#so even if I did want to see 5sos and geared myself up with some noise cancelling headphones and very dark sunglasses or whatever
daydadahlias · 1 year
why won’t you ever see 5sos
just not really a fan of their music :/
4 notes · View notes
mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
On set visits; Queen x reader x Borhap boys pt. 2
*Author's note*
And here is part 2. And that's all I've got of the Rock Angel for now. Hope you all enjoy this special binge read of the series. Soon enough the story will come to an end after a few more chapters (I've had the last chapter written for like 2 years now) but I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well as the binge reading I have provided for you all. Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe, and anyone getting their vaccines GOOD LUCK!
*Meeting the new Rock Angel. Filming continues*
A few days later after bonding with the actors playing my boys, I came to any day of filming I could (outside of my album recording and touring with Queen and Adam). Now the boys promised me and I knew they would follow up with it, the young actress they got to play me in as a cameo for the Live Aid sequence.
I was talking with Miami when we both heard a knock and that's when Graham King came in.
"I've got her."
"Bring her in." I said. He opened the door wider and soon came in the young woman came in.
"You wanted to see me Mrs. Kline?"
"Yes my dear come in." I said. She came in and took a seat on one of the producer's chair. "I wanted to speak to you guys privately about some things that have come up. But first I would like to know your name my dear girl."
"Ashley. My name's Ashley Johansson. But my friends call me Ash."
"Lovely to meet you Ash, from what I saw up there you—you blew me away."
"Uhh thank you. And can I just say I've been such a big fan of yours. My mum always played your first album on repeat every day when she'd take me to school. But I thank her for that cause your story has just been such an inspiration to not only me but her as well."
"I'm flattered Ash. I'm always happy to hear that I inspire people, even when I feel like I'm not really doing anything. All I do is just bring my music out into the world and try to give voice to things that other's don't deem important."
"That makes you an inspiration Mrs. Kline." She said.
"Oh please Ash darling, call me (y/n)."
"Now then straight to business. As you know Hollywood's always wanting to create biopics of anything and everything. And while I've been aware of both Queen's story as well as Elton's life being made into films. I've always been reluctant in getting my story out, but from what I saw a few days ago I feel like I might've found the right team to do just that. So my dear Ash, tell me this; who do you trust the most in Queen?" she looked at me confused but she soon realized just what I was doing.
"Brian was asking me tons of questions but that was the only question Roger ever asked me."
"And what did you tell him?"
"I told him, that.....All the members of Queen are my family. But if I had to pick, Roger has always seen each side of me. Whether it was the happiest moment of my life, or the darkest day. He's seen my true colors that none of the other band members had seen." I smiled softly and said.
"What happened after you said that?"
"He—he might not have wanted anyone to know but��I could swear I saw him wipe a tear from his eye." I smiled and lowered my head.
"That's my papa lion alright." I muttered. I looked back up to Graham and Ashley and continued, "After seeing the hard work you all have put into Queen's story, I've come to the decision along with my manager and former boss Miami, that I'm willing to sign off the rights to the film to you Graham King. And I want you my dear Ash to play me." They both looked at me in surprise.
"You're—you're serious? You-you want me to play you?"
"I can think of no other person. My uncle and father figures chose well. They—after all knew me better than I knew myself." I heard Miami chuckle softly.
"Thank you (y/n)."
"But there are conditions that I seriously must emphasize on."
"Whatever you want."
"Okay first; I will be heavily involved with the project."
"Done." He said.
"Second, there are some events I will allowed to be shown. But I absolutely refuse to have the stalking episode I was forced to suffer with be heavily shown. It can be touched on but I want nothing else about it in the film. It was hell for my family and my children were scarred for almost ten years, especially my daughter."
"It was horrifying. In my Folklore and true crime class, someone actually did a story on him in the aspect of why celebrity stalking should've been taken more into consideration." Ash said. I closed my eyes heavily trying to compose myself when I felt a hand grasp mine.
"If anything more is spoken about in regards to my Angel's stalker, the project will immediately be terminated." Miami said. I turned to him and he looked at me and nodded firmly as he patted my hand comfortingly.
"The writer's will be informed on it immediately."
"And in regard to Queen's casting, make sure that those four young boys are involved with the project. I love all four of them, they are—everything I remember when I first worked with Queen."
"It shall be done. After this film wraps up and the premiere at Wembley Stadium, you and I can meet at Abbey Road to discuss further more on the project and all the rights that need to be signed." Graham told me.
"Graham King, you've got yourself a deal." We both shook on it. A pact forged that a movie about the Rock Angel would come to place.
Months passed and I was busy touring alongside Queen and Adam for a time, up until Brian decided to pop in on set for a surprise visit. He told me that the boys were now filming the Rockfield farm studio scenes. Now this was one filming session I definitely didn't want to miss.
Brian and I drove up to the location in Hertfordshire, a charming little place known as Stocker's farmhouse and cottage. Since the real Rockfield farm studios wasn't suitable for filming, and ridge farm closed down back in 2003, Stocker's was the only place left.
Coming up onto the filming location, I began to see it looking sorta similar to what Rockfield was when I had used it earlier in my career.
"The studio definitely chose the perfect setting I must say." I said to Brian who was driving.
"Indeed. When the lads and I first came to Rockfield farm we couldn't believe that that was what Fred had in mind."
"But the wide open spaces sure do provide little to no distraction. Guess that's what made a Night at the Opera so successful to you guys."
"You really think so?"
"I know that's how it was for my first album. Plus why do you think your 5th album is the most talked about in regard to your earlier works."
"Suppose you do have a point." He shrugged. After about ten minutes of driving through the country roads, we finally arrived at the farm and the barn house there made me think of the real Rockfield farm studios.
"Not quite the same but the atmosphere of it just brings back memories doesn't it?"
"It does indeed. Shall we go surprise them?"
"Yes, lets." He shut the car off and we both exited the car. We walked towards the barn house where the guys must already be filming right about now since there wasn't really anyone outside. Once we got up to the door, Brian slowly and quietly opened the door but gestured me to go in first.
"Oh lady's first." He said.
"Thank you." I walked inside and Bri followed behind me. Inside I saw some of the crew walking around setting some stuff up. All around it was like the actual recording studio Rockfield farm had. From all the pictures I remember seeing in either magazines or even Brian himself, it was like I was transported back in time to when Queen recorded "A Night at the Opera".
"You know some of those amps and even Roger's kit we used at the time are here."
"Really? So you and Rog donated some of the actual gear?"
"Yep. Since the fans will be nitpicky about certain aspects it's just a fun little way to give them a taste of some of the real equipment. Even Red's here."
"No way. No wonder why you've been using those Red special copies throughout the tour. But Bri are you sure it's okay? I mean I know how protective you are of Red."
"She's been in the best of care."
"Right, right with your mini-copy. I swear even out of the wig and the clothes I can still see you in Gwilym. Are you sure you didn't have another child with a different woman besides Chrissie?"
"I'm positive." He assured me.
"Oh and speak of the devil there's your clone now. Why don't you go say hi while I go find the rest of the little rascals." I patted his shoulder and walked off. As I walked along I saw a familiar figure wearing a long blonde hair sitting next to another young man wearing long auburn hair that went past his shoulder.
I shook my head and walked up to them saying.
"God I swear it's like I transported back in time to 1975." They looked up and proclaimed my name. I was soon tackled in a sandwiched by Joe Mazzello and Ben Hardy.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were touring?" asked Ben.
"I was. But Brian decided to do a little surprise visit so I figured since I missed seeing you four so much, I figured I'd tag along and see how it's coming along. So what all have you done since I was last here?"
"We did a scene in Miami's office to represent Queen getting back together before Live Aid, a concert at Madison Square Garden, and the recording studio scene with Mike Myers." Joe explained.
"Now for the next couple of weeks we'll be doing some of the Rockfield farm recordings as well as the Bohemian Rhapsody music video, when Freddie joins Smile, and the "I want to Break free music video." Ben finished.
"Oh now that last one I've got to see for myself." I said grinning ear to ear. "I'll bet you four are gonna rock the drag look just like my boys did. Especially you Ben." I teased as I gently pinched his cheek.
"Yeah Benjamin I can't wait to see you in that skirt." Joe teased as well pinching his other cheek.
"Alright, alright you two enough." He said brushing our hands away and trying to contain his blush. I giggled softly.
"When that day comes, do I got some stories to share with you all about that day."
"We look forward to hearing them." Said Joe.
"And I look forward to telling them. Just let me know if you boys ever get bored of an old woman ranting on about the past."
"Never (y/n). We could never be bored of you. We love having you here, you've given us a lot of support and advice for playing your coworkers and family members." Ben said as he leaned his head against my shoulder.
"Yeah. We could never get bored of you. The day we get bored of you is the day the four of us stop being Queen fanatics. And this movie only keeps increasing our fandom tenfold each and every day." Joe said as he leaned up against my other shoulder.
"Aww you boys are sweet." I kissed Ben's cheek first which made him blush and softly chuckle.
"You lucky dog! I wanna Rock Angel smooch!"
"Then pucker up Joey dear." He puckered up his lips and I leaned in but at the last second I kissed his cheek which made him pout like a child. I laughed and said. "Sorry my dear, but my lips are reserved for one man."
"Can't blame a guy for trying though right?" he asked hopefully.
"No. I guess not. Now Benjamin, if you'll come with me real quick I would like to spend a little one on one time with you." I wrapped an arm around him when Joe said.
"Better not seduce him away from me!"
"Please Joe dear like I'd ever steal a man from you!" I cried back at him. We walked outside and walked towards the cottage. "Ben I've been wanting to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"When we first met; I had mentioned that I was looking forward to seeing you play the drums, but I noticed that you seemed a bit—tense." He froze right there on the spot. I turned towards him and stood in front of him. "Benjamin. Is there something you'd like to share with the class?"
"Well I—uhh.....when I, when I went to auditioned I—might've said that I......knew how to play the drums. But I've....never drummed a day in my life."
"So you lied? You lied and ended up getting the part of playing my only father figure in the world?" I snapped.
"I'm sorry (y/n) I just really wanted the job. But I worked hard and trained over ten hours a day in the 8 weeks rehearsal time before we shot Live Aid. I just love Queen so much and I—"
"Ben." I pressed my finger to his lips. "Relax. I knew you lied the second day of filming. Roger told me."
"Did he mention the prank that Rami tried to pull on me?" I nodded as I hummed. "Damn rat."
"Oh trust me. When it comes to certain secrets, Roger cannot keep them forever. Especially when his lion cub gets involved in wanting to know." I removed my finger and cupped underneath his jawline. "But when I saw you perform the entire Live Aid sequence, it hardly seemed like you hadn't drummed a day in your life. While I don't condone for liars, I appreciate that you took the time to study just how exactly Roger drums."
"It wasn't easy. But he was supportive and he even gave me a mini drum lesson. Of course he had to step back and say 'alright. Show me what you got'."
"That's exactly like Roger. He always did the same to me whenever he gave me a drum lesson. I remember when he taught me how to play 'Don't stop me now' back when I was an intern and he told me to play it all the way through."
"Jesus that's rough."
"Depends on how you look it. Guess I got on the lighter end than you did cause he's always had a soft spot for me. But his heart's always in the right place when he mentors. Just ask his son Rufus. That boy takes everything after his father. Not just his looks but his talent too."
"Yeah. Roger has given me some good pointers on how to strike the cymbals on a certain song. Or how to properly spin the drumsticks."
"Knowing how to keep the heartbeat going. The drums are the center of the band. If one beat is off, the entire song can go to shit."
"That was always his number one rule to playing the drums. Drilled that into my head every time." I sighed reminiscing the old days of my tutorial sessions with my dad. "So he really was like your father?"
"Yeah. Out of all the members of Queen, Roger was the one I was drawn to the most. It also helped that he loved me just as much as I did him. Always there to comfort me at my lowest moments, but there to celebrate and keep me grounded when I was higher than a kite. Roger Taylor has and will always be my papa lion."
"That's so cute you guys called each other that. Anytime you came up in conversation, Roger always called you his lion cub."
"Either that or his lioness. Lioness is more for the moments when my true strength comes into play and I do something world changing. Lion cub is like a private thing between us. God I can't believe I confessed to him being a lion to me when I was drunk. But if I'm being honest, I don't regret it."
"I can see you don't, my little lion cub." I looked at him and he just gave me Roger's cheeky grin and that familiar twinkle in his eyes just made my heart flutter.
"Cheeky." I grinned. He smiled and shrugged playfully.
Yeah I know he may not look exactly like Roger when I met him but there are some mannerisms that Ben has that just made me think of my adoptive father.
We continued to walk into the cottage cause I wanted to see what they did to the inside of it. There I saw Rami sitting by the piano in the now wearing the long black hair that Fred had at the time. Jesus without the tache, he looked more like Freddie than I could ever imagine.
However that happiness soon turned to dread and absolute disgust as soon coming right beside Rami was a young man who looked like someone who I had loathed my entire life. The one man who made my life a living hell throughout my years with Queen, the poison who nearly destroyed Queen and exposed my secret to the boys.
It was Paul Prenter.
Rami and Paul were chatting away with each other and I felt sick to my stomach.
"(Y/n)? You okay?" Ben asked me.
"Excuse me." I muttered as I passed him. I trudged right over towards Rami and shielded him. "Stay. Away. From him you snake!"
"E-excuse me?" he asked confused. "I don't know what you're talking about." Typical Prenter.
"Don't play games with me Prenter! You might've fooled Freddie once but you will not do it again! I lost him because of you. You ruined his life! And I swear to you I will make you pay for it. I'm not that little girl anymore!"
"(Y/n)! (Y/n) calm down. He's not really Paul Prenter." Rami tried to reason with me.
"Freddie please I'm doing this to protect you!" I then gripped the collar of Paul's shirt and dragged him aside. "You lying son of a bitch! How dare you show yourself again!"
"Wait! Wait I'm not Paul Prenter!"
"(Y/N)! (Y/N) (M/N) KLINE LET. HIM GO!!" I turned to see Brian as well as Joe, Gwilym and Ben along with some of the crew staring at me. Brian stomped towards me and pulled me away from Paul and he said to me in a stern voice. "The real Paul Prenter is dead. He's been dead just as long as Freddie has. That's an actor playing him. Alan Leech."
My adrenaline came down and when I looked at 'Prenter' again to see that it wasn't the Paul Prenter I knew. For one thing this guy was much younger, the tache wasn't as thick as Paul's was, and his eyes weren't as cold as I remembered Prenter's, they shown with absolute fear.
Oh god.....what have I done? I collapsed to the ground trembling with regret as tears formed in my eyes. I buried my face into my arms as I softly wept. It was then I felt Brian's arms wrap around me, his head gently resting on top of mine as he rocked me slowly while I wept.
*3rd Person POV*
Rami, Joe, Gwilym and Ben looked at each other before turning towards Allen who spoke not a word but was just as worried as the four main ensemble cast was. Rami first tried to approach (y/n) but Brian looked up at him and put his hand up and shook his head.
After she went silent, Brian helped her stand up and he walked her over to the car. He allowed her to just sit there and have some time to herself. Once he shut the door, the young actors walked up to Brian and Joe asked.
"Is she gonna be okay?"
"With time. Allen I apologize ever so much but you can't blame (y/n). The real Paul Prenter he—put her through hell when she started off as an intern. One thing he did was extremely unforgivable that I don't see why we ever kept him around."
"Brian, she uhh—I know I shouldn't say this but when she was trying to defend me from Paul, she—actually called me Freddie." Brian sighed solemnly and said.
"She still blames herself."
"What do you mean?" asked Gwilym.
"Come with me lads." Brian led them over to the cottage porch and all of them sat down along either the railings, the porch swing or on the two chairs that were out. "As you know everyone in Freddie's life suffered after his death. Some of us still grieve the way we do like Roger and myself. And there are some who became so fragile like Deacy. (Y/n).....she's always lied on the in between stage. She misses Freddie beyond anything no mistake about that, but then there are days when she blames herself."
"Blames herself?" Rami asked.
"Yes. See, when Freddie first told us that he was diagnosed with AIDS. He wanted to keep it away from (y/n), because her career was skyrocketing, plus she had her own family to look after with Kelly and the twins. Freddie didn't want her to worry about him, but one year when we were all in Montreux recording our last album Innuendo, (y/n) allowed us to stay at a vacation house of hers that she had there. That's when she began to deduce just what was wrong with Fred. He told Roger and myself that the poor dear had blamed herself for not being there for him. Because—well truthfully there was a fallout with Queen and the Rock Angel for a time. Now whether we make that into the film is unknown I know writers are always doing rewrites. But she felt like had she stepped up to Prenter or held onto Freddie just a bit longer before turning her back on him, he would've been alive today."
"Jesus." Muttered Ben.
"Poor lass." Allen muttered.
"But she couldn't have known. None of you did."
"And we didn't. Because Fred didn't want anyone to know. It was his personal business and his alone. And although (y/n) says she accepts that it wasn't her fault, there are some days where she says it is. And any reminder of it just sometimes makes her snap."
"I don't blame her. I—I know exactly what she's going through because of my dad's illness. Anything regarding glioblastoma and I just freak out. But—thanks to these guys I.....don't know where I would be."
"We're here for you mate." Gwil said as he patted Joe's knee.
"So you see guys, this film is bringing back a lot of memories for her. Good and bad. So Allen I really hope you don't take offense to what just happened."
"Not at all Brian. Besides after hearing and probably thinking what the real Paul Prenter did, no wonder why she would get defensive around Rami. I hold no grudge against her."
"Thank you. Just—give her time to cool down and then you all can go see her." The five boys nodded in agreement and took the guitarist's word.
*My POV*
After a while once I calmed down and decided I needed to find young Allen Leech and apologize for my erratic behavior. I got out of the car and dapped my eyes with a handkerchief and walked towards the barn.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Kline. We're—not sure it's a good idea for you to be here right now." Said one of the crew members. That's understandable, I knew it wouldn't be that easy.
"It's not that we don't want you here it's just that, well after seeing what happened between you and Mr. Leech. We—think it'd be best if you were to not be on the set for a while." I sighed and said.
"I understand. I was way out of line. But—can you please express my deepest apologizes to Mr. Leech. As well as the boys."
"You can tell me that yourself." An Irish voice spoke up. It was then I looked up to see the five boys themselves.
"You're not going anywhere." Said Rami.
"Mr. Malek, we....."
"We heard what you said dear. Now step away from our Rock Angel so that the six of us may talk." He came up and took my hand and the boys took me into the cottage.
We came into the kitchen area and Rami gestured for me to sit down. Joe pulled out a chair and I sat down while the boys surrounded me.
"Boys; I—what you all had to witness, I have no excuse for my behavior. I am ashamed that you all had to see me act like that. Especially you Allen dear. I—hope you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me."
"I do. Seeing me remind you of someone who—was just known to be such an arsehole and black sheep in Queen's circle, I can see why you acted the way you did. I would've done the same thing too had I seen someone I hate come back and standing before someone who was once a dear friend of mine." Allen said. He came up to me and extended his hand.
"Why don't we forget this whole mess ever happened and start over? Hello Rock Angel, my name's Allen Leech." I looked up at him and smiled as I took his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you Allen darling. And please like I've told these guys, call me (y/n)." he smiled and that's when I stood up and hugged Allen and he hugged me back.
"Aww now that's sweet." Rami cooed.
"We're all friends now." Joe said with a smile.
"Yes. We're all friends. Now get in here you lot, group hug boys!" they all laughed and cheered as we all came together and group hugged each other. Forming a new bond and a new start with one another.
Thankfully the studio actually managed to let me stay the rest of the day after that whole fiasco (all thanks to the boys but mostly Allen for agreeing to not press charges on me for assault). Of course they warned me that with another outburst like that, not only would I not be allowed on set again, my consultant position would be taken away.
So I was more well behaved than usual after hearing that I would be kicked off the set.
Right now the lads were recording Gwilym's bit for the guitar solo, but what was cool was that the crew decided to allow Brian to play the solo for the fun of it. So as the playback of Freddie's voice came on, Gwilym stepped aside while Brian came in his spot and began playing his guitar solo.
I stood beside Gwilym as we both observed Brian playing the famed Bohemian Rhapsody guitar solo. I even took my phone out and took a video of what was going on. After the solo, Gwilym walked over to Brian and I made sure to get both of them in the shot.
"That's brilliant. I love that." Rami's voice spoke as Freddie from the other side of the recording studio.
"So now what?" asked Gwilym.
"The operatic section." Said Rami. Both Gwilym and Bri nodded. A grin spreading across Gwilym's face as he muttered.
"Ah-huh. The operatic section. Good."
"Of course." Brian said. Jesus just seeing them like this and hearing the same voice come out of them, it really was like we took Bri back from 1975 and brought him here.
When Dexter Fletcher called cut, I stopped my video and said.
"Oh man Jack's gonna flip when he sees this."
"Is he ever gonna come by for a visit?" Brian asked me.
"Yeah I myself would like to meet the famous Jack Kline." Joe said from the other side of the booth.
"Well unlike us where we know when our schedules begin, law enforcement doesn't get days off. Especially when he's going for the Chief's chair. But who knows maybe he might come by for a day if not a few hours."
"I hope so. It's been awhile since we've seen that husband of yours." Brian told me.
"Yeah, I know. Jack misses coming in every day just like the old days."
"I'll bet he does. Or he just misses seeing the love of his life perform and rehearse. Back in the day when you kids first started dating, he'd always have that puppy love look in his eyes as he watched up on stage. Remember the time in Seattle?"
"That was in Houston, Bri. If you're meaning the time he was so distracted by watching me that he almost ended up tripping over the stage, that was in Houston, Texas."
"Oh yeah that's right."
"Alright we've had our fun, now let's do this for real. Gwilym get to your mark. Brian and (y/n), gonna have to ask you both to get out of the shot frame please."
"Good luck Gwilym dear." I said as I gave him a peck on the cheek for luck as Brian handed him his original red special and we both walked out of the frame and stood behind the camera.
The day continued on filming the boys recording the famed song that this movie was named after and I swear to you, it was like I was seeing history happen. Like I was transported back in time to the summer of 1975 and seeing my boys (just five years before they even became my boys, back when I was just one of their millions of fans) record one of my favorite albums.
And even seeing the struggle and perfectionism that Freddie had for this song. Rami truly brought Freddie's perfectionist behavior right onto the camera and it just—had me bewildered. It was like I was seeing Freddie again, hard at work on his masterpiece.
After a long day's filming, Brian and I unfortunately had to head back to the city to actually record an album together that he was helping me produce. Since touring was over for now, the boys and I (yes including Adam) we were all focusing on our solo stuff now till the next tour came around.
And since Bri had some free time after working with a talented young woman, I had asked him to come help produce my latest album 'Resurrection'. Ever since hearing about the Queen film and also hearing that Elton as well was going to make a biopic film, the title was named in honor of their upcoming films.
Because it would show a whole new generation of audiences what their stories were and show them that like a phoenix, Queen and Elton will resurrect because you can't keep down true legendary artists.
So for about 2 weeks Brian helped produce the album and of course he and I would post on our Instagram accounts both pictures of brief videos of some behind the scenes stuff of our partnership together.
"And there she is. Working diligently as ever." I heard Bri said. I looked up from my I-Pad to see him holding his phone, probably taking a video for his collection package he likes to do on certain events on his Instagram.
"Yes and I thought you'd be helping me too."
"I am. I'm your publicity for now, then I'll go back to being your producer." I smiled and laughed as Brian chuckled. He turned his phone onto him as he spoke to his Instagram followers, "As you can see we're both working extremely hard. Now we can't give too much away, but you can expect this album to be just as powerful as her previous albums in the past."
"But we unfortunately have to go now, our special guest on the album has just arrived and like Bri said, I never give away spoilers." I said as I came in the shot now.
"Okay well you heard the Angel ladies and gents, this is us signing off till next time. Bye."
"Bye!" Brian turned off the video camera and exited his account. And just as he pocketed his phone away, my special guest came in through the doors.
"Pink, my sister how have you been?" Yep you read right. I had reached out to the one and only Pink to come sing a duet with me. For years since she came up on the market, people have confused our voices cause she and I had the same powerful low range vocals.
Our first time doing a duet was—oh gosh I wanna say very early 2000's. I wanna say even just shortly after the 9-11 attack. I wanted to bring up an album that would spark some life and hope into the people of America, my in-laws especially cause when we lost Jared and Gen, the whole family felt like it was gonna come apart.
I auditioned several young female artists to sing along with me but their voices just either weren't right for the album or they sounded too nasally. But when this young woman at the time, an artist barely known came along, it blew me away at how our voices could mold well together.
So with me singing in a higher range and her taking the low range we launched the song 'Death by bombs, (live by hope)'. It was at the #1 charts in America for the entirety of the New York cleanup and became a national anthem. Pink and I were even asked for several years to sing the song every 9-11 for about 9 years.
Now here we are again six years after our last collaboration.
"You ready to do this?" I asked her.
"Angel, I was born ready. Anytime to sing with you is always gonna be a good one."
"Alright then ladies, step into the booth and let's get this song rolling."
"You got it Brian." Pink said enthusiastically as she and I walked with an arm wrapped around each other's shoulders and we walked into the booth together to begin our work.
Another week passed and when I received a message from Ben Hardy telling me that they were about to start filming my all time favorite music video 'I want to break free' I was on the first flight back to England (since I was recording the album in America) to see the shooting for myself.
I walked through the studio and everything came flooding back. The extras in the cow patterned leotards, the design of the music video set but it wasn't until I saw Joe dressed in the same granny attire that Deacy wore that hit me with pure nostalgia.
"Oh my god nana Johanna I did not know you were still alive." I said exasperatedly.
"Yeah, yeah hahaha very funny." Joe sneered.
"No, no Joe don't take my comment as an insult. You look—every ounce from what I remember Deacy looking like the day I came by with my wedding invitations."
"You were passing out wedding invitations during this music video?" he asked me. I nodded with a hum.
"Jack and I decided to come by to see the guys cause I wanted to deliver their invitations personally. And also ask them to walk me down the aisle since—well you probably know."
"Yeah I get it." He said as he came up and placed a hand on my shoulder. "So you really think I looked exactly like John did?"
"Absolutely. All that's missing is a crying girl crying out 'where's daddy! Where's daddy! That's not my daddy'."
"Okay this could be my dirty mind but that sounded—" I playfully slapped him in the back of the head.
"You're right to get your head out of the gutters young man! I was referring to his daughter Laura. I mean I wasn't there to see it, but Veronica had told me just shortly after the shoot that she had brought the kids over to see their father. Of course Michael and Robert were hysterical with laughter, but poor little Laura who was only 4 at the time was crying cause she didn't recognize her dad."
"Awww well if you wanna recreate it, I can call my sister and get my niece on Facetime to see if it'll work."
"As much as I would love to see that, let's not scar your niece up for life. But yeah, Laura kept denying that the old granny was her dad. Until he took off the wig and she recognized her daddy's fluffy hair."
"That is literally the most adorable thing I've ever heard."
"I know. Laura was a sweet kid. She was the one most attached to me when I first met her. She even recreated a bit of my song for my birthday when she was just 3 years old."
"Okay (y/n) seriously stop you're gonna give me cavities at this point." I laughed and said.
"Alright now show me the rest of the boys, I want to see them."
"They all look amazing. Except for Ben." I looked at him skeptically but he just took my hand and led me towards the kitchen part of the set. There I saw Rami by the table in the pink shirt and leather black skirt, sporting the 1950's hairdo and nails that Freddie wore that day. Gwilym by the fridge in the pink nightie and bunny slippers, along with the curlers, and of course Ben in the 'Rogerina' getup.
The same style wig, the schoolgirl outfit with the leggings, the heels. Wow he looked more of a Rogerina than the real Roger did for this music video.
I let out a wolf whistle and that's when the three of them turned towards me.
"Rogerina has returned. The women who makes men drool at her feet and women turn for her. And if my son Freddie were here, honey you would most certainly turn him."
"God (y/n) please stop embarrassing me." Ben whined.
"I shall not. My cousin Rogerina was the talk of the town back home. Of course along with Aunt Brianna and Fairy godmother Frida."
"Is that what you really called the guys when you saw them like this?" asked Gwilym.
"Who do you think started the trend names? Freddie's was—kinda last minute since....well due to certain things going on at that time. But really you guys, I love each and every one of you."
"I'm still disappointed in Ben's look." Joe bluntly stated.
"And why's that?"
"His thighs are too big. Too much rugby."
"Yes Joe I know. I've been trying to slim down as best I could but these thighs man!"
"Not everyone can please everybody Ben. But trust me when I say, fans will love this and will love you as Rogerina. Plus I think you look absolutely beautiful."
"You really think so?"
"Hell yeah. You're still prettier than I am."
"Oh come on now that's never gonna happen. You are an eternal beauty."
"That's what I've been telling her for years." A voice said behind us. No way. It—it couldn't be. I turned around and my ears weren't deceiving me at all.
Dressed in grey shirt with a dark color blazer and dark blue jeans, the greying of his once blonde hair but those warm eyes of his were unmistakable. A wide smile spread across my face as I laughed out and walked towards him.
"Jack!" I hugged him and he hugged me back. I separated but kept my arms wrapped around his neck. "What are you doing here?"
"The case got solved so I figured might as well put some time off and see just what you and Freddie were talking about. So I called up Roger and asked him where the filming was at, and here I am."
"Ohhh you." I leaned forward and we gave each other a loving kiss.
"Awww." We separated from each other and I cleared my throat.
"Whoa. Okay did we just transport back in time?" asked Jack.
"No love. Boys, I'd like you to meet my husband and the love of my life for over 30 years, Jack Kline. Jack, this is Rami Malek, Gwilym Lee, Joe Mazzello and Ben Hardy." I pointed to each of the actors individually.
"It's a pleasure to meet you boys." Jack said with a wave.
"Believe us, it's an honor to meet you Mr. Kline. Brian, Rog and (y/n) have told us many stories about you." said Rami.
"Oh god, if Roger was telling the stories he made me look bad didn't he?" I playfully slapped his chest.
"Not all the time." replied Ben.
"In all seriousness, I must say.....wow this is....."
"I know right? Oh darling just wait till you see the Live Aid sequence Brian managed to record. Don't they just look the part?"
"Yeah. So much so that it's almost scary."
"Ohh and Jack dear, you remember back when George and Jackson were obsessed with Jurassic Park?"
"Lord do I ever. They practically ruined the tape." He said with a groan.
"Well—Joe here, played the young boy Tim in the film." I then saw Jack's jaw drop as he turned towards Joe.
"So you're—you were....."
"Yep. I was little Tim Murphy in Jurassic Park. My first major gig that got my name out there."
"Wow. And seeing you now dressed like this it—you look so much like him." Jack said in awe. I turned to Joe with a 'told you so' look.
"Yeah it was scary to see just how much I looked like him. I even asked my mom if she was up to anything around 1983." Jack laughed.
The rest of the day was spent seeing the boys perform the music video, as well as a couple more stage concerts from both the 70's and 80's. When Jack got to see these four young actors in full Queen costume and hair/makeup, he was blown away. As we were in the back of the extras who were the crowd, Jack kept his arms around me as we watch in awe.
His head leaning against mine as we watched Rami literally become Freddie with every strut, head turn and bent back, se saw Gwilym play a model of the red special guitar just how Brian is known for, Ben working hard in the back with the drums literally playing just like how Roger is known to play. But I know that out of the four of them, Jack was beyond amazed at seeing Joe Mazzello play his former mentor and idol John 'Disco' Deacy.
His bass playing and even doing the funky little moves that John as known to do on a more upbeat song like 'Fat Bottomed girls,' or 'We will Rock you'. We clapped along with the extras and cheered for them. I knew that with what I've seen so far, this movie was going to be—sensational. Just like the band themselves.
Later that night after wrapping for the day, Jack and I were now at home getting ready for bed.
"So, what did you think of it?"
"They picked the right actors. And the right team to work on it. You were right (y/n)."
"Of course I am." I teased.
"Don't get cheeky with me love, you know what I mean. This movie it—it's everything I hoped it would be. I just wonder if—he would've loved it." I looked at my husband empathetically and said so
"He does." I looked out towards the window up at the stars and continued, "They both do." I felt Jack wrap his arm around me and the two of us cuddled up close together and fell right asleep after a long and busy day.
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4 and 7 for Luke and Jelena from the fanfic asks
4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
Do you mean the entirety of my google drive? I have a WIP that's based off my own personal experience with the healthcare system and health as it relates to having a uterus. But I don't think I'd ever finish it. It's too personal and I feel like I leave a lot of my stories on the cusp of things. Like we never know with some of them if they're going to be happy endings or not. And having this based off my own experience, which does NOT have a happy ending, makes it harder for me to finish it. Writing's a release. But I also feel like this is material that might be better suited for my thesis. And my thesis is due in May 2022, so I just abandoned the WIP as it relates to tumblr but I'll recycle parts of it for my thesis.
A true true WIP that I abandoned was a Boxer!Calum fic. A variety of things halted that one--I started it when I still had calumh-excess active. But I lost a lot of momentum in the 5sos fandom a) because of the shit the band was doing/who they were hanging around and b) because I think I was trying to emulate concepts that I had seen do very well while at the same time as seeing a SHARP decline in readership. @cakesunflower has an AMAZING Boxer!Cal fic that she managed to get published into a for real for real book (here). And admittedly, I think sometimes as a reader and a writer you want to ride the way. But it wasn't something that I was passionate about. I also know myself as a writer--this a WIP that I would've suck HOURS and HOURS into research for the littlest details and the return on that kind of investment wouldn't have been worth it. I had (have? I think the plans might be activated again some day) HUGE plans for the boxing to be truly an integral part of the details and gruesome fights and being underground and technical. But for a platform like Tumblr, with the addition such a sharp decline in reblogs and general feedback, I really didn't feel like it was worth it.
This is not to say that writers on tumblr are doing anything FOR the notes. But as someone that was well known at the time, it was important to ME, to also see the same love returned. I was pouring my soul into AU's but wasn't getting a lot of love for them. So I was at a point where I was like, I can save this idea for later and work on other concepts that I enjoy that I also know will get more momentum from my readers. In some ways, as I was working in retail and gearing up for grad school, it was a smarter move for me as a person to save my bigger ideas and give smaller pieces and more mundane/"real world" pieces the time and effort they deserved because it was a Win-Win for everyone. Fanfiction is fucking FREE and because it wasn't paying my bills, I made the choice to table yet another AU that I would've spent hours, weeks, or months on for something that even if it only got a few likes and a couple reblogs in favor of something that could gain the same sense of satisfaction from.
It all came down to: no matter how much time I do or do not spend on this fic will I be proud of what I get in return. And for this particular boxerfic, I think what I would've gotten in return wasn't going to be able to outweigh the work that I put into it. Writing is work. For fuck sake, a university signs my check at the moment to teach writing, to write, to create. Just because I do it on Tumblr for various artists and fandoms for free doesn't mean I have to do everything creative for free. So Boxer!Cal became an idea that I knew was going to be HUGE, but given the timing and the personal expense I would've had to cash out, it was a better and smarter decision for me to put it on hold.
7: Were there any ideas you had for [insert fic] that you couldn’t make work? What were they?
I had some ideals for a part two of Wanderer but I couldn't make it work as a full fledge part two. I think ultimately if Yelena did come back into Luke's life, Luke couldn't have waited for her without major consequences that would've ultimately terminated the relationship. People move on and essentially that story would diverged and it would've just been a story about two people who never reconnect in the same manner and it would be so far apart from each other. Yelena's not in Luke's world in a way where it would force her to see him consistently. She's a nail tech who can travel as she places, pick up work anywhere. So it's not like she would be forced into Luke's circle. There's a possibility that she might, and I could've made it work but it would've been too much of a stretch. I would've had to really work it out and I think for what the ending it was going to get no matter what, that would've been dissatisfying to a reader. And possibly that's interesting, the questions of what does it actually mean to move on. I could've tackled questions like: What does moving on look like? And when it comes to moving on, are we ever fully moved on from people? What parts remain with us? But I didn't think it was quite something I could really stick the landing on so I left it at the what if and the cliffhanger. But I feel like while Luke could've given Yelena a second shot, part of him would always be afraid that she'd leave again. And Yelena wouldn't want to and, in my opinion, shouldn't have to continually prove herself. I could see myself doing an epilogue perhaps. A brief encounter after they've lived their lives for a year or two, but I don't think they'd wind up together enough for me to justify a part full fledge part two.
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sparklingskz · 5 years
long way home | yang jeongin
▸ genre: college au, fluff, a bit of angst
▸ description: jeongin and you walked to and from college together evey day, until one day when he didn’t show up.
▸ word count: 2.8k
▸ warnings: swearing
▸ a/n: some soft jeongin for ya ! also if i take longer in between posts im really sorry but finding time to write is hard these days:((( (ps. title by 5sos!!)
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you (14:35): where are you i’m tired i want to go HOME
jeonginnie (14:36): wow CHILL i’m heading out now
you (14:36): okay (◕‿◕✿)
Putting your phone back in your pocket, you crossed your arms as you tried to catch sight of the blonde haired boy you were eagerly waiting for. People went in and out of the university doors chatting animatedly with each other, some of them sprawling on top of the grass that filled the gardens and others just heading quickly towards the streets that led away from campus. It was the end of the school day for a lot of people, including you, so the only thing you wanted to do at the moment was to get home, lay down on your bed and ignore all your responsibilities for a few hours.
Sadly, you wouldn’t be able to do that until Jeongin joined you at the entrance of your campus so you could walk home together. You see, the both of you had developed this tradition of some sort, where you would walk together to and from college every day.
It all had started when one day you walked out of campus only to find out that it was raining pretty badly and, due to your luck, you weren’t carrying an umbrella with you. Walking home was your only option, so you put on your hoodie and prepared yourself for the fact that you would get soaked head to toe. Trying to walk as fast as you can, you spotted someone who was walking in the same direction as you and that was protected under an umbrella, and you threw away every bit of shame you had and tried to catch their attention.
That person turned out to be Jeongin, who happily shared his umbrella with you after finding out that you lived very close to each other. He walked with you all the way to the door of your house, making sure that you didn’t get rained on more than you already had.
The next morning you happened to run into him again when walking towards your university, which led you to find out that he was also a student there. You stayed together the whole way there, chatting about random topics and ultimately deciding to also walk back home together after class, because it turns out that you had pretty similar schedules despite not being in the same classes.
After a while, this became your usual routine. Every morning you would wake up looking forward to spending that little amount of time with Jeongin, as you had bonded pretty quickly with the boy and his company was something that you found yourself enjoying. All his little mannerisms and quirks made you smile fondly, and conversations were something that just flowed between you two. You already knew so much about him and you had also shared many things about you during your time together, which in return made trusting him all the more easier.
Jeongin also insisted on the fact that he absolutely had to walk you all the way to your door, even though he then had to head back a little to take the route he used to get to his own house. He assured you that he wasn’t bothered by the extra distance he had to walk, so you stopped trying to convince him you were fine walking alone for a bit and just let him do it (in all honesty, it was cute).
Overall, you really appreciated the boy and his company, which is why your face lit up after catching sight of him practically sprinting out of the university doors and heading towards where you were waiting for him (while almost bumping into a bunch of people, but who cares).
“Hey,” he said before stopping right in front of you, placing his hand on his chest while trying to catch his breath. “Sorry for making you wait, I had to stay back and ask the professor something related to our next test. Ugh, I really need a break from everything,” he whined.
You sympathized with that. “Well, let’s get going, then. The further away we are from here the less we have to think about classes, tests and boring professors,” you affirmed while starting to walk in the direction of your house, Jeongin joining your side immediately.
You fell into an easy conversation right away, sharing details and stories about your day like you usually did. The walk home was a comfortable one, the both of you trying to make the other forget about the fact that you had to come back to university the following day.
The gloomy weather you had experienced the past days was thankfully replaced by the sensation of faint sun rays against your skin, a pleasant wind accompanying your walk home and sweeping back Jeongin’s hair, making him look like a prince you could find in one of those Disney movies.
It was hard to look away during the rest of the way home.
Jeongin was avoiding you.
You weren't really sure about why he was doing it, you just knew that for the most part of the last week there had been times he texted you to let you know that he had headed over to college earlier, or that he wasn't going to walk home with you that evening. It's not like you had signed a contract that said that you would walk towards your campus and then head home together every single day, but it was like this unspoken agreement you both just had, and Jeongin suddenly deciding to walk alone with no apparent reason was just odd.
One day, before you could recieve a text from Jeongin saying he was ditching you again, you spotted him right outside of campus talking to Kim Seungmin, who you knew was one of his closest friends. They didn't seem to be having a very serious conversation, so before you could think your actions through, you were heading over to where they were standing with a firm step.
Well, looks like you were about to confront Jeongin. To be honest, you just wanted to know if you had done something that could've maybe upset the boy, and you would try to get those answers even if Seungmin was standing right there.
When you got to where the two boys were standing, you watched as the both of them put a halt to their conversation and turned to look at you.
"Hi guys!" you said, earning a cheerful "Hi" from Seungmin accompanied by a small wave. Jeongin, on the other hand, looked at you with an expression that showed hints of the surprise he felt at the moment (probably due to the fact that you had approached them), and muttered a small "Hey".
You felt the tiniest bit of nervousness replacing your previous determined state, the lack of contact with the blonde haired boy probably taking a toll on you. "Um, Jeongin, are you busy now? Maybe we can walk back home together?" you asked.
Before Jeongin had a chance to reply, though, Seungmin jumped in to answer your question.
"Of course he will!" he exclaimed right as he placed his hand on the other boy's shoulder in an encouraging manner. "I've been stealing him so he could keep me company every day after class, so it's only fair that he goes with you now."
You watched as Jeongin turned to look at Seungmin with wide eyes, shock evident in his features. He looked like he was trying to convey something without using any words, but Seungmin didn't look fazed by his friend's reaction and just flashed an amused smile at him.
"Go!" He nugded Jeongin with his arm, prompting him to move towards you. 
Even if you felt confused by the whole exchange between them, you didn't say anything. Jeongin started heading in the direction that led to your houses, and you barely had time to wave Seungmin goodbye before going up to catch up with him.
A weird atmosphere surrounded you two, as if you had forgotten the way you guys interacted before this whole thing happened. This only sparked more confusion on your side, wondering why the boy flinched so bad when your hands accidentally brushed or why did he walk so fast, almost as if wanting to put some distance between you two.
This continued as you walked in complete silence for a few more minutes. You tought about how you desperately wanted to go back to the times where you guys would just crack jokes, talk about anything and everything and be comfortable around each other.
You'd only be able to do that if you found out what was wrong, though. And if he didn't initiate the conversation, you would have to be the one to do it.
"Hey, uh." You looked at him out of the corner of your eye, feeling him flinch a little bit because of the sudden sound of your voice. "I know things are weird between us right now, and I really want to know if I did anything that upset you… I’m sorry if I did, but I really hate being this distant from you.”
A tense silence followed your words as you awaited Jeongin’s response. You dared to glance over at the boy and could sense the way the gears of his mind were turning, and you could imagine him trying to pick the correct words to structure his answer. Or, he simply was trying to come up with a way to tell you he didn’t want to be your friend anymore, who knew at this point.
Whichever it was, you were nervous.
After what you felt was an eternity, you heard Jeongin release a heavy sigh before speaking. “You don’t have to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
You were about to retaliate and ask him what was truly going on if you weren’t the one at fault, but he beat you to it and continued talking. “It’s just… Before everything happened I came to a few realizations about… us?” He sounded unsure of that last word. “And I just thought that it would be best if I didn’t act on it and just distance myself.”
Well shit.
You weren’t really sure about how to respond to that, if you were being honest. You knew that Jeongin wouldn’t do something like distance himself if he didn’t have a good enough reason to do it, so now you just wanted to know what that reason was. Maybe you could fix it?
“Can... Can I know what caused you to do that?”
Jeongin didn’t answer immediately, and the both of you just kept walking in silence. You didn’t really want to push him, but you also wanted answers.
The distance between you guys and the street where you usually parted ways was getting shorter, and that’s when suddenly Jeongin put a halt to his steps and turned to look at you.
“I like you, and I’m scared.”
You stared at him in surprise; those were surely the words that you least expected to come out of his mouth.
“And... the last time I liked someone it didn’t go so well,” he continued. “I just really cherished what we had at the moment, and didn't want to ruin it with my overthinking and weird emotions. Losing you because you didn’t feel the same way was much scarier than distancing myself, but I guess I ended up messing things up anyways.”
“You… Like me?” Those were the only words you managed to let out.
“Yeah,” he said shyly, a pink color dusting his cheeks. You would’ve noticed that it made him look way cuter than usual, but you were a little busy processing all this. “It’s just… I find it so easy to talk to you, I feel that you truly understand me and it makes me want to get even closer to you. So yeah, I like you.” After a little pause, he added. “It’s totally okay if you don’t feel the same way, I expected it anyways. We can act like this never happened, and pretend like I didn’t just embarrass myself in front of you.” He laughed a bit at this, but you could tell that he didn’t want that.
You didn’t want that either.
Come to think about it, Jeongin had become a very important person in your life pretty fast. And, going back to all your previous interactions, there was that underlying feeling of adoration towards the boy; the way you admired him when he wasn’t looking, the eagerness to meet him every single day, the way you just wanted to hear him talk forever… And you could go on.
Holy shit, maybe you did like him too.
In the midst of your epiphany, you noticed that Jeongin was about to continue walking, but you stopped him by grabbing his arm before he could go too far.
“Wait.” You watched as a confused expression took over his features, and you quickly wanted to wipe it away so you just released a deep breath and spoke. “I… I feel the same way, Jeongin.”
His expression morphed into a shocked one. “Really? You’re not joking?” he quickly asked, searching your face for any ounce of doubt.
You shook your head. “You’re amazing, Jeongin, how could I not?” You shot him a reassuring smile, your hand dropping down to firmly grasp his.
The way his lips curled up and how he broke out into a wide smile would be forever imprinted in your memory.
“I… Wow.” He looked down at your hands, before bringing his gaze up to your face again. His actions made you giggle, which instantly transformed the previously tense atmosphere into a relaxed and happy one.
“You could’ve just told me and avoid having to ditch me for Seungmin every single day,” you teased him.
“Hey, he was the one who actually helped me figure everything out. He was pestering me by saying that I should stop ignoring you and confess, but I was too scared to do it.” He shrugged, while the both of you went back to walking alongside each other.
“Well, I’m glad you ended up doing it, even if Seungmin was the one to give you that little push.”
“Yeah, I guess I’ll have to credit him for that.”
The silence that surrounded you was comfortable, the prospect of new experiences and emotions looming in the background of your mind. Having Jeongin by your side again felt amazing.
In all honesty, few things had actually changed; just the fact that your hands were now intertwined, the unusual shyness that you felt when your gazes met or that instead of your usual parting, Jeongin gave you a quick peck on the cheek before zooming away from your front door, which left you giggling as you went inside your house.
You wouldn’t mind getting used to all those changes.
you (16:22): where are yOU
jeonginnie <3 (16:23): professor hasn't dismissed the class yet :( gimme a few minutes
you (16:23): I’m waiting for you right next to the gates, I have food !!
jeonginnie <3 (16:24): have I told you you’re the best
you (16:24): you may have mentioned it a couple of times huh
jeonginnie <3 (16:25): well you are
jeonginnie <3 (16:27): I’m heading out now!!
You softly smiled as you put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans, careful not to drop the takeout bag that was hanging from your other hand. You looked up and tried to spot your boyfriend from between the groups of college students hanging out on the entrance, searching for that distinct splash of blonde hair that made catching sight of him all that much easier.
All of a sudden, you jumped as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your middle, but instantly relaxed when you heard Jeongin’s voice right next to you.
“Hey, sorry for leaving you waiting.” You turned around and giggled at the pout on his face, and leaned forward to peck his lips.
“Don’t worry! Now let’s get going so we can eat, I’m starving.”
Your hands quickly found each other and intertwined themselves, the both of you swinging them back and forth as you started heading in the direction of your houses.
You had walked along that exact same route countless times, but with Jeongin by your side it never felt the same. One day you would talk about a cute dog that crossed your path, other time you would have to cover yourselves due to the rain, or maybe your tiredness didn’t leave much room to talk and you would just stroll alongside each other in a comfortable silence.
Whichever it was that day, you were glad that it was with him.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Has the person you like ever seen you in your pajamas? I mean I don’t own any literal pajamas because I find them too warm to wear, but yeah she’s seen me in the clothes I typically wear at home. 
Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? No, and I get upset thinking about it so let’s skip this one, lmao.
What’s the first word of the last text message you received? “hi”
Do you think you’ve changed at all over the past year? I guess a little bit. I got elected to a certain position in my org that basically required me to be the face of the org itself – so it forced me to be extroverted and made me have to be friends with the representatives of all the other orgs so that we maintain a good image in the campus. I also had my first internship last year, and that also tested my social skills and gave me a glimpse of what it’d be like in the workplace, whether it’s having a 9 AM to 6 PM shift or taking calls.
Is there a song that reminds you of your ex? Do you still listen to that song? Yeah but it’s a bit different with me. I have songs that remind me of the time Gab and I were exes, but I don’t have any others. I’m okay with listening to them.
Did you tag anyone in your last Facebook status? No, but I did tag my sister in the second to the last thing I shared.
How do you behave when you’re drunk? I’m louder, a little crazier, a lot friendlier, and I start liking dancing. I also become willing to do a lot of stupid shit, like driving or spending all the money in my wallet. It’s basically a more fun, even friendlier version of me haha.
What color was the last car you travelled in? I barely remember the last time I was in a car, but I’m pretty sure it was our white one.
What is your least favorite type of chocolate? I like all three types, but it’s the stuff that’s put in the chocolate that I have a problem with, like raisins, nuts (except when it’s Ferrero Rocher), or fruit.
When was the last time you felt disappointed? What was the reason? Yesterday - I got word that Pat, an old friend, thinks I’m plastic. I haaaate when people say untrue things about me - and it made me feel worse because I hadn’t even seen her in like four years now - so I felt insecure the whole night.
Is there someone that can make you smile, even when you feel like crying? My dog.
Is there a certain person on your mind right now? Tell me about him/her. Nope. I’m taking this survey precisely so that I don’t have to think about anyone or anything, or else my mind will just go back to ^ what that person said about me and then I would feel bad the whole day.
You’re getting ready to go to bed, and the last person you kissed shows up, what do you do? I’d be shocked at how she got past all the checkpoints considering the entire region is on lockdown. Then I’d scold her for it, ask if she has a plan for going back home, and since she’s at my place anyway, I’d get her something to eat.
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? That I couldn’t be left alone with my thoughts because of what Pat did, so I should sleep with YouTube autoplay on.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Doubt it.
Are you okay right now? Not really, but it’s manageable for the most part.
Do you get along with girls? More than guys, for sure. I’ve gotten better with guys through the years, but I’m still ultimately more comfortable hanging out with a group of girls, or at least in a group where there are more girls than boys.
What time did you get up today? 9:30, but only because my mom woke me up for breakfast which I hate.
When was the last time you saw your mom? A couple of hours ago.
What is the last thing you drank? Water. But now I want coffee.
Do you dislike/hate anyone? Just dislike, I think. I hate the government though if that counts hahaha.
Where is your best friend right now? We’re all at home as we’ve been in the last three weeks.
When will your next kiss be? The week of April 14th, whenever we decide to see each other then.
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? Definitely. It stopped being my usual wake-up time during the break.
Does anyone completely understand you? I don’t think so. Angela doesn’t know some of my triggers, and Gab will still sometimes miss certain cues of mine... and there are times I don’t understand myself as well, so it’d be selfish of me to want my best friends to have that ability for me.
Who was the last girl you hugged outside of family? Damned if I remember...Gabie? I think? I’m 80% sure she was the last non-family member I hugged before they suspended classes.
What are you listening to right now? My sister’s listening to the new 5SOS singles a bit loudly, so I have no choice but to hear it. My brother’s also playing 2K at the moment.
Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? Nope.
What will you be doing in 3 hours? Either drinking coffee and taking more surveys, or taking a nap.
How often do you straighten your hair? Never. I hate the way straight hair looks on me, never again.
What are you currently looking forward to? GOING OUT OF THE HOUSE. But that’s another three weeks away, uuggghhh. The house is starting to feel smaller by the day and I just can’t wait to drive again.
Who did you last hang out with? Family. This lockdown is really ruining most survey questions for me, lmao.
Doesn’t intentional bad grammar annoy you? No not really. Memes will sometimes use bad grammar on purpose and it comes out hilariously, and generally, bad grammar doesn’t annoy me a lot as someone who has English as my second language – the only time it grinds my gears is if someone like an American hasn’t mastered English, especially if it’s the only language they know and they can’t even get it right lol. Asians speak better English sometimes...
Did anyone see your last kiss? No, we were alone in her place that time.
Could things possibly get any better? It always could.
Do you know who you’ll even kiss next? Yep.
Do you ever sleep in jeans? Only if I’m drunk crashing on someone’s couch. < This. Otherwise I hate the idea of spending the night with jeans on.
Whose birthday is coming up? Aubrey, I think – and this is only because I tend to remember birthdays well. But if we’re talking about people still in my life lol, probs Luisa.
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? I can’t stop thinking about what Pat said about me and how many minds she’s possibly changed with calling me fake. I just have to remind myself that high school people aren’t worth shit anymore and that I’m more than happy with the friends and family I’ve gained in college.
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? Nah, but close. I got 7 I think.
Are you in love lately? Yesss. Even more now that I can’t see her.
How often do you see your ex?
Where did you buy the shirt you’re wearing now? I got it from my old school.
Who was the last person to text you? Gab.
Do you believe in love? Sure.
Do you curse a lot? Yeah I can.
Did you like anyone last summer? Yeah, the same one for the last three summers.
What’s the closest red object to you? The shirt my dad is wearing.
Who have you texted in the last 48 hours? No one. I don’t have to put load on my phone these days because of the quarantine requiring me to stay at home, where I have internet to communicate anyway.
Last time you had a sleepover? Like a month or two ago, I think.
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hogwarts--imagines · 7 years
Safety Pin
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Bucky x Shy Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, No?
Request: Nope! This was my idea and it’s another one to write from my own mind instead of just requests. The reader is based off of myself with certain things. The reason why I did this is because the way I wanted this to go has a lot to do with my issues. As and explanation, I have hearing issues, I lost 80% of my hearing when I a child, my eardrum was replaced and I got 75% back and probably more. The issue now, I still struggle with hearing but it’s better and my speech tends to sound weird when I pronounce words or I stutter, so I tend to not talk to people because it’s a flaw of mine and it’s embarrassing.
Inspired by this song Safety Pin - 5SOS
Part 2
I was like Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, except I didn’t have that bubbly personality and I didn’t dress with a bunch of colors. I was an experienced computer wiz, my software was created by me and I used it a lot to help the Avengers.
I joined them a year ago when I hacked into the SHIELDS system and saw they were headed into a danger zone. I sent a warning to all of their ear pieces, I used my AI to speak to them, muting FRIDAY.
Tony was determined to find me and he did eventually and they brought me in and I haven’t left since.
I had a hard time talking to them, I didn’t do well with talking to people in person, I had no confidence within myself. The reason was I had a hard time talking, I pronounced words weird or I would stutter. This was a defect I had when I lost half of my hearing at a young age. I gained it back through the years after having new eardrums, but the speech problems never left.
Clint figured this out and taught me more than basic sign language. The rest of the team knew sign language so it made talking easier. This broke the barrier of talking verbally with them, when I did, I spoke slowly in person, but over the comms it was easier.
The day that the Winter Soldier was brought to the building, was probably the weirdest day for me. I was finally comfortable with talking to everyone. I could talk normal and if I messed up they would wait for me to repeat what I said and to finish. But when it came to him it was a whole other story.
I was sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen, from there I could see into the living room, from the balcony I could see the Quinjet land on the platform. I watched everyone walk in, I didn’t recognize the man that was with them.
I had a hobby that included drawing. I drew everything that was special to me or had a meaning to someone else in the Tower. Nobody saw my drawings but me. I was drawing Steve’s shield when I saw them land. Once they made their way into the living room and into the kitchen, I slammed my sketch book. I looked at Steve and Tony giving them a small smile.
“Y/n” Steve spoke up “This is Bucky Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier”
I looked at him ready to say hello, but I couldn’t. One look was all it took. One look and I knew I was in trouble. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Eventually I mumbled something and lowered my head gathering my things and hurried out of the room to my room.
Bucky POV
“Did I do something wrong?” I asked Steve. Watching Y/n leave.
“She’s shy around new people” Tony spoke up. “You probably intimidated her”
“She has a speech problem too, caused from her hearing loss when she was a child. She was finally getting comfortable talking to us verbally.” Steve looked upset. “She’ll come around”
Something about her drew me in. Her y/h/c hair was pulled back into a messy bun, she wore a sweater and leggings, and fuzzy socks. The book or whatever it was was held close to her as she walked out of the room. I wanted to know her. I just met her and I wanted to know her more.
I learned that the book she carried around with her was a sketch book.
“Wonder what she draws” I said to Sam who was the one who told me about it. We were drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen.
“She won’t show us” He shrugged “it’s something she wants to keep to herself. I tried to sneak a look and it ended with me on the ground in a head lock.”
“Yeah right” I snorted loudly, causing y/n to snap her head up in our direction. She was on the couch drawing, we spoke quietly so she wouldn’t hear us. She turned her focus back to her drawing.
“It’s true,” Natasha walked into the room “I taught her that move”
“I would pay to see it” I chuckled, not taking my eyes off of y/n.
“Why are you so curious about her?” Nat asked looking at her as well.
“I want to know everyone, get a long, but she’s so shy that I don’t want to pry and scare her.” I looked at Nat “And I’m learning about her from you guys and I just want to be able to have another person to talk to I guess.”
“Sounds to me, you are smitten by her” Sam placed a hand on my shoulder.
“Am not” I argued, placing my cup in the sink and walking out of the room to go to the gym. If getting to know her was going to be a challenge, I was going to complete it. Even if it took all I had.
Reader POV
I tried my best to avoid Bucky, I didn’t hate him, I was just scared to talk to him. I would make a fool of myself. What if he would think I was weird and make fun of me? This didn’t stop him from trying.
I would be the first one up usually, but I learned that he was almost always up. I would sneak out onto the balcony every morning drinking a cup of coffee, watching the sun rise. I felt the most at peace with my mind. I could stay like this forever. My peaceful moment was interrupted when Bucky joined me.
I was praying he wouldn’t talk to me. Thankfully he didn’t. He sat down in the chair next to me. Watching the sun with me. We sat in silence for a while.
“Why are you up so early?” He asked breaking the silence. When I didn’t respond he continued talking. “I usually don’t sleep much”
I looked at him, I wanted to say something but I couldn’t form the words. He could tell. Instead of pushing it we stayed silent allowing me to relax.
Since then, he would do small things to be nice, he figured out that I loved coffee so much that he would pour me a cup whenever he made himself one. I would give a small smile and he knew that he was making progress.
Eventually I would be able to speak to him.
Bucky POV
It was 4 in the morning when I jerked myself awake, covered with sweat from the dreams that haunted me. My past. I wandered out of my room to go to the kitchen. I was going to make some coffee to stay awake. When I walked into the kitchen I was not expecting the sight before me. 
Y/n was usually sleeping, she wasn’t up until 6 when she would sneak out on the balcony. But when I walked in, there she was, cleaning the pots and pans that were left in the sink.
I remembered Sam promising to do them after we ate dinner, but that clearly didn’t happen. She had her earbuds in and was dancing a bit while she washed them. I was taken back by this. I cleared my throat loudly so she would know I was in the room. She must’ve had her music on low since the sound I made caused her to jump.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” I tried to not smile at the incident. “I didn’t want you to freak out if I just walked past you or something.”
She nodded before turning back to the pan washing it slowly. I started the coffee, grabbing two mugs. once it was done I poured coffee into the mugs, sliding her towards her.
“Do you want to finish making yours like you normally do or should I?” I asked her.
She just shrugged and nodded her head a bit. “You can” She barely whispered. I almost didn’t hear her.
“Okay” I smiled, I finally heard her voice, it was hushed, but it was something other than a grunt. I heard her voice a few times but only she was talking to Nat or Clint or when she didn’t know I was in the room. This time it was directed towards me.
I made her cup as she finished the last pan. Drying off her hands she grabbed her mug and sat on the bar stool. I watched as she took a sip, I waited for her approval. She smiled at me and took another sip. She wanted to say something but struggled to do so.
“You’re welcome” I smiled sitting next to her drinking my coffee.
This was going to be a while.
Reader POV (again sorry)
I was sitting on the balcony drawing in my new sketch book. I had to be careful with who was around now when I would draw. My sketch book was soon filled with portraits of Bucky. It started when I decided to draw something about him that seemed so special to him or had some form of significance to him. His metal arm.
This opened the gateway of more drawings. It was soon filled with portraits, symbols, things that reminded me of him or moments we shared together like the sunset with him sitting next to me.
I was so lost in my drawing I didn’t hear Steve walk out. He cleared his throat behind me and I closed my book.
“Yes?” I asked standing up. I set my book down.
“We’re going to watch a movie if you want to join. Your favorite. The Lion King” Steve smiled
“I-I can’t turn down the L-lion King” I stuttered out, cheeks getting red, Steve didn’t mind as he held out his hand and guided me inside. Forgetting about the sketch book.
Bucky POV
After the movie, y/n fell asleep on the couch and Steve put her in her bed. She surprisingly wasn’t up at her usual time.
Deciding she probably slept in today I sat on the balcony by myself. I noticed a black leather book sitting on the table. It didn’t look familiar. I opened the book to see it was a sketch book. I flipped to the next page and gasped at the drawing.
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The drawing wasn’t perfect, but it took my breath away once I realized whose it was. The details of the image was amazing. drawing my metal arm probably wasn’t easy but it was amazing.
I flipped to the next page curiously, only to find the next one was a very detailed drawing of me. Head to toe, she had every detail spot on. My tactical gear, arm, gun, look, everything. She drew me as the Winter Soldier.
The next few pages were just me, smiling, starring off into space, everything. Then there was two coffee mugs. I smiled at this, she drew something that was the first contact we had. The first time she accepted anything from me.
The next page was a sunset. Us sitting on the balcony. Another was us sitting on the bar stools, probably when I caught her dancing.
I turned the page to see something that I wasn’t expecting at all. I was holding her. Or what I assumed to be her. My metal arm held the back of her head and my other arm was around her waist holding her close to me. I was burying my face into her hair and her face was buried into my chest. Was she trying to say something?
I closed the book and stood up. I had to return this to her. I left my cup on the balcony and made my way to her room. I knocked on the door and she answered by yanking it open. She had a look of worry on her face as she greeted me.
“Can I come in?” I asked softly. I held up her sketch book and her eyes widened. She yanked me by my shirt pulling me into her room. She forced the book out of my hand and held my in an awkward head lock.
“Explain” She forced the words out.
“I will if you just let go” I could easily break out of this, but wanted her to feel like she was in control.
“Now” She tightened her grip.
“Alright” I decided to break free and she put up a fight and I eventually pinned her to her wall. “Relax and listen.” I looked her in the eyes. I could tell she was mad, and confused.
“F-fine” She stuttered, looking down as her cheeks heated up. I let go of her backing up to sit on her bed.
“I was sitting on the balcony, I was expecting to see you but you didn’t show up so I thought you were sleeping still. Anyway, I saw a leather book and it didn’t look familiar, so I opened it and saw the pages.” I explained. “I realized it was yours and wanted to return it to you.”
Her eyes widened more when she heard me saw I opened it.
“You’re an amazing artist” I tried to ease the tension that was building up. “I could give you a few recommendations on my elbow in the first one” 
She blushed even more.
“Can you explain this?” I asked snatching the book turning it to her last work. Us.
She grew redder.
“I- Uhmmmm” She was struggling. She sat down beside me avoiding me eyes.
“Take your time” I waited patiently.
“O-okay, here goes.” She took a deep breath and spoke quickly. “I draw things that remind me of people important, like my team mates. I wanted to draw something about you”
I listened carefully.
“E-eventually I c-couldn’t find me to stop d-drawing. You” She started stuttering again, face going red with embarrassment. “The l-last one, I w-wanted to draw b-because I” She stopped herself.
“You what?” I knew what she was trying to say by now.  I wanted to hear it.
“I like you” She fought to get the words out.
“Is that why you have a hard time talking to me?” I was now standing up looking down on her small form.
“Yes” was all she could say. I looked into her eyes, studying them as they looked back into mine. I leaned down into her face slowly crashing my lips onto hers. I pulled back waiting for her approval.
Once she gave it was a small nod, I continued to kiss her slowly. She eventually was laid on her back as I deepened the kiss. She allowed me to take the lead and gave me permission to explore the inside of her mouth. Our lips moved in sync. My metal arm slipped under her shirt. She gasped at the touch. I pulled back quickly afraid I hurt her or took it too far.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” I backed away from her. I was so afraid to look at her. Scared to see the look on her face.
I left her room before she could muster up the right words. I didn’t want to hurt her.
“Bucky” She whispered.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Steve’s final attack; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so INTENSE CHAPTER HERE. PROBABLY THE DARKEST CHAPTER I’LL EVER WRITE FOR THIS SERIES! GUN VIOLENCE AND SHOOTING IS IN THIS CHAPTER SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Potential death/paralysis, guns shown and spoken of, stalker themes shown (like I said this is a DARK chapter).
Again I’ve got trigger warnings below so if you want to block it out, i’ve got stalker, gun violence and shooting as my #tw:. Now to those who do wish to proceed with reading this chapter, you have been warned and proceed with caution, it’s a LOT to take in and just one more section to go with this chapter then I PROMISE from here on out it’ll be nothing as evil as this chapter. ALSO IMAGE SHOWN IN STORY IS NOT MINE. CREDIT GOES TO THE OWNER!!
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*June 7th, 1993. Madison Square Garden, New York*
This was insanity.  I should’ve seen the signs earlier, maybe if I hadn’t switched to coming here to Hollywood records maybe none of this would’ve happened.  Steve Harrison has gone too far now and now I’m deathly afraid of what he’ll do next.
I had told the cops and the judge myself to expect the next call to be my dead corpse lying in wait with a bloody message saying I TOLD YOU SO.  He’s been biding his time but I’m resorted to looking over my shoulder every time I go out in public.
I was in my dressing room trying to calm my nerves down before I had to go up on stage when a knock came at my door.  I jolted and asked.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me and Jensen baby.” I sighed with relief.
“Come in.” the door opened and there stood my darling husband and cousin in law.  Jensen was all geared up in a security uniform and had his Ruger SR1911 steel gun strapped to his pouch.
“Hey kid, how you doing?” Jensen asked me.
“I’ll be better once the show’s over.”
“Hey, don’t worry. As your new head of security I’ve got every cop in NYC on your side, plus some of my boys who have been firing guns for years. We’re not gonna let that creep anywhere near you again.” he said as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.  I looked up at him and took his hand.
“Thank you. Are the kids safe?”
“Yeah, Danneel has them in the front row.” He said to me.
“Jensen can you give us a minute alone?” Jack said to him.
“Okay, sure. I’ll get into position and get the boys ready.” Jensen gave me a sideways hug and kiss to the top of my head before leaving my dressing room.  Jack came up and sat down in front of me and said.
“There’s no way I can talk you out of this, is there?”
“No, you can’t.”
“Not even if I can convince you that you could just do your show from here. I’m sure the audience would think it would be adorable if you did. Cause I could be close beside you.”
“Jack, we don’t have the tech to make all that happen and you know it.”
“I know I’m sorry. But you can’t blame me for trying right?”
“I suppose not.” I cupped his cheek and he leaned up against my touch. “This is the last show of the tour. I promise once this is all over, we can go back to England and stay there.”
“How about we go to Capri. No better place right? Isolated, peaceful, our island of paradise. And this time we can make new memories with the kids.” I smiled and said.
“That sounds fabulous.”
“All for you my love.” He kissed me softly and that’s when I heard a knock and the voice of one of the volunteers.
“Mrs. Kline. You’re up in 30 seconds.” Jack and I quickly separated and I sighed.
“I’m coming.” Jack and I stared into each other’s eyes before he silently took my hand and we left my dressing room.
I now stood backstage getting myself pumped up and trying to get rid of the fear and anxiety of Steve out of my head.
“I’ll be right here watching you baby. And promise me, if you see anything that makes you the slightest uncomfortable, you get off the stage and come to me.” Jack said as he placed his hands on my upper arms.
“I promise Jack. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He cupped my face and we kissed as the announcer’s voice proclaimed.
“AND NOW DIRECTED FROM LONDON, ENGLAND AND WHO MADE HER MARK HERE. PLEASE GIVE IT UP FOR THE ANGEL OF ROCK! (Y/N) KLINE!!!” the crowd cheered louder and I took that as my cue to race onto the stage and I posed for the crowd.
“HELLO MSG! My home away from home! Are you ready to rock and roll!?” the crowd cheered and I opened up with ‘Who I am’.
*3rd Person POV*
As soon as (Y/n) went onto the stage, Jack stared at his wife with worry but admiration as he muttered.
“So much.” Unclipping a walkie-talkie given to him by Jensen he turned the radio on and said.  “Jensen, you copy?”
‘Loud and clear kid. All security is in position.’
“Good. This. Ends. Tonight. I don’t care how long it takes us, Steve is going down tonight. Dead or alive.”
As the concert continued, Jensen who was now walking standing alongside Jack checked in with the rest of the guards.
“Sector one report in.”
‘Copy you Jensen, negative signs of him.’
“Okay Gary, but keep your eye on that door. Don’t you dare take your eyes off of it for a second. Sector 2 how you guys doing?”
‘That’s a negative of him coming in through this way either.’
“He got through the screen room last time Jason, I want two men on that door all night.” Jack said into the walkie-talkie.
“George how you doing?” there was radio silence. “Yo George come in.” Jensen said again.  But again there was radio silence. “Damnit George! Answer your radio!”
“Any nearby units we’re not getting a response from sector 3. Go and check on him!” Jack said urgently.  Jack and Jensen looked at each other worriedly before a voice said.
‘Officer down! Repeat officer down!!’
“What do you mean he’s down!?” Jensen snapped.  At this point Jack was getting real anxious.  He turned to his wife who was singing her cover of ‘Somebody to love’ at the piano.
“How the fuck did he get in?!” Jack said as he combed his hand through his hair anxiously.
“All units we have a man down in sector 3. Close all perimeters!” Jensen’s voice said.
‘This is Sam of sector six. I have eyes on him. He’s in uniform!’
“What? He’s in officer uniform!?” Jensen’s voice cried out.
‘Affirmative! SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!’ Jack turned on his radio and said.
“Gordon! I don’t care if you make a scene get my wife off that stage immediately!” Jack snapped.  When Jack turned around back towards the stage, he would soon be forever haunted by a scene that would haunt him forever.
Almost as if in slow motion an officer making sure that his face was hidden through the jacket and hat came up onto the stage and walked towards (y/n).  
Just as she was holding out the final vibrato note like she did when he proposed to her ten years ago, the officer soon took out a 9mm pistol and fired one shot into her side.
A loud bang echoed through the stadium and as (y/n) dropped from the piano bench, people screamed in a panic.
*My POV*
I felt a sudden rush of pain as I collapsed onto the ground. There was this wetness at my side followed by pain.  I could hear people screaming but the only thing I saw were the eyes of Steve Harrison. They were soulless and empty.  It was like looking into the eyes of a true monster.
“Should’ve killed me when you had the chance bitch.” He raised the gun and I heard another loud bang before feeling pain in my stomach and then my vision went bright before I closed my eyes.
*3rd Person POV*
After shooting her, Steve looked right at Jack who was just standing there in shock at what had just happened.  Steve grinned before leaning down and actually took off (y/n)’s wedding ring before taking off running.
Jack raced over to his wife.  As much as he wanted to chase after Steve for shooting the love of his life, his first and main concern was (y/n).
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) baby! Baby please can you hear me?” Jensen came down along with the head of medical who took her pulse.
“I’m barely getting a pulse. Call 911!” Jack knew he couldn’t wait that long.
Going off pure adrenaline and desperate to save his wife, Jack picked up his bleeding wife and raced out of the concert venue.
“Jack where you going!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” As soon as Jack came out of the massive screaming crowd that was still trying to run away from the stadium, he took off down 43rd street as fast as he could.
Having been to New York loads of times with (y/n) it was like he could navigate the city with his eyes closed.
“Move! Move! Move!” he would say to crowd of people who were just going about their normal walks around the city or tourists trying to get pictures.  When some of them recognized (Y/n), they tried to ask Jack what was wrong but he told them to fuck off.
Jack raced through traffic and down a steep hill till finally after running the full 20 blocks, he reached the hospital.  He quickly raced inside through the doors and screamed out.
“HELP! HELP MY WIFE NEEDS HELP! HELP!” immediately doctors and nurses came in with a gurney and a doctor asked him.
“What happened?”
“She—she was performing on stage. She—her stalker. He shot her.”
“Gunshot wounds to the side and stomach.” A male nurse said as they got her on the bed.  The doctor shined a light into her eyes while a female nurse checked her pulse.
“I’m not getting a pulse.”
“Let’s move her!” the doctor said.  Soon she was wheeled into the ICU, all of them barking out orders hoping they could save her life.  All the while, Jack desperately tried to follow his wife but a receptionist came and stopped him.
“(Y/n). (Y/n) my baby.”
“Sir you need to stay out here. Don’t worry they’re gonna do their best to save her. It’ll be okay.”
Hours ticked by and soon the hospital waiting room was surrounded by the entire Rock Angel team.  Jack who was still covered in his wife’s blood stared down at his stained hands trembling.  Jensen turned to his little cousin and couldn’t find the words to say.  But he reached out and placed a hand to his shoulder in comfort.
Feeling the tears in his eyes, Jack rushed out of the hospital and outside into the cool New York air.  Repeatedly he kept hearing the two gunshots in his head, and the evil look on Steve’s face as he just carelessly shot another human being, a woman, his wife without a care in the world.
It was like shooting a game animal to him.  Jack collapsed to his knees and wept his heart out.
Back inside, all the news stations were covering the story of the shooting at MSG.  At this point Jensen was getting sick and tired of it.
“Hey! Can you turn that crap off!?” he snapped at the receptionist.  She looked at him and obeyed his wishes. “And while you’re at it can you go back there and tell them just what the hell is taking them so long!?”
“Sir, the doctors are doing everything they can. They’ll come out when they can stabilize Mrs. Kline.” Jensen growled and nearly punched the wall until one of his old friends Gary stopped him.
“Easy man. Easy. Don’t take it out on her. It’s best they try to see if (y/n) will make it then give us the updates.”
“DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT WORD!” Jensen screamed at him. Jensen then collapsed back into his chair whimpering. “Not if. There can’t be an if.” Jensen clasped his hands together as his leg bounced up and down and he too felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes.
As morning came across the Big Apple, the news was literally eating the story alive.  NYPD was on a statewide manhunt for Steve Harrison, and to make matters worse, the press had found out just which hospital the Rock Angel was at.  
They were swarming outside wanting a story from the husband or any of her team members.
With the story of the Rock Angel ‘assassination’ now going worldwide, it wouldn’t be long till the story reached back to England.
It had been over 10 hours since Jack had gotten his wife to the hospital and with the situation of the press being contained outside, Jack who now had the kids with him continued to wait in the waiting room.  
Little Kelly who was the most traumatized by the whole thing, clung onto her daddy’s arm and finally spoke for the first time since the incident.
“Is mummy gonna be with uncle Freddie?” Jack looked down at his baby girl.  He could see the redness in her eyes from her crying and he said as he held his baby girl closer.
“I don’t know baby girl. I hope not. I mean—as much as I’m sure he’d love to see her, I don’t think he’d want it to happen this quickly.”
“What’s the update with our Rock Angel?” a voice soon spoke up. Jack and Kelly turned around as did some of the team members and they were surprised to see Elton John and Bernie Taupin.  Kelly raced up towards them and she hugged her uncle Elton who immediately picked her up and held her.
“Uncle Elton, an evil monster he shot……”
“I know darling, I know. Uncle Bernie and I saw it on the telly.” He said as he rubbed her back comfortingly.
“You guys came all the way from St. Louis just to be here?” asked Jack.
“Darling we came for the whole family. Besides count yourself lucky that it’s me and not the in-laws.”
“Oh God!” Jack began to realize that Brian, Deacy and Roger might’ve heard about this story by now.  He lowered his hands in his head.  Elton looked down at Jack and said.
“Bernie, why don’t you take the mini-angel and her brothers, and go out and get them some ice cream.”
“But what if mum wakes up?” Elton rubbed her back again and said.
“Then I’ll be sure to call you straight away if any news on your mother comes around. Trust me dear after the night you’ve had, you deserve an ice cream.” Kelly looked down and nodded. “That’s my little bunny.” He kissed her cheek before setting her down, “Off you pop then.” Bernie softly smiled at her and took her hand and Bernie called out to the boys.
“Georgie, Jackson, come on.” The two 3 year old’s got off their chairs and went over to the pair.  Jackson took his sister’s hand while Bernie picked up Georgie in his free arm and the four of them left the hospital.  Elton then walked up to Jack and said.
“Come with me.” Jack wiped his tearstains and stood up from his chair.  Feeling his legs falling asleep already, Elton steadied him and the two of them walked along the hallway till they came to the first boys bathroom they could find.
They entered inside and Elton locked the door giving them some privacy.
“How could I let this happen?” Jack said as he leaned against the sink. “I knew something bad was going to happen, deep down I knew. Why didn’t I try harder to convince her?”
“Because you married the most stubborn woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Her stubbornness rivals that to my dearest friend who was once both of yours. That’s probably why I liked her so much.” Jack shook his head feeling a slight smile come at the corner of his mouth.
“I just—I can’t lose her. What if—”
“Now don’t you go talking like that! The world already lost Freddie Mercury. I’ll be damned if we have to lose the Rock Angel too. She’s a fighter! She always has been. So don’t you dare go talking bollocks on me boy!” Elton snapped.  He walked up to Jack and tightly gripped his shoulders encouragingly.
“I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose her.” Jack whispered out in a choke.
“You won’t. But you listen and you listen good Jack Kline.” He lifted Jack’s chin up with his index finger. “You’re allowed to cry and weep, that’s not gonna make you weak. But you also need to remember this, you are not the only one affected by this. You have three innocent little eyes that had to see that gruesome sight that no child should ever, ever have to see.”
“Kelly? Jackson and Georgie. Dear god they’re never gonna recover from this.”
“In time they will. But right now they are feeling just as much fear and sadness as you are. Bernie’s buying you some time with a little bribery to make them forget for a moment. But when they get back, I want you to clean yourself up. And be the dad they need right now.” Jack looked up into Elton’s blue eyes that shone with strength.
Jack sniffled and nodded.
“Good boy. That’s a boy.” Elton said as he gave Jack a comforting pat before bringing him into a tight hug.  Jack buried his face into Elton’s suit while Elton rested his head against Jack’s.  He gave him a comforting kiss on the top of his head before helping Jack clean up.
After helping him clean up, the two of them left the bathroom and walked back to the waiting room.
Another two hours have passed, making it now 12 hours since the Rock Angel had been admitted into the hospital.  Elton and Bernie remained with Jack and the kids until finally the doctor came out.
“Family of (Y/n) Kline?” at that point the entire waiting room stood up.  It was then the entire Rock Angel team stood up from the security, to the costumers, and roadies. The doctor was surprised until finally Jack came up and said.
“I’m her husband.”
“Your wife has been given a blood transfusion to replace the amount of blood she lost. She went into shock a few times during the procedure but we managed to keep her stable.”
“Is she—is she awake?” at that point the doctor sighed solemnly.
“Mr. Kline. The second bullet your wife took just barely penetrated some major organs. Any centimeter deeper would’ve killed her. We’ve put her into a coma and—I’m sorry to say that only time will tell if she’ll wake up.” This was something Jack did not want to hear.  He was desperate to hear that his wife was gonna be okay and that she was awake and alive.
“Can we at least go see her?” Jensen asked.
“We’re setting her up in a room right now. Give us 10 minutes and you can. But three at a time.” The Doctor advised looking back at everyone.
“Okay, thank you doctor. Thank you.” The doctor nodded and walked away but he stopped and said.
“Mr. Kline.” Jack looked up at him and he continued, “Had you stayed at the stadium and waited for us, there was a great chance of her not being saved. You were really lucky this time.” The doctor then walked away leaving Jack stunned at what he had to learn.
“Who would’ve thought something like this would finally get you running.” Jensen said.  Jack glared at his older cousin and he said, “Right wrong time to be bringing up all those races we had as kids.”
After several minutes waiting, a nurse came in and said that Jack and the kids could come and see (y/n) first.  She led them to her room on the second floor and when they came to room 211, she opened the door and there she was.
Hooked up to wires, breathing tubes in her nose, and IV’s for fluids and blood transfusion was the Rock Angel, wife and mother.
“Mummy.” Georgie whimpered.
“Mummy owie.” Jackson said.
“Yeah boys she’s—mommy got hurt.” Kelly didn’t speak a word but slowly walked right up to her mom’s bed.  This young 7 year old girl was now looking at something that only her mom once experienced before long ago.  She stood at her bedside, gripped the sheets as she sniffled and whimpered.
“Mum!” she allowed her upper body to collapse on the bed as she wept into the bedsheets.  Before she soon got up onto the bed and cuddled close to her mother’s left side and continued to cry.
Jack was heartbroken at seeing his little girl so upset.  He took the boys and placed them up on the bed as well as he came down to his baby girl and rubbed her back, hoping that it would provide her some comfort.  Meanwhile the boys cuddled close to their mom and found themselves crying for their mother.
At this point Jack didn’t know just what to do, all three of his kids had to go through something so traumatic and terrifying he was afraid it’d damage them forever.
But all he could do now was be there for them like Elton had told him earlier in the bathroom.  With (y/n) in a coma, he was the only parent left to be there for them.
Hopefully, he wouldn’t be the only parent in their lives.
As each day passed, every member of the Rock Angel team got to have their time with their dearest friend and amazingly kind person to work for.  Each member of the team would bring in gifts, balloons, flowers for the room, and give the family their thoughts and prayers.
Even fans themselves were reaching out to the hospital that the Rock Angel was in and sent in letters and gifts to Jack and the family.  New York practically had the Rock Angel memorialized as a figure to the city and hoped that she would survive this horrible ordeal.
By the 4th day, with a stern telling from Elton, Jack had arrived back from his hotel showered and cleaned up and had the kids go home with Jensen for a little while to be with their grandparents and away from this whole mess.
He entered his wife’s room to see Elton and Bernie just setting down their gifts.  Bernie had bought her favorite bouquet of flowers as well as some more balloons.  
While Elton brought in a large painting of a mother lioness and her cubs don’t by a famous French artist that he had called up for a favor he owed the singer.
“There we go, now you look like your handsome self again.” Elton praised.
“It was nice to get a shower in. It’s just that—with this whole thing I—”
“We get it Jack. This…..this is even more crazier than when it happened to Lennon. But this is a wait game, but I’ve got a strong feeling she’ll pull through. She always does.” Bernie said as he clasped Jack shoulder comfortingly.
“Thank you Bernie. Thank you both. I—don’t know what I would do without you both here.” The two older men smiled at him before Jack took his seat right by his wife’s side.  The three men sat there in silence as they looked down at the beautiful young woman sleeping before them.
She almost resembled Sleeping beauty or Snow White. The machine beeping off her heartbeat and brain activity which was all normal.  She just wasn’t awake.
“Why didn’t you both call us about this!?” a voice suddenly snapped out.  Jack froze in both fear and guilt at the voice that had just spoke up.  He lowered his head in shame and he shut his eyes.
“Brian, Roger.” Elton greeted them.
“Elton, Bernie.” Brian’s voice greeted.
“Jack Kline you have got some fucking nerve about hiding this from us! We get home and we see you and (y/n). Her face plastered on the front of every fucking magazine! I tried calling her a hundred times throughout these past few months, she never answered. And now I see all of this on the news! The Rock Angel shot at by her former personal assistant!” Roger snapped at him.  Each time his voice growing angrier and angrier.
“Roger lay off him. You don’t know just what he’s been through the past few days!” Elton snapped at him.
“Elton with all due respect please stay out of this. This is a family discussion.” Brian said to him sternly.
“Well believe it or not, she’s my family too! Freddie asked me personally to keep an eye on her. So this is just as much of my problem as it is yours.” Elton challenged the curly haired rockstar.  Before another retort could be said from either rockstar, Jack choked out.
“You think I didn’t want to reach out?” the two members of Queen turned to Jack.  His head still lowered down.  Jack let out a sniffle and he said. “But she didn’t want me to. I should never have listened to her. Why didn’t I do more?” he growled at himself.  He turned to look up at his father and uncle in laws before choking out. “It was my fault.” Before he wept, but he hardly any tears came out due to his dehydration, but the emotion was all there as he leaned up against his wife’s unconscious body.
The anger and resentment the two Queen members once felt, melted away as they heard the pain in Jack’s voice.
“Jack.” Roger started off softly.  Jack gripped his wife’s hand in his as he kissed her temple. Brian and Roger turned to Elton who told them.
“They’re saying there might be a chance she may not wake up. Not only he but the kids saw the bastard shoot her right there on stage performing her favorite song of Freddie’s.” at hearing that, Brian and Roger looked down at Jack in shock.  Brian ran his hand through his curls as he exhaled heavily.
“Please……” Jack pleaded in a soft whisper as he turned to look up at them. “Please forgive me. I—I couldn’t protect her.” Brian looked down at Jack with empathy while Roger still looked at him with a harsh glare.
When Jack turned back around to weep into his wife’s shoulder. He didn’t notice Roger walking right up to him.  Roger just stood over Jack and he could’ve struck Jack in anger, sorrow whatever was racing through him.
In the end, he just placed his hand on top of Jack’s head and said four words that would resonate within Jack for the rest of his life.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Jack turned to look up at him. Behind his circular shades, Roger’s eyes were now showing only sadness.  He then immediately embraced Jack and Jack buried his face into Roger’s chest.
Just like he had done with (y/n) many times whenever she cried, Roger cupped the back of his head and allowed Jack to bury his face deeper into his chest if he needed as Jack’s arms wrapped around him and he shook with each sob her let out.  The drummer held firm but allowed a few tears to slip down his face.
Soon enough Brian joined in as he embraced Jack from behind. The two of them sandwiching their beloved girl’s husband.  Elton and Bernie took this as their cue to leave, so without a word the two of them left the hospital and decided that for now they needed to get back to the real world and let the members of Queen take over in comforting the Kline family through these dark times.
But they both promised they’d call and check up on how their beloved angel was doing.
Three weeks passed and throughout that time Jack had confessed to Brian and Roger everything that had been going on with Steve, the stalking, the threatening letters, everything.
“Where are the kids?” asked Brian.
“Jensen took them the day before you guys came here. They—they needed time away. Mom’s been calling me with updates. All of them having nightmares, especially Kelly.”
“Oh god that poor dear.” Brian exhaled.
“You think you could call and have them come back? Now that we’re here.” Asked Roger.
“I could try. Don’t know if my mom will allow it.”
“I’ll convince her if I have to.” Roger said strongly.  Jack nodded.
“I’ll try.” He then stood up and went to find a payphone while Roger went with him leaving Brian alone with (Y/n).  Brian took a seat close to her bedside and took her hand in his, his thumb gently stroking over her knuckles.
“You stubborn, stubborn girl.” He scoffed softly. “You could’ve told us. We would’ve understood. Please, please my darling star. Don’t leave us yet. Not so young.”  He squeezed her hand tightly between both of his before lifting it up and kissed the back of her hand.
“Good news, she’s gonna bring the kids over.” Roger said as he and Jack returned to the room.  “Any sign of her moving at all?” he asked Brian.
“Afraid not.” Roger then took a seat on the other side and stroked his daughter’s cheek.
“Hey lovie. Yeah it’s me. Papa lion’s here. Listen; you gotta come back to us. For the kids, for Jack, your family. We all miss you. I miss you. And…..you can’t be with your real dad. Not yet. Remember our talk on your 21st birthday? Don’t do this to your papa lion. Don’t leave him just yet my lion cub.”  He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
He stayed there for as long as he could before finally separating and allowing a couple of tears to fall down onto her cheek.  
He wiped them away as he lay his head down close to her, wrapping his arm around her body hoping that his father love would bring her back.
The next day as promised, Jack’s mom came in with the kids. When little Kelly saw her godfather and uncle, she immediately ran up to her godfather and embraced him tightly.  He felt the young child softly cry into his shoulder.
“Oh Kelly cub.” Roger cooed as he embraced his goddaughter and rocked her back and forth trying to comfort her.
“Mom, has she—” Jack asked his mom as he held Georgie in his arms while Jackson went over to his uncle Brian.
“She hasn’t spoken a word since she came to live with me and your dad. Just nightmares every night. Not even the therapist we got for her and the boys can get her to say anything.”
“And what of the boys?” asked Brian.
“We talk. It’s not fun though.” Jackson said as he fondled with his uncle’s unbuttoned shirt.
“We don’t like talking about that night every day.” Georgie said as he clung onto his dad.
“I’m sure it doesn’t buddy. Talking about stuff like that never is. Trust me I had to tell it over and over again to some police officers and detectives these past few weeks.”
“Does it hurt to talk about it? Cause I hurt when I talk about it.” Georgie said to his dad.  Jack leaned his head against his son’s and said.
“Every time.” As Roger rubbed little Kelly’s back, she then finally whispered so brokenly that it broke Roger’s heart but also surprised him because this was the first thing she had to say in over three weeks.
“She’s gonna die, isn’t she?” Roger looked down at her and tucked away her (h/c), the same color she inherited from her mother.
“Could you give Kelly-cub and I some privacy?” they all nodded and left the room, knowing what Roger had in mind.
Jack however was hesitant to leave.  He stood halfway out the door before turning back to his baby girl. He looked to Roger but the drummer just gave him a look that said to him ‘let me handle this.’  While Jack wanted to stay and talk to his daughter, maybe even try to comfort her, another part of him was saying let Roger handle this.
He was always able to comfort his wife whenever she needed it in the past long before he knew her, maybe what his daughter needed was the famed Roger Taylor “comforting charm” just like her mom always got.  With that Jack left taking Georgie with him.
Roger removed his shades and hung them over the front of his shirt while he adjusted Kelly in his lap.
“Is that what’s been on your mind lately lion cub?” she gave him a sad nod.
“All I hear is mum still not being awake. And it’s all that’s ever on tv. And now seeing her still the same I—I know I’m gonna lose her. Just like she lost her mum when she was a year older than me. I don’t wanna grow up without her!” Kelly wept.
“Hey, hey, hey Kelly-bear. Kelly lovie. Shhh, shhh. Deep breaths darling.” Roger soothed her as he cupped the side of her face.  Kelly look at her godfather and saw the gentle blue eyes staring back at her.  Those eyes that always gave her a sense of warmth and comfort when her parents were either too busy or not around.
She did exactly what her god papa told her to do as Roger stroked her cheek with his thumb.
“That’s my little cub.” He praised as he kissed her other cheek. “I know this is a very scary time love, believe me I’m terrified.”
“You are?”
“Yes. We all are.”
“But I thought grownups never got scared.” Kelly said with a tilt of her head.
“Oh trust me love. Grownups get scared a lot. I’ve been there, your uncles have been there, even your mum and dad. Fear is natural to everyone old or young. And something like this—it’s really scary.”
“Will I really grow up without a mum like she did?” hearing that question broke Roger’s heart.  He stroked the strands of hair out of her face but before he could say anything a voice spoke up from the door.
“I doubt that Kelly. She has the strength of a lioness, and that’s what you got from her.” The two of them turned towards the door and Kelly gasped out and proclaimed as she ran towards the door.
“Uncle Deacy!” Roger was surprised to see his dear friend again after two years apart.  Kelly hugged her uncle and Deacy embraced the young girl back.  He rubbed her back comfortingly before kneeling down to her height.
“Your mum’s been through many obstacles and tribulations. This is just another one to the list. She knew what it was like to grow up without a mum, and she’s always told me that she refused to let you kids grow up without one. Especially you poppet.”
“But what if she doesn’t pull through uncle Deacy? Some people are saying mum may never wake up.” Deacy sighed heavily and said.
“For now it’s still too soon to tell. Nothing is written in stone yet.”
“Your uncle Deacy’s right love. As long as these monitors keep beeping, we know that your mum is still alive. She’s just resting and trying to heal herself. And with a mighty lion soul that she has, she’ll need a lot of rest.” Roger said as he stood up and knelt down beside her, kneeling right beside John.
Kelly turned back to her mom and walked over to her.  She laid her hand on the small railing and just looked at her mum.
“She looks like Sleeping beauty.”
“She does, doesn’t she?” Roger said as both he and Deacy stood up.
“Can—can she hear us?” Kelly asked.
“I’m sure she can. I’ll bet she’d love to hear your voice.” Kelly walked closer towards her mom’s head and she said.
“Mum. It’s me, Kelly. I—I wish you’d wake up. Please, I need to know you’re gonna be okay. Seeing you get hurt like that was really scary, but papa Roger says that it’s okay to be scared. Said that you get scared sometimes too. But he also said that you need to heal your lion soul, so hopefully it’s getting better. But I wish you could wake up because I love you so much and miss you. Same with everyone else.”
The two youngest members of Queen watched with heavy hearts as this young girl was talking to her coma-induced mother.  Doing something that only a grown up should do when their parents are elderly, not when the child is still a literal child just barely the age of 10.  
“Can I have a moment alone with her?” John whispered to Roger. The drummer looked at the bass player before agreeing to Deacy’s request.
“Kelly love, why don’t we go and find your dad and head on over to the cafeteria? Maybe get a pudding cup.” Kelly looked up at him before turning back to her mum.  She kissed her mom’s cheek before racing over to Roger who picked her up in his arms. Roger held her close to him and rubbed her back comfortingly as Deacy did the same before giving her a kiss on the head.
He watched as his friend took his niece away leaving him alone with his sister.
For Deacy this was the third hardest thing he ever had to cope with.  First he had to go through the trauma of losing his dad so suddenly, then he lost his best friend Freddie to a terrible disease that literally ate him from the inside out, and now this.
John Deacon had heard about this terrible event through his daughter Laura who came in storming from school with a newspaper on hand. She showed her father the article that had read ROCK ANGEL SHOT AT MSG IN NYC.
Deacy almost lost it at this point.  It had almost been 2 years since Freddie’s death and now to hear that his sister had been shot at by some deranged psychopath, it practically destroyed him.  
Like with Freddie’s final moments, Deacy almost didn’t even want to go and see his sister in some hospital bed barely clinging to life only to be let down for the third time in his life.  He was even thinking that this would be the thing that would finally push him over the edge.
But he was stopped by the love of his wife Veronica who had managed to get through to John.  She told him that he had missed his chance with Freddie, and with the love and support he had given (y/n) throughout the 13 years he had known her, he had to go see her.  Because if he didn’t and should she be pronounced dead, he was going to regret it for the rest of his life.
So cleaning himself up, John Deacon bought his first class flight to New York City and had arrived just for her.
“Sister dear.” He started off.  “I—I don’t know if you can hear me but, I’m here. I read what happened….About the shooting, of course the media loves to exploit some details so I don’t know what exactly is true or not. But…..why you didn’t tell us what was going on? Sister you—you should’ve come to us. We could’ve protected you. I—I could’ve protected you. Please don’t go. Don’t you leave us too. Please come back to us.”
*My POV*
I don’t know where I was.  All I saw was nothing but blackness until suddenly a flash of light came at me and I was now in a—jungle? Wait why was everything a bigger? And why do I feel—different? I mean I still feel like me but not, this is confusing. I then see just ahead of my what appeared to be some sort of lake or well I guess watering hole (since this is a jungle I guess I better call it a watering hole).
I walked towards it and stood at the edge of it but when I got up to it, I was—well to put it lightly stunned. No I’m just gonna say I was freaking out.  What I saw staring right at me was a lioness.  I backed up screaming.  Hell you would scream too if a lioness was staring right back at you. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Back it up.  I approached the water again and lifted my hand but the lioness raised its paw up.
Oh. My. God. The lioness was—I was the lioness.
“Okay. This is even weirder than when Deacy and I got so drunk in Rio that we both woke up with each other’s clothes on and he had the word ANUS written on his forehead in sharpie while I had a dick drawn on mine.”
Okay so I’m a lioness. I am a freakin lioness.  The Queen of the beasts. Why? I mean I know Roger and the band always called me lioness but that’s just figuratively. But now, literally I’m a lioness.
“Maybe if I walk around I might find someone who could explain this crazy shit show.” I then began walking through the wide jungle, but as I walked I kept feeling this brush of pain on both my side and stomach but I didn’t know why.  And I know this sounds crazy, but I think something or someone is following me.
Every time I turned around, I would see this brush of a shadow before it disappeared.  I was weary and thanks to these lion instincts it made me even more aware that whatever it was, was still following me as I kept walking.  Suddenly out of nowhere I felt something land on my head and a flap of wings attacked my face.
I fell to the ground and shook whatever it was off of me before growling at it.
“Show yourself!” I soon heard a laugh and it said.
“Bout time you finally noticed me.” I turned around and there stood a peacock.
“Are—are you the thing that’s been following me?”
“I don’t know. Was I? Or am I?” he spoke in a riddle-like manner as he fanned his tail feathers.  I rolled my eyes and said.
“Well this is where you stop. Now go away.”
“Whatever for?”
“Cause you’re annoying me, and I don’t have time for games. I’m looking for someone.”
“Oh really? And just who might that be?” he came up to me and cocked his head in that bird-like manner.
“I—I don’t know. Just someone. Anyone.”
“Well I know where you can find someone.”
“You do?”
“Yes. But shh come here, it’s a secret.” I leaned down towards him and he wrapped his wing around me.  But instead of giving me a name he started speaking in bloody tongues, flaunting before prancing about away from me.
“Stop! Stop! Enough! ENOUGH! What the hell does that mean?”
“It means you’re a peacock. And I’m not.” He then began laughing at his own statement.
“No, you’re as mad as the March Hare.” I muttered angrily as I walked away.
“Wrong!” I had a feathery finger suddenly poke my nose stopping me in my tracks. “I’m not the one whose mad. Cause you don’t even know why you’re here.”
“You don’t know the first thing about me bird! Now stay out of my way before I go full predator on you!” I growled before giving him a warning roar which made him fly back scared.
“Okay! Okay, okay.” I walked past him angrily.  “No wonder why you’re a lioness my Rock Angel.” I gasped as I stopped in my tracks.  I turned towards him and he only gave a wave before saying, “Bye-bye.” And took off flying, almost turning into a shadow with how quick he suddenly took off.
“Oi wait!” I chased after the peacock.  Practically losing sight of it till I saw it now standing on top of a rock.  I trotted towards it and I asked him. “Did you just say my Rock Angel?”
“No. I said thy Rock Angel.”
“No you didn’t. I specifically heard you say My. And—” I trailed off before looking downward solemnly. “Only one person ever called me that. But he died. What felt like a long time ago.”
“Nope. Wrong again darling!” he laughed again before flying off the rock and now stood before a small entrance into a thicket-like forest. “You said you wanted someone to talk to, I can show you. But you gotta catch up with me first and I’m fast!” he then disappeared through the hole.
I trotted up to it and looked inside it.  I can’t believe I’m actually doing this, but—what other option is there? So I entered inside the thicket.
It was definitely a tight squeeze just to even go through it but somehow I managed to get inside.  I peeked through some thick brush and there sitting on a perch of a tree was the peacock.
“Don’t dottle dear, hurry up!”
“Hey wait, wait, wait!” he kept soaring and jumping from branch to branch all the while chanting and singing out words that didn’t even sound right.
“C’mon lioness!”
“Would you slow down!?” suddenly I felt myself falling down a hill but I quickly stood back up and continued to push forward.  
Getting caught in branches and vines all I kept thinking to myself was follow the peacock’s bizarre singing.  Hitting bush after bush I ran faster and faster as the thicket closed closer and closer around me.
“STOP!” the peacock suddenly said as it spread out it’s tail.  I skid to a stop and the peacock made it’s cooing sound as it’s tail tucked back in like a fan.  He then slowly strutted towards the edge of the thicket and he said. “Come here child.”
I got out of the thicket and we now stood before some kind of creek.
“Why’d you bring me here?”
“Look into the water, and you will speak to the one you most long to speak to.” I looked at him, and I was surprised to see that instead of this goofy, child-like attitude he had earlier.  He was now more serious and dead-center on me doing this.
I followed his orders and slowly approached the creek. I slowly walked towards it before looking into the water that lay beneath me.  
But all I saw was myself.  I waited and waited but still nothing happened.
“Nothing’s happening. And just who is it that I’m supposed to see?”
“Shhh! Look harder.” I then saw his feather-finger touch the water and ripples soon started to form.  I looked closer into the water and soon an image began to form. Suddenly everything around me grew darker but then something echoed through the air.
“AYE-OH!” my eyes widened and I whispered.
“Freddie?” suddenly there was a bright glow right beside me and then a bright flash.
I felt myself floating now and when I looked down at myself, I saw that I was now human again.  There was nothing but darkness before suddenly a giant bright light encompassed the darkness.  Instead of alone and frightened, there was—warmth.  And love.
The light then began to form a giant silhouette of a man (by giant I mean seriously giant. I was like an ant compared to this shadow).
However this specific silhouette was very familiar to me. It was Freddie, standing in the exact shadow position that he once did for the Bohemian Rhapsody video.
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Though I couldn’t physically see his face, it was him.
“(Y/n) dear. Why are you here?” he said to me.
“I—I was…..” it then came back to me.  The concert, the pain, the gunshots, Steve. “I was shot. Steve he—killed me. At the concert.”
“Not quite my darling. You’re still clinging onto life. So I’m going to make the decision for you. Go back. Go back to our family. You still have so much more to give to the world. The world may have lost Freddie Fucking Mercury, but do not let them lost the Rock ‘Badass bitch’ Angel.”
“BUT WHY FREDDIE!? Steve he—he’s made my life hell this past year. How can I face him?” Freddie’s spirit shined brighter than the sun and encompassed around me as he said.
“You will do that by reminding him who you are. You are (Y/n) (m/n) Kline. My Rock Angel.” Feeling his light around me, it was like Freddie was actually holding me, embracing me with his confidence and giving me the strength I needed to fight.  
I looked up right where his face was at and tears poured down my face as I looked up at him in awe.
“Show him. The lioness you are.” It was then his silhouette began to disappear.
“NO! PLEASE! Don’t leave me again!” I chased after his light that was now getting further and further away from me.  No matter how fast I ran, I couldn’t reach him. “FREDDIE!”
“Show him the lioness you are.”
“Don’t go.” I gave up the run and collapsed to my knees as Fred’s final words to me were.
“The lioness you are.” I collapsed to my knees before feeling this gently wind blow across my face as Freddie’s spirit was now gone and I was once again in nothing but darkness.
Sitting there in silence, I began to realize that I couldn’t stay here.  Freddie was right, even though I would have to face Steve again if they caught him and put him on trial.  I couldn’t abandon my family.  Brian, Deacy, Roger, Elton, David, Jensen, Jared, their wives and children. Mum and dad. Jack, and my kids.
I grew up without a mother, I couldn’t let my own children go through the same thing, especially my baby girl Kelly.  Cause she’s almost the exact age I was when I lost my mum, no I refuse to leave my baby motherless! That cycle will not go on!
“I gotta get out of here. But how? How? Come on (y/n) wake up. WAKE UP!!!” I screamed.  I kept screaming at myself to wake up, I shook my head rapidly, pinched myself, even slapped my cheeks a few times telling myself to wake up but nothing was working. “No it. It’s can’t end like this. I can’t die. I don’t wanna die. Please. Please wake up. Freddie I—I don’t know what else to do.” There was dead silence. I lowered my head and felt tears come into my eyes.  I sniffled before I suddenly heard a voice.
‘Sister dear.’ Deacy? No it—it couldn’t be. ‘I—I don’t know if you can hear me but, I’m here.’ It was him.  I knew that distinct accent anywhere.  But—why was he here? I hadn’t seen him since the tribute concert two years ago.  He never called, or sent a letter, he wanted his space and I obliged by giving it to him. Now he was here.
I soon felt something take my hand, I felt a squeeze before Deacy’s voice spoke again.
‘I read what happened….About the shooting, of course the media loves to exploit some details so I don’t know what exactly is true or not. But…..why you didn’t tell us what was going on? Sister you—you should’ve come to us. We could’ve protected you. I—I could’ve protected you. Please don’t go. Don’t you leave us too. Please come back to us.’ I could hear the tremor in his voice by the end.
“Oh Deacy.” I cooed. “Please, please (y/n) wake up. They still need me. I can’t leave them now. Not like this. Please somebody, anybody, wake me up.”
It was then I felt this warmth inside my chest.  It got warmer and warmer until yet another light shined right where I got shot the second time and I was now surrounded by bright light.
*3rd Person POV*
Deacy remained there clutching his sister’s hand tightly, his eyes brimming with tears.  Suddenly he felt fingers slightly twitching in his grip.  His face quickly changed from sorrow to surprise.  Slowly for the first time in 3 weeks, (y/n) Kline was finally opening her eyes.
*My POV*
The first thing I saw was white.  White light everywhere.  Oh god please tell me I didn’t go to heaven. I wanted to go home.  But it wasn’t until my hearing came back and I could hear the sounds of machines beeping and counting off something.  I felt a hand grasping mine and when my vision became clear, there sat Deacy.
Boy did he change in the last two years.  His hair was now more grey and longer now.  It came right just the back of his neck, a few inches from growing past his shoulders.  His eyes were red and brimmed as he stared down at my in shock, almost not believing something.
“Did you seriously grow a mullet?” was the first thing I asked him.  He smiled and scoffed out as he shook his head.
“At least I still have hair unlike Roger whose slowly losing his. Of all the things to say that’s the first thing that comes out of you?” I playfully looked up at him.  He didn’t say another word but his actions spoke louder than what he could ever say.
He leaned down towards me and began kissing all over my face. Cupping my cheeks in his hands as he would press his forehead to mine and poking his sharp nose to mine, drawing in our sibling strength.
“Hey Deacy, Roger said you might want some breakfast since you—” we both looked up at the door and there stood my Jack.  Deacy stepped aside from the bed as Jack and I locked eyes with each other.  He dropped what looked like a pudding cup and stood there frozen.
“Hey Jack.” I said.  Jack didn’t say a word but crossed over to me, his bottom lip trembling as he sat down beside me and cupped my face in his hands, just like Deacy had earlier. A sad smile soon broke out across his face as tears poured down his face and he gently embraced me.
“You came back.” I leaned against his shoulder and inhaled his scent.  And yeah even though he smelled like he hadn’t showered in days, I didn’t care at this point.  It was Jack. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him as hard as I could.  We separated from each other and he leaned down and kissed me.  The kiss got more and more passionate and I said between our kisses.
“I’m here Jack I’m…..I promised. Till death….”
“Don’t even finish that.” We both chuckled as we now stared at each other.
“The kids! Jack where are my babies? He didn’t……”
“No, no baby. Brian and Roger have them. They’re alright. Well physically they are. They were shaken up the first several days.”
“I’ll go get them.” Deacy offered as he left the room.
“What—what happened Jack?”
“You really don’t remember?”
“All I remember was pain, a loud popping sound and Steve. Other than that nothing.”
“(Y/n). Steve he—he shot you during Somebody to love. He shot you twice in the side and stomach. I ran you all the way to the hospital.”
“You did?” he nodded. “How—how long have I been out?”
“You were in the ICU for over 12 hours before being moved here. But you’ve been in a coma for the past 3 weeks.”
“Three—three weeks?!” I shouted which made me flinch which caused some pain in my side.
“Baby are you alright?!” he asked urgently.
“Just a pain in my side. Must’ve stressed out a stitch or something.”
“I’ll call the doctor and let him know you’re awake.” As he reached over and pressed the call button on the wall, I heard the racing of footsteps coming towards the room.  Paranoid I thought it was Steve coming to finish the job, but soon three small voices eased my nerves tremendously.
“Mummy!” soon racing in were Kelly, Georgie and Jackson. All three of my kids raced over and tried to climb up on my bed.
“Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on kids. Easy. Mommy is hurting very badly. Be gentle around her.” Jack warned the kids as my boys got up by my feet while Kelly stood on the other side of me.
“Are you okay mummy?” asked Georgie as he lay on my right side.
“I will be baby.”
“Bad man hurt mummy.” Jackson said.
“Yes he did Jackson. But mummy’s gonna be okay now.”
“Are you sure you’re not gonna die mum?” I looked to my left to see my baby girl’s look of uncertainty.  I lifted my hand and wiped away her hidden tear.
“I’m sure baby. A…..very special angel told me I was gonna be okay when I woke up. I promise you, I’m gonna be just fine. A few days of rest and I’ll be right as rain again. Just you wait and see.” I poked her nose which made her smile before she got closer to me and leaned her head against my shoulder.  I smiled as I leaned my head against her and kissed the top of her head.
“You damn better well be. Cause hearing about all this on the news is not what I ever want to see from you again.” I looked up at the door and there along with Deacy were Brian and Roger.
Oh fuck.
“Dad, Brian. I—”
“We’ll discuss this later. For now we’ll let you be with your kids and husband.” Brian lectured me, that stern look in his eyes when he meant something.
“I’m afraid that won’t happen till later.  I’m gonna have to ask all of you to leave while I check Mrs. Kline’s vitals.” A male doctor around his mid-30’s possibly early 40’s with short brown hair and tan skin said as he came in.
“Why can’t we stay with her?!” Kelly demanded.
“The doctor’s gotta make sure mommy’s okay sweetie. But she needs to be alone so that she can do his tests.” Jack tried to calm her down.
“No I wanna stay with mummy! I want to stay with mummy! I want to stay with mummy!” she began to throw a tantrum.
“Kelly. Kelly. Kelly Michelle Kline!” I spoke her name in a low toned voice.  She stopped her fitting and I said as I cupped her chin.  “None of that now. You are to do as your father and the doctor tell you.”
“But what if you die?!” she whimpered.  Oh my poor baby girl.  God if I ever come face to face with Steve again, I’ll be sure to give him hell for traumatizing my little girl like he did.
“Baby these tests aren’t dangerous to me. It’s just to see if I’m gonna be okay to leave. Now I want you to go with your father and stay with him until the doctor gives the all clear to come back in. And no more tantrums, is that understood?”
“Yes mama.” She huffed solemnly.
“Good girl.” As Brian and Deacy each took the boys, Jack took our daughter’s hand and as they passed the door, Roger took her other hand and soon everyone but the doctor was out.  “I’m so sorry about that she’s never—”
“No worries Mrs. Kline. I get children who act like that all the time when their parents go into surgery or they need to get a shot. First introductions I’m Dr. Hamilton, I met your husband at the door when he brought you in.”
“Did he seriously run the full 20 blocks to get here?” I asked him.
“Oh yeah. And it was lucky for you he did. I told him based on the amount of blood loss you had, had he waited for an ambulance at the stage, you might’ve been lost to us.” Oh my god.  Jack you—you crazy, indescribable man.  “Okay now first I want to check your eyes, look right at me.”
I looked at him as he shined a light in my eyes.  He held his finger up and told me to follow it. I followed his instructions and he said,
“Okay now straight at me again.” He nodded. “Okay pupils are normal, and your ocular motility is perfect. So there’s no brain damage. Tell me do you have any discomfort? Feeling any pain around the stomach?”
“Just a sharp pain in my side when I moved around after finding out how long I had been in a coma for.”
“Alright let me take a look.” He uncovered me and lifted my shirt up so that he could see just what had been done.  My right side and the center of my stomach had been stitched up and was still stained with some dried up blood.  “Well good news is there’s no unhooked stitches. We’ll get you some morphine to dull the pain. And then I can prescribe to you the pain killers you’ll need while you recover here.”
“Thank you Dr. Hamilton.”
“You’re welcome Mrs. Kline. Are there any other concerns you wish to speak to me about?”
“Yes. As a matter of fact. How long will I need to be here for?”
“Well that depends. Cause here’s what I’d like to show you that we had found out from the first gunshot wound you had gotten.” He turned on a screen light and held up my scans of my skeleton.  “When the first bullet entered your side, it actually ended up almost right in the L3 vertebrate.”
“And what is that?”
“It’s the vertebrate that helps with the leg muscles. There—might be a chance you may not be able to walk again.” What? No it—it can’t be. “But it’s not 100%. My best guess is that there’s a 50-50 shot. It didn’t penetrate it enough to cause the L3 to break, but there was some damage to it when the bullet tried to exit out that way through your Lumbar vertebrate. If you can show us you can at least attempt to walk, we can have you transferred to our physical therapy facility in Upstate New York.”
“And if you’re wrong?” he sighed heavily and said.
“Then we can do one of two options. We can operate to try and repair any nerve damage done, but that in itself could have serious risk. Or…..you can tell us to let you go and you’ll never be able to walk again.”
Steve you selfish, cowardice, son of a bitch! You’re ruined me!
“I’m sorry miss. But don’t lose all hope just yet. We’ll give you a week of bedrest and do some minor leg tests to see how you’re doing.”
“Thank you Dr. Hamilton.” He nodded and said he call my family back in before he left my room.
I couldn’t believe this.  There is literally a 50% chance that I may never walk again.  How the hell was I gonna perform? No one would want to see a wheelchair rockstar.  Steve’s basically ruined my life now? How the hell am I ever gonna recover from this.
At that point the kids came back inside with Jack, Brian, Deacy and Roger.  The kids all cuddled up to me and we shared a brief moment until a police officer came in.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Kline. I’m Lieutenant Banks NYPD. I wanted to ask if you’d give us a statement in regard to Steve Harrison’s attack on you.”
“She’ll give you her statement when she’s well enough.” Roger snapped out.
“Dad.” I warned him.  “I’ll tell you everything.” He took out his notepad and I confessed everything, all while the guys and the kids were there.
“Okay now did anything happen after the shooting?” asked Lt. Banks.
“He uhh….he looked right at me and actually stole her wedding ring right off her finger.” Jack explained.
“He did what!?” I finally looked down at my left ring finger and was horrified to see that my ring was truly gone. “No. That—that son of a……”
“Actually Mrs. Kline. We’ve recovered the ring. In fact, I’ve got it right here.” He soon dug through his pocket and pulled out an evidence bag.  He opened it up and soon he pulled out my wedding ring.  
“How did you get it back?” asked Brian as Jack took the ring and placed it back on my finger.
“When was the last time any of you checked the news?” the Lt. asked us.  
We all stayed silent before he walked up and turned on the TV.  A female news anchor sat there at the desk and she said.
“It has been three weeks since the horrific attack at Madison Square Garden. Rockstar sensation (Y/n) Kline aka the Rock Angel was shot in cold blood in the middle of her concert. Her assailant, her former PA Steve Harrison after going on the run. Was finally apprehended. Not by police, but some loyal fans of the rockstar herself. Let’s get in touch with Bobby whose live at the scene where the assault took place. Bobby.”
The screen split to an elderly man and the name Robert “Bobby” Johnson came on the screen.
“Thank you Natalie. It was right here at the corner of 34th and 33rd street when a group of men recognized Steve Harrison from the news. Reports say that the group of 7 boys jumped Steve and proceeded to beat him till almost consciousness. It took about 5 minutes for police to finally arrive. When asked about why these men attacked him, this is what they had to say.”
The screen altered to a young black man with dreads, he had the makings of a beard starting to come around his chin, up to his face.  He looked to be about Jack’s age and he spoke in a low tone as his name read William Henderson.
“The Rock Angel is life man. She practically saved me through some tough sh*t in my life. And to hear this coward did what he did, he didn’t deserve to be walking the streets the way he did.” Another boy appeared on screen.  This time he was white with blue eyes and blonde hair and the name Harvey Davidson came up on the screen.  His accent was a heavy Bronx tonality as he said.
“Even though she’s from England, (Y/n) Kline was born and made here in New York. I remember when I saw her very first concert when she came up with Queen.”
“No a**hole messes with the Rock Angel! You mess with the Angel you mess with New York!” another black boy named Erik Woodson proclaimed.
“You mess with her, you mess with all of us!” Harvey came back on screen.
“Steve Harrison has been taken to a separate hospital from where the Rock Angel is said to recover but will be facing criminal charges. As for the gang that assaulted him, they too were arrested for assault and battery in a public place. But are they guilty? Or are they heroes? More of this to come at News4 tonight at 6pm. Back to you Natalie.”
“Thank you Bobby, coming up next—” at that point Lt. Banks turned the tv off.
“Surprisingly, one of those young gentlemen found it hanging around Steve’s neck. He recognized the ring from her last concert she did in Queens. Told us to make sure she got it back.”
“Seems we know who the real fans are.”
“Roger not now.” Brian scolded softly.
“What’s gonna happen to him now?”
“Well—those boys did a pretty bad number on him. When and if he wakes up, he’ll go to jail and be put on bail. Then of course the trial. We’ll keep in touch with you once all of this goes down.” He handed me his card and bid us a good day.  All was quiet once more before Brian looked at me and he softly said my name.  I shook my head before suddenly finding myself laughing.
“What is wrong with the world? Why did this have to happen to me? Why me? I told him I told that rich, pompous, arrogant, sexist asshole what Steve was doing but did he listen to me? No! He didn’t! Hollywood records doesn’t give a shit! They never did! They hired a fucking sociopath to be my personal assistant and to make matters worse IT WAS HIS FUCKING NEPHEW!!!!”
Tears of anger pooled in my eyes as I angrily tapped my finger against the railing.
“James did this. He didn’t care. He knew he must’ve known his nephew was like that. Why else would he easily give him the job as my personal assistant. I should never have signed up with Hollywood records. I never should’ve left EMI. I should never have come to America. I should never have become the Rock Angel!”
“Don’t say that (y/n).” Jack tried to calm me down.
“No, no, no! NOOO!! Had I never been famous this-this-this-this shhhhh SHIT! Would’ve never happened!” I stammered angrily.  He stroked down my arm comfortingly.
“Baby calm down.”
“No you don’t tell me to calm down! I may never walk again Jack! Did you know that?! Yeah Dr. Hamilton said there’s a 50-50 chance of me being paralyzed. Who in the hell would want to see a handicapped Rockstar!? HMM! Tell me that Jack Kline! In fact who would want to be married to a handicapped Rockstar!? You’ll leave me, you’ll all leave me just like everybody else in my FUCKING LIFE!!”
At this point I was going crazy.  I may not have known it then, but my kids were starting to get so scared of how I was acting, Deacy had to take my kids out of the room while Brian ran to find a nurse or doctor.  Both Jack and Roger tried to calm me down but I was literally going—well exorcism crazy.
It wasn’t until a nurse came in with a needle and poked it into my veins before I suddenly stopped my rage fit and passed out.
*3rd Person POV*
After she collapsed onto her bed, Jack took his wife’s hand and clutched it between both of his.
“The sedative should keep her asleep for the rest of the day.” She said to them as she took the needle out of her arm.
“Thank you.” Brian thanked her.  She nodded before leaving the room.
“I’m just thankful the bastard’s finally been caught.” Roger said. “I’ll agree with one of those boys.  He did not deserve to walk down the streets of New York after shooting my daughter and wearing her wedding ring around his neck like some prize he won at a fucking carnival!”
“That’s only half of good news to this whole shit show. Already the British media are just as fueled up by this just as they were when Freddie died. The same arsehole who trashed Freddie’s name as well as many others who died of AIDS calling it their form of suicide. He’s called (y/n) out as a woman looking for trouble. Like she asked for this to happen.” Brian snapped.
Jack shook his head angrily as he stared out the window before suddenly trudging out of the room.
“Jack where are you going? Jack!” Roger called out.  But the young man didn’t answer.  All that was going through Jack was anger and rage.
Roger and Brian looked at each other confused but they chose to stay with (Y/n) thinking that Jack needed some air, after hearing what the British tabloids were saying about his wife.
*My POV*
I woke up the next day (at least I hoped it was the next day) and saw Roger and Brian sleeping in the hospital chairs.  I softly smiled at them and said softly.
“Morning guys.”
“Hey love, you’re awake. You okay now?” Brian asked me as he and Rog both woke up.
“Little funny. Now was I dreaming? Or did that bitch stab me in the fucking arm?” I croaked out.  The two of them laughed softly.
“No (y/n). She gave you a sedative. You—went a little bonkers last night.” Brian said as he stroked the side of my cheek.  I turned to my dad and said.
“How bad was I?”
“On a scale, I’d say you were all of Motley Crüe mixed in with 20 beers and maybe a little bit of heroine.”
“That bad huh? Were—were the kids…..” they didn’t answer me. Then again they didn’t have to, the sympathetic looks on their faces told me all. “Oh god. I—I’m sorry guys. I—I need my babies here, I need to apologize to them on my behavior. I didn’t mean to scare them.”
“We know lovie, we know.” Dad cooed as he brushed his fingers through my hair.
“Where’s Jack?” I asked.
“We don’t know. He just…..walked out and we haven’t heard from him.”
“He’s not at the hotel? With the kids?” I asked frantically.
“Calm down love I’m sure he just—needed to go on a long walk. Think this whole thing through. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Brian soothed me as he rubbed my shoulder.
“Mrs. Kline, we’re here with your breakfast and some medicine. Mr. May, Mr. Taylor I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you both to please leave the room since we had allowed you both to stay overnight.”
“We understand. Thank you for letting us stay though Nurse Williams. We greatly appreciate it.” Brian said.  She smiled and nodded.  Brian looked down at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “He’ll come back love, just give him some time.” After he left, dad came up and cupped the side of my face.
“I’ll be back tonight to check in on you.” I thanked him and he kissed my forehead before giving me an Eskimo kiss before he followed behind Brian.
The entire day went by and the weather soon changed from cloudy to pouring down rain.  It was around 7pm and Nurse Williams had just brought in my dinner for the night and there was still no word from Jack.  I was starting to get frantic with worry, that was until the door opened and coming in dripping wet was Jack.
His face completely soulless and hard as he stood there dripping wet from his head to his soaked shoes.
“Jack? What the f—where the hell have you been?!” he looked up at me.  His trance-like state broken as he said.
“I—went for a walk. A long, long, long walk.”
“And what you just stayed out in the rain for the past seven hours?! You could get sick!”
“I’ll change and take a warm shower when I get back to the hotel. This whole thing it’s just been……” he sighed heavily as he lowered his head.  My anger at him soon faded away as I relaxed and let out a soft sigh.
“Come here my love.” He looked up at me, his broken eyes staring right into mine as I reached out to him.  He walked up to me and took my hand.  I clenched his and brought it close to my face and kissed the back of his hand, as well as his knuckles.
I then looked up at him and he slowly leaned down and captured my lips with a kiss.  The kiss slowly got deeper and more passionate as Jack cupped both sides of my face.  His tongue peeking out and asking for entrance, which I granted to him.
My heart monitor was starting to escalate as I moved my hands down from his neck, down his chest and even lower to his stomach.  Once I reached his hips I felt something.
“Jack…..are you—really this turned on now?” I asked between our kisses.  It was at that moment he stopped and turned his head away from me.  His face back to being grim and his eyes cold and harsh.
“No. That’s not it.” His voice was low, almost threatening. At this point, I was getting nervous.
“Then what is that?” I asked him.  He moved his shirt aside and I saw the familiar lining of a curved, steel handle.
“It’s a gun.”
What? He got a gun? And he brought it in here?!
“Jack are you out of your fucking mind? What are you doing bringing something like that in here!?” I snapped at him.  He separated from me and his only response was.
“For protection.” I lay my head back against the pillow as I rolled my eyes.
“Jack. What do you think it’s gonna be that easy to just go and shoot somebody?!”
“Ask Steve that question.” He told me.  He turned and slowly walked away but not before completely punching my dinner tray and knocking the stand down to the floor. The food scattered everywhere, the plates fell and the tray flew across the room as Jack pinched the edge of his nose as he now stood a few feet away from the foot of my bed.  I stared blankly at what had just happened.
“You know they only give you 2 course meals here right?”
“God everything is a damn joke to you isn’t it!?” Jack snapped at me as he breathed heavily. “Steve almost killed you! He makes you flip out and then the next minute you’re treating it like a fucking joke!?!?” he roared at me.  I adjusted myself in the bed and told Jack in a low, firm tone.
“You don’t think I’m pissed Jack, hmm? Having that 50-50 chance that I may become paralyzed. Or having to live with the fact that if you hadn’t thought fast the way you did I would be with Freddie? My parents? Letting our kids grow up with the same trauma I had to go through growing up. You don’t think that I wanna walk out of this bed and get Steve for—”
“Love. My darling I know you’re scared. But these are scary times. The world’s changing and becoming a lot scarier than it was when we were kids. But it’s our job as parents to ensure that our kids don’t follow down that road.”
“Well they already got involved. Steve didn’t even care that our kids were at that concert. And with this, I’m gonna ensure that people like him never go that far again with you.” he said as he showed me the gun again.
“Okay. Then you are no better than Steve or anyone else out there in the world that solves problems with only bullets.” I lectured him. Jack looked away from my gaze, he was silent for a moment before he said.
“Look I didn’t come for a lecture. I came to check on my wife and see how she was doing.” He and I had a stare off before he grumbled. “I’m outta here.”
“Jack.” I called out to him as he stood before the door. He stopped before he could even open it up but his hand was right on the handle. “If you walk out of here with that thing, consider yourself erased from this family. The kids almost lost one parent because of that thing Jack Kline. Our babies almost lost their mother I WON’T LET THEM LOSE THEIR FATHER TOO!!!” I yelled at him.
The room was dead silent between us.  Jack slowly turned towards me.
“Now give me the gun Jack.” I said as I extended my hand out. “THEY NEARLY LOST THEIR MOTHER I WON’T LET THEM LOSE THEIR FATHER TOO!!” I repeated back to him.  Slowly Jack released his hand from the door and walked up to me silently.  He stood there, his eyes harsh and cold but I looked back at him with just as much ferocity.
He lifted his shirt and took out the gun which ended up being a double action revolver.  He wordlessly placed the gun in my hand before he looked at me with a look of defeat and walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him.
As I sat there holding the revolver in my hand I brought it close shaking my head as I opened it up.  My heart broke into a million pieces as I turned it over and all six rounds of bullets came falling onto the bedsheet.  
I closed it back up and dropped the gun by my side and held my hands to my face as I softly cried.
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