#so i think. i might be a bit overwhelmed. during December.
thedreadvampy · 10 months
stressed 🥲
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daydreamingyuta · 10 months
Winter Dates with Dream
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Mark Lee ❅ Playing in the Snow Date
Gets the idea to play with you in the snow as soon as he looks out the window and sees the snow falling
Kinda shy about asking if you want to though because he thinks you might think it's a bit childish
He is SO excited when you agree
Obviously the first thing you're doing is building a snowman together! and Mark will even go and get a carrot out the fridge for your snowman
He makes sure to take pictures of the sky, your snowman, and of the both of you before you both fall to the ground so you can make snow angels.
"Is my hair all messed up?" You ask, brushing snow off your gloves. "No, but your cheeks are all red and you look so cute." Mark replies, sneaking yet another picture of you.
Renjun ❅ Looking at Christmas Lights Date
Old Christmas music plays softly in the background as Renjun drives you around at night to see how beautifully people decorated their houses this year
Both of you constantly saying that each new house is your favorite so far
You had asked Renjun a question, but he didn’t answer, too caught up in his daydream about how he would decorate for Christmas with you if he gets lucky enough to marry you
He would stop to get some hot chocolate before you enter yet another neighborhood because 'something was missing'
Jeno ❅ Fake Dating at a Christmas Party
Started off as a joke, a silly little suggestion made by you, but Jeno was more than willing to pretend to be your boyfriend for an evening
You tried to tell him you were just joking, but he was very convincing in persuading you to do it
You told him that wearing matching Christmas sweaters was crossing the line, which he was sad about at first until he realized that that meant you were saying yes to fake dating him
You were so caught up in the fact that you were doing this with Jeno, that you almost forgot you hated going to parties and as soon as you entered you were hit with a wave of anxiety
Jeno always watched you intently so he knew how you were feeling and made sure not to leave you side the whole night, always having his comforting arm around you
“Accidentally” walking under the mistletoe which prompts Jeno to grab you by the waist to pull you in close and press his lips onto yours. You would have been shocked if you hadn’t been secretly hoping for Jeno to kiss you the whole night.
“I don’t think people who are fake dating are supposed to kiss.” Jeno whispers, his face buried into the crook of your neck.
“No, they aren't.” You say, biting your lip in a failed attempt to hide your smile
Haechan ❅ Christmas Shopping Date
You both had ended up leaving Christmas shopping until the middle of December because you've both been busy, so going shopping with Haechan was a must
You were a bit overwhelmed about getting everyone a present this year, but as soon as you stepped inside the shops and saw all the decorations and Christmas music playing, you were filled with calmness and nostalgia.
One thing you forgot about was the fact that shopping with Haechan always ended up with you going out of your budget because he was the biggest enabler to your shopping addiction.
At some point during shopping, Haechan turns to you and grabs your shoulders. “I need you to close your eyes” "Why?" You respond, laughing but following suit. "Because I just found the perfect gift for you and you can’t see."
Jaemin ❅ Snowball Fight Date
As soon as Jaemin heard that you haven't had a snowball fight since you were little, he knew he had to change that
Of course, he couldn't have just asked you if you wanted to have a snowball fight. He had to surprise you
So he waited until it finally snowed again and then asked you to go on a walk with him
You adore the snow and the scenery it creates, so of course you said yes
but as soon as you got outside, Jaemin runs away from you laughing and before you know it, you're being pelted by snowballs
You were absolutely not about to let Jaemin win this snowball fight so you got to work making and throwing snowballs at your boyfriend.
Part of the reason why you two worked so well together was that you both were a bit ruthless, so this was a very serious war
It wasn't until Jaemin noticed that he couldn't keep up with the speed at which you were making your snowballs that he decided run up to you and 'tackle' you to the ground, causing you both to laugh hysterically.
Chenle ❅ Ice Skating Date
You had always wanted to go ice skating in December, so when Chenle proposed going as a date, you were ecstatic
You weren't expecting it, but the ice skating rink was completely decked out for Christmas and it was so beautiful
Neither of you had ever been ice skating before, so it was an interesting experience to say the least
"You'll catch me if I fall right?" You ask Chenle as you start to step out of the ice. He assures you that he will absolutely not let you fall, until he's actually on the ice himself. "Y/n, catch me if I fall." He says, already starting to wobble.
You both end up falling multiple times, but you've never had such a fun date before
Towards the end you were even starting to get good so you made sure to show off some of your moves to Chenle as he stayed holding onto the side railing
Jisung ❅ Making Gingerbread Houses Date
Making gingerbread house was a very impromptu date idea
You both were just at the store, when you saw a plethora of Gingerbread houses on display for sale which made you immediately grab one
Once you got to his place, Jisung put on some Christmas music and you both got to work on the house
You first started out trying to get the gingerbread house to look good but the icing was almost impossible to work with, so it turned into a challenge of who can make their side of the house look worse
Considering Jisung's side of the house ended up collapsing, he ended up winning, but he made it up to you by breaking off a piece of gingerbread and drawing a icing heart in the middle for you
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dirtybitfic · 9 months
Road trip
Matt sturniolo fan fiction
-smutttttt,kinda long story might be a couple parts lols
(Contains- touching,teasing , gas station fight , dirty talk etc.and I think the rest of the dirty nasty will be in part 2)
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Y/n pov-
Me and Matt have been dreaming of taking a road trip to Vail Colorado for years. Ever since we were about 14 me and Matt have just understood each other in a way that non of our other friends did . We have the same interests and music taste and we also both struggle with mental health and throughout the years we’ve helped each other through it a lot .
When Matt got his license we started talking about all the places we’d love to go to and Colorado was always our biggest dream especially during Christmas time since we both love Christmas and they always decorate their city’s and towns so perfectly that they look like the perfect hallmark Christmas movie towns.
As we got older we started to get more serious about planning a get away for a couple weeks but our parents didn’t think that it would be a good idea until we were at least out of high school which we understood and respected. This past year we all turned 20 and me and matt, Chris and nicks birthdays are only two months apart we decided to do a big conjoined party .
Chris and Nick said they had a big surprise for me and Matt and that they wanted us to open their presents after everyone had left the party . We were both slightly confused but we were excited to see what it would be.
After everyone had left Chris and Nick had us sit down on the couch as they placed bags in our hands .
Me and Matt opened them at the same time and at first we were both confused and laughing because the first thing in the bags were matching beanies .
“Chris why did you make us wait for matching beanies” I asked laughing .
“Y/n you gotta keep opening then it will make sense in a second” Nick said giving me a big smile.
We both looked at each other and reached into the bottom of the bag finding envelopes .
I opened mine first and it was a printed out picture of a gorgeous cabin in the mountains of Colorado.
“Okayyy a cabin ? What did y’all buy a mountain or something” I ask still slightly confused.
“Nooo y/n god turn it over “ Chris says lightly smacking my head.
I laughed and turned it over .
“OMG YOU DID NOT” I said excitedly realizing it was and air bnb in vail Colorado.
“SURE FUCKIN DID KID” Chris yelled back at me smiling.
“We’ll Matt you gotta open yours now” Nick says smiling at him clapping his hands.
“Okay okay give me a second “ Matt says as he opens the envelope.
“YOU RENTED MY DREAM CAR WTF GUYS” he says looking up smiling adorably.
“We sure fucking did dude. We rented you guys the car for 4 weeks . You guys have the air bnb for three weeks in December . We wanted you guys to have the perfect trip you’ve always dreamed of “ Nick says .
I immediately got up and ran at Nick giving him the biggest hug then Chris .
“Guyyyys thank you so much I love it and I love you” I said getting a little teary eyed feeling so overwhelmed.
“Really guys thank you this is better than we could have imagined “ Matt says giving his brothers a hug.
“How did you guys afford this like Jesus this couldn’t have been cheap” I say a little worried for their bank accounts.
“ eh you know we have just been saving for a while but thank our fans for that cause no way would we be able to afford this if our YouTube wasn’t doing so good” Chris says .
“We’ll thank you again this means the world to me i don’t know how I’ll ever repay you guys” I say as tears stream down my face.
“Y/n don’t cry “ Nick says bringing me in for a hug .
“I’m sorry I’m just so happy “ I say laughing a little bit wiping my tears away.
“ we’ll we’re glad you like our present “
“LOVE IT” I corrected Chris.
We all laughed and went to bed .
Now it’s a week away from December and I’m starting to get super excited our trip starts at the begging of December and I need to start packing since we’ll be gone for so mf long.
I decided to FaceTime Matt to see if he would go shopping with me for some more outfits I’ll need .
*ft Matt
(Matt picks up- Matt’s blue , y/n is pink)
Hey what’s up
Hey I just wanted to see if you were up to do a little shopping with me I need to get some more winter outfits for the trip
Yeah of course you want me to come get you
Yeah either way I can get you or you can get me doesn’t matter to me
Okay I’ll come get you In say 10 minutes I know you just love to be a passenger princess
Yeah your right sounds good
Okay I’ll text you when I’m outside
Okay see you in a bit love you
Love you too bye
(Call ends)
After about 15 minutes Matt texted me that he was outside so I put my shoes on and ran down stairs. I locked my door behind me and hopped into the car.
“Hey so where you thinkin the mall” Matt asks
“Sadly yes that’s where all the good stores are” I said sadly he knows I hate the mall.
“Alright let’s go then” Matt says as he starts to put in directions to the mall .
He tells me to connect to aux and play some music .
As come here was ending we were pulling into a spot and Matt turned off the car .
We got out and started walking in after we did a little shopping we ended up grabbing some food and parked to eat.
I cant believe our dream trip is only 4 days way
I know I literally can’t wait I don’t know how I’m gonna sleep I’m getting to excited
No seriously god we’ve been dreaming of this for so long I just can’t believe we’re finally getting to go. But what are you telling the fans since you’ll be gone for so long
Oh we pre filled a good amount of our videos for the next couple weeks but I thought it would be fun to do at-least one vlog with you while we’re on our trip you know most of the fans like you
Awww well that actually could be really fun
Yeah they can see us running around in the snow being fucking stupid that’ll be really fun
Oh yeah can’t wait for them to see me snipe you with a snow ball
Oh really
Oh yeah just wait you’ll never know when I’ll get you I’m really sneaky you know
Yeah yeah whatever
We both laughed and after we finished our food we threw away our trash and he dropped me off at home.
Fast forward 4days——
I finally fished packing last night thank god and I just woke up to my alarm it’s currently 4 am me and Matt decided to get and early start since we’ll be driving pretty far to get to Vail and we want as much day driving time as we can get.
Vail Colorado is about 30 hours from Boston so it’s gonna a loooong drive.
-incoming call from Matt
Hey what’s up
Hey I just picked up the car and holy fuck it’s amazing but I’m otw to get you now I’ll be there in a bout 15.
Okay see you then I’ll make sure to have all my shit down stairs by the time you get here
Okay see you in a bit
Yep byeeee
Call ends
I started bringing all my stuff down and grabbed a blanket for the car just in case one of us gets cold and filled up my water bottle and then put on my shoes .
Matt just texted me he was here and I started to grab some of my bags to take them out to the car.
When I opened the door I audible gasped the car was … gorgeous.
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Matt got out and helped me grab my bags .
Omg Matt the car is so prefect
I know right I can’t believe we get to drive this for 4 weeks
Yeah good thing you make good money cause gas isn’t gonna be cheap
True true
We got my stuff into the back after I locked the door .
Hey my mom made you a breakfast sandwich and that matcha shit you love I set it on the back seat
Awww she is so sweet she didn’t have to do that
I know but she wanted to she always says “y/n is the daughter I never had” you know sometimes we think she loves you more than us
Hey you know that’s not true but seriously I’m gonna text her and tell her thank you
After we hit the road we’ve been sitting in comfortable silence listening to my playlist I made .
Was playing as I started to get hot a little bit surprisingly I thought I’d be cold but my dumbass did what every girl does and wore nothing under my sweatshirt. I started to get uncomfortable and shift around in my seat which Matt noticed pretty easily .
Hey you good you keep shifting around
Yeah just getting a little hot
Well take of your sweatshirt then
I… can’t (I say awkwardly)
Why not?
Because I have nothing underneath
Y/n I don’t care if your just in your bra I don’t want you to be uncomfortable
No Matt I mean I have … nothing on underneath
Ohh ohh shit ummm well you could always just take your pants off unless that’s weird then idk what to tell ya
I mean ig as long as it’s not weird for you
No not at all get comfortable
I started to take my pants off and caught Matt glancing over making my face go red . It’s not like he hasn’t seen me in a bikini but I’m wearing a thong which for some reason feels a bit more intimate to see me in .
Matt clears his throat as I look over at him after I finally get my pants off and throw them in the back seat.
I decide to tease him a little bit cause I think it’s funny
What’s the matter Matt
What oh um nothing just getting a bit hot myself
Here I’ll help you get your sweatshirt off
Oh okay (he says as I help him pull his arms out and pull it over his head )
I gasp quickly realizing he had nothing on under his either. I don’t think he heard me though but god his tattood arm gripping that steering wheel and his big veiny hands . NO WTF AM I THINKING THATS MY BEST FRIEND.
I snap out of my trans to look away but he glanced over at me smirking a little bit.
Why were you staring at my hands y/n
What I wasn’t I don’t know what your talking about
Okay so what were you starring at then hmm
God I have to think fast I’m just gonna sayyyy
Yo-your tattoos I was just like looking at them
Oh well alright
Their just really cool
I moved my hand to trance over his key tattoo
I love this one
Oh really why?
I don’t know I just do
He suddenly moves his hand off the steering wheel I didn’t understand why at first but he moved it so I could trace over his other ones.
I really like this one too -I say tracing over his dog one with its mouth open
And why do you like that one or are you just gonna say . He tries to mock my voice “idk I just do”
First of all I do not sound like that you asshole and no I was actually gonna say I like it because it has a dark vibe and I love tattoos like that it reminds me of this hellhound tattoo I wanna get
Oh really well that’s cool . You gotta show me that Pinterest board you have all your inspiration on cause your tattoos are pretty cool
He says as he moved his hand to my thigh racing the dark moth I got for my first tattoo . The way he’s tracing it has my breathing becoming uneven and my heart starts to race. Idk why I’m feeling this way but Jesus I’m getting wet . It feel wrong but it feels so good.
I cant believe you got your first one on your thigh and it’s big too
Yeah idk I just felt like it was the right place for it
It didn’t hurt?
No it felt good to be honest
Ohh your one of those people huh?
What the Fuck does that mean
You just like pain that’s all
Oh ummm ye-yeah I guess I like the feeling of tattoos a lot honestly I almost fell asleep getting all of mine
Mmm interesting
Why is that interesting
No reason
Yeah okay whatever
God if only he knew . Me and Matt have never really talked about our sex lives with each other I mean sure we talked about when we both lost our virginity but other than that it’s not really our typical conversation.
Their was one time he was on my phone looking for a picture and he almost went into my notes app and I screamed at him so fast to not read anything In there . He obviously got scared and threw my phone at me and apologized but the reason I didn’t want him going in there is because my top note is my kink list .
YEAH MY FUCKING KINK LIST . That’s the last thing you want your best friend of like 15 years to read . He tries to ask me why I got so defensive over it sometimes but I’m to awkward to tell him why. Honestly if he read them I’m scared he’d think I was a freak which I mean I’m a freak in the bed but not as a person u mean you know what I mean.
As I’m deep in my thoughts Matt starts to move his hand further up my thigh which causes me to gasp and snap my thighs shut.
Sorry sorry
N-no your fine it just caught me by surprise is all
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable
He try’s pulling his hand back down but my thighs have his hand locked in
No your fine you didn’t I just ummm I mean you know I have no pants on sooo
Oh trust me I know
He says looking at me with a sly smirk I didn’t know what he meant but my thighs slowly opened back up letting his hand free.
AHHH SHIT BITCH I yelled out this is one of our favorite songs to sing in the car we always goof off and it just puts us in a good mood.
And just when it hit me
He sung as he gently smacked my thigh jokingly causing me to jolt and laugh a little .
Yesss Matt
I said as I laughed a little and we kept singing along until the song ended I started to get a little thirsty .
Hey do you got any drinks in the back
Oh yeah I packed you a couple doctor peppers in the little cooler can you grab me one of the Pepsis he says pointing to the little black cooler behind my seat.
Yeah one sec .
I unbuckling and turned in my seat trying to reach back to the cooler but the car was a lot bigger than I realized so I kinda had to bend over the middle console to reach as I was reaching over I could feel his eyes on me and as a joke I giggled my hips a little making my ass move . But what Matt did next shocked me .
I felt his hand smack down on my ass hard causing me to scream out from shock and the sting since it was straight skin to skin contact.
He says putting his hand up in defense . I sat back down and handed him his Pepsi .
You know I know I shouldn’t say this but… you have a nice ass
Oh I…th-thank you
I tried to hide the blush that was creeping on my face .
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that
No no It’s fine you just made blush
I said laughing a little bit
Oh cute he said smirking at me
Oh shut up
I said shoving his arm playfully .
Do you mind if I take a little nap
No not at all we got a long while to go to so get some sleep I’ll wake you up when I stop for gas in a bit so you can pee and stuff
I got comfortable and dozed off .
I started to have a wet dream about Matt . He was touching me in places that felt so good and he was making me call him daddy and all this crazy shit and I was just getting to the good party when I got woken up by Matt shaking me telling me we were at the gas station.
Hey I’m stopping for gas you wanna wait her while I pump the gas and then we can go inside to pee and grab some snacks
Huh oh yeah yeah let me put my pants on
I reached back still half asleep trying to find my pants and I grabbed them and slid them back on.
I waited while he pumped the gas then we went inside. I didn’t relize I had to pee so bad until I got to bathroom and Jesus Christ I felt a lot better after I finished I walked back out looking for Matt seeing he was over by the drink section I started to walk over when I bumped into someone.
Oh my god I’m so sorry I said to whoever I bumped into
Yeah you should be fucking sorry princess
The guy says raising his voice at me causing me to take a step back kinda shocked
You don’t have to be a dick it was an accident
Don’t raise your voice at me sweetheart that’s not gonna end well for you he says getting In my face.
I started to get anxious and tears started to well up in my eyes I tried to keep them in to not show this guy I was scared of him.
Awwww you gonna fucking cry
I started looking back to find Matt but I didn’t see him anymore . Fuck he probably thinks I just went back to the car.
I …
You what bitch he spit the words out in my face as he towered over me . My fight or flight kicked in and I started to run away to the door to get to the car.
I opened the door and got half way across the parking lot before I got yanked back by my hair.
Where you going sweetheart. What did I scare you huh he said in my ear making me feel sick.
God where is Matt I started to say in my head as the tears started to stream down my face and I reached back to get the guy to let go of my hair .
That made him pull harder causing me to wine from the pain.
He kept saying mean ass shit in my ear but I was starting to have a panic attack which caused my hearing to go out all the sudden I saw Matt running at the guy and shoving him off me . Matt picked me up like I was nothing speed walking back to the car I was shaking in his arms .
He opened the door and set me down before closing the door and running to his side I’ve never seen him move so fast in my life I just curled into a ball crying from shock of what the actual Fuck just happened .
I’m so sorry y/n I thought you came back to the car or where still in the bathroom I would have never left you in there alone
I… I k-know you wou-wouldn’t I’m okay I - pr-promise I’m just sh-shaken up a b-bit
I know sweet girl I’m so sorry really come here
He said as he pulled me into him engulfing me in a big hug instinctively I crawled over the middle and sat on his lap sideways just wanting him to hold me for a second .
Shhhh it’s okay I got you
Matt says as he rubs my hair and holds me close
I smilled a little as I felt my body stop shaking and my nerves starting to calm weirdly Matt just has that effect on me he always knows how to calm me down.
After a bit I start to laugh a little .
What why are you laughing he said with a small chuckle
I’m a 20 year old woman sitting in your lap crying like your my dad and I’m a little girl having a nightmare it’s just kinda funny
I mean yeah when you put it like that
Okay I think I’ve calmed down thank you Matt
Of course pumpkin he says squishing my cheeks
MATT WHAT THE FUCK I say bursting out laughing
What I was just acting like a dad as a joke from what you said
Okay I mean it was funny and it cheered me up so
Good now get your cute little ass back in your seat so we can get going
Okay okay I’m goingggg
I said with a big smile and blushing checks. Did he just call me CUTE. Omfg he is gonna be the death of me . First my wet dream now this Fuck me this is gonna be a longggg trip.
I qued up some music and layed back in my seat and started getting hot again so I took off my pants. I guess the ac doesn’t work to well in here cause Jesus the heat gets hotter than a mother fucker and unless we wanna roll down the windows we aren’t cooling off anytime soon.
Started playing and I was just shaking my head along reading a couple text from some friends I had missed during my nap.
So uhh can I ask you something
Yeah ofc
What exactly made that guy grab you like that
Well um I had just come out of the bathroom and I was heading over to you by the drinks where you were and I accidentally bumped into him and then he started to get mad and all up in my face so I ran out the door and then he kinda I just chased me
damn all over you bumping into him
Yep I guess so
What a psycho
Yeah cause wtf I even said sorry like 5 times
Well at-least your okay
Yeah thank god you came to the rescue
Also uhhhh what we’re you dreaming about earlier
Oh uhhh why I shifted awkwardly in my chair wandering why he’d wanna know
Well you were kinda sleep talking a little bit
Uh oh what um what did I say
I was getting really fucking nervous now
Well um you said my name a couple times and then well you said daddy a couple times too
Ahahah ohhhh um weirdddddd yeah idk why I said that
Yeah hmmmmm what we’re you dreaming
He said more in a demanding tone
You really wanna know I asked nervously
Yeah I do
Okay I was uhh kind of having a wet dream
Ohhh I see was it about me
Maaaatt stooop
What come on just tell me now I really wanna know
Okay yeah you were in it
Damn well was it good
Mhm yeah sure ig can we move on
No no I wanna know the details
Keep your eyes on the road Mathew
Okay okay if I keep my eyes in the road will you tell me what happened
Yes I’ll tell you
Okay my eyes are glued to this rode now speak
Okay um well you were you know telling me how hot I was and you were asking me if I liked being fucked like a slut and you know I was like yes and you said yes what and I was like yes matt cause I didn’t know what you wanted me to say and you said nope try again and I said yes daddy and you know you started touching me and then you asked me to read my list of kinks to you and so I did and then yeah the dream ended .
Well uhhh I- um
I looked over and saw his face was a little red and he was shifting in his seat.
Yeah well you just begged me to tell you sooo
Yeah well your right I did. Was it at-least a good dream
Yeah yeah it was uh good
Oh yeah . So uhh is that kink list in your notes app
I- uh — ye-yeah
Read it to me
What Matt no that’s so embarrassing
What no it’s not
Why do you wanna know my kinks Matthew
I just do okay
Okay okay fine but you can’t judge me
I would never judge you y/n
Okay let me open it up real quick okay ummm god this is so embarrassing
Oh come on they can’t be that bad
Okay um
Humiliation, dominant x submissive , role play, whips, sadism,exhibitionism,dirty talk, auralism, orgasm control, impact play, consensual non consensual, praise kink, degradation by words, knife play, blood kink and uhh yeah that’s it .
Oh wow ummm alright
So uhhh the dominant one do you like to be the dominant or like
Oh god no I’m absolutely the submissive
Okay good
Good what do you mean good
Oh nothing nothing . So uh what’s consensual non consensual?
Well um I don’t know how to explain it well let me look up the definition, okay well it says it’s a style of bdsm where both people agree but one person acts in non consensual behaviors.
Oh so like if I held you down and told you to take it while you struggle and try to get away would that be that
Oh I uh y-yeah that seems pretty on point yep
At this point I could feel how wet I had become from that sentence coming out of him mouth just imagining him do that made me wanna scream.
I didn’t realize I had been squeezing my thighs together but he did.
Aww is someone getting a little worked up
No Matt shut up
Really then show me proof that you are or aren’t
What do you mean
Spread your legs
Spread you fucking legs
He said as he put his hand on my thigh prying them apart.
My breathe hitched as I looked down at his hand moving slowly up my leg.
His fingers hit the lace of the thong over my soaking wet core causing a small wine to escape my lips.
Now why would you lie to me hmm your so wet
I didn’t lie I just didn’t tell you the truth I said then realized that’s the exact definition of fucking lying
So you fucking lied sweetheart he said smirking over at me
Yeah I guess I lied
If I touch you will you be a good girl and stay quite for me
Okay PART 2 coming soooooon…
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bookaddict24-7 · 9 months
2024 Reading Goals!
I'm always a bit more lax with my reading goals because I never really know how a year is going to treat me--the last thing I need is stress over my reading (which is admittedly my biggest escape from life). BUT with that being said, making some goals that aren't set in stone is always a fun exercise!
Eleven Reading Goals I'd Like to Achieve in 2024:
Read at least 250 books. (I listen to a lot of audiobooks, so this isn't usually a major stress factor. Even if I wanted to read less, my reading addiction wouldn't really allow it. When I'm not reading, I'm thinking about reading. It's just who I am. BUT keep in mind that this is my goal based on my reading habits. everyone has a different reading habit!)
Finish, or nearly finish the Sookie Stackhouse series. (Of course, this is super dependant on when I get the audiobooks from the library LOL.)
Finish the books on my desk. (I have...a few started books on here. It's cluttering up the space and I feel like I just really want to read them but I'm a mood reader, so...)
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(Fourth Wing is a re-read that I was annotating and dropped when something new came out and my attention was stolen away.)
4. Read a few books from each bookshelf of my bedroom. (I already went through the shelves last week and assigned myself a handful of books or so from each shelf for each month of 2024. I just want to specifically target some of the books on my shelves to encourage myself to read more of my owned books. Maybe I should share that progress on here to keep myself accountable. Hm...)
5. Continue to DNF books I don't like. (This is a practice I've been using for the last couple of years, but I also want to remind anyone reading this that it is OK to put down that book you're not vibing with. Life is too short.)
6. Read more formats, not just audiobooks. (I LOVE audiobooks and owe them so much. But I also do sometimes miss having the attention span to read physically. I read a lot more physical books in November & December and I loved it. Also, I pay for KU, so I might as well use it more in 2024.)
7. Try to buy less books. (Seriously, I've gone off the deep end in the last four months. I need to rein it back in. Maybe I should keep a monthly track of it to remind myself not to do the book buying thing as much.)
8. Diversify my reading even more. (Pretty self-explanatory, I think.)
9. Continue to review every book I read this year. (I've been doing this for the past couple of years and it has felt both a bit overwhelming and super rewarding. I love that I can look back on these last few years and read my opinion of whatever books I read during those years.)
10. Unhaul more books. (Life is too short and my shelves are too full to keep books I felt meh about, or don't think I need. Trust me: the first unhaul is the hardest, but after that, it's a little too easy to unhaul books.)
11. Read more of my ARCs. (They are currently staring at me from their designated shelves. I WILL read my very old ARCs at some point in my life, hopefully some will be in 2024.)
What are some of your goals for 2024?
Thank you for being with me throughout another year of book blogging and post sharing! I hope everyone has a fantastic year full of reading and good health!
Happy reading!
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orthodoxadventure · 9 months
Hello Sister, how are you? How has your journey with God been? How has your journey with exploring Orthodox been? You are in my prayers, St. Rita is the Saint for the impossible, I am praying for you 🙏 Jesus loves you so much!
Hello, thank you for the prayers and kind words. I really appreciate them. Jesus loves you so much also!
In truth, I've been very much caught up in trying to sort my housing situation. Which has prevented me from engaging in the studying side of things as much as I'd like to. I have still been attending Liturgy, and working on improving my commitment to prayer. Which I feel has been helping.
My Priest has been very busy over December, and he says he will continue to be very busy for most of January. So I haven't had much in terms of conversations with him about entering as a Catechumen. Although, he did say he would like to get to know me more before he considered that possibility. Which I'm currently finding a bit difficult, because he is obviously very popular during coffee hour so I haven't had much opportunity to speak with him. I definitely need to work on my shyness lol.
I'm hoping once things get more settled, I'll have more of an opportunity to both study in my own time, as well as get to know him better to the point where he feels comfortable accepting me as a Catechumen. I do think that I need some directed study for me to properly get a feel for Orthodoxy. Because right now I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with what to read. And although I have been enjoying reading the Saints, it doesn't always help me with questions that I might have with the faith.
Entering as a Catechumen into the Orthodox Church is something that I am very much wanting to do. And right now, that is what my goal is working towards (in the faith side of things anyway).
I will keep you in my prayers also! <3
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A Place to Lay our Heads, and a Long Journey Back to the Beginning
December 21, 2022
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I am having trouble keeping track of the days. I keep thinking it’s Sunday today (and it’s Wednesday), I’m a bit astonished that we’ve been in India a week, and the fact that Christmas is four days away is mind-blowing. Anyone who knows me knows I love this holiday- and I’m getting a little misty thinking about not being with family this year. But this was a conscious choice (in order to meet with my students at Khalsa College and give them an “activity”—I’ve been advised NOT to call it an “assignment”--for over their winter break) and I will relish the chance to experience what Christmas is like in the Punjab. There are certainly signs of the holiday: our hotel is advertising that we can “satiate our Christmas cravings with luscious indulgences, handcrafted by our culinarians”—and for a mere 599 INR (about $7.00) we can have a “Jagermeister Bomb” (don’t know what that is—but yuck.) And there’s an old Anglican church near here from British times with a Christmas Eve service and Christmas day service- so we’ll attend one of those. There are artificial trees for sale in local stalls, along with Santa hats and some other silly stuff—and our hotel has some nice jazz versions of Christmas carols playing (the same playlist over and over…but at least it’s pleasant.) We’ll make our own unique Christmas tradition this year. But I’ll miss the Christmas House in Brookfield, MA where my sister-in-law Margo goes all out in their 18th century home.
The big news since last I wrote is that we found a place to live! David and I were all set to commit to an apartment that was darling—and very comfortable—but in a neighborhood I had some concerns about. In the meanwhile, I reached out to people I met when I was here in 2018—desperately seeking a recommendation for a real estate broker who might help us in our search. One of those people was an astonishing young woman named Aashna Sachdeva whom I had connected with in 2018.
Aashna and me in 2018
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Aashna wrote to me Monday morning that her father, whose family had experienced Partition, was touched by the subject of my project, and wanted to help. Within an hour we were visiting a property he owns in a great part of town—and invited to make that our home for the next six months. The place is shared during the day by his partner and crew who are working on developing an app for film editing (it feels like we are in an episode of Silicon Valley minus the obnoxious characters)- but we have a spacious area upstairs. It was pretty sparse when we saw it, but Aashna’s mom Jasmina met me there the next day and made a list of things she could loan us for our stay: a couch, a table, a small frig, some rugs, etc. The generosity of this couple- who were complete strangers to us a week ago-is overwhelming. We move in on Friday- and we’re planning to treat ourselves to a little shopping spree at Home Centre and Fabindia (the temple of my familiar) to make the place feel homey.
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This city is fascinating… and intense. Having an oasis of peace will be crucial.
Our new place:
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Today, David and I headed to the old city with the plan of visiting the Golden Temple.
On our way
But when we got there, it was teeming with pilgrims, worshippers, and tourists—and we thought it wise to return early one morning or after dark—the times recommended by many. After stopping in at The Partition Museum (the place I visited in 2018 that prompted the whole idea for this Fulbright project),
Outside of the Partition Museum, housed in the old town hall
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we made our way to the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial. If you don’t know or have forgotten: on April 13, 1919, a group of soldiers commanded by British Brigadier General R.E.H. Dyer entered an enclosed courtyard where a large group of peaceful protesters (men, women, and children) were gathered. He ordered the soldiers (sadly, all Indians serving in the British army) to fire into the crowd. No warning was made to disperse (such gatherings were forbidden)—they just fired –1650 rounds—and killed approximately 1500 men, women, and children. 120 of them jumped into the well in the courtyard to escape the bullets—and all drowned. I’m giving the barest of facts here. But see the scene the scene from “Gandhi” on YouTube below for a pretty accurate (and harrowing) seven-minute depiction (if, perhaps, a little kind to the panel that questioned Dyer later.) You'll see the Town Hall that now houses the Partition Museum in the clip. The space is now a memorial park to the victims and very well done, although the cheery music piped in makes for a bizarre counterpoint to the weight of what took place there.
Jallianwala Bagh
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We were tired after that- and ready to head back to the hotel for a rest. That was not as simple as anticipated. We got ourselves lost in the warren of narrow streets that make up the old city- and my Fitbit knock-off alerted me that I had reached 10,000 steps long before we made it to a main road where we could call an Uber. And that was right back where we’d started. We had walked in a huge, confusing circle—past countless tiny shops, tea stalls and rickshaw drivers all offering to take us where we were going (but none knowing where our hotel was.) Although I had some nervousness that we might get robbed (pick pocketing and other theft are a big problem here)- we both sort of enjoyed the journey. The weather was cool and not unpleasant. There were lots of interesting things to see.
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And we knew eventually we’d have to come to something familiar, which we did. It did feel incredibly good to finally climbed into an Uber and sit back as our driver made his way through unimaginable traffic to finally deposit us at our hotel (how does anyone drive in this city?) The Uber cost: 140 INR (about $1.75.) We tipped him more than the ride cost: that price might have been acceptable (for here) if it had been a clear shot—but that poor driver made no money on that ride.
Off to sleep- with the hopes that tonight I don’t wake up at my new time of 1 AM to lie and obsess for an hour before falling back to sleep.
Oh! My funny story of the day: mid-morning I went down to the lobby to ask about extending our stay by one night (the house isn’t quite ready for us.) There was a woman in the lobby impatiently asking for something from the staff. She had on her flannel plaid pajamas and slippers, was holding a cup of chai in each hand, and coughing non-stop. No mask. Not even an attempt to cover her mouth. She then went over to the elevator to head back to her room. I decided to take the stairs. This is a four-star hotel, folks.
And for a little laugh:
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Until the next…
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one-abuse-survivor · 1 year
hey there ! anon with the abusive sister here. hope you're doing okay ! (if i've already sent in an ask pls ignore the last one—my memory is super bad rn and i cant really remember if i did or not-)
thank you so much for your kind words !! september went really well and she didn't show up ! i was a bit stressed, and did spend the first two days feeling incredibly sick from stomach cramps. on the bright side, i invited my friend down and spoke to her and her mum about the trauma and they both said that it sounds like i have ptsd (i trust them both on their opinions because my friend has ptsd from something in her childhood that affected her really badly, so she has first-hand experience about living with ptsd). they both suggested that i go to therapy, which i think my parents are warming up to, but we're all concerned about social services getting involved. we've had negative experiences with social services before, and we dont want them making a fuss of things. we're also worried that i might not be believed or that it will get downplayed as 'sibling rivalry.' although, sometimes my parents backtrack and downplay it themselves and say that it 'wasnt that bad' which really, really hurts. i've given up trying to explain how her abuse affected me and i dont really talk about it with my parents anymore, since my mum always brings up something from her childhood which was worse. sometimes i start to wonder if im making it all up for attention, and that my hatred towards her is distorting things...then i remember my lack of memories, a particular event when i was around 12/13 that terrified me, and a mental breakdown i had in the school locker room, in the middle of the day, because of the gaslighting text messages she sent me.
my sister's been causing trouble recently because it was my birthday in early december (the only birthday i can remember was last year's and the year before—i cut her off three months before that first birthday i can remember) and then it was christmas, so she wanted presents. she also changed her name to her birth father's name (we have separate dads, thank god) which upset my mum quite a lot. it didnt help that my mum's side of the family spent christmas together and never invited us down, which sucked and made us realise that, to them, my parents and i aren't very important to my toxic family members. i got over that pretty quickly, though.
i do have a question: how do i comfort myself when im triggered/feeling sad or overwhelmed from the abuse? my dog and rabbit died within three months of each other, and they were my main sources of comfort whenever things got too much or mental illness was too bad. now that they're gone, though, im finding myself feeling quite disconnected from reality—especially now that my rabbit is gone. everything seems more overwhelming then it did before. im not sleeping well, or im sleeping too much (either way im still exhausted when i get up) and i seem to be getting triggered more and more by physical touch and sounds.
thank you so much in advance !! have a nice day :D
Hi again! ❤️
I'm really glad your sister didn't show up during September after all, and really glad you had people around you who were understanding about your trauma.
I'm sorry your parents haven't been as supportive as they should be, though. It's awful that they try to downplay your abuse and tell you they went through worse. If your mum had experiences she considers "worse" than yours, then she should go to therapy herself so she can talk about them, and not use them to downplay your own experiences. Trauma isn't a competition, and what matters isn't who had it "worse". What matters is what each individual person needs so they can be safe and eventually heal and/or learn to live with their trauma. I'm glad you have proof of your sister's abuse that you can resort to when doubt starts creeping in. But just in case you need to hear it: no, you are not making anything up for attention. Your sister abused you.
Ugh, it sucks that she caused trouble again during Christmas and your birthday. It's great that you got over all of it quickly, but you shouldn't have to put up with her or any toxic family member's crap.
Also, I'm really sorry for your loss :( It's always hard to lose a pet, but I can't imagine how devastating it must be when they were your main source of comfort when triggered.
Here is a list of healthy coping skills you can check out. Since your pets used to help you, maybe you can try soothing yourself through touch, like using stuffed toys, blankets or soft clothes. They might have the same effect as holding your pets close did. Smells can also be very helpful; have you got any blankets that smell like them? Are there any other smells in general that you like and that you can carry around with you?
Something that can also help is to make an easily accessible list of things that soothe you as you find them. You can make it (and update it) when you're feeling fine, and that way, you'll be able to look at it when you get triggered and you won't have to come up with ways to soothe yourself when you're already in that state of emotional distress.
Alongside the list, you can even have an emergency box filled with things that bring you comfort, like soft toys, fidget toys, things that smell nice, or anything else you can think of that might distract you or make you feel better. When I made mine, I filled it with sticker sheets because stickers soothe me, and also with lists of all my comfort shows, movies and videogames.
Other than that, have you considered adopting another pet? It' might not be a possibility, but if it is, I think it could really help, since you already know that being near animals when you're triggered helps you calm down.
Hope some of this helps, and hope you're doing well. Sending a big virtual hug ❤
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anticonspiracist · 2 years
an ask from the larrie anon
[in reference to this ask and response]
Thank you for answering my questions in a serious way. I would like to continue this dialogue for a bit, but I will stay on anon… feels more safe to me.
Due to the length of your ask, I’ve decided to publish it here in pieces to respond more coherently. There’s also a bit at the end that you asked me not to mention so I have edited that bit of your post and noted where the edit is.
A little background info, so you can understand who you’re talking to. I’m a 40 year old woman from the Netherlands. I’m quite fluent in English, but there might be some mistakes here and there, so don’t see those as a lack of intelligence. I’m a mom [edited] and I work in marketing. I have a bachelor’s degree in English literature with minors in sociology, psychology and journalism; I consider myself as intelligent, emphatic, and openminded, but I understand this might mean nothing to you as anyone could say that about themselves.
Some more background info about myself, so you can better understand where I come from: I’m a mid-30s, single, bisexual woman. My college degree is in political science and classical studies – Latin was my concentration. I’m currently enrolled in a graduate program in political psychology. My interest is in the conspiracy mindset and its role in American politics. I have read a couple of studies that investigated the conspiracy mindset overseas, including in Germany. From this limited dataset, it doesn’t appear that the conspiracy mindset in America differs greatly from those in other countries, but until there’s more robust investigation we can’t say that conclusively. Oh also, in my day job I teach emergent bilingual students. My students range from very little English to near-native speakers.
 I became a Larrie during one of the first lockdowns in my country (no conspiracist ideas about the pandemic btw😉 ) a lot of free time drove me to TikTok (which I’ve left since then)
During lockdown for me, I started watching a few different series on streaming platforms and turned to an old hobby, crocheting. Since March 2020 I’ve made like 10 blankets. Now I’ve moved onto quilting! Also now that highly effective N95s are widely available and I have the means to purchase them, I am active in local politics. 
 and I came across videos of Harry. I thought him funny. Knowing TikToks algorithm, I came across more and more Harry videos, which led to 1d, which led to Larry. And that’s basically how it started. I searched through all kinds of info, from larries and anti’s. I think it’s important to mention that ‘I don’t want to believe this is true.’ Although a lot of Larries describe this as the biggest love story on earth, to me it is a story of hardship and oppression of teenage boys. 
I understand that TikTok can be a disorienting experience due to the absence of a clock and that videos placed in front of you have no timestamp, so I’m going to take a moment to remind you that Louis will be 31 years old in December, and Harry will be 29 in February. They are not teenage boys. They’re millennials, just like you and I. 
I’d much rather they didn’t have to go through all that (although I do believe Harry and Louis love each other very much). From what I’ve gathered, I just believe that sadly they did have to endure all that.
Your writing later on directly contradicts this statement, that you’d rather they didn’t have to go through all of what you imagine. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that they did not go through what larries claim they did and do suffer. Larries so easily dismiss all of this because it doesn’t make them feel good like the imagined oppression does. By viewing these men as needing your help, it gives you a purpose. During the initial lockdowns, so many people throughout the world turned to the comforting thought of a conspiracy theory which had all the answers. You aren’t alone in this phenomenon and it is a well-documented one. 
Now, I am not one of those “ooh, blue and green” larries. To me it’s about a combination of these things:
1. Do I believe the music industry is capable of doing this? Yes, absolutely. While the article added by your friend shows it has been possible for nsync to win against their label, that does not suffice for me to believe 1d would also be able to do so. For one, Nsync’s case was ten years before 1d even existed. Plenty of time for labels to adjust their contracts to prevent this from happening again. Secondly, there is so much evidence from ex-Xfactor contestants pointing to their contracts being unfair, harsh and just impossible to get out of (Rebecca Ferguson, just stated that contracts go on for 20 years for instance. Rebecca Fergusson, Cher Loyd, Jedward and others have all spoken up about the unfairness… are those people all to be ignored? Liam has talked about their treatment, Harry himself has recently talked about impropriety clauses and how it affected him. So yes, I believe something was very wrong during 1d and I think their label and management is to blame.
Louis and Harry have been out of One Direction for longer than the band existed, at this point. Like I mentioned previously, both of them have hired their own management teams. Both of them are in charge of their careers. Both of them are white multimillionaires. When Harry mentioned that clause, please don’t forget the context:
Styles said he often spent interviews terrified about saying the wrong thing until he stopped to question what abhorrent belief or bizarre opinion he was scared he'd accidentally reveal and realized he couldn't think of anything. He thought about how, when good things happened—say, a No. 1 album—he wouldn't feel happy, just relieved. And he thought about the cleanliness clauses in the contracts he used to sign, which would dictate that they would be null and void if he did anything supposedly unsavory, and about how terrified that used to make him. And about when he signed his solo contract and learned that the ability to make music would not be affected by personal transgressions, he burst into tears, a reaction he still seemed shocked by, retelling it to me now, years later. "I felt free," he explained. https://www.bhg.com/better-homes-and-garden-magazine/harry-styles/
The music industry is fucked! That’s not in dispute. But is it so fucked that Harry Styles at the age of 28 is still being treated the same as he was at age 16? By the same people? He’s not bound by the same contract, even. Regardless of what Rebecca Ferguson has said about her dealings with X-Factor, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are not in her shoes. Rebecca deserves people to care about her situation and want to help her because she has gone through it, not because they believe Harry and Louis are in the same situation today. They are demonstrably not.
2. Do I think Harry and Louis are queer? Well, I’m a Larrie… so obviously I think they are. I don’t know whether they are gay, bisexual or anything else on the queer spectrum, but that also doesn’t matter imo. Even if you take Larry out of the equation, I would still believe they are queer. For Harry, what convinced me are his slip-ups. During 1d interviews he would often answer with ‘they, a person who’ when asked about romantic interests, but he would sometimes slip up with ‘he’. Could that be deliberate? Sure, it just didn’t look deliberate to me and I trust my own judgement in that. For Louis, I see no real chemistry between him and the women he was with. I also see him sing a song like “Only the Brave” and it only makes sense to me if he were queer. The way he encourages fans bringing rainbow flags. Could he just be an ally or queerbaiting? I think he would be hugely overshooting the cause if that were the case. Every show he’s looking at a huge portion of his fandom not wondering if he’s gay, but actually believing he’s gay. I believe he is a kind man and would not play with fandom’s feelings that much, nor would he allow the feelings of his loved ones be hurt over and over again (and there would be things he could do to make me think otherwise).
What you didn’t address from my initial response was that if what you believe were to be true, your behavior as a larrie is harmful to Harry and Louis. Your open speculation about their sexualities is harmful. Would you do this to a friend? I had a student about five years ago who was openly gay in my classroom. He came to class one day heated. I asked him what was wrong and he said, “ugh, freshman.” He then related how he’d been walking down the hallway and heard these freshmen girls behind him wondering out loud if he was gay, clearly not intending him to hear, but he did. “I turned around and said, ‘Yes! But you could just ask me, not whisper behind my back!’” That is just what you do when you speculate about people’s sexualities, especially when they have told you in no uncertain terms that they don’t appreciate that speculation. You say you aren’t a “blue green” larrie, but you do prioritize the “signals” that larries claim these men send over the words they actually say. You claim to be able to tell “chemistry” by viewing photos of two people, but that is absurd. To condemn a relationship as false because you see only what you want to see in a limited selection of photographs (larries do not, as a rule, view all photos in a paparazzi series) is, frankly, absurd. As I mentioned before, Louis has said he’s straight. He has spoken often about his love for his girlfriend, and his love for his son. Until and unless he says something else, it is harmful to deny his words. Not because Louis is going to see your blog, but because you have other people viewing your blog and seeing how you ignore what he says, so why would you listen to them? As a teacher, it’s important for me to create a classroom space where students like the one I mentioned can feel safe coming out to me. Part of that is accepting whatever it is that they tell me about themselves. Their perception of their sexuality or gender identity can change drastically over the time period I know them, and if a student comes out to me as gay, it’s possible in two years they come out to me as trans. Ignoring their words is simply not acceptable. When you do that as a so-called fan, you are merely telling your followers that people’s words and truths don’t matter as much as how you feel about the matter. 
3. Do I think Larry have been/are together? Yes. I read your comment about being a teacher and having seen a lot of boys act this way. I have three younger brothers, have always had more guy-friends than girl-friends and, although I recognize there can be a certain playfulness/closeness between especially teens, I have never seen boys caress each other as tenderly as Louis and Harry have been seen doing in moments they didn’t think others would see. It’s the closeness of lovers to me, not of best friends. But,.. up to how you interpret things I guess. I tend to lean towards them being together since the beginning, because I’ve seen no evidence of things having changed.. but, I always try to leave room for the universe being a dick, so I’d say I’m about 90 percent sure they still are together now.
You haven’t seen boys caress each other like you think you’ve seen Harry and Louis do so? Cool. I have! So, what’s the truth?? Regardless, consider how much of the “evidence” that you’ve seen is in gifs, which are always divorced of context and in many cases, are slowed down and/or reversed. Plenty of people who were larries and who have decided that had erred recount feeling duped when they realized just how much of the evidence they’d been shown had been manipulated.
Furthermore, Louis has a long-time girlfriend and a six-year-old son and Harry has a long-term girlfriend and has spoken about how happy he is. That is evidence that what you believe to be true is actually not. You cannot just dismiss out of hand everything that these men say because it doesn’t fit with the conclusion you began with.
Feel free to ask me stuff by the way, happy to have my believes tested.
I am aware of confirmation bias and that is one of the reasons of me contacting you. To really discover the truth you have to consider the opposite as well. I do wonder however if you are aware of your own confirmation bias. You stated that you were already interested in conspiracy theories before entering fandom and the article that lured you in had the exact term ‘conspiracy’ to trigger you in it’s title. Is it possible you too only see things confirming your believes? Have you actually gone through all the information Larries provide? Have you tried seeing the other side as I am now?
I have, actually, gone through every bit of so-called evidence that larries have provided. Every scrap of it has been debunked. My first 20 days in fandom I had a larrie trying to recruit me. She was unsuccessful.
What you’ve named a confirmation bias in my regard is actually not that at all – it’s a bias toward reality, and what can be proven. You and other larries claim that somehow, Harry and Louis are contracted to do these things against their will, but have no evidence of that, cannot name who else is party to these contracts, and also cannot explain how, if Harry and Louis don’t want to be in this situation, they can’t just … breach the contract and wait to be sued by … whoever. It’s at this point in the conversation that the larrie without fail said I’m ignorant, homophobic, et cetera.
You say closeting doesn’t happen the way we think, with paid beards. How do you know though? It’s possible there are many other examples we just don’t know about. What specifically lead me to believe it is possible, is Louis Theroux’s doc “When Louis Theroux met… Max Clifford”. Specifically the part where Louis asks Max what he would do if someone were gay. The answer being that he would create a long relationship. Create… does not seem like he would ask a friend of the gay person to act as a beard to me. Max Clifford being closely connected to Simon Cowell and having worked with 1d in the beginning cements this for me. I absolutely think they would employ someone to beard. I don’t think Holivia is that way though. Harry and Olivia both gain from this arrangement in other ways.
How do I know? How do you know there are bearding contracts? What I do know is that every example that larries bring up of bearding does not coincide with their beliefs about how Harry and Louis are allegedly closeted. Larrie evidence for their existence is simply because you want it to exist because it explains why both of these men have women in their lives, look happy, and speak about them. Whatever you think is real doesn’t matter. You say it is happening with no evidence whatsoever except for your feelings. You have the burden of proof here, and you haven’t proven anything.
One last thing I want to address is your evidence of how closeted people in bands behaved. How they were mostly scared to come out and never told anyone even. I understand your point. I also understand how unfair it has been to Lance Bass. I personally never bring up Lance Bass, I try to look at situations as a part of a whole, but also separate from everything else. I think though that Harry and Louis’s situation differs from those others because there were two of them in the same band. Had it only been one of them, maybe they would’ve also stayed silent., but being a pair changes the dynamic. They were stronger as a pair, they were together so much and if the person you love is right in front of you.. you don’t just stay silent.
Cool. Louis had a girlfriend during X-Factor, Hannah, and then after Hannah began dating Eleanor. Louis is a serial monogamist. What you’re writing about is fan fiction. And I’ve got nothing against fic! I love fic. However, don’t conflate fictional stories on the internet with reality.
I don’t think I fit the mould of a conspiracy theorist, but which ct does? The way I see myself considering this situation is: I saw something wrong in 1d/Larry. I am very concerned for those men. I admire them a lot. Would it break my heart if it were not real, no. Do I think it is real, yes.
What you saw were TikTok videos about a band that broke up in December 2015 created by conspiracy theorists. When the pandemic began, I mentioned to @back-to-louis that we were going to see a surge in conspiracy theorists of all kinds due to the mass trauma being felt across the world. There was a surge of larries just like there was a surge of anti-vaxxers and QAnon believers. No one is naturally immune from falling down the rabbit hole, but some people are more susceptible to it than others. I was already extremely online prior to March 2020 and am able to suss out good sources from bad. I also had healthy hobbies to fill the extra time I found on my hands. Though I live alone, because so many of my friends were actually internet friends, I wasn’t missing out on in-person social activities like others were. And outside of these considerations, through being a teacher and informal research on the subject, I had already inoculated myself against conspiratorial thinking. I can recognize the hallmarks of a CT easily and I don’t fool myself into thinking that any of them are harmless.
Not sure if I covered everything, but I am out of time right now. Looking forward to having you and your friends dissect me 😉… 
You haven’t covered everything. You completely ignored the antisemitism present in your conspiratorial beliefs and have nothing to say about who could possibly be forcing all of this oppression on these white multimillionaires.
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
pairing: percy jackson x child of zeus!reader and jason x older sibling!reader
requested: yes!
warning: two curse words, mentions of stealing, death of a parent, and i believe that is it!
category: headcanons, fluff
a/n: i may have gotten too carried away but... i had a lot of fun writing this haha. i hope you guys like it!
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you and percy invented the phrase power couple but coming together took a while
your relationship dynamic would be very similar to thalia and percy's at first
you're both natural-born leaders, so you guys butt heads very often
you're more calculated and organized when it comes to things and percy being impulsive really annoyed you
he's lucky that even though he is impulsive, things somehow always work out in the end
if it wasn't for annabeth urging you guys to get along, you probably would still be at each other's neck
how did she get you guys to get along, you may ask?
she locked you guys in a storage closet :)
and said figure it out ♡
this happened after a friendly sparring practice turned into a full-on fight with your powers
annabeth insisted she wouldn't let you guys out until you declared to be friends
at the time, you were like, percy will never be my friend, ew
percy was just as annoyed
after a good hour of bickering and resisting your urge to choke him out
you guys found that you had a lot in common, actually?
huh, who would have known?
apparently annabeth
you guys talked about your life outside of camp and bonded over the worst teachers you've ever had
turns out, percy wasn't that bad
you'd never admit that out loud though
after a while, you started to feel things
were percy's eyes always that pretty?
yes, they've always been
oh look, those freckles over his nose? adorable
did you just call Percy adorable? yeah, you did… gross
you tried to deny your attraction to him
you were pretty sure this was a cruel joke from aphrodite (it was… more for your dad's than for you guys, though)
then you started noticing changes in his behavior too
now you guys were sharing blankets at the campfire when it got chilly
he even shared the blue cookies his mother sent him too
that's when you should have known he was down bad
both of you have awful sleep schedules
you hated sleeping in cabin 1
it was clearly built not to be slept in, and every few days, you found yourself having late-night conversations with percy at the docks
once the harpies snuck up on you and percy told you to get in the water with him
you didn't know how to swim, and you were kinda horrified of open water
you wanted to refuse, but you were cornered on the docks
you either jumped or got eaten
the last thing you said was that you couldn't swim before percy didn't give you a choice
he grabbed your hand and jumped in
his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you in the air bubble he had made around you guys
at first, you didn't focus on it
too busy trying to defend yourself from his teasing
he continued to mimic the way you screamed when he dragged you into the water
"wow, you can fly, but you can't swim?"
you rolled your eyes, trying to defend yourself
you called him annoying, and he playfully threatened to let you drown
you guys joked and laughed, staying a little too long underwater
after your laughter ceased, you found yourself looking into his eyes
the both of you became quiet
suddenly his arm around your waist, the way your chests were pressed against each other made you horribly flustered
and you're not sure what you were thinking
actually, you weren't thinking at all, but you leaned in and kissed him
like really kissed him, it was a proper kiss
probably would have kissed him longer if the water nymphs didn't giggle, exposing their little audience
once you pulled away, they scattered, ready to gossip about what they saw
the news made it to atlantis pretty fast
after the kiss, things were so awkward
you avoided him for days, and he avoided you
annabeth felt the tension, and she was upset because just when you guys were getting along, suddenly, you guys were avoiding each other
the battle of manhattan was approaching soon and the last thing anyone wanted was for you guys not to get along
you both avoided annabeth’s questions, not ready to confess what you guys had shared
eventually, annabeth kept pressing you about what happened
you blew up and admitted that you made out with percy in the water
annabeth was speechless before she burst into laughter
you didn't understand why it was so funny at first
but then you did
the both of you laughed until annabeth said that she wasn't surprised at all
the battle of manhattan comes around, and in the urgency of the moment, you guys were able to rise to the occasion
your movements, thoughts, commands were completely coordinated
you guys were an extension of each other, kicking ass
at the end, you were both offered immortality
the offer took you back to a conversation you guys had where you spoke about how you'd never want to be immortal
the both of you exchanged looks before you simultaneously denied the gift
zeus was offended x2
after that, you guys returned to camp half-blood
the both of you were upset at the campers you've lost and trying to recover from the adrenaline of battle
you and annabeth sang percy happy birthday and the three of you sat together and ate blue cake in a comfortable silence
weeks passed, and one day, you're met with annabeth barging into your cabin asking when you and percy are going to talk about your kiss
it was the last day of camp, and she was insistent on you talking to him
you reluctantly agreed, mainly because annabeth threatened to lock you in a storage closet again
you guys sat on the dunes in silence for a while
the both of you wanted to confess, but neither knew how to do it
after some silence, the both of you spoke at the same time
you stuttered over each other and then began bickering back and forth on who should go first until you blurted out that you like him
you cringed and looked away as percy froze in his spot
it was silent for a moment before percy whispered, "I like you too."
cue your second kiss
your teeth slightly bumping with his since the both of you were smiling so much
and you swore you heard thunder in the distance even though there were clear skies
you lived in a foster home on the other side of manhattan, so you guys saw each other every weekend
you guys went on movie dates, long drives, and you would sleep over pretty often
for the spooky season, you went to haunted houses and carved pumpkins
you watched horror movies together, teasing each other when one of you jumped and tried to cover your face during the scary parts
you went to his place for Thanksgiving and you arrived early so that the both of you could help sally cook all day
you and percy put blue food coloring on the mashed potatoes
for the first time ever, you felt like you were apart of a family since sally had welcomed you with open arms
everything was going great but then december came around
the last time you saw percy, you guys were christmas shopping for his mom
your last day of school ended a few days after his, so you planned to meet at CHB
but when you got there, you found out he never arrived
you called his home from the payphone in the big house
sally was relieved to hear from you, a part of her hoping he was with you
but you both found out that neither of you had heard from him in a few days
meeting jason
you and annabeth tried everything to find him
then you got a dream from hera that the answer to where percy is was with the guy with one shoe
you arrive and you find this blonde kid and not your boyfriend; you were kinda actually very annoyed
but this blonde kid felt familiar
you weren't sure what it was, and then you heard his name — Jason Grace
surely, it was a coincidence that he shared the name of your missing brother
you were too young to remember his disappearance
the only remembrance you had of him was a picture of the both of you as toddlers sitting happily beside thalia
you always wondered who was the little boy in the photo and it wasn't until a few years ago did thalia tell you about him disappearing
you were a bit wary of him at first, especially since he had no memory of where he came from
it wasn't until he conjured lightning with his sword, did you have no doubt in your mind that he was your brother
the first night you guys spent in the cabin together was awkward
you couldn't really catch up since he didn't remember anything, so you told him what thalia told you about him and your mother
you didn't reveal him everything, not wanting to overwhelm him and you had decided to call it a night before you went into detail
you explained the rest of the story after he came back from his quest
you tried to ask him questions hoping he’d remember more, but his memory wasn't coming back fast enough
both you and jason were growing frustrated, so one day you iris messaged thalia
the both of you came up with an idea to jog jason's memory by showing him things that he enjoyed as a toddler
jason was pretty sure it wouldn't work, but he went along with it
thalia recalled that the two of you really liked watching the flintstones as babies
so you and jason sat down and watched every season available on dvd
and well, it didn't work...
thalia also mentioned you both really liked sweets, so you tried to jog his memory with candy bars
you had to convince jason to sneak out of camp with you
he thought it was such a bad idea, but you reassured him he'd be fine
after reluctantly agreeing, jason and you escaped at night to buy actually steal candy bars from the closest gas station
jason panicked as he watches you shove candy bars in your sweatshirt
"we're gonna get caught"
"if you keep looking that scared, we just might," you replied a little too calmly
he tried to relax, but he just looked like he saw a ghost the entire time
on your way back, you may have electrocuted a harpy and fought a couple cyclops and all the fighting and running made you lose one of your snicker bars
you were upset, to say the least
unfortunately, after stuffing him with chocolate, that didn't work either
then you tried to show him the few pictures you were able to salvage before you were taken to the foster home after the death of your mother
jason sat in front of you on the floor as you pulled the box from under your bed
you smiled, finding an old picture of your mother, and you put it up to his face, taking in the similarities between the two
"yep, you look just like her," you confirmed as you smiled sadly
even though jason didn't know her, he felt a sense of pride when you had told him so
every time a memory would come back, you were the first person he told
when his memories with lupa came back, you were shook
and then you teased him, saying that he's basically a dog
once you threw a twig and told him to go fetch
he didn't find it as funny as you and leo did, but oh well
you also asked if he howled at full moons, and you were met with the straightest face you've ever seen on jason
it was the funniest thing ever to you
every week you guys kicked ass in capture the flag
you guys were more alike than you thought
it was guaranteed that whichever team you were on would win
in the months when the argo II was being built, you had a lot of times to bond with jason
your dynamic was really fun as you were a bit more rebellious and silly while he was a lot more responsible and mature
after the argo II departed
you reuniting with percy was something you thought about for months
you were so excited when the argo II was officially ready to fly over to camp jupiter
your pulse was thumping in your ears when you saw percy in the crowd
after months of worrying about where he was and if he was still alive, it was almost surreal to see him right in front of you
you lunged into him so hard, he stumbled back as you kissed him
just like your second kiss, the both of you were smiling so hard your teeth kept bumping against his
"i love your new look," you commented on his toga, and he snorted,
"oh yeah, it's kinda hot."
the both of you laughed, content to be in each other's arms again
after getting on the argo II, you were the reason jason and percy formed some sort of a friendship
you were the mutual ground for the both of them since they had a soft spot for you
the tension between the two was something you couldn't disregard and you hated how weird it was at the beginning
if they butted heads, you tried to mend the problem
you understood both of them well enough to understand where they came from
at some point, you and annabeth thought it would be funny to lock them in a storage closet
so you did
they kept complaining to be let out but eventually, they gave in
little did they know that you were standing near the door and listening to their conversation
jason told him how you helped him a lot and all the ridiculous things you made him do
and percy shared stories of you from quests and at camp
the both of them laughed and bonded over having someone as amazing as you in their lives
"y/n is pretty great," percy smiles
"yeah, they are," jason agreed
needless to say, your heart warmed at the praise from your two favorite boys
masterlists taglist: @xxyrr @nct127bee @mochabreezeee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @Slytherclaw-kitten @-thatgirloverthere- @passionswift @nanskidoodle @idk-bye-no @ilikefluffygingercats @all-hailreyna @autmngirlworld @Sunkissedskin1328 @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @hajigayy @aleksanderwh0r3 @drayshadow @tonyedwardstarkk @londoncherry @ashookykooky @lotusnegra666 @loverstyless
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Who do you think made the first move, j or m? When and where?
so this ask quickly became something crazy long and i’m sorry but i’m also not because i think you guys will like this. i sure do.
ok so this was fun bc i wanted to answer this question as best as i could and i um found something that i don’t know if cockles truthers generally know???? jensen and misha got together officially(we know this bc of the anniversary post)on december 14, 2009. do you. do you want to know what episode they were filming then.
it was my bloody valentine.
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do you want to know what episodes they were filming after having just gotten together????????? just for some perspective for the emotions they may or may not have been feeling at the time???
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........ guys
it really puts it into perspective ummm why they were so adamant about not having stunt doubles and doing it themselves huh
oh and these bloopers mean a lot more to me now in context
these were before they were official:
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i’ve always wanted to talk about misha in GENERAL during the season 5 gag reel but now contextualized it ALL MAKES SENSE. guys. he is not himself in the whole ass thing. in the sense that he has a huge. huge. huge. huge. huge. huge. huge. crush. on jensen. like it’s actually so adorable?????? his voice is so high. he makes dumb jokes just bc his mind isn’t on planet earth. he cracks so easily and is so smiley and has such giddy frenetic crush energy and i’ve never seen anything like that from him again EXCEPT sometimes during their(him and jensen’s) panels and interviews and stuff. i think people overlook just how gone misha is on jensen, tbh. and that’s why he’s so weird in this gag reel!!!!! like the ‘that was BEAUTIFUL’ in the strangest goofy voice um.......he’s just a bit overwhelmed bc this really hot guy is talking to him guys ok stay cool
he has a crush!!!!!!!!!! oh boy does he ever!!!!!!!
oh and of course jensen is no better bc he is actively flirting and TRYING to make misha break bc he enjoys his dumb smile and face so much. why am i getting emotional like i can imagine the sheer flirtatious awkward energy and their hearts racing and the butterflies and the ‘oh my god oh my god oh my god he’s so cute oh my god FUCK’ and you can constantly see it from both their ends on that gag reel like can you IMAGINE THAT WORKING ENVIRONMENT???
ok so i’m literally putting it all together. so this moment happens after they’ve wrapped up shooting season 4:
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and my favorite thing about it isn’t just that they’re obvious dorks who are very obvious. it’s VICKI AND DANNEEL IN THE BACKGROUND. THEY ARE SMILING SO BIG. so that leads to the conclusion that they have to have known right??? like they might have even known before jensen and misha did. like those two were ridiculously transparent here and the vibes were DEFINITELY picked up on by their wives. i’m sure misha had no problems coming to terms with him having a crush on jensen; it’s not like that sort of thing was new to him. jensen though???? i mean, i analyzed that whole speech he gave in 2016, so his feelings were still terrifying him at this point. they must have been.
i’m purely speculating now. this is getting good. this is getting SO FUN. i think danneel and jensen HAD to have talked about it before anything happened. i wouldn’t be surprised if this exact moment right here didn’t prompt some sort of discussion. and they come to an understanding, clearly, because soon after, this happens:
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like jensen and danneel must have talked about it before then, right???? in order for jensen to feel comfortable giving a ring to a guy he clearly likes more than a friend?? so yeah. jensen has been given the ‘go ahead’ from danneel at this point and now they are in the ‘...is this really gonna happen’ phase.
so we’ve come to that phase. where the tension is at an ALL. TIME. HIGH. because jensen has permission and misha has permission. but they’re both like ‘ok but does he like me back????’ like oh my god they are children wow wow ok
so that ‘we’re gonna have a good time’ blooper???????? jensen was coming onto him HARD. all those times jensen was making faces at him to make him break?????? nothing but flirting. both of them. they are insufferable.
and then my bloody valentine happens. i don’t think they had hooked up yet. i think they were just realllyyyyyy enjoying each other’s company, like a lot, but they were too scared to do anything about it. and i think, well, know, because it’s been confirmed, that that’s when someone made a move. and i think it was jensen. and WHAT I THINK, not know, is that jensen asked him out to dinner, without saying outright that it was a date, and that it was during that dinner that they talked it out. anddddddd that’s that and they’re dating. and um here’s what the new couple did(just for context):
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annnnnnd these too. they really were this messy right out of the gate.
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
ok idk if youve been asked this before but i honestly think post-cannon sunny would try to pick back up playing the violin as a hobby. I don’t think he could bring himself to any time soon but eventually he would be able to start to play and I think he would make a hobby out of it because he genuinely loved to play pre-cannon. this could also tie into the crow omori hc because he would also start collecting sheet music. idk if sunny and hero would ever play together with hero on the piano or if he would ever perform or just keep it as a hobby and i wanna hear your thoughts
I have not been asked this before!! I’m loving it though, and this hits me in my favorite spot which is big brother Hero little brother Sunny...So while I also have a headcanon that Sunny could never really play violin again...the violinist and the writer in me cannot ignore this idea 👀👀👀 SO
Sunny goes back to high school in the fall in his new town. It’s overwhelming, and he starts only going half days with tutoring in the off. hours (Look me in the eyes and tell me this boy doesn’t have an IEP...do that)
His mom is the one who makes his schedule though, and his mom is trying her best to help him but in all the wrong ways. 
So when they ask what electives Sunny might enjoy she tells them he draws and plays the violin...so they put him in Orchestra. 
Sunny has a minor anxiety attack when he sees his schedule, and he doesn’t want to go. He might have made up with his friends, and he may have told the truth. He fixed his broken violin, but no this is too much. He skips Orchestra and hides in one of the bathrooms trying to breathe. 
He continues to skip Orchestra while diligently attending every other class. His orchestra teacher has never even met him, and the man is worried (tm). 
He had been given a one page summary of Sunny’s IEP just like all the rest of his teachers, and this avoidant behavior is a bad sign. He decides to ask Sunny’s resource room teacher to hold Sunny back for a second so he can at least talk to the boy
Sunny looks just how his teacher expects him to look- a tired pale boy who is too skinny, too small, and far too scared of him. 
Sunny is nearing freaked out, forgetting all of the breathing exercises he once knew and just trying to keep himself from completely losing it. His orchestra teacher keeps a good distance, lowering himself into sitting on one of the desks and letting Sunny settle a bit before speaking. It’s just the two of them left in the room, and he asked one of the other music teachers to run the beginning of class for him
His orchestra teacher listens as Sunny explains that he didn’t actually want to play the violin (...doesn’t wanna be near a violin at all tbh...) but his mother forced him to sign up. 
They reach a medium ground. Sunny will stop skipping orchestra, and his teacher will make him his assistant instead of having him play. Sunny helps to organize sheet music, tune instruments, rosin bows, and set up before class. He can sit and listen to the orchestra but he doesn’t have to participate unless he wants to. 
The exposure therapy of being surrounded by others playing helps to ease Sunny into confronting his desire to play again. He eventually shyly tells his teacher that he would like to relearn, but he hasn’t played in almost five years. 
Sunny’s last violin tutor had been a harsh old woman who stopped him in the middle of playing and screeched at him to correct his fingering and practice more. His new teacher starts him off slowly, and in private lessons once a week during lunch. Sunny relearns not only how to play, but how to love playing as well. He collects the sheet music that his teacher carefully writes out for him the same way he used to collect Mari’s. His new teacher writes his notes different to his sisters, but they still feel special and sacred. 
He eventually joins the orchestra for real and quickly rises up to be first chair of the violins. There are some days where he feels like his violin is too heavy to pick up, but a gentle smile from his teacher and the joy of his new friends in his orchestra helps him to overcome that guilt. 
He doesn’t tell his old friends that he’s started playing again. He isn’t even sure how to bring that up to them. 
Once again his mom is the one to thank. 
Sunny has his first concert on a freezing dark night in December. He had not wanted to play in it, nearly had another melt down, but his teacher had encouraged him to do it. he had eventually shared some of the bare bones of the story with his teacher- He had a sister he played with, she died the night of their recital. 
A recital was different than a concert, there was no solo, no single light on him. If he messed up his notes, they would not be heard by all, but still Sunny felt anxiety running up and down his spine. As he sat backstage he nervously fingered the hairs of his bow, letting a plume of rosin fly out into the air. The rest of his friends sensed his nervous energy, but they just assumed it was Sunny being Sunny. 
As he walked out into the too bright lights of the stage, Sunny’s mouth dried up and his mind went blank. He couldn’t remember his notes, he couldn’t even remember the right way to hold a violin. He shook hands with his teacher as was the custom of the first and the conductor. 
He sat woodenly, looking out at a sea of faces as his teacher stepped up to the mic to address the crowd of friends and family. His mom had said she would be there, but he couldn’t see her.
Then he spotted a familiar face. Actually, he spotted four. 
Sitting next to his mom was Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil. Hero was wearing a neat jacket and dressy shirt, his hair styled in his usual way. He gave Sunny a grin when he saw Sunny noticing them. Kel sat next to his brother, waving furiously and beaming. Aubrey was elbowing Kel, rolling her eyes. Lastly was Basil, looking nervous as usual, but still there. In his hands was a dark blue pot containing a cluster of delicate white tulips. 
They had all come to see him. They were there to hear him play.
Deep emotion cut through the panic, and as his teacher ended his speech, Sunny closed his eyes and breathed out slowly. Calm Down. Focus. Persist
Sunny raised up his instrument and began to play. 
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 23
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
It doesn’t feel real until she sees the flutter on the ultrasound, the grey and white pixels flashing erratically confirming a healthy ten-week pregnancy. The doctor gives them a due date of September 17th, and she explains to Mulder repeatedly that the due date is only an estimate, that the baby will most likely arrive sometime in the two weeks before or after that day. Nonetheless, he prints little numbers in the corner of each date on the calendar, counting down.
She is lucky to experience very little nausea, but the time saved clinging to the toilet is instead allocated to bursting into tears at every tiny inconvenience. Mulder comforts her with a confused expression when she cries because she can’t find a Tupperware lid that fits, or her latte has too much foam, or she realizes she can no longer see her toes. She cries because she’s crying, because she feels out of touch with her own body and thrown off by her own emotions. They marvel at the growth of her belly as well as her breasts, which are even more sensitive than they were before. Her libido kicks into overdrive at the same time that she becomes incredibly self conscious about her protruding belly, her fuller face, her swelling feet. This leads to more tears as she grapples with both wanting desperately to be touched and not wanting him to look at her.
He tells her each day how beautiful she is, her hair growing longer and thicker, her skin glowing, her rounding belly housing the perfect little life that they created together. When he’s home, he rubs her feet every night, fetches her countless glasses of water and then helps tow her out of the bed so she can pee ten times in the night. When he’s on the road with Monica, he calls three times a day, asks Missy and her mother to go by and check on her, calls in dinner to be delivered so she doesn't have to cook. As her due date nears, he stops going on out-of-town cases, needing to be close enough to be by her side immediately when she goes into labor. He will not risk missing the birth of his child.
The apartment becomes cramped with a bassinet, changing table, pack n play, and various other baby gadgets. They consider moving, but the idea is too overwhelming for Scully so they decide to stay put until the baby becomes mobile and they really need more space. Mulder breaks the lease on his apartment and moves his fish tank into the living room, putting the rest of his furniture in storage until they buy a house. Priscilla breaks in all the baby gear, sleeping in the car seat and jumping into the swing, covering the tiny onesies with her black fur and making Scully cry yet again. Mulder refuses to let her scoop the litter box, even though she insists it’s safe if she wears gloves and washes her hands afterward. Other tasks she’s forbidden to complete include cleaning the toilet, carrying in the groceries and hauling laundry to the washing machine. When he’s on the road, she misses him as much as she is relieved to be able to be independent, not much caring for being treated as though she’s made of glass.
For the majority of her pregnancy, Scully insists that she doesn’t want to know the sex of the baby, that she wants to be surprised. Mulder respects her decision, even though he would personally like to know, and they create two lists of potential baby names, Scully crossing off “Lisa Marie'' each time Mulder tries to add it to the “girl” column. When she reaches 39 weeks, her pelvis widening as the baby drops into the birth canal, she is so miserable that she has a change of heart, needing to feel connected to this thing that is destroying her body and stealing her sleep. They call the doctor together on a Thursday afternoon as Scully sits on the couch in tears, having woken that morning to find angry red stretch marks marring her previously lily-white belly. When Mulder relays the doctor’s message that the baby is a girl, she sobs harder, and he’s not sure whether it’s because she’s happy or disappointed.
She wakes him at 3:00 am on September 21st, the irregular Braxton-Hicks contractions she’s been feeling for weeks having taken up a predictable cadence, now ten minutes apart almost on the dot. He starts rushing around, scrambling for her hospital bag and his shoes, and now it is her turn to provide comfort, to let him know there’s plenty of time. She doesn’t want to go to the hospital until the contractions are five minutes apart, and so they wait. The progression to nine minutes, then eight, then seven is alarmingly fast, and by the time she agrees that they should head to the hospital she’s starting to feel pressure low in her pelvis. Mulder drives too fast, the streets thankfully still quiet in the early morning, and she is wheeled into labor and delivery with not enough time for an epidural, much to her lament.
Molly Katherine Mulder has blue eyes and a dark shock of nearly-black hair. She barely cries at her entrance to the world, instead searching the room with a curious gaze, squeezing her daddy’s finger with an impressively strong grip and latching like a pro. They are able to go home the following day, Scully wincing as she moves gingerly from the bed to the couch, rinsing her tender stitches with a bottle of warm water and bleeding through entire packages of overnight maxi pads in a day.
Mulder takes off work for two weeks and they spend blissful days curled up in bed with the baby nestled between them as Priscilla curiously sniffs around her, licking her hair with a rough tongue and making them laugh. Each time Scully wakes at night to nurse, Mulder insists she go back to sleep while he changes the baby and walks her around the quiet apartment until she is asleep, singing softly and lulling them both.
When Mulder returns to work, Scully insists that he get a full night's sleep and let her wake up with Molly, reasoning that she can take naps during the day. She does not, of course, take naps during the day. Instead she tries to keep the apartment clean, the clothes washed, the diapers taken out to the dumpster, the litter box scooped. She does too much, and he sees it each day as she grows more and more weary, more and more defeated, the bags under her eyes deepening in color and her mouth rarely hosting a smile. He begs her to let him do more, to ask less of herself, but she is stubborn and strong-willed, the very things he loves about her now keeping her from properly taking care of herself.
They struggle through sleep-deprived arguments over who left the breast milk out on the counter all night, why it matters if he changes the baby on the floor instead of the changing table, why Scully doesn’t want to supplement with formula so he can take some of the night feedings. Her doctor releases her as medically clear to have sex after six weeks and she cries as she tells him that she doesn’t feel ready, that she can’t imagine anything worse than sex right now, and he holds her as he tells her that he doesn’t care, that she should take as much time as she needs, that he can wait.
They struggle, and they thrive. Moments of absolute unadulterated joy are punctuated by intense despair and overwhelm. The gain of a family against the loss of a life where you could pick up and go, stay out until 2:00 am and make love in the middle of the day. They are happy, and they are stressed, and they face it together.
On a Saturday in December, Mulder wakes early and takes care of every conceivable task in the house; the laundry, the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, scooping the litter, buying the groceries. He checks every item off Scully’s to-do list and then takes Molly for a long drive, leaving Scully alone with nothing to do in hopes that she will rest for once. When they return from their excursion, he creeps into the quiet apartment with a sleeping baby in his arms and sets her in the bassinet by the couch. At first he thinks maybe Scully has gone out, but he finds her in bed asleep with soaking wet hair, Priscilla curled up behind her knees. He watches her for a bit, affection clutching at his chest, then changes into sweats and kicks Priscilla out so he can snuggle up behind Scully. It feels so infrequent that they just lay like this anymore; one of them is always about to get up with the baby, about to get ready for work, or doesn’t want to be touched after a tiny person has clung to them all day. He pulls in a deep breath, smelling her lavender bubble bath and feeling the rise and fall of her ribs against his chest. He doesn’t want to disturb her, but he can’t resist pressing a tiny kiss to the side of her neck.
“Mmmm,” she hums in response, twisting her body around so they are face to face.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispers.
“It’s okay. Where’s Molly?”
“She’s asleep in the living room.”
She sighs and snuggles closer to him, pressing her forehead into his chest and pushing one of her legs between his.
“This feels nice,” she says contentedly, and he brushes his hand softly up and down her back.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Tired. Frumpy. Like I haven’t put on real clothes or a stitch of makeup in three months,” she laments.
“Well, I’ll give you tired,” he says softly, “but I can’t agree on frumpy. I think you look very beautiful.”
She scoffs against his chest.
“You don’t have to placate me, Mulder. I know I’m a mess.”
“Maybe so, but you’re my mess,” he retorts, pushing his fingers into her hair to gently scratch her scalp.
She tilts her head up to look at him, appraising his face with a skeptical eye.
“Is this what you thought it was going to be like?” she asks, her tone open and vulnerable.
“I don’t know,” he answers honestly, “I guess I didn’t really know what to expect.”
She sighs. “I just wish I knew when I might start to feel like myself again,” she says sadly. “I can’t help but feel like you’re not getting what you signed up for.”
“What do you mean?” he asks with a concerned frown.
He sees her eyes growing glassy, dampening with impending tears. “I mean the woman you asked out in the autopsy bay isn’t the one you’re with now,” she whispers, swallowing against the lump in her throat.
“That’s not even a little bit true,” he implores, cradling the back of her head with his hand. “You are everything you were then, and more. I’m amazed by you every day.”
She closes her eyes, a tear rolling across the bridge of her nose. He feels his chest ache; the need to make her understand is overwhelming.
“Hey,” he says, pulling the blankets back, “come here.”
He pulls her into a sitting position and slides off the bed, towing her along with him to sit on the edge of the mattress. He kneels on the floor between her knees, his hands on her hips.
“If you think for one second that I want to be with anyone but you, you’re fucking insane. I don’t care if you wear giant milk-stained T-shirts and have spit up in your hair for the rest of our lives, Scully. You’re it for me, okay?”
She pulls in a shuddering breath and wipes at her eyes, but won’t look at him.
“Stay here,” he commands, and disappears into the bathroom for a moment. When he comes back, he returns to his post kneeling at her feet.
“We knew this was going to be hard,” he says tenderly, holding one of her hands in his. “You said it yourself before Molly was born, that it would be the hardest time in our lives, and that we’d be at our worst. And I’m telling you that if this is your worst, sign me up, okay? It hasn’t changed how I feel about you.”
He holds up his other hand, a diamond ring perched between his thumb and forefinger.
“If you’re not ready to say yes yet, that’s okay, but I need you to know that I still want to marry you, Scully. I’ll wait forever if that’s what you need, but there hasn’t been a single day since I asked that I haven’t still meant it.”
Her tears have stopped, though her eyes are still wet and the tip of her nose is red. She looks from him to the ring and back, her eyebrows stitched in contemplation.
“I didn’t hear you ask me a question,” she says quietly, and he picks up on the slightest lilt of playfulness in her voice, which makes him break out into a smile.
“Dana Katherine Scully, love of my life, mother of my child, will you marry me?”
She smiles then, and he thinks his heart may burst right out of his chest.
“Yes, I’ll marry you,” she answers, and he takes her left hand, slipping the ring on her finger.
She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him repeatedly, soft pecks devolving into lingering smooches as he shifts up slightly, pushing her back gently to recline on the bed. He moves over her, kissing along her jaw and down her neck, not going any further, not wanting to rush her.
She brings her hands to his hips, letting the tips of her fingers slip under the waist of his sweatpants, and his cock stirs. It’s been so, so, long, and he wants her desperately, but not until she’s ready. She pushes her hand down the front of his pants, gripping him as he grows hard under her touch. It’s overwhelming in the best way; he feels like a teenager being touched for the first time.
“I wanna have sex,” she breathes into his ear, the words rushing out quickly as though she’s afraid she might change her mind if she waits too long to say them.
He pulls back to look at her. “Are you sure?” he asks, and she nods, bringing her palm to his cheek before glancing at the ring on her finger and smiling.
They move slowly, though still with a sense of urgency that a baby sleeping in the next room brings. He pushes her shirt up and she lets him take it off, then slips the yoga pants off her hips, leaving her in basic black cotton briefs. He sees the hesitancy in her eyes as he looks at her body, now softer than it was before Molly, curvy in different places, purple streaks running from below her belly button to disappear under her panties.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, kissing her chest, her breasts, her belly, running his tongue along the grooves of her stretch marks. He loops his thumbs under the waist of her panties and tugs them down slowly, quickly undressing before he rejoins her in the bed.
“Tell me if anything hurts, okay?” he asks with a serious expression, and she nods, letting her legs fall open as he settles between them. He lines himself up with her entrance and pushes in achingly slowly, watching her face raptly. Her mouth opens slightly, and she takes in a sharp little breath. He’s about to ask her if it hurts when she closes her eyes and her mouth drops open further as she breathes out “oh,” in a way that he knows means pleasure, not pain. When he’s all the way in, their hip bones pressed together tightly, he stills and kisses her for a while, feeling like he could melt into a puddle for how good everything feels. His heart, his mind, his body, he is all wrapped up in her and it’s exactly where he wants to be.
He begins to move, and she responds with an arch of her back and a little gasp, her hands clutching at his shoulders. Little by little, he increases his pace until he knows he won’t last much longer.
“What do you need?” he asks, and she brings her hand to her breast.
He dips his head, flicking at the hardened bud of her nipple, and feels her clench around him. He plays with the level of pressure, licking and sucking, pleasantly surprised that she is enjoying it even as her breasts have taken on a purely functional role these last few months.
She pulls in a huge breath, arching her back and pressing her head into the mattress and he groans as he feels her tighten around him. She emits a single piercing cry when she comes, stifling it with an arm slung across her mouth. He pours into her, burying his face in her neck, clinging to her like a life raft. She is, in fact, all he needs to survive.
Resting half his weight on the mattress beside her, he stays inside as they both come down, panting and smiling, brushing hands over each other’s skin, reconnecting.
“Ah!” Molly yells from the living room, and Mulder laughs.
“You’re being summoned,” Scully says with a tender smile.
He withdraws from her, handing her his T-shirt to clean up while he slips on his sweatpants and retrieves Molly from her bassinet.
“Guess what, Goose?” he says, using his special nickname for her, “Mommy and Daddy are getting married.”
“AH!” She squeals, flapping her arms.
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noctivague · 3 years
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I doubt this will be of any use to anyone but me but I wanted to make a post about the things I'm going to celebrate in 2022, for future reference (and maybe some of you are just curious idk I know I like reading about other people's practice) so I can go back to it later.
So last year I attempted to start following the Athenian festivals but I got overwhelmed and ended up missing most of them. So my idea was to focus on the deities I'm worshiping and to have a smaller number of them. I settled for 2 per season and I've got a mix of traditional festivals and some inspired by the wheel of the year but they make sense to me and since I'm a follower of Demeter, she's heavily associated with the cycle of the seasons which is why it didn't seem so far off for me.
Side not but I'm currently giving offerings to each of my gods once a week or once every two weeks (these days I slowed down a bit due to motivation) but I wanted to do something more.
Here is a breakdown of each date:
12th Fabruary - Hermes worship anniversary : The only known festival of Hermes is linked to physical activity and games (gymnasium) and is not something I saw myself doing so I decided to make up my own festival and chose this date because according to my old journal, it's when I gave him my first offering. Idk what I will do, probably bake him something and take a look at where I'm currently at in my worship and request a tarot reading from a trusted reader to see where I'm at currently.
20th March - Spring Equinox/Khloia : So back then when I was researching Demeter for my 15 days of devotion, I found mention of a festival celebrating the first sprouts in the early spring. It didn't come with a date and I guess it would fall earlier or later depending on where it is, and also some years it happen earlier than other. So I decided to merge that with Spring Equinox. Also taking that time to celebrate the return of Persephone on the surface. I'm not a follower of her but I honor her at festivals due to her connection to her mother.
6th-7th May - Thargelia: This festival celebrate the birthday of Artemis and Apollo, which I both worship. I have never celebrated it but I really look forward to it. I'm not sure what I'll be doing, I guess I'll do some research and try to have a more recon approach.
21st June - Summer Solstice: This is my favourite time of the year so I really wanted to do something. I though that since it's the longest day of the year, I should incorporate Apollo as a god of the Light. Not sure how I'll do it yet.
2nd July - Aphrodisia: Aphrodite is not a goddess I'm currently worshiping but I really wanted to bring her into my life. So I thought it would be a good idea to include her festival. I might make my introduction to her earlier though.
23rd September - Autumn Equinox : Again, taking that time to honor the cycle of Demeter, giving thanks for the harvest and the blessings I received during the summer, starting the new season with a positive outlook, and honor Persephone as she's about to return to the Underworld.
31st October - Honoring the Dead : I always wanted to do something at this date but I never do. To be fair I'm not sure about this one. I want to take the time to honor my dead even though it's painful to do. Maybe that's why I should do it. I'm contemplating starting to do Noumenia though so it might replace that? Because I think I would rather follow the solar calendar rather than the lunar because it makes more sense to me personally. Either way, I want to include Hekate as well as Chtonic Hermes.
21st December - Winter Solstice : Again the solstice, I would like to focus on Demeter with one of her epithet which is Black and shows one of her more chtonic aspects. This is a time of the year that I really dislike, as a summer child, but it is important and mysterious and I want to honor that.
Shoutout to @ thegrapeandthefig who made a great 2022 Athenian calendar which I used to find the dates :)
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femreader · 4 years
Chemoreceptors ➵ Michelle ”MJ” Jones
could i please request some cute flustered mj x reader, maybe mj could be trying to ask them out but she keeps on tripping on her pick up lines and such?
Summary: y/n finally has the guts to ask MJ out, awkwardness ensues
Pairing: Michelle “MJ” Jones x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Words: 1.5k
A/N: I changed it a little bit but, here you go?
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MJ watched as you talked with your friends by your locker, gushing about how one of your friends got a date for the prom coming up. She could see you smiling, happy for your friend while shaking your head when asked if you already had a date. It was rather surprising that you didn't’ have one yet, you were one of the most popular kids in the school. MJ was sure the guys were basically throwing themselves at you. Unlike most of the annoying people who she had to endure eight hours for five days a week, you were actually pretty cool. The “popularity” hadn’t gotten to your head, yet anyway.
“Stop drooling, you look a little creepy”, Peter Parker slid beside her, bumping into the locker next to MJs. He literally was wearing one of those shoes with rollers on the bottom.
MJ rolled her eyes at him and closed her locker after taking out the necessary books. She briefly wiped the corner of her mouth with her sleeve to make sure she wasn’t actually drooling.
Peter glanced at Y/N who was with her friends and wiggled his eyebrows.
“She doesn’t have a date yet”, he nudged MJ.
“I know”, she answered, annoyed where this conversation was headed already. “Why do you even care?” Her eyebrows furrowed together.
You said goodbyes to your friends and decided to head towards your chem class, passing MJ and Peter. She awkwardly smiled when you greeted her briefly and continued on with your way. MJ looked at Peter warningly when he turned back to her with a smug look.
“MJ’s got a crush--”
“I will hit you with a chair”, MJ said pointedly just as the class bell rang. Peter chuckled at his own sing-song joke, resting his hands on the straps of his back bag.
”Just ask her out man”, he said, looking up at her. ”What’s the worst that could happen?"
”Uh, first of all, you don't get to have any say in this”, MJ mused out loud, knowing just how dead and miserable Parker’s love life was and how he channeled it through other people's business. ”Second, I don’t even care.”
”Pfft, sure”, Peter mumbled, scratching the back of his neck while following her to class.
You were sitting in the cafeteria, talking with few friends of yours about the upcoming algebra exam when Peter Parker slid into your conversation. He plopped down beside you, scaring the life out of you.
”Hi”, you smiled confusedly. You weren’t quite sure what he wanted from you as you weren't too familiar, but his awkwardness was adorable. It made your friends giggle a little.
”Uh, hi okay so a quick survey”, Peter began making random patterns on the table while talking. ”If there happened to be an intelligent girl--woman! An intelligent woman, who's also rather cute but won't admit to anyone because the patriarchy sucks and we all eventually die and happened to also like dogs”, he nodded towards your phone where your cousin’s dog was as your lock screen.
”Like what would be her chances... with you?” He squinted his eyes at you, while yours were wide open.
”Peter, are you talking about MJ?” You freaked a little. You had no idea she might have liked you, you thought you always looked too girly and one of those bimbos in her eyes. Plus you always were so awkward when talking with her. Well, those rare times you got to talk with her. Like that one time the last December before Christmas break, you had complained about the homework in the bathroom while she had stayed mostly quiet.
Peter’s eyes went wide and his mouth opened and closed rapidly like he was a fish. ”I—uh, no! No, not MJ, definitely not—”
”Peter, it’s fine”, You chuckled, still a little overwhelmed by the new found information. Your friends nudged you teasingly, you just shook your head at them. ”I... I kinda like her too. If she likes me, that is.”
”She does!” Peter caught himself saying a bit too loud and he immediately lowered his voice. You bit your lip from excitement. ”I mean, she does... she’s just really bad at talking with people, who's not me.”
”You could see her after school”, one of your friends proposed. You looked at them in thought.
”We have cheer exercise though.”
”After that, behind the bleachers”, your other friend offered. ”I mean that’s where everyone makes out so you’d totally have all the privacy.” The thought made your cheeks heat up a quite bit.
You rolled your lips together in thought before nodding and turning to Peter. ”Can I have her phone number?” The boy scrambled through his pockets to get his phone, nodding feverishly at the same time.
”Hey it’s Y/N, can you see me after school by the bleachers?”
MJ had been pretty sure she had accidentally inhaled something poisonous in chem class when she got the message from you. And When MJ asked Peter how you had even gotten her number, he just shrugged his shoulders the tips of his ears bright red.
”I swear to god if you said anything stupid—”
”I don’t know what you’re talking about, I have to go, Aunt May’s waiting bye!” Peter word vomited after their last class and darted out of the room, leaving MJ deal with the mess by herself. She put the hood over her head and read your text again, not sure what to say so she ended up answering okay.
She grimaced a little how blunt it sounded.
Outside was warm, the summer was quickly approaching with the help of climate change. MJ didn't necessarily dislike the heat, in the summer, she just didn't like the fact that she couldn't seek comfort from her hoodies and long-sleeved clothing anymore.
She had almost forgotten how nervous she was until she saw you, already in your cheer uniform, hair out of your face. You had this gleeful grin on your face you usually had when the cafeteria had your favorite lunch or when you were talking about your weekend plans with your friends. And now it was directed to her!
MJ awkwardly brushed the hair strand in front of her face, glancing around if anyone was at the field yet to see you two. There wasn't anyone.
”Hi”, you breathed out. MJ felt her heart hammer in her chest. She felt like if she opened her mouth to speak she’d accidentally blurt out everything she was thinking.
”So”, you continued when MJ stayed silent, standing there with her hands fiddling by her sides. ”Peter gave me your number”, you began, chuckling when MJ rolled her eyes a little. She made a mental note to sack that loser... or maybe thank him, depending on what this was about.
“Are you going, to the dance?” She asked, wanting to fill the awkward silence. You were a little taken aback by the sudden question, smiling a little baffled.
“Uh, no”, you shook your head. MJ raised her eyebrows a little surprised. She was sure out of everyone you’d go. You probably had a line of guys ready to take you out from the drop of the hat.
“I don’t really like big crowds”, you admitted sheepishly. “And you?”
MJ had been staring at your lips for a second. “Oh, no—I don’t—“ she began stuttering and falling over her words. You nodded understanding her nonetheless. Meanwhile, MJ was cursing herself inside her head for suddenly turning into such a toddler.
“I was thinking”, you began, eyes darting all around you two, too nervous to look at MJ. “And you can totally say no, but like... there’s this apocalypse movie coming up. Well, the first show is on the dance night to be exact and I thought if you’d like to go and see it? With... me..?” You dared to look up at MJ, whose mouth was hanging a little bit open. Normally you would have joked about it, had you not been feeling like throwing up your lunch from the agonizing nervousness.
”I uh—” stupid brain, for once work! MJ stuttered, looking at you like a deer in the headlights because there was no chance that she was being asked out right now? By you of all people. How did people usually react to this? Like, do they nod? Say just yes? Yes seems too plain and stupid.
”Does—does insects have chemoreceptors for taste on their legs?” She clicked her fingers into the universal finger gun motion, awkwardly bouncing on her heels. You furrowed your eyebrows a little in confusion.
”Yes?” You had no idea, but you sure hoped it was the right answer.
”Yeah! Yeah, they do. It’s—It’s actually the hairs... on-on the legs...” MJ kicked herself mentally from the ramble not realizing how adorable you found it to be. She scratched her neck, glancing up into the sky. What would be the odds of lightning striking down st her right now?
”Well, I have to go to practice”, you said, your voice accompanied by a disappointed sigh. ”But I’ll text you after. "Is that... cool?” you awkwardly offered, trying to stop the grin spreading too wide on your face and scaring the girl away.
MJ nodded, barely managing to speak before you already had to go to the field. She watched as you jogged away, hands in her hoodie pockets. Once she was sure she was alone she punched the air slightly.
"Yes", she exclaimed under her breath before turning around to walk back to the school bulding. At least she now had something to think about during her detention.
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dianapana · 3 years
SH Day 12- ANBU Black Ops
たえる Part 2 (taeru=to endure)
Part 1
Rated M, Ninja Universe that underwent some changes (you’ll see that I use major events in the canon world but there is a lot of history that’s altered), OOC (major OOC for Hinata especially)
Warning: self-harm, mental health, sexual harassment, trauma
Hello, dears, I play quite a bit with chronology in this chapter, I hope it's all easy to understand. I made moth things be during summer so around the time of the girl SH month which is why in all the cases you'll see Sasuke is 1year older than Hina, since his bday is in July and hers in December. I hope you enjoy, ~Love Dia
Sasuke, age 23
I think it’s fair for me to say that I’ve been through a lot, not many things shake me anymore and all the things that have made me worried in the past years have had something in common, they were all somehow related to Hinata. I remember when I woke up after the war, I was chained to a hospital bed, placed under a jutsu that blocked my chakra, I was missing a limb and I was on the verge of insanity once more. The only thing that calmed me down was her image. Even without my chakra I searched for hers. She too was in the hospital; I found her signature light purple chakra but it was so faint and small I almost missed it. Seeing her like that made me crazy with worry, once everyone left my room, I broke all the chains and dragged myself to her room despite the pain. I hadn’t thought of her as fragile since our reunion when she was 15. I could barely stand to see her that way, and even if I wanted to stay and watch over her for longer, I could feel Naruto’s chakra getting closer, which meant I had to leave. For the following weeks I could only go and see her late at night, for there was always someone in her room, Naruto, her father, her sister, some sort of nurse or medic. I recovered under a month, yet I stayed until she woke up.
I was the only one in the room when her eyes opened, she looked confused and for a moment I was sure she had amnesia and would not remember me, us. But for the briefest moment her eyes rested upon my figure and recognition was there, relief was there, gratitude, affection and many other nuances that I can never seem to read or fully comprehend reflected in her eyes. I took her hand and kissed the back of it, allowing myself a small selfish gesture before leaving the room to inform the medics she woke up. Sakura gave me a strange, questioning look when I told her Hinata had woken up, but I didn’t care about subtlety at that second, I just wanted them to check her for any issues, I wanted her to be physically fine.
She didn’t have many memories of the war when she was first questioned, but they came back in waves and waves. I could tell that the questions overwhelmed her, much like the people that littered around, there were over 10 visitors in her tiny hospital room, from her father to Naruto, Kiba and many others. I just watched the whole situation from outside her window. I noticed her looking around, searching for someone that wasn’t there. No, it wasn’t me, she knew I wouldn’t be there when other people were, I knew exactly who she was searching for, that’s why I wanted to be close by. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, I knew things would take a turn for the worse soon enough. I saw it, the exact moment the fog raised off of her memories, the moment in which reality hit her, the moment in which the remaining light in her eyes died.
She asked for Neji, Naruto cringed, her father was the one to inform her of his passing. She asked when the funeral was going to be and silence fell onto the room. Sakura tried to slowly explain that the war ended two months ago and all the dead were already long buried. Hinata cried, she cried for her fallen cousin, she cried for missing his funeral, she cried for herself. They all gave her hugs and condolences, they reassured her that none of that was her fault. They all expected her to mourn and soon enough bounce back to the façade she always kept around the people in the village. They were unaware of the emotional depth her sadness could reach. I knew their expectations would never be met, I could tell that the headspace she was in was similar to the night I found her on the forest floor, she had the same look in her eyes as when she constantly begged me to let her die. Knowing all of that, I expected her to make certain choices, yet, despite knowing what was to come, I was unable to help, there wasn’t a single moment in which she was alone for a week to come. And when it all happened, I panicked at the notion of her death and responded wrongly to her actions.
I wasn’t watching her when she attempted to kill herself, I was with Tsunade who kept insisting that I accept their fake arm. I was in the midst of refusing once more, when I could feel a commotion in her room, I left without a word and ran there. The image that was in front of me wasn’t surprising but it was just as heart-breaking. Hinata’s bed was covered in blood, her left wrist was being treated by Sakura but you could still see the long and slim-cut along her wrist, Naruto was holding her other arm trying to put pressure on her wrist to stop the bleeding. It scared me, the amount of blood on herself and the bed, her light-headedness and indifference indicated that she had been bleeding for a long time. She waited for a moment in which I wasn’t there either, she wanted to escape me too. Had Naruto and Sakura been late they might have found her corpse instead. I left the room to calm myself down, I couldn’t cause a commotion. I tried my best to come up with kind and comforting words to tell her later when I would return to her room, but when I did, the image that greeted me, her arms strapped to the bed, made me lose my composure. I screamed at her, I can’t even recall what I said but I know it was very inappropriate, she laughed, she cried. Trying to comfort her with only one arm was difficult, that was the very first moment when I even considered accepting Tsunade’s offer, but in the end I didn’t. I spent every night that followed with her, after the initial shock I was able to recall the words I meant to give her, I knew they weren’t going to miraculously fix everything but I felt that she needed them nonetheless.
She apologized for considering that path and acting on her thoughts. I undid her chains and pulled her to my lap as she talked. “The moment my eyes moved past Naruto’s shoulders and I saw you in the door frame I regretted my choice, I wished I could undo it if only to never have to see that look on your face” I placed my face into her hair and just breathed her in. “I think I understand a little better now…what you felt when Itachi died, when you found out the truth. Our situations aren’t the same but I remember how…” she stopped, searching for the perfect word.
“Crazy? Unhinged? Mad?” I provided, but she frowned and shook her head.
“No, no, none of those…how anguished, sorrowful, wretched you were at the time. You come to me in a very agitated state, I was scared and concerned but couldn’t grasp that feeling. Now I do” If I’m honest I don’t remember how felt at the time, I don’t remember many things about that period of my life, all I know is that I wanted to give up, I thought I had made only wrong choices in my life, but I saw her and I remembered that even I could save someone.
After a few more nights she assured me that she was now mentally stable, her sadness was still very much present, but she had not had any self-harming thoughts. The decision to leave the village was very difficult at the time, but Hinata assured me that she enjoyed our routine and wished to continue it. I left but our correspondence was much more frequent than before the war, I would write her every other day and she’d reply as soon as my messages reached her. It took a bit over 3 months for her to resume her work as an ANBU, and a bit over 8 months in total to convince Kakashi to promote her to ANBU Black Ops. Her missions became more difficult and longer, she even had a mission in Amegakure that lasted half a year. When she first sent me the message informing me of the location of her mission it reminded me of our first encounter after I left the village. Our encounter that summer isn’t a memory I think of fondly, I was cruel, I was insane, I abused my knowledge of her trauma. Whenever I remember my actions, I want to go back and rewind the time, I want to apologize to 15-year-old Hinata, she was meek and fragile and I broke a part of her. She was doing her best to survive and to keep going and I was a huge obstacle in her recovery. When my feelings for her started changing I was always self-conscious whether they were genuine or not, wasn’t I using her? Wasn’t I just feeling guilty?
Hinata, age 15
I am nervous as I pack my bag for this mission, it is my first solo mission ever. 6 months after I became a Jonin and Tsunade finally trusts me enough to allow me to go alone in a mission. The destination is Amegakure and the mission is supposed to last for about to 3 weeks. The difficulty level of the mission is only B which I’d be pretty annoyed at, but the distance factor and the solo factor make up for it so, I am equally nervous and excited. When I told Neji about the mission he was concerned but didn’t show it much for my sake. Instead, he congratulated me and we had a small picnic in the outer skirt of the Hyuuga estate as celebration.
Now I am looking through my dresser for appropriate clothes for the rain to pack, I have to look for another set of kunais just in case and prepare myself a couple of bentos to have on hand. Slowly, the closer the night before my departure gets the less anxious I am, excitement seems to be the winning sentiment.
The morning of, I wake up at 4:30 a.m. and am unable to sleep longer. By the time I am fully dressed and ready to go it’s only 5:00 a.m. and the sun is barely raising, but I decide that it is light enough outside for me to leave. As always whenever I pass through the forest there’s a chill going through my veins and my enthusiasm is a bit dampened, I actively try and avoid that specific place even if it means it will add to the journey time. On the schedule, Tsunade gave me I’m meant to spend 8 days on the road to the village, approximately 4 or 5 days into the village and 8 more days back.
The mission itself isn’t supposed to be that difficult all I need to do is meet with different people in the village give them the scrolls Tsunade gave me and wait for their replies. All in all, there should be no fighting, I’m mostly a messenger but the large amount of people that need contacting made it impossible for a summon raven to deliver the scrolls. My adrenaline rush of being on my own, experiencing what freedom feels like made me speed up during the journey, I took less stops and didn’t even spend the night in one of the Inns I was supposed to. Thus, not only did I depart earlier than planned but I arrived into the village almost a day and a half ahead of the schedule. Since it’s still barely past noon I decide to start the mission a day early and I am able to cover a fifth of the task on the first day.
People usually when talking about Amegakure call it gloomy and depressing, but I enjoy walking around in the rain, the temperature isn’t too high despite it being the middle of a heatwave everywhere else, the smell and sounds of rain also add to its charm. The Inn I’m supposed to stay at for the duration of my mission is on the outside of the village, it is away from the noise of the centre, but not far out enough to say it isn’t part of the village at all. Walking into my room I sit down and finally grasp that I am days away from Konoha, I am alone. The realization makes me emotional; I hadn’t realized how much I needed to be on my own, how good it would feel to put distance between me and everything that Konoha entailed.
Sitting alone in the dark, only with the occasional lightning brightening up my room, I make a decision, I promise myself to only ever come on solo missions. I’ve endured years of discomfort so I deserved to feel this way, if only during missions. I take a shower and go to bed, I’m not as physically tired as I thought I would be after the journey and that worries me. I don’t want the nightmare to come and ruin my mood, but I close my eyes nonetheless.
It feels like barely a second passed when I open my eyes and see the cool light coming from outside. The sun is hidden behind the clouds of rain, but its light still pushes through to an extent. I had no dreams, no nightmares. I rested well and I feel better than I did in many years. I walk barefoot onto the cold wooden floor and I open the window, not caring that the rain is getting both me and the floor wet. I close my eyes and feel immensely liberated, the heavy chains that dragged me down at all times disappeared. Nobody here knows me and I don’t know them, I am but a face in the crowd, this anonymity offers me the independence I never knew before.
I complete the mission in under 3 days. I feel faster, stronger, happier here. It feels like I can do anything and everything. I have about 3 days I can waste in the village, under normal circumstances I’d return immediately to Konoha to get another mission and the cycle would repeat. But I decide to stay here for a while longer, I want to enjoy this feeling to the best of my ability. The day right after completing the mission I simply stay inside and sleep almost the whole day. I’m recharging my batteries which have been on low for 3 years now. I forgot what being well-rested felt like.
The following day I decide to wander around some more. The mission had me walk all over the village’s centre so, I decide to check out its outskirt more. I go and eat delicious food at a small booth owned by an older couple. Due to its relatively small scale Amegakure’s buildings are much much higher than those from Konoha so I climb on top of one that I deem to be among the highest and sit there, in the rain just watching the busy streets, looking over all the sky-high buildings and enjoying the feeling of being unrestrained by people’s gazes and expectations. For the smallest second, I feel someone’s gaze on me but I discard it as being the locals looking at the strange outsider that’s standing in the rain. I refuse to let my mood be dampened, not when I am just as high as this building is.
I return to the Inn and decide to take a shower, tomorrow is going to be my last day here and I feel like time is moving far too fast. I’m rinsing my hair when I get the same feeling as before, like someone is watching me. Before I can dismiss it again, I hear steps behind me, my mind goes blank. I’m suddenly turned around by a powerful hand, before closing my eyes I see a pair of black dead, unfeeling, cold, cruel, scary, scary, scary, scary eyes. I close my eyes and clench my jaw; I can feel tears trailing down my face. I’m hyperventilating, I can’t move, I’m weak, I’m small. I whimper when I feel his hand touching the scar right above my pelvis. The touch transports me back to when I’m 12 and on the ground, my legs no longer support me, the only reason why I’m still standing is because the man is holding my arm in an iron grip. The moment passes and his hand is gone allowing me to fall to my knees and then onto my butt. I have no idea how long I stay there in a trance. When I’m finally able to regain strength in my limbs to feel and make small movements I notice the shower water is freezing cold despite it being set to warm. I turn it off and walk into the room, there’s no trace of the man anymore, he didn’t do anything beyond touching my arm and my scar. Maybe he was simply created by my brain, yea no one was here, how could they be, why would they be.
I can feel myself slipping into hysteria as laughter bubbles up into my throat. I look around the room again searching for proof again and I sigh in relief when I find none. I’m finally calm enough to get dressed but I make the mistake of looking in the mirror. There’s a handprint on my arm where he gripped me. The print is red and turning a weird purple colour in places and yellow in others. He was here. He was real. I take small breaths in order to calm myself, I am fine, I am here, I can’t even picture the face of the man that was here, I try to force myself to forget the handprint, it was just a dream, another nightmare.
I pack my things and leave that very night despite being tired physically, mentally and emotionally. I don’t want to return to Konoha, and I can’t stay here, I don’t know where to go. The freedom I felt before gave me an amazing sense of accomplishment, but now it is a source of unease. I feel lost and like I do not belong anywhere. I feel insignificant. I feel lonely. I close my eyes and just sit on the floor outside of the village, waiting for something or someone to come get me. But nothing happens and the weather is turning cold despite the summer so I pick myself up and start walking wherever the road will take me.
I don’t remember the journey back home, I can’t even tell in how many days I completed it, I didn’t stop at all, I just ran. I ran from the man, the past, I ran from my weak self. I thought myself to be strong now that I am a Jonin, but I froze and was unable to do anything all the same. I need to be more than I am, I need to be stronger, braver, untouchable, more perceptive.
I hate myself for hesitating to enter the Konoha, I hate myself for hesitating to take on a new mission when Tsunade offers it. I hate myself when I have to walk through the halls of the Hyuuga compound, I hate myself when I hide from Neji. I hate myself when I walk into my room and burst into tears. I hate myself for getting my hope that high in Ame only to have them all crash and burn. I hate that I feel more broken today than I did 3 weeks ago.
Sasuke, age 16
I’ve been in a weird mood since a week ago when I saw Hyuuga in the Village Hidden in Rain. I hadn’t heard or seen anything related to Konoha since I left during the Chunnin exam. She was my first contact with it. Hinata Hyuuga, I remember her name clearly, she holds a special meaning to me, she is a life I saved. I saved her back before I was caught up in any business with Orochimaru, when I still thought following Kakashi was the right path to take, back when I was stupid and naïve. I hadn’t thought of her since that moment, but when my eyes fell onto her, I felt proud that she survived, but I also felt the need, the urge to utterly crush her beneath my feet. Her life belongs to me; I saved her so, I have every right to destroy her.
I could tell she was uncomfortable with me there, I felt her flinch as I traced the scar above her pelvis, I heard her whimper when I turned around, and I saw from the corner of my eye, as her legs have in and she fell to the floor. She looked small and pathetic and I felt strong in comparison.
However, now, days later I feel…guilt. I feel as if I used something against her that I shouldn’t have. At the time her image was blurry and not something I paid attention to, but I can clearly see it now whenever I close my eyes. He white skin had almost no imperfections besides the three scars, her eyes were shut tight, her face was red and wet, at the time I gloated at the thought that the water droplets were tears, now I’m hoping they were from the shower. Her long dark hair was wet and clinging to her body. She did her best to hide from me with her hands, with her position slightly bent. She was helpless, she didn’t even try to stop me, she didn’t scream or fight back, she froze in place and allowed me to do whatever I wanted. At the time that too made me feel powerful, I deluded myself into thinking that my presence as Sasuke Uchiha made her cower in fear. Now that I am analysing things once more, I realize it was her trauma that rendered her powerless, it was my presence that caused her fear, but she wasn’t scared of me, Sasuke, but rather of me, a male; she didn’t see me as an individual but as the image of the man that hurt her in the past.
Realizing that in her mind I was equal to that disgusting piece of trash makes me livid. I clench my jaw, pick up the first thing I see, a jar of whatever substance from one of Orochimaru’s labs and I throw it to the wall. The green liquid escapes its container and slowly eats away at the wall and ground, the sizzling noise and putrid smell don’t even bother me. I’m angry at her, I want to find her and scream in her face that I’m not that man. I wanna shake her until she understands. I am mad at her, at myself. Kabuto comes in and curses, he drags me out and talks under his breath, his presence adds to my anger.
“What do you want?” I ask him, I’m looking down at him. I grew taller these past few weeks, taller than him. I want him to pick a fight, I want a reason to smash his face in. The image of his bloody face as he lays unconscious on the ground would bring me the satisfaction I need. He looks mockingly at me, that’s enough to start a fight.
Less than 20 minutes later the fight is over, he’s not unconscious, he’s still standing, more precisely, walking away. But he is bleeding and so am I. The fight didn’t help. I still feel angry, but my anger is slowly being overshadowed by guilt.
The sudden urge to find her and apologize overcomes me, but I dismiss it. She’s long gone…I checked. The two of us won’t meet anytime soon and even if we do, I’ll never apologize, not to her, not to someone that…weak…
Hinata age 22
After sleeping in until 11 after all, I wake up to Sasuke’s face next to mine, I feel at ease, I feel happy. I cup his face and place a kiss over his closed eyelids. I feel his change in breath when he wakes up but his eyes remain closed. His arm comes around my waist and pulls me closer to him, slowly he opens his eyes and offers me a lazy smirk. For a while I forget that we’re in Konoha, I forget everything about people trying to control me. All my worries just disappear with his presence.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks and brushes my bangs out of my eyes. ‘You’ I want to say, but I decide to be selfish instead. I sit up and he does too, I move towards him and place myself on his lap, we are chest to chest, face-to-face. “I am unsure how long they’ll make me stay here. This... sensei job…they could stretch it for months, who knows.” I hate that that’s true, I hate that they’re trying to cage me into the village. “it’s difficult being here for an indefinite period of time, especially since I don’t have out missions to look forward to. So…” I stop talking, rethinking what I’m about to ask, wondering if it’s worth it, but he looks at me with no judgement, he’s waiting patiently. “So…I was thinking. Maybe being here in Konoha would be better…if you were here as well” Part of me initially regrets the words and wants to take them back.
“You want me to stay here until you can go back to your normal missions” he didn’t formulate it as a question so I didn’t reply, mostly because I didn’t trust myself not to say no, to act like it was a joke, so I stay silent. “Ok, I will” his hand is on my wrist and it’s slowly moving up under my tank top. “You should already know that anything you ask of me, I’ll do Hinata” I do know that, but this was something that I had been afraid to ask for a while. Would staying in Konoha be better with him here? It must be.
We talk some more about his stay in Konoha and then proceed to eat a late breakfast. “I passed by the cottage outside of Amegakure on my way to Konoha” that cottage will forever represent my safe space, all my memories in it are out-of-this-world happy. The cottage itself is pretty much outside every territory of every village, it belongs to nobody, yet that’s the place I feel I belong in. I stayed there for my thirst or fourth mission as an ANBU, as usual Sasuke met up with me and we live together there for months. Sasuke and I worked together for most of my missions, we completed them faster than it was estimated they would take and we spent the remaining of the time just being together outside of all the rules of everyone. That was the place in which after much deliberation and inner-fights I decided to put my trust in him. By then we had already expressed our feelings verbally and with actions such as kisses and hugs, but I wanted to move past that because I craved that closeness with someone, I wanted a stronger bond between us, but also out of spite, I wanted to prove that I was able to enjoy sex. I wanted to prove that what had happened no longer affected me. Out first time was a bit awkward, we were both virgins, Sasuke was overly conscious of making me feel comfortable and I just wanted it to be done with so our desired speed didn’t match, but it happened and it was fine. The second and third time around it was much better and now we reached a point in which intimacy with him doesn’t scare me in the least, I love it and it makes me feel amazing. I am aware that I’m not fully over the incident, the close proximity of strange men that I don’t know still bothers me at times, however, I am much stronger and able to protect myself, I am just...wary.
I end my train of thoughts by going back to the memory of our first time and it makes me giggle a little. Sasuke asks me with his eyes what I’m laughing about and my reply is only a smirk, I see the wheels spinning in his brain and the connections being made. I love that after so many years we’re able to just understand each other in this manner. He gets up from his chair and walks around the table to place his hand on the nape of my neck. “I can show you how much I’ve improved since than” he whispers and bends down to kiss me. I smile against his lips and loop my arms around his neck allowing him to pick me up.
I must have fallen asleep again because I am woken up this time by Naruto loudly knocking on my door. He left me alone yesterday because Sasuke was around but I guess even his long-lost best friend can’t keep his attention off of me for more than 24 hours. I look next to me and my heart hurts because Sasuke isn’t there. I tell myself it’s because he felt Naruto so he left, but I still don’t like that.
Naruto keep knocking on the door and I’m sure he’s about to tear it down if I don’t open it soon so I walk to it in my pjs with my hair a mess. When I open the door, he stops in his tracks. “Oh…” his eyes linger onto the scar on my shoulder, he has an obsession with it I’ve noticed. Does he believe that’s my biggest scar…if only he knew. “I didn’t know you were sleeping, I’m sorry”
“After yesterday’s mission the kids have the day off so I wanted to rest” I don’t assure him that it is ok even though I know that’s the polite thing to do. I am bitter and annoyed that Sasuke isn’t there. For a split moment when I woke up, I thought I had imagined his presence.
“I just wanted to bring these to you.” He says and presents me with a pile of papers. “I know you were given them before when Kakashi assigned you as their sensei” hah, like it was Kakashi’s idea. Hokage-sama wouldn’t have pushed me into being a sensei from a Black Ops and we all know that. I know Naruto pulled all of the strings to get me here, however, Kakashi-san is also to blame for allowing all of this to happen “but I think you should really read them well, you said you have a free day today. I can stay here with you and read them together”
I look at him and his easy-going smile. On normal days I’d try and be nice, but all I want to do today is spend my time in peace. “I heard Uchiha-san is back. Are you sure you want to spend the day with me reading about some kids rather than catch up with him?” I feel sorry for guiding Naruto towards Sasuke, but I know Sasuke and if he’s one thing, he’s good at not being found.
Upon hearing Sasuke’s name Naruto’s smile brightened to the extent that it actually hurt my eyes. “I already saw and talked to him today” He left before Naruto came here, was it before we ate? After? When did they meet? “We talked and agreed to go on a mission together this week” He’s leaving after I asked him to stay “We went to Kakashi and already got all the info, so I’ll spend a lot of time together with him and find out all about what he’s been up to in these years and I ---” Naruto keeps talking but I feel suffocated.
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n7punk · 3 years
So... I was looking through some of your fics on AO3 and noticed you kinda eventually stopped replying to comments? Is there a reason for that? Just so many at once because you're a popular writer and it overwhelmed you?
Honestly this is a question I should add to my FAQ since there always seems to be confusion about it, so I'm gonna clarify things around it so I can link back here.
I read all my comments. I always have.
I don't reply, but they still encourage me and help me see what's working. Seeing people excited about what I've written or theorizing about the story (whether they're right or wrong) is a huge motivation. Sometimes comments even remind me of things I wanted to reprise and thus add/change future moments in the fic.
I have had a disclaimer about not replying to comments on my AO3 profile for at least a year, but it might predate my She-ra fics entirely.
It was easier to reply to comments back when they were small in number (like back when I was writing 'catcher'). I have anxiety and a fatigue condition. It takes spoons (it takes some of my daily writing, working, and living time/energy resources, which I already have in very small supply due to my disabilities). Some comments were easy/quick to reply to, but most weren't. Asks take energy as well, but usually less, partially because they often have something in them I can easily focus on for a reply, and partially because I feel less guilty about them.
In December 2020, I committed to replying to people more on all my social media. I wanted to acknowledge the people that gave me such motivation. However, the social guilt of not replying turned out to be far less draining than the social anxiety of actually doing it. I quickly became overwhelmed. During my fic advent leading up to New Years, many comments slipped through the cracks. Replying to them absolutely wasn't sustainable for me, and only lasted about a month.
I've mentioned that the comment section on 'strange disease' was discouraging before. I had so many comments demanding more updates (despite the fact I was already updating multiple times a week), I had people who clearly wanted to read a different lore/plot and instead of finding something else, wanted me to change my story to fit their personal tastes in supernatural/werewolf fiction (I assume because it's rarer in this fandom so they wanted the person doing it to do it to their tastes since no one else was, but there's no excuse), etc. I had never had a comment section be that dismissive of me as a person/writer before, and I was going through a ton of stuff in my personal life at the time. Because of that comment section, fanfiction went from being my one escape to being another demanding and draining thing.
I got to the point where I had the fic open and was hovering over the option to turn off comments completely. They were fucking with my head. I found that replying made me put a lot more weight on what comments said. I was worrying about them and what the reaction would be as I was writing instead of just enjoying it. They sucked the joy out of writing for me, but even at that low moment I knew that I love writing.
Instead of turning off comments completely, I formed a new policy around them for my mental health: I delete any comment off a fic that is dismissive to me as a person (demanding updates/changes/etc). I still save the encouraging/useful ones in my inbox, and I always pay attention to ones that are confused or think they've spotted plot holes (even though the majority of the time they just miss something in the fic) to make sure my writing is clear, but I don't reply.
This has helped me enormously. It took me awhile to really get on my feet again, but iHTWcyn was a bit of a breakthrough. It also took awhile for the new mentality to settle in and take shape after I decided it would be the healthiest thing for me. Now, my attitude is 100% that I write for myself and if you don't enjoy something about my fics (that isn't an actual problem and not just down to personal taste, at least) then I'm deleting your comment and you can move on with your life because I'm going to.
And that's kinda the summary on my comments journey. I reply to asks as I'm able/interested, but especially if they contain spoilers or I'm low energy I'm likely to just delete them. I still read my comments, but I'm not going to change my writing to please them, and I'm not going to spend my limited energy resources on them when it would bring me more joy to use them on something else.
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