#so sorry to my non Richie-obsessed followers
areslikestodraw · 9 months
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Tarot card #1 is finished! (My 1st time using procreate lol)
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tozierswheelers · 7 years
the losers club’s master plan [r.t.]
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Pairing: Richie Tozier x reader
Summary: Richie realizes just how much of a badass you are one day and realizes that he’s liked you for a long time. He proceeds to ask the losers for help, not knowing that they’ve been waiting for this day to arrive.
(sorry. this was written while I was half asleep.)
That was the only word you could think of as you looked at the boy who stood in front of you, running his mouth at the speed of light. He was talking to you about god knows what but you couldn’t help but stare, nodding your head slightly to make it seem as though you were paying attention.
“(Y/N)!” Richie shouted, snapping his fingers in your face.
You jolted out of your stupor, blinking rapidly as you focused on Richie’s mouth. The words he was saying, that is. Not the way his lips looked chapped yet soft and how your mind couldn’t help but wonder...
You shook your head, snapping yourself out of your thoughts once more.
“Were you listening to anything I said?” Richie asked loudly.
You shook your head sheepishly. “No. But knowing you, you were either talking about your wang, Eddie’s mom’s vagina, or the mullet wearing asshole known as Henry Bowers.”
Richie barked out a laugh before shaking his hair in your face. “Feel that! Feel that shit (Y/N)!”
You rolled your eyes as you ran your hands through his hair, missing the way Richie grinned at your actions. You couldn’t help but notice how soft it was, even though it was all tangled.
“Its wet because he dunked my head in the motherfucking toilet,” Richie spoke, a pleased smirk inching across his face.
“Richie!” you yelped, wiping your hand on his button-down.. “That’s gross!”
“I know rig-”
Richie’s response was cut off as someone plowed into him, throwing him to the ground. You groaned internally as you heard the familiar clicking of a lighter. 
Where there was Patrick, there was most likely Henry.
You were correct. Henry Bowers appeared right in front of you, picking up a strand of hair and twirling it around his finger. 
“Hey (Y/N),” Bowers greeted. “You know, I still don’t understand why you hang out with this loser when I’ve offered you my company various times.”
You sneered in disgust at his words, backing away from him slightly.
“Because, why would she want an almost nonexistent wang when she can just have mine?” Richie’s voice rang out, causing you to snort.
You noticed Henry step towards Richie and intervened, grabbing Richie’s hands and pulling him up to his feet. You proceeded to walk away when you hear Henry mutter something under his breath.
You felt Richie being pulled back and turned to see Henry grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
“Hey!” Richie cried. “Let go of me you dick-sucking fucker.”
Henry smirked as he pushed Richie up against a wall, holding him still as he pulled his fist back. As Henry moved to hit the curly-haired angel boy, you did the only thing you could think of: intervene.
Everyone went quiet at the dull thud that was heard as Henry’s fist met your face.
“What the fuck,” you heard Richie whisper. 
You felt yourself stumble back, not really thinking about your actions as you imitated Henry, rearing back your fist and letting it fly.
All hell broke loose as Henry crumpled to the ground. Patrick dropped his lighter in shock and you blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
“What. The. FUCK!” Richie screeched once more, breaking you out of your stupor. In one swift motion, you scooped up Patrick’s lighter and entangled your hand with Richie’s, tugging him along as you sprinted towards the quarry. 
You both made there in record time, with you making sure that you weren’t being followed and Richie sputtering out curses as he tried to make sense of what had happened.
The rest of the Losers sat up straight as they heard Richie’s shouts. They were met with the sight of the two of you breathing heavily, hands intertwined, with Richie staring at you in awe.
The Losers all shared knowing glances as you came to a stop in front of them.
“So guys, anything new?” Beverly asked first, glancing down at your joined hands. 
Richie followed her gaze before looking up at you, a bright blush blooming on his face. You shrugged nonchalantly and let go of his hand, tossing the lighter at Beverly before making your way to the edge of the quarry, ridding yourself of your dress as you did so. “I don’t know, Bev. You tell me.”
The Losers all recognized Patrick’s lighter and stared at you in shock as you dived into the water. Getting no response, they all turned to Richie, who began to ramble about what you had done. 
He enthusiastically told them all about the way you had taken a punch from Bowers before proceeding to deliver an equally devastating one yourself.
“She just reared back her first and BAM! It hit Bowers right in the fucking jaw!” Richie exclaimed. “He went down and she just took Patrick’s lighter like some kind of trophy. Speaking of which, hey Bev, can I have it?”
The rest of the Losers shared knowing smiles as Bev tossed the lighter towards Richie. “Sure Rich. You can have it.”
Richie caught it with a grin before he stuffed it into his pocket and began to strip. ”C’mon guys! What the fuck are we standing around here like a group of dumbasses for?”
The next day found the Losers in the exact same position as the day before. 
Beverly, Ben, Bill, Mike, and Stan had been lounging around the quarry, waiting for you, Eddie, and Richie.
They were soon joined by Eddie & Richie, the curly-haired boy talking non-stop as Eddie groaned loudly.
“For once in your life, shut the fuck up Richie!” Eddie exclaimed, running a hand through his hair.
“What’s g-g-going on guys?” Bill asked, slightly bewildered at Eddie’s actions. 
“He won’t shut up about (Y/N),” Eddie said, glaring slightly at Richie. “He’s obsessed with her!”
Richie flushed as he shook his head, vehemently denying Eddie’s claim. “No I’m not!”
“Richie, do you like (Y/N)?” Ben asked softly, already knowing the answer.
Richie looked down at his shoes. “She’s fucking cool, y’know?”
Hearing no noise, Richie looked up to see each of the Losers handing Ben and Mike fifty cents. 
“Hey!“ Richie shouted. “You fuckers were placing bets on me and my fucking feelings?”
The Losers looked at him, guilty smiles on their faces.
“In our defense,” Beverly started. “We’ve known that you like her for a long time. We were placing bets on how long it’d take for you to figure it out.”
Richie’s anger soon melted away, however, when Patrick’s lighter fell out of his pocket.
“Guys!” he cried. “I still can’t believe she fucking decked Bowers! I mean, is there anything she can’t fucking do?”
“B-b-beep beep R-r-richie,” Bill stuttered when he saw you approach.
Richie twirled around, his cheeks immediately flushing as he noticed you leaving your bike next to his. “Hey (Y/N/N)!”
You flushed slightly, glancing up at Richie’s big brown eyes. “Hey Rich.”
The Losers all rolled their eyes at the interaction, Mike even snorting as he noticed Richie swoon at your nickname for him. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Richie cracking jokes and you laughing at every single one while the Losers hatched a plan to try and get you two together.
You groaned as you trudged up the hill, Beverly walking alongside you. The rest of the boys had sprinted up earlier, Richie leading them as he taunted them about their speed.
You smiled as you finally arrived at the top, seeing the boys laying out blankets on the grass.
“I’m so tired, I need to sit down,” you complained loudly, slowing down as you approached the group.
“I got somewhere special you can sit right here doll,” Richie chimed, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face as he patted his lap.
The Losers all stared in shock, jaws dropping as they heard his words. 
“That’s not how you get the girl dumbass.” Eddie hissed in Richie’s ear, causing Richie to smirk even wider.
“Fucking watch me,” he whispered back.
The rest of the day was spent with Richie making suggestive comments and you blushing, as the Losers all exhibited varying degrees of disbelief, Eddie facepalming everytime Richie said or did something inappropriate.
When you were making your way back to the quarry, Richie slowed down a bit before whistling slightly. “Hey (Y/N)! Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you got a pretty sweet ass.”
Eddie immediately turned around, mouth open in horror as he punched him, not noticing the way you looked down and blushed before walking off once more.
Once all of you had reached the quarry and jumped into the water, Richie had made yet another comment. “Hey (Y/N/N). Wanna go on a ate with me? I’ll give you the ‘D’ later.”
This time, Eddie had squeaked and pushed him under the water. You, on the other hand, had thrown your head back and basically cackled, causing Beverly’s eyebrow to arch.
You were walking home when you felt someone behind you. You turned to see Bill and Beverly standing behind you, matching smirks on their faces.
“You like Richie!” Beverly exclaimed, walking faster and throwing her arm around your shoulders. You opened your mouth to deny her statement, but you were cut off by Bill.
“D-d-don’t try to deny i-i-it. We s-s-saw you blushing,” a smug smile made its way across his face. 
Your face flushed at his statement, before you began muttering weak protests.
“You know he likes you too right?” Beverly asked you. You quickly shook your head.
“No he doesn’t. Why would he?”
Bill frowned slightly. “W-w-why wouldn’t he? You’re r-r-really pretty.”
You shook your head, causing Bev and Bill to exchange upset glances. 
They were gonna make sure you and Richie ended up together.
You woke up the next morning and headed to the quarry (big surprise). When you got there, Eddie and Richie were already waiting for you.
You walked over to them just in time for Eddie to tumble to the ground.
“Eddie! Are you alright?” you exclaimed.
“I’m alright but do you have a Band-Aid?” he asked. “I think I scraped my knee falling for you.”
You blushed and chuckled slightly, missing the angry look on Richie’s face.
This continued on for a while until the rest of the Losers arrived. By that point, however, Richie was fuming and proceeded to push Eddie into the water. Unfortunately, you were standing too close and got pulled in, shrieking as you and Eddie fell into the water.
You helped Eddie out and you both proceeded to rejoin the rest of the Losers. To your surprise, you were met with a smiling Mike holding a towel out for you. 
He led you over to a rock, wrapping you up in the towel and then joining you, keeping you in the sun to make sure you dried off properly.
Richie pouted as he watched, his bottom lip sticking out more than the Losers thought was possible. He couldn’t help but feel the jealousy bubble as he observed you and Mike.
You threw your head back as you laughed at a cheesy joke Mike had told you, causing Richie’s heart to flutter. His attention, however, was caught by Mike when the young boy proceeded to turn towards him and smirk, a quick wink being directed towards Richie.
Richie clenched his fists as he realized what the Losers were doing. He spun around, facing them.
“You fuckers,” he hissed. “I know exactly what the fuck you’re doing. You know I fucking like her!”
Beverly stared at him, smiling innocently. “Seeing as how you weren’t doing much, Mike decided to try his luck with her. If he fails, then we’ll see how well I do. I mean, look at her Richie. She’s gorgeous. Somebody will come along and scoop her up if none of us do.”
Richie knew. He saw Beverly’s damn smirk. He knew that they were just testing him, trying to see how far they could go before he snapped. Unfortunately, he had never been good at controlling his emotion and as he felt his feet move in your direction, he mentally cursed the Losers in his head.
You were still laughing when Richie approached, a nervous smile on his face.
“Richie, what-” you were interrupted by Richie grabbing your hand and pulling you up. He had underestimated his strength, however, and you were sent sprawling into his chest, his arms coming to wrap themselves around your waist.
In a quick smooth (not really) motion, Richie leant down, tentatively capturing your lips with his. You responded eagerly, your hand shyly coming up and entangling itself in his hair.
You broke apart when you heard some slapping and looked towards the Losers to see Mike high fiving everyone. 
“Well, it looks like my job here is done,” he smirked.
“Hey, what the fuck guys?” Richie cried.
“W-w-we all knew y-y-you were too m-m-much of a p-p-pussy to say anything Rich. S-s-so we decided to s-s-s-speed up the process,” Bill chimed.
You locked eyes with Richie and smiled. “Glad to know you like me too trashmouth.”
Richie grinned stupidly. “Well thank fuck for their dumbass plan.”
Richie took your hand and pulled you in closer, wrapping his arms around you once more as you both tried to ignore the coos of excitement coming from the rest of the Losers.
Tags: @delicrieux
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stozier where Stan is feeling dumb and miserable because he got like a “c” on something and richie comforts him and is super kind and maybe when Stan says he’ll never understand rich offers to tutor? (Cus in the book richie is technically a genius)
This is one of my favourite tropes and since I’m a ducker for school au’s I’m more than happy to do this!!
And once again I have mini series Stozier in my mind while writing!
Stan has always liked math. He likes that everything in it has it’s place and certain rules to obey. Everything has it’s order one has to follow and there is no place for stepping off the path.
Altough he has never had bigger problems with those classes, (he can boast about having straight A’s throughout the years in the high school) his so-called winning streak has been broken now, in the middle of his junior year, when the flu that swept him off his legs, forced him to stay at home for two weeks.
He, good student as he is of course, tries to gather all of the notes, but before he is able to even sit straight in his bed, let alone read and focus on anything, the new topic has been taken by the teacher. He tries his best to understand what is going on but the longer he looks at the numbers and letters in his notebook the less it all make sense. He refuses to ask anyone for help and he regrets it big time - as soon as he comes back to school, his class write a test on this topic.
When the techer gives them their papers back a week later, the big red C (you can do better than this, Stanley!) is glaring at Stan and he feels his heart sink. It’s his first this bad grade, he wouldn’t even mind B that much, but C? It almost screams Cretin at him and he’s so close to tear the paper here and there.
The bell rings and everyone rushes to the door to finally leave the school for today, but Stan can’t move from his place still looking, almost obsessively, at his failure (being failure). The only person who is now in the classroom with him is Richie who decided to wait for his friend.
“And here we can see a rare specimen of Stan the Man in his natural habi-” the voice dies in Richie’s throat when he notices Stan’s wet eyes the moment they meet his. Stan quickly wipes them with the sleeve of his shirt, turning back to his paper. “Hey Stannie, are you okay?”
The concern in Richie’s voice makes Stan look at him again and without speaking a word he shows him his test. 
“It’s not a biggie, you know? You were absent and it’s not your fault.” Richie tries to sound reassuringly, being aware of how important it is to Stan. 
“No excuses, Rich. It is my fault because I don’t understand it, and I don’t understand it because I’m dumb.” Stan’s voice is harsh and Richie sees in his eyes that he has set up his mind and changing it will be harder than he thinks.
Stan gets up and throws his test into his bag. He wants to leave as soon as possible, but before he manages to take a step, he feels warm hand catching his wrist. He looks surprised at Richie, who gets up as well and is now facing him. Stan has to raise his head a bit, Richie really has outgrown him.
“Come on, Stan, you know it’s not true. You’re the smartest guy I know and the fact that you tripped once doesn’t change that.” Stan feels the hand moving from his wrist, cupping his own, squeezing slightly. They used to do it a lot in kindergarten, a small gesture of support for one another. They had to stop though, because the older they got, the weirder it felt. Stan is glad that Richie hasn’t forgotten. 
“I can help you if you want?” Richie seems to be unsure for a moment, but quickly adds in his usual loud voice “I don’t want to boast but I got A, you know. A like amazing, and amazing is my second name!” 
Stan finally gives in and smiles looking at their tangled hands. 
“Fine. I think I may use the help of Richard Amazing Tozier, to be honest. You can come over today, eat dinner with us and then help me study.”
“Splendid!” the redhead exclaimed, letting go of Stan and placing his hand on his friend’s back, leading him out of the classroom. “So, my handsome apprentice, what dainties is your lovely mother going to prepare today?”
After the dinner, when they both settle on Stan’s bed with a plate of chocholate cookies and notebooks, Stan doesn’t feel so confident anymore. He knows damn well he is able to understand it, but he knows there’s a wall between him and this topic build out of his insecurities.
Richie notices it and gives him a playful shove, smiling, his eyes saying “you got this”. He then proceeds to explain everything step by step and show the use of formula on two examples. Explained by someone else it all seem to finally start making sense, and Stan thinks he gets this but when Richie says that it’s his turn to do some tasks, worries creep their way back again.
“I’ll give you a cookie for every finished exercise” Richie says his mouth full of chocolate, pointing at the remaining three on the plate, earning a chuckle from Stan. 
Stan struggles at first one but he finishes it all alone. The second one seems easier but still he has to scratch a lot when he messes up. He looks with distaste at the page but lets it be. He approaches the third one calmly and steadily and he does it almost without any mistake.
“You see? I told you!” Richie bumps his fist against his friend’s shoulder, smiling widely. “You should do some more, just to get used to it. But we’re out of cookies.”
“It’s okay, I can do it without a reward.” Stan shrugs it off, turning the page in his notebook.
“The ultimate treat from Mr. Tozier is a kiss, you know?” Richie says, sticking his lips out and making loud clicking noises.
Stan’s heart skips a beat. He blinks few times, his cheeks painting pink but when he realized that Richie is joking, all he can do is to laugh nervously. He tries to concentrate on the exercises again, starts to play with his bow-tie to help him focus, but nothing right now can make him forget about the thought of Richie’s lips on his own. 
When Stan finishes the last task and closes his notebook with a thud, he feels good. The satisfaction of his work done well lets him steady his heart, calms his thougths and maybe even allows him to not notice that Richie has been looking at him and not at the pages in the notebook for all that time.
“Those kids, are growing so fast, learning so fast!” Richie exclaims loudly, theatrically wiping non-existent tear from his eye. “You did a good job today, Mr. Uris, I’m proud of you. You deserve a big treat.”
“We did a good job, Mr. Tozier.” Stan smiles, turning his face to his friend and stretching his back. “I think both of us deserve a treat. I can ask my mo-”. 
Richie’s lips pressed to his own stop him from finishing the sentence and Stan can swear that at this moment he almost forgot what he has been talking about. The kiss is sloppy and rather quick, Richie pulls away almost as fast as he went in.
Stan looks at his friend with utter shock painted all over his face, from raised eyebrows, through wide eyes, to his mouth still slightly open as if he is just about to finish what he has been saying. His mind goes completely blank for solid few seconds.
Richie’s expression on the other hand is a mix of fear and amazement. He licks his lips waiting for his friend to response somehow, but the longer he stares at him the more he’s becoming afraid. 
Stan finally blinks and closes his mouth. Without a word he gets up and, to Richie’s dismay, he walks up the door. He then locks them quietly, turns again, now facing Richie and not taking his eyes off of his, he approaches him and sits on the bed as close as he can.
“Do it again.”
Stan gulps. He doesn’t know if kissing a boy is a good thing to do, something in the back of his mind screams at him to stop before he can, but when Richie leans in again and presses his lips softly against his, nothing else matters. He feels warm hands cupping his face and a shiver runs down his spine. He pushes forward, catches the front of Richie’s shirt clinging to it as if afraid that letting go now would mean forever.
“Richard, your father is here!” the loud yell coming from downstairs separates them almost immediately. They jump away from each other breathing a bit heavier, but smiling, feeling too awkward to look each other in the eyes. 
Richie clears his throat, but doesn’t say anything. He only grabs all of his stuff and shoves them into his bag, biting on his lip. As soon as he is done and ready to leave, Stan rushes to the door to unlock them. They both run down the stairs to see their dads waiting for them and chatting while doing so. 
“How did it go, son? Do you understand everything now?” Mr. Uris asked, running his hand through his son’s hair.
“I think I’m doing fine, dad.” Stan answers smiling softly, and after a moment of hestitation he adds “But I think I may need one more tutor session. Just to be sure.”
He finally finds the courage in him to look at Richie. Redhead’s goofy smile makes his heart flip and he feels small smile creeping his way on his lips as well.
“But tomorrow you have to come to our place, Stanley.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Tozier.” Stan answers. “See you tomorrow, Rich.”
(A/N) It was supposed to be one of those headcannon thingy but I just went with a flow and there’s no going back ;A; 
I’m so sorry if it turned out somewhat crappy tho. I still don’t feel too comfortable in writing full fics.
Ps. I’m tagging @steve-harringtwin again and just…let me know if you want me to stop xD
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culebral · 7 years
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SHIPPING INFO   /  answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.    
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?:  richie gecko x his rice milk. richie gecko x rc cola. richie gecko x his ‘sky’s not the limit’ ambition, richie gecko x that mad cash flow, y’know? in short, i actually don’t ship anything in the from dusk till dawn show; it’s how i work. i do like the shit that went down between rich and monica garza in season one, episode three but i really wouldn’t go so far as to call it ‘shipping’.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: literally anything. but please note that richard fucking gecko isn’t a romantic in any way, shape or form. he’s got his subtle, little ways to show he might care a little…sure but he’s not the type to golden lab slobber your muses’ ass and wanna be around her all the time, so don’t expect garbage like fluff from his end and unless the planets are all perfectly aligned and unless you made like, twenty plus blood sacrifices to the gods; he might give your cheek a caress sometime.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: doesn’t matter older ladies-wise. he dated kisa who was five plus centuries, lmao but yeah, anything over 29 ( his age right now ) is perfectly fine. few times he’s been attracted to gals, they always tend to be older than him. giving me the semblance that yes, he has a strong fixation towards goddess status chicks. he doesn’t like younger than him. at all, lmao. and when he does, it’s rare as fuck. anyone 22 under has a non-existent chance of worming her way into his heart. 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: exceedingly selective. and it isn’t even out of character, lmao. probably went into depth about this one but richard’s emotionally detached and people like that, though invested in a person one minute; they could totally discard you the next without a blink. this character literally invented complex and with his mind going over 9000 miles a min, he could realize that maybe you weren’t so great. that you’re in his way of improving himself and then just pulls a fucking houdini on you one day and rip relationship. if your muse can get past the first test just fine and reel richard in and crap and pass the test of time, you should be golden lmao 
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: i tag the mildest shit nsfw cause i’ve got underage followers, people who view tumbles on work and/or school and i don’t want this shit popping out on ‘em lmao. even if it’s just a musing with any sort of nude implications, #nsfw. gotta be courteous to our followers, y’know
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: i blame @bitchculebra for making me ship richard with kisa when i didn’t, lmao. opened my eyes to see our favorite snake goddess’ perspective of it which was pretty fucking neat and it all made sense with what fdtd ‘s canon brought to the table at the time? it was really fucking nice. got a nice assorted bag with @red-hemlock with our endless au’s, lmao which might i add took a hell of a long time to get to where they are ! talk about being #dedicated af. definitely one of my favorites is the on and off, love / hate relationship rich has with @dissolvedshadows. her character is legit the hardest nut to crack and it’s great af cause they’re always fucking fighting lmao . my favorite kind of ship honestly. that, and the one i have with  @bringerofruin which started off as a no strings attached type of deal but is slowly starting to switch to something bordering a crush buisiness partnership? got a few more but i’ve listed enough for now.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: when it happens, lol. sure.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: seth gecko x 20 mil. kisa/santanico pandemonium x freedom. scott fuller x his ninja blades. aiden tanner x cultural studies. carlos madrigal x cherry lime, idk man lmao
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?:  wait. if richard miraculously starts warming up to your muse after a year or two, cool if not and you’re here to only pursue a romantic relationship with this guy? not sorry for pissing on your parade, man lmao
TAGGING:  naaaah TAGGED BY: @red-hemlock .
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