#so i was never in the same phase during the full moon as i had been during the previous month
trans-cuchulainn · 6 months
i wonder if i'll start being able to sense the full moon again now
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Hi..do you accept request?
If you do could you make Xiao is the father of creator child?
Thank you
The creator had a:
Birdly child
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WC: ~700
I'm in love with how two asks came at the same time about Xiao, it's time to give the emo baby some love
I remember reading hatchlings often have rough feathers and aren't as photogenic as grown ups until the first feathers fall off.
“Bright yellow eyes aren't all that uncommon too” furina looks over your shoulder as you nurse your daughter, she would say she looks surprisingly unremarkable if that didn't sound like an insult of sorts even if it was true, dark blue hair and striking yellow eyes but nothing much. For one minute she hoped she would come out with long blue streaks and sharp angled ears, even if only so she could tease Neuvillette about his meeting with you.
“I’m happy enough that her face is similar to their grace” the tsaritsa sits beside you, a tea cup between her hands, as bitter as she seemed to whoever she expected was your lover her confirmation to the baby shower was the first to arrive, a few plushies and older baby clothes.
Zhongli stands just behind furina, watching her face as you burp Xuezhui, the little lift at the end of her eyes making them slightly sharper than they are, reminding him of a certain someone. Snow and bird, Aren't you a bit too on the nose? Oh, well, at least his dear apprentice and friend found some happiness. 
His gold eyes look at furina, a soft smile forming “I think she looks so cute, like a finch hatchling” his hand getting close to her and lightly brushing her rough hair with one finger, such a tiny baby.
“I never said she isn't!”
“Did you want to see me, Morax?” Xiao appears beside zhongli, Xuezhui was getting fuzzy and you decided to put the baby to sleep before returning to the archons, during that time they divided to do as they pleased, and by the steaming teapot Xiao could guess he decided to enjoy some tea 
“Take a seat”
“Is anything wrong?”
“I see you truly took it to heart to protect their grace, even spent the night in their room to be sure” zhongli swirls the golden tea inside the cup. The noise of the slight splashing drowned by the noise of him choking on his spit.
“My apologies, Rex Lapis, it wasn't meant to-” quickly he bows, his forehead touching the table but zhongli cuts him with a small smirk.
“when two finches love each other very much they spend the night together and-” 
“I'm already repenting, please…”
The night is warm and clear, the crescent moon on full display and your baby isn't in her crib yet you aren't truly worried after walking to the balcony and seeing a figure seated on the edge of the nursery's roof.
Xiao holds his daughter to his chest while trying to manage the wild mane of blueish hair she has, the exact same he had as a kid but chose to cut. Now, to some extent he wishes he listened to guizhong when she spoke of hairstyling. 
For now he settles with two pigtails on either side of her head, one lower than the other but his daughter was starting to wriggle around and start pushing her head against his neck, wanting to return to her crib and sleep. 
“Is she looking at me?” Arlecchino asks as she feels a gaze burning on her neck, usually if it was one of her children she would tell them off for being so obvious but for it to be a rather spoilt toddler who isn't training to be a spy she couldn't say much.
“Ah, apologies about it, she is going through a phase of watching everyone” there is your kid, her hair on two braids and her yellow eyes watching owlishly.
“You know, if you lent her to me I could train her, she seems to be a natural” she teases you.
“Oh, don't even worry” as you return to the conversation without paying her too much mind you can still see her unblinking amber eyes from the door.
“Stop crawling over your crib’s railing, you are going to hurt yourself!” You scold your toddler, one leg and an arm over the railing attempting to escape nap time “go to sleep, you are in a bad mood if you don't nap”
she mumbles something you guess was her saying she wanted to play or crawl around but you don't follow her game.
“I don't care! To bed, young missy or your little night scrolls with your dad are done!” she huffs and sits down her back facing you.
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mybutcheredtongue · 9 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
harry potter timeline Sirius Black x fem!reader
You lived out your years at Hogwarts with the company of your best friends, Lily Evans and Alice Fortescue. You fell in love with one of the infamous Marauders, Sirius Black. After school, you married and became Mrs Black, living in a home full of love and life with your faithful husband. Your happy life is cut short when Sirius is wrongfully convicted of the murder of Peter Pettigrew and several muggles, and sent straight to Azkaban without trial. The Ministry thinks you must be connected, but after several days of investigation and questioning, litres of veritaserum thrown down your throat, you're proven innocent. You have maintained his innocence ever since, knowing Sirius would never do something like that. The only person who'll hire you is Albus Dumbledore, and with his help your name is reverted to its maiden and your past is buried deep.
This story follows your life during your time as a professor at Hogwarts when Harry Potter joins the school and everything changes.
FULL of angst but has a happy ending.
No use of Y/N
This fic is mostly a collection of moments and scenes! So a lot of time skips.
p.s. title is from the song "I Love You" by Fontaines D.C. — one of my favourite bands!! would so so recommend checking them out :)
CHAPTER ONE (see full series list here)
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You glance at your watch, the hand ticking slowly as it moves to show 9:03 p.m.
Finally, the large wooden door opens and a scrawny young boy pushes forward, huffing tiredly, and less than 20 odd first-year students filter into the astronomy tower.
"Evening, everyone!" You say cheerfully. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws stand awkwardly as they gaze around the room in wonderment.
You feel proud of it. The last astronomy professor had left this room a little...boring, so when you came into employment you spruced it up a little bit. Though there aren't many to write on, each wall is plastered in hand-painted constellations with their names in 5 languages written underneath. You had cast a spell on the floor to conjure up a moon, one that matched the real one's lunar phases. Today, a waxing gibbous.
Telescopes line the edges of the circular room, each pointing high into the sky. You eye your favourite for a moment, the same telescope you'd used during your own years as a student at Hogwarts.
It feels like home in this room.
"Welcome to the Astronomy Tower," you say with a smile. "Here, you'll learn all about the wonders of our universe and its planets, galaxies, stars...everything. Please, find a telescope and stand behind it. We'll start with charting some simple constellations today."
The students obediently line behind a telescope each. Your eyes immediately focus on a young boy, with jet black hair and circular glasses. You lose your train of thought for a moment, feeling as though you're looking at a ghost.
He's the very image of James Potter.
Then, he turns to look at you and his eyes strike you. Green and vibrant, full of youth and gentleness.
You feel your breath catch in your throat, but quickly shake your head of the grief and clap you hands, smiling at the students again.
"Astronomy is one of the very few subjects that is present in both the wizarding and the muggle world. That means that there are millions of resources out there for all of you to use, whether it be from a wizarding standpoint or a muggle one! Interesting stuff," you continue. "Now, I want you all to do a small task for me. Look through your telescope — please don't change any lenses just yet — and try and see if you can spot a constellation. Then, using the first page of your book, see if you can figure out which constellation it is. Call me over when you think you have one!"
The students immediately start rooting through their bags for their Astronomy textbooks and you sigh gently, content with your introduction. First-years are always well interested and curious about everything, so Astronomy is a pretty easy subject for them to get into. After all, lots of the first year curriculum is just looking at pretty stars and constellations.
"Professor, I think I have one!" A young Gryffindor girl with bushy brown hair and an excited face says to you, throwing her hand in the air enthusiastically.
You smile, walking over to her. "What's your name, dear?"
"Hermione Granger, professor."
"And what constellation do you think you've found?"
"Aquila, professor," she beams, pointing a finger to the small, 'T' shaped constellation in her book.
You close one eye and look through her telescope, noticing it immediately.
You grin at her. "Well spotted, Miss Granger! Excellent work." You glance at her scarlet and gold tie. "5 points to Gryffindor for being the first one!"
Her face lights up proudly.
"Now, let's see if you can find any of the stars present in it. Any at all, though you may find it difficult to differentiate — "
"The star of Altair, professor!"
Your eyes widen and you chuckle in surprise. "Well, aren't you just making my job a whole lot easier for me? Well done, Miss Granger. Please chart that constellation down on some parchment and continue looking."
In the next few minutes, many students find constellations and are charting them down. One boy seems to be having a particularly difficult time.
"Neville Longbottom, isn't it?" You say as you wander up to him. He jumps at the sound of your voice, knocking his forehead against the edge of his telescope and letting out a small yelp of pain. "Oh, sorry..." You wave your wand gently and his eyebrows raise, bringing a hand to his forehead in surprise.
"Just a small healing spell. For minor, minor injuries," you tell him. "How is your charting going?"
The boy's cheeks go red and his eyes focus on the floor beneath him. "I...haven't been able to find one, professor. I — I thought I had one ages ago, but there were too many stars in it..."
"Let me have a look, Mr Longbottom," you say kindly, bringing your eye up to the lens and grinning. "Well, you most definitely have found one. One I didn't think anyone would find!"
You glance at Neville's face, and he's the picture of shock.
"Pisces, Mr Longbottom. Trust your judgement! Excellent work."
Neville grins, and you step aside, but not before he says something else.
"Uh, professor..."
"How do...how do you know my name?"
You study his face and smile again. The very picture of Frank Longbottom. With Alice Fortescue's mousy hair.
"I went to school with your parents, Mr Longbottom. You're the spitting image of your father."
Next, the young boy with jet black hair and glasses calls you over. Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived.
"What one have you found, Mr Potter?"
As he looks at you, green eyes connecting with your own, you try your hardest not to see Lily staring back at you. You try your hardest not to picture your best friend, your honourary sister, a woman of true light in a world full of darkness.
Your heart has felt lonely since her absence. Since James. Since Alice. Since Frank. Since Peter.
You blink.
"Uh, Canis Major, I think?"
You swallow hard. Of course.
"Let me have a look see..." He's right of course, you don't even need to look. You can spot that constellation any night without a telescope. You know it like the back of your hand. "You're dead right, Mr Potter. Brilliant constellation, that is. Canis Major means 'the Great Dog', and it actually contains the brightest star in the night sky visible to our naked eye, Si — "
"Oh, wait, hold on..." Harry says, flicking through his book to find the page on Canis Major. He pauses, eyes skimming down the page. "Uh, Sirius, right?"
You bite your lip, feeling your heart speed up. You take a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Yes, Mr Potter. Sirius."
Your favourite star.
Your favourite person.
Your heart has been broken since his absence.
"Good work." You promptly spin on your heel, heading for your desk as you glance down at your watch. "Alright, everyone. Excellent work today! Now, I won't set anyone any written homework...but if you're truly interested and find you have a little free time, try and see if you can chart any other constellations! Night, everyone."
The students chat animatedly amongst themselves and exit down the spiral stairs, leaving you alone in the room. You sit down at your desk, sighing as you slip a key from your pocket and open one of the drawers. You pull out a small photograph, eyes wandering over the young, elated faces of James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, and yourself.
Graduation day.
One the left, you're standing in the middle of Alice and Lily, arms around them and laughing wholeheartedly. James stands beside Lily, arms around her and Sirius beside him, who's connected with Remus, Peter, and Frank.
You smile weakly. You remember that day, all full of hope and joy. There was some sadness too, sadness to be leaving Hogwarts and ultimately leaving childhood.
Your fingers gently skim over Sirius' face, feeling your heart ache.
What you wouldn't give to go back to that day.
Dear Moony,
I hope you're well! School's started back up again. Been a bit crazy lately, sorry that I haven't written since your last letter. Someone let a troll into the dungeon. Quirrell went mad, fainted in the middle of dinner and set all the students into a panic. It was torture.
Harry's started here. It's hard to look at him sometimes. He's the image of James. It's uncanny. He has Lily's eyes, too. Sometimes I start to feel like I can talk to them through him, even though I know that's mad of me. Neville Longbottom's here too. He's just like his parents. Both in Gryffindor, you'll be happy to know.
Dumbledore's gave me strict instructions not to say a word to Harry about it all. Says it'll be too much for him. He won't be able to understand why I couldn't have raised him instead of the Dursleys. He says that Harry will only start digging around for more information on me if he finds out I'm his godmother. He'd ask about his godfather then. It's too much for a young boy to know that his godfather is in Azkaban.
I wanted to talk to him so bad, Remus. I want to tell him about his parents, show him the photos. I want him to be able to feel at home here, feel like he's got someone here. A part of his family. I know exactly what those Dursleys are like. Petunia always hated James, you know that well enough. I hate that I have to keep this secret for even longer.
I talked to young Neville though. Merlin, he has Alice's clumsiness, that's for sure. Such a sweet lad. He was more than happy to see photos of the two and hear stories about them. I feel like a little bit of the weight that's been hanging over me has been lifted. I even showed him that photo of Alice falling into the Black Lake in 5th Year. If she was of sound mind she'd surely throttle me for that.
I think I need to get out of the castle for a bit. Wanna get a coffee? It's been a while.
I've omitted a few details of the past few weeks so I have something interesting to tell you about next weekend, if you're up for it.
all my love,
You sign the letter, folding up the parchment gently and dropping it in an envelope. You grab your bland wax stamper and press a small circle of black wax over the envelope's seal. You slip it into your pocket and stand up from your bed. Beside you, your black cat, Dubh*, stirs from her sleep and meowls at you.
You give her a loving scratch behind the ears. "Just popping down to the owlery. I'll be back."
On your way down to the owlery, you pass two lanky, identical students with heads full of ginger hair. They haven't noticed you yet. They're peering around the corner at Filch, a suspicious-looking bag in one of their hands.
"Bit late for the two of you to be out, isn't it?" You whisper behind them. They wheel around immediately and their eyes widen in shock.
"Professor! We — uh, we weren't doing anything!" George blurts out.
"Don't you look just lovely tonight, Professor? There is such a...healthy glow about you," Fred remarks suavely and you raise an unamused eyebrow at him.
"I sincerely hope you don't think I'm that thick, Mr Weasley."
"Never, Professor!"
You sigh, shaking your head. "Off to bed, both of you. Quickly, before Filch can catch you. I advise you to keep your pranks within the time you're actually allowed out of bed."
Fred's shoulders slump in disappointment, his want for a good prank evident on his face. George however, is staring at you in surprise.
"No detention?"
Fred immediately smacks his hand over the back of George's head, scowling at him. "Don't give her any ideas!"
"Get going, you two."
They take it this time, quickly scampering down the hallway. You step out from it, into the same one as Filch, who's eyeing you suspiciously.
"Is someone there?"
"Only me, Mr Filch," you answer.
"I thought I heard voices."
"Just me. I was trying to remember a poem I heard recently, it's three pages long. Would you like to hear it?"
Filch's face contorts immediately. "No."
You shrug. "Suit yourself."
You walk past him and out into the cold night air, trying to suppress the smile on your face.
->-> read chapter two here!
*Dubh: pronounced 'duv'. Irish word for 'black'.
→ all types of interaction appreciated ♡
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ashwii · 2 years
Celestial AU FAQ
Usually I prefer pinning my favorite artworks to the top of my profile, but over the last couple weeks I've gotten MANY repeat questions about my rottmnt celestial AU. I never mind answering questions, but I want to limit how many asks I answer to keep everyone else's dashboard's in mind [i.e. I don't want to clog up other people's tumblr with several asks that have been answered in the past.]
Below is a list of general frequently asked questions regarding my celestial au. Even more detailed information and questions can be found in the "#celestialFAQ" tag on my blog.
What is the Celestial AU?
It's a ROTTMNT au where Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey embody celetial bodies. Leo embodies the stars, Donnie embodies the Moon, Raph embodies the Sun, and Mikey embodies the comets.
Can you tell us more about what they are?
Leo is the stars — he overlooks the stars as a guardian figure. While he thinks of his stars as his children, he is also an embodiment of the stars — he IS the stars. They are one and the same.
The same goes for Mikey and his comets. Although, while Mikey specifically embodies and overlooks the comets, he also overlooks all them zippy lil' things in the galaxy [meteors, asteroids, etc.]
Donnie and Raph are a little different — Donnie specifically ONLY embodies Earth's moon, and is the overlooker of all the other moons in the universe. The same goes for Raph and Earth's Sun.
Are there any other characters in this AU [Splinter, April, Drax, Krang, etc]?
[As of writing this] The only other characters in this AU are April [an astronaut who works for NASA / an aspiring astronaut], and S.H.E.L.D.O.N. [a robot made of lost junk and lost space tech that Donnie found]. I do not plan for there to be any other characters in this au, as I mainly want to draw and focus on the turtles.
There have been lots of fun headcanons in the askbox about who else could be in the au and what they would embody, and I think that's great! I love all the fanart and creativity everyone is doing for this AU, I will never be mad at exploring fun ideas [I've even doodled some of these ideas for fun] — as for what is "canon" in the AU though, at the moment I'm going to keep it as the turtles, April, and S.H.E.L.D.O.N.
What's the lore behind this AU?
There is no real lore behind this AU, just a bunch of fun ideas in a fun concept. Lots of other people have had fun coming up with their own lore and ideas for this AU, and once again, I think that's great! There's so many ideas other people came up with that I love — but again, in terms of "canon" and what I'm willing to draw, there's no legitimate lore for this AU.
The Sun is also a star. Does that mean Sun!Raph has a special relation to Star!Leo in some way?
Yes! Leo and Raph have a very strong special connection in this AU because of this.
Do the celestials control what they embody?
Control isn't exactly the right word — say for Star!Leo, for example, he's more of a guardian figure to the stars. "Control" implies that the stars have no personality of their own whatsoever, but that's not exactly true. They almost have their own little life to them — like a healthy tree —that Leo can understand since the stars and Leo are one in the same.
What are Moon!Donnie's alternate phases?
Moon!Donnie's alters are Blood Moon, Harvest Moon, Blue Moon, and Super Moon. Moon!Donnie's design also changes some depending on the phase of the Moon [eg. During the Full Moon phase, Donnie has no shadow up his arms and legs. During the New Moon phase, Donnie is all encompassed in shadow].
Is there any more info about these phases?
During Donnie's Blood Moon phase, he tends to be a little more mischievous and violent. He's ready to kill, no questions asked.
During his Blue Moon phase, he's a little sadder than usual. He's not breaking down every minute or endlessly sobbing — he's more just a little blue (heh) and the unending river of tears just comes with the phase. He just needs some cuddles and comfort during this time <3
Harvest Moon Donnie is a happy lil guy! He's a little chipper and cuddly during this time, hapoy to help and talk with his brothers on end.
These phases don't COMPLETELY change his personality — he still the same Donnie, but just with little changes to his overall mood.
There are many more types/names for the Moon [Snow Moon, Worm Moon, Flower Moon, etc.] — will you be drawing those as designs for Moon!Donnie as well?
While I think I may sketch out some of them for fun, in terms of "canon" to the AU, I want to keep it limited to what I listed above in the previous question.
Are there any alternate versions of the other celestials?
Sun!Raph gets sun flares when he's upset, and I have a Nova!Leo design in the works. I haven't thought of any alternate versions for Comet!Mikey, but I don't think he needs one, haha.
What happens during an eclipse?
During a solar eclipse, Raph gives Donnie a hug from behind. During a lunar eclipse, I like to imagine that Donnie is hiding behind the earth because he ticked Raph off.
Can Star!Leo feel it when any stars die?
Yes, he does. I explained in much more detail in the "#celestialFAQ" tag, but when his stars die, it hurts him some emotionally and physically.
Whenever the Sun [Raph] would explode in the future, Star!Leo will be out of commission for a while because of how much it would hurt him.
What is Star!Leo's relationship with the stars?
Leo is the stars, point blank. He is the personification of them. He's all the stars, he is them, they are he. One and the same. BUT there's also a special relationship there — Leo looks at the stars like they're his children, almost. A very deep connection and love. The stars feel that deep love for Leo too, they see him as almost a guardian figure. They love him more than anything, and Leo knows that.
Now HOW can the idea that Leo looks at the stars like they're his children, and the idea that Leo is just straight up the personification of the stars (him being all of the stars) both be true at the same time? Ah — no real answer there. It just kind of is, and it's more of a feeling that I myself have. That's just the way that I personally feel Leo's relationship with the stars is, even if I'm never able to describe it quite perfectly, and even if it's confusing to everyone else lmao.
Do the celestial turtles still have their weapons like the canon turtles?
Yes they do — Star!Leo has katanas made of constellations, Moon!Donnie has his staff made of shadow, Sun!Raph's fists fire up, and Comet!Mikey's comets and meteors spin around him and he can shoot them where he pleased.
Is this AU meant to be accurate about how astrology and space works?
Not at all — there are a lot of inaccuracies in this AU. But what's the fun of making an au like this if I have to keep everything pinpoint accurate! This AU is for good, fun vibes, and it's ok if not everything matches up with exactly how space works.
Can I make fanart/fanfics for this au?
Yes, you can! If you do, please tag me and lmk, I'd absolutely love to see what you guys make. Oc's and fan characters are welcome as well.
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imaginesofeverykind · 6 months
Witches Brew ~ Chapter 2
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Summary: To practice magic is to slight God with the devil's embrace. It is evil, sin, consuming and the price one pays is never worth what one seeks. Yet people, in times of desperation often turn to desperate measures, in Aegon’s case, medicinal remedy is not an option. No healer can undo what has been done. But the Hag tucked away behind reeds, water topped with algae and the voracious bog may be able to. For a price.
Warnings: Catholic-Centric monotheism demonised, language, 18+ Minors DNI
Tags: DnD Fusion AU, Targaryens are just noblefolk, more vagueness
Word Count: 5k
Chapter Song: Harbinger - Kiki Rockwell
Yurisa and Ornmir aren't in a DND pantheon I just made them up for the purpose of the fic!
Series Masterlist
The power of words came from the ability to heed what is said, the Holy word of God revered by many and feared by others denounces the practices that don’t abide his word. Yet, your words — the words of a heretic, a pagan, a ‘devil worshiper’ — haunted the brothers, resounding in disembodied whispers cruelly reminding them of the events that transpired in wake of a seemingly ordinary day.
Neither spoke of what happened, in fear that speaking it outloud would make it a reality. It almost felt as though they shared a deranged and highly realistic dream that stubbornly did not disappear into the back of their consciousness when they were awake. A nightmare they were forced to reckon with when their Lord Father fell mysteriously ill, an infection that appeared seemingly from nowhere had him bedridden for a tenday.
His left eye had begun to fester and rot away.
Troublesome as the sudden ailment came, it all but made the brothers’ blood run cold when they soon realized the eye that had begun its necrosis would have been the same side on Aemond’s if he lost it that day. He did lose it that evening. And then a miracle — dark blood magic — brought it back. This had been the price. The saying ‘Eye for an Eye’ appeared to be most taunting in this instance.
Cycles of the moon that once meant nothing but something to measure time with became a looming presence for Aegon. A beacon of light in the night he looked onto with resentment and disgust where it once bore witness to his acts of sin and debauchery. Each phase a creeping reminder that he must return back to the decrepit hut, a threat he considered hollow until he felt the pull of the moon the closer to full it became.
The swamp surprisingly looked more harrowing during the day, perhaps it were because under the shield of darkness the night brings, many creatures were hidden away. The afternoon sun seared through the treetops, warming the marshy waters and in doing so lifted a pungent odour, souring the deeper into the bog it got. Sulfur fumes so strong it was hard to believe the sounds of nature indicated life thrived blithely, undisturbed in the thick mud pits, reedy bushes or trees when it so easily brought tears to Aegon’s eyes and made his lungs burn.
Fungus, abnormally larger than the toadstools that littered the edge of the Kings Road sat in halo’s of spores it created. Demanding reproduction and relentlessly over taking the grounds of which they grew, the damage a single spore can do to an entire ecosystem of plant life once it infected a single limb of a plant.
Nature was hideous and beautiful, harrowing and wonderous, unforgiving yet forgiving all at once. Amongst it all, as if tying the cacophony of life, death and all that sat in between nature oscillating and constant; A blissful humming. So subtle it was almost easy to miss the gentle caress in the area getting stronger, coaxing more fervently as it neared the epicentre of the swamp. 
The Elder Tree and the Hut entwined in its roots.
“Hello little lordling,” You appear behind him, but Aegon doesn’t jump. Almost as if he were expecting you to be exactly there. The same presence that plagues his thoughts, you could tell how restless he had become over since you last met. A smile pulls at your lips, tauntingly smug, “the moon is not full and yet here you are. Five moons early.”
He regards you slowly, though out of fear or caution you can’t quite tell until he speaks, “my father has fallen ill.” There is no sadness in his voice, no guilt, no indication that he is upset by what you’ve done to ensure his brother became whole again. 
You drag your feet toward him with a tilted head as you stare into his eyes of Violet, curling a hand around his jaw to look at him with far more scrutiny, your fingernails like thorns into his skin. Part of you is disappointed, the younger brother seemed to be a far more amusing moon servant with his boiled temperament, but when you look into Aegon, you see someone far less self involved — self serving perhaps but not one who uses a holy shield to look down on those who refute one God. 
He is as much a sinner as you were but for different reasons.
“That is the price, to meddle with the forces of nature.” You muse, taking away the hand that clawed into his soft cheeks, crescent moon indentations mark where your fingers had previously sat. Head tilted once again, you inspect his rugged appearance, the dark circles under his eyes and how stringy his hair looked. Leagues different in comparison to how he had looked the last time he had enlightened you with his presence. The moon gives and the moon takes, just like magic, just like nature.
”I didn’t come here to hear riddles, hag.” His lips downturn into, what you could only assume was, a frightful grimace with his brows casting downward. Haggard in appearance wasn’t the only change you could note, where he had last been in the clothes of a nobleman now he was wearing commonfolk garb. Though you are inclined to believe this is his choice to do so and not an artifact of disowning from the Lord and Lady of Oldtown.
“I’ve jokes if you would rather,” you smile tauntingly, though he looked less than amused on account of his eye twitching with an ire you had only previously seen with his brother. It must be the Moon. Though you don’t concede in your jest,“forgive me, I was under the impression you were the fun brother.”
He snapped, grabbing the scruff of your cardigan and pulling you up off your feet with a strength that seemed to surprise even him briefly, “there is nothing fun about what you did to me.” His eyes were wild, animalistic like he might just snap a little further over the threshold of man and monster. This anger appeared foreign on him, you could tell. The creases worn into his face like ridges in a tree were that of someone forlorn and closely recognised misery as a friend, not someone who was quick to anger and enmity. His ire was not of desperation as you had seen once before, it was an artificial plague of your making by bestowing him the curse of the moon in your actions of removing it from his brother. 
As if reading his thoughts you shake your head, “I cannot undo what has been done.” You have said this many times to many different people who seek you out, an echo of the woman who raised you, as she would say the same to similarly lost souls. This time it filled you with feelings distant to you but not entirely unheard of, it stirred a deep sorrow that you could not understand the origin or why. 
“Why not?” His grip loosened, a crack in his voice indicated that he will not lose himself to the beast that lives inside his very being now.
“What is taken, must be returned. Your brother's eye was returned to him, but only because it was taken from someone else,” his father, you don’t need to say as he is sure enough to understand on his own, “the curse bequeathed to your brother removed, but only because it was parted onto someone else.” You, Aegon. Your eyes watch his with great interest, his pupils begin to shrink and the violet in them return, and a faint whisper that barely passes as a thought but still registers in your mind are three simple words that shake you to the core: I’m so sorry.
Blood curses on their own are incredibly hostile in nature, to meddle magically with the very rivers that bring a soul life, is to be inherently evil. You recall the night of your eleventh winter, the moon at its highest and forever etched into your memory was that it was red. A Blood Moon. Auntie, (as you referred to the woman who raise you as despite her being anything but) would regale you with stories of the various cities she had visited, the travels she would get up to and despite the discrepancies in her timelines you would always listen with a grin on your face and wide eyed.
While the Moon was the symbol of the wolves, the goddess commanded her soldiers and servants when it was at its fullest. A Blood Moon was the symbol of petrifyingly beautiful harbingers of death, lustful creatures seeking blood to keep their souls appeased and their hunger satiated. Though, to your recollection, you weren’t sure what a moon decorated in a blue hue meant and who served the Moon when she turned blue.
The bones of your beloved childhood pet ferret laid out before you indicated troubling signs for the evening's full moon, it warned of uncertainty and danger. “Gods be good,” you whisper and gather the bones of the late Yurisa, you had named her after the Goddess of Winter aptly because of the fur as white as snow. The Goddess of Winter was known to be cruel and calculating, worshippers often regarding her as the Mistress of Atrophy, for when she brought her touch upon the land, it withered beneath her.
To you, Yurisa was merely a name to call your furry companion. 
Now you are well and truly alone. No Auntie left to gently guide you through the mystical arts or teach you kindness and compassion. No more Yurisa to cuddle up with when loneliness crept up like a misfortune or to scuttle around your feet when you went foraging for ingredients. It seemed as though you were destined to be alone, abandoned by a mother, abandoned by another and left alone when death crept up and seized the soul from your small companion.
Perhaps that may have been the reason your thoughts lingered to mournful and sorrowful when lamenting on the impromptu visit for the lordling Aegon days prior. The same reason that voice whispered to offer mercy the night the brothers arrived. Though, you could lament no further out of frustration of not getting any answers and by happenstance due to Aegon’s arrival.
His footsteps were weary, despite being at the hut for a third time, though the weight with each carefully placed step had an adjustment to its cadence that piqued your interest. Blood curses with transformative properties were cruel and unusual on the body and the mind, the ebbings of change often appearing in those infected a few days before and after the Full Moon. It was already taking a toll on him. 
You opened the door at the moment he raised his fist to knock, startling him slightly though you don’t notice behind how disheveled and unwell he looked, “little lordling.”  
Through his tired eyes rimmed with red from exhaustion, he narrowed them, “stop calling me that.”
“Would you prefer Moon Servant? Wolf Pup?” You are hardly smiling or even joking for that matter, as you stepped aside and waved him through.
”Just Aegon is fine,” he grumbled, compared to last time his anger was at a low level — still foreign on him but low nonetheless. His face was more sunken in, hollowing at the cheeks and under eyes as if he were more skeleton than flesh. One of many unfortunate side effects he was about to endure and he was none the wiser about how awful it was about to get for him.
By the hearth you boil water and whisk around your cupboards for the right ingredients when the question in your mind suddenly fell past your lips, “how are you feeling?” It felt like a mistake to ask such a question, as it often is only asked when endearing someone, “the pain, I mean. Fevers? Anything out of the ordinary?” You quickly add, while fussing about the pot of boiling water and various ingredients swirling in a maroon brine.
”I feel…” He had to think about it, eyes lifted to inspect the ceiling while thinking, “I feel like I’ve been hung, drawn and quartered. Though I s’pose that is meant to be normal right, witch?” His tone laced in a particular type of venom, calling you a witch as if it were derogatory but it was nothing except a label of what you are. Sorceress, Enchantress, Hag, Witch — they all meant the same thing; Heretic.
You remind yourself that as far as he was aware, he was not here of his own free will which was far removed from the truth. The lapse in your wrath the night you had crossed paths with him had you wavering conviction and offering mercy. That mercy being that he would not have to face the Moon’s Curse alone and could do it in a place that concealed him far from the eyes of the many zealots within the walls of Oldtown.
Extending a clawed hand out, you gesture for him, “show me your fingernails.”
”If I wished ill fortune on you or even death, I’d have done it by now, no? Show me your fingernails.” You grew impatient.
He reluctantly holds out a hand for you to grab. Unexpectedly, they were red raw around the nail but not because of the impending transformation, this was purely habitual, a very human trait that indicated he was nervous and anxious often. The nails themselves though, were beginning to blacken at the nail bed and were more hardened than what was normal.
Holding one of his hands steady, you manifest a small jar of medicinal salve and begin to lightly swipe it over the affected areas. It wasn’t going to lessen the pain of his impending transformation, but it would help stave off infection. You feel his gaze on you, not hard or weary, rather just inspecting carefully as you silently tend to his fingers.
”Erm — I’ve had joint aches and mood swings. I haven’t eaten either.” He admits shrewdly, the violet in his eyes washing away from colour in his iris slowly. It felt rather ludicrous, hearing his ailments like he was a patient and you were a healer. Though to a degree you may have been just that, even if the circumstances were very different. 
You don’t answer him, merely nodding and turning back to your boiling concoction, opting to add a touch more Docrut ash before scooping a cup full of brine into an aged bowl. It is not grand nor lavish like what Aegon may be used to, but you didn’t care, offering it to him, “drink. It will help with the pain.”
Lifting the bowl to his lips, he grimaced with flared nostrils and took a gulp only to immediately splutter it back out and cough it all over you. Unsure if he was being overdramatic or he simply wished to indignify you for his shortcomings, nevertheless, you wiped your face of his spit silently.
”That tastes like piss,” he gagged, covering his face and mouth as though it would shield him from the steaming brew in his hands.
”I never said it would taste nice,” you smile with slight amusement, “though if you forgo what is helpful simply because of its taste, I can assure you, you will regret it come morning.” He was an interesting individual, thrust into a circumstance out of his control and yet finding ways to nitpick it like the true highborn soul he was. 
“Perhaps if you hold your nose and drink it won’t taste so bitter,” you offer, remembering when as a child how much you despised the mushroom bark stew Auntie made. She would tell you the same thing, because out in the Swamp you either ate what was given to you or went hungry. Choice was not a luxury you grew up having.
He seemed taken aback by how childish you sounded, or, you thought, it was because you had said something that wasn’t inherently monsterous in his eyes. So you decide to bite a little, a smile curling at your lips, “what? Even us Hags have to eat disgusting things despite ourselves… I’ll drink some with you, if it helps.” 
You scoop yourself a bowl, holding it up as if mocking a ‘cheers’ and bringing it to your lips. He wasn’t wrong at all, it smelt awful, eye wateringly awful and as pungent as the acrid scent of the swamp outside. Gods, don’t think about the swamp water. Yet, with a pinch of the nose to seal your nostrils shut, you tilt the bowl up and begin to drink. Eyes flicking over to Aegon who is dutifully following despite the exaggerated expression of disgust.
”See,” you cough and wince as the brew burned your throat and assaulted the senses, “it wasn’t so —,” an onslaught of coughs prevent you from finishing the sentence, though when you came too it wasn’t the fact that he had finished his bowl that came as a surprise. It was the simple and disturbingly pleasant fact that he was actually laughing - at you, yes - but laughing nonetheless. 
The feeling of delight, something as plain as hearing him laugh sent troubling waves of nausea within you. Stop that, you insisted to yourself for thinking too long on such a factor but unfortunately for you it seemed to imbue you with a sense of being. 
“I’m pleased to know it isn’t poison at least,” he jests half heartedly, setting the bowl down on the table beside him. His moment of weakness, laughter, subsided and his walls were back up, though as you look out the window you are reminded that he will very much be a very different kind of man soon, and even more come the morning.
There was still some time left before a long night began, a question that had been plaguing you since that night a month ago and had never found a suitable answer by speculating, “why did your brother get attacked that night? The Lycanthropes in the swamp… They are usually docile because of Ornmir.”
He looked over at you, brow raised in confusion that was met with your annoyed sigh, “right of course — The Swamp Spirit, she has domain over this area, nurtures the land and watches over the creatures.” You explain as if it were the most obvious answer, but recognise you were being unfair on someone who most likely had no idea there was a spirit of the swamp.
There’s a moment of slight humour back in his eyes, a scornful snort exhales from his nose as he laughs dryly, “I suppose then this fabled ‘spirit’ is responsible for the attacks on the nearby village then? A beast descends on a village to kill their livestock, that feels rather opposite to being watched over and docile, like you said?”
”hm,” you hum momentarily, letting his words settle, “perhaps it’s God’s will then?” You weren’t mocking him specifically, rather his family and those who sought to eradicate the magic in the world. The surrounding village’s littered on the outskirts of the swamp were often benevolent in the few times you had passed through to get seeds or fruit, yet the cathedral spires of Oldtown were a beacon that infected many people with prejudice and it reached as far as the closest Village.
Ornmir’s domain was relatively benign despite the creatures that reside, so it did strike you as odd that something had been thought to attack the villages, just like it struck you as odd that an attack happened to Aegon and his brother. Though, your question would remain unanswered for a while longer with the light fading to blackness settling outside of the hut’s windows.
It was always darker in the marsh long before the Sun had fully set, which was natural given the thick cover provided by trees taller than Oldtown's giant Cathedral. Though nightfall would turn within mere minutes, and with that, Aegon would be more monster than man. With great haste you beckon him outside of your hut and take him behind the Elder Tree. A lantern in one hand to illuminate the way and an old dagger in the other.
The humming that vibrated throughout the swamp seemed to permeate from the very roots of the Elder Tree; it was the largest and most intricate looking tree in comparison, even shrouded in darkness. Around it, the ground littered with moss and deceptively hidden soft mud that would encase your foot had you taken a wrong step.
You close your eyes and listen softly, to the wind and its direction, to the symphony of creatures and bugs that coexist within the heart of the marshy swamplands, the humming that never ceased. The moon was on the rise. You felt it, like a presence that made the hair on the back of your neck stand, like a feeling deep within the pit of your stomach. Many serve the Moon, but all life somehow feels its pull.
“Aegon,” you address with a softer tone than necessary, “this may very well be the worst thing you will ever go through. It’s excruciating. It’s difficult. You will begin to recede back, as though no longer in control because you won’t be in control yet will feel, see, taste everything. You’re a shattered soul belonging to two now. A man and a beast.” 
A Primal beast that will exist on urges that would make men weep at the thought.
”We are going to have quite the night together I believe,” you smile wearily, bringing the obsidian dagger to the palm of your hand and cutting deeply into it. He grimaced at the sight of crimson dribbling down your forearm, but in the macabre lighting of the lone lantern and a cluster of fireflies you watch his eyes wash away all violet colouring.
Black consuming even the whites of his eyes, you gave him a playful smile, one that certainly wasn’t appropriate for the situation at hand and darted off through the swamp
Lycanthropy is one of the few curses that shattered both body and soul, and contrary to what is believed that the only instance of change occurs under the full moon, the blight is a month long ailment. To have bones, tendons and muscle rip, warp and rearrange to a completely different structure was harrowing enough to watch, though scholars tend to only source that this happened one night per month. 
Mending bones and muscle was no easy feat, nor was it something that could be done in a mere day. Especially under someone’s first transformation. Aegon had slept for a day and a half before awakening to what you could only assume was the worst pain ever to be put through. 
He complained, immensely, but you took that as a sign of him feeling better than anything to be annoyed about. Two days after the full moon his fingernails had finally regressed to their normal sizing, and both his hair and eyes had a semblance of life brought back into them. 
You had forgotten how nice it was simply having another person around, not even just to talk too, but another presence that made the hut feel less lonely. Though, you remind yourself that much like your Mother, Auntie and Yurisa — loneliness appeared to be your curse to bear.
”I promise this tastes better than it looks,” you hand over a bowl of seemingly beige modge podge that looks less than enticing and more like vomit. Aegon immediately grimaced but seemed to have caught himself and shook it off, probably in hopes that you didn’t notice. But you did.
His eyes widened in surprise when he shoveled a tentative mouthful of the unappealing looking soup, “this is delicious, what’s in it?” 
Snake and Eel. Against your better judgment you decide to refrain from telling him, lest he lose his appetite, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” A sly smile pulling at the corner of your lips as you tend to the daily chores around your abode. His watchful gaze never felt intrusive or rude, it was your understanding that he merely enjoyed people watching though he hadn’t said it, it was your own reticent observation that led to that deduction.
“You are strange, witch.” Without a hint of malice in his voice, it may have been the first compliment you received from him, one that you gladly took on. Invigorating you in a way that was unexpected and worrisome. Auntie had warned you that you had a tendency to grow attached too easily, a facet that rang true for all the creatures you helped mend themselves when they were injured or the travelers that passed through that you assisted her with helping them. 
“Strange is good,” you smile earnestly at him, and though your mind was yelling for you not too, your mouth opened on its own accord, “Bramble… Auntie called me Bramble because that's where she found me.” Though you refused to elaborate when he gave you an inquisitive glance. The memory of Auntie was somewhat sacred, that was something you wished to keep to yourself above all.
”An even stranger name…” he murmured, as though in his thoughts and you weren’t supposed to hear that. 
The remainder of the morning went as such, light chatter that felt more akin to a strategic game of droughts learning a small thing about the other as the morning progressed. He was a first born of four, wildly incapable of the pressures and responsibility of a first born, liked to drink his body weight in Ale and Fine Wine and was horrid at day to day tasks as you came to learn when he attempted to help you with something as mundane as hanging freshly washed linen out.
”Good lord what the fuck is that?” His exasperated tone caused you to turn, his eyes fixated in the distance and a finger pointed at the flying abomination in the air near a cluster of identical looking creatures. Features that looked not of this world, making it appear as though it was the gruesome victim of alchemistic cross breeding, beady eyes and a rat like face of a bat but its body looked like a giant mosquito.
You looked at it, unfazed and turned back to what you were doing, “Stirges, awful creatures…” While the flying monstrosity didn’t worry you, its presence did unsettle you greatly, having not seen a nest of them so close by before. Something strange was happening and it had started from before the night of the lycanthrope attack. You wished to know what events occurred that caused such a chain reaction. An attack on a human, an attack on the village and now an incursion of horrible blights that aren’t native to the lands.
“Aegon,” you slowly lifted your head to meet his gaze which was already fixed on you, “why were you in the swamp the night your brother was attacked?” It felt as though you asked this question several times before and never got a real answer out of him or the conversation naturally diverted elsewhere. 
While he was mostly open about his admissions already, you could sense him hesitate to answer this question. Perhaps he was gifted at deflecting and that was why you hadn’t received an answer for your question yet. Though the trepidation was not for lack of honesty or a need to conceal the truth, his eyes glassy and a slight tremble in his lip indicated guilt more than anything.
“Whatever is eating away at you, is not my concern. The reason is all I care for. Something isn’t right.” You hum, the nagging feeling eating away your insides like a looming sense of dread that was hard to pinpoint and it alarmed you grately that it took this long to figure out something strange was afoot. The humming of the Swamp droned gently, undisturbed and constant and yet there was a disturbance, over by the reedy shallows where the Stirges set their nest up. It was as though they came undetected, unseen.
He sighed, drawing your gaze to him, a look of shame and guilt marred his face, “I want not for ownership of the land, nor title or to become a Lord… but such is duty,” he was resentful and cutthroat, as if the word duty was an unholy word to be spit out. “Yet my father forces upon me what I push away — it’s my fault Aemond was hurt, he should never have been out there.”
Aemond, you repeat in your head, finally putting a name to the younger brother you healed a month ago.
“The village, Watercroft, asked my father to rid them of the beast that started killing their livestock and I was supposed to lead the hunting party. I would not do as he said, I cannot,” he looked away, gritted teeth as he spoke about his father like poison to the tongue. You couldn’t blame him, since you’ve lived in the Swamps his father has ruled Oldtown and whilst the locals revered him for peace, you had vehemently disagreed.
“So I drank, complained and let Aemond take the lead — he’s the one who deserves the power, the title, everything. And we’ve heard stories about beasts within the swamplands from travelers and locals, but this was different. A monstrous scourge that devoured six of our men whole before I sobered up enough to realize what was going on. Aemond.. he… he grabbed me and we ran… right into a den of Direwolves.”
You shake your head correcting him, “not Direwolves.” 
“Right.” He agreed quietly.
His story, while jagged and a mess to make sense of slowly began to click into place for you. It was unsettling at best and at worst borderline apocalyptic for the ecosystem within the Swamp and all the land around. There was only one beast in the Swamp capable of doing what he had described and that was Ornmir herself, in her natural corporeal form as a Swamp Drake. But this revelation only offered more questions than answers, the biggest one more alarming than any other speculation you had gone through prior to this.
Why was the spirit of the Swamp so angry?
Tag List: @karlachs-soldier @serving-targaryen-realness @deltamoon666 @bogbutteronmycroissant
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
can I request Seth Clearwater x male reader
plot reader and Seth was always close when human but when Seth phases he leaves reader later reader phases and Seth and reader imprint on each other but reader struggle with abandonment issues and Seth has comfort reader
Invisible String
[seth clearwater x reader]
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A/N: I've never written about seth. this is my first work on him (I loved the experience), I hope you don't find this awful, terrible and trashy. I tried my best, enjoy your reading <3
A/N²: I took some liberties in the werewolf transformation aspect. I picked up different things from research + tv shows + the twilight movies. the wolves turn in the full moon but they have control of their minds during it, at least jacob's pack does. they also have the ability to turn whenever they want to. also, this is not the timeline from the twilight movies. keep that in mind. but some characters are mentioned.
summary: It's you and Seth. Seth and you. Always. Until it wasn't.
pairing: seth clearwater x male!reader; jacob black x platonic!male! reader
w.c: 3.5K
warnings/content: abandonment issues; insecurities; tw!sexual assault is implied (not btw reader and seth!); reader is bitten but the process is not described; break-up (not really); friendship miscommunication; heartache; leah and sam are a thing in here just a warning; explicit description of missing someone; arguments; discussions about transformations and imprinting (I wrote it in another perspective); angst basically; tw!death is mentioned once or twice; jacob is an awesome best friend <3; fluff!!; la push is the actual mc in this oneshot. please tell me if I've forgotten any warning
t.s anthology masterlist
“Hey, is Seth here?”
Your fingers were curling around the door handle as you pushed it open after two soft knocks. The Clearwater's recognized your entrance by now. After hearing the same pattern over many years, it was too familiar not to connect it to you instantly. And your scent, of course. But that, Leah suspected, Seth noticed it before anyone else did, even if he hadn't shifted yet.
“Seth!” Leah yelled out in the house, greeting you with a wink and gaining a nudge from her mother in protest because she was yelling. “Your twin is—”
Seth rushed past them without a second thought. You only had time to say goodbye to Sue and Harry before he pulled you towards the path to the beach.
“... here.” Leah sighed with a shake of her head. She pointed at her mother. “They're doing it again. Bet in twenty minutes his mother's gonna call asking if Y/N is here.”
Sue peaked through the window towards the two teenagers, her smile growing in the corners of her mouth. “I'll deal with her.” She promised, finishing up drying the plates.
Leah scoffed.
La Push was the meeting point for you and Seth. You had your own little spot between the rocks to watch the water. Some days it was wild, almost dancing nearby your feet. Other days, it was peaceful. The waves barely moved and the wind held you quietly like a blanket.
Today, it was a cloudy day in Forks — not that you had lots of sunny days, because the city was practically a walking melancholy. You and Seth sat down in the sand, you crossing your ankles against your thighs as Seth splattered out his long legs in the sand.
“God, I can barely see your eyes,” you touched one of his long dark strands. “How do you handle it?”
Seth slapped your hand away, glaring slightly. You raised your hands with a small smile.
“I'm joking.” You nudged his feet with yours. “You're probably the only guy who looks good with long hair.”
Seth rolled his eyes, turning his face quickly so you wouldn't see the blush coating his tanned cheeks.
“Are you excited about going back to school?”
Pursing your lips, you focused on drawing a letter in the sand. “Sure. New semester.”
Seth let out a chuckle, tilting his head to look at you. “You sound so excited.”
“Why should I be?”
He gave you a smirk, “Okay. Fair enough.” His smiled died down a bit, a serious expression growing as he inspected you quietly. That's something he enjoyed doing when you didn't notice. You never noticed. Seth didn't think you ever noticed him like he noticed you. Which is sad, but he didn't have the courage to change that and ruin your friendship. “We'll meet in the first day of school, right?” He whispered softly, refraining from moving an eyelash that had fallen on your cheek.
“Of course.” You replied. “I'll meet you at your place before. As always.”
Seth was an extrovert through and through. But he hated arriving in places on first days, that's speaking in general. Even at school, where he frequented his entire life. He liked to have you there, by his side. Your presence made everything okay.
You didn't have a problem with that. You and him had always been by each other's side, ever since you can recall your memories. It's you and Seth. Seth and you. Always.
You didn't expect that to drastically change overnight.
Weeks went by since the last time you saw your best friend. According to his family, he was sick on the first day back to school. When this excuse wore out, they'd made up some other one. Always that pity look towards you.
Not even when you stopped by his house, he'd leave his room to speak with you. And you knew he was home. You knew that by Leah's urge to pull you way from the house so you could take a walk at the beach.
What had you done to have him withdraw from you like this? What was happening that everyone was walking on eggshells around you?
“You're hiding something.” You kicked a rock. Leah's gaze laying heavily on your back, that didn't make you stop. “Is he mad at me? Because if I knew what I had done—”
“It's not you.”
You spun around frustrated, “It's not m— It's him, then? Did Seth send you here to break up with me? Cause that's what it feels like, Leah.”
“I didn't know you two were official.”
Letting out a groan, you turn away, ready to leave Seth's older sister alone at La Push, when your arm was pulled back softly, causing you to halt in your steps.
“It's not you.” She said sternly. “Do you trust me? Do you trust my idiot of a brother?”
A pause.
“I don't know,” you said. “He kind of broke all of his promises.”
Her lips quirked up in a smile. “Yeah. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care, alright? Seth cares. He's just...” she hesitated. “He's going through something. And he needs space to deal with it.”
Concern fell over your features and your heartbeat failed for a hot second. What was going on with Seth?
“I don't know how you can do that so effortlessly.”
Jacob was laughing beside you. His hair was damp, clinging to his forehead. You couldn't help but think that if he still had that long hair, it'd be a nightmare to untangle.
The rain picked up quickly. You were lucky to seek refuge under a tree before Jacob could. He was looking like a wet dog.
Well, he was. Kind of.
Forks really was a box filled with surprises. You used to think that the only different occurrence that could happen in the city was the sun coming up for once. But, apparently urban legends were a thing, too. And you were a part of it.
Jacob helped you get used to your transformations after you were bitten — get used to is saying a lot. Feeling your whole body break and twist every full moon couldn't be defined as anything remotely enjoyable. No. It was awful. Some nights you actually felt as if you were about to die. The pain was unbearable.
It would be worse if Jake wasn't there.
He helped you control your anger, how to properly channel it so as to not affect your relationships (to a worst extent, at least). He was your rock in a moment of turmoil. A spot that was commonly Seth's, but he disappeared out of the face of the Earth.
Your Earth, at least. Because Jacob has seen him and even Bella, who you recently met, had seen Seth. Your best guess was that he really was running away from you like you previously thought and Leah's entire speech about him dealing with something was complete bullshit so that he could have his easy way out of your life.
Well, he did it. A round of applause because you would've never expected that from him.
“You see no effort because I practiced a lot to reach this place.” Jacob pulls you back from your wondering. You give him a look. “You'll reach it too. You'll see.”
“Pain makes you human, right? So maybe that shouldn't change.”
Jacob rolled his eyes at your dramatics.
“That's not the point of the saying and you know it.”
You rest your chin against your knee, eyes traveling through the horizon. The rain stopped but the sky was still gray, it almost looked as if it was the start of evening although it was still morning.
The sound of a branch snapping a little far from where you where made you snap your neck around in alertness.
“It's nothing.” Jacob said and you frowned, surveying the forest with narrowed eyes.
“Didn't you hear—”
“Do you want to do it one more time?”
The thought of turning was enough for bile to rise up in your throat.
“I have homework. Lots to do.” You turn away from the forest to stand up. Jacob was shaking his head at you. “I'm not a robot. And I'm not an Alpha. I'm a student and I have responsibilities. Shouldn't you like... praise my good behavior or something?”
Jacob flipped you off.
“Get out of here.” He said as you smirked. “Same time tomorrow!” Once you were far enough, he yelled, which made your ears almost explode.
The sounds were still too loud for your sensitive ears, you were adjusting back to everything.
Not only that but you had that hole on your chest along with a constant guilt swerving at your mind. What had you done to push him away? Is he really okay? Did he just want you out of his life for good?
One thing you knew for sure: if you had known that that day would be your last day together, you wouldn't have let it end so quickly.
You missed your best friend. You missed him so much.
His scent was everywhere. In the clothes you borrowed and never gave it back, in the pictures that had the two of you that were scattered around your room, in the path you took to go home from school.
Seth was everywhere. And nowhere at the same time.
He was there, in front of you. Sometimes you imagined your best friend appearing on your front porch to say it was all a prank that he was playing on you because he wanted to see how much time you could go without him.
You froze in your step.
He awkwardly greeted you with a small wave.
“Hi, Y/N.”
You blinked twice, analyzing the frame in front of you to make sure he wasn't an hallucination. Then, you took three steps back and walked away. Yes, you walked away from your own house.
There was just no way you would face this now. Not after all this time. So you turned your back on him in the same way he did to you.
He didn't take that answer.
“Can we talk?” Seth said in a plea, right behind you. His voice was the loudest thing you could hear, not even the birds and the sounds of the forest tuned it down. Upon realizing you wouldn't stop, he groaned. “Y/N.”
“Give me one reason!” You spat out angrily, turning towards him. His widened doe eyes stared back at you. You had caught him by surprise. Good. “Give me one reason for me to listen to anything you have to say, Seth Clearwater,” your tone balanced to a softer one but it was still shaking in anger. You were so angry. So frustrated. So... overwhelmed. He didn't have the right to make you feel like this again. Your body didn't have the right to react to him like this. It's like you didn't have any control.
But you did. And you couldn't just lose weeks of progress.
“I'm— I'm sorry.” Seth stammers, walking forward but immediately halting as he sees your threatening gaze. “Y/N, I didn't... I didn't know what to do, what to say—”
“To whom?” You asked. “About what, Seth? Because you just vanished, I have no idea why.”
“That's why I'm here.” He walked over to you this time and you didn't react. “I want to explain. I wasn't ready then but I'm ready now.” His features softened slightly and you almost melted at his kicked puppy eyes.
And suddenly, there it was. That pull towards him. That comfort your body felt, that safety your mind cradled in. You weren't angry anymore, but you were trying to hold onto that anger as much as you could. It wasn't fair to just forgive him like this. He left you without an explanation. Without a goodbye.
Your eyes hardened as you folded your arms across your chest. He was staring. Waiting. “I'm waiting.” You said shortly.
Seth seemed to wake up from his daydreaming. He hesitated for a second but then he blurted out something that might have been a joke to you a month ago. But now it couldn't be anything less than the truth. You didn't know if you should be mad or laugh until your lungs screamed.
“Okay.” You cut him off mid-explanation. He blinked up at you. “Sure, Seth. You ghosted me because you're a werewolf. That's a great excuse.”
His face twisted in confusion. “You think I'm lying.” You raised an eyebrow and his brows furrowed. “But you know I'm not lying, right? You can hear my heartbeat.”
You sucked in a breath.
Seth tilted his head, “You can hear my heartbeat, can't you?”
No. Jacob wouldn't do that, would he? He wouldn't tell anybody about... about your condition. No.
Your fingers dig into your arms. “What?”
Seth sighed, “Can you look at me, please?”
You did, albeit against your will. Staring back into his eyes caused all your breath to dissipate. They weren't in their usual dark brown shade, leaning towards a mocha brown. No. They glowed yellow in the same way yours did.
He attempted a smile but he quickly went back to apprehension.
“Do you believe me now?”
You stammered out a response, forcing your head to travel back to all of the moments you missed the signs.
“I'm sorry.” He said softly, his fingers ghosting over the skin of your arm, sending shivers down your spine. “I didn't know how to tell you. When it happened I wasn't—”
“Seth,” you shook your head. “Why didn't you say anything?” And you looked at him as if it was the first time you saw him. His slightly matured features, his now short strands. God, all that hair was gone. He looked different. But his eyes remained the same. That playful kid you met in your ten years of age was still there. Maybe, that boy from months ago was still there as well.
“I was scared.” He croaked out, leaning closer. His eyes sparkled with unshed tears. It physically pained you to see that image. “I never meant to avoid you for so long but I— I was scared. I was scared to hurt you. You have to understand—”
“Stop,” you squeezed his hand. “Seth. It's okay.” your fingers grazed his wet cheek, he immediately melted under your touch.
“I'm sorry.” He let out in a whisper. You involve your arms around his neck, feeling his warmth travel through you. “God, I missed you so bad.”
His nose buried into your neck as you adjusted to his hold, closing all the space you could possibly have. You finally gave in to the feeling of being close to him. This is what you needed. This is what you've been craving.
“It's called imprinting.” Jacob said, pulling your attention away from Leah and Sam. He leaned back on the three you both were resting against. His damp hair sticking to his forehead. “It happens to two people, usually shape-shifters like us, when they feel this gravitational pull towards one another.”
You turn back to the couple that was playful fighting in the water. They looked like children when they were together, Leah and Sam. You couldn't remember a time where they weren't like this. But you didn't actually know when it started.
“Is it like love at first sight?”
“No.” He shook his head. “It's more like a... strong pull towards someone else. Things make sense with them, they hold you together and they keep you grounded. Have you ever heard of a soulmate bond?”
You nod, shifting closer as your internet spiked up. “Through bedtime stories.”
Jacob hum in agreement. “Yes. It's like your missing piece is finally in its rightful place. A puzzle completed.”
“Have you ever found it?” You ask. “Your... soulmate?”
Jacob took his time to reply to you. And you chose to not question the heavy silence that laid upon the two of you.
“No.” He settled for. “Not yet.”
Seth didn't let go of you for a while. He also explained everything from his first transformation, the main reason why he pushed you away, to the newest gossip in town. It never occurred to you how much you were missing by not having Seth Clearwater at your side at least half of the day — it did occur. A lot, actually. It was all your heart could think of.
“How did you know?” You asked. Your walk took you back to the beach. The first time in a long time since he joined you there. “About me.” You clarified, voice small.
Seth kept on wiggling your fingers in distraction.
“Your scent.” He replied, glancing at you carefully. “It changed.”
A bitter smile graced your lips. “Right.” That's something else you had learnt recently. Humans and shape-shifters don't smell the same.
Seth inched closer, intertwining your fingers. An action that called your attention and made you smile in his direction.
“I'm sorry about the way it happened, Y/N.”
You were aware of what he was referring to. Underlying his words were a melancholic tone accompanied by his soft doe eyes.
Your transformation wasn't the worst thing that occured to you — being bitten was. That you never asked. Something was taken from you that night, you still haven't fully recovered.
“It's a process.” Jacob said once. “One step at a time. And you're not alone.”
You laid your head in his shoulder basking under his warmth in the cold air of La Push.
“Yeah,” you croaked out. “Me too.”
But you were alive and that's what mattered. Someday, the pain would stop waking you up with a bad nightmare that stole your peace in nights and days.
“I should have been there. I'm sorry I wasn't.”
He hummed softly in acknowledgement. You pinched his side and he emitted a sound of protest.
“Stop apologizing, Clearwater. I already forgave you.” You gained one of his grins that hid his eyelids almost completely. And you shook your head, fingers grazing the crinkles beside his eyes. “Just don't do that again. Or I don't want to see or hear from you ever again.”
He pulled your hand to his chest, mumbling a promise under his breath as if he was scared someone might hear it. “Never. I'm not going anywhere, okay? Well.” You frowned and he chuckled. “I mean, it's not like I can, right?”
It took you two long seconds to understand what he meant by that. When you did and he watched realization enlightening your features, you turned your face away to hide the inevitable blush that coated your cheeks. That only sent him into a harder laugh, but he didn't let you bury in your embarrassment much longer because he started kissing every part of your face until you whined and pushed him away, threatening to drown him in the sea.
He said he wouldn't mind because if he died by your hands then he'd happily go into the afterlife. You called him a sap and he agreed.
Your evening was swarmed by his smile and the new things you had missed in the past few weeks. You still knew him and he still knew you. But there was so much more to see, to feel. One thing was very much clear: you weren't the only one that felt that pull. You knew he felt it too.
You'd happily figure out the rest with Seth by your side. You knew that, from now on, he wouldn't be going anywhere.
“I can properly call you Bambi now,” you mocked him, earning a loud groan.
“I am not a deer, Y/N.”
“Eh, you act like it, so that's enough, Bambi.”
sources: [1] [2]
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hannah-fannah9503 · 1 month
more unfinished stuff, this one was supposed to be an addition to My Roommate's a Werewolf?! but I never did finish it...not sure if I will but I did really like the first part of this so I'm sharing it
One of Ren's earliest memories was waking up in a dog kennel at the age of two.
It had been a severely traumatic experience, surrounded by totally baffled animal control employees. He was very quickly let out of the kennel and given a stuffed animal to cuddle while the adults scrambled to contact his parents, who had been equally as confused as to how their child had managed to end up in an animal control unit.
In the following months, his parents became extremely protective. They stopped taking him outside of the house for a while, afraid he might run off somewhere. They started putting cameras in his room at night to make sure he wasn't sneaking out of his little racecar bed and going on adventures to the dog kennel. That was how they found out the truth, and when Ren was roughly five years old they told him what they'd found out.
On nights when the moon was full, Ren transformed into a dog.
They never actually said the word werewolf, although Ren would argue that that was much cooler than how they described it. And at first, he remembered being excited. He was a werewolf! That was cool! But, well, life just isn't the same as in the movies. Being a werewolf did not, in fact, give him any cool abilities besides having an abundance of chew toys in his childhood bedroom.
His parents tried their best to accommodate his…condition, as they always called it. But Ren knew they were uncomfortable with it. By the time he was ten years old, he had taught himself how to deal with nights of the full moon without his parents having to do a single thing. Before the moon could rise, he made sure every possible escape out of his room was closed, that he had food, water, and plenty of toys before he would let the darkness take him. The next morning, when he finally woke up, he'd clean the room and prepare for the next night until the moon finally changed phases. His parents would greet him like nothing happened only when the full moon was entirely over.
It wasn't all bad, though. If anything, having to learn to care for himself during moons taught him how to be independent. So by the time he got ready to leave home, he was confident that he could handle things himself in a different setting too. At least until his landlord illegally raised his rent halfway through his lease and he suddenly had to scramble to find a roommate to cover the cost.
Right when he'd been prepared to give in and accept eviction, somebody responded to his ad. The guy said he was going to be involved with some big scientific study at a local university and needed a place to stay while he was there. Ren agreed out of desperation mostly, and within the week he was standing outside the door to the apartment, nervously waiting for his new roommate to arrive.
He made it right on time, and Ren did a double take at the sight of him. He'd been expecting someone more…nerdy looking. He was a scientist, after all. But instead of that, the man in front of him was about three whole heads taller than him and with a frame easily twice his own. He came to a stop at the bottom of the steps and waved at him, his suitcase clutched in his other hand. “You must be Ren.” He had an extremely thick German accent.
“Uh, yeah, that's me.” Ren held out a hand to shake, which the man did. His grip strength put Ren's own to shame. “Follow me, the apartment’s on the third floor."
They made their way up the stairs and into the apartment. Ren showed his new roommate, Doc, to the other bedroom across the hall from his. When Doc had put his suitcase away, Ren proceeded to show him the rest of the apartment–which wasn't much. The one bathroom, the kitchen and bar counters, the tiny living area, and the big window where Ren kept all his boxes of random stuff and the desk with his dinosaur of a computer.
“And that's pretty much it!” Ren stopped back in the living room, awkwardly bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I know it's not exactly the fanciest place–”
“That doesn't matter.” Doc grinned at him, turning to head to his new bedroom. “Thanks for the tour.”
“Ah, sure.” Doc was already entering the room before he had a chance to say anything else.
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kheprriverse · 2 months
Yes, please. We all desire to hear more! More yappy equals more happy c: I crave more knowledge.
In an older comic you have, you noted eclipses did stuff as well (I think it was a Lunar?). Do those still apply?
I thought it was pretty cool kdnrkskjf
Fhekdbdkdnens tyyyyy I’m very glad! I love yapping so much but force myself to shut up because I can just Go and Go. My friend and partner can both attest to this, they’re usually my ground zero for my brain vomit.
Below the cut will be the answer! I will do my best to organize since this’ll be a two-part answer. One being the continued yapping from the last ask, and the other will be the eclipse stuff.
-> In an older comic you have, you noted eclipses did stuff as well (I think it was a Lunar?). Do those still apply?
Here's the comic in question, which referenced an oldish idea I had where Ko'jin's hair would change based on the phases of the moon, this one being during a lunar eclipse. It was when his hair used to be darker and greyer, so the changes would be a little more drastic. But I'd love to keep the idea anyways. (also a cool little fact, Moon's tears does the same thing, so you'll see his and Ballad's earrings change based on whatever his hair is doing.)
The glow in his hair is more rainbowy now and the color shifts involuntarily, which was originally for a super moon I just ended up liking the vibe so much that I made it his default.
So I'm gonna use this ask as an excuse to mess with the idea more and do some sketches! Mostly because I'm not sure if I ever shared the og sheet when I first made it before that comic was posted.
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(These aren't really accurate ko'jin-length hair but that's okay)
Originally, in some of his older art (including his ref that i STILL use), his hair is darker by default because the brightness would reflect the moon itself. So new moons his hair was a much darker grey and full moons it was a near-white to blue. But I like the default white and rainbow he has now :>
Also the lunar eclipse one almost looks like his hair when he was younger which is my favorite thing, but it ALMOST resembles this idea I was playing with where he's attuned to a different element, just... orange-er. I'll figure smth out, I have a lot of cool ideas regarding moon phases and element attunement and... ough. He makes my brain spin (in a good way).
The only way moon phases would have an actual affect on him would maybe be when he's stronger during full moons and super moons and weaker during waning and new moons. I can see weather maybe getting in the way as well and maybe the colorful glow goes away during those sorta moments.
Anyways I need to shut up about this so I'm going to go on about the other topic from my previous ask, since y'all wanna hear me yap like an insane person.
-> The Garden.
In the previous ask, I talked about Ko'jin's role as a deity falling closer into "protection and guiding of spirits". I explained there that many people seek his protection in the afterlife. Or kind of explained it. But I also mentioned that its not actually seen what happens and that I wanna go further into what the serpent does and how it ties into the au overall.
Ko'jin has access to a realm known as "The Garden", or that's what he calls it. It's not his realm, nor is it his domain (his domain is the moon), but it's a realm introduced to him by Hylia who did have much easier access to it and often used it to see the future, past, and present at all times.
The Garden is a vast, seemingly endless realm dotted with gigantic trees that also just seem to endlessly grow above the clouds. His knowledge on its purpose originally came from stories other deities gave him. Like Demise's reminders to him that all of history is stored in these massive trees, that everything dies and is recorded and reused -- a constant cycle fueled by the earth's energy.
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Hylia never really shared much with him vocally but was the one who gifted him access to experience it himself and he learned very quickly that it felt similar to the woods he grew up in and for good reason. Much like the garden itself being connected to the earth, so is the enormous tree near where he grew up, using it to access glimpses of the past in the region.
So he decides to bring his findings to Demise (his mentor-like figure at the time) and compare notes. He comes up with: -> There are more giant trees and its likely they all connect to the same network, like a brain. -> All energy, magic, and events of the world in the reach of these trees are stored and moved into The Garden. -> The Garden archives everything as "memories" and returns filtered energy back to the giant trees. -> The giant trees return the filtered energy back through the earth.
This includes spirits! Ko'jin acts as a ferrymen to lost spirits unable to pass through and into the garden where their memories can be stored and then their energy ultimately reused.
Anyways I spoke enough I think. So here's a couple screenshots of a test sketch regarding a crossover scenario that featured both the moon serpent and my monhun Link, Nayim, that also showed off The Garden. (some of these will be edited or cropped funny since their out of context)
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I kept asking myself how Nayim or the main group would react to either world, so I had a whole 15-page comic sketch of a "nayim finding himself in loz hyrule"
Also happens to have sketches showing a good size comparison for how big the serpent is supposed to be so have these for fun.
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asrainstorm · 2 years
Might i ask yandere eli(lunar phase), naib (man in red) and joseph (azrael) seperately for nun reader who kills devils as a living?
Hcs please! Also hope ur day is going well! ^^
Well of course, darling, it would be a great pleasure for me :)
Personally love the concept of yandere!Naib/Eli/Joseph, so yeah, I’d write hc’s with joy. Also thank you very much for your request, it’s very interesting: I adore the dynamic of a holy x obsessively in love demon, and everything, so I’m really pleased with it! My day is quite nice, by the way, but I hope that yours is much better! Wish you like these hc’s, hehe
Includes: nun!reader x yandere!Eli (Lunar phase), nun!reader x yandere!Naib (Man in Red), nun!reader x yandere!Joseph (Azrael) — separated
Warnings: headcanons, yandere, obsession, partly religious themes and interactions, references to murder, blood and violence.
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[ "The blood moon brings destruction" was his revelation on the night before the moon dissipates ]
— Eli met you in the marble hall, full of aspirations and revelations. His heart had a mystical light before you, but when your presence enveloped his whole being the world lost its meaning.
— Your calm expression was felt on the edges of his hearing almost physically. It was like a flash of light that lit up the entire universe. He will never forget that moment.
— You hardly spoke, but your voice was like the singing of angels. Ah yes, the moon went through all its phases at the moment when you gently asked Edgar how he was feeling, or when you spoke with Fiona's cards. There was no one kinder than you, although you never smiled, never laughed and remained amazingly calm even during matches.
— Oh, there was no limit to Eli's happiness when you were assigned to the same team! Every time! He didn't notice any obsession behind him, of course, but, in fact, there was a problem. Now he didn’t care about the rest of his teammates at all.
— At first he was a little surprised. Although Eli commanded the connection of stars and the light that reflected from the giant solar ball, and his flesh woven from this radiance felt almost nothing... Before you, he made sure that all members of his team remained under the supervision of an owl. Now he didn't feel the need to it, and the main focus of attention was always on you.
— However, it is worth noting that he tried. Sometimes forgot, but mostly sent an owl to everyone. Mostly rescued others from the chair. Mostly helped when being asked. Mostly… Argh, well, you see, it’s very hard to pretend that he was worried about the fate of his teammates, except yours, so soon he just stopped.
— And maybe it wouldn’t be noticed by himself at all, but the main problem among other "after-Y/N" problems was the fact that you were openly against him.
— During the matches, no Hunter avoided your rifle, especially if that Hunter was someone in a demon form. You greatly hated them. Hated them to death. At the same time, Eli was partly a demon.
— It was lovely to dream about you: so elegant and so distant. Your sacred presence was burning nearby, when he himself was like an ice; there would be no moonlight without the scorching sun after all, so to look from afar and take care of you forever – why not? Eli could certainly do it.
— But you couldn't. You were brought up harshly, radically, your hands were striped with a ruler, fingers were rough, and every movement was honed to the smallest detail - you were never a fragile girl in trouble, because from the position to which life threw you, weakness and inability to cope on your own were available to anyone else except you. Not being able to get rid of the distracting burning sensation in the back of the head, almost boring into the hole? How pathetic.
— Eli didn't approach, just watched; there was nothing wrong with that for him, because everything came from pure care. It's hard to love, but if there is you for him, then it's okay. And he will do everything to make you happy. Even if he has to stay up all night, holding on to a thin cornice by the window and looking into a thin strip between the curtains - he doesn't need sleep anyway, he can be patient. Even if he has to learn you like an open book, learn your schedule, your tastes and interests - there is a lot of space in his head, not that he has time to find something more interesting. Even if he has to hide in the closet while you're lying down after surgery in the medical wing, where they just don't let him in, Eli will do it to make sure that you're okay, no matter how many days he’d stand there. Just let him enjoy from afar, that's the only thing left. Be kind.
— And look: the one who hurt you is now writhing among his own guts. It's incredibly easy to achieve, don’t worry, no one even realized what happened. Hardly they will suspect the unctuous young man in white robes as a murderer, haha!
— As long as you're fine, he's fine, too. Really, he’s even smiling, look! Smile too, smile for him just once!
— He deserves it!
— But when the ouroboros of your health is unexpectedly interrupted, Eli's blind pupils break, and he, lightened by syzygy, tears the enemy with his claws; snow-white feathers frame the disfigured corpse, but no one cares. Eli is a saint. You're a saint. And only you know how the gilded cloth darkens under the dirty blood…
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[ Your fear, "his" blood, and one final bout ]
— You weren't afraid of anything. In a monastery with stained-glass vaults and old crumbling whitewash, you found shelter in a stormy night that took the lives of mom, dad and older brother. Later you were told that what attacked them on the way was a demon.
— To believe in this fairy tale at first seemed utter nonsense. Really, demons? Why then did the angels not descend and pierce them with golden arrows of pure justice, ha? However, very soon your doubts were shattered.
— First of all, of course, they faced the destructive power of the belt, punishing disobedience and the so-called "freedom of thought", and then - the ugly face of a real demon in two inches from your face.
— It turned out that the local nuns were not fragile god’s servants at all. They stood day and night on guard of human peace, tracking down infernal creatures and quartering them, and you, hardened by frequent punishments and awareness of the involvement of the devil's spawn in the incident, did not take long to become one of the best demon hunters.
— So yes, you weren't afraid of anything. However, only with "his" exception.
— "He" was the Man in Red, or so they called "him" in the mansion. Unsociable, closed and straight to the bone piercing with one look… you knew for sure that "he" was a demon, and not just any, but the most malicious of all. The one you should exterminate before everyone else. And, probably, "he" saw this confidence hidden under a layer of crushing horror in your eyes.
— No one knew where "he" came from and why, no one wanted to be in the team with "him", no one, in principle, was eager to be with "him" within a radius of ten kilometers, and the Man in Red "himself" showed no interest in others.
— This attitude towards "him" was quite familiar. People are greedy for their lives, it’s the nature: they grab at the thinnest straws, hanging over the abyss, even if they know that they will not be able to survive, because for them there is nothing more valuable than life. If rebirth is real, then they will never know anyway. "He" knows. In a previous life, "his" name was…
— "Damn it, faster!" you shouted, stunning the Hunter with an ultra-precise shot and quickly freeing "him" from the chair. "It's just the two of us left, so try to survive. I won't come next time!"
— Oh...
— You reeked of fear, your hands trembled treacherously, and you ran away from "him" rather than from the recovered Hunter, but, in fact, it didn't matter. You came to the rescue, even if only for your own salvation, just as irrationally selfish as any other human, and yet, yet you came to the rescue. Perhaps it will be nicer if you just kill "him" yourself? It won’t work, of course, but let this dream continue to warm up your instincts.
— Since that match, the Man in Red has been interested in you. If "his" attention fell on someone, everything in itself became disastrous, and you were just asking for trouble; the barrel of a highly polished rifle always felt like it rested on the back of "his" head. It's only a matter of time before a shotgun is roughly shoved into "his" mouth and the taste of gunpowder is smeared on his tongue…
— However, again, neither one nor the other wouldn’t work, since the Man in Red, fear itself in the flesh, couldn’t be killed. And, unfortunately, "he" suddenly wanted to see the imprint of this truth on your face to the point of itching longing.
— Now others didn't approach you. The survivors were afraid to contact once again with the person who somehow constantly found herself with a Man in Red nearby, and this fact did not please you, as well as them. There was nothing you could do, left in the gnawing loneliness.
— At night you felt "his" presence at your door. In the morning - behind your back when you were walking towards the bathroom. During the day - in the shade of the far corners of the library, in the evening - among the plants in Emma's greenhouse, where you could breathe deeply. It used to be possible, but now constant fear held down the lungs and let in only as much air as "he" wanted. Unbearable.
— Prayers didn't help. As you later found out, the lead and the claws of the Hunters too, because there were not even scratches left on the body of the Man in Red that could be healed.
— The sisters in the monastery used to say that if something cannot be achieved by killing, then it remains only to accept, but how could you accept the constant presence of a demon, gradually turning you into his puppet through the fetters of fear?
— You put thirty-four bullets into "him", six knives, with one piercing through "his" throat and the other through the temporal wall, also tried poisons, strangulation and all this with holy water, of course. "He" didn't care. Only the fact that you sometimes came pretty close to "him" for killing made it possible to tolerate the damage to "his" shell.
— Besides, the horror of a new defeat was very becoming to you, and the Man in Red... Naib-in-the-past liked it damn much. It had been a long time since he had felt emotions.
— So yes, he showed no interest in others. However, only with your exception.
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[ He fell from the heavens and brought with him the first falling leaf of the season ]
— Since the tragedy, someone has been visiting your dreams. Color, attire, any details of appearance mercilessly slipped from memory, leaving no chance of identification, but you knew that this wasn’t the enemy. His angelic voice has never left your mind.
— In sorrow and in joy, in sickness and in health, the voice delicately whispered words of consolation or instruction to you, pointing, as it seemed, the right way. And you, brought up in the walls of the worship of divine creatures, trusted him implicitly.
— So, of course, when he ordered you to go to the Oletus Mansion, you didn't throw around questions. Because it was him after all.
— Everything that the Lord decides to send down to us, we are able to overcome, right? And all the trials, no matter how unimaginably difficult they may be, will serve us as a great lesson. You didn't know if this was really the case, but your first match was amazing; really, no one expected that a nun would suddenly take out a rifle and start shooting right and left? You're the best, the one and only.
— "Good girl," his voice whispered that night. "I'm proud of you"
— And suddenly that's all you needed.
— Over the years, no, just a couple of decades spent in terrible conditions of cruelty and isolation, you managed to become, without exaggeration, very dependent on the kind words of a mysterious "friend". They were the only support that saved you from despair, so, of course, hearing praise was all you wanted. Is it possible that someone's brain can lose the craving for life without the simplest set of sounds, called a "voice"? There is a chance to check.
— But you didn't consider your, uh... "little addiction" to be anything bad. The "voice" was there and supported you, and also sounded so angelically beautiful; if he is an angel, which there can be no doubt, then it’s your duty to adore him.
— Well, so the sisters and the holy mother (although there is nothing holy about her) kept saying, but doesn’t matter.
— You loved the "voice" in your head. He was mesmerizing. Gently whispering words of approval, its owner was very eloquent and could convince you of what he wanted; it was always important for a person who grew up in isolation from the kindness to be gently treated, and the "voice" seemed to know it very well. You two have never argued, never quarreled, and couldn’t break the connection. But even being so smart as you are, it was to hard to realize that these conversations were boiling down to one thing: your absolutely and unstoppable addiction.
— "I know you're good, good girl, and we're good together; only I can support you. And I know you feel it. Everything will be fine..."
— These words were not hard to come by, slipped through the convolutions of your brain and ate into the bones; every time he said it, you got a sip of great joy. "Of course," you thought, "because I'm a good girl."
— And then you touched the bare skin of William's forearm while helping him during the match, and he instantly collapsed on the ground, not breathing. Eyes opened. He died at your accidental touch.
— Your face has never lost its steadfast, calm expression since the days of the monastery. A steel lady with an apostolic on her head, instilling fear into the souls of demons and serving as a stone wall for ordinary people.
— But now, in this damned second your beautiful face was distorted with such tearing horror that the world has turned upside down, knocking out your organs with a tension wave, and then returning them to their place, leaving them there soft-boiled. Nightmare. It's just another nightmare, a bad dream, you just have to wake up. Need to... wake up, wake up, open your eyes, please open your eyes! No. You couldn't have killed an innocent man. You couldn't have killed William Ellis! No, no. This can't be happening. It's impossible. Not fair. It’s scary. So so scary. Scary, scary, scary, scary, scary scary scary scaryscaryscaryscary
— ...Wait, please.
— Why does the Photographer smile so strangely from afar? Why does this cruel fucking Photographer, a disgusting demon..?
— "Good girl", a voice sounded softly and quietly in your head, while the Hunter in the distance opened his mouth absolutely in time with the words. "I'm proud of you"
— ...
— What?
— What is it? Wait. Why?
— Dumbfounded, you numb stared at the rich blue skin, shimmering with starry matter, waves of thick silver hair, curls of horns. Long nails tapping on the sword guard. Eyes that were absolutely black, but shining with unshakable warmth to you.
— Why? Why, why, merciful God? It just can’t be real. It can't be him!
— You had no idea that in that incident on an autumn night your life was to be cut off forever. Remember? Legs ached from the cold, viscous earth due to the downpour, hair stuck to your face, tangling with eyelashes and closing the sight. Tree. It should have fallen, breaking the fragile child's body, but for some reason you took a couple of extra steps…
— Azrael, who came down to take your soul, could not understand how it happened. His lists have never changed. Your name was in it. Right here. However, you were standing there, alive and alone; it was... somehow amazing, he thought. Interesting. Why not?
— So he followed you. He wanted to find out what kind of human being managed to escape his hands, but, unfortunately, the longer Azrael watched, the more he wanted something. Whisper a few words in your ear - are you being offended, feel sad, need praise? He can probably do it if you smile at your reflection in the mirror, because it’s just a small gesture of good when he is the fallen angel. You see? It made a very well sense, didn’t mean much. But gradually Azrael began to notice a desire to stay in your head forever. After all, you thought of him so kindly, and no one ever loved him before.
— Love... That's right. Borrow this feeling, please, and fill him to the limit. He can run his tongue along your neck, because you are such a wonderful person - you secretes love physically, make people happier. What is this power called? He’d like to know.
— He’d like to know everything.
— Oh. Unbelievably. A couple of decades, and a fallen angel feels something for a mortal. It's just ridiculous.
— He hugged your brain so tenderly, and everything that distracted him from you infuriated incredibly, to such an extent that he wanted to make an exception and kill the innocent. Why not? Really, why? Azrael has been asking this question all the time since he met you; so much has changed. He lived a little less than Adam and Eve, so long and so alone… Maybe he should think about himself a little bit?
— Yes, that’s right. Love. Burning and big. When he was looking down at his stomach, he practically saw love rising, spinning, writhing like a bump shining through perfect skin. When he ran his fingernail over it, the knot, gradually tied somewhere below the guts, tightened tighter and tighter, and he just couldn't help himself. Would he have fallen again for what he whispered to you in the confessional? How lovingly praised you for mere trifles, tying to himself with unbreakable affection? And for things he did in your dreams, taking away every bit of memories from last night at dawn so as not to spoil everything? How human-like. How satisfying.
— And then, then he decided to direct you to a place where it won't be difficult to reach.
— And then, then he put a grain of his death-providing power into your hands, because no, no, NO, when he think about himself, Azrael knows that you don't need to touch other people.
— And then, then… You’ll join him in heaven.
— "Go here, be the good girl. I know you can do that"
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mercurytrinemoon · 1 year
If you're somehow not up to date, during this past week, all media was flooded with news coverage about the missing submarine (or, rather, a submersible... or rather, a big feeble can that didn't really quite get any certification to officially function) that was supposed to take a trip 3700 meters down the ocean to see the Titanic's wreck.
Well, four days later and it was stated the sub imploded.
Also, everything Titanic-related is back on everyone's lips. And so is James Cameron. It shouldn't be a surprise, yet it's still pretty eerie, all these things are connected astrologically-speaking.
But let's take it back to the beginning.
Titanic's sinking
Titanic sank during the night from April 14th to 15th 1912 just two days before a solar eclipse at 27° Aries that was square Neptune in Cancer. It was also almost Mercury cazimi during its retrograde phase. So not only we had a moment of big things that bring a darkening of some sorts or a purge (eclipse), it was also tightly paired with a retrograde Mercury, which usually warns of travel issues and a square from Neptune - which can mean things unseen and fogginess. Neptune was also in Cancer, which is obviously a water sign - and we're met with an iceberg that pops up out of nowhere in the fog, while we're charging Aries-style full speed ahead - all that despite receiving multiple warnings of sea ice ahead of the ship - warnings that somehow never reached the ship's bridge.
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The cherry on top is Moon in Pisces (again, in a water sign) squaring Pluto in Gemini at 27°. Now remember those degrees cause they are going to pop up again later on.
We can also point to an exiled Venus in Aries applying to a square with a fallen Mars in Cancer - and keep in mind that watery Mars was the dispositor of the eclipse. I also sometimes like to look at quincunxes cause they often bring an unpleasant and uncomfortable situations that sneak up on you out of nowhere. So let's also point out the Mars-Uranus quincunx that was happening at that time. A bizzare case of severing that is.
James Cameron and his fascination with the Titanic
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I'm sad to say James' chart is untimed so we can't really dissect it but let's just take a quick glance.
He is a Leo Sun conjunct Mercury and Pluto in sextile with Neptune, which talks about his love for grandiose and cinematography but also about how detailed in his work he is. That love for detail has more of an element of deep exploration - figuratively, through world-building but also literally through scientific expeditions. Pluto's influence makes him really put things under the microscope and treating it surgical precision.
But what I really like in his chart is his Moon-Jupiter mutual reception that actually forms a trine (unfortunately we don't know the exact orb). That is just a VERY good aspect to have and one that not only can bring popularity but one that makes the person dream BIG. Now, his Moon is somewhere in the 3rd decan of Pisces - remember it's the exact same Moon position as Titanic's catastrophy (deep connection with Titanic's story). His Jupiter, on the other hand, is just 3° away from where Neptune was in April of 1912 (learning about and exploring the underwater mystery of Titanic).
On top of that his curious Sagittarius Mars is opposite Titanic's Pluto at, surprise, surprise, 27°.
New Moon summoning Pluto's ghost
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(Time set for the supposed submergence at 8am, Titanic wreck's coordinates)
So let's get to that poor Titan.
Titan started its dive the Sunday morning of June 18th. If you track transits or, at least, the Moon cycle, you may recall a New Moon took place that exact Sunday morning. New Moon that squared Pisces Neptune at 27°. It also made a 3° quincunx to Pluto, which just barely moved back into Capricorn.
Now remember the degrees from Titanic's sinking? Pluto was at 27° of Gemini - the New Moon happened at 26° of Gemini. The Titanic's Moon was at roughly 25° Pisces - current degree of Neptune is 27 Pisces. Interestingly, Neptune would oscillate around that degree for a couple of years now - exactly since OceanGate started their expeditions - they tried to get to the heart (Moon) of Titanic's wreck but were doing it in an unsafe way, teetering somewhere on the edge of it being illegal (Neptune).
You'd think some of the malefics (or both!) should be present when it comes to tragedies like these, but instead we get Pluto and Neptune, which makes sense. Pluto is obviously death and destruction but is also the underworld, the depth (not just metaphorical) - mix it with the literal element of the Neptunian waters - the ocean - and the unknown, the mystery, the overlooked weak details and faults - and we get a bizzare accident in the deep seas.
Saturn in Pisces and death in the water
I also quickly glanced at the chart of one of the passengers, Hamish Harding, and coudn't help but notice he was just going through his Saturn return in watery Pisces. Not only that but that Saturn was natally squared by Gemini Mars with just around a 0°05’ orb.
Saturn is death, restrain, depression, rigid environment and again, Pisces is a water sign. Mars brings suddenness, violence, cutting, explosions (paired with the pressure of Saturn - an implosion, actually). It being in Gemini, it's travel and exploration. A very violent and gruesome aspect, he probably would hurt himself somehow sooner or later (IF he didn't already in the past).
(Of course, remember that just because you have a tense Mars-Saturn aspect doesn't mean you'll die a violent death or anything. But DO be careful. Nevertheless this is great empirical study).
He did seem to have a heart of an adventurer and an explorer, with Moon in the last decan of Sagittarius* as well as Venus and Mercury* late in Gemini (not exactly 27° but very close to that). Unfortunately the New Moon that happened on these points in his chart, paired with it happening on the Pluto degree from Titanic's sinking, has resulted in a tragedy.
*there's a tiny chance his Moon could as well be at 0° Capricorn and Mercury at 0° Cancer, just to be clear. But I do think they were probably at the Sag-Gemini axis. If his Moon was around the 27°, it'd be almost creepy
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venusskissed · 10 months
My Favourite Manifestation Technique
𝒜ᱹ ֢ 🦢̼ࣳ . I am pretty sure that someone else had already done this before, have posted of this before but regardless I wanted to share my own post of it. Maybe it will introduce someone to something new, or perhaps it will just be a fun read. After all, in my eyes, manifestation is always fun.
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Simply put; it's just journaling. Writing into your diary as if you are already living your dream life, the one you want.
It's already yours, so why not write about it? Everything is happening all at once, so it's a given that you would want to talk about your day, your week or even your year. Whatever suits you, whatever you wish to do.
I also usually see people say that you have to write about how grateful you are, how blessed you feel but in my humble opinion writing the way you usually do is okay. One negative sentence will not mean a negative future, if you like to complain about the weather do it, just make sure to follow it up with something you like, something you wish to achieve.
(example; today the weather was so bad.. it's just way too hot.. but it's alright since today I can cool down in my pool.)
I will not be pretending that it's something ground breaking, awesome new thing that has never been done before because that is simply not true; however it is a peaceful way to manifest without your mind wandering or worrying a lot. You had written it down with intention so it will happen.
It has worked for me before as well, otherwise I would not be making a post about it. After all misinformation is mentally exhausting for everyone involved.
Either way, I have manifested quite a few things this way before and faster than I have expected it. Such as albums, clothing, money, comfort items and to heal.
These are all just small things I wanted to point out, as it's easier for people to relate to it. However I also could manifest appearance changes this way. Such as twin/mirror beauty spots on my face, getting my ideal body and overall looking closer to my ideal self.
This isn't to say that you will write these and boom wake up with everything you have written down, I am not talking about shifting after all; I am talking about simple manifestations, getting the things you wish and aim for sooner and faster.
From what I have noticed it also seems to be more effective on mirror dates (ex.; 12.12, 11.11, 0404 ect) or on nights where the moon is in the same phase as upon your birth. (so, if you were born on a full moon your manifestations could be more effective during one.)
You can do it digitally, or in a secret notebook.. it doesn't matter much, just adjust to your comfort. With that said thank you for your time sweet little lamb.
I don't know if this was useful to anybody but if it was useful to even one person that is a day worth smiling over. Make sure to take care of yourself(/ves). 🫶🏻
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espritbleutee · 1 year
i’m not sure this… whatever it is… will ever reach the right person, but i feel the urge to write it down. i’ve been overthinking a lot, as always; but, surprisingly, an epiphany hit me like a truck and helped me understand something that i wasn’t definitely aware of, until now.
alright, let me clarify the whole thing. unconsciously, since i was 14, i’ve always looked for a specific kind of love: the one that connects two people who apparently are the opposites, who find themselves engaged in an everlasting chase to reach the other one. a complicated love, but passionate and strong enough to make me forget about all the obstacles. in short, a love that looked like the legend of the sun and the moon and their “impossible” relationship.
i’ve always identified myself in the moon for some reason; i love the mystery that dwells in her: there’s some parts of her we don’t know; i love the way she shines through the obscurity of this world, of this universe, of our lives; i love that she goes through phases: sometimes she’s full, sometimes you can only see a small slice, and yet she’s beautiful; i love her existing mainly at night, but, sometimes, she pops up during the day, to assert and remind her presence. i feel like this, and i don’t even know how to explain it better. i see myself as the moon, and i love the moon (but i don’t love myself… i’m still trying, tho, but that’s another story).
what is this premise for? to make understand that i, being the moon, have always looked for my sun: a person who could make me shine, but can also shine on their own; a sort of ray of sunshine for me, a guide through the darkness; a different energy, with different points of view and different experiences. what can i say? at this point, i think i’ve found it, my sun. but… im sorry, i’m not here to talk about this.
a few years ago, when i was looking for my sun, i came across you and i thought i had found it, but i was wrong. i tried to “apply” this metaphor to you, but you’ve never been my sun. i think i understood it right after, but only now i’m finally aware of the reason why you were not it. you’ve never been my sun, because you were my star. we wore the same soul, shared the same dreams, two crossing threads that got too tangled up until they broke. actually, i’ll be more specific. when you look at the night sky, nearby the moon, what do you see? i’ll tell you: the north star, i.e the brightest star that catches your glance just like the moon does. their companionship lasts forever, because they exist in the exact same moment. and just like the north star shares her night sky with the moon, you and i share the same pain, the same way of thinking, the same love language. i know that now: we are the same person, developed in a different way and in two different bodies.
so… that’s right, you could’ve never been my sun, because you were my north star. and i think my metaphor it’s just a different variant of the definition of twin flames.
you know, i feel relieved now: i’ve always felt guilty about mistaking you for my sun and then leaving you behind when i realized you weren’t (i know it’s more complicated than this, but still). but… what if a north star was more suitable to me than a sun, and, at that time, i just wasn’t ready or mature enough to understand it?
i’m not sure this… whatever it is… will ever reach the right person, but i hope it does, because you need to know that i’m sorry and that you weren’t wrong for me, like i’ve possibly made you believe. i was an unstable growing plant who craved more and more water, and you gave it to me just because you wanted to make me happy, but it was too much and i drowned in it. i thought i was ready, but i was not and you were.
i’ve never believed in the “right person, wrong time” theory. i’ve always thought that if you desire something for real you can make it happen. but, now that i’m a grown ass plant (or almost lol) i can see the world in a different way, i can analyze my inner self and see how much i’ve changed, how much i’ve matured, and how stupidly i behaved. i was still unripe and i wasn’t aware of it.
i’m not sure this… whatever it is… will ever reach the right person, but i know all these words will be jealously and secretly kept under the careful gaze of the moon and the north star, that soon after hearing them looked at each other and smiled, because our story is theirs, too.
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reneesbooks · 1 year
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@lena-rambles u bet ur butt i'm willing to share my unnecessarily elaborate calendar that nearly broke my brain
So Raedora's calendar is based on the cycle of the silver moon, which is one of three moons in their world. In the Raedoran belief system, the three moons are three deity-like beings who make sure the world runs smoothly while the gods deal with the affairs of mortals. The silver moon controls magic, the blue moon controls skill, and the red moon controls compassion. There's a lot of other cultural significance to the moons which is why my brain would not let me continue working on the actual story until i had hammered out the calendar
unnecessary additional worldbuilding fact--in neighboring Fierodia, the moons are believed to be the three eyes of their god instead
there are 336 days in the Raedoran year, 7 months of 48 days each that follow the cycle of the silver moon. the seven months are named after seven of the Raedoran gods. in order, they are Talamh (goddess of the earth), Seisyll (god of the home), Hyklios (god of education), Tidon (god of judgement), Isena (goddess of agriculture), Cadeyrn (god of war), and Ailis (goddess of health). Winters are very short in Raedora and occur during the month of Cadeyrn and the majority of Ailis. Spring occurs from Talamh to Seisyll, summer is from Hyklios to about halfway through Tidon (reaching its peak at the beginning of the month bc the people who made this calendar had a sense of humor) and the rest of Tidon and Isena make up the harvest season/fall. there are more gods in the Raedoran pantheon than just these seven but that's its own separate post
there are 6 days in a Raedoran week, with 2-day weekends and 8-week months. The silver moon is full halfway through the month, so it isn't uncommon for each month to be broken into "waxing" and "waning" periods to make timekeeping easier. The weekends are also based on the phases of the silver moon--they take place after a major phase (full, new, half, etc.) and were traditionally time for witches to rest after performing major spells with the silver moon's power. As magic became less common in Raedoran society over time, this slowly faded into a general cultural attitude towards rest on those two days.
here's where it gets complicated: the three moons are never full on the same night, but once every 110 years or so, they are all new on the same night. it's known as a triple new moon and is considered very bad juju. there's a character in lacuna that we haven't met yet who was born on the triple new moon and as a result was left in the street to die as a baby. lot of superstitions around that night. the math was figuring out how that would happen and how often it would happen. but once i had that date set I could calculate out the phases of the other two moons, which have 31- and 25-day cycles (red and blue respectively) so that I could figure out when they would be full/new/half/etc. (non-sponsored recommending campfire writing for this bc it saves you the math. did not discover this until too late) and then I could easily reference the calendar to make sure that the moon phases and the plot events were lining up since i went and tied my entire magic system to the complicated moon cycles
all of this to say that jack's birthday is actually the most important date on the raedoran calendar bc without it i would have no idea when anything happens. thanks street rat king <3
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Everything cats! Learn how human like felines and straight up anthro and other variants go through their lives in my Omegaverse headcanon!
Now an interesting little thing about cats is that they can detect at least a week in advance when someone’s about to go through a heat/rut due to their incredible sense of smell. Sensing even the slightest of changes in one’s scent. This also helps them detect how many people where near the other person. So best try not to cheat on them. They’ll know if you’ve been rubbing up against someone else. The only case where they wouldn’t recognize it is if it were any of the tyrant species as they have no scent until a certain point. Now this species like many human and other species doesn’t really have a breeding season and it’s more of on a regular cycle. The chances of them entering a heat/rut though are definitely more frequent though. Now this mainly is more of for smaller cat species and not so much the bigger cats like lions and such. Smaller cat species can naturally have up to 12 kittens but typically have around 4-6 at a time. This number also heavily depends on the amount of partners they had. An interesting thing though is that this species has strong ties to moon cycles. No one’s entirely sure why as they don’t seem to need it for navigation but some believe it can manipulate genetics. Controlling the factor of how catlike the kittens will be. Still speculation but definitely a popular belief. Some will even try to induce labor early just to have em during a certain moon phase. The fuller the moon the more catlike they’ll become. Alphas for this species tend to have multiple designated dens spread out from each other. Alphas are extremely territorial and will absolutely mark whatever enters as theirs so be prepared. The omegas really only create a nest when they’re pregnant and will most likely only nest during this time. However never attempt to get near an omega that’s nesting unless you wanna leave with some permanent scars. Partner or not. The betas though tend to have a lot of bedrooms they use as space and are pretty cool with you entering so long as ya give em a heads up. Always allow a cat species to sniff ya first upon a first meeting they tend to be a highly cautious species by nature. Definitely do the same if you have been around people they don’t know. They’ll think they’re being ganged up on. The strong sense of smell definitely has a disadvantage because of the anxiety it can create. Get kittens used to being surrounded by many different scents early to avoid have major anxiety issues later down the line. All cat species tend to have retractable claws including the more human like ones so just because their nails seem short doesn’t mean you’ve seen the full length yet! Cheek rubbing is a primary way they spread their scent due to having bigger scent glands located there. They’ll often rub their cheeks with their hands and then use their to mark things they own and such. Those are all the interesting quirks for this species I could think of off the top of my head but as always be sure to ask me any further questions about em or to request another species I should do!
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maroonghoul · 11 months
Terror Time 2023! Days 25 thru 29
Afflicted (2013) I'm guessing the reason they call it this is because "A Canadian Vampire in Paris" gave the wrong idea.
In all seriousness, the cruel ironic contrast between where Derek is in regards to death at the beginning and end of the movie; he'll be dead within about a year to never be able to die at all. *chef's kiss*. That being said, he put on quite a show during the events of the movie, I'll be a bit surprised if it's not taken as proof to the world vampires exist. The only logical place a sequel could go are the world governments opening a new vampire hunter department. Either that or Derek will have to move halfway across the globe.
The Man They Could Not Hang It's fun looking into an alternate universe where the Saw franchise started 65 years earlier. OK, I joke, but now I want to see it for real. Boris Karloff could sweet talk me into disemboweling myself!
I want to say this could all have been avoided if Dr. Savaard had a terminally ill person to be his volunteer instead but given how quickly everyone else seems to leap to conclusions as is, it probably wouldn't have made that much a difference after all. Then he's REALLY lose faith in humanity.
The revenge part itself was too short and had too small a body count. But I guess if you wanted a proper revenge slasher movie with this setup that had only one or two survivors, you would have to wait at least two decades before Hollywood would take a chance on that. Well, at least I get to see Karloff play both the resurrected monster And the scientist that created him at the same time.
Phenomena (1985) So the moral is I shouldn't be cruel to bugs because they can be my friends, but rat-faced boys and their families deserve death? Huh?!
Otherwise, it is a Dario Argento movie, though a little more star studded than usual. I think I've gotten use to the weird music choices for the exploration/escape sequences. Also, I don't know why it's always so satisfying when your serial killer villains die at the hands of animals. I guess it's because so many of them fancy themselves apex predators or such, that the universe literally proving that's not true as they're defeated is the icing on the cake.
So last Saturday was a full moon, so that meant...
Late Phases Werewolves already symbolize puberty in quite a few films, it's refreshing to see one symbolize something totally opposite.
While killing the dog upfront the way this movie did was hard to watch, I think it was necessary to make sure we at least understood Ambrose's side on this. He's not the most likable guy already, to the other characters included. But I feel that's what he wanted at this point in his life. And even though the werewolf itself wasn't in the movie much (Not that I blamed them, that design wasn't great), I think it ended up working to the movie's advantage. It actually becomes like a chess match, especially once the werewolf realizes Ambrose is on to him. Tom Noonan was a pretty obvious red herring all things considered, but I appreciate the actual wolf was the 2nd most religious character in the movie at least.
The climax stretches credibility when you see the normal man suplex a werewolf! Age isn't really an issue, since they're both old, but c'mon! What's the advantage otherwise?
Well, can't say I didn't get a good amount of gore I come to expect from werewolf movies. At least his son knew the truth by the end. Even if it lead to a quite goofy final shot.
Werewolves Within Werewolves seem to lend themselves more to whodunnits then vampires do for some reason. 'Cause if they're not the main character of a greek tragedy or in an urban fantasy setting, that's the kind of movie they show up in. I'm guessing it just makes the figurative killer within that more literal.
I do like that it's used to deconstruct that one archetype that's been constant in movies it seems the past 20 years, along with taking a shot at small towns and showing why most of the people who live there are the worst. Are there enough people left to even count it as a town at this point? If it doesn't, that's a lot of free real estate I guess. Last note, I liked which character got to land the killing shot on the werewolf. Revenge is a dish best served...without sandwiches. If you've seen it, you get it.
Child's Play 2 I saw the first one, along with Bride and Seed a long time ago. And I know I have even more to catch up on.
How is it that while this one seems to have a cleaner look then the first one, it feels a lot more darker? Lo and behold, adults actors not coming back for the sequel have serious consequences on the kid characters. This was practically setting up to be horror flick already without Chucky coming back.
Speaking of which, I like stupid he is in this. Not the concept, I mean the character's intelligence. He practically lucked (or fumbled, depending on your POV) into that disguise, and other than that, he makes just as many rational decisions as...well, an actual serial killer. I've talked before about how slashers tie into the true dangers of suburbia and the privileged. In this case, not only does Chucky have a better way to hide in plain sight then Michael but not as good as Freddy's, he also specifically taps into the bad that comes from people who live there buying into consumerism, with a product that even after it's "paid" for, continues to take and take and is never satisfied. Other that that, the real genius of Chucky's look is to show how he's constantly the most immature character in these films, even moreso then the actual kids. He's not much less mature as certain billionaire CEOs we hear about at least.
Maybe that's why, when Mancini had more control over this one then the first movie, he had the climax at the company factory. Even if he can't directly tie Chucky to the amoral corporation storywise, he could symbolically here. Even though I figured he would camouflage himself better then he actually did.
Good to see you again, Chucky. Next stop to catch up is Curse.
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wwpia · 1 year
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Well if this isn’t the quickest character ref I ever dun shat out. I want to do a better one including the werewolf form buuuut…. I got bitten by a cat and it fucking hurts. No drawing. Boo.
Commence long af Character info dump, quite a long spiel because he is one of the two primary characters.
NAME: Faustus Chandran
AGE: 33
GENDER: Trans man
RACE: Werewolf - technically now a chimera Werewolf/Dragonborn because of unauthorised monoclonal antibody therapy. He doesn’t really have any ‘benefits’ to this previous therapy, other than maybe being a bit more heat proof than the average person. He actually has much worse sense hearing and smell than the average werewolf… but it’s still a whole lot better than a human’s.
He isn’t able to change during a full moon - he used to have a ‘normal’ werewolf form before the therapy which highly resembled a black German shepherd puppy, all floppy ears, gangly limbs and big paws. He was considered to be quite runty though.
His post-therapy ‘werewolf’ form is quite simply just a complete behemoth - about 40 feet in length, 15 feet high and a mouth gape of about 7 foot. So cute. Like a fluffy T-Rex.
HEIGHT: 5’6”
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: United Kingdom, Yorkshire. (Mother also born in Yorkshire, grandmother born in South India.)
ACCENT: Yorkshire accent, he’ll slow down if someone isn’t able to understand his - at times, extremely fast speaking rate. In all seriousness, his gob outruns his brain. Knows how to speak Hindu fairly well but not quite fluently.
OCCUPATION: World Wide Paranormal Intelligence Agent - junior/mid level. He has only been working at the WWPIA for about 3 years (UK branch). No formal education beyond high school/college. Had a lot of various jobs since the age of 16, mostly muscle for hire, bouncer, etc. The only odd job was when he got a job in a bakery and absolutely loved it. He got fired because a customer lied about finding ‘werewolf hair’ in the buns.
FAVOURITE FOOD: He honestly will eat just about anything and probably enjoy it. He has an obscenely voracious appetite at all times, and can get really, really, REALLY hangry. Like a lot of werewolves - meat is probably at the top on preference but he doesn’t go insane over it or something. Much like humans he ponders/wonders the ethical implications or eating meat. Unfortunately like a lot of humans, going veggie just isn’t economically viable for him… especially with his weirdly fast metabolism. He isn’t that confident in cooking and tends to grab anything when hunger strikes.
FAVOURITE MUSIC: Hard rock, AC/DC, the Darkness, Guns N Roses.
FAVOURITE MEMORY: Running around woods/Yorkshire dales. Building treehouses, playing hide and seek. Just being generally a carefree child.
BIGGEST SECRET: See werewolf form, if it could be called that anymore. Deep down he kind of blames himself for what he considers a true ‘monster’ of an alternate form. That he somehow deserves not being able to join other werewolves on a full moon. It sounds not that big of a ‘big deal’ but for werewolves its absolutely a huge detriment. Werewolves actually extremely in tune with nature, the moon cycles - the full moon phase is like a renewal of the soul. A time of true freedom. The closest he really gets to that is being with his family, and even then he has to be a bit careful because… well wolves be wolves.
BIGGEST FEAR: Needles, doctors, being strapped down, solitary confinement. Getting ‘stuck’ in his monstrous form.
SCARS/TATTOOS/OTHER PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES: Most prominently thick white bands around his wrists, ankles and neck. Unlike most scars they’re pretty perfectly even without much if any jagged edges. That’s because they’re from silver restraints during his antibody therapy. The long term exposure and stress at that time means they will never truly ‘heal’.
He always wears some form of neck/wrist covering, usually spiked collars.
He has various other faint, normal scars all over his body that mostly healed or healing. Same with top surgery scars, of which he actually is proud of. TIDDIES BE GONE.
STRENGTHS: Excellent sense of humour, generally level headed, honest to a fault. Generally sweet natured and positive. A very gud boi.
WEAKNESSES: Motor mouth, gets bored extremely quickly. Not ‘dumb’ but regally not hugely academically minded. Acts before he thinks… way way too much. Can be very petulant sometimes. Don’t ever ‘dare’ him to do something because he will totally do it.
FAMILY RELATIONSHIP: Father deceased. Mother is an absolute angel and is such an Indian mum.
Faustus is actually the second oldest child out of SIX. (Yep, six!)
His older brother is kind of a judgemental prick and he clashed a lot with Faustus - they don’t really speak to each other now.
His younger brother is an avid scientist and does a lot of oversees research, Faustus loves him a lot but.. doesn’t really get him sometimes. He’ll just nod and act fascinated when the brother rants about… quantum entanglement, quarks and bosons.
Next are his twin sisters who are satan incarnate, kind of the youngest child without actually being the youngest child. Mother dotes on them and they get away with everything. They run a mystery/oddity gallery and swindle absolutely everyone. Especially their siblings.
Youngest is just about 18 and just the embodiment of a golden retriever puppy. He is possibly the sweetest werewolf to roam the planet. He actually is part of a very effective search and rescue team designed to aid those lost on the Yorkshire dales and moors, His sense of smell of hearing are unrivalled. Looking forward to potentially going to university in France. He also would often stay with Faustus on a full moon as opposed to running off in the dales, thereby giving Faustus a lot of comfort. These two have an extremely close bond.
SEXUALITY: Pansexual.
KINKS(ooh la la!): Genuine praise.
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