#so far there's been a cat/squirrel
motleyfam · 25 days
Dick forgets to eat sometimes.
Jason can’t fathom it—the entire concept is foreign to him. For as long as he can remember, food’s always been on his mind. If he wasn’t digging through dumpsters for it, he was squirreling away whole pieces of fruit and unopened granola bars the kids at school carelessly left on their trays, picking up gigs babysitting the neighbor brats for the complimentary PB&Js, sitting through two-hour fire & brimstone church sermons daydreaming about the fried chicken and potato salad that would come after. Jason’s gone hungry more times than he can count but never once has he simply forgotten to eat.
Bruce says it’s something with the way Dick’s brain is wired. It’s why he can’t sit still very long without his leg jittering, why he talks a mile a minute when he gets going on a topic, why his apartment always looks like a tornado went through it.
All Jason knows is that it’s five p.m. and he’s starving.
Except he isn’t—not really. He had a bowl of Cap’n Crunch in Dick’s kitchen just that morning, milk and all. Jason’s gone far longer on far less, so he doesn’t know why his stomach's complaining so much today, why his head feels achy and light, why that tiny biting pain in his middle won’t shut up. He’s been living at the Manor for four months now and he’s already gone soft.
They’re walking through Bludhaven Shopping Centre, Dick babbling on about the last obstacle of the indoor minigolf course they just finished. Jason tries to listen, but his heart is beating strangely fast and the only thought pulsing through his mind is food, food, food—
And then abruptly, he notices that Dick’s stopped walking. He’s looking at Jason, brow furrowed and lips moving as if asking a question, but Jason isn’t hearing anything because his hands are shaking and his breaths are coming out quick and gaspy and even though he’d been looking forward to hanging out with Dick for weeks now he suddenly wants nothing more than to be back in the Manor where the pantry’s always stocked and the fridge is full and he can breathe.
And then he blinks and he’s sitting at a sticky food court table, and Dick’s got a hand on his back, saying “in and out, nice and slow, that’s it” and Jason’s got tears welling up in his eyes which pisses him off because that’s stupid, he’s being stupid, only cats and babies cry because they missed lunch, and—
And then there’s a soft pretzel in a paper wrapper being nudged into his hand by a guilty-faced Dick with a murmur of “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking” and it makes Jason want to crawl into a hole and die because he can’t just be fucking normal about this.
But there’s honey mustard sauce to dip it in, and a Chipotle bowl soon after, and tomorrow he and Dick both eat all three meals.
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hedgehog-moss · 27 days
(There is blood pictured at the end of this post) (well, 1 drop) (don't worry it's mine, not some innocent creature's)
I found a dormouse in my kitchen today, just chilling on the ceiling above my head, watching me cook. Maybe even judging my cooking technique like Ratatouille. I only noticed its presence because there's a bunch of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling above the stove and at one point I heard a rustling, then a crunching noise.
It was eating my herbs.
As if they were a little snack I'd placed here for my dormouse friends. None of my other animals can walk on the ceiling, therefore any food that's near the ceiling must be an offering to the dormice. (I admit, that's sound logic.)
A dormouse family has been living in my walls since before I moved here—I should probably call it a dormouse dynasty, by now. Here's the first post I wrote about them, in 2019 ! The cats eat a lot of them (especially Morille, she loves dormice) but apparently not enough to make the key decision makers in this dormouse community decide that living in my house is more trouble than it's worth.
Every year when they hibernate and go quiet for eight months I have the renewed hope that this time the cats got rid of all of them, but the next spring they wake up and start scratching inside my walls in the middle of the night again. (Not only that's creepy, but it's so loud.)
Anyway, this dormouse, let's call him Alfred. I saw immediately which hole between two stones he'd crawled out of and the first thing I did was to stuff a salt shaker in there to block his escape route. Step 2 was to call for backup—I summoned Morille, and she came down from the living-room 2 seconds later (the cats know it's always good news when I call them to the kitchen while cooking.)
Alfred was panicking.
I grabbed a broom and started threatening him with it like an angry old woman in a cartoon. He tried to flee towards the ladder, but Morille was there. He tried to flee towards the door, but Morille was also there. He tried to hide on top of the fridge, and Morille happily lay siege to it, like my fridge was a Gallic oppidum on top of a hill and Morille was Caesar and his entire army.
Morille was having the time of her life.
But my kitchen door was ajar, and Alfred managed a heroic jump from the top of the fridge to the lintel, like a flying squirrel. He scurried out then grabbed hold of the climbing rose right above the door. When I got out and took this photo, he looked fairly stressed and pessimistic.
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I didn't want him to climb the wall all the way to the eaves and go right back into my house, so I went back in to get my broom again, either to make him lose his grip and fall straight into Morille's gaping maw (sorry), or make him run away into the woods (inferior solution; they always find their way back, unless you take them very far away.)
(I used to trap dormice humanely then drive them 3km away to release them near the barn of a neighbour I disliked, but this neighbour has since moved. (Not because of my dormouse warfare, I swear.) There's also an abandoned house in the woods where I used to exile my prisoners, but after a while I started feeling silly driving around the countryside with dormice in the backseat, so I stopped trapping them (it really was a hassle) and just let the cats eat them.)
But Alfred is a combative and resourceful rodent. In the half-minute it took me to go back in and grab my broom, he laid a trap for me.
He ran along the stem of my climbing rose in such a way that his weight made it droop jussst enough to be now hanging at face level rather than above the door. So when I ran outside again with my broom, I was slapped in the face by a thorny rose plant. (For a minute I thought I was crying tears of blood, which seemed worrying, but it was just a scratch above my eye.) (I wish it could leave a tiny scar, so people will ask how I got it, and I will tell them about the mighty dormouse wielding a rose sword.)
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I sent these pics to my brother hoping to get some sympathy, and he cropped & desaturated the one with the blood teardrop then sent it back with the comment "you look like an Evanescence song"
By this point I decided Alfred had won this battle. (Not the war, because it's almost autumn aka hibernation time so he probably found another gap between two stones and went right back inside. The war continues.) But this humble dormouse set a Saw trap to poke my eyes out the second I stepped outside my house and I respect that. I admire the way he used his environment to his advantage, and teamed up with my climbing rose to level the playing field (since I had teamed up with my cat first.) He has won the right to spend another winter inside my walls, curled up in my cosy wool insulation, dreaming of dried herbs, thwarted cats, and heroic skydiving from fridgetops.
Well played.
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tcustodisart · 5 months
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Because the farm is really Shadowheart's ending I was thinking, what would be Connie's post-game thing (he loves the farm life to pieces, but I was thinking, you know, if he was a companion what he'd be talking about during the epilogue party). And I came up with this idea - he writes and illustrates the very first Guide to the Birds of Faerûn. I don't want to torment you with my words, so if you're interested, the rest is under the cut. It's long but there are some additional doodles there.
About the book:
The book is basically like Collins Bird Guide. Including very detailed descriptions of what sounds the birds make.
Connie's already in touch with a publisher (recommended by Volo)
While Shadowheart does proofreading to see if it's digestible for non-bird-obsessed people, Connie's stepfather and Arnell help him with fact checking.
Connie was consulting Halsin while writing about waterfowl.
The book's dedication reads: "To my dearest wife and our four dogs, eight cats, nine chickens, six pigeons, four sheep, Daphne the milk cow, the odd little squirrel, Buttons and last but not least, our crow."
He thought that dedication was hilarious.
After publishing the book, he's been getting at least one letter every week regarding it.
Thanks to these letters the book gets improved with further editions.
He gets invited to various schools across the country to hold lectures but he almost always declines. (Public speeches aren't his thing and he also doesn't want to leave the farm that often.)(He made one exception for Gale because he asked very nicely and didn't take no for an answer).
Far in the future nobody remembers him as one of the heroes who saved Baldur's Gate. He's being remembered as one of Faerûn's best ornithologists.
Other companions reactions:
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Lae'zel genuinely liked the book. So much in fact, she read it more than once.
Tara hates Mondays.
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I projected on Karlach how hard it is to read books sometimes.
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The scary part of the book was the birds of prey section.
Jaheira didn't even read the book, but she does a bang up job pretending she did. She's still very proud.
Shadowheart read it so many times during proofreading she could recite some parts with her eyes closed. For a week she had nightmares about geese.
Because whenever I make a drawing with a proper background I like talking about the details I put there. So:
The picture of magpies on the wall is the same one Connie gave Shadowheart in this comic. She kept it in the same book she kept the first night orchid he gave her.
That brigs us to the night orchid next to magpies. It's the same one.
There's a doodle of Shadowheart and Daphne near the window.
As references for all the feathers in this drawing I used feathers from my own collection.
Wooden duck is obviously the one Halsin gives you in the epilogue.
The bird drawings are from this drawing I made almost 3 years ago.
Oof, thank you for reading all that, here's one last doodle:
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daydaydayrk420 · 1 month
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Logan Howlett (Wolverine) X male reader
⚠️male reader, forest sex, animal attack, dom bottom Logan, sub-top reader, choking, cock warming, creampie, alcohol, animal hunting, biting and scratching⚠️
🚨 Minors and girls do not interact 🚨
The soft sound of water drops hitting the crowns of the green echoes.
Trees. Bushes.
The bushes are filled with variants of berries.
Trees. Bushes. Animals.
That's what he's after. Food. Prey.
Y/n has been camping in the woods for a while now. He calls it "A break from society." It's been peaceful so far. Calm even. He always hunted the smaller critters so he wouldn't waste food.
Tonight feels colder. Too quiet. Too calm for his liking. Like, calm before a storm.
He's sitting by his campfire enjoying the nice weather of October. The night isn't too cold and the fire makes his surroundings the perfect temperature.
The trees are rustling as the wind picks up. Y/n looks up at the moving trees. Lately, he's noticed that the trees have strange claw markings on them. One day there are only claw marks facing from top right to bottom left and then the next day there's a second mark over it facing top left to down right. He doesn't know what it means but it's no animals job that's for sure. He's not the only one in these parts of the woods anymore. He has to keep his guard up.
Y/n is far from camp hunting. He tracked a small critter to a cave. He holds his bow and arrow as he looks around. His back is facing the cave. Little did he know there's a pair of eyes watching him from inside the cave. Heavy breathing is echoing through the walls but the rain silences it out. A simple growl and gravel creaking grabs y/n's attention. His head snaps towards the cave, bow, and arrow aimed at whatever threat lurks in the shadows. The footsteps get closer.
Y/n looks down and tilts his head. "Wolverine?" He whispered and lowered his bow. The animal tilts its head as it watches Y/n. Y/n doesn't kill the critter. It's too big for him to eat this night. And he can't put it up to dry in this weather. He lets the critter go and watches it run off. "What's a wolverine doing in these parts of the woods." He asks himself and continues walking to find a squirrel or something.
He managed to catch a groundhog. Even though it's mostly fat it still has enough to eat for the night. He can use the fat for the fire if necessary. The meat's cooking on a flat rock above the fire while Y/n's making more arrows.
He feels as if someone's watching him. He pushes that feeling to the back of his head and keeps sharpening his arrows. He makes sure his bow is near as he keeps his senses on high alert.
A bench snaps and Y/n is quick to act. Aming his bow and arrow at the cause of the sound. He starts to panic once he notices a large wolf. He can't fight that thing. Not with these arrows. "Shit"
Y/n slowly walks back and keeps his bow aimed just in case. But that's not so easy. Y/n stumbles over a rock and falls on his ass. He groans and looks for where his arrow fell. Then he hears the wolf whimper and run off.
Y/N's head snaps to where the wolf once stood but all he sees is a big man. His hair is long and messy and his beard could use a trim.
"What are you doing in these parts of the woods?" His voice is low and rough. It pierces through y/n and he's at a loss of words. "Uh... um..."
The man grunts in response. "Cat got your tongue?" Y/N just blushes as he watches the man. "Thank you... For saving me." He managed to say as he stood up.
The man nods and starts walking away. Y/n panics and jogs after him. "Wait!"
The man keeps walking. "What's your name?" Y/n asks as he keeps up with him. The man doesn't respond and keeps walking. "Wait hold up! I have to thank you." "You already did." The man huffs. "Then tell me at least your name." Y/n pleaded. The man huffs and stops. He faces y/n and looks over him. "Why were you camping there anyway?"
Y/n stops too. He looks down. "Just taking a break from society."
The man's expression softened in understanding. "...I'm Logan." His voice isn't as rough as it was earlier. "What's a kid like you doing away from society anyway." Logan said and continued walking but at a slower pace.
"Just... Everything got so overwhelming ya know..." Y/n shrugged and walked by his side. Logan only nods.
They walk in calm silence through the forest. They pass by some animals but don't think much of them.
"Ya know that groundhog you had is probably burned to crips now..." Logan said as they stood watching some deer drink from a lake. Y/n suddenly remembers about his camp. "Fuck... It took me two hours to find something in this weather..." Y/n groans. Logan looks at the younger man. "I... I have some gas station sandwiches in my camp if you're hungry." Logan suggested. He doesn't know why but somehow being around another guy who's also escaping society makes him want to keep him around.
Y/N looks at him surprised. He wants to decline but the way his stomach grumbles makes him answer instead. Logan chuckles and nods towards a cave and says. "Follow me." And without question he does.
Why is y/n following him? No clue. But he feels safe with him. That doesn't mean his guard is down. No of course not.
It's not a long walk to Logan's cave. It looks like he's lived here for a long time. "Where do you sleep? I don't see a cot or anything." Y/n asked as he looked around. There's a radio, an empty bottle of whiskey, a picture of a woman. He tilts his head and is about to ask about her but he's interrupted by a plastic box with a sandwich thrown at him.
Y/n catches it in time and looks at Logan. "Thanks." Logan nods and goes to the small radio. Y/n watches as Logan searches for a station. "I need to get me one of those." Y/n joked. Logan chuckles.
Y/N opens his sandwich and watches Logan move. Eventually, Logan stumbles upon a Willie Nelson song. He leaves it on. "Oh, I know that one." Y/n piped in. Logan looks at him surprised. "You know Willy?" Y/n nods. "Yeah. And I listen to this song the most." He chuckles as the familiar melody of 'cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other' plays from the crappy radio.
Logan chuckles. "You know it because it's about gays don't you" Y/n laughs at his assumption. "Maybe. But that doesn't change that I know Willie Nelson." They both laugh.
Y/n eats his sandwich slowly, savoring the taste, and hums along to the music. He's practically zoned out and doesn't notice how the older man is watching him.
"Do you drink?" Logan asks to get y/n's attention. The younger man looks up at him and shrugs. "Yeah sure, whatcha got?" He asks as he watches the caveman move around. "Whiskey." He holds up the unopened bottle. "But uh... I don't have any cups or anything so we'll have to share the bottle." The older man said and opened the bottle.
"I don't mind." Y/n shrugged and finished his sandwich.
It's been hours. The sun has set and the woods are filled with laughter. Logan and Y/n are laughing and singing along with any songs from the radio they know. Logan can surprisingly sing really well but he doesn't comment on it. Logan's arm is wrapped around Y/n's shoulders as they sway side to side. They have probably drank two bottles of whiskey and now they're staring another. Probably. Who knows. Definitely not them because they are drunk.
Y/n takes a long swing of the whiskey. Logan calms down from his laughter and looks at Y/n. He looks so hot. He doesn't know if it's the way the moonlight reflects in his eyes. Or the way his Addams apple bops when he swallows. Or if just that he's drunk out of his ass and his months of zero human contact are making him realize how fucking horny he is. He takes the bottle from y/n and takes a swing.
Y/n lets out a groan of protest and tries to reach for the bottle but Logan stops him. He sets the bottle down, pulls y/n into a kiss, and lets the whiskey pour into the younger man's mouth. Y/n gorans and swallows as much as he can. Their tongues mingle together and Logan drops the bottle which shatters on the stone but neither of them cares. They're too focused on their makeout.
Logan pushes the younger man back against the stone wall so he can straddle him. He feels his thigh being gripped almost instantly and lets out a low growl in response. He notices how the older man is strangely heavy but doesn't question it. In fact, he likes it.
"Damn it, kid..." Logan grunts and reaches for y/n's belt. Y/n looks at him with hazy eyes. He's drunk and making out with a stranger. But at this state, he could care less. All he wants right now is to have that caveman bouncing on his dick. "A little help?" Y/n is snapped out of his thoughts by Logan's question. He looks down and realizes he's trying to remove his pants. He lifts his hips up a bit so they slide down far enough for his dick to spring free. He shivers at the cold air.
Logan lets out a growl and takes him in his hand. He teases the tip and kisses the younger man's neck. Y/n just moans and throws his head back. "You wanna fuck my ass, don't you. Yeah. I think you do. I can smell it." Logan grunts as he undoes his belt. Y/n whines and helps Logan with his pants. The older man smirks and lifts up so he's just on his knees and his crotch is touching the younger man's chest. "good boy" Y/n shivers at the praise. Or maybe at the cold air touching his heated dick.
Logan gets up to kick off his pants before he sits back down. He doesn't waste time and lines up. "Wait you'll tear!" Y/n gripped his hips but Logan shrugs it off with a simple "I'll heal" before he sinks down. They both moan out. It's been a while since Logan has been fucked in the ass but hell if he's not happy that he's being filled. Y/N? He's whining. He's not a virgin no. But having a big heavy caveman clenching and sucking his soul through his dick with his ass is making him woozy. And by heavy he means heavy.
"Yeah just like that. Fuck this hairy ass like your life depends on it." Logan groans as he lifts up halfway and lets his weight do the work. Y/n claws at Logan's thighs. He doesn't know how much pressure he's using but the way Logan groans with each deep scratch makes him want to do it everywhere he can.
Y/n meets Logan's bounces and thrusts up into him. Logan throws his head back and wraps his hand around the younger man's neck. Y/N gripped the older man's thighs tighter and gasped for air.
"Fuck I can feel you twitching. Are you close? Already?" Logan growled which sent a shiver down Y/N's spine. "We just got started." The older man huffed and squeezed the younger man's throat again. Y/n whimpered and lifted his hands to dig his nails into Logan's hips.
Logan loosens his grip and lets the man breathe. The younger man gasps for air and watches how the older man bounces so fast. He's slowly questioning how old the caveman is and if this is good for his knees. But he's too lost in pleasure to talk.
"Fuck I'm close." The older man groans. He hates to say it but it's been so long his stamina isn't as good. The younger man whines and sits up to mark Logan's neck. Logan tangles his hand in his hair and grips it tightly. Y/N cries out, bites down on his neck, and cums deep into Logan. The older man groans throws his head back and loses balance. He sits on the younger man with full weight and cums over their hoodies. Y/n keeps his arms around Logan and lays them down. He ensures he doesn't pull out as he covers them with a blanket Logan had lying around.
He can feel that his hips are so fucking sore. He wraps his arms around Logan and cuddles him close and caresses his back. Y/n doesn't notice but all the scratches and bite marks he's left behind have healed. Leaving no signs of what just happened.
They both fall asleep almost instantly. Will the alcohol allow them to remember what they did in the morning? Who knows. But the cum stuffed in Logan's ass definitely will remind them.
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apocalypseornaw · 25 days
Chapter One
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When you make it to Lebanon you didn't expect to have neighbors, let alone for your neighbor to be the most gorgeous man you've ever laid your eyes on.
(Also before anyone worries Ben and Hayley = Charlie and Dean)
The silence that had fallen in the car would've been near deafening had it not been for the radio keeping you company. Miles flew by and despite knowing you should probably stop you also knew you only had a few more miles and you could make it to Lebanon, where Simon had already rented you a place. You could have a secure roof over the kids head and a form a plan for your next step.
You chanced a glance in the rear view mirror and nearly jumped out of your skin when Hayley met your gaze in the mirror. She grinned in the darkness of the backseat "The sun's coming up mom. You haven't gotten any sleep. Do you want me to drive a bit?" She hadn't long gotten her license and while she'd proven so far to be a safe driver given the circumstances you didn't want to chance it. 
"I'll be ok. Once we hit Kansas we can grab some food. Simon said the house is already all set up so you can amuse Amelia and James while I catch a cat nap then we can explore Lebanon a bit and get a feel for what will be our home for the next year or so" she nodded and glanced from her left where James was fast asleep in his car seat to her right where Amelia was sleeping as well. 
There was times you'd wake up and find her just sitting between the two of them as if she was keeping guard, even though you two slept with their beds between yours. It was like she was wanting to be the first line between her little siblings and danger. On one hand you were proud of her for helping with her like she did but on the other hand she was still just a teenager herself and christ everything she'd had dumped on her. The shit she'd seen and the secrets she carried, secrets to protect you. 
"You can drive while we check out Lebanon and maybe we can even pick up some baking supplies for you" she brightened a bit at the prospect of baking and you felt your chest loosen just a bit. You hated this, you hated never staying in one place too long, never being able to trust anyone besides Simon and his wife Kiya. You hated your kids never knowing security. You hated that your sixteen year old knew what she knew and that your four year olds thought moving every few months was normal.
You let out a breath that was louder than you meant for it to be and felt Hayley bump your shoulder "Don't do that. You keep us moving to keep us safe. I get that. When they get old enough they'll get that too" you glanced in the mirror and gave her a greatful albeit tearful smile "You're a pretty decent kid, you know that?" She scrunched up her nose when she grinned before saying "Well lady you're the one who raised me" 
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You double checked the paperwork Simon had sent you yet again. "Hayley this is the right address isn't it?" You passed it over to her since she'd joined you in the front seat after the twins had woke up, all of you had stopped for breakfast then gotten back on the road. She looked down at the stack of papers then back up at the house that you were currently parked in the driveway of. "Yes ma'am but dang this is out our normal pay grade isn't it?" 
You nodded slowly. The house wasn't anything extraordinary but it was nice, a one story Victorian and in a decent neighborhood.  You shrugged "Lets check it out. Maybe they worked their magic and got it cheaper" she laughed "They're better than the Prue and Piper at this point" 
You turned the engine of the car off then climbed out. Hayley grabbed James out of his car seat and had him on her hip so you grabbed Amelia and motioned for her to follow you. 
You followed the walkway up to the door while digging the key out of your pocket. Amelia pulled at your necklace, fiddling with the pendant and looking around at the squirrels chasing each other around the yard. Part of you expected the key to not work but when you slid it into the door it turned with no issue. You raised an eyebrow at Hayley then pushed the door in.
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"Dad!" Ben's voice echoed through the house and Dean stifled a groan as he walked down the stairs "If you're telling me you finished the coffee again kid I swear.." 
Ben was standing at the kitchen window with a coffee cup in hand "No sir. There's plenty left but someone moved in next door"  
That was news to Dean. That was one of Bobby's places and normally he'd run it by Dean before renting it just to make sure the tenants would be a nuisance or anything. "I wonder why your grandpa didn't tell anybody. Think he's getting forgetful in his old age?" Dean asked Ben with a smirk as he went about making his coffee to his own taste before joining his son at the window. 
"We're looking like a few nosy old hags you know that right?" He scoffed and Ben shrugged then pointed "Someone's coming out" Dean watched as a woman walked out the house. She was wearing jeans, a old Scooby-Doo tshirt and had a flannel tied around her waist like she'd been wearing it then gotten hot as she'd started moving around, a haphazard looking braid kept her hair out of her face but even exhausted looking he had to admit she was beautiful. 
Ben cut his eyes up at Dean "She's hot right?" "Benjamin" Dean warned and got a laugh as an answer "I don't mean for my age! I mean for your age dad! Shes hot for you right?" "Don't you have graduation practice in a couple hours?" Dean asked and Ben nodded, still watching the window as the woman balanced an armload of dufflebags to carry into the house "We should introduce ourselves to the neighbors. Grandpa Bobby would smack us for being rude"
"You need to get ready and so do I. If she's outside we'll introduce ourselves but she's visibly busy, so we're not intruding, understood?" "Yes sir" Ben answered with a smirk that was a mirror of Dean's own expression.
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You always joked you owed Simon and Kiya everything and it seemed as if they kept adding onto the list. Not only had they found you a nice place in a nice neighborhood at an extremely low price but it was furnished! 
There was two twin beds, a queen bed and couch so everyone was covered. The working plan was to move the twin beds into the room with the queen beds and you could make a pallet on the floor so you could be in the room with the kids. 
There was even a breakfast Nook with a small table and plates and cups that you had a feeling had come from Kiya. If you ever got out from under all this you owed them something huge. 
You'd gotten all your clothing squared away and decided to go grocery shopping. You had Amelia on your hip and Hayley grabbed James. You'd just locked the door and was about to turn around when you heard Hayley say "Mom, um we got neighbors"
You turned around, one hand on your purse when you spotted two people walking towards you. One was a teenager, he was probably eighteen at best. Dark hair, barely there stubble and a bright smile. 
The man that was close to your age was obviously his dad from looks alone and was unfairly good looking if you were being honest. Light brown hair and a thick stubble covering a sculpted jaw line that looked like the Greek gods themselves would be jealous over. He was a bit over six foot and when he got closer you realized he had green eyes that were a shade of damn near emerald. 
You shifted Amelia a bit and spotted Hayley do the same to James out the corner of your eye. The man spoke first, clearing his throat "I don't want to intrude or anything ma'am but my son and I want to introduce ourselves since it seems we'll be neighbors" he offered his hand so you shook it with a small smile as he said "I'm Dean..Winchester and this is my son Ben" "Winchester, like the rifle?" You asked and he laughed "Yes ma'am. Like the rifle" 
You cut your eyes at Hayley before saying "My names Y/N...Iverson" that was the last name Simon told you to use this time. "And this is my oldest Hayley and my twins James and Amelia" Dean smiled at each kid in turn "Nice to meet you all. Is it just you and the kids?" You nodded "Afraid so" 
He smiled softly "Well it's just me and Ben so I understand, though three?" He let out a sharp whistle "You're stronger than me" he grinned then said "Well if you need anything we're right next door" you nodded "Nice meeting you" 
He nodded to Hayley and Ben told you all it was nice meeting you before following his dad. Once they were out of ear shot Hayley cut her eyes at you and you shook your head "Do not" she cackled like a mad woman. She'd clocked you checking out Dean and while there was not a chance in hell you letting yourself even consider a man after the hell you'd been through it was nice to hear her laugh. 
You shook your head "Lets go get food child" she grinned "Oh let's. Better get some water too" "Why water?" Amelia asked and you glared at Hayley playfully "So I can pour it over your sister's head. James laughed "I'll help" 
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greekceltic · 8 months
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Jacky has a haunted arm. It started as a roleplay thing that I didn't think I would make canon, but I probably will. The situations it creates are fun. Anyway, for our amusement she can use it to touch ghosts so she scared hers. (Art doesn't quite match the writing). You can read the roleplay clip under the read more or on toyhouse.
Junior was where she left him. He glanced at her. Same face. Same bags under his eyes and blushless pallor. What did that bandit say?
  When eyes meet, the soul has made love?
Yeah he was wrong.
Junior turned back around and she wondered how far she could walk before he was compelled to join her. She felt a little bad for not asking, but the feeling had no stay power. His wants and needs took a backseat to hers and she had found a way to make herself okay with that.
He could talk. It was within his power to ask her to put him in someone else’s care any time he wanted. After being left in the woods she could understand why he wouldn't want to be parked on Vlinder's hearth- in the same forest -but there were other people in their group who would travel. All basically good people.
Picking her was self sabotage.
She walked all the way in and shut the door behind her. The wind feathered a few rug ends but didn't bother with him.
  Maybe he's like AI and can't defy me, she wondered. Like bullshit television. She had never made the leap that it could be worse. Jacky felt that she was babysitting and had exactly as much authority as a teenager over a nine year old. In the end, not very much at all. She kept waiting for his tantrum, wanting it because after all that had happened it would make sense, even be healthy, but it never came.
She stumbled back toward the fur mat she had grown to hate since she woke up and stared down at it, too tired to sleep. There was such a thing. Jacky swayed weakly near it and turned away.
She looked at him again and ground her bottom jaw.
  Dummy should be begging to leave.
She hated the way he idled against the wall like a toy soldier waiting for something to do. That was the kind of thing that got ice put down your shorts at sleep overs. The idea of that made her spine prickle in a bad way, but it made her think. Jacky tilted back and lidded her eyes. She reached for one of the support pillars and rested her weight on it, two feet closer to him.   I could do it. She moved her feet, taking care not to scuff them on the floor. She didn't have to worry about the boards creaking. If they didn't notice Vlinder they weren't going to notice her. There were no more pillars between them, but she thought she'd make it. She tried, and on the way thought about how many nights he'd spent right there in a different room. Waiting or staring, as engaged as a coat put away on a hanger. He didn't even breathe loudly because he didn't breathe anymore.   DO something! The last few feet ended with her wobbling behind him, alarmingly silent, but not very steady. She reflexively tried to grab his shirt to pull it back with her good hand, but it went right through. Jacky didn't stop to wonder if he'd noticed that. She stuck her *cold* hand out like a senile old woman with a fork. It went up his shirt and flattened on the part where his back sank in. It worked when she slapped him. No reason to think it wouldn't work now. Themascura--
The target of her ire had no idea.   None.   He was peacefully existing in a corner, appreciating the window. It was nice to have a different view. He liked trees. Not enough to have been okay with just their company for a few millennia, but enough to be okay staring at them for a few days.   It was pretty out there. There were squirrels. And birds! Not many of those in the city. The cats had mostly eaten them all-   Jacky was about to learn a whole lot of things in quick succession. One, she could in fact scare the shit out of a ghost. Two, despite being dead ghosts did in fact have startle responses. Three, when she was touching a ghost with her ghost hand apparently walls became interactable- because he slapped the window/wall with his belly when he jumped and it made a sound.   A beautiful hollow sound, like when you thumped a watermelon.   He left a foggy mark on the window when he hopped back. He was still hopping when he turned around, trying to shake the ice cube out of his shirt. His spine was still flickering when he got all the way turned- visible through his shirt and his front and almost as far as his shoulders. The look he gave her was universal. The sibling glance of- I WAS MINDING MY BUSINESS.   Here you are, starting some shit. He stuck a hand straight out for her face, confident it would go through, but also confident it would mess with her already wonky balance and depth perception. Time for you to take a time out on the floor. You pushed your luck to far today anyway.
GreekCeltic-- His reaction was Christmas. She wasn't sure what to make of his spine. Jacky looked at her hand and wondered if it had cannibalized him somehow. A week ago she had dumped all the extra stuff into Christoph's leg. That had been a surprise. Christoph was alive, there was no way to know it wouldn't do the opposite and suck Junior up like a straw, like it had Virgil's magic.   Oough, there was a mental image she did not enjoy. When she touched Christoph she went with a gut feeling that turned out to be right. Here too she decided to go with a gut feeling-- that it was fine. "Oh excuse me did I interrupt your vacant staring?" Jacky's hand was still up, she dropped it and raised her other one, rubbing her arm furiously like she was trying to warm it up. Cold fire appeared and walked toward her elbow. "Gonna do it again." She spread the fire to her good hand but she never got to try it. He threw his at her face- IN her face -and she spilled in stages. Mostly in slow, wobbly, backwards walking motions that ended up near the bed. She fell against the edge. She had been put to bed. OBNOXIOUS. Jacky leaned into her sprawled arm and chose to be happy he showed some life. She didn't think she could get up without crawling on all fours and that wouldn't be preferable. She was also tired. It was possible she had never been so tired in her life. She crawled over the edge and fell into the divot like a kitten into a laundry basket. She slept all of the night and most of the next day. The only time she got up was to wash. She made a point of it so history wouldn't have to repeat itself. Who knows how many rag baths she got during the week. One was too many. Two would have been life ending. Her hair was close to dry when she went back to sleep. She tried to make it longer, but felt harassed that she was not alone. Dreams had been hard to remember the first week, but they were piling up now. She didn't know if she was remembering things or adding fantasies to what she did. All she knew was she couldn't be her own witness. With each waking she was a little more confused and a little more convinced she shouldn't have gone back for the brooch. It could have waited. At the time the idea of leaving Junior out there to believe no one was coming was too much and it was too much now, but was it worth it?   The elf was back when she got up, laying beside her with his arm folded behind his head.   Him again. Jacky looked at him a minute, but decided she didn't really care. She didn't know why. It should have embarrassed her but it was like sleeping with a big white dog. She got the feeling he thought of her as a cat. She looked across the room and saw Herman on his back against the wall, also asleep. Some kind of spell had fallen over this house. She and Junior were exempt. She grabbed her poncho and went out the front door. The moonlit air was bright and icy. She wasn't wearing her shoes but she didn't expect to go far and wanted the snow to bite her feet a little. It felt good even when it stung. When she got to the gate she put her hand on it and flipped up the latch (too complicated for a dead guy, apparently), but never pushed it forward. It would have been easy, but the idea of the gate held fast. There was a bigger obstacle here than a physical one. I shouldn't, Jacky thought. More like I can't. She'd been thinking about this a lot and the conclusion she came to was damned if I do, damned if I don't.
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empressofthewind · 4 months
Top 10 Animal Comparisons for Near
inspired by this iconic post by @13eyond13 :-)
10. Gecko
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geckos made it onto the list because of their round black eyes and solitary nature. i also found it interesting that the oldest known gecko lived to 27, which is the same age we see Near in his last canon appearance.
9. Hedgehog
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wary of people and not easily trusting. generally solitary, although capable of forming few attachments, and most content in familiar, comfortable environments. both show tendencies to curl in upon themselves.
8. Squirrel
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curious and intelligent with impressive memories and problem-solving skills. also seen to be quite cunning and have a variety of tricks and schemes to deceive potential predators or food thieves. they would have been higher on the list if not for the fact that they are known to be very active and social.
7. Raccoon
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not as strong a comparison for Near as they are for L, but they are known to be highly intelligent, cheeky and mischievous, much like Near. the comparisons are similar to those of squirrels, but ranked slightly higher due to their more solitary nature.
6. Rabbit
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intelligent and inquisitive but can easily become bored. the appearance is the main feature that made me rank them so high, with reference to the round black eyes, small build and (for some breeds) white aesthetic. they also typically spend their entire lives in the same place and do not move far from their warren, which reflects Near's preference for staying indoors in one place where possible. rabbits probably could not catch a plane by themselves.
5. Seal
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much like the gecko, seals came to mind because of their big black eyes and solitary lifestyles. they move in packs for safety but are not typically close with other individual seals, which mirrors Near's preference for working in a team despite having no close personal relationships outside of that. however, seals are much higher on the list because of their tendency to lounge around on rocks or play alone when they aren't hunting, which reminds me a lot of Near. they are also known to be intelligent and cautious.
4. Arctic Fox
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quite small and unassuming but sneaky, clever and adaptable. arctic foxes are not as strong or aggressive as other breeds but are very cunning, and sometimes follow larger animals like polar bears while hunting for protection and to find prey. in terms of aesthetic, the arctic fox specifically reminds me a lot of A-Kira Near with its white fur/dark eyes combo, long body and graceful aura. foxes are also commonly associated with the zodiac Virgo, which is Near's star sign.
3. Sheep
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a very common comparison for Near based on appearance. both are calm and level-headed with a high level of intelligence, and very strong memory and recognition skills. despite being known for their placid nature, sheep can have a wide range of emotions, much like Near.
2. Cat
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rolls around on the floor, plays with toys and is often destructive while playing. looks innocent but is actually a little bastard. my specific choice for him is a ragdoll cat because of their placid temperament, mostly white colour palette and preference for the indoors (and also because i am a ragdoll owner myself, so i am very biased <3)
1. Frog
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self-explanatory i suspect. he may not share the most personality traits with frogs, but their overall vibe is too similar to rank any lower than first.
bonus comparison, in case you aren't convinced:
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pawborough · 2 months
July 2024 Check In
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Hello, all!
Happy update day! Thank you for your support and patience while we work. This has been one of the busiest times for our team, and we’re making good progress. But it's challenging to share without sounding like a broken record. Lots of coding. Lots of numbers. Lots of items. So little time...!
But first, I must share solemn news. Our backdrop artist, Kzart, has passed away. He died of cardiac arrest just the day after our last update, where we previewed his wonderful work on the Cogwheel Outskirts.
This is a deep and mournful tragedy. Our heart goes out to his family, friends, and loved ones. Kzart was a welcome, cheerful, and bright part of the team, and the loss is devastating. May his memory be a blessing.
We are dedicating our work this month to his memory. We hope to ask your patience while we make decisions for future team members in the wake of his passing.  
To start off, here are some asset updates.
New Icons
We’ve been picking away at icons. Populating the site itself with estimates for cooking, crafting, dailies, site store, and guild play has been a behemoth of a task which has taken weeks of calculating out delicate numbers, drop rates, and seeding tactics. We have an insane amount of spreadsheets. I’m very proud of how much we’ve figured out.
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Wild Boar, Bison Calf, Kid, Lamb, Blackbird, Red Squirrel and Brown Hare illustrated by Tybaxel and Remmie
The young animals will be available as plain food in Alpha and part of Beta, but are designed in preparation for our Farming and Husbandry mechanic, explained more in this update!
I’m dying to see the dye icons!
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Illustration by Tybaxel
And lastly, we’ve started work on the stone assets!
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Harvest Stone, Metropolis Stone, and Luna Stone by Hydde
Above you see the Harvest Stone, Metropolis Stone, and Luna Stone. Paw-carved by catfolk out of various precious stones and the elusive Prismaline—Mewmoia’s magical mineral and the origin of modern magical technology—these stones act as a magical catalyst for sorcerers performing transmutation.  
We also want to note: we see the discrepancy in the Harvest logo and its child assets. While we were working on the visual development, we found that the leaf was not only more recognizable as a symbol, but more reliably adaptable in different simplistic forms. We will be experimenting with replacing the vegetable in the Harvest logo with a leaf.
Recolors continue! This month, we have the Guard set.
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Colors done by Emma
New Decor 
We have begun our work on decor!
Our goal is to have a substantial amount of decor befitting every type of backdrop we are starting with. Our first set we are tackling is the Summer Natural set. We have sets known as Sea Faring, City Clearing, Academic, and Winter Natural planned as a starting roster.
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Florals by Giulia, lemonade by Jerso, butterlfies by Asp
And here it is put together!
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NPC Sketches
Early last month, we shared a preview of the initial sketch for Wheatley and Crowley, the sitewide general store!
Initial feedback included a poor merge of cat-like anatomy and anthropomorphized character acting. We took this feedback, spent another day on visual development for NPCs, and updated our character design visual philosophy!
So, presenting…
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And here is how they look on the website!
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This sketch is still subject to change as we hash it out, line, and render it, but we’re excited to share what we’ve developed so far!
Wheatley and Crowley were the first NPCs ever developed during pre-production. 
(Just as the Bovine was the first Mystic breed ever developed, and Sugar was the first color palette ever designed!) 
So there is something a tad emotional about making it this far. Seeing them animated and on an actual game UI has been very rejuvenating. We’re nearing the end of this development hole!
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So you want to form a team and join the Guild, huh? Meet Maven, your guildmaster. She’s rough, prickly, and can scare the faint of heart. Yet the Guild is dedicated to helping poor cats in need, in the wake of wastebeasts and outlaws terrorizing outskirt villages. You wonder who she is under that thorny exterior…
Maven is a primary character in the ongoing site plot. We have the technology for NPCs to emote during dialogue. Many story-focused NPCs will get this treatment. This means that Maven's expressions will change as you talk to her!
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All NPC sketches by Hydde
Everyone knows Winnipeg, the longhair chef from Luna. Introducing his twin sister, Winnifred! Winnifred sells husbandry and farming supplies, including young animals and seeds.
(Note: all 3D assets used for render references are ours, minus the watering can! Credit to Toonz Media Group from Sketchfab.) 
So let’s talk about the farm mechanic!
In Development - Farming and Husbandry
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See the initial UIs for our major in-development mechanic.
Plant seeds on plots of land in your camp. Certain plants will raise or lower your soil quality, which in turn will affect how many items these plants yield. It’s up to you as the player to grow a variety of different plants to diversify your soil and get the most yield.
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Husbandry will feature the same concept, utilizing livestock as opposed to plants. Grow different animals over time and maintain grass density to get the best quantity of items!
Lastly, some folks were curious about incense, how it works, and its attainment method.
Incense will be craftable, and its ingredients will be farmed! Incense ingredient seeds will be scattered around the game, including as reward drops for gameplay. It will take intentional cultivation to attain an incense item.
Because we had a few users who were curious to the specific ingredients of every incense scent, here is each Borough:
Luna = Lavender and Jasmine Sol = Cinnamon and Fennel Abyssal = Lotus and Sakura  Zenith = Rosemary and Sage Harvest = Basil and Oregano  Cogwheel = Saffron and Turmeric  Metropolis = Patchouli and Vetiver
For testing until farming is implemented, items which would be farmed will be available to buy through Winnifred. 
Cooking and Crafting
Lastly, a peak at the UI for the cook and craft mechanic!
We surveyed the playability of the original grid system and weighed the pros and cons of managing a grid and memorizing recipes in a multiplayer resource game, and ultimately decided that our platform and format doesn’t quite suit the crafting grid playstyle.
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Instead, recipes and blueprints are found, added to your collection, and able to be insta-made.
We found the act of users individually adding items from storage to be tedious, and ultimately our original format would end up with users researching recipes on wiki articles instead of engaging in explorative play. While other games have crafting loops which incentivize exploration, the petsite setup as we have built it simply does not accommodate it without serious overhaul. 
But we hoped to preserve some of that magic by including the “add ingredient” feature. Users will be able to discover new combinations by experimenting with add-ons. For example, a pizza recipe could become mushroom pizza by adding mushrooms!
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Users may still end up just looking things up, but the mechanic itself is now not ultimately dependent on off-site research.
Peak at this mockup recipe!
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We are currently experimenting with how to include the NPCs in this UI format. Fear not that you do not see Winnipeg here. He will be in the game!
This mechanic in general is what we are currently working on! Thanks for sticking by!
And that’s all we have for today. We know that a lot of users are holding out for Mystic breed updates in the demo, and we are working on those. But game playability is taking the highest place for us, as we want to get testing ASAP! So, we appreciate this patience. Moontails, and likely Thumpers, will be here for Beta, but our #1 focus this last month has been the sprint to the finish line for playability in both development and assets. The semi-quiet activity is because we're putting all our energy into this huge milestone. 
Which to mention!
Alpha acceptances have been sent out! If you have not yet, check your email!
We asked those who receive it to reply that they have. There is not a strict deadline on this reply, we simply want to ensure that those who received the email have seen it and are ready to volunteer. We will still be sending keys to everyone who received an email, minus those who are dropping out. If someone is MIA by the time people are registering accounts, we will consider reaching out to other potential testers.
Home stretch, everyone! It’s starting to come together just how much we’ve completed, and the application is beginning to feel real in a way it hasn’t previously. We’re all super antsy to buff it out and get people playing!
Thank you all!
To summarize: We shared icons, Guard set recoloring, decor assets, 3 new NPC sketches, the farm and husbandry mechanic, and the cook/craft functionality.
What to expect next month: Further asset and development updates. Check-ins for how Alpha will be going, timeline expectations in the wake, NPCs and lore. 
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in1-nutshell · 22 days
Silver Aid the sparkling part 2
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
Optimus didn’t know why humans had a fascination with explosives. Granted he had some bad experiences with them, not to mention he had lost count of how many fires he had to put out because of these kinds of things.
So, he was a bit biased.
But he had to admit that the colors were nice to see from a far.
It was some sort of celebration the humans had; some holiday he couldn’t remember the name of. The team was technically off duty, but trouble always seemed to follow them around. It was good to be on alert.
Bumblebee and Sari were trying to explain to Prowl how to play with the sparklers; Bulkhead had brought his easel and paints attempting to paint the colorful sky above them; and Ratchet was inside the Plant. He didn’t like the loud noises the fireworks made.
Optimus himself was watching everyone from his spot on the ground near a couple of bushes by the Plant. Maybe he’d stay out a bit longer before turning in a bit early, or even try one of those sparklers.
Optimus looked behind him, crouching down to get a better look at whatever made that noise.
Maybe it was one of those squirrels or racoons Prowl had been trying to sneak into his room for the past months?
More snapping was heard, it was something bigger.
Or maybe it was a lost dog or cat.
The snapping sounded heavier this time.
The Prime grabbed his axe in one servo and was ready to strike at anything--
He dropped his axe at the sound of the little voice.
A voice so young that he hadn’t heard since Cybertron.
A tiny frame suddenly tumbled from the bushes and landed in front of his knees.
The sparkling sat up, pouting a bit, before looking up at him rather confused.
They both studied each other for a minute before the sparkling smiled widely at him. She waddled a bit until she put both servos on his knees.
“Oppy I found you! I found you!”
… There was no way this was her…
Maybe this was Silver’s sparkling—wait no, she would have told him about that.
And there had been weird situations the bots had been in…
And there was only one bot from his sparklinghood that gave him that name…
The sparklings optics widened happily reaching at him. He gently picked her up, slightly cradling her in his arms, she didn’t seem to mind too much. The sparkling was too busy rejoicing having found her friend, even though he was so much bigger than last time. Maybe this is what happens when you drink too much energon?
“Oppy! Oppy! Oppy!”
…Sweet Primus…
“Silver? Is that you?”
Silver hugged his neck cables the best she could.
“Oppy! You too big! Too big to hug! But still hug!”
She pulled back and gently patted the side of his face smiling.
He couldn’t help but smile back.
She always seemed to be able to make him smile no matter the circumstances.
Too bad their moment didn’t last long.
“Optimus do you know where Ratchet hid the rest of the—IS THAT A BABY!?”
Optimus and Silver jumped a bit at the new voice.
Silver peaked from her now taller friend’s shoulder angerly.
Who decided to yell at him!
That’s not nice!
Oppy hates yelling!
She looked down at the funny looking sparkling and glared.
“No yell! Scare Oppy! Say sorry!”
Sari couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and Optimus suddenly had a bad feeling about this.
Silver had always had a bit of a protective streak when they were all younger, especially when it came down to newer bots.
Sari flew up to get a better look at it.
The sparkling was adorable, even with the little angry look on their face.
But that color scheme was a bit familiar…
Sari turned to the Prime.
“Did Silver and Megatron have a baby?”
Optimus shook his helm immediately.
“No, but I have reason to think this is—"
Leave it to Bumblebee to let the world know about the sparkling at once. Soon enough the rest of the team began crowding around them both. Silver tried to ignored the sudden loud voice around her and came up with a single thought. She didn’t like this, not one bit. First, there were a bunch of new bots around, none she had ever seen before. Second, some of them were poking her pedes and servos. Finally, it was getting way too crowded for her liking, and Oppy hates crowds!
She needed to fix this right now!
The bots looked at her waving her servos in a shooing motion.
Bulkhead wagged one of his digits at her face.
“Aww! Look at tiny Silver! So tiny—"
“Go! Go! Go! GO!”
The bots slightly winced at the shriek she gave at the last word.
Bumblebee leaned to Bulkhead’s side.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have called her small, big guy.”
Optimus sighed readjusting his hold on Silver.
“It’s not that. She is trying to get you all to back up.”
Ratchet looked at Optimus a bit skeptical yet had a feeling he knew why his former student was acting like this. “And how do you know that Prime?”
Optimus groaned internally.
“I just know okay.”
“Oppy no like crowd. Shoo! Shoo!”
Optimus felt his faceplate burning as the others smiled a bit teasingly.
“Aww! Look Oppy you have a little protector.” Bumblebee teased.
Silver glared straight into Bumblebee’s optics making him shudder a bit.
“Yeesh! She still has that same glare.”
Prowl thankfully got the message.
“Maybe we should back up. Give them some space.”
The bots slowly stepped back.
The sparklings glared and hold was still strong, but now it softened a bit looking at Optimus’s face.
She had a worried look patting his face.
“Oppy okay? Oppy?”
Optimus smiled.
“I’m okay Silver.”
That put a smile on the sparkling’s face.
The Prime took that moment and turned to the others.
“Silver, these are my friends, Sari, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Prowl and Ratchet.”
Silver looked at the bots then at Optimus.
“Oppy friends?”
He nodded.
“Down now.”
Optimus gently placed the sparkling down and waddled to the bots, circling them before coming back to Optimus’s side with a judge look.
Ratchet raised an optics “Are we being judged by a sparklng?”
Optimus quietly shushed him.
Silver finally smiled and waved at them.
“Me Silly! Silly friend Oppy! You Silly friends now!”
Prowl gently pats her helm a bit.
“Quite the extrovert, isn’t she?”
Optimus just sighs as she waddled up to them giving pats on their legs before waddling back to Optimus.
“Why Oppy big now?”
“Oppy drink too much energon?”
“Yes! Oppy drank too much.”
She looked around.
“Where Nel and Eeta?”
Oh Primus how was he going to explain this one.
“… They’re on a trip now.”
Silver looked at him curiously.
“Yes, a trip.”
“Coming back?”
Optimus gently rubbed her helm.
“I’m sorry Silver, we can’t see them right now.”
“That okay. I wait.”
This was not going how he thought it would. Hopefully she would forget about this soon.
Optimus then rubbed small circles on her back until soft little snores were heard. Silver Aid was always the first to fall asleep.
In a whisper the Prime addressed the team.
“We have to figure out what happened to her.”
Sari gently patted the sparkling’s arm.
“No duh, but how? Where did you even find her?”
Optimus gestured to the bushes behind him.
“I don’t know how we are going to figure this out, but we will.”
Sari spoke up.
“Maybe my dad can find something about Silver becoming a baby.”
The team agreed. In the morning, they would pay a visit to the Professor, but first there was something Optimus needed to do. The Prime tried to pass Silver to Ratchet, but her grip tightened and let out a soft whine when the field tech’s servos touched her. Optimus held her and she went right back to sleep.
He silently carried her into his room.
Her tiny servo had clamped down on one of his digits. Peacefully unaware of the stress she was inadvertently causing on the young Prime.
He placed her on his chassis and sighed.
“Oh Silver… what are we going to do with you…”
With that the Prime’s optics slowly closed and drifted into a pleasant sleep with the grip on his digit tightening a bit.
Megatron was slightly pacing back and forth across the room. It took the entire team to convince the leader to at least take a nap before returning to the skies to search for the sparkling. Everyone else was working on the main console. Lugnut was looking over Blitzwing’s shoulder. Blitzwing and Starscream were typing furiously.
“Has anyone any trace of her signature?”
“She’s techno organic Lugnut.”
Lugnut tapped Blitzwings’s wings a few times.
Blitzwing vented heavily before turning to the bigger mech.
“What that means Lugnut is that we don’t have the trackers for techno organic bots yet! They were a work in progress and nowhere near finished.”
“…So still no sign of her?”
Starscream nearly threw the keyboard at the wall.
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This is how any bot would see sparkling Silver Aid trying to fight them for Optimus's honor.
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bambisnc · 7 months
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“...,” your expression is more than enough to tell the boy in front of you that you’re unimpressed. when a distressed call from wonbin came to you right as you were settling down for the night; you didn’t hesitate to rush over. his voice, laced with anguish, had explained to you how he was really, really scared because he kept hearing some shady shuffling noises .. and his roommate seunghan wasn’t at home either…, so how could you refuse his plea for help?
on reaching there, however, and having found absolutely nothing after having searched for hours; your sympathy for him was quickly fading away into sheer annoyance..
before you can express all this to wonbin with a few carefully chosen, delicately placed words; a soft thump from near the door...? suddenly grabs your attention. 
a glance is thrown your way from a now pale, wide-eyed wonbin. you make your way over to the source of the sound quietly with him right behind, a guitar held protectively in front of himself …
… only for you to peek around the door and see a little kitten, a little gray kitten, licking its paw with all the innocence in the world.
“awww,” you croon, bending down to pet the animal, “look! here’s your huge, gray monstrosity park wonbin! :D” 
he leans down as well, having forgotten how utterly scared he’d been merely moments ago and how your use of his full name probably didn't mean anything good, “ahh it’s so cute! how do you think it came all the way here to-”
the kitten that had so far been mewing contentedly, hisses right then; as if personally annoyed by wonbin’s existence. you do your best to keep a straight face as he pouts and takes to hiding his face in your neck. 
“.. never mind. it is an evil monstrosity actually.”
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a/n : context there was a squirrel in my house js now and my bsf apparently has cats in her balcony and only now thought to mention it to me!?@#? + [m.list]
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official-darkforest · 6 months
in your anthro au, does bramble actually make it to canada? is the plotline of the lake territory scrapped for something else?
rambled quite a bit here!
no, they dont make it to canada. they abandoned that idea after feather was killed. instead her funeral and burial is held in california by her dying wish and her family drives/flies over. graystripe and mosspelt took feather's car, but mosspelt flies back home via plane. graystripe is staying wirh storm indefinitely and eventually meets millie.
with storm's blessing, bramble,tawny, crow, and squirrel take the van back home. tawny is dropped off on the way, but crow insists on tagging along to thunder because he's not ready to be alone yet. his family is pretty small and he's not sure his parents will be able to help much, as much as they may try.
dodging the draft can get you into trouble, but there are many that got off scot free and bramble was one pf those lucky fellows (especially with firestar's involvement. he made sure bramble wouldn't have it held against him in return for keeping squirrel safe and bringing her home). firestar was furious at both bramble and squirrel but he's not cruel and unsympathetic, especially considering they just lost a very close friend (and that gray isnt coming back for a while).
this is where crow and leaf meet, crow is kinda bunking with bramble at his place and even had plans to move in for good. his parents were pretty combative but couldnt do much since he was a few states away!!! they dont know where the fuck thunder-whatever is. but eventually he gets a call about his father's rapidly declining health and immediately abandons his plans to stay. he asks leaf to come with him but leaf still isn't finished with med school (she doesn't know she's pregnant yet) and they part ways. crow makes it home to help ashfoot care for deadfoot in his final few months and fills in after his father dies. it's something he didnt plan to continue but its notnlike he HATES doing the work. eventually meets+marries nightcloud a 1-4 yrs later
leaf meanwhile continues med school. being unmarried with kids is still a social taboo, especially at such a young age (im imagining she and squirrel are around 18-19 by now, 17 during the road trip). squirrel and bramble, however, had been in a relationship with one another for a while after coming back home. sure, it got a bit messy when ashfur came back from vietnam and got a bit too close to squirrel for comfort, but they sorta resolved it and eventually bramble/squirrel got engaged. leaf confided in squirrel for her help with the pregnancy and squirrel immediately offered to take the children in as her own if leaf needed. it was a huge jump but leaf took the offer. bramble was let in on the plan the closer leaf got to her due date. he thought it was a very impulsive decision and they fought a bit about making the decision without him but he was enthusiastic about being a father regardless.
the others in town had their suspicions but dont ask dont tell.
theres some other parts i havent fully ironed out yet like where hawkfrost and mothwint come in.
as for the actual lake territories, they coexist with the forest territories by just being in different states LOL windclan and thunderclan's territory was pretty consistent in terms of The Basics so theyre mostly in the same general area (tc is east coast forests, wc is southwest-midwest prairies. theres a lot of cowboys, farmers, and ranchers in "windclan" as a result). shadowclan i can see being in the southern swamps, especially florida or louisiana, and riverclan is kinda interspersed alont the mississippi and ohio rivers. maybe a few along the east coast, too, as the lake territory equivalent. skyclan is probably in the rockies or the redwood forests out west. maybeeee old skyclan is in the appalachias???? idk LOL since the cats are so far apaer now the conflicts are a little less wide scale and more personal if rhat makes any sense at all. of course this whole au is a huge work in progress so some of what i say here may change!
the clans are rural/small/poor towns in my head. tight knit communities that have to rely on each other. kittypets are urban/suburbanites as a contrast and keep the 'kittypets r fucjing spoiled' theme going . you inow the city slicker junk LOL
bloodclan is probably a gang in new york. at least scourge's bloodclan. the other iterations are probably in other huge metropolitan cities. idk what warriorclan is, and the tribe is a whole can of worms im trying to be very careful with so im not gonna talk about them as a whole quite yet other than imply they exist
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kangals · 3 months
Kep report card for month 5! I can’t believe he’s already been here for that long that is insane to me. he’s a fetus.
food (drive, appetite, sensitivity): 🟢  only food he won’t eat so far is pickles
leash walking: 🟡/🟢 a little bit pull-y especially on walks with both dogs, he does chill out eventually after enough reminders. just one of those things that need to be worked on regularly while he grows.
sleeping: 🟢 - sleeps great overnight and during work hours. is a maniac from 5-10pm, but i'll take that tbh.
crating: 🟢 - i think we've conquered the crate issues! been using it a lot with the hot weather and when i check on him he's not always sleeping soundly but if he is awake he's not panting or barking or seeming stressed, just a bit bored. he's not ever going to be a dog that voluntarily naps in a crate, but he doesn't tantrum and that's all i need,
potty training: 🟢/🟡 tentatively - tentatively - i think he's doing really well. hasn't had an accident indoors in over a month. i'm not willing to call him fully housebroken just yet, but if he goes another month without accidents i think we can!
general training: 🟢 clever boy, starting a new class this week too
manners: 🟡 jumps on people and steals things (his bloodlust for toilet paper is staggering), but nothing unmanageable
grooming: 🟢/🟡 pretty good, still wiggly about brushing but i'll wear him down eventually
cars: 🟢 /🟡 good at riding in the car, but has started the annoying habit of barking at ppl/dogs that walk past the car which i hate and we're working on.
outings/socialization: 🟢 havent been able to do much with the heat, but likes adventures. did great overnight at my parents' house!
other dogs: 🟢 really good, he's a doofy puppy but he's good at taking corrections without taking offense.
other people: 🟢 FRIEND. FRIEND KEPPY.
small animals: 🟢 /🟡 i hesitate to give him a yellow here, he's really good with cats, but he's becoming a bit obsessive about chasing squirrels/rabbits/birds a bit lately. i don't think its problematic, assuming it doesnt escalate.
puberty: 🟢 he's not really showing any bad behaviors yet, only thing i can see is that he pees 5-6 times on walks instead of just once. has lifted his leg like twice.
no reds this month! he really does have a great personality, he's a nice mix of active and smart + easy companion. which is how a collie should be! it helps that he's not nearly as vocal or independent as stellina was at this age, even if he is a bit more opinionated in other ways. he's either going to be a super good dog forever, or adolesence is going to hit him like a freight train at some point, idk. we'll see!
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harriertail · 3 months
Omen of the Stars reread + a lot of thoughts
The Fourth Apprentice
The cover is actually the best cover in the series are you kidding me? Its so pretty. The yellow blue and dark green r so nice
Why does the TC/ShC stream drying up affect the lake water level and not the RiverClan... river? Does the Moonpool stream still run???
Every mention of Squirrel and Leaf sitting together "so close they were like kits just out the nursery" is an actual STAB in the chest. They go thru so much :((((
A flash flood seems to take out the beaver den (or its just poorly worded?) so what was the point of the journey...
Dovewings personality is snappier than i think pple give her credit for, I kinda enjoy her
Tigerheart literally does not interact with her on the mission lmao what is he on about 'I'm gonna miss you'
Jayfeather missing Lionblaze is act so painful :(
Fading Echoes
So much of the opening of these books is just recounting previous events and character arcs omg this goes for all WC books.
Hollyleaf :(
Blossompaw's siblings joke that she moons over Toadstep. Idk why fucking Thornclaw becomes her mate later on then :/
What is Tigerheart doing on the border ? he doesnt explain it? I actually thought that he was already meeting Dovepaw secretly but then hes not like what is he doing...?
Dovepaw being worried for the other Clans + her thoughts about having this power should put her above the Clan rules could be so interesting. the series back-and-forths over Lionblaze (we must protect ThunderClan) and Dovepaw (we must protect all the Clans) even though Lionblaze gets annoyed at Dovepaw for using her powers to look after ThunderClan???
The whole "being obsessed with Prophecy and what it means" is probs a part of Jay's character (as he baso became a med cat to fulfil his destiny) but it also feels like a gross misunderstanding of what a Prophecy is. All the "the dark forest is rising. This might be what the Three is meant for" is like putting the horse before the cart- a prophecy is meant to describe a situation and hint at the character/means to solve it; but PO3/OoTS has the characters/means to solve, but no conflict :/ its a bit backwards.
I like the mentions of Firestar + Sandstorm going on night hunts etc.
Blossompaw/fall's a cunt lol. Shes kinda fun but shes not nice at all especially to Ivypool.
I love Littlecloud. I love when the med cats share ideas and discuss things 10/10 makes my day everytime
The pacing is actually... not good. Ive defo always been on thr camp of "too many povs and too few chapters ruins the book" but wow FE really shows it.
So much of Doves characterisation so far is about agency and not wanting to be special and have Firestar/Lion/Jay talk to her. I wish this was not forgotten about in later Super Editions.... kittypetdovewing2k24
this battle is crazy tho. I wish more of the DF plot was about stirring up trouble between the Clans and specific troublemakers in each Clan rather than the later nebelous 'dark warriors invade the forest' battle. Ill get to that one day
Night Whispers
Picking right back up in the battle...
and again just recounting the last books events. hollyleaf death/disappearance explanation count: 3
Kinda love how many times shes mentioned. From Lionblaze avoiding the tunnel she ran into to Jayfeather finding the fur that Leafpool hid.... cute
Okay i actuallt love ShadowClan discussing the battle + tactics + training and then the chapter immediately after the TC camp doesnt mention it at all and Ivypaw is like "why arent we discussing the battle? Just because we won doesn't mean we will again!!" interesting character moments + a nice look at differences between the Clans
Ivypaw and dovepaw fighting over tigerheart????? they fight so much but then always wanna be together like jfc.
Dove n tiger have negative chemistry like it just jumps right into "no boundaries can keep us apart". I get shes using him as an escape from TC/prophecy bullshit but like.... rlly? I wish it was just like expanded on. Tbh i wish every chapter had like just two extra pages to actually delve into things a bit better.
Lmaoo lionblaze cinderheart leafpool dovepaw patrol this is so fucking funny brambleclaw u get one point for this
Tigerheart break up scene count: 1
Flametail POV. Interesting but... why? Bad things r coming we know... what was his point narratively? It was cool tho. I liked seeing ShadowClan.
Every single book Dovepaw has a character die/get really hurt and is haunted by their screams. Rippletail, Longtail/Briarpaw, and later on its Antpelt... jesus christ girlie has it SO rough
The ivypaw "nernernenerner im better than you im being trained by tigerstar" to "oh fuck hes actually a bad guy i cant believe the terroristic maniac lied to me" is so rapid shes so funny/stupid
The imagery in this book is kinda crazy. Fire and ice cats and drowning in darkness visions. Very fun.
Sign of the Moon
So the med cats are divided and split up and StarClan does not trust any other Clan cat- but when in StarClan, Barkface and Flametail are hanging out? Crookedstar offers to share prey with Yellowfang? But StarClan is super fractured rn each Clan must stand alone. Okay
Antpelt nooooooooooooooo
Idk what the mountain prophecy actually means like. Firestar was always going to lead ThunderClan into battle.... what is he gonna do that's different...
Rock: i was the first Stoneteller Five chapters later Half Moon becomes the first Stoneteller. This is egregious
Swoop death. that's the fourth death Dovewing is going to be haunted by
The Forgotten Warrior
all the hints to Hollyleaf still... its a nice throughline... the yarrow and tansy and Molepaw/Cherrypaw scenes... shes my fave. sometimes the foreshadowing feels like it could be just Jayfeather coping that she's 'defo still out there' but TFW ties it up well. especially when you get surprised by Sol coming back and its like 'oh they were convinced she was defo still out there :(' and then she's actually back!!!
also the title??? is banger. the Forgotten Warrior, with Leafpool on the OG cover??? wow. espec as its constantly brought up that Leafpool was the medicine cat but no one sees her as a warrior really.... TBH all these titles are just as good as the TPB titles in terms of meaning/how good they are.
Another fox? okay.
SOL.... okay
tunnel adventures part 3.
All this like.. Bumeblstripeing is just kinda naff. Dovewing is clearly tryna force herself into liking him. But then she's also going on about how Tigerheart used her??? NGL i do really wanna see like.. why she changes her mind in AVOS
Brambleclaw lying to protect Hollyleaf is actually like. GOD that hurts. especially when you consider Bramblestar's Storm and how much he misses her. thats his favourite
the cinderheart shit is so stupid my jaw is actually on the floor. what you do mean you've been in love with a cat you shouldn't have. is cinderheart having cinderpelt's feelings for fucking firestar and that's why she doesn't want to be with lionblaze. also they have negative chemistry they literally are CONSTANTLY having issues.
oh my god i swear the 'Sol is secretly working with WindClan' was brought up chapters ago and we are only now dealing with it okay. anyway hollyleaf moment.
its kinda weird we dont get any like. scenes of the siblings just being siblings... they only discuss prophecy/plot shit and dont get to be siblings again - which i guess fits with the whole 'everything has changed' but god it'd be so god to just have them doing like. normal cat stuff - especially when so much of this series has had Jayfeather missing her and Lionblaze
i love Dustpelt and Brackenfur building shit... its so good
Dawnpelt murder accusations. okay.... i can't wait for Flametail to suddenly be argumentative again next book
the battle we've been building to all book is one chapter. cool. Sol runs off again and it's the end of the book. cool.
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Nightlife 9
Warnings: touching, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you doing this? Well, you wanted bouncer Lee and I did too. Also, short!reader, not sorry.
Part of The Club AU
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You can barely look at Lee as shame nips at your wits. Your body is still tingly with the aftermath of what happened. Even an hour later. It replays in your mind, over and over, even as you try not to think about it. You can’t believe you did what you did and you just can’t believe how much you enjoyed it.
He did too. You could tell by the way he twitched. How after he held you against him, reluctant to let you go as his large belly rose and fell slowly beneath you.
The world feels far away until you come in sight of your building. You blink through the window, refusing to look at Lee. Every time you do, you’re reminded of what you’ve done. Worse, that quest splits your head; was it okay? Was it wrong?
“Gimme a kiss, sweetheart,” Lee demands as he puts on the parking brake, “‘fore ya go.”
You look down at your lap then slowly turn your head. He grabs your chin, startling you, and pulls you close. He crushes his mouth to yours sloppily as you squeak. Finally, he parts but his hand remains locked on your jaw.
“I gotta go get some sleep but you go on to class. Don’t forget to pack a bag for tonight, darlin’.”
“Tonight?” You pout.
“Yeah, you’re not gonna leave lil Hickory all alone, are ya?”
You suck in your lip and think. You almost forgot. You feel worse for that. The thought of the kitten being all alone for so long. You can’t do that.
“Oh, yeah,” you gulp, “yeah, I’ll bring a bag.”
“Just give a call when you’re ready. I’ll be awake ‘round three or four,” he explains, his hand brushing down your throat. He lets out a hum as he feels how you swallow nervously. “I’ll pick ya up and all that.”
“Um, okay,” you acquiesce, “yes, sir.”
“Be good,” he winks and gives a firm squeeze to your chest, “don’t think of me too much.”
You look down as he finally retracts his touch. You resist the urge to cover your chest, instead pulling on the handle and letting yourself out of the car. You snatch up your bag and give a tight-lipped smile before spinning away. The door snaps shut in your stead and you scurry away.
It can’t be that bad. Not if he’s acting like that. Not if you enjoyed it so much.
The day draws on. As the hours roll by, you get more and more nervous about what comes next. The quiz for Social Psychology doesn’t seem as intimidating in comparison to Lee. And you don’t think you did too bad.
You go back to the dorm. Raquel isn’t there. She might be at class but more likely she’s with her friends.
You shove some pajamas and a fresh set of clothes in a bag and toss it with your knapsack. You don’t want to call Lee just yet. You need a little bit of time to yourself; without professors or coeds or anyone around.
He messages you first. You swipe up the conversation and are greeted by a picture of Hickory. Beneath him, you see a glimpse of Lee’s chest, covered only by a thin ribbed tank top. The cat is so cute, you don’t really think about the man under him.
‘Cute!’ You text back.
‘Ready to go? Kitty’s waiting.’
He’s straight to the point as always. It’s past five. It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. 
‘Sure,’ you reply. You’re not really ready but you don’t think you ever will be.
You grab your bags, knapsack on your shoulder, tote in hand, and you go down to wait on the steps. You play a matching game on your phone as students walk by, to and from their respective abodes.
A toot breaks your attention from a nearby squirrel. It flits away and you look up as Lee’s car putters at the curb. You stand and he gets out. As you come down the walk, he opens the passenger door for you.
“Hey, darlin’,” he grins and bends to kiss you. Taken by surprise, you let him, trying not to care about the passerbys.
“Hi, Lee,” you say breathless as he pulls away.
“God, I love it when you say my name,” he winks, “come on then, let’s get going.”
You get in and he shuts the door. You place your bags on the floor by your feet. You buckle in as he goes around to the driver’s side and gets in. He pulls down the seatbelt and clicks it into place. He clears his throat, searching around as if he’s lost something.
“I went out and got some toys for lil Hick,” he says, “uh…” he reaches behind your seat, “so you can keep him entertained.” He sits up and holds a small black bag, “bought you something to play with too.”
He hands over the bag and you take it in surprise. You feel the shape of a box through the plastic. You chew your lip and glance back at him.
“Oh, thank you,” you smile and clasp it in your hands.
“Ain’t nothing,” he says as he shifts into gear. He steps on the pedal, pulling out onto the street patiently. “Well, you gonna see what’s inside?”
You look down and turn over the bag. It rustles as you examine it and reach inside. You slide it out little by little, the hot pink cardboard a surprise. It’s so bright. You flip it over to read the front;  ‘Three speed bullet vibe.’ Your mouth falls open at the sight of the small vibrator visible through the transparent plastic.
“What… I… Lee, I don’t– I can’t–” You quickly hide the toy.
“Thinking you should explore a little,” he drawls, “since ya said you never done much before. It’s always good to get to know yourself, isn’t it?”
“Well, um, I guess, but… I don’t know.”
“If you need help, I don’t mind, I could show you how it works,” he says, “I only thought you might feel more comfortable figuring it out… then you could show me.”
“Ummmmmm,” your voice floats from you. You’re speechless.
“You’ll be all alone and I hate that I can’t be there with ya, so I only thought you would have lots of time to… you know.”
“It’s very nice of you, Lee, but I think maybe, um, well, I’m okay. I’m fine.”
“Don’t you be lying,” he warns, his timbre gritting, “I felt ya this morning. Shaking like a leaf. You don’t know what you’re feeling. Trust me, it’ll be easier once you know what you like.”
You sniff and squeeze the bag in your hands. You’re burning in horror.
“Er, okay, I’ll… okay.”
He’s quiet as he follows the flow of traffic. He shifts in his seat and clears his throat. He looks over at you quickly and a purr rises from his chest.
“Why don’t you open it up and give it a try now?”
“It’s fine, just slip it on out.”
“Lee, maybe… later.”
“Darlin’, I got you a gift, don’t be rude.”
You stare at your hands. They’re shaking. You can’t say no. Not now. He’s bought this for you. He’s come all this way. And it’s just a toy. Just sex, right? Everyone else is having it so it can’t be that bad.
You slowly pull the box out of the bag again. You open the lid and slide out the plastic insert. It crinkles as you pop out the toy, feeling the silicon between your fingers. You clumsily free the battery and examine the toy, twisting the end as you figure out how to load it. You put it back together and hold it in your palm.
“Go on, turn it on,” he rasps.
You grip the toy and press the button with your thumb. You angle your hand over your lap as the vibrations rattle through you.
“Spread your legs wide,” he orders.
You obey.
“Now put it right up against yourself.”
You hold your breath as you do as he says. The toy quakes against you and the sensation makes your whine. The intensity has your legs snapping shut around your hand.
“Now, don’t you stop,” he demands, “not til you cum.”
“Lee,” you babble.
“Hush, sweet thing, I hear it in your voice, feels good, don’t it?”
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shy-urban-hobbit · 9 months
Am I writing birthday fluff because it's my own birthday? Maybe 😁
"Birthday tradition." Aiden answered with a shrug as he popped another piece into his mouth before offering to Lambert as they sat in the shade and out of the summer heat. It wasn't unusual to see Aiden with sweet things but his tastes usually ran to anything and everything fruit based, not plain, unadorned honey cake. Which is what had prompted Lambert to ask about it in the first place.
"My mother. We had jack shit when I was a kid, but I remember she'd always surprise me with a honey cake on my birthday." He smiled softly at the warm memory, "It became a bit of a tradition also that I'd pretend I had no idea what it was she was hiding behind her back and try and guess the most outlandish shit I could come up with. Had to find substitutes after I got taken to the Caravan but as soon as I was walking the path and free to come and go." He gestured to the remaining sliver sat between them.
"You've never mentioned before it's your birthday today."
Aiden laughed, spraying crumbs, "Well it's the first year you've actually been with me for it, so it's never been worth mentioning before now. What about yours, since we're on the subject?
Lambert felt the slight jealousy that had manifested at Aiden's story morph into something a little harder as he stared straight ahead at a rather unfortunate squirrel which now found itself on the receiving end of a Witcher's scowl.
"Ah. Forget I asked."
Lambert shrugged as he leaned back on his hands, "Eh. I'm not the first one who doesn't know and I'm not gonna be the last. Half the other boys at Kaer Morhen had no fucking idea about theirs either, same with the caravan I bet." He grabbed up the last piece of cake and swallowed it without tasting before continuing, "Some of 'em who were a bit more sentimental about it would pick a significant date and use that, but that wasn't for me." Why would it be when everything significant or monumental in his long life so far was a day he'd rather forget: the day he got dragged to Kaer Morhen, the day he lost Voltehre, the day he survived The Grasses....all days he still sometimes had nightmares about.
"Well. Be sure to let me know if that ever changes."
Aiden yawned as Lambert shook him awake for his turn on watch. Usually they wouldn't bother with such things with their enhanced senses but considering they were experiencing an unusually high number of contracts right now they didn't want to tempt fate by being complacent.
"Anything?" He asked
Lambert shook his head, "All quiet apart from a nosey badger."
Aiden gave him a pat on the shoulder as he moved to take Lambert's place against the trunk of a huge oak tree.
"August 9th."
"My birthday. Let's just say it's August 9th."
Aiden couldn't help his smirk, "Isn't that the date-"
"The date some arsehole Cat stole half of my contract three years ago and then refused to leave me the fuck alone? Yeah. Don't read too much into it."
"Whatever you say, Lambert. Whatever you say." Aiden replied, settling against the trunk and trying to figure out what sweet treat Lambert would like best for his upcoming birthday.
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elvhenmage · 10 months
John Corcoran (@mrjohncorcoran) As promised, a non-exhaustive list of Shadowheart hooks/hints/prompts in two parts in the thread. From throughout the game, so spoilers naturally
General audience:
Nibbles the mouse
Shadowheart defending Nocturne while they were initiates. Hint that Viconia is proud of her, though never admits it
Nocturne doing Shadowheart's hair
Buddog, a childhood rival/bully of Shadowheart, who was also part of the mission to steal the Astral Prism
Training and indoctrination against Githyanki
The actual heist to take the Astral Prism from Vlaakith's vaults. Shadowheart being the sole survivor of a five-member team
Hints at an earlier infiltration mission at a ball in Baldur's Gate
Viconia giving Shadowheart elocution lessons to help her blend into high society
Shadowheart's enjoyment of disguises and roleplay as part of her Sharran training
Shadowheart and Nocturne's hideaway full of night orchids
'Four dogs, eight cats, nine chickens, six pigeons, four sheep, a milk cow named Daphne, a squirrel who's far too clever for her own good, and a wolf cub I found orphaned in some woods'
The owlbear joining Shadowheart's menagerie
Shadowheart's failed attempts to preserve some of her memories
Allister Marnley (Shadowheart's deceased tutor)
The graffiti
Remembering childhood games from the blighted village
Flashes of memories upon being punished by Shar's curse (while playing as Shadowheart only - not companion).
Learning about Dark Justiciars as a young initiate, and dreaming of becoming one
Nocturne helping Shadowheart remember herself whenever she had her memories taken away
'I'd like to see the islands maybe, or head south to Amn. I heard there's an enclave of werecats that hunt the followers of dark gods by moonlight. I'd love to see if there's any truth to that'
Shadowheart's Special Scrumpy
Dragon-riding with Lae'zel
Bonding with her mother, and remembering the taste of her cooking from childhood
Learning jokes from her father
Visiting the House of the Moon, and evading Sharran assassins
Somewhat spicy audience:
What unfolded under the cover of darkness in Sharess' Caress.
Shared love of smutty literature with Wyll
Hint of discreet romances and encounters amongst Sharran trainees at the Cloister
Ever notice how the Sharrans all seem to sleep together in a big dorm?
Untying knots with her tongue
'Try not to dream of tying me up'
Mistaking Durge's nighttime bloodlust for something more amorous, and being perfectly willing to go along with it stealthily while the rest of the camp sleeps
'She looks like she could throw me over her shoulder and carry me to safety... should the need arise'
And it's lesser-seen epilogue follow-up: 'between you and me, I've pretended to have a sprained ankle now and again, for a ride on those muscles'
'Don't wear them out entirely, priest. I might have use for them yet'
Further building of sand castles
Climbing Mount Halsin
*Gestures broadly at Shadowheart and Lae'zel's love-hate tension*
A standing invitation for a private audience with Mother Superior Shadowheart, should you ever be in the vicinity of the Cloister
'Kiss me like you hate me'
Tav: 'If in doubt, I can always lie. We've been slaying dragons and making love atop piles of gold'. Shadowheart: 'That sounds fun - why haven't we been doing that? Perhaps I'll shoo the cats out of our room and scatter copper pieces over the bed some evening, and we can play make-believe'
A dash of sacrilegious bloodplay
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