#so itd be cool if hed been emperor for Years.
wolfythewitch · 2 years
Your technoblade art over the years has been like watching the gradual de-pigification of Technoblade. Not necessarily a bad thing, just an observation.
It actually is lmaooo
Though I never really set out to draw him with pig features, the closest I ever got was either the skull mask or the tusks (it's kinda funny that both were some sort of bone structure and both I kinda abandoned in the end)
I think at the start, I went for something dramatic? Like I wanted my design to stand out, so I gave him a skull mask and black eyes and white pupils, and then I sort of just realized Hey this is great and all but also really hard to consistently draw LOL.
It Was a good character feature I will admit, with it being a whole symbol thing he wore around people he was not willing to be vulnerable with. I still really like the skull design, I kind of just grew out of it. Then I wanted to change up his design a bit, especially when I got interested in more burly/big builds. I watch warcraft Once and decided fuck it I'm giving him a beard. But with the beard and tusks, the skull mask became too distracting. Additionally, I had the headcanon that his long hair (a symbol of his skill as well as peacetime) gets cut during his execution. So now he sports this half do that falls down to his shoulders.
Eventually I figured out that the tusks wouldn't work unless I reconfigured his facial structure, which I didn't really want to do cause I had a structure in mind already so I just removed them haha. His crown came off during the retirement, and so did the parts that made him this bigger than life figure. All that's left is a man who owns a turtle farm and reads stories to his chat. I like that he looks like he's settled down, but still has the potential to cause a lot of damage. So so far, I think the progression of my c!techno design is neat :D
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