#so yh thats why the updates suddenly vanish for a few days ironically enough
catsafarithewriter · 2 years
A/N: part 15 of the double fake dating au :D
It was only when all eyes turned to her that Haru realised she'd actually said that thought outloud.
"Oh my goodness gracious!" exclaimed Louise AKA Baron's sister AKA Haru's new sister-in-law. "And this must be the infamous Mrs Haru von Gikkingen!"
Haru found herself swept up in am embrace comprised of a surprisingly strong grip and an excessive amount of sleeves. Really. It was a feat in of itself that Louise could somehow locate her own hands.
When Louise drew back, Haru was treated to eyes as blue as Baron's were green. "You may have noticed," she said conspiringly, "but the ladies here are a little outnumbered by the men."
"When you say it like that," said the tortoiseshell, "you make it sound like that was the reason you married me."
Louise glanced back to her wife. "It wasn't the only reason," she teased. "Oh," she added, turning to her brother, "and this is my ex-girlfriend."
"You have to stop introducing me that way," the tortoiseshell chided. She leant forward and offered a paw. "Sephie von Gikkingen. Louise's wife."
Baron took the paw first. "Humbert von Gikkingen. Have we... met before? You seem familiar."
There was a playful glint in Sephie's eyes as she replied, "You'd be surprised how often I hear that."
Haru's mind finally caught up to Louise's earlier wording. "I'm infamous?"
"But of course!" trilled Louise, evidently delighted to be the one to break the news. "My baby brother–"
"You're older than me by ten minutes."
"–turning up with a wife no one knew of until the week before? Scandalous!"
"Says the woman who didn't even deign to tell her own twin brother she was getting married," Baron reminded her.
"Yes, but that's me! You're meant to be the sensible, predictable one. Everyone expects me to do something charmingly rash and irresponsible, but you?" She raised a hand to her heart, the very picture of older sister pride. "It's finally happened. My bad influence has rubbed off on you."
Haru sidled round to Louise's wife, who hadn't lifted a claw to deter the squabbling, and seemed to be only regretting her lack of popcorn.
"Do you have siblings?" Sephie asked.
"No. Just me."
"I'm also an only child," Sephie said. She watched the proceedings with unworried curiosity. Baron had begun recounting the cape incident in some bizarre attempt to prove he could make bad decisions free of his sister's influence. "I rather get the impression this is a sibling thing."
Another handful of moments passed, in which the conversation inexplicably moved onto Louise accusing her brother of trying to upstage her marriage with his dark horse of a wedding.
"I think this might just be a von Gikkingen thing," Haru replied.
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