#so if you decide to read and are like um T.V. you like this book? it has x wrong with it. ummm. i don't remember everything that happens in
chicicherrycola · 6 months
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i read this book back in like 2019 and i liked it so much i wanted my own copy and then found out it was out of print, despite having been published in 2015, AND there was an article from 2018 saying they were making a movie adaptation of it?????
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thebeatles-world · 1 year
Hi I love all your imagines and stories so much! Do you think you could possibly do a sequel or something to Picture Perfect? Hope you get better soon!!
Thank you! And yes! Here’s to all who have been waiting patiently for part 2!! I’m so sorry if this sucks, I’m having a bit trouble in my relationship lately but writing for you guys helps me cope with it ❤️
Perfect Picture: Part 2
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You and Ringo have been going out for a while now. Even though you and Ringo (aka your new man) have tried to keep it private… somehow the paparazzi always found out and took snapshots of you guys walking down the street or when you and Ringo hopped into a taxi.
According to the press, Elvis gave his honest thoughts of what he thought about The Beatles.
A while back Elvis was honestly worried about The Beatles being more popular than him and he ended up being right. The Beatles were getting more popular than him. They even sold more records than he ever did. Elvis considered The Beatles a threat to his own popularity.
Now that The Beatles were stealing his popularity, it made it worse when one of the members from The Beatles dated the love of his life which was Y/N L/N…
Elvis was not happy about it. He felt like The Beatles were stealing everything that he had.
You have recently started your own cookbook since you were a big fan of cooking and eating. Food was your passion.
Not that long ago, Grace started her own cookbook as well. You didn’t think too much of it.
Then you wrote a biography of your life and of course you added Ringo Starr in it since he was your boyfriend. You wrote a whole chapter of how you guys met, how much you loved him, how he helped you heal from the breakup with you and Elvis, how sweet The Beatles were when you first met them and how much Ringo made you happy.
Ringo was there by your side while you wrote it. He was actually really supportive of your book.
Later that week, your book got so many sold copies that your book was the number one hit in the U.S and in other countries.
Not that long after your book was a huge hit, Grace started her own ‘’bio’’ book as well but it wasn’t a huge hit like yours. It was noticeable that she was copying you and the fans noticed it too as well as the press.
If you wore a white dress out in public, the next day Grace would wear one too. If you had your hair curly, Grace would have hers done too the next day.
It was like as she was trying to keep up with you through magazines, the public eye, interviews, live conferences on T.V
You did get a little annoyed with her but you were really nice not to say anything about it in the public eye. Instead you went on with your day and spended a lot of time with Ringo.
A few months later, you and Ringo went to the next step of your relationship. You guys moved in together to a big mansion together. You two were really excited to move in together.
Honestly when you came into Ringo’s life, you made a huge influence on him. He was so happy with you and he couldn’t stop talking about you in interviews and he always blushed when his bandmates teased him about you two.
One night a week after you and Ringo moved in together, he decided to pick up a nice dinner meal for you and him on his way home from the studio. You couldn’t wait to hear about the new album that Ringo and his bandmates were working on.
You sat on the couch and read a book while you waited for Ringo to come home.
Suddenly you heard the doorbell rang.
‘’That’s weird… We don’t expect any company.’’ You said to yourself in confusion.
You closed your book and headed to the front door.
‘’Um… who is it?’’ You said as you opened the door.
You didn’t expect to see your ex-boyfriend Elvis standing there at your front door, at your new place holding your favorite flowers in his hands.
‘’Elvis? What are you doing here? What are you doing at my new place?’’ You exclaimed.
‘’Y/N I just wanna say I’m sorry for everything… I should have never taken you for granted. I’m so sorry baby. Why did I treat you badly? I’m such a fool. Please give me a second chance. I know I haven’t been the best. I know I hurt you badly. I have been walking in a trance since we broke up. ‘’ Elvis’s voice cracked.
‘’Oh Elvis. I can’t. I’m with Ringo. He makes me happy. I love him so much.’’ You started to say but you looked at Elvis who seemed to have a sad look on his face as you explained to him how much you loved Ringo.
‘’But I won’t forget about all the memories we had together, we had wonderful memories together. You may have been my first love and I will never forget that. You will always be in my heart no matter what Elvis.’’ You softly patted his shoulder.
‘’Besides you have Grace don’t you? She makes you happy right? You should be giving her those flowers instead of me.’’ You told him.
‘’Grace is just… too…’’ Elvis began and then stopped.
‘’You know Y/N, you're right. I should move on. But just always know that I will always love you.’’ Elvis said to you.
You looked into his sad blue eyes and nodded sadly.
‘’That’s right Elvis. You will always mean a lot to me as a person. Good luck in life.’’ You smiled sadly.
Even though you loved Ringo with all your heart, Elvis will always hold a special place in your heart and it still tug on your heart just seeing Elvis again. Especially talking to him about how he will always mean a lot to you.
‘’Thank you Y/N.’’ Elvis said and before you knew it, he placed his lips against yours.
‘’I’ll see you… one day… maybe never again.’’ He said as he walked away.
You were too stunning to speak. You couldn’t believe that Elvis kissed you. You didn’t have time to react or to even slap him for doing that. It just happened so fast that you felt like everything around you was spinning.
Oh no… What if Ringo finds out…? You thought.
*** if this gets enough likes or comments, I’ll post part 3 of the series***
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conjurethecosmos · 4 years
Honey we need to talk - Steve Rodgers x little!reader
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AN:///Hey this is my first fan fiction so please don’t be that hard on me lmao. also i just wanted to say that this isn’t a kink and I don’t write any kink related stuff. PSA age regression is a coping mechanism. If you like my work please like <3 also my asks are open so feel free to ask or suggest stories if you like :)
Word Count: 2k
The surviving Avengers were finally coming back to the tower. Life had already changed just within the hours of the blip, but (Y/N) was alone and did not know about the blip. (Y/N) had been home at the tower safe, protected, from the terror that the avengers were fighting. She knew about Thanos and how he was trying to get all the stones, but the Avengers are the most powerful superheroes ever, they have to win, right? F.R.I.D.A.Y had been keeping watch of the currently sleeping (Y/N) making sure she was okay. The Avenger’s tower was known to be soundproof to keep the bustling sound of the city outside, which is why (Y/N) hadn’t been disturbed. The screams, screeches of cars, and general commotion of the people were not heard by the sleeping girl. F.R.I.D.A.Y did know what had happened when she lost contact with most of the avengers. She did not want to alarm (Y/N) since she had been extremely stressed out and with stress came her age regression. F.R.I.D.A.Y just did not want her to panic without anyone to physically console her since almost everyone she loved was gone. She would just wait till the remaining avengers arrived back to tell her what happened and so she could inevitably regress in the comfort of someone’s arms.
(Y/N) woke up with a yawn surrounded by scattered stuffed animals and ruffled bedsheets. The first thing that she wanted to do was to check her phone to see if Bucky, Steve, or Peter texted her to check up or send a picture of them together happy and coming home. Peter was a regressor like (Y/N) and they would always play together in the toy room conveniently located next to (Y/N)’s room. But, when she tapped on their phone it would not turn on. Even the dead battery screen that would pop up if she did forget to charge her phone the night before didn’t even pop up. So, she decided to ask F.R.I.D.A.Y what was wrong with the phone. “I am sorry (Y/N) I can not seem to turn on your phone, there doesn’t seem to be any issue with it” F.R.I.D.A.Y states. “What do you mean nothing wrong? It won’t even turn on. Ugh I guess I will have to go and get a new phone then.” (Y/N) says. That is when F.R.I.D.A.Y quickly responds “I am sorry to tell you this, but I have been advised to keep you inside for your safety.” She let out a huff and decide that she might as well get dressed. She doesn’t even know when everyone will be back, but the night before Steve called and said that they would all probably be back the following day. All she wanted to do is color and play with stuffies with Peter while Steve sat in the chair in the corner of the shared playroom reading a book.
Steve’s POV
Bucky disintegrated right before his eyes. His best friend, gone, all from a snap. Thanos had disappeared and left Steve, Natasha, Wanda, and Bruce enraged, however, what could they do. The flight back was solemn and quiet. No one dared to cry in front of each other despite the trauma accumulated today, save for Nat who sat quietly crying. Steve only looked forward to seeing his favorite person, (Y/N), which he cared for most of the time due to her tendency to regress when he is with her. He did not mind at all, in fact his caring personality just made him gravitate more towards being (Y/N)’s caregiver. His brain was going a mile a minute just thinking of how to tell (Y/N) that half the population was gone, including some people she loved so much. The avengers were informed by F.R.I.D.A.Y which avenger had sadly been blipped. That only caused the already somber mood to become worse. Steve just sat there staring at the many buttons on planes’ cockpit thinking about how (Y/N) would react to the news of Peter being gone. He was her only little friend, he was always there for her when she was having a hard day and needed to regress. They were best friends, just like Bucky and I. ‘I think I will just tell her as an adult and then take care of her if she needs to regress’ Steve thought. They then eventually started descending onto the landing pad on top of the tower.
(Y/N)’s POV
It was now about 8 pm. You kept youself occupied by cleaning since oddly enough the usual cleaner never showed up.You thought that it was weird, but assumed that the cleaner may have had the day off or something. The T.V. was also broken, like your phone it wouldn’t turn on. You could not watch the news or a movie, so you were pretty bored the whole day.  You were pulled out of your boring thoughts when you heard keys enter the lock on the front door. Steve entered first looking panicked as he looked around to see if you were there, alive. You smiled at him and gave him a big hug, which caused him to hug you tighter almost as if you would disappear right before him. Immediately, you knew it was a hard mission. I mean they were gone for weeks so it had to be hard. However, He had a look on his face that you had never seen before. “Honey we need to talk” Steve sighed. They both walked into your bedroom to talk in private. You sat down on your bed hugging your stuffed purple fluffy bunny that was won by Bucky at a fair one year. Steve got the chair by your desk and moved it to be in front of you and then sat. “So, I am sure you are wondering what happened today?” Steve asked. “Yeah kinda. I haven’t heard anything since my phone is broken and the T.V. was off” you huffed. “Sweetie there really isn’t a good way of putting this...” he hesitated for a second but then started talking again looking at you straight in the eyes, “So Thanos got all the stones and snapped his finger which caused half the population to disappear.” You then started hugging your bunny as he continued to explain which avengers were gone. Tears were already starting to spill as you shut your eyes tightly. When he mentioned that peter was gone that is when you let out a loud pained cry. Steve had to hug you, to comfort his princess. He was not sure if he should have told you that a ton of people were gone, but you needed to know. If he didn’t and you would have asked about Peter, it would probably cause him to burst into tears. You started to regress, he could tell because you started sobbing and rocking. He knew that he needed to comfort you better than just hugging you so he decided that distracting you might be better. “Princess, I know you are sad about what I told you, but I just want you to know I am here for you.” Steve calmly says. “Bu-But I wan Pete n buck” (Y/N) blubbered. “I know baby, you can cry as much as you want,” He says while placing your head on his chest. Tears stain his shirt. He was tempted to cry with you, but he knew he needed to save his tears for when he was alone. Now was the time for his princess to grieve. After you crying for about twenty-five minutes Steve grabbed your paci so you could sleep. He could tell you had regressed. He placed you on your bed to lay down with your favorite bunny stuffie in your arms. Steve decided to sleep in the chair for the night just to watch over you in case you woke in the middle of the night in need of some comfort. He sat there staring at your sleeping form silently sobbing just because of all the stress of the day. It just hit him like a wave, but he eventually fell asleep. You woke up at 2 am to use the bathroom. You looked around the nightlight lit room to find Steve passed out in a chair located in the corner of the room. You slowly walked over, stuffie in hand, to wake the superhero up. You could not go to the bathroom by yourself since she was scared Thanos would be outside her door. Not even the bravest stuffie you owned could calm your fears. You poked Steve’s thigh to wake him up. Steve looked around in a panic only to see your puffy face. “Hey doll, what does my little princess need?” he asks. “I need to go potty, but I scared to go alone...” You shyly stated. “That’s okay, come on baby.” He escorts you to the bathroom and back. “Um Stevie, could you pwease cuddle me to sleep. I scared to sleep myself?” You sheepishly ask. ”Of course my baby.”
The next morning
You had woken up small. You could only speak like a three-year-old. That was okay with Steve though because he loved caring for you. He carried you into the living room and went into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee and you a sippy cup with strawberry milk with a plate of mini pancakes. He turned on your favorite Disney movie while he cooked for you. Caring for you was a needed distraction. He needed to feel like he was making a difference and obviously, the events of the previous day made him feel like all his efforts of protecting America or the Earth were all for nothing. But, taking care of you was rewarding and therapeutic. “Stevie, thanks for the pancakes, dis milk is so good too!” (Y/N) exclaimed with a cute little smile. “Aw, you’re so welcome, sweetie.”
5 years later
Time had passed, (Y/N) regressed more often than ever. She was rarely ever her adult self. Thankfully Steve had set up a group talk therapy session with some survivors which (Y/N) joined every time they had a meeting. She would only talk about missing Peter while hugging a stuffie she would bring. The group members never judged her though since they all had their own coping mechanisms if they had any. She was usually really shy in front of the group since mentally she was three and really did not have that much to say in front of the strangers.
Eventually, Bruce hatched an idea to bring everyone back, which caused you to be alone again. You just stayed in the playroom alone playing with barbies or watching a movie. Steve would call you from time to time to check up on you, luckily F.R.I.D.A.Y was a great caretaker and gave you your basic needs. The Avengers were now successful in bringing everyone back. Sadly, Tony had passed away though. You attended his funeral with Steve at your side. You still hadn’t seen Peter yet but did not want to interrupt his grieving since Tony was his main caregiver and mentor. Tony was the only father figure he had and he was just gone. Steve decided it would be best to have you pick a stuffed animal at the store for Peter to keep during this hard time. You decided on a red bear with a gold ribbon on his neck. Steve had the red bear in his hands ready to gift to Peter, while you had a new Pink bear with a white bow around its neck that you named Poppy. Once the funeral was done Steve held your hand to walk up to Peter. He looked so small and in need of someone to care for him. Steve then spoke, “Peter, I am deeply sorry for your loss. I know how you feel and if you need (Y/N) or me, don’t hesitate. (Y/N) thought that she should get you this special bear for you to give you comfort.” He handed Peter the red bear and Peter just hugged it close. Steve knew that he was going to have to take care of Peter and (Y/N) from now on, but he was ready for it. He loved you both dearly. “I hope you like the bear Peter, I thought you would like him since he’s your favorite color. See I have a pink one like yours, we’re twins!” You said trying to distract Peter. Peter rarely ever spoke when he was little, and this wasn’t any different. He eventually accepted your gift with a tight hug as his tears fell on your shoulder. 
Time skip: a couple of months
Peter eventually moved into the tower and got a room next to yours. Steve now had two regressors to take care of now, but at least he had the aid of Bucky who would just baby sit. You were currently in your room putting on one of Steves old shirts with black leggings. His shirts made you feel even smaller since it was so baggy. Steve then quietly knocked on your door for permission to come in. “Yes?” you asked. Steve then opened the door and stepped in with his hand in Peters. Peter had a smile on his face for probably the first time in months. You smiled back and then turned to face Steve who obviously wanted to ask you something. “Are you little right now (Y/N) or are you big because Pete wants to play blocks with you?” Steve asks. You beam and excitedly say, “I wan play blocks! Pete can we make a town wif da blocks and cars and my dollys?” This just caused Peter to run and hug you. You two ran to the next room to play together. Storage containers were quickly opened and blocks were scattered to begin construction on the town. Steve watched you two play from the door with a smile on his face. 
I am sorry this story was everywhere 
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uwua3 · 3 years
something more. (home for the summer)
🍁📸 fushimi omi
summary: the mad wolf was nothing you expected, but everything you needed for the summer warnings: alcohol/drugs (mentions, no mc usage), angst, bruises, change, crying, death (mentions), graduations, kissing, motorcycles, omi's past, open ending, reunions, scars, separation, sneaking around author's note: bunnie is slowly realizing how old she's getting ;; but in all honesty, the summer of senior year is always a bittersweet feeling, knowing that everything is changing within two months or so. although it's a possibility bunnie may not write as much, or even anymore, once she enters college, she still has this time to do what she loves. i hope you may accept me for as long as you want before we eventually split. if you resonate with this feeling, please enjoy this one-shot! word count: 3,574 music: home for the summer - sara kays
WE STARTED GETTING CLOSE FRESHMEN YEAR, WHEN ALL OF OUR FRIENDS WERE SMOKING CIGARETTES AND WE COULDN’T STAND THAT SECONDHAND SMOKE SO WE’D LEAVE AND DRIVE AROUND UNTIL YOU HAD TO DROP ME OFF AT HOME They said that the big bad wolf of Sekichiku was nothing but bad news, but then why was he so warm in your arms? You couldn’t believe even when you opened your eyes. Fushimi Omi driving his motorcycle just a little slower this time, his leather jacket pressed against your cheek as the night waned. Everyone called him “Mad Wolf”, a title only fitting for the most ruthless of predators amongst the underground of your high school. Yet… how could be a wolf be so gentle? So kind? So lovely in every way?
It started with a party meant for anyone but you. You didn’t know why you decided this was the night to rebel, but it was a mistake. Instead of putting your head in the books and staying quiet in the front of the class, for once you decided to attend a gathering full of things you’ve only read about. Drinks and drugs were mixed in an unhealthy solution for failing tests, missing homework, and any other teenage problem associated with the academic system. When you found yourself outside for the chance of anything except breaking the law, the epitome of what you were avoiding showed up. Omi, in his scarred and bruised glory, quietly closed the door behind him after noticing your rigid state. When his loud boots thumped against the patio floorboards, you wondered what this looked like. A tall, strong wolf with a smile of sharp teeth and narrowed eyes staring down upon his next prey. But, when you turned to meet his amber eyes, you didn’t find a villain belonging to the fairytale of “Little Red Riding Hood”. Instead, Omi softly smiled with dull teeth and eyes that glowed underneath the golden street lamps. When he spoke, his voice healed you like a spoonful of honey, the words void of claws like you expected. “Are you okay? I noticed you’ve been outside for some time, is there anything I can do to help?” Before you shook your head, your gaze subconsciously fell upon the motorcycle chained to a fence, a helmet decorated in boyish stickers that referenced children T.V. shows made you falter. When Omi followed your line of sight, his expression gleamed with something of interest. “Ever driven on a motorcycle before?” This time, you shook your head, arms wrapped around you to keep warm before Omi offered his hand. “Let’s go then.” At your concerned expression at riding a motorcycle with one of the most infamous delinquents around, Omi exhaled through his nose, understanding your apprehension but disappointed nonetheless. It looked like he expected this sort of reaction, though it did nothing to comfort the “Mad Wolf”. “I promise, it’ll be okay. I’ll be extra careful, you have my word.” Omi had no reason to lie, not when his friends were just behind the walls doing everything that got a high schooler excited. You thought something would’ve deterred you from agreeing, like the secondhand smoke scent from Omi’s jacket or the manmade rips in his jeans. But, maybe there was something else that made you take his hand, like the worn leather bracelet you noticed Nachi also wore or the wallet of family photos peeking from his pocket. Either way, you took Omi’s hand, letting him lead you to his motorcycle. His hand was calloused and rough from the years of doing god knows what, his knuckles stained with remnants of a fight not too long ago. Yet, when he latched the spare helmet on your head, you noticed his hands smelt like flour and coffee. If you closed your eyes, it would’ve felt like a white knight leading you onto his horse despite it being the complete opposite. You sat behind Omi, unfamiliar with the position of such a vehicle. Omi checked in on you, looking over his shoulder as he searched for something in your face. Regret, embarrassment, shame, possibly. “I won’t go fast, don’t worry. But, you can still… um… hold on?” When Omi’s voice raised to a question at the end, you didn’t notice his stutter as you hid your face in his shoulder, hugging his waist. Omi’s abdomen tensed for a moment, before relaxing as he let out a deep breath. You would’ve given up anything to know what he was thinking in that moment. You didn’t have time to ask before Omi revved his engine, driving off down the pine-tree ridden road in your small town. True to his word, Omi didn’t drive like he normally did, with no regard for who saw him speeding past some rundown cop. But, Omi patiently cruised down the familiar roads, past the houses with blacked-out windows and everyone asleep. You should’ve felt scared, terrified even. But, you couldn’t. Not when the moon was bigger than ever, with a crown of stars gracing the night’s visage. Not when
this was the most daring thing you’ve ever done up until your junior year, not when the party was miles behind you, not when Omi was this caring of someone he’s never even officially met before. “Can we go a little faster?” After Omi got your confirmation you were serious, you lifted your head to watch the stars pass by in a blur. Yet, Omi’s golden gaze remained consistent, his sights drifting to your bright smile and exhilarating awe. Without realizing, your fists clenched the material of Omi’s jacket whenever a turn was made, your fingers passing over Omi’s stomach. He wondered if you could feel his heart leap whenever your breath ghosted over his already red ears. It was a hour of incoherent conversation and mumbles of nothings before you were outside of your home, your window still open from sneaking out a little while back. When Omi silently stopped, neither of you knew what to do. You didn’t want to let go, nor did you want to accept the best night of your life was suddenly over. Omi turned, both of you much closer than before. His eyes carried the aura of the stars, his smile as consistent as the moon. Fushimi Omi was made of whatever made the night worth staying up for. You never wanted to sleep again. “Can I see you again?” And again, and again, and again. Omi nodded, at a loss of words for some reason. When you gave back his helmet, your hands brushed and you nearly dropped it from the sheer feeling alone. Omi was too considerate to act like he noticed, so he bid you goodbye—I’ll pick you up tomorrow, okay?—as you disappeared inside. He didn’t leave until he saw you wave from your room, to which he waved back with a twinkle in his eye. When Omi drove away, both of you let out a breath, hands over your hearts at what could’ve been something more. Only time would tell what happened next. SWEAR THAT WAS YESTERDAY, BUT IN TWO WEEKS, I’LL BE MOVING SOUTH AND YOU’D BE MOVING TO A TOWN THAT I HAD NEVER HEARD OF I WISH WE HAD MORE TIME, WHY DID I EVER WANT TO GROW UP? It almost felt like yesterday that everything was so much more simple. When friends didn’t die, when the burden of college didn’t weigh you down, when change didn’t come in the form of extremities. At least one thing stayed the same: Omi and his starry eyes and his moonlit smile. Though, that’s dimmed ever since Nachi. Omi didn’t wear his leather jacket anymore, instead letting you keep it when the evenings got cold for the summertime. He must’ve washed it a thousand times over; you didn’t know if it was because of you or the memories attached to it. Either way, Omi was beginning to stop staring when you showed up in his jacket, the only thing left of his past he’s been trying to erase. A year had passed since the party, but it felt like nothing. It felt like all those nights of stargazing, constellation-finding, and moon-chasing became blurred together, a collage of being alive with someone you had just met. Now, Omi was more than a friend, he was your best friend, a soulmate, maybe something more. Omi’s loud steps remained the same, though he was more quiet this time on the roof. You two laid next to each other, hands getting closer and closer before someone pulled away last second. The summer days passed in a haze, nothing particularly exciting until the sunsets onward, where you two knew exactly what to do. Everything was quiet when it came to being with Omi past midnight, except the unsteady beats of your hearts when the possibility of something more shined. Despite that, it was quiet, something both of you longed for during the day. “Do you ever think about what the stars will look like at Yosei?” When you asked, Omi slightly frowned, as if he forgot he was moving to the heart of Veludo Way in just two weeks time. After careful consideration of your curiosity, Omi stretched his arms, resting his head upon them as he seemed to search for something. He always did that, Omi never thought anything was simple.
“No… they won’t look like they do now, I suppose. It won’t be the same.” Without you there by my side, both of you ignored the unsaid words that came with the statement. You nodded, knowing you felt the same way. Veludo Way was a distant world away, Yosei University was taking your Omi away. Light years away. “How have your brothers reacted to the news?” At that, the tension that was ebbing away at the conversation eroded, and Omi’s light came back as usual. Omi ran his free hand through his hair, smiling at some distant memory he wanted to share with you. “Not any good, that’s for sure. Kai & Gaku can’t imagine Pops waking them up since I always did. It’s gonna be a big adjustment for them to actually take responsibility of their own lives.” Although Omi rolled his eyes, he did so fondly whenever he thought about his two younger brothers. You knew he was immensely proud of the young men they’ve been growing into, it was a sense of pride that he had instilled inside him ever since you’ve met him. Ever since you saw those faded stickers still on his helmet, you knew who placed those. “Of course, a life without you isn’t worth imagining.” Shit. You meant to say it lightheartedly, but it came out heavier than expected. With that, a quietness settled between you two, both of you trying to find the right words for the occasion of leaving each other. “You’ll be fine without me, I know it.” But, I don’t like it like that, selfishly enough. I know you’ll be better than ever, but I wish… When a shooting star passed out of the corner of your eye, you pointed it out with the same junior-year awe as if this was your first life. Omi was glad to know the news was right; the meteor shower of the season was tonight, as if it was a last hurrah before both of you left this small town for good. “Make a wish!” I wish we had more time. Despite the wish pulling on his heart strings, Omi turned his head, your side profile greeting him with a smile. The stars were reflected in your eyes, and Omi wondered what a sunrise would look like. It was too late now. “Let’s see a sunrise together when summer comes around, okay?” You nodded, turning and seeing the moon. You didn’t make a wish, not when you had everything you wanted right in your sight. Omi took your hand again, and it was softer than last time he offered it. Omi brought your conjoined hands to his lips, murmuring something about a promise before pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You missed the final shooting star of the night, instead you saw it pass in Omi’s gentle eyes as he leaned in. “Thank you for the summer, my lucky shooting star.” You thought of a wish as Omi kissed you. I wish we were something more. YOU SAID YOU’LL SEE ME WHEN WE’RE HOME FOR THE SUMMER WE WON’T HAVE TO WORK SO WE’RE GONNA DO WHATEVER THE HELL WE WANNA ‘CAUSE WE KNOW THAT ONE DAY, WE’LL BE GONE FROM EACH OTHER Despite only being a year away, your hometown almost felt unfamiliar. New employees manned the typical shops you used to frequent, a new graduating class was celebrating, and overall, people were now older. But, Omi didn’t change. Not with his singular scar on his cheek, his eyes lighting up when he sees you, his warm touch when he hugs you. You heard his bag drop at his front door first before feeling his arms hug you, his words comforting as you two embrace after so, so long. “Welcome home.” You greeted him back, the words sticking to your skin like a sheen layer of sweat that always came with the incoming summer heat. Home… was it your traditional suburb with kids playing in the street and a generation of the same mailmen home? Or, was it something else? You felt Omi wrap his arm around your shoulders, his muscle as present as ever as he guided you to visit his family, the brothers happily welcoming you both into the Fushimi household. Home was Omi, that was all. You exhaled, bending down to ruffle Kai’s hair and praise Gaku for how big he’s gotten. After you politely greeted Omi’s father, to which he harrumphed and insisted you had to call him by his name at this point, you knew this
was home as well. Home for Omi, and due to the open hearts of the Fushimi boys, home for you, too.
You found yourself in Omi’s bedroom, something you weren’t familiar with. It was still clean, organized, and full of warm tones upon black walls, surely something attempting to cover his past delinquent days. As the door clicked close, Omi gently tugged you onto his bed beside him, bringing out his gaze reserved only for you. You didn’t hesitate to lean your head on his shoulder, feeling at ease. Omi took your hand, his grip careful but verging onto desperation. As if being away from you for so long had taken everything in him. You knew that wasn’t true by any means, but Omi’s shuddering breath and hand squeeze tried to say otherwise. When you cupped Omi’s face, he relaxed in your touch, leaning into your hands as he looked down on you; you could tell Omi was a bit embarrassed to let you see how emotional he was getting at the reunion. You didn’t expect a man who’s life was rough around the edges to have the most sincere of hearts, but Omi was always like this. Always gentle, always kind, always gentle in every way. “I missed you, too.” When you said those words, Omi moved forward as if making up for lost time, both of you falling upon the bed in a heap of giggles and whispers. It was everything but I love you because that would change everything, something neither of you needed during this time. Instead, a combination of I hope summer lasts forever and I could only think of you when it was a full moon that filled the room of someone you wish you had knew sooner. WE’LL HAVE LIVES IN TWO DIFFERENT SUBURBS WE’LL HAVE FAMILIES WITH DIFFERENT LOVERS BUT FOR NOW, I KNOW I’LL SEE YOU WHEN WE’RE HOME FOR THE SUMMER It was the first night you had spent in your own bedroom before a knock sounded on your window. When you sleepily opened your eyes, Omi’s figure was illuminated by the moon, his eyes still warm of starlight despite being shadowed. You hurried to unlatch the window to let him in, not bothering to question how he managed to sneak to your room so silently. Although busting into each other’s room wasn’t an impossibility, it was only on rare occasions that you two ever encroached on such intimate territory. Though, neither of you were in high school anymore. Perhaps, it was different now. “What time is it?” You mumbled, your helping hand lingering longer than one would expect of a friend. Omi didn’t mind, he never did, as he looked around for something. When Omi located his jacket still hung around your desk chair, he wrapped it around your shoulders as the chilly breeze entered through the open window. “Time to fulfill our senior year promise. Ready?” You didn’t think twice and followed Omi outside of the window, knowing at this point you’d trust him with your life. Omi knew your backyard like the back of his hand as he avoided setting any sprinklers or devices off, not needing your guidance. You watched his broad back attempt to fit through small spaces, it took everything in you not to laugh at how ridiculous all of this was. Sneaking around like there was still curfew in place, as if both of you weren’t legally adults. By now, Omi had reserved his spare helmet only for you, meaning it was second nature for him to close the clasp snugly. Although this time, his eyes melted at the sight of you, as if in disbelief you were standing in front of him after all of this time. Tiredly, you rested your head against Omi’s shoulder as he made sure you were situated in the back of his motorcycle, something he had left at home. Omi drove off, the speed just right so that it’d blow your hair back the way you liked it. Despite being on the vehicle a countless number of times, it still took your breath every time of how fortunate you were. You tightly hugged his waist, wondering if he could feel the butterflies against your ribcage. Before you could ask why both of you were up so early, Omi parked in the same spot as always when things became a bit much.
It was off closer towards the woods, where a picnic area besides the lake still had the same paint from a decade ago. The grass tickled your ankles as you hopped off, admiring the calm waters before a bird chirped. At that, Omi walked up beside you, his footsteps always loud in your presence. A softer hand gently held onto your chin, forcing you to look up. You noticed the water reflecting the sky first as hues of orange and blue dominated your vision. It was the first sunrise you’ve been awake for, and you were sharing it with the man of the night himself. But, when you glanced at Omi, you realized he wasn’t just made of stars and moonlight. The sunrise emphasized the warmth of his eyes even more as a golden glow surrounded his happy smile. Omi was everything worth staying up for, everything from the sunrises to the sunsets and more. I love you, you wanted to say but didn’t. It would change everything, it would mean that the possibility of “something more” could become “nothing”. You couldn’t, neither could Omi. Perhaps… this was all it ever could be. YOU’VE BEEN BUSY, THAT’S OKAY I STILL CAN’T WAIT TO BE HOME FOR THE SUMMER When you had driven off back to your college, the first text from Omi was reminiscent of a simpler time, where kissing on rooftops was the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done. “I’ll see you next summer, okay?” It made you pull over and rest your forehead against the wheel, keeping your eyes closed as you felt like the sun was too bright. It was still too hot, the clouds were too big, the sky too blue. It was too much, too far away from Omi who was heading the other direction. You wished your head was resting against Omi’s shoulder as he drove a little more over the speed limit underneath the moon and stars. You wished the sun was beaming onto both of you after witnessing its earliest hours. You wished you were with Omi for every moment in between the best memories of your life. Summer was such a cruel concept, a promise that could be taken away at any time. I wish we had more time, you thought, knowing there was nothing else you could do. Omi put his phone in his pocket, knowing it was time to leave after seeing you off. Life was so uncertain, it’s as if both of you knew this was the last summer you two would share before even more things changed. But, despite only having three or so years, it didn’t feel like enough. If only he told you he loved you at that sunrise, if only he didn’t just kiss you without explaining what it meant, if only he could drive you around for just a day longer. If only… I wish we were something more, Omi thought, but it was for nothing. I love you, you typed but put your phone in your pocket. The possibility of something more became nothing.
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dal3ks · 4 years
all nighter
pairing: peter parker x female reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: angst, references to sex, cursing, teasing, oral(receiving), marking, smutttt, both characters are of age! 
a/n: this is the sequel to my fic “the project”! i will link the first part below if you would like to read it! i hope you guys enjoy! 
the project can be read here!
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“okay,” your chemistry teacher clasped his hands together, “i know you all are extremely stressed about the final, but it won’t be too bad, i promise. the projects earlier in the semester should help cushion your grade. i can promise you all that it will not be a tough final exam. it is cumulative, but i do have study guides. m.j., would you like to help me pass around the study guides?”
m.j. smiled wryly, “of course.”
biting your lip, your fingers trembled slightly as a study guide was placed on your table. currently, your grade in chemistry was sitting at a solid B. granted, it was an honors course, so the grade was weighted, but nonetheless, you loathed your grade. you felt miserable about it, no matter how much your parents reassured you that it was perfectly okay to have a B. 
you felt a slight flash of gratitude for your parents, as they were very understanding and supportive when it came to your academics. there were some kids in your class who would have gotten their ass chewed if they even had an A-.  
nova, your best friend, was one of those kids. she had an A, and was still reaching for an A+, taking as many extra credit opportunities as she could. she was skimming over the study guide, flipping through the packet and highlighting points. in your head, you knew she didn’t need to study that much. to her, chemistry came easy.
“how are you feeling about the final?” nova turned to you, her eyes displaying her emotion. she was curious, pondering your answer.
“stressed,” you mumbled, averting your eyes away from her gaze.
she frowned, “what are you stressed about?”
“the final,” you mumbled, a wave of embarrassment flooding through you. you felt stupid compared to her.
nova’s eyes softened, “it won’t be too bad, i promise. you have my help, along with peter and ned. m.j. can help you study too.”
at the sound of peter’s name, you glanced over in his direction. he was sitting next to ned, flipping through the study guide as well. you couldn’t help but think about the night the two of you worked on the last project. your mind wandered to how he fucked you, the way his lips felt against your skin. if only your class knew of all of the dirty things that innocent boy said to you.
the current status of the relationship between you and peter was unknown. the last time the both of you hung out was the night you worked on the project. however, the two of you talked constantly. over text, over facetime calls, and at school. one morning before school, peter invited you over for some cuddling, but you had to decline because you were running late.
your phone vibrated on the desk, and you picked it up. it was a text from peter, his name lighting up on the screen. eagerly, you swiped left, reading the message.
peter: study session tonight? it can be at my apartment this time. a little birdy informed me that you may need some help.
“you told peter i needed help, didn’t you?” you glared at nova.
“c’mon,” nova smirked, “who would turn down help from peter parker? maybe he can be your tutor in more ways than just one.”
“shut uppppp,” you whined a little too loudly.
peter turned around, giving you a questioning stare. you just shrugged in response, heat filling your cheeks. he rolled his eyes playfully, then said something to ned. 
you squirmed slightly in your seat, thinking about how good peter’s tongue felt against your pussy. god, you wanted him bad.
the thing was, no one knew about you and peter. not even nova. well, she knew you liked him, but she didn’t know all of the details. you loved that things were lowkey. if they weren’t, you’d get endless torturing from m.j., ned, and nova.
smiling, you typed a response, i’m down. since it’s a friday night, i could probably stay the night. i could just lie and say i was at nova’s. is your aunt in town? or does she have a date with that happy dude?
you set your phone down on your desk, awaiting the brunette’s response. a part of you was proud for being so bold. after all, you just wanted to spend some time with peter. you really liked him, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. another part of you wanted to ask him if there was the possibility of a relationship in the future. and if he wasn’t ready, you’d be patient.
from the sound of it, the boy had a lot on his plate. between school, his stark industry internship, and his aunt may, peter was stressed. a part of you was concerned about him as well. peter missed school in bouts of spontaneity. you’d see him one class, and then the next he would be gone. it was especially concerning when he was gone for days on end. you figured it was something to do with his internship, but you weren’t quite sure.
peter had a lot of secrets, and you wanted to know them all. the biggest secret you wanted to uncover was what his internship at stark industries entailed. why he disappeared so much, why he came back injured, etc. and also, why he never talked about his work. was it all really that confidential? you wondered why such a shy and sweet boy came back with black eyes and scratches all over his arms. it worried you. a lot more than you wanted to admit.
peter: may is out of town. i’m okay with you coming over. does right after school work or do you need some time to pack your stuff? actually.. how about around five? can’t wait to see you qt.
after reading his message, you couldn’t help but smile. he was so cute. so it was decided, you would see peter around five, where you would stay the night at his apartment. excitement rushed through your veins, giving you a slight adrenaline rush.
once school was over, you rushed home. although there was no real reason to rush, you were extremely excited to see peter later that evening. you gave a quick greeting to your parents, then ran upstairs to your room. closing the door, you reached into your closet for your overnight bag.
there were way too many outfit options. yet, you knew peter didn’t care too much about you appearance. he called you beautiful all the time, whether you were in sweats and no makeup, or jeans and just some mascara. peter liked your personality. he liked the traits that made up who you were.
you shoved a pair of sleep shorts into your bag, along with an oversized hoodie. the outfit you had on, leggings and a university of illinois crewneck, would have to do. the crewneck was actually peter’s. he reluctantly gave it to you one morning before class. the fabric no longer carried his scent, which made you sad.
however, you changed into a sexier bra and underwear. you slid into a red lace thong, matching it with a red bralette, which left nothing to the imagination. after getting dressed again, you sprayed on perfume, the same one you used the night peter came over. you brushed your hair, fixed your mascara, and made sure your legs weren’t too prickly. you knew peter didn’t care, though.
as you walked to peter’s apartment some blocks away, you put your earbuds in. since it was the beginning of december, the city was bustling. christmas lights, trees, and santa were plastered everywhere, yet it was beautiful. people passing by you had armloads of bags, which you knew were christmas presents. it started to snow as you walked, the flakes drifting to the pavement in slow motion.
soon, you approached peter’s apartment complex. you trudged up to the building, ringing the buzzer. the door opened automatically, and you messaged peter to let him know you were heading up. after climbing an endless amount of stairs, you were finally at his apartment.
your knock was soft, and the door swung open instantly. there stood peter, clad in a tight fitting black shirt, and grey joggers. your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes took in his fit body. you couldn’t help it, as he just looked so fucking good.
“like what you see?” peter’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
you blinked, registering he noticed your stare, “oh, fuck yeah. oh, i mean, um. yes.”
“i mean, i have no complaints about what i’m seeing either,” he flirted, shooting you a wink.
who was this boy, and where did he come from? how was he suddenly so confident? was this kid a werewolf? these were the questions running through your mind. yet, you liked this side of peter. it only made him a hundred times more attractive.
peter allowed you in, you biting your lip anxiously. it’s not like you were anxious to be with him, you just weren’t sure what to expect tonight. however, the apartment caught your eye.
it was a quaint, cozy space. it just gave off the vibe of coziness and happiness. there were framed pictures of peter covering the walls, along with a variety of awards and accomplishments. peter sat down on the couch in the den, turning on the t.v. you followed, setting your book bag down on the floor.
“i’m going to turn on the office for background noise,” peter stated, “if that’s okay with you.”
you nodded enthusiastically, “that’s okay with me! where do you wanna start? honestly, i have no preference. i need help with all of it.”
“wherever you wanna start,” he pulled out his laptop from his own book bag, setting it on the coffee table, “however, this is strictly studying, (y/n). no funny business.”
his tone was slightly commanding, and you couldn’t help but blush at his statement, “okay, that’s fine with me.”
peter grabbed your face gently, his thumb caressing your cheekbone, “there’s something i have been wanting to tell you for a while.”
“and that is?” you raised a brow.
“can i make you mine? i mean, not like in a property kind of way, but like, uh, i want you to be my girlfriend. i want you to be my girl. i want to start taking you out on dates, along with start showing you off. i know i have left you in the dark for a little while about my feelings, but i promise you that i really really like you,” his eyes met yours, warm with affection. his tone was hopeful, as if he was awaiting your response eagerly.
“i really really like you too,” you murmured, leaning in. peter kissed you, his lips soft. his other hand rested on the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him.
“(y/n),” he pulled away, “we have some studying to do.”
“i know, i know,” you groaned, opening your chemistry textbook.
“i have an idea,” peter announced, “how about i set up a reward system for you?”
“reward system?” you snorted, “i’m not a dog, peter parker.”
“i know,” he huffed, rolling his eyes, “i meant more like i reward you if you get the correct answer.”
“how are you going to reward me?” you scoffed. yet, you could feel your anticipation building. you knew exactly how this was going to work. you just wanted to hear the words come out of peter’s mouth.
“get an answer right and you’ll find out,” he smirked, shooting you a wink.
“let’s get started,” you sucked in a breath, biting your lip.
part of you was also a little nervous to be studying with peter. hell, the kid was so smart, he could solve almost every equation. it intimidated you slightly, but you knew peter would be gentle with you. nova, on the other hand, would call you “dumb” or “stupid.” besides, spending time with him was a bonus as well.
“anything specific you want to start with, princess?” the last word of peter’s question caught your attention, “i am happy to help with you anything you’re confused on.”
“i think we should start with balancing equations,” you replied, pointing to the section in the study guide.
peter grabbed your hand, placing it on his thigh, “okay, what do you need help on?”
“what are you doing?” you asked, your voice faltering slightly. your hand was dangerously close to the imprint on his joggers.
“you’ll find out,” he murmured, his eyes focused on the study guide, “which part don’t you understand about it?”
you swore you could feel your cheeks burning. the sexual tension between the two of you was too much. you wanted nothing more than peter to just rip off your clothes and fuck you right there on the couch. but you wondered what this game was. why he was holding back. you figured he was just as turned on as you were. his jaw was clenched as your hand was still on his upper thigh.
“just the beginning,” you answered. “okay,” peter nodded, scrawling down some notes on your paper, “i am going to write out a problem for you to practice with. don’t worry, i am here to explain anything you don’t understand or grasp. get it right, and you can touch me.”
“what if i don’t get it right?” you bit your lip.
“you don’t get to touch me,” he responded, his eyes meeting yours.
“fair enough,” your replied coolly.
taking your hand off of peter’s thigh, you glanced at the problem he created for you. you started it, realizing how much easier it was with his notes. maybe studying with him wasn’t so bad after all. you got to spend time with him, and get free tutoring.
peter watched as you solved the problem, his eyes following your movements. you asked a few questions, and he gave you encouragement. once you were finished, you showed him your final answer. he took the paper, reading over it.
“well,” he gave you a small smile, “you got it correct.”
his lips crashed into yours, and his tongue licked your bottom lip, begging for entrance. you let him in, and he began to kiss you hungrily.
“fuck chemistry,” peter shook his head, “i need to study you.”
“why didn’t you say so in the first place?” you teased him, giving him soft kisses under his jawline. you continued down his neck, sucking on his skin slightly.
“baby,” he groaned, “if aunt may sees that, you’re never coming over again.” he scooped you into your arms, taking you by surprise.
he carried you into his room, laying you down on the bed, “let me take care of you properly, princess.”
“please,” you begged, yearning for him to touch you. you didn’t realize how badly you wanted it till now.
“take off the hoodie for me then,” peter instructed. in the dim light, his eyes were dark with lust, “i can’t believe you came over in my hoodie thinking i wouldn’t do anything about it.”
you obeyed, slipping the hoodie off your body. once peter saw your bralette, his jaw clenched, “goddamn.”
“what?” you laid back down, anticipating his next move.
“this looks so fucking good on you,” you could tell he was speechless, “that’s what.”
peter kissed you, then began to place wet kisses down your next, and onto your collarbone. his fingers reached towards your back, where he undid the hooks on your bralette. carefully, he took it off, throwing it to the floor. he placed his mouth on your breast, sucking on the skin. a hand dipped into the waistband of your thong, his thumb circling slowly on your clit. as he did so, your moan echoed through the room.
peter knew exactly how to pleasure you, and you loved that about him. even if he was not very experienced, he knew how to make you wet. he knew how to make your moans echo through the room. he knew how to make you cum.
“you’re such a good girl,” he paused, “i love it when you’re loud for me. it’s so hot. i want to taste you.”
“do it then,” the words tumbled out of your mouth.
“as you wish, princess,” peter murmured.
his fingers hooked the fabric on your leggings, and he pulled them down your legs. as he took them off, he placed soft kisses on your thighs. once your leggings were off, he took in your half-naked figure, enjoying the sight of your lace thong.
“do you want this off?” he referred to your thongs.
“yes,” you nodded, “please.”
peter took your thong off, casting it to the floor as well. he parted your thighs, and said no words as he dived into your pussy. his tongue slowly dragged up to your clit, and your fingers laced themselves in his hair. he watched as you moaned his name, enjoying every second of it. his mouth found your clit, sucking slightly.
you could feel how close you were coming to your orgasm, but peter stopped, wiping his chin. you realized how wet you were, as your thighs were slick. the sheets beneath you were soaked slightly as well.
“baby,” peter’s voice was low, “i need you.”
you sat up, your hands reaching for the waistband of his joggers. peter threw off his shirt, watching as you dragged the pants down his thighs. his cock was hard, and you licked the tip, your tongue dragging across it. he moaned, a hand grabbing a fistful of your hair. slowly, you  took his cock into your mouth, your hand at the base, as the other cupped his balls. you could tell that this was driving him crazy. you also needed him bad.
you paused, and without warning, peter flipped you onto your stomach, arching your back. he held your arms back, and took you from the back.
“holy fuck,” you groaned.
“you feel so good,” peter moaned as his cock slammed into you.
as he fucked you senseless, you could feel your orgasm coming. peter must have sensed it, as you felt his thumb on your clit, going in slow, circular motions, “are you going to cum all over my cock like a good girl?”
“i’m gonna-” you began, feeling the tension building up.
“come on princess,” peter instructed, “cum for me.”
you came, feeling pleasure overwhelm you. peter’s cock slid out of you, and you felt him cum on your back.
“stay here,” he instructed, “i’ll be right back baby.” he disappeared, coming back with a warm towel. he cleaned you up, helping you off his bed. once you were off, you changed into your pajamas as he changed the sheets. he changed himself, remaining shirtless as you climbed into the bed with you.
peter pulled you close to him, rubbing your back gently, “i hope you do know that i have full intentions of helping you study later.”
you giggled, “i figured.”
“i’m sorry i can’t help myself when the most beautiful woman in the world is in the same room with me,” he laid a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“i’m so glad i have you,” you smiled.
“me too,” peter sighed happily.
“i have one question though,” you began.
“and what’s that?” he inquired, rolling you over so that he could see you.
“what’s it like to be the friendly neighborhood spider-man?”
what peter forgot to hide was the bright red and blue suit out in the open, hanging next to his closet.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
15. Nymph SternClay alternately, Stern is a Dryad residing in a huge forest where a strange creature, similar to humans but different (aka Bigfoot) wanders alone. Ever curious, Stern seeks to understand why this beautiful creature doesn’t seem to have anyone else, and even tries to hide from the few humans who venture deep enough into the woods. Can they be alone together?
Here you go! It’s SFW
Joseph knows he can’t spend every hour in the Great Oak, reading and researching the movements of humans. He still struggles to justify his fascination with creatures that have little contact with his kind. Some of his peers go so far as to insist humans are a myth, or the result of the odd dryad or naiad seeing a bear from the wrong angle. 
This is false, of course, and humans have been getting bold lately, making paths and taking walks deeper and deeper into the trees. This means that dryads assigned to security roles must spend at least six hours a day in their tree to make sure no one threatens their home. Joseph is in a Copper Beech not far from the GreenBriar river, mentally drawing up his to-do list for the week, when heavy footsteps catch his attention. 
At first he thinks it’s a particularly hairy human tromping through the underbrush, decked out in a ratty flannel shirt and what he’s heard humans refer to as “sweatpants.”  But his feet are bare, his limbs and face covered in dark, copper-flecked fur, and his ears are more pointed than those of a human. He leans against Josephs’ tree, drumming his fingers on it as he surveys the area, massive back-pack slung over his shoulders. There’s a flat patch of grass twenty yards away, and this is where the visitor eventually settles. Within fifteen minutes, a small tent sits on the grass. When the creature crawls inside and lays down, his feet stick out of the flap. 
Once snoring filters into the air, Joseph slips from the tree, conjures a blanket from moss, and sets it across his feet. It gets cold here at night.
His kind gesture does not go as planned.
The instant the fabric hits skin, the figure in the tent jolts upright, growling.  Joseph sits back as his guest's head bursts into the open. Then their positions instantly reverse, the other creature scrambling backwards in alarm.
“What the fuck? Where, where’d you come from, I didn’t hear you, didn’t even smell you sneaking up on me.”
Joseph raises his eyebrows, “Probably because I smell like bark and my footsteps are no different from falling leaves.” He holds out his hand for the creature to shark, “Joseph Stern, dryad.” 
“O-kay, so why is a dryad trying to…” he looks at the blanket for the first time, “tuck me in?”
“You’re new to woodland living, I take it?”
“Not really.”
Joseph sighs, “There are specific rules that govern this forest. One of them is that dryads are responsible for everything within a two mile radius of their base” he points to the Beech, “including any residents, visitors, or refugees. Which means you’re my responsibility.”
“Uh, I’m good, you don’t need to, like, babysit me.”
The dryad produces a notebook from his pocket, flipping to the section for his resident intake form, “I’m not babysitting you, I just need some information for my records. Name?”
Deep brown eyes blink, perplexed, and then his guest shrugs, “Barclay.”
“No fucking idea.” Barclay picks up the moss blanket, folding it and setting it next to the tent. 
“Purpose of stay?”
“To get some peace and quiet.” He turns a pointed glare at Joseph. Even with the glower, he’s the most handsome creature the dryad has ever seen. 
“Um. Right. I’ll just fill in the rest myself. If you need anything, I’m just over there.” He walks briskly away, managing to only look over his shoulder once. Barclay is watching him, looking for all the world like a hare waiting for the fox to pounce. 
It’s only when he’s back in the tree that he realizes having a resident will cut down on his research time. Then again, his guest is far more intriguing than any human could ever be.
Barclay was so ready to stop feeling bad. He feels bad for stealing the tent from a guy he scared off his campsite two towns back. Bad for yanking clothes off the clothing line of rural houses so he could have two sets to rotate instead of a filthy, single shirt and shorts combo. Bad because it’s been months since he ate anything but MREs, granola bars, and day olds salvaged from dumpsters. 
Now he gets to add “feel bad because you’re crashing on some guys front lawn” to that list. He didn’t even know nymphs were a thing; he thought he was the only weird semi-human in the world. Yet here’s Joseph, hair as dark and shiny as the leaves on his home tree, skin the color of bark, and vines occasionally twining up his arms and legs. Unlike Barclay, his inhuman features make him beautiful, not beastly. 
Barclay came here to be alone. 
Barclay hates being alone. He wants a house full of warmth and voices mingling over a kitchen table, wants people to care for and who care about him. So when Joseph appears the next morning near his small fire and it’s boiling pot of foraged tea, he offers the dryad some. 
They sit, awkwardly sipping from their mugs, when he decides to take advantage of his host.
“I, uh, don’t suppose there’s any herbs growing around here? Like mint, or maybe alliaria? I wanna catch fish for dinner, but they taste better if I can season them.”
“I think there’s some growing upstream. Do you want me to show you?”
“Uh, no, that’s fine. I’m used to finding stuff on my own.”
Joseph nods, finishes his tea, and magics the cup clean before handing it back to Barclay.
“What...what’s all this?” Barclay stares, stunned, at the pile of goods sitting by his firepit. He counts a camp stove, teapot, and two boxes of fresh food, including bread and cheese,
Joseph looks up from organizing the supplies, “A few friends of mine, plus the Ashroot Market.” He smiles, Barclay’s stomach flipping like a flapjack when he does, “did you think we live on berries and air?”
“Kinda, yeah.” Barclay rubs his arm, embarrassed, “thanks, Joseph. I, uh, I don’t really have money, so maybe I can pay you back with-” he trails off as the nymph stands and sets a hand on his shoulder. 
“Barclay, you don’t owe me anything. I did this because you keep saying how much you miss cooking from a real pantry and, um, I thought it’d make you happy to have some options.”
“It does.” He freezes as Joseph strokes the fur poking through a hole in shirt, “I can restock your sewing kit the next time, if you want.”
“That’d be great.” He wants so badly to touch him back, to see if he shudders away from his claws or holds his hand. 
Josephs arm drops back to his side, “Ned has a surprising number of camping supplies. I suspect he stole them from humans, which is technically against the rules but” he indicates the stove, “I’ll let it slide for now.” 
A conspiratorial wink and Barclay rumbles out a purr, catching it before Joseph notices.
“Will, uh, will you at least let me make you dinner as a thank you?”
The dryad nods, “That sounds perfect, big guy.”
Barclay doesn’t howl often; it draws unwanted attention and there’s no one like him out there to answer anyway. Tonight he couldn’t help it, the loneliness tearing him to bits on it’s climb up his throat. He’s cross-legged on the ground, face to the stars, when Joseph sits down beside him. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine. Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. Thought you were out.”
“I was reading.” Joseph scoots closer, rubbing Barclay’s back, “and I can tell you’re lying.”
Barclay delays answering, fixes his gaze on the Beech where Joseph lives. Nymph homes occupy liminal spaces, fitting an entire domiciles within trees. His current hobby is imagining what it looks like on the inside; whether there are books stacked neatly everywhere, whether there’s a nice kitchen, how big the bed is, what the view from the bed is like…
He’s never going to know, Joseph made that clear. 
“It’s not that no other creature is allowed in a nymph home, more that getting them in there takes a dangerous amount of energy.”
“Barclay?” Joseph rests his head on his shoulder, “have you always been alone?”
“No. Or, well, I don’t think so. I get flashes of memory from when I was really little. Like there’s this big house with lots people who look like me, and they’re talking and keep passing me around so the grown-ups can ruffle my fur and make this, this sort of” he breaks off into the low, soft hoots that echo down through the years, “and then...then there’s this gap and the next thing I remember is being dumped on the side of the road somewhere in central California, more or less an adult myself. I spent so long looking for my family, for anyone who looked like or could give me answers and all I got was some scars and a bunch of T.V shows about hunting me.” 
“That sounds awful. I, um, I’m glad you stumbled into my neck of the woods. I know I’m not always the best company and ask more questions about living around humans than you’d probably like but, um, you deserve to have at least one person on your side.”
“Thanks” Barclay tips his head sideways so it’s resting against Josephs’, “Uh if, if you ever want to, we could have a dinner here with Duck and them. I like cooking for people; one of those things I know about myself even if I can’t remember why.”
He must imagine the lips brushing his forehead as Joseph sits up, “I’ll invite everyone first thing tomorrow.”
A danger of sleeping in Joseph’s clearing is that Barclay feels safe. Starts sleeping like he has nothing to fear. 
The voices in the distance, jarring him awake in the dead of night, remind him of the truth.
“Shit” he scrambles out of the tent, piles it and all his other possessions into a hollow log and throws the moss blanket over it just to be safe. Then the worst sound in the world reaches him: barking. Not only are the hunters close, they have dogs. And, his acute hearing informs him, he’s their prey. 
Fuck, his scent and fur are all over this part of the woods, no wonder they’re honing in on him so fast. His best chance is to run and cross the river, but there’s an open stretch on the other side, so unless he’s lucky they’ll still spot him. 
“Hey! I think something is moving over here!” 
He flattens against the Copper Beech, narrowly dodging the beam of a flashlight. 
“Shit, shit” he doesn’t want to fight, doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He doesn’t want to be caught. Inhaling, he readies himself to give the loudest roar of his life. 
Then the world tips and twists and he’s no longer in the woods. He is, however, in a tree, if the view from the window is anything to go by.
Gasping sends his attention to the floor and he drops to his knees, scooping a limp, pale Joseph into his arms. 
“Wel, welcome to my house. Sorry it’s such a, a mess.”
He glances at the polished furniture, the neatly stacked books, and the spotless floor.
“Seriously, babe? That’s the first thing you say after saving my neck?” He giggles, tipping towards hysteria. 
“I couldn’t let them hurt you.”
“You could have died.” Barclay adjusts him so he’s mostly upright and hugs him close, “I coulda lost you why, why did you-”
His question is lost in the clumsy kiss Joseph pulls him into. Barclay’s body gives up on adapting to anymore surprises and he falls onto his back, the nymph weakly petting his cheeks as he tries, clearly exhausted, to continue kissing him. 
“You’re the most incredible being in the forest and, and I’ve been so happy since you came to stay. My entire body feels like a leaf beaten limp by the rain and I’d do the same spell this instant, without hesitation, if that’s what it took to keep you safe. Keep you with me.”
Carefully, Barclay guides him into another kiss, vines curling up them both the more he pours all his affection and thanks into the nymphs mouth. When Joseph finally pulls away, he nestles down on Barclays chest, running his fingers through his fur. 
“You, um, you may be here awhile. I’m not sure if I can get you out safely or if Dani and the others will have to help me.”
“No complaints here.” Barclay strokes his hair, which feels like soft leaves and normal locks all at once. 
Joseph answers a few more logistical questions before falling asleep in his arms, which is plenty of answers for one night. And in the morning, when the nymph rolls over to smile at him, he can confirm; the view from the bed is beautiful.
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abused-sides · 4 years
Worth It
Trigger warnings: Emotional abuse, gaslighting, being called selfish a lot, mild ableism (mostly in the background, mentioned in passing), familial abuse, sad ending. Please let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: This is a commission! You can thank @darkle-elkrad​ for me. You did donate $25 and I know you told me to keep the extra, but this was on the shorter side. You have a little over 3,200 words left if you want me to write you another fic. Just message me! Hope you like it. 
A/N: Also, this fic is based off a poem darkle-elkrad wrote, so you can read that here. 
Disclaimer: J. is NOT Janus, he’s an unsympathetic OC. 
Read on Ao3
Logan had a way of making people angry. 
Maybe it was because he knew them so well, but he irritated his family the most. He had a talent for picking the thing that made them angriest the fastest, and somehow always managed to throw it in their face. 
He didn’t think he did it on purpose. One moment he was just… existing. Maybe talking about his day at school, hanging out with a friend, working on a puzzle. Then someone was angry. 
“You’re too loud,” his mom complained. 
“Do you ever stop talking?” His dad snapped. “No one else can get a word in.” 
“Can you sit still?” His older brother, J., shoved him playfully. “I can’t focus.” 
When he complained to J., he said, “Just stop making us mad. It’s not that hard. I don’t piss everyone off all the time.” 
Everyone insisted he was doing it on purpose. Maybe he was. He was angry a lot as a kid— maybe he was taking it out on them. 
It was probably his fault. 
One fight in particular stuck out in Logan’s memories. He was home alone with J., and they’d been arguing over what game to play. As much as Logan tried, he couldn’t remember specific details, even what the options were or why Logan didn’t decide to spend his time alone once they started arguing. 
But Logan pushed one too many buttons, and J… changed. 
His eyes were the first sign something was wrong. They narrowed, zeroing in on Logan like he was the only thing in the room. A seething glare took over his face for just a split second, then replaced with a wicked smile, something so unhappy it made Logan cringe thinking about it. His shoulders tensed, he clapped his hands together, and said something along the lines of, “Fine, let’s just do what you want to do. Like always. Who cares, right? Not me.” 
Logan had wilted. Embarrassed heat tingled over his skin and his eyes watered. He didn’t think that was true, but when J. was so angry, he couldn’t think to refute it. His mind shut off. His words failed. 
He choked out a small, “I’m sorry,” and stumbled through a, “Let’s just do your thing,” then sunk back into his seat. He thought he had been sitting— he couldn’t remember. 
He didn’t want to remember. 
Logan stared into the pantry with dead eyes. 
“We have spaghetti stuff,” he tried. 
It was their third night home alone, and Logan wasn’t sure how much longer he could take alone with J. 
J. sighed hard enough to flip his bangs up for a moment and leaned against the wall next to the pantry. “We have spaghetti sauce?”
“Then why don’t we just make pizza?” 
Logan hesitated. “I mean…” 
His stomach twisted. He remembered the edge to J’s voice, his eyes turning into hard slits. 
“We can…” 
Logan’s heart rate picked up, pulsing in his fingertips, and sweat pricked his skin. Phantom frustration stuck in his throat. 
He was usually so eloquent. It was his job to be good with his words. So why couldn’t he win a single argument? 
Is it worth it? 
“That’s what you want?” He asked hesitantly. 
J. raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. You make really good pizza.” 
Logan grabbed the spaghetti sauce and tub of flour. 
Logan stared at his feet as he walked. 
It was a nice day. The breeze rustled through Logan’s hair like they did the bright leaves on the trees. Sunrays warmed his skin. It was a Friday, so kids were still in school and most others were at work. It would have been the perfect day for reading, if not for the fact that Logan finished his book yesterday. 
Logan would be in his AP History class right now, if not for J. stopping him at the door and begging Logan to skip with him. Logan had tried to convince him that he had a test that day, but J. was so upset, Logan decided it wasn’t as important. 
“Can we stop by the library?” He asked, pointing to the thick novel in his arm. 
J. raised an eyebrow. “You seriously want to be inside? Today?” 
“No, I just—”
J. was already shaking his head. “No, we go to the library, you keep us trapped in there for hours. You know how long it takes you to even pick out a book, let alone read it.” 
Logan swallowed. He stared ahead, at the park J. was taking them to. His stomach tied in knots. His palms were clammy against the hard cover. 
“Well what if I just ran there by myself, and met you back here?” 
J. sighed and stopped in front of Logan. He was tall— his head blocked the sun, casting cold shadows over Logan’s face. J. stared, his nose wrinkled in annoyance. “You’re gonna leave me here alone? Really?” 
He shifted his weight from foot to foot. 
Is it worth it? 
“Is it really a big deal?” He asked quietly. “Just for a few minutes?” 
“Whatever, Logan.” J. started towards one of the pavilions, eyes ahead. 
Logan hesitated. 
He hurried to follow. 
A few weeks passed without an argument. Logan may have become a bit of a pushover, but that wasn’t too bad. He could deal with it. 
He didn’t want to be selfish. He didn’t want to be a bad person. And if everyone in his family was saying the same thing, he should listen. 
Their parents were out of town again. Logan curled up in the armchair as J. sprawled out on the couch, flicking through their movies. 
“What d’you wanna watch?” J. flipped his dark bangs back to look at Logan. 
Logan’s eyes widened. He straightened up. “Um— I don’t know, maybe… How about Big Hero 6?” 
J. rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Figures. I’m sick of that one, pick something else.” 
He hesitated. “Oh— alright.” 
His heart raced. He tried to think of another movie, but his brain sputtered and each second his brother stared at him, Logan’s panic increased. His panic made thinking all the harder, so he panicked more, and round and round it went. 
J. blinked slowly, and Logan’s heart dropped— his eyes had narrowed, hardened with anger— 
Logan shook his head. 
“I’m sorry, I…” He cleared his throat. “Uh, what do you want to watch?” 
J. turned back to the T.V. and pointed the remote. “How about Peter Pan?” 
Logan took in a shaky breath and pursed his lips. “Didn’t we watch that recently?” He tried. 
Logan pushed his sweaty palms against his jeans. “Can we— Can we watch something else?” 
He flinched as J. sighed dramatically. “Like, what? Big Hero 6?” 
Logan stared incredulously. “I mean, obviously that’s what I wanted to watch, but—” 
“And I already said I didn’t want to! If you want to watch it so bad, watch it alone.” 
“J., that’s not what I meant.” 
J. sat up and tossed the remote to the side. His eyes narrowed. “Then what did you mean?” 
“I…” What did he mean? He fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “I just— I meant, can we pick something else?” 
“Why? So you can get what you want again?” 
“No, I…”
“We never do what I want. Name one time this week we did what I wanted. You’re so selfish.” 
Logan’s eyes watered. He cleared his throat and nodded. “You’re right. You— um, how about you choose?” 
J. nodded and grabbed the remote. 
Logan brought his knees to his chest, wrapping a blanket tight around his shoulders. He thought back over the week, and for half the movie, he couldn’t think of a time J. got what he wanted. There weren’t any arguments. Everything was fine. 
Close to the end, he remembered— something about breakfast —but saying it would be… trivial. 
Starting the fight back up just wasn’t worth it. 
Months passed. Logan avoided his family most of the time, only going out with his brother if he had to. He was trying to work on his selfish habits, but it was hard. He never seemed to realize until it was too late. 
Around the middle of his senior year, he fumbled with his book and keys— he was running late. He hurried out of his room and nearly made it out of the house before J. called to him. 
“Logan! Where are you going?” 
Logan hesitated, then tapped the cover of his book. “She’s doing a signing at that cafe near here. She’s only gonna be there for another hour, though, I gotta go get in line.” 
He started out the door, but J. grabbed his arm. He laughed. “Let me come with you. We can go to the lake after.” 
“I… Okay, sure,” he said reluctantly. 
He climbed into the car with J. in the driver’s seat, trying not to fidget. His family had complained many times that he was too restless. He frowned as trees whizzed past. 
“J—” Logan swallowed, “J., you missed the turn.” 
“We’ll just go after.” 
Logan’s eyes widened. “What? No, I’ll miss it.” 
J. gave him a look, and Logan suppressed a flinch. “Come on, she’ll come back around. We haven’t hung out in months. Why won’t you just come with me?” 
“J.!” Logan gripped the door handle, his heart pounding as he looked at the car window. “Please, we can go after. Come on, turn around!” 
“What, you gonna jump out?” He laughed. “What’s going on with you? You’ve been so selfish, why can’t we just hang out?” 
“I’m not being selfish!” 
J.’s gaze flicked to Logan’s. 
His eyes hardened. 
Logan’s palms sweat. 
J. gripped the steering wheel. 
Logan’s mouth went dry. 
“Really?” J. asked flatly. “You’re not? What, then, would I get out of going with you?” 
“It would just be a minute,” Logan tried weakly. “And we’ll be at the lake for hours. Can’t we just—”
“So hanging out with me is a waste of time?” 
Logan held back a sigh. “That’s not what I said. I just mean that—” 
“Fine.” J. shook his head with a dry laugh. “Let’s go to the cafe. Whatever. I don’t care.” 
Logan looked at the clock. 3.38. Twenty two minutes left. Ten to get there. Who knows how long the line is? If they waited only to be turned away, how mad would J. be? 
Was it worth it? 
“Let’s just go to the lake,” Logan whispered, and J.’s eyes softened. “You’re right. She’ll come back. We haven’t hung out in too long.” 
Logan tipped his head back. He was sick of fighting. 
He wasn’t worth it. 
Commission info <3
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jkoojeon · 5 years
Sun and Moon ch 4
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tags: wolf au, angst, smut (future chapters), violence, very fluffy
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 3.7k
a/n: hi guys :) I know I’ve been out for a while but I’m back now. 
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previous  masterlist
It has been two weeks since you joined the pack. And let’s just say; those two weeks have been quite boring. It’s not that the pack is boring itself, but because your mate locked you up in his home. Let me rephrase that. He insisted you stay at home in the most charming and heart-throbbing manner. You were so high from kissing him that he convinced you so easy to stay at home. He claimed that it was for your own safety. You didn’t disobey him one bit. Why? You don’t know. 
During those past two weeks, you spent your time taking a bunch of pictures on Jungkook’s camera and finding new hobbies like gardening. And you sucked at it. You basically murdered every plant in Jungkook’s backyard, not that he cared, but his gardener did. The only people who visit you were Taehyung and Jimin, who you learned is Taehyung’s mate. Both Joy and Irene couldn’t see you because Jungkook was keeping them busy with their training as an Iota and Lambda. 
Jungkook is currently at the pack headquarters reading the reports he received from Zetas (war generals). The reports are about updates on the new wolf packs who are planning to climb their way to the top. This, of course, threatens the Blood Moon. The new packs are a bunch of kids who want to cause nothing but trouble, at least that’s what Jungkook thought. Not until he received reports months ago about them slowly taking over other packs that have been established centuries ago. Jungkook is not that worried because his pack is one of the strongest and will be able to handle them, but he can’t just ignore their existence. He has to keep an eye on them just in case something unexpected happens. Expect the unexpected. 
Just as Jungkook is about to sign the reports, and Taehyung and Jimin come into the room without knocking. He doesn’t lift his head up, already knowing who interrupted him. They never knock before entering unlike everyone else who is under him. 
“Are those Zetas’ reports?” Jimin asks as he rounds his way around the table to stand behind Jungkook. Jungkook sighs then shoves the paper behind him so his Beta can take it. 
“They already took over Ever Green pack. And judging by their location, Raven Night is most likely next.” Jungkook leans back in his leather chair then closes his eyes. 
“Wow, they’re quite impatient. And Raven Night? Should we be worried?” Taehyung asks. 
“Yes if they managed to take them too. But your brother should be able to handle them, right?” Jungkook opens his eyes again. 
Jimin looks up from the report, he blinks curiously. “Raven Night? Isn’t that where Y/N, Irene, and Joy came from?” 
“Uh, yeah,” Taehyung confirms a bit nervously. He sees Jungkook staring at him hard. For the past week, Jungkook has been trying to get Taehyung to tell the reason why you left your pack. He knows it has to do with your current mental state. Taehyung only told him that you should be the one to tell him and it’s not his place. “Anyways, when are you going to introduce Y/N to the pack? It’s been the talk to the town,” he question, deciding to change the subject.
Jungkook has not really thought about that. Of course, he acknowledges that you’re going to be a Luna but introducing you to the whole town makes him uneasy. Once you’re introduced, all of the attention will be on you. Which means, the horny male wolves will look at you, more vulnerable to danger, and you will be taking on responsibilities, making less time to spend with you. He just wants to keep you all to himself. But, he can’t do that. 
“I’ll talk to her about it tonight,” he says. 
“You better because the ladies want someone to represent them,” Taehyung plops in the chair in front of the table. 
“Represent?” Jungkook raises an eyebrow at him, telling him to continue talking. 
“Yeah, you know to speak for them.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “I know what the word means. Why do they want Y/N to represent them?”
Both Jimin and Taehyung shoot him an are-you-kidding-me look. “Um, no offense but you terrify the female wolves.” 
“Terrify? A group of girls was all over me the other day.”
Taehyung waves his hand in a dismissive manner, “That’s different. What I mean is that they’re terrified to ask what they want, not to please you. I don’t know if you notice but this town has more male attractions than females. Yeah, sure male wolves are more dominant, but they want to have fun, you know?” 
“Fun? There’s karaoke, that’s fun.” Jungkook looks at Jimin and asks, “You think that’s fun, right?” 
“Jungkook, everyone likes karaoke. But they want something more on the girly side, like a book club or something. And they can’t do that until you approve it.” Taehyung tells him.
“It’s just a book club, what do I care?” Jungkook shrugs his shoulder.
Taehyung groans and throws his head back, feeling the need to slap him. “They need funding. If you don’t recall, we don’t exactly have a library. The only books we have are children books and academic books. I am pretty sure they want romance or coming-of-age novels.” Jungkook sighs, already feel the coming headache. Starting a book club is the least of his problems. “Y/N can easily take care of that. I mean it’s not that hard to start a book club. Just order books from nearby cities. But you’re too busy to do that right now.” 
“Yeah, I’ll talk to her about it.” 
Jungkook arrives home. Excitement bubbles in his gut at the thought of spending the night with you, just like any other night. He will never get tired of this feeling. Sometimes, he would come home very late. And when he does, he would see you fallen asleep on the couch. Although you don’t admit it, he knows you were waiting for him. He also would come home to homecooked food, which is quite poorly made but he ate it anyway because it was made by you. 
Tonight, he hears the T.V playing. He appears in the living you. When he doesn’t see your head, he assumes you are laying on the couch sleeping. He rounds the couch, and there you are. A pillow under your head, blanket over your body, and eyes closed. He sits on the carpet, in front of you.
Jungkook quietly chuckles at the sound of your heart racing. You are definitely not asleep. He brushes your hair behind you so he is able to see your face clearly. While admiring your facial features, he sighs fondly. Carefully, he strokes your cheek before leaving a soft kiss on it. 
The corner of his lip twitches as he watches your cheeks growing red. Deciding not to embarrass you, he stands up and makes way to the kitchen. 
At the sound of the glass cup hitting the marble counter, you shoot your eyes open. You reach up and cup the cheek your mate had kissed. 
Oh my.
You heard him when he came home. You could have not pretended to sleep and welcome him home like a normal person, but no. You guess you want to know what he does when you do fall asleep. You expect him to ignore you or just carry you upstairs, not kissing you. Why did he have to do that? The more you think about it, the longer your cheeks stay red. 
Suddenly, you hear his feet padding out of the kitchen. Quickly, you go back to your previous position. 
Jungkook turns the T.V off. He then bends down, wrapping one arm under your knees, and the other one around your back. He adjusts you so that your head is resting on his shoulder. 
“Let’s go to bed, pretty girl,” he whispers and then smiles at the sight of your cheeks. 
Arriving in his cozy bedroom, he carefully places you down on the bed. He tucks you in then leaves another kiss on your forehead before heading to the bathroom. 
His bed is so warm and soft, you snuggle more into it. Your brain and body relaxing before actually falling asleep. 
The light shining through the large window causes you to wake up with a groan. You open your eyes, only to see Jungkook sleeping in front of you. His strong arm is around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You are so warm and comfortable that you decide to leave it, unlike the other times when you pry his arm off. 
It takes you a long moment to wipe the sleep out of your brain. You stare at him, starting to get quite jealous of how he looks good asleep. 
You remember the last time you felt like this. When his arm was tightly around you as if he was afraid to lose you. His chest slowly rising up and down at each deep breath he takes. The sounds of his light snore putting you to sleep. And his incoherent mumbles into your neck. You were so happy with him. So happy to wake up every morning and going to sleep every night with him. But that all changed. 
Jungkook brought back those familiar feelings, but there is also something unfamiliar. You can’t really put your finger on it. Is it a domestic feeling? Homey feeling? Or the feeling of content? Maybe it’s the feeling of belong? No, there’s something more. Just what is it? 
Jungkook lets out a soft grunt before slowly opening his eyes to the bright light. He stares at you while you stare at him, holding in your breath. 
“Morning,” he lazily says in his raspy and deep morning voice. He closes his heavy eyes. 
“Are you going to work today?” You ask softly. 
He stays silent for a moment, “Why? Is there something you want to do?” 
You blush before trailing your eyes down to his neck. 
“Um, well, I kind of want to go on a picnic and maybe go out for a run. I haven’t got out in a while, and I kind of miss it.” 
Jungkook opens his eyes, seeing you looking like you’re regretting asking him. A picnic and a run? He would be more than happy. He will get to spend time with you, and not only that but also see you in your wolf form for the first time. 
Jungkook turns to lay on his back and then reaches over to his phone. You watch him curiously, seeing him sending a text to Jimin.
Jungkook: I’m taking a day off.
A bright smile shines on your face. Jungkook puts his phone down then turns back to you, his arm finding its place around your waist. 
“I’ll bring you out if you give me a kiss.” 
You blink. Your heart stops for a moment before it skips a beat. He’s asking you for a kiss. Kiss him, so that you can go out with him. But you stay frozen. 
What’s wrong? It’s not like you never kissed him before. But it’s also not like you kiss him often. The giddy feeling of anticipation is coming to you. 
Oh man, kissing his beautiful soft lips.
As you stay still, Jungkook waits. He wants to just kiss you but he also wants you to do it in your will. 
And so you do, you plant your lips on him for a few long seconds before pulling away. You watch the same lips you just kissed grow into a smile. 
There the both of you are, sitting on a mat in an empty clearing with luscious grass around you. You are sitting crossed-cross across from Jungkook with his coat over your exposed legs with the basket in between you and him. You did absolutely nothing when planning this picnic. Jungkook assured you that he has everything all figured out. Not going to lie, but you are impressed. 
In a short amount of time, he found the perfect secluded area and packed food. He opens the baskets and takes out containers of foods. He packed a variety of sandwiches, fruits, chips, desserts, and drinks. You lick your lips at the sight and aroma as he takes off the lids. 
You look at him for approval to start eating. He laughs at your twinkling eyes. He takes out a sandwich he made then gives it to you. Excitedly, you snatch it out of his hand and start munching on it. 
“We didn’t eat breakfast not that long ago,” Jungkook teases as he takes a sandwich out for himself. You pause then shoot him a glare as if daring him to call you fat. 
“Speak for yourself,” you raise your eyebrows at him as he shoves chips in his mouth after biting the sandwich. He can’t help but smile at you. He runs his hand through his hair, getting it out of the way. This makes you breathless for a moment before you tear your eyes away from him. 
“There is something I want to ask you,” Jungkook speaks. You look away from the single daisy next to you. “I know you’ve only been in this pack for a short while but I was wondering when you want to be introduced officially into the pack, as a Luna.”
Luna? Luna?!
You completely forgot about that. You’re the future Luna to this pack, Jungkook’s pack. He’s the Alpha, so of course, you’re the Luna, you’re his mate. You swallow your food nervously. 
It’s a big responsibility. Even though Jungkook will be right beside you and you will have help, it still freaks you out. Your rank is a Phi, a pup caretaker. That’s a big rank jump. And the fact of being such an important person. Can you do it?
You remember in your previous pack, he didn’t let you do anything that involves with pack’s affairs. He didn’t want to put the load on you. He did everything himself and just needed you by his side. 
Then Jungkook...
“You don’t have to take on the title if you don’t want. I know it’s a big responsibility, but pushing you to do something you’re uncomfortable is the last thing I want to do. I equally happy if you want to stay at home.” Jungkook reassures you once he sees the panic look on your face. 
You lower your sandwich down, “It’s not that I’m uncomfortable. It’s just a big jump from Phi. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I’m worthy to stand next to you in the affairs. What if they don’t like me, or I make a mistake, or-” 
Jungkook’s body leans towards you, his hand cupping both of the sides of your face. You look at him, eyes wide in surprise. 
“They will love you, trust me. You will be a great leader. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. You won’t be alone in this. I won’t ever leave your side. And if anything, it’s me who is not worthy.” He leans in so that his forehead is in contact with yours. A blush starts to creep up your cheeks. 
“I-,” you try to spit out the words. Taking deep breathing, you let it out with an “okay.” 
Jungkook doesn’t move away from you. And truthfully, you don’t want him to move away either. You like his warm palms pressing against your face. You like his forehead against his while his breath blows to you. Even though both of you been physically closer before, this has a different sensation. Maybe it’s because you’re both awake and alert. The open, fresh air around you while both of you are sitting in the middle of the clearing, void of any humans and animals. The silence is quite different from when you’re alone with him at home too. It could be because of the lack of restriction on the closed walls and furniture. It could also be because of the light breeze blowing around you. Or it could be neither of those things. Whatever it is, you don’t care because you realize being anywhere with Jungkook, even if it’s just a short while, there’s one feeling that is always present. 
That specific feeling is intense fondness. And you are sure Jungkook feels it too. 
Both of you have finished eating, leaving a few sandwiches and fruits as leftovers. You sit there on the mat, waiting patiently for Jungkook. Your mind can’t help but imagine what is going on behind that thick tree. 
Your ears are able to listen to Jungkook slowly taking his clothes off. You just know he’s doing this on purpose; slowly stripping and running his hand over his body to tease you. You can imagine his drool-worthy muscles contracting and veins bulging from his skin. Oh gosh, you need to stop. 
Moments later, you hear bones popping before soft, dull sounds against the ground and low growls. You watch the tree with such anticipation, waiting for Jungkook to come out in his wolf form. 
Then there he is, in his mighty glory, a large black wolf emerges from behind the tree. Wow, he’s beautiful. You can almost see his black fur glimmering in the sunlight. Absolutely beautiful. 
You seem to forget how to breathe or even blink as he approaches you. He is so strikingly handsome that you don’t hear him grunt at you. Not until he paws at your thigh that makes you snap out of your trance. 
Oh right, it’s your turn to shift. 
Jungkook sits, letting you stand up and go behind the tree he was just at. You spot his clothes haphazardly in a pile against the base of the tree. You nervously start stripping out of your clothes. 
It’s both nervousness and excitement that gurgle in you. Nervous because he’s going to be another person to see you in wolf form. Excited because you get to show your mate your wolf form. 
You concentrate and then let your bones pop uncomfortably in place. When you open your eyes, you’re closely faced with the grass. Your white and light gray fur comes into your view. 
Well, here goes nothing.
Cautiously, you peek from behind the tree before coming out from behind it. 
Just like you, Jungkook is stunned, but in wolf form. He sits there, unmoving, with his ears perk up. You shyly make your way to sit in front of him. 
Jungkook feels like he’s falling in love with you again. He doesn’t know how many more times he’s going to fall in love with you. Falling for you once isn’t enough. And he swears it’s going to kill him but in a good way. 
His mate. His fucking mate in front of him, just several inches away. 
The urge takes over him as he suddenly lunges to you, making you fall back with a surprised whine. He begins attacking you with kisses all over you and nuzzling against your fur. You only internally laugh, feeling a bit ticklish from his rough nature. 
You wiggle out from under him then go into a full sprint into the woods. 
“Chase me!” You say to him. 
“Don’t mind if I do,” Jungkook growls playfully before sprinting after you. 
You feel so free and alive again. The wind blowing in your ear as it sings in tune with your heart. Your fur being constantly brushed back. The beautiful forest views passing your eyes. 
You’re pretty fast. However, Jungkook is faster. Within a few minutes, you can hear him catching up to you. This makes you run faster, trying to outrun him before he can outrun you. But that’s a waste of energy because he’s still faster. 
Soon, Jungkook is able to get in front of you. He stops and turns around, ready to tackle you. Just when he does, you dodge him by leaping to the side. You laugh as you don’t stop running. 
It only takes Jungkook a few minutes to get ahead of you again. He does the same thing, only this time, he’s ready. He observes your steps. When you leap to the side again, he follows. Successfully, he jumps on you. You both roll down the short hill together, then land on another clearing. 
Jungkook nuzzles against your neck, causing you to giggle internally. Your attempt to get on top of him fail as he gets on top of you. 
“You bad girl. You’re not going anyway.” Jungkook says light-heartedly. 
Just as you are about to comment, both of you perk up at the sound of bushes rustling. You quickly get out from under him then stand behind him. Jungkook growls at the intruder, standing protectively in front of you. 
“Who’s there?” He barks. Jungkook notices that both of you are longer in his territory. He was so distracted by you that he didn’t notice you crossed outside his borders. 
A brown wolf appears from the bush. He has a scar across his eye, giving him the rouge look. You come close to your mate, silently whimpering at the dark and troubling aura the wolf is emitting. 
“Isn’t the Alpha Jeon Jungkook. What a nice surprise.” His voice sounds mischevious. “Hey, I’m not breaking any rules here. We’re not in your territory.” 
The wolf then spots you. “Oh? Who is this? Your mate?” He sniffs the air, “No, it can’t be. She’s unmated. And she smells delicious.” 
Jungkook rips out a powerful growl, warning the wolf. You can feel his body temperature rising along with his anger. “Don’t you dare. I will rip you apart if you say anything about her. Leave if you know what’s good for you.” He threatens.
The wolf lets out a malevolent chuckle, “Alright, but we’ll be back for you, Jeon Jungkook, and your pretty little mate.” He promises then going into the woods. 
You shake in fear while you stare where the wolf was. You don’t know what it is but that wolf doesn’t sit well for you. His threat sounds far from empty. Jungkook turns to you. 
“Let’s go. Now.” There is that authoritative and demanding tone in his voice. You waste no second and obey, following him back home. 
taglist:  @itsmehoseok  @fluffybunnybaekhyun  @ally 22042000  @deolly @crazylittlemay @fivesecondsofsarang  @hobishine12​ @laluzdirectioner​
115 notes · View notes
corescorner · 5 years
Charmberry Cove Chapter Four.
Chapter Title: Settling In.
Wordcount: 4,818
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3.
Taglist: @unsocialchapeau @aularei @softest-emo
It's the day after the move and Virgil is already sick of all the boxes in his way and he misses his stuff, these walls are too bare and monotone; he wants his fairy lights and posters.
He needs to fix this, now.
Today is room arranging day he decides.
He stands in the middle of his room and looks around trying to figure out where to put what, he figures placing the large furniture is probably the first thing he should do before anything else.
He starts with the bed, moving it to the far left corner, diagonal from the door; moving the small side table next to it and putting his large, black fluffy carpet underneath that, the carpet takes up a lot of floor space but that's fine cause the floor is cold anyway.
Placing the bookshelf across from his bed in the far right corner and putting his desk next to that, close to the door. Yeah that looks good, so he now only has to place his dresser, T.V and bean bag chair.
The dresser fits perfectly on the wall that the door is on in the left corner but his T.V can't fit anywhere in here, his stereo goes on top of his dresser and takes up all the room. He moves it and the bean bag outside of his room for now.
He puts three CDs into the multi-stereo for them to shuffle between them while he works, cranking it up.
Now, for the fun part. Decorating.
He has three different fairy lights, the skull ones go directly above his beds headboard, the ghosts go on the other wall his bed is situated against and the bats go above his desk. Nice. He should get pumpkin ones next.
His posters are plentiful in number, he has enough to probably fill all the walls in this room if he spaced them out in an organized manner, but that's not his style. Instead of doing that he places them artfully around his room in collage like clusters and now there's still room to get more if he wanted to.
He starts to organize his books and collection of movies/shows on to his shelves, adding figures, knickknacks and toys.
Placing all the small stuff around and storing things in boxes under his bed that doesn't need to be out in the open, he's finally done his room.
He looks around at his hard work. He's proud of what he's done with it, it’s definitely cozy and very him. The rafters look like they can have stuff hanging from them; maybe he'll do that if he gets something that would go good there.
Walking out he almost trips on the bean bag chair. Well he does trip, but the chair is soft so it doesn't matter, no one needs to know.
His face scrunches up as he thinks of what to do with these.
Why not just... leave them out here? Make himself a makeshift living room.
Placing the television on a crate, with his game consoles on the floor in front of it and the chair in front of those. That's good for now.
Well, that was a lot of hard work. Rewarding though, he smiles to himself.
His stomach rumbling takes him out of his gazing.
Oh, yea it's probably around lunch time.
He checks his alarm clock on his nightstand.
Wait, what? It's four pm! How could he have not noticed how late it got, how come one of his dads didn't call down or lunch? Did his music drown them out? No they would have come down in that case...
He goes upstairs -Hex jumps off of the dryer to follow at his heels- he needs to check what's going on with his dads, they're probably just working as hard as he has been and they also lost track of time is all.
That's definitely it he tells himself.
Opening the door separating the basement from the rest of the house he stops in place looking around. They have been busy, there's not one box to be seen, all furniture and other items are in their rightful places and it's clean everywhere.
He peeks at the kitchen and it's the same there, same for the dining room that they're probably never going to actually use.
No dads to be seen. Hex chirrups up at him, he looks down at her mismatched eyes.
“I know, it's weird right?”
They must be working upstairs then. He hasn’t been up there at all yet, so that's where he heads. Hex ever his tiny shadow follows along.
When he reaches the top of the stairs, the first door he notices is to his left and it leads into a large bathroom, there's another door on the same wall a bit farther down that is only slightly open.
To his right there's a door that is fully open so he goes to that one, standing in the doorway he realizes it's a large master bedroom, his parent’s room.
It's the length of the whole floor and there's a bay window to his left from where he's standing in the doorway.
On the other side of that is their bed, which actually takes up quite a bit of space in the large room. He's not sure why they have such a big bed, every time he's seen them sleep they're always cuddled together or tangled around each other in the middle of it, seas of bed on either side of them.
It's a very plush bed though. Dad doesn't seem like he sleeps often but with everything sleep related he's very nit-picky about.
He leaves this room, cause there's no Dads here either.
So that leaves the slightly open door on the other side of the hall.
He creeps up to it, to see if there's any sound coming from beyond the door.
He only hears typing so he knocks.
Pops’ voice answers it “come on in!”
Virgil steps into the room that is clearly Pops' office, everything is set up and in order on this floor too. No wonder they haven't seen each other all day.
“Hey Virge, what's up?” Pops asks, stopping his typing to look at Virgil.
“Um, where's Dad?” Is his first question.
“Oh!” -Pops jostles himself upwards a bit- “He went to figure out the funeral plans and deal with will stuff, he wanted to go alone to make it a quick experience” he explains.
“Okay, what's for supper?” His second question.
Pops shakes his head a little and looks towards his computer monitor.
“Oh gosh! I didn't notice it was this late, I'm so sorry about that buddy you must be hungry.”
Virgil shrugs, he could have made himself something if it was just lunch after all. “It's alright, I didn't notice the time either until I finished setting up my room, I couldn't fit the T.V and bean bag though so I made myself a little living room area.”
Pops smiles wide “that's such a good idea Virge! We should get a couch, oh and more bean bag chairs in case you bring home friends.” His voice was cheery throughout the sentence but that didn't stop Virgil from frowning.
“I don't have any friends Pops” he says, stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets and looking away. Hex slinks around his ankles and props herself on her hind legs, her two front ones resting on his shins.
He picks her up, cuddling her to his chest in the same way Patton did yesterday, she immediately starts to purr.
Pops’ face falls slightly before brightening up again.
“What about that Patton kid who helped you move in yesterday?” He asks like he knew what Virgil was thinking.
Virgil wrinkles his nose. “I don't think that counts as being friends?” he says with a questioning tone.
Emile laughs softly, “well don't tell him that.”
Virgil squints “you really think we're friends?”
“Absotutely I do!” his smile is genuine, Virgil softens a bit.
He gets up off his puffy office chair, slapping his hands to his thighs as he does so.
“How about some dinner huh?” He asks, fluffing Virgil's hair as he walks past him out of the office.
Virgil follows him down the stairs, he drops Hex as she wriggles in his grasp and then she darts to his chair in the living room to sleep. Fine, he sees how it is.
They walk into the kitchen and Emile claps his hands once and addresses Virgil.
“What would you like for dinner tonight? Your dad should be back soon-” he checks the time on the stove clock “-we should start making it so it's ready for when he's back, wanna be my Little Chef?”
“You're lucky Dad isn't here for that Ratatouille reference” Virgil smirks.
“It had nothing to do with him, he'd be fine” Pops says, sticking out his tongue, cause ya'know he's an adult.
“Well if you didn't go overboard with quoting it at him when it came out, he'd be even better.” Virgil now with a shit eating grin in place, sticks his own tongue out.
“You sassafrassin' me mister?”
“Of course not Father Dearest.” He slaps on a fake smile that reads 'I'm being good, honest'.
Emile nods his head once in a quick motion that says 'that's that then' and smiles at Virgil goofily, turning around to face the fridge he opens it with a flourish simply exclaiming: “food!” He drops his arms limply, staring into the fridge. “Huh, well okay then” he says lowly.
Turning to Virgil and closing the door he claps his hands, keeping them together and raised to his mouth.
“Here's the thing-” he starts, pointing his clasped hands towards Virgil “-there's no food,”
“What?” Virgil deadpans, Pops smiles sheepishly.
“Well we did everything and forgot to grocery shop, I forgot we we're supposed to do that today but we couldn't cause Remy got called in for will stuff from the lawyer guy” his hands gesture left and right while talking as if to state his points.
“You don't have to explain yourself to me Pops.”
“I know. Now what do ya wanna order?” Emile asks with a wide smile, cell phone already in hand.
“Do you need to ask?” Virgil replies, Pops looks at him over the rim of his glasses like Dad would.
“You could want Chinese.”
Oh, that actually does sound good. His face must have shown his thoughts cause Pops giggles and admits: “Actually, I want Chinese.”
Virgil looks at him unimpressed.
“Hey! There's this really amazing place here that I haven't had for ages and I still know the number, your Dad and I used to get take out from there basically every Friday when we lived here, we were just out of collage living with Clem at the time” he has a soft smile on his lips, “ah memories.”
He stops dialling the number like he just realised something.
“What if it's not there anymore” he whispers, eyes wide.
Virgil shifts where he stands “you won't know until you try?” He says slowly.
“Right you are Virge” and he presses the call button.
Virgil can hear the rings, once, twice, thrice? Whatever, three times. Then the other line picks up, he can't hear the other person but Pops' smile is wide enough to tell him that they're gonna be having Chinese tonight.
Pops talks on the phone longer than necessary for a food order so Virgil sits on his chair with Hex, petting her lazily.
After about twenty minutes he hangs up.
“Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be the same people and for them to remember me! That's pretty Wild Thornberries” he says cheerily, Virgil snickers and rolls his eyes at the unnecessary cartoon reference.
Pops’ phone blips and his head instantly snaps down at it like it startled him, a smile breaks across his face.
“Remy's on his way back, good timing too” he muses.
He always has good timing Virgil thinks.
Pops takes plates and cups out of the cupboards, silverware out of the drawers and places them on the breakfast bar. He looks at them in contemplation for a moment. Virgil has an amused look on his face watching his father balance everything on the plates and then trying to balance those in his hands, the glasses wobble and Virgil figures he should help, so he gets up to grab the cups from their precarious positions, Pops pouts.
“I could've done it, I worked at a diner in collage you know” he states.
“I do know, that's where you met Dad, I've heard that story a lot. I just wanted to help you not break anything” he says placing them on the coffee table, Emile does the same with his handful.
Virgil practically throws himself on his large cushy chair, disturbing Hex's perched slumber.
Pops sits on the couch, turning the television on and switching to their recorded shows.
“Wanna watch the newest episode of Gravity Falls while we eat?” he says waggling the clicker.
“That's another 'not question' Pops” he replies.
“Not necessarily, you changed you mind about pizza, how do I know if you'd wanna watch something else” he says with a kind smirk and head waggles.
The front door opens, Dad comes in with a few plastic bags.
“I ordered Chinese!” Emile says brightly, moving his head around the couch to keeps his eyes on his husband while Remy walks into the kitchen to deposit the bags.
He slips his shades on to the top of his head “Oh my god I love you” he says sauntering over to the couch and dropping himself next to Emile, laying on him in exhaustion he lets out a long sigh. Emile runs his hand through Remy's hair, snagging the sun glasses removing them from Remy's person, setting them aside and continues scratching Remy's scalp.
“Aw hon, you have a rough day?” He asks softly.
As much as he loves his parents, these little tender moments that they unabashedly share makes Virgil feel like he's intruding in on something private, he shifts playing with his hoodie zipper.
“Nah not too bad like, considering” Dad answers waving a hand in the air. “Dice is coming down tomorrow for the funeral on Wednesday” he informs, Virgil jerks his head towards his dads.
“How long is he staying?” Virgil asks.
“Like, a week or so, don't worry you'll def get uncle bonding time.” He can't see his Dads face from this angle but he can hear the smile in his tone, he continues talking in a softer voice, “he wants to help clean out Moms apartment, said he's gonna stay over there for the week, I was thinking of staying with him.”
Emile, never stopping from petting his husband, has a soft, sweet smile playing on his lips he answers in the same tone Remy spoke in. “That's alright honey, do what you need to do. Virge and I will still be here when you get back, we can handle being by ourselves can't we Pumpkin King?” Pops turns his soft expression to Virgil.
“Yea, we can handle a couple of days without you...”
“Hey, you guys can totes come and help us pack stuff up if you wanted, we can all check out the cafe together.”
The doorbell rings.
Emile nudges Remy “you're gonna have to move hon”
Remy whines “Ugh, but do I really?”
“If you want food you do, silly” he boops Remy's nose.
Remy playfully rolls his eyes and whines dramatically this time “fiiiiine, you win Picani.”
“Always do” Emile says, placing a kiss to his forehead as he gets up.
As Pops pays for the food Virgil goes to the episode titled 'The Time Traveller’s Pig' to start it when ready.
Dad hands Virgil a plate, cup and utensils then gets up to retrieve two two litre sodas from the bags he brought home.
They eat and watch Gravity Falls, commenting here and there about certain parts of the episode.
They stay there, in the living room watching more shows that they've recorded for a couple of hours, styrofoam containers and dishes littered around. The living room is warm and comfortable, Hex purring curled up in his arms as he's curled up on his chair. Virgil feels like he might fall asleep.
He hears Dad chuckle, then soft carpeted footsteps coming towards his chair, he lazily opens his eyes looking up at his Dad standing just at the base of his chair smiling softly down at him. He closes his eyes again as Dad just bends down and with zero effort he picks Virgil up like a baby, Virgil's head resting in the crook of his neck.
“He must be super tired, it's not even close to how late he usually stays up” Pops whispers, “he was working in the basement all day today,” a hand brushes his bangs to the side.
“Well, we should totes go marvel at his hard work shouldn't we?”
Virgil feels movement then hears the basement door creak; he feels the motion of going down the stairs and hearing them groan in protest as they descend.
He hears Pops gasp “oh look at how cute this little corner is that he set up, we should get more comfort items down here for him.”
He feels Dad nod while hearing his bedroom door swish open, he doesn't turn on the main light, but from the soft glow and small click Virgil assumes one of his fairy lights was turned on.
“Nice, he like really worked his ass off with this room huh?” Dad whispers.
He feels a kiss on his forehead, then he's being lowered in his bed, the blankets cover him Dads hand is on his head and a whispered “sweet dreams Pumpkin.”
Virgil is out before they leave his room.
 Virgil wakes up with Hex snuggled under the covers with him, his skull lights giving off a low glow around his bed, he looks to his side to read his alarm clock.
7:33 am. Okay, earlier than he usually wakes but it's fine. It's Monday and school starts in a week’s time so he should probably start getting used to the early hours again he reasons to himself.
So instead of doing what he wanted, which was to curl around his cat and go back to sleep, he wrenches the blankets off of himself, Hex opens her blue eye to look at him in a way that he thinks she'd be saying 'excuse you, I'm still sleeping', so he covers her up again.
Walking to his dresser he gets out his clothes for the day and decides to take a shower, which he supposes is going to be in his personal bathroom basically, considering he practically claimed the basement as his.
Neat, he's never had his own bathroom before. Maybe he'll decorate it too.
After his shower he goes upstairs to see if there's at least cereal to eat.
“Mornin' Dad” he murmurs then double takes. That's not his dad.
Uncle Dice is sitting at their breakfast bar, laptop open in front of him, large travel mug full of black coffee in hand. He looks at Virgil, his large rounded sun glasses nestled in his hair which happens to be up in a messy bun.
What's with the Tempest brothers and sun glasses?
“How's my favourite nephew?” He asks.
“I'm your only nephew, not many choices to work with, you're stuck with it” Virgil mutters.
“Okay, none of that. It just means I don't have others to disappoint when I choose you, I know what I'm talkin' about. I'm a professional.” He says matter of factually. Waving his hand towards the other counter “I brought breakfast” he says as an afterthought.
Virgil smiles he goes straight to hug his uncle, Dice hugs back immediately. “Did you drive all night?” He asks muffled by Dice's shoulder.
“Mmn, something like that” he pats Virgil's head.
Virgil moves away, looking around the kitchen noticing the distinct lack of fathers.
“How'd you get in?” he asks quizzically, Dice puts a finger to his own lips in the universal sign for 'shh'.
“I have my ways” he says cryptically, Virgil can respect that.
Virgil is finishing his breakfast while Uncle Dice has been typing furiously at his keyboard, when Pops bounds down the steps still in his rumpled sleep clothes, he doesn't stop in confusion to ask when Uncle Dice got there or asks how he got in, so Virgil assumes that he's the one who let him in.
“Heya Die! Rem told me that you were here” he cheerily says.
Okay, so maybe not. Dad then.
“Oh yea? And he can't come down here to greet his older brother?” He begins.
Or not?
“His rating as a brother is lowering in ranks with every interaction, or well, lack thereof. That's why you're my favourite Emi” he finishes.
“Yea just keep talkin' out of your ass brother dearest. I like, actually have a life” Dad says coming down the stairs. “Also, don't like, flirt with my husband.”
“I'm not flirting, I'm stating a fact” his lips turn up in a lopsided playful smirk.
“Children, please” Emile says with his hands up in a placating way, “play nice or I'll have to separate you.”
Virgil snorts harshly, hand flying to his mouth.
“So, what ungodly hour did you drop in here?” Dad asks pouring his own large mug of coffee, also pouring some in Pops' cup as well before handing it to him.
“Four am, no biggie” he says with a shrug.
“Four am, gurl you've been sitting in my kitchen since four freakin' am?”
“I had work to keep me preoccupied, it wasn't that long of a wait don't feel too bad about it” Uncle Dice says in a playful mocking tone.
“Oh I don't, no worries there” he sips his coffee, “and you like, judge people for a living, I call that playing.”
The brothers stare at each other, neither of them willing to crack into the fit of laughter that Virgil knows they want to erupt in, but this is a game and one of them is going to win.
“You would think it's all play you demon. It's very serious work you know” Uncle Dice says his smile wide enough that it almost made him lose.
Dad is glaring a bit, Pops hops into the conversation once again.
“Alrighty! What shall we do today?”
“What shall we do?” Virgil mimics and Pops smiles wide.
Dice sighs “I was just waiting for Rem to get up so we can loot Moms apartment” he gets up and closes his laptop; he waits pointedly for Dad to hurry up. Which, he doesn't.
“Mmm” he 'thinks' on it “fine, I guess. We're taking your car though.”
He refills his mug before stepping up to Emile, planting a light kiss on him “you boys can come and check out the cafe in about an hour if you want to do that today” he says, pressing keys into Emile's hands.
Pops hums and steals another kiss before letting his husband go with his brother.
They leave and Virgil asks the question he had since this whole interaction started.
“How the heck did he get in?”
Pops laughs almost, nervously? “You know what, I have no clue.”
Virgil is playing on his (previously Dads) purple see-through Game Boy Colour, while Pops takes a shower and gets ready for the day.
He's sitting sideways in his chair his legs dangling off an arm, head resting on the other. Game Boy held up above his head, Hex is sleeping on his stomach; Pokémon music coming from the small speakers on the hand held.
“Hey Virge!” Pops yells from the top of the stairs “get ready bud we're leaving in ten okay?”
He doesn't bother answering, too focused on a battle at the moment. Pops won’t expect an answer anyway.
He finishes the battle before Pops comes down stairs so he sits there petting Hex in comfortable silence, minus her purring. Which honestly just made it more comfortable.
Barley two minutes later he comes downstairs, dressed in very casual clothing as opposed to his 'work clothes', a faded grey Voltron shirt under a loose pink cardigan that’s left open.
“Ready?” He asks, Virgil gets up and places Hex on the cushion, and off they go into town.
Town square is about a ten minute drive from home and they pass by the school on their way there. It’s awfully small and they put all the grades from Kindergarten to grade eleven in there, how?
They park right in front of the cafe, it’s one of several shops littered around this area, seems like this is the shopping part of town. There isn’t much though. He did take note of a cool looking antique shop that might be fun to look through.
Pops takes the keys Dad gave him earlier that morning out of his jeans pocket to unlock the cafe and they step in.
He doesn't know why he thought it would be old and dingy or even abandoned maybe. It was up and running just last week after all.
But it looks nice and clean, it has a homey vibe to it with nice worn couches and mismatched chairs with mismatched tables scattered around. The colour of the walls are a lilac with yellow accents, there are lanterns and fairy lights strung about the room and the crystals hanging in the large windows throw rainbows in all directions thanks to the sun.
It’s beautiful and Virgil could see himself spending a lot of time in here.
“Okay, I'm gonna go check out the kitchen to see if I still know my way around it” Pops informs, then adds: “the stairs at the far end wall go up in to the apartment, it's the second entrance so we're going to get rid of it before renting it out. My point is, it should be unlocked right now, go see if you can find your Dad and Uncle hm?”
He doesn't give a verbal response, he just walks to the stairway. Being on top of the staircase shows him a closed door with muffled voices coming from behind it.
He opens the door but pauses before he can get very far, his uncles voice stopping him cold in his tracks.
“You have to tell him soon Remy.” He sounds agitated.
“Mind your own business, I didn't hire your judgey ass to rate my decisions Die” Dad spits out.
“You know that's so not what I'm doing! I'm just trying to look out for you, for Virgil! Don't you want to warn him before anything happens?” Uncle Dice hisses. 
Virgil flinches. They're arguing about... him?
“Don't you dare use my son like that, you know very damn well I'd kill for that boy! He's just not ready yet and I don't think you have any say in this matter!” Dad says his words dripping venom.
Uncle Dice scoffs “okay, but what about The Cove? If you don't tell him soon, something will it's just a matter of time.”
“I have enough time I'll tell him when it's time to tell him” he sounds like he's talking through gritted teeth.
“He's already twelve Rem, you remember when you were twelve? How hard that was on you without any guidance?”
Virgil doesn't know what to do. He's rooted to the spot. He's not sure if he wants to listen anymore. But it feels like he should know. But if Dad says he's not ready to know whatever this is, then... should he trust that? Should he walk away like he heard nothing? 
“He's not like me Die, he's-” Virgil makes noise to signal to them that someone is coming and walks through the door.
Dads head is snapped to his direction, shades folded in his shirt collar -which he only does when extremely angry, too many times knocking them off his head while flailing his hands make that their temporary home-
He looks spooked, and angry. Virgil's never seen him like this.
“Oh” he falters “I didn't notice anyone coming in the building” he says nervously, Virgil lifts his shoulders a tiny fraction in a pathetic shrug.
Dad looks worried for him “you okay Pumpkin?”
He does a half nod, half shake of his head. He can't form words right now, too much going on, too many thoughts screaming at him.
Dads expression melts into something soft and understanding, a warm smile now in place of the scared scowl he walked in on. He opens his arms and Virgil rushes into the hug.
“Just one of those quiet days hm?”
Virgil nods/shrugs noncommittally.
Uncle Dice, hasn't said anything or even looked his way since he came in.  
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frozenartscapes · 5 years
Do you have any Frozen Superhero AU ideas? I don't think I've seen any on your blog but you seem good at AUs and I was curious what you might have.
I actually started a Superhero AU like, years ago but I hit a dead end with it. Looking back, it’s kinda your typical cliche superhero origin story. I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.
But what I did enjoy about it was that Elsa, the one who becomes a superhero, didn’t start with her powers. She was normal, working as an environmental scientist, who comes in contact with a supernatural comet made completely out of ice that doesn’t melt. She studies it for a few years, and then one day it just kinda...explodes. And very much like what happened to Captain Marvel, Elsa absorbs all that energy and gains her icy powers.
It starts with her feeling progressively colder, like she’s stuck in a freezer she can’t get out of. Then she changes. Appearance-wise. I had her originally with her non-magic look with brown hair, hazel eyes, etc. But then as the powers slowly settle in, they start to change her appearance to the Elsa we all know and love with that near-white blonde hair and blue eyes. And needless to say, she kinda freaks out about it. Anna also doesn’t really help the situation, largely because she’s too much of a nerd freaking out about getting a superhero for a sister.
I’d be happy to share that scene. I still don’t think I’ll ever post the full story but honestly this scene was why I started writing it in the first place. So here it is, under the cut:
When Elsa reached her bedroom, she wasted no time changing into more comfortable clothes before flopping face-first onto her bed. She had suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion, and the bed felt so nice and soft underneath her that she began to drift off right away.
Then she shivered. It was a little cold in her room, seeing as Anna liked to blast the A/C in the summer months. With a small groan, she shifted so that she was partially covered by her sheets and comforter.
Just as she was about to fall asleep again, another much more violent shiver tore through her body. This time she buried herself in her bed, but she still felt uncomfortably cold. She reluctantly got up and staggered over to her closet, where there were a few spare blankets. She chose a thin knitted one, believing it would be enough seeing as it was summer and being cold now of all times was a bit ridiculous.
The blanket was not enough, and with an annoyed grumble she got up again and grabbed another blanket. This ritual continued for about twenty minutes. At one point she paused to throw on a thick wool sweater and socks, along with her warmest sweatpants. She curled up in a tight ball under a mountain of soft, warm fabric but still found herself shivering as if she was trapped outside in a blizzard.
Eventually, she rolled out of bed, temporarily giving up on sleep, and decided to go in search of the thermostat. She selected the softest, biggest and thickest blanket she owned and wrapped it around herself before heading out the door.
Downstairs, Gerda was busy making dinner for the girls while Anna was watching television. She left during commercials and walked into the kitchen to grab a soda from the fridge. “So she really wants to go back to work so soon after that incident?” Gerda wondered.
“Yeah, she’s kind of nuts,” Anna sighed with a shrug, “She has a terrible fear of ice because of one stupid accident that happened years ago, but she nearly gets herself blown up and it doesn’t even faze her. Go figure.”
They then heard someone coming down the stairs, and since Kai was in another room on the main floor, they knew who it was. Anna, still with her head in the fridge, could hear her sister coming, so she greeted, “Hey, Sleeping Beauty! How was your–”
She straightened up and closed the fridge door, revealing a very cold looking Elsa. “…nap? Um, you ok?” she asked uncertainly.
Elsa glared at her. “It’s f…freezing in here,” she stated coolly.
Anna quickly glanced down at what she was wearing herself: shorts and a tank top. She felt perfectly comfortable in it, too. “I think that’s a problem only you seem to be having, Els,” she told her shivering sister.
“Great,” Elsa said sarcastically. She then shuffled into the family room and flicked on the gas fireplace before plunking down in the chair closest to it. Anna and Gerda both watched in confusion as she wrapped herself up even more in her blanket and continued shivering.
“I’ll make her some tea,” Gerda suggested in a whisper. She then quickly went on to her task.
Anna slowly made her way back to her spot on the couch, and sat down. She no longer focused on the T.V., but instead stared at her sister. Elsa did not seem to notice, and if she had, she did not care. She was too busy trying to get warm again.
Anna was in deep thought. Her eyes then flicked down at one of her notebooks resting on the table, and suddenly an idea came to her. She discreetly reached for it and a pencil, and flipped it open to a page where she had drawn a rather complex flowchart.
“Hey, Elsa?” she asked carefully, “I was just wondering if, you know, you ever thought about superheroes?”
“Wh…what kind of qu…question is that?” Elsa shot back through chattering teeth.
“Well, I don’t know…” Anna said slowly, wincing slightly as she put forth the possibility, “Maybe because you’re about to become one?”
At this, Elsa cast her a look. “Anna, s…superheroes and superp…powers, don’t exist,” she stated dryly, “You w…watch too many m…movies.”
“Yeah, I do, and I read a lot of comic books, and here’s the thing: I made a flowchart a while back that is basically the formula, like, every superhero story uses as an origin for their heroes. And I hate to break it to you, but you’ve pretty much struck every nail on the head so far.”
“Oh r…really?” Elsa questioned with an eyebrow raised.
“Yep. Here, I’ll prove it,” Anna said confidently before looking down at her book, “Let’s see… You weren’t born with your power, which means you had to gain it. And so out of the different ways you could have gained it… Ah, here we go: lab accident.”
“Anna, just because I–”
“Ah! No interrupting! Now, in the lab, were you working with any of the following: something from space? Yes. Something radioactive? Yes. Something with strange properties that don’t normally exist in the physical world? Yes. See my point so far?”
“Superpowers aren’t real,” Elsa repeated in annoyance.
Anna continued, choosing to ignore that comment. “And when the accident happened, it did so in a way that left people wondering how you were even able to survive in the first place… Interesting, isn’t it, sis?”
Elsa rolled her eyes. “I’m not getting superpowers, Anna,” she stated firmly, “If anything, I’ve probably got some sort of radiation poisoning…” She paused for a moment before the full weight of that statement struck her. “Oh God, I probably have some sort of radiation poisoning!”
“Relax, Elsa, this is just the stage when your powers begin to manifest. Every superhero goes through this. You’ll be fine,” Anna said nonchalantly.
“Fine?” Elsa demanded, “I’m not going to be fine! Look at me! I’m freezing in the middle of June! This has to have something to do with being exposed to the energy that comet released when it exploded!”
“Well, duh! That’s part of the chart, too! ‘Are the powers related to whatever it was one was working with in the lab?’ You were working with weird space ice, and now you’re suddenly really cold. Coincidence, I think not!”
“Anna, this isn’t a game!”
“Of course it’s not, this is awesome! Now, are you experiencing any physical changes to appearance?” Anna studied her increasingly worried-looking sister. “You’re paler than normal.”
“Wh– Of course I am!” Elsa sputtered, “I’m about to have a panic attack here and you keep going on about superheroes? Besides, my complexion should be the least of my worries!”
Anna’s eyes suddenly widened. “Uh, yeah, you’re right,” she said blankly, “Worry about your hair instead.”
Elsa gave her another confused and annoyed glare. “I don’t really care so much about how I look at this moment, Anna!”
“Oh, I think you should.”
With an eye roll, Elsa reached for her long braid and brought it over her shoulder to see what her sister was going on about. Her eyes suddenly bulged and her jaw dropped open in shock as she stared at what should be pure, dark brown hair, which was now dark brown with white-blonde streaks running through it. She even had the luck of watching another chunk of hair suddenly turn white – from root to tip as if the platinum was a dye flowing out of her head.
“What?” she gasped.
“Um, I hate to alarm you, but your eyes are doing it, too,” Anna said nervously.
“What?” Elsa exclaimed. She leapt out of the chair and raced to the nearest bathroom. She got there just in time to watch the last of the brown be consumed by the off-white colour. Then her hazel eyes, which suddenly seemed more green than amber, changed hues completely and became a striking, sapphire blue.
“Anna!” she called in a strangled voice, “G…get in the car, now! We…we have to go to the hospital.”
“Whoa, Elsa! Look at you!” Anna gasped when she spotted her sister, “You look good as a blonde.”
“Just stop talking,” Elsa commanded as she staggered out of the bathroom and headed for the front foyer.
“Just what are you two going on about?” Gerda sighed as she came into view, “Oh my word… Elsa, what…happened, dear?”
Elsa wrapped her arms around herself. “I…I don’t know, but I think I should go to Emerge…now.”
“Alright, dear, alright,” the maid said as calmly as she could, “I’ll get Kai to take you. Kai!” The butler appeared and gasped when he saw his young charge’s new appearance. “We need to take Elsa to the hospital,” Gerda ordered.
He nodded, but before he could head off, Anna said loudly, “Would everyone calm down! There’s no need to take her to the hospital! Besides, comic book history sort of shows that doctors are normally worse than useless when it comes to superpowers.”
“Enough, Anna…” Elsa muttered as a warning as she made her way to the door.
“What on earth are you talking about?” Gerda demanded Anna.
Anna took a deep breath, and explained as quickly as she could, “Elsa doesn’t believe me, but I’m convinced that she’s getting superpowers because she meets all the requirements to do so. She just had a lab accident with something weird and radioactive from outer space, she survived something that would normally kill a person, she has been developing weird symptoms all relating back to the thing she was studying in the lab–”
Elsa, at this point, was done hearing Anna’s ramblings about nonsense. She was scared, and annoyed, and cold, and feeling something really weird swirling around in her head, heart and gut. “I said enough!” she yelled angrily. She whipped around and swung one arm out in a finalizing action, hoping that it would shut her sister up.
It did much more than that. She barely registered what was happening when something flew out of her hand when she swung it in front of her. There were audible gasps from Gerda, Kai, and Anna, along with a sound that reminded her of ice crackling and glass breaking. And suddenly she was staring at a strange, very sharp-looking formation of glowing ice just feet in front of her.
The silence that followed was broken by Anna: “…And that. She can also do that.”
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Sal Pregnant 1 & 2
(this is a story I had done for quite some time for someone else. I just felt it should be here now for everyone else to read. Might have some grammar and spelling issues, but that is life. And probably have some stuff about pregnancy wrong. I looked up some stuff about it to match it with Sal.)
Chapter 1 “Wait….I’m what? Sal asked. He was dumbfounded. Brian was besides him. He was happy about this. "You are pregnant,” the male doctor, whose name is Dr. Lee, said again. “But, how did this happened?” Sal asked. Brian looked at Sal. “Babe, you know how this happened,” he said. Sal looked over at Brian. “I know. Just shocked that is all,” Sal said. Brian smiled and squeezed his hand then looked at Sal’s stomach. "Uh…can you tell me how long I am?“ Sal asked. "You are about 3 weeks,” Dr. Lee said.  Sal nodded. “Okay. Thank you,” Sal said. “You’re welcome. Congratulations again,” Dr. Lee said. “Thanks,” Brian said. Dr. Lee nodded and shook both of their hands. “I’ll go get the paperworks then you can leave,” he said. They both nodded their heads and he left. Sal laid down on the table, looked up at the ceiling and put his hand over his stomach. There was a slight bump. Brian put his hand over Sal’s. He looked over at Brian and smiled a little. Brian kissed Sal’s other hand that he held. Brian studied Sal. He had short brown hair and a baby face with no beard. He loved kissing Sal’s face. He smiled and rubbed Sal’s hand. “I’m going to be a dad. I’m to young to be a dad,” Sal said. Brian smirked. “You mean, we are going to be dads. And you are not too young. You are 29. I am 30. So we are good on that,” Brian said. Sal grinned and rubbed his stomach. They waited for the doctor.
In the car, Brian drove them home. He had one hand on Sal’s stomach. He still can’t believe that they are having a baby. Sal watched Brian drive. He smiled and put his hand over Brian’s. He looked at Brian’s short black hair and a baby face, like his with no beard, too. “We should tell our parents,” Brian said. "No. We can't tell them until I am ready," Sal said, "Nobody can know, Brian." “Okay. We can wait,” Brian said. He glanced at Sal then looked back at the road. Sal thought about being a dad. He wasn't sure how to take care of a child. He licked his lips and bit the bottom one. "We don't know how to take care of a child, Brian. I'm scared that I'm going to mess up and the kid will hate me," Sal said. Brian listened to Sal. He frowned and took Sal’s hand then squeezed it. “This baby won’t hate you. You will be a great father. Probably will be better than me,” Brian said and laughed. Sal laughed a little bit. “Yeah, I’m sure I will be. I’ll make sure everybody washes their hands before holding the baby,” Sal said. “Oh, yeah, I can see that,” Brian said. They laughed then Sal remembered something. “Oh, my job. Have to get somebody to cover for me at the bar. I’m the owner, too,” Sal said. Brian glanced at Sal. “You’ll get someone. Plus I’m sure you can work until you can’t for the remainder of your pregnancy,” Brian said. Sal nodded and rubbed his stomach. “We need to read a lot of baby books,” Sal said then laughed. Brian laughed, too.
At home, Sal put his feet up on the living room coffee table. It was a couple of days later after finding out that he and Brian were having a baby. Nobody still knows about it. Brian was in the kitchen making something for them to eat. Sal looked at the T.V. He had Netflix show on. “Babe, what do you want?” Brian asked from the kitchen. Sal smiled. “Whatever you can find in there. Something healthy though for the baby,” Sal said and rubbed his stomach. Brian smirked. “Okay. Let me look for something for you guys,” Brian said and looked for something healthy. Sal smiled, lifted his shirt and put his hand on the bump. “I still can’t believe that I’m having a baby,” Sal whispered. He rubbed it and thought about holding his son or daughter. Soon Brian came out and sat next to Sal. He looked over at Q and he looked at Sal. “What did you make?” Sal asked. Brian put his arm around Sal’s shoulder. “Ham and cheese sandwiches,” Brian said. “Okay. Should go shopping for more food,” Sal said. “We can,” Brian said and put his hand on Sal’s stomach. He looked at Brian’s hand, put his over Brian’s and smiled. “Alright. Let’s go eat then,” Sal said. Brian got up and helped Sal to his feet. He kissed Sal’s lips and they went to the kitchen. They sat down and started to eat. Sal took a sip of water and thanked Brian. “No problem babe. I want to help you anyway I can. Whatever you need just name it. I’ll do anything for you,” Brian said. Sal smiled and reached for Brian’s hand which he took. “I love you,” Brian said. “Love you more, baby,” Sal said. They continued to eat and talked about what to do when the baby comes. “We need to turn one of the guest rooms into a nursery,” Sal said. “We will babe,” Brian said. Sal looked at Brian and leaned over towards him and kissed Brian’s lips. Brian smiled and kissed him back.
After they finished, Brian went to the sink and washed the dishes. Sal watched him from the table. It was good to have someone help around the house. He licked his lips, got up and went up behind Brian as he wrapped his arms around his waist. Brian smiled and shut the water off. “Thanks for doing the dishes,” Sal said. “Welcome babe. You would’ve complained about them if they weren’t washed,” Brian said and laughed. Sal laughed, too. Brian turned around in Sal’s arms and kissed his lips. “What now babe?” he asked putting his arms around Sal. “Not sure,” Sal said and shrugged. Brian kissed Sal’s forehead and Sal smiled. “How about we go up to the bedroom and lay down?” Brian asked. Sal looked at Brian and kissed his lips. “Yeah, we can do that,” Sal said. Brian put his hand on Sal’s stomach then took his hand and they went to the stairs. “Carry me bridal style up to our bedroom,” Sal said when they got there. Brian smirked. “Okay babe,” Brian said and picked up Sal bridal style. Before Brian could take that first step, the doorbell rang. Brian raised his eyebrow and looked over at the door. He put Sal down on his feet. “You expecting anyone?” Brian asked. “No. You?” Sal asked and looked at Brian. “No,” he said. “Um….might be someone selling. Let me shoo them away,” Sal said and went to the door. He opened it and saw his mom. “Hey, mom,” Sal said and smiled. Brian looked over and saw Sal’s mom, Dianne. He went to the living room. “Hey honey. I just wanted to see how you are doing,” Dianne said. “Yeah. Come in,” Sal said. He let her in and she took her sneakers off then went to the living room. She saw Brian and smiled. “Hey, Brian. How are you doing?” she asked and hugged him. “Hi Mrs. Vulcano. I’m good. How about you?” Brian asked and hugged her back. “I’m doing fine,” she said and sat down. Sal sat down next to her and Brian sat in a chair. Sal glanced at Brian then looked at his mom. “How is everything?” Dianne asked. They both nodded. “Everything is great, mom,” Sal said. “Yeah just like Sal said. Maybe even better than great,” Brian said and looked over at Sal who looked over at Brian and smiled. Dianne looked at Brian then at Sal. “Oh, that is good,” she said. They talked for a while until Brian's phone rang. He got it out of his pocket and see who it was. "Oh. I am sorry. I have to take this," he said getting up and went to the kitchen. Sal watched him go. Dianne looked over at Sal. "How are you two doing? No problems?" she asked. Sal looked at her. "We are doing wonderful. No problems at all," Sal said and smiled. Brian came back into the living room. Both Dianne and Sal looked at him. Brian licked his lips. “Um…I got to go into work. One of the guys is sick and needs me to fill in,” Brian said. Sal bit his inner cheek and nodded. He got up from the sofa. “Let me walk you to the door,” Sal said. Brian nodded and said bye to Dianne. “Be careful, Brian,” she said. “I will. Thank you," Q said. He and Sal went to the door. Brian put his sneakers on and looked at Sal. "I’m sorry babe. I know you wanted to go up and lay down,” Brian said. “No worries. Just come back home ASAP,” Sal said. Brian smiled and kissed his lips. Sal kissed him back. Brian put his hand under Sal’s shirt, pressed his hand against his stomach and Sal smiled. “Love you,” Brian said. “Love you more,” Sal said. Brian smiled and kissed him again then left. Sal watched him until he got into the car then he closed and locked the door. Sal sighed and rubbed his stomach. Sal went back to the living room and sat down. “Hmmm,” Sal said and sighed. Dianne looked at him. “You okay Sal?” she asked. He nodded and looked over at her. “I’m fine. Just miss him,” Sal said. She nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “We both had a day off. Tomorrow night I got work,” Sal said. They talked for a bit until she went home. Sal sat in the living room and rubbed his stomach. He decided to take his shirt off, lay down and watch TV as he waited for Brian.
Around 9 A.M, Brian called Sal who fell asleep on the sofa. He heard the phone and opened his eyes. He got his phone from the table as he sat up. Sal saw it was Brian. “Hey,” Sal said. “Hey babe. What are you doing?“ He asked. Uh…I fell asleep watching TV. Are you coming home?” Sal asked. Brian sighed and looked around the room where the firefighters sleep. “I have to stay over night,” Brian said. Sal frowned. “Oh,” He said. “I’m sorry babe. I do want to come home, but they need me here,” Brian said. “Yeah. I understand. The bed will be lonely without you,” Sal said. “Yeah. Same here. When I get home, we can have fun. How is your stomach? Well the baby even though it’s a small bean right now,” Brian said and laughed. Sal laughed, too. “Ha. The baby is okay. Can’t wait to find out the gender so that we can start on the nursery,” Sal said. “Soon babe,” Brian said. They talked for an hour and a half. “I’m going to bed, babe,” Sal said. “Okay baby. Sleep well. I’ll be home tomorrow,” Brian said. “I’ll miss you like I am right now,” Sal said. “Miss you, too. I’ll let you sleep. Night,” Brian said. “Night babe,” Sal said. Brian smiled and hung up. Sal sighed and hung up, too. Sal shut the T.V. off, got his shirt and went upstairs. He shut the door and went to take a quick shower. Sal jerked off in the shower. After, he got dressed in only pyjama bottoms and got into bed. He got his cell and looked at the pictures of him and Brian. Sal licked his lips and sighed. He put the phone on the table, rolled over on his side and tried to sleep.
In the morning, Brian went back home around 9 a.m. Sal was still sleeping. Q got home and went in quietly. He took his sneakers off then looked for Sal. When Brian didn’t find him, he went to the bedroom and saw Sal sleeping on his stomach. Brian smiled. He wouldn’t be able to do that soon. Brian went over to the bed, took his clothes off and carefully got under the covers next to Sal. He moved a bit, but didn’t wake up. Brian smiled and turned over on his stomach. He put his hand on Sal’s bare back. The covers were halfway down on Sal. So Brian can see his back. “Hmmm,” Sal said sleepily. Brian looked at Sal’s face and moved his face near Sal’s. “I’m home baby,” Brian whispered and stroked his back. Sal smiled and opened his eyes to slits. He saw Brian and slid closer to him. Brian smiled and pecked Sal’s lips. Sal smiled more and put his forehead against Brian’s. “I missed you,” Sal whispered. “Missed you more babe,” Brian whispered. He slid his hand from Sal’s back to his cheek and stroked it. Sal grinned and put his hand on Brian’s back. Sal closed his eyes again. Brian inhaled and exhaled slowly. “I love you,” Sal whispered. “Love you more,” Brian whispered. Sal smiled then yawned and moved to get up. “I’ll get up now,” He said. “Oh no baby you don’t have to,” Brian said. Sal looked at him then laid back down. “Okay. My shift starts at 7. So I guess we have time to lay around,” Sal said. “Yeah. I want to spend time with you as much as I can,” Brian said and smiled. He turned to lay on his back and took Sal into his arms. He put his head on Brian’s shoulder and put a hand on his chest. He lightly stroked it and Brian watched him. Sal picked at Brian’s chest hairs. “You know that you are sexy, right?” Sal asked. Brian smirked. “Na. You are baby. So much sexier than me,” Brian said. Sal looked up at him and grinned. “Well this baby will be a good looking kid,” He said. Brian laughed. “Oh yes. He or she will be,” Brian said. He stroked Sal’s back and his other hand stroking his arms that is on his chest. Brian kissed Sal’s head. “Hey, what do you have under here?” Sal asked as he rubbed his foot against Brian’s bare leg. Q smirked and Sal looked up at him. “Oh God. You are wearing nothing,” Sal said. Brian licked his lips and grinned then kissed Sal’s lips. He kissed him back and slid his hand to Brian’s neck. Q smirked and put his hand in Sal’s hair. They kissed for a while. “MMM. Maybe we can play together before you go to work,” Brian said. “We can. You working tonight?” Sal asked. “If they need me,” Brian said. “Okay. Love you,” Sal said. “Love you much more,” Brian said. Sal smiled and kissed Brian then slid onto him. They continued to kiss. Brian slid his hands down Sal’s back to his ass. Sal grinned and put his hands in Brian’s hair. “I need you,” Brian whispered against Sal’s lips. “You need me, huh? Need me in your right hole?” Sal asked. Brian moaned and bit his bottom lip. “Yes. You know that you won’t be able to fuck me cause your stomach will be too big,” Brian said. Sal pursed his lips. “Yeah. So we can get as much of this while we can,” Sal said. Brian smiled and rubbed Sal ass. “You got your clothes on and I’m the only one nude,” Brian said and raised an eyebrow. Sal stroked Brian’s hair, "I can change that,” Sal said as he got off Brian and out of bed. Brian looked over at Sal as he stripped for him. He snaked his hand under the covers and put his hand around his dick. He slowly stroked himself. Sal stepped out of the PJ bottoms and rubbed his stomach then looked over at Brian and saw the covers going up and down. He smirked and went over to the bed. “Getting ready for me?” Sal asked. Brian nodded. Sal grinned and pulled the covers back. He saw Brian’s hand going up and down his hard shaft. He stopped and took his hand off. “Come on baby. I’m ready for you,” Brian said and held out his arms. Sal smiled then pursed his lips. “Need lube,” Sal said and got it from the end table. He handed it to Brian who took it and put some on his dick. Sal watched him and bit his lower lip. “Alright. Come on now,” Brian said as he put the bottle down. Sal licked his lips. “Okay, but only for a few minutes then I will get inside of you,” Sal said. Brian nodded. Sal got on the bed on his knees then put a leg over Brian who took hold of his dick so Sal can get down on it. Sal slowly went down and Brian’s dick entered him. Both moaned. Sal put his hands on Brian’s shoulders and he put his hands on Sal’s hips. Sal leaned into Brian and kissed his lips. Brian smiled and kissed Sal back. He put his hands under Sal’s ass and helped him go up and down on him. Sal rocked his hips. Brian smiled and kissed his lips then his neck. Sal groaned and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at Brian. He smiled and Brian smiled back. He slid a hand up Sal's back then over his leg to his dick. Q stroked it then his balls. Sal moaned. Brian moved his hand under Sal and stroked a finger against his pussy. He moaned and hit his lip. Brian smirked. "Like that baby?" He asked. "Fuck...yes Brian! Don't stop!" Sal yelled. Brian grinned and kissed Sal’s lips. They continued to play until Brian shot his load into Sal and he unloaded on Brian twice. Brian’s hand were wet and covered in cum when he pulled his hand out from under Sal. Both were breathing heavy. “Whoa…I guess you don’t have to fuck me because you just came,” Brian said in between breaths. Sal smirked and looked at Brian. “Yeah. Next time though,” Sal said and got off Brian.
Sal laid down on his back catching his breath. Brian laid down, too and looked over at Sal. He bit his lip and put an arm behind his head. Sal looked over at Brian then put his hand over his stomach and rubbed it. Brian watched him. “I can’t wait to see your stomach grown and giving it kisses. You are gonna be so hot with a belly,” He said. Sal smirked. They laid there for a while in silence. Sal looked at Brian who had his eyes closed. Sal smiled and watched him then moved to Brian’s side and stroked his chest. Sal watched his chest rise and fall with each breath he took. Brian grinned, put an arm around Sal and stroked his back. He sighed into Brian’s chest. Brian turned his head to the side and Sal looked back up at Q. He saw the exposed neck and licked his lips. Sal sat up a bit and leaned over Brian then kissed his neck. Brian groaned and Sal smirked then sucked on his neck. “Oh…oh Sal. MMMM,” Brian moaned. Sal put his hand on the other side of Brian’s neck. After a while, Sal stopped and looked at what he did. He saw the hickey and grinned. Brian groaned and opened his eyes then looked over at Sal. “That felt great baby,” Brian said and smiled. They slowly sat up in bed. They both stretched and yawned. Brian rubbed his face. "I can make breakfast,“ Brian said. "Okay. I’ll take a shower,” Sal said and kissed Brian’s lips. He kissed Sal back.
They got out of bed; Brian put on a pair of boxers and Sal went into the bathroom. Brian looked at Sal’s ass as he went into the bathroom.  He smirked then went down to the kitchen. As he cooked, Sal took a quick shower. He rubbed his stomach with soap and smiled. Sal thought about how he would look like with a bigger stomach. He looked at his dick and grinned. He probably won’t see it for a while. Sal can’t wait to become a father and can’t wait to tell his friends and family. He knows that Brian can’t wait either. Sal licked his lips and finished up in the shower. He got out and dried off. He smelled breakfast and smiled. “I am so hungry,” Sal said then went to get dress.
Sal walked into the kitchen and saw Brian putting food on the plates. He looked at Brian’s blue boxers and grinned. Brian looked over his shoulder and saw Sal. “Hey, babe,” Brian said. “Hey,” Sal said as he smiled then went to the fridge. “Can you get me a drink babe?” Brian asked. Sal nodded and got a bottle of Iced Tea for Brian and Snapple for him then went to sit at the table. Brian set the plates on the table. Sal looked at his plate then over at Brian. “Thanks babe. Looks good,” Sal said. Brian thanked him and sat down across from Sal. They dug into their food. They ate in silence. Brian looked over at Sal and broke the silence. “Maybe I can come in tonight and see how you are doing,” Brian said. Sal looked over at Brian. “Yeah, you can, but if you are driving I can’t give you a lot of drinks,” Sal said and ate some eggs. Brian nodded. “And besides you might have to go in for work.” He nodded again and drank his Iced Tea.
After breakfast, Brian and Sal sat in the living room with the TV on and the lights off. Sal leaned against Brian who had his arm around him. They watched one of their favorite shows. Sal put his hand on his stomach and rubbed it. Brian glanced at Sal and saw him rubbing his stomach. He smiled and put his hand over Sal’s hand. “You are happy to become a father at a young age?” Sal asked. Brian thought about it. He knows it will be hard for a couple of weeks, but he is sure that he and Sal can handle it. He ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah I am. I am raising a baby with the one I love,” Brian said. Sal smiled. “Same baby. I know you didn’t want kids before, but I guess I changed your mind, huh,” Sal said. Brian laughed. “Right babe,” He said. Sal laughed and kissed his lips. Brian kissed him back. —————————————- Chapter 2 Later that night, Sal went to work and Brian stayed home. but he will go to the bar later on. He talked to Joe who was at home. He and Murr don’t know that they are having a baby yet, nobody does. “How is work buddy?” Brian asked. “Work is great, How are you and Sal doing? How is marriage life?” Joe asked. Brian smiled and looked around. “We are doing great. Marriage life is awesome. Couldn’t be better. I am with the man I love. Sal’s at work right now. I’m going to see him later,” Brian said. “That’s good. You guys do look happy around each other now,” Joe said. “We are. We should all get together and hang out,” Brian said. “Oh yeah. We can do that,” Joe said. They talked a bit more until Brian told Joe that he was going to go see Sal. “Okay. Talk later,” Joe said. They said their goodbyes then Brian went to see Sal.
Once he got there, Brian parked and got out. He went to the entrance and noticed it looked packed which is good for business. He smiled and went inside. Brian moved in between the people to get to the bar. He sat down on an empty stool by the edge of the bar. He looked and saw Sal working. He smirked and tried to get his attention. Sal was busy with some customers when he looked around and saw Brian. He smiled and waved at him. Brian waved him over. Sal put an index finger up indicating for Brian to wait. He nodded and looked around the bar. Brian listened to the music. They played rock, R&B, hip hop and whatever else they wanted. Soon Sal went over to Brian and he looked back at Sal. “Hey babe,” Brian said. “Hi,” Sal said. Brian smiled and ran a hand through his hair. “What can I get ya?” Sal asked. “Jameson,” Brian said. Sal raised an eyebrow and looked at Brian. “Did you drove here?” Sal asked. Brian licked his lips. “Yeah,”  Brian said. Sal pursed his lips then nodded. “Just one,” Sal said and went to get a Jameson for Brian. He watched Sal as he got his drink. Soon Sal came back and gave Brian his drink. “Thanks. How are you feeling?” He asked. Sal looked around then back at Brian. “Fine,” Sal said and smiled. Brian nodded and drank his whiskey. Sal patted his stomach then went to help other customers. Brian watched Sal. He hoped that Sal can still work after he gives birth to their first child. Heck he is sure that Sal can do that. Brian smirked and took a sip of his whiskey.
Around midnight, Brian was still at the bar. He had two more drinks. Not whiskey, but beer. Sal sighed and looked over at Brian from behind the bar. He was chatting up with some people. One of the customers asked Sal to drink with them. He looked over at the male and shook his head. “Can’t. I am on the clock,” Sal said. “So…that didn’t stop you before,” He said. Sal glanced at Brian who looked over at him. He heard the guy ask Sal to drink with him and Sal of course had to turn it down for obvious reason that they do not know about. Brian drank his beer. Sal looked back at the guy. “I’m sorry sir. I don’t feel like drinking right now,” Sal said. He ran his hand over his hair. He didn’t want anybody to know he was pregnant. The guy left the bar and Sal went to Brian. “Hey,” Brian said. “Hey,” Sal said with a sigh. “You okay?” Brian asked and took a sip of his drink. Sal shrugged and wiped the bar down. “Sal,” Brian said and put his hand over Sal’s. He looked at Brian. “I’m okay. I guess. Sometimes I want to drink, but I can’t right now,” Sal said. Brian smiled and rubbed his hand. “You will soon. Not right away though, but you will,” Brian said. Sal nodded and went to help some other people.
Around 1 AM, Brian took a taxi home. He didn’t want to leave his jeep here, but had to. Sal told him to take one so that he didn’t have to drive home buzzed. Sal didn’t think Brian was drunk, but he didn’t want anything to happen to the father of his their child. He watched him get in the taxi and drive away. Sal went back to work until 6 AM.
2 Months Pregnant; July 2006
Sal was throwing up in the mornings and showing now. Brian was always there when he can when Sal throws up. Sal even took his vacation time so he can stay off his feet. Nobody knows about Sal being pregnant yet. Sal still isn’t ready to tell anybody. Brian wants to tell his family, but Sal wants to be there when he does. Brian looked over at Sal who was laying down on his back on the sofa. His hands on his bare stomach. Brian put his hand on Sal’s leg and rubbed it. His feet were on his lap. Sal looked over at Brian from the TV and smiled. “So babe your stomach is going to show and people will notice like our families,” Brian said. Sal licked his lips and sighed. “I know, but I am not ready yet, Brian. How about next month we tell them?” Sal asked. Brian raised his eyebrow and nodded after a moment. “Sure babe. We can do that,” He said. Sal smiled and looked back at the TV. Brian watched him. He looked at Sal’s stomach and smiled. He can’t wait to see his stomach grow as their own child grows inside.
For the rest of the day, they didn’t do much. Around 5 pm, Brian’s cell rang and he answered it. Sal was taking a little nap on the sofa while he watched tv. It was work and they needed him in. Brian sighed and agreed to go in. He hung up and looked down at Sal on his lap. He wanted to lay his head on Brian’s lap to sleep. He was peacefully sleeping. Brian licked his lips then rubbed Sal's hair “Babe,” Brian whispered. Sal moved a little. Brian smirked and ran a finger over Sal’s check which made Sal smiled a little. “Baby, I need to talk to you,” Brian said and ran his hand through Sal’s hair. “Hmm,” Sal said in his sleep. “I got a call from work,” Brian said. Sal slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Brian. “Why would work call? Is it my phone?” Sal asked and looked around for his phone. “Um…no” Brian said and bit his lip. Sal rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up. Brian looked down at his hands in his lap. Sal raised his eyebrow and moved closer to Brian. Sal studied Brian’s features. “Oh…Ohhh….ohhhh no, Brian no. Don’t go to work, please,” Sal said as he realized it was Brian’s work calling him in. He took Brian’s hand in his and held it. He looked at Sal and licked his lips. “I got to go babe. You can’t work right now and we need money to put food on the table. I am the guy to do that,” Brian said. Sal frowned and looked down at his lap. Brian tilted Sal’s chin up and looked into his green eyes. “Babe, please don’t cry. I will try to get home later tonight,” Brian said and pecked his lips. Sal looked at Brian and leaned his forehead on Brian’s. He put his hand on Sal’s stomach and rubbed it. “I don’t want to leave either, but I have to, ya know?” Brian said. Sal nodded and put his hand over his. Brian kissed Sal’s lips then got up from the sofa. He went up to the bedroom to put on his  FDNY shirt. Sal sighed and rubbed his eyes. He turned when he heard Brian coming down. Sal licked his lips and got up from the sofa then went over to him. Brian looked at Sal and put his arms around him. Sal wrapped his arms around Brian’s torso. “I love you Sally Boy. Always will. I will text you later,” Brian said looking into Sal’s eyes. “I hope so. Even text me when you coming home,” Sal said. Brian nodded. “I will baby. I’m sorry I got to go to work, but ya know I have to save people from fire and accidents,” Brian said. Sal smiled and nodded. “Don’t have to apologize. I know you got to go in when they need you. You are my hero babe,” Sal said and kissed Brian. He kissed Sal back. “Ya know it,” Brian said and smirked. He went to the front door and put his sneakers on. His outfit is at the station so he will change over there. Sal watched him as he rubbed his stomach. “Me and the little one are going to miss you,” Sal said. Brian grabbed his hat and looked at Sal. “I will miss you both very much,” He said. He went over to him and wrapped his arms around Sal’s torso then pulled him closer. Sal wrapped his arms around Brian’s neck. He put his forehead against Sal’s. He kissed Sal’s lips and he kissed Brian back. “I love you guys,” Brian said and kissed Sal once more then kneeled down and kissed his baby bump. Sal smiled and ran his hand through Brian's hair. He looked up at Sal. "I'll be home soon," He said and got up then kissed Sal once more before leaving. Sal watched Brian from the doorway as he got into his car and waved to Sal who waved back. Brian pulled out of the driveway and drove to work.
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Peter Parker: Crashing Your Field Trip-Chapter 2: Sunday Surprise
A/N: @blackchessknight asked to be tagged so they knew when it went up. Here you go my guy, have fun.
Friday rolled around quickly. Peter already informed Ned and M.J. about not being able to go on the trip but Flash decided he'd have the pleasure of telling their decathalon couch. Loudly. Asshole. May had called in the middle of the week saying she was staying for another week on the cruise ship and asked if he'd be alright staying with Tony and Stephen for one more week. He told him he'd be fine and to enjoy her vacation. Saturday was pretty tame. No evil threat against the world, no secret underground baddies with dangerous weapons that they really shouldn't have. Not even common criminals. It was like every bad guy Peter would have to deal with during any other time had taken time off or just disappeared of the face of the planet.  Weird. It was Sunday that things started happening. Peter had woken up that morning only to find that Stephen was already up and reading a book. His eyes looked from his page for a second to see Peter in a plain white t-shirt and hello kitty pajama bottoms before returning back to his book.
"Morning Peter." He greeted.
"Morning." Peter walked into the kitchen and saw that a fresh pot of coffee was made and a used mug in the sink. Yet he saw no Tony. He peeked his head out of the kitchen. "Hey Doc, where's Mr. Stark?" He asked.
"He had a last minute meeting this morning. That was about 6:30." It was 8 am. "He said he'd be back around 12, 3 pm at the latest."
Peter nodded his head and went to fix himself a bowl of cereal. Afterwards he  walks over to the couch and sat down to watch some Sponge-Bob. He sat there for about 20 minutes, his bowl empty and discarded on the coffee table, laying sprawled out on the couch, and he could hear Stephen in the background, sounded like he was arguing with the cloak, again. His phone vibrated on the cushion next to his head. Upon inspection it turned out it was a text from Ned asking if he wanted to hang with him at the arcade.
"Doctor Strange. Can I go hang out with Ned at the arcade?" He asked in a very loud voice.
"Be back between 12 and 3" He called back.
Peter quickly text Ned he was on his way, hopped in the shower, got dressed and was out the door in 20 minutes making sure to grab his phone and wallet on the way out. It took Peter a total of 5 minutes to swing his way to the arcade downtown. When he got there he spotted Ned and M.J. as well.
"Hey guys, what's up?" He greeted them with a smile to accompany it.
Both M.J. and Ned greeted him the same and they went on with there day as planned. Playing old retro arcade games and, in M.J.'s words, that scam of a claw machine game. Funny how she seemed to win at it almost every time. They spent a good 3 hours just hanging and playing games then caught a bit to eat at a local pizza place.
"It sucks you come with us tomorrow." Ned mentioned.
"Yeah, I know, but at least you guys get to go. You'll be at Disney World, that's something to look forward to." Peter said trying to cheer up his friend.
M.J. hummed in response leaning her left elbow on the table and sipping her soda. Everything was fine until a lady, her husband, and their kid walked in. They recognized the kid and Peter recognized the lady and he felt his stomach drop. The lady stole a quick glance and immediately scoffed and scrunched up her nose.
"You shouldn't have your elbow on the table. It isn't lady like." She said, directing it to M.J.
M.J. decided to be even more unlady-like and put both her elbows on the table and continue sipping her soda through the straw. This made the lady unhappy and she immediately marched her way over to their table with her husband and son in tow. When she got there she got a better look on their face and the angry look on her face seemed to get more angry.
"Oh. It's you again." She snarled at Peter.
Peter had nothing to say really. Last time he tried to talk to her she screeched at him. Flash, however, had plenty to say.
"Hey Parker." Flash said with a smug grin. Peter then felt little worry now and now was beginning to get slightly annoyed.
"Hey Flash." Peter said with not real emotion.
"Aw, don't sound so upset. Maybe next year you could go on a decathlon trip."
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Mrs. Thompson said.
It took everything in Peter not to roll his eyes. M.J. did though. She didn't care. Mrs. Thompson scrunched up her nose and huffed, walking out of the pizza place without ordering anything with Flash following. The husband stayed behind, watched his wife and kid leave before turning back to the 3 teens.
"Your Peter Parker?" He asked.
"Um, yeah." Peter was a bit weary of the guy but his spider sense wasn't going off so he figured he was fine.
"I'm so sorry for my son and wife's behavior. She usually isn't like this." He said in a very sincere way.
This caught the teen off guard. He didn't expect an apology.
"Uh, no problem really." Was it really not a problem.
"I'll try to get her to change her mind about the other trip thing." He gave them a smile.
Before Peter could answer the screamer herself called for her husband and there he went running to her call, right out the door.
"That was...... weird." Ned commented.
"Yeah..." Peter's phone went off. Upon checking it it was a text from Tony asking when he'd be home because they had to talk. He texted back that he was on his way, said bye to his friends and swung his way back to Stark Towers. When he stepped off the elevator he saw Tony and Stephen in the living room and stopped talking when they spotted Peter.
"Hey Spiderling. Have a seat." Tony told him.
Peter took a seat on the couch next to Tony and quietly waited for what they wanted to talk about.
"So, since you can't go on the trip with decathlon team we decided to take you ourselves." Stephen said.
"But I'm not allowed to go."
"Oh, we know. Their trip will be your vacation." Tony said,
Peter thought about it for a minute before speaking. "So I'll be there but not actually with the group, but still be able to see my friends and hang out with them?"
:What about Flash's mom?"
"Don't worry about her. We'll handle her." Stephen assured him.
Peter thought about if for a moment then smiled. "Okay. When do we leave?"
Peter had his stuff packed and transferring it through the portal in-front of the hotel. Once he and his 2 designated adults were through Stephen closed the portal and they walked in. It was late and they were tired. Luckily their room was ready and were given the key and went to their room. 2 Queen sized bed and a beach view with a balcony. They got ready for bed, Tony watching t.v. while Stephen read a book. Peter wanted to get to sleep quickly, The faster he falls asleep the faster tomorrow comes and the faster he gets to see the look on Flash's face when he sees him.
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scribble-fics · 6 years
You accidentally ignoring them
(Requested by @theaticalwriter as what if the reader was unintentionally ignoring the rottmnt turts and april due to being engrossed in something.)
🍕 at first he was fine with you getting into a new show. And he's fine with you having a life outside of him. It's what humans do he can't expect you to be with him 24/7.
🍕 when you first don't pick up the phone when he calls, "eh they're watching their show probably. Shouldn't bother them."
🍕 later he calls later but you don't pick up, again. He decided to leave a text maybe you would see it- "hey pumpkin when you can give me a call luv u❤"
🍕 when you don't answer his text, not even read it, he's a bit worried. No way your phone is dead or else it wouldn't have ran when he called.. And you didn't even open his text- WHAT IF YOU ARE HURT?!
🍕instantly hits up your place to see you curled in a ball on your couch, tv shining light on your features. Empty soda cans and bowls of popcorn kernels litter the floor as your eyes watch the screen.
🍕 he lets himself in and pauses the tv snapping you out of your t.v. trance, "raph?" When did he get here you have no clue.
🍕 he crossed his arms as you looked at your phone in confusion normally he called when he was about to come ov- 5 MISSED CALLS AND 8 UNREAD TEXTS ALL FROM RAPH!!??
🍕you groan and get up going to your turtle boyfriend who has now opened his arms and scooped you into them. "Raphie I'm so so sorry. I've been watching my show all day.." You honestly felt heartbroken he must have worried so much about you.
🍕 "that's okay y/n, but please next time I want you to atleast say you are watching (insert favorite show here) you scared me."
🍕new video game? HE'S IN!
🍕"it's single player, sorry Leo you can watch me though!" Watching his s/o play a new video game? Sure why not.
🍕 when the game starts you are instantly pulled in by it. And actually very good at it too. Way to go you.
🍕 after a while of watching Leo tries to talk to you, "so y/n-" "shh Leo I need to focus"
🍕 he gets it. Yeah he would be focusing too. So he waits for a better time, he tries again, "oh! Wait cutie you are not going to believe- "hold on a sec Leo"
🍕hmpf. Fine you didn't even notice him get up with a huff, "hey uh, I think I'm going to go stretch my legs up top." He looks back at you, yet your eyes haven't left the screen.
🍕 after being out for what had to be hour/hour and a half maybe. He returns to find you- still playing at game. Great.
🍕 "hey cutie I'm back, I went to April's and talked for a bit- uh y/n? You listening" nope. You were shooting zombies rapid fire.
🍕"OH NO Y/N I BROKE MY LEG!!!!....really nothing? Thought that would have broke you...OH COME ON!"
🍕 after ignoring him, and his one liner he finaly reaches forward and pushes the pause button on your controller making you snap out of your video game mode. "Leo?"
🍕 "oh so now you notice me. I don't want you focusing on the game so much y/n, I want you focusing on me."
🍕 you feel guilty. Setting the controller down and giving him a big hug, "I'm sorry leo, I was just excited for the game."
🍕 yeah well. Rip the game, you didn't come back to it after that. spent your time with your boyfriend for the rest of the night.
🍕 keeping your boyfriend up to date, you had told him before of your new book interest.
🍕 and he approved. Books are good for the mind and how could he say no to you reading a series of books you like?
🍕 oh but he was about to. He was about to burn every book in the world.
🍕normally you poke and pester him when he's working in his lab. Which he loves. He loves how much you are interested in him and what he's doing.
🍕 he's loosing his mind. You always interact with him first, it's like a gentle nudge for him to comfortable get in a conversation.
🍕 he looks up a few times here and there- still sees your perfect face and beautiful eyes glued to that book and not him.
🍕 he's had enough- "ahem, hey babe" ....silence..s-silence? SILENCE?! ALRIGHT FINE!
🍕 he walks over, takes the book, "hey-". He'll cut you off by putting one finger to your lips. Then placing your bookmark in the pages he closes it and-
🍕YEET BYE BOOK- throws it far away from you out the door and turns back to you "much better."
🍕" enlighten me, why did you just yeet my book?"
🍕 I yote your book-" "did you just use yeet in past ten-" "don't interrupt."
🍕 after explaining to you why, you just smiled rolling your eyes and now paying attention to your needy nerd boyfriend.
🍕 podwhat? "Podcasts. It's people talking about topics and stuff its very enjoyable"
🍕awesome! It's good you found a cool thing you like. Even if it sounds boring to him he supports your taste in activities.
🍕 "hey y/n~ we're about to go out want to come? I know how much you like the stars" no answer.
🍕 he looks over at you with your eyes closed, looking so peaceful with your earphones in.
🍕 he wouldn't dare bother you. He sees you looking so peaceful he'll let you listen to your pod thing in peace.
🍕 after coming back he gets to see if you're done listening- nope..man this sucks.
🍕 he just kinda sits around and waits. Watching you and pouting a bit. Then feeling sad.
🍕 why would you want to listen to other people talk. When he was right here and you could talk to him. Or you guys could listen to his brothers talk.
🍕 he taps your shoulder after a while making you open one eye and pull out one earphone, "hm? Mikey? What's up?"
🍕 you see him hang his head a bit and he looks kinda sad, "is your um. Peapod done?" Peapod???OH THE PODCAST!!
🍕you turn off the podcast and nod. It is now. He instantly brighten up "GOOD! I uh I mean you know, uh want to spend some time together or something?"
🍕yes. You would want nothing more than to be with him for however long you can.
🍕her s/o has a new hobby? She interested!!
🍕when you tell her that you enjoy watching most satisfying videos on YouTube she giggles.
🍕not because it's funny but because it's cute. She finds you so adorable.
🍕 on the other hand when you start ignoring her texts because you are watching youtube. She gets irritated.
🍕 "hey baby. Did you see my text" "ah no sorry April I was watching a thing"
🍕oh HECK no. She almost blocked YouTube on your phone. Expect a long talking to. One with her explaining how much that hurts when you just ignore her to watch some paint being smeared.
🍕 you thought about it and yeah. You have been accidentally ignoring her kinda. You just weren't really thinking about it.
🍕 from now on- you answer every text as soon as you can from your loving girlfriend. And when you two are together she'll give these videos a chance and watch them with you.
(This was hella fun to write lol so I hope you enjoy. And sorry about the inbox thing, requests are going to have to be sent through messaging until I set up the inbox.)
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fanfics4all · 6 years
Let’s get more Personal!
are you under 18? Nope
do you have siblings?, if yes how many? Yep, one!
can you art? I think I can (I can post something I’ve done if you guys want to see)
can you sing? Nah
can you act? I guess so?
turn ons? Funny, Dom, Not really sure what else to say tbh lol
turn offs? People that are dicks!
top 5 favorite bands? Oof this is hard, right now I guess Set It Off, 3OH!3, Get Scared, My Chemical Romance, and Gorillaz
top five favorite singers? Sabrina Carpenter, Machine Gun Kelly, Jonathan Young, Todrick Hall, and Avril Lavigne
least favorite singers? Meghan Trainor, Sia, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lavato. Those are only a few I could think of.
fave artists? Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, Tim Burton, I honestly can’t think of that many right now.  
favorite actors? Again I have a few but number one is and always will be Matthew Gray Gubler. Others are Jordan Connor, Richard Harmon, Colton Haynes, Corey Fogelmanis, Rob Raco, Skeet Ulrich, Chandler Riggs, Ross Lynch, Grant Gustin, Mark Sheppard, Cassey Cott, Tom Felton, Evan Peters, Christian Kane, and that’s all I can think of right now.
favorite actresses? Emily Bett Rickards, Ruby Rose, Vanessa Morgan, Dove Cameron, Lilli Reinhart, Kat Dennings, Madelaine Petsch, Madchen Amick,  Um I know there’s more but I can’t think of them :(
how may fandoms are you in? Oof too many probably lol
top 5 fandoms? Riverdale, The 100, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, and Batman I guess lol
on a scale from 1 to 10, how dramatic are you? Depends on the situation but normally like a 3 probably
can you cook? Oh my god! I love cooking! So yes
a random fact about about you? Um I can sculpt and do SFX makeup!
how many places have you been? Not many, like 7 or 8 states and never out of the country
top 6 shows? The 100, Riverdale, Criminal Minds, Arrow, American Horror Story, and White Collar (I watch way more though)
fave movie franchises? Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, Batman (Mainly 1966), Thor, Captain America, DeadPool, Um that’s all I can think of
Disney or Dreamworks? Both but mainly Disney
top 3 childhood shows? Cyberchase, Zoboomafoo, and Bear in the Big Blue House (Going really little childhood shows)
how many schools have you been to? Four so far
somewhere you want to go one day? England, France, Ireland, Russia, and Canada. Probably more but those are the main ones.
straight or nah? Nah
LGBTQ+ supporter? Well I’m Bi so yeah
favorite school subject? Math and Art
least favorite school subject? Gym, is that a subject?
Food? Yes?
books or Tv? T.V. but I do like reading it just takes me awhile because I have astigmatism and they unfocus a lot so it makes it hard to focus on reading.
Spotify or Pandora? Spotify
what are you listening to right now? Youtube videos!
whats the weather like rn? Hot and a little cloudy
are you reading anything at the moment? After You by JoJo Moyes (The second book to Me Before You)
any family problems you feel comfortable talking about? Oh god, my family is a mess. My dad was an abusive asshole and my mom is an alcoholic (My parents are divorced and my little brother lives with my dad while I live with my mom, I still see my dad and brother but very rarely)
how do you feel right now? Pretty depressed tbh lol
thoughts on trees? Trees are rad, I live climbing them but I’m scared of heights so it’s a fun time lol
something stupid you did once? Smoked too much weed and got stupid high
something random in your backyard? We rent so don’t really have a backyard anymore :(
funny childhood story? One time my brother when he was little he decided to take a nap somewhere and we couldn’t find him ANYWHERE, we were yelling and looking everywhere but we couldn’t find him. We tried to lure him out with marshmallows but that didn’t work and this was going on hours. So we called the cops they came they couldn’t find him anywhere and we were freaking out but then he just walked out and took the bag of marshmallows and to this day we have no idea where he was because he wouldn’t tell us. It was kinda freaky at the time but now we look back at it and laugh.
3 random stories about stuff that you’ve done in your neighborhood? I’ve moved a few times so we’ll go with 3 different neighborhoods. 1. We were living with my grandparents (Mom’s side) and there’s a lot of ducks and we were feeding them so I went to feed one by hand and that’s how I learned ducks have teeth. 2. We were living with my other grandparents (Dad’s side) and they had a frog garden thing that made noise, we were walking up the driveway, they didn’t tell us they got a new one and that it made noise. Me and my dad walked past it and it croaked at us, scared the fuck out of me and I ran away. There were potholes in the driveway and I tripped and cut my knee up so bad. 3. Um my friend lived on a dead end around my block and I would walk over to his place a lot (I was like 8 maybe older) and we road scooters a lot, he could do tricks and he wanted to teach me, I failed horrible cut up my knees and hands and face and scratched up my glasses so bad I couldn’t use them.
top 5 musicals? Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Peter Pan (1960), Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hairspray, and Anastasia
musical fandoms you want to know more about? Any really
any instruments you play? No, I played the clarinet in elementary school and broke it haha
do you and your friends ever roleplay or have given each other character names? Does playing a dating sim with a friend count?
favorite comeback? No you
do you have a phone? Yes
have you ever written a story? Oh yeah
O.c.’s? I have a few
S.O.? Ummm it’s complicated
favorite stores? Hot topic, Spencers, um I don’t know, I don’t go shopping much.
are you still in school? No but I’m going back soon (hopefully)
markers or colored pencils? Both but mainly colored pencils!
memes or gifs? Um both!
oil or chalk pastels? Both!
Height? 5’2
Painting? Omg yes, I’ve done some myself, I’m working on one rn and I have one finished (I can post it if you guys want!)
can you give a description of yourself? Short, kinda overweight, colorful hair (changes a lot), kinda big black glasses, hazel eyes, um that’s all I can think of.
description of your personality? A child mixed with a grandma
will you ever reveal your face( if you haven’t yet)? Sure
Anime? Oh heck yes
favorite animes? Owari No Seraph, Future Diary, Diabolik Lovers, Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie in April, Black Butler, Guilty Crown, Shiki, Death Parade, and more but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
K-pop? Yeah!
Ships??? Falice 100%, Bellarke, idk I can’t think of any others right now
ships you dislike? None really unless it’s weird and underage.
Children? I want children so bad!
do you have a library? I personally don’t
winter or summer? Winter
spring or fall? Fall
sun or snow? Snow
long or short hair? Short
ice cream or sherbert? Both
rain or bright sunlight? Rain
clouds & wind or heat & humidity? Clouds and Wind
pool or beach? Pool
how innocent are you? Not very tbh
cake or cupcakes? Both
chocolate or vanilla? Both, but depends
something sneaky you’ve done with your friends lately? Smoke weed I guess?
favorite colors? Black and Red
favorite animal(s)? Red panda, Panda, Husky, Pigs (I had one as a pet) Hedgehogs (Also had one as a pet)  
skiing or sledding? Sledding
have you ever ridden a horse? Yeah, my cousin owns two horses so I’ve gone riding with her before
have you ever ridden a train? Yeah but I have a fear of them
have you ever been on an airplane? Yes (Not scared of flying like at all)
Nature? Nature is rad
inside or outside? Inside in the summer/spring but outside in fall/winter
introvert or extrovert? Introvert, I’m so shy
rules/ laws? Um both I guess?
how many friends do you have? A bunch but a small close circle
pants/ shorts or skirts? All three but mainly pants and shorts
Dresses? If they’re weird
video games? Oh yes, I love video games
fave holiday? Halloween
least favorite holiday? Christmas and 4th of July
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The Less I Know the Better Part III: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Part (III/?): Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
“Hey, Peter!” Happy yelled out as Peter entered the lobby.
“Hey, Happy!” Peter confidently strutted towards the two men, journal and pen in hand.
“This is your tutor, Wade,” the man turned around and stopped Peter in his tracks upon seeing the mystery man’s face.
Wade Wilson was perfect. He had piercing green eyes, a defined jawline with a bit of stubble on it, sharp cheekbones, small freckles across his perfect nose… brown messy hair… he was 6'2 at least and his biceps were threatening to rip out from under his tight misfits shirt.
“Hey man, what’s up?” The man put out a fist. “The name’s Wade, bump it.”
Peter gave the mystery man an awkward fist bump. “You’re a teacher? Aren’t you kind of… young?”
“Oh no, I’m not a teacher, I’m a tutor-slash-intern,” He explained with a mischievous smirk. “I’m only 17, but I know the freshmen curriculum enough to teach it to you so here I am.”
“How much do they pay you?” Peter asked with a skeptical look across his face. This guy was way too young to be teaching.
“They pay me shit, but you gotta do what you gotta do, am I right?”
“Yes, you’re right…I guess,” Peter fumbled nervously with his pen.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna have a lot of fun,” Wade wrapped an arm around Peter’s shoulder. Peter could smell the cheap cologne and cigarettes on Wade… but it was surprisingly pleasant. Those muscles pressed against him definitely weren’t something to complain about either. “See ya later, Hap, thanks for your help.”
Wade kept his arm around Peter as they walked across the lobby. “Where do you want to begin the lesson? Is there a library around here?”
“Um, I have a desk in my room, if you want to work there.”
“Sweet. Let’s go.” Wade released Peter and dug into his messenger bag as they walked. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, placing one in his mouth and lighting it. “You don’t mind if I smoke, right?”
“No…I guess not…” Peter shrugged. “I’m not sure what Mr. Stark’s policy is though.”
“Oh well, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t,” Wade took a hit of his cigarette before winking at Peter.
Oh god, not now. Peter blushed as he felt heat rush to his groin. They continued the walk to Peter’s room, with Peter holding his journal to his thighs, hoping to God that Wade wouldn’t notice his growing problem….
Overall, the lecture went well. Peter had sat at his desk writing while Wade made himself comfortable…too comfortable… in Peter’s bed. Wade had thrown himself on the bed, feet against the pillows, all the paper’s from his messenger bag dumped across the sheets. It was hard to focus with the constant throbbing in between Peter’s legs but he did the best he could. Wade had covered the different themes found in The Scarlet Letter, the first of many books that they would be reading together, and then he had explained to Peter the right way to write an essay.  Despite Wade’s overall rebellious attitude, he was very well read and was a lot more intelligent than Peter was expecting.
“Make sure you read all the way to chapter 8 by tomorrow,” Wade told Peter as he packed up his bag. “This class is going to move by fast, you gotta read 3 books over these next couple weeks and write me three essays, so gotta keep up.”
“Okay, I will.” Peter nodded in agreement.
“Nice meeting you, shorty, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Wade put his fist out again and Peter bumped it. Wade made his way out the door and Peter was memorized by the way his ass looked in those tight jeans. Peter looked down at the bulge growing in his pants again and groaned in frustration.
Why was this happening? Peter wondered. Maybe his wires were getting crossed. Peter was straight, he was attracted to girls and girls only. He had the biggest crush on Mary Jane, he had fantasized about her multiple times… he had woken up stuck to his bed sheets because of her for crying out loud! Why was he suddenly feeling these kinds of feelings towards a random dude? Did he want to have sex with him? What would sex even be like with a guy? He shuttered at the thought. No I’m straight, he repeated to himself.  This is probably because I saw Steve and Tony together yesterday and I’m just traumatized or something.
Peter decided it would be best to take a cold shower before starting his homework.
The shower cleared Peter’s mind and most importantly cooled his body down. Feeling refreshed, he went up to the common room, covering his eyes to make sure he wasn’t catching anyone in the act again. When the coast was clear, he made his way to the sofa. Perfect reading spot, he thought to himself. He plopped down on the sofa and opened up the book.
He was able to knock out all eight chapters in one sitting. He placed the book down on the coffee table and looked down at his phone. It was 6 pm and he was feeling hungry, he hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
Peter skipped down to the kitchen to find everyone preparing a meal together… this time Steve and Tony were there. Steve glanced up from the boiling pot to give Peter a soft smile. “We’re making spaghetti and meatballs today, old family recipe.” His neck was covered in what looked like small bruises — were they hickeys?
Peter glanced over at Tony, knowing who the culprit was. Tony simply avoided eye contact, “Uh, take a seat, kid, join us.” Yup, Steve was right, Tony’s a coward.
They were all sitting on the bar stools surrounding the island in the middle of the kitchen. “You seem to have some bruises on your neck,” Vision commented on Steve’s situation.
“I think Americans call them hickeys,” Wanda smirked. “Looks like Steve had a visit from a lady friend.”
“Okay, that’s enough, let’s all have some spaghetti,” Steve poured out a plate for everyone before taking his own seat.
“Where’s Natasha?” Peter asked, realizing she was the only one missing.
“She’s a loner, she’ll probably come down later to eat alone,” Steve explained before changing the subject. “Peter, why don’t you tell the group a little about yourself?”
Dinner went well. There were laughs and story telling and everyone got to know Peter a little better. He was starting to feel like he was part of the family. Tony remained quiet the whole night…he only spoke up to have someone pass him the wine bottle.
After dinner, they all made their way to the common room to have a few drinks, they even let Peter try a beer but it was too gross for him and he left it unfinished. Steve played Peter at fuseball, beating Peter every time. Tony only talked to the others, avoiding Peter whenever possible. Steve did his best to include him in everything, and mostly kept the conversation around Peter.
Around 10 pm, everyone called it quits, wished Peter a goodnight and made their way to their rooms. Tony and Steve remained behind. It was silent for a few minutes as the three of them stood in the empty room before Tony mustered up the courage to speak up.
“Don’t stay up too late, Wade is coming back tomorrow morning…” Tony warned as he walked towards the elevator.
“You have anything else to say?” Steve asked, stopping Tony in his tracks.
“And…eat your vegetables, they’re good for you,” Tony stepped into the elevator, not looking back, and was gone.
“He’s trying… just give him some time…he’s not good with emotions,” Steve explained. “I’m going to head to bed, let me know if you need anything else.” Steve started walking towards the elevator doors.
“Steve?” Peter gulped. He wanted to ask Steve about the feelings he was having towards Wade and the overall confusion he was going through, but he wasn’t sure how to word it or if Steve was even comfortable talking about it.
“Nothing — nevermind, have a goodnight.” Peter gave a nervous smile.
Steve stepped into the elevator and gave Peter a slight nod. “Goodnight, Pete.” The doors closed and Peter was left alone in the common room.
Peter stayed up watching T.V in the commons, unable to sleep. Wade was still lingering on his mind, he could still smell his cologne, he could still remember those piercing eyes…that perfect smile… he was perfect.
He clicked off the T.V in frustration. Looking at the time, he realized that it was a little after midnight. He decided to head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before bed.  
He made his way across the quiet building to the kitchen. He put the code in and opened the door before turning on the lights to the kitchen. To his surprise, there was someone rummaging through the fridge.
“Oh sorry I didn’t see you there.” He apologized.
“No problem, just getting a midnight snack,” The red-head stuck her head out from the fridge and walked over to the counter with a tub of ice cream. Peter instantly recognized her.
“You’re Black Widow!” Peter exclaimed.
“Yes, you can call me Nat.” She side-eyed him as she opened up the tub of ice cream and searched for a spoon. She was obviously annoyed with him.
“Nice to meet you, I mean– well – like officially, I’m Pet–”
“I know who you are,” She cut him off as she stuck the spoon into the tub. She brought the spoon up to her mouth and sucked the ice cream off the spoon.
Peter just stared in silence. He just watched as her plump, red lips slid over the spoon. She was gorgeous. These teenage hormones are out of control. Keep it together Peter!
She was in a small black nightgown that left nothing to the imagination. There were little red bows on each strap. Peter could see the outline to her black panties through the gown and could clearly see the outline of her breasts. She was so…curvy…was the only word Peter could use to describe her. Almost a perfect hour-glass, her nice round hips and ass complemented with a small waist. Peter was mesmerized.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” She placed the spoon in the sink and placed the tub back in the freezer, placing a sticky note on it.
“I’m sorry — I didn’t mean – I mean–” Peter desperately tried to cover up his groin. Damn puberty! Why do you forsaken me!?
Natasha made her way to Peter, almost gliding across the floor, as if she was walking on a cloud. This was heaven, or maybe one of Peter’s wet dreams, this couldn’t be real.
She stood right in front of him and it took all his willpower to not look down at her body. He focused on her face. Her stern green eyes were staring back into his brown eyes. He gulped.
“You know you’re too young for me, right?” She pushed a strand of red hair away from her face.
“Yeah of course,” Peter’s voice cracked. She licked her lips, drawing Peter’s attention back to them.
“So don’t try anything, or I will kill you,” She warned before leaning forward, pressing her body against Peter’s and whispering into his ear, lips brushing against his earlobe. “I’m a trained assassin you don’t want to mess with, honey.”
Peter’s eyes rolled back and he bit back a moan. Natasha pulled away and made her way towards the door. She looked back one last time, “You might want to change your pants,” she winked as she left the room.
Peter looked down to see the growing stain in the front of his jeans. She was the queen of manipulation. She had completely manipulated him for the fun of it and he had let her get away with it.
Well, he smiled, at least he knew he liked girls after all.
He reached around to grab his phone from his back pocket to check his messages only to find that it was missing. Natasha had stolen his phone. This was just great.
Part IV: coming soon
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pankows-girl · 7 years
1 through 100 for the unusual asks ;)
Ok wow here’s all of them.1. I usually use Pandora but spotify is cool too.2. Somewhere in between, i try to keep my room clean 3. Brown and a greenish blue on yje bottom 4. I do like my name but i used to hate it because all my siblings have nicknames and I didn’t. Give me a nickname5. Single buy I’m married to Tom Holland in my mind 6. Funny, weird, creative 7. Light brown 8. I don’t drive yet9. Lol I don’t go shopping either 10. Style? I have none 😂11. Tumblr or Instagram 12. Double13. 3, i have 2 brothers and a sister14. I’m not sure15. Flower crown 16. I don’t wear makeup 17. Everynight it every other night 18. The Walking dead 19. Womans size 1120. 5'4"21. Sneakers22. Nope 23. With Tom Holland
24. Zero 25. Not wearing any socks rn26. Like 527. I don’t have a job28. All of you??? I hope 29. Not to be spoken of, it’s not bad just super embarrassing 30. Get me a cinnamon scented candle and I’ll love you forever 31. Dylan. Samuel, Caleb 32. Sofia, Kayla, Sarah 33. Tom Holland :) lol I don’t keep up with many other actor’s34. I don’t really have one I guess 35. Tom Holland duh (I may have a tiny obsessive, just a tiny one)36. Not even joking, hands down, Spider-Man homecoming is my favorite movie, at least this year37. I read all the time but I dint have a favorite book 38. Brains 39. Lol leaf by @tiemeupspidey (follow her, she’s almost at 3k and she’s an awesome writer. Give me a nickname!40. Not sure41. I can’t decide jsjebejddj42. No43. My skin is oily asf help I fucking hate it44. Heights45. 3 or 446. Whatever works because my curly hair cannot be tamed 47. My house is huge but it’s not too small either48. Zendaya, she is a literal queen 49. Like a week ago I think 50. “Ok”51. 9 or 1052. Don’t have one53. I’m not a fan but hey if you do it, that’s your choice 54. Nope I’m still in hs55. Writer56. Rural57. I don’t travel but I probably would 58. No59. I try to 60. My phone storage is shit but you get your ass my photos are mainly Tom Holland, I’m nit aure how many61. I dont recall62. Sometimes 63. McDonalds64. Ranch or ketchup 65. T-shirt and pj bottoms 66. Nope67. Reading, writing, and watching t.v.68. Um no69. Also no70. Never been to one 71. Tea72. Either, i don’t care73. Someday 74. TH75. I don’t know76. I think black 77. Yes78. Closed79. Yes I do 80. When people text “k”. I always feel like they’re mad or something 81. My dad82. Chocolate or vanilla 83. Regular 84. Rainbow sprinkles 85. My waking dead short with my other love Glenn rhee on it86. Tom87. Depends on how I feel around certain people88. I dont mind but my hair is a mess89. I don’t talk to my neighbors do idk90. At night 91. Nope92. Nope 93. Pizza 94. Can’t think of any lyrics95. Winter all the way. It’s too damn hot rn and it’s fall96. Night 97. Milk chocolate 98. October 99. Capricorn 100. I cried in front of my posters, i dont like crying i from of people Lol so thanks for asking ❤
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