#so like I think I’d be cute if like violet and Lena just like sat together and like read books/writes in a book together
cloverconsolass · 4 months
You said a few days ago that we could send requests if we wanted. In that case…sibling stuff with Lena and Violet, please?
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This was Lena and violet at first but like I felt like it was missing something so I added webby. Their having there little book session thing. Thanks for requesting :D
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janetbrown711 · 5 years
. There’s a difference between being brave and being suicidal Louie webby
“You excited for tonight?” Webby asked as she adorned a set of her Granny’s pearls and styled her hair into a nice and neat updo that reminded Louie of old photos of a younger and happier Beakley, but God knows he’d never tell her that.
“Excited? Try ‘kinda dreading’. I have to stand around for at least a half-hour saying hi to countless, and I mean countless, duck cousins. Nothing could be more dreadful about this wedding,” Louie complained.
“Oh come on Lou. Where’s your bravery? It’s your family, what is the worst that could happen?” She asked.
“There is a difference between being brave and being suicidal Webs. I am not going to say ‘hi’ to every single one of those weirdos. I swear, some of them might actually be lunatics. I just don’t understand them,” Louie shook his head.
“You’re so dramatic,” Webby rolled her eyes, “I’m sure it’s just your lack of understanding that makes you paranoid. And besides, one could very easily consider Donald or your brothers lunatics so maybe don’t be so quick to judge,” Webby warned.
“Alright, fine. I’ll at least shake hands but I swear if they try to say more than small talk I might have to leave,” Louie said.
“I’ll take what I can get,” Webby kissed his cheek before heading off to the bathroom.
“Oh, and don’t forget, you have to try to talk to Granny like a human being tonight. No being an awkward robot around her,” She added.
“What?! You never told me I have to do that! She scares the crap out of me,” he proclaimed.
“Louie, she’s gonna be your Granny-in-law tomorrow. I think it’s best if you start having normal conversations before it’s too late,” Webby sighed. Louie pondered what exactly she meant by that,
but he still couldn’t grip a reality where he wasn’t at least a little bit afraid of Mrs. Beakley at all times.
After all, she wasn’t necessarily the warmest person when they told her they were dating, or when they told her they were engaged.
“Fine, I’ll... try. But only for you,” Louie sighed.
“My hero,” she popped her head out the door just to smile at him. That stupid cute smile made him want to actually actually mean it, but Beakley really was scary.
This was going to be a long, and difficult evening.
They stood at the door for what felt like an eternity, even Webby couldn’t deny that. Her one regret was wearing heels, bringing flats, but not bringing them to the dinner because “she’s endured torture before”. Biggest lie she ever convinced herself of.
There were somehow many, many more members of the Duck family than Louie remembered. There was Gladstone and whoever he was dating today, Fethry and his brother Louie had never met Abner, this guy named Gus, Donald and Daisy, Della, this old lady who he vaguely remembered someone telling him was his Great Aunt or something??? Her name was Lulubelle and she was a lot like Fethry. Figured they were related somehow. There were also a ton of other people that he just straight up couldn’t recall. He glanced at Webby every once in a while for support but it didn’t look like she knew them either.
The biggest problem of the night though? Dewey was drunk before he even got there (along with hypeman and apparently boyfriend Dante) and Della and Daisy were having some sort of squabble about arm wrestling, which put Donald in the most awkward position in history. Also, Launchpad crashed into someone's car
"This is going to be fun, right Louie?” She asked him, elbowing him slightly when she saw the grimace on his face as he was flipping through what was going on in his brain.
“Right,” he gave back a very forced smile. Webby rolled her eyes.
“Just behave yourself. We don’t need two drunk Duck brothers. And if I have to wake you from a hangover, I swear, I will use a bucket of ice and make it as painful as possible,” she threatened.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” He chuckled, but Webby was not assumed. “I’ll have fun, it’s cool. I can be charming. I bet I can fix all of tonight's problems in no time.” That made Webby laugh.
“I’m sorry Lou, but there are just some things you can’t fix. Besides, we have a schedule. Toasts and food and stuff, remember? Just keep it cool,” Webby reminded.
“Right, keep it cool,” He nodded slowly. Together, Louie and Webby took their seats in the middle of a long table that allowed them to look at the ocean of guests (some that he honestly didn’t recall inviting to the dinner because this was supposed to be smaller than the wedding, but he had let Donald send out the invitations so maybe that was his doing). He had sat down for no more than three seconds when a drunk Dewey stumbled towards him and swung his arm around his brother.
“You know what I love about you bro?” He grinned cheekily.
“Dewey, I swear to god-”
“It’s that you jsut.. you’re so... you so natural. Like no other. Original gangster right here. you lie like legend. I lovvvveeee that,” he said.
“That’s great Dewey. Drink some water,” he handed him a water bottle, which Dewey accepted before Dante swiped it away.
“Uh uh uh! No water til’ 12. We made a deal,” Dante teased.
“A deal?” Louie’s eye twitched as he turned to Dewey.
“Sorry brosef. I’mma gonner,” he kissed his fingers and did a peace sign before running off with Dante. Louie shook his head.
“Guess I’ll just ask Huey to give tonights toast instead of Dewey tonight,” Louie sighed.
“That sounds fair,” Webby nodded along, eating a piece of bread.
“I’ll go tell him. Text me when the food gets here, I’m starving,” Louie stood.
“Good luck. I believe in you,” they shared a brief kiss before Louie found his brother with Violet and Lena in the corner.
“You guys still working on those bets?” he asked snidely.
“What do we look like? Of course,” Huey rolled his eyes.
“What’s the status?” Louie asked.
“Lena has won three, with a total of $25 since the shrimp doesn’t suck, I won one for a total of $5 for Donald only tripping once in the past 5 hours, and Violet is holding the lead with a total of $35 for one bet of Gladstone finding over 10 20 dollar bills today alone. I’m really hoping Dewey leaves his drunk shenanigans to tomorrow because I really need this win,” he whispered that last part to Louie.
“We can hear you, you know that Red? And you’re right. You should be afraid. Be very, very afraid,” Lena smirked.
“Speaking of that, can I borrow fifty dollars?” Huey grinned to Louie.
“No, ask Gladstone if you want money, he always has a lot to spare. I do need to talk to you though,” Louie grabbed his brother’s arm and pulled him aside.
“I need you and Dewey to switch when you’re doing your best man speeches,” he explained.
“Wh-what? Why? It’s not like Dewey is dead, he’s just drunk. He’ll be fiiiiiine,” Huey tried to escape.
“No no, it has to be you Huey. This is our event and Dewey cannot give a speech that hammered,” Louie said.
“My speech isn’t even ready! It’s only one paragraph so far!” Huey pulled out a crumpled and sweaty piece of paper from his suit pocket.
“Bro, I don’t care. If that’s what you have to work with, it’s what you have to work with. If you don’t want to give the speech, sober Dewey before dinner is done,” Louie challenged.
“You and I both know that’s a fool's errand,” Huey scoffed.
“Fine, then give the speech,” he crossed his arms.
“Okay, okay. I’ll fix Dewey,” Huey decided.
“Great, you’re fantastic,” Louie shot finger guns before quickly getting out of there and back to his seat.
“So? How’d he take it?” Webby asked before taking a drink of water.
“He said he’d rather sober up Dewey so I’m letting him,” He grinned at his fiancee.
“You’re insane,” Webby noted.
“Oh, I’m not insane. Just... a visionary on a mission. I did say I could fix all of tonight's problems,” he grinned even more.
“That’s what that was about? Alright, go ahead. I’d like to see how this all turns out,” Webby held back a laugh, but Louie noticed.
“Why? Do you not believe in me?” he questioned.
“Louie, of course, I believe in you. Just not about this,” she quickly took another drink.
“Oh yeah? Bet.”
“Excuse me?” Webby turned her head.
“Bet. If I don’t solve all of tonight's problems then... I won’t wear my favorite hoodie for two whole months. And if I do... you can’t pick all the restaurants we go to on our honeymoon. I’ll at least pick every other night,” he proposed.
“Oooh, that’s intriguing...” She pondered it. “Make it three and we have a deal.”
"What about the schedule?" Louie asked.
"That's on you hon," she raised her hands in the air. Louie considered this deal a moment longer before nodding.
“Fine, it's a deal,” they shook hands.
“You’re so gonna lose,” she smirked at him.
“No, you,” Louie smirked right back. He kissed her on the cheek before running off to who knows where.
“Webbigail, where on earth is Louie running off to?” Beakley asked, appearing to have been just within earshot the whole time.
“To go do the truest of fool's errands; Try to calm down and fix the Duck family.”
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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