#so many tags accidenti
ic-napology · 5 months
Labyrinth rant because I love it and need to vent it out
So Jim Henson's Labyrinth is my new fixation.
I kinda wish it was one of my childhood movies, I'm sure I would have loved it just like I loved The Neverending Story, but I'm also happy I discovered it now that I can decode the subtext in it.
It speaks a lot to me. I still am very keen on escaping from reality through fantasy as a coping mechanism, just like Sarah. I can't help but see her adventure not as real, but as a dream become physical. For me, what we see is just a manifestation of an internal struggle. That means her own mind is giving herself the chance to understand a lesson. She's actually fighting not to let her own tendency to escapism dominate her this much anymore, at least not to the point of discarding serious responsabilities. That's why Jareth, who embodies that, is a selfish, bullying tyrant and the Labyrinth is in decay. Reminds me of Scar's reign lol
I think it makes sense that Jareth embodies both her love for fantasy since childhood and the ghost of sexuality. Both (would) inspire her the utmost pleasure, just since two different points of her life.
I love Jareth's and Sarah's dynamic, in that sense. I love her struggle against the temptations he represents. I love how perfectly tempting he is. Yet I'm so satisfied by her final decision to let him down. About her love for fantasy, she's too mature. About sexuality, she's still too young. Both things need to be limited.
I also love how the conclusion isn't about getting rid of some part of you in order to grow up, but to balance all you parts. Your seek of happiness and pleasure and what it inspires it don't need to be erased, just not weight too much. It implies that you don't have to have shame and get rid of anything, every part of you is inherently good just because it helps to build you. It's up to you to balance the components.
It's reassuring and empowering.
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lgbtlaughs · 13 days
I'm not answering publically because I have zero desire to accidentially cause someone drama or backlash.
I do my best to tag as appropriate, but you may require a more robust system to avoid certain content or words, so you should use the safety tools provided on tumblr.
On the settings of your blog (desktop, not sure if this will show in the same place on mobile), you can marks words and phrases both in post tags or post content to be hidden from you.
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The post will still show an entry (it will not be completely hidden), but you will need to acknowledge the warning about filtered content to view it. It is your responsibility whether or not you view filtered content. Shout out to purple for being an example.
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You are responsible for curating your comfort level and exposure on the internet. Tagging, content warnings, trigger warnings etc are OPTIONAL features that many people on tumblr use to make it easier for others to curate their experiences, but they are not required.
Stay safe out there!
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hellyeahheroes · 10 months
I think I have deleted all James Somerton videos from Thought Provoking tag on this blog
In wake of recent Hbomberguy and Todd in the Shadows videos I psoted today, I decided it's not enough to just stop posting his videos as a part of the series. If I missed any, please tell me (and send a link if possible) and I will delete that too.
I post videoessays I listened too and that made me think because I feel that I have that bit of responsibility to the fact I have 6.4 thousand followers and there are many ideas that could use a bit of signal boost.
I feel really stupid about not noticing either Somerton's plagiarism or blatant lie. And the fact I listen (or rather was listening, until recently, my bosses decided to put an end to this) to the essays at work, while occupied with physical labor and cannot check anything at instant and often forget by the time I'm home, is not much of an excuse.
I am now questioning whenever to continue with this series. Not only do feel like accidentially helping spread misinformation contradicts the whole point of why I was posting those videos, but after hbomberguy's video I also do not feel like I am doing good job reposting other people's videos, on some level the only reason I'm not a content farm is this blog is too obscure for anyone to give a fuck, so I'm not making anything out of it.
Videos are qued up to 1st February, if the uploads end at some point after that, assume I decided to give up on it. What will happen with the blog in such case is....I don't know. I won't get back to talking about comics, not the big two, that's for sure. They still bring me pain and I've been avoiding them for...I think it will be two or even three years.
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kimbureh · 3 years
How to ruin a game experience & when that’s exactly the point
okay, let’s talk about the dance scene in Disco Elysium and how a failed roll forces the player to say a racist slur to Kim.
@cigaretteinthemouth mentioned me in a post, and since my response got so long, I made my own post. Here’s the post in which I was tagged, and which you should read first before tackling this.
I think I get where you,  @cigaretteinthemouth, are coming from. This scene comes out of left field, is upsetting, can be triggering and might destroy the player’s trust in the game.
For context, here’s a link to the scene on Youtube. Expect the usage of racist slurs.
The way I try to evaluate the writing in the scene is by answering the question: “Is it (solely) written for the benefit of white people?”, and in order to tackle that, I have to be aware of my own privilege. So keep that in mind.
Citing the post:
At that point it doesn’t really feel like Harry is being punished for his mistakes, more so the player is being punished for just getting a shitty roll.
I agree. And I also think, Za/um is aware of that. For this analysis, I will assume  the purpose of this scene was to show yet another facet of Harry’s fallibility, and with that, *our* fallibility as the player and as human beings. Depending on how you play him, Harry might be trying *very hard* to be better, but at the end of the day, he is a cop with a dark past and a massive amount of *privilege*.
So what does this scene actually *do*? It lets you play through the experience of (accidentially) being racist to your friend/colleague. And it lets you pay gravely for that. Why? Well, here are some thoughts.
1) Usually, in a situation like this, the emotional harm *solely* hits the person recieving the aggression. DE, however, makes the *aggressor* pay the emotional toll. Which is obviously us, the player, since Kim as a fictional character cannot be harmed in a real way, only within the fictional world, and I am analyzing here the emotional *real world* impact this scene has, ignoring the diegetic layer for a moment.
2) But we didn’t mean it, the game forced us to say this slur! Yes, valid criticism, but right now I am trying to reconstruct the purpose of this scene. And I think in order for the scene to make us *live* the experience of (accidentially) insulting someone, it has to take away our agency to out-wit the game. Of course we can think of ourselves as educated, empathic, woke, whatever, and we can *be* all that, but there will ALWAYS be situations where we will *accidentially* cause harm. That’s why the game forces our hand here, and gives us the chance to backpaddel only *after* the fact.
3) Even if the player apologizes, Kim leaves behind Harry for the rest of the day. Another punishment for the player. Kim is designed to be likeable, and this scene is designed to *hurt*. Why? Because being on the recieving end of aggression hurts, even if it wasn’t intentional. An apology is the lowest possible bar to take, and it is also the only thing Harry can offer at this point. From Kim’s perspective, this is a grave betrayal of trust. He now knows that Harry, when left to his impulses, will still make the racist connection in his head, despite all his efforts to be better (if you play him this way, at least).
4) The thing with oppressive structures is this: they are deeply ingrained. The most well-meaning people can be thoughtless and do something hurtful, and even if there’s an atmosphere of trust, the disappointment can only hit harder because of that. Which is a kind of harm that rarely gets voiced in public discussions: The hardships of people belonging to an oppressed group to *truely* trust people of a privileged group. For many people there is always the fear: “WHEN will they disappoint and hurt me?”, which is a difficult spot to be in, and something that videogames of all things rarely tackle. DE takes this fear to its conclusion and forces the player to accidentially inflict the harm Kim was tragically anticipating all along.
And I think this is what this scene can teach: No matter how much work we think we have done, we still hold power over other people. We still have the ability to hurt them in unintentional ways.
So. Coming back to my initial question I set out to answer: Is this written for the benefit of white people?
I’d say, yes and no?
I think this scene has the power to make people aware of the privilege they are holding. But I am reluctant to say this is only for the benefit of white people, because the majority of people hold *some* sort of privilege, even if they are oppressed in other regards. The scene points out privilege, and the *accidential* power that comes with it, which is a relevant insight for anybody who is privileged enough to be able to play such a game.
That being said, being forced to say a racist slur in an RPG can be a horrible experience *precisely* when the player *doesn’t* hold this specific kind of privilege. Which is where I think criticism of this scene is justified.
tl;dr: I think this scene hits, and it hits hard. And I think there can be tremendous benefit to that. The scene uses racism in order to make a point about it, and about privilege in general. The scene is powerful enough to make us feel bad by calling out the power of privilege virtually everybody of us is holding one way or the other. No matter how much work we think we have done, we still hold power over other people. We still have the ability to hurt them in unintentional ways.
So there, that’s my take on it. Feel free to share your perspecitve and add on what you experience and thought with this are. It is all about uncovering the blindsport of privilege after all.
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4. I ACCIDENTIALLY STARTED ACCEPTING MY deep infatuation CRUSH ON HIM RECENTLY AND WHEN HE ACTUALLY RETURNS I’M PROBABLY GOING TO BE ENTIRELY OVERWHELMED which i will deny after this post because elle does not have wrestling crushes especially not on kenny omega
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goldenworldsabound · 4 years
Alright so...don’t reblog this, but...
what happened?
Last month, tumblr terminated my account without any warning or explanation. I submitted a ticket, pinged on it a bunch, no response. I made a temp account a week later. It got terminated (I have my suspicions as to why) within 24 hours. I made another ticket. Then I gave up. Finally, today, tumblr support emailed back and said they’d restored the account and here I am! Everything is as it was (minus the 200+ queue posts which are gone forever I assume).
Some house keeping
Fic will be posted on ao3 from now on, and linked to from tumblr. if you want to get the fic directly, I encourage you to subscribe to my account! AO3 feels like a place where my writing is typically more well received, and I’ve really enjoyed leaning into that. But you’ll still see it here, though you will have to go to AO3 to read it. If you have a problem with AO3, we likely have different values and I’d encourage us to go our separate ways.
I need to limit the time I spend on here so I will not see everything people post unfortunately. The compulsiveness that led me to spend hours scrolling is super bad and I don’t really wanna continue to do that. As always you’re welcome to tag me in things, though if you do that I assume you will also interact with my content - it is a two way street, and if you don’t treat it as such, then you’re just trying to get attention from me and I’m here for friendship not whatever that is, thanks.
I had totally come to terms with this account being gone and had found my way to fill the void. It’s back now and I couldn’t be happier, but I did learn a lot of the ways that being here was actually not always good for me. In general I need to be more aggressive in protecting my well being and less afraid of what folks will think.
more general updates
I’ve been in deadline hell with work for the last...I dunno...since December probably? it’s coming to an end hopefully soon. But it’s my project, and it’s gone badly, and it’s really stressful. I was also recently triggered by something (not using the word lightly here) and so my emotional bandwidth is super low right now. Happy? Crying. Sad? Crying. Angry? Crying. Given any sort of news either good or bad? Crying. It is just super tough right now and I hope you can all understand that I need to take care of myself, which sometimes might be unfollowing folks because I follow so. Many. People. It might also be not responding to DMs or asks or what have you, and it might be saving your fic off to read later or accidentially scrolling past your art without realizing. So please be kind to me (and to everyone really, we’re all going through it) and forgive me for missing things.
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101flavoursofweird · 4 years
3 and 8?
3. Favourite AU?
There are SO MANY... I guess I can give you my faves at the moment? I’m really enjoying the AU where Swift is an Azran key and he ends up unwillingly exploring the Infinite Vault of Akbadain with Descole, because I feel like the vault was just completely overlooked (kind of like Swift) after Miracle Mask.
Also, talking about overlooked characters... I really like @nebulousboops’s AU where Carmine Accidenti is the “Editor” of Labyrinthia. I made myself cry/laugh imagining that Layton doesn’t even recognise his brainwashed former student, because Layton is that forgetful. I hope Carmine gets his memories back!
8. Favourite fic from another author?
Again, there are SO MANY— how do I narrow it down to one?
I guess my most recent fave is The Ledore Interview by leo-minor on AO3. I’m just going to post a lot of my comment because I’m lazy:
I’ve never seen a fic structured like this. The transcript of the recording, the street interviews and the closing emails were really interesting to read, and they reveal a surprising amount about the characters. And, as usual, it’s great to read parts of the story from Henry’s point of view. It’s clear how much he loves Randall and how much he endured in order to find him. And Randall was brilliant too, of course!
Even though Clive’s name is in the character tags, it still took me a little while to realise HE was the interviewer. I worked it out when he mentioned how the public burnings chilled him the most. The institute explosion... AHHHH. OF COURSE HE’S WELL INFORMED ABOUT THE PROFESSOR. The interviews didn’t only just reveal so much about Henry’s character, but about Clive’s character too.
I really liked the little conversations from the Miracle Mask NPCs, including Bonnie and her mother!
It’s good to hear the Monte d’Or police are getting more training, and it was nice reading about how Mrs Ascot supported Henry.
“Back then I tended to forget, often, that my life wasn’t limited to my task”— That’s one of the most in-character things I’ve ever read for Henry.
I always thought Henry’s mother was a maid too... I wonder how she suffered? Was she ill, or did life just no treat her well?
“You might go as far as to turn your grief into anger and rage, and bring havoc upon the people who’ve wronged you; that’s what the Masked Gentleman did, anyway, until he realised all was not lost. The whole time he was waiting for someone to stop him and tell him : there’s a better way. There’s hope.” — I love how those lines allude to Clive’s need for revenge during PL3. I wish he had taken Henry’s words to heart. But Clive needs someone else to tell him there’s a path other than revenge...
“PS. You better not be going soft like you did with the sodding Nina kidnapping. If you can’t break a story you might want to look into another line of work, mate.” —Ok, I guess Clive hasn’t gone to the dark side yet. He was “soft” enough not to run Nina’s name through the mud, and he kept Henry’s secrets :)
Basically, this fic is a really good character study for both Henry and Clive!
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diagnosed-by-doyle · 5 years
Character: Galileo Galilei (OC), part 6
Word Count: 1065
Much to my surprise, Galileo asked me to go into the city with him. Specifically, he wanted to visit the bookstore. He also offered to show me around Paris since I hadn’t had a chance to get away from the mansion yet.
“It’s not good to stay in so much. No one’s shown you around yet, right? Come with me.”
That’s how we got to the center of the city. He pointed out many of the places he liked to visit as well as the places that Sabastian frequented to get supplies for the mansion and other residents. I’d only seen Paris from far away. Getting to see everything up close made it all much more beautiful than I could have imagined!
When we entered the bookstore, Galileo made a beeline for the nonfiction section. Many of the books that he was interested in were all thick and covered topics such as mathematics, theories on astronomy, and physics. He must have noticed me standing near him awkwardly. “Do you see anything you want?”
“I’m sure there are all sorts of things I’d enjoy, but I don’t exactly have money that I can use in this time period,” I whispered the last part so that no one would get suspicious.
“I don’t recall asking if you had money, dolcezza.” 
“I couldn’t ask you to spend money on me! Please don’t worry about it.”
One book, in particular, caught his attention. He flipped through the pages at random and scanned the pages. “If you’re worried about me spending everything I have, don’t. My work pays well, and le Comte is generous.”
“You work?”
“Of course. I don’t want to rely on others for everything.”
“I know you do astronomy stuff at night, but what are you doing that pays?”
“I occasionally tutor young nobles. They’re always trying to outdo each other. Most of them share the idea that a good education makes you more respectable.” He closed the book and tucked it under his arm. “Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?”
“Oh, uh, fiction if I had to choose, but--”
“Brilliant.” He made quick strides to the other side of the store.
“Wait!” I followed after him. “There’s really no need for this!”
He began looking through the books on display. “All you ever do is clean and follow me around. I don’t imagine either of those is very interesting, so of course there’s a need for this.”
Despite my protests, he bought the first thing that caught my eye. Galileo really was as stubborn as they came. He pulled the door open and gestured for me to walk through in front of him. “Watch your step, ____.”
“Ah!” He hadn’t even finished the sentence before I tripped over the uneven entryway. I broke my fall on my hands, thankfully, but my palms were stinging.
“Are you alright? Here, take my hand.”
“I think I’m alright.” I took his hand, and he pulled me to my feet. “It just stings.” I turned my hands over to check the damage and saw that my palms were scraped and bleeding a bit. Wait. Uh-oh. I looked up at Galileo and saw him staring at his hand. “Galileo?” There was no response. “Hello? Galileo!”
That got his attention. “Shh! You must call me Gian in public.” He reached inside his coat and pulled out a white handkerchief. “Keep that covered.”
I took the square of fabric and held it firmly between my hands. I wasn’t worried about myself as much as I was worried about him. He swiftly began to guide me forward. “Gal-” I stopped myself. “...Gian. You don’t have to be so frantic. I know you won’t hurt me. I trust you.”
He visibly tensed. “You shouldn’t say that. If you knew how much my throat burns right now, you’d be eager to get away from me.”
We soon arrived at the carriage, and he ushered me inside. “Clean your hands when you get back. I don’t want those scrapes to get infected.”
“But what about you? You need to drink something, don’t you?”
He gave a heavy sigh. “You really should worry more about yourself.” When my expression didn’t change, he continued. “I’ll be back soon. There’s one more place I need to stop by.”
“Alright. Be safe, okay?”
“And you think I’m the stubborn one.” He shut the door, and I heard his muffled voice as he spoke to the driver. The last I saw of him was his back as he walked in the direction of the shops he pointed out earlier.
Galileo stepped into the first empty alley he could find and leaned back against the wall. “‘Be safe,’ she says.” He chuckled wryly as his hand, smeared with ____’s now dry blood, found its way to his face. The astronomer breathed in deeply, filling his lungs with the woman’s divine fragrance. “God…” 
It felt like he had no control! His tongue darted out to get a small taste. “Haaaah… ____...” With much effort, he lowered his hand and squeezed it into a tight fist. The vampire’s nails dug into the flesh of his palms, drawing forth blood from the wounds. The sharp pain brought him back to his senses.
Yes, he definitely made the right call by sending her ahead. Galileo wasn’t sure that he would’ve lasted another minute with her being so close to him. Accidenti! He almost bit her! And in public of all places! He let his head fall back against the brick wall. Le Comte would have had his head.
He stayed that way for a few minutes, giving himself a chance to calm down. Finally, he looked at his hand again. The wounds he’d given himself had already healed, but a layer of his own blood now coated his palm. Even though the wind had dried it, it would certainly draw attention if anyone caught a glimpse of it. Galileo set the wrapped up books down at his feet then pulled his leather gloves from one of his coat pockets.
The Italian could still feel the burning sensation from before at the back of his throat. It made him uncomfortable, but not so much that he couldn’t endure it. Once he finished this last errand, he’d go back to the mansion and get a bottle of Rouge. Yes, he could last till then. He was sure of it.
Please let me know if you want to be (un)tagged. My OC tag list is different from my usual content tag list.
Tags: @ikemencrossedmyth @in-words-of-what-maybe @micah-drew @sadshaxkscoolmom @wolf-of-oshu @nxh-special-here-just-lia
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natigail · 5 years
Never Have I Ever - AmazingPhil Edition
Thank you @kavat for tagging me! I was just about to jump on the tag without being explicitly tagged, but then yours came in right in that moment. It felt a little like fate. (Also thank you to @waveydnp for the tag that I didn’t see - tumblr was being a Butt but thank you for thinking of me too!)
… put my thumb in it -
I’m not sure what is meant by this, so who the hell knows. Maybe?
… tasted breast milk -
When I was a baby being breastfed but not since then.
… tried to discreetly pick a wedgie in public -
Obviously. Duh.
… had a sugar daddy -
… eaten bugs -
I think I tasted some while I was in Thailand, and I have definitely also gotten small bugs into my mouth when driving my bicycle or scooter and accidentially swallowed them.
… dyed my bath water -
When I lived in England, I had a bathtub and I used bath bombs, so yes. It’s been years though.
… peed in a bottle -
I haven’t tried and I have no desire to try.
… kissed someone married -
I haven’t, I don’t think.
… locked someone in a room -
That sounds horrifying, absolutely not.
… tried watching tv upside down -
Definitely, but it just looks odd.
… been chased by a cat -
I haven’t, but my friend has this shy cat that I am on a mission to befriend and I will follow her around and try to talk to her.
… broken something because I was angry -
Not when I’ve been angry, but I have definitely broken too many things just by being clumsy.
… killed someone -
… pranked my parents -
I’m not a big prankster, but I have definitely done regular April Fools stuff.
… not cleaned my teeth in 48 hours -
Probably, when mental health hits particularly hard.
… dyed my hair the wrong color -
Fun fact, I have never ever dyed my hair. 
… been kicked out of a bar -
Yes. That sounds bad but I was very drunk, arguing with the doorman because he was being an asshole (I also “smuggled” in a litre and a half of soda but I didn’t get caught for that - same night).
… hacked into someone’s computer -
I wouldn’t even know where to start. 
… used an emoji while texted -
I almost always have one emoji in my texts. They look a little flat to me now when they don’t have them.
… ridden a motorcycle -
No, I think I’ll stick to my scooter that can go 40 km/hour
… doubted my heterosexuality -
Yes and I realised I wasn’t straight (not until my late teens though)
… been robbed -
I’ve had my credit cards stolen out of my wallet and I realised when the thief dropped the wallet back at my feet (I’m glad I only lost the cards and not all the other ID cards - and my phone which had been right next to the wallet was also still there. I blocked the card immediately).
… tasted a toe -
No. I tag @throwing-roses-into-the-abyss, @hereandqueer-eek, @merridewhoo, @kerasines, @hyggephan and anyone else who’ve seen this around and wanted to do it. Please consider yourself tagged by me!
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Call Of Duty: Zombies Storyline Part 2 (Victis - Agartha)
VICTIS  -2025 - NUKETOWN ZOMBIES - A nuclear bomb explodes outside of Nuketown as a result of Broken Arrow's drilling. CIA and CDC operatives arrive to find an undead outbreak already in progress. One of the missiles from the Moon hits Nuketown, killing all on site... except for Marlton Johnson, who survives by hiding in a nuclear bunker.  -2025 - The Earth fracturing triggers further Temporal Rifts, teleporting an 1800's American Western Town underneath a Mining Facility in Angola. Arthur is pulled through the rift from 1318, arriving in the now buried town.
 -2025 - Broken Arrow is disbanded after the primary facility is lost in a fire. It is later believed to be an act of arson committed by employees destroying evidence implicating them in the outbreak. Russman, his mind broken after over forty years of exposure to Element 115, begins to wander the Earth.  -2027 - In a distress call, Former CDC Assistant Director George Barkley reveals that the infectious contaminates have gone airborne. He advises caution regarding any allies showing signs of "short term memory loss, psychosis, delusion and paranoia."  -2027 - A society of survivors who eat the undead is formed. They are The Flesh.  -2027 - Samuel J. Stuhlinger joins The Flesh.  -2027 - Through the consuption of the undead meat, The Flesh begin hearing Richtofen's voice. He tries to persuade them to build global polarization devices for him in pursuit of his new plan: to mend the Rift in space time and acquire full control over the Aether.  -2027 - Maxis begins communicating to survivors on Earth, telling those willing to listen to build global polarization devices for him in pursuit of his new plan: to open Agartha and reunite him with Samantha, even though it will result in the destruction of the Earth.  -2028 - The Flesh broadcast their message across all frequencies. They tell others to "heed our call" and that the "path to enlightenment" can be achieved by consuming the undead.  -2028 - Maxis' followers begin constructing a spire near the Hanford Site Facility.  -2029 - Maxis' followers begin to doubt him, believing he may in fact be evil. They destroy their electronics.  -2029 - Maxis' followers attempt to speak to him again. Many have begun to hear Richtofen... and those loyal to Maxis eagerly await further instruction.  -2029 - A broadcast is sent out confirming the fall of "The Flesh" and Maxis' followers. With each group hearing the voice of Richtofen or Maxis, a battle broke out between them. As they fought, a zombie horde moved in and destroyed all who remained. Stuhlinger is one of the few to escape. Richtofen and Maxis are left with no one to communicate near Green Run, where the first polarization device must be constructed.  -2035 - Stuhlinger bumps into Russman, who has stolen a bus from an abandoned Broken Arrow facility.  -2035 - TRANZIT - Stuhlinger and Russman run into Marlton and Abigail "Misty" Briarton at a diner near the Hanford Site Facility. Maxis asks them to complete the polarization device in his favor. Stuhlinger, having consumed zombie meat, is contacted by Richtofen, who orders Stuhlinger to construct the device for him instead. The crew constructs the device for Maxis. The four would become known as Victis.  -2035 - DIE RISE - Still hoping to regain control, Richtofen teleports Victis to Province 22, where he demands that Stuhlinger activate the second polarization device. Once again, the crew sides with Maxis. The voices cease for some time, leaving Victis to wander the Fractured Earth.  -2035 - BURIED - Victis arrives at an old western town now located beneath a mining facility in Angola. They discover Arthur in a jail cell; he assists them on their journey. The voices of Maxis and Richtofen return. They activate the final polarization device in Maxis' favor. Now corrupted by the Dark Aether, he reveals his true intentions to Victis and punishes Richtofen by trapping his soul in a zombie. Drawn into Agartha by her Father, Samantha witnesses the evil that has corrupted him. When a rift opens in Dimension 63 in 1918, she reaches but that timeline's Maxis for help.  -2036 - Richtofen instructs Undead Richtofen to purse Victis and recover their blood vials.  -2036 - Primis Richtofen begins to manipulate Stuhlinger, opening a rift for Victis to begin their new journey. Pursued by Undead Richtofen and an army of the Undead, Victis enters the rift.  -2036 - Maxis destroys Eartha and all its surviving inhabitants.  -1996 - [ULTIMIS TIMELINE] Victis arrives at the abandoned Broken Arrow facility. Still being pursued bu Undead Richtofen, they recover the Element 115 Shard and depart through another rift.  -THE KRONORIUM RETRIEVED - Upon arriving at Zero Base, Victis provides blood samples that allow them to access the Empty Earth, and recover the Kronorium.  -1941 - Richtofen returns to the lab under Alcatraz where he meets Victis, arriving from the Empty Earth with the Kronorium. Upon reading the Kronorium, Richtofen discovers numerous timelines documenting their fates and learns about the Blood Vials. He would later write on the page "I know now what I must do. -E.R. 4/17/41." Richtofen enters a rift to acquire the blood of Sal and Finn. After delievering the blood to his younger self and recovering the blood vials belonging to Victis, he returns. Victis is placed 'on ice', to be kept safe until they are needed next.
-1941 - [TAG DER TOTEN] Upon Primis and Ultimis' victory at the Broken Arrow facility, the two groups travel to the frozen forest to celebrate and drink to their success and the end of their journey. The two groups, minus a now mysteriously zombified Ultimis Richtofen, and an absent Primis Nikolai and children, are asleep after their celebration. While they sleep, Ultimis Richtofen contacts Victis within the cryochambers as they are released by the same mechanism that released the Great War Richtofen. He tells Stuhlinger to inform the others of their final mission: To defeat Dr. Monty (who Stuhlinger accidentially calls "Dr. Minty") and create the Agarthan Device. A portal opens and they are forced to flee through it due to undead hordes breaking into the lab. They arrive at the Siberian outpost near the Tunguska River, before the events of 'CALL OF THE DEAD', however, it is in a pocket dimension, similar to Alcatraz. The four reach the lighthouse and encounter a hermit hiding in the upper, inaccessible area at the top of the lighthouse. They go on missions for him (turning on the power and meeting Nikolai, who is talking to them through a radio), and he rewards them for what they do, and assists in helping them assemble the Agarthan Device. Along their journey, they acquire a music box that, when wound and thrown, summons Samantha to fight. Finally, the group does everything needed for the hermit to make the Agarthan Device, and they must charge it up in various locations, then survive in a collapsing circle after following it across the entire map, that is also now burning and a hellscape. The hermit, who now reveals himself to be Pablo Marinus, says that he is going to fight in the Great War and will send the device to Nikolai, who is by the campfire with the zombified Richtofen, and it is revealed that Nikolai intentionally poisoned the wine to kill everyone, even Ultimis Richtofen so he would become an undead being again as it strengthens his connection to the Dark Aether, and, in turn, Samuel. In order for time to reset to a linear timeline and cause the destruction of Agartha and the Aether, the souls of both Primis and Ultimis must be destroyed, which Nikolai takes care of, other than him and Ultimis Richtofen, so he apologizes to Ultimis Richtofen as he pulls a gun to the zombie's head and fires. After retrieving the Summoning Key off of Primis Richtofen's body, Nikolai activates it and places it above the Agarthan Device, destroying the artifact and Agartha. Finally, to resolve the problem of his soul still remaining, he hands Samantha a revolver, as she has the power to destroy his soul (one cannot destroy their own soul; only the souls of others) and fix everything. She tells the child Eddie to look away, and shoots, killing Nikolai, and allowing time to resolve it's problems and become linear. Together, Samantha and Eddie walk into the light of the new timeline as they hear what Primis and Ultimis want most of all, as they were told that they could have it. Finally, the children are safe and happy.
PRIMIS  -1292 - The Great War between humanity and the Apothicons begins.  -1294 - Sir Pablo Marinus is saved from the clutches of a Margwa by four unknown heroes. They would later become known as Primis.  -1299 - Together with the Keepers, Primis defeats the Apothicons, bringing the Great War to an end.  -1300 - Before they seemingly disappear from history, Primis instructs the Wolf King to begin building Der Eisendrache.  -1300 - Pablo begins documenting The Great War, including all he has learned about the Keepers, Apothicons, and Element 115. Regarding Element 115's power, he notes that a site in Northern France contains massive deposits of the element.  -1300 - In Northern France, a tomb is constructed to honor the fallen soldiers of The Great War. Within it, statues of Primis are constructed to symbolize the hope that if one day a great evil falls upon mankind, they may return.  -1898 - A ten-year-old Edward Richtofen's parents die.  -1905 - Takeo Masaki fights in the battle of Mukden.  -1906 - Richtofen begins his studies at Heidelberg University under the tutelage of Doctor Ludvig Maxis. Having lost his parents, Richtofen comes to view him as a father figure.  -1912 - Richtofen and Maxis join Group 935.  -1914 - Richtofen is visited by another version of himself. Handing him some blood vials, he explains - "you will need this blood. When the time comes, it will protect you." before stepping back through the rift.  -1915 - Maxis invents the Mauser Prototype.  -1916 - The Journal of Sir Pablo Marinus, Knight of the Great War, is discovered by Group 935.  -1917 - Using information gathered from Pablo's Journal, Group 935 begins work at a dig site in Northern France, where they discover a series of underground tombs.  -1917 - Group 935 discovers what appears to be the entrance to the tomb's main chamber. They struggle to gain access.  -1917 - Unable to access the main chamber, soldiers listen to a gramophone to alleviate their frustration. When listening to a recording of "La Souce Noire", the entrance to the main chamber unexpectedly opens. The camp's exposure to Element 115 begins.  -1917 - Using information from Pablo's Journal and the tomb's main chamber, Maxis draws schematics for the creation of four Elemental Staffs and instructs Richtofen to begin their construction.  -1917 - The more Maxis reads of the Great War, the more he begins to question his understanding of the scientific world, and the true nature of the universe itself. He "finds [himself] open to the possibility of a higher power..."  -1917 - As Group 935 experiments with Element 115, they successfully create "localized energy fields which appear to function as portals." Noting that objects can pass through them, Maxis speculates that the rifts may have opened gateways across space and time. The rifts allow Samantha to reach out to Maxis from Agartha. She begs for his help and ultimately reveals she is his daughter.  -1917 - An "ancient box" with the power to manifest weapons from different eras arrives through a portal. Maxis fears that Element 115 is disrupting the space-time continuum.  -1917 - Following the installation of Element 115 powered generators, reports surfaced regarding "ancient figures emerging" from the dig site, corresponding with the mysterious deaths of a number of Group 935 soldiers. The ancient figures are undead knights from the Great War (Templars).  -1917 - Nikolai Belinski is sent into exile.  -1917 - Using Element 115, Group 935 constructs Freya, Odin, and Thor - Giant Robots who they believe will secure victory for the Central Powers.  -1917 - Richtofen notes that in spite of Group 935's progress at the dig site, he is troubled by Maxis' growing obsession with Pablo's Journal.  -1917 - Takeo Masaki is dispatched to France by the Emperor to gether intel on Group 935's weapon technology.  -1917 - Following reports of "prototype armored weaponry... strange lights in the sky... a mysterious plague... and even giant men," Thomas 'Tank' Dempsey is deployed in Northern France to assess the extent of Group 935's capabilities.  -1917 - Already exiled in Europe, Nikolai receives new orders from the Imperial Russian Army to ivestigate the enemy "War Machine." Still loyal to the motherland, he willingly obliges.  -1918 - Nikolai writes of the ongoing civil war in his homeland. He does not expect peace to last long, but he is enjoying his time in France...  -1918 - Learning that the Emperor wishes to meet him to discuss a "matter of great importance to our Nation," Takeo writes that he feels a "growing sense of dread" in the wake of his recent dark, twisted dreams.  -1918 - Despite ongoing battles, Dempsey fares well in Northern France. In a personal letter, he reveals that both the Japanese and Russian Armies have also sent spies to investigate the activites of Group 935.  -1918 - Maxis is obsessed with the voice of Samantha, who now speaks to him constantly. He believes her to be "the key to everything."  -1918 - Believing that his mentor has been affected by Element 115 like others at the dig site, Richtofen reports Maxis' erratic behavior to Group 935's senior staff.  -1918 - Richtofen learns from Pablo's Journal that the Northern France dig site may be the single largest deposit of Element 115 on Earth. He believes this explains why it has affected so many at the site.  -1918 - Now completely consumed by Samantha's voice, Maxis swears he will no longer serve Group 935's mission.  -1918 - ORIGINS - Element 115 awakens the undead knights from The Great War and quickly consumes the camp. Maxis is rendered cataonic by the element, and Richtofen removes his brain before he turns. Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo unite with Richtofen on the battlefield and help free Samantha from her imprisonment in Agartha. Primis has been reunited. Samantha sends Primis to their next destination. Maxis' brain arrives in Agartha and Doctor Monty decides to step in. Monty brings Maxis' brain to the House and wipes the Maxis corrupted by Dark Aether from existence.  - [DIMENSION AND CURRENT TIMELINE CONTINUES IN 'MOB OF THE DEAD' AND 'SHADOWS OF EVIL']  -1943 - Primis arrives from Dimension 63. In an effort to prevent the events that are about to unfold, they formulate a plan to stop this dimension's Richtofen.  [DECEPTIO FRACTURE]  -1945 - As a zombie outbreak occurs, Primis Dempsey, Takeo and Nikolai confront Ultimis Richtofen moments after he teleports Maxis and Samantha. As they try to reason with him to wake their counterparts, Primis Richtofen arrives through the teleporter and kills his Ultimis self - triggering fractures across space-time. As Primis fights against the undead, Group 935 secure the Dempsey subject and transport him to Der Eisendrache. Primis pursues them in a German Giant.  -1945 - Doctor Groph takes control of Group 935 in Richtofen's absence, not realizing his fate at the hands of Primis.  -1945 - In the wake of haunted dreams and rumors that Samantha may be roaming Griffin Station, Groph worries the MPD may be corrupting the facility.  -1945 - Recovering the Dempsey subject from a rocket bound for the Moon, Richtofen secures his soul and reveals to Primis his intention to set things right. Primis destroys Griffin Station and the Moon. (Because that's totally a normal thing to do, right, guys?)  [PRODITION FRACTURE]  -1942 - Overrun by the undead, the Rising Sun Facility is lost.  -1942 - Division 9 begins construction of the Island Facility.  -1942 - With construction complete, Division 9 continue their projects at the Island Facility.  -1942 - Takeo is dispatched by the Emperor to oversee the work of Division 9 at the Island Facility.  -1943 - Division 9 expands experimentation to include use of prisioners of war, Division 9 staff, arachnids and "mystical beasts."  -1943 - Takeo reports to the Emperor the work being done at the Island Facility is "unacceptable."  -1943 - On the orders of the Emperor, Takeo is taken prisioner by Division 9. He is used as a test subject for their "organic plant-based" experiments.  -1945 - Cornelius Pernell attempts to send a transmission to Peter McCain, telling him to redezvous at the abandoned Rising Sun Facility.  -1945 - ZETSUBOU NO SHIMA - Primis secures Takeo's soul after they help him commit Seppuku. Richtofen takes the crew to Dimension 63 to collect "their blood" for the "insurance policy." They return to the Island before traveling to their next destination.  -1941 - Primis arrives to collect the Victis blood samples from (past) Richtofen.  -1945 - Peter McCain makes his jump into Shi No Numa as a Temporal Rift opens below him. As a result of Primis' universe fractures, the rift teleports him to Gorod Krovi.  [AGONIA FRACTURE]  -1942 - Groph confirms that Division 9 has "completed the resurrection of the ancient beasts for [the battle on the] eastern front." Reports suggest that the "specimens... are still extremely dangerous... [but the German's] stalemate on the Eastern front with the Russians will soon come to an end" thanks to their involvement.  -1943 - The Russians use stolen Group 935 research to create the Russian Gigant, the Russian Mangler and the Ray Gun Mark 3.  -1943 - The Battle of Stalingrad doesn't end. Thanks to technological advancements on both sides, World War 2 contines indefinitely.  -1943 - Working with Maxis at the Kino facility, Sophia reveals she was attacked by Subject Two-Six.  -1943 - Having learned Sophia was attacked by Subject Two-Six, Maxis kills her and transfers her brain into a machine, the Strategic Operations Planning Heuristic Intelligence Analyzer (SOPHIA).  -1943 - SOPHIA is tranferred to Stalingrad to oversee Group 935's operations.  -1943 - Harvey Yena reports the dragons have proven beneficial the war effort at Stalingrad. He confirms that Die Glocke research continues to explore "time displacement" and "movement across dimensions."  -1943 - SOPHIA confirms the existence of Project Rasputin, the Russian Mangler Soldier.  -1944 - SOPHIA confirms the Russian Gigant Robot has set back the German advance.  -1945 - SOPHIA declares the Battle of Stalingrad is nearing victory for German Forces and that Valkyrie Drones have been deployed to locate "any resistance strains and attempt to capture." After the release of large concentrations of Element 115 by German Forces, the city becomes largely populated by the undead. Nikolai and his comrades continue to fight for what remains of Stalingrad.  -1945 - WW2 still rages on. Stalingrad has turned into a three-way conflict between Dragon, machine and the undead. Without any remaining human survivors, SOPHIA is now trapped in the city.  -1945 - Drifting through space and time in his ethereal form, Gersh arrives in the fracture.  -1945 - GOROD KROVI - Primis arrives, frees SOPHIA, and acquires Nikolai's soul. Richtofen teleports the souls of Dempsey, Takeo and Nikolai to Maxis at the House. Monty announces his existence to Primis for the first time.  -1956 - While travelling to Shangri-La, Brock and Gary's plane crashes in the mountains as a results of a "freak atmospheric event" - another side effect of the Temporal Rifts created by Primis while traveling to Gorod Krovi.  -1963 - Hiding in a closet at the Pentagon, McNamara records a message confirming that John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Fidel Castro have died as a result of a zombie outbreak. He dies moments later.  [END AGONIA FRACTURE]  -THE ARRIVAL OF PRIMIS - Now Soulless, Primis brings the Summoning Key to the House, where Maxis unwittingly releases The Shadowman - who in turn frees the Apothicons from the Dark Aether. Unaware that they will be wiped from existence once they have served their purpose, Primis battles alongside Monty in his final battle against The Shadowman.  - REVELATIONS - With the Shadowman and the Apothicons vanquished, Monty discovers that Primis has consumed the blood of souls from dimensions that no longer exist. The paradox must be resolved. He plans to wipe them from existence, but instead sends them back in time to fight the Great War.  -A: [PRIMIS TIMELINE/DIMENSION 63] 1292 - The Great War between humanity and the Apothicons begins.  -B: [ULTIMIS TIMELINE] 1292 - The Great War between humanity and the Apothicons begins.
RICHTOFEN  -1943 - Primis Richtofen is contacted from the House by Maxis, who warns that "The test subjects must never be allowed to be awakened, the havoc that could be wreaked upon the future by such simple-minded individuals would be catastrophic."  -1943 - Primis Richtofen is teleported to the House in Agartha, reuniting him with Maxis.  -RICHTOFEN'S JOURNEY BEGINS - Maxis tells Rictofen the plan to secure the Kronorium and locate the Summoning Key. Hearing the echoes of his other selves, Richtofen discovers his connection with Samuel Stuhlinger and decides to use Victis to aquire the Kronorium.  -1940 - Richtofen arrives in Dimension 63, where he contacts members of the Illuminati and enlists their help to build a laboratory facility beneath Alcatraz.  -1940 - Richtofen meets with Stanley Ferguson and convinces him to assist with the Illuminati's construction of the Alcatraz laboratory.  -THE MANIPULATION OF STUHLINGER - Having overseen the construction of a laboratory beneath Alcatraz, Richtofen returns to the House where he begins to communicate with Stuhlinger. Together, they persuade Victis to travel to a variety of locations in order to recover the Kronorium.  -1941 - Richtofen returns to the lab under Alcatraz where he meets Victis, arriving from the Empty Earth with the Kronorium. Upon reading the Kronorium, Richtofen discovers numerous timelines documenting their fates and learns about the Blood Vials. He would later write on the page "I know now what I must do. - E.R. 4/7/41." Richtofen enters a rift to acquire the blood of Sal and Finn. After delivering the blood to his younger self and recovering the Blood Vials belonging to Victis, he returns. Victis is placed 'on ice', to be kept safe until they are needed next.  -1934 - Stepping through a rift, Richtofen secures the blood samples of Sal and Finn.  -1914 - Richtofen visits a younger version of himself. Handing him some Blood Vials, he explains - "you will need this blood. When the time comes, it will protect you." - before stepping back through the rift.  -2036 - Primis Richtofen instructs Undead Richtofen to pursue Victis and recover their Blood Vials.  -THE BLOOD ACQUIRED - Rictofen collects the Victis blood samples from Undead Richtofen.  -1941 - Richtofen returns to the lab under Alcatraz with the Blood Vials.  -1941 - Primis arrives to collect the Victis blood samples from Richtofen. Following Primis' departure, Richtofen learns the location of the Summoning Key and travels to his next destination.  -1944 - Richtofen arrives in Morg City to secure the Summoning Key.  -1944 - Richtofen learns The Reporter has the Summoning Key and confronts him. The Reporter waves Monty's letter at Richtofen and orders him to stay away before attacking him. Richtofen kills The Reporter in self-defense.  -1944 - SHADOWS OF EVIL - Nero, Jack, Floyd and Jessica are knocked unconscious at the Black Lace burlesque club. They wake up in a twisted version of Morg City, shifted slightly from reality. Told they can atone for their sins by The Shadowman, all four are tricked into performing rituals. Jessica sacrifices her producer, Jack sacrifies his partner, Floyd sacrifies his promotor, and Nero sacrifices his lawyer. Completing the require rituals, the Apothicons are given access to Dimension 63. Realizing they've been duped, the four work with the Keepers to defeat The Shadowman. They trap him in the Summoning Key, but before they can hand it over ot the Keepers, Primis Richtofen arrives and steals the Key. Richtofen travels to Dimension 2210 to secure an innocent Richtofen Soul. He delivers the soul to the House. From within the Summoning Key, The Shadowman states, "I'll be seeing you..."  -1945 - Richtofen rejoins Primis at the start of the events of THE GIANT and continues with them from here on out.
AGARTHA  -THE FIRST ARRIVAL - With Doctor Monty's help, the Maxis Drone arrives at the House in Agartha. Despite the absence of his soul, Monty recreates a physical manifestation of his Dimension 63 form.  -THE ARRIVAL OF SAMANTHA - Monty brings Samantha to the House, reuniting her with the Dimension 63 incarnation of her father.  -SAMANTHA'S CORRUPTION - Knowing that Samantha is corrupted by the Dark Aether, Monty takes her away from Maxis and the House.  -THE ISOLATION OF MAXIS - Alone in the House and missing his daughter, Maxis wonders if Richtofen will have "the courage to fulfill the vow he made all those years ago."  -THE REDISCOVERY OF THE EMPTY EARTH - Having observed Monty for some time, Maxis uses the Teleporter in the basement of the House to study and explore other dimensions. Among them is the Empty Earth, where an alternate Maxis had constructed Zero Base, a facility that houses artifacts and replicas collected from a multitude of different timelines. However, his attempts to manipulate The Empty Earth create a reality too fragile to be sustained.  -THE RESTORATION OF INNOCENCE - Monty returns Samantha to Maxis, her innocence 'restored'.  -MONTY'S PLAN - Monty explains to Maxis that the paradox wrought by a multiverse must be resolved. A new reality can be created - one free of the Apothicons - but only if they enlist the aid of souls who had lived through, and survived, the fracturing.  -THE KRONORIUM SECURED - Among the Artifacts that Maxis collected in Zero Base is an ancient book known as the Kronorium - a complete chronicle of the entire history and future of all reality. Protected by various countermeasures, the facility can only be accessed by those possessing a soul...  -THE ARRIVAL OF EDWARD - Richtofen collect's Eddie's innocent soul from Dimension 2210, (Poor guy literally had to kill an innocent child who had done nothing wrong and deserved nothing bad, but he still had to because he needed to preserve his innocent soul.) and Monty gives him a physical form in the House.  -SAMANTHA MEETS EDWARD - Eddie and Samantha meet each other for the first time. Samantha writes in her diary that Edward "doesn't like to share toys."  -THE HAPPINESS OF CHILDREN - Monty brings Eddie and Samantha more toys.  -THE FRAGILITY OF MEMORY - Maxis notes that teleportation and travel between dimensions could have a profound impact on the mind. He fears that the confusion caused by the collision of memories past, present and future could lead to the collapse of reality itself.  -THE ARRIVAL OF THE SOULS - The souls arrive. Maxis tells Samantha and Eddie to "put the toys away... [and to] make sure the windows are locked before [they] come down to the basement."  -THE CHILDREN REBORN - As each soul arrives, Monty transforms them into their younger selves and 'returns their innocence'.
 [BLOOD OF THE DEAD FRACTURE]  -1941 - After aquiring the soul of Ultimis Takeo in Zetsubou No Shima, Primis heads to a laboratory Richtofen had built under Alcatraz Island to procure the Blood Vials. Things go wrong as soon as they arrive, however. Instead of arriving in the lab, Primis ends up in the walls of the prison, but they quickly make their way out of the main corridor after entering through a hole in the wall hidden by a poster in a cell. When they arrive in Richtofen's lab, another Richtofen (Richtofen 2) is waiting for them, telling them they're late. He quickly gives the Blood Vials to Richtofen, who passes them off to Dempsey as Nikolai looks at Victis in the cryochambers. Richtofen 2 tells Richtofen to re-read the Kronorium, and when he realizes it's changed, he beings acting fearfully, even throwing the Kronorium at the other Richtofen as he teleports away. When Dempsey and Nikolai confront Richtofen about what just happened and about Victis, they're interrupted by the distant screams of the undead. Primis fights their way out of the lab and back into the main corridor, and Richtofen spots a portal, telling the others to run for it. Before they can reach it, the Warden, the hellified version of Stanley Ferguson, exits his office and destroys the portal, also killing himself, temporarily. Richtofen, being shaken from his plan falling apart and everything going wrong, is hopeless and lost as he stays on the ground after being knocked down by the portal being destroyed. Even as a new horde approaches, he makes no attempt to run, but Dempsey picks him up by the back of the shirt. With the newfound motivation of helping his friends get out alive, Richtofen leads them back out of the prision and to the docks in hopes of finding an escape, but when they find none, they fight their way through the horde in the eternal purgatory Alcatraz had been turned into.  -1941 - BLOOD OF THE DEAD - After going through a series of challenges for the spirits of the island, Primis is captured by the Warden and locked up. The Warden plans to use their blood to power his 'machine' so the souls trapped within Alcatraz can still be under his command and can continue to be forced to sustain the pocket dimension Alcatraz was turned into. When he leaves the room to finish preparations, the spirit of Albert Arlington shows up to free them, and they return to Richtofen's lab to access The Dark Mechanism, a device that uses the blood of Richtofen himself to deactivate a hidden cryochamber in his lab, then will force the dimension to close. The fifth cryochamber contains a Post-Revelations Richtofen who has the crystal from the Staff of Fire, and he uses that to free all the spirits of the island. Upon the Warden and the undead's fall, Great War Richtofen gives Nikolai the Kronorium, as he is the only one safe from Monty because he still has a soul, then he takes the Summoning Key from Primis Richtofen and smashes his Blood Vials. The other three members of Primis discard their's, as well, and they leave through a portal with the Great War Richtofen, and their memories of the ending of these events are altered due to the dimension collapsing and everything within it ceasing to exist, Primis Richtofen included.  -Great War Richtofen replaces the now-non-existent Richtofen with another Richtofen, likely one from another point in the timeline (time loop? Whatever), and their memories change so they believe him to be their original Richtofen, but they grow suspicious of his change in attitude and even emotions.  -1963 - Primis, with the new Richtofen in tow, show up in Hangar 4 of the Groom Lake/Broken Arrow Testing Facility to recruit Ultimis to help them defeat Monty. Nikolai succeeds in convincing them and they go with him on his journey to aquire the Elemental Shard.  -2025 - ALPHA OMEGA - After Ultimis is recruited by Primis, they travel to Camp Edward, a Broken Arrow facility in Nevada to retrive the Elemental Shard. After they do, they get a disturbing radio call from Maxis in the House in Agartha telling them that Monty is aware of what they're doing. Maxis manages to teleport the children out of the house before Monty kills him, and Samantha and Eddie arrive in the garage Primis and Ultimis are in. The corruption Monty had claimed to remove from her soul shows up once again as she wishes for death to Monty, and to destroy the Aether and Agartha. (Meanwhile, little Eddie is just looking happy as can be, despite seeing Maxis get eaten alive and seeing the bloodlust Samantha clearly has.)
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chemaddictedghoul · 5 years
Chapter one: 50 years? More like 210
WORD COUNT: 2313 Summary: Anne takes her last steps in vault 111, and her first steps into her new life. To Concord we go...
A/N: Am I writing a fic all about my FO4 playthrough? And breaking canon a bunch? yep. If you’re not into slightly shitty writing or a very shippy fic, then I’m sorry. If you follow my main, then the characters will be a bit more familiar. Anyways. yeah! Chapter one!
i need a tag for this story sksks
By the time Anne had grabbed up the pipboy and was standing before the vault door, watching it unscrew, she had thrown up several times. The first was when she got out of the cryo-pod. She had just seen her husband murdered, after all. Of course her guts would fail. The second time was when she saw the first giant cockroach. It was just so... disgusting. The sound it made, the way she had to crush it with her hand... It made her retch. The third time was when she saw all the skeletons. Each and every one of them made her gag, but the doctor with the pipboy was what did it. It was probably a mix of the cockroach she had to kill, and the way her hand brushed the bones before she got the pipboy itself. She blew off the dust of the screen, coughing as she accidentially inhaled some. That would probably come back to bite her in the ass, but she didn't know. It took just a couple seconds for the pipboy to boot up, and just a couple more for her to insert the plug into the vault door controls to start opening it. Anne had pressed the button, and ran over to the platform. And that is how she ended up there, and empty stomach and a gun in hand. She watched the large door unscrew with a loud screech, the rusty metals opening up. How... How long had she been in there? It had to be years... Her mind flashed back to the man, and what looked like a robotic arm on him. Maybe she was just too middle class to have seen. But she saw the bombs. No life would exist for years. No way. So safe money was on at least five decades. Fifty years. That seemed logical, right? She didn't have time to keep questioning the time, because the vault door had opened and the elevator and came to a screaming halt at the bottom. Anne slowly crept forward, eyes widening at the elevator. She was going to get out. But she wasn't sure she was ready. What... What would the world be like? Would there be life? Would people have rebuilt? Or would there me nothing left? Would it be hopeless, some desolate wasteland with nothing left? Anne swallowed, and suddenly the gun weighed heavily in her hand. What if she couldn't take what she saw? But she quickly pushed away the thought. No, she had to push through. She had to rescue her baby. She had to rescue Shaun. And besides, she didn't have time to contemplate such drastic measures; she had arrived at the elevator. She took a deep breath and stepped forward. The doors closed behind her, and the elevator started going up. Going up to the new world. To her new life. The elevator couldn't have gone any slower. It just crawled up, groaning at the lack of care and the sudden use. But it did it's job, and made it up. Anne gave a bitter laugh as it almost reached the top. What if it had collapsed? Wouldn't that be some climactic end to her journey? It didn't fall, and soon the vault door began to open. The sunlight instantly filtered through, nearly blinding her. She squinted, holding her hand over her eyes as the doors kept opening. The sun was directly overhead,  lighting up the moving platform. Then, it finally stopped, leaving her to take in the view. Everything was dead. The trees hardly had any leaves on it, and the grass was all yellow. Hardly anything had grown around the vault. Anne gasped, slowly falling to her knees. Right in front of her was her old neighborhood, standing mostly unruined. She choked back a sob, forcing herself up. She couldn't take time to pity herself. Rather than walking down the path she had traveled so many years before, Anne slid directly down. She knew those people would've died, and she couldn't bear the thought to see them. She moved the gun to her other hand, shaking out her wrist as she began to walk. Crossing that old bridge. Walking the dusty path. The neighboorhood loomed before her, the simple blue colors of the building having faded over time. She took each step slowly, taking in the views. The air was dusty, choking her out as she walked. She had to fight for each breath, but she slowly got used to it. By the time she reached her old house, her lungs were used to the unclean air. Which was good for her. Standing--or rather, floating-- before her was Codsworth, her loyal Mister Handy robot. He focused his eyes on her, in his own way of showing shock. "As I live and breathe... It's you..! It's really you!" Codsworth turned his body around, floating towards her. Anne laughed softly. Even if he didn't intend to, Codsworth filled her with some slight happiness. He was a welcome sight, for sure. "Yeah... It's me." Anne set down the gun, and opened up her arms. Less like asking for a hug, and more like showcasing her body. Codsworth seemed as happy as a robot could. "You're still here..." And then it hit her. "Then... Then that means other people could be alive, too!" "Well of course I'm still here! Surely you don't think a little radiation could deter the pride of General Atomics Internation?" Had he been a human, or even an animal, he would be puffing out his chest in pride. It made Anne smile again. "But you seem the worse for wear. Best not let the hubby see you in that state. Where is sir, by the way?" Anne's smile faded away. He was... Gone. He was shot and killed by a man with a scar. Anne clenched her fist for just a second, blinking rapidly. "They... Came into the vault. M-Maybe you saw them? They had guns... And strange outfits?" "Ah, no. Only Ms. Rosa's boy, running around in his Halloween costume, more than a week early. I swear, the nerve of that woman leaving her brat unsupervised..." Codsworth hummed, his tone indignant. "Ah, not like you, mum. You're the perfect mother. And sir is.... Oh, where is sir, by the by?" Anne bit back a sob, shaking her head and blinking again. "He's... He's in a better place." "Mum, these things you're saying, these... these terrible things... I... I believe you need a distraction. Yes! A distraction, to calm this dire mood. It's been ages since we've had a proper family activity. Checkers. Or perhaps charades. Shaun does so love that game. IS the lad... With you?" Codsworth leaned closer, like a curious kid. The memory flashed, just as vividly as when it happened. "It doesn't make sense... I just don't get it... There's no reason somebody would take my baby..." Anne held her head in her hands, trying and failing to block it all out. And to think, she thought she lost everything when the bombs dropped. How wrong could she be? "It's worse than I thought. Hmm hmm. You're suffering from... hunger induced paranoia! Not eating properly for 200 hundred years will do that, I'm afriad." Anne's legs gave out. She fell down to the ground, her arms the only thing keeping her from faceplanting. He... He couldn't be serious, could he? "200 years? W-What? Are you...?" "A bit over 210 actually, mum. Give or take a little for the Earth's rotation and some minor dings to the ole' chronometer." Codsworth lowered himself, letting Anne use him to get herself back up again. Instinctivly, she brushed the dirt off of herself. She then looked back at him. "That means you're two centuries late for dinner! Hah! Perhaps I can whip you up a snack? You must be famished," he continued. Even if Codsworth hadn't been acting strange, Anne could definately not stomach anything right now. Or ever. "Codsworth, you're acting a bit strange... Are you alright?" She asked. The fact that should could somehow managed to get some coherent thought out surprised her. Guess she wasn't as bad as she had thought. "I... I... Oh, mmum, it's been just horrible! Two centuries with no one to talk to, no one to serve. I spent the first ten years trying to keep the floors waxed, but nothing gets nuclear fallout from vinyl wood. Nothing!" He leaned closer to her. "And don't get me started on the futility of dusting a collapsed house. And the car! The car! How do you polish rust?!" "What do you know, Codsworth," Anne asked. Maybe just talking to him like he wasn't having the robot equivilant of a mental breakdown would help him out. Codsworth lowered his eyes. "I'm afraid I don't know anything, mum. The bombs came, and all of you left in such a hurry. I thought for certain you and your family were... dead. I did find this holotape. I believe sir was going to present it to you. As a surprise. But then, well... Everything 'happened'." He extended a claw hand, giving her the holotape. Written on it, in Nate's unmistakable handwriting, was "Hi, honey!" Anne, inserted it into the pipboy, but she didn't play it. Not right now. Not yet. "Thank you, Codsworth. It's something." "Well, enough feeling sorry for myself!" And just like that, his entire mood changed. Anne wished she could do that. It would make her life so much easier. "Well, shall we search the neighborhood ourselves? Maybe sir and young Shaun will turn up!" Anne knew that they wouldn't turn up. She saw Nate killed and Shaun kidnapped. But being with Codsworth would be welcome. It would help her. "Alright, Codsworth. Lead the way." Anne gave him a smile, and touched the cool steel of his body. He turned around, keeping one of his eyes on her as  he started off. "Tally-ho!" Codsworth took the lead, taking her over to one of the uncollapsed houses. He quickly located some giant bug, and burned it alive. Anne snuck past him, and one of those giant cockroaches came running at her. She shot it, shuddering. Codsworth had went down the hallway and had burned up several more bugs. "Just some bugs here... Oh wait, my sensors are detecting movement! Follow me!" He rushed out of the house, towards another house full of bugs. Anne let him take the lead on this one, hanging back outside. Those bugs would be the death of her... But then again, 200 hundred years could do some mutation... 200 hundred years. Her estimate of 50 seemed somewhat off. Codsworth came out much slower, eyes drooping. "Sir and young Shaun are really gone, are they..?" "No. Shaun is out there. He's alive. My baby has to be alive." Anne stepped forward, closer to him. Codsworth straighted up his eyes. "Then might I suggest you head down to Concord? There are some people there, and they only managed to hit my with a few rocks... Perhaps they could help you?" He suggested. If a robot could look hopeful, he was a perfect example. Anne smiled softly. "Thank you, Codsworth... I'm glad you're okay." "Of course I am! Good luck, Miss Anne! I shall hold down the fort while you search for young Shaun!" And Codsworth floated past her with a new energy. He had a purpose now. Anne watched him going, looking down at the gun in her hand. Who knew working for somebody could be your purpose in life? But then again, that is how he was programmed. Anne pushed the thought away, looking towards the bridge out of the neighborhood. She then started walking, crossing the rickety bridge slowly. There was a dead man laying on the ground, a gun a few feet away from him. Anne knelt down beside him, touching his coat. There was hardly any blood, and it felt much sturdier than her vault jumpsuit. She peeled it off the man, putting it on herself. It fit pretty well. Yeah, she was wearing a dead man's clothes, but it could be worse. She rifled through the pockets, feeling quite a bit of ammo in there. She then walked over and picked up the gun. It looked like some type of rifle, but she wasn't sure. Being married to a soldier had it's perks. As a result, Nate constantly taught her little things. One of which was how to use many guns. Anne popped out the mostly empty magazine, discarding it. She felt the belt around it, and slung it around her body with a smile. A real wasteland hero in the making. She then continued walking. A little ways down the road was an old gas station, a Red Rocket. She had to get much closer to it, however, to notice the dog. He ran up to her, sniffing her with that usual dog-like excitement. Anne looked at him, and knelt down. "Hey there, boy... How's it going?" The dog rested his muzzle in her paw, letting her tilt his head up. He then started panting, like he was smiling. Anne laughed. "Well I guess you're coming with me. Come on, buddy." She stood up, groaning quietly. She would have to do a lot of working out, now. At least she would get her dream body. Anne started walking away, and the dog trailed behind her. A little ways down the road, there were a couple huge mosquitos buzzing around. They hadn't noticed Anne or the dog yet,  so just a couple shots from her new rifle took care of them. This was her new life now. Anne looked at the city in front of her, sighing softly. She reached down to give the dog a scratch. They were going to find Shaun. They were going to avenge Nate. To Concord they go.
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flapperdame16 · 6 years
Tag Game
Tag Game - Nine people you’d like to know better
Thanks @frary-us
Favorite color: PINK!
Lipstick or chapstick:  Chapstick
Top 3 favorite ships: TV= 
1- Frary - Francis & Mary (Reign and real life)
2-Phrack- Jack Robinson and Phryne Fisher (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries)
3-Dr Jack Duncan and Carolyn Bligh- A Place to Call Home
There are so many more perfect ships out there btw
Last song: Lick it up- KISS (Rock the Nation Live version!)
Last movie: Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice (1969) I didn't like it very much but Natalie Wood is awesome! Last movie in the theater- I caught a screening of The Quiet Man (1952) at the Pickwick Theater in Park Ridge IL
Currently reading: I really want to read one of my 6 Tudor Queens novels by Alison Weir- but also want to read a bio called Mary Queen of Scots- the Accidential Tragedy.
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enasroterfaden · 6 years
Questions for the Author
I was tagged by @chantingwrites <3
1. Who has the darker backstory, your protagonist or your antagonist?
It’s usually my protagonists who have the darker background, but I also rarely have character-antagonists and instead institution-antagonists :P
2. What creeps out your main character?
Shedim is not a fan of mermaids :D Human-fish-thing? No thanks.
3. How long have you been working on your latest WIP?
The basic idea for Wir sind der Schlüssel came to me about 1 3/4 years ago, maybe 2.
The first lines I wrote about a year ago, but while I was working on finishing another WIP, so it didn’t get much attention.
October/November 2017 was when I really started writing.
4. Which character is most like you and why?
Probably Dea, simply because she’s just such a happy oddball with no sense of caution, and I can identify with that :D 
5. What genre is your latest WIP?
It’s a mix of Fantasy and Sci-Fi in a Post-Apocalyptic setting. So ... not sure what the specific genre name would be.
6. What’s your main character’s idea of a perfect date?
Shedim is not a dating-kind of person. In that regard she’s like me :P She just wants to hang out with the people she likes, not with any definitions attached their way of hanging out.
If she had to plan a date, she’d probably take the other person to the top of the tallest ruin around, build a makeshift grill and BBQ while the sun is setting.
7. If your main character was an animal, what would it be and why?
I feel like all three main characters from my WIP would be dogs...
Shedim would be either a Retriever breed or a Sighthound breed.
Kader would be some police dog breed, like a German or Dutch Shepherd or a Malinois
Dea would be a mutt, probably with some poodle and corgi genes in there, and definitely one that loves to do dog agility :P
8. What books/films/songs have influenced your WIP, if any?
I already did a tag game for that, but in general influence came from The Mists of Avalon and the Post-Apocalyptic LARP a couple of my friends attend.
9. What annoying writing habit do you have? (ie, too many commas, too many looong sentences etc).
My sentence structure in the first draft is always the same lol So going back through and editing it I have to rewrite a lot just so it doesn’t sound completely boring.
Also, German comma rules are super confusing and I don’t ever know if I have enough, too little or too many of them ...
10. Describe your WIP in one sentence.
Wir sind der Schlüssel: A girls accidentially shoots a guy, and makes some very unlikely friends during the following chaos.
Tagging time! I haven’t been very active on here lately so apologies if you’ve already done this. @merigreenleaf @madmooninc @lynnafred @ageekyreader @pheita @nanaschreibt @halfbloodlycan
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historicfailure · 6 years
I was tagged by @auberghyn thank you for that :D (apparently I can’t tag you :/)
and I will tag @chisie12 @sufferthesea @narutotoes if one of you wants to do that...?
What is your total word count on AO3?
ok lemme take a quick look... mhm... is 616.679 a high number...?
How often do you write?
I try to write every day. Then, there are days where I keep a complete break, mostly after I finished a fic or one of my works, to wander around and distract me. Get my head free from writing. :)
Do you have a routine for writing?
I need to sit in a bed or a calm space. I can’t write when people talk over my head or around me. And either I’m listening to a playlist with movie soundtracks or to some videos on Youtube (Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsey are a guilty pleasure of mine. Or Overwatch toxicity videos. The screaming and slurs calm me.)
What are your favourite kinks/tropes/pairing?
That’s a hard one. Hmmm...
Kinks: *cough cough* well, Light BDSM, Biting, Blindfolds. The good, old trinity of B’s.
Tropes: Soulmates. Pretend to date. Person A has a chat with a mysterious person going on, rants about Person B who is at the same time the receiver of the messages and slowly they fall for each other. (YES. OMG A hundred times YES)
Pairing: Funnily, I don’t ship much. I like all ships because every goddamn character deserves some happiness, no matter with whom. I like for example KakaIru but also KakaSaku (sometimes) or TobiMada and MadaSaku and all of that stuff. Thus, I don’t get shipping wars ^^’‘
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
I have indeed. Unfortunately, it was the very first fic I read and I only remember that it was a KakaIru fanfic whith Mpreg (Iruka got accidentially pregnant because of a bet, Kakashi wasn’t aware because he fell in love with the female version of Iruka and rejected “her” when she said she was pregnant of him bec he wasn’t able to impregnant anyone) -> lots of angst, lots of feelings, lots and lots of smut and complications. It was the fic which also pushed me back to writing :)
Your fic with the most kudos?
That would be “Through the eyes of an animal”. By far the most :)
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Personally, I don’t like how I write about emotions. It’s hard for me and I feel like my limited knowledge of the english language stops me from breaking through that wall. Therefore, I try to read as many english texts as I can. :/
And fighting scenes. Oh god, fighting scenes. The bane of my existence.
Now something you do like?
Okay, here I have to cheat a little bit. First, I like the fluffly parts of my stories. They’re cute, without a doubt and I really try hard to let them seem light and not forced. Second, in the reader-insert stories I wrote, I like the background of the characters and the general ideas. For example, the Yamato fic I’m currently working on. I love the idea and I’m so excited to finally be able to write it down.
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November 13 2020
Okay so I accidentially let the whole day pass by without writing down what happened in my dream
But to be honest, I couldn’t make out half of it anyways, so I’ll just describe some stuff to the best of my ability.
In my dream, I was following around a couple of detectives. They seemed to be in a romantic relationship and getting married soon. I saw the grumpy man emotionlessly handle his cases and his tasks with his wife-to-be tagging along with nothing better to do. At the end of the day they went to buy some weird ring that held two fingers together and served no purpose whatsoever than to exist. Then the man got impatient because the lady wouldn’t agree to any of the rings he considered and decided to blow up in her face. She decided to end the relationship, and then he walked away.
I followed the yelling man but then I found a skateboard and decided to skate all the way home. When I arrived I saw many squid kids from Splatoon, as well as Off The Hook, partying and chanting “AMERICA, AMERICAAAAAAAAAA!!”
Totally not weird or anything
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darth-ivan · 7 years
tagged by @fishee to write ten facts about me! hmm i will try to think of ones not many ppl know
1. im nonbinary! my pronouns are they/them but if u call me dude,bro,man,boy,guy i will love u forever
2. i work in a call center, it gets interesting sometimes
3. i have a fear of vomit which i think started from bad reactions to adhd medication and having a motion sick brother
4. in relation i love horror movies and gore but in 6th grade i had this weird gore fear, in science class i had to leave class sometimes cos wed be talking about the body and id freak out and cry. that was the year we had to dissect an eye and i barely got thru it lmao
5. i really want a pet bulldog currently
6. my ultimate dream is to own a cabin on a lake
7. i collect quite a few things but my favorite collection are my vhs tapes which are mostly horror
8. i loved the scary stories to tell in the dark series, so much so that i 'accidentially' never returned a copy to my elementary schools library
9. in 5th grade i wanted to be a stand up comedian after realizing vet school wasnt for me
10. my favorite thing ever is going to the movies even if i have to go alone.
yayy!! uhh i hate tagging so everyones tagged!
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