#so i. guessed based on that i knew it was after aorta and. guy.
autism-corner · 4 months
im telling you were meant to be
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moonlitjiminn · 8 years
Purple Part Two | Taehyung, You
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 
Photo Cred: OnlyForTAETAE
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Why do you have to be different?
It had been a week and Tori and Taehyung met up almost every day at the library, researching and putting together their project. Tori would find Taehyung staring into her eyes in awe every so often but when she looked up at him, he’d avoid her eyes, looking back at his books shyly.
She couldn’t understand what was happening.
Everyone say brown eyes when they looked at her. She was so certain that she was just seeing things when she saw purple eyes.
A guy would fall in love with her as soon as they made eye contact. She would be able to read a guy’s mind by just looking into their eyes.
But this boy didn’t seem to be interested in anything but her eyes. And she definitely couldn’t read his thoughts.
What was happening?
Tori was sitting in her literature lecture when her phone vibrated.
The Cute Nerd
She opened it to see his text.
Victoria, the library is closed after 4 today, what should we do?
She sighed, texting him back immediately.
Really? My lecture finished at 4:30
I know, that’s why we have a problem.
He knew my schedule?
Tori shook her head.
Of course he does, we’ve been meeting up every day, it would be weirder if he didn’t know my schedule.
Are any of the study rooms open?
Do you…
Do I what?
Do you wanna do it at my place?
Tori almost dropped her phone. He was inviting her into his home.
His message came a minute after, clearly wanting to know so he can arrange something.
For work. He was inviting her over to his home, for work.
Okay, yeah, your home is fine, if that’s alright with you.
Yeah, I’m okay with it. I’ll meet you outside your lecture room and we can go once you’re done.
Sounds good.
“Hey!” she beamed, seeing Taehyung standing by the door, shifting his weight on one foot at a time.
He looked up at her voice.
“H-Hey,” he said once she reached him.
She smiled at how shy he was. She couldn’t help but somehow become compelled to the way he would always lower his eyes when she tried to look at him, or how we would constantly stutter when he felt her eyes on him.
“So are we going to go now or…?”
He looked up, “Oh… yeah, that’s right, okay, follow me.”
“Do you live far?” Tori asked, walking beside Taehyung as they journeyed out of campus.
“Uhm no, it’s a five minute walk from campus.”
“Really? Wow, you’re so lucky to find a place so close.”
“I guess,” he agreed and turned into an apartment building and opened the door for her.
“Thank you,” she smiled at him but he didn’t see, he was just looking right at the floor the whole time.
When they got on the elevator, Taehyung pressed the 7 button and they waited, in comfortable silence until the doors opened again.
“So I was reading somewhere the other day,” he started talking once he had unlocked the door and was walking down the corridor, “That some population-based studies show that atherosclerosis, the major precursor of cardiovascular disease, begins in childhood.” He had put the keys in a little bowl on the bench and sat on a long counter-like table with high spin-chairs. “Some study demonstrated that intimal lesions appear in all the aortas and more than half of the right coronary arteries of youths aged 7–9 years.”
Tori, again, just watched him in awe when he spoke.
He just sounded so… smart.
He stared at her, as if he was waiting for her to say something or to do something. Which he was, he was waiting for her to sit on the chair opposite him so they could get started.
But she thought it was the former.
“Oh okay, that’s… great?” she said, in more of a questioning tone than anything and that made him laugh.
“Sit,” he told her, indicating the chair across from him, “Don’t worry, by the end of this project, you’ll be an expert at this.”
“I can’t be sure of that,” she muttered under her breath, hoping he wouldn’t have heard her.
“Okay, so where were we yesterday?”
“Uhm…” Tori pulled out her laptop and passed it to Taehyung while she turned to get some books out of her bag.
He just stared at her, confused but she didn’t seem fazed. “My password is rainbow backwards.”
She snapped her head around, “W-O-B-N-I-A-R, you can’t open my laptop without the password.”
“Oh… okay,” he was more surprised that she was giving the password of her laptop to him to even remember it. But he managed to get it done.
“Did you do it as a word document?” he asked and she nodded, finally accomplished getting the right textbooks and turned back.
“Here it is,” he opened the document and put it to the side so both of them could see it.”
“Okay so…” Tori scrolled down and stopped where they had ended the day before, showing Taehyung.
“Mind if I just read it real quick?” he asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, of course.”
When he was reading, Tori finally got to look around the place. It looked like he had moved in that morning, there were still boxes left unpacked and there weren’t any photo frames up or cushions or anything to indicate that someone had been living there since the beginning of the year.
“Okay, we can add in that bit about the study at the end and then we can…”
The two of them were up, researching and adding to their project for the next five hours, and then Tori’s stomach interrupted the stubborn silence.
“Oh… sorry,” she felt her cheeks blush bright red.
Taehyung looked at his watch, “Oh my gosh it’s so late, I’m so sorry.”
“No! It’s fine!”
“Do you want to order something or do you want to go home?”
Did he really have to ask it like that?
“Well I don’t really want to go home…” Tori said honestly, not realising that he might have taken it the wrong way.
“Oh… o-okay,” he flushed and reached for his phone, “Do you want piz-”                                            
Tori’s stomach rumbling cut him off.
“I think we should order Chinese, it’s faster,” he corrected himself, not wanting Tori to get too hungry.
 She, on the other hand, was trying to hide her face, embarrassed to death.
“Chinese is fine,” she mumbled and he nodded, calling and ordering something for the two of them.
He was right; the food came in 15 minutes and Tori could finally feed her annoying stomach.
They ate as they worked, and the working continued on till midnight. Before she knew it, Tori’s eyes drooped to a close, her head falling heavily onto the table but as soon as Taehyung saw, his hand shot out to catch it before it hit the marble.
He shook his head at her for being so careless and slowly put her head down on the table. He stood up and got one of the throw pillows he had stored in one of his moving boxes, lifting her head off the table and moving the papers away from underneath it, placing the cushion underneath and resting her head onto it. He also took his blanket off his bed and draped it over her before sitting back in his spot.
Continuing to do his work, he couldn’t help but look over at her now and then. For some reason he couldn’t understand, he was intrigued by her long eyelashes and the way the dull light from the lamp softly illuminated them, forming an almost invisible halo around them. Or the way her hair would slowly fall over her face and onto the table, her perfectly wavy hair. Or the way she would sneak small smiled in her sleep here and there, as if even her dreams were adorable.
What was this feeling?
What was happening to him?
Before knowing, he felt his own eyes slowly start to droop and he – knowing better than to let his head fall hard – placed his arm as a cushion and nestled his head into it.
Tori woke up first the next day, and she rolled her shoulders back to find the weight of the blanket on them. She smiled at the thought of Taehyung running into his bedroom and coming out with the blanket, wrapping it around her.
She found everything about the boy, even her thoughts about him, cute.
She wasn’t sure why though, it was the first time she had ever felt this way about someone.
While she was staring at him, dreamily, he slowly opened his eyes.
“Good morning,” she said, like it was the most natural thing ever, and she didn’t even realise.
“Morning,” he replied, and his tired voice made her heart flutter.
“I… uh…” she was tongue tied, at how cute he looked with his hair ruffled from the small movements he made in his sleep, and his eyes still half open. “Made you breakfast, if you don’t mind.”
“Really?” now he was awake, his eyes wide, “But I didn’t ha-”
“Yeah, I bought the ingredients, and filled your fridge. How could you not even have a single egg in there?”
“You didn’t have to-”
“Yeah, I know, but it was too hard to look at, without doing anything. Here,” she passed the plate across the table, “eat.”
“Looks good, thank you,” he looked up at her and took the fork to start eating, while she watched him closely.
He popped his first piece into his mouth and looked up when he noticed she was watching.
“Wha-” he asked, the last bit muffled because of the food in his mouth.
“Do you like it?”
He closed his mouth and chewed, “Yeah! It’s good!”
“Yesssss,” she cheered, “You’re the first person to try that dish.”
“Do you make your own recipes?”
“Yeah, I do,” she nodded and joined him with her own plate.
“Really? So you’re a chef too?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m a chef, but I love cooking as a hobby.”
“Wow, there’s so much I don’t know about you.”
“There’s a lot I don’t know about you either.”
And so much I want to get to know about you. She thought.
“What?” Taehyung asked and she raised an eyebrow.
“There’s a lot I don’t know about you, either,” she told him and he nodded.
“What’s there to know? I’m not that interesting.”
“Ehhhh,” she squinted at him over her glass, “I doubt that.”
“Okay, well II love reading science textbooks, especially ones about the human body, and when I’m not studying or reading these aforementioned textbooks, I’m watching news or the discovery channel.”
“Oh…” she nodded, trying to look interested.
“See,” he laughed, “Told you.”
There he goes again. Tori watched his eyes turn into crescents while the part around them crinkled in little creases. And his cute little rectangle smile, and his perfect teeth, and his fluffy hair.
He’s so cute.
He turned to look at her, his expression of confusion all of a sudden.
“Do you have an extra toothbrush?” she asked, again too naturally someone watching would have thought they were dating.
“I-I think I do,” he answered, taken aback by her comfortable-ness around him.
He rummaged through one of his boxes and pulled out a toothbrush, still in its packaging.
“I haven’t really had the time to unpack my stuff so… sorry the boxes are all om  ver the place,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously and she gave him a reassuring smile.
“That’s okay, don’t worry.”
She took the toothbrush and went into the bathroom, after she brushed her teeth, she put it in the cup which already had another toothbrush in it.
When she came back, she sat at the counter and just went over a few of the things Taehyung had done alone the night before while he got ready in the bathroom and came out about 15 minutes later, wearing a new sweater and slacks.
“Okay, should we head back to campus?” she asked once she thought he was ready and he froze, eyes staring wide at her.
Why is he so cute?
Taehyung’s expression turned from confusion to fear quickly. Looking around, the fear on his face got greater.
“Did you hear that?” he asked Tori and she raised an eyebrow, looking around.
“Hear what?”
“Oh? Uh, nothing,” he shook it off, “Uhm, yeah let’s get going before we miss the best seats.”
“Okay,” Tori chuckled and grabbed her bag off the counter, following him out and waiting while he locked the door and closed it.
They walked to College together and that was when they started to get weird looks.
And that was when Tori finally realised that she had just stayed the night over at a boy’s house.
What the heck?!
Taehyung jumped, suddenly, making Tori look at him, scared.
“You okay?”
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what? Taehyung are you sure you’re okay?”
“Okay, it’s nothing. I’m sure it’s nothing,” he shook his head, starting to walk again, and Tori slowly turned around, following him.
I just stayed overnight at his house. I’ve never stayed over at a boy’s house before!
Taehyung turned around and raised an eyebrow at her.
“Is that you?”
“Is what me?”
“Never mind,” he sighed, “It’s crazy. It’s impossible.”
“Tae, are you sure you’re alright?”
He flinched when she called her that, it was the first time someone had given him a proper nickname. A nickname that wasn’t making fun of him for being nerdy or geeky.
“I’m f-fine,” he gave her a smile and nodded to the lecture hall, “We’re gonna be late at this point.”
Through that lecture, Taehyung and Tori sat next to each other, and they helped each other writing their notes and recording what was on the blackboard, and before they knew it, the lecture was already over.
“Uhm, Victoria,” Taehyung stuttered, once everyone was gone and they were just finishing off writing the last bit of their notes.
“Yeah?” she asked, not glancing up from her paper.
“Do you want to grab lunch before going to the lab?” Taehyung asked Tori and that made her look at him.
Why am I getting excited? It’s just lunch.
“Uh… yeah, sure, just let me pack up.”
Taehyung nodded, but he was in shock, because he had just realised something. He had realised what he thought was the impossible, was actually true.
That voice he kept hearing from the morning, it was Tori’s voice.
He could read her thoughts.
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