#so its more like.. 18? 18 species designs?
shirecorn · 1 year
Shirecorn's Ponyverse Masterpost
So for the last 2 months I've fixated on doing redesigns based somewhat loosely on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've had so much fun filling in the gaps and extrapolating until my version is less of a redesign and more of an AU.
"Ponies" are three species of sentient hoofed creatures that populate Equestria. They worship giant goddesses that fill the sky and ferry the moon and sun across the world.
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#Shire draws mlp - drawings only. Leaves out the lore
#Skyscraper gods lore - drawings, posts, and asks that expand on the world. Talks about biology, genetics, ritual, society, politics, religion, but mostly creature design and magic.
#Skyscraper Gods - Art, asks, posts, and fanart! Everything to do with both my little pony canon and my version of things. Includes drawings without lore, and lore without drawings. This is the tag to browse to make sure you see it all
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In progress: Discord
○ The Mane Six ○ All Alicorns,
○ Rarity ○ Fluttershy ○ Flutterbat ○ Applejack ○ Pinkie Pie ○ Pinkie Pie Pegasus ○ Rainbow Dash ○ Twilight Sparkle ○ Raritwi ○ Spike
○ Princess Celestia + Princess Luna ○ Princess Cadance + Shining Armor + Flurry Heart ○ Sunset Shimmer ○ Sunburst ○ Apple Bloom + Scootaloo + Sweetie Belle (Cutie Mark Crusaders) ○ Big Macintosh/Ochard Blossom (she is a woman) ○ Granny Smith ○ Mr & Mrs Cake + Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake ○ Maud Pie + Mudbriar ○ Trixie Lulamoon + Starlight Glimmer ○ Cozy Glow ○ Zephyr Breeze ○ Escape Room Guy + Dusty Pages ○ Berry Punch/Berryshine ○ Vapor Trail ○ Bulk Biceps ○ Tempest Shadow ○ Flim and Flam ○ Queen Chrysalis + Thorax + Ocellus (Changelings) ○ Autumn Blaze (kirin) ○ Rain Shine (kirin leader) ○ Sky Beak (hippogriff) ○ Starcatcher and Skywishes (G3)
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○ The 3 pony species ○ Breeding/genetics ○ The 4 Alicorns stories ○ Gods of non-pony species? Seapony god? ○ Unicorn Horns: Starlight physics, Different shapes, Alicorn horns, Horn colors, ○ Where did Spike come from? (1) (2) ○ Your daughter has won the favor of God (fic) ○ Nightmare moon playlist ○ Cutie marks are cultural not physical: (1) (2) ○ Starlight Glimmer's hometown and her cult ○ Alicorns don't fit inside buildings ○ Discord is a headache to behold ○ Government in the world of gods ○ Gender and matriarchy ○ Scootaloo's flightless disability ○ Equestria Girls Vs Skyscraper Gods, existential horror ○ Pinkie Pie breaks the forth wall because she hopped worlds once ○ Vampire fruit bat ecology and virus ○ How ponies caught it
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○ Using Skyscraper Gods as inspiration (2) ○ Why I like expanding on MLP: its simplicity ○ MLP Creature designs are already good ○ If you don't like my designs ○ I'm just having fun: (1) (2) ○ Mane 6 doodle to finished design ○ After ponies ○ Designing based on birds and animals ○ Starcatcher dove
Shitposts and Doodles
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○ My fursona in mlp style ○ Daytime! Nighttime! ○ Baby god ○ Local horse fistfights the sun ○ Shining armor alicorn ○ Sunset shimmer becomes god (2) ○ Poodle rarity ○ Zephyr Breeze thinks RD is a man ○ Season 9 ○ Why is EQ an hour long ○ Being held at gunpoint to watch Equestria Girls ○ World's gayest dash ○ 18 pounds of crake
Fanart by others
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○ People request a lot and that normal ○ Prices are low because I'm already fixated
Ko-fi requests || Classic commissions
Shirecorn Discord
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Join any tier of my patreon to access my art discord
○ See WIPs, discussion, the occasional meltdown, and more ○ The content is all done through discord, so if the patreon looks dead it's all just on the server instead.
I hope you enjoy seeing my MLP creations as much as I enjoy making them!
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 7 months
Vampire's Kiss | Chapter One
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Pairing | Vampire!Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 3,7k
Warnings | +18, hate and prejudice about vampires, mentions of blood and sex
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⤷ Summary | Humans have finally unveiled and accepted the centuries-old existence of vampires, in a modern world people share their lives with these peculiar and mysterious creatures, but it is not all roses.
Will two souls belonging to such different species be able to be together?
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! ❤️ This is the first chapter of Vampire's Kiss, please let me know if you like the story, it would be really good for me! 🥰💜
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - Next
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"Do you know what happens when a vampire invites you out?" You roll your eyes, aware that Mirae is not yet finished with her rant, "Let's hear it, what?" "You never come home and are found in a forest, hanging from a tree, drained," was her solemn reply, she looks at you with stern eyes from behind the thick lenses of her glasses, you smile at her vivid imagination. "Sis, you know that we now live in a society where vampires are accepted by everyone and drink only donated blood, yes?" her frown if possible deepens more. Vampires for a few years now have been leading a healthy lifestyle for everyone, they no longer attack the living, and to have more control over their actions the government sends to their homes every two weeks a bag of blood from the donor they have chosen based on blood type, otherwise they can support themselves by eating the same food as humans, especially undercooked meat. It came to such a condition after all the bloody clashes that took place, both humans and vampires found themselves tired of fearing they would not make it to the next day, so the current arrangement had been arrived at that allows you to coexist without too many problems. Unfortunately, there is always someone who does not accept the new way of life, and your younger sister is one of those someone, she does not trust vampires.
"They're just waiting to come back as strong as they used to be, then they'll start to see us as tasty blood bags again," she hisses, glancing evilly at the page you opened from the PC. This is a dating site for vampires, from which many mixed couples have also sprung. Your best friend for example was happily married last year to her boyfriend, a vampire she met through this very site. You've met him, Shawn is just the sweetest guy and doesn't deserve the derogatory designation of "bloodsucker," as Mirae enjoys calling him instead whenever your best friend video chats with you and is with him. "You hang out too much with those extremist freaks on campus," you look at her harshly; she had joined a crazy group two years ago where they preach hatred of vampires, and she has totally changed since then. She is young and easy to be influenced, you just hope she doesn't go too far. You've tried to convince her to drop that subspecies of a cult, but her crush on the Leader of the Muggles is stronger than common sense, "And now I'd like some privacy!" "I don't want a vampire brother-in-law, I'll never accept that!" she exclaims in turn, before walking out slamming the door to your room, you feel the strong urge to yell insults at her, but you restrain the urge and refocus on the still active web page.
Many faces are silently watching you, and there's no denying that each one is fascinating in its own way, but you don't feel any chemistry, nothing that makes you say, "That's him!" so you go on searching for at least another hour, but still nothing. You could simplify things, date human guys who would surely be easier to find around, after all you've already done that and had a great time, but there's something about the idea of getting bitten that appeals to you. You've read around that vampires like to consume blood during sex, this happens mostly between couples, at that moment it's not just feeding, it's a kind of connection that goes on on both sides, a level of intimacy that provides an almost painful pleasure, you definitely want to try it to satiate your curiosity, and maybe you'll even find the right man for you. Ellen, your best friend, even hinted at some things, but she never went further with the details because it is something too personal to tell, she didn't even explain to you how she - human girl - shared the experience with her boyfriend, since then your brain has never stopped thinking about it for a moment.
You wearily squint your eyes deciding to end your search for the time being, you are tired and certainly cannot waste any more precious hours of rest, your job as an assistant is hell, especially when you have a disgusting caricature of a menstruating man for a boss. "Honey, it's ready!" you hear your mother shout from the kitchen. You haven't lived with your parents for a long time, but every now and then you take a little break to visit them, the only bad thing about these meetings is your younger sister of course. You put on your shoes and walk to your bedroom door, heading to the kitchen, where you find your mother preparing dishes for her meat and potato stew, your mouth is already watering! "Mom..." you look at her with affection, you adore your mom, she cooks like a god and is always understanding, the sweet woman who raised you always knew what to say at the right time and also knew how to measure her words, unlike your father who is a little more like Mirae character-wise.
"Take a seat, come on! Otherwise the food will get cold," she says kindly, patting you lightly on the back, you follow her order and sit to the right of your father, who is staring at the television with a grim expression, his reading glasses hanging from the bridge of his nose, almost following his mood. "Something wrong, dad?" "Another dead body, this time a man at a gas station, not a trace of blood in his body... not a drop," he mutters, you tighten your lips. You know what he'll say next, he doesn't trust vampires. "You know they're not all the same, dad... Tomorrow you'll hear about a human man who killed his employer, don't forget that our kind commits evil deeds too." "But our government helps them! They want live prey, not a sterile bag!" you try to reply, but promptly Mirae comes to her father's aid in his words, contributing to that stifling closed-mindedness. "Dad's convinced too, see?" your sister raises her nose up in a saccharine manner and your stomach clenches, suddenly losing your appetite. Your mother arrives at that moment with steaming plates in the tray, you sigh intercepting her glance, and yes, maybe in such cases it's better not to say anything else.
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"You sent the message to Park Jimin, yes? The one where I ask him if he can ask his boss to agree to a dinner to get us on the same page regarding the compatibility of our companies, yes?" You stare at your boss's sweaty face with a smile, even though inside you are screaming. Maybe it's middle age or the fact that his wife left him demanding maintenance, the fact is that he has become more paranoid and oppressive over the past year. "Mr. Kim, I have already contacted Park Jimin and he indicated that he would give me an answer shortly," the man nods, relaxing a bit. The life of the company depends on this agreement, you know. If Kim Seokjin had incorporated your boss's small business then it would have saved you from the broken bank, and as a result your salary would have been even more substantial, but you don't put much hope in that. As mentioned, you are on the brink of the broken bank, which means your efforts do not pay off, so why should Kim Seokjin accept it? In the company where you work you are a bunch of suburban writers and journalists, your magazine is old stuff now. The only way to save everything is to assign you to something else, something your boss evidently never thought of in order to get you up and running again.
"... - it's a crazy thing that a vampire would go to such lengths!" the old man finishes, you realize you haven't been listening to anything at all, but from the last sentence you got the gist of it.
Yes, Kim Seokjin is a vampire, and yes, he goes out in the daytime to have his picture taken with yet another model hanging on his arm.
Vampires can be in daylight, the sun gives them mild eye irritation, which is why - particularly in summer - they use sunglasses, but otherwise no problem, they live like normal humans, just with a little more sunscreen.
And your boss is tremendously envious of all that is Kim Seokjin.
But if you want to hold on to your job you need to talk to Jimin, you've known him since college, he was dating one of your friends at the time and fit in very well in your friendship group, despite being the only non-human present, even when he broke up with your friend he made it clear that he wanted to remain your friend, but you didn't see each other as often as you would have liked.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" you almost jump out of your chair at the lighthearted voice of your colleague, Valentine.
You cast her a suspicious look, "What do you mean?"
Her pretty face breaks into a wide grin, but to you it was like seeing a fox sneer.
"That dating site, right? Vampire's Kiss! Do you know they even made an app out of it? That Kim Seokjin is really a monster of genius."
"Kim Seokjin?" you ask with confusion, has he now also put his hand in the area that was in charge of relationships? Your colleague squints.
"You've been visiting Vampire's Kiss for a week and never wondered who came up with it and put it within everyone's reach?" you arch an eyebrow, of course you didn't know, you're interested in more than just that site! Users signing up for example, not its developer, "Ah! Forget it, just answer me!"
The temptation to tell her to go to hell makes your lips tingle, but you finally respond with a polite smile.
"I haven't found anything yet, actually."
"Take any one, they're all the same."
You widen your eyes, "How?"
Valentine moves her hand hastily, "Vampires, they're all the same! Take any one for experience, they all have the characteristics we're looking for," she says, as if it were obvious you were looking for someone just for fun and nothing else.
But you are not like that, you have enough failed relationships behind you precisely because every one of your partners was looking for that, fun. And you're fed up, you want a healthy, real relationship, not something to try one night stands.
"I don't want just anybody, and I'm not just talking about sex... I'm looking for a relationship actually."
Without warning she bursts out laughing, soundly even. Gritting your teeth, unnerved by her behavior, she recovers for a moment wiping away imaginary tears, "You can't be serious! Vampires were not created for humans, they don't see life the way we do, the most we can do with them is to experience some fun things, but then each to their own way," she says using a cute tone, as if she's looking at a little girl who lives on dreams.
"I'm happy to see things differently from you," after answering her that way you go back to your horrible job, earning a resentful look from her.
"Look it's not just me saying this, a friend of mine recently broke up with one of those guys there, she got dumped" she mutters, you sigh.
"Has the thought ever crossed your mind that we are not all the same? You don't have to rely on other people's experiences, start making your own instead."
Maybe you've been too harsh, so you turn to apologize to her, well, you're sorry you used a brusque tone just because you don't like her way of thinking, but you catch her fixing her lipstick quietly, even sending a flying kiss to her own reflection, you narrow your eyes and refuse to talk to her again. You have better things to do than to listen to ignorant, self-absorbed people.
You rather concentrate on the speech you are writing for your boss, it must be ready before 3 p.m. and without that he would not have been able to say a single word during the meeting with the employees. How such a man has managed to run the show so far you still cannot understand, the secretary before you must have been a saint.
"Ah, Yoongyu asked me how things are going for you here in the office, if you're finally getting along well," Valentine casts you a mischievous glance, "Have you two been getting very close lately?"
More than you can brag about.
You shared a brief but intense acquaintance with Yoongyu on the physical plane. You both had a good time, you were the newcomer and he was the director of the company, he was second only to the CEO so you were totally reliant on his guidance, and just in one of those moments where you felt totally lost at work, he asked you out to dinner. You accepted without a second thought, you liked him, he had subtle dark fox eyes and a charming smile, but your relationship didn't last long. You wanted different things, you a stable relationship and he just a friend to share the intimate sides of a relationship with.
Things were over rather quickly, and now you were enjoying a good friendship.
"We're friends, that's all," she rolled her eyes, as if she believed very little of your words.
"Listen to me, give up your vampire hunting, Van Helsing and find an easy romance to live with."
You don't answer her, the vibration of a new message teases your attention, and you pick up the phone.
From: Sweet Jimin.
Baby, are you there? 🥺
You smile spontaneously once you read the sender, Jimin writes to you often using that term, he always treats you like a little sister and for that you are grateful, he is one of your best friends and maybe that is the very reason why you can see vampires as to normal people, just like you.
From: You.
Does my lovely vampire
needs a hand?
From: Sweet Jimin.
I always need a hand, baby 😏
You roll your eyes and take care to point it out, always without stopping giggling. An outside person would have found your chat wacky, you are not together and yet you allow yourselves to flirt a little playfully, but you both know that there would only be mutual affection between you and nothing more driven.
From: You.
From: Sweet Jimin.
That's how you hurt me 😥
But okay though, don't get mad....
But I would need you to do me a favor 💜
Meet me downtown for coffee?
You cannot deny him help; you know it as well as he knows it.
From: You.
Mh. Okay.
What time? A suitable time for me.
From: Sweet Jimin.
You are my angel!
Later around 5pm would be perfect!
I love you, baby ❤
It would have been nice to find someone to chat with using lots of adorable emoji, someone to call "boyfriend" while smiling like a fool.
You tighten your lips, Jimin always gives you too much hope, he is adorable and always expresses himself sweetly to you, who are a loser to the fullest extent. Consequently, you always think that if someone like Jimin loves you, why shouldn't you hope for more? That's what always rubs you the wrong way.
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You are both sitting comfortably outside the café, Jimin sips his coffee absentmindedly, you have chosen a milkshake with chocolate and hazelnut.
You see him search his pocket for something and once he finds it he lays it on the coffee table, it is a completely black bottle with an airtight cap, you raise an eyebrow in his direction and he smiles at you with one corner of his mouth slightly more raised than the other.
"Ever seen a vampire correcting his coffee?" he asks amused, you simply shake your head.
"You are the only vampire I have relations with and you have never done so in my presence."
He tightens his lips and pours a generous dose of the scarlet liquid into his cup, the action doesn't bother you all that much ... but it leaves you intrigued.
"I need it to calm me down a bit, the last period hasn't exactly been the best."
Now that you get a better look at him, his usually pinker lips are now tending to pale, as if he has stopped hydrating, and his eyes are more glazed over.
"Not getting enough rest, Jimin?" but he denies it with his head.
"Problems with my parents, actually ... That's why I need your help."
A shiver goes down your spine, you know Jimin's parents, they are very stiff and composed vampires, the one time they saw you, they didn't look very happy.
"Jimin, I don't think your family likes me," you flinch uncomfortably, the boy immediately takes your hand, there is panic in his eyes.
"Please, I wouldn't ask you if it was just a trifle! You can save me."
You stand for a moment shocked by the desperation in his voice, even his magnificent dark eyes shine in despair.
You take a deep breath, already knowing that you will regret everything.
"Okay...but remember that you have to help me with the matter of my company, I risk losing my job without the agreement, Jimin."
He nods, "Jin is a very good friend of mine, I'll take care of it."
"I don't know what I'll have to help you with, I just hope I don't end up bleeding to death or worse," you say jokingly, but when he doesn't return your laughter your heart tightens.
His grip on your hand strengthens, "I won't let anything happen to you, baby."
The fact that he did not deny those possibilities unnerves you and not a little, what are you getting yourself into? Jimin has been in the world longer than most humans, so why the hell would he need the help of a mere human like you?
You bite your lip absentmindedly, maybe you're just wrapping your head around it before you break it.
"All right, but could you inform me?"
The boy takes a breath, "My parents are peculiar, old-fashioned dare I say it... they come from an era when arranged marriages flourished like chocolates in a chocolate factory, and now that I have reached a high level in business, they demand that I marry and in truth they have already chosen for me," he begins to explain, as he speaks your mouth opens wide, "But I already have a girlfriend and I love her! She is a vampire, but she doesn't boast a rich family like mine, so they immediately set her aside in favor of a woman I know, but I don't like her."
And again... what exactly can you help with?
"Jimin, I still don't understand... how am I supposed to help you?"
"Jin is throwing a party to announce his official engagement, what I ask is for you to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my parents."
It's official, you need an ambulance. And urgently, too.
"Y-You are crazy! Your parents hate me just because I breathe their own oxygen, how can you propose such a thing to me! Besides, don't you already have a girlfriend? Use her!"
Okay, you're panicking and you see the corners of your vision darkening, you need to calm down. Jimin gets up and waves to a waiter to bring some water, then tries to take your hand back, but you escape from his grasp.
"Honey, calm down ... the thing is ... I'm sorry to tell you like this," he babbles, you shake your head quickly and try to stand up, but his hands go to rest on your shoulders, consequently pushing you back into the chair, "My parents can't stand humans, to them they reflect the worst of the worst!" he blurts out, and you shoot lightning and thunderbolts from your eyes.
"Exactly, you idiot!"
"That's why you're perfect! If I introduced you to everyone as my girlfriend, threatening to marry you in front of all the other vampires -- at the cost of losing my inheritance -- my parents would start reconsidering my real girlfriend to avoid the scandal of such a statement! Between a human and a vampire of humble origins, who would be the lesser evil for them?"
You bite your lips harder and when the water comes, you begin to drink it quickly.
Unfortunately, the reasoning squares all too well, Jimin is an only child and the Parks cannot afford to lose him, they would never accept a vampire girl of impure blood and even penniless, but a human is something intolerable for vampires like them.
"To say in front of the elders that you will marry a human woman would be ... a disgrace, and would cast shame on your family, who to avoid this ... outburst of yours,  would immediately accept the other option through this blackmail of yours," you murmur with your heart in your throat, Jimin nods slowly.
"They don't mind if I 'use' human women for sex, as long as they don't go to taint our bloodline."
You close your eyes, undecided about what to do.
You're fucking scared, his parents creep you out, but it's Jimin. With your heart clenched in a vice, you nod.
"It's just one night, right?"
"Just one," he assures you.
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
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Technically Corvid is still a part of an au, i really like everyone's designs so i guess its just like a weird little au that are also kinda ocs?? Idk. Im still tagging it as the animatronicfication au and using the other ccs names but im completely separating wilbur from Corvid.
The one that probably changed the most is simp LMAO i just went back to his old design that was inspired by Luna (@starrixle's transfem simpbur turned oc) and Spencer is such a fitting name in my mind i literally can not imagine him with a different name *bwomp*
Also I'm working on refs for the other characters associated with the respective critters! I wanna finish them all and dump them into one post and I'll link it here when I'm done.
Before we go into individual characters i want to say that this is absolutely Minecraft. Like. The world is built off of Minecraft lore yk !!!! The overworld will still be called the overworld but it's basically just earth, with more magic and humanoid species! Along with supernatural creatures and cryptids n stuff :D also with more advanced tech considering Corvid exists pFF
Spencer for the most part kinda was like he is in canon or whatever. She used to lean more towards incel ideology because she was REALLY insecure and uncomfortable with herself for the longest time. Despite that, Spencer and Adrianne (egirl) started dating when they were 17, his unhealthy obsession with her was only fueled by her unhealthy attachment to him. They needed each other and it wasn't good for either of them. Spencer had developed horrible separation anxiety which only made things worse. Over time Adrianne became suffocated by his constant neediness, overwhelming insecurity, short temper and lack of contribution to household chores. It pained her to leave, but things needed to change. It wasn't until the breakup that Spencer met Shepard, who was his first irl friend in a long time. They met when they were around 22/23, at first Spencer just used Shepard as a distraction from Adrianne, especially since he was surprised that they wanted to even be his friend in the first place. But after a while he genuinely started to enjoy their company, plus they offered him really good advice and helped him through a gender/sexuality crisis. Eventually they became partners! Maybe not romantically, as they're both aromantic, but life partners nonetheless.
OH and i did make Spencer white/Salvadoran. Her mom is the first generation from immigrant parents while her dad is British; And her dad's younger brother is Adam's dad! He's also an ex-christian, he left due to religious trauma and moved to America to escape his family hA
Spencer's also a no sabo kid LMAO (he knows some words/phrases but other than that he cant speak Spanish to save his life)
ALSO ALSO. Oh my god i could talk about Spence all day LMAO but i made him a werewolf !!!! Hes SOO jealous of Adam because she wanted the cat genes but instead got bitten and turned into a werewolf as a teenager. She's done a pretty good job at hiding it from her family so Shepard's the only one who knows.
I already dumped everything about Adam into that other post, so I don't really have much else to add. HOWEVER !! Him and Spence are cousins now :3 Adam doesn't get to meet Spencer in person until he moves to America with Charlie & co, but he does follow her socials with his secret accounts that his parents don't know about. The only reason they know they're cousins is because Spencer's dad told her so and she reached out! Much to the dismay of Adam's parents but they've secretly kept in touch online.
Keith's pretty much stayed the same apart from a slight design revamp. Although I've made him a little older since originally i made him look young. But then I decided hes a dad so i started drawing him older for the asks pFF he also has a hooked nose now! In case it's not obvious. Keith got married to Jean VERY young, they were maybe 17/18 in human years. It was an arranged marriage and their only goal was to have an heir to the throne. Well they did, they had two kids, the eldest being a boy named Lune and the youngest being a girl named Sunny, who's the would be heir. Until Jean took both the kids and left. It was completely unprompted and left everyone in the kingdom confused, especially Keith. Sure, they had a loveless marriage and maybe he was insufferable at times, but he wanted to make it work if not for the kids then for the kingdom! But its been almost a year since she left, he's lost hope in ever finding her. Keith desperately wants his kids back, not because Sunny is the rightful heir— though that is part of it—but he loves them both dearly. He misses them the most.
Wilfred has pretty much stayed the same as well! I did give him a grey tshirt and darker hair to further distance his design from wilbur though. Hes just as unhinged and immoral as he used to be !!!! Nothing has changed aside from appearance actually.
Tobi also pretty much stayed the same except for its now got an orange jumper and lighter brown hair pFF although i do now have a story for him! Tobi was found by Alejandro in a storage auction, he managed to sell a lot of pretty valuable things from there but Tobi stood out, obviously, so he kept it. Alejandro is a travel vlogger and lives in an RV with his friends: Tomas, Philip and Charles. His friends just call him Alex. Anyway, they go from town to town trying local food, visiting tourists traps and vlogging the journey! While doing that they also try to find out how to get Tobi's memories back and possibly turn him human again, if they even can. So far they haven't had much luck but maybe one day...
Corvid was created as the backup singer and lead guitarist of the first all animatronic band! Brought to you by Beloved Entertainment! The other members include lead singer Ranboo Beloved, keytarist Tommy Raccoon, and bassist James Tomcat. Located in Ranboo's Mega Pizzaplex, the only location in the world (so far). Corvid adopts a showman personality while on stage, hes charismatic and such a heartthrob, very popular with the ladies. Off stage he's very calm and soft spoken, he's rather shy but still manages to be a flirt and a tease. Lightly poking fun at his bandmates, coworkers and even guests at times. He's definitely a fan favorite for a reason!
This was so fun to write and i cant wait to share more !!!! Stay tuned !!!!!!
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the very first goetia [my headcanon]
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I used this yaelokre picrew to design my OC Liron - Stolas, Paimon and Octavia’s first ancestor. The one whose lineage would be the main Goetias.
all of this is headcanon and my own speculation until the shows backstory for the ars goetia comes up.
Without further ado, here is Liron the First. The fallen angel who would carve the path for the main royal family. Albeit, her intentions were purer than Paimon and his forefathers.
Liron was a curious pupil of Sera's. She had four wings, all tinted with tips of black feathers. Bright red eyes, inquisitive. Sera called her "little bird" because of how she would fly around her as a fledgling.
Physically 18 but chronologically 800, Liron had gone out into the world after she was gifted a book by Sera. The young angel called it her personal grimoires. She was told to watch over the descendants of Adam.
This didn't go well. Somewhere along the way, she ended up meeting Lucifer. She grew enchanted by him, enamored with his magic and begged him to help her with her own - including her book. He did, but at the cost of that she wouldn’t be given the right kind.
Sera was noticing Liron's magic growing stronger but it was dark. It was mysterious. It felt wrong. She sensed a betrayal but sent two male angels, Tamar and Aslan, to go keep an eye on her.
All three wound up, somewhere down the line, starting a rebellion. The final straw was when Liron was banished and cast down to Hell after she revealed what she'd learned to the council. No longer an angel but an owl, she swore herself as Lucifer's right hand woman - and thus became the first Goetic empress.
Tamar was second to fall, and with that came Andrealphus and Stella's bloodline. Aslan soon after, and that became Vassago's bloodline.
Liron's memory faded into obscurity after her grandson, Liron Goetia, coined the species name and spread word of the grimoire across earth and its underworld.
Paimon, by his time, never even knew of the first Liron. All he knows is that once, Goetias looked more human-like, almost more so than Lucifer. Funny that!
Lucifer thinks Stolas and Paimon and Octavia all resemble that "young girl who never stopped rambling about her grimoires"... and it kinda depresses him. Yet it also makes him codependent on Paimon for a good few centuries.
Stolas' human form is the closest to Liron's original form. Same for Octavia, when she finally traverses to Earth properly.
When the first fallen Goetias die, their spirits wander. So often Liron watches and feels only hope in Stolas, as the key to her bloodline being salvaged.
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caxycreations · 1 year
Who is Caxy Creations?
This will be broken into the following sections:
About Me Other Blogs This Blog's Purpose Tylvinian Tales Resources Commissions Other Ways to Support Me
It gets a little wordy, so the actual introduction post stuff is below the cut.
About Me
Caxy Creations, simply put, is my brand. So to really explain who Caxy Creations is, let's cover who I am.
My name is Davina. I also answer to: David, Caxy, or "Hey bitch~!" (/pos)
Some quick facts about me:
Labels are weird to me, transgender/genderfluid/agender and other things like that just...idk, they don't fit. I answer to she/her most comfortably, but I don't feel inherently she/her or he/him or they/them or anything else. I'm just...Me. So call me whatever pronouns you want, I'm a little of everything.
I'm an artist AND a writer, but far more a writer than an artist.
I stream on Twitch whenever I can, and whenever I have excuse/reason to. Can find my Twitch by clicking HERE.
I absolutely adore interaction of all kinds, but reciprocal interaction is my favorite: if you comment or ask a question, I absolutely will answer because I adore conversation.
I am single, and not looking for a relationship. This does not mean I won't flirt with you, especially if you're down to flirt back for the fun of it and understand it won't go any further.
I'm a system. Alters have their own blogs @kittycaxcare and @guardiangreatwolf
I am the sole developer of the upcoming visual novel, "Another Tylvinian Tale", a story about settling into a new life, making connections with those around you, and the impact those connections have on each other.
Other Blogs
@caxygaming (Video Game Review, Discussion, and Gaming News, with reader interaction heavily encouraged)
@caxyadrp (18+ RP account, Minors DNI)
@caxycreationsvrc (VRChat Photography and Videography account)
@yappincaxy (Voice Acting blog)
@caxyanalysis (Nerd snipe blog, analyzing theories, power scaling, hypotheticals, etc of real world and fictional topics/concepts)
@lewdcaxycatalogue - (Fully NSFW 18+ writing/musings account, Minors and antis DNI, teratophilia and a safe space for sex positivity)
@classpectingcaxy (homestuck fanblog where I analyze and assign classes, aspects, and lunar sways)
@thebrokenrubber (Another 18+ RP account with a unique system)
@lustycaisupervised (an 18+ Lackadaisy-based Mordecai RP blog)
This Blog's Purpose
This blog is going to serve as two things: a compendium of all knowledge relating to Relan, a planet of my own design with its own history, religions, sciences, magics, and more, as well as a collection of stories about the people living on Relan. Some quick things to cover about Relan, for those interested:
I am 100% okay with OCs. If someone likes my world enough to make a character to throw into it, that is, to me, the ultimate compliment.
If you need/want help integrating your OCs into Relan, I am absolutely down to help with all the resources I have on the world.
Don't know if a species exists on Relan? Well, every single animal species on Earth exists on Relan, and every mythical being exists as well in some form or another, there's even a few internet-designed species and some entirely original species of my own design! So have fun with it!
Relan is a fantasy world. Ancient times have high fantasy themes and forms, modern times have modern fantasy themes and forms, and future eras have a distinctly science-fiction feel with a hint of magic to them. As such, my stories will usually have these themes and/or forms!
Tylvinian Tales Resources
My WIPs List
(Note, titles and order are subject to change, but position/order is solidified for active WIPs/finished books)
Tylvinian Tales
The Wolf's Den (Active WIP, First Draft, 18/20 chapters written, 19th in progress | Current Word Count: 64,167)
Five Fates
King of Kings
Veiled Intent
Clashing Tides
Event Horizon
Another Tylvinian Tale
This is my visual novel, where you will be able to create your own character and take your place in Tylvin, the capital city of the nation of Ferus.
You will work as a bartender at the city's most popular nightclub, The Snakepit, putting you at the central hub of many different events. Meet the cast of Tylvinian Tales, and a few fresh faces as well, and develop friendships, or loves, as you see fit.
But know this: every decision you make will change the story, and every choice will have consequences for more than just your own life...
If you would like to support me in making the visual novel, head to the Ko-Fi or PayPal link below (or send to the listed cashapp) in the "Other Ways to Support Me" section and send a donation! Your support allows me to focus full-time on the visual novel, bringing it ever-closer to releasing for all to enjoy!
Galan Nights
The Pack
Hoping for Haven
Runner's High
Twin Tales
The Fifth Fate
Here Be A Home
Lore of Gold
Sanguis Auri
Corpus Auri
Anima Auri
Character Cast
These characters are the most prominent in my stories, and I've linked to their introductory posts for easy access to information about them:
David Seltz
Moss Seltz
Davina Seltz
Trace Parker
Ryder Trayson
Luka Mikaelson
Olivia Bo
Kaleb Killian
Devon Masters
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den, Book Pitch
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den, Chapter Master Post
Full list of all my WIPS - The titles of every single book planned within the world of Relan.
Tylvinian Tales on Wattpad
Tylvinian Tales on AO3
Short Stories on Wattpad
Short Stories on AO3
Smut stories on Wattpad (18+ only!!!!)
Smut stories on AO3 (18+ only!!!!)
Worldbuilding Masterpost - A post with links to every worldbuilding piece I've uploaded so far.
How You Can Support Me - A post detailing ways to help me make a life for myself and avoid financial issues.
I also do VRChat Avatar commissions, click to be taken to my Trello.
I also do writing commissions!
$40 for 1,000 words
$70 for 2,000 words
$122 for 4,000 words
$213 for 8,000 words
$372 for 16,000 words
$651 for 32,000 words
+5% for NSFW
+10% for extreme gore
Under 1,000 words is $0.03 per word.
Other Ways to Support Me
You can also support me on:
Twitch Ko-Fi Patreon Youtube Spring Merch PayPal Or through direct tips via CashApp at cashtag $Aazoth
With that out of the way I think this blog intro is long enough, ha. So...hang out, enjoy the blog, feel free to chat with me or comment on my posts, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night/whatever it is in your part of the world! <3
Some other wonderful blogs to check out are in the tag list below!
Tag List
@theathenverse @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @a-scaly-troublemaker @that-one-enby-onyx @snakelovingnerd @eldritchx @leisoree @amerylise @profoundlyhauntedclaws @thefinalgoat @leisurelywingedlemon
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Userboxes by @lackauserboxes <3/p
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meowza315 · 10 months
i am OBSESSEDDDDD with your avatar au is there any way you can give us more hcs?? (idgaf if its a dangerous question ill listen for hours bbg)
WOAH THERE alrighty
of course I can give more headcanons / canon info!!! I love rambling about the AU :) I don’t have many headcanons since I can just.. make them canon to the story 💀💀💀
We can start off with more plot centered stuff (? kinda) and then work into more minor details
- Their first meeting together was similar to Jake and Neytiri’s from the original Avatar movie except they both get attacked by viperwolves and get pretty injured in the process. They both have some permanent scars from it, most noticeably a scar on Will’s left hip/side (same location as in Stranger Things when he’s burnt by Nancy in S2, yk)
- Mike’s training took about 18 months and he failed a lot of the rites of passage the first time, but ended up learning and successfully completing them on the second try (ex: Ikran taming. He was thrown off a Cliff similarly to Lo’ak in the graphic novels)
- Mike ended up falling in love first, about 5 months into training. He got pretty depressed due to it because he fell in love with an alien, another species. So he has this guilt of being a human and using a false body pretty much every day in order to see Will. William ended up falling in love 4 or so months later. (I have a timeline.. I’ll put that as like the last thing on here)
- Will kept pushing back Mike’s Dream Hunt in fear that Mike would be killed in the process (its a really intense rite of passage and Na’vi have a chance of dying during it). But, Mike survived and everybody cheered!!!
- Their first kiss later that night (after his dream hunt) was really emotional for both of them, but more or less Mike (for reasons stated previously)
- They both sleep in hammocks together from time to time
- Will’s songcord has a lock of Mike’s hair and a heart shaped river stone that Mike found for 1: Tsaheylu / the bond they make, and 2: their confession / first kiss. Mike’s has a drop of Will’s blood in amber to represent their bond and a bead that Will carved for their confession
- Will’s ikran is yellow and blue/teal while Mike’s ikran is blue (although I haven’t really given them full designs)
- Mike has scars on his hands from carving gifts for Will
- After tsaheylu they end up getting a lot closer, like they weren’t already. They started getting more comfortable in Home Tree and people noticed.. so rumors spread that they mated (but they didn’t! they just created the bond).
- Will calls Mike a “skxawng” (moron in Na’vi), but Mike hits him back with the “But I’m your skxawng” ☹️
- They have a tendency to go out into the forest to do stuff together and hopefully not get killed by a Thanator while kissing or something idk. that would be a way to go 💀
Long story short the AU is very detailed and there’s too much information for me to fit into one post so ‼️
plus the timeline!!! other questions about the AU are welcome 🔥🔥
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prima-materia-ttrpg · 3 months
Shooting for gold and falling flat on your face or How I failed miserably at writing ranged combat.
Not every mechanic is a winner, and designing a ttrpg is hard. First drafts, playtesting, modification, second draft, playtesting, modification. So far all of the systems I've written, while they absolutely needed extensive work, had solid cores. Sometimes, though, like when I wrote Ranged Combat last week, the base it's built upon is faulty and the whole thing needs to be gutted and scrapped for anything salvageable.
After playtesting and modifying melee combat, its core seemed solid and I decided to move on to ranged combat. One of the core principles involves not missing, or missing being rare. This is why when someone comes at you with a melee weapon, you can dodge or block to mitigate some or all of the damage. Armor, while not yet written, will also play an important roll in damage mitigation.
Ranged combat as I wrote it does allow missing, but missing is rare (or so I thought) particularly at close ranges. It didn't make sense to me to be able to dodge projectiles or block them with a weapon, and I haven't written a cover system or put in shields which would be able to block projectiles, so the only real thing that mitigates getting hit by a ranged weapon is armor. This was a mistake.
Before we get into all of that though, let me get into the core of how I wrote the mechanic and how that was bad. I decided that because ranged damage was hard to mitigate, it should have a chance to miss, which means an attack roll to see if you hit. For some reason, I decided that the player should roll a d100 so the Hit Chance (the number you try to roll at or under when rolling the d100) would align with a percentage. In theory, this works, especially since I tied it to the Dexterity attribute on the character sheet. In practice, the very first playtest I ran with these mechanics saw characters with long guns and an 80% chance to hit miss most of the time, and a single Xente character (large amoeba thing - it will get its own species highlight later) nailed two player characters one after the other on one turn with a roughly 18% chance to hit with its revolver due to the distance. My players have dubbed this particular Xente Big Boss after the metal gear character, and it will be making a re-appearance.
The clear issue here, of course, is that rolling a d100 gives you as much a chance to roll a 1 as it does a 100, and even if you play with percentages like I did, weird stuff is going to happen at some point. Perhaps even often within the span of a session. There were other issues with this ranged system as well, one of my players said it felt like it came from a completely different game compared to how melee combat feels. Another player astutely pointed out that a class of weapons that can one-tap most characters with little effort and no real choice for the player to be able to get out of the way or otherwise mechanically try to save themselves, feels bad.
I got some good feedback, and I'm still trying to figure out how to move forward with the ranged mechanics. I have some ideas that will bring it more in-line with melee mechanics but I have to see how it hashes out, and then playtest that. All-in-all, this is a good experience. Not every mechanic is a winner, but failure is incredibly important.
If you read all this, thanks! I appreciate it very much. I'm trying to figure out what to do for the next blog post, it's a toss-up between another species highlight (humans - I promise it will be interesting) or how alchemy (magic) works in detail. This would be the history of alchemy as a field of study, animals that have evolved to use it, and what players will be able to do with it.
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offorestsongs · 2 months
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"Every rose has its thorns, but some are prettier than others... Er, that's not how the saying goes, is it?"
A bubbly, flamboyant student, always willing to offer you advice or a helping hand... no matter if you want it or not. Obsessed with love and romance, he makes it his life's mission to help others find their true love.
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full name 🥀Rosienne Minuit nicknames 🥀Rosie (friends), Cherry Barb (Floyd), Prince du les Epines (Rook) species 🥀human height 🥀176 cm age 🥀18 y/o birthday 🥀10.08 gender 🥀male (he/him) sexuality 🥀bisexual hometown 🥀Shaftlands dorm 🥀Pomefiore class 🥀3-C club 🥀Newspaper Club favorite subject 🥀ancient magic dominant hand 🥀right talent 🥀graphic design hobby 🥀reading, journaling favorite food 🥀bubble tea, anything cherry flavored least favorite food 🥀tomato soup pet peeve 🥀 people who care too much about their appearance
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A lover, a hater, a sweetheart and a bitch. Rosienne is definitely one of the nicer people at Night Raven College, or at least he definitely seems that way. He's energetic, has a flair for the dramatic, is very talkative (some say - overly so) and incredibly extroverted. No matter the circumstances, he's always ready to strike up a conversation and make new friends. He likes giving other people advice and helping them with their problems, though he often tends to disregard the wishes of the people he tries to help as he's often convinced he's the one in the right, no matter what. Despite that, his advice is actually often pretty good.
Because of his signature spell, he tends to treat other people's emotions as nothing more than a silly game.
Stubborn as a mule. If he sets his mind on something, there's nothing that could persuade him to abandon his goals, no matter how silly and stupid it may be. Has many, many hills he's ready to die on and will happily do so. His anger issues are almost legendary — he gets angry quickly, often at stupid things, and is willing to fight everyone anytime (verbally or not).
At the end of the day, a lot of the way he acts is just a front he puts up. He's a deeply emotional and insecure person. He uses his confidence to cover up for the fact that he often feels too stupid or childish amongst other people and that he always expects to be mocked for it. When he's being loud or dramatic, it's only an attempt to make others like him. While a hopeless romantic at heart, he long stopped believing that he will ever find his true love and so he focuses on other people's love life as a way to live vicariously through them.
SIGNATURE SPELL -> Kiss of True Love ; it allows him to feel other people's emotions. Since it doesn't use up a lot of magic, he tends to use it as a sort of a party trick and doesn't see any issue with prying into people's personal feelings without their consent.
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Grew up in an old castle. Located on a hill, in a pretty rural area — the closest human settlement was a small village — the castle, called the Midnight Palace by the locals, was in the Minuit family for generations. According to the legend, it was the very palace where the Beautiful Princess had fallen in love with her cursed lover, and that over the course of time it had ended up in the hands of one of the families who had worked there as servants. Now while a small part of it serves as a place to live for Rosienne and his family, most of it has been turned into a tourist attraction that has been managed by the Minuits for generations.
Rosienne's parents divorced when he was still little — his mother couldn't handle living in such a place, away from people. Rosienne stayed with his father, as the two of them were always close. He loved living in the castle, the mysterious atmosphere of it, and he would always help his dad run the businesses, often acting as the guide or dressing up to entertain the tourists.
While his home life was a quite happy one, his school life — not so much. He always felt out of place with the other kids. Too loud, too enthusiastic, too focused on his books and daydreams, too weird. His reputation as the "creepy castle kid" didn't help him much.
Over the years he had learned how to act in order to get accepted by his peers — turn his awkwardness into something funny, become just quirky instead of weird — but oftentimes, it was still not enough. He still couldn't find close friends and as he entered his teenage years, the problem of relationships arose. He had always dreamed about finding his own fairy tale love, but as his classmates were finding their first adolescent romances, all of that seemed to simply... pass him by. If anything, people would only ask him out as a joke. Was he not as pretty as the other people? Did he need to be?
Coming to Night Raven College was supposed to be a new beginning for Rosienne. In a place where no one knew him, he could become a different person, finally become popular and find his only and real true love.
Well. With varying degrees of success.
Lysander [OC] — since Lysander spends so much time at Pomefiore and is close friends with Vil, the two of them were bound to interact quite often. Lysander is often suitably intimidated by Rosienne, but he appreciates the fact that Rosienne seems to know so much about the other students and often finds it useful. Meanwhile Rosienne thinks Lysander is both cute and fun to tease, especially when it comes to Lysander’s crush on a certain hunter (Rosienne is their #1 shipper). They're quite good friends, even if sometimes Lysander wishes that Rosienne would stop commenting on his love life so much.
Vil Schoenheit — it was hate at first sight. Rosienne thought Vil was nothing more than a spoiled brat, somebody vain and shallow, who only cares about conventional beauty standards, and happily told him so, on the first day of classes no less. They would often clash and argue, and their little back-and-forth had became famous around the school. Over time though, Rosienne had realised that he had horribly misjudged Vil and the two of them had managed to put their differences aside and actually become close friends. Vil had helped Rosienne a lot with gaining more self confidence and finding his own style. And so of course Rosienne had to go and ruin their friendship by falling in love. He's angry at himself for catching feelings because well, there's no way someone like Vil would ever return his feelings, right? Right?
Rook Hunt — the two of them have been friends ever since their freshman year. Rosienne had found Rook different and interesting, and he liked the way Rook talked about beauty. Unfortunately, Rosienne's type is just "people who are nice to him", which means that he quickly caught feelings which only served to drive the divide between Rosienne and Vil deeper, as Rosienne was plain old jealous of Vil and the way Rook talked about him. While Rosienne is past any romantic feelings now, they're still close friends now and often walk around school gossiping about something in french.
Epel Felmier — Epel reminds Rosienne a lot of himself when he was younger, and as so, he has a soft spot of the boy. During the events of book 5 Epel would often go to Rosienne to vent his frustrations, as Rosienne seemed the most like an "uninvolved third party". Unfortunately for him, it often quickly turned into Rosienne trying to give him dating advice. After all, is there something sweeter than true love?
Lilia Vanrouge — Rosienne was always drawn to people who seem, well, different. He always thought that Lilia was cool and interesting, he just wasn't sure how to approach somebody like that. Somehow it was the fae who approached Rosienne first, probably sensing Rosienne's interest and finding it amusing. They're pretty good friends and Lilia is about the only person whose advice Rosienne is actually willing to listen to.
Cater Diamond — the two of them had meet during their entrance ceremony and quickly found common ground. They would've probably became friends if not for Rosienne's insistence to pry into other people's affairs. Cater wasn't happy to find out that Rosienne is using his signature spell on him, while Rosienne couldn't understand what Cater's angry about — Rosienne just sensed that there's something bothering him and wanted to help, alright? Two years later and Rosienne still can't let the topic drop. He thinks Cater is making fuss out of nothing and that everything would be over and done with if he would only let Rosienne help him.
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playlist -> click!
has a column in the school's newspaper where he gives love adivce to anonymous students writing in
also does a lot of the graphic design for the newspaper
while he loves reading in general, he's particularly obsessed with trashy romance novels
has ADHD + dyslexia
has an interest in perfumes, likes matching them to people
instantly loves anything heart shaped
doesn't really use much social media besides whatever fantasy version of Pinterest there is
doesn't really watch movies unless they're awful rom-coms
scared of thunderstorms
his sense of style leans more feminine, wears dresses and skirts whenever he can
first time he tried to dye his hair, he asked Lilia for help, who swapped the hair dye as a joke — Rosienne ended up telling everyone that yes, the green was on purpose, thank you very much
like Rook, he can speak french
cries really easily, especially when he's angry and hates that
has trouble telling left from right
headcanons; thornqueen relationship timeline orange peel theory
fics; stubborn heart stormy nights
[SSR] Union Birthday [SR] The Hat Extravaganza (fan event)
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zet-sway · 9 months
Or, Thane and Steve rebuild their lives in the chaos after the war.
[Read on AO3] - Rated E for EXTREMELY SPICY TIMES
Pairing: Thane/Cortez | Rating: 18+ | Words: ~3600
Made for @messydiabolical!!! Merry Christmas!!
Peace, while difficult in its own way, promised them a beautiful future. The memories would be enough until then. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The days after the war passed in a dreamlike trance.
No sooner had they released Steve from the field hospital, he was back to work - despite Thane's protests. Even Thane couldn't deny that ‘light duty' meant very little to either of them when so much needed doing. Today’s task was setting up more temporary shelters.
“You should rest,” he said softly to the man leaning against him, breathing heavily after staking a tent with his one good arm. The other hung in a sling made of little more than torn fabric. “Your arm will trouble you further if you continue to strain it.”
“I'm not letting these guys sleep in the rain because of a bad arm.” Steve's smile, although tired, brought him some measure of comfort.
After the reapers had fallen, one thing was clear: things could not be as they were. Not for a long time; perhaps not even in his lifetime. Surrounded by humans and a smattering of other species, Thane hadn't felt this alien in a long time. Illium, despite its myriad travelers and their questioning eyes, had felt more like home than Earth. There were humans here who had never even heard of drell before, much less seen one. Visiting travelers and refugees regarded him with blatant, uncomfortable stares.
But stranded though he may be, Steve Cortez was still by his side; the man who had brought color back to his life after ten long years.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
News of his son reached him early. Kolyat had helped organize an emergency evacuation from the Citadel, together with his partner Feron, and the pair were busy attempting everything they could to restore communications with the Shadow Broker and the wayward Normandy. Steve's arm healed before long, and Shepard, although grievously injured, was expected to make a full recovery.
The Alliance swiftly inducted any alien volunteers into their ranks. The designation was as official as a verbal agreement could be, but it allowed him a sense of belonging amid London's decimated infrastructure. So much of their life was focused on the necessities of survival. ‘Home’ became little more than whatever ground they could find to sleep on.
In the early days, it had been a creaky chair beside Steve's hospital bed, and then a cot in an Alliance field tent. One night it would be a threadbare bedroll, and another it would be a dusty floor beneath a creaky roof. But as he had for years, Thane began each morning with prayer and meditation. Precious minutes were spared to thank the gods - to beseech and implore his patrons to protect, nourish, and calm the minds of himself and his beloved, his son, and all of the unusual but remarkable people who now surrounded him. In this way, he slowly found peace.
Steve sat before him amid the many other Alliance soldiers sharing their current encampment, hands warm on his palms. Together, they spoke their morning ritual on hushed breaths, finding space to shut out the noise of tens of soldiers beginning the day's work.
“May Arashu protect and hold my beloved in the days to come, and may Kalahira watch over the lovers who have gone where we can not yet follow.”
Thane stood in silence, helping Steve to his feet in turn. They held one another for a brief moment - long enough for Thane to breathe a single word against his partner’s cheek.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Many had asked him to define the word, but Steve was the only person to whom he had granted such a meaning.
“A shooting star,” he said one autumn evening, tracing his fingertips through Steve's hair, now grown out just slightly longer, as more important things needed doing. “A brilliant streak across the night’s darkness, fast and fleeting. My mother used to say that such stars choose who may witness them.”
“That’s beautiful. Anyone ever tell you you’re a hopeless romantic?”
Despite his words, the smile that lit Steve's eyes may as well have had the power to cure the afflictions of every person in their barracks.
“Only for you,” Thane whispered, kissing his palm. He allowed him to touch the sensitive ruby frills on his cheek, a desirous sound leaving him. “It suits you. You belong to the sky.”
“Now you're just buttering me up. Keep going like that and I'll follow you forever.”
“I think it may be too late,” he chuckled. “It's certainly too late for me.”
Steve tucked his head against Thane's shoulder, leaving a single, soft kiss against his throat. The warmth that spread through him ached in a distinct melancholic way.
“I want you,” Steve whispered.
“And I, you, Melithas.”
They sat in silence, desire glowing like coals in a dying fire. Outside, the rain poured over cold, muddy ground. Surrounded by dozens of displaced alliance soldiers with not even a curtain to separate them, there would be no sating their need tonight.
Thane pulled the blanket around them.
“Sleep now,” he whispered. “May we find each other in the world of dreams.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Space was cold, but London's winters felt colder. Though they had managed to find work under a sturdy roof, helping Steve repair shuttles for service, his scales ached in ambient temperatures his body was not made to endure.
“I found some new gloves for you to try,” Steve said one evening as he returned from a supply run, handing him a scrunched-up bundle of yellow material.
Thane frowned. Human gloves were, in the simplest terms, not made for drell hands. But closer inspection revealed that these were different. Thick fibers encased the outside of a hand-shaped object that had space for one thumb and what appeared to be four fingers inside one space.
“They're called mittens. The requisitions officer made them special for you. Not my favorite color, but she said it's what they had.”
Thane turned the object over in his hand, examining its construction. Already, he could tell that the loose weave would catch on his scales, but as he turned the cuff over he was surprised to find a tightly woven, pale-colored lining within. The material moved effortlessly against his fingertips. As he slipped his hand inside, it felt positively luxurious compared to every other garment he’d worn since arriving on Earth.
“She said if you like them, she'll try to knit you something with individual fingers.”
Never mind the implied lack of dexterity - the mittens were warm. So blessedly warm. At a loss for words, he wound his arms around his lover and pulled him tight.
“Thank you. Thank you, Melithas.”
“Don't thank me yet - I have one more surprise for you.”
Thane met Steve's eyes with curiosity.
“I got your flight assessment results. You're cleared for training,” Steve grinned.
Thane’s face split into a wide smile. He hadn't thought he would qualify.
“When will we start?”
“Tomorrow, 6am sharp. Don't be late, cadet. If you’re lucky, I’ll take you to the mile-high club.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve was strict about the Alliance SOP for flight training. As strict as he could be, at least.
As an entry-level trainee, Thane's primary task should have been to observe, learn his instruments, and assist his pilot. The difficulty was that he should have been doing it in a flight simulator - something they simply didn’t have access to.
“This is a little unorthodox, but we live in strange times,” Steve began. “Going up is easier than getting back down, so you'll pilot takeoff, I'll pilot landing. Shuttles like the Kodiak are typically only flown by one pilot, but assuming we fixed everything up right, I should be able to take control if something goes wrong.”
He clapped the back of Thane's seat, leaning over his shoulder as he settled in. It wasn’t his first tour of this particular shuttle’s cockpit, but he listened attentively as Steve recapped what they had gone over in the weeks before.
"Keep your eye on your instrument panel. This is your altimeter, here's your speed, artificial horizon and all that. Vertical stabilizers are to your left, horizontal to your right.” He indicated a set of controls adjacent to each armrest. “And here, this is your thrust lever.” The dual-handled lever was situated between them, well within reach.
Thane settled into the seat, touching each control and instrument one by one to commit the tour to memory.
"When this is green, we're on autopilot. For routine stuff like this, she’ll mostly fly herself. Things can be a little overwhelming initially, so focus on getting used to your instruments. We can move on to more advanced flying once you’ve mastered this."
Thane nodded, buckling himself into the seat as Steve did the same beside him.
Thane tapped the inputs as directed, felt the feedback in the haptic implants he’d gotten many years before. The shuttle hummed as they lifted off the ground, rumbling steady and even beneath them.
Steve opened his comm to their local traffic controller.
“Alliance Command, this is Steve Cortez with FRT requesting escape trajectory for UT-47 Kodiak test flight in vacuum.”
“FRT Cortez, you’re cleared for escape trajectory on heading two-four-zero to orbital station Triton. Fly safe out there.”
“Acknowledged.” Steve tapped the screen and met Thane’s eyes. "Set your heading here. And go easy on the gas,” he said with a lopsided grin.
The heading dial ticked up as they pivoted toward their given takeoff direction. Thane’s hand settled around the cold steel of the thrust lever.
“Take us up, babe.”
He breathed deep, set his shoulders, and pushed forward.
That first burst of speed was electric. They sailed forward, and he watched their altimeter tick up - slowly at first, and then faster and faster until their backs were glued to their seats at escape velocity. The engines roared beneath them like twin dragons, freed after months of confinement.
The ride was exhilarating. The shuttle shot through the clouds, the sun bursting into view like a fireball. And higher still they went, up and up and up. The digital windscreen cleaned up the distortion from the heat of their climb, but Thane could feel it - a corona of fire wreathed around them as they rocketed through the atmosphere until darkness overtook them at the final barrier between sky and stars.
And gods, the stars. He could never forget, as was his nature, but the stars were even more numerous than his memory. Their majesty commanded his reverence.
“Never gets old,” Steve said under a hushed breath.
Just how long had it been since he'd left the atmosphere? Thane counted back the months, long since accustomed to Earth's standard timescale - nearly one Solar year. Thane had never really considered himself a sailor, in a spacefaring sense, but perhaps he'd missed this more than he realized.
"Goddess of Oceans,” he whispered.
His teachers had said the cosmos was just an ocean by another name. An endless sea of stars, each created by Kalahira to guide the lost across her abyssal depths. He gazed upon them now, hand in hand with the wayward human he had come to cherish, and thanked the gods for smiling upon them. Steve's hand brushed his own, fingers slipping into his grip. The expanse of stars filled him with a warm, vibrant sensation, brighter than the rare sun of Kahje. He dared to call it hope.
"You're a natural, babe. You sure you've never flown before?" Steve kissed the back of his hand and gave it a tender squeeze. Thane’s cheek frills darkened.
"I suppose this means I’ve made it to the Mile High Club?”
Steve let loose a real, genuine belly laugh.
"Not quite," he said with a smile. Steve rose from his seat, twined his arms around Thane’s neck and brought his mouth to his aural ridge. “You're not in the mile-high club till you've made love at 5280 feet above sea level.”
There was a sultry edge to his voice that Thane hadn't expected, and he raised a brow (both brows, actually). He didn't dare hope for truth among those tempting words, but despite himself, they slithered with decadent heat beneath his skin.
“My altimeter says we're much higher than 5280 feet,” he said evenly.
“Your discipline never fails to amaze, but I’m putting this baby in standby.” Thane couldn't parse what ‘standby’ had to do with the situation at hand, but Steve quickly undid his safety belts and spun his chair around. “C’mere.”
The look in Steve’s eyes was telling.
“Do not tease me, Melithas.”
Warm breath washed over his throat, and Thane arched his neck on impulse. “Never, kitten.” And then Steve was on his knees before him, pulling their bodies tight, hands warm on his back.
The realization touched his mind as they drew close. Drifting among the stars, they were finally, blessedly alone. And in moments, their lips met as effortlessly as sea meets sand.
The kiss was everything they yearned for since the invasion began. Steve’s hunger for him parted the clouds of his mind, burned away the death and destruction of the war, and seeded life within his heart anew. Months. It had been months. The kiss flowed between them like a virile wine that slaked their long-buried thirst for one another that only the war could have put on hold.
With one hand on the back of his neck, Steve worked his other hand against the fasteners of his flight suit.
"Christ, Thane. If I have to go another night without you, I'm liable to fuck you silly in front of the entire barracks."
Thane hummed against his lips. "At this point, I don't believe I'd have the willpower to stop you.”
"I'll share a lot of things, babe. But you? Those sounds you make? Those are just for me. Only me."
Steve's mouth moved against his neck, licking a hot line along the most sensitive part of his throat. The cockpit, small as it was, quickly became their temple as they stripped each other bare by the low light of the haptic console.
"You're lucky," Steve said. "You have all those memories to fall back on." He dug his fingertips into Thane's pectoral frills, flooding him with need.
"Memories are far from sufficient," Thane groaned, wresting Steve's flight suit open, "Imagine yourself roused from a dream with naught more than your hand to satisfy you.”
"You poor thing," Steve whispered, gripping his chin as he drew their lips together. “Why don't you let me take care of you?"
"Please, Melithas," Thane whispered, his voice breaking on the knife edge of his need. "Whatever you wish of me is yours."
Steve’s answering murmur was low and laced with wanting. "I love it when you call me that."
Moments later, Thane found himself extricated from his suit, a warm hand sliding down along his shaft to his opening below, weeping with desire. Seeking fingers pushed inside him, collecting his wetness, massaging his walls. They emerged coated, smearing along the length of his cock, helping Steve's warm palm glide effortlessly along the length of him. Thane swore under his breath as he squeezed. Thank the gods for the well-placed perks of interspecies contrasts - he was beyond ready, aching and eager to be filled.
As quickly as he’d started, Steve suddenly pulled back. Thane met his gaze with concern.
"Hey,” he said quietly. “I'm sorry I haven't been as attentive as I should be."
There was a genuine apology in his eyes, reflecting the orange lights of the console. Thane scooched forward, thumb running along Steve’s jaw.
"You needn't apologize,” he said softly. “People are depending on us. We hardly have time for such indulgences."
"Yeah, but I just want you to know how special you are to me. I love you so god damn much. Some nights I want you so bad I can't sleep." To illustrate his point, Steve drew their bodies flush, making evident his own hardness beneath his shorts.
"I never doubted you,” Thane smiled, kissing him gently.
Steve’s answer was another kiss. On his lips, Thane could taste everything. All the love, the heartache, the frustration and desire and feeling that they’d been forced to set aside for the sake of rebuilding the basic pillars of survival. Steve’s hand gripped his waist, pulled him forward until they were both clumsily standing and stepping out of their clothes, neither of them willing to break this kiss they’d pined for all these months. The hard line of Steve’s cock pressed against his thigh as the man leaned against him, driving him backward one step at a time. Before long, he bumped the console and swore, reaching blind behind himself to lock the controls.
"Up," Steve ordered, and Thane was quick to comply. The instrument panel bit into his backside, but it didn’t matter as Steve reached between them, closing a fist around both of their cocks and stroking long and slow. “Let me make love to you,” he whispered.
“Please,” he said. “Gods above, please.”
He felt the way Steve’s lips curled into a smile against his mouth.
"Never done this in the cockpit before. But we'll make it work," he said as he lined himself up. He didn't hesitate, didn't tease - Steve's cock slid home, stretching him with the fullness he’d been denied for far too long. Warmth bloomed along his spine, crawling through his limbs and soul.
“Gods,” he panted. With some effort, he managed to raise one leg and splay his knee, altering the angle to an exquisite depth that made his dual eyelids flutter as Steve began to rock into him.
“That feel good, babe? You're so damn wet for me.”
There weren’t words for how fucking good it felt. Thane groaned incoherently, nipping Steve’s jaw, breath fleeing his lungs as another plunging thrust sent a wave of fire surging through him.
"You'll be good for me and wait to come till I’m ready, won't you?"
Steve’s fingers wrapped tight around his cock, pumping him in time with each deep, slow thrust. Thane's fingernails dug into the console, and he nodded.
"I know you can do it. Controlled guy like yourself, I gotta make it good for you. Make it worth the wait."
You were always worth the wait, Thane thought, unable to form the words. One hand gripped him by the hip, Steve's thumb slotting perfectly into his pelvic frill.
In the dim lighting, Steve's eyes reflected the myriad points of light from the windscreen and dashboard, twinkling as he moved with barely restrained purpose. His brows came together as he panted and leaned in, setting a pace that Thane felt would set them both aflame - long, plunging thrusts that hilted on every stroke, taking him to the stars and back as the seconds divided and multiplied into fathomless ecstasy.
“God, you are so damn beautiful,” Steve said, teeth scraping his lower lip. “I’d have you like this every day if I could.”
Thane returned the gesture, cradling Steve’s jaw as they kissed. "You'll just have to find more excuses to take the shuttle into orbit, then."
"I think I could swing that,” Steve panted. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of fucking you in front of a field of stars.”
A strangled, nearly pained gasp escaped him as Steve abruptly squeezed along his cock in a gesture he knew was meant to take him to the brink.
"Not yet," Steve leaned down to whisper. "Just a little longer, babe. You get so hot inside when you're close. Feels so damn good.”
He gasped when he pulled out, readjusted, and drove back home again, gaining speed until he was being well and truly railed into the dashboard. His ruined cries of desperation were lost to the frantic kiss they shared as Thane held on with what remained of his fraying control, wanting what they both needed - the visceral ecstasy of mutual release. And between them, the sweetest torture - Steve’s fist pumping him raggedly as his body was taken, filled again and again in the throes of bottled-up lust.
He couldn’t take it a moment longer. He never wanted it to end.
"Come for me, Thane."
His vision went white. Steve hilted one final time, swollen cock lodged deep inside his slick channel, dousing him from the inside out with thick, pulsing spend that warmed him within and without. Thane crested with him, gasping as his release poured into his lover's hand, rolling down over Steve's fingers and further still to the scorching heat of their joining. Steve pulled their bodies flush as they came, grinding out their mutual climax until they were both sated, panting, and spent.
Lucidity returned to him with the crawling chill of space and the silence of idle engines as they drifted in orbit. In contrast with the warmth of Steve’s body, he felt the instrument panel digging into his backside and began to stretch his limbs. Neither man wanted to separate.
“Melithas,” he murmured, palms pressed flat against Steve’s back, face tucked against his neck. “From the depths of my soul, I love you.”
Thane could hear the smile on Steve’s face as he held him tight and whispered back, “I love you, too, Thane.”
They dressed each other slowly, taking care to clean up as they went. Steve’s pupils were wide in the low light, his mind no doubt swimming with drell venom. Thane winced. In his haste, he hadn’t considered the logistics of returning to Earth in such a state.
“Plot a course for the Triton waypoint,” Steve said as they settled back into their seats. “We need their controllers to give us groundside status before re-entry.” He tossed Thane a wink. “I’ll be fine by then.”
Their hands met as the thrusters kicked on and they sailed forward. In the vacuum of space, they couldn’t feel their acceleration. If he closed his eyes, it felt like being aboard the Normandy again. Like home.
In the silence, Thane quietly wondered when he’d next have the opportunity to hold him, love him, worship him as they had in the months before the war. But peace, while difficult in its own way, promised them a beautiful future.
The memories would be enough until then.
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oblivious-memorials · 3 months
Castiel/Cas (Fallen Star)
>>>> Basic Info :3!
Age: 18 • Birthday: 2/20 • Pronouns: They/Xe
(Design: May be subject to change?)
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<Dump / Backstory maybe? under the cut!>
> A completely walking Nonbinary flag- Uh, quite literally it’s been like this for years going back from when I first made them? Like I can’t tell you what the outfit was BEFORE they became this—
# Cas is VERY MUCH a stolen name, Supernatural I know you were my special interest back then, Castiel the Fallen Angel I’m looking at you good sir—
> Personality wise is probably more of the relaxed, and calm individual compared to others. Good at controlling emotions to not say: snap out at others, and just, definitely use healthy coping mechanisms.
> Very caring person, they don’t like seeing others hurt, have lots of empathy: Especially caring of animals.
> Therapist friend though also is in their own therapy. (Typically there for the friends they KNOW have a problem with talking about things with strangers/non-close friends)
> Fantastic cook <3
> Doesn’t understand how they got with Haven, like, them??? With like, the prettiest person ever???? Totally believe Haven is out of their league because like damn—-
>> Not sure if it’s reflected well design wise, but Cas is a little on the chubby side (‘n theres absolutely nothing wrong with that <3) and although they had problems with it at first, they’ve learned to be really happy with their body!
> Nonbinary wise in the sense of them feeling both masc and fem, Haven is the opposite (not masc/fem) <3
> Special interest: Stars and their kind-of -Fiancée
> Enjoys to have their hair dyed various colors, whats life if you dont explore the possibilities? (Ourple is by far their favorite so far, and Haven very much enjoys being the one to dye it)
> Xeir ears appear to be dripping, yet only truly do so when magic is being overused. to which physically: Their ears seem to liquify at the bottom.
> The black part on their face, seems to be a scar? Cas doesn’t recall where it came from, and it doesn’t really do anything: It’s just there? (its corruption, un-purified, unsafe to touch)
> Castiel doesn’t know why Z, after re-meeting them only referred to Cas as the ‘Fallen Star’ They know the origin of the name, but they never understood why Z just… Refused to use their name.
[] Species wise idk what the fuck they are yet LMAO—
Not that much to info dump about them, but, oh well:
<> Backstory Time! <>
To say their life wasn’t miserable, was somewhat true, it just felt inconsistent?
tw: lil violence/harm, mention of animal death
The title ‘Fallen Star’ comes directly from their origin. They did not have parents who had them. Xe did not grow up nor have connections to people; They were quite literally a star in orbit, who eventually succumbed to danger, and fell.
They are not the only ‘Star Person’ though, they don’t really have a species name. But alas (I was lazy) nobody really cared that much.
Instead of staying in space and around their people, Cas, at a strangely young age when it comes to falling—3/Three— had essentially fallen into a blank land.
Life before falling was simple, easy, and uneventful. They never really had meaning, just were a star: Supposed to be there until death…. Falling normal happens to those who are newly born/formed, as an accident.
The actual world they found themself into, wasn’t that easy in the slightest. There were other beings, creatures, and life around. To wake up in a bush of berries? Scariest thing to a small, star-like child.
They weren’t up anymore, xe were down.
They spent, around seven more years (Three to Ten) just living alone, deep in a forest, alone. No school, no ability to speak, read- Instead they learned off animals. How to eat. where to sleep, to stay hidden, all of it. They did it alone, and daily in fear of death.
Of course being a child and trying to learn off animals, meant many unsavory things, and worst of all: Finding said animals dead. When you’re copying them, and hunters kill them, it’s obvious to believe you’ll be hunted just the same.
Their first experience with corruption was in that forest, they didn’t know how to fight, they didnt know how to defend themself, and they certainly didn’t expect an arrow-Fused with corruption— To go through their eye, and even worse out the back of their skull. (Since then, they have blocked that memory out)
It did not kill them, but they did not stay conscious for long after. They had, truly no ides of what was happening, and to xe? They were going to die. They weren’t gonna wake up at all.
While out, an Angel— Someone they’d learn to call ‘mother’ found, and took them to her home. Unable to get rid of the corruption, but able to stop it from spreading, and eventually advising them to not show that part of their face when Cas woke up.
Of course technically being 10, they were sent into the proper grade for their age, which, they had little idea of what the hell they were doing, especially considering their ability to speak read and more, was insanely broken.
Without friends, first meeting Z and [SPIRIT] and lastly meeting Haven, among others, they probably would have not made it through as a somehow passing student. Thank all that help—
Life from there was okay?
Okay, not really, they constantly lived in fear of others, and typically clung to their friends. Their ‘mother’ was okay, she also simply wasn’t trustworthy…?
Cas did not have an easy time… Trusting adults. Even when they’re friendly, which did typically cause strain between them and their ‘mom’ especially if they felt any sort of anger.
Anger never was violence, yet Cas didn’t particularly like the feeling of anger, and it’d tend them to get scared off. They just, didn’t really know even how to be a ‘person’ until maybe. 14? Even then they still were weird, though weird was okay.
Cas also definitely fell first for Haven, because being weird was a bonding and a very cute and adorable one and Cas just found Haven really pretty— And they made the mistake of telling their mother- And then xeir mother was like ‘i ship it’ and of course, thats embarrassing—-
When it came to the wilting, that on its own was the funnest experience ever! (/sarc) Their mother did not die, however they did do something to protect Cas: That also really broke Castiel….
Their mother pulled them away from the others, into somewhere they knew to be safe, and the home for angels! Heaven— Somewhere Cas was absolutely betrayed to end up in, because for two years they believed their friends were dead, and Heaven itself was so unbelievably un-comforting, that they chose to leave! Even when not knowing where they’d end up—
They forced themselves to fall, and to them…. Falling was familiar.
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New NASA Study Tallies Carbon Emissions From Massive Canadian Fires
Extreme wildfires like these will continue to have a large impact on global climate.
Stoked by Canada’s warmest and driest conditions in decades, extreme forest fires in 2023 released about 640 million metric tons of carbon, NASA scientists have found. That’s comparable in magnitude to the annual fossil fuel emissions of a large industrialized nation. NASA funded the study as part of its ongoing mission to understand our changing planet.
The research team used satellite observations and advanced computing to quantify the carbon emissions of the fires, which burned an area roughly the size of North Dakota from May to September 2023. The new study, published on Aug. 28 in the journal Nature, was led by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
They found that the Canadian fires released more carbon in five months than Russia or Japan emitted from fossil fuels in all of 2022 (about 480 million and 291 million metric tons, respectively). While the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from both wildfires and fossil fuel combustion cause extra warming immediately, there’s an important distinction, the scientists noted. As the forest regrows, the amount of carbon emitted from fires will be reabsorbed by Earth’s ecosystems. The CO2 emitted from the burning of fossil fuels is not readily offset by any natural processes.
An ESA (European Space Agency) instrument designed to measure air pollution observed the fire plumes over Canada. The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument, or TROPOMI, flies aboard the Sentinel 5P satellite, which has been orbiting Earth since 2017. TROPOMI has four spectrometers that measure and map trace gases and fine particles (aerosols) in the atmosphere.
The scientists started with the end result of the fires: the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) in the atmosphere during the fire season. Then they “back-calculated” how large the emissions must have been to produce that amount of CO. They were able to estimate how much CO2 was released based on ratios between the two gases in the fire plumes.
“What we found was that the fire emissions were bigger than anything in the record for Canada,” said Brendan Byrne, a JPL scientist and lead author of the new study. “We wanted to understand why.”
Warmest Conditions Since at Least 1980
Wildfire is essential to the health of forests, clearing undergrowth and brush and making way for new plant life. In recent decades, however, the number, severity, and overall size of wildfires have increased, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Contributing factors include extended drought, past fire management strategies, invasive species, and the spread of residential communities into formerly less developed areas.
To explain why Canada’s fire season was so intense in 2023, the authors of the new study cited tinderbox conditions across its forests. Climate data revealed the warmest and driest fire season since at least 1980. Temperatures in the northwest part of the country — where 61% of fire emissions occurred — were more than 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit (2.6 degrees Celsius) above average from May through September. Precipitation was also more than 3 inches (8 centimeters) below average for much of the year.
Driven in large part by these conditions, many of the fires grew to enormous sizes. The fires were also unusually widespread, charring some 18 million hectares of forest from British Columbia in the west to Quebec and the Atlantic provinces in the east. The area of land that burned was more than eight times the 40-year average and accounted for 5% of Canadian forests.
“Some climate models project that the temperatures we experienced last year will become the norm by the 2050s,” Byrne said. “The warming, coupled with lack of moisture, is likely to trigger fire activity in the future.”
If events like the 2023 Canadian forest fires become more typical, they could impact global climate. That’s because Canada’s vast forests compose one of the planet’s important carbon sinks, meaning that they absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere than they release. The scientists said that it remains to be seen whether Canadian forests will continue to absorb carbon at a rapid rate or whether increasing fire activity could offset some of the uptake, diminishing the forests’ capacity to forestall climate warming.
IMAGE: An astronaut aboard the International Space Station photographed wildfire smoke from Nova Scotia billowing over the Atlantic Ocean in May 2023. Warm weather and lack of rain fueled blazes across Canada last year, burning 5% of the country’s forests. Credit: NASA
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rosietrace · 10 months
Elaine Rossignol
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“Oh, now that just won't do, dear. My job is to help others make their dreams come true, and that includes you.”
— Elaine Rossignol, songbird starlet
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General Information
Full Name — Elaine Evangeline Rossignol
↳ Elaine: An old French form of the name ‘Helen’. Typically meaning; Shining Light, Bright.
↳ Evangeline: Meaning ‘good news’ in Greek.
↳ Rossignol: ‘Nightingale’ in French.
Japanese ver. — イレーヌ エヴァンジェリン ロシニョール
Romaji ver. — Irēnu Evanjerin Roshinyōru
Twisted from: Cinderella • Christine Daae
❏ — Cinderella(シンデレラ) • Christine Daae(オペラ座の怪人)
V/A(日本語): Aya Hirano (平野綾)
↳ Voices Lucy Heartfilia, Fairytail
V/A(英語/EN): Sierra Boggess
↳ Actress of Christine Daae, Royal Albert Hall Phantom of the Opera
Age: 18
Birthday: January 26th
Horoscope: Aquarius ♒
Species: Human
Height: 174 cm
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Dark brown, almost Black
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/They
Sexuality: Demiromantic, Pansexual
Dominant hand: Right
Extra Information
Homeland: The City of Flowers, 「 Populaire Capital 」
『 Family:
Vincent Rossignol (Biological Father/†)
Biological Mother † 』
Dormitory: Pomefiore
School Year: 2nd Year
Class: 2-A (+ seat no. 5)
Club: None
Best class(es): Music, Drama
Worst class(es): Practical and Defensive Magic
Like(s): The opera, music, anything vintage, singing, ballet, violin, shoes, sewing, fashion designing, helping others, seeing the best in others, Illusoire Opera House, the myth of the Opera Ghost
Dislike(s): Hypocrisies, injuring herself, worrying her friends, keeping secrets, crying, anything negative from nay-sayers about her father, anyone trying to enter Box Five in Illusoire
Hobbies: Singing, cleaning, sewing, ballet, playing the violin, writing in her journal, writing letters to close acquaintances
Talent(s): Singing, ballet, violin, multilingualism, fashion designing, sewing, crocheting, baking, ax-throwing
Flaw(s): Overly insistent, hypocritical, tends to sugarcoat everything, stubborn
Elaine's one of Pomefiore's finest singers, Vil stated. Many in the dormitory seem to agree with that, especially Rook and Victoria.
That isn't due to any attempt to please their housewarden, of course (though it may be true in some cases).
Elaine's considered a natural-born talent. Seemingly picturesque of what one would consider to be the ‘perfect’ person.
Kind, compassionate, empathetic — Elaine isn't afraid to help those in need, even if it means getting her hands dirty in order to do so!
She's someone her friends can go to if they ever need to be comforted, or given advice. It almost always feels like Elaine knows exactly what to say for every given situation. Like she knows what they're about to say before they can even say it.
Everyone can rely on Elaine for help. Just give her a call, and she'll be right there to help!
…. It's a good thing and a bad thing, depending on the person.
Elaine's good at reading people — remarkably, so. Alas, some individuals are just a little too good at hiding who they really are, and use her willingness to help others to exploit it for personal gain.
What doesn't help is that Elaine is insistent on providing her assistance. She rarely accepts a refusal, and feels the need to try and help as many people as she can all at once; thus causing her to be rather overworked.
She's also insistent on not allowing anyone to help her. Elaine's under the belief that if she can handle a great deal of errands, there's no harm in handling a couple more — bearing more weight on her shoulders than she needs to.
Unique Magic: Tears of the Nightingale (ナイチンゲールの涙)
𓅨 Allows its user to heal injuries with their tears.
The tears will sink into the injury, with a slight stinginess, during those first few moments. But after a couple of seconds — or minutes — the injury will be fully healed.
This ability is most effective with smaller, minor injuries. The larger and more severe, the longer it will take to heal.
And sometimes, the injury is so grotesque that not even the tears will be able to heal it.
Thoughts on them
“Sweet girl, Elaine is. We met rather recently, and I can assure you, she is far better company than anything Victoria's capable of. Alas, it seems Elaine's close with her too.”
— Vil Schoenheit, Elaine's housewarden
“I took her in when most others didn't. The girl was in a difficult situation after her father died, who was I to not allow her safe refuge in my home? I treasure Elaine, truly. What I can only hope for is that she can learn to lean on others for support.”
— Mozus Trein, Elaine's current guardian
Additional Trivia
✑ Main Theme: Think of Me from The Phantom of the Opera, sung by Sierra Boggess
✑ Backstory: 『 Sing for Me 』
✑ OC Playlist: [ TBA ]
༝ㅤ・ㅤ˚ㅤ。ㅤ.ㅤ⋆ ・ ° · ꒦꒷ 𓅨
𓅨 Anything remotely vintage is automatically in Elaine's hands. From jewelry to footwear, to clothing — she's got a whole closet dedicated to vintage fashion!
𓅨 Trein’s wife, before her passing, had actually gifted Elaine a couple of pieces of her jewelry for her to wear when she came of age. To this day, Elaine keeps the jewelry in a small jewelry box her mother gave her. In memory of both her mother and Trein's wife.
↳ This happens to be one of the reasons why Trein has a soft spot for her.
𓅨 Surprisingly? Trein's daughters adore Elaine! Since childhood, both girls had the habit of coddling their honorary niece and continue to bicker about who Elaine likes more.
𓅨 Elaine was originally a student at Noble Bell College! Technically speaking, she would've been a member of the student council had she not transferred to NRC during her second year.
↳ She often visits Noble Bell to check up on everything while she is away.
𓅨 Well-liked by many of her peers! Elaine just has that sense of likability, one could suppose! (That isn't to say people don't dislike her, but you get my point)
𓅨 Her love of the Opera stemmed from her Father, who was a first-row violinist for the Illusoire Opera House — An Opera House residing in the City of Flowers.
𓅨 Elaine basically lives in Illusoire at this point, based on how frequently she goes there during vacations. Thankfully, the staff (specifically a certain composer) adore her presence and welcome her with open arms with each visit.
𓅨 Rollo seems to respect her, to some degree. Elaine thinks there's more weight to that than what most people think, given the kind of person Rollo is.
𓅨 Her constant insistence on helping others is considered concerning, to say the least. At most, you're most likely to meet Elaine while she's running someone else's errand.
𓅨 Horrible at swordsmanship, it's almost impossible to teach her anything about the combat form. Surprisingly, however, Elaine's got a decent right hook.
𓅨 How she's good at ax-throwing is beyond anyone's understanding. She just is.
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Elaine's Tags
#elaine rossignol • #『 elaine 🎭 』
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feline-evil · 1 year
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M'names Jay, i'm the dude/cat-thing who blogs nonsense on here and who you may have seen the work of if you're in The Hotel Fandom (i do graphic design for The pinup calendar and The guestbook zine!!), and i'm here to make a very different post than my usual!
But read on for full details and for information on a commission type i'm also open for! :D
Recently i got to meet my long distance boyfriend for the first time and it was the best time of my life!! I would like to be able to meet him in person many more times! Now, of course the thing is this costs MONEY, and i spent my life savings on accommodation for us this last trip; i do not currently have a standard job, i have been an artist since i was 18 but my own health issues mean i cannot really work like i used to, so making that life savings back is! A big task for me! To cut a long story short i have permanent damage/a strain in my dominant hand that means i cannot draw as much as i used to, and i deal with general pain and fatigue issues that also impact me; so it's a big ol' tricky situation! WHICH IS WHERE THIS POST COMES IN.
I would like to make back my life savings if i can, i would like to save to help with the financial costs of seeing my boyfriend again, maybe even more often, i would like to in general be able to save for and afford a better life in many regards!! So if you are willing and able to do so, i have a ko-fi goal you can pop a few quid towards! Its a £500 goal, which covers my life savings; consider this like a tip jar, if you've ever enjoyed my work- be it my art or graphic design work- and you've wanted to drop me a lil somethin', here's where to do it!
And while i can't take on full comms due to the condition of my arm and fatigue i can do these little chibi comms if you'd prefer to commission than donate!! £10 GBP each for these, can do anthro, human, closed species, p much anything you want!!
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(And psst, hey for £5 extra i'll render your chibi like this!)
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If you read this far thank you so so much!! :D I hope to keep working on cool stuff both in my independant projects and my fanworks, and i truly appreciate any all all support no matter if it's tossing a few quid my way or just reblogging and signal boosting!! THANK YE THANK YE!!
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corrie-zodori · 27 days
1, 13, 15, 18 for the ask game (IDK if you do super in-depth story lore so sorry if not all of these you have answers for)
ohohoh I'm so down for this! This'll be a bit long (ty for letting me infodump a bit heheheh) so putting this one alllll under the cut.
1 - Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time? My first OC TECHNICALLY was this green mouse I just called "super mouse" and I made him when I was roughly 7 or 8? I dont use him anymore but he was based on a green plastic mouse toy from the old board game "mouse trap". I took the little figure everywhere, turned him into a lil superhero and I even have a little notebook to this day of little saturday morning cartoon-like adventures I drew and wrote him in. 13 - Which story has the most lore? CURRENTLY it's definitely Spark of the Eye, or "SOTE" as I've been calling it. By technicality if we're speaking worldbuilding/world lore based, it'd probably be any story in my Zodior settings (zodior being a world I made up when I was about 9 years old and have been developing gradually ever since.) SOTE is not related to Zodior in any way, but I've definitely been putting a LOT of thought and planning into it since it's initial concepting. 15 - How many projects do you have going on right now? Are there any that you doubt you’ll ever finish? I have many in limbo/progress but currently I'm focusing almost all of my energy on SOTE. I tend to bounce between story to story in bouts of fixation, but this is one of those stories that's really captivated me and has kept its grip on me for a long time, and I'm more drawn to it than I've ever been to any story I've worked on so far, solo. There's maybe one or two that I'm a little wishy washy on, and I've definitely been known to scrap ideas and entire stories before, but if I ever do that I keep scraps of it and use it for other stories. Nothing is ever truly wasted to me! The time I spent on them was still fun for me and I still got to make some cool character designs or fun concepts to use elsewhere, even if nothing ever sees the light of day from those old projects. 18 - Describe the setting of one or more of your wips I feel like I could mention the setting of SOTE, but currently the majority of the setting takes place mostly in space. We see different planets and societies though, including the Ikartan (Izarri's race) planet + ringworld society surrounding them! The surface of their planet, even if we dont see much of it, is very stormy almost to a cataclysmic level. Living down there is hellish but they do have structures and technology built to withstand these harsh conditions. This is actually something we wont see a TON of ironically. Most of their resources went into building the ringworld, a massive artificial structure that is a literal man-made ring around the planet. It's got a ton of space but it's still limited; most of ikartan society resides on this ringworld. This species is very passive and even skittish with branching out to other worlds, and they dont make connections with other alien species very often. Most of their society isn't willing to colonize other planets that belong to other species, or planets that have intelligent life already living on that planet. They tend to stick to the shadows and stay low cosmically speaking, scavenging for resources and space, even if it means their society remains (mostly) isolated to their own star system. (Aaaand maybe a few rough-shape planets.)
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conniesrockstargf · 1 year
Rant of 9/27/23
Y'know one of the best things about being 19 is? The limbo of leaving the teens to being a starter adult.
It's the age where people 25+ constantly tell you that you're too young for A, too young to feel B, too young to know about C. It's so demeaning and invalidating.
I'll say, that as a girl who worked 3 jobs in her first semester of college, freshly 18, I'm fucking exhausted. I'm the oldest daughter of my family (which is a whole cause for therapy in its fucking self) which means that I've spent literally my whole life up to now, taking care of family. When i was 3, my grandmother kicked me and my 3 month old little brother out of her residence because she got into a spat with my mom. Even before that i was taking care of my younger siblings. When on family vacations, i am involuntarily designated babysitter (for children and (drunk) adults).
I work two jobs. One in a hospital kitchen, full time and the other as a barista part time. I am constantly on my feet for 7+ hours a day, tending to people who could care less about me.
When i was 16, i almost committed suicide in my bathroom. Still haven't been to therapy. 🩷
As a person having been through the bulllshit of life, it's really fucking frustrating when "older" adults try to disqualify my experiences because I'm young. Age has nothing to do with it! We all experience things differently and at different times, but that doesn't mean that anyone's journey is invalid.
I am a black, queer girl. I've got ENOUGH problems 😭. I don't need some millennials and oldheads in my face trying to tell me that I can't be tired or feel overwhelmed.
If i have every right to be grateful then i have every right to fucking complain. If i say I'm tired, I'm tired. If i say my feet fucking hurt, they hurt. If i say that i like Hello Kitty, i fucking like Hello Kitty. These older generations need to get through their heads that this generation is still human. Regardless of any technological advances or any other bs that our species comes up with, at the end of the day, nothing can make us more or less of a human than the next person. We have been beaten down by society forcing heteronormative, gender-biased, and eurocentric stereotypes and roles on us, which only hinder the true experience of being a human. We're surviving instead of living. It's truly a cruel world.
We're on a floating rock in the middle of fucking space and you're trying to argue about work ethic?! Please stfu.
Just enjoy the time that you have here and spread kindness. I don't understand why we can't do this 😞😭.
^^^ i do make them for fun, so if you wanna send an idea for any, my asks are always open.
I'll do anything I'm familiar with,
; tv shows, movies, characters, music, art, fashion, etc.
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blazing--comet · 11 months
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BASICALLY in February I came up with this concept for another au ,, NOT MY MAIN AU and it's not connected to my main one either , other than the concept of Units (which if anybody is ever curious about here I'd LOVE to chat about it) BUT MOSTLY FOR FUNSIES !!! decided to actually pick up this au and work on it for a fun sillyyy cause I've been thinking about all the concepts and ideas for it the past many months ‼️‼️
ITS CALLED , disguised AU , for now at least... IF I COME UP WITH A BETTER TITLE (I probably will but I suck balls at naming things) ILL UPDATE UT BUT YEAHHH
SUMMARY : In the past 100 plus years , Earth and the human species gained incredible technology and advancement due to alien contact , but with that , the planet was tied into the many years war of Irkens vs . Vortians and the Meekrob . The were NOT on the side of the Irkens , and didn't play a huge role in the war until Professor Membrane , an unexpected hero came along . There was no information where he came from , but his help in the war was gladly welcome .
As the Irkens were beginning to lose the war , very slowly , they turned to desperate measures , committing atrocities and such , and eventually came up with the idea to INFILTRATE the three species they were fighting . There were several Irkens sent to each planet , with no other instructions other than to " Gain information and report back to the Empire on it ." Zim and Tak were the two Irkens assigned to "invade" the Membrane Labs , which was one of the most important aspects of the invasion . They each had different ways and plans to find more information , but reported to the Tallest their findings equally .
Zim had decided to be an Intern at the Labs for a bit , and was eventually hired . He is soon assigned to work in the "Design Department" , specifically to work on weapons and spacecrafts . In his work , he meets Dib Membrane , the son of Professor Membrane , a young adult(they're *both* like 18-19ish in this AU) with the same interests and ideas of him , and his key to succeeding in his mission . Zim pretends to "befriend" Dib at first , and ends up genuinely becoming close friends with him , and has some realizations about the Empire and some things about himself . Eventually , Dib stumbles across Zim out of disguise , which comes across as a betrayal to Dib because he believed Zim was all along just using him for information , and ends up ignoring and avoiding him for a while before Zim confronts him .
After the two work through the problem and communicate about it (this doesn't go without a lot of tension and angst though , I will say that) , Zim decides he really does need to leave the Empire .
I also wanted to quick clarify that Dib didn't know Zim was an Irken beforehand because of his disguise . Hence the name of the AU . It's not a shitty ass one like he has in the show , it's very similar to the one TAK had in "Tak; the hideous new girl" . It's a hologram in a way , but it works even better than the disguise that she had , since the technology in disguises would have been needed to be EXTRA advanced for the Irkens infiltrating the planets . Example of his disguise is in the last drawing !!! Dib was also sort of suspecting it , not that he was exactly IRKEN , but that he was some sort of alien species , but he could never be sure because of how good the disguise was .
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