#so impressed with all the love and hard work that was put into it and i always love a game made in ren'py
luveline · 10 hours
jade!! can we please get something with junie’s mom and eddie? <3 missing them today
thank you for requesting! 1.3k
Eddie met you two weeks after you moved into the park, he’s pretty sure. Your baby ran out down the road because you didn’t know that all the trailers have the same bum lock, and she ended up on the Munson porch trying to get back home. 
He still remembers how she could barely talk. He had no idea how quickly babies explode with words. 
“Love you.” Junie smiles up at him, her waiting for a reciprocation all the more impressive. She’s just turned three, and Eddie would argue she doesn’t look it. She’s still a baby in his head. 
“I love you,” he says, leaning down to tap their noses together. 
“Can I have a hug?” 
Just a few short months ago she would’ve shouted “Hug!” and dove into his neck, or said nothing at all. He doesn’t see why that should change. 
“Babe, you don’t have to ask,” he says, wrapping his arms around her. 
She sighs in contentment, relaxing under his hand where he pulls it up and down her back. She’s getting bigger. Eddie can’t believe she’s already three. Where the hell does the time go? Days, weeks slip away. 
But at least they’re with you. God, he can’t believe they’re with you. 
“I’m feeling left out,” you say, laying on the floor of the trailer with your hands held over your chest. You’d been colouring with June a half hour ago, but she got bored fast and left you there. You’ve yet to get up. 
Eddie twists June in his lap so she can see you. He hugs her, and he presses his face to the top of her head, one eye open to see you and the other screwed closed. “You want us to come over?” he asks. 
You think about it. “No. I’m too tired to hug.” 
You’re always tired. Eddie knows that there’s a life he could give you one day where you don’t have to work. He’s not sure you’d let him, but he’d like to get promoted and move you out. He’d like to ask you properly to be his forever, to be permanent, and to live together as a family. Wayne’s telling him not to rush into things, but he really didn’t. You and Eddie were friends for half a year before he finally couldn’t take it anymore, and he doesn’t see that time as wasted, but he knows now that getting to kiss you is something he missed out on. 
Plus, being your boyfriend means he’s actually allowed to take care of you without dousing you in shame. You like being looked after. It’s why Eddie works a ten hour shift and comes straight home to you, so he can fold your laundry and you can get some rest. 
Every time you yawn, it’s a reminder for Eddie that he’s not making your life as easy as he could. (It’s not a healthy way to think about it. It’s not your fault or his that life is hard. But he thinks about it anyway.) 
Eddie gives June a kiss behind the ear and sets her down in the corner of the couch. He grins at her as he does, hoping for a detachment without tears, popping his head into his hand in mock nonchalance. “Babe, I’m gonna go hug your mom back to life. I’ll be right back. Cool?” 
Eddie pats her knee and she sits back to watch as he drops to the floor on his knees, crawling around crayons and gel pens and markers to your side. You laugh, flinching as his hand lands on your stomach, but he’s not there to tickle you. He holds your face in the other hand, really holds it, bending time. The mental snapshot he takes of you tired and lovely regardless can join an endless gallery. 
“You’re beautiful,” he says. 
“So are you.” 
“You want some help getting up?” he asks. 
You nod your affirmation. Eddie slides his hands under your arms, murmurs a too tender, “I got you,” as you sit up. He stands and pulls you with him, half drags your tired limbs to the couch where your girl is still sitting patiently. 
He puts you down. Kisses your cheek, throws a blanket across your knees. He picks Junie up to sit where she’d been in the corner and promptly settles with her on his thigh, the other arm open. 
“We’re napping?” Junie asks. 
“Would that be okay?” Eddie asks. “Mom’s tired.” 
“I’m not tired,” Junie says. 
“I know, baby, me neither. I was thinking we’d just lay here and hug mommy for a while, and then we’d have lunch.” 
“I don’t need a nap,” you say, though your eyes are heavy, darting to the empty place in his arms carved out especially for you. 
“Then just hug me,” Eddie whispers. Commanding, disbelieving, he knows you’ll be dozing in five minutes or less. All you need is a little light goading. 
You lay against his side. Junie wiggles to be on her front, chest to chest with Eddie as he sinks down. He kicks up his legs beside you, the three of you collapsing inward, his favourite girls in the world. 
There’s argument on if you can choose your family or not. Eddie doesn’t remember choosing you, just suddenly knowing you, and ever so slowly loving. He loves your face, your arms, the way you breathe. He loves how you turn into his chest and how you seem thrilled to be there, your hand coasting a loving line across him, fingers pressing into his stomach. It’s like you’re waving on his skin. He has no idea where you learned how to touch someone with that much love, but he leans down to kiss the skin just shy of your hairline so you know he feels it. 
Junie’s all little legs and sweetness as she yawns on his shoulder. “Mom, can I have some… some blanky?”
You pull it off your legs to cover hers. Eddie squares it up. Everyone covered, he lets his head tip back against the couch.
He’s not tired. He doesn’t think he’ll sleep. You fall asleep first in a slow series of exhales he knows well, that deepening, your fingers growing still against his t-shirt. 
Junie goes second. She squirms at first, not wanting to give in, but Eddie’s getting better at his dad-pats. He finds the space on her lower back, her off button ever since he’s known her, and he taps his hand against it until she’s breathing heavily against his neck. 
“Eddie?” she asks tiredly. 
“What, rockstar?” 
He scratches her back lightly. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Do you need me to take you to bed?” 
“No. We can sleep on you.” 
“Who should I sleep on?” he whispers. 
She shakes her head. Unhappy with his question, or maybe her nose is itchy. She falls asleep with her face pressed to his chest a few seconds later, leaving Eddie awake and unsure of what to do now. He trapped himself. 
He can’t find it in himself to mind, worried first about boredom, and then struck with a realisation. How could he ever be bored with you under his arm? 
He has time now to trace your nose, count your eyelashes, whatever he likes. 
“Love you,” he says, pressing his nose to your head. 
It takes a few seconds. “Love you,” you murmur. 
He rubs your arm until you’re sleeping again. It was selfish of him to wake you, but he’d wanted to hear it.
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hollowtones · 1 hour
my month-late PAX West post (& a catalogue of some things I saw and did and bought in September / late August)
PAX West was very fun this year. It was my first ever PAX and it was my first convention at all in maybe a decade. Any excuse to see friends is a good one & I love hanging out with the RTVS crew whenever I have the time and money to travel. ^_^ I even got to see some friends I've never seen in person before!!! (Thank you to Jill and Evan for the "Petal Crash" pin & thank you to Taxi for stealing my name tag by accident.)
I am very shy, and I have very severe social anxiety that causes me a lot of problems in my day-to-day life, so I almost didn't go to the RTVS meetup. People there were very sweet, though, so I'm glad I did. It feels very heartening to have people come up to you and tell you what the things you've made have meant to them. It was very hard to not cry. LOL
If you stopped by to say hi, thank you very much. I've been thinking about it through all of September and smiling a lot about it. ^_^
The rest of this post is largely pics of things Puzz and I picked up for ourselves. (And a little bit of talking about some other things we did.) I thought it would be fun to catalogue them. I tend to be a little thrifty, so I got to splurge on my wife. LOL
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These were mostly things we got for Puzz because I didn't want to worry about lugging things home in a suitcase. But she keeps telling me they're our things, which makes me smile every time I think about it. Some of the pins are for me. I'd like to put them on my backpack... Hopefully they don't fall off. Jackie and Dodogama are friends.
The "Chicory" bag is a bit of a funny story. Puzz and I saw the "Beastieball" booth in the corner of the indie section. Very fun demo. Very cute booth. They have cool merch! I thought I saw Lena Raine working the booth, and I got really shy & nervous about making a poor impression, so I just kind of hid behind my partner. (I wish I had said hi, in retrospect... but we live and we learn...) So we just kind of shuffle off to the merch desk and talk to a very nice man there while we pick up some things. I work up the guts to say that I really like these games and that they mean a lot to me!! The guy says, well thank you, that means a lot to me and the team. Wow! Real swell guy, I'm thinking to myself. A day or two later Puzz and I are out to lunch with some friends and I just suddenly go eyes wide & mouth agape because I put two and two together in my head and realize Oh holy shit that was Greg Lobanov wasn't it. LOL
Puzz found a cheap copy of "999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors" for the DS at a retro game store's pop-up. They also had "A Bug's Life" for Game Boy Colour and a strategy guide for "Gex 3", both of which I wish I had picked up.
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Mr. Basculin was a gift from Jake. Good news! Mr. Basculin is still alive.
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This is all stuff that was given to me as gifts. (Aside from the con badges. They make you pay for those.) You've probably already seen the Bibi that Jake made me. "Chicken Run" was also from him. "Zapper" was from Puzz and the Gumby game (& the Bad Boe sticker) was from Scorpy. These games fuckin suck asshole!!!!!!!!! I'm obsessed with them & I'll cherish them forever. I also got a little rock and a human dog keychain.
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I think Scorpy said a fan gave this to him at PAX East to pass to me eventually. I'm having a hard time reading the @ on it, but on the off-chance you see this: thank you so much. Every time I think about it I get a little teary-eyed. I want to get myself a little picture frame for it. (This is the first time someone's given me fanart like this before, and it made me very emotional. LOL)
Puzz and I only got 2-day passes for PAX, so we spent the rest of our time in Seattle hanging out with friends and seeing the sights. I don't feel like digging all the photos out right now, but we went to a really fucking nice jazz club (Dimitriou's Jazz Alley - great ambience, really good food, we saw Keiko Matsui live which was life-changing), we visited MoPOP (I hadn't been in years! It was alright! Puzz had some capital-t Thoughts about the whole place which was fun to listen to!), we rode the trains, I got a big bag of Dicks, we walked around downtown. There was this really nice coffee shop that I keep having dreams about, so I hope I can go back to Seattle soon. (Or at least eventually, next year.) Then we went to Portland for a day to say hi to a friend because the state was nearby.
Then we went back to Puzz's place in California. Then there was a major heatwave & a bunch of wildfires nearby... So we didn't have the chance to get out much in September. But that's okay. We've both been tired lately & I think we both badly needed some dedicated Not Doing Things time. It's just a shame that it was enforced by Dangerous Weather Conditions.
We got to visit some local friends and I got to try out more Bog-Standard Mediocre American Food. (Dunkin Donuts is just Tim Hortons. Olive Garden is kind of scary but the salad was really good and the breadsticks were fine. I had a middling hamburger from Jack In The Box tonight. Their milkshake was very good. I'm sure I'm forgetting others.) I went to a Macy's for the first time and the layout of the store made me have a panic attack. We went for nice walks and saw lots of nice critters and plants. I got to swim! I watched a mediocre PlayStation presentation! I turned 30 years old! Puzz took me to a very fancy and really nice Italian place for my birthday, in case you were worried that I was only eating garbage here. LOL
We got a lot of books.
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Maybe too many. Also a Miles Davis vinyl for myself & some Gunpla as an early birthday gift for Puzz. And also the cookbook was a gift from family. But I'm very excited to tuck into more of these, hopefully soon. Some were for me and some were for Puzz but knowing us we're going to go "hey, I liked this one, you check it out" or "hey, I didn't like this one, but maybe you will" for a lot of them. I'm gonna start with "Annihilation" and the game essays book. ("House of Leaves" is a second copy for us, because my copy was originally Puzz's and I wanted them to be able to read it too.) I don't have room in my bags for much more than what I came here with, so we're gonna ship some of the books to each other when we're done reading.
It's been a very nice month... I feel very thankful to have a life full of love like this. I don't think I have anything else to add to this post! Thanks for reading.
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yanderes-galore · 3 days
for rq period: yandere tmnt03 donnie concept?
I'll try my best! He isn't as fleshed out as the others in 2003... So I'll try my best ^^; Sorry if it's vague, I'm more well-versed in 2012 and Rise.
Yandere! 2003! Donatello Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Controlling behavior, Stalking, Tracking, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Cameras, Picture taking, Delusional behavior, Isolation, Drugging, Forced relationship.
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Donatello is one who puts those around him before himself.
He often neglects his own needs at times just so he can care for his loved ones.
He's the smartest of the four turtles, a clever inventor and tactician.
He values education and science more than his actual ninjutsu studies at times.
He's a pacifist and isn't as physically resilient as his brothers from what I've seen.
Yet he's still a decent fighter with his quick wit and planning.
He always comes prepared, always tries to think things through...
Similar to his other iterations, he would try to plan things out in his obsession.
Things need to be perfect to make a plan work for him.
Donatello is often gentle and calm, never wanting to cause unnecessary harm.
He rarely loses his temper and I imagine this version of Donnie isn't all that... confrontational.
Not many of them are, but still....
The only time this turtle is ever violent or aggressive is when he's mutated into a large monster.
That's it.
For the most part... You being his obsession isn't that bad.
As long as you're okay with mutant turtles.
He honestly just seems like he'd be such a respectable sweetheart to you as his obsession.
Although he does seem to know... too much?
As expected, Donatello would research his obsession like they're his newest project.
As sweet as he is, he's keeping track of everything you do.
He's not possessive since he's usually against confrontation.
However... He is obsessive and protective.
Donatello knows all sorts of things about you.
He knows more than any of your closest friends, in fact, at some point he'll know more than your own family...
Or even yourself.
Donatello soaks in information like a sponge.
The moment he learns something new about you, he's noting that down like his life depends on it.
Now... Donatello would have all sorts of information about you.
He has a notebook or two dedicated to you.
He just lacks the courage and confidence to actually do anything with said info other than stutter and stare.
Donatello is socially awkward.
He's caring and attentive towards you and your well-being...
Yet struggles on how to express his overwhelming feelings towards you.
It's not like he can tell you about his notebooks...
Or why he knows all of this info....
While you're unaware, Donatello gets to work with scraping up any sort of info he can find on you.
He stalks you everywhere.
He puts trackers on your clothes, belongings, car...
This turtle has your entire routine memorized.
Donatello has to be careful when speaking with you as his obsession continues.
He may accidentally say something he shouldn't know...
Only to make you both awkwardly stare at one another before trying to change the conversation.
Donatello tries so hard to impress you.
He gets into all the things you like, he builds new inventions and gadgets just for you to look at them.
Just a warning, if you take a phone from him, you are definitely being tracked now.
Donatello just seems so socially awkward and relaxed when you speak to him.
You have no clue how unhinged he is behind the scenes.
Donatello stays up late at night to track you, research you, watch you...
But you're oblivious.
You just see him tired and think he's overworking himself again.
Being cared for by you just adds to his obsession.
Donatello no doubt sets up cameras in spots you frequent and is always recording for himself.
That and he has secret photos he took of you at night, keeping them tucked away in his room.
Donatello is infatuated with you.
It's quite obvious to him... The notebooks, footage, pictures, tracking...
His habit of leaving home to follow you....
Donatello knows he doesn't deserve you.
Why would you?
He's a mutant turtle, you're a human.
You may not view him as a monster... yet you certainly wouldn't date him.
That breaks his heart...
But part of him still wishes to believe you can.
He can't stop thinking about such a fantasy, actually...
He dreams of it... dreams of you...!
He imagines protecting you, dating you, your praise, hugs, kisses...
He just imagines what it would be like to love you.
Such a thought nearly drives him insane.
While he is normally calm and able to control himself...
Imagine if he snaps and just decides to take you away.
In his delusional mind, Donatello thinks you'll understand.
In reality you won't... You don't understand his twisted mind.
Donatello is desperate for your love.
Desperate to the point he slips something in your food or drink... just to catch you when you fall into his arms unconscious...
Then he locks you somewhere no one will look... surrounded by pictures he took and cameras watching your every move...
With ropes around your body as you lay on a makeshift bed.
It may not be much now...
But he's planned out everything!
Your new relationship (which he just forced upon you) will begin just as he's dreamed it!
Except... Donatello needs you on your best behavior first...
He knows you may be nervous about your first date together... yet he'll try to compensate!
Your first date is tied up in a sewer surrounded by pictures of you that you didn't know existed.
He's so delusional when he has you.
He doesn't understand why you're so scared.
It's just him!
You know him, right? (You thought you did.)
He's your best friend! Soon to be boyfriend, actually!
He can't wait to start.
He can't wait to hold you, touch you, kiss you, love you...
But he must be patient!
He'll take things slow for you...
You may be nervous and scared now... But don't worry...!
You'll warm up to him eventually... Then he can continue to make things perfect between you! Just like in his fantasies!
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awildtei · 3 days
people who think kevaaron are boring just don't get it i'm afraid. like:
imagine you are the best at what you do and everyone worships you and/or uses you as their focal point in life and/or projects so hard onto you that you're not sure who you are when you're alone... except for this one guy. this one guy has seen you at your worst, drunk and messy and crying and throwing up and panicking and feeling sorry for yourself. he's seen you at your bitchiest and most insufferable. he knows exactly how broken you are. and all along he's rolled his eyes at you and been like 'this asshole? really? this is the guy everyone is always tripping over themselves to impress/save/psychologically torture? he's Just Some Dude (derogatory)... could never be me.' he doesn't idolize you. he thinks you being the best at exy is, like, at most fifth on the list of most interesting things about you. he lets you talk about history and actually listens. he doesn't think you're pathetic for grieving your abuser. he looks at you and sees you. nothing more. (nothing less). when you get closer it's because he's interested in you (kevin) and not You (Kevin Day). when he falls in love with you there are no expectations to fail to meet because he. knows. you. all of you. and somehow wants you anyway.
and imagine you have been 'the less interesting twin' since you found out you were a twin at all. no one sees you, no one cares. you're filled with anger and resentment and keep being told you're in the wrong for feeling that way. that you should let it go and move on. your abuse pales in comparison to that of the people around you, and as such is dismissed and forgotten. you want to be someone so badly you are killing yourself in the process. you are not talented like your brother and you don't have his memory but you have this. your two hands. your hard work. a need so profound to amount to something that it keeps you going even though you're exhausted all. the. time. and no one cares... except for this one guy. he chews you out on the court but admires and respects how much effort you put into everything you do. he doesn't think you're weak for needing your weekly dose of dust. he doesn't think your ambition is silly or pointless. he doesn't think you're stupid for grieving your abuser. when you get closer it's not because you're the less compelling half of a fascinating whole. it's because he finds you interesting all on your own. he looks at you and sees you. nothing more. (nothing less). he doesn't flinch at your sharp edges. he calls you an asshole but smiles like it's a compliment. when he falls in love with you it's not with a softer, more talented, more palatable version of you. it's with you (aaron) and not you ('the normal one') because he. knows. you. all of you. and somehow wants you anyway.
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respectthepetty · 14 hours
Rose's Day of Asks - the sequel
Hello dear Petty. So I'm sure this is gonna sound like a silly question but it did occur to me so I'm asking it anyway even if I make a fool of myself. Are there are colour combos that just wouldn't work for a ql couple? Or would take an extra amount of effort to make a relationship work, so to speak?
I LOVE YOUR ASKS! They always make my brain spin in the best ways! But, as usual, instead of answering your question about color combos that don't work, I'm going to answer about the most difficult color to be in a relationship with because there is only one:
Brown Boys/Brown Beauties
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Everything that makes a Brown Boy/Brown Beauty great is the same exact stuff that makes them so fucking awful.
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Brown (and dark oranges) represent the earth, so Earth signs in astrology (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) and Brown Boys/Brown Beauties share a lot of qualities with the earth, like being grounded and dependable, but it also means they are stubborn and predictable.
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They are hard-workers, and it can become their priority over everything else. They are comforting, but only when they deem the issue isn't trivial because they are practical and conservative in ways that make sense to them.
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So that's why even in his heartbreak, Tae in The Trainee didn't waste his meal reservation and invited Pah and Pie in Mee's place. He is practical. Money can't go to waste.
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And that's why he ignored his girlfriend because work was more important.
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We saw the same issue with Shin Da On in Light On Me as he gave everything to student council but put his love life on the back burner.
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They are always so concerned with working and being practical, that they are often difficult to love because there is no room for spontaneity or whimsy, and they just don't see the point in all the theatrics like Ter in Wandee Goodday.
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And because they are stubborn, they think what they do is right, no matter how wrong it might be like Phupha in The Promise!
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So they go really well with Blue Boys since they are just a more elite and self-sacrificing version of them like Achi and Karan in the Thai version of Cherry Magic.
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But we often see them paired with someone more playful and childish like a Purple Person like Kongkwan and Fon in Secret Crush on You.
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Or a Pink Person.
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Or even someone who is sky/sun-coded to counteract their earth-coding.
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They are loyal, smart, and hard-working, which is why they are good partners.
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But frustrating as hell because they abide by some ridiculous code based on self-imposed reasons that ONLY MAKES SENSE TO THEM!
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And it's just not the boys who do this. The Brown Beauties are exactly the same level of stubborn and hard-working, but we don't see them as often in QLs.
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But we see them in straight romances.
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And they are usually paired with a Black Brooder.
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(In any version)
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So it takes an extra effort to love them because they aren't great at first impressions and can come across as a stick-in-the-mud, but once won over, there is nobody who will work harder to maintain a relationship.
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The Sussexes demonstrate they are BIG LOSERS by u/EleFacCafele
The Sussexes demonstrate they are BIG LOSERS The THR article may have been planned (still I am a bit skeptical) but is massive failure with all clapback and the Streisand effect at work.As usual, Rachel failed to read the room. Nobody sees her nowadays as a victim of discrimination (the R card) but as a BIG LOSER in spite of all chances that were handed of a plate to her, as a spouse of a Royal, not on her own merit. Everything she announced with a big fanfare failed: the Pearl project, podcasts at Spotify and Lemonade, Meet me at the lake, the ARO, the Dior representation, to name a few coming into my mind. Everything she touched failed spectacularly.Ordinary people who try to survive through an economic crisis are not impressed by the crocodile tears of two over-privileged lazy grifters with an aristocratic title, who complain of discriminations, issues of mental health (when they have tons of money to get the cream de la creme of specialists), being sabotaged by the BRF, and so on. They are not seen as victims, but massive failures. A victim is an innocent person who was put in a horrific situation, not a conceited person who failed all endeavours because of malignant behaviour and lack of work ethic. No amount of PR can change this.What people love in bad times are heroic tales of people who have been through the worst and came out winning. Why we love Shawshank Redemption, the movie? Because Andy Dufresne was a victim who worked hard to get back his freedom, and won. There is nothing heroic in a alcoholic druggie who complains of mental health (what did he expect from his addictions?) and a fame whore who failed all the projects she announced? The Sussexes cannot show redemption stories, so they appear as BIG LOSERS. post link: https://ift.tt/mspUuZ8 author: EleFacCafele submitted: September 26, 2024 at 08:42AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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waltergoldpreppy · 22 hours
A Golden indoctrination for Anthony
After returning home, Anthony is seized by a new obsession: to stay within the rules. His casual clothes that he loved so much, those worn shorts and t-shirts, no longer seem appropriate to him. Instinctively, he can no longer allow himself to slack off. He checks his phone and sees that he has received a new message from *Waltergold*, accompanied, this time again, by a video. Without even thinking, he puts on his headphones and presses "play".
The golden background fills his screen. Unlike the first video, there is no flickering, just this golden glow, captivating, still. Anthony feels his thoughts calm down, his mind immersed in this perfect light. "It's beautiful", he thinks. "It's magnificent…"
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When he blinks again, he realizes that it is night. He looks at the clock: 6am. He’s all sore, his muscles aching, as if he’s had a hard workout. He glances around his apartment and notices that he’s packed up his things, changed his clothes during the night. Next to him, a summary of his order from a formal wear website is displayed on his computer: shirts, dress pants, ties, suit, dress shoes everything is there. He also has a confirmation of a registration at a local gym.
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Anthony gets up slowly, still groggy, and decides to make a healthy breakfast. He makes himself scrambled eggs, whole-wheat toast, and a protein smoothie. While eating, he checks his messages on Tumblr. *Waltergold* has texted him again.
“Package’s been sent, bro. It’ll be here soon.”
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He can’t suppress a shiver of excitement. For some reason, he can’t wait to receive this package. Everything in his life seems to be taking a new turn. He also decides to confirm his registration at the gym he found online. It is associated with the local soccer team, which seems to him to be a good sign.
Anthony wakes up early, feeling full of motivation. He packs his bag to go to the gym before going to work. He carefully chooses his clothes: a pair of sneakers, black technical fabric shorts, a short-sleeved shirt for training, and formal clothes for the office. He opts for a light blue cotton shirt, black fitted pants, brown leather dress shoes, a tie with subtle diagonal stripes, and does not forget his classic steel wristwatch. Everything has to be perfect.
Once his bag is ready, he heads to the gym. It is located not far from his home, modern and well-equipped. When he arrives, he goes to the reception, where he is greeted with a cordial smile. The walls are decorated with photos of local teams, trophies, and men in action on the field. One detail catches his eye: several of these men are wearing Gold jerseys, just like the ones he saw in the Team Gold stories.
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As he begins his session, Anthony listens to the new soundtrack sent by *Waltergold*. He has called it “Training.” The track starts with regular beats, reminiscent of a running rhythm, mixed with words he can barely make out.
“Discipline… Obedience… Conformity…”
These words resonate in his mind, almost in synchronicity with his movements. He runs on the mat, doing series of push-ups and squats, feeling more and more focused, as if the track is strengthening his determination.
As he walks around the room, he notices several men. Some are wearing that famous Gold jersey. They are tall, muscular, their bodies seem perfectly sculpted. Their tight jerseys show off every muscle in their torsos, and each jersey bears a name emblazoned in bright Gold numbers on the back. They train with methodical precision, their gazes focused, almost unwavering. Their movements are fluid, as if they are part of a well-rehearsed choreography, a discipline that impresses Anthony. He can’t help but watch them, fascinated.
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After two hours of intense effort, Anthony is exhausted but satisfied. His muscles burn, but it’s a feeling he’s learning to appreciate. He heads to the locker room, where he quickly undresses to wash himself.
Under the hot water of the shower, he thinks back to these men, their Gold jerseys, and their apparent devotion to a team, to a cause.
Once he’s done showering, he changes. His movements are almost mechanical, instinctive. He first puts on his underwear, then his fitted black pants. The soft material slides easily against his still damp skin. Next, he puts on his light blue shirt, carefully ironed, and adjusts it perfectly around his neck before buttoning each button with almost obsessive precision. He knots his tie carefully, checking several times that the knot is perfectly centered and that no creases disturb its perfection. Finally, he puts on his brown leather dress shoes, their impeccable shine briefly catching the light.
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Before leaving the locker room, he looks at himself in the mirror one last time, running a hand through his carefully gelled hair, making sure each strand is in its place, and checks his tie knot again. Everything is in order.
On the way to work, Anthony feels strangely calm, but also determined. Something in him has changed, and he’s not sure he can go back.
(End of part 4)
Part 3
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jichanxo · 3 months
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date outfit kitakata save me......... save me....
#kuwana jin#jin kuwana#lost judgment#judgment#jichanart#fic extras#fic:senseific#was itching to work on something related to kitakata on his date with yagami so. here#have actually drawn this outfit before but i don't like that art much anymore so. lol. new one!#the wrist cast is a new addition though cause i think it would be funny#it's not locked in yet BUT fingers crossed i can include it (something something plot)#anyhow other notes about this:#clean shaven bc it's kitakata as opposed to kuwana#jewellry bc you can tell he's really trying here#necklace to draw the eye to the chest#and earrings just cause i think he likes em. plus it's a fun extra detail for yagami to notice#kitakata doesn't get to wear em at his job so it's fun to have that little extra edge you know#i like to think his shirt would be fitted to better show off his arms and chest. he's been working hard on em after all#he can wear his canon boots cause they're practical. i also think he's wearing some cologne#if not for the cast he'd be wearing a decent looking watch too. again. kitakata is REALLY TRYING#and is generally a little more put together than kuwana is#anyway (chews my own arm) i can't write their date until i work more on the actual fucking PLOT#but i reaaaaaaally wanna make this happen so 💔#anyway. yagami shows up to their date wearing what he always wears. can we all make fun of him#because he thinks it's practical and he looks good (which is why he wears it all the time). kitakata is not impressed#ANYWAY#live laugh love senseific
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edenbrooks · 2 years
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for @ila-appreciationweek, day one:
the summer months 💛
everyone please clap for august it lives within
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svartalfhild · 1 month
Anybody else get any formal requests for collaboration from a supposed concept artist on their old FF.net account recently?
I just got one from someone named Gloria Jenkins, and a quick google tells me that there is a Gloria Jenkins who's been a storyboard artist for many children's cartoons starting in the 90's, and there's a Gloria Jenkins with an Artstation account, who may or may not be the same person, but the art in that account is much more consistent with the "concept artist and fan of high fantasy literature" the person from this message claims to be. (I also can't imagine a veteran children's cartoon artist wanting to collab with me, considering the kinds of stuff I write, unless they have a more diverse portfolio that it would seem lol.)
Anyway, I've been on the internet far too long to not be suspicious of something like this. This Gloria person is messaging from an empty account made a couple of days ago, and there's a few possible innocent explanations for that, but the scam possibility is also high.
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marsbotz · 2 years
Saw your tag saying FSM haters come fight you. Here I am! Frankly I'm not so much of a hater as I am just of the opinion "wow this guy sure Started All This Shit" but I'm absolutely willing to hear your view of the matter if you're willing to share! Love some Friendly Fandom Discourse (it's healthy tbh) come at me bro 👊 👊 👊
HI LOL.... my personal opinion is that the FSM gets a lot of hate for similar reasons to wu (which i also think are unjustified but that's a different post). like you said he gets a lot of the blame put on him for starting everything that's to come in the show, but i don't really feel like he intended to do any harm.
the FSM was born into a war. when he was still a very young child, he was forced to choose one side of himself, of his family, and destroy the other. and so he ran away. but this world he runs to is chaotic and dangerous. and so again, he is forced to fight for the right to live in peace along with the inhabitants of this world.
but even in this new world, he wasn't safe: the oni followed him, determined to bring him back to fight for them. and after them, the overlord. his whole life, especially when he was younger, he had been fighting, or running from forces that aimed to destroy him.
i believe the FSM was incredibly paranoid throughout his life, worrying that at any moment everything would be ripped away from him. this can be seen in how secretive he was, how much of his history is hidden away. the mech used to win the war against the overlord was sealed away where it could never be found. he granted elemental powers to select people to help keep him safe. even in his death, he hid away, in a place that even wu could not find.
this paranoia carries on through his sons. he taught them both to fight, to protect themselves, when they were also very young. one of the earliest moments we see of them is them fighting with swords! and though he loves them, they are not immune to his secrecy, or his fears. when they steal the scrolls and enter the serpentine territory, he never fully trusts them again. when garmadon gets bitten and starts to turn to evil, he's desperate to cure him. and i don't fully believe that the FSM intended to make garmadon feel broken or "wrong"... just that his fear has so consumed him at this point that he can't see the damage he's doing to his children.
it's also worth noting that despite garmadon's corruption, the FSM never truly hated him. he was left to protect the golden weapons alongside wu, he recieved the same protective enchanted gi, and was left the same clues to find him after his death. it's just that garmadon was unable to see this through the corruption (which is another post).
perhaps all he did was to protect his sons. that seems to be how wu sees it, at least. because wu repeats this same behaviour with the ninja, even if unintentionally. he brings these kids into a war because that happened to him, and his father before him. maybe he doesn't even realise it's wrong. he hides things from them not only because because he's ashamed of his past (again, another post lol), but because his father always hid things from him. it protects wu, but it also protects the ninja.
i don't believe the FSM was a flawless person. hes one of many grey characters in ninjago, and to boil down everything he did to "good" or "bad" is a disservice. maybe you see him as someone who only ever ran from problems instead of truly solving them, maybe you see him as a cruel and neglectful father. and maybe those are both true. but he's also someone who always tried to fight for peace, for himself and everyone in ninjago, and someone who truly loved his sons, despite the damage he did to them both.
so that's who i think the FSM was. an immortal, all powerful godlike being, yes, but also a scared child who just wanted to live peacefully, and would do anything to prevent another war. and maybe he is, in some way, indirectly responsible for every bad thing in the show, but i think this is more of an after-effect of the countless wars and conflict. he did the best he could, and considering all he went through, i think he did alright.
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piplupod · 5 months
my method of "getting better" has just been Do Everything Possible and latch onto whatever gives you any sense of purpose and/or joy. and i guess it's been working because i am definitely not in quite the same place that i was a few yrs ago
#like i have tried so many things#any opportunity for trying a thing that is supposed to be helpful is met with ''yeah sure why not''#counselors love me for it LMFAO#''its impressive that you're willing to try these things :)'' girl if i dont then I'll kill myself. it's not gonna hurt me to try#if it goes badly then i have a breakdown and maybe hurt myself but then i immediately move onto the next thing#and i can always draw shitty art. thats always there for me. i can rotate my OCs in my brain. i can watch a show or listen to a podcast#those are always available if nothing else works out#and maybe it helps that i have a deadline of ''if life is still intolerable by x time then you can kill urself'' dhfjdkl#operating by that makes me want to put in more effort bc theres a time limit#also doing all these things has given me a sense of identity outside of having irl ppl around me#i couldnt control that for a long time (very very very lucky to have joined the old lady group recently) so i had to make do#and it is hard and it is scary and it is very often nearly unbearably lonely. but when u throw urself headfirst into ur own stuff#then u don't focus so much on the Aloneness of it all. and also u get to post abt ur hobbies and stuff and make friends online that way#idk !!! it is a hard spot to pull urself out of but taking a single step at a time is incredibly helpful#trying things and doing things and keeping on trucking gets u thru it one way or another#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#suicide mention
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ocdhuacheng · 5 months
I have… lots of thoughts on milsiril and kabru and the commentary on mixed-race family/adoption, in particular white parents with children of color. I think it’s really cool kui incorporated this into the story because lots of (particularly white) people just think adoption is this pure altruistic thing and don’t think about the negative affects it has on kids (again, kids of color) to not have people of their own culture to grow up with.
#I’m white so I can’t pretend this is something I am able to fully understand#and I feel like it’s not my place to write an essay on it? I’m sure poc could do it a lot better than me#but someone who is close to me is a poc in a kind of kabru adjacent situation#and I don’t want to give details bc this is personal and (obviously) not just to me so I don’t really want to talk about it too much#my point is. kabru ans milsiril just hit me really hard#I really love that kui made their relationship a relatively good one for the most part but she doesn’t just pretend it’s perfect#because it’s like. even if your parents are the best they can possibly be.l#if they don’t understand your culture that’s still a huge loss isn’t it?#and milsirils parenting skills….. definitely need a lot of work even if she means well#and the description of her adoptions as a ‘hobby’ makes it seem rather flippant imo#(not sure if that was just a translation thing tho)#but my impression is that kabru does still think of her fondly and is grateful for her taking him in and teaching him things#at the same time he does voice his frustrations about the cultural disconnect between them and her being ‘overprotective’#but yeah#like that kind of thing needs to be talked about I’m grateful that she not just doesn’t shy away from it but puts it in your face like that#.txt#dungeon meshi#oh also clarification#when I say kui talks about this stuff I do mean as an allegory#bc while I don’t think it is at all a coincidence that kabru is dark skinned and milsiril is white (coded?)#their skin color doesn’t really come into account here#it’s really the disconnect between elves and tall-men#but look me in the eye and tell me that’s not what she was going for
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
same nervous anon from earlier anddd i graduated!! idk why i was scared i was totally fine lmaosl im the queen of overreacting. anyways im officially a graduate and i got SUMMA CUM LAUDE HELL YEAH
hello, baby!!!!! first of all, i just want to say...
graduating is no easy feat, seriously. i am so fucking proud of you, i was so excited to finally have enough time to answer this because i am so happy that my face hurts from SMILING SO BIG!!!! :DDD
you did the damn thing!!! like i know that at points it was really hard, but you powered through it and i am so excited for you to start this new chapter of your life and see what life has in store for you. <3
i am glad your culmination went smoothly because hooooly fuck, chaperoning the culmination from my school was HELL ON EARTH, hoooooly shit. parents are so entitled and so mean to me like yeah, okay maam, i'm sorry that you are sitting in the fourth row and you wanted to sit in the front row, SO DID EVERY OTHER FUCKING FAMILY HERE TOLD, like i don't care how much you donate to the school???? i didn't make the damn seating chart, yell at the WALL!
it was...oh my god. i still get flashbacks, bro.
and congratulations to all my friends in school or not, whatever you are doing, and however well or not well you think you are doing, know you are very loved and i am very, very proud of you.
sorry, i haven't been around...again, if you were dying during finals week, so am i because i am GIVING THOSE FINALS when teachers decide to rage quit and take their vacations early like??? thanks so much, legend! it's not like i...you know...have never ran your class before and i have to comfort nervous students WHO AREN'T MINE?
but yes, mwah mwah mWAH! i love you guys, i posted a very lame ask meme finally after 73093740934 years and i'm sorry, but because i am so busy i may go dark randomly and come back. the posting is slow goings and i am worried about how stressful working summer camp will be ( though, i am stoked for the structure ) but if you're on the struggle bus, its the hello kitty bus and i'm driving.
which unfortunately is not great news...
because i can't drive.
anyways! cheers! mazel! <3333
-uncle nina, grinning ear to ear
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snowflop · 8 months
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I want to be a hater about the cyl results so I'm making my own post so i can bitch in the tags about it. The tags will get long so the tldr is BOOOO everybody but Alfonse.
#man. MAN!!! after all the hexes and curses I tried to set upon her Bern sure did win huh.#like on the one hand i'm impressed on the other i hate her!! i hate her i hate her and I'm tired of pretending I don't!!#when i was playing 3h i could appreciate her good moments in between being insufferable and i liked her alright. she was fine#but like. we're 5 years out from 3h at this point and i'm just fucking sick of her. i don't understand her lasting popularity. i'm tired#Felix... should have been Sylvain.#i like him fine. he grew on me. but he certainly is not one of my enduring favourites from 3h. he fades into obscurity for me.#that said i don't hate him. i'm happy for his fans. you guys worked hard (clearly) deserved i just#i love 3h!! i do! but like. the accident was 5 years ago it's time to let her go.#and out of all the guys in 3h! if it had to be one of them! him? fr? whatever.#i've just never cared for f!robin. i feel nothing looking at her. less then nothing.#so i guess her winning isn't. bad per say. i guess it's a non issue.#that brings us back to MY MAN!!! ALFONSE!! lets goooooooooo#i'm so happy for him. always really liked Alfonse he's so <3<3#i know i don't post about him that much but#it's just that me and feh itself have a tumultuous relationship so i don't see him as much as i'd like >_>#he's the one i'm going to pick and i'm not going to bother rolling for the others#also the fact we have to wait til the 31st for the full results is agonizing#i wanna know if Rein survived. he didn't make ton 20 but i have to know how bad it is#if it's horrible the reason is obvious. he got an alt the week before cyl#can't imagine that'll put him at the top of anybodies list for needing at alt (except mine lol)#but still. at this point i'm just hoping for top 50 orz#snow blogging
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