#so i rarely know what to do when im forced or allowed to live on my own for a while
lupismaris · 2 years
Right. Called friend to ask her and her husband to come hangout tomorrow evening so i have someone to grocery shop with and help 'round the kitchen for meal prepping/cleaning out foods i can't have for the next month with a big pasta night dinner. Asking for help sucks when people have shamed you for it all your life but i promise you it is freeing and essential. She didn't even hesitate she just said yeah sounds great they'll be by after seeing another friend earlier in the day what can they bring. Sometimes it's that simple.
Gonna get dressed. Try and hold off a cry. Order a pizza. Pick up pre rolls. Pick up pizza. Come home. Have a smoke. Eat something. Watch Craig!bond probably. Call with Dec. In some order.
Somewhere in the mix have the big weighty cry i feel building.
Bath. Another smoke. Back to bed.
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lieswetell · 8 months
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IFHY (Jordan Li x Alt!Reader) PT 1
Tags~ roommate au, enemies to lovers, alt reader, tattooed reader, slow burn, supe!reader, afab!fem!reader
Warnings~ angry sex, jordan might be a lil mean, porn w plot bc im freaky like that, drugs, alcohol, gay shit
Monday, August 7th
“It’s only one semester. This will be over before you know it,” Mia said.
You want to hear her out and try to be optimistic about the situation, but it’s complicated. Having your own dorm was rare in Godolkin. Students who did usually paid an ungodly amount for the extra privacy or were gifted one because of their current sponsors. For you, in your previous two years, it had been a mixture of both.
“This is bullshit.” You complain and have to force yourself not to roll your eyes at your phone.
Mia hadn’t done anything wrong. She was doing everything she could to get you what you wanted. However, it wasn’t playing out in your favor this time. You were still in your dorm, trying to cling on to that last bit of single dorm life you could, even though you were moments away from the move.
“Look. I love you, but there isn't anything else I can do. Some of these kids will probably be out in a few months.” Mia tried to help you look on the bright side of the situation.
You have yet to respond to what your assistant was telling you. Instead, you just kept looking around the now-empty dorm with a mournful gaze.
“Shetty says it’s a large roo-” Mia added.
“My room was plenty big enough,” You complained again. This time, the words came out in a sort of whine that would remind anyone else of a toddler.
 You got up from the floor and wiped your hands on your pants. After taking a deep breath, you closed the last bin in your room.
“One semester.”  You sighed.
“One semester,” Mia said, her voice a lot more positive than yours.
“When are you recording that video for-”
“Alright, look at the time the moving team is here. Can’t be late.” You cut her off and blew her a kiss before hanging up on her.
The moving team wasn’t anywhere near your room, and you knew that. If you focused, you could hear everyone in the building. There wasn’t a trace of dickheads with whistles anywhere near you.
The Godolkin University moving team usually consisted of sophomore students with too much strength to know where to put it. Many were from various clubs or programs that forced them to help incoming students. 
You started to stack your bins and luggage outside of your room on your own. Typically, the moving team would assist the students. Still, it was effortless for you to carry the items, and you thought if you looked around your dorm for any longer, you might burst into tears. That wasn’t very productive or good for your image if anyone were to see it. So you popped in your earbuds and started to lift the bins. When finished you put the label on your crate 465.
 With the headphones in your ears, you didn’t notice just how much more lively it was. Most of your floormates were in other single dorms with other upper-level students. So you would only really run into a few people if any, daily. With the influx of incoming students moving in, you would easily have trouble avoiding anyone. According to your assistant Mia, every dorm room was filled(yayyyy godolkin for not allowing students to live off campus).
After skipping an array of songs, Spotify somehow thought would suit your style, someone poked you on the shoulder.
“You’re 17#, right? Big fan, honest.”The boy said. Something you noticed everyone said after they wanted to snap a quick picture with someone. You couldn’t complain, though you had no proof this person was lying to you.
“Nice to meet you.” You said and copied the same amount of excitement. The perfect amount to seem genuine but still cool enough to feel above them in that weird way you can only get from social media. You extended your hand, and he shook it eagerly.
You didn't feel that way, of course. That’s just the game and how you needed to perform. All to get where you needed to be. Being a hero was a machine full of moving parts, and Mia has been training you since you were fourteen.
“Can I get a picture?” He asked, and you nodded before he could get the sentence out.
“Always always…” you answered happily. You quickly adjusted your hair and gave the boy a side hug.
The selfie came out nice. Cute and wholesome. You made sure he tagged you on the picture and used a few of your hashtags. You gazed around, wondering who was assisting him with the move. He just looked around at your bins before looking back up at you.
“Is there anything fragile in there?” He asked awkwardly. It seems he hadn't shaken off the nerves from meeting you. It was so silly to you. You weren’t Homelander or Queen Maeve.
“Yeah, the fragile stuff is in that box right there. Marked fragile in bold red tape…”
The boy then looked back at you with a look you couldn’t place. Before you could even realize what was about to happen, his arms stretched out to unnatural lengths as if he were made of rubber. He lifted all of your bins simultaneously. He wrapped and stacked them into the carts and secured them as if his arms were bungee cords. It was astonishing. You had never seen that power before, and although it was slightly disgusting, it was cool.
Just as you went to pat him on the back, a box on top crashed to the floor. You heard the glass shatter and knew instantly it was the fragile box he so kindly placed on top of everything to avoid it getting crushed. Just my luck. That was definitely the bong in there that you’ve had for a few years. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I've been stretched out all day. Things are starting to fall out.” he apologized genuinely.
“Lemme guess you are usually super tight?”
Your roommate was finished moving all of her things to the other side of the room. It definitely started as a struggle, but after a bit of time, Jordan started to get the hang of it. Early in the process, he was just bitching to himself about having to do this in the first place. He didn't really have anyone to complain about it to. His friends were rooming with each other, and he was the only one stuck rooming with a new person.
 His parents didn't understand his frustrations, and instead, they were just happy he would be rooming with a girl. Jordan tried explaining his irritation to Brink, but that was also a no-go. All Brink did was reframe the situation by saying it could somehow make Jordan a better hero.
“Are there seriously no fucking quads in this place?” Jordan complained to no one.
He sat on his loveseat on his couch and scrolled on his phone. He debated not being in the room when his new roommate arrived. Jordan heard that people had done that, but he was too nervous to do it himself. What if you stole something? What if you wanted to put your stuff on his side? Maybe you were a weird freshman? Or worse, a fan of him?
He sat back on the couch. His feet were planted firmly in front of him, and he scrolled on his phone. It was a position he often found himself in. In this form, his feet were actually able to reach the floor when he sat all the way back on the couch comfortably. In the other one, her feet dangled and gave off a less intimidating look than the one he was currently in.
There was a soft knock on the door. Jordan rolled his eyes and stayed in his position. Why would he open the door? If they were supposed to be moving in, they surely would have a key, right? He looked at his door open. Jordan wasn’t really sure what to expect to be standing in the doorway. 
When the ugly beast finally reared its head, Jordan finally exhaled. He hadn’t realized he was holding his breath until you waved at him.
“Hi” You said
It’s all you can offer him at the moment. The little helper you had assisting you barged in soon after you greeted Jordan. Jordan didn't even say anything to you. He just looked at you from his spot on the loveseat then his eyes trailed over to the freshman who couldn’t maintain eye contact with you.
“Looks like! Holy shit Jordan”
“Yeah.” He just nodded, confirming that he was indeed Jordan Li
The freshman stood awkwardly with your things and stared at Jordan. The interaction was just already a lot weirder than it needed to be. So you stood at the door and tried to think of a way to intervene in the impromptu staring contest.
“Thanks. You can just leave it right here. I can do the rest.” You thanked him with a big smile
With another resounding crash, he let go of the bins, and you winced. Jordan even was taken aback by the sound and rolled his eyes
“Are you sure, ma’am?” he asked 
He sounded genuine even though he treated your belongings like they were indestructible. You buffered for a moment and realized what he said
“Ma’am? How old do you think- never mind, just leave thanks.” You shooed him away and exhaled softly
He watched you. You unpacked your things, and he stayed put and just watched you. He was cycling through so many things in his head. Being so last minute, this situation didn't give him any time to prepare. The only thing he did was clean and move his shit to one side of the room. He was grateful that he could at least recognize you from the ranking. The unknown was scary like that. Jordan knows you have been slowly climbing your way to the top. Your reputation was squeaky clean. Your brand was sweet, innocent, and confident. 
Your brand didn't mean he trusted you, though. Anyone with more than two fucking brain cells at this school knew that your ‘brand’ or ‘online presence’ meant absolutely nothing. Just because you waltz in here with your big smile and wave doesn't mean he will let his guard down. Roommate or not, you still had the potential to be a big fucking dick.
“Yeah, just don’t touch any of my shit, and we should be fine.” Jordan said without looking up from his phone.
He sat comfortably slumped on the sofa. The uninterested appearance he’s in pissed you off. Oh, so he’s just like this? You could do this, though. You wouldn’t let him see that you were frustrated. People like him lived off of that shit, and you wouldn’t give him what he wanted. You just nodded and gave him another smile, one real enough to be convincing.
“I understand. You do have some nice things. Probably wouldn’t want anyone getting into it either.” You said in that cheerful voice that you had been trained to perfect. 
That time, Jordan did look at you. He was now thoroughly annoyed and over the roommate situation. In his eyes, he tried. In the twenty minutes you had been in the room, Jordan considered everything he had done ‘trying’. This situation wouldn’t work, though. He just wasn’t built to share rooms with a random person.
Wednesday, September 27th
“Jesus Christ, do you ever fucking fucking knock?!” Jordan shouted
You did knock. You dented the door to your room because you were banging on the door for about ten minutes. You even shot Jordan a few texts saying when you would return to the dorm. Of course, she hadn’t responded to any of them; she never did.
So you said fuck it and broke the lock on your door and walked into the room. Jordan was riding some junior in her bed. The sight wasn’t new to you, so you were unfazed. Seemingly to you, Jordan never really cared about you seeing her naked. It was more of the fact you were interrupting her that was the problem. In the two months you have been rooming with Jordan, you have walked in on her having sex four times.
The first time, it came as a shocker. You squealed and covered your eyes, immediately leaving the room and shooting her a few apology texts. When you left, Jordan just continued on like it was nothing. Like you were just a temporary pause. This time wasn’t like that. You walked in and closed the door behind you.
So you waved at the man who was underneath Jordan on the bed. He looked at you with a confused look, then turned to look back at Jordan, who was bewildered.
“You're not usually my type, but I think I could be down for both of you,” The man said, then looked back up at Jordan curiously.
You just walked toward your desk, sat down, and started up your laptop.
She climbed off him and huffed, “Get out”.
Then the man shuffled awkwardly around the room and tried to pick up his clothes. He slipped the condom off and didn't know what to do with it, so he tried to hand it to Jordan. She pointed towards the door, so he just nodded and held it as he left the room. His clothes were still crumpled in his other hand, covering his dick. You shook your head slightly, knowing that type of thing was far too normalized in this school.
“Do you purposely do that?” Jordan asked you sharply. It was more of an accusation. He barely spoke to you, and when he did, it was always intending to fight.
“Do what?” You asked and logged into the Godolkin portal.
“Wait until I’m using the room to appear out of thin air” She complained and stepped closer to you.
Whenever Jordan spoke to you, it was like they were a nagging little voice that you had to physically restrain yourself from losing your cool with. You didn’t want to risk an argument with Jordan, no matter how much of a bitch she was. It just wasn’t worth it. It would be optimistic to think that Jordan wouldn’t somehow get you lousy press from the situation. It was also optimistic of you to think that one day, Jordan would just stop trying to fight the fact that they would have to live with someone.
Every day you felt like you were seconds from Jordan finally saying fuck it and starting beef with you publicly just to fuck up your rank. Being ranked seventeen wasn’t the best you could be, but to most people, being in the top one hundred was quite an accomplishment. Job security was a hard thing for supes to find, and you weren’t going to fuck up your brand just because Jordan was having a bad day.
“Oh, please. I texted you, Jordan. Multiple times,” It came out with a little more emotion than you intended. Patience wasn’t your strength today.
“You didn’t,” She said flatly.
You huffed and pulled your phone out of your bag. When you pulled up the text chain to show her. You looked away awkwardly when she turned around to grab her phone. For some reason seeing her ass suddenly felt invasive, although she was so chill about it. Once again, she was more pissed about the fact she didn't cum.
“That’s not even my number.” She showed you her Apple ID and rolled your eyes.
“Who’s fault is that?” You asked her this time; your tone couldn’t have been mistaken for anything but annoyed.
Jordan realized what she did and grabbed your phone out of your hand. You scoffed at the action and tried to snatch it back, but she was faster than you. Probably in both forms, unfortunately. Jordan just updated the contact info and handed you back your phone(which you snatched out of her hands immediately).
“You could’ve knocked,” Jordan said, and you did a sharp inhale.
You looked up at her, then back down at your phone at the updated info. It was hard not for you to be pissed about the fact he lied to you. So many arguments could’ve been avoided, but of course, she couldn’t even give you her number.
“I did. For about ten minutes. Maybeyouweretoobusycreamingondicktohearaboutit” 
The words came out as a rushed whisper. The struggle of trying to hold your anger was starting to become not only a mental challenge but a physical one.
“What did you say?”Jordan asked. This time, he almost seemed kind of excited, which didn't help you calm your nerves in the slightest.
“The locks broken, by the way. You locked me out, so I had to break it open. I’ll schedule a maintenance worker to check it out around five,” You told him. The facade was back up. You were no longer spewing attitude at him.
The maintenance request was sent, and Jordan was left confused at the sudden change in demeanor. He was excited for a second that it seemed you finally had a moment of real fucking emotion with him. Jordan would much rather be alone in his dorm, but your unwavering positivity threw him off more than he intended.
Jordan could recall a few times he would complain and rant about you to his friends during smoke seshes. It had only been two months, but he felt like he wasn’t even rooming with a natural person. Something about you was too perfect, too clean, just all around, too bland. He was excited to talk to a person for that quick moment there. It's not the brand you posted for everyone to see. 
He went back to the other side of the room in defeat. He sat on top of his bed. Jordan never stopped looking at you. You slipped up, and maybe that gave him hope(he would never admit it).
“I need the room at five,” Jordan said.
You furrowed your brows and looked over at the calendar on the wall. Each day that passed, scribbled out with a blue Sharpie. You shook your head and looked over at him.
“You have class. It’s Wednesday,” You said matter of factly.
Jordan rolled his eyes and mumbled
.“No, I don’t.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. He could be so petty sometimes for no reason, and this was one of those moments.
“Did you just disagree with me just because?” You asked him.
Jordan couldn’t think of a comeback or words to say. You talked to him in that weirdly positive tone despite clearly being irritated with him again. Maybe his dick twitched a little, but he ignored that.
“Jordan, put some clothes on, okay?” 
“Fuck you”
“Your dick is out”
“Have a great day”
Maintenance fixed the door problem by 5:13 pm. It was a simple fix. A new doorknob was installed, but a couple of dents from your early frustration remained a reminder. Afterward, you were alone in your dorm, struggling to wait forty minutes to join a lecture.
  It was a struggle not to nod off in front of your computer. Online classes always felt like a good idea when you signed up for them, but you soon realized they were a trap. It is a carefully crafted trap for you to waste your time on the course because you couldn't keep your eyes open long enough to listen to your professor drone on about the importance of… You fell asleep.
You needed the relief anyway. It was a struggle to keep holding up the illusions you were. The influx of incoming students fucked you over. Having a roommate who hated you meant you were always using your powers. You couldn’t trust him not to try and ruin your brand. The only times you would have a break from having to cast an illusion was when Jordan was out doing whatever the fuck he did besides training and sulking.
Illusions fell around you—your side of the room that was once pale blue and pink warped into black and purple. Your hair, which once seemed to be tied tightly in a bun, fell around your shoulders. The pink sweater you wore was replaced with a black hoodie you had for years. The illusions you had concealing your tattoos shattered. The ink from your arm sleeve peaked out from the wrist of your hoodie.
“Who are you texting?”Andre asked 
It was late. Jordan sat on the couch in his friends' dorm and tried not to be bitter that there were only three bedrooms. He typed in his phone, angry you weren’t responding. Why does he have to deal with this? He’s pretty sure when he leaves that, all three of them just crash in the living room in a pile like cavepeople anyways. Andre’s room was always too fucking clean for anyone to actually stay in there.
He leaned over on the couch to try and take a peak at Jrdan’s phone. Jordan leaned away, mildly irritated with his friend. Andre just shrugged and made a face at Cate. Cate rolled her eyes, already knowing where this conversation was going to go. It was the only thing Jordan talked about the past couple of weeks.
“My hell of a roommate,” Jordan complained and rolled his eyes.
You hadn’t responded to the last ten texts he sent. He was trying to be better to you. He might've felt a bit guilty about giving you the wrong number for that long. So now he was trying to do what you would have done for him. He planned on bringing the same guy from earlier back over, but you wouldn’t respond to him.
“Oh, she cant be that bad?” Cate said, trying to be positive about the situation.
“Cute, you guys are texting,” Andre whispered.
Jordan heard him, however, and switched. Before Andre had a chance to react, Jordan slapped him in the back of the head. The touch was light but quick. Andre chuckled softly and then raised both of his hands.
“Well, I’m trying to tell her I'm on my way back to the dorm. Might need it in a few,” Jordan explained and put his phone away.
“Why do you look so stressed?” Luke asked.
To be honest, he was the only one not caught up on the whole Jordan hating her roommate thing. He thought she would get over it in a week, but clearly, that wasn’t the case. Jordan still hated you basically for existing at this point. Luke tried to lock in on the situation, but he was still pretty high from the session that just ended.
“She isn’t fucking responding,” Jordan whined.
“It’s fine. It’s only been like ten minutes,” Luke stated.
Luke’s eyes looked around the room for whatever the fuck he was missing. Cate just laughed beside him.
“Since the last text I sent. I texted her five hours ago,” Jordan added, her arms crossed in front of her.
“It’s probably nothing,” Luke assured her, although he didn't understand why the situation was that. 
Serious. Cate understood it, though. Even if, at the time, Jordan didn’t understand, she could have seen it already. Cate had a weird way of just knowing.
“Yeah, what are you so worried about?”Andre asked, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive way.
Jordan looked away and flipped him off. Cate and Andre shared another look, and Jordan wanted to flip the couch over. She didn’t though
“Fuck off, Dre.”
“Who is she again? Freshman?” Cate asked
“No, junior.” Jordan answered.
“Who is it?”Luke asked, hoping that maybe that would explain Jordan’s frustration.
When Jordan answered, none of them had much of a reaction, which wasn’t very satisfying for Jordan. Andre didn’t even know who you were talking about(he didn't pay attention to the rankings much). Cate just nodded, taking in the info. It was always funny to her how the most liked people could be some of the worst. Luke didn't run with Jordan’s opinion of her roommate. He knew how dramatic Jordan could sometimes be, and he was pretty sure she would've hated any roommate she was assigned to just because they were an inconvenience to Jordan.
Jordan didn't like the feeling of being interrogated, so the hangout was cut shorter than normal. Once she answered one question, it was like he opened Pandora’s box of bullshit, and everyone wouldn’t get the spotlight off of her. So, she gave up on reaching out to the guy from earlier and instead was banging on the door of her dorm room like a mad woman.
“Dude, open the fucking door!”Jordan shouted.
He didn't want to break the door again, but the longer he stood outside, the more appealing of an idea it became. Inside the dorm, you were still fast asleep at your desk. The exhaustion from overusing your powers took a severe toll on your body. You had been out cold the entire time. All illusions previously placed on you and your things were deactivated.
“C’mon, this is really petty. Just open up.” Jordan said again, but you couldn’t hear him.
A hard alarm sounded in your ear. You shook your head awkwardly, then scrambled to check your laptop.
Take your pill
You nodded and stood up to take your birth control. You made it three steps before you fell because of the loud bang at your door. Shit. Jordan’s voice yelled something behind the door that you couldn’t quite make out at the moment. All you knew was that you needed to hurry and get all the illusions back up. You waved your hands a bit, trying to tap into Jordan’s psyche once you were confident enough that the illusions were back up, and you dry-swallowed your birth control and made your way to the door.
Act normal
“Hey, sorry I got caught up in studying?” You answered the door with a smile.
“Fine, whatever. I texted you, though.” Jordan looked at you, partially confused
It didn't make sense to him. You went hours without answering him, and your excuse was that you got caught up studying. What the fuck? You didn’t even look tired? Jordan hated you. You closed the door behind him and sat on your bed.
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
Since I rarely saw (y/n) being an executive alongside Hanma and Kisaki, here I go with platonic Hanma, (y/n), Kisaki trio. Those two spoil you when you are very much capable of buying your own things, probably teased you for being single when those two ARE THE REASON WHY YOU'RE SINGLE, won't date you but won't allow anyone to touch you either. You're probably hated by the girls Hanma and Kisaki surrounded themselves with tho.
IM FEELING SOME HCs SO HAVE SOME ANON - these takes place in the future between the Bloody Halloween arc and the Black Dragon arc
Toman Executive Reader + Yan BFF Hanma & Kisaki HCs
Yandere Platonic Hanma & Kisaki
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how you managed to befriend these two delinquents of all people is a different matter, but needless to say once they were fixed on you, they don't ever leave again
if you already had another job, too bad, you don't anymore - Hanma and Kisaki would have pulled out all stops to get you out from there, even if it meant burning the entire company down
these two (mostly Kisaki) definitely only agreed to you being a Toman executive alongside them because it would be so much easier to keep an eye on you
none of the other Toman executives understand why you are even an executive to begin with, as you’ve never been a formal part of Toman before - you only pulled in much later on once Kisaki became Mikey's right hand man
and neither were you able to stomach the mere mention of murder, let alone any of the more more awful and gritty crimes that Toman gets up to
you're barely even present at the regular earning meetings, since your job is a very surface level job, in charge of running of their smaller shell companies, and you don't exactly bring in the big bucks for the gang
but of course no one is going to question Kisaki about it, especially not if Mikey has already agreed to it
you're still given a hefty salary despite contributing almost nothing though, courtesy of your two friends
but that doesn't matter, since they would buy everything for you
house? nope, you stay with them in their Toman penthouse for "safety reasons", and no one seems to be be willing to rent or sell to you for some reason
clothes and bags? oh whaddya know, they mistakenly bought the wrong size/fit/style/gendered clothes again and its perfectly in your size and suits you - you don't want to these extremely expensive items to go to waste do you?
food? why do you want to go out and eat when they have their own personal, vetted team of chefs who can whip anything you can think of up?
you're spoiled and pampered whether you want to be or not, because Kisaki and Hanma are incapable of seeing you as anything but that small fragile friend that they made all those years ago
and you would always be that small friend to them who couldn't even take a fall without crying, let alone throw a punch to save your life
you weren't built for this world, certainly not their dark, messed-up world, and therefore it's up to them to shelter and protect you
you brighten their bloody lives, so its no wonder that these two love to spend every minute they can with you
anything that the two don't like, such as clothes that were too skimpy for their taste or that they didn't look good on you, gifts given to you by people they didn't approve of, would evaporate the moment you turn away
and you can't get a straight answer out of them what happened - they wouldn't lie to you, but that didn't mean they wouldn't run circles around your head with what they did with your stuff
no way would you be ever able to beat either men in their game of words
if not one or both of them being at your side constantly, they have an excuse to have a full team of their most trusted security forces accompany you absolutely everywhere
cameras and microphones absolutely everywhere in your home, at your office, in your car, hidden trackers on you and your stuff
these boys can't function without knowing everything about you and what you were doing - they just simply have to know that you were still alive, you were okay, and you weren't doing anything they wouldn't approve of behind their backs
like meeting strangers, getting into trouble with other gangs, or worst of all, finding a partner
even during meetings they have updates on your whereabouts and actions constantly pinging their phone
starts getting visibly fidgety when the updates go quiet for five minutes, to the point one or both of them would stand up and leave the room to call and get a hold of you
despite being part of the literal yakuza, you still have a set of rules that you have to follow, laid down by your two friends, which included not allowing you to get your hands dirty with actual yakuza work (the irony)
good cop, bad cop kind of system I would image, though the boundaries between good and bad are kinda blurred when it comes to Hanma and Kisaki
Hanma is more often than not the good cop; a lot more relaxed when it comes to you and your rules - more than happy to turn a blind eye to anything less than serious if it met you would come running to him to hide from Kisaki
would also be the one to spoil you rotten, taking you out for shopping and partying (at private Toman clubs with selected people only of course)
whereas Kisaki would be more the bad cop more often than not, being the one that has to remind you and hold you to their rules, and dish out the punishments whenever you break them
be it smacking you on your hands to the more severe locking you in a room for a week with no contact
but Kisaki does have his soft moments and Hanma does have his tougher moments - each of them have their boundaries when it comes to you and your antiques
they don't want to have to break bones or cut flesh to get you to listen to them, but push them to far and you probably wouldn't like what they become when their need to protect you and their jealousy get out of hand
no dating is an unspoken rule for you laid down by Kisaki, especially so among the other executives, though not that you know about it
doesn't matter if its a boy, girl, or anything in between, the only people in your life should just be Hanma and Kisaki
but you're still a sight for sore eyes when you do get invited to their manager meetings, with the rest of the executives being able to breathe a bit easier and relax even in the presence of Kisaki
they know that your presence means that none of the two would be pulling any funny business
neither like to have to beat the living shit or execute someone in front of you, so that is usually kept behind close doors
they keep an eye on the few executives who they think might be more of an issue to handle if they get to you, or they think you're one charming smile away from falling for
you have tried making small talk with a few of them, only for the reaction you get being for them to simply look away and pretend you haven't said anything, to whoever it is scrambling to get away from you
friendly, smiling face at you; dirty, warning side eye when facing away at everyone else
neither Hanma nor Kisaki would touch you either - no no, they can never see you in that kind of light
and neither did you see them as potential romantic partners
so single you remain, even if its against your will - none of your dates ever seem to go right, if they even turn up
Hanma lives for excitement, so drugs and girls seem to be up his alley whenever he ventures out into the night, whereas Kisaki doesn't seem to be the sort to go out of his way to get girls, but no doubt with his position of power there will be those who want to be seen with him and maybe even catch his eyes
so no doubt you would always be crowded around by jealous girls who can't believe that of all people you're the one that seems to always have Kisaki's and Hanma's attention
they won't tolerate any sort of actual malice or slander tossed your way though, and especially not any sort of advance on you though Toman should know better
a general increase in crime can be noted on those nights that they allow you out
p.s. if you read this, thanks for reading to the end! do consider coming to join us on Discord! i'm always there and I love TR
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mirrorballhughes · 11 months
luke hughes x adelaide hunter
starting us off with a good old instagram edit, some text messages and a lil in real life !! so enjoy :)
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liked by stormallen, jackhughes, _quinnhughes and 115,130 others
adelaidehunter AHHH. words can not express how excited i am to say MY DEBUT ALBUM “good riddance” is out june 21st!!! ALSO “where do we go now?” is out TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!
its difficult to imagine these songs living anywhere other than my most secret places, but rutger is my biggest supporter and reminded me that holding space for brutal honesty in songwriting is kind of the whole point.
i feel an unbelievable amount of gratitude for the opportunity to have made this album. writing this record allowed me to grow up in ways i needed to. it forced me to reflect and be accountable. it allowed me to walk away from versions of myself that i no longer recognize. it allowed me to let go.
also a big shoutout to my sister thats not blood, storm. shes one of the few people in this world capable of making others feel safe to their core when they are exploring the parts of themselves that are most raw. storm is rare and generous. im so glad you are my roommate, but fuck the canes btw!! ;)
thank you all for the support!!! im so nervous. im so relieved. i hope with my whole heart that theres something in here that makes you feel less alone. ill be thanking you all for the rest of my life for taking this record and making it yours!!! JUNE TWENTY FIRST!! AHHH see you at midnight!! <3
tagged: stormallen, rutgermcgroarty
_quinnhughes Della!! I’m so proud of you! Cant waif to celebrate with you :)
adelaidehunter QUNNIIE!! thank you. see u soon
jackhughes Adds so proud of you.
adelaidehunter thx jacks. see u soon :)
user2 this album is gonna be so good.
user5 anyone think its gonna be about luke…
user6 u might be on to something..
user10 but his brothers commented??
user13 they are family friends, grew up together.
User30 Oh ik that tension in their summer lake house is gonna go CRAZY.
rutgermcgroarty STAR IS SHINNING !!
adelaidehunter thx!
stormallen MY GIRL!! I CANF WAIT TO LISTEN ( already have)
rutgermcgroarty yeah me too u arent special!
edwards.73 HEY I HEARD IT ASWELL!!
umichhockey i think we all heard it🙄
adelaidehunter I LOVE U STORMY!!
mackie.samo are we ignoring the fact that adel went out of her way to reply using the umich account?
luca.fantilli its lemonade she can do what she wants!
adamfantilli mackie dont be a hater now, ur just mad that u missed the listening party!!
umichhockey thx you fantilli twins!! :)
luca.fantilli we arent twins lemonade
adamfantilli last time i stick up for you.
adelaidehunter NOOO IM SORRY🙁💔
dylanduke25 good riddance: said to express relief at being free of a troublesome or unwanted person or thing.
user5 DYLAN???
adelaidehunter LMAOOO. duker thats crazy
seamuscasey26 DUDE THATS FOUL.
markestapa addieeeee LETS GO?? Im screaming at u
adelaidehunter IM NOT even WITH U??
markestapa okay.. u might be
user1303 WHAT.
lhughes_06 cant wait to listen. proud of you adelaide.
user559 shes definitely not replying to this!
caleb.hunter um im ur biggest supporter???
adelaidehunter thats true! i love u
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hughes hunter moment !!
quinn: caleb just got here. now where are u della??
jack: YEAAAH. where are u missy???
quinn: jack. we arent playing bad cop good cop.
jack: i know that??
quinn: god ur annoying
adelaide: im pulling in right now.
enough fighting please.
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adelaide just parked her car, grabbing her bags from her car. she took in her surroundings, taking a deep breath in and out. the hughes hunter lake house was always her favorite place to be. something about this time seems different. the blonde let go of the negative energy before walking to the door. she opened the door, backing up feeling the door handle opening up from the inside.
“oh. hey adelaide. thought u were the pizza guy.” the youngest hughes brother was standing at the door, causing adelaide to go mute. “QUINN MOVE! IM TRYING TO GET TO THE DOOR. CALEB STOP HIM!” she heard the middle hughes brother say. “here do you want me to help you-“ the curly haired boy asked, “no its fine thanks.” the blonde spoke quietly walking into the house carrying her stuff in. “ADDS!! move LUKE!” jack said causing luke to move out of his way, the youngest brother was stood there admiring the girl.
luke checked up on adelaide a lot. always watching her stories, seeing her posts just never reached out. luke noticed how her hair still had little bits of brown in it from when she dyed her hair right after the two broke up. luke watched the two interact hugging each other and smiling. luke wished that was him. “shes my sister, why didnt i get the first hug?” caleb spoke as him and quinn finally moved over to where the group was. “she likes me more thats why cal.” jack said causing adelaide to roll her eyes, giving her brother a hug then hugged quinn. her and luke locked eyes, the three guys standing there noticed the love spark that were still there between the two.
the blonde girl broke the eye contact, “ill be back down. i gotta get unpacked.” she said shooting a small smile to the group of guys who nodded. there was a knock at the door, “great timing! the pizza here as well!” quinn smiled pushing luke to get the door as he was impatiently waiting for it. addie made her way upstairs smiling trying to make this lake house vacation will as best as she could.
caleb was at her door, seeing as though she finished packing. “you okay?” that caught adelaides attention, “im fine why wouldnt i be?” she said sitting down on her bed caleb following after her. “um i dont know, maybe its because of some certain boy downstairs? who you have been friends with since forever and then ended up to-“ “okay enough!” she said causing her older brother to laugh. “okay fine sorry! but if you ever wanna talk just let me know. im here for you, a.” the glasses wearing boy said, as the two hugged each other.
the hunter siblings went downstairs sitting at the bar with the hughes brothers already digging into the pizza. “so della how excited are you for your album and song release?” the oldest hughes brother asked, causing luke to feel smaller and tense. he was there when adelaide was writing the music, she told him about some of the songs. but once they brought up, luke knew she had to have some gut wrenching song written about him. sure he was nervous, but he would always be proud of her for any and all of her accomplishments.
“oh! im so excited, but nervous. it does feel good to have it released out to the world instead of being stuck inside with just me.” she said looking over at luke whos head was low, then brought her attention to grabbing some pizza. “so “where do we go now?”whats that gonna be about?” jack asked knowing most of her songs had meaning, jack always adored adds music he has to be her biggest supporter. “its basically me reflecting back on all the little white lies in a one-sided love that beamed as bright red flags, finally leading to ending things. and the question of where they should go, start afresh or not, looms over this delicate ballad, though remains unanswered.” she said causing luke to look up and then quickly brought his head down. “oh well i cant wait to hear it! any songs about our good man luke here?” jack asked causing luke to look up and glare at the older boy. adelaids face flushed, “you dont need to answer that a. jack is just picking.” caleb said sending the boy a wtf look.
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kame-writes · 5 months
Concerning the media overlords au:
First of all: I love it! Thank you for sharing the idea with us <33
Second: Does Alastor live in the tower with the other Vees? And does Alastor still move into the hotel? If yes, on a scale of one to absolutely how sad/pissed/jealous is Vox after receiving this info?
3. I'd like to imagine Velvette's fingers are constantly itching to get ahold of that handsome deer man, who doesn't know how to dress himself properly or trendy, and give his wardrobe an upgrade. Could you imagine this happening? (Maybe with lots of alcohol involved. So that he would at least temporarily let her experiment with his clothes. Bonus points if she is able to take picture too. Vox would obviously make himself some copies for.. private reasons...) Do you see my vision?? Can you see it??
4. Can Vox convince Alastor to do more audio features within their network? Like podcasts or interviews and the like? Or are they just screams as well? (I recently discovered a podcast about cooking, where each week they talk about one ingredient and explain a recipe with it. I think this would fit Alastor's preferences very well.. tho the ingredients might not be as commonly used now that I think about it... anyhow... now I can't stop thinking about Hannibal and Alastor hosting a food podcast.. oops.. sorry, but not really)
5. You mentioned that Husk still works in his casino, if he isn't needed. Do you have any headcanons for Niffty's whereabouts?
Anyway that's all for now! Have a lovely day/night! <33
p.s. Sorry if this ask is intrusive. For some questions it's pretty clear that I've already imagined something for myself that may or may not fit with your vision of this au. If you feel like I overstepped, feel free to ignore this or send me an alastor_fuck_u. gif :D
Im am very happy to have questions asked! You have no idea how many ideas i have and dont know what to do with xD
I'd love to see other peoples headcanons and ideas for this universe, if anyone does anything for it then please tag me so i can see ^^
This is gonna get long so I've put it under a read more
2: No one is really sure if he lives there or just works there. He HAS his own suite in the tower, but he's not always there when they go look for him, and not being able to find him is very a common occurrence, made more frustrating because he refuses to carry or awnser the mobile phone they forced on him. He hangs around in the common areas like the kitchen and living room sometimes. And if they do manage to rope him into something like a movie night its a huge hassle, because he will insist on a black and white or silent film if he HAS to engage with the tv, and Vel and Val hate those.
The whole top of the Tower is dominated by his large Radio tower though, its slightly seperated from the rest of the building, suspended above it with a staircase/ladder to enter the hatch. Valentino is usually not brave enough to check there for Alastor.
Its the same with the hotel. He does move into his own room there, but goes back and forth a lot, and doesnt have a schedule. Vox tires to pretend hes fine with it at first but often ends up the hotel to be a pain in the ass to Charlie, and getting kicked out by the staff of Alastor. Hes convinced himself that Alastor will lose interest sooner rather than later, and the others just tune out his whining at this point. No one buys it when he claims he didnt even notice Alastor was gone as soon as the Radio Demon gets back to the tower.
3: I may be planning to draw this haha He does let her dress him up ocassionally, he has a few differant suits he's approved of and kept, but does wear his original the most the time. Velvette has a line of 'Vintage chic' clothing that partly started as a way to get Alastor to agree to changing his 'ratty ass old man style' by appealing to clothes that were updated takes on his era. He still very rarely leaves the tower in anything but his own usual attire.
He does on rare occasions allow photos to be taken of him by the vees (and once, later on by charlie, under strict instructions that she keeps it to herself) but no video. And none under any circumstances are allowed on social media. He has blown up a few phones that have attempted, both the Vees and employees.
4: Alastor has agreed to be on a podcast a few times, but its rare, and only if its somehting hes really interested in talking about. It's one of the few modern things he approves of since its just a version of a radio talk show. Same with interviews, he keeps them even more extremly rare, and the mystery of the radio Demon keeps sinners in fear more than him being in the public. Vox always wants him to do more since the ratings sky rocket when Alastor features.
When Alastor has done an interview it is with his back to the camera, and sitting in a large wingbacked stupidly over the top ornate chair, that hides him from being seen, except maybe the top tuffs of his ears and antlers. And he doesnt reveal much about himself when he does. The chair is partly to hide him, and partly to stop the equitment form glitching too much. He likes to pulls faces and makes gestures deliberatly made to make Vox falter and look stupid on camera, since hes the only one who can see him in that chair.
He has teased on his own radio show that one 'lucky' sinner may get the chance to be on both a guest star on his radio broadcast AND a livestream if the mood takes. Valentino had to inform him that what he's referring to is called a snuff film
5: Niffty gets moved to the hotel pretty much full time once Alastor gets involved, Husk is a part time employee, but ends up spending less time at his casino as time goes on.
Valentino is happy Niffty is gone because she creeps him out, she ocassionally hung around his studio during work hours, especially if theyre doing a scene with 'bad boys'. Vox isn't bothered. Velvette is not happy, especially that Niffty is reduced to a maid/janitor for the hotel, and makes that very known to Alastor. Velvette loves Niffty, they are chaos sisters and work on very sketchy sounding potions together, and gang up against the boys.
Niffty is also a great seamstress herself and brings her designs to Velvette like an excited child showing off their latest art project. Almost none of these get used, but Vel has fun forcing models to parade around the studio and work in something Nifftys made, they often include bugs and bodyparts, Velvette finds this halarious.
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kyojurosprettygirl · 1 year
ok so... Gyomei and gorgon! reader? (like medusa) she turns ppl to stone of they look at her but he's blind, so he's immune. reader is very lonely and when she meets Gyomei they're happy to finally talk to someone. Gyomei also gets some eyewear so she doesn't hurt anyone else as they be together. she'd wear a cloak or hijab to hide her snakes. as they walk together and the snakes on reader's head also likes gyomei Hhehvibdnvjfnf
a/n: I love the way you think!!! GOSH, i feel this is perfect for Gyomei (UvvvU) I rarely see anyone write for Gyomei, so I was pretty excited to write for him, but very nervous as well! Since, I don't feel I know enough of his character, and as far as im aware, hasn't been animated in action that much. I can really only write him based on what I know from his wiki and manga... Hope this atleast meets your expectations!! also, because of my lack of knowledge in Hijabs, I decided not to use that as a cover for her snakes, simply to be respectful, apolgies in advance!!
love casted in the stones.
Gyomei Himejima x Gorgon! Fem! reader
a man with tremendous faith, who never once doubted his gods plans for him, how peculiar, you think. he had every right to give up on religion, would a god really cast blindness upon their child? hell, you see and hear your own brother curse the gods for who they made you and him to be on the daily. but, he never thought of it as a set-back, rather, a small exchange.
in life, balance is an important part of it to upkeep. the same way life does to death, and darkness does to light. unbalance would bring chaos, something you learned to understand. it cannot always be day, but it cannot always be night. to him, losing one sense simply acted as a sacrifice, let the illness take you, or, let the illness take your sight. losing your sight isn't a curse, its not something you'd willingly live without, sure, but what good will cursing the gods out because of it do for you? besides, you can't get it back, so why dwell on it? why dwell on something you cannot change? It is a part of you, why not embrace it?
but oh, does it get lonely...
"furukawa." your tone is stern and harsh, a drastic difference from the soft honey your tone usually held. he stutters and closes his eyes, furrowing his brows he sighs. you gently remove his prayer beads from his hands and kneel next to him, you look up at him expectantly and he kneels next to you. hes embarrassed you caught him in such a state.
having lost faith isn't something unheard of, it happens almost every day, infact gorgons are known to be faithless beings by default, but, cursing the gods you swear you don't believe in is unheard of. gorgons had no reason to believe in the higher powers when, lets face it, if they existed, they wouldn't curse the souls they created for no apparent reason. gorgons are faithless as a means to respect the gods, not to detest them. they know gods are supposed to love every being they sculpted, lead them to abundance and fortune, not into the hidden parts of the earth to live the rest of their lives as mere folktale and legends. but alas, 'lost' faith still lingers. deep down, gorgons still believe. the reason why is subjective, 'to each their own', but they all hold their arms out in hope. hope that they'll hear their desperate cries to allow them to live with the others who walk on the planet.
most your kind, mistaken as demons, had been killed in what the last of your kind knows as 'The Great Extinction'. you can't blame the humans, it was in their instincts to survive.. ugly faces that had snakes for hair...ones that couldn't wait to bite and poison you...glowing silver eyes that turn you to stone while your still alive, feeling the very painful change your body was going through.. your kind truly was demonic, but you didn't choose to live that way. You were innocent souls that had been dealt the unfortunate, forced to hide away simply for being born. it was a horrible fate, but, 'everything happens for a reason'
"it's a wonder this temple is still standing," you pause and look at him. he nods, his eyes casted to the floor. you tap his cheek and offer him a gentle smile, one he returns. "speak to me, Kaito." you place his prayer beads down, and face him. he opens his mouth to speak, but sighs. "i can't find the words." his snakes sensed his sadness and awoke to try and comfort him, but he simply brushes them away gently and orders them to stop. they sit still on his head the way hair naturally would, and close their eyes to rest once again. "we're not going to exist soon. after you and i die, that's it." you wince subtly and look to the side.
kaito and his grandfather had taken you and your grandmother away from where your kind had hidden themselves for generations, a group of humans having found it and planned an attack that killed them all. 'they've gotten smarter' kaitos grandfather said. 'used mirrors to kill us!' your grandmother shouted, anger filled her soul. after many weeks of hiding, once your grandparents deemed it safe to go back to your old home, you went back. you spent a year burying statues of those you called friends and family, and rebuilt one single home to live in. you and kaito went as far to bury humans statues simply because 'it was the right thing to do.' your grandmother died angry, and kaitos grandfather had died depressed.
"and maybe it's for the better, kaito." his brows furrow, frustration evident in his face. "we're going to all die out and never experience the way life was mean't to be lived. all we know is that demons walk upon us and eat everyone they see-" you pinch his arm, "we are apart of those demons kaito. that's what the humans see us as. monsters. they won't accept us with open arms, just one more issue to deal with. two of us versus millions of them. " he grunts. "you shouldn't curse the gods who keep us alive and hidden." he gets up. "oh, you mean the ones who keep us alive to mourn everyone whos died. keep us alive to hide and only see the sun for one hour a day. is that what we live for? is that what we thank them for? for absolutely nothing?" you stare and him and grab his prayer beads, gently fixing them into the correct position in his hands. you take your own prayer beads out and hold them, closing your eyes. "protect us. it's all i ask of you." kaito prays the same as you and smiles.
you and kaito venture out during the night, deciding to find ways to blend in as you traveled. for about two hours into the night all seemed fine, but a demon had made their way to you both, mistaking you as humans. she growled as she jumped at you and kaito, you and him barley missing her attack, and you looked at kaito for a plan. he shrugged and you realized she didn't turn to stone. your eyes widen as you speak, "she's immune to us, she's a demon.." kaitos eyes widen and he runs to grab you. he helps you to your feet and commands you to run. in a state of panic, you do as told, and its only when you hear a humans agonizing scream when you realize he wasn't following. "Kaito!" you scream, he turns around to face you and he looks afraid. You reach your hand out and run to him, "Kaito!" you scream again. He reaches his hand out to you, and your three feet away when a blade finds it's way infront of you, cleanly beheading him. You gasp and open your mouth to scream, it's silent. its once his head falls to the floor when you kneel down and find it in you to scream. You hold his head close to your body and weep. You look up at the demon slayer, making eye contact, and you don't realize your mistake until his arms are stuck in place. "im sorry! im sorry! im sorry!" you frantically repeat. his eyes widen and he screams in pain, you don't look away as you watch him turn to stone; punishing yourself. you made that bed, now you lay in it.
you stayed on the floor holding kaitos head until sunrise.
once you stood up, you analyzed the landscape and came to the conclusion that he had ripped off the demons head with his bare hands, his hands still having blood on them, and had made eye contact with the first demon slayers partner; turning her to stone, evident in the way her body stayed in a fighting position. mistaking him for a demon, her partner beheaded him, which led to the events that followed. you gently placed kaitos head down and lifted his limp body to drag him onto a bed of flowers near by. once you did you placed his head next to him and let the last few tears out. you grabbed the demon slayers and placed them near his body, gently, and placed yours and kaitos prayer beads around their neck.
"this is fucking sick." sanemi says. tengen looks at kaitos body and then the two slayers statues. "how disturbing.." he sighs. Sanemi looks at tengen, "so, what do you think this is?" tengen crosses his arms and looks at the scene again. "a demon, 's the only explanation." sanemi rolls his eyes, "Yeah, no shit. but what kind. we need to have an idea of what we're dealing with. we were sent to investigate and all you can conlcude is 'demon!'" tengen grunts and shrugs, scratching his head. "we won't know until we face it. for now, its just a demon that has the ability to turn people to stone." sanemi kicks Kaitos body, "and this?" tengen, not being able to think of anything shrugs at sanemi. sanemi hums to himself, "it might have the ability to turn humans into gorgon like creatures, having them do its dirty work,i mean.." sanemi pauses to pick up kaitos head from his dead snakes and holds it up for tengen to see. "snakes" tengen says. "well he's not a demon, he was beheaded and his bodies here, so he could be an extension that won't die until the main body does." tengen says, too serious for his liking he continues. "unflashy way to die if you ask me." sanemi stares tengen down and tengen laughs. "let's take this back, we need the others opinions as well." they make their way back to the headquarters to have another pillar meeting.
you spent what felt like years hiding in the forests, but it was only a few months. you only ever snuck into villages during the night to take food and maintain your hygiene, laying low for the rest of the time unknowingly giving people more reason to think of you as a demon and keeping the demon slayer corps on their feet. no matter what, the only evidence they had to go off of was village peoples words. there was too many people confirming you existed, but not enough proof that you were actually there. after those two slayers; they hadn't seen any more of people turning to stone, just stolen food and a shadowed figure with snakes sticking out of their silhouette. you weren't a danger to them. 'for now' they said. The master had decided to send a final order on your matter, to keep an eye out for you and if you were seen to behead you. You were no longer being scouted for, nor investigated, so you used this as your chance to freely wander around the forest as pleased, allowing yourself to indulge in the lushness of the earth. Kaito would've liked all of this.
it was lonely for the longest time, you hadn't used your voice in months and the forest became your home. you walked in its paths as a lonely soul, having forgotten the sound of kaitos and your grandmothers voice, so there was nothing to hold onto in those dark moments, deciding to allow yourself to get hurt by demons that crossed your path and only running when you heard foreign footsteps or when it got too painful.
your heart pumped in your chest, 'is this really what im doing now?' you thought to yourself. the cold wind caressed your sweaty body, cooling you down after your face off with death. the wind was silent, but created soft sounds with the trees leaves near by. you found yourself walking to the singular wisteria tree in the area, it was the biggest you'd seen and it was absolutely gorgeous. your snakes had awoken and they stayed still, a silent way to ask for permission, you giggle and say yes, they can play. they nuzzle your face and you begin to cry, an overwhelming feeling taking over you. you felt heavy weight come off of you as your snakes "stood" to play in the wisteria flowers. you laughed to yourself and let wisteria envelop your figure; finding comfort in such a beautiful sight , completely forgetting exactly what you were running from...
Mitsuri abruplty stops her chase, causing Gyomei to stop with her. "Kanroji?" Gyomei asks. she looks over at you as your engulfed in wisteria, completely fine, she stutters a little before getting her sentence out, "she's completely engulfed in wisteria, she seems completely fine." she gasps when she sees you grab into the flowers and cry, "she's grabbing it even, it's doing nothing to her! are we sure she's a demon?" Gyomei hums, "it's the only valid explaination Kanroji, she must be more powerful than we thought if she can withstand the wisteria." Mitsuri shakes her head, "No, Himejima! theres no way she's a demon. No matter what, demons experience effects from the flowers, if she only hurt three people, she's weak enough for it to paralyze her!" Gyomei nods, "i see." he states. They stay there and they debate their next move. "we must find a way to take her to the master." he says, Mitsuri hums in agreement, "should we just.." she pauses, "how are we going to do that.." Gyomei thinks for a moment, hearing your laughter causes thin tears to cascade over his face, "it sounds so innocent, so full of life" he thinks. "are you okay Gyomei?" mitsuri asks, he nods, "it's just because of her laughter." mitsuri quietly lets an 'oh' escape her, she always forget's that the smallest things can make him cry. she looks over at you and she can hear it too, she wonders how you can be so happy and caught in the moment. "mitsuri?" she looks over at gyomei, "Yes?" He turns his heaed to the sound of her voice, "can you describe her to me?" she smiles, "ofcourse, gyomei!" she takes you in and begins to speak after a moment. "She has many really long black snakes on her head, like hair it seems..and they're playing in the wisteria. beautiful eyes, ones that glow in a way similar to the moon. other than that, she looks completely human, as far as I can tell. she's wearing a black kimono, with small detailings that match the color of her eyes." she stares at gyomei expectingly, and smiles. "thankyou mitsuri" he says. she hums fondly as a way to say your welcome, and goes back to looking at you. she and gyomei begin to walk towards you, trying to stay far enough so that you don't get scared and so that you don't harm them. you hear mitsuri sheathe her blade and your head snaps to her, her snakes quickly snapping back onto your head and closing their eyes, going back to their usual resting state. you step back and cover your eyes, holding your free arm out. "no!" you scream, voice hoarse from lack of usage. "please," you get on your knees, "if i.." you let out a shakey breath, "if we make eyecontact, you will turn to stone." your lips quiver, and gyomei hears the almost silent whimper you let out. mitsuri steps back and looks away, urging gyomei to follow suit, instead, he plants himself in place. mitsuri isn't afraid, she just wants to make you feel safe enough so that you'll allow her to take you to Ubuyashiki. "does it apply to those who are blind?" he asks, and you calm down at the softness in his voice. "i don't want to find out." you say, and you panic as he removes your hand from your eyes. you gasp and shut your eyes. "she has her eyes shut Himejima.." mitsuri states. he closes his eyes, "my eyes are closed, you can look at me." you open one day to look at him, and it's then when you realize how much bigger he is than when you first saw him. he unexpectedly opens his eyes, and you panic at first, noting how he doesn't move, but then you realize he has no pupils. "so it must not apply to the blind then." he says, tears escape your eyes, "i guess not.." you say. you indulge in the moment, and carefully place your hands on his face, giving him an out. he doesn't move. "you.." you begin, your voice wavering. "i can look you safely in the eyes." you exhale a laugh in disbeleif and smile. he smiles back, being able to hear your smile. "you can." mitsuri softly says, trying her hardest to not look you in the eyes, and suddenly, your no longer conscious.
your body lays infront of them in the shaded area of the garden as four demon slayers keep their blades pointed at your neck. the pillars talking among each other, some bickering about what they think you are, as they wait for the master to make his appearance. "we had it under control!" mitsuri states, the lower ranked demon slayer huffs. "didn't seem like it. the sun was coming up and we needed to get that demon to the master before the sun killed it." gyomei sighs, "you are mistaken, she's not a demon. the wisteria would have paralyzed her if she was" mitsuri nods and huffs. the kakushi near by hits the demon slayer in the head. "watch how you talk to the hashira!" you wake up and gasp as one of the blade inchs close to your neck. you catch yourself before you look up at the demon slayer and push your head down, causing the other blade to dig intself into your neck. letting out a yelp, it silences all the hashira. they quickly look above their heads to avoid making eyecontact and meet eyes with gyomei. He can't see you, but he can hear you well enough to know where you are and looks your way regardless. you keep your eyes locked on gyomei.
after a very long meeting,not everyone is fond of you. you are a danger, a small mistake will lead to bigger ends. but gyomei still insists that you aren't, explaining what he knows to his comrades, trying to get them to understand. once the meeting ends, and you apologize to the master for having turned two of his children to stone. he gives you his condolonces for losing your brother, and you decide to stay where you were and face the wall. you weren't demon, but you might as well have been one, atleast then they'd have a reason to get rid of you, atleast then they won't feel like they'll have to watch out for you for the rest of their time in the corps. you couldn't go to the villages, but you couldn't stay out in the forest, you were split. Ubuyashiki decided to have you be under Shinobu's care, since she seemed the most levelheaded in the situation. She agreed, as long as the master gave her time to prepare the butterfly girls and until she knew enough about you. he agreed.
gyomei sits next to you, to keep you company he says. and you both sit there for awhile. just enjoying each others presence. you hum a lullaby softly, and you both stay in silence until the end of it. once you stop, gyomei speaks up. "what is it you said you were?" he asks softly, trying to keep the peaceful atmosphere. "a gorgon" you say, and he hums. "i see." you snicker at that, "no you don't". and you cover your mouth, you had forgotten he wasn't your friend, it might be seen as rude. you open your mouth to apologize and he laughs. "i'll give you that one, that was hilarious!" he calms down and clears his throat. "it's not often that people joke with me, especially about my sight. they fear they'll hit a nerve if they do." you breathe out, "i just thought i did.." he hums and smiles. "stone breather, they said," you start, you hesitate, "do you like, breathe real stone?" he snickers. "i'll explain it to you, if you explain your eyes and hair to me." you giggle and shake his hand in a flimsy manner, "deal!" you say.
"are they just, staring at a wall?" Obanai says. Mitsuri shakes her head quickly, "no, they're falling in love!" he nods to her as a way to say 'okay, whatever you say' and she walks infront of Obanai. "just wait!" she perks up, "you should've seen them when we first found her!" she puts her hands on her cheeks and fondly smiles at the memory. Obanai shifts in place and changes the subject, them both walking away as they leave you and gyomei.
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noeggets · 6 months
Noeggets has a lot of deep thoughts about Shadow's characterization
it's so sad that Shadow was only a project to gerald, like we all joke /think that Shadow was "part of the family" but he was only a cure to Maria, that man was not as good a person as we think he was IM NOt SAYING HE WAS BAD but i usually see him depicted as super super kind to Shadow but i was reading the lore of SA2 and watching an analysis video and if the president never asked him to make whatever he asked him to make Shadow very well would not have been created.
It's so dark and so sad, like he manipulated Shadow when he went insane how do you think it feels to Shadow to know the person who made him didn't truly love him? like neither of the things that created/help create Shadow really truly loved him, he's only a cure, he's just a thing to reach immortality, he very well could be immortal himself, Shadow i don't think he can die cause he was created to not be able to catch any disease and be immortality it's self.
How do you think that feels? to just be a thing? Biolizard is just a failed attempt at making Shadow based on Chaos, those Chaos things in the ARK are failed attempts at Shadow also based on Chaos, i never knew this until i read the wiki 2 days ago SA2 has such a dark story i feel so bad for Shadow
re-thinking what i used to think about IDW Shadow lemme explain
And now that i know all this about Shadow the way he acts in IDW makes a little more sense to me, we all thought he was stupid when Sonic said "don't touch those zobot guys you'll turn into one" and Shadow was all "yeah, i dont care this wont effect me" HE WAS LIKE THIS FOR TWO REASONS
he was mad at Sonic cause his whole thing i want to achieve world peace i already talked about how IDW Shadow doesn't have as much compassion as the Shadow we all know from any other game but this is Eggman we're talking about, with everything Eggman's done up to this point do you think Shadow believes there is any good in him when he rarely does anything good Shadow has seen? Time eater, Sonic unleashed, Shadow is not ignorant to Eggman waking up a monster inside the planet everybody whether we seen them or not knows sonic unleashed happen, Sonic brings up sonic unleashed in IDW so it canonly happened. i remember reading that Knuckles and Shadow were gonna be in Sonic unleashed and if that's true SHADOW IS AWARE OF THIS
Eggman is a threat to the world to Shadow but he allowed the doctor to be cause Sonic keeps him check, Sonic is starting to be "unable" to keep him in check from Shadow's view, Shadow was there in forces, he witness what Eggman did to greenhill, he fought infinite who is a merc hired by Eggman mercs off people, Shadow is trying to save people that's his whole thing. After what happen to Shadow in Episode Shadow in forces do you think Shadow would hold any sympathy for Eggman the next time he physically see's him? After what he did to the world, after what he did to Omega? right in front of his eyes? Using Infinite to corrupt Omega and scare him Shadow cares about Omega that's his friend i had a point but i forgot it dang it anyway Shadow was in the war,
i remembered it a little bit i think i think i was gonna say something about when GUN sent Shadow to rescue Omega idk i haven't touched forces in sometime, and Shadow didn't come back as well as Omega. Eggman immobilized Shadow Shadow does not think the world is safe with Eggman around i think that was my point i don't remember...
ANYWAY that's why when Shadow came to see mr tinker he was pissed that Sonic allowed Eggman to be, this is dangerous to Shadow. when Shadow was getting mad at Sonic cause Sonic was preaching let Mr. Tinker live Shadow was thinking about the bigger picture: This man is terrorizing people and the only way to keep everyone safe is getting rid of him, this may be the only chance we get, but he let him live because Sonic explained that Shadow did bad things in the past as well so does that mean Shadow gets to go down with Eggman?
Shadow was mad at Sonic and the mess he made, Shadow was being compassionate i just didn't see it or understand it until now, it shocked him greatly when he was consumed by metal virus because he truly believed he could not catch a disease, this is a disease, so he wasn't being stupid i will admit he should have been more cautious not to put it to the test if it would work on him but Shadow was so sure he couldn't catch it, cause he believed he can't catch any KNOWN diseases this was a new disease his body wasn't created to understand therefore it works on him.
We thought SEGA didn't know what they were doing when they were writing IDW Shadow BUT THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING people probably don't even care or remember about when that issue came out and everyone got so mad that Shadow was written "wrong" and being "stupid" but now that i have a understanding i think understand what he was doing and his thought process.
Shadow is moving up on my favorite list for this i feel so bad for Shadow F in the chat for Shadow his story is so sad like really. also heres an old thing i did that's really valid now
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poolpvrty · 1 month
every time i come to your blog im smacked in the face with how pretty it is also regpeter????
as a collector of rare pairs i
thank you ‼️
giggling and kicking my feet..... thank you so much!!
I have so many opinions about regpeter it's crazy..... they're a parasite in my brain eating up all of my other thoughts. allow me to yap about them in depth now:
their dynamic in any au/setting is easy for me to picture but hard for me to verbalize... I heavily subscribe to modern au regpeter where pete is this shy stoner type and reg is his cunty goth bf (thank you jen for coming up with that!!) but I mostly think of them in a more canon compliant sense.
I think they're drawn to each other because, at heart, they're both followers. peter prefers not having to think for himself/ likes just going with the flow because he's friends with very headstrong people, and it's easier to just do what they're doing. and regulus does pretty much the exact same thing, he follows his parents' word because that's what's expected of him, he doesn't bother thinking too much about what being a death eater represents or entails. they're cowardly people pretending they're not, unable to confide in their loved ones about their true feelings because 1. it's frowned upon to be so unopinionated and 2. they're too scared to. this is why I think they find so much solace in each other. regulus for sure believes that muggles are beneath him but I don't think he agrees with killing them. not because he thinks their lives have just as much value as his, but because he's like 17 and murder is fucking terrifying. he takes the mark and immediately regrets it because he's being forced to act now, he can't just nod along and pretend he's so enthusiastic about voldys cause. peter's situation is so similar it's actually kind of funny....
he joins the order because the other three did, and because maybe he thought it would buy him more protection in the war, but now he's being sent on missions and the more things develop, the more scary it gets. he sees other order members get injured or die and he sees how determined they are to kill the least amount of people as possible, opting to try and imprison the death eaters rather than take them out completely. peter quickly understands that this isn't where he'll be safest, so when he's given the chance to switch sides.... he does.
peter gets the mark just like reg, they're both in voldys inner circle, so I imagine they see each other at meetings. I think peter would take one look at the people in that room, see regulus, a sort of familiar face, and absolutely cling to him. he tries his hardest to always sit next to him, looks to him for approval whenever he has to speak. regulus is weirded out at first but the longer they talk and sort of float around each other, the more he understands that peter is a lot like him. eventually, he gets the full story on peters' betrayal, complex feelings included, and for the first time in his life, regulus has someone he can genuinely relate to. he feels like he can finally breathe, like he has someone on his team. they're both objectively bad people, but they're a very similar brand of bad that nobody else on the Dark side is. they can tell each other their worst thoughts and know that the other won't judge them because they likely feel the exact same way about something else.
i think they each feel immense guilt for their choices (peter, for betraying his friends; regulus for being exactly who sirius says he is), they just don't have the courage or reason to change their situations (yet). since this whole thing has been pretty canon compliant, I'm not sure if they would ever define their relationship in concrete terms.... but the feelings are definitely there!! it's very private, very secretive, absolutely nobody knows. at meetings, they're just like everyone else there: closed off, cold, aloof. they don't really talk to each other, peter quickly stops looking at regulus so much. but behind closed doors... they're wrapped around each other in utter silence, just allowing themselves to breathe. sometimes they talk, sometimes they do other things, sometimes they just sit and do nothing.
I haven't really considered what would happen after the whole horcrux situation, how regulus' choice would change things between them, but I imagine that their quiet tranquility would probably end. if reg tells him at all, pete would 100% try to talk him out of going to the cave. the idea that they're both cowards, but given the right circumstances, they can force themselves to be brave is really interesting to me, especially given what they each chose to be brave about. because reg did manage to gather the courage to do the right thing, despite how hard it must have been to go against his family. but peter didn't. he just got worse, summoning his own courage to give up james and lily, to frame sirius, to kill those muggles, to do all of these things until he wasn't scared of doing them anymore. it's just something that scratches my brain....
this got really long I'm so sorry. I'm not even sure if it even describes their relationship the way I intended but oh well!
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kiki-strike · 9 months
hi would you mind tellin me what ed ward was like? i might have to go there at some point and im scared also sorry if im phrasing it wrong and also also if you're more comfy dming or not answering at all thats fine
Hi yes I can!! And you can dm me if you want or send another ask if you have more questions :)
So there’s two kinds of 24-hour ED care, inpatient and residential. Inpatient is usually inside of a hospital, sometimes integrated with the psych ward (hence “ed ward”). This is where people that aren’t medically stable go (think serious heart conditions, people who flat-out refuse to eat, people who need to be in a locked ward to be safe). I haven’t been to inpatient ed, so I can’t say much on that subject. I do know that you typically stay in inpatient much shorter than residential.
I was in residential for four months. Usually ED treatment takes longer than treatment for depression and such and it’s not uncommon for people to go into residential more than once, but it’s pretty rare for residential to last more than six months. It’s expected that you’ll do a step-down plan which means after you leave res you’ll do a PHP and an IOP (PHP is when you live at home but go to programming during the day, usually 40-60hrs a week with all meals there, and IOP is usually half a day 2-3 times a week).
My res was three houses in a neighborhood (not in a row) and we would all go to the biggest house during the day. There was usually 2-3 group therapy sessions and 2-3 classes (DBT skills, nutrition, etc) per day, every day (inc weekends). We spent the rest of our time doing leisure stuff and eating.
Meals took up a HUGE portion of the day because we got half an hour for each meal, and then there was another half hour for supplements, plus 15 minutes for snacks and 15 minutes for snack supplements, so that amounts to… 4.5 hours every day. The way meals worked was each person got their own plate, to their own needs (some people got tiny amounts bc refeeding, some people got huge amounts bc restoration, etc). You got to choose 3 blacklisted foods that they would never give you, other than that if you didn’t like the food you had to suck it up. I chose spicy food, eggplant, and I think peanut butter? Because being vegetarian didn’t count (though I told them I was vegan instead because I was scared of milk😔). If you didn’t finish your food you got supplemented - 1/2 a sup for eating 3/4 but not finishing, one sup for 1/2-3/4, and two supps for eating less than half. Our supps were Kate Farms unless you had other dietary restrictions; I got switched to ensure clear halfway through because I went on a Kate Farms boycott to get it haha, WORTH IT ensure clear I love you. You had to sit at supps table for the whole half hour or until you finished it (it was a socially-acceptable choice to just sit there for half an hour). If you didn’t drink your sup you lost privileges for the next day, but unless you’d been there for a few months you didn’t actually *have* any, so… privileges were going on our daily 10 minute walk, the weekly strip mall field trip, and if you were VERY LUCKY going to the bathroom with the door closed. During meals there were a lot of blacklisted topics because yknow. Bad Time Let’s Be Nice. If you weren’t eating staff would gently encourage you but wouldn’t be mean about it, and the other patients would too. It’s pretty hard to fake eating there, but not impossible, and definitely impossible to do it without other patients seeing (because we all watched each other eat So Closely and we know all our tricks…) and other patients ratting you out is a definite possibility. You weren’t allowed to leave the table during meals but sometimes it happens. If you didn’t eat for two days they sent you to inpatient (they couldn’t actually force you to eat in res, but in IP they can tube you).
In our free time we all got really close. Everybody had a roommate and we slept in real bedrooms with our own bathrooms (which we could only use at night, they were locked during the day). A lot of us crocheted, there was lots of reading and coloring. We were allowed an hour of screen time, including TV, a day but that was taken away if you were Really Bad (think screaming fit not like “didn’t eat fear food”). If you were still in high school you were expected to do that (online) during free time (which was also a ticket to unlimited computer time during free time lolol, same with AA). The people you go to res to become like a weird version of your family, you’re together for months with ONLY each other doing something very emotionally taxing, so like within the first few days boom you now have 15 new best friends. It’s also very insular in that there are trends? Within your res? I started a rock painting trend, and also pestered staff enough that they finally let us garden (this was just me gardening and everyone else reading in the yard). Everybody listened to top 50 pop even if they hated it, because at res you like it (I’m very attached to billboard pop 2021 still), we all watched every Keanu Reeves movie because it’s funny to say that you have (none of us even liked him that much).
At res everything is funny because everything’s so bad? It’s this sort of delirious sheen that takes over everything, like looking at the world through a soap bubble. That said I was also on the maximum dose of seroquil. Everyone’s super supportive, not like the movies. If they didn’t actually want to recover they didn’t say anything about it.
Staff there consisted of three types: the babysitters (I don’t know their real titles), mostly college girls who babysat us and ran the houses, the therapists/psychiatrists who ran groups and did individual therapy, and the nurses. There was a nurse on staff until 11 every night, because we all had hot girl stomach issues and sometimes hot girl heart problems. They took blood once a week and there was a doctor that saw you once a month or if you complained about something long enough. The babysitters were all really nice though some were less pushover-y than others (let you stay on computer longer etc). They said they did room sweeps once a week but I had contraband they never found. They also said we weren’t allowed to touch each other for more than five seconds at a time (I am the reason that rule exists haha) but like… you have a roommate for a reason!! (I’m not even talking about sex I just mean snuggling ;-;)
In terms of visitors you mostly only got your parents or if you were married your spouse, maaaybe somebody’s friends came once? But not common. You’re not allowed alone time with your visitors (like prison!) and anything they give you has to be searched by staff (same as stuff you order online or buy on the strip mall field trips). A lot of rules are very very strict because people with eating disorders are masters at worming their way out of things which sucks but makes sense.
There were some unsavory things that happened to me there that I’d like not to talk about here, just know that when you go, it’s very possible for staff to lie to your parents/caretakers to the point that they don’t believe you. It is very hard to leave once you check yourself in, and if you do leave before they let you, that’s called AMA and your insurance won’t pay for the part of your stay you did already (which for me was $2k a day. For four months). Once you go there you’ve basically handed over your rights indefinitely to the program in exchange for learning how to eat good and not die. Which is better than dying but not amazing either, but that’s the way it is.
Some other unintended side effects:
1. If you were scared of blood draws before you went in you won’t be when you come out.
2. You’ll be able to pee anywhere no more pee shyness. Along those lines we had to describe our shit every morning to the nurse in earshot of everybody? So you won’t be embarrassed about that any more.
3. You might forget to close the bathroom door the first few months you’re home.
4. You’ll become very attached to some foods in res and then when you get out can never eat those foods again. For me that’s biscoff cookie butter.
5. You’ll be WAY less on your phone. You’ll know how to sit and wait instead of going on your phone immediately for entertainment.
All in all I’d say you get more freedom than the locked ward and less freedom than rehab, but stay longer than both of them combined. Fellow patients are awesome, staff is a mostly positive mixed bag, and activities are dismal (eating).
I wish you so much luck in recovery. You can do this! Every meal is a new beginning. I believe in you!
A funny for you for making it this far:
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mercysought · 3 months
[ NEEDED ]:     a letter that the writer wrote for the recipient after learning of their recent struggles in their personal life, and which contains uplifting words of encouragement, support and other things they feel they should hear to help them through. [ eleanor & maxima pls!! this is 100% inspired by that maxima & silver pen pals ask from lottie and your response because im still on the floor ]
letters / accepting / @imbricare
The letter arrives to name "Eleanor" If pressed, the servant that carried it to her room directly would tell her that it arrived with a lot of other shipments from the interior. That she had been order to deliver it directly for fear that the wine would be confiscated by Berringer. The name would not mean much. How could it, after all, while her memory was stark (which had allowed her to flourish in Nassau) there were quite a few self proclaimed merchants. Though not many that could afford the bottle of Italian wine that was presented atop her table.
Eleanor, I thought to add your last name, but could not pick between the devils you are caught between. "Rogers" for survival or "Guthrie" for nurture. Neither of them fit, so your name is all that remains. You once told me this town exists because of women like us. Fuck God and fuck Men. Would you believe me if I told you those words have stuck with me since? Not because I did not know or believed before but because of how special those times were. How rare of an opportunity we were presented with. It feels like it was in another life, and I find myself believing it was. Ever since the English ships landed on Nassau's shores, since the stories started pouring from the city about your new life: it is clear that you never returned. Given the times, it would be ill-advised to believe you were not the source that informed Rogers of my existence. Inexplicably, foolishly, however — I find myself doing so. Despite my best judgement and knowledge of what you must have had to do to carve this place for yourself. It is not something that many can comprehend or would be willing to understand, but not many women have kept their lives when forced into the same situation. It is hard for men to understand what sort of sacrifice that requires. You will find no judgment in this letter. I fear you have come to believe that you deserve this, that this is all you should, could strive for. It breaks my heart to think that you have been made to believe it: this lie that you should be so lucky to live with the leftovers Rogers or your father chose to leave behind and thank the heavens you still breathe. You need not force yourself into the image of women these men hold. To be satisfied to use these men's scraps to build a life, Eleanor. In the market, in three days time: I have arranged to help you slip away to Philadelphia with some help. No deals, no hidden terms, no strings attached. Trust never thrived between us but trust, at least, that your absence would be beneficial for us both and a great blow against England. From one survivor to the other: Let me help you, Eleanor. Please consider my offer, and take it.
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
ch 5 is so good in showing crimeboys' opinions of each other through how that changes in this chapter
wilbur judges tommy with the standards he and niki with q, the throne candidates, were held up too and its frustrating to him that tommy can act more childish and still be considered at the heir
and its not that wilbur doesnt know, that tommy is unaware of the reason of his stay in pandorinne, to me it seems like hes almost looking for a reason to be critical of tommy (not that tommy makes that hard) bc niki (and he) and even quackity have been working hard to be good candidates for the throne and now tommy gets to just join in
also tommy insulting wilbur and phil forcing wil to spend more time with him isnt helping that
what wilbur fails to realise, that while tommy is still royalty, the manners standards arent the only different thing about tommys upbringing
as could be seen at the market, but even before, with tubbo, jack and even puffy, tommy is much less detached from servants and other people in the kingdom, where the people in the castle, while not necessarily evil, are very secluded in the castle and detached from the common people, even tho many make important decisions about their lives
and we get to see tommy disprove this prejudice in wilbur
and wilbur also learns that tommy isnt completely stupid in terms of strategy
now what is more interesting to me is how tommy sees wilbur
taking it from the start, while tommy recognises that wilbur doesnt like him all too much, for tommy hes the first new person he talks with in a less formal setting, wilbur doesnt scold him for cursing and generally they managed to have a chill pretty casual conversation before wilbur got pissy about tommy insulting him
and even after that wilbur will slip into banter with tommy (I love their urge to keep insulting each other lol), tommy doesnt know wilbur is kinda being forced to hang out with him on all the occasions they do so he quickly becomes a familiar person
theres never any punishment for what he says to wilbur, apart from wilbur himself and even niki encourages his making fun of wilbur
also I dont think tommy really realises the status imbalance between them
they did have the talk about wilbur not official having any status, but tommy doesnt see himself as anything more than wilbur
so to tommy wilbur is a stuck up guy who acts like the adults in criticising basically everything tommy does, but also he will go and insult tommy back and he keeps spending time with him (unknowingly to tommy very unwillingly) so I dont think tommy actually hates wilbur, he just enjoys making fun of him and knows he can afford it
as someone who spends a lot of time with boys rose!tommys age (scouting, also its not like im that much older) i adore how accurately he acts
any touristic tips if I want to visit pandorinne?
I love the city so much, the canals system sounds super sick and I absolutely adore markets they just have such a cool atmosphere
yeah the thing is wilbur understands that it's not exactly tommy's fault he's acting the way he is, because he isn't even aware of the position he's in. but it's still frustrating to witness. it's frustrating to listen to sam and phil both consider tommy a viable heir when tommy isn't even trying to get their approval, unlike what quackity and niki have gone through their entire childhoods.
but yes what's more interesting is the difference in upbringing between the pandorinne trio (quackity niki wilbur) and tommy. although valbroek is a fairly wealthy city and tommy still lived a very lavish noble lifestyle, he had a lot more freedom there than he has in pandorinne. he was able to go out on his own and interact with the people of his city. he's seen their struggles firsthand. his people aren't just theoreticals to him, they all have faces. which contrasts with quackity, niki, and wilbur who were rarely allowed to leave the palace without armed escorts growing up. and along with that, while tommy goofs off, he's not completely stupid when it comes to strategy. he's just untrained.
meanwhile, yes, tommy can definitely recognize that wilbur doesn't like him all that much but he thinks it's more of a game than it actually is. he thinks that the bickering is something they both enjoy. while he obviously knows his relationship with wilbur is nothing like his relationship with tubbo, there's the familiarity of a friendship where the two of you just insult each other all the time and pretend you can't stand each other when you're actually close. and the fact that wilbur keeps playing into the bickering, and there's never any punishment for what he says to wilbur like you pointed out, only affirms this belief.
not only does tommy not see himself as better than wilbur, he actually looks up to wilbur. it's not obvious and he's not even that aware of it himself, but wilbur is the son of the Consil. he's older than tommy and seems to know so much about what's going on in the palace, but he's less intimidating than niki and quackity since they're the potential heirs. tommy would rather die than admit it, but yknow when you have a 12-13 year old who interacts with a 17-18 year old and they think the older teen is so cool? yeah, that's tommy with wilbur.
lol I'm glad tommy is an accurate 13 year old boy. I did no research for how to write 13 year old boys I'm just going off of how tommy acted in the early days of dsmp along with my own distant memories of being in middle school
I'm glad you like the city!! Hmm tourist tips for Pandorinne... well the Lavender Market is one of the best parts of the city, as Wilbur told Tommy in that chapter. Canals are mainly used for the transport of goods and supplies, but later in the evenings you might find a man with a small boat willing to give you a scenic ride, if you have the right coin of course. There's also a few temples dedicated to the different gods littered throughout the city, which are always worth visiting to get a blessing or two. And make sure to go down to the docks directly to get fish so fresh it's practically still blinking! Of course, you can't miss the cookshops. If you bring your own meat or fish, they'll cook it up for you for a fraction of the cost you'd pay if you didn't provide they ingredients. They can even bake it in some pastry dough for a savory pie if you request it! Wealthier nobles tend to avoid cookshops though, since there's not a lot of heavy regulation on food distribution in the city...
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: Wednesday (2022)
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So I finally finished watching the first season of this show. And I will be giving my opinion on how I think it is. So to give proper set up and some organization, here are the categories I will be tackling
The Setting
The Flow
The Supernatural additions
The Addams Essence (do the actors capture that Addams family feel)
The New Characters
The Mystery
With that established, be aware spoilers below
The Setting
For the simple premise, Wednesday Addams is expelled from her old school after dumping live piranhas (something that is very much in character for Wednesday and reminiscent of another old scene) into the school's pool in retaliation for the boys' water polo team bullying her brother Pugsley. Consequently, her parents Gomez and Morticia Addams enroll her at their high school alma mater Nevermore Academy, a private school for monstrous outcasts, in the town of Jericho, Vermont.
The show takes place mainly in Jericho, and in the academy. In terms of aesthetic, Nevermore doesn’t really capture the creepy nature of the Addams family save for some instances, coming off more as a gothic Hogwarts. The small town of Jericho does capture that small town vibe and is crucial in giving a contrast to nevermore, allowing for us to see how outlandish the academy actually is.
I think they could have done more to make Nevermore stand out as more unsettling in its own right. But interestingly enough I think the best set pieces are in the woods and in pilgrim world. The places where Wednesday looks more out of place the better.
Overall it’s a 7/10 for the set pieces and I hope they do more in season two. Maybe show how creepy the Addams family home is.
The Flow
The pacing or natural movement of the show. I think it has a bit of a slow start until the mystery is revealed. But afterwards I think the show finds it’s footing, speeding up when there are leads and slowing down when those leads get cold. Wednesday is the driving force of the show, and it’s clear that she has a focus on solving this mystery but everyone else seems to force her to slowdown. Thematically it rarely feels like a forced slowdown.
The show makes it seem like Wednesday is dragged into almost every situation outside of the Mystery while the reverse is true when it does involve the mystery. It never feels like Wednesday catches a break and in that regard it’s amusing.
Though I do feel the ending also was sped up too much for the reveal, but it wasn’t jarring.
Flow I give 8/10.
The Supernatural Additions
So Im split on most of it. Giving Wednesday visions felt like a contrived plot device and giving everyone some sort of magical power in Nevermore felt like it made it pretty run of the mill magic school… BUT the way the powers for others was used cleverly and some of the magic was used in amusing very Addams humor. I think when it does do it in the way we expect in Addams ways… it works. But I felt like some of it was not needed and felt like kind of a crutch needed to differentiate normal people from the Nevermore students. This doesn’t impact how I feel about the characters though.
The Addams Essence
So this is apparently controversial, but I Greatly enjoyed Jenna’s take on Wednesday. She’s tired of everyone’s BS and just wants to do what interests her. She has a tough time expressing emotion but cares for her family and friends. She feels guilt and is just as creepy as Wednesday from the show. You can see the young Wednesday grow up to be her. I think everyone that’s calling her a cliche mean jerk is misunderstanding of what type of person Wednesday is. Now I know it’s a thin line to walk but I think Wednesday walks it well.
Thing is also a delight and he Carries every scene he is in. Very expressive for only being a hand. I think it was perfectly executed.
So while I respect the actor and actress that played Gomez and Morticia, I didn’t really feel the chemistry from the adult iterations. They were passable and they aren’t the main characters in this, but I just didn’t really get the vibe I was accustomed to with them. It felt more Told then shown. Young Morticia and Gomez were great and Gomez’s silent action was the Morticia and Gomez I knew.
Pugsly and Lurch were fine, very little screen time but it was acceptable.
Uncle fester was perfect casting. I even enjoyed the electric powers they gave him. The justification was that he acquired it from so much electrotherapy. Fred Armisen killed it.
Overall I would say that the Addams family was captured in spirit for the most part.
New Characters
Enid is an amazing character and perfectly balanced out Wednesday. She is in a way her polar opposite, but they work great. I don’t say I ship it but I get why people do. Also she’s one of the few supernatural bits I like. The fact she is an incomplete werewolf is a very Addams choice
The principal being a shapeshifter was a fun bit but I think they could have done more with her and I’m sad that they basically killed her off. I wanted to know more of her past with Morticia.
I did not care for the therapist, she wasn’t a bad character, but she was kind of annoying
The town Sheriff added the element of man fighting against the weirdness for his own personal reasons. I enjoyed his character and how he was willing to work with Wednesday.
Tyler being the normal coffee barista that kind of gets Wednesday was fine. Felt like he was pursuing a manic pixie dream girl, until you find out the secret which makes him WAY more interesting.
Xavier Thorpe (the artist guy) was a total tool and it’s hard to tell if he was written that way or how he comes off, dude is a total “pick me” I wish he was actually the monster but he wasn’t, and it’s just a prick
Bianca Barclay is one of the best character, she starts out as the mean popular girl until you dig deeper and see why she has such a chip on her shoulder, joy Sunday does great work with her.
Marilyn Thornhill the dorm mother is an unassuming character that has some great bits and I especially loved the last episodes with her.
The rest of the characters were fine and did help give to the story in some way.
Overall 9/10
The Mystery
To summarize, there is a monster attacking people and when it does it takes a body part from them.
Wednesday found herself pulled into the mystery along with a picture showing a vision involving her. It sounds completely unrelated but it is.
And the entire season revolves around Wednesday trying to figure out who or what the monster is and how that picture vision relates to her.
I will assume you’ve all watched the show so it’s pure spoilers going down here.
The reveal that the sheriff’s son was the Hyde was an interesting twist as it explained the sheriff’s distrust of the school after his wife’s death. Her being a Hyde and his son inheriting it.
The dorm mother was actually the long believed dead daughter of the family whose brother tried to kill Gomez after going crazy AND being related to the founder of the town who hunted witches.
Marilyn or actually Laurel Gates, awakened the Hyde using her knowledge of plants. Made the ritual to wake the dead resulting in Joseph Crackstone one of the founders of the town to be revived with evil magic.
The twists and red herrings were fine. It was not an obvious guess on some of the who and why but there were hints leading to Marilyn, and Tyler if one was especially eagle eyed.
Though I will say that Crackstone did feel a bit under developed but he was mainly there just to be the evil fight scene, which is fine.
mystery is 7.5/10
Final thoughts
I think the show does things very well and while I don’t agree with all the choices, I do think it does capture the spirit of the Addams family while telling a new story.
I give it an 8.2/10
I’d like to see where it goes from here.
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Lime for the poll runners’ ask game?
Lime -> participant(s) you’re rooting for the most?
i don't want to sway the votes so i won't do any propaganda for them after the poll starts BUT it's Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi from Iron Widow i just love the way their relationship develops so much and as someone whos unable to actually pick up a book and focus on it, the fact that i read iron widow in 4 days is amazing im still proud of that as silly as it is
yknow what ill use this as an opportunity to ramble about them askdgakdjk spoilers ahead but ill try to keep the major stuff out
for context the book has pacific rim style mechas, but instead of being drift compatible or whatever its usually a male pilot and his concubine whose life force he usually drains in order to pilot the thing, but theres a LOT of propaganda that makes girls want to be concubines, or families might wanna send their daughters for the money. im simplifying it a LOT especially cause theres more info u only learn later on as zetian herself finds out but anyway
at the start of the book zetian and yizhi are besties who obviously have feelings for each other. zetian is poor while hes very rich so their friendship is kind of a secret and they meet in the woods which i think is cute, point is its p clear zetian tries to mantain a distance, not allowing herself to admit her feelings. for reasons i wont say zetian decided to become a concubine to one of the like bigger more badass guys even if she doesnt believe the propaganda and knows she might die, she only tells yizhi this the day before
he shows up at her house the next day begging her family to let him marry her?????? which is sweet because he wants to protect her but that isnt gonna work bestie sorry she's a woman w a mission
so anyway she goes to the concubine thing and shes surprisingly powerful "for a girl" which yeah thats a super common trope but shes so much more than just the strong protagonist. shes extremely powerful in every sense of the word imo and i love her so much and i wish the world hadnt been so cruel that she had to become so strong. but anyway the guy she wants to pilot w picks her. MAJOR SPOILER they have to pilot the mecha on day 1 cause they're under attack and uhhh she kills him lol lmao she drains her life force instead which supposedly is UNHEARD OF
so they cant just kill her off cause that'd look bad instead they send her to be the concubine of the strongest guy (all of his concubines die after 1 fight) and thats Li Shimin my beloved my little meow meow hes looked down on and kinda treated like an animal cause hes a criminal and the only reason he gets to be a pilot is his powerful qi. anyway shes forced to live w him and turns out hes just a lil guy. like hes very big and scary looking but hes just a tired man pls he needs a break. she fucking survived piloting w him which nobody expected. so now theres a lotta stuff going on i wont get into but some ppl arent happy w this duo cause they're both very powerful and not exactly happy to serve. and Shimin has a drink problem.
IN ENTERS GAO YIZHI hes back babey!!! and he decides to help shimin w his alcoholism. its funny cause when they first meet his crush on li shimin is so fucking obvious zetian is like "huh i always suspected he liked guys too" but li shimin is just pissed cause this is the guy who wants to make him stop drinking
theres like 1 moment of jealousy that i can remember when li shimin realizes zetian and yizhi have a thing going on but its settled very quickly and they all kiss.
back to the drift compatible thing: at one point in the final battle zetian and shimin need more power and yizhi literally lends them his qi (its extremely rare for a third person to help) and its beautiful and they are so in love and i cant wait for the sequel
idk if any of that is coherent i kinda stopped thinking and just typed sorry for rambling on ur ask im just very passionate about them i love them so much i love iron widow so much i love xiran jay zhao so much (the writer) (you might know them from the live action mulan analysis video that went viral back when that movie came out) (check out their yt channel)
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missmayhemvr · 1 year
I am probably going to ruffle a lot of feathers saying this, but I don't think liberals can actually be allies to anyone. Hear me out on this tho because I don't believe im the first to say this and that those before me often had their meanings or purposes twisted.
So first gotta define what a liberal is, I'd say it's someone that believes in capitalism first and foremost, that it can be reformed or suite the needs of many or that it isn't inherently evil or contradictory. A liberal by this definition can want social changes then right? But this means that capitalism has to remain in the end.
This is a stumbling block, this is a thing that means so much yet in the end it will not ever by definition be able to help us all and will always come back to be an oppressive force on the lives of anyone that has been marginalized, colonized, or harmed for the sake of capital.
For example let's look at wealth distrubution in the US, we all know the top earners and we all know they didn't get there from hard work. When you look at who is the poorest in the nation you see which groups, indigenous people and black people, those historical dispossessed of their land and those dispossessed of their labor. Black people have an average family weath (meaning assets transferable, houses cars, business) of a few thousand dollars. I believe it's similar if not worse for indigenous people here. A liberal thinking themselves an ally would seek to address such ills in the confines of capitalism and political electoralism which means vote for the right people and they will even the playing field (higher taxes on the rich better social safety net end legalized discrimination) all of these things however will only address symptoms and not causes. You can raise the min wage, have good social security and be allowed to vote all you want but it will never give reparations to black folks for the labor or suffering we have been put through, it will never bring the average wealth of us to be that of or white counterparts (unless through a means I'll get to later) and it will never result in the control of the land back to the hands of indigenous peoples here. This is because at the end of the day capitalism naturally prevents these things. Under capitalism is indigenous people want their land back what is their one way of doing that? Purchase, high min wage among a peoples that have faced 100s of years of genocide isn't going to get you the billions or trillions you'd have to pay and that's if they were willing to sell. And even more so if they were willing to hire you.
A similar situation becomes clear when you look at the black belt or the hood, you're not gonna make back enough for it to ever matter if you arent Beyonce and even then the structure is working against you.
Finally we look globally towards Africa and south America where regardless of the nation the population size or the volume of rare and pricy minerals or oil, these countries not only remain rather poor but the economy tends to still be run by the very nations or corporations that colonized in the first place. Because by no rule of capitalism will you ever be able to buy your way out of this oppression.
Liberals commitment to capitalism will always be greater than their commitments to people. A system which the only equality it can ever truly provide is by dispossessing few that would be seen as middle class and putting them in the same level of poverty as bipoc. Liberals as such will always push against us when we choose to fight back in meaningful ways and would rather ally themselves with fascist if and when able as they don't challenge the system of capitalism but just reinforce it. You can see it would the people's of various African nations sought to take back the farm land being used for cash crops so they could feed the people and not be reliant on other nations, liberal people and institutes sided with the settlers who stole the land in the first place. You see Biden who is truly the face of liberalism literally holding the hand of an Italian fascist turned pm.
So I don't think bipoc, queer or oppressed nations can trust liberal allyship. As it confines us more than uplifts us.
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zaruba-needslove · 1 month
Been watching the original Mission: Impossible drama series by Bruce Geller and a part of me wished that there could be a remake of the tv series using the same format while also adapting to the modern settings. And before people start pointing out the film series, I don't really like the more serious grimdark approach in the films compared to the drama series.
While I did watch the first movie and some of the latter ones... it's not smtg I'd enjoy watching too often. And the drama series kept it fun despite the occasional serious missions...
I mean I really love the concept of most of the IM Force agents being part timers who also had other careers outside their secret agent lives yet those things rarely affect the missions. And it's still amusing to have to see the sequence of the team leader (Dan/Jim) taking out a dossier of all the freelancer agents acting like he's ordering some takeaway and then taking out the usual four-ppl team (Rollins, Cinnamon, Barney, Willy) with the occasional guest agents. Not to mention all the quirky techs and gadgets they used every different episodes.
The film series at times felt like trying so hard to be like the 007 series aka trying to make Ethan Hunt too much like James Bond, that the concept gets old after a while. Rewatching the drama series again I start recalling what was it that I like about the Mission: Impossible series.
I especially love the concept that the IM Force agents consist of part-timers and not fulltime agents. (Cos the films don't really give you the feel that these IMF agent really were doing these impossible missions as a SIDEJOB). At first glance they don't look like professional agents but just a ragtag group of civs. Like Rollin was a master of disguise, Cinnamon was a model, Barney was the tech and weapons expert, Willy the strong man and so on like they're not your typical secret agent archetypes... which while the film do employ more or less the same concept, I feel like the film series put too much emphasis on Ethan's character while the rest of the team play second fiddle. Like the tv series allowed each member of the IMF team to shine equally doing their part in accomplishing their mission yet you don't see that in the film series, cos half the times the plot just mainly focused on Ethan.
I know compared to the Tom Cruise film series, the drama felt more childish or simple (like some of the missions wasn't even as grand as the ones in film or chockfull of stuntwork) but there's something about the drama series that felt like it had more charm. Like Rollin most of the time had the more critical role in the missions yet the success of the mission don't always depend on him as that part was covered by the rest of the team (like the burden of carrying the mission wasn't just up to him. It's the TEAM). Heck he's not even the team leader. You don't get that with Ethan, like a lot of times Ethan carried the whole plot of the film/mission (he's the one receiving the mission, also the one choosing the team members, also the one leading the main operation, he's the one who takes most of the risks and doing the most action... what's the point of the other team member aside from being MINOR support? Like even Jim Phelps din monopoly everything THAT much) Which personally... gets dull after a while. Like yeah wee cool stunts by Tom Cruise but aside from that it's just meh.
But then i recall something about how Cruise was like gatekeeping the show and not wanting anyone interpret the series other than how he did it... we can just forget about the possibility of a new remake of the series using the same format ever happening. But still it's a shame. Cos it would've been fun to see a remake of the 1966 tv series set in modern times. Ah well, perhaps after finishing the OG series... I try to look for the revival series (1988) and rewatch them. Esp since I barely remembered watching them when I was a kid.
And then I read that of all the OG characters that was brought back in the first M:I film was Phelps and they made him a traitor (and reason why the og actor refused to reprise the role) and I just... that's why back then those scenes about how many of the agents got compromised and killed rubbed me wrongly. Also the whole focus on Ethan. Like back then I did kinda enjoy the first watch cos I'm also a Bond fan. But viewing the film as an M:I fan, the excitement just dull a bit cos unlike in Bond movies the main appeal of the M:I series was the setting of "a ragtag group of free agents from different expertise work together to complete a mission that seemed to be impossible". It's not just a series about a spy doing spy things, the emphasis was on the TEAM. It wasn't just a show about a group of part-time spies doing missions deemed impossible, it's a show about these part-time spies being given impossible mission cos they happened to be the special team who as a team had abilities that allowed them to complete missions that were normally hard to complete by other spies but these team can do it! Hence they were called the Impossible Missions team.
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forestryfae · 7 months
also they have like, when youre good enough at cleaninga nd keeping stuff clean and tidy and you have a good enough routine and you dont really need help with it anymore, you might be able to move into one of the apartments they have here at inpatient. and i rly hope im able to get into one soon ngl
problem is tho, i am not that good at keeping things clean and tidy. wish i was but i have to force myself to do it and that rarely starts to happen until it actually gets really really bad. last minute cleaning zoomies kind of fucked up arrangement in my brain i guess??? and on top of thta i completely fell out of my routine in like early november/december when i started having to plan to go home even tho i fucking hate that place. and then i got back an i got no fucking follow up or anything until i hadnt been to work in a month. like yeah maybe thats. maybe thats because i needed antidepressants and i didnt get to talk to a psychologist or anything when i got here cus they dont have one. and i didnt get any followups beyond "go to work" and i had no coping mechanisms or help to find any
like thats the worst part about this place. they take zero accountability for their own fuckups cus "you have to be responsible" like fuck off? do your fucking job so we dont have to be on your asses to get you to do One Single Thing
and they just dont actually undertsand that sometimes people struggle cus they grew up neglected and fucking terrified all the time. i very much would love to be able to not worry 24/7 about being normal enougha nd existing correctly but i am, again, unmedicated, have no therapy, was taught im not allowed to have emotions or im stupid as shit, i was yelled at for the tiniest fucking thing cus both of my parents are fucking insane, and i straight up did not grow up with any kind of like. they didnt teach me shit. showing your kid how to turn on a dishwasher or washingmachine is not the same as teaching your kid shit
mom took over EVERYTHING. i got my first apartment cus she wanted me out of the house so she got me one. i never had a choice in learning to drive cus she just signed me up for drivers lessons without telling me until after shed spent the money. she arranged to meet with a realtor without me and i didnt actually get much say in what house to buy if im being honest. i got to look at them, yeah, but i still needed her permission to buy them and she wouldnt let me look at any she didnt like or didnt think i should live in. shes been in charge of the renovation the whole time without talking to me, and just. bought stuff whenever with my money without consulting me. didnt bring me along for the stuff i did want to look at myself either, they just bought me stuff and that was that. why should i be involved in my own life after all
and thats what im grown up with. insults and yellinga nd screaming and being talked down to and degraded and mocked and bullied, zero fucking support, everything i do is supposed to be automated and they shouldnt have to act like parents at all, i should just know things. no teaching me shit, no actual good follow ups, not being involved in anything revolving myself. school was fucking horrible and i was not in any way helped or protected from that, they let me think it was my own fault i was being bullied and treated me the same fucking way the teachers and bullies did, there was pretty much no sympathy for that and they never fucking talke dto me about that, any mental illnesses are completely free for all to be mocked and ridiculed if they feel like it, and im lazy for being burnt out and crying literally every day for hours, no support, just. absolutely fucking horrible. i grew up with that. thats shit i didnt know wasnt normal. i didnt know none of that is how normal people treat eachother. i still feel like a fucking idiot whenever i set a basic boundary. there are foods i stay away from or hide from others that i eat because i used to get yelled at and shamed for eating them, im fucking scared to discuss stuff i want or want to do or think would be fun to try cus im worried ill be talked out of it or ridiculed, im constantly worried people fucking hate my guts or im about to be treated like dogshit for existing in a way i didnt know was wrong. like. i have to do my own fucking psychology lessons with myself cus i dont get help anywhere and i dont get help thats meaningful from anywhere. im so focused on Doing Things Right that i need to get a good grade in therapy. literally what the fuck
anyways i wish they had better ways to help people than just. do laundry go for a walk go to work socialize.
what if you hate yourself for doing laundry. or not doing it. or youre worried youll do it wrong. what if going for a walk fucking sucks because youre not supposed to have fun unless you have a good reason to do so, or youre scared youre not allowed to exist in the outside world and youll get yelled at for going for a walk, or you think people will be able to tell you dont know where youre going so theyll think youre a fuckking idiot. what if you cant socialize because you dont actually know how and noone ever taught you or treated you like you were important so you never learned. like. this is the kind of shit i still need help with. going to work is only gonna help so much. i still need help with the rest of. existing as a normal person.
but yeah anyways i think its dumb that they have in total 11 rooms with a bathroom, 1 room with a bathroom and kitchen, 2 small apartments, one cottage, two houses, and another large apartment. but we cant use the houses or the apartment because one house isnt technically liveable somehow?? under renovation ig? the other house had a pipe burst so now when you do laundry tehre your clothes smell like sewage afterwards, and the third apartment is being used by students like twice a year so noone can use it. its fucking dumb. give me the apartment for students. ill live with the students. i dont care. i just wanna make dinner on my own.
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