#so unless you know how to pin him down and tickle him until he can't fight back anymore/get revenge on you
riki-riks-chick · 5 months
Can you pls write enha reaction when another member walks in when they're fucking their gf (hyung line) and making out (maknae line) 🙏🙏🙏
You hadn't seen Heeseung in awhile so when he invited you over to "hang out", you were excited. But you also forgot he has a roommate. "Hey, Hyung I made some ram-" Jake froze, staring at the position you and his roommate were in, cheeks flushed red. He didn't even know you were here, and he usually knocks when you are in case Heeseung has you pinned down like he does right now. "Do you wanna watch or are you gonna close the door?.." Heeseung asks as Jake finally snaps out of his daze. "I'll leave it on the stove." He then slams the door, and you can hear his feet pad down the hall as he runs away, slapping Heeseung's chest afterwards. "Why would you say that to him?" You ask as he laughs, leaning down to kiss you. "He'll be fine.. Anyways, no need to be quiet now since he knows you're here."
You had been pent up all day, Jay had made it his mission to tease you, knowing he wouldn't do anything while you guys were with the boys. Eventually you finally got back to the dorms, and Jay went to shower, of course asking you to join. You tried to keep quiet, but you hadn't realized Jay forgot to lock the door until Jungwon walked in. "Hey, Hyung I'm just gonna grab my toothb- holy shit my bad."
His eyes widened as he stared at you through the glass door, waving with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I didn't know you two were in here." He apologized, grabbing his toothbrush. "Get out!" Jay yelled as Jungwon sighed. "I'm not the dumbass who forgot to lock the door. And I hope you're using a condom Hyung." He teased as Jay groaned. "Jungwon get the fuck out!"
As soon as Jungwon leaves, you start laughing. "You yelling like that is kinda hot..."
Jake had called you over pretty late because he missed you, but it eventually led to you guys making out and now he's between your legs, lapping at your cunt while his other hand reaches up to cover your mouth, keeping you quiet. The bedroom door opened quietly, and you immediately met eyes with Sunghoon, Jake's best friend. "Fuck.. My bad." He shielded his eyes as Jake pulled away from you, immediately throwing his blanket on you to cover you. "What the fuck, Sunghoon?"
"How was I supposed to know she was here!? I can't find my keys." He explained as Jake sighed. "It's 2am, why do you need your keys?" He asked as Sunghoon smirked. "You're not the only one trying to dick your girl down."
"Sunghoon s-slow down.." You were moaning, trying to muffle yourself with the pillow below you as Sunghoon fucked you from behind, but he wasn't listening because he was mad about you laughing with Jay earlier. "You heard the lady, slow down." You both glanced towards the door as Jay walked in, not even batting an eye at the two of you. "Could you leave? I'm kinda busy."
"I'm grabbing my bag you took. Plus, who fucks at 3pm? You hornball." Sunghoon throws a pillow straight at Jay's head at the remark, making you chuckle. "It doesn't matter what time it is, and unless you wanna finish fucking her for me, get the hell out of my room."
As soon as Jay left, he leaned down towards your ear, pulling your hair. "You fucking slut.. You might be all smiles with Jay, but remember who's dick you're stuffed with."
"Sunoo that tickles.." You giggled, pulling away from him as you pressed your lips against his once more, cupping his cheeks. "Woah.. Sunoo I didn't know you did these kinda things." Heeseung walked in, laughing as you pulled away from Sunoo, hiding your face against his shoulder. "Hyung.. You said you were gonna be out all day.." He relaliated as Heeseung sighed. "I left my wallet in my room. I'm just gonna grab it and be on my way." He reassures before disappearing down the hallway. Sunoo slides his hands under your shirt, littering kisses on your neck and shoulder. "When he leaves we can move to my room that way we won't get interrupted again."
"Shh... You're gonna get us caught.." Jungwon whispered as he continued to kiss down your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist. "We're in the living room and you think no one is gonna catch us?.." You whispered, squealing when the lights turned on. "Jungwon? Is that you, Hyung?.." Riki's voice sounds as Jungwon sighs, sitting up. "What's up?.." Jungwon asks as Riki raises an eye brow, now seeing you pent under Jungwon. "Ohh sorry. I didn't mean to kill your vibe. Whenever you're done, come get me so we can hang out. I wanted to do a new tiktok dance." He then turns the lights back off before leaving as you and Jungwon both chuckle. "Well, you heard him, let's finish up here.."
You and Riki had been hanging out in his room all day, and he eventually started laying on top of you which led to something more. He was now sitting between your legs, his hands under your shirt, and his lips on yours. You usually never got this touchy during a makeout session, but it was too good to pass up. "Hey, Riki.. Can you call my phone I can't find i- woah."
Sunoo walked in, jaw dropped as Riki sighed, hiding his face against your neck. You laughed, playing with his hair as you glanced at Sunoo. "I think I saw it on the kitchen counter after we ate lunch check there." You said as Sunoo thanked you, turning to leave. "Oh, and if you're gonna go further, use protection." He teased as Riki sat up, throwing his pillow at Sunoo's head. "Fuck.." He groaned as you chuckled, kissing him again. "He's gonna tell everyone and they're gonna tease me forever." He mumbled as you shrugged. "Who cares, now where were we?.."
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highdefhoetry · 10 months
jjk men getting tickled
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disclaimer: although this is pure fluff, the author is an adult & this is their kink. minors dni, do not reblog, do not like, do not follow.
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"Stop, please! I can't take it!"
Gojo isn’t used to physical affection, or the sensation of touch in general. Due to his constant application of his cursed technique as a defense mechanism, he often goes weeks or months without experiencing the touch of another. Because of this, it takes a while for him to let his guard down around you. When you finally build enough trust, he releases his cursed technique and lets you get close. That’s when you learn how ticklish he is.
While you’re cuddling, you notice the way he flinches when you wrap your hands around his waist, how much his body quivers when you brush your fingers across his bare skin. You really don’t even have to try and tickle him - he’s just that sensitive. Caressing his cheek, kissing his neck, stroking his chest and stomach. All parts of him give the best reactions. He can’t hold back his frantic giggles or stop himself from squirming around, especially when given light tickles. Those weaken him more than harder ones.
His laugh is airy and melodic, almost like a song. It’s absolutely precious and makes you wanna tickle him even more so you can keep listening to the sweet sound of his voice as it reaches higher octaves. His smile is bright and joyful, jarringly different from that cocky all-knowing smirk he usually wears. He flails around like crazy, rolls from side to side trying to escape, tries to beg you to stop but can't get the words out since he's laughing too hard. Pink blush dusts his cheeks, and seeing how embarrassed he looks when you're done makes you fall a little more in a love with him.
Mostly he hates being tickled, but part of him can’t help but enjoy the attention. He’ll pretend to be grumpy afterwards, but that can be remedied with a big hug and plenty of kisses.
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"Wait, nonono! Okay, okay, I give up!"
Geto is the king of “I’m not ticklish”. He swears it up and down, denies it when you ask, and goes out of his way to prove it by allowing you to try. He lets you discover this “fact” for yourself, smirking victoriously when you tickle his sides and underarms with no reactions. Even when you explore the rest of his body, testing out all of the usual spots, he remains unfazed. You start to feel discouraged when you look at his handsome face and see his pleasant, neutral expression has remained unchanged.
That is, unless you make a sneak attack. Later on, when he’s not paying attention, you creep up behind him and poke his sides, just to see what’ll happen. He lets out a shriek, yanks his arms down, but it’s too late. You’ve already seen the mask slip. You clamp your hands around his ribs, dig into them while he yells and tries to fight you off. That spot seems to be his worst.
His laughter is loud and booming, different from the one he makes when he’s cracking a joke or making fun. He starts begging almost instantly, tries to grab your hands to stop you, thrashes around in a desperate attempt to escape. When appeals to your mercy don't work, he starts making soft threats, says he’s gonna get you back good, but you can barely hear them through his spluttered laughter. When you finally stop, he pretends to be tuckered out, until you let your guard down. Then he pounces on you, pinning you down so he can give you a taste of your own medicine.
You pride yourself on what you've learned. It’s not that he isn’t ticklish. He’s just really good at hiding it!
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"Please, no more..."
Choso is the king of tickle fights, being a big brother and all. He almost always wins, being ridiculously strong and somewhat of a sadistic ler, plus he protects himself well enough that it’s almost impossible to get at his ticklish spots when you’re in the moment. If you’re patient enough, however, you can get him good when he lets his guard down. And when you do, the tables quickly turn.
His laughter is deep, yet quiet. He doesn’t laugh loudly or erupt into fits of giggles, being able to control his vocal reactions better than most people, so most of the time it comes out as a soft snicker. But when he’s tickled, he smiles wider than you’ve ever seen and tries hiding it by clamping a hand over his mouth. That makes it easier for you to tickle him more, giving you an opening to get his underarms. He’s really weak to tickles there. He wiggles around like a worm, tries rolling up into a ball, and buries his face in his hands. Getting tickled makes him feel shy. If you tease him about how bashful he gets, his face will turn red and he’ll laugh even more.
He’ll half-heartedly beg you to stop, but not enough for you to take it seriously. You can tell he enjoys it for the most part - if he really wanted you to stop, he could easily overpower you. You wouldn’t dare tease him about it, though - you knew what would happen if you did.
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Nanami is one of those people who truly isn’t that ticklish. Any attempts to tickle him are almost always met with a deep sigh and an annoyed grumble rather than laughs. He’s immune to pokes, prods, and surprise attacks, and his stony demeanor remains unchanged no matter where you touch him. You almost give up, until one day you start paying a bit more attention and realize how hard he’s trying to keep it together. Specifically when you lightly graze his sides or his lower back. 
You notice how hard he grits his teeth, how red his face gets, how tense his muscles become the more you tease and torment his waistline. The corners of his lips twitch up, yet he refuses to crack a smile. He’ll whisper to you in a stern voice, “Stop,” or warn you with a threatening “Enough”, but otherwise he’s pretty quiet. He controls his laughter pretty well, keeping up his stoic facade until you're finished.
When you finally let up, he acts irritated and complains about how your childishness always gets in the way of his work. But you can tell he’s a bit more relaxed, his shoulders less tense, his mood a bit lighter. Besides, if he really hated it so much, he would have simply put a stop to it. You’ll never get him to admit it, though!
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"Fuck you!! Gahh, knock it off!"
Toji is surprisingly ticklish, and he really fucking hates it. He’s also great at hiding his reactions for the most part, but only for so long. He stifles his laughter when you claw at his ribs or dig under his arms, but keep it up for long enough and he’ll eventually crack. It’ll start as a quiet, rough giggle, then get louder and louder until he’s laughing his head off. He melts in your hand when you lightly spider his stomach, which ends up being his worst spot.
His laugh is just as scary as he is. He cackles wildly, thrashes around like an animal caught in a trap, spews out profanities and every swear word in the book. He’ll threaten to kill you, to break your fingers, all while giggling uncontrollably and attempting to fight you off. He won’t beg, ever, but you’ll hear the growing panic in his laughter the longer you tickle him. He’ll genuinely do whatever it takes to get away, so you have to be careful not to get hit by one of his flailing limbs. 
Tickling him will have dire consequences. He’ll get you back immediately, pin you down so tightly that you can’t move a muscle, then he’ll tickle you mercilessly until he’s satisfied with his revenge. It’s totally worth it, though. Seeing a giant, strong man like him taken down with tickles is oddly satisfying. 
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"I don't recall telling you to stop."
Sukuna also isn’t particularly ticklish. He prides himself on having no weaknesses, being the strongest sorcerer in all of history. You didn’t dare instigate tickles with him; you didn’t have a death with, after all. You only touch him when he commands it.
However, he does seem to enjoy your light tickles from time to time, sometimes even demanding them. He loves when you run your nails up and down his back, purrs when you caress his neck and ears, lets out little content noises when you lightly stroke his chest. His “moods” are random and unpredictable; every now and then he’ll bark out an order for you out of the blue, demanding your soft touches. He doesn’t really laugh or giggle, but you do see goosebumps lining his skin whenever you give him this treatment. You love the way he sighs from your gentle touches; he just seems so relaxed. Not many people get to witness the soft side of Sukuna.
Of course, he’ll never confess how much he likes it. He won’t even say “tickle” or any variant, instead opting to dance around the word. It dawns on you much later why this is - it embarasses him. If anyone were to discover that the King of Curses enjoyed something so silly and cute, his ruthless persona would be destroyed. You know better than to spill his secrets, so you keep your mouth shut. But you can’t help but laugh to yourself every time he asks you for more.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Hey. It’s your buddy. I know you as 🐹 anon. I’m going down the rabbit hole that is Adam, so may I request prompts 3, 11, and 36, with him, please?
Thank you :]
Prompts 3 11 and 36 with Adam
I hate how before my cycle I crave a certain food. But I can't tell WHAT exactly I'm craving, and anything I eat that doesn't satisfy it just tastes so. Bumbum. Hate it sm
Hey you, Readers! Do you want to possibly win a raffle for customized posts with your favorite characters and your ocs? You can enter through the link in my pinned before march 27th!
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Whether your first kiss is planned or spontaneous, hes going to have this shit eating grin on his face for the rest of the day. Absolutely basking in the fact you two finally kissed, but even through his bragging he still tries to insist that it's not that big of a deal/that you're lucky to even be around the first man.. never mind the fact he won't stop talking about it, he definitely doesnt think it's that serious. His facial hair tickles and itches you a bit
Adam fans I am so so sorry but he would not be a good roommate. Not at all. In fact unless you set some HARD rules and have a serious conversation and show him you're serious hes going to be.. terrible. Hes spoiled more than anything and tends to put off doing basic chores until it gets unbearable for him personally.. he may also tend to subconsciously dump chores on you (dishes, laundry, stuff like that)... he is a good cook, though, all things considered. Probably makes ungodly combos you'd never think of but he makes it work
He kind of gets a bit of a "trip" when you decide to rest your head on him. It's a similar high you get when you meow at a cat and it meows back, if that makes sense. Though he may not be totally considerate, as in he may not be the most still or quiet, but he does snap back when someone tries to disturb your peace.. it's the thought that counts, right?
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gourdkeeper · 1 year
NSFW reader x Jamie / Luke / Bosch headcanons: bondage
Note: too many filthy™ ideas in this head that I wanted to write out. Doing an aftercare one after I think, or maybe something more wholesome for a change
Appreciates shibari a lot but usually has no patience for it because if he wants you, he wants you now;
However, he thinks it's beautiful, specially if you're the one artistically wrapped in rope, helpless, vulnerable to his endeavours, completely at his mercy and boy is he gonna tease the crap out of you, maybe even shove a gag in your mouth while at it;
"Aww baby... If you want me to touch you so badly you just have to ask..." He mocks lightly, as if you could speak. Raking his fingers light as a feather over your skin making you squirm and writhe in vain;
Calls you beautiful, touches you and withdraws every time you feel like you're closing in on an orgasm, keeping you on the edge and peppering kisses all over you until he thinks you've suffered enough and slides fully inside you, still tied up and gagged and starts rocking his hips in the most aggravating slow pace possible to make you as cock hungry as possible;
Don't worry tho, he ends up getting too into it himself and will fuck you into oblivion soon enough;
Loves being tied up and helpless as well, but much prefers if you use tape, handcuffs or your hands to pin him down instead of rope, he doesn't like standing still and waiting, he needs you in control and on top of him now and if you can't tame him immediately he'll highly likely flip it on you unless you've pushed all the right buttons to make him submissive already;
Likes having his hands tied either above or behind his back and being told to do tasks with his mouth for your pleasure and entertainment;
Very very much into you using his mouth while he's tied up, making him beg for your come on his tongue;
If you lock him in place out of nowhere and try to grope him while silencing him he will definitely slip into a role and pretend to be weaker than you while fake struggling because he knows it gets both of you off.
Likes being helpless as well to a certain degree, one time you put him in leather cuffs and linked them to each other so he couldn't move much. He felt like he was going insane because he couldn't touch you while you used him as a fucktoy and kept teasing him over it;
Gave you payback the moment he was out of them, growling in your ear, chokeholding you with his thick arms and shoving his dick in you from behind, "you should apologize to daddy don't you think?";
Will keep going off on your ear while fucking you roughly to "take daddy's cock" and tell you you're "doing so good for daddy";
Will feel some embarrassment after but he owns it and accepts that he liked the power rush and being called that;
That's how you both found out about a kink you didn't know you had, and learnt that a pent up and frustrated Luke can be very possessive and hot if you can get him to that point;
Never uses rope or anything on you aside the sporadic handcuff, will use his strenght to manhandle you and keep you in place while fucking you into the mattress and you don't ever complain;
Will kiss any possible bruise he makes afterwards and shower you with love;
Mostly enjoys being told what to do while being praised, being in bondage or not;
Being tied up is not mandatory for him, he likes it but it's not something he'd want everyday.
It comes as absolutely no surprise that he enjoys being tied down at this point, he's patient and will move into whatever position you tell him to assume to help you secure him;
The closer you are to being done tying him up the more aroused he grows;
Tease him and hurt him and he will love you;
Blindfold him so he doesn't know what's coming and when;
Spill some hot wax on his chest and abs, watch his face contort in pain and his dick twitch and leak;
Tickle him, touch him lightly all over and alternate to scratching him at random;
Tell him he's doing great;
Say you're gonna spill more wax on him because you love seeing him suffer for you and then pass an ice cube on his chest instead to make him jolt and fuck with his brain;
Use toys on him, flog him, press a vibrator against the base of his cock and make him really strain and hold it in, talk dirty to him, tell him to make you proud and keep it in or else you'll keep stimulating him until he has came 5 times in a row;
He trembles under you, all the sensations are just too much and he's tipped over, he apologizes over and over, even calls you "master" at one point, interesting, you'll have to press into that later even though he'll likely get shy and stubbornly say he never said such thing;
You keep your side of the promise and make sure he stays overstimulated and have him come repeatedly until he's pulling hard on his restraints and begging you for mercy;
Rarely tops you so he can't say much about tying you up, but he does like to get cheeky when you're both around the house sometimes, specially if you're wearing something that hugs your body just right so he'll pull out the handcuffs and bends you over the counter on occasion, possibly roleplaying if he's feeling a bit daring;
If that's the case he'll start by telling you "you have the right to remain silent" and pretend to pat you down for weapons first or he'll pretend to be a robber.
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Oh wait bratty Steve sounds so cute :( he's never a hardcore brat, he doesn't seriously challenge you, but sometimes when he's feeling playful he'll misbehave a bit on purpose and let out the cutest lil giggle and you can't bring yourself to be mad at him and his puppy dog eyes.
Ohhhh he really does! (18+ below cut)
You’ll be moving your hands down his chest, to press him into the bed, and then he’ll suddenly push your hands away, a big smile on his face, as he raises his fingers to his mouth, giggling and looking up at you with such excitement in his brown eyes. You can’t help but smile back, tilting your head as you say “Well that wasn’t very good was it?” Teasing him, but Steve pushes your hands away again with a “No!” Laughing as in yeah, he was in the right. He’s still good! Playfully fighting against you.
He’ll sometimes ‘act out’ just to make you laugh. Or because he’s feeling playful. Mischievous, happy, safe with you. Running off the bed, then around the house so you have to ‘catch him’, even if he’s totally butt ass naked. He feels so free being able to just be silly and playful with you as well. Sometimes doing the opposite of what you said, just to see your jaw dropped look of shock (that’s actually such a wide smile) because he totally tricked you. Saying “No.” when you ask him something, or say what you’re about to do, and when you ask him to repeat that, he pretends he has no idea what you’re talking about! Sometimes when being told he’s not allowed to touch, reaching up to your hips and tickling you as he asks “Yeah?” Not retreating his hands until you’re pinning his wrists down to the bed/his chest, but his eyes still bright and playful, as he licks his tongue looking up at you.
One time you leaned down after he did that, pinning his wrists to his chest, slowly leaning closer, still smiling, as you told him how he was gonna start to behave now, only to be caught off guard because you’d leant far enough, Steve could lean up and steal a kiss from your lips. Totally throwing you off getting into dom mode! But you had to give him a few kisses simply because now you couldn’t resist, you really did love Steve so much, before trying to get back into that mode again. Having to place your hand over Steve’s mouth, still being able to see his smile, when he kept teasingly trying to throw you off track again by acting bratty as you retried your ‘speech’, even though he kept happily talking into your hand the entire time you spoke.
Once when he was being mischievous, he bucked his hips when he wasn’t supposed to be moving as you were riding him, so hard to surprise you in fact, that he bucked you right off the bed. He felt bad, running to the floor to make sure you were okay (even though he was aching and still rock hard, more worried he’d bruised you unintentionally) but you were laughing your ass off. Even though yeah he technically broke the rules to be a brat, it was funny. Steve made it up to you though. You had to really pull on his hair to drag him away from your cunt two hours later. He still keeps his arm wrapped all around your thighs though. Whining and throwing a poor pity party for Stevie because he’s not allowed to have his mouth on you anymore :’(. Still gripping your thighs, and resting his head on them though!
He also knows you can’t deny the puppy eyes. Unless he was really being naughty on purpose, which is rare. He’s just gotta whip those bad boys out, and he knows you’re wrapped around his finger. But he’s also a puddle under you too, so it works. He’ll use them, giggling as he watches you, hidden slightly behind his hands, but as soon as you give into him, Steve just wants to be your ‘Stevie’, so he’s your good little puppy anyways. All the pet names as you give into him, letting him get a bit of what he wants while you sweet talk, you know go straight to his head. As he’s full of glee from playing around with you, to now being your good Stevie, your puppy, your sweetheart, your pillow princess, your himbo, your big strong boy, your love, anything and everything, as long as you’re saying it in that sweet, or dom, tone, it’s all going to his head and he loves it, just flushing happily under you.
But sometimes he’ll realllly be begging you, and act out a little. But when you’re looking up at his face as if to say ‘Really?’ After he’s acted out, he has such a puppy dog look in his eyes, like you said, that you can’t help but melt. Soothing him with soft strokes to his chest, saying “Okay. Okay” letting him know you’re easing up, so he can stop looking at you like you ran over his puppy. Telling him gently that he can’t be naughty, while you start to give him what he wants, with a raised eyebrow so Steve knows he can’t just start acting bratty all the time. But he always nods eagerly, promising you. Repeating that he’s a good boy, to which you respond “Yes you are. Always my good boy Stevie.”
The fact, like I said, he can be silly, and himself, but he can also act out, and you never seriously punish him or make him feel unloved for it, that you let him test his limits because you said that’s just natural, makes Steve feel so happy with you :’)
And Steve loooooves testing his limits. Always finding it so funny, especially when you humour him afterwards. But as soon as he starts to get to the line, Steve is very dedicated to being your good boy. So he knows what’s okay to giggle at, and stick his tongue out at you. What needs him to bring out the puppy eyes, and wobbling his thick bottom lip, to get. And what’s naughty boy behaviour, and what might get him punished if he doesn’t apologise for it and start acting properly.
Of course sometimes Steve does just act out. But he’ll normally apologise and beg to not be punished and have things go back to normal after. Because Steve hates thinking he’s not your good boy. If you call him a bad boy, and you’re not teasing, you might start the waterworks. But you promise Steve that he’s always your good boy, so he never worries too much, which is good.
The only time he’s really ‘bratty’ is when he’s fighting just giving in and being subby, and you never want to push him into that situation when he’s not asked you to, but it’s more so when he’s fighting back against being allowed to be taken care of, rather than having to do so much himself, when you can tell what he really needs. That’s when you have to become a little less of a soft dom, and a tad more authoritative, which really gets Steve to sink into sub space, listening to you. He always wants to be good for you. And he does like that side of you. And he always does feel much better, sometimes the worry about being vulnerable, or the want to be completely taking care of others instead of himself, is just harder to fight against.
He’s glad you’re always nice to him when sometimes he’ll break a little as he falls into that space. Kissing any small tears away as he lets himself let go, promising he’s so good, he’s your Stevie, and promising you love taking care of him, you want to so much. Giving him all the touch, and love, and kind truthful words, and promises, and affection he needs. Because you always know what Steve needs, even if it’s not always what he says he wants.
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666anxiety666 · 4 months
The black phone tickle headcanons
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💙 second most ticklish of the gang!
💙 his weak spots are probably his tummy, knees, and ribs.
💙 will run for the hills the second you make it obvious you're gonna tickle him.
💙 Robin and Gwen tickle him A LOT.
💙 has a very squeaky and loud laugh.
💙 is so embarrassed about his ticklishness. He also can't say the T word. 🤭
💙 gives up very easily during a tickle fight.
💙 he is very gentle with Qwen, not so much the others.
💙 refuses to tickle vance.
💙 will actually show you mercy if he sees you've had enough.
💙 he doesn't tease a lot but does like to rub it in his Lees face that he is tickling them.
💙 "look who's laughing now!" Or "this is what you get when you try me!"
💙 Loves tickling robin! He just loves to see his best friend smile.
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💙 actually a lot more ticklish than people think.
💙 his main spots are his sides and underarms.
💙 does get a little nervous when someone brings up tickling.
💙 will try to hide how ticklish he is. He's not embarrassed by it he just doesn't want Finney to get revenge.
💙 has a cackling kind of laugh.
💙 will not admit he's ticklish until its revealed.
💙 will say he "pretended" to laugh to make the person feel better. (He didn't)
💙 never starts the tickle fights but always finishes them.
💙 he is relentless but does have some sort of mercy. (For Finney anyway)
💙 this mf is such a tease! Especially to Finney!
💙 "Aw, not so fun now, is it?" Or "come on! I thought you were stronger than this!"
💙 will pin his victims down good and will chase after them if be has too.
💙 will tickle Finney to get him to help with his homework. (Or to just get what he wants)
💙 likes to poke at Vance just to piss him off. (It will back fire-)
💙 probably the groups second biggest Ler.
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💙 not much of a lee, to be honest.
💙 will beat anyone ass who tries.
💙 but that doesn't mean he ain't ticklish. 🤭
💙 his main spots would probably be his ribs and thighs.
💙 Bruce was the first to ever discover Vance was ticklish. (Bruce was murdered with tickles after that-)
💙 will try and hold his laughter as long as possible.
💙 will never admit to being ticklish, he will take that shit to the grave.
💙 bro is evil. EVIL.
💙 will not stop until you are crying with laughter.
💙 will only tickle his close friends.
💙 they all know not to test Vance. Even Robin.
💙 he doesn't tease, but he will mock you.
💙 "this is what you get, you little shit!" Or "stop moving, we ain't done yet!"
💙 uses rough tickles almost all of the time.
💙 he is strong, so pinning you down will be very easy.
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💙 is probably the most "open" about tickles.
💙 he doesn't mind tickles at all! (Except from vance-)
💙 his main spots are his knees, stomach and hips.
💙 this man LOVES tickle fights.
💙 he also loves cheer up tickles and might ask for them.
💙 has a very soft laugh unless Vance gets him. Then his screaming.
💙 probably the most normal when it comes to tickles tbh.
💙 he may be a cute lee, but damn be can fight back!
💙 but he's very gentle and fun about it.
💙 laughs along with whoever he's tickling.
💙 he teases sometimes but in a lighthearted way.
💙 "you giggle when i touch right here, right?" Or "aw, buy yiu look like you're having fun!"
💙 mostly uses tickles to cheer up his friends.
💙 the only one actually brave enough to tickle vance!
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💙 he's a screamer. Just saying.
💙 is infact very ticklish. Even if doesn't seem like it.
💙 his main spots are his ribs, feet, and sides.
💙 has a squeaky laugh. He will squeal.
💙 will do anything in his power to get away from any Ler.
💙 Vance tickled him once, and everyone thought he was dying due to his screams.
💙 his face will go as red as his jacket. It doesn't take much to make his cry laughing.
💙 definitely the most ticklish out of the six.
💙 is reluctant to tickle people back. But that doesn't mean he won't.
💙 he's far too cocky for how ticklish he actually is.
💙 "aw, does that tickle?" Or "I might not wanna stop..!"
💙 he will back off the moment someone tries to tickle him back.
💙 he can't pin anyone to save his life so pray for him. 🙏
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💙 probably the cutest lee
💙 he's the one everyone targets cause he's so easy. He is the youngest, after all.
💙 his main spots are his back, feet and neck.
💙 very high pitched laughter.
💙 doesn't actually mind being tickled. but you didn't hear that from me. 🧍‍♂️
💙 he's very easy to pin down.
💙 can't stand being tickled for long, though.
💙 not much of a ler tbh. Probs the least out of the bunch.
💙 he does try! He tries and will succeed to get someone back. (Before he gets wrecked)
💙 he doesn't really involve himself in tickling someone unless he's teaming uo with someone.
💙 he goes easy on people..he's too nice 😭✨️
There we go! Sorry for the late response but here thry are! I hope you enjoy!
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insomniamamma · 2 years
Happy Sleepover. I'm going to indulge in one of everything.
FMK (Fling/Marry/Kiss bc I'm not gonna make you kill any boy): Ezra, Din, Nico.
Crush: I have a crush on an artist I hosted last night. He's a short Aussie king with wild silver-threaded black hobbit hair. I want to make a pact with him if we find ourselves single and alone when we're 90 that we move in together and make each other laugh until we fart.
Choose between: One night in bed with Frankie or one day of chaste prospecting with Ez (planet of your choice/dreams).
My day: So far it's pretty good. Had an amazing rehearsal. Now SO and I are going out to our favorite Ecuadorian place for dindin before driving out to the suburbs to see one of my good friends rock the lead in an eerie show.
Secrets. Hmmm. I keep a written diary that I move around to different hiding spots around the house. It's a small house and if I keep the diary in one place I'm afraid SO will find it and read it and then know where it is. Completed diaries are in a lock box with my important documents to which he does not have the combo.
Recommendation: I know we've talked about this already. But. The Great Wall. I'm still trying to find a way to sneak it to you. I may or may not have a plan.
Weird Questions. Do you have a garbage disposal? I'm just curious to know if people still have these spinning pits of knives in their homes.
Personal things. Are you a morning shower or evening shower person? (I guess for your shift that translates to a "before bed" or "after bed" shower person.) Do you shower every day or just when you feel the time is right?
Drama: I do have some drama in my life right now, but I don't need help with it unless you have a very sharp stick with which to poke my set designer so he'll fucking communicate with me. It doesn't sound like drama, but his wife is my playwright and star and I dated him in college. How's that?
Truth: If you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?
This is me, asking you for some song recs. Don't worry if you think I've heard them before (prolly have). Let's just pretend we're going on a road trip and I'm asking you what to put on in the car.
Unpopular opinion: I would like to see Cobb Vanth try to woo Fennec Shand. And I'd like to see her surprised that she can't seem to say no.
Venting: CAN WE JUST TAKE A MINUTE AND SHAKE PEOPLE? Conservatives would rather keep their guns than save their children. They would rather make women die and bloat the foster care system than squish a nugget of cells. They would rather let a rich man keep his money than have it fund better lives for everyone (and therefore themselves). They would hurt people to double down on their beliefs but change those same beliefs in an instant if their candidate of choice told them to. I could go on. But here is where I close my valve and let the pressure build again....
FMK (Fling/Marry/Kiss bc I'm not gonna make you kill any boy): Ezra, Din, Nico. Adira you are EVIL for this one. These are my BOYS. The ones I most want to squish. Fling? Ezra. I want to have a torrid affair with this man. His lifestyle is pretty dangerous so I don't think I'd want to marry him, but have him drop in and visit me for a few days and absolutely rail me and then fuck off back to space for a while? Sounds like a pretty good arrangement. AND NOW I HAVE TO PIC BETWEEN DIN AND NICO????? S;AKDJFH;ADASKDFHKDSF Sorry, Din, I'm marrying Nico. The star wars universe is dangerous and I'd likely be the first to get shot. Nico. Oh man. I want to study him like a bug, i want to crack him open like an egg. I want to pin him down and tickle him until he's all red in the face. He's broad and warm and weird. He seems cozy. I want to be his weighted blanket. Just squish that man. Sorry, Din, you just get a kiss. I feel like a tender kiss to his forehead would make Din blue-screen for like an hour.
Crush: OK, since you decided to confess things to me, I'll respond in kind. Most of my crushes are either celebrities or fictional space people. There is a guy at work who i thought was cute when he first started there, but he is an antivaxxer and he's dumb as a bag of bricks. Not that I was doing any more than looking anyhow, but yikes. Your Aussie hobbit sounds delightful though.
Choose between: One night in bed with Frankie or one day of chaste prospecting with Ez (planet of your choice/dreams). Since it's planet of my choice, I'm going prospecting with Ezra. Because space! But also, I think I would make a good harvester. I do a lot of fine work with my hands. So, somewhere safe, but exotic. Nothing too dangerous. I'd be content to listen to him ramble on.
My day: Was pretty interesting. My boy is involved in a few different kinds of martial arts, and his kung fu class got to participate in a small scale festival, which was basically just different martial arts schools doing demonstrations, as well as a variety of Asian music and dance groups. It was very cool. Also I got to eat pork-belly ramen from a really tasty food truck.
Secrets. hmmmm....the only thing that's coming to mind is my sexuality. I mean, it's not much of a secret on here, but nobody in my family knows I'm anything other than straight. I'm married to a guy, so it's just easier to let them think what they will. If I'm asked directly I'll answer truthfully, but I generally don't volunteer that information about myself to people IRL. Because it's not really anyone's business.
Recommendation: hahahahaha. I think I'm just gonna make the hubby buy me The Great Wall on itunes. I mean, we do have a metric shit-ton of Cillian Murphy movies because he was my blorbo for a time. Speaking of Cillian Murphy, The Wind That Shakes The Barley is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I cried like a baby when the end credits rolled.
Weird Questions. I do have a garbage disposal. I had to replace it a couple years ago and the original was installed so oddly? Whoever modernized the plumming in our house half-assed everything so spectacularly that every time we've upgraded the plumbing it's just been a baffling shit show. Do you have a spinning knife pit?
Personal things: Honestly it depends on the time of year. and what i'm doing at work. A lot of times I shower as soon as I get home because I end up covered in Sintra dust or metal shavings or primer or the sticky residue that gets left on plex after it's gone through the laser cutter. It's like decontaminating. When it's real hot, I'll shower when I get home and then do a quick rinse before I crash. I can't sleep when my skin feels sticky. In the winter I sometimes go every other day because my skin gets very dry.
Drama: Oh, theater drama. I remember those days 😁. I deeply miss doing community theater, but i stg some of those folks would just invent shit to get all twisted up over. Most of my drama comes from my parents. I love them dearly, but I am very happy that they live several hours away. They still basically treat me like an incompetent.
Truth: This is fascinating question. I'm going to answer this as if it would be a temporary condition and not, like, absconding with someone else's life. I would love to be in Nick Cave's brain for like, 24 hours. He writes such incredible songs.
song recs you say???? ooooh boy. My musical tastes are all over the place. There is very little genre-wise that I don't vibe with, although I do tend to prefer older stuff these days. Yes I'm turning into one of those people. Get off my lawn. I'll give you five. But i could give you, like 50. You've been warned 😁
Lodestar by Sarah Harmer. "Intensity of stars" I love that so much. Intensity as a collective noun for stars. Fuck yeah.
Catapult by Counting Crows. I've seen these fellas 3 times live. People like to crap on Counting Crows but they will put on the most emotional live show you've ever fucking seen.
Spell by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Ugh. The imagery. The yearning. I could scream forever about how much I love Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds.
Gravity by Charlotte Martin. This one has all the Ezra vibes for me.
Birthday by The Cruxshadows. These guys don't really do US tours anymore which is a crying shame. I lot of goth bands feel like you're watching someone do karaoke but not them. I first heard this song at a show a zillion years go and I lost my mind. The energy was nuts.
Unpopular opinion: OMG this would be hilarious! At first she just gives him The Look. She's in total denial right? Then Cobb come to Boba with some sort of business from Freetown. Once his audience is done Boba gives Fennec a playful swat on the arm. What're you smiling at, Shand? I'm not smiling. Why don't you just talk to him? He's obviously interested. Fennec tells Boba to kriff off, but she can't help smiling just a little, and maybe she goes looking for Cobb at the local cantina.
Venting: OMG yes. I had a guy friend I hadn't spoken to in a while be like you're so angry. And it's like yes. I've been vibrating with compressed rage since 2016. I have had actual men in my life treat the whole roe v wade thing like some sort of abstract thing, well, it wasn't a well written arguement blah-de-blah and it's like you think I give a shit? IT'S WHAT WE FUCKING HAD!!!! This is not an academic exercise this is my fucking living body. People who try to both sides of this can fuck off forever. If preventing abortion was the point they would push for comprehensive sex ed in public schools and contraception would be free and widely available to anyone who wanted it. But it's not about life. It's about cruelty and punishment and control. Always has been. My husband's family is mostly catholic and I told him, warn your family because the first man who tries to tell me this is somehow good for me is going to lose a fucking testicle. I could go on forever but i don't want to end up on some sort of list. I hope my FBI agent likes Pedro Pascal.
sleepover asks
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rainbowwing251 · 2 years
Looking back at my previous post, I realized how ironic it is that Taion is like “Tickling is childish, and I’m above such silliness” when, if someone asked him to or if he deemed it appropriate to do so, he’d unleash his inner tickle monster and tickle his lee into hysterics without a moment’s hesitation.
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teamfortraven · 2 years
Medic T-Word Alphabet
Gonna be doing @otomiya-tickles 's Tickly Alphabet for all the mercs, but instead of having people ask, nah, I'm gonna give it to you up-front, all of them (spare a few for personal reasons).
Also, this is my first actual post, so I might as well make tags for these guys-
Alright, let's get to the headcanons, doc is first :]
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
Medic will absolutely be wanting to take your temperature or some weird shit (mad doctor, he can't help but be curious) after he's done wrecking you. So once you're done swatting his hand away and giving him a questioning look, he'll finally sigh and grab his Medi gun, granting you a quick zap that will have you feeling like nothing ever happened. If that's not what you want and start complaining, he'll call you ungrateful and threaten to wreck you again.
However... if he's in a particularly good mood, or you're exceptionally close, he'll sit down and massage you instead, rub your shoulders, nice things to help you relax and wind down... All while verbally recalling every embarrassing moment of what just happened, much to your dismay (he thinks it's funny).
B: Bondage | How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
When being the ler, he's extremely calculated, so, if the lee is alright with it, he'll sometimes want to have them pinned, in some way. He doesn't exactly care how, as long as it leaves them exposed, just so he can get at every single nerve and test their reactions to things.
When he's the lee? He's absolutely good with it, but he'll fight against it while they attempt to get him ensnared. If you somehow managed to get him pinned, he's all yours. Will probably act super dramatic about it, stuff like "OH NOOO, I've been trapped!". Then he'll just sit there with this expectant look on his face until you actually do something. Nerd.
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
When he's the ler, you're 100% going to have a problem getting away from this guy. Given how intelligent he is, and the fact that he's faster than a lot of members of the team, he's either going to outrun or outsmart you. If you're getting to far ahead, he'll take a different route, making you think you lost him, just to suddenly hear his boots clacking loudly behind you. He'll also attempt to purposely scare you into dead ends, just so he can watch the panic that sets in as he slows to a calm walk, knowing that you have absolutely nowhere to go.
As the lee, he's the biggest smart-ass about it. "Getting outrun by a doctor? How embarrassing!" "I diagnose you with 'not going to catch me'!" His favorite thing is definitely flustering the ler before they can even get their hands on him. "You're supposed to be making my face red!" Won't slow down, will avoid all dead ends. You started a game that you will not win. The only way to get to him is being Scout TF2, sorry. Therefore, I highly recommend starting the chase when he's already cornered, or not even starting one, just immediately pouncing.
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
Oh my god, shoulders and shoulder blades. His gear covers it for the most part during battles, but when it's not? Sneaking up on him and clawing down his back will cause him to shriek, promptly turning to face his attacker. Also lets out the most adorable giggles if you gently spider across those areas, blushes and squirms and everything. If you somehow manage to pin him onto his stomach, tickling harshly across his shoulder blades will have him cackling almost maniacally. As soon as you let him go, you better run, because unless it's your immediate first move, he's going to grab your ankle and drag you down to the floor with him, enacting his revenge.
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
If he's intent on tickling you, he'll simply clear his throat to grab your attention before wiggling his fingers in the air. As if that's not bad enough, he'll say shit like "I'm only going to check for broken bones..." "Just going to make sure your lungs are working!" If you don't start laughing at the stupid teases, you're going to the minute his fingers make contact with you.
If he wants to be tickled, he'll probably try to purposely annoy/piss you off, somehow, or at least provoke you. "I bet you can't make me laugh." "You are the worst at tickling. Oh? Going to prove me wrong? Ja, okay, sure." Depending on how heated the argument gets, you may both end up yelling at each other, but that shit-eating grin is gonna be on his face the entire time.
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
If there's an entire group going at it, he'll single someone out, sneaking up behind them to take them by surprise, and immediately jab his fingers into the most sensitive spots on their body (he's responsible for giving the mercs check-ups, so believe me, he knows all the spots). After they've crumpled to the floor, he'll become much more teasing about it, unless he's pissed. If that's the case, pray someone else goes after him, and, hopefully, not just join in on tickling you to death.
If it's just you and him, he knows you'll be much more focused, so he'll have to resort to simply pinning your wrists above your head with one of his hands and pretending he doesn't know exactly where to strike with his other one to make you lose it. Eventually circling back to those spots will have him saying things like "What an interesting discovery..." and the extremely ominous "Typical for a mortal to be sensitive here..." No one questions it; they're usually too busy laughing and squirming away from his touch to truly process it, anyways.
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
He actively welcomes them :] it's actually extremely cute. He'll squirm around a bit, but it's all involuntary. He actually finds them extremely comforting; if you gently tickle him while he's trying to work, he'll attempt to scold you for it, but it melts away through bubbly giggles. Half the time, he'll basically fall asleep once you're done. No doubt after he wakes up, though, he's going to hunt you down and get revenge for 'taking several hours out of his day in place of sleep'. Get some fucking rest, doc, you kind of need it. Badly.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
Be afraid if he takes his glasses off and sets them somewhere safe. He's about to get serious. No matter how hard you may flail, he's going to abuse every weak point he can reach, with incredible accuracy.
Giving him gentle tickles sometimes causes the cutest thing ever to occur. If you slowly try to draw your hand back, he'll slump forwards subconsciously, attempting to follow it with his eyes shut like a big, dumb cat. As soon as he snaps out of it, his face is redder than his uniform (works for both teams LMAO). Bonus points if you laugh at his reaction, because he's going to have you beneath him, screaming in laughter in under 5 seconds (with that flustered look remaining on his face the entire time).
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
If he's conducting the interrogation? Girl put me in that chair-
Anyways, he could be laughing at full volume the entire time, but not a single secret is gonna slip from this man. He'll throw you a bunch of sassy remarks, but that's about it. Again, he loves flustering the ler(s), so if he can get you to blush, it's a massive confidence boost to him. He's especially going to threaten them with what he's going to do once they release him. "Be careful when you let me go... You're going to be sitting in this chair, next." Laughs even harder if the interrogator clearly has some thoughts about that idea.
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
Being mostly a ler, probably gauging the other person’s reactions. He’s super interested in seeing how they react to certain things, practically turns it into an experiment, but he has a lot of fun doing it, too. Bastard will sometimes be muttering things to himself like he’s taking notes while the person beneath him is just gasping for air. Will ask questions like “Where does it tickle most?” If he doesn’t get a response… “Fine. I’ll find it myself.”
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
If he pulls out his Medi gun before the onslaught is over, do not trust it. If he has you pinned down, he’ll expose you wherever you’re most ticklish before zapping that area with the beam from his gun. WORST THING EVER. It creates a weird vibrating-tickling feeling, absolutely gonna drive you insane. Worst part is, it’s not like you can shove the beam away like you can a hand; you’re just gonna have to try covering yourself to the best of your ability. Seeing you lose it will spur comments like “What? I’m just healing you”, and yet he’ll sit there and watch with his head leaning into his hand, propped up on his elbow with a smirk on his face.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
Medic does that loud cackle most of the time, unless you’re either just starting to tickle him or doing it gently. Then you’ll hear the cutest giggles ever. As long as you’re being aggressive enough, he won’t blush, and usually won’t even try fighting back. Once he’s had enough, though, he’ll either push you off or jab at you methodically until you involuntarily collapse in on yourself to protect from his retaliation.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
He’s usually up bright and early (as he is to bed super late), but he definitely is not a morning person. He just gets up early to get more work done. In the case where he’s had his morning coffee, if you’re lucky, it’ll put him in a really good mood, and he’ll be super playful. Poking at him will give the exact reaction you’re looking for; he can tell whether you want to make him squirm, or be the one getting poked, just from looking at you. Will get this cheerful smile on his face and go “Ah, alright!” Is usually gentle when he gets like this, almost loving. Won’t even try taking your temperature afterwards :]
However… if he’s not in a good mood? Better not piss him off; this man will not hesitate. If you try to initiate something, he’ll turn on you in a whirlwind and have you down before you even know what’s happening. He’ll watch you squirm around frantically and say shit like “Oh, was? You want more? Well, if you insist.” Won’t stop until he will probably need to use the Medi gun on you, even then he’ll go through a round of “Oh, you want me to heal you? I guess that’s just too bad.” before he gives in and grants you a quick zap. Yeah, his reactions can vary extremely.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
He works very late into the night, and he usually doesn’t get tired until the last hour or so he’s awake. If you try provoking him during that last hour, he’ll just clumsily swat you away, muttering “nein, nein” under his breath. However, before then? If you insist on having a chase, he will get super fucking excited. He loves nothing more than the fear of not knowing what’s in the dark, whether he’s the one feeling it or he’s instilling it in you. This is actually one of those rare cases where you actually might be able to catch him. He doesn’t exactly have night vision (and you don’t either) so resorting to stalking the other in the shadows is bound to happen.
O: Online | Text messaging and social media, do they have some kind of online tickly behavior to tease their lee or ler with?
The doc is extremely good at writing, so uhh… you can imagine just how skilled he would be at flustering someone over text/call. Shit like “You’re not going to be so confident once I get my hands around your waist…” and “Oh, you think that’s funny? I can make you laugh even harder. Come to the infirmary ;)”. Going to be a smug bitch the next time he sees you. If he’s teasing his ler, however, will say stuff like “Well, too bad, you’re not going to get at me because the door is locked.” Definitely going to get wrecked the next time if he gets his ler a little too riled up.
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
Well, the obvious answer here would be Heavy. They hang out a lot, so chances are, if he's going to gang up on you with someone else, it's gonna be Heavy. He can very easily hold someone in place (although he is very careful about it), while Medic uses his extremely skilled hands.
However, I propose an alternative, as well... Medic is obviously pretty damn strong. He can absolutely hold his lee down himself, no problem. Given this... two sets of hands are always worse better than one. I think Spy would probably be his 2nd biggest partner in crime. For example, if he's in the middle of a chase with you, you might accidentally slam into something... invisible. Before you know it, Spy has you on the ground, an amused look on his face. He was finding it fairly entertaining watching the two of you run around, and decided it would be even better if he helped the already scarily talented doctor wrench even more laughter out of you. Two lers who have horribly flexible hands... this can only go well.
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
You're never gonna get a direct answer out of this bastard. He'll slowly turn to you, an innocent smile stretching across his face, his hands clasped together.
"Why don't you find out?"
It's an invitation as much as it is a taunt. A fight is 100% going to break out- a tickle fight, that is. But then again, that's only if you have the nerve to engage with how confidently he's looking at you. Either way, he'll get what he wants.
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
Almost always a ler, enjoying the feeling of having control over others. The very thought of everyone else knowing that he knows exactly how to make them crumple to the floor gets him excited. Most people don't mess with him unless they're A) pissed at him or B) just really wanna get wrecked.
However, when he's in a lee mood, it's a refreshing change. Just as teasing about it, specifically to provoke the other, but he'll rarely fight back.
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Doc definitely pretends it's a medical exam, or a surgery, or something along the lines of that.
"Now, this is a very important procedure, so I'm going to need you to hold still," he says as he tickles you as fast as humanly possible.
"Oops! Sorry, didn't mean to... tickle your funny bone?" He'll laugh at his own stupid joke, his barely audible over yours. "Oh, you thought that was funny, ja? How flattering!"
Hell, he just enjoys verbally teasing in general.
"I wonder what would happen if I tried to play you like my violin?" He'll suddenly scratch horizontally across whatever area he's targeting, fast. Will probably start humming whatever tune he's picturing playing before sparing you a glance. "Oh, how peculiar... it appears I forgot to tune it." Before you can register what's happening, he's focusing quick jabs into your most sensitive spot.
Basically, you're going to be a blushing mess (he'll probably pull some shit like 'oh my, you look like you're running a fever').
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
Will screech like a startled dove if you pinch at his hips. It is the funniest thing, and he will absolutely not let you get away with it. That is... if you let up on it. If you keep drilling your fingers into those two spots, he'll be out for the count, legitimately blushing out of pure embarrassment. It might not be his most sensitive spot, but it sure is one he doesn't want anyone else knowing about (surprisingly).
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
This is a super biased headcanon, but Engineer (I totally don't ship Engie and Medic /s). Since he's always healing everyone else, he usually has to make semi-frequent trips to dispensers during battles. Unless he's out on a quick adventure for scrap metal, Engineer will be right there, working on one of his buildings. "Hallo, Herr Engineer!" is all the poor man hears before two sets of fingers are poking him on either side, causing him to jump and stifle a few giggles. It's basically his way of saying 'thanks for the provisions' before running back to the front.
But when they aren't in battle? The two will often visit each other to see how each's experiments are going (both of very different natures). So different, in fact, sometimes when Engie asks how it's going, Medic will hum before saying, "Let me check." Knowing how the doctor views the other mercs, you get where this is going... He finds it adorable how Engineer forgets every single time, laughing in a tone of genuine surprise as Medic tickles him.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
Oh, he can say it, alright. In fact, he immensely enjoys saying it just to tease whoever is about to be his lee, especially if they've got it so bad that they can't keep a straight face hearing the word. Upon seeing their reaction to what he uttered, he'll get a delighted grin on his face.
"What's wrong? You seemed to get a little nervous when I said 'tickle', mein freund. Ah, there it is again!" He'll repeat it as many times as he pleases, much to the lee's dismay, until they're practically begging him to just stop and do it, already.
If that happens, he'll giggle a bit. "Alright. If you insist!"
Ohhh it's done. Wow. That took much longer than anticipated. Still, I can't wait to do all the other mercs, it's really fun :]
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shoto-chann · 2 years
*I am now starting to write Naruto stories. But before I do, I have my own head cannons on how I think this will go down. Feel free to disagree, but this is my opinion and the way I see it.
Naruto Tickle Headcannons (Konoha 11 + Sasuke + Senseis + Sand Siblings):
-This man is the most ticklish person in the entire village
-He just can't control his actions when he's tickled, so unless he's pinned down or tied up, no one can blame him for any injuries or trips to the hospital
-One of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights
-His most ticklish spots are his belly and feet, but is practically ticklish everywhere
-What starts out as cute giggles at first turns into loud cackles as time passes
-He can't take teasing very well
-He has a secret spot on his ear that makes him squeal like Tonton (only Sasuke knows about this)
-Squirms and kicks a lot, so he needs to be held down in order to get him
-He's only ever tickled when he's being too annoying or he pulled off one of his pranks (especially on Sasuke and Sakura)
-Whenever he is a ler, he'll allow his lee to run away for a bit......only for him to use his Shadow Clones to catch them and tickle them
-Loves teasing his lee
-Raspberries are his speciality
-After he's done, he'll wait for a bit trying not to get attacked again, but also making sure his lee is okay
-Fun fact: Kiba and Hinata know what happens when they tickle Naruto's back
-Many people think that the great Sasuke Uchiha isn't ticklish
-Only a select few know the truth (thanks to a certain hyper knucklehead ninja)
-Sasuke isn't as ticklish as Naruto, but he's pretty close
-Unlike Naruto, however, he's not ticklish everywhere
-He's not ticklish on his knee area or his thighs
-He's the only person that can actually control how he laughs when he's tickled
-His laugh starts out with nothing more than giggles, slowly turning into a deep, belly laugh whenever he can't control his laugh anymore
-He can't take teasing very well because it reminds him of when Itachi used to tickle him when they were kids
-Squirms around quite a bit, and WILL kick anyone who isn't holding his legs down
-Swears a lot
-Whenever he becomes a ler, he shows his lee no mercy, immediately going in for their most ticklish spot
-Fortunately, he doesn't want to kill his lee, so he lowers the torture for a few minutes tickling his lee's lesser ticklish spots until he goes in for the kill again when he gets bored
-Whenever he is finished, he'll make sure the lee is okay, then walk away as if he just didn't tickle torture someone (but not without threatening them about tickling him again)
-This girl isn't insanely ticklish
-At most, she's about a 5/10
-But she is still ticklish, making it fun for Naruto and Kakashi to tickle her so she doesn't feel left out
-She is only ticklish on her sides, stomach, feet, and neck (her feet being the most ticklish spot)
-She squeals a lot when her neck is being tickled
-She can take teasing surprisingly well
-Doesn't squirm as much as her teammates
-Snorts every now and then
-Whenever she becomes a ler, she's a little ruthless
-She rarely ever teases her lee
-Spider tickles are her favorite to give to her lee
-Whenever she is finished torturing her lee, she'll make sure they're alive and walk away to avoid any more tickles
-You would think that someone like Kakashi wouldn't be ticklish
-Imagine Team 7's surprise when they found out that Kakashi was indeed ticklish
-He is a little embarrassed about it because the only ones who knew were Obito, Rin, and Minato
-Like Sakura, he isn't very ticklish (he's only ticklish in two spots)
-His underarms and hips seem to be the only places that get him to react in any sort of way
-It takes someone like Guy to hold him down and have him beg for mercy
-He can take teasing very well (unless his ler is Guy)
-His laugh starts out as loud cackles but eventually gets into a childish laugh with occasional giggles
-Doesn't squirm as much as his students
-But once he's a ler, his lees are all but done for
-He will slowly tickle his lee to get them to giggle and make them all red because slow tickles are unbearable
-He will make his lee wait for the big tickle attack he has coming, but he makes it so that it takes forever to come
-Sometimes he just quickly tickles his lee to make them think that he's getting serious, but he's just messing with them
-Sometimes he'll copy his lee's tactics on how they tickled him and tickle his lee the exact same way
-Once he's done tickling his lee to the point of passing out, he disappears, planning his next attack and expecting a tickle ambush
-This boy is the ultimate tickle partner to have
-One of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights
-He is almost as ticklish as Naruto, being just above Sasuke by a bit
-He doesn't get embarrassed when someone tickles him (unlike a certain teammate who gets flustered just by the word alone)
-Although, he can't take teasing very well
-His laugh is high pitched and sincere, making his ler laugh along too
-He's ticklish just about everywhere, but his underarms, palms, and knees are the most ticklish (his ler should remember not to tickle his underarms for too long, unless they plan on making Kiba wet himself)
-The only person he's afraid of being tickled by is Kurenai
-His feet aren't that ticklish because he is used to Akamaru's fur underneath his feet
-He has the cutest giggles when his neck is tickled
-He squirms a lot like a dog and tries to tickle his ler back (most of the time, unsuccessfully)
-Once he becomes a ler, he is ruthless
-He constantly teases his lee as he wrecks them
-He uses his teeth to nibble on his lee's spots to get them to a pile of giggles
-Akamaru sometimes helps Kiba tickle his victims as well
-His sharp nails make slow tickles even more unbearable
-He only attacks his victims most ticklish spot whenever he and Akamaru are going to finish
-When he's done, he asks his lee is they're okay, and let's them pet Akamaru cause he's a nice guy
-Fun fact: Sometimes Akamaru goes against Kiba and tickles him instead, turning the tables quite quickly
-This man isn't ticklish at all
-Kiba tried tickling Shino once, but quickly became disappointed when he found out that the guy wasn't ticklish
-At least, that's what everyone thought
-Hinata accidentally found out that Shino was ticklish while training with him
-She promised not to tell anyone about his secret (until Kiba forced it out of her)
-Kiba tried tickling Shino's back and was satisfied with the result of Shino screaming
-His back is the only place where he is ticklish, and Kiba takes full advantage of it whenever he wants to be annoying
-Shino can only tolerate tickling as long as it's with Team 8 and it's in private
-Whenever he can tolerate it, he can't take teasing at all
-He isn't really into the idea of tickling in general though, and he really prefers to stay away from it as much as he can, but sometimes he's dragged into it by either Kiba or Hinata
-Shino is a decent ler that can follow and have boundaries
-Doesn't tease his victims
-Will not tickle for too long (unless his teammates ask for it)
-Sometimes he'll cheat and use his bugs to help him tickle his victims (but ONLY on Kiba, as Hinata does not like it)
-When he's done, he'll ask if they're okay and ask them to not bother him with tickling again (knowing that Kiba isn't going to listen)
-This girl is too cute not to tickle
-She is a lot like Naruto, only minus the violent thrashing and kicking
-She is ticklish everywhere, her feet being the most ticklish
-Kiba likes to tickle her for fun because it's funny to see Hinata's reaction
-She can't take teasing very well
-She doesn't mind the idea of tickling, but she tries to stay away from it like Shino because she doesn't want Naruto to find out how terribly ticklish she is (something Kiba takes advantage of every time Naruto is around)
-Luckily because Naruto is so dense, he never found out (that is, until Kiba got impatient and told him because Naruto was too dense to figure it out on his own)
-Her laugh is adorable, and a lot like Sakura, a mix of giggles and squeals, with a hint of snorting and squeaking everything now and then
-Hinata will not become a ler unless Kiba or Naruto convince her
-Once she is a ler, she's gentle with her tickles, never going too rough with her tickles unless her lee really asks for it
-Unless her lee is Shino and Kiba
-With them, she's not the same Hinata she once was
-She will tickle Kiba and Shino without hesitation and with her Byakugan on to find their tickle spots and where they squeal the most
-She doesn't go for too long, though, and stops whenever her lee gets red in the face
-Once the tickling stops, she will make sure that her lee is fine and that they don't hate her for doing that
-This woman is a bit complicated
-She is one of those people who need to be caught off guard in order to tickle her (to date, Asuma is the only one who has been successful)
-Her laugh is a mix of giggles and squeals like her student Hinata
-She can take teasing surprisingly well
-Her most ticklish spot has to be her neck (that explains why she never let anyone touch it, especially Asuma)
-Once she's a ler, her victims had better hope that she's a nice ler
-Depending on who tickled her, how they tickled her, and how long they tickled her, she can either be a nice ler or an evil ler
-As a nice ler, she's gentle and quick with her tickles, blowing raspberries and teasing lightly as to not make them lose too much oxygen or get too red in the face
-As an evil ler, she's ruthless with her tickles, blowing raspberries, squeezing in some quick pokes and squeezes to her lee's most ticklish spot every now and then, and teasing every chance she gets, not really caring too much about how red their face is or if they need to use the restroom (and this is why Kiba is afraid of being tickled by Kurenai)
-Once she's done torturing her victims, she'll apologize IF she was the evil ler and will take her victims out to eat
-If she's done being the nice ler, she' won't apologize cause she knows that she didn't go overboard, but she'll still take her victims out to eat
Rock Lee
-Jeez, this kid just CANNOT catch a break
-Being just about on Kiba's level of ticklishness, he is almost always a victim to tickle fights
-Fortunately for him, he is one of the few of enjoy starting them before he becomes a victim
-His laugh sounds almost like Guy in a way
-He can't take teasing very well
-He's ticklish everywhere, but his forearms and knees have to be his weakest points
-Squirms like a fish out of water
-Sometimes kicks his ler if they're not careful (he can't control his actions sometimes)
-Once he's a ler, he shows almost no mercy and starts a tickle war with his victim
-He has observed Guy's way of tickling as well as Naruto's way
-He uses his speed to quickly tickle his victim and his strength to hold them down so that they can't escape
-Doesn't tease his victims because he doesn't know how
-He will squeeze his victims special spots sometimes just for fun
-When he's done, he'll ask if they're okay and apologize repeatedly for doing that (sometimes earning him extra tickles)
-This man is not ticklish at all
-I don't care what people say, you cannot convince me otherwise
-He finds it amusing how his ler tries to tickle him and quickly become disappointed
-Once they see his evil grin, they better run
-If they're unlucky enough to get caught, then they better hope that they live because NEJI HYUGA IS AN EVIL, EVIL LER
-He will tickle his victims nonstop until he's satisfied with what he gets
-Teases are a must for him
-Raspberries are only for those who must be punished (definitely not looking at Naruto, Hinata, Rock Lee, and Tenten)
-Once he's done, he'll have no regret of what just happened, but he'll make sure that his victims are okay
-This girl is just like Rock Lee in almost every way
-She can't take teasing very well
-She squirms a lot, but doesn't kick
-She is ticklish everywhere, but her stomach seems to be the death spot
-She rarely ever gets to be a ler because she's almost the main victim of tickling when it comes to Team 9
-Once she does become one, however, she likes to play dirty
-She can and will use her wide arsenal of weapons to trap her victims and tickle them regardless of their endless begging
-Not too fond of raspberries or teasing
-She will sometimes use her weapons kit to tickle as well
-Once she's done, she'll let her victims go and promise to not go easy on them next time
Might Guy
-Another person who isn't ticklish at all, but unlike Neji, he'll play along and act like he is to trick his "ler" into letting their guard down
-Once he turns the tables and reveals the truth, his victims better hope to live after Guy's done with them
-He does it all (raspberries, squeezing, poking, teasing, nibbling, etc)
-He won't tickle for too long, as he wants his victims to at least try and either escape or fight back
-Once he's finished, he'll make his victims alright by offering them a deal of some sort
-This one pretends to not be ticklish so he can avoid any tickling
-But his best friend Choji always ropes him into it somehow
-He's very ticklish everywhere (especially his belly) except his feet
-Will scream with laughter if he's tickled for too long
-He squirms a lot and tries to use his Shadow Possession Jutsu to escape, but fails every time
-He can't take teasing very well
-He snorts whenever his neck is tickled, and squeals when his back is tickled
-He also has a secret tickle spot that only Choji knows about and uses when Shikamaru either calls him fat (accidentally or not) or he's being too lazy
-Once he becomes a ler, he's the smartest ler that his victims will ever have
-It's as if he knows exactly where to tickle his lee
-He will tease and give raspberries, along with squeezing his lee's spots
-Otherwise, he will just use his Shadow Possession Jutsu to catch and tickle his lee if he's too lazy to actually use his hands
-Once he's satisfied, he'll release his lee and try to relax as if nothing had happened
-Fun fact: Shikamaru is cautious when using his Shadow Possession Jutsu as he knows that whatever happens to his victims caught in the jutsu, he's affected by it as well, so he tickles himself in order to tickle his victims because he can't feel it, but his victims sure can
-This big boned boy is quite ticklish, especially on his stomach and feet, which are his most ticklish spots
-He can't take teasing very well, but he can take it better than Shikamaru
-He is one of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights, even if he knows he can't win them
-It takes three people to hold this big boy down (or one Shikamaru)
-He has the cutest squeals and adorable squirm because he's careful not to crush or hurt anyone
-He always tries to curl up in a ball to reduce the tickling, but it doesn't really work
-Like Shikamaru, he has a secret tickle spot that only Shikamaru knows about (but Shikamaru only uses it when Choji is either being too much like Choji or he has to convince Choji to do something)
-Once he's a ler, Shikamaru will be praying for whoever is unfortunate enough to suffer the wrath of Choji
-Choji uses his weight to hold his lee down and tickle them
-He teases quite a bit and uses raspberries to really make his lee laugh
-He will laugh along with them because his lee's reaction is priceless
-Whenever he's finished, he'll make sure his victim is alright while eating chips
-This girl is pretty much Sakura, only her death spot is her neck
-Other than that, nothing else is different
-Asuma is very ticklish, because he spent a lot of time with Hiruzen and Konohamaru, and found out just how ticklish he is
-Shikamaru was the first person on Team 10 to find out, and promised not to tell the others if Asuma managed to beat him in Shogi
-Naturally, Asuma lost and now has to deal with Team 10 and their tickle attacks
-He snorts and squirms a lot
-He's not ticklish on his feet, knees, or sides, but he's ticklish everywhere else (his underarms are his death spot)
-He can take teasing very well
-Kurenai loves to tickle Asuma's belly button because he has that deep belly laugh and he tries so hard to escape
-Team 10 quickly realized that they need to think about ever tickling Asuma sensei after he became a ler
-Like Guy, he does it all (raspberries, squeezing, poking, teasing, nibbling, etc)
-Like Kakashi, he copies whatever his ler did to him
-Like Kurenai, he has two ler sides: a nice ler and an evil ler (both of which are exactly the same as Kurenai's)
-When he's done, he'll always give his lee a hug and offer something to them
-Tickling was introduced to him by Naruto and Temari, and ever since then he's been attacked with tickles
-He can't take teasing very well
-He's not as ticklish as one would hope, but he's decently ticklish
-He's ticklish on his belly, feet, underarms, sides, and knee area
-He squeals a lot and squirms a lot
-His laugh sounds almost child-like
-He actually had to be taught how to tickle by Naruto and Temari, something that he is thankful for cause now he can get them whenever he wishes
-He does not tease his lee, nor does he give them raspberries
-Rough tickles are his thing
-Can and will use his sand to expose his lee's spots more
-Once he's done, he'll apologize and walk away
-Oh boy, we've got another good one
-This boy is just about on Shikamaru's level, if not a little lower than that
-He has the cutest smile when he laughs
-His laugh is adorable and his snorts are even more adorable
-He is only comfortable being tickled by his siblings and Kiba (anyone else who tries will get sent to the infirmary)
-Temari and Kiba love taking advantage of this every time they hang out
-He's ticklish everywhere but his neck, and his belly is the most ticklish
-He doesn't really squirm that much, as he sort of enjoys being tickled
-One time, though, he accidentally punched Temari because he really needed to use the restroom and she wouldn't stop tickling his belly
-Once he becomes a ler, he become a fun ler
-He makes sure his lee is having as much fun as he is
-Spider tickles and nibbles are his speciality
-Once he's done he'll always give his lee a hug
-She's not tickled that often (with the exception of Shikamaru and Kankuro)
-She doesn't like her laugh when she's tickled, as it's high pitched and squeaky
-She squirms violently to get her let away from her
-She's not ticklish on her feet and stomach, and her death spot is her neck
-She's an evil ler once she becomes one
-Nonstop tickles and teasing
-Vibrating hands to make tickles more unbearable
-Whispering and blowing into the lee's ears to send more tickles
-When she's done she'll admit she had fun and plan her next tickle attack on her next victim
Here's the list of characters from most ticklish to least:
Rock Lee/Tenten
Might Guy/Neji
If you have any questions or requests, let me know, and I hope you enjoy my first Naruto story.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
How would Ingo, Emmet and Piers (seperately ; v ;) fare with an absolute gremlin s/o? Always the Feral one in friend groups, "i'll fight them" personality and the most god awfull puns and cursed thoughts one can only muster to think of at 4 am of 48 hours of no sleep but they are like that? All the time??
Oh, yeah, I love bad puns and cursed thoughts. And I love gremlins too!
He's, sadly, used to gremlin energy. Emmet, we love him, but he's a little gremlin himself somethings, especially when the twins were kids. Ingo finds your behavior endearing, though. Your energy compliments his, though he wishes you wouldn't try to goad people into fights. Even if you're doing it jokingly, he fears one day you'll be taken seriously and hurt.
Your puns delight him. He likes them, and thinks they're funny. You get many cute laughs from Ingo with your silly word plays, and Elesa takes a liking to you as well. You've both teamed up and sent Ingo to tears before (Emmet too, but he was crying from a different emotion). Ingo thinks you're funny, and you brighten the worse of days with your silliness and dumb jokes. He truly appreciates you.
Cursed thoughts, however, he could live without. They are thought provoking, he will admit it, but he doesn't care for how he can't focus on paperwork now because you've called a tomato soup a fruit smoothie and he can't stop thinking about it. Yes, tomatoes are a fruit, but fruit smoothies are made with other fruits, right? Okay, technically he supposes a smoothie can be one fruit, but that doesn't make tomato soup- Okay, you know different types of tomatoes don't count as different fruit.
He does love you sorely, but you try him.
He's happy to fight you. Emmet has gremlin energy of his own, and if you want to fight, he's ready. He'll do Pokémon battles, but if you two are at home or somewhere he thinks he can get away with it, he'll absolutely wrestle you. It's fun, but he likes winning more than anything, so you'll need to be at least a little serious if you want to pin him. Emmet is long, though. Good luck.
Emmet doesn't care for your puns. You're as bad as Elesa with them, but he has to live with you. Whenever you crack a joke like that, you get a thin smile and narrowed eyes. It's a silent warning. Should you decide to continue down this track, he will take it upon himself to derail you. He will tickle you until you're bawling if you're not careful. Be aware, and get his ass.
Emmet is just as bad with cursed thoughts. He will sit and half-seriously debate with you about them. What if we put a werewolf on the moon? With gear, of course, he'll survive for a while. But what would happen to him? If a full moon changes him, will living on the dark side of the moon stop that? Or is the moon technically always full in space, but we can't see it sometimes on earth, but on the moon there is always a full moon side, so will the werewolf always be changed?
Elesa hates eating with y'all sometimes
Piers will tell you straight, Marnie was a gremlin growing up. He's also the boss of Team Yell, and they're all gremlins. He's immune. You playfully try to goad someone into a fight, even just your friend? Nope, he's leading you away, arm around your shoulders so you can't escape. Here, channel it into music with him. Bang on the drums, play the guitar, sing it out. Don't give him a heart attack with fights, please?
Your puns, depending on how good they are, will evoke one of two reactions. Either Piers chuckles and ruffles your hair, calling you a dork, or he gives you a side eye and refuses to comment unless you goad him. Good jokes are good and bad jokes get no comment. It's very funny, especially when you manage to make him snort with a particularly good zinger. You're under oath not to tell anyone, though.
The cursed thoughts garner a similar reaction to the puns. Depending on his mood, he'll entertain your questions or ideas. Is a hotdog a taco or is a taco a hotdog? Would you consider a poptart a type of ravioli (ugh it made me shudder to think)? Is a pig-in-a-blanket a burrito? He'll debate with you sometimes, try to come to a conclusion. Other times, though, he's like "babe, go to sleep." The man is tired, but you're a bright spot in his life, even if you are insufferable sometimes. But that's love, ain't it? Loving people even when they're insufferable <3
I'm more of a pun person than a cursed thoughts person. For example: do you know how much pirates sell corn for? a buccaneer
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writteninkat · 3 years
Greed | Ushijima x reader
summary: "I didn't like how my teammates watched you a while ago." He admits, his hands clenching on the counter.
"I don't think they understand how you're mine and only mine." He whispers against the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling shivers down your spine.
word count: 3.5k
warning: 18+, name calling if u squint (???)
a/n: this is a reminder that you are amazing, you are loved and you matter. | masterlist for 100 followers event
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The boy's volleyball team never paid any attention to the girls as they were always busy with their own training and the two teams played and trained in their own separate indoor volleyball courts. But today is a little different. The floor of your team's court needs changing so the girls and boys have to train under the same roof for a week, and it'll be the first time seeing each other play.
Toshi knew you play volleyball, he knows you were the ace, as a matter of fact, his whole team knows as well. But they didn't know you were this good.
You throw the ball up high in the air, jumping as high as you can and throwing your hand forward, slamming it at the ball. The impact of your hand at the ball always felt so good, the heat and sting of it always gave you some kind of adrenaline and you loved the feeling.
The ball is hit so hard your teammates at the other side of the net barely had any time to react before it hit the wooden floors, giving your side a point.
You smile widely, catching the ball the coach throws at you for a second chance at serving. "Y/n calm the fuck down!" Your teammate yells, "We're not playing for real right now have some mercy!"
"If you can't receive my serves, how are you going to receive the serves from other school who'll surely be better than me?" You yell back, doing another jump float, your form tricking the other team as if you're doing another hard serve, causing them to step away from the net. Your palm then simply pushes on the ball, resulting it to barely go over the net. The players at the other side dives in to try and save the ball, but it hits the ground a second before they do.
The whistle is blown and your side of the court wins. "Y/n! You're a menace to society!" Your teammate jokingly yells, fake-crying on the floor making you giggle. You walk over to your duffel bag on the bleachers and take out your towel, oblivious to the many pairs of eyes on you.
Your short shorts always rode up your thighs and sometimes even ass whenever you played, so you hated wearing the uniform but your long shorts were jn the washer right now, you didn't really have much of a choice. Your uniform hugged your body perfectly, every curve and every hill accentuated by the two pieces of cloth around you.
Your boyfriend's team are bewildered by your skills. They never expected you, so sweet, so gentle and so kind towards them being able to produce such monstrous serves and spikes.
"Y/n!" You hear Tendou call, creating an immediate smile across your face. You loved Tendou, after dating his best friend, the two of you became so close and it's as if you two are best friends too. You watch him run towards you, volleyball in hand. "I never knew you played so good."
"You guys are too busy to watch me play. Why? Wanna join me sometime?" Tendou smiles at your offer, immediately nodding his head. "Yes! Please! Let's olay at my hou-"
"There's no way Y/n's playing with you." Wakatoshi says involuntarily, his eyes widening at his words as his teammates give him questioning stares. He never raised his voice before, nor has he spoken without being spoken to. "Unless! Unless I play with her first." He covers it up, looking away with the faintest blush across his face.
You tilt your head to the side, putting two on two together before smirking. Ah, my adorable, jealous boyfriend. Whatever am I supposed to do with you?
When practice finishes, you go your separate ways from the team. Unlike them who had homes to return to, your home is three hours away from the school and no way in hell were you traveling a total of six hours a day just to get feom and to your house. Getting a dorm in the campus seemed a much better idea, plus, it helped you spend more time with your boyfriend.
A hand snakes its way around your waist and despite sweating for three hours tonight, you can still smell a combination of the scent of your boyfriend's perfume and his shampoo. He smells minty and fresh from his shampoo and at the same time he also smells of lavender and sandalwood.
He continues to wrap both his arms around you as he stands from behind you, his forehead on your shoulder. "Want me to give you a massage once we get back?" You ask, placing a hand on his forearm.
Wakatoshi doesn't speak for a moment and you were beginning to think he fell asleep, but moments later he lifts his head up and takes another step forward, your eyes widening as you feel him poke at your ass.
"I just realised I've never seen you in your uniform before," He breathes out, "You look so sexy baby."
Heat rises up your face, your boyfriend's never said anything like that before. Sure, he once complimented how good yer legs look in shorts or how he likes seeing you so 'comfortable' without a bra on, butbhe's never been straightforward like this.
You can feel yourself creating a pool of slick in your underwear. God, this can not be fucking happening...
"Let's go to my dorm." His voice is an octave lower and he sounds out of breath. "Girls aren't allowed in your dorm building."
"I know most of the people in that building and they know me, they won't tell. So come on," he pulls at you, leading you to his building. He looks back at you, neediness and lust filling his eyes. "I need you right now."
Toshi didn't need to sound like he was begging, you were still going to follow him, but now that he sounds like he wants you so bad he can't control himself anymore, it's making you wanna run to his dorm and rip his clothes off.
You bite on your lower lip, letting him lead you to where his room is.
As you pass through a hall, you smile and wave shyly at some of the familiar faces you see, they look as if they've just seen a ghost. But can you blame them? Ushijima Wakatoshi is currently leading a girl to his room. This is the first time, it should be recorded in the hall of fame or something.
Once the both of you reach his door, which is at the bery end of the hall, Toshi takes his ID card, about to swipe it to unlock the door until he stops midway. He turns around and looks at you straight in the eye, "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I don't want to be force you."
You blink at him once, twice, thrice- you take the card from his fingers, quickly swiping it on the lock. You push your boyfriend inside the dorm before looking to your right where the boys in the hall still have their undivided attention at you. "It'll probably get loud, you guys play some music or something." You yell before entering the room and slamming the door behind you.
Immediately, you push your boyfriend onto the wall, leaning in to press your lips on his. Finally, being able to touch your boyfriend after a long day of tiring practice feels to freeing and good. A shiver runs up your spine when he licks your bottom lip, asking for entrance. When you grant it to him, he pushes his tongue inside your wet cavern, immediately exploring it like he's a curious speleologist.
His one hand grabs your waist, immediately being able to grab almost half of it given your size differences and his other hand cups your jaw, tilting your head to the side to gain better access.
Your hand travels down to the waistline of his sweatpants, pushing your hand inside, feeling strained cock from inside his underwear as your fingers skillfully stroke it.
"Mmmm-" You hum, pushing Toshi off lightly. "We need to take a shower first, we've been sweaty for hours." You tell him, your hand still going up and down his shaft.
He sighs, pulling your hand out of his pants before pulling you inside his bathroom. Inside, he pins you against the wall, his lips on yours as he begins to lift your shirt, only breaking the kiss when a piece of clothing has to come off from around your heads. He pushes your shorts down along with your underwear, letting them pool around your ankles. He pulls your body closer to him, the tip of his clothed cock pressing against your wet folds making you moan into his mouth.
With one hand, he clasps the lock of your bra behind you, letting it fall on the floor along with your other clothes as his other hand begins toying with your pussy.
"You feel so wet down there. Was it when my teammates were staring at you?" He growls, making you lift a questioning brow. "What... What are you talking about?" You breathe out, sucking in your bottom lip in between your teeth as you grind your hips against his hand, greedy for more friction.
"You like it when my teammates are watching you? Watching as those small fuckin shorts get caught in between your ass? Hmm?" Toshi pushes a fingers inside making you mewl, your walls clenching around it, wanting more. "You like it when people watch you?"
You shake your head, moaning out profanities as you dig your nails on the skin of his shoulders, still rolling your hips and still wanting more of him.
"N-no, no! I only want you to watch me, Toshi!" You whine, moaning loudly once again when he pushes yet again another finger. He scissors his fingers inside you as your walls clench around them hungrily, greedy for more. "You're fucking mine, you got that?" He grits, thrusting his fingers inside you, hitting the particular bundle of nerves again and again leaving you screaming in pleasure with just two of his fingers.
"Yes! Yes, oh yes! I'm yours, Toshi! Fuck!" Your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling yourself shake as you cum around his fingers, your cunt squelching around them. You breathe heavily, rolling your hips as you ride out your orgasm.
Toshi takes his fingers out, causing you to whine unconsciously when your hole begins tightening around nothing. He places his hands on either of your lower thighs, pulling you up and hugging your legs around his waist as he leads you to his shower.
He puts you down, making sure you can stand by yourself before hooking his thumbs on either side of his sweats, pulling them down, letting them pool around his ankles. Your gaze is immediately on his member, it's looks so hard and red, the size much bigger than usual and precum is currently seeping out of it.
"Like what you see?" Toshi smirks, this whole side of him completely taking you off guard. You love it. You twist the shower knob on before getting on your knees before him. He steps forward towards you, watching you as you take his dick into your small hands.
You look up at him from below, opening your mouth as widely as you can, rolling your tongue out. You begin by giving his precum-covered head some kitten licks, cleaning it up beforetaking half of his length in your mouth. You hollow your mouth, pushing your head lower as you feel his tip already hit the back of your throat.
"Yeah, take that dick like you want it for dinner. My cockslut..." He hisses, taking you by the hair. He tugs on a fistful of your hair, causing you to roll your eyes back in pleasure and moan loudly, the vibration stirring your boyfriend up even more. He begins thrusting his hips slowly, throwing his head back as you play with his balls and the rest of him that you couldn't take in your mouth.
"That's right, lap up my cock so fucking good, angel. That's right- ah! oh god..." His breathing becomes irregular and his thrusts slowly become more frantic. The tip of his dick continues abusing the back of your throat and tears begin to pool on the corners of your eyes, your cunt dripping wet at the thought of your boyfriend face fucking you at this moment.
Your hand plays with your pussy, drawing circles around and on the clit, chasing after Toshi so the two of you can cum together. "That's right, you're mine. This mouth is mine, and I'm not fucking sharing you with anyone." He seethes, his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier by the second until he thrusts particularly deep inside your mouth, the tip of his dick going down your throat as he cums inside you, hot liquid going down your throat has your pussy clenching around your own fingers.
He pulls out, watching as you swallow his load until your mouth is empty of his white seed. The corner of Toshi's hand twitches into a smirk as he wipes a thumb over your bottom lip, immediately you suck on it as you look up at him teasingly.
"Let's wash up, darling." He pulls you up, taking his shampoo bottle and squirting a small amount on his palm, wiping it on your hair continuously until it begins to bubble up. He then proceeds to pour his body wash all over your body, hands roaming around you.
He presses kisses on the shell of your ear as he massages and squeezes your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples before going down and washing your slippiery folds. He copies what he did to your breast down to your ass, kneading them like fine bread before guiding you when the water is hitting. As you wash off the soap suds, he pours the same kind of shampoo on his head, combing his fingers through his soap-sud covered hair before following it by lathering his soap all over his body. His hands go up and down his well defined abs and pecks, teasing you as he slowly trails it down to his shaft.
He watches you watch him clean himself, letting you pull him closer to you, letting himself be hit by the running water. Once all the soap is rinsed off, you step away from him and take a towel, drying off your hair infront of the mirror.
You watch in the reflection as Toshi walks out of the shower and towards you, his usual indifferent expression across his face. He runs his haze down your figure before pulling on your towel, setting it down on the counter.
He leans forward, trapping you between him and the counter as he places both of his hands on either sides of your body. "I didn't like how my teammates watched you a while ago." He admits, his hands clenching on the counter. "I don't think they understand how you're mine and only mine." He whispers against the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling shivers down your spine.
"Why won't you make me yours?" You challenge him, looking at him dead in the eye. He looks at you for a second, two seconds, three- he spins you around, pressing his lips against yours.
"You're playing a really dangerous game, darling, and I'm not in the best mood tonight." He growls through the kiss, his tongue more aggressive and lips harsher than usual. "Show me how to play it, maybe I'll get to know the rules and it won't be as dangerous as you say it is." You shoot back, running your hands all over his naked torso, feeling ever elevation and dip of his sculpted chest and abs underneath the pads of your fingertips.
Toshi growls into the kiss, turning you around once again and pushing you down on the counter. He presses his tip against your dripping folds, slowly entering you as to not hurt you in any way. He lets you adjust to his size for a few moments and the moment you begin rolling your hips, he combs his fingers through your damp hair, pulling on it and forcing you to see yourself being fucked in front of the mirror.
He thrusts relentlessly into you, the tip of his cock hitting places your fingers never hit before. Your jaw hangs open as you moan loudly, taken in a trance at the feeling of your boyfriend abusing the certain bundle of nerves inside you.
Toshi lifts a leg up on your side, the feeling becoming more and more overwhelming as his thrusts become deeper, much faster and harder. Your walls clamp around him tightly, making him click his tongue. "Yeah that's it, this pussy is all fucking mine, isn't it."
He pulls at your hair, letting go of it before cupping your face, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. "Look at you. Look at how lewd you are right now. You feeling good clamping down on my cock like that?" He asks, his thrusts never once slowing down. The feeling becomes overwhelming to the point where you couldn't form words, and instead you nod your head as to not make a fool out of yourself.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel the knot tighten in your belly, your jaw hangs open as drool begins to drip out the corner of your mouth. Your boyfriend breathes heavily into your ear, "Wanna cum? You wanna cum right now?"
"Ye-yeah... yeah fuck...wanna...wanna cum... let... let me...cum...." You lose your capability to form coherent sentences and capability to talk. "I'm fucking you so dumb right now, aren't I?" Toshi smirks, shoving two of his fingers inside your mouth, pressing them on your tongue as he watches you make a mess out of yourself.
Your moans fill the bathroom completely and you feel yourself hanging by a thread, simoly waiting for a word, that one ward that'll have you releasing so hard your legs are for sure going to give out. Just one word-
"Alright my darling, you deserve this." Toshi growls into your ear, letting go of your face in the process. "Cum."
You cum all over his cock, your clenching walls trying to milk him of his own release. Your back arches and toes curl as your boyfriend continues thrusting inside you, thrusts becoming sloppy and uneven as well as his breath.
Once you finish, he pulls out, cumming all over your ass, hot white ropes of his release reaching all over your ass, back and some even on your hair. He moans loudly, throwing his head back as he presses his length on your ass. The two of you stay there panting for a good minute, soaking in what you just did before Toshi begins pulling away. He looks at his artwork on you, mentally patting himself and telling himself 'good job' before he snakes an arm around your limp body.
"Come on, I'll wash you up." He carries you back to the shower, once again going through the process of soaping your body to make sure you're clean before setting you down on his counter. You flinch and hiss at the contact of your pussy on his counter, it hurt.
Toshi kisses you all over you face, muttering apologies about being too harsh in return you tell him it wasn't his fault at all. He dries up your body and hair, letting you brush your teeth before carrying you to his bed. He dresses you up in his clothes and takes out your special kit- basically a box full of skin care products in case you slept over.
"I'll do your skin care for you, just lay down and relax yourself. He says, sitting cross legged on the floor as he rummages through the products inside the box. You look at him, smiling to yourself and asking yourself how the hell you got so lucky to score someone like him. "Do you want charcoal or a strawberry mask tonight?" He asks, holding up two of your favorite mask packs.
You place your hand on his cheek, caressing it softly. "I love you." You whisper out, his eyes widening as it catches him off guard. Toshi feels his heart sink to his tummy as butterflies flutter and dance all over it. He smiles, a faint blush across his cheek. "I love you more." He kisses the tip of your nose.
Toshi then proceeds to just stare at you for a few moments before looking like he snaps out of his trance. A deep blush takes over his face as he buries his face on your chest in embarrassment. You laugh loudly, asking him what was going on.
"You're too cute, I'm never sharing you or this side of you to anyone." He mumbles against your chest, making you smile widely. He turns his head to the side, eyelids halfway down, "I'm greedy for you and only you. Never sharing you with anyone, ever."
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
T1419 when you jokingly wipe their kiss away
The hell did you just do?
Looks at you so confused when you wiped away his kiss from your cheek
Gets whiny and asks why you would ever do that
When you laugh thinking it's funny he gets back at you by starting a tickle fight with you
Wears you down until he can shower your face in kisses and tells you to never try that again, or he won't kiss you at all for a week
Actually offended, just stares at you like ಠoಠ
Walks away cuz he mad and you have to run after him
In a constant eye roll before looking back at you and tells you he won't kiss you again unless you do aegyo for him
You absolutely refuse and walk away, until you realize he's serious and you're forced to do it
He holds you and kisses you as you stand there embarrassed. You're never doing that again
Fake mad
Puts his hands on his hips just like "What was that for?"
Knows you're messing with him when you giggle and run away
Chases after you as you then would pin you to the bed/wall and kiss you everywhere
"Try wiping those away." He says all smugly before walking away
Dramatic ass needs to make a scene over it
Would yell random things as he walks away with his arms thrown up in the air
I dedicate my entire life to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and this is the thanks I get You run after him and wrap your arms around him and tell him to calm down
Eventually just sighs and rubs your head and tells you not to do it again
Before kissing you again, which you may or may not wipe away again, making him just leave your house entirely
Oh so this is what your doing now?
Will literally ignore you because of that, like literally won't look at you
You catch on pretty quickly and back hug him to make him look at you, but he just turns his body away from you
When you give up and go back to what you were doing is when he'll come back after you
Kisses your cheek again and asks what we learned from this, which was don't wipe away kisses
Offended with a smile
Like he'll look at you with his mouth agape but will be smiling still
Literally chases after you until he can pin you down
Also another one to just start a tickle war until he's satisfied with your string of apologies
If you're not already on your bed he'll take you there and hold you hostage with cuddles until he feels like letting go
200% done with your shit
Looks so done with you as you giggle and sink lower into your hoodie
Can't handle how cute you are so decided to just crush you and lay on top of you
Refuses to leave and just stays there until you say your sorry, or you ask him if he can actually move now
And he'll just be like, "I'll only move if you kiss me." And then when you go to kiss him, he'll move at the last second, turning the tables onto you
Why would you do that to him?
The bitch would probably cry just to prove a point because of you
"H-how could you?" Processed to fake cry and force our tears to make you feel bad
When you freak out he'd laugh at you, making you grumpy that he scared you
Now he has to make it up to you for scaring you
Would be the one to assume that you're mad at him when you do that
Like just gets upset when you wipe it off, not realizing you're just messing with him
Would leave and come back later just to apologize
When you ask him why he would say he didn't know what he did but you wiped away his kiss so he assumed you were mad
You have to explain you were just playing around and then he gets mad at you for scaring him
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lovelynim · 3 years
Hello! Just saw that you were open for requests! Do you have any durarara headcanons? ^^
Ah, yes I do. Specially for Shizuo and Izaya specially because of your work, which I’m a fan of
Anyway, here are some I have for my favorite characters in the series!
Izaya Orihara
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If you ask him, he will act as calm as he can to simply say "no", however, he is a way too ticklish for someone this bratty, he is not that used to touch, to even place a hand on his shoulder will make him slightly flich, something the people close to him started to notice.
Unless he is close to the person, he will not engage in tickling, not even teasing. Izaya is utterly embarrassed about it and fears a counter attack more than anything else because he knows the moment someone got their hands on him, he won't be able to fight back.
The information broker is ticklish everywhere. You can get him giggling just by tracing your fingers at any spot and most of them will let you hear him laugh, but if you want to drive him up the wall... go for his thighs. Definitely his worst spot, pinching, squeezing, scratching, everything works extremely well and you'll get him begging in a matter of seconds.
Talking about it, you can easily make him jump, flinch, move away with teasing, but if you want to actual tickle him you have to pin him down as hard as you can, he will squirm as much as he can and when he manage to loose it up, even just a bit, he will do whatever he can to break free and move away.
That's half because of his own ticklishness and because he is also embarrassed about he laugh. He can't control it, it gets kind of loud sometimes, specially if you go for his bad spots, and will even snort sometimes, and it will make him blush sooo hard.
It's rare, but if he is sure things won't backfire on him and feels comfortable enough around the person, Izaya might take the first step and engage in tickling, specially for teasing or light tickling while cuddling. Don't look down on him, even if it's not likely, he can be a really, really evil ler. 
Shizuo Heiwajima
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An underrated lee. Shizuo is way less ticklish than Izaya and, since he has a huge resistance, it's harder to make him crack. He, if he is in the mood, does enjoy it and can control himself to not knock out someone while getting tickled.
You'll get different reactions from him based on what you choose to do. Light tickling will get him purring like a kitten, one of his favorite ones if him is in a cuddle mood. Rising the level to things like scratching or scribbling your fingers, depending on the spot, might get him smirking and a few quiet chuckles out. To make him crack, you need to go harder, being careful to not hurt him (what I lowkey doubt any mortal can do) , but using enough just pressure, that will get him to laughter.
Spots like his feet and underarms are a good-to-go, his ribs and sides work just fine as well. His neck is more sensitive than the rest of his body to lighter tickling, so it's also mention worth. As said before, it all depends of where and how you are doing it.
His laugh is usually kind of raspy, somewhat charming ~ When he cracks and let out some louder giggles, he struggles a little to get it under control again, but that's a little more difficult to happen.
He is not embarrassed about his ticklishness itself but gets a little shy when talking about it (and might get a little mad depending of who is speaking) since he feels a little exposed.
When he is on the other end, he has 0 troubles when tackling his target down. Almost no one can break free from his iron-like grip and if he feels like, he won't stop until he make sure he made a good job wrecking his lee or getting what he want from beginning, like a confession, an agreement or an answer. But he can also be a really sweet, but teasingly, ler, it all depends if you got on his nerves or not.
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afandommultiverse · 4 years
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Words - 1868 Request - Alfirineth
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A/n - I'm sorry I kinda strayed off with the request, I hope this is still good? I combined 3 soulmate AUs - name written in wrists - soulmate and enemies name written on your wrists but you don't which is which - a countdown clock to when you meet them Enjoy!
Y/n P.O.V
I looked up at the blue sky with tired eyes, counting the clouds floating across the massive empyrean hanging above me. Sweet chirps of birds and sweet melodies of the wind dancing through the green leaves branching around the border of my perception, luring me to a peaceful sleep.
And all peace was lost.
"You're in my spot." I turned my head lazily to face the intruder, interrupting my way to a plentiful nap. My arm seemed to burn, all buzzing and swarming from the same place as I set my eyes on him. I looked down at my wrist, eyes widening as the 3 zeros glared back at me, blaring my time up and he was here. His name was written precariously under the blinking numbers.
"So, it's you?" I called turning back to look at the sky. I could him wandering over, his steps all the louder compared to the soft nature that once was my background. He was right beside me in seconds, sitting down and laying beside me.
"I guess so."  Soulmates? All of my friends had already met all of theirs. Me? I took the longest and now that I'm finally here, it all feels the same. Nothing is different. If anything, it was just the same as it was 2 minutes ago before the clock ended.
Or was he my biggest enemy? I turned to look at my other wrist, its own clock still counting down, days away before I meet the second name written across my wrist. My eyes flipped to the sideways, watching the man beside me. He continued to look up at the sky, eyes empty as they stared dazedly.
"Do you know how we could figure this out? I'd rather not fret over this too long, sounds like it would be a drag." I mutter, already feeling sleepy again, bored with the situation as it was.
"I do, but for that, I'm gonna need you to come with me." My head snapped to look at him. Looking at him like he was crazy, I blurted.
"Do I look stupid to you? I can feel your mana! Anyone with some sense and the ability to feel it would know with the amount you have, you're all trouble. I'm too lazy to deal with any of that." Rhya slowly sat up, turning to look at me.
"Well, we can't know- unless we go. See, it even rhymes!" Rhya smirked. I only glare with rising boredom- and annoyance.
"Well, then I'm really sorry about this sweetheart." Suddenly he grabbed my shoulders before shoving me forward, moving to brace myself for the ground and roll out from under him, my stomach dropped when I didn't feel the impact of the ground. Instead, my body fell through an open chasm ripping apart the space and time of the earth, a spacial portal. Holding my breath, I waited until we made it to the other end.
Suddenly we were spat out, the end results surprisingly comfy. I looked around me, it was a bedroom, neat and mostly barren, but no doubt lived in. Rhya had flipped sometime in the portals. His body laying on top of mine was soon recognized and I snapped to look up at him.
"What the hell?!" He only smiled down at me, it was when I felt his hands grip my wrist gently did I realize he had them pinned above me.
"Don't you want to know what we are? Enemies or soulmates?" He whispered, pulling in close to my jaw to speak before pulling back and starting to kiss gently down my jaw and neck. It felt good, and even with how weird it all was, the kisses were comforting. I ripped my arm away from his lock, quick to put my hand against his chest and shove him back.
"You're lucky I don't obliterate your chest now." I hissed, flipping him over, my hand pinning his neck into the sheets, and by god did he look pretty. He only smiled back at me, his own hand coming to rest on my hip and swirl never-ending shapes into the fabric covering the skin. Skin that burned to feel the pad of his finger slide against it.
"I know a spell, sweetheart. Afraid we do have to get naked though." He was all smug, even as my fingers gripped a little tighter. Rhya lifted his hips, pressing the growing erection against my groin, quick to set a slow rocking pace. 
Unprepared for the sudden friction, my thigh gripped tightly around his hips, only bringing him in tighter. I leaned forward, quick to cover any whines or moans that had threatened to spill out, meeting the complacent eyes of Rhya, watching me struggle slightly.
"Come on, Sweetheart, I know you're not completely against it." I wasn't. It had been quite some dry spell, and I wouldn't be unhappy to break with such an alluring man. Plus, if he did turn out to be my enemy, wouldn't it make it so much juicer if we had sex? Especially if it was good?
"What's the spell?" I question, rocking my hips a bit of my own, pushing up against him. He groaned and gripped my hips, eager to continue.
"First things first, you gotta strip." I ceased my rocking and sat back, moving to rid my clothes. When I had finished and sat nude, I was surprised to find Rhya in the same state. He beckoned me up, moving to situated me over him again.
"I'm going to draw these sigils on you with my mana, you will do the same thing for me," He fingers drifted across my breath, drawing a sign that glowed a bright blue against my skin. His hand drifted lower, resting on my lower stomach. "In the same places," He whispered, finishing the final sign, letting his fingers linger. He pulled my hand to his chest, and rested it above his heart, prompting me to go.
I drew the same sign, my mana appearing f/c against Rhya skin, lighting up certain freckles spattered across his chest I couldn't quite see in the darkroom to begin with. As I continued on to draw the last symbol, drifting my fingers slowly, I felt the muscles twitch with each skimming touch. I recognized the symbols, making out the words 'Enemies' and 'Soulmates' each in their respectful places.
"What now?" I whispered peering down into Rhya's lustful eyes, feeling just as excited and as aroused as him, practically throbbing with need.
"We show each other a good time. Ladies first?" I scoffed and shook my head, moving to flip around pushing my ass back, and facing his cock. I looked back over my shoulder meeting his blown-out eyes, distracted with the sigh of my puffy pussy, glistening, and eager for touch.
"I hope you don't plan on leaving me hanging, do you?" I emphasized it by arching my back more, pushing myself closer, and even shaking my ass slightly, like dangling food for a dog. I felt his hand drift up to my thigh, smoothing over the globe of my ass before finally resting besides my opening, pulling flesh around it to get a better look.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Sweetheart." I moaned as a finger slid up my slit, pushing lightly against my hole before moving back up, rubbing a small circle into my clit, he continued this pattern until I finally began to show him some attention. I licked at the tip on his cock, catching salty weeps of pre-cum on my tongue. Wrapping my lips around him, I sucked on his tip gingerly before moving down and hollowing my cheeks, sucking softly. I could hear him groan behind me, his fingers stuttering faintly as he played with me.
Swiftly, a finger entered the center, gummy walls quick to pull him in and accept any erosion. The newfound pleasure had me whining around his cock, sending vibrations only making him push further into my needy cunt. He rubbed at my walls, pushing forward to find that spongy patch that would have me seeing stars, when I pushed forward, nudging his cock down my throat and swallowing.
"God- y-you are really... g-good at that." He sighed out, moving his second hand to rub at my clit while he continued to thrust into me, adding a second and third finger. My stomach fanned with heat, making my body buzz alive in apprehension in what's to come. I cried out around his cock, stiffening around his fingers cumming with the last strum against my clit.
I pulled off his cock to breath, getting ready to go back again, Rhya pulled me off, turning me around and raising me above his burnished cock. "As much as I would love to cum down your pretty throat, Sweetheart," He rubbed his tip against my slit, teasing me before finally setting into place and beginning to push forward. "But I want to cum in this tight thing a lot more." I moaned and he pushed in, filling me with several thick inches of good cock, rubbing against every nerve in every good way.
"Rhya!" That was the first time I said his name when he was stuffing me full of cock. He groaned and pushed to fit in more, brushing against my cervix. "That sounds pretty good falling from your lips, Y/n." I pushed my hips against him, ready to start moving if he wouldn't. As if reading my mind he began to move, pulling back and thrust back in gently. I held by lifting my hips, grounding down with his upwards thrusts, following a consistent rhythm.
I moved my lips to kiss him, pressing against his own which were surprisingly soft, pillowy, and plush. Our tongues dance in a sloppy exchange, neither fighting for the top, just touching and exploring one another. Pulling back to watch a single string staring to connect us, I moved my lips to kiss down at his neck, even biting some to hear his gorgeous gasps. A particular thrust hit the perfect spot, making me cry out against his ear I had previously been biting at.
"Oh yeah? Right there?" Rhya questions, slowing down to readjust before kicking back into gear and hitting that same spot with almost every furious thrust. I moaned against his neck helplessly, reveling in the feeling of his powerful thrusts, echoing throughout my body and making my head hazy, craving to reach that end again. I felt my stomach warm again, but this time hotter, butterflies tickling me bordering on the edge of sickening, I looked down to see the lovers sigil begin to grow brighter, burning into my skin.
Rhya's hand slid to press against the sigil, watching the light of it slip through his fingers as they continued to dance down, finally meeting their destination at my clit.
"You know what that means, Sweetheart." He began to rub furiously at my clit, pressing almost too hard on the pebbled bundle of nerves, but it was perfect, it was all I needed to finally snap. White-hot pleasure surging throughout my entire body, my vision goes dim, head bursting with hormones in a satisfying relief.
"We're soulmates."
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radi-17171 · 4 years
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Rhett's proposal to Scarlet to be his mistress
Scarlett, you do like me, don't you?"
That was more like what she was expecting.
"Well, sometimes," she answered cautiously. "When you aren't acting like a varmint."
He laughed again and held the palm of her hand against his hard cheek.
"I think you like me because I am a varmint. You've known so few dyed-in-the-wool varmints in your sheltered life that my very difference holds a quaint charm for you."
This was not the turn she had anticipated and she tried again without success to pull her hand free.
"That's not true! I like nice men--men you can depend on to always be gentlemanly."
"You mean men you can always bully. It's merely a matter of definition. But no matter."
He kissed her palm again, and again the skin on the back of her neck crawled excitingly.
"But you do like me. Could you ever love me, Scarlett?"
"Ah!" she thought, triumphantly. "Now I've got him!" And she answered with studied coolness: "Indeed, no. That is--not unless you mended your manners considerably."
"And I have no intention of mending them. So you could not love me? That is as I hoped. For while I like you immensely, I do not love you and it would be tragic indeed for you to suffer twice from unrequited love, wouldn't it, dear? May I call you 'dear,' Mrs. Hamilton? I shall call you 'dear' whether you like it or not, so no matter, but the proprieties must be observed."
"You don't love me?"
"No, indeed. Did you hope that I did?"
"Don't be so presumptuous!"
"You hoped! Alas, to blight your hopes! I should love you, for you are charming and talented at many useless accomplishments. But many ladies have charm and accomplishments and are just as useless as you are. No, I don't love you. But I do like you tremendously-- for the elasticity of your conscience, for the selfishness which you seldom trouble to hide, and for the shrewd practicality in you which, I fear, you get from some not too remote Irish-peasant ancestor."
Peasant! Why, he was insulting her! She began to splutter wordlessly.
"Don't interrupt," he begged, squeezing her hand. "I like you because I have those same qualities in me and like begets liking. I realize you still cherish the memory of the godlike and wooden- headed Mr. Wilkes, who's probably been in his grave these six months. But there must be room in your heart for me too. Scarlett, do stop wriggling! I am making you a declaration. I have wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you, in the hall of Twelve Oaks, when you were bewitching poor Charlie Hamilton. I want you more than I have ever wanted any woman--and I've waited longer for you than I've ever waited for any woman."
She was breathless with surprise at his last words. In spite of all his insults, he did love her and he was just so contrary he didn't want to come out frankly and put it into words, for fear she'd laugh. Well, she'd show him and right quickly.
"Are you asking me to marry you?"
He dropped her hand and laughed so loudly she shrank back in her chair.
"Good Lord, no! Didn't I tell you I wasn't a marrying man?"
He rose to his feet and, hand on heart, made her a burlesque bow.
"Dear," he said quietly, "I am complimenting your intelligence by asking you to be my mistress without having first seduced you."
Her mind shouted the word, shouted that she had been vilely insulted. But in that first startled moment she did not feel insulted. She only felt a furious surge of indignation that he should think her such a fool. He must think her a fool if he offered her a proposition like that, instead of the proposal of matrimony she had been expecting. Rage, punctured vanity and disappointment threw her mind into a turmoil and, before she even thought of the high moral grounds on which she should upbraid him, she blurted out the first words which came to her lips--
"Mistress! What would I get out of that except a passel of brats?"
And then her jaw dropped in horror as she realized what she had said. He laughed until he choked, peering at her in the shadows as she sat, stricken dumb, pressing her handkerchief to her mouth.
"That's why I like you! You are the only frank woman I know, the only woman who looks on the practical side of matters without beclouding the issue with mouthings about sin and morality. Any other woman would have swooned first and then shown me the door."
Scarlett leaped to her feet, her face red with shame. How could she have said such a thing! How could she, Ellen's daughter, with her upbringing, have sat there and listened to such debasing words and then made such a shameless reply? She should have screamed. She should have fainted. She should have turned coldly away in silence and swept from the porch. Too late now!
"I will show you the door," she shouted, not caring if Melanie or the Meades, down the street, did bear her. "Get out! How dare you say such things to me! What have I ever done to encourage you--to make you suppose. . . . Get out and don't ever come back here. I mean it this time. Don't you ever come back here with any of your piddling papers of pins and ribbons, thinking I'll forgive you. I'll--I'll tell my father and he'll kill you!"
He picked up his hat and bowed and she saw in the light of the lamp that his teeth were showing in a smile beneath his mustache. He was not ashamed, he was amused at what she had said, and he was watching her with alert interest.
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Rhett's confession and proposal again
"'I could not love thee, Dear, so much, loved I not Honour more.' That's a pat speech, isn't it? Certainly better than anything I can think up myself, at the present moment. For I do love you, Scarlett, in spite of what I said that night on the porch last month."
His drawl was caressing and his hands slid up her bare arms, warm strong hands. "I love you, Scarlett, because we are so much alike, renegades, both of us, dear, and selfish rascals. Neither of us cares a rap if the whole world goes to pot, so long as we are safe and comfortable."
His voice went on in the darkness and she heard words, but they made no sense to her. Her mind was tiredly trying to take in the harsh truth that he was leaving her here to face the Yankees alone. Her mind said: "He's leaving me. He's leaving me." But no emotion stirred.
Then his arms went around her waist and shoulders and she felt the hard muscles of his thighs against her body and the buttons of his coat pressing into her breast. A warm tide of feeling, bewildering, frightening, swept over her, carrying out of her mind the time and place and circumstances. She felt as limp as a rag doll, warm, weak and helpless, and his supporting arms were so pleasant.
"You don't want to change your mind about what I said last month? There's nothing like danger and death to give an added fillip. Be patriotic, Scarlett. Think how you would be sending a soldier to his death with beautiful memories."
He was kissing her now and his mustache tickled her mouth, kissing her with slow, hot lips that were so leisurely as though he had the whole night before him. Charles had never kissed her like this. Never had the kisses of the Tarleton and Calvert boys made her go hot and cold and shaky like this. He bent her body backward and his lips traveled down her throat to where the cameo fastened her basque.
"Sweet," he whispered. "Sweet."
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Rhett's marriage proposal
Rhett Butler: So I'll change the subject and say what I came to say. Scarlett: Say it, then, and get out! What is it? Rhett Butler quote: That I can't go on any longer without you. Scarlett: You are the most ill-bred man to come here at a time like this with your filthy Rhett Butler: I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks. Now that you've got the lumber mill and Frank's money you won't come to me as you did to the jail. So I see I shall have to marry you. Scarlett: I never heard of such bad taste. Rhett Butler: Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees? Scarlett: Turn me loose, you varmint, and get out of here! Rhett Butler: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments my dear Scarlett. I mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy.But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past the friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling. A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred. Dare I name it? Can it be love? Scarlett: Get up off your knees. I don't like your common jokes. Rhett Butler: This is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider a most opportune moment. I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands. Scarlett: You're coarse, and you're conceited. And I think this conversation has gone far enough. Besides, I shall never marry again. Rhett Butler: Oh, yes, you will, and you'll marry me. Scarlett: You? You? I don't love you! And I don't like being married. Rhett Butler: Did you ever think of marrying just for fun? Scarlett quote: Marriage, fun? Fiddle-dee-dee. Fun for men, you mean. Hush up! Do you want them to hear you? Rhett Butler: You've been married to a boy and an old man. Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women? Scarlett: You're a fool, Rhett Butler, when you know I shall always love another man. Rhett Butler: Stop it! Do you hear me, Scarlett? Stop it! No more of that talk. Scarlett: Rhett, don't, I shall faint. Rhett Butler: I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for. None of the fools you've known have kissed you like this, have they? Your Charles, or your Frank, or your stupid Ashley. Say you're going to marry me. Say yes. Say yes. Scarlett: Yes. Rhett Butler: Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back? Scarlett: No. Rhett Butler: Look at me and try to tell me the truth. Did you say yes because of my money? Scarlett: Well yes. Partly. Rhett Butler: Partly? Scarlett: Well, you know, Rhett, money does help, and of course I am fond of you. Rhett Butler: Fond of me? Scarlett: If I said I was madly in love with you, you'd know I was lying but you always said we had a lot in common. Rhett Butler: Yes, you're right, my dear. I'm not in love with you any more than you are with me. Heaven help the man who ever really loves you. What kind of a ring would you like, my darling? Scarlett: A diamond ring. And do buy a great big one, Rhett. Rhett Butler: You shall have the biggest and the most vulgar ring in Atlanta. We'll go to New Orleans for the most expensive honeymoon my ill-gotten gains can buy. Scarlett: That would be just heavenly. Rhett Butler: And I think I'll buy your trousseau for you, too. Scarlett: Rhett, how wonderful, but you won't tell anybody, will you, Rhett? Rhett Butler: Still the little hypocrite. Scarlett: Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye? Rhett Butler: Don't you think you've had enough kissing for one afternoon? Scarlett: You're impossible. You can go and I don't care if you never come back. Rhett Butler: But I will come back. 
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