#so glad kato gave him back his dark hair
rinseveryday · 2 years
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hair shock infinite
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profmori · 4 years
;Daiharu au 💴🌸💎
Summary : Haru Kato overworked himself as usual and Daisuke is trying to take care of him.
Note : yeh! first tumblr fic, let's get it ✨😗✌️
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Haru sometimes hated his job.
Or rather he hated his strong sense of justice, which made him constantly push his boundaries to do what was right. Most of the first division members usually shied out when he asked them for help, and no way in the world he could go to Daisuke Kambe for the same.
Everyone tells him to lay off multiple times but he doesn't needs them to take care of him, damn it.
. . . . 💴🌸💎
Haru fell back in his chair, making the rusty old thing creek in protest. Everyone turned around to witness his loud and grumpy arrival, probably testing the waters before making a move. He paid them little to no attention, knowing he'll lash out otherwise.
The board gave him a hard time, the first division gave him a hard time, Daisuke blew him off like nothing and then Cho-san yelled at him --- Haru straight up wasn't having the best day. Now the last thing he needed was more people pestering him.
Luck, however, wasn't on his side.
The phone on his table starting ringing the moment Haru got comfortable in his chair, the loud sound made the headache double up a few notches. Haru tsked and picked up the receiver, putting it against his ear.
“Oh my god!” the lady at the other end screamed. “Pleass hurry there has been a robbery at my store, everything is wrecked.”
Haru tried to hide his sigh. “Please stay calm and tell me your address. Don't be alone in the house, as it might be dangerous and don't touch anything until help arrives.”
The lady hurried up with details as much as she could while simultaneously sobbing into the speaker, somewhere in the distance was a dog barking at her. Haru kept down the receiver and turned to Kamie, holding up the slip of paper with the address on it.
“There has been a robbery, can you go and see to it?” Haru asked, waiting patiently as the other completed typing on his computer. Kamie looked up with a guilt ridden smile, rubbing the back of his neck as he fumbled for an answer.
“You see, I've been dead tired after all the cardio you put me through---”
“Nevermind.” Haru cut in,“I'll take care of it myself.”
Haru stood up rather fast, making his head go blank for a solid second. He managed to hold himself up just before he could fall forward, the sudden movement causing the table to shake with impact and catch everyone's attention.
“Are you okay?” Mahoro asked, her hand stopped midway with a candy between her fingers. The pink haired officer gave him a worried look. “Would you liked this limited addition candy?”
“I'll pass.” Haru waved his hand and went out of the office lounge, momentarily leaned against the wall to regain his left over energy --- only god knew how worse the robbery was going to be, he needed to get every bit of patience and energy to deal with it.
Once sure that he wasn't going to collapse, Haru shrugged on his jacket and went to the crime scene.
. . . . 💴🌸💎
“Ah Kambe-san.” Kamie called out as Daisuke entered the room, the millionaire gave him a nod and went over to his desk. The inspector pulled Daisuke down to talk quietly into his ear.
“Is there a problem?” Daisuke asked, his voice even like it always have been. Kamie felt himself shiver at the calculated coldness in his eyes, he has to shake his head to get back on his tongue.
“Did something happen with Haru and you?”
Daisuke stared at him for a long moment, eyebrows lightly scrunched in concentration. Then he simply shook his head in denial, making Kamie sigh in confusion. He was well aware of Haru's habits of pushing himself too far, but there was no way you could stop him from doing so.
“Could you please go and check on him then?” Kamie asked with a requested smile, pressing his hands in a prayer position and ducked his head. “I'm afraid he might pass out or something.”
“Okay.” Daisuke said and straightened up, fixing his suit as he exited the lounge for second time this day. “HEUSC track Haru Kato's location.”
“The location has been found.”
Daisuke got in his car and glanced over to the screen, a map displayed in front of him with a green dot blinking inside a cafe. He got the car in ignition and put it on the road the moment it's engine roared.
. . . . 💴🌸💎
“Ehhh . . . what do you mean it wasn't a robbery?”
The woman in front of him laughed in embarrassment, a blush spread across her pale cheeks. Beside her, in a vile grip was a child yelling at her to let go, probably the culprit of the robbery. She bowed to Haru while winding up apologies, forcing the kid down with a hand pressed on his head.
“S-Sorry inspector, my son and his friends created a ruckus before I opened the cafe. I panicked and thought it was a robbery.”
“Are you sure everyone in safe here?” Haru asked; Except for the kid obviously, he thought but knew better than to voice it, his mouthy self already got him in trouble multiple times, he didn't want anything more.
“Yes inspector, our apologies for the inconvenience.” She said again and forced the son to say sorry as well, which Haru just accepted with a laugh. He then nodded to the lady and made his way out of the cafe, yawning as he started walking back to the office, his body however was screaming for him to rest.
Haru stopped as a sleek black car pulled up next to him, a colour and design he was all to familiar with now. The door opened with a smooth motion, inside seated was Daisuke with his usual bored expression, the one that seriously ticked him off.
“Oi Kambe, what are you doing here?”
“I was told to pick you up.” He replied monotonously,“Please get in the car before the traffic rolls up.”
Haru didn't want to be anywhere near Daisuke right now but he found himself rushing over inside the car and sighing once he was able to shut himself in the silent atmosphere. He may not admit out loud but Daisuke's car was more comfortable than his bed --- soft seats, warmth and his rich perfume. Haru instantly felt like he was going to fall asleep, and that would have been embarrassing.
“So what makes you come here?” he decided to ask instead.
“I was told to pick you up.”
“And you agreed?”
“Yes.” Haru didn't expect him to say anything more to so he just let it drop, but Daisuke cleared his throat and continued. “And I owed you an apology.”
Haru was in no mood for having that conversation so he just shrugged it off and let his eyes stay fixed outside the window, looking at nothing in particular. Daisuke waited for an answer before he decided better than to question him further.
“Are you tired?” Daisuke asked as he killed the engine and Haru shook his head, hurrying out of the car before he could seriously fall asleep. He shut the door to cut off any further complaints, making his way back to the office and hopefully avoiding Daisuke any further. Thankfully, the conversation never came up again, not until the shutting time atleast.
. . . . 💴🌸💎
“Haru are you sure you're staying back?”
“Yeah I need to write the report for today.”
“Okayy, bye!” everyone cheered as the hurried out of the office, glad that the day was finally over. Haru watched them leave, wincing when the door shut loudly after the departing crowd.
He let his head fall on the table and groaned. The cursor blink on the empty sheet of the word document, waiting to be worked on; problem was Haru's lack of motivation, he couldn't even lay it off with the board monitoring him and finding all the ways to pick more mistakes on him. It would he easier on their pockets if they could cut more of pay --- and with the deadline for his rent, a pay cut was the last thing he needed right now.
So with the last bit of energy left in him, Haru rolled his sleeved his sleeves up and got to work.
. . . . 💴🌸💎
Daisuke stared at the empty cup holder and realized that he left his wallet in the office, he killed the engine and got off the car. The last bit of left workers nodded as they moved past him, rushing out to go back home. He wasn't half surprised to find Haru bend over his computer and typing sluggishly, his eye bags reached on the floor and casted a dark edge to his golden eyes.
“Kamie? . . . no Kambe." He mumbled his words,"What are you doing here?"
“I left my wallet.”
Haru nodded and went back to typing, taking a sip out of coffee which was most likely cold by now. As Daisuke crossed him, he could see Haru shivering in his seat and having trouble to get a better grip of his coffee. He watched him struggle.
“You need to rest.” Daisuke said.
“As if the guy who threw up off the bridge would care.” Haru replied and then his words turned quiet. “Nobody cares.”
Haru send him a simple shrug and got to work again, mumbling as he typed, backspacing more and actually writing something. Daisuke then turned his head and spoke into the ear piece.
“HEUSC type the report for the incident today.”
“Command in processor. Estimate completion time in 10 minutes.”
“Let's go--- Haru!” Daisuke grabbed him just in time, saving him from hitting his head on the table edge. Haru groaned and fell against Daisuke's torso, eyes barely open and sweat pooled over his eyebrows; despite the obvious temperature rise, he was shivering. “Come with me.”
“I'm fine!” he said, words mingled into each other. “Just a little bit---”
“You just passed out.” Daisuke removed his glove and pressed his hand against Haru's forehead, feeling it burning under his cool skin. Haru straightened himself up, pressing a firm hand against Daisuke's torso too keep him at the arm length.
“I said I'm fine.” he said,“If I don't complete this by today, they'll probably fire me. Unlike you some people are limited on their resources Kambe.”
“I told HEUSC to do it for you.” He replied,“For now just come with me.”
“Why? Give me a reason.”
“To apologize.” He said without missing a beat .
“What for?”
“For everything.” Daisuke said.
Haru could only stare. He wanted to say no and deal with himself, since Daisuke also did the same. The last thing he wanted was to become a burden on someone who refused his help.
He was a burden.
Denial almost went past his mouth but stopped when Daisuke reached out and grabbed his hand, his fingers cold against Haru's wrist. The millionaire's face was stoic as ever but his words were soft.
“Haru . . come with me.”
Seemed like he wasn't getting anywhere with denial tonight.
. . . . 💴🌸💎
continues part two
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szamsson · 4 years
omg pls write about sander arriving at the flat share one night when they’re having a party and taking care of drunk robbe pls
(Okay I’m gonna use this prompt to interpret some sort of a Luca surprise party setting)
Luca was so excited to have a girls night tonight. It seemed during the day none of her best friends really gave a shit that it was her birthday, so being invited last minute round to Zoe and Milans place for a couple (off bottles) of wine with the girls had her practically dancing up the stairs. She had a whole bottle of vodka, as well as a couple of different wine varieties in her bag. She knew obviously, between the three of them who would actually be down to get drunk tonight this was way too much alcohol. But it was her birthday goddamn it and she was going to drink to her hearts desire. 
She approached the door, pounding on it in a melodic rhythm. Zoe had said to arrive at 19,00, but of course, she hadn’t even notice the clock tick over to 19,21 before she darted out the door. The front door swung open and she was greeted with a grinning Milan. She hadn’t seen Milan since their last group zoom chat during lockdown and she had to admit he looked good. His hair was shorted and he had an intense tan going on that Luca knew could not be natural. Nonetheless, she was just glad to see his grinning face in person after all this time. 
“Happy Luca Day, birthday princess!” Milan said with a laugh, engulfing her in a huge hug. As he did this, the bottles in her bag clanked together noisily and Milan raised an eyebrow at her. “I hope you plan on sharing”
“Of course!” She said happily, slipping her backpack off her shoulders and fixing her glasses which had been tussled during the hug. “I assume we are pretty much going to be the only two drinking tonight, so I have plenty for us.”
Milan’s smile grew wider for a second then he schooled his features and not so subtly nodded with a concentrated look on his face. Ok weird, Luca thought, but also, classic Milan. It was then she noticed how goddamn quiet it was in the house. That really confused her because she was a good thirty minutes late. She was sure she would at least hear the quiet chatter of her friends, or the loud chatter in the case of Amber. 
“Am I early...?” She asked Milan anxiously.
“Nope! Right on time.” Milan steered her into the dark hallway and as they entered the living room her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. 
All of a sudden there was so much chaos and noise and a very unharmonious chorus of “Surprise!” “Happy Birthday” rang out. It all ended up jumbling together so all she caught was the 15 of so people yelling “SurHapBirtpriseDay!” as they jumped out from behind the furniture. 
She loved her friends, she really and truly did and suddenly she was so so so excited looking around at all the faces who were there to celebrate her special day. Zoe sat with Yasmina, Kato and Britt, whilst Amber sat with Aarons arms around her shoulders. The Broooerrrs already looked kind of wasted as they stood together in the corner. She narrowed in on Robbe’s glassy eyes and goofy smile and assumed the boys had gone a little too hard during pre drinks. Even Noor was there, with some of her college friends, as well as Senne and his mates. The rest of the blonde ambition were sitting in the far corner sipping on wine, looking entirely out of place, but what the hell! she thought its a party! 
“WOOOOO!” Luca yelled in happiness as the music started again and she basically ran to her friends, practically knocking Zoe and Yasmina over as she gave them a giant bear hug. She couldn’t stop smiling. 
“You guys -- I can’t believe you did this!” She gazed around at the tacky streamers and balloons everywhere, then at the table that was FILLED with all different assortments of alcohol and party snacks. It was basic and last minute and absolutely perfect. 
“Of course,” Amber said, leaving Aaron to give Luca a hug. “You really didn’t think we were going to celebrate your birthday?” 
“We told everyone to bring a different type of alcohol as a present because we thought you’d appreciate that more,” Yasmina said with a smirk as she gestured to the table Luca had already zero’ed in on. 
Luca let out another little scream and the girls laughed at her as she began making what was bound to be a disgusting but very alcohol heavy cocktail. 
As the party continued, Luca walked throughout the groups, saying hello to everyone and thanking them for coming. The blonde ambition were polite but quiet, whilst the brooerrs were definitely next level drunk. And Robbe, who was tiny and probably trying to keep up with his friends, was next next level drunk. She could tell this as when she walked over to them to say hey, Robbe clung onto her shoulders and gave her a big kiss so close to her lips. 
“This was so my dream two years ago,” she said jokingly as the other boys laughed at her and Robbe just gazed happy and intoxicated. 
About an hour in, she was sitting with the girls chatting and laughing at everything and nothing when suddenly, Britt sat up straight, rolling her eyes and letting out a groan. All the girls looked up at her and followed her eyes to see a tentative Sander being led into the room by Milan. He seemed happy chatting with Milan, almost like he was using the older boy as his safety blanket before he had to face the wolves. 
“Who is that?” Kato asked with a frown. Confused by Britt’s reaction, having not seen the boy in school before. 
At the same time, Luca and Britt both answered her.
“Robbe’s boyfriend”
“My cheating ex”
Zoe and Yasmina rolled their eyes at Britt. The girl could just not let it go. Kato’s eyes widened and she nodded, feeling like there was a story behind that which she would ask Luca about at another time. 
Sander spotted the girls and hesitantly walked towards them, eyeing Britt as if she was going to jump up and slap him across the face. They all waved and said hey as he approached, shoving what looked like an expensive bottle of tequila into Luca’s hands. 
“Happy Birthday,” he said, “I didn’t really know what you drank, but I mean, you need tequila on your birthday.” He smiled shyly at Luca.
“It’s perfect! Thankyou!” She said, wrapping her arms around him. He seemed to startle at the contact. She didn’t know Sander that well but she liked the boy. And she knew he treated Robbe like a king so that was good enough for her. 
Britt got up in a dramatic huff and stormed off towards the Blonde Ambition girls, grabbing a bottle of wine off the table on her way. They all watched her go, Sander rubbing anxiously at the back of his neck. 
“Sorry,” he said quietly, to which Luca simply brushed her hands in a motion as if to say, don’t even worry about it. 
“Anyway,” Sander said clearing his throat, “Has anyone seen my--” He was cut off by the sound of a voice shrieking “JENS.”
They all looked over to see Robbe, jumping up and down, trying to reach the bottle of beer Jens was holding above his head. Robbe’s wobbly legs lost their footing on one of the jumps and he fell onto his butt with a huff. He looked up dazed and confused as all the boys broke out laughing at the drunk boy. Robbe’s face then started to crumble and his lower lip shook as he whispered “ouch.”
“--my boyfriend,” Sander finished, trying to hide a laugh at the pitiful exchange he just witnessed. “I’m gonna go deal with that,” he said with a final wave before heading in the direction of Robbe who was still sat on the floor sulking. 
The girls watched as Sander put his hands under Robbe’s arms and hoisted him up from behind. Robbe whirled around and when he saw who it was, all sadness and frustration from his face left and he threw himself at the other boy, trying to climb him like a tree. 
“Hey baby,” Sander whispered, “Let’s go get some fresh air yeah?” 
As they walked towards the door, Robbe turned from under Sander’s arm, and like a 5 year old, snuck his tongue out at Jens.
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dukedrakes · 5 years
Thank You
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Lily)
Rating: PG-13, implied n*fw but nothing is explicitly said.
Words: 2.4K
Summary: Lily says thank you to Ethan.
It kinda bothered me that MC never thanked Ethan for bringing Mrs Martinez’s son to the hearing and ultimately contributed to having her reinstated at Edenbrook, so I decided to fix that.
Don’t forget to tell me what you think, Reblog and Like! Enjoy!
Find my other work here.
This work contains dialogue written by Pixelberry. I do not own that dialogue. All of it belongs to Pixelberry.
Taglist: @carreraleigh @emceesynonymroll @butindeed @beneath-the-ancient-sign @saivilo @ibldw-main @drakeswalkers @maxwellshippo @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @drakewalkerwhipped @cora-nova @nazariortega @katedrakeohd @ladyangel70 @drakesensworld @ccolz88-blog @i-miss-trr @lady-kato @nazario-sayeed
(I curated the tag list by adding people who wanted to be tagged + people who interacted with any of my posts of or about my fics and/or are mutuals/friends, so if you’d like to be added or removed, let me know!)
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Dr. Lily Murphy froze with her mouth agape as she turned to look behind her. After having witnesses attest to her character and skill as a doctor as well as other senior physicians, Lily didn’t know if she could handle anymore. The man was short, middle-aged and seems to have a permanent expression of anguish on his face as he made his way down the stairs to the front of the auditorium.
“That’s Luis Martinez. The son of the woman you got killed. The one suing the hospital. You’re so toast it’s making me crave breakfast.” Declan Nash whispered over to her. Lily shrunk in her seat; she has a feeling this wouldn’t be good.
Lily barely registers as Luis asks if she’s the one who “did it”, referring to the action of administrating stolen medication that wasn’t guaranteed to work to his mother without approval.
“I am.” Lily said, trying her best not to make her voice waver.
She didn’t know what she was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t an embrace from the person who was may be the cause of her loss in career. She tensed before she awkwardly hugged back, patting him on the back as he clutched her. He thanks her, which surprises her more.
“Mr. Martinez! This doctor is the reason your mother is dead!”
Luis pulls away as he answers, looking Lily dead in the eye. “And she’s the reason why my mother lived.”
Lily can hardly believe it as she listened to Luis’ explanation of his change of heart. Of his understanding of why she did what she did. That it granted his mother a kind of happiness she hasn’t experienced in decades. That’s all Lily was trying to do. Grant her happiness and a chance to experience life away from the sterile walls she’d been trapped in for years. Lily knew, despite her own anxieties about her own fate, that she had down the right thing. She had given someone the chance to live – even if it wasn’t for very long. To fulfil their final wishes. And she was so glad that her son understood too.
“That’s why I’m dropping my lawsuit.”
The words rang in Lily’s head as she registered the words. He was dropping the lawsuit. Her head followed him with disbelief written all over her face. She watched him climb the stairs slowly, reaching the back of the room before he slid into the seat next to the man who’s smile gave her butterflies.
Of course, it was Ethan. Only he could have convinced Mrs. Martinez’s son to come to her hearing. Her heart swelled at the fact that he did this for her. When she asked Ethan to come to the hearing, he hadn’t hesitated. But with everything going on with Naveen and their rendezvous two days ago, she wondered when he had reached out to Luis and organised this. Was it before? She hadn’t even heard from him, yet he had eluded that he’d been trying to help her. But he seemed so hopeless when she’d come to him the day before yesterday. Before they had finally given into themselves. She couldn’t work it out. But whenever it was. She was incredibly grateful and amazed this man, who had been so tough and unforgiving with her, would do this.
The smile she returned was not only one of gratitude, but one that she hoped conveyed how much she cared for him. Lily looked at him for a little longer, forgetting what was going on around her before reluctantly turning away from him and back to the Hearing, waiting for her fate.
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Lily lay, curled up to Ethan’s side. One arm resting against him, her fingers trailing the groves of his abdominal muscles. Ethan had one of his arms under his head and the other around her waist, his thumb absently stroking the soft skin there, skin that only moments ago he had held tightly as they saw stars together. They were both naked in her bed after one of the best nights of her life. She didn’t think it could get any better than the first time, but she was wrong. Terribly wrong.
After the hearing where she was finally reinstated at Edenbrook, she’d gone to the bar with her colleagues and friends to celebrate. And she did for a while, sipping drinks and laughing, hugging and accepting congratulations. But even so, there was only one person who wasn’t there, someone who she looked up to and adored, someone who has changed her life and ultimately her career. The only person she truly wanted to celebrate with.
Ethan had arrived late, having been caught up at the hospital, but Lily caught him before he could even step inside the bar. After learning he would return to his old position, she knew that all they had was tonight. Because tomorrow, everything would change. Everything would be back to before. It didn’t take much convincing, because Ethan knew too. And he wanted this as much as she did.
The bar seemed like so long ago now, so distant in their reality as Lily lay there in the room illuminated only by moonlight with Ethan. She sighed audibly as she felt Ethan’s arm around her tighten. She looked up at him to see Ethan gazing at her with hooded lids.
“Hey.” She whispered, smiling at him.
“Hey.” He replied, returning it.
She didn’t want to ruin this perfect moment by remembering that this was the last time she would ever be in his arms. That it was the last time she’d feel his touch, his kiss. She tried to block out those thoughts and just relish in his warmth. She buried her head in his side and pressed a kiss to his torso. Ethan hummed in content as he pulled her on top of him. Lily placed her legs either side of him as she lay her bare chest on his bare chest. Their bodies parallel, Ethan loved the feeling of her skin on his.
Lily rested her chin on her hands that lay over his pectorals. They looked at each other, memorising every curve of each other’s faces. She would miss this. She would miss him. There is no way Ethan would ever pursue a relationship with her now. As much as she wanted it, she knew deep down it was probably for the best. But she would still crave him. It would be hard, having to stand next to him, his hand so close yet she couldn’t hold. To watch him get frustrated over a case and not be able to kiss away the furrow in his brow. It would be hard. But it was a reality that she would have to face. Lily wondered if it would be as hard for him as it would be for her. She wasn’t sure.
“What are you thinking about?” Ethan asked, bringing her out of her subconscious. He gently put some of Lily’s hair behind her ear.
Lily shook her head. “If I told you it would ruin this.”
Ethan smiled sadly, knowing exactly what she was talking about. He tightened his arms around her. “I don’t know how I’m going to let you go.”
Lily shook her head again and kissed his chest. “Don’t. Let’s not think about it. Let’s just think about now. And how perfect this is. Nothing exists beyond this moment. Tomorrow doesn’t matter. It’s just now”
Ethan didn’t reply. He just stroked her hair, taking a deep breath, the smell of her cocoa butter shampoo was intoxicating. God, he’d miss this.
They stayed like that for a while. Silent. Lily wasn’t sure how long they’d been like this for, but it was surely past 1am. Lily looked up at Ethan to see his eyes had closed, his breathing deep and even. She shifted off him gently, trying not to stir him. She covered them in blankets as she moved to lay beside him, on her side so she could look at him. Lily’s eyes traced the curve of his jaw, the slope of his nose and his lips. She smiled. How could she be this lucky? She carefully traced his jawline with her index finger, up and down before running the back of her finger over his stubble. It wasn’t long before Ethan smiled and turned his head towards her.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Lily asked.
“I was just resting my eyes.” Ethan replied, shifting so he was on his side, facing her.
They were so close, if either of them moved forward their lips would meet. Lily lost herself in his blue eyes, which were dark in the low lighting of her room. This…thing…between them was so raw and full of emotion. She’d never felt anything like this with anyone before. She was scared about how much Ethan meant to her. He was slowly consuming every part of her and yet, she didn’t want it to stop. Ethan was so hard to read sometimes, but in this moment, in the way he looked at her, there was something there that showed that maybe, just maybe, he was feeling the same way she was.
“I never said thank you.” Lily said, her eyes still on his.
Ethan frowned. “For what?”
“For bringing Mr. Martinez to the hearing. If it wasn’t for you, I would probably be unemployed right now.” Lily said as she reached to hold Ethan’s hand in hers. Desperate to touch him.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“But you did.” Lily insisted. “It’s because of you that he dropped the lawsuit. And it’s because of you that he was able to understand why I did what I did. His reaction probably helped sway some of the panellists.”
Ethan shook his head. “That was all you.”
Lily cocked her head. “Me?”
“Yes, you.” Ethan rolled his eyes playfully. “You’re a good doctor, Lily. Luis changed his mind because he heard how good you are not only as a doctor but as a person. Hearing those witnesses and how you helped them, he could see that what you did for Mrs. Martinez was to make her happy and her give her the chance to live her life on her terms. None of that is because of me.”
Lily couldn’t help but smile at his words. “You still convinced him to come. He couldn’t have been jumping for joy at the chance to attend my hearing.”
Ethan smiled. “He most certainly was not.”
“How did you do it?” Lily asked.
Ethan shrugged. “I told him he needed to understand the weight of what he was doing. He was doing what he thought was right. But he needed to see the people he was affecting. And how they were the same people that looked after his mother for 10 years whilst he barely visited. The nerve of him to sue the hospital and potentially ruin your career when he didn’t even understand his mother or know what she wanted.”
Lily chuckled. “You’re too harsh.”
“It’s the truth.” Ethan defended, frowning playfully.
Lily shook her head and brought his hand to her lips. “When did you do all this anyway? The other day when we…you said you had been doing things to try and help me, but you never said anything to me.” Lily said as she rubbed her thumb over the back of his hand before meeting his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me what was going on and what you were planning?”
Ethan sighed. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up. After Dr. Emery wouldn’t let me testify, I had to think of something else. It took me a few days to get in touch with Luis, it wasn’t until the morning of the hearing that I finally spoke to him and pretty much threatened him to show up.”
“You didn’t.” Lily widened her eyes.
“I didn’t actually threaten him. But I wasn’t very nice, I assure you.” Ethan grinned.
Lily laughed and rolled her eyes. Her face softened as she looked at him. “Still. Thank you. For doing that and for being there today. Having you there, I really appreciated it. I don’t know if I could’ve faced it without knowing you were there at the back, having my back.”
“You could’ve done it, Lily. You’ve never really needed me. But I’m glad I was able to be that for you.” Ethan smiled softly at her, placing a hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking her cheekbone.
Lily smiled. “See, you can save the people you care about after all.”
Ethan shook his head and whispered so quietly that Lily could barely hear him, “I care about you more than you could ever know.”
“I care about you too.” Lily whispered back.
Ethan closed the small distance between them and pressed the softest of kisses to Lily’s lips. She returned the kiss, deepening it gently as she cupped his cheek with her hand. Ethan moved his hand down to her waist and pulled her flush against him. Lily hooked a leg around his thigh and they both proceeded to tangle their legs together. They couldn’t get enough of each other. It wouldn’t ever be enough.
Ethan pulled away for a moment to say: “I can’t stay the night, Lily.” Ethan searched her eyes with a look of anguish on his face. He hated knowing that he would have to leave her.
Lily couldn’t stop the ache in her chest. It was starting. “I…I understand, Ethan.” She smiled sadly. “But, can you wait until I fall asleep? Please?”
“Of course, my darling.” Ethan replied as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Lily smiled. “Thank you.”
They shifted so Lily’s back pressed into Ethan’s chest and he was spooning her, his arms around her. Lily held his arms and pressed further back into him, Ethan’s grip on her tightening. She tried to memorise this feeling of his arms around her. The feel on his breath on her neck and his skin on hers. God, she’d miss this. So damn much.
But she was grateful. Grateful to have had this at least. And knowing that even though they wouldn’t go beyond tonight, she knew that he would always be there when she needed him. And she would be there when he needed her.
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dokuhebi · 4 years
Shatteredxlookingxglass asked: For the Phobia prompts... Atychiphobia: My muse comforts yours after a (real or perceived) failure. -OR- Dipsophobia: Our muses drinking together. ~~ Dan @shatteredxlookingxglass​
Phobia Drabble Prompts Atychiphobia: My muse comforts yours after a (real or perceived) failure.  / Dipsophobia: Our muses drinking together. // @shatteredxlookingxglass The trees groan miserably as the deployed team pushes through thick and damp terrain. Familiar grounds branching off in to something far less known and safe. The forests surrounding Fire Country carried the risks of enemy shinobi, treacherous elements and beasts large enough to treat these expanding sequoia trees as little more than twigs beneath clawed or scaled feet. Unknown grounds or not however, as the group leaves behind the routes they have all explored throughout childhood, there is still one very familiar aspect to this. Danger itself. There is nothing new about the perceived sensation of a reaper tailing the group, waiting to find out which Leaf shinobi would be picked off first to be dragged to some unseen beyond.  Despite this graveness however, life continues to exist rather peacefully until chaos ensues. The greeting from a small rodent that scurries past, the ever pleasant and charming songs from the birds calling one another in the trees above. One particular little song, causing the viper to travel back in time in their own mind. 
“Why is she in a trap Taichou?” they are only eight years old, trained and talented enough to be deployed in to these lethal woods, with nothing more than a team captain as their guide. Their golden eyes are upon the small songbird, looking frantic in its prison, as the team captain stages another trap beside the one it is now ensnared in. It’s calls, pretty as they are, strike the child as a little sad. “She’s bait,” the man replies curtly, focused more on his task than the childs curiosities. Because food rations were now diminished, and he had a squad of shinobi relying on his lead. “But why do you want to lure a predator?” they ask again, childlike innocence compelling them to open her trap up for her release. As easy as coaxing a butterfly from a spiders web. Of course then, as Sensei had once told them, the spider would starve. Today, if they are analyzing their captains work correctly, it would be their team that starved. Although after meeting the birds eyes, the serpentine child has decided they very much wouldn’t be bothered skipping a meal on this evening. “I’m not baiting a predator. I’m baiting her mate.” That was the final answer the captain gave, and a firm lesson the child could not shake even in to adulthood. The little bird, clueless to its fate and the one awaiting its partner, would relentlessly call. And it would be the bond between two life mates that caused both to perish. Because hunters knew to exploit nature at ever turn. Because if one bird was caught, it would forever sing a song of rescue to its counterpart, and without fail, that counterpart would place fears aside to seek the other out. Be it a parent coming to a child, siblings, mates or cherished companions, care would be the catalyst. A jaded tale of love, if ever there were one. And while watching the songbird wailing in hope its partner would come, as if the other bird would ever be any help, the child watches with a little morbid criticism; stop calling, you’ll only get them killed.
On this mission, with Dan taking the position of team captain, a job that both offered honor to those who succeeded in missions or stripped it bare from those who failed, the serpent would once more encounter this lesson. This time however, they would be the foolish one who lured someone they cared for to harm. Ignorant to the fact that the danger they placed themself in, could so easily be translated over to a burden for someone else. Or so they would pretend. Dan had placed his team in a functioning order, but the serpent would break from it.  Pretending that amid this plan, an error was made where they could not properly take up the position they ought to. Pretending they had needed to improvise when something went wrong. It would be a purposefully made miscalculation on their part, knowing that Dan was never oblivious to them, knowing they could not escape the eyes of a trained Kato. In fact, they were betting on it. Within a few moments of intentional grave error, the serpent is well aware that they have walked in to a trap. One they admittedly would have survived with or without outside help. But only they know about their own ability to survive this without aid, and they would not need to prove this knowing their comrade wouldn’t be taking such a chance. Dan would arrive at their defense to mitigate the damage, he would arrive to ensure the vipers safety, as the two make quick work of the enemy forces. But the serpents action of drawing Dan away from his own position meant there were other casualties. Meant the part of the team abandoned faced another downfall. A downfall the serpent had calculated too, and found no sure way to avoid. They should have told Dan what they had sighted, they should have mentioned the inevitable loss. That was what a captain relied on, the honesty of the team, the cooperation of being a multi shinobi force. Orochimaru however, had feared Dan would ally with his team in the same fashion he had allied with the serpent in the heart of such danger. They were afraid, that he may meet the same fate. It is why they keep it to themself, why they can not bring themself to risk his life for the lives of those they barely know. It is also why, however, Dan ends up taking the brunt of failure. Why he is accused of losing a team, failing an assignment, and left with the mountain heavy guilt of that ‘fact’. Not a fact at all of course, if one knew there was a betrayal on the team. A betrayal due to something as innocent as a well formed bond - now, in the serpents experience, was that not merely nature at its most honest? They had on this night, been the little bird singing it’s companion in to death like a siren might. They were, and remain completely aware of it, the one who is the cause for the mans lowered morale and mood. The real culprit of failure. So it is perhaps, the least the can do to try help Dan drown away his sorrows for the evening. Why, on the sleepless night the two return home, they find themselves still clad in blood stained uniforms, hidden only by the dark cloaks that had shielded them from the outside weather, at the only open bar. These are times of war. Nobody notices the flash of a crimson stain, nobody asks whether or not someone has had too much to drink or not. They sit beside him, knowing they should be feeling remorse for their hand in this. That his guilt is a burden they chose to give him, feeling it a better consequence than death.  “The only thing that is not blue these days is the sky,” they mutter to him, observing the way the strong sake swirls at the bottom of their cup. Warranting a refill. Their golden eyes glance over to the man, offering the support a close companion ought to, company and agreement that life was just as insufferable as their currently downed comrade felt it was. Even if, at heart, they were simply relieved he had made it out in one piece. Even if his failure reflected in his eyes like broken glass. A little more sharp than broken perhaps. “We should just be glad it wasn’t you, or me,” they continue in the honesty of any shinobi who was both tipsy and well aware the man they spoke to was likely drunk enough to not remember what was being said, “places speak the names of everyone we know after all. I bet neither of us would ever sit at this bar again if the other died.” Because they have watched the way the dull but warm bar lights play tricks on the mans moon coloured hair, the way those same lights hit is ocean eyes. The way he takes up the space of the bar stool he sits upon, the way his frame blocks out the other patrons, shields them without thought from the room they prefer not mingling with, from the chilled breeze that threatens to crawl in from the open door. And they know, if that seat were ever empty, because the gods forbid something happened to him, they would certainly be unable to take their own seat ever again. It is when they catch the way the glass moves unsteadily in his hand, not curiously motivated so much as a result of impaired mobility, that they slip from their bar stool and settle the tab. Again - the least they could do. “That’s enough for tonight,” they mutter, more to themself than Dan, who was either saying something too drunk for them to understand, or else, was saying something perfectly comprehensible, but the serpent themself was the one too drunk to comprehend it. Whichever way it was, the midnight haired shinobi had decided the two have done enough poisoning for one night. Their own abode was closer, even if it did require a clumsy ascent up three sets of stairs. They keep a slim arm around the small of his back as they clamber up, once more unsure of whether their smaller form is giving him any support, or whether he is merely offering it to them. They had spent many nights interrupting his peaceful nights with their ideas. Entering with some new conclusion or finding, talking in their quiet but evidently enthusiastic manner, eventually succumbing to fatigue and falling asleep upon the very couch he offered them. Where the man would without fail find a blanket to draw over the serpent, daring not to interrupt the rare sleep they had managed. Tonight however, after fumbling with their locks, they would be the one to return that favor. Guiding him to their couch, helping him sit down and then eventually, covering him with a blanket after the polite effort of removing his shoes, cloak and flak jacket. Words are unspoken however, or perhaps only half spoken. They wonder if he knows them well enough. Did he hear it amid the rest of their ramblings? Did he hear it in their actions and behaviours? Did he hear it in their relief? Their excuses? Their every reaction - even their silence? ────   ‘I don’t want to lose you.’ Their svelte form sits in the gap left on the couch beside his abdomen, moving a strand of pale hair to investigate a gash on his forehead. Determining whether the cleaning could be left until morning, as to leave his sleep undisturbed. Finally determining that it could. It is not the only thought running through their mind however. They had made quite the promise to themself after all, one where they would not form attachments to people who were so fragile. Where they would not create a bond of any sort, when the human life was a fragile little flame so destined to burn out.  But now they had. Now they couldn’t say him leaving would have no profound impact on them as a person. And now, the only question they can both morbidly and fondly ask themself, as if looking back in to the eyes of that ensnared songbird, was who would be the death of the other first. 
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caseydreamer · 4 years
Children of the First Egg
Everything is water and darkness. An egg rises from the water glowing and bright reflecting off the water like a sheet of still glass. The egg cracks. The crack spreads, light shining through in sheets growing bigger till a hole is forced open and a tiny fist punches through, little  hands clawing at it from inside, slowly fighting for life till the opening is big enough for her to climb through light streaming out of the egg around her. Skin soft and black, like obsidian, golden goo still clinging to her, big doe eyes glowing silver, damp curls clinging tight to her head. She totters on the water and leans back to help her brother out of the egg. His skin is golden and the glowing light moves with him filling the space and lighting the water, his short hair clinging to his brow in red fire curls, and young amber eyes take in everything at once. 
She takes the egg and makes a raft and she and her brother sleep. She wakes first. Her hair has grown. She has grown. A child with soft dark curls falling around her shoulders. Her silver eyes deep and seeing. She turns to her brother curled up beside her on the raft. His chest rising and falling gently. His golden skin illuminating the water around them. His red curls falling about his shoulders like hers. She does not want to wake him, but she is lonely. She touches the water and watches the ripples cascade outward across the golden surface of the water until they met the darkness. She watches until it disappears and the water is still again. Then a ripple returns and a gold and blue scaled creature with fins and bulging glassy eyes stares back at her from under the water's surface. She lets out a laugh of delight. The laugh becomes an egg, it is silver and warm. She holds it in her hands and pulls it close to the warmth of her body.
Her brother wakes at the sound of her laugh. He crawls over to the edge of the raft and peers over at the creature in the water, reaching out and splashing glowing water at it. The creature dives down into the darkness, shying away from the light. She scowls at him. He sees the egg she is holding and he laughs splashing her. She lets out a shriek as the golden water soaks her dark skin but she is smiling. His laugh also becomes an egg, it is golden and smooth and cold to the touch. He takes it and hands it to his sister.  She holds them next to each other then she puts them down on the raft together, she curls up around them and falls back asleep. 
He wades out into the water to explore but he finds nothing so he makes rocks to play with and he throws them as far as he can and watches them splash and fall down into darkness. The sound wakes her and she leaves the eggs. She wades out into the water and more sea creatures emerge when she touches the water. He wades out after he and the fish scatter. Golden light flashing against their scales. 
Time passes. They sleep and play. She learns to make sea creatures of different sizes and shapes, little ones that swim between her fingers and nibbles at her toes while her brother sleeps, big ones that send massive ripples across the surface of the water, ones with teeth and ones with many limbs writhing and pulsing, ones that glow in the dark places, and ones that are unafraid of the light so that they can play with her brother. 
She works on making her creatures while he sleeps and she naps curled up around the eggs or watches him as he plays in the water, and throws stones. The fish scatter as he sends light and waves and currents through the waters. All except for the little silverfish which his sister made. They were unafraid of the light and they came in schools swimming around his legs and nibbling at his fingertips. 
time passes and they grow taller, hair falling down their backs in loose curls, his a burning red and hers dark like the corners of the water. She begins to grow curves and he begins to grow stronger. He becomes tired of the fish running away when he comes near. Tired of his sister sleeping so often. Tired of being alone. He becomes determined to catch the fish, diving into the water and chasing after them, a streak of golden light churning up the dark waters as the fish skater before him. Glowing red magma rises up beneath the water as his feet hit the ground, hissing and cooling to black stone as it comes into contact with the water. His sister wakes and watches in dismay, clutching the eggs to her chest.
He rises from the dark water with a triumphant cry a large silverfish raised above his head. The magma rises up out of the water around him creating land of black rock, his light glowing brightly across the surface and causing it to cast a shadow across the water. When he sees the tears in her eyes his face falls. He puts the fish down and helps her climb from the raft onto the land. She hands him the eggs and kneels next to the fish. When she touches it it twitches and she helps it back into the water before it swims into the cold blackness. 
She looks at him sadly and he looks back confused. He looks down at the eggs and promptly hands them back to her before starting to climb the mountain of molten rock he has created. Reaching the top his light stretches out across the endless water farther than it has ever reached before. He shouts and his voice echoes across the still water causing ripples. The water is still for a moment before the ripples return, rushing with the winds. 
Two winds stand before him, looking up at him, young and eager. One point’s at him and breath comes from their throat and they call him “Ada” their father. He looks back at them, pride shining in his amber eyes at what he created and the name his creations gave him.  
She watches this, brows furrowed with uncertainty. She sighs, her breath washing gently across the water. A sigh answers back and two more winds come to stand before her, wide-eyed and innocent. They point at her and breath comes from their throat and they call her “Dena” their mother. She looks back at them joy welling up in her silver eyes at what she created and the name her creations gave her. 
Ada’s creations called themselves Tay and Mos, while Dena’s creations called themselves Uos and Kar. 
Ada is glad to have companions. He runs across the water. Tay and Mos chase after him, churning up the waters as mountains rise up in Asa’s wake. Dena watches in growing dismay as her fish are chased off, their peaceful home torn up by earth and fire and wind. Uos and Kar hang close to Dena watching from the safety of her shadow. Asa’s light dances violently across the water in his revelry.
Dena squares her jaw and turns to her children, handing them each an egg. They look down in awe at the egg’s and clutch them close to their chests. Dena turns and runs across the water, fish following in the ripples of her steps. She halts beside Asa and grabs his arm. His skin is hot and she pulls back sharply as her hand burns. He turns to face her, looking down at her a question in his eyes. His children dance around them howling, laughing, the wind whipping Dena’s long dark hair around her figure, Ada’s hair dancing like red fire about his broad shoulders. She scowls up at him cradling her palm to her chest. He frowns. 
Uos and Kar run up behind Dena, each clutching an egg. Tay and Mos stop to stand across from them. They watch each other intently. They watch their parents. 
Dena reaches for him, he pulls back, head shaking, and turns to run again. She grabs him by the arm and cries out to him, not letting go even when he tries to withdraw his arm. She pulls him back toward the island of black stone. He shouts, lashing out. She screams. 
Tay and Mos look back at Uos and Kar. They howl and jump on them knocking them back into the water. Kar and Uos shriek and try to shield the eggs. Tay and Mos try to wrestle the eggs free. Tay presses Kar’s face into the water. Mos twists Uos’ arm. They all thrash about on the surface of the water sending up spray till Tay and Mos manage to rip the eggs from their arms. With a triumphant shriek they set off running back to the mountain, their prizes held high.
Dena lets go of Ada’s arm and spins around, silver eyes sharp, her heart racing as she bolts after them, her brother left staring after her and her children left lying dazed on the surface of the water. She runs up the side of the mountain and grabs her brother’s children. She rips the eggs from their hands and throws them in the mountain sealing up the top and sitting on it to keep them inside while she cradles the eggs gently to her chest. She looks the eggs over carefully and hums soothingly as she catches her breath. Howling screams shake the mountain as Asa’s children futilely thrash against its sides. Dena does not budge. 
Ada marches up the mountain Dena’s children in tow. He stops before her and shouts his skin almost blinding. Tears well up in her eyes. The golden egg cracks. Her tears run down her face and fall on the silver egg. It cracks. Asa drops Uos and Kur, and stares. 
Two tiny children fight their way free, golden goo and fractured pieces of shell still clinging to them. One of them has Ada’s golden skin, the other has his bright hair. Dena smiles and gently cleans them off. Uos takes the golden child and cradles him in their arms “This is Kato, lord of chaos.” Kur takes the red-headed child and holds them close to their chest, “This is Ubdo, lord of destruction.”  
The silver egg breaks, two tiny children struggle free, silver goo and fragments of silver shell cling to them. One of them has her eyes, the other her dark skin, both with damp black curls that cling to their brows. Uos looks at the child with silver eyes and says “This is Gala lord of justice.” Kur looks at the child with obsidian skin and says “This is Mur, Lady of truth.” 
Dena holds her new children close to her heart and smiles. She looks up and glares at Ada. He scowls and scoffs, lingering only a moment before turning and running down the mountain and across the water till they are left in darkness, the only light a soft silver light coming from Dena.
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story part thirty
“I still can’t believe you’re really here” Kato gushed as he seated at his dining room table. He gestured for Lily to sit next to him. She lowered herself gracefully, throwing her wavy brown hair over her shoulder.
“What can I say? I missed my old BFF” she purred. I rolled my eyes from my place on the couch in the next room. Laila was to my left, being held tightly by Hari.
“What the hell is she doing back here?” Hari muttered more to himself than to me. I should really have been going but I felt bad leaving Hari when he was like this.
“How have you been Lily? Where have you been?” Kato asked.
“Oh you know, here and there and I’ve been great” she responded vaguely.
“You found your mother then?”
“That’s right. It took a little awhile, but it was well worth the trouble” Lily insisted. I had heard the story as a child. Alpha Jonas had thrown out Lily’s mother shortly after she gave birth, for having a child with a Wolfskin father. Lily had been too young to travel so her mother was forced to leave her behind. It was exactly what I had feared would happen to me and Laila.
“I’m so glad to hear that. I can’t believe it’s been nine years since you left” Kato confessed.
“Has it really been that long already? My my, sounds like someone missed me” Lily teased.
“Of course I missed you”
“Aw, I missed you too”
This was becoming sickening to listen too. I could tell from the look on Hari’s face that he felt the same, if not far worse.
“Hey Hari. Look, I’ve really got to go but why don’t you spend the day at my place? Laila would probably be happier alone with you then around a stranger”
“Are you sure?” He asked, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Yeah of course. I trust you” I smiled at him reassuringly.
I arrived at the castle later than I’ve ever been before. I rushed up the stairs to Aegean’s room, I could get my uniform later. I knocked on his door as I caught my breath.
“Come in!” called a voice. That wasn’t Aegean’s voice, I thought in confusion. I straightened myself and took a deep breath before entering.
“Adara, hi!” Aegean exclaimed from his sprawled-out position on the floor.  
“Hey Aegean, and…?” I said looking at the girl sitting beside him, “oh, it’s Maya, right? Err Princess Maya I mean” I corrected myself as I recognized the run a way Princess that Luna had been looking for way back. The two were surrounded by piles of old books.
“That’s right! And just Maya is fine. Aegean and I are reading old Blue Kingdom folk tales if you want to join us”
“She’s also hiding from her retainers” Aegean giggled. I smiled at them and sat down. 
“I would never!” Maya laughed. I let their words blend into the background. I picked up the book closest to me, the cover was weathered and dark blue. The Legend of Lady Sky, it read. I tried another, this one was a brown leather and looked even older. It was titled, The Tale of Nora the Lion. I put it down. I never was much of a reader. My mind drifted back to the events of this morning. Luna coming to yell at me and then actually apologizing to me, Lily’s sudden appearance, Hari’s overall distress. I must have sighed out loud because Maya and Aegean looked up at me in unison.
“Is everything okay, Adara?” Aegean asked me.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I guess I’ve just got a lot on my mind” the two shared a glance.
“Aegean and I are fine here if you want to go for a walk or something, clear your head” Maya suggested.
“Are you sure? I’m not really supposed to leave him”
“I’m sure, if someone stops you just tell them you’re getting us a snack” Maya assured me.
“Well, alright. But just for a few minutes and promise you’ll come find me if you need anything”
“I promise” Aegean answered solemnly.
I decided to go to the gardens that Aegean and I had tried to explore together. On the way there I ran into Luna once again. I tensed, ready for her to demand I return to Aegean or something like that. But she simply said,
“Adara” and nodded as we passed each other. Well that was civil. Is this how it was going to be from now on? I almost missed our fiery arguments. Luckily for me, the gardens were empty this time. I strolled around, letting the cool air clear my thoughts. Or at least I thought they were empty until I came to a lone marble bench on the far side of the garden.
“Your majesty” I stuttered out in surprise.
“Good morning Adara” Queen Celeste smiled, “sit with me?”    
I sat down beside her, staring at the ground. I should’ve just stayed with Aegean and Maya.
“Beautiful day isn’t it?” she murmured.
“Ah yes, it is”
“I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you” she started. My heartbeat started to race. She must have found out about Aegean leaving the castle alone or something else I’ve done horribly wrong and didn’t even realize.
“If I’ve done something wrong…”
“Oh no, it’s nothing like that!” she assured me, “it’s just that I think Aegean’s been missing his adoptive father. He hasn’t said anything to me of course but a mother knows these sorts of things. I wanted to ask if you would take him for a visit”
“Of course, I think that would make Aegean very happy” I responded, thankful that I wasn’t in any sort of trouble.
“Wonderful! I’ll talk to Luna and see when she and few other guards are available to accompany you two, one can’t be too careful these days”
I winced internally at the thought of spending that much time with Luna, but I could put up with her for one day for Aegean’s sake.
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