirror parts of the Feywilds, blurring the veil between the two realms.
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quarterbackbutch · 3 months
as someone with a decade plus of nicotine addiction that i havent been able to kick yet despite being at a point where i REALLY want to stop, i wanna say good onya for staying away from it & i wanna encourage you to keep it that way!! i believe in you!!!! from what i hear cravings may never fully disappear but your body is so much better off without your system being dependant on nic. i wish ppl making funny little joke posts about cigarettes like its trendy to do now knew the full extent of what it does, i resist the urge to morph into an anti tobacco shock tactics ad every time i see one i just wanna scream MY SKIN INJURIES NEVER FULLY GO AWAY BC IT INHIBITS HEALING....... anyway.... keep posting through it and keep your resolve 👍 🫶
thank you my friend :) I absolutely understand how difficult it can be, my parents have smoked my entire life and I've watched them announce they were quitting only to go right back countless times. I admittedly find the jokey cigarette memes funny when I know they're coming from people who smoke/have smoked BUT YEAH LIKE. @ EVERYONE IF YOU HAVEN'T, DONT START.
I hope you can get to the point where you can quit someday too. I'm rooting for you!!! I wanna say it took me about 2 months to kick the year long habit. And i had weird circumstances that i think made it easier for me. I quit vaping cold turkey and smoked cigarettes more to make up for it I KNOW THAT SOUNDS INSANE but I was literally vaping sooo fucking much. and because I was hiding from my brother that I was vaping/smoking, I would have to leave the house whenever I wanted to smoke a cigarette while before, I was laying on my bed with the door closed vaping all day everyday. so that choice instantly cut down my nicotine consumption massively. I would only smoke at work on breaks and on my walks to the gas station in the mornings. then I weaned myself off cigs until I was smoking like half a cigarette at a time. eventually I decided this was gonna be my last pack and I finished it and never looked back. the couple days after were ROUGH. but I did it :) and I hope very much that you can find a way to make something work for you too
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leejenowrld · 6 months
how are you and the bf doing???
we’re doing really good 🥹🥹 thank you for asking. i’m just so happy and so content right now like it’s been 5 years with him but every day feels like i’m finding a new reason to fall in love. i was talking to my friend about this but me and my bf have been under some crazy love spell recently like we had quite a big argument (it wasn’t massive dw but it was tense and a lot of yelling) and that was… yeah. but we made up the day after… on another note i’m glad that when me and my bf argue we make up relatively cus i loose my mind if i go a day without talking to him. or if i know he’s mad at me and the argument was because i did something wrong.
im so thankful for how mature and forgiving he is with me :( and anyways what i was on to say is that after that argument we’ve been having such soft sex?? it’s been so vanilla and so sweet and so 🥹🥹 like literally crying and making love to each other and idk i just wanted to share that cus that’s sooo different for us like don’t get me wrong we have enjoyed softer sex over the years!!! but we are a more rough couple sexually and it’s just been different recently and i love it 🥹🥹 i love any type of sex with him. it’s just such a change from the intense sex we always have but not a bad change at all! but like i know we’ll go back to our normal kinda sex life cus the softer sex, as i’ve said, is the result of some love potion it feels like 😭😭 we’ve been so clingy recently
i may or may not call him daddy when we’re fucking like that and he tells me to stop 😭😭 cus he doesn’t wanna be rough with me. but like i’m sorry but i can’t help it. the daddy kink (for me!!!!!) is something i didn’t expect to be so into but it just makes so much sense with him cus i feel so protected and safe. it’s a love and a trust that i can’t put into words.
i was sitting on his face the other day and his brother walked in 👍so that was great!
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
Hiiiiii it's me frog_frog aka Froggy aka that person who used to leave unreasonably long comments on your beauyasha fics !! And I was like 'i pinky prommy I'll finish fulfilling my chosen duty as a commenter and write all the comments I plan to' and then I dropped off the face of the earth for 2 years. Whoopsie.
Yeah so I was going to brainwash college where the teachers are bad at their jobs but also like morally evil and it sucked the life out of me for 2 years and now!! I've decided I'm not going back!! Yayyy ... Life is an adventure <3 peace and love on planet earth. Or something. (I am holding onto a positive mindset for the future with bloody and broken nails)
So good news is I can indulge in a bit of fanfic :) And as I try to slowly crawl my way out of burnout I definitely want to reread your cr fics and leave unreasonably long comments on them on the chapters I missed. Going back to my roots/who I am as a person.....and who I am as a person is someone who is really, really, autistic about yasha nydoorin.
I do have adhd brain worms so there is the possibility I will hardcore forget I even thought about this until like another year from now. So...heads up just in case ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌
Looks like your most recent interest is jjk? I've been watching it with my partner recently so I'll be less lost than with the House content lol. Anyways I basically wanted to say hi and that I'm still alive and that I still really love your writing, I just happened to spend two years trapped within a forcefield of malevolence . Better now 👍 I'm back to hanging out with my cat ✌️
Oh gosh, it sounds like you have been thru it. I'm sorry. Truly, there are a lot of awful predatory education institutions out there, and I hope your mental recovery goes well. I'm really glad that it sounds like you're in a better place now, even if you're clinging on with broken nails. Luckily, nails grow back. x Here's hoping your healing is swift, now you've broken free of that Forcefield of Malevolence (also.... new DnD trap name, right there) and can once again gently smush your face into your cat's floof.
Absolutely no pressure to comment on stuff - if you feel the desire to, then be my guest, and I shall treasure each and every comment! But don't feel beholden to do it, or stressed out about it, or anything. It's honestly just lovely to know that you're still out there, and even if the past two years are rough, that you've escaped a nasty mental situation. Give your cat a kissie for me!
And just a big handshake on the adhd brainworms lmaooo. My brainworms are currently wiggling into several characters at once, so I have no clue what my next fic will be..... Might be more doctors... might be jjk..... might be Transformers.... might go completely awol and write an Inuyasha fic for a mate of mine??? Maybe????? Though no promises on that one, either... We'll find out when we get there!
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kdsburneraccount · 2 years
i literally love ur account, i think about like, ships between football players and people think its weird because of the whole, “only strong and tough guys watch football” like ? i’m sure they’d wanna kiss josh allen too 💪 ur account makes me so happy, i love looking at ur tags when u post to see what u think !!! UR SO COOL :) !!!! (also, whats ur 🫵 opinion on josh and joey b if u dont mind me asking)
:0 thank you for the kind ask!! Happy that others find the ramblings in my tags amusing :>
Do let me know what kinda ships you think about, whether anonymously or not 🤔 I’m open to hearing abt it!! (Is starved for content) I do think that the perception of football as this paragon of masculinity in American culture leads to it having very male fan spaces (though ofc that is changing). Abt your comment that guys would also want to kiss Josh Allen, well… I’ve seen shirts that say they’d like to do a whole lot more than that, but I’ll leave it at that. There’s this paper called “In the Log Cabin with My Favorite Player” which you can find online that I found really fascinating, it’s about baseball but I think the general gist of it can be applied to other sports (which is that guys in fan spaces are cool with saying really gay stuff to praise their favorite athletes, even if they themselves are not gay).
But yeah anyways I think that Josh and Joe are cool I like both of them 👍 Joe was actually the reason I became a Bengals fan (to the surprise of nobody) because back when I was looking for a team to support I saw that the Bengals had drafted him with the first overall pick. I thought that he seemed pretty cool and was interested in ~the narrative~ so I decided to follow the Bengals, who do have a history that is vaguely compelling to me. It definitely has been enjoyable, even during that really rough first year (still have flashbacks to Week One of the 2020 season 😔). Josh seems endearing, it’s probably the vibe that he gives off that’s like some kind of big dog (however I’ve been jumpscared by that Gillette ad too many times so uh can I have compensation /j). I think his narrative from like talented but raw to being what he is now is neat (did this lead to proliferation in other NFL teams trying to draft a guy like him? Maybe but that’s a story for another day) Idk they both def appear to be pretty solid guys, and I’d be happy with either of them as my team’s QB :D
If you mean them in a shipping context uh… I mean they’re friends? I know they work with the same coach in the off-season or something 😭 it’s not the most far fetched thing I’ve heard but also I have different agendas (looks away). However if that is something you support more power to you tbh I’m not judging 🫡 speak your truth
But yeah I hope this was a solid response!! Thank you again for the ask it was very sweet and made me smile :>
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ozym4ndi4s · 7 months
I haven't made an original post/a non reblog post in a while so here's a life update?? ig????? idk what else to call this????????? HAVE I DONE A LIFE UPDATGE BEFORE ACTUALLY?????????????
tw for eds because I don't think I've??? actually opened up about it on this blog???? Anyways the point is that I've (very very very likely) got binge ed so yeah. if you don't know what that is google it because it's a bunch of explaining that I don't want to do
SOOOOO I've been eating more than I usually do, even as a binge eater?? and it kinda bugs me but at the same time I'm very much to lazy to track ANYTHING on my own and don't want to become anorexic or bulimic bc that would bug the fucking shit out of me all of the time
anyways the body image is.. being a body image..... a fucking funhouse mirror because of fucking course it is. I hate it. a lot. I'm not hungry and I eat and eat. i've had like 2500 calories today guys (very rough estimate). like what the balls I don't need that much. BUT I STILL WANNA EATTTTT. I'M NOT NECESSARILY HUNGRY BUT I WANT TO EATTTTTTTT. I JUST HAD TWO TOSTADASSSSSS AND HALF A PINT OF ICE CREAMMMMMMMM. Like what the fuck guys
anyways I also wanted to mention that I discovered popular kids are talking shit about me at school so that's always fun 👍
My personality also feels like it's undergoing construction too so idk. I'm everywhere at the moment
Anyways hope ur doing well pooksters
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bweevilthe742991 · 8 months
ok introduction time because this is now my ghost fan blog ????
hai i go by angel but you can refer to me a bweevil if you want? i go by any pronouns but he/him/it/her are preferred. i have a few usernames on other platforms lol
anyway, I’m on ig ↓
AO3 ↓
And Twitter/X (I don’t know how to link it sorry) ↓
I’m gonna end up posting both fanfiction and fanart on here as well
i do not mind requests in the slightest, but some things to keep in mind if you want to request
- i won’t write nsfw
- i’m a dude
- i’m one of those transgenders
- i’m autistic
- I’m also still in school (it’s going to take a while to write stuff :p)
i don’t really care much about most things :p if you make a request and i don’t want to do it, i won’t do it (sorry)
if i fall off of the face of the planet for a little while just know im alr probably just lost the hyperfix :p yeah whatevs I’ll post again eventually
sorry if; u don’t like my characterization of a lot of these guys 😭 they’re kind of just like. my everything rn (shit’s been rough) so mb if i get sentimental; my writing sucks; etc.
I may make some memes n post them here but otherwise.. yep, this is pretty much it! I may not cross post stuff (posted on ao3, not tumblr—vice versa. I will try my best to not do that, though!). I also HAVE had fanfic blogs before this one, so just know IM NOT STEALING CONTENT I PROMMY
yeah 👍 that’s it that’s the blog I suppose. thanks for reading <3
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soldier-requests · 8 months
Hello, Soldier!! I am a normal person!!!! You have never met me before ever!!!!
That being said; could I get a good-old-fasioned Bakugo Katsuki(MHA) rollswapped with Demoman(TF2)? Art and/or writing is preferred!! You're stuff is always the best^^ ,,,,I MEAN. ITS COOL. I wouldn't know how it always is because i have never met you before. Ever.
[LOL I'm so funny. Hai, Soldier, it's your wolfboy.]
hello!!! ah yes i've obviously never met this guy in my life 👍. hello random stranger! [gets u /silly]
also how dare you take advantage of my indesiciveness...../joke LOL i don't mind doing both. i just generally prefer separate asks for requests, is all.
but thank you for the compliments ^_^. i appreciate the attention /silly.
ok now on to the actual request stuffs :].
as always, please do not repost my work/art!
here are two chibi doodles of demoman as bakugo, and bakugo as demoman! a transparent background is on the left, and a colored background is on the right:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
and here is a small writings in the MHA/BNHA universe of demoman as bakugo, featuring kirishima!
Red Hair comes scrambling behind him to catch up, "Hey! Bakubro! Hold up, hold up- do you actually already catch criminals?? Or were you joking?"
"What?" Bakugo chuckles, shaking his head. "Hell yeah I do, mate. Been doin' this since I was a wee babbie!"
"Wh- like, before you got your Quirk??"
Bakugo nods, feeling rather smug.
"Dang-! What were your parents thinking??"
Bakugo just shrugs, "I've no idea. Tell me when ya find out, yeah? Anyway-"
He pulls out a flask from inside his school uniform and takes a swing, then wordlessly offers it to the other boy, whose eyes are as wide as saucers.
"You- you had this on you the entire time?! You could get kicked out of UA, or-"
"Shut yer trap," Bakugo huffs. "I know what I'm doin' more than you do, Red Hair. You want some or not?"
Kirishima makes a disgusted face, but steels himself and grabs the flask anyway. He stares at it for a moment, but before Bakugo can say anything he quickly takes a small drink.
Immediately, Red Hair's eyes start to water and he coughs into his elbow.
Bakugo laughs, slapping the other boy's back. "It's alright lad, poppin' the martini or whatever is always rough-!! Ha!!"
"Hilarious," Red Hair chokes out. "Do y- do you have water or something???"
That makes Bakugo burst out into laughter.
Kirishima huffs and wipes his eyes, "You asshole-"
"One and only!" Bakugo jokes. "C'mon, lemme take you to my place and give ya something to get that taste out of your mouth. You're like a sad dog, I feel bad for ya."
Kirishima rolls his eyes, but follows anyway.
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