#so sorry to my mom and aunt
stravacious · 1 year
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gary’s twin sister, nadine!!
i’m a sucker for the bonnie & neddy episode :’)
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froody · 2 months
My now deceased distant cousin left a series of nasty 1 star yelp reviews on my dad’s business after he cheated on my mom and tried to fuck her over in the divorce. Not only did they air his dirty laundry but they also highlighted the other reviews that criticized his performance at his job. Did they stay up? No. Was it a moral thing to do? Maybe not. Was it funny? Oh my god yes. Made funnier by the fact she was related to my dad, not my mom. Imagine being publicly reamed out by your long lost cousin who was given up for adoption in the 60s and recently got back in touch with the family.
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buglaur · 2 years
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calloway family reunion ✧
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obsessedwithlute · 6 months
Cherrisnake lover here! Can we see what a first date might be like for them?
I am certain that by this ask, you did not mean "Modern AU where Emily pays for their whole date because she's sick of seeing them dance around each other for years and they go see Hamilton".
Alas, I cannot control myself.
Contains swearing, queerphobia (specifically transphobia), slander of religion, people using religion as an excuse to discriminate and possible implications of child abuse and anxiety.
Pentious’s hands were shaking as he stood at Cherri’s apartment door, trying to work up the courage to knock. I’m still five minutes early, he told himself. I’ve got time. He clutched the bag with two priceless tickets to Hamilton inside, reminding himself that Cherri had agreed to this and he had planned it to perfection and really, what’s the worst that could happen? Hmm, I don’t know. I could be humiliated forever and cry myself to sleep for the next month.
Cherri doesn’t like cowards. She’s into bravery and all that. I’m only lowering my chances by hiding out here.
Pentious lightly banged his fist against Cherri’s door and waited for a few seconds that felt like eternity.
The door clicked open and Cherri stood in front of him, lightly smirking. Don’t blush don’t blush don’t- Goddamnit, he could feel the blood rush to his cheeks. After some awkward silence, Pentious uncovered in himself the otherworldly determination it took to whisper, “Hi.”
He cursed himself.
“I mean, um- hello!” he blurted. Stop stop stop code red you are actively making this worse-
“Hello to you too,” Cherri responded, a sarcastic but kind smile stretching across her face. She grabbed Pentious by the arm and dragged him into her apartment. He fumbled in his bag for the tickets and handed one to Cherri.
“H-here,” he stammered. “Please don’t think this is, like… too much for a first date… Emily gave me the tickets so…” Jesus Christ, Pentious what are you thinking don’t tell her that!!!
“Are you kidding me?? You know I love musicals, don’t apologize… But you will be sitting through my terrible Angelica impression on the way back so… just wanted to warn you.” Cherri smirked again.
Pentious smiled. “I am well known in my friend group for my horrid George Washington voice.”
Cherri nodded and turned her back to remove her coat from the hook it sat on. “Hm, well I must say I find horrid George Washington voices very sexy.” Before Pentious could respond to that, she held up a finger and hissed, “I said what I said.”
Cherri and Pentious walked to the subway station and after a twenty-minute wait due to some hold-up, collapsed into the comfortable train seats.
Pentious reached in his pocket for the cards he had prepared. The first read, in last night’s tired, drunk scrawling ASK HER FAVORITE COLOR.
He obeyed himself, turned to Cherri, and asked, “What’s your favorite color?” 
“Red, you know, like blood,” she said absentmindedly. “Why?”
“Oh, um no reason, just, you know, get to you know shit and all that, even though I mean, like, we've been friends for years, I should probably know your… OH FUCK! I mean, dammit! Um- Sorry for swearing… There are little children here… fuck it…”
“You’re capable of swearing?” Cherri asked incredulously. “You seem so… innocent… like one of those people who apologizes for saying, like, heck.”
“Um… it’s something that I accidentally do whenever I’m nervous- I try to work on it but often fail, and you’re referring to Emily, not me.”
“Don’t remind me…”
“Of the time she basically got on her knees and begged forgiveness for saying gosh?”
“Blame her upbringing,” Cherri scoffed. “And Sera. And the church.”
“Mostly the church,” Pentious agreed.
“A-hem,” a brunette woman coughed from across the train. She stood up and began to march over towards Cherri and Pentious. “I will not hear the good god-fearing community slandered in the vicinity of my young, impressionable children. And I will certainly not tolerate that propaganda pinned to your shirt, ma’am.” She pointed to the transgender flag and he/him pins on Pentious’s shirt, clearly taking a look at his visible hips.
Cherri stood up. “Hello, what are your name and pronouns?” she asked, a fake-sweet smile on her face.
“I have very strong words to say to you, but unlike you young miscreants, I won’t allow them to taint my mouth,” she said.
A second woman, this one in a leather jacket, left the herd of children the brunette had been ushering on the train and stepped next to her. “Sis, we both know your mouth is already tainted. And if you can’t stand these people insulting your ‘good community’ in front of your impressionable children, why don’t you go spend some time with those children, instead of just insulting their clothing like you have all night?”
The brunette turned to leave, but before she did so, she eyed Cherri, Pentious and her sister, and told them, “You should ask God for forgiveness.”
She turned on her heel and stalked off.
“I am so sorry,” the woman in leather said. “She was completely out of line.” “Please make sure she doesn’t rub off on those kids too much,” Cherri told her at the same time Pentious said, “Forget about us, just worry about those poor children.” The woman smiled. “You too are such a cute couple- don’t worry; I’m not making some stupid ‘people of opposite genders in public- ooh, they must be dating’ assumption. You’re just obviously compatible!”
“Oh, um, well-” Pentious blushed. Again. Fuck.
“It’s just our first date,” Cherri finished.
“I see,” the woman in leather said, nodding. She removed a small notebook and pen from her pocket, ripped out a page and scribbled something on it.
She handed it to them and smiled. “Here’s my number. Call me when you get engaged so I can show up at your wedding.” “Our what?” Cherri demanded. The woman just smiled and left.
After their stop was called, Cherri and Pentious looked at each other, simultaneously shrugged and just laughed.
Suddenly, Pentious gasped. “We’re going to be late, we need to fucking run!”
“Okay, then let’s run!” Cherri yelled, grabbing Pentious by the wrist again and basically dragging them out of the station.
Once they’d finally made it to the theater and dodged death a few times, Pentious was gasping and Cherri was barely breaking a sweat.
“How… are you… so fast?” he demanded between breaths.
“I did cross-country in high school. Come on, we can’t miss anything!!” she yelled.
Finally, they managed to make it to the theater and settled into their seats. Somewhere between “The Schuyler Sisters” and “Right Hand Man”, Cherri and Pentious’s hands found each other.
After the show, Cherri and Pentious bought pretty much their weight in Hamilton merch (Emily was sponsoring their whole date, anyway, what did it matter?) and called an Uber- they were not in the mood for another wonderful subway experience.
Waiting in the dark, they talked about a lot of things they just hadn’t had time to discuss before, smiled, laughed, and got a little emotional.
Their Uber arrived and dropped Cherri off at her house, then drove Pentious the rest of the way to his.
The next morning, Pentious’s phone lit up with one text from Cherri: So, what flavor cake should we have? Wouldn’t want to let the cool aunt down.
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tobisiksi · 8 months
saiki really enjoys TV drama, rumors abt famous? yes, fights between contestants of a program? yes, reality shows? yes, novels?? yes yes YES
he's so into it, he also knows a lot abt tv culture, he is those type of guys whom only way to express themselves are thought tv references
I can't say an example bc I only know about argentinian tv culture but he would often reference some phases from his favourites shows
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kaidabakugou · 8 months
the new girl at one of my favorite bakeries called me pretty this morning and it literally melted all my stress away 🥺
#kai.rambles#i was feeling sad bc my grandma is in the hospital and when i went to visit her they wouldn’t let me pass bc my license is expired#which okay ik that’s my fault but i took my passport with me just in case and the guy straight up told me that it wasn’t a valid form of id#and im like yeah tf it is ITS A PASSPORT and he said no#and while i was waiting for my mom to come down to the lobby an old lady came in and he turned her away for the same thing#and dudeee okay you turn me away fine fuck off but an old ladyyy??? at that age they don’t pay attention to that just let her pass#and then he argued with another woman bc she brought a flower arrangement and it had water so he couldn’t allow it HELLOOO??!?#so i had to leave and went to go get breakfast for my mom at least bc she stayed the night and i was supposed to stay the day#and when i came back to give her the food she told me that the nurse that was with my grandma asked what happened bc she wasn’t expecting#my mom to return and when my mom told her she immediately got so angry bc that same guy#didn’t allow her and a couple other nurses to bring in a cake for one of the residents#who’s birthday is today and they had a full on argument this morning#so it was all in all awful and now my mom has been there for more than 20 hours until later tonight when my aunt goes over :(#anyway this turned into a whole rant im sorry but im so mad bc i know for a FACT that a passport is a valid form of id#and he was just being a fkn dick#but the girl called me pretty and it took some stress off and she really liked my blush#and i liked hers so we had a little makeup 101 exchange and it was so nice at least 🥺#and i have a couple cute asks to answer that have made my day as well so i’ll get to those in a few 🥰
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theloveinc · 4 months
how is the UK!!!!!
gwen!!!🥰🥰🥺🥺you are sooo sweet for asking, thank you so much for the interest!!💕
aside from my family driving me literally. insane. and the fact i got my period w/o warning, it’s been really wonderful so far, and this is only my third morning?
i spent the last two days in my cousin’s apartment, mostly walking around her neighborhood in London trying to figure out what’s going on lol, but yesterday we made it to the country to help prep for my other cousin’s wedding this weekend and that’s been nice too. It’s really, really beautiful out here:
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there’s still a lot of this trip to go so i feel a little boring having only done this so far (esp cuz my favorite store is literally just boots of all places, the drugstore) but I’m excited for what else is to come! Especially the food and seeing/meeting all my family’s pets (here’s only a few of them):
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(oh and i forgot, all the new babies that have been born since my last visit too LOL… there’s at least… six of them i think. maybe seven)
But i’ll def post more updates / pictures along the way if i take anything good to make sure you can see too if u want! I’m really hoping once i feel a bit better from my jet lag/period that i cheer up a bit and get more into the traveling spirit🖤🖤🖤and also make my fics for Gaza post to work on when im home!!
Thank u so much again for asking!!! It means so much to me! Since you’re in Australia(?) i wanna ask what’s some fun stuff you’ve been up to, too, cuz it will all sound new to me?? But other than that, i LOVE U berry much gwenny💘
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asexualjedi · 5 days
Thinking about how even if things like turn around amazingly. Best case my mom only has 2-5 years left. And like. Getting big mad thinking about how little most of her siblings has visited. Like. Especially her sister. Which she’s the aunt who broke into my home who I’ve mentioned before so this shitty behavior isn’t. Like. Super surprising. But. Shit sucks man. I hope I’m never like that to my siblings or friends.
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natbplease · 30 days
hatred and contempt and wrath and malice is stored in the last five minutes of how i met your mother
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
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royalarmyofoz · 7 months
for the first time i had a dream where my mom wasn't still alive. i referred to her in the past tense and i knew she wasn't with us anymore. i know those things sound so basic but it's kind of revolutionary for me. for ten years ive had dreams where she's here and i can "get back to normal" i guess. having those recurring themes really fucks with your head too. felt like i was gaslighting myself. funny thing is, in the dream where i refer to her as gone, i was talking to my old cat who's been dead for 5 years. so like? one giant step forward and a tiny step backwards
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 days
So round two of family drama briefly happened again tonight and despite trying to sleep, I was still just this the whole time:
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minglana · 27 days
my mom told me that my grandma is probably gonna pass away soon and all i can think is that i prefer this to it being so sudden bc w her (and my grandpa) ive had yrs to mourn and accept the fact that they (mentally) werent here w us. meanwhile w my other grandma i had literally a months notice to process the news (its been 3 yrs and i have not grown around the grief that everyone says you grow around).
so i keep telling myself that this is better, i already knew her time was coming. ive known for YEARRRSSSSSS. she hasnt recognized any of us in the family in at least 4 or 5 years and she barely utters any comprehensible string of words at all. and still. still i feel like shit for it
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pollenallergie · 9 months
do people with adhd have special interests? do we do that? cause i’ve been in my free willy shark week marine biology era for a solid decade now and like shit has not changed.
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heartsofminds · 11 months
getting married and having kids is the farthest thing away from my 21 year old mind, but i can’t wait to have my own family and not have to rely on both shitty sides of mine for holidays. obviously know how lucky i am to have them, but don’t love how they talk about me or the migraines they give me over every small detail revolving plans!! because i’m always the liar and the melodramatic one, of course! 🤩
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ginnyrules27 · 3 months
You know how people say 'write what you know'? Yeah, sometimes writing what you know might seem completely insane and completely implausible.
Take for instance using things that happened in my family. If I were to have a scene where characters got into a feud over one character using another character's enema bag, people might think that would be too out of character for anyone to be that stupid. Such a thing has happened in my family's history. It devastated my late-Great Aunts because you can't get rubber-tipped enema bags anymore, only plastic.
Or if I were to have a character sneak out in the dead of night to save a china cabinet from other characters who wanted it for themselves even though said cabinet was several miles away, it might seem insane. My father drove from Fairfax VA to Buffalo, New York to claim my great-grandmother's china cabinet that my grandmother wanted my mom to have but my great-aunts also wanted it and my grandmother sobbed on the phone to my mother about it.
Or if I were to have a character shout 'dad, dad, mom's gonna show her feet' when her mother is about to show her gnarled, bunion and hammer-toed ridden feet to her daughter's boyfriend who was there for the second time...yeah I don't know how people would react because it seems like something no one would do, doesn't it? Replace 'character' with 'my mother' and you have the story of the second time my dad met my mom's parents.
I have more stories about how out there my extended family is but this post is getting long enough. So if there's a moment in my fics where a scenario seems unlikely to happen to someone in real life...I give you my real life lol :D
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