#so i need to think of actors i like but dont LIKE LIKE ya know
sirbogarde · 5 months
trying to make a list of people i desire carnally (its for a good reason dont worry) but i dont have like, a tag for that. so i searched "hes soooooo" "i want him" and "gender" on my blog and put together a decent list
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cjonesjr · 2 months
♡ tell me you're not hurting [unfinished]
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Summary: You knew the Ghoul for a good while, getting close enough to him to where he revealed his past as the once-famous actor Cooper Howard and involvement and eventual blacklist with Vault-tec. He never let it show- but you knew he was hurting. You just wanted him to admit it.
Warnings: 18+, angst and fluff
Pairing: The Ghoul x GN!reader
Notes: Just a short drabble. THIS IS UNFINISHED. This was sitting in my drafts and I dont feel like finishing it but didnt want to leave it there. Hope you still enjoy it though!
"Cooper, be honest with me please" You begged as he walked ahead at a brisk pace, fast enough to silently say that he was upset but not to completely lose you. To match his pace, you hurriedly caught up to him and begun to match his stride.
"I ain't gotta tell you shit, I already told ya more than anyone else in these wastelands. Now you best change the subject before I find nice old Deathclaw cave for you to sleep in" Every threat he made was never serious, but his tone wasn't to be messed with either. You knew so much about his life, his rise to fame and his fall, and the day the bombs dropped. You were originally from Shady Sands which was a town started up by a vault before it got bombed, losing eveything you knew and loved. It was after where you had found him, lost and confused in the ruthless wasteland where a part of him took pity on you. He would never admit it but you knew he grew fond of you.
"Cooper, you always have this tough bravado act but I know you more than you know yourself" At that, the ghoul spun around and angrily shortened the distance betwern you both, standing right up in your face and leaning down, causing your heart to skip as you stared right back.
"It's not a fuckin' act, you wanna live out here? You gotta do shit you don't wanna do to survive. Now I know you ain't claiming to know more about me than myself. Shut your fuckin' mouth and let's go, we need to get to the next town before nightfall. I ain't gonna tell you again Smoothskin" Now that pissed you off. He only called you Smoothskin if he was genuinely frustrated with you. Taking a deep breath, you watched as he turned around and resumed his fast walk, even faster now. Growling, you snatched his wrist and pulled him close.
"Tell me you're not hurting. Tell me you're not hurting right fucking now and I won't bring it up again. Tell me you don't wake up every day and hate yourself for what you did in the old world, for what you became, for what became of the world. Tell me you're ok living as a ghoul being a bounty hunter in this fucked up world living everyday as something you hate. Tell me you don't need me to not be lonely anymore. Tell me to fuck off and never see you again" Silence echoed in the empty desert with the only sound being your heavy breathing. All your internal thoughts all out in the open now as neither of you spoke, a pleading look on your face as you wanted him to be honest and admit that he was hurting inside. That he needed you more than he let on. The silence was deafening before he spoke.
"Fine, you wanna know the truth? I do hate myself. I hate myself a fuckin' lot. Every time I see anything related to Vault-tec I'm reminded of the bullshit that I helped them with. Being their spokesperson and when I didn't wanna do it anymore- motherfuckers blacklisted me and my wife left me. But I've had a good long two hundred years to think about what I've done. Yeah I'm not happy with myself, but the past is in the past and I know for sure I'm not gonna linger over something I can't change. There. You happy now?" He didn't tear up, he didn't sound any more pissed off than he normally does, there was no hint to signal that he was actually broken inside. But when you turn into a ghoul left to wander the wastelands for as long as him, you learn to shove your feelings down and keep going.
But Cooper Howard was an important person back in the old world, he was a famous actor, he had everything. Then he lost everything. All because he stood up for what's right to him and then the bombs dropped. You grew up in the Wastelands in the town that resmebled what the old world was like, but it was miniscule in comparison, so you had no idea what it was like back then, only from what you heard from him and him alone. You'd like to believe he considered you a friend, he told you a lot, but not everything. This was the most vulnerable he ever gotten with you after constant pushing.
"You may not be able to change the past Coop, but you can stop acting like you're this big man who needs to keep his feelings all inside. I'm here for you, for everything. You know that. Being honest with yourself for once will actually help you. Please, I care about you" Staring at him with pleading eyes, you grabbed his hand and pulled him close and into a hug. He stayed silent and he was tense for a good ten seconds or so, you thought he wouldn't hug you back. Just as you were going to pull away, you felt his arms wrap around yours, rather awkwardly, but it made your heart warm. He probably hasn't been hugged since he was a human, that had to of hurt.
"Now you don't gonna tell anyone 'bout this, ya hear? Or you'll have to pay"
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doug-meat · 1 year
parts of the npmd soundtrack that scratch my brain perfectly (act one)
this soundtrack is so good. this is a long post so its all under the cut Part two coming soon. also i alternate between chara names and actor names idk why i do that. i hope this is even slightly comprehensible
the little grace note in the piano bit in the last line of the piano melody before richie starts singing in (i hope this makes Sense)
jon's voice for real . just through this whole show
"a thread" and "i'm scared" happening at the same time
the violins(??) coming in when ruth starts singing
richie and ruth's harmonies during "the weight has got me sweating" bit
the "and i can survive it for only so long" harmonies
steph's "shit"
the way steph says "couldn't fuckin' study"
agh Agh AGH!
the whispered "i'm so fuckin' dead"s underneath steph and pete's dialogue
steph and pete's repeated "my melody"s
the howling
the second delayed vocal line underneath the last bit of the last chorus
the "HUH" at the start
the guitar riff motif
the little guitar squeal right before pete starts singing
the way pete says locker
richie's little riff on "seduce her"
the chorus harmonies
everyone knows how he BANGS!
the "and we pray and we pray harmonies"
you better you better!
kims voice in the he roars part <3
the harmonies in this song in general
will branners voice in this song SO GOOD
the "HUH HUH"s behind max's i roar bit
max's "don't need no one to tell me" verse UGH so good
max's harmonies on kind, size and rise
the piano motif Can you tell i love motifs
i bet this song'll suck!
oo woah oo woah oh Oh
when the violins come in especially their little BA DA DUMS after "princess leia told me"
what if i were King of the hill!
the drums kicking in after the one oowoahoowoahoh oh
ensemble coming in
the little growl on the second "i'm as cool as she thinks i am"
she's the brawn i'm the brains!
the electric guitar kicking in
the synth and drums
the way max says behave and be-betray me
baaaabe I'mma love ya all night lOOOooooong
the way grace says classroom
you want me cant be skipping skewl!
grace's "be-behayveee" UGH <3
THE GROWL ON "on your knees pray along"
the chorus harmonies <3
the bridge harmonies
i'm a i'm a i'm a good girl!
the snaps coming in
we'll make him shit his pants!
the riff on that line ^^
the jager-man??????
what's our budget?
the growl on "he's just a nerd in disguise"
stephie gonna lure him in with her charm
chorus harmonies!
standing for the nerdy the prudy!
the guitar bits in the back
we're gonna keep the beans cool! that whole sequence
pete's and our problem's solved
richie's and the school can evolve
ugh jon and joey sound so good on the "we're gonna get the jock pleading"
the last guitar note
oh god she's snapping again...
this is a lot!!!
the whole hack all his limbs off bit
tape him up after dousing with bleach!
the chorus harmonies. every bit of these choruses i cant even isolate its everything
steph's little "bury bully line up stories NEVER HAUNT ME!"
i just cut off his nips
the way ruth says shiny
jon's higher range <3
jon's harmony on "and now i don't eat all by myself"
the trumpets behind the chorus
all the squawks
the HUH after who knew footballs a team game
corey's voice sounds so good on the "or hit u with a saturated towel"
the no more bully ball harmonies
the HUH! after no more bully ball
We're all givin the butt slaps YEAH HEAH!
the way jason sings cause we care <3
the overlapping vocals coming together for "in hatchetfield high school"
fuuuuck you cliiivesdale gooo get fuuucked
the watch us fly harmonies
NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE (my fave song in the soundtrack be warned)
the "watch these nerds run for their lives" guitar riff before max sings
will branners voice augh
the little synthy ba duh duh duhs in the back
the BAMS! after every line in verses
the way max says "hallway safe" and "break you"
ugh the guitar kicking in and the double BUM BUM for the second verse
the whole chorus
the watch those nerds run for their lives melody Ugh loved it in axe man loved it here
the way he says crusade
and youre too weak to be enSLAAAAVED
the way he says anti socialites
the entire repeat after me bit. its actually incredible i cant just isolate one part of it its so good
the ensemble kicking in
But you have lost. Everything.
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megalodons are fucking extinct, buddy.
cause this is something that pisses me off so much. i got three main things to say here, and i will not try to summarize, cause this is tumblr, i do what i want on here.
just give it a quick read
1. the evidence your seeing is fuckin fake.
hey y’all, welcome to section one. have you been seeing megolodon proof on the internet? cause it’s popular. chances are, what your seeing is either: a misidentified basking shark, or from a fuckass fake documentary by the discovery channel that staged megalodon proof. let me elaborate (threat)
misidentified basking shark-
basking sharks are the second largest shark in the world, behind the whale shark and the largest ever recorded was just over 40 feet (thats real big). contrary to whale sharks, which have a very particular shape, basking sharks have more of a traditional “shark” silhouette. this leads to people seeing BIG SHARK and immediately thinking megalodon, because people dont know their sharks. which is fair, i’m just informing y’all. basking sharks are filter feeders, part of what makes them able to be so big, and stay alive. you may notice that really really big sharks tend to be filter feeders, which ties into a point i’ll make later. so, if you ever see a BIG SHARK, especially from above, check if it’s a basking shark before jumping to conspiracy conclusions.
picture of a basking shark from above, for context.
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fake ass documentary-
In 2013, the discovery channel (a channel reserved normally for science) aired a documentary called “megalodon: the monster shark lives”. the problem, is that the documentary was staged, in it’s entirety. the “scientists” were actors, and the evidence was created for the documentary. the only warning is that the documentary was faked, was a extremely quick warning that flashed across the screen in the beginning. since the film was treated as a documentary, people were quick to believe the “evidence” it provided. this is bad by itself, obviously, but is made worse by (you guessed it) THE INTERNET! Short form content, and posting clips of other things is like, the main form of media for people on the internet. many megalodon “proofs” are clips from the film, or its sequels chopped up and stuck in compilations. this mixed with the lack of
Alright, so. this means that there are two things you should do when you see megalodon evidence.
- take a closer look to make sure it aint just a basking shark
- take a look to see if it matches footage from megalodon: the monster shark lives.
dont get misled people. it’s real easy to be.
2. it isn’t physically possible for megalodons to sustain their life without us seeing them ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
basic fucking thinking skills here. big ass shark who needs to move all the time. burns alot of calories or the shark equivalent. needs to eat alot. needs to eat a lot of bigger things. you understand what i’m sayin?
people love to theorize about shit like:
“megalodons in the mariana trench”
“megalodons in the parts of the ocean we havent explored yet”
let me tell ya a little fun fact about both of those places.
sure, stuff is there. tiny stuff, that could only fuel a megalodon for like, never? it would be biologically impossible for a megalodon to survive for 3.6 million years (at the lowest). say a megalodon was in the mariana trench 3.6 million years ago, it would not be able to sustain life, let alone survive for 3.6 MILLION YEARS in a ecosystem not built for it.
say a megalodon in the mariana trench SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY managed to evolve before it fucking died, the descendants of that megalodon in the mariana fucking trench/deep ocean would be so far from megalodon that it wouldn’t be recognizable.
so, basically. megalodons ate big shit on the surface. if there was ever a megalodon in the mariana trench/deep ocean, it’s dead.
big sharks, especially predators, are real hard to sustain. thats why the buggest modern sharks are filter feeders. also probably why great whites survived and megs didnt.
(also like, we’d see the whale carcasses if there was one just in the regular ocean. we’d also see it, cause like, big fucking shark. we see great whites all the time and they dont grow nearly as big, or eat nearly as much)
3. why are you buying into this shit?
seriously guys, why do you want to believe theres a big ass shark in the ocean so badly?
it doesn’t make any sense. all the conspiracies are all like
“the government is hiding shit from us”
i mean, yeah, probably.
how? why?
listen, i know you want to believe your conspiracies, and it makes you feel better or whatever. it’s easier to have some big scary monster than the unknown. but for the love of god, do your research.
sharks are hated enough, the ocean is scary enough, and science is important. please. critical thinking.
pick a different conspiracy, like, idk, mothman.
stop with the misinformation, and the fear mongering, and the STUPID FUCKING TIKTOK VIDEOS. and maybe actually research this cool ass ancient shark? like, really.
anyways, if you want to talk about sharks or some shit, my asks are always open.
do your fucking research
-a very pissed shark enthusiast
(please ask me about sharks)
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mourninglamby · 10 months
its actually cool to see people dissect minecraft roleplay like this, like to me yeah it was just a block game but the dark subjects matters just intertwined in a way that made it very... strange? i guess?
i feel like to really get it you have to have a certian amount of respect for the story and medium but also scorn of it, like i have sooo many problems with how things went in a million different ways, but i also think that when it worked it worked wonders. so its interesting to me for someone to dig deeper then the surface and really see it for what it was objectively
i hate that its attatched to the minecraft youtuber fandom in general because for the majority of time i was wathcing I was soley in it for a story, I dont think i even checked out a non story realated stream until like... june of that year
and i hate dream but like you said him being there and playing such a character just ads to the levels of weirdness and rawness
c!tommy got me through a dark dark time in my life, esp exile. I dealth with abuseful neglect and manipulation all my life, and i was in deep bouts of depression when those streams were coming out. but literally seeing a character portray such a raw and ugly realality of those things and yet still get back up again was comforting and cathartic
to me it was the colaboration between actor and audience that really made it unlike anything else, and also what really led to its destruction. but im glad it was there when i needed it
This is well said anon and I’m so sorry you went through something like that. Dsmp found me at a very terrifying time in my life in regards to trauma. I don’t want to get into it just as I’m sure you don’t either, but when youve been a victim of abuse, you gain a perspective that nobody else has. Your mind is permanently altered. We see things that might not be as easy to detect let alone digest for those who havent experienced that reality. or even people who are currently working through that trauma who don’t understand how to deal with it or approach it yet. And that’s not good nor bad. It just is.
I think it’s. Hard. It’s very hard to talk about. And it’s by design! I definitely agree some of the performances were amazing but with very little consideration for what to do next or how to conclude those arcs, things got messy quickly and I think they relied on their dogmatic rabid fans to deflect any serious criticism of that. And I expected them to! I expect people who tread dangerously to know what they’re doing, but they didn’t know what they were doing. That became clear to me very quickly.
And ya it is still very important to me as well… I have never seen myself in another victim in fiction quite as well as I have c!tommy. And I have found so many like minded people that I cherish and love so much. I just got back from hanging out with someone who I got close with online during dsmp! So as disgusting and scary as the community was, yes, I am also very glad it was here when I needed it. Because I needed it.
I hope we can all continue to heal from these experiences and move on to make/consume kinder art together 🌈💫💗
(Oh also I didnt/don’t(it’s complicated) care about the real people either. I actually was so detached I believed dsmp was all they did! It’s crazy how much of a second thought a lot of this was in hindsight. Which is both infuriating and worrying)
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Hello, I hope this is okay for me to send. I'm one of the blogs you blocked. (First off, this is your good right, and I completely understand and I hope this isn't a breach or invasion of privacy to send this from a different blog)
I always made sure to only tag content of Nolanverse Crane when it's really him and not any other Cillian role because I understand the frustration. And like I said, I absolutely understand that he's not a proper Scarecrow in your eyes. But it kind of hurts to get lumped into a group where I don't feel like I belong (if that makes sense)
Scarecrow in general is my favorite character in any comic related media. Arkhamverse Crane and Audio Adventures are at the top for me, and I also have a deep love for Fear State and little fan interpretations where he's just a funky little freak. My blog is Nolanverse centric atm because I just haven't gotten around to writing fics for the others. (And I'm worried I won't write them well tbh)
But all of that aside, my reason for actually sending this was because I was genuinely missing your posts and opinions on my dash. I was honestly a little worried that I didn't see anything from you before I realized what happened.
This isn't me being angry or petty and please don't think I feel entitled to seeing your posts (I don't want to be THAT person)
I guess this is just me saying goodbye to a pillar of the Scarecrow fandom, and it makes me a little sad
From the bottom of my heart, I hope your mom's recovery goes well and you have a great rest of the day/week/month. And a happy early birthday, Moffy
A couple of things </3
I THINK I knew who this is. I blocked one person after I made that post. Looking back, that was probably a stupid mistake. I'mma unblock to check when I post this, and you let me know? (I was thinking....oh god I'm gonna get hate from the fangirls and taht legit clouded my judgement. I still fear anon hate)
See, that post was mainly about people I blocked weeks/months ago. I often only block the fangirls, for lack of a better word. I actually made the Cillian post on a whim. I needed some content for the day. (you probably know I upload daily) And sometimes, a little anger is okay. it's a valid emotion. Again, the people I block are more fans of the actor than the character. My main complaint was seeing Cillian stuff, which was not from the movies, in the tag. It just sorta....clogs it up?
Anyway, I can clearly see you're not one of them. If some reason , within the next ten minutes, you're still blocked. Send me the url. I am human. I understand. Mistakes and stupid shit happens. (especially with all I am dealing with irl) (I've been so stressed I think it clouds my brain)
You clearly love the character behind the actor, and I respect that. I think you may have been following me, cus my count went down after I blocked ya. So yeah, I did think that was WEIRD.
I'm sorry if you felt lumped it, it was just an error on my part. I hope you can forgive that.
and ya know, just because I'm not a fan of nolancrane, doesn't mean it's bad. I should reiterate, it brought so many into the fandom. That's great! I still reblog fan content of him. I suppose, the truth of the matter is my autistic brain doesn't do "live action" -- I can't think of one human who could play Jonathan Crane to my expectations. Voice actors yes, Dino Andrade forever lmao
But I just...live of art/comic/animation/games
and anything else feels uncanny. Like now. I dont imagine Crane as a real person. I have no image inside my head unless it's a comic illustration or game render. I Hoooope that makes sense
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Abbott Elementary S03E10 thoughts
The bear you have 1 episode to respond
The bear cold open im DEAD ik Quinta and Ayo were creasing about this 😭 abbott the real best comedy iktr
Mr j icon as always “This is …trash” // “Now who’s gonna clear this up”
“Theyre not the same, mine rhymes” “oh thats why i liked it better”
Kick my feet twirl my hair whenever manny calls her the big teagues
“Oh hey thats my class” 🥺🥺🥺
“It just says ava fest over and over”
“BOOO unshow me that now” 😭😭😭 can’t wait to quote this over and over
“Have ya ever tried just being hinged”
“Can u also give her this important message: i love her, i miss her, and i cant wait to see her again” i love jacob and Janine’s friendship but why does this job means shes been flaking on him when SHE is the one to insist they weren’t just work friends in the first place ☹️
The admin person actor always makes me laugh like the delivery is always so good “This place would collapse without me” 😭 i NEED him in more shows please
A card from barbara 🥹 a framed photo of jacob 💀😭 melissa got u some mace 😭😭😭 and mr johnson wanted u to have a strand of his favourite mop 💀😭💀😭😭💀😭
WOW DIRT 😁😄 her genuine excitement so cutesie
Thats such a thoughtful gift ill cwy - forget i ever said anything about manny its greg >>>
She still has the lanyard on all the time ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ JANINE COME HOMEEEE
“This calls for a plan b u cannot get a cvs” 💀
Janine not understanding sarcasm then misusing a colloquialism lets go neurodivergence
Not tariq moderating another panel, when he’s a regular for s4 then what 😈
Barbs fake laugh at mels impressions 😭
“Ive heard u breathing and i think u need a specialist” Janine’s breathing my favourite long running joke
And janines overwhelm omg shes so me
“I dont know who thats supposed to be but he sounds responsible” wife is trying her hardest to be supportive
Jacobs voice breaking 😭
“CORNER!” Slam “are we just yelling out things we see now?? WALLS FLOOR HUGE MESS OF FOOD”
Why did barbs card to Janine make me tear up???
2 claps for melissas impressions and barb originally forgetting nooo 😭💀
“Thank god we had a backup plan” “youre welcome” melissa 😭😭
Barb hugging her and calling her sweetheart 🥺🥹 i love my favourite mother and daughter
“Theres noone id rather teach second grade with than u” see melissa u did miss her really (i need more melissa janine content honestly their teaming up eps are always so good)
THE KIDS WRITING IN THE CARD 😭😭😭😭😭😭 noooooo ill cry
Ava u gotta STOP scaring barb w this pregnancy accusation
GET HER BARB thats why she has an emmy!!
Okay top 2 eps of the season easily
So funny but so full of heart - exactly what abbott does best
Did expect janine to stay a little longer before going back to abbott but that fear of such a long commitment is so real and I’ SO GLAD SHES HOME
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caitlynnrosespn · 1 year
Ok. So I have seen a lot of theories about a possible Just Dance movie and who could play who. Now, first off after JD2018 there was going to be AN ACTUAL JUST DANCE MOVIE, but it was put into hiatus once they couldn't find a writer, so if they were to bring this project back, here's my fan casting. Also keep in mind I'm assuming the film is animated. Also assuming it just focuses on the main story mode lore.
So first of course, Wanderlust.
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I think Pharrell would be a great Wanderlust. He has a very expressionate and passionate voice, and he already has experience voice acting. Plus, I think it would be a really cool circle back to the fact that one of Jessy's first maps was a Pharrell map. Also it'll make more sense when I say who I would fan cast as Sara.
Next, Sara.
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Other then the fact that I would let this woman hit me with a truck, Tori Kelly is a very talented voice actress. She has the shy and hates the spotlight but has so much more to her voice down. And her pre established chemistry with Pharrell? OH MY GOD THEY WOULD KILL IT. I'm literally watching Sing 2 while writing this lol but I would DIE to see these two in these roles.
Next let's do Mihaly.
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A. Ivory Aquino is an amazing actress B. Also an amazing trans activist. In my head they were the easiest to cast as Mihaly because that's just who I see playing them.
Brezziana next!
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You probably know her as the voice of Amethyst from Steven Universe, but I soooo agree with @anja-the-sane-sibling about this one, she would make an amazing Brezziana.
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Ok this one... i'm not set on. Anja said the voice of Ash, from Fantastic Mr. Fox, and while I agree 100% the actual actor is... really old. This is another actor (Josha Stradowski) who I think could could ace it, but you guys have any other suggestions that would be great:)
(also he looks like younger mikeal to me:P)
For Nightswan... I have two in mind.
My first choice:
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Do I really have to explain??? But there's a reason why I think she may not work which you see later.
So option 2:
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This woman. Is majestic. She's got a great voice for Nightswan, either with her English accent or her American accent, both would make for a spellbinding Nightswan (also she has worked with Josha and their interactions together would be AMAZING) also for those who don't know this is Rosamund Pike
Ok for the four captured dancers, first, Liza:
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No explanation needed. This is a must anyone else would actually be blasphemy
I Don't Care P1:
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It's just the vibe I get you know? i can't explain it it just works please dont judge
Sweet Sensation P2:
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OK PLEASE STOP JUDGING I had no idea who would work so I put her here plus it would be kinda fun to have her involved ya know? either her or:
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ALSO DON'T ASK i just think it could go either way you know??
Temperature P1: (i'm pretty sure he was player one?? idr)
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Anthony Ramos the love of my life also i think it works you know???
Ok, so for The Traveler...
First option:
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He gives Traveler vibes to me, which is mostly due to the goatee I think??? Idk but if his ex played the main baddie it would wither be a. really wrong to get them both involved or b. really fucking hilarious for them to play rivals. but if not him then:
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and while we're at it let's just have lin write the music too
no jk but after hearing him as the chief in Moana he could be a great Traveler!
Also two option for Si'ha, sorry!!! I will just go ahead and say both would kill it, it's just I can't decide between the two
so either:
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issa rae (who could have my babies)
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lauren velez (my computer wont let me do special characters rn)
oh wait i forgot discoball
ya know what?
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he could manage (someone make a perry the platypus meme with nightswan and discoball please
and that wraps it up for main cast!! thoughts?
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Hi pokies, as someone who’s been in the fandom for a hot sec I have some opinions
So buckle up or just scroll past because this is a long one it’s just me word vomiting into the void at this point
Burner account because some of y’all scare me 😘😘
1. Wtf is y’all’s hate boner with her?
2. I have no clue where y’all got the idea that ocean parents are like these horrible abusive people. Like neglectful? Definitely . But I don’t think that Mr and Mrs offers their kid to take a hit off their bong are going to be incredibly strict and physically abusive towards her.
3. Ocean just a shity person with a superiority complex and that’s ok. she doesn’t need horrible stuff happening to her to justify that
4.Ocean was a bad friend to Constance, she was constantly putting her down through back handed remarks and talking over her “ she has self esteem issues why wouldn’t she?” “ do we really need another organ donor?” And not to mention her say that she believed that Constance did nothing with her life.
1. For the love of god stop making him an uwu soft boy twink <- this is not directed at people who just draw/ Write him with more feminine traits I do the same. I’m talking about those who infantilize him as the helpless soft boy who just needs a big strong man (Mischa) in his life and suddenly everything will be ok
2. I hate The Noel is Talia through either a code name or straight up catfish theory
A. The catfishing theory is problematic at best. Yes let’s take the single openly gay character and have him prey on another man character for his own satisfaction. Idk if Mischa’s cool with it in your fanfic it’s still weird
B. To me at least, Talia as a code name for noel just takes away the whole meaning behind her character. Talia is Mischa’s last connection to Ukrain. We see throughout the musical he was constantly trying to text her meaning they spoke constantly. She was his one and only lifeline, something for him to focus on and push through his shity situation to get to
1. I beg of y’all stop himboafying this man, I get he’s big and strong but he’s not dumb😭
A. Mischas smart guys!!!! I get alot of actors portray him struggling with English at times but y’all got to remember fluency ≠ intelligence gance. it’s like his 3rd language cut him some slack. he speaks Ukrainian, Russian, English, and even some Dutch ( not even the Dutch speak Dutch)
B. Just look at his saw6 monologue! Man had an in-depth video essay explaining on a horror movie just ready to go when ocean put him on the spot
C. Mischa can be incredibly eloquent with his words when he wants to be. Ex his Talia monologue/ when he tells Noel he knows what clichés are
2. Listen Im obsessed with Gus halper so I get it we love his mischa BUT DONT COMMENT ABOUT HIM ON NON GUS MISCHAS
1. Stop 👏 hating 👏 on 👏 Talia 👏
A. I’ve seen so many people make Talia just a straight bitch in fanfics to justify Mischa not being with her and that feels weird to me
2. The amount of people I’ve seen straight up hating on Talia for doing absolutely nothing but “stand in the way of nischa” is wild. Like I don’t get how you can look at her, a character who doesn’t even have a single line and be like ya no fuck you
1. I revoke my previous statement , I’ve seen some people ( mostly rp accounts) be weird ableist to not only Ricky as a character but his actors and I don’t need to explain why that’s gross
1. Honestly I don’t have anything to say here I haven’t really seen anything granted it is pretty hard to mess up a character who’s whole point is shes a blank slate
1. I think a lot of the fandom is guilty of seeing constance as just the “ sweet nice wholesome mom friend of the group” when (to me at least) the whole point of Constance was that people thought she was this, was because the never bothered to get to know her past that .
2. In her monologue it’s heavily hinted at that Constance was suffering with depression leading up to the cyclone.
A. Ontop of this we can see throughout musical she was self deprecating “Lost her virginity in a crap box in a crappy town, why of course she did.” you should always laugh at guys jokes otherwise they’ll think your a cow” AND PEOPLE DONT TALK ABOUT THSI ENOUGH
3. Also I dont get the “mom of the group” thing. Like she was nice to everyone and ocean mentioned that she baked but that’s about it
4. I don’t thinks it’s acknowledged enough that Constance was SAd. I don’t care if she wanted to loose her virginity, shes under aged and by Constance’s own emissions the carny was in his 30s
The fandom
1. Listen I love some angst as much as the next person but there’s a difference between angst and just some straight up hurt p*rn (especially with ocean, again wtf is y’all hate boner for her) I’ve seen literal SA fics written about her wtf
2.This one goes out specifically to you rtc rp accounts😘😘😘 (both on and off this app) there’s a time and a place to rp guys
A. If you're talking to other rp accounts then pop off. But That being said I’ve seen a lot of rp accounts bleed over into non rp post/ videos, while this is normally fine I’ve seen quite a few accounts pushing their head cannons on other non rp accounts as if their facts or an authority on the matter. Again nothing wrong with rp accounts / sharing your head cannons, just time and place guys
3. Look I get it plenty of the actors/ actresses that have been in rtc are attractive but some of y’all need to remember the characters themselves ARE CHILDREN
4. On the topic of the actors/ actresses some of y’all need to learn what boundaries are 
5. I saw someone try to pull some pro ship bullshit with the characters once and it haunts me
Listen. I absolutely love ride the cyclone, I’ve been hyper fixatingon it for the past years now that being said I’ve seen more than enough productions to get my fair share of opinions on it
1. Real Ukrainian war footage in Talia
A. It feels in very poor taste at best and just strange up gross at worst to the situation at hand. I get it Mischa’s Ukrainian and that’s a very important part to his character but that doesn’t mean you need to throw real war footage to the end of the song.
B. Talia and mischa story as a whole is tragic enough as is. You don’t need to add in the fact that on top of Talia possibly not even being real we’re now throwing in the possibility that she died in the war? It just seems like over kill to me.
2: Ricky’s disability being written out of the script was really gross. Like I get it they wanted to avoid another yannick situation but this like the worst possible way to go about it
There probably more but I’ve been at this for like 2 hrs (I’m going to update this as things come to me so stay tuned)
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The Girl He Left Behind [Part Twenty Four]
Fandom: American Actor, RPF, Elvis Presley, Elvis Movie 2022
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Gladys Presley, Vernon Presley, Minnie May ‘Dodger’ Presley, Red West, Sonny West, Gene Smith, Billy Smith, Original Female Characters, Colonel Tom Parker, Billy Smith, Marci Cunningham, Steve Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Mary Jenkins, Alan Fortas, Marty Lacker, Original Male Characters, Mona Goodwin, Joe Goodwin
Word Count: 5452 // Rating: Mature
Summary: When Elvis returns home to Graceland from the Army he’s followed by the headlines ‘The Girl He Left Behind’ but what the media don’t know is that Priscilla wasn’t the first. No, that title belongs to someone Elvis will never forget.
Tags/ Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Poverty, Friends to Lovers, 1950s Elvis, Bad Parenting, Surprise Surprise the Colonel Is a Colossal Prick, Parental Loss, Grief, Fun Fairs, Kissing, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Movie Nights, Arguing, Tension, Denial of Feelings, Age Gap Romance, Underage, Addison is 17 Elvis is 22, Guilt, Betrayal, Extortion, Blackmail, Jealous, Army Elvis, American Draft, US Army, Lying, Time Shift with Elvis moving to Memphis, Flashbacks, Caught
Notes: Second to last chapter but this is where all the good stuff happens! Dont say I didn't warn ya about it being sad x
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@girlblogger2002​ @sania562​ @caitlin1996​​ @literally-just-elvis-fics​ @notstefaniepresley​​ @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters​​
‘You don’t have to do this you know. If you don’t want to,’ Marci said biting her lip as she watched Addison finish running comb through her hair. ‘Why wouldn’t I?’ Addison said, ‘it’s not like I’ve got anything better to be doing.’
Marci watched her friend closely trying to see if any flicker of emotion passed her face but it didn’t which concerned her. Ever since Elvis had been drafted she had seen the change in her friend and though it was gradual it worried her all the same. She was pulling away. Trying hard to protect herself from the inevitable crash that was coming. It had happened when Joe had died - she had retreated into herself, refusing to lean on anyone for anything. She hadn’t even told Marci about it until after the funeral and by then there wasn’t much she could say to her grief-stricken friend. After all, Marci couldn’t even fathom what it must have been like to lose a parent at just sixteen not when she’d already practically lost her mother as it was. And now she was losing someone else. But not just someone. Addison was losing the person she needed the most. The person who had helped her heal more than anyone had ever been able to. Marci longed to be able to fix it but as she watched Addison pretend to be okay she realised nothing she could do would help how she was feeling now. All she could do was wait for the dust to settle and try and help her through it.   ‘We could hang around. I mean I know Elvis has the press conference but as soon as it’s over-’ ‘The Colonel will whisk him away to do something else no doubt,’ Addison said grimly. ‘There can’t be much more he can have him doing,’ Marci said. ‘I don’t think getting him ready to leave is the goal here,’ Addison said pointedly looking at her friend in the mirror. Before Marci could question what she meant there was a knock at the door.   ‘Come in,’ Addison said. The door opened revealing Elvis which made Addison’s breath hitch in her chest as she spotted he was in his uniform for the first time ever. He smoothed it out as he ducked inside feeling a tad self-conscious as both girls’ eyes roved his frame from top to bottom. ‘You look handsome,’ Marci blurted out without thinking. ‘Thanks,’ he said making her blush as she noticed his lip pull up in a small smirk. ‘Yeah, really handsome,’ Addison said though there was a sorrow behind it that no one could ignore. Feeling awkward Marci shifted uncomfortably and said, ‘so did you need something?’ ‘Uh, yeah, Addison actually,’ Elvis said. ‘What do you need?’ Addison asked cautiously. ‘The Colonel needs to speak to us both,’ he said as upbeat as he could muster though he knew it was pointless. At any mention of the Colonel Addison’s face went into a scowl. ‘What about?’ she said coolly. ‘He just said it was important,’ Elvis said shifting nervously. He watched her think about it for a beat, no doubt trying to hide whatever sarcastic thought had bubbled in her mind before she nodded and followed him out smiling at Marci apologetically as she went.   As Elvis walked through the house he expected her to fall into step beside him yet she didn’t, keeping just behind him as she followed him upstairs. She was watching him though. Marci was right. He looked handsome, infuriatingly so, and if it didn’t make her so sad she was sure she would have no issue enjoying the swagger that it seemed to bring to him.   The Colonel was standing by the desk when they entered the office and he looked up as they came inside a smile on his face, ‘ah, there you are. Come in.’   Elvis moved to sit on the couch, Addison following quickly behind him but as she sat down she folded her arms making his plan of reaching for her hand fall flat though he refused to let her ignore him completely. He missed her, so as the Colonel moved to perch himself on the edge of the desk Elvis placed a hand on Addison’s knee not daring to look at her, unsure of what her reaction would be.   ‘Now we don’t have long as the press is nearly all set up downstairs but I thought now was a good a time as any to talk about the plan,’ the Colonel said. ‘Plan?’ Addison asked. ‘For tomorrow of course and what’s going to happen going forward,’ the Colonel said, pausing for a moment as if he expected one of them to interject but when they didn’t he continued, ‘now, Elvis needs to be there at 9 am sharp therefore we need to leave at no later than 6 am.’ ‘That’s not a problem. Hell, Addie’s always up before me anyway I bet she’ll be the one to drag me out of bed,’ Elvis chuckled, squeezing her leg reassuringly. ‘Actually…’ the Colonel said tentatively but Addison spoke over him. ‘I’m not coming, am I?’ Addison said flatly making Elvis look at her. She didn’t turn to meet his gaze though, instead, her eyes remained fixed on the Colonel who shifted uncomfortably as Elvis looked at him before he answered. ‘No,’ the Colonel said. ‘What she can’t even come and say goodbye?’ Elvis asked. ‘Given the number of cameras and reporters that will be following your journey I don’t think that’s wise, do you? Considering why we’re doing this in the first place after all,’ the Colonel said throwing a sympathetic look their way as Elvis’ face fell, ‘that’s why I wanted to tell you now, that way whatever goodbyes can be said in private.’ ‘Right, sure,’ Elvis said though he couldn’t help but feel a little forlorn about their time being cut short even more. He had wanted to spend every minute he could with her but since new year everything had gone into overdrive as they prepared for his departure. Physicals, uniform fittings, meetings upon meetings he longed to get out of. Most of which he was sure none of the other boys he would be joining would have to go through. So much for being treated as a normal soldier.   ‘Is that everything?’ Addison said coolly making both men look at her. ‘Actually, there is something else but before I ask this I need you to agree that you’ll think about it carefully,’ the Colonel said making nerves bubble inside Addison.
‘Go on,’ Elvis said curiously. ‘Once you are inducted I think it would be prudent for the both of you to limit the amount of contact you have with one another,’ the Colonel said. ‘We’re already going to be five thousand miles apart is that not enough?’ Addison said bitterly. ‘Addies right. I mean how much limited can you get?’ Elvis asked. ‘None,’ the Colonel said. ‘What?!’ Elvis baulked. ‘Just for a little while, six months-’ ‘Six months?!’ Elvis gaped, ‘you want us to go without speaking to one another for six months are you out of your damn mind?!’ ‘I am just anticipating the way forward. You are going to be a very busy man and until you are fully settled into army life we need to be sure nothing will go awry. You’re no longer going to be surrounded by your own people. Until you know who you can and can’t trust I must insist you take precautions,’ the Colonel said trying to explain as Elvis shook his head angrily his jaw clenched in anger, ‘it only takes one fame-hungry solider to overhear a phone call or spy a letter and the entire reason we’re going through with this will be ruined.’   At those words, Elvis’s face softened. The Colonel had a point. Hell, the only reason he was going through with this entire charade was because he was trying to pave the way for their future but as Elvis looked at Addison, an ache in his chest at the sight of her, six months of no contact didn’t seem feasible. To not hear her voice or be able to tell her how much he was missing her it seemed impossible. Still, he could only imagine what scandal would come if some nosy private got his hands on a love letter. Or God forbid overheard him on the phone, he didn’t dare think about what might come out of his mouth after a few lonely nights in an army barracks. It was no use, so with a sigh, he said, ‘fine but once Addie turns eighteen all bets are off.’ ‘Sure, sure,’ the Colonel said though it was noncommittal. Addison watched a glint of smugness flicker in his eye before it disappeared shrouded by sympathy. Though it made her blood boil she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction and it wasn’t as though there was much point to it anyway since Elvis had agreed. She didn’t have time to dwell on it though because there was a knock on the door before Tom Diskin popped his head around it with an apologetic look on his face.   ‘What?’ the Colonel asked tersely. ‘Sorry boss,’ Tom said, ‘but folks are getting antsy. It is nearly time.’ ‘We’re coming,’ the Colonel said gesturing for Elvis to come along with him which he stood up to do though he hesitated as he noticed Addison didn’t move. She was sitting perfectly still staring away from him, the mask still in place. Elvis stopped in his tracks which made the Colonel pause, an irritated look on his face.   ‘Uh, give us a minute,’ Elvis said. ‘Not too long,’ the Colonel said curtly. Elvis nodded walking him out and shutting the door behind him. Once he was sure it was firmly shut Elvis turned only to find that Addison had moved away from him, going to the window. She could see the crowd of people gathered around the office building, various reporters lugging equipment inside their faces ruddy from the cold.  
‘Addie,’ he said, sighing as she didn’t turn around. He moved to stand behind her, slipping his hand into hers and pulling her away from the window until she stood reluctantly in front of him. The mask was gone now, silent tears having made their way down her face making that ache inside him worsen. He didn’t know which was worse, her pretending she was okay or seeing how heartbroken she really was.   ‘Hey, hey now,’ he said wiping the salty tear tracks away with a swipe of his thumb, ‘don’t cry.’ ‘I can’t help it,’ she said. ‘I know and I know it’s not ideal,’ he said making her scoff though he continued, ‘but the Colonel is right until I’m sure there are people I can trust we can’t be risking anything. You get that right?’   Addison paused for a moment, chewing on the inside of her lip as she looked up into his pleading blue eyes. Protestations whizzed around in her head and though she longed to tell him every single one she couldn’t bring herself to. He looked so innocent. So willing to believe everything was as simple as it seemed. So instead of saying anything she simply nodded.     ‘I mean that’s what all this is for and I’ll be damned if I let it be ruined by some eavesdropper listening in on a dirty phone call,’ he joked, getting a flicker of a smile on her face. It wasn’t enough to make him feel entirely okay but the fact he had soothed her at least a little made him feel better. ‘Hey I’m a lady,’ she giggled sadly. ‘I could tell stories that contradict that but sure,’ he said, falling silent for a beat before he pressed his head to hers, ‘I’m not saying it’s going to be easy but we’ll get through it. Together. Okay?’   She didn’t contradict him though she did offer the slightest nod of recognition that caused him to pull back and wrap his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. The material was scratchy against her tearstained face but she leaned into him all the same, the comfort the embrace bought being worth the itchiness. She allowed him to hold her, clinging to her body as he clung to the idea that everything was going to be okay. She didn’t tell him that she doubted that was true, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Because he still had hope. He could still see the light at the end of the tunnel but for her, it was snuffed out. She hadn’t wanted to believe it but in her heart of hearts she knew from the look on the Colonel’s face, she could tell that there was nothing more they could do.   The same look that appeared a minute later as the Colonel came back through the door forcing them to break apart more prematurely than either of them wanted or needed.
‘They’re waiting,’ the Colonel said as Elvis let go of her. ‘Coming,’ he said but before he headed to follow him out the door he leaned down and kissed her gently.
‘As soon as I’m done we’ll do something okay?’ he said. Addison nodded. Satisfied with her answer he straightened up, smoothing out his uniform as he looked at the Colonel waiting impatiently by the door. ‘Let’s get this show on the road then,’ he said and then he disappeared out of the office. Once he was gone Addison moved back to the window, watching and waiting for him to emerge from the back of the house so he could head towards the office as tears started to roll down her cheeks once more.
Addison was sitting on the toilet seat staring at the door handle as she willed herself to get up and go back in into the bedroom. Though Elvis had stuck to his guns and they had managed to spend the whole day together after the press conference she couldn’t get rid of that knot inside her. It hadn’t disappeared when he’d kissed every inch of her making her melt with each touch. It hadn’t disappeared when he had told her how much he loved her and that he always would. It hadn’t disappeared when they’d made love, his every move slow and adoring as they both tried to savour every part of it to memory. And it still hadn’t gone as she tried to work up the nerve to leave the little sanctuary she had made for herself. At least in here Elvis couldn’t see her cry. That was why she couldn’t bring herself to go and get into bed beside him, to kiss him, have him hold her because that knot wouldn’t go. It wouldn’t go because all of it felt as though it was the last time they would ever do it.   She didn’t know that on the other side of the door Elvis was loitering, wondering what he should do. At first, he had thought she was just preparing for bed but the longer she stayed in there the more worried he became that he had done something wrong. That in his desperation to commit every inch of her to memory for those long nights on base he’d freaked her out. He was just about to knock on the door when he heard it unlatch and, in a panic, he dove back into bed making the distance in a couple of leaps. Whether she noticed or not he couldn’t tell because she walked into the room silently and slipped into bed beside him, facing away from him much to his disappointment. He couldn’t do the same though so instead he slipped down into the bed and nuzzled up behind her, his arms wrapping around her as he held her as close as possible.   Neither of them said a word. Whether it was because they were just trying to take in the moment or because neither of them knew what to say it was unclear but the silence lasted until both of them drifted off into an uneasy sleep.   When they awoke it was Addison who was up first, scowling at the alarm clock as it blared out its mocking ring reminding her that it was nearly time to go. She was still in Elvis’ arms though he disturbed as she reached onto the nightstand to shut the noise off. When she moved back he’d flopped onto his back, sleepily reaching for her and pulling her into his chest as he mumbled, ‘morning.’ ‘Morning,’ she said quietly, resting her hand on his chest as her fingers traced shapes on the bare skin there. She could hear people below moving around no doubt panicking as they frantically tried to make sure everything was in place for when he was supposed to depart but she was too content to even care about getting him up and ready for leaving.   After a moment Elvis stirred, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked down at her blearily, a small smile on his lips. Without warning he rolled her onto her side, watching her with his baby blue eyes as his hand caressed the side of her face. Then he leaned in and kissed her pouring everything he had into that one moment. As her arms looped around his neck he pushed her backwards kissing her deeply before his mouth migrated down her neck to the sweet spot he knew made her squirm. It was foolish to even contemplate in a situation like this. He didn’t have time to mess around but as her breath hitched in her chest he couldn’t stop himself. He was going to carry on until she pushed him back with an apologetic look on her face as she glanced towards the clock on the nightstand that was now further along than both of them had anticipated.  Elvis sighed and sat up pulling her with him until they were sitting in the middle of his bed a mess of sheets and blankets around them. He watched her closely. The way her small hands played with his nervously. The way her flowing light brown locks fell around her face. The way her large hazel eyes watched him sadly.   ‘I love you, you know,’ Elvis said after a moment leaning in until they were mere inches apart. ‘I know,’ she said ‘More than anything,’ he said earnestly. ‘I know,’ she said with a sad smile. He leaned in to kiss her once more but it was disrupted as there was a rapt on the door that made him pull back suddenly. When no one came in he leapt out of bed and yanked the door open where he found a nervous-looking Marty standing on the other side.   ‘What?’ Elvis said leaning on the door frame as he watched his friend angrily. ‘The Colonel sent me to see if you were awake,’ Marty said. ‘Well I am now,’ Elvis said angrily. He didn’t know why he was so abrupt with him after all it wasn’t Marty’s fault he had to leave but as he glanced back to the bed he spotted Addison quietly moving towards the bathroom meaning that their moment was well and truly over. ‘I’ll go and tell him,’ Marty said. ‘You do that,’ Elvis said. As Marty scurried away he shut the door behind him, resting his head against it with a sigh as he heard Addison lock the bathroom door.   Neither of them said much as they got ready. He didn’t really know what he should say and Addison didn’t seem in an all that chatty mood either though he supposed when women had waved their husbands off to war there hadn’t been much chit-chat then either. When he came out of the bathroom, now dressed in his freshly pressed uniform, she was sitting on the bed waiting for him but she stood as he entered the room.   ‘Marty came back up again. Said we’ve not got long,’ she said heading towards the door but she stopped as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. ‘We can go down in a minute,’ he said, ‘there’s something I want to do first.’   Addison watched as he moved to his bedside drawer and fished something out before he returned to stand in front of her. In his hand was a small black box which when he opened it revealed a white gold ring housing the biggest diamond she’d ever seen in her life. Her eyes went wide making him chuckle.   ‘Don’t worry I ain’t gonna ask you to marry me,’ he smirked, ‘not yet at least.’ ‘I don’t understand,’ she said puzzled. ‘I just…I want you to know that this, all of this is for us. So one day I can put this ring on your hand like it’s meant to be,’ he said. ‘Oh Elvis,’ she said feeling tears sting at her eyes. ‘I love you Addison Goodwin and I ain’t gonna stop not for a minute until we’re back here together.’ ‘I love you too,’ she said her breath shaky in her throat. As he kissed her once again she let that seed of doubt melt away, desperate to believe that what he was saying would come true.   That feeling didn’t last long though as they were brought back to reality by another knock at the door. As Addison went to open it Elvis moved to put the ring box back in his nightstand. This time it was Red mumbling an apology as he told them that this time they really did need to head downstairs which they did reluctantly.   Waiting at the bottom was Vernon, Gladys, Dodger and a couple of the boys who would be helping get him to his destination safely as well as the Colonel who watched them come downstairs with a look of irritation on his face. Addison shrunk back out of the way as everyone started prepping for their departure. She would be the only one left behind.   Whilst Alan and Marty took the last of Elvis’ things out to the car Red checked his watch and said, ‘ready to go man?’ ‘Yeah, just give me a sec,’ Elvis said moving over to where Addison was sitting on the stairs watching them all quietly. She stood up as he reached her. ‘We really gotta go son,’ Vernon said though he backtracked as Elvis scowled at him, ‘but I’m sure a minute won’t hurt.’ ‘We’ll go and get in the car,’ Dodger said rolling her eyes at her son as she took gestured for Gladys and Vernon to follow her. Red and the Colonel remained inside, loitering by the open door which was blowing a furiously icy wind inside making Addison shiver though she was warmed as Elvis pulled her to him, out of earshot of the others.   ‘I don’t even know what to say,’ Elvis said with a sad chuckle. ‘Me either,’ she said quietly, ‘I think you said everything upstairs.’ ‘Yeah probably,’ he said leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead. Addison closed her eyes feeling the familiar sting of tears flood over her once more as he did so though she managed to blink them away as he pulled back. ‘We really have to go boss,’ Red said sympathetically, just loud enough for the pair to hear. ‘I’m comin’,’ Elvis said over his shoulder before he looked back at Addison. She nodded and pulled away, wrapping her arms around herself as he straightened up, his finger tilting her chin up to look at him as he said, ‘remember I’ll be back before ya know it.’ ‘Hope so,’ she said. Elvis smiled at her sadly and then moved away heading out the door with Red on his heels. As it shut behind them she moved forward to the window where she watched them jog down the path to where the cars were waiting. The last thing she saw of him was the back of his head disappearing inside the backseat of the Cadillac before it took off down the long driveway followed by the Lincoln. She didn’t even realise she wasn’t alone until she noticed another car move into the space the other had vacated, idling by the steps with Alan inside.   That was when she felt the Colonel enter the hallway bringing with him that seed of doubt. Except now it wasn’t a doubt. As she realised he hadn’t gone with them it became a realisation, everything slotting into place like a puzzle she never wanted to complete. He stood watching her, his hand on his cane as she watched out the window determined not to look at him for fear she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from crying.   ‘I’m not staying here, am I?’ she asked flatly. He didn’t speak at first which forced her to look at him watching her with mock sympathy. ‘No,’ he said. Addison took a shaky breath. ‘Where?’ she said looking at him in the eye. ‘A boarding school in Alabama,’ he said, ‘a good school by all accounts. Had to pull a few strings of course but they specialise in… troubled girls.’   Addison shook her head, her tongue in her cheek as she tried to will herself not to cry, ‘so that’s it? You ship me off and what? Elvis forgets I ever existed. That it? You know that’s not going to happen.’ ‘It’s amazing what a couple of years can do,’ the Colonel said cockily. ‘He’s not just going to forget about me,’ she scoffed. ‘Not at first no,’ the Colonel sighed, ‘but a few months of no contact, a couple of pretty Fräuleins. I’ve seen his head get turned for less.’ ‘He wouldn’t do that. He loves me,’ she said trying to convince herself that what the Colonel was saying wasn’t true. Elvis loved her. She knew that. ‘Why wouldn’t he? I mean, everyone else in your life has either left or betrayed you. Why would he be any different,’ the Colonels said. His words pierced her heart like a dagger and she could no longer keep herself from crying though it wasn’t tears of sadness but anger.   ‘Even if he does. Say he goes away and forgets all about me do you really think you can just erase me from his life? I have a home here. A family. Vernon and Gladys care about me. They’re not just going to let you ship me off to some boarding school like I never existed,’ she shouted getting close to his face. She was at least half a foot shorter than him but she refused to back down. The Colonel didn’t even seem phased by her shouting though, instead, he leant closer to her and said in almost a whisper, ‘who do you think signed off on it?’   He moved passed her then, leaving her standing in shock as she tried to process his words. They weren’t sinking in. None of it was. Even though she had suspected it for days if not weeks that something was coming, something bad, she had never anticipated it would have come from them. That her family, the people she had come to think of as her own would be okay with casting her aside like she was nothing. Like her mother would.   ‘They wouldn’t do that,’ she said in a small heartbroken voice after a moment. ‘You’re the girl who cost them their son,’ the Colonel said as she turned around to look at him. ‘You’re lying,’ she said, ‘whatever you’ve told them it’s lies.’ ‘Oh Miss Goodwin,’ he said with a smirk, ‘haven’t you learned by now? It’s never about the truth, it’s about what you can make them believe.’   He moved towards the door then and opened it allowing a cool rush of air to flow in that would have made her shiver if she wasn’t so shellshocked. He looked at her for a second, pity in his eyes at the devastation on her face if only for a moment.   ‘Tom Diskin will be here in thirty minutes to take you so you better pack a bag,’ he said grabbing his hat off the sideboard as he headed towards the door before he got to it though he turned back to add, ‘oh and your tuition is paid till graduation. After that, I don’t really care what you do.’ ‘Just as long as I don’t come back here huh?’ she said through a clenched jaw. ‘Precisely,’ he said placing the hat on his head.   And then he was gone leaving Addison alone in the middle of the room with only her thoughts. She didn’t know how long she stood there, her eyes on the door where he had left before she found her feet moving, heading towards her bedroom without her brain even realising.   She was in shock.   In the last year she had lost everything twice over. First her dad which had broken her. Then her mom, though admittedly she was less heartbroken about that one. Her home, not only the one she had shared with her dad but the one she was standing in now, the one that felt just as much of a home as any. Then the family she had come to think of as her own was gone now too. Was the Colonel right? Did they really hate her? Blame her for the reason Elvis had no choice but to leave. Elvis.   As he popped into her head her heart clenched in her chest. Of all the things to lose, losing him was the worst. He had been the one to rebuild her. The one who had brought her back to life, saved her life even, and now he was gone. She wanted to believe that their love would survive that no matter what vitriol the Colonel pumped into his ear whilst he was away. That no matter what he would never stop loving her but she doubted that was true. He’d thought of every inch of it so there was no doubt in her mind he’d have a plan for when Elvis asked questions. Even she had to admit as a snowman the Colonel had played a blinder. They had been no match for him.   So what choice did she have?   Fight or flight.   She could try and fight him but would anyone listen? How many people had he convinced that she was the reason Elvis had to go? If he had Gladys and Vernon on board surely everyone else would follow. Would she be fighting a losing battle? Not to mention she didn’t know how much fight she had left in her. Hell, she had spent the majority of her life fighting to do so now seemed exhausting. After all, she’d been running on empty when Elvis had first seen her at that fairground and that was months ago. A whole heartache ago. Whatever fight she had in her was gone.   She supposed she could run away. Forget the Colonel, forget everything and start over though she knew straight away that wasn’t an option. Not right now at least. If she ran away now she’d have nothing but the clothes on her back. At least if she did follow his offer she’d get an education out of it. It wasn’t any sort of consolation but it was better than nothing.
As she stuffed the last of her things into her suitcase she heard the rumble of a car pulling up the driveway which she suspected was Tom. She glanced at her clock and found that she was almost out of time but there was still one more thing she needed to do.   After a quick check to make sure everything was inside her suitcase she closed it, dumping it by the stairs as she raced upstairs to Elvis’ bedroom immediately going to his nightstand. There was a stack of books on top of it, ones he read almost every night, each one of them bookmarked by a picture of them. She rifled through each one, searching for the one she wanted. It was the one that had been in his wallet. The one of them at the party he had thrown for her. The one that had made her realise he loved her.   She knew he wouldn’t one day. That the Colonel would get his wish and he’d forget, fall out of love or find another pretty face to turn his head but that picture would prove it forever. That at one moment in time Elvis Presley loved her.   The world would never know it. But she would. And that would have to be enough.
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themarysuep · 11 months
do you think skaar would be enough for the white fanboys for YA? bc i cant realllly see the dudebros watching it for joe locke's wiccan. they might need to (re)cast a really good speed/prodigy/patriot. since we hv iron heart, wld they still do iron lad? i dont think they r going for kid loki either. do you think they will put america / riri in the line up? since kamala name dropped stature, im assuming the confirmed 3 rn are: kamala, kate, cassie. currently, everyone has forgotten about peter parker so i wld assume nick doesn't have info about him anymore so im not too sure how to link him in unless kate and kamala bump into him or something lol
Patriot appeared in tfaws. The actor seemed pretty good. I don't know anything about him but I think they should give him a chance.
Skaar won't be enough. There needs to be someone else. Joe Locke will be a hit with the whites not sure about dudebros. I think they'd just stick with Riri. Would like Speed. Maybe an actor with a large following with be good.
Interested to know who Fury/ Kamala have intel on.
Don't forget America. Xochitl would be really excited about this project. I agree with no kid Loki. It doesn't seem likely.
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gege-wondering-around · 2 months
guys, i was thinking and i think someone needs to hear this.
talk to the people you wanna talk to.
if you're curious about them or wanna know them better or start to know them from nothing -> hit them up in their dm. i promise you it's worth giving it a try or you'll never know if they are who you're searching for.
and maybe it could unveil something you thought was lost within you...
and lemme give ya an example:
for those who don't know me from the start, my first posts were theories/analysis/interpretation etc. and i haven't done one of those in a very long time cause nothing came to my mind, i just stick to reblogs.
then someone came knocking at my door and i started to get to know @dontcallpanic a bit more, ask after ask. then, yesterday (i think it was yesterday) i got a dm from this sweet soul and we were chatting a bit and it came out something that really woke up that part in me again, of doing those kind of posts. (i'll post it when it's ready)
so, this is a silly, simply example of how a stranger (whom i plan to get to know better🩵) can wake you up from hibernation without even knowing it. of how a pretty soul can light back up that spark you thought was gone.
you can be the lighter and the spark. you can be the new comer or the old veteran, and both are good. both need each other cause it's just happier that way. you pour your passion which lighten up their spark, and your passions and feeling gets read by someone who understands them and you'll be happy.
and this is how the people you are curious about might be the best that could happen to you today, so go and talk to them, even if you're awkward or dont know how to start, just hit them up with...
idk, maybe why you follow them? maybe your intention to know them better if they'd be down to it too? maybe sending them one of their own post and sharing your opinion with them as a private convo?
there are many ways you can do this and i believe you can do this.
if you are curious, talk to people.
you'll find the right one for ya, but you gotta swim in the wild, vast ocean to find your species, cause there isn't any community or friendship without the hardship of building them.
I want you to meet your people, i want you to find someone who gets your feeling for your passions and hobbies and i want you to swim in the ocean to find them. you'll hit some rocks, maybe hook yourself to false baits but it'll be worth it when you'll find your buddies, i promise you.
it'd be my wildest dream to do those posts once again and get the community to hit them up with their opinions and ideas and everything in between (cause im genuinenly a curious person), it'd be my wild wild dream to be part of something and you can be part of it too.
you can find your people, you can find your freaks and beans. they are out there, you just gotta take a chance with people and i know it might be scary cause the internet is scary, the amount of cruelty and hate people have nowadays is bewildering, the way fandoms, communities etc got so weak (as someone rightfully said but i don't remember who) it's sad to see cause the new comers just see... that.
the dying light of a fandom, the hateful reblogs someone does under other's posts, the seemengly lost spark when you search your fav ship, or your new obsession, or your fav artist of the moment, or your fav actor or anything else and all you see are old posts (that makes you feel you're too late to join in) and hateful discussion that were meant to be nothing more than a chitchat within a part of the fandom (and you feel like you're wrong supporting your passion for that one thing)
but lemme tell you something.
lemme let you in on somethng, come here. come closer...
it's not dead. what you're searching for it's not dead, it just got weak and you can be one of the many little sparks that can bring back the joy of chatting and reblogging posts, of leaving playful and happy comments under other's posts about their passions.
you aren't late, you aren't in the wrong for liking it, you aren't walking in a cementary. it's more like everyone is in hibernation and you kinda have to shake'em up a bit with care, showing them your passion about that little ship, that character analysis, that little poem you wrote about your ex or about your boss being the worst. you woke'em up a bit and you keep being kind and respectfull and polite and you'll see how the fandom isn't dead, it just needed to hear the starting bell.
"hey guys, weird but true, here's my thoughts" and you pour everything down and i bet, i BET someone is gonna love it, you'll wake'em up and they'll be like 'finally someone with that pretty spark and those deep dives into ---' and i promise you, i swear on my name, you'll get yourself a small audience and you'll feel happy about sharing your thoughts while other will he eager to read them. then maybe they'll reblog it and comment on it, and you'll build a small connection with them, then maybe, one day a few months later, you'll wake up to a dm. or you'll the one sending it.
'hey, i think you're pretty cool and i like what you write, wanna chat a bit?'
and you'll find your people.
you will find them.
be kind, polite, respectfull in sharing your thoughts and you'll slowly build something with your strangers, then mutuals, then dm buddies, and maybe you'll end up with a friend sending you pic of their home made bread cause they care for you to the point they make bread for ya even if you cant eat it, but they know you'll love it and they'll eat for you.
nothing is dead, kiddo. you gotta dig up the fish from the bottom of the ocean but i promise you, they just need a little light to follow to come back and show you how to build a comfy aquarium with'em.
you'll find your people kiddo, you just gotta be curious about them.
and if you are one of those who just like to read and are eager to know more, you'll still be part of it. people will notice you, i promise you i notice those few beans of mine that likes many of my reblogs and i treasure them dearly. you'll be welcome too buddy, everyone is.
search for you freaks and beans, kiddo, you'll find them in the wild, vast and scary ocean. you'll wake up that feeling of belonging into a community and your spark will be treasured while you'll wake back up theirs. (which was never gone to begin with, they just needed to feel at home between a bunch of strangers calling each other darling and sweetheart while talking about two gay dudes)
find them kiddo, find them...
i believe you can.
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ok its me again hi AAAHHHH this is so nice i feel so warm im lying on my bed kickin my lil legs i cant believe this thank you for being nice omgggg now im on a roll im gonna say things about julian hkdhjgdgjf
only one song really that i scanned the whole tag looking for to see if anyone said it before and i was so surprised that i didnt find it and i went to check the official playlists on spotify cause maybe its on there already and thERE ISNT ONE WHAT???? i had the muriel one liked on here and id never checked any other ones out lmao but like i swear there had to be one?? like maybe they made it first and its somewhere separately??? julian is like the most popular one how the hell does he not get a spotify list is that how this tag was created?? *gasp* am i discovering the ~fandom lore~
(just gonna say you dont actually need to answer any of that in detail dont waste your time gksgkydgjf im just screaming into the void cause i was so flabbergasted after those 3 whole minutes of research i put into this)
ANYWAY the actual song would be House of Wolves by our lord and saviour MCR! its so good for him with his whole Woe is Me drama king vibe lol and the plaguey thematicssss mmmm delicious TELL ME im a BAD BAD BAD BAAD MAAAAN aight you lil masochist i see u and the "you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone" you get it caUSE HES A FUGITIVE DO YOU GET THE DEEP UNRAVELABLE METAPHORS DO YOU GET IT DO YOU G aight shut up hkhfjtdy anyway
ok i lied jystfhte heres another one i just remembered i really wanted to put here its not new but just in case somebody hasnt seen it yet lmao its such a masterpiece ill do anything to give it its due here ya go
and the other thing im really glad to have seen people mention here is musical songs cause thats one of the things i love about him the most like yass we love a thespian king slay grl so then anytime im binging a musical there always come the intrusive thoughts of "aw hed love this one" and "oh hed be great for this role" like i went to see f-ing swan lake with my f-ing grandpa and one of the major takeaways i got from the experience was (UH IM GONNA PUT A SPOILER WARNING HERE? I GUESS? IN CASE ANYONE CARES HELLO JULIAN BAD ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD DO MOVE ALONG NOW IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT AVERT YOUR GAZE CITIZENS LMAO LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN FANARTS N ADS ALREADY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT) "omg jules would be so perfect as that bird guy villain IN HIS BIRD GUY SHAPE TOO OMG WITH THE WINGS ON STAGE THIS IS AWESOME WHY CANT I DRAW GOOD GODDA-"
anyway hed love hadestown (hed at least try to cast muriel as hades cause hes perfectly intimidating for it but theres way too many lines which okay Maybe but AND he has to sing???? nah hes out bkgdhkdt) i dont know what hed think of pierre natasha & the great comet cause its maybe a little eccentric i suppose but i think hed appreciate the cultural roots of the vibe with him being fantasy ruso-slav-ukrainian-whatnot heritage i reckon and hed definitely have a blast at a live performance and hed ABsolutely join in with the actors in between the rows at some point and theyd ABSOlutely let him cause hes that good and game recognize game cmon hes gonna show you amateurs what a real kazotski looks like
i can also see him enjoying sweeney todd, for its delightful edgyness, maybe even some themes relatable for him, and his sappy ass would SO memorise Pretty women to whip it out at an opportune serenading moment khgdturshc im so cringe and loving it
well i cant think of any more shows to throw him together with so thus ends my soliloquy wow i cant believe thats how you spell that anyway i hope anybody who knew what the hell im talking about enjoyed all that jgfztits see you in another 20 minutes when i come back like "AND ANOTHER thing-
Yay, it's the character song essays anon!! :D
I'm glad to see you back, and I will once again be re-linking the song you shared below and adding your suggestions to the tag ^.^
And frankly, I'm 76% certain that one of Julian's love languages is theatre, especially musical theatre. That could be tickets, that could memorizing the lines from one of this favorite scenes and reciting it back to him, it could be showing up to every single performance he's involved in :)
I'm glad to see you back in my inbox, friend, feel free to message me if you ever want to obsess over the characters together! Cheers -
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visionthefox · 1 year
Hi love your art!
I agree with you SAMS was a really fun show, the gameplay used to have a little bit of lore or sometimes it was connected to the previous the episode.
But now what do we have? We have a lot of plot holes like for example:
-How did Bloodmoon got out of Sun's mind? Connected to a computer? Did he turn into goo and walked out? (If that's the case wouldn't sun notice it?).
-What happened to Eclipse's feelings? (From the October episode that i don't remember the name but basically he said something along the lines of "why do i care?" Or idk)
-What was Lunar's original plan? (Like we know he was plotting something from when he said something along the lines of "everything is going according to plan").
-What the hell happened in the first episode we saw Moon's mind (i don't remember the name of the episode but it's a recent one, but a lot of Persona references in that episode).
And those are some of them that I can think right now i know there's more out there.
I really was hoping something more interesting with KC, Bloodmoon, and Eclipse i mean i don't know why but i felt like it was going to be an amazing plot, but i think it got scrapped because they had to rush the arrival of the MOST AMAZING SISTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD (notice the sarcasm) Earth. Including the video where the creator basically tells sun about the arrival of this sister felt really really rushed (I'm no video editor/actor so i don't know).
I wish they could've expanded more on what's going on Moon's mind not just the episode where the files got corrupted and we only got to see the Computer's side and the first meeting of them, like more inner thoughts, I mean if they were going off persona 5 with the palaces, you really got to see the person who they were and it physically represent how they view the world and it would've been a great idea to keep KC as a code and have Moon confront himself (a physical manifestation of KC) just like in Persona 4, or have Sun along side Lunar or someone else to battle against Shadow Moon (in this case KC) because maybe after the battle he will have his treasure stolen and wake up feeling better and maybe just maybe apologize to sun. But the way the executed that it wasn't good, i think they just forgot about it and prioritized Sun effing up the runes to bring back the magic and have a touchy moment with the sister.
KC going to Kmart and seeing Glamrock Freddy which was supposed to be his "redemption" felt more like a joke. I thought that KC taking over Moon's body would've triggered something within moon because he doesn't like being trapped inside his head (or so he screamed in the episodes prior of Eclipse and Lunar taking over) also with KC taking over him I thought he was going to be mischievous.
I don't know why but i have a gut feeling that now that Eclipse has the star, he is going to be convinced either by Earth (because power of words and friendship (sarcasm)) or someone else would be like "please we need to get moon back to his original form" and Eclipse will give the star to help the cause.
I don't know, but sorry for this long ask. Yeah sorry.
HI!! thanks you!! and oh boy! a long ask <3 !!!
Blood moon coming back as a ghost was maybe to make the fans shut up over Sun being an "evil asshole like Eclipse" for killing a literal murder animatronic.. since there is no way.. NO WAY he can be a ghost.. its a damn robot!! but I do gotta say.. I do hope he may be fully back, he is wasted potential for a comic villain..
-Eclipse going back to his "wanna rule the world" type of mind its trully annoying.. some ppl managed to guess when that ep was posted that maybe Eclipse pushed Lunar away because he didnt knew how to feel loved, Lunar was so caring so nicer to him! , something too new for Eclipse, who was pushed away, treated like trash and talked down by Moon, (plus, his egocentric, manipulator minset had to come from someone.. dont ya think?) but any change for a developent was trashed when KC showed up again..there was so many ways his character could have develop, but he didnt..
I guess lunar plan was to just free Moon, and then.. leave? as he sounded very suprised Moon allowed him to stay.. him being a more "silly but still mature" was great, he had the early mindset of Sun, but the determination of Moon.. then for some reason he lost his smart and now is "bean baby".. ugh
-Moon mind its just a lot of nonsense..wasted potential again..
KC being another face for Moon could have been soo much better.. since KC its just a code line , who affected him , it could have been a perfect way to show the two sides of Moon ! one that wanted to change and be better and other who wanted to do as told, kill and rule! two desires wearing two faces!
KC being a dad was odd, I thought it would be just a joke.. since Moon was always the more grounded, the more "mature" it made sence KC took a more "im your dad" type of mind set..as a joke..
the chances for a dymanic of good vs evil! in the most dumb , hilarious and silly drama way was there but nooo they had to be soo "edgy" too "dark"..it stupid..
and totally, that video was so many errors.. Sun model doesnt even move!
we know they can not do battles but I SEE your point.. its sound WAAAY better to what we got.. a more serious aproach to Moon mental state.. the brother coming along to help one of them.. a more meanful bonding time..
since its no surprise, Moon is not an angel. he is an asshole, liar who often put his problems first, then looks at the rest.. maybe by accident? but he is somewhat toxic, but that could have been fixed so much better..
I honestly see Eclipe trying to get rid of any other universe, do a thanos snap , but then , by some DUMB ASS reason, be defeated
someone gets the star, save Moon ass, he gets to learn NOTHING, Earth gets to stay , Lunar comes back and Sun gets even more ignored.. and .. honestly.. I dont hate the show.. I just wish they took the drama way and was focused on a actually well written story,, its clearly they make up things as they go.. and .. I dont like it.. at the end of the day, its a silly channel.. I rather see other thing to have fun.. have you hear of murder drones?~
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lutawolf · 2 years
Lovely Luta, thank you for finishing your last episode commentary on between us! its been a journey, ive so looked forward to hearing your perspective after every episode🥰 i cant believe the show has come to an end, i dont know what ill do with myself on sundays.
i also thought it was a little strange that waan and tul didnt kiss on the lips first before diving in to clothing removal and neck and chest kissing lol, but besides that i have no complaints. definitely in the rewatched it several times camp too…. also, I heard that apparently the actors didnt have any direction in the scene and were just set in front of the camera and told to improvise! if them ‘just improvising’ results in shots like the one with tul grasping onto waans thigh for dear life, then im gonna need to see them in their own series for sure.
do you have any plans for whats next on your watchlist? have a lovely day! xx
Hey Love!!!
I loved the Between Us journey. I look forward to the next, but I feel kind of sad, ya know. Each show brings something new. A different feel and a new set of friends. When it comes to an end, you wonder what's next.
Right!! The no kissing on the lips. Let's just throw clothes off, was about weird. I still enjoyed it, but it threw me out of the scene. Not gonna lie.
I like the way they improvise! Next time kiss though! lol! I really would like to see them in their own series. I think I could really enjoy them.
I don't know where to go from here. I need to watch Sweet Tooth and New Employee, but I'm really feeling the need for something dark. I need some murder husbands.
Hope you have an amazing day too!!! 💜💜💜
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catb-fics · 9 months
I second the anon saying DM’s work. I don’t think it would with Van thought as he doesn’t seem to use IG other than lurk however but been able to have maybe 10 or so flirty chats with some artists or actors or whatever. These are normal people and treat it like DMing any other random person from your town. Be casual/intriguing and don’t fangirl or put them on a pedestal, maybe also go like a few posts right as you message them. I’ve had friends be super forward and send phone numbers and ya it does work time to time and usually ends in a hookup if that’s what you want. You’d also be surprised just how absolutely boring and dry some of these people are over DMs even if they’re clearly trying to flirt or carry on a convo. Only ever had one or two convos turn into getting a phone number but hey you can build a friendship and sometimes that’s better than a hookup they may forget about. Also yeah it does help to be verified or have followers but obviously that’s not a rule. Men are visual creatures so don’t be afraid to send them pics, doesn’t need to be anything sexy but just going about your normal life. Also seconding their last point, DONT be creepy and stalk, you don’t want that to be what they know you for. You don’t know them in real life and it’s easy to get wrapped up in the idea but if they’re not interested or don’t respond then that’s that. If anyone else has tips feel free to share too
More pulling tips! 😆
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