#so good morning and have some nonesense
hyperfocusthusly · 4 months
Sokka: hi, I’m bi. I’m attracted to women because they are incredible and I’m attracted to men because I love making bad choices
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hello it is me, you said in your headcannons that Simon likes to be a caretaker soooo can you write a little thing about him taking care of a reader with a broken leg? (Totally not me rn)
*gives you a big lip smooch*
simon is mom, but also like dad. dom. wait no ♡
Simon didn't need to know how it happened, (infact, he thinks if you told him he'd probably vomit, despite his adventures he's not good with descriptions of gore.) all he needed to know was you were currently at home in a cast unable to do anything. Due to your currently, broken leg. He had arrived quite early in the morning with a duffel bag of supplies (various pain killers, soothing tea's to help you sleep, throw blankets and pillows, and a shower cap incase he had to help you keep your cast out of the water when you bathed.) and a worried frown across his face as he knocked on your door before you called out a muffled "come in!".
There you were, splayed out on the couch with your leg underneath four stacked pillows. You had certainly seen much better days, "hey, simon! thanks for coming, you know you really didn't have to." he tutted you, setting down the duffle bag and extracting a blanket and two of his fluffiest pillows. "Nonesense! you're injured. How could I not come and help?" he said as he rearranged your position, being extra careful of your leg as he tucked the blanket over you and the pillows under your head. "There, much better." Simon let out a sigh of relief, he wasn't even the one injured but the sight of you being quite obviously much more comfortable released some of the tension he held over your injury.
He sat with you for hours, chatting, reading to you, fetching you snacks and drinks and as the clock hit 12pm, lunch. It was quite tricky to manuever you into a position where you could still be relaxed but, also eat the passable food Simon had made for you, but with enough struggle all things are possible! So, munching happily you watched Simon pace around your house tidying up where he saw fit. Which, and he meant no disrespect to you, was almost everywhere. It's obviously hard to clean with you know, a broken limb? so, simon didn't hold it against you. If he was being honest, the extra tasks made him feel needed.
You didn't know when you fell asleep, but you woke up to Simon reading quietly on the floor next to the couch you were on. "Hey" you nudgrf him, "hm-?" he blinked a few times before he looked up (he had obviously been quite invested in the book he had been reading), eyes meeting yours. "How long was I out?" simon glanced to the clock, then back at you. "Roughly...3 hours?" he looked off to the windows outside, which now dimly lit the room in a blue glow "give or take" he added.
"Are you hungry?" Simin asked "I could make you dinner?" it was tempting, but you weren't really hungry, infact you were honestly still tired. And given how it was so dark out, you figured you'd be alright heading back to bed. "Nah, I think i'll pack it in for the night, feel free to sleep in my room" you responded, pulling the blanket up to your chin and letting your eyes flutter shut. "Oh, well alright." Simon smiled
"night" you yawned.
"night" Simon responsed as he clicked off the lamp on your table, he leant down and pressed a kiss to your temple before heading towards the door of your room.
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lem0nshark-writes · 2 years
"Winter Coat"
Lindir x Male Reader
Tumblr media
Type: fluff
Word count: 1890
Warnings: fluff, reader's an elf, some comedy, reader's in Rivendell's patrol guard, reader and Lindir are courting, reader and Lindir being cute boyfriends, reader's bit clumsy
Summary: something fluffy with the best boi
A/N: Lately been reading a lot of @/aeonianarchives (on tumblr) x reader fics and they inspired me writing this little fic hehe do check their fics out they are really good! 👀 anyways I was gonna post this for Christmas but yeah XD anyways for New Years it is XD Also I wish all those who celebrate a Merry Christmas and all you a Happy New Year! 💕💕
Translations: meleth nin - my love
"Oh meleth nin what has happened to you?" you let out surprised, walking swiftly towards Lindir who had just entered the front door of your small home, his winter great robe ripped from his lower back almost to his knees, one side of his robe underneath drenched in a cold wet smear of frost and rainwater, stressed out expression on his face.
"I was just enjoying some fresh morning air and the beautiful winter view outside and as I was heading back I slipped on the frozen patch on the floor... and ripped my robes in the process too..." he looked so visibly embarrassed with his heated up red cheeks and ears.
"Oh, my darling-", you moved your hands from where they stood holding his shoulders and hugged him tightly.
"How embarrassing..." he quietly let out into your shoulder, arms weakly hugging back.
"Oh it is alright it can happen to anyone," you comforted him, knowing his racing mind would see it as such a big deal when it really wasn't, "Don't you remember last year when I was late for my patrol and was rushing to meet up with Erestor and my foot slipped and I slid all the way right to his feet on my back nearly knocking him over too? And even lord Elrond witnessed that as well, along with you?" you chuckled and grinned a little remembering your embarassing situation, whose consequences followed you for quite some time afterwards with your patrol mates.
Lindir through his flushed cheeks bursted into laughter and giggles, covering his mouth slightly with his hand trying not to laugh at you but the memory was too funny to be able not to, "I'm sorry-," he managed to let out through his laughter.
"No it's alright it was really funny," you laughed along with him, "I did get onto polishing duty that night as a punishment but it was really funny nevertheless," you grinned.
"Yeah, I thought you slid all the way down some hill and Erestor had to pull you out by your armour and that's why you were late that night," Lindir burst into laughter again and you laughed along at the joke on your expense.
"Honestly at one point it was really close," you grinned and started to remove Lindir's great robe off his shoulders, as the two of you finally calmed down from your laughing fit.
"Whatever shall we do with your robes, my little bird? You don't have any other ones thick enough for this cold."
"Yes, but I will be alright don't worry, just going to wear an extra layer underneath-" Lindir began but you cut him off quickly.
"Nonesense, I'll take your coat to get fixed and till then-" you stopped rummaging through your closet, as Lindir quickly changed into new clean robes, pulling something out and getting up and handing him your brand new patrol winter cloak you were gifted recently, its back graced with the well known intricately embroidered crest with a mighty presence of it's own, "-you shall wear mine," you smiled happily.
Lindir looked at your cloak in bit of a shock blushing slightly, "No I-I can't- It's brand new and-"
"Come on darling, everyone knows we're courting, I think. Unless you wish to carry me draped around your shoulders as a coat to warm you up all day? But then you'd have to explain Erestor why I'm not on patrol all day," you grinned then smiled widely.
"You dummy harebrained elf," he chuckled, "Fine I will take it. But I know I'll get so many questions and comments and gazes about it."
"Even better, then you can brag about your sexy boyfriend to everyone."
He blushed at your comment and the funny pose you called "sexy" that you did while saying that, "You silly elf."
You smiled at him warmly, loving to see him smiling and laughing and happy, it made you whole being warm and fluffy on the inside and your heart skip a beat, just like the moment you first laid your eyes on him.
He caught your gaze and blushed again, lips spreading into a beautiful smile.
You smiled even more, slowly coming closer to him and placing a long kiss on his lips before fixing your robe onto his shoulders.
He blushed, looking at you doing it and standing still as you did.
You smiled once you did, taking a look at him, "My sir Lindir you're looking quite dashing today," you spun him around and proceeded to kiss the back of his hand afterwards when he turned back around.
He chuckled and blushed again, "You dummy-"
You grinned at him, pulling him close to your armour-clad chest and hugging him tightly, swaying a bit as if to music as you did, humming a little, "I don't wish to go to work, can't we stay indoors and cuddle all day?"
"I wish.." Lindir murmured through the fabric of your cloak, his face stuffed into your shoulder, " but we should get going. Lord Elrond must be wondering where I am already, and I'm sure Erestor is waiting for you too."
"Mhhh.. you're right," you let out a whine before responding.
Giving him a forehead smooch you peeled yourself off of him and fixed him up, him doing the same to you with a smile.
"Ready?" you asked, sighing a bit dreading the cold outside.
"Yes," Lindir chimed in agreement.
"Let's go then, I'll walk you to lord Elrond's, can't have you slipping and falling again and Eru forbid hurting yourself," you said as you draped your arm around his shoulder as he grabbed a couple of books of the table and then leading you both out, closing the door behind you two once you got out.
"Ah you don't have to, I'll be fine, I'll be more careful-"
"Nu-uh, I won't hear it," you mused intertwining your arms with his.
He sighed knowing there's no arguing with you when his safety is in question and the two of you made your way to Elrond's study where Lindir usually finds him in the morning.
As the two of you made your way through the passageways and halls Lindir's cheeks only grew hotter and hotter as passing elves shot him gazes and smiles.
You returned the smiles when glances were caught and only pulled Lindir closer, proud to have him as your boyfriend and so very proud to be seen with him.
Lindir too was very proud of having you as his and calling you his own, but he just got flustered very easily and was very very shy, despite how long the two of you have been together.
Whenever he'd look away shy you'd just rub the back of his hand reassuringly and shot him a warm smile, melting all his insecurities and bad thoughts away.
The two of you safely found your way to Elrond's study, halting at the big intricately carved wooden door.
"This is where we part meleth nin, all safe and sound," you smiled, placing a soft kiss on his forehead, which made his cheeks heat up and smile warmly.
"Yes, thank you for walking me to here, now rush off to Erestor before he gets mad," he spoke, worried for you getting a punishment for your inattentiveness to the time, "but be careful on frozen bits, don't need you scooping up Erestor this time."
You chuckled, "I won't.. hopefully-," you grinned interrupted by a clearing of a throat beside you.
"I see you've brought my assistant to me safe and sound," lord Elrond stood by half-opened door of his study, sly amused smirk plastered on his face, gaze landing on the long cloak draped across Lindir's back.
Lindir blushed so quickly, eyes widening at the thought of his lord seeing the displays of affection the two of you just shared.
"Yes my lord, I hope you don't mind," you smiled at him and then at Lindir, who was having a internal panic attack.
"Oh not at all," Elrond smiled, grinning slightly, his smile getting wider when his eyes landed on Lindir.
"Now I must leave, patrol awaits," you smiled at them both, shooting a loving gaze at Lindir, not wanting to attack him with kisses right in front of Elrond so he doesn't die of hyperventilation, "my lord," you took a little bow towards Elrond before turning on your heels and taking off towards the meetup spot.
"Haste your step, Erestor has already come asking for you," Elrond chimed after you, "and watch your step too," he commented, reminding you of your past incident.
"Thank you my lord, I shall," you blushed a little on his comment, bit embarrassed he still remembers that, and rushed off to Erestor.
Later that evening you returned quite late to your warm home, words of you day having had come to Lindir already.
Lindir was reading a book by the fireplace, two cups of hot freshly brewed tea on a small table besides him.
Hearing you opening the front door he stood up, smiling at you before making his way towards you, "Quite late this time, rough day?"
You let out a small whine as you slumped down on your spot, " You heard?.."
"Yes. Infamous Y/n strikes again, and this time doesn't miss," Lindir let out a chuckle, straightening you up and pulling you into a big warm hug which you gladly returned.
"It was so embarrassing, he landed right on top of me, and I got extra two hours of polishing duty as punishment," you whined, stuffing your face into his neck.
"So I've heard," he chuckled, rubbing your back comfortingly till you finally straightened and pulled away.
"How was your day? Did someone tease you about the cloak? Were you warm?"
"I-I was," he blushed a little, "so many people stared at me, and kept murmuring about it, even lord Elrond commented-" he blushed profoundly.
"What did he say?" you smiled, listening to your rambling boyfriend.
"He said I look nice in it, that it suits me," Lindir blushed even more.
You chuckled and grinned, "See? I told you."
"Hngghh," now it was Lindir's time to whine as he covered his face with his hands.
You chuckled and pulled him into a big tight hug, smooching the top of his head lovingly and then resting your cheek on top of it.
"Now let's not ponder on it, lets rather relax instead," you smiled, leading his form towards the cozy warm living room.
"I guess you are right," he sighed, "I made tea."
"Oh how wonderful, I love your teas, you make the best ones," you smiled excitedly, moving to your shared bedroom and removing your armour and setting it in it's place and getting all cozy and comfy in some casual robes quickly.
"Cuddles?" you asked with hopeful eyes as you returned to the living room, finding that Lindir has already gotten comfy in front of the fireplace, waiting for you.
"Cuddles," Lindir returned with a smile, blushing slightly.
You grinned widely and flopped besides him, pulling his body close and wrapping your arms around his waist as he chuckled and smiled at you. The two of you finally enjoying your evening with some tea and a good book and of course some very much needed and deserved cuddles.
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narrators-journal · 1 month
Tatsujun having rough sex Top!Jun and bottom Tatsuya or make them both switches :0
Don’t ask me why it’s such a challenge to really capture a guy being dominant vs a girl for me. I’ve written so many femdom!Margaret stories, femdom is thoughtless. I fluster myself when a dude is dominating, just a lil lol. So, I’ll admit this might be a bit of a miss of the mark, I kinda just went feral with this one bc it gave me SO much trouble to think of a properly hot set up. Anywho! Hope u enjoy!
CW: Dub/noncon, tentacles, I hope Joker comes off as at least SLIGHTlY dominating here. Monsterfuckery (bc of the tentacles), a LIGHT touch of degrading enery. If u feel something else needs to be warned, I’ll add it. Rough sex, Jun’s in his joker era, but. It kinda counts lol.
For once, Tatsuya Suou’s bedroom was blissfully quiet after the sun had set. The normal chaos of nosey demons gone, no calls or texts from Eikichi or Lisa to inform him of the latest implosion of chaos and disaster, his brother gone on a case. Nothing but the soft buzz of nightly insects outside his open window. So, he was content to snuggle under his comforter and bury his face in his pillow. Finally able to get a full breath into his lungs without some vaguely snowman-esque demon to remind him of Joker’s hatred for him, nor puddle of living goo to get in his face and try to suffocate him.
He was free to take a deep, slow breath, and let it out so that his body melted into his mattress like a pad of butter on a fluffy pancake. His stress and anxiety washed out of his head by the usual drip of nonesensical thoughts and memories of a rail-thin ravenette he used to be friends with. Of their games, the gifts they swapped, the secrets they shared up until Jun had been transferred out of Sevens.
Yet, while the pale, soft-faced boy had left Tatsuya’s class, he continued to drift through his head when the sun went down. Allowed to haunt his dreams like a bittersweet siren, or some sort of succubus. One with a body that never seemed to be male or female at a glance, large, dark eyes curtained by thick black lashes on an annoyingly effeminate face. Did Tatsuya think so much of him because he was attracted to him as a dude? Or did he simply like shorter-haired girls who let their bangs hide one of their eyes so dramatically? It was a question that would haunt the brunette when morning came, but for the night, his subconscious was free to conjure some playful mimic of Jun to sit on Tatsuya’s lower back and run his delicate fingers up the backs of Tatsuya’s arms.
A mental image that, was rather vivid. Enough so, that it began to pull the tall brunette back out of Hypnos’ grasp at the gentle brush of the ravenette’s smooth skin over his own.
Too smooth of skin, actually. Tatsuya had felt Jun’s hands before, and they were smooth, but the warmth he felt crawl along the skin of his wrist was far toosmooth. More akin to the smooth, almost slimy skin of a frog rather than actual human skin. What the fuck…
So, the brunette opened his eyes to try and see an explanation in the thick shadows of his quiet bedroom. Which, seemed undisturbed at a first, bleary-eyed glance. However, as his eyes began to clear of the sleepy haze, a figure at his desk came more into focus. And, it didn’t take long for Tatsuya to recognize the snowy white of the familiar uniform, or the burning ember of blue flames that dimly glowed with dark amusement. “Good morning, sleepy head.” Joker mocked, the hiss of his gleeful voice like the scrape of metal upon metal. Yet, when the brunette shoved himself up in a panic, all it took was a firm yank from the thing at his wrists to flatten him back into his bed. “Oh, no no. Don’t bother squirming.” The demon giggled, the flower at the tip of his thin tail bobbing as he waved it at the brunette who snarled back. At least, until he honked like a car at the feeling of more heavy, smooth tendrils worming their way under the waistband of his pajama pants and pushed the fabric down to Tatsuya’s knees. “Hey!” The brunette yelped, but his attempts to fight away from the slime-drooling tentacles that trailed themselves up the backs of his thighs were useless. Well, to him. Joker seemed to enjoy the panic in the tall man’s voice and wide, brown eyes. “Oh yeah, I suppose you expect me to kill you, don’t you?” He asked, or more accurately, mocked in amusement, his tail asway behind him, as casual and calm as someone out for tea. “Sadly, that would be too merciful for someone like you, Tatsuya Suou. No, I can’t let you get off that easily. So! Instead, I’m going to break you down. Slowly tear down each and every ounce of pride and ego you have, until you’re nothing more than my personal bitch. Until you’re all mine.” He explained, his layered voice lowering into a dark, feral tone as he continued.
Each dark word like a fresh shot of adrenaline in Tatsuya’s blood, but no matter how he pulled and squirmed in the hold of the heavy tendrils, his wrists couldn’t escape their hold. Despite how smooth they were, the ink-colored tentacles were like a vice grip on his limbs, so all Tatsuya’s panic got him was a demented giggle from Joker. “It’s useless to fight, my cursed star. You can barely survive an encounter with my underlings. Just give in and submit to me quickly.” The demon purred, his words punctuated by the abrupt thrust of a tentacle into Tatsuya’s ass.
The pain of sudden penetration not at all softened by the thick lubricant-slime-pre-cum substance that the dark appendages had been using to draw desings over the tanned skin of his thighs and ass cheek. Nor by a grace period before the first thrust. Instead, once the thick tentacle was buried inside the brunette, it almost instantly began to pull out in order to slam back into him.
It wasn’t until the third ruthless thrust, that the slime it leaked seemed to finally work to ease the painful drag of girthy muscle against Tatsuya’s walls, but it also allowed the tentacle to thrust quicker. Which, translated the friction into pleasure all too quickly for the tall brunette’s comfort.
Yet, the feelings of shame and arousal only mixed together into a melancholic mess of emotions. On the logical hand, Tatsuya knew he couldn’t help but feel his stomach clench whenever the tentacle slammed against his prostate, and thus shouldn’t be all too ashamed that the cruel pace excited him so much. On the other, though, he didn’t want to cave so easily into Joker’s whims. So, he kept his face in his pillows and sheets as much as possible, and swallowed the noises that the ruthless waves of pleasure threatened to loose. But, his sheets and pillows didn’t seem to do much to fully silence the rogue noises that slipped out of the brunette. Much to the Joker’s sick amusement. “It’s so cute to see you fight so valiantly, my cursed star.” The demon purred, his layered voice simultaneously screechy, and melodious as he continued, “Just makes your eventual submission all the sweeter,~” But, Tatsuya refused to answer the monster that watched him, in fact, he all around tried to ignore the demon’s presence in the room. Not only because of the humiliation of being watched while smooth tentacles threatened to awaken something dark and shameful in him, but because it was simply painful to see the doppleganger’s smile. Jun’s smile, in the dark.
So, while Joker giggled, the brunette simply kept his face buried in his bedding until one of the demon’s tendrils wrapped around his throat to lift his face and let him breathe. “Ah, ah, ah. Don’t think you can just suffocate and escape. That’d be too nice for you.” Joker said, and Tatsuya couldn’t help but glare at him. But, the dirty look didn’t do anything but earn the brunette a cruel grin and harsher, more targetted thrusts from the thick tentacle that filled him up.
And, with no pillow to muffle the renegade hums and gasps, all Tatsuya could really do was stew in the shameful pleasure that rippled through his body each time the thing brushed against his prostate and claw into his sheets. “That’s a good boy~ Make plenty of noises for me, Tatsuya.” Joker purred, the tendril around Tatsuya’s neck shifted slightly to trace a heart onto the tanned man’s cheek with the odd lubricant-slime-pre-cum slime that they produced. Which, he tried to focus on instead of the painful increase of smog that threatened to empty his head of any other thoughts but the desperation he felt in his belly. But, it was near impossible to escape the twisted pleasure that lapped at his skin like the flames of a house fire. Worsened, when Joker continued to offer praise for Tatsuya’s ‘good behavior’.
So, to some extent, it really was futile as the demon claimed, to fight against the weight of the tendrils around his limbs and waist. With the way the tendril relentlessly thrust into him, writhed and flexed against every sensitive spot in Tatsuya’s body until his shame burned into thoughtless need. “That’s it, cursed star. Be good and loud so all the demons know who you belong to.~” “Good boy.” “Cum for me, Tacchi. Cum like the whore you are.” All fed the fire in Tatsuya’s skin along with the friction. Until, finally, Tatsuya couldn’t help but succumb to the flames of hell.
Not that his weak whines did anything to stop the tentacle that pistoned into him, but for a brief moment, it did give him a brief burst of pleasure to dull the shame and pain. At least, until Joker’s jumbled, layered voice bled back in through the haze of euphoria. “Naughty little brat, who gave you permission to actually enjoy yourself? As selfish as ever, I guess. We’ll break that, though.”
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godisaknife · 10 months
Hello hi howdy 🖤 saw you asked for asks and discussion so some questions for ya
What was your number 8 on Spotify?
Favorite candle scent??
Your all time favorite horror movie and WHY?
That one poll that was like would you rather be splattered in blood, drenched Carrie style, drips/smeared around your mouth, or bloody hands/knuckles etc ???
Thoughts on ghosts?
And favorite hannibal headcanon/meta!!
Sorry you have to stay up, hope you're well and wishing you good times and good vibes 🩸🖤🩸
hi there!! thank you so much for sending in so many questions this is gonna be so fun
so first question! my number 8 song on spotify was "Honeywell" by Clem Turner! you should give it a shot, it's a lovely song
hmm i really like berry scented candles! i'm very picky with candles but any berry scented ones are fine because they remind me of the village i grew up in
all time favorite horror movie this one is a HARD question. im a huge horror fan so i have a LIST. if i had to choose one if would be "Gonjiam", it's a korean (sort of) found footage movie about a haunted asylum. the place is actually real and is considered to be the most haunted place in the country. the reason i chose this movie is because one of the most important things for a horror movie is to be scary (imo). i'm a scaredycat (funny thing to be for a horror fan) but nothing in my entire life has scared me as much as that movie. the first time i had seen it i got genuinely traumatized, it fucked up my brain for MONTHS. so i think for a horror movie to be so terrifying to have such an effect makes it deserving of credit. trauma aside, it was a great movie and ive even rewatched it a couple of times sfksfjlkfj. also i just really like korean cinematography
ooooh can i have more than one answer to that? first of all, definetely bloody knuckles and hands, bloody knuckles are incrediblyy attractive to me. plus, blood stained clothes, that would be perfect
ghosts. you know what, i'll share a very intimate story about this topic. ive never believed in ghosts, to this day i don't. however, there was a brief period in my life during which i was convinced that a ghost was haunting me, although not in a malicious way. i had a dog called Lucy, we had to put her down five years ago because she had inoperable cancer and was suffering. shortly after she passed, i started waking up every single morning for weeks with three neat scratches on my face. it would always happen after i'd have a dream about her (which was, and still is, incredibly often), and at night i'd use to hear scratching noises i couldn't find a source for. but it was the scratches that did it for me. the thing eventually stopped but for that brief period of time i did genuinely believe that her ghost was in my room. but as a general rule im a skeptical on the topic
hannibal headcanons oof we're opening a bottomless chest here. okay first of all i want to clarify that he is a top. this is such a stupid hc but everytime i see bottom hannibal stuff it's like,, you don't know him, i know him. i actually kin hannibal so my headcanons about him and the show are sort of blurry? i don't think i have a favorite one so i'll just drop a few here. first of all, will is way more manipulative than most people tend to see (referring to s3 mostly, he was a manipulative cunt in love). being a cannibal and having bloodthirst is something so engraved into hannibal that is makes no sense at all to talk about him in other terms (eg. people who write non-cannibal hannibal fics, everyone can do what they want but that's just nonesense) and even without what happened to his sister, he'd still be what he is. perhaps some things would be different, but his views on life and religion and his murder-sona would still exist. i'll also say this probably super controversial one but hannibal has issues with incest. whether it's a kink or just a thought in the back of his head, it's there. also he secretely writes poetry.
thank you so much for the asks and the nice message <333 i hope you have a good day/night!! this definetely entertained me!!
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Master List
Jack Harlow 
Valentine Concepts
Sorrows Series
She say He say
Instagram Love
 Up at night
Wrong Turns 
Unspoken Words    Part 2 
Petty Too 
Us or Them Part 1 
I don’t think so 
Gas lighting Queen 
No Love 
Forever Fling 
Calling my phone
Breakup Blues 
Outta my love 
Trust Issues 
Wait for you 
Smacking Jack’s ass 
My little love 
Making Jack blush 
Still Yours collaboration with @jackssneakylinkk
Kentucky accent
 Just us 
Love is kind 
Instagram Au’s 
Have Mercy collaboration with @lcandothisallday
Sink or swim   Part 2   Part 3 
Arguing with Jack 
Texts go green 
Jealousy, Jealousy
 Big flirt 
Court Side Love 
My Baby
Catching Flights 
Bitter   Part 2 
Need you right here
Heated  Heated Part 2 
Plastic off the sofa 
All up in your mind 
Sorry enough 
Show it 
All mine 
Missing You 
Twin flame 
She’s a 10 but..
I drink wine 
My baby 
Need you right here 
Court side love 
You thought I was feeling you? 
Pure Honey 
Sleep over parties 
Sickness Blues 
Dead man 
Wants and Needs 
She’s taken 
Just the two of us
Been that way  
You and Me 
Don’t you dare 
That’s just the truth
I hate you  
Boy, I invented you 
Impalas and Air Force 1′s   Part two   Part three   Part four 
Mine all mine 
Favorite toxic duo
My man the cook 
Lover boy Harlow 
Bare wit me    part two 
Enough is Enough 
Improv Baby 
Say you love me 
I got you 
Stone Cold 
It’s like that?
Treat me right collaboration with @nattinatalia
I guess it’s fuck me 
In the city
Grass ain’t greener  
Football shenanigans
Be mine this Christmas 
Disclosure  Part two 
Closure   Part two 
Jealous much?
Video Game Shenanigans 
May the best man or women win 
It’s giving Christmas 
Shot Clock
Target runs  
Sports and stuff
Soulmate and Always 
My headache
Some haters 
Spread Thin
Toxic Duo
One last time   Part 2 
All that matters 
Pranks and Kisses
10,000 Hours 
Chef Harlow 
Valentine’s Blues 
My baby love 
Birthday Parties 
Little weirdo 
Could’ve Been 
All for me 
Good Love
Love Cycle 
Circles   Part Two 
Keep you in mind 
Cops & Robbers 
Open Arms 
Best thing I never had 
Timeless Love 
U remind me  Part two 
Inhale & Exhale 
How does it feel 
Games Women Play 
Coming Together 
School Crushes 
Broken By Love 
Sound Check Shenanigans 
Women of my dreams 
The stage is ours 
2 in the morning 
Only 1 
Rainy day blues 
Sharing is caring 
That’s the spot 
Good Off You
Games Women Play
Top Priority 
Something Tells Me 
Coming Together 
Whatever It Takes 
Pranks & Making Up 
Should’ve Been 
Soft Life 
Cater 2 You 
Who Is Who 
Love In Paris 
All about you 
My Everything? 
Someone like U 
Scared Much?
Arcade Love 
Spooks and Apologizes
Morning Routines 
Come see me 
Pranks and Spooks
Polar Opposites  collaboration with @harlowcomehome
Deserve U 
Fun and Games
Forever Attached 
Spooky Nights In
Love Sick
Double Take 
Traditions with you 
Lovin on me 
Out of luck 
Late nights in 
Days with you 
So over
Too much
Jeremy (WMCJ) 
Massages & Smoothies 
Urban Wyatt 
Phoenix & Venus 
Birthday Boy 
Coming Together 
Treacherous Twin
Let me love you 
All for us 
Rainy Day 
Two fools in love 
Love Bug 
Loved & Lost 
Buy a heart 
Personal Space 
Cover Girl 
Turn that cherry out 
Hate me tomorrow 
Talk of the town 
Love Drought 
He loves me?
Only 4 Me
In love 
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Avenger Things - Bucky Barnes x powered (f)reader
Summary: You’re just trying to make it through the day without breaking anything, or anyone.
Warning: language, fluff, bit of nonesense
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Practically limping into the Avengers large kitchen you couldn’t believe how sore you were from, well, let’s just say you’re not entirely so sure. What you do know is that it’s the morning after a stealth mission and your more beastly self, if that’s even the correct term, must have done or gotten into something last night that might have knocked you out cold. 
Hence the memory loss.
Honestly you could laugh, it’s like trying to figure out what drunk you was getting themselves into. Problem is, this “drunk you” at the time was 2.4lb of absolute raging adrenaline with an apparent lack of safety awareness and good judgment skills. 
Not a good combination. Also you were a hawk.
So here you are, piecing together the jumbled puzzle of last night while you make an attempt at finding breakfast before the crowds come noisily shuffling into the temporarily quiet hang out room slash luxurious kitchen, of the famous Avengers Facility. Ah, the life of an Avenger who’s fantastical ability allows them to shift into any animal in existence.
Although it’s a blessing, you sometimes suffer the consequences of being an actual avenger, and shit, your left shoulder and rib cage are so sore right now you could scream. Your accelerated healing has already kicked in but alas that does not mean your body will spare you some soreness and bruising.
“Fuck what did I do?” You mutter grumpily while reaching for the fridge door handle, making certain not to pull to hard for fear of ripping the metal right off.
Soon your eyes scan over the multitude of various healthy snacks and equally as healthy leftovers due to Steve’s insistent attitude towards fueling yourselves with the best, to be the best or some cheesy hero shit like that.
Spotting your left over hidden burrito in the back of the fridge sends an excited thrill into your otherwise tired and achy self, you snatch it up quickly, and without thinking pull the metal door off its hinges while quickly trying to close it.
Tossing the burrito onto the nearby counter top, you swiftly grasp the large food filled door with both hands as you hold it up with ease. Well this is just a fantastic situation isn’t it? Apparently you’re incapable of having an easy morning like just previously planned. Wait are those footsteps?
“You know, you can just have Tony buy you a mini fridge for your room.” Quips Sam with an amused chuckle as you quickly snap your head over to the startling sound. “I think he could afford it.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise before narrowing in annoyance at his happily smirking face, Bucky and Vision right behind him to your great pissed-off-ness. “Fuck off I didn’t mean to do....this.” But of course it happens to me.
Eyeing you up with a face that practically says “I know but this is hilarious” Sam nods before sitting down on the bar’s stool, Vision coming to your aid as he phases through the counter to take the fridge door out of your hands.
“Thanks Vis.” You mutter with an appreciative nod.
Setting down the door onto the floor, Vision turns to greet you, “No problem Y/N, it appears you needed the help, I’ll just um....go inform Tony of this....fridge.” He says before turning to leave out the way he came. Guess he’s not one for awkward situations.
Watching him go you suddenly glare down at the two whispering Avengers seated in front of you on the other side of the counter, “Thanks for helping assholes.” You growl unenthusiastically, reaching into the fridge to pick up a water bottle.
“Oh doll, we would have helped you.” Assures Bucky with a kind smile as you force yourself to keep a stoic face. “Vision seemed to handle it pretty well on his own.”
“Yeah well now this fucking fridge is broken and I still feel sore.” You complain with a sneer as Bucky and Sam share a chuckle.
“What?” Laughs Sam, “Don’t tell me you both?....and after the mission too?” He implies with raised brows as you send him the most done-with-your-shit face you can muster.
Sensing your growing irritation, Bucky speaks up, “No, no....definitely not that..it was the mission.”
“Oh shit you’re right.” Realizes Sam as you roll your eyes at him, let’s just say that last mission was a rough ending one. Also you can’t remember much after shifting into a hawk, seeing some bright lights and then...
“Yes.” You grumble, “and I’ve come to the thrilling conclusion that I must have gotten hit by a car......so that’s fun.” You mutter with as much enthusiasm as a stick, causing both Bucky and Sam to begin laughing again. What the hell is so funny?
Listening to them lose it inevitably causes you to start chuckling which in turn causes your ribs to shoot with a hot flaring pain. Holding your injured side you use your other hand to pound against the marble table, “Stop laughing this shit hurts and neither of you dumbfucks are helping.” You grumble half-heartedly.
“Alright.” Says Bucky standing up, “Come on doll let’s get outta here and get a heating pad on that tire mark under your shirt.” He adds sarcastically with another laugh.
Letting out a quick snort you shake your head at his handsome face, “Okay smartass I’ll let that one slide.”
He smirks at your good humored reaction and admittedly adorable messy hair, “I’m thinking we get cozy, watch that weird pirate movie you like with the Sparrow guy, and then see where it takes us.” Suggests Bucky with a lazy smile as he stretches his arm causing his shirt to rise up and reveal a bit of toned tummy.
Sam whines, “What? We have sparring at three this afternoon and you’re gonna leave me hanging for Miss. Grouchy-pants over here?” Points out Sam to Bucky as you cross your hands over your chest while raising a brow.
“Yup.” Quips Bucky with a shrug.
Sam blinks, “Unbelievable.”
“I like Y/N more.”
“You suck and I need a new sparring partner now.”
“Just ask Steve or Nat.” You suggest, not caring much for Sam’s problems at the moment.
“No they’re hard-core and mean.”
“Spar with Clint then.” Adds Bucky.
“No he cheap shots.”
“And I got hit by a car last night we all got problems.” You sass, gaining their distracted attentions once again. “Try and steal Bucky from me and I will make sure you remember what getting a wet towel slapped across your ass feels like.”
“Very specific and greatly noted Y/N. He’s all yours.” Says Sam while raising his hands defensively, “By the way you look rather stunning today did I mention that yet?”
“Don’t press your luck bird boy I’m not known to be very forgiving.”
“Clearly.” Jabs Sam under his breath while you take a swig of water, though you’re increased hearing enables you to catch that loud and clear.
After twisting the cap back on you immediately chuck it at his head, conveniently nailing him right in the temple causing him to yelp in surprise. “Jesus!” He shouts before falling off of the stool and onto the wooden floor below.
“Nope just me.” You deadpan with a satisfied smirk, walking over to Bucky while Sam gathers his bearings.
Bucky immediately throws an arm around you, making sure not to squeeze you too tight in the process. Leaning into his warm side, Sam throws you a half annoyed glare, showing how much he’d like to retaliate but also knowing he’s outnumbered in more ways then one.
“As much as I’d like to see you two beat each other’s ass right now.” Suddenly announces Steve, “We have a mission report in five.”
“What?” You sigh in annoyance, “Really? Right now? Can’t this shit wait?”
Steve sends you an apologetic smile, understanding you’re still in pain and thus very grouchy, “It’ll be quick. The team just needs to go over some credentials about the mission yesterday. Then you can go about your day off.”
Holding Bucky close, you pull him in a little closer, eyeing up Steve defensively, “Bucky too.”
Steve gives you an unsure look, “Well uh...”
“That wasn’t a question Rogers.” You growl, causing Steve to take a cautious step back as Sam lets out a chuckle.
“Yeah Cap I wouldn’t.”
“Right.” Nods Steve, “Yeah, you two are off the rest of the day after the meeting. Uh, see you guys then.” Waves the man with a plan himself, smartly deciding not to linger for much longer or face another steely glare from you.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” You mutter, parting from Bucky to lead the way down the hall to the usual meeting room.
After nudging Bucky to go on ahead to claim your unofficial official meeting chairs, you swung by your room to put on a sweatshirt and now are finally, though begrudgingly, making your merry way down the hall and into the expensive meeting room. 
Hood up, you trudge into the brightly lit area, practically squinting as the sunshine hits you like a blinding wall through the obnoxiously giant glass windows. “Nice of you to join us Y/N. Get lost on your way here?” Quips Clint as the whole entirety of the Avenger’s turn their heads to face you. 
“No, I just didn’t want to come.” You deadpan with a humored glare, earning a couple snickers from your friends. 
“Yeah that’s fair.” He shrugs.
Plopping yourself down in the facility’s decently comfortable swivel chair, you slouch tiredly, leaning your body against the arm rest to keep your bruised side from bothering you more then it already does.
Bucky is already in the seat to your left, Sam opting to snatch the one across from you two, while Vision and Wanda have claimed the seats to Sam’s right. Natasha and Steve sitting at the two chairs at the far end to your left, while Clint stands. 
“So...” Begins Clint, the apparent leader of todays meeting, “Yesterday’s mission in Quebec was a challenging one, I won’t lie to you. We took a hit, some more then others.” Nods Clint in your direction.
“You’re fucking hilarious.” You mutter, rolling your eyes in annoyance as Sam and Bucky hold in their laughter, while the others ignore the obvious implication, keeping it professional and in your good graces. 
“Thank you Y/N I know. Anyways, I think our team training days have improved our performance and been worthwhile. Now, as usual, Steve and Nat...great leadership skills. Vision, Wanda, the whatever the shit you guys are able to do, amazing...keep it up.” Clint glances back down at his notes while you yawn, “Sam and Bucky, nice recovery at the end, things where getting heated and you both really pulled through.”
“Hell yeah.” Smirks Sam as he leans over to fist bump Bucky from across the table.
Practically lowering yourself deeper into your seat, you mentally prepare yourself for whatever smartass comment you’re about to get from Clint. He looks down at his notes then moves to pick up a thin metal remote that connects to the blank screen behind him. 
“Uhh lets see here,” He mumbles while clicking some buttons that inevitably turn the screen on, “Okay good it works.” Swiveling around on his heal, Clint points the remote directly at you, “Y/N.” He says with a mischievous grin.
“Clint.” You point back in confusion, side eyeing Wanda nervously.
“Let’s talk...” Stretching out his arm, he clicks the remote to reveal a PowerPoint, “about safety awareness.”
Okay fuck you.
Chuckling tensely you shake your head, “I’d rather not.”
“Which is precisely why we...meaning you all,” Motions Clint to all of you with both his hands in two circles, “need to be educated on safety in the field.” A second later he flicks the lights off with a swift click of the remote, Okay great.....slide number one, do you have a buddy?”
As Clint keeps droning on and on for the next five minutes you suddenly decide to scoot over to rest your chin against Bucky’s right shoulder that's leaning against the table. He immediately smiles, turning his head away from an obliviously jabbering Clint, “Buck I’m going to commit a crime in the next two minutes if I don’t get the fuck out of here.” You whisper, squeezing his shoulder for emphasis.
Biting his lip to refrain from laughing, he reaches to take one of your hands with his, “And what crime will I have to admit in the police report?” He quietly muses.
Kissing the pack of your hand to help you try and relax for the moment, he smirks, “Y/N it’s going to be difficult to break you out of jail.”
“Not if I don’t get caught.” You quip smartly while resting your head against his shoulder, “I’ve been contemplating taking out Clint since 2012 but then Natasha always stops me.”
“What’s stopping you now?” Challenges Bucky with the tiniest snort of amusement.
“Natasha.” You mutter, “Also I’m god-mother to one of his kids so I’m morally not allowed to kill him.....but I’ve never been more tempted then today.” 
“Shh.” Whispers Bucky with an amused smile as you roll your eyes, wanting nothing more then to leave this boring meeting. Fine, but if it was just me and Clint I would pummel his ass into the wall without a second thought, you think to yourself.
A moment later Wanda lets out a random snort of laughter that causes the team to look over at her in confusion while Clint is in the middle of explaining why it’s important to (make sure the enemy is knocked the fuck out before walking away). She quickly covers her mouth in embarrassment as Clint abruptly ends the PowerPoint, clicking back the lights on as he sighs in disappointment.
“Come on Wanda I was almost done.” He whines, setting a hand on his hip as she bites her lip to keep a straight face. Parting from Bucky, you move to lean yourself against the table top and listen to Clink complain. She looks down then glances over at you while Clint fumbles to turn the screen off. 
Oh, shit did she hear me say that?
“Sorry.” Mutters Wanda as you quickly realize you’re the reason she started to laugh, resulting in the abrupt ending of Clint’s 30 minute presentation. 
Giving her a quick wink, you quickly stand, causing your friends to look over at you, “Alright, good work team, we’re the best huh,” You add sarcastically before looking directly at Clint, “also Clint fantastic work at being the most interesting 87 year old, I’m thoroughly impressed you even know what a PowerPoint is. Kudos to you, I’m out.”
Before anyone can stop you, you’re already at the door, “Y/N you can’t just leave we’re only taking a break. And I already know how to use a PowerPoint.”
“Yeah and you also know how to put someone to sleep even without an arrow.” You sass while the others start to get up as well. 
“What? Guys, come on.” Complains Clint as Bucky almost trips shuffling quickly to the door.
“Babe I’m with you wait up.”
“So you really did get smacked by a truck. Who would’ve thought.” Mumbles Bucky humorously as the two of you lay sprawled out on your shared bed, a heating pad on your side as Bucky’s head lays on the corner of your right hip. His hands absentmindedly holding your right hand to his chest while your other one presses the heating pad to your ribs.
You lazily stare up at the ceiling while he studies your face, “I guess it makes sense since I can’t remember anything after that. I didn’t even see the damn hunk of moving metal coming either, so stupid.”
“No.” He assures softly, “We all fuck up and miss things sometimes. It happens to everyone.”
Smiling you simply roll your eyes, “Bucky you’re adorable but I, who was a hawk at the time....to be real here, got bitch slapped by a truck.”
“I’ve been thrown off a car a couple times actually.” He confirms with a shrug, “But yeah, you’re way tougher then me.” He finally chuckles.
“I’m tougher then everyone.”
Bucky smiles proudly, “Fuck yeah you are.”
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mca-attack21 · 4 years
The Beginning of Something -P2
Do I really need to write anything here? Okay, so this is the second part of my reader insert series that is rewriting the ending of BBC’s Merlin (based on 5x9).  That being said, get ready for the rollercoaster of emotions that is Merlin. Also, you can find more of my writing: Here.
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The next day, against Merlin and Gaius’ better judgment, you started as Gwen’s handmaid. During the night, Merlin had proven to Arthur, that Gwen was enchanted by Morgana. Merlin filled you in and asked you to keep an eye on Gwen and try to keep her distracted.
Tiana Giaga. That is the ritual that was able to break the soul to the point that a person fell prey to the desires of whoever cast it. That meant it would be nearly impossible to restore Gwen. It was after you were dismissed that night that you found Merlin distractedly reading as he was headed from the library to his chambers. 
“Find anything interesting?” you asked curiously, managing to spook Merlin in the process. 
“Oh, hello Y/n, I was just doing some research. How was your first day?”
“Uneventful, which is good all things considered,” you said glancing at the book Merlin had been reading so intently, “Have you figured anything out concerning Gwen’s status?” 
“Nothing good, I’m afraid,” he glanced around to make sure their were no unwanted ears near, “She was affected by something called the Tiana Giaga, and Gaius doesn’t think there is a cure,” seeing the way you tensed up at the mention of Tiana Giaga he asked, “Have you heard of it?”
“Unfortunately, I have,” you replied softly as unwanted images were brought to memory. 
“Do you know how we can save Gwen?”
“Merlin, this is dark magic, from what you have told me it is beyond anything you have seen before. No one has ever been brought back from this ritual without one of the high priestesses themselves being involved.”
“But there is a way to do it? How?” Merlin asked a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“You would have to go to the Cauldron of Arianrhod, Gwen would have to willingly enter the water, and then the white goddess must be summoned, but is not a task to be underestimated.”
“Wow, that’s a lot to take in. It seems impossible,” Merlin frowned.
“Not impossible, just not something you can do alone,” you tried to reassure him.
“I have to go talk to Gaius, thank you so much Y/n,” Merlin said before turning back towards his chambers.
“You’re welcome,” you called after him.
He discussed this new information with Gaius and together they formulated a plan. One that involved both you and Arthur. It was soon thereafter that Merlin snuck into Arthur and Gwen’s shared chambers and woke Arthur to inform him of the plan. Arthur was extremely hesitant, as there was much that could go wrong and it was Gwen’s life that was at stake. Furthermore, Arthur was against having you involved at all, however, Merlin was eventually able to convince him. Merlin went to you and explained everything that was going on, together the two of you prepared everything that you would need for the impending departure.
The next morning at the break of dawn, you and Merlin slipped Gwen a few drops of the potion Gaius had created to keep her unconscious. Arthur was getting the horses and supplies. You and Merlin brought Gwen out to meet him, careful not to be seen.
“Y/n, I want to personally thank you for helping us with this endeavor, Merlin assures me that there is no one he trusts more. I will not forget this and hope one day to repay you,” Arthur spoke as he took Gwen from the two of you and placed her on his horse. 
“It is an honor to be of assistance, your highness,” you answered. 
“Please, there are no need for formalities here, call me Arthur,” he replied. 
“We really need to be off,” Merlin reminded as he loaded the last of the supplies.
“Of course,” you agreed, mounting your horse. 
The three of you rode well into the day, Arthur took the opportunity to get to know you better. Merlin was glad to see the two of you hit it off so well, despite the circumstances. He could already tell that you and Arthur were going to be great friends. It was as you reached the mountains that both you and Merlin sensed something. You were being watched.
“What’s wrong Merlin you look like you’ve seen a dragon?” Arthur joked. 
“We are not alone out here,” Merlin answered solemnly. 
“One of your funny feelings then?” Arthur asked. Merlin nodded and Arthur sighed, “All right then, we tether the horses and go off the path on foot.”
 You did as Arthur said. 
“What about the supplies?” Merlin asked.
“You’ll manage,” Arthur decided. 
“What about you?”
“I’ll be carrying Gwenuivere.”
“Oh come one, she is half the weight of this lot.”
“Merlin, what are you suggesting?”
“I’ll take Gwenuivere, you get the supplies.”
“She’s my wife!”
“I’d be careful,” Merlin explained. 
“And, you are the servant,” Arthur reminded. 
“Besides, I am here to help you Merlin,” you added with a grin before taking half of the supplies. 
“Y/n you really don’t have to-” Merlin started.
“Nonesense, I didn’t come out here sit idle and look pretty. Now come on,”  you said before marching forward past both him and Arthur, who both looked after you slightly dumbfounded.
Arthur and Merlin were talking somewhat behind you, and as Arthur was distracted you took the opportunity to use your magic. First, you used a spell to lighten both your and Merlin’s loads. Second, you used your powers to see the path ahead, which was seemingly clear. It was as you finished that you felt a jolt in your chest which was immediately followed by Arthur shouting for Merlin. You turned around to see that he was laying at the bottom of the dropoff.
Without hesitation, Arthur gently set Gwen on the ground, “Stay here and protect her, I’m going down to make sure he is alright.”
“Of course Arthur,” you agreed.
However, it was as Arthur was climbing down the siding that the rocks began to fall. You were too far away to stop them, but quickly made your way down to help. 
“Arthur? Are you alright?” you asked as you went to his side.
“My arm, it’s pinned,” he breathed sharply before remembering, “Check on Merlin.” 
 “He is unconscious, but no signs of injury.” 
You returned to Arthur’s side. Upon further inspection, you realized that the rock was far too heavy for you to move without magic, so you would have to do this the old fashioned way. You found a decent-sized rock and positioned it beside Arthur. 
“Hand me your sword, I am going to wedge this under the rock and use it to lift it up, when I do I need you to pull your arm out quickly and roll out of the way as this boulder will land where you are currently laying, understand?” you asked, preparing yourself. 
“Yes,” Arthur nodded. 
“Okay, 1...2...3” you counted before using your strength to shift the boulder, holding it just long enough for Arthur to clear the spot he was laying. 
“How did you learn to do that?” Arthur asked, relief evident in his features.
“Need I remind you again that I am more than just a pretty face,” you replied smiling and rolling your eyes before refocusing on Merlin. You went over to him and retrieved the drought and handed it to Arthur, “Go up and give Gwen her next dose, make sure no harm comes to her. I will wake up Merlin.”
“Y/n, I am the king, I give the orders.”
“I am sorry,” you replied eyes going wide, “What would you have us do?”
“Calm down Y/n, I was merely jesting,” Arthur replied at seeing your change in expressions. He then took the vile and headed up, being more careful of his footing this time.
As soon as he was out of earshot, you used your powers to heal Merlin. 
“What happened?” Merlin asked shooting up and immediately looking to make sure Arthur was safe. 
“If I had to guess, Morgana has discovered our plans and is attempting to foil them,” you replied and then added, “Arthur is with Gwen, both are safe, but we really need to try to make it farther before nightfall. Are you alright now?”
“Yes, thanks to you.”
“You can thank me later, now let’s go.”
Merlin climbed up first, and then turned to help you.
“Ah, Merlin, did you enjoy your nap?” Arthur quipped. 
“Not as well as I would have liked, I am afraid rocks do not make good pillows Sire,” Merlin returned.
“Here Arthur, take a moment to eat and drink, as we should try not to break again until nightfall,” you said handing the king the water and some food.
 “You better watch it Merlin, Y/n is well on her way to replace you,” Arthur added as he took what you were handing him.
Merlin was going to reply but was cut off as you came over, “And for you Merlin, best to keep your strength up.”  He was caught off guard, and could not manage to hide his blush before fumbling through a thank you. 
After that break, you all continued on until it was time to make camp for the night. You helped Merlin collect and prepare a fire as Arthur administered Gwen’s next treatment. You prepared dinner as Merlin and Arthur went over the plan again. As soon as you had eaten, Arthur had told you and Merlin to get some sleep as he offered to take the first watch.
It was hours later when you awoke to see Arthur staring sadly at his queen.
“She will be alright,” you reassured.
“How can you be so certain? What if the sorcerer doesn’t agree to help us?  What if we can’t get Gwen to enter the water?”
“I am certain because I believe in you, Arthur. I have only just met you and I would lay my life down for you and your causes. The sorcerer will help because it is you who is asking. And your and Gwen’s love is something no magic could ever destroy, it is that love which will guide her into the water, and that love that will save her,” you answered.
Arthur was slightly taken aback by the sincerity of your reply. He was searching for the words to return, but you beat him to it, “Now, hand me your sword and get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
Normally, Arthur would have refused you, but somehow he knew that you were right and that he could trust you. There was an oddly safe feeling that you brought him and he was learning not to question it. 
Just after sunrise, he awoke to find that you had already prepared breakfast and packed up the site. He looked over to Merlin who was snoring and rolled his eyes. 
Upon hearing him stir you smiled, “I was just about to wake you, I administered the drought to the Queen, and prepared everything, after breakfast we will be ready to leave at your command.” 
“Right, very well, we should eat then. Merlin,” he called.
“Five more minutes,” Merlin mumbled. 
Arthur then took the liberty of using some of his water to wake Merlin properly which earned your laughter and a very offended look from your favorite warlock. After he recovered, you handed him his food and began to eat your own. It wasn’t long before you began your journey for the day. 
All was going well until a white dragon appeared and tried to take you out. Merlin pulled you and Arthur away. 
“Okay then, you take Gwen to the water just beyond that ridge, and I will distract the Dragon,” Merlin spoke. 
“Are you mad?” Arthur asked.
“No, just overly aware of the fact that Gwen is bound to wake up anytime now and we have used the last of the drought,” Merlion replied. 
“Go, Arthur, I will make sure he is okay,” you spoke. 
Again, Arthur didn’t know why, but he knew that he could trust you to do so. He worked up his strength and lifted Gwen, carrying her where Merlin had instructed. Meanwhile, Merlin worked his way to where Aithusa was circling around. He used his Dragon Lord tongue to send her away. You stayed in your hiding spot and watched in awe. Merlin turned back around and started back toward you when Morgana appeared.
She used her powers to knock Merlin backward and hold him down. She was walking towards him, prepared to end him once and for all when you used your powers to knock her out. You rushed forward to Merlin, making sure he was okay before helping him up. The two of you ventured towards Arthur, all to aware of the limitations of time.
“We need to hurry, Morgana is here and will not remain unconscious for long,” Merlin informed Arthur. 
“Okay, so where is this sorceress?” Arthur asked looking around.
“I don’t know Arthur, it’s not like she is going to sit around here all day just waiting for you to show up,” Merlin replied, setting all of his packs down before grabbing his costume. 
“I’ll look this way, you look that way,” you instructed Merlin.
“I don’t like the idea of all of us splitting up like this,” Arthur spoke. 
“It’ll be fine, we’ll each walk 60 paces, if we don't find her then we will turn back. At that distance you’ll be able to hear if we meet any trouble. Besides, Merlin is right, we are running dangerously low on time here.” 
Arthur hesitantly agreed and you went a few paces out of sight and met up with Merlin who used the spell to change himself into an old woman and put on the dress he had packed. You tried very hard to contain your laughter, however, there was no doing so once you heard him speak. 
“Really Y/n? You would laugh at me at a time like this?” 
“I’m sorry, but if you could see yourself you’d be laughing too.”
“Let’s go,” he said begrudgingly.
The two of you emerged from the wooded area and it was clear that Arthur was on edge.
“It’s okay your highness, I explained the situation and she is eager to help,” you assured.
“You are the Dolma?” he asked.
“Who else would I be?’ Merlin sassed.
“Yes. Of course. What do you need me to do?”
“Take your queen and set her by the pool.”
Arthur did as asked and waited as the Dolma scanned Gwen before speaking, “The magic which has ensnared you queen is powerful and dark. It can be broken, but it can also prevail, do you understand that?”
“I do.”
“When I awake her, she must walk into the cauldron of her own will. Everything inside her will fight against it, you must find a connection stronger than the evil Morgana has bestowed upon her. You have to reach the part of your queen which has gone untouched by Morgana.”
Arthur nodded in understanding, and the Dolma uttered the enchantment and Arthur bent down beside Gwen as she woke.  She shot up immediately, “Where am I? What have you done to me?”
“Gwenuiver, my Gwenevier,” Arthur tried as he grabbed her so she couldn’t dart off. 
“Your Gweniuver? You stupid man, I was never yours,” Gwen denied.
“You must reach her Arthur reach out to all that is lost,” Merlin reminded
“You loved me once,” Arthur tried.
“You are easily fooled,” Gwen replied
“You still do.”
“It was a charade, nothing more. Just a means of subterfuge to pass Camelot to its rightful queen.”
You could tell that Arthur was getting desperate as he began to use force to bring her to the water before the Dolma reminded him that it wouldn’t work. 
“Find a memory Arthur, something powerful and full of love. Something that Gwen can hold onto,” you instructed. 
Arthur didn’t even have to consider it before saying, “Do you remember when I asked you to marry me? Do you remember what you said? You said ‘with all my heart’. That’s not trickery or subterfuge,” he started and then he saw it, Gwen’s face softened.
“With all my heart,” he repeated letting go and slowly backing towards the water. 
“With all my heart,” she muttered.
“Come on Gwenuiver, come back to me.”
And then she trudged out to meet him in the water. The Dolma started to use the spell and a white light took over Gwen. As it faded she looked over to Arthur and with tears in her eyes waded over and collided with him with enough force to nearly dunk him under the water. You sent Merlin a smile. He did it, and you were so proud to have witnessed it.
After a moment, Arthur and Gwen remembered that they were not alone, and came back onto the shore. 
“We owe you a great debt, if there is ever anything I can do for you,” Arthur spoke to the sorceress. 
“There is only one thing I desire.” 
“Name it.”
“Remember what it was that saved you queen today. For there is no evil in sorcery, but only in the hearts of men. My request is that you remember this.”
“You have my word,” Arthur replied and looked over to you, “we should get going to avoid Morgana.”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” you asked.
Arthur looked down to check that he had his sword and looked over to Gwen to see if he was missing something, “I don’t think so?”
“Maybe a certain, neckerchief wearing servant?” you replied.
“Ah, I thought this had gone unusually, smoothly.”
“I will go find him and send him your way, I know these paths well, he couldn’t have gone far,” the Dolma spoke.
So the three of you started back, and Merlin soon joined you.
“Merlin!” Gwen smiled bringing him into a warm hug. 
“Nice to have you back my queen,” he replied grinning.
The trip back to Camelot was light-hearted, Gwen was even more welcoming to you than Arthur had been. As you worked with Merlin to make camp for the group you took every opportunity to make sure that he was doing alright. You understood, maybe more than he did, that he was supposed to be the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth, but even then… Besides anything that helped distract you from the fact that you were still shaken from your encounter with Morgana was welcomed. 
“Y/n? Are you good?” Merlin spoke pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, sorry I zoned out for a minute.”
“Thanks again for coming with us today, I don’t want to think about where we would be if you hadn’t.”
“I am confident that you would have figured it out. It’s not like this is your first rodeo.”
“Yeah, I guess, it just all feels different now. Like everything I do is so big like on a fate of Camelot level and no one even knows.”
“I understand, more than you know, and I can assure you that you will not have to face it alone. Not anymore,” you were going to continue talking, but Arthur was calling after the two of you saying that he’d managed to find some rabbits.
That night after everyone else was asleep you allowed your mind to once again drift to Morgana. You wondered if she had seen you before you managed to knock her out. Would she start targeting you again? Would that put Merlin in more danger? You wondered if the prophecies could really be true, protecting Merlin was pretty straight forward, but the rest of it, the part about rewriting destiny and turning the end into the beginning, that you had no clue about. Merlin was right earlier though, everything was starting to feel more drastic and you were not a fan of it.  
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hatake-no-sharingan · 4 years
Time travel AU (Part 1: The lady with the flowers)
AU Summary: The world is falling apart, and the Sage of the Six Paths sends Naruto back in time to find his parents and collect the thing that will help him and Sasuke save the shinobi. 
Part 1 Summary: Naruto arrives in the Konoha he was born and finds Y/N struggling to keep her plants alive. He's drawn to helping her, and later discovers she’s exactly the person he was looking for.
Characters in part 1: Y/N (as Naruto’s mom/ Minato’s wife), Minato and Naruto
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you @itsao-mine for requesting this, and I’m so sorry to keep you waiting, I hope the full story is worth it. I’m thinking it’ll be like 2 or 3 parts long. I had to change a bit your request, but I still hope you like it. Remember my ask box is always open! Keep requesting stuff and being kind<3
The lady with the flowers
“Could you try not dying for once?” Y/N pleaded to what could’ve been a jasmine plant, had she actually known how to properly do gardening. She wiped her brow tired, and accidentally smeared a bit of dirt on her forehead.
It was a peaceful autumn afternoon, Konoha hadn’t looked as pretty in a long time. The war had taken a lot from the village, but it had been slowly repairing itself. Now villagers strolled down the streets again chattering about the nice weather, new businesses opened, children ran everywhere, and finally shinobi had gotten a much deserved break.
A sunset colored house stood small in the middle of Konoha, where Y/N fought, on the losing side, to keep her plants alive.
“Maaa, how am I going to take care of a child if I can’t even grow a flower?” She complained to herself as she started clearing  the mess she had made between the dirt, fallen leaves and plant food.
“You should maybe try feeding them less. Yaknow? Overfeeding plants is actually a thing, and it could kill them. And I just saw a nice spot over here where you could try moving them, they’ll get more sunshine at the right times of the day. They’re getting the strongest light for a short amount of time and it’s killing them. It’s better to have them exposed longer but where the heat isn’t as strong. Yaknow?”
Y/N looked up to see a smiling blond boy, scratching the back of his head and examining the front part of her house.
“Right there, you see?” He pointed to a small corner.
“Will that stop them from dying?” Y/N asked excited.
“Yes! I’m not an expert, but I kinda know my way around plants. I’ll help you move them.”
She stood up and as she turned towards the boy, he saw she was heavily pregnant. It was only a matter of days before she gave birth. Her skin was glowing in the same way roses glisten when they’re covered in morning dew.
“Oh you might want to sit down while I move them. Don’t worry.” He said embarrassed at the realization. She needed his help more than he’d initially thought. He was glad he’d bumped into her, though he had to hurry because he was still on time constraint and the world depended on it.
Y/N sat down thankful on the entrance steps while the boy skillfully arranged the plants.
“Well that was the last one, hopefully they’ll live now” he announced
“Thank you. It’s a bit frustrating, I’m used to doing things by myself, and it’s weird that in this state I need more help than I would admit to. Heheh. It was very nice of you to do it.”
“Well, I’m glad I was here, but I have to get going because I’m on an important mission here, lady, and there are some people I need to find.”
“Wait a second, you’re hurt.” Y/N said, noticing for the first time that the boy was bleeding badly from several cuts across his body, his clothes were torn and ripped, revealing multiple bruises and he had a bit of a limp on his left ankle. “Come inside, let me at least disinfect your wounds and put some bandages on you.
“Naaah, It’s fine, I’ve seen worse.” He said trying to act cool, stretching his arms over his head. Which y/n noticed was obviously a painful motion.
“Nonesense, I bet you can spare a few moments. I’m a Kunoichi myself, and I know you’ll be able to complete your mission more effectively with some pain out of your way. Come on, I’ll fix you something to eat too.”
The last part caught the blond kid’s attention, and he hastily agreed. Surely the end of the world could give him a few minutes right? Plus the sage of the six paths had sent him a week before the incident, so he’d have enough time to look for them, and the lady was right, he was good at handling pain, but he’d be way more effective if at least some of it was reduced, giving his body time to heal.
The house’s interior matched the warmth that emanated from the exterior. It was homely, colorful, and cozy, exactly the kind of house he’d always dreamed of growing up in.
Y/N led him to the kitchen, where an amazing smell told him something good was cooking.
“You’re making ramen?! It’s my favorite meal!”
“Well, I’m trying to” she giggled kindly “It’s not as good as Ichiraku’s but my husband likes it.”
He was pleasantly surprised that his favorite food place already existed when he was born, but he didn’t remark on it. Instead he told her how excited he was to try her cooking.
“Sit here. Let me just get the first aid kit and I’ll be back in a few seconds.”
She returned holding a few bandages, some medicine and a pair of scissors. The boy let himself be treated. Her touch was gentle, and it had a hint of worry, almost as if she was scared something would hurt the kid, but she was very effective with her movements. The boy found himself wishing his mom would be as kind as the young woman in front of him, and knew that the baby she was carrying was going to be a lucky one for having her as a mother.
“Are you having a boy or a girl?” He asked, breaking the silence. “Have you picked a name?”
“I’m having a boy! Isn’t that sweet? My husband picked the name. It’s a bit odd but I love it!” She flashed him a big smile, clearly proud “his name will be Naruto.”
“You’re naming your kid Naruto? No way! I’m Naruto too! I thought I was the only Naruto in Konoha! It’s amazing to find out that someone else wants to name their child like me. Did you also pick the name because of Ero-Sennin’s novel? Are you also a fan of his writing? Oh. Oh. We’re in the past, right maybe you even know my parents. Oh right! I’m supposed to be looking for them. Could you help me? Their names are Minato Namikaze and Y/N Uzumaki. My dad’s the hokage, you surely know who he is right?”
Y/N dropped the medicine bottle she was holding. She stared at the person in front of her as if he were a ghost. He looked about 16-17 years old, it was impossible he was here.
“W-what?” She managed to ask
In that moment, the front door opened and
“Baby I’m home! How are my two sweet angels? You won’t imagine the day I just had, I’m so glad I could finally return to you-“ Minato stopped when he entered the kitchen and saw Naruto in there with his wife. “Oh, hi, I didn’t realize we had a visit. I’m Minato, Y/N’s husband. Are you staying for dinner?” He turned to Y/N, but was met with her shocked expression.
“Is something wrong my love?”
Naruto spoke then.
“Well, I guess I’ve accidentally completed the first part of my mission. I’m sorry for saying this out of the blue but, I’m your son.”
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elena-reina · 4 years
Worth It - Draco Malfoy x Reader
Request: (1/3) heyyy, can you do an imagine that draco comforts you for having depression for whatever reason and one day he saw you standing on the roof of hog warts almost leaping off the balcony but he catches you in time (you can create the ending) thank u if you do!! :)) - Anon
(2/3) Can you do a one shot where Draco knows about the readers eating disorder and he helps her overcome it? I hope that makes sense, I love your stories so much, please don't stop writing! - Anon
(3/3) Yay, you’re back! I was wondering if you could do a Draco Malfoy x reader where he finds her self harming? I get it if you aren’t comfortable - Anon
Warnings: Very triggering- read with caution please, depression- suicide related, anorexia, self-harm
A/N: PLEASE READ! These three all fall under the same category for me, so I just combined them. I just want to make it clear that I am not, in any way, romanticizing or making it seem as though I am pro self-harm whatsoever; I purely write whatever requests come in. To those that do, I know you’ve got a lot going on and there is a lot of emotions, trauma, and hurt; believe me I know a lot about it. But it gets better, I promise you. It always gets better. Incase you all haven’t heard it, I love you, I care about you, and I know you’re strong enough to make it through anything. If anyone needs to talk, my messages are always open and again don’t ever think you’re not enough or worth it because you all are golden. You were put on this earth for a reason :)
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Just another day on top of another.
Yawning, you lightly scratched your head and stood in front of your mirror in your dorm room; nothing covered you besides your undergarments. Looking up and down your body completely still, you wouldn’t be able to tell there was anything wrong. You lifted your arm and looked at your wrist leading down your forearm; the markings covered the insides of your arms and varied in color, shape, and size. Some of them were old, obvious by how they shined and caught light at just the right angle. Some were bright red and bold, there was no denying it. Most were about a month old, looking like a cat scratched you and drew blood; which would be believeable considering you owned a cat- Pumpkin; some you could also blame on an accident. 
Well, what kind of accident?
Well, you didn’t have that answer. Not as if anyone were to ask anyways due to the fact that you kept them hidden in the first place.
You started at your feet, averting your eyes from your own reflection. Your feet were bony and thin, like the rest of your body. Raising your gaze, you winced at the emaciated figure that stared back at yourself. 
What had you let yourself become? 
To others, you looked sickly. 
Had you come to Hogwarts like this initially? No. It was harder to hide it at home, so your mind never crossed it other than maybe dark thoughts here and there.
Did you have a good life at home? Well, that’s subjective. You had a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food in the fridge. All the necessary things to provide as a necessity to live.
But did you have genuine friends, loving parents, and a place to call home? No.
Your once plump and vibrant self, now looked thin to the bone. Once the soul becomes so thin, the body will inevitably follow in its footsteps like a wandering toddler, learning and adapting from the shadows within. Instead of a growing sense of ultimate self-love, self-worth, or self-positivity, the soul doesn’t have the strength to ascend upwards to health anymore. And so it is extremely hard to eat more, even when it is a simple bite at a time; drink more, with a tiny sip of water needed to survive; live more, the simple act of breathing eventually gets difficult from time to time; and ultimately hard to listen to that part of yourself that wants to stay alive and be loved.
Would you still go to the Grand Hall? Well of course, if there was one thing you hated more than yourself was unwanted attention. Part of you belives it’s your fault that you don’t have friends soley because of how introverted you are. And with the friends, well friend, that you do have just so happens to be the person most people don’t get along with; Draco Malfoy.
What’re the odds.
There definitely was more to it than just being “friends” with Draco, but neither of you fully acknowledged it. He knew about your eating disorder, and he tries his best to help you, encouraging you every step of the way- even when you blatantly push him away.
You never asked for help- Not that he cared if you did or didn’t anyway.
Turning away from the mirror, you slipped on your white button up shirt making sure to clip the button around your wrist, taking attention away for your skin. Sliding on your skirt, Y/H tie, and your Y/H robe, you were ready to head down for breakfast. 
Your hand rested on the cold metal door knob, as you stared at the small piece of silver metal on top of your dresser; whom you have a terrible relationship with. You bit your lip, hesitating. You knew you shouldn’t take it. You knew you shouldn’t have it on you because it will only ingite triggers. 
Fuck it.
You quickly walked over to your dresser and picked up the sharp piece to put in your pocket. Spinning on your heel, you headed on out of the room and to the Grand Hall.
You walked through the aisles, and immediately met with Draco’s eyes. He lit up and waved you over to your usual seat right beside him. He scooted over, patting the space next to him as you sat down. He grinned, happy to see you.
“G’morning, Y/N,” he said pulling you into a tight hug. He was always careful when touching you because he felt like he could snap you in half if he were to be too rough on you.
You smiled warmly, breathing in his calming smell. “Good morning, Draco.”
“Alright, I know we’ve been doing baby steps for the longest time, but I think you are just about ready,” he spoke.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What’re you talking about?”
He leaned over the table and placed food onto your plate, more than he’s put on the last times. Before it would just be pieces of fruit here and there, maybe a piece of sausage; but this time he put a waffle, more fruit, and two slices of bacon.
Your stomach gurgled for the food, desperate to be full off of something. But at the same time, you felt sick to your stomach.
“Draco, this is too much. I’m not even all that hungry. We had a big dinner the night before remember?”
“Nonesense, you literally only ate a handfull of rice and two small pieces of asparagus last night. Even my owl eats more than that,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
You stared at your plate, leaning back. Your tongue felt dry, despite your cup of water being right in front of you. Your throat felt as if someone thrust a handful of itching powder down and it was dying to be coughed out. If possible, you could sit in the chair for fifteen hours straight; you just weren’t in the mood to eat.
“Listen, you don’t have to eat it all, but please try for me.”
You nodded and picked up your fork, stabbing to the orange melon. Bringing it to your lips, you slowly chewed as your stomach was growling in pleasure being finally fed. 
Draco cheered you on with every bite, causing you to laugh. He wanted to distract you so that you focused less on what you’re eating and more on conversing with him so you weren’t as distracted with how much you were eating.
Eventually, you finished about half the waffle, all your fruit, and had no more bacon left. You were surprised at yourself when you looked back at your plate and then to him.
“I’m so proud of you! You ate more than I expected- not that I am complaining, I’m definitely not because I am really happy for you,” he quickly chuckled, “Maybe tomorrow we can put two waffles.” He nudged the side of your bony rib jokinly.
“Ha ha very funny,” you joked, rolling your eyes. 
After some time, you had to go to class. Sadly, you didn’t share many classes with Draco if at all. Walking into potions, you sat in your usual seat in the back of the room. As usual, there were always a few Slytherin’s that would pester you  solely because you were one of the few people in the school who was able to even share the same space as Draco; it was pure jealousy but you didn’t have a say in anything, or even how your friendship blossomed in the first place.
“Y/L/N,” Daphne sneered, leaning close to your face.
You really tried your best to focus on your Potions book but the group of girls that taunt you every single day just so happened to want to be extra annoying and sit around you. And when I say around you, I mean literally in front of you, next to you, on both sides, and even behind you. You lifted your head from your hand to looked at Daphne in front of you, considering she was right in your face. You opened your mouth to speak, but she beat you to it.
“I really don’t understand how us purebloods are forced to associate with people like you rotting mudbloods,” she giggled, making a disgusted expression as she said the last part. Her friends burst out into obnoxious laughter. 
You weren’t even a mudblood. You had friends who weren’t magical, but that only led people to paint you as a mudblood.
"Can’t say anything? Can’t stick up for yourself Y/L/N? My goodness, do you even speak or is that too hard for you?” Sarah on the side of you asks, awaiting your response, “I see the way you have Draco baby you. It’s pathetic really.”
They took your silence as an answer and continued but this time it was Heather behind you. "See, she doesn’t even deny it,” she snickered, "Just look at you. I don’t see what he sees in you. You look like, I don’t even know how to say it, a walking pole-”
“No, a broken twig!” Daphne interjected, laughing.
“Yes a broken twig!” Heather continued, slowly enunciating each word, “Nothing but a pathetic, filthy, mudblood who pretends to be sick just to get the attention from those who actually matter.” 
Each word felt like a stab in an open wound over and over again, being thrusted through your entire body. Tears welled up in your eyes as you blankly stared down at your Potions book, threatening to fall at any given moment. 
“What? Cat’s still got your tongue?” Alicia from the other side of you jerked, shoving on your roughly causing you to bump into Sarah. Sarah let out a disgusted groan and pushed you back off of her.
“Gross! Do not touch me!” she gagged, as Heather joined in and pushed you to the point that you fell out of your seat and roughly onto the floor with a loud smack.
“HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!” someone in the classroom, whom you recognized as Justin Finch-Fletchley, spoke loudly finally witnessing what was happening.
Tears silently cascaded down your cheeks. He quickly jogged over to you as the mean girls dispersed to a different part of the classroom snickering together.
“Are you alright?” he asked concerned, extending his arm out towards you. You looked at his hand through blurry eyes and nodded, lightly grabbing onto him. He helped you to your feet. Grabbing onto your book, you turned and rushed out of the room and headed in the direction of the bathroom.
Keeping you head low, you sped walked, and crashed into someone that sent you flying to the floor. Choking over your tears, you didn’t bother to look at who it was and instead rushed to find your Potions book and hurry out of there.
“Y/N?” that familiar voice spoke.
You still avoided eyecontact as you kept searching to your book only to find him holding onto it, to give to you. Standing up, you straightened out your skirt. Lightly grabbing it, you whispered a quiet thank you and tried to continue down the hallway. He stopped you grabbing onto your arm, alarmed.
“Woah, wait. What’s going on, what happened, what’s wrong?” he asked all at once as he watched the translucent tears glide down the sides of your face. You stood straight.
“Please, let me go,” you spoke softly, your voice slightly cracking.
“Was someone saying bullshit to you? Did someone hurt you? Because you know I’m always here for you and I’ll make sure they don’t say anything to or about you ever again.” He growls getting angrier by the second.
“I just really want to be left alone, Draco. I’m sorry,” you said snatching your arm back and sped walked down the hallway.
His scowl lightens, worrying for you. He slowly followed you. 
Initially you wanted to go to the bathroom, but changed your mind last minute. Turning a different corner, you kept going up more and more stairs until you inevitably reached the top of the Hogwarts building. Rushing to the edge, you dropped your book onto the floor and stood slightly leaning over the edge to get a good look at the bottom of the building with your hair flowing in the wind. It was a long way down that will ultimately end up in costing you your life. Trying to force yourself out of your thoughts, you looked in your pocket for that piece of metal, grateful that you grabbed it earlier. Frantically unbuttoning the shirt around your wrist, you felt numb as you choked over your tears silently.
“I’m not worth it,” you thought to yourself.
You stood on the brink of something you couldn't describe. The weight of everything seemed to press down on your shoulders and you struggled to take even a single step forward towards anything positive.
You felt worthless. 
A waste of space. A waste of air. A waste of life. 
It was too much. All of it. 
The tingle as the sharp metal glided against your skin provided a senseless, numb feeling. Every step cost you as the darkness in your mind grew darker and darker; the pain grew sharper and stronger; all of it seemed to only swell in strength and you began to wonder if things could ever get better.
You were tired of feeling things. Everyday felt like never ending dread. With an exception of Draco, nothing seemed worth it anymore. Hell, Draco will only end up forgetting about you in the end of it all.
You don’t play that much of a significant role in his life to matter to him in the long run.
Sometimes you wonder if someone ever notices that sad, broken look in your eyes that you see in the mirror that are masked with a smile and fake enthusiasm. 
If they see beauty where you see ugliness. 
You laugh, traveling up your arm going over old scars, a bitter, sarcastic laugh, at yourself. Nobody cares. No one notices. 
They never seem to, do they? You’ve fought for years, all for what.
The crimson liquid dripped down your arm, falling onto the stone floor. The wind pushed and howled against you as though to try and shove you back. Clumsily, you dropped your metal blade.
“No!” you shouted, dropping to your knees and it fell further and further, out of your sight. You choked over your sobs, feeling broken. Your arm stung and you looked at it through blurry tears.
“I can’t take this anymore,” you spoke aloud to yourself and shakily stood up. You inched closer and closed on the edge, as you looked up inhaling the fresh air. With one last breath, you closed your eyes, opened your arms, and took your last step forward and felt the pressure of the wind beat you on the way down. 
The blackness behind your eyes was perfect. It provided a visual silence that gave a respected admiration. With your eyes closed there was the simple sweetness of the longing of existing, of being, of breathing, and how those moments extended with such grace until you are met with the concluding dark abyss.
Prior while had Draco followed you, he could feel the dark and depressive energy emerging out of your presense. He knew you needed your space, but something was off. The higher and higher you went up the stairs, he had enough of following you and simply looked up. Only the worse things plagued his mind as he quickly rushed back down the stairs and sprinted through the halls to hurry and get outside. He had no seconds to waste, because he had a feeling you were going to try and jump.
He could’ve followed you all the way to the top, but if you had jumped he would’ve been to late. At least this way, he had a chance of catching you.
Ignoring the pain in his chest from running, he ran pushing anyone and everyone who got in his way. 
Darting outside, his eyes widened as he saw your body flying down the side of the building. With one last push of exertion, he caught you in his arms just in time. He fell forward into the floor, but was sure to cradle your head so you got the least amount of injury.
Breathing heavily up and down. You opened your eyes and met Draco’s silver, scared ones. You didn’t know what to think. You didn’t think he was going to be there. Your fresh wounds, began to soak up in his white shirt. Draco sees them, the sight of your new scars reveal themselves to him. He sees your arm, not that he’s surprised. Still being held in his arms protectively, he starts to cry. 
“Y/N,” he says your name like you had just broken his heart.
Your throat tightens and you feel yourself on the brink of tears as your eyes stung. You didn’t know what to say. You were broken.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, not knowing what else to say or do. “I’m sorry. I–”
He interrupts you. “Why...” he stammers gazing down at your arm, “How many times?” He rang a soft finger down your arm, wincing at every raw wound.
“I don’t know,” you mumbles. 
“For fuck’s sake,” he cried out, his tears dripping off his chin. “I’m sorry I wasn’t…I wasn’t there for you enough.”
You shake your head, “No, Draco, it wasn’t your fault–”
Draco looked down at you with confusion and anger before he smashed his desperate lips onto yours.
Suddenly, the anger, the self-hatred, the loathing, the rage left your body for a split moment. It diminished as soon as his lips pressed against yours in a long over-due, intense passion. It was as if he was taking all away all your pain and misery and threw it away.
You kissed him back with burning amount of fiery love he was kissing you with. Your lips worked hungrily against his as his hands snaked their way to your waist and pulled your shaking body closer to his to kiss you deeper.
Your cold hands grabbed his face and pulled it closer to yours, if that was even possible. His calming scent flowed through your nostils, making your eyes water under your closed eyes.
Too many emotions were going through your brain and you couldn’t handle it. Deep down,  you had always dreamt of being with Draco. Although, you wish that it could have happened under very different and happier circumstances. Nonetheless, you were grateful.
Pulling away, he gazed into your eyes. “Y/N, can you answer me why? Why didn’t you come and talk to me.”
You tried diverting your gaze, but he grabbed your chin with his hand lightly to keep his eyes locked with yours. “Please.”
“I can’t take it anymore. I hate myself and everything I stand for,” you began to cry, “I just... I just thought it would make it easier for everyone else if I were to end everything and erase myself from existence.”
“I would miss you and I don’t know what I would do without you. What if I had just offed myself and left you there to wonder where you went wrong.”
You broke down into sobs, burying your face into his neck as he embraced you in a tight hug.
You shook. “I... I know, but I’m nothing special. I’m just–”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” he snapped harshly. “You are so fucking perfect, it drives me insane. I love you so goddamn much, do you know that? Do you? I love you too much to let you keep doing this to yourself. You are worth it. You are loved. You are my everything. I want you to remember that feeling you had right now at the thought of me ending my life, because that’s what you’re doing to me whenever you cut me out of your life like I’m nothing.”
“I’m sorry,” you cried lifting your head sniffing, “Draco, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I swear. I was just…I was just..” but you didn’t have any excuse, so you collapsed back into his warm embrace.
“I know,” he murmurs against your hair. “I know. I love you. I love you so much.”
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
43: What is the DND alignment?
50: How does your sleep at night? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they find it easy to sleep or are they more a night owl?
For the ocs ask game?
Im not sure about all these and im not actually sure cause i googled it 10 minutes ago but
Callie: chaotic good
Elizabeth: true neutral
Manuel: Lawful good
Aishah: neutral good
Nairne: chaotic neutral
Callie: JAJAJAJA HAS NOT HAD A GOODNIGHTS SLEEP IN YEARS. I dont think she even believes it possible that she can sleep correctly. She dreams, a lot, hasnt been able to fall asleep without dreaming since she was a kid. Callie doesnt recall ever not going to sleep without seeing some kind of very vivid dream, almost as if it were a memory. Some are nice, some are horrifying and have made her not wanna close her eyes for weeks. But the point is Callie doesnt sleep, she rest dreaming. Shes a heavy sleeper only because its hard to pull her out of dreams. Night owl because of this. Has been extremly sleep deprived the past few months get her a sleeping schedule pls.
Eliza: Shes a book nerd, she invented staying up late with a good book and a flashlight so your parents dont notice you were reading at late hours. Doesnt go to the extremes if shes tired, mostly will go to sleep around 11:00-12:00am. Will never go past 12:00am unless shes like, doing smth important. A resonable person when it comes to sleeping decisions, wakes up at an appropriate hour. Has she pulled all nighters? Sure, but its not a constant thing. She used to be a decent sleeper but after a certain event, very light sleeper. You can wake her up and shes able to keep going in less than a second. Its almost magic. Rarely dreams, hasnt had an actual dream in years. Althought nightmares are another case entirely
Manuel: you can text him at 1am and he is gonna reply, you can text him at 5am and he will reply. Is he just waking up? Is he just going asleep now??? No one knows. Emmanuel is a magical being. His sleeping schedule varies between the day. There are moments he stays awake for 48 hours and then collapses and sleeps for an entire day. 8 hours of sleep?? Nah he either sleep 2 or 24 NOTHING in between. Hes extremly productive during those hours thought I'll give it to him. Doesnt have a sleep schedule, his sister scolds him for it while staying up with him. Running on café yaucono and a lot of unhinged energy he shouldnt be having at 6 in the fucking morning. The time he sleeps hes a heavy sleeper, there is NO waking him up. Also doesmt have many dreams or nightmared in general unless hes really stressed
He just *sleeps*
Also snores
A lot
Aishah: the only resonable human here, she needs her sleep. Aishahs buisness hours run from 9am-10pm anything after that you have to solve on your own she is gonna go rest and have a good nights sleep. Latest shes up at would be 11pm, she values herself and her rest. Wouldnt call her a light sleeper, but definetly not a heavy sleeper. If smth were to happen shed be easy enough to wake up and get in relative action. The reason she goes to sleep so early is cause she likes waking up early, so many people value the night its become much to crowded, but the mornings are hers alone. Most people sleep through the hours she wakes up and gets to have her alone time, and she values that a lot. She also loves sunrises so sometimes she wakes up earlier than needed just to see them. Has a regular amount of dreams, most of them are just nonesense really
Nairne: time is a social construct i sleep when my body screams at me to do it. Has lost the sense of time, doesnt understand how time works so simply when her eyes shut THATS the time she sleeps. Sleeping schedule???? We dont know her. We never knew her. I think she survives more through naps than through actual sleep. Algebra class?? Quick power nap cause at 2am she has an appintment with a 5 hour video on youtube about top ten creepiest things in the sea. When she does sleep she does have a lot of heavy dreams, almost like shes living things again thought shes not sure how to describe it. Isnt a very heavy sleeper.
Thank you for the ask!
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
Can you continue that one request with Collot (“If we get caught I’m blaming you”) but where they don’t get interrupted? 🥴
AN: Of course! I thought about including Jack in this but decided against it because he’s just too precious and I couldn’t bare to corrupt him like that 🥺🥺😭😭
Warning: Smut (NSFW +18)
“Be quiet if you don’t want to get us caught.” Collot groaned from between your legs. The two of you had once again found yourselves in a compromising position, this time inside a janitor’s closet in an abandoned school hallway.
“It’s your fault we’re even in this mess. ‘Oh, Y/N, you smell so good, I need to taste you now, blah blah blah’,” you mocked, gripping the broad shoulders that currently had you pinned against the wall.
“I didn’t hear you trying to stop me either,” Collot slid his tongue into your entrance and any protest you had ready died in your throat. This man had a God given talent for working his tongue and you could barely think straight when he was going down on you.
“No one walks this way this early in the morning, we’re- hah, ah, ah,” Collot slid two fingers inside of you and you felt your brain scramble instantly. You were so so close but you craved more than just his fingers.
“What was that? Finish what you were saying?” Collot hummed with a cocky smirk. You gripped the fur behind his neck painfully tight and yanked him back as much as your strength would allow.
“Stop playing with me and get on with it, asshole,” you said through gritted teeth however you should have known better than to try and strongarm him into anything. Collot responded by landing a sharp slap again your thigh then proceeded to sink his claws into your hip, the pain causing you to release his fur in shock.
“Now is that any way to ask?” He growled, scraping his claws along your thigh. You pushed at his shoulders with all your strength which was just enough to make him let go of you so that he wouldn’t lose his balance.
“You know what? Forget it. I’ll finish myself off,” you huffed, yanking down your skirt and turning to leave. It was a long shot using reverse psychology because Collot was very much the type to let you walk away and cool off first whenever you two fought but given the circumstances, he might just be horny enough for your little plan to work.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He snarled pinning you against the wall, grinding his raging hard-on against your ass. “Who’s going to take care of this?”
“Not my problem, find some underclassmen slut to suck you off,” you scoffed, attempting to hide the smirk on your voice. He’d walked right into your trap.
“And why would I do that when I’ve got my own personal slut right here,” Your turned around in time to see Collot’s shit-eating grin as he lifted you off the ground, your legs wrapping around his waist automatically.
“Don’t you dare call me a slut,” you seethed and he let out a bark of laughter.
“Got you to turn around didn’t it? You know I have to see your face when I’m inside you. Really gets me going,” he released his weeping member, pre-cum already gushing down the sides. He wasted no time sliding your panties aside and sinking into you.
“Fuck, have you gotten bigger?” You sighed as the feeling of him stretching your entrance.
“Have you gotten tighter? You feel fucking incredible,” he moaned. He didn’t give you hardly any time to adjust to his size as he began pumping into you.
“Shit shit shit, slow down, just give m a second,” you cried, grabbing his forearms in an attempt to brace yourself while he charged into you relentlessly.
“Not a chance, brat,” Collot chuckled as he continued to ruin your hole. You could barely catch your breath, your moist walls sucking him in automatically. The coil in your lower abdomen was at its limit and you could feel your orgasm coming at any moment.
“Collot- Collot I’m about to- you’re gonna make me- ahh,” you were moaning out nonesense at this point.
“About to cum already? Knew you were a slut. C’mon and moan for me, you know how I like it.” Collot grunted and that was exactly what you needed to send you over the edge. You came all over him, your essence dripping between you two adding extra lubrication while Collot managed his last few thrusts before finishing inside you.
“I never get tired of that,” Collot hummed in satisfaction as his member began to soften inside of you. You pushed him away to stand on your own two feet. You pulled your panties back into place, hoping that would help keep his cum inside you until you got back to your dorm.
“Don’t tell me you’re still mad at me even after I fucked you out?” Collot attempted to wrap his arms around your waist but you smacked his hands away.
“You called me a slut twice, don’t think you’re just forgiven,” you pouted, glaring up at him.
“C’mon baby, you know I didn’t mean it. How can I make it up to you?” Collot gathered you in his arms and you could already feel your anger dissolving.
“Apologize first,”
“I’m sorry baby,” he knew you couldn’t resist when he called you pet names but you weren’t giving in that easily.
“You can do better than that,”
“I’m sorry I called my beautiful, amazing, sweet, caring girlfriend a slut even though it was hot as hell and got both of us off,” Collot chuckled, rolling his eyes. You made as if you were about to leave but he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you off the ground.
“What’s the second thing, gorgeous?”
“Since you wanted to get so creative getting off, why don’t you get creative making it up to me,” Collot brought you down for a kiss that you reluctantly fell into with fever.
“Done and Done,” he smiled licking the fur on your cheek as you continued to pout.
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silenthillmutual · 4 years
prompt: daniil asking artemiy for a hug/cuddle pressure stim !!! (idk what you call it. but that thing when someone lies on u and it's Good)
he’s about near defeated. daniil feels exhaustion weigh into him on a level he simply can’t describe. but he feels like porcelain, like any little stumble could shatter him to pieces. and he feels, too, like he’s on the edge of tripping, even here in his room with his eye to the microscope. daniil takes off his gloves and presses his hands to his face. he hates the feeling of it all soaking into his skin - the soot, the grime, the dirt under his fingernails, because no matter how clean he keeps there’s always something. but with the gloves it’s worse, one less border to keep the world at bay.
and his hands smell like leather. it’s really neither here nor there at the moment, but his head is spinning. he’s never felt so dizzy in his life, even when his stomach railed at him and refused to let him eat. there had always been a sort of dangerous calm to him then, but here, in this town, his nerves have taken all control. shame starts to coil around his shoulders, around his neck like a noose, and he shivers in his atempt to lose it.
artemy’s steps on the staircase are loud. they feel like they pull daniil back down to the ground, back down to earth. and just when he felt like he was floating away from it, too. he can’t tell if his feelings toward that are positive or negative, but he looks toward the other man as he enters the room with a mind to hide how much he struggles, at the moment, hands tucked between his knees and making an attempt at a smile he’s sure from years of faulty experience does not reach his eyes. “burakh,” he greets.
“we’ve no need for the formalities, daniil. it’s just us.” daniil sighs and covers his face once more, fingers digging into his eyes. the twyre’s getting there too, making every surface of his skin itch. there’s a draw between them with the haruspex moving closer, putting his hand to the top of daniil’s head as if to feel the skin. “you look sick, emshen. don’t give me something else to worry about.”
“i’m not sick,” daniil argues, but there’s no fight behind it. he sighs, heel of his hands pressing his eyes back into his skulls. too much force, and they’ll slip right through the sockets, roll ‘round and come out his mouth. oh, how he detests the image. “i’m just exhausted. no matter -”
his attempt to move is cut short by a finger pushing him back in his seat, pinning him down. “it’s not ‘no matter’,” artemy tells him, “you need a rest, that’s clear as day. so have a sleep. i’ll come back in the morning.”
“i can sleep when i’m -” he stops himself just short. he knows the expression artemy wears before he even sees it. half amused, half bemused and altogether fond in an exasperated sort of way. “well, you know what i mean,” daniil says, but there’s a fracture making its horrid scrape across the inside of his head. he starts to angle his body down more, elbow on his knee cradling his brow once more.
artemy is fixated on him. where he stands is not so bad, blocking out a majority of the light in the room. daniil feels outside of his skin once again, bloated and soaring like a balloon. he just can’t stand it like this. “is there anything i can do to help you?”
“nothing remotely within either of our capabilities,” daniil grumbles. “we’ve both got our plates full, so to speak, and you’re already working on a cure. you’ve stated vaccines aren’t within your area of expertise, and i somehow doubt you’d want -”
“no,” artemy interrupts. “not something to help the plague, daniil. something to help you. and your...what is this, a migraine?”
“nerves.” daniil shifts. he’s not uncomfortable so much as a different, long-distant feeling building up in him. embarrassment, he guesses. but the rate he’s been going at, he’s so worn thin that it almost doesn’t matter to him how ridiculous the words he’s about to say will sound. but only almost. “there are some benefits to the human touch,” he states, and waits for artemy to make some snide remark that never comes. “and in times like this, where i feel so out of my body that i might drift off altogether, feeling alone can... ground me.”
so far, artemy hasn’t laughed at him. but there’s still the thought that he might, and it’s that which keeps daniil from looking up. if artemy so much as looks amused, he might - well, he’s lost control, but restraint will be the next thing to go. he can’t think of what he’ll wreck, but he feels the urge right under his skin. “what do i need to do to help?” artemy asks.
daniil’s fingers twitch. he’s got them dug so the nails flat into the wood of the chair. it’s uncomfortable. it’s another thing inching him closer to the edge, to screaming. “this will sound silly,” daniil says, and as much as he intends it as a statement to warn artemy of his forthcoming request, it feels and it sounds so much more like a comment to himself on the quality of his needs. a way to chide himself, to convince himself he’s above such nonesense. “and i understand if it’s far too much to ask -”
“just spit it out, will you?” artemy asks. “it’s not like i’ll bite you.”
he leans back in his seat, not meeting artemy’s eyes. his lip trembles. “lay on top of me,” he says. he feels the color hit his cheeks as his eyes roam over the desk. but he feels artemy trying to drag his attention back with a wave of his hand, eyebrows up nearly to his hairline. daniil’s not sure if he hasn’t heard, or perhaps simply hasn’t believed his own ears. it’s not like daniil to ask for affection, after all, or to show it as freely as all that. that’s something he thinks he wears about himself pretty openly, and it must confuse artemy to no end that he’s here asking for it now. but he clears his throat and pushes himself to a stand, fingers locking behind his back.
“lay down on top of you?” artemy asks. it’s hard for daniil to get a read on his emotions at the best of times, but artemy doesn’t say the words with any sort of inflection. he doesn’t want to get too comfortable with their rapport, in case the tables turn around on him now. and artemy shifts a little, looking around the room, before fixing his gaze on daniil once again, frown set in place. “no offense, emshen, but -” it’s too much, daniil thinks. too personal of him to have asked. “i think you’d break under my weight.” daniil must be wearing some sort of expression that betrays offense, and artemy gestures. “i mean, look at you! you’re rail thin. when was the last time you ate properly, or slept? if i lay on you, i’ll hurt you.”
“i think i know my limits,” daniil replies, but uncertainty is still etched into the haruspex’s face, and daniil sighs, running a hand over his face. “i can’t explain why it works. going into detail, it would only feel...crude. but the heaviness, it’s like - like my jacket, only warmer!” daniil feels embarrassed, trying to explain it, and even worse with the concerned look artemy’s giving him. he turns his back to the man to remove his shoes, mumbling the words forget it to himself as he does. and he keeps his head decidedly turned, too, as he curls up on the bed, hoping he’ll get used to the feeling of artemy’s eyes on him so he won’t just be laying in a huff, staring at the wall.
daniil doesn’t feel the bed shift behind him, no warning that he’s being joined until body heat starts to press against him. artemy rolls so he’s covered about half of daniil’s body. “i feel like an idiot,” he grumbles, and daniil almost shivers with the touch of his breath on the back of his neck. “am i doing this right?”
“yes,” daniil mumbles back. he shouldn’t be embarrassed, not of this, not in his own room, but artemy’s commentary makes him self-conscious. that happens - and not just here, not just now, but all of the time when they’re together. daniil sort of hates it, how easily flushed and rattled he gets, the way his colleague’s bites make him feel haunted through the day. but only sort of, because no matter how badly it stings the truth is that the fixation is all his own. he can’t blame artemy for it all.
it always comes back down to him. some block he has, as a person. “you’re cold, erdem,” artemy says.
crestfallen, he thinks the term is. stomach dropped to a lower pit. hurt, but in a deeper way than the shallow cuts he’s used to taking and inflicting. “i get told that often,” he says. his fingers curl in toward the palm of his hand, bending his knees and his head toward his stomach. “many people have called me cold. i didn’t expect you to be one of them.”
he hadn’t meant to divulge that last part. it’s a good thing artemy can’t see his face like this. he’s never liked... all that. being open with people. showing them his feelings. it’s never gone well, never could. it always takes him back to an early age, a bitter one. it’s always better to have people think you are cold, show them a stony face and let them hurl their insults than expect better treatment. artemy’s body shifts so his chest is flat to daniil’s back, and he feels fingers curling over the curve of his shoulders. “physically, daniil,” artemy says. without that coat i can feel your skin through your shirt. how are you even moving like this?” the fingers are light enough to tickle his skin as they reach down, grabbing a wrist. “show me your fingers. i need to see if the tips are blue.” in daniil’s line of sight he takes his hand, slotting his own fingers in the spaces between daniil’s, wrapping over the back of his hand. and he is warm, to contrast, his thumb rubbing daniil’s idly. moments pass, minutes, with artemy’s head rested against the back of daniil’s head before he pulls back. “i could fall asleep like this,” he admits.
“don’t let me stop you,” daniil mutters.
artemy laughs at him. he feels artemy’s chest move with it. “you wouldn’t be able to push me off like that. i really would be crushing you, and then we’d have issues.” you’re crushing me now, crushing my hopes, daniil thinks. he’d like to slap himself for the melodramatic thought.artemy slides until he’s back to an only partial cover, arm and a leg still around daniil. the night air grabs at him, but he feels less cold already. “is this alright?” artemy asks, as he moves his hand to grab the back of daniil’s. his fingers cover daniil’s fingertips, forcing life back to them. “is this alright?” he asks.
no, daniil thinks. it’s not enough. but he only sniffs, and says, “it’s adequate.” he listens to artemy sigh, breath skating against the back of his neck. he feels artemy mutter something, perhaps that will have to do for now.
and if they drift a little closer together in the middle of the night, well, neither man says a thing about it.
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nyxlovee · 3 years
i think this poem doesn't get the amount of love it absolutely deserves so here it is :
What’s wrong? Titanic asked me this morning, when she found me lying on the ocean floor with all my suitcases strewn open.
Oh, I dunno, I moaned, I was looking through National Geographic and saw some pictures of you, and thought I might come and chat. you looked great, by the way, in the pictures.
Me? No. Titanic smiled. If anything I seem to have become a Picasso. and I have a beard.
It was true; she looked more like a collage of a ship. Strangely two dimensional, in a crater of her own making:
French doors, boilers, railings every which way. And she did have a bit of a beard-rust icicles hanging in red strands from her iron engines.
sitting up in my own little crater, I sort of blushed.
To be honest, i told Titanic, My honey’s leaving town soon and I’m afraid it’s gonna wreck me, so i dove down here.
Well come on in, Titanic said, but I’m not sure I’ve got what you’re looking for.
So in I climbed between, through a window between two rust stalactites, and began to pace her great promenade. (which would have been awesome, by the way -walking by the ghosts of all those waving handkerchiefs - except that I was in that feeling-sorry-for-yourself state where very hallway is the hallway of your own wretched mind, every ghost your own ghost, so I didn’t take a good look around.)
When I got to the turkish baths, I sat on the edge of a barnacled tub and watched weird crabs scrabble at my feet.
I was hoping you’d teach me how to sink, I said. You, who have spent a century underwater with 1500 skeletons in your chest.
I don’t know, said Titanic, I’m kind of a wreck.
Exactly! I said, Me too! I’m here to apprentice myself to wreckage. I’m here to apprentice myself to you! Great bearded lady, gargantuan ark, you floating hotel. With enough ballrooms in you to dance with everyone I’ve ever loved.
My heart has an iceberg with its name on it, I told Titanic, so i need some advice. Tell me, did you see the iceberg coming?
I did, Titanic said.
And you sailed right into it?
It was love, Titanic said.
And the band just kept playing? And the captain stayed at the wheel? What did it feel like to swallow seawater? Tell me, Titanic, how did it feel?
It felt like a hole in my side and then it felt like plummeting face first into the ice-cold ocean.
She’s a straight talked, the Titanic.
Alright, I said. Now let’s talk about rust. When my love leaves, I’m planning to weep stalactites from my chin. I will wear my sadness in longs strands. Like you, I will be bearder by it.
Then I made a terrible noise.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrkkkkkkkkkkk! I’ve been practicing the sound of wrenching metal, I told her, for when my love leaves.
But you aren’t made of metal. Titanic said to me.
I’m a writer, I said, I could be made of anything.
Well then, be a writer. She said.
Be a writer? I paused, anemones between my toes. Okay. When my love leaves i’ll start with SOS. I will Morse code odes as the whole world goes vertical. I’ll write nosedives as my torso splits in two.
And the next day i’ll write the stunned headlines,
and the next day i’ll write the obituaries, and the next day I will write furious accusations, and the next day I will write lawsuits, and the next day I will write confessions of my wrongdoing, and the next day I will write pardons, but i won’t really mean it, and the next day i’ll write sonnets, but they won’t fit the schema, and the next day i’ll write pleas, please, please come back. The next day I will write epitaphs, navigation maps, warning for future generations about the hubris of human love. I will write quotas and queries and quizzes, I will write nonsense, I will write nonesense, I will write nonsense all the way down and no diving teams will find me, no robot arms will retrieve me in pieces. never will i be reassembled and played air. No, I will remain whole, two miles down, with my suitcases strewn open, and in 100 years i will still be writing about this feeling, though my heart be a Picasso, though my heart be bearded at the bottom of the sea.
The Titanic let me cry for a while, my sobs echoing off her moldy mosaics.
Then she said: Girl, you’re too young for a beard like this. You’re never gonna get some if you rust over now.
I sniffled a little and scratched my name into the green slime of the tub.
The trouble with you humans is that you are so concerned with staying afloat. Go ahead, be gouged open by love. Gulp that saltwater, sink beneath the waves. You’re not a boat, you can go under and come up again, with those big ol lungs of yours, those hard kicking legs.
And your heart, she said, that gargantuan ark, that floating hotel. Call it unsinkable, though it is sinkable.
Embark, embark.
There are enough ballrooms in you to dance with everyone you’ll ever love.
That’s what the Titanic told me this morning, me, lying next to her on the ocean floor.
There are enough ballrooms in you.
- On This the 100th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic We Reconsider the Buoyancy of the Human Heart, Laura Lamb Brown-Lavoie
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 20th, Friday 14:24
Jens had just pulled Lucas in, kissing him hungry for more, when someone came up the stairs. His mother to be exact, as they realised, once they jumped apart infront of Jens’s room in panic.
„Morning boys.“
„It is two in the afternoon.“ Jens reminded her, his heart still beating loud in his chest. He couldn’t stop thinking if his mother had seen them or not. It still was undiscussed what relationship Lucas and him had. He would tell her soon, he swore himself, though he was certain, his mother had already put two and two together. Wasn’t that hard to begin with.
„Close enough.“ His mother only replied amused, as she nipped at the tea from the steaming mug in her hands, watching both boys over the rim. She must have noticed Lucas holding his bag in his hands, her brows raised in question.
„Are you already leaving?“
„Yeah, I’m picking up my mom from the hospital today.“ Lucas explained, smiling. He was excited since he had woken up. Apparently his mother would bake for him, which she hadn’t done in a long time.
„The hospital?“His mother was clearly affected, possibly immediately reminded of herself and Jens. Perhaps even afraid it was something serious.
„Mhm. She suffers from chronic depression and she takes part in a study for a new medication that is in it’s last stage. It works really well for her fortunately. And she always tells me she feels like herself again. It’s  going great actually.“
„Oh, that is nice to hear, good for you both. What’s her name?“
„Frieda.“ Lucas said, as Jens noticed he had never asked her name. That’s probably something he should know as his boyfriend.
„Well please send her my regards, and if she wants she could come over too one time. She doesn’t really know many people here, I assume. And I never get to see many adults with being in homeoffice. Would be a nice change to my, very beloved of course, children.“
„I’ll let her know.“
„Oh god.“ Jens groaned, much to his mothers and Lucas’s delight, as they both grinned at him. Lucas was too comfortable around his mother, for sure.
„No one asked you, Jens.“ His mom reproached, obviously joking, as she giggled light-hearted. He did notice her, grabbing onto the banister next to her though, the other hand holding onto the mug tight. 
„I’m not keeping you from meeting her, it’s just..“ Four eyes were watching him amused, as he halted himself from saying something stupid, so he wouldn’t satisfy their expectations. „Actually don’t mind me.“
Jens was ready to nudge Lucas towards the stairs and get them down, so his mother could get to bed again, when Lucas remembered something.
„Right, there was something else, I wanted to ask you actually, Helena.“
„Yes?“ His mother asked, probably as confused as her son was.
„I know that Jens always has to take Lotte to school and tonight my mom is gonna be home, but if you wouldn’t mind, maybe Jens could sleep over at mine for a change tomorrow?“ Jens wasn’t sure where this has come from, as they never had brought this up. Aside from the one time after they had the heavy make out session on Lucas’s sofa, that he thought about too often.  „Only if he wants to, I didn’t really asked before.“
„I don’t know Lucas.“ Jens was struggeling. He really wanted to say yes, but leave Lotte alone with his mom for longer than a couple of hours? He knew he would worry too much to find any sleep.
„Nonesense, I think it is a great idea. Might do you some good to get out of here for a night. And perhaps we could ask Lars? I don’t think he would mind to look after Lotte for the weekend. What do you think?“ His mother suggested, smiling encouragingly at Jens, who bit his lip, still not convinced. This was pretty much on short notice. Though it wouldn’t hurt to text and see, if Lars would be even available.
„Okay.“ Jens agreed, not yet completely confirming to it. „But only if Lars has time.“
„Nice! Thank you, Helena. I didn’t think he would say yes.“ 
Lucas enthusiasm was addicting, it managed to make him kinda excited as well at the prospect of having an actual night to themselves in an empty flat. His boyfriend grabbing his hand, happily smiling as he looked at him. Sometimes Lucas was too adorable. And how much he would hate Jens pointing it out loud.
„Me neither, but hey, people surprise you sometimes. Even my son.“ 
As if Jens would never leave the house. It was just staying out overnight lately that had him worried.
„Right, time for you to leave. I’ll see you out.“ Jens said, pulling Lucas with him forward and down the stairs, as his mother stepped aside, teasingly calling out to them, as she went to her bedroom.
„Take your time, you two.“
God, no. Maybe he really should sleep at Lucas’s tomorrow.
„Have a nice day, Helena!“ Lucas shouted back up unbothered and very pleased at Jens’s sour expression, that he lost quickly after, as soon as Lucas’s lips found his, hands slipping under his shirt, brushing over his lower back. Jens almost didn’t hear his mother’s reply.
„You too, Lucas. See you soon.“
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
I’m late, sorry!!
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levisprincess6669 · 4 years
Good Enough
Hi can I request #7 and #65 for Levi from AOT please?🙂 thank you so much 🤗
I am so sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy reading it though ^^
I was new to the Scouts, only ever completed one expedition where many of my comrades died but I wasn't going to back down. I was assigned to Captain Levi's squad through, which was surprising as he only ever hand picked his comrades.
Training was definitely tough, and the cleaning regime which somehow only seemed to apply to our squad was a real pain. Levi was strict and seemed to always call me out on even the most minimalist mistakes.
"Alright! I want everyone to partner up for hand to hand combat!" Shouted our captain, and I instantly headed for Petra, my best friend and usual training partner.
We stood opposite each other, waiting for everyone to get enough space as to not interrupt anyone else's fights. "He's really not going easy on us today." Petra laughed silently, making sure Levi didn't hear her.
"Agreed." I giggled under my breath, watching the short man shout at Gelgar, a member of Captain Mike's squad. But apparently my amusement was not as silent as originally thought as his eyes shot to me with an intense glare.
"What was that brat?" Levi asked, turning everyone's attention to me. "Do you find this funny? Or just too easy?" There was an undertone of something in his icy voice... Hatred? Disgust? I couldn't tell but it wasnt pleasant. It made me want to crawl into a deep cave never to be seen again.
"N-no sir!" I stuttered the words out, going into a salute but because of my nerves placed my left hand over the right side of my chest mistakenly. I went to fix it, embarrassment taking over my being as I closed my eyes, hoping he wouldn't pick up on this but my luck has never been good.
"I know you're new but that doesn't give you excuses to not know a proper salute." He judged, face as close as it could be to me. "Now, since you think you're superior to everyone else here, prove it." He said loud enough for everyone to hear, shrugging his jacket off and standing opposite me in a fighting position.
"S-sir I... I didn’t mean any disrespect!" I got out frantically, not wanting to fight my squad captain in front of everyone. Petra had long since backed away from me, and stood with everyone who surround this fight. Levi was unbeatable in hand to hand combat, even if someone had trained all their life.
"This is an order. Fight me." He uttered, not breaking his posture. I nodded reluctantly, getting into a stance and waited for him to throw the first hit, which he did after realising I wouldn't attack him first.
He threw a punch, which I easily blocked, until i realised it was just a diversion and felt the knee colliding with my stomach. I jumped back quickly, getting into an even more defensive stance if that was possible. He wouldn't let me walk away so I did as told, waiting for him to attack again before grabbing his incoming elbow. This left him open and I used the momentum to jump up and kick him in the head.
He blocked with ease, grabbing my leg and twisting out of my grip just to effortlessly throw me onto the ground. I coughed from the impact, beginning to get up again.
"Just stop." Levi said simply, walking over to my hurt body and glaring down. "You're not going to beat me, and at this rate anyone." He said with venom dripping down his voice before turning away. "Dismissed!" He shouted on the way, grabbing his jacket while I just stared at him from my place on the ground.
"Y/N are you okay!?" Petra asked hurriedly, helping me up. I just nodded, forcing on a fake smile. His words hurt... He said it as if I would never be able to accomplish anything.
"Ye-yeah I'm fine." I didn’t want her help, instead I shrugged her worried hands off of me and headed towards the barracks to immerse myself in some kind of fantasy world where I didn’t have to think about about how worthless of a soldier, of a person I really was.
The bad thing is that he always treated me like this, always called me out as if he had some kind of vendetta against me. The last time we cleaned for instance, I missed a speck of dust on the top shelf of a bookcase and got assigned to clean the whole floor by myself all over again while everyone else was dismissed. “Make something useful of yourself and clean until this whole area is spotless.” I remember him saying before locking himself in his office. And that’s what I did, cleaned into the early hours of the morning to the extent that one could see their reflection in the tiles beneath their feet. Yet that didn’t satisfy the Captain. All he did was��‘tch’ and glare at me the way only he could.
I walked to my bunk, sitting down against the wall next to the bed, reaching a hand under the pillow to grab the book I was currently reading. It was a mystery book, although I believe it was roughly based on Kenny the Ripper and included a detective who really enjoyed drinking tea... Similarly to Levi. 
I groaned in annoyance, why can’t I even enjoy a book without being reminded of him like this? He always makes me brew his tea in the mornings if we have a squad breakfast, then proceeds to say it tastes like piss. I just don’t understand why he doesn’t make his own tea from the get go if he just pours mine down the drain anyway and makes another batch. 
“Hey Y/N?” Petra’s head came into view as she peaked into the room with a worried expression. “Are you okay?” She asked, slowly walking into the room and sitting on my bed.
“Yeah...” I sighed, leaning my head against the wall and closing my eyes. “Listen... Would you be able to cover for me tonight at dinner?” I suddenly asked, an idea popping into my head as I thought back to the book. The main detective liked his tea but... His assistant loved his alcohol due to all the stress and maybe I could use the same stress relieve too? It was worth a try, especially since I’d definitely be back by breakfast. 
“I- Where are you going to be?” She asked, slightly surprised at my request.
“I just wanted to have a night in the city, a little stress relieve... Apparently there’s a really nice place with cheap drinks only an hour away according to Nanaba.” I explained, begging her to agree with my eyes.
Petra nodded hesitantly. “Okay, but... Just be careful.” 
I instantly jumped up and hugged her. “Thank you! I owe you so much for this!” I exclaimed, running to the little drawer that belonged to me and picking out some civilian clothes in which it would be easy to sneak out in. A long skirt and a simple short sleeved cotton t-shirt. 
"Are you taking anyone with you?" She questioned suddenly.
I simply shake my head. "If more people go then one of the superiors is sure to catch on. We can't have that." I explained, opening the drawer again and picking out my money from it, placing it into a pouch and attaching it to my hip securely. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I smiled, glancing out of the window now to see that night was beginning take over. "I'll see you later tonight!" I said, beginning to walk out of the barracks as stealthily as possible, aware that everyone would either be in the mess hall or heading there now, the perfect time to steal away.
I took the route through the forest, remembering there was a small hole in the surrounding fence which saves me the trouble of explaining to whoever is in main entrance duty why I'm leaving. Honestly it was easy to get out and I headed towards town, remembering the route off by heart once I reached the main road. It did take around an hour after all to get to the tavern.
There was a strong scent of alcohol as I pushed the door open, it filled my nose and I instantly let my muscles relax, not even looking at the surroundings, not taking into account who was shouting and celebrating in different areas of the establishment. Instead I headed straight for the barkeep, asking for the strongest drink, which was downed within seconds.
I took a seat right in front of the bar. "Can I open a tab please?" I questioned, it wasnt hard to figure out I was going to be here all night. The barkeep nodded but got stopped by someone.
"Nonesense! Ill be paying for the ladies drink!" The man slurred, then asked for another of what I just had. Normally I would refuse but if it saves me money then why not.
I'm not too sure how much time went by but after a few more drinks, the man was beginning to really cosy up to me in an uncomftorable way. My head was spinning so I couldn't even walk away.
"Why don't I take you to mine, rest that pretty little head of yours." The man whispered in my ear, tugging at my arm and making me stumble in the process.
"No I-" my hand grabbed the counter as everything started spinning. "I need to go back to HQ." I mumbled.
"I'll take you there in the morning." There was an undertone to his words as his hand begun to travel down my lower back.
"I said no." I tried to straighten my back but the sudden movement made everything go black and I had to sit down promptly, which made the man pull me up roughly from the seat.
"Now listen here, I paid for your drinks so you are coming home with-" He stopped talking and completely let go of me, I lifted my eyes to see him on the ground, Levi towering over him with his back towards me.
"Now you listen here, the lady said no.” The short man said, crossing his arms from what I could tell in my current position. “And if I ever see you anywhere near her again, you’ll have to deal with me.” 
“A-Aren’t you Captain Levi?” The man stuttered out, crawling away on his hands and knees before getting up and sprinting out of the building. 
With that, Levi turned to me and extended his arm. “Tch, look at you. You’re supposed to be a soldier not a damsel in distress.” His eyes were icy as he took in my appearance. Yet, without uttering a word, I turned around and started drinking yet another beverage. 
“You know Levi.” I hummed, a little more confidently than I usually would, not even addressing him with respect at the moment. “You’re making me feel like I’m not good enough.” I smiled sweetly at him, then turned back to my drink. 
“What are you talking about?” He questioned, grabbing the drink from my hand and placing it far out of my reach. 
“How did you know I was here?” I asked, yet my eyes were glued on where he placed the alcohol.
“Petra.” He answered simply. “I know you can do better than you give yourself credit for, that’s why I push you.” He sighed at the end of his words. 
“I try...” I muttered.
“Yes, and as your Captain it is my duty to ensure you perform to the best of your abilities. Now stop being an idiot.” He clamped a hand onto my shoulder. “If you weren’t worthy of being on my squad, I wouldn't have selected you. I’ll give you some slack from now on but don’t expect any special treatment tomorrow with your hangover.” At the end of his words his lips twitched, as if a small supporting smile.
“Thank you Captain...” The realisation struck my drunk mind, he seemed like he cared even though he was terrible at expressing his emotions. “Should we- should we return to HQ?” I finally asked after a moment of silence, and with a simple nod from him we begun heading back. 
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