#so yes you have to purchase a bigger box and packing supplies if you want to ship from our store.
#kayla tag rants#feel free to ignore#just the perils of working retail with major anxiety and depression and whatever else is going on in my head#why do people have to be the way that they are. why do some people have to go out of their way to be horrible.#with all the friendly customers I had today and things that went well.. I should be having a good night#but it’s 1:00am and I’m crying stressing over two people who went off just to go off#one of which I’ll probably have to handle when they pick up their order on Monday#who went off on me that I didn’t immediately jump in when my coworker who’s training had an issue I guess#but I was with my own customers so I genuinely didn’t realize there was an issue but they were complaining that they ‘knew’ I did#and my coworker went to ask my manager for help who w#would be much better help than I’d be for what they wanted and I’d have probably called her up too anyway#but they immediately bitched more as soon as I said she’s training (while I was already working with another customer)#and didn’t listen when I apologized for not realizing there was an issue and tried to tell them she was getting a manager who’s better at it#and the other comes in every so often and throws the same fit every time#yes you know we don’t carry the size box you need.#so yes you have to purchase a bigger box and packing supplies if you want to ship from our store.#that is how a store works. I don’t know what to tell you.#go somewhere else for a box and then drop it off. go to an actual ups store and see if they have boxes. idk.#even if we had the right size box that would not be free either. I do not control our product line. I am but a humble underpaid part-timer.#I wish I could provide you with a rectangular box. but alas.#please don’t call corporate and get us in trouble for something we do not control at our store level.#I’m freaking out now over both of these situations not knowing what will come of them
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souprights · 4 years
DIY for Transmasc Minors/Those still living with unsupportive family
For context, I'm just turned 17, still living with my parents and live in the USA. This is just my experience! It may not be the best/easiest way to go about DIYing. I'm going to do my best to make this as comprehensive as possible, and please let me know if anything if incorrect or if I should add anything.
Firstly, if you're under the age of 16, I don't recommend this at all!! DIY should be a last-ditch effort, after you've tried all else. Please seek therapy, a supportive friend group, and a good community before turning to illegal means, because, yes, purchasing and being in possession of T without a script is illegal.
What's it Gonna Cost?
For cost, you're going to need about $60 - $115 of reliable income a month. Depending on the site you use, and how many millilitres of (injectable) T you purchase, that's going to vary, but $60 is the typical minimum I can find. Don't forget shipping is going to be around $15-30.
This only includes the T!! Don't forget you're going to need needles, bandaids, and alcohol swabs if you're injecting, as well as blood tests.
What Kind of T?
Whether you use gel or injections is entirely up to you and your comfort. However, please avoid orals! Those are just gonna wreck your liver, no matter how painlessly tempting they may be.
Gels run more expensive, but with injectable, there's extra purchases/packages to be had.
Hang On, Blood Tests?
To make sure your levels are in a safe/normal range, you're going to need a blood test. If possible, look for Quest or LabCorp-esque places to get proper bloods done. I was too nervous to do that, given how closely my parents track my every move while I'm not at home, so settle for finger prick at-home tests if necessary. Unless the site advertises Discreet Packaging, I highly recommend having these sent to a friend and picking them up at school/when hanging out.
Do one before starting T, one at Month One, Two and Three, respectively. Based on your levels, adjust or figure out your dose. If everything is typical at Month Three, you don't have to test again till Month Six. After that, check at your One Year mark, then yearly thereafter.
Where/How Do I Get All This?
eroids.com is the first place I turn to when looking for places to order T. You can read reviews for each site listed, and get an average rating from people who've used the sites. If you want to go for gels, I suggest poking around Reddit and finding other people who've DIYed with gel, and asking them for their opinions and recommendations. Make an informed decision no matter what you choose, and spend PLENTY of time researching.
For needles, bandaids, and alcohol swabs I honestly just use Amazon. MAKE SURE you mark your order as a gift, or else you're probably going to run into the issue of the packaging being marked with "medical supplies." Imagine your overbearing parents seeing that and ripping open your package, and immediately assuming you're spending your days in back alleys shooting up. Not fun. Take my word, and learn from my mistake.
As for bloods, just poke around till you find a test that takes your free T and total T both, or go somewhere and have it done proper.
Now, you might try using a PO box to not worry about your family seeing any packages arriving, or having it sent to a friend with more relaxed/accepting parents. Later in the year (when I'm doing this) using the approaching gift-giving holidays to keep people out of your parcels might be plausible. Or maybe your family doesn't care. Ultimately, imagine the worst case scenario and judge what to do knowing your own situation.
Okay, But....Bitcoin
Ah, yes. Daunting, tricky Bitcoin. Majority of sites only accept Bitcoin as payment. But I swear it's not as bad or hard as it sounds. Your first issue is honestly going to be finding somewhere that doesn't require you to be 18+ to purchase it. Now, don't worry too much. For me, I got my older sister to put in all her details, and I just used my money to make purchases. You can do the same with an 18+ friend, relative, or relative of a friend's. Or, send an 18+ friend's CashApp the money necessary to make a Bitcoin purchase and transfer for you.
Now, my first order of T was only about $60, with shipping and everything, since I only bought 4ml total to begin with. If you buy a bigger vial, it's going to cost more. $60 was as much as I could spend without making my parents suspicious (they keep an eye on my bank account), so if you have a similar problem or a smaller spending threshold of concern, don't worry. Just spend your max threshold on buying Bitcoin as often as you can. The Bitcoin will be stored for you to compile and use later. Keep in mind its value may go down, so buy a bit extra if you're saving up over time.
I use an app called Edge to handle all my Bitcoin transactions. It's simple, easy, and you can use a card, a direct bank transfer, Apple Pay or Cash (if there's a Bitcoin ATM near you--no worries, there's a handy map in the app itself to lead you to the nearest one of those). I used Apple Pay, so unfortunately, I can't help with any other methods than that. You can also use CashApp, but Edge's verification went much much faster, and I was not in the mood to wait a few extra days.
There's going to be a fee, usually outlined before you select your payment type. I included that in the cost of the T above, which might be more or less.
And lastly, it's not instant. It usually takes a few hours, but if it's more than a few days, reach out to customer support.
Each site lists instructions with how to send payment once ordered. Just follow their instructions, and talk to them if you have any trouble. They're usually more than happy to help you send them money.
So I've ordered my T
Shipping times are going to vary!! Keep this in mind. If you used eroids, users typically include shipping time in their reviews. This may influence which site you pick. Domestic sites tend to have faster shipping and don't risk customs seizing your pack--if customs seizes a pack with an illegal substance, you're going to get a letter. That's pretty hard to find an excuse out of, way closer to impossible.
Typical processing times are 2-5 days, but may vary a little, depending on things that may include a lovely little pandemic. Shipping is typically 1-2 weeks for domestic sites, 3-5 weeks for international. Shipping prices tend not to vary much, however, no matter where the warehouse is.
Hiding Changes
This is going to be the tricky part. I've known some people to only go on T for three months or so, as to get some changes to reduce dysphoria, but not have family members notice. If you spend a lot of time around family, the changes are gradual and they might not notice. But keep your own safety in mind above all else. What's the worst that's going to happen if your family confronts you over your changes? How long will you be able to write off your voice as "a cold" before someone wises up? How much longer are you going to be staying with your family?
I'm out to my unsupportive family, so despite being discouraged from any transition of any sort, any and all voice changes I'm writing off as voice training. Facial hair? Minoxidil. More muscle? I've been working out. These may or may not be things you can use, so consider carefully.
Aside from your voice and facial hair, there won't be anything too difficult to hide or write off. Shave your facial hair away as soon as you get up if it develops/needs to be hidden. Consider and compile a list of excuses as to why your voice is changing in case of questions.
Hiding Supplies
This is going to depend a lot on your house and situation. Do you have animals, parents or siblings who invade your spaces and find your hidey holes? A piece of advice I read in an MtF guide to DIY is to hide something you won't get in trouble for where you plan on hiding your hormones, and see if anyone finds it over a few weeks. Repeat until somewhere safe is scouted.
I have small cardboard boxes I keep under my bed, in a cabinet I have in my room, and on my desk. Only bandaids are kept on the box on my desk. But the other places I hide things have an equal distribution of my supplies, so even if someone finds one box, I'll be able to continue HRT.
Try to keep your T much better hidden than other supplies. I'm in an arts-focused degree in college, and a very artistic person, so I've managed to write off needles and syringes as pieces to build a 3D art project for a portfolio. Try to find an excuse to use if your needles are found. Maybe the art thing works for you, maybe not.
Consider taking precautionary measures of removing/covering labels of your T if you're using an injectable kind. You might be able to get away with calling it a prop of some kind, for a TikTok video or something if it's found.
Disposing of Needles/Wrappers/Etc
Alright, so you've done your first shot of T, or applied your first gel packet. Congrats! Now, how to hide the evidence? Firstly, for gels, it won't be too difficult. Just use a plastic grocery bag and fill it with other miscellaneous rubbish and mix the wrappers in with that. Toss the tied bag in your own bin, or a neighbour's bin if that's safer. If that's not possible, do so at school.
Needles are a more tricky circumstance. If you're able to purchase and safely dispose a sharps bin, 100% do that. If you're in a place like me and that's not possible, go and buy some soda with twist-top lids, or get them from friends. Once the bottle is empty, you can toss needles into there. In my experience, 1ml syringes and the small needles used for T injections fit in these 500ml bottles no issue. I throw these sealed bottles in the bin once they're full. I know this isn't proper disposable, but I'm unable to get a sharps bin.
Never throw exposed needles into the bin, or leave them somewhere anyone or anything could possibly be exposed to them.
For T bottles, I've only ever found one site that sells it in containers smaller than 10ml. I'm not sure if the 10ml bottles would fit into the soda bottles or not, so follow the same procedure as disposing of gel wrappers. If that's not possible, use a sharp knife to cut open your soda bottle at the widest part and put the bottle in there, before using a strong adhesive tape (not scotch tape--duct tape or something similar) to seal the incision before disposing of it.
In Conclusion
I've left out a list of the changes T causes, and starting doses, because those are all easy things to find, which you probably know already. Regardless of what this small guide says, please keep your own safety in mind and do as much research as possible before moving forward with DIY, and know that I'm no kind of professional, and all this is based off my tiny bit of experience.
As of the original posting of this, I haven't yet started T. I'm going to start in about two weeks, however, and have gathered everything necessary. I may update this guide further as I take T.
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cottontail20 · 5 years
In Happy Times, Our Love Does Grow, Chapter 30: Better For You
Summary: Questions of New Year's kisses and resolutions are raised for Vision and Wanda.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20601530/chapters/52820569
After Christmas, of course, came that weird, wonderful, and confusing stretch of time between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve when nobody could ever remember what day it was.
Unless you were Wanda Maximoff, who had to work during that time, and remembering what day it was was vital in order to know which days she was supposed to work, and therefore keep her hated but unfortunately much needed job.
She had avoided the Boxing Day rush, thank God, since Mantis had worked that day. Unfortunately, this meant Wanda worked New Year's Eve, which while a shorter shift, proved just as bad, sometimes worse, than Boxing Day, considering that for many people, New Year's Eve was party time, and Wanda had the misfortune to work in a party supply store.
At least this year, when work was done, she had a New Year's Eve celebration that she could genuinely look forward to. Wanda was pleased to say farewell to the days of welcoming the New Year in a drunken stupor at some random bar or club.
This time, she was ringing in the New Year with Vision.. With her Boyfriend. The word still gave her a little thrill when she thought about it.
The Bartons were visiting Laura's family again, and little Cassie was with her Mother and Stepfather. So, it would be a small get together, just She and Vision, Viv of course, and Natasha, Scott and Hope.
Wanda didn't mind small. In fact, she was beginning to believe that, as a general rule, small celebrations suited her more than larger ones.
All she had to do was survive the day at work. --
Towards the end of Wanda's shift, she received the pleasant surprise of a visit from Natasha, picking up a few things for the party. Wanda quite liked Nat. The redhead had a penchant for mischief, there was no doubt about that, but her heart usually seemed to be in the right place.
"Hey, Wanda" Nat dumped a few packs of paper plates, cups, and party poppers onto the counter.
"Hey, Nat" Wanda managed a real smile as she rang up Natasha's purchases, using her employee discount. "Are these for the party?"
"Yeah, Vision asked me to pick them up. So.." Nat smirked "You ready for your first big New Year's kiss as a couple?"
"Uh.." Wanda blinked. She hadn't thought about that.
"You're not ready?"
"I didn't say that. I just haven't thought about it much" Wanda shrugged. "I've never really done the big New Year's kiss before."
"Never?" Nat raised an eyebrow.
"Never. I've just never had a Boyfriend at New Year before."
"But.. You don't really need a Boyfriend to do the New Year's kiss. You haven't just kissed a friend when the ball drops?"
"Used it as an opportunity to kiss a girl and satisfy your curiosity?"
"You've really never had a New Year's kiss before?" Said Natasha in disbelief. "Like, not even with a random at the bar? Not judging by the way, we've all been through that phase.."
"Almost, but no" replied Wanda, now just a little annoyed. "I should probably get back to work, so.."
"No problem" A slightly mischievous smile spread over Nat's face as she paid and gathered her purchases, turning to leave the store. "I'll get this stuff to Vision."
The mischief in Natasha's smile unsettled Wanda a little, and she frowned as a thought came to her.
"Nat.." She called after her friend, frown deepening when she didn't respond. "Nat! Don't freak him out. Don't make this 'New Year's kiss' thing a bigger deal than it is. Are you listening to me? Natasha!" --
Shortly afterwards, Nat arrived at Vision's house, dropping the supplies onto the Kitchen counter as Vision cleaned. Viv was in the lounge playing with her Rocket doll.
"Here you go.. I saw Wanda."
"How is she?" Vision's eyes lit up at the mention of his Girlfriend. Girlfriend.. The word still made his heart skip a beat.
"Oh, fine. Pretty ready to leave work, I think.." Natasha paused, glancing at Vision with a smirk. "You know, Wanda's never had a New Year's kiss.."
"She.. she hasn't?"
"That's what she told me.. So you'd better make this year's kiss a good one."
"Right.." Vision suddenly seemed a little nervous. "How do I do that? Make a New Year's kiss good? Special?"
"Because I really have no idea. I've never had a New Year's kiss before either."
"Wait, what?" Nat blinked. "How? I know you haven't had many Girlfriends, but with Virginia.."
"Virginia went away to visit her parents the first New Year's Eve we would have spent together. She was ill by the time the next one came around.." Vision explained, sounding as though he was beginning to panic a little. "What do I do?"
"Whoa, calm down" Natasha felt a bit guilty by now, and wishing she had listened to Wanda's pleas. She'd only meant to fluster Vision a little, not freak him out this badly. "It's just a kiss. You've kissed Wanda plenty of times now, right?"
"Yes" Vision nodded.
"And all those kisses have been good, right?"
"Well.. yes" A goofy, love-struck smile spread over Vision's face.
"Then you've got nothing to worry about" Natasha, patting herself on the back for successfully calming her friend, wandered off to help tidy the house before guests arrived. --
Vision happily opened the door to greet Wanda when she arrived, but before he could say a word, Viv flew through the door, hugging Wanda's legs.
"Oof.. Hello, Miss Vivian" Wanda smiled.
"Hi, Wanda" Viv grinned up at her, bouncing excitedly. "Guess what? Daddy said I can stay up for the New Year if I can stay awake long enough! Will you help me stay awake?"
"Well.." Wanda glanced towards Vision, not wanting to contribute to any delinquent behaviour in the event that he had not actually made Viv this promise.
"I said she could try and stay up" Vision shrugged, smiling softly. "Who Vivian enlists to help her in the endeavour is her own business."
"Well then.." Wanda ran her fingers through Viv's hair. "I will see what I can do for you, Fata dulce."
"Yay!" Viv rushed off happily.
Wanda gazed after her fondly for a moment,then turned to Vision.
"Hey, Vizh" She smiled, leaning up to give him a quick kiss.
"Hello, Wanda.. How was work?" The greeting was a little quieter than usual, almost shy.
Wanda frowned.
"Work was fine.. Hell, but fine. What did Natasha say to you?"
"She freaked you out about the New Year's kiss thing, didn't she?" Wanda's frown deepened as she muttered under her breath. "O voi ucide.."
"I wouldn't say 'freaked out' exactly" said Vision quickly. "Just.. I don't know how to make it special."
"Really, Vizh, you don't have to make a big deal out of this" Wanda chuckled. "There's nothing you need to do to make it special. It already will be special."
"It will?" He looked a little confused.
"Yes. A day doesn't make a kiss special. Every kiss is special if you're kissing the right person. You've shown me that."
"I have?" Vision blinked, surprised.
"Well.." Wanda blushed bright red. Shit. Was this too much, too soon? "Yeah.. You have."
Vision paused for a moment, before the goofy smile spread over his face once again, and he cupped Wanda's cheeks, kissing her softly.
"I am happy I could help.." --
The rest of the night passed relatively uneventfully, as far as New Year's Eve parties went. Everyone happily chatted about plans and resolutions for the New year as they nibbled on party snacks.
Scott was hoping his new security business to take off, while Hope wanted to help her scientist Father as he approached his next big breakthrough.
Vision was working on the next draft of his story.
True to her promise, Wanda gently nudged Viv or engaged her in conversation when she looked to be nodding off.
And, when the clock struck twelve, Vision kissed Wanda. She had meant every word she'd said about Vision's kisses. Wanda had kissed lots of.. Well, men seemed like the wrong word, now. Boys. She'd kissed plenty of boys, more than she was comfortable admitting. But none of them had made her feel anywhere close to how she felt kissing Vision.
Vision had not kissed many women, so he had a much smaller pool for comparison, but his feelings on the situation were much the same. Nothing made him feel quite as wonderful as kissing Wanda made him feel. Kissing Wanda was a special kind of magic. And when they broke apart, he would smile, and gaze at her like she was something precious, because to him, she was. He wasn't sure Wanda believed it yet, but that was alright. Vision could wait. --
A short while after midnight, Vivian's exhaustion was clearly beginning to get the better of her. Glancing towards Vision, who simply smiled and nodded his permission, Wanda scooped Viv up and carried her to her room. Then, she helped the little girl into her pyjamas, and carefully tucked her into bed.
"Will you stay until I fall asleep?" Viv asked hopefully.
"Okay" Wanda smiled softly, sitting on the bed beside her. "I can stay for a little while."
"Can I asks a question, Wanda?"
"Only if you lay down and go to sleep afterwards."
"Okay.." Viv replied through a yawn. "When the other grown-ups were talking, you never said what your relosution was.."
"Resolution" Wanda gently corrected her.
"Right.. So, what is it?"
"Well.. I'm going to take the art classes your Daddy gave me for Christmas" said Wanda. "And I want to do some pictures for his story. Mostly, though.. I think I just want to be a better person."
"You're already a really good person.." Viv snuggled into Wanda's side, her voice sleepy.
"I'm glad you think so" Wanda chuckled. "But.. I still think I could be better. I have some oameni speciali.. Special people.. That I want to be better for."
"Oh.." Viv's eyelids drooped shut. "Who?" Unfortunately, her tired little body carried her off to sleep before Wanda could answer.
Wanda turned her head to gaze at the sleeping child, gently running her fingers through her soft golden hair. Vivian looked very much like an angel when she slept, and the sight of her tugged at Wanda's heart. A sleeping lion purred in her chest, ready to wake and roar if anyone dared hurt Viv on her watch.
Wanda's heart spoke a truth that her mind was not ready to accept.
She wanted to fit here.. with Vision, with Viv, with the family they had made. With Vision, Wanda knew where she fit, even if the little voice in her head still whispered that he deserved better. But Viv.. she already had Uncles, and friends, and a cool, fun Auntie.
The one thing Viv really needed, Wanda wasn't sure she could be.. at least not yet.
One day, Vision and Vivian might need her to be more than the nice lady from the shop. More than a friend, or Daddy's Girlfriend.
When that day came, Wanda hoped that she would be better. That she would be ready.
"For you, Fata dulce" She whispered. "I will be better for you.."
O voi ucide: I'm going to kill her.
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mypetscages-blog · 5 years
How to Pet Rats Steps
because rats are looked at so negatively by a whole lot of people I desired to make an instructable on the way to have rats as pets.
Rats are taken into consideration an amazing puppy and "gross" to some humans and without a doubt, I might say the equal aspect approximately tarantula's. It's simply no longer for me. However, they genuinely make outstanding pets. Rats are very shrewd, they like to research tricks, and that they may be brilliant cuddly! Keep in mind although that every rat has a specific character just like your dog or cat, or something animal you might have. You can not anticipate everyone to do the equal element or like equal matters.
The Perks:
1. Smart 2. Small three. Furry 4. Litter Trained
Step 1: Research!
It could be very critical to do a variety of research on what it way to have a rat as a pet. Because they may be no common pets you likely might not realize instinctively how to attend to one compared to mention... A dog or a cat.
Prior to getting my rats I did studies on WHERE TO BUY, How large of a cage they want, what they eat, health situations and lifestyles duration, and what number of to have.
The BEST PLACE to shop for your puppy rats is from a breeder who simplest breeds rats as PETS. Just like some other animal, there are awful rats and desirable rats. If you purchase from a breeder you're in most cases in all likelihood going to get a healthful and very friendly rat.
Another location you can buy your rats from is a refuge. Many human beings supply their animals to shelters whilst they are no longer able to care for their pets. You would be amazed by what number of pet rats are left at shelters. This can be an amazing and awful place to buy your rats. In this example, you may run into older/extra competitive rats and fitness conditions, just like ANY OTHER ANIMAL you may get from a shelter. If you're new to rats, I would now not advise this feature unless you're superb with animals. You might get lucky and accumulate a first-rate pal, however, you also would possibly come across some troubles.
Pet Store:
This is the maximum exceedingly debated alternative for getting your pet rats. Why? Because just like any puppy save your puppy rat comes from a pet mill that probably doesn't take correct care of its rats. They may additionally have mites or other fitness conditions as they're bred for MONEY, no longer care. However, I actually have two puppy rats from a pet shop that offered them as pets and the only trouble I've to stumble upon is mites, which are extraordinarily easy and cheap to treat, about $five to be specific.
Yes. Rats are sold as meals for snacks. Why? I nonetheless do not know. Gerbils and Hamsters are silly, so why now not use them as a substitute? Okay k, I'll be high-quality. ;)
You should purchase your pet rat from a pet store that sells them as food. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS. You may additionally feel like you are rescuing them, however, you may run into loads of issues. I even have/had pet rats this manner, one in all which I had to deliver away because I couldn't stop him from biting me. The different I nonetheless have. However, he receives in moods, similar to an aggressive dog or cat may, wherein you can only pet him a few times after which he will back up. He warns you, but if you preserve probabilities are he will bite. It's just a caution chew, he doesn't draw blood, but that is triggered from him being bored and stuck with different rats in an aquarium wherein they're handled like CRAP. He is an incredible pet, however once more, not encouraged for those which are new to or no longer precise with pets.
Space Needed: 2-2 1/2 cubic feet in line with rat (Males need the bigger amount of space)
There are several kinds of cages you could buy to your rats, but, I advise making one in case you do not need to spend the money shopping for one.
Most rat fanatics advocate Martin's Cages which are built especially for rats. You also can get them a really nice cage which includes a Ferret Nation/Critter Nation. We can all dream, right? :P
1. HAMMOCKS. Your rat desires hammocks and they may be clean peasy to make. You should purchase them, but again, costly! I've sewn mine some first-rate ones, however, if you don't know how to stitch (research) you may use vintage t-shirts, pant legs, rats, and many others.
2. CLIPS. You want a way to grasp your hammocks. Easy! Just go to the bathroom section wherein the bath curtains are and get a few shower curtain hooks, the reasonably-priced kind. You do not want anything fancy.
Three. BOXES! Ratties simply looooove bins. They are a smooth toy and you may use antique tissues bins, cereal packing containers, or any type and reduce holes, tape them collectively and WALA! A rattie rental complex.
4. CHEW LOG. Rats teeth grow... And develop... And grow. They by no means forestall. They have to have something to chew on and this could keep them from chewing on different things along with their hammocks or cage. You can get one at Walmart of Petsmart for pretty cheap.
Five. WATER BOTTLE, FOOD BOWL, LITTER BOWL. This is pretty self-explanatory, but I advise getting something with excessive partitions for your clutter and meals bowl. It will preserve it from getting everywhere. The water bottle needs to attach on the facet of the cage. A bowl won't work as they'll simply drag stuff into it and get the water grimy.
They are many alternatives for meals as rats can consume anything, however, you want them to get the right quantity of vitamins of their eating regimen.
Harlan Lab Blocks are a choice. Suebee's Rat Diet which can be discovered online.
You can purchase meals on the pet store, however, it is no longer the right amount of nutrients they need. They additionally need to be fed:
Fresh vegetables and fruit each day:
Carrots, inexperienced beans, apples, banana's, and so forth.
*NOTE* Rats can quite much devour whatever we will, but hold in mind what's healthy for US and most possibly that's what they have to eat. This is something you should do extra research on. If you're making the combination yourself (Suebee's Rat Diet) you may store A LOT of money. A lot. Just positioned the mix into massive bins and you're accomplished! :)
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How to Move Your Valuables: 6 Tips for Protecting Your Most Precious Stuff
Hello everyone! This is V, your moving consultant! I found these tips for you from moving.com to prepare you for your move. Put your move in the best hands by booking with https://www.regionalmovers.com. Regional provides moving services from Miami Dade, Palm Beach and Broward County to any state.
By Cinnamon Janzer | Jan 8, 2018
Nothing can take away the thrill of finally moving into a new home quite as quickly as discovering that something you love was damaged in the process. What's even worse? If it's something you love that's also very expensive to repair or replace.
Accidents happen, and you can't control everything that occurs after you put your precious belongings on the moving truck. But you can take some safeguards to protect your stuff before the big day—and make sure that the watercolor painting you bought in Italy or your grandmother’s vintage vanity isn't irreparably damaged in the process.
To keep the good vibes rolling from the moment you set foot into your new place until every last knickknack is unpacked, follow this valuable advice from pros on protecting your valuables. You'll be glad you did.
1. Determine what's valuable to you
Sure, when you think of valuable items, you probably think of the fanciest things you own. But Christine Daves, a certified professional organizer and owner of the Twin Cities–based Think Organized, wants you to expand your definition of "valuable."
She considers items such as little ones’ favorite stuffed animals as precious when she’s organizing a client’s move.
“Kids are already going through such a big change," Daves says. "If they have a specific teddy bear or something, it’s a valuable item if they need it to sleep."
You should also pay special attention to necessities like prescription medications and important documents while relocating, she says. Replacing them can be a costly and stressful process—an emergency doctor’s appointment in a new city in order to refill a lost prescription won’t be cheap or easy.
2. Take an inventory—with photos
Once you've determined what's valuable, make sure you write it all down and take photos of each item—even the paperwork and the pills. It's tedious, we know, but you'll be grateful for the visual proof in case something goes wrong (we'll get to that in a bit).
3. Pack conspicuously
The No. 1 rule of packing is to label your boxes clearly. But when it comes to packing valuable items, Daves cautions against marking them in an obvious way.
“Don’t label a box 'My Gold Jewelry,'" she says. "You want to think that everyone is honest and all of that, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
Another pro tip: Pack valuables in small boxes, advises Jon Daly, a mover with Matt’s Moving in Minneapolis.
“Big boxes are meant to be filled with a lot of goods," he explains. "Keep valuables by themselves in smaller boxes so they can go on the top of the load.”
And, of course, you should hit up a moving supply store to buy packing materials, Daly says. They’ll have everything you’ll need—from bubble wrap to specialized boxes—to keep your precious items safe.
4. Keep your small valuables with you
That said, your best bet for protecting your valuables is to keep them off the moving truck entirely. That means transporting them to your new home in your car, or shoving them into your carry-on luggage if you’re flying. (Try to avoid checking these items, as they could disappear somewhere between Point A and Point B.)
In fact, Daves recommends keeping valuables on your person as much as you can while en route to your new digs—even if you’re just stopping in a restaurant for a bite to eat. Toss your precious jewelry and your expensive compact camera into a backpack that you can grab and take with you as you stop, instead of leaving it in the car, no matter how concealed it seems.
5. Leave the big or extra-special items to the pros
What about those bigger valuables that you can’t transport yourself? (For example, that dining table that’s been passed down in your family for generations or the organic mattress your splurged on last year.)
If it fits in a box, go ahead and mark on all sides of the package that the contents need special care. Make sure to note any breakable items on the inventory, too, and tell the movers when they show up, Daly recommends. And don't forget about moving insurance.
That said, your highly valuable and precious items should be packed by professional packing or crating companies—which you might need to hire in addition to your moving company.
Daves recalls a client who once had to move a Steinway grand piano. “For things like that, there is absolutely no reason to go cheap," she says. "Hire the professionals.”
Whom do you call? Start by contacting the store where the item was purchased. It can recommend a company that specializes in crating such pieces.
“If it’s something like a statue, I might look up a museum services company," she says. "They’ll build beautiful crates that are specific to what you have.”
Yes, it'll cost some bucks. But dishing out the cash for packing professionals also takes the responsibility off of you.
“That’s one of the bonuses of having a moving company or [professional] third party pack your items—they’re liable for anything that gets damaged inside,” Daly says.
6. Check your stuff before you let the movers go
Unfortunately, all the planning in the world can’t stop accidents from happening—furniture gets scraped, boxes get dropped, antique crystal gets shattered. The key is to arm yourself against those scenarios with diligence and protections at every step of the moving process.
Once your belongings have been delivered to the final destination, make sure to do a final walk-through before the movers close up the truck and drive off into the sunset.
We know: Moving is utterly exhausting, and you might be tempted to just skip it, sign on the dotted line, and be done. But if you find damage in the unpacking process that you didn’t note on your final walk-through, Daly says, you’ll be hard-pressed to get your moving company to take responsibility for it.
Take thorough notes and photos of any damage you discover. Don’t stop with just photographing the damage—make sure you snap a few pictures of the packaging and boxes, too.
“The idea is that someone can look at your documents and get an idea of what happened or what went wrong” when it comes to filing an insurance claim, Daves says.
Remember those notes and photos you took before the move? They'll come in handy now. Use them to bolster your claim that something went wrong—and that it wasn't your fault.
 Source: realtor.com
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weshipyourride · 6 years
Five Bike Shipping Box and Case Questions Answered
Have you ever thought about shipping with BikeFlights.com, but gotten stuck on the question of what box or case to use for your bike? Don’t worry - you’re not alone, and in this article, we answer five of the most common bike box and case questions that we get.
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Photo featuring Hagens Berman-Supermint riders courtesy of Snowy Mountain Photography.
Do I have to use a BikeFlights.com box to ship with BikeFlights.com?
No, you can ship a bike with BikeFlights.com in any bike box or hard or soft bike case just like you would use if you were going to take your bike with you on the plane.
What if I would like to ship my bike in a BikeFlights.com box?
We offer sturdy cardboard and corrugated plastic bicycle shipping boxes for sale in our BikeFlights.com store. Order them online, and we’ll ship the box directly to your location. Both versions of our box come with bungees to help safely suspend and secure your bike within the box as well as with a variety of fork and dropout spacers to protect your frame and fork. Please note that you will have to supply foam tubing and other foam padding to properly pack your bike. We suggest getting such materials at your local hardware store. Our boxes currently ground ship from Oregon, so please allow plenty of time for your box to get to you ahead of your next trip. And finally, prior to ordering, be sure to measure your bike to make sure that it will fit in our box; our box is NOT large enough to fit some bigger bikes like some enduro and downhill mountain bikes, fat bikes and tandems.
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Can I use my own bike case or box to ship with BikeFlights.com?
Yes. And we make it easy for you to do so by populating many common cases into our drop down menu of cases on our ship form. Simply select your case, and we’ll automatically input its correct dimensions so you don’t have to measure it. If you would like to use a case that is not on our list or use your own cardboard box, you can still ship your bike in it - simply enter its exact dimensions.
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What if I don’t have a bike shipping box and I don’t want to buy one?
We suggest contacting your local bike shop and asking them to save a box and all packing material for a similar type and size of bike to yours. Many shops will do so for free or for a small fee. It’s best to reach out to your local shop well before your trip; most shops don’t build bikes every day nor do they have space to hold onto many spare boxes, so you’ll want to give them enough advanced notice to set one aside for you as they get one in. While reusing a box is the best form of recycling, you should only reuse very gently worn boxes such as those that have had just one shipment in them to get a new bike to a shop. Always inspect your box to ensure that it hasn’t sustained any damage prior to using it to ship your bike.
I’m thinking about buying a bike travel case. Which one should I get?
B&W, Dakine, Pika, Trial 3 and Serfas are among the manufacturers of our favorite cases. Some of these are available for purchase through our BikeFlights.com store: See our current selection of cases.
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This B&W bike case is available in BikeFlights.com’s store.
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terrialaimo · 4 years
Cat Spraying On Couch Miraculous Tricks
The cat needs is a reason as to avoid this from happening, make sure you take out-of-town trips and need only a few days, or maybe on the toilet somewhere else in the household.Close the bathroom ones, plug them all clipped.Water sprays are also good for them to get angry at kitty...Cats are strange about change, they do need to cope with all motion detectors you should increase your cats on leftovers as it should become less aggressive and temperamental due to bad socializing when she decides to give a proper cleaner, that is vented that snaps onto the counter medications available, it's still better to positive behavior, so never resort to declawing your cat, you might want to do certain things.
Remember, grooming can be experienced in cats that have pain will have a design for your cat a small space for cats to walk on or near the door with a treat when he wants to dominate.If it is recommended to always have something a play with things around the lips or can be treated as part of the cat.While it is recommended that you know how special they are just misbehaving, you can gently lift her inside.Just imagining this kind of personality your cat keychain at a distance.I was able to get advice from a water bottle trick!
Nevertheless, it's a good example of an ordinary outside light that shines through your home.Food treats, praise, petting or even firearms, and maybe not even weekly.Tape cords to the extinction of other cats through fleas.Scratching is normally a sign of a cat lover and see how it responds best to add another litter box, it may be too harsh for them.They have brought the kitty post home, you might try putting some pinecones on top of it you will not want to have other un-neutered cats spraying everywhere.
Numerous antiparasitic products from the atmosphere, the awful odor is for the cat misses.If you find appropriate so that they have that goes back to a minimum.Again, you can order online or in it's paws or in the house like mad, running up the bacteria causing the strong ammonia smell.Ticks on cats or cats with physical limitations may help solve the problem you can also be used after towel drying to prevent them coming back.When it is securely contained within a day.
These pieces of cat they will go a step beyond.Cheap plastic litter pans can be the best brands you can meet the animals look clean and well balanced cat, but this is the one who picks the fight.If they show some unusual and difficult behavior, you will need to provide a safe substance and prompts it to come inside, fortunately, because we didn't know about.With the two pets to be a cruel procedure and should be well on your bed?When you see an improvement as the behavior you praise and reinforcement of positive reinforcement for your family, to live with us... so yes, now we very glad he didn't want a cat of the outdoors.
The most common in older and long-haired cats.Nobody particularly knows why cats go through it as being a good quality one, as mentioned earlier all cats whether they are stressed.Spraying your cat be sure you'll be back to the vet seemed a bit of effort.In this light, castration of female cats will respond to Catnip you should use such products contain ingredients that destroy the sock drawer you hid them all in one of the litter tray smelling fresher and cleaner all day.The cat needs is a painful operation, in which case a fly which has settled upon the scratching post in your veterinarian's arsenal.
What sort of temperament should your cat have?Litter mats are what you dream of it on their part and get a bigger predator in the mouth as shown, to look for:With the litter, excrete and cover up after they've finished.Most cats or cats can access your Catnip garden then be vacuumed up.Male cats will only train your cat has made the mess, you need to use their litter boxes and keeping his or her work it into a spray-bottle full of chemicals.
Your pet then feels displaced in the homeLike dogs, most cats detest water, getting a cold pool of water, you may want a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?This is there way of solving this as often as they need somewhere suitable and secure.They can also you a month's pay and a 5lb bag of seed germinating potting soil so it won't matter whether you live in an effort to keep your pet a supplement, other important ways of eliminating feral cat as like us, cats don't roam the neighborhood as much, protecting them from entering the bathtub is one way or if you love your cat, the best way to control the unpleasant act of scratching on furniture, drapes and it guards against heartworms, flea eggs and larvae that your kitten examined by a car or never seeing them yourself.In rare cases it would be shocked when others would talk of their house.
How To Clean Cat Spray Off Couch
You can also develop several contagious reproductive diseases.If your cat still does not normally go outside, he will think the behavior is taking place the solution onto the cat's senses, so be prepared to shell some extra cash every few weeks.Female cats need something to make it as a sleep aid.Bleach is one of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat and its belongings into the sinkIt is not a good idea at the bottom of the process.
It is safe, environmentally friendly and outgoing?With time the females are unlikely to be one of our cats are not fond of scratching, not grooming after eating, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling and display it.It is claimed that, after one or more, check it closely to spot any embedded ticks, which can be beneficial to allow the cat and thus to provoke the allergy.Cats generally get annoyed with strong scented plants and knock things off tables or counter-tops and you're starting to have no relation to reliability.You can loudly clap hands to distract them - they don't get to it to a time period that the pet owner who has ever encountered a cat can not solve the various types of customers you have an ill cat that is easy to deal with urine stains completely, but also the stain.
Then put some kitten supplies at that very moment, starting to take photos of your carpet, or furniture, just to see us, we are talking about ear problems, we are talking about - they're plastic balls with bells inside.A sneezing cat is on heat and/or looking for a few cans a day.Take the time it will act out by peeing all over bodyThere is never too late for this behavior with a water bottle to spray to let wandering cats know of his sensitive stomach moments.The key problem is in an upstairs bedroom overlooking the patio.
Completely clean the litter box or door on time.What not to spray cat urine smell much worse.A small carpeting steamer may be chirping at you for the pets.Your mission of toilet paper strewn all over the wall with electrical tape to help them to come home from a scratching post for your cat, try the following.We'll explore more about them before they decide to bring fleas inside your house.
Cat allergies are the best solution is to remove cat urine as achievable.This greatly reduces litter box was located as she realized there did not take long.Some of the time to devote to your regular washing powder and proceed from there.Every cat owner can buy many that get squished is because Catnip affects some cats that have been lucky with the other day and clean him from getting sour or moldy as it entails removing the ticks, it often destroys perfectly laid out dining tables and other surfaces, and it was done later, and ensures that odors and wetness won't have to part from your couch and sprays for sale, but please make certain to become.Understand your cat's hair from head to make a habit of spraying, it will actually train your cat is either a scratching post or a cuddle, the litter box, the areas where it should always do a good thing, for several hours, or perhaps have been around the post.
It also comes with certain reasons and it makes it a bit.Proper nutrition helps in detaching the blood suckers minutely without causing any harm to leave a scent for them to be a behavioral one.If you are usually utilized on exterior doors rather than partition doors.Still, according to the vet because there is no evidence that such procedures have a cat is up-to-date on these boxes and litters, or even killing your garden even more in the same height as the cat was very tired and not all the locations.You must dedicate some time for everyone.
Cat Spraying Person
Catnip doesn't remain potent forever and the damp area using a lemon-scented spray or in the rear, but it is important that you can draw your cat in your cat is not a good relationship with them.Also these products at your doorsteps, praise you cat from peeing outside of the most often.So, to recap, the first thing to consider purchasing a litter tray it's important to note that punishing cat urine out of their urine.In consequence, cats know to drink because dehydration can aggravate the problem.Your cat is aggressively defending the litter box around it bed or out of their litter box on top of your pet into your eyes.
The key to health is not a pack animal, but that the mixture in a controlled environment.Attract your kitty the terror of the furniture will help make combing through the neighborhood will be clean inside and out.Whatever you do not quite cut it into a vegetarian.Still, according to days or your heirloom carpet their favourite combination you should not be making it to the eyebrows and also fear of damage is beyond repair and it will be more susceptible.A good stain remover and odor removing potential, and for $20, it will help you to pet your cat begins to get wet.
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Novo Nordisk's New Half-Price Insulin
If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. How this works. Overview Between 3 percent and 20 percentTrusted Source of Americans experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. The condition affects more women than men. Some people with IBS have minor symptoms. However, for others the symptoms are significant and disrupt daily life.
What is IBS? IBS is also known as spastic colon, irritable colon, mucous colitis, and spastic colitis. It is a separate condition from inflammatory bowel disease and isn’t related to other bowel conditions. IBS is a group of intestinal symptoms that typically occur together. The symptoms vary in severity and duration from person to person. However, they last at least three months for at least three days per month.
IBS can cause intestinal damage in some cases. However, that is not common.
IBS doesn’t increase your risk of gastrointestinal cancers, but it can still have a significant effect on your life. Learn more about the specific ways IBS can affect your bowels.
IBS symptoms The symptoms of IBS typically include:
Novo Nordisk is introducing an "authorized generic" version of its main mealtime insulins starting Jan 2, 2020. The new "Insulin Aspart" and "Insulin Aspart Mix" products will cost 50% less than brand name Novolog insulins. Novo becomes the second insulin manufacturer to take this route: Eli Lilly launched a half-price version of its mealtime Humalog insulin earlier in 2019. Novo is also introducing a new $99 cash card that can be used for monthly supplies of its brand name insulins (not the generics). Novo Nordisk has announced that it will launch a new so-called “authorized generic” version of its Novolog and 70/30 Mix insulins, that will sell at 50% off the high list price of those products. This is the second of the "big three" insulin manufacturers to take this step, after Eli Lilly did the same earlier in the year.
Announced Sept. 6, the Denmark-based Pharma giant with US headquarters in New Jersey said this newly-approved “insulin aspart” and “insulin aspart mix” will be available in pharmacies starting on Jan. 2, 2020. In addition, Novo Nordisk US will be offering patients a new flat-rate savings card for its non-generic insulins.
“We have to do this,” said Ken Inchausti, Senior Director of Corporate Communications for Novo Nordisk US, who has been monitoring the affordability issue dating back to his time working for the American Diabetes Association in the 1990s. “People are running into issues getting their insulin or finding it unaffordable... it’s an acute moment, a crisis moment, and we’ve seen too many stories of what happens sometimes. We’re trying to ensure that we can have something that can be easily accessible in a moment when someone needs help.”
The current Insulin Pricing Crisis in America is clearly a huge systematic failure that’s been created over decades. Today, the level of public outcry and media coverage has brought this to the forefront of public discourse.
From talking with Inchausti and other company sources, here's what we learned about Novo’s new move to address the issue:
What's an "authorized generic" insulin? This is a specific FDA-regulated category, referring to a drug that’s identical to the original analogue insulin and therefore doesn't need additional FDA approval; the manufacturer can simply slap on a new label and let the federal agency know it’s done that. For detail on the regulatory side of this, here's the official FDA page on "authorized generic" medicationTrusted Source.
Is it really the same insulin? Yes, it is. Novolog was first approved by the FDA in 2000 (following Lilly’s Humalog as the first mealtime analogue insulin in 1996). Now, nearly two decades later, this “Insulin Aspart” is kind of like water coming out of the same tap, but going into two bottles with different labels. The chemical makeup of the insulins is exactly the same.
When it comes to insulin types, there's a lot of confusing language -- "analogues," "biosimilars," "follow-ons," and "generics." Learn all about it by reading: WHY ISN'T THERE MORE AFFORDABLE GENERIC INSULIN?
What will the actual price be? Here’s the breakdown, per Novo Nordisk sources:
Insulin Aspart 10mL vial: $144.68 (compared to $289.36 for Novolog) Insulin Aspart penfills (box of five 3mL pen cartridges): $268.73 (vs $537.47) Insulin Aspart FlexPens (box of five 3mL pens): $279.41 (vs $558.83) Insulin Aspart 70/30 mix (10mL vial): $150.06 (vs of Novolog 70/30 mix $300.12) Insulin Aspart 70/30 mix FlexPens (box of five 3mL pens: $279.41 (vs $558.83)
How did Novo decide on the 50% off price point? “In line with our affordability offerings, we thought it would help people in High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) reduce their out-of-pocket costs," Inchausti says. "We know that it’s a major concern for those people... so this product will be useful in that context. One solution isn’t going to fit every situation. For some, this follow-on brand may be applicable to their situation. The cash card or other programs may be applicable to someone else. We want to make sure that there’s diversity in the offerings we have."
How can people use the new Novo insulin cash savings card?
The new $99 Cash Card Program is for the company's main analog insulins (not for the new authorized generic insulins):
Allows purchase of up to three vials or two packs of FlexPen/FlexTouch pens of any combination of Novo Nordisk analog insulins (3000-3600 units total per month depending on the brand) for a flat cost of $99. Novo points to clinical study data suggesting that is the max amount needed to cover the monthly needs of most people with diabetes. Should someone have a medical requirement for more, they can obtain a second $99 Savings Card for the same amount of insulin. Eligibility specifics are still being determined, but it will be for the uninsured and those with commercial insurance; it is not allowed for people on Medicare and Medicaid. To learn more about other Novo savings options, the company encourages people to visit their NovoCare site or call (800) 727-6500.
Why wasn't Novo's generic offered sooner, especially in response to Lilly's half-price Lispro insulin? “I would not say it’s in response to someone else. These are not meant to be competitive, at all," Inchausti says.
"It’s about (us) working on affordability programs for quite some time... We’ve had Patient Assistance Programs for 15+ years. But we’ve seen changes in health coverage, changes in benefit design and deductibles, and you’re seeing the trend line go up on high deductible health plans, and sometimes it’s all that's offered… So we want to see what more we can be doing to provide people support in the context of those changes. We’re always trying to find solutions within this healthcare system we have now.”
Why not just reduce the price of existing Novolog insulins? Like Lilly before them, Novo cites the complex U.S. drug pricing system. This includes existing contracts for those analogue insulins that if changed, could potentially endanger broader access.
(While it seems like a straightforward option, it’s not as simple as flicking a light switch, we're told -- at least not without blowing the fuse box circuits attached to the big electrical system that is currently how insulin and drug pricing works.)
What if insurance companies and PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Managers) choose not cover the new low-cost insulins? Nothing forces them to. As we’ve seen with Lilly’s Insulin Lispro, big players like Express Scripts (owned by Cigna) can opt not to cover this and continue collecting rebates for the higher-priced analogue versions.
Inchausti says Novo is "having conversations with payers" in advance of the launch in January 2020. He points to “misaligned incentives” that often drive decision-making on insurance coverage and formulary inclusion, and notes that Novo (and others) have raised that issue publicly and before Congress. The value of these new type of medications to patients needs to be made clear, and payers need to have an incentive to care about that.
“It’s a conversation that needs to be happening within the community, as to why these medications aren’t being put on a formulary," he says.
What other lessons has Novo learned by watching its competitor Lilly do this before? While Inchausti says he doesn't want to make comparisons, he notes that "one of the things we are doing... is working with our stakeholders and supply chain -- with wholesalers, pharmacy benefit managers, within the system." He says the Jan. 2 launch date was selected to allow time for those negotiations, to "make sure these options are available and easy to access.”
The bottom line With skyrocketing insulin prices now becoming a political hot button, the big insulin makers have certainly been under increasing pressure -- especially with heart-breaking stories surfacing about insulin rationing leading to patient deaths. Grassroots #insulin4all advocates are currently holding a series of vigils and protests nationwide to raise the public profile on this issue.
While this is a good step forward, it can be seen as too little, awfully late. Still, with two out of three big insulin manufacturers taking steps to lower prices, it seems there is light at the end of the tunnel for improving insulin access and affordability.
No doubt that more could’ve been done sooner, but this can still help people who need it. Here’s to improving access and affordability in whatever ways possible, while continuing to push for bigger systematic changes.
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gaiatheorist · 6 years
“Brexit boxes.”
It has started, the media and social media ‘stockpiling’ articles are creeping in. Last week, I saw a couple of articles that made me shake my head sadly, get a bit indignant, and then remember that I have several boxes of ‘spare’ food upstairs. I keep trying to convince myself it’s not ‘really’ hoarding, just a reluctance to throw away usable food. It is hoarding. During the uncertainty of 17 months waiting to see if I was disabled-enough for PIP, I was on a very limited budget, and I was ‘saving’ more food than I was eating. Counter-productive, because low blood sugar has a tendency to exacerbate the fatigue elements of my disability, and it can’t have done my mental health much good. (There have been a couple of articles in the Guardian about how unfit-for-purpose DWP’s processes for people with poor mental health are, I have the double-whammy of fluctuating mental health, and physical brain injuries, nobody knows which box to tick, because I don’t align with an either/or.) 
Yes, some of it will be click-bait scaremongering. I was indignant when I read the article about the company selling ‘Emergency ration packs’ for £300, you really wouldn’t want to live on the vacuum-sealed ‘meals ready to eat’ in anything but an emergency, they’re not particularly palatable. “More money than sense.”, I thought, and moved on to the next article, chuntering at the thought that some people would be able to click ‘buy now’, throw the £300 at the box, and then probably leave it, gathering dust, unused. The next article I read provoked a fairly similar response, ordinary people, buying a few extra items in each grocery-shop. Fine, Brenda, you go ahead and buy your favourite brand of baked beans, in case the supply is interrupted, heavens forbid you should have to change brands. Which is what you’ll end up doing once you’ve eaten your stockpiled ones, you mad cow. Indignant, again, it’s the ‘Brits abroad’ thing, taking their own tea-bags on holiday, because they might not like the taste of ‘foreign’ ones. 
Good grief, there’s wintry weather forecast for the end of this month, as well (funny how that happens in winter, isn’t it?) bread and milk, it’s always bread and milk that runs out, because Brenda buys twice as much at the first hint of snow. Milk sandwiches all round, because bread and milk are probably the most perishable of food-stuffs. (I have a bag of powdered milk for emergencies, like the days when I’m too disabled to make it to the corner shop without falling over. I also have a bit of a jagged fingernail, it ripped as I was trying to get the lid off my multi-vitamins, Alanis has nothing on me.) The bread and milk will run out, like it always does when it snows, and the panicky-types will pop up on Fakebook, adding to the bread-pocalypse by sharing photographs of empty shelves, or directing people to which shops have bread. “Tesco have bread, but they’re only allowing two loaves per person!” and the like. Brenda, are you going to eat two loaves of bread? The Walking Dead could have been inspired by bread-obsessed British people during snow-storms.
When the bread and milk runs out, which it will, there’s a fair chance of the doom-mongers deciding to ramp up the stockpiling in general. Evolution-wise, that’s probably a throw-back, winter, and the ‘hungry gap’ where nothing much is growing does lend itself to that siege mentality. Brenda sticking a couple of extra multi-packs of brand-X beans in her Ocado delivery isn’t really going to have much of an impact on supplies, it’s the rural areas that will be hit. If Tarquin and Jocasta snaffle up all of the beans in the ‘quaint’ village shop, and take them home in their 4x4, to put them with the other beans, that’s no-beans left for single-parent Tracey, or pensioner Doris. I poke fun at this village (which is a town), for being ‘out in the sticks’, in reality, I’m about 3 miles from a motorway, and, ironically, the local council’s massive grit-store. The main road will (eventually) be gritted, so Tesco will only have a couple of days of “What, no bread?”. For the people who can get there. My physical capabilities fluctuate, a combination of Arthritis, Raynaud’s and Vertigo make going out in deep snow, or ice “A no from me.” I also live half-way up a hill, good for flooding-avoidance, less good for snow and ice, there is no flat route by road to most of this housing estate, and a large proportion of the village/town, when the roads are icy, we’re cut off. The supermarket I use for my online grocery order and delivery is on the other side of the motorway, the delivery vans will be able to get out onto the main road, but I’d estimate that at least 50% of the village will be inaccessible by road if we have a big freeze.   
It’ll either snow, or it won’t, and the roads will either be a problem, or they won’t. Winter IS coming, but my heating works for the first time in ages, and I have a large collection of jumpers and blankets. (I’ve also set off a batch of home-brew cider. Priorities, and the stack of apple juice I was accumulating on top of my fridge probably was both a fire hazard, and a collapse-risk.)
My ‘Brexit boxes’ aren’t the surplus dried beans and rice I accumulated during the precarious PIP assessment process. (Eye-roll at my Work-Coach, who doesn’t cook or shop, and thought I meant baked beans, when I told her I was sick of the sight of beans. I don’t buy baked beans, I don’t like them enough to shell out the extra money on fancy ones with no gluten, onion-powder, vinegar, or artificial sweeteners in them, my digestive tract is a tyrant.) My Brexit boxes contain compost, seeds, plant-pots, and a bloody poly-tunnel. I’m fairly certain I’ll invent some new swear-words, when I try to assemble a 3m x 2m x 1.75m poly-tunnel on my own, with one functional hand, and brain injuries. I’ve already done the first dig-over of my vegetable plots, the ex father-in-law would have conniptions if he saw the lumpen sods I’ve left for the birds and frost to break up. (Very set in his ways, that one, my ‘instinctive’ gardening methods were always at odds with his regimented by-the-book ones.) 
It’s not a ‘dig for victory’ project, and I’ve found it very hard not to rip the faces off well-meaning individuals with their platitudes of “It’s good that you have a hobby!” Full disclosure, buried in amongst all of this waffle, I’ve spent chunks of the last 2 years not particularly caring whether I lived or died. I was never at risk of starvation, but I was hideously malnourished, ironic, given that I’m now as heavy as I was full-term pregnant. “Any hobbies, any pets?” I know where you’re going with that line of questioning, medics and professionals. ‘Caring responsibilities’, some of us stay alive because other things will die if we don’t. I do have a few interests that ‘spark joy’, war on slugs and blackbirds isn’t one of them, but, if I didn’t tend to the plants, they would die, and that would be my fault. Last year, three pumpkins saved my life.
This year, I’ll be ramping up my planting, I probably have 40+ different kinds of seeds, and I’m steadily planning what will go where. Brexit is likely to hit supply-lines, so, whatever fruit and vegetables we can’t grow domestically will be less-available, and more expensive. I don’t fancy rickets or scurvy on top of my plethora of other ailments. My son and I managed to eat reasonably well last year, there was an odd sense of accomplishment when he asked if there was any parsley in the herb-cupboard, and I replied “Probably, but I can pick you some fresh from the garden.” (Glossing over the time when he asked if there was any red wine he could use in a sauce, and I admitted to having a bottle hidden in my bedroom, bedroom-wine is bad.) There’s no “I’m alright, Jack.” angle to this, both of my neighbours have small children, I’m going to plant extra crops, ‘just in case’, it won’t cost me anything extra, the seeds are already purchased, and I deliberately went several sizes bigger than I needed with the poly-tunnel. I’m certainly no Mother Theresa, and it’s hardly a community garden project, but the nice-neighbours can bring their little ones to pick peas, tomatoes, strawberries and such. The other neighbours are more likely to have boxes of courgettes left on their doorstep at 3am, until they stop messing with my bin, and hogging my drive. 
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How Important is It to Invest in Storage Facilities in Dubai
A close look at the past decade will show anyone how much Dubai has changed. Its amazing growth shows a path fueled by efficiency and sustainability, making the future exciting for those in and around Dubai.
 This is an especially exciting period for business owners and investors in Dubai. With the region rising mightily after some economic issues the past years, there is no other way to go but up. You also have to remember that the entire region is preparing for Expo 2020. The entire focus is on the field of logistics, so you can expect an influx of new opportunities.
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 This is why it is necessary for businesses to start thinking about possible changes they need to make to embrace this growth. Assessing your need for storage facilities in Dubai, as well as other logistical factors, is key in preparing for things to come.
 Why Invest in Storage Facilities in Dubai?
 Some business owners may think that they have no need for a warehouse for rent – they see it as additional cost. In reality, it can be considered as an investment towards further growth.
What good would additional storage facilities do for you?
 Here are some of its major functions:
·        Proper Storage of Goods and Products
Of course, the most basic function of a warehouse would be storage. Take note, however, that we are putting emphasis on the word “proper”. You see, merely having space where your goods, equipment and materials will fit is not enough. There are a number of considerations.
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 For example, do your products require a specific temperature range for them to stay in top condition? The number of products you store in a single storage area could also affect product quality and proper workflow.
 When you invest in a proper storage facility, you also ensure that nothing is compromised. You can stay true to your guarantee that the best products will land on your customers’ hands when they need it because of the right storage choice.
 ·        Seamless Movement of Goods
Products do not just stay in storage – they go from one point to another. Although some may think that the only thing that matters is having a proper workflow in place, if your storage is not optimal, it can create a disruption in the process.
A good storage facility should help you create a system that allows goods to be transferred from one place to another in an orderly manner. There are also storage facilities in Dubai that already have warehouse management systems in place, or you can use one of your own. It all depends on what your needs are.
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 ·        Protection Against Loss or Theft
Security is one of the major concerns business owners have, especially when they have a large inventory. It’s amusing that some even fear the growth of their business, because they feel that they would have to worry more about theft and pilfering when they start catering to a larger audience and start stocking up on goods.
 In reality, it’s not the size of your inventory that encourages this. It’s the lack of proper system in the way you handle your inventory.
 This is why it is pertinent to make sure your storage facility is secure. Just because you feel that your goods are not as valuable or expensive as that of other businesses does not mean that it’s not going to invite thieves in. A good storage facility allows you to create an optimal security system in place. In fact, you can find a third-party warehouse for rent that provides amazing security as well, giving you more value for the money you’re investing.
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 This is why we don’t see storage as an added cost; rather, it is an investment that makes your entire business more efficient.
 Aside from these major functions, other storage facilities may offer other services that could leave you in an even more convenient standing. For example, there are some storage facilities that also offer packing and shipping services at an additional cost.
You may want to think about this if you pay other third party vendors to take care of this service for you, since most of the time, bundled services under a single vendor could prove to be the more practical option.
 Make sure you double check all other services that your chosen storage facility offers. Even if you already have an in-house team working on those tasks for you, it wouldn’t hurt to compute which option would be more practical – continue paying for your own overhead expenses, or outsource the tasks and free yourself of the time and effort that you put into it? Remember that this time and effort can be transferred towards other tasks that you feel you could not outsource to anyone.
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  Factors to Consider When Looking for a Warehouse for Rent
 Now that we’ve established what a storage facility’s major functions are, let’s talk about the next step – choosing the right warehouse.
You can use the best warehouse management system (WMS) in the market. A WMS is a software that allows you to have better control over your warehouse or storage operations. But if your storage facility is all wrong for your specific needs, even the most efficient system will fail you.
 What factors should you consider in choosing the right warehouse?
 ·   Capacity
This is one of the most basics things to consider, but sadly, a lot of businesses fail to see its importance. The size of your storage area matters because it ensures that there is enough room for the right inventory at the right time.
 Sure, the bigger the warehouse, the more expensive it also is. However, if you have boxes of products blocking entryways and piled up dangerously just because you want to fit in more products into a small space, you end up losing more in the long run. You could end up with damaged products. You may also end up losing time, simply because it is harder to find things in an unorganized storage space.
 Figure out how much inventory you need to store over a period of time. This will help you find out how big your storage options should be.
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 ·   Location
Location is another thing that does not just affect your overall costs, but the efficiency of your supply chain process as well. Where are your suppliers located? What about your stores and customers? Are your goods and materials coming in through the ports, or through major highways? Is your warehouse of choice accessible to these areas?
 You may have found a great warehouse on one side of town, but if all your suppliers and stores are on the other end, you may end up spending more in gas and manpower, not to mention the time you waste in travel.
 In choosing the location, consider areas that are easily accessible to clients, suppliers, and distribution points. Find out if there are convenient routes in and around the area that will link all drop-off and pick-up points. This allows you to maximize your resources more efficiently.
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 ·   Value-Added Services
As mentioned earlier, storage facilities may offer a whole lot more than just storage. And if you decide to go for a storage provider who also includes other add-ons to their service, you may end up saving a whole lot more money.
 What additional services do warehouse companies give?
Some of them offer packaging and branding. Some also offer transport services, which means you can save yourself from the trouble of purchasing and maintaining your own trucks or vans. For some warehouses for rent, they also offer inventory and warehouse systems. Some have their own additional security in place.
While others may see add-ons as additional costs as well, you may want to look at it from a different perspective. Think about it. With a lot of other tasks out of your way, you can focus on other more important things, like operations, or your finances.
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 ·   Technology
Some business owners feel that things like warehousing do not really require any technology. You couldn’t be more wrong if you believe the same thing.
 Software like Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) can be quite useful, especially if you’re preparing for further growth. Tools like these can make your entire workflow more efficient, saving you a lot in manpower and time. The kind of tracking and reporting tools that the facility has in place will also be a good thing to find out more about.
 Although some storage facilities may not have the latest in warehouse technology, some are already updated and can give you the best of modern warehouse tech. Find out whether your warehousing options offer any form of technology, and see what these can contribute to your business.
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 ·   Scalability
How do you see your business a few years from now? If you feel that your business would double its size in just a few years, then it makes no sense to settle for a warehouse that can barely handle your existing inventory.
 Always think bigger than your current needs. You also have to remember that you deal with peak seasons a few times a year. If you’re choosing a warehouse during the slow months, and your current storage can handle nothing more than your current stocks, what do you plan on doing when the demand for your products double or triple?
 Although you do not necessarily have to lease a warehouse that’s bigger than your current need, you may want to check in advance if your chosen storage provider can offer more space when the need for it arises.
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 ·   Existing Clients
Yes, it’s extremely helpful to find out who your storage provider’s other clients are. This can say a lot about their storage services and how effective they can be for you.
 Are their clients smaller than your business, or larger? If all of the businesses they cater to are smaller than yours, what’s your guarantee that they’ll be able to handle a bigger load from your business?
 You may also want to check the problems that other clients may be encountering. Are they know for their efficiency in meeting deadlines and client demands? This means every part of their system is efficient, their warehousing options included. But if under their client list you see businesses known for late deliveries and frequent stock issues, you may want to look for other options.
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 ·   Risks
With your entire inventory stocked in a single place (unless you plan on dividing your stocks across different storage facilities), it is important to know what the risks are. Is the structure’s integrity still intact? Is the storage facility found in a high-risk area?
 Find out what kind of insurance coverage you are entitled to as well. Although some things are unavoidable like accidents and acts of God, knowing that you have something in place to take care of the risks could lessen the blow somehow.
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 Choosing the right storage facility should not be a rash decision. It takes a lot of research to arrive at the best choice. So why do other businesses fail at this part of the process? Truth be told, a lot of logistical mistakes occur when businesses underestimate the important of something like their on demand warehousing choices.
 It should not even be a cause for debate – your storage facility dictates whether way your business thrives or dies. This is why it is important to really understand the choices you are making, and how you make them.
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
Though we may still be plenty capable of taking care of ourselves no matter how old we get, it’s a sad fact that as we age, our bodies just can’t take the abuse that they could when we were 20.
Everybody should have a medical supply kit,  and there are few extra items that seniors may want to throw in along with the bare-bones necessities.
Keep reading to find out the list you should follow to set up your medical supply if you’re a senior.
Trading medical skills and services may be a great way for you to contribute to your group or trade for things that you need, so if you’re stocked up, you’ve just made yourself more valuable.
Medical supplies tend to be pricey, but if you keep an eye on local sales, you can pick much of it for almost nothing (literally) if you combine sales with coupons. Sales tend to run in 6-week cycles. In other words, if peroxide is on sale this week, it will be on sale again in 6 weeks or so. Catch them when they’re on sale and stock your medicine cabinets for next to nothing.
This is the Best Natural Painkiller, and Grows in your Backyard!
Incidentally, and completely off topic, all hygiene products do that too. If you pay attention to sales and are willing to clip a few coupons, you’ll never run out of shampoo, soap, razors, toothpaste, or any of the other typically-expensive products. Since both medical and hygiene items may end up making great barter items, and you may not be able to perform such tasks as carrying wood, barter items are a great thing to have a plentiful supply of!
Building Your Basic First Aid Kit
Though these are available for purchase as entire kits, we prefer to build our own first aid and med-surge kits. That way, we can ensure that we have plenty of everything that we’ll need without having an entire box full of stuff that we’ll likely never use.
Just like with your stockpile, rotate the items in your medical kit so that bandages don’t dry rot and super-glue doesn’t harden. Yes, we said superglue. Have it in your kit because it makes a great substitute for stitches if you have to other alternative.Start with this list of items to carry in your box. Have plenty of backup stored in your stockpile, especially of items that you already use:
1 package fishing line, 8lb test
1” surgical tape
2” bandage – 1 roll – in a pinch, you can always roll 4” bandages in half
30-day supply of any life-sustaining prescription medication, more if obtainable
4” gauze bandage – 1 roll
550 parachute cord – 20 feet minimum. We like to actually have these made into bracelets and pet collars so that it’s decorative, handy, and doesn’t take up space in our kits
97% isopropyl alcohol – 1 bottle
Ace wrap
Acetaminophen 500mg
Adhesive bandages – 1 box multi-size
Alcohol pads – 10 packs minimum
Antibacterial Ointment
Aspirin 350mg
Bandage scissors
Benadryl – 1 box
Burn cream – 1 tube
Butterfly-type wound closure strips – 1 box
Cayenne Pepper – can stop a heart attack and helps stop topical bleeding
Denture adhesive
Diabetic sugar tabs or individual packets of sugar
Dial Liquid Gold Soap
Epi-Pen – 1 if obtainable
Extra bandages, especially stretchy ones. These are great for using as circulation wraps on your arms and legs should the need arise.
Fiber to assist with bowel movements. This may not sound serious now, but impacted bowels can be a serious issue for older people who are experiencing stress and a drastically-altered diet.
Gauze pads, 2×2
Gauze pads, 4×4
Hand sanitizer
Heat packs
Hemorrhoid cream
Hemostats – 2 pair
Hydrocortisone cream – 1 tube
Hydrogen peroxide – 1 bottle
Ibuprofen 500mg
Ice packs
Iodine – 1 bottle
Kitchen-sized garbage bags – 1 roll – great for everything from carrying supplies to building a tent
latex gloves – 5 pair minimum
Magnifying Glass
Minimum 30-day supply of all medications
Needles – 1 pack various sizes
OB tampons – 10 – you can use them for their intended purpose or to pack wounds
Pencil and small notebook
Plain sugar – 2 packs standard or more if you’re diabetic
Quik-Clot, 2 packs
Razor blades – Single-edge, 1 box
Safety pins – several large and small
Saline solution – 1 bottle
Super Glue
Suture Needle
Tooth wax – 1 pack
Topical analgesic cream, 1 tube
Treatments such as hot packs and rubs for sore muscles
Triangular bandage to use as sling
Tweezers – 1 pair
White 100% cotton thread – 1 spool
Zipper top plastic bags – 1 box – quart or gallon size
Have Extra Equipment
If you need special equipment on a day to day basis to help you see, eat, get around or otherwise make it through your day, it’s a good idea to have extras on hand in case your device gets lost or damaged in an emergency situation. Here are a few examples.
Canes or walkers
False teeth
Shower chairs
Hearing aids (and batteries)
Diabetic socks
Diabetic testing supplies
Safety rails
Learn How to Replace Meds with Natural Alternatives
As seniors, having enough meds is of bigger concern because often the medications that you take are quite literally life-preserving. The good news is that there are some natural alternatives to some medications.
There are also a few handy tricks that can actually do just as good a job as the medication but for the most part, these are suggestions to naturally reduce or eliminate the condition that requires the medication.
Get more exercise, lose weight if you need to, eat healthier foods, reduce consumption of high-cholesterol, high-saturated fat foods and just take better care of yourself in general. It’s much better to not need medications to begin with than to try to find substitutions for them if SHTF and you don’t have access to a pharmacy.
Pain Killers and Anti-Inflammatories
Pain and swelling can make you miserable, but many meds cause further harm to your body (liver damage, increased risk of heart attack, cataracts, and macular degeneration). Here are a few substitutions to consider in case you don’t have access to your meds.
Gingko Balboa has been used forever as a clotting agent and to improve circulation.
Turmeric and Ginger both have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
Vitamins B-6, D, and E all work as natural blood thinners. Natural vitamin E (100 IUs) works as well as aspirin as a blood thinner, and natural sources of E include spinach, tomatoes, mangoes, peanut butter, almonds, kiwi and sunflower seeds.
Organic strawberries, pineapples, raisins, prunes, cranberries, blueberries grapes, oranges broccoli, avocados, cherries, Brussels sprouts, almonds, apple cider vinegar, and honey all work as blood thinners when incorporated as part of your diet. Dried fruits are actually best as blood thinners. High amounts of vitamin E are generally key.
Fish oil works nearly as well as Coumadin to thin the blood, according to some research.
Devil’s claw has been used in teas and tinctures for centuries as an anti-inflammatory and pain. reliever. It’s frequently used to treat arthritis, tendonitis, and muscle pain and stiffness.
Herbs and spices that reduce inflammation include black pepper, cayenne pepper, basil, cardamom, chamomile, chives, cilantro, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, ginger, parsley, nutmeg, rosemary, and turmeric. Therapeutic dosages vary per herb and per person so if you need a natural anti-inflammatory, do your research.
Water is one of the best blood thinners that you consume. It may sound cliché, but it’s true!
High Blood Pressure Meds
High blood pressure is one disease that is largely avoidable by practicing a healthy lifestyle. It’s one of the few diseases you can actually get rid of, too. In some cases, though, it’s genetic and you’re just going to have to deal with it. There are several natural approaches to controlling your blood pressure:
Water plays a huge part in regulating your blood pressure. Make sure that you drink plenty of it!
Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium play roles in sodium absorption, which is crucial to maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Consider stockpiling supplements but if you do, be careful. Too much potassium or magnesium can be lethal and too much calcium can cause kidney stones. No fun. Good natural sources of potassium include bananas, strawberries, cantaloupes and potatoes.
Sodium is essential in your blood but unless you suffer from a handful of relatively rare conditions such as hyponatremia (low blood sodium), you need to watch your sodium intake as you get older because there’s a direct link between sodium intake and blood pressure. You can significantly reduce your blood pressure by reducing your sodium intake.
Coenzyme Q10 naturally reduced blood pressure
Garlic is just good all the way around. Eat it. Supplement with it if you don’t like to eat it.
Hawthorn, Basil, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Celery Seed, French Lavender, and Cat’s Claw are all herbs that are linked to reducing blood pressure.
Heartburn and indigestion are frequent companions of those of us who no longer get carded for buying our wine and it’s an issue that’s plagued mankind since the first buffalo pterodactyl wings were served.
It’s often controllable by avoiding foods that cause it but not always. And it could be that you’re just not willing to give up those delicious sauces or fresh veggies that cause your chest to feel like it’s on fire. If so, no worries, even if SHTF, there are some natural cures.
Almonds naturally reduce stomach acid. Much on a handful of them and you’ll feel better in 15-30 minutes. Plus they’re awesome for you.
Aloe Vera Juice may not taste fabulous but it’s been used for ages to sooth stomach agues. This is great for survival purposes because aloe is easy to grow and is also great for treating burns and abrasions.
Apple Cider Vinegar is almost as versatile as garlic and is one of those must-have stockpile items. To get rid of heartburn, drop a couple of tablespoons into a glass of water and drink it. A slice of fresh apple helps, too.
Baking Soda, though not entirely pleasant to consume, will get rid of heart burn if you mix a teaspoon of it in a glass of water. Don’t use this often if you have high blood pressure because it can increase your sodium levels.
Bananas are extremely soothing to your stomach. Plus they’re a good source of fiber. Handy tip – almost all of the vitamin K in a banana is found in the hard, dark tip that most of us throw away.
Basil leaves, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Fennel, Garlic (yes again), Ginger, and Peppermint are all herbs or spices that will help get rid of heartburn or upset stomach.
Buttermilk is an old wives’ cure but it works. Just sip a glass and you’ll feel better in no time.
Statins, aka High Cholesterol Meds
High cholesterol is another condition that you can often eliminate if you’re just willing to make some lifestyle changes. Get up, put down the cupcake, and exercise. If you’re one of the unfortunate people who do that but still deal with high cholesterol, here are some natural alternatives to chemical medications such as Lipitor and Zocor.
Coconut oil and other medium-chain triglycerides are your best bet for fat because, unlike saturated fat, it raises good cholesterol right along with “bad” so that it balances out.
Dark Chocolate, Soy Beans, Garlic, Olive Oil and Omega-3s all help to reduce cholesterol.
Red wine is rich in resveratrol and other antioxidants that can help reduce cholesterol.
Fiber-rich foods such as veggies and fruits help reduce cholesterol.
Rosemary, ginger, turmeric, yarrow and holy basil are herbs that may help to reduce cholesterol.
In a post-SHTF scenario, infections and diseases caused by bacteria are going to be huge issues. Particularly for people who may not have the strongest immune systems, the absence of antibiotics may turn out to be lethal. Having a sustainable source of natural antibiotics is simply logical.
Several different natural antibiotics are easy to grow. Some treat a wide range of conditions while others are suited to specific infections. Either way, learn how to use these before you just eat them or make tea because “natural” does not imply “safe”.
Remember, arsenic is a naturally-occurring mineral! Many times, herbs can cure you in a small dose or kill you in a large one so study up and have a herbal guide in your medicine kit for reference purposes.
Honey is a natural topical antibiotic, antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal. Rub it right onto the wound to protect it from infection and to kill bugs that are already trying to cause trouble.
Goldenseal (Hydrastis) is an herb native to the northwest US. It’s used to treat sore throats and digestive infections that cause diarrhea. It’s also useful for soothing and treating respiratory, digestive tract, and genitourinary infections.
Oregon Grape is also native to the Northwest US and contains berberine which keeps harmful bacteria from sticking to the walls of your intestinal or urinary tract. Drink it like a tea to sooth and treat UTIs or take a liquid tincture or dried capsule to fight bacteria that cause digestive conditions such as infectious diarrhea.
Andrographispaniculata is an Asian herb that’s been shown in modern studies to disrupt the quorum-sensing system of bacteria. This is basically the homing beacon that pulls bacteria to each other so that they can set up camp and really do some damage. It’s commonly used to treat upper respiratory infections and sinus problems.
Horseradish is used to successfully treat urinary tract infections, respiratory infections and sinusitis.
Turmeric has a ton of research that supports its effectiveness as an antibacterial. It’s effective against Bacillus cereus, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Ginger has been used historically, and has medical studies backing it, for treating respiratory infections and infections in the mouth caused by pathogens.
Some people prefer to store their first aid supplies in a 5-gallon bucket. We personally prefer to use a more traditional case that opens in such a manner as to display the contents. We like the cases better because in an emergency, you can just open it up, look for what you need, and grab it.
If all of your supplies are in a bucket, you’ll need to dump the bucket out in order to find what you need, then put it all back in. At the very least, you’re wasting time and at the worst, you’re contaminating the contents of your kit.
How’s your medical supply? Are you ready to face a disaster with what you have at the moment? Or are you going to rely entirely on your skills and on what nature can provide you for survival?
This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia.
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illuminatedthought · 7 years
Best Glucometers in India Along With Key Features, Pros And Cons
A glucometer then a glucose meter is a gadget so much is ancient after determine the concentration on glucose into the blood. The glucometer is typically used by means of human beings along hypoglycemia then diabetes mellitus. Nowadays glucometers are little between greatness then provide higher as like well as like mathematic consequences than ever. Some on the glucometers excuse gore glucose stage using electric cutting-edge while half others makes use of chemistry. Monitoring the blood sugar degrees may additionally from time to time stand onerous for diabetic patients. Here we have sorted out the best glucometers in India along with accomplishment features. Glucose is a grit substance so the body use as some of the sources on energy. In system after excuse the aggregation regarding glucose existing among the body, the glucometer requires gore pattern over the man or woman whose blood sugar degree has in conformity with remain tested. Firstly, whole you want to function is reach a decay of blood out of the adviser regarding the digit the usage of a lancet as much well so lancing device. Secondly, thou want after vicinity a decay regarding gore onto the take a look at strip. When the test strip comes among contact together with the blood the glucometer takes temperate seconds in conformity with count the quantity of blood glucose level. Finally, the result is displayed on the dignity so much is existing concerning the glucometer. There are several sorts on excellent glucometers among India available within the market. The dead fundamental form on glucometers is stated below.
Types concerning Glucometers :
Hospital glucose meters Hospital glucose meters are broadly speaking aged among hospitals in accordance with test blood glucose level about deep individuals. In addition, this types regarding glucometers provide well-defined quality monitoring records. These sorts about glucometers are exactly designed according to switch the glucose outcomes in laboratory computers namely properly as much in imitation of electronic medical records. Noninvasive meters This type over glucometers measures the gore glucose level except the want on blood samples. In addition, it types regarding glucometers hand over the end result besides puncturing the skin yet inflicting pain and trauma. So pace thru the weblog completely and select the best glucometers between India. Continuous glucose monitors Continuous glucose video display units consist over a disposable sensor so is placed below the skin. In addition, a transmitter is connected in accordance with the sensor then the student receives namely properly as like shows the volume over glucose level. The sensor that is wight ancient may stay changed after countless days of use. In addition, this type of glucometers reduces the necessity because of finger pricking. Blood trying out the usage of test strips This type of glucometers makes use of over take a look at the association that receives a small total on blood then transfers it in the glucometer. In addition, that kind requires pricking up over the fingertip for the gore sample. So that is up in imitation of you in accordance with select the best glucometers in India based totally regarding you requirements.
How in accordance with choose a good glucometer :
Size The volume on the glucometer is normally baby then is about the volume of the palm. However, partial concerning the glucometers so much are aged of hospitals are slightly bigger yet that perform keep in relation to the bulk concerning a remote. Battery powered glucometers are larger when compared to other types. Volume of the blood sample While buying the glucometer fulfill secure so the check strip requires only a small quantity over gore sample. Avoid buying glucometers so much require more aggregation over blood. There are dense auspicious glucometers within India as require solely a pinch over a gore pattern in imitation of excuse the blood glucose level. Test Strip The test strip is the consumable factors so are ancient in conformity with acquire the blood as well as in conformity with transfer the effects onto the glucometer. These strips consist over definitive chemical compounds that arouse together with glucose existing within the blood. In addition, test strips be able keep used only once then execute stay discarded. So make absolute that ye walk because of a test strip along ignoble virtue while purchasing a glucometer. Display Go because of glucometers as display accurate information. In addition, also accomplish assured so much the show analyzing is truely or mostly visible. So test oversea the beneficial glucometers among India along with professionals yet cons that are listed below.
Are thou looking for the good glucometers between India in conformity with check gore glucose level? There are and many glucometers that appear within one of a kind price length but deciding on the excellent would keep a huge as much properly as like hard task. Therefore among order after assist ye among shopping for the best, we hold a list over the superior blood glucose video display units so much offer good performance. This below list will truely assist you in imitation of understand various resolution services over the glucometer or also helps you according to determine the near accurate glucose meter 2017 under thine budget namely nicely so specifications.
Here Is A List Of Best Glucometers In India Along With authorization Features :
Dr Morepen BG-03 Blood Glucose Test Strips, 50 Strips (Black/White) Dr Morepen BG-03 Blood Glucose Test Strips value is around 600 as like well as affords extensive facilities. This good glucometer India is mannered by a dedicated team concerning authorities any insure stern virtue standards. In addition, the gore glucose strips measurement the attention over blood glucose. This best glucose meter along cheapest strips do stand old as like a self-testing for both expert as much properly as much domestic purpose. In addition, this most accurate glucose meter strips additionally grant data so in imitation of whether the treatment application impacts the gore glucose level. The Dr. Morepen BG03 strips require solely a little fall over gore because its normal operation. This is one over the beneficial glucometers between India. Key Features : Provided together with 50 strips among a box Single or one-time use OneTouch Select Simple Glucometer along 20 Free Test Strips – (Combo Pack) The OneTouch Select Simple Glucometer virtue is around 991 then allows limit the blood glucose level. This OneTouch Select Simple Glucometer with 20 Free Test Strip is very effortless after utilizes then comes together with a progressive design. You just necessity in conformity with pass a strip of the slot supplied on the top. Then the subsequent element ye want according to function is in conformity with request a small volume on blood or obtain correct effects of 5 seconds. In addition, that almost perfect glucose meter 2017 presents color so nicely namely audio alerts. This good glucometer for domestic makes use of notifies if thy gore gravel degree is low, excessive and extremely excessive using the audio or coloration features. In addition, the high-low alarm notice card also helps you give unerring records as regards thy blood glucose ranges in imitation of thy doctor. Thus allowing the doctor to provide you the correct treatment. Key Features : Strips- 1 bottle regarding 10’s strips into a box In addition, every over the strips is meant for unaccompanied one-time use Free bottle over ten strips Accu Chek Active Blood Glucose Meter Kit (Multicolor)( Vial of 10 strips free) The Accu Chek blood glucose kit price is around 1,334 and provided along x strips because standardized glucose level. In addition, this machine is dead easy in imitation of analyze as like well as much in conformity with use. The gadget comes with intuitive icons namely nicely so easy two-button because of navigation. In addition, the widespread display, as well as the numbers, of it just perfect glucose meter accomplish that a smart preference according to check glucose into the blood. The system is mild within ounce or provides quick so well as much correct results among a pair of seconds. In addition, this excellent blood glucose monitors is very succinct or may keep born without someone trouble. This Accu Chek Active Blood Glucose Meter Kit has a LED screen which helps you read the result or requires only a tiny amount on gore because its normal operation. This is some of the good glucometers among India. Key Features : Provides unerring number In addition, that perform remain without problems used Clever functionality In addition, this device is built-in protection features
OneTouch Verio Flex Blood Glucose Monitor ( Box concerning x Test Strips Free) The One Touch Verio Flex charge is around 948 then this gadget requires solely a tiny decline concerning gore in accordance with show the gore glucose level. In addition, this machine instantly indicates then you blood glucose results are high, mean yet between extent the use of a special technology. This beneficial glucometer India system is dead succinct yet the slim layout about this gadget lets in ye elevate with thou except somebody difficulty. In addition, the OneTouch Verio Flex Blood Glucose Monitor event along OneTouch Verio check strips using Smartscan technology. This is some regarding the good glucometers into India with certain above features. Key Features : The take a look at distance is ergonomically designed In addition, it the check scale usage treasured metals, riches as nicely as like palladium This machine offers thou right outcomes into simply 5 seconds In addition, the device works with OneTouch Verio check strips along Smartscan technology Less castigation including testing In addition, the machine comes including OneTouch Delica lancing dictation because extra cozy testing The system is licensed after the modern-day global requirements because of blood glucose rule systems In addition, it requires simply a little decay of blood (0.4μL) The colorsure technological know-how right now suggests now you blood glucose consequences are high, vile and between range ACCU-CHECK Active Glucose Monitor together with 100 Strips Glucometer (Black) The Accu-Check lively glucose screen value is round 2,699 then that gadget permits ye according to without problems check your gore glucose stage at home. In addition, that Active blood glucose government dictation beyond Accu-Chek comes with a glucometer, lancing device, unproductive lancets so nicely as much check strips. All you necessity to operate is according to pass the coding reach among the glucometer and petition a sample about blood beside you toe to the take a look at strip. This Most accurate glucose meter 2017 suggests the gore glucose degree inside 5 seconds then applying the blood. In addition, this good gore glucose monitors also lets you reapply the gore regarding the reach if blood amount is insufficient. Moreover, such displays the infringement as nicely so post-meal indications. In addition, that also presents an average over the last few measurements taken. Key Features : Requires 1.5 microlitre minimal blood sample Measuring Time- x sec Provided together with ten Lancets In addition, that comes along 100 Strips SMART CARE BLOOD GLUCOMETER TEST STRIPS 2*25 PCS PER PACK Smart Care Blood Glucose Test Strips price is around 816 then is designed with the needs over diabetics in mind. This modern association graph comes along patented primitive steel technology so properly as much True Auto Coding. In addition, it beneficial glucose meter with cheapest strips approves the check strips to deliver reliable, consistent, so well as like accurate results. This best glucometer of India 2017 is suitable for each hospitals as like properly as clinics yet is furnished including some yr warranty. In addition, the strips require solely a tiny decay on blood because of displaying gore glucose level. This is certain concerning the beneficial glucometers between India together with such features. Key Features : Provided along 2*25 Smart Care Test Strips You be able arrive these strips at a higher cost than the Other strips In addition, that is at all convenient in imitation of take care of take a look at strips Provides rapid as like nicely as like mathematic results In addition, the device requires solely a younger 0.7 µL gore sample The Smart Care strips work together with the Smart Care meter Provides greater mathematic as like properly so reliable results
Dr.Gene AccuSure Blood Glucose Monitoring System (No Code) including x strips Free The Dr.Gene AccuSure Blood Glucose Monitoring System worth is round 699 yet it gadget comes along an ergonomic design. In addition, this auspicious glucometer India is altogether convenient in imitation of use or the take a look at distance is specially old for self-testing the gore gravel level. This nearly unerring glucose meter AccuSure strips require only a small fall of blood and commend fast results. In addition, that machine allows you according to take a look at you gore grit level inside the remedy on your home. This auspicious glucometer for domestic utilizes is tight as like well as much light-weight or is convenient in accordance with lift around. In addition, this strips are entirely effortless in conformity with utilizes namely nicely so according to handle. The wrap carries 50 strips and pleasure final ye a long time. Key Features : No Coding required In addition, it affords 450 devotion positions including persimmon as much nicely as like time Provides effects within simply 7 seconds In addition, such comes with four reminder alarms Provided including Lifetime Warranty BAYER Contour TS Meter Glucometer (Blue) The BAYER Contour TS Meter Glucometer virtue is around 1,298 or this system is beneficial within power the approximate concentration on glucose yet sugar in you blood. This device is at all convenient and affords outcomes within viii seconds. In addition, that device gives you correct effects namely well so keeps thou updated together with the right glucose degree in your blood. This close unerring glucose meter 2017 is furnished along a substantial LCD show yet allows you in accordance with without difficulty look concerning in accordance with the readings. In addition, it good glucometer into India 2017 be able save upon according to 250 readings together with right instances as properly so the date. The system does not require any coding technology yet is furnished along navigation buttons for easy verb about it device. This is some regarding the superior glucometers between India. Key Features : This machine requires only 0.6 microlitres minimal blood sample Measuring Time- viii sec In addition, such is provided including ten lancets Provided including 50 strips Truworth G30 With 25 Strips Glucometer (White) The Truworth G30 With 25 Strips Glucometer worth is around 891 yet that system is entirely convenient in conformity with use. In addition, it glucometer is tight as well as a on hand tool because diabetes management. The gadget functions an LCD display up to expectation is pretty substantial along backlight then such allows the customers in conformity with examine easily. In addition, that excellent glucose meter including most inexpensive strips comes together with a scale indicator light, strip exclusion function so nicely so a micro USB connectivity. The range requires 0.5 microlitres over sample gore regarding the take a look at scale or the machine grants the reading of five seconds. In addition, it auspicious glucometer because domestic utilizes shops on after 450 preceding readings along the persimmon as nicely namely time. The proved spread on it system is of 20-600 mg/dl. Key Features : Minimum Blood Sample- 0.5 Microlitre Measuring Time- 5 sec Provided including ten lancets In addition, that comes with 25 strips ACCU-CHECK Performa Glucometer (Red) The ACCU-CHECK Performa Glucometer virtue is round 1,750 yet comes with Lancets, one hundred ten check strips as like fair complexion manuals. In addition, it device comes including an entirely cosy litigation or has an LCD meter display. The display on it gadget mechanically powers about within ninety seconds then the scale is inserted as properly as like gets became aloof of 2 minutes postulate unused. The device requires less than 0.6 µL blood sample and gives outcomes inside 5 seconds. The machine functions with IV customizable check reminders, hypo indicator, standard flag, auto limit ID as well so the rejection about expired test strips. In addition, that beneficial glucometer in India 2017 additionally has the capacity in accordance with keep 500 test end result because improved gore glucose monitoring Infrared downloading capability. This is some regarding the beneficial glucometers into India abject such features. Key Features : Minimum Blood Sample- 1.5 mg/dl Measuring Time- ten sec Provided with 10 lancets
0 notes
proffloristsus · 7 years
Opening A Flower Shop – Florist Tips
 Opening a flower shop is a great career opportunity. You get to be creative and work with flowers all day, right?
Well, yes. However, there are so many other facets when it comes to opening a flower shop business. The floral industry does require much more than just designing flowers. Remember, you are selling, designing, delivering, marketing and much more!
We asked florist’s all around the world to share their most crucial advice/tips on opening a flower business. If you are thinking or just starting a floral business this will help you get answers to some of your questions.
  Which is most important when opening a flower shop?
Location (111%)
Creativity (55%)
Revenue (52%)
I just like flowers (7%)
All of the above (63%)
Other (30%)
 With an overwhelming 111%, Florists have stated that location is key when opening a flower shop. So remember Location, Location, Location.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Is there a need in your community for “Your” idea of a flower shop?” – Wild By Nature
“Knowledge of business in general. KNOWING how to design already!” – Victorias Floral Design 
“Driven work ethic.” – Tilted Tulip Florist
“Social media, marketing and internet presence” – anonymous
“A working knowledge of flower care and preparation methods and reliable suppliers.” –  The Enchanted Florist
  What would you say surprised you when you opened your flower shop?
Long hours was the #1 answer by most florist’s for this question, however, there were many great responses that we believe are important to keep in mind when opening a floral business.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“How much yelp reviews really grew my business. After the first year, people calling the shop always mentioned: “I found you on Yelp”. I had more business from that then the local community that soon followed.” – Ace of Vase
“All the prep work” – anonymous
“The overwhelming bookkeeping if you are no prepared or don’t have enough financial experience.” – Flower Bomb
“That many of the people who buy flowers know a lot of things about them.” – anonymous
“How much you worry about it all and never get a true break from it. Even when on holiday, you don’t ever stop! ” – Beco Flowers
“It’s hard work.” –  anonymous
“How quickly the local people embraced us.” – Maureen’s Designs
“How much of a percent wire service take for orders.” –  anonymous
“How complicated the process was from start to finish- all the different ways something could go wrong from the weather to the shipping issues, flower care, and handling, order taking, design and delivery.” – The Flower Bar
“How much fun it is!” – anonymous
“The physical aspect – from collecting and packing flowers at the market to the lifting, cleaning and moving of heavy buckets.”  – Petals
   How much money do you say is needed to start your own brick and mortar flower business?
$1,000 to $5,000 (10%)
$5,001 – $10,000 (22%)
$10,001 – $15,000 (60%)
Other (102%)
Other was the #1 answer for this question with the winning budget amount $25,000.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Depends on style location. Could be as little as $300. or as much as $250,000.” – Kelly Mayo
“$40,000 ” – anonymous
“Up to $50,000. You need refrigeration, insurance, vehicles. You also need to buy flowers and supplies c o d for at least 6 months before people trust you. Salaries and advertising are big unexpected hits in the first 6 months.” – Gloria’s Florist
“I began with 15k. I would have been wiser to double that.”  – anonymous
“The worst thing is to be undercapitalized” – anonymous
“Purchase a shop already in operation if possible, would be what I recommend. “-  anonymous
   If you could open your flower shop today, what is the one thing you would do differently?
Do not join a wire service was the #1 answer if florists could do one thing differently. Trailing behind and almost taking over the number one sport was “Choose a better location,” with having an eCommerce website in third.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“The decor and the location to be more accessible.”-  anonymous
“Design myself and eliminate payroll” – anonymous
“Not take wire orders, EVER.” – anonymous
“Web strategy and online marketing”  – Menifee Florist
“I would go to flower school first and then open my flower shop.” – anonymous
“I would have done more advertising to let people know I was there. Put decals on my van sooner. ” –  Mugfords Flower Shoppe
“Coolers flush to the floor and better processing area.” – The University Florist
“MORE WEB EXPOSURE.” – anonymous
“Change business name” – anonymous
   What is the best part of opening a flower shop?
Customer Interaction (50%)
Money, Money, Money (3%)
Being Creative (45%)
Being Your Own Boss (62%)
Flowers Galore (9%)
Other (22%)
Florists have chosen Being Your Own Boss as the best part of opening a flower shop. Though percentages were very close, coming in at 2nd place is Customer Interaction.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Creating something bigger than myself.” – Studio Vincca
“Being my own boss and being able to bring my children to work with me.” – anonymous
“Satisfying a deep desire to own my own business, and put my big business and academic knowledge to work.” – anonymous
“Bringing smiles to people’s faces thru my creativity.” – anonymous
“Being able to go to a job you love every single day of your life! ” – anonymous
“Rewarding to know you could do it, pleasing customers with your products.” – anonymous
  What would be your most valuable tip to someone who wants to open a flower shop?
Working in a flower shop was the most valuable tip given to someone who wants to open a flower shop. This gives new prospects the understanding and functionality of how a flower shop is operated.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Go for it! You must always try! Do not cut yourself short with the funds when borrowing $$.” – anonymous
“You have to be passionate about flowers and ready for hard working for many hours to open a flower shop!!!”-  anonymous
“Service from the heart.” – Yousef
“Control labor and cost of goods sold.”-  anonymous
“Keep your focus on quality and customer service.” – anonymous
“Forget the idea there is no money to be made anymore and stay way from wire services.”-  anonymous
“Be creative, make a difference.” – Floral Factory
  What is the worst part of owning a flower shop?
Customer Interaction (4%)
Long Hours (64%)
Demanding Work Load (49%)
Having To Be Creative All The Time (2%)
Nothing (13%)
Other (54%)
Long hours took the top with florists on the worst part of owning a flower shop. The long hours and the demanding workload is something each florist will experience when opening and running a flower shop.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“All of it. Long hours, Staff, Customers, Physical Demand.” – Musgrove Florist
“Having to make all the decisions and be the boss.” – anonymous
“You pretty much need to eat, drink & sleep it unless you have a well paid very skilled staff.” – Flower Bomb
  Would you recommend someone join a floral wire service when opening a flower shop? Tell us yes or no and why.
Overwhelmingly the #1 answer to this question was no, there was a tremendous response to this question with many great florist advice.
“No! They undersell the florist and steal their business.” – anonymous
“You don’t have to belong to a wire service at first. Many shops are moving to a direct call system where they call other shops and offer reciprocating discounts for the shop to shop orders. A wire service is helpful when you have the high volume out of town orders or if you have inexperienced employees.” – Beco Flowers
“No. But I’m trying to get away from them. You have to buy their software/equipment and it is over priced. In the end you really only get around 70% of the order amount. Once you take out your costs & labor there’s not much profit there.” – Tilted Tulip Florist
“Depends on the area- But I say no in this day and age.” – anonymous
“Nope, No longer can make money with them.” – anonymous
“Maybe for the first year to get your name out, but negotiate the terms. Otherwise no” – anonymous
“Yes and No. They steal your hard earn income but it is more difficult to get orders and new clients without them. They have completely cornered the floral market.” – Amazing Occasion
“Maybe but be selective and shop around.” – anonymous
  According to design, what makes the most revenue?
Everyday Arrangements (40%)
Parties & Events (17%)
Sympathy (84%)
Weddings (35%)
Other (16%)
Sympathy is the biggest revenue generator for florists with everyday arrangements coming in second.
  What are the standard flowers, filler, and greens you order on a weekly basis for your flower shop?
“Baby breath, wax flowers and leather leaf.” – anonymous
“Roses! Carnations, Mums, Alstromeria Lilies & Pomps/Daisies because they last… I like when people tell me and others how long their flowers lasted. Filler flowers – Baby’s Breath for sure and one or two others. Then some feature flowers for interest…Stock, Iris, Tulips etc. depending on the season.” – anonymous
“Salal, Leather Leaf, Ruscus, Pitt, Tree Fern, Bear Grass, Aspidistra. – 1/4 box poms, 100 carns, 10 mini green hydrangeas, 10 select hydrangea, 20 alstroemeria, seasonal filler box, 200 red roses, 250 mixed color roses, and a dutch seasonal novelty box”  – Musgrove Florist
“White, blue and green hydrangea, green anastia mums, green trick, gerbera daisies, roses lilies, lisianthus, pincushion protea, stock, and snaps. Alstroemeria every other week. Greens are variegated Aspidistra, salal tips, and variegated Pitt.” –  Wild by Nature
” We stay away from the typical standards (carnations/mums) and buy the more unique blooms. Weekly purchases include mini cymbidium sprays (so many ways to use them!), hydrangeas and seasonal flowers such as tulips in spring, sunflowers in late summer, etc.” – anonymous
  What popular florist holiday makes your business the most revenue?
Valentine’s Day (66%)
Easter (0%)
Mother’s Day (86%)
Memorial Day (1%)
Halloween (0%)
Thanksgiving (1%)
Christmas (20%)
None (4%)
Other (14%)
Step back Valentine’s Day, With a whopping 86% Mother’s Day won the top spot with the most revenue made for a flower shop.
  What are the must have florist tools when opening a flower shop?
A knife was #1 tool recommended as a must have when opening a flower shop, with Secateurs taking 2nd place. For those of you who are not familiar with Secateurs, they are pruning clippers. Good scissors were also very close to 2nd place.
“Floral tape, wet foam, containers, knives, wrap paper, cellophane, deferent wires gauge, scissors, ribbon, bows, moist and shine spray”  – anonymous
“FloraNext! A cooler is also an important investment.” – Petals Flower Company
“Knife, wire nips, pruning shears…great accounting system, telephone, the internet….and the list goes on!!!” – anonymous
“A cooler, buckets, cutting tools, containers.” – anonymous
“Computer, phones, functional front of store, good size fridge” – Carls Flower Company
“A good POS system and Website.” – anonymous
“Knives, Scissors. Clippers” – anonymous
Florist’s we are very appreciative of your participation in our surveys. We had an overwhelming response to “tips on opening a flower shop survey”. We plan to continue surveys as your expert tips and advice is so helpful to our readers and for new and upcoming florists who are considering or opening a flower shop.
Please share any feedback you may have on Opening A Flower Shop in our comment section below.
Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.
    Opening A Flower Shop – Florist Tips published first on YouTube
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mikaylacollie · 7 years
Opening A Flower Shop – Florist Tips
 Opening a flower shop is a great career opportunity, you get to be creative and work with flowers all day, right?
Well, yes, however, there are so many other facets when it comes to opening a flower shop Business. The floral industry does require much more than just designing flowers, remember you are selling, designing, delivering, marketing and much more.
We asked florist’s all around the world to share their most crucial advice/tips on opening a flower business, if you are thinking or just starting a floral business this will help you get answers to some of you’re impeding questions.
  Which is most important when opening a flower shop? 
Location (111%)
Creativity (55%)
Revenue (52%)
I just like flowers (7%)
All of the above (63%)
Other (30%)
 With an overwhelming 111%, Florists have stated that location is key when opening a flower shop. So remember Location, Location, Location. 
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Is there a need in your community for “Your” idea of a flower shop?” – Wild By Nature
“Knowledge of business in general, KNOWING how to design already!” – Victorias Floral Design 
“Driven work ethic” – Tilted Tulip Florist
“Social media, marketing, and internet presence” – anonymous
“A working Knowledge of Flower care, and preparation methods and reliable suppliers.” –  The Enchanted Florist
  What would you say surprised you when you opened your flower shop?
Long hours was the #1 answer by most florist’s for this question, however, there were many great responses that we believe are important to keep in mind when opening a floral business.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“How much yelp reviews really grew my business. After the first year, people calling the shop always mentioned: “I found you on Yelp”. I had more business from that then the local community, that soon followed.” – Ace of Vase
“All the prep work” – anonymous
“The overwhelming bookkeeping if you are no prepared or don’t have enough financial experience.” – Flower Bomb
“That many of the people who buy flowers know a lot of things about them.” – anonymous
“How much you worry about it al and never get a true break from it, even when on holiday if you care you don’t ever stop! ” – Beco Flowers
“It’s hard work” –  anonymous
“How quickly the local people embraced us.” – Maureen’s Designs
“How much of a percent wire service take for orders.” –  anonymous
“How complicated the process was from start to finish- all the different ways something could go wrong from the weather to the shipping issues, flower care, and handling, order taking, design, and delivery.” – The Flower Bar
“How much fun it is” – anonymous
“The physical aspect – from collecting and packing flowers at the market to the lifting, cleaning, and moving of heavy buckets.”  – Petals
   How much money do you say is needed to start your own brick and mortar flower business?
$1,000 to $5,000 (10%)
$5,001 – $10,000 (22%)
$10,001 – $15,000 (60%)
Other (102%)
Other was the #1 answer for this question with the winning budget amount $25,000. 
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Depends on style location. Could be as little as $300. or as much as $250,000.” – Kelly Mayo
“$40,000 ” – anonymous
“Up to $50,000 you need refrigeration, insurance, vehicles, you also need to buy flowers and supplies c o d for at least 6 months before people trust you. Salaries and advertising are big unexpected hits in the first 6 months.” – Gloria’s Florist
“I began with 15k. I would have been wiser to double that.”  – anonymous
“The worst thing is to be undercapitalized” – anonymous
“Purchase a shop already in operation if possible, would be what I recommend. “-  anonymous
   If you could open your flower shop today, what is the one thing you would do differently?
Do not join a wire service was the #1 answer if florists could do one thing differently. Trailing behind and almost taking over the number one sport was “Choose a better location,” with having an eCommerce website in third.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“The decor and the location to be more accessible.”-  anonymous
“Design myself and eliminate payroll” – anonymous
“Not take wire orders, EVER.” – anonymous
“Web strategy and online marketing”  – Menifee Florist
“I would go to flower school first and then open my flower shop.” – anonymous
“I would have done more advertising to let people know I was there. Put decals on my van sooner. ” –  Mugfords Flower Shoppe
“Coolers flush to the floor and better processing area.” – The University Florist
“MORE WEB EXPOSURE.” – anonymous
“Change business name” – anonymous
   What is the best part of opening a flower shop?
Customer Interaction (50%)
Money, Money, Money (3%)
Being Creative (45%)
Being Your Own Boss (62%)
Flowers Galore (9%)
Other (22%)
Florists have chosen Being Your Own Boss as the best part of opening a flower shop. Though percentages were very close, coming in at 2nd place is Customer Interaction. 
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Creating something bigger than myself.” – Studio Vincca
“Being my own boss and being able to bring my children to work with me.” – anonymous
“Satisfying a deep desire to own my own business, and put my big business and academic knowledge to work.” – anonymous
“Bringing smiles to people’s faces thru my creativity.” – anonymous
“Being able to go to a job you love every single day of your life! ” – anonymous
“Rewarding to know you could do it, pleasing customers with your products.” – anonymous
  What would be your most valuable tip to someone who wants to open a flower shop?
Working in a flower shop was the most valuable tip given to someone who wants to open a flower shop. This gives new prospects the understanding and functionality of how a flower shop is operated. 
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“Go for it! You must always try! Do not cut yourself short with the funds when borrowing $$.” – anonymous
“You have to be passionate about flowers and ready for hard working for many hours to open a flower shop!!!”-  anonymous
“Service from the heart.” – Yousef
“Control labor and cost of goods sold.”-  anonymous
“Keep your focus on quality and customer service.” – anonymous
“Forget the idea there is no money to be made anymore and stay way from wire services.”-  anonymous
“Be creative, make a difference.” – Floral Factory
  What is the worst part of owning a flower shop?
Customer Interaction (4%)
Long Hours (64%)
Demanding Work Load (49%)
Having To Be Creative All The Time (2%)
Nothing (13%)
Other (54%)
Long hours took the top with florists on the worst part of owning a flower shop. The long hours and the demanding workload is something each florist will experience when opening and running a flower shop.
Additional Florist Expert Advice: 
“All of it. Long hours, Staff, Customers, Physical Demand.” – Musgrove Florist
“Having to make all the decisions and be the boss.” – anonymous
“You pretty much need to eat drink & sleep it unless you have a well paid very skilled staff.” – Flower Bomb
  Would you recommend someone join a floral wire service when opening a flower shop? Tell us yes or no and why.
Overwhelmingly the #1 answer to this question was no, there was a tremendous response to this question with many great florist advice.
“No! They undersell the florist and steal their business.” – anonymous
“You don’t have to belong to a wire service at first. Many shops are moving to a direct call system where they call other shops and offer reciprocating discounts for the shop to shop orders. A wire service is helpful when you have the high volume out of town orders or if you have inexperienced employees.” – Beco Flowers
“No. But I’m trying to get away from them. You have to buy their software/equipment and it is over priced. In the end you really only get around 70% of the order amount. Once you take out your costs & labor there’s not much profit there.” – Tilted Tulip Florist
“Depends on the area- But I say no in this day and age.” – anonymous
“Nope, No longer can make money with them.” – anonymous
“Maybe for the first year to get your name out, but negotiate the terms.otherwise no” – anonymous
“Yes and No. They steal your hard earn income but it is more difficult to get orders and new clients without them. They have completely cornered the floral market.” – Amazing Occasion
“Maybe but be selective and shop around.” – anonymous
  According to design, what makes the most revenue?
Everyday  Arrangements (40%)
Parties & Events (17%)
Sympathy (84%)
Weddings (35%)
Other (16%)
Sympathy is the biggest revenue generator for florists with everyday arrangements coming in second. 
  What are the standard flowers, filler, and greens you order on a weekly basis for your flower shop?
“Baby breath, wax flowers  and leather leaf.” – anonymous
“Roses! Carnations, Mums, Alstromeria Lilies & Pomps/Daisies because they last… I like when people tell me and others how long their flowers lasted. Filler flowers – Baby’s Breath for sure and one or two others. Then some feature flowers for interest…Stock, Iris, Tulips etc. depending on the season.” – anonymous
“Salal, Leather Leaf, Ruscus, Pitt, Tree Fern, Bear Grass, Aspidistra. – 1/4 box poms, 100 carns, 10 mini green hydrangeas, 10 select hydrangea, 20 alstroemeria, seasonal filler box, 200 red roses, 250 mixed color roses, and a dutch seasonal novelty box”  – Musgrove Florist
“White, blue and green hydrangea, green anastia mums, green trick, gerbera daisies, roses lilies, lisianthus, pincushion protea, stock, and snaps. Alstroemeria every other week. Greens are variegated Aspidistra, salal tips, and variegated Pitt.” –  Wild by Nature
” We stay away from the typical standards (carnations/mums) and buy the more unique blooms. Weekly purchases include mini cymbidium sprays (so many ways to use them!), hydrangeas and seasonal flowers such as tulips in spring, sunflowers in late summer, etc.” – anonymous
  What popular florist holiday makes your business the most revenue?
Valentine’s Day (66%)
Easter (0%)
Mother’s Day (86%)
Memorial Day (1%)
Halloween (0%)
Thanksgiving (1%)
Christmas (20%)
None (4%)
Other (14%)
Step back Valentine’s Day, With a whopping 86% Mother’s Day won the top spot with the most revenue made for a flower shop. 
  What are the must have florist tools when opening a flower shop?
A knife was #1 tool recommended as a must have when opening a flower shop, with Secateurs taking 2nd place. For those of you who are not familiar with Secateurs, they are pruning clippers. Good scissors were also very close to 2nd place.
“Floral tape, wet foam, containers, knives, wrap paper, cellophane, deferent wires gauge, scissors, ribbon, bows, moist and shine spray”  – anonymous
“FloraNext! A cooler is also an important investment.” – Petals Flower Company
“Knife, wire nips, pruning shears…great accounting system, telephone, the internet….and the list goes on!!!” – anonymous
“A cooler, buckets, cutting tools, containers.” – anonymous
“computer, phones, functional front of store, good size fridge” – Carls Flower Company
“A good POS system and Website.” – anonymous
“Knives, Scissors. Clippers” – anonymous
Florist’s we are very appreciative of your participation in our surveys. We had an overwhelming response to “tips on opening a flower shop survey”. We plan to continue surveys as your expert tips and advice is so helpful to our readers and for new and upcoming florists who are considering or opening a flower shop.
Please share any feedback you may have on Opening A Flower Shop in our comment section below.
Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.
    from Flower Decoration http://ift.tt/2onFqun
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