#so its about timei wrote SOMETHING about it
wribbles · 1 year
Adopted brothers izuku & hitoshi - fell in love at young age -> become boyfriends (yes, incest)
Parents Erasermic are concerned but ultimately accepting, mostly just impressing on the boys that their relationship stays secret/hidden bc other ppl and society at large probably wouldnt take their relationship very well (what with it being "taboo" and people not reacting well to others being Different)
The boys do so, tho ofc they eventually get caught here and there (Midnight, nedzu, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, all over time)
Eventually the boys make a plan w todoroki where shouto will fake date izuku and be his beard to give the aizawa boys an alibi and cover. (Shouto is aroace and it was half his idea.) They all move in together when graduated & tododeku is known to the public while the shindeku is not (as desired)
Eventually (nearly 10 years after the b/g of the fake date ~16/17yo) shouto proposes marriage to izuku (bc it feels about time they do or ppl will start getting curious), and the idea of marrying sho when he cant marry hitoshi upsets izuku until he gets together w shouta-dad and they decide on having a small intimate shindeku wedding ceremony (no paperwork but yes vows) before the big public tododeku one.
(They will have wedding necklaces instead of rings - maybe chain & pearl/stone bead?)
Kaminari (who found out when hitoshi vented to him while very drunk lol) is toshi's best man and shouto is izuku's. Kaminari is fine w the incest thing bc 1) hes a cery chill guy 2) he loves his friends more than anything 3) they were always pretty close in school so he supposes it makes sense but 4) he hasnt fully processed the situation yet lol (he'll still be fine after but it hasnt entirely hit, hes just going w the flow)
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wordstome · 8 months
how c.ai works and why it's unethical
Okay, since the AI discourse is happening again, I want to make this very clear, because a few weeks ago I had to explain to a (well meaning) person in the community how AI works. I'm going to be addressing people who are maybe younger or aren't familiar with the latest type of "AI", not people who purposely devalue the work of creatives and/or are shills.
The name "Artificial Intelligence" is a bit misleading when it comes to things like AI chatbots. When you think of AI, you think of a robot, and you might think that by making a chatbot you're simply programming a robot to talk about something you want them to talk about, and it's similar to an rp partner. But with current technology, that's not how AI works. For a breakdown on how AI is programmed, CGP grey made a great video about this several years ago (he updated the title and thumbnail recently)
I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you watch this because CGP Grey is good at explaining, but the tl;dr for this post is this: bots are made with a metric shit-ton of data. In C.AI's case, the data is writing. Stolen writing, usually scraped fanfiction.
How do we know chatbots are stealing from fanfiction writers? It knows what omegaverse is [SOURCE] (it's a Wired article, put it in incognito mode if it won't let you read it), and when a Reddit user asked a chatbot to write a story about "Steve", it automatically wrote about characters named "Bucky" and "Tony" [SOURCE].
I also said this in the tags of a previous reblog, but when you're talking to C.AI bots, it's also taking your writing and using it in its algorithm: which seems fine until you realize 1. They're using your work uncredited 2. It's not staying private, they're using your work to make their service better, a service they're trying to make money off of.
"But Bucca," you might say. "Human writers work like that too. We read books and other fanfictions and that's how we come up with material for roleplay or fanfiction."
Well, what's the difference between plagiarism and original writing? The answer is that plagiarism is taking what someone else has made and simply editing it or mixing it up to look original. You didn't do any thinking yourself. C.AI doesn't "think" because it's not a brain, it takes all the fanfiction it was taught on, mixes it up with whatever topic you've given it, and generates a response like in old-timey mysteries where somebody cuts a bunch of letters out of magazines and pastes them together to write a letter.
(And might I remind you, people can't monetize their fanfiction the way C.AI is trying to monetize itself. Authors are very lax about fanfiction nowadays: we've come a long way since the Anne Rice days of terror. But this issue is cropping back up again with BookTok complaining that they can't pay someone else for bound copies of fanfiction. Don't do that either.)
Bottom line, here are the problems with using things like C.AI:
It is using material it doesn't have permission to use and doesn't credit anybody. Not only is it ethically wrong, but AI is already beginning to contend with copyright issues.
C.AI sucks at its job anyway. It's not good at basic story structure like building tension, and can't even remember things you've told it. I've also seen many instances of bots saying triggering or disgusting things that deeply upset the user. You don't get that with properly trigger tagged fanworks.
Your work and your time put into the app can be taken away from you at any moment and used to make money for someone else. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who use AI panic about accidentally deleting a bot that they spent hours conversing with. Your time and effort is so much more stable and well-preserved if you wrote a fanfiction or roleplayed with someone and saved the chatlogs. The company that owns and runs C.AI can not only use whatever you've written as they see fit, they can take your shit away on a whim, either on purpose or by accident due to the nature of the Internet.
DON'T USE C.AI, OR AT THE VERY BARE MINIMUM DO NOT DO THE AI'S WORK FOR IT BY STEALING OTHER PEOPLES' WORK TO PUT INTO IT. Writing fanfiction is a communal labor of love. We share it with each other for free for the love of the original work and ideas we share. Not only can AI not replicate this, but it shouldn't.
(also, this goes without saying, but this entire post also applies to ai art)
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diazsdimples · 3 months
Here’s my favourite picture of Eddie Diaz for motivation 💜
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I would do anything for Eddie Diaz, just you watch. LOOK AT HIM. Also I wrote 1.5k for this in one sitting, the beans are SO BACK!
Though he’ll never admit it, looking at Tommy is one of his favourite things to do.
If you asked an outsider, they would probably say that Buck’s the most attractive out of the three them, with his boyish good looks, bright blue eyes and bulging muscles beneath the obscenely tight shirts he wears. He’s got the cutest dimples in his cheeks that pop out whenever he’s got that mischievous smile on his face, and that alone regularly makes Eddie’s knees turn to jelly.
Tommy though. Tommy is handsome in an almost classical, old-timey Hollywood kind of way. Where Buck is softness and fuzzy around the edges, Tommy is all sharpness and angles. His cheekbones are so pronounced that Eddie often marvels that he doesn’t cut a finger when he caresses them. The cleft in his chin is a perfect shape, and Eddie’s thumb nestles in it like it was fit to size when he kisses Tommy senseless.
And now, looking at Tommy with the wind through his hair, a smile on his face, and a pale orange tank top that gives Eddie just the slightest hint of a nipple? Eddie wants to pull the car over and ride Tommy until he can feel him in the back of his throat.
He won’t do that though – they’ve just given the Chevelle a new leather interior and he’ll be damned if he’s going to ruin it already.
The drive to Point Dume is stunning. The sun glints off the ocean like light on a sapphire, blue and sparkling as the waves crash against the shore, and the high cliff faces on their right are large and imposing, making Eddie feel small.
The beach houses along the coast are large and luxurious – and will probably be non-existent in a few years if climate change has anything to say about it – and Eddie and Tommy entertain themselves by pointing out what style of architecture they’d look for if they ever retired to the seaside. Tommy likes the classical, almost ramshackle style of the older beach houses, whereas Eddie’s drawn to the sleek lines and metal beams of the more modern styles.
Not that it matters anyways, because on their firefighter’s salaries they’re lucky they can even afford to rent a place big enough for them and Chris, but it’s always fun to dream.
Tommy pulls over in Malibu and they each get an ice cream cone, leaning against the hood of the car while they eat.
Eddie’s not usually one for public displays of affection, usually seeing them as tacky, but he leans into Tommy’s side, humming as his boyfriend slings an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer.
“Everything okay?” Tommy asks as he presses a kiss to the crown of Eddie’s head.
“Yeah,” Eddie hums, tucking his head under Tommy’s chin. “Just like being here with you.”
“You’re so sappy today, what’s gotten into you?” Tommy laughs.
It’s because I love you. I love you and I’m here with you and it’s perfect.
The words stick in Eddie’s throat, unable to come out. He’s been thinking them for a while now, but no matter how hard he tries, the moment never feels right to say them to Tommy. With Buck, they fell out of him as easy as could be. Like it was second nature, something he’d kept inside him for years and was finally able to say them aloud. But for some reason, Eddie feels like the first time he says it to Tommy needs to be on some grand occasion, with fireworks in the background and Buck watching as his boyfriends declare their love for one another.
Maybe, after today, they’ll finally break free from Eddie’s mouth.
Instead, Eddie pokes Tommy in the side. “Am I not allowed to show affection for you once in a while?”
“Of course you are,” Tommy replies, expertly dodging the nip Eddie aimed at Tommy’s neck. So, he’s got a bit of an oral fixation? Sue him. “I’m not complaining.”
Eddie stretches up to kiss Tommy’s cheek, before darting forward and taking a chunk out of Tommy’s ice cream. He wrinkles his nose in distaste as the bitterly cold flavour of mint explodes in his mouth and lets out an exaggerated gag.
“You’re an idiot,” Tommy laughs as Eddie takes a few hurried licks of his own ice cream, keen to replace the mint with something much more agreeable. “What did you do that for?”
“I forgot you like to eat frozen toothpaste,” Eddie grumbles in response. He lets out a quiet moan of appreciation as the softer, warmer flavour of rum and raisin coats his tongue.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you don’t appreciate the finer things in life.”
“I appreciate you and Buck, don’t I? I’d say that’s pretty good taste.”
Tommy snorts, reeling Eddie in for a breathtaking kiss. He’s minty and cold, his tongue sweeping across Eddie’s lips, making them tingle in its wake. A groan rumbles low in Eddie’s chest as Tommy kisses him, his hand firm against Eddie’s back.
“Touché, Mr. Diaz,” Tommy murmurs as he pulls away. “Sassy little shit that you are.”
Eddie grins and blows Tommy a kiss. He finishes the last of his ice cream in a few hasty bites, before flopping back into the passenger seat of the Chevelle.
“Come on, if we don’t send Buck a photo of the cove in the next few minutes, he’s going to think we’ve crashed and go frantic.”
Tommy snorts, knowing Eddie’s not far from the truth, and climbs back into the driver’s seat. There’s a soft look on his face as he gives Eddie a quick kiss before throwing the car into gear, and it makes Eddie feel as though he’s been filled with hot air.
The drive through the exorbitant neighbourhood that is Point Dume is probably one of Eddie’s favourites that he’s done with Tommy.
They probably look like a couple of weirdos as they cruise slowly past the lavish mansions, making pointed comments about the designs and the landscaping. Tommy even boldly announces at one point that if it were up to him, decorative cacti would be illegal. Eddie giggles as Tommy tells him about the times he was drunk as a teenager and had repeatedly fallen into the cactus outside his grandparents’ home. It had taken three separate occasions of his grandmother picking prickles out of his asscheeks before they’d taken Tommy aside and asked him to cut back on his drinking – or to at least watch where he was going if he was going to sneak back in.
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pt III doctor who but I've still never watched it
Hello yes Good Omens mascot here, I am making a DW summary because I'm trying unsuccessfully to distract myself from doubling over in pain after the Good Omens season 2 ending. Here you go:
First off, let me just say a very hearty thank you to the entire DW fandom for educating me during part I and part II as well as my Pinterest research. You have successfully managed to teach me nothing about Doctor Who, but every single last detail of David Tennant's life and family. Please seek help.
Timey wimey.
*checks notes* So David Tennant wrote fanfiction of DW in school and got into trouble, and he married the daughter of a previous Doctor from the classic DW whom he met on set, and he saw an episode of DW as a three year old and it inspired him to become a doctor. There's a joke that David didn't want to return as the 14th doctor but did it just to avoid Michael Sheen getting the role because as we all know the BBC has 12 actors and half are David and Michael who are incidentally glued together. David Tennant adopted his wife's kid and so now they have a total of five kids together. This morning for breakfast David ate a sandwich with one less slice of cheese which is a clue for GO season 3-
The police are rhinos, kind of like Zootopia. They kill people.
The TARDIS is the Doctor's best friend. She came up with a name and didn't tell the Doctor. So they call her Sexy.
Timey wimey.
Michael Sheen is a sentient planet.
Someone named Harry is present in the classic DW. At one point someone else says 'something something Harry' idk and Harry says 'Me?' and the other says 'there's only two of us here and your name is Harry'.
There is a slutty head and it was supposed to be dead but it procrastinated that to see David Tennant.
Timey wimey.
There is a sonic screwdriver, and it is used for very many things, but for a good ten minutes trying to research it I thought it was Sonic the Hedgehog merch. Incidentally, I don't know what that is, either.
The slutty head is pregnant a lot. It sits in a jar.
There is a minefield and then someone is standing on a landmine instead of following the other person. One of them is the Doctor.
The TARDIS expands because it is tired of holding its tummy in.
It's bigger on the inside.
Timey wimey.
The Doctor periodically kidnaps people to accompany them.
Everything is queer.
Timey wimey.
Time Lords are a thing. I don't know if the Doctor is a Time Lord.
Wilf meets a David Doctor and everyone cries.
There are Baby Yoda goblins and an alien named Meep and actually a lot of aliens are there.
There is a literal arsehole with the ability of speech.
Timey wimey.
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wrote some notes on questions I had while reading! You’ve mentioned Juleka gouging marks into a table with her “claws” does she actually have retractable claws of some sort or are her nails naturally more robust and sharper after becoming Panthera? 
does Juleka have cats eyes at times? You speak of Pantheras eyes thinning as a cats would in bright light or when scared but you’ve also said it was Juleka who’s eyes thinned… 
I suppose this leads onto me (likely again, sorry!) asking about the miraculous side effects on the animal side of things opposed to the magical power stuff 
Though, just to quickly bring up Alix on the magical power side of things, obviously Fluffs power is time travel, is Alix already affected by the miraculous even though she hasn’t used it yet because of time is wobbly or do you just throw in her saying “I’m good with time stuff” - or something along those lines - for fun? 
Augh the nightmare akuma one was so fire, but I kind of forgot that Juleka almost told her she was Panthera… I still absolutely need to see the reveal between them fr 
I fucking love the dichotomy of Juleka not wanting to hurt people but help but the only way for her to help them when they are akumatised is to beat the shit out of them. It’s. Like I genuinely think a real person would worry about that shit and I’m obsessed with it
I realise I have been sending you many an ask… the notes / reactions on the newest chapters are in progress as I’ve finally caught up but I’ll calm down on the raving about PN if it’s irritating! 
PLS KEEP SENDING ME ASKS LIKE THESE ARE MY LIFE AND SOUL and what keep me wanting to write!!! i adore seeing you in my inbox!
now, lemme answer your questions!
Unfortunately, She doesn't have retractable claws! Juleka's mind sorts to a 'Panthera' view/instinct where her narration is sorta twisted into thinking she's more catlike or beastlike than she really is. Which is why her narration says claws instead of nails. They have gotten longer and sharper though.
In fact, a lot of these sorta things when Juleka's narration describes her own body very inhuman is solely her slightly fucked POV. Like- The same sorta goes for Juleka's eyes. They aren't slits as Juleka- But do imagine her pupils are shrinking and dilating like a cat, regardless.
So like, not all of it is genuinely magic affecting her body, but it's not entirely null and void there too.
Alix is very timey wimey as a person even without using the rabbit. It's because of three things;
she time traveled before as timebreaker so even though she wasn't conscious as timebreaker that sorta experience still sticks to her instincts,
she carries the rabbit watch everywhere so the sorta magic cooties are stuck on her even without opening it,
and three- she's just built like that.
(secret four: those lines are also for fun)
AUGHHH the sandboy chapter was lots of fun, juleka really wanted to tell rose in that moment! but it was already a lot that night. she still thinks about it though. a lot. and rose is very curious about what juleka was gonna say.
juleka's confliction between her desires and the way she's forced to act is a very important part of the story to me. i hope i nail it well. it's hard to write a character doing things they don't want to do and having them commit to it anyhow with lasting consequences, but its also fun to write their guilt and concerns over it as they have to continue every day.
thanks for the ask!!!
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missparker · 1 year
is it too late for the fic writer ask meme?
16 29 65 76 The Devil's Right There in the Details
It's never too late!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
I want to say like, so many, but the answer is honestly none. Between my job and my publishing schedule and actually finishing my last fic which was really long and took over two years to write, my brain can be found currently dribbling out of my ears.
Sometimes I think about my favorite characters, think that I’d like to write something for Janeway/Paris, or and old timey Buffy fic, or I wonder what Sam and Jack are doing right now, but I really don’t have anything cookin’ at the moment.
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
For fanfic, I read it one million times. I feel like when I was younger, I wrote a lot faster but now, I usually have to reread things a lot just to remember where I was, what has already happened, and to get back into the vibe of the story. And then when I think I’m done, sometimes I’ll read it out loud, because you can really catch things that way. I know the correct answer is probably to have it beta’ed but I’m at the point in my fic writing journey where I just don’t care that much and am fairly capable of doing what I want on my own to a level I’m comfortable with.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
My next book will come out January 17th and I am excited to share more about that soon. 
If I get in a fanfic mood again, I’d like to write something short and silly. (famous last words.) 
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of The Devil's Right There in the Details? 
Because it followed the episodes so closely, (though it had started to veer off into its own territory quite a bit) I think I could have just kept going into season seven. I’m a little sad I didn’t get to the Christmas episode (“my captain raydor”), but it just didn’t work out that way. It would have been nice to revisit Charlie and Sharon’s kids, maybe Rusty could have shown up eventually but like, I wanted to stop before I was writing it just to write it, you know?
Get to know your fic writer | ask me anything
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inkofamethyst · 7 months
March 13, 2024
Happy covid-iversary, yay. "Two weeks to stop the spread," is a saying that will haunt me my entire life, I think.
I didn't actually journal on March 13 which is a shame in hindsight, but I remember not doing much. I lounged around my house because classes were cancelled, I picked my sister up from school, and we went to get ice cream. A lot of other people from my/her high school had the same idea, so the line was long, and I was too awkward to say hi to the people I kinda knew (but I always thought they were cooler than me (I genuinely think most people are cooler than me... which might be a problem in some respects, but I'll deal with that later.)).
Anyway I coded for 5 hours straight and got a working encounter system, a working character creator, and a working opponent set generator. There's still a lot to move from my note to the script, but, the game works, and everything I've written runs as intended. Is it fun? Well, right now, it's all the same. Name yourself, fight one-fight two-fight three (each only requiring one or two inputs), game ends. It was exciting the first couple of times, but now I want to add more for more variety, of course.
[edit: wrote the above a couple days ago and after a break it has returned to being kind of fun. I've also learned that instantaneousness kills all tension, so I wrote a few basic functions to delay and separate lines in various ways. Anyway I'm going to hold off on doing much more transcribing/coding from my pseudocode, since I don't want to get too far ahead of the final project timeline, and I don't even really know what the expectations are, so I could be way outside of bounds here and I just wouldn't know.]
[edit 2, next day: New plan. Going to write more detailed pseudo/update poorly-detailed pseudo, do some story planning for the secret ending that I don't intend to get to but hey yaneverknow, and try to balance mechanics/come up with items/do a bunch of the little things that sap a surprising amount of creativity.]
I also binged She-Hulk, and I loved it?! I thought it was going to be awful and cringey the way people online (dudes?) talked about it, but it was genuine, and meta, and actually had me laughing at times. I mean, that last episode? Come on!!! Sure, some of the vfx were just alright, but it's a show, and after six-odd years of AOS, I'm used to it. I'm glad they leaned into the unseriousness. Also,,,, Matt Murdock is such a hottie. The quips, the law banter, the violence, ahhhh. My dnd-friend strongly endorses Daredevil, but I've held off because I was afraid of the violence, honestly. But I'm a big girl, and I'm very good at closing my eyes.
Today I'm thankful for a successful antiquing run!!!! Early last semester I heard about this antique market, and I finally put in the effort to get there today, and it was amazing!!! I was looking for shared housewares (found the specific item I was looking for!) and unique vintagey jewelry. Didn't quite manage to find anything truly vintage, but I got a darling piece of simple costume jewelry and the most fantastic mug that's shaped like a head of lettuce (this description does not do its beauty justice). The necklace will be perfect for when I finally make my way to the opera, and the mug is like something a fairy would drink from. I stayed within my budget which means I have just a little bit left in my allowance to thrift for clothes, maybe on Friday or Saturday (since I'll be in lab all day tomorrow).
By the way, the antique store was amazing. It has at least five floors (I got tired after three and a half) and is filled to the brim with some of the most eclectic stuff you could ever find, with old-timey radios playing music from various eras throughout. Magical. I could waste a lot of money there.
Oh wait, before I go, yesterday was such a busy day that I didn't even journal but I:
Met up with a lab/classmate and their partner for a lunch and a stroll in the city which was fantastic. My original plan was to go see Dune and also to pick up some (red, short, block) heels I'd ordered, but I didn't end up liking the heels on me very much, and I was enjoying the pair's company too much to cut the time short with a three-hour movie.
Went to a paint night through a diversity org I'm in which was also fantastic. I painted a cute little mushroom scene! I don’t really consider myself a visual artist and I’m not a huge fan of acrylic but it was very relaxing so I’d love to try watercolor sometime. Also like,, because this isn’t my "preferred medium" it was SO nice to not be stressed about perfection and just go for it.
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Not an ask, precisely, just a follow-up....
Hello, I'm not sure if you recall this but a couple days ago I made the post comparing different branches of Judaism to different sorts of restoration and whatnot and I just wanted to send you an apology cause I deleted the post and so you probably can't read the note I send you there. So.
I'm sorry about using that analogy for Orthodox Judaism. Reading it with your comment in mind I saw how that could be hurtful and damaging in general, bringing to mind more of a backwards, Neo-Luddite community rather than one who has put in so much effort and study to find a way to live a halachically Jewish life in the modern world. I should have read what I wrote more carefully before posting and spreading ideas that at best would paint a wrong picture and just generally misinform the public.
And as for the idea that orthodox judaism doesn't work in the modern world... well I meant to write something closer to that orthodox judaism is more split from the 21st century, "western" life (everything from the way people spend their time to their values to the way they dress or what they read) compared to reform, which seems to have fewer conflicts (as in situations where reform jews would take a different course of action) with that culture (ex. in regards to following the laws of kashrut).
Regardless of what was meant, what's done is done and we can only hope that very few people got past the first sentence of that post. I'm not sure what else to do about it.
Thank you for sending this.  I appreciate that you took my feedback in stride.
I'm just going to give a little context for other readers since I can't link to the original post now that you've deleted it. The post under discussion defined the differences between the Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform movements as being analogous respectively to preservation (keeping as it originally was even though it would not function in the modern world in that state), conservation (which I don't remember exactly how you defined it but not super relevant here), and sorry I forget what, but doesn't really matter for this ask. I took issue with OP's characterization of Orthodoxy as a) stuck in the past and b) non-functional in modern society.
So with that context in mind, I do just want to ask you to continue interrogating your conception of Orthodoxy a bit more. Because you still seem to be under the impression that Orthodoxy doesn't really fit in 2023, and it's only through great effort and twisting ourselves in knots that Orthodox Jews have managed to shove this old-timey way of life into the 21st century. And that's just not true. Halacha is completely applicable to modern life. It wasn't designed for one place and one era; it's not a Model T that we've carefully kept running without changing it much and somehow manage to drive on modern highways (albeit only at its top speed of 40-45mph) even though it wasn't created for that. Halacha consists of underlying concepts that can be and are readily applied to modern situations. 
When we consult a work of Jewish law that was written centuries ago, it's relevant not because we are forcing 11th or 16th century circumstances to make sense within the 21st century world by hook or by crook, but because the concepts that were being applied to 11th or 16th century life can just as easily be applied to 21st century life. The laws of physics were once applied to simple animal-drawn wagons and are now applied to rocket ships, but they’re still the same laws. Halacha was applied when Jews were using oil lamps, and it’s applied now when we use electric lights; when we cooked in clay ovens and now with modern induction stovetops. The technology changes, the context changes, but the principles are still the same and can be applied no matter what.
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yerbamansa · 2 years
Got tagged by @epersonae! Thanks! So I will tag other writer mutuals if you wanna have a go and/or didn't already get tagged (i keep losing track of tumblr scroll tbh): @thetragicallynerdy @alfalfairy @whose-modern-au-is-this @dragonmuse @sassygwaine @keriocabinet
Do you write in order? Generally, yes. Every once in awhile I'll have a scene or a little piece of something that gets written as it comes to mind, but it's often outline->write. The outlining/brainstorming process (as much as it is a process) is where the order happens.
This is notably not the case with Ask Me Anything, though, which is a collab and timey-wimey to boot, so lots of stuff needed to get figured out of order. We still haven't finished writing the chapter we're in the middle of posting, but the next one is finished and the rest are kinda 50/50 or 60/40.
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try? Gonna say a good 85-95%?? Depends on the story and whether I'm getting other eyes on it before posting. Most of Revenge Ranch got written and posted with a cursory read-through for glaring errors. Kitchen Mistakes & How To Avoid Them, though, tends to have its word count/phrasing fluctuate like 10-15% every chapter thanks to a delightfully nitpicky beta reader.
How many drafts do you go through? I don't really draft, per se? I spit it out, I review it, I get feedback (sometimes), I make changes, annnnd I'm done. Well, I guess that's technically drafting phases, but it tends to be less thorough than what I'm picturing.
Tell me about your process. I get an idea. It takes hold of my entire goddamn brain. I am compelled to start writing it down in some loose structure, usually bulleted lists, just to get it out of my brain. Sometimes the idea keeps growing, almost self-propelled (All That I Need Is You And The Sea). Sometimes it incubates a bit before it comes together, and needs to keep being formed and re-formed as it goes (Kitchen Mistakes), but the idea is still kind of in charge, if that makes sense.
Other times, I really need to work at it, like, I know I want to do something with X character, but I need to do some background research, think about what my goals are for the thing, make notes on the POV character, etc. I put a lot of time into breaking down Revenge Ranch Roach for his POV story last fall, and that was kind of like pulling teeth, though I'm happy with the result. I think this version of the process might end up with more of "me" in it. Maybe because I have to work at connecting to it.
While I'm actually writing, I typically try to keep some VERY simple/high-level notes handy--like the key plot points/character notes to hit--but abandon the rest. Exception: if the background research includes some specific entity (object, video, song, etc.) I need to describe/reference in the story itself. Even if I don't feel like I'm in a 'flow' state or whatever, often I'll just sit there and try to start pecking out some dialog or description of wherever I'm at, and it starts to move along, or doesn't.
Sometimes I have to flit through a lot of background noise to find the right vibe for my brain at a given moment. The nicest, though, is finding one of those "8hr ambient aesthetic vibes" videos on YouTube that is kinda close to the setting I'm writing. There's a road trip Revenge Ranch story that I wrote while watching someone's dashcam video of a drive through New Mexico. I watched a TON of thunderstorm videos for a couple other entries. A chapter of Kitchen Mistakes that took place in Stede's study was helped along by one of those "evening fireplace and rain sounds" ambient videos. Fuckin' love those videos. It hits a sweet spot of noise (without lyrics or too much rhythm) and background imagery like watching TV, but without all the distraction.
In terms of technical settings: I like writing in LibreOffice when I can, but if I'm collaborating at all, it has to be GDocs. And I am a heavy user of headings/outlines in that case. I have a half-assed AO3 post template in LibreOffice with places for notes etc. to copy and paste in order. I've been known to make a spreadsheet when shit gets very complicated. My brain loves little boxes. I don't write on my phone except maybe some notes to self in Signal for ideas that come up when I'm not at my laptop. Love a physical keyboard and multiple windows, mmm, room to spread out and see lots of shit at once.
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myriadism · 2 years
Why the Docter and the Master from doctor who are enemies, a comically long list:
They just don't like eachother and the Master is evil ok things don't have to have a secret mythic reason all the time
They used to be best friends or lovers in their first regeneration but when the Master regenerated before the Docter did there was a falling out.
They got married and then divorced and that's why old man Dr Who the 1st decided to leave his planet all those years ago :'(
Or maybe they didn't decide to get divorced at all! and instead the Master or the Doctor left without saying anything making it impossible to legally serve divorce papers forcing the other to leave Gallifrey simply to tie up some legal loose ends :0
The Docter calls himself a doctor because he was able to complete a PhD in Gallifreyian college and the Master was only ever able to complete a Masters degree due to limitations in the Masters temperment, intelligence, or field of study. Thousands of years later and the Master is still resentful, awkward, and bitter about it.
The Doctor and the Master are actually siblings who were the type of kids that got forcibly separated because they were disruptive and misbehaving in class. Even if they did love eachother in the beginning after so many years and battles and disapproval now it's just an uncomfortable fact and/or family secret
One time the Docter and the Master had a really bad argument. No, I don't know what it was about, use your own imagination
One or the other or both or some other unnamed time traveler interfered with the personal history of their relationship. To the time traveling society of a people called "Time Lords" its possible there is no greater crime. Even if it's done on accident or with good intentions this would be like an assault upon a person's mind body and timeline.
All the things that happened on the TV show between the Master and the Docter is reason enough to hate eachother forever
The Time War was a thing that happened too! Give these alien survivors/refugees a break!
Gallifreyian society and culture is just so uptight and logical that the only expressions of deep abiding love, hate, and other feelings might be taboo or unrelatable and the Docter and Master are weird impolite cultural renegades with different manners
It was never shown on-screen but every time the Master does something awful its in response to a letter the Doctor wrote and put in the mail but time travel mail is so awful and unreliable sometimes the letters get delivered before the Master even does anything
The Doctor's TARDIS had been set aside for to be the Masters but then she gained sentience and absconded with Docter who in the middle of the night.
Maybe one day now that the planet of Gallifrey has been rescued from destruction and its people restored the Docter and Master can go to couples therapy to sort out their issues. Of course it probably won't happen because that would require the both of them separately agreeing to see a counselor and get therapy at all
There's been a shocking case of mistaken identity and the character we know as the Master in new Doctor Who is a different individual from the Gallifreyian who was the Master on the older Doctor who show. What, is it impossible that there could be two time traveling villians that decided to refer to themselves as "Master"?
What if there was a timey-wimy accident and the Master of new Doctor Who is literally younger and than the Doctor is and experiencing their relationship with the Doctor sort of in reverse. Like similar to how River Song was introduced to the show and had her story progress, the Master of new Doctor Who is destined to one day after several regenerations become the Master that was on the original aring series of Doctor Who.
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themirokai · 2 years
Thanks so much for the tag @icatee ! Starting a new post so the other doesn’t get horrendously long.
Favourite Colour: I’m not sure I have one really. Maybe a very saturated blue?
Favourite Song: This varies widely for me. I’ve had Lovecats by The Cure stuck in my head a lot lately and I love that song, so we’ll go with that.
Favourite Book: Also a somewhat impossible question so we’ll go with the books I’ve reread the most. Those are American Gods by Neil Gaiman, the Ancillary Justice series by Anne Leckie, and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
The Last Sentence You Wrote: Assuming this is about fic and you don’t want the actual last sentence I wrote which was from a contract about a submerged gravel wetland. But I am still going to cheat a bit because the first sentence of the last paragraph I wrote is more intriguing.
There was a door in Hob Gadling’s dreams.
(I’m poking at Dreamling again. Not sure it’s going to go anywhere. Just vibes at this point.)
Something Odd In Your House: Many years before I met him, my father-in-law built this piece of furniture by hand. We call it a hutch but it’s got cabinets on the bottom and shelves on top. My husband has been toting this thing around everywhere he’s lived for many years. It’s functionally useful but it didn’t at all fit the aesthetic of our current house: all of our stuff is pretty modern looking and the hutch is quite old timey in its design. In order to make it work in our living room we (with my father-in-law’s blessing) decided to paint it. And that is why I have a large piece of furniture that is painted a vibrant aquamarine. I used to really dislike the hutch and now I adore it.
A Tattoo You Want To Get: When I was a teenager I lifeguarded at a retirement community pool. The tattoos you get in your 20s and 30s look really different when you’re 70. It turned me off from tattoos.
A Place You Want To Travel To: There are So Many places I’d like to go! New Zealand and Iceland come immediately to mind.
Last Time You Were Hugged: Last night. Goodnight hug for the kiddo when putting her to bed.
ZERO pressure tags for @gloriesunsung @oodlyenough @none-ofthisnonsense and @once-in-a-blue-moon-rising plus anyone else who wants to share! Tag me, please I’d love to read your answers.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
...Nat I am so sorry for what I am about to unleash on you, but I read your groyne post and this thought has been unable to leave me so here we are. I hope you find it half as funny as I do (but I am running on like 4 hours of sleep so everything at this point is kinda on some level hilarious, so I'm legit sorry if it misses the mark).
(also this is definitely not 13th century style, but I aimed for old timey)
"Groyne on Fire": a short story by Anonymouse, 2023
"My lady, I must confess, that since the other night, I have been unable to stop thinking of you," he drawled from his place at the window. The moonlight lit up his face: hard, chiseled like gravel.
From across the room, she subtly wiped the drool from her face. In the motion, her boobs jiggled (boobily) like year old jelly in an earthquake.
Dashingly, he sprinted across the room, like a horse with diarrhea. In one swift motion, he had her gathered in his arms, as prickly and splinter-inducing as badly cut firewood. Her heart leapt at the motion, like doves lightened of the burden of a fat dump. Her breasts, as large as toddlers, naturally precariously wobbled, like bread dough left to rise too long, on the brink of collapse.
From here his scent, like a wood-fire burned three months ago under a full moon mixed with rat poison, overwhelmed her. This, she thought, was the true scent of a man.
He pulled her closer, and suddenly she could feel his 13-pack through his scantily clad shirt, like an unexpected Lego found between the sheets when you're trying to sleep. The burning embers in her groyne did light up into true flames, thinking of the way that, not even two days ago, those abs had flexed, like an inflatable wacky tube man, as he thrusted into her with all the passion of a snake in its death throes.
"Oh," she said, fainting into his arms, her breasts rising to the occasion and fluttering like curtains in the wind, "my good sire, you should not tempt me thusly: my groyne does burn for you, like your entire estate burned down not two hours before now. I know not what to do with these feelings, I have hardly ever felt them, except perhaps as I threw open a window 4 years prior."
At this, his body shuddered with a sigh, like a poorly-built bunkbed on the brink of collapse. He kissed her then, and it felt like a door slamming shut in hurricane winds.
Eventually, they had to part, but he still held her close, mouthed sensually at her neck, the way one mouths at cake when one finds themselves without a fork. He whispered reverently: "I feel the same burnyng in myne groyne... I feel it as strongly as you... the Doctor told me that it might be the gonorrhea."
She shuddered from head to toe like a frog in a hurricane, and attempted to catch her breath, her breasts writhing like the snakes that once adorned Medusa's head.
The Ende
(I cannot believe this is my first writing piece in literal years, but here it is. I hope it made you at least chuckle, I laughed till I cried. If this is just weird and not at all funny, feel free to ignore this. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of your day Nat!
my breasts, too, feel the size of toddlers—
sffdghn thank u anon i am honoured that you have wrote something based on my little post! I spent the entire time expecting you to reveal it was diluc or someone at the end so expectations averted i guess!!!!
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septembersghost · 2 years
Saw this cover today & thought it would fit in that retro Elvis Barbie concert…lol… that kinda would be cool actually (twitter.)com/NHDNMedia/status/1624094372898779164 (movin925.)com/until-i-found-you-stephen-sanchez-explains-why-his-hit-feels-like-its-from-another-time/
"retro Elvis Barbie concert" is now a phrase that has been added to my bloglore repertoire, i'm obsessed i love it sm
the thrill i got opening this and it being a video of NIALL! it's so much fun when i haven't checked twitter yet and get the updates this way instead 😄 niall 100% needs to be on the retro EP concert performers list, and the thing is,most people would probably tag him to play a ballad (like this, which is very pretty!), but given how great niall is at absolute banger songs, he could do one of the rock and roll numbers so well. (or both. both is good). *puffs imaginary cigar* get me hollywood on line 2, get me producers at nbc, we need to make this show happen.
i've heard clips of this song, i want to say in a commercial?, but hadn't heard it by itself or anything about the artist, i can't believe he's only 19!
“Those African-American groups like The Platters and The Ink Spots...I mean, they gave so much soul and heart into their music…the way that they sang about love was just so incredible.”
“That was something that I always gravitated towards because it was such a deep understanding and such a passion behind their words,” Stephen says of those groups, both of whom are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
He explains, “Whether they wrote the song or not, they made it seem like they were living these incredibly simple, yet somehow timeless and profound moments that we’ve all experienced universally or have yet to.”
In fact, Stephen says the music those groups recorded didn’t just impact his songwriting: It changed his entire personality.
“It’s made me a more emotional person; it’s made me a more romantic person,” he notes. “And I think that I would be less of that person without that music and less of a romantic songwriter without that music.”
And Stephen’s glad that despite its old-timey sound, his song is popular with people his own age.
“It’s really cool to see this generation, like, really connect to that song that feels like it’s from another time, he says, adding, “It’s really, really special.” 
everything about this is lovely. the part about it making him a more romantic writer! yessss. steep yourself in vintage romanticism <333
something that is interesting to me is that idea of everything old being new again - for teenagers right now, those "old timey," as he called them, songs and sonic influences are so removed from most of the music they're accustomed to that i can easily imagine the sound of that music captivating them, because it is different, and if you've never heard something, it's fresh to you, even if it's decades old. someone will always be experiencing that for the first time, and discovering it anew keeps it alive.
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sycamorality · 2 months
fitmc asks me if i want to see a really cool 2b2t base and i say yea, and then he says "well it will be desrtoyed in 45 minutes so we have to hurry". i tell him i dont have an elytra so we have to walk. so we walk through chunks outlined by real-looking trees, and then i think "so thats what that one dream was about".*
at one point i think of tying a lead to a boat but its 1.12 so that doesnt work**, and then we get to the base and he spends a bit at a computer until walking out and im staring in awe because of how pretty and detailed it is. and the sunset makes it even prettier, with the pastel pinks and oranges. i want higher render distance, so i open the roblox settings menu and it turn it up, wondering why it was set on automatic despite me setting it to manual and setting it back to manual.
and then the base starts getting destroyed and i see one of those cat machinery (you know, those yellow and black ones) with the name razor on it and i yell i know that razor but it doesnt matter, so a bit later the razor guy drives towards me trying to kill me but i survive and his machine breaks.
someone tells us that their machines are made out of different materials ("theyre all made out of different materials!") and then it suddenly turns into old timey mansion ish apartment looking area where i bother someone with the powers i suddenly have.
then we walk to a hallway kitchen area like the one we have in this house, and then we gather a ton of candy and figures (warrior cats*** and such) to save them for the future (as in, the literal future) because our house is getting destroyed, we put them in a small candy(?) bag. then i try to find a big plastic bag but that doesnt work so we find something else to stuff it in and i remember the guy who gave me smething (his phone?) and i see him but cant get to him (hes kinda short, looks like gru but without the nose and head shape and scarf) and then we take candy too and put it in my mom's backpack and then i come back to the future i think and it ends there.
*this is relating to another dream i had before this one. don't know if i have it written down, but it basically started as me and some friends playing a creature survival game, and me flying out of bounds, and then it kind of abrubtly transitioned to this really big field that had squares outlined by trees, and each square was different grass etc **dont ask me where that came from. i have no idea what this was about. ***misspelled this as "warrior cars" when i originally wrote this down. thought it was funny
dated 18th of november, 2022
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hell-ama-official · 4 months
I am starving for more Hellish dialect facts. Feed me. Give me facts. I subsist on linguistic tables. Do ypu use UK or US spellings for words? What do you call bisquits? Is it soda or pop or something else entirely? Is it a sidewalk or a walkway? Do you have traffic lights or stoplights or traffic signals?
I wouldn't know much about linguistic tables or the differences between American and British spelling, but I'll do my best to make a small write-up that should answer your question.
Biscuit - soft dry dough you use for a cake, and a cake made with such dough. Also includes rustlebread cakes, for some reason. Rustlebread is actually more similar to gingerbread, but instead of using ginger to flavor it, you use dried and ground rustleroot bark- conflicting with its name, it isn't actually a root vegetable, but rather a small shrub. The name comes from its peculiar appearance which has been compared to "roots growing upside down" and the particular cracking sound it makes when the bog turns arid and barren during winter. I've never seen it spelled as "bisquit", but I've also never seen anything spelled as "Peaque", so I reserve my right to judge this for a later date. Cookie - small and flat baked treat. Part of "smart cookie", "quick-thinking cookie" and "cute cookie". I've heard it used as slang for someone who makes their own drugs without selling them. Calling someone a "sanguine cookie" means you think they perform dark magic while under influence, and is wildly considered an insult by older folks and compliment by younger lads.
Soda - carbonated drink. Also table soda, also known as cooking soda, also known as baking soda. Pop - short for lollypop, short for popular, sometimes short for "father". Soda pop - initially meaning carbonated drink, then slang for a young-looking gay man over the age of consent. If I were to pick a modern slang word with similar connotations, it would be "twink". Not something you would say to a stranger, and yet a playful comment between friends. It's commonly thought that the name comes from the male hookers' habit of ordering non-alcoholic drinks at bars while searching for clientèle.
Sidewalk - more commonly used than walkway. The word walkway has not been part of my dictionary prior to reading this ask, but after I wrote down the first draft of this post, I've overheard a person using it at the train station, which leads me to the unfortunate conclusion that some beings indeed talk like this. Traffic light - the proper variant. It doesn't just tell you when to stop, it also tells you when to go. And here's a particular curiosity: in Hell, the blinking red lights that warn you about emergencies are what's called stoplights.
And some blitz round additions I couldn't help but look up:
An apartment complex is where apartments/flats are located. "Block of flats" means nothing to me. Are you offering me american plastic cheese, is that what a "block of flats" is? Ground floor and first floor are synonyms, unless you're referring to a building that has a store on the first floor and the apartments start at the second floor, in which the store is on the ground floor and the apartments are on the first floor. An elevator is the small enclosed box that transports people between floors, and a lift is an open platform with handrails typically reserved for cargo. I have never used the word skillet for a frying pan in my life, and even in case of frying, in Hell you usually use a multipot to do it. A merry-go-round is an old-timey sounding version of carousel, but a roundabout is a circular road intersection. Both potato chips and crisps are the same thing - that is, crisps. You just call the French fries "fries". You spell cheque properly, and not as "check", but you can also use "write-up" or "penning" when you're writing a cheque. It is nearly impossible to determine which one is pants and which one is trousers without added context, so most stick to using "undergarments" and "slacks" instead.
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xadoheandterra · 5 months
🥤 🔪 🦴 for the ask game!
...someone actually asked me something for the ask game? Wow. Wow. Uhm. Okay! Sure!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love?
I've got a few for ya, based on Hazbin Hotel, Undertale, and Assassins Creed.
Hazbin Hotel
I'm fucking in love with My Fawn by NattTheCat Also The Devil's Gift and Through Time, Through Death by PIRI_OOCH And The Ruination of Lucifer by Syaunei is just chef's kiss.
I cannot recommend enough the story of Erratum, At Their Mercy by Devcipher For the Forgotten Ones by Im_Sorry_Buddy His Wish by TGK Translations (the work in its original language is here written by sariko-3)
Assassins Creed and pretty much all fic in general anything by esama - just all of esama's amazing works, AC based and beyond. Period. Fucking love their shit, they are an inspiration.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hm. I mean. It's a mixed bag??? I wouldn't call it weird.
My latest research binge was how old timey radios function for the sole purpose of rebuilding it inside of a rubber duck. The reasons should be obvious thank you. I'm nothing if not thorough.
Before that it was textiles and coinage based around the time of the original Assassins Creed. Before that it was medicinal practices and treatment / likelihood of survival of gut wounds (for Run It Again) so I mean.
It's not weird just...a variety.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Music. Music and art. That's about it. Art that is either like a scene in my head or is a scene in my head or based on something I wrote, and music just in general. I have like 8 different writing playlists, character playlists, mood playlists...it's a lot. Music is my biggest inspiration. Words don't flow without a soundtrack for me.
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