#so much of being arounf people and watching them as a kid does this
Project Maultifaceted - Relationships
This is a three-part post focusing on three types of relationships Maul has presented in EU and canon contents: (barely) romantic relationship, familial relationship, friendship. I think this character is written in a special case where his familial relationship is tangled up with mentorships, so I will be putting Palpatine’s interactions in with familial.
Links to my other Maul!content collection pjt: "Smile" (x), "Voice" (x).
Part I. Relationships bordering on an ambiguously or metaphorically romantic nature:
Spoilers alert
Kilindi Matako
Maul’s impression of their first encounter. His first impression of Kilindi is of her sparring against two Rodian boys (who decide to pick a bone with Maul for the rest of their short lives), it can be implied that Maul thinks Kilindi as “capable;” or it’s more a omniscient narrator’s commentary.
Then there’s this: the budding desire to establish a positive relationship
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As a tween in Orsis Academy, Maul is doing great with training lessons and seems to enjoy being here quite a lot (except for having to suffer the prohibition of using the Force) because 1) he can fight people (def don’t want to be his opponent no sir), 2) he has a mentor who respects him (more later), 3) at least two students show sign of benevolent interest in him. He does not quite play along with others due to either a character trait, if we take it from George Mann’s An Unwilling Apprentice:
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Or it’s simply a result of growing up without peers (and having possibly the most dastardly Sith ever plus a droid as caretakers). Maul’s early Sith lessons is seen already taken root, as he distrusts people’s intentions and questions them at every turn. He does not understand why Kilindi seems to be interested in him, and is surprised when she proposes to spend time together. But despite that, and his awful recollection of “swimming” on Myeeto, he makes the decision to go swimming with her.
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“Not that he would ever tell her.”
Windham was tasked to write this—who knows why—as a middle-grader book. The language and depth of character exploration fit the demographics. Personally I think we would have a better book if this was written at least as a YA, but for this end-product we got, I say it is nicely done, and I enjoyed little moments like this one and when Maul “suddenly felt irritated” as Kilindi wants to give him some advice on the upcoming hunting (and having her advice written in a way to show she is an observant and capable fighter indeed, also that Maul was not above receiving genuine help; awesome, Windham. I grow to like Kilindi very much).
Young Maul and Kilindi did remind me of my first secret relationship/crush-however you call two kids being affectionate with each other but knew it could never worked and would never say it out loud
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IIRC, Maul is arounf thirteen at this chapter. He is brought up to question everyone’s motivation around him (which is just due lesson for a Sith, who are always about to stab each other in the back), to view interpersonal relationships in a utilitarian way, but the brainwashing is not done completely yet. He is unable to simply file away certain feelings, even though he already senses those do not have a place in the destiny he believes he would have.
Then, when Maul is around fifteen: He is not a good teamplayer, a trait unfortunately persisted into adulthood and undermines him eventually, but he collaborates with Kilindi very well. When they are both tested by the Death Watch instructor Meltch Krakko, he is protective of Kilindi
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If we take a concept from SW canon, this is when I see shatterpoints of Maul’s destiny have existed that could have pushed him into other directions. If Maul had treated Kilindi aloofly constantly instead of making (the minimum amount of) effort to get to know her; if he was not bullied by the Meltch Krakko, and given in to use the Force not only to save himself but to beat him down; if Krakko did not try to sell him to Mother Talzin; if Krakko did not double-cross Talzin… He might have been brought back to Dathomir as a teen, or grow up having some semblance of a relationship with Kilindi (although I can’t see this end well; Sith and their ideas of “passion” aside, I doubt Palpa wouldn’t teach young Maul a lesson on attachments).
(Windham, Ryder. The Wrath of Darth Maul. 2012)
The Orisis Academy and Maul’s interactions with several students are recurring elements for several writers in his EU content, though each writer has their own take. James Luceno, for example, in his short story “Restraint,” makes it most clear Maul does experience physical attraction towards his two female friends:
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As he is dispatched to kill everyone in the academy by Sidious due to the risk of his force-user indentity being leaked, Luceno adds that "Maul decided he would miss Daleen and Kilindi, and Trezza especially. But he accepted that their deaths were essential to Darth Sidious' plan--a Grand Plan, in which Maul was now an accomplice."
He is still capable, and willing to feel emotions other than anger and rage. Which are not forbidden by the Sith philosophy by any means. In fact, we have a prime example of the legendary Darth Malgus, using his grief to enhance his power and connection to the dark side, after killing his lover Eleena Daru. Whether Maul is intended to be a self-aware character at this or not, he holds onto grief and sorrow as much as anger and rage to fuel his connection (likely not; he is one of the least self-aware character I came across. Might be because of Sidious' training on him to focus on the present moment).
(Luceno, James. “Restraint.” Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. 2011)
Komari Vosa
After the destruction of Orisis and Maul’s positive relationships, we don’t get anything that seem to suggest he’s interested or ever sought out to establish any relationship beside the Master-Apprentice. Until Lockdown.
In this book, Maul is tasked to find a mysterious weapon merchant in the prison colony of Cog Hive Seven, where at the climax, his path crosses with Vosa’s, despite their initial misgiving (which is kinda stupid imo, no reason other than “i want to see them fight”), they fight side by side eventually and Maul completes his mission, with Vosa hinting at a “what if we work together” and of course rejected by Maul.
*An interesting lil something here when Maul is disgusted by certain imaginations regarding a may-or-may-not-be thirsty warden Sadiki Blirr (it is written that “she can’t take her eyes off” Maul as she watches him fight like a beast so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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Then we have him and Komari Vosa, who he grows a sense of respect if not something a bit more after witnessing her defiant act against the giant worm
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After Maul saves Vosa, Vosa returns the gesture by turning off the micro-denotators inside his hearts with the Force.
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Maul is not reacting to physical touch very well as a Sith Lord should we all have seen Pre Viz getting his we-pals-now-hand smacked away
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Another shatterpoint perhaps? Likely not, as Maul is already on the Sith path, going with Vosa would be undermining his pursuit for power, as well as getting them both killed by Sidious. I like how Schreiber gives Maul a moment of near-reflection, near-temptation for something else other than the destiny Sidious promised him. But now he is already getting pretty good at putting away thoughts he can't process without destroying his identity😂
The novel ends with a smudge of a shadow of the barely existent tiny snip (you get the point) of longing:
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(Schreiber, Joe. Maul: Lockdown. 2014.)
Sinya, a Twi'lek bodyguard of the Black Sun. This encounter happens in EU, directly after Lockdown, the plots are actually connected.
Need I say more xD
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Then there’s the 2017 Star Wars: Darth Maul comics. An excellent collection that fills in some gaps between the new canon Maul timelines.
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I enjoyed the artwork as well as the writing. However, as I read, I could not shake off this strange suspicion that Maul’s *first* Jedi kill is framed here in a metaphorical way of losing one’s virginity; the rush before and the disillusionment afterwards (due to his misplaced connection)….. Anyone else see it too?
Aight, the other relationships will have to wait until I assemble more braincells. Feel free to dm me your interpretations and HCs or holler in the comments:3
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CHATS: More Dumpsters, More Fires 3
#1 - Jo and Anna talking sometime after Jo got back to the house after the collar/cast was put on (and yes the spoil is Jo suggesting what you think it is LOL)
<Anna> hows Jo?
<Jo> Jo’s okay… She got to go outside, she’s getting a little spoilt for her own good, and she’s mostly trying to ignore the never ending threat looming over head - kind of amused/looking forward to laughing at Gray’s expense whe n he figures out things
<Anna> she’s so mean and such a troll
<Jo> She really really is.
<Jo> “I call it taking joy out of the small things”
<Anna> “I call it being a bitch”
<Jo> “Not saying I’m not.”
<Anna> “I don’t like you.”
<Jo> “I’m getting that. You didn’t like me much first time around til we got drunk a lot.”
<Anna> “You..just you seem like your punishing me for things that I don’t remember and enjoying the fact that I don’t remember it and in general being mean spirited about the whole thing. If we were friends, this isn’t how friends act or at least how I was taught how friends act.”
<Jo> “Well, I’m sorry if it seems that way - that’s honestly not what I’m intending. I’m just… playing around, Anna. It’s what I do, and most of the time you wouldn’t get upset by it - give it back or smack me upside the head. I’m not exactly from the same background as you,especially not now..”
<Anna> “I don’t know you now! And you know this, this is why you come across as enjoing it because you keep doing it on purpose! I don’t know if you enjoy seeing me upset or angry but it’s just mean.”
<Jo> “Well I’m /sorry/! It’s a little hard for me to wrap my head around that this person I’ve known for over a year is /suddenly/ someone completely different. And no, I don’t. I would have a week ago, but right now? I don’t.”
<Anna> “How do you think it feels for me? To wrap my head around the idea that for a year I’ve just been bar tending and trying to find myself again after my parents were killed and now I’m hearing that I’m this total other person who is supposed to be me!”
<Jo> “…right. …… ….I shouldn’t play around like that should I? I was just pranking you Anna, I get bored cooped up in a room - especially when I really don’t want to be. I was kidding around - the only things that, yeah, are true are about the guy you’ve sort of been with. I was just mucking about, too much day time television.”
<Anna> “It’s okay..I just..I’m frustrated and confused and I was sort of glad to hear that I had a friend and then you just turn out like this and sad.”
<Jo> “…Sorry. I didn’t think you’d take me seriously, was a little farfetched on my part. …I didn’t mean to upset you; I’m not exactly good at the people thing and we are friends, Anna. Usually you just see through my joking around..”
<Anna> “Give me some time to get to know you and I will again..probably..maybe..”
<Jo> “Probably..  Still, I didn’t mean to upset you and I apologise for that..”
<Anna> “It’s alright..and I’m sorry for calling you a bitch…repeatedly”
<Jo> “Don’t worry, that’s pretty accurate most of the time.”
<Anna> “Do you need anything? I don’t mind bringing stuff by to you.”
<Jo> “I, uh…I get pretty well taken care of - stuff wise. Though, I wouldn’t mind getting to get out sometimes actually. The, uh, um… my company is a bit of a homebody, so if you wanted to swing by, go out and do something would be better, maybe.”
<Anna> “Are you able to walk like that?”
<Jo> “A little ways. If it weren’t for the hands I’d be trying to drive myself honestly.”
<Anna> “I could drive if you have a car.”
<Jo> “…you don’t know how amusing that is.”
<Anna> “Um..right..wreck ..you probably don’t want me driving.”
<Jo> “Nah, it’s more amusing you were unsure if I had one. …hunter. Car is kind of a necessecity.”
<Anna> “Oh..right..well just let me know when you want to go out and I can walk to your place if you give me a addy.”
<Jo> “I do-.. um, I, uh… …yeah, I.. think I could, um, do that… The address, yes, I can, um.. I think Harry knows it, I don’t really …know it know it… And I will. I will definitely.”
<Anna> “You..don’t know where you live? I’m the one with the head injury here.”
<Jo> “It.. it’s not that. It’s a little more complicated than that.. I.. can’t really give out my address much. Because, um… you can’t tell any of the other hunter’s about the place. I come to them, not the other way around. They’re… Grey doesn’t really.. well, I don’t give out my address often so I- the end of West 5th street.”
<Anna> “Okay. I’ll be over there as soon as I go scribble that down on the walls of the men’s restroom. ‘Hunters, if you are looking for Jo or a good time, come to the end of West 5th street.’”
<Jo> “Oh god, don’t even..! And how would you know if I were a good time?!”
<Anna> “You said that we were together and it was more than once so it must have been something good about it.”
<Jo> “And I said I watched too many soapies. Unless you’re wanting to have walked on the wild side with me… in which cause I’ll have you know I’ve got nothing but rave reviews.”
<Anna> *Anna coughs*
<Jo> “…but still, I doubt anyone looking for a good time would be dumb enough anyway. Have to go through Grey first.”
<Anna> “Possessive bf I’m guess..”
<Jo> “Not so much possessive as…. uh…”
<Anna> “So the collar isn’t a sign of that at all?”
<Jo> “Well, that wasn’t put on by him. It’s a long story.”
<Anna> “Okay…”
<Jo> “It’s a… challenge. By someone else. How long I can keep it on without freaking out… Grey isn’t so possessive as to..yeah. He’s not /that/ possessive.”
<Anna> “Mmmk.. So besides killing monsters what do you like to get out and do?”
<Jo> “Movies… running, pool.. I like target practice or just.. Mostly I’d say pool.  What do you remember that you like doing?”
<Anna> “Coffee shops, books, I like the water, botanical gardens. Pool is fun, I remember watching friends in college play. I guess you can’t really do that with the casts. What happened? I’m assuming a hunt went wrong?”
<Jo> “Coffee is good - there’s a nice one just outside of the city centre. And the docks - I’m down there a lot usually myself. I can’t with the casts though, no - should be off next weekend though which is good. Yeah..yeah you could say that. I just wasn’t expecting it, not as alert as I should have been and things went a little pearshaped.”
<Anna> “That sucks. I’m sorry. Still could have been worse I suppose.”
<Jo> “Oh, I’ve had worse, it’s no biggie really. Just kind of sucks - but I’ve never had someone arounf who’ll really..help out during before so it’s not so bad.
<Anna> "Well I guess that’s good. Grey loves you by the sounds of it.”
<Jo> *Jo laughs loudly*
<Anna> “He doesn’t?”
<Jo> “Just never thought I’d hear someone say that without it being mocking or concerned or with some sort of malicious intent behind it..”
<Anna> “I’m guessing that by someone you mean me?”
<Jo> “A little, but not specifically. There are a lot of people with opinions.”
<Anna> “Why, what’s so bad about him?”
<Jo> “It, uh… it’s complicated. He and you haven’t really ever gotten along, his family are… eccentric, I’m fairly certain my mom doesn’t like him because of it and there are some other…well.. people he knows who have some pretty interesting takes on our..relationship, is all… It’s not something he can change but I wouldn’t say its… bad…”
<Anna> “Wow. Well..I can’t wait to meet him..again and maybe this time we can get off to a better start be friends.”
<Jo> “I doubt that, but he might be persuaded not to try and set your hair on fire. ..That’s probably as good as it could get. He.. holds grudges.”
<Anna> *Anna blinks*
<Jo> “What can I say… we both have very voilate personalities?”
<Anna> “I..What did I do to him?”
<Jo> “I don’t actually know, honestly, or at least originally. …He’s very.. you both have very clashing personalities. Or had. And then something, which would make absolutely no sense to you now, happened which got him really hurt that could be tracked back to you so… it hasn’t really helped my few attempts to mend bridges.”
<Anna> *Anna just nods*
<Jo> “Plus, you were with his twin and they kind of hate one another.”
<Anna> “So..is his brother..does he have the same issues that Grey has? That no one likes him..and were? We aren’t together?”
<Jo> “Grey’s more on the outs with his family than on the outs with other people - he and Harry are really good friends actually, Harry is a little more dubious of /me/ than of Grey. While his brother… gets along every well with their relatives but.. he’s a bit of a dick sometimes - charming. But a dick.  I honestly don’t know, I don’t really believe anything about your relationship unless it comes from you.”
<Anna> “So..I’m dating the dick? and You’re dating the estranged grudge holder?”
<Jo> “I..wouldn’t say dating myself, but yeah that.. works. Pretty much that.”
<Anna> *Anna nods again*
<Jo> “…Any thing else?”
<Anna> “Not sure..I’ll pick you up this afternoon after shift?”
<Jo> “Sure, sure.. Works for me.”
<Anna> “Alright..see ya then”
#2 - Post-mindwipe I believe, Jo joking/taunting about Anna and Gray’s relationship just goes to melt down.
<Anna> so no other snark from her other than bitching about Anna’s perspective of her?
<Jo> Oh no, she’s snickering at the fact “I guess there are times porn and reality /do/ blend. Anna’s really going for that naughty catholic school girl thing.”
<Anna> *dies*
<Anna> Anna is huffing
<Anna> “I am not”
<Anna> “I’m allowed to feel..things.”
<Jo> “Are too, Saint Milton.  Really? God’s not going to send a lightening bolt down and strike you for wanting to engage in some highly energetic animalistic fucking with a mass murdering psychopathic monster?  …course, it probably would be worth the zap.”
<Anna> She’s doing her best impression of a fish out of water..
<Jo> Jo’s snickering her head off now.
<Anna> opening and closing hermouth while making noises as she tries to argue
<Jo> LOL Jo is getting a kick out of this
<Anna> “You..are not very nice”
<Jo> “I believe you’ve said that before.”
<Anna> “I….”
<Anna> *Anna huffs*
<Jo> “Can’t deny you want to fuck his brains out? It happens.”
<Anna> *Anna turns red* “I..I..Do you have to use such crude language!”
<Jo> “Well…can’t really call what he does ‘making love’, and I kind of do.”
<Anna> “No one asked you!”
<Jo> “No one ever asks anyone.”
<Anna> “You..are..I don’t know what you are..”
<Jo> “..a crude country bumpkin? Impossible? Radiant and fantastic?”
<Anna> “A bitch!”
<Jo> “…That works too.”
<Anna> *Anna huffs and crosses her arms*
<Jo> “Just telling the truth. It’s completely normal to want to break the bed, and the couch, and whatever paintings are on the walls…” *Jo smirks, trying not to laugh*
<Anna> *Anna just stares at Jo open mouthed* “No wonder you and Grey live in a run down house! You can’t have nice things!”
<Jo> *Jo gapes and squeaks offendedly* “Hey! We live there cause.. shut up, it’s perfectly fine! Who wants nice things when you can have fun?”
<Anna> “Obviously people who aren’t you! I mean would it kill you to paint the place? And cut the grass, it looks like an abandoned house. Have some pride of owner ship”
<Jo> “That’s the flipping point, Anna.. Hunter’s don’t really leave paper trails or have steady incomes, and neither do monsters.”
<Anna> “You own a bar!”
<Jo> “Technically it was my great aunt and uncle’s. And I /did/ live there with the other’s right up until your accident, so honestly - I’ll have pride in a home when I want to put down /actual/ roots.”
<Anna> “You have an answer for everything don’t you..”
<Jo> “…it’s easier than not.  I moved in with Grey, it’s his house and even then it’s technically no one’s, so…why make it look nice when it’s not even ours?”
<Anna> “Oh my God..you’re squatting there…that answers so many things about you..”
<Jo> “That’s… kind of what hunters do. Squatting or motels; I mean, I could /buy/ somewhere, sure but… ….what do you mean 'that answers so many things about you’?!”
<Anna> “You’re hiding behind this whole "this is what hunters do” line you keep using. Lack of roots, lack of relationship, would rather have random sex, you  have serious commitment issues.“
<Jo> ”….dah. Daddy issues, commitment issues, intimacy issues, a lifestlye that only appeals to the insane, self destructive or psychopathic… Hi I’m Jo Harvelle, and I’m a fucking mess.“
<Anna> "You know they make pills that help that.”
<Jo> “I don’t need medicating.”
<Anna> “Sure..most people with your issues think they don’t without medication.”
<Jo> “I don’t need medication, Anna..”
<Anna> “Sure you don’t.”
<Jo> “I just have the same problems your run of the mill stripper have, but I combat it with killin’ not exposing myself for cash. I don’t need a little pil to make it all better.”
<Anna> “Right…and how much do you drink and self medicate because you realize that is what you are doing, passing off hunting as coping instead of dealing with your issues. You know there’s numbers you can call and people you can talk too.”
<Jo> “…I grew up in a bar, how much do you think I drink? And I don’t self medicate..I treat wounds, sure, but nothing more than pain killers and other first aid shit really. ….Numbers I can call, right…I can’t get through a single conversation with a civillian without having to lie at least six times, Anna, so that’s bullshit.”
<Anna> “Whatever you say Jo.”
<Jo> “I dont want and I don’t need help. You’re just trying to avoid talking about how awkward you feel about wanting to run your tongue along those scars of Gray’s and everything else that goes with it.”
<Anna> “At least that’s a normal human reaction..unlike hiding behind "oh I’m fine I’ll just go kill something to get rid of the anxiety I’m feeling.”“
<Jo> "I said I don’t want help, I don’t want to change that okay? And I’m not sue how normal it is when you know everything you do about him but whatever helps you sleep at night.”
<Anna> “He doesn’t seem any worse than the rest of the people I’ve been talking too.”
<Jo> “Right. …I’m sure that’s totally the truth.”
<Anna> “And maybe there’s a reason I met him. Who knows, besides according to everyone I’m not much better than him.”
<Jo> “You met him because he was trying to control me and my behaviour. And if you meant that in a destiny type way, sorry to burst your bubble but fate doesn’t exist anymore.”
<Anna> “Oh good God you do have an answer to everything..”
<Jo> “Maybe I do, but thats actually the truth these days…”
<Anna> “Gee I’d forgotten that..”
<Jo> “Ha ha, funny.”
<Anna> “I thought so.”
<Jo> “Glad to see somehow you found a sense of humor.”
<Anna> “Hmph”
<Jo> “…Sooo… back to you and your feeling awkward about wanting to jump Gray. You know I think you still have that school uniform at the bar.”
<Jo> “I never did get asked to return it”
<Anna> “Why are you so interested in what I want, are you and Grey not having enough sex?”
<Jo> “I’m just amused that that hasn’t changed at all.”
<Anna> “I don’t think a lot of things have changed..”
<Jo> “You’re nicer. Not that you werent before…you just… got very focussed.”
<Anna> “Right..”
<Jo> “…when none of us were trying to kill the other’s partner things were pretty nice..”
<Anna> “So then explain now.”
<Jo> “Explain what? You and I were friends, Anna… when you weren’t trying to kill Grey and he wasn’t trying to kill you; and when Gray and I weren’t anywhere near one another. We actually were friends ya know.”
<Anna> “So..if how you’ve acted towards me is friends..I’m glad I don’t remember what were like as not friends.”
<Jo> “….those scars aren’t from the car crash. That might give you an idea…”
<Anna> “What part of I’m glad I don’t remember didn’t you get.”
<Jo> “Fine.”
<Anna> “I just..I don’t know..I don’t get why I want to punch you or choke you half the time..and then you start talking and if I remember you or not it’s like this slowly growing urge..”
<Jo> “…that’s kind of a normal reaction, Anna. Pretty much everyone wants to do that to me outside of my family…and even then. I mean, half the time yeah, even when we’re friends its like that..”
<Anna> “So why didn’t you make an effort to be friends again, that’s what I want to know.”
<Jo> “Because this is how we’re friends! We rib and teast and poke fun at one another, and then we get drunk or eat frosting and actually talk about proper issues, and then I feel uncomfortable with serious conversation and turn whatever we were talking about into a sex joke. That’s..just how it’s always been, Anna.”
<Anna> “Well thanks for letting me know AFTER the fact I already went through our 'friends’ way of hazing each other.”
<Jo> “I… I.. I didn’t… I thought you knew that, I mean I thought that’s how friends just /are/. I’m not good at the friends thing - I end up hopelessly pining after them for a few months or fucking them, so I really don’t think I have a good grasp on what a friendship /is/, Anna!”
<Anna> “Gee what gave you that idea. The fact that everyone ends up pissed at you or the fact everyone ends up pissed at you.”
<Jo> “Ha ha.”
<Anna> “I’m serious”
<Jo> “Well I dont exactly have that many friends so not everyone does.”
<Anna> “Again..I wonder why..”
<Jo> “Oh just fuck you.”
<Anna> “From what I understand we already did that and it didn’t work.”
<Jo> “It really didn’t.”
<Anna> “So is this being friends enough for you?”
<Jo> “Hardy hardy har har, you’re catching on well enough.”
<Anna> “Huh, now you seem pissy when I’m simply returning the affection you claim we share..”
<Jo> “Actually I’m more amused you’re playing along. Figured you would be more stickish than before.”
<Anna> *Anna rolls her eyes*
#3 - Not 100% sure context other than its after the above. Also, Grey should pay attention to the fact Jo was looking at these things and ~thinking things~ (this was about October after they’d started up, so like...shes been thinking a long while. this is before the whispering, or maybe during it)
<Jo> http://www.geekologie.com/2012/08/another-day-another-zombie-themed-engage.php        Its sad when  I find these things and the train of thought goes:
<Jo> 1. I can see Jo agreeing to things just because its ‘adorable’ when really its not
<Jo> 2. And then she’d be killed by Ellen
<Anna> lolol
<Jo> 3. At least its not a salt-n-burn fire side romantic comment
<Anna> Anna..*smacks*
<Jo> …what?
<Anna> she’s..missing having girl company..and she’s debating which is better for it..Ruby or Jo and she’s leaning more towards Ruby
<Jo> LOL  …/why/ is the question streaming from both Ruby and Jo right now
<Anna> “Jo’s sorta mannish…and Ruby..at least looks girly..”
<Jo> They are both laughing at her - loudly. Though Jo’s sort of offended which is just making Ruby laugh more
<Anna> lol
<Anna> Anna’s just sorta pouting..“it’s not my fault that they are the only choice I have for female friends..”
<Jo> “Ruby isn’t even a female.” “……………………….” “…”
<Anna> looooooool
<Anna> “she’s less butch than you”
<Jo> “/Gray/ is less butch than me. Doesn’t make him more of a female.”
<Anna> “So you’re the man in relationship?”
<Jo> “No! Well with you I guess I was, but no, I’m not….”
<Anna> “Guess that’s why I’m looking more towards Ruby..why do I want a second man in my life.”
<Jo> “If you can call what you do have a man.”
<Anna> “After the other night..He’s definately all man”
<Jo> “Good for you.”
<Anna> “Yes..he was..”
<Jo> “If you say so.  …How was it after though? Did he stick around for breakfast?”
<Anna> “He didn’t stay for breakfast but he did stay till I woke up the next day.”
<Jo> “Aw how cute. So how long did the honeymoon last before whatever sent him packing without even grabbing a bit of you for snacking on the go?”
<Anna> “The threat of Crowley I guess”
<Jo> “Strange that such a 'manly’ guy as him would be run off by the overgrown demon.”
<Anna> “How come I’ve never ran into Grey outside of his house?”
<Jo> “Because. And he’s not being run off by anyone, especially if he’s staying in the one place, wouldrn you say?”
<Anna> “Right..surrounded by traps and iron..which wouldn’t stop Crowley..I guess that means that he’s simply afraid of normal demons. You really wish to throw stones at Gray for being afraid of Crowley when yours won’t even come outside?”
<Jo> “Actually its traps and salt, theres no iron in our house.  And most of those are there because of the fact that, oh hey, I’m a hunter and he’s a monster and it’s second nature to protect ones home. As for throwing stones, I said that your’s is afraid to be with you because of Crowley not that he’s afraid of Crowley - theres a difference. Grey isn’t.”
<Anna> “Gray doesn’t strike me as being happy domestic housewife..he’s never said anything to make me believe that we lived together all the time. So why should I expect it now?”
<Jo> “I never said he had to be, I was just musing on the fact you say he’s leaving because of the threat of another man coming in to take his turn.”
<Anna> “there..no one else has a turn!”
<Jo> “And yet he had to leave in case Crowley showed up. Unless thats not why he left, so either you’re waiting for the wannabe god-demon to show up to see how his little /pet/ is going, or Gray left because he didn’t want to be around you after getting what he wanted. Or some other reason.”
<Anna> “Why are you making it sound so bad that he didn’t want to be around if Crowley did show up? He couldn’t stop him, Gray would have been killed and Crowley has no interest in killing me. So why are you trying to twist it to make it sound bad.”
<Jo> “I’m just intruiged is all - doesnt really sound like a typical Gray-like response. ..his kind are really quite territorial you know.”
<Anna> “Tell you what, if you want to know so bad, ask him.”
<Jo> “…Nah.”
<Anna> “Well if you don’t want to ask him then stop being a bitch.”
<Jo> “But you’re fun when you puff up and get red.”
<Anna> “You are such a bitch..”
<Jo> “Think you already said that. And I prefer bitch to butch, so I’m cool with it.”
<Anna> “Maybe you’re a bastard then being you’’ve been the man in all your relationships.”
<Jo> “I am not the man in my relationship at present, so there.”
<Anna> “Right…”
<Jo> “It’s true.”
<Anna> “Whatever.”
<Jo> “… …………do you have any idea how much I hate that word…”
<Anna> “yes.”
<Anna> “but whatever”
<Jo> “Fuck you.”
<Anna> “But you’re fun when you puff and get red. So whatever Jo..”
<Jo> “Oh God, you’re horrid, you know that right?”
<Anna> “Whatever..your hate of this word is interesting.”
<Jo> “…. Why do you say that..”
<Anna> “I’m seeing what you get out of making someone upset. Trying to understand why you feel this is proper entertainment at the expense of others.”
<Jo> “I dont try to upset people, I play with them. Theres a difference.”
<Anna> “oh so you play..with no reguard to how that playing effects them. Does your interest if Gray leaving me relate to the fact you were abandoned by your father?”
<Jo> “…Excuse you? I am not the one between us who was abandoned by their father!”
<Anna> “My father loved me, raised me, encouraged me to be whatever I could be in life. Your father put hunting above you and was killed by it. Isn’t that why you have such a problem committing to people?”
<Jo> “Oh you think that if you want to about your own father, but don’t you talk 'bout my dad like that. He was a good man. ….I…shut up, I don’t have problems commiting to people..”
<Anna> “Is that why you keep everyone at a distance? Playing with them? Keeping us at both a physical arms length and an even further emotional one? How did Grey slip past your defenses or can you just leave him at anytime, abandoning him too?”
<Jo> “My father has nothing to do with it.. You can’t be too open in this lifestyle.. …/I/ don’t abandon people, shut up.”
<Anna> “Please, you turned to hunting instead of taking of your clothes. You’re surrounded by men who could be old enough to be your dad and you’re constantly working to prove yourself to them. Do you seek out their praise when you do a hunt well?”
<Jo> “…I wou-..I dont even…  …Maybe normal men my age bore me? They don’t know anything about the world and what’s really out there, and regardless of your suggestion - if a hunter lives long enough to get to that age they’re usually pretty decent men. It’s a /shame/ my father had what happened to him happen so young is all. There are plenty of hunters I talk to my own age, or close enough to, Anna. And I don’t need /anyone’s/ approval, god dammit..”
<Anna> “I see. And you’re wall of not being to open in this life? How does that hold up to the fact your father and your mother were open enough to get married, have you? Even after his death you’re mother stayed in the life, helped other hunters. She even gave them beds to sleep on at the roadhouse, tended them when they were hurt. I’ve heard hunters talk about it. Why do you have to be so guarded?”
<Jo> “There’s a difference between being on the road and being in the life the way Mom and hell, even Bobby a lot these days, are. ….And they were in love, people do things like get married and have babies when they’re in love. They were younger than I am too, so hey, maybe I’m just jaded like the other guys my age or near enough..”
<Anna> “But not you? You can’t be open to that because of the fact you’re a hunter? And how is being a hunter on the road and at a bar different? You still put yourself in danger. Why do you have so many walls? Open, playing, your stubbornness, why don’t you think you should have friendships and relationships that are closer than the arms distence that you keep everyone at?”
<Jo> “I… could get married and have babies one day, maybe. It’s not completely out of the realm of possibility.. On the road you can’t let your emotions get to you, at a bar.. you can be nicer and more open. Though you’re more likely to get hurt from friends never showing up again too.  I do too have closer friends than that! And maybe I have a lot of walls to keep other people better off, hmm.”
<Anna> “Who are these closer friends? Are you not here as much as on the road? You have a home with someone, you aren’t living a nomads life. And would you say that "protecting” others by not letting them get close to you is for their own good out of your concern for them or from your need to control things?“
<Jo> "Dean.. Sam.. Grey.. …you. I didn’t mean to, it wasn’t my idea and then things got that I needed to be researching more than hunting at present but when that’s taken care of I’ll be on the road more than no again, sure..  I am not a control freak, if either of us were that would be you. I don’t like..I don’t want to hurt people so I’m not going to let them close enough to be, dah.”
<Anna> “You would call us close? Interesting because to me, from my perspective we are hardly anything but close. And it’s nice and controlling that you want to take away my choice at what risk to take being your friend, if we were that close to begin with. And you are going to abandon Grey by taking off and only stopping in on occassion. Isn’t that what you remember of your dad? The random visits?”
<Jo> “We /were/ close, maybe not now but we were before..things happened.  …you know nothing about my dad, Anna, nothing at all.”
<Anna> “I don’t have to know anything about your dad. You present as your typical 'little girl lost’ case. But whatever Jo, you keep playing with people and spending all that energy into keeping them away instead of building healthy relationships.”
<Jo> “Excuse fucking you, I am nothing of the sort. You and your psychobabble, which I really haven’t missed, really only sees what you think you see. I’m not like that and my dad was not like what you think. I’m not going to abandon Grey if I’m off hunting, /he/ understands my life and doesn’t want to force me to change it like you used to. I have plenty of very healthy friendships, maybe just not the same sort /you/ think people should have.”
<Anna> “No you see, you dont get to decide for me what’s something I’m sensative about and what I’m allowed to get upset about when you decide to use it for your ammunition. You don’t get to decide what hurts me and what doesn’t. If you don’t care to respect my feelings then screw you and your feelings about certain subjects. Keep playing these games Jo and next time we’ll have a nice long chat about how it’s your mother’s fault for not leaving the hunting life and taking you away from it.”
<Jo> “You know what, fine. You tell me plain and clearly 'Jo, you’re upsetting me with what you’re saying’ next time and I will back the fuck off. Your verbal and facial cues are kind of all off from what I’m used to, Anna, so I’m sorry if my mucking around upset you - maybe not calling me a bitch, which really doesn’t seem to be getting your point across if that’s what you’re using FYI, and telling me to stop would work better for your female sensetivities. As for blaming my mother, I get the feeling you two would /really/ get along these days, given she tried her best to take me from it regardless of not moving.”
<Anna> “Always someone else’s issue and fault isn’t it. It’s my fault for not expressing the fact your hurting my feelings even though a blind person in a dark room could see that you are. It’s my fault for thinking that calling you a bitch wasn’t clear enough and that I have to resort to a long drawn out way of explaining to you. I’m sorry Jo that my physical expressions weren’t enough of a clue to you and your insensative 'playing’ to tell you to stop. Next time I’ll be sure to maybe cry with going all red and puffing up since obviously none of those things are enough for you.”
<Jo> “You know what? They’re not. Because before they didn’t mean you were hurt, just getting pissed off! So sorry that when you got your hard drive wiped and replaced with the catholic school girl persona the self righteous hard ass left with it and the cues got rewired. Calling me a bitch was generally common place for all variety of things, so no, not very clear. Just fucking spit it out in future or just say /stop/. Jesus fucking christ!”
<Anna> “That’s it, keep blaming me. Even when you’ve known now for how many conversations that I’m not that other Anna..it’s still my fault that you can’t rememeber it. How do you hunt if you can’t keep that simple bit of information straight? Isn’t that the sort of thing you would have to be able to spot? Personality shifts in people? It’s okay though, I accept the fact that it’s all my fault and never yours. I’m sorry for making things so hard on you Jo.”
<Jo> “Well it would make a fucking change for once - it being you to blame and not me, but then again you can’t remember /that/ either, so there goes that little victory over blameless Anna.   There is a big difference between noticing things in strangers and noticing the same cues on someone you know but them being /completely inverted/ on themselves. And you say you’re not that other Anna but the more we talk, the more obvious it is it wasn’t just her Her Royal Fucking Grace-fulness side that was like this.”
<Anna> “Whatever..I’m so over taking the blame for this other person who I don’t know. I’m so sick of hearing what a horrible person I was but then hearing about other things and turning hte other cheek to them, all while I’m being punished for being something I’m not.”
<Jo> “You weren’t a horrible person, you were as horrible as I am. So that’s up to you to decide what that means.”
<Anna> “Well then according to Ruby I must have been a really horrible person.”
<Jo> “…Excuse me?”
<Anna> “I mean..I didn’t drug anyone did I? That was only you correct?”
<Jo> “…I didn’t want to..”
<Anna> “It doesn’t matter. That happened to the other Anna..not me.”
<Jo> “Right, because you’ll forgive what anyone else did to the other Anna. I totally believe that.  …Though that..had been cleared up, before you start to think otherwise.”
<Anna> “No I don’t forgive, it just didn’t happen to me. It happened to her.”
<Jo> “…right.”
<Anna> “I don’t remember you. I don’t remember Gray. But whatever she felt for you, I feel and I trust that  because I feel like I should be able to trust you with my life and that I should be your friend but then you do these things that make me want to scream.”
<Jo> “I think this is the point where I point out that’s kind of what my and..her friendship was like. We hunted together, trusted one another to watch our backs, and while some stuff happened and it was…really not good between the two of us for a while, I was going to be willing to put that stuff behind us after this whole..Crowley thing. Same as she was probably, hopefully. Things are different in war time, you know the saying.  But yeah..made y-her want to scream a lot of the time too. It’s not really that strange.”
<Anna> *Anna shrugs and heads for her apartment.* “Just remember I’m not her. I don’t know our history. It’s weird to look at a total stranger and feel something close to love for that person and you dont know why.”
#4 - Anna blaming Jo for the Whispering again
<Jo> Hows Anna doing in deciding if she wants to talk to Gray yet still?
<Anna> she doesn’t know but shes okay with talking
<Jo> *nodnod* That’s progress, right?
<Anna> maybe lol
<Anna> hows Jo?
<Jo> Jo’s more mopey than angry, been eating frosting since her bakings been burning, and just very weird. So progress lololol
<Anna> awwwwww
<Anna> Anna thinks Jo should still get over it
<Jo> Understandable.   Jo’s not sure its something you can ‘get over’, and she’s feeling sort of really bad for treating Anna like she had about not remembering things or being freaked out.
<Anna> “okay let me put it this way. How many other people are you going to find that’s going to put up with your ass? And willing to go to such extremes because he cares?”
<Jo> “Probably none, with all things considered. But going to extremes isn’t a very good thing, especially when it restricts someone you’re supposed to care abouts freedoms.”
<Anna> “You should know all about going to extremes from what I hear.”
<Jo> “What is it you hear then?”
<Anna> “Careless, reckless, gets the job done but is sloppy.”
<Jo> “Doesn’t mean I effect anyone but myself usually”
<Anna> “You effect everyone that cares for you, idiot. Grey most off all.”
<Jo> “I haven’t died since the last time, I think I’m doing okay, so maybe I just dont get why people are worrying”
<Anna> “……………. maybe Grey should have tweeked your IQ level when he was in there.”
<Jo> “Why? I have…barely even gotten close yet again. I don’t get why it effects everyone that cares about me how I do my job, because the job gets done and I get out mostly unscathed. I’m not a complete moron, I don’t take on what I can’t do myself.”
<Anna> “Do you even hear yourself? You judge things as being okay by how close or not close you get? That mentality worries every, you aren’t a cat, you don’t get nine lives.”
<Jo> “Maybe not, but I’m on my second one, so who knows maybe I am. I judge it that way because..well, that;s the easiest way to. I might break some bones one hunt, I’m not dead. I might get a concussion or have a large amount of blood loss, but I’m not dead. I’m still moving, I’m still breathing, I’m fine.”
<Anna> “And what happens when you don’t care about being dead anymore?”
<Jo> “I keep doing the same thing I’m already doing until I’m not any more?”
<Anna> “and what about the people you leave behind”
<Jo> “People die all the time.. you learn to live with it.”
<Anna> “You learn to live with it? Have you ever mourned anyone as an adult? Not as a kid?”
<Jo> “Not I’m guessing in the way you’d mean.”
<Anna> “then think about that, and I’m going to guess Grey and Gray have a longer life than us..”
<Jo> “Uh… longer than me, that’s for sure.”
<Anna> “So they get to the time you have..and then Grey gets to mourn you for the rest of his life and if you act careless, you’re taking time away from him.”
<Jo> “Are you applying this same theory for yourself? You realise you somehow got the most psychotic, murderous, uncaring creature I’ve ever met to feel something for the first time ever and you’re not even trying to patch things over or work out the kinks or help him get over the woman he fell in love with?”
<Anna> “Turning this on me isn’t a good way to get out of this conversation and he’s not the only one trying to get over tht other woman. But the point is I plan on being around whenever the time is right for us to talk if at all again.”
<Jo> “Sure it is, I’d much rather talk about you than me. I’m not /planning/ on dying.”
<Anna> “You aren’t doing anything to make anyone feel assured by that claim either.”
<Jo> “Why not? I don’t want to die. How is that not reassuring?” (sorry was making lunch)
<Anna> “Just..never mind you’ve never been in the place where you have to worry about someone. I don’t know how to make you relate.”
<Jo> “I try not to worry about others anymore. I swear it aged my mother ten years and then another ten after.”
<Anna> “Clearly.”
<Jo> “Course that’s a lie though.. I worried about the..other Anna? Is that what I should call you, er, her, um..”
<Anna> “I don’t know and you cared enough to hurt her. So..”*Anna shrugs*
<Jo> “That was a case of caring about my /mother/ more so than my not caring about her.”
<Anna> “Is all conversations like this? With Grey? You justifying your actions with the attitude that you’re in total control and not at fault at all?”
<Jo> “I’m not saying I wasn’t at fault there, I very very clearly was - but I was saying that I worried about her before. A lot.  …I dunno. Probably?”
<Anna> “And you wonder why he just did something like that?”
<Jo> “I told him I wouldn’t lie to him and say I wouldn’t do something reckless in order to get rid of Crowley…”
<Anna> “And the rest of the time?”
<Jo> “…I’m not going to promise not to put myself in danger to save others.”
<Anna> “What about because it’s a rush and there’s no one in danger?”
<Jo> “Sometimes if you don’t rush to get the job done, it’ll get out of reach and then someone could get hurt or worse later.”
<Anna> “Do you really hunt to save people or do you do it because like simply like it?”
<Jo> “…Why can’t it be both? Why’s everyone seperate them out as the only answers. I want to save people, I want to help people and I like to do both those things, but, yeah, I like hunting outside of that as well.”
<Anna> “Because you hide behind saving people like a shopping addict hides behind needing just one more top or it was on sale.”
<Jo> “Well I don’t. I want to stop other people losing their families, I want to do something which makes me happy too.”
<Anna> “Sure..but maybe you should start by saving Grey’s only family first.” *Anna walks off*
#5 - Post-mindwipe and post-Jo/Grey making up
<Jo> *missed that LOL*
<Anna> Soooooo
<Jo> ooooooo..?
<Anna> “Can I drive the car?”
<Jo> “No!”
<Anna> *Sigh*
<Jo> LOL
<Anna> =P
<Anna> “Jo”
<Jo> “…It rhymes with my name, and starts with an ‘n’.”
<Anna> “nacho?”
<Jo> “…You suck. You suck so so bad.”
<Anna> *Anna grins*
<Jo> “Not gonna happen.”
<Anna> “So we don’t ever go out for Mexican?”
<Jo> “God, can you just… Just go make friends with Grey or call up your guy or something. Annoy someone else too!”
<Anna> *Anna looks innocently at Jo.* “What am I doing to annoy you? I’m just asking questions, how am I supposed to know that we don’t go out for Mexican.”
<Jo> “Fuckin’ God and Mother help me.” *Jo rubs the bridge of her nose* “What were you going to ask /other/ than that you can drive then?”
<Anna> “If you wanted to go out for coffee.”
<Anna> “And not Mexican it seems.”
<Jo> “So long as theres some cake included..”
<Anna> *Anna laughs quietly*
<Jo> “I like sweets, alright. Shut up.”
<Anna> *Anna ticks off on her fingers* “Sweets, no nachos, no driving for me..”
<Jo> “Sounds about right”
<Anna> “I can see how you and Gray are alike, he says I’m also annoying.”
<Jo> “Yeah, but I’m sure he means it much more affectionately than I do.”
<Anna> “No not really, he sounded about as annoyed as you do.”
<Jo> “Yeah, but he /always/ sounds annoyed. …Mostly.”
<Anna> “Not always but when I’m teasing him like I am you right now, he does.”
<Jo> “That’s because you suck.”
<Anna> *Anna smiles* “I don’t remember, do I?”
<Jo> “Oh no, I think you know pretty well right now.” *Jo shakes her head, rubbing the back of her neck with a laugh*
<Anna> *Anna just smiles staring at Jo*
<Jo> “Coffee, cake. No car.”
<Anna> “I can drive while you eat your cake.”
<Jo> “/No!/”
<Anna> *Giggles*
<Jo> “You touch my sweetheart, I’ll touch yours.” *Jo teases back, sticking out her tongue*
<Anna> “But I don’t have a sweetheart.”
<Jo> “Gah! I will go, buy you something, make you enjoy it and it become important to you and /then/ touch it!”
<Anna> “That sounds dirty.”
<Jo> *Jo raises an eyebrow* “That’s really not dirty by my standards, angelcake.”
<Anna> “Clearly I have higher standards than you.”
<Jo> “/Clearly/.”
<Anna> “Jo.”
<Jo> “…What?”
<Anna> “Are we going for cake and coffee or are we going to stand about talking about touching things.”
<Jo> “…Fine, we’ll go for coffee and cake. You’re going to have to walk though.” *Jo shrugs a shoulder, fiddling with her jacket buttons*
<Anna> “Why do I have to walk?”
<Jo> “Well, someone blasted a shot gun round through my car window and they’re not being exactly quick at getting it fixed.”
<Anna> “Oh well, I have coffee here, I’ll just stay in where it’s warm.”
<Jo> “…You don’t have cake do you?”
<Anna> “Yes, I make pancakes sometimes.”
<Jo> “Fine, I’ll just bring some stuff around 'nd make my own.”
<Anna> “Alright but I don’t have fire insurance.”
<Jo> “Ah ha, I’m good in a kitchen. You can ask anyone. Except my mom.  I’ll be around soonish then.”
<Anna> “The door will be unlocked.”
<Jo> *Jo hangs up and stuffs a few things into a plastic bag before heading out, glad to have already thrown on her jacket and scarf thinking they were going somewhere else. It takes a while to walk, but when she gets there she just heads in and straight towards the fridge* “Please tell me you have better than my coffee at least. I ran out of filters yesterday.”
<Anna> *Anna has the heat up for Jo as she comes in and makes a bit of a face as Jo tracks snow across the floor.* “I have some stuff from the local coffee shop down the road and I have some of that necter sweetner instead of sugar.”
<Jo> “Anything better than instant is good with me. Though that’s awesome.” *Jo kicks her shoes back towards the door as she pulls her coat and scarf off, throwing them over the back of one of the small chairs after digging out Anna’s milk, eggs and butter* “You got any particular allergies to anythin’, Anna?”
<Anna> “No, not that I know off. Do you? Is there anything I should not buy when we are out together?” *Anna takes a mop and quickly cleans up the floor before throwing a towel infront of the door to block the draft coming under it.*
<Jo> *Jo bites down a smirk at Anna’s cleaning as she unpacks her own mmixing bowls, meausring jugs and other utensils, before starting to measure out from eggs and butter before pausing* “Where’s the flour? And no I don’t, I’ll eat basically anything. The more meat the better. Or sugar. One or other.”
<Anna> *Anna chokes as is Jo makes a comment about eating meat and sort of blushes.* “I’m sure, you do and flour is to your left, top of the cabinet in the white container.”
<Jo> “…What? What the heck were you just thinking?” *Jo gives Anna’s flush a curious glance, though her lips quirk up in the hint of a smirk as she’s certain she could guess. Turning to grab the container, struggling for a second to grab it out before spinning back around to continue adding vanilla essence and a mixing up some buttermilk before mixing together, feeling about in her bag for something*
<Anna> “I wasn’t thinking anything..” *Anna leans back against the counter not being used as she watches Jo with a bit of a raised brow.* “You are far more domestic than I would have pictured you.”
<Jo> “Uh huh, then what was the blush about, Anna dear?” *Smirking still, Jo gets the limes she was after out, quickly grating the rinds into the mix* “In pretty much this one and only way.” *Finishing the batter, she grabs four spoons out of the cutlery drawer before offering two out to Anna as she gets the baking tray and cupcake liners ready* “Help me with this?”
<Anna> *Anna shakes her head* “I’m not blushing about anything!” *Taking the cupcake liners she turns around starting to seperate them out and lay them out in rows.* “So did you learn this from your mom? Did she bake for all the other hunters?”
<Jo> “Mhmm, you sure Anna? You /sure/?” *Chuckling, Jo quickly squeezes and mixes in one of the limes’ juice to the batter before begining to spoon in to the liners, leaving two of the spoons for Anna to join in* “Mom cooked for them all, but I’m not the greatest chef about the place. I always had a sweet tooth so she showed me the ropes as a kid and I’d bake while she made more substantial things.”
<Anna> “I’m totally sure. You’re the one talking about how you like your meat.” *Anna smirks as she dips a finger in the bowl quickly, tasting the batter as Jo measures it out in the cups.* “I’ve never met your mother right?” Did d she know about us?“
<Jo> "Oh that’s what that was about? Well, I am a fan of a nice piece'a meat..” *Smiling, Jo whacks the others fingers when she goes for another taste, topping up each of the cupcakes until the batter was gone other than the remainder around the edges of the bowl. Pushing it and the spoons across to Anna, Jo sprinkles a tiny bit of salt on top of each cupcake before slipping them into the oven, and sucks her fingers off* “You have actually, though she’s spending most of her time down with Bobby these days. She knew, she didn’t really approve but she doesn’t approve of a lot of things.”
<Anna> *Anna yelps as Jo whacks her fingers but then takes the bowl, licking the spoon as she shakes her head.* “Well as long as you keep your meat out of the cupcakes we are good.” *Putting the spoon the sink she runs a finger around teh bowl.* “So your mother and Bobby are a couple?”
<Jo> *Snickering, Jo turns to Anna’s cupboards and grabs another bowl for her to start the frosting* “I don’t think I would ever try to mix my two favourite things like that. …I..don’t know? Sure? They’re my mom and Bobby. They’ll let me know if anything turns serious; so I’m expecting a call any day now.” *She laughs, smiling as she mixes some butter with the icing sugar before grabbing out the bottle of tequilla from her bag*
<Anna> *Anna raises a brow as Jo get the tequilla out of the bag obviously intending it to go into the icing.* “So then your totally cool with the idea of your mom and Bobby..ya know..doing it.” *Turning around she turns on the water and begins washing the bowls so that there isn’t anything piline up.* “I guess that’s cool that you would like your step dad if they ever get married.”
<Jo> *Measuring out a little more than she thinks the reciepe quite calls for, Jo continues to beat and mix the mix as she turns to watch the other, pulling a slightly face and pausing for a sip of the drink for herself* “I’d rather not /think/ about it, but.. Bobby’s a good guy. He’s always treated me and Mom well and its not like I couldn’t have seen it comin’ eventually.”
<Anna> *Anna laughs watching Jo take a drink as she talks about marriage and step dads.* “Well still it’s good that she’s happy. How would Bobby feel about having Grey as a step son-in-law with him being a monster and all?”
<Jo> *Jo almost drops the bowl, her grip slipping for a second and catching it only at the last second as she spins back around to face the other way as she starts whisking again at double the speed* “I just want Mom to be happy, she deserves it these days…” *She studiously avoids commenting on the other’s question, flushing brightly*
<Anna> *Anna raises a brow as she dries her hands off from washing the dishes, Jo’s usually not clumsy and she sort of smirks.* “Everyone should be, I’m sore Bobby and Grey will get a long well.”
<Jo> *Setting the bowl down, Jo takes another mouthful from the tequilla bottle, hissing slightly at the taste more than the burn* “First time they met Bobby shot Grey. Course, first time my Mom met Grey she also shot /at/ him. ….Mom’d have the same issue as Bobby, probably more, about what Grey was - Bobby…was..well, he’d be a bit of a hypocrite to be angry about me bein’ with one.” *Shrugging, Jo starts to mix up the icing again, getting the mix slowly but surely more light and fluffy* “Though I don’t think they’d be ending up with any son-in-law’s at any point.”
<Anna> “Too bad, I was just thinking that with all the shootings as first meetings we could do a double shotgun themed wedding. It would be cute and I’ve helped with other weddings at my parent’s church so I could organize it.” *Anna reaches over trying to get a taste of the icing as she watches Jo.*
<Jo> “I.. …Last time this ever got mentioned, it was well known I’d be the one with a shotgun on them, and I don’t think that’s the greatest…idea. Things are just..” *Jo sighs, not stopping Anna from stealing a taste before squeezing in some of the lime juice and sprinkling in a fair two pinches of salt* “Things aren’t exactly normal, right now.”
<Anna> “Things not being normal is an understatement but as long as things have a chance to become normal then there is hope.” *Anna smiles at Jo as she takes a glass and pours herself a shot of the alcohol.* “I think it would be worth it just to see you all dressed up like a girl for once anyway.”
<Jo> “Well, I have plans. Hopefully..” *Jo pulls a face at Anna, taking the bottle back and swigging a mouthful before setting it back down again* “Next time, I’m going to wear a dress over here. Get your girly fantasies of seeing me all pretty for you out of the way.”
<Anna> *Anna snorts* “You don’t have too make a special effort on my part.” *She wonders if Jo’s going to be sober by the time the cupcakes get done.* “So besides baking and shooting things what else do you do?”
<Jo> *Measuring out a small cup of the liqiud, Jo sets it to the side as she starts to mix up the icing again carefully folding in some of the lime rind but keeps a quarter of it untouched* “Oh no no, much easier for me to wow you with my feminine charms without going through all the trouble of organising a wedding.  …I mostly do research, help out other hunters, keep tabs on the bar. Work on making new weapons and such if I’m bored, build some things sometimes, work on my car and watch tv or movies mostly.”
<Anna> “Wow, you really are a tomboy.” *Anna chuckles as she steals another taste of the icing, licking it off her fingers.* “We could go out shopping at some point, there are a couple of malls it looks like or maybe catch a movie. I’m not sure how good I would be at building weapons.”
<Jo> “At least you’re not callin’ me butch.” *Jo laughs, watching Anna before just holding the whisk out to the other woman instead as the timer on her phone goes off and she checks the cupcakes, smiling when they’re the right amount of springy to the touch* “Neither of those sound like a bad idea. Except for the weapon work, I’m not letting you near my workspace. But a movie or shopping could be fun.”
<Anna> *Taking the whisk she happily takes care of the icing as she smirks at Jo, watching the blond woman happily cook away.* “Just don’t park the car next to it and I’m sure everything would be fine.” *Steping out of Jo’s reach she turns to wash the whisk once the icing is gone.*
<Jo> *Jo makes a sharp noise at the joke, shooting the other a dirty look as she begins to brush a small amount of the alcohol over the top of each of the cupcakes until the cup she’d set to the side was empty* “Like I say, shopping or a movie. Probably much less dangerous for /everyone/.” *Smirking back at the other, Jo leans against the counter setting another alarm for when she can start icing*
<Anna> “It was just one shot and I didn’t even hurt the car that bad, it was a flesh wound.” *Anna teases her more and she grabs another drink, the tequila burning going down.* “Let me guess if we go shopping, we have to go to the gun store after the shoe store right?”
<Jo> “I guess I’m going to go ahead and paint it black with just a /hint/ of red next time then?” *Jo snickers back, continuously pressing at the top of one of the cupcakes before going to start making up her typical DIY piping bags* “Nah, I have a guy I go to for most of mine, or at least the ones I care about. Make most of my own salt rounds and order the silver and iron from him; so no gun stores necessary. …Might need to go to the comic shop or game store though, I’m trying to understand what the hell Harry goes on about more.”
<Anna> “Oh! I found the gun I want, I bet you could modify it. I was looking online and there’s one that’s pink with Hello Kitty on it and another that’s purple with a unicorn.” *Anna is saying this with a totally straight face as she watches Jo make her own piping bags, remembering her mother doing the same.* “Harry once spent a whole afternoon explaining the mechanics of a game, not sure what it was.*
<Jo> *Jo blinks back at Anna, face twisting into a horrified and disgusted look as she tries to invision that such a thing exists before shaking her head* "Ah ha, no.  But yeah, Harry’s strange. And Grey used to play a lot of video games though..I don’t know, I haven’t spotted him doing it recently but I figure its easier to learn in advance.” *Setting down the bag, she starts to cut the lime with rind into little wedges for decorating*
<Anna> *Anna bursts out into laughter at Jo’s expression as she describes the guns she saw online and she spares Jo the girly looking protection gear she saw as well.* “Those two seem like they would get a long really well, Harry really likes his games and comic books, he once spent a whole shift giving me a lecture of Marvel vs DC.”
<Jo> “Trust me, they do. Swear its like watching two teenagers, except they have very stupid thoughts that Spiderman and Iron Man are better than Batman.” *She can’t help but snicker to herself, knowing exactly what that lecture sounds like after several rounds of it with the geeky researcher. Feeling the top of the cupcakes again, she decides to just ignore her timer and start piping out icing*
<Anna> “Oh lord you are one of them too.” *Anna grins as she tries to make a grab for the first cupcake Jo finishes.* “How did Harry get into this life, he seems so far removed from someone who would be a hunter.” *Pausing she looks at Jo.* “He is human right?”
<Jo> “You thought any differently?” *Jo lets out a laugh, giggling to herself as she smacks Anna’s hand before studding the top of the icing swirl with a small slice of lime and then handing it over* “Harry’s definitely human. He and his friends were always into ghosts and they…did, you know those reality ghost hunting tv shows? They were doing one. But..online and not really popular.”
<Anna> “And just when I thought he couldn’t get any more of a geek.” *Anna takes the lime off that Jo put on there and sets it aside as she peels the paper off the cupcake and takes a bit. It’s really good even though she’s surpised how much it tastes like the drink.* “This is good Jo!”
<Jo> “Yeah well, he didn’t really appreciate my calling him and his friends hackjobs the first time we talked, but he’s actually pretty good at this stuff. Guess it sort of appeals to the geeky side, right?” *Smiling at the other’s reaction, Jo continues to make up the rest, putting a sliver of lime rind on some while wedges on others and sprinkling a small bit of salt ontop each* “Yeah? Well, I have had a lot of practice. Should have asked what you like first but..I had the stuff for these ones.”
<Anna> *Anna doesn’t say anything else till the cupcake is gone and she’s licking her fingers.* “Next time strawberry maybe?” *She’s relaxed and she’s really enjoyed just hanging out with Jo lately, it’s nice to have a friend again.* “Oh maybe chocolate with cherries and rum.”
<Jo> *Scrunching up the baking paper piping bag as she finishes, Jo smiles back at Anna as she tosses the sheet in the trash before picking up a cupcake herself* “I could do that. I’ve been trying to make a cherry cola rum one but haven’t quite got the right amount of cherry to cola yet. Though chocolate would probably be easier, actually.”
<Anna> “Oh chocolate and strawberries, that would be so good.” *Anna thinks the colo and cherries sounds good too.* “I’ll help you test out any thing you want to try, you can use my kitchen anytime. If you ever get out of hunting, you should open a bakery.”
<Jo> “I think you and Grey are going to be fighting over my baking now.” *Laughing, Jo makes her way through her cupcake, holding the wedge of lime in one hand as she licks up the icing before squeezing the juice over the top of the cake and eating the rest* “We’ll if we do go shopping, can always come back and try out some things after. …A bakery? That’s..a funny mental image, Anna, gotta admit.”
<Anna> “I think you could do an amazing business, do it after hours, serve these with the drink they match. And Grey can bite me, I call dibs on anything you bake.” *Anna takes the lime wedge and squeezes it onto the cake part before biting into it.*
<Jo> “Next thing you know, Harry’ll hustle in and try to get me to make themed cupcakes for things like new movies or DnD stuff.” *She chokes on a laugh at Anna saying Grey can bite her, coughing as she takes a mouthful of her own cake as she has the mental image* “I think he might have already, but you’re welcome to battle it out. Or I’ll just make seperate batches for each of you!”
<Anna> *Anna’s head snaps up as Jo says Grey already has and she has a look of panic on ehr face.* “Wait, please tell me that we haven’t he..Grey, your Grey and I ..oh my God I am the town bicycle. Did Harry and I? I thought it was just you and Gray, my Gray..” *Anna reaches for whats left in the bottle.*
<Jo> *Jo stares back at Anna before collapsing into laughing again, holding out a hand* “No! No no no! I meant he already called dibs! You’ve only been with me and your monster, and Dean but I didn’t know back then.” *She shakes her head, trying not to flush as she tries to think about any of what Anna suggested*
<Anna> “Oh thank heavens..I..just I am not like that!” *Anna blushes as Jo is laughing at her and she thinks this is karma for the car.* “You could have just said that he called dibs..”
<Jo> *Jo shrugs, still laughing to herself before her phone goes off. Looking at it confusedly and realising it was a call from a different hunter, she steals another cupcake and packs up her things - still joking with Anna and promising they’ll work out another day to hang out soon - Jo heads off towards the bar to make sure the book needed was ready for the other before heading home again*
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