#so idk stop acting like sign languages are the only languages on earth
neroushalvaus · 2 years
Koko the gorilla didn't know ASL but, like, you could say that without invalidating the existence of speech-supporting signs
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cozy-autumn-moth · 1 year
I’ve been creating some species and generally I’ve been really proud of the information Ive been able to compile and so I decided to put the info onto Tumblr. If anyone reads this then cool, hope you enjoy!
The Eplyxians (General)
-The Eplyxians are mysterious otherworldly humanoid creatures that just appeared on earth one day without any signs or signals whatsoever.
-In almost no time at all they’ve become the top apex predators and have shown no signs of stopping their growth. Thus they’ve become major threats towards humanity and currently scientists and researchers are trying to learn about the species.
-Might be included in a story of mine in the future idk, I’ve got some ideas.
The Eplyxians (Physically)
-Though they’re humanoid they are quite easy to tell apart from humans. For one they’ll be a lot taller than most humans, Eplyxians range from around 6 '4 at shortest and around 9' 0 at the tallest.
-In addition you’ll probably be able to tell Humans and Eplyxian apart since they’ll most likely be completely faceless with some being exceptions to the rule.
-All Eplyxians will wear a mask or a form of covering for their face. They’ll either find an already made one or they’ll make one themselves, either way they will have one and you’ll be hard pressed to find an Eplyxian without one.
-In terms of body shape a vast majority tend to be lanky and skinny as hell though some uncommonly can be chubby and very rarely muscular though they’re not impossible.
-They can grow hair and characteristically it is abnormally long and it grows at very absurdly fast rates. Some style it and some keep it wild but it’s up to them how they keep it. They can’t grow facial hair.
-When they seem threatened by something they’ll begin to produce weird black spikes or tentacle-like appendages to help fend for themselves. This is only a reaction to fear or anxiety though.
-They have black or gray coloration for their skin and around their bodies they’ll have some form of markings somewhere on their body.
-Their fingers are extremely sharp and pointy so they can easily cut through skin, tear through flesh, and break bone with ease.
The Eplyxians (Survival)
-Due to, normally, a lack of a mouth they can’t properly eat or drink. Instead they absorb liquids through their skin which hydrates and keeps them alive. Though they can’t absorb anything without thought because some stuff they can’t have. Their main known sources of hydration are water and blood.
-Water acts as something to hold them over for just a bit but it isn’t as reliable, think of water to them being what any every day snack food is for us.
-Blood is their most reliable and prized form of hydration and is generally the main reason as to why they’re so willing to kill anything with the stuff.
-They can live for about three days without any blood and water will only give them an extra one hour extension. Though depending on how much blood they have absorbed the extension can go from three days to weeks without the stuff, though it’s not recommended they go this long without the stuff even if they’ve absorbed plenty of blood beforehand.
-They generally live in the forest and stay there during the day, at night they’ll try and lurk around towns where large concentrations of humans reside
-Exposure to one for a certain amount of time will provide certain thoughts, nightmares, or hallucinations almost entirely unique to them.
The Eplyxians (Mentally)
-Eplyxian intelligence is very diverse. Some Eplyxians will be as competent as a normal human being where they can comprehend moral dilemmas and even be able to speak fluently in the language other humans speak and even be able to use forms of cunning and manipulation, but some of them have the intellectual capabilities of any normal wild animal and can’t even be put on the same playing field as a human in terms of thinking.
-Not all Eplyxians are bad or bloodthirsty, some have been shown to be able to have a kinship with some humans and even be able to find alternative ways of survival amidst their physical limitations.
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meggannn · 3 years
guerrilla does something interesting in HZD with aloy and her motivations and how they let her goals differ from the player's goals. most of the time when a main character's driving goals differ from the audience's, it means the writing has misfired and it feels jarring when you shine a spotlight on it. but it definitely works in HZD because guerilla knew what the player's immediate interests would be—they open their game with huge scenic shots of a pre-industrial community contrasted with these enormous robot dinosaurs! they want you to be sucked into the mystery of why things are the way they are—and they also knew going in that they had had to tie the player's interests to aloy's goals as a character (john gonzalez, the narrative director, talks about it a bit in this interview). and over time, the two start to bleed over as aloy starts to care about the old ones and we start to care more about her. i don't know if they'll continue this strategy in HFW, but they've set themselves up in a really unique situation with the contrast of aloy's focus on the present/future and the audience's interest (mostly) in the past.
i've been trying to find a way to articulate the ideas in this post for a while, and i am really tired so forgive me if this gets redundant or some sentences don't make sense lol. spoilers for HZD obv
in HZD, aloy, the motherless outcast, is largely concentrated on finding out the mystery of her origins. i mean hopefully we, the player, are also interested in that because it's a pretty unique set up (it's not possible for someone to not have a birth mother... right?), but i'm willing to bet that most of the audience was overwhelmingly more interested in figuring out what the hell happened to the old ones of this world (us) and why robots are wandering around everywhere, than we were about figuring out what happened to aloy's mom. (i'm aware that is a large assumption, but i think it's a pretty safe one considering the reactions i see when people finish the game usually mention APOLLO in some way, or ask if it's still around or there's a way to bring it back.)
for aloy, the status quo of robots-that-nobody-really-understands wandering around is just a constant of her life, and discovering her mother is her pressing issue. for us, this world's major differences between our world (why did we die off and why are robots now the dominant species on earth) are more fascinating. so guerrilla ties the micro and macro mysteries together so that we are also interested in aloy's journey about her origins: by making the story of her birth and the history of the world woven into the same narrative fabric
aloy even directly says "it (finding out info on the past) isn't why i'm here" and sylens replies sarcastically "of course, what's the whole of human history compared to the search of one girl?" it isn't until after aloy realizes she's a clone, that she doesn't have a traditional birth mother, when she faces the nora and decides to stop HADES because GAIA asked her to, in a sign of extreme maturity and character growth (imo), does her goal of helping GAIA by beating HADES now start to align with the player's goals of trying to "set the world right" (by helping GAIA by beating HADES).
it's interesting because if anything, sylens, the anti-hero and arguable deuteragonist, is the character whose goals most match up with the audience's own throughout HZD: he's the one who is seeking out the knowledge of the old ones, he's the one who mourns losing APOLLO the way we do. aloy doesn't really react to what became of APOLLO at all (when it's revealed what happened to it, her immediate response is sorrow over the alphas' deaths, the more human element compared to sylens's laser focus on info-hunting). sylens is... also a total asshole and might be an anti-villain in the upcoming games (i hope not; i hope he's more of a rogue agent than an actual villain, personally) so it will be interesting if the audience eventually starts feeling torn between aloy's goals (save the world today) and sylens's (recover what can be saved the world of the old ones)
for aloy, APOLLO's absence is not a loss because she's never known a world without the knowledge of the old ones. why does she care about expending energy to hunt for info on our music and art and politics and wars? how does shifting through datapoints about things she doesn't understand and tools/tech she doesn't have access to help the planet today? after discovering GAIA's origins and purpose, i'm sure she'd probably be interested in recovering APOLLO if there is anything left of it to recover—even she's only interested in it to honor samina/elisabet's memory and the effort of PZD—but a lot of the fandom (myself included) keeps hoping and speculating and wondering if APOLLO is still around because APOLLO is the audience, or rather, it's the last scraps of what's left of us. we have an interest in APOLLO but aloy never shows any interest in or sorrow over it besides to vaguely wonder what happened to it. her interests are in the here and now.
when the audience looks at her world, we see what we've lost, and we know APOLLO is a way to get some of it back. for aloy, she's definitely engaged and interested in the old ones' technology and wants to make sure PZD's work is continued and restored and rebuild GAIA, so if APOLLO turns out to be around i'm sure she'd be interested in it, but for now, she's got too many things going on to consider it a priority. and even if she did, it would have to come after she's taken care of the immediate threats of the other chaotic subfunctions; and she would have to justify the time and energy spent on APOLLO to the value it gives her world (a world that doesn't utilize focuses as much as PZD had hoped, and a world whose language has likely changed enough that they might not even understand what they were being told) because she'd have to do it for her world. her world is already here, the old ones' world is gone, and her world the one that needs saving, not the possibility of bringing the old ones' back
so guerrilla has set themselves up with something very interesting here imo where the protag and the audience have mostly aligned but largely separate primary interests and i'm very curious to see how these interests will keep aligning, or not, in the future. personally i think they'll make the main focus of the series discovering and befriending the subfunctions and restoring GAIA, while also wrestling with modern-day politics in an effort to start preparing contemporary groups of people for a more holistic understanding of nature and machines, with the hopes of preparing them for GAIA's return and a future where they 1. take care of the planet and 2. stop attacking machines for parts lol. and i think they'll drag out the mystery of APOLLO possibly still being around until the end (assuming there will be 3 or more games).
personally, when i look at what we've been given so far (everything could change when HFW comes out), i could go either way on if APOLLO is still actually around or not. it would be an interesting (if expected) twist, but i wouldn't want it as wish fulfillment; i wouldn't want it to be used as a cheat that suddenly means ted faro's harm can be negated, or brought back as a HEA in a way that implies knowledge will suddenly be used and spread equally or even easily. also we should consider APOLLO is now an AI of its own! it will have opinions and things and the will to act on them!
discounting the overwhelmingly difficult logistics of introducing APOLLO to a new world that has evolved without its involvement from its inception, if APOLLO comes back in the way the we, the audience, want it to, then spreading several millennia's worth of knowledge to several diverse, warring peoples is full of difficult challenges that you are now suddenly introducing; aloy + GAIA + co. would now be in charge of not only taking care of humans on this spinning ball called earth, but also educating them equally and fairly. it's a huge task to introduce on aloy's already very busy schedule! so frankly i wouldn't be surprised if they wrote APOLLO off and went with an "it sucks but we have to make the most of the world the old ones left us" angle—or, alternatively, have aloy (or sylens!) dedicate the rest of her life traveling and hunting down and/or spreading what remains of APOLLO'S knowledge?
idk! there's a lot to dissect here about what guerrilla is doing and where APOLLO fits in as both a possible ally/villain and a narrative tool to keep us interested (it is a carrot on the stick for the audience)! and i find it all very interesting!!
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A BIG collection of my favourite randomly generated incorrect quotes with the top 5 (+ edgejeanist unsurprisingly - I think I got pretty lucky for that part) :
@ohpleaseiwillendyou idk I just thought you might enjoy these 🥰
Tsunagu: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Shinya: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Enji: You remind me of the ocean.
Shinya: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
Enji: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Tsunagu: Where the devil is Shinya?
Rumi: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted?
Keigo : Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Keigo : Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Tsunagu: But are you shuffling?
Keigo : Everyday.
Shinya: What language are you two speaking??
Tsunagu: So, what are we doing?
Shinya: Wasting our lives.
Tsunagu: I meant for lunch...
Keigo: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-
Rumi: Eyy, homie!
Shinya: But then there's cootie...
Tsunagu: Die.
Enji: What does “take out” mean?
Keigo: Food.
Rumi: Dating.
Tsunagu: Murder.
Shinya: It can be all three if you’re brave enough.
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Rumi: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Enji: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Tsunagu: if you want information it is
Keigo : why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
*playing twister*
Rumi: Right hand red.
Shinya: *ends up on top of Tsunagu*
Tsunagu: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Rumi: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Shinya: What do we think of Tsunagu?
Keigo : *sighs* Nice pal.
Enji: I think he’s gay.
Keigo : What do rainbows mean to you?
Tsunagu: Gay rights.
Shinya: There's money.
Rumi: The sign of God's promise to never destroy the whole Earth with a flood.
Enji: It is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops.
Tsunagu: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.
Keigo : If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Rumi: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Enji: Drunk.
Shinya: Wasted.
Tsunagu: Dead.
Enji: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Keigo : An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Shinya: A realist sees a freight train.
Tsunagu: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
Rumi: Is this your plan B?
Shinya: Technically, this is plan P.
Rumi: Plan P? Is there a plan M?
Shinya: Yes, but I marry Tsunagu in plan M.
Tsunagu: I like plan M.
Kidnapper: We have your child
Enji: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Enji: Oh god, you have Keigo
(I kinda wanted to change this particular one to Tsunagu, but I think it’s funnier if Enji says this one - especially with the ‘I don’t have a child’ lmao)
Tsunagu: Time for plan G.
Enji: Don’t you mean plan B?
Tsunagu: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Keigo : What about plan D?
Tsunagu: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Rumi: What about plan E?
Tsunagu: I’m hoping not to use it. Shinya dies in plan E.
Shinya: I like plan E.
Shinya: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Tsunagu and I are dating.
Tsunagu, Rumi, Keigo , and Enji: *gasp*
Shinya: Tsunagu, why are you surprised?!
Uh oh I’m getting carried away there’s so much more:
Enji: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Keigo, Tsunagu , & Rumi: Okay.
Enji: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Keigo: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Tsunagu : Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Rumi: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Keigo : Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and…
Enji: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Keigo : Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said…
Tsunagu: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.
Shinya: Can we go out to get icecream?
Tsunagu: Did you ask Rumi?
Shinya: She said no.
Tsunagu: Then why did you ask me?
Shinya: She’s not the boss of you.
Tsunagu, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Keigo : Where's Shinya?
Rumi: Don't worry, I'll find him.
Rumi, shouting: Tsunagu sucks!
Shinya, distantly: Tsunagu is the best person ever! F*ck you!
Rumi: Found him.
(I am genuinely surprised with how lucky I got with these ones, they make me so happy wow)
Shinya, watching Enji & Tsunagu panic : What's going on?
Keigo : Enji is having a midlife crisis and Tsunagu is just having a crisis.
Rumi: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Keigo : Several traffic violations.
Shinya: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Tsunagu: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Enji: Also, that’s not our car.
Shinya: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Tsunagu: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Shinya: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Tsunagu: Is it working?
(Again, was not expecting this one to be randomly generated but hey I’m definitely not complaining lmao plus he’d totally do this)
Tsunagu: Rumi, what do you have?
Rumi: A KNIFE!
Tsunagu: Okay, have fu-
Shinya: NO!
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Shinya, with Enji and Keigo behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Shinya: Oh, my God—
Police: Wha-
Shinya: Tsunagu FELL OFF!
Enji: You know you can die from that, right?
Keigo: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point.
Shinya: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up.
Tsunagu: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
Shinya, trying to convince Enji to join the group: You know... I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really... strong!
Keigo: And loud!
Tsunagu: And grumpy!
Rumi: And oblivious to reality!
*The gang responding to being stabbed by a sword*
Shinya: Rude.
Tsunagu: That's fair.
Enji: Not again.
Rumi: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?
Keigo: Shinya-
Shinya: *sighs* Tsunagu used to call me Shinya...
Keigo: ...Because it's your f*cking name.
Rumi: Do you cook?
Tsunagu: I made a cake once.
Shinya: Yeah, it was good.
Tsunagu: Really?
Shinya: Don’t make me lie twice, Tsunagu.
Enji: And now for a gay update with Shinya and Tsunagu.
Tsunagu: Getting gayer.
Enji: Thank you, Tsunagu.
(Of course of course)
Tsunagu: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Shinya: Sure!
Shinya: Whats your favorite color?
Tsunagu, laser focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
(This is accurate. Why is this accurate ahaha)
Tsunagu: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Ahaha okay I think that’s enough it’s late now- I have way more but hey, that’ll have to be later
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ddarker-dreams · 5 years
Can I request head-cannons for Dabi, Shigaraki and Overhaul when their Darling escapes and ends up at an old friends house? Like the friend and the Darling had feelings for each other but never new until now and the Yandere finds them kissing? Idk lol just an idea. Sorry for wasting your time.
i found this idea so interesting that i went ahead and wrote mini scenarios for it!! yall get to watch shin suffer three different times LMAOO
click here to check out my commissions ! 
TW: for death, torture, mutilation
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Comfort and security have been rare in your life for the past few hellish months. Even now, as you sit with a blanket wrapped around your shivering frame; you can’t relish in your small victory over Shigaraki. It’s only been a matter of hours since you managed to escape him, and you can only imagine how desperately he’s searching. 
“[First], are you sure we shouldn’t go to the police?” Shin eyes you with concern, his lips frowning at your shivering form. Shaking your head, you take a sip of the tea he had given you earlier. The bitter flavor brings you no comfort, but the scorching warmth steels you in reality. 
“I don’t know. I’m sorry, I really don’t know,” you murmur to your friend, who takes a seat next to you on the couch. “I just need to… I need to get a hold of myself first. I can’t think straight.” 
Shin offers a reassuring smile, his hand reaching out. You flinch slightly as he places it on top of your free hand, being mindful of your fearful form. The pad of his thumb soothingly rubs circles into your skin, temporarily taking your mind off everything.
“I was surprised when you came to me,” Shin confesses, scratching the back of his neck. “I’m sorry if I’m being out of line. I’m just glad you thought of me. That you know that you can rely on me.” 
Your breath hitches, and you look away from his face. The blush lining his cheeks says it all; but you’re unsure of what to do with it. Before Shigaraki had come into your life, Shin had been someone you adored wholeheartedly. His charisma and friendliness attracted you, he was someone that was always so well put together.
“T-thank you again for helping me.” 
All you’re able to offer is your genuine gratitude. At this, Shin shifts in his seat. 
“Of course,” Shin graciously accepts your words, moving closer to you. Your eyes widen when soft fingers delicately touch your chin, prompting you to look at him. “I would do anything for you.” 
His lips softly press against your own, muffling the squeak you let out. Apart of you feels uncertain of what to make of this, but the other part doesn’t care anymore. Why should you deny yourself any comfort you could get after the nightmares you’ve endured? 
Fluttering your eyes shut, you shyly return the affection being bestowed upon you. For a few blissful seconds, your mind is relieved of your previous woes. 
That is, until you hear a crumbling noise in the direction of Shin’s apartment entrance. 
Pulling back at the alarming noise, Shin furrows his eyebrows at a figure that makes your blood freeze. 
“Hey, who the fuck do you think you are?” Shin goes to stand from his position next to you, only for you to put your arm out in front of him. Bloodshot eyes look from your form to Shin’s, Shigaraki’s form hunched over. You hear his labored breathing, as he stalks towards the couch with a sense of urgency.
At this point, a part of you knows there’s nothing you can say to convince Shigaraki to stop what he’s doing, but it’s not enough to stop you from trying.
“Shigaraki, please, don’t do anything–!” 
It’s too late.
His hand extends out towards Shin’s, wrapping viciously around the young male’s neck. Before Shin could even let out a scream at the sensation of being chocked, his skin turns an inhumanly gray pigment. Shrieking in horror, you spring up from your position as Shin’s body turns to a pile of dust. 
“N-no…” your voice is weak, eyes blurred by tears. 
Shigaraki turns his head towards you, pupils dilated and chest heaving. He watches as you press your knees to your chest, bottom lip quivering from anxiety.
“Come,” Shigaraki beckons, voice devoid of any humanity. “I’m tired of this little side quest.” 
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“Got room for one more?” 
The intrusive, lighthearted words are accompanied by a grin that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Dabi begins snickering as you instinctively pull back from Shin, eyes wide as saucers. Shin grimaces in disgust at Dabi, immediately putting two and two together.
“So you must be the fucker who’s been harasser her,” Shin growls, reaching into his pocket to reveal a switchblade. “Get the fuck out, or I’ll call the police.” 
The small blade gleams threateningly, pointed in an accusatory stance towards Dabi. Dabi’s hands remain in his pockets, not even so much as blinking at the threat presented before him. He all but ignores it, preferring to look over at your shaking form. 
“You gave me quite a shock, doll. I didn’t think you had it in you,” Dabi tilts his head, voice lowering with intent. “But enough’s enough. Come right over here princess, and I’ll give some thought to forgiving you.” 
After the time you’ve spent with Dabi, you’ve been able to pick up on the subtlest of nuances in his body language. To the untrained eye somewhat might mistake Dabi’s disposition for carefree, but you know better. He’s toying with you purposefully – there’s a concealed fury in his eyes from your string of betrayals. 
His patience with you is gone. 
“A-alright,” you pathetically concede, eyes stinging with tears. On unsteady legs you stand up, earning a look of confusion from Shin. “I’ll do what you say. But please don’t hurt him. I-I dragged him into this, he has nothing to do with it.” 
The pleading tone doesn’t garner a strong reaction, Dabi instead shrugging his shoulders at your heartfelt request. 
He waves off your feeble concern, “Sorry to say sweetheart, but you’re in no position to be making demands of me.”
“I’ve heard enough of this!” Shin abruptly stands up, firmly steeling himself next to you. Dabi’s eyes follow his every movement carefully, undoubtedly assessing if you’ll get caught up in a blast of fire from his quirk. In a protective reflex, you fling yourself in front of Shin; arms reaching out on each side. 
Dabi clicks his tongue at your interference. “What a bad girl you’ve been.” 
With that, he suddenly charges forward, your eyes barely processing the events unfolding in front of you. Dabi moves to your left abruptly, causing you to swirl on your heels. Before Shin has the chance to plunge his knife forward, Dabi’s hands grab Shin’s shoulder and wrist respectively.
A sickening snap reverberates in the air, accompanied by a hellish scream of pain. What is most likely to be Shin’s ulna erupts from the skin of his forearm, blood gushing out alongside it. Shin drops to the ground, clutching his mutilated arm while tears leave his eyes. 
A string of curses leave his lips, but Dabi responds by kicking him onto his back. Jaw agape, you lunge forward to assist your friend; only for Dabi’s hand to grip harshly onto your wrist. Hissing at the pressure, you twist your wrist around in hopes of freeing yourself. The movement only serves to bring you greater pain, so you stop momentarily. 
Shin’s cries continue on in the background as Dabi forcefully shoots you a chilling smile. The hand that isn’t holding yours flickers with blue flames, revealing Dabi’s malicious intentions. 
“I didn’t realize you’d be so eager to watch. Let’s see, what part of him should I break next? If you tell me, I’ll put ‘im out of his misery faster,” Dabi offers, making certain you had a front seat to the events that were about to unfold. “Probably, that is.”
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“Please stop! This isn’t right, he has nothing to do with this!” 
Cold amber eyes glare through your soul, showing no sign of softening with compassion at your incessant begging. Kai’s lifeless gaze moves from you to your struggling companion, who currently has his arms twisted behind his back by Kurono. 
“What should we do with him, boss?” 
“If I recall correctly,” Kai begins, stepping forward to minimize the distance between himself and Shin. “One of our subjects recently passed from the stress of testing. This one will serve as a replacement.” 
“Go… to hell, you... monster,” Shin wheezes out, struggling to lift his bruised face to meet Kai’s stony stare. “[First] will always hate you.” 
The room goes silent, save for Shin’s labored breathing and your own rapidly beating heart. All the struggling in the world isn’t enough to remove you from Mimic’s tight grip, but it’s not enough to stop you from trying. The sudden emergence of the Shie Hassaikai was hell on earth, but one you were eventually expecting. 
Kai had acted faster than you thought he would, finding you after your escape in only a few hours. With his expansive number of contacts and manpower all it took was a few phone calls and orders, and here they were. 
Kai’s exchanged no words with you, ever since he and his subordinates walked in on Shin kissing you. You can’t begin to comprehend the volume of his vexation towards you, but whatever he’s feeling he’s keen on not showing it.
You wince at Shin’s words, realizing that the combination would make his fate even more painful than it would’ve been before. Kai suddenly holds one of his gloved hands up, in the direction a few other subordinates were standing.
The order is simple and to the point, and a masked individual brings him the item he requests. With the glistening weapon in hand, Kai moves it closer to Shin’s face. Before you can even let out a scream, Kai begins to steadily move the sharp end of the knife against the skin of Shin’s lower lip.
A bloodcurdling shriek leaves him, as he desperately struggles against Kurono to no avail. Kurono moves a hand to steady his face, effectively allowing for Kai to continue with the task he had started. As Kai continues his cruel task of flaying the skin off Shin’s lips, all you can think to do is close your eyes and pray it’ll all be over soon.
There’s not much more you can take of this nightmare. 
A few more excruciatingly slow seconds pass, before Kai moves back, scrunching his nose at a drop of blood that marred his white gloves. 
“Filthy,” Kai murmurs underneath his breath, a frown set on his face. “Treat him before he goes into shock. I don’t want him dying anytime soon.”
For the first time in a while, Kai’s attention returns back to you. Noting the puffiness of your eyes, it’s difficult to mask the irritation he feels at your compassion for this cesspool of trash. He begins to walk towards the door, you being prompted to follow suit alongside the other members of the Shie Hassaikai. 
“We’ll discuss your punishment in detail later.” 
All you can do is nod, feeling numb to the world as you return back to your hell. 
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ninjastormhawkkat · 3 years
Wordgirl Au: Alliance Swap Au
Note: This au is a combination of Becky Boxleitner au and my half human/half alien Becky au. Another thing if anyone out there is a fan of the characters: Scoops, Violet Heaslip, Professor Robert Tubing, Captain Huggy Face/Bob, and Kid Math; then I am sorry. You will DEFINITELY not like this au. I am not kind to these characters in this au for a reason. 
In this au, Wordgirl is still the same hero we all know, but her allies are swapped. 
Becky Hope Boxleitner: In this au, Becky is a hybrid alien. She is half Inventeran and half Lexiconian. She was born on the planet Inventra which was a planet that neighbored Lexicon. In this au, Becky’s mother is Amirana Trese, a Lexiconian, and her father is Stevnen (pronounced: Stev-nen) Bauxlite (pronounced: Bow-cks-light). (Yep. I made Steven Boxleitner an alien in this au.) Inventerans are were-animal hybrids. In their were-animal form, they have a mix of human and animal features with a little more animalistic characters. They are also able to shift to a human appearance. Becky has the same abilities as her dad along with her Lexiconian powers. 
Background: This Alliance Swap Au is also an au of my half human/half alien Becky au with a twist. If any of you read my bio outline of Becky’s biological mother and my headcanon, it is basically the same in this au with a few twists. 
1. Amirana Trese came to Invetra on a diplomatic mission to help the Aviary Inventra scientists. Everyone on Inventra is a pursuer of knowledge. They have no military, just high defense systems. They relied on Lexicon for combat and war protection. (This ends up being their downfall.) 
2. Amirana is still engaged to her awful fiancee. On this mission, she encounters Stevnen and it was true love. 
3. In this au, Amirana is able to stay longer based on her diplomatic mission. (The Aviary Inventra scientists are designing and building crafts for long distance travel. Amirana is helping to test each one and offer advisory input.) She stays with Stevnen for two years, get secretly married, and have Hope (Becky).
4. The awful fiancee somehow finds out and goes into an apocalyptic rage. He convinces the other Lexicons that the Inventerans have committed a grievous mistake for getting one of their high, noble, Lexiconians impregnated by an inferior (physically inferior) Inventerans. The fiancee argues that to make up for this error, Amirana should be sent home and Stevnen should be sent to Lexicon to be punished (by death according to the fiancee.) The people and government of Inventra are more than aware, and are not blinded, to the fiancee’s corrupt nature so they refuse. They also try to get other Lexiconians to recognize that the corrupt fiancee needs to be stopped. They unfortunately fail and this causes a massive war between the two planets. The people of Inventra are quickly defeated and the corrupt fiancee leader orders that all Inventerans are to be taken from their home planet and either be killed, kept as prisoners, or low workforce. 
5. Amirana’s good friend (from Amirana’s bio outline) warns her and Stevnen that the friend’s evil brother is coming to Inventra to personally punish the family. Stevnen and Amirana attempt to escape with hope to a ship. Amirana is unfortunately shot and greatly wounded by her fiancee. She urges Stevnen to still escape with their child, and with a heavy and painful heart he does. (Stevnen knows how to fly a ship from reading and from Amirana.) It is a painful, tearful departure between the lovers. Stevnen is able to escape the planet before Amirana’s fiancee and his armada catches him. Amirana is unfortunately killed and her fiancee makes her death justifiable in the eyes of Lexicon. Another note about Inventerans is that they develop a empathetic link with their mates, no matter if they are the same species. So Stevnen definitely feels Amirana’s death. Hope is only 1 1/2 years old when this happens.
6. Stevnen crashes on Earth. (He is a good pilot, not the best.) He gets out of the ship with his daughter tucked close to him. He soon spots the Botsfords on a picnic in a woods. Hungry and desperate, Stevnen shifts to his human form and meets them face to face. The Botsfords take pity on this single father and let them stay at their house for a while until Stevnen gets a job as a scientist.
Character Outlines:
Stevnen Bauxlite (Steven Boxleitner) - Steven changed his daughter’s name to Becky Hope Boxleitner as a part of his plan to erase any traces of themselves to make sure no one from Lexicon can find them. Steven is a bit more serious than his human canon character (This guy suffered a lot of tragedy and is a single father now!) His human form is looks exactly like canon Steven. His Inventeran form is Dr. Two Brains, but without the mouse brain and more mouse features such as a tail and mouse ears. Steven can’t speak the human language (he can understand). He uses sign language or writing words to communicate. When Steven slips to his native tongue, he tells everyone he has a speech problem. Becky and Amirana can understand him because I have this theory that Lexiconians have a great vocabulary as a superpower because this ability allows them to understand any language of a dominant species (not subspecies like animals unless they are from Lexicon, like Bob. Becky is able to understand General Smoochington because of Bob). (I think this is some type of mental, telepathic power, which is why Becky has a great memory.) Steven’s native language sounds like mouse squeaks. (Other Inventerans sound like their were-animal forms but with a mix of other languages that counts as communication on Inventra. Steven does not have the ability that Becky and Amirana have with words. He is knowledgeable, not very bilingual.) Steven still loves Becky and supports her. He is worried about her heroic works so, in his were-form, he joins her heroic escapades as her partner. (A gag throughout this au is that everyone assumes he is her sidekick. Becky has repeatedly pointed out that her dad is her partner. Becky as Wordgirl does not call Steven her dad in public to protect their secret identities. Steven’s hero form is Mouse Ace (I may change the name later, that’s the best I got for now). (Steven was just a scientist with no military rank. I chose this name because he is a good pilot, just not as good as Amirana or Huggy). Steven uses his were-mouse abilities for battle, but mostly relies on self-made gadgets. He acts like a mentor to Wordgirl for her battles, but still behaves as her father (just not openly.) Steven’s Two Brains appearance can look similar to canon or he chooses to wear a ponytail. Steven’s outfit is a black jumpsuit with an orange belt that holds the gadgets. His jumpsuit has orange line accents. Steven has an Inventeran logo on the front of his jumpsuit (it is shiny silver in color and looks like shooting star.) He still has his canon goggles and silver armbands that act as shields for defense. He is afraid of clowns and spiders. He is not afraid of cats. He and Becky just don’t like them.  Becky’s Inventeran form is similar to Two Brains but she does not have red/pink eyes and her hair color is the same. (Becky’s eye color is a mix of her mother’s and her dad’s brown in human form. She does have some red flakes in her eye color in her were-animal form.)
Squeaky - On Inventra, there were regular animals that were used by Inventerans as minor assistants and protectors. Squeaky was Stevnen’s Squeaky also escaped to earth with Stevnen and Becky. In this au Squeaky is still a jerk, but tolerable. Has grown a desire to devour earth cheese only. (There was no cheese on Lexicon or Inventra.) He cares for Stevnen and Becky, but its subtle. Stevnen and Becky can understand what Squeaky is saying. (For Stevnen it is because he is part mouse.) They do not like to always understand what Squeaky is saying. (PS. He swears, though not in front of Becky.) Squeaky may accompany them on hero stuff.(He says he is bored, but he does not like being left alone a lot.) Squeaky wears a mask to hid his identity (idk what color, maybe black or silver), but he is often referred to as Nibbles (Squeaky did not want a hero name so what was Becky supposed to say.) Squeaky is called that because he bites, a lot. (Hates the nickname anyway.) Squeaky is vicious, just not sadistic and evil in this au. Is still afraid of cats in this au.
Here is a smaller outline of my ideas for the swap au. Note: this is also a power swap.
Steven Boxleitner - Professor Robert Tubing
Tobey - Scoops
Victoria Best - Violet Heaslip
Eileen - Kid Math (Rex)
Rose Franklin - Katy (She’s from the episode “It’s Your Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To”)
Squeaky - Bob/Captain Huggy Face
I did not intend to make a lot for this first post. I was intending to do all in one. I do the characterizations of others later.
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
As We Can
Thor Odinson X Immortal!Reader
A/N: Am I doing another self-projection fic? Yes. Do I want to get the point across that I love you, no matter what you look like, and I will help you take care of yourself? Hell yes. Some of my closest companions are on the chunky side. I would kill for them. - Nemo
Warning(s): Idk but there’s a hell of a lot of talk about self-worth, and hence self-love. So talk about Insecurities, character Death (very brief - Loki hoes might cry), Angst, but also a buttload of f l u f f ! 
Summary: We all need to give ourselves some care sometimes. Thor is one of those people, so you give him a little help - and sometimes that comes in a many few different ways; words, music, flower crowns. 
[Gif was a Google find since Tumblr tags don’t have the representation. Creds to the maker, we love your work!] 
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Saying you’d lived for a long time was the understatement of the century. 
You’d lived through too many natural disasters to count - Mount Vesuvius one of the more memorable of such disasters - plus hundreds of wars, and as many ‘collenizations’ of ‘new worlds’ to poke a stick at - not to mention the sicknesses that passed by as well. 
By now you were pretty damn tired of it all. 
But then, on top of everything, you could add something that had never happened before. In much more recent years, Earth had taken to being invaded by aliens. The first and most obvious was that of the Chitauri in New York. The most recent was Thanos and his Army in Upstate New York. 
By this point in your life, you’d started to become ‘exposed’. As most immortals do, over time you showed up in different photographs and paintings over the years, and with access to anything from one place - a.k.a the internet - some started to put things together. 
You even had your own online conspiracy club. You were proud of that. 
While it didn’t exactly bother you, you could see it causing some problems in the future - especially if you showed up in more places more often. So you made a decision. You needed to get off Earth. 
Luckily, timing then had you neatly close to Tønsberg, having watched the events of Thanos’ newest attack on the news in your hotel room in Oslo, you fast-tracked your journey there - to ‘New Asgard' - forward a week. 
There you sought out Thor, and through him a passage off into space. 
Days, if not weeks passed - honest to god by now you couldn’t tell the difference - and while he was in no way the worst person to hang around, Thor was acting off. 
You’d never met him before your of-hand trip to space, but you had seen him on the news, online, and in papers. He was nothing like he was then, now. 
If you’d learn one thing in your age-less life it was that everyone needs a cause, a purpose. You’d spent the last three-hundred years - at least - devoting yourself to different causes, including the two World Wars, and it was clear to you that Thor currently did not have one.
So you decided to help him find it. 
Naturally you started with the subtle things. Being on a ship full of delinquents, also known as ex-space criminals, subtlety wasn’t always the best bet if you wanted something. Especially when it came to Drax. Hints went over his head like a frisbee in a hurricane - but you figured Thor wouldn’t be that… Unwittingly ignorant. 
By the time a couple days passed you had your answer. 
He was that unwittingly ignorant.
You didn't know how anyone else felt, but you knew it went a bit deeper than what others might’ve thought.  __________
“Thor, may I pull you aside for a moment?” you asked, appearing behind the Asgardian as the ship floated lazily through space outside. 
He jumped slightly, completely unaware of his surroundings, but nodded in agreement once he saw it was ‘just you’. Luckily no one else was around this part of the ship, either opting to rest or oversee Peter up in the cockpit. 
You fiddled with your sleeve, eyeing Thor as he settled in one of the seats across the room. You decided then and there to not beat around.
“Are you okay?” His eyes snapped up to yours, being me with your ever-so-slight scowl. 
“Am I okay?” he asked, scoffing out a laugh, “I am fine, why? Why wouldn’t I be?” 
You turned your head, taking a couple steps forward. 
“I can tell if you are, or if you aren’t.” He rolled his eyes at that, crossing his arms and pulling up his guard. “Do you remember what I told you, back on earth when I asked to come with you here?” you asked softer, gesturing to the ship and the stars outside.
He grumbled, rubbing at his eye and ruffling his hair before staring at you expectantly.
“I promised I could help.” 
“Look at you, how the hell could you help?”
“I am almost two thousand years old, Thor Odinson. If I know anything it’s how to help you.” He kept his eyes on you, watching as you dragged a chair out and sat in front of him. You took in a deep breath, searching his body language for any signs that meant he didn’t want you to continue.
“Are you really that old?” he asked, leaning towards you slightly.
“Aye, that I am,” you nodded, “Was born in Ancient Rome. The first notable event I lived though was when I was about ten, word spread around about that volcano erupting - not that we knew what it was back then.” you smiled little at the memory, looking down at your hands sadly. 
Apparently he wasn’t too bad a reading body language either. 
“No one else was like you, though - being able to live forever. Were they?” You shook your head no, and he hummed. “Maybe then we could help each other?” 
“Sure thing Sparky.”  ___________
You’d been working together with Thor for a good couple months, and in between searching for Gamora with the Guardians, and - in your opinion - hopelessly looking for Loki too, you thought Thor was doing much better.
He was less recluse, took care of himself a little more, and backed off Peter’s leadership a little (the latter may have been barely noticeable). Even if those things all came under your urging, you still counted them as steps forward. 
Anything positive, no matter how small, was still positive.
“(y/n)!” Thor boomed, rattling you from your bunk in the ship, “Are you ‘Holding out for a Hero’?” 
Nebula and Mantis poked their heads out from the bunk above you, ceasing their game of Paper Football to watch for your reply. You rolled your eyes, sliding off your comfy spot to lumber out to Thor.
“Pardon?” Thor cleared his throat as he held out Peter’s Zune. 
“This song speaks of a hero. Do you need one?” You took the player from Thor, scrunching up your nose at the 80’s song. 
“Not currently, but if I do you’d be the first person I’d call for, you can count on that.” you said, scrolling through the song list, looking for a song you preferred more. You missed the proud grin that reached Thor’s face. 
“There,” you pressed ‘Hold the Line’, and tried shooing him off so you could get back to your cozy corner, “Try that one Sparky.” 
“Much thanks.” He said, turning off with the device in his hands. You made it back to the doorway and watched him go.
Thank goodness Peter wasn’t here, otherwise he would’ve snatched that thing from Thor even before he got hold of it. __________
The planet you’d stopped on to replenish supplies was one of the most Earth-Like ones you’d seen since you left Earth. The only major difference was the inhabitant’s fashion choices, and the large array of flowers - they were literally everywhere.
If Rocket hadn’t  latched onto Groot’s shoulder the moment they stepped off-ship, you’d probably have lost the humanoid among the greenery.
“Great Zeus.” You breathed, slight disbelief at the sheer amount of flowers. 
“Who is ‘Great Zeus’?” Mantis asked, you cast a glance back at her.
“Um, basically him,” you pointed at Thor, “But much older, and more horny.” 
“You are going to be more horny when you are older,” Drax said, clapping Thor on the shoulder, “Congratulations!” 
“I meant a -” you stopped yourself, snickering, “- Nevermind.” You step off into the crowds and mazes of flowers, not waiting for Thor - your ‘Supply Buddy’ - to catch up. It never took him long anyway.
“Is Zeus one of your ‘Roman Gods’?” Thor asked, sidling up beside you as you maneuvered around the crowds.
“Nope. Zeus is Greek. In Roman his name is Jupiter.” 
“And in Norse he is Thor.” he said. You looked up at him, cracking a smile. 
“Mhm, I think I prefer Thor over Jupiter or Zeus though.” you said, eyeing a patch of flowers that was inhabited by a small crowd - and they were making flower crowns. 
Thor had no choice but to follow you as you made yourself comfortable among the multi coloured blooms - distracted and off task as ever. But he made no effort to join you, standing off to the side instead. 
You eyed him as you pulled a few flowers into your hand, weaving them together in the same way you remember your mother doing a hundred lifetimes ago. Patting the spot next to you, you grinned.
“Come over here Sparky.” you said, flicking your eyes down to the flower patch to pick a few more. “I need to make sure this fits.” 
You weren’t taking a no. The nickname you gave him in itself spoke volumes. 
He came over, slumping down beside you in the sunlight. You made quick work of the flowers, tying them together neatly before laying it atop Thor’s half pulled-away hair. It fit perfectly. 
“A crown fit for a king, I’d say.” 
“Pity I’m not much of a king.” he said, reaching a hand up to play with some of the petals.
“‘Ζώμεν γαρ ού ως θέλομεν, αλλ’ ως δυνάμεθα’.” you blurted, not once breaking your stare at Thor. His eyes widened, then moved to looking very confused, so you translated. “‘We live, not as we wish to, but as we can’. A Greek Dramatist said that. It was one of the few phrases we knew it greek, and our father taught it to us. He always implored us to do our own best, not the best anyone else can do.” 
All the while you explained, you weaved together another crown, one slightly smaller than the first, yet still almost identical. Tying it off, you sat it on your own head.
“Our best can sometimes be a lot, or a little even if we wish it to be a lot. But it doesn’t matter. Our best is still our best.” Thor looked between your crown, and your eyes. 
“I don’t think it’s that easy.” 
“Because it takes practice.” you plucked another flower, this time sticking it in his beard. “No one gets everything right the first time. Yet everyone does do their best at the time of their first time. Accepting that they did their best - that’s what they struggle with.” 
You poked in more flowers into his beard - your words seemed to plunge him into deep thought - he made no effort  to stop you, if he even noticed. 
After a time, he looked down at your hands, still piling flowers into his flower-filled beard, and smiled lightly.
“How about you make some for the other Asguardians of the Galaxy.” 
“Flower crowns?”
“Yes,” he grinned, “Your best ones.”
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mariahthelioness29 · 4 years
Remember the time
Pairing: SamBucky! X Black! reader 
WC: 7.3K (EYE... idk why they keep getting longer)
A look into y/n’s relationship with Sam and Bucky years after Send the Addy.
Send the Addy was part of @blackmissfrizzle  and her Frizzle’s 2K Follower Celebration & Bad Bitch Challenge. I had the song Send the Addy by Flo Milli.
Warning: Angst, fight, violence, minor character deaths, SMUT, light D/s dynamics, threesome, sir and daddy naming, shower sex, rough sex, rimming, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, masturbation (male), fingering, cum eating.
@sambuckyslayallday @blackmissfrizzle @xbuchananbarnes @avintagekiss24 @helahades @sapphirescrolls @rasberrylemon @saltball @honestlyfrance @black-mcu-imagines @blacklavenderjade @saintsebastian-stan @deansblackbeauty @marvelmaree @honeychicanawrites  @siancore
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“y/n,what's your status”, Bucky asks in his coms.
You heard Bucky’s call but you decided to ignore it. 
“Hang on”, you gruffed him through the coms. 
You have to save the Ihumann all in chains by the Kree. 
You are appalled that slavery is a reality, still. 
Only this time is among aliens. 
You are gathering information on the Kree and Skrull cold war for Sam and Danvers. 
You jumped down from a level to the other and appeared in front of the Kree soldiers. 
“ Hey, sailors”, You salute the Kree soldiers before frying them with energy coming out of you.  They drop calcined. 
The poor Ihumann are shaking like leaves. One of them grabbed a kid for dear life. 
You assume the kid is theirs. 
“ I am here to help”, you signed to them in their language. 
They nod like bobble heads, still terrified.
“Here”, you signed 
 You hand them some guns and retractable Wakandan spears. 
“ Walk behind me and when I say attack, you do as I say”. You signed to them. 
“You walked fast with them and you signaled them to hide. 
Some hide behind columns with you and the others blend in with the wall.
Everything was going great, according to plan. 
Until other Kree Soldiers noticed you and the Ihumann. 
You make them rush to the spacejet. 
You press a button to open the spacejet from behind  
 You gave them all the space suits buttons you had including your own and only a young Ihumann stayed with you. 
“ I’ll fight with you”, he signals. 
Hissing and groans in pains, screams in agony , the Ihumman slashed through the Kree Soldiers. 
You electro shock them until one the Kree soldier you did not see, impaled the Ihumman from his back. 
You hear a strangled scream, that is deafening. 
You all wince and turn around. You see blue blood pouring, hands over their mouth, eyes wide in shock and a spear through him. They drop to their knees and they look at you. 
“NOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!”, you screamed.
Being distraught, the Kree soldiers took advantage and put a stabilizer on you.
A silent scream escapes your throat, the stabilizer bites in your skin, rendering you powerless.
The Kree soldiers put you in chains and make you walk with them. 
You are going to another section of the massive compound floating along the sky. 
"Huh? , a Terran, Quu, told me they are exquisite, I will find out  with this one". He tugs at your chain.
" Save a spot for me, I am trying to find out too". The other soldier says.
You feel a presence. 
You see a black shadow. 
You hear shots and you flinch. You hear the men trapping you, dropped like a potato sack. 
You are relieved to see Bucky but suddenly you are not. 
You realize why the man is feared and why the name Winter Soldier exists. 
If looks can kill, you would’ve been 10 feet underground. 
“ Buck, I can explain”. You say all breathy. He walks to you. He gets you out the chains. He barely acknowledges you, hands you a glass like chip, takes you by the forearm, puts the space suit button on you and taps on it. You are surrounded by the space suit. 
Through nooks and crannies, you reach the underground, shooting some soldiers down the way. You manage to escape, through a narrow exit near the underground motors of the compound.
You float to the spaceship and enter it. You click on the button and the space suits disappear.
He makes you sit and he takes the aid kit, injecting a little local anesthetic. 
He cuts around the stabilizer and then takes it out with some tweezers. It is hard work cause the stabilizer has some hooks in it.
He takes the bloody stabilizer out of your neck, dropping, stomping it on the floor. He puts some nanobites to close the injury and some alcohol.
You hiss at the feeling of the alcohol and the nanobites.
Bucky’s jaw is square with anger. 
He looks at you with the corner of his eyes. 
He sees the Ihummann in the spacejet. 
“ Translate for me, you are safe and welcome” ,he orders you in a robotic tone. 
You sign what he says. They smile at you and they all say thank you to you. 
Relieve is all over their faces. Some of them sigh, others with tears of happiness. 
“ They say thank you”, you whisper to him. 
He smiles at them but you know it is a smile that does not reach his eyes.
He bows to them with his fist on his chest. 
A sign of “your welcome”, a reverence you taught him.
They all do the same to him back. 
He goes to the cockpit of the spaceship and you beside him. 
“ Bucky”, you try to talk to him. 
“ Not now, y/n”, he gruffs. 
You know, you are for one hell of a talk with him and Sam, when you’re back on Earth. 
It took you three weeks to get back on Earth. 
It was the route where Kree least looked for you. 
Sam and Danvers are aware of what you did, but they cannot help with resources for now. 
You stop in several planets, from negotiating some of your arsenal, curing aliens, selling some Earth trinkets, cage fighting, even some stripping. you and Bucky did on Traia to have food, oxygen, water, special water for the Ihumman and a place to rest. You were a success on Traia, they never saw Terrans before. So much, you and Bucky needed to fight the bar patron to let you out.
Bucky only said good night and talked to you the necessary. 
You slept with your backs against each other. 
He is still mad at you. 
You arrived at the headquarters. 
Bucky's hair was to his ears. His beard was full. 
Your hair looks tired and ran through. You all stink. 
The Ihumann stayed in the jet. They need to stay since Earth’s oxygen is nauseating to them, but you promised them you will find a way they can have a shower too since Earth's water makes them ill. They have to talk in signs all the time cause their voice is too high for human ears. 
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Once you shower, you put on some comfortable clothes. 
You go to your office. You dread in your spirit, the debriefing and the report you have to do. 
“ ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKIN’ MIND!!!!”,Sam screeched, entering your office with Bucky. 
“BOY, DON’T YOU YELL AT ME, I’M NOT FIVE”, you yell back at him. 
“This the welcome I get, you two ganging up on me”, you huff. 
“ I am not the one, who went head on to Kree soldiers, put Ihumann in the jet, got captured by the Kree, Bucky reminds you. 
“We had to do everything to stay afloat for three weeks alone in space or did you forget Traia”. Bucky reminds you again.
“You jeopardize this whole mission, are you aware of that”, Bucky seethes. 
“ Oh!, you act surprised with your hand on your chest. “Ladies and Gents, Non-binary peeps, he speaks”, extending your arms to the side.
“Yes, I did and I’ll do it again, I will not be impartial, waiting for instructions  while beings are put in chains, used as live-experiments, to appease some bullshit power”. You demanded. 
“ You sidetracked this mission and brought Ihumann to earth, what are we going to do with them,the air makes them nauseous, they do not even drink the same water as us, it makes them ill!,Sam speaks with disbelief, pointing to the spacejet.
“ I will find a solution, I am the doctor here, don’t you worry ‘bout it”, You answer him. 
Sam huffs in disbelief with his hand on his hip. Bucky just sits on the chair, rubbing his temples. 
You throw the chips on the table . The one that Bucky gave you ,two chips extras. They were not even aware of the other two. 
Their eyes are wide. They look at the two extra chips and then each other.
“Here is your mission”. You say to them.
“I AM NOT STUPID, YOU TWO ALWAYS CUT MY WINGS IN MISSIONS” your voice hoarse with anger. 
They both look at each other. 
“ That’s not true!”, Sam rushes out. 
“ Oh no ,it isn’t?, I've always had to ask Hill and Danvers, because you never want me to do outside work.”
“ All the schedules for the mission, I am the one that receives a little thing and some bullshit paperwork”. 
“ I do it, 'cause I want you safe”, Bucky says trying to calm down. 
" I don't want another kidnapping and you receiving the full force of a dying star on you”, Sam say pointing at you and getting closer to you.
"I know what I got myself into, when I decided that this is  what I'm going to do for a living and I survived, I am here".
“We need to help the Ihumann, there are the ones suffering the most”, you plead to Sam. 
“ We are trying to find a solution for that  cold war, this can affect earth, our galaxy and you bringing Ihumann will jeopardize that. This will make us look biased! .” Sam defends.
“ Oh, I read the debriefing documents, the idea is that the Kree colonize Koraa and let them have their way and pretend we do not see it”, You answer with venom. 
“ That looks like the most wise decision, for now, y/n, let them believe they have a little power and when they least expect, we come in”, Bucky defends. 
“ Do you both realize that by doing that it is the ⅗ compromise all over again ?” You look at them with disdain. 
“ y/n, Buck and Danvers are right”, Sam touches your arm up and down, but you retreat your arm from him. 
“ Have you lost your sense of self!”, You look at Sam up and down. 
“ Black people, Native Americans, we are the products of that atrocity to this day. 
You, Danvers, and him think that is the best solution for the Ihumann”, you ask in disbelief. 
“ Y’all disgust me, get the fuck outta my office, the door is right there”. You say to them with a tear in your eye. 
They both look at you, with pleading eyes. 
NOW!!, you shout at them.
Bucky stands from the chair, eyes down. Sam eyes down too and they leave. 
You drop on your chair, your head down, you let the tears win. 
You sob loud, letting the three weeks of stress get out of your system. 
You cry for the young Ihumann that you saw dying, fighting for freedom, defending his folk. You will mourn for him according to their tradition. You take deep breaths, you dry your eyes, after some time. 
Your ears still hurt from the strangled scream of the Ihumman. 
 Feeling a little bit better, you walk out of your office to the main kitchen. You take raw fish and poultry, portion them in Ziploc bags. You take more fish and poultry out of the freezer,  defrost and portion them in Ziploc bags and put it all in a big shopping bag. 
You enter the front doors and you give the Ihummann the portions. 
“We can help you with the oxygen machine and water customization”, three young Ihumann women sign to you. 
“We have enough oxygen, for a couple of days, in the space suit, we can do something that can filter the oxygen here and the water, my name is Kala”. She signs. 
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you Kala, we start tomorrow, at dawn, it is not much, I’m sorry”. You signed pointing  at the food. 
" and I am sorry for losing one of you", you signed, regret all over your face.
“It’s okay, this will really do, my name is Jouuma”, she signed to you.
"Moab, he died a hero, it hurts but it was not in vain, He would've been happy seeing we are free.",Joumma signed to you. You come close to her and extend your arm to hug her. You hugged each other and you distanced from each other 
You put your hand in your chest and sigh in reliefs. They smile
 They nod and yawn. “Get some sleep”. You signed.
“ It’s okay, again thank you for saving us, my name is Ula, goodnight”. One of them signed.
“Goodnight”, you signed to them, with a smile while exiting the spacejet. 
You go back to your office. You take the mattress out of the sofabed.
“Thank Jesus, I bought this”. 
You tiptoe to your shared bedroom with Sam and Bucky. They look asleep. You take some heavy blankets and then to the kitchen for some ice cream and chocolates. 
You were watching some series, but you felt your eyes closing, you were full of chocolates and ice cream and you fell asleep on the sofabed
Sam and Bucky come to your office later in the night. They open the door and tip toe in. 
They are both restless, you are not there. The bed feels cold, without you. 
“Do you think she will get mad when she wakes up on the bed instead ?”, Sam asks.
Bucky shrugs. 
“I just want us to sleep comfortably, I miss her and my bed”, Bucky says voice full tiredness and he yawns. 
They see you deep in sleep. A pint of ice cream and chocolate wrappings inside the pint on the floor next to the sofa bed. The T.V projector on. 
They see your alarm set at the crack of dawn and some calculations on the desk.
Sam, moves the curtains and sees the spacejet.
“She is going to work with them in the morning”, Sam states to Bucky. 
Bucky nodded with his lips pursed. 
Sam and Bucky’s eyes are puffy from crying. 
Bucky carries you out of the office bridal style. 
Sam puts the mattress back in the sofa, turns T.V off and takes out the pint of ice cream with him to the kitchen. 
He goes to the spacejet to talk with Ihumann, with a translator. 
In your bedroom, Bucky puts you in the middle of the bed. He sets the alarm the same time you had the alarm in the office. 
He caresses your face with a delicacy to not wake you up. He ghosts his lips over your hairline and breathes you in. He realizes there, that you are not the same wide eyed sugar baby at the start of your relationship with them. It cost him to shake that state.
 They were your providers, you called for them when you were in trouble, but you grew out of that. 
You are now Dr. y/n. y/l/n, pioneering space anthropologist, alien anatomist and alien rights advocate and scientist.
He sighs and tangles his leg on top of yours, facing you and goes to sleep. 
Sam enters the bedroom 
He sees the beautiful sight of you and Bucky breathing deep asleep.
He realizes, it is true what you said earlier. He has lost his way. In his way to mitigate the scandal that was the world knowing their relationship with you, he began to be more complacent to the point, he is not the same Sam Wilson.
 You are showing him that when you cannot compromise, you won't. You are trying to prevent a system of discrimination. All of the things, he should be doing. 
He goes to the other side of the bed next to you, facing your back, he sleeps the closest he can to you, breathing you in and ghosting his lips over your shoulder.
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You woke up and groaned at the sound of the alarm beeping for the third time. You feel two weights next to you. Bucky was cocooned next to you with his leg tangled in yours. Sam was on his back but he has your arm extended on his chest.
You detangle yourself from them and get out the bed. You see them stir a little in their sleep, their faces screwed up. “Hmm, even in their sleep , they can feel whenever I go”, you thought. You shake your head. You love them so much but you cannot let them stagnate you because they want to protect you. You know they mean well, but you are your own person, you have to be. 
You take a shower, put on some comfortable blue overalls and a blue shirt with some blue working boots and you go to the spacejet with the Ihumann. Blue is the mourning color of the Ihumann. 
Kala, Jouuma and Ula are up in their spacesuits. 
“Morning”, you sign
They salute, signing morning. “You are wearing blue”, Ula noticed. 
“I am in mourning for Moab, I will shop, some blue clothes for you later”, you told them. 
“Thank you but we do not want to become burdensome to you and your “husbands” ”, Joumma tells you through signs.
You point at them, then do waves on your face , put the number three with your fingers and a circle with your hands, you wiggle your finger and then throw your hand behind your back hard. 
That means:
“You deserve mourning for Moab, it is not a burden”, you assure them. 
“ How do you know I have “husbands”?”, you signed. 
“ Yesterday night, a man of your color introduced himself as “Sam”, your husband and said the other man with the metal arm “Bucky” was your husband too, that you are working hard to give us a space, he translated with a virtual translator. If we need anything, press this  for any emergency, they will come cause you need sleep”, Ula signed and pointed to the emergency tablet.
“He said, he will try his best on the council to give us our land back”, Jouuma signed.
You sighed. You are happy that the Sam you know is still there. You know, he does not make empty promises. 
They are in awe seeing the dawn and the birds fly.
They are smiling at each other and at the sky. You know that feeling. Whenever you are in space, you are like them, excited from everything around you.
With that all of you go to the basement of the compound
Later that day, you brought all of regular clothes and blue clothes for them and cut holes in the pants so that their tails were free. You wore blue and did intermediate fasting with them for three days in honor of Moab
You were working day and night for a week straight. Kala, Jouuma and Ula were the test subject for the chambers and they gave some recommendations.
 You enlisted the help of Shuri, Tony, Bruce and Helen to make the lowest part of the basement of the compound suitable for them. The basement was big enough for some chambers and a couple of showers with special ionized water for them. Your other work was deciphering the encryption on the chips with Carol.  
It was mostly a reading and staying quiet affair. There was still a little animosity between you and Carol, since you did not agree on the conditions for the end of the cold war.
You have given her the cold treatment. She has apologized already but you were not going to let her off the hook that easy.  
“y/n”, Carol says your name soft. 
You turn to her. 
“I am so sorry, for not seeing the Ihumann how the conditions of armistice can affect the Ihumann, I was shortsighted and I brought Wilson and Barnes to my lack of vision, It was completely insensitive of me not thinking not seeing this from your point of view. I understand if you do not accept my apology. Regardless, I will work on seeing things from different points of views and that these solutions actually help the people that needed the most. I hope de-encrypting this can give us the upper hand so that we can help the Ihummann, Carol apologize. 
you chuckle. 
“That was nice”
“Hmm, how does those words taste coming out of your mouth”, you tease Carol smirking,
She rolls her eyes, “like the worst kind of vinegar, It feels horrible when I fuck up, horrible but they are necessary”, She admits. 
“I hope we can find something with the program we installed”, You go and lay your head on her shoulder. 
She sighs and nods, looking at the chips with connected to the projector, 
“When are you going to resolve your differences with Wilson and Barnes?” Carol asked. 
“I have never seen two men so lovesick and sad. It is like a Skrull tragedy”, Carol expressed. 
“Maybe tonight, but I will have a party with the Ihummann to celebrate in the basement, you are invited too”. You hand her a face mask with a filter and a pair of headphones. 
She is surprised with the mask  and headphones on her hand. “The party is in the basement”, you say walking out. 
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The basement is nice, It is their environment, they even manage to start growing some of their vegetables. Ula had some seeds in her pocket.
You are there with your oxygen filtering mask and some headphones to hear the music to your frequency, courtesy of Tony and Shuri. They designed a surround system that was on the frequency of sound apt for them but not deafening for the rest tower.
You were showing different music of “Terra”(Earth), you were showing them Afrobeats, now they are listening to Beyonce's ``Already. The video was there on the projector and they were imitating the dance steps, step by step perfectly. The Ihumann have amazing photographic reflexes. They understand the lyrics, they love the rhythm. There is a translator embedded in the projector. If you take your headphones off, you are sure you will be deaf. They have the volume so high. That’s why you talk in signs. Human voice or humanoid voice and its frequency is too low for them and their voice is too loud for your ears.
They ask you if the blue men in the video are alien, they have blue skin. You signed to them they are human but painted blue. They all signed oh.. 
You signed that you will show them another genre and another artist from you were a little bit younger. You play Send the Addy and 19  by Flo Milli. “It is called Rap/ Hip-Hop and this one of my favorite artists, Flo Milli”. 
They start jumping to the song and then imitating how you dance.
You start dancing just like how you remember doing the way you used to. Going all down and starting twerking to the floor and they all do the same. You laugh seeing them twerk
You remember that night in the hotel years ago.
How lively and also kind of naïve you were. 
How dependent you used to be of Sammy and Buck. You miss that girl from time to time. 
Before trending on twitter as #blackmonicalewinsky, before going with the Guardians to escape all that scandal, change your identity, become a pioneer in a career made by Jane Foster and Carol Danvers, going to missions on different planets, before being an avenger, before escaping from space pirates and rather jump on a dying star than to be theirs, Carol finding you passed out floating in space and getting your powers.
Carol arrived at the celebration and you know she likes Classic Rock. 
You signed to them that the type of music they are going to listen to is Rock and the band is Gun n Roses, that they are classic and renowned here on Terra. They all have wide eyes and they mouth Oh.. 
After a while of rock music videos, they were listening and watching Michael Jackson’s Remember the time. You told  them that Michael was one of the best artists to ever grace Terra. He made moonwalking famous and he is a staple of Terran music. 
They all watch your signing intently to remember what you said, like good kids in school.
They were like little kids in a movie theater. You look at them screaming scared when Michael appeared from the dust in the video. 
“Those sweet memories
Will always be dear to me
And girl no matter what was said
I will never forget what we had
Now baby” Michael was singing. 
Your mind went to all the amazing times, Sammy, Buck and you had. All the times when you felt on top of the world. The song is one of Sam and Buck’s favorites. You need to make amends with each other. You want to but you just haven’t got the time. You are scared your fights were never this long. It has been a month. You are in that weird grey zone. Not that mad at each other but there is still not a proper closure to this.
At the end they were imitating the dance moves in the dance break of the video, perfectly just like the dancers in the video. It was outstanding, seeing Jouuma imitate Michael Jackson so good like she was some live extension of him.
“Michael would’ve been proud; aliens listening to his music and enjoying it”, you thought. 
“ I am going to get ‘em and resolve our differences”, you say to Carol. 
“ Go, get’em, tiger, You will be wobbling to the office tomorrow, I just know”, Carol snickered, you shove her. She laughs and you shake your head and stifle a laugh. 
Talos was with Sam and Bucky and some of the Ihummann with their oxygen filter mask. 
Sam and Bucky were smoking.
Sam was smoking a Cuban cigar, Bucky a plain Marlboro. 
They were all concentrating on a game of poker. 
It was ridiculous how many times they have lost to the Nuk, Cab and Ilu,the Ihumann playing poker with them.
You smell tobacco and you roll your eyes. You hate tobacco, but your heart softens. They only do that when they are too stressed.
You saw them playing. You went to the table. You sat on Sam’s lap, you kissed him on the corner of his lips. You did the same to Bucky, you sat on his lap, you kiss the corner of his lips. You get up and walk , then you turn around your head, looking at them with desire and continue walking, swaying your hips. 
All the Ihumann, Talos, the other Skrulls, look at Bucky and Sam. 
They start either signing whistling sounds or whistling to Sam and Bucky. 
Sam feels his cheeks heat up, Bucky actually gets red in the face. 
“I see you will get lucky tonight,boys, I don’t know much about Earth women, but that is a woman after something, Talos said to them, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“You know that is the first sign of loving, we have received in a month”, Bucky tells the group.
“What the hell are you here for, GO!!!, to where she is, Nuk, the Ihumann signed to them. 
Bucky and Sam understood with the translator. He and Sam get up from the table and walk to their room so fast, one probably could see the dust in shape in their form, just like the cartoons. 
You took all your clothes. You went straight to the shower. 
The water was relaxing and giving you courage. 
You hear their footsteps in the room and you smile.
You  are vibrating with anticipation just like that one time in the hotel or your first time together. 
They hear the shower. They take their clothes in a frenzy. In a second,they are only in their boxes. 
They enter the bathroom. They see you through the glass and their mouths water. 
“May we join, ma’am ?”Bucky asks all breathy, eyes darkening, taking you in. 
“You may”, you whisper to them, sliding the glass barrier.
Sam and he take off their boxers and step into the shower, enter in and  slide the door close.  
You feel the air change when they step up. 
The way they are surrounding you. 
Bucky goes behind you and Sam in front.
Your lips are quivering, feeling Sam and Bucky this close.
He cups your face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs on your cheeks.
He ghosts his lips on top of yours and kisses you unhurried. 
He increased the pace of the kiss. He sweeps his tongue on your lip. Your lips part giving him access. You are making out with him, massaging each other’s tongues.
You are falling in that feeling of surrendering to them. 
Bucky hugs you from behind then he starts massaging your breast. The water, the contrast of metal and flesh. You throw your head on his shoulder. Your breathing is getting ragged. 
Bucky is hissing in your ear. The rubbing of your ass against his dick was making him dizzy. 
Sam brings you close to him again, to kiss you with all the passion he has.
Bucky entered his finger in you. You gasp into the kiss and Sam starts to suckle on your neck. You are so soaked, and warm on his fingers. “ Fuck it, I can’t wait, I going to take you here ”, Bucky rushes out 
Sam stops the water. 
He makes you find support by putting your hands on the tiles, caging Sam in.
He brings your ass to him and he lines up with your entrance. 
He thrusts into you in one go, groaning “Goddamn”.
You cry out “Daddy, fuck!”. 
Sam drops on his knees in between your legs, flicking his tongue on your clit.
You go cross-eyed. “Sir, fuck, that’s so good”, you whine
After a while, he starts flicking his tongue on Bucky’s balls and Bucky stutters his movement moaning. 
“FUCK!!, you two are going to be the death of me”, Bucky rushes out in between groans and moans. 
You can only moan and bring  your ass back to him. 
“Daddy, you feel so good”, you shrill. 
“Fuck, baby, bring that ass to me, sweetheart keep doing that”, he moans.
Sam keeps flicking his tongue, humming, moaning against Bucky’s perineum. 
He is jerking himself hard, he stops when he feels he is too close. He walks on his knees a little so that he can stand up from Bucky legs. He just looks at sight of you and Bucky ravishing each other.
“Yes, yes, fuck yes”, you babble.
You feel yourself tightening around him.
“Daddy, please, I…”, you scream
“I am close too, honey”, Bucky breathes out. He is going in and out unrelentingly. You come with a strangled high pitched moan. Your whole body shakes with release. 
“Baby, I love you so much, baby, y/n”, he groans, picking his pace up to a new speed. 
Damn!!, you cry out at him going faster. 
You feel his dick twitch 
After a few thrusts, you feel the warmth of his cum inside you and him groaning your name. 
“Wow”, he breathes out. You catch your breaths.
You hum in response, you feel light and relaxed. 
He pulls out, turns you to face him and kisses you. You both smile into your kiss. 
You hug each other tight. 
He runs his hands up and down your back to your ass. 
You breathe him in. You missed this and both of them so much.
You both approach Sam. 
Bucky grabs Sam’s head, kisses him hard, they hug each other,  grope each other, rub against each other. 
They are making out. All tongue, moaning and humming. Bucky kisses his neck and sucks on it to leave a mark. Sam moans and hiss.
“That was so hot, baby boy”, Sam tells Bucky out of breath.
“It was so good, you under me and our baby girl fucking herself on me”, Bucky responds out of breath. They both look at you. 
Your mouth waters and your pussy throbs, watching them. 
“How about we take this to the bed ?”, Sam asks, his voice raspy, deep. 
You look at him. He is rock hard. You bite your lip and you nod. 
“Yes, sir”, you answer him.
You exit the shower.
You all take your towels and dry in a rush, leaving the towels there on the counter.
In the bedroom, you kiss Sam, all tongue, your hand on his ass, his hands on your ass. 
You are both touching and groping each other. 
You kiss his neck then his chest, leaving a trail of kisses until you drop to your knees.
Bucky was enjoying the show, laying on the bed. One hand behind his head and the other jerking himself off slow.
“What do you want, pretty baby ? Sam looks down at you, grabbing his dick. 
“ Use my mouth, sir”, you look at him with doe eyes.
He taps his dick on your lips.
“Open up”, he says. You open your mouth wide.
He goes slowly into your mouth, “Fuuuck”, he rasped.  
Then he pulls slow, “Goddamn”, he rasped.
You choke on his dick over and over again.You bobbed your head up and down, gagging
You jerk the part you can’t reach.
 He groans “Shiiiit”,feeling the back of your throat. 
“That’s it, honey,  deep just like that, you are so good with that mouth, Bucky encourages while stroking himself.
You take Sam out your mouth and lick his head full of pre cum with kitten licks. 
“Ahh,baby” he rushes out.
He fucks your mouth without mercy.
He stops. 
He sits on the edge of bed, he wiggles his finger to come to him. “Crawl to me, like the good girl you are”, he demands. “Yes sir”, you answer, crawling to him. 
You reach to him and he grabs the back of your neck. Driving your head up and down the way he saw fit. He threw his head back, lips parted, eyes to the ceiling, he was breathing heavy, moaning, hissing, groaning. 
Bucky crawled next to Sam and kiss him.
He whispers to his ear: “She sucking your dick good, sweetheart?, I know she is good at that, that mouth of hers does wonders. You keep sucking him, taking a breather here and there and going back to business.
You hear what Bucky says and Sam moaning, your pussy feels wetter.
Bucky grabs your head, making your head go up and down to his pace, while kissing Sam’s neck .
Sam nods fast, moaning.
Bucky pulls your head off Sam's dick. 
“Baby girl, come up, put that ass on daddy’s face”, Bucky rasped. 
You put your ass on his face and you're facing his dick, you stroke it and he hisses. 
“Fuck you’re dripping wet, you like sucking dick that much, pretty girl?” Bucky asks you then lick your slick. 
You mewl; “Yes, Daddy” 
“Come here, Sammy, give our girl what she needs”, Bucky tells Sam. 
Sam crawls to where you are.
He is on his knees, legs a little wide, each on each side of Bucky’s head. 
You are your hands and knees and Bucky is under you. 
Sam lines up with your entrance and thrust in. 
“Sir!!!”,you scream
He rams into you, he spanks your ass cheek. 
You jolt and whine; Sir, that feels so good, spank me, please”. 
He spanks you hard, you feel your ass tingling and burning. You hiss.
Sam fucks into you, groaning, moaning, breathing heavy. 
He grips your hips hard and thrust into you fast, while bringing your ass to him. 
You let out high pitch moans and groans. 
“That’s it baby, I wanna hear you, I’ve missed those sounds”, He says driving into you with force. 
Bucky is under seeing the connection between Sam and you. 
He scoots a little and he is under your clit.
He licks fast on your clit, humming, while jerking himself off. 
His licks, the vibration of his hum, Sam unforgiving pace.
It is too much. 
“Sir, daddy, I’m…”, you cannot not even finish your sentence. 
Sam levels a brutal slap to your ass. 
“You are going to take what we give, baby”, Sam grits out, still fucking you non stop. 
You mewl: “yes, sir”.
You feel him so deep, you close your eyes. 
You scream: “Fuck, sir, Fuck”. 
He yanks you by the hair. You hiss. 
“Who am I, naughty girl ?”, He grits out,
His bottom lip between his teeth, He is going somehow deeper. 
“YOU’RE MY SIR !!'', you scream so hard, the Ihumann would finally hear a human voice for the first time in their life. 
Bucky still licking you, Sam yanking your hair and his pace. 
“GOD!!, you scream, you feel your insides tighten hard and clear liquid comes out.
You come gushing out. 
Sam pulls out and he wets his fingers with your juices.
“Fucking sweet”, he states and hums at the taste. He stares at how you squirt and Bucky laps it all up.
Bucky catches it with his mouth. He jerks himself faster. He comes with a moaned version of y/n , Sammy. 
You grab the sheets hard. Your comfort is Bucky warm abs against your face. Your face has Bucky cum.
Sam thrust in hard again. 
“Baby, squeeze me like that, it’s so fucking goood”, Sam rushes out of breath. 
He is going at it, fast, demanding. 
You mewl, moan and groan. Your eyes closed and lips parted.
He keeps the pace and cries out “SHIT!!!, He groans: “Oh, my God”. 
His eyes close, breathing ragged, he comes with a long, loud moan. 
He empties inside you. 
Sam pulls out, taking deep breaths. He lays on his side of the bed.
You catch your breath, resting your head on Bucky’s abs. your ass is still up. 
Your pussy pushes all the cum out and Bucky laps it all up.
“Ahh fuuckk”, you sigh, you are so sensitive, feeling Bucky's tongue slowly eating you out. 
“You taste so good together”, Bucky says savoring you and Sam.
You scoop Bucky’s cum and lap it all up. 
You stand up from him and go to your spot in the bed. The middle.
Bucky goes to your right and puts his head on your shoulder. 
Sam puts his head on your other shoulder too.  
There is a comfortable silence. 
You all look at the ceiling in a sort of trance. 
Your bodies are still vibrating from the pleasure. 
You remember this feeling. You felt like this, when you were together for the first time. 
You smile and start singing: 
Do you remember when we fell in love?
We were young and innocent then
Do you remember how it all began?
It just seemed like heaven, so why did it end?
Sam followed with: 
“Do you remember, back in the fall?
We'd be together all day long
Do you remember us holding hands?
In each other's eyes, we'd stare
Tell me” 
You sign all together: 
Do you remember the time?
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time?
When we first met, girl
Do you remember the time?
(Oh, I)
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time?
Sam continue singing: 
Do you remember how we used to talk?
You know, we'd stay on the phone at night till dawn
Do you remember all the things we said?
Like, "I love you so, I'll never let you go
Bucky sings, horrible out of key; 
Do you remember, back in the spring?
Every morning, birds would sing
Do you remember those special times?
They'll just go on and on
In the back of my mind
You laugh after that. 
“What made you remember “remember the time”?”, Bucky asks you 
“ We were having the party in the  basement, the Ihumann were watching the video and dancing to that, when I went looking out for you’, you answer to him. ‘It is amazing how they catch on moves so damn fast, they dance the same as the video dancers, like outstanding and it is a little bit eerie like Jouuma was like a reincarnation of Michael.” You add on. 
“Okay, space nerd”, Sam teases you. Bucky chuckles at that. 
You glare at them
They face you. Sam faces you with his weight on his elbow so that he can see your profile. Bucky does the same. 
“I am sorry, y/n”, Sam starts.
“You were right, I was losing my sense self, we need to help the most vulnerable,
 We will find another solution for the Kree and the Skrulls and the Ihummann. 
You show me what I should be doing. When you can’t compromise, don't. 
I am sorry for holding you back. I just want to be your protector, just like I was once ,but I know things are different now. It just cost me. You have been through a lot and I wanted to save you from all that and I couldn’t. I will change. I will ask you what you need instead of assuming, I am sorry, baby ”, he states and he chokes a little sob on the last part.
“Aww, Sammy, you and Buck are the people that make me feel safe and loved. It's just that I’m not in college anymore. A lot happened and I’m not the same person but I love you and how you two always are there despite our differences ” you say while sitting up against the headboard.
You let him put his head on your chest. 
“ I am sorry, I sidetrack the mission but it is just that when I see something go south, I can’t ignore it”, I am sorry I kicked you out of my office like that. I will try my best not to lose my temper like that again”, you apologize to them.  
“You are right, y/n, It is a horrible plan, we need to have some alternative and I know it is in those chips. I am sorry for being an ass to you in space and I am sorry for making you feel bad to save the Ihumman, like Sammy said we want to protect you and we feel we have fail at that, when everyone were against you for this relationship, the scandal, the kidnapping, you getting your powers  but you are right you are different but at the same baby we fell in love with and I love you and I promise not to be overbearing”, Bucky apologizes. He puts his head on your chest too.  
“You were right in saving them, I was so far removed, that was me and Steve in the 40s.
If he didn’t disobey orders to save me constantly, I wouldn't be here”, Bucky states 
You kiss his head. 
" Buck, it's so good that you think that way, I am thankful for you and Sammy, you two did what you can, you received a lot of backlash too . You are enough more than enough ",you say to him, rubbing his back.
“You still owe me a fucking car, asshole, you rip my fucking steering wheel”, Sam tease Bucky with faux offence. 
Bucky sighed  “I am sorry, Sammy for damaging your car and rip the steering wheel”, Bucky apologizes
You all laugh. 
“What are we going to do if we do not find anything on those chips”, You worry. 
“Hey baby you are one of the most brilliant minds there is out there , you will figure it out and we will  be right here by your side”, Sam reassures you and Bucky nods in agreement.
“Let that grey matter of yours, rest a minute, honey pie”, Bucky said to you while bopping your nose.
“You are right and I love you so much”, you answer.
“We love you so much, pretty baby, Sam answered you and kissed your cheek”. 
You all went to the bathroom and shower for real this time. They were kisses here and there. 
You brush your teeth.
Sam grabs the cocoa butter and he moisturizes you and Bucky then moisturizes Sam. 
Bucky wraps the night scarf around your head for your hair with a good knot
. Sam changed the covers and put the dirty covers in the dirty clothes basket. 
You change into your PJS. You wore a silk camisole. Bucky some loose shorts, no underwear and no shirt.  Sam wore some sweatpants  and no shirt.
You kissed each other goodnight and slept tangled with each other. 
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morsmoon · 3 years
Okay so this is a rewrite bc tumblr mobile is horrible. I want to start with a disclaimer bc I’m not a professional and most of what I’ve learned can be found online (I use my intuition and knowledge of you from your blogs too). The conclusions I come to might be different than what a more experienced astrologer would or I might be way off base, but I did put in effort so I hope some of it resonates. Idrk how to do a full chart reading (I feel like charts can be read endlessly tbh), so I’ll just be covering the broad strokes of what really jumps out at me.
Something you might want to look into is your Chiron placement. Chiron is considered the “wounded healer” asteroid and has to do with a perpetual/recurring wound you encounter in your life. It’s something you struggle with personally, but can help others with bc of your experiences. Your Chiron is in Libra in the 11th house. This tells me you face a lot of difficulties in your social life. Libra has a lot to do with personal relationships, and the 11th house is about community/friends/etc. This combined with Scorpio ruling your 12th house makes things tricky. The 12th house rules over a variety of things, one of them being hidden enemies. With Scorpio here, your enemies will likely be manipulative and possibly psychologically abusive. This makes a lot of sense to me bc I feel you desperately want to find good and trustworthy friends but you’ve dealt with “fake friends”/betrayals in the past so you struggle with trust.
But! You also have a very prominent Pluto. Pluto covers a lot of stuff like finances, death, sex, rebirth/regeneration, etc. Being in the 1st house means that your Pluto is very influential all by itself (the 1st house has to do with the self). Your Pluto also happens to have quite a few aspects to it as well (and almost all of them being favorable [trines and sextiles]). Pluto’s prominence means you have a great capacity for healing and regeneration, you rise from the ashes again and again. Another thing that makes Pluto so prominent for you is that it forms a grand trine with Mars and Saturn (a grand trine is an aspect pattern between 3 objects where each object forms a trine with the other 2 objects making an equilateral triangle, grand trines are very influential in a chart). This is an awesome place to have a grand trine imo. The trine between Pluto and Saturn indicates a knack for growing despite (or maybe bc of) obstacles/hardship (Saturn rules over restrictions/challenges/limitations/etc). The trine between Pluto and Mars gives you a drive for regrowth/regeneration; you may get knocked down, but you get up every time determined to be better than you were before. The trine between Saturn and Mars makes you a bit hard headed when it comes to facing problems. You can be like a dog with a bone bc you won’t stop until you feel you’ve “won” or solved whatever it is. This grand trine (between Saturn Mars, and Pluto) says to me that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Also, these 3 planets are all masculine, which might contribute to the masculine/dominant energy you have. Pluto has a lot to do with that too. Pluto being in your 1st gives you those Scorpio vibes everyone gets from you. Pluto here makes you come off as very intense, dark, and powerful (this is also in a sexual sense, which might explain why so many tops/doms say they would bottom/sub for you lol). Pluto also has to do with obsession and possessiveness, so you could be prone to those things or to being on the receiving end of them.
You also have a grand trine with Saturn, Mars, and your Ascendant (all fire signs btw lol, so much fire). Having these masculine planets in fire placements aspecting your ascendant, which is also a fire placement, means you come across as strong willed and ready to face adversity (this would be on first impression, but based on the first grand trine I mentioned, this is an accurate first impression and these things are integral to you). Having such prominent aspects to planets in fire signs means that you embody a lot of fire sign qualities despite being a Virgo sun.
The two grand trines plus your Mercury make me think that your professional potential is incredible. Mercury rules over things like thought process and communication, and yours is in Virgo and the 10th house. Virgo is ruled by Mercury naturally, so yours is very strong here. The 10th house is generally seen as the house of career, meaning your career would have something to do with thinking/communication (this makes sense to me bc psychology revolves heavily around those things). I also think it’s pretty interesting that you had to learn a second language to go to uni, and you managed to despite feeling that English didn’t come naturally to you. In my mind, that’s the Saturn/Mars/Pluto grand trine and your Mercury placement showing their potential to work together. Mercury was in retrograde when you were born, tho, which can be difficult to deal with. You often feel misunderstood by others or that they aren’t getting what you’re trying to communicate. You might feel like the words you’re using as a speaker make total sense, but they don’t quite get the meaning across to the listener (and/or vice versa). While having Mercury in retrograde in your chart can be frustrating, it means you have unique thoughts and perspectives. I bet you’ve heard astro people complain about Mercury going into retrograde and how it’s gonna mess with them, right? Typically it will mess with a person’s ability to communicate/think clearly (it does with me lmao), but since you were born when Mercury was in retrograde, you thrive during those times.
Your Mercury squares your Moon, which means that you struggle to communicate regarding your own emotions especially. Your Moon also squares your Sun, which means you might experience some dissonance between your feelings/emotional needs and how your ego determines you act to express those feelings/get those needs met. I think that your Mercury, these aspects (Mercury square Moon, Moon square Sun), and your Leo Venus and Mars contribute a lot to the struggles your Chiron presents. You like to be the “funny friend” in your group, and maybe a bit of the “mom friend”. These roles satisfy the dominant elements in your chart (fire and earth). Being funny allows for quick gratification; most people smile or laugh pretty soon after something funny is said/done. It also lets you be the center of attention in a way that feels comfortable to you bc it’s under your control. These things satisfy the fiery parts of yourself (especially your Leo Mars and Venus). It also satisfies the earthy parts of you bc laughter/smiles are pretty concrete reactions that are difficult to fake and they’re easily quantifiable. You might take on a parental role in your friend group too (I say this bc you seem like an assertive but caring person, as shown by the trines, Leo placements, Sun, and your Moon in the 1st). Both of these roles allow you to take on a position of power in your interactions. I see comedians as leading their audience’s reactions (I feel the “mom friend” power dynamic doesn’t need explained). I think these things might be why you feel drained after a group hangout. By being the funny/mom friend, you put in a lot of effort but only get a portion of what you need. These roles put you in a position of power. Yes, they are still somewhat emotional interactions, but they don’t allow for much vulnerability on your part. Your Chiron placement and your Leo Mars/Venus make me think that you want to feel in control or that you have a power advantage bc it makes you feel safer. These placements also tell me that to feel fulfilled, you need your relationships/interactions to be more balanced/mutual/reciprocal bc you crave a safe place to have intimacy and be a little more vulnerable. It’s very important to you that the vulnerability that allows for intimacy is given by choice. I think maybe in the past that choice to be vulnerable was taken from you, or that you were possibly vulnerable with someone who had bad intentions and took advantage. This plus your Pluto could contribute to why you have certain preferences in the bedroom too (idw be nsfw, but certain some more intense stuff allows participants to be both vulnerable and in control, iykyk). I think this need for control/power might also be why you hold onto your anger and grudges so tightly. Letting yourself feel hurt means admitting vulnerability, and you might be prone to using anger to cover/protect that hurt instead so feel you have more control over your emotions.
You’ve asked before why you attract so many water signs and I think all that might contribute. Water dominant people tend to enjoy nurturing, emotional, touchy-feely stuff and they can likely sense that you need it on some level even if you aren’t comfortable with it. You also have the Moon and Pluto in the 1st house, which makes your emotions very strong (water dominants can be drawn to that). The Moon and Pluto are also rulers of water signs (the Moon rules Cancer and Pluto is the primary ruler of Scorpio); having them in the first house gives you some watery vibes even tho you don’t have almost any water in your chart. That might actually be something to look into (having the ruler of your 8th house in your 1st and the ruler of your 12th house in your 1st). I read up a little on that, but I’m still pretty new to interpreting sign rulers’ meanings when they’re in a house not ruled by their own sign (that was so confusing to type, idk if it makes sense).
Omg that was a lot to rewrite (I wrote way more than I planned the first time but I was so curious I couldn’t help myself and then I felt like I had to include everything I could remember bc I spent most of my day doing this lmfaoooo, I can’t imagine the people who do whole chart interpretations holy fuck). I’m so glad tumblr doesn’t limit the # of ask characters anymore lol, gotta be grateful for the small stuff. I feel like this doesn’t flow quite like it did the first time I wrote it, but I hope you can follow it and that it makes sense anyways. I hope none of it was too personal or somehow offensive, I know sometimes when I read about my own placements/aspects that I feel like I’m being totally dragged lmao. Lmk if any of it is accurate! I’ve never actually done any sort of chart interpretation of anyone other than myself so I’m very curious as to whether or not anything resonates. Tysm for letting me see your chart! I had a lot of fun reading it and writing this (even tho tumblr mobile was dumb) so I hope you enjoy it
Bro this is truly fascinating and amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my chart and write this message. I appreciate it a lot!!
I'm sorry for the late answer but I needed some time to truly understand your words. I've reread this message at least 10 times lmaoo my attention span is so bad sometimes it's embarrassing. Anyways this has to be one of the best anons I've ever gotten. It's insightful and sincere and I truly appreciate it. It's so accurate that it's kinda scary tbh like wow this is 1000% spot on. Every time I read it I was like "wow this explains a lot wow what the fuck".
I'm impressed and I don't say that often. You made me feel seen and validated. I can't comment on your knowledge because I literally know nothing about this lmao so I'll just trust you and go along with it. I'm definitely gonna bookmark it and read it again in the future.
Now I know why a lot of people associate me with Scorpio and fire elements. It does explain a lot about my desires, vibes and behavior. I wish I knew more so I could have a conversation with you about all this but it'd be embarrassing because I'm dumb lmao
Thank you so much. You've got my whole chart so feel free to use it for practice lmao I can be your study case I guess ✊😳
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saturndivine · 5 years
Rate Venus sings and houses from yay to nay ? Thank u lovely sweet baby 💜💛💚💙❤
oh god this question, i love it,,, but at what cost
my rating of the venus signs (from a sagittarius venus)
1. leo venus - will walk to the ends of the earth for you i mean ?? honestly what else could you ask for?? not too clingy not too distant, i love them. and theyre actually pretty patient
2. taurus venus - its so easy to love them, all you have to do is feed them and tell them they look pretty and they'll latch on like a newborn cub and give you all the love you could ever need
3. cancer venus - little soft venus babies, oh my heart. all they wanna do is love and protect and kiss and make cute lil babies how can you not wanna do that with them huh? how?
4. aquarius venus - so complicated but enticing. will literally show you so much affection one day and the next switch up. fixed, so theyre actually kind of needy but dont show it. they just need hugs and for someone to listen to their 1 am rants about the government
5. scorpio venus - i feel like this is the least complicated scorpio placement, they know what they want. love is kind of like a game to them, a game they wanna win. theyre not that dark, just watch a horror film so youll cuddle close
6. aries venus- they will buy you anything you ask for even if you only mention it once?? so protective and stingy over their partner its cute (one time i told a girl i was seeing [has an aries venus], otters were my favorite animal. she proceeded to purchase me one that lived in a sanctuary. his name is elio)
7. libra venus - yeah i know what youre thinking, how is libra who rules venus so far down... but have you met a libra venus. oh my theyre so sweet and healing but where is their head in love? and then youll think they love you but it turns out theyre just having fun. will dump you over text?? and then be sad no ones around to love them
8. pisces venus- the sweetest little gems i ever did see. will give their whole heart to you, like actually rip it out of their chest. so cutesy and they are baby but they just allow so much harm to come to them. absolutely no walls whatsoever are up, like you wanna protect them. but at what cost.
9. capricorn venus - stop acting like you dont need love, we all do, you arent special. your sister sign is cancer, you have to let at least one gaurd down so we can love you, you have so much to offer to the world but we can never see cause youre so guarded. let me in. let me innnnnnnnnn.
10. sagittarius venus- yeah whats wrong with us. why do we get excited to be single but end up being sad because were lonely. yet once we get attention were happy again. why can we only tolerate a person for so long before getting bored?? idk, were cute though. actually very smart in love, doesnt really waste time unless they want to.
11. gemini venus- im sorry gemini venus, i just from the bottom of my heart, do not understand why youre like that. so unconventional but its refreshing. until you get an urge to break up with your longtime lover and move to sweden? and just why? i dont know, you guys are cute, my sister sign venus but why?
12. virgo venus- you guys are weirdos, so so cute and i of course would protect you at all costs but my sag venus cannot deal with the nitpicky and certain love language you all offer. and the way you show love is so unique,,, its just not for me
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btxtreads · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @txthearteu​
tagging @markhyucknorenminchenji​ @qtsoobin​ @beomberry​ @txtdiaries​ and other people who wanna do it idk
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course, none other than king943 hSJADJSAJHAS. He’s a little secret I’ll let you all in on: the first person I actually noticed in TXT was,,,,,,, Kang Taehyun hSDHJAHJSDAHSA but he wasn’t my bias. I just thought he was cute (also amused me bc my BTS bias was Taehyung and I found a guy named Taehyun cute), but I didn’t stan them then. I started stanning when I saw ONE DREAM.TXT where they talked to BTS and found them really cute and endearing. Looking into them, they were wild, and chaotic and so fun and also i got rEAAAALLY attached to Soobin. So here I am. There u go, my stanning story.
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a famous actress or singer hJSHADJSA
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
Went to a theme park. I miss going to theme parks 🥺
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
hmmm most of the time i just go out with just my phone and money unless I need to bring a bag due to safety concerns/more items needed. So I’d say nothing unconventional.
favourite type of plushies and why?
God do I seem boring hsahsajjsa but i wasn’t too big on plushies. I had a gigantic teddy bear named Justin when I was a kid (it’s a bear with shades that my brother gave me) and I used to buy plushies whenever I’m in disneyland, it’s all in my sister’s reading lounge. The only plushie in my room now is a Mollang doll wearing like a blue shirt/dress, it’s my favorite rn It’s squishyyyy
favourite song right now?
right now, it’s Work It by Sabrina Carpenter.
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
Dancing (i literally suck. i have no idea how. no joke), Vocal Lessons (had some lessons briefly for like a year but i stopped and want to take some again), music production, acting, hosting
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
ok okok so one time in our class groupchat we were talking about class elections for officers. There were muse votes and some people were saying they want me to be the muse but i didnt want to bc i was busy with work. Then they started saying that they want me to be the muse and this guy that i rejected be the escort. while this is happening, i was simping hard for soobin in another chat. anyways, i got everything mixed up and accidentally sent the soobin simp stuff to the class chat and everyone thought i was simping for the classmate i rejected i was so asHAMED.
headphones or speakers? why?
speakers! idk i just like blastic the music loud.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
anything with cheese
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since its free for me askjjksad someone pays for my subscription lmaooo
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questions from cj to me:
android or apple? why?
APPLE because im loyal 😌 and i guess im just used to it so its easier to use for me + all my gadgets at home are mac
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
I think there should be a good balance of both. The words will have the ability to give you this sense of comfort and satisfaction and you know just overall a peace of mind when you hear the right words??? and physical affection bc sometimes it’s just better to get a hug or a kiss isntead of talking yk? actions speak louder than words sometimes
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
Honestly, this would depend. If I’m reading a book and feeling very vintage with a hot cup of coffee, definitely a rocking chair. If I’m watching TV and basically just chilling I’d go for Bean Bag. I like maintaining the atmosphere.
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
I view it as in-between, because there’s always room for improvement. There’s always things to change, and consider, and make better. There’s no such thing as perfect.
If someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
Please stop corona right now and let everyone go back to their daily lives and please let me attend a TXT concert bls im begging on my kNEES
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
Give me Soobin I just want to give him a hug. this is valid i can hold him
favorite season and why
Winter! Even if I’ve never experienced snow or winter before, the whole idea of snow is just really fun and endearing to me. One of my bucketlists is to see snow in real life. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve always been this person to prefer the cold over heat.
what made you enter tumblr?
I’ve always been here! Just not in kpop tumblr. I’ve since deleted my old accounts and shame  but i came back to write. It’s always been so stress-relieving to me, to write without any expectations on my back because I’m thinking about grades or a competition. Also Soobin simping is a daily thing and I gotta release it somewhere man
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
Yes. I may not be the richest or the prettiest, or smartest or whatever, but I have a good family that loves me. I have good friends that support me and I have TXT and BTS to help me cope when things get overwhelming. I have a job that gives me a little bit of income (it’s not too common for college students here to get jobs like in the US, most of them just focus on acads) and all the means to continue my education amidst the pandemic. So really, I’m grateful for where I am now.
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
Why do you have to do me dirty cj,,,,, prolly online. I may not get to hug them or anything but I get to talk to them still. As may times as I want to. And as a girl whose sanity literally just depends on Soobin giggles rn it’ll be very therapeutic to me to see them and talk to them as much as I could, even just through a screen.
Cinema or Netflix? Why?
Fire or Rain? Why?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had as a KPOP stan?
How do you handle stress?
Favorite Disney Princess and why?
Which fictional character do you say you relate the most to?
How did you get into KPOP?
What kind of merch you got 👀
Would you date a KPOP idol? What would you do if you do date one? (doesnt have to be your bias, just wanna see what y’all would do)
Would you rather be with someone you love but doesn’t love you back or be with someone that loves yu but you don’t love them back? (Or, as the Filipinos would say, Mahal ko o Mahal Ako)
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: rina
birthday: - 
zodiac: gemini
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino 
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5′2 like 2 years ago, i probably grew like an inch or two 
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: bts and txt fanfics to read hasjhsahj
blog established: ,,,,, i cant remember askjjksdjkdsa but the blog is only a few months old!
followers: 384!!! love yall 
favourite animals: b u n n y y y y y
favourite colour: black, blue, purple
favourite fictional characters: Percy Jackson, Jaron from Ascendance Trilogy, Chimmy!!! hihi
favourite flower: white roses
favourite scent: coffee
favourite season: winter
average hours of sleep: 3-5 or 8-10.
cats or dogs: dogs because cats scare me
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!!! especially if it’s iced and sweet
current time: 12:21 AM
dream trip: California. Look I have the visa, pls miss rona. just leave so cali can just let me IN
dream job: actress or singer
hobbies: writing, reading, watching crackvids
hogwarts house: gryffindor
last movie watched: Work It (bc it has sabrina carpenter ahshsahsa i have low standards when we talk about Sabrina)
last song listened to: Helpless - Hamilton OBC
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, I would go on a date in high school. Also try to exert more effort in my appearance back then i looked like an honest to god M E S S (tbh i still do but now i have eyebrow liner on) hsajhsajhh
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10 things I can’t stop listening to (at the moment)
Run Away - TXT
Work It - Sabrina Carpenter
Euphoria - BTS
Song Cry - Yeonjun
Helpless - Hamilton OBC
Satisfied - Hamilton OBC
Journey to the past - Anastasia OBC
Lost in the Woods - Frozen OST
Perfect Song - Sabrina Carpenter
Friends - BTS
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cordovcs · 4 years
✩ °。— hi omg ok let’s get into this good, fun & fresh content & lemme introduce u to my lil bi sexual hellion who has tequila running thru her bloodstream & oh ya hi i’m annie, 23, she / her plot w me i want u to hurt me worse than shonda rhimes has ever dared to idk bye
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name: hello this is indigo capri cordova 
sexual orientation: bi as fuck
birthplace: west hollywood, california 
major: communications 
spoken languages: english 
zoadic: psycho 
- hello this is indigo
- alright, to set the scene... let’s imagine that there is a beautiful image of a car before us; however, that car is surrounded by dark smoke bc that said car is absolutely engulfed in flames bc it’s driver is an #idiot 
- but also imagine within that image of total chaos & destruction that the driver... yes the one i mentioned previously as an #idiot... is still there... but this bitch is throwing up deuces & taking selfies 
- that is indigo 
- but more importantly here:
— first-born into wealthy, powerful family & was raised by her father, an influential diplomat & european oil tycoon, & her mother, a famed american socialite with ties to many corrupt government families. basically, her mother was her father’s entire world … ten years younger than him, a trust fund that kept her occupied, & a taste for adventure —  he devoted himself to her &her only … indi was simply just a factor in his adoration, as her mother craved maternity & of course, her father would do anything to please her, even if that meant creating a child he did not care for. 
— as she matured ( if u could even say she’s mature ?? idk ) & learned of her father’s distaste for her, she began to act out … wild parties, late night conquests with strangers that lurked outside of the club, & lethal cocktails of drugs & alcohol. at first, it was just to anger her father, but it soon became a way of life for her. now, despite having been in & out of rehab for a mixture of reasons, it’s a miracle to catch her sober who knows what this week’s cocktail is
— unfortunately, like her father, indi struggles with addiction in many forms. there’s something about the feeling of elevation that comes with each sip of tequila as it leaves a burning trace down her esophagus, each drag of a burning cigarette … it’s an escape. but, she’ll never truly admit that she has a problem, no matter how many stints of rehab she serves.
— however, there are some euphoric rushes that are unattainable by drugs &alcohol only.  which, y’know, explains why so many of the anecdotes of her past occurred ; from the four-wheeling accident in the hills of malibu that left her twelve year old self with a crown of stitches carefully detailed above her right eyebrow, hanging over the edge at devil’s pool while visiting victoria falls on a sudden trip to south africa last year, the countless automobile accidents that have been brushed off as her ‘terrible’ driving skills, they are all her heroin. if you’re only on this earth for a handful of years, why not enjoy pressing that gas pedal to the floor & see how far you can go ??
— lust, euphoria, & chaotic control … these are the sins that drive her entire being. red lips kissed around a lit cigarette, smoke curling upwards, & eyes devouring the svelte body before her; indigo exudes an ominous & enticing aura, but that’s what is captivating about her. it’s her siren-like facade that pulls you in & refuses to let you go.
— she’s a drug, malignant & bewitching, her delicate words interlace w your inner demons, calling upon them & feeding your deepest, darkest desires. when she enters a room, all eyes fall to her, watching & analyzing. she enjoys to elicit fear or unease, to keep others watching her & following. her greatest fear is losing control of what she has, forbidden to uproot time &time again in search of her next greatest adrenaline rush ( which, by the way, she’s a total adrenaline junky ).
— most of these actions, of course, were highlighted thoroughly on television for several of her adolescent years when her family signed a multi-million dollar contract for a reality show … her family is basically the kardashians, ok ? while it may seem gr8 to have a television show & acquire fame through that, there were many downsides …. one of which was her father’s involvement in an embezzlement scheme before her eighteenth birthday ? bASICALLY his illicit actions & their outcome were showcased on national tv & that really had an impact on indi’s life ?? the tabloids already targeted her bc of her wild ways, but now the entire world was analyzing her family & talking shit which caused her to grow an even thicker shell & fight back with even more vicious words.
— but now 
— rn she is basically paris hilton on the simple life except a lil smarter, less juicy tracksuits, & she cut off basically all of her family to tRY to be normal on her own which ig is why she is here 
— she’s somewhat of a mad scientist when it comes to writing music ? like, full on goes rouge for a matter of days & locks herself away in a room with a bottle of tequila & a pack of marlboro lights. she carries around a lil leather black book with her at all times , where she will literally stop in the middle of whatever she’s doing ( whether that be a film shoot, a night at the club, during conversation ) just to write down her thought process or newfound muse. it includes everything from names, how an intimate kiss felt, poetry, colors, etc. there’s probably half-written songs within the pages. oH !! & she never, ever lets anyone touch it or read it … like, she would lose her absolute shit if it somehow got beyond her hands.
- but tbh she doesnt kno why she is studying communications when she could study music 
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timandlucy · 5 years
1-19 odds :)
I’m skipping the ones I already did :)
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I’d really love to have the power to heal the earth. Like I’d put my hand in an ocean and the trash would disappear and forests would stop burning and so on.
5. Tell us some funny drunk story.
So when we were in Malta on our grad trip, we stumbled across a traffic sign that was like ripped out from the street. So we thought it would be hilarious if we stole the stop sign and took it with us. It was so fucking heavy too, and we carried it to the beach where we had some drinks. Fast forward couple minutes, a police car stops next to us and starts speaking to us in their language. We shake our heads that we don’t understand, the stop sign lying casually next to us and we’re like terrified we’re gonna get arrested and trying to act sober. So they repeat in english and my classmate starts blabbering something in spanish acting as if we didn’t speak english either. The policeman looks at us and points to the plastic cups and stuff and mimes that we need to clean up when we’re done. So we nod and they leave. And that was a time we pretended to be spanish so we wouldn’t get arrested for stealing a traffic sign.
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be?
I’d like it to be like really quick and unexpected, like falling off a cliff into the ocean or something like that.
11. Do you like your body?
I’m trying to, but not really.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
Potatoes. I love potatoes.
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
Visiting my friends from other countries.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
I honestly can’t remember. It was probably my mom, but she has to say it right? xD so idk if that counts.
Thank you! :) I enjoyed answering these.
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quiviktories · 5 years
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               ( demigirl ) haven’t seen QUINN-VIKTORIA “QUIVI” NIKOLAYEVNA around in a while. the ADELINE RUDOLPH lookalike has been known to be (+) DILIGENT & (+) GENTLE, but SHE can also be (-) INTIMIDATING & (-) STONE-FACED. The 23 year old is a JUNIOR majoring in AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE. I believe they’re living in FIDELIS but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. 
                         okie dokes y’all I’m rly sad my muse for Link n Eden just lightning mcdied but as an apology ( to myself ) I’m bringing perhaps my OLDEST OC to Lockwood !! ( I’ve had Cyrus for three years , Quivi’s existed for five. ) But she’s actually a more fantasy-oriented OC so it was fun modernizing her up for Lockwood !! So more abt my battle princess under the cut. // like to plot after reading the intro
              TWs: Violence, death, emotional abuse, mentions of mental illness ( ocd ), ptsd
Most important facts abt Quivi are she’s 6′3, has a six-pack, and can drive. Also bi bc I can’t write straight OCs with my bisexual ass.
OKAY OKAY ALSO RLY IMPORTANT FACT : She’s selectively mute , so Quivi will either be communicating through written words or sign 90% of the time. There’s two reasons for this :
Quivi’s first language is not English ; if you can’t tell already , she’s Russian , and she’s still learning English. She’s more of a visual than auditory person so writing English is easier for her than speaking , and she’s honestly very insecure about it , so she chooses not to speak partially because of that. She learned sign very easily and is more comfortable with it than speaking.
The other reason . . . is bc of her past but I’ll b getting to that. 
So she was adopted. Quivi doesn’t know where her biological parents are from , but as a baby , she was taken in by a Russian businessman named Nikolay Andreyevich and . . . she had the same birthday as his biological child , Lukas. Exactly. Birthday was April 8th 1996 ( tech as of rn Quivi’s 22 but I just put 23 bc it’s easy ) , so even though Quivi and her brother weren’t blood , they were always referred to as twins.
Now their father was a bit of an asshole , to say the least. You know how sometimes parents often pit children against each other ?? Well , you might expect me to say he did that to the kids to try and see who could run the company.
He didn’t !!
No instead he decided which one was going to lead ahead of time and treated the other one like dirt 
So yeah Quivi was the one who was treated like dirt
This was because Lukas was going to be the heir, and Quivi was going to be his bodyguard. So Lukas was spoiled rotten and Quivi was trained extensively and given brutal criticism so she’d come out tough as nails and only focus on being the perfect soldier / bodyguard.
She was taught to keep her emotions inside , never to express herself , and to always be silent. And she’d be verbally berated and chastised if she failed to comply with either - she had to be a stealthy , emotionless machine. And . . . yeah. That’s the second reason for her selective mutism. 
So yeah , that was her life up until she turned eighteen. Because at that age, their father died, and now it was just her and Lukas.
And he treated her exactly like their father did. He was a spoiled brat and believed Quivi was there to simply act as his bodyguard. And yeah , she obeyed him. But Lukas didn’t have his heart set on being a businessman , no - he wanted to be famous. And he ended up climbing his way to become an Instagram influencer and even bought his way into getting a record deal so he could put out bad Youtuber music.
...Quivi hates his stuff. To this day
Quivi was eventually cast to the side to the point where her brother wouldn’t even acknowledge her as his bodyguard. He acted like she wasn’t even there. And Quivi hated the way he treated other people - when they turned twenty , he got a woman pregnant and never bothered to see her again. And Quivi ended up finding her and helping her take care of the child when she was born.
And that was around the point Quivi decided her brother was a fucking dickhead and stood up to him , cutting him out of her life. And she focused on making a life for herself , and used what she got of their father’s inheritance ( because their mother insisted both twins get something ) and paid to go to Lockwood. 
Quivi is the epitome of someone who looks rly scary and intimidating but oh my god is she not. She’s very gentle , very polite - always uses formalities and puts others before herself. Holds the door for twelve people before going inside herself.
But also , she can fucking fight like there’s no tomorrow. She was trained for years , and she probably knows a few ways to kill a man. Was trained with a few weapons just in case , and definitely is a master of self-defense.
She has OCD and as well PTSD from her childhood. I will very rarely mention this in threads , but it’s important to note. ( I have both , as well. )
She never really had nice / fun things as a kid , so she has a lot of catching up to do. The little things make her so happy , like McFlurries , bad pop music , the cliche Shakespeare stories everyone reads , etc. 
But , again - she was never encouraged to show emotion. So she comes off as very neutral because of this reason - but trust me she feels a whole lot and when she does smile it’s a sight from Heaven.
She’s a sporty person !! She’s into fencing , but that sport’s not offered at Lockwood , so she’s also on the gymastics team. Even has a varsity jacket for it.
Also in Theatre ( the club ) !! Not as an actress , however. She’s on the set crew. But she wants to be an actress in it someday , or even do some sign translations for the audience.
Tatiana was a stranger to her. But the stranger you know everything and nothing about , because you hear about her all the time from everyone else. So yes , in a curious manner did Quivi pick her name - but you know that feeling you get when you wonder if you were the deciding vote in that shit ?? Quivi wonders that ( obviously , she wasn’t , but she gets that feeling every time someone brings up Tatiana and the Watershed )
God I love her she’s my gentle giant bby and again I’ve had her for . . . five years n tbh like Cyrus a good portion of her character was originally made to Vent my own stuff out so. She means a lot 2 me.
Hope y’all love her.
sb in Theatre who wants to get Quivi onto the stage tbh that was the First thing I thought of 
sb who Quivi can teach Russian or ASL !! Also others who know ASL would b great bc that’s Quivi’s preferred method of communication
Someone who Quivi can trust with actually talking to ?? They’d have to be really close , though , because Quivi only speaks to the people that she trusts
A nerd who Quivi befriends and just. Listens to them talk about the stuff they’re interested in. Bc honestly learning and listening is what she likes to do - not like Ami who fuckin CAN’T STOP WON’T STOP with the studying but. Quivi’s literally been deprived of so much. She likes to learn what she doesn’t know.
Sb who sorta thinks Quivi is all SUPER FUCKIN SCARY AND PROBABLY A BITCH bc of the RBF but when they actually meet her,,, they think she’s so sweet
Lowkey a fuckboi or sb who could flirt w/ her n she just. Turns em down. Stone-faced. Might kick them and make ‘em fall or smth idk Quivi’s that person who tells u to go chop a guy’s dick off when he says one rude thing 2 u
Literally okay in my personal headworld / lores it’s a part of Quivi’s culture to settle things like minor disagreements with a duel to the death and it was a running gag on earth that Quivi would see ppl get in2 like. Twitter fights. N comment “challenge them to a duel to the death” n everyone else was like QUIVI NO
she’s... kinda like Diana. like, Wonder Woman Diana.
I call her Wonder Woman a lot
Bt this is Watershed so it’s very different from that!! Lowkey tho I’m proud of the world I created for her like I literally made a whole language + alphabet for her world 
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anima-contritum · 7 years
hamilsquad magic!au headcanons
A/N: this au is my baby so please be gentle with it. if you guys wanna write stuff based on this (which i myself will eventually do) then ask me and credit me and @11wolfpup11 because she had a big part in creating this world with me. this is just a little bit of something big that i have tons of notes on so feel free to ask questions and such (: as always, enjoy! p.s. this is my first hc so idk if im doing it right o well
Weather Wizard
this boy can make the sunniest day instantly cloudy and dark if he’s in a bad mood
when he cries, it rains with flashing lightning and thunder that shakes the ground
overall, donT MAKE HIM UPSET
he will either strike lightning down on your ass or have a storm cloud follow you for a week
one time after he fought with Jefferson, he manipulated the static electricity so his hair was frizzy 
Thomas nearly killed him for it
When he first discovered his powers, he set off a hurricane
he and his brother were fighting pretty bad to the point that’s what set Alex off
poor Alex couldnt control it, it was like a giant burst of energy exploded inside of him
it destroyed the entire town killing hundreds
he could hardly forgive himself after knowing this uncontrollable thing inside himself caused it
everyone hated him once his secret powers were exposed
there were riots and it all got pretty dangerous until he was finally able to be transported to Flilria Magic Academy 
Very bisexual and very flirty
when he first met Angelica, the ice witch nearly froze his face off for flirting with her
(John still laughs his ass off at that fact)
even after that he made the mistake of thinking dirtily about John Andre when the man could literally read every thought
(again, John still laughs)
but despite all that, Alexander still shamelessly flirts with Laurens and usually is very protective of him
Defiant as fuck
on his first day of attending Flilria, he got sent down to Headmaster Washington’s office at least 6 times
part of it was because he nearly talked Professor Seabury out of his own classroom 
another part was because he was veryyy close to kicking James Reynolds into the next fucking dimension for abusing Maria and degrading Hercules and Laf
Potions Wizard
this freckled cutie is a total geek when it comes to potions and spells
he can create any potion knowing the ingredients and chants no matter what, like the information was already in his brain
he can also turn water into poison if he tried hard enough
when he first learned he could this kind of stuff, he accidentally poisoned one of his classmates from the human world and had to run away - again
his biological dad - whom no one ever speaks of (and surprisingly isn’t Henry hehe) - abused him both physically and emotionally
John was blamed for his mothers death when she died from the birth
his dad took his anger and grief out on him, cursing him so every full moon he turns into a hideous beast and so that his kiss was poisonous
when he was old enough, John ran away
for a while he lived on the streets with almost nothing to live on
it wasn’t until he was taken in by the Laurens’s did he know a little bit of compassion 
but in John’s experience, everything good has its end
Henry had slapped him across the face and beat him black and blue for accidentally knocking over a very antique and expensive family heirloom
he ran and never looked back
even after being taken into Flilria Academy, he has a hard time
people bully him because he isn’t that powerful
(in which Alex tells them to fuck off unless they want a foot where the sun don’t shine)
he has a hard time dealing with his ability because it just reminds him of his powerful and dark biological father
please protect him 
(more on the curse)
my poOR BOY 
John could never press his lips against someone’s skin, for the person would die 
its intention is to prevent John from ever falling in love (but boy oh boy that didn’t stop him)
to add to it, the curse prevents him from ever speaking of it to anyone
it kinda cuts off his words and leaves him speechless for a moment
the curse itself acts as a live darkness that can take over his body and mind or cause him pain if it senses something it doesn’t like
not even magic can cure the curse...
Alex has tried too many times to count
Loves Alexander despite the damn curse
he can be shy about it but is generally very open about his affections for the other boy
but he always has mini heart attacks whenever his lips get too close to Alex’s skin 
there was one time where they nearly kissed
John avoided Alex for a week after, terrified of killing his love and best friend
he often helps him with tests and stuff when it’s based on potions and all that hoopla
it’s all very cute and fluffy, but can be a big danger 
Earth Wizard
this boy can pick up boulders and bend metal wiTH HIS MIND
(i kinda based his powers off of Avatar oops)
he can also do crazy natural disaster stuff like earthquakes 
super damn powerful but literally the sweetest boy ever
in addition, he can spawn cute lil flowers and other earthy things 
(he likes to put the flowers in Laf’s hair)
He caused a devastating earthquake when he first tapped into his abilities
it killed his family and nearly everything around him for miles was in ruins 
nobody was able to pinpoint the cause so Herc was shoved around like every other orphan
that was until he was teleported to the magic school where he first met Lafayette - his roommate
He was selectively mute for a very long time because of the after effects of the earthquake
it left him traumatized
he was speechless for a very long time, occasionally learning ASL words to ask Laf for something
Laf was always there, teaching him new sign language and talking to him even though there was no reply 
Laf was just generally okay with it and both supported and defended Herc through it all
this went on until one day Lafayette was rambling on about not having a Moon Stone for his collection
Herc had perked up and gotten up from where he was sitting. It took a bit to find it, but when he did he gave the Moon Stone he had to Laf with a small smile as two words passed his lips. “Keep it.”
(Laf made it into a necklace and wears it everyday)
That was the first time he had spoken since the earthquake
Please love and respec and protec
for a while, Herc would only ever talk to Laf
it would progress from quiet one worded responses to whispered sentences to full conversations
but even though he talks to Laf doesn’t mean he talks to everyone
he’s still trying to get passed his barriers and talking to others but most times it comes out in stutters and broken whispers
he has really bad anxiety but still tries
most times Laf has to stand up for him because others use his struggles against him
He’s scared of his powers
no lying, he’s one of the most powerful kids in the school
but because of the earthquake and avoiding his powers, he doesn’t know how to control it
it’s very hard for him to do big things at a time because he’s terrified if he pushes the limits he has set, he’ll hurt someone
it all comes down to his bad anxiety but he does try if he’s encouraged
sometimes the encouragement can be someone messing with Laf 
he learned he could bend metal from that one time someone called them a homophobic slur and he lost all sense of control
it still scares him though when he tries new things
Animal Wizard
this pure boy can talk to animals
even though he can do this though, he sometimes has trouble understanding certain animal dialects
it’s kinda like how people can’t understand a different language if we don’t study it
he can also sometimes compel them if he has to but he hates it
he found the dragon egg under a giant willow tree
after carefully watching over it and keeping it safe, it hatched and out came a little black and blue scaled dragon he’d name Saule
(Saule translates to Willow in french)
Laf would soon learn that he and Saule established an unbreakable bond after she was born where they can speak telepathically and feel each other’s emotions 
now as she’s basically a teenager in dragon years, Saule’s the sassiest lil shit ever
she always teases him about his giant crush on Hercules 
oH and she breathes electricity rather than fire which is pretty cool
at this point, she’d be about the size of a very large dog
essentially, she’s like Lafayette’s sister and will do anything and everything she can to protect him
Fun fact; he was one of the first students at Flilria
he was very young when he learned of his abilities
his family had gotten into a car accident that got his mother killed and he unconsciously called out to a family of bears that took him from away the incident
when little Laf finally got to Flilria, good ol’ Gwash became like a father to him 
in other words, they’re very close
Very much likes Hercules
that is all
he just likes him
a lot
he will protect him and love him 
it’s very cute and domestic and not angsty and goD I LOVE MULLETTE LET ME LIVE
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wenamedthedogkylo · 7 years
Tagged Yo
Name: Briana, but I go by Bree and sometimes Bryn
Gender: Genderfluid (65% female, 30% nonbinary/other, 5% male)
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′ 8″
sexuality: Bisexual
What image do you have as wallpaper: A pic I took in FFXV of Ardyn which looks like he stole the camera and took a selfie. It’s my lockscreen and my wallpaper.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: In like 2nd grade, cause all the boys in my year were trolls and I was sick of them. We don’t talk about it. Or 2nd grade in general, it was a bad year.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: It’d be nice if I was settled in a successful acting/writing career, but the way things are going who knows.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: England. Preferably London. Unless we’re talking, like, LITERALLY anywhere, including places that don’t exist, cause then I’ll take Middle-earth or Eos.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Uh... hm. Tough. I’m gonna go with my Phantom of the Opera Red Death costume sophomore year of college, because I made the mask myself. It was based on the movie version, obvs, and of course it was far from perfect, but it still turned out awesome and since it was also for a class, I got the highest grade on that mask-making project. So booyah. But in high school, I was Darth Vader, Eric Draven aka The Crow, Batman, and then I was gonna do The Joker (Dark Knight version) but I could only get the makeup and scars and not the suit, so my friend lent me a purple fairy costume and I was a Joker Fairy. I won a costume contest.
What’s your favorite 90s show: Uhhhhhh... I suddenly forgot literally all 90s shows. I didn’t really watch TV in the 90s, so... hang on lemme look some up. Okay uh... Dexter’s Lab, Powerpuff Girls, I really liked those. Um, Freaks & Geeks was pretty good? Oh, Friends is pretty classic. 
Who was your last kiss?: I literally have no idea, it’s been years lmao
Have you ever been stood up?: Not that I can think of, that sort of requires someone to ask you out, ya feel me?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Once, my freshman year of college. My bff from high school’s mom paid for us to go see Avenged Sevenfold at the Hard Rock Café, only it was RIGHT before my very first finals. So obviously I said FUCK IT cause finals week was Thur-Wed, and I didn’t have any finals until Monday at 8:00 AM. So we flew out Friday morning, went to the concert Saturday night, and flew back Sunday. And then I went to my final hating the world but happy for the experience. Since I was still 17 at the time, we didn’t do any gambling or drinking but neither of us wanted to anyway so it was all good.
Favorite pair of shoes: Whichever one I’m wearing the most at any given time lmao
Favorite fruit: Probably mangoes, I really can’t resist them
Favorite book: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, followed closely by the Inferno from The Divine Comedy, Frankenstein, and Dracula.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Only one thing? Jeez. Um. It’s either a) the time I stuck a prop necklace for a play I was doing in a floor socket, nearly electrocuted myself, destroyed the necklace the day before opening, and looked like a moron in front of my cast and crew, all because my brain literally went, “hey, this part of the necklace is flat! I bet it would fit in that slot on the socket!”; b) the time I tried networking at the place I was temping because I wanted them to offer me a permanent job, and ended up so drunk that I passed out on the MAX home, stumbled off a stop, fell over and puked on my boots, and had to be taken to the emergency room; or c) the time I was at a band trip up the river in high school and wanted to swim across the river with my friends, forgetting that I was a scrawny weakling until I was at the mercy of the current, nearly got run over by a jet boat, and was so tired by the time I crawled to the rocks on the other side that they were already ready to go back across, I had to rest, and then almost drowned trying to swim/float my way back over because I was so tired. Straw poll, what do you think was the stupidest?
Hogwarts House: Ravendor, it’s really a 50/50 split at this point
Hours of sleep: Who the hell knows anymore? Usually 6+, often 12 because ~my brain doesn’t work properly~.
Blankets you sleep with: Preferably like one or two sheets, a comforter, and maybe some soft throws on top of that, but I’m not picky anymore.
Favorite Bands: Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy are probably the top right now, also Imagine Dragons and WALK THE MOON probably, and Golden Bough which I’ve listened to literally since I was born. And I guess you could count Vitamin String Quartet. I don’t really listen to music that required bands much...
Favorite Solo artists: I actually listen to more solo artists than bands, but still less than just classical and instrumental. Faves are probably Lady Gaga, David Bowie, The Living Tombstone, Kesha, Andrew Bird, Sia, and Syrano.
Song stuck in my head: O-FUCKING-KAY LET ME TELL YOU, so for the last like two weeks I’ve had three songs cycling through my head and I wanna die. Bitch Better Have My Money (okay, not bad, it’s a fuckin awesome song); Tunak Tunak (SWEAR TO GOD WHY, WHY DID IT COME BACK TO HAUNT ME); and to my utter horror The Living Tombstone’s “W* *r* N*mb*r *n*” remix (I WANT TO FUCKING DIE AND IT’S @chocokweehn‘S FAULT)
Last movie I watched: Alice in Wonderland (1951), I got nostalgic
Why did I create my blog: Someone on the ProBoards RP I was on posted a gif, and I was like 😱 what is this soRCERY? WITCHCRAFT?! And so I boogied over here and just started exploring. And I’ve been here ever since, just cause I liked the format and the reblogging and the Idk the community feel? And now I’m trapped like the rest of you lol.
What do I post: Basically anything I think is worth it. Humor, politics/activism stuff, art (mostly others, sometimes mine), fandom stuff, pretty things, Idk just whatever.
When did I create my blog: Like early 2011? I think February 2011, I’d have to check which I don’t know how to do
Do I have other blogs?: So fuckin many, mostly RP blogs, but the main other ones are @peredhelhathladring, which was my last URL that I wanted to save so I made it a Star Wars only blog (which is funny cause the URL is in Sindarin, a very not-Star Wars language), and @breerps which is my writing/RP/inspiration blog.
Do you get asks?: Now and then.
Following Blogs: 1,836, and honestly so many are probably inactive and I need to go cull them but who has the energy for that
Favorite colors: Dark red, dark purple, black, and gold
Lucky numbers: 7
Instruments: I played flute from 5th grade to I think sophomore or junior of high school, then switched to alto saxophone from then to freshman year of college. I still have my instruments, I just haven’t lived anywhere where I could play them without disturbing other people. I’ve dabbled with piano and guitar for a long time and I have a keyboard that I plunk at sometimes.
What am I wearing: Black t-shirt, black, gray, and pink fuzzy pj pants, and Star Wars socks
Dream job: Actor and writer
Dream trip: Paris, specifically to Notre Dame
Favorite food: Chocolate. Just, yeah... chocolate.
Nationality: American
Followers: 1,441, with blocking all porn blogs lmao
Reasons for your url: Because I’m Star Wars trash, and I was thinking about how Indiana Jones named himself after the dog and was like how funny would it be if Kylo Ren did that?
Tagging: @aceofaces20, @comepraisetheinfanta, @maiievshadowsong, @arcanerogues, @hey-hey-shutthefuckup, uh yeah just whoever wants to
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