#so i put whatever felt appropiate
jabberwockprince · 5 months
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made a gdocs OC sheet for Obey Me, since most of the templates I've seen are for artists and the doc templates are just simple txt files. as usual, it's meant to be for ppl like me who love to add a LOT of text <3
It's here if you'd like to use it! Remember to make your own copy -> File -> Make a copy!
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serenescribe · 10 months
Bit of an odd request but I was listening to a bit of music and I was hit by an idea-
Idk if you know the tale of the Snow Queen, but essentially snow queens powerful ice mirror shatters, all but two pieces are recovered. One shard lands in a boys eye making him turn icey and Queen snatched him up.
However consider- Snow King Silver dragging a “mortal” who has a piece of something that was his. Unaware said “mortal” is actually a fae whose intrigued by this King’s combination of harshness yet tenderness.
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the snow prince Twisted Wonderland | 3.9k Summary: A mysterious spell afflicts one Lilia Vanrouge, encasing his heart in frigid cold. AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51960883
FREED FROM UNI, I AM! I actually had this written for a while, but put off posting it to save it for a more appropiate season. I really love Snow Queen retellings and AUs, so this was a LOT of fun to write! Thank you, Olive! :D
(An aside: There are extremely minor spoilers for TWST CH7 in here; they're all under the cut and mentioned in passing. If you're trying to avoid every little detail of CH7, I'd suggest passing up on this!)
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In the heat of a sweltering summer that sweeps Briar Valley like a storm, Lilia feels a prick of something sharp enter his eyes.
It happens so fast, so swiftly, that had Lilia not been one of the fair folk, he likely would not have noticed it at all. If he were a human, for example, with their sluggish reflexes and oblivious tendencies, lacking a natural affinity for magic in comparison to the fae, Lilia would have chalked up the prick in his eye to a stray lash falling in, rubbing around until he feels as though he’s flicked it out before moving on with his day.
But Lilia is not human. He is fae.
He knows, at once, despite trying and failing to dig out whatever it is that has entered his eye, that it is not a stray lash or a speck of dust. There is a strange magic emanating off of the tiny sharp splinter, an aura he picks up on in an instant. It’s peculiar, the way it makes him shudder as he brushes against it, the sensation likened to the cold of a dead winter. It is unlike anything he has ever felt before.
But gradually, Lilia has to put a pause on his efforts. He is out on a journey to meet with humans for talks of peace, for their centuries-long wars are slowly crawling to an end. His soldiers look at him in concern, clicking their tongues as they ask him, “General, are you alright? Do we need to stop for a while?”
“I am fine,” Lilia says, waving his hand in dismissal. “I simply got something in my eye, is all.”
It is not wrong to say that, for it is not a lie at all. But Lilia knows as well as anyone else that the strange prick of magic infesting his eye warrants further inspection.
Later, he tells himself, as they continue on with their journey on horseback, for the stalemate in their war has allowed for easier travel through ways of steed.
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Time ticks by, the lazy heat of summer dipping into the beginnings of a chilly autumn. But despite the changing seasons, the months that have passed since that fateful summer day, Lilia comes no closer to discovering what it is that ails him so deeply.
He is not oblivious to the changes occurring to him; quite the opposite, in fact. Lilia has carried about him a strange self-awareness about his shifting attitude, only realising the differences in how he’s been acting when he reflects on the changes in hindsight. He’s never exactly been the pinnacle of warmth, and especially not after his beloved friends died, but he’s always held a fondness in his heart for the few he opens up to — namely his second in command, Baul Zigvolt, and the young heir to the throne and son of his deceased friend, Malleus Draconia.
But now?
Lilia stifles a sigh as he reminisces, trudging through the gardens of the castle. The leaves are shifting to warm hues, leaves fluttering in shades of vermillion red and golden yellow, and the fallen leaves give a satisfying crunch when his boots stomp into them.
He exhales, twisting his lips as he raises his head up to the world around him. It looks as it always has, Lilia knows that well. And yet… something about it has felt different since that day.
Everything has begun to feel… boring. Banal and bland at best, wickedly ugly at worst. The crunch of the leaves irritates his ears, the drought of the autumn air makes his nose feel too sore. He turns his nose up at the food the castle staff serve, wrinkling his nose at the pungent smell of a dish he used to love, and he turns down whoever offers him a mug of beer, the foam that guzzles over the rim leaving his hands sticky and gross.
Lilia knows he’s changing. It’s not just his emotions, but also in the way he sees the world — everything is so intimately different in the worst way, and every waking hour he spends feels like a chore, an obligation he drags himself through. Where he used to spend time with Baul and his fellow men, or with Malleus most of all, being the one to raise him since he hatched, he now spends it all… alone.
But knowing something logically is different from knowing it emotionally. There are only so many apologies he can force out with his insincere tongue, schooling his expression into a facsimile of sincere regret. At the end of the day — of each day — Lilia truly feels nothing at all except the vacant void of a howling gelidity, frostbite nipping through his very veins.
At the very least, his men have respected this change, regardless of how perplexed they seem to be. Baul had pulled him aside once or twice to ask if he was feeling fine, but had he not been so preoccupied with his daughter’s sudden interest in the Valley’s newest dentist, a peculiar human who’d chosen to move here, of all places, he would have surely pressed the matter further.
On the other hand…
He sucks in a breath at the sound of that familiar voice. Once, it had lightened his heart to be greeted to such a cry upon returning to the castle from one of his many campaigns. But now?
“Hello, Malleus,” Lilia greets, making a deliberate effort to soften his voice as he turns to greet the young prince. Malleus has grown a great deal since he first hatched, now towering slightly above Lilia. Still, the boy has an inclination for continuing to call out to him childishly — something that had endeared Lilia in times past, but now only serves to irritate him by no fault of Malleus at all. “Is there something you require of me?”
“Not require, per se,” Malleus answers, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He toys with the chain of his cloak with one hand. “I was merely hoping that you could spare the time to join me today for some tea. It has been quite a while, after all. I understand you’ve been busy as of late, but you do not appear to have anything on today, so I thought—”
“You’re rambling again.” Abruptly, Malleus’ mouth snaps shut. Lilia winces internally at his misstep; why had he interrupted the prince like that, in so cold a tone? He sighs. “Apologies. I have been under… a great deal of stress recently.”
“It is no matter, Lilia.”
Well that’s good, at least, Lilia thinks. Averting his gaze, he says, “Unfortunately, I do not believe I can join you today.”
A pause.
“Truly?” He hears it, the surprise in Malleus’ voice, mixing in with a forlorn misery. “I was certain that you had nothing to do today, given your schedule…”
“I—” Pressing his lips together, Lilia thinks before he says, rather stiffly, “It is true that I may not have anything on. But I would like some time to myself if you would be so kind, my prince.”
Ah, another slip up of his. To refer to Malleus by his title rather than his name… the gap between them only widens, and the only reason why Lilia worries about it is because he fears that he may go too far, say the wrong thing when it’s far too late to take anything back. But what’s done is done; Lilia raises his head in time to see Malleus recoil, hurt glimmering in those chartreuse eyes of his.
If Lilia stays longer… will he continue to mess up so miserably?
Before Malleus can speak, Lilia cuts in. “If there is nothing else that requires my attention,” he says, “I would like to return to my walk. Good day, Malleus. Give my regards to the queen.”
And, abruptly, he turns on his heels and leaves.
Oh, Lilia knows that Malleus is displeased. He knows it because, within mere moments, there is a gentle flutter of snow wafting down from the skies. He raises his head, blinking up at the fluttering snowflakes — so delicate and fragile, a byproduct of the prince’s tumultuous emotions, his magic far too powerful for him to properly handle when his emotions explode past his limits.
And yet, when he sets his eyes upon the swirling snow, Lilia feels…
He raises a hand, watching a snowflake land on his finger — so tiny, so delicate, an eight-pointed speck weaved into such an elegant pattern. It melts almost instantly against the warm flush of his skin — and yet, Lilia is transfixed, mouth parting slightly as he steps back, watching as the snow begins to flurry down faster and faster, cascading through the skies. How long has it been since he’d felt anything other than such apathy, such revulsion, such irritation and disgust? Now, Lilia only feels a sense of childlike wonder.
When was the last time he stopped to stare at the snow as it fell? He cannot remember. Has he ever stopped to observe it like this? Or had war stripped away such inconsequential pastimes from his life?
Lilia does not know how long he wanders around, watching the snowflakes dance until he goes numb, so numb with the cold. He only knows that his fingers are frozen and his lips are blue when he finally returns to the castle in a daze, barely cognisant of the way his entire body is battered, pushed past the natural limitations of his faerie strength.
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Winter crashes into Briar Valley like an enemy ambush, a sudden attack spurned from the shadows of nothingness. It is the worst winter they have had in an eternity, everyone says, peering outside the frost-tinted windows as they bask within the toasty walls of the castle grounds; the fire-spells keep everyone warm for as long as they stay inside.
With the thick layers of snow barring any method of safe travel, the ongoing talks of their peace treaties with the humans have been temporarily suspended — more for the children of men’s sakes than that of the fae. If she so willed it, Queen Maleficia could wash away the snow with a flick of her wrist, but such matters, in her opinion, are trivial; nature is not something to be fixed at an instant, so why should she expend her energy for such things?
So during those days, cooped up within the castle walls with little to do, Lilia winds up lounging in the cushioned nook of a window, a little alcove tucked away in a winding tower towards the murky corners of the castle. Few fae ever roam here, save for a scant few servants pattering about cleaning the dusty hallways, and Lilia spends many languid hours with his head pressed against the cool glass, so intensely transfixed on the dancing snowflakes outside.
They are beautiful. Perhaps they are the last bits of perfection he shall ever witness in his life.
He has found no information about the shard that pricked his eye, nor has he found any sort of cure. Lilia has spent many a month searching, sifting through the treasure trove of books in the castle’s library to no avail. He had, at one point, considered going to the queen and telling her of his predicament — “In the month of summer, I believe a magical spell of some kind has afflicted my eye.” — but his own apathy stops him every time; there is simply no point in dragging others into this matter, not because Lilia does not wish to trouble them, but because, try as he might, the larger part of him just doesn’t care.
So, with his head pressed against the cold glass, Lilia closes his eyes and sighs.
The winter solstice is approaching, the longest night of the year. As nocturnal fae, creatures of the night, it is a joyous cause for celebration for their kind. Despite the blizzard that rages across the Valley night and day, many servants, guardsmen, people of their kingdom have been looking forward to the events; the castle town shall be open to all, shielded from the elements. All fae, young and old, can look forward to a night of dancing and festivities, dining on the finest food at the banquets, and celebrating the longevity of the night.
In years past, Lilia would have looked forward to it. But now, like everything else in his life, he feels nothing at all.
“Lilia? Are you here?”
He stifles a groan at the sound of Malleus’ voice. Again and again, the boy continues to scour for him, to seek him out and spend time with him. Lilia tries to indulge him, he really does! But each occasion spent together, needing to force himself to fake sincerity the whole way through — “Oh yes, Malleus, I would like to try the new blend of tea! Thank you kindly for the offer. How is your grandmother doing? I heard she has spent some time with you as of late—”
He can’t stand it. He can’t. It gets harder and harder with each passing day, the chill that permeates his skin sinking deeper and deeper, turning his heart into one carved of ice. His eye prickles with pain whenever he grits his teeth in a false smile; across the table from him, the young prince looks detestable, a selfish beast with far too much time, uncaring of what his servants are subjected to in their indulgence of him.
So he avoids him. As soon as Lilia hears him, he flicks his wrist, a swell of magic surrounding him. Bat-formed, Lilia takes to the rafters, huddling away in the corners of the ceiling as he listens to Malleus come and go. It is only when he hears that familiar voice fading away that he dares to leave, flapping his little wings as he makes a break for another isolated corner of the labyrinthian castle.
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The day of the winter solstice arrives, and with it comes the worst blizzard the valley has ever seen.
Cold winds lash against the fortifications of the castle, howling and rattling. Snow crashes from the sky, piling higher and higher upon the dead ground. And yet the castle is alight with the buzz of festivities — the many servants bustle about, wrapping up the last of their preparations, ensuring the banquet is ready with food for all, that the decor floats about in place, that the spells wrapping the castle and its town in a bubble of warmth remain solidly intact.
Throughout the day, Lilia sticks to the shadows, hovering out of sight. Today he feels… he doesn’t know how to describe it. Cold and dead as usual, his heart no longer the warm, affectionate thing it was before — but beneath the thick layers of apathy, there is something nestled beneath: the barest twitch of a muscle, a flutter of something. Lilia finds himself distracted with it the entire day as he meanders about, waiting for the clock to tick to a point when the festivities can start.
And when they do begin, the many residents of the valley teleporting into the castle en masse… Oh, how does Lilia even begin to describe them? Laughter rings freely, the merry melody of music from a string band sweeping the air as dancers circle across the floor. Wine glasses clink as people toast to prosperity and magic, hoping to see the weather ease up soon, and even the queen herself is out and about, walking amidst the crowd, a smile on her face as she mingles with the few faeries bold enough to approach her.
But Lilia—
He feels nothing watching all this. Nothing at all.
And yet… there is something else. That peculiar emotion buried underneath… it sings to him, calls to him, as though someone’s voice were tugging at a string. It only strengthens as the night goes on, likened to an unbearable itch; it is the first blissful thing he has felt in what feels like an eternity, and Lilia—
He misses it. He misses being able to love, to feel something other than apathy at best, and all these horrible, miserable emotions at worst — a repugnance, a rage, an irascibility that sparks every time someone tries to converse with him. Lilia misses being able to love freely, his heart softening as he grows older, brought on by the loss he’s experienced, and the love he mustered up to be able to raise Malleus into the man he is today.
So who can blame him for slipping off, for finding a way out of the castle grounds? Lilia answers the call, sneaking past guards who are far too drunk on wine, laughing and shouting as they play games at their stations. He does not bother with whisking up thick clothes for himself; Lilia merely plunges into the blizzard, battered at once by shrieking winds and a pelting of snow against his face, of a storm so deadly chilling that it would ravage even the strongest of faes.
And yet, he does not feel cold.
He grits his teeth as he presses on, dragging his legs through the thick boughs of snow. Lilia knows not how long it takes for him to trudge, only that it feels like forever — but he knows he is getting somewhere, because with each step he takes, the tugging in his chest grows and grows, the intensity of the emotion exciting him for the first time in months.
Is this the answer to his ailment?
Is there a cure tucked within the heart of the storm?
Lilia takes one step, and then another. He takes a third, and—
All at once, everything stops.
The wind dies away. The blizzard softens to a gentle snowfall. Little flakes of snow dance through the air as Lilia walks forward, head turning to and fro. How peculiar this is! He raises a hand, watching a flake fall into the open palm of his hand and rest there, and it is only the sound of hooves clumping against snow that snaps him out of his reverie.
Lilia turns his head, and sees a child.
A boy, who gazes at him with wide eyes that reflect the northern lights — auroras of shifting veins tinted shades of pink, purple, and blue, lights that Lilia has only gotten the chance to see once during a journey across the world. His hair sweeps across his forehead, locks of the purest silver as though spun from the nighttime stars, streaked with white like the pristine paleness of snow. He sits on a white stag, ice-spun crystals hanging from its glacial antlers, and around him is a fur-lined cloak and hood that swallows him whole, far too big for his tiny body.
Lilia’s breathing hitches—
Because the boy before him is the most beautiful thing he has seen in a long time.
“Hello,” the boy says after a while, a glimmering curiosity in those wide eyes of his. His mount trots forward, bringing him closer. “I’ve never seen you before,” he says, looking at Lilia closely.
At that, Lilia laughs. “I could say the same to you, little one.” He rests a hand on his hips, relishing in the joy, the curiosity, the emotions that flood him in full force; it has been so long! “It is a rare sight to see a young boy riding a stag in a storm like this.”
The boy’s face falls, and Lilia feels… worried. Did he upset him somehow? “I’ve been trying to stop the storm for a while now,” the boy explains, auroral eyes flicking to the storm that rages outside the bubble they’re within, continuing to ravage the valley to no end. “B-but it’s my first time really trying such a thing, and I don’t… really know how.”
Ah, Lilia thinks, finally coming to understand. A lost child. A boy with power over the very elements itself, who can control the season of cold and snow. And yet, who would place such responsibility upon a child, one so very young? He feels the fervent urge to lean in and coddle him, to reassure him that it’s alright, you’re trying your very best, I can help you if you just let me.
And why shouldn’t he do such a thing?
“I can help you, if you would like.”
In a flash, those pupils lock on him. “Would you?” the boy breathes. “I-I wouldn’t want to trouble you, mister—”
“It’s no trouble at all!” Lilia insists, stepping forward with a beaming smile on his face. He reaches out for the stag, feeling the beast nuzzle against the palm of his hand as he strokes it gently. Why should he return to the castle, to that unyielding, endless void of apathy and misery? Here, with the boy with eyes like the auroras and hair like the stars, Lilia feels something — the warm glow of parental affection, already growing so attached to such a young child.
“Then…” the boy mumbles, “would you come with me?”
Lilia only smiles. “Of course.”
And as he clambers onto the back of the steed, he asks, before they leave, one final question: “Pray tell, little one, what is your name?”
“My name?” the boy echoes, furrowing his brows. “I… I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
Lilia arches an eyebrow. What kind of a lonely life must this boy live, if he has not even considered his lack of a name? “Then would you mind if I gave you one?” he offers. Oh, it is such an incredibly forward move to suggest such a thing, with how important names are to his kind. But already, he is attached, his very soul bound to this child who gazes at him in wonder at the possibility of wielding his own name.
And the boy nods.
“Silver,” Lilia says, the name coming to him at once. Like the shine of the gleaming moon, the glitter of the stars, the wispy fall of the snow around them. Love blooms in his chest, the warmth cradling his very soul; Lilia curls his arms around the boy, his body so cold even through the chilling fabric of his cloak, pulling him against his chest into a hug. “That shall be your name.”
“Silver,” the boy echoes, testing it out on his tongue. He tilts his head back, a small smile gracing his rounded cheeks as he looks up at Lilia. “Thank you, mister. Could I ask what your name is?”
“It is Lilia, dear one,” he croons, relinquishing his name without a second thought. The two of them are bonded in mere moments, Lilia filled with a fulfilment he has not felt since that prick of a shard entered his eye.
There is nothing left for him here. That is what he tells himself as Silver leads them away, commanding his steed to take off into a prancing gallop, bursting from the tranquil heart of the storm into the raging blizzard, whisking them back to their home.
(Lilia fails to notice the figure that bursts through the clearing, chartreuse eyes widening in horror as a mouth parts to scream his name. He does not notice the horned boy who shivers in the cold, eyes wide as the wind whips at his long hair, watching the stag prance away, the boy who leads it ripping his guardian away from his grasp.)
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homestuck-stories · 1 year
Wait I want to request a thing for my best friend.
He adores karkat, sollux, and mituna. So If you could write something with any of them for him that would be lovely!
He loves cats and bees a ton, struggles with OCD and being half deaf (missing an ear). Hes an artist too and loves baking.
Just do whatever is easy but make it really sappy and romantic >:3c fluster him ♡
Hope this is ok to request! Thanks in advance!
—SOLLUX WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW. ARE YOU ON DRUGS? Some troll asked on Trollian. The notification arrived soon, being answered by another troll. —… no, iim not iin drug2. why are you a2kiing that riight now, KK? —LET'S SEE. YOU WERE REALLY SPECIFIC ABOUT WHAT YOU WANTED. YOU WANTED TO TALK WITH Y/N. I GAVE YOU HIS TAG. AND YOU IGNORED ME. I TALKED WITH HIM. THEY ACCEEDED TO TALK WITH YOU AND, AFTER PUTTING SOME WORK ON IT, I EVEN MAKE HIM AGREE INTO HAVING A DATE WITH YOU. BUT YOU HAVE TO GO NOW IF YOU WANT TO SEE HIM. The other troll tried not to panic. He knew how important it was to cause a good impression on you on the first date, so he said. —oh. 2o you 2ay that iim late. that make2 2en2e. yeah, ii 2hould go now. thank2 for remiindiing me two go talk wiith hiim, KK. ii dont know what iid do iif ii havent 2uch a good friiend —PLEASE DON'T BE DEPRESSIVE AND SWEET WITH ME. YOU ARE KINDA DISGUSTING. BUT YEAH, SAY THANKS. YOU HAVE TO BE THANKFUL I DON'T GO IN YOUR PLACE. THAT KID IS REALLY NICE AND HAS SOME GUTS, SO I FEEL HE COULD WORK AS A GOOD MATESPRIT. TA disconnected that moment, making his way to the place where you were waiting. He arrived as soon as possible for him and, when he arrived, he was so flustered. He wasn't expecting something so… Appropiate. You lacking a part of yourself (your ear) did make Sollux feel alright in a weird but good way. He was insecure because of his doom player condition, which made him half-blind and half-death in some weird way, so being able to see that his date was not perfect… Kinda fixed his vision. Not quite literally, since he was half-blind still. But it was the best he was gonna feel. At least, before talking with you. He approached while you were working on some art. It was a portrait of Nepeta and yourself surrounded by some cats. You both seemed kinda cute for him so it was time to talk for Sollux —hey. that look2 really cool, 2eriiou2ly. —… Huh?… Oh! It's you. Sorry, could you repeat what you said? Sollux was stupid. Or that's, at least, how he felt. Clearly he was half deaf and talking to him standing on kid's bad side was almost awful coming from someone who should understand his struggles. —… yeah, 2orry. ii wa2 2ayiing that… that your art look2 pretty cool. tho2e are really cool cat2 and ii have two admiit that iim 2orry for beiing late. —Oh, I know that you were, but I already came with my own plan. If you weren't coming, I was gonna keep drawing. I already planned everything so I wouldn't feel anxious if you couldn't assist. That sounded kinda bad and sad but then he remembered what KK said. "HE STRUGGLES WITH OCD. AND NO, I'M NOT TRYING TO MAKE ANY JOKES LIKE OLD CRUSTY DICK OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I'M TALKING ABOUT OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER." —2o… how are you? iim pretty bad wiith thii2, 2orry. probably iit2 better iif ii go. my lii2p ii2 makiing everythiing wor2e, iim probably the mo2t obnoxiiou2 troll you ever talked two —No, please! I planned everything because I would find kinda hurtful being alone when I want to spend time with you. Don't feel like you are bad at anything because the only thing you are not good at is making me feel uncomfortable!… Sollux was a little bit confused by your way of wording that, but soon recognized that you were trying to help. —okay… thank2 agaiin. and… ii want to 2pend tiime wiith you two. ii hope that wa2nt corny enough to 2care your a22 haha… You laughed because that sounded really cute. You shaked your head and said, with a smile —A little bit corny, yeah, but not enough. You have to try a little harder than that, sorry. So… I was doing this drawing because I wanted to improve my relationship with Nepeta and, well, I'm doing another one of Mituna. Do you have any request, something do you want me to draw for you? Something that will make you feel better. And that's how you and Sollux spent an evening together.
-------------------------------------------------------- Hey! I hope your friend likes it! I'm sorry if I misunderstood anything about the request, and I'm sorry if I can't capture exactly Sollux's personality! I tried my best and I hope it's good enough to fluster your friend! <3
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strange-creachure · 1 year
didnt want to make a huge deal of it at the time bc anxiety and what have you, buuut since yesterday marked 2 full months from this thingy (perhaps most impactful in my life so far lol), figured i'd do a little post anyway?? felt appropiate what with it being pride month and ya know :zoomies:
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(tldr, have two rad little lines going across on my body and feeling more light and normal (in the best kind of way) than i have for years :catlove:)  i'm in an incredibly lucky place living situation wise (s/o being in a position where he could take a loan for us, and finland being a country that doesnt generally indiscriminate these kind of things as much) where i could get a good ol operation that single-handedly yoinked off my serious dysphoria and -related anxiety and its been (and still is) so incredibly freeing and pleasant and carefree vibe when ur body feels and looks the way you felt it should have always been. especially when, (tw: dysphoria) increasingly for the past couple years its felt just so incredibly.. wrong? to an extent you felt constantly sick?, for reasons you cant even quite explain?, for features your biology imposed on you without any word on your part, and the societal norms or whatever that came with it??? and just.. the entire lack of choice or being unable to do anything about it?? absolutely worst. do not recommend. unfortunately a fairly common experience in the lgbt circles (that i keep hearing) and something a lot of people have to deal with, unfortunately. so in a very stark comparison, post-op and recovering and just /living/ without those restrictions or weights on ya, it's pretty freakin rad. having authority on the silly little meat vehicle again haha. (recovery wise feel entirely normal and well by now, just the whole 'having a both physical and very taxing mental weight off of the shoulders that i'd not realised how long its been there' has had me feeling very childlike joy and the like, yknow. maybe some of u could tell from the text brrrr nyoomies for a while now huhu :zoomies:) dunno if this is "too personal" or unnecessary or kinda silly to share, but kind of jus wanna put it out there in case there's the odd person in there who feels the same way, incredibly awful for reasons you cant quite explain or even grasp - i promise you're not inherently broken or "wrong", there is a reason for it, gender or neurodivergency wise or otherwise. it sure took me a while, and while it's an unique road for everyone, u can get there, one way or other. for example im more comfy with my brain funnies than i've been in years just from reading more and getting to know likeminded people and overall understanding things better, and that alone has helped me a lot. dont necessarily feel the need to transition anything further body wise either; dont consider myself a trans person, and dunno what kind of label or tag would even fit my gender other than just?? kind of vaguely nonbinary i guess?? since im just.. omee? default person shaped? and for the longest time, it feels good and normal and /right/. dunno. wanted to share the excellent good vibes despite this whole mess of a world situation lol. #textwall #manywords  happy pride y'all! every single one of you friendshapes is very important and appreciated ❤️
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for context! i'm huge fan of people who are happy with their bodies; its the best possible place to be! and such, want to confirm I dont have and never had anything against female chest in general, im genuinely glad some people can carry themselves with pride and joy, it simply wasnt a concept my brain could accept for me; personally they looked and felt really wrong on me, despite being physically healthy and "normal"; nothing were wrong with my pre- chest shapes except them residing on my body.
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minyyard · 3 years
A Driving Lesson. // Helmut Zemo x f!reader.
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"I could make you feel so many things inside one of these, if you'd like."
It was a sentence Zemo thought would come to a very different situation than the one he was in right now.
Baron Zemo x Reader. I don't know if you can call this a One Shot.
Word count: 994.
There isn't really any warnings, this is just a little thing I've been wanting to write for a while. Please, keep in mind that English is not my first language and I don't have anyone to review what I write, so I'm sure there will be some things strangely written or straight up wrong. I'm sorry for that, this is also the first thing I write seriously and I hope I'll improve with time. That said... I hope you enjoy it! 💞
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
"I could make you feel so many things inside one of these, if you'd like."
It was a sentence Zemo thought would come to a very different situation than the one he was in right now.
For example, he had imagined his hand gripping your thigh, not the car's grab handler, tight like his life depended on it. He certainly felt like it did. He had also imagined his pulse racing, the same way said car was doing right now thanks to your foot stepping on the pedal until there wasn't room for more. At best, he could say his heart was going to break off his chest, and it was thanks to seeing your stare, pinned on the road so fiercely, adrenaline running through every inch of you... He could have thought it was hot if he wasn't fearing for his life more than he had done even when facing the Avengers and the Government at the same time. And this was a situation he had put himself in willingly.
The worst thing about it? Your driving is perfect. Yes, you're a little rough on it, but every movement and every maneuver you make is carried without mistakes. Just at the edge of danger, enough to feel it in your veins, to have your brain vibrating with the excitement caused by speed. You've always liked cars, at least since the very first day you put your hands on a steering wheel. Maybe it was something about the freeing sensation it caused in you. It was always volatile, gone as fast as it had arrived, but after years being controlled and ordered around by other people, you'd come to appreciate those moments.
After racing and turning during what felt like an eternity to him, you finally park the car. Your hair's a mess after the wind had played with it during almost half of the ride, but the glow in your eyes and your excited yet amused smile on your lips both show you don't really care about it. When you look at him, you realize it: it's the first time that you've seen him this taken aback. Surprised, even. And you take pride in the fact that it's been you the one who's left the grand Sokovian genius like this. Nearly panting, looking ahead of him like he had seen a ghost, or his entire life passing like a movie in front of his eyes.
"I told you, I'm sure you've felt a lot of things. You don't have to thank me, though." He then looks at you, like he's just realized you're still here, and quickly tries to recompose himself. He's good at it, but the pale skin on his face can't be hidden under a smirk.
"You're..." He pauses, maybe thinking on an appropiate word to describe whatever he wants to call you. His tongue grazes his lower lip in a faint attempt to gain some time. You think it's cute, how he's trying to act like he hadn't think he was going to die just some minutes ago. "... True to your word, really. And you've showed me a good reason not to get into any car you're going to drive in the future."
You know he's only teasing you, averting the attention from him to any other topic. Even so, you can't help but scowl.
"I'm sorry? I know how to drive perfectly. Does your little precious car have any scrapes on it? I haven't even put you in danger, and you know how much Sam and Bucky would have loved that." You raise an eyebrow. That's a lie. If either of them knew you'd gotten into one of the Baron's cars just to scare him a little after his failed attempt of flirting with you and then found out you'd put both of you –or you alone– in danger just for that... Oh, yes, you wouldn't even need a car to end straight up dead.
It's okay, you think. You're only having a little fun, and it isn't anything really bad, right? It's not like he attracts you. It's not like every time his eyes land on you it almost feels like a physical caress. It's not like it burns your skin every time you touch him, like when he handed you the keys to the car and your fingers brushed ever so lightly, yet it felt like so much more.
"You're staring." He murmurs in a soft, ever mocking voice, noticing how your cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "But anyhow, I also think I'd let you drive my cars before I'd let any of those thugs do it. You're... More entertaining than I remembered. I think we're going to have a great time, my lady."
His smile is now more than enticing, but you know better, and you know how to keep your composture even when those dark eyes are pinned solely on you. Teasing. Taunting. Almost challenging. You purse your lips at the same time the little voice in the back of your head sings a horrible truth: this is not going to end well for any of you.
"Yeah, you're going to have a great time once we throw you in jail again." You avert your eyes and look forward, forcing a smile on your lips at the same time you start the car again. "C'mon, I don't want Bucky tearing half the city down because he can't find any of us."
You swear you can see a glint of panic in his eyes just before you start driving again, but there's another thing. A different look on his gaze. Disappointment. And you don't know why it sets such a bitter feeling on your stomach, but you're determined to smash it under the edging feeling of the car speeding up until there's nothing else to think about but the racing pulse on your chest and the sharp stroke of the wind over your face.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
‘Love and Redemption’ eps 51-59 (final thoughts)
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I feel empty but I’m happy. I finished it, it’s over and it’s going to my top favorite dramas of this year. What a crazy, beautiful, painful but rewarding ride! Also, that’s a huge ass poster but it seemed appropiate for the final post and it’s just gorgeous.
This is a very long post, you’ve been warned lol
First thing first: WE GOT A HAPPY ENDING. I loved the story but I knew, going into it that it was a hell of angst fest and that held me back a bit, except that I learned that it ended happily, and hey, I’m down for those endings. What can I say? I don’t do sad endings, real life is already messed up enough. Also, my boy Sifeng remained from beginning to end, my favorite character in the drama AND enters my honorable list of favorite male leads in dramas I keep thinking about making a real post with that list, maybe soon 
I love Xuanji a lot. I want to make that clear before saying what’s next. While I think that she was definitely a lot dumber and gullible that I’d liked her to be, I understood why she was acting the way she did. During  eps 41-50 she didn’t know what Sifeng was doing the way that we as viewers did. She had no idea. Could she have figured it out if she’d tried? Yes, but also, she had a precedent of letting revenge and resentment get the best of her in another 9 lives... so it was not really that crazy that she tried to kill Sifeng. Did I wanted to slap some sense into her? Totally, but I think she was punished enough for doubting him. Not only because she learned the truth of all those past lives and that she always hurt Sifeng but because our male lead himself punished her by pushing her away and given her the cold shoulder once she found him. After two years, mind you.
I think that, if you add all that up, it’s actually a bit more than what she deserved. Poor girl. Also, she totally made up for it once Sifeng forgave her, my heart melted/broke while she cared for him before and after finding out he was dying yet again, because of her, because he saved her.
And then Xuanji made the biggest, most in your face declaration of love and devotion in the whole three realms, when she found out that she was in fact not only the God of War but also the Star of Mosha aka the most terrible and evil dude to ever exist (Dijun’s words not mine) and still opened the crystal lamp... Because only by doing that she could save Sifeng’s life. She basically said “fuck the 3 realms and their peace, if Sifeng’s dead then I don’t care for anything” even when she knew she’d become a man which is hilarious to me bc what the fuck censors?
So Sifeng was no longer on mortal danger but he lost Xuanji sort of since she was now a man lol and thus we never broke the cycle of “we must make Sifeng suffer throughout the whole show”. I can appreciate the consistency of it, even if it broke my heart to see him like that.
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And then the drama turned into a BL drama. Which made me laugh for a good almost 4 episodes. I loved it, it’s true. I can’t deny watching Sifeng stare lovingly at a man while holding his hands and telling him “I won’t leave you” didn’t do things to my heart and that my fangirling personality was left unaffected. I do have trouble coming to an understanding of the censors and their mystical ways because they were just not watching the drama. Or maybe they were, since they cut the ep count from 70 to 59. I do wonder what else was in that part of the story we’ll never get to see. Probs more gay stuff and hey! how dare you deprive me of it, censors?
I’m so glad most side plots and problems were resolved before these last 9 episodes, because then we had all that time to focus on OTP achieving a well deserved happy ending while exploring BL options AND the whole “God of War/Star of Mosha are the same person” was finally explained. Which, wow, it was heavy and fucking Dijun, you really are the shittiest shit excuse of a God to ever shit-exist. What an asshole. I felt really bad Luohuo Jidu, to be betrayed and mutilated in that way by a person you cared for and trusted... that’s a terrible violation to suffer. Truly horrible. He didn’t deserved any of that, he was innocent and he wasn’t going to harm anyone or bring war to the heavens. And the ending they gave to Dijun is my one problem with this drama, the one thing that I hated. But tbh no ending would’ve ever felt satisfactory to me. In the end, Xuanji’s attitude, indifference, was the best position to take, since revenge and hate wouldn’t have done any good.
I did enjoy a bit Dijun’s breakdown when the Heavenly Emperor showed him what could’ve happened if he’d never meddled in the whole affair with his stupid motivation to “save and guard the 3 realms”. It was all caused by him... and as much as I hate to admit it, without him, there wouldn’t be a drama. Think about it, had he not created the God of War, Xuanji wouldn’t exist and Sifeng would’ve never fallen in love with her. Everything was Dijun’s fault, including the love story and I feel conflicted about it ngl hahaha.
Which brings me to the revelation that Sifeng was XiXuan while in Heaven, the son of the Heavenly Emperor, a prince of the Heavens and the gasp, the shock, the screams out of my mouth!! It made a lot of sense that only someone in a high position would fly right in the middle of a heavenly execution and say “You’re not dying today, I will make them send you to the mortal realm and go through 10 tribulations. And I’m going with you.” Like !!!!!! Sifeng was SOOOOO Sifeng even before being Sifeng. Which is the reason why even Luohuo Jidu fell for Sifeng ha! 
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This was just Sifeng being a sexy badass telling his bf/gf “You need me”
The whole thing while Sifeng was on hell or whatever it’s called, with the Star of Mosha, was totally a BL drama plot and I was loving it. What a way to truly love someone, Sifeng. No matter if she was a dude or a woman or public enemy number 1, he was loyal and supportive of Xuanji in whatever form. Of course no one could resist that level of adoration and ultimately, Sifeng’s fierce love is what saved his life at the end since Luohuo Jidu gave him half of his heart, which reminds me, Heavenly Emperor is really one bad father he barely showed any concern for a son he hadn’t seen in 1000 years and died like 10 times. Wtf? He was also not only a bad father, but also the worst Heavenly Emperor, since he did nothing to prevent any of the problems in the last thousand years!
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That was sooo straight of you, drama ;)
I didn’t really understood how Xuanji and Luohuo Jidu got separated but since they already had an independent mind and personality of the other, I guess that was the key? Whatever, love conquers all, and always wins.
After all the big revelations and stopping the end of the world, Sifeng was also in a coma for like a year or who knows how long and poor Xuanji waited/cared for him patiently. To me, it feels safe to say she suffered as much as Sifeng did and loved as loyally as him. Their wedding and their wedding night was stuff out of a fairytale and ChengYi’s ost was the perfect song for it, I was soooooo happy and couldn’t stop smiling like a fool.
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The scene with the party, demons and mortals united and celebrating like equals and getting drunk, with Sifeng following his wife around the place while carrying their baby on his arms and trying to get her to put down the wine hahaha was the perfect and a well deserved ending for them.
I like to think they ascended again after a long, happy mortal life, and were free to love and adore each other for eternity. Sifeng, Xuanji, yours was a crazy as f*ck ride, full of pain and tears, but I’m so glad you loved each other so deeply, against all odds, curses, lies and whatnot. Cheers to you and your happiest ending!
I don’t know if I want a season 2! On one hand, if it’s the same cast I’d just have to see it, no question about it, though it ended perfectly. And if it is another cast, why do a second season at all?
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fullsunalicia · 4 years
hiii! i just found your account and i’m so in love with everything you’ve written!!! can i request a johnny demigod au?
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piece by piece — SYH
johnny would rather die than admit he’s not able to fix something. no matter what it is, he’s absolutely certain he can find a way to make it right. correct the clock’s tick. make the light bulb shine again. puzzle the pieces of your heart together. who else would, if not him?
son of hephaestus!johnny x daughter of dionysus!reader
of course you can! thank you for request love, i hope you enjoy! <3
Some people are born with a silver-spoon in their mouth. Johnny entered the world with mechanical tools and screwdrivers in his little hands. At least that’s what he keeps on telling others when they watch him build something.
He’s always had a knack for stuff like that. During experiments, it was always Johnny who got the thing up and working. He loves to create. There’s no better feeling than getting something to work again, like a broken clock, or a flickering light.
There’s only one exception. Johnny’s never tried to fix a heart before, but he’s willing to try.
A loud yelp escapes you as Johnny takes away the wine bottle you were clinging to. Is this your second or third one? Honestly, he doesn’t remember. He hasn’t been paying attention. The only thing that matters right now is getting you away from all the alcohol, and into a bed to sleep your rush off. Your eyes are stained red, rivalling those of a stoner. Your fix is free; it’s called ‘tears’. Truth be told, you’re an emotional mess, and everything spills over the second alcohol enters your bloodstream and chases away the deep-rooted pain inside your chest.
“You give that back right now, Seo.”
“Not a chance in hell,” he deadpans. The frat house is way too loud, overcrowded with people he’s never seen before, but you’re gonna have to deal with that if you’re going to sleep over tonight. Strong arms slide beneath your back and into the hollows of your knees, lifting you up as if you‘re the pound of feathers and not the pound of iron you feel like. It’s a familiar feeling, because Johnny always carries you to bed. It’s a tradition that’s slipped into your drunk habits aswell, since you tend to pass out in your intoxicated bliss instead of helping yourself to an appropiate sleeping place.
Johnny sets you down on a soft mattress, one you recognize too easily. His blankets are freshly washed, and you ignore the laughter falling from Johnny’s lips as you snuggle into them. You look like a toddler. “Aren’t you going to change, (y/n)?” he mumbles, fingertips brushing over your cheekbones. You’re like a sculpture - flawless marble, the perfect depiction of a Greek beauty. Venus de Milo is literally sprawled over his bed. Not many guys can say that. “That croptop must be kinda tight. Here, let me help you.”
“You think you’re funny?” you drawl out. Alcohol makes your tongue heavy, speaking is an effort. He’d never admit it out loud, but you’re rather adorable whenever you’ve had a sip too much. Johnny tucks you in, the soft, plushy blankets covering your entire body. Your eyes are already screwed shut. You’ve got a sharp tongue, but everybody knows how much you trust Johnny. More than anyone else in your life. He’s the one who looks past the drunk facade and sees the sorrow beneath it, the very same your father must have felt when Ariadne left him for eternity. Like an illness, your heart is rotting from an invisible wound, inflicted by someone who didn’t know how to treat you right.
Johnny would. He knows you deserve to be treated like a princess, not some prize. That’s why he broke that guy’s jaw with pure pleasure. The busted knuckles after that were beyond worth it, and the kiss you had left on them was just the cherry on top.
There’s nothing Johnny wouldn’t do for you. His head is filled with thoughts about you and you only, his entire existence revolves around protecting his tiny best friend. You’re his world, and Johnny’s the moon circling it. You just don’t know it yet. Maybe you don’t want him, reject him like Aphrodite did to his father. It doesn’t sound so bad when it means he can still baby you like this, fingers carding through your hair, listening to the appreciative hums you let out at that. When he lowers his head to sneak a kiss on your cheek, cheeky and daring, you don’t fulfill your threats to snap his neck. Drowsily, since you’re already slipping into slumber, you catch Johnny around the neck and pull him down to leave your own peck on his temple.
Whoever in Olymp is responsible for your behavior, whatever Fate had meddled with your creation - he’d sincerely like to thank them from the bottom of his heart for making you a clingy drunk.
Since the first day of college, Johnny has been taking care of you. He had helped you renovate your dorms since you are literally helpless when it comes to building cupboards and setting up some baseboards. Whenever you miss a lecture, you copy off his carefully written notes. And you can bet your sweet ass you’re the first one to take a sip of Johnny’s freshly brewed coffee. It’s not like he has it in himself to stop you - he’s the one who offers you the mug and scolds you for not taking care of yourself. He’s the one who wants to ease off some stress from your shoulders by helping you with your living quarters. He wants to make sure you get the correct notes so you don’t fail during an exam.
It’s only right he’s the one to solve the jigsaw puzzle that represents your heart.
❀ ❀ ❀
“Raise your hand if you think (y/n)’s an alcoholic.”
“Nakamoto, if you don’t shut up, I’ll seriously consider stuffing your mouth with a croissant.” Over the breakfast table, you throw an not-so-evil glare Yuta’s way, but the man only laughs and starts eating his cereal. You don’t really look threatening in your blanket cocoon; you had refused to part from them when Johnny had woken you up and dragged you out of his room. “Seo, put that hand down right now.”
“Lying is a sin, (y/n).” He catches the hand that tried to hit his chest, and you yelp loudly when he tugs you out of your safe space inside the blankets so you can sit on his lap. His frat brothers are staring, all of them aware about the feelings blossoming in Johnny’s chest for the alcoholic he managed to befriend. He doesn’t care, though. He’s too busy adoring the embarrassed blush on your cheeks, so distracted by the sight that he forgets you’re in attack mode. The flick to his forehead actually hurts. “Don’t make me throw you across the table, (y/n). You know I can do it.”
“I’m not an alcoholic,” you shoot back. Stubborn as always.
Johnny’s arm around your waist doesn’t seem to bother you. You actually continue your breakfast while he rests his head on your shoulder, lost in your natural fragrance. Of course you smell like grapes. The stench of alcohol. But he also picks up roses, the underlying notes of the perfume you had put on last night. According to you, he smells like burnt wood and oil. That doesn’t sound as pleasant as you do, but he’ll take what he can.
The gears are already set in motion. Without you knowing, Johnny plans to cure your broken heart. So when you set down the knife you used to cut open your croissant, Johnny asks you: “(y/n), wanna go on a date?”
You freeze on his lap. Your heartbeat thunders below his touch, like a clock ticking away. Hearts are nothing but clockwork, racing towards your death. The last hour of your life. Until your battery finally runs out. Johnny has a lot of mechanic jokes. “Excuse me? Are you still drunk?”
“You of all people are not allowed to ask me if I’m drunk.”
“Fair,” you mumble, almost offended. But the shock still lingers in your veins, painted on his friend’s face aswell. You turn in his hold to look Johnny in the eyes, the disbelief in yours driving a knife through his heart. “Is this a joke, Seo Youngho? I don’t particularly like to joke about this and you know that better than anyone else.”
“That’s exactly why I’m asking.” Johnny’s fingers tug at your shirt, desperate to feel what’s below. Is your skin as soft as it looks like? If he touches you here and there, what can he coax out of you? His thoughts run wild about you always; sometimes innocently, sometimes anything but. “I’m sick of watching you drink your problems away, (y/n). We all know you’ve gotten over him, you’re just afraid of facing the consequences of what he’s done to you. Let me help you. I can fix this.”
Your eyes are hypnotizing. Maybe this is what it looks like when maenads possess their victims, luring them in with the promise of a good time and better alcohol. You don’t offer him intoxication - you offer Johnny the entire galaxy, every solar system locked into your gaze, a kaleidoscope of human memories, desire, love. One look would make any man lightheaded.
Children of Hephaestus are fireproof. They’re supposed to be blacksmiths, working at any temperature. Only you manage to leave scorch markings where your fingertips meet his face, uncomfortably hot, and still irresistible. Second degree burns don’t sound so bad when you’re the one inflicting them.
“You can’t fix everything, Johnny,” you tell him. The sadness clinging to your voice is centuries old, older than time itself, the common tale of a heart broken that’s never going to be whole again. “No matter how hard you try.”
Johnny clings to you like a drowning man would to his life ring. “You wouldn’t know. You never let me try.”
❀ ❀ ❀
Johnny doesn’t know where you start and he ends. Your relationship is blurred lines, interwoven red strings. There are pieces you’ve been given by him to make you complete, and parts you’ve given away to fulfill him. You give and give and give, never once thinking if it’s going to break you.
That’s why it’s so easy to love Johnny. A very long time ago, you’d already promised him your heart, long before it had been darkened by strangers who never learnt how to treat it. It’s his, in every sense of the word. Over the years, it has been fed with happy things. Johnny’s smile. The pride you feel whenever he wins an award for his experiments and ideas. The giddy feeling he sets off inside you when he lifts you off the ground to twirl you around like a princess. The many nights you used to stay up to listen to him and count the stars, naming them after you while you fell asleep to the sound of Johnny’s pulse. How could your heart belong to someone else, when it’s never known anyone besides him?
As long as there’s a beat inside your heart, there will be love, too. In the many thousand shards that pierce through your lungs and are barely hidden beneath your skin, affection will always pool beneath the blood they draw. You were so suspicious of Johnny’s attempts, yet it comes so easy.
He takes you out to see the city, even though you know every corner of it. Johnny forces you to see it with new eyes, to chase away the bad experiences you connect them with. The park where you had been broken up with turns into the place where Johnny teaches you to skate, arms tight around your waist, the promise of no harm ever coming to you if he can prevent it luring you to try. The many restaurants you had started to avoid because of the couples dining there had turned into date nights where Johnny orders for you and you in turn for him, laughing at the grimace the other pulls when it doesn’t taste as expected. He takes your memories and flips them, good side up.
Your lungs had been poisoned with toxins for a very long time. Johnny was the clean air that helped you breathe. What had once been pain turned into newfound happiness, the flutter of butterflies inside your stomach. The exploding fireworks Johnny sets off when his lips meet your skin.
Where alcohol had once mended was now pure fire. Johnny’s fire, burning you from the inside out, setting you free like a phoenix out of his ashes.
You should’ve known better than to trust this good feeling. A year’s worth of pain is not erased so easily. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Doubt eats away at your heart, casting long shadows of the healing pieces.
❀ ❀ ❀
Johnny hates the theoretical part of his studies. His hands itch to work, to forge, to create. They can’t sit still, and that’s why it takes him hours to finish his assignments. If there’s not the impending doom of an exam lingering inside his mind, there’s no reason for him to sit unmoving on a chair for several hours to concentrate on the task at hand.
But time is running out, and he has to finish this now. He had already slept for the entire day, having eaten breakfast at 3pm since another frat party had kept him awake yesterday. Yeah, he should’ve laid off the alcohol, but you go ahead and try to tell Sicheng no when he begs you to come play beer pong.
That’s physically impossible. There’s not a single soul on this planet that’s able to resist Sicheng’s puppy dog eyes, and he knows. Monster.
That’s why Johnny sits here now. He has to force his short attention span to cling to the paper he’s supposed to be writing on, since he knows damn well he’d grasp at any chance to procrastinate. His thoughts wander to you, like always. His sweet (y/n). The raging alcoholic.
Or, how he likes to call you, his princess.
The petname colors your cheeks red and makes you lower your pretty eyes. His imagination is too vivid - Johnny groans loudly as you conquer his mind again, determined to stay there forever. Daydreams are always conjured by the wish of seeing you. Johnny is so unbelievably whipped.
He’s already decided. The next time he sees you, he’s going to ask you to be his girlfriend. To be his for as long as he exists, and in turn being yours forever. In a room full of people, Johnny’s eyes would still search for you. Who else would he love for the rest of his life if not you?
Maybe he’ll never get to.
The door to his room is thrown open rather loudly. Yuta tumbles in, yawn leaving his lips, before the man freezes in his movements and stares at Johnny. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“This is my room, you know.”
“I know this is your room, you giant idiot,” Yuta hisses. Johnny furrows his eyebrows; had he done something wrong...? What’s gotten the man so worked up? “I’m asking you why you’re here instead of the date you promised your almost-girlfriend who you’ve been in love with your entire life!”
Johnny’s heart drops. It falls and falls into that pit of dread inside his stomach, just like pencil and ruler as he throws it onto the table and grabs his jacket. He almost tumbles down the stairs and breaks his neck, but that’d be worth it if it meant reaching you faster. Taeil yells at him to be more careful, though his words only meet deaf ears. Johnny’s already long gone, bursting through the door as he starts running and prays it’s enough to reach you in time.
You’re not there.
He wonders how he can call himself a son of Hephaestus when he cannot even stop his own heart from shattering at the realization that he may have lost you forever. It would’ve been your anniversary with your ex boyfriend today, and Johnny realizes only now.
If only his father could see him like this. He’d cast him off Olympus, a perfect mimic of what Hera had done thousands of years ago. It’s what Johnny would have deserved.
❀ ❀ ❀
The many messages he leaves on your voicemail remain unanswered. He knocks at your dorm often, but you never open, not a rustle is heard inside. Like a graveyard, there’s only the sound of the wind breezing through your apartment, no sign of life. Your phone doesn’t ring when he calls you from outside the dorm, as if you’re not there. Not home.
Nowhere near him.
Back to square one, Johnny loves you from a distance. His tears soak the blankets you used to lull yourself in, and he spends hours locked inside his room listening to the playlist you created.
In a morbid sense of longing, he even bought that type of vodka you like so much. The one that tastes like peppermint and makes him want to retch, even though you’re able to swallow it up like water. He’s always known you were an alcoholic. For once, Johnny wishes you were here, getting drunk alongside him.
No matter how much the liquor numbs his senses, it doesn’t stop him from thinking about you. Like a broken record, Johnny always ends up wondering how you are. If you feel a little better, even though Johnny stood you up.
Every night, he asks the stars for you. They never respond.
❀ ❀ ❀
Johnny doesn’t know what he’s doing here. There’s no sense to knocking at your door - you’d die before opening it willingly. After all, you had opened your heart to him, and look where that had gotten you.
He almost passes out in relief when your face appears in the doorway, tear tracks staining your face. “Have you come to torture me more?” you whisper, too afraid of your voice breaking. If you can’t even stop your heart from doing it, you’d like to atleast beware your voice. “Go ahead. Let’s see what kills me first, my broken heart or alcohol.”
“(y/n),” he breathes out, and the pain in his voice makes you flinch. It matches the one sitting in your chest, an exact replica. Distance wounded you both. “(y/n), I am the stupidest man alive and I am so sorry I left you standing in the rain back then. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.”
“I’d like to know that, too,” you mumble. Your voice is bitter, but your hands reach to hold his. Is he imagining things, or are you actually tugging him inside right now? Is it wishful thinking? Is that it?
Your apartment looks like a mess, as always. A perfect mirror to your mind. Johnny used to tease you about it. Now, it just makes him feel worse, because he did that to you. “I need to say it,” he suddenly says. “I need you to know.”
“To know what?”
“I love you.”
The three magic words. Instant remedy to any kind of wound, no matter how old, no matter how deadly. You confuse Johnny by laughing, fresh tears running over the old traces on your cheeks.
“I know.” You tug at his shirt and force him down; your scent floods Johnny’s senses when you press your face against the column of his neck. Now you’re home. Right where you’re supposed to be. “Who the else would be patient enough to fix me? I’m a big, fat mess. I should’ve waited for you that day...”
“You should have beat my fucking ass,” Johnny curses, and then he finally kisses you. Like fire, his kiss devours, rampant heat frying your senses and jumpstarting your tired heart. The kiss is way too messy, teeth knocking against each other in a frenzy. This is what you needed - the undying, pure love Johnny provides you with. It’s what you’ve been longing for since the first time you set eyes on him, the very first time his puzzle pieces clicked into place inside you.
Johnny’s never tried to fix a heart before, but he’s also the one who knows yours inside out. It’s only right that he’s the one who puts it together piece by piece.
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
Tara told one person to shut the fuck up but from i gathered from the comments too was that after that she said fuck you again and told JC "Tell your chat to shut the fuck up", when literally people were mad because she was taking forever to make up her mind about taking a shot of whiskey by saying she was going to throw up. JC asked her if she did throw up to do it off camera or else he'd get banned and she said "I dont fucking care im throwing up". She said it before even taking the shot. So that type of behavior from people that are fans of JC, there to see JC is a bit off putting. The exact same thing happened last time when she kept cursing at him for "forcing" her to play a scary game when the whole point of that stream was to play a scary game with headphones on and the lights off. He previously had Franny do it too.
The "shes annoying" comment the anon made, Tara literally said that, she said she's aware of how annoying she is. In this stream she said in the beginning that if she got $50 she was walking away because she knew she was going to put them all through a lot. She literally said it. My thing is, if you know this about yourself and you know how JCs streams are and how crazy chat gets (he gets 5k+ views a night), why would you agree to show up and do this. Like you said she could have been there for moral support, but yet she decides to join in and then complains. Someone told JC in the chat, "JC next time dont invite Tara to these things,she does this all the time", she saw that and then claimed his chat was bullying her, while all the girls just stared at her and just laughed at whatever dumb whitty remark JC made because he wasnt paying attention.
The funny thing is she is sooooo different when she goes live on her own or goes live with Jake. On her lives shes sweet and quiet, with Jake shes bossy but he also bugs her a lot. On JCs though she curses and shows this aggressive behavior and he is not the type to call out people, he just goes silent, when the guys fight and get heated or get mad at him he'll mute his mic and just giggle or stay quiet everytime. I dont think shes cut out for these types of streams, im actually surprised she did one of his car wash streams to be honest.
i don't agree with her yelling and cursing out jc's chat. that's not appropiate. but she probably felt embarrassed for being uncomfortable. and then that probs got amplified by possibly one person saying 'don't invite tara back'.
and the annoying comment, i know she said that about herself, i'm just saying i don't agree with it haha
i don't like when ppl call themselves annoying, even tho i do that to myself. but nonetheless, i think she's just stubborn. but admitting it and then putting yourself in situations that really make it apparent don't really do anything beneficial for you lol
but yeah, she probably should have just tapped out or only been there for moral support if she felt like she wasn't gonna be in the mood to play his games.
and i feel like the reason she acts differently on jc's stream versus her's or jake's is bc jc's aren't guaranteed to be fans of hers. jake's - it's more likely. and then with her own, of course she's gonna be sweeter towards. and maybe she just feels like she has to defend herself when it comes to other fanbases? idk for certain if that's how she feels, but it could be a reason.
i will say tho... i love jcs car wash streams. however, i can't imagine sitting in that car. it must be so fucking gross lol
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taliel-strykidz · 4 years
The Long Run
(I don’t know what possessed me to write their first official date as a picnic with juice pouches.) 
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It was almost a silent promise to eachother- No one knew when exactly it happened but it was almost as if they'd hopped into the routine instead of second guessing themselves. After a few weeks of filming for WGM the Jin-Huan couple were seemingly a real couple, with the way they would talk to eachother to actually living in the house provided for them. Like I said it was a silent agreement, that this was real and they wanted to make this to the long run.  Especially after the accident they decided that this was what they wanted, not having to keep a distance because people may get the wrong idea because they had been through too much to not be together at this point.
Huannie was the first to wake up to her phone ringing- after giving the camera a tired wave she quietly slid on her slippers and crapt out of the room, moving closer to the camera with an annoyed look to show the camera Jackson Wang calling. "No." She grumbled before declining the call and head straight for the kitchen.
"Yah, Hwang Dong-Hyun would it kill your producers budget to put some cereal in my cupboards? Would you like a coffee?" She complained to the camera man filming her as she waved the NCT127 coffee cup that Bao had gifted her at him. Waiting for the coffee maker she found herself having mindless conversations with Dong-Hyun about the day of filming, apologising in advance for the amount of running around he would have to do that day.  Upon having the banterful conversations with the camera man she failed to notice a disheveled Jinyoung exist the bedroom, almost jumping when she felt the warm arms wrap around her waist.
"Morning Jinyoungie." She mumbled continuing to make her and Dong-Hyun a cup of coffee.
"Morning Jagi- Where's mine?" He murmured into her neck seemingly pouting as she happily passed one over to their new friend and not him.
"Well maybe if a certain Jackson Wang didn't wake me up this morning you'd get a coffee, I thought you told to demon child not to call before ten?"
"Ani, Huannie you can't hold me responsible for JB's child." He complained reaching for her cup of coffee instead, to which the woman snatched it away from him.
"You can't just decide when they're your kids or not." She protested, turning around in his arms to look at him.
"Since you're being so mean this morning, I won't tell you where we're going." He sing songed running around the kitchen to avoid her. "We won't tell you will we Dong-Hyun?"
Reluctantly she made him a cup of coffee and slid it over to him with puppy dog eyes, the male glanced over to the camera man who shrugged his shoulder.
"Get dressed, we have a date to go on." He whispered, gently flicking her forehead.
"Ay, Jinyoungie tell me where we are going so I can dress appropiately!" She yelled after him as they sprinted to their spare room, of which they designated all of their clothes to be stored in. She was following close behind pouting like he had thrown her goldfish down the toilet, unbeknownst of the camera recording her being a pouty mess.
"No! Jagi- post that and you're dead." She threatened advancing toward him as he tried to find an escape route so he didn't get killed.  
"What colour do you like best? The white or the black?" He changed the subject holding up a white/grey summer dress and a black one, the woman only looked at his with skeptical eyes slowly taking the first option and backed away from him.
"Get dressed and bring a jacket we are going to our spot."
Huannie stood there in the dress he'd picked out and a pink cardigan, the grass tickling in small strokes, a beautiful green scenery for their first real date. She giggled as she noticed the quaint picnic set up in the middle of the sunflower feild, she knew before they walked any further that alot of things had changed emotionally for the two of them. But whatever was to come, it meant that the two didn't have to be afraid to let the other in anymore. Or perhaps it would stay the same, maybe it will be the turning point for them to finally admit to their feelings towards eachother. She purses her lips and speaks as if the information is of no importance. "Yah, Jinyoungie. I love it, just like the old days huh?"
"Oh, this, you like it? I thought we should start it officially in the place we began." Huannie grins as they go to sit in the middle of the sunflower feild watching the clouds form shapes above their heads.
Huannie had seen Jinyoung a thousand times in their house, washing the dishes or on stage performing. He's always been a part of her life, he fit into her life like one of the last few peices of a jigsaw. But now as they sat in the feild surrounded by so much beauty, he's all she saw there, the beautiful mid afternoon sun, the bright yellow sunflowers are a meaningless backdrop. They used to love sitting there all afternoon and smelling the sunflowers, but now all she wants is to be close enough to smell his calvin klein aftershave.
In the middle of preparing the juice pouches he looks her way, almost unable to keep the grin from his face. Dong-hyun debates if he should film this moment and makes a nervous decision to film such an important moment in Jin-Huan's relationship. Then he pulls his hand from out of the basket to reveal a beautiful looking cupcake with a little ring in the frosting.  There's no more hiding his grin.
"You bought me a ring? Are you sure?" She whispered, her fingers tracing the ring, allowing him to connect the ring onto her finger.
"How could I not be?" He replied, cupping her cheek so her beautiful tearful eyes met his own. She frowned at his answer for a moment, looking away to gaze at the flowers.  She loved the idea of it all, really if they were honest they'd been a real couple for over a year now, but both of them were too scared to have the conversation to make it official.  In that moment her insecurities come back for another bite so she turned to him again.
"Are you sure we can be?"
He turned to her with that serious look that still has his trademark warm eyes, "So long as you're okay with it. The problems can go fuck themselves jagi." She knew what he was talking about, he was talking about her company, the anti's. It was something that should be such a minute problem, but as Idols they are supposed to abide by the rules and please everyone that wasn't their selves.
They stared at eachother in an odd way, as if it were a silent argument. Their own insecurities battling eachother, until tears of relief arose, and they found themselves crying.
"So we are in it for the long run?" She whispered, tears rolling down with the same quietness. He chuckled tearily, wiping his own tears, before rising from the picnic blanket and wandered toward his bag beside Dong-Hyun with a cautious slowness. His hand curled around his own new ring and staggered over to her handing it to her.
"If you'll take me, that is."
Huannie felt the urge to do something, to confirm it to him, but also herself. In a split moment of fight or flight she pressed her lips against his, feeling his body loosen and arms cup her jaw. She chuckled beneath they happpy tears.
"For the long run."
(The rings)
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hellomynudebrain · 4 years
Paths (Jumin X reader) Part#18
The party is near, and between your work and the party, you were more busier than ever. Most of the people could think you were stress or maybe overwhelmed with all the work, but in fact you weren't.  Since that day on Jumin's villa, you felt way lighter than before and Jumin and you become much more closer than before. You spent your free days together, eating in some high class restaurant, playing with Elizabeth, trying bottles of wine while talkign about your lifes. You were more honest, which means the constant fights lessen and he laughed more often  when you met him. You were clumsy sometimes like when you were with Jihyun but Jumin didn't matter, he was having fun spending time with you. 
But after some good days with Jumin, suddenly he became distant and started to arrive late. You didn't want to get worried but you did. Maybe he found someone he really likes and that's why he turned like that.  One night, he offered to bring you to a nice restaurant with excelent Italian food, but in the middle of the dinner he got up from his chair and left the room. 
"Excuse me, I need to attend this phone call"
"Yes, work is work...so you can go...hahaha..."
You were curious about the call, so you followed him and see his reactions. The restaurant had the perfect wall for you to hide. So you put yourself behind it and picked on one side. You could see him smiling and he looked so relaxed while he was making the phone call. Maybe he did found someone. That bothered you, but you weren't his "real" girlfriend, which means you haven't the right to be jelous. Resignated, you went back to your table. 
A few minutes later he came back to the table, too. But his smile was so abroad that it was hard to hide it. Sudden, you weren't hungry and the conversation wasn't interesting anymore. You only looked down the food and answer his questions without care. Jumin was so happy that this time he didn't notice the change of your mood. The rest of the night passed. 
The next day you were thinking in Jumin's call. Maybe he did find someone to be with and he didn't end your relationship since you have a contract, and the contract establised that you have to be together until the party. Your chest hurted a little with the thought of you and Jumin spliting off  after that day. You were confused about your feelings. 
The gaze that you had was lost on a wall of your office until that trance was broke off by you phone.It was Jumin. His timing was perfect almost as if you were calling him with your mind. You picked your phone, hesitated a bit, however you anwered.
"....Good afternoon....What can I do for you, Jumin?"
"Oh! It's good that you answered me like that. Tonight, I'll pick you up, driver Kim is going to arrive to you work and deliver a package with  the appropiate attire for this evening date. Please wear it, I didn't buy it. It was Seven and MC's purchase, so  if the outfit is not from your liking, it's not my fault....Anyhow...be ready at 8 pm, that's all." 
He hang up. 
You were surprise with the speed he talked. It sounded like he was in a hurry....Maybe he was about to dump you and that was the reason Seven and MC bought the outfit, maybe he used them to do the dirty job and it was a break up outfit...
Diver Kim arrived to your office and delivered the  package in your hands. He smiled at you like hidding somehing. Now, you were sure. Jumin was a bout to dump you and all were part of the plan, even driver Kim. After, you hesitated to wear whatever the package had, at the end you put yourself together and open the package.  
The dress was a simple but lovely red dress, light and with fluid movements when you weared it, dance heels and water proff make up.All was perfect to dance. How the hell Seven and MC new about your love for  dancing? Maybe Jumin will invite you to dance and dump you on the dance floor? Your mind was playing tricks on you and the worst, each scene was worst than the next one. You looked beautiful, you said when you were standing in front of the mirror on the restrooms of your work, but your sweaty hands and your dry mouth were telling to not go. But was too late, Jumin was outside of your wok place waiting for you. You took the elevator, you wanted to keep inside there all the eternity but unfourtunately, you arrived to the first floor and Jumin's limo is right in front of the entrance. You don't have where to run away. 
The door of the limo opened and inside  Jumin was wearing a light T-shirt in black  with brown colored jeans and a jacket. That surprise you, since you met him, you never saw him like that. He was about to dump you, it was for sure. He wouldn't dress like that for anyone at least was a woman who made him to do it. Again, you hesitated. The coward attitudes weren't your thing, you speak and act with no fear, but entering in that limo was the most terrifying thing in your life. But you put yourself together again, and with your fearful guts, you steped inside and jump to your broke up scene. You were nervous thinking in the worst scenes. Jumin wasn't good either. The clothes made them uncomfortable, and someway hard to think in something to talk. At this time, you have lost the count how many time you have this kind of mood in the limo with Jumin. The limo stoped and your fear and more scenes came to your mind, maybe Jumin would introduce to his real girlfriend and they will kiss infront of you...and how will you feel? How are you going to feel? The answer shaked you inside, you would feel broken again. 
Again lost in your thoughts, Jumin called you and brought you back to reality. You looked him in the eyes, your ideas and feelings were clear but at the same confusing. He smiled to you, took your hand and even with all the scenes in your head, you became brave again. 
The building was an old house with european style and flowers all over it. On the backround, you could hear music, but not any kind music. It was salsa music, cumbia and merengue, the musica you like to dance.
Once you and Jumin entered, a bunch of people scream...
"What?! Why?" 
You felt lost in words, that wasn't nothing like the scenes on your head. Your surprise got bigger when a women with long brown hair, white skin and hazelnut eyes came to you accompanied with a redhead with a funny pattern on his glasses and yellow eyes. 
"Hello! Agent 707 is here with Agents MC! Did we surprise you, fair lady?" The red head man talked.
You only nooded with your wide open mouth but no sound came from it.
"*giggles* That's great! Sorry, I'm MC and this crazy man is my husband" "....Oh, thank you! But today it's not my birthday..." You answered with a really confused voice.
"hahaha....Of course not silly! This is your welcome party to the RFA!" MC aswered you back.
All disoriented, Jumin took you from you arm and seat you in a table. "I want to apologize with you..."
"Because I was a little distant with you the last few days, but it was to keep myself quite about the welcome party"
"Is this because of me?"
"Yes, MC and Saeyong wanted to give you a surprise as a welcome and as a gratitude for helping with the party" 
"Wow! Really?! This...is really a big surprise....hahaha....now I feel like a dumb for all my crazy ideas"
"What crazy ideas?" Jumin asked with curiosity. 
You bite your tongue.
"...no...forget it"  
All the RFA came to you and gave you a welcome gift. Zen and Eve gave you a kit for skincare, Yoosung and Alice, a direction of a refuge for cats and a collar for your next cat, Jaehee and Saeran a pair of coffee cups for couples and finally MC and Saeyong a RFA ID, however when those last two go away. Saeyong came back to you and whispered something on your ear. 
"Here, use them wisely~" And ran away wiking his eye. He put a little box on your hand, it was wrapped in a pretty red paper. You got courious, but suddenly Ali took your hand and brought you to the food table. You put the little box and put it on Jumin's jacket.
You eat and drink, the party could be small but all the people were really enjoyed it. 
There was even a dance floor. Ali was teaching how to dance latin rhythms, Eve and Zen were kiling it on the dance floor dancing as profesionals, Jaehee  was talking and drinking with MC since she has a broken leg, thought Saeran was only drinking juice as Saeyong was making fun of him.
However, Jumin and you were seeing all having fun, you wanted to dance but you were a coward and didn't want to ask Jumin. And Jumin was embarrased because he only knew how to dance waltz and tango, and none of the songs they were dancing was one. 
Zen noticed you wanted to get to dance and since Jumin hadn't the guts to take you at the dance floor. He went to your place and grabed your hand. Zen and you were on the dance floor dancing, at first, you felt weird because Zen was dancing with Eve and they were hell good, but at that moment you were dancing as you used to do before and enjoyed it. Both of you were dancing in perfect synchrony, Eve was happy to see both of you dancing, however, there was a man who started to drink with a sour face, a bottle of wine when you started to dance with Zen. Jumin.
Jumin felt rage against Zen, because he was dancing so near to you, touching you...All that made him mad, and each glass of wine he drank made him madder. 
You were having the time of the year, dancing until your feet hurted, so happy that made you thirsty which made you drink more. 
Finally, Jumin tired of seeing you dance with Zen, stood up from his seat and walked through the dance floor, tapped on Zen's shoulder and talked.
"Zen, I think it's enough dance with MY girlfriend. Love, I don't know how to dance this rhythms, could you teach me?"
You looked Zen, and Zen as a gentleman, set aside and let Jumin dance with you. 
Jumin was stiff but as a patient teacher, you helped him to move and started to dance. His movements were clumpsy but that only made both of you laugh as sillies. 
The song changed and a salsa with a smother sound came, you felt awkard but Jumin took you from you waist and got closer to you. The tension was evident. You looked at him he looked at you, your noses were near as you felt his breath on you, his touch and the smooth music on the background. You automatically close you eyes and he got near your mouth. 
His lips and your lips touched  in a kiss, suddenly he turned his kiss deeper and his tongue started to play with yours. You wanted more and more, but you were interrupted.
"*whistling* Get a room and use my present!!" The redhead with glasses screamed at you.
You remembered, both of you were in a party and you kissed in front of them. You stoped and felt embarrased, but even so, you want more, what made you more embarrased and redder. 
Jumin looked at you and couldn't stand how cute you were at that moment. Maybe was the alcohol or the dance, but he lean to you, kiss your cheek and whispered something on your ear. 
"Let's go back home and continue this~"
You were mesmerized for the kiss and agreed with him. Both say goodbye to everyone and ran to the limo.
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 5 years
Sette Giorni a Venezia
Japan wasn’t sure as to why Italy had asked him to visit his house, but he decided to go anyways.They were good friends after all, and his place was beautiful, so rejecting the invitation was something just an idiot would do.He wasn’t sure if there was a political reason behind the invitation, but he was just happy to go.
As he was flying in the plane, his mind recalled a small incident that had happened several years ago during Valentine’s Day:Italy had given him a bouquet of red roses, which he had mistaken for a romantic advance.Though his friend Germany had an even worse time due to that, he could still remember the way Italy had held and placed tender kisses over his face.It had been a pretty rare occasion, as the Italian had been more quiet than usual.Still, it had been nice...just being there with Italy, peacefully enjoying their meal.
“Ve, hi Japan!”Italy went directly for a hug, something Japan accepted exclusively from him.Maybe he would from Germany too, but he wasn’t the type to give them.”I hope your flight went well.”
“It was pretty calm, thankfully “he said “It’s very good to see you, Italy “.he added with a smile that was reciprocated by the Mediterranean.
Italy helped Japan with his luggage, and got it into his sport car.Now the Asian nation wasn’t such a fan of driving on them, much less if his friend was the one behind the wheel, but he was more used now.Or so he thought.
The car trip managed to tire him way more than the airplane one, so it felt even better as he got off it.Italy helped him get into the house, apologizing as he carried his luggage.Speed limit wasn’t something he ever considered while driving.
“Sit down, and I’ll prepare you a meal.You need to rest a bit, bello “the Italian said before going to the kitchen.
Japan thought he had had imagined the last part, as he didn’t expect Italy to call him beautiful.He didn’t want the same misunderstanding as last time to happen.Even if Italy didn’t know, Japan had felt embarrassed about it, and a bit sad.
As he was lost in his thoughts, Italy brought his meal over: pasta.That was Japan’s favorite dish prepared by his friend, even more so than pizza.
“Arigato, Italy “he said sincerely.
They enjoyed their meal, with Italy’s never ending happiness being just as contagious as ever.Japan’s stoic self rarely let others know exactly what emotion was he feeling, but anyone could’ve known he was happy as well.
As they went to sleep, the Italian could barley keep his happiness.He had some plans for his friend’s visit, ones that he felt he should’ve done earlier.
He had a hard time admitting it for himself, but he liked Japan.He still could recall the incident with Germany, which he had himself to blame for.Giving some thoughts, he had the feeling that Japan might have misinterpreted the bouquet as well.
Now, at that time, tho he valued their friendship, Italy didn’t think of pursuing a romantic relationship with them for a simple reason: he was still waiting for someone.That someone, however, wasn’t coming back, as he had been told by the person who knew about his demise...
The Mediterranean didn’t think of Japan as a replacement, he’d just finally accepted the feelings he had towards him.He knew that the Asian nation would be a bit hard to court, but he was Italy after all: The only nation better than him at romance was France himself.
Asking Japan on a date directly was hard, so his best shot was to take him around the city, something that due to many reasons, he hadn’t been able to do the other times the raven haired nation had been over.It was going to be a good week, and he was going to make sure of it. If only he knew that maybe Japan held similar feelings...Maybe he could’ve just told him outright.
Day 1
Art in Venezia was everywhere, no matter where you went.As it was Italy’s home, he knew it better than anyone.He also knew that Japan appreciated art, so what better to do in the first day, than taking him to a museum ?Maybe Italy wasn’t the smartest nation, but when it was about it art, he knew more about it than anyone would expect.
Japan was amazed at Italy’s knowledge, tho it wasn’t a surprise.His country was famous for it after, but getting to know all the details behind it, was simply marvelous.Turns out, he had also been there when some were painted, tho he was a child during it.
“You know what’s the most important part while working on a piece of art, Japan ?”he asked, and the raven haired shook his head.”The most important part, is passion.Not only does it help the artist to get inspired, but it helps them to fully appreciate what they’re doing, putting their whole heart into it “Japan paid attention, very interested in the Italian’s words.Italy chose to use all his charm while he was talking, something he knew wouldn’t fail.”And it also lets them see the beauty in everything around them”he stopped, and looked directly at Japan’s eyes “but there are some things that are already so beautiful, that it just makes the artist want to achieve their objective as soon as possible, whatever it might be.”he finished with a smile.
Japan wasn’t sure if he understood correctly, but a blush crept on his face.Italy pretended not to notice, as he didn’t want to embarrass the Asian nation.
They continued seeing around the museum, and Italy held his hand if one of the places was too hard physically for the shorter country.Japan was very happy, but he was worrying that he was misunderstanding the situation yet again.
Day 2
Carnival mask-making shops were a popular tourist attraction, but Italy knew how to find a place that was better than the ones intended for tourists.After all, no one in Venezia would deny a request from him.
The one special request he had, was that he was left alone with Japan to craft the mask.Had he been any other person, the artisan would’ve denied him that particular request, but even if Italy was generally clumsy, he was so careful when he was in an artist’s workshop, that he was allowed in without supervision.
He patiently explained all the steps to Japan, as they both crafted their own masks.The skill the Asian nation had was impressive, as his mask was incredibly beautiful.Well, not as beautiful as the nation himself, or at least that’s what Italy thought.
Going through the whole process, from making the paper needed and painting, was longer than the usual tourist experience.It took them several long hours, but after their masks where done, they were beautiful.
Japan’s had a very serene atmosphere, being one closer to the Volto type.It closely represented his shier personality, as he covered his whole face.He chose to use a soft light blue, which looked very appropiate with the white painting that was it’s mainly colors.
Italy’s had a more traditional mask, having chosen the Bauta style for his.Tho it might not appear like it, he took traditions very seriously, and even if he liked the other mask styles, that one always remained as his main choice.It had small golden borders, which he had been careful to paint.
As they tried them on, Italy was wondering if he could invite Japan over for the next Carnavale.But hopefully, not as friends...
Day 3
Concerts were, in most countries, a good place for a date. However, as Japan often didn’t feel well in crowded places, Italy knew he had to chose carefully.And what better option, than a classical music concert in Teatro La Fenice ?He knew at what time was it better to attend, to ensure there weren’t many people there.
Japan was pretty excited when Italy told him where they were going, but still didn’t know if it was as a friend, or something else.The Italian was very handsome, something Japan had thought since they met so many years ago, but he was far to shy to actually tell him that.Those last days they had spend together, just made his feelings develop more and more, but...Why would Italy even like someone like him back ?Someone as outgoing and social as Italy would probably prefer someone like him, not a socially awkward weirdo
Still, spending time with his friend...it was nice to do.He wished he could see Italy and Germany more often, but things didn’t always allow it.
The music and the theatre were wonderful, just listening to the amazing works that had survived so many generations.It was a very serene event, and the musicians were incredibly skilled.
He couldn’t be more thankful for it, or the other places that Italy had taken him to.In every previous visit, it was always work related.Since the distance between their countries were so long, it was rare that he was permitted to go for any other reason, something that deeply hurt him.
It was incredible how music could make so many feelings come to you.
Day 4
Who didn’t like eating ?Specially Italian food ?
It was impossible not to like it, and Italy knew that trying some dishes was the perfect way to make any bella signorina, or bello signorino, fall for you.He wasn’t quite sure if he was making the desired progress with Japan, but after this, it was quite impossible that he didn’t.
He knew all the good local restaurants, away from the busy tourist traps that were always full.Since Japan wasn’t used to eat so much, he knew he had to plan it carefully.That meant, taking him for lunch and coffee.
They went to a very good trattoria, where they were given a menu with very delicious food choices.
“Are you able to read it ?”Italy asked.
“A little bit, yes “ Japan could read more than he expected, for some reason....
“Order whatever you’d like, it’s on me !”that was a rare offer from Italy,and Japan didn’t feel good about accepting it.What kind of friend would he be ? On the other hand...he really wanted to try somethings on the menu.The portions were small, which was good as he was curious on their taste “But make sure to order from the antipasto first.Then ask for the main curse, then the dessert, and finally the coffee.I’ll eat whatever you’re having, don’t worry”
“Umm...I’d like to try prosciutto with melone and capressi salad for the antipasto...Risotto nero and abbacchio meat for the main curse...a ciocollato pannacotta for dessert, and a doppio coffee with bucellato cookies “
Italy was pretty impressed, as Japan had pronounced all the dish names perfectly.
“Have you been practicing Italian ?”he asked “Many people who don’t have it as a mother language have trouble with several of those names, and you even managed to read them in the first place.”
“Ahh, yes, I’ve practiced a bit “Japan wasn’t going to tell the real reason he knew those names, Italy would probably think he was a weeb.Well he was, but still, he would rather not let him know.
“Di molto bene” Italy said cheerfully “Let’s go for some gelato after this.Or do you prefer sorbet?They sell some really good arancione gelato, but the sorbet is also good “
“God damn it, I really gotta stop watching so much anime “ Japan thought for himself”The gelato is good.”
The food was, of course, delicious.
Day 5
After a day of eating so much, walking was a good option.And Venezia offered lots of it, as it was the main source of transport besides the boats.
Walking also made it easier for them to see many of the historical buildings and several parts of the city that they’d miss otherwise.It also allowed them to be able to pet the different stray cats that had their home there, which was a bonus.
Japan didn’t want to say it, but to to his age, all the walking was tiring him a lot.Germany often complained that Italy was lazy, but truth to be told, he had way more energy than you’d expect.He could walk with barely getting tired, something he couldn’t do.
Italy looked back, and noticed this.Japan’s pride could be shattered if he suggested to slow down, so he had to come up with another solution.
Still, he didn’t want to seem weak, even if he was.He had to keep going, even if it hurt him.
“Piggy ride !”Italy screamed as he picked Japan and put him over his shoulders.Now his plans weren’t always the best, but this one worked.Japan laughed, something very rare from him, as the Italian’s silliness made him feel a bit less anxious.
He really loved Italy, even if the other might never know.
And Italy loved him back, even if Japan was oblivious to it.
Day 6
Seeing that Japan was tired from all the walk, Italy was really glad that he had planned the gondola ride across the canals of Venezia.He managed to get a private tour just for the two of them, and was thankful that the rider didn’t make any mean remarks when he showed up with Japan.
Now, while Japan really wanted to avoid a misunderstanding, that was something which couples often did.And he could understand why: the whole ride was pretty romantic. The rider was singing a song that, tho he could completely understand, was incredibly beautiful.The whole atmosphere around it was perfect, just going through the river next to Italy, during a beautiful time of peace.
“You know, Japan ?”Italy smiled softly at him.”Nei tuoi occhi c’è il cielo.” His voice sounded so confident, so seductive.
Japan blushed a bit.Not because he understood what Italy said, which he didn’t, but because of the way he said it.
“Dai suki dayo, Italy “Japan’s tired state promoted him to lean against Italy’s chest, even going for a hug, which was incredibly rare for him.He knew Italy didn’t understand what he meant, but he hoped to be able to say it to him one day.
His tiredness prompted him to not notice the Italian sweetly looking at him.He would had declared his feelings now, but he would rather not do it in a public place, as he knew Japan wouldn’t feel comfortable.
That would have to wait.
Day 7
Italy knew his house almost as well as his own hand’s palm, which meant knowing the perfect picnic spot.That was outside of the city, in Torcello Island.
The ferry that took them there was fast enough, and it arrived soon enough.They had some bread, cheese, and salimi, plus a little bit of wine.The spot chosen was perfect and had a pretty view of the beach.
As they arrived, Japan’s mind wasn’t kind, as it reminded him of that incident so many years ago.Why would it do that ? He had to speak with Italy, now.
“Italy....”he called out, to catch his attention.
“Yes, Japan ?”Italy asked, then noticed he looked a bit sad “Is everything alright ?”
“Are we here as friends...or is this a date ?” Japan asked, then took more courage “Because...because either way is fine but I...I...”god damn it, he had to say it, he couldn’t be a coward “I like you...I understand if you just like me as a friend, but I really needed to say it.”
Italy didn’t say anything, which just made Japan worry more.He then started to laugh, something that nearly made Japan faint of embarrassment.
“I like you too, silly !”he said before picking Japan with a hug, spinning him around a bit “I was going to tell you that during lunch, but I guess you already know !”
“You like me ?”Japan couldn’t believe it “Why?”
“And why not, bello ? “Italy’s charm had been activated again, it seemed “You’re not just beautiful, but also gentle and respectful.Being with you is always something I look forward too, no matter the reason...Ti Amo, Japan “
Japan’s face was now as red as the sun in flag, because he knew exactly what those words meant.
“Italy...Watashi mo anata o aishiteimasu”.He said nervously, a gesture that helped Italy understand his words.He softly kissed the raven haired nation’s cheek, and then they both went to take their lunch.
After that, while returning to wait for the ferry, they saw a small dance being held in the public plaza.
After that, while returning to wait for the ferry, they saw a small dance being held in the public plaza.
“We should join!”Italy said cheerfully.Japan wasn’t so sure
“I’m not a good dancer...”he admitted.
“Don’t worry, caro.I’ll guide you.”
He did as he promised, carefully making sure to guide Japan in a way that would make him not feel as uncomfortable.They dance away from the public attention, which was perfect as the music got slower and slower.
Soon, their faces were very close, which gave Italy an idea.He had to be careful tho: after all, Japan had nearly fainted when he hugged him, as he had never been hugged before.
He looked at the raven haired nation’s beautiful eyes, and used a soft voice:
“May I ?” He asked.Japan understood what he meant with that question, and nodded a bit nervously.
Italy slowly drew their lips together, kissing Japan as he had wanted more than once.The Asian nation had never been kissed before, but he still tried his best to properly do it.Italy held him by the hip with one arm, and with the other held his face, deepening the kiss and wishing it would never end.He really was in love with Japan, and was glad they had confessed each other their feelings.
As they parted, they couldn’t help but to smile.
“First hug, first kiss...I really love you, Italy”Japan said sweetly, not letting go of Italy.
“I guess we are a couple now, aren’t we ?”Italy joked.
They went back to the Italian’s house, and slept in the same bed, holding each other closely.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Your ten favorite movies
Movie number one: Two for the Road (surprise surprise) 1) Who's the main actor? Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney. 2) When did it come out? Pretty long time ago. It came out in 1967 if I’m not mistaken. 3) What's the genre? Romantic comedy and drama. 4) Do you know where it was filmed at? Yeah, as far as I know the whole film was shot on location throughout southern France. 5) How old were you when you saw it? I don’t actually remember the exact year anymore, but it was either in 2013 or 2014, which makes me 15 or 16 when I watched it for the first time.
Movie number two: Good Will Hunting 1) Who's an actress in this movie? Minnie Driver, and she did such a fantastic fucking job with her role.
2) Out of 10 stars you'd give it? 9.5. The part where Robin Williams and the actor playing the math teacher handle their differences was a bit blah for me, but the film was otherwise perfect. 3) Did it have a surprise ending? I wouldn’t call it a surprise. It was a well-deserved ending for the main character and I’m sure everyone who’s ever watched this movie rooted for such an ending as well. 4) How long was it? Around two hours? idk I never checked. 5) Did you first see it in theatres? Hahahaha definitely not. It came out five months before I was born. Movie number three: A Clockwork Orange 1) What's this movie rated? Like, in terms of parental advice or its score? I’m not sure so I’ll put both. The film in all its unedited glory got an X rating which is real fucking understandable given that, in my opinion, this was Kubrick’s most intense work; though in my research just now they were able to tone it down to R after Kubrick edited out a certain scene. As for its score, it holds an 87% in Rotten Tomatoes and 8.3/10 on IMDb. 2) Did critics approve of it? Critics definitely approved of it as a piece of film, but I’m sure it was very uncomfortable for the viewing public. 3) Who were you with when you saw it? I watched it on my own. I didn’t know what it was gonna be about, so I was in for the shock of my life when Alex and his droogs broke into the first house. 4) Did this movie make you cry? No but it made me feel uneasy. 5) Who are five actors/actresses in this movie? I only remember Malcolm MacDowell, who played the lead character. I’m honestly not familiar with the other actors. Movie number four: Revolutionary Road 1) Is the main actor your favorite actor? One of them is - Kate Winslet. I’m alright with Leonardo DiCaprio but he isn’t my favorite. 2) Do you know how old he is? Kate Winslet? Not so sure, but I think she’s like 45. 3) Did this movie make you laugh? This movie is not to be laughed at lol 4) Last time you watched it? A few months ago before they took it out of Netflix forever, ugh. 5) Are you the appropiate age to see it by yourself? Yes. And I would rather watch it by myself, because it’s a lot to take in. Movie number five: Gone with the Wind 1) What made you mad about this movie? The racism that surrounded the film makes me angry. For example, the actress who played Mammy (Hattie McDaniel) was the first black actor to be nominated for an Oscar, but she wasn’t even allowed to attend the ceremony where she was nominated in. It took one Clark Gable throwing a fit and threatening to boycott the event for the higher-ups to finally agree on Hattie attending the Oscars. 2) Was it based on a true story? It was based on real historical events, but the story itself wasn’t real. 3) Do you wish it was real in any way? It kinda was. 4) So what's it about, anyways? This is really not one of those movies you can explain in one sentence lol but uh rich privileged southern belle gets entangled in the Civil War, marries thrice and never for love, everyone around her dies, and once she’s left alone we see her fend for herself and start building a life of her own. That doesn’t even do the movie justice and if you really wanna know, best to watch all four hours of it. 5) Did they make a video game out of this movie? OMG no, that would be in such poor taste. Movie number six: Room 1) Did this movie bore you at any time? Not at all. It had me invested from start to finish. 2) Was there a kiss scene? I don’t know, I don’t think so. 3) Who was the protagonist (main character)? Brie Larson plays the lead role, but I’ve forgotten her character’s name, or if she even had one. 4) Have you seen this movie more than once? Absolutely. This was my favorite film for a brief period and I watched it everyday then. 5) Last time you saw it? 2016, probably. Movie number seven: Roman Holiday 1) What is this movie's genre? Romantic comedy. 2) Are there any kid actors in this movie? Nopes. 3) Where did it all take place? A biiiiiiig chunk of the movie was shot on location in Rome.  4) Who was the biggest star in the movie? Gregory Peck. Swoon. Fun movie fact! This was Audrey Hepburn’s feature film debut, and originally the studio was to give her a much smaller billing at the start of the movie compared to Gregory. He had an inkling Audrey was gonna end up super popular once the film got released, so he told the studio to give her equal billing, which technically made her also the big star in the movie alongside Gregory. He wasn’t wrong. 5) What year did it come out? 1953. Movie number eight: Requiem For A Dream 1) Main actor and/or actress? Oh dude, a lot. This movie didn’t fuck around with its cast lol you had Jared Leto, Ellen Burstyn, Jennifer Connelly, and Marlon Wayans. 2) Is this a one-time only movie? I have no idea what you mean by this. 3) Is it a sequel to anything? Nopes. 4) How much money did it make? Bruh I don’t know lmao? I’ll have to Google that - Wikipedia says it made $7.4 million. 5) Favorite part? It’s not my favorite part because it makes me happy, but for me the most memorable scene was when the mom was at the peak of her addiction and her refrigerator came to life. The montage in the end also gave me goosebumps. Movie number nine: Carol 1) When did you first see this movie? 2015. It was one of the factors that made Gab and I reconcile as friends, so I’m super thankful that this film allowed us to bond. 2) Did it take a second time for you to like it? Not at all. I was in love with it from the very beginning. 3) Does it have a happy ending? Yes. 4) Who would you recommend it to? People who want an LGBT film with a happy ending. 5) What's its theme song? It doesn’t really have one, but its score was composed by Carter Burwell. OH I just remembered Billie Holiday’s Easy Living was featured prominently in one scene, but it’s not really the movie’s theme song. Movie number ten: Portrait of a Lady on Fire 1) Do you still have the movie ticket? I think mine is still with Gabie, if she kept it. 2) Favorite part? Everything about this movie was beautiful. I loved when Héloïse’s dress caught on fire, when Marianne was drawing Héloïse in her sleep, when Marianne finally saw her vision come to life, when Marianne attended the exhibit and saw the painting of Héloïse...and that final fucking scene. 3) Were there any songs you knew in this movie? Nope. I don’t remember if they played any songs. 4) A quote from this movie: “In solitude, I felt the liberty you spoke of. But I also felt your absence.” and “Do all lovers feel they’re inventing something?” 5) Were the main actors/actresses a perfect match or not so much? Yes they FREAKING WERE AAAAHHHHHHHH Random Questions 1) Which one have you seen most on DVD? Gone with the Wind, but only because it’s the only film in this selection that I have on DVD. 2) Which one have you seen most in theatres? Other than Portrait, I didn’t get to catch these in the cinema. 3) Did your parents like any of them? They haven’t seen any of the movies I picked. 4) Which one did you see with your best friend? Carol and Portrait hahahaha, both lesbian movies. She was the one who made me watch them in the first place too. 5) Would you see #1 again? Over and over again. I will never grow tired of it. 6) Is #4 a movie you can only watch every once in a while? Yes, super accurate. The subject matter is very heavy to begin with, so pair that with superb acting and you’ve got yourself a movie that’s hard to get through. 7) Was #5 hard to understand? Only because it’s sooooo long and there are so many plots and subplots. Also, as someone who has never actually read about the Civil War in full detail, it has also hampered my understanding of some of the events in the movie. 8) Did you see #2 the day it came out? I didn’t see it until like, 18 years after its original release. 9) Do you have #3's movie ticket still? I never had it to begin with. 10) Are there any sequels to these movies coming out? As far as I know, no. 11) Does your best friend like #9? Gabie’s very in love with it. She once kept count of how many times she had watched it when it first leaked on the internet loooool and if I remember correctly her watch count peaked at 126. 12) Did #10 have horrible special effects? No. 13) Who directed #6? Lenny Abrahamson. 14) Did #8 scare you? Absolutely. I needed a long-ass break from everything after I finished it lmao. 15) Does #7 have a better effect at night? No. The effect has been the same for me whatever time I watch it.
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uncuentofriki · 7 years
And I’ll give the world to you
Once again, it didn’t came from a mariachi song. I told my sister betwen jokes “I want a mariachi cover of Dear Theodosia because I imagin prfectly Hctor singing it” This is a continuation of The miracle of your eyes.
“Hector, you’re going to make me a callous on the belly because you can’t  just stop rubbing it” Imelda complained. Her husbad was cuddling at her side and he couldn’t stop singing or rubbing her really big baby belly. Her ankles were really swolen and she looked tired, but every morning he told her that she looked precious as always. Her answer was that of course that for him she looked precious, because if he told her the truth, she will throw her boot to his head
Everyone was making their bets to about if the baby was going to be a boy or a girl. Imelda’s mom had her bets on boy, so she was knitting everything on pink, Hector’s mom wanted a granddaughter because she always dreamed with having a girl and dress it with cute dresses, so she was knitting on blue. They discussed about if her belly was somewhat flat instead of round so for sure it was a boy or not, that the belief was the contrary.
And one day she was singing happily “Albricias” (Good news)  as she was doing some embroidery. One of her cousins, still single, was helping her with the house becuse Imelda couldn’t move that much now. Suddenly she felt some discomfort. She decided to ignore it. The baby moved too much inside her and mostly when Hector talked or singed. So she decided to continue singing as a skylark.
“Don’t tell me to love you Because I’m adoring you And I’m saying it thinking That your love is spring”
But what she noticed was that she was going lots to th bathroom.
”Oi, Lupita, don’t bring me more jamaica’s water, I want to finish this blanket before my chamaco is born” Imelda told to her cousin.
”No way hosay, Imelda” she repplied, sweping the leaves. “Babies swim there inside, so they need water”
But soon the discomfort became more. And on the last trip to the bathroom, she was pale as the walls of her house.
“Please, go for my mom or someone because something weird came out from me just right now”
There wasn’t a necessity of just having a woman more experienced to go and check Imelda, because after Lupita explained what Imelda saw, all the women rushed to take the blankets and then run at the parturient’s house. One of Imelda’s cousins run to the plaza to search for Hector.
"Hector! Hector!” the kid yelled, running until he was on the kiosko, earning himself a furious glare from Ernesto, who was at the half of a song.
“What’s up, primo?” he greeted the kid, more amused than angry for the hurry of the kid.
“Your baby is coming, primo!” And the guitar was almost dropped because of Hector’s way of running. Even Ernesto forgot about the song and run at his friends’ side.
Their bedroom became a delivery room. One cousin was bombing the water to the pots that another put over the stove to boil with certain herbs and another took the water to the bedroom. It was barely the middle of the afternoon.
"At least let me see my wife, no?” Hector complained because they leaved him just enter to the living room.
“No, you stay here” his own mother stopped him and mad him sit on the sofa. “If you want, sing, that would help Imelda, but not so high because I need to year the heartbeat of your chamaca”
"I don’t think they’re having a girl” Ernesto said. “Imelda looks so pretty and girls always take away the beauty from their mothers during pregnancy”
“Trust me. I know about this things even if I just had this nutty son” and the woman came back to the bedroom.
Her mother-in-law marked the heartbeats of the baby on her hands, while she had an ear on her belly. Imelda just saw the ceiling, more impacient.
“It’s going to take any longer? I’m already tired!” Imelda groaned.
“It’s your first baby, mija” said her mother. “Drink this.”
The tea didn’t tasted to her different from her own impatience. Outside the room she heard her beloved’s voice singing, although he was somewhat tired. The poor man sweared that he was going to be at her side when the baby finally were born but they denied it to him. But as his mother said, his voice calmed her. She had waited for him to have money to build the house and pay the wedding. Now she will have to wait for the coming of the fruit of theirlove. She had to be patient.
Ernesto was half asleep on a chair. It was past the midnight, the bells of the church had scared the witches a long time ago... and the end of the waiting for the baby did’t seemed to come soon. He woke up a little when one of Imelda’s cousins gave to him a cup of cafe de olla, seasoned with a smile.
“Mano, hey, cheer up. Your heir is coming and you look more as if we were going to play at a funeral” he mumbled, waking a little more with the first sip.
“I’m plain scared” Hector stopped to play his guitar and looked at his friend’s eyes, as he did everytime that he got sincere with Ernesto “You see how the last month Chava’s wife died on childbirth. Poor girl, she was so young and now he’s alone with their chamaco”
“Imelda is strong, Hector. If death wants to take her and she doesn’t want, for sure she will kick death with her boot and will continue living until the stars fall from the sky.” Ernesto laughed. That seemed to cheer up his friend a little.
“It’s here!” announced Imelda, opening the doors of the bedroom and going to hugh her son-in-law, who was just looking blankly at the wall. “Just hear how she cries! She’s going to sing better than anyone  on this family with those lungs!”
“A girl!” he exclaimed, surprised. He deeply wanted a boy, but now it didn’t matter that it was a girl. She will be his little princess, his little flower, his cherub, his sun and the melody that made him dance the rest of his life.
After cleaning the baby and take out the blood stained sheets, Hector could finally met her. She was sleeping on her mother’s arms. Imelda was totally tired and disheveled, but proud. Hector kissed his wife on the forehead and took the small hand of his daughter. She was perfect.
“So aren’t you mad about the baby being a girl?”Imelda said.
“No, no, I can’t get mad for it. It’s our daughter and i will not get mad for something that’s ours” he sighed, taking the baby on his arms. He wanted to give her more than his songs. The entire world if it was posible and even that wouldn’t be enough. What could he say to her?
“What’s going to be her name?” asked Hector’s mom.
“Today is the party of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help” Hector mumbled, amazed of his daughter “You will be my Socorro. Coco. Coquito linda”.
He gave the baby to Imelda and went for his guitar. Coco smiled to him after hearing the first chords. Ernesto, surprisingly, was crying as a child seeing the scene.
“I’m dedicating every day toyou. Domestic life was never quite my style. And when you smile, you knock me down I fall appart And I thought I was so smart.
I’ll do wathever it takes I’ll make a million mistakes But I’ll make the world safe and sound for you
And you’ll blow us all away Some day, some day.”
Notes: 1- Yes, the final song is Dear Theodosia. 2- It took me like four hours to write this (on spanish). First because I wanted to be as medically accurate with the childbirth scene as posible and second, because I was searching how’s the practice of the midwifes in Mexico (the only thing I knew was form a book that I readed on high school) but I didn’t found that much, just interviews to midwifes and the conditions of their job (which are really unfair for them). I couldn’t ask my favorite witch and historian because she was already sleeping. It was, anyway, something interesting. My mom wasn’t awake to ask her what was the sign to know if a baby was going to be a boy or a girl (she can know for the baby belly and has never failed). But because we already know that it was going to be a girl, it didn’t mattered the accuracy. Most of the things happening or said are things that I’ve been seeing about pregnancy with my aunts, my cousins, friends and other women close to me.  I’m not wrong about the colors, really, a time ago the girls wer dressed on blue (for Virgin Mary) and boys on pink (because red was a manly color fon that timeso pink was something appropiate for a boy) 3- Primo: Cousin. We call primo  (or prima) our primo’s  spouses too. Chamaco, chamaca: Kiddo, brat, punk. It’s mostly an endearement term for us, now you’re somewhat used to it because Hector calls Miguel like that. Mano: Short for Hermano (brother). Our equivalent to bro. Jamaica’s water: No, it’s not water brought from the country of Jamaica. We boil water with jamaica’s flowers, then add some sugar and let it cool or add some ice (just first water it down a little). Cafe de olla: Okay, I’ll give you the recipe. You boil a cinnamon stik and a clove with sugar (I would suggest to find some piloncillo), when the water boils you add coffee grains, turn down the fire and let it  rest for 10 minutes. Tadaaaa! 
4- If you want to take it as a headcannon, the party of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is June 27, so that date would be Coco’s birthday (Help= Socorro= Coco). Here it was a tradition to name kids after the saint on the calendar (I would be Cutberta, nope, nope, nope)
5- I guess that very deep, Ernesto is a good person. But if you’re trying to ruin whatever he wants, we already know what could happen to you. His greed is so much that’s what renders all his virtues inexistent.
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Just Oblige Pt. 2
If you didn’t read part 1 you can read it HERE ->Just oblige…
Fandom: Game of Thrones 
Pairing: Tyrion Lannister x Reader
Summary: You travel with your family to King’s Landing where you meet the Imp and after your father’s death your life becomes a living hell. Fortunately a certain Lannister will be willing to help you.
Warnings: Mentions of death, some angst but not rly serious. Some fluff maybe? Spoilers from season 1 rto 4  maybe.
I do not own any of the characters which appear in this piece of writing, only the personality of your character. Please don’t repost this, only reblog.
A/N: It’s been quite a while... Right probably I’ll mess up the timeline as I don’t remember much of season 1 but forgive any mistakes. By the way, would anyone be interested in reading some Jaime x reader? It’s been on my mind for quite long and I think the idea is pretty cool. I accept requests for any characters I know! Now... Hope you enjoy!!!
Your whole life had been destroyed by that. Death. You wondered how such a simple thing, such a natural thing could bring so much destruction to someone’s life. In the past months you had been torn away from everything you had. Robb was dead, your father was dead, your mother too, Bran and Rickon had disappeared, Arya had left too, Jon was on the wall and you couldn’t know if he was dead or alive. The only thing left in your life was Sansa.
And he was marrying the little devil Joffrey was. You didn’t think you had ever met someone as sadistic as him. The way he enjoyed seeing others in pain made you sick. Since your family’s death and your consequent loss of power you had been hit a quite considerable amount of times by different people. One time it was particularly bad but you just forced yourself to breath and focus on what you knew would happen. You knew one day you would leave King’s Landing and the Lannisters would pay for what they had done to your family.
You knew the only reason why you and Sansa were still alive was your were the heirs to the north. The problem however was that they would force you to marry someone who would benefit them.
All this thoughts ran through your mind while you stood in front of Joffrey standing the constant offensive comments and being hit by one of his guards. Something you were grateful for was that Sandor Clegane had never hit you until that day, he never laid a hand on you and Sansa and he had even saved her on occasions. That couldn’t make you happier. But as you stood still trying to get away from the pain your body wass suffering, everything started to become black, the corners of your eyes were full of shadows and you didn’t want to black out there, only the gods knew what would happen to you if you did.
“What is this supposed to be?” someone’s voice asked behind you. You didn’t dare to turn around because you knew you would probably trip over your own feet and embarass yourself.
“Uncle, we are just having some fun” Joffrey said a smirk gracing his lips.
“Do I have to remind you this could be your future wife? That’s how you treat the people you are supposed to rule?” Tyrion’s voice asked, this time nearer to you.
“Shut up Imp, I can do whatever I please.” The mean king said arrogantly.
“Don’t forget I’m your uncle and I know plenty of things you don’t” he said warningly.
“Uh she can leave, she is boring anyway, she doesn’t scream or anything, just stands there...” he said standing up from the throne and gesturing at the soldier to follow him, probably looking for a new victim.
“Oh lord I’m so sorry” you heard his voice say as he walked before you looking at you. You knew you were pretty bad. Your arms and back hurt like hell and you didn’t think you could walk yet. “Can you walk?” he asked taking your hand in his.
“I’m not too sure about that” you said, a sigh which should have been a giggle leaving your lips. You hesitantly tried to step forward and when you saw you only slightly lost your balance kept walking.
“He is out of his mind.” you heard him mutter as he walked beside you, his hand wouldn’t really help you in case you were about to fall, but it was strangely reassuring.
“Don’t worry, I’ve been worse, I’ll be alright, I’m sure you have more important things to do, I don’t want to disturb you.”
“You were just tortured physically and psychologically, I don’t think any of the affairs I have to take care of is more important than your well-being right now.
“Seriously don’t worry, I’m okay” you said. You felt your eyes burning and you refused to allow anyone to see you cry. “Why do you help me anyway? Your whole family hates me” you said quite amused.
“Well, they hate me too so that’s not new for me” he said as you arrived to your chambers.
“Well turns out the parties I complained so much about were the best thing about King’s Landing right?” He looked at you and smiled sadly.
“I’m sorry for what has happened to your family.” he said, not looking at you in the eyes.
“Yeah me too.” you said, the tears about to fall from your eyes. “Thanks for stopping them.” you said squeezing his hand slightly just before letting it go.
“Well if there are no kinghts left in here the Imps have to start like them right?” he said.
“Do not call yourself that, don’t allow them to understimate you” you said leaning in your door.
“Don’t break down in front of them” he said.
“I don’t intend on doing so”
“Sit down please”he told you as soon as you walked in. You did as he asked and stared at him dead in the eye. Coldly. Calculating. Just as he loved doing. “I requested your presence to discuss some issues about yours and your sister’s current status.” you didn’t react to this, simply kept staring at him as coldly as you could. “The both of you are getting married soon.” you didn’t look away but started praying mentally. Not Joffrey, please if someone is hearing me don’t let it be Joffrey. “As you must know, by now your are the heir to the north, but we don’t think it would be appropiate for you to marry the king, we don’t think you are the kind of wife Joffrey needs. Besides, we need someone to rule the North, and our king cannot leave King’s Landing. That’s why we decided your sister Sansa would be a way more appropiate match for the king. As for you, in order to unite the North and the South we need you to marry one of the Lannisters, Jaime cannot marry, I cannot leave King’s Landing. That leaves us my least appealing son.” he said. You couldn’t believe he was so evil, he even insulted his son when he wasn’t there. “So next week you will be marrying my son, Tyrion and Sansa will marry Joffrey in five days. As you can imagine your wedding won’t be like hers but our main job is for you to give birth to a heir of the North. If my son isn’t capable of doing it I will myself. He will learn of your engagement right after you.”
“Was that all?” you asked coldly. He narrowed his eyes and nooded. “Thanks for your time” you said standing up and closing the door behind you. You ran to your room and laid down on your bed.
Well... Tyrion wasn’t that bad... He was way better than Joffrey, he treated you well and had saved you some times... Maybe it wasn’t that bad after all... Just as this thoughts ran through your mind you heard a knock on your door. You didn’t even bother to stand up.
“Come in” you said still laying back on the bed.
“Y/n? I’m sorry” Tyrion’s voice said behind you. You sat on the bed and shook your head.
“Don’t apologise, it isn’t your fault.” you said allowing your body to fall against the mattress again and patting the space at your side.
He started walking towards the bed as he talked“You know we can try to convince my father to delay the wedding if you wish, maybe he would be willing to give me some time to court you...”he sat down on the bed” That would give you time and...” 
“Hush Tyrion. I won’t speak to him. And neither will you. He wants to see me unhappy, I won’t give him that.” you said rolling on the bed to face him. “Besides unless you hate me too much I don’t think this is so bad as Sansa’s marriage”
“How on Earth could I hate you, after everything you have gone through for my family’s fault.”
“Well, you are a wealthy Lannister, I’m a Stark who has nothing and you are being forced to marry my so... that would be enough to be disgusted by the idea of marriage” you said putting your elbow against the mattress and resting your head on your hand.
“Come on, I’m the Imp and you are a beautiful young lady. The one who should be disgusted is you” he said locking his eyes with yours.
“You are the only person in King’s Landing who has talked to me since my father died.” you said falling on your back again.
“About the heir...” he said nervously.
“Tyrion this is a quite violent subject to talk about but I assure you I’d rather have you making me a child than your father.” you said rolling again and resting your face against the mattress. “Who know maybe this won’t be so bad.” you said sighing. “Will you be able to cope with leaving to the North?” you asked him.
“And getting away from my family? Obviously” he said smiling. “I assure you I’ll do my best to make this experience as good as I can, this won’t be easy for you, it ain’t easy to me either but it’s way harder to you because you are utterly perfect. “ he said.
“Ha! I wish” you said rolling and looking at him.
“I will make you realise that on our wedding night” he said smiling at  you and standing up from the bed.
You felt your stomach flip and you couldn’t help but to think this marriage couldn’t be so bad. 
“I’ll come back later, is that alright?” he asked just as he was about to leave.
“Of course, if you knock and I don’t answer I am either asleep or have been murdered.” you said from the bed.
“Don’t joke with that” he said chuckling and closing the door behind him.
“I’m not a sheep afterall...” you muttered. 
imaginesreblogged ,  stephyra17
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notelgesugha · 7 years
Same goes for enterVOID. I was pretty enthusiastic to join/when I joined. A place for comics, to develop your characters, merge your ideas with others. Have your child be influenced by other peeps that inhabited “VOID City” It seemed like fun, and it was! It was a lot of fun. I made some friends, I grew as an artist, I received critique, and applied it, albeit slowly, to the next comic I’d do. Of course, like any other place, it had its flaws. There were negative critiques, and people that just. Clashed with each other and what not. But it was bearable for every party, really. However, things changed when an Admin decided it was best to let go of their position. This allowed another person to usurp take the place, and work from there. For worse, unfortunately. That Admin was toxic, and it spread. Contamining some of the staff, and even members. Things just piled up, until it eventually came crashing down. You guys remember the whole “I am a Dumb Baby” event? I do. It wasn’t fun. In the end, the newest admin was asked to step down. I haven’t heard of them since then. And you’d think that would make things better, right? To get rid of that one person that started planting weird and badly made decisions. They were gone, things would once again return to normal. Hmm? They did not. With the removal of said Admin, people that had left because of them, decided it was okay to return. “Old School” peeps, from way back when enterVOID was just a little place. (Man... I actually have the Achievement of Old School now. I don’t think I deserve that. But more on that later) People who have been for more than 5 years at VOID, know exactly WHO are the people I am talking about. The animus attitude didn’t stop. Because, apparently, in their eyes, there was no difference between Constructive Criticism, and completely Destroying someone’s work. And members had to feel honored that they even bothered to comment on such pathetic comics. They whined a lot about how things were run on the site, but offered no solution. Just demanded. One of the Staff members answered with something along the lines of “We have this schedule already planned, I am sorry. But you are free to make your own event! I am sure people would like to join it too! ^^” That’s a polite reply, right? I thought so too. They did not. They took it as an offense and misinterpreted everything to put themselves as the victim. “How dare you tell me to suck it up? Just saying that I should do my own Tournament? That only means I don’t matter to you, or anyone else. Gimme what I want or I will continue attacking you all, with no facts and consideration to third people” A lot of us were discouraged by these members. I wanted to move on. But move where? I barely made friends in VOID, and I just keep like. I just talk with one of them nowadays. The point being that I am never able to set roots anywehere. I never fit in. I am always annoying, I am always the black sheep and... Whatever. “Playing the Victim” too apparently. I am in no way a good person. But I didn’t think I was this much of an idiot. I just don’t know what to do when it comes to socializing, I am quite inept at it. And whenever I try to keep up with “trends” of being Agressively Loving, people just take it the wrong way. So I just stay quiet and let things flow. Join Art Jams that call my attention every now and then, but doing comics, “competing”, and everything else? It doesn’t appeal to me at all. I’m a loser. I think I only ever won like twice, out of many comic battles. And one was by default. Also my first battle, so I am quite salty about it wheeze In the end, I returned to deviantART, as mentioned in ramble pt 2. After all, people enjoyed my rapist seducing demon more than the author; Me. Again. I felt lost. Still do. I am sure this is just a bad day, and tomorrow will be better. (P.D.: Regarding the Old School thing. I didn’t think I deserved it, because as I have mentioned before, I consider myself a mediocre person/artist. Probably even less than mediocre. Poop artist. Um. I wanted to continue drawing and once again, proving everyone that I could make an impact, and make a name for myself in there. I made a lot of posts about this. A lot of replies were supportive. But there was one negative one, that still echoes, even though ot’s been like. years. “Shut up, and fight someone” I wasn’t aware my depression had started acting up since then. I took that statement to heart, and... It just didn’t work. I didn’t work, nor react appropiately. I felt even more alienated. What even meant being a Veteran? What meant being Old School? I don’t deserve those achievements. Everyone, including me, knows I am no one. )
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suranflower · 8 years
Wings: a not very serious song-by-song review
These Bangtan Boys announced today that they will be releasing a follow up for Wings in February, so I really felt in the mood for doing this small not-exactly-review nobody asked for. Let’s go!
Intro: Boy Meets Evil. “I was an idiot addicted to sweetness / Yeah an idiot / I didn’t want to let go of the devil’s hand”. This song is the absolute perfect opening for this album. It sets the atmosphere for what’s to come. It has a dark tone that makes you wonder wether if they’re somewhat desparate or actually willing to fall. Anyway, it makes its function: put you in the right mood for the rest of the album with your eyes -and ears- wide open. Personally, there is nothing I don’t like about this song.
Blood, Sweat & Tears. “But your wings are wings of the devil / In front of your sweet is bitter bitter“. In my opinion, choosing it as the lead single was the right choice. Why? It’s a extremily catchy song, but not only that. It is, no doubt, one of the album’s highlights, but also the song that for its music and lyrics probably combines the essence of the album’s theme and concept the best.
Begin (Jungkook solo). “I can’t stand / you crying / I want to cry instead”. Here we have a somewhat bittersweet song. Just like coming of age. Jungkook proves once more his vocal abilities with sweet melodies while singing softly and, as always, with a lot of heart in the process. A song about friendship and enduring together through hardships while growing in the process, and who better than the maknae to deliver it.
Lie (Jimin solo). “Find the me that was innocent / I can’t free myself from this lie”. The fourth song in the album is one of those pieces capable of actually make you feel what they are about. Even if you don’t understand what he is saying, this music will take you down to a world that is crumbling down, to a world where everything is false and about to shatter. You actually feel the anguish in Lie, and I think that is why there’s no other word for it but masterpiece, one that shows us how much Jimin has grown as a musician.
Stigma (V solo). “ I’m sorry ma sister / Even if (I try to) hide it, or conceal it, it can’t be erased”. This is, in my opinion, the darkest song here. If we started our way down with “Boy Meets Evil”, continued falling with “Blood, Sweat & Tears” and knew we were already lost with “Lie”, “Stigma” is the point when we are already in the darkest pit of hell. Not only it fits the overall concept, but takes it to a whole new level. Musically, V shows all his vocal range, giving a performance full of emotion and power that would give you goosebumps.
First Love (Suga solo). “The corner of my memory / A brown piano settled on one side”. Story time here: when I first listened to this song, I didn’t knew very well who BTS were. But this immediately caught me. I thought “this has to be a tragic love story” knowing the title and how the music was. Turns out it’s not. When I finally read the lyrics I wanted to cry. This is such a touching, beautiful piece, performed with so, so much passion. Because this song is about love, but love for music and music only. And that can be more beautiful than any “romantic” love story you can think of.
Reflection (Rap Monster solo). “Everyone else knows where they’re supposed to be / But only I walk without purpose”. With this song, we slow down. The music gets a little more relaxed, less intense as does Namjoon’s voice. But the emotions are not less intense or relatable. It’s a song for the lonlelies, and the lost ones, for those who have ever felt insecure, a song for those who deeply want love of all kinds but at the same time need time by their own. It’s a relaxed, uplifting and beautiful song that is very personal, but at the same time is a song for you and for me, that connects with the coming of age temathic yet seems very mature.
MAMA (J-Hope solo). “You gave to me unconditionally / You were my support / Hey mama / Now trust your son, you can smile”. I can’t use other word for this but cute and sweet. This is an ode for someone, a song about unconditional love, but unlike “First Love”, it focus on an actual person. Although it follows the line of “Begin” in trusting and taking strength in others, it talks about other type of love. It’s a song full of hopes and dreams, a song that has a rythm that immediatly puts you in a good mood and makes you want to dance and don’t worry about anything, a song that fills you up with positive energy. It’s, actually, the Hoseok-est thing ever. However, it doesn’t sound “out of tune” with the rest of the album concept or music, it only adds some diversity.
Awake (Jin solo). “Maybe I, I can’t touch the sky / Still, I want to stretch my hand out / I want to run / Just a bit more”. This song impressed me, and still impresses me a lot, for many reasons. First, for personal reasons, it reaches something inside me. Now, musically, we have a song about dreams, about growing up, another of the central themes of the album. It’s about reaching dreams and just try and try, a continuing leimotiv in BTS’s discography. Musically, I just can praise it. The ballad-like tone and melodies are great for the lyrics and really appropiate for Jin’s voice, a voice that he displays in all its splendor, showing that not only he is a capable vocalist, but one that is able to thrill.
Lost. “To lose your path / Is the way to find that path”. Here we have a song where the four vocalists of the group perfectly mix their voices and recieve parts that suit them really well. Putting this song right after “Awake” was a good move in my opinion. It has a sort of follow in the lyrics, however, it also combines lyrical elements from other songs. Musically, it’s a more… electronic song, I’d say, but a very melodic one.
BTS Cypher pt. 4. “I like hate comments more than no comments / I don’t know you / But you know my name”. Time for the rapline. And here it is, by far, the most badass song in the album. A rap that gets blurry at times about conpsuming fame, dedicated to all haters, but that also talks about succeding more than anyone else. A good contrast to being/feeling lost that “I Love and know myself” thing, right? It is. But -low key theory time- I get the feeling this is what ultimately threw the character of our story (if there is truly a storyline here) into whatever dark thing they are right now…
Am I Wrong. “Where am I going / The world’s going crazy” When I heard this song for the first time I thought that it was a very dance-like song, with very good rythm that this song was a bit of a rarity in the album. When I looked at the lyrics I found that, in a sense they’re what I could classify as apocalyptic. I still believe it somehow.
21st Century Girls. “Whatever people say, you’re okay (Alright) / You are strong / You say yes or no yes or no”. First things first, as a feminist, I have to say that I find elements of these lyrics problematic. I won’t get into that now, but I needed to mention it. However I really like the particular lines I quoted earlier. Musically, however it’s an incredibly catchy song, and a very strong one, one that you can dance to and after all still manages to sound good in this collection of songs. 
Two! Three! (Still Wishing There WIll Be Better Days). “(So thanks) For becoming my light / For becoming the flower in the most beautiful moment in life”. Here we reach a very emotional point in the album -as if we hadn’t had enough-, but now it’s not only musically and lyrically. This song is, in many senses, aimed at fans. “Two! Three!” Sounds pretty much like an hymn, an hymn for youth, for hope, for BTS, for the fans and for keeping up together (again, the “grow up together” theme comes up) while refering to previous albums. With this song, BTS is ready to set the close to the album.
Interlude: Wings. “I go places they tell me not to / Do things they tell me not to do / Want things I shouldn’t / Get wounded again and again”. And all of a sudden, the album goes back to a certain urgency, to that tone that was starting to sound desperate at the begining with heavy violins and piano… Just to suddenly throw the listener into a point of small, yet plesant confusion because this closing was so fast. This “interlude”, as its title says, promises that more is to come as the music gets more and more and more electronic and Jungkook wishes to open up his wings to fly.
[All the lyrics I quoted were taken from this site]
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