#so many bad takes and bs and fandom bs all over the dash
tinabelchersjournal · 2 months
Happy Tinimmy week!
As a first-time "fanfic-er", I only wrote a little something, but I had a lot of fun!
Thanks @tinimmyweek for organising the event, I'm excited to share with the fandom
I couldn't post it on ao3, (I'm new to all this), so here it goes!
Day one, Party/Drunk:
  Tammy has been talking about this party for months, telling us her parents are going out of town and she invited over everyone in our grade. She told us we were going to «Dance our Bs off». Picturing Jimmy Jr. in that situation was the main thing that made me excited. When I woke up today, I was feeling daring, so I decided to pull out my most dashing outfit, sure to get the most attention. I've never worn it before, afraid of standing out and being judged, but I'm tired of that fear, so I wanted to finally face it and overcome it.
Highschool Party
It seemed like such a good idea this morning! Have a grand entrance, dazzle everyone, and look like a new Tina. Now that I'm here though, I don't know.
  Now that dad dropped me off, I'm looking in Tammy's window and see so many people I've never spoken to before and think, what will they think of me after tonight? Will anyone even recognize me? I mean, me in a pink skirt, AND a glitter bracelet? I've never been so bold before. Do I really want all these people looking at me?
  I stand at Tammy's door for a few minutes, thinking of all the ways tonight could go wrong and then hear a familiar voice.
  «Hey, Tina! Wait up» Jimmy Jr. was coming up the street in a hurry. He met me at the doorway. «You're late too? I wanted to stretch before the party, but I ended up getting distracted. At least I'm all loosed up, so now I can dance with twice the usual power to make up for the time I lost!» He was so excited I forgot all my worries.
  I smiled back at him «Let's go in then. You can't waste any more time!» I said. He knocked many times until Jocelyn finally opened. He then took my hand and led me inside before we could even say hello to her, going straight to the dance floor. I was right, there were a lot of people I didn't know, dancing and chatting, but I focused on Jimmy.
  We reach the middle of the living room, and he lets go of me to get in the "dance zone," as he calls it. When a new song starts, he lets it all out, dancing left and right. I, however, move awkwardly, trying not to bump into anyone. It's difficult when you're in the middle of a crowd, though, so I decide to stand still. Looking around, it feels really awkward, maybe I should go sit down, give everyone more space.
  «Tina?» Jimmy had stopped dancing «Are you leaving? I wanted to dance the next one together» he reaches for my hands and it makes me smile. We walk back and he leads us, swaying back and forth. Even with my bad coordination, dancing with him is so much fun. So much so, I loosen up too. Before I knew it, we were both dancing like crazy and everyone else in the world was irrelevent. We kept it up for four more songs and then we had a break. Sitting down on the couch, he tells me «Your dancing is getting better!»
«Thanks!» that's a big complement coming from Jimmy Jr. He's nice about everything except dancing.
  «Yeah, your spins are getting better, but you still have to work on loosening up your hips. If you hold tension there, you can't move as fluidly» he's always looking for dance perfection. It's really cute.
  «Wait here» he gets up again, «I'll get us some drinks»
  That's nice of him. Hope Tammy has low sugar soda, I'm trying to make healthier choises.
  He comes back with two beers, and I do a double take.
  «Jimmy Jr, I thought you didn't drink alcohol. You said it bothers your troublesome bladder» I use the exact words he said last year.
  «Yeah, but we're in high school now! It's a tradition. Besides, one won't hurt me. Do you want to try it?»
  Do I? I did want to try new things and get out of my comfort zone.
  «I guess I'll try it». I take a sip, but it was too much at first and I cough. Didn't expect it to be so bitter. I try a smaller sip and it tastes alright.
  «What do you think, Ji-» I turn to him and I'm surprised to see he has already had half of his.
  «Love it! Makes me want to dance, but then if I go dance right now, I can't stay and finish it, and I should definitely finish it before I go dance because it's giving me extra energy and I want to give my all out there since every opportunity to dance is a gift that I should take full advantage of kind of like spending time with you, which we don't do as much anymore, so when we do get the opportunity, I want to take full advantage of it, like tonight, I had a lot of fun with you and I'm glad we're here together-》
I have no idea what's happened to him, but at that last part, I blush so much I can't pay attention to the rest. He keeps talking for the rest of the night, even when we start dancing again, and I don't know if that was beer or truth serum, but he doesn't hold anything in.
  We end up sitting on the stairs and he tells me «So you know how, in the begining of the year, we decided to just be friends?» ouch. It still made me sad just thinking about it, but I can't say it was the wrong choice. Last year, we were together so often it didn't leave room for much else. This year, I told him I wanted to get serious about babysitting, and he said he wanted to take more dance lessons, so we agreed to give each other space. And even though I miss him, I've now done enough jobs to buy a ticket to the B4N concert this june, so I know it was the right call.
  «Well, sometimes friends kiss each other, it's kind of another high-school-party tradition, and I for one think we should respect tradition. Like eating turkey on Thanksgiving or buying a christmas tree on christmas, and there's also chocolate on easter, costumes on halloween, all sorts of good stuff» I guess he's even more of a dork when he's drunk.
  Would kissing ruin our agreement? We've stayed friends throughout the year and I don't want to change that.
  «By the way», he says «I really like your bracelet . t'looks great on you»
  Never mind all that.
  I lean over and kiss him. Afterwards, we smile awkwardly at each other, and it made me so happy. It also made me realise that coming here was a very good idea.
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cowbaehawyee · 5 months
Random and borderline incoherent bad batch thoughts (finale edition)
When they killed cx-2 I was like…. Oh. Now I have to actually grieve tech because I was in complete and utter denial about him dying. However, I think him staying dead does add weight to his sacrifice
Omegas a rebellion pilot?? The goggles on the dash??? She’s grown up and hunter is old?????😭😭 i fear that salt and pepper hunter is going to have a select few members of the fandom in an absolute chokehold
I wonder what old wrecker and crosshair looked like lol
Speaking of wrecker I was pissing myself at multiple points. Really thought they were gonna kill my boy. And then echo
Clone force 99 died with tech? i deserve this?? Cross be so real right now. Glad hunter and wrecker put a stop to that bs
Pain, terrible pain
Suffering, even
But we did in fact get a bittersweet ending. Honestly the best ending I could have imagined with tech staying dead. Exactly what I envisioned for them
Yeah Zillo beast! Go zillo!!! I am joining the war against the zillo beast on the side of the zillo beast!!!!! Go buddy!!
ECHO FINISHED FIVES’ MISSION ajskjskskzhjdksjasjj 😭😭😭😭😭
Absolutely saw ramparts snake ass betrayal coming a mile away. Not gonna say I called it but I really did. Shame he got blown up
Didn’t really think Nala se was gonna die but it is extremely in character for a Kaminoan to go scorched earth and suicide bomb themselves rather than let someone else take credit for their work
The bridge scene
… crosshairs tremor was SO bad coming up to the base and he went in anyway. But on the bridge? Complete steady.
Hemlocks bitch ass got what was coming to him. Completely appropriate that crosshair and hunter were the ones to ice him. If this has to be a substitute for crosshair going to therapy then so be it
Wait did scorch die? Rip to my boy
I can’t believe this show is actually fucking over 😭😭 like the mandalorian and clone wars got me into Star Wars but this show is what made me go fucking feral about it. I need to drink actual water because how many tears I have shed both over this and the episode in general
And finally, yay they all live!! I don’t have to quit Star Wars now! (I said I would if they all died). That actually really convenient because I have tickets to see phantom menace at the theater on Saturday and it would suck to cancel. I want that limited edition popcorn bucket
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nightglider124 · 3 years
I log onto tumblr and discord and honestly sometimes wonder if I would be better off just not using them anymore cos both always seem to be full of disagreements, arguments and anger 🤷🏻‍♀️
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jacepens · 3 years
1: HamilTurn(you can differentiate if needed) or MCU, 2: Washette, 3: Anna Strong
And generally a fandom list would be nice to know what to pick from ;) (Love you♡)
You said HamilTurn or MCU and I say both, I'm going to try my best haha. But anyway, thank you!:) Apologies in advance if this gets rambly, but that's the point of this right? Anyway, for ease of scrolling sake, I'll probably put a cut if this gets long but don't worry, it's just me talking a whole bunch lol. Ok, thank you again!! <3 (love you too!)
1. Hamilton/Turn (fandom)
Favorite character: I have to say Lafayette for both. Oh and Mary
Least favorite character: I have no real reason behind this so sorry but Burr, and Simcoe for many reasons
5 favorite ships: washette, lams, hamliza, benwash, whamilton
Character I find most attractive: ...all. But I have to say overall Brian Wiles as Lafayette. That face just…🥺
Character I would marry: Mary Woodhull or Eliza
Character I would be best friends with: you know I'm not sure, but in an ideal world Lafayette (both versions) or Ben but I feel like we wouldn't be best friends. But also everyone, is that an option? Even some of the "villains" would have good stories to tell
A random thought: I feel like most people in the fandom now are so new (they joined in with the movie release!) and unaware of the uh atrocities of back in the day. And y'all are lucky, but those of us who know. Know. (yes, I was unbearable but that's ok because I was having fun, and despite what I just said: have fun in your fandoms even if you're "unbearable", just keep it welcome to all and enjoy the enthusiasm you have for it:))
An unpopular opinion: Oh boy. Maybe stop making quick judgments about people based on what they write/who they ship? There is a line, but I've genuinely never seen it crossed by anyone at least openly sooo just let people have fun? And don't say anything about something? Unless it's actually harmful but even then, keep it to a dm or something and have an open discussion. Just let people vibe, please? Especially younger fans. Just, I’ve seen a weird amount of negativity towards them. They’re kids having fun, we all used to be like that so please, be kind and patient. They’ll learn if they make a mistake. Ok? Ok cool:) (maybe not unpopular but still I wanted to say it)
My canon OTP: Am I allowed to say lams?
My non-canon OTP: washette, wow, who would've guessed? xD
Most badass character: Mary my beloved
Most epic villain: Robert Rogers hands down
Pairing I am not a fan of: no one murder me, but in general I'm just not a fan of jamilton. also whatever was the deal with Anna and Abe
Characters I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): um. Where to begin? Honestly I think every woman in Turn at one point or another, except perhaps Peggy in my opinion. Oh but especially Anna. Also Simcoe. With Hamilton, probably again everyone at some point, but the way Angelica was written just feels so overwhelmingly fictional it bugs me. (But at least Hamilton had some genuine relationships between women, not great but still)
Favorite friendship(s): Ben and Caleb, Washington and Lafayette (what?? yes, you fools. lol). It may sound a tad ~cringey~ but I generally like Hamilton's vibe with the boys, maybe it's just the gender envy, but it's kinda cute and fun.
Character I most identify with: well jeez, I won't lie but Washington. In both versions, except god knows I could never be that chill. Also a dash of Laurens.
Character I wish I could be: wow what a loaded question ummm. I don't want to be like him, but I want to be like in his position so Hamilton lol. Playing an active role but I know personally I am not cut out for a battlefield, so a desk suits me well.
2. MCU (fandom-that I am so out of date from, please take all of this with a grain of salt)
Favorite character: so when I was younger it was Tony Stark but now it’s definitely Wanda and T’challa
Least favorite character: ummm. I genuinely couldn’t tell you, I’m very out of date
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): wandavision, …ngl I can’t think of anymore, I honestly never shipped many and wandavision was like the only couple I remember really liking. Oh, I don’t know them but Loki/Mobius and/or Sylvie
Character I find most attractive: embarrassing confession time, Loki was my first bad celebrity crush. Wanda now and Shuri is cute. Also Sylvie
Character I would marry: if I could, Wanda 
Character I would be best friends with: Vision and Peter Parker
A random thought: y’all it’s been so long since I’ve touched MCU I should catch up/refresh shouldn’t I?
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion but I’m going to say it anyway. Personally, I really don’t like the movie Civil War, I think it’s what sorta made me disinterested in mcu. It’s been years since I’ve watched it so maybe I would have a completely different opinion if I saw it today, but at the time it just felt so...wrong? And childish? I literally don’t even remember why they were fighting or how that movie even ended (I feel like it just wasn’t satisfying??) but I think also, as a kid or teen watching that, it reminded me sooo much of the dumb drama that, you know, kids get into. I mean, getting your friends on someone’s side like that?? Like, I know they were mad but- but there are other ways of dealing with emotions??? And involving everyone's friends too? So yeah, it just felt off to me at the time, and looking back now, from what I remember, it just frustrated me. Especially as a kid who deals with dumb drama like that all the time, kids would want to see a better example especially from adult superheroes or at least not be reminded of the bs they have to go through sometimes. But, rant over, that’s all just my opinion:) 
My canon OTP: wandavision
My non-canon OTP: ummm. I guess just Loki/Mobius and/or Sylvie lol
Most badass character: I have to say Natasha but actually there are many
Most epic villain: when I was younger I liked that Ultron was voiced by Robert California from the Office lol
Pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t know if it’s popular but I never liked Tony and Pepper. What happened with her?
Characters I feel the writers screwed up: I guess I’ll say Thor because I just felt such a weird difference in his personality that did not make sense to me
Favorite friendship: Wanda and Pietro!! Honestly I think a lot, there were a lot of good friendships but I can’t think of which ones are my favorite
Character I most identify with: ummmmmm. 
Character I wish I could be: My gut says Thor
3. Washette (ship-bless you<3 get ready for rambles oh no)
When I started shipping them: So I first had the thought in 7th grade while my history teacher was talking about them and my little brain went: haha that’s pretty gay. (teacher keeps talking about them) wait a fucking minute, that is pretty gay! But it wasn’t until I got sucked into Hamilton that I really started actively shipping them by reading fics and what not, but something about them became an instant favorite. And later (little personal story time) I pretty much completely stopped reading fic and being active in fandom for years and actually, when I got my first panic attack that - no joke - lasted for 5 hours, for some reason my brain (as it’s decaying lol) said I want to go and reread all my favorite washette fics and also do what I was I always too scared to do. Write!! So that night I binged the fics and found myself falling in love again, feeling all the old passion I had for them again, and the next night (still very shaken) I wrote an outline of a good ol washette confession + kiss that was extremely thoughtful and good, and honestly, I have not actually used that outline yet! Maybe I’m saving it. But yeah, this is a long answer, but I have a weird amount of attachment to them and this ship, I wish I knew why too. <3 
My thoughts: so many. Too many. First of all, I love that I have so many versions of them in my mind, right? When I started writing, I had never watched Turn but then I did and then it was like: hell yeah, another washette set. At this point, my brain has created it’s own unique version of them but it’s like, they’re so versatile! That’s one neat thing about this fandom as a whole, we get more than one character and personality and that’s just fun right?! More specifically on washette I mean, they’re just so sweet. Historically, their relationship is unique and cute, and you’d have to be a fool to think that to Washington Lafayette was just another friend. Even strictly platonically, it was something special and it’s so obvious I just love them. Ok. Enough thoughts for now <3
What makes me happy about them: the loooove, the comfort they found in each other, the fact that like every person at the time documenting them knew and understood they were special to each other like, they were just that in love. 
What makes me sad about them: oh so much that I try to ignore lol. There is the one year when Lafayette went to France and all his letters to Wash are like: “I have not received one letter from you, but it’s ok, I love you and I know you love me too :)” WHO WAS NOT DELIVERING THESE LETTERS, I HAVE NAMES, NOW I WANT ANSWERS. Anyway, also just most things that happened when Laf went back to France. And then when he visited America in 1824 and visited Washington’s grave. Yeah. ow. (also, you know what, I have done too much research on this event. lmk if you would like a post)
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: Generally, I’m not annoyed by much in fanfic at least with them and what I’ve seen. I’m still nostalgic for the old school nonbinary Laf fics, so it ain’t those. Literally maybe it’s because I’m starved for content but I can’t really think of anything, I love it all.
Things I look for in fanfic: back to the whole starved for content thing, I am a library of washette fics but I think if I was to pick a certain thing that I would love it’s just um fluff? And honesty, if that makes sense. Love confessions are very good as well. Canon era, please :) pining but not too much that it hurts me lol
My wishlist: literally all my wips. If I could whisk them into existence I could die happy and knowing I have put a variety of washette content in the world. Something else though, more fics :’) I love writing but sometimes I want to curl up with a cozy, new washette fic like a cup of hot chocolate and be surprised and learn something new and just..yeah:)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: what. Ok but actually, Martha and Adrienne because they are both honestly perfect for them and I love them too (I’m going to be biased, especially Adrienne)
My happily ever after for them: Can Lafayette just move the family to America? But also, it’s sad, but like I know Laf would be sad in America while France suffers. So...maybe a world where things in France go better and Lafayette gets to visit Washington more often and bring the family!! (Washington visit France too??)
4. Anna Strong (character)
How I feel about this character: I like her! She’s fun and…strong (oops lol) and she’s made some mistakes sure, but I feel like she did her best to learn from them and move on
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Honestly, I know they didn’t have a lot of interaction in the show but Anna/Mary has potential. And Anna/Edmund
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: her and Ben and Caleb
My unpopular opinion about this character: I really can’t think of anything unpopular
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: in general, her having more screen time with less men you know? I mean like one-on-one kind of scenes. Also I would’ve liked to see at least her and Selah talk. Like, really talk. They never really did that, right? I just have so many questions about them
Favorite friendship for this character: Anna and Ben
My crossover ship: I have no idea
And well, I know it’s been a few days but for a fandom list, I’m just a weeb lol but here
Octopath Traveler (my beloved)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Star Wars
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Persona 4
Zelda (to a point)
What We Do in the Shadows
Sailor Moon
Literally anything historical
Ok!! I tried to add a lot because I’m not sure what you might know or not haha. But thank you again!! I had fun <3
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cannibalisticapple · 4 years
Okay, so I have some thoughts on Kurikuri’s decision to delete a large number of her fan fics, and on fan fiction as a whole.
For those who don’t know, Kurikuri (@letaizawarest) is a popular fan fiction author with numerous popular Erasermic fics, along with other fandoms. Around the end of May/start of June she deleted a large number of her stories, specifically those that featured either police, or those set in the My Hero Academia universe where they work as Pro Heroes.
To quote her post:
as you may have noticed, roughly half of the fics on my ao3 have been deleted.
i’ve deleted all my fics about police officers. also, after some thought, i also deleted my non-AU bnha fics, because although they might not be “cops” in name, they are law enforcement. i do not want to be a part of the system that glorifies the police. 

at the moment i haven’t deleted other profession AUs and high school era fics, but i will continue to reflect on their relation to the source material. even if you enjoyed the deleted fics, please do not circulate them in other formats (PDFs, EPUBs, etc). 

i also encourage other writers to think about cop fic they’ve written. while it may be fun and escapist for you, it still encourages the idea that antiblack and killer cops are just “bad apples” and that good cops exist. let’s dismantle that system of thought.
I have some very, very mixed feelings on this.
To start: I respect her reasoning, but I don’t agree with it. I fully agree that it’s not just a bunch of “bad apples”, there’s a serious issue with the system and how the police operate in the United States. I’ve always been bothered by how the police let other officers get away with horrible BS, even as a kid, and that rage has only grown as I’ve grown older and found out more about how screwed up it is on every single level.
But the way that last paragraph is written rubs me the wrong way because you can’t paint every single person in an entire career field as unequivocally corrupt, bigoted and all around callous murderers. Good cops DO exist. Plenty of people go into the career hoping to fix things, or just genuinely want to help their community in whatever way they can. But the thing is, they’re fighting a losing battle because the system is working against them. When they DO speak up against the corruption, bigotry, violence and other issues, they tend to get fired and blacklisted from the field. Or sometimes, they get outright murdered and it’s treated as a “suicide.”
A shitty fact of life: sometimes, the people who are more willing to resort to underhanded tactics and willing to turn a blind eye to corruption are the ones who climb up the career ladder furthest. And in the case of the police, it’s deep-rooted enough that it can’t be fixed internally anymore. But that doesn’t make literally every police officer corrupt.
I’m not posting this to make some political point or argument though. I obviously disagree with Kurikuri’s opinion, but I respect it. I can even respect her decision to remove the stories featuring the police, or even the ones heavily focusing on the characters’ jobs as pro heroes. I can see how heroes are just another version of law enforcement, because honestly, they are.
As a writer and a reader, I fully respect that it’s ultimately her choice to delete her stories. It’s not my place to make demands. She’s the one who created it, and as a writer I know the hard work and time that goes into crafting stories, so I believe she has a right in how it’s used and shared. The fact she shared it in the first place was something she didn’t have to do.
But the thing is, she DID share it, which is why I have this conflict.
As a writer, I’ve always believed that fiction can be more powerful than fact.
Fiction can give readers a window into mindsets you’d never imagine before, because you can connect more easily with fictional characters than real people on the news. That’s why Uncle Tom’s Cabin was so critical in the battle against slavery: it didn’t just gave a face to slavery, it let readers experience the characters’ lives directly. People got to see the struggles and suffering firsthand, feel the rising crescendo of hope each time freedom is in reach, and the soul-crushing despair every time that hope gets dashed by outside forces.
Fiction may not always be “true” or even “accurate,” but it can help us understand other people, see them as fellow humans, in ways that nonfiction just can’t. It can evoke emotions, empathy and familiarity in a reader that a news story or biography can’t capture because it draws you directly into their world.
And it’s that part—the part where readers enter this fictional world to connect to characters they’ll never meet—that leads to the other power of fiction that many people overlook:
Fiction has the ability to help readers persevere.
How many people reading this have used books to get away from trouble in their lives? To take a breather from all their anxieties and stress, and dive head-first into this other world for just a moment, where nothing else matters? How many people reading this had their whole lives changed by reading a story where a character’s words resonated with them? Where it helped them come to an epiphany about how to do better, how to be better.
Sometimes, the world is too overwhelming and we need to escape it. That’s the beauty of fiction. It lets us go to a world where our problems just don’t matter. Even if the world in question is worse than our own, it can still be a relief and give us hope because hey, at least we’re not living in 1984 or the Hunger Games, right? Stories are what keeps many people going through the hardest time, what gives them hope that life isn’t utterly hopeless.
And even after a story is finished, whether it’s fan fiction, a book, a show, or any other medium, that story will have a special place in people’s hearts. Many people will go back to those stories years later when they’re faced with immense stress and need a break from the real world, so that they can dive into the world that helped them persevere the last time they felt so bad. Just having a copy of it on hand can be a source of comfort even if you never read it again.
I want to highlight one phrase Kurikuri used in her post to describe how people feel writing stories about police and heroes: "fun and escapist”. That’s honestly so accurate, those stories are escapist, and that is why I’m so conflicted.
Stories about superheroes, while technically revolving around themes of law enforcement, are a form of escapism FROM police corruption.
There’s a reason that superhero comics are so popular in America. Superheroes appeal to a natural desire for justice because as so aptly pointed out, the real world doesn’t always HAVE that justice. It gives an ideal for people to aspire to, a glimpse of what could be, what should be. (Come to think of it, that’s probably why I hate the DC cinematic universe so much, it’s skewed way too much to favor the villains/antagonists and maximize suffering for the good guys.)
Right now, the world is full of more injustice than ever before. I can’t turn on the news without feeling my rage and stress boil over. Every day it gets worse and worse somehow, and I (and many others) genuinely fear that the United States may be heading towards a civil war this November. Donald Trump’s voice alone is enough to make my blood boil at this point.
I, and many others, turn to fan fiction so I can break away from reality because that amount of rage and fear just isn’t healthy.
I don’t have depression, or anxiety, or an abusive family, or a chronic illness. I’m not at risk of being made homeless anytime soon, nor do I need to worry about bills right now or going hungry. I’m a privileged white girl who has barely anything to worry about. What I’m saying is I’m fucking lucky and I know it, but I STILL can’t stand thinking about the state of the world and need to get the fuck away from it to take a breather for my own mental health.
And I also know that many people don’t have that option because their situation is so bad, they NEED to be aware of it at all times.
In the past when writing for other fandoms, I’ve had people tell me my fan fiction was the reason they did not commit suicide.
In my early college years I fell into the creepypasta community and was pretty active in it, especially on deviantArt. I don’t know if that particular fandom’s subject and focus makes it more appealing to teenagers going through rough times or what, but I swear, more than half the people I spoke to suffered from some form of mental illness, abusive or broken family and home situations, bullying, and every other way the world can screw someone over through means beyond their control.
During that time, a few readers left comments that waiting for my stories to update were what kept them going. They didn’t explicitly say that it was the only reason they didn’t kill themselves. It was more just remarks like, “Your writing is the only thing keeping me going.”
I’m not vain enough to believe my stories are so good, it made people decide to continue living JUST to see what happens next. Suicidal thoughts and urges are much more complex than that. But it’s still not something you expect to hear on something you write for fun.
I’ve thought about it a lot over the years, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t because my stories were "just that good.” I think it was because they needed something to cling to in bleak times. That sometimes at the lowest point where all seems lost, people need just one little thought, just the smallest thing to push away those dark urges before they could fully overwhelm them. Something like, “If I die now, I won’t get to see how that story ends.” It’s such a small thing, but having something to look forward to can be so powerful in fighting off impulsive decisions.
It’s made me hyper-aware of just how powerful writing is.
To me, I see writing as a way of helping others. I give people that option for escape. It’s a large part of why I update on a regular, weekly schedule, and why I published extra chapters when the pandemic got announced and when the riots started. People need that comfort, that little break from reality to just sit and breathe so they can get through the rest of the day. I can’t do much to fix the world, but I can at least give people that.
Right now, people need that escape more than ever.
And deleting the stories is taking that escape away and causing MORE stress.
In times like this, people often turn to the stories they know will help most, and plenty of people in fandoms will first search up their favorite ships. They look for fluff, smut, angst... It helps people feel better to focus on these two people who are obviously in love as they work through their troubles.
Many times, readers will be more drawn to stories in the canon universe than radical AUs set in other universes. That’s how they were introduced to those characters. I myself can enjoy no-power and fantasy AUs sometimes, but what I really crave are how they interact in the canon world because that’s the world and versions of them I want to see the most. By deleting EVERY SINGLE STORY IN THE CANON UNIVERSE, that option was removed.
In many of the stories that were deleted, the characters’ careers were honestly a minor facet of the story. Some used it to establish the setting, such as treating injuries after a patrol. Some just simply used it to explain they work at UA, a school for teaching kids with superpowers. Some just had them work as heroes because it’s set in the canon universe, and never directly show ANTTHING about the work.
I’m not always looking for a story about how being a hero shapes and impacts their lives, and most of those stories that got deleted AREN’T about being a hero. That’s just one piece of their character, it’s far from the focal point. It could honestly be removed from several of them without changing the rest of the story.
I can get wanting to make a political point and I respect that, but by deleting those stories, you’ve taken away a key source of comfort from hundreds, thousands of people. By deleting the stories, you’re making the stress worse.
On Saturday night, I realized several of my favorite stories are suddenly gone. I knew Kurikuri had deleted a bunch of her stories, but I hadn’t realized just how many of them I liked. Some of them I’ve specifically sought out to reread multiple times in the past, never really paying attention to the author. Realizing they’re just gone caused me heavy stress because it made me paranoid about all these other stories I like to reread. I don’t expect those stories to be around forever, but I still didn’t expect them to vanish so suddenly. I never thought I’d need to download them to make sure I’d still be able to read them while the site is still up.
I spent hours searching out specific stories to see if they were written by her, and make sure they’re not gone forever. I have no way of knowing which ones she’d written and deleted because there’s not exactly a list out there anymore. My desperate search for those stories and one in particular (which I still haven’t found) contributed to the lack of sleep I got that night.
And I need to reiterate: I am mentally healthy and have no major stresses in my immediate life. And that’s why I’m hyper-aware of how this stress will affect people who AREN’T as lucky as I am.
If an author decides to delete their stories because they feel the stories themselves push harmful values or themes, fine. If they’re getting harassed, or it reminds them of a bad time in the lives, or they just don’t like that story anymore, okay. I can respect that and accept it.
But these stories were deleted for the EXACT reasons that people will be looking for them now more than ever, and that’s where I draw the line.
This applies to ALL fandoms.
If you as a fan fiction writer have more than, say, 100 kudos on a completed story or one-shot, there’s a good chance people will read and reread your story in stressful times. If you have a reasonably popular story that updates on a regular or even semi-regular basis, there is a chance that someone is using it as a lifeline to have something to look forward to while the rest of their lives go to hell. Maybe not because they specifically love it, but because it gives them something routine.
I want to make it clear that it’s not our job to care for other people’s mental health. Fan fiction writers don’t have an obligation to people, we’re doing it for fun first and foremost. We’re not some sort of saviors, and we shouldn’t think of ourselves that way or we can honestly screw people up worse. We’re not obligated to write these stories JUST for our fans.
At most, our stories are sources of support and comfort for readers. A little break from reality. If writing a story is causing you more stress than enjoyment, stop. Fan fiction, and all other fan media and stories in general, is ultimately created for the creator’s enjoyment more than anything.
Your own mental health comes first. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
But with how utterly fucked and unfair the world is right now, people need those stories now more than ever. So if you’ve got a story out there that’s fairly popular, please, please, PLEASE be mindful of your readers before deciding to delete it. Now is the absolute last time people need more stress trying to find a single story. And if you’re going to delete it, maybe give readers a heads up so that those who need it or have some powerful attachment to it for all the reasons I’ve discussed here can download a copy for their own personal use.
Don’t hurt your readers to make a point.
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cafeleningrad · 3 years
The anon has seen a lot of discussion on finding symbolism in paintings, but what they learned in art class at school was that old painters painted still nature to practice their skills, but they had to sell those paintings afterwards, so symbolism was added post factum so that potential buyers would be more likely to purchase them. So when the anon sees a painting of various food items and flowers, they don't think it was a metaphor of fragility of life.
Hi Anon ^^ Such and so. Context matters for every interpretation, if not entering the territory of a case by case decision. To say, a "the curtains were blue" ascription is not a flat out correct for all still life paintings across all periods. Considering how many bad takes I saw on tumblr talking about art, I (over)react a bit allergic to a "thing neat, head empty" sentiment when comes to interpretations. Of course, there're works with a certain (lack of) quality and craft where some ideas are random, and tumblr having a culture in which something as flat as well as superficial as WandaVision receives an obsessive attention in which every millisecond gets dedicated at last three pages of interpretation. Fandom and fun with the source material has it's palce but tumblr applying that mentality to canon works and brings a devaluing mindset to works which much more depth, creates a increasingly strange distribution of acknowledging where the curtains are blue for a reason and where not.
Alright, you're not wrong, certain works created in a certain period get ascribed a deeper meaning than the artist and/or their commissioner intended or thought about. Say, paintings from 1910s receive a almost prophetic quality by interpretations because the some restrospective interpreters have the knowledge of the pending WWI in the back of their mind. Other times simple studies or sketches only get ascribed value due to the big name having done them. (Personally, I like Jamie Wyeth's sketches much more than those by Andy Warhol yet Warhol has the bigger name so a single line sketch of his will gather more attention and fiscal value than a Wyeth sketch.) Other times you've to take into consideration what was a private work the artist had to sell versus a commissioned painting or one handed in a competition. Regarding your point, yes, sometimes and artist did nothing but a simple material or lightning or composition or colour or all together study, and critics might praise it a lot for the signature of the work, praising it more than for just the technical expertise. To elaborate, a Rembrandt sketch is nothing but amazing in technique, already carrying a lot of amazing quality of the final work in oil although it's the technique, it doesn't carry the entire meaning and symbolism of the finished work yet. Then consider the period and circumstances in which it was drawn. Was is a private work, did the artist draw it in certain periods of his life where the use certain motives makes sense? (Say, drawing a kitschy swan when they fell in love) Or just a technical study?
Or was it a commissioned work? I've the impression too many people harbour the idea of art being only being good when the lightning strike of inspiration, displaying ~*nothing but raw authenticity*~ (ah yeah, and a dash of pressuring people to churn personal misery into profit). Not only is that understanding BS, overlooking the importance of craft, but it also misunderstands how much art was and still is commissioned work. In modern times an artist can create works of their own, still commissioned work brings in a lot of outside input and limitations for what needs to be painted, sculpted, build, installed etc. Now we get to the part of craft. There the aspect of "curtains are blue" perhaps might apply to a rather disinterest artist, still they might use symbolism or signifiers important to the commissioner. Say, a portrait of a noble lady wearing an ultramarine dress is not a result of the artist just feeling that this might look neat for her hair colour, the pigment of ultramarine was before the creation of artificial colours highly expensive, therefore an ultramarine dress represented an hghy wealthy lady.
We're already a foot into considering the material's worth, so yeah, time period! For commissioned still life in Baroque time, every single ingredient of the banquet displayed was loaded with symbolism. Of course, symbolism can change drastically in meaning over time. That might lead to people less versed in knowledge about certain periods to miss out on understanding important details like certain composition, colours, animals, or singular items. All that is not to say, word of artist past are a well of genius symbolism and cosmological understanding BUT works of many periods, even today were made with active choices and considerations.
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musette22 · 4 years
Hi Minnie! First of all, thank you for being so sweet, reasonable and respectful, I can't even describe how much joy your blog gives me! You are a true pro in emotional support for Evanstan fandom, so I guess I kinda need some reassurance. [1]
The thing is, as you probably know, some Seb stans on Twitter take the whole Chris insta situation and turn it into smth embarassing, like making fun of Seb and Mackie ignoring Chris and calling the idea of the challenge stupid (even though Chris did donate, not just "asked fans for money", as they say). It's like they feel the need to attack the first before smb calls they fav out. [2]
I know there ARE good people in Seb fandom, it's just that the aggressive ones are so loud and spread their bs so fast, I end up seeing it on my TL. No matter how stupid it sounds, it keeps making me sad to see so much hate towards Chris and his fans not from some random locals but from Seb stans. It's like two halves of my heart are torn apart. Not even ship-wise, it just seems so hard to love them both and be present on twitter these days. [3]
And, since I'm whiney af today, one more twitter thing: the CW promo era was some kind of honeymoon for us, sure, but I've recently seen some opinions on how Chris was all lovey-dovey and Seb was stiff and bored and uncomfortable, how their interviews were unnatural and boring. I mean, in my part of fandom (non-English speaking country) there has always been a popular perception of boys' dynamic as these "over-excited puppy playing around a confused cat" vids, if you know what I mean. [4]
But it kinda seemed ok for me, and the way they acted a little awkward around each other etc. Well, you can tell I'm easily affected cause now it does feel more negative to me. Stuuupid, I know. Maybe it's my "let's feel sorry for Chris and his fans" phase, idk. Sorry for bringing it here, you just seem to reassure people so well. [5 and last, it was long lol]
Hello my lovely!! This was indeed long hahaha but that’s totally fine, I myself am also someone who also has trouble keeping things short to I feel you 😘 
This is a very long reply so I’m putting it under the cut so I don’t clog up people’s dashes!
Okay so first of all, let me say I was never a fan of Twitter, but everything I’ve heard lately has just lowered my opinion of it even further. I know there’s a lot of amazing stuff and brilliant folks on there as well, but it also seems to be where all the bitchy, hateful, entitled and inappropriate people congregate. So personally, I’m very happy with my little community on Tumblr when it comes to fandom, and for news and social media I prefer actual news outlets and instagram. The sad truth is that there are a lot of harmful and hateful opinions in the world, and as someone who struggles with anxiety, I try to find ways to avoid a lot of it. Especially the stuff I can’t do anything about (you can try to reason with most haters until you’re blue in the face, and 90% of the time it’s not going to make an ounce of difference). It’s much easier to curate your own experiences on platforms like Tumblr and even Instagram than it is on Twitter, or so I’ve gathered. So I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of helpful advice for you there apart from ‘maybe try and stay away from Twitter if you can’ which you probably don’t really want either...
As for the whole Seb vs Chris issue: it’s clearly completely ridiculous. There is no ground whatsoever to believe they’re at odds. At worst, they’re now just casual work friends, but there is no reason to believe there’s any bad blood. It’s interesting to consider that initially, the argument seemed to be they had fallen out and both disliked each other (no idea where that came from but sure), then it was that Chris didn’t like Sebastian (because he allegedly shaded him when he joked that Scarjo was the only one of his friends who came to see Lobby Hero), and then Chris got Instagram and tagged and followed Seb, but because Seb hasn’t responded to the challenge yet, he now apparently hates Chris. For what reason, god only knows, because only last year at MCM London (where I was present myself) Sebastian gushed about Chris and his experiences with him while filming the Cap movies, and lets not forget it was him who initiated the hug at the Endgame premiere. Long story short: they don’t dislike each other. They’re completely fine, people just like to make up drama for whatever reason.   
As for the Sebastian stans who hate Chris and vice vera: to be honest, I wasn’t even really aware it was an issue until recently, because I was under the naive impression that it was kind of impossible to love one but hate the other. Both of them are such amiable, sweet, thoughtful, funny, talented guys, and everyone who actually knows them adores them, so why on earth anyone could hate either of them is beyond me. But even if you do, I genuinely don’t understand this need to pit them against each other? Why? I think a lot of it is down to people just liking drama, or being actual 12 year-olds who still see the world in a kind of high school dynamic-way. I’m not saying Chris and Sebastian have never done anything wrong, but in my opinion, none of it warrants outright hate or being cancelled over. It’s such an immature and unreasonable take. I’m just sorry for the people who can’t love both of them, because man, are they missing out! I understand that it’s painful for you to see all those opinions when you love both of them so much, but that’s why I try to just avoid them. I know they exist, but not seeing them makes dealing with it a whole lot easier, I promise! ❤️
With regard to the challenge itself: if the celebrities who are taking part in it are not donating themselves, then yeah, that would be problematic. However, we know that Chris donates to a ton of different charities, so there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s donated to this cause as well. Asking people to buy tickets to try and win this “prize” is not in itself an issue, if you ask me. People can think for themselves, can’t they? If they think it’s worth it, they think it’s worth it. They’re not being forced to part with their money, and moreover said money is being used to help people in need. Of course fake and problematic charities exist, but there are still good ones out there as well, so let’s assume for the moment this one is actually doing all of this from a genuine desire to help people and it’s not some money grabbing scheme.
Furthermore, as I’ve said so many times before, I really don’t believe Sebastian and Mackie are “ignoring” Chris. If they’re choosing not to do the challenge (they still might do it at some point) then I’m sure they have a good reason for that and it isn’t that they’re holding a grudge and are thinking “screw this charity and that Chris Evans, I’m going to ghost him to get my revenge!” I mean, do these people even realize how ridiculous that sounds 🙄 I also believe they would have let Chris know about their decision privately. They do have each other’s phone numbers, you know... 
And lastly, about the CW press tour... I don’t know what footage these people have been watching to come to such conclusions, or what’s wrong with their eyes and ears, but that makes NO sense to me. I’ll tell you what; it was mostly the footage from the CW press tour that got me convinced there was something going in between the two of them! Both Chris and Sebastian acted in a way that screamed “smitten kittens” to me, and if there was ever any “stiffness” from Sebastian’s side, then that was no doubt just his slightly more reserved personality compared to Chris and Mackie’s. Chris and Sebastian’s videos together give me LIFE, so for anyone to call them boring is actually kind of insulting lol. To me, almost every interaction Chris and Seb had during that press tour showed that they were either low-key (in a friendship way) or high-key (in a romantic way) crushing on each other, and they clearly admire each other very much. Any awkwardness I’ve ever seen between them for me seemed to stem from that crush (is anyone not at least a little awkward around their crush sometimes?) and not from any dislike from either side. That’s actually such a ridiculous idea to me that it doesn’t even make me worried, it just makes me laugh. Some people really don’t have eyes, it seems. 
Anyway, that was a reeeeeeaaaaaallllyyyyy long reply lmao, I’m sorry! I hope this helps a little though, because I do know how shitty it is to feel like you do about things that are supposed to make you happy!! Tuning out the haters and focusing on people who feel the same way you do in my experience is the best way to get to feeling good again 🥰 Big hug, and hopefully you’ll feel better soon!
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nerdsideofthemedia · 6 years
Bumblebee was always the plan part 2
It’s time to continue with my controversial posts. When I began writing this, it was intended to be mostly a response to arguments I see around and EF’s. Then my pretty confrontational post that had led to say to a friend “Thankfully no one reads my blog” became much bigger than I ever expected. There’s a good chance I would have gone for a different tone had I known it would get 500x the usual view of… 1, which is usually mine. This been said, it would have been a mistake. Still, I feel like I have to address some points that seem to have confused a few people and this is definitely to do that.
But first, soothing music to prevent knee-jerk reactions.
Let’s start with a claim that was kind of controversial: the suggestion that Blake could still turn out to be a lesbian instead of bi or pan as some claimed this was in itself bi erasure. I understand where this complaint comes from as bisexuality was basically considered to not exist in media, for example, Sex and the City has an episode where all the main characters but Samantha treat it as something alienating and a way to still be in the closet. Yeah, some episodes have not aged well. And I’ve lost count of the number of people that still don’t consider it a thing, even among progressive fandom like Janelle Monae’s and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s (I just gave you 2 bi anthems1). Just so we’re clear, even though I do think Blake is bothsexual (let’s see if someone recognizes that reference), I have to put on table of her being a lesbian as some gay people have dated members of the opposite sex for a very long time, and there’s high probability some of them were abused in said relationships. I can’t ignore those experiences (I suppose I can, but I shouldn’t and hopefully never will).
Black Sun: the ship that didn’t sail
Again, there were a few that didn’t like that I compared BB and BS, which they interpreted as a dick contest. That really wasn’t my goal. I did that because those were the ships involving Blake that had a chance to happen (Catmeleon and Enabling-abuse2 were not on the table) and I was arguing for Bumblebee having been the plan all along (which, to me, implies that Black Sun was meant to be a red herring, though I didn’t flat out say it – sorry, I didn’t think I needed to). The point was to illustrate how there had been hints for Bumblebee.
I argued for that way before volume 6 by pointing out several clues like the dance arc, the songs and the injury. At the time, someone asked me how I could know BB wasn’t the red herring. There are 2 reasons why:
While it’s not lacking in hints and foreshadowing, they are (mostly3) on the subtle side when compared to the very obvious Sun’s crush on Blake;
They’re a LGBTQ+ pairing. There are huge double standards when it comes to LGBTQ+ in comparison to hetero ones – many people will deny the first one until it’s impossible to do so. The point of the bait and switch is to have a little twist and you can’t have that if a significant part of your audience notices the switch, but doesn’t see the bait.
And if you have doubts about the last point, remember: in 6x11, Adam attacked Yang out of jealousy, then Blake held her hand while making a speech that put them as equal in contrast to Blake-Adam, a relationship where one of them constantly tried to make the other feel small (the point of the infamous speech). There were many denying BB. Then, he tried to make Yang feel insecure about Blake by telling her she had made the same promise to him and asked the super platonic question: “What does she even see in you?” and people still tried to deny it. In the last episode, Blake and Yang spent the time holding each other’s hands and yet, there were still people denying it. Not that I’m complaining, since it only increased my celebration time. It was like: episode 6x11, “yeah! Bees” for 3 days, the internet crashed my party for one, then 6x12, “yeah! Bees! This time is for sure” for another 3 days, again I had my enthusiasm dashed and finally, “yeah! Bees”. That time it stuck. So thanks guys! It would have been bad if by 6x13 I had already used all my fireworks.
If you thought BS was going to happen – that’s normal, because it was the bait. If I am aware that people tend to think of others as straight until proven otherwise, why do you think the writers aren’t? I may not live in the same country as them, but I still consume a lot of USA’s media and I know that if guy stalks girl, he usually gets her. Not to mention, the number of times media announces a LGBTQ+ character as tactic to gain some support yet deliver nothing, like saying Dumbledore is gay even though there’s nothing in the films or books indicating it (let’s leave the conversation about the “word of God” for some other time). There were more than a few LGBTQ+ people who were afraid Bumblebee would turn out to be just that: queerbaiting.
Miles and Kerry knew all of that and, more importantly, they were aware that you knew it too, so they played on your assumptions to make their bait-and-switch. However, there were plenty of hints that Sun was just the red herring and that Bumblebee was going to happen. Last time, I focused on the latter, this time let’s concentrate on the first. Let’s take a look at Sun and Blake’s relationship, shall we?
Sun was introduced in the last episodes of V1 and Blake trusted him immediately, because… he’s a Faunus. Though she told him about herself and the White Fang, he showed immediately he’s not on the same page as her as Faunus rights mean a lot to her and little to nothing to him. In 2x01, Sun talks to Neptune about Blake and concluded “and the best part is she’s a Faunus”, which goes completely against Blake’s words in the next episode “I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am”. She began going on a downward spiral to which he reacts with “Is she being all Blake-y?”, while Yang’s the one who gets through to her by exposing her own vulnerability.
Sun not fully understanding Blake is something the show hammers in our heads quite a few times even in more recent volumes. Like when he assumed she’s on her way to fight the White Fang when she was actually going to Menagerie to rest. Or suggested destroying the WF while Blake wanted to take it back.
In volume 3, they had literally no interactions besides him winking at her in the Vytal Festival – yes, she blushed, which can be explained by the fact that he did it in front of an entire stadium or that she had a crush on him. Personally, I’m inclined to the latter, but it really doesn’t mean much: not all crushes lead to something. A lot of them are a result of idealization and I think that was the case for Blake. By the way, I have to speak of Blake’s crush as likely, not certain precisely because it was never actually confirmed.
When Yang asked Weiss where Blake and Ruby were, Sun was there, yet it was Yang alone who went after Blake. The next time we saw him, it’s after their injuries and he is noticing an injured Blake grabbing Yang’s hand.
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No, this shot doesn’t exist to show Sun seeing Blake injured, because he already knew that. He had just told Ruby that Yang was going to be OK, and the one who brought her there was Blake. Not to mention that if the point was to make him notice Blake’s injuries, it makes no sense for their hands to appear. Yang would have been kept out of the frame, instead of taking up more space than Blake. To me, this is the moment where Sun realizes Blake’s feelings for Yang. If the intention was for him to notice Blake’s injured, it would have made much more sense to see his face, then cut to her. Yes, they could have done the same with their hands, but this way they left it more ambiguous which was probably the intention. It would have made no sense for them to choose that if it was meant for Black Sun, because the audience was more than aware he was interested in Blake. We had been since V1 as there was never anything subtle about their relationship.
In volume 4, he flirts, Blake is usually either apathetic or downright annoyed. The exception is after the injury, and like I said, he’s the one who brings up Yang, revealing he realizes the bond between them. He is also hurt by the chick whose feelings weren’t reciprocated (I talked about that at length in part 1). In volume 5, their relationship is platonic.
Really, in spite of spending the volumes 4 and 5 together, it’s not about developing Black Sun in a romantic way.
Oh, a kiss on the cheek isn't romantic. It can be, but in the context, it was merely a "thank you".
Black Sun hasn’t sunk yet
While RWBY isn’t over, the possibility for Black Sun isn’t completely gone, though I don’t think I’m lying when I say it’s unlikely. You can like it more than Bumblebee, but it’s all right to admit it’s improbable. We (almost) all have been there. For crying out loud, in MHA, I sort of ship Kacchako4 (loses 2/3 of her readers – and that’s why this piece of trivia was originally intended to appear much later).
After everything he’s done for her (that she didn’t ask for)
This is usually phrased in a disgusting way.
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There is a lot to unpack here.
First, it’s ridiculous to think you can be owed love/getting into someone’s panties. You can’t. People either love you/want to do you, or they don’t. If you want to do something for someone else, great, but do it because you want to and like (not necessarily in a romantic way) said person or because you’re altruistic – don’t expect a reward. This is what you sound like to us:
You wanted the guy to get the girl, fine. You know you can watch that in almost everything else, right?
Second, it’s idiotic to associate getting the girl with masculinity or not getting her with being “cucked”. If your notion of being a man is tied to getting someone else, that’s on you. If you need someone else to feel good about yourself, maybe you have some underlying issues to address (another reference to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend – watch the show, especially if you’re making comments like the one I showed: you need it. I feel like the narrator in “S.O.B.s”).
Third, even by the logic of “after everything I’ve done for you”, Sun doesn’t win, because Yang paid a much bigger price: she lost an arm and had PTSD while he had a minor injury from which he had basically recovered by the next episode. This isn’t a “Yang deserves her” either – that argument is nonsensical no matter the pairing being defended, I’m just pointing out that it doesn’t even favor BS.
By the way, I noticed that a few people completely missed the point of why I compared Yang’s injury to Sun’s and think I did it to indicate Yang deserves it more or to win (?). It’s a bit confusing because I flat out say why I made the comparison, but here it goes again: it’s not to say Yang deserves Blake, but to indicate that, in fiction, we usually associate romance with higher stakes. I literally wrote:
“I think Yang’s and Sun’s injuries are everything I should need to prove the likelihood of BB as they contrast the two main Blake ships: Bumblebee and Black Sun. While heroes tend to save many people who are indeed just friends or sometimes not even that, there’s a reason why Superman and Spiderman usually include Lois Lane and MJ (or whoever the love interest is in said film) in the climax – it makes it more personal, raising the stakes. From this perspective, it’s easy to understand the importance given to either by comparing: what the injury was, who caused it, why and Blake’s reaction, thus allowing to conclude which couple was given more weight.”
“[…] point Bumblebee as the first one is more associated with romance.”
That was me explaining what the points were as well as why I was comparing the 2.
And yes, paying attention to dramatic weight is completely valid, we are talking about fiction after all. It’s not like we accidentally walked in on a guy threatening a gal and saying “I’ll destroy everything you love… starting with her” as another woman appeared in real life. Things happened the way they did because writers (editors, directors, etc.) wanted them to. 
Don’t pretend you didn’t know that it’s relevant that the one who caused Yang’s injury was Adam, Blake’s ex-boyfriend, while Sun’s was caused by Ilia, the friend whose feelings weren’t reciprocated, and that it doesn’t say anything about the links Adam-Yang and Sun-Ilia. I lost count of the number of BSers who wanted Sun to fight Adam and wanted him to be the one taking Adam down (even though it got in the way of Yang’s closure), which shows many of you were perfectly aware of the importance of said connection.
As for the dyke representation… (the fact that they phrased it that way is very telling) if it was just that, then any lesbian couple would do. RWBY is about 4 female characters. Seriously, how come people never ask themselves why this one is so popular, even though Yang and Blake aren't the most popular characters? From what I've seen, Weiss and Yang are.
The claims of “pandering” and “SJW” have been raining for a while and I expect them to continue until they realize CRWBY can’t be bullied into erasing BB. Count on that to happen whenever a show reveals a main character is LGBTQ+ mid-series (unless it’s a particularly progressive show). If your reaction to seeing LGBTQ+ characters is to call it “pandering”, it says a lot about you, none of it good.
I know that we perceive straight white male as default. This is so entrenched in our culture that the first Transformers didn’t have any female transformers because the writers thought it would require an explanation. Yup, apparently you need an explanation to include half of the world’s population.
I suppose screaming “pandering” is better than to pull an EF and say “Bumblebee was and is the safest LGBTQ ship they could have done. Lesbian couples are the safest representation a show can make […] It’s more comfortable to see woman on woman action just because of how fantasized they are”, which:
doesn’t justify why BB is the safest LGBTQ+ couple as there are a ton of lesbian couples possible (White Rose, Checkmate/Monochrome, Freezerburn, etc.);
fails to consider the high number of LGBTQ+ women in RWBY when compared to LGBTQ+ men probably has something to do with the fact it has more female characters;
when did we see woman on woman action in RWBY? How did I miss that episode?
if lesbians are so appealing to straight men, how come they’re the ones whining the most about BB?
The whole straight-men-like-lesbians while being the ones complaining about them is particularly odd to me. It doesn’t sound like they like they are spending their time wrapped up in sexual fantasies. Maybe they are and can't stop. And that's why they don't like Bumblebee anymore... Poor things... But really, it just sounds like they need some kind of… safe space.
You can tell them not to worry. They still have most shows/books/films. And for the next 2-4 decades, they'll be able to count on Disney (taking shots at it since my very first post).
As usual, the original.
More RWBY posts:
Filmmaking and Bumbleby
Bumblebee was Always the Plan
Bumblebee was Always the Plan part 2
Faunus and the White Fang: The Portrayal of Racism
BB & Renora
Weird Post on Weiss’s Clothes
Foils: Adam and Yang (this one is in wordpress; it was my first one and I didn’t have Tumblr then)
Let’s talk about Adam Taurus (I didn’t post this one on Tumblr because the title and tags could lead Adam fans thinking this was about “his wasted potential” when really it defends the decision of killing him off and explains why it happened)
1 “Make me Feel” can also be taken as a pan anthem as Janelle as identifies as such (and I think she’s OK with being called bi too).
2 Enabling Abuse is what I call AdamxBlake.
3 I still consider “Burning the Candle”, V3 finale and the ship named “Pride” to be pretty obvious.
4 Not only are the odds against Kacchako (BakugoxUraraka), the shippers are considered villains who worship chaos, which is fine by me. I can’t say some part of me doesn’t enjoy being The Dark Knight’s Joker and that part is saying: “Tell me Batman, how does it feel to be the hero of a film that everyone watches for its villains?”
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yellowshibe · 5 years
i saw the 2015 kinnie tumblr post and i couldn't stop thinking about 2013 homestuck
checking my man kik group chats on my ipad or ipod touch, four or five different rps going on at once. and someone is venting. legitimate chaos ensues when i said hi cause everyone always said hello in character. then going on tumblr and seeing lots and lots of 'upd8' art, guesses about new characters and where the plot was headed, shipping walls updated...everyone was straight or a gay dude until rosemary. lol. pb&j, stridercest, davejohn, davejade, rosejohn, johnvris....gifs edited w sprites over them. new amvs and vines being circulated. jokes about hussie, nic cage, and mlp were everywhere. it was insane around prom season. 'tumblr prom' went on for a week, people asking others to go, but just getting dressed alone in their house in half cosplay and taking selfies alone to post on their reblog of their date's selfies. asks saying can you make that last ask rebloggable? no one knew if the kids were white and caucasian happened and everyone laughed and then wait no that's bad. no one was critical. cons were terrible. good that we all did that, but unsealed paint and unchecked teenagers meant insanity. fandomstuck, keshastuck.....those lyricstuck posts w the audio and then like 8 years of scrolling to get through it. and your mutuals had all reblogged it. everyone spammed, everyone's met their post limit. so many inside jokes that legitimately made no sense. mishacolypse happened?? we didn't fight with other fandoms. i remember art of homestuck being portrayed as younger and stupider than sherlock and doctor who and supernatural and hp. and every time there'd be an update people spamming, THERES AN UPD8?, FUCK IM NOT HOME RN DOMT POST SPOILERS, TAG UPD8 SPOILERS PLS, DOES ANYOJE KNOW WHO THAT CHARACTER IS HAVE WE MET THEM, WHAT IS HUSSIE DOING?, IS THIS GAY?, etc. art would literally spawn minutes later. idk how they did it. i would usually begin to read an upd8, go back to tumblr, refresh, and have my dash spammed with art of any new character or outfit or supposed canon ship or meme included in canon. kylee henke. senor pac-man. ikimaru kinda existed. gummy!!! so many more artists and voice actors contributed to the chaos.....i remember everyone wanted dave to be the main character hahahah. those little sprites w the quadrant pixels in peoples links......don't interact with me if you ship johnkat.....whatever bs.....oh yeah, whatpumpkin store and hot topic selling homestuck merch. what the fuck were we doing! lol. there's more but this is what i can remember rn.....those fucking multi contributor amvs where you'd pick one character to put art and stock text lyrics over a shitty background with some fucking....pussycat dolls song. 🥺🥺 i miss it.
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Tbh im not putting the poor Sharon character writing on the fans. There are plenty of things fans are vocal about that the creators ignore. Imo by holding the fans responsible you let the writers get away with more bs cuz people are taking away their accountability and put it to the fans.
I think it feels better to blame fans because since we are all fans fan culture and response seems more possible to control than the whims of writers so and we'd like to think that has an influence but tbh not really the writers have strong opinions of their own.
Like for example the writer of the what if liked Steggy and hated Sharon for having been with Steve so had her screwed over. All that despite the fact Steggy has faced alot of backlash over that endgame ending. Not that no one likes steggy its just kinda divisive but even if this writer and their small friend group were the only people that liked Steggy and hated Sharon they could have done the same thing.
i think we can have maybe some impact after the fact so if the backlash is strong enough they may not repeat the same action but they not necessarily going to give us what we want either especially if they themselves are biased and dont want the same thing.
The harrassing of Sharons fans though post civil war especially...ya that i can def put on the fans but its really hard to explain to people unless you kept receipts but even then its hard to explain.
See in my experience i was on tumblr during the civil war time and i liked Sharon so Sharon related stuff was on my dash alot flooding it. And it was all like anti Sharon stuff because while there were only a small percent of other fans actually shitting on Sharon that small percent vastly out numbered the number of Sharon fans who actually wanted to post positive things.
But my friends who werent Sharon fans on tumblr and were MCU fans saw this content far less the stuff they saw was far less agressive because in general MCU stuff or MCU civil war stuff it was a footnote faded very quickly to the occasional post but if you wanted Sharon content it was awful to wade through and not worth it so many wouldnt bother making the content or looking for it and waited for the bitterness to pass. In the meantime that meant more anti bullshit less actual fan content.
But that also means even people who were on MCU fandom at the time on tumblr saw very little of the bullshit and even less saw the super bad shit and msny have no idea what we are talking about unless they too went looking for Sharon content
I’m literally the first one to trash the writers lol. I can’t name many good MCU writers. Coogler/Cole did good, but outside of them? And there’s a large handicap placed on the scripts because Feige has final say and for the shows especially there isn’t another showrunner/head writer, just Feige, so that can hold back a strong writer who is given shitty story beats.
But when it comes to fandom behavior? Then the fans are the ones who get called out. And the shipping shit is fan behavior. The What If? writer is Marvel’s biggest crossover: a bitter shipper and a bad writer.
And yeah, if you weren’t actively involved, you probably saw none of it, even on tumblr.
~Mod R
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moonbeammuses-a · 6 years
Mobile Rules
I will NOT roleplay with anone under 18. PERIOD.
-I am Mutuals-ONLY.
I am also selective.
I have tons of things going on with life and can't (unfortunately) RP with everyone I meet. I wish could, but I don't have the time nor the energy.
Non-Mutuals can send in general asks about my muses or IM me with questions, but all In-Character interaction is mutuals-only. I also will not Roleplay via anon asks, so don't bother.
I'll keep them as simple as I can. Lots of clarification in the details, but at LEAST read the main points. 
-Have a Rules page and an About Page
I will NOT follow back someone who does not have a Rules and About page. I need to know that you are an adult, that your views on RP match or at least mesh with, my own, and what your expectations are for RP.
-Don't Follow me if you are Uncomfortable with NSFW content
This blog WILL have smut. I am 26 and all of my muses are adults, though I do have teen/childverses for most of them. 
It WILL have gore. It WILL have blood, death, torture, violence of numerous kinds.
There are villians in my muselist. There are legitimately insane, truly EVIL characters in my muselist.
There could be anything on this blog, including non-con scenarios (that are not romanticized, nor shied away from).
Bear this in mind before you follow me. I will not be lectured on my blog content after the fact. You are responsible for taking this into consideration BEFORE you follow me.
-Come at me with IDEAS.
I figured that from you following me, you want to write. Great.
If I've followed you, if we are mutuals, I wanna write with you, too.
But don't IM me with "I wanna rp" and when I ask for ideas say "I dunno, who do you wanna put with my muse?" or something similar.
I have over 30 muses in my list. If I have specific inspiration for a thread, I'll come to you with it. Do me the same courtesy.
Dont come to ME for a thread and then expect me to have an idea. 
If you dont have an idea, thats OKAY. Tell me when you DO.
Mutuals can always like my starter calls for random starters or send me memes, but if youre gonna IM me to plot, come at me with SOMETHING. I'm not doing all of the work.
-Yes, you CAN send me that meme/starter
If the meme is on my page, anywhere, and we are mutuals, you can do the thing. Exceptions to this are memes that involve pre-established relationships or smut. I don't do pre-established ANYTHING without discussing it first.
HOWEVER, I am always down to plot a relationship between our muses, so we can send memes with abandon!
"But I've already sent you a meme!" Great, SEND ME MORE. More asks means more chance one will inspire me. I always feel really bad when I get just the one meme from someone I REALLY want to play with, but am uninspired for how to reply. You can always send multiples, and I encourage it.
Do NOT overload a meme with muses/questions. Be considerate about how many things you are asking for per ask. There is no hard line for this, but I'd prefer a max of 3 "parts" to an ask. An example could be one question for three muses, or three different questions for one muse. but don't send me several questions for several muses. I will ignore and delete the ask.
"But I've never sent you anything!" Great, let's start now. If we are Mutuals, I WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU
"But our characters are from different fandoms!" Great, let's see what happens when they meet! did one fall through a wormhole and end up in the others' universe? Was one cryo-frozen for centuries? Is it an AU? LETS FIND OUT! Just, again, no pre-established ships without chatting with me via IM! I won't bite if you wanna ask aout a pairing or a ship!
If you’re an adult, there’s no reason you can’t send me an NSFW ask as yourself. Tag it OOC if you need to, I dont care, but no anon NSFW.
-Yes, you can turn the Ask into a thread, but MAKE A NEW POST
It's frustrating as hell seeing the exact same grey blocks of text on every single post in a thread, ESPECIALLY if it was an ask with a long answer. Be considerate of me, and help me be considerate of my followers, by turning asks into new posts if you want to continue a thread. I will endeavor to always follow this rule, as well.
BE AWARE: I will drop a thread that began with an ask when I lose interest UNLESS you tell me you want to keep it and there is mutual interest/inspiration. I have so many small threads going that came from asks, that i will 99% likely NOT remember to say anything. If you want to turn something into a plotted thread, TELL ME
DO NOT PLAY MY CHARACTER FOR ME UNLESS YOU ASK ME. want my character to auto-block a hit? Ask me. Maybe they’re in a different mindset than you think and wouldn’t see it coming. I don’t care how small the action. ASK. ME. FIRST.
Also, in the same vein, don’t do a multitude of things without giving my character a chance to respond to any of them. Maybe they would have grabbed your character’s arm instead of just letting them storm off. Maybe they would have said something before your character made it across the room and out the door.
DO NOT try to force my muse to harm or otherwise take advantage of yours. Take a hint. If my muse is specifically avoiding hurting your muse, do NOT pigeonhole them into injuring your muse. Do not injure your muse because my muse refused to do so. Get your hurt kink BS somewhere else.
In addition, do not punish my character for inaction. If them not moving will lead to your character harming themselves, warn me first. Don't punish my muses for not knowing what to do by hurting your muse. 
-Don't Auto-Ship
If you want a pre-established relationship, whether it's romance, sex, family, or even friendship, talk to me first. If you assume my muse knows yours, that your muse lives with mine, anything like that, there is a 100% chance I will get uncomfortable and drop the thread, likely also unfollowing you.
IN ADDITION, Don't force ships. My character is not required to fall for yours, or even like them. If I feel you are forcing a ship, I will stop replying.
I am saying this again because it’s important. I am open to roleplaying with such content as torture, abuse, trauma, sexual assault, character death, etc. Please be advised of this, and use caution if any of these topics bother or trigger you. I do not Romanticize any of these things, but I have mature-themed threads where these things may occur.
IF ASKED, I will TRY to tag content that may be triggering, but do not always recognize potential triggers. I have ADHD and do not always tag before posting. Please be advised of the potential that something may not be tagged.
If you have specific triggers WARN ME. I will do my utmost to be respectful of your triggers but I cannot read minds.
-Contrary-wise, Respect My Triggers
I ask that rape, non-con, sexual assault, be tagged PLEASE. just because I can RP it doesn’t mean I am ok with being surprised by it on my dash.
-Give Me Something To Work With In Your Reply
I understand that there aren’t always multiple paragraphs worth of information to contribute in a scenario. I don’t always expect as much. But I cannot do one-line RP. Nothing against those who can. I won’t.
If I have created something specifically for MY muses, such as an aesthetic/moodboard, or a discussion of their psyche, or even a drabble, DO NOT reblog without getting my permission first. If your muse or blog is tagged in the post, you are more than welcome to reblog it and share it. Otherwise, ask me first. Content I put my heart and soul into writing out for my muses is important to me, and is not for others to use with their work. 
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Nia Jax/Gender Neutral [Northern-Dwelling] Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Thirsty Crew, I can only hope I've done this woman justice! I have many emotions about her and how she's portrayed in the company as a whole (of course I do, big sap that I am). Tagging @toxiicpop, @oraclegazes and the king captain of this thirsty wasteland, @hardcorewwetrash! Enjoy!
This was a predicament she’d seen a thousand times before. Books, TV shows, movies. She figured maybe someday they would learn to plan for when the weather was bad where they were performing.
Nia sighed, her suitcase rolling along behind her over the tamped-down snow. Cutting a path through the drifts ahead was her current driving partner, who had maneuvered the dangerous roads like a trained professional. All they had on was a sweatshirt and some jeans out in the harsh elements, they should be freezing! But they showed no signs of having issues as their heavy boots stomped through the snow with ease, crushing it out into a path that Nia could safely follow.
“Not much further.” They said finally, gesturing up at the hotel in front of them. They looked over their shoulder to give her a quick grin. “How you doing back there, Snowbird?”
“I’ll be better after a hot shower.” Nia grumbled. Her shoulder had a bone-deep ache in it from landing oddly during the night's match and she knew if she didn't relax it out it would be much, much worse come the morning. The idea of her wearing tape like Cesaro sprang into her head and she snorted at herself.
“Truer words haven’t been spoken.” They agreed, yanking open the door to the hotel foyer and offering her a deep bow. “Ma'am.”
“You nerd.” She punched their shoulder gently on the way by, unable to help her smile. She hated to admit the effect they had on her, the way she always found herself a little quicker to laugh when they were around. It was frustrating because she knew what she was supposed to be like and yet there they were, always making her break character with some goofy joke. They had taken to calling her ‘Snowbird’ after learning she was a warm climate dweller (for the most part, of course), teasing her about all her 'retiree buddies'.
“They flee my northern climes from September on, to flaunt their incredible paleness on your sunny beaches.” They had grinned. “You’re the real deal though, a legitimate snowbird. Not some phony.”
Nia’s smile quickly faded when she was informed at the counter that her reservation didn’t exist. “It must have gotten lost in the shuffle, we’ve had a lot of last-minute cancellations and bookings today due to the weather.” The young man behind the counter said after trying her confirmation number three times. “We currently don’t have another r-”
“I can’t go back out there, I’ll freeze!” The hot shower seemed to be slipping through her fingers but Nia tried to keep her voice down, knowing that the last thing she wanted right now was to be labeled as 'difficult' or 'hysterical'. Regardless of how difficult she felt like being at the moment. “There’s nothing there? Nothing at all?” She asked.
“No ma’am, I’m very sorry but there isn’t.”
“Can I…can I sleep in your lobby? Push a few of the chairs together or something?” Hell, she’d slept in airport terminals before, this place was probably a thousand times safer than that. But the young man was already shaking his head, mumbling something about fire safety and building codes.
Her friend, camped out beside the elevator and scrolling through their phone, seemed to notice her distress. “Everything okay, Snowbird?” They called.
Nia huffed out a quick breath. “They don't have any of my reservation info.” She replied. “And there's nothing else available. I'll have to go back out and find another hotel.” She put her wallet away and zipped up her jacket again, cringing as she thought about being cold once more.
A hand abruptly landed on her arm. “No way, you’re rooming with me.” Her friend said firmly. “You put in all that work tonight, you deserve a rest. If you think I’m gonna’ let you go back out there, you’re crazier than I figured. C’mon.”
“What, you wanna’ drive in this shit? I’m not letting that happen.” They cut in, frowning. “Please.”
“We don’t have any more cots or trundles, either.” The young man behind the counter seemed to have dissolved into permanent apologies. “I’m very sorry about all this.”
“Hey, it’s okay. This crap happens. I’ll figure something out. Snowbird, you’re with me.” Their fingers wrapped around her own to squeeze for a second. “Let’s get you that shower, huh?”
The aches always seemed to steam out under the pounding of hot water. Nia did her best to hurry, knowing that her friend was probably just as cold and tired as she was. Upon re-entering the room, however, she was greeted with the sight of her travelling partner in the process of pulling on a sleeping shirt.
“Oh! Sorry, my bad.” Life on the road meant that privacy was more imagined than anything else, but Nia still tried to offer the courtesy to her fellow performers. She held up a hand to block her view before dashing across the room back to her suitcase.
Her friend's laugh was muffled by the shirt. “S'okay, shoulda' stuck my head into the bathroom and asked for an extra second. Nothing you haven't seen before.” They struggled for a second, one of their elbows caught in the shoulder of the shirt. “How's your back? I know you took that landing pretty hard.”
Nia shrugged, rotating her shoulder and feeling the tightness still lurking. “I'm sure it'll be okay. A few rounds of P.T.”
“Good.” They finally managed to get the shirt on fully, their head popping through the neck hole after a momentary pause. “Hey, when you move up to the main roster do you think they'll give you a title shot?” They asked curiously, moving to sit cross-legged on the twin bed. They patted their thigh after a minute and Nia took up her place on the floor, handing her friend the brush and leave-in conditioner from her suitcase.
“I don't know if I'm looking that far forward yet.” Nia tilted her head back into their lap. “I don't know if Creative is looking that far forward either, honestly. Pretty sure my look isn't exactly the 'Women's Champion' aesthetic.” She made air quotes around the words, trying not to let the somberness seep into her tone. The tap on her head with the brush alerted her to the fact that her effort was in vain.
“You and I both know that you'd be a totally badass champion.” Her friend said firmly. “I get that you'd be fresh onto the roster and maybe you don't want to step on anyone's toes, but c'mon. You're the best candidate, you're strong and smart. Plus, you're damn scary when you want to be.”
“And when Creative wants me to be.” Nia tacked on glumly. “I swear, I'm just a caricature sometimes. Pigeonholed in this role of being protective, or beating everyone up like I'm King Kong for the first part of the match then falling victim to some silly little shot to the back of my head. It's so exasperating.” She pulled her knees up to her chest. “I can do so much more than be some stupid muscle, you know?”
Strong fingers smoothed over her scalp, encouraging Nia's drowsy yawn. “I understand that. I know that you have to take at least a few of the cards that are drawn for you. And that's garbage because I also know you're a hell of an athlete.” Her friend put the brush down and started carefully plaiting her hair, separating it out to loosely braid it for bed. “I can't believe in this day and age that people still have to work so hard, uphill, against these BS stereotypes.”
“It's nuts.” Nia turned her head just a little to catch her friend's eye. “So...what do I have to do to get you on the Creative team? Specifically, writing my matches on the Creative team?”
Her friend's laugh was delighted, the noise sending tingles down Nia's spine. “I would be a terrible booker and you know it Jax! Fired within the month because I'd bring some revolutionary idea to the table like...you being crowned the Universal Champion after tearing Brock Lesnar's arm off of his body.”
“Shh, we’re not supposed to know about that belt yet. It’s a secret. Besides, they couldn't fire you! I think they're down to two people as is.” Nia snickered. “Everyone's jumping ship now that they know Smackdown will be its own thing. Wonder sometimes if I should too. Like, go do my own thing.”
“You do what you need to. Just know that where you go, I'll do my best to follow.” Her friend went silent for a moment as they tied off Nia's braid. “Gotta' take care of my Snowbird.” They continued quietly.
“Hey.” Nia caught their hand before they could pull away, tilting her head back further so she could smile at them. “Thanks.” Their resulting blush and stammer stuck in her brain while the two of them bedded down in the small bed.
Nia woke at some point during the night to them wrapped around her protectively, their arm over her ribs. A mouth pressed to her achy shoulder and they mumbled something, their voice heavy with sleep. “Hmm?” Nia murmured. They shook their head, snuggling her even closer. They were incredibly warm and Nia found exactly zero problems with being cuddled by her own personal space heater. She soon drifted back off, making those embarrassing little noises in her throat that she usually tried to stifle.
Another event, another airport. Nia had to smile this time though, back on familiar turf. She strode through the terminal with purpose, her traveling buddy trailing behind as they turned in place to look up at the high glass ceiling. Sunlight poured in, bathing the various indoor foliage features and making them appear twice as green and lush.
“C'mon, slowpoke! I'm not losing you in this place.” Nia scolded, chuckling at the bewildered expression on their face. “What, never seen a sunroof?”
“Listen, where I come from the sun is nothing but a distant myth. I respect and fear the brilliant hell-orb.” They joked. Nia's laughter rang out, maybe a little louder than she intended, but it was more than worth it to coax a smile out of her friend. “I'm glad my simple ways amuse you, Snowbird.”
“Never change, sweetheart.” Nia shook her head, rumpling their hair fondly when they fell into step beside her. “Now, I expect you to be able to handle yourself in the harsh elements here. No whining!”
“I would never!” They protested, grimacing abruptly when they stepped outside. “Oh. Oh ugh.”
“Ha!” Nia said triumphantly as they hurried to strip off their hoodie. “Welcome to humidity. Any Northerner's kryptonite.”
“You're the devil!” They squawked, stuffing the sweatshirt into their backpack. “The absolute devil. I'm...oh God, everything's going dark.”
They pretended to swoon into her arms and Nia couldn't keep from laughing, easily righting them with one hand. “On your feet. You know the rules, after that last fiasco we have a three hour allowance as far as checking in on our reservations goes.”
“That's only for inclement weather though!” They protested, squinting up at the blue sky overhead. “Place is cloudless, you can't possibly-”
“Trust me. Weather around here has a way of sneaking up on you.” Nia pulled out her spare pair of sunglasses and slid them onto her friend's face. “Try to keep up!”
“My reservation got canceled because of Wrestlemania.”
Nia looked up at her friend's words, startled. “What?”
“They 'accidentally' double-booked my room. I'm...I want to be mad but mostly I'm just so tired and hot I'd like to cry.” They said dully, seeming like they were inches from tears. “I wanted to sleep. I couldn't sleep on the plane because there was a baby crying and I forgot my headphones in my checked luggage and I'm-”
“Hey hey, shh. Easy.” Nia soothed, getting up out of her seat and quickly ushering her friend off into the elevator. “You're staying with me, then. That's only fair. We'll get you to the room, get you a nice shower.” She paused, essentially propping them up against one of the walls of the elevator and pressing their foreheads together. “You're going to be fine, you fragile Northerner you.”
“M' not fragile!” They growled. “I'm hungry and sweaty and bone-tired and I can't tell which one of those is the thing to fix first.” They scrubbed at their eyes angrily.
“Don't worry about it.” Nia (who felt a little guilty at the decent amount of sleep she'd gotten during the flight) took their hand when the elevator doors pinged open. “You get in the shower, then we’ll order food. You'll sleep better with a full belly.”
“Th-Thank you.” Her friend said in a tiny voice, still rubbing their eyes with their free hand. “God, can you even believe that Wrestlemania is in two days? You're gonna' be in Wrestlemania.”
“Well, so are you.” Nia pointed out as she opened the door to her room.
Her friend waved their hand impatiently. “Fuck that, you're going to be in Wrestlemania.”
“I'm going to lose at Wrestlemania.”
“I...seriously?” Their expression twisted with confusion when Nia nodded. “But that makes no sense, they've been building you as-”
“As a protective, glass-cannon enforcer. With lipstick.” Nia filled in wryly. “I'm good for throwing the other women around and looking intimidating. Me actually winning anything isn't going to happen.”
“I'm gonna' kick all of their asses.” They threatened, making Nia tousle their hair. “I’m serious. This is bullshit!”
“No, this is how it always is.” Nia corrected.
“Okay, look. I’m gonna’ shower because I probably smell like barn. And we’re gonna’ talk about this over food. I…pick something to eat while I get cleaned up. Please.” Their sentences were stilted and tight, like they were grappling with their emotions.
“Hey, you don’t need to be all wound up about this.” Nia shrugged, tried to act like her own disappointment didn’t sit heavy in her chest. “I’ll just wait until you’re done and you can-”
“Oh no you don’t. If you don’t choose something, I’ll play Yelp roulette again. You remember what happened last time.” They raised an imposing eyebrow. “For the sake of us living until Wrestlemania, I suggest you pick.”
“Okay okay, you drive a hard bargain.” Nia grumbled, already reaching for her phone.
Those strong fingers wove into her hair, a quick massaging motion on her scalp making her eyes flutter shut. “Thanks Snowbird. For everything.”
“Don’t mention it.” Nia rolled her shoulders once her friend had migrated to the shower. Her body felt overly warm despite the roaring A/C. This is stupid, you’re being stupid! She berated herself, staring blindly at the menu for several minutes before using the tried-and-true method of covering her eyes and picking a few items at random. Hopefully this is okay.
When her friend finally emerged from the bathroom, looking slightly more sane and awake, they wasted no time in plopping down beside Nia on the bed. “Listen up, Jax, because I’m only gonna’ say this once.” They rolled onto their back so they could look up at her. “That’s a lie, but whatever. Listen. You’re…you deserve to win. Ain’t nobody that works harder than you, even with this stupid cubbyhole-”
“Whatever, stupid dumbass restrictions put onto you by the company.” They growled, poking her knee. “Look, you’re cream of the crop material! Cream of the crop. How can they not see that?”
“Maybe they’ve been writing me this way because they think that’s what a ‘strong’ woman is. Big, angry, pretty, and easily broken by other women if they work together.” Nia hated how much she was defaulting to a shrug these days. “I should be grateful I’m even here, right?”
“Hell no.” Their irritation at the current conversation did make her feel just a little better. “You could be a brutal heel! Why won’t they take advantage of that?! You have evil potential!”
“Easy, I’m sitting right here y’know.” Nia pressed a hand to her chest and they laughed.
The room service arrived and Nia ate mostly in silence, just listening to her friend continue to rant between bites of their salad. Had she known they felt so strongly about this, she might not have even brought it up. But no, the thought of how they might have reacted if she lost and it blindsided them was crushing.
“Did you really think I was going to win?” Nia finally asked quietly.
“I sure as hell hoped you would!” They folded their arms, exhaling loudly. “But sure, we’ll give the Horsewomen their usual exhibition. That’s cool. Fuck the revolution unless it’s the same three or four women over and fucking over, right? Fuck me, what a load of hot garbage.” They griped, pushing their plate away to get up and pace. “I've got nothing against Charlotte or Bayley, shit, even Sasha, but this is exasperating. How the hell do you stay so level-headed over things like this?!”
“Probably because I’m usually written like an easily-flustered child.” Nia didn’t laugh, not exactly. The sound choked off in her throat. “I’m written as a trope. I’m supposed to stomp my feet when things don’t go my way, I’m supposed to scream and yell and be angry in the ring. I guess it’s…it’s easier to save my emotions for when I need to get a reaction.”
“Snowbird…” They sat down beside her again, hand reaching for her own. Nia had promised herself she wasn’t going to waste time crying over any more of Creative’s choices. She’d done that more than enough during her time with this company. “Fuck, Nia, don’t…look, c’mon, there’s no need for that.” They protested, knocking their foreheads together. “Snowbird don’t do this to me. You know I’m ugly when I cry.”
“It’s difficult.” Nia managed to say. “I’m tired of being pushed aside because I don’t have ‘the look’. I mean, I know it will happen just because. I guess I’m more tired of being upset about it.” She admitted. “I’m exhausted over being upset. I know since I’m the ‘big girl’ I’m supposed to be confident in my skin and ‘fierce’ or whatever the hell everyone is saying we have to be like this week. But it’s hard to be confident and happy with who you are when you’re constantly being told you’re going to be passed over for things because of who you are.” Nia tried to put her face in her hands but her friend stopped her before she could, making her look up at them.
They were clearly upset, their whole face drawn into a tight pinch of outrage. “You-” They sputtered unintelligibly for a good five seconds. “Look. Listen to me, okay? Just me. With my vast years of life experience across time and space or whatever.” They waved a hand dismissively.” I don’t say all my mushy stuff or go out of my way to try and make you laugh because I think you’ve got it easy, alright? I like making you break character. I like being the one that reminds you you’re not that person. I like letting you shine through, even if it’s just for a little bit. Hell Snowbird, I like you. The real you. Fuck how they write you. Some tiny-minded stereotype could never hope to contain the wonder that is you.”
“’Wonder’, huh?” Nia snorted. “Some wonder. I’m nothing but a crybaby.”
“You’re kind.” A kiss brushed her forehead. “You’re beautiful, you’re a model for fuck’s sake.”
“I was a model.”
“I’m sure you can still get yourself into something fashionably uncomfortable and ignite a catwalk any day of the week. Don’t interrupt me, woman.” They scolded, kissing her forehead again. “You’ve got this great sense of humor. Making you laugh is one of the best parts of my day, Snowbird. I feel like I did my job right if I can get you to laugh.”
“You…if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were…” Nia swallowed hard at their serious expression. “Um, never mind, I’m probably-”
“What? What did you think?” They pressed, sounding concerned.
“I’d say you were interested in me.” Nia mumbled all in a rush, thoroughly embarrassed. Great, perfect, wonderful. You’ve successfully made an ass of yourself.
“That’s correct, yeah.” They shrugged, stuffing their hands into the pockets of their pajama pants. “I mean, you don’t have to take it that way if me hitting on you makes you uncomfortable. Because I totally get that, I’ll stop if I’m making you uncomfortable. I know that I’m not really…’on your level’. I’ll never be as put together or as talented as you are. But I hoped if I told a few jokes, saw you safely through a few snowstorms, then maybe I’d have a shot, y’know?” Their words all spilled out in a nervous jumble, hanging in the air between them. “I like traveling with you. I like being with you. I like you.”
“I…” Nia was blown away by their confession, stunned silent. “Really?” She finally asked, her voice precariously close to breaking. Her friend nodded sheepishly, staring at the floor. “Wow.” Nia grabbed their arm and dragged them into a hug, holding them tight. “I woke up during the night when there was that mix up with my reservation and you were all wound around me, kissing my shoulder blade.”
“You’d hurt yourself earlier. Bad landing.”
Nia smiled. “Were you trying to kiss it better?”
“…Yeah.” They twiddled their fingers, looking up at her through their lashes. “Is that okay?”
Nia tapped her lower lip, the area still conveniently tender from a botched hit earlier in the week. “Y’know, I think this spot here could use a little TLC if you’re up for it.”
They nodded eagerly and Nia couldn’t keep back one of those noises as they quickly cupped her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Their mouth meshed with hers in a frantic motion, swallowing her soft whimpers greedily. Nia suddenly felt small and strangely vulnerable. Here was someone who could see her, the real her, and somehow they wanted her more that way. It was baffling.
“Why-” She began to ask when they pulled back.
“I’ve kinda’ had a thing for you for a while now.” The said breathlessly. “I didn’t know what your uh…preference was, didn’t want to be pushy.”
“You nerd.” She punched their shoulder gently and they giggled, like they were relieved. Their arms draped over her shoulders and they started trailing kisses down the side of her neck. Nia tentatively put her hands on their hips, her grip tightening when their mouth grazed her collarbone.
“This okay?” They asked softly, obviously interpreting her stiffening up as hesitance.
“Oh God yes, please.” Nia wasn't really familiar with this, but she definitely wanted to see what it could be like. Normally people wanted her to dominate them, to put in all the work. Due to her outward appearance there was always that assumption; she was larger than the average woman and could be very imposing if need be. So this was...different. This was new.
They smiled and drew her in for another kiss, those strong fingers tangling in her hair and tugging gently. “You haven't had anyone take care of you?” They murmured against her mouth. “It's always the same crap, isn't it?”
“No matter where I go.” Nia managed to say.
“Mm, that all changes now.” Their hands traveled lower, undoing the first button on her blouse. Slowly they worked their way down the line until her blouse was open, exposing more skin and (Nia had to admit) one of her most worn-out sports bras.
“Sorry, if I'd known that you would be taking off my shirt I would have dressed accordingly.” She tried to joke, but the heated look she got in return made her stomach clench.
“So you would have worn nothing underneath this?” Their voice was a seductive purr. “I like the nice shirts you wear when you have to be out and about, but I could definitely appreciate you with no bra in a nice shirt. Food for thought.” They grazed their hand over the sports bra, one finger tugging at the middle of the hardworking elastic to expose her cleavage. “I like this too, though. Might be fun to tease you through one of these, make you all wet for me without taking your clothes off.” Nia made another sound in her throat and they looked up, smiling at her. “Sound good, Snowbird?” Like they couldn't feel how excited the idea made her, like they couldn't hear her.
They urged her to lie back and she obeyed, thrilled and scared all at once at the idea of being at someone's mercy. Her friend smoothed her hair back from her face once she laid down, searching her eyes for much, much longer than Nia was used to.
“Is this okay?” They asked again, a little louder this time.
“Please.” Nia wasn't one hundred percent sure on what she was begging for, exactly. It just felt incredible to be able to ask for something for once. That helpless sound bubbled in her throat.
“Alright.” They smiled and pulled the sports bra up and off, the raw appreciation in their gaze making Nia shiver from head to toe. “Oh God, look at you.” They sighed, the flat of their tongue gracing one of her nipples with a hot, wet caress. “Why did no one do this for you? My poor Snowbird.” Nia whimpered and cupped their head, running her fingers through their hair over and over as they lapped and gently nipped at her peak. “I love your sounds.” They mumbled against her breast.
“They're weird.” Nia moaned.
“No, they're great.” They placed kisses that burned like fire down her torso and Nia's breath quickened, her fingers still grasping feebly at their hair. Their hands quickly flipped her skirt up and another kiss lingered on the waistband of her panties, dampening the trembling skin there. “Can I put my mouth on you?”
“As long as you keep asking me, you can do whatever the hell you want.” Nia replied shakily.
“I'd always imagined our first time would be with the candles and stuff.” They looked up at her, a devilish smirk twitching their lips. “Not complaining one bit. I probably would have tripped over the bed and knocked myself out on the end table, what with the dim conditions.”
Nia giggled, the noise weirdly high as she felt those damn fingers curl around the sides of her soaked panties and tug them down her thighs. “A memorable first time, that's for sure. I can make do with no candles.”
Her friend kissed her stomach, shoving her skirt up higher out of the way. “I want you to be able to watch me without stressing your shoulder.” Their smug tone was laced with concern and Nia was touched by their worry. “I know you have a few things to do later this week.” They maintained eye contact as they stuck out their tongue teasingly, and Nia let out a soft, keening whine when they dragged the flat of their tongue over her clit for the first time. “Oh, that's a good one.” They murmured, making her flush before they dove in to lick and nibble at her in earnest.
Nia threw her head back, releasing their hair to grip the sheets underneath her body. It was so ridiculously strange to have someone eat her out, without her having to demand it or sit on someone's face in a stereotypical display of dominance. Her friend was merciless in their assault, coaxing Nia's thighs wider with just a few hums. Nia started playing with her own breasts as they pushed their other hand into their pants, her hips rolling in sync with the sloppy kisses laid on her entrance. Two fingers breached her easily, sliding in and hooking up to make Nia cry out.
“That's right, beautiful.” They crooned against her, the words barely registering while Nia chased her completion feverishly. They stroked her clit with the flat of their tongue and she ground up against that mouth, those fingers, her whole body tightening as she drew close.
Nia couldn't have stifled the noises she was making even if she had wanted to. Moans and whimpers poured from her lips but that was alright, it was alright, because her friend was making noises just like she was, their soft, hungry sounds and humming reducing her to quivering under their mouth. “I-” Their mouth fastened down over her clit, Nia's back arched off the bed and she hung in an absolute purgatory for the longest second of her life before her climax struck.
Her hips rolled and shuddered and she threw her head back, only vaguely aware that she was practically sobbing with relief. Her friend gently soothed her spine back down onto the bed, continuing to lick Nia's clit softly until it was too much to bear and Nia had to cup their face. Their chin was soaked with her and they looked a bit dazed but incredibly satisfied with themselves. Nia kissed them fiercely while they straddled her thigh and bucked their hips, grinding their body down in harsh, quick motions. “Want me to come for you?” They asked through gritted teeth. “I bet you do, bet you fucking do, beg me, fuckin' beg me for it Jax.”
Now that was dangerous, their rough, desperate tone commanding her to obey. Nia's mouth felt dry and she swallowed quickly. “Please come for me.” She said softly, her hands grasping their hips and urging them even faster. “Get yourself off on me, come for me, come for me sweetheart.”
Their hands closed over her own on their hips and they tilted their head up, going still and moaning, “Oh, Jesus, Nia, fuck yes,” through their clenched teeth. They went limp and slumped forward, still weakly rocking their hips on her thigh.
Nia carefully eased them down, cradling their body against her own and stroking their hair as they shuddered intermittently. “Thank you.” She sighed into their hair. “Thank you so much.”
They moaned and tucked their face into the hollow of her throat. “So fucking comfy. Thank you, Snowbird, God.” They sounded completely worn out but sincere, one hand coming up to card through her long hair. “Thank you.”
“I'll let you sleep, okay?” Nia whispered after a minute of comfortable silence. They nodded, holding her tighter. “Sweet dreams.”
“Snowbird, I jus'...” They began, their voice petering out as they drifted off mid-sentence.
“I like traveling with you. I like being with you. I like you.”
Nia smiled to herself as she recalled their words, kissing their forehead and letting her own eyes close.
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I want to fit in with the Supernatural fandom . . . . and I sadly never will . . . .
I’ve been wanting to write this meta for some time.  Today seems like a good day to do that.
I started watching SPN in July of 2016.  The show was always on my radar but I just never watched.  No reason why -- just didn’t.  I knew it was right up my alley so last summer I finally dove in.  Took me a full YEAR but I caught up.  At the time of typing this, I’m pretty much where the whole of the fandom is, save the last two episodes (I’m only halfway through The Scorpion and the Frog and haven’t watched The Bad Place yet).  So . . . . . pull up a chair and let me tell you why I don’t think there’s a place for me to play in this family . . . . . under the cut for length . . . . . also there is ranting and some negativity but I’m not tagging because I want people to see it.  If you see something you don’t like, back out and block me (but also know I RARELY post about SPN so I doubt you’ll be seeing it again and I promise it WILL be properly tagged then, I’m very meticulous about tags) -- I’m just trying to find people to talk to in this fandom and I don’t know how to do that without putting my feelings out there, good and bad, for ALL to see.  
1.  It’s been 13 years.  I did in ONE year what the rest of you did in 13.  And even though I’m feeling the same feels as everyone else . . . . it just isn’t the same.  I didn’t take the same journey that you all did.  
2.  Dean . . . BUGS ME.  I don’t dislike the character, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not tagging this anti-dean because it’s really NOT.  But at the same time -- that type of character -- the repressed feelings and macho exterior -- just not my thing.  Also I don’t like the way he makes fun of Sam all the time, and is it me or has that gotten WORSE since last season.  There were several episodes in S12 that I just wanted to reach through the screen and pop him one (more than usual, that is -- that’s my usual Dean mode TBH).  I get that they’re brothers and that’s what brothers do to an extent, but you don’t see Sam constantly harping on Dean for his constant brooding and functional alcoholism, do you?  It’s over the top and downright MEAN at times.  
3.  I tend to like and side with Sam on almost everything.  Even when he was evil.  (Actually he was kind of hot then . . . . S6 is my favorite!) Even when he was drinking demon blood and sleeping with demons.  Even when he “abandoned” Dean (which I say is BS no he didn’t but whatever) to have a life (and I LIKED that he had a girlfriend and a relationship in S8 -- and that’s another thing, Sam fans go on about how they want Sam to have love and a dog and he HAD THAT and they’re all “oh wait not HER” -- sorry I liked her and Sam together, sue me).  
4.  I liked Crowley.  I think the way the show treated Mark Sheppard was shitty.  Crowley was a compelling character and a great frenemy to the brothers.  REALLY stupid move on their part to let him go.  
5.  Bobby never interested me in any way and in fact I found the character boring as fuck.  Don’t miss him at all.  Is that blasphemy?  Don’t care.  My opinion.
6.  I like Destiel.  I like them as a friendship and I would be totally open to them as an actual relationship.  And I like Cas.  Yes I do.  In fact, when Cas is with Dean it’s really the only time that I’m not wanting to reach through the screen and throttle Dean.  
7.  And here’s the kicker that has nothing to do with SPN but it’s still an issue for me . . . . I’m a huge OUAT fan, and I’m a Rumple fan and a Rumbelle fan and a Swan Queen fan.  I absolutely hate, loathe and despise every single, solitary thing about Hook (both versions) and CS.  And I find that MANY SPN fans that might agree with me on at least SOME of the above are Hook and CS fans.  And I just can’t with that on my dash.  And 90% of my Tumblr time is on my phone so blocking tags is useless.  
I have just yet to see anyone in the fandom that would agree with me on the majority of these points and I’m tired of finding people I agree with on some things, following their blog, only to see them drool over Dean as if he does no wrong or bash Cas or Destiel or pick at Sam for this, that or the other thing . . . . it’s annoying as fuck.  
I’d love to be part of the fandom.  I love the show.  I DO love the brothers’ relationship.  I have stuff to say every week.
I just don’t know who would want to listen, given the above things.  If ANYONE out there does -- please tell me, cause I’ve been trying to find you for over a YEAR now!  
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lizacstuff · 8 years
Anon asks
So as not to clog any of your dashes, fandom wank under the cut
beka1820 @beka1820  I’m confused how she said that TvLine and Deadline contradicted each other and that they’re crazy or whatever. Didn’t they say the same thing essentially. Especially about the specific 4? That whole post would be so entertaining if it wasn’t so insulting to JMo.
I saw that!!  I suppose it exposes her complete lack of reading comprehension? The stories were pretty much identical to me.  
However, she is one of those people who posts something, it turns out to be completely wrong, but then she comes back and says “look how right I was.”
Very Trump-esque. 
Anonymous said:The one thing I’d love to come true from that dumb post is for Jen to be made a producer.
I’m sure the reason that the producer thing is part of this pretend narrative is because it’s kind of an obvious guess at this stage of the game. Often in contract re-negotiations actors get producer credits and JMo is clearly the actor from the show who is the most collaborative with the creatives and she’s also the one who is most interested in things behind the scenes.  It’s not really that bit of a leap.
Also, I think it would be fabulous.
Anonymous said:That post was hilarious! I love how she took Jen’s pics on Instagram as clear signs of her planning to leave. I bet if I had the willpower I could go through Lana’s thousand selfies with her super deep captions and come up with all kinds of “signs” that she’s leaving as well.
Oh that was the best!  However, that fandom in general has been reading “coded” messages that their fanon ship would be “endgame” for years, I suppose it’s not a leap for them to read coded messages sent from actors to networks in random photos. 
And yes a behavioral psychologist could have a field day going through Lana’s feed. Narcissism anyone…
Anonymous said:I stopped reading the Jen hater post when she said Jen would refuse to do any interview with an smaller outlets. We saw her giving interviews to podcasts, youtubers, small websites. So when you detect something you know is a lie, the rest doesn’t even matter.
Exactly! Totally inaccurate. There are so many instances of that. “My sources say” well your sources (voices in her head) assertions are demonstrably false, so WTF are you even talking about?
Anonymous said So is it possible for a certain news person to come up with a load of crap, like pages and pages of bullshit (like that would take a really dumb long time to bullshit up) because they hate a certain actress/character. If so then I 👏👏👏 their dedication to their craft.
I’s astounding. I wonder if there is a Pulitzer Prize for Fandom Dumbfuckery?
Anonymous said:So the troll believes us Colin fans should be worried about the casting of Andrew as a possible regular next season if Colin stays… according to the trolls logic Andrew being a new pretty white face will be the new writers fav so no time for Colin… Lol I just can’t.. how can her followers still believe her crap
Simple, because they want to believe it.  They’ve lost everything.  So they cling to preposterous anti rhetoric that tries to spin everything that happens as bad for CS fans, CS, Hook, Emma, Jen and Colin.
It’s simple.
However, if anyone can’t see through every word and  buys the nonsense hook, line and sinker, then they are a total fucking moron.
Anonymous said:I think I know who that  troll you’ve mentioned is and wow! I read some of their posts and they are so stupid. Apparently JMo’s random innocent Instagram posts are some sort of message to the network! And every single thing Jen does is directly or indirectly meant to pressure the network! Are there people who actually believe this person? Because wow that’s dumb even for a S Qer.
Yep. It also shows how she doesn’t get JMo and doesn’t get how low-profile OUAT is in the “industry.”  Like I said in a previous post, her fatal flaw is she projects her own pompous, pedantic, pretentious, over-investment on to her “sources” and the “industry.”
To hilarious and scary results. 
Anonymous said:Could the troll make it any more obvious that she’s making everything up? I don’t think so.
No. She might as well asterisk everything with “this is total BS and wishful thinking”
Anonymous said:I think the relatively low amount of notes on that “industry sources” post is indicative of how far out of favor the troll has fallen. She’s been off the deep end since 5a, and doubled down on her “efforts” since the engagement ring showed up on Emma’s finger. I think the anti Jmo angle she’s been working for the last week damaged that posts impact; everyone knows she’s just got an axe to grind. I don’t think as many people believe what she says anymore. People don’t trust her.
No one should trust her. They shouldn’t trust what she says publicly and they sure as hell shouldn’t trust what she says privately.  However, at this point if anyone doesn’t have her number… boy I don’t know.
Anonymous said:Oh, is the troll scrambling to save face now that all her assertions that JMO quit appear to be bunk? What is her problem with JMo anyway? She’s been ragging on her for like 3 days now.
JMo doesn’t pander or cater to her sex fantasies by posting selfie’s with Lana so she must be stopped!!!!!! 
Anonymous said:I think my favorite part was when she added a point about Lana having auditioned for some pilots. But apparently turned down offers or something? She knew this back in January but didn’t think it was worth mentioning. Does she have a bingo game set up and whatever it lands on, that’s what those insider (voices in her head) sources tell her to say? Does anyone actually still believe her? I’m almost more concerned for the mental health of those people.
I find it hilarious that anyone believes that Lana was getting her door beaten down during pilot season.  If you believe that I have some beautiful ocean-side property to sell you in Kansas…
Anonymous said: What is the troll’s beef against JMo anyway? Isn’t she the same one who made up those rumors about Sean?
Yup, said troll was ground zero for the false allegations against Sean. 
Anonymous said:Here’s my question about that troll and others like her. There’s actually another fandom I’m in that has a vicious troll spouting off very stupid and even dangerous “insider info” that their followers eat up and take it as gospel. Are these trolls that give out all this bull making it up themselves, or do they actually have someone feeding them this info and they truly believe it is real? I can never tell if they believe it, or just enjoy the lies, attention, and drama they are able to cause.
In this case, I believe this one is making it all up, or with a small cadre of friends. She’s not being fed a line of bull by someone, her track record of lies is too long and deep.  I can’t speak to your other fandom, I guess it depends on how gullible the person seems to you. Because it is common for someone to try and find a puppet to actually put the info out there. This troll tried that with the Sean rumors, under the guise of fandom unity, making friends with CSers, O Qers, R Bers and trying to get them to spread it for her. 
Also this is not unique to OUAT fandom.  It’s happened since the dawn of fandom. People trolling, people pretending to know more than they do. etc. @counttotwenty and I had quite a cabal of false-info and false-spoiler trolls to deal with back in our West Wing fandom days. 
Don’t believe them and don’t believe this troll either.  
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evans-heaven · 3 years
Just venting
(if you read, please don’t reblog)
I have a lot on my mind rn and this in particular is the only thing i feel secure enough to talk about without crying ofc :)
The Chris fandom isn’t exempt from falling victim to drama and bs, and its frequent, unfortunately. But after my experience in the Sh*wn M*ndes fandom, I’ll take fake girlfriend drama and the odd blog no one really likes over...well whatever tf went on in Sh*wn’s fandom during the period of time I’m talking about.
And I’m not talking about Sh*mila, since basically the whole of shawnblr was in agreement over that (with the exception of a few, but hey) being a total dumpster fire that no one wanted to see.
Like I said, Chris’ fandom isn’t exempt from falling victim to drama, but I’ve never seen certain blogs in particular, consistently responsible of 99% of said drama. Normally its just a group effort of anons going to blogs trying to start conversations about supposed girlfriends.
It was maybe mid-late 2017 into 2018, that a certain blog had (almost) all of shawnblr in a headlock. When I say that, I mean that whatever she was upset about, suddenly no one knew how to think for themselves and her opinion became theirs. Shawn did a photoshoot she didn’t like? People decided they didn’t like it either. His team made a bad decision? Suddenly everyone had a PR degree and knew what his team should’ve been doing instead.  Don’t even get me started on that shit. I’ve never seen so many high schoolers act like they had more experience in a field than actual professionals.
I could go on about her mean girls table and the people who got attacked for daring to disagree with her (such as myself lol). The fandom became such a toxic space bc she (and others in particular who had the same influence) couldn’t enjoy anything. As a result, no one else wanted to enjoy anything either. And when i say anything, i mean it. And it was sad to see, that people would log onto tumblr and let someone they don’t know dictate their state of mind on stuff that doesn’t affect our lives in the long run. Imagine stanning someone because they make you happy, then letting someone with zero relation to him make you unhappy or displeased. That shit was dangerous. I can’t ‘its tumblr its not that serious’ this situation, because it became *pretty* serious. Every two posts on my dash was either negativity about Shawn, or negativity about the fandom.
I’m not saying its wrong to agree. His team did fuck up sometimes and during that point in the fandom, he was ‘dating’ H*iley B*ldwin so we were already a little on edge. But, when the most mundane shit like his instagram captions became an issue for them, that’s when the problem became more glaringly obvious.
And, like I said, people got attacked for disagreeing. Like, sorry I know how to think for myself. Not my fault people feed your ego and set an expectation for you. And the influence couldn’t be solved by simply blocking someone or filtering tags. That shit was everywhere. My dash would’ve been near empty if i did.
The point I’m making with this, is that Chris’ fandom doesn’t seem to have a hierarchy, or at least one that’s so painfully obvious. Sure, there are popular blogs, but their opinions don’t influence others’ so severely. Everyone dictates how they feel and no one threatens that. Even if there are opinions we don’t agree with, it doesn’t become an all out war because there’s one statement set in place and we need to go along with it. We don’t like a role he’s played/going to play? That’s fine! He has so many other movies. We don’t like something he said/didn’t say on social media? That’s also fine, especially if it may affect us personally. 
I feel so much more comfortable logging into Chris’ corner of tumblr than I ever did Shawn’s. There was just a black cloud of negative energy surrounding shawnblr. Similar to it is right now, but like i said, the entire fandom is in agreement. And, no one made that decision for us.
Anyways, I’m thankful for Chris and the friends he has made me, and the fact that his fandom genuinely makes me happy sometimes, because we’re happy (with him, at least lol).
(also this is my blog and if i want to rant about something well in the past that left me depressed for over a year, i will thank u)
0 notes
familiaanteomnia · 5 years
This is a friendly warning, discussion of drama/some psychology nerd shit under the cut- if the read more appears for you. Idk what your setting or dash set up is. Hence the warning. 
Okay so this just came to mind, every fandom I’ve written in/write in has been of discourse, drama- you name it. It’s like statistically every single one. (Not counting non existent rp fandom ones,etc) And it’s always just the strangest concept to me. Like I get it people are complicated. Meshing doesn’t always happen. People clash, some people are fucking assholes who do shitty things. Manipulative, cruel, or just something happens and they make you uneasy. 
People are wired to form conclusions, assumptions. Survival instinct, subconsciously because humans are complicated idiots. We go on errands and our brain will run observations. ‘She has kids, looks friendly if I get in trouble- I can ask for her help’. Or ‘this person makes me uneasy’ etc. Most of the time we don’t even think about it. And half the time it has no affect on our life. 
After a lot of bitter experience, I could easily be like ‘no I’m going to completely cross off all this stuff I can’t stand’ especially with the fandom nonsense. IE, S.hadowhunters and the book v show bs. Instead I just say I’m show based and it’s whatever. (I adore plenty of book based rpers/have befriended those who enjoy them) Even if it makes me ill, their writing is beautiful. I respect the dedication. The aesthetics. Their kindness,etc. 
Hell sometimes I have no clue about a fandom/no interest and I’d fight the writer claiming they suck. Because we critic our writing the worst. And holy shit I adore your writing, did you not see how clever that reply you wrote was? Are you not aware of all the cool quirks and twists you put into this character I don’t know but adore your take on? Oc’s especially like damn you dedicating to a character like that is wow impressive in general. 
Maybe it’s that what should have made me bitter didn’t. Or maybe it’s that I just am wired to second guess bs. That I once had somebody who made my stomach curdle appear in every damn fandom, rping with my partners. And I went ‘if they’re having fun, not my fucking business to waste energy being hurt by that’. Cause I might have been fucked over, fucked up but my experience was not necessarily my rp partners. 
I’ll interact with fcs that I don’t like (they said some hurtful thing,etc). Separate them from the character. I’ll interact with fandoms I don’t like/have no interest in. Admire the writing, the mun, the dedication to it even if I have very little clue about it. Notice people’s little writing quirks. The way they keyboard smash happily. Or how they respond to people who interact with them. The bad jokes, clearly inside among friends. Passion for their ships,etc. 
My biggest things? I don’t have energy to spend on the bullshit, it only makes everything harder. I’m too busy policing myself. ‘am I posting too much? why am I sharing anything about myself? have I really reblogged 4 memes in a row? your writing sucks. How do all these amazing writers follow me? Why don’t we interact? Am I an asshole? Do I have a reputation?’. Reminding myself to separate a fc that said shit that I don’t like, from somebody’s oc or them as a writer. 
That there’s more than 1 way to write a character, or a trope. To cherish what followers I do get, threads, instead of be like ‘ha ha like guys I want to delete right now’. Control that, curb my own content. Try to not intimidate anybody. To be a blog that’s not going to have a long string of content that only gives headaches, heartache. 
I don’t know it’s just like weird at times being very middle ground. Like just let me admire everybody. If they’re not abusive, manipulative, an asshole. And I can’t have this list of who didn’t mesh with who. Because there’s too many of us. Plus there’s surely people out there who would say I’m a nightmare. A pain. Used to be a “manipulative” asshole. I could mention my 1st blog/a fandom I ran from and people would be like ‘oh shit you’re still around’. (I wasn’t really that bad, just met an abusive person/was too personal. *now I’m mysterious,distant and upbeat*)
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